Tag Archives: Full Stack Week

JavaScript modules are now supported on Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Ashcon Partovi original https://blog.cloudflare.com/workers-javascript-modules/

JavaScript modules are now supported on Cloudflare Workers

JavaScript modules are now supported on Cloudflare Workers

We’re excited to announce that JavaScript modules are now supported on Cloudflare Workers. If you’ve ever taken look at an example Worker written in JavaScript, you might recognize the following code snippet that has been floating around the Internet the past few years:

addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
  event.respondWith(new Response("Hello Worker!"));

The above syntax is known as the “Service Worker” API, and it was proposed to be standardized for use in web browsers. The idea is that you can attach a JavaScript file to a web page to modify its HTTP requests and responses, acting like a virtual endpoint. It was exactly what we needed for Workers, and it even integrated well with standard Web APIs like fetch() and caches.

Before introducing modules, we want to make it clear that we will continue to support the Service Worker API. No developer wants to get an email saying that you need to rewrite your code because an API or feature is being deprecated; and you won’t be getting one from us. If you’re interested in learning why we made this decision, you can read about our commitment to backwards-compatibility for Workers.

What are JavaScript modules?

JavaScript modules, also known as ECMAScript (abbreviated. “ES”) modules, is the standard API for importing and exporting code in JavaScript. It was introduced by the “ES6” language specification for JavaScript, and has been implemented by most Web browsers, Node.js, Deno, and now Cloudflare Workers. Here’s an example to demonstrate how it works:

// filename: ./src/util.js
export function getDate(time) {
  return new Date(time).toISOString().split("T")[0]; // "YYYY-MM-DD"

The “export” keyword indicates that the “getDate” function should be exported from the current module. Then, you can use “import” from another module to use that function.

// filename: ./src/index.js
import { getDate } from "./util.js"

console.log("Today’s date:", getDate());

Those are the basics, but there’s a lot more you can do with modules. It allows you to organize, maintain, and re-use your code in an elegant way that just works. While we can’t go over every aspect of modules here, if you’d like to learn more we’d encourage you to read the MDN guide on modules, or a more technical deep-dive by Lin Clark.

How can I use modules in Workers?

You can export a default module, which will represent your Worker. Instead of using “addEventListener,” each event handler is defined as a function on that module. Today, we support “fetch” for HTTP and WebSocket requests and “scheduled” for cron triggers.

export default {
  async fetch(request, environment, context) {
    return new Response("I’m a module!");
  async scheduled(controller, environment, context) {
    // await doATask();

You may also notice some other differences, such as the parameters on each event handler. Instead of a single “Event” object, the parameters that you need the most are spread out on their own. The first parameter is specific to the event type: for “fetch” it’s the Request object, and for “scheduled” it’s a controller that contains the cron schedule.

The second parameter is an object that contains your environment variables (also known as “bindings“). Previously, each variable was inserted into the global scope of the Worker. While a simple solution, it was confusing to have variables magically appear in your code. Now, with an environment object, you can control which modules and libraries get access to your environment variables. This mechanism is more secure, as it can prevent a compromised or nosy third-party library from enumerating all your variables or secrets.

The third parameter is a context object, which allows you to register background tasks using waitUntil(). This is useful for tasks like logging or error reporting that should not block the execution of the event.

When you put that all together, you can import and export multiple modules, as well as use the new event handler syntax.

// filename: ./src/error.js
export async function logError(url, error) {
  await fetch(url, {
     method: "POST",
     body: error.stack

// filename: ./src/worker.js
import { logError } from "./error.js"

export default {
  async fetch(request, environment, context) {
    try {
       return await fetch(request);
    } catch (error) {
       context.waitUntil(logError(environment.ERROR_URL, error));
       return new Response("Oops!", { status: 500 });

Let’s not forget about Durable Objects, which became generally available earlier this week! You can also export classes, which is how you define a Durable Object class. Here’s another example with a “Counter” Durable Object, that responds with an incrementing value.

// filename: ./src/counter.js
export class Counter {
  value = 0;
  fetch() {
    return new Response(this.value.toString());

// filename: ./src/worker.js
// We need to re-export the Durable Object class in the Worker module.
export { Counter } from "./counter.js"

export default {
  async fetch(request, environment) {
    const clientId = request.headers.get("cf-connecting-ip");
    const counterId = environment.Counter.idFromName(clientId);
    // Each IP address gets its own Counter.
    const counter = environment.Counter.get(counterId);
    return counter.fetch("https://counter.object/increment");

Are there non-JavaScript modules?

Yes! While modules are primarily for JavaScript, we also support other modules types, some of which are not yet standardized.

For instance, you can import WebAssembly as a module. Previously, with the Service Worker API, WebAssembly was included as a binding. We think that was a mistake, since WebAssembly should be represented as code and not an external resource. With modules, here’s the new way to import WebAssembly:

import module from "./lib/hello.wasm"

export default {
  async fetch(request) {
    const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module);
    const result = instance.exports.hello();
    return new Response(result);

While not supported today, we look forward to a future where WebAssembly and JavaScript modules can be more tightly integrated, as outlined in this proposal. The ergonomics improvement, demonstrated below, can go a long way to make WebAssembly more included in the JavaScript ecosystem.

import { hello } from "./lib/hello.wasm"

export default {
  async fetch(request) {
    return new Response(hello());

We’ve also added support for text and binary modules, which allow you to import a String and ArrayBuffer, respectively. While not standardized, it allows you to easily import resources like an HTML file or an image.

<!-- filename: ./public/index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>

import html from "../public/index.html"

export default {
  fetch(request) {
    if (request.url.endsWith("/index.html") {
       return new Response(html, {
          headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html" }
    return fetch(request);

How can I get started?

There are many ways to get started with modules.

