Tag Archives: Oxy

Introducing Foundations – our open source Rust service foundation library

Post Syndicated from Ivan Nikulin http://blog.cloudflare.com/author/ivan-nikulin/ original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-foundations-our-open-source-rust-service-foundation-library

In this blog post, we’re excited to present Foundations, our foundational library for Rust services, now released as open source on GitHub. Foundations is a foundational Rust library, designed to help scale programs for distributed, production-grade systems. It enables engineers to concentrate on the core business logic of their services, rather than the intricacies of production operation setups.

Originally developed as part of our Oxy proxy framework, Foundations has evolved to serve a wider range of applications. For those interested in exploring its technical capabilities, we recommend consulting the library’s API documentation. Additionally, this post will cover the motivations behind Foundations’ creation and provide a concise summary of its key features. Stay with us to learn more about how Foundations can support your Rust projects.

What is Foundations?

In software development, seemingly minor tasks can become complex when scaled up. This complexity is particularly evident when comparing the deployment of services on server hardware globally to running a program on a personal laptop.

The key question is: what fundamentally changes when transitioning from a simple laptop-based prototype to a full-fledged service in a production environment? Through our experience in developing numerous services, we’ve identified several critical differences:

  • Observability: locally, developers have access to various tools for monitoring and debugging. However, these tools are not as accessible or practical when dealing with thousands of software instances running on remote servers.
  • Configuration: local prototypes often use basic, sometimes hardcoded, configurations. This approach is impractical in production, where changes require a more flexible and dynamic configuration system. Hardcoded settings are cumbersome, and command-line options, while common, don’t always suit complex hierarchical configurations or align with the “Configuration as Code” paradigm.
  • Security: services in production face a myriad of security challenges, exposed to diverse threats from external sources. Basic security hardening becomes a necessity.

Addressing these distinctions, Foundations emerges as a comprehensive library, offering solutions to these challenges. Derived from our Oxy proxy framework, Foundations brings the tried-and-tested functionality of Oxy to a broader range of Rust-based applications at Cloudflare.

Foundations was developed with these guiding principles:

  • High modularity: recognizing that many services predate Foundations, we designed it to be modular. Teams can adopt individual components at their own pace, facilitating a smooth transition.
  • API ergonomics: a top priority for us is user-friendly library interaction. Foundations leverages Rust’s procedural macros to offer an intuitive, well-documented API, aiming for minimal friction in usage.
  • Simplified setup and configuration: our goal is for engineers to spend minimal time on setup. Foundations is designed to be ‘plug and play’, with essential functions working immediately and adjustable settings for fine-tuning. We understand that this focus on ease of setup over extreme flexibility might be debatable, as it implies a trade-off. Unlike other libraries that cater to a wide range of environments with potentially verbose setup requirements, Foundations is tailored for specific, production-tested environments and workflows. This doesn’t restrict Foundations’ adaptability to other settings, but we approach this with compile-time features to manage setup workflows, rather than a complex setup API.

Next, let’s delve into the components Foundations offers. To better illustrate the functionality that Foundations provides we will refer to the example web server from Foundations’ source code repository.


In any production system, observability, which we refer to as telemetry, plays an essential role. Generally, three primary types of telemetry are adequate for most service needs:

  • Logging: this involves recording arbitrary textual information, which can be enhanced with tags or structured fields. It’s particularly useful for documenting operational errors that aren’t critical to the service.
  • Tracing: this method offers a detailed timing breakdown of various service components. It’s invaluable for identifying performance bottlenecks and investigating issues related to timing.
  • Metrics: these are quantitative data points about the service, crucial for monitoring the overall health and performance of the system.

Foundations integrates an API that encompasses all these telemetry aspects, consolidating them into a unified package for ease of use.


Foundations’ tracing API shares similarities with tokio/tracing, employing a comparable approach with implicit context propagation, instrumentation macros, and futures wrapping:

#[tracing::span_fn("respond to request")]
async fn respond(
    endpoint_name: Arc<String>,
    req: Request<Body>,
    routes: Arc<Map<String, ResponseSettings>>,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> {

Refer to the example web server and documentation for more comprehensive examples.

However, Foundations distinguishes itself in a few key ways:

  • Simplified API: we’ve streamlined the setup process for tracing, aiming for a more minimalistic approach compared to tokio/tracing.
  • Enhanced trace sampling flexibility: Foundations allows for selective override of the sampling ratio in specific code branches. This feature is particularly useful for detailed performance bug investigations, enabling a balance between global trace sampling for overall performance monitoring and targeted sampling for specific accounts, connections, or requests.
  • Distributed trace stitching: our API supports the integration of trace data from multiple services, contributing to a comprehensive view of the entire pipeline. This functionality includes fine-tuned control over sampling ratios, allowing upstream services to dictate the sampling of specific traffic flows in downstream services.
  • Trace forking capability: addressing the challenge of long-lasting connections with numerous multiplexed requests, Foundations introduces trace forking. This feature enables each request within a connection to have its own trace, linked to the parent connection trace. This method significantly simplifies the analysis and improves performance, particularly for connections handling thousands of requests.

We regard telemetry as a vital component of our software, not merely an optional add-on. As such, we believe in rigorous testing of this feature, considering it our primary tool for monitoring software operations. Consequently, Foundations includes an API and user-friendly macros to facilitate the collection and analysis of tracing data within tests, presenting it in a format conducive to assertions.


Foundations’ logging API shares its foundation with tokio/tracing and slog, but introduces several notable enhancements.

During our work on various services, we recognized the hierarchical nature of logging contextual information. For instance, in a scenario involving a connection, we might want to tag each log record with the connection ID and HTTP protocol version. Additionally, for requests served over this connection, it would be useful to attach the request URL to each log record, while still including connection-specific information.

Typically, achieving this would involve creating a new logger for each request, copying tags from the connection’s logger, and then manually passing this new logger throughout the relevant code. This method, however, is cumbersome, requiring explicit handling and storage of the logger object.

To streamline this process and prevent telemetry from obstructing business logic, we adopted a technique similar to tokio/tracing’s approach for tracing, applying it to logging. This method relies on future instrumentation machinery (tracing-rs documentation has a good explanation of the concept), allowing for implicit passing of the current logger. This enables us to “fork” logs for each request and use this forked log seamlessly within the current code scope, automatically propagating it down the call stack, including through asynchronous function calls:

 let conn_tele_ctx = TelemetryContext::current();

 let on_request = service_fn({
        let endpoint_name = Arc::clone(&endpoint_name);

        move |req| {
            let routes = Arc::clone(&routes);
            let endpoint_name = Arc::clone(&endpoint_name);

            // Each request gets independent log inherited from the connection log and separate
            // trace linked to the connection trace.
                .apply(async move { respond(endpoint_name, req, routes).await })

Refer to example web server and documentation for more comprehensive examples.

In an effort to simplify the user experience, we merged all APIs related to context management into a single, implicitly available in each code scope, TelemetryContext object. This integration not only simplifies the process but also lays the groundwork for future advanced features. These features could blend tracing and logging information into a cohesive narrative by cross-referencing each other.

Like tracing, Foundations also offers a user-friendly API for testing service’s logging.


Foundations incorporates the official Prometheus Rust client library for its metrics functionality, with a few enhancements for ease of use. One key addition is a procedural macro provided by Foundations, which simplifies the definition of new metrics with typed labels, reducing boilerplate code:

use foundations::telemetry::metrics::{metrics, Counter, Gauge};
use std::sync::Arc;

pub(crate) mod http_server {
    /// Number of active client connections.
    pub fn active_connections(endpoint_name: &Arc<String>) -> Gauge;

    /// Number of failed client connections.
    pub fn failed_connections_total(endpoint_name: &Arc<String>) -> Counter;

    /// Number of HTTP requests.
    pub fn requests_total(endpoint_name: &Arc<String>) -> Counter;

    /// Number of failed requests.
    pub fn requests_failed_total(endpoint_name: &Arc<String>, status_code: u16) -> Counter;

Refer to the example web server and documentation for more information of how metrics can be defined and used.

In addition to this, we have refined the approach to metrics collection and structuring. Foundations offers a streamlined, user-friendly API for both these tasks, focusing on simplicity and minimalism.

Memory profiling

Recognizing the efficiency of jemalloc for long-lived services, Foundations includes a feature for enabling jemalloc memory allocation. A notable aspect of jemalloc is its memory profiling capability. Foundations packages this functionality into a straightforward and safe Rust API, making it accessible and easy to integrate.

