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How to create a WhatsApp custom channel with Amazon Pinpoint

Post Syndicated from Sparsh Wadhwa original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/whatsapp-with-amazon-pinpoint/

How to add WhatsApp as an Amazon Pinpoint Custom Channel

WhatsApp now reports over 2 billion users in 180 countries, making it a prime place for businesses to communicate with their customers. In addition to native channels like SMS, push notifications, and email, Amazon Pinpoint’s custom channels enable you to extend the capabilities of Amazon Pinpoint and send messages to customers through any API-enabled service, like WhatsApp. With these new channels, you have full control over the message delivery to the endpoints associated with each custom channel campaign.

In this post, we provide a quick overview of the features and capabilities of using a custom channel as part of campaigns. We also provide a blueprint that you can use to build your first sandbox integration with WhatsApp as a custom channel.

Note: WhatsApp is a third-party service subject to additional terms and charges. Amazon Web Services isn’t responsible for any third-party service that you use to send messages with custom channels. 

How to add WhatsApp as a custom channel:


Before creating your new custom channel, you must have the integration ready and an Amazon Identity and Account Management (IAM) User created with the necessary permissions. First set up the following:

  1. Create an IAM administrator. For more information, see Creating your first IAM admin user and group in the IAM User Guide. Specify the credentials of this IAM User when you set up the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).
  2. Configure the AWS CLI. For more information about setting up the AWS CLI, see Configuring the AWS CLI.
  3. Follow the steps at Meta documentation – https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/get-started to register as a Meta Developer and getting started with WhatsApp Business Cloud API provided directly by Meta. By completing step 1 and step 2 of the above documentation, you should be able to
    1. Register as a Meta Developer,
    2. Claim a test phone for sending messages on WhatsApp,
    3. Verify a recipient phone number (since, currently you’re in Sandbox, you can send WhatsApp messages only to the verified phone numbers. You can verify upto 5 phone numbers)
    4. and finally send a test message on Whatsapp using a provided sample POST request. Remember to review the terms of use for WhatsApp.Screenshot of WhatsApp API in Meta console
  4. In the test message sent above, you have used temporary Access Token credentials which expires in 23 hours. In order to get permanent Access Token, generate a ‘System User Access Token’ by following the steps mention here – https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/business-management-api/get-started/

Screenshot of WhatsApp test message sent from Meta Console.


Step 1: Create an Amazon Pinpoint project.

In this section, you create and configure a project in Amazon Pinpoint. Later, you use this data to create segments and campaigns.

To set up the Amazon Pinpoint project

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Pinpoint console at http://console.aws.amazon.com/pinpoint/.
  2. On the All projects page, choose Create a project. Enter a name for the project, and then choose Create.
  3. On the Configure features page, under SMS and Voice, choose Configure.
  4. Under General settings, select Enable the SMS channel for this project, and then choose Save changes.
  5. In the navigation pane, under Settings, choose General settings. In the Project details section, copy the value under Project ID. You need this value for later.

Step 2: Create an endpoint.

In Amazon Pinpoint, an endpoint represents a specific method of contacting a customer. This could be their email address (for email messages) or their phone number (for SMS messages) or a custom endpoint type. Endpoints can also contain custom attributes, and you can associate multiple endpoints with a single user. In this step, we create an SMS endpoint that is used to send a WhatsApp message.

To create an endpoint using AWS CLI, at the command line, enter the following command:

aws pinpoint update-endpoint –application-id <project-id> \
–endpoint-id 12456 –endpoint-request “Address='<mobile-number>’, \

In the preceding example, replace <project-id> with the Amazon Pinpoint Project ID that you copied in step 1.

Replace <mobile-number> with your phone number with country code (for example, 12065550142). For the WhatsApp integration to work, you must use the mobile number that are registered on WhatsApp and are already verified on Meta Developer Portal (since your Meta account is currently in sandbox).