First, you can try out modules in your browser using our playground (which doesn’t require an account) or by using the dashboard quick editor. Your browser will automatically detect when you’re using modules to allow you to seamlessly switch from the Service Worker API. For now, you’ll only be able to create one JavaScript module in the browser, though supporting multiple modules is something we’ll be improving soon.

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to start a new project using modules, you can try out the beta release of wrangler 2.0, the next-generation of the command-line interface (CLI) for Workers.

For existing projects, we still recommend using wrangler 1.0 (release 1.17 or later). To enable modules, you can adapt your “wrangler.toml” configuration to the following example:

name = "my-worker"
type = "javascript"
workers_dev = true

format = "modules"
dir = "./src"
main = "./worker.js" # becomes "./src/worker.js"

type = "ESModule"
globs = "**/*.js"

# Uncomment if you have a build script.
# [build]
# command = "npm run build"

We’ve updated our documentation to provide more details about modules, though some examples will still be using the Service Worker API as we transition to showing both formats. (and TypeScript as a bonus!)

If you experience an issue or notice something strange with modules, please let us know, and we’ll take a look. Happy coding, and we’re excited to see what you build with modules!

JavaScript modules are now supported on Cloudflare Workers

Introducing Services: Build Composable, Distributed Applications on Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Ashcon Partovi original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-worker-services/

Introducing Services: Build Composable, Distributed Applications on Cloudflare Workers

Introducing Services: Build Composable, Distributed Applications on Cloudflare Workers

First, there was the Worker script. It was simple, yet elegant. With just a few lines of code, you could rewrite an HTTP request, append a header, or make a quick fix to your website.

Though, what if you wanted to build an entire application on Workers? You’d need a lot more tools in your developer toolbox. That’s why we’ve introduced extensions to Workers platform like KV, our distributed key-value store; Durable Objects, — a strongly consistent, object-oriented database; and soon R2, the no-egress object storage. While these tools allow you to build a more robust application, there’s still a gap when it comes to building a system architecture, composed of many applications or services.

Imagine you’ve built an authentication service that authorizes requests to your API. You’d want to re-use that logic among all your other services. Moreover, when you make changes to that authentication service, you’d want to test it in a controlled environment that doesn’t affect those other services in production. Well, you don’t need to imagine anymore.

Introducing Services

Services are the new building block for deploying applications on Cloudflare Workers. Unlike the script, a service is composable, which allows services to talk to each other. Services also support multiple environments, which allow you to test changes in a preview environment, then promote to production when you’re confident it worked.

To enable a seamless transition to services, we’ve automatically migrated every script to become a service with one “production” environment — no action needed.

Services have environments

Each service comes with a production environment and the ability to create or clone dozens of preview environments. Every aspect of an environment is overridable: the code, environment variables, and even resources like a KV namespace. You can create and switch between environments with just a few clicks in the dashboard.

Each environment is resolvable at a unique hostname, which is automatically generated when you create or rename the environment. There’s no waiting around after you deploy. Everything you need, like DNS records, SSL certificates, and more, is ready-to-go seconds later. If you’d like a more advanced setup, you can also add custom routes from your domain to an environment.

Once you’ve tested your changes in a preview environment, you’re ready to promote to production. We’ve made it really easy to promote code from one environment to another, without the need to rebuild or upload your code again. Environments also manage code separately from settings, so you don’t need to manually edit environment variables when you promote from staging to production.

Services are versioned

Every change to a service is versioned and audited. Mistakes do happen, but when they do, it’s important to be able to quickly roll back, then have the tools to answer the age-old question: “who changed what, when?”

Introducing Services: Build Composable, Distributed Applications on Cloudflare Workers

Each environment in a service has its own version history. Every time there is a code change or an environment variable is updated, the version number of that environment is incremented. You can also append additional metadata to each version, like a git commit or a deployment tag.

Services can talk to each other

Services are composable, allowing one service to talk to another service. To support this, we’re introducing a new API to facilitate service-to-service communication: service bindings.

Introducing Services: Build Composable, Distributed Applications on Cloudflare Workers

A service binding allows you to send HTTP requests to another service, without those requests going over the Internet. That means you can invoke other Workers directly from your code! Service bindings open up a new world of composability. In the example below, requests are validated by an authentication service.

export default {
  async fetch(request, environment) {
    const response = await environment.AUTH.fetch(request);
    if (response.status !== 200) {
      return response;
    return new Response("Authenticated!");

Introducing Services: Build Composable, Distributed Applications on Cloudflare Workers

Service bindings use the standard fetch API, so you can continue to use your existing utilities and libraries. You can also change the environment of a service binding, so you can test a new version of a service. In the next example, 1% of requests are routed to a “canary” deployment of a service. If a request to the canary fails, it’s sent to the production deployment for another chance.

export default {
  canRetry(request) {
    return request.method === "GET" || request.method === "HEAD";
  async fetch(request, environment) {
    if (Math.random() < 0.01) {
      const response = await environment.CANARY.fetch(request.clone());
      if (response.status < 500 || !canRetry(request)) {
        return response;
    return environment.PRODUCTION.fetch(request);

While the interface among services is HTTP, the networking is not. In fact, there is no networking! Unlike the typical “microservice architecture,” where services communicate over a network and can suffer from latency or interruption, service bindings are a zero-cost abstraction. When you deploy a service, we build a dependency graph of its service bindings, then package all of those services into a single deployment. When one service invokes another, there is no network delay; the request is executed immediately.

Introducing Services: Build Composable, Distributed Applications on Cloudflare Workers

This zero-cost model enables teams to share and reuse code within their organizations, without sacrificing latency or performance. Forget the days of convoluted YAML templates or exponential back off to orchestrate services — just write code, and we’ll stitch it all together.

Try out the future, today!

We’re excited to announce that you can start using Services today! If you’ve already used Workers, you’ll notice that each of your scripts have been upgraded to a service with one “production” environment. The dashboard and all the existing Cloudflare APIs will continue to “just work” with services.

