All posts by Garrett Galow

Quickly see differences between Zone Versions with Version Comparisons

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original

Quickly see differences between Zone Versions with Version Comparisons

Quickly see differences between Zone Versions with Version Comparisons

On the week of July 10, 2023, we launched a new capability for Zone Versioning – Version Comparisons. With Version Comparisons, you can quickly get a side by side glance of what changes were made between two versions. This makes it easier to evaluate that a new version of your zone’s configuration is correct before deploying to production.

Quickly see differences between Zone Versions with Version Comparisons

A quick recap about Zone Versioning

Zone Versioning was launched at the start of 2023 to all Cloudflare Enterprise customers and allows you to create and manage independent versions of your zone configuration. This enables you to safely configure a set of configuration changes and progressively roll out those changes together to predefined environments of traffic. Having the ability to carefully test changes in a test or staging environment before deploying them to production, can help catch configuration issues before they can have a large impact on your zone’s traffic. See the general availability announcement blog for a deeper dive on the overall capability.

Why we built Version Comparisons

Diff is a well known and often used tool by many software developers to quickly understand the difference between two files. While originally just a command line utility it is now ubiquitous across the software world. Most commonly used in code reviews, software developers use ‘diffs’ to ensure they can validate the set of changes they intend to make to a codebase and to allow others to easily review their code by focusing on what changed. One of the drawbacks of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for managing configurations is since they aren’t ‘files’, tools like diff don’t work for them. This was true with Zone Versioning, as to try and understand what had changed between two versions you would need to manually inspect each version and the various sections of the dashboard across both versions. This is quite tedious and error-prone, so it can reduce the safety that versioning can provide.

With Version Comparisons, we are bringing the same capabilities of diff but without the need for using a command line to allow customers to compare two versions side by side. This makes the process of understanding which configurations of your zone changed between two versions easy, quick and painless. By pointing out which config has changed, you can have greater confidence that deploying a new version of your configuration will not create any surprises. Let’s now look at how to use Version Comparisons in the Cloudflare Dashboard.

Using Version Comparisons

After navigating to a zone that has Zone Versioning enabled, select ‘Version Management’ in the left-hand navigation. For help getting started with Zone Versioning, see our dev docs.

Quickly see differences between Zone Versions with Version Comparisons

After selecting the ‘Version Management’ tab you will notice a third option – ‘Comparisons’. Selecting that will prompt you to select two versions to compare. Select the two version you want to compare and then select ‘Compare’

Quickly see differences between Zone Versions with Version Comparisons

After a few seconds, the page will update automatically with a comparison on a per-product basis. The lower numbered version will always be presented on the left and the top will show you which environments the versions are assigned to so that you can ensure you are comparing the right versions. A common use case would be to compare the versions in staging and production to verify the changes before promoting the staging version to production.

Any products with changes will have ‘changes detected’ noted next to them. Selecting one will open up the diff of that product across both versions.

Quickly see differences between Zone Versions with Version Comparisons

Changes will be highlighted for new additions and removals for that service. Based on the comparison, you can then decide if more changes are necessary or if that new version is ready to be rolled out.

Try out Version Comparisons today

Versions comparisons are available to all customers using Zone Versioning! If you are a Cloudflare Enterprise customer, to get started using Zone Versioning and Version Comparisons, check out our dev docs.

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

Today, we are announcing Zone Holds, a new capability for enterprise customers that gives them control of if and when someone else can add the same zone to another Cloudflare account. When multiple teams at a company want to use Cloudflare, one team might accidentally step on another’s toes and try to manage the same zone in two accounts. Zone Holds ensure that this cannot happen by enforcing that only one account can contain a given domain, optionally inclusive of subdomains or custom hostnames, unless explicit permission is granted by the account owner of the zone.

What can go wrong today

Cloudflare already requires zones to be authenticated via DNS before traffic is proxied through our global network. This ensures that only domain owners can authorize traffic to be sent through and controlled with Cloudflare. However, many of our customers are large organizations with many teams all trying to protect and accelerate their web properties. In these cases, one team may not realize that a given domain is already being protected with Cloudflare. If they activate a second instance of the same domain in Cloudflare, they end up replacing the original zone that another team was already managing with Cloudflare. This can create downtime or security issues until the original zone can be re-activated. If these two teams had only known about each other and communicated, then in most cases any issue could be avoided via one of many options – subdomains, custom hostnames, etc. How can we ensure that these teams are aware of potential risk before making these mistakes?

How Zone Holds protect customers

With Zone Holds, any attempt to add a domain that is being held will return an error letting the person know that they need to contact the domain owner first. Zone Holds are enabled by default for all enterprise zones. The holds can be managed from the Zone Overview screen. Optionally, the hold can be extended to apply to subdomains and custom hostnames. When disabling a hold, you can set the hold to re-enable after a set amount of time. This ensures you don’t accidentally leave a hold perpetually disabled. Let’s dig into an example to understand how Zone Holds help customers.

Protect your domain with Zone Holds
An active zone hold not including protection of subdomains

Example Corp – before Zone Holds

Example Corp is a large Cloudflare customer. Specifically, their infrastructure team uses Cloudflare to protect all traffic at This includes their marketing site at and their customer facing API at When they onboarded to Cloudflare they had their IT department, who manages all DNS at the company, setup DNS records at their registrar such that all traffic for routed through Cloudflare.