Note: WhatsApp Business Cloud message API doesn’t require ‘+’ symbol in the front of the Phone number. So in case you plan to use this segment for both SMS and Custom Channel, you may configure Phone Number in E.164 format (for example, +12065550142) and remove ‘+’ symbol in the Lambda function code that we create in the step 4.

Step 3: Storing WHATSAPP_AUTH_TOKEN, and WHATSAPP_FROM_NUMBER_ID in AWS Secrets Manager.

We can securely store the WhatsApp Auth Token and WhatsApp From Number Id which we have received in the previous steps in AWS Secrets Manager.

  1. Open the AWS Secrets Manager console at https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/listsecrets?region=us-east-1 (in the required AWS region), and then click on “Store a new Secret”.
  2. Under “Secret Type”, choose Other type of secret.
  3. Under Key/value Pair, add the following Key-Value pairs:
    1. WHATSAPP_AUTH_TOKEN: <Pass the Auth Token generated previously>
    2. WHATSAPP_FROM_NUMBER_ID : <Pass the From Number Id>.
      AWS Secret Manager Console screenshot storing WHATSAPP_AUTH_TOKEN and WHATSAPP_FROM_NUMBER_ID secrets.
  4. Click Next
  5. Provide the Secret name “MetaWhatsappCreds” and provide a suitable description.
  6. Click Next twice and finally click “Store” button.

Step 4: Create an AWS Lambda.

You must create an AWS Lambda that has the code that calls Meta WhatsApp Business Cloud API and sends a message to the endpoint.

  1. Open the AWS Lambda console at http://console.aws.amazon.com/AWSLambda, and then click on Create Function.
  2. Choose Author from scratch.
  3. For Function Name, enter ‘WhatsAppTest’.
  4. For Runtime, select Python 3.9.
  5. Click Create Function.
  6. For the function code, copy the following and paste into the code editor in your AWS Lambda function:
import base64
import json
import os
import urllib
from urllib import request, parse
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

WhatsApp_messageAPI_URL = "https://graph.facebook.com/v15.0/" 

def get_secret():

    secret_name = "MetaWhatsappCreds"
    region_name = "us-east-1"
    # Pass the required AWS Region in which Secret is stored

    # Create a Secrets Manager client
    session = boto3.session.Session()
    client = session.client(

        get_secret_value_response = client.get_secret_value(
    except ClientError as e:
        # For a list of exceptions thrown, see
        # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/apireference/API_GetSecretValue.html
        raise e

    # Decrypts secret using the associated KMS key.
    secret = get_secret_value_response['SecretString']
    return secret
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    credentials = get_secret()
    WhatsApp_AUTH_TOKEN = json.loads(credentials)["WHATSAPP_AUTH_TOKEN"]
    WhatsApp_FROM_NUMBER_ID = json.loads(credentials)["WHATSAPP_FROM_NUMBER_ID"]
    if not WhatsApp_AUTH_TOKEN:
        return "Unable to access WhatsApp Auth Token."
    elif not WhatsApp_FROM_NUMBER_ID:
        return "Unable to access WhatsApp From Number Id."
    # Lets print out the event for our logs 
    print("Received event: {}".format(event))

    populated_url = WhatsApp_messageAPI_URL + WhatsApp_FROM_NUMBER_ID + "/messages"

    for key in event['Endpoints'].keys(): 
        to_number = event['Endpoints'][key]['Address']
        # Example body and using an attribute from the endpoint
        username = event['Endpoints'][key]['Attributes']['username'][0]
        body = "Hello {}, here is your weekly 10% discount coupon: SAVE10".format(username)
        post_params = {"messaging_product":"whatsapp","to": to_number ,"recipient_type": "individual","type": "text", "text":{"preview_url": "false","body": body}}
        # encode the parameters for Python's urllib 
        data = parse.urlencode(post_params).encode('ascii') 
        req = request.Request(populated_url)
        req.add_header("Authorization", WhatsApp_AUTH_TOKEN ) 
            # perform HTTP POST request
            with request.urlopen(req, data) as f:
                print("WhatsApp returned {}".format(str(f.read().decode('utf-8')))) 
        except Exception as e:
            # something went wrong!

    return "WhatsApp messages sent successfully"
  1. Add permissions to your AWS Lambda to allow Amazon Pinpoint to invoke it using AWS CLI:

aws lambda add-permission \
–function-name WhatsAppTest \
–statement-id sid \
–action lambda:InvokeFunction \
–principal pinpoint.us-east-1.amazonaws.com \
–source-arn arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-east-1:<account-id>:apps/<Pinpoint ProjectID>/*

Step 5: Create a segment and campaign in Amazon Pinpoint.

Now that we have an endpoint, we must add it to a segment so that we can use it within a campaign. By sending a campaign, we can verify that our Amazon Pinpoint project is configured correctly, and that we created the endpoint correctly.

To create the segment and campaign:

    1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at http://console.aws.amazon.com/pinpoint, and then choose the project that you created in step 1.
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Segments, and then choose Create a segment.
    3. Name the segment “WhatsAppTest.” Under Segment group 1, include all audiences in the Base Segment and add the following Criteria:
    4. For Choose an endpoint attribute, choose integrations, then for values, choose WhatsApp.Amazon Pinpoint Create Segment Console Screenshot showing the various configurations of Pinpoint Segment.
    5. Confirm that the Segment estimate section shows that there is one eligible endpoint, and then choose Create segment.
    6. In the navigation pane, choose Campaigns, and then choose Create a campaign.
    7. Name the campaign “WhatsAppTest.” Under Choose a channel for this campaign, choose Custom, and then choose Next.
    8. On the Choose a segment page, choose the “WhatsAppTest” segment that you just created, and then choose Next.
    9. In Create your message, choose the AWS Lambda function we just created, ‘WhatsAppTest.’ Select SMS in the Endpoint Options. On the Choose when to send the campaign page, keep all of the default values, and then choose Next. On the Review and launch page, choose Launch campaign.

Screenshot of Pinpoint console showing creation of message for Custom Channel.

Within a few seconds, you should receive a WhatsApp message at the phone number that you specified when you created the endpoint and verified on the Meta Developer portal.

Your Custom channel solution for WhatsApp is now ready to use. But first, review and upgrade your WhatsApp sandbox. This post is simply a walkthrough to show you how quickly you can prototype and start sending WhatsApp messages with Pinpoint and Meta. However, for production usage, you need to make sure to review all of the additional terms and charges. Start here to understand more: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/get-started

As a next steps, you can go ahead and claim a Phone number for sending WhatsApp messages in production. You can further configure a Webhook which can help you in receiving WhatsApp message delivery status and other WhatsApp supported events.

There are several ways you can make this solution your own.

  • Customize your messaging: This post used an example message to be sent to your endpoints within the AWS Lambda. You can customize that message to fit your needs. See the various ways in which you can send WhatsApp messages here.
  • Expand endpoints in your application: This post only used one endpoint for the integration. You can use your WhatsApp integration with new endpoints by importing a segment that can be used with a new campaign. Learn how to import a segment here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pinpoint/latest/userguide/segments-importing.html
  • Use new integrations: This post focused on integrating your custom channel with WhatsApp but there are many other integrations that are possible when using AWS Lambda.

Amazon Pinpoint is a flexible and scalable outbound and inbound marketing communications service. Learn more here: https://aws.amazon.com/pinpoint/

How to build LINE messaging into business communications

Post Syndicated from nnatri original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/how-to-build-line-messaging-into-business-communications/

In today’s interconnected world, businesses need to communicate with their customers through multiple channels. This means using a variety of messaging apps, social media platforms, and other communication tools to reach customers where they are. One such platform that has gained immense popularity in select Asian markets is LINE. As the biggest social network in Japan, LINE offers businesses a unique opportunity to connect with customers in this region. Within Japan alone, LINE’s 2021 data shows 86 million users, constituting approximately 85% of Japan’s adult population. However, managing communication through multiple channels can be challenging for businesses.

That’s where Amazon Pinpoint comes in. Amazon Pinpoint is a flexible communication service for businesses that simplifies the process of sending targeted messages to customers across multiple channels. In this blog post, we’ll focus on how to integrate LINE with Amazon Pinpoint. This post is part of a series on integrating different communication channels with Amazon Pinpoint, and it is intended for both marketing operations and communication developers.

If you are already using LINE, this blog post will help you centralize management within Amazon Pinpoint. Additionally, if you are looking to integrate another messaging service with an open API, the steps outlined here will provide a helpful guide. Finally, if you’re a business looking to tap into Asian markets, this blog post is essential reading. By integrating LINE with Amazon Pinpoint, you’ll be able to reach your customers on the platform they are already using, providing seamless end-to-end customer engagements that will greatly enhances customer experience.

Line is a third-party service that is subject to additional terms and charges. Amazon Web Services isn’t responsible for any third-party service that you use to send messages with custom channels.

Why Integrate LINE with Amazon Pinpoint?

Integrating LINE with Amazon Pinpoint has several benefits for businesses:

  • Centralized communication management: With LINE integrated into Amazon Pinpoint, businesses can centralize the management of outbound communication channels and simplify their communication workflows.
  • Increased flexibility for marketing campaigns: With LINE added as a custom channel in Amazon Pinpoint, businesses can create targeted messaging campaigns and reach customers through multiple channels, including LINE. Along with Pinpoint journeys, businesses can craft end-to-end customer engagement journeys that start from one channel and end in another.
  • Access to LINE’s popular messaging platform: With LINE integrated into Amazon Pinpoint, businesses can tap into the app’s massive user base in select Asian markets and engage with their customers through a popular and widely used messaging platform. Having access to LINE’s demographics of approximately 50% office workers with high penetration into 20s-30s age band, brands can tap into this high-spending power segment to drive revenue for their products.


This solution uses Amazon Pinpoint,AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), AWS Secrets Manager and LINE Messaging API

Line Pinpoint Solution Architecture

The solution architecture can be broken up into two main sections:

  • Steps 1-4 cover handling inbound user events and managing user data within Amazon Pinpoint.
  • Steps 5-8 cover how to send outbound campaigns via Amazon Pinpoint Custom Channel.
  1. The customer subscribes to the business’ LINE channel.
  2. The subscribe/unsubscribe event is received and checked via Amazon API Gateway.
  3. The edge-optimized Amazon API Gateway passes valid requests via a proxy integration to the backend Lambda.
  4. The backend Lambda compares the request body with the x-line-signature request header to confirm that the request was sent from the LINE Platform, as recommended by LINE API document. Afterwards, the Lambda function processes the user events:
    1. If the user subscribes to the channel, a new endpoint will be added to Amazon Pinpoint’s user database.
    2. If the user unsubscribes from the channel, the corresponding endpoint (identified by the LINE User ID) is deleted from Amazon Pinpoint’s user database.
  5. Amazon Pinpoint initiates a call to a Lambda function via Custom Channel with a payload. Of particular importance would be the Data field contained within the payload, which can be specified within the Amazon Pinpoint console to modify the content of the message.
  6. If the message contains image/audio/video files, the Lambda will request the file from the corresponding Amazon S3 buckets to be included for step 7. Amazon S3 then sends back the presigned URL containing the requested file(s).
  7. The Lambda function puts the message in the correct format expected by the LINE Messaging API and sends it over to the LINE Platform.
  8. The LINE Messaging API receives the request and processes the message content. If necessary, it will retrieve and download the file from Amazon S3 using the presigned URLs generated in step 6 then finally send the message to the corresponding user on the LINE Mobile App.