You can also create and deploy code to multiple “preview” environments, as part of the open-beta launch. We’re still working on service bindings and versioning, and we’ll provide an update as soon as you can start using them.

For more information about Services, check out any of the resources below:

Introducing Services: Build Composable, Distributed Applications on Cloudflare Workers

Introducing Relational Database Connectors

Post Syndicated from Kabir Sikand original https://blog.cloudflare.com/relational-database-connectors/

Introducing Relational Database Connectors

Introducing Relational Database Connectors

At Cloudflare, we’re building the best compute platform in the world. We want to make it easy, seamless, and obvious to build your applications with us. But simply making the best compute platform is not enough — at the heart of your applications are the data they interact with.

Cloudflare has multiple data storage solutions available today: Workers KV, R2, and Durable Objects. All three follow Cloudflare’s design goals for Workers: global by default, infinitely scalable, and delightful for developers to use. We’ve partnered with third-party storage solutions like Fauna, MongoDB and Prisma, who have built data platforms that align beautifully with our design goals and written tutorials for databases that already support HTTP connections.

The one area that’s been sorely missed: relational databases. Cloudflare itself runs on relational databases, and we’re not alone. In April, we asked which Node libraries you wanted us to support, and four of the top five requests were related to databases. For this Full Stack Week, we asked ourselves: how could we support relational databases in a way that aligned with our design goals?

Today, we’re taking a first step towards that world by announcing support for relational databases, including Postgres and MySQL from Workers.

Connecting to a database is no simple task — if it were as easy as passing a connection string to a database driver, we would have already done it. We’ve had to overcome several hurdles to reach this point, and have several more still to conquer.  

Our goal with this announcement is to work with you, our developers, to solve the unique pain points that come from accessing databases inside Workers. If you’d like to work with us, fill out this form or join us on Discord — this is just the beginning. If you’d just like to grab the code and play around, use this example to get started connecting to your own database, or check out our demo.

Why are Database Connectors so hard to build?

Serverless database connections are challenging to support for several reasons.

Databases are needy — they often require TCP connections, since they assume long-lived connections between an application server and the database. The Workers runtime doesn’t currently support TCP connections, so we’ve only been able to support HTTP-based databases or proxies.

Like a relationship, establishing a connection isn’t quite enough. Developers use client libraries for databases to make submitting queries and managing the responses easy. Since the Workers runtime is not entirely Node.js compatible, we need to either roll our own database library or find one that does not use unsupported built-in libraries.

Finally, databases are sensitive. It often takes external libraries to manage shared connections between an application server and a database, since these connections tend to be expensive to establish.

Moving past these challenges

Our approach today gives us the foundation to address each of these challenges in creative ways going forward.

First, we’re leveraging cloudflared to create a secure tunnel between Cloudflare and a private network within your existing infrastructure. Cloudflared already supports proxying HTTP to TCP over WebSockets — Our challenge is providing interfaces that look like the socket interfaces existing libraries expect, while rewiring the implementations to redirect reads and writes to our websocket. This method is fast, safe, and secure; but limiting in that we lack control of where to direct the final connections. This is a problem we will solve soon, but until then our approach is essential to gathering latency and performance data to see where else we need to improve.

Introducing Relational Database Connectors

Next, we’ve created a shim-layer that adapts the socket API from a popular runtime to connect directly to databases using a WebSocket. This allows us to bundle code as-is, without forking or otherwise making significant changes to the database library. As part of this announcement, we’ve published a tutorial on how to connect to and query a Postgres database from your Workers, using existing Cloudflare technology and a driver from the growing community at Deno. We’re excited to work with the upstream maintainers, on expanding support.

Finally, we’re most excited for how this approach will let us begin to manage connection pooling and connection establishment overhead. While our current tech demo requires setting up the Cloudflare Tunnel on your own infrastructure, we’re looking for customers who’d like to pilot a model where Cloudflare hosts the tunnel for you.

Where we’re going

We’re just getting started. Our goal with today’s announcement is to find customers who are looking to build new applications or migrate existing applications to Workers while working with data that’s stored in a relational database.

Just as Cloudflare started by providing security, performance, and reliability for customer’s websites, we’re excited about a future where Cloudflare manages database connections, handles replication of data across cloud providers and provides low-latency access to data globally.

First, we’re looking to add support for TCP into the runtime natively. With native support for TCP we’ll not only have better support for databases, but expand the Workers runtime to work with data infrastructure more broadly.

Our position in the network layer of the stack makes providing performance, security benefits and extremely reduced egress costs to global databases all possible realities. To do so, we’ll repurpose the HTTP to TCP proxy service that we’ve currently built and run it for developers as a connection pooling service, managing connections to their databases on their behalf.

Finally, our network makes caching data and making it accessible globally at low latency possible. Once we have connections back to your data, making it globally accessible in Cloudflare’s network will unlock fundamentally new architectures for distributed data.

Take our connectors for a spin

Want to check things out? There are three main steps to getting up-and-running:

  1. Deploying cloudflared within your infrastructure.
  2. Deploying a database that connects to cloudflared.
  3. Deploying a Worker with the database driver that submits queries.

The Postgres tutorial is available here.

When you’re all done, it’ll look a little something like this:

import { Client } from './driver/postgres/postgres'

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env, ctx: ExecutionContext) {
    try {
      const client = new Client({
        user: 'postgres',
        database: 'postgres',
        hostname: 'https://db.example.com',
        password: '',
        port: 5432,
      await client.connect()
      const result = await client.queryArray('SELECT * FROM users WHERE uuid=1;')
      return new Response(JSON.stringify(result.rows[0]))
    } catch (e) {
      return new Response((e as Error).message)

Hit any snags? Fill out this form, join our Discord or shoot us an email and let’s chat!

Developer Spotlight: Winning a Game Jam with Jamstack and Durable Objects

Post Syndicated from Erwin van der Koogh original https://blog.cloudflare.com/developer-spotlight-guido-zuidhof-full-tilt/

Developer Spotlight: Winning a Game Jam with Jamstack and Durable Objects

Developer Spotlight: Winning a Game Jam with Jamstack and Durable Objects

Welcome to a new blog post series called Developer Spotlight. In this series we will be showcasing interesting applications built on top of the Cloudflare Workers Ecosystem.

And to celebrate Durable Objects going GA, what better to kick off the series than with a really cool tech demo of Durable Objects called Full Tilt?

Full Tilt by Guido Zuidhof is a game jam entry for Ludum Dare, one of the biggest and oldest game jams around, where he won first place in the innovation category. A game jam is like a hackathon for games, where you have a very short amount of time (usually 48-72 hours) to create a game from scratch.

We love Full Tilt, not just because Guido used Workers and Durable Objects to build a cool game where you control a game on your computer via your phone, but especially because it shows how powerful Durable Objects are. In less than 48 hours Guido was able to write all the logic to instantly spin up a personal gaming server anywhere in the world, as close to that player as possible. And it is so fast that you feel like you are controlling the computer directly.

But here is Guido, to tell you about his experience developing Full Tilt.

Last October I participated in the Ludum Dare 49 game jam. The thing I love about game jams is that the time constraint forces you to work quickly, iterate often, and most importantly cut scope.

In this game jam I created Full Tilt, a game in which you seamlessly use your phone as a Wiimote-like motion controller for a game that is run on your laptop in a web browser. The secret sauce to making it so smooth was in combining a game jam with Jamstack and mixing in some Durable Objects.

You can try the game right here.

Phone as a controller

Full Tilt is a browser game in which you move the player character by moving your hand around. There are a few different ways we can do that. One idea would be to use your computer’s webcam to track a marker object through 3D space. While that is possible, it is tricky to get it working in any situation (a dark room can be problematic!) and also some players may feel uncomfortable turning on their webcam for a simple web game.

A smartphone has a bunch of sensors built in, including a magnetometer and gyroscope — those sensors are exactly what we need, and we can assume that the majority of our potential players have a smartphone within arm’s reach. When a native mobile application uses these sensors, it adds a lot of friction (users now have to install an app), as well as a bunch of implementation work. Fortunately modern web browsers allow you to read from these sensors through the DeviceMotion API: a small web app will do the job perfectly!

The next challenge is communicating the sensor readings from the phone to the game running on the main computer. For that we will use a combination of Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects. There needs to be some shared contact (i.e., a game server) that both the main computer and the smartphone talk to. Using a serverless solution makes a lot of sense for a web game. And as we only have 48 hours here, less stuff to worry about is a big selling point too. Workers and Durable Objects also make it easy to keep the game running after the game jam, without having to pay for — and more importantly worry about — keeping servers running.

Setting up a line of communication

There are roughly two ways for browsers to communicate: through a shared connection (a game server somewhere) or a peer to peer connection, so browsers can talk directly to each other without a middleman by leveraging WebRTC DataChannels.

WebRTC can be very challenging to make reliable and may still need a proxy server for some especially problematic network setups behind multiple NATs. Setting up a WebRTC connection may have been the perfect solution for the lowest possible latency, but it was out of scope for such a short game jam.

The game we are creating has low latency requirements, when I tilt my phone the game should respond quickly. We can probably get away with anything under 100ms, although low double digits or less is definitely preferred! If I’m geographically located in one place and the game server is geographically close enough, then this game server will be able to pass messages from my smartphone to my laptop without too much delay. Edge computing is hot nowadays, and for this gaming use case it is not just a nice-to-have but also a necessity.

Enough background, let’s architect the system.

On-demand game rooms

The first thing I needed to set up was game rooms. Something that both the phone and the computer browsers could connect to, so they can pass messages between them.

Durable Objects allow us to create a large amount of small stateful “mini servers” or “rooms” that multiple clients can connect to simultaneously over WebSockets, providing perfect small on-demand game servers. Think of Durable Objects as a single thread of Javascript that runs in a data center close to where the user first asked for it to be created.

After the browser on the computer starts the game, it asks our Cloudflare Worker API to create a room for the current game session. This API request is a simple POST request, the server responds with a four character room code that uniquely identifies the room that was created. The reason we want the room code to be short is because the user may need to copy this code and type it into their smartphone if they are unable to scan a QR code.

Humans are notoriously bad at copying random character strings as different characters look alike, so we use a limited character set that excludes the most commonly confused characters:

const DICTIONARY = "2345679ADEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"; // 29 chars (no 0, O, I, 1, B, 8)

A four character code will allow us to uniquely point to ~700,000 different rooms, that seems like it would be enough even if our game got quite popular! What’s more: these game sessions don’t last forever. After some period of time (say 24 hours) we can be certain enough that the game session has ended, and we can re-use that room code.

Room code coordination

In your Cloudflare Worker script, there are two ways to create a Durable Object: either we ask for one to be created with an ID generated from a name, or we ask for one to be created with a random unique ID. The naive solution would be to create a Durable Object with an ID generated from the room code. However, that is not a good idea here because a Durable Object gets created in a data center that is geographically close to the end user.

A problematic situation would be if a user in Mumbai requests a room and gets room code ABCD. Initially, they play the game for a bit, and it works great.

The issue comes a week later when that room code is reused for another player based in Los Angeles, The game room Durable Object will be revived in Mumbai and latency will be awful for our Los Angeles player. In the future, Durable Objects may get migrated between data centers, but that’s not yet guaranteed.

Instead, what we can do is create a new Durable Object with a random ID for every new game session and keep a mapping from the four character room code to this random ID. We are introducing some state in our system: we will need a central source of truth which is where Durable Objects can come to the rescue again.

We will solve this by creating a single “Room Hub” Durable Object that keeps track of this mapping from room code to Durable Object ID. This Durable Object will have two endpoints, one to request a new room and another to look up a room’s information.

Here’s our request handler for the Room Request endpoint (the argument is a Sunder Context, Sunder is the web framework I used for this project):

export async function handleRoomRequest(ctx: Context<Env>) {
    const now = Date.now();    
    const reqBody = await ctx.request.json();

    // We make some attempts to find a room that is available..
    const attempts = 5

    let roomCode: string;
    let roomStorageKey: string;

    for (let i = 0; i < attempts; i++) {
        roomCode = generateRoomCode();
        roomStorageKey = ROOM_STATE_PREFIX + roomCode;
        const room = await ctx.state.storage.get<RoomData>(roomStorageKey);
        if (room === undefined) {
        } else if (now - room.createdAt > MAX_ROOM_AGE) {
            await ctx.state.storage.delete(roomStorageKey);
        if (i === attempts-1) {
            return ctx.throw("Couldn't find available room code :(");

    const roomData: RoomData = {
        roomCode: roomCode,
        durableObjectId: reqBody.durableObjectId,
        createdAt: now,

    await ctx.state.storage.put<RoomData>(roomStorageKey, roomData);

    ctx.response.body = {
        room: roomData
    ctx.response.status = HttpStatus.Created;

In a nutshell, we generate a few room codes until we find one that has never been used or hasn’t been used in a long enough time.

There is a subtle but important nuance in this code: the Durable Object gets created in the Cloudflare Worker that talks to our Room Hub, not in the Room Hub itself. Our Room Hub will run in a single data center somewhere on Cloudflare’s network. If we create the game room from there it may still be far away from our end user!

Looking up a room’s information is simpler, we return either the room data or status 404.

export async function handleRoomLookup(ctx: Context<Env, {roomCode: string}>) {
    const now = Date.now();

    let roomStorageKey = ROOM_STATE_PREFIX + ctx.params.roomCode;
    const roomData = await ctx.state.storage.get<RoomData>(roomStorageKey);

    if (roomData === undefined) {
        ctx.throw(404, "Room not found");

    if (now - roomData.createdAt > MAX_ROOM_AGE) {
        // About time we cleaned it up.
        await ctx.state.storage.delete(roomStorageKey);
        ctx.response.status = HttpStatus.NotFound;

    ctx.response.body = {
        room: roomData

The smartphone browser needs to connect to that same room. To make things easy for the user we generate a four character room code which points at that specific “Game Room” Durable Object. This way the user can take their smartphone, navigate to the website address https://ld49.pages.dev, and enter the code “ABCD” (or more commonly, they scan a QR code with the link https://ld49.pages.dev?room=ABCD).

Game Room Durable Object

Our game room Durable Object can be pretty simple since it is only responsible for passing along messages from the smartphone to the laptop with the latest sensor readings. I was able to modify the Durable Objects chat room example to do exactly this — a good time saver for a game jam!

When a browser connects, they either connect as a “peer” or as a “host” role. Any messages sent by peers are forwarded to the host, and all messages from the host get forwarded to all peers. In this case, our host is the laptop browser running the game and the peer is the smartphone controller. Implementation-wise this means that we keep two lists of users: the peers and the hosts. Whenever a message comes in, we loop over the list to broadcast it to all connections of the other role. In practice, the code is a bit more involved to deal with users disconnecting.

Full Tilt is a singleplayer game, but adapting it to be a multiplayer game would be easy with this setup. Imagine a Mario Kart-like game that runs in your browser in which multiple friends can join using their smartphones as their steering wheel controller! Unfortunately there was not enough time in this game jam to make a polished game.

Front end

With the backend ready, we still need to create the actual game and the controller web app.

My initial plan was to create a game in which you fly a 3D plane by tilting your phone, collecting stars and completing aerobatic tricks. It would fit the theme “Unstable” as I expected this control method to be pretty flimsy! Since there was no time left to create anything close to that, it was time to cut scope.

I ended up using the Phaser game engine and put the entire system together in a Svelte app.   This was certainly a challenge, as I had only used Phaser once before many years ago and had never used Svelte. Luckily, I was able to put together something simple quickly enough: a snake-like game in which you move a thingy to collect blips that appear randomly on the screen.

In order for a game to be a game there needs to be some goal for the user, usually some game over condition. I changed the game to go faster and faster over time, added a score counter, and added a game over condition where you lose the game if you touch the edge of the screen. I made my “art” in MS Paint, generated some sound effects using the online tool sfxr, and “composed” the music soundtrack in Chrome’s Music Lab Song Maker.

Simultaneously I wrote a small client for my game server and duct-taped together the smartphone controller app which is powered by the browser’s DeviceMotion APIs. To distribute my game I used Cloudflare Pages, which worked like a charm the first time.

All done

And then the deadline was there — I barely made it, but I submitted something I was proud of. A not-so-great game, but with an interesting backend system and a novel input method. Do try the game yourself here, and the source code is available here (warning: it’s pretty hacky code of course!).

The reception of my co-jammers was great. While everybody agreed the game itself and its graphics were awful, it was novel. The game ended up rated first in the *Innovation* category for this game jam, out of hundreds of other games!

Finally, is this the future of game servers? For indie developers and smaller studios, setting up and maintaining a globally distributed fleet of game servers is both a huge distraction and cost. Serverless and in particular Durable Objects can provide an amazing solution.

But not every game is well-suited for a WebSocket-based backend. In some real-time games you are not interested in what happened a second ago and only the latest information matters. This is where the reliable and ordered nature of WebSockets can get in the way.

All in all my first impressions of Durable Objects are very positive, it is a great tool to have in your toolbelt for all kinds of web projects. You can now tackle problems that would otherwise take days in mere minutes. I am very excited to see what other problems will be made easy by Durable Objects, even those I haven’t even thought of yet.

Making connections with TCP and Sockets for Workers

Post Syndicated from James M Snell original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-socket-workers/

Making connections with TCP and Sockets for Workers

Making connections with TCP and Sockets for Workers

Today we are excited to announce that we are developing APIs and infrastructure to support more TCP, UDP, and QUIC-based protocols in Cloudflare Workers. Once released, these new capabilities will make it possible to use non-HTTP socket connections to and from a Worker or Durable Object as easily as one can use HTTP and WebSockets today.

Out of the box, fetch and WebSocket APIs. With just a few internal changes to make it operational in Workers, we’ve developed an example using an off-the-shelf driver (in this example, a Deno-based Postgres client driver) to communicate with a remote Postgres server via WebSocket over a secure Cloudflare Tunnel.

import { Client } from './driver/postgres/postgres'

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env, ctx: ExecutionContext) {
    try {
      const client = new Client({
        user: 'postgres',
        database: 'postgres',
        hostname: 'https://db.example.com',
        password: '',
        port: 5432,
      await client.connect()
      const result = await client.queryArray('SELECT * FROM users WHERE uuid=1;')
      return new Response(JSON.stringify(result.rows[0]))
    } catch (e) {
      return new Response((e as Error).message)

The example works by replacing the bits of the Postgres client driver that use the Deno-specific TCP socket APIs with standard fetch and WebSockets APIs. We then establish a WebSocket connection with a remote Cloudflare Tunnel daemon running adjacent to the Postgres server, establishing what is effectively TCP-over-WebSockets.

Making connections with TCP and Sockets for Workers

While the fact we were able to build the example and communicate effectively and efficiently with the Postgres server — without making any changes to the Cloudflare Workers runtime — is impressive, there are limitations to the approach. For one, the solution requires additional infrastructure to establish and maintain the WebSocket tunnel — in this case, the instance of the Cloudflare Tunnel daemon running adjacent to the Postgres server. While we are certainly happy to provide that daemon to customers, it would just be better if that component were not required at all. Second, tunneling TCP over WebSockets, which is itself tunneled via HTTP over TCP is a bit suboptimal. It works, but we can do better.

Making connections from Cloudflare Workers

Currently, there is no standard API for socket connections in JavaScript. We want to change that.

If you’ve used Node.js before, then you’re most likely familiar with the net.Socket and net.TLSSocket objects. If you use Deno, then you might know that they’ve recently introduced the Deno.connect() and Deno.connectTLS() APIs. When you look at those APIs, what should immediately be apparent is how different they are from one another despite doing the exact same thing.

When we decided that we would add the ability to open and use socket connections from within Workers, we also agreed that we really have no interest in developing yet another non-standard, platform-specific API that is unlike the APIs provided by other platforms. Therefore, we are extending an invitation to all JavaScript runtime platforms that need socket capabilities to collaborate on a new (and eventually standardized) API that just works no matter which runtime you choose to develop on.

Here’s a rough example of what we have in mind for opening and reading from a simple TCP client connection:

const socket = new Socket({
  remote: { address: '', port: 1234 },
for await (const chunk of socket.readable)

Or, this example, sending a simple “hello world” packet using UDP:

const socket = new Socket({
  type: 'udp',
  remote: { address: '', port: 1234 },
const enc = new TextEncoder();
const writer = socket.writable.getWriter();
await writer.write(enc.encode('hello world'));
await writer.close();

The API will be designed generically enough to work both client and server-side; for TCP, UDP, and QUIC; with or without TLS, and will not rely on any mechanism specific to any single JavaScript runtime. It will build on existing broadly supported Web Platform standards such as EventTarget, ReadableStream, WritableStream, AbortSignal, and promises. It will be familiar to developers who are already familiar with the fetch() API, service workers, and promises using async/await.

interface Socket : EventTarget {
  constructor(object SocketInit);

  Promise<undefined> update(object SocketInit);

  readonly attribute ReadableStream readable;
  readonly attribute WritableStream writable;
  readonly attribute Promise<undefined> ready;
  readonly attribute Promise<undefined> closed;

  Promise<undefined> abort(optional any reason);
  readonly attribute AbortSignal signal;
  readonly attribute SocketStats stats;
  readonly attribute SocketInfo info;

This is just a proposal at this point and the details will very likely change from the examples above by the time the capability is delivered in Workers. It is our hope that other platforms will join us in the effort of developing and supporting this new API so that developers have a consistent foundation upon which to build regardless of where they run their code.

Introducing Socket Workers

The ability to open socket client connections is only half of the story.

When we first started talking about adding these capabilities an obvious question was asked: What about using non-HTTP protocols to connect to Workers? What if instead of just having the ability to connect a Worker to some other back-end database, we could implement the entire database itself on the edge, inside Workers, and have non-HTTP clients connect to it? For that matter, what if we could implement an SMTP server in Workers? Or an MQTT message queue? Or a full VoIP platform? Or implement packet filters, transformations, inspectors, or protocol transcoders?

Workers are far too powerful to limit to just HTTP and WebSockets, so we will soon introduce Socket Workers — that is, Workers that can be connected to directly using raw TCP, UDP, or QUIC protocols without using HTTP.

What will this new Workers feature look like? Many of the details are still being worked through, but the idea is to deploy a Worker script that understands and responds to “connect” events in much the same way that “fetch” events work today. Importantly, this would build on the same common socket API being developed for client connections:

addEventListener('connect', (event) => {
  const enc = new TextEncoder();
  const writer = event.socket.writable.getWriter();
  writer.write(enc.encode('Hello World'));

Next Steps (and a call to action)

The new socket API for JavaScript and Socket Workers are under active development, with focus initially on enabling better and more efficient ways for Workers to connect to databases on the backend — you can sign up here to join the waitlist for access to Database Connectors and Socket Workers. We are excited to work with early users, as well as our technology partners to develop, refine, and test these new capabilities.

Once released, we expect Socket Workers to blow the doors wide open on the types of intelligent distributed applications that can be deployed to the Cloudflare network edge, and we are excited to see what you build with them.

Durable Objects — now Generally Available

Post Syndicated from Greg McKeon original https://blog.cloudflare.com/durable-objects-ga/

Durable Objects — now Generally Available

Durable Objects — now Generally Available

Full Stack Week is all about how developers are embracing the power of Cloudflare’s network to build entire applications that are global by default. The promise of Workers isn’t just improved latency — it’s fundamentally different programming paradigms that make developer’s lives easier and applications more resilient.

Last year, we announced Durable Objects — Cloudflare’s approach to coordinating state across Workers running at Cloudflare’s edge. Durable Objects let developers implement previously complex applications, like collaborative whiteboarding, game servers, or global queues, in just a few lines of code.

Today, we’re announcing that Durable Objects are generally available and production-ready for you to use!

What makes Durable Objects so cool?

For many traditional applications, state coordination happens through a database. Applications built on Workers present some unique challenges for a database — namely needing to handle global scale out-of-the-box and heavy concurrency that could lead to frequent transaction rollbacks when coordinating on shared keys. Databases themselves are hard to configure and scale, especially at global scale, so developers would need to tweak their database specifically for Workers’ access patterns.

Durable Objects present a simpler paradigm: write a JavaScript class, and your application can create named instances of that class — which are guaranteed to be unique across Cloudflare’s entire network. That instance is a Durable Object — Workers (and other Durable Objects!) can send messages to it via its ID. The Durable Object processes messages in-order and on a single-thread, allowing for coordination across messages. We also provide a strongly consistent storage API, which can store key-value pairs the object needs to make durable.

Take, for example, an online document editor.  A typical architecture would save the state of the document in a database and have users persist changes there.  This makes collaboration difficult, though — how can multiple users ensure that they all see the latest copy of changes to the document?

With Durable Objects, this is a much simpler problem.  By writing a Document class, you store the state of each document in-memory in a Durable Object.  As users connect, they’ll see the latest copy of the document — and can make their changes in-sync with other users. When users leave the document, the Durable Object will leave memory and stop incurring charges, while its state is persisted durably.  There’s no networking to configure, database to manage, or autoscaling policy to implement — it all just works.

While individual objects are single-threaded, Durable Objects’ design means a collection of objects can scale effectively infinitely. An object’s lifecycle is managed for you, meaning there’s no clean-up tasks to run or systems to scale down — Durable Objects can instantly scale to hundreds of thousands of requests per second, then scale back down with no developer interaction.

What have we been building since announcing Early Access?

First, we’ve kept busy improving reliability and performance. Durable Objects are behind a number of new products being developed at Cloudflare, including powering R2 storage and Cloudflare Waiting Room.

Specifically, Waiting Room uses Durable Objects to provide a strongly consistent view of the current number of users attempting to access a given site globally.  Storing this frequently updated state in a traditional database would be difficult to scale and be significantly harder to run globally.

Our customers have also embraced Durable Objects. We’ve seen a major gaming company build their new backend architecture on Durable Objects — coordinating both individual game state and multiplayer game lobbies.  The ability to dynamically scale without managing servers or databases made Durable Objects an easy choice for them, letting them grow their game with a relatively small team.

Customers have built more applications — from status page monitors to collaborative whiteboard applications.  We’ve seen particular interest in using Durable Objects with WebSockets to create entirely responsive applications and have published a reference architecture to help customers build this out further.

We’ve also gotten better at operating the system, particularly in response to large volumes of requests. Durable Objects can now serve hundreds of thousands of requests per second across objects, and hundreds of requests on a single object, making them production-ready for even the most demanding customers.

We’ve shipped Jurisdictional Restrictions, which bring the simplicity of scaling Durable Objects to compliance by letting developers tag a Durable Object with a region, ensuring it processes and stores data in that region.

We added a cache in front of Durable Object storage requests, making read and write operations blazing fast while also making it easier to write correct concurrent code.

Beyond that, we’ve made a number of smaller improvements that included simplified uploads of new Durable Objects classes, a UI in the dashboard and support for `wrangler dev` and `wrangler tail` for live debugging.

What’s next for Durable Objects?

We’re continuing to work on making Durable Objects the easiest platform for building infinitely-scalable applications.

Today, Durable Objects scale well when objects can be partitioned, but individual objects are limited to a single execution thread. Many workloads could be scaled across multiple threads, providing read-only access to an object’s state and choosing to only synchronize when mutating state. We’re calling this replication for Durable Objects, and we’re working on it now.

We’re also working on adding an API for a guaranteed callback to a Durable Object, letting developers wake a Durable Object at a specified time in the future to run a function. This simplifies lifecycle management, making it easy to build primitives like reliable queues on top of Durable Objects.

We’re also looking into how to better geo-distribute objects, including the vision for automatic migration of objects we talked about in our initial announcement.

Have something you’d like to see us add? Shoot us an email or a tweet!

How do I use Durable Objects?

Head over to the Cloudflare Dashboard to enable Durable Objects and opt in to pricing, then check out our sample chat application and reference architecture here!

Happy building!

Workers adds support for two modern data platforms: MongoDB Atlas and Prisma

Post Syndicated from Greg McKeon original https://blog.cloudflare.com/workers-adds-support-for-two-modern-data-platforms-mongodb-atlas-and-prisma/

Workers adds support for two modern data platforms: MongoDB Atlas and Prisma

Workers adds support for two modern data platforms: MongoDB Atlas and Prisma

We’ve heard a common theme over the past year: developers want to build more of their applications on Workers. With built-in global deployments, insane scalability and the flexibility of JavaScript, more and more applications are choosing to build on our global platform.

To do so, developers need access to data. Our strategy for data on Workers has had three parts:

  • One, to provide first-party solutions that are designed for infinite scale, like Workers KV and Durable Objects.
  • Two, to support a wide array of NoSQL databases that connect over HTTP, and to begin to build connections to data where it already lives today with TCP Database Connectors.
  • Three, to partner with best-of-breed data companies to bring their capabilities to the Workers platform.

Today we’re excited to announce that, in addition to our existing partners Fauna and Macrometa, Cloudflare Workers has added support for Prisma and MongoDB Atlas. These data platforms are heavily demanded by developers — Prisma’s modern ORM brings support for Postgres, SQL Server, MySQL via their Prisma client, while MongoDB topped the ranks of integrations most demanded by our users.

Both clients are available in their respective mainline git repositories, realm-web for MongoDB and prisma for Prisma. You can begin using them right away by importing them into your Workers.

What’s great about MongoDB?

MongoDB is a database loved by developers — its document model makes it easy to start with, while transactions and a scale-out distributed systems architecture let it scale with your application.

MongoDB brings a robust query language, MQL, to developers on the Workers platform, supporting rich aggregations right within the database. MongoDB support is provided via the Realm SDK, which integrates directly with MongoDB Atlas — the easiest way to run MongoDB.

MongoDB Atlas also includes Global Cluster, perfect for creating a low-latency, geo-distributed MongoDB database to back your Workers.

Together with MongoDB, we’ve put together a demo application that you can play with on MongoDB’s blog. Check it out and let us know if you have questions!

What’s great about Prisma?

Prisma is an ORM, or object-relational mapper, which transforms entries in a database into objects in code. What makes Prisma great is its ability to abstract away the complexities of working with the database — Prisma handles type-safety, schema migrations, query optimization and the actual interactions between your code and the database. Like Workers does for compute at the edge, Prisma makes managing your database dead-simple.

Prisma currently supports Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite and MongoDB. These databases can be existing on any cloud provider or can be spun up on-demand on Heroku.

Prisma integrates with Workers via the Prisma Data Proxy. After setting up the Proxy, you can import the Prisma client into your Workers script and define a schema to begin using any of the supported databases!

What’s next?

Alongside our existing partnerships with Macrometa and Fauna, we’re excited to add the MongoDB and Prisma integrations to Worker’s growing library. If you have a data platform you’d like to use with Workers, reach out to us, and we’ll make it happen!

Welcome to Full Stack Week

Post Syndicated from Rita Kozlov original https://blog.cloudflare.com/full-stack-week-2021/

Welcome to Full Stack Week

Welcome to Full Stack Week

As you read this you are using the Internet. Stop and think about that for a minute. We speak about finding something “on the Internet”; we speak about “using the Internet” to perform a task. We essentially never say something like “I’m going to look for this on a server using the Internet as an intermediary between my computer and the server”.

We speak about and think about the Internet as a single, whole entity that we use and rely on. That’s behind the vision of “The Network is the Computer”. What matters is not the component parts that go into “the Internet” but what they come together to create.

That’s also the vision behind Cloudflare’s network.

We don’t want anyone to think about “caching content on a server in a Cloudflare data center” or “writing code that runs on (something called) the edge”. We want you to simply think of it as a single, global network that provides a CDN, a WAF, DDoS protection, Zero Trust and the ability to write infinitely scalable code and have it just work.

Scaling software is hard, and almost no programmer wants to spend their time worrying what will happen if there’s high demand for the thing they’ve built. That’s our job. You write the code, we’ll make it scale everywhere on the planet. Just deploy to our network.

To do that we’ve followed the trail that started with people writing assembly language for a machine they’d constructed themselves, via machines they bought and installed operating systems on and on to virtual machines running those OSes. At the end of the trail is serverless: don’t worry about the underlying hardware or operating system. Just write code and deploy it.

Because Cloudflare’s network is everywhere on the planet and close to every end user, any code you deploy is also close to your users. Physically close and network close. That means you get high performance and low latency. We’ll see more on that this coming week, where someone built a game that uses a phone as a controller with the game running on a computer, yet the communication between controller and game computer goes through our network. Mind. Blown.

So you have code that can be deployed globally, held securely by Cloudflare and accessed with very low latency from anywhere. What are you going to write on the Cloudflare network? Come join over 350,000 developers using Cloudflare Workers to build the next new thing.

It’s been joked before that Cloudflare has a blog, and maintains a network as a side hustle to have content for the blog. This is of course ridiculous, we don’t maintain a network to have content for the blog, we maintain a network to power a blog 🙂

Jokes aside, while many of our efforts do go towards the network, there are many other critical pieces of software that are core to Cloudflare’s business: our marketing site, our dashboard, our APIs and user configuration, developer docs and all the infrastructure that makes Cloudflare Cloudflare.

We’re avid believers in dogfooding, and have talked on this very blog about the ways in which we build Cloudflare on Cloudflare. Since the release of Workers in 2017, many of our teams have been able to accelerate their velocity by building on Workers. But, compute alone is not enough.

This week, as we do in our Innovation Weeks, we’ll make a series of announcements to help paint a vision for how we see the future of compute, and giving our developers the tools they need to build their next application on our network.

We’ll start with the perhaps most fundamental building block — data. Earlier this year during Birthday Week, we announced R2 Object Storage, enabling developers to store, well, whatever they want, providing another crucial building block. But there are many other types of data stores developers may need access to, ourselves included!

Going from the backend to the frontend, last year, we announced Cloudflare Pages, the best way to build static sites. But then we thought, why stop there? We’re excited about some announcements to bring the backend closer to the frontend than ever.

What did we miss? Video, images, payments? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Oh, and of course, the most important part of creating an application is you — the developer!  We want to ensure you can not only build the fastest, most secure application, but have fun doing it. From the very first line of code you write, to the first push you make to production, we want you to have the best experience possible wrangling your code.

The best part about building a developer platform is seeing what you build with it — we’re excited to shine a spotlight on our community members, and the spectacular applications they’ve built with us (2.5 million and counting!). We’ll be featuring them on our blog, as well as Cloudflare TV. Hope you join us for the week ahead!

Welcome to Full Stack Week