All posts by Marek Majkowski

Virtual networking 101: Bridging the gap to understanding TAP

Post Syndicated from Marek Majkowski original

Virtual networking 101: Bridging the gap to understanding TAP

Virtual networking 101: Bridging the gap to understanding TAP

It's a never-ending effort to improve the performance of our infrastructure. As part of that quest, we wanted to squeeze as much network oomph as possible from our virtual machines. Internally for some projects we use Firecracker, which is a KVM-based virtual machine manager (VMM) that runs light-weight “Micro-VM”s. Each Firecracker instance uses a tap device to communicate with a host system. Not knowing much about tap, I had to up my game, however, it wasn't easy — the documentation is messy and spread across the Internet.

Here are the notes that I wish someone had passed me when I started out on this journey!

A tap device is a virtual network interface that looks like an ethernet network card. Instead of having real wires plugged into it, it exposes a nice handy file descriptor to an application willing to send/receive packets. Historically tap devices were mostly used to implement VPN clients. The machine would route traffic towards a tap interface, and a VPN client application would pick them up and process accordingly. For example this is what our Cloudflare WARP Linux client does. Here's how it looks on my laptop:

$ ip link list
18: CloudflareWARP: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1280 qdisc mq state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 500

$ ip tuntap list
CloudflareWARP: tun multi_queue

More recently tap devices started to be used by virtual machines to enable networking. The VMM (like Qemu, Firecracker, or gVisor) would open the application side of a tap and pass all the packets to the guest VM. The tap network interface would be left for the host kernel to deal with. Typically, a host would behave like a router and firewall, forward or NAT all the packets. This design is somewhat surprising – it's almost reversing the original use case for tap. In the VPN days tap was a traffic destination. With a VM behind, tap looks like a traffic source.

A Linux tap device is a mean creature. It looks trivial — a virtual network interface, with a file descriptor behind it. However, it's surprisingly hard to get it to perform well. The Linux networking stack is optimized for packets handled by a physical network card, not a userspace application. However, over the years the Linux tap interface grew in features and nowadays, it's possible to get good performance out of it. Later I'll explain how to use the Linux tap API in a modern way.

Virtual networking 101: Bridging the gap to understanding TAP
Source: DALL-E

To tun or to tap?

The interface is called "the universal tun/tap" in the kernel. The "tun" variant, accessible via the IFF_TUN flag, looks like a point-to-point link. There are no L2 Ethernet headers. Since most modern networks are Ethernet, this is a bit less intuitive to set up for a novice user. Most importantly, projects like Firecracker and gVisor do expect L2 headers.

"Tap", with the IFF_TAP flag, is the one which has Ethernet headers, and has been getting all the attention lately. If you are like me and always forget which one is which, you can use this  AI-generated rhyme (check out WorkersAI/LLama) to help to remember:

Tap is like a switch,
Ethernet headers it'll hitch.
Tun is like a tunnel,
VPN connections it'll funnel.
Ethernet headers it won't hold,
Tap uses, tun does not, we're told.

Listing devices

Tun/tap devices are natively supported by iproute2 tooling. Typically, one creates a device with ip tuntap add and lists it with ip tuntap list:

$ sudo ip tuntap add mode tap user marek group marek name tap0
$ ip tuntap list
tap0: tap persist user 1000 group 1000

Alternatively, it's possible to look for the /sys/devices/virtual/net/<ifr_name>/tun_flags files.

Tap device setup

To open or create a new device, you first need to open /dev/net/tun which is called a "clone device":

    /* First, whatever you do, the device /dev/net/tun must be
     * opened read/write. That device is also called the clone
     * device, because it's used as a starting point for the
     * creation of any tun/tap virtual interface. */
    char *clone_dev_name = "/dev/net/tun";
    int tap_fd = open(clone_dev_name, O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
    if (tap_fd < 0) {
   	 error(-1, errno, "open(%s)", clone_dev_name);

With the clone device file descriptor we can now instantiate a specific tap device by name:

    struct ifreq ifr = {};
    strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, tap_name, IFNAMSIZ);
    ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI | IFF_VNET_HDR;
    int r = ioctl(tap_fd, TUNSETIFF, &ifr);
    if (r != 0) {
   	 error(-1, errno, "ioctl(TUNSETIFF)");

If ifr_name is empty or with a name that doesn't exist, a new tap device is created. Otherwise, an existing device is opened. When opening existing devices, flags like IFF_MULTI_QUEUE must match with the way the device was created, or EINVAL is returned. It's a good idea to try to reopen the device with flipped multi queue setting on EINVAL error.

The ifr_flags can have the following bits set:


Already discussed.


Holding an open tap device file descriptor sets the Ethernet interface CARRIER flag up. In some cases it might be desired to delay that until a TUNSETCARRIER call.


Historically each packet on tap had a "struct tun_pi" 4 byte prefix. There are now better alternatives and this option disables this prefix.


Ensures a new device is created. Returns EBUSY if the device exists


Prepend "struct virtio_net_hdr" before the RX and TX packets, should be followed by setsockopt(TUNSETVNETHDRSZ).


Use multi queue tap, see below.


See below.

You almost always want IFF_TAP, IFF_NO_PI, IFF_VNET_HDR flags and perhaps sometimes IFF_MULTI_QUEUE.

The curious IFF_NAPI

Judging by the original patchset introducing IFF_NAPI and IFF_NAPI_FRAGS, these flags were introduced to increase code coverage of syzkaller. However, later work indicates there were performance benefits when doing XDP on tap. IFF_NAPI enables a dedicated NAPI instance for packets written from an application into a tap. Besides allowing XDP, it also allows packets to be batched and GRO-ed. Otherwise, a backlog NAPI is used.

A note on buffer sizes

Internally, a tap device is just a pair of packet queues. It's exposed as a network interface towards the host, and a file descriptor, a character device, towards the application. The queue in the direction of application (tap TX queue) is of size txqueuelen packets, controlled by an interface parameter:

$ ip link set dev tap0 txqueuelen 1000
$ ip -s link show dev tap0
26: tap0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 ... qlen 1000
	RX:  bytes packets errors dropped  missed   mcast      	 
         	0   	0  	0   	0   	0   	0
	TX:  bytes packets errors dropped carrier collsns      	 
       	266   	3  	0  	66   	0   	0

In "ip link" statistics the column "TX dropped" indicates the tap application was too slow and the queue space exhausted.

In the other direction – interface RX queue –  from application towards the host, the queue size limit is measured in bytes and controlled by the TUNSETSNDBUF ioctl. The qemu comment discusses this setting, however it's not easy to cause this queue to overflow. See this discussion for details.

vnethdr size

After the device is opened, a typical scenario is to set up VNET_HDR size and offloads. Typically the VNETHDRSZ should be set to 12:

    len = 12;
    r = ioctl(tap_fd, TUNSETVNETHDRSZ, &(int){len});
    if (r != 0) {
   	 error(-1, errno, "ioctl(TUNSETVNETHDRSZ)");

Sensible values are {10, 12, 20}, which are derived from virtio spec. 12 bytes makes room for the following header (little endian):

struct virtio_net_hdr_v1 {
#define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_NEEDS_CSUM  1    /* Use csum_start, csum_offset */
#define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_DATA_VALID  2    /* Csum is valid */
    u8 flags;
#define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_NONE      0    /* Not a GSO frame */
#define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV4     1    /* GSO frame, IPv4 TCP (TSO) */
#define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_UDP       3    /* GSO frame, IPv4 UDP (UFO) */
#define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV6     4    /* GSO frame, IPv6 TCP */
#define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_UDP_L4    5    /* GSO frame, IPv4& IPv6 UDP (USO) */
#define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_ECN       0x80 /* TCP has ECN set */
    u8 gso_type;
    u16 hdr_len;     /* Ethernet + IP + tcp/udp hdrs */
    u16 gso_size;    /* Bytes to append to hdr_len per frame */
    u16 csum_start;
    u16 csum_offset;
    u16 num_buffers;


To enable offloads use the ioctl:

    unsigned off_flags = TUN_F_CSUM | TUN_F_TSO4 | TUN_F_TSO6;
    int r = ioctl(tap_fd, TUNSETOFFLOAD, off_flags);
    if (r != 0) {
   	 error(-1, errno, "ioctl(TUNSETOFFLOAD)");

Here are the allowed bit values. They confirm that the userspace application can receive:


L4 packet checksum offload


TCP Segmentation Offload – TSO for IPv4 packets


TSO for IPv6 packets


TSO with ECN bits


UDP Fragmentation offload – UFO packets. Deprecated


UDP Segmentation offload – USO for IPv4 packets


USO for IPv6 packets

Generally, offloads are extra packet features the tap application can deal with. Details of the offloads used by the sender are set on each packet in the vnethdr prefix.

Checksum offload TUN_F_CSUM

Virtual networking 101: Bridging the gap to understanding TAP
Structure of a typical UDP packet received over tap.

Let's start with the checksumming offload. The TUN_F_CSUM offload saves the kernel some work by pushing the checksum processing down the path. Applications which set that flag are indicating they can handle checksum validation. For example with this offload, for UDP IPv4 packet will have:

  • vnethdr flags will have VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_NEEDS_CSUM set
  • hdr_len would be 42 (14+20+8)
  • csum_start 34 (14+20)
  • and csum_offset 6 (UDP header checksum is 6 bytes into L4)

This is illustrated above.

Supporting checksum offload is needed for further offloads.

TUN_F_CSUM is a must

Consider this code:

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
s.setsockopt(SOL_UDP, UDP_SEGMENT, 1400)
s.sendto(b"x", ("", 5201))     # Would you expect EIO ?

This simple code produces a packet. When directed at a tap device, this code will surprisingly yield an EIO "Input/output error". This weird behavior happens if the tap is opened without TUN_F_CSUM and the application is sending GSO / UDP_SEGMENT frames. Tough luck. It might be considered a kernel bug, and we're thinking about fixing that. However, in the meantime everyone using tap should just set the TUN_F_CSUM bit.

Segmentation offloads

We wrote about UDP_SEGMENT in the past. In short: on Linux an application can handle many packets with a single send/recv, as long as they have identical length.

Virtual networking 101: Bridging the gap to understanding TAP
With UDP_SEGMENT a single send() can transfer multiple packets.

Tap devices support offloading which exposes that very functionality. With TUN_F_TSO4 and TUN_F_TSO6 flags the tap application signals it can deal with long packet trains. Note, that with these features the application must be ready to receive much larger buffers – up to 65507 bytes for IPv4 and 65527 for IPv6.

TSO4/TSO6 flags are enabling long packet trains for TCP and have been supported for a long time. More recently TUN_F_USO4 and TUN_F_USO6 bits were introduced for UDP. When any of these offloads are used, the gso_type contains the relevant offload type and gso_size holds a segment size within the GRO packet train.

TUN_F_UFO is a UDP fragmentation offload which is deprecated.

By setting TUNSETOFFLOAD, the application is telling the kernel which offloads it's able to handle on the read() side of a tap device. If the ioctl(TUNSETOFFLOAD) succeeds, the application can assume the kernel supports the same offloads for packets in the other direction.

Bug in rx-udp-gro-forwarding – TUN_F_USO4

When working with tap and offloads it's useful to inspect ethtool:

$ ethtool -k tap0 | egrep -v fixed
tx-checksumming: on
    tx-checksum-ip-generic: on
scatter-gather: on
    tx-scatter-gather: on
    tx-scatter-gather-fraglist: on
tcp-segmentation-offload: on
    tx-tcp-segmentation: on
generic-segmentation-offload: on
generic-receive-offload: on
tx-udp-segmentation: on
rx-gro-list: off
rx-udp-gro-forwarding: off

With ethtool we can see the enabled offloads and disable them as needed.

While toying with UDP Segmentation Offload (USO) I've noticed that when packet trains from tap are forwarded to a real network interface, sometimes they seem badly packetized. See the netdev discussion, and the proposed fix. In any case – beware of this bug, and maybe consider doing "ethtool -K tap0 rx-udp-gro-forwarding off".

Miscellaneous setsockopts


Return vector of IFF_* constants that the kernel supports. Typically used to detect the host support of: IFF_VNET_HDR, IFF_NAPI and IFF_MULTI_QUEUE.


Takes "struct ifreq", sets up a tap device, fills in the name if empty.


Returns a "struct ifreq" containing the device's current name and flags.


Sets TUN_PERSIST flag, if you want the device to remain in the system after the tap_fd is closed.


Set uid and gid that can own the device.


Set the Ethernet link type for the device. The device must be down. See ARPHRD_* constants. For tap it defaults to ARPHRD_ETHER.


As documented above.


Get/set send buffer. The default is INT_MAX.


Already discussed.


Set interface index (ifindex), useful in checkpoint-restore.


Set the carrier state of an interface, as discussed earlier, useful with IFF_NO_CARRIER.


Return an fd of a net namespace that the interface belongs to.


Takes "struct tun_filter" which limits the dst mac addresses that can be delivered to the application.


Attach/detach/get classic BPF filter for packets going to application. Takes "struct sock_fprog".


Set an eBPF filter on a tap device. This is independent of the classic BPF above.


Used to set IFF_DETACH_QUEUE and IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE for multiqueue.


Set an eBPF program for selecting a specific tap queue, in the direction towards the application. This is useful if you want to ensure some traffic is sticky to a specific application thread. The eBPF program takes "struct __sk_buff" and returns an int. The result queue number is computed from the return value u16 modulo number of queues is the selection.

Single queue speed

Tap devices are quite weird — they aren't network sockets, nor true files. Their semantics are closest to pipes, and unfortunately the API reflects that. To receive or send a packet from a tap device, the application must do a read() or write() syscall, one packet at a time.

One might think that some sort of syscall batching would help. Sockets have sendmmsg()/recvmmsg(), but that doesn't work on tap file descriptors. The typical alternatives enabling batching are: an old io_submit AIO interface, or modern io_uring. Io_uring added tap support quite recently. However, it turns out syscall batching doesn't really offer that much of an improvement. Maybe in the range of 10%.

The Linux kernel is just not capable of forwarding millions of packets per second for a single flow or on a single CPU. The best possible solution is to scale vertically for elephant flows with TSO/USO (packet trains) offloads, and scale horizontally for multiple concurrent flows with multi queue.

Virtual networking 101: Bridging the gap to understanding TAP

In this chart you can see how dramatic the performance gain of offloads is. Without them, a sample "echo" tap application can process between 320 and 500 thousand packets per second on a single core. MTU being 1500. When the offloads are enabled it jumps to 2.7Mpps, while keeping the number of received "packet trains" to just 56 thousand per second. Of course not every traffic pattern can fully utilize GRO/GSO. However, to get decent performance from tap, and from Linux in general, offloads are absolutely critical.

Multi queue considerations

Multi queue is useful when the tap application is handling multiple concurrent flows and needs to utilize more than one CPU.

To get a file descriptor of a tap queue, just add the IFF_MULTI_QUEUE flag when opening the tap. It's possible to detach/reattach a queue with TUNSETQUEUE and IFF_DETACH_QUEUE/IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE, but I'm unsure when this is useful.

When a multi queue tap is created, it spreads the load across multiple tap queues, each one having a unique file descriptor. Beware of the algorithm selecting the queue though: it might bite you back.

By default, Linux tap driver records a symmetric flow hash of any handled flow in a flow table. It saves on which queue the traffic from the application was transmitted. Then, on the receiving side it follows that selection and sends subsequent packets to that specific queue. For example, if your userspace application is sending some TCP flow over queue #2, then the packets going into the application which are a part of that flow will go to queue #2. This is generally a sensible design as long as the sender is always selecting one specific queue. If the sender changes the TX queue, new packets will immediately shift and packets within one flow might be seen as reordered. Additionally, this queue selection design does not take into account CPU locality and might have minor negative effects on performance for very high throughput applications.

It's possible to override the flow hash based queue selection by using tc multiq qdisc and skbedit queue_mapping filter:

tc qdisc add dev tap0 root handle 1: multiq
tc filter add dev tap0 parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 u32 \
        match ip dst \
        action skbedit queue_mapping 0

tc is fragile and thus it's not a solution I would recommend. A better way is to customize the queue selection algorithm with a TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF eBPF program. In that case, the flow tracking code is not employed anymore. By smartly using such a steering eBPF program, it's possible to keep the flow processing local to one CPU — useful for best performance.


Now you know everything I wish I had known when I was setting out on this journey!

To get the best performance, I recommend:

  • enable vnethdr
  • enable offloads (TSO and USO)
  • consider spreading the load across multiple queues and CPUs with multi queue
  • consider syscall batching for additional gain of maybe 10%, perhaps try io_uring
  • consider customizing the steering algorithm


The day my ping took countermeasures

Post Syndicated from Marek Majkowski original

The day my ping took countermeasures
The day my ping took countermeasures

The day my ping took countermeasures

Once my holidays had passed, I found myself reluctantly reemerging into the world of the living. I powered on a corporate laptop, scared to check on my email inbox. However, before turning on the browser, obviously, I had to run a ping. Debugging the network is a mandatory first step after a boot, right? As expected, the network was perfectly healthy but what caught me off guard was this message:

The day my ping took countermeasures

I was not expecting ping to take countermeasures that early on in a day. Gosh, I wasn't expecting any countermeasures that Monday!

Once I got over the initial confusion, I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out what has happened. I'm really fast – I started ping before the system NTP daemon synchronized the time. In my case, the computer clock was rolled backward, confusing ping.

While this doesn't happen too often, a computer clock can be freely adjusted either forward or backward. However, it's pretty rare for a regular network utility, like ping, to try to manage a situation like this. It's even less common to call it "taking countermeasures". I would totally expect ping to just print a nonsensical time value and move on without hesitation.

Ping developers clearly put some thought into that. I wondered how far they went. Did they handle clock changes in both directions? Are the bad measurements excluded from the final statistics? How do they test the software?

I can't just walk past ping "taking countermeasures" on me. Now I have to understand what ping did and why.

Understanding ping

An investigation like this starts with a quick glance at the source code:

 *			P I N G . C
 * Using the InterNet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) "ECHO" facility,
 * measure round-trip-delays and packet loss across network paths.
 * Author -
 *	Mike Muuss
 *	U. S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
 *	December, 1983

Ping goes back a long way. It was originally written by Mike Muuss while at the U. S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory, in 1983, before I was born. The code we're looking for is under iputils/ping/ping_common.c gather_statistics() function:

The day my ping took countermeasures

The code is straightforward: the message in question is printed when the measured RTT is negative. In this case ping resets the latency measurement to zero. Here you are: "taking countermeasures" is nothing more than just marking an erroneous measurement as if it was 0ms.

But what precisely does ping measure? Is it the wall clock? The man page comes to the rescue. Ping has two modes.

The "old", -U mode, in which it uses the wall clock. This mode is less accurate (has more jitter). It calls gettimeofday before sending and after receiving the packet.

The "new", default, mode in which it uses "network time". It calls gettimeofday before sending, and gets the receive timestamp from a more accurate SO_TIMESTAMP CMSG. More on this later.

Tracing gettimeofday is hard

Let's start with a good old strace:

$ strace -e trace=gettimeofday,time,clock_gettime -f ping -n -c1 1.1 >/dev/null
... nil ...

It doesn't show any calls to gettimeofday. What is going on?

On modern Linux some syscalls are not true syscalls. Instead of jumping to the kernel space, which is slow, they remain in userspace and go to a special code page provided by the host kernel. This code page is called vdso. It's visible as a .so library to the program:

$ ldd `which ping` | grep vds (0x00007ffff47f9000)

Calls to the vdso region are not syscalls, they remain in userspace and are super fast, but classic strace can't see them. For debugging it would be nice to turn off vdso and fall back to classic slow syscalls. It's easier said than done.

There is no way to prevent loading of the vdso. However there are two ways to convince a loaded program not to use it.

The first technique is about fooling glibc into thinking the vdso is not loaded. This case must be handled for compatibility with ancient Linux. When bootstrapping in a freshly run process, glibc inspects the Auxiliary Vector provided by ELF loader. One of the parameters has the location of the vdso pointer, the man page gives this example:

void *vdso = (uintptr_t) getauxval(AT_SYSINFO_EHDR);

A technique proposed on Stack Overflow works like that: let's hook on a program before execve() exits and overwrite the Auxiliary Vector AT_SYSINFO_EHDR parameter. Here's the novdso.c code. However, the linked code doesn't quite work for me (one too many kill(SIGSTOP)), and has one bigger, fundamental flaw. To hook on execve() it uses ptrace() therefore doesn't work under our strace!

$ strace -f ./novdso ping 1.1 -c1 -n
[pid 69316] ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME)  	= -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)

While this technique of rewriting AT_SYSINFO_EHDR is pretty cool, it won't work for us. (I wonder if there is another way of doing that, but without ptrace. Maybe with some BPF? But that is another story.)

A second technique is to use LD_PRELOAD and preload a trivial library overloading the functions in question, and forcing them to go to slow real syscalls. This works fine:

$ cat vdso_override.c
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int gettimeofday(struct timeval *restrict tv, void *restrict tz) {
	return syscall(__NR_gettimeofday, (long)tv, (long)tz, 0, 0, 0, 0);

time_t time(time_t *tloc) {
	return syscall(__NR_time, (long)tloc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

int clock_gettime(clockid_t clockid, struct timespec *tp) {
    return syscall(__NR_clock_gettime, (long)clockid, (long)tp, 0, 0, 0, 0);

To load it:

$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -fpic -shared -o vdso_override.c

       strace -e trace=gettimeofday,clock_gettime,time \

clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1688656245 ...}) = 0
Thu Jul  6 05:10:45 PM CEST 2023
+++ exited with 0 +++

Hurray! We can see the clock_gettime call in strace output. Surely we'll also see gettimeofday from our ping, right?

Not so fast, it still doesn't quite work:

     strace -c -e trace=gettimeofday,time,clock_gettime -f \
     ping -n -c1 1.1 >/dev/null
... nil ...

To suid or not to suid

I forgot that ping might need special permissions to read and write raw packets. Historically it had a suid bit set, which granted the program elevated user identity. However LD_PRELOAD doesn't work with suid. When a program is being loaded a dynamic linker checks if it has suid bit, and if so, it ignores LD_PRELOAD and LD_LIBRARY_PATH settings.

However, does ping need suid? Nowadays it's totally possible to send and receive ICMP Echo messages without any extra privileges, like this:

from socket import *
import struct

sd.connect(('1.1', 0))

sd.send(struct.pack("!BBHHH10s", 8, 0, 0, 0, 1234, b'payload'))
data = sd.recv(1024)
print('type=%d code=%d csum=0x%x id=%d seq=%d payload=%s' % struct.unpack_from("!BBHHH10s", data))

Now you know how to write "ping" in eight lines of Python. This Linux API is known as ping socket. It generally works on modern Linux, however it requires a correct sysctl, which is typically enabled:

$ sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range
net.ipv4.ping_group_range = 0    2147483647

The ping socket is not as mature as UDP or TCP sockets. The "ICMP ID" field is used to dispatch an ICMP Echo Response to an appropriate socket, but when using bind() this property is settable by the user without any checks. A malicious user can deliberately cause an "ICMP ID" conflict.

But we're not here to discuss Linux networking API's. We're here to discuss the ping utility and indeed, it's using the ping sockets:

$ strace -e trace=socket -f ping 1.1 -nUc 1

Ping sockets are rootless, and ping, at least on my laptop, is not a suid program:

$ ls -lah `which ping`
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 75K Feb  5  2022 /usr/bin/ping

So why doesn't the LD_PRELOAD? It turns out ping binary holds a CAP_NET_RAW capability. Similarly to suid, this is preventing the library preloading machinery from working:

$ getcap `which ping`
/usr/bin/ping cap_net_raw=ep

I think this capability is enabled only to handle the case of a misconfigured net.ipv4.ping_group_range sysctl. For me ping works perfectly fine without this capability.

Rootless is perfectly fine

Let's remove the CAP_NET_RAW and try out LD_PRELOAD hack again:

$ cp `which ping` .

$ LD_PRELOAD=./ strace -f ./ping -n -c1 1.1
setsockopt(3, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD, [1], 4) = 0
gettimeofday({tv_sec= ... ) = 0
sendto(3, ...)
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, {it_value={tv_sec=10}}, NULL) = 0
recvmsg(3, { ... cmsg_level=SOL_SOCKET, 
                 cmsg_data={tv_sec=...}}, )

We finally made it! Without -U, in the "network timestamp" mode, ping:

  • Sets SO_TIMESTAMP flag on a socket.
  • Calls gettimeofday before sending the packet.
  • When fetching a packet, gets the timestamp from the CMSG.

Fault injection – fooling ping

With strace up and running we can finally do something interesting. You see, strace has a little known fault injection feature, named "tampering" in the manual:

The day my ping took countermeasures

With a couple of command line parameters we can overwrite the result of the gettimeofday call. I want to set it forward to confuse ping into thinking the SO_TIMESTAMP time is in the past:

    strace -o /dev/null -e trace=gettimeofday \
            -e inject=gettimeofday:poke_exit=@arg1=ff:when=1 -f \
    ./ping -c 1 -n

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
./ping: Warning: time of day goes back (-59995290us), taking countermeasures
./ping: Warning: time of day goes back (-59995104us), taking countermeasures
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=60 time=0.000 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.000/0.000/0.000/0.000 ms

It worked! We can now generate the "taking countermeasures" message reliably!

While we can cheat on the gettimeofday result, with strace it's impossible to overwrite the CMSG timestamp. Perhaps it might be possible to adjust the CMSG timestamp with Linux time namespaces, but I don't think it'll work. As far as I understand, time namespaces are not taken into account by the network stack. A program using SO_TIMESTAMP is deemed to compare it against the system clock, which might be rolled backwards.

Fool me once, fool me twice

At this point we could conclude our investigation. We're now able to reliably trigger the "taking countermeasures" message using strace fault injection.

There is one more thing though. When sending ICMP Echo Request messages, does ping remember the send timestamp in some kind of hash table? That might be wasteful considering a long-running ping sending thousands of packets.

Ping is smart, and instead puts the timestamp in the ICMP Echo Request packet payload!

Here's how the full algorithm works:

  1. Ping sets the SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD socket option to receive timestamps.
  2. It looks at the wall clock with gettimeofday.
  3. It puts the current timestamp in the first bytes of the ICMP payload.
  4. After receiving the ICMP Echo Reply packet, it inspects the two timestamps: the send timestamp from the payload and the receive timestamp from CMSG.
  5. It calculates the RTT delta.

This is pretty neat! With this algorithm, ping doesn't need to remember much, and can have an unlimited number of packets in flight! (For completeness, ping maintains a small fixed-size bitmap to account for the DUP! packets).

What if we set a packet length to be less than 16 bytes? Let's see:

$ ping 1.1 -c2 -s0
PING 1.1 ( 0(28) bytes of data.
8 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=60
8 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=60
--- 1.1 ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1002ms

In such a case ping just skips the RTT from the output. Smart!

Right… this opens two completely new subjects. While ping was written back when everyone was friendly, today’s Internet can have rogue actors. What if we spoofed responses to confuse ping. Can we: cut the payload to prevent ping from producing RTT, and spoof the timestamp and fool the RTT measurements?

Both things work! The truncated case will look like this to the sender:

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
8 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 (truncated)

The second case, of an overwritten timestamp, is even cooler. We can move timestamp forwards causing ping to show our favorite "taking countermeasures" message:

$ ping  -c 2 -n
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
./ping: Warning: time of day goes back (-1677721599919015us), taking countermeasures
./ping: Warning: time of day goes back (-1677721599918907us), taking countermeasures
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=0.000 ms
./ping: Warning: time of day goes back (-1677721599905149us), taking countermeasures
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=0.000 ms

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.000/0.000/0.000/0.000 ms

Alternatively we can move the time in the packet backwards causing ping to show nonsensical RTT values:

$ ./ping  -c 2 -n
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=1677721600430 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=1677721600084 ms

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1677721600084.349/1677721600257.351/1677721600430.354/-9223372036854775.-808 ms

We proved that "countermeasures" work only when time moves in one direction. In another direction ping is just fooled.

Here's a rough scapy snippet that generates an ICMP Echo Response fooling ping:

# iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p icmp --icmp-type=8 -j DROP
import scapy.all as scapy
import struct

def custom_action(echo_req):
    	payload = bytes(echo_req[scapy.ICMP].payload)
    	if len(payload) >= 8:
        	ts, tu = struct.unpack_from("<II", payload)
        	payload = struct.pack("<II", (ts-0x64000000)&0xffffffff, tu) \
                     + payload[8:]

    	echo_reply = scapy.IP(
    	) / scapy.ICMP(type=0, code=0,
   	  	) / payload
    except Exception as e:

scapy.sniff(filter="icmp and icmp[0] = 8", iface=iface, prn=custom_action)

Leap second

In practice, how often does time change on a computer? The NTP daemon adjusts the clock all the time to account for any drift. However, these are very small changes. Apart from initial clock synchronization after boot or sleep wakeup, big clock shifts shouldn't really happen.

There are exceptions as usual. Systems that operate in virtual environments or have unreliable Internet connections often experience their clocks getting out of sync.

One notable case that affects all computers is a coordinated clock adjustment called a leap second. It causes the clock to move backwards, which is particularly troublesome. An issue with handling leap second caused our engineers a headache in late 2016.

The day my ping took countermeasures

Leap seconds often cause issues, so the current consensus is to deprecate them by 2035. However, according to Wikipedia the solution seem to be to just kick the can down the road:

A suggested possible future measure would be to let the discrepancy increase to a full minute, which would take 50 to 100 years, and then have the last minute of the day taking two minutes in a "kind of smear" with no discontinuity.

In any case, there hasn't been a leap second since 2016, there might be some in the future, but there likely won't be any after 2035. Many environments already use a leap second smear to avoid the problem of clock jumping back.

In most cases, it might be completely fine to ignore the clock changes. When possible, to count time durations use CLOCK_MONOTONIC, which is bulletproof.

We haven't mentioned daylight savings clock adjustments here because, from a computer perspective they are not real clock changes! Most often programmers deal with the operating system clock, which is typically set to the UTC timezone. DST timezone is taken into account only when pretty printing the date on screen. The underlying software operates on integer values. Let's consider an example of two timestamps, which in my Warsaw timezone, appear as two different DST timezones. While it may like the clock rolled back, this is just a user interface illusion. The integer timestamps are sequential:

$ date --date=@$[1698541199+0]
Sun Oct 29 02:59:59 AM CEST 2023

$ date --date=@$[1698541199+1]
Sun Oct 29 02:00:00 AM CET 2023


Arguably, the clock jumping backwards is a rare occurrence. It's very hard to test for such cases, and I was surprised to find that ping made such an attempt. To avoid the problem, to measure the latency ping might use CLOCK_MONOTONIC, its developers already use this time source in another place.

Unfortunately this won't quite work here. Ping needs to compare send timestamp to receive timestamp from SO_TIMESTAMP CMSG, which uses the non-monotonic system clock. Linux API's are sometimes limited, and dealing with time is hard. For time being, clock adjustments will continue to confuse ping.

In any case, now we know what to do when ping is "taking countermeasures"! Pull down your periscope and check the NTP daemon status!

Cloudflare servers don’t own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

Post Syndicated from Marek Majkowski original

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

A lot of Cloudflare’s technology is well documented. For example, how we handle traffic between the eyeballs (clients) and our servers has been discussed many times on this blog: “A brief primer on anycast (2011)”, “Load Balancing without Load Balancers (2013)“, “Path MTU discovery in practice (2015)“,  “Cloudflare’s edge load balancer (2020)“, “How we fixed the BSD socket API (2022)“.

However, we have rarely talked about the second part of our networking setup — how our servers fetch the content from the Internet. In this blog we’re going to cover this gap. We’ll discuss how we manage Cloudflare IP addresses used to retrieve the data from the Internet, how our egress network design has evolved and how we optimized it for best use of available IP space.

Brace yourself. We have a lot to cover.

Terminology first!

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

Each Cloudflare server deals with many kinds of networking traffic, but two rough categories stand out:

  • Internet sourced traffic – Inbound connections initiated by eyeball to our servers. In the context of this blog post we’ll call these “ingress connections”.
  • Cloudflare sourced traffic – Outgoing connections initiated by our servers to other hosts on the Internet. For brevity, we’ll call these “egress connections”.

The egress part, while rarely discussed on this blog, is critical for our operation. Our servers must initiate outgoing connections to get their jobs done! Like:

  • In our CDN product, before the content is cached, it’s fetched from the origin servers. See “Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet (2022)“, Argo and Tiered Cache.
  • For the Spectrum product, each ingress TCP connection results in one egress connection.
  • Workers often run multiple subrequests to construct an HTTP response. Some of them might be querying servers to the Internet.
  • We also operate client-facing forward proxy products – like WARP and Teams. These proxies deal with eyeball connections destined to the Internet. Our servers need to establish connections to the Internet on behalf of our users.

And so on.

Anycast on ingress, unicast on egress

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

Our ingress network architecture is very different from the egress one. On ingress, the connections sourced from the Internet are handled exclusively by our anycast IP ranges. Anycast is a technology where each of our data centers “announces” and can handle the same IP ranges. With many destinations possible, how does the Internet know where to route the packets? Well, the eyeball packets are routed towards the closest data center based on Internet BGP metrics, often it’s also geographically the closest one. Usually, the BGP routes don’t change much, and each eyeball IP can be expected to be routed to a single data center.

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

However, while anycast works well in the ingress direction, it can’t operate on egress. Establishing an outgoing connection from an anycast IP won’t work. Consider the response packet. It’s likely to be routed back to a wrong place – a data center geographically closest to the sender, not necessarily the source data center!

For this reason, until recently, we established outgoing connections in a straightforward and conventional way: each server was given its own unicast IP address. “Unicast IP” means there is only one server using that address in the world. Return packets will work just fine and get back exactly to the right server identified by the unicast IP.

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

Segmenting traffic based on egress IP

Originally connections sourced by Cloudflare were mostly HTTP fetches going to origin servers on the Internet. As our product line grew, so did the variety of traffic. The most notable example is our WARP app. For WARP, our servers operate a forward proxy, and handle the traffic sourced by end-user devices. It’s done without the same degree of intermediation as in our CDN product. This creates a problem. Third party servers on the Internet — like the origin servers — must be able to distinguish between connections coming from Cloudflare services and our WARP users. Such traffic segmentation is traditionally done by using different IP ranges for different traffic types (although recently we introduced more robust techniques like Authenticated Origin Pulls).

To work around the trusted vs untrusted traffic pool differentiation problem, we added an untrusted WARP IP address to each of our servers:

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

Country tagged egress IP addresses

It quickly became apparent that trusted vs untrusted weren’t the only tags needed. For WARP service we also need country tags. For example, United Kingdom based WARP users expect the website to just work. However, the BBC restricts many of its services to people just in the UK.

It does this by geofencing — using a database mapping public IP addresses to countries, and allowing only the UK ones. Geofencing is widespread on today’s Internet. To avoid geofencing issues, we need to choose specific egress addresses tagged with an appropriate country, depending on WARP user location. Like many other parties on the Internet, we tag our egress IP space with country codes and publish it as a geofeed (like this one). Notice, the published geofeed is just data. The fact that an IP is tagged as say UK does not mean it is served from the UK, it just means the operator wants it to be geolocated to the UK. Like many things on the Internet, it is based on trust.

Notice, at this point we have three independent geographical tags:

  • the country tag of the WARP user – the eyeball connecting IP
  • the location of the data center the eyeball connected to
  • the country tag of the egressing IP

For best service, we want to choose the egressing IP so that its country tag matches the country from the eyeball IP. But egressing from a specific country tagged IP is challenging: our data centers serve users from all over the world, potentially from many countries! Remember: due to anycast we don’t directly control the ingress routing. Internet geography doesn’t always match physical geography. For example our London data center receives traffic not only from users in the United Kingdom, but also from Ireland, and Saudi Arabia. As a result, our servers in London need many WARP egress addresses associated with many countries:

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

Can you see where this is going? The problem space just explodes! Instead of having one or two egress IP addresses for each server, now we require dozens, and IPv4 addresses aren’t cheap. With this design, we need many addresses per server, and we operate thousands of servers. This architecture becomes very expensive.

Is anycast a problem?

Let me recap: with anycast ingress we don’t control which data center the user is routed to. Therefore, each of our data centers must be able to egress from an address with any conceivable tag. Inside the data center we also don’t control which server the connection is routed to. There are potentially many tags, many data centers, and many servers inside a data center.

Maybe the problem is the ingress architecture? Perhaps it’s better to use a traditional networking design where a specific eyeball is routed with DNS to a specific data center, or even a server?

That’s one way of thinking, but we decided against it. We like our anycast on ingress. It brings us many advantages:

  • Performance: with anycast, by definition, the eyeball is routed to the closest (by BGP metrics) data center. This is usually the fastest data center for a given user.
  • Automatic failover: if one of our data centers becomes unavailable, the traffic will be instantly, automatically re-routed to the next best place.
  • DDoS resilience: during a denial of service attack or a traffic spike, the load is automatically balanced across many data centers, significantly reducing the impact.
  • Uniform software: The functionality of every data center and of every server inside a data center is identical. We use the same software stack on all the servers around the world. Each machine can perform any action, for any product. This enables easy debugging and good scalability.

For these reasons we’d like to keep the anycast on ingress. We decided to solve the issue of egress address cardinality in some other way.

Solving a million dollar problem

Out of the thousands of servers we operate, every single one should be able to use an egress IP with any of the possible tags. It’s easiest to explain our solution by first showing two extreme designs.

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

Each server owns all the needed IPs: each server has all the specialized egress IPs with the needed tags.

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

One server owns the needed IP: a specialized egress IP with a specific tag lives in one place, other servers forward traffic to it.

Both options have pros and cons:

Specialized IP on every server Specialized IP on one server
Super expensive $$$, every server needs many IP addresses. Cheap $, only one specialized IP needed for a tag.
Egress always local – fast Egress almost always forwarded – slow
Excellent reliability – every server is independent Poor reliability – introduced chokepoints

There’s a third way

We’ve been thinking hard about this problem. Frankly, the first extreme option of having every needed IP available locally on every Cloudflare server is not totally unworkable. This is, roughly, what we were able to pull off for IPv6. With IPv6, access to the large needed IP space is not a problem.

However, in IPv4 neither option is acceptable. The first offers fast and reliable egress, but requires great cost — the IPv4 addresses needed are expensive. The second option uses the smallest possible IP space, so it’s cheap, but compromises on performance and reliability.

The solution we devised is a compromise between the extremes. The rough idea is to change the assignment unit. Instead of assigning one /32 IPv4 address for each server, we devised a method of assigning a /32 IP per data center, and then sharing it among physical servers.

Specialized IP on every server Specialized IP per data center Specialized IP on one server
Super expensive $$$ Reasonably priced $$ Cheap $
Egress always local – fast Egress always local – fast Egress almost always forwarded – slow
Excellent reliability – every server is independent Excellent reliability – every server is independent Poor reliability – many choke points

Sharing an IP inside data center

The idea of sharing an IP among servers is not new. Traditionally this can be achieved by Source-NAT on a router. Sadly, the sheer number of egress IP’s we need and the size of our operation, prevents us from relying on stateful firewall / NAT at the router level. We also dislike shared state, so we’re not fans of distributed NAT installations.

What we chose instead, is splitting an egress IP across servers by a port range. For a given egress IP, each server owns a small portion of available source ports – a port slice.

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

When return packets arrive from the Internet, we have to route them back to the correct machine. For this task we’ve customized “Unimog” – our L4 XDP-based load balancer – (“Unimog, Cloudflare’s load balancer (2020)“) and it’s working flawlessly.

With a port slice of say 2,048 ports, we can share one IP among 31 servers. However, there is always a possibility of running out of ports. To address this, we’ve worked hard to be able to reuse the egress ports efficiently. See the “How to stop running out of ports (2022)“, “How to share IPv4 addresses (2022)” and our Cloudflare.TV segment.

This is pretty much it. Each server is aware which IP addresses and port slices it owns. For inbound routing Unimog inspects the ports and dispatches the packets to appropriate machines.

Sharing a subnet between data centers

This is not the end of the story though, we haven’t discussed how we can route a single /32 address into a datacenter. Traditionally, in the public Internet, it’s only possible to route subnets with granularity of /24 or 256 IP addresses. In our case this would lead to great waste of IP space.

To solve this problem and improve the utilization of our IP space, we deployed our egress ranges as… anycast! With that in place, we customized Unimog and taught it to forward the packets over our backbone network to the right data center. Unimog maintains a database like this: - forward to LHR - forward to CDG - forward to MAN

With this design, it doesn’t matter to which data center return packets are delivered. Unimog can always fix it and forward the data to the right place. Basically, while at the BGP layer we are using anycast, due to our design, semantically an IP identifies a datacenter and an IP and port range identify a specific machine. It behaves almost like a unicast.

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

We call this technology stack “soft-unicast” and it feels magical. It’s like we did unicast in software over anycast in the BGP layer.

Soft-unicast is indistinguishable from magic

With this setup we can achieve significant benefits:

  • We are able to share a /32 egress IP amongst many servers.
  • We can spread a single subnet across many data centers, and change it easily on the fly. This allows us to fully use our egress IPv4 ranges.
  • We can group similar IP addresses together. For example, all the IP addresses tagged with the “UK” tag might form a single continuous range. This reduces the size of the published geofeed.
  • It’s easy for us to onboard new egress IP ranges, like customer IP’s. This is useful for some of our products, like Cloudflare Zero Trust.

All this is done at sensible cost, at no loss to performance and reliability:

  • Typically, the user is able to egress directly from the closest datacenter, providing the best possible performance.
  • Depending on the actual needs we can allocate or release the IP addresses. This gives us flexibility with the IP cost management, we don’t need to overspend upfront.
  • Since we operate multiple egress IP addresses in different locations, the reliability is not compromised.

The true location of our IP addresses is: “the cloud”

While soft-unicast allows us to gain great efficiency, we’ve hit some issues. Sometimes we get a question “Where does this IP physically exist?”. But it doesn’t have an answer! Our egress IPs don’t exist physically anywhere. From a BGP standpoint our egress ranges are anycast, so they live everywhere. Logically each address is used in one data center at a time, but we can move it around on demand.

Content Delivery Networks misdirect users

Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

As another example of problems, here’s one issue we’ve hit with third party CDNs. As we mentioned before, there are three country tags in our pipeline:

  • The country tag of the IP eyeball is connecting from.
  • The location of our data center.
  • The country tag of the IP addresses we chose for the egress connections.

The fact that our egress address is tagged as “UK” doesn’t always mean it actually is being used in the UK. We’ve had cases when a UK-tagged WARP user, due to the maintenance of our LHR data center, was routed to Paris. A popular CDN performed a reverse-lookup of our egress IP, found it tagged as “UK”, and directed the user to a London CDN server. This is generally OK… but we actually egressed from Paris at the time. This user ended up routing packets from their home in the UK, to Paris, and back to the UK. This is bad for performance.

We address this issue by performing DNS requests in the egressing data center. For DNS we use IP addresses tagged with the location of the data center, not the intended geolocation for the user. This generally fixes the problem, but sadly, there are still some exceptions.

The future is here

Our 2021 experiments with Addressing Agility proved we have plenty of opportunity to innovate with the addressing of the ingress. Soft-unicast shows us we can achieve great flexibility and density on the egress side.

With each new product, the number of tags we need on the egress grows – from traffic trustworthiness, product category to geolocation. As the pool of usable IPv4 addresses shrinks, we can be sure there will be more innovation in the space. Soft-unicast is our solution, but for sure it’s not our last development.

For now though, it seems like we’re moving away from traditional unicast. Our egress IP’s really don’t exist in a fixed place anymore, and some of our servers don’t even own a true unicast IP nowadays.

When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

Post Syndicated from Marek Majkowski original

When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

Over the years I’ve been lurking around the Linux kernel and have investigated the TCP code many times. But when recently we were working on Optimizing TCP for high WAN throughput while preserving low latency, I realized I have gaps in my knowledge about how Linux manages TCP receive buffers and windows. As I dug deeper I found the subject complex and certainly non-obvious.

In this blog post I’ll share my journey deep into the Linux networking stack, trying to understand the memory and window management of the receiving side of a TCP connection. Specifically, looking for answers to seemingly trivial questions:

  • How much data can be stored in the TCP receive buffer? (it’s not what you think)
  • How fast can it be filled? (it’s not what you think either!)

Our exploration focuses on the receiving side of the TCP connection. We’ll try to understand how to tune it for the best speed, without wasting precious memory.

A case of a rapid upload

To best illustrate the receive side buffer management we need pretty charts! But to grasp all the numbers, we need a bit of theory.

We’ll draw charts from a receive side of a TCP flow, running a pretty straightforward scenario:

  • The client opens a TCP connection.
  • The client does send(), and pushes as much data as possible.
  • The server doesn’t recv() any data. We expect all the data to stay and wait in the receive queue.
  • We fix the SO_RCVBUF for better illustration.

Simplified pseudocode might look like (full code if you dare):

sd = socket.socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
sd.bind(('', 1234))

cd = socket.socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
cd.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, 32*1024)
cd.connect(('', 1234))

ssd, _ = sd.accept()

while true:

We’re interested in basic questions:

  • How much data can fit in the server’s receive buffer? It turns out it’s not exactly the same as the default read buffer size on Linux; we’ll get there.
  • Assuming infinite bandwidth, what is the minimal time  – measured in RTT – for the client to fill the receive buffer?

A bit of theory

Let’s start by establishing some common nomenclature. I’ll follow the wording used by the ss Linux tool from the iproute2 package.

First, there is the buffer budget limit. ss manpage calls it skmem_rb, in the kernel it’s named sk_rcvbuf. This value is most often controlled by the Linux autotune mechanism using the net.ipv4.tcp_rmem setting:

$ sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_rmem
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 131072 6291456

Alternatively it can be manually set with setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF) on a socket. Note that the kernel doubles the value given to this setsockopt. For example SO_RCVBUF=16384 will result in skmem_rb=32768. The max value allowed to this setsockopt is limited to meager 208KiB by default:

$ sysctl net.core.rmem_max net.core.wmem_max
net.core.rmem_max = 212992
net.core.wmem_max = 212992

The aforementioned blog post discusses why manual buffer size management is problematic – relying on autotuning is generally preferable.

Here’s a diagram showing how skmem_rb budget is being divided:

When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

In any given moment, we can think of the budget as being divided into four parts:

  • Recv-q: part of the buffer budget occupied by actual application bytes awaiting read().
  • Another part of is consumed by metadata handling – the cost of struct sk_buff and such.
  • Those two parts together are reported by ss as skmem_r – kernel name is sk_rmem_alloc.
  • What remains is “free”, that is: it’s not actively used yet.
  • However, a portion of this “free” region is an advertised window – it may become occupied with application data soon.
  • The remainder will be used for future metadata handling, or might be divided into the advertised window further in the future.

The upper limit for the window is configured by tcp_adv_win_scale setting. By default, the window is set to at most 50% of the “free” space. The value can be clamped further by the TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP option or an internal rcv_ssthresh variable.

How much data can a server receive?

Our first question was “How much data can a server receive?”. A naive reader might think it’s simple: if the server has a receive buffer set to say 64KiB, then the client will surely be able to deliver 64KiB of data!

But this is totally not how it works. To illustrate this, allow me to temporarily set sysctl tcp_adv_win_scale=0. This is not a default and, as we’ll learn, it’s the wrong thing to do. With this setting the server will indeed set 100% of the receive buffer as an advertised window.

Here’s our setup:

  • The client tries to send as fast as possible.
  • Since we are interested in the receiving side, we can cheat a bit and speed up the sender arbitrarily. The client has transmission congestion control disabled: we set initcwnd=10000 as the route option.
  • The server has a fixed skmem_rb set at 64KiB.
  • The server has tcp_adv_win_scale=0.
When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

There are so many things here! Let’s try to digest it. First, the X axis is an ingress packet number (we saw about 65). The Y axis shows the buffer sizes as seen on the receive path for every packet.

  • First, the purple line is a buffer size limit in bytes – skmem_rb. In our experiment we called setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF)=32K and skmem_rb is double that value. Notice, by calling SO_RCVBUF we disabled the Linux autotune mechanism.
  • Green recv-q line is how many application bytes are available in the receive socket. This grows linearly with each received packet.
  • Then there is the blue skmem_r, the used data + metadata cost in the receive socket. It grows just like recv-q but a bit faster, since it accounts for the cost of the metadata kernel needs to deal with.
  • The orange rcv_win is an advertised window. We start with 64KiB (100% of skmem_rb) and go down as the data arrives.
  • Finally, the dotted line shows rcv_ssthresh, which is not important yet, we’ll get there.

Running over the budget is bad

It’s super important to notice that we finished with skmem_r higher than skmem_rb! This is rather unexpected, and undesired. The whole point of the skmem_rb memory budget is, well, not to exceed it. Here’s how ss shows it:

$ ss -m
Netid  State  Recv-Q  Send-Q  Local Address:Port  Peer Address:Port   
tcp    ESTAB  62464   0

As you can see, skmem_rb is 65536 and skmem_r is 73984, which is 8448 bytes over! When this happens we have an even bigger issue on our hands. At around the 62nd packet we have an advertised window of 3072 bytes, but while packets are being sent, the receiver is unable to process them! This is easily verifiable by inspecting an nstat TcpExtTCPRcvQDrop counter:

$ nstat -az TcpExtTCPRcvQDrop
TcpExtTCPRcvQDrop    13    0.0

In our run 13 packets were dropped. This variable counts a number of packets dropped due to either system-wide or per-socket memory pressure – we know we hit the latter. In our case, soon after the socket memory limit was crossed, new packets were prevented from being enqueued to the socket. This happened even though the TCP advertised window was still open.

This results in an interesting situation. The receiver’s window is open which might indicate it has resources to handle the data. But that’s not always the case, like in our example when it runs out of the memory budget.

The sender will think it hit a network congestion packet loss and will run the usual retry mechanisms including exponential backoff. This behavior can be looked at as desired or undesired, depending on how you look at it. On one hand no data will be lost, the sender can eventually deliver all the bytes reliably. On the other hand the exponential backoff logic might stall the sender for a long time, causing a noticeable delay.

The root of the problem is straightforward – Linux kernel skmem_rb sets a memory budget for both the data and metadata which reside on the socket. In a pessimistic case each packet might incur a cost of a struct sk_buff + struct skb_shared_info, which on my system is 576 bytes, above the actual payload size, plus memory waste due to network card buffer alignment:

When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

We now understand that Linux can’t just advertise 100% of the memory budget as an advertised window. Some budget must be reserved for metadata and such. The upper limit of window size is expressed as a fraction of the “free” socket budget. It is controlled by tcp_adv_win_scale, with the following values:

When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

By default, Linux sets the advertised window at most at 50% of the remaining buffer space.

Even with 50% of space “reserved” for metadata, the kernel is very smart and tries hard to reduce the metadata memory footprint. It has two mechanisms for this:

  • TCP Coalesce – on the happy path, Linux is able to throw away struct sk_buff. It can do so, by just linking the data to the previously enqueued packet. You can think about it as if it was extending the last packet on the socket.
  • TCP Collapse – when the memory budget is hit, Linux runs “collapse” code. Collapse rewrites and defragments the receive buffer from many small skb’s into a few very long segments – therefore reducing the metadata cost.

Here’s an extension to our previous chart showing these mechanisms in action:

When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

TCP Coalesce is a very effective measure and works behind the scenes at all times. In the bottom chart, the packets where the coalesce was engaged are shown with a pink line. You can see – the skmem_r bumps (blue line) are clearly correlated with a lack of coalesce (pink line)! The nstat TcpExtTCPRcvCoalesce counter might be helpful in debugging coalesce issues.

The TCP Collapse is a bigger gun. Mike wrote about it extensively, and I wrote a blog post years ago, when the latency of TCP collapse hit us hard. In the chart above, the collapse is shown as a red circle. We clearly see it being engaged after the socket memory budget is reached – from packet number 63. The nstat TcpExtTCPRcvCollapsed counter is relevant here. This value growing is a bad sign and might indicate bad latency spikes – especially when dealing with larger buffers. Normally collapse is supposed to be run very sporadically. A prominent kernel developer describes this pessimistic situation:

This also means tcp advertises a too optimistic window for a given allocated rcvspace: When receiving frames, sk_rmem_alloc can hit sk_rcvbuf limit and we call tcp_collapse() too often, especially when application is slow to drain its receive queue […] This is a major latency source.

If the memory budget remains exhausted after the collapse, Linux will drop ingress packets. In our chart it’s marked as a red “X”. The nstat TcpExtTCPRcvQDrop counter shows the count of dropped packets.

rcv_ssthresh predicts the metadata cost

Perhaps counter-intuitively, the memory cost of a packet can be much larger than the amount of actual application data contained in it. It depends on number of things:

  • Network card: some network cards always allocate a full page (4096, or even 16KiB) per packet, no matter how small or large the payload.
  • Payload size: shorter packets, will have worse metadata to content ratio since struct skb will be comparably larger.
  • Whether XDP is being used.
  • L2 header size: things like ethernet, vlan tags, and tunneling can add up.
  • Cache line size: many kernel structs are cache line aligned. On systems with larger cache lines, they will use more memory (see P4 or S390X architectures).

The first two factors are the most important. Here’s a run when the sender was specially configured to make the metadata cost bad and the coalesce ineffective (the details of the setup are messy):

When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

You can see the kernel hitting TCP collapse multiple times, which is totally undesired. Each time a collapse kernel is likely to rewrite the full receive buffer. This whole kernel machinery, from reserving some space for metadata with tcp_adv_win_scale, via using coalesce to reduce the memory cost of each packet, up to the rcv_ssthresh limit, exists to avoid this very case of hitting collapse too often.

The kernel machinery most often works fine, and TCP collapse is rare in practice. However, we noticed that’s not the case for certain types of traffic. One example is websocket traffic with loads of tiny packets and a slow reader. One kernel comment talks about such a case:

* The scheme does not work when sender sends good segments opening
* window and then starts to feed us spaghetti. But it should work
* in common situations. Otherwise, we have to rely on queue collapsing.

Notice that the rcv_ssthresh line dropped down on the TCP collapse. This variable is an internal limit to the advertised window. By dropping it the kernel effectively says: hold on, I mispredicted the packet cost, next time I’m given an opportunity I’m going to open a smaller window. Kernel will advertise a smaller window and be more careful – all of this dance is done to avoid the collapse.

Normal run – continuously updated window

Finally, here’s a chart from a normal run of a connection. Here, we use the default tcp_adv_win_wcale=1 (50%):

When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

Early in the connection you can see rcv_win being continuously updated with each received packet. This makes sense: while the rcv_ssthresh and tcp_adv_win_scale restrict the advertised window to never exceed 32KiB, the window is sliding nicely as long as there is enough space. At packet 18 the receiver stops updating the window and waits a bit. At packet 32 the receiver decides there still is some space and updates the window again, and so on. At the end of the flow the socket has 56KiB of data. This 56KiB of data was received over a sliding window reaching at most 32KiB .

The saw blade pattern of rcv_win is enabled by delayed ACK (aka QUICKACK). You can see the “acked” bytes in red dashed line. Since the ACK’s might be delayed, the receiver waits a bit before updating the window. If you want a smooth line, you can use quickack 1 per-route parameter, but this is not recommended since it will result in many small ACK packets flying over the wire.

In normal connection we expect the majority of packets to be coalesced and the collapse/drop code paths never to be hit.

Large receive windows – rcv_ssthresh

For large bandwidth transfers over big latency links – big BDP case – it’s beneficial to have a very wide advertised window. However, Linux takes a while to fully open large receive windows:

When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

In this run, the skmem_rb is set to 2MiB. As opposed to previous runs, the buffer budget is large and the receive window doesn’t start with 50% of the skmem_rb! Instead it starts from 64KiB and grows linearly. It takes a while for Linux to ramp up the receive window to full size – ~800KiB in this case. The window is clamped by rcv_ssthresh. This variable starts at 64KiB and then grows at a rate of two full-MSS packets per each packet which has a “good” ratio of total size (truesize) to payload size.

Eric Dumazet writes about this behavior:

Stack is conservative about RWIN increase, it wants to receive packets to have an idea of the skb->len/skb->truesize ratio to convert a memory budget to  RWIN.
Some drivers have to allocate 16K buffers (or even 32K buffers) just to hold one segment (of less than 1500 bytes of payload), while others are able to pack memory more efficiently.

This behavior of slow window opening is fixed, and not configurable in vanilla kernel. We prepared a kernel patch that allows to start up with higher rcv_ssthresh based on per-route option initrwnd:

$ ip route change local dev lo initrwnd 1000

With the patch and the route change deployed, this is how the buffers look:

When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

The advertised window is limited to 64KiB during the TCP handshake, but with our kernel patch enabled it’s quickly bumped up to 1MiB in the first ACK packet afterwards. In both runs it took ~1800 packets to fill the receive buffer, however it took different time. In the first run the sender could push only 64KiB onto the wire in the second RTT. In the second run it could immediately push full 1MiB of data.

This trick of aggressive window opening is not really necessary for most users. It’s only helpful when:

  • You have high-bandwidth TCP transfers over big-latency links.
  • The metadata + buffer alignment cost of your NIC is sensible and predictable.
  • Immediately after the flow starts your application is ready to send a lot of data.
  • The sender has configured large initcwnd.
  • You care about shaving off every possible RTT.

On our systems we do have such flows, but arguably it might not be a common scenario. In the real world most of your TCP connections go to the nearest CDN point of presence, which is very close.

Getting it all together

In this blog post, we discussed a seemingly simple case of a TCP sender filling up the receive socket. We tried to address two questions: with our isolated setup, how much data can be sent, and how quickly?

With the default settings of net.ipv4.tcp_rmem, Linux initially sets a memory budget of 128KiB for the receive data and metadata. On my system, given full-sized packets, it’s able to eventually accept around 113KiB of application data.

Then, we showed that the receive window is not fully opened immediately. Linux keeps the receive window small, as it tries to predict the metadata cost and avoid overshooting the memory budget, therefore hitting TCP collapse. By default, with the net.ipv4.tcp_adv_win_scale=1, the upper limit for the advertised window is 50% of “free” memory. rcv_ssthresh starts up with 64KiB and grows linearly up to that limit.

On my system it took five window updates – six RTTs in total – to fill the 128KiB receive buffer. In the first batch the sender sent ~64KiB of data (remember we hacked the initcwnd limit), and then the sender topped it up with smaller and smaller batches until the receive window fully closed.

I hope this blog post is helpful and explains well the relationship between the buffer size and advertised window on Linux. Also, it describes the often misunderstood rcv_ssthresh which limits the advertised window in order to manage the memory budget and predict the unpredictable cost of metadata.

In case you wonder, similar mechanisms are in play in QUIC. The QUIC/H3 libraries though are still pretty young and don’t have so many complex and mysterious toggles…. yet.

As always, the code and instructions on how to reproduce the charts are available at our GitHub.

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

Post Syndicated from Marek Majkowski original

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

Often programmers have assumptions that turn out, to their surprise, to be invalid. From my experience this happens a lot. Every API, technology or system can be abused beyond its limits and break in a miserable way.

It’s particularly interesting when basic things used everywhere fail. Recently we’ve reached such a breaking point in a ubiquitous part of Linux networking: establishing a network connection using the connect() system call.

Since we are not doing anything special, just establishing TCP and UDP connections, how could anything go wrong? Here’s one example: we noticed alerts from a misbehaving server, logged in to check it out and saw:

marek@:~# ssh
ssh: connect to host port 22: Cannot assign requested address

You can imagine the face of my colleague who saw that. SSH to localhost refuses to work, while she was already using SSH to connect to that server! On another occasion:

marek@:~# dig @
dig: isc_socket_bind: address in use

This time a basic DNS query failed with a weird networking error. Failing DNS is a bad sign!

In both cases the problem was Linux running out of ephemeral ports. When this happens it’s unable to establish any outgoing connections. This is a pretty serious failure. It’s usually transient and if you don’t know what to look for it might be hard to debug.

The root cause lies deeper though. We can often ignore limits on the number of outgoing connections. But we encountered cases where we hit limits on the number of concurrent outgoing connections during normal operation.

In this blog post I’ll explain why we had these issues, how we worked around them, and present an userspace code implementing an improved variant of connect() syscall.

Outgoing connections on Linux part 1 – TCP

Let’s start with a bit of historical background.

Long-lived connections

Back in 2014 Cloudflare announced support for WebSockets. We wrote two articles about it:

If you skim these blogs, you’ll notice we were totally fine with the WebSocket protocol, framing and operation. What worried us was our capacity to handle large numbers of concurrent outgoing connections towards the origin servers. Since WebSockets are long-lived, allowing them through our servers might greatly increase the concurrent connection count. And this did turn out to be a problem. It was possible to hit a ceiling for a total number of outgoing connections imposed by the Linux networking stack.

In a pessimistic case, each Linux connection consumes a local port (ephemeral port), and therefore the total connection count is limited by the size of the ephemeral port range.

Basics – how port allocation works

When establishing an outbound connection a typical user needs the destination address and port. For example, DNS might resolve to the ‘’ IPv4 address. A simple Python program can establish a connection to it with the following code:

cd = socket.socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
cd.connect(('', 80))

The operating system’s job is to figure out how to reach that destination, selecting an appropriate source address and source port to form the full 4-tuple for the connection:

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

The operating system chooses the source IP based on the routing configuration. On Linux we can see which source IP will be chosen with ip route get:

$ ip route get via dev eth0 src uid 1000

The src parameter in the result shows the discovered source IP address that should be used when going towards that specific target.

The source port, on the other hand, is chosen from the local port range configured for outgoing connections, also known as the ephemeral port range. On Linux this is controlled by the following sysctls:

$ sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 32768    60999
net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports =

The ip_local_port_range sets the low and high (inclusive) port range to be used for outgoing connections. The ip_local_reserved_ports is used to skip specific ports if the operator needs to reserve them for services.

Vanilla TCP is a happy case

The default ephemeral port range contains more than 28,000 ports (60999+1-32768=28232). Does that mean we can have at most 28,000 outgoing connections? That’s the core question of this blog post!

In TCP the connection is identified by a full 4-tuple, for example:

full 4-tuple 32768 80

In principle, it is possible to reuse the source IP and port, and share them against another destination. For example, there could be two simultaneous outgoing connections with these 4-tuples:

full 4-tuple #A 32768 80
full 4-tuple #B 32768 80

This “source two-tuple” sharing can happen in practice when establishing connections using the vanilla TCP code:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.connect( (remote_ip, remote_port) )

But slightly different code can prevent this sharing, as we’ll discuss.

In the rest of this blog post, we’ll summarise the behaviour of code fragments that make outgoing connections showing:

  • The technique’s description
  • The typical `errno` value in the case of port exhaustion
  • And whether the kernel is able to reuse the {source IP, source port}-tuple against another destination

The last column is the most important since it shows if there is a low limit of total concurrent connections. As we’re going to see later, the limit is present more often than we’d expect.

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
connect(dst_IP, dst_port) EADDRNOTAVAIL yes (good!)

In the case of generic TCP, things work as intended. Towards a single destination it’s possible to have as many connections as an ephemeral range allows. When the range is exhausted (against a single destination), we’ll see EADDRNOTAVAIL error. The system also is able to correctly reuse local two-tuple {source IP, source port} for ESTABLISHED sockets against other destinations. This is expected and desired.

Manually selecting source IP address

Let’s go back to the Cloudflare server setup. Cloudflare operates many services, to name just two: CDN (caching HTTP reverse proxy) and WARP.

For Cloudflare, it’s important that we don’t mix traffic types among our outgoing IPs. Origin servers on the Internet might want to differentiate traffic based on our product. The simplest example is CDN: it’s appropriate for an origin server to firewall off non-CDN inbound connections. Allowing Cloudflare cache pulls is totally fine, but allowing WARP connections which contain untrusted user traffic might lead to problems.

To achieve such outgoing IP separation, each of our applications must be explicit about which source IPs to use. They can’t leave it up to the operating system; the automatically-chosen source could be wrong. While it’s technically possible to configure routing policy rules in Linux to express such requirements, we decided not to do that and keep Linux routing configuration as simple as possible.

Instead, before calling connect(), our applications select the source IP with the bind() syscall. A trick we call “bind-before-connect”:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.bind( (src_IP, 0) )
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
bind(src_IP, 0)
connect(dst_IP, dst_port)
EADDRINUSE no (bad!)

This code looks rather innocent, but it hides a considerable drawback. When calling bind(), the kernel attempts to find an unused local two-tuple. Due to BSD API shortcomings, the operating system can’t know what we plan to do with the socket. It’s totally possible we want to listen() on it, in which case sharing the source IP/port with a connected socket will be a disaster! That’s why the source two-tuple selected when calling bind() must be unique.

Due to this API limitation, in this technique the source two-tuple can’t be reused. Each connection effectively “locks” a source port, so the number of connections is constrained by the size of the ephemeral port range. Notice: one source port is used up for each connection, no matter how many destinations we have. This is bad, and is exactly the problem we were dealing with back in 2014 in the WebSockets articles mentioned above.

Fortunately, it’s fixable.


Back in 2014 we fixed the problem by setting the SO_REUSEADDR socket option and manually retrying bind()+ connect() a couple of times on error. This worked ok, but later in 2015 Linux introduced a proper fix: the IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT socket option. This option tells the kernel to delay reserving the source port:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.bind( (src_IP, 0) )
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
bind(src_IP, 0)

connect(dst_IP, dst_port)

This gets us back to the desired behavior. On modern Linux, when doing bind-before-connect for TCP, you should set IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT.

Explicitly selecting a source port

Sometimes an application needs to select a specific source port. For example: the operator wants to control full 4-tuple in order to debug ECMP routing issues.

Recently a colleague wanted to run a cURL command for debugging, and he needed the source port to be fixed. cURL provides the --local-port option to do this¹ :

$ curl --local-port 9999 -4svo /dev/null
*   Trying

In other situations source port numbers should be controlled, as they can be used as an input to a routing mechanism.

But setting the source port manually is not easy. We’re back to square one in our hackery since IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT is not an appropriate tool when calling bind() with a specific source port value. To get the scheme working again and be able to share source 2-tuple, we need to turn to SO_REUSEADDR:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sd.bind( (src_IP, src_port) )
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

Our summary table:

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
bind(src_IP, src_port)

connect(dst_IP, dst_port)

Here, the user takes responsibility for handling conflicts, when an ESTABLISHED socket sharing the 4-tuple already exists. In such a case connect will fail with EADDRNOTAVAIL and the application should retry with another acceptable source port number.

Userspace connectx implementation

With these tricks, we can implement a common function and call it connectx. It will do what bind()+connect() should, but won’t have the unfortunate ephemeral port range limitation. In other words, created sockets are able to share local two-tuples as long as they are going to distinct destinations:

def connectx((source_IP, source_port), (destination_IP, destination_port)):

We have three use cases this API should support:

user specified technique
{_, _, dst_IP, dst_port} vanilla connect()
{src_IP, _, dst_IP, dst_port} IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT
{src_IP, src_port, dst_IP, dst_port} SO_REUSEADDR

The name we chose isn’t an accident. MacOS (specifically the underlying Darwin OS) has exactly that function implemented as a connectx() system call (implementation):

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

It’s more powerful than our connectx code, since it supports TCP Fast Open.

Should we, Linux users, be envious? For TCP, it’s possible to get the right kernel behaviour with the appropriate setsockopt/bind/connect dance, so a kernel syscall is not quite needed.

But for UDP things turn out to be much more complicated and a dedicated syscall might be a good idea.

Outgoing connections on Linux – part 2 – UDP

In the previous section we listed three use cases for outgoing connections that should be supported by the operating system:

  • Vanilla egress: operating system chooses the outgoing IP and port
  • Source IP selection: user selects outgoing IP but the OS chooses port
  • Full 4-tuple: user selects full 4-tuple for the connection

We demonstrated how to implement all three cases on Linux for TCP, without hitting connection count limits due to source port exhaustion.

It’s time to extend our implementation to UDP. This is going to be harder.

For UDP, Linux maintains one hash table that is keyed on local IP and port, which can hold duplicate entries. Multiple UDP connected sockets can not only share a 2-tuple but also a 4-tuple! It’s totally possible to have two distinct, connected sockets having exactly the same 4-tuple. This feature was created for multicast sockets. The implementation was then carried over to unicast connections, but it is confusing. With conflicting sockets on unicast addresses, only one of them will receive any traffic. A newer connected socket will “overshadow” the older one. It’s surprisingly hard to detect such a situation. To get UDP connectx() right, we will need to work around this “overshadowing” problem.

Vanilla UDP is limited

It might come as a surprise to many, but by default, the total count for outbound UDP connections is limited by the ephemeral port range size. Usually, with Linux you can’t have more than ~28,000 connected UDP sockets, even if they point to multiple destinations.

Ok, let’s start with the simplest and most common way of establishing outgoing UDP connections:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
connect(dst_IP, dst_port) EAGAIN no (bad!) no

The simplest case is not a happy one. The total number of concurrent outgoing UDP connections on Linux is limited by the ephemeral port range size. On our multi-tenant servers, with potentially long-lived gaming and H3/QUIC flows containing WebSockets, this is too limiting.

On TCP we were able to slap on a setsockopt and move on. No such easy workaround is available for UDP.

For UDP, without REUSEADDR, Linux avoids sharing local 2-tuples among UDP sockets. During connect() it tries to find a 2-tuple that is not used yet. As a side note: there is no fundamental reason that it looks for a unique 2-tuple as opposed to a unique 4-tuple during ‘connect()’. This suboptimal behavior might be fixable.


To allow local two-tuple reuse we need the SO_REUSEADDR socket option. Sadly, this would also allow established sockets to share a 4-tuple, with the newer socket overshadowing the older one.

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
connect(dst_IP, dst_port)
EAGAIN yes yes (bad!)

In other words, we can’t just set SO_REUSEADDR and move on, since we might hit a local 2-tuple that is already used in a connection against the same destination. We might already have an identical 4-tuple connected socket underneath. Most importantly, during such a conflict we won’t be notified by any error. This is unacceptably bad.

Detecting socket conflicts with eBPF

We thought a good solution might be to write an eBPF program to detect such conflicts. The idea was to put a code on the connect() syscall. Linux cgroups allow the BPF_CGROUP_INET4_CONNECT hook. The eBPF is called every time a process under a given cgroup runs the connect() syscall. This is pretty cool, and we thought it would allow us to verify if there is a 4-tuple conflict before moving the socket from UNCONNECTED to CONNECTED states.

Here is how to load and attach our eBPF

bpftool prog load ebpf.o /sys/fs/bpf/prog_connect4  type cgroup/connect4
bpftool cgroup attach /sys/fs/cgroup/unified/user.slice connect4 pinned /sys/fs/bpf/prog_connect4

With such a code, we’ll greatly reduce the probability of overshadowing:

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
connect(dst_IP, dst_port)
manual port discovery, EPERM on conflict yes yes, but small

However, this solution is limited. First, it doesn’t work for sockets with an automatically assigned source IP or source port, it only works when a user manually creates a 4-tuple connection from userspace. Then there is a second issue: a typical race condition. We don’t grab any lock, so it’s technically possible a conflicting socket will be created on another CPU in the time between our eBPF conflict check and the finish of the real connect() syscall machinery. In short, this lockless eBPF approach is better than nothing, but fundamentally racy.

Socket traversal – SOCK_DIAG ss way

There is another way to verify if a conflicting socket already exists: we can check for connected sockets in userspace. It’s possible to do it without any privileges quite effectively with the SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY feature of netlink interface. This is the same technique the ss tool uses to print out sockets available on the system.

The netlink code is not even all that complicated. Take a look at the code. Inside the kernel, it goes quickly into a fast __udp_lookup() routine. This is great – we can avoid iterating over all sockets on the system.

With that function handy, we can draft our UDP code:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
cookie = sd.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, SO_COOKIE, 8)
sd.bind( src_addr )
c, _ = _netlink_udp_lookup(family, src_addr, dst_addr)
if c != cookie:
    raise OSError(...)
sd.connect( dst_addr )

This code has the same race condition issue as the connect inet eBPF hook before. But it’s a good starting point. We need some locking to avoid the race condition. Perhaps it’s possible to do it in the userspace.

SO_REUSEADDR as a lock

Here comes a breakthrough: we can use SO_REUSEADDR as a locking mechanism. Consider this:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
cookie = sd.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, SO_COOKIE, 8)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sd.bind( src_addr )
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 0)
c, _ = _netlink_udp_lookup(family, src_addr, dst_addr)
if c != cookie:
    raise OSError()
sd.connect( dst_addr )
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

The idea here is:

  • We need REUSEADDR around bind, otherwise it wouldn’t be possible to reuse a local port. It’s technically possible to clear REUSEADDR after bind. Doing this technically makes the kernel socket state inconsistent, but it doesn’t hurt anything in practice.
  • By clearing REUSEADDR, we’re locking new sockets from using that source port. At this stage we can check if we have ownership of the 4-tuple we want. Even if multiple sockets enter this critical section, only one, the newest, can win this verification. This is a cooperative algorithm, so we assume all tenants try to behave.
  • At this point, if the verification succeeds, we can perform connect() and have a guarantee that the 4-tuple won’t be reused by another socket at any point in the process.

This is rather convoluted and hacky, but it satisfies our requirements:

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
REUSEADDR as a lock EAGAIN yes no

Sadly, this schema only works when we know the full 4-tuple, so we can’t rely on kernel automatic source IP or port assignments.

Faking source IP and port discovery

In the case when the user calls ‘connect’ and specifies only target 2-tuple – destination IP and port, the kernel needs to fill in the missing bits – the source IP and source port. Unfortunately the described algorithm expects the full 4-tuple to be known in advance.

One solution is to implement source IP and port discovery in userspace. This turns out to be not that hard. For example, here’s a snippet of our code:

def _get_udp_port(family, src_addr, dst_addr):
    if ephemeral_lo == None:
    lo, hi = ephemeral_lo, ephemeral_hi
    start = random.randint(lo, hi)

Putting it all together

Combining the manual source IP, port discovery and the REUSEADDR locking dance, we get a decent userspace implementation of connectx() for UDP.

We have covered all three use cases this API should support:

user specified comments
{_, _, dst_IP, dst_port} manual source IP and source port discovery
{src_IP, _, dst_IP, dst_port} manual source port discovery
{src_IP, src_port, dst_IP, dst_port} just our “REUSEADDR as lock” technique

Take a look at the full code.


This post described a problem we hit in production: running out of ephemeral ports. This was partially caused by our servers running numerous concurrent connections, but also because we used the Linux sockets API in a way that prevented source port reuse. It meant that we were limited to ~28,000 concurrent connections per protocol, which is not enough for us.

We explained how to allow source port reuse and prevent having this ephemeral-port-range limit imposed. We showed an userspace connectx() function, which is a better way of creating outgoing TCP and UDP connections on Linux.

Our UDP code is more complex, based on little known low-level features, assumes cooperation between tenants and undocumented behaviour of the Linux operating system. Using REUSEADDR as a locking mechanism is rather unheard of.

The connectx() functionality is valuable, and should be added to Linux one way or another. It’s not trivial to get all its use cases right. Hopefully, this blog post shows how to achieve this in the best way given the operating system API constraints.


¹ On a side note, on the second cURL run it fails due to TIME-WAIT sockets: “bind failed with errno 98: Address already in use”.

One option is to wait for the TIME_WAIT socket to die, or work around this with the time-wait sockets kill script. Killing time-wait sockets is generally a bad idea, violating protocol, unneeded and sometimes doesn’t work. But hey, in some extreme cases it’s good to know what’s possible. Just saying.

Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask, part 1

Post Syndicated from Marek Majkowski original

Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask, part 1
Snippet from internal presentation about UDP inner workings in Spectrum. Who said UDP is simple!

Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask, part 1

Historically Cloudflare’s core competency was operating an HTTP reverse proxy. We’ve spent significant effort optimizing traditional HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 servers running on top of TCP. Recently though, we started operating big scale stateful UDP services.

Stateful UDP gains popularity for a number of reasons:

QUIC is a new transport protocol based on UDP, it powers HTTP/3. We see the adoption accelerating.

We operate WARP — our Wireguard protocol based tunneling service — which uses UDP under the hood.

— We have a lot of generic UDP traffic going through our Spectrum service.

Although UDP is simple in principle, there is a lot of domain knowledge needed to run things at scale. In this blog post we’ll cover the basics: all you need to know about UDP servers to get started.

Connected vs unconnected

How do you “accept” connections on a UDP server? If you are using unconnected sockets, you generally don’t.

But let’s start with the basics. UDP sockets can be “connected” (or “established”) or “unconnected”. Connected sockets have a full 4-tuple associated {source ip, source port, destination ip, destination port}, unconnected sockets have 2-tuple {bind ip, bind port}.

Traditionally the connected sockets were mostly used for outgoing flows, while unconnected for inbound “server” side connections.

UDP client

As we’ll learn today, these can be mixed. It is possible to use connected sockets for ingress handling, and unconnected for egress. To illustrate the latter, consider these two snippets. They do the same thing — send a packet to the DNS resolver. First snippet is using a connected socket:

Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask, part 1

Second, using unconnected one:

Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask, part 1

Which one is better? In the second case, when receiving, the programmer should verify the source IP of the packet. Otherwise, the program can get confused by some random inbound internet junk — like port scanning. It is tempting to reuse the socket descriptor and query another DNS server afterwards, but this would be a bad idea, particularly when dealing with DNS. For security, DNS assumes the client source port is unpredictable and short-lived.

Generally speaking for outbound traffic it’s preferable to use connected UDP sockets.

Connected sockets can save route lookup on each packet by employing a clever optimization — Linux can save a route lookup result on a connection struct. Depending on the specifics of the setup this might save some CPU cycles.

For completeness, it is possible to roll a new source port and reuse a socket descriptor with an obscure trick called “dissolving of the socket association”. It can be done with connect(AF_UNSPEC), but this is rather advanced Linux magic.

UDP server

Traditionally on the server side UDP requires unconnected sockets. Using them requires a bit of finesse. To illustrate this, let’s write an UDP echo server. In practice, you probably shouldn’t write such a server, due to a risk of becoming a DoS reflection vector. Among other protections, like rate limiting, UDP services should always respond with a strictly smaller amount of data than was sent in the initial packet. But let’s not digress, the naive UDP echo server might look like:

Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask, part 1

This code begs questions:

— Received packets can be longer than 2048 bytes. This can happen over loop back, when using jumbo frames or with help of IP fragmentation.

— It’s totally possible for the received packet to have an empty payload.

— What about inbound ICMP errors?

These problems are specific to UDP, they don’t happen in the TCP world. TCP can transparently deal with MTU / fragmentation and ICMP errors. Depending on the specific protocol, a UDP service might need to be more complex and pay extra care to such corner cases.

Sourcing packets from a wildcard socket

There is a bigger problem with this code. It only works correctly when binding to a specific IP address, like ::1 or It won’t always work when we bind to a wildcard. The issue lies in the sendto() line — we didn’t explicitly set the outbound IP address! Linux doesn’t know where we’d like to source the packet from, and it will choose a default egress IP address. It might not be the IP the client communicated to. For example, let’s say we added ::2 address to loop back interface and sent a packet to it, with src IP set to a valid ::1:

marek@mrprec:~$ sudo tcpdump -ni lo port 1234 -t
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on lo, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
IP6 ::1.41879 > ::2.1234: UDP, length 2
IP6 ::1.1234 > ::1.41879: UDP, length 2

Here we can see the packet correctly flying from ::1 to ::2, to our server. But then when the server responds, it sources the response from ::1 IP which in this case is wrong.

On the server side, when binding to a wildcard:

— we might receive packets destined to a number of IP addresses

— we must be very careful when responding and use appropriate source IP address

BSD Sockets API doesn’t make it easy to understand where the received packet was destined to. On Linux and BSD it is possible to request useful CMSG metadata with IP_RECVPKTINO and IPV6_RECVPKTINFO.

An improved server loop might look like:

Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask, part 1

The recvmsg and sendmsg syscalls, as opposed to recvfrom / sendto allow the programmer to request and set extra CMSG metadata, which is very handy when dealing with UDP.

The IPV6_PKTINFO CMSG contains this data structure:

Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask, part 1

We can find here the IP address and interface number of the packet target. Notice, there’s no place for a port number.

Graceful server restart

Many traditional UDP protocols, like DNS, are request-response based. Since there is no state associated with a higher level “connection”, the server can restart, to upgrade or change configuration, without any problems. Ideally, sockets should be managed with the usual systemd socket activation to avoid the short time window where the socket is down.

Modern protocols are often connection-based. For such servers, on restart, it’s beneficial to keep the old connections directed to the old server process, while the new server instance is available for handling the new connections. The old connections will eventually die off, and the old server process will be able to terminate. This is a common and easy practice in the TCP world where each connection has its own file descriptor. The old server process stops accept()-ing new connections and just waits for the old connections to gradually go away. NGINX has a good documentation on the subject.

Sadly, in UDP you can’t accept() new connections. Doing graceful server restarts for UDP is surprisingly hard.

Established-over-unconnected technique

For some services we are using a technique which we call “established-over-unconnected”. This comes from a realization that on Linux it’s possible to create a connected socket *over* an unconnected one. Consider this code:

Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask, part 1

Does this look hacky? Well, it should. What we do here is:

— We start a UDP unconnected socket.

— We wait for a client to come in.

— As soon as we receive the first packet from the client, we immediately create a new fully connected socket, *over* the unconnected socket! It shares the same local port and local IP.

This is how it might look in ss:

marek@mrprec:~$ ss -panu sport = :1234 or dport = :1234 | cat
State     Recv-Q    Send-Q       Local Address:Port        Peer Address:Port    Process                                                                         
ESTAB     0         0                    [::1]:1234               [::1]:44592    python3
UNCONN    0         0                        *:1234                   *:*        python3
ESTAB     0         0                    [::1]:44592              [::1]:1234     nc

Here you can see the two sockets managed in our python test server. Notice the established socket is sharing the unconnected socket port.

This trick is basically reproducing the ‘accept()` behaviour in UDP, where each ingress connection gets its own dedicated socket descriptor.

While this trick is nice, it’s not without drawbacks — it’s racy in two places. First, it’s possible that the client will send more than one packet to the unconnected socket before the connected socket is created. The application code should work around it — if a packet received from the server socket belongs to an already existing connected flow, it shall be handed over to the right place. Then, during the creation of the connected socket, in the short window after bind() before connect() we might receive unexpected packets belonging to the unconnected socket! We don’t want these packets here. It is necessary to filter the source IP/port when receiving early packets on the connected socket.

Is this approach worth the extra complexity? It depends on the use case. For a relatively small number of long-lived flows, it might be ok. For a high number of short-lived flows (especially DNS or NTP) it’s an overkill.

Keeping old flows stable during service restarts is particularly hard in UDP. The established-over-unconnected technique is just one of the simpler ways of handling it. We’ll leave another technique, based on SO_REUSEPORT ebpf, for a future blog post.


In this blog post we started by highlighting connected and unconnected UDP sockets. Then we discussed why binding UDP servers to a wildcard is hard, and how IP_PKTINFO CMSG can help to solve it. We discussed the UDP graceful restart problem, and hinted on an established-over-unconnected technique.

Socket type Created with Appropriate syscalls
established connect() recv()/send()
established bind() + connect() recvfrom()/send(), watch out for the race after bind(), verify source of the packet
unconnected bind(specific IP) recvfrom()/sendto()
unconnected bind(wildcard) recvmsg()/sendmsg() with IP_PKTINFO CMSG

Stay tuned, in future blog posts we might go even deeper into the curious world of production UDP servers.

Computing Euclidean distance on 144 dimensions

Post Syndicated from Marek Majkowski original

Computing Euclidean distance on 144 dimensions

Computing Euclidean distance on 144 dimensions

Late last year I read a blog post about our CSAM image scanning tool. I remember thinking: this is so cool! Image processing is always hard, and deploying a real image identification system at Cloudflare is no small achievement!

Some time later, I was chatting with Kornel: “We have all the pieces in the image processing pipeline, but we are struggling with the performance of one component.” Scaling to Cloudflare needs ain’t easy!

The problem was in the speed of the matching algorithm itself. Let me elaborate. As John explained in his blog post, the image matching algorithm creates a fuzzy hash from a processed image. The hash is exactly 144 bytes long. For example, it might look like this:

00e308346a494a188e1043333147267a 653a16b94c33417c12b433095c318012
5612442030d14a4ce82c623f4e224733 1dd84436734e4a5d6e25332e507a8218

The hash is designed to be used in a fuzzy matching algorithm that can find “nearby”, related images. The specific algorithm is well defined, but making it fast is left to the programmer — and at Cloudflare we need the matching to be done super fast. We want to match thousands of hashes per second, of images passing through our network, against a database of millions of known images. To make this work, we need to seriously optimize the matching algorithm.

Naive quadratic algorithm

The first algorithm that comes to mind has O(K*N) complexity: for each query, go through every hash in the database. In naive implementation, this creates a lot of work. But how much work exactly?

First, we need to explain how fuzzy matching works.

Given a query hash, the fuzzy match is the “closest” hash in a database. This requires us to define a distance. We treat each hash as a vector containing 144 numbers, identifying a point in a 144-dimensional space. Given two such points, we can calculate the distance using the standard Euclidean formula.

For our particular problem, though, we are interested in the “closest” match in a database only if the distance is lower than some predefined threshold. Otherwise, when the distance is large,  we can assume the images aren’t similar. This is the expected result — most of our queries will not have a related image in the database.

The Euclidean distance equation used by the algorithm is standard:

Computing Euclidean distance on 144 dimensions

To calculate the distance between two 144-byte hashes, we take each byte, calculate the delta, square it, sum it to an accumulator, do a square root, and ta-dah! We have the distance!

Here’s how to count the squared distance in C:

Computing Euclidean distance on 144 dimensions

This function returns the squared distance. We avoid computing the actual distance to save us from running the square root function – it’s slow. Inside the code, for performance and simplicity, we’ll mostly operate on the squared value. We don’t need the actual distance value, we just need to find the vector with the smallest one. In our case it doesn’t matter if we’ll compare distances or squared distances!

As you can see, fuzzy matching is basically a standard problem of finding the closest point in a multi-dimensional space. Surely this has been solved in the past — but let’s not jump ahead.

While this code might be simple, we expect it to be rather slow. Finding the smallest hash distance in a database of, say, 1M entries, would require going over all records, and would need at least:

  1. 144 * 1M subtractions
  2. 144 * 1M multiplications
  3. 144 * 1M additions

And more. This alone adds up to 432 million operations! How does it look in practice? To illustrate this blog post we prepared a full test suite. The large database of known hashes can be well emulated by random data. The query hashes can’t be random and must be slightly more sophisticated, otherwise the exercise wouldn’t be that interesting. We generated the test smartly by byte-swaps of the actual data from the database — this allows us to precisely control the distance between test hashes and database hashes. Take a look at the scripts for details. Here’s our first run of the first, naive, algorithm:

$ make naive
< test-vector.txt ./mmdist-naive > test-vector.tmp
Total: 85261.833ms, 1536 items, avg 55.509ms per query, 18.015 qps

We matched 1,536 test hashes against a database of 1 million random vectors in 85 seconds. It took 55ms of CPU time on average to find the closest neighbour. This is rather slow for our needs.

SIMD for help

An obvious improvement is to use more complex SIMD instructions. SIMD is a way to instruct the CPU to process multiple data points using one instruction. This is a perfect strategy when dealing with vector problems — as is the case for our task.

We settled on using AVX2, with 256 bit vectors. We did this for a simple reason — newer AVX versions are not supported by our AMD CPUs. Additionally, in the past, we were not thrilled by the AVX-512 frequency scaling.

Using AVX2 is easier said than done. There is no single instruction to count Euclidean distance between two uint8 vectors! The fastest way of counting the full distance of two 144-byte vectors with AVX2 we could find is authored by Vlad:

Computing Euclidean distance on 144 dimensions

It’s actually simpler than it looks: load 16 bytes, convert vector from uint8 to int16, subtract the vector, store intermediate sums as int32, repeat. At the end, we need to do complex 4 instructions to extract the partial sums into the final sum. This AVX2 code improves the performance around 3x:

$ make naive-avx2 
Total: 25911.126ms, 1536 items, avg 16.869ms per query, 59.280 qps

We measured 17ms per item, which is still below our expectations. Unfortunately, we can’t push it much further without major changes. The problem is that this code is limited by memory bandwidth. The measurements come from my Intel i7-5557U CPU, which has the max theoretical memory bandwidth of just 25GB/s. The database of 1 million entries takes 137MiB, so it takes at least 5ms to feed the database to my CPU. With this naive algorithm we won’t be able to go below that.

Vantage Point Tree algorithm

Since the naive brute force approach failed, we tried using more sophisticated algorithms. My colleague Kornel Lesiński implemented a super cool Vantage Point algorithm. After a few ups and downs, optimizations and rewrites, we gave up. Our problem turned out to be unusually hard for this kind of algorithm.

We observed “the curse of dimensionality”. Space partitioning algorithms don’t work well in problems with large dimensionality — and in our case, we have an enormous number of 144 dimensions. K-D trees are doomed. Locality-sensitive hashing is also doomed. It’s a bizarre situation in which the space is unimaginably vast, but everything is close together. The volume of the space is a 347-digit-long number, but the maximum distance between points is just 3060 – sqrt(255*255*144).

Space partitioning algorithms are fast, because they gradually narrow the search space as they get closer to finding the closest point. But in our case, the common query is never close to any point in the set, so the search space can’t be narrowed to a meaningful degree.

A VP-tree was a promising candidate, because it operates only on distances, subdividing space into near and far partitions, like a binary tree. When it has a close match, it can be very fast, and doesn’t need to visit more than O(log(N)) nodes. For non-matches, its speed drops dramatically. The algorithm ends up visiting nearly half of the nodes in the tree. Everything is close together in 144 dimensions! Even though the algorithm avoided visiting more than half of the nodes in the tree, the cost of visiting remaining nodes was higher, so the search ended up being slower overall.

Smarter brute force?

This experience got us thinking. Since space partitioning algorithms can’t narrow down the search, and still need to go over a very large number of items, maybe we should focus on going over all the hashes, extremely quickly. We must be smarter about memory bandwidth though — it was the limiting factor in the naive brute force approach before.

Perhaps we don’t need to fetch all the data from memory.

Short distance

The breakthrough came from the realization that we don’t need to count the full distance between hashes. Instead, we can compute only a subset of dimensions, say 32 out of the total of 144. If this distance is already large, then there is no need to compute the full one! Computing more points is not going to reduce the Euclidean distance.

The proposed algorithm works as follows:

1. Take the query hash and extract a 32-byte short hash from it

2. Go over all the 1 million 32-byte short hashes from the database. They must be densely packed in the memory to allow the CPU to perform good prefetching and avoid reading data we won’t need.

3. If the distance of the 32-byte short hash is greater or equal a best score so far, move on

4. Otherwise, investigate the hash thoroughly and compute the full distance.

Even though this algorithm needs to do less arithmetic and memory work, it’s not faster than the previous naive one. See make short-avx2. The problem is: we still need to compute a full distance for hashes that are promising, and there are quite a lot of them. Computing the full distance for promising hashes adds enough work, both in ALU and memory latency, to offset the gains of this algorithm.

There is one detail of our particular application of the image matching problem that will help us a lot moving forward. As we described earlier, the problem is less about finding the closest neighbour and more about proving that the neighbour with a reasonable distance doesn’t exist. Remember — in practice, we don’t expect to find many matches! We expect almost every image we feed into the algorithm to be unrelated to image hashes stored in the database.

It’s sufficient for our algorithm to prove that no neighbour exists within a predefined distance threshold. Let’s assume we are not interested in hashes more distant than, say, 220, which squared is 48,400. This makes our short-distance algorithm variation work much better:

$ make short-avx2-threshold
Total: 4994.435ms, 1536 items, avg 3.252ms per query, 307.542 qps

Origin distance variation

Computing Euclidean distance on 144 dimensions

At some point, John noted that the threshold allows additional optimization. We can order the hashes by their distance from some origin point. Given a query hash which has origin distance of A, we can inspect only hashes which are distant between |A-threshold| and |A+threshold| from the origin. This is pretty much how each level of Vantage Point Tree works, just simplified. This optimization — ordering items in the database by their distance from origin point — is relatively simple and can help save us a bit of work.

While great on paper, this method doesn’t introduce much gain in practice, as the vectors are not grouped in clusters — they are pretty much random! For the threshold values we are interested in, the origin distance algorithm variation gives us ~20% speed boost, which is okay but not breathtaking. This change might bring more benefits if we ever decide to reduce the threshold value, so it might be worth doing for production implementation. However, it doesn’t work well with query batching.

Transposing data for better AVX

But we’re not done with AVX optimizations! The usual problem with AVX is that the instructions don’t normally fit a specific problem. Some serious mind twisting is required to adapt the right instruction to the problem, or to reverse the problem so that a specific instruction can be used. AVX2 doesn’t have useful “horizontal” uint16 subtract, multiply and add operations. For example, _mm_hadd_epi16 exists, but it’s slow and cumbersome.

Instead, we can twist the problem to make use of fast available uint16 operands. For example we can use:

  1. _mm256_sub_epi16
  2. _mm256_mullo_epi16
  3. and _mm256_add_epu16.

The add would overflow in our case, but fortunately there is add-saturate _mm256_adds_epu16.

The saturated add is great and saves us conversion to uint32. It just adds a small limitation: the threshold passed to the program (i.e., the max squared distance) must fit into uint16. However, this is fine for us.

To effectively use these instructions we need to transpose the data in the database. Instead of storing hashes in rows, we can store them in columns:

Computing Euclidean distance on 144 dimensions

So instead of:

  1. [a1, a2, a3],
  2. [b1, b2, b3],
  3. [c1, c2, c3],

We can lay it out in memory transposed:

  1. [a1, b1, c1],
  2. [a2, b2, c2],
  3. [a3, b3, c3],

Now we can load 16 first bytes of hashes using one memory operation. In the next step, we can subtract the first byte of the querying hash using a single instruction, and so on. The algorithm stays exactly the same as defined above; we just make the data easier to load and easier to process for AVX.

The hot loop code even looks relatively pretty:

Computing Euclidean distance on 144 dimensions

With the well-tuned batch size and short distance size parameters we can see the performance of this algorithm:

$ make short-inv-avx2
Total: 1118.669ms, 1536 items, avg 0.728ms per query, 1373.062 qps

Whoa! This is pretty awesome. We started from 55ms per query, and we finished with just 0.73ms. There are further micro-optimizations possible, like memory prefetching or using huge pages to reduce page faults, but they have diminishing returns at this point.

Computing Euclidean distance on 144 dimensions
Roofline model from Denis Bakhvalov’s book‌‌

If you are interested in architectural tuning such as this, take a look at the new performance book by Denis Bakhvalov. It discusses roofline model analysis, which is pretty much what we did here.

Do take a look at our code and tell us if we missed some optimization!


What an optimization journey! We jumped between memory and ALU bottlenecked code. We discussed more sophisticated algorithms, but in the end, a brute force algorithm — although tuned — gave us the best results.

To get even better numbers, I experimented with Nvidia GPU using CUDA. The CUDA intrinsics like vabsdiff4 and dp4a fit the problem perfectly. The V100 gave us some amazing numbers, but I wasn’t fully satisfied with it. Considering how many AMD Ryzen cores with AVX2 we can get for the cost of a single server-grade GPU, we leaned towards general purpose computing for this particular problem.

This is a great example of the type of complexities we deal with every day. Making even the best technologies work “at Cloudflare scale” requires thinking outside the box. Sometimes we rewrite the solution dozens of times before we find the optimal one. And sometimes we settle on a brute-force algorithm, just very very optimized.

The computation of hashes and image matching are challenging problems that require running very CPU intensive operations.. The CPU we have available on the edge is scarce and workloads like this are incredibly expensive. Even with the optimization work talked about in this blog post, running the CSAM scanner at scale is a challenge and has required a huge engineering effort. And we’re not done! We need to solve more hard problems before we’re satisfied. If you want to help, consider applying!