Fast forward a year later, their marketing department wants to adopt Cloudflare’s Bot Management solution for traffic on They sign up and reach out to their IT department to set the provided NS records at the registrar. The IT department does not realize that Cloudflare is already in use so they do not catch that this will impact the existing zone managed by the infrastructure team. The new zone is activated and an incident occurs because traffic to not only but also is impacted. With Zone Holds this incident would have been avoided. Let’s see how.

Example Corp – now with Zone Holds

Example Corp signs up for Cloudflare and adds to their account as an ENT zone. Automatically a Zone Hold is enabled on the domain which will prevent any other Cloudflare account from adding They also enable a hold on any subdomains or custom hostnames under the domain of

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

Later ACME’s marketing department wants to start using Cloudflare for When they attempt to add that domain to Cloudflare they get an error informing them that they need to reach out to the domain owner.

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

ACME’s marketing department reaches out internally and learns that the infrastructure team manages this domain and that activating this zone would have caused an incident! Instead, both teams decide that the marketing team should add the subdomain of so they can control the marketing site. The infrastructure team lifts the subdomain hold on and the marketing team adds to their own account.

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

Once set up and activated they can now begin to leverage bot management to protect their marketing site and no unexpected impact occurs.

Getting started with Zone Holds

Zone Holds are now available to all enterprise zones and are enabled by default at the domain level. You can manage Zone Holds from the Zone Overview screen of any enterprise zone. Optionally, the hold can be extended to apply to subdomains and custom hostnames. When disabling a hold, you can set the hold to re-enable after a set amount of time. This ensures you don’t accidentally leave a hold perpetually disabled.

Zone Versioning is now generally available

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original

Zone Versioning is now generally available

Zone Versioning is now generally available

Today we are announcing the general availability of Zone Versioning for enterprise customers. Zone Versioning allows you to safely manage zone configuration by versioning changes and choosing how and when to deploy those changes to defined environments of traffic. Previously announced as HTTP Applications, we have redesigned the experience based on testing and feedback to provide a seamless experience for customers looking to safely rollout configuration changes.

Problems with making configuration changes

There are two problems we have heard from customers that Zone Versioning aims to solve:

  1. How do I test changes to my zone safely?
  2. If I do end up making a change that impacts my traffic negatively, how can I quickly revert that change?

Customers have worked out various ways of solving these problems. For problem #1, customers will create staging zones that live on a different hostname, often taking the form, that they make changes on first to ensure that those changes will work when deployed to their production zone. When making more than one change this can become troublesome as they now need to keep track of all the changes made to make the exact same set of changes on the production zone. Also, it is possible that something tested in staging never makes it to production, but yet is not rolled back, so now the two environments differ in configuration.

For problem #2, customers often keep track of what changes were made and when they were deployed in a ticketing system like JIRA, such that in case of an incident an on-call engineer can more easily find the changes they may need to roll back by manually modifying the configuration of the zone. This requires the on-call to be able to easily get to the list of what changes were made.

Altogether, this means customers are more reluctant to make changes to configuration or turn on new features that may benefit them because they do not feel confident in the ability to validate the changes safely.

How Zone Versioning solves those problems

Zone Versioning provides two new fundamental aspects to managing configuration that allow a customer to safely test, deploy and rollback configuration changes: Versions and Environments.

Versions are independent sets of zone configuration. They can be created anytime from a previous version or the initial configuration of the zone and changes to one version will not affect another version. Initially, a version affects none of a zone’s traffic, so any changes made are safe by definition. When first enabling zone versioning, we create Version 1 that is based on the current configuration of the zone (referred to as the baseline configuration).

Zone Versioning is now generally available

From there any changes that you make to Version 1 will be safely stored and propagated to our global network, but will not affect any traffic. Making changes to a version is no different from before, just select the version to edit and modify the configuration of that feature as normal. Once you have made the set of changes desired for a given version, to deploy that version on live traffic in your zone, you will need to deploy the version to an Environment.

Environments are a way of mapping segments of your zone’s traffic to versions of configuration. Powered by our Ruleset Engine, that powers the likes of Custom WAF Rules and Cache Rules, Environments give you the ability to create filters based on a wide range of parameters such as hostname, client IP, location, or cookie. When a version is applied to an Environment, any traffic matching the filter will use that version’s configuration.

By default, we create three environments to get started with:

  • Development – Applies to traffic sent with a specific cookie for development
  • Staging – Applies to traffic sent to Cloudflare’s staging IPs
  • Production – Applies to all traffic on the zone

You can create additional environments or modify the pre-defined environments except for Production. Any newly created environment will begin in an unassigned state meaning traffic will fall back to the baseline configuration of the zone. In the above image, we have deployed Version 2 to both the Development and Staging environments. Once we have tested Version 2 in staging, then we can ‘Promote’ Version 2 to Production which means all traffic on the zone will receive the configuration in Version 2 except for Development and Staging traffic. If something goes wrong after deploying to Production, then we can use the ‘Rollback’ action to revert to the configuration of Version 1.

How promotion and rollbacks work

It is worth going into a bit more detail about how configuration changes, promotions, and rollbacks are realized in our global network. Whenever a configuration change is made to a version, we store that change in our system of record for the service and push that change to our global network so that it is available to be used at any time.

Importantly and unlike how changes to zones automatically take effect, that change will not be used until the version is deployed to an environment that is receiving traffic. The same is true for when a version is promoted or rolled back between environments. Because all the configuration we need for a given version is already available in our global network, we only need to push a single, atomic change to tell our network that traffic matching the filter for a given environment should now use the newly defined configuration version.

