Tag Archives: tracing

How to integrate AWS STS SourceIdentity with your identity provider

Post Syndicated from Keith Joelner original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-integrate-aws-sts-sourceidentity-with-your-identity-provider/

You can use third-party identity providers (IdPs) such as Okta, Ping, or OneLogin to federate with the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service using SAML 2.0, allowing your workforce to configure services by providing authorization access to the AWS Management Console or Command Line Interface (CLI). When you federate to AWS, you assume a role through the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS), which through the AssumeRole API returns a set of temporary security credentials you then use to access AWS resources. The use of temporary credentials can make it challenging for administrators to trace which identity was responsible for actions performed.

To address this, with AWS STS you set a unique attribute called SourceIdentity, which allows you to easily see which identity is responsible for a given action.

This post will show you how to set up the AWS STS SourceIdentity attribute when using Okta, Ping, or OneLogin as your IdP. Your IdP administrator can configure a corporate directory attribute, such as an email address, to be passed as the SourceIdentity value within the SAML assertion. This value is stored as the SourceIdentity element in AWS CloudTrail, along with the activity performed by the assumed role. This post will also show you how to set up a sample policy for setting the SourceIdentity when switching roles. Finally, as an administrator reviewing CloudTrail activity, you can use the source identity information to determine who performed which actions. We will walk you through CloudTrail logs from two accounts to demonstrate the continuance of the source identity attribute, showing you how the SourceIdentity will appear in both accounts’ logs.

For more information about the SAML authentication flow in AWS services, see AWS Identity and Access Management Using SAML. For more information about using SourceIdentity, see How to relate IAM role activity to corporate identity.

Configure the SourceIdentity attribute with Okta integration

You will do this portion of the configuration within the Okta administrative console. This procedure assumes that you have a previously configured AWS and Okta integration. If not, you can configure your integration by following the instructions in the Okta AWS Multi-Account Configuration Guide. You will use the Okta to SAML integration and configure an optional attribute to map as the SourceIdentity.

To set up Okta with SourceIdentity

  1. Log in to the Okta admin console.
  2. Navigate to Applications–AWS.
  3. In the top navigation bar, select the Sign On tab, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1 - Navigate to attributes in SAML settings on the Okta applications page

    Figure 1 – Navigate to attributes in SAML settings on the Okta applications page

  4. Under Sign on methods, select SAML 2.0, and choose the arrow next to Attributes (Optional) to expand, as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2 - Add new attribute SourceIdentity and map it to Okta provided attribute of your choice

    Figure 2 – Add new attribute SourceIdentity and map it to Okta provided attribute of your choice

  5. Add the optional attribute definition for SourceIdentity using the following parameters:
    • For Name, enter:
    • For Name format, choose URI Reference.
    • For Value, enter user.login.

    Note: The Name format options are the following:
    Unspecified – can be any format defined by the Okta profile and must be interpreted by your application.
    URI Reference – the name is provided as a Uniform Resource Identifier string.
    Basic – a simple string; the default if no other format is specified.

The examples shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 show how to map an email address to the SourceIdentity attribute by using an on-premises Active Directory sync. The SourceIdentity can be mapped to other attributes from your Active Directory.

Configure the SourceIdentity attribute with PingOne integration

You do this portion of the configuration in the Ping Identity administrative console. This procedure assumes that you have a previously configured AWS and Ping integration. If not, you can set up the PingFederate AWS Connector by following the Ping Identity instructions Configuring an SSO connection to Amazon Web Services.

You’re using the Ping to SAML integration and configuring an optional attribute to map as the source identity.

Configuring PingOne as an IdP involves setting up an identity repository (in this case, the PingOne Directory), creating a user group, and adding users to the individual groups.

To configure PingOne as an IdP for AWS

  1. Navigate to https://admin.pingone.com/ and log in using your administrator credentials.
  2. Choose the My Applications tab, as shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3. PingOne My Applications tab

    Figure 3. PingOne My Applications tab

  3. On the Amazon Web Services line, choose on the arrow on the right side to show application details to edit and add a new attribute for the source identity.
  4. Choose Continue to Next Step to open the Attribute Mapping section, as shown in Figure 4.

    Figure 4. Attribute mappings

    Figure 4. Attribute mappings

  5. In the Attribute Mapping section line 1, for SAML_SUBJECT, choose Advanced.
  6. On the Advanced Attribute Options page, for Name ID Format to send to SP select urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent. For IDP Attribute Name or Literal Value, select SAML_SUBJECT, as shown in Figure 4.

    Figure 5. Advanced Attribute Options for SAML_SUBJECT

    Figure 5. Advanced Attribute Options for SAML_SUBJECT

  7. In the Attribute Mapping section line 2 as shown in Figure 4, for the application attribute https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/Role, select Advanced.
  8. On the Advanced Attribute Options page, for Name Format, select urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri, as shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 6. Advanced Attribute Options for https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/Role

    Figure 6. Advanced Attribute Options for https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/Role

  9. In the Attribute Mapping section line 2 as shown in Figure 4, select As Literal.
  10. For IDP Attribute Name or Literal Value, format the role and provider ARNs (which are not yet created on the AWS side) in the following format. Be sure to replace the placeholders with your own values. Make a note of the role name and SAML provider name, as you will be using these exact names to create an IAM role and an IAM provider on the AWS side.

    arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<IAM_ROLE_NAME>,arn:aws:iam:: ::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:saml-provider/<SAML_PROVIDER_NAME>

  11. In the Attribute Mapping section line 3 as shown in Figure 4, for the application attribute https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/RoleSessionName, enter Email (Work).
  12. In the Attribute Mapping section as shown in Figure 4, to create line 5, choose Add a new attribute in the lower left.
  13. In the newly added Attribute Mapping section line 5 as shown in Figure 4, add the SourceIdentity.
    • For Application Attribute, enter:
    • For Identity Bridge Attribute or Literal Value, enter:
  14. Choose Continue to Next Step in the lower right.
  15. For Group Access, add your existing PingOne Directory Group to this application.
  16. Review your setup configuration, as shown in Figure 7, and choose Finish.

    Figure 7. Review mappings

    Figure 7. Review mappings

Configure the SourceIdentity attribute with OneLogin integration

For the OneLogin SAML integration with AWS, you use the Amazon Web Services Multi Account application and configure an optional attribute to map as the SourceIdentity. You do this portion of the configuration in the OneLogin administrative console.

This procedure assumes that you already have a previously configured AWS and OneLogin integration. For information about how to configure the OneLogin application for AWS authentication and authorization, see the OneLogin KB article Configure SAML for Amazon Web Services (AWS) with Multiple Accounts and Roles.

After the OneLogin Multi Account application and AWS are correctly configured for SAML login, you can further customize the application to pass the SourceIdentity parameter upon login.

To change OneLogin configuration to add SourceIdentity attribute

  1. In the OneLogin administrative console, in the Amazon Web Services Multi Account application, on the app administration page, navigate to Parameters, as shown in Figure 8.

    Figure 8. OneLogin AWS Multi Account Application Configuration Parameters

    Figure 8. OneLogin AWS Multi Account Application Configuration Parameters

  2. To add a parameter, choose the + (plus) icon to the right of Value.
  3. As shown in Figure 9, for Field Name enter https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/SourceIdentity, select Include in SAML assertion, then choose Save.
    Figure 9. OneLogin AWS Multi Account Application add new field

    Figure 9. OneLogin AWS Multi Account Application add new field

  4. In the Edit Field page, select the default value you want to use for SourceIdentity. For the example in this blog post, for Value, select Email, then choose Save, as shown in Figure 10.
    Figure 10. OneLogin AWS Multi Account Application map new field to email

    Figure 10. OneLogin AWS Multi Account Application map new field to email

After you’ve completed this procedure, review the final mapping details, as shown in Figure 11, to confirm that you see the additional parameter that will be passed into AWS through the SAML assertion.

Figure 11. OneLogin AWS Multi Account Application final mapping details

Figure 11. OneLogin AWS Multi Account Application final mapping details

Configuring AWS IAM role trust policy

Now that the IdP configuration is complete, you can enable your AWS accounts to use SourceIdentity by modifying the IAM role trust policy.

For the workforce identity or application to be able to define their source identity when they assume IAM roles, you must first grant them permission for the sts:SetSourceIdentity action, as illustrated in the sample policy document below. This will permit the workforce identity or application to set the SourceIdentity themselves without any need for manual intervention.

To modify an AWS IAM role trust policy

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console for your account as a user with privileges to configure an IdP, typically an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the AWS IAM service.
  3. For trusted identity, choose SAML 2.0 federation.
  4. From the SAML Provider drop down menu, select the IAM provider you created previously.
  5. Modify the role trust policy and add the SetSourceIdentity action.

Sample policy document

This is a sample policy document attached to a role you assume when you log in to Account1 from the Okta dashboard. Edit your Account1/Role1 trust policy document and add sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML and sts:setSourceIdentity to the Action section.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::<AccountId>:saml-provider/<IdP>"
      "Action": [
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "SAML:aud": "https://signin.aws.amazon.com/saml"

Notes: The SetSourceIdentity action has to be allowed in the trust policy for assumeRole to work when the IdP is set up to pass SourceIdentity in the assertion. Future version of the sign-in URL may contain a Region code. When this occurs, you will need to modify the URL appropriately.

Policy statement

The following are examples of how the line “Federated”: “arn:aws:iam::<AccountId>:saml-provider/<IdP>” should look, based on the different IdPs specified in this post:

  • “Federated”: “arn:aws:iam::12345678990:saml-provider/Okta”
  • “Federated”: “arn:aws:iam::12345678990:saml-provider/PingOne”
  • “Federated”: “arn:aws:iam::12345678990:saml-provider/OneLogin”

Modify Account2/Role2 policy statement

The following is a sample access control policy document in Account2 for Role2 that allows you to switchRole from Account1. Edit the control policy and add sts:AssumeRole and sts:SetSourceIdentity in the Action section.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<AccountID>:root"
      "Action": [

Trace the SourceIdentity attribute in AWS CloudTrail

Use the following procedure for each IdP to illustrate passing a corporate directory attribute mapped as the SourceIdentity.

To trace the SourceIdentity attribute in AWS CloudTrail

  1. Use an IdP to log in to an account Account1 (111122223333) using a role named Role1.
  2. Create a new Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket in Account1.
  3. Validate that the CloudTrail log entries for Account1 contain the Active Directory mapped SourceIdentity.
  4. Use the Switch Role feature to switch to a second account Account2 (444455556666), using a role named Role2.
  5. Create a new Amazon S3 bucket in Account2.

To summarize what you’ve done so far, you have:

  • Configured your corporate directory to pass a unique attribute to AWS as the source identity.
  • Configured a role that will persist the SourceIdentity attribute in AWS STS, which an employee will use to federate into your account.
  • Configured an Amazon S3 bucket that user will access.

Now you’ll observe in CloudTrail the SourceIdentity attribute that will be associated with every IAM action.

To see the SourceIdentity attribute in CloudTrail

  1. From the your preferred IdP dashboard, select the AWS tile to log into the AWS console. The example in Figure 12 shows the Okta dashboard.
    Figure 12. Login to AWS from IdP dashboard

    Figure 12. Login to AWS from IdP dashboard

  2. Choose the AWS icon, which will take you to the AWS Management Console. Notice how the user has assumed the role you created earlier.
  3. To test the SourceIdentity action, you will create a new Amazon S3 bucket.

    Amazon S3 bucket names are globally unique, and the namespace is shared by all AWS accounts, so you will need to create a unique bucket name in your account. For this example, we used a bucket named DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET1 to validate CloudTrail log entries containing the SourceIdentity attribute.

  4. Log into an account Account1 (111122223333) using a role named Role1.
  5. Next, create a new Amazon S3 bucket in Account1, and validate that the Account1 CloudTrail logs entries contain the SourceIdentity attribute.
  6. Create an Amazon S3 bucket called DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET1, as shown in Figure 13.
    Figure 13. Create S3 bucket

    Figure 13. Create S3 bucket

  7. In the AWS Management Console go to CloudTrail and check the log entry for bucket creation event, as shown in Figure 14.
    Figure 14 - Bucket creating entry in CloudTrail

    Figure 14 – Bucket creating entry in CloudTrail

Sample CloudTrail entry showing SourceIdentity entry

The following example shows the new sourceIdentity entry added to the JSON message for the CreateBucket event above.

        "sourceIdentity":"<[email protected]>"
  1. Switch to Account2 (444455556666) using assume role, and switch to Account2/assumeRoleSourceIdentity.
  2. Create a new Amazon S3 bucket in Account2 and validate that the Account2 CloudTrail log entries contain the SourceIdentity attribute, as shown in Figure 15.
    Figure 15 - Switch role to assumeRoleSourceIdentity

    Figure 15 – Switch role to assumeRoleSourceIdentity

  3. Create a new Amazon S3 bucket in account2 called DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET2, as shown in Figure 16.
    Figure 16 - Create DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET2 bucket while logged into account2 using assumeRoleSourceIdentity

    Figure 16 – Create DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET2 bucket while logged into account2 using assumeRoleSourceIdentity

  4. Check the CloudTrail logs for account2 (444455556666) to see if the original SourceIdentity is logged, as shown in Figure 17.
    Figure 17 - CloudTrail log entry for the above action

    Figure 17 – CloudTrail log entry for the above action

CloudTrail entry showing original SourceIdentity after assuming a role

    "eventVersion": "1.08",
    "userIdentity": {
        "type": "AssumedRole",
        "principalId": "AROAVC5CY2KJCIXJLPMQE:sourceidentitytest",
        "arn": "arn:aws:sts::444455556666:assumed-role/s3assumeRoleSourceIdentity/sourceidentitytest",
        "accountId": "444455556666",
        "accessKeyId": "ASIAVC5CY2KJIAO7CGA6",
        "sessionContext": {
            "sessionIssuer": {
                "type": "Role",
                "principalId": "AROAVC5CY2KJCIXJLPMQE",
                "arn": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/s3assumeRoleSourceIdentity",
                "accountId": "444455556666",
                "userName": "s3assumeRoleSourceIdentity"
            "webIdFederationData": {},
            "attributes": {
                "mfaAuthenticated": "false",
                "creationDate": "2021-05-05T16:47:41Z"
            "sourceIdentity": "<[email protected]>"
    "eventTime": "2021-05-05T16:48:53Z",
    "eventSource": "s3.amazonaws.com",
    "eventName": "CreateBucket",
    "awsRegion": "us-east-1",
    "sourceIPAddress": "",

You logged into Account1/Role1 and switched to Account2/Role2. All the user activities performed in AWS using the Assume Role were also logged with the original user’s sourceIdentity attribute. This makes it simple to trace user activity in CloudTrail.


Now that you have configured your SourceIdentity, you have made it easier for the security team of your organization to use CloudTrail logs to investigate and identify the originating identity of a user. In this post, you learned how to configure the AWS STS SourceIdentity attribute for three different popular IdPs, as well as how to configure each IdP using SAML and their optional attributes. We also provided sample control policy documents outlining how to configure the SourceIdentity for each provider. Additionally, we provide a sample policy for setting the SourceIdentity when switching roles. Lastly, the post walks through how the source identity will show in CloudTrail logs, and provides logs from two accounts to demonstrate the continuance of the source identity attribute. You can now test this capability yourself in your own environment, validate activity in your CloudTrail logs, and determine which user performed a specific action while using the assumeRole functionality.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Keith Joelner

Keith Joelner

Keith is a Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services working in the ISV segment. He is based in the San Francisco Bay area. Since joining AWS in 2019, he’s been supporting Snowflake and Okta. In his spare time Keith liked woodworking and home improvement projects.

Nitin Kulkarni

Nitin is a Solutions Architect on the AWS Identity Solutions team. He helps customers build secure and scalable solutions on the AWS platform. He also enjoys hiking, baseball and linguistics.

Ramesh Kumar Venkatraman

Ramesh Kumar Venkatraman is a Solutions Architect at AWS who is passionate about containers and databases. He works with AWS customers to design, deploy and manage their AWS workloads and architectures. In his spare time, he loves to play with his two kids and follows cricket.

Eddie Esquivel

Eddie Esquivel

Eddie is a Sr. Solutions Architect in the ISV segment. He spent time at several startups focusing on Big Data and Kubernetes before joining AWS. Currently, he’s focused on management and governance and helping customers make best use of AWS technology. In his spare time he enjoys spending time outdoors with his Wife and pet dog.

De-anonymizing Bitcoin

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/04/de-anonymizing-bitcoin.html

Andy Greenberg wrote a long article — an excerpt from his new book — on how law enforcement de-anonymized bitcoin transactions to take down a global child porn ring.

Within a few years of Bitcoin’s arrival, academic security researchers — and then companies like Chainalysis — began to tear gaping holes in the masks separating Bitcoin users’ addresses and their real-world identities. They could follow bitcoins on the blockchain as they moved from address to address until they reached one that could be tied to a known identity. In some cases, an investigator could learn someone’s Bitcoin addresses by transacting with them, the way an undercover narcotics agent might conduct a buy-and-bust. In other cases, they could trace a target’s coins to an account at a cryptocurrency exchange where financial regulations required users to prove their identity. A quick subpoena to the exchange from one of Chainalysis’ customers in law enforcement was then enough to strip away any illusion of Bitcoin’s anonymity.

Chainalysis had combined these techniques for de-anonymizing Bitcoin users with methods that allowed it to “cluster” addresses, showing that anywhere from dozens to millions of addresses sometimes belonged to a single person or organization. When coins from two or more addresses were spent in a single transaction, for instance, it revealed that whoever created that “multi-input” transaction must have control of both spender addresses, allowing Chainalysis to lump them into a single identity. In other cases, Chainalysis and its users could follow a “peel chain” — a process analogous to tracking a single wad of cash as a user repeatedly pulled it out, peeled off a few bills, and put it back in a different pocket. In those peel chains, bitcoins would be moved out of one address as a fraction was paid to a recipient and then the remainder returned to the spender at a “change” address. Distinguishing those change addresses could allow an investigator to follow a sum of money as it hopped from one address to the next, charting its path through the noise of Bitcoin’s blockchain.

Thanks to tricks like these, Bitcoin had turned out to be practically the opposite of untraceable: a kind of honeypot for crypto criminals that had, for years, dutifully and unerasably recorded evidence of their dirty deals. By 2017, agencies like the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the IRS’s Criminal Investigation division (or IRS-CI) had traced Bitcoin transactions to carry out one investigative coup after another, very often with the help of Chainalysis.

Achieving observability in async workflows

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/achieving-observability-in-async-workflows-cd89b923c784

Written by Colby Callahan, Megha Manohara, and Mike Azar.

Managing and operating asynchronous workflows can be difficult without the proper tools and architecture that puts observability, debugging, and tracing at the forefront.

Imagine getting paged outside normal work hours — users are having trouble with the application you’re responsible for, and you start diving into logs. However, they are scattered across multiple systems, and there isn’t an easy way to tie related messages together. Once you finally find useful identifiers, you may begin writing SQL queries against your production database to find out what went wrong. You’re joining tables, resolving status types, cross-referencing data manually with other systems, and by the end of it all you ask yourself why?

An upset on-call

This was the experience for us as the backend team on Prodicle Distribution, which is one of the many services offered in the suite of content production-facing applications called Prodicle.

Prodicle is one of the many applications that is at the exciting intersection of connecting the world of content productions to Netflix Studio Engineering. It enables a Production Office Coordinator to keep a Production’s cast, crew, and vendors organized and up to date with the latest information throughout the course of a title’s filming. (e.g. Netflix original series such as La Casa De Papel), as well as with Netflix Studio.

Users of Prodicle: Production Office Coordinator on their job

As the adoption of Prodicle grew over time, Productions asked for more features, which led to the system quickly evolving in multiple programming languages under different teams. When our team took ownership of Prodicle Distribution, we decided to revamp the service and expand its implementation to multiple UI clients built for web, Android and iOS.

Prodicle Distribution

Prodicle Distribution allows a production office coordinator to send secure, watermarked documents, such as scripts, to crew members as attachments or links, and track delivery. One distribution job might result in several thousand watermarked documents and links being created. If a job has 10 files and 20 recipients, then we have 10 x 20 = 200 unique watermarked documents and (optionally) links associated with them depending on the type of the Distribution job. The recipients of watermarked documents are able to access these documents and links in their email as well as in the Prodicle mobile application.

Prodicle Distribution

Our service is required to be elastic and handle bursty traffic. It also needs to handle third-party integration with Google Drive, making copies of PDFs with watermarks specific to each recipient, adding password protection, creating revocable links, generating thumbnails, and sending emails and push notifications. We are expected to process 1,000 watermarks for a single distribution in a minute, with non-linear latency growth as the number of watermarks increases. The goal is to process these documents as fast as possible and reliably deliver them to recipients while offering strong observability to both our users and internal teams.

Prodicle Distribution Requirements

Asynchronous workflow

Previously, the Distribution feature of Prodicle was treated as its own unique application. In late 2019, our team started integrating it with the rest of the ecosystem by writing a thin Java Domain graph service (DGS) to wrap the asynchronous watermarking functionality that was then in Ruby on Rails. The watermarking functionality, at the start, was a simple offering with various Google Drive integrations for storage and links. Our team was responsible for Google integrations, watermarking, bursty traffic management, and on-call support for this application. We had to traverse multiple codebases, and observability systems to debug errors and inefficiencies in the system. Things got hairy. New feature requests were adding to the maintenance burden for the team.

Initial offering of Prodicle Distribution backend

When we decided to migrate the asynchronous workflow to Java, we landed on these additional requirements: 1. We wanted a scalable service that was near real-time, 2. We wanted a workflow orchestrator with good observability for developers, and 3. We wanted to delegate the responsibility of watermarking and bursty traffic management for our asynchronous functions to appropriate teams.

Migration consideration for Prodicle Distribution’s asynchronous workflow

We evaluated what it would take to do this ourselves or rely on the offerings from our platform teams — Conductor and one of the new offerings Cosmos. Even though Cosmos was developed for asynchronous media processing, we worked with them to expand to generic file processing and tune their workflow platform for our near real-time use case. Early prototypes and load tests validated that the offering could meet our needs. We leaned into Cosmos because of the low variance in latency through the system, separation of concerns between the API, workflow, and the function systems, ease of load testing, customizable API layer and notifications, support for File I/O abstractions and elastic functions. Another benefit was their observability portal and its capabilities with search. We also migrated the ownership of watermarking to another internal team to focus on developing and supporting additional features.

Current architecture of Prodicle Distribution on Cosmos

With Cosmos, we are well-positioned to expand to future use cases like watermarking on images and videos. The Cosmos team is dedicated to improving features and functionality over the next year to make observations of our async workflows even better. It is great to have a team that will be improving the platform in the background as we continue our application development. We expect the performance and scaling to continue to get better without much effort on our part. We also expect other services to move some of their processing functionality into Cosmos, which makes integrations even easier because services can expose a function within the platform instead of GRPC or REST endpoints. The more services move to Cosmos, the bigger the value proposition becomes.

Deployed to Production for Productions

With productions returning to work in the midst of a global pandemic, the adoption of Prodicle Distribution has grown 10x, between June 2020 and April 2021. Starting January 2021 we did an incremental release of Prodicle Distribution on Cosmos and completed the migration in April 2021. We now support hundreds of productions, with tens of thousands of Distribution jobs, and millions of watermarks every month.

With our migration of Prodicle Distribution to Cosmos, we are able to use their observability portal called Nirvana to debug our workflow and bottlenecks.

Observing Prodicle Distribution on Cosmos in Nirvana

Now that we have a platform team dedicated to the management of our async infrastructure and watermarking, our team can better maintain and support the distribution of documents. Since our migration, the number of support tickets has decreased. It is now easier for the on-call engineer and the developers to find the associated logs and traces while visualizing the state of the asynchronous workflow and data in the whole system.

A stress-free on-call

Achieving observability in async workflows was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs

Post Syndicated from Jakub Sitnicki original https://blog.cloudflare.com/conntrack-turns-a-blind-eye-to-dropped-syns/


Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs

We have been working with conntrack, the connection tracking layer in the Linux kernel, for years. And yet, despite the collected know-how, questions about its inner workings occasionally come up. When they do, it is hard to resist the temptation to go digging for answers.

One such question popped up while writing the previous blog post on conntrack:

“Why are there no entries in the conntrack table for SYN packets dropped by the firewall?”

Ready for a deep dive into the network stack? Let’s find out.

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs
Image by chulmin park from Pixabay

We already know from last time that conntrack is in charge of tracking incoming and outgoing network traffic. By running conntrack -L we can inspect existing network flows, or as conntrack calls them, connections.

So if we spin up a toy VM, connect to it over SSH, and inspect the contents of the conntrack table, we will see…

$ vagrant init fedora/33-cloud-base
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
Last login: Sun Jan 31 15:08:02 2021 from
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo conntrack -L
conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 0 flow entries have been shown.

… nothing!

Even though the conntrack kernel module is loaded:

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ lsmod | grep '^nf_conntrack\b'
nf_conntrack          163840  1 nf_conntrack_netlink

Hold on a minute. Why is the SSH connection to the VM not listed in conntrack entries? SSH is working. With each keystroke we are sending packets to the VM. But conntrack doesn’t register it.

Isn’t conntrack an integral part of the network stack that sees every packet passing through it? 🤔

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs
Based on an image by Jan Engelhardt CC BY-SA 3.0

Clearly everything we learned about conntrack last time is not the whole story.

Calling into conntrack

Our little experiment with SSH’ing into a VM begs the question — how does conntrack actually get notified about network packets passing through the stack?

We can walk the receive path step by step and we won’t find any direct calls into the conntrack code in either the IPv4 or IPv6 stack. Conntrack does not interface with the network stack directly.

Instead, it relies on the Netfilter framework, and its set of hooks baked into in the stack:

int ip_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, …)
               net, NULL, skb, dev, NULL,

Netfilter users, like conntrack, can register callbacks with it. Netfilter will then run all registered callbacks when its hook processes a network packet.

For the INET family, that is IPv4 and IPv6, there are five Netfilter hooks  to choose from:

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs
Based on Nftables – Packet flow and Netfilter hooks in detail, thermalcircle.de, CC BY-SA 4.0

Which ones does conntrack use? We will get to that in a moment.

First, let’s focus on the trigger. What makes conntrack register its callbacks with Netfilter?

The SSH connection doesn’t show up in the conntrack table just because the module is loaded. We already saw that. This means that conntrack doesn’t register its callbacks with Netfilter at module load time.

Or at least, it doesn’t do it by default. Since Linux v5.1 (May 2019) the conntrack module has the enable_hooks parameter, which causes conntrack to register its callbacks on load:

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ modinfo nf_conntrack
parm:           enable_hooks:Always enable conntrack hooks (bool)

Going back to our toy VM, let’s try to reload the conntrack module with enable_hooks set:

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo rmmod nf_conntrack_netlink nf_conntrack
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo modprobe nf_conntrack enable_hooks=1
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo conntrack -L
tcp      6 431999 ESTABLISHED src= dst= sport=22 dport=34858 src= dst= sport=34858 dport=22 [ASSURED] mark=0 secctx=system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 use=1
conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 1 flow entries have been shown.
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$

Nice! The conntrack table now contains an entry for our SSH session.

The Netfilter hook notified conntrack about SSH session packets passing through the stack.

Now that we know how conntrack gets called, we can go back to our question — can we observe a TCP SYN packet dropped by the firewall with conntrack?

Listing Netfilter hooks

That is easy to check:

  1. Add a rule to drop anything coming to port tcp/25702

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2570 -j DROP

2) Connect to the VM on port tcp/2570 from the outside

host $ nc -w 1 -z 2570

3) List conntrack table entries

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo conntrack -L
tcp      6 431999 ESTABLISHED src= dst= sport=22 dport=34858 src= dst= sport=34858 dport=22 [ASSURED] mark=0 secctx=system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 use=1
conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 1 flow entries have been shown.

No new entries. Conntrack didn’t record a new flow for the dropped SYN.

But did it process the SYN packet? To answer that we have to find out which callbacks conntrack registered with Netfilter.

Netfilter keeps track of callbacks registered for each hook in instances of struct nf_hook_entries. We can reach these objects through the Netfilter state (struct netns_nf), which lives inside network namespace (struct net).

struct netns_nf {
    struct nf_hook_entries __rcu *hooks_ipv4[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];
    struct nf_hook_entries __rcu *hooks_ipv6[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];

struct nf_hook_entries, if you look at its definition, is a bit of an exotic construct. A glance at how the object size is calculated during its allocation gives a hint about its memory layout:

    struct nf_hook_entries *e;
    size_t alloc = sizeof(*e) +
               sizeof(struct nf_hook_entry) * num +
               sizeof(struct nf_hook_ops *) * num +
               sizeof(struct nf_hook_entries_rcu_head);

It’s an element count, followed by two arrays glued together, and some RCU-related state which we’re going to ignore. The two arrays have the same size, but hold different kinds of values.

We can walk the second array, holding pointers to struct nf_hook_ops, to discover the registered callbacks and their priority. Priority determines the invocation order.

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs

With drgn, a programmable C debugger tailored for the Linux kernel, we can locate the Netfilter state in kernel memory, and walk its contents relatively easily. Given we know what we are looking for.

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo drgn
drgn 0.0.8 (using Python 3.9.1, without libkdumpfile)
>>> pre_routing_hook = prog['init_net'].nf.hooks_ipv4[0]
>>> for i in range(0, pre_routing_hook.num_hook_entries):
...     pre_routing_hook.hooks[i].hook
(nf_hookfn *)ipv4_conntrack_defrag+0x0 = 0xffffffffc092c000
(nf_hookfn *)ipv4_conntrack_in+0x0 = 0xffffffffc093f290

Neat! We have a way to access Netfilter state.

Let’s take it to the next level and list all registered callbacks for each Netfilter hook (using less than 100 lines of Python):

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo /vagrant/tools/list-nf-hooks
       -400 → ipv4_conntrack_defrag     ☜ conntrack callback
       -300 → iptable_raw_hook
       -200 → ipv4_conntrack_in         ☜ conntrack callback
       -150 → iptable_mangle_hook
       -100 → nf_nat_ipv4_in

🪝 ipv4 LOCAL_IN
       -150 → iptable_mangle_hook
          0 → iptable_filter_hook
         50 → iptable_security_hook
        100 → nf_nat_ipv4_fn
 2147483647 → ipv4_confirm

The output from our script shows that conntrack has two callbacks registered with the PRE_ROUTING hook – ipv4_conntrack_defrag and ipv4_conntrack_in. But are they being called?

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs
Based on Netfilter PRE_ROUTING hook, thermalcircle.de, CC BY-SA 4.0

Tracing conntrack callbacks

We expect that when the Netfilter PRE_ROUTING hook processes a TCP SYN packet, it will invoke ipv4_conntrack_defrag and then ipv4_conntrack_in callbacks.

To confirm it we will put to use the tracing powers of BPF 🐝. BPF programs can run on entry to functions. These kinds of programs are known as BPF kprobes. In our case we will attach BPF kprobes to conntrack callbacks.

Usually, when working with BPF, we would write the BPF program in C and use clang -target bpf to compile it. However, for tracing it will be much easier to use bpftrace. With bpftrace we can write our BPF kprobe program in a high-level language inspired by AWK:

    $skb = (struct sk_buff *)arg1;
    $iph = (struct iphdr *)($skb->head + $skb->network_header);
    $th = (struct tcphdr *)($skb->head + $skb->transport_header);

    if ($iph->protocol == 6 /* IPPROTO_TCP */ &&
        $th->dest == 2570 /* htons(2570) */ &&
        $th->syn == 1) {
        time("%H:%M:%S ");
        printf("%s:%u > %s:%u tcp syn %s\n",
               (uint16)($th->source << 8) | ($th->source >> 8),
               (uint16)($th->dest << 8) | ($th->dest >> 8),

What does this program do? It is roughly an equivalent of a tcpdump filter:

dst port 2570 and tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-syn != 0

But only for packets passing through conntrack PRE_ROUTING callbacks.

(If you haven’t used bpftrace, it comes with an excellent reference guide and gives you the ability to explore kernel data types on the fly with bpftrace -lv 'struct iphdr'.)

Let’s run the tracing program while we connect to the VM from the outside (nc -z 2570):

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo bpftrace /vagrant/tools/trace-conntrack-prerouting.bt
Attaching 3 probes...
Tracing conntrack prerouting callbacks... Hit Ctrl-C to quit
13:22:56 > tcp syn ipv4_conntrack_defrag
13:22:56 > tcp syn ipv4_conntrack_in

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$

Conntrack callbacks have processed the TCP SYN packet destined to tcp/2570.

But if conntrack saw the packet, why is there no corresponding flow entry in the conntrack table?

Going down the rabbit hole

What actually happens inside the conntrack PRE_ROUTING callbacks?

To find out, we can trace the call chain that starts on entry to the conntrack callback. The function_graph tracer built into the Ftrace framework is perfect for this task.

But because all incoming traffic goes through the PRE_ROUTING hook, including our SSH connection, our trace will be polluted with events from SSH traffic. To avoid that, let’s switch from SSH access to a serial console.

When using libvirt as the Vagrant provider, you can connect to the serial console with virsh:

host $ virsh -c qemu:///session list
 Id   Name                State
 1    conntrack_default   running

host $ virsh -c qemu:///session console conntrack_default
Once connected to the console and logged into the VM, we can record the call chain using the trace-cmd wrapper for Ftrace:
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo trace-cmd start -p function_graph -g ipv4_conntrack_defrag -g ipv4_conntrack_in
  plugin 'function_graph'
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ # … connect from the host with `nc -z 2570` …
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo trace-cmd stop
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace
# tracer: function_graph
# |     |   |                     |   |   |   |
 1)   1.219 us    |  finish_task_switch();
 1)   3.532 us    |  ipv4_conntrack_defrag [nf_defrag_ipv4]();
 1)               |  ipv4_conntrack_in [nf_conntrack]() {
 1)               |    nf_conntrack_in [nf_conntrack]() {
 1)   0.573 us    |      get_l4proto [nf_conntrack]();
 1)               |      nf_ct_get_tuple [nf_conntrack]() {
 1)   0.487 us    |        nf_ct_get_tuple_ports [nf_conntrack]();
 1)   1.564 us    |      }
 1)   0.820 us    |      hash_conntrack_raw [nf_conntrack]();
 1)   1.255 us    |      __nf_conntrack_find_get [nf_conntrack]();
 1)               |      init_conntrack.constprop.0 [nf_conntrack]() {  ❷
 1)   0.427 us    |        nf_ct_invert_tuple [nf_conntrack]();
 1)               |        __nf_conntrack_alloc [nf_conntrack]() {      ❶
 1)   3.680 us    |        }
 1) + 15.847 us   |      }
 1) + 34.595 us   |    }
 1) + 35.742 us   |  }
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$

What catches our attention here is the allocation, __nf_conntrack_alloc() (❶), inside init_conntrack() (❷). __nf_conntrack_alloc() creates a struct nf_conn object which represents a tracked connection.

This object is not created in vain. A glance at init_conntrack() source shows that it is pushed onto a list of unconfirmed connections3.

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs

What does it mean that a connection is unconfirmed? As conntrack(8) man page explains:

       This table shows new entries, that are not yet inserted into the
       conntrack table. These entries are attached to packets that  are
       traversing  the  stack, but did not reach the confirmation point
       at the postrouting hook.

Perhaps we have been looking for our flow in the wrong table? Does the unconfirmed table have a record for our dropped TCP SYN?

Pulling the rabbit out of the hat

I have bad news…

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo conntrack -L unconfirmed
conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 0 flow entries have been shown.
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$

The flow is not present in the unconfirmed table. We have to dig deeper.

Let’s for a moment assume that a struct nf_conn object was added to the unconfirmed list. If the list is now empty, then the object must have been removed from the list before we inspected its contents.

Has an entry been removed from the unconfirmed table? What function removes entries from the unconfirmed table?

It turns out that nf_ct_add_to_unconfirmed_list() which init_conntrack() invokes, has its opposite defined just right beneath it – nf_ct_del_from_dying_or_unconfirmed_list().

It is worth a shot to check if this function is being called, and if so, from where. For that we can again use a BPF tracing program, attached to function entry. However, this time our program will record a kernel stack trace:

kprobe:nf_ct_del_from_dying_or_unconfirmed_list { @[kstack()] = count(); exit(); }

With bpftrace running our one-liner, we connect to the VM from the host with nc as before:

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo bpftrace -e 'kprobe:nf_ct_del_from_dying_or_unconfirmed_list { @[kstack()] = count(); exit(); }'
Attaching 1 probe...

    nf_ct_del_from_dying_or_unconfirmed_list+1 ❹
    kfree_skb+50 ❸
    nf_hook_slow+143 ❷
    ip_local_deliver+152 ❶
]: 1

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$

Bingo. The conntrack delete function was called, and the captured stack trace shows that on local delivery path (❶), where LOCAL_IN Netfilter hook runs (❷), the packet is destroyed (❸). Conntrack must be getting called when sk_buff (the packet and its metadata) is destroyed. This causes conntrack to remove the unconfirmed flow entry (❹).

It makes sense. After all we have a DROP rule in the filter/INPUT chain. And that iptables -j DROP rule has a significant side effect. It cleans up an entry in the conntrack unconfirmed table!

This explains why we can’t observe the flow in the unconfirmed table. It lives for only a very short period of time.

Not convinced? You don’t have to take my word for it. I will prove it with a dirty trick!

Making the rabbit disappear, or actually appear

If you recall the output from list-nf-hooks that we’ve seen earlier, there is another conntrack callback there – ipv4_confirm, which I have ignored:

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo /vagrant/tools/list-nf-hooks
🪝 ipv4 LOCAL_IN
       -150 → iptable_mangle_hook
          0 → iptable_filter_hook
         50 → iptable_security_hook
        100 → nf_nat_ipv4_fn
 2147483647 → ipv4_confirm              ☜ another conntrack callback

ipv4_confirm is “the confirmation point” mentioned in the conntrack(8) man page. When a flow gets confirmed, it is moved from the unconfirmed table to the main conntrack table.

The callback is registered with a “weird” priority – 2,147,483,647. It’s the maximum positive value of a 32-bit signed integer can hold, and at the same time, the lowest possible priority a callback can have.

This ensures that the ipv4_confirm callback runs last. We want the flows to graduate from the unconfirmed table to the main conntrack table only once we know the corresponding packet has made it through the firewall.

Luckily for us, it is possible to have more than one callback registered with the same priority. In such cases, the order of registration matters. We can put that to use. Just for educational purposes.

Good old iptables won’t be of much help here. Its Netfilter callbacks have hard-coded priorities which we can’t change. But nftables, the iptables successor, is much more flexible in this regard. With nftables we can create a rule chain with arbitrary priority.

So this time, let’s use nftables to install a filter rule to drop traffic to port tcp/2570. The trick, though, is to register our chain before conntrack registers itself. This way our filter will run last.

First, delete the tcp/2570 drop rule in iptables and unregister conntrack.

vm # iptables -t filter -F
vm # rmmod nf_conntrack_netlink nf_conntrack

Then add tcp/2570 drop rule in nftables, with lowest possible priority.

vm # nft add table ip my_table
vm # nft add chain ip my_table my_input { type filter hook input priority 2147483647 \; }
vm # nft add rule ip my_table my_input tcp dport 2570 counter drop
vm # nft -a list ruleset
table ip my_table { # handle 1
        chain my_input { # handle 1
                type filter hook input priority 2147483647; policy accept;
                tcp dport 2570 counter packets 0 bytes 0 drop # handle 4

Finally, re-register conntrack hooks.

vm # modprobe nf_conntrack enable_hooks=1

The registered callbacks for the LOCAL_IN hook now look like this:

vm # /vagrant/tools/list-nf-hooks
🪝 ipv4 LOCAL_IN
       -150 → iptable_mangle_hook
          0 → iptable_filter_hook
         50 → iptable_security_hook
        100 → nf_nat_ipv4_fn
 2147483647 → ipv4_confirm, nft_do_chain_ipv4

What happens if we connect to port tcp/2570 now?

vm # conntrack -L
tcp      6 115 SYN_SENT src= dst= sport=54868 dport=2570 [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=2570 dport=54868 mark=0 secctx=system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 use=1
conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 1 flow entries have been shown.

We have fooled conntrack 💥

Conntrack promoted the flow from the unconfirmed to the main conntrack table despite the fact that the firewall dropped the packet. We can observe it.


Conntrack processes every received packet4 and creates a flow for it. A flow entry is always created even if the packet is dropped shortly after. The flow might never be promoted to the main conntrack table and can be short lived.

However, this blog post is not really about conntrack. Its internals have been covered by magazines, papers, books, and on other blogs long before. We probably could have learned elsewhere all that has been shown here.

For us, conntrack was really just an excuse to demonstrate various ways to discover the inner workings of the Linux network stack. As good as any other.

Today we have powerful introspection tools like drgn, bpftrace, or Ftrace, and a cross referencer to plow through the source code, at our fingertips. They help us look under the hood of a live operating system and gradually deepen our understanding of its workings.

I have to warn you, though. Once you start digging into the kernel, it is hard to stop…

1Actually since Linux v5.10 (Dec 2020) there is an additional Netfilter hook for the INET family named NF_INET_INGRESS. The new hook type allows users to attach nftables chains to the Traffic Control ingress hook.
2Why did I pick this port number? Because 2570 = 0x0a0a. As we will see later, this saves us the trouble of converting between the network byte order and the host byte order.
3To be precise, there are multiple lists of unconfirmed connections. One per each CPU. This is a common pattern in the kernel. Whenever we want to prevent CPUs from contending for access to a shared state, we give each CPU a private instance of the state.
4Unless we explicitly exclude it from being tracked with iptables -j NOTRACK.