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Role-based access control using Amazon Cognito and an external identity provider

Post Syndicated from Eran Medan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/role-based-access-control-using-amazon-cognito-and-an-external-identity-provider/

Amazon Cognito simplifies the development process by helping you manage identities for your customer-facing applications. As your application grows, some of your enterprise customers may ask you to integrate with their own Identity Provider (IdP) so that their users can sign-on to your app using their company’s identity, and have role-based access-control (RBAC) based on their company’s directory group membership.

For your own workforce identities, you can use AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) to enable single sign-on to your cloud applications or AWS resources.

For your customers who would like to integrate your application with their own IdP, you can use Amazon Cognito user pools’ external identity provider integration.

In this post, you’ll learn how to integrate Amazon Cognito with an external IdP by deploying a demo web application that integrates with an external IdP via SAML 2.0. You will use directory groups (for example, Active Directory or LDAP) for authorization by mapping them to Amazon Cognito user pool groups that your application can read to make access decisions.


The demo application is implemented using Amazon Cognito, AWS Amplify, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), and Amazon CloudFront to achieve a serverless architecture. You will make use of infrastructure-as-code by using AWS CloudFormation and the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to model and provision your cloud application resources, using familiar programming languages.

The following diagram shows an overview of this architecture and the steps in the login flow, which should help clarify what you are going to deploy.

Figure 1: Architecture Diagram

Figure 1: Architecture Diagram

First visit

When a user visits the web application at the first time, the flow is as follows:

  1. The client side of the application (also referred to as the front end) uses the AWS Amplify JavaScript library (Amplify.js) to simplify authentication and authorization. Using Amplify, the application detects that the user is unauthenticated and redirects to Amazon Cognito, which then sends a SAML request to the IdP.
  2. The IdP authenticates the user and sends a SAML response back to Amazon Cognito. The SAML response includes common attributes and a multi-value attribute for group membership.
  3. Amazon Cognito handles the SAML response, and maps the SAML attributes to a just-in-time user profile. The SAML groups attribute is mapped to a custom user pool attribute named custom:groups.
  4. An AWS Lambda function named PreTokenGeneration reads the custom:groups custom attribute and converts it to a JSON Web Token (JWT) claim named cognito:groups. This associates the user to a group, without creating a group.

    This attribute conversion is optional and implemented to demo how you can use Pre Token Generation Lambda trigger to customize your JWT token claims, mapping the IdP groups to the attributes your application recognizes. You can also use this trigger to make additional authorization decisions. For example, if user is a member of multiple groups, you may choose to map only one of them.

  5. Amazon Cognito returns the JWT tokens to the front end.
  6. The Amplify client library stores the tokens and handles refreshes.
  7. The front end makes a call to a protected API in Amazon API Gateway.
  8. API Gateway uses an Amazon Cognito user pools authorizer to validate the JWT’s signature and expiration. If this is successful, API Gateway passes the JWT to the application’s Lambda function (also referred to as the backend).
  9. The backend application code reads the cognito:groups claim from the JWT and decides if the action is allowed. If the user is a member of the right group then the action is allowed, otherwise the action is denied.

We will go into more detail about these steps after describing a bit more about the implementation details.

For more information about JWT tokens and claims, see Introduction to JSON Web Tokens.


The following are the prerequisites for the solution described in this post:

Cost estimate

For an account under the 12-month Free Tier period, there should be no cost associated with running this example. However, to avoid any unexpected costs you should terminate the example stack after it’s no longer needed. For more information, see AWS Free Tier and AWS Pricing.

Running the demo application

In this part, you will go over the steps to setup and run the demo application. All the example code in this solution can be found on the amazon-cognito-example-for-external-idp code repository on GitHub.

To deploy the application without an IdP integration

  1. Open a bash-compatible command-line terminal and navigate to a directory of your choice. For Windows users: install Git for Windows and open Git BASH from the start menu.
  2. To get the code from the GitHub repository, enter the following:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-cognito-example-for-external-idp 
    cd amazon-cognito-example-for-external-idp

  3. The template env.sh.template contains configuration settings for the application that you will modify later when you configure the IdP. To copy env.sh.template to env.sh, enter the following:
    cp env.sh.template env.sh

    Figure 2: Cloning the example repository and copying the template configuration file

    Figure 2: Cloning the example repository and copying the template configuration file

  4. The install.sh script will install the AWS CDK toolkit with the dependencies and will configure and bootstrap your environment:

    Figure 3: Installing dependencies

    Figure 3: Installing dependencies

    You may get prompted to agree to sending Angular analytics. You will also get notified if there are package vulnerabilities. If this is the case run npm audit –fix –prod in all subdirectories to resolve them.

  5. Once the environment has been successfully bootstrapped you need to deploy the CloudFormation stack:

    Figure 4: Deploying the CloudFormation stack

    Figure 4: Deploying the CloudFormation stack

  6. You will be prompted to accept the IAM changes. These changes will allow API gateway service to call the demo application lambda function (APIFunction), Amazon Cognito to invoke Pre-Token Generation lambda function, demo application lambda function to access DynamoDB user’s table (used to implement user’s global sign out), and more. You’ll need to review these changes according to your current security approval level and confirm them to continue.

    Under Do you wish to deploy these changes (y/n)?, type y and press Enter.

    Figure 5: Reviewing and confirming changes

    Figure 5: Reviewing and confirming changes

  7. A few moments after deploying the application’s CloudFormation stack, the terminal displays the IdP settings, which should look like the following:
    Figure 6: IdP settings

    Figure 6: IdP settings

    Make a note of these values; you will use them later to configure the IdP.

Configure the IdP

Every IdP is different, but there are some common steps you will need to follow. To configure the IdP, do the following:

  1. Provide the IdP with the values for the following two properties, which you made note of in the previous section:
    • Single sign on URL / Assertion Consumer Service URL / ACS URL:

    • Audience URI / SP Entity ID / Entity ID:

  2. Configure the field mapping for the SAML response in the IdP. Map the first name, last name, email, and groups (as a multivalue attribute) into SAML response attributes with the names firstName, lastName, email, and groups, respectively.

    Recommended: Filter the mapped groups to only those that are relevant to the application (for example, by a prefix filter). There is a 2,048-character limit on the custom attribute, so filtering avoids exceeding the character limit, and also avoids passing irrelevant information to the application.

  3. In the IdP, create two demo groups called pet-app-users and pet-app-admins, and create two demo users, for example, [email protected] and [email protected], and then assign one to each group, respectively.

See the following specific instructions for some popular IdPs, or see the documentation for your customer’s specific IdP:

Get the IdP SAML metadata URL or file

Get the metadata URL or file from the IdP: you will use this later to configure your Cognito user pool integration with the IdP. For more information, see Integrating Third-Party SAML Identity Providers with Amazon Cognito User Pools.

To update the application with the SAML metadata URL or file

The following will configure the SAML IdP in the Amazon Cognito User Pool using the IdP metadata above:

  1. Using your favorite text editor, open the env.sh file.
  2. Uncomment the line starting with # export IDENTITY_PROVIDER_NAME (remove the # sign).
  3. Uncomment the line starting with # export IDENTITY_PROVIDER_METADATA.
  4. If you have a metadata URL from the IdP, enter it following the = sign:

    Or, if you downloaded the metadata as a file, enter $(cat path/to/downloaded-metadata.xml):


    Figure 7: Editing the identity provider metadata in the env.sh configuration file

    Figure 7: Editing the identity provider metadata in the env.sh configuration file

To re-deploy the application

  1. Run ./diff.sh to see the changes to the CloudFormation stack (added metadata URL).
    Figure 8: Run ./diff.sh

    Figure 8: Run ./diff.sh

  2. Run ./deploy.sh to deploy the update.

To launch the UI

There is both an Angular version and a React version of the same UI, both have the same functionality. You can use either version depending on your preference.

