All posts by Edouard Kachelmann

How to implement cryptographic modules to secure private keys used with IAM Roles Anywhere

Post Syndicated from Edouard Kachelmann original

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles Anywhere enables workloads that run outside of Amazon Web Services (AWS), such as servers, containers, and applications, to use X.509 digital certificates to obtain temporary AWS credentials and access AWS resources, the same way that you use IAM roles for workloads on AWS. Now, IAM Roles Anywhere allows you to use PKCS #11–compatible cryptographic modules to help you securely store private keys associated with your end-entity X.509 certificates.

Cryptographic modules allow you to generate non-exportable asymmetric keys in the module hardware. The cryptographic module exposes high-level functions, such as encrypt, decrypt, and sign, through an interface such as PKCS #11. Using a cryptographic module with IAM Roles Anywhere helps to ensure that the private keys associated with your end-identity X.509 certificates remain in the module and cannot be accessed or copied to the system.

In this post, I will show how you can use PKCS #11–compatible cryptographic modules, such as YubiKey 5 Series and Thales ID smart cards, with your on-premises servers to securely store private keys. I’ll also show how to use those private keys and certificates to obtain temporary credentials for the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) and AWS SDKs.

Cryptographic modules use cases

IAM Roles Anywhere reduces the need to manage long-term AWS credentials for workloads running outside of AWS, to help improve your security posture. Now IAM Roles Anywhere has added support for compatible PKCS #11 cryptographic modules to the credential helper tool so that organizations that are currently using these (such as defense, government, or large enterprises) can benefit from storing their private keys on their security devices. This mitigates the risk of storing the private keys as files on servers where they can be accessed or copied by unauthorized users.

Note: If your organization does not implement PKCS #11–compatible modules, IAM Roles Anywhere credential helper supports OS certificate stores (Keychain Access for macOS and Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) for Windows) to help protect your certificates and private keys.

Solution overview

This authentication flow is shown in Figure 1 and is described in the following sections.

Figure 1: Authentication flow using crypto modules with IAM Roles Anywhere

Figure 1: Authentication flow using crypto modules with IAM Roles Anywhere

How it works

As a prerequisite, you must first create a trust anchor and profile within IAM Roles Anywhere. The trust anchor will establish trust between your public key infrastructure (PKI) and IAM Roles Anywhere, and the profile allows you to specify which roles IAM Roles Anywhere assumes and what your workloads can do with the temporary credentials. You establish trust between IAM Roles Anywhere and your certificate authority (CA) by creating a trust anchor. A trust anchor is a reference to either AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA) or an external CA certificate. For this walkthrough, you will use the AWS Private CA.

The one-time initialization process (step “0 – Module initialization” in Figure 1) works as follows:

  1. You first generate the non-exportable private key within the secure container of the cryptographic module.
  2. You then create the X.509 certificate that will bind an identity to a public key:
    1. Create a certificate signing request (CSR).
    2. Submit the CSR to the AWS Private CA.
    3. Obtain the certificate signed by the CA in order to establish trust.
  3. The certificate is then imported into the cryptographic module for mobility purposes, to make it available and simple to locate when the module is connected to the server.

After initialization is done, the module is connected to the server, which can then interact with the AWS CLI and AWS SDK without long-term credentials stored on a disk.

To obtain temporary security credentials from IAM Roles Anywhere:

  1. The server will use the credential helper tool that IAM Roles Anywhere provides. The credential helper works with the credential_process feature of the AWS CLI to provide credentials that can be used by the CLI and the language SDKs. The helper manages the process of creating a signature with the private key.
  2. The credential helper tool calls the IAM Roles Anywhere endpoint to obtain temporary credentials that are issued in a standard JSON format to IAM Roles Anywhere clients via the API method CreateSession action.
  3. The server uses the temporary credentials for programmatic access to AWS services.

Alternatively, you can use the update or serve commands instead of credential-process. The update command will be used as a long-running process that will renew the temporary credentials 5 minutes before the expiration time and replace them in the AWS credentials file. The serve command will be used to vend temporary credentials through an endpoint running on the local host using the same URIs and request headers as IMDSv2 (Instance Metadata Service Version 2).

Supported modules

The credential helper tool for IAM Roles Anywhere supports most devices that are compatible with PKCS #11. The PKCS #11 standard specifies an API for devices that hold cryptographic information and perform cryptographic functions such as signature and encryption.

I will showcase how to use a YubiKey 5 Series device that is a multi-protocol security key that supports Personal Identity Verification (PIV) through PKCS #11. I am using YubiKey 5 Series for the purpose of demonstration, as it is commonly accessible (you can purchase it at the Yubico store or and is used by some of the world’s largest companies as a means of providing a one-time password (OTP), Fast IDentity Online (FIDO) and PIV for smart card interface for multi-factor authentication. For a production server, we recommend using server-specific PKCS #11–compatible hardware security modules (HSMs) such as the YubiHSM 2, Luna PCIe HSM, or Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) available on your servers.

Note: The implementation might differ with other modules, because some of these come with their own proprietary tools and drivers.

Implement the solution: Module initialization

You need to have the following prerequisites in order to initialize the module:

Following are the high-level steps for initializing the YubiKey device and generating the certificate that is signed by AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA). Note that you could also use your own public key infrastructure (PKI) and register it with IAM Roles Anywhere.

To initialize the module and generate a certificate

  1. Verify that the YubiKey PIV interface is enabled, because some organizations might disable interfaces that are not being used. To do so, run the YubiKey Manager CLI, as follows:
    ykman info

    The output should look like the following, with the PIV interface enabled for USB.

    Figure 2:YubiKey Manager CLI showing that the PIV interface is enabled

    Figure 2:YubiKey Manager CLI showing that the PIV interface is enabled

  2. Use the YubiKey Manager CLI to generate a new RSA2048 private key on the security module in slot 9a and store the associated public key in a file. Different slots are available on YubiKey, and we will use the slot 9a that is for PIV authentication purpose. Use the following command to generate an asymmetric key pair. The private key is generated on the YubiKey, and the generated public key is saved as a file. Enter the YubiKey management key to proceed:
    ykman ‐‐device 123456 piv keys generate 9a pub-yubi.key

  3. Create a certificate request (CSR) based on the public key and specify the subject that will identify your server. Enter the user PIN code when prompted.
    ykman --device 123456 piv certificates request 9a --subject 'CN=server1-demo,O=Example,L=Boston,ST=MA,C=US' pub-yubi.key csr.pem

  4. Submit the certificate request to AWS Private CA to obtain the certificate signed by the CA.
    aws acm-pca issue-certificate \
    --certificate-authority-arn arn:aws:acm-pca:<region>:<accountID>:certificate-authority/<ca-id> \
    --csr fileb://csr.pem \
    --signing-algorithm "SHA256WITHRSA" \
    --validity Value=365,Type="DAYS"

  5. Copy the certificate Amazon Resource Number (ARN), which should look as follows in your clipboard:
    "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm-pca:<region>:<accountID>:certificate-authority/<ca-id>/certificate/<certificate-id>"

  6. Export the new certificate from AWS Private CA in a certificate.pem file.
    aws acm-pca get-certificate \
    --certificate-arn arn:aws:acm-pca:<region>:<accountID>:certificate-authority/<ca-id>/certificate/<certificate-id> \
    --certificate-authority-arn arn:aws:acm-pca: <region>:<accountID>:certificate-authority/<ca-id> \
    --query Certificate \
    --output text > certificate.pem

  7. Import the certificate file on the module by using the YubiKey Manager CLI or through the YubiKey Manager UI. Enter the YubiKey management key to proceed.
    ykman --device 123456 piv certificates import 9a certificate.pem

The security module is now initialized and can be plugged into the server.

Configuration to use the security module for programmatic access

The following steps will demonstrate how to configure the server to interact with the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs by using the private key stored on the YubiKey or PKCS #11–compatible device.

To use the YubiKey module with credential helper

  1. Download the credential helper tool for IAM Roles Anywhere for your operating system.
  2. Install the p11-kit package. Most providers (including opensc) will ship with a p11-kit “module” file that makes them discoverable. Users shouldn’t need to specify the PKCS #11 “provider” library when using the credential helper, because we use p11-kit by default.

    If your device library is not supported by p11-kit, you can install that library separately.

  3. Verify the content of the YubiKey by using the following command:
    ykman --device 123456 piv info

    The output should look like the following.

    Figure 3: YubiKey Manager CLI output for the PIV information

    Figure 3: YubiKey Manager CLI output for the PIV information

    This command provides the general status of the PIV application and content in the different slots such as the certificates installed.

  4. Use the credential helper command with the security module. The command will require at least:
    • The ARN of the trust anchor
    • The ARN of the target role to assume
    • The ARN of the profile to pull policies from
    • The certificate and/or key identifiers in the form of a PKCS #11 URI

You can use the certificate flag to search which slot on the security module contains the private key associated with the user certificate.

To specify an object stored in a cryptographic module, you should use the PKCS #11 URI that is defined in RFC7512. The attributes in the identifier string are a set of search criteria used to filter a set of objects. See a recommended method of locating objects in PKCS #11.

In the following example, we search for an object of type certificate, with the object label as “Certificate for Digital Signature”, in slot 1. The pin-value attribute allows you to directly use the pin to log into the cryptographic device.


From the folder where you have installed the credential helper tool, use the following command. Because we only have one certificate on the device, we can limit the filter to the certificate type in our PKCS #11 URI.

./aws_signing_helper credential-process
--profile-arn arn:aws:rolesanywhere:<region>:<accountID>:profile/<profileID>
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::<accountID>:role/<assumedRole> 
--trust-anchor-arn arn:aws:rolesanywhere:<region>:<accountID>:trust-anchor/<trustanchorID>
--certificate pkcs11:type=cert?pin-value=<PIN>

If everything is configured correctly, the credential helper tool will return a JSON that contains the credentials, as follows. The PIN code will be requested if you haven’t specified it in the command.

Please enter your user PIN:
                    "AccessKeyId": <String>,
                    "SecretAccessKey": <String>,
                    "SessionToken": <String>,
                    "Expiration": <Timestamp>

To use temporary security credentials with AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI, you can configure the credential helper tool as a credential process. For more information, see Source credentials with an external process. The following example shows a config file (usually in ~/.aws/config) that sets the helper tool as the credential process.

[profile server1-demo]
credential_process = ./aws_signing_helper credential-process --profile-arn <arn-for-iam-roles-anywhere-profile> --role-arn <arn-for-iam-role-to-assume> --trust-anchor-arn <arn-for-roles-anywhere-trust-anchor> --certificate pkcs11:type=cert?pin-value=<PIN> 

You can provide the PIN as part of the credential command with the option pin-value=<PIN> so that the user input is not required.

If you prefer not to store your PIN in the config file, you can remove the attribute pin-value. In that case, you will be prompted to enter the PIN for every CLI command.

You can use the serve and update commands of the credential helper mentioned in the solution overview to manage credential rotation for unattended workloads. After the successful use of the PIN, the credential helper will store it in memory for the duration of the process and not ask for it anymore.

Auditability and fine-grained access

You can audit the activity of servers that are assuming roles through IAM Roles Anywhere. IAM Roles Anywhere is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in IAM Roles Anywhere.

To view IAM Roles Anywhere activity in CloudTrail

  1. In the AWS CloudTrail console, in the left navigation menu, choose Event history.
  2. For Lookup attributes, filter by Event source and enter in the textbox. You will find all the API calls that relate to IAM Roles Anywhere, including the CreateSession API call that returns temporary security credentials for workloads that have been authenticated with IAM Roles Anywhere to access AWS resources.
    Figure 4: CloudTrail Events filtered on the “IAM Roles Anywhere” event source

    Figure 4: CloudTrail Events filtered on the “IAM Roles Anywhere” event source

  3. When you review the CreateSession event record details, you can find the assumed role ID in the form of <PrincipalID>:<serverCertificateSerial>, as in the following example:
    Figure 5: Details of the CreateSession event in the CloudTrail console showing which role is being assumed

    Figure 5: Details of the CreateSession event in the CloudTrail console showing which role is being assumed

  4. If you want to identify API calls made by a server, for Lookup attributes, filter by User name, and enter the serverCertificateSerial value from the previous step in the textbox.
    Figure 6: CloudTrail console events filtered by the username associated to our certificate on the security module

    Figure 6: CloudTrail console events filtered by the username associated to our certificate on the security module

    The API calls to AWS services made with the temporary credentials acquired through IAM Roles Anywhere will contain the identity of the server that made the call in the SourceIdentity field. For example, the EC2 DescribeInstances API call provides the following details:

    Figure 7: The event record in the CloudTrail console for the EC2 describe instances call, with details on the assumed role and certificate CN.

    Figure 7: The event record in the CloudTrail console for the EC2 describe instances call, with details on the assumed role and certificate CN.

Additionally, you can include conditions in the identity policy for the IAM role to apply fine-grained access control. This will allow you to apply a fine-grained access control filter to specify which server in the group of servers can perform the action.

To apply access control per server within the same IAM Roles Anywhere profile

  1. In the IAM Roles Anywhere console, select the profile used by the group of servers, then select one of the roles that is being assumed.
  2. Apply the following policy, which will allow only the server with CN=server1-demo to list all buckets by using the condition on aws:SourceIdentity.
                "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": "s3:ListBuckets",
                "Resource": "*",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "aws:SourceIdentity": "CN=server1-demo"


In this blog post, I’ve demonstrated how you can use the YubiKey 5 Series (or any PKCS #11 cryptographic module) to securely store the private keys for the X.509 certificates used with IAM Roles Anywhere. I’ve also highlighted how you can use AWS CloudTrail to audit API actions performed by the roles assumed by the servers.

To learn more about IAM Roles Anywhere, see the IAM Roles Anywhere and Credential Helper tool documentation. For configuration with Thales IDPrime smart card, review the credential helper for IAM Roles Anywhere GitHub page.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Identity and Access Management re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Edouard Kachelmann

Edouard is an Enterprise Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Based in Boston, he is a passionate technology enthusiast who enjoys working with customers and helping them build innovative solutions to deliver measurable business outcomes. Prior to his work at AWS, Edouard worked for the French National Cybersecurity Agency, sharing his security expertise and assisting government departments and operators of vital importance. In his free time, Edouard likes to explore new places to eat, try new French recipes, and play with his kids.

Audit Your Supply Chain with Amazon Managed Blockchain

Post Syndicated from Edouard Kachelmann original

For manufacturing companies, visibility into complex supply chain processes is critical to establishing resilient supply chain management. Being able to trace events within a supply chain is key to verifying the origins of parts for regulatory requirements, tracing parts back to suppliers if issues arise, and for contacting buyers if there is a product/part recall.

Traditionally, companies will create their own ledger that can be reviewed and shared with third parties for future audits. However, this process takes time and requires verifying the data’s authenticity. In this blog, we offer a solution to audit your supply chain. Our solution allows supply chain participants to safeguard product authenticity and prevent fraud, increase profitability by driving operational efficiencies, and enhance visibility to minimize disputes across parties.

Benefits of blockchain

Blockchain technology offers a new approach for tracking supply chain events. Blockchains are immutable ledgers that allow you to cryptographically prove that, since being written, each transaction remains unchanged. For a supply chain, this immutability is beneficial from a process standpoint. Auditing a supply chain becomes much simpler when you are certain that no one has altered the manufacturing, transportation, storage, or usage history of a given part or product in the time since a failure occurred.

In addition to providing an immutable system of record, many blockchain protocols can run programmable logic written as code in a decentralized manner. This code is often referred to as a “smart contract,” which enables multi-party business logic to run on the blockchain. This means that implementing your supply chain on a blockchain allows members of the network (like retailers, suppliers, etc.) to process transactions that only they are authorized to process.

Benefits of Amazon Managed Blockchain

Amazon Managed Blockchain allows customers to join either private Hyperledger Fabric networks or the Public Ethereum network. On Managed Blockchain, you are relieved of the undifferentiated heavy lifting associated with creating, configuring, and managing the underlying infrastructure for a Hyperledger Fabric network. Instead, you can focus your efforts on mission-critical value drivers like building consortia or developing use case specific components. This allows you to create and manage a scalable Hyperledger Fabric network that multiple organizations can join from their AWS account.

IoT-enabled supply chain architecture

Organizations within the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) space want solutions that allow them to monitor and audit their supply chain for strict quality control and accurate product tracking. Using AWS IoT will allow you to realize operational efficiency at scale. The IoT-enabled equipment on their production plant floor records data such as load, pressure, temperature, humidity, and assembly metrics through multiple sensors. Data can be transmitted in real time directly to the cloud or through an on-premises AWS Internet of Things (IoT) gateway (such as any AWS IoT Greengrass compatible hardware) into AWS IoT for storage and analytics. These devices or IoT gateway will then send MQTT messages to the AWS IoT Core endpoint.

This solution provides a pipeline to ingest data provided by IoT. It stores this data in a private blockchain network that is only accessible within member organizations. This is your immutable single source of truth for future audits. In this solution, the Hyperledger Fabric network on Managed Blockchain includes two members, but it can be extended to additional organizations that are part of the supply chain as needed.

Reference architecture for an IoT-enabled supply chain consisting of a retailer and a manufacturer

Figure 1. Reference architecture for an IoT-enabled supply chain consisting of a retailer and a manufacturer

The components of this solution are:

  • IoT enabled sensors – These sensors are directly mounted on each piece of factory equipment throughout the supply chain. They publish data to the IoT gateway. For testing purposes, you can start with the IoT Device Simulator solution to create and simulate hundreds of connected devices.
  • AWS IoT Greengrass (optional) – This gateway provides a secure way to seamlessly connect your edge devices to any AWS service. It also enables local processing, messaging, data management, machine learning (ML) inference, and offers pre-built components such as protocol conversion to MQTT if your sensors only have an OPCUA or Modbus interface.
  • AWS IoT Core – AWS IoT Core subscribes to IoT topics published by the IoT devices or gateway and ingests data into the AWS Cloud for analysis and storage.
  • AWS IoT rule – Rules give your devices the ability to interact with AWS services. Rules are analyzed and actions are performed based on the MQTT topic stream. Here, we initiate a serverless Lambda function to extract, transform, and publish data to the Fabric Client. We could use another rule for HTTPS endpoint to directly address requests to a private API Gateway.
  • Amazon API Gateway – The API Gateway provides a REST interface to invoke the AWS Lambda function for each of the API routes deployed. API Gateway allows you to handle request authorization and authentication, before passing the request on to Lambda.
  • AWS Lambda for the Fabric Client – Using AWS Lambda with the Hyperledger Fabric SDK installed as a dependency, you can communicate with your Hyperledger Fabric Peer Node(s) to write and read data from the blockchain. The peer nodes run smart contracts (referred to as chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric), endorse transactions, and store a local copy of the ledger.
  • Managed Blockchain – Managed Blockchain is a fully managed service for creating and managing blockchain networks and network resources using open-source frameworks. In our solution, an endpoint within the customer virtual private cloud (VPC) is used for the Fabric Client. It interacts with your Hyperledger Fabric network on Managed Blockchain components that run within a VPC for your Managed Blockchain network.
    • Peer node – A peer node endorses blockchain transactions and stores the blockchain ledger. In production, we recommend creating a second peer node in another Availability Zone to serve as a fallback if the first peer becomes unavailable.
    • Certificate Authority – Every user who interacts with the blockchain must first register and enroll with their certificate authority.

Choosing a Hyperledger Fabric edition

Edition Network size Max. # of members Max. # of peer nodes per member Max # of channels per network Transaction throughput and availability
Starter Test or small production 5 2 3 Lower
Standard Large production 14 3 8 Higher

Our solution allows multiple parties to write and query data on a private Hyperledger Fabric blockchain managed by Amazon Managed Blockchain. This enhances consumer experience by reducing the overall effort and complexity with getting insight into supply chain transactions.


In this post, we showed you how Managed Blockchain, as well as other AWS services such as AWS IoT, can provide value to your business. The IoT-enabled supply chain architecture gives you a blueprint to realize that value. The value not only stems from the benefits of having a trustworthy and transparent supply chain, but also from the reliable, secure and scalable services that AWS provides.

Further reading

Enhance programmatic access for IAM users using a YubiKey for multi-factor authentication

Post Syndicated from Edouard Kachelmann original

Organizations are increasingly providing access to corporate resources from employee laptops and are required to apply the correct permissions to these computing devices to make sure that secrets and sensitive data are adequately protected. The combination of Amazon Web Services (AWS) long-term credentials and a YubiKey security token for multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an option for providing secure programmatic access to AWS for organizations that aren’t yet ready or able to use identity federation. For example, a user should be able to list AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles with their default programmatic access, but would be required to provide MFA to assume an IAM role.

In this blog post, we show you how to use a YubiKey token for MFA with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to create temporary credentials with the permissions that developers need to perform tasks. The user will configure the long-term credentials and then temporarily assume a role with broader permissions by using MFA when needed. MFA adds extra security, because it requires users to provide second-factor authentication from an AWS-supported MFA mechanism in addition to static security credentials such as their user name and password.

The goal for any organization is to move to the recommended best practices for allowing individual programmatic access that include using temporary security credentials that aren’t stored with the user, but are generated dynamically and provided to the user when requested, such as identity federation due to the temporary nature of those credentials. If your organization uses AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) along with an identity provider (IdP) such as Okta, Azure Active Directory (AD), or AWS Managed Microsoft AD, you can then use the instructions from this earlier blog post to leverage the AWS CLI v2 native integration with AWS SSO and take advantage of the multi-factor authentication support of your IdP.


This post describes the configuration of IAM users and roles and initialization of the YubiKey token as an MFA device by an administrator, and then how developers can use the YubiKey device to retrieve temporary credentials and assume a role with elevated permissions within the AWS CLI.

The overall process flow looks like this:

  1. Create an IAM user with programmatic access, MFA, and a policy that allows you to assume a more privileged IAM role. The user will retrieve a Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) token code by using a YubiKey as MFA.
  2. Assume the more privileged role, which is restricted by an MFA conditional, by using the TOTP token code.

Figure 1 shows the steps of the process.

Figure 1: A visual overview of the steps to assume roles with elevated permissions by using a YubiKey for MFA

Figure 1: A visual overview of the steps to assume roles with elevated permissions by using a YubiKey for MFA


To get started you need:

  • An AWS account.
  • A YubiKey (available on YubiKey 4 and 5 series are compatible, because they support the required OATH application.

    Note: The Yubico Security Keys (the blue tokens) aren’t supported, because they lack the OATH application. If you already have a corporate YubiKey device, this capability might have been disabled.

  • To complete the process for:


  • AWS CLI v2 doesn’t yet support Universal 2nd factor (U2F) MFA. As a workaround, we use a YubiKey as a virtual device MFA.
  • OATH (Initiative for Open Authentication) is an organization that specifies two open authentication standards: TOTP and HMAC-based One-time Password (HOTP). For this solution, we use the TOTP standard.

Getting started

Initializing YubiKey for MFA

The following steps show you, as cloud administrator, how to initialize the YubiKey as a virtual MFA device and configure an IAM user that can assume a role with elevated permissions, on the condition that the user is using an MFA device. In this example, your developers will assume a role with permissions to access Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

To configure the IAM user and initialize the YubiKey device as MFA

  1. Create a role with elevated permissions that your developers can assume.
    1. Sign in to the AWS IAM console, and in the right-hand pane, choose Roles. Then choose Create role.

      Figure 2: Create a role in the IAM console

      Figure 2: Create a role in the IAM console

    2. For the type of trusted entity, choose Another AWS account. Enter your account ID, which you can find by using these methods, described in the IAM User Guide. Choose Next:Permissions.

      Figure 3: Select the type of trusted entity and provide the account ID

    3. Search for the AmazonEC2FullAccess policy, and select the check box next to it. Choose Next:Tags, and add relevant tags if needed. Choose Next:Review.
    4. Name the role developer-ec2-mfa, and then choose Create role.
    5. Go back to the role you just created. Change the maximum session duration value to limit how long the developer’s session can be valid after assuming the role. For this example, we set the duration to 1 hour (3,600 seconds) by using a custom value. Limit this duration to abide by your organization’s recommended authentication time.
    6. Take note of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the new role as shown on the summary page.

      Figure 4: Summary page of the new role

      Figure 4: Summary page of the new role

  2. Create a new IAM policy that provides a limited scope of actions for users when they use their long-term credentials.
    1. Navigate to the AWS IAM console, and in the navigation pane, choose Policies. Choose Create policy.

      Figure 5: Create a policy in the IAM console

      Figure 5: Create a policy in the IAM console

    2. Because we’ve already written the policy in JSON, you don’t need to use the Visual Editor, so you can choose the JSON tab and paste the content of the following JSON policy document (remember to replace the placeholder for the role ARN).Following the least privilege approach, add only the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the role or roles with required elevated permissions that the developer will be able to assume. In this case, use the developer-ec2-mfa ARN for the role that you created previously.
         "Version": "2012-10-17",
         "Statement": [
               "Sid": "",
               "Effect": "Allow",
               "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
               "Resource": <Elevated Role ARN(s)>,
               "Condition": {
                  "Bool": {
                     "aws:multifactorAuthPresent": true

      Note: The condition “aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent”: “true” requires that the user who assumes the role has been authenticated with an AWS MFA device.