Step-by-Step Deployment Guide


To deploy this solution, you must have the following:

  1. An AWS account, with the appropriate AWS CLI profile.
    • Named Profile: Run aws configure with the --profile option. The following steps assumed you have created a profile called line-integration to use with AWS CDK.
  2. Minimum Python v3.7, with pip and venv
  3. AWS CDK v2 installed.
  4. Docker Engine installed. You can download and install the appropriate Docker Desktop Distribution for your system via this link
  5. A LINE Account.
    • If you have never worked with LINE Messaging API before, you should login to to LINE Developers Console using one of the following accounts.
      • LINE account
      • Business account
    • Afterwards, you should create a new provider. Create Line provider
    • Within the provider page, you can then choose to create a new channel. For our Integration purposes, we will be choosing Messaging API channel type.
      Create Line channel


The source code can be found in this GitHub Repository.

  1. Fork the GitHub Repo into your account. This way you can experiment with changes as necessary to fit your workload.
  2. In your local compute environment, clone the GitHub Repository and cd into the project directory.
  3. Run the following commands to create a virtual environment, activate it and install required dependencies.
python3 -m venv env \
&& source env/bin/activate \
&& python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Deploy the CDK

  1. We can set the AWS CLI profile in CDK commands by adding the --profile flag. Run the following commands to bootstrap your AWS environment, synthesize the CDK template and deploy to your environment.
cdk bootstrap --profile LINE-integration \
&& cdk synth --profile LINE-integration  \
&& cdk deploy --profile LINE-integration 

Enter y when prompted with Do you wish to deploy these changes (y/n)?

  1. After the deployment is done, the CDK template will output the API Gateway endpoint URL which takes the form of https://[********].execute-api.[region].amazonaws.com/prod/. Copy down this information as you will need it to set up the webhook connection later on.

Getting LINE Official Account Credentials

  1. Log in to LINE developer console.
    Login to Line account
  2. Once inside, choose the channel you’d like to have integrated with Amazon Pinpoint. This assumes that you’ve created a provider and a channel as mentioned in the Prerequisite section.
    Inside Line account console
  3. In the Basic settings tab, scroll down and note down the Channel Secret.
  4. In the Messaging API tab, scroll down and click on Edit under Webhook URL and enter the API Gateway endpoint URL you have noted down in step 5. Click on Update to save the changes.
    Line Webhook settings
    NOTE Once you have finished entering your Channel Secret token in step 14, you can return to this page to Verify your webhook URL is set up correctly).
  5. Finally, issue a Channel Access Token (at the bottom of the Messaging API tab) and note it down.
    Line channel access token settings

Registering Secrets in AWS Secrets Manager

  1. Navigate to the AWS Secrets Manager console. Make sure you’re in the same region as your CDK deployment region.
  2. Click on Secrets in the left side pane. You should find a secret with the name LINE_secrets
  3. Click on Retrieve Secret Value.
    Set Line secrets in Secrets Manager
  4. Then click on Edit:
    • Replace YOUR_CHANNEL_SECRET secret value with the channel secret you issued in step 10.
    • Replace YOUR_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN secret value with the access token you issued in step 10

Marketing Operations Demonstration

Once you’ve successfully deployed the CDK and configured your secrets, you can immediately get started sending communications campaign to your customers.

LINE supports multimedia messaging formats, meaning that you can choose to send texts, images, audio and even video files to your customers as part of your campaigns. You just need to make sure that your customers have subscribed to your channel.

Create a segment of subscribed users

The deployed solution has integrated user database management with Amazon Pinpoint so once users start subscribing to your LINE channel, they will be added as endpoints. To start filtering out who we should send to, you can create segments of your subscribers.

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Pinpoint console.
  2. On the All projects page, a project named Line-Pinpoint-Project has been created for you.
  3. On the left-side pane, choose Segments and then Create a segment.Create Segment
  4. Give your segment a descriptive name and add the appropriate criteria to filter down to your target audience (E.g.: filter down to customers who have Custom channel type).Set segment attributes
  5. Confirm the number of endpoints that you will be sending in the Segment estimate section matches your expectations and then choose Create segment.

Upload media files for campaign

If you’d like to use your own image, audio and video files for the campaign, follow along with this section. Otherwise, proceed to the Create Campaigns section (step 9).

Depending on the media type, there are restrictions imposed such as maximum file size and file format extensions. You can find more information here.

  1. Navigate to the Amazon S3 console.
  2. Here you will find a list of buckets which corresponds to the type of media files you want to upload:
    • part-1-stack-images3bucket...: contains image files.
    • part-1-stack-audios3bucket...: contains audio files.
    • part-1-stack-videos3bucket...: contains both video and image cover files.
  3. Upload the corresponding files that you want to use for your campaign by choosing Upload.
    Asset bucket image

Create campaigns

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Campaigns, and then choose Create a campaign.
  2. Give your campaign a descriptive name. Under Campaign Type choose Standard campaign and under Channel, choose Custom. Click Next to confirm.
    Campaign Creation
  3. On the Choose a segment page, choose the segment that you created in step 5, and then choose Next.
  4. In Create your message, depending on the type of message that you want to send, choose the corresponding Lambda function. Your function should be named part-1-stack-send[text/image/audio/video]lambda...
    Choose Lambda function
  5. In the custom data section, you can choose to leave it blank, which will trigger the campaign to send the sample message.
  6. Otherwise, depending on the type of message, you can customize your campaigns to send the content that you want by inputting the following values into Custom Data.
    • Text Campaign: Enter the Text Message that you want to send.
    • Image Campaign: Enter the name of the image file you’ve uploaded in step 8 including the extension name (E.g.: sample_image.png)
    • Audio Campaign: Enter the name of the audio file you’ve uploaded in step 8 including the extension name and the duration of the audio file in milliseconds separated by a comma (E.g.: sample_audio.mp3,5000)
    • Video Campaign: Enter the name of the video file you’ve uploaded in step 8 including the extension name and the name of the image file you’ve uploaded in step 8 including the extension name, separated by a comma (E.g.: sample_video.mp4,sample_image.png)
  7. Choose Next and configure when to send the campaign depending on your needs. Once done, choose Next again.
  8. On the Review and launch page, verify all your information is correct and then click on Launch campaign.

That’s it! Your message will be sent through LINE to the designated recipients.


To delete the sample application that you created, use the AWS CDK.

cdk destroy

You’ll be asked:

Are you sure you want to delete: part-1-stack (y/n)?

Hit “y” and you’ll see your stack being destroyed.

What’s Next?

In conclusion, integrating LINE with Amazon Pinpoint provides businesses with a powerful tool to centralize their communication management, create more flexible marketing campaigns, and tap into LINE’s massive user base. With the step-by-step guide and demo provided in this blog post, you can easily get started with integrating LINE with Pinpoint and start leveraging its benefits for your business.

The solution presented in this blog post serves as a template that you can develop and customize to make it your own:

  1. Adding additional message types: The LINE messaging platform is famous for its rich messaging types and format. The deployed solution only utilized a fraction of what is available. You can add additional Lambda functions to send Stickers, Locations, Image Maps, Buttons or Carousel and more.
  2. Orchestrate LINE with other channels: Using Amazon Pinpoint Journeys, you can now meet the customer where they are most likely to see and respond to your message. Create a journey that starts with an SMS, send targeted communications based on yes/no or multivariate splits via emails and seal the deal with LINE. With Pinpoint and journey custom channel input and response support, you can craft the perfect omni-channel journey for your customers.
  3. Watch this space: Do stay tuned for the next blog post in this series, where we’ll show you how to manage inbound communications through LINE using Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex bots.