Tag Archives: PKI

How to evaluate and use ECDSA certificates in AWS Certificate Manager

Post Syndicated from Zachary Miller original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-evaluate-and-use-ecdsa-certificates-in-aws-certificate-manager/

AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) is a managed service that enables you to provision, manage, and deploy public and private SSL/TLS certificates that you can use to securely encrypt network traffic. You can now use ACM to request Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) certificates and associate the certificates with AWS services like Application Load Balancer (ALB) or Amazon CloudFront. As a result, you get the benefit of managed renewal, where ACM can automatically renew ECDSA certificates before they expire. Previously, you could only request certificates with an RSA 2048 key algorithm from ACM. ECDSA certificates could be imported to ACM, but imported certificates cannot use managed renewal.

You can request both ECDSA P-256 and P-384 certificates from ACM. If you do not request an ECDSA certificate, ACM will issue an RSA 2048 certificate by default.

In this blog post, we will briefly examine the differences between RSA and ECDSA certificates, discuss some important considerations when evaluating which certificate type to use, and walk through how you can request an ECDSA certificate and associate it with an application load balancer in AWS.

Cryptographic certificates overview

TLS certificates are used to secure network communications and establish the identity of websites over the internet, as well as the identity of resources on private networks. Public certificates that you request through ACM are obtained from Amazon Trust Services, which is an Amazon managed public certificate authority (CA).

Private certificates are issued through certificate authorities, which you can create and manage by using AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA).

Both public and private certificates can help customers identify resources on networks and secure communication between these resources. Public certificates identify resources on the public internet, whereas private certificates do the same for private networks. One key difference is that applications and browsers trust public certificates by default, but an administrator must explicitly configure applications and devices to trust private certificates.

RSA and ECDSA primer

RSA and ECDSA are two widely used public-key cryptographic algorithms—algorithms that use two different keys to encrypt and decrypt data. In the case of TLS, a public key is used to encrypt data, and a private key is used to decrypt data. Public key (or asymmetric key) algorithms are not as computationally efficient as symmetric key algorithms like AES. For this reason, public key algorithms like RSA and ECDSA are primarily used to exchange secrets between two parties initiating a TLS connection. These secrets are then used by both parties to decipher the same symmetric key that actually encrypts the data in transit.

RSA stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman: the researchers who first publicly described this algorithm in 1977. The basic functionality of RSA relies on the idea that large prime numbers are very difficult to efficiently factor. ECDSA, or Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, is based on certain unique mathematical properties of elliptic curves that make them very useful for cryptographic operations. The cryptographic utility of ECDSA comes from a concept called the discrete logarithm problem.

Considerations when choosing between RSA and ECDSA

What are the important differences between RSA and ECDSA certificates? When should you choose ECDSA certificates to encrypt network traffic? In this section, we’ll examine the security and performance considerations that help to determine whether ECDSA or RSA certificates are the best choice for your workload.


In cryptography, security is measured as the computational work it takes to exhaust all possible values of a symmetric key in an ideal cipher. An ideal cipher is a theoretical algorithm that has no weaknesses, so you must try every possible key to discover which is the correct key. This is similar to the idea of “brute forcing” a password: trying every possible character combination to find the correct password.

Let’s imagine you have a 112-bit key ideal cipher, which means it would take 2112 tries to exhaust the key space—we would say this cipher has a 112-bit security strength. However, it is important to realize that security strength and key length are not always equal—meaning that an encryption key with a length of 112 bits will not always have a 112-bit security strength.

ECDSA provides higher security strength for lower computational cost. ECDSA P-256, for example, provides 128-bit security strength and is equivalent to an RSA 3072 key. Meanwhile, ECDSA P-384 provides 192-bit security strength, equivalent to the key associated with an RSA 7680 certificate. In other words, an ECDSA P-384 key would require 2192 tries to exhaust the key space.

The following table provides an in-depth comparison of the different security strengths for RSA key lengths and ECDSA curve types. Note that only RSA 2048 and ECDSA P-256 and P-384 are currently issued by ACM. However, ACM does support the import and usage of the other certificate types listed in the table. For more information, see Importing certificates into AWS Certificate Manager.

Security strength RSA key length ECDSA curve type
80-bit 1024 160
112-bit 2048 224
128-bit 3072 256
192-bit 7680 384
256-bit 15360 512


ECDSA provides a higher security strength (for a given key length) than RSA but does not add performance overhead. For example, ECDSA P-256 is as performant as RSA 2048 while providing security strength that is comparable to RSA 3072.

ECDSA certificates also have up to a 50% smaller certificate size when compared to RSA certificates, and are therefore more suitable to protect data-in-transit over low bandwidth or for applications with limited memory and storage, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Take a look at the following certificate examples; you can see the size difference between RSA and ECDSA certificates.

RSA 2048: ECDSA P-256 (EC_prime256v1):

Consider a small IoT sensor device that tracks temperature in an office building. This device typically has very low storage capacity and compute power, so the smaller ECDSA certificate will be easier to process and store. In the case of an IoT device, you might not be able to store the entire RSA certificate chain on the device due to memory limitations and the larger size of RSA certificates. This can make it more difficult to validate the chain of trust for that certificate.

Using ECDSA, customers can take advantage of the smaller size of the certificates (and the certificate trust chain) and store the entire chain of trust on the IoT device itself, enabling the IoT device to more easily validate the certificate.

When should I use ECDSA certificates from ACM?

In general, you should consider using ECDSA certificates wherever possible, because they provide stronger security (for a given key length) compared to RSA, without impacting performance. You can also choose to issue ECDSA certificates from ACM to implement 128-bit or 192-bit TLS security, where previously you could request up to 112-bit security from ACM by using RSA 2048 certificates.

ECDSA certificates are strongly recommended for applications that need to securely send data over low-bandwidth connections, or when you are using IoT devices that might not have much memory or computational power to store and process the larger certificate sizes that RSA offers.

If your application is not ECDSA compatible, you will need to continue using RSA certificates. RSA 2048 remains the default certificate type issued by ACM, in order to prevent compatibility issues with legacy applications or with applications that do not support ECDSA certificate types. We will provide links to check if your application is compatible with ECDSA certificate types in the next section of this blog.

Getting started with ECDSA certificates

Modern browsers and operating systems are ECDSA compatible. That said, some custom applications might not be ECDSA compatible. You can check whether your calling application is ECDSA compatible by accessing the following links from your application:



When you access one of these links, you should see a message stating “Expected Status: good”. This indicates that the application is ECDSA compatible. See Figure 1 for an example of a successful result.

Figure 1: ECDSA application compatibility example

Figure 1: ECDSA application compatibility example

When you terminate your TLS traffic with ALB, you can work around compatibility concerns by binding both ECDSA and RSA certificates for a given domain. ALB will prioritize and present the ECDSA certificate when the calling application is ECDSA compatible and will use the RSA certificate if the calling application is not ECDSA compatible. We’ll walk through this configuration in the demonstration portion of this post.

How to request an ECDSA certificate from ACM

You can use the ACM console, APIs, or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to issue public or private ECDSA P-256 and P-384 TLS certificates. When you request certificates by using the API or AWS CLI, you can use the request-certificate API action with either EC_prime256v1 or EC_secp384r1 as the key-algorithm parameter to request a P-256 or P-384 ECDSA certificate, respectively.

Certificates have a defined validity period, and ACM will attempt to renew certificates that were issued by ACM and that are in use before they expire. ACM will also attempt to automatically bind the renewed certificates with an integrated service. ACM issued private ECDSA certificates can also be exported and used on other workloads to terminate TLS traffic.

Associate an ECDSA certificate with an Application Load Balancer for TLS

To demonstrate how to request and use ECDSA certificates from ACM, let’s examine a common use case: requesting a public certificate from ACM and associating it with an ALB. This walkthrough will also include requesting an RSA 2048 certificate and associating it with the same ALB, to facilitate TLS connections for applications that do not support ECDSA. ALB will prioritize and present the ECDSA certificate when the calling application is ECDSA compatible, and will use the RSA certificate if the calling application is not ECDSA compatible.

This procedure has the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role that has the appropriate permissions to request certificates from ACM and create an ALB
  • A public domain that you own
  • A public subnet, or IAM permissions to create one

To request an ECDSA certificate from ACM

  1. Navigate to the ACM console and choose Request a certificate.
  2. Choose Request a public certificate, and then choose Next.
  3. For Fully qualified domain name, enter your domain name.
  4. Choose DNS validation. DNS validation is recommended wherever possible, because it enables automatic renewal of ACM issued certificates with no action required by the domain owner. If you use Amazon Route 53, you can use ACM to directly update your DNS records. DNS-validated certificates will be renewed by ACM as long as the certificate is in use and the DNS record is in place.
    Figure 2: Requesting a public ECDSA certificate

    Figure 2: Requesting a public ECDSA certificate

  5. In the Key algorithm options section, select your preferred algorithm based on your security requirements:
    • ECDSA P-256 — Equivalent in security strength to RSA 3072
    • ECDSA P-384 — Equivalent in security strength to RSA 7680
    Figure 3: Key algorithms

    Figure 3: Key algorithms

  6. (Optional) Add tags to help you identify and manage your certificate. You can find more information on using tags in Tagging AWS resources in the AWS General Reference.
  7. Choose Request to request the public certificate.

    The certificate will now be in the Pending Validation state until the domain can be validated, either through DNS or email validation, depending on your selection in the previous steps. For information on how to validate ownership of the domain name or names, see Validating domain ownership in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.

  8. Take note of the certificate ARN; you will need this later to identify the certificate.

To request an RSA 2048 certificate from ACM

  1. To request a public RSA 2048 certificate, use the same steps noted in the preceding section, but select RSA 2048 in the Key algorithm options section.
  2. Make sure that both certificates you request have the same fully qualified domain name.

    For more information on requesting public certificates from ACM, see Requesting a public certificate.

To create a new Application Load Balancer and associate a default certificate

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) console. In the left navigation pane, under Load Balancing, choose Load Balancers.
  2. Choose Create Load Balancer.

    For this post, we will use an Application Load Balancer. You can view more details on each type of Load Balancer, and see a feature-to-feature breakdown, on the Elastic Load Balancing features page.

  3. For the Application Load Balancer type, choose Create.
  4. Enter a name for your load balancer.
  5. Select the scheme and IP address type of the application load balancer. For this post, we will choose Internet-facing for the scheme and use the IPv4 address type.
    Figure 4: Create an application load balancer

    Figure 4: Create an application load balancer

  6. In the Network mapping section of this page, you will need to select a VPC and at least two Availability Zones and one public subnet per zone. If you do not already have a public subnet in two Availability Zones, see these instructions for creating a public subnet.
    Figure 5: Network mapping for ALB

    Figure 5: Network mapping for ALB

  7. Next, you need to create a secure listener. Under Listeners and routing, choose the HTTPS protocol (Port 443) in the drop-down list.
  8. Under Default action, choose Forward. For Target Group, select a target group for the ALB to send traffic to.
  9. Under Secure listener settings, you will associate the RSA 2048 certificate with the new Application Load Balancer.

    Choose the appropriate security policy for your organization—you can compare policies on this page.

  10. Under Default SSL/TLS certificate, verify that From ACM is selected, and then in the drop-down list, select the RSA certificate you requested earlier.

    Note: We are using the RSA certificate as the default so that the ALB will use this certificate if the connecting client does not support ECDSA or the Server Name Indication (SNI) protocol. This is to maximize availability and compatibility with legacy applications.

    Figure 6: Secure listener settings

    Figure 6: Secure listener settings

  11. (Optional) Add tags to the Application Load Balancer.
  12. Review your selections, and then choose Create load balancer.
    Figure 7: Review and create load balancer

    Figure 7: Review and create load balancer

To associate the ECDSA certificate with the Application Load Balancer

  1. In the EC2 console, select the new ALB you just created, and choose the Listeners tab.
  2. In the SSL Certificate column, you should see the default certificate you added when you created the ALB. Choose View/edit certificates to see the full list of certificates associated with this ALB.
    Figure 8: ALB listeners

    Figure 8: ALB listeners

  3. Under Listener certificates for SNI, choose Add certificate.
    Figure 9: Listener certificates for SNI

    Figure 9: Listener certificates for SNI

  4. Under ACM and IAM certificates, select the ECDSA certificate you requested earlier.

    Note: You can use the certificate ARN to identify the appropriate certificate.

  5. Choose Include as pending below to add the ECDSA certificate to the listener.
    Figure 10: Adding the ECDSA certificate to the load balancer listener

    Figure 10: Adding the ECDSA certificate to the load balancer listener

  6. Under Listener certificates for SNI, confirm that the ECDSA certificate is listed as pending, and choose Add pending certificates.
    Figure 11: Confirm addition of pending certificates

    Figure 11: Confirm addition of pending certificates

Great! We’ve used ACM to request a public ECDSA certificate and a public RSA 2048 certificate. Next, we associated both of these certificates with an Application Load Balancer to facilitate TLS communications between the load balancer and client devices.

If clients support the SNI protocol, the ALB uses a smart certificate selection algorithm. The load balancer will select the best certificate that the client can support from the certificate list. Certificate selection is based on the following criteria, in the following order:

  • Public key algorithm (prefer ECDSA over RSA)
  • Hashing algorithm (prefer SHA over MD5)
  • Key length (prefer the longest key)
  • Validity period

In the earlier example, this means if clients support SNI and ECDSA, the ECDSA certificate will be prioritized and presented to the client. If the client does not support SNI or ECDSA, the RSA certificate will be used to maximize compatibility with legacy applications.


In this blog post, we discussed the basic differences between RSA and ECDSA certificates, when you might choose ECDSA over RSA, and how you can use AWS Certificate Manager to request public or private ECDSA certificates. We also covered how to request a public ECDSA certificate from ACM and associate it with an Application Load Balancer. Finally, we showed you how to request an RSA 2048 certificate and associate it with the same load balancer to facilitate TLS for applications that do not support ECDSA certificates.

To learn more about using ACM to issue ECDSA certificates, see our YouTube video: AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) – How to evaluate and use ECDSA certificates. You can also refer to the AWS Certificate Manager documentation for more details, and then get started issuing ECDSA certificates with AWS Certificate Manager.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Zach Miller

Zach Miller

Zach is a Senior Security Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. His background is in data protection and security architecture, focused on a variety of security domains, including cryptography, secrets management, and data classification. Today, he is focused on helping enterprise AWS customers adopt and operationalize AWS security services to increase security effectiveness and reduce risk.

Chandan Kundapur

Chandan Kundapur

Chandan is a Senior Technical Product Manager on the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) team. With over 15 years of cybersecurity experience, he has a passion for driving PKI product strategy.

Revisiting BetterTLS: Certificate Path Building

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/revisiting-bettertls-certificate-path-building-4c978b79843f

By Ian Haken

Last year the AddTrust root certificate expired and lots of clients had a bad time. Some Roku devices weren’t working right, Heroku had problems, and some folks couldn’t even curl. In the aftermath Ryan Sleevi wrote a really great blog post not just about the issue of this one certificate’s expiry, but the problem that so many TLS implementations have in general with certificate path building. If you haven’t read that blog post, you should. This post is probably going to make a lot more sense if you’ve read that one first, so go ahead and read it now.

To recap that previous AddTrust root certificate expiry, there was a certificate graph that looked like this:

The AddTrust certificate graph

This is a real example, and you can see the five certificates in the above graph here:

  1. www.agwa.name (leaf certificate)
  2. Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA (intermediate CA)
  3. USERTrust RSA Certification Authority (intermediate CA)
  4. USERTrust RSA Certification Authority (self-signed)
  5. AddTrust External CA Root (self-signed)

The important thing to understand about a certificate graph is that the boxes represent entities (meaning an X.500 Distinguished Name and public key). Entities are things you trust (or don’t, as the case may be). The arrows between entities represent certificates: a way to extend trust from one entity to another. This means that if you trust either the “USERTrust RSA Certification Authority” entity or the “AddTrust External CA Root” entity, you should be able to discover a chain of trust from that trusted entity (the “trust anchor”) down to “www.agwa.name”, the “end-entity”.

(Note that the self-signed certificates (4 and 5) are often useful for defining trusted entities, but aren’t going to be important in the context of path building.)

The problem that occurred last summer started because certificate 3 expired. The “USERTrust RSA Certificate Authority” was relatively new and not directly trusted by many clients and so most servers would send certificates 1, 2, and 3 to clients. If a client only trusted “AddTrust External CA Root” then this would be fine; that client can build a certificate chain 1 ← 2 ← 3 and see that they should trust www.agwa.name’s public key. On the other hand, if the client trusts “USERTrust RSA Certification Authority” then that’s also fine; it only needs to build a chain 1 ← 2.

The problem that arose was that some clients weren’t good at certificate path building (even though this is a fairly simple case of path building compared to the next example below). Those clients didn’t realize that they could stop building a chain at 2 if they trusted “USERTrust RSA Certification Authority”. So when certificate 3 expired on May 30, 2020, these clients treated the entire collection of certificates sent by the server as invalid and would no longer establish trust in the end-entity.

Even though that story is a year old and was well covered then, I’m retelling it here because a couple of weeks ago something kind of similar happened: a certificate for the Let’s Encrypt R3 CA expired (certificate 2 below) on September 30, 2021. This should have been fine; the Let’s Encrypt R3 entity also has a certificate signed by the ISRG Root X1 CA (3) which nowadays is trusted by most clients.

The Let’s Encrypt R3 Certificate Graph
  1. src.agwa.name (leaf certificate)
  2. Let’s Encrypt R3 (signed by DST Root CA X3)
  3. Let’s Encrypt R3 (signed by ISRG Root X1)
  4. DST Root CA X3 (self-signed)
  5. ISRG Root X1 (self-signed)

But predictably, even though it’s been a year since Ryan’s post, lots of services and clients had issues. You should read Scott Helme’s full post-mortem on the event to understand some of the contributing factors, but one big problem is that most TLS implementations still aren’t very good at path building. As a result, servers generally can’t send a complete collection of certificates down to clients (containing different possible paths to different trust anchors) which makes it hard to host a service that both old and new devices can talk to.

Maybe it’s because I saw history repeating or maybe it’s because I had just listened to Ryan Sleevi talk about the history of web PKI, but the whole episode really made me want to get back to something I had been wanting to do for a while. So over the last couple of weeks I set some time aside, started reading some RFCs, had to get more coffee, finished reading some RFCs, and finally started making certificates. The end result is the first major update to BetterTLS since its first release: a new suite of tests to exercise TLS implementations’ certificate path building. As a bonus, it also checks whether TLS implementations apply certain validity checks. Some of the checks are part of RFCs, like Basic Constraints, while others are not fully standardized, like distrusting deprecated signature algorithms and enforcing EKU constraints on CAs.

I found the results of applying these tests to various TLS implementations pretty interesting, but before I get into those results let me give you a few more details about why TLS implementations should be doing good path building and why we care about it.

What is Certificate Path Building?

If you want the really detailed answer to “What is Certificate Path Building” you can take a look at RFC 4158. But in short, certificate path building is the process of building a chain of trust from some end entity (like the blue boxes in the examples above) back to a trust anchor (like the ISRG Root X1 CA) given a collection of certificates. In the context of TLS, that collection of certificates is sent from the server to the client as part of the TLS handshake. A lot of the time, that collection of certificates is actually already an ordered sequence of certificates from end-entity to trust anchor, such as in the first example where servers would send certificates 1, 2, 3. This happens to already be a chain from “www.agwa.name” to “AddTrust External CA Root”.

But what happens if we can’t be sure what trust anchor the client has, such as the second example above where the server doesn’t know if the client will trust DST Root CA X3 or ISRG Root X1? In this case the server could send all the certificates (1, 2, and 3) and let the client figure out which path makes sense (either 1 ← 2, or 1 ← 3). But if the client expects the server’s certificates to simply be a chain already, the sequence 1 ← 2 ← 3 is going to fail to validate.

Why Does This Matter?

The most important reason for clients to support robust path building is that it allows for agility in the web PKI ecosystem. For example, we can add additional certificates that conform to new requirements such as SHA-1 deprecation, validity length restrictions, or trust anchor removal, all while leaving existing certificates in place to preserve legacy client functionality. This allows static, infrequently updated, or intentionally end-of-lifed clients to continue working while browsers (which frequently enforce new constraints like the ones mentioned above) can take advantage of the additional certificates in the handshake that conform to the new requirements.

In particular, Netflix runs on a lot of devices. Millions of them. The reality though is that the above description applies to many of them. Some devices only run older versions of Android of iOS. Some are embedded devices that no longer receive updates. Regardless of the specifics, the update cadence (if one exists) for those devices is outside of our control. But ideally we’d love it if every device that used to work just kept working. To that end, it’s helpful to know what trade-offs we can make in terms of agility versus retaining support for every device. Are those devices stuck using certain signature algorithms or cipher suites? Will those devices accept a certificate set that includes extra certificates with other alternate signature algorithms?

As service owners, having test suites that can answer these questions can guide decision making. On the other hand, TLS library implementers using these test suites can ensure that applications built with their libraries operate reliably throughout churn in the web PKI ecosystem.

An Aside About Agility

More than 4 years passed between publication of the first draft of the TLS 1.3 specification and the final version. An impressive amount of consideration went into the design of all of the versions of the TLS and SSL protocols and it speaks to the designers’ foresight and diligence that a single server can support clients speaking SSL 3.0 (final specification released 1996) all the way up to TLS 1.3 (final specification released 2018).

(Although I should say that in practice, supporting such a broad set of protocol versions on a single server is probably not a good idea.)

The reason that TLS protocol can support this is because agility has been designed into the system. The client advertises the TLS versions, cipher suites, and extensions it supports and the server can make decisions about the best supported version of those options and negotiate the details in its response. Over time this has allowed the ecosystem to evolve gracefully, supporting new cryptographic primitives (like elliptic curve cryptography) and deprecating old ones (like the MD5 hash algorithm).

Unfortunately the TLS specification has not enabled the same agility with the certificates that it relies on in practice. While there are great specifications like RFC 4158 for how to think about certificate path building, TLS specifications up to 1.2 only allowed for server to present “the chain”:

This is a sequence (chain) of certificates. The sender’s certificate MUST come first in the list. Each following certificate MUST directly certify the one preceding it.

Only in TLS 1.3 did the specification allow for greater flexibility:

The sender’s certificate MUST come in the first CertificateEntry in the list. Each following certificate SHOULD directly certify the one immediately preceding it.

Note: Prior to TLS 1.3, “certificate_list” ordering required each certificate to certify the one immediately preceding it; however, some implementations allowed some flexibility. Servers sometimes send both a current and deprecated intermediate for transitional purposes, and others are simply configured incorrectly, but these cases can nonetheless be validated properly. For maximum compatibility, all implementations SHOULD be prepared to handle potentially extraneous certificates and arbitrary orderings from any TLS version, with the exception of the end-entity certificate which MUST be first.

This change to the specification is hugely significant because it’s the first formalization that TLS implementations should be doing robust path building. Implementations which conform to this are far more likely to continue operating in a PKI ecosystem undergoing frequent changes. If more TLS implementations can tolerate changes, then web PKI ecosystem will be in a place where it is able to undergo those changes. And ultimately this means we will be able to update best practices and retain trust agility as time goes on, making the web a more secure place.

It’s hard to imagine a world where SSL and TLS were so inflexible that we wouldn’t have been able to gracefully transition off of MD5 or transition to PFS cipher suites. I’m hopeful that this update to the TLS specification will help bring the same agility that has existed in the TLS protocol itself to the web PKI ecosystem.

Test Results

So what does the new test suite in BetterTLS tell us about the state of certificate path building in TLS implementations? The good news is that there has been some improvement in the state of the world since Ryan’s roundup last year. The bad news is that that improvement isn’t everywhere.

The test suite both identifies what relevant features a TLS implementation supports (like default distrust of deprecated signing algorithms) and evaluates correctness. Here’s a quick enumeration of what features this test suite looks for:

  • Branching Path Building: Implementations that support “branching” path building can handle cases like the Let’s Encrypt R3 example above where an entity has multiple issuing certificates and the client needs to check multiple possible paths to find a route to a trust anchor. Importantly, as invalid certificates are found during path building (for all of the reasons listed below) the implementation should be able to pick an alternate issuer certificate to continue building a path. This is the primary feature of interest in this test suite.
  • Certificate expiration: Implementations should treat expired certificates as invalid during path building. This is a pretty straightforward expectation and fortunately all the tested implementations were properly verifying this.
  • Name constraints: Implementations should treat certificates with a name constraint extension in conflict with the end entity’s identity as invalid. Check out BetterTLS’s name constraints test suite for more thorough evaluations of this evaluation. All of the implementations tested below correctly evaluated the simple name constraints check in this test suite.
  • Bad Extended Key Usage (EKU) on CAs: This check tests whether an implementation rejects CA certificates with an Extended Key Usage extension that is incompatible with the end-entity’s use of the certificate for TLS server authentication. The Mozilla Certificate Policy FAQ states:

Inclusion of EKU in CA certificates is generally allowed. NSS and CryptoAPI both treat the EKU extension in intermediate certificates as a constraint on the permitted EKU OIDs in end-entity certificates. Browsers and certificate client software have been using EKU in intermediate certificates, and it has been common for enterprise subordinate CAs in Windows environments to use EKU in their intermediate certificates to constrain certificate issuance.

While many implementations support the semantics of an incompatible EKU in CAs as a reason to treat a certificate as invalid, RFCs do not require this behavior so we do see several implementations below not applying this verification.

  • Missing Basic Constraints Extension: This check tests whether the implementation rejects paths where a CA is missing the Basic Constraints extension. RFC 5280 requires that all CAs have this extension, so all implementations should support this.
  • Not a CA: This check tests whether the implementation rejects paths where a CA has a Basic Constraints extension, but that extension does not identify the certificate as being a CA. Similarly to the above, all implementations should support this and fortunately all of the implementations tested applied this check correctly.
  • Deprecated Signing Algorithm: This check tests whether the implementation rejects certificates that have been signed with an algorithm that is considered deprecated (in particular, with an algorithm using SHA-1). Enforcement of SHA-1 deprecation is not universally present in all TLS implementations at this point, so we see a mix of implementations below that do and do not apply it.

For more information about these checks, check out the repository’s README. Now on to the results!


webpki is a rust library for validating web PKI certificates. It’s the underlying validation mechanism for the rustls library that I actually tested. webpki shows up as the hero of the non-browser TLS implementations, supporting all of the features and having a 100% test pass rate. webpki is primarily maintained by Brian Smith who also worked on the mozilla::pkix codebase that’s used by Firefox.


Go didn’t distrust deprecated signature algorithms by default (although looking at the issues tracker, an update was merged to change this long before I started working on this test suite; it should land in Go 1.18), but otherwise supported all the features in the test suite. However, while it supported EKU constraints on CAs the test suite discovered a bug that causes path building to fail under certain conditions when only a subset of paths have an EKU constraint.

Upon inspection, the Go x509 library validates most certificate constraints (like expiration and name constraints) as it builds paths, but EKU constraints are only applied after candidate paths are found. This looks to be a violation of Sleevi’s Rule, which probably explains why the EKU corner case causes Go to have a bad time:

Even if a library supports path building, doing some form of depth-first search in the PKI graph, the next most common mistake is still treating path building and path verification as separable, independent steps. That is, the path builder finds “a chain” that is rooted in a trusted CA, and then completes. The completed chain is then handed to a path verifier, which asks “Does this chain meet all the caller’s/application’s requirements”, and returns a “Yes/No” answer. If the answer is “No”, you want the path builder to consider those other paths in the graph, to see if there are any “Yes” paths. Yet if the path building and verification steps are different, you’re bound to have a bad time.


I didn’t evaluate JDKs other than OpenJDK, but the latest version of OpenJDK 11 actually performed quite well. This JDK didn’t enforce EKU constraints on CAs or distrust certificates signed with SHA-1 algorithms. Otherwise, the JDK did a good job of building certificate paths.


The PKI.js library is a javascript library that can perform a number of PKI-related operations including certificate verification. It’s unclear if the “certificate chain validator” is meant to support complex certificate sets or if it was only meant to handle pre-validated paths, but the implementation fared poorly against the test suite. It didn’t support EKU constraints, distrust deprecated signature algorithms, didn’t perform any branching path building, and failed to validate even a simple “chain” when a parent certificate has expired but the intermediate was already trusted (this is the same issue OpenSSL ran into with the expired AddTrust certificate last year).

Even worse, when the certificate pool had a cycle (like in RFC 4158 figure 7), the validator got stuck in an infinite loop.


In short, OpenSSL doesn’t appear to have changed significantly since Ryan’s roundup last year. OpenSSL does support the less ubiquitous validation checks (such as EKU constraints on CAs and distrusting deprecated signing algorithms), but it still doesn’t support branching path building (only non-branching chains).


LibreSSL showed significant improvement over last year’s evaluation, which appears to be largely attributable to Bob Beck’s work on a new x509 verifier in LibreSSL 3.2.2 based on Go’s verifier. It supported path building and passed all of the non-skipped tests. As with other implementations it didn’t distrust deprecated algorithms by default. The one big surprise though is that it also didn’t distrust certificates missing the Basic Constraints extension, which as we described above is strictly required by the RFC 5280 spec:

If the basic constraints extension is not present in a version 3 certificate, or the extension is present but the cA boolean is not asserted, then the certified public key MUST NOT be used to verify certificate signatures.


BoringSSL performed similarly to OpenSSL. Not only did it not support any path building (only non-branching chains), but it also didn’t distrust deprecated signature algorithms.


GnuTLS looked just like OpenSSL in its results. It also supported all the validation checks in the test suite (EKU constraints, deprecated signature algorithms) but didn’t support branching path building.


By and large, browsers (or the operating system libraries they utilize) do a good job of path building.

Firefox (all platforms)

Firefox didn’t distrust deprecated signature algorithms, but otherwise supported path building and passed all tests.

Chrome (all platforms)
Chrome supported all validation cases and passed all tests.

Microsoft Edge (Windows)
Edge supported all validation cases and passed all tests.

Safari (MacOS)
Safari didn’t support EKU constraints on CAs but did pass simple branching path building test cases. However, it failed most of the more complicated path building test cases (such as cases with cycles).


| | Supports | Distrusts SHA-1 |EKU| Has other errors? |
| | branching| signing algs? | | |
| webpki | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
+-----------+----------+-------------------+---+-------------------+| Go | ✓ | ✖ (Fixed in 1.18) | ✓ | EKU bug |
| Java | ✓ | ✖ | ✖ | |
| PKI.js | ✖ | ✖ | ✖ | Fails even non- |
| | | | | branching path |
| | | | | building cases, |
| | | | | has infinite loop |
| OpenSSL | ✖ | ✓ | ✓ | |
| LibreSSL | ✓ | ✖ | ✓ | Doesn't require |
| | | | | Basic Constraints |
| BoringSSL | ✖ | ✖ | ✓ | |
| GnuTLS | ✖ | ✓ | ✓ | |
| Firefox | ✓ | ✖ | ✓ | |
| Chrome | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
| Edge | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
| Safari | Kind of? | ✓ | ✖ | Failed complex |
| | | | | path finding cases|

Closing Thoughts

For most of the history of TLS, implementations have been pretty poor at certificate path building (if they supported it at all). In fairness, until recently the TLS specifications asserted that servers MUST behave in such a way that didn’t require clients to implement certificate path building.

However the evolution of the web PKI ecosystem has necessitated flexibility and this has been more directly codified in the TLS 1.3 specification. If you work on a TLS implementation, you really really ought to take heed of these new expectations in the TLS 1.3 specification. We’re going to have a lot more stability on the web if implementations can do good path building.

To be clear, it doesn’t need to be every implementation’s goal to pass every test in this suite. I’ll be the first to admit that the test suite contains some more pathological test cases than you’re likely to see in web PKI in practice. But at a minimum you should look at the changes that have occurred in the web PKI ecosystem in the past decade and be confident that your library supports enough path building to easily handle transitions (such as servers sending multiple possible paths to a trust anchor). And passing all of the tests in the BetterTLS test suite is a useful metric for establishing that confidence.

It’s important to make sure clients are forward-compatible with changes to the web PKI, because it’s not a matter of “if” but “when.” In Scott’s own words:

One thing that’s certain is that this event is coming again. Over the next few years we’re going to see a wide selection of Root Certificates expiring for all of the major CAs and we’re likely to keep experiencing the exact same issues unless something changes in the wider ecosystem.

If you are in a position to choose between different client-side TLS libraries, you can use these test results as a point of consideration for which libraries are most likely to weather those changes.

And if you are a service owner, it is important to know your customers. Will they be able to handle a transition from RSA to ECDSA? Will they be able to handle a transition from ECDSA to a post-quantum signature algorithm? Will they be able to handle having multiple certificates in a handshake when an old trust is expiring or no longer trusted by new clients? Knowing your clients can help you be resilient and set up appropriate configurations and endpoints to support them.

Standards, security base lines, and best practices in web PKI have been rapidly changing over the last few years and are only going to keep changing. Whether you implement TLS or just consume it, whether it’s a distrusted CA, a broken signature algorithm, or just the expiry of a certificate in good standing, it’s important to make sure that your application will be able to handle the next big change. We hope that BetterTLS can play a part in making that easier!

Revisiting BetterTLS: Certificate Path Building was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How to use ACM Private CA for enabling mTLS in AWS App Mesh

Post Syndicated from Raj Jain original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-use-acm-private-ca-for-enabling-mtls-in-aws-app-mesh/

Securing east-west traffic in service meshes, such as AWS App Mesh, by using mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) adds an additional layer of defense beyond perimeter control. mTLS adds bidirectional peer-to-peer authentication on top of the one-way authentication in normal TLS. This is done by adding a client-side certificate during the TLS handshake, through which a client proves possession of the corresponding private key to the server, and as a result the server trusts the client. This prevents an arbitrary client from connecting to an App Mesh service, because the client wouldn’t possess a valid certificate.

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to enable mTLS in App Mesh by using certificates derived from AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM Private CA). You’ll also learn how to reuse AWS CloudFormation templates, which we make available through a companion open-source project, for configuring App Mesh and ACM Private CA.

You’ll first see how to derive server-side certificates from ACM Private CA into App Mesh internally by using the native integration between the two services. You’ll then see a method and code for installing client-side certificates issued from ACM Private CA into App Mesh; this method is needed because client-side certificates aren’t integrated natively.

You’ll learn how to use AWS Lambda to export a client-side certificate from ACM Private CA and store it in AWS Secrets Manager. You’ll then see Envoy proxies in App Mesh retrieve the certificate from Secrets Manager and use it in an mTLS handshake. The solution is designed to ensure confidentiality of the private key of a client-side certificate, in transit and at rest, as it moves from ACM to Envoy.

The solution described in this blog post simplifies and allows you to automate the configuration and operations of mTLS-enabled App Mesh deployments, because all of the certificates are derived from a single managed private public key infrastructure (PKI) service—ACM Private CA—eliminating the need to run your own private PKI. The solution uses Amazon Elastic Container Services (Amazon ECS) with AWS Fargate as the App Mesh hosting environment, although the design presented here can be applied to any compute environment that is supported by App Mesh.

Solution overview

ACM Private CA provides a highly available managed private PKI service that enables creation of private CA hierarchies—including root and subordinate CAs—without the investment and maintenance costs of operating your own private PKI service. The service allows you to choose among several CA key algorithms and key sizes and makes it easier for you to export and deploy private certificates anywhere by using API-based automation.

App Mesh is a service mesh that provides application-level networking across multiple types of compute infrastructure. It standardizes how your microservices communicate, giving you end-to-end visibility and helping to ensure transport security and high availability for your applications. In order to communicate securely between mesh endpoints, App Mesh directs the Envoy proxy instances that are running within the mesh to use one-way or mutual TLS.

TLS provides authentication, privacy, and data integrity between two communicating endpoints. The authentication in TLS communications is governed by the PKI system. The PKI system allows certificate authorities to issue certificates that are used by clients and servers to prove their identity. The authentication process in TLS happens by exchanging certificates via the TLS handshake protocol. By default, the TLS handshake protocol proves the identity of the server to the client by using X.509 certificates, while the authentication of the client to the server is left to the application layer. This is called one-way TLS. TLS also supports two-way authentication through mTLS. In mTLS, in addition to the one-way TLS server authentication with a certificate, a client presents its certificate and proves possession of the corresponding private key to a server during the TLS handshake.

Example application

The following sections describe one-way and mutual TLS integrations between App Mesh and ACM Private CA in the context of an example application. This example application exposes an API to external clients that returns a text string name of a color—for example, “yellow”. It’s an extension of the Color App that’s used to demonstrate several existing App Mesh examples.

The example application is comprised of two services running in App Mesh—ColorGateway and ColorTeller. An external client request enters the mesh through the ColorGateway service and is proxied to the ColorTeller service. The ColorTeller service responds back to the ColorGateway service with the name of a color. The ColorGateway service proxies the response to the external client. Figure 1 shows the basic design of the application.

Figure 1: App Mesh services in the Color App example application

Figure 1: App Mesh services in the Color App example application

The two services are mapped onto the following constructs in App Mesh:

  • ColorGateway is mapped as a Virtual gateway. A virtual gateway in App Mesh allows resources that are outside of a mesh to communicate to resources that are inside the mesh. A virtual gateway represents Envoy deployed by itself. In this example, the virtual gateway represents an Envoy proxy that is running as an Amazon ECS service. This Envoy proxy instance acts as a TLS client, since it initiates TLS connections to the Envoy proxy that is running in the ColorTeller service.
  • ColorTeller is mapped as a Virtual node. A virtual node in App Mesh acts as a logical pointer to a particular task group. In this example, the virtual node—ColorTeller—runs as another Amazon ECS service. The service runs two tasks—an Envoy proxy instance and a ColorTeller application instance. The Envoy proxy instance acts as a TLS server, receiving inbound TLS connections from ColorGateway.

Let’s review running the example application in one-way TLS mode. Although optional, starting with one-way TLS allows you to compare the two methods and establish how to look at certain Envoy proxy statistics to distinguish and verify one-way TLS versus mTLS connections.

For practice, you can deploy the example application project in your own AWS account and perform the steps described in your own test environment.

Note: In both the one-way TLS and mTLS descriptions in the following sections, we’re using a flat certificate hierarchy for demonstration purposes. The root CAs are issuing end-entity certificates. The AWS ACM Private CA best practices recommend that root CAs should only be used to issue certificates for intermediate CAs. When intermediate CAs are involved, your certificate chain has multiple certificates concatenated in it, but the mechanisms are the same as those described here.

One-way TLS in App Mesh using ACM Private CA

Because this is a one-way TLS authentication scenario, you need only one Private CA—ColorTeller—and issue one end-entity certificate from it that’s used as the server-side certificate for the ColorTeller virtual node.

Figure 2, following, shows the architecture for this setup, including notations and color codes for certificates and a step-by-step process that shows how the system is configured and functions. Because this architecture uses a server-side certificate only, you use the native integration between App Mesh and ACM Private CA and don’t need an external mechanism for certificate integration.

Figure 2: One-way TLS in App Mesh integrated with ACM Private CA

Figure 2: One-way TLS in App Mesh integrated with ACM Private CA

The steps in Figure 2 are:

Step 1: A Private CA instance—ColorTeller—is created in ACM Private CA. Next, an end-entity certificate is created and signed by the CA. This certificate is used as the server-side certificate in ColorTeller.

Step 2: The CloudFormation templates configure the ColorGateway to validate server certificates against the ColorTeller private CA certificate chain. As the App Mesh endpoints are starting up, the ColorTeller CA certificate trust chain is ingested into the ColorGateway Envoy instance. The TLS configuration for ColorGateway in App Mesh is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: One-way TLS configuration in the client policy of ColorGateway

Figure 3: One-way TLS configuration in the client policy of ColorGateway

Figure 3 shows that the client policy attributes for outbound transport connections for ColorGateway have been configured as follows:

  • Enforce TLS is set to Enforced. This enforces use of TLS while communicating with backends.
  • TLS validation method is set to AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM-PCA hosting). This instructs App Mesh to derive the certificate trust chain from ACM PCA.
  • Certificate is set to the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ColorTeller Private CA, which is the identifier of the certificate trust chain in ACM PCA.

This configuration ensures that ColorGateway makes outbound TLS-only connections towards ColorTeller, extracts the CA trust chain from ACM-PCA, and validates the server certificate presented by the ColorTeller virtual node against the configured CA ARN.

Step 3: The CloudFormation templates configure the ColorTeller virtual node with the ColorTeller end-entity certificate ARN in ACM Private CA. While the App Mesh endpoints are started, the ColorTeller end-entity certificate is ingested into the ColorTeller Envoy instance.

The TLS configuration for the ColorTeller virtual node in App Mesh is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: One-way TLS configuration in the listener configuration of ColorTeller

Figure 4: One-way TLS configuration in the listener configuration of ColorTeller

Figure 4 shows that various TLS-related attributes are configured as follows:

  • Enable TLS termination is on.
  • Mode is set to Strict to limit connections to TLS only.
  • TLS Certificate method is set to ACM Certificate Manager (ACM) hosting as the source of the end-entity certificate.
  • Certificate is set to ARN of the ColorTeller end-entity certificate.

Note: Figure 4 shows an annotation where the certificate ARN has been superimposed by the cert icon in green color. This icon follows the color convention from Figure 2 and can help you relate how the individual resources are configured to construct the architecture shown in Figure 2. The cert shown (and the associated private key that is not shown) in the diagram is necessary for ColorTeller to run the TLS stack and serve the certificate. The exchange of this material happens over the internal communications between App Mesh and ACM Private CA.

Step 4: The ColorGateway service receives a request from an external client.

Step 5: This step includes multiple sub-steps:

  • The ColorGateway Envoy initiates a one-way TLS handshake towards the ColorTeller Envoy.
  • The ColorTeller Envoy presents its server-side certificate to the ColorGateway Envoy.
  • The ColorGateway Envoy validates the certificate against its configured CA trust chain—the ColorTeller CA trust chain—and the TLS handshake succeeds.

Verifying one-way TLS

To verify that a TLS connection was established and that it is one-way TLS authenticated, run the following command on your bastion host:

$ curl -s http://colorteller.mtls-ec2.svc.cluster.local:9901/stats |grep -E 'ssl.handshake|ssl.no_certificate'

listener. 1
listener. 1

This command queries the runtime statistics that are maintained in ColorTeller Envoy and filters the output for certain SSL-related counts. The count for ssl.handshake should be one. If the ssl.handshake count is more than one, that means there’s been more than one TLS handshake. The count for ssl.no_certificate should also be one, or equal to the count for ssl.handshake. The ssl.no_certificate count tracks the total successful TLS connections with no client certificate. Since this is a one-way TLS handshake that doesn’t involve client certificates, this count is the same as the count of ssl.handshake.

The preceding statistics verify that a TLS handshake was completed and the authentication was one-way, where the ColorGateway authenticated the ColorTeller but not vice-versa. You’ll see in the next section how the ssl.no_certificate count differs when mTLS is enabled.

Mutual TLS in App Mesh using ACM Private CA

In the one-way TLS discussion in the previous section, you saw that App Mesh and ACM Private CA integration works without needing external enhancements. You also saw that App Mesh retrieved the server-side end-entity certificate in ColorTeller and the root CA trust chain in ColorGateway from ACM Private CA internally, by using the native integration between the two services.

However, a native integration between App Mesh and ACM Private CA isn’t currently available for client-side certificates. Client-side certificates are necessary for mTLS. In this section, you’ll see how you can issue and export client-side certificates from ACM Private CA and ingest them into App Mesh.

The solution uses Lambda to export the client-side certificate from ACM Private CA and store it in Secrets Manager. The solution includes an enhanced startup script embedded in the Envoy image to retrieve the certificate from Secrets Manager and place it on the Envoy file system before the Envoy process is started. The Envoy process reads the certificate, loads it in memory, and uses it in the TLS stack for the client-side certificate exchange of the mTLS handshake.

The choice of Lambda is based on this being an ephemeral workflow that needs to run only during system configuration. You need a short-lived, runtime compute context that lets you run the logic for exporting certificates from ACM Private CA and store them in Secrets Manager. Because this compute doesn’t need to run beyond this step, Lambda is an ideal choice for hosting this logic, for cost and operational effectiveness.

The choice of Secrets Manager for storing certificates is based on the confidentiality requirements of the passphrase that is used for encrypting the private key (PKCS #8) of the certificate. You also need a higher throughput data store that can support secrets retrieval from large meshes. Secrets Manager supports a higher API rate limit than the API for exporting certificates from ACM Private CA, and thus serves as a high-throughput front end for ACM Private CA for serving certificates without compromising data confidentiality.

The resulting architecture is shown in Figure 5. The figure includes notations and color codes for certificates—such as root certificates, endpoint certificates, and private keys—and a step-by-step process showing how the system is configured, started, and functions at runtime. The example uses two CA hierarchies for ColorGateway and ColorTeller to demonstrate an mTLS setup where the client and server belong to separate CA hierarchies but trust each other’s CAs.

Figure 5: mTLS in App Mesh integrated with ACM Private CA

Figure 5: mTLS in App Mesh integrated with ACM Private CA

The numbered steps in Figure 5 are:

Step 1: A Private CA instance representing the ColorGateway trust hierarchy is created in ACM Private CA. Next, an end-entity certificate is created and signed by the CA, which is used as the client-side certificate in ColorGateway.

Step 2: Another Private CA instance representing the ColorTeller trust hierarchy is created in ACM Private CA. Next, an end-entity certificate is created and signed by the CA, which is used as the server-side certificate in ColorTeller.

Step 3: As part of running CloudFormation, the Lambda function is invoked. This Lambda function is responsible for exporting the client-side certificate from ACM Private CA and storing it in Secrets Manager. This function begins by requesting a random password from Secrets Manager. This random password is used as the passphrase for encrypting the private key inside ACM Private CA before it’s returned to the function. Generating a random password from Secrets Manager allows you to generate a random password with a specified complexity.

Step 4: The Lambda function issues an export certificate request to ACM, requesting the ColorGateway end-entity certificate. The request conveys the private key passphrase retrieved from Secrets Manager in the previous step so that ACM Private CA can use it to encrypt the private key that’s sent in the response.

Step 5: The ACM Private CA responds to the Lambda function. The response carries the following elements of the ColorGateway end-entity certificate.

  'Certificate': '..',
  'CertificateChain': '..',
  'PrivateKey': '..'

Step 6: The Lambda function processes the response that is returned from ACM. It extracts individual fields in the JSON-formatted response and stores them in Secrets Manager. The Lambda function stores the following four values in Secrets Manager:

  • The ColorGateway endpoint certificate
  • The ColorGateway certificate trust chain, which contains the ColorGateway Private CA root certificate
  • The encrypted private key for the ColorGateway end-entity certificate
  • The passphrase that was used to encrypt the private key

Step 7: The App Mesh services—ColorGateway and ColorTeller—are started, which then start their Envoy proxy containers. A custom startup script embedded in the Envoy docker image fetches a certificate from Secrets Manager and places it on the Envoy file system.

Note: App Mesh publishes its own custom Envoy proxy Docker container image that ensures it is fully tested and patched with the latest vulnerability and performance patches. You’ll notice in the example source code that a custom Envoy image is built on top of the base image published by App Mesh. In this solution, we add an Envoy startup script and certain utilities such as AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) and jq to help retrieve the certificate from Secrets Manager and place it on the Envoy file system during Envoy startup.

Step 8: The CloudFormation scripts configure the client policy for mTLS in ColorGateway in App Mesh, as shown in Figure 6. The following attributes are configured:

  • Provide client certificate is enabled. This ensures that the client certificate is exchanged as part of the mTLS handshake.
  • Certificate method is set to Local file hosting so that the certificate is read from the local file system.
  • Certificate chain is set to the path for the file that contains the ColorGateway certificate chain.
  • Private key is set to the path for the file that contains the private key for the ColorGateway certificate.
Figure 6: Client-side mTLS configuration in ColorGateway

Figure 6: Client-side mTLS configuration in ColorGateway

At the end of the custom Envoy startup script described in step 7, the core Envoy process in ColorGateway service is started. It retrieves the ColorTeller CA root certificate from ACM Private CA and configures it internally as a trusted CA. This retrieval happens due to native integration between App Mesh and ACM Private CA. This allows ColorGateway Envoy to validate the certificate presented by ColorTeller Envoy during the TLS handshake.

Step 9: The CloudFormation scripts configure the listener configuration for mTLS in ColorTeller in App Mesh, as shown in Figure 7. The following attributes are configured:

  • Require client certificate is enabled, which enforces mTLS.
  • Validation Method is set to Local file hosting, which causes Envoy to read the certificate from the local file system.
  • Certificate chain is set to the path for the file that contains the ColorGateway certificate chain.
Figure 7: Server-side mTLS configuration in ColorTeller

Figure 7: Server-side mTLS configuration in ColorTeller

At the end of the Envoy startup script described in step 7, the core Envoy process in ColorTeller service is started. It retrieves its own server-side end-entity certificate and corresponding private key from ACM Private CA. This retrieval happens internally, driven by the native integration between App Mesh and ACM Private CA. This allows ColorTeller Envoy to present its server-side certificate to ColorGateway Envoy during the TLS handshake.

The system startup concludes with this step, and the application is ready to process external client requests.

Step 10: The ColorGateway service receives a request from an external client.

Step 11: The ColorGateway Envoy initiates a TLS handshake with the ColorTeller Envoy. During the first half of the TLS handshake protocol, the ColorTeller Envoy presents its server-side certificate to the ColorGateway Envoy. The ColorGateway Envoy validates the certificate. Because the ColorGateway Envoy has been configured with the ColorTeller CA trust chain in step 8, the validation succeeds.

Step 12: During the second half of the TLS handshake, the ColorTeller Envoy requests the ColorGateway Envoy to provide its client-side certificate. This step is what distinguishes an mTLS exchange from a one-way TLS exchange.

The ColorGateway Envoy responds with its end-entity certificate that had been placed on its file system in step 7. The ColorTeller Envoy validates the received certificate with its CA trust chain, which contains the ColorGateway root CA that was placed on its file system (in step 7). The validation succeeds, and so an mTLS session is established.

Verifying mTLS

You can now verify that an mTLS exchange happened by running the following command on your bastion host.

$ curl -s http://colorteller.mtls-ec2.svc.cluster.local:9901/stats |grep -E 'ssl.handshake|ssl.no_certificate'

listener. 1
listener. 0

The count for ssl.handshake should be one. If the ssl.handshake count is more than one, that means that you’ve gone through more than one TLS handshake. It’s important to note that the count for ssl.no_certificate—the total successful TLS connections with no client certificate—is zero. This shows that mTLS configuration is working as expected. Recall that this count was one or higher—equal to the ssl.handshake count—in the previous section that described one-way TLS. The ssl.no_certificate count being zero indicates that this was an mTLS authenticated connection, where the ColorGateway authenticated the ColorTeller and vice-versa.

Certificate renewal

The ACM Private CA certificates that are imported into App Mesh are not eligible for managed renewal, so an external certificate renewal method is needed. This example solution uses an external renewal method as recommended in Renewing certificates in a private PKI that you can use in your own implementations.

The certificate renewal mechanism can be broken down into six steps, which are outlined in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Certificate renewal process in ACM Private CA and App Mesh on ECS integration

Figure 8: Certificate renewal process in ACM Private CA and App Mesh on ECS integration

Here are the steps illustrated in Figure 8:

Step 1: ACM generates an Amazon CloudWatch Events event when a certificate is close to expiring.

Step 2: CloudWatch triggers a Lambda function that is responsible for certificate renewal.

Step 3: The Lambda function renews the certificate in ACM and exports the new certificate by calling ACM APIs.

Step 4: The Lambda function writes the certificate to Secrets Manager.

Step 5: The Lambda function triggers a new service deployment in an Amazon ECS cluster. This will cause the ECS services to go through a graceful update process to acquire a renewed certificate.

Step 6: The Envoy processes in App Mesh fetch the client-side certificate from Secrets Manager using external integration, and the server-side certificate from ACM using native integration.


In this post, you learned a method for enabling mTLS authentication between App Mesh endpoints based on certificates issued by ACM Private CA. mTLS enhances security of App Mesh deployments due to its bidirectional authentication capability. While server-side certificates are integrated natively, you saw how to use Lambda and Secrets Manager to integrate client-side certificates externally. Because ACM Private CA certificates aren’t eligible for managed renewal, you also learned how to implement an external certificate renewal process.

This solution enhances your App Mesh security posture by simplifying configuration of mTLS-enabled App Mesh deployments. It achieves this because all mTLS certificate requirements are met by a single, managed private PKI service—ACM Private CA—which allows you to centrally manage certificates and eliminates the need to run your own private PKI.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Certificate Manager forum or contact AWS Support.

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Raj Jain

Raj is an engineering leader at Amazon in the FinTech space. He is passionate about building SaaS applications for Amazon internal and external customers using AWS. He is currently working on an AI/ML application in the governance, risk and compliance domain. Raj is a published author in the Bell Labs Technical Journal, has authored 3 IETF standards, and holds 12 patents in internet telephony and applied cryptography. In his spare time, he enjoys the outdoors, cooking, reading, and travel.


Nagmesh Kumar

Nagmesh is a Cloud Architect with the Worldwide Public Sector Professional Services team. He enjoys working with customers to design and implement well-architected solutions in the cloud. He was a researcher who stumbled into IT operations as a database administrator. After spending all day in the cloud, you can spot him in the wild with his family, reading, or gaming.

How to implement a hybrid PKI solution on AWS

Post Syndicated from Max Farnga original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-implement-a-hybrid-pki-solution-on-aws/

As customers migrate workloads into Amazon Web Services (AWS) they may be running a combination of on-premises and cloud infrastructure. When certificates are issued to this infrastructure, having a common root of trust to the certificate hierarchy allows for consistency and interoperability of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solution.

In this blog post, I am going to show how you can plan and deploy a PKI that enables certificates to be issued across a hybrid (cloud & on-premises) environment with a common root. This solution will use Windows Server Certificate Authority (Windows CA), also known as Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) to distribute and manage x.509 certificates for Active Directory users, domain controllers, routers, workstations, web servers, mobile and other devices. And an AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM PCA) to manage certificates for AWS services, including API Gateway, CloudFront, Elastic Load Balancers, and other workloads.

The Windows CA also integrates with AWS Cloud HSM to securely store the private keys that sign the certificates issued by your CAs, and use the HSM to perform the cryptographic signing operations. In Figure 1, the diagram below shows how ACM PCA and Windows CA can be used together to issue certificates across a hybrid environment.

Figure 1: Hybrid PKI hierarchy

Figure 1: Hybrid PKI hierarchy

PKI is a framework that enables a safe and trustworthy digital environment through the use of a public and private key encryption mechanism. PKI maintains secure electronic transactions on the internet and in private networks. It also governs the verification, issuance, revocation, and validation of individual systems in a network.

There are two types of PKI:

This blog post focuses on the implementation of a private PKI, to issue and manage private certificates.

When implementing a PKI, there can be challenges from security, infrastructure, and operations standpoints, especially when dealing with workloads across multiple platforms. These challenges include managing isolated PKIs for individual networks across on-premises and AWS cloud, managing PKI with no Hardware Security Module (HSM) or on-premises HSM, and lack of automation to rapidly scale the PKI servers to meet demand.

Figure 2 shows how an internal PKI can be limited to a single network. In the following example, the root CA, issuing CAs, and certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution point are all in the same network, and issue cryptographic certificates only to users and devices in the same private network.

Figure 2: On-premises PKI hierarchy in a single network

Figure 2: On-premises PKI hierarchy in a single network

Planning for your PKI system deployment

It’s important to carefully consider your business requirements, encryption use cases, corporate network architecture, and the capabilities of your internal teams. You must also plan for how to manage the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the cryptographic keys. These considerations should guide the design and implementation of your new PKI system.

In the below section, we outline the key services and components used to design and implement this hybrid PKI solution.

Key services and components for this hybrid PKI solution

Solution overview

This hybrid PKI can be used if you need a new private PKI, or want to upgrade from an existing legacy PKI with a cryptographic service provider (CSP) to a secure PKI with Windows Cryptography Next Generation (CNG). The hybrid PKI design allows you to seamlessly manage cryptographic keys throughout the IT infrastructure of your organization, from on-premises to multiple AWS networks.

Figure 3: Hybrid PKI solution architecture

Figure 3: Hybrid PKI solution architecture

The solution architecture is depicted in the preceding figure—Figure 3. The solution uses an offline root CA that can be operated on-premises or in an Amazon VPC, while the subordinate Windows CAs run on EC2 instances and are integrated with CloudHSM for key management and storage. To insulate the PKI from external access, the CloudHSM cluster are deployed in protected subnets, the EC2 instances are deployed in private subnets, and the host VPC has site-to-site network connectivity to the on-premises network. The Amazon EC2 volumes are encrypted with AWS KMS customer managed keys. Users and devices connect and enroll to the PKI interface through a Network Load Balancer.

This solution also includes a subordinate ACM private CA to issue certificates that will be installed on AWS services that are integrated with ACM. For example, ELB, CloudFront, and API Gateway. This is so that the certificates users see are always presented from your organization’s internal PKI.

Prerequisites for deploying this hybrid internal PKI in AWS

  • Experience with AWS Cloud, Windows Server, and AD CS is necessary to deploy and configure this solution.
  • An AWS account to deploy the cloud resources.
  • An offline root CA, running on Windows 2016 or newer, to sign the CloudHSM and the issuing CAs, including the private CA and Windows CAs. Here is an AWS Quick-Start article to deploy your Root CA in a VPC. We recommend installing the Windows Root CA in its own AWS account.
  • A VPC with at least four subnets. Two or more public subnets and two or more private subnets, across two or more AZs, with secure firewall rules, such as HTTPS to communicate with your PKI web servers through a load balancer, along with DNS, RDP and other port to communicate within your organization network. You can use this CloudFormation sample VPC template to help you get started with your PKI VPC provisioning.
  • Site-to-site AWS Direct Connect or VPN connection from your VPC to the on-premises network and other VPCs to securely manage multiple networks.
  • Windows 2016 EC2 instances for the subordinate CAs.
  • An Active Directory environment that has access to the VPC that hosts the PKI servers. This is required for a Windows Enterprise CA implementation.

Deploy the solution

The below CloudFormation Code and instructions will help you deploy and configure all the AWS components shown in the above architecture diagram. To implement the solution, you’ll deploy a series of CloudFormation templates through the AWS Management Console.

If you’re not familiar with CloudFormation, you can learn about it from Getting started with AWS CloudFormation. The templates for this solution can be deployed with the CloudFormation console, AWS Service Catalog, or a code pipeline.

Download and review the template bundle

To make it easier to deploy the components of this internal PKI solution, you download and deploy a template bundle. The bundle includes a set of CloudFormation templates, and a PowerShell script to complete the integration between CloudHSM and the Windows CA servers.

To download the template bundle

  1. Download or clone the solution source code repository from AWS GitHub.
  2. Review the descriptions in each template for more instructions.

Deploy the CloudFormation templates

Now that you have the templates downloaded, use the CouldFormation console to deploy them.

To deploy the VPC modification template

Deploy this template into an existing VPC to create the protected subnets to deploy a CloudHSM cluster.

  1. Navigate to the CloudFormation console.
  2. Select the appropriate AWS Region, and then choose Create Stack.
  3. Choose Upload a template file.
  4. Select 01_PKI_Automated-VPC_Modifications.yaml as the CloudFormation stack file, and then choose Next.
  5. On the Specify stack details page, enter a stack name and the parameters. Some parameters have a dropdown list that you can use to select existing values.

    Figure 4: Example of a <strong>Specify stack details</strong> page

    Figure 4: Example of a Specify stack details page

  6. Choose Next, Next, and Create Stack.

To deploy the PKI CDP S3 bucket template

This template creates an S3 bucket for the CRL and AIA distribution point, with initial bucket policies that allow access from the PKI VPC, and PKI users and devices from your on-premises network, based on your input. To grant access to additional AWS accounts, VPCs, and on-premises networks, please refer to the instructions in the template.

  1. Navigate to the CloudFormation console.
  2. Choose Upload a template file.
  3. Select 02_PKI_Automated-Central-PKI_CDP-S3bucket.yaml as the CloudFormation stack file, and then choose Next.
  4. On the Specify stack details page, enter a stack name and the parameters.
  5. Choose Next, Next, and Create Stack

To deploy the ACM Private CA subordinate template

This step provisions the ACM private CA, which is signed by an existing Windows root CA. Provisioning your private CA with CloudFormation makes it possible to sign the CA with a Windows root CA.

  1. Navigate to the CloudFormation console.
  2. Choose Upload a template file.
  3. Select 03_PKI_Automated-ACMPrivateCA-Provisioning.yaml as the CloudFormation stack file, and then choose Next.
  4. On the Specify stack details page, enter a stack name and the parameters. Some parameters have a dropdown list that you can use to select existing values.
  5. Choose Next, Next, and Create Stack.

Assign and configure certificates

After deploying the preceding templates, use the console to assign certificate renewal permissions to ACM and configure your certificates.

To assign renewal permissions

  1. In the ACM Private CA console, choose Private CAs.
  2. Select your private CA from the list.
  3. Choose the Permissions tab.
  4. Select Authorize ACM to use this CA for renewals.
  5. Choose Save.

To sign private CA certificates with an external CA (console)

  1. In the ACM Private CA console, select your private CA from the list.
  2. From the Actions menu, choose Import CA certificate. The ACM Private CA console returns the certificate signing request (CSR).
  3. Choose Export CSR to a file and save it locally.
  4. Choose Next.
    1. Use your existing Windows root CA.
    2. Copy the CSR to the root CA and sign it.
    3. Export the signed CSR in base64 format.
    4. Export the <RootCA>.crt certificate in base64 format.
  5. On the Upload the certificates page, upload the signed CSR and the RootCA certificates.
  6. Choose Confirm and Import to import the private CA certificate.

To request a private certificate using the ACM console

Note: Make a note of IDs of the certificate you configure in this section to use when you deploy the HTTPS listener CloudFormation templates.

  1. Sign in to the console and open the ACM console.
  2. Choose Request a certificate.
  3. On the Request a certificate page, choose Request a private certificate and Request a certificate to continue.
  4. On the Select a certificate authority (CA) page, choose Select a CA to view the list of available private CAs.
  5. Choose Next.
  6. On the Add domain names page, enter your domain name. You can use a fully qualified domain name, such as www.example.com, or a bare—also called apex—domain name such as example.com. You can also use an asterisk (*) as a wild card in the leftmost position to include all subdomains in the same root domain. For example, you can use *.example.com to include all subdomains of the root domain example.com.
  7. To add another domain name, choose Add another name to this certificate and enter the name in the text box.
  8. (Optional) On the Add tags page, tag your certificate.
  9. When you finish adding tags, choose Review and request.
  10. If the Review and request page contains the correct information about your request, choose Confirm and request.

Note: You can learn more at Requesting a Private Certificate.

To share the private CA with other accounts or with your organization

You can use ACM Private CA to share a single private CA with multiple AWS accounts. To share your private CA with multiple accounts, follow the instructions in How to use AWS RAM to share your ACM Private CA cross-account.

Continue deploying the CloudFormation templates

With the certificates assigned and configured, you can complete the deployment of the CloudFormation templates for this solution.

To deploy the Network Load Balancer template

In this step, you provision a Network Load Balancer.

  1. Navigate to the CloudFormation console.
  2. Choose Upload a template file.
  3. Select 05_PKI_Automated-LoadBalancer-Provisioning.yaml as the CloudFormation stack file, and then choose Next.
  4. On the Specify stack details page, enter a stack name and the parameters. Some parameters are filled in automatically or have a dropdown list that you can use to select existing values.
  5. Choose Next, Next, and Create Stack.

To deploy the HTTPS listener configuration template

The following steps create the HTTPS listener with an initial configuration for the load balancer.

  1. Navigate to the CloudFormation console:
  2. Choose Upload a template file.
  3. Select 06_PKI_Automated-HTTPS-Listener.yaml as the CloudFormation stack file, and then choose Next.
  4. On the Specify stack details page, enter the stack name and the parameters. Some parameters are filled in automatically or have a dropdown list that you can use to select existing values.
  5. Choose Next, Next, and Create Stack.

To deploy the AWS KMS CMK template

In this step, you create an AWS KMS CMK to encrypt EC2 EBS volumes and other resources. This is required for the EC2 instances in this solution.

  1. Open the CloudFormation console.
  2. Choose Upload a template file.
  3. Select 04_PKI_Automated-KMS_CMK-Creation.yaml as the CloudFormation stack file, and then choose Next.
  4. On the Specify stack details page, enter a stack name and the parameters.
  5. Choose Next, Next, and Create Stack.

To deploy the Windows EC2 instances provisioning template

This template provisions a purpose-built Windows EC2 instance within an existing VPC. It will provision an EC2 instance for the Windows CA, with KMS to encrypt the EBS volume, an IAM instance profile and automatically installs SSM agent on your instance.

It also has optional features and flexibilities. For example, the template can automatically create new target group, or add instance to existing target group. It can also configure listener rules, create Route 53 records and automatically join an Active Directory domain.

Note: The AWS KMS CMK and the IAM role are required to provision the EC2, while the target group, listener rules, and domain join features are optional.

  1. Navigate to the CloudFormation console.
  2. Choose Upload a template file.
  3. Select 07_PKI_Automated-EC2-Servers-Provisioning.yaml as the CloudFormation stack file, and then choose Next.
  4. On the Specify stack details page, enter the stack name and the parameters. Some parameters are filled in automatically or have a dropdown list that you can use to select existing values.

    Note: The Optional properties section at the end of the parameters list isn’t required if you’re not joining the EC2 instance to an Active Directory domain.

  5. Choose Next, Next, and Create Stack.

Create and initialize a CloudHSM cluster

In this section, you create and configure CloudHSM within the VPC subnets provisioned in previous steps. After the CloudHSM cluster is completed and signed by the Windows root CA, it will be integrated with the EC2 Windows servers provisioned in previous sections.

To create a CloudHSM cluster

  1. Log in to the AWS account, open the console, and navigate to the CloudHSM.
  2. Choose Create cluster.
  3. In the Cluster configuration section:
    1. Select the VPC you created.
    2. Select the three private subnets you created across the Availability Zones in previous steps.
  4. Choose Next: Review.
  5. Review your cluster configuration, and then choose Create cluster.

To create an HSM

  1. Open the console and go to the CloudHSM cluster you created in the preceding step.
  2. Choose Initialize.
  3. Select an AZ for the HSM that you’re creating, and then choose Create.

To download and sign a CSR

Before you can initialize the cluster, you must download and sign a CSR generated by the first HSM of the cluster.

  1. Open the CloudHSM console.
  2. Choose Initialize next to the cluster that you created previously.
  3. When the CSR is ready, select Cluster CSR to download it.

    Figure 5: Download CSR

    Figure 5: Download CSR

To initialize the cluster

  1. Open the CloudHSM console.
  2. Choose Initialize next to the cluster that you created previously.
  3. On the Download certificate signing request page, choose Next. If Next is not available, choose one of the CSR or certificate links, and then choose Next.
  4. On the Sign certificate signing request (CSR) page, choose Next.
  5. Use your existing Windows root CA.
    1. Copy the CSR to the root CA and sign it.
    2. Export the signed CSR in base64 format.
    3. Also export the <RootCA>.crt certificate in base64 format.
  6. On the Upload the certificates page, upload the signed CSR and the root CA certificates.
  7. Choose Upload and initialize.

Integrate CloudHSM cluster to Windows Server AD CS

In this section you use a script that provides step-by-step instructions to help you successfully integrate your Windows Server CA with AWS CloudHSM.

To integrate CloudHSM cluster to Windows Server AD CS

Open the script 09_PKI_AWS_CloudHSM-Windows_CA-Integration-Playbook.txt and follow the instructions to complete the CloudHSM integration with the Windows servers.

Install and configure Windows CA with CloudHSM

When the CloudHSM integration is complete, install and configure your Windows Server CA with the CloudHSM key storage provider and select RSA#Cavium Key Storage Provider as your cryptographic provider.


By deploying the hybrid solution in this post, you’ve implemented a PKI to manage security across all workloads in your AWS accounts and in your on-premises network.

With this solution, you can use a private CA to issue Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates to your Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, CloudFront, and other AWS workloads across multiple accounts and VPCs. The Windows CA lets you enhance your internal security by binding your internal users, digital devices, and applications to appropriate private keys. You can use this solution with TLS, Internet Protocol Security (IPsec), digital signatures, VPNs, wireless network authentication, and more.

Additional resources

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Certificate Manager forum or CloudHSM forum or contact AWS Support.

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Max Farnga

Max is a Security Transformation Consultant with AWS Professional Services – Security, Risk and Compliance team. He has a diverse technical background in infrastructure, security, and cloud computing. He helps AWS customers implement secure and innovative solutions on the AWS cloud.