  1. Start the front end application with your chosen version of the UI with one of the following:
    • React: cd ui-react && npm start
    • Angular: cd ui-angular && npm start
  2. To simulate a new session, in your web browser, open a new window in private browsing or incognito mode, then for the URL, enter http://localhost:3000. You should see a screen similar to the following:
    Figure 9: Private browsing sign-in screen

    Figure 9: Private browsing sign-in screen

  3. Choose Single Sign On to be taken to the IdP’s sign-in page, where you will sign in if needed. After you are authenticated by the IdP, you’ll be redirected back to the application.

    If you have multiple IdPs, or if you have both internal and external users that will authenticate directly with the user pool, you can choose the Sign In / Sign Up button instead. This redirects you to the Amazon Cognito hosted UI sign in page, rather than taking you directly to the IdP. For more information, see Using the Amazon Cognito Hosted UI for Sign-Up and Sign-In.

  4. Using a new private browsing session (to clear any state), sign in with the user associated with the group pet-app-users and create some sample entries. Then, sign out. Open another private browsing session, and sign in with the user associated with the pet-app-admins group. Notice that you can see the other user’s entries. Now, create a few entries as an admin, then sign out. Open another new private browsing session, sign in again as the pet-app-users user, and notice that you can’t see the entries created by the admin user.
    Figure 10: Example view for a user who is only a member of the pet-app-users group

    Figure 10: Example view for a user who is only a member of the pet-app-users group


    Figure 11: Example view for a user who is also a member of the pet-app-admins group

    Figure 11: Example view for a user who is also a member of the pet-app-admins group


Next, review the details of what each part of the demo application does, so that you can modify it and use it as a starting point for your own application.


Take a look at the code in the cdk.ts file—a sample CDK file that creates the infrastructure. You can find it in the amazon-cognito-example-for-external-idp/cdk/src directory in the cloned GitHub repo. The key resources it creates are the following:

  1. A Cognito user pool (new cognito.UserPool…). This is where the just-in-time provisioning created users who federate in from the IdP. It also creates a custom attribute named groups, which you can see as custom:groups in the console.
    Figure 12: Custom attribute named groups

    Figure 12: Custom attribute named groups

  2. IdP integration which provides the mapping between the attributes in the SAML assertion from the IdP and Amazon Cognito attributes. For more information, see Specifying Identity Provider Attribute Mappings for Your User Pool.
    (new cognito.CfnUserPoolIdentityProvider…).
  3. An authorizer (new apigateway.CfnAuthorizer…). The authorizer is linked to an API resource method (authorizer: {authorizerId: cfnAuthorizer.ref}).

    It ensures that the user must be authenticated and must have a valid JWT token to make API calls to this resource. It uses Lambda proxy integration to intercept requests.

  4. The PreTokenGeneration Lambda trigger, which is used for the mapping between a user’s Active Directory or LDAP groups (passed on the SAML response from the IdP) to user pool groups (const preTokenGeneration = new lambda.Function…). For the PreTokenGeneration Lambda trigger code used in this solution, see the index.ts file on GitHub.

The application


The example application in this solution uses a serverless backend, but you can modify it to use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), AWS Fargate, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, or even an on-premises server as the backend. To configure your API gateway to point to a server-based application, see Set up HTTP Integrations in API Gateway or Set up API Gateway Private Integrations.


Take a look at the code in the express.js sample in the app.ts file on GitHub. You’ll notice some statements starting with app.use. These are interceptors that are invoked for all requests.


  authorizationHeaderName: authorizationHeaderName,
  supportedGroups: [adminsGroupName, usersGroupName],
  forceSignOutHandler: forceSignOutHandler,
  allowedPaths: ["/"],

Some explanation:

  1. eventContext: the example application in this solution uses AWS Serverless Express which allows you to run the Express framework for Node.js directly on AWS Lambda.
  2. authorizationMiddleware is a helper middleware that does the following:
    1. It enriches the express.js request object with several syntactic sugars such as req.groups and req.username (a shortcut to get the respective claims from the JWT token).
    2. It ensures that the currently logged in user is a member of at least one of the supportedGroups provided. If not, it will return a 403 response.


Still in the Express.js app.ts file on GitHub, take a closer look at one of the API’s endpoints (GET /pets).

app.get("/pets", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {

  if (req.groups.has(adminsGroupName)) {
    // if the user has the admin group, we return all pets
    res.json(await storageService.getAllPets());
  } else {
    // else, just owned pets (middleware ensure that the user has at least one group)
    res.json(await storageService.getAllPetsByOwner(req.username));

With the groups claim information, your application can now make authorization decisions based on the user’s role (show all items if they are an admin, otherwise just items they own). Having this logic as part of the application also allows you to unit test your authorization logic, and run it locally, or offline, before deploying it.

Front end

The front end can be built in your framework of choice. You can start with the sample UIs provided for either React or Angular. In both, the AWS Amplify client library handles the integration with Amazon Cognito and API Gateway for you. For more information about AWS Amplify, see the Amplify Framework page on GitHub.

Note: You can use AWS Amplify to create the infrastructure in a wizard-like way, without writing CloudFormation. In our example, because we used the AWS CDK for the infrastructure, we needed a configuration file to point Amplify to the created infrastructure.

The following are some notable files, and explanations of what they do:

  • generateConfig.ts reads the CloudFormation stack output parameters, and creates a file named autoGenConfig.js, which looks like the following:
    // this file is auto generated, do not edit it directly
    export default {
      cognitoDomain: "youruniquecognitodomain.auth.region.amazoncognito.com",
      region: "region",
      cognitoUserPoolId: "youruserpoolid",
      cognitoUserPoolAppClientId: "yourusepoolclientid",
      apiUrl: "https://yourapigwapiid.execute-api.region.amazonaws.com/prod/",

    The file generateConfig.ts is triggered after calling ./deploy.sh, or ./config-ui.sh.

  • APIService.ts: calls the backend API, passing the user’s token. For example, calling the GET/pets API:
    public async getAllPets(): Promise<Pet[]> {
      const authorizationHeader = await this.getAuthorizationHeader();
      return await this.api.get(REST_API_NAME, '/pets', {headers: authorizationHeader});

Step-by-step example

Now that you have an understanding of the solution, we will take you through a step-by-step example. You can see how everything works together in sequence, and how the tokens are passing between Cognito, your demo application, and the API gateway.

  1. Create a new browser session by starting a private/incognito session.
  2. Launch the UI by using the Angular example from the To launch the UI section:
    cd ui-angular && npm start

  3. Open the developer tools in your browser. In most browsers, you can do this by pressing F12 (in Chrome and FireFox in Windows), or Option+Command+i (Chrome, Firefox, or Safari on a Mac).
  4. In the developer tools panel, navigate to the Network tab, and ensure that it is in recording mode and logs are persisting. For more details for various browsers, see How to View a SAML Response in Your Browser for Troubleshooting.
  5. When the page loads, the following happens behind the scenes in the front end (example code available for either Angular or React):
    1. Using Amplify.js, AWS Amplify checks if the user is currently logged in
      let cognitoUser = await Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser();

      Because this is a new browsing session, the user is not logged in, and the Sign In / Sign Up and Single Sign On buttons will appear.