Telemetry server

Foundations comes equipped with a built-in, customizable telemetry server endpoint. This server automatically handles a range of functions including health checks, metric collection, and memory profiling requests.


A vital component of Foundations is its robust and ergonomic API for seccomp, a Linux kernel feature for syscall sandboxing. This feature enables the setting up of hooks for syscalls used by an application, allowing actions like blocking or logging. Seccomp acts as a formidable line of defense, offering an additional layer of security against threats like arbitrary code execution.

Foundations provides a simple way to define lists of all allowed syscalls, also allowing a composition of multiple lists (in addition, Foundations ships predefined lists for common use cases):

  use foundations::security::common_syscall_allow_lists::{ASYNC, NET_SOCKET_API, SERVICE_BASICS};
    use foundations::security::{allow_list, enable_syscall_sandboxing, ViolationAction};

    allow_list! {
        static ALLOWED = [

    enable_syscall_sandboxing(ViolationAction::KillProcess, &ALLOWED)

Refer to the web server example and documentation for more comprehensive examples of this functionality.

Settings and CLI

Foundations simplifies the management of service settings and command-line argument parsing. Services built on Foundations typically use YAML files for configuration. We advocate for a design where every service comes with a default configuration that’s functional right off the bat. This philosophy is embedded in Foundations’ settings functionality.

In practice, applications define their settings and defaults using Rust structures and enums. Foundations then transforms Rust documentation comments into configuration annotations. This integration allows the CLI interface to generate a default, fully annotated YAML configuration files. As a result, service users can quickly and easily understand the service settings:

use foundations::settings::collections::Map;
use foundations::settings::net::SocketAddr;
use foundations::settings::settings;
use foundations::telemetry::settings::TelemetrySettings;

pub(crate) struct HttpServerSettings {
    /// Telemetry settings.
    pub(crate) telemetry: TelemetrySettings,
    /// HTTP endpoints configuration.
    #[serde(default = "HttpServerSettings::default_endpoints")]
    pub(crate) endpoints: Map<String, EndpointSettings>,

impl HttpServerSettings {
    fn default_endpoints() -> Map<String, EndpointSettings> {
        let mut endpoint = EndpointSettings::default();

            ResponseSettings {
                status_code: 200,
                response: "World".into(),

            ResponseSettings {
                status_code: 403,
                response: "bar".into(),

        [("Example endpoint".into(), endpoint)]

pub(crate) struct EndpointSettings {
    /// Address of the endpoint.
    pub(crate) addr: SocketAddr,
    /// Endoint's URL path routes.
    pub(crate) routes: Map<String, ResponseSettings>,

pub(crate) struct ResponseSettings {
    /// Status code of the route's response.
    pub(crate) status_code: u16,
    /// Content of the route's response.
    pub(crate) response: String,

The settings definition above automatically generates the following default configuration YAML file:

# Telemetry settings.
  # Distributed tracing settings
    # Enables tracing.
    enabled: true
    # The address of the Jaeger Thrift (UDP) agent.
    jaeger_tracing_server_addr: ""
    # Overrides the bind address for the reporter API.
    # By default, the reporter API is only exposed on the loopback
    # interface. This won't work in environments where the
    # Jaeger agent is on another host (for example, Docker).
    # Must have the same address family as `jaeger_tracing_server_addr`.
    jaeger_reporter_bind_addr: ~
    # Sampling ratio.
    # This can be any fractional value between `0.0` and `1.0`.
    # Where `1.0` means "sample everything", and `0.0` means "don't sample anything".
    sampling_ratio: 1.0
  # Logging settings.
    # Specifies log output.
    output: terminal
    # The format to use for log messages.
    format: text
    # Set the logging verbosity level.
    verbosity: INFO
    # A list of field keys to redact when emitting logs.
    # This might be useful to hide certain fields in production logs as they may
    # contain sensitive information, but allow them in testing environment.
    redact_keys: []
  # Metrics settings.
    # How the metrics service identifier defined in `ServiceInfo` is used
    # for this service.
    service_name_format: metric_prefix
    # Whether to report optional metrics in the telemetry server.
    report_optional: false
  # Server settings.
    # Enables telemetry server
    enabled: true
    # Telemetry server address.
    addr: ""
# HTTP endpoints configuration.
  Example endpoint:
    # Address of the endpoint.
    addr: ""
    # Endoint's URL path routes.
        # Status code of the route's response.
        status_code: 200
        # Content of the route's response.
        response: World
        # Status code of the route's response.
        status_code: 403
        # Content of the route's response.
        response: bar

Refer to the example web server and documentation for settings and CLI API for more comprehensive examples of how settings can be defined and used with Foundations-provided CLI API.

Wrapping Up

At Cloudflare, we greatly value the contributions of the open source community and are eager to reciprocate by sharing our work. Foundations has been instrumental in reducing our development friction, and we hope it can do the same for others. We welcome external contributions to Foundations, aiming to integrate diverse experiences into the project for the benefit of all.

If you’re interested in working on projects like Foundations, consider joining our team — we’re hiring!

How Oxy uses hooks for maximum extensibility

Post Syndicated from Will Bartlett original http://blog.cloudflare.com/oxy-extensibility/

How Oxy uses hooks for maximum extensibility

How Oxy uses hooks for maximum extensibility

We recently introduced Oxy, our Rust framework for building proxies. Through a YAML file, Oxy allows applications to easily configure listeners (e.g. IP, MASQUE, HTTP/1), telemetry, and much more. However, when it comes to application logic, a programming language is often a better tool for the job. That’s why in this post we’re introducing Oxy’s rich dependency injection capabilities for programmatically modifying all aspects of a proxy.

The idea of extending proxies with scripting is well established: we've had great past success with Lua in our OpenResty/NGINX deployments and there are numerous web frameworks (e.g. Express) with middleware patterns. While Oxy is geared towards the development of forward proxies, they all share the model of a pre-existing request pipeline with a mechanism for integrating custom application logic. However, the use of Rust greatly helps developer productivity when compared to embedded scripting languages. Having confidence in the types and mutability of objects being passed to and returned from callbacks is wonderful.

Oxy exports a series of hook traits that “hook” into the lifecycle of a connection, not just a request. Oxy applications need to control almost every layer of the OSI model: how packets are received and sent, what tunneling protocols they could be using, what HTTP version they are using (if any), and even how DNS resolution is performed. With these hooks you can extend Oxy in any way possible in a safe and performant way.

First, let's take a look from the perspective of an Oxy application developer, and then we can discuss the implementation of the framework and some of the interesting design decisions we made.

Adding functionality with hooks

Oxy’s dependency injection is a barebones version of what Java or C# developers might be accustomed to. Applications simply implement the start method and return a struct with their hook implementations:

async fn start(
    _settings: ServerSettings<(), ()>,
    _parent_state: Metadata,
) -> anyhow::Result<Hooks<Self>> {
    Ok(Hooks {

We can define a simple callback, EgressHook::handle_connection, that will forward all connections to the upstream requested by the client. Oxy calls this function before attempting to make an upstream connection.

impl<Ext> EgressHook<Ext> for MyEgressHook
    Ext: OxyExt,
    async fn handle_connection(
        upstream_addr: SocketAddr,
        _egress_ctx: EgressConnectionContext<Ext>,
    ) -> ProxyResult<EgressDecision> {

async fn start(
    _settings: ServerSettings<(), ()>,
    _parent_state: Metadata,
) -> anyhow::Result<Hooks<Self>> {
    Ok(Hooks {
        egress: Some(Arc::new(MyEgressHook)),

Oxy simply proxies the connection, but we might want to consider restricting which upstream IPs our clients are allowed to connect to. The implementation above allows everything, but maybe we have internal services that we wish to prevent proxy users from accessing.

impl<Ext> EgressHook<Ext> for MyEgressHook
    Ext: OxyExt,
    async fn handle_connection(
        upstream_addr: SocketAddr,
        _egress_ctx: EgressConnectionContext<Ext>,
    ) -> ProxyResult<EgressDecision> {
        if self.private_cidrs.find(upstream_addr).is_some() {
            return Ok(EgressDecision::Block);


This blocking strategy is crude. Sometimes it’s useful to allow certain clients to connect to internal services – a Prometheus scraper is a good example. To authorize these connections, we’ll implement a simple Pre-Shared Key (PSK) authorization scheme – if the client sends the header Proxy-Authorization: Preshared oxy-is-a-proxy, then we’ll let them connect to private addresses via the proxy.

To do this, we need to attach some state to the connection as it passes through Oxy. Client headers only exist in the HTTP CONNECT phase, but we need access to the PSK during the egress phase. With Oxy, this can be done by leveraging its Opaque Extensions to attach arbitrary (yet fully typed) context data to a connection. Oxy initializes the data and passes it to each hook. We can mutate this data when we read headers from the client, and read it later during egress.

How Oxy uses hooks for maximum extensibility

struct AuthorizationResult {
    can_access_private_cidrs: Arc<AtomicBool>,

impl<Ext> HttpRequestHook<Ext> for MyHttpHook
    Ext: OxyExt<IngressConnectionContext = AuthorizationResult>,
    async fn handle_proxy_connect_request(
        self: Arc<Self>,
        connect_req_head: &Parts,
        req_ctx: RequestContext<Ext>,
    ) -> ConnectDirective {
        const PSK_HEADER: &str = "Preshared oxy-is-a-proxy";

        // Grab the authorization header and update 
        // the ingress_ctx if the preshared key matches.
        if let Some(authorization_header) = 
          connect_req_head.headers.get("Proxy-Authorization") {
            if authorization_header.to_str().unwrap() == PSK_HEADER {
                    .store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);


From here, any hook in the pipeline can access this data. For our purposes, we can just update our existing handle_connection callback:

impl<Ext> EgressHook<Ext> for MyEgressHook
    Ext: OxyExt<IngressConnectionContext = AuthorizationResult>,
    async fn handle_connection(
        upstream_addr: SocketAddr,
        egress_ctx: EgressConnectionContext<Ext>,
    ) -> ProxyResult<EgressDecision> {
        if self.private_cidrs.find(upstream_addr).is_some() {
            if !egress_ctx
                return Ok(EgressDecision::Block);


This is a somewhat contrived example, but in practice hooks and their extension types allow Oxy apps to fully customize all aspects of proxied traffic.

A real world example would be implementing the RFC 9209 next-hop Proxy-Status header. This involves setting a header containing the IP address we connected to on behalf of the client. We can do this with two pre-existing callbacks and a little bit of state: first we save the upstream passed to EgressHook::handle_connection_established and then read the value in the HttpRequestHook:handle_proxy_connect_response in order to set the header on the CONNECT response.

How Oxy uses hooks for maximum extensibility

struct ConnectProxyConnectionContext {
    upstream_addr: OnceCell<SocketAddr>,

impl<Ext> EgressHook<Ext> for MyEgressHook
    Ext: OxyExt<IngressConnectionContext = ConnectProxyConnectionContext>,
    fn handle_connection_established(
        upstream_addr: SocketAddr,
        egress_ctx: EgressConnectionContext<Ext>,
    ) {

impl<Ext> HttpRequestHook<Ext> for MyHttpRequestHook
    Ext: OxyExt<IngressConnectionContext = ConnectProxyConnectionContext>,
    async fn handle_proxy_connect_response(
        self: Arc<Self>,
        mut res: Response<OxyBody>,
        req_ctx: RequestContext<Ext>,
    ) -> ProxyConnectResponseHandlingOutcome {
        let ingress = req_ctx.ingress_ctx();
        let ingress_ext = ingress.ext();

        if let Some(upstream_addr) = ingress_ext.upstream_addr.get() {


These examples only consider a few of the hooks along the HTTP CONNECT pipeline, but many real Oxy applications don’t even have L7 ingress! We will talk about the abundance of hooks later, but for now let’s look at their implementation.

Hook implementation

Oxy exists to be used by multiple teams, all with different needs and requirements. It needs a pragmatic solution to extensibility that allows one team to be productive without incurring too much of a cost on others. Hooks and their Opaque Extensions provide effectively limitless customization to applications via a clean, strongly typed interface.

The implementation of hooks within Oxy is relatively simple – throughout the code there are invocations of hook callbacks:

if let Some(ref hook) = self.hook {
    hook.handle_connection_established(upstream_addr, &egress_ctx)

If a user-provided hook exists, we call it. Some hooks are more like events (e.g. handle_connection_established), and others have return values (e.g. handle_connection) which are matched on by Oxy for control flow. If a callback isn’t implemented, the default trait implementation is used. If a hook isn’t implemented at all, Oxy’s business logic just executes its default functionality. These levels of default behavior enable the minimal example we started with earlier.

While hooks solve the problem of integrating app logic into the framework, there is invariably a need to pass custom state around as we demonstrated in our PSK example. Oxy manages this custom state, passing it to hook invocations. As it is generic over the type defined by the application, this is where things get more interesting.

Generics and opaque types

Every team that works with Oxy has unique business needs, so it is important that one team’s changes don’t cause a cascade of refactoring for the others. Given that these context fields are of a user-defined type, you might expect heavy usage of generics. With Oxy we took a different approach: a generic interface is presented to application developers, but within the framework the type is erased. Keeping generics out of the internal code means adding new extension types to the framework is painless.

Our implementation relies on the Any trait. The framework treats the data as an opaque blob, but when it traverses the public API, the wrapped Any object is downcast into the concrete type defined by the user. The public API layer enforces that the user type must implement Default, which allows Oxy to be wholly responsible for creating and managing instances of the type. Mutations are then done by users of the framework through interior mutability, usually with atomics and locks.

Crates like reqwest_middleware, tracing and http have a similar extension mechanism.

There’s a hook for that

As you might have gathered, Oxy cares a lot about the productivity of Oxy app developers. The plethora of injection points lets users quickly add features and functionality without worrying about “irrelevant” proxy logic. Sane defaults help balance customizability with complexity.

Only a subset of callbacks will be invoked for a given packet: applications operating purely at L3 will see different hook callbacks fired compared to one operating at L7. This again is customizable – if desired, Oxy’s design allows connections to be upgraded (or downgraded)  which would cause a different set of callbacks to be invoked.

How Oxy uses hooks for maximum extensibility

The ingress phase is where the hooks controlling the upgrading of L3 and decapsulation of specific L4 protocols reside. For our L3 IP Tunnel, Oxy has powerful callbacks like IpFlowHook::handle_flow which allow applications to drop, upgrade or redirect flows. IpFlowHook::handle_packet gives that same level of control at the packet level – even allowing us to modify the byte array as it passes through.

Let’s consider the H2 Proxy Protocol example in the above diagram. After Oxy has accepted the Proxy Protocol connection it fires ProxyProtocolConnectionHook::handle_connection with the parsed header, allowing applications to handle any TLVs of interest. Hook like these are common – Oxy handles the heavy lifting and then passes the application some useful information.

From here, L4 connections are funneled through the IngressHook which contains a callback we saw in our initial example: IngressHook::handle_connection. This works as you might expect, allowing applications to control whether to Allow or Block a connection as it ingresses. There is a counterpart: IngressHook::handle_connection_close, which when called gives applications insight into ingress connection statistics like loss, retransmissions, bytes transferred, etc.

Next up is the transformation phase, where we start to see some of our more powerful hooks. Oxy invokes TunnelHook::should_intercept_https, passing the SNI along with the usual connection context. This enables applications to easily configure HTTPS interception based on hostname and any custom context data (e.g. ACLs). By default, Oxy effectively splices the ingress and egress sockets, but if applications wish to have complete control over the tunneling, that is possible with TunnelHook::get_app_tunnel_pipeline, where applications are simply provided the two sockets and can implement whatever interception capabilities they wish.

Of particular interest to those wishing to implement L7 firewalls, the HttpRequestHookPipeline has two very powerful callbacks:  handle_request and handle_response. Both of these offer a similar high level interface for streaming rewrites or scanning of HTTP bodies.

The EgressHook has the most callbacks, including some of the most powerful ones. For situations where hostnames are provided, DNS resolution must occur. At its simplest, Oxy allows applications to specify the nameservers used in resolution. If more control is required, Oxy provides a callback – EgressHook::handle_upstream_ips – which gives applications an opportunity to mutate the resolved IP addresses before Oxy connects. If applications want absolute control, they can turn to EgressHook::dns_resolve_override which is invoked with a hostname and expects a Vec<IpAddr> to be returned.

Much like the IngressHook, there is an EgressHook::handle_connection hook, but rather than just Allow or Block, applications can instruct Oxy to egress their connection externally, internally within Cloudflare, or even downgrade to IP packets. While it’s often best to defer to the framework for connection establishment, Oxy again offers complete control to those who want it with a few override callbacks, e.g. tcp_connect_override, udp_connect_override. This functionality is mainly leveraged by our egress service, but available to all Oxy applications if they need it.

Lastly, one of the newest additions, the AppLifecycleHook. Hopefully this sees orders of magnitude fewer invocations than the rest. The AppLifecycleHook::state_for_restart callback is invoked by Oxy during a graceful shutdown. Applications are then given the opportunity to serialize their state which will be passed to the child process. Graceful restarts are a little more nuanced, but this hook cleanly solves the problem of passing application state between releases of the application.

Right now we have around 64 public facing hooks and we keep adding more. The above diagram is (largely) accurate at time of writing but if a team needs a hook and there can be a sensible default for it, then it might as well be added. One of the primary drivers of the hook architecture for Oxy is that different teams can work on and implement the hooks that they need. Business logic is kept outside Oxy, so teams can readily leverage each other's work.

We would be remiss not to mention the issue of discoverability. For most cases, it isn’t an issue, however application developers may find when developing certain features that a more holistic understanding is necessary. This inevitably means looking into the Oxy source to fully understand when and where certain hook callbacks will be invoked. Reasoning about the order callbacks will be invoked is even thornier. Many of the hooks alter control flow significantly, so there’s always some risk that a change in Oxy could mean a change in the semantics of the applications built on top of it. To solve this, we’re experimenting with different ways to record hook execution orders when running integration tests, maybe through a proc-macro or compiler tooling.


In this post we’ve just scratched the surface of what’s possible with hooks in Oxy. In our example we saw a glimpse of their power: just two simple hooks and a few lines of code, and we have a forward proxy with built-in metrics, tracing, graceful restarts and much, much more.

Oxy’s extensibility with hooks is “only” dependency injection, but we’ve found this to be an extremely powerful way to build proxies. It’s dependency injection at all layers of the networking stack, from IP packets and tunnels all the way up to proxied UDP streams over QUIC. The shared core with hooks approach has been a terrific way to build a proxy framework. Teams add generic code to the framework, such as new Opaque Extensions in specific code paths, and then use those injection points to implement the logic for everything from iCloud Private Relay to Cloudflare Zero Trust. The generic capabilities are there for all teams to use, and there’s very little to no cost if you decide not to use them. We can’t wait to see what the future holds and for Oxy’s further adoption within Cloudflare.

Oxy: the journey of graceful restarts

Post Syndicated from Chris Branch original https://blog.cloudflare.com/oxy-the-journey-of-graceful-restarts/

Oxy: the journey of graceful restarts

Oxy: the journey of graceful restarts

Any software under continuous development and improvement will eventually need a new version deployed to the systems running it. This can happen in several ways, depending on how much you care about things like reliability, availability, and correctness. When I started out in web development, I didn’t think about any of these qualities; I simply blasted my new code over FTP directly to my /cgi-bin/ directory, which was the style at the time. For those of us producing desktop software, often you sidestep this entirely by having the user save their work, close the program and install an update – but they usually get to decide when this happens.

At Cloudflare we have to take this seriously. Our software is in constant use and cannot simply be stopped abruptly. A dropped HTTP request can cause an entire webpage to load incorrectly, and a broken connection can kick you out of a video call. Taking away reliability creates a vacuum filled only by user frustration.

The limitations of the typical upgrade process

There is no one right way to upgrade software reliably. Some programming languages and environments make it easier than others, but in a Turing-complete language few things are impossible.

One popular and generally applicable approach is to start a new version of the software, make it responsible for a small number of tasks at first, and then gradually increase its workload until the new version is responsible for everything and the old version responsible for nothing. At that point, you can stop the old version.

Oxy: the journey of graceful restarts

Most of Cloudflare’s proxies follow a similar pattern: they receive connections or requests from many clients over the Internet, communicate with other internal services to decide how to serve the request, and fetch content over the Internet if we cannot serve it locally. In general, all of this work happens within the lifetime of a client’s connection. If we aren’t serving any clients, we aren’t doing any work.

The safest time to restart, therefore, is when there is nobody to interrupt. But does such a time really exist? The Internet operates 24 hours a day and many users rely on long-running connections for things like backups, real-time updates or remote shell sessions. Even if you defer restarts to a “quiet” period, the next-best strategy of “interrupt the fewest number of people possible” will fail when you have a critical security fix that needs to be deployed immediately.

Despite this challenge, we have to start somewhere. You rarely arrive at the perfect solution in your first try.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

We have previously blogged about implementing graceful restarts in Cloudflare’s Go projects, using a library called tableflip. This starts a new version of your program and allows the new version to signal to the old version that it started successfully, then lets the old version clear its workload. For a proxy like any Oxy application, that means the old version stops accepting new connections once the new version starts accepting connections, then drives its remaining connections to completion.

Oxy: the journey of graceful restarts

This is the simplest case of the migration strategy previously described: the new version immediately takes all new connections, instead of a gradual rollout. But in aggregate across Cloudflare’s server fleet the upgrade process is spread across several hours and the result is as gradual as a deployment orchestrated by Kubernetes or similar.

tableflip also allows your program to bind to sockets, or to reuse the sockets opened by a previous instance. This enables the new instance to accept new connections on the same socket and let the old instance release that responsibility.

Oxy is a Rust project, so we can’t reuse tableflip. We rewrote the spawning/signaling section in Rust, but not the socket code. For that we had an alternative approach.

Socket management with systemd

systemd is a widely used suite of programs for starting and managing all of the system software needed to run a useful Linux system. It is responsible for running software in the correct order – for example ensuring the network is ready before starting a program that needs network access – or running it only if it is needed by another program.

Socket management falls in this latter category, under the term ‘socket activation’. Its intended and original use is interesting but ultimately irrelevant here; for our purposes, systemd is a mere socket manager. Many Cloudflare services configure their sockets using systemd .socket files, and when their service is started the socket is brought into the process with it. This is how we deploy most Oxy-based services, and Oxy has first-class support for sockets opened by systemd.

Oxy: the journey of graceful restarts

Using systemd decouples the lifetime of sockets from the lifetime of the Oxy application. When Oxy creates its sockets on startup, if you restart or temporarily stop the Oxy application the sockets are closed. When clients attempt to connect to the proxy during this time, they will get a very unfriendly “connection refused” error. If, however, systemd manages the socket, that socket remains open even while the Oxy application is stopped. Clients can still connect to the socket and those connections will be served as soon as the Oxy application starts up successfully.

Channeling your inner WaitGroup

A useful piece of library code our Go projects use is WaitGroups. These are essential in Go, where goroutines – asynchronously-running code blocks – are pervasive. Waiting for goroutines to complete before continuing another task is a common requirement. Even the example for tableflip uses them, to demonstrate how to wait for tasks to shut down cleanly before quitting your process.

There is not an out-of-the-box equivalent in tokio – the async Rust runtime Oxy uses – or async/await generally, so we had to create one ourselves. Fortunately, most of the building blocks to roll your own exist already. Tokio has multi-producer, single consumer (MPSC) channels, generally used by multiple tasks to push the results of work onto a queue for a single task to process, but we can exploit the fact that it signals to that single receiver when all the sender channels have been closed and no new messages are expected.

Oxy: the journey of graceful restarts

To start, we create an MPSC channel. Each task takes a clone of the producer end of the channel, and when that task completes it closes its instance of the producer. When we want to wait for all of the tasks to complete, we await a result on the consumer end of the MPSC channel. When every instance of the producer channel is closed – i.e. all tasks have completed – the consumer receives a notification that all of the channels are closed. Closing the channel when a task completes is an automatic consequence of Rust’s RAII rules. Because the language enforces this rule it is harder to write incorrect code, though in fact we need to write very little code at all.

Getting feedback on failure

Many programs that implement a graceful reload/restart mechanism use Unix signals to trigger the process to perform an action. Signals are an ancient technique introduced in early versions of Unix to solve a specific problem while creating dozens more. A common pattern is to change a program’s configuration on disk, then send it a signal (often SIGHUP) which the program handles by reloading those configuration files.

The limitations of this technique are obvious as soon as you make a mistake in the configuration, or when an important file referenced in the configuration is deleted. You reload the program and wonder why it isn’t behaving as you expect. If an error is raised, you have to look in the program’s log output to find out.

This problem compounds when you use an automated configuration management tool. It is not useful if that tool makes a configuration change and reports that it successfully reloaded your program, when in fact the program failed to read the change. The only thing that was successful was sending the reload signal!

We solved this in Oxy by creating a Unix socket specifically for coordinating restarts, and adding a new mode to Oxy that triggers a restart. In this mode:

  1. The restarter process validates the configuration file.
  2. It connects to the restart coordination socket defined in that file.
  3. It sends a “restart requested” message.
  4. The current proxy instance receives this message.
  5. A new instance is started, inheriting a pipe it will use to notify its parent instance.
  6. The current instance waits for the new instance to report success or fail.
  7. The current instance sends a “restart response” message back to the restarter process, containing the result.
  8. The restarter process reports this result back to the user, using exit codes for automated systems to detect failure.
Oxy: the journey of graceful restarts

Now when we make a change to any of our Oxy applications, we can be confident that failures are detected using nothing more than our SREs’ existing tooling. This lets us discover failures earlier, narrow down root causes sooner, and avoid our systems getting into an inconsistent state.

This technique is described more generally in a coworker’s blog, using an internal HTTP endpoint instead. Yet HTTP is missing one important property of Unix sockets for the purpose of replacing signals. A user may only send a signal to a process if the process belongs to them – i.e. they started it – or if the user is root. This prevents another user logged into the same machine from you from terminating all of your processes. As Unix sockets are files, they also follow the Unix permission model. Write permissions are required to connect to a socket. Thus we can trivially reproduce the signals security model by making the restart coordination socket user writable only. (Root, as always, bypasses all permission checks.)

Leave no connection behind

We have put a lot of effort into making restarts as graceful as possible, but there are still certain limitations. After restarting, eventually the old process has to terminate, to prevent a build-up of old processes after successive restarts consuming excessive memory and reducing the performance of other running services. There is an upper bound to how long we’ll let the old process run for; when this is reached, any connections remaining are forcibly broken.

The configuration changes that can be applied using graceful restart is limited by the design of systemd. While some configuration like resource limits can now be applied without restarting the service it applies to, others cannot; most significantly, new sockets. This is a problem inherent to the fork-and-inherit model.

For UDP-based protocols like HTTP/3, there is not even a concept of listener socket. The new process may open UDP sockets, but by default incoming packets are balanced between all open unconnected UDP sockets for a given address. How does the old process drain existing sessions without receiving packets intended for the new process and vice versa?

Is there a way to carry existing state to a new process to avoid some of these limitations? This is a hard problem to solve generally, and even in languages designed to support hot code upgrades there is some degree of running old tasks with old versions of code. Yet there are some common useful tasks that can be carried between processes so we can “interrupt the fewest number of people possible”.

Let’s not forget the unplanned outages: segfaults, oomkiller and other crashes. Thankfully rare in Rust code, but not impossible.

You can find the source for our Rust implementation of graceful restarts, named shellflip, in its GitHub repository. However, restarting correctly is just the first step of many needed to achieve our ultimate reliability goals. In a follow-up blog post we’ll talk about some creative solutions to these limitations.

From IP packets to HTTP: the many faces of our Oxy framework

Post Syndicated from Nuno Diegues original https://blog.cloudflare.com/from-ip-packets-to-http-the-many-faces-of-our-oxy-framework/

From IP packets to HTTP: the many faces of our Oxy framework

From IP packets to HTTP: the many faces of our Oxy framework

We have recently introduced Oxy, our Rust-based framework for proxies powering many Cloudflare services and products. Today, we will explain why and how it spans various layers of the OSI model, by handling directly raw IP packets, TCP connections and UDP payloads, all the way up to application protocols such as HTTP and SSH.

On-ramping IP packets

An application built on top of Oxy defines — in a configuration file — the on-ramps that will accept ingress traffic to be proxied to some off-ramp. One of the possibilities is to on-ramp raw IP packets. But why operate at that layer?

The answer is: to power Cloudflare One, our network offering for customers to extend their private networks — such as offices, data centers, cloud networks and roaming users — with the Cloudflare global network. Such private networks operate based on Zero Trust principles, which means every access is authenticated and authorized, contrasting with legacy approaches where you can reach every private service after authenticating once with the Virtual Private Network.

To effectively extend our customer’s private network into ours, we need to support arbitrary protocols that rely on the Internet Protocol (IP). Hence, we on-ramp Cloudflare One customers’ traffic at (OSI model) layer 3, as a stream of IP packets. Naturally, those will often encapsulate TCP streams and UDP sessions. But nothing precludes other traffic from flowing through.

IP tunneling

Cloudflare’s operational model dictates that every service, machine and network be operated in an homogeneous way, usable by every one of our customers the same way. We essentially have a gigantic multi-tenanted system. Simply on-ramping raw IP packets does not suffice: we must always move the IP packets within the scope of the tenant they belong to.

This is why we introduced the concept of IP tunneling in Oxy: every IP packet handled has context associated with it; at the very least, the tenant that it belongs to. Other arbitrary contexts can be added, but that is up to each application (built on top of Oxy) to define, parse and consume in its Oxy hooks. This allows applications to extend and customize Oxy’s behavior.

You have probably heard of (or even used!) Cloudflare Zero Trust WARP: a client software that you can install on your device(s) to create virtual private networks managed and handled by Cloudflare. You begin by authenticating with your Cloudflare One account, and then the software will on-ramp your device’s traffic through the nearest Cloudflare data center: either to be upstreamed to Internet public IPs, or to other Cloudflare One connectors, such as another WARP device.

Today, WARP routes the traffic captured in your device (e.g. your smartphone) via a WireGuard tunnel that is terminated in a server in the nearest Cloudflare data center. That server then opens an IP tunnel to an Oxy instance running on the same server. To convey context about that traffic, namely the identity of the tenant, some context must be attached to the IP tunnel.

For this, we use a Unix SOCK_SEQPACKET, which is a datagram-oriented socket exposing a connection-based interface with reliable and ordered delivery — it only accepts connections locally within the machine where it is bound to. Oxy receives the context in the first datagram, which the application parses — could be any format the application using Oxy desires. Then all subsequent datagrams are assumed to be raw self-describing IP packets, with no overhead whatsoever.

Another example are the on-ramps of Magic WAN, such as GRE or IPsec tunnels, which also bring raw IP packets from customer’s networks to Cloudflare data centers. Unlike WARP, where its IP packets are decapsulated in user space, for GRE and IPsec we rely on the Linux kernel to do the job for us. Hence, we have no state whatsoever between two consecutive IP packets coming from the same customer, as the Linux kernel is routing them independently.

To accommodate the differences between IP packet handling in user space and the kernel, Oxy differentiates two types of IP tunnels:

  • Connected IP tunnels — as explained for WARP above, where the context is passed once, in the first datagram of the IP Tunnel SEQPACKET connection
  • Unconnected IP tunnels — used by Magic WAN, where each IP packet is encapsulated (using GUE, i.e. Generic UDP Encapsulation) to accommodate the context and unconnected UDP sockets are used

Encapsulating every IP packet comes at the cost of extra CPU usage. But moving the packet around to and from an Oxy instance does not change much regardless of the encapsulation, as we do not have MTU limitations inside our data centers. This way we avoid causing IP packet fragmentation, whose reassembly takes a toll on CPU and Memory usage.

Tracking IP flows

Once IP packets arrive to Oxy, regardless of how they on-ramp, we must decide what to do with them. We decided to rely on the idea of IP flows, as that is inherent to most protocols: a point to point interaction will generally be bounded in time and follow some type of state machine, either known by the transport or by the application protocol.

We perform flow tracking to detect IP flows. When handling an on-ramped IP packet, we parse its IP header and possible transport (i.e. OSI Model layer 4) header. We use the excellent etherparse Rust crate for this purpose, which parses the flow signature, with a source and destination IP address, ports (optional) and protocol. We then look up whether there is already a known IP flow for that signature: if so, then the packet is proxied through the path already determined for that flow towards its off-ramp. If the flow is new, then its upstream route is computed and memoized for future packets. This is in essence what routers do, and to some extent Oxy handling of IP packets is meant to operate as a router.

The interesting thing about tracking IP flows is that we can now expose their lifetime events to the application built on top of Oxy, via its hooks. Applications can then use these events for interesting operations, such as:

  • Applying Zero Trust principles before allowing the IP flow through, such as our Secure Web Gateway policies
  • Emitting audit logs that collect the decisions taken at the start of the IP flow
  • Collecting metadata about the traffic processed by the time the IP flow ends, e.g., to support billing calculations
  • Computing routing decisions of where to send the IP flow next, e.g. to another Cloudflare product/service, or off-ramped to the Internet, or to another Cloudflare One connector

From an IP flow to a TCP stream

You would think that most applications do not handle IP packets directly. That is a good hunch, and also a fact at Cloudflare: many systems operate at the application layer (OSI Model layer 7) where they can inspect traffic in a way much closer to what the end user is perceiving.

To get closer to that reality, Oxy can upgrade an IP flow to the transport layer (OSI Model layer 4). We first consider what this means for the case of TCP traffic. The problem that we want to solve is to process a given stream of raw IP packets, with the same TCP flow signature initiating a TCP handshake, and obtain as a result a TCP connection streaming data. Hence, we need a TCP protocol implementation that can be used from userspace.

The best Rust-native implementation is the smoltcp crate. However, its stated objectives do not match our needs, as it does not implement many of the performance and reliability enhancements of TCP that are expected of a first-class TCP, therefore not sufficing for the sheer amount of traffic and demands we have.

Instead, we rely on the Linux kernel to help us here. After all, it has the most battle-tested TCP protocol implementation in the world.

To leverage that, we set up a TUN interface, and add an IP route to forward traffic to that interface (more details below as to what IPs to use). A TUN interface is a virtual network device whose network data is generated by user-programmable software, rather than a device driver for a physically-connected network adapter. But otherwise it looks and works like a physical network adapter for all purposes.

We write the IP packets — meant to be upgraded to a TCP stream — to the file descriptor backing the TUN interface. However, that’s not enough, as the kernel in our machines will drop those packets since customer’s IP addresses only make sense in their infrastructure.

From IP packets to HTTP: the many faces of our Oxy framework
Transforming raw IP packets into a TCP stream

The step we are missing is that those packets must be transformed, i.e. Network Address Translated (NAT), so that the kernel routes them into the TUN interface. Hence, Oxy maintains its own stateful NAT: every IP flow desired to be upgraded to a TCP stream must claim a NAT slot (to be returned when the TCP stream finishes), and have its packets’ addresses rewritten for the IPs that the TUN interface route encompasses.

Once packets flow into the TUN interface with the right addresses, the kernel will process them as if they had entered the machine through your network card. This means that you can now bind a TCP listener to accept TCP connections in the IP address for which the NAT-ed IP packets are destined to, and voilà, we have our IP flows upgraded to TCP streams.

We are left with one question: what IP address should the NAT use? One option is to just reserve some machine-local IP address and hope that no other application running in that machine uses it, as otherwise unexpected traffic will show up in our TUN device.

Instead, we chose to not have to worry about that at all by relying on Linux network namespaces. A network namespace provides you with an isolated network in a machine, acting as a virtualization layer provided by the kernel. Even if you do not know what this is, you are likely using it, e.g. via Docker.

Hence, Oxy dynamically starts a network namespace to run its TUN interface for upgrading IP flows, where it can use all the local IP space and ports freely. After all, those TCP connections only matter locally, between Oxy’s NAT and Oxy’s L4 proxy.

An interesting aspect here is that the Oxy application itself runs in the default/root namespace, making it easily reachable for on-ramping traffic, and also able to off-ramp traffic to other services operating on the same machine in the default/root namespace. But that raises the question: how is Oxy able to operate simultaneously in the root namespace as well as in the namespace dedicated to upgrading IP flows to TCP connections? The trick is to:

  • Run the Oxy-based process in the root namespace, without any special permissions (no elevated permissions required).
  • That process calls clone into a new unnamed user and network namespace.
  • The child (cloned) and parent (original) processes communicate via a paired pipe.
  • The child brings up the TUN interface and establishes the IP routes to it.
  • The child process binds a TCP listener on an IP address that is bound to the TUN interface and passes that file descriptor to the parent process using SCM_RIGHTS.

This way, the Oxy process will now have a TCP listener, to obtain the upgraded IP flow connections from, while running in the default namespace and despite that TCP listener — and any connections accepted from it — operating in an unnamed dynamically created namespace.

From a TCP stream to HTTP

Once Oxy has a TCP stream, it may also upgrade it, in a sense, to be handled as HTTP traffic. Again, the framework provides the capabilities, but it is up to the application (built on top of Oxy) to make the decision. Analogously to the IP flow, the TCP stream start also triggers a hook to let the application know about a new connection, and to let it decide what to do with it. One of the choices is to treat it as HTTP(S) traffic, at which point Oxy will pass the connection through a Hyper server (possibly also doing TLS if necessary). If you are curious about this part, then rest assured we will have a blog post focused just on that soon.

What about UDP

While we have been focusing on TCP so far, all of the capabilities implemented for TCP are also supported for UDP as well. We’ve glossed over it so far because it is easier to handle, since converting an IP packet to UDP payloads requires only stripping the IP and UDP headers. We do this in Oxy logic, in user space, thereby replacing the idea employed for TCP that relies on the TUN interface. Everything else works the same way across TCP and UDP, with UDP traffic potentially being HTTPS for the case of QUIC-based HTTP/3.

From TCP/UDP back to IP flow

We have been looking at IP packets on-ramping in Oxy and converting from IP flows to TCP/UDP. Eventually that traffic is sent to an upstream that will respond back, and so we ought to obtain resulting IP packets to send to the client. This happens quite naturally in the code base as we only need to revert the operation done in the upgrade:

  • For UDP, we add the IP and UDP headers to the payload of each datagram and thereby obtain the IP packet to send to the client.
  • For TCP, writing to the upgraded TCP socket causes the kernel to generate IP packets routed to the TUN interface. We read these packets from the TUN interface and undo the NAT operation explained above — applied to packets being written to the TUN interface — thereby obtaining the IP packet to send to the client.

More interestingly, the application built on top of Oxy may also define that TCP/UDP traffic (handled as layer 4) is to be downgraded to IP flow (i.e. layer 3). To imagine where this would be usable, consider another Cloudflare One example, where a WARP client establishes an SSH session to a remote WARP device (which is now possible) and has configured SSH command audit logging — in that case, we will have the following steps:

  1. On-ramp the IP packets from WARP client device into the Oxy application.
  2. Oxy tracks the IP flows; per application mandate, then Oxy checks if it is a TCP IP flow with destination port 22, and as such it upgrades to TCP connection.
  3. The application is given control of the TCP connection and, in this case, our Secure Web Gateway (an Oxy application) parses the traffic to perform the SSH command logging.
  4. Since the upstream is determined to be another WARP device, Oxy is mandated to downgrade the TCP connection to IP packets, so that they can be off-ramped to the upstream as such.

Therefore, we need to provide the capability to do step 4, which we haven’t described yet. For UDP the operation is trivial: add or remove the IP/UDP headers as necessary.

For TCP, we will again resort to (another) TUN interface. This is slightly more complicated than upgrading, because when upgrading we use a single TCP listener from the network namespace where all upgraded connections appear, whereas to downgrade we need a TCP client connection from the network namespace per downgraded connection. Therefore we need to interact with the network namespace to obtain these on-demand TCP client connections at runtime, as explained next, making the process to downgrade more convoluted.

To enable that, we rely on the paired pipe maintained between the Oxy (parent) process and the cloned (child) process that operates inside the dynamic namespace: it is used for requesting the TCP client socket for a specific IP flow. This entails the following steps:

  1. The Oxy process reserves a NAT mapping for that IP flow for downgrade.
  2. It requests (via a pipe sendmsg) the cloned child process to establish a TCP connection to the NAT-ed addresses.
  3. By doing so, the child process inherently makes the Linux kernel TCP implementation issue a TCP handshake to the upstream, causing a SYN IP packet to show up in the TUN interface.
  4. The Oxy process is consuming packets from the downgrading namespace’s TUN interface, and hence will consume that packet, for which it promptly reverts the NAT. The IP packet is then off-ramped as explained in the next section.
  5. In the meantime, the child process will have sent back (via the paired pipe) the file descriptor for the TCP client socket, again using SCM_RIGHTS. The Oxy application will now proxy the client TCP connection (meant to be downgraded) into that obtained TCP connection, to result in the raw IP packets read from the TUN interface.

Despite being elaborate, this is quite intuitive, particularly if you’ve read through the upgrade section earlier that is a simpler version of this idea.

The overall picture

In the sections above we have covered the life of an IP packet entering Oxy and what happens to it until exiting towards its upstream destination. This is summarized in the following diagram illustrating the life cycle of such packets.

From IP packets to HTTP: the many faces of our Oxy framework
Life cycle of IP packets in and out of an Oxy instance

We are left with how to exit the traffic. Sending the proxied traffic towards its destination (referred to as upstream) is what we call off-ramping it. We support off-ramping traffic across the same OSI Model layers that we allow to on-ramp: that is, as IP packets, TCP or UDP sockets, or HTTP(S) directly.

It is up to the application logic (that uses the Oxy framework) to make that decision and instruct Oxy on which layer to use. There is a lot to be said about this part, such as what IPs to use when egressing to the Internet — so if you are curious for more details, then stay tuned for more blog posts about Oxy.

No software overview is complete without its tests. The one interesting thing to think about here is that, to test all of the above, we need to generate raw IP packets in our tests. That’s not ideal as one would like to just write plain Rust logic that establishes TCP connections towards the Oxy proxy. Hence, to simplify all of this, our tests actually reuse our internal library (described above) to create a dynamic network namespaces and downgrade/upgrade the TCP connections as necessary.

Therefore, our tests talk normal TCP against a TCP downgrader running together with the tests, which outputs raw IP packets that we pipe to the Oxy instance being tested. It is an elegant and simple way to work around the challenge while battle testing further the TUN interface logic.

Wrapping up

Covering proxying IP packets all the way to HTTP requests feels like an overly broad framework. We felt the same at first at Cloudflare, particularly because Oxy was not born in a day, and in fact it started first with HTTP proxying and then started to go down the OSI Model layers. In hindsight, doing it all feels the right decision: being able to upgrade and downgrade traffic as necessary has been very useful, and in fact our proxying logic shares the majority of code despite handling different layers (socket primitives, observability, security aspects, configurability, etc).

Today, all of the ideas above are powering Cloudflare One Zero Trust as well as plain WARP. This means they are battle-tested across millions of daily users exchanging most of their traffic (both to the Internet as well as towards private/corporate networks) through the Cloudflare global network.

If you’ve enjoyed reading this and are interested in working on similar challenges with Rust, then be sure to check our open positions as we continue to grow our team. Likewise, there will be more blog posts related to our learnings developing Oxy, so tag along the ride for more fun!

Oxy is Cloudflare’s Rust-based next generation proxy framework

Post Syndicated from Ivan Nikulin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-oxy/

Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework

Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework

In this blog post, we are proud to introduce Oxy – our modern proxy framework, developed using the Rust programming language. Oxy is a foundation of several Cloudflare projects, including the Zero Trust Gateway, the iCloud Private Relay second hop proxy, and the internal egress routing service.

Oxy leverages our years of experience building high-load proxies to implement the latest communication protocols, enabling us to effortlessly build sophisticated services that can accommodate massive amounts of daily traffic.

We will be exploring Oxy in greater detail in upcoming technical blog posts, providing a comprehensive and in-depth look at its capabilities and potential applications. For now, let us embark on this journey and discover what Oxy is and how we built it.

What Oxy does

We refer to Oxy as our “next-generation proxy framework”. But what do we really mean by “proxy framework”? Picture a server (like NGINX, that reader might be familiar with) that can proxy traffic with an array of protocols, including various predefined common traffic flow scenarios that enable you to route traffic to specific destinations or even egress with a different protocol than the one used for ingress. This server can be configured in many ways for specific flows and boasts tight integration with the surrounding infrastructure, whether telemetry consumers or networking services.

Now, take all of that and add in the ability to programmatically control every aspect of the proxying: protocol decapsulation, traffic analysis, routing, tunneling logic, DNS resolution, and so much more. And this is what Oxy proxy framework is: a feature-rich proxy server tightly integrated with our internal infrastructure that’s customizable to meet application requirements, allowing engineers to tweak every component.

This design is in line with our belief in an iterative approach to development, where a basic solution is built first and then gradually improved over time. With Oxy, you can start with a basic solution that can be deployed to our servers and then add additional features as needed, taking advantage of the many extensibility points offered by Oxy. In fact, you can avoid writing any code, besides a few lines of bootstrap boilerplate and get a production-ready server with a wide variety of startup configuration options and traffic flow scenarios.

Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework
High-level Oxy architecture

For example, suppose you’d like to implement an HTTP firewall. With Oxy, you can proxy HTTP(S) requests right out of the box, eliminating the need to write any code related to production services, such as request metrics and logs. You simply need to implement an Oxy hook handler for HTTP requests and responses. If you’ve used Cloudflare Workers before, then you should be familiar with this extensibility model.

Similarly, you can implement a layer 4 firewall by providing application hooks that handle ingress and egress connections. This goes beyond a simple block/accept scenario, as you can build authentication functionality or a traffic router that sends traffic to different destinations based on the geographical information of the ingress connection. The capabilities are incredibly rich, and we’ve made the extensibility model as ergonomic and flexible as possible. As an example, if information obtained from layer 4 is insufficient to make an informed firewall decision, the app can simply ask Oxy to decapsulate the traffic and process it with HTTP firewall.

The aforementioned scenarios are prevalent in many products we build at Cloudflare, so having a foundation that incorporates ready solutions is incredibly useful. This foundation has absorbed lots of experience we’ve gained over the years, taking care of many sharp and dark corners of high-load service programming. As a result, application implementers can stay focused on the business logic of their application with Oxy taking care of the rest. In fact, we’ve been able to create a few privacy proxy applications using Oxy that now serve massive amounts of traffic in production with less than a couple of hundred lines of code. This is something that would have taken multiple orders of magnitude more time and lines of code before.

As previously mentioned, we’ll dive deeper into the technical aspects in future blog posts. However, for now, we’d like to provide a brief overview of Oxy’s capabilities. This will give you a glimpse of the many ways in which Oxy can be customized and used.


On-ramp defines a combination of transport layer socket type and protocols that server listeners can use for ingress traffic.

Oxy supports a wide variety of traffic on-ramps:

  • HTTP 1/2/3 (including various CONNECT protocols for layer 3 and 4 traffic)
  • TCP and UDP traffic over Proxy Protocol
  • general purpose IP traffic, including ICMP

With Oxy, you have the ability to analyze and manipulate traffic at multiple layers of the OSI model – from layer 3 to layer 7. This allows for a wide range of possibilities in terms of how you handle incoming traffic.

One of the most notable and powerful features of Oxy is the ability for applications to force decapsulation. This means that an application can analyze traffic at a higher level, even if it originally arrived at a lower level. For example, if an application receives IP traffic, it can choose to analyze the UDP traffic encapsulated within the IP packets. With just a few lines of code, the application can tell Oxy to upgrade the IP flow to a UDP tunnel, effectively allowing the same code to be used for different on-ramps.

The application can even go further and ask Oxy to sniff UDP packets and check if they contain HTTP/3 traffic. In this case, Oxy can upgrade the UDP traffic to HTTP and handle HTTP/3 requests that were originally received as raw IP packets. This allows for the simultaneous processing of traffic at all three layers (L3, L4, L7), enabling applications to analyze, filter, and manipulate the traffic flow from multiple perspectives. This provides a robust toolset for developing advanced traffic processing applications.

Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework
Multi-layer traffic processing in Oxy applications


Off-ramp defines a combination of transport layer socket type and protocols that proxy server connectors can use for egress traffic.

Oxy offers versatility in its egress methods, supporting a range of protocols including HTTP 1 and 2, UDP, TCP, and IP. It is equipped with internal DNS resolution and caching, as well as customizable resolvers, with automatic fallback options for maximum system reliability. Oxy implements happy eyeballs for TCP, advanced tunnel timeout logic and has the ability to route traffic to internal services with accompanying metadata.

Additionally, through collaboration with one of our internal services (which is an Oxy application itself!) Oxy is able to offer geographical egress — allowing applications to route traffic to the public Internet from various locations in our extensive network covering numerous cities worldwide. This complex and powerful feature can be easily utilized by Oxy application developers at no extra cost, simply by adjusting configuration settings.

Tunneling and request handling

We’ve discussed Oxy’s communication capabilities with the outside world through on-ramps and off-ramps. In the middle, Oxy handles efficient stateful tunneling of various traffic types including TCP, UDP, QUIC, and IP, while giving applications full control over traffic blocking and redirection.

Additionally, Oxy effectively handles HTTP traffic, providing full control over requests and responses, and allowing it to serve as a direct HTTP or API service. With built-in tools for streaming analysis of HTTP bodies, Oxy makes it easy to extract and process data, such as form data from uploads and downloads.

In addition to its multi-layer traffic processing capabilities, Oxy also supports advanced HTTP tunneling methods, such as CONNECT-UDP and CONNECT-IP, using the latest extensions to HTTP 3 and 2 protocols. It can even process HTTP CONNECT request payloads on layer 4 and recursively process the payload as HTTP if the encapsulated traffic is HTTP.

Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework
Recursive processing of HTTP CONNECT body payload in HTTP pipeline


The modern Internet is unimaginable without traffic encryption, and Oxy, of course, provides this essential aspect. Oxy’s cryptography and TLS are based on BoringSSL, providing both a FIPS-compliant version with a limited set of certified features and the latest version that supports all the currently available TLS features. Oxy also allows applications to switch between the two versions in real-time, on a per-request or per-connection basis.

Oxy’s TLS client is designed to make HTTPS requests to upstream servers, with the functionality and security of a browser-grade client. This includes the reconstruction of certificate chains, certificate revocation checks, and more. In addition, Oxy applications can be secured with TLS v1.3, and optionally mTLS, allowing for the extraction of client authentication information from x509 certificates.

Oxy has the ability to inspect and filter HTTPS traffic, including HTTP/3, and provides the means for dynamically generating certificates, serving as a foundation for implementing data loss prevention (DLP) products. Additionally, Oxy’s internal fork of BoringSSL, which is not FIPS-compliant, supports the use of raw public keys as an alternative to WebPKI, making it ideal for internal service communication. This allows for all the benefits of TLS without the hassle of managing root certificates.

Gluing everything together

Oxy is more than just a set of building blocks for network applications. It acts as a cohesive glue, handling the bootstrapping of the entire proxy application with ease, including parsing and applying configurations, setting up an asynchronous runtime, applying seccomp hardening and providing automated graceful restarts functionality.

With built-in support for panic reporting to Sentry, Prometheus metrics with a Rust-macro based API, Kibana logging, distributed tracing, memory and runtime profiling, Oxy offers comprehensive monitoring and analysis capabilities. It can also generate detailed audit logs for layer 4 traffic, useful for billing and network analysis.

To top it off, Oxy includes an integration testing framework, allowing for easy testing of application interactions using TypeScript-based tests.

Extensibility model

To take full advantage of Oxy’s capabilities, one must understand how to extend and configure its features. Oxy applications are configured using YAML configuration files, offering numerous options for each feature. Additionally, application developers can extend these options by leveraging the convenient macros provided by the framework, making customization a breeze.

Suppose the Oxy application uses a key-value database to retrieve user information. In that case, it would be beneficial to expose a YAML configuration settings section for this purpose. With Oxy, defining a structure and annotating it with the #[oxy_app_settings] attribute is all it takes to accomplish this:

///Application’s key-value (KV) database settings
pub struct MyAppKVSettings {
    /// Key prefix.
    pub prefix: Option<String>,
    /// Path to the UNIX domain socket for the appropriate KV 
    /// server instance.
    pub socket: Option<String>,

Oxy can then generate a default YAML configuration file listing available options and their default values, including those extended by the application. The configuration options are automatically documented in the generated file from the Rust doc comments, following best Rust practices.

Moreover, Oxy supports multi-tenancy, allowing a single application instance to expose multiple on-ramp endpoints, each with a unique configuration. But, sometimes even a YAML configuration file is not enough to build a desired application, this is where Oxy’s comprehensive set of hooks comes in handy. These hooks can be used to extend the application with Rust code and cover almost all aspects of the traffic processing.

To give you an idea of how easy it is to write an Oxy application, here is an example of basic Oxy code:

struct MyApp;

// Defines types for various application extensions to Oxy's
// data types. Contexts provide information and control knobs for
// the different parts of the traffic flow and applications can extend // all of them with their custom data. As was mentioned before,
// applications could also define their custom configuration.
// It’s just a matter of defining a configuration object with
// `#[oxy_app_settings]` attribute and providing the object type here.
impl OxyExt for MyApp {
    type AppSettings = MyAppKVSettings;
    type EndpointAppSettings = ();
    type EndpointContext = ();
    type IngressConnectionContext = MyAppIngressConnectionContext;
    type RequestContext = ();
    type IpTunnelContext = ();
    type DnsCacheItem = ();

impl OxyApp for MyApp {
    fn name() -> &'static str {
        "My app"

    fn version() -> &'static str {

    fn description() -> &'static str {
        "This is an example of Oxy application"

    async fn start(
        settings: ServerSettings<MyAppSettings, ()>
    ) -> anyhow::Result<Hooks<Self>> {
        // Here the application initializes various hooks, with each
        // hook being a trait implementation containing multiple
        // optional callbacks invoked during the lifecycle of the
        // traffic processing.
        let ingress_hook = create_ingress_hook(&settings);
        let egress_hook = create_egress_hook(&settings);
        let tunnel_hook = create_tunnel_hook(&settings);
        let http_request_hook = create_http_request_hook(&settings);
        let ip_flow_hook = create_ip_flow_hook(&settings);

        Ok(Hooks {
            ingress: Some(ingress_hook),
            egress: Some(egress_hook),
            tunnel: Some(tunnel_hook),
            http_request: Some(http_request_hook),
            ip_flow: Some(ip_flow_hook),

// The entry point of the application
fn main() -> OxyResult<()> {

Technology choice

Oxy leverages the safety and performance benefits of Rust as its implementation language. At Cloudflare, Rust has emerged as a popular choice for new product development, and there are ongoing efforts to migrate some of the existing products to the language as well.

Rust offers memory and concurrency safety through its ownership and borrowing system, preventing issues like null pointers and data races. This safety is achieved without sacrificing performance, as Rust provides low-level control and the ability to write code with minimal runtime overhead. Rust’s balance of safety and performance has made it popular for building safe performance-critical applications, like proxies.

We intentionally tried to stand on the shoulders of the giants with this project and avoid reinventing the wheel. Oxy heavily relies on open-source dependencies, with hyper and tokio being the backbone of the framework. Our philosophy is that we should pull from existing solutions as much as we can, allowing for faster iteration, but also use widely battle-tested code. If something doesn’t work for us, we try to collaborate with maintainers and contribute back our fixes and improvements. In fact, we now have two team members who are core team members of tokio and hyper projects.

Even though Oxy is a proprietary project, we try to give back some love to the open-source community without which the project wouldn’t be possible by open-sourcing some of the building blocks such as https://github.com/cloudflare/boring and https://github.com/cloudflare/quiche.

The road to implementation

At the beginning of our journey, we set out to implement a proof-of-concept  for an HTTP firewall using Rust for what would eventually become Zero Trust Gateway product. This project was originally part of the WARP service repository. However, as the PoC rapidly advanced, it became clear that it needed to be separated into its own Gateway proxy for both technical and operational reasons.

Later on, when tasked with implementing a relay proxy for iCloud Private Relay, we saw the opportunity to reuse much of the code from the Gateway proxy. The Gateway project could also benefit from the HTTP/3 support that was being added for the Private Relay project. In fact, early iterations of the relay service were forks of the Gateway server.

It was then that we realized we could extract common elements from both projects to create a new framework, Oxy. The history of Oxy can be traced back to its origins in the commit history of the Gateway and Private Relay projects, up until its separation as a standalone framework.

Since our inception, we have leveraged the power of Oxy to efficiently roll out multiple projects that would have required a significant amount of time and effort without it. Our iterative development approach has been a strength of the project, as we have been able to identify common, reusable components through hands-on testing and implementation.

Our small core team is supplemented by internal contributors from across the company, ensuring that the best subject-matter experts are working on the relevant parts of the project. This contribution model also allows us to shape the framework’s API to meet the functional and ergonomic needs of its users, while the core team ensures that the project stays on track.

Relation to Pingora

Although Pingora, another proxy server developed by us in Rust, shares some similarities with Oxy, it was intentionally designed as a separate proxy server with a different objective. Pingora was created to serve traffic from millions of our client’s upstream servers, including those with ancient and unusual configurations. Non-UTF 8 URLs or TLS settings that are not supported by most TLS libraries being just a few such quirks among many others. This focus on handling technically challenging unusual configurations sets Pingora apart from other proxy servers.

The concept of Pingora came about during the same period when we were beginning to develop Oxy, and we initially considered merging the two projects. However, we quickly realized that their objectives were too different to do that. Pingora is specifically designed to establish Cloudflare’s HTTP connectivity with the Internet, even in its most technically obscure corners. On the other hand, Oxy is a multipurpose platform that supports a wide variety of communication protocols and aims to provide a simple way to develop high-performance proxy applications with business logic.


Oxy is a proxy framework that we have developed to meet the demanding needs of modern services. It has been designed  to provide a flexible and scalable solution that can be adapted to meet the unique requirements of each project and by leveraging the power of Rust, we made it both safe and fast.

Looking forward, Oxy is poised to play one of the critical roles in our company’s larger effort to modernize and improve our architecture. It provides a solid block in foundation on which we can keep building the better Internet.

As the framework continues to evolve and grow, we remain committed to our iterative approach to development, constantly seeking out new opportunities to reuse existing solutions and improve our codebase. This collaborative, community-driven approach has already yielded impressive results, and we are confident that it will continue to drive the future success of Oxy.

Stay tuned for more tech savvy blog posts on the subject!