Tag Archives: postgres

Introducing Relational Database Connectors

Post Syndicated from Kabir Sikand original https://blog.cloudflare.com/relational-database-connectors/

Introducing Relational Database Connectors

Introducing Relational Database Connectors

At Cloudflare, we’re building the best compute platform in the world. We want to make it easy, seamless, and obvious to build your applications with us. But simply making the best compute platform is not enough — at the heart of your applications are the data they interact with.

Cloudflare has multiple data storage solutions available today: Workers KV, R2, and Durable Objects. All three follow Cloudflare’s design goals for Workers: global by default, infinitely scalable, and delightful for developers to use. We’ve partnered with third-party storage solutions like Fauna, MongoDB and Prisma, who have built data platforms that align beautifully with our design goals and written tutorials for databases that already support HTTP connections.

The one area that’s been sorely missed: relational databases. Cloudflare itself runs on relational databases, and we’re not alone. In April, we asked which Node libraries you wanted us to support, and four of the top five requests were related to databases. For this Full Stack Week, we asked ourselves: how could we support relational databases in a way that aligned with our design goals?

Today, we’re taking a first step towards that world by announcing support for relational databases, including Postgres and MySQL from Workers.

Connecting to a database is no simple task — if it were as easy as passing a connection string to a database driver, we would have already done it. We’ve had to overcome several hurdles to reach this point, and have several more still to conquer.  

Our goal with this announcement is to work with you, our developers, to solve the unique pain points that come from accessing databases inside Workers. If you’d like to work with us, fill out this form or join us on Discord — this is just the beginning. If you’d just like to grab the code and play around, use this example to get started connecting to your own database, or check out our demo.

Why are Database Connectors so hard to build?

Serverless database connections are challenging to support for several reasons.

Databases are needy — they often require TCP connections, since they assume long-lived connections between an application server and the database. The Workers runtime doesn’t currently support TCP connections, so we’ve only been able to support HTTP-based databases or proxies.

Like a relationship, establishing a connection isn’t quite enough. Developers use client libraries for databases to make submitting queries and managing the responses easy. Since the Workers runtime is not entirely Node.js compatible, we need to either roll our own database library or find one that does not use unsupported built-in libraries.

Finally, databases are sensitive. It often takes external libraries to manage shared connections between an application server and a database, since these connections tend to be expensive to establish.

Moving past these challenges

Our approach today gives us the foundation to address each of these challenges in creative ways going forward.

First, we’re leveraging cloudflared to create a secure tunnel between Cloudflare and a private network within your existing infrastructure. Cloudflared already supports proxying HTTP to TCP over WebSockets — Our challenge is providing interfaces that look like the socket interfaces existing libraries expect, while rewiring the implementations to redirect reads and writes to our websocket. This method is fast, safe, and secure; but limiting in that we lack control of where to direct the final connections. This is a problem we will solve soon, but until then our approach is essential to gathering latency and performance data to see where else we need to improve.

Introducing Relational Database Connectors

Next, we’ve created a shim-layer that adapts the socket API from a popular runtime to connect directly to databases using a WebSocket. This allows us to bundle code as-is, without forking or otherwise making significant changes to the database library. As part of this announcement, we’ve published a tutorial on how to connect to and query a Postgres database from your Workers, using existing Cloudflare technology and a driver from the growing community at Deno. We’re excited to work with the upstream maintainers, on expanding support.

Finally, we’re most excited for how this approach will let us begin to manage connection pooling and connection establishment overhead. While our current tech demo requires setting up the Cloudflare Tunnel on your own infrastructure, we’re looking for customers who’d like to pilot a model where Cloudflare hosts the tunnel for you.

Where we’re going

We’re just getting started. Our goal with today’s announcement is to find customers who are looking to build new applications or migrate existing applications to Workers while working with data that’s stored in a relational database.

Just as Cloudflare started by providing security, performance, and reliability for customer’s websites, we’re excited about a future where Cloudflare manages database connections, handles replication of data across cloud providers and provides low-latency access to data globally.

First, we’re looking to add support for TCP into the runtime natively. With native support for TCP we’ll not only have better support for databases, but expand the Workers runtime to work with data infrastructure more broadly.

Our position in the network layer of the stack makes providing performance, security benefits and extremely reduced egress costs to global databases all possible realities. To do so, we’ll repurpose the HTTP to TCP proxy service that we’ve currently built and run it for developers as a connection pooling service, managing connections to their databases on their behalf.

Finally, our network makes caching data and making it accessible globally at low latency possible. Once we have connections back to your data, making it globally accessible in Cloudflare’s network will unlock fundamentally new architectures for distributed data.