    3. Choose Review policy.
    4. Name the policy yubi-policy-mfa-level-one. Choose Create policy.
  3. Create a new IAM group that lets you specify permissions for multiple users and makes it easier to manage the permissions for those users.
    1. Navigate to the IAM console, and in the navigation pane, choose Groups. Choose Create New Group.

      Figure 6: Create a group in the IAM console

      Figure 6: Create a group in the IAM console

    2. Enter developers-mfa as the group name. Choose Next Step.
    3. On the Attach Policy screen, in the filter box, search for the policy yubi-policy-mfa-level-one that you created in the previous step. Make sure you select the check box next to the policy, and then choose Next Step.

      Figure 7: Attach the policy to the IAM group

      Figure 7: Attach the policy to the IAM group

    4. Review the group information, and then choose Create Group.
  4. Create a user in IAM for the developer using the AWS CLI.
    1. Navigate to the IAM console and in the navigation pane, choose Users. Choose Add user.
    2. On the Add user screen, enter the name for your user. In this example, our developer is named JohnDoe. For Access type, select the check box next to Programmatic access. Choose Next: Permissions.

      Figure 8: Create an IAM user with programmatic access

      Figure 8: Create an IAM user with programmatic access

    3. For permissions, select Add user to group, and select the developers-mfa group. Choose Next: Tags.
    4. Add the relevant tags if needed, and then choose Next: Review.
    5. Review the user configuration, and then choose Create user.
    6. Make sure you save the access key ID and secret access key to share with your user. Choose Close.
  5. Assign an MFA device to the user.
    1. Go back to the Users section of the IAM console. Choose the IAM user that you created previously, and go to the Security credentials tab. For Assigned MFA device, choose Manage.

      Figure 9: Assign MFA device to the IAM user

      Figure 9: Assign MFA device to the IAM user

    2. Select Virtual MFA device, because the AWS CLI doesn’t yet support U2F MFA. Choose Continue.

      Figure 10: Select the Virtual MFA device type

      Figure 10: Select the Virtual MFA device type

    3. Instead of using the QR code, choose Show secret key.

      Note: The secret key is a randomly generated string shared between IAM and the physical YubiKey. It is used to generate a one-time password using a hash function with the current timestamp.


      Figure 11: Retrieve the secret key on the virtual MFA device configuration page

      Figure 11: Retrieve the secret key on the virtual MFA device configuration page

    4. Copy the secret key to use in the next step as the MFA_SECRET to configure the MFA device.
  6. To obtain the TOTP token codes from the YubiKey to synchronize the key with the IAM user, do the following.
    1. Insert the YubiKey token in your USB port, and verify that the OATH application is enabled for your YubiKey by running the following command and looking for Enabled USB interfaces: OTP+FIDO+CCID in the output.
      $ ykman info
      Device type: YubiKey 5 NFC
      Serial number: 123456789
      Firmware version: 5.2.4
      Form factor: Keychain (USB-A)
      Enabled USB interfaces: OTP+FIDO+CCID
      NFC interface is enabled.
      Applications USB NFC
      OTP Enabled Enabled
      FIDO U2F Enabled Enabled
      OpenPGP Enabled Enabled
      PIV Enabled Enabled
      OATH Enabled Enabled
      FIDO2 Enabled Enabled

    2. For each MFA device, you need to generate a unique identifier that will be used during the process. We recommend that you create this identifier based on the ARN of the IAM user, by using the following template.

    3. Add a new credential to your YubiKey based on the MFA device ARN. Use the MFA_SECRET that you copied in the previous step (step 5).
      ykman oath add -t arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:mfa/<IAM_USERNAME> <MFA_SECRET>

    4. Obtain two TOTP token codes by using the following command (remember to replace the placeholder for the <MFA device ARN>). Wait up to 30 seconds for the device to generate the second token code (you will be prompted to touch the token).
      ykman oath code <MFA device ARN>

    5. After obtaining each of the TOTP token codes, go back to the IAM console where you were setting up the virtual MFA device, and enter the code in the MFA code box. After entering the two MFA codes, choose Assign MFA.

      Figure 12: Enter the two consecutive YubiKey codes in the virtual MFA device configuration page

      Figure 12: Enter the two consecutive YubiKey codes in the virtual MFA device configuration page

  7. You can then provide the following information to your developer:
    1. The YubiKey device along with the generated MFA device ARN
    2. The ARNs for the roles that will be assumed
    3. The long-term AWS credentials

Assuming a role with the YubiKey as MFA

The following steps show how you, as a developer, can retrieve temporary credentials using the YubiKey device as MFA, and assume a role with wider permissions. You can do this after the YubiKey device, one or more role ARNs, and long-term credentials have been shared with you by the cloud administrator.

To assume a role with broader permissions by using YubiKey

  1. As part of the prerequisites, you should have the AWS CLI v2 already installed. Now configure the default profile with the long-term credentials provided by your cloud administrator, by using the following command.
    $ aws configure
    AWS Access Key ID [None]: <Enter your AWS access key>
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <Enter your AWS secret access key>
    Default region name [None]: <Enter your AWS default region>
    Default output format [None]: <Enter your output default format>

  2. Obtain a TOTP code from YubiKey (you will be prompted to touch the token). Submit your request immediately after generating the codes. If you generate the codes and then wait too long to submit the request, the code won’t be valid anymore.
    ykman oath code arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:mfa/<IAM_USERNAME>

  3. Using the MFA token code you obtained by using the YubiKey, assume the relevant role that will provide access to larger permissions. In our example, the ARN is for the role developer-ec2-mfa that was provided by the IAM administrator. Enter a role session name that will uniquely identify a session when the same role is assumed by different principals.
    aws sts assume-role --role-arn <Role ARN> --role-session-name <Role Name> --serial-number <MFA device ARN> --token-code <token code> --duration-seconds 3600 

    Note: The user should only have access to sts:AssumeRole for a specific set of roles. Here we chose the session duration of one hour. You can edit the session duration so the developer can authenticate for the duration of a workday (the default value is 1 hour and can be up to 12 hours). Limit this duration to abide by your organization’s recommended authentication time.

    You should see the following output.

       "AssumedRoleUser": {
          "AssumedRoleId": "ABCD123ABCDEFGHIJKLMN:<role-session-name>",
          "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::<ACCOUNT_ID>:assumed-role/developer-ec2-mfa/<role-session-name>"
       "Credentials": {
          "SecretAccessKey": <aws_secret_access_key>,
          "SessionToken": <aws_session_token>,
          "Expiration": "2020-07-13T19:24:20Z",
          "AccessKeyId": <aws_access_key_id>

  4. Edit a new AWS CLI profile named johndoe-developer-role as seen following. Copy the access key and secret key that were retrieved as temporary credentials from the get-session-token command. Then set the additional parameter aws_session_token, which was returned along with the temporary credentials. Edit your CLI with the information for the new role.
    aws configure --profile johndoe-developer-role
    aws configure --profile johndoe-developer-role set aws_session_token <Session Token> 

  5. Attempt to make a call to relevant services that are allowed by the newly assumed role. Here’s an example using the Amazon EC2 API to describe the EC2 instances.
    aws --profile johndoe-developer-role ec2 describe-instances

The developer now has access to the larger permissions set through the assumed role for the next hour.


In this post, we introduced the capability to further secure long-term AWS credentials with a YubiKey for MFA, for organizations that are still using long-term credentials. These credentials are stored in the ~/.aws/credentials file. If an unauthorized user was able to retrieve these long-term credentials, they wouldn’t be able to use them, because the user needs to have the physical MFA in order to assume a role with broader permissions. The steps in this blog post can be converted to a script that your developers can use repeatedly to simplify the process.

In general, we recommend that all customers move away from using IAM users and static credentials and instead use IAM roles and temporary credentials wherever possible. An easy way to get started down that road is by using AWS SSO for identity federation.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS IAM forum or contact AWS Support.

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Edouard Kachelmann

Edouard is an Enterprise Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He is a passionate technology enthusiast who enjoys working with customers and helping them build innovative solutions. Prior to his work at AWS, Edouard worked for the French National Cybersecurity Agency, sharing its security expertise and assisting government departments and operators of vital importance. In his free time, Edouard likes to explore new places to eat, try new French recipes, and play with his kid.


Anthony Pasquariello

Anthony is an Enterprise Solutions Architect based in New York City. He provides technical consultation to customers during their cloud journey, especially around security best practices. He has an MS and BS in electrical & computer engineering from Boston University. In his free time, he enjoys ramen, writing nonfiction, and philosophy.