Tag Archives: Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)

Should I Run my Containers on AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, or Both?

Post Syndicated from Rob Solomon original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/should-i-run-my-containers-on-aws-fargate-aws-lambda-or-both/

Containers have transformed how companies build and operate software. Bundling both application code and dependencies into a single container image improves agility and reduces deployment failures. But what compute platform should you choose to be most efficient, and what factors should you consider in this decision?

With the release of container image support for AWS Lambda functions (December 2020), customers now have an additional option for building serverless applications using their existing container-oriented tooling and DevOps best practices. In addition, a single container image can be configured to run on both of these compute platforms: AWS Lambda (using serverless functions) or AWS Fargate (using containers).

Three key factors can influence the decision of what platform you use to deploy your container: startup time, task runtime, and cost. That decision may vary each time a task is initiated, as shown in the three scenarios following.

Design considerations for deploying a container

Total task duration consists of startup time and runtime. The startup time of a containerized task is the time required to provision the container compute resource and deploy the container. Task runtime is the time it takes for the application code to complete.

Startup time: Some tasks must complete quickly. For example, when a user waits for a web response, or when a series of tasks is completed in sequential order. In those situations, the total duration time must be minimal. While the application code may be optimized to run faster, startup time depends on the chosen compute platform as well. AWS Fargate container startup time typically takes from 60 to 90 seconds. AWS Lambda initial cold start can take up to 5 seconds. Following that first startup, the same containerized function has negligible startup time.

Task runtime: The amount of time it takes for a task to complete is influenced by the compute resources allocated (vCPU and memory) and application code. AWS Fargate lets you select vCPU and memory size. With AWS Lambda, you define the amount of allocated memory. Lambda then provisions a proportional quantity of vCPU. In both AWS Fargate and AWS Lambda uses, increasing the amount of compute resources may result in faster completion time. However, this will depend on the application. While the additional compute resources incur greater cost, the total duration may be shorter, so the overall cost may also be lower.

AWS Lambda has a maximum limit of 15 minutes of runtime. Lambda shouldn’t be used for these tasks to avoid the likelihood of timeout errors.

Figure 1 illustrates the proportion of startup time to total duration. The initial steepness of each line shows a rapid decrease in startup overhead. This is followed by a flattening out, showing a diminishing rate of efficiency. Startup time delay becomes less impactful as the total job duration increases. Other factors (such as cost) become more significant.

Figure 1. Ratio of startup time as a function to overall job duration for each service

Figure 1. Ratio of startup time as a function to overall job duration for each service

Cost: When making the choice between Fargate and Lambda, it is important to understand the different pricing models. This way, you can make the appropriate selection for your needs.

Figure 2 shows a cost analysis of Lambda vs Fargate. This is for the entire range of configurations for a runtime task. For most of the range of configurable memory, AWS Lambda is more expensive per second than even the most expensive configuration of Fargate.

Figure 2. Total cost for both AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate based on task duration

Figure 2. Total cost for both AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate based on task duration

From a cost perspective, AWS Fargate is more cost-effective for tasks running for several seconds or longer. If cost is the only factor at play, then Fargate would be the better choice. But the savings gained by using Fargate may be offset by the business value gained from the shorter Lambda function startup time.

Dynamically choose your compute platform

In the following scenarios, we show how a single container image can serve multiple use cases. The decision to run a given containerized application on either AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate can be determined at runtime. This decision depends on whether cost, speed, or duration are the priority.

In Figure 3, an image-processing AWS Batch job runs on a nightly schedule, processing tens of thousands of images to extract location information. When run as a batch job, image processing may take 1–2 hours. The job pulls images stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and writes the location metadata to Amazon DynamoDB. In this case, AWS Fargate provides a good combination of compute and cost efficiency. An added benefit is that it also supports tasks that exceed 15 minutes. If a single image is submitted for real-time processing, response time is critical. In that case, the same image-processing code can be run on AWS Lambda, using the same container image. Rather than waiting for the next batch process to run, the image is processed immediately.

Figure 3. One-off invocation of a typically long-running batch job

Figure 3. One-off invocation of a typically long-running batch job

In Figure 4, a SaaS application uses an AWS Lambda function to allow customers to submit complex text search queries for files stored in an Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) volume. The task should return results quickly, which is an ideal condition for AWS Lambda. However, a small percentage of jobs run much longer than the average, exceeding the maximum duration of 15 minutes.

A straightforward approach to avoid job failure is to initiate an Amazon CloudWatch alarm when the Lambda function times out. CloudWatch alarms can automatically retry the job using Fargate. An alternate approach is to capture historical data and use it to create a machine learning model in Amazon SageMaker. When a new job is initiated, the SageMaker model can predict the time it will take the job to complete. Lambda can use that prediction to route the job to either AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate.

Figure 4. Short duration tasks with occasional outliers running longer than 15 minutes

Figure 4. Short duration tasks with occasional outliers running longer than 15 minutes

In Figure 5, a customer runs a containerized legacy application that encompasses many different kinds of functions, all related to a recurring data processing workflow. Each function performs a task of varying complexity and duration. These can range from processing data files, updating a database, or submitting machine learning jobs.

Using a container image, one code base can be configured to contain all of the individual functions. Longer running functions, such as data preparation and big data analytics, are routed to Fargate. Shorter duration functions like simple queries can be configured to run using the container image in AWS Lambda. By using AWS Step Functions as an orchestrator, the process can be automated. In this way, a monolithic application can be broken up into a set of “Units of Work” that operate independently.

Figure 5. Heterogeneous function orchestration

Figure 5. Heterogeneous function orchestration


If your job lasts milliseconds and requires a fast response to provide a good customer experience, use AWS Lambda. If your function is not time-sensitive and runs on the scale of minutes, use AWS Fargate. For tasks that have a total duration of under 15 minutes, customers must decide based on impacts to both business and cost. Select the service that is the most effective serverless compute environment to meet your requirements. The choice can be made manually when a job is scheduled or by using retry logic to switch to the other compute platform if the first option fails. The decision can also be based on a machine learning model trained on historical data.

Updated whitepaper available: Encrypting File Data with Amazon Elastic File System

Post Syndicated from Joe Travaglini original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/updated-whitepaper-available-encrypting-file-data-with-amazon-elastic-file-system/

We’re sharing an update to the Encrypting File Data with Amazon Elastic File System whitepaper to provide customers with guidance on enforcing encryption of data at rest and in transit in Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS). Amazon EFS provides simple, scalable, highly available, and highly durable shared file systems in the cloud. The file systems you create by using Amazon EFS are elastic, which allows them to grow and shrink automatically as you add and remove data. They can grow to petabytes in size, distributing data across an unconstrained number of storage servers in multiple Availability Zones.

Read the updated whitepaper to learn about best practices for encrypting Amazon EFS. Learn how to enforce encryption at rest while you create an Amazon EFS file system in the AWS Management Console and in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and how to enforce encryption of data in transit at the client connection layer by using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).

Download and read the updated whitepaper.

If you have questions or want to learn more, contact your account executive or contact AWS Support. If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Joseph Travaglini

For over four years, Joe has been a product manager on the Amazon Elastic File System team, responsible for the Amazon EFS security and compliance roadmap, and a product lead for the launch of EFS Infrequent Access. Prior to joining the Amazon EFS team, Joe was Director of Products at Sqrrl, a cybersecurity analytics startup acquired by AWS in 2018.


Peter Buonora

Pete is a Principal Solutions Architect for AWS, with a focus on enterprise cloud strategy and information security. Pete has worked with the largest customers of AWS to accelerate their cloud adoption and improve their overall security posture.


Siva Rajamani

Siva is a Boston-based Enterprise Solutions Architect for AWS. He enjoys working closely with customers and supporting their digital transformation and AWS adoption journey. His core areas of focus are security, serverless computing, and application integration.

Choosing between AWS Lambda data storage options in web apps

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/choosing-between-aws-lambda-data-storage-options-in-web-apps/

AWS Lambda is an on-demand compute service that powers many serverless applications. Lambda functions are ephemeral, with execution environments only existing for a brief time when the function is invoked. Many compute operations need access to external data for a variety of purposes. This includes importing third-party libraries, accessing machine learning models, or exporting the output of the compute operation.

Lambda provides a comprehensive range of storage options to meet the needs of web application developers. These include other AWS services such as Amazon S3 and Amazon EFS. There are also native storage options available, such as temporary storage or Lambda layers. In this blog post, I explain the differences between these options, and discuss common use-cases to help you choose for your own applications.

This post references the Happy Path web application series, and you can download the code for that application from the repository.

Amazon S3 – Object storage

Amazon S3 is an object storage service that scales elastically. It offers high availability and 11 9’s of durability. The service is ideal for storing unstructured data. This includes binary data, such as images or media, log files and sensor data.

Sample contents from an S3 bucket.

There are certain characteristics of S3 object storage that are important to remember. While S3 objects can be versioned, you cannot append data as you could in a file system. You have to store an entirely new version of an object. S3 also has a flat storage hierarchy that’s different to a file system. Instead of directories, you use folders to logically organize objects, by prefixing ‘foldername/’ in the key name.

S3 has important event integrations for serverless developers. It has a native integration with Lambda, which allows you to invoke a function in response to an S3 event. This can provide a scalable way to trigger application workflows when objects are created or deleted in S3. In the Happy Path application, the image-processing workflows are initiated by this event integration. To learn more about using S3 to trigger automated serverless workflows, visit the learning path.

S3 is often an important repository for an organization’s data lake. If your application writes data to S3 buckets, this can be a useful staging area for downstream processing. For analytics workloads, you can use AWS Glue to perform extract, transform, and loan (ETL) operations. To create ad hoc visualizations and business analysis reports, Amazon QuickSight can connect to your S3 buckets and produce interactive dashboards. To learn how to build business intelligence dashboards for your web application, visit the Innovator Island workshop.

S3 also provides object lifecycle management. This allows you to automatically change storage classes when certain conditions are met. For example, an application for uploading expenses could automatically archive PDFs after 1 year to Amazon S3 Glacier to reduce storage costs. In the Happy Path application, the original high-resolution uploads are stored in a separate bucket from the optimized distribution assets. To reduce storage costs, lifecycle management could be configured to automatically delete these original photo assets after 30 days.

Temporary storage with /tmp

The Lambda execution environment provides a file system for your code to use at /tmp. This space has a fixed size of 512 MB. The same Lambda execution environment may be reused by multiple Lambda invocations to optimize performance. The /tmp area is preserved for the lifetime of the execution environment and provides a transient cache for data between invocations. Each time a new execution environment is created, this area is deleted.

Consequently, this is intended as an ephemeral storage area. While functions may cache data here between invocations, it should be used only for data needed by code in a single invocation. It’s not a place to store data permanently, and is better-used to support operations required by your code.

Operationally, working with files in /tmp is the same as your local hard disk, and offers fast I/O throughput. For example, to unzip a file into this space in Python, use:

import os, zipfile
with zipfile.ZipFile(myzipfile, 'r') as zip:

Lambda layers

Your Lambda functions may use additional libraries as part of the deployment package. You can bundle these in the deployment archive or optionally move to a layer instead. A Lambda function can have up to five layers, and is subject to the maximum deployment size of 50 MB (zipped). Packages in layers are available in the /opt directory during invocations. While layers are private to you by default, you can also share layers with other AWS accounts, or make layers public.

Lambda layers in the console

There are many benefits to using layers throughout the functions in your serverless application. It’s best practice to include the AWS SDK instead of depending on the version bundled with the Lambda service. This enables you to pin the version of the SDK. By using a layer, you don’t need to bundle the package with each function, which can increase your deployment package size and slow down deployments. You can create an AWS SDK layer and then include a reference to the layer in each function.

Layers can be an effective way to bundle large dependencies, or share compiled libraries with binaries that vary by operating system. For example, the Happy Path application uses the Sharp npm graphics library to process images. Similarly, the Innovator Island workshop uses the OpenCV library to perform image manipulation, and this is imported using a shared layer.

Layers are static once they are deployed. You can only change the contents of a layer by deploying a new version. Any Lambda function using the layer binds to a specific version and must be updated to change layer versions. To learn more, see using Lambda layers to simplify your development process.

Amazon EFS for Lambda

Amazon EFS is a fully managed, elastic, shared file system that integrates with other AWS services. It is durable storage option that offers high availability. You can now mount EFS volumes in Lambda functions, which makes it simpler to share data across invocations. The file system grows and shrinks as you add or delete data, so you do not need to manage storage limits.

EFS file system in the console.

The Lambda service mounts EFS file systems when the execution environment is prepared. This happens in parallel with other initialization operations so typically does not impact cold start latency. If the execution environment is warm from previous invocations, the mount is already prepared. To use EFS, your Lambda function must be in the same VPC as the file system.

EFS enables new capabilities for serverless applications. The file system is a dynamic binding for Lambda functions, unlike layers. This makes it useful for deploying code libraries where you want to always use the latest version. You configure the mount path when integrating the file system with your function, and then include packages from this location. Additionally, you can use this to include packages that exceed the limits of layers.

Due to its speed and support of standard file operations, EFS is also useful for ingesting or writing large numbers files durably. This can be helpful for zipping or unzipping large archives, for example. For appending to existing files, EFS is also a preferred option to using S3.

To learn more, see using Amazon EFS for AWS Lambda in your serverless applications.

Comparing the different data storage options

This table compares the characteristics of these four different data storage options for Lambda:

Amazon S3 /tmp Lambda Layers Amazon EFS
Maximum size Elastic 512 MB 50 MB Elastic
Persistence Durable Ephemeral Durable Durable
Content Dynamic Dynamic Static Dynamic
Storage type Object File system Archive File system
Lambda event source integration Native N/A N/A N/A
Operations supported Atomic with versioning Any file system operation Immutable Any file system operation
Object tagging Y N N N
Object metadata Y N N N
Pricing model Storage + requests + data transfer Included in Lambda Included in Lambda Storage + data transfer + throughput
Sharing/permissions model IAM Function-only IAM IAM + NFS
Source for AWS Glue Y N N N
Source for Amazon QuickSight Y N N N
Relative data access speed from Lambda Fast Fastest Fastest Very fast


Lambda is a flexible, on-demand compute service for serverless application. It supports a wide variety of workloads by providing a number of different data storage options.

In this post, I compare the capabilities and use-cases of S3, EFS, Lambda layers, and temporary storage for Lambda functions. There are benefits to each approach, as each type has different behaviors and characteristics. For web application developers, these storage types support different operations depending upon the needs of your serverless backend.

As the newest integration with Lambda, EFS now enables new workloads and capabilities. This includes sharing large code packages with Lambda, or durably operating on large numbers of files. It also opens up new possibilities for developers working on deep learning inference models.

To learn more about storage options available, visit the AWS Serverless homepage. For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Pay as you go machine learning inference with AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/pay-as-you-go-machine-learning-inference-with-aws-lambda/

This post is courtesy of Eitan Sela, Senior Startup Solutions Architect.

Many customers want to deploy machine learning models for real-time inference, and pay only for what they use. Using Amazon EC2 instances for real-time inference may not be cost effective to support sporadic inference requests throughout the day.

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service with pay-per-use billing. However, ML frameworks like XGBoost are too large to fit into the 250 MB application artifact size limit, or the 512 MB /tmp space limit. While you can store the packages in Amazon S3 and download to Lambda (up to 3 GB), this can increase the cost.

To address this, Lambda functions can now mount an Amazon Elastic File System (EFS). This is a scalable and elastic NFS file system storing data within and across multiple Availability Zones (AZ) for high availability and durability.

With this new capability, it’s now easier to use Python packages in Lambda that require storage space to load models and other dependencies.

In this blog post, I walk through how to:

  • Create an EFS file system and an Access Point as an application-specific entry point.
  • Provision an EC2 instance, mount EFS using the Access Point, and train a breast cancer XGBoost ML model. XGBoost, Python packages, and the model are saved on the EFS file system.
  • Create a Lambda function that loads the Python packages and model from EFS, and performs the prediction based on a test event.

Create an Amazon EFS file system with an Access Point

Configuring EFS for Lambda is straight-forward. I show how to do this in the AWS CloudFormation but you can also use the AWS CLI, AWS SDK, and AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).

EFS file systems are created within a customer VPC, so Lambda functions using the EFS file system must have access to the same VPC.

You can deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack located on this GitHub repository.

The stack includes the following:

  • Create a VPC with public subnet.
  • Create an EFS file system
  • Create an EFS Access Point
  • Create an EC2 in the VPC

It can take up to 10 minutes for the CloudFormation stack to create the resources. After the resource creation is complete, navigate to the EFS console to see the new file system.

EFS console

Navigate to the Access Points panel to see a new Access Point with the File system ID from the previous page.

Access Points panel

Note the Access Point ID and File System ID for the following sections.

Launch an Amazon EC2 instance to train a breast cancer model

In this section, you install Python packages on the EFS file system, after mounting it to EC2. You then train the breast cancer model, and save the model in the EFS file system used by the Lambda function.

The machine learning framework you use for this function is XGBoost. This is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, flexible, and portable. XGBoost is one of the most popular machine learning algorithms.

Navigate to the EC2 console to see the new EC2 instance created from the CloudFormation stack. This is an Amazon Linux 2 c5.large EC2 instance named ‘xgboost-for-serverless-inference-cfn-ec2’. In the instance details, you see that the security group is configured to allow inbound SSH access (for connecting to the instance).

Security Groups on instances page

Mount the EFS file system on the EC2

Connect to the instance using SSH and mount the EFS file system previously created by using the Access Point:

  1. Install amazon-efs-utils tools:
    sudo yum -y install amazon-efs-utils
  2. Create a directory to mount EFS into:
    mkdir efs
  3. Mount the EFS file system using the Access Point:
    sudo mount -t efs -o tls,accesspoint=<Access point ID> <File system ID>:/ efs

Console output

Install Python, pip and required packages

  1. Install Python and pip:
    sudo yum -y install python37
    curl -O https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
    python3 get-pip.py --user
  2. Verify the installation:
    python3 --version
    pip3 --version
  3. Create a requirements.txt file containing the dependencies:
  4. Install the Python packages using the requirements file:
    pip3 install -t efs/lib/ -r requirements.txt

    Note: using bursting throughput mode with EFS File system, this action can take up to 10 minutes.
  5. Set the Python path to refer to the installed packages directory of EFS file system:
    export PYTHONPATH=/home/ec2-user/efs/lib/

Train the breast cancer model

The breast cancer model predicts whether the breast mass is a malignant tumor or benign by looking at features computed from a digitized image of a fine needle aspirate of a breast mass.

The data used to train the model consists of the diagnosis in addition to the 10 real-valued features that are computed for each cell nucleus. Such features include radius, texture, perimeter, area, smoothness, compactness, concavity, concave points, symmetry, and fractal dimension. The prediction returned by the model is either “B” for benign or “M” for malignant. This sample project uses the public Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) dataset.

After installing the required Python packages, train a XGBoost model on the breast cancer dataset:

  1. Create a bc_xgboost_train.py file containing the Python code needed to train a breast cancer XGBoost model. Download the code here.
  2. Start the training of the model:python3 bc_xgboost_train.pyYou see the following message:Console outputThe model file bc-xgboost-model is created in the root directory.
  3. Create a new directory on the EFS file system and copy the XGBoost breast cancer model:
    mkdir efs/model
    cp bc-xgboost-model efs/model/
  4. Check you have the required Python packages and the model on the EFS file system:
    ls efs/model/ efs/lib/

    You see all the Python packages installed previously in the lib directory, and the model file in the model directory.
  5. Review the total size of lib Python packages directory:
    du -sh efs/lib/

You can see that the total size of lib directory is 534 MB. This is a larger package size than was allowed before EFS for Lambda.

Building a serverless machine learning inference using Lambda

In this section, you use the EFS file system previously configured for the Lambda function to import the required libraries and load the model.

Using EFS with Lambda

The AWS SAM template creates the Lambda function, mount the EFS Access Point created earlier, and both IAM roles required.

It takes several minutes for the AWS SAM CLI to create the Lambda function. After, navigate to the Lambda console to see the created Lambda function.

Lambda console

In the Lambda function configuration, you see the environment variables, and basic settings, such as runtime, memory, and timeout.

Lambda function configuration

Further down, you see that the Lambda function has the VPC access configured, and the file system is mounted.

Lambda VPC configuration

Test your Lambda function

  1. In the Lambda console, select Configure test events from the Test events dropdown.
  2. For Event Name, enter InferenceTestEvent.
  3. Copy the event JSON from here and paste in the dialog box.Confiigure test event
  4. Choose Create. After saving, you see InferenceTestEvent in the Test list. Now choose Test.

You see the Lambda function inference result, log output, and duration:

Lambda function result


In this blog post, you train an XGBoost breast cancer model using Python packages installed on an Amazon EFS file system. You create an AWS Lambda function that loads the Python packages and the model from EFS file system, and perform the predictions.

Now you know how to call a machine learning model inference using a Lambda function. To learn more about other real-world examples, see: