All posts by Tyler Holmes

How to Implement Self-Managed Opt-Outs for SMS with Amazon Pinpoint

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original

Amazon Pinpoint offers marketers and developers the ability to send SMS to over 240 countries and/or regions around the world; giving users the global reach, scalability, cost effective pricing, and high deliverability that is required to build a successful SMS program. SMS is a flexible communication channel that facilitates different business requirements, including One-Time Password (OTP), reminders, and bulk marketing to name a few. Regardless of the content that you are sending via SMS there is a requirement to manage your recipients’ opt-in/out status. Read on to learn your two options for managing opt-outs and how you can configure them. Amazon Pinpoint offers a fully managed opt-out capability and the ability to self-manage the process with your own tools.

NOTE: If you are sending to US numbers with a toll-free (TFN) number the carriers will automatically manage those numbers and are not eligible for either of these processes.

Managed Opt-Out Process
If you prefer to have Pinpoint manage your opt-out processes you can refer to our blog “How to Manage SMS Opt-Outs with Amazon Pinpoint” to learn how to configure keywords and opt-out lists.

Self-Managed Opt-Out Process
Many customers use Pinpoint’s Managed Opt-Out process to deliver their communications, but some scenarios require the ability to self-manage this process. Self-managing the opt-out process provides more granular control over customer communication preferences and allows customers to centralize those preferences within their own applications.
Common reasons for organizations to implement self-managed opt-out include but aren’t limited to:

  1. Have an existing self-managed opt-out capability with a standing toolset that is already integrated with other aspects of their communication stack.
  2. Need multiple options for their customers to manage the communication preferences such as a web portal, call center, and mobile application to name a few.
  3. Require full control in order to implement custom logic that caters to their business needs.
  4. Want to change their SMS provider to Pinpoint while not changing what they have already built within an existing application.

How to implement Self-Managed Opt-Outs with Pinpoint
Choosing to self-manage your opt-outs requires some configuration within Pinpoint and the use of other AWS services. The solution outlined in this blog will use Amazon Pinpoint in addition to the following services:

  1. AWS Lambda
  2. Amazon DynamoDB
  3. Amazon SNS

NOTE: If you have existing services/applications that allow you to implement similar functionality as explained in this blog, you don’t have to use these services listed above.

What’s in scope?

This blog covers the following scenario:

  1. SMS is being sent with Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice V2 API – SendTextMessage
  2. You specify the Origination Identity (OID) to be used (short code, long code, 10DLC, etc) as the parameter to send the SMS to the destination phone number.

While the following scenarios can be self-managed this blog does not cover the following cases:

  1. You use a phone-pool to send SMS.
  2. You do not specify an OID in your call SendTextMessage call and let Amazon Pinpoint figure out and use the appropriate OID.

Keywords in scope

  1. Opt-out keywords – All Opt-out keywords mentioned in this document are included in the code.
  2. Opt-in keywords – This blog considers ‘JOIN’ as a valid keyword that SMS recipients can respond with to opt back in for the SMS communication.

NOTE: The code examples in this blog can be modified to add any additional custom keywords for your use case.


  1. You have the necessary permissions to configure the following services in the same AWS account and region where Amazon Pinpoint is implemented.
    a. AWS Lambda
    b. Amazon DynamoDB
    c. Amazon SNS
  2. Your instance of Amazon Pinpoint has at least one OID approved and provisioned to send SMS.
    a. If you need help to determine what OID fits your use case(s) use this guide
    b. NOTE: Sender IDs do not have an ability to receive 2-way communication. If you are using Sender IDs, you still must manage opt-outs, but must do so by offering alternative ways of opting out such as a web portal, call center, and/or mobile applications.

Solution Overview

The solution proposed in this blog is fully serverless arhitecture and uses AWS managed services to eliminate a need for you to maintain and manage any of the infrastructure components.

  1. Your application invokes AWS Lambda function ‘InvokeSendTextMessage’ which calls Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice V2 API – SendTextMessage.
  2. The AWS Lambda function called ‘InvokeSendTextMessage’ performs the following tasks:
    2a. Fetches the latest item based on the descending order of the timestamp with the destination phone number and OID from Amazon DynamoDB table ‘SMSOptOut‘.
    2b. If an item is found with the customer response as any valid keyword for Opt-out (Refer section Keywords in scope), the process stops and Amazon Pinpoint APIs won’t be called by InvokeSendTextMessage function as the customer chose to opt-out.
    2c. If an item is not found or is found with the customer response as any valid keyword for Opt-in (Refer section Keywords in scope), the function calls Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice V2 API – SendTextMessage to deliver it to the customer/destination phone number.

NOTE: Amazon DynamoDB table can also be configured to receive the Opt-out or Opt-in information through various other channels (app, website, customer care etc.) if you have multiple interfaces for customer to do so but that is not in the scope for this blog.

Refer to the section, ‘InvokeSendTextMessage function code’ to understand the sample AWS Lambda function code. The code uses Python 3.12 language.

  1. The message is successfully delivered to a destination phone number.
  2. If the customers responds to the same OID (because you have enabled 2-way SMS feature) with a keyword that is a valid value from all the keywords in scope (Refer section Keywords in scope), Amazon SNS topic is configured with Amazon Pinpoint which captures the customer response.
    Note: The other keywords are not in scope for this blog, but you can specifically add all possible keywords that customers can respond with. There can be an accidental responses by a customer which will be ignored by the AWS Lambda code.
  3. AWS Lambda function ‘AddOptOutInDynamoDB’ is a subscriber to the topic in Amazon SNS and processes customer responses.
  1. AWS Lambda function ‘AddOptOutInDynamoDB’ performs few tasks as described below
  2. 6a. If the customer response is a keyword that is a valid value from all the keywords in scope (Refer section Keywords in scope), Amazon Lambda function ‘AddOptOutInDynamoDB‘ extracts the OID and customer phone number information from the response and adds the entry in the Amazon DynamoDB table ‘SMSOptOut’. This way Amazon DynamoDB table keeps getting latest customer opt-in/opt-out status.
    6b. Once the item is successfully put in dynamodb table ‘SMSOptOut‘, if the customer response was any Opt-out keyword (Refer section Keywords in scope), the function sends a SMS to the customer who has just opted out to confirm the status. “YOU HAVE BEEN UNSUBSCRIBED. IF THIS WAS A MISTAKE PLEASE TEXT “JOIN” TO THIS NUMBER TO BE RESUBSCRIBED”.
    If the customer response was any Opt-in keyword (Refer section Keywords in scope) the function sends a SMS to the customer who has just opted back in to confirm the status. “YOU HAVE BEEN SUBSCRIBED. IF THIS WAS A MISTAKE PLEASE TEXT “STOP” OR “UNSUBSCRIBE” TO THIS NUMBER TO BE UNSUBSCRIBED”. (But SMS recipients can still respond with any valid keyword mentioned in Opt-out keyword list)

NOTE: Refer the section ‘AddOptOutInDynamoDB function code’ to understand the sample code. The code uses Python3.12 language.

  1. The Opt-in/Opt-out status confirmation SMS is successfully delivered to a customer/destination phone number.

Amazon Pinpoint setup

  1. Enable 2-way SMS messaging for the OID that you procured. Refer to the screenshot below for your reference.

2-way SMS setting:

  1. Enable the self-managed opt-out feature for the OID. Once enabled, Amazon Pinpoint does not respond to opt-out messages sent to the SNS topic by your recipients. You can collect the response from the customers in an AWS SNS topic and process it as per your business needs.

Self Managed Opt-Out feature setting:

Amazon SNS setup

  1. On Amazon SNS console, click on ‘Topics’ and then ‘create a topic’ as shown below.

  1. Click ‘Create Subscription‘ to add the Lambda function ‘AddOptOutInDynamoDB‘ as a subscriber by using the Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

Amazon DynamoDB Setup

Table Name: ‘SMSOptOut

The Customer phone number is used as the primary key(PK). The sort key(SK) contains multiple values that include OID, timestamp, and the customer response separated by #. By having generic attribute names as PK and SK, you can expand the usage of this table for accommodating any custom business needs. For example: Customer can use any of the individual phone numbers like short code, long code, or 10DLC to send the SMS and any of these values can be accomodated as a part of the sort key (SK). The sort key can be used for granular retrieval to see the latest customer status (For example: ‘STOP‘). It can then additionally have attributes like OID, Timestamp, Response and others as per your requirements. The table uses On-demand Read/Write capacity mode. Refer to this document to understand On-demand capacity mode in detail.

Sample item in DynamoDB table is below

InvokeSendTextMessage function code

This AWS Lambda function calls Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice V2 API – SendTextMessage. It uses Query API for DynamoDB to scan the items for SourcePhoneNumber (customer phone number) and OID (Part of SK) in descending order of the timestamp. If an item exists with customer response value is a valid keyword for Opt-out (Refer section Keywords in scope), it means the customer has opted-out and the SMS can’t be sent. If no item is found or the customer response value is a valid keyword for Opt-in (Refer section Keywords in scope), the customer can be contacted and the funtion calls SendTextMessage API with the same OID and customer phone number.

import boto3
import os
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr
import json

dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.Table('SMSOptOut')
pinpoint = boto3.client('pinpoint-sms-voice-v2')
OptInKeyword = ['JOIN']

#adds item in the DynamoDB table
def query_table(OID, SourcePhoneNumber):
        response = table.query(
            KeyConditionExpression=Key('PK').eq(SourcePhoneNumber) & Key('SK').begins_with(OID),
    except Exception as e: 
        print("Error when writing an item in DynamoDB table: ",e) 
        raise e
    return response

#send opt-in/opt-out confirmation text using send_text_message.
def send_confirmation_text(SourcePhoneNumber,OID,messageBody,messageType): 
        response = pinpoint.send_text_message(DestinationPhoneNumber=SourcePhoneNumber, 
    except Exception as e: 
        print("Error in sending text message using Pinpoint send_text_message api:", e) 
        raise e

#gets the message from SNS topic
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    OID = event['OID']
    SourcePhoneNumber = event['SourcePhoneNumber']

    response=query_table(OID, SourcePhoneNumber)
    items = response['Items']
    #Count number of items. The value will be either 1 or 0.
    count = len(items)

    # If the latest customer response is any OptOutKeyword
    if count == 1 and items[0]['Response'] in OptOutKeyword:
        print("Exit : Customer has opted out, do not send SMS")
    # If the latest customer response is any OptOutKeyword
    elif count == 0 or (count == 1 and items[0]['Response'] in OptInKeyword):
        send_confirmation_text(SourcePhoneNumber,OID,'This is a test message from Amazon Pinpoint','TRANSACTIONAL')
    # Only allowed values for customer response are valid OptOutKeyword or OptInKeyword 
        print("The customer response is not one of the allowed keyword")

AddOptOutInDynamoDB Lambda function code

For example: When customer responds with ‘STOP’, the response is captured in the SNS topic that you configured with Amazon Pinpoint. The response json looks as shown below –

"originationNumber": "+1224xxxxxxx",
"destinationNumber": "+1844xxxxxxx",
"messageKeyword": "KEYWORD_xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"messageBody": "STOP",
"previousPublishedMessageId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"inboundMessageId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

This Lambda function extracts the OID (destinationNumber), Customer phone number (originationNumber), and the customer response (messageBody) from the json payload above and adds an entry in the DynamoDB table (SMSOptOut). Once the item is put successfully in DynamoDB table, the function also sends out a confirmation SMS (either Opt-in or Opt-out) to the customer phone number using SendTextMessage.
For example:

  • If the customer response value is a valid keyword for Opt-out (Refer section Keywords in scope), the confirmation SMS is ‘YOU HAVE BEEN UNSUBSCRIBED. IF THIS WAS A MISTAKE PLEASE TEXT “JOIN” TO THIS NUMBER TO BE RESUBSCRIBED’.
  • If the customer response value is a valid keyword for Opt-in (Refer section Keywords in scope), the confirmation SMS is ‘YOU HAVE BEEN SUBSCRIBED. IF THIS WAS A MISTAKE PLEASE TEXT “STOP” OR “UNSUBSCRIBE” TO THIS NUMBER TO BE UNSUBSCRIBED’.
import json
import boto3
import datetime

dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
dynamodb_table = dynamodb.Table('SMSOptOut')
pinpoint = boto3.client('pinpoint-sms-voice-v2')
OptInKeyword = ['JOIN']

#adds item in the DynamoDB table
def put_item(data,current_timestamp):
        response = dynamodb_table.put_item(
            Item = {
                'PK': data['originationNumber'],
                'SK': data['destinationNumber']+'#'+current_timestamp+'#'+data['messageBody'], 
                'OID': data['destinationNumber'],
                'Timestamp': current_timestamp,
                'Response': data['messageBody']
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error when writing an item in DynamoDB table: ",e)
        raise e

#send opt-in/opt-out confirmation text using send_text_message.
def send_confirmation_text(data,messageBody,messageType):
        response = pinpoint.send_text_message(
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error in sending text message using Pinpoint send_text_message api:", e)
        raise e
#gets the message from SNS topic
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    message = event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message']
    data = json.loads(message)
    current_timestamp =

    if data['messageBody'] in OptOutKeyword:
    elif data['messageBody'] in OptInKeyword:
        print("The customer response is not one of the allowed keyword")

Clean Up

DynamoDB storage and any Lambda invocation will incur a cost so it is important to delete these resources if you do not plan on using them as shown below.


    1. On DynamoDB table, select table ‘SMSOptOut’ and click Delete. Confirm the action.


  1. On Lambda console, find the 2 functions you created and click Actions → Delete. Confirm the actions.

Amazon Pinpoint

  1. After deleting the DynamoDB table and Lambda functions your self-managed Opt-out flow will not work so you will need to disable self-managed opt-outs in Pinpoint for the respective OID as shown below.

In this post, you learned how to implement a self-managed opt-out workflow when using Pinpoint SMS. Keep in mind that when you implement the self-managed Opt-out flow, Pinpoint will not track or maintain any opt-out status for the OID that it was enabled for.

Take the time to plan out your approach, follow the steps outlined in this blog, and take advantage of any resources available to you within your support tier.

Decide what origination IDs you will need here
Review the documentation for the V2 SMS and Voice API here
Check out the support tiers comparison here


How to Send SMS Using a Sender ID with Amazon Pinpoint

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original

Amazon Pinpoint enables you to send text messages (SMS) to recipients in over 240 regions and countries around the world. Pinpoint supports all types of origination identities including Long Codes, 10DLC (US only), Toll-Free (US only), Short Codes, and Sender IDs.
NOTE: Certain subtypes of Origination Identities (OIDs), such as Free to End User (FTEU) Short Codes might not be supported

Unlike other origination identities, a Sender ID can include letters, enabling your recipients to receive SMS from “EXAMPLECO” rather than a random string of numbers or phone number. A Sender ID can help to create trust and brand awareness with your recipients which can increase your deliverability and conversion rates by improving customer interaction with your messages. In this blog we will discuss countries that allow the use of Sender IDs, the types of Sender IDs that Pinpoint supports, how to configure Pinpoint to use a Sender ID, and best practices for sending SMS with a Sender ID. Refer to this blog post for guidance planning a multi-country rollout of SMS.

What is a Sender ID?

A sender ID is an alphanumeric name that identifies the sender of an SMS message. When you send an SMS message using a sender ID, and the recipient is in an area where sender ID is supported, your sender ID appears on the recipient’s device instead of a phone number, for example, they will see AMAZON instead of a phone number such as “1-206-555-1234”. Sender IDs support a default throughput of 10 messages per second (MPS), which can be raised in certain situations. This MPS is calculated at the country level. As an example, a customer can send 10 MPS with “SENDERX” to Australia (AU) and 10 MPS with “SENDERX” to Germany (DE).

The first step in deciding whether to use a Sender ID is finding out whether the use of a Sender ID is supported by the country(ies) you want to send to. This table lists all of the destinations that Pinpoint can send SMS to and the Origination Identities that they support. Many countries support multiple origination identities so it’s important to know the differences between them. The two main considerations when deciding what originator to use is throughput and whether it can support a two-way use case.

Amazon Pinpoint supports three types of Sender IDs detailed below. Your selection is dependent on the destination country for your messages, consult this table that lists all of the destinations that Pinpoint can send SMS to.

Dynamic Sender ID – A dynamic sender ID allows you to select a 3-11 character alphanumeric string to use as your originator when sending SMS. We suggest using something short that outlines your brand and use case like “[Company]OTP.” Dynamic sender IDs vary slightly by country and we recommended senders review the specific requirements for the countries they plan to send to. Pay special attention to any notes in the registration section. If the country(ies) you want to send to require registration, read on to the next type of Sender ID.

Registered Sender ID – A registered SenderID generally follows the same formatting requirements as a Dynamic Sender ID, alowing you to select a 3-11 character alphanumeric string to use, but has the added step of completing a registration specific to the country you want to use a Sender ID for. Each country will require slightly different information to register, may require specific forms, as well as a potential registration fee. Use this list of supported countries to see what countries support Sender ID as well as which ones require registration.

Generic, or “Shared” Sender ID – In countries where it is supported, when you do not specify a dynamic Sender ID, or you have not set a Default Sender ID in Pinpoint, the service may allow traffic over a Generic or Shared SenderID like NOTICE. Depending on the country, traffic could also be delivered using a service or carrier specific long or short code. When using the shared route your messages will be delivered alongside others also sending in this manner.

As mentioned, Sender IDs support 10 MPS, so if you do not need higher throughput than this may be a good option. However, one of the key differences of using a Sender ID to send SMS is that they do not support two-way use cases, meaning they cannot receive SMS back from your recipients.

IMPORTANT: If you use a sender ID you must provide your recipients with alternative ways to opt-out of your communications as they cannot text back any of the standard opt-out keywords or any custom opt-in keywords you may have configured. Common ways to offer your recipients an alternative way of opting out or changing their communication preferences include web forms or an app preference center.

How to Configure a Sender ID

The country(ies) you plan on sending to using a Sender ID will determine the configuration you will need to complete to be able to use them. We will walk through the configuration of each of the three types of Sender IDs below.

Step 1 – Request a Sender ID(Dependent on Country, Consult this List)

Some countries require a registration process. Each process, dependent on the country can be unique so it is required that a case be opened to complete this process. The countries requiring Sender ID registration are noted in the following list.
When you request a Sender ID, we provide you with an estimate of how long the request will take to complete. This estimate is based on the completion times that we’ve seen from other customers.

NOTE: This time is not an SLA. It is recommended that you check the case regularly and make sure that nothing else is required to complete your registration. If your registration requires edits it will extend this process each time it requires edits. If your registration passes over the estimated time it is recommended that you reply to the case.

Because each country has its own process, completion times for registration vary by destination country. For example, Sender ID registration in India can be completed in one week or less, whereas it can take six weeks or more in Vietnam. These requests can’t be expedited, because they involve the carriers themselves making changes to the ways that their networks are configured and certify the use case onto their network. We suggest that you start your registration process early so that you can start sending messages as soon as you launch your product or service.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are checking on your case often as support may need more details to complete your registration and any delay extends the expected timeline for procuring your Sender ID

Generic Sender ID – In countries that support a Generic or Shared ID like NOTICE there is no requirement to register or configure prior to sending we will review how to send with this type of Sender ID in Step 2.

Dynamic Sender ID – A Dynamic Sender ID can be requested via the API or in the console, complete the following steps to configure these Sender IDs in the console.
NOTE: If you are using the API to send it is not required that you request a Sender ID for every country that you intend on sending to. However, it is recommended, because the request process will alert you to any Sender IDs that require registration so you do not attempt to send to countries that you cannot deliver successfully to. All countries requiring registration for Sender IDs can be found here.

  1. Navigate to the SMS Console
    1. Make sure you are in the region you plan on using to send SMS out of as each region needs to be configured independently and any registrations also need to be made in the account and region in which you will be sending from
  2. Select “Sender IDs” from the left rail
    1. Click on “Request Originator”
    2. Choose a country from the drop down that supports Sender ID
    3. Choose “SMS”
      1. Leave “Voice” unchecked if it is an option.
        NOTE: If you choose Voice than you will not be able to select a Sender ID in the next step
      2. Select your estimated SMS volume
      3. Choose whether your company is local or international in relation to the country you are wanting to configure. Some countries, like India, require proof of residency to access local pricing so select accordingly.
      4. Select “No” for two-way messaging or you will not be able to select a Sender ID in the next step
    4. Click next and choose “Sender ID” and provide your preferred Sender ID.
      NOTE: Refer to the following criteria when selecting your Sender ID for configuration (some countries may override these)

      1. Numeric-only Sender IDs are not supported
      2. No special characters except for dashes ( – )
      3. No spaces
      4. Valid characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9
      5. Minimum of 3 characters
      6. Maximum of 11 characters. NOTE: India is exactly 6 Characters
      7. Must match your company branding and SMS service or use case.
        1. For example, you wouldn’t be able to choose “OTP” or “2FA” even though you might be using SMS for that type of a use case. You could however use “ANYCO-OTP” if your company name was “Any Co.” since it complies with all above criteria.

NOTE: If the console instructs you to open a case as seen below than your Sender ID likely requires some form of registration. Read on to configure a Registered Sender ID.

Registered Sender ID – A registered sender ID follows the same criteria above for a Dynamic Sender ID, although some countries may have minor criteria changes or formatting restrictions. Follow the directions here to complete this process, AWS support will provide the correct forms needed for the country that you are registering. Each Registered Sender ID will need a separate case per country. Follow the link to the “AWS Support Center” and follow these instructions when creating your case

Step 2 – How to Send SMS with a Sender ID

Sender IDs can be used via three different mechanisms

Option 1 – Using the V2 SMS and Voice API and “SendTextMessage
This is the preferred method of sending and this set of APIs is where all new functionality will be built on.

  1. SendTextMessage has many options for configurability but the only required parameters are the following:
    1. DestinationPhoneNumber
    2. MessageBody
  2. “OriginationIdentity” is optional, but it’s important to know what the outcome is dependent on how you use this parameter:
    1. Explicitly stating your SenderId
      1. Use this option if you want to ONLY send with a Sender ID. Setting this has the effect of only sending to recipients in countries that accept SenderIDs and rejecting any recipients whose country does not support Sender IDs. The US for example cannot be sent to with a Sender ID
    2. Explicitly stating your SenderIdArn
      1. Same effect as “SenderID” above
    3. Leaving OriginationIdentity Blank
      1. If left blank Pinpoint will select the right originator based on what you have available in your account in order of decreasing throughput, from a Short Code, 10DLC (US Only), Long Code, Sender ID, or Toll-Free (US Only), depending on what you have available.
        1. Keep in mind that sending this way opens you up to sending to countries you may not have originators for. If you would like to make sure that you are only sending to countries that you have originators for then you need to use Pools.
    4. Explicitly stating a PoolId
      1. A pool is a collection of Origination Identities that can include both phone numbers and Sender IDs. Use this option if you are sending to multiple country codes and want to make sure that you send to them with the originator that their respective country supports.
        1. NOTE: There are various configurations that can be set on a pool. Refer to the documentation here
          1. Make sure to pay particular attention to “Shared Routes” because in some countries, Amazon Pinpoint SMS maintains a pool of shared origination identities. When you activate shared routes, Amazon Pinpoint SMS makes an effort to deliver your message using one of the shared identities. The origination identity could be a sender ID, long code, or short code and could vary within each country. Turn this feature off if you ONLY want to send to countries for which you have an originator.
          2. Make sure to read this blogpost on Pools and Opt – Outs here
    5. Explicitly stating a PoolArn
      1. Same effect as “PoolId” above

Option 2 – Using a journey or a Campaign

  1. If you do not select an “Origination Phone Number” or a Sender ID Pinpoint will select the correct originator based on the country code being attempted to send to and the originators available in your account.
    1. Pinpoint will attempt to send, in order of decreasing throughput, from a Short Code, 10DLC (US Only), Long Code, Sender ID, or Toll-Free (US Only), depending on what you have available. For example, if you want to send from a Sender ID to Germany (DE), but you have a Short Code configured for Germany (DE) as well, the default function is for Pinpoint to send from that Short Code. If you want to override this functionality you must specify a Sender ID to send from.
      1. NOTE: If you are sending to India on local routes you must fill out the “Entity ID and Template ID that you received when you registered your template with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)
    2. You can set a default Sender ID for your Project in the SMS settings as seen below.
      NOTE: Anything you configure at the Campaign or Journey level overrides this project level setting

Option 3 – Using Messages in the Pinpoint API

  1. Using “Messages“ is the second option for sending via the API. This action allows for multi-channel(SMS, email, push, etc) bulkified sending but is not recommended to standardize on for SMS sending.
    1. NOTE: Using the V2 SMS and Voice API and “SendTextMessage” detailed in Option 1 above is the preferred method of sending SMS via the API and is where new features and functionality will be released. It is recommended that you migrate SMS sending to this set of APIs.

In this post you learned about Sender IDs and how they can be used in your SMS program. A Sender ID can be a great option for getting your SMS program up and running quickly since they can be free, many countries do not require registration, and you can use the same Sender ID for lots of different countries, which can improve your branding and engagement. Keep in mind that one of the big differences in using a Sender ID vs. a short code or long code is that they don’t support 2-way communication. Common ways to offer your recipients an alternative way of opting out or changing their communication preferences include web forms or an app preference center.

A few resources to help you plan for your SMS program:
Use this spreadsheet to plan for the countries you need to send to Global SMS Planning Sheet
The V2 API for SMS and Voice has many more useful actions not possible with the V1 API so we encourage you to explore how it can further help you simplify and automate your applications.
If you are needing to use pools to access the “shared pools” setting read this blog to review how to configure them
Confirm the origination IDs you will need here
Check out the support tiers comparison here

How to Build a Compliant SMS Opt-In Process With Amazon Pinpoint

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original

SMS messaging is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and send them timely, relevant messages. However, it’s always required to get their permission before you start sending them texts. This is known as opting in.

There are a few different ways to opt-in users to your SMS program. One common method is to have them sign up on your website or in your app. You can also collect opt-ins at in-person events or via phone call through your customer service team; though it’s not limited to just those options.

No matter which method you choose, it’s important to make sure that your opt-in process is clear, concise, and compliant with all applicable local laws and regulations in the countries that you are sending to. Here are some best practices:

  • Get explicit consent. Explicit consent is the intentional action taken by a end-user to request a specific message from your service.
  • Provide clear instructions. Tell users how to opt-in, what they are opting into, and how to opt-out of your program. Be sure to include your contact information at the opt-in location in case they have any questions or concerns.
  • Give users the option to choose what kind of messages they want to receive. For example, you might allow them to opt-in to OTP/2FA messages, shipping notifications, or both.
  • Respect users’ privacy. Never sell or share users’ phone numbers with third parties without their permission. 3rd party data sharing is generally considered a prohibited practice by mobile carriers and violates privacy regulations in many countries.
  • Make it easy to opt-out. Users should be able to opt-out of your program at any time by replying with a simple text message, such as “STOP.” See additional relevent documentation related to this: Opting out. Self-managed opt-outs.

The above will help you build a strong audience of engaged subscribers who want to hear from you and improve your chances in successfully registering for a dedicated number. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your SMS opt-in process is compliant and effective.

What carriers require for a compliant opt-in workflow and call-to-action

The primary purpose of the opt-in workflow is to demonstrate that the end-user explicitly consents to receive text messages and understands the nature of the program. Your application is being reviewed by a 3rd party reviewer and sometimes multiple 3rd party reviewers for a single registration, so make sure to provide clear and thorough information about how your end-users opt-in to your SMS service and any associated fees or charges. If the reviewer cannot determine how your opt-in process works or if it is not compliant then your application will be denied and returned. It is important to note that Amazon does not review or approve your use cases and that it’s a telecom industry standard in most countries for 3rd parties to review and approve your use case prior to sending.

Note: If you have a use case that is internal to your business, you are still required to demonstrate explicit opt-in consent from the recipients. There are no exceptions to having an opt-in workflow and explicit consent is always required.

If your opt-in process requires a login, is not yet public, is a verbal opt-in, or if it occurs on printed forms or fliers then make sure to thoroughly document how this process is completed by the end-user receiving messages — remember, these are 3rd party reviewers and if they’re unable to access where your end-users opt-in, they will require thorough information via other means like text or screenshots. Provide a screenshot of the Call to Action (CTA) in such cases. If the consent is being asked for and supplied verbally, as in a contact center situation, make sure to provide the verbal scripts to ensure the entire CTA is shown. Host any screenshots on a publicly accessible website (like S3, OneDrive, or Google Drive) and provide the URL when you submit (NOTE: toll-free number registration process supports attachments and do not require a public URL to be included). Regardless of the medium used to collect end-user information (e.g., webform, point of sale, fliers, or verbal opt-ins), the requirements are the same. In the case of online and printed materials, they would be shown as text to the end-users. In the case of verbal opt-ins (i.e., on the phone), the information below would be verbally read to the end-user.

Call-to-action/opt-in requirements

The following items are the minimum that must be presented to an end-user at the time of opt-in to ensure your SMS program is compliant:

  • Program (brand) name
  • Message frequency disclosure. (example: “Message frequency varies” or “One message per login”)
  • Customer care contact information (example: “Text HELP or call 1-800-111-2222 for support.”)
  • Opt-out information (example: “Text STOP to opt-out of future messages.”)
  • Include “Message and data rates may apply” disclosure.
  • Link to a publicly accessible Terms & Conditions page
  • Link to a publicly accessible Privacy Policy page

**Now lets break the above bullet points down into more detail:

Program, service, brand name

All SMS originator types that require registration must disclose the program name, product description, or both in service messages, on the call-to-action, and in the terms and conditions. The program name is the sponsor of the messaging program, often the brand name or company name associated with the sending use case. The product description describes the product advertised by the program.

Publicly accessible terms & conditions page

The terms should be live and publicly accessible. For verbal scripts, a URL must be read off to the end-user enrolling in the SMS program, or the comprehensive terms must be directly included in the script. You should provide a compliant screenshot, link, or mockup of the SMS Terms of Service in the registration submission.

Below is a copy of the boilerplate terms of service that cover minimum requirements from the carriers:

  1. {Program name}
  2. {Insert program description here; this is simply a brief description of the kinds of messages users can expect to receive when they opt-in.}
  3. You can cancel the SMS service at any time. Just text “STOP” to the short code. After you send the SMS message “STOP” to us, we will send you an SMS message to confirm that you have been unsubscribed. After this, you will no longer receive SMS messages from us. If you want to join again, just sign up as you did the first time and we will start sending SMS messages to you again.
  4. If you are experiencing issues with the messaging program you can reply with the keyword HELP for more assistance, or you can get help directly at {support email address or toll-free number}.
  5. Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages
  6. As always, message and data rates may apply for any messages sent to you from us and to us from you. You will receive {message frequency}. If you have any questions about your text plan or data plan, it is best to contact your wireless provider.
  7. If you have any questions regarding privacy, please read our privacy policy: {link to privacy policy}

Publicly accessible privacy policy page

Message Senders are responsible for protecting the privacy of Consumers’ information and must comply with applicable privacy law. Message Senders should maintain a privacy policy for all programs and make it accessible from the initial call-to-action. The privacy policy should be labeled clearly and all cases, terms and conditions and privacy policy disclosures must provide up-to-date, accurate information about program details and functionality. For verbal scripts, a URL must be read off to the end-user enrolling in the SMS program, or the comprehensive terms must be directly included in the script.

One of the key items carriers look for in a Privacy Policy is the sharing of end-user information with third-parties. If your privacy policy mentions data sharing or selling to non-affiliated third parties, there is a concern that customer data will be shared with third parties for marketing purposes.

Express consent is required for SMS; therefore, sharing data is prohibited. Privacy policies must specify that this data sharing excludes SMS opt-in data and consent. Privacy policies can be updated (or draft versions provided) where the practice of sharing personal data to third parties is expressly omitted from the number registration.

Example: “The above excludes text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.”

Message frequency disclosure

The message frequency disclosure provides end-users an indication of how often they’ll receive messages from you. For example, a recurring messaging program might say “one message per week.” A one-time password or multi-factor authentication use case might say “message frequency varies” or “one message per login attempt”.

Customer care contact information

Customer care contact information must be clear and readily available to help Consumers understand program details as well as their status with the program. Customer care information should result in Consumers receiving help.

Numbers should always respond to customer care requests, regardless of whether the requestor is subscribed to the program. At a minimum, Message Senders must respond to messages containing the HELP keyword with the program name and further information about how to contact the Message Sender. SMS programs should promote customer care contact instructions at program opt-in and at regular intervals in content or service messages, at least once per month.

Example: “For more information, text ‘HELP’ or call 1-800-123-1234.”

Opt-Out Information

Opt-out mechanisms facilitate Consumer choice to terminate communications from text messaging programs. Message Senders should acknowledge and respect Consumers’ opt-out requests consistent with the following guidelines:

  • Message Senders should ensure that Consumers have the ability to opt-out at any time
  • Message Senders should support multiple mechanisms of opt-out, including: phone call, email, or text
  • Message Senders should acknowledge and honor all Consumer opt-out requests by sending one final opt-out confirmation message to notify the Consumer that they have opted-out successfully. No further messages should be sent following the confirmation message.

Message Senders should include opt-out information in the call-to-action, terms and conditions, and opt-in confirmation.

If a 2FA/OTP program requires end-users to opt-in and request an OTP from the same CTA, and it is compliant with all applicable regulations, then the sender does not need to explicitly opt-out that number if the user texts “STOP” to the business’s number. However, the sender must still respond with a compliant opt-out response.

See the following Amazon Pinpoint blog post on How to Manage SMS Opt-Outs with Amazon Pinpoint

“Message and data rates may apply” disclosure

All SMS programs must display or must be read out loud (if a verbal opt-in) the disclosure verbatim: “Message and data rates may apply”. By requiring the disclosure, US mobile carriers are helping to ensure that consumers are aware of the potential costs of sending and receiving text messages, and that they have consented to receive those messages before they are sent.

SMS Opt-Ins for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs)


In this section, we’ll outline the terms we use, to help better explain each party, and the requirements.

ISV: ISVs are positioned between Amazon Pinpoint and the ISV’s end-business customers. While they may operate differently, and/or offer different services, their requirements for SMS program registrations are largely the same.

End Business: The End Business is how we refer to your ISV customers. This is generally the entity that creates the messaging content, distributes it through your platform, and interacts with their end-users (message recipients).

Note: In some rare cases, an ISV platform can be considered the end business if they control content via templates, and collect and manage opt-in in their entirety — meaning the ISV information directly will be used for the registration and will be branded as such in the text messages. If you are unsure, we recommend including the information for the entity (your customer) that is engaging with the opted-in handset with registration. ISVs who don’t include this information (if it is required) risk their verification request being rejected.

End-User: The message recipient is considered the end-user. The person with the handset where messages terminate. As an independent software vendor (ISV), you need to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when it comes to SMS opt-ins. This means that your end business(es) need to get explicit consent from their end-users before text messages start being sent and give end-users the option to opt-out of their program at any time. You also need to provide them with a registered and approved phone number to send their SMS messages to ensure that they are delivered reliably and not flagged as spam.

When does an ISV have to submit each end business?

SMS program registrations requires end-user business information, not ISV information. This means the ISV needs to provide a mechanism for their end businesses to provide their information to be submitted for registration. For ISVs or aggregators who provide messaging services to businesses, it’s expected that the information provided represents the entity (your customer) that is sending messages to the opted-in handset.

NOTE: Amazon uses this information in accordance with all applicable obligations, and only to verify the end-user is a legitimate business. Amazon will not contact the end-business user with the information provided.

Submissions that are missing information or are populated with ISV/aggregator information may be rejected. Exceptions may apply when the use case clearly showcases that the ISV manages opt-in mechanisms, is the sole message content creator, and the messages clearly come from the ISV, not their end businesses. For example, if the ISV owns a web application that requires their end-customers to enroll into OTP.

If you are unsure, we recommend including the information for the entity (your customer) that is engaging with the opted-in handset with registration. ISVs who don’t include this information (if it is required) risk their verification request being rejected.

In conclusion

Getting user consent through a compliant opt-in process is crucial for any SMS messaging program. Key elements include clearly disclosing the program details, providing easy opt-out methods, having accessible terms of service and privacy policies, and adhering to all applicable regulations. For ISVs enabling businesses to send SMS messages, it’s important they provide a way for each end business to submit their own information for registration and comply with the requirements. By following SMS best practices around opt-ins, businesses can build trust with subscribers and ensure deliverability of their text messaging campaigns.

How to Migrate Your SMS Program to Amazon Pinpoint

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original

How to Migrate Your SMS Program to Amazon Pinpoint

In the fast-paced realm of communication, where every second counts and attention spans are shorter than ever, the choice of channels that you use to deliver your message to your recipients is critical. While we often find ourselves swept away by the allure of flashy social media platforms and sleek email interfaces, it’s the unassuming text message, or SMS, that continually proves to be one of the most effective options. According to Statista, there over 5 billion mobile internet users globally, amounting to over 60% of the earth’s population of ~8 billion. SMS obviously provides an expansive reach that can help businesses connect with a diverse audience but in order to do that at scale, you need to use a service like Amazon Pinpoint that facilitates the ability to send SMS to over 240 countries and/or regions around the world. If you have a current SMS provider and are considering Pinpoint SMS for its global reach, scalability, cost effective pricing, and demonstrably high deliverability, this guide will walk you through how to migrate from your current provider.

There are several common reasons our customers give us when considering a migration. Don’t worry if your situation doesn’t fit into a neat box, we help customers navigate the dynamic landscape of SMS that is constantly evolving. Let’s dive deep into each of the below to highlight some common things we hear from our customers.

  • My current provider doesn’t deliver to countries I want to send to
  • My current provider is more expensive than Pinpoint pricing
    • Our pricing is available on the public pricing page here. Each country has it’s own cost associated with it so enter in the countries you would like to see pricing for. These prices are per message sent so if you are planning on sending to multiple countries factor in the types of messages that you will want to send as well as the countries. If your use case includes 2 way communication make sure to factor the number of inbound messages you expect into your calculations.
      • NOTE: Depending on the language the available characters per message varies, which can affect your calculations on cost. See here for an explanation
  • My current provider doesn’t have features that Pinpoint has
    • Among many other features Pinpoint has the ability to send over multiple channels, including: SMS, Email, Push/In-App, Voice, Over the Top (OTT) services such as WhatsApp, as well as interact with third-party APIs giving you the flexibility to send to many other channels.
  • My current provider is not native to AWS
    • Pinpoint, being native to the AWS Cloud, boasts the capability to seamlessly integrate with a wide array of services, including AI/ML offerings such as Amazon Personalize, Amazon Bedrock, and Amazon SageMaker, among others. This means you can leverage various AWS services to create innovative solutions that enhance and optimize the communications sent through Pinpoint.
  • My current provider does not have good deliverability
    • Price is not the only factor to consider when looking at SMS providers. If you find another provider with lower pricing make sure to ask about their deliverability to the countries you are wanting to send to. There is a big difference between sending an SMS at a low price, and actually delivering that SMS. We are happy to discuss deliverability with you, just reach out to your Account Manager if you have one or contact us to start a conversation about your migration.
  • I’m not happy with the customer support of my current provider
    • The SMS landscape is constantly changing and our SMS experts are here to help guide you through the process. Whether it’s regulatory changes, pricing changes, or creating complex architectures to support your needs. Reach out to your Account Manager if you have one or contact us to start a conversation about your migration and get your questions answered.

Regardless of your reason for considering migrating there are four scenarios that most of our customers find themselves in when beginning to plan for an SMS migration.

I have not sent SMS before but I would like to start sending through Pinpoint
Skip ahead to the section on “Checklist for Planning an SMS Migration” to start planning for sending SMS

I have number(s) (Also known as Originators, Origination Identities (OIDs), Toll-Free, 10DLC, Long Code, Short Code, and/or SenderID) with a different provider and I would like to move those to Pinpoint
The ability to “port” numbers from other providers is dependent on the type of originator, the vendor you procured them from, and the country that they support. You may need to get new originators so factor that into your timeline and reach out to your Account Manager to determine whether your originators are able to be ported over. Once you have done that, pull the reports for how much volume you are sending to each country with your current provider and then skip ahead to the section on “Checklist for Planning an SMS Migration” to start planning for sending SMS

I have a current provider but I would like to procure new numbers from Pinpoint
Pull the reports for how much volume you are sending to each country with your current provider and then skip ahead to the section on “Checklist for Planning an SMS Migration” to start planning for sending SMS

I have a current provider but would like to split traffic between them and Pinpoint
Pull the reports for how much volume you are sending to the countries you plan on migrating to AWS and then skip ahead to the section on “Checklist for Planning an SMS Migration” to start planning for sending SMS. Make sure that you consider how you will be managing opt-outs across two providers. Pinpoint offers centrally managed opt-outs but self-management is also an option. All Delivery Receipts/Reporting (DLRs) and inbound/outbound events can be streamed through Amazon Kinesis, Amazon CloudWatch, and/or Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) if you need to send those events to another location inside or outside of the AWS Cloud.

Checklist for Planning an SMS Migration

  • Setup a spreadsheet similar to the one outlined in this post
  • Identify your use case(s)
    • Note whether your use case is one-way or two-way
      • NOTE: Not all countries support 2-way communications, which is the ability to have the recipient send a message back to the OID.
      • NOTE: Sender ID also does not support 2-way communication so if you are planning on using Sender ID you will need to account for how to opt recipients out of future communications.
  • Identify your countries
  • Identify your volume per country
    • If you are already sending SMS with another provider pull a report over a representative time period.
  • Identify your throughput needs (Also referred to as Messages per Second, MPS, Transactions per Second, or TPS) for each country
    • Most origination identities are chosen for their ability to support a certain level of MPS, not volume, so if you have seasonality make sure to account for burst rates. There are quotas for the APIs that govern sending as well as quotas for the different types of originators.
  • Identify which origination identities you will need for each country using this guide
    • Make note of any countries/OIDs that require registration
    • Reach out to your Account Manager if you have one or contact us to start a conversation about your migration.
    • If you have OIDs you would like to migrate make sure you determine whether that is possible ASAP since your timelines could be affected by the outcome.

Make sure you give ample time for your migration. There are many entities involved in delivering SMS, from governments, to mobile carriers, to third-party registrars, and more, which means that timelines are not always within your control. Ask questions, take advantage of the expert resources we have at AWS, and the content we have produced around these topics.

Content to read

  • Review the countries and regions we support here
  • Use the format for aggregating information on your use cases outlined in this post here
  • Decide what origination IDs you will need here
  • Review the documentation for the V2 SMS and Voice API here
  • Review the Pinpoint API and SendMessage here
  • Check out the support tiers comparison here

Handling Bounces and Complaints

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original

As you may have seen in Jeff Barr’s blog post or in an announcement, Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) now provides bounce and complaint notifications via Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). You can refer to the Amazon SES Developer Guide or Jeff’s post to learn how to set up this feature. In this post, we will show you how you might manage your email list using the information you get in the Amazon SNS notifications.


Amazon SES assigns a unique message ID to each email that you successfully submit to send. When Amazon SES receives a bounce or complaint message from an ISP, we forward the feedback message to you. The format of bounce and complaint messages varies between ISPs, but Amazon SES interprets these messages and, if you choose to set up Amazon SNS topics for them, categorizes them into JSON objects.


Let’s assume you use Amazon SES to send monthly product announcements to a list of email addresses. You store the list in a database and send one email per recipient through Amazon SES. You review bounces and complaints once each day, manually interpret the bounce messages in the incoming email, and update the list. You would like to automate this process using Amazon SNS notifications with a scheduled task.


To implement this solution, we will use separate Amazon SNS topics for bounces and complaints to isolate the notification channels from each other and manage them separately. Also, since the bounce and complaint handler will not run 24/7, we need these notifications to persist until the application processes them. Amazon SNS integrates with Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), which is a durable messaging technology that allows us to persist these notifications. We will configure each Amazon SNS topic to publish to separate SQS queues. When our application runs, it will process queued notifications and update the email list. We have provided sample C# code below.


Set up the following AWS components to handle bounce notifications:

  1. Create an Amazon SQS queue named ses-bounces-queue.
  2. Create an Amazon SNS topic named ses-bounces-topic.
  3. Configure the Amazon SNS topic to publish to the SQS queue.
  4. Configure Amazon SES to publish bounce notifications using ses-bounces-topic to ses-bounces-queue.

Set up the following AWS components to handle complaint notifications:

  1. Create an Amazon SQS queue named ses-complaints-queue.
  2. Create an Amazon SNS topic named ses-complaints-topic.
  3. Configure the Amazon SNS topic to publish to the SQS queue.
  4. Configure Amazon SES to publish complaint notifications using ses-complaints-topic to ses-complaints-queue.

Ensure that IAM policies are in place so that Amazon SNS has access to publish to the appropriate SQS queues.

Bounce Processing

Amazon SES will categorize your hard bounces into two types: permanent and transient. A permanent bounce indicates that you should never send to that recipient again. A transient bounce indicates that the recipient’s ISP is not accepting messages for that particular recipient at that time and you can retry delivery in the future. The amount of time you should wait before resending to the address that generated the transient bounce depends on the transient bounce type. Certain transient bounces require manual intervention before the message can be delivered (e.g., message too large or content error). If the bounce type is undetermined, you should manually review the bounce and act accordingly.

You will need to define some classes to simplify bounce notification parsing from JSON into .NET objects. We will use the open-source JSON.NET library.

/// <summary>Represents the bounce or complaint notification stored in Amazon SQS.</summary>
class AmazonSqsNotification
    public string Type { get; set; }
    public string Message { get; set; }

/// <summary>Represents an Amazon SES bounce notification.</summary>
class AmazonSesBounceNotification
    public string NotificationType { get; set; }
    public AmazonSesBounce Bounce { get; set; }
/// <summary>Represents meta data for the bounce notification from Amazon SES.</summary>
class AmazonSesBounce
    public string BounceType { get; set; }
    public string BounceSubType { get; set; }
    public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; }
    public List<AmazonSesBouncedRecipient> BouncedRecipients { get; set; }
/// <summary>Represents the email address of recipients that bounced
/// when sending from Amazon SES.</summary>
class AmazonSesBouncedRecipient
    public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

Sample code to handle bounces:

/// <summary>Process bounces received from Amazon SES via Amazon SQS.</summary>
/// <param name="response">The response from the Amazon SQS bounces queue 
/// to a ReceiveMessage request. This object contains the Amazon SES  
/// bounce notification.</param> 
private static void ProcessQueuedBounce(ReceiveMessageResponse response)
    int messages = response.ReceiveMessageResult.Message.Count;
    if (messages > 0)
        foreach (var m in response.ReceiveMessageResult.Message)
            // First, convert the Amazon SNS message into a JSON object.
            var notification = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AmazonSqsNotification>(m.Body);
            // Now access the Amazon SES bounce notification.
            var bounce = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AmazonSesBounceNotification>(notification.Message);
            switch (bounce.Bounce.BounceType)
                case "Transient":
                    // Per our sample organizational policy, we will remove all recipients 
                    // that generate an AttachmentRejected bounce from our mailing list.
                    // Other bounces will be reviewed manually.
                    switch (bounce.Bounce.BounceSubType)
                        case "AttachmentRejected":
                            foreach (var recipient in bounce.Bounce.BouncedRecipients)
                    // Remove all recipients that generated a permanent bounce 
                    // or an unknown bounce.
                    foreach (var recipient in bounce.Bounce.BouncedRecipients)

Complaint Processing

A complaint indicates the recipient does not want the email that you sent them. When we receive a complaint, we want to remove the recipient addresses from our list. Again, define some objects to simplify parsing complaint notifications from JSON to .NET objects.

/// <summary>Represents an Amazon SES complaint notification.</summary>
class AmazonSesComplaintNotification
    public string NotificationType { get; set; }
    public AmazonSesComplaint Complaint { get; set; }
/// <summary>Represents the email address of individual recipients that complained 
/// to Amazon SES.</summary>
class AmazonSesComplainedRecipient
    public string EmailAddress { get; set; }
/// <summary>Represents meta data for the complaint notification from Amazon SES.</summary>
class AmazonSesComplaint
    public List<AmazonSesComplainedRecipient> ComplainedRecipients { get; set; }
    public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; }
    public string MessageId { get; set; }

Sample code to handle complaints is:

/// <summary>Process complaints received from Amazon SES via Amazon SQS.</summary>
/// <param name="response">The response from the Amazon SQS complaint queue 
/// to a ReceiveMessage request. This object contains the Amazon SES 
/// complaint notification.</param>
private static void ProcessQueuedComplaint(ReceiveMessageResponse response)
    int messages = response.ReceiveMessageResult.Message.Count;
    if (messages > 0)
        foreach (var
  message in response.ReceiveMessageResult.Message)
            // First, convert the Amazon SNS message into a JSON object.
            var notification = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AmazonSqsNotification>(message.Body);
            // Now access the Amazon SES complaint notification.
            var complaint = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AmazonSesComplaintNotification>(notification.Message);
            foreach (var recipient in complaint.Complaint.ComplainedRecipients)
                // Remove the email address that complained from our mailing list.

Final Thoughts

We hope that you now have the basic information on how to use bounce and complaint notifications. For more information, please review our API reference and Developer Guide; it describes all actions, error codes and restrictions that apply to Amazon SES.

If you have comments or feedback about this feature, please post them on the Amazon SES forums. We actively monitor the forum and frequently engage with customers. Happy sending with Amazon SES!

10DLC Registration Best Practices to Send SMS with Amazon Pinpoint

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original

What is 10DLC?

Ten-Digit Long Code, or more commonly shortened as 10DLC, is intended specifically for sending Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS in the United States only. If you don’t send text messages to recipients in the US, then 10DLC doesn’t apply to you. 10DLC was designed to cover the volume and throughput middle ground between toll-free numbers on the low end and short codes on the high end. All senders using 10DLC are required to register both their company and their campaign(s), which is managed by a third-party company called The Campaign Registry (TCR). TCR maintains an industry-wide database of companies and use cases that are authorized to send messages, to US registered handsets, using 10DLC phone numbers.

How to Register for 10DLC

Registration must be done within the AWS console as there is currently no programmatic registration possible.

  1. Navigate to Amazon Pinpoint
  2. Select “Phone Numbers” from the left hand rail underneath “SMS and Voice”
  3. Select the “10DLC Campaigns” tab
    1. If you have not already registered a company then click on “Register Company” and proceed with the best practices below.
    2. If you have already successfully registered a company and require additional vetting proceed to “Additional Vetting” below
    3. If you have already successfully registered a company and completed the additional vetting process proceed to “Campaign Registration” below

To help ensure your registration is approved during this vetting process follow these best practices when registering.

Who Should Register for a 10DLC?

The information provided during registration should be for the company from whom SMS messages will be sent from.

  • Examples:
    • Example 1: Company X wants to send their customers alerts via SMS should their account be compromised and there is a need to reset passwords.
      • In this example the company being registered is Company X.
    • Example 2: Company Y is an Independent Software Vendor(ISV) with 100s of their customers using their software platform. Company Z wants to give their customers the ability to send SMS from within their platform.
      • In this example each of Company Y’s customers who want to send SMS will need to provide their information. Each of these customers will need their own separate 10DLC for each use case that Company Y wants to enable for their customers.
      • Company Y should define very clearly for their customers the types of messages that can be sent as each of their customers will be expected to send only messages that align with the Campaign(Use-Case) that they register for.
    • Example 3: Company Z is an Independent Software Vendor(ISV) with 100s of their customers using their software platform. Company Z wants to provide One-Time Password(OTP) codes via SMS.
      • In this example the company being registered will be Company Z.

10DLC Registration Best Practices

As you progress through the steps of 10DLC registration follow these best practices to ensure a smooth process. Begin here if you have not registered your company(ies) yet.

Company Registration Info and Additional Company and Contact Info

Best practices for Company Registration and Additional Company and Contact Info

  • Make sure to enter all information correctly.
  • Dependent on the country in which you have a Tax ID, enter into the Tax ID field one of the following:
    • US=EIN
    • CA=BN
    • Other=VAT
  • Select the vertical that most closely aligns with your business
  • Make sure that your website is publicly accessible. Your registration will be denied if the reviewer cannot access the site.
  • It is a hard requirement to have both a support email and phone number
    • Make sure your support email and support phone number are both active
  • Make sure that your Company name and Email/Website domains
    • If you register the company Amazon Inc. but then list a support email of [email protected] your registration will likely be rejected if you are considered a large enough brand that should have a dedicated email domain.

Additional Company Vetting for Potential Increased Quotas

Once you have completed the initial Company registration you have the following quotas assigned to your business:

  • AT&T: 1.25 Messages Per Second(MPS) or 75 Transactions Per Minute(TPM)
  • T-Mobile = 2000 messages/day

The quotas above do not mean that you cannot message recipients who use other carriers, these are just limits that these carriers have published. If the throughput above isn’t enough for your business’s needs you can apply for external vetting, for a $40 fee, by clicking the “Apply for additional vetting button.” The Campaign Registry, a third-party provider, will then do a deeper vetting of the information you have already provided and will give your company a score that will determine the throughput and volume apportioned to you. Read here for a detailed breakdown of the possible scores and the quotas that are attached to them.
Note: Vetting doesn’t guarantee that your carrier throughput or daily volume will increase. It is possible for the vetting results to decrease carrier throughput and daily volume.

10DLC Campaign Registration

Once you have completed the registration process and the optional additional vetting you will need to register your Campaigns, which should align with your use-case(s). If you would like more detail for each of the 10DLC Campaign types that Amazon Pinpoint supports you can read more here.

Best Practices for Campaign Info

  • Company Name
    • Make sure to select the company name from the drop down for which you want to register your campaign. Any companies that have not completed registration or have not been approved will be greyed out in the drop down.
  • 10DLC Campaign Name
    • Think of this as a “Campaign Description”
      • Provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the campaign’s objectives and interactions the end-user would experience after opting in. Make sure to identify who the sender is, who the recipient is, and why messages are being sent to the intended recipient.
        • Example: One-Time Password messages are sent by Company X to its customers for purposes of authentication to log into our application.
  • Opt-In Workflow
    • The primary purpose of the Opt-in workflow is to demonstrate that the end user explicitly consents to receive text messages and understands the nature of the program. Your application is being reviewed by a 3rd party reviewer so make sure to provide clear and thorough information about how your end-users opt-in to your SMS service and any associated fees or charges. If the reviewer cannot determine how your opt-in process works then your application will be denied and returned
    • The Opt-in workflow ideally is accessible by a 3rd party reviewer. If your Opt-in process requires a log-in, is not yet published publicly, is a verbal opt-in, or if it occurs on printed sources such as fliers and paper forms then make sure to thoroughly document how this process is completed by the end-user receiving messages. Provide a screenshot of the Call to Action in such cases. Host the screen shot on a publicly accessible website (like OneDrive or Google Drive) and provide the URL
    • The description has to be a minimum of 40 characters
    • The Opt-in location must include the following:
      • Program (brand) name
      • Link to a publicly accessible Terms & Conditions page
      • Link to a publicly accessible Privacy Policy page
      • Message frequency disclosure.
      • Customer care contact information
      • Opt-out information
      • “Message and data rates may apply” disclosure.
  • Help Message
    • The “Help message” is the response that is required to be sent to end-users when they text the keyword “HELP” (or similar keywords). The purpose is to provide information to the end-user related to how they can get support or opt-out of the messaging program.
    • The message has to be a minimum of 20 characters and a maximum of 160 characters
    • The message must include:
      • Program (brand) name OR product description.
      • Additional customer care contact information.
        • It is mandatory to include a phone number and/or email for end-user support
    • The following is an example of a HELP response that complies with the requirements of the US mobile carriers:
      • ExampleCorp Account Alerts: For help call 1-888-555-0142 or go to Msg&data rates may apply. Text STOP to cancel.
  • Stop Message
    • The “Stop message” is the response that is required to be sent to end-users when they text the keyword “STOP” (or similar keywords). End-users are required to be opted out of further messages when they text the STOP (or equivalent) keyword to your number and confirms with them that they will no longer receive messages for the program.
    • The message has to be a minimum of 20 characters and a maximum of 160 characters
    • The message must include:
      • Program (brand) name OR product description
      • Confirmation that no further messages will be delivered
    • The following is an example of a compliant STOP response:
      • You are unsubscribed from ExampleCorp Account Alerts. No more messages will be sent. Reply HELP for help or call 1-888-555-0142.

Number Capabilities

The number capability that you choose for your 10DLC campaign will determine whether or not the numbers you associate to an approved campaign can support voice outbound calling in addition to SMS. If you only require SMS you can leave the default selection of SMS-only. If you require voice calling, you should select voice as well. Selecting voice will increase the registration processing time.

Message Type

The content of your messages need to align with the Campaign Type and Message Type that you select here — if it’s misaligned your registration will be denied. You can’t change the message type on a campaign after it’s in an approved state.

Campaign Use Case

Pinpoint supports all of the standard use cases available to be sent via 10DLC and a single Special use case for communications from a non-religious registered 501(c)(3) charity aimed at providing help and raising money for those in need. For a more detailed listing of the campaign use cases supported visit this page.

Best Practices for Campaign Use Case

  • Select the Campaign that most closely aligns to your use case.
    • All of the information that you provide during this process needs to align with this selection or your registration will be rejected
  • Note: The “Low Volume” and “Mixed” campaigns have lower quotas which are the same as a company that does not opt for the increased vetting detailed above:
    • AT&T: 1.25 Messages Per Second(MPS) or 75 Transactions Per Minute(TPM)
    • T-Mobile = 2000 messages/day

Sample Messages

Sample messages should reflect actual messages to be sent under the campaign you are registering for. It is critical to ensure that there is consistency between the use case, your campaign description, and the content of the messages.

Best Practices for Sample Messages

  • Sample messages should reflect actual messages to be sent under campaign
  • Indicate any templated fields that are variable with brackets and make sure to be clear with what information may be replaced
    • Example: Hi, [FirstName] this is Amazon inc. letting you know that your delivery is ready
  • Each sample message has to be a minimum of 20 characters. If you plan to use multiple message templates for this 10DLC campaign, include them as well
  • Sample messages should identify who is sending the message (brand name)
    • Ensure that at least one sample message includes your business name
  • Include opt-out language to at least 1 sample message
    • Example: You are unsubscribed from ExampleCorp Account Alerts. No more messages will be sent. Reply HELP for help or call 1-888-555-0142.
  • Make sure your messaging does not involve prohibited content such as cannabis, hate speech, etc. and that your use case is compliant with AWS Messaging Policy

Campaign and Content Characteristics

Make sure that your selections here are consistent with the information your have provided so far in this process. If there are any selections that do not align with prior information your registration will be rejected

Best Practices for 10DLC Campaign and Content Characteristics

  • Subscriber opt-in
    • Subscriber opt-in is automatically set to “Yes” on your behalf. Explicit opt-in is required of all end-users regardless of your use case.
  • Subscriber opt-out
  • Subscriber Help
    • Carriers require that your SMS numbers reply to the ‘HELP’ keyword or similar at all times regardless of the numbers opt-in status. More information related to HELP auto-response requirements can be found in Pinpoint best practices documentation here
  • Number Pooling
    • Respond with no here, AWS currently does not support this today on 10DLC campaigns
  • Direct Lending or Loan Arrangement
    • If you are a 1st party lender you can get approval for transactional use cases (loan transaction receipts, OTPs, etc.). If your company is related to the lending business then you must mark this as “yes“
  • Embedded Link
    • If you have supplied messaging examples with an embedded link you must mark this as a “yes.” If this is misaligned with your content then your registration will be rejected
      • Note: Generic link shorteners such as Bitly or TinyURL should not be used and may cause your registration to be rejected. Make sure that any links in your sample messages are branded and consistent with your domain
  • Embedded Phone Number
    • If you have supplied messaging examples with an embedded phone number you must mark this as a “yes.” If this is misaligned with your content then your registration will be rejected
  • Age-Gated Content
    • There is a potential to be rejected or for the campaign to be suspended later if your content includes age gated material and you do not mark “yes” here
    • If they are do they need to do anything different here?

What to do if your 10DLC campaigns are rejected

If your Company registration or Campaign registration is rejected please follow the steps here to create a case and the AWS Support team will provide information about the reasons that your 10DLC campaign registration was rejected in your AWS Support case.

Amazon Pinpoint 10DLC Campaign Types and Quotas for SMS

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original

The following 10DLC Campaigns, or, Use Cases outlined in Table 2 are currently supported by Amazon Pinpoint. As part of the process to register for sending SMS to US based phone numbers you must select at least one Campaign that will be associated with the 10DLC number you procure. If you require more than one Use Case then you will need more than one 10DLC, or you can select the standard mixed use case which supports lower volumes of messages. Throughput is determined based on the company vetting score of the registered sender of the message and what is being sent, not on the amount of numbers associated with the Campaign. For a breakdown of vetting scores and quotas see below:

Throughput and Volume Quotas for 10DLC Vetted Companies

*Note that by default each number associated to a 10DLC campaign supports 1 MPS. In order to increase your numbers to match what your campaign qualifies for by carriers you will be required to submit a MPS increase request.

Table 1

Vetting Score Message Parts per Second (MPS) (AT&T Limits) Maximum daily messages (T-Mobile & Sprint)
High(75-100) 75 200,000
Medium-High(50-74) 40 40,000
Medium-Low(1-49) 4 10,000
Basic(0, Skipped Vetting) 0.2 2,000

Standard 10DLC Campaign Use Cases

Select the campaign that most closely aligns with your use case(s).

Table 2

Campaign/Use-Case Name Intended Use Cases
Account Notifications Status notifications about an account that the recipient is a part of or owns
Customer Care Communications related to support or account management
Delivery Notifications Notifications about the status of a delivery of a product or service
Fraud Alert Messaging Notifications related to potential fraudulent activity
Higher Education Messaging Messaging originating from colleges, universities, or other post-secondary education institutions
Low Volume Small throughput, any combination of use-cases. Examples include: test, demo accounts
Marketing Messaging Promotional content related to sales or other offers
Mixed Use Cases Covers multiple use cases such as Account Notifications and Delivery Notifications. Mixed campaigns have lower throughput than dedicated ones
Polling and Voting – Not for Political Use Delivering messages containing customer surveys or other voting related actions. Not for political use
Public Service Announcements (PSA) Messages intended to raise awareness of a particular topic
Security Alerts Notifications related to a compromised software or hardware system that requires recipients to take an action
Two Factor Authentication(2FA) or One-Time Password(OTP) Authentication, account verifications, or one-time passcode
Special Use Cases Currently Pinpoint supports only the following special use cases. These may require different registration processes and/or fees than the Standard Use Cases above
Charity / 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Communications from a registered company classified as a 501(c)(3). Does not include religious organizations

How to Send SMS Using Configurations Sets with Amazon Pinpoint

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original

In a previous blog post we walked through how to manage opt-outs for SMS in Amazon Pinpoint using the V2 SMS and Voice API. The post detailed a scenario where a user needed to manage multiple use-cases such as marketing and One-Time Password (OTP) or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This works great if all of your data can be streamed to a single location, but what if you have multiple business units or you are an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) and need to manage SMS sending for multiple customers? You need a way to not only manage multiple use-cases and opt-out lists, but also sender details and separate event destinations for metrics. Read on to learn how to combine SMS Opt-Out Lists with Configuration Sets to simplify your sending and solve your multi-tenant challenge.


  • In order to manage Configuration Sets you need to use the V2 API for SMS and voice
  • You must Purchase/Register an Origination Identity (OID) for each use-case in each country you plan to support.
    • Example: If you are sending marketing materials and OTP messages in the US and are using a short code then you will need to purchase at least two short codes (one for each use-case) and register each use-case.
    • If you need help determining what OID you need use this guide.

The Scenario:
For the sake of simplicity our scenario will use two different senders that need to manage two distinct use-cases but these steps can scale as you need.

SMS Sender 1 Details:

  • Sending only in the US
  • Sending OTP via a US Short Code
  • Sending Marketing messages via a 10DLC
    • Send text events to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose destination
    • Send text events to an Amazon CloudWatch destination

SMS Sender 2 Details:

  • Sending SMS Globally
  • Sending OTP via multiple country specific originators
    • Send events to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose destination
    • Send all events to an Amazon CloudWatch destination

The V2 SMS and Voice API has several helpful actions to configure this scenario above, some of which will expand upon our previous blog post that covered managing SMS opt-outs so make sure to read that one first and have it handy as you review.

What is a Configuration Set for SMS?

A Configuration Set is a container that is used to hold information about Event Destinations as well as rules that you apply to the SMS messages that you send. Configuration Sets are used when sending messages with the SendTextMessage Action in the V2 API for SMS and voice. When you use SendTextMessage you can specify a Configuration Set that determines how the messages are treated and where the events from that particular send are streamed. The image below explains the concepts we will walk through in this post.

How to Create Configuration Sets and Send SMS
Below we will walk through the steps needed to configure each of the above scenarios. Note that the default quota for Configuration Sets is 25 per account but this can be increased if needed

  • Scenario 1 –
    • Short Code Configuration
      • Create a Pool for the US Short Code delivering OTP messages
        • Associate the short code to that Pool by setting “OriginationIdentity” using the PhoneNumberArn of your US Short Code
          • You can use DescribePhoneNumbers to find the values for PhoneNumberArn
          • Note: You can have multiple OIDs per Pool if necessary
          • Note: Opt-Out Lists of OIDs and Pools must match. If you previously associated an Opt-Out List to any OIDs you may need to update those OIDs to match that of the Pool prior to associating it with the Pool
        • Set the IsoCountryCode to “US”
      • Use the “UpdatePool” action to ensure we only send to US phone numbers as well as to create an Opt-Out List specifically for the OTP use-case
        • Set “SharedRoutesEnabled” to False. This will ensure that only the OIDs in this pool will be used to send messages.
          • Since we will only have a US Shortcode in this pool then only US based phone numbers will be sent messages, other destination phone numbers will generate a ConflictException error
            • An error occurred (ConflictException) when calling the SendTextMessage operation: Conflict Occurred – Reason=”NO_ORIGINATION_IDENTITIES_FOUND”
        • Set an Opt-Out List for the Pool by specifying the “OptOutListName”
      • Use the “PutKeyword” action to create at least one Opt-In Keyword
        • This will allow destination numbers to opt back into your use-case
      • Create a Configuration Set
        • This is a container for your Event Destinations which you will set up next. Each configuration set can contain between 0 and 5 event destinations. Each event destination can contain a reference to a single destination, such as a CloudWatch or Kinesis Data Firehose destination
        • Give your Configuration a descriptive name by setting “ConfigurationSetName”
      • Create an SNS Topic that will receive all of the events. Dependent on your needs you can decide where you want to publish these events. Your options are:
      • Create a CloudWatch Log Group that will receive all of the events you would like to log
      • Create Event Destinations – Each event destination can contain a reference to a single destination, since we are adding two destinations (SNS and CloudWatch) we will need to make this call twice, once for each destination
        • Create the SNS destination.
          • Set the “ConfigurationSetName” to the Configuration Set you just created
          • Set “MatchingEventTypes” to the event types you are wanting to log
          • Set the SNS Event Destination
            • Set the “TopicArn”
        • Create the CloudWatch Destination
          • Set the “ConfigurationSetName” to the Configuration Set you just created
          • Set “MatchingEventTypes” to the event types you are wanting to log
          • Set “IamRoleArn” to the ARN of an Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that is able to write event data to an Amazon CloudWatch destination
          • Set the “LogGroupArn” to the Log Group in CloudWatch you want the events to stream to
    • 10DLC Configuration
        • Create a Pool for the 10DLC delivering Marketing messages
          • Associate the 10DLC to that Pool by setting “OriginationIdentity” using the PhoneNumberArn of your 10DLC
            • You can use DescribePhoneNumbers to find the values for PhoneNumberArn
            • Note: You can have multiple OIDs per Pool if necessary
            • Note: Opt-Out Lists of OIDs and Pools must match, so if you previously associated an Opt-Out List to any OIDs you may need to update those OIDs to match that of the Pool prior to associating it with the Pool
          • Set the IsoCountryCode to “US”
        • Use the “UpdatePool” action to ensure we only send to US phone numbers as well as to create an Opt-Out List specifically for the Marketing use-case
          • Set “SharedRoutesEnabled” to False. This will ensure that only the OIDs in this pool will be used to send messages.
            • Since we will only have a 10DLC in this pool then only US based phone numbers will be sent messages, other destination phone numbers will generate an error
          • Set an Opt-Out List for the Pool by specifying the “OptOutListName”
        • Use the “PutKeyword” action to create at least one Opt-In Keyword
        • Create a Configuration Set
          • Give your Configuration a descriptive name by setting “ConfigurationSetName”
        • Create a Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream that will receive all of the events.
        • Create a CloudWatch Log Group that will receive all of the events you would like to log
        • Create Event Destinations – Each event destination can contain a reference to a single destination. We are adding two destinations (SNS and CloudWatch) so we need to make this call twice, once for each destination
          • Create the Kinesis destination.
            • Set the “ConfigurationSetName” to the Configuration Set you just created
            • Set “MatchingEventTypes” to the event types you are wanting to log
            • Set the Kinesis Event Destination
              • Set the “DeliveryStreamArn” to the Stream you created earlier
              • Set the “IamRoleArn” to the ARN of an IAM role that is able to write event data to an Amazon Firehose destination
          • Create the CloudWatch Destination
            • Set the “ConfigurationSetName” to the Configuration Set you just created
            • Set “MatchingEventTypes” to the event types you are wanting to log
            • Set “IamRoleArn” to an IAM role that is able to write event data to an Amazon CloudWatch destination
            • Set the “LogGroupArn” to the Log Group in CloudWatch you want the events to stream to
  • Scenario 2
    • Global OTP Configuration
      • Create a Pool for delivering the OTP messages
        • Associate all of your OIDs being used to that Pool
          • You can use DescribePhoneNumbers to find the values for PhoneNumberArn
          • Note: Opt-Out Lists of OIDs and Pools must match, so if you previously associated an Opt-Out List to any OIDs you may need to update those OIDs to match that of the Pool prior to associating it with the Pool
      • Use the “UpdatePool” action to create an Opt-Out List specifically for the OTP use-case.
        • Set an Opt-Out List for the Pool by specifying the “OptOutListName”
      • Use the “PutKeyword” action to create at least one Opt-In Keyword
        • This will allow destination numbers to opt back into your use-case, in this case OTP
      • Create a Configuration Set
        • Give your Configuration a descriptive name by setting “ConfigurationSetName”
      • Create a Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream that will receive all of the events
      • Create a CloudWatch Log Group that will receive all of the events you would like to log
      • Create Event Destinations – Each event destination can contain a reference to a single destination, since we are adding two destinations (SNS and CloudWatch) we will need to make this call twice, once for each destination
        • Create the Kinesis destination.
          • Set the “ConfigurationSetName” to the Configuration Set you just created
          • Set “MatchingEventTypes” to the event types you are wanting to log
          • Set the Kinesis Event Destination
            • Set the “DeliveryStreamArn” to the Stream you created earlier
            • Set the “IamRoleArn” to the ARN of an IAM role that is able to write event data to an Amazon Firehose destination
        • Create the CloudWatch Destination
          • Set the “ConfigurationSetName” to the Configuration Set you just created
          • Set “MatchingEventTypes” to the event types you are wanting to log
          • Set “IamRoleArn” to an IAM role that is able to write event data to an Amazon CloudWatch destination
          • Set the “LogGroupArn” to the Log Group in CloudWatch you want the events to stream to

Your configuration should look like this once you have completed the above steps

How to Send Your Messages

  • Send your SMS with the “SendTextMessage” action
    • Set the “ConfigurationSetName” using either the ConfigurationSetName or ConfigurationSetArn
      • You can find these using the “DescribeConfigurationSets” action
      • This field is used for any country-specific registration requirements. Currently, this setting is only used when you send messages to recipients in India using a sender ID.
    • Use either PoolId, or PoolArn for “OriginationIdentity”


In this post you have learned how to create Configuration Sets that give you more control over how you send SMS. Using Configuration Sets allows you to simplify your sending while maintaining multiple sending configurations and event destinations . The V2 API for SMS and Voice has many more useful actions not possible with the V1 API so we encourage you to explore how it can further help you simplify and automate your applications.

Review the documentation for the V2 SMS and Voice API here
Confirm the origination IDs you will need here
Check out the support tiers comparison here


How to Manage Global Sending of SMS with Amazon Pinpoint

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original

Amazon Pinpoint has a global SMS reach, of 240 countries and regions around the world, enabling companies of all sizes to send SMS globally. Unlike the process of sending a personal message from your phone to someone in another country, sending Application to Person (A2P) messages, also known as bulk SMS, involves many more regulations and requirements that vary from country to country. In this post we will review best practices for sending Global SMS and share a selection of AWS resources to help you send SMS globally.

The first thing to understand about delivering SMS around the world is that it takes a vast network of components working seamlessly together around the globe to deliver an SMS globally. The image below gives a simple example of delivering an SMS in the United States. Mobile devices are at the center of this, connecting to mobile carriers or operators, who operate the infrastructure necessary for SMS transmission. Once you hit that send button from AWS, your message travels to an Aggregator, who has connections to Operators, Partners, and/or other Aggregators. The reason for this is that there is no one vendor who delivers globally. AWS uses many Aggregators that both enable us to send globally as well as improve resiliency and deliverability of your messages. The last stop on the journey is the Short Message Service Center (SMSC), a central hub that receives, stores, and forwards text messages. The SMSC acts as a gateway, routing your message to the recipient’s carrier or operator through a series of interconnected networks, thanks to agreements between different carriers known as interconnection agreements. The entire process is facilitated by the Signaling System 7 (SS7), a set of protocols that enables the exchange of information between telecommunication networks, ensuring messages reach their intended recipients.
Diagram showing how SMS is delivered using aggregators
Every country has its own regulations and processes that you need to comply with in order to successfully deliver SMS to handsets that are registered to a particular country. There are some countries with little regulation and others that will block all SMS traffic unless it has been registered with the proper authorities.

Each country’s requirements include the origination identities (OIDs) that their networks support, some of these include long codes (standard phone numbers that typically have 10 or more digits), short codes (phone numbers that contain between four and seven digits), and Sender IDs (names that contain 6–11 alphanumeric characters). Each of these types of origination identities has unique benefits and drawbacks and you will need one for each use case and country you plan on supporting. Here is a list of the countries that AWS currently sends to and the OIDs that are supported.

Pre-Planning and Country Selection
The first step to planning a global roll out of SMS is to know what countries you want to send to and what each of your use cases are. Put together a spreadsheet for each unique use case you have and the countries you plan on sending to with the below key details:

  • The volumes you expect to send to each country
  • The throughput (Also referred to as Messages per Second, MPS, Transactions per Second, or TPS) at which you expect to deliver these messages
  • Whether your use case is one-way or two-way
    • Not all countries support 2-way communications, which is the ability to have the recipient send a message back to the OID. Sender ID also does not support 2-way communication so if you are planning on using Sender ID you will need to account for how to opt recipients out of future communications.
  • Leave a column for the Origination Identity you will use for each country
  • Leave a column for whether this country requires advanced registration
  • Leave a column for any country specific limitations or requirements such as language limitations
  • Leave a column for the estimated time it takes to register
    • This chart has estimates for common countries but there are others that also have lead time in procuring an OID so please open a support case for review

Selecting an Origination Identity

Now that you have these details all in one place consult this table to determine what OIDs each country supports, and, if your use case requires it, which countries support two-way.

In countries where there are multiple options for OIDs there are several guidelines to consider when you’re deciding what type of origination identity to use:

  • Sender IDs are a great option for one-way use cases. However, they’re not available in all countries and if you are needing to opt-out your customers you will need to provide a way for them to do so since they are only one-way.
    • In some countries (such as India and Saudi Arabia), long codes can be used to receive incoming messages, but can’t be used to send outgoing messages. You can use these inbound-only long codes to provide your recipients with a way to opt out of messages that you send using a Sender ID.
  • Short codes are a great option for two-way use cases and have the highest throughput of all OIDs.
    • While short codes have a higher throughput they also come at a much higher cost than other OIDs so weigh your cost against your use case requirements.
  • In some countries, we maintain a pool of shared origination identities. If you send messages to recipients in a particular country, but you don’t have a dedicated origination identity in that country, we make an effort to deliver your message using one of these shared identities.
    • Shared identities are unavailable in some countries, including the United States and China.
    • Shared identities cannot be 2-way so make sure you have a way of opting customers out of communication

With these in mind consult this guide to help you decide which OID to use for each country and use case. Update your sheet as you review each country. Many of our customers opt for a phased roll-out, enabling SMS for the countries that do not require registration and can be put into production swiftly while working through the registration process for those countries that require it and bringing those to production as they are approved. A phased approach is also preferred as it allows customers to monitor for any problems with deliverability with a smaller volume than their full production workload.

Procurement and Registration of Origination Identities

In countries where registration is onerous it is important to have a few things about your process all in one place. Some registrations are very similar in the information that they ask for while others have special processes that you need to follow. Examples include:

Once you have decided on your OIDs for each of your countries you can begin the process of procuring them. Depending on where you plan on sending you may need to open a case to procure them. Short codes you also need to open a case but the process is slightly different so review the documentation here. If you are having trouble making a decision on OIDs you may have the option of engaging with AWS support or your Account Manager dependent on the support level you have opted for on your account.

Testing SMS Sending

Once you have procured OIDs and are ready to begin testing, it is essential that you set up a way of monitoring the events that Pinpoint generates. Pay attention to the Delivery Receipts (DLRs) that are returned back into the event stream. These provide you details on the success or failure of your sends. Pinpoint delivers all events via Amazon Kinesis, which needs to be enabled within each Project you are using. This is a common solution among our customers. It enables the stream, sends it to a user-specified S3 Bucket, and sets up Tables and Views within Amazon Athena, our serverless SQL query engine.. Kinesis can stream to many different destinations, including Redshift and HTTP endpoints, among many others. This gives you flexibility in how you deliver the events to their required locations. Monitoring SMS events is an important part of sending globally, these are the SMS Events that are possible to receive in your stream.

TPS limits can vary depending on the countries you’re sending to and the OIDs you’re using. If there’s a risk of exceeding these limits and triggering rate limiting errors, it’s crucial to devise a strategy for queuing your messages. Keep in mind, Amazon Pinpoint doesn’t offer queueing capabilities. Therefore, message queueing must be incorporated at your application level or by leveraging AWS services. For instance, you could deploy this commonly used architecture that’s adjustable according to your specific use case.

Once you have your monitoring solution in place, you are read to begin testing sends to real destination phone numbers. Keep in mind that at this point you are likely still in the Sandbox for SMS. This means you have much lower quotas for sending and can only send to verified phone numbers or the SMS Simulator numbers. Pinpoint includes an SMS simulator, which you can use to send text messages and receive realistic event records to 51 commonly sent to countries. Messages sent to these destination phone numbers are not sent over the carrier network but do incur the standard outbound SMS messaging rate for the country that the simulated phone number is based in.

Best Practices for Sending
Before beginning There are two common ways of sending SMS via Pinpoint. The first option is the Pinpoint API using the SendMessages Action, which you can send a direct message to as many as 100 recipients at a time. The second option is to use the SMS and Voice v2 API and the SendTextMessage Action, which has more options available to configure your sends and can send to a single recipient with each call. The V2 API is the preferred way of sending as it allows for more fine grained control over your messages and is the API upon which new functionality will be built. Keep in mind that sending via the API does not attribute any metrics back to an endpoint unless you are specifying an endpoint ID in your call, so if you are using other features of Pinpoint such as campaigns or journeys or sending via other channels such as email you will need to consider your strategy for measuring success and how you will tie all of your communication efforts together.

When sending SMS Pinpoint includes logic for selecting the best OID to send from based on the country code. If there are multiple OIDs available to send to a particular country Pinpoint will default to the highest throughput OID available in your Account/Region. If there are not OIDs specific to the country being sent to Pinpoint will default to SenderID or to a shared OID owned by Pinpoint in that order, if the country allows these OIDs to be used. Given this functionality the best practice for sending SMS is to not specify the OID needed to send to a specific country and to allow Pinpoint to select. You can restrict Pinpoint to send to only those countries that you have OIDs for by using Pools, and turning off Shared Routes, more on this below.

If you have multiple use cases and need to specify the correct OID for each, this is where the V2 API is useful. OIDs can be attached to Pools, which can be configured to serve a particular use case, and the pool can be specified in your SendTextMessage call. Sending using a PoolID and allowing Pinpoint to select the right OID from that pool for the destination phone number simplifies your sending process. This blogpost details the process for creating Pools and using them to send SMS.

As mentioned above Pools also serve an additional use case, which is to limit message sending to specific countries. Some countries allow messages without an OID. If you don’t modify your settings to disable this feature, Pinpoint will attempt to deliver messages to these countries, even if you don’t have an explicit OID for them. Restricting SMS sends only to countries that you have OIDs for can be accomplished by using Pools and configuring “SharedRoutesEnabled“ to false by using the UpdatePool Action. Once configured you will receive an error back if attempting to send to a destination phone number that you do not have an OID for in the Pool. This configuration gives you the ability to control your costs while simplifying your process.

Managing Opt-Outs

As we have seen, managing SMS in an environment of increasing global regulation is challenging. An area of importance that needs to be configured is how you plan on managing the ability for recipients to opt out of your communications. Pinpoint can automatically opt your customers out of SMS communications using predefined keywords such as, “stop” or “unsubscribe.” However, this would make for an Account wide opt-out, and not ideal for customers that have multiple use cases such as OTP and Marketing communications. This blogpost details the process of managing opt-outs for multiple use cases. The configuration is enabled through the V2 API and is another reason to standardize your process on this API.

Monitoring Sending

The last step in ensuring success for SMS sending is having a solid platform for monitoring your sending. SMS is not a guaranteed delivery channel. You will always receive an event for a successful send in the event stream but there is no guarantee of a return status event, if a DLR from a carrier is not sent. A list of SMS Events and possible statuses can be found here.

The first Event you should see returned when watching the Event Stream for an SMS send activity is the “PENDING” event. This means we’ve sent the message to the carrier, where it’s buffered, and we’re waiting for the carrier to return a status message. There are no status messages between the “PENDING” state and the “whatever happens next” state, so if the carrier is retrying, we simply stay in PENDING and do not create more events. If a message is successfully delivered and a DLR is sent back from the carrier then a new event will be generated with a status of “SUCCESSFUL/DELIVERED.”

Make sure to review all of the possible values for the record_status attribute so that you are aware of varying issues with your sending that can arise. For example, statuses such as “Blocked,” “Spam,” and “Carrier_Blocked“ can indicate systemic issues that should be investigated.

Updates sent from a carrier via a DLR can be delayed for up to 72 hours or never sent at all. This varies based on the carrier and the country being sent to. Should you require a higher level of reliability, you need to establish business logic around monitoring SMS messages. If messages remain in a PENDING status longer than your business requirements permit, you must make a decision on how to handle them. You need to consider whether missed or duplicated messages are acceptable, or if it’s preferable to retry messages that are stuck in pending. The following is an example architecture for failed SMS retries that you can adjust to your needs.


This post covers the general process for getting started with Global SMS but as you have learned each country presents a different challenge and the regulatory environment is constantly evolving. It’s important to make sure that you are receiving messages from AWS that detail new regulations, new feature launches, and other major announcements to continually improve your process and make sure your SMS are delivering at the highest rate possible.

Take the time to plan out your approach, follow the steps outlined in this blog, and take advantage of any resources available to you within your support tier.

Decide what origination IDs you will need here
Review the documentation for the V2 SMS and Voice API here
Review the Pinpoint API and SendMessage here
Check out the support tiers comparison here


How to Manage SMS Opt-Outs with Amazon Pinpoint

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original

Managing SMS can be challenging due to the continued increase in global regulation. One of the common functions that needs to exist for you to be in compliance is to be able to opt out your customers from receiving your communication when they request. Amazon Pinpoint has the ability to automatically opt your customers out of SMS communications using predefined keywords such as, “stop” or “unsubscribe” when responding back to the number from which they do not want to receive communications. This is great in many cases because it does not require any extra configuration for you to remain in compliance with SMS regulations but if you are sending communications across multiple use cases this is not ideal. In this blog post we will explain how to manage SMS sending for multiple use cases while still remaining in compliance with SMS regulations.

The default setup for Pinpoint SMS includes an Opt-Out List whose standard functionality is to block opted-out numbers from all SMS communications from the entire account. With the standard configuration, your only option to remove an endpoint from the default Opt-Out List is to use the DeleteOptedOutNumber action via the API. This can only be done once every 30 days to curtail abusive sending so it’s not the ideal method for managing opt-outs. Note: If you do want to opt-out endpoints completely from your account you can always add Endpoints manually to the Opt-Out List via the PutOptedOutNumber Action and use “default” as the “OptOutListName.” Given the previous this means that the common scenario for many customers, needing to send transactional messages such as One Time Password (OTP) as well as marketing related materials, requires configuring new Opt-Out Lists.

The first step in allowing your customers to receive critical communications like OTPs but opt out of other communications like marketing materials is to make sure that each use case has its own Origination Identity (OID). This means that if you have two use cases for SMS, such as OTP and marketing related messaging, you need to procure an OID for each of them. This needs to be done for each country you plan on having support for sending SMS. While this increases your cost, it is the only way to accomplish differentiated sending across multiple use cases.


  • In order to manage Opt-Out Lists you need to use the V2 API for SMS and voice
    • You can do the setup using the V2 APIs and still use SendMessage if you would like, but setup of Opt-Out Lists are only available in the V2 API
  • You must Purchase/Register an OID for each use-case in each country you plan to support
    • Example: If you are sending marketing materials and OTP messages in the US and are using a short code then you will need to purchase at least two short codes and register each use case.

How to Create Opt-Out Lists and Send SMS
In order to manage opt-outs per origination identity(OID) you need to create an Opt-Out List for each use case. There are two ways to accomplish this, below you will find the process for each The basic process for this is below:

  • Option 1
    • The easiest way to add an Opt-Out List to an OID is when you procure the number.
      • First create an Opt-Out List using CreateOptOutList
      • Then, when procuring a new number either by opening a case or using RequestPhoneNumber, specify the name of that Opt-Out List
        • Note: If you already have a number you can add an Opt-Out List with the UpdatePhoneNumber action
      • Use the PutKeyword action to add keywords
        • Create at least one Opt-In Action Keyword
          • This is the keyword that recipients can use to opt in to receiving your messages for the first time or they can also opt back into previously unsubscribed communications
      • You can now send messages using this phone number and opted-out recipients will be put in your Opt-Out List, not the default Global Account Opt-Out List

While this is a simple way of creating Opt-Out Lists it does not scale well if you are sending globally or are operating as an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) and have multiple locations, use cases, and configurations that you need to assign to lots of numbers.

  • Option 2
    • Create a Pool
      • A Pool is a container for OIDs that share the same use case and thus, the same Opt-Out List. See the image below
      • Set an Opt-Out List for the Pool by using the UpdatePool Action and specifying the “OptOutListName”
    • Associate an OID to that Pool
      • You can have multiple OIDs per Pool if necessary
      • Note: Opt-Out Lists of OIDs and Pools must match, so if you previously associated an Opt-Out List to any OIDs you may need to update those OIDs to match that of the Pool prior to associating it with the Pool.
    • Send your SMS using the Pool Id or Pool Arn for the “OriginationIdentity” using the SendTextMessage Action

In this post you have learned how to create Opt-Out Lists that give you better control over how your customers opt out of your communications. Using custom Opt-Out Lists allows you to have multiple SMS use cases and gives your customers the ability to receive critical communications such as OTP, but not receive communications like marketing that they are not interested in. The V2 API for SMS and Voice has many more useful actions not possible with the V1 API so we encourage you to explore how it can further help you simplify and automate your applications.

Review the documentation for the V2 SMS and Voice API here
Confirm the origination IDs you will need here
Check out the support tiers comparison here


How to use managed dedicated IPs for email sending

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original

Starting to use dedicated IPs has always been a long, complicated process driven by factors such as the large effort to monitor and maintain the IPs and the costs, both in infrastructure and management of IP and Domain reputation. The Dedicated IP (Managed) feature in Amazon SES eliminates much of the complexity of sending email via dedicated IPs and allows you to start sending through dedicated IPs much faster and with less management overhead.

What’s the Difference Between standard dedicated IPs and managed dedicated IPs?

You can use SES for dedicated IP addresses in two ways: standard and managed. Both allow you to lease dedicated IP addresses for an additional fee, but differ in how they’re configured and managed. While there are shared commonalities they each have unique advantages dependent on your use case, see here for a comparison.

Standard dedicated IPs are manually set up and managed in SES. They allow you full control over your sending reputation but require you to fully manage your dedicated IPs, including warming them up, scaling them out, and managing your pools.

Managed dedicated IPs are a quick, and easy, way to start using dedicated IP addresses. These dedicated IP addresses leverage machine learning to remove the need to manage the IP warm-up process. The feature also handles the scaling of your IPs up or down as your volume increases (or decreases) to provide a quick, easy, and cost-efficient way to start using dedicated IP addresses that are managed by SES.

How Does the Managed Dedicated IP Feature Automate IP Warming?

Great deliverability through your dedicated IP address requires that you have a good reputation with the receiving ISPs, also known as a mailbox provider. Mailbox providers will only accept a small volume of email from an IP that they don’t recognize. When you’re first allocated an IP, it’s new and won’t be recognized by the receiving mailbox provider because it doesn’t have any reputation associated with it. In order for an IP’s reputation to be established, it must gradually build trust with receiving mailbox providers—this gradual trust building process is referred to as warming-up. Adding to the complexity is that each mailbox provider has their own concept of warming, accepting varying volumes of email as you work through the warm up process.

The concept of IP warming has always been a misnomer, with customers thinking that once their IP is “warm” that it stays that way when in reality the process is an ongoing one, fluctuating as your recipient domain mix changes and your volume changes. Ensuring that you have the best deliverability when sending via dedicated IPs requires monitoring more than just recipient engagement rates (opens, clicks, bounces, complaints, opt-ins, etc.), you also need to manage volume per mailbox provider. Understanding the volumes that recipient mailbox providers will accept is very difficult if not impossible for senders using standard Dedicated IPs. Managing this aspect of the warm up creates risk for sending too little, meaning warm-up takes longer, or too much, which means receiving mailbox providers may throttle, reduce IP reputation, or even filter out email being sent by an IP that is not properly warming up.

This process is a costly, risky, and time consuming one that can be eliminated using the managed feature. Managed dedicated IPs will automatically apportion the right amount of traffic per mailbox provider to your dedicated IPs and any leftover email volume is sent over the shared network of IPs, allowing you to send as you normally would. As time goes on, the proportion of email traffic being sent over your dedicated IPs increases until they are warm, at which point all of your emails will be sent through your dedicated IPs. In later stages, any sending that is in excess of your normal patterns is proactively queued to ensure the best deliverability to each mailbox provider.

As an example, if you’ve been sending all your traffic to Gmail, the IP addresses are considered warmed up only for Gmail and cold for other mailbox providers. If your customer domain mix changes and includes a large proportion of email sends to Hotmail, SES ramps up traffic slowly for Hotmail as the IP addresses are not warmed up yet while continuing to deliver all the traffic to Gmail via your dedicated IPs. The warmup adjustment is adaptive and is based on your actual sending patterns.

The managed feature is great for those that prioritize and want to be in complete control of their reputation while not wanting to spend the time and effort to manage the warm-up process or the scaling of IPs as your volume grows. A full breakdown of the use cases that are a good fit for the managed feature can be found here

How to Configure Managed Pools and Configuration Sets

Enabling managed dedicated IPs can be configured in just a few steps and can be done either from the console or programmatically. The first step is to create a managed IP pool, then the managed dedicated IPs feature will determine how many dedicated IPs you require based on your sending patterns, provision them for you, and then manage how they scale based on your sending requirements. Note that this process is not instantaneous, dependent on your sending patterns it may take more or less time for the dedicated IPs to be provisioned, you need to have consistent email volume coming from your account in order for the feature to provision the correct number of IPs.

Once enabled, you can utilize managed dedicated IPs in your email sending by associating the managed IP pool with a configuration set, and then specifying that configuration set when sending email. The configuration set can also be applied to a sending identity by using a default configuration set, which can simplify your sending, as anytime the associated sending identity is used to send email your managed dedicated IPs will be used.


Configure Via The Console

To enable Dedicated IPs (Managed) via the Amazon SES console:

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at
  • In the left navigation pane, choose Dedicated IPs.
  • Do one of the following (Note: You will begin to incur charges after creating a Dedicated IPs (Managed) pool below)
    • If you don’t have existing dedicated IPs in your account:
      • The Dedicated IPs onboarding page is displayed. In the Dedicated IPs (Managed) overview panel, choose Enable dedicated IPs. The Create IP Pool page opens.
    • If you have existing dedicated IPs in your account:
      • Select the Managed IP pools tab on the Dedicated IPs page.
      • In the All Dedicated IP (managed) pools panel, choose Create Managed IP pool. The Create IP Pool page opens.
  • In the Pool details panel,
    • Choose Managed (auto managed) in the Scaling mode field.
    • Enter a name for your managed pool in the IP pool name field.
    • Note
      • The IP pool name must be unique. It can’t be a duplicate of a standard dedicated IP pool name in your account.
      • You can have a mix of up to 50 pools split between both Standard and Dedicated IPs (Managed) per AWS Region in your account.
  • (Optional) You can associate this managed IP pool with a configuration set by choosing one from the dropdown list in the Configuration sets field.
    • Note
      • If you choose a configuration set that’s already associated with an IP pool, it will become associated with this managed pool, and no longer be associated with the previous pool.
      • To add or remove associated configuration sets after this managed pool is created, edit the configuration set’s Sending IP pool parameter in the General details panel.
      • If you haven’t created any configuration sets yet, see Using configuration sets in Amazon SES.
  • (Optional) You can add one or more Tags to your IP pool by including a tag key and an optional value for the key.
    • Choose Add new tag and enter the Key. You can also add an optional Value for the tag. You can add up to 50 tags, if you make a mistake, choose Remove.
    • To add the tags, choose Save changes. After you create the pool, you can add, remove, or edit tags by selecting the managed pool and choosing Edit.
  • Select Create pool.
    • Note
      • After you create a managed IP pool, it can’t be converted to a standard IP pool.
      • When using Dedicated IPs (Managed), you can’t have more than 10,000 sending identities (domains and email addresses, in any combination) per AWS Region in your account.
  • After you create your managed IP pool, a link will automatically be generated in the CloudWatch metrics column in the All Dedicated IPs (Managed) pools table in the SES console, that when selected, will open the Amazon CloudWatch console and display your sending reputation at an effective daily rate with specific mailbox providers for the managed pool using the following metrics:


Metric Description
1 Available24HourSend Indicates how  much volume the managed pool has available to send towards a specific mailbox provider.
2 SentLast24Hours Indicates how  much volume of email has been sent through the managed pool by dedicated IPs  towards a specific mailbox provider.

You can also track the managed pool’s sending performance by using event publishing.

Configure VIA The API

You can configure your Managed Dedicated IP Pool through the API as well. A dedicated pool can be specified to be managed by setting the scaling-mode to “MANAGED” when creating the dedicated pool.

Configure Via The CLI

You can configure your SES resources through the CLI. A dedicated pool can be specified to be managed by setting the —scaling-mode MANAGED parameter when creating the dedicated pool.

  • # Specify which AWS region to use
    • export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=’us-east-1′
  • # Create a managed dedicated pool
    • aws sesv2 create-dedicated-ip-pool —pool-name dedicated1 —scaling-mode MANAGED
  • # Create a configuration set that that will send through the dedicated pool
    • aws sesv2 create-configuration-set —configuration-set-name cs_dedicated1 —delivery-options SendingPoolName=dedicated1
  • # Configure the configuration set as the default for your sending identity
    • aws sesv2 put-email-identity-configuration-set-attributes —email-identity {{YOUR-SENDING-IDENTITY-HERE}} —configuration-set-name cs_dedicated1
  • # Send SES email through the API or SMTP without requiring any code changes. Emails will # be sent out through the dedicated pool.
    • aws sesv2 send-email –from-email-address “{YOUR-SENDING-IDENTITY-HERE}}” –destination “[email protected]” —content ‘{“Simple”: {“Subject”: {“Data”: “Sent from a Dedicated IP Managed pool”},”Body”: {“Text”: {“Data”: “Hello”}}}}’


We recommend customers onboard to event destinations and delivery delay events to more accurately track the sending performance of their dedicated sending.


In this blog post we explained the benefits of sending via a Dedicated IPs (Managed) feature as well as how to configure and begin sending through a Managed Dedicated IP. Dedicated IPs (Managed) pricing can be reviewed at the pricing page for SES here.