This means that promotions and more importantly rollbacks occur as quickly as you are used to with any configuration change in Cloudflare. No need to wait five or ten minutes for us to roll back a bad deployment, if something goes wrong you can return to a last known good configuration in seconds. Slow rollbacks can make ongoing incidents drag on leading to extended customer impact, so the ability to quickly execute a rollback was a critical capability.

Get started with Zone Versioning today

Enterprise Customers can get started with Zone Versioning today for their zones on the Cloudflare dashboard. Customers will need to be using the new Managed WAF rules in order to enable Zone Versioning. You can find more information about Zone Versioning in our Developer Docs.

Happy versioning!

The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original

The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas

The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas

Today, we are announcing the general availability of OpenAPI Schemas for the Cloudflare API. These are published via GitHub and will be updated regularly as Cloudflare adds and updates APIs. OpenAPI is the widely adopted standard for defining APIs in a machine-readable format. OpenAPI Schemas allow for the ability to plug our API into a wide breadth of tooling to accelerate development for ourselves and customers. Internally, it will make it easier for us to maintain and update our APIs. Before getting into those benefits, let’s start with the basics.

What is OpenAPI?

Much of the Internet is built upon APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or provides them as services to clients all around the world. This allows computers to talk to each other in a standardized fashion. OpenAPI is a widely adopted standard for how to define APIs. This allows other machines to reliably parse those definitions and use them in interesting ways. Cloudflare’s own API Shield product uses OpenAPI schemas to provide schema validation to ensure only well-formed API requests are sent to your origin.

Cloudflare itself has an API that customers can use to interface with our security and performance products from other places on the Internet. How do we define our own APIs? In the past we used a standard called JSON Hyper-Schema. That had served us well, but as time went on we wanted to adopt more tooling that could both benefit ourselves internally and make our customer’s lives easier. The OpenAPI community has flourished over the past few years providing many capabilities as we will discuss that were unavailable while we used JSON Hyper-Schema. As of today we now use OpenAPI.

You can learn more about OpenAPI itself here. Having an open, well-understood standard for defining our APIs allows for shared tooling and infrastructure to be used that can read these standard definitions. Let’s take a look at a few examples.

Uses of Cloudflare’s OpenAPI schemas

Most customers won’t need to use the schemas themselves to see value. The first system leveraging OpenAPI schemas is our new API Docs that were announced today. Because we now have OpenAPI schemas, we leverage the open source tool Stoplight Elements to aid in generating this new doc site. This allowed us to retire our previously custom-built site that was hard to maintain. Additionally, many engineers at Cloudflare are familiar with OpenAPI, so we gain teams can write new schemas more quickly and are less likely to make mistakes by using a standard that teams understand when defining new APIs.

There are ways to leverage the schemas directly, however. The OpenAPI community has a huge number of tools that only require a set of schemas to be able to use. Two such examples are mocking APIs and library generation.

Mocking Cloudflare’s API

Say you have code that calls Cloudflare’s API and you want to be able to easily run unit tests locally or integration tests in your CI/CD pipeline. While you could just call Cloudflare’s API in each run, you may not want to for a few reasons. First, you may want to run tests frequently enough that managing the creation and tear down of resources becomes a pain. Also, in many of these tests you aren’t trying to validate logic in Cloudflare necessarily, but your own system’s behavior. In this case, mocking Cloudflare’s API would be ideal since you can gain confidence that you aren’t violating Cloudflare’s API contract, but without needing to worry about specifics of managing real resources. Additionally, mocking allows you to simulate different scenarios, like being rate limited or receiving 500 errors. This allows you to test your code for typically rare circumstances that can end up having a serious impact.

As an example, Spotlight Prism could be used to mock Cloudflare’s API for testing purposes. With a local copy of Cloudflare’s API Schemas you can run the following command to spin up a local mock server:

$ docker run --init --rm \
  -v /home/user/git/api-schemas/openapi.yaml:/tmp/openapi.yaml \
  -p 4010:4010 stoplight/prism:4 \
  mock -h /tmp/openapi.yaml

Then you can send requests to the mock server in order to validate that your use of Cloudflare’s API doesn’t violate the API contract locally:

$ curl -sX PUT localhost:4010/zones/f00/activation_check \
  -Hx-auth-email:[email protected] -Hx-auth-key:foobarbaz | jq
  "success": true,
  "errors": [],
  "messages": [],
  "result": {
    "id": "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353"

This means faster development and shorter test runs while still catching API contract issues early before they get merged or deployed.

Library generation

Cloudflare has libraries in many programming languages like Terraform and Go, but we don’t support every possible programming language. Fortunately, using a tool like openapi generator, you can feed in Cloudflare’s API schemas and generate a library in a wide range of languages to then use in your code to talk to Cloudflare’s API. For example, you could generate a Java library using the following commands:

git clone
cd openapi-generator
mvn clean package
java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
   -i \
   -g java \
   -o /var/tmp/java_api_client

And then start using that client in your Java code to talk to Cloudflare’s API.