Take our connectors for a spin

Want to check things out? There are three main steps to getting up-and-running:

  1. Deploying cloudflared within your infrastructure.
  2. Deploying a database that connects to cloudflared.
  3. Deploying a Worker with the database driver that submits queries.

The Postgres tutorial is available here.

When you’re all done, it’ll look a little something like this:

import { Client } from './driver/postgres/postgres'

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env, ctx: ExecutionContext) {
    try {
      const client = new Client({
        user: 'postgres',
        database: 'postgres',
        hostname: 'https://db.example.com',
        password: '',
        port: 5432,
      await client.connect()
      const result = await client.queryArray('SELECT * FROM users WHERE uuid=1;')
      return new Response(JSON.stringify(result.rows[0]))
    } catch (e) {
      return new Response((e as Error).message)

Hit any snags? Fill out this form, join our Discord or shoot us an email and let’s chat!

Modernizing a familiar approach to REST APIs, with PostgreSQL and Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Kristian Freeman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/modernizing-a-familiar-approach-to-rest-apis-with-postgresql-and-cloudflare-workers/

Modernizing a familiar approach to REST APIs, with PostgreSQL and Cloudflare Workers

Postgres is a ubiquitous open-source database technology. It contains a vast number of features and offers rock-solid reliability. It’s also one of the most popular SQL database tools in the industry. As the industry builds “modern” developer experience tools—real-time and highly interactive—Postgres has also served as a great foundation. Projects like Hasura, which offers a real-time GraphQL engine, and Supabase, an open-source Firebase alternative, use Postgres under the hood. This makes Postgres a technology that every developer should know, and consider using in their applications.

For many developers, REST APIs serve as the primary way we interact with our data. Language-specific libraries like pg allow developers to connect with Postgres in their code, and directly interact with their databases. Yet in almost every case, developers reinvent the wheel, building the same connection logic on an app-by-app basis.

Many developers building applications with Cloudflare Workers, our serverless functions platform, have asked how they can use Postgres in Workers functions. Today, we’re releasing a new tutorial for Workers that shows how to connect to Postgres inside Workers functions. Built on PostgREST, you’ll write a REST API that communicates directly with your database, on the edge.

This means that you can entirely build applications on Cloudflare’s edge — using Workers as a performant and globally-distributed API, and Cloudflare Pages, our Jamstack deployment platform, as the host for your frontend user interface. With Workers, you can add new API endpoints and handle authentication in front of your database without needing to alter your Postgres configuration. With features like Workers KV and Durable Objects, Workers can provide globally-distributed caching in front of your Postgres database. Features like WebSockets can be used to build real-time interactions for your applications, without having to migrate from Postgres to a new database-as-a-service platform.

PostgREST is an open-source tool that generates a standards-compliant REST API for your Postgres databases. Many growing database-as-a-service startups like Retool and Supabase use PostgREST under the hood. PostgREST is fast and has great defaults, allowing you to access your Postgres data using standard REST conventions.

It’s great to be able to access your database directly from Workers, but do you really want to expose your database directly to the public Internet? Luckily, Cloudflare has a solution for this, and it works great with PostgREST: Cloudflare Tunnel. Cloudflare Tunnel is one of my personal favorite products at Cloudflare. It creates a secure tunnel between your local server and the Cloudflare network. We want to expose our PostgREST endpoint, without making our entire database available on the public internet. Cloudflare Tunnel allows us to do that securely.

Modernizing a familiar approach to REST APIs, with PostgreSQL and Cloudflare Workers

By using PostgREST with Postgres, we can build REST API-based applications. In particular, it’s an excellent fit for Cloudflare Workers, our serverless function platform. Workers is a great place to build REST APIs. With the open-source JavaScript library postgrest-js, we can interact with a PostgREST endpoint from inside our Workers function, using simple JS-based primitives.

By the way — if you haven’t built a REST API with Workers yet, check out our free video course with Egghead: “Building a Serverless API with Cloudflare Workers”.

Scaling applications built on Postgres is an incredibly common problem that developers face. Often, this means duplicating your Postgres database and distributing reads between your primary database, and a fleet of “read replicas”. With PostgREST and Workers, we can begin to explore a different approach to solving the scaling problem. Workers’ unique architecture allows us to deploy hyper-performant functions in front of Postgres databases. With tools like Workers KV and Durable Objects, exposed in Workers as basic JavaScript APIs, we can build intelligent caches for our databases, without sacrificing performance or developer experience.

If you’d like to learn more about building REST APIs in Cloudflare Workers using PostgREST, check out our new tutorial! We’ve also provided two open-source libraries to help you get started. cloudflare/postgres-postgrest-cloudflared-example helps you set up a Cloudflare Tunnel-backed Postgres + PostgREST endpoint. postgrest-worker-example is an example of using postgrest-js inside of Cloudflare Workers, to build REST APIs with your Postgres databases.

Modernizing a familiar approach to REST APIs, with PostgreSQL and Cloudflare Workers

With postgrest-js, you can build dynamic queries and request data from your database using the JS primitives you know and love:

// Get all users with at least 100 followers
const { data: users, error } = await client
.gte('followers', 100)

You can also join our Cloudflare Developers Discord community! Learn more about what you can build with Cloudflare Workers, and meet our wonderful community of developers from around the world. Get your invite link here.

A Byzantine failure in the real world

Post Syndicated from Tom Lianza original https://blog.cloudflare.com/a-byzantine-failure-in-the-real-world/

A Byzantine failure in the real world

An analysis of the Cloudflare API availability incident on 2020-11-02

When we review design documents at Cloudflare, we are always on the lookout for Single Points of Failure (SPOFs). Eliminating these is a necessary step in architecting a system you can be confident in. Ironically, when you’re designing a system with built-in redundancy, you spend most of your time thinking about how well it functions when that redundancy is lost.

On November 2, 2020, Cloudflare had an incident that impacted the availability of the API and dashboard for six hours and 33 minutes. During this incident, the success rate for queries to our API periodically dipped as low as 75%, and the dashboard experience was as much as 80 times slower than normal. While Cloudflare’s edge is massively distributed across the world (and kept working without a hitch), Cloudflare’s control plane (API & dashboard) is made up of a large number of microservices that are redundant across two regions. For most services, the databases backing those microservices are only writable in one region at a time.

Each of Cloudflare’s control plane data centers has multiple racks of servers. Each of those racks has two switches that operate as a pair—both are normally active, but either can handle the load if the other fails. Cloudflare survives rack-level failures by spreading the most critical services across racks. Every piece of hardware has two or more power supplies with different power feeds. Every server that stores critical data uses RAID 10 redundant disks or storage systems that replicate data across at least three machines in different racks, or both. Redundancy at each layer is something we review and require. So—how could things go wrong?

In this post we present a timeline of what happened, and how a difficult failure mode known as a Byzantine fault played a role in a cascading series of events.

2020-11-02 14:43 UTC: Partial Switch Failure

At 14:43, a network switch started misbehaving. Alerts began firing about the switch being unreachable to pings. The device was in a partially operating state: network control plane protocols such as LACP and BGP remained operational, while others, such as vPC, were not. The vPC link is used to synchronize ports across multiple switches, so that they appear as one large, aggregated switch to servers connected to them. At the same time, the data plane (or forwarding plane) was not processing and forwarding all the packets received from connected devices.

This failure scenario is completely invisible to the connected nodes, as each server only sees an issue for some of its traffic due to the load-balancing nature of LACP. Had the switch failed fully, all traffic would have failed over to the peer switch, as the connected links would’ve simply gone down, and the ports would’ve dropped out of the forwarding LACP bundles.

Six minutes later, the switch recovered without human intervention. But this odd failure mode led to further problems that lasted long after the switch had returned to normal operation.

2020-11-02 14:44 UTC: etcd Errors begin

The rack with the misbehaving switch included one server in our etcd cluster. We use etcd heavily in our core data centers whenever we need strongly consistent data storage that’s reliable across multiple nodes.

In the event that the cluster leader fails, etcd uses the RAFT protocol to maintain consistency and establish consensus to promote a new leader. In the RAFT protocol, cluster members are assumed to be either available or unavailable, and to provide accurate information or none at all. This works fine when a machine crashes, but is not always able to handle situations where different members of the cluster have conflicting information.

In this particular situation:

  • Network traffic between node 1 (in the affected rack) and node 3 (the leader) was being sent through the switch in the degraded state,
  • Network traffic between node 1 and node 2 were going through its working peer, and
  • Network traffic between node 2 and node 3 was unaffected.

This caused cluster members to have conflicting views of reality, known in distributed systems theory as a Byzantine fault. As a consequence of this conflicting information, node 1 repeatedly initiated leader elections, voting for itself, while node 2 repeatedly voted for node 3, which it could still connect to. This resulted in ties that did not promote a leader node 1 could reach. RAFT leader elections are disruptive, blocking all writes until they’re resolved, so this made the cluster read-only until the faulty switch recovered and node 1 could once again reach node 3.

A Byzantine failure in the real world

2020-11-02 14:45 UTC: Database system promotes a new primary database

Cloudflare’s control plane services use relational databases hosted across multiple clusters within a data center. Each cluster is configured for high availability. The cluster setup includes a primary database, a synchronous replica, and one or more asynchronous replicas. This setup allows redundancy within a data center. For cross-datacenter redundancy, a similar high availability secondary cluster is set up and replicated in a geographically dispersed data center for disaster recovery. The cluster management system leverages etcd for cluster member discovery and coordination.

When etcd became read-only, two clusters were unable to communicate that they had a healthy primary database. This triggered the automatic promotion of a synchronous database replica to become the new primary. This process happened automatically and without error or data loss.

There was a defect in our cluster management system that requires a rebuild of all database replicas when a new primary database is promoted. So, although the new primary database was available instantly, the replicas would take considerable time to become available, depending on the size of the database. For one of the clusters, service was restored quickly. Synchronous and asynchronous database replicas were rebuilt and started replicating successfully from primary, and the impact was minimal.

For the other cluster, however, performant operation of that database required a replica to be online. Because this database handles authentication for API calls and dashboard activities, it takes a lot of reads, and one replica was heavily utilized to spare the primary the load. When this failover happened and no replicas were available, the primary was overloaded, as it had to take all of the load. This is when the main impact started.

Reduce Load, Leverage Redundancy

At this point we saw that our primary authentication database was overwhelmed and began shedding load from it. We dialed back the rate at which we push SSL certificates to the edge, send emails, and other features, to give it space to handle the additional load. Unfortunately, because of its size, we knew it would take several hours for a replica to be fully rebuilt.

A silver lining here is that every database cluster in our primary data center also has online replicas in our secondary data center. Those replicas are not part of the local failover process, and were online and available throughout the incident. The process of steering read-queries to those replicas was not yet automated, so we manually diverted API traffic that could leverage those read replicas to the secondary data center. This substantially improved our API availability.

The Dashboard

The Cloudflare dashboard, like most web applications, has the notion of a user session. When user sessions are created (each time a user logs in) we perform some database operations and keep data in a Redis cluster for the duration of that user’s session. Unlike our API calls, our user sessions cannot currently be moved across the ocean without disruption. As we took actions to improve the availability of our API calls, we were unfortunately making the user experience on the dashboard worse.

This is an area of the system that is currently designed to be able to fail over across data centers in the event of a disaster, but has not yet been designed to work in both data centers at the same time. After a first period in which users on the dashboard became increasingly frustrated, we failed the authentication calls fully back to our primary data center, and kept working on our primary database to ensure we could provide the best service levels possible in that degraded state.

2020-11-02 21:20 UTC Database Replica Rebuilt

The instant the first database replica rebuilt, it put itself back into service, and performance resumed to normal levels. We re-ramped all of the services that had been turned down, so all asynchronous processing could catch up, and after a period of monitoring marked the end of the incident.

Redundant Points of Failure

The cascade of failures in this incident was interesting because each system, on its face, had redundancy. Moreover, no system fully failed—each entered a degraded state. That combination meant the chain of events that transpired was considerably harder to model and anticipate. It was frustrating yet reassuring that some of the possible failure modes were already being addressed.

A team was already working on fixing the limitation that requires a database replica rebuild upon promotion. Our user sessions system was inflexible in scenarios where we’d like to steer traffic around, and redesigning that was already in progress.

This incident also led us to revisit the configuration parameters we put in place for things that auto-remediate. In previous years, promoting a database replica to primary took far longer than we liked, so getting that process automated and able to trigger on a minute’s notice was a point of pride. At the same time, for at least one of our databases, the cure may be worse than the disease, and in fact we may not want to invoke the promotion process so quickly. Immediately after this incident we adjusted that configuration accordingly.

Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) is a hot research topic. Solutions have been known since 1982, but have had to choose between a variety of engineering tradeoffs, including security, performance, and algorithmic simplicity. Most general-purpose cluster management systems choose to forgo BFT entirely and use protocols based on PAXOS, or simplifications of PAXOS such as RAFT, that perform better and are easier to understand than BFT consensus protocols. In many cases, a simple protocol that is known to be vulnerable to a rare failure mode is safer than a complex protocol that is difficult to implement correctly or debug.

The first uses of BFT consensus were in safety-critical systems such as aircraft and spacecraft controls. These systems typically have hard real time latency constraints that require tightly coupling consensus with application logic in ways that make these implementations unsuitable for general-purpose services like etcd. Contemporary research on BFT consensus is mostly focused on applications that cross trust boundaries, which need to protect against malicious cluster members as well as malfunctioning cluster members. These designs are more suitable for implementing general-purpose services such as etcd, and we look forward to collaborating with researchers and the open source community to make them suitable for production cluster management.

We are very sorry for the difficulty the outage caused, and are continuing to improve as our systems grow. We’ve since fixed the bug in our cluster management system, and are continuing to tune each of the systems involved in this incident to be more resilient to failures of their dependencies.  If you’re interested in helping solve these problems at scale, please visit cloudflare.com/careers.