    2. Choose Single Sign On, and AWS Amplify will redirect the browser to the IdP.

  6. In the IdP sign-in page, sign in as one of the users created earlier (e.g. [email protected] or [email protected]).
  7. In the Network tab of your browser’s developer tools panel, locate the request to Amazon Cognito’s /saml2/idresponse endpoint.
  8. The following is an example using Chrome, but you can do it similarly using other browsers. In the Form Data section, you can see the SAMLResponse field that was sent back from the IdP after you authenticated.
    Figure 13: Inspecting the SAML response

    Figure 13: Inspecting the SAML response

  9. Copy the SAMLResponse value (drag to select the area marked in green above, and make sure you don’t include the RelayState field).
  10. At the command line, use the following example to decode the SAMLResponse value. Be sure to replace SAMLResponse by pasting the text copied in the previous step:
    echo "SAMLResponse" | base64 --decode > saml_response.xml 

  11. Open the saml_response.xml file, and look at the part that starts with <saml2:Attribute Name="groups". This is the attribute that contains the groups that your user belongs to, according to the IdP. For more ways to inspect and troubleshoot the SAML response, see How to View a SAML Response in Your Browser for Troubleshooting.
  12. Amazon Cognito applies the mapping defined in the CloudFormation stack to these attributes. For example, the IdP SAML response attribute named groups is mapped to the user pool custom attribute named custom:groups.
    • In order to modify the mapping, edit your local copy of the cdk.ts file.
    • In order to view the mapped attribute for a user, do the following:
      1. Sign into the AWS Management Console using the same account you used for the demo setup.
      2. Select Manage User Pools.
      3. Select the pool you created for this demo and choose Users and groups.
      4. Search for the user account you just signed in with, and choose its username.

        As you can see in the following example, the custom:groups claim is set automatically. (the custom: prefix is added to all custom attributes automatically):

    Figure 14: Mapped user attributes

    Figure 14: Mapped user attributes

  13. The PreTokenGeneration Lambda function then reads the mapped custom:groups attribute value, parses it, and converts it to an array; and then stores it in the cognito:groups claim. In order to customize the mapping, edit the Lambda function’s code in your local copy of the index.ts file and run ./deploy.sh to redeploy your application.
  14. Now that the front end has the JWT token, when the page loads, it will request to load all the items (a call to a protected API, passing the token in the form of an authorization header).
  15. Look at the Network tab again, under the GET request that starts with pets.

    Under Request Headers, look at the authorization header. The long value you see is the encoded token passed as part of the request. The following is an example of how the decoded JWT will look:

      "cognito:groups": [
      ], // <- this is what the PreTokenGeneration lambda added
      "cognito:username": "IdP_Alice",
      "custom:groups": "[pet-app-users, pet-app-admins]", //what we got via SAML
      "email": "[email protected]"

  16. Optionally, if you’d like to modify or add new requests to a new API paths, edit your local copy of the APIService.ts file by using one of the following examples.
    • Sending the request with the authorization header:
      public async getAllPets(): Promise<Pet[]> {
        const authorizationHeader = await this.getAuthorizationHeader();
        return await this.api.get(REST_API_NAME, '/pets', 
          {headers: authorizationHeader});

    • The authorization header is obtained using this helper function:
      private async getAuthorizationHeader() {
        const session = await this.auth.currentSession();
        const idToken = session.getIdToken().getJwtToken();
        return {Authorization: idToken}

  17. After the previous request is sent to Amazon API Gateway, the Amazon Cognito user pool authorizer validated the JWT token based on the token signature, to ensure that it was not tampered with, and that it was still valid. You can see the way the authorizer is setup in the cdk.ts file on GitHub.
  18. Based on which user you signed-in with previously, you’ll either see all items, or only items you own. How does it work? As mentioned earlier, the backend application code reads the groups claim from the validated token and decides if the action is allowed. If the user is a member of a specific group or has a specific attribute, allow; else, deny. The relevant code that makes that decision can be seen in the Express.js example app file in the app.ts file on GitHub.

Customizing the application

The following are some important issues to consider when customizing the app to your needs:

  • If you modify the app client, do not add the aws.cognito.signin.user.admin scope to it. The aws.cognito.signin.user.admin scope grants access to Amazon Cognito User Pool API operations that require access tokens, such as UpdateUserAttributes and VerifyUserAttribute. The demo application makes authorization decisions based on the custom:group attribute populated from the IdP. Because the IdP is the single source of truth for its users, they should not be able to modify any attribute, particularly the custom:groups attribute.
  • We recommend that you do not change the mapped attribute after the stack is deployed. The reason is that the attribute gets persisted in the user profile after it is mapped. For example, if you first map groups to custom:groups, and a user signs in, then later you change the mapping of groups to custom:groups2, the next time the user signs in, their profile will have both attributes: custom:groups (with the last value it was mapped to it) as well as custom:groups2 (with the current value). To avoid having to clear old mapped attributes, we recommend not changing the mapping after it is created.
  • This solution utilizes Amazon Cognito’s OAuth 2.0 flows to provide federated sign-in from an external IdP (and optionally also sign-in directly with the user pool via the hosted UI in case you would like to support both use cases). It is not applicable for non OAuth 2.0 flows (e.g. the custom UI), for example, using InititateAuth/SRP.


You can integrate your application with your customer’s IdP of choice for authentication and authorization for your application, without integrating with LDAP, or Active Directory directly. Instead, you can map read-only, need-to-know information from the IdP to the application. By using Amazon Cognito, you can normalize the structure of the JWT token, so that you can add multiple IdPs, social login providers, and even regular username and password-based users (stored in user pools). And you can do all this without changing any application code. Amazon API Gateway’s native integration with Amazon Cognito user pools authorizer streamlines your validation of the JWT integrity, and after it has been validated, you can use it to make authorization decisions in your application’s backend. Using this example, you can focus on what differentiates your application, and let AWS do the undifferentiated heavy lifting of identity management for your customer-facing applications.

For all the code examples described in this post, see the amazon-cognito-example-for-external-idp code repository on GitHub.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or contact AWS Support.

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Eran Medan

Eran is a Software Development Manager based in Atlanta and leads the AWS Jam team, which uses Amazon Cognito and other services mentioned in this post to run their service. Other than jamming on AWS, Eran likes to jam on his guitar or fly airplanes in virtual reality.

Yuri Duchovny

Yuri is a New York-based Solutions Architect specializing in cloud security, identity, and compliance. He supports cloud transformations at large enterprises, helping them make optimal technology and organizational decisions. Prior to his AWS role, Yuri’s areas of focus included application and networking security, DoS, and fraud protection. Outside of work, he enjoys skiing, sailing, and traveling the world.

Integrating AWS CloudFormation security tests with AWS Security Hub and AWS CodeBuild reports

Post Syndicated from Vesselin Tzvetkov original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/integrating-aws-cloudformation-security-tests-with-aws-security-hub-and-aws-codebuild-reports/

The concept of infrastructure as code, by using pipelines for continuous integration and delivery, is fundamental for the development of cloud infrastructure. Including code quality and vulnerability scans in the pipeline is essential for the security of this infrastructure as code. In one of our previous posts, How to build a CI/CD pipeline for container vulnerability scanning with Trivy and AWS Security Hub, you learned how to scan containers to efficiently identify Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) and work with your developers to address them.

In this post, we’ll continue this topic, and also introduce a method for integrating open source tools that find potentially insecure patterns in your AWS CloudFormation templates with both AWS Security Hub and AWS CodeBuild reports. We’ll be using Stelligent’s open source tool CFN-Nag. We also show you how you can extend the solution to use AWS CloudFormation Guard (currently in preview).

One reason to use this integration is that it gives both security and development teams visibility into potential security risks, and resources that are insecure or non-compliant to your company policy, before they’re deployed.

Solution benefit and deliverables

In this solution, we provide you with a ready-to-use template for performing scanning of your AWS CloudFormation templates by using CFN-Nag. This tool has more than 140 predefined patterns, such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) rules that are too permissive (wildcards), security group rules that are too permissive (wildcards), access logs that aren’t enabled, or encryption that isn’t enabled. You can additionally define your own rules to match your company policy as described in the section later in this post, by using custom profiles and exceptions, and suppressing false positives.

Our solution enables you to do the following:

  • Integrate CFN-Nag in a CodeBuild project, scanning the infrastructure code for more than 140 possible insecure patterns, and classifying them as warnings or a failing test.
  • Learn how to integrate AWS CloudFormation Guard (CFN-Guard). You need to define your scanning rules in this case.
  • Generate CodeBuild reports, so that developers can easily identify failed security tests. In our sample, the build process fails if any critical findings are identified.
  • Import to Security Hub the aggregated finding per code branch, so that security professionals can easily spot vulnerable code in repositories and branches. For every branch, we import one aggregated finding.
  • Store the original scan report in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket for auditing purposes.

Note: in this solution, the AWS CloudFormation scanning tools won’t scan your application code that is running at AWS Lambda functions, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances.


Figure 1 shows the architecture of the solution. The main steps are as follows:

  1. Your pipeline is triggered when new code is pushed to CodeCommit (which isn’t part of the template) to start a new build.
  2. The build process scans the AWS CloudFormation templates by using the cfn_nag_scan or cfn-guard command as defined by the build job.
  3. A Lambda function is invoked, and the scan report is sent to it.
  4. The scan report is published in an S3 bucket via the Lambda function.
  5. The Lambda function aggregates the findings report per repository and git branch and imports the report to Security Hub. The Lambda function also suppresses any previous findings related to this current repo and branch. The severity of the finding is calculated by the number of findings and a weight coefficient that depends on whether the finding is designated as warning or critical.
  6. Finally, the Lambda function generates the CodeBuild test report in JUnit format and returns it to CodeBuild. This report only includes information about any failed tests.
  7. CodeBuild creates a new test report from the new findings under the SecurityReports test group.
Figure 1: Solution architecture

Figure 1: Solution architecture


To get started, you need to set up the sample solution that scans one of your repositories by using CFN-Nag or CFN-Guard.

To set up the sample solution

  1. Log in to your AWS account if you haven’t done so already. Choose Launch Stack to launch the AWS CloudFormation console with the prepopulated AWS CloudFormation demo template. Choose Next.

    Select the Launch Stack button to launch the templateAdditionally, you can find the latest code on GitHub.

  2. Fill in the stack parameters as shown in Figure 2:
    • CodeCommitBranch: The name of the branch to be monitored, for example refs/heads/master.
    • CodeCommitUrl: The clone URL of the CodeCommit repo that you want to monitor. It must be in the same Region as the stack being launched.
    • TemplateFolder: The folder in your repo that contains the AWS CloudFormation templates.
    • Weight coefficient for failing: The weight coefficient for a failing violation in the template.
    • Weight coefficient for warning: The weight coefficient for a warning in the template.
    • Security tool: The static analysis tool that is used to analyze the templates (CFN-Nag or CFN-Guard).
    • Fail build: Whether to fail the build when security findings are detected.
    • S3 bucket with sources: This bucket contains all sources, such as the Lambda function and templates. You can keep the default text if you’re not customizing the sources.
    • Prefix for S3 bucket with sources: The prefix for all objects. You can keep the default if you’re not customizing the sources.
Figure 2: AWS CloudFormation stack

Figure 2: AWS CloudFormation stack

View the scan results

After you execute the CodeBuild project, you can view the results in three different ways depending on your preferences: CodeBuild report, Security Hub, or the original CFN-Nag or CFN-Guard report.

CodeBuild report

In the AWS Management Console, go to CodeBuild and choose Report Groups. You can find the report you are interested in under SecurityReports. Both failures and warnings are represented as failed tests and are prefixed with W(Warning) or F(Failure), respectively, as shown in Figure 3. Successful tests aren’t part of the report because they aren’t provided by CFN-Nag reports.

Figure 3: AWS CodeBuild report

Figure 3: AWS CodeBuild report

In the CodeBuild navigation menu, under Report groups, you can see an aggregated view of all scans. There you can see a historical view of the pass rate of your tests, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: AWS CodeBuild Group

Figure 4: AWS CodeBuild Group

Security Hub findings

In the AWS Management Console, go to Security Hub and select the Findings view. The aggregated finding per branch has the title CFN scan repo:name:branch with Company Personal and Product Default. The name and branch are placeholders for the repo and branch name. There is one active finding per repo and branch. All previous reports for this repo and branch are suppressed, so that by default you see only the last ones. If necessary, you can see the previous reports by removing the selection filter in the Security Hub finding console. Figure 5 shows an example of the Security Hub findings.

Figure 5: Security Hub findings

Figure 5: Security Hub findings

Original scan report

Lastly, you can find the original scan report in the S3 bucket aws-sec-build-reports-hash. You can also find a reference to this object in the associated Security Hub finding source URL. The S3 object key is constructed as follows.


where source_repository is the name of the repository, branch_short is the name of the branch, and createdAt is the report date.

The following screen capture shows a sample view of the content.

Figure 6: CFN_NAG report sample

Figure 6: CFN_NAG report sample

Security Hub severity and weight coefficients

The Lambda function aggregates CFN-Nag findings to one Security Hub finding per branch and repo. We consider that in this way you get the best visibility without losing orientation in too many findings if you have a large code base.

The Security Hub finding severity is calculated as follows:

  • CFN-Nag critical findings are weighted (multiplied) by 20 and the warnings by 1.
  • The sum of all CFN-Nag findings multiplied by their weighted coefficient results in the severity of the Security Hub finding.

The severity label or normalized severity (from 0 to 100) (see AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for more information) is calculated from the summed severity. We implemented the following convention:

  • If the severity is more than 100 points, the label is set as CRITICAL (100).
  • If the severity is lower than 100, the normalized severity and label are mapped as described in AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF).

Your company might have a different way to calculate the severity. If you want to adjust the weight coefficients, change the stack parameter. If you want to adjust the mapping of the CFN-Nag findings to Security hub severity, then you’ll need to adapt the Lambda’s calculateSeverity Python function.

Using custom profiles and exceptions, and suppressing false positives

You can customize CFN-Nag to use a certain rule set by including the specific list of rules to apply (called a profile) within the repository. Customizing rule sets is useful because developers or applications might have different security considerations or risk profiles in specific applications. Additionally the operator might prefer to exclude rules that are prone to introducing false positives.

To add a custom profile, you can modify the cfn_nag_scan command specified in the CodeBuild buildspec.yml file. Use the –profile-path command argument to point to the file that contains the list of rules to use, as shown in the following code sample.

cfn_nag_scan --fail-on-warnings –profile-path .cfn_nag.profile  --input-path  ${TemplateFolder} -o json > ./report/cfn_nag.out.json

Where .cfn_nag.profile file contains one rule identifier per line:


You can find the full list of available rules using cfn_nag_rules command.

You can also choose instead to use a global deny list of rules, or directly suppress findings per resource by using Metadata tags in each AWS CloudFormation resource. For more information, see the CFN-Nag GitHub repository.

Integrating with AWS CloudFormation Guard

The integration with AWS CloudFormation Guard (CFN-Guard) follows the same architecture pattern as CFN-Nag. The ImportToSecurityHub Lambda function can process both CFN-Nag and CFN-Guard results to import to Security Hub and generate a CodeBuild report.

To deploy the CFN-Guard tool

  1. In the AWS Management Console, go to CloudFormation, and then choose Update the previous stack deployed.
  2. Choose Next, and then change the SecurityTool parameter to cfn-guard.
  3. Continue to navigate through the console and deploy the stack.

This creates a new buildspec.yml file that uses the cfn-guard command line interface (CLI) to scan all AWS CloudFormation templates in the source repository. The scans use an example rule set found in the CFN-Guard repository.

You can choose to generate the rule set for the AWS CloudFormation templates that are required by the scanning engine and add the rule set to your repository as described on the GitHub page for AWS CloudFormation Guard. The rule set must reflect your company security policy. This can be one set for all templates, or dependent on the security profile of the application.

You can use your own rule set by modifying the cfn-guard –rule_path parameter to point to a file from within your repository, as follows.

cfn-guard --rule_set .cfn_guard.ruleset --template  "$template" > ./report/template_report


If the build report fails, you can find the CloudBuild run logs in the CodeBuild Build history. The build will fail if critical security findings are detected in the templates.

Additionally, the Lambda function execution logs can be found in the CloudWatch Log group aws/lambda/ImportToSecurityHub.


In this post, you learned how to scan the AWS CloudFormation templates for resources that are potentially insecure or not compliant to your company policy in a CodeBuild project, import the findings to Security Hub, and generate CodeBuild test reports. Integrating this solution to your pipelines can help multiple teams within your organization detect potential security risks in your infrastructure code before its deployed to your AWS environments. If you would like to extend the solution further and need support, contact AWS professional services or an Amazon Partner Network (APN) Partner. If you have technical questions, please use the AWS Security Hub or AWS CodeBuild forums.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Vesselin Tzvetkov

Vesselin is senior security consultant at AWS Professional Services and is passionate about security architecture and engineering innovative solutions. Outside of technology, he likes classical music, philosophy, and sports. He holds a Ph.D. in security from TU-Darmstadt and a M.S. in electrical engineering from Bochum University in Germany.


Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo

Joaquin is a Senior Security Consultant with AWS Professional Services. He is passionate about building solutions that help developers improve their software quality. Prior to AWS, he worked across multiple domains in the security industry, from mobile security to cloud and compliance related topics. In his free time, Joaquin enjoys spending time with family and reading science-fiction novels.

How to use trust policies with IAM roles

Post Syndicated from Jonathan Jenkyn original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-use-trust-policies-with-iam-roles/

November 3, 2022: We updated this post to fix some syntax errors in the policy statements and to add additional use cases.

August 30, 2021: This post is currently being updated. We will post another note when it’s complete.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles are a significant component of the way that customers operate on Amazon Web Service (AWS). In this post, we will dive into the details of how role trust policies work and how you can use them to restrict how your roles are assumed.

There are several different scenarios where you might use IAM roles on AWS:

  • An AWS service or resource accesses another AWS resource in your account – When an AWS resource needs access to other AWS services, functions, or resources, you can create a role that has appropriate permissions for use by that AWS resource. Services like AWS Lambda and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) assume roles to deliver temporary credentials to your code that’s running in them.
  • An AWS service generates AWS credentials to be used by devices running outside AWS
    AWS IAM Roles Anywhere, AWS IoT Core, and AWS Systems Manager hybrid instances can deliver role session credentials to applications, devices, and servers that don’t run on AWS.
  • An AWS account accesses another AWS account – This use case is commonly referred to as a cross-account role pattern. It allows human or machine IAM principals from one AWS account to assume this role and act on resources within a second AWS account. A role is assumed to enable this behavior when the resource in the target account doesn’t have a resource-based policy that could be used to grant cross-account access.
  • An end user authenticated with a web identity provider or OpenID Connect (OIDC) needs access to your AWS resources – This use case allows identities from Facebook or OIDC providers such as GitHub, Amazon Cognito, or other generic OIDC providers to assume a role to access resources in your AWS account.
  • A customer performs workforce authentication using SAML 2.0 federation – This occurs when customers federate their users into AWS from their corporate identity provider (IdP) such as Okta, Microsoft Azure Active Directory, or Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), or from AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO).

An IAM role is an IAM principal whose entitlements are assumed in one of the preceding use cases. An IAM role differs from an IAM user as follows:

  • An IAM role can’t have long-term AWS credentials associated with it. Rather, an authorized principal (an IAM user, AWS service, or other authenticated identity) assumes the IAM role and inherits the permissions assigned to that role.
  • Credentials associated with an IAM role are temporary and expire.
  • An IAM role has a trust policy that defines which conditions must be met to allow other principals to assume it.

Managing access to IAM roles

Let’s dive into how you can control access to IAM roles by understanding the policy types that you can apply to an IAM role.

There are three circumstances where policies are used for an IAM role:

  • Trust policy – The trust policy defines which principals can assume the role, and under which conditions. A trust policy is a specific type of resource-based policy for IAM roles. The trust policy is the focus of the rest of this blog post.
  • Identity-based policies (inline and managed) – These policies define the permissions that the user of the role is able to perform (or is denied from performing), and on which resources.
  • Permissions boundary – A permissions boundary is an advanced feature for using a managed policy to set the maximum permissions for a role. A principal’s permissions boundary allows it to perform only the actions that are allowed by both its identity-based permissions policies and its permissions boundaries. You can use permissions boundaries to delegate permissions management tasks, such as IAM role creation, to non-administrators so that they can create roles in self-service.

For the rest of this post, you’ll learn how to enforce the conditions under which roles can be assumed by configuring their trust policies.

An example of a simple trust policy

A common use case is when you need to provide access to a role in account A to assume a role in Account B. To facilitate this, you add an entry in the role in account B’s trust policy that allows authenticated principals from account A to assume the role through the sts:AssumeRole API call.

Important: If you reference :root in an IAM role’s trust policy, you might allow more principals to assume your role than you intended, so it’s a best practice to use the Principal element or conditions to only allow specific principals or paths to assume a role. Later in this post, we show you how to limit this access to more specific principals.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

This trust policy has the same structure as other IAM policies with Effect, Action, and Condition components. It also has the Principal element, but no Resource element. This is because the resource is the IAM role itself. For the same reason, the Action element will only ever be set to relevant actions for role assumption.

Note: The suffix :root in the policy’s Principal element equates to the principals in the account, not the root user of that account.

Using the Principal element to limit who can assume a role

In a trust policy, the Principal element indicates which other principals can assume the IAM role. In the preceding example, 111122223333 represents the AWS account number for the auditor’s AWS account. This allows a principal in the 111122223333 account with sts:AssumeRole permissions to assume this role.

To allow a specific IAM role to assume a role, you can add that role within the Principal element. For example, the following trust policy would allow only the IAM role LiJuan from the 111122223333 account to assume the role it is attached to.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/LiJuan"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

The principals included in the Principal element can be a principal defined within the IAM documentation, and can refer to an AWS or a federated principal. You can’t use a wildcard (“*” or “?”) within the Principal element for a trust policy, other than one case which we will cover later. You must define precisely which principal you are referring to because there is a translation that occurs when you submit your trust policy that ties it to each principal’s ID. For more information, see Why is there an unknown principal format in my IAM resource-based policy?

If an IAM role has a principal from the same account in its trust policy directly, that principal doesn’t need an explicit entitlement in its identity-attached policy to assume the role.

Using the Condition element in a trust policy

The Condition element in a role trust policy sets additional requirements for the Principal trying to assume the role. The Condition element is a flexible way to reduce the set of users that are able to assume the role without necessarily specifying the principals.

Condition elements of role trust policies behave identically to condition elements in identity-based policies and other resource policies on AWS.

Using SAML identity federation on AWS

Federated users from a SAML 2.0 compliant IdP are given permissions to access AWS accounts through the use of IAM roles. The mapping of which enterprise users get which roles is established within the directory used by the SAML 2.0 IdP and is placed inside the signed SAML assertion by the IdP.

The Principal element of a role trust policy for SAML federation contains the ARN of the SAML IdP in the same AWS account. IdPs in other accounts can’t be referenced. Roles assumed by SAML federation can use SAML-specific condition keys in their role trust policy.

A role trust policy for a role to be assumed by SAML places the ARN of the SAML IDP in the Principal element, and checks the intended audience (SAML:aud) of the SAML assertion. Setting the audience condition is important because it means that only SAML assertions intended for AWS can be used to assume a role:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": {
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML",
      "Principal": {"Federated": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:saml-provider/PROVIDER-NAME"},
      "Condition": {"StringEquals": {"SAML:aud": "https://signin.aws.amazon.com/saml"}}

The AWS documentation covers creating roles for SAML 2.0 federation in detail. For information about how to manage the role trust policies of roles assumed by SAML from multiple AWS Regions for resiliency, see the blog post How to use regional SAML endpoints for failover.

For federating workforce access to AWS, you can use AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) to broker access to IAM roles through SAML. Roles managed by IAM Identity Center can’t have their trust policy modified by IAM directly.

SAML IDPs used in a role trust policy must be in the same account as the role is.

Assuming a role with WebIdentity

Roles can also be assumed with tokens issued by web identity providers and OpenID Connect (OIDC) compliant providers.

After you’ve created an OpenID Connect identity provider in your account, you can configure roles to be assumed by that OpenID Connect identity provider.

The following is a trust policy that allows a role to be assumed by the identity provider auth.example.com where the value of the sub claim is equal to Administrator and the aud is equal to MyappWebIdentity.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::11112222333:oidc-provider/auth.example.com"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "auth.example.com:sub": "Administrator",
  "auth.example.com:aud": "MyappWebIdentity"

The condition keys used for roles assumed by OIDC identity providers are always prefixed with the name of the OIDC identity provider (for example, auth.example.com). So to use claims in the ID Token like aud, sub, and amr, they are prefixed to become auth.example.com:aud, auth.example.com:sub, and auth.example.com:amr, respectively, in a trust policy to be evaluated as a condition key. Only ID Token claims listed in the STS documentation can be used in role trust policies as condition keys.

It’s important to set the:aud condition in role trust policies to help verify that the tokens being used to assume roles in your AWS accounts are tokens that are intended to be used for that purpose, and are for your application or tenant if your web identity provider is a public or multi-tenant identity provider, such as Google or GitHub.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters have OIDC identity provider capabilities and can be used to assume roles in AWS accounts.

OIDC identity providers used to assume a role must be in the same AWS account as the role.

Limiting role use based on an identifier

At times you might need to give a third-party access to your AWS resources. Suppose that you hired a third-party company, Example Corp, to monitor your AWS account and help optimize costs. To track your daily spending, Example Corp needs access to your AWS resources, so you allow them to assume an IAM role in your account. However, Example Corp also tracks spending for other customers, and there could be a configuration issue in the Example Corp environment that allows another customer to compel Example Corp to attempt to take an action in your AWS account, even though that customer should only be able to take the action in their own account. This is referred to as the cross-account confused deputy problem. This section shows you a way to mitigate this risk.

The following trust policy requires that principals from the Example Corp AWS account, 444455556666, have provided a special string, called an external ID, when making their request to assume the role. Adding this condition reduces the risk that someone from the 444455556666 account will assume this role by mistake. This string is configured by specifying an ExternalID conditional context key.

External IDs should be generated by the third-party assuming your role, like Example Corp, and associated with the other assume role calls to assume a given customer’s role by Example Corp. By doing this, other Example Corp customers won’t be able to compel Example Corp to assume your roles on their behalf because they can’t force Example Corp to use your external ID through their tenant even if they become aware of your external ID.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/ExampleCorpRole"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "sts:ExternalId": "ExampleUniquePhrase"

The external IDs should be unique for every customer of a service provider. AWS doesn’t treat external IDs as secrets—they can be seen by anyone with entitlements to view a role’s trust policy.

If you assume roles in your customers’ accounts, it’s a best practice to generate unique external ID values on behalf of your customers and associate them with your customers, and you shouldn’t allow your customers to specify an external ID.

Roles with the sts:ExternalId condition can’t be assumed through the AWS console, unless there is another Allow statement without that condition.

Limiting role use based on IP addresses or CIDR ranges

You can put IP address conditions into a role trust policy to limit the networks from which a role can be assumed. For example, you can limit role assumption to a corporate network or VPN range. The following example trust policy will only allow the role to be assumed if the call is made from within the CIDR range.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/IpBoundedRole"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
      "Condition": {
        "IpAddress": {
          "aws:SourceIp": ""

By using aws:SourceIP in the trust policy, you limit where the role can be assumed from, but this doesn’t limit where the credentials can be used from after they are assumed. To restrict where the credentials can be used from, you can use aws:SourceIP as a condition within the principal’s identity-based policy or the service control policies that apply to it. For more information on restricting where credentials can be used from, see Establishing a data perimeter on AWS.

Limiting role use based on tags

You can use IAM tagging capabilities to build flexible and adaptive trust policies. You can use an attribute-based access control (ABAC) model for assuming IAM roles in the same way that you can for accessing objects in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. You can build trust policies that only permit principals that have already been tagged with a specific key and value to assume a specific role. The following example trust policy requires that IAM principals in the AWS account 111122223333 have the value of their principal tag department match the value of the IAM role’s tag owningDepartment.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "aws:PrincipalTag/department": "${aws:ResourceTag/owningDepartment}"

As an example, in the preceding policy, if the role is tagged with an owningDepartment of finance, then only principals within account 111122223333 who have a tag department with a value of finance will be able to assume the role.

When using ABAC, it’s important to have governance around who can set tags on resources, principals, and sessions. If someone can change or modify tags on principals, resources, or sessions, they might be able to access resources that you didn’t intend them to. Principals from AWS accounts outside of your control might have different tag governance practices than your own organization, and you should take this into account when using principal tags as part of cross-account role assumption. You can use tag policies to help govern tags within your organization, and later in this blog post, we show how to manage tags set on assumption by using role trust policies.

For more information, see the Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) for AWS page.

Limiting role assumption to only principals within your organization

Since its announcement in 2016, the vast majority of enterprise customers that we work with use AWS Organizations. This AWS service allows you to create an organizational structure for your accounts by creating logical boundaries/organizational units that allow grouping of AWS accounts that need common guardrails applied. You can use the PrincipalOrgID condition key to limit the use of roles solely to principals within your organization in AWS Organizations.

The following example shows a policy that denies assumption of this role except by AWS services or by principals that are a member of the o-abcd12efg1 organization. This statement can be broadly applied to prevent someone outside your AWS organization from assuming your roles.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
            "Condition": {
                "StringNotEquals": {
                    "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "o-abcd12efg1"
                "Bool": {
                    "aws:PrincipalIsAWSService": "false"

In the preceding example, the StringNotEquals operator denies access to this role by a principal that doesn’t belong to a member account of the specified organization.

AWS roles that you intend to use with AWS services need to be able to be assumed by those AWS services. In the preceding example, we added the aws:PrincipalIsAWSService condition key so that an AWS service principal isn’t impacted by the explicit Deny statement. All principals, including AWS services, are still required to have an explicit Allow statement in a role’s trust policy to assume that role. Requests to customer resources by AWS service principals do so with the aws:PrincipalIsAWSService condition key set to a value of true, which means that the preceding Deny statement won’t apply to a service principal, but an Allow statement will let a service principal assume the role.

You can also use the aws:PrincipalOrgPaths condition key to limit role assumption to member accounts within a specific OU of an organization if you want role assumption to be more fine-grained.

Enforcing invariants with Deny statements

Only allowing principals in your organization to assume your roles is an example of a security invariant. Security invariants are security principles that you want to always apply. Deny statements are useful in trust policies to restrict conditions under which you would never want a role to be assumable. In AWS authorization, the presence of an applicable Deny statement overrides an applicable Allow statement. So having a Deny statement with conditions in it that should never be met such as allowing a role to be assumed by a principal outside of your organization is powerful.

Setting the source identity on role sessions to help trace actions in CloudTrail

You can configure a role session to have a source identity when assumed. This is most common when customers federate users into IAM through SAML2.0 or Web Identity/OpenID Connect to assume roles. You can configure your IdP to set the SourceIdentity attribute on the role session. Setting the source identity causes AWS CloudTrail logs for actions taken by this role session to contain the source identity so that you can trace actions taken by roles back to the user that assumed them. The SourceIdentity attribute also follows that role session if it assumes another role.

To set a source identity, you need to grant the IdP the sts:SetSourceIdentity entitlement in the role’s trust policy.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": {
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": ["sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML","sts:SetSourceIdentity"],
      "Principal": {"Federated": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:saml-provider/PROVIDER-NAME"},
      "Condition": {"StringEquals": {"SAML:aud": "https://signin.aws.amazon.com/saml"}}

In order for a role session that has a SourceIdentity set to assume a second role, it must also have the sts:SetSourceIdentity entitlement in that second role’s trust policy. If it doesn’t, the first role won’t be able to assume the second role.

You can also use the sts:SourceIdentity condition key to enforce that the SourceIdentity attribute that is being set conforms to an expected standard:

            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {"sts:SourceIdentity": "*@example.org"}

In the preceding example, for the Condition element, all requests must contain @example.org.

Setting tags on role sessions

You can set tags on role sessions, which can then be used in IAM and resource policy authorization decisions. Tags on role sessions are evaluated with the same condition key that tags on IAM roles are: aws:PrincipalTag/TagKey. Tag values that are set when a role is assumed have precedence over tag values that are attached to the role.

If you’re basing authorization on principal tags in your AWS accounts, it’s important that you control who can set the session tags and principal tags in your accounts so that access isn’t granted to unintended parties.

The ability to tag a role session must be granted in a role’s trust policy using the sts:TagSession permission, and you can use conditions and condition keys to restrict which tags can be set to which values.

The following is an example statement for a role trust policy that allows a principal from account 111122223333 to assume the role and requires that the three session tags for Project, CostCenter and Department are set. The Department tag must have a value of either Engineering or Marketing. The third Condition statement allows the Project and Department tags to be set as transitive when the role is assumed. Because conditions for the tags are in the same Allow statement as the AssumeRole entitlement, these tags are required to be set.

            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": ["sts:TagSession","sts:AssumeRole"],
            "Principal": {"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root"},
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/Project": "*",
                    "aws:RequestTag/CostCenter": "*"
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/Department": [
                "ForAllValues:StringEquals": {
                    "sts:TransitiveTagKeys": [

When a role session assumes another role, transitive tags from the calling role session are set to the same value within the subsequent role session. For more information, see Chaining roles with session tags.

You can use Deny statements with the sts:TagSession operation to restrict certain tags from being set. In the following example, attempts to tag a session with an Admin tag would be denied:

    "Effect": "Deny",
    "Action": "sts:TagSession",
    "Principal": {"AWS": "*"},
    "Condition": {
        "Null": {
            "aws:RequestTag/Admin": false

In the following example statements, we deny tagging operations on role sessions where the Team tag is equal to Admin, but we allow the setting of a different tag value.

    "Effect": "Deny",
    "Action": "sts:TagSession",
    "Principal": {"AWS": "*"},
    "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
            "aws:RequestTag/Team": "Admin"
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "sts:TagSession",
    "Principal": {"AWS": "*"},
    "Condition": {
        "StringLike": {
            "aws:RequestTag/Team": "*"

What happens when a role in a trust policy is deleted

When you specify a role in the Principal element of a trust policy, AWS uses that role’s unique RoleId to make the authorization decision. If the ExampleCorpRole role from the earlier policy examples was deleted and re-created in account 111122223333, then the unique RoleId would be different, and the new ExampleCorpRole wouldn’t be able to assume the roles that trusted it in the Principal element.

When a role is deleted, the trust policy of the remaining roles that referenced this now-deleted role will show the unique RoleId it trusted in the Principal element when viewed:

"Principal": {
				"AWS": "AROA1234567123456D"

Because the policy references a now-invalid RoleID, it can’t be modified until the invalid RoleID is removed from it. You can retrieve the original role ARNs by looking at CloudTrail logs for UpdateAssumeRolePolicy and CreateRole events for a role and reading the trust policy from the log entries.

For more information about using the Principal element in policy statements, see IAM role principals.

Principals placed inside the Condition block of a trust policy statement are not referenced to their RoleID but instead use the ARN of the role. The following trust policy statement would allow the ExampleCorpRole to assume the role that trusted it, even if the ExampleCorpRole role was deleted and re-created.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
      "Condition": {
    "ArnEquals": {
      "aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/ExampleCorpRole"

When creating a role trust policy, you should determine the behavior that you want to occur when a role is deleted. Your organization’s security posture might dictate that a deleted and re-created role should no longer be able to assume a role in your account, so using a specific principal in the Principal element is appropriate. Or you might want to allow the role to be assumed in the event that a given principal is deleted and re-created.

If you use the aws:PrincipalArn condition with a principal of :root to allow role assumption within the same account, the principal doing the assuming will need the sts:AssumeRole action in its identity-based policy.

Wildcarding principals

Earlier we noted that wildcards can’t be placed in the Principal element of a policy as part of an ARN. However, wildcards can be used in the Condition block of a policy, so wildcarding is possible with the ArnLike and StringLike condition operators. This is useful when you don’t know the specific roles, but you do have other controls that limit the path where known roles are created, such as delegated administrator models. The following policy allows a role from account 111122223333 in the path OpsRoles to assume it.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
      "Condition": {
    "ArnLike": {
      "aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/OpsRoles/*"

It’s a best practice to restrict role assumption to specific paths or principals instead of allowing an entire account where possible.

Using multiple statements

So far, the examples in this post have been single policy statements. Trust policies, like other policies on AWS, can have multiple statements up to the quota for role trust policy length.

You can combine multiple statements together to create complex role trusts like the following, which allows ExampleRole to assume a role and tag the session, but only from the network range while forbidding that the Admin tag be set:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
            "Action": [
            "Condition": {
                "IpAddress": {
                    "aws:SourceIp": ""
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Action": "sts:TagSession",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            "Condition": {
                "Null": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/Admin": false 

Although it’s possible to use multiple statements, it’s a best practice that you don’t use roles for unrelated purposes, and that you don’t share roles across different AWS services. It’s also a best practice to use different IAM roles for different use cases and AWS services, and to avoid situations where different principals have access to the same IAM role.

Working with services that deliver role-session credentials

IAM Roles Anywhere, AWS IoT Core, and Systems Manager can deliver AWS role session credentials to devices, servers, and applications running outside of AWS. These roles are assumed by AWS services and delivered to your devices, servers, and applications after they authenticate to their respective AWS services.

For more information about these services and their requirements, see the following documentation:

Role chaining

When a role assumes another role, it’s called role chaining. Sessions created by role chaining have a maximum lifetime of 1 hour regardless of the maximum session length that a role is configured to allow.

Roles that are assumed by other means are not considered role chaining and are not subject to this restriction.


In this post, you learned how to craft trust policies for your IAM roles to restrict their assumption by specific principals and under certain conditions, and to combine multiple statements with different conditions. You also learned how to use features like source identity and session tags, how to protect against the cross-account confused deputy problem, and the nuances of the Principal element. You now have the tools that you need to build robust and effective trust policies for roles in your organization.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Jonathan Jenkyn

Jonathan is a Senior Security Growth Strategies Consultant with AWS Professional Services. He’s an active member of the People with Disabilities affinity group, and has built several Amazon initiatives supporting charities and social responsibility causes. Since 1998, he has been involved in IT Security at many levels, from implementation of cryptographic primitives to managing enterprise security governance. Outside of work, he enjoys running, cycling, fund-raising for the BHF and Ipswich Hospital Charity, and spending time with his wife and 5 children.

Liam Wadman

Liam Wadman

Liam is a Solutions Architect with the Identity Solutions team. When he’s not building exciting solutions on AWS or helping customers, he’s often found in the hills of British Columbia on his Mountain Bike. Liam points out that you cannot spell LIAM without IAM.

How to import PFX-formatted certificates into AWS Certificate Manager using OpenSSL

Post Syndicated from Praveen Kumar Jeyarajan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-import-pfx-formatted-certificates-into-aws-certificate-manager-using-openssl/

In this blog post, we show you how to import PFX-formatted certificates into AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) using OpenSSL tools.

Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key pair to an organization’s details. The key pair is used to secure network communications and establish the identity of websites over the internet and on private networks. These certificates are usually issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA). A CA acts as a trusted third party—trusted both by the subject (owner) of the certificate and by the party relying upon the certificate. The format of these certificates is specified by the X.509 or Europay, Mastercard, and Visa (EMV) standards. SSL/TLS certificates issued by a trusted CA are usually encoded in Personal Information Exchange (PFX) or Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) format.

ACM lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private SSL/TLS certificates for use with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and your internal connected resources. Certificates can be imported from outside AWS, or created using AWS tools. Certificates can be used to help with ACM-integrated AWS resources, such as Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon CloudFront distributions, and Amazon API Gateway.

To import a self–signed SSL/TLS certificate into ACM, you must provide the certificate and its private key in PEM format. To import a signed certificate, you must also include the certificate chain in PEM format. Prerequisites for Importing Certificates provides more detail.

Sometimes, the trusted CA issues the certificate, private key, and certificate chain details in PFX format. In this post, we show you how to convert a PFX-encoded certificate into PEM format and then import it into ACM.


The following solution converts a PFX-encoded certificate to PEM format using the OpenSSL command line tool. The certificate is then imported into ACM.

Figure 1: Use the OpenSSL Toolkit to convert the certificate, then import the certificate into ACM

Figure 1: Use the OpenSSL Toolkit to convert the certificate, then import the certificate into ACM

The solution has two parts, shown in the preceding figure:

  1. Use the OpenSSL Toolkit to convert the PFX-encoded certificate into PEM format.
  2. Import the PEM certificate into ACM.


We use the OpenSSL toolkit to convert a PFX encoded certificate to PEM format. OpenSSL is an open source toolkit for manipulating cryptographic files. It’s also a general-purpose cryptography library.

For this post, we use a password protected PFX-encoded file—website.xyz.com.pfx—with an X.509 standard CA signed certificate and 2048-bit RSA private key data.

  1. Download and install the OpenSSL toolkit.
  2. Add the OpenSSL binaries location to your system PATH variable, so that the binaries are available for command line use.

Convert the PFX encoded certificate into PEM format

Run the following commands to convert a PFX-encoded SSL certificate into PEM format. The procedure requires the PFX-encoded certificate and the passphrase used for encrypting it.

The procedure converts the PFX-encoded signed certificate file into three files in PEM format.

  • cert-file.pem – PEM file containing the SSL/TLS certificate for the resource.
  • withoutpw-privatekey.pem – PEM file containing the private key of the certificate with no password protection.
  • ca-chain.pem – PEM file containing the root certificate of the CA.

To convert the PFX encoded certificate

  1. Use the following command to extract the certificate private key from the PFX file. If your certificate is secured with a password, enter it when prompted. The command generates a PEM-encoded private key file named privatekey.pem. Enter a passphrase to protect the private key file when prompted to Enter a PEM pass phrase.
    openssl pkcs12 -in website.xyz.com.pfx -nocerts -out privatekey.pem


    Figure 2: Prompt to enter a PEM pass phrase

    Figure 2: Prompt to enter a PEM pass phrase

  2. The previous step generates a password-protected private key. To remove the password, run the following command. When prompted, provide the passphrase created in step 1. If successful, you will see writing RSA key.
    openssl rsa -in privatekey.pem -out withoutpw-privatekey.pem


    Figure 3: Writing RSA key

    Figure 3: Writing RSA key

  3. Use the following command to transfer the certificate from the PFX file to a PEM file. This creates the PEM-encoded certificate file named cert-file.pem. If successful, you will see MAC verified OK.
    openssl pkcs12 -in website.xyz.com.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out cert-file.pem


    Figure 4: MAC verified OK

    Figure 4: MAC verified OK

  4. Finally, use the following command to extract the CA chain from the PFX file. This creates the CA chain file named ca-chain.pem. If successful, you will see MAC verified OK.
    openssl pkcs12 -in website.xyz.com.pfx -cacerts -nokeys -chain -out ca-chain.pem


    Figure 5: MAC verified OK

    Figure 5: MAC verified OK

When the preceding steps are complete, the PFX-encoded signed certificate file is split and returned as three files in PEM format, shown in the following figure. To view the list of files in a directory, enter the command dir in Windows or type the command ls -l in Linux.

  • cert-file.pem
  • withoutpw-privatekey.pem
  • ca-chain.pem

    Figure 6: PEM-formatted files

    Figure 6: PEM-formatted files

Import the PEM certificates into ACM

Use the ACM console to import the PEM-encoded SSL certificate. You need the PEM files containing the SSL certificate (cert-file.pem), the private key (withoutpw-privatekey.pem), and the root certificate of the CA (ca-chain.pem) that you created in the previous procedure.

To import the certificates

  1. Open the ACM console. If this is your first time using ACM, look for the AWS Certificate Manager heading and select the Get started button.
  2. Select Import a certificate.
  3. Add the files you created in the previous procedure:
    1. Use a text-editing tool such as Notepad to open cert-file.pem. Copy the lines beginning at –BEGIN CERTIFICATE– and ending with –END CERTIFICATE–. Paste them into the Certificate body text box.
    2. Open withoutpw-privatekey.pem. Copy the lines beginning at –BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY– and ending with –END RSA PRIVATE KEY–. Paste them into the Certificate private key, text box.
    3. For Certificate chain, copy and paste the lines starting –BEGIN CERTIFICATE– and ending with –END CERTIFICATE– in the file ca-chain.pem.

      Figure 7: Add the files to import the certificate

      Figure 7: Add the files to import the certificate

  4. Select Next and add tags for the certificate. Each tag is a label consisting of a key and value that you define. Tags help you manage, identify, organize, search for, and filter resources.
  5. Select Review and import.
  6. Review the information about your certificate, then select Import.


In this post, we discussed how you can use OpenSSL tools to import a PFX-encoded SSL/TLS certificate into ACM. You can use the imported certificate with any ACM-integrated AWS service. ACM makes it easier to set up SSL/TLS for a website or application on AWS. ACM can replace many of the manual processes usually associated with using and managing SSL/TLS certificates. ACM can also manage renewals, which can help you avoid downtime due to misconfigured, revoked, or expired certificates. You can renew an imported certificate by obtaining and importing a new certificate from your certificate issuer, or you can request a new certificate from ACM.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Praveen Kumar Jeyarajan

PraveenKumar is a DevOps Consultant in AWS supporting enterprise customers and their journey to the cloud. Before his work on AWS and cloud technologies, PraveenKumar focused on solving myriad technical challenges using the latest technologies. Outside of work, he enjoys watching movies and playing tennis.


Viyoma Sachdeva

Viyoma is a DevOps Consultant in AWS supporting global customers and their journey to the cloud. Outside of work, she enjoys watching series and spending time with her family.