How Cloudflare transitioned to OpenAPI

As mentioned earlier, we previously used JSON Hyper-Schema to define our APIs. We have roughly 600 endpoints that were already defined in the schemas. Here is a snippet of what one endpoint looks like in JSON Hyper-Schema:

      "title": "List Zones",
      "description": "List, search, sort, and filter your zones.",
      "rel": "collection",
      "href": "zones",
      "method": "GET",
      "schema": {
        "$ref": "definitions/zone.json#/definitions/collection_query"
      "targetSchema": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/response_collection"
      "cfOwnership": "www",
      "cfPlanAvailability": {
        "free": true,
        "pro": true,
        "business": true,
        "enterprise": true
      "cfPermissionsRequired": {
        "enum": [

Let’s look at the same endpoint in OpenAPI:

      description: List, search, sort, and filter your zones.
      operationId: zone-list-zones
                - $ref: '#/components/schemas/components-schemas-response_collection'
                - $ref: '#/components/schemas/api-response-common-failure'
          description: List Zones response failure
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/components-schemas-response_collection'
          description: List Zones response
      - api_email: []
        api_key: []
      summary: List Zones
      - Zone
        - '#zone:read'
        business: true
        enterprise: true
        free: true
        pro: true

You can see that the two look fairly similar and for the most part the same information is contained in each including method type, a description, and request and response definitions (although those are linked in $refs). The value of migrating from one to the other isn’t the change in how we define the schemas themselves, but in what we can do with these schemas. Numerous tools can parse the latter, the OpenAPI, while much fewer can parse the former, the JSON Hyper-Schema.

If this one API was all that made up the Cloudflare API, it would be easy to just convert the JSON Hyper-Schema into the OpenAPI Schema by hand and call it a day. Doing this 600 times, however, was going to be a huge undertaking. When considering that teams are constantly adding new endpoints, it would be impossible to keep up. It was also the case that our existing API docs used the existing JSON Hyper-Schema, so that meant that we would need to keep both schemas up to date during any transition period. There had to be a better way.

Auto conversion

Given both JSON Hyper-Schema and OpenAPI are standards, it reasons that it should be possible to take a file in one format and convert to the other, right? Luckily the answer is yes! We built a tool that took all existing JSON Hyper-Schema and output fully compliant OpenAPI schemas. This of course didn’t happen overnight, but because of existing OpenAPI tooling, we could iteratively improve the auto convertor and run OpenAPI validation tooling over the output schemas to see what issues the conversion tool still had.

After many iterations and improvements to the conversion tool, we finally had fully compliant OpenAPI Spec schemas being auto-generated from our existing JSON Hyper-Schema. While we were building this tool, teams kept adding and updating the existing schemas and our Product Content team was also updating text in the schemas to make our API docs easier to use. The benefit of this process is we didn’t have to slow any of that work down since anything that changed in the old schemas was automatically reflected in the new schemas!

Once the tool was ready, the remaining step was to decide when and how we would stop making updates to the JSON Hyper-Schemas and move all teams to the OpenAPI Schemas. The (now old) API docs were the biggest concern, given they only understood JSON Hyper-Schema. Thanks to the help of our Developer Experience and Product Content teams, we were able to launch the new API docs today and can officially cut over to OpenAPI today as well!

What’s next?

Now that we have fully moved over to OpenAPI, more opportunities become available. Internally, we will be investigating what tooling we can adopt in order to help reduce the effort of individual teams and speed up API development. One idea we are exploring is automatically creating openAPI schemas from code notations. Externally, we now have the foundational tools necessary to begin exploring how to auto generate and support more programming language libraries for customers to use. We are also excited to see what you may do with the schemas yourself, so if you do something cool or have ideas, don’t hesitate to share them with us!

Improved Access Control: Domain Scoped Roles are now generally available

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original

Improved Access Control: Domain Scoped Roles are now generally available

Improved Access Control: Domain Scoped Roles are now generally available

Starting today, it is possible to scope your users’ access to specific domains with Domain Scoped Roles becoming generally available!

We are making it easier for account owners to manage their team’s access to Cloudflare by allowing user access to be scoped to individual domains. Ensuring users have the least amount of access they need and no more is critical, and Domain Scoped Roles is a major step in this direction. Additionally, with the use of Domain Groups, account owners can grant users access to a group of domains instead of individually. Domains can be added or removed from these groups to automatically update the access of those who have been granted access to the group. This reduces toil in managing user access.

One of the most common uses we have seen for Domain Scoped Roles is to limit access to production domains to a small set of team members, while still allowing development and pre-production domains to be open to the rest of the team. That way, someone can’t make changes to a production domain unless they are given access.

We are doing a rollout of this functionality across all Enterprise Cloudflare accounts, and you will receive an email when this functionality is enabled for your account.

Any existing access on accounts today will remain the same, with the ability to further scope down access where it makes sense. All of our account-wide roles are still available to assign to users.

How to use Domain Scoped Roles

Once you have Domain Scoped Roles, here is how to start using it:

Log in to, select your account, and navigate to the members page.

From this page, you can manage your members’ permissions. In this case, we will invite a new user, however you can also modify an existing user’s permissions.

Improved Access Control: Domain Scoped Roles are now generally available

After clicking “Invite”, you will determine which users to invite, multiple users can be invited at the same time. After selecting users, we provide appropriate scope. Within the scope selection list, three options are available: all domains, a specific domain, and a domain group. Selecting all domains continues to grant account wide access, and all of our legacy roles are available at this level of scoping. A specific domain or domain groups provide access to our new domain scoped roles. Finally, with a user and a scope selected, a role (or multiple roles) can be selected to grant appropriate permissions.

Improved Access Control: Domain Scoped Roles are now generally available

Before sending the invite, you will be able to confirm the users, scope, and roles.

Improved Access Control: Domain Scoped Roles are now generally available

Domain Groups

In addition to manually creating inclusion or exclusion lists per user, account owners can also create Domain Groups to allow granting one or more users to a group of domains. Domain Groups can be created from the member invite flow or directly from Account Configurations → Lists. When creating a domain group, the user selects the domains to include and, from that point on, the group can be used when inviting a user to the account.

What’s next

We are doing a rollout of this functionality across all Enterprise Cloudflare accounts, and you will receive an email when this functionality is enabled for your account.

Any existing access on accounts today will remain the same, with the ability to further scope access where you decide. All of our account-wide roles are still available to assign to users.

If you are an enterprise customer and interested in getting Domain Scoped Roles sooner, please contact your CSM to get enabled! Otherwise, you will receive an email when your account has this feature enabled.

This announcement represents a step forward in our migration to a new authorization system built for Cloudflare’s scale. This will allow us to expand these capabilities to more products in the future and to create an authorization system that puts customers more in control of their team’s access across all of Cloudflare’s services.

How we built config staging and versioning with HTTP applications

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original

How we built config staging and versioning with HTTP applications

How we built config staging and versioning with HTTP applications

Last December, we announced a closed beta of a new product, HTTP Applications, giving customers the ability to better control their L7 Cloudflare configuration with versioning and staging capabilities. Today, we are expanding this beta to all enterprise customers who want to participate. In this post, I will talk about some of the improvements that have landed and go into more detail about how this product works.

HTTP Applications

A quick recap of what HTTP Applications are and what they can do. For a deeper dive on how to use them see the previous blog post.

As previously mentioned: HTTP Applications are a way to manage configuration by use case, rather than by hostname. Each HTTP Application has a purpose, whether that is handling the configuration of your marketing website or an internal application. Each HTTP Application consists of a set of versions where each represents a snapshot of settings for managing traffic — Page Rules, Firewall Rules, cache settings, etc.  Each version of configuration inside the HTTP Application is independent of the others, and when a new version is created, it is initialized as a copy of the version that preceded it.

An HTTP Application can be represented with the following diagram:

How we built config staging and versioning with HTTP applications

Each HTTP Application is sourced from an existing zone. That zone’s current configuration will be copied to instantiate the first version of the HTTP Application. After that any changes made to the zone or version 1 will be independent of the other. Versions themselves don’t affect any traffic for a zone until they are deployed via the use of Routing Rules.

Routing Rules

Unlike zones, each version of an HTTP Application is independent of any specific hostname. So if versions are not tied to a hostname, like zones, then how do you decide which version of an HTTP Application will affect a specific set of traffic? The answer is Routing Rules. With Routing Rules, you get to decide which version of an HTTP Application is applied to traffic. Routing Rules are powered by Cloudflare’s Ruleset Engine and rely on the use of conditional “if, then” rules to map hostnames controlled in your Cloudflare account to a version of configuration. As an example, a rule could be:

If = ``
Then use configuration of HTTP Application id: xyz, version 2

When this rule executes on our global network, instead of applying the regular zone configuration of, we will instead use the configuration defined in version 2 of the HTTP Application.

Expanding the previous diagram we get the following:

How we built config staging and versioning with HTTP applications

The combination of Routing Rules and HTTP Applications means you can ‘stage’ a set of changes, via a version, without requiring a separate staging zone as has been required in the past. Cloudflare will provide you with specific IPs that can be used to test the configuration before rolling it out to production. This means you can catch misconfigurations in rules or other settings before it impacts your customers.

How HTTP Applications and Routing Rules work

Let’s break down how this all works behind the scenes and gives you a safe way to test changes to your configuration. In all of Cloudflare’s data centers around the world, every request is first inspected and associated with an account/config pair so that we know what configuration settings we should apply to this request. If you have the zone ‘’, with an id of 123, in your account, with an id of 777, then when a request for arrives at the Cloudflare network, the ownership lookup will return a value like 777:123 which then denotes the account and config settings we should use to process that request.

When HTTP Applications and Routing Rules are being used, the ownership lookup occurs as normal, but instead of loading configuration based on the zone for the account:config pair, Cloudflare does one additional lookup to see if any routing rules are in place that would change which configuration should be used. If a rule exists like before:

If = ``
Then use configuration of HTTP Application id: xyz, version 2

Then when ownership is evaluated, instead of loading configuration for account:config 777:123, Cloudflare will load the configuration of the version of that HTTP Application, let’s say that version 2 from the rule has a config id of 456. Then the lookup value for loading configuration will instead be 777:456.

How we built config staging and versioning with HTTP applications

Because Routing Rules are implemented with the Ruleset Engine, we can implement a special type of rule to allow a version to be staged such that it is only executed for requests when the request is sent to IPs reserved for testing. The resulting diagram is almost the same, but because the request is being sent to staging IPs, Cloudflare’s network will route that request to a different version of the HTTP Application that has a set of changes not yet deployed for all other traffic.

How we built config staging and versioning with HTTP applications

This is what enables you to safely test a set of changes and then simultaneously deploy the exact same configuration to all traffic. If anything goes wrong when testing in staging or rolling out to production, you can simply roll back the configuration to the previous version that was deployed. No need to try and hunt down what settings may have changed. That investigation can be done after the issue has been resolved through a quick, one-click rollback.

Now available for Enterprise Customers

HTTP Applications and Routing Rules put power and safety in customer’s hands so that configuration changes can be made more easily. When issues do arise they can be resolved quickly through rollbacks. We will continue to be expanding the capabilities offered throughout the year, but if you are interested in trying it out now and are an enterprise customer, talk to your account manager to get access!

Domain Scoped Roles – Early Access

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original

Domain Scoped Roles - Early Access

Domain Scoped Roles - Early Access

Today, Cloudflare is making it easier for enterprise account owners to manage their team’s access to Cloudflare by allowing user access to be scoped to sets of domains. Ensuring users have exactly the access they need and no more is critical, and Domain Scoped Roles provide a significant step forward. Additionally, with the introduction of Domain Groups, account owners can grant users access to domains by group instead of individually. Domains can be added or removed from these groups to automatically update the access of those who have access to the group. This reduces toil in managing user access.

One of the most common uses we have seen for Domain Scoped Roles is to limit access to production domains to a small set of team members, while still allowing development and pre-production domains to be open to the rest of the team. That way, someone can’t make changes to a production domain unless they are given access.

How to use Domain Scoped Roles

If you are an enterprise customer please talk with your CSM to get you and your team enrolled. Note that you must have Super Administrator privileges to be able to modify account memberships.

Once the beta has been enabled for you, here is how to start using it:

  • Log in to, select your account, and navigate to the members page.
    • From here, you can either invite a new member with a Domain Scoped Role or modify an existing user’s permissions. In this case, we will invite a new user.

Domain Scoped Roles - Early Access

  • When inviting new members there are three things to provide:
    • Which users to invite.
    • The scope of which resource they will have access to:
      • Selecting “All Domains” will allow you to select legacy roles.
    • The role(s) which will decide what permissions are granted.

Domain Scoped Roles - Early Access

  • Before sending the invite, you will be able to confirm the users, scope, and roles.

Domain Scoped Roles - Early Access

Domain Groups

In addition to manually creating inclusion or exclusion lists per user, account owners can also create Domain Groups to allow granting one or more users to a group of domains. Domain Groups can be created from the member invite flow or directly from Account Configurations -> Lists. When creating a domain group, the user selects the domains to include and, from that point on, the group can be used when inviting a user to the account.

Domain Group Creation Screen

Domain Scoped Roles - Early Access

Domain Group selection during member invite

Domain Scoped Roles - Early Access

Introducing Bach

Domain Scoped Roles is possible because of a new permission system called Bach. Bach provides a policy based system for defining authorization to Cloudflare’s control plane. Authorization defines what someone can do in a system. Bach has been powering API Tokens, but going forward all authorization will use Bach. This gives customers the ability to define more granular permissions and resource scoping. Resources can be any object a user interacts with whether that be accounts, zones, worker environments, or DNS records to name a few.. Whereas before Cloudflare’s RBAC system relied on assigning a set of roles in which each role defined broad permissions that applied to an entire account, Bach’s policies allow for deeper permission grants that can be scoped to sets of resources.

Let’s take a look at the legacy system and how it compares to what Bach supports. Typically, user’s permissions are defined by the ‘roles’ that they are assigned to. These included: ‘Super Administrator’, ‘Administrator’, ‘Cloudflare for Teams’, and ‘Cloudflare Workers Admin’ to name a few. In the legacy system, each of these maps to an explicit set of simple permissions like ‘workers:read’, ‘workers:edit’ or ‘zones:edit’. When requests get made either via the Cloudflare API or the Cloudflare dashboard, Cloudflare’s API Gateway would check to see if, for the endpoint requested, an actor had the correct permissions to perform the action. In order to change a zone setting, the actor would need to have the ‘zone:edit’ permission – which could be granted from one of many roles. Below is what a user with only ‘DNS’ permissions is granted in the legacy system:

Legacy DNS User Role Permissions

Permission Edit Read

While straightforward, this had many drawbacks. First, this meant the inability to define limits on the resources the permissions applied to, whether that be a set of resources or attributes of resources. Second, permissions for a given ‘resource’ were simply read or edit, where edit included creating and deleting. These don’t fully capture the needs that may exist – for example, limiting deletions while allowing edits.

With Bach we have an expanded capability to define granular permissions for authorization. An example policy defining the aforementioned ‘DNS’ member’s access would look like this:

Bach DNS User Role Policy

(slightly modified for readability)

#Legacy DNS Role - applies to all zones
  - id: 186f95f3bda1443c986aeb78b05eb60b
    - id: 49ce85367bae433b9f0717ed4fea5c74
      name: DNS
        description: Can edit DNS records.
        editable: 'false'
        label: dns_admin
        scopes: com.cloudflare.api.account
      - key:
      - key: com.cloudflare.registrar.domain.list
      - key:
      - key:
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.secondary-dns.update
      - key:
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.secondary-dns.delete
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.secondary-dns.create
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.notification.*
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.custom-ns.update
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.custom-ns.list
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.custom-ns.*
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.dns-firewall.cluster.delete
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.dns-firewall.cluster.update
      - key:
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.dns-firewall.cluster.create
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.dns-firewall.cluster.list
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key:
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.custom-page.list
      - key:
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.railgun.list
      - key:
      - key:
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.subscription.list
      - key:
      - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.list
    - id: 2fe938e0a5824128bdc8c42f9339b127
      name: com.cloudflare.api.account.a67e14daa5f8dceeb91fe5449ba496eb
        editable: 'false'
        key: com.cloudflare.api.account.a67e14daa5f8dceeb91fe5449ba496eb
        - key: "*"
    access: allow

You can see a greater granularity in the permissions that are defined. In both cases, the user can perform the same actions, but the granularity means we are more explicit about what can be done. Here for DNS records (under there are explicit create, read, update, delete and list permissions. In the resource group section, we can see that the scope section defines an account. Any objects like domains in that account will match to the “*” value under ‘objects’. This means that these permissions apply throughout the entire account. Now, let’s modify this user’s permissions to be scoped to a single domain and see how the policy changes.

Bach DNS User Role with Domain Scoping Policy

(slightly modified for readability)

# Zone Scoped DNS role - scoped to 1 zone
- id: 80b25dd735b040708155c85d0ed8a508
  - id: 132c52e7e6654b999c183cfcbafd37d7
    name: Zone DNS
      description: Grants access to edit DNS settings for zones in an account.
      editable: 'false'
      label: zone_dns_admin
    - key:*
    - key:*
    - key:*
    - key:*
    - key:*
    - key:
    - key:
    - key:
    - key:
    - key:
    - key:
    - key: com.cloudflare.api.account.subscription.list
    - key:
  - scope:
      key: com.cloudflare.api.account.a67e14daa5f8dceeb91fe5449ba496eb
      - key:
  access: allow

Once we scope the user’s permissions to only include one explicit zone, we see two main differences. First, there is a large reduction in permissions. This is because we do not grant the user access to read or list many account level resources that the legacy account scoped roles grant. The only account level permissions granted are,, and subscriptions.list. These permissions are necessary for a user to be able to use the dashboard.  When viewing the account in the dashboard the only account level product that will be shown is domains. Other products like Cloudflare Workers, Zero Trust, etc will be hidden.

Second, in the resource groups scope section, we see an explicit mention of a zone (line X: This means that the zone permissions outlined in the policy only apply to that specific zone. Any attempt to access other features of that zone or to modify DNS for any other zones will be rejected by Cloudflare.

What’s next

If you are an enterprise customer and interested in getting started with Domain Scoped Roles, please contact your CSM to get enabled for the Early Access period. This announcement represents a significant milestone in our migration to Bach, an authorization system built for Coudflare’s scale. This will allow us to expand these same capabilities to more products in the future and to create an authorization system that puts customers more in control of their team’s access across all of Cloudflare’s services. Stay tuned as we are just getting started!

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta

Today, we are announcing a closed beta of HTTP Applications: a new way to safely test and deploy changes to your HTTP traffic. HTTP Applications introduce versioning of configuration and the ability to control when changes rollout to HTTP traffic on Cloudflare’s global edge network. Enterprise customers looking for greater control should reach out to their Customer Success Manager to get access.

Issues Encountered in Managing Configurations

Since the very first days of Cloudflare, management of websites and web applications has been done through what we called a Zone, which comes from the concept of a DNS Zone. While this model has served customers well over the years, it does create difficulties in managing edge configuration, namely:

  1. Manual effort is required by customers to setup a staging environment.
  2. Risk of drift in configuration between production and staging.

In software development, you want to test changes in a safe environment to validate them before they go to production or affect live traffic. In many common software development lifecycles, this means deploying changes to a staging or pre-production environment for testing and validation. The most common way customers do this today on Cloudflare is through the use of two Zones denoted by the hostnames of those zones, for example: one for staging named and one for production named This solves the core problem, as it provides insulation of changes. Errors in the staging zone will not affect production traffic.

However, in order to apply to production, changes that have been successfully verified in staging, the customer must manually copy those changes — or build an automation through the use of Cloudflare’s Terraform Provider. For many, this follows a manual ‘change request’ process in which a ticket is logged with the changes to be made. Then, someone (often a different person) picks up the ticket and must accurately reproduce the same changes based on manually provided instructions. This is an error-prone process; and an error in this process can lead to an outage, depending on the change involved. Additionally, a drift in the configuration between staging and production configurations could lead to further complications.

We want to provide customers with safety and reliability in managing their services on Cloudflare. In order to solve the aforementioned problems, we are announcing HTTP Applications along with Routing Rules.

HTTP Applications

HTTP Applications are a way to manage edge configuration by use case, rather than by hostname. Each HTTP Application has a purpose, whether that is handling the configuration of your marketing website or an internal application. Each HTTP Application consists of versions of configurations where each version represents a snapshot of settings for managing traffic — page rules, firewall rules, cache settings, etc.  Each version of configuration inside of the HTTP Application is independent of the others, but when a new version is created, it is initialized as a copy of the version that preceded it.

Routing Rules

Unlike zones, each version of an HTTP Application is independent of any specific hostname. So if versions are not tied to a hostname, like zones, then how do you decide which version of an HTTP Application will affect a specific set of traffic? The answer is Routing Rules. With Routing Rules, you get to decide which version of an HTTP Application is applied to which traffic, aka hostnames. Routing Rules are powered by Cloudflare’s Ruleset Engine and rely on the use of conditional “if then” rules to map hostnames controlled in your Cloudflare account to a version of configuration. As an example, if a request’s hostname matches ``, then apply version 2 of my Marketing HTTP Application. When this rule executes at our edge, instead of applying the regular zone configuration of, the edge will instead use the configuration defined in version 2 of the HTTP Application.

Routing Rules supports two kinds of rules — staging rules and production rules. Both take a list of hostnames, as described, but when creating a staging rule, we additionally apply a filter such that the rule will only execute when traffic is sent to specific IPs at our edge. This means that you can safely test changes by sending traffic to at the staging IPs while customers are unaffected. Even better, once you have validated your changes with the creation of a production routing rule, the exact same configuration will be applied in production for all your customers.

But that’s enough talk — let’s see it in action!

Using HTTP Applications to safely test and deploy a change

For this walkthrough, I am going to play the role of an existing customer. I have an existing zone serving customers and I want to make some changes to transform rules such that I can rewrite my assets location. However, I am not very good with regex and making a mistake will likely break the site for all of my customers! Instead of making the change directly in the zone, we are going to use HTTP Applications and Routing Rules to make, test and roll out the change.

First, I log into the Cloudflare Dashboard. After selecting my account, I see HTTP Applications available in the sidebar. Upon selecting that, I am given the option to create my first HTTP Application.

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
The Cloudflare Dashboard showing the empty state page for HTTP Applications

To create my first HTTP Application, I need to give it a name and select a pre-existing zone, in this case Cloudflare will use that zone to initialize the configuration of the HTTP Application’s first version. By copying over the existing settings from the zone, I have a safe copy to work from, and I don’t need to rebuild the configuration manually.

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
The “Create an Application” screen showing that an HTTP Application will be created named “Example Application” and initialized from

After selecting create, I have my first HTTP Application! Now, the first version is in the process of being created. Behind the scenes, Cloudflare will take the existing configuration of and copy it to Version 1 of this HTTP Application. Once successfully copied, I can begin making edits to the configuration.

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
The Version list of the Example Application, showing Version 1 being created.

I can make edits to this version, just like I would with any zone. There are two important distinctions, however. First: any change I make right now will not affect any live traffic at Cloudflare’s edge, because we have not yet created any routing rules to send traffic to this version’s configuration. Second: we don’t allow everything associated with a zone to be controlled via an HTTP Application, namely: DNS records, SSL Certificates, Spectrum, or Load Balancing.

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
Transform rules of Version 1 showing no rules have been created.

In the Rules section under Transform Rules, I create a new rule to rewrite the path of assets to their correct location. For any request to*, we will rewrite the path to be*.

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
Creating a transform rule for Version 1 named “Rewrite Assets”. This rule replaces the path for requests starting with “/assets/*” with “internal/files/assets/*”.
Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
Transform rules of Version 1 showing a new rule named “Rewrite Assets” has been created.

At this point, I have made my change, but now I want to test it. To do that, I can leave the version editing section and head over to Routing Rules for this HTTP Application. Here I can create rules that will allow my existing traffic to be routed through this version’s configuration.

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
An empty list of Routing Rules for the Example Application.

I will create a staging rule, as I want to be the only one testing these changes without affecting any customers. Note, that when creating a staging rule, the IPs that can be used to test this version will be shown in the rule creation screen.

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
Creating a staging Routing Rule that will match when requests match and the edge IP is or and apply the configuration of Version 1

After creating the rule, I can configure my computer to send requests to those IPs for Rackspace has a comprehensive guide for how to change your local machine’s host file to do this. Now, when I visit, the new transform rule is executed, but for everyone else visiting the site, nothing has changed.

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
Routing Rules for the Example Application showing one rule for staging has been created.

Once I’m confident that my changes work, I can create a production Routing Rule that will apply these changes for all traffic to — and I am done!

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
Routing Rule creation screen showing the creation of a production rule that will apply Version 1 when requests match

Once updated, the path to assets for my site will be rewritten for all requests to

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
Routing Rules for the Example Application showing both a staging and production rule for Version 1.

What happens next? When I am ready to make another set of changes, I can go to my HTTP Application and clone Version 1 to create Version 2. Initially, Version 2 will exactly match the configuration of Version 1 but since it has no matching Routing Rules, it won’t be applied to any traffic.

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
The list of versions for the Example Application showing Version 1 being applied to staging and production, and Version 2 ready to edit, but not being used anywhere.

I can now safely edit Version 2, like I did previously with Version 1. This time I want to make some changes to firewall rules, so that I can prevent some potentially malicious traffic from accessing my site. Making the changes in Version 2 will not modify any traffic at the edge until I update my staging Routing Rule to use Version 2. This allows me to make changes with confidence, and then safely test them.

Version and Stage Configuration Changes with HTTP Applications in Beta
The list of routing rules for the Example Application showing Version 2 being used for staging, while Version 1 is still used in production.

After validating this new set of changes, I can push Version 2 to all traffic by updating the production Routing Rule to use Version 2. The same process can be done for each subsequent set of changes I want to make.

HTTP Applications Now Available in Closed Beta

With the power of HTTP Applications and Routing Rules, customers now have greater control over how and when configuration changes are made. This alleviates the concern of making a bad change that might break your site. This capability is available in a closed beta for enterprise customers, but if you are interested, reach out to your Cloudflare account team to learn about how to get access!

All the Platform Improvements We’ve Made in 2021 to Make CIOs Lives Easier

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original

All the Platform Improvements We’ve Made in 2021 to Make CIOs Lives Easier

All the Platform Improvements We’ve Made in 2021 to Make CIOs Lives Easier

CIO week has been packed with new product innovations to give CIOs the tools they need to secure, protect, and speed up their networks. At Cloudflare, we know that many of the things that matter to CIOs are not just new product announcements — but the improvements to the security and usability of the platform itself. They’re much less visible, but no less important to ensuring our customers can reliably use the growing set of services we provide in a standard and secure manner. While over time best practices and technologies change, we aim to ensure our platform meets the security needs and depth of control that our customers require. In that spirit, we have been busy over the past year delivering important updates to many of our platform services.

Improved SSO Onboarding

Customers need SSO to ensure they can securely control which applications employees can access. Our original iteration of SSO was manual and could be time consuming or error prone for customers to set up. We have streamlined the setup process by leveraging SaaS Applications in Cloudflare Access to allow customers to manage their SSO setup inside the Cloudflare for Teams dashboard. If you are an enterprise customer and are not yet getting the benefits of SSO, reach out to your account team so we can get you set up. Look forward to us further deepening control of user management when using SSO next year.

Zone Scoped Roles Beta

Many customers keep both production and testing/staging zones in one account. This provides benefits for managing configuration given everything is in the scope of one account. A common issue that customers would run into though was that they wanