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SaaS access control using Amazon Verified Permissions with a per-tenant policy store

Post Syndicated from Manuel Heinkel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/saas-access-control-using-amazon-verified-permissions-with-a-per-tenant-policy-store/

Access control is essential for multi-tenant software as a service (SaaS) applications. SaaS developers must manage permissions, fine-grained authorization, and isolation.

In this post, we demonstrate how you can use Amazon Verified Permissions for access control in a multi-tenant document management SaaS application using a per-tenant policy store approach. We also describe how to enforce the tenant boundary.

We usually see the following access control needs in multi-tenant SaaS applications:

  • Application developers need to define policies that apply across all tenants.
  • Tenant users need to control who can access their resources.
  • Tenant admins need to manage all resources for a tenant.

Additionally, independent software vendors (ISVs) implement tenant isolation to prevent one tenant from accessing the resources of another tenant. Enforcing tenant boundaries is imperative for SaaS businesses and is one of the foundational topics for SaaS providers.

Verified Permissions is a scalable, fine-grained permissions management and authorization service that helps you build and modernize applications without having to implement authorization logic within the code of your application.

Verified Permissions uses the Cedar language to define policies. A Cedar policy is a statement that declares which principals are explicitly permitted, or explicitly forbidden, to perform an action on a resource. The collection of policies defines the authorization rules for your application. Verified Permissions stores the policies in a policy store. A policy store is a container for policies and templates. You can learn more about Cedar policies from the Using Open Source Cedar to Write and Enforce Custom Authorization Policies blog post.

Before Verified Permissions, you had to implement authorization logic within the code of your application. Now, we’ll show you how Verified Permissions helps remove this undifferentiated heavy lifting in an example application.

Multi-tenant document management SaaS application

The application allows to add, share, access and manage documents. It requires the following access controls:

  • Application developers who can define policies that apply across all tenants.
  • Tenant users who can control who can access their documents.
  • Tenant admins who can manage all documents for a tenant.

Let’s start by describing the application architecture and then dive deeper into the design details.

Application architecture overview

There are two approaches to multi-tenant design in Verified Permissions: a single shared policy store and a per-tenant policy store. You can learn about the considerations, trade-offs and guidance for these approaches in the Verified Permissions user guide.

For the example document management SaaS application, we decided to use the per-tenant policy store approach for the following reasons:

  • Low-effort tenant policies isolation
  • The ability to customize templates and schema per tenant
  • Low-effort tenant off-boarding
  • Per-tenant policy store resource quotas

We decided to accept the following trade-offs:

  • High effort to implement global policies management (because the application use case doesn’t require frequent changes to these policies)
  • Medium effort to implement the authorization flow (because we decided that in this context, the above reasons outweigh implementing a mapping from tenant ID to policy store ID)

Figure 1 shows the document management SaaS application architecture. For simplicity, we omitted the frontend and focused on the backend.

Figure 1: Document management SaaS application architecture

Figure 1: Document management SaaS application architecture

  1. A tenant user signs in to an identity provider such as Amazon Cognito. They get a JSON Web Token (JWT), which they use for API requests. The JWT contains claims such as the user_id, which identifies the tenant user, and the tenant_id, which defines which tenant the user belongs to.
  2. The tenant user makes API requests with the JWT to the application.
  3. Amazon API Gateway verifies the validity of the JWT with the identity provider.
  4. If the JWT is valid, API Gateway forwards the request to the compute provider, in this case an AWS Lambda function, for it to run the business logic.
  5. The Lambda function assumes an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with an IAM policy that allows access to the Amazon DynamoDB table that provides tenant-to-policy-store mapping. The IAM policy scopes down access such that the Lambda function can only access data for the current tenant_id.
  6. The Lambda function looks up the Verified Permissions policy_store_id for the current request. To do this, it extracts the tenant_id from the JWT. The function then retrieves the policy_store_id from the tenant-to-policy-store mapping table.
  7. The Lambda function assumes another IAM role with an IAM policy that allows access to the Verified Permissions policy store, the document metadata table, and the document store. The IAM policy uses tenant_id and policy_store_id to scope down access.
  8. The Lambda function gets or stores documents metadata in a DynamoDB table. The function uses the metadata for Verified Permissions authorization requests.
  9. Using the information from steps 5 and 6, the Lambda function calls Verified Permissions to make an authorization decision or create Cedar policies.
  10. If authorized, the application can then access or store a document.

Application architecture deep dive

Now that you know the architecture for the use cases, let’s review them in more detail and work backwards from the user experience to the related part of the application architecture. The architecture focuses on permissions management. Accessing and storing the actual document is out of scope.

Define policies that apply across all tenants

The application developer must define global policies that include a basic set of access permissions for all tenants. We use Cedar policies to implement these permissions.

Because we’re using a per-tenant policy store approach, the tenant onboarding process should create these policies for each new tenant. Currently, to update policies, the deployment pipeline should apply changes to all policy stores.

The “Add a document” and “Manage all the documents for a tenant” sections that follow include examples of global policies.

Make sure that a tenant can’t edit the policies of another tenant

The application uses IAM to isolate the resources of one tenant from another. Because we’re using a per-tenant policy store approach we can use IAM to isolate one tenant policy store from another.


Figure 2: Tenant isolation

Figure 2: Tenant isolation

  1. A tenant user calls an API endpoint using a valid JWT.
  2. The Lambda function uses AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) to assume an IAM role with an IAM policy that allows access to the tenant-to-policy-store mapping DynamoDB table. The IAM policy only allows access to the table and the entries that belong to the requesting tenant. When the function assumes the role, it uses tenant_id to scope access to the items whose partition key matches the tenant_id. See the How to implement SaaS tenant isolation with ABAC and AWS IAM blog post for examples of such policies.
  3. The Lambda function uses the user’s tenant_id to get the Verified Permissions policy_store_id.
  4. The Lambda function uses the same mechanism as in step 2 to assume a different IAM role using tenant_id and policy_store_id which only allows access to the tenant policy store.
  5. The Lambda function accesses the tenant policy store.

Add a document

When a user first accesses the application, they don’t own any documents. To add a document, the frontend calls the POST /documents endpoint and supplies a document_name in the request’s body.

Cedar policy

We need a global policy that allows every tenant user to add a new document. The tenant onboarding process creates this policy in the tenant’s policy store.

permit (    
  action == DocumentsAPI::Action::"addDocument",

This policy allows any principal to add a document. Because we’re using a per-tenant policy store approach, there’s no need to scope the principal to a tenant.


Figure 3: Adding a document

Figure 3: Adding a document

  1. A tenant user calls the POST /documents endpoint to add a document.
  2. The Lambda function uses the user’s tenant_id to get the Verified Permissions policy_store_id.
  3. The Lambda function calls the Verified Permissions policy store to check if the tenant user is authorized to add a document.
  4. After successful authorization, the Lambda function adds a new document to the documents metadata database and uploads the document to the documents storage.

The database structure is described in the following table:

tenant_id (Partition key): String document_id (Sort key): String document_name: String document_owner: String
  • tenant_id: The tenant_id from the JWT claims.
  • document_id: A random identifier for the document, created by the application.
  • document_name: The name of the document supplied with the API request.
  • document_owner: The user who created the document. The value is the user_id from the JWT claims.

Share a document with another user of a tenant

After a tenant user has created one or more documents, they might want to share them with other users of the same tenant. To share a document, the frontend calls the POST /shares endpoint and provides the document_id of the document the user wants to share and the user_id of the receiving user.

Cedar policy

We need a global document owner policy that allows the document owner to manage the document, including sharing. The tenant onboarding process creates this policy in the tenant’s policy store.

permit (    
) when {
  resource.owner == principal && 
  resource.type == "document"

The policy allows principals to perform actions on available resources (the document) when the principal is the document owner. This policy allows the shareDocument action, which we describe next, to share a document.

We also need a share policy that allows the receiving user to access the document. The application creates these policies for each successful share action. We recommend that you use policy templates to define the share policy. Policy templates allow a policy to be defined once and then attached to multiple principals and resources. Policies that use a policy template are called template-linked policies. Updates to the policy template are reflected across the principals and resources that use the template. The tenant onboarding process creates the share policy template in the tenant’s policy store.

We define the share policy template as follows:

permit (    
  principal == ?principal,  
  action == DocumentsAPI::Action::"accessDocument",
  resource == ?resource 

The following is an example of a template-linked policy using the share policy template:

permit (    
  principal == DocumentsAPI::User::"<user_id>",
  action == DocumentsAPI::Action::"accessDocument",
  resource == DocumentsAPI::Document::"<document_id>" 

The policy includes the user_id of the receiving user (principal) and the document_id of the document (resource).


Figure 4: Sharing a document

Figure 4: Sharing a document

  1. A tenant user calls the POST /shares endpoint to share a document.
  2. The Lambda function uses the user’s tenant_id to get the Verified Permissions policy_store_id and policy template IDs for each action from the DynamoDB table that stores the tenant to policy store mapping. In this case the function needs to use the share_policy_template_id.
  3. The function queries the documents metadata DynamoDB table to retrieve the document_owner attribute for the document the user wants to share.
  4. The Lambda function calls Verified Permissions to check if the user is authorized to share the document. The request context uses the user_id from the JWT claims as the principal, shareDocument as the action, and the document_id as the resource. The document entity includes the document_owner attribute, which came from the documents metadata DynamoDB table.
  5. If the user is authorized to share the resource, the function creates a new template-linked share policy in the tenant’s policy store. This policy includes the user_id of the receiving user as the principal and the document_id as the resource.

Access a shared document

After a document has been shared, the receiving user wants to access the document. To access the document, the frontend calls the GET /documents endpoint and provides the document_id of the document the user wants to access.

Cedar policy

As shown in the previous section, during the sharing process, the application creates a template-linked share policy that allows the receiving user to access the document. Verified Permissions evaluates this policy when the user tries to access the document.


Figure 5: Accessing a shared document

Figure 5: Accessing a shared document

  1. A tenant user calls the GET /documents endpoint to access the document.
  2. The Lambda function uses the user’s tenant_id to get the Verified Permissions policy_store_id.
  3. The Lambda function calls Verified Permissions to check if the user is authorized to access the document. The request context uses the user_id from the JWT claims as the principal, accessDocument as the action, and the document_id as the resource.

Manage all the documents for a tenant

When a customer signs up for a SaaS application, the application creates the tenant admin user. The tenant admin must have permissions to perform all actions on all documents for the tenant.

Cedar policy

We need a global policy that allows tenant admins to manage all documents. The tenant onboarding process creates this policy in the tenant’s policy store.

permit (    
  principal in DocumentsAPI::Group::"<admin_group_id>”,

This policy allows every member of the <admin_group_id> group to perform any action on any document.


Figure 6: Managing documents

Figure 6: Managing documents

  1. A tenant admin calls the POST /documents endpoint to manage a document. 
  2. The Lambda function uses the user’s tenant_id to get the Verified Permissions policy_store_id.
  3. The Lambda function calls Verified Permissions to check if the user is authorized to manage the document.


In this blog post, we showed you how Amazon Verified Permissions helps to implement fine-grained authorization decisions in a multi-tenant SaaS application. You saw how to apply the per-tenant policy store approach to the application architecture. See the Verified Permissions user guide for how to choose between using a per-tenant policy store or one shared policy store. To learn more, visit the Amazon Verified Permissions documentation and workshop.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Verified Permissions re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Manuel Heinkel

Manuel Heinkel

Manuel is a Solutions Architect at AWS, working with software companies in Germany to build innovative and secure applications in the cloud. He supports customers in solving business challenges and achieving success with AWS. Manuel has a track record of diving deep into security and SaaS topics. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his family and exploring the mountains.

Alex Pulver

Alex Pulver

Alex is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS. He works with customers to help design processes and solutions for their business needs. His current areas of interest are product engineering, developer experience, and platform strategy. He’s the creator of Application Design Framework, which aims to align business and technology, reduce rework, and enable evolutionary architecture.

How to implement SaaS tenant isolation with ABAC and AWS IAM

Post Syndicated from Michael Pelts original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-implement-saas-tenant-isolation-with-abac-and-aws-iam/

Multi-tenant applications must be architected so that the resources of each tenant are isolated and cannot be accessed by other tenants in the system. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is often a key element in achieving this goal. One of the challenges with using IAM, however, is that the number and complexity of IAM policies you need to support your tenants can grow rapidly and impact the scale and manageability of your isolation model. The attribute-based access control (ABAC) mechanism of IAM provides developers with a way to address this challenge.

In this blog post, we describe and provide detailed examples of how you can use ABAC in IAM to implement tenant isolation in a multi-tenant environment.

Choose an IAM isolation method

IAM makes it possible to implement tenant isolation and scope down permissions in a way that is integrated with other AWS services. By relying on IAM, you can create strong isolation foundations in your system, and reduce the risk of developers unintentionally introducing code that leads to a violation of tenant boundaries. IAM provides an AWS native, non-invasive way for you to achieve isolation for those cases where IAM supports policies that align with your overall isolation model.

There are several methods in IAM that you can use for isolating tenants and restricting access to resources. Choosing the right method for your application depends on several parameters. The number of tenants and the number of role definitions are two important dimensions that you should take into account.

Most applications require multiple role definitions for different user functions. A role definition refers to a minimal set of privileges that users or programmatic components need in order to do their job. For example, business users and data analysts would typically have different set of permissions to allow minimum necessary access to resources that they use.

In software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, in addition to functional boundaries, there are also boundaries between tenant resources. As a result, the entire set of role definitions exists for each individual tenant. In highly dynamic environments (e.g., collaboration scenarios with cross-tenant access), new role definitions can be added ad-hoc. In such a case, the number of role definitions and their complexity can grow significantly as the system evolves.

There are three main tenant isolation methods in IAM. Let’s briefly review them before focusing on the ABAC in the following sections.

Figure 1: IAM tenant isolation methods

Figure 1: IAM tenant isolation methods

RBAC – Each tenant has a dedicated IAM role or static set of IAM roles that it uses for access to tenant resources. The number of IAM roles in RBAC equals to the number of role definitions multiplied by the number of tenants. RBAC works well when you have a small number of tenants and relatively static policies. You may find it difficult to manage multiple IAM roles as the number of tenants and the complexity of the attached policies grows.

Dynamically generated IAM policies – This method dynamically generates an IAM policy for a tenant according to user identity. Choose this method in highly dynamic environments with changing or frequently added role definitions (e.g., tenant collaboration scenario). You may also choose dynamically generated policies if you have a preference for generating and managing IAM policies by using your code rather than relying on built-in IAM service features. You can find more details about this method in the blog post Isolating SaaS Tenants with Dynamically Generated IAM Policies.

ABAC – This method is suitable for a wide range of SaaS applications, unless your use case requires support for frequently changed or added role definitions, which are easier to manage with dynamically generated IAM policies. Unlike Dynamically generated IAM policies, where you manage and apply policies through a self-managed mechanism, ABAC lets you rely more directly on IAM.

ABAC for tenant isolation

ABAC is achieved by using parameters (attributes) to control tenant access to resources. Using ABAC for tenant isolation results in temporary access to resources, which is restricted according to the caller’s identity and attributes.

One of the key advantages of the ABAC model is that it scales to any number of tenants with a single role. This is achieved by using tags (such as the tenant ID) in IAM polices and a temporary session created specifically for accessing tenant data. The session encapsulates the attributes of the requesting entity (for example, a tenant user). At policy evaluation time, IAM replaces these tags with session attributes.

Another component of ABAC is the assignation of attributes to tenant resources by using special naming conventions or resource tags. The access to a resource is granted when session and resource attributes match (for example, a session with the TenantID: yellow attribute can access a resource that is tagged as TenantID: yellow).

For more information about ABAC in IAM, see What is ABAC for AWS?

ABAC in a typical SaaS architecture

To demonstrate how you can use ABAC in IAM for tenant isolation, we will walk you through an example of a typical microservices-based application. More specifically, we will focus on two microservices that implement a shipment tracking flow in a multi-tenant ecommerce application.

Our sample tenant, Yellow, which has many users in many roles, has exclusive access to shipment data that belongs to this particular tenant. To achieve this, all microservices in the call chain operate in a restricted context that prevents cross-tenant access.

Figure 2: Sample shipment tracking flow in a SaaS application

Figure 2: Sample shipment tracking flow in a SaaS application

Let’s take a closer look at the sequence of events and discuss the implementation in detail.

A shipment tracking request is initiated by an authenticated Tenant Yellow user. The authentication process is left out of the scope of this discussion for the sake of brevity. The user identity expressed in the JSON Web Token (JWT) includes custom claims, one of which is a TenantID. In this example, TenantID equals yellow.

The JWT is delivered from the user’s browser in the HTTP header of the Get Shipment request to the shipment service. The shipment service then authenticates the request and collects the required parameters for getting the shipment estimated time of arrival (ETA). The shipment service makes a GetShippingETA request using the parameters to the tracking service along with the JWT.

The tracking service manages shipment tracking data in a data repository. The repository stores data for all of the tenants, but each shipment record there has an attached TenantID resource tag, for instance yellow, as in our example.

An IAM role attached to the tracking service, called TrackingServiceRole in this example, determines the AWS resources that the microservice can access and the actions it can perform.

Note that TrackingServiceRole itself doesn’t have permissions to access tracking data in the data store. To get access to tracking records, the tracking service temporarily assumes another role called TrackingAccessRole. This role remains valid for a limited period of time, until credentials representing this temporary session expire.

To understand how this works, we need to talk first about the trust relationship between TrackingAccessRole and TrackingServiceRole. The following trust policy lists TrackingServiceRole as a trusted entity.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/TrackingServiceRole"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/TrackingServiceRole"
      "Action": "sts:TagSession",
      "Condition": {
        "StringLike": {
          "aws:RequestTag/TenantID": "*"

This policy needs to be associated with TrackingAccessRole. You can do that on the Trust relationships tab of the Role Details page in the IAM console or via the AWS CLI update-assume-role-policy method. That association is what allows the tracking service with the attached TrackingServiceRole role to assume TrackingAccessRole. The policy also allows TrackingServiceRole to attach the TenantID session tag to the temporary sessions it creates.

Session tags are principal tags that you specify when you request a session. This is how you inject variables into the request context for API calls executed during the session. This is what allows IAM policies evaluated in subsequent API calls to reference TenantID with the aws:PrincipalTag context key.

Now let’s talk about TrackingAccessPolicy. It’s an identity policy attached to TrackingAccessRole. This policy makes use of the aws:PrincipalTag/TenantID key to dynamically scope access to a specific tenant.

Later in this post, you can see examples of such data access policies for three different data storage services.

Now the stage is set to see how the tracking service creates a temporary session and injects TenantID into the request context. The following Python function does that by using AWS SDK for Python (Boto3). The function gets the TenantID (extracted from the JWT) and the TrackingAccessRole Amazon Resource Name (ARN) as parameters and returns a scoped Boto3 session object.

import boto3

def create_temp_tenant_session(access_role_arn, session_name, tenant_id, duration_sec):
    Create a temporary session
    :param access_role_arn: The ARN of the role that the caller is assuming
    :param session_name: An identifier for the assumed session
    :param tenant_id: The tenant identifier the session is created for
    :param duration_sec: The duration, in seconds, of the temporary session
    :return: The session object that allows you to create service clients and resources
    sts = boto3.client('sts')
    assume_role_response = sts.assume_role(
                'Key': 'TenantID',
                'Value': tenant_id
    session = boto3.Session(aws_access_key_id=assume_role_response['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'],
    return session

Use these parameters to create temporary sessions for a specific tenant with a duration that meets your needs.

access_role_arn – The assumed role with an attached templated policy. The IAM policy must include the aws:PrincipalTag/TenantID tag key.

session_name – The name of the session. Use the role session name to uniquely identify a session. The role session name is used in the ARN of the assumed role principal and included in the AWS CloudTrail logs.

tenant_id – The tenant identifier that describes which tenant the session is created for. For better compatibility with resource names in IAM policies, it’s recommended to generate non-guessable alphanumeric lowercase tenant identifiers.

duration_sec – The duration of your temporary session.

Note: The details of token management can be abstracted away from the application by extracting the token generation into a separate module, as described in the blog post Isolating SaaS Tenants with Dynamically Generated IAM Policies. In that post, the reusable application code for acquiring temporary session tokens is called a Token Vending Machine.

The returned session can be used to instantiate IAM-scoped objects such as a storage service. After the session is returned, any API call performed with the temporary session credentials contains the aws:PrincipalTag/TenantID key-value pair in the request context.

When the tracking service attempts to access tracking data, IAM completes several evaluation steps to determine whether to allow or deny the request. These include evaluation of the principal’s identity-based policy, which is, in this example, represented by TrackingAccessPolicy. It is at this stage that the aws:PrincipalTag/TenantID tag key is replaced with the actual value, policy conditions are resolved, and access is granted to the tenant data.

Common ABAC scenarios

Let’s take a look at some common scenarios with different data storage services. For each example, a diagram is included that illustrates the allowed access to tenant data and how the data is partitioned in the service.

These examples rely on the architecture described earlier and assume that the temporary session context contains a TenantID parameter. We will demonstrate different versions of TrackingAccessPolicy that are applicable to different services. The way aws:PrincipalTag/TenantID is used depends on service-specific IAM features, such as tagging support, policy conditions and ability to parameterize resource ARN with session tags. Examples below illustrate these techniques applied to different services.

Pooled storage isolation with DynamoDB

Many SaaS applications rely on a pooled data partitioning model where data from all tenants is combined into a single table. The tenant identifier is then introduced into each table to identify the items that are associated with each tenant. Figure 3 provides an example of this model.

Figure 3: DynamoDB index-based partitioning

Figure 3: DynamoDB index-based partitioning

In this example, we’ve used Amazon DynamoDB, storing each tenant identifier in the table’s partition key. Now, we can use ABAC and IAM fine-grained access control to implement tenant isolation for the items in this table.

The following TrackingAccessPolicy uses the dynamodb:LeadingKeys condition key to restrict permissions to only the items whose partition key matches the tenant’s identifier as passed in a session tag.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Condition": {
        "ForAllValues:StringEquals": {
          "dynamodb:LeadingKeys": [

This example uses the dynamodb:LeadingKeys condition key in the policy to describe how you can control access to tenant resources. You’ll notice that we haven’t bound this policy to any specific tenant. Instead, the policy relies on the aws:PrincipalTag tag to resolve the TenantID parameter at runtime.

This approach means that you can add new tenants without needing to create any new IAM constructs. This reduces the maintenance burden and limits your chances that any IAM quotas will be exceeded.

Siloed storage isolation with Amazon Elasticsearch Service

Let’s look at another example that illustrates how you might implement tenant isolation of Amazon Elasticsearch Service resources. Figure 4 illustrates a silo data partitioning model, where each tenant of your system has a separate Elasticsearch index for each tenant.

Figure 4: Elasticsearch index-per-tenant strategy

Figure 4: Elasticsearch index-per-tenant strategy

You can isolate these tenant resources by creating a parameterized identity policy with the principal TenantID tag as a variable (similar to the one we created for DynamoDB). In the following example, the principal tag is a part of the index name in the policy resource element. At access time, the principal tag is replaced with the tenant identifier from the request context, yielding the Elasticsearch index ARN as a result.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

In the case where you have multiple indices that belong to the same tenant, you can allow access to them by using a wildcard. The preceding policy allows es:ESHttpGet and es:ESHttpPut actions to be taken on documents if the documents belong to an index with a name that matches the pattern.

Important: In order for this to work, the tenant identifier must follow the same naming restrictions as indices.

Although this approach scales the tenant isolation strategy, you need to keep in mind that this solution is constrained by the number of indices your Elasticsearch cluster can support.

Amazon S3 prefix-per-tenant strategy

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets are commonly used as shared object stores with dedicated prefixes for different tenants. For enhanced security, you can optionally use a dedicated customer master key (CMK) per tenant. If you do so, attach a corresponding TenantID resource tag to a CMK.

By using ABAC and IAM, you can make sure that each tenant can only get and decrypt objects in a shared S3 bucket that have the prefixes that correspond to that tenant.

Figure 5: S3 prefix-per-tenant strategy

Figure 5: S3 prefix-per-tenant strategy

In the following policy, the first statement uses the TenantID principal tag in the resource element. The policy grants s3:GetObject permission, but only if the requested object key begins with the tenant’s prefix.

The second statement allows the kms:Decrypt operation on a KMS key that the requested object is encrypted with. The KMS key must have a TenantID resource tag attached to it with a corresponding tenant ID as a value.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "s3:GetObject",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::sample-bucket-12345678/${aws:PrincipalTag/TenantID}/*"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "kms:Decrypt",
       "Resource": "arn:aws:kms:<region>:<account-id>:key/*",
       "Condition": {
           "StringEquals": {
           "aws:PrincipalTag/TenantID": "${aws:ResourceTag/TenantID}"

Important: In order for this policy to work, the tenant identifier must follow the S3 object key name guidelines.

With the prefix-per-tenant approach, you can support any number of tenants. However, if you choose to use a dedicated customer managed KMS key per tenant, you will be bounded by the number of KMS keys per AWS Region.


The ABAC method combined with IAM provides teams who build SaaS platforms with a compelling model for implementing tenant isolation. By using this dynamic, attribute-driven model, you can scale your IAM isolation policies to any practical number of tenants. This approach also makes it possible for you to rely on IAM to manage, scale, and enforce isolation in a way that’s integrated into your overall tenant identity scheme. You can start experimenting with IAM ABAC by using either the examples in this blog post, or this resource: IAM Tutorial: Define permissions to access AWS resources based on tags.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS IAM forum or contact AWS Support.

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Michael Pelts

As a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, Michael works with large ISV customers, helping them create innovative solutions to address their cloud challenges. Michael is passionate about his work, enjoys the creativity that goes into building solutions in the cloud, and derives pleasure from passing on his knowledge.


Oren Reuveni

Oren is a Principal Solutions Architect and member of the SaaS Factory team. He helps guide and assist AWS partners with building their SaaS products on AWS. Oren has over 15 years of experience in the modern IT and Cloud domains. He is passionate about shaping the right dynamics between technology and business.

Building a cross-account CI/CD pipeline for single-tenant SaaS solutions

Post Syndicated from Rafael Ramos original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/cross-account-ci-cd-pipeline-single-tenant-saas/

With the increasing demand from enterprise customers for a pay-as-you-go consumption model, more and more independent software vendors (ISVs) are shifting their business model towards software as a service (SaaS). Usually this kind of solution is architected using a multi-tenant model. It means that the infrastructure resources and applications are shared across multiple customers, with mechanisms in place to isolate their environments from each other. However, you may not want or can’t afford to share resources for security or compliance reasons, so you need a single-tenant environment.

To achieve this higher level of segregation across the tenants, it’s recommended to isolate the environments on the AWS account level. This strategy brings benefits, such as no network overlapping, no account limits sharing, and simplified usage tracking and billing, but it comes with challenges from an operational standpoint. Whereas multi-tenant solutions require management of a single shared production environment, single-tenant installations consist of dedicated production environments for each customer, without any shared resources across the tenants. When the number of tenants starts to grow, delivering new features at a rapid pace becomes harder to accomplish, because each new version needs to be manually deployed on each tenant environment.

This post describes how to automate this deployment process to deliver software quickly, securely, and less error-prone for each existing tenant. I demonstrate all the steps to build and configure a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CloudFormation. For each new version, the pipeline automatically deploys the same application version on the multiple tenant AWS accounts.

There are different caveats to build such cross-account CI/CD pipelines on AWS. Because of that, I use AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to manually go through the process and demonstrate in detail the various configuration aspects you have to handle, such as artifact encryption, cross-account permission granting, and pipeline actions.

Single-tenancy vs. multi-tenancy

One of the first aspects to consider when architecting your SaaS solution is its tenancy model. Each brings their own benefits and architectural challenges. On multi-tenant installations, each customer shares the same set of resources, including databases and applications. With this mode, you can use the servers’ capacity more efficiently, which generally leads to significant cost-saving opportunities. On the other hand, you have to carefully secure your solution to prevent a customer from accessing sensitive data from another. Designing for high availability becomes even more critical on multi-tenant workloads, because more customers are affected in the event of downtime.

Because the environments are by definition isolated from each other, single-tenant solutions are simpler to design when it comes to security, networking isolation, and data segregation. Likewise, you can customize the applications per customer, and have different versions for specific tenants. You also have the advantage of eliminating the noisy-neighbor effect, and can plan the infrastructure for the customer’s scalability requirements. As a drawback, in comparison with multi-tenant, the single-tenant model is operationally more complex because you have more servers and applications to maintain.

Which tenancy model to choose depends ultimately on whether you can meet your customer needs. They might have specific governance requirements, be bound to a certain industry regulation, or have compliance criteria that influences which model they can choose. For more information about modeling your SaaS solutions, see SaaS on AWS.

Solution overview

To demonstrate this solution, I consider a fictitious single-tenant ISV with two customers: Unicorn and Gnome. It uses one central account where the tools reside (Tooling account), and two other accounts, each representing a tenant (Unicorn and Gnome accounts). As depicted in the following architecture diagram, when a developer pushes code changes to CodeCommit, Amazon CloudWatch Events  triggers the CodePipeline CI/CD pipeline, which automatically deploys a new version on each tenant’s AWS account. It ensures that the fictitious ISV doesn’t have the operational burden to manually re-deploy the same version for each end-customers.

Architecture diagram of a CI/CD pipeline for single-tenant SaaS solutions

For illustration purposes, the sample application I use in this post is an AWS Lambda function that returns a simple JSON object when invoked.


Before getting started, you must have the following prerequisites:

Setting up the Git repository

Your first step is to set up your Git repository.

  1. Create a CodeCommit repository to host the source code.

The CI/CD pipeline is automatically triggered every time new code is pushed to that repository.

  1. Make sure Git is configured to use IAM credentials to access AWS CodeCommit via HTTP by running the following command from the terminal:
git config --global credential.helper '!aws codecommit credential-helper $@'
git config --global credential.UseHttpPath true
  1. Clone the newly created repository locally, and add two files in the root folder: index.js and application.yaml.

The first file is the JavaScript code for the Lambda function that represents the sample application. For our use case, the function returns a JSON response object with statusCode: 200 and the body Hello!\n. See the following code:

exports.handler = async (event) => {
    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: `Hello!\n`,
    return response;

The second file is where the infrastructure is defined using AWS CloudFormation. The sample application consists of a Lambda function, and we use AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to simplify the resources creation. See the following code:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: 'AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31'
Description: Sample Application.

        Type: String
        Type: String
        Type: String
        Type: 'AWS::Serverless::Function'
            FunctionName: !Ref ApplicationName
            Handler: index.handler
            Runtime: nodejs12.x
                Bucket: !Ref S3Bucket
                Key: !Ref S3Key
            Description: Hello Lambda.
            MemorySize: 128
            Timeout: 10
  1. Push both files to the remote Git repository.

Creating the artifact store encryption key

By default, CodePipeline uses server-side encryption with an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) managed customer master key (CMK) to encrypt the release artifacts. Because the Unicorn and Gnome accounts need to decrypt those release artifacts, you need to create a customer managed CMK in the Tooling account.

From the terminal, run the following command to create the artifact encryption key:

aws kms create-key --region <YOUR_REGION>

This command returns a JSON object with the key ARN property if run successfully. Its format is similar to arn:aws:kms:<YOUR_REGION>:<TOOLING_ACCOUNT_ID>:key/<KEY_ID>. Record this value to use in the following steps.

The encryption key has been created manually for educational purposes only, but it’s considered a best practice to have it as part of the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) bundle.

Creating an Amazon S3 artifact store and configuring a bucket policy

Our use case uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as artifact store. Every release artifact is encrypted and stored as an object in an S3 bucket that lives in the Tooling account.

To create and configure the artifact store, follow these steps in the Tooling account:

  1. From the terminal, create an S3 bucket and give it a unique name:
aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket <BUCKET_UNIQUE_NAME> \
    --region <YOUR_REGION> \
    --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<YOUR_REGION>
  1. Configure the bucket to use the customer managed CMK created in the previous step. This makes sure the objects stored in this bucket are encrypted using that key, replacing <KEY_ARN> with the ARN property from the previous step:
aws s3api put-bucket-encryption \
    --bucket <BUCKET_UNIQUE_NAME> \
    --server-side-encryption-configuration \
            "Rules": [
                    "ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault": {
                        "SSEAlgorithm": "aws:kms",
                        "KMSMasterKeyID": "<KEY_ARN>"
  1. The artifacts stored in the bucket need to be accessed from the Unicorn and Gnome Configure the bucket policies to allow cross-account access:
aws s3api put-bucket-policy \
    --bucket <BUCKET_UNIQUE_NAME> \
    --policy \
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Action": [
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": {
                        "AWS": [
                    "Resource": [
                    "Action": [
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": {
                        "AWS": [
                    "Resource": [

This S3 bucket has been created manually for educational purposes only, but it’s considered a best practice to have it as part of the IaC bundle.

Creating a cross-account IAM role in each tenant account

Following the security best practice of granting least privilege, each action declared on CodePipeline should have its own IAM role.  For this use case, the pipeline needs to perform changes in the Unicorn and Gnome accounts from the Tooling account, so you need to create a cross-account IAM role in each tenant account.

Repeat the following steps for each tenant account to allow CodePipeline to assume role in those accounts:

  1. Configure a named CLI profile for the tenant account to allow running commands using the correct access keys.
  2. Create an IAM role that can be assumed from another AWS account, replacing <TENANT_PROFILE_NAME> with the profile name you defined in the previous step:
aws iam create-role \
    --role-name CodePipelineCrossAccountRole \
    --profile <TENANT_PROFILE_NAME> \
    --assume-role-policy-document \
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": {
                        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<TOOLING_ACCOUNT_ID>:root"
                    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
  1. Create an IAM policy that grants access to the artifact store S3 bucket and to the artifact encryption key:
aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name CodePipelineCrossAccountArtifactReadPolicy \
    --profile <TENANT_PROFILE_NAME> \
    --policy-document \
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": [
                    "Effect": "Allow"
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": [
                    "Effect": "Allow"
                    "Action": [ 
                    "Resource": "<KEY_ARN>",
                    "Effect": "Allow"
  1. Attach the CodePipelineCrossAccountArtifactReadPolicy IAM policy to the CodePipelineCrossAccountRole IAM role:
aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --profile <TENANT_PROFILE_NAME> \
    --role-name CodePipelineCrossAccountRole \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::<TENANT_ACCOUNT_ID>:policy/CodePipelineCrossAccountArtifactReadPolicy
  1. Create an IAM policy that allows to pass the IAM role CloudFormationDeploymentRole to CloudFormation and to perform CloudFormation actions on the application Stack:
aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name CodePipelineCrossAccountCfnPolicy \
    --profile <TENANT_PROFILE_NAME> \
    --policy-document \
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::<TENANT_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/CloudFormationDeploymentRole",
                    "Effect": "Allow"
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": "arn:aws:cloudformation:<YOUR_REGION>:<TENANT_ACCOUNT_ID>:stack/SampleApplication*/*",
                    "Effect": "Allow"
  1. Attach the CodePipelineCrossAccountCfnPolicy IAM policy to the CodePipelineCrossAccountRole IAM role:
aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --profile <TENANT_PROFILE_NAME> \
    --role-name CodePipelineCrossAccountRole \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::<TENANT_ACCOUNT_ID>:policy/CodePipelineCrossAccountCfnPolicy

Additional configuration is needed in the Tooling account to allow access, which you complete later on.

Creating a deployment IAM role in each tenant account

After CodePipeline assumes the CodePipelineCrossAccountRole IAM role into the tenant account, it triggers AWS CloudFormation to provision the infrastructure based on the template defined in the application.yaml file. For that, AWS CloudFormation needs to assume an IAM role that grants privileges to create resources into the tenant AWS account.

Repeat the following steps for each tenant account to allow AWS CloudFormation to create resources in those accounts:

  1. Create an IAM role that can be assumed by AWS CloudFormation:
aws iam create-role \
    --role-name CloudFormationDeploymentRole \
    --profile <TENANT_PROFILE_NAME> \
    --assume-role-policy-document \
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": {
                        "Service": "cloudformation.amazonaws.com"
                    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
  1. Create an IAM policy that grants permissions to create AWS resources:
aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name CloudFormationDeploymentPolicy \
    --profile <TENANT_PROFILE_NAME> \
    --policy-document \
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Action": "iam:PassRole",
                    "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::<TENANT_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/*",
                    "Effect": "Allow"
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::<TENANT_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/*",
                    "Effect": "Allow"
                    "Action": "lambda:*",
                    "Resource": "*",
                    "Effect": "Allow"
                    "Action": "codedeploy:*",
                    "Resource": "*",
                    "Effect": "Allow"
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": [
                    "Effect": "Allow"
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": "<KEY_ARN>",
                    "Effect": "Allow"
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": "arn:aws:cloudformation:<YOUR_REGION>:<TENANT_ACCOUNT_ID>:stack/SampleApplication*/*",
                    "Effect": "Allow"
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": "arn:aws:cloudformation:<YOUR_REGION>:aws:transform/Serverless-2016-10-31",
                    "Effect": "Allow"

The granted permissions in this IAM policy depend on the resources your application needs to be provisioned. Because the application in our use case consists of a simple Lambda function, the IAM policy only needs permissions over Lambda. The other permissions declared are to access and decrypt the Lambda code from the artifact store, use AWS CodeDeploy to deploy the function, and create and attach the Lambda execution role.

  1. Attach the IAM policy to the IAM role:
aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --profile <TENANT_PROFILE_NAME> \
    --role-name CloudFormationDeploymentRole \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::<TENANT_ACCOUNT_ID>:policy/CloudFormationDeploymentPolicy

Configuring an artifact store encryption key

Even though the IAM roles created in the tenant accounts declare permissions to use the CMK encryption key, that’s not enough to have access to the key. To access the key, you must update the CMK key policy.

From the terminal, run the following command to attach the new policy:

aws kms put-key-policy \
    --key-id <KEY_ARN> \
    --policy-name default \
    --region <YOUR_REGION> \
    --policy \
             "Id": "TenantAccountAccess",
             "Version": "2012-10-17",
             "Statement": [
                    "Sid": "Enable IAM User Permissions",
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": {
                        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<TOOLING_ACCOUNT_ID>:root"
                    "Action": "kms:*",
                    "Resource": "*"
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": {
                        "AWS": [
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": "*"

Provisioning the CI/CD pipeline

Each CodePipeline workflow consists of two or more stages, which are composed by a series of parallel or serial actions. For our use case, the pipeline is made up of four stages:

  • Source – Declares CodeCommit as the source control for the application code.
  • Build – Using CodeBuild, it installs the dependencies and builds deployable artifacts. In this use case, the sample application is too simple and this stage is used for illustration purposes.
  • Deploy_Dev – Deploys the sample application on a sandbox environment. At this point, the deployable artifacts generated at the Build stage are used to create a CloudFormation stack and deploy the Lambda function.
  • Deploy_Prod – Similar to Deploy_Dev, at this stage the sample application is deployed on the tenant production environments. For that, it contains two actions (one per tenant) that are run in parallel. CodePipeline uses CodePipelineCrossAccountRole to assume a role on the tenant account, and from there, CloudFormationDeploymentRole is used to effectively deploy the application.

To provision your resources, complete the following steps from the terminal:

  1. Download the CloudFormation pipeline template:
curl -LO https://cross-account-ci-cd-pipeline-single-tenant-saas.s3.amazonaws.com/pipeline.yaml
  1. Deploy the CloudFormation stack using the pipeline template:
aws cloudformation deploy \
    --template-file pipeline.yaml \
    --region <YOUR_REGION> \
    --stack-name <YOUR_PIPELINE_STACK_NAME> \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
    --parameter-overrides \
        ArtifactBucketName=<BUCKET_UNIQUE_NAME> \
        ArtifactEncryptionKeyArn=<KMS_KEY_ARN> \
        UnicornAccountId=<UNICORN_TENANT_ACCOUNT_ID> \
        GnomeAccountId=<GNOME_TENANT_ACCOUNT_ID> \
        SampleApplicationRepositoryName=<YOUR_CODECOMMIT_REPOSITORY_NAME> \

This is the list of the required parameters to deploy the template:

    • ArtifactBucketName – The name of the S3 bucket where the deployment artifacts are to be stored.
    • ArtifactEncryptionKeyArn – The ARN of the customer managed CMK to be used as artifact encryption key.
    • UnicornAccountId – The AWS account ID for the first tenant (Unicorn) where the application is to be deployed.
    • GnomeAccountId – The AWS account ID for the second tenant (Gnome) where the application is to be deployed.
    • SampleApplicationRepositoryName – The name of the CodeCommit repository where source changes are detected.
    • RepositoryBranch – The name of the CodeCommit branch where source changes are detected. The default value is master in case no value is provided.
  1. Wait for AWS CloudFormation to create the resources.

When stack creation is complete, the pipeline starts automatically.

For each existing tenant, an action is declared within the Deploy_Prod stage. The following code is a snippet of how these actions are configured to deploy the application on a different account:

RoleArn: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${UnicornAccountId}:role/CodePipelineCrossAccountRole
    ActionMode: CREATE_UPDATE
    StackName: !Sub SampleApplication-unicorn-stack-${AWS::Region}
    RoleArn: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${UnicornAccountId}:role/CloudFormationDeploymentRole
    TemplatePath: CodeCommitSource::application.yaml
    ParameterOverrides: !Sub | 
            "ApplicationName": "SampleApplication-Unicorn",
            "S3Bucket": { "Fn::GetArtifactAtt" : [ "ApplicationBuildOutput", "BucketName" ] },
            "S3Key": { "Fn::GetArtifactAtt" : [ "ApplicationBuildOutput", "ObjectKey" ] }

The code declares two IAM roles. The first one is the IAM role assumed by the CodePipeline action to access the tenant AWS account, whereas the second is the IAM role used by AWS CloudFormation to create AWS resources in the tenant AWS account. The ParameterOverrides configuration declares where the release artifact is located. The S3 bucket and key are in the Tooling account and encrypted using the customer managed CMK. That’s why it was necessary to grant access from external accounts using a bucket and KMS policies.

Besides the CI/CD pipeline itself, this CloudFormation template declares IAM roles that are used by the pipeline and its actions. The main IAM role is named CrossAccountPipelineRole, which is used by the CodePipeline service. It contains permissions to assume the action roles. See the following code:

    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Resource": [

When you have more tenant accounts, you must add additional roles to the list.

After CodePipeline runs successfully, test the sample application by invoking the Lambda function on each tenant account:

aws lambda invoke --function-name SampleApplication --profile <TENANT_PROFILE_NAME> --region <YOUR_REGION> out

The output should be:

    "StatusCode": 200,
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"

Cleaning up

Follow these steps to delete the components and avoid future incurring charges:

  1. Delete the production application stack from each tenant account:
aws cloudformation delete-stack --profile <TENANT_PROFILE_NAME> --region <YOUR_REGION> --stack-name SampleApplication-<TENANT_NAME>-stack-<YOUR_REGION>
  1. Delete the dev application stack from the Tooling account:
aws cloudformation delete-stack --region <YOUR_REGION> --stack-name SampleApplication-dev-stack-<YOUR_REGION>
  1. Delete the pipeline stack from the Tooling account:
aws cloudformation delete-stack --region <YOUR_REGION> --stack-name <YOUR_PIPELINE_STACK_NAME>
  1. Delete the customer managed CMK from the Tooling account:
aws kms schedule-key-deletion --region <YOUR_REGION> --key-id <KEY_ARN>
  1. Delete the S3 bucket from the Tooling account:
aws s3 rb s3://<BUCKET_UNIQUE_NAME> --force
  1. Optionally, delete the IAM roles and policies you created in the tenant accounts


This post demonstrated what it takes to build a CI/CD pipeline for single-tenant SaaS solutions isolated on the AWS account level. It covered how to grant cross-account access to artifact stores on Amazon S3 and artifact encryption keys on AWS KMS using policies and IAM roles. This approach is less error-prone because it avoids human errors when manually deploying the exact same application for multiple tenants.

For this use case, we performed most of the steps manually to better illustrate all the steps and components involved. For even more automation, consider using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and its pipeline construct to create your CI/CD pipeline and have everything as code. Moreover, for production scenarios, consider having integration tests as part of the pipeline.

Rafael Ramos

Rafael Ramos

Rafael is a Solutions Architect at AWS, where he helps ISVs on their journey to the cloud. He spent over 13 years working as a software developer, and is passionate about DevOps and serverless. Outside of work, he enjoys playing tabletop RPG, cooking and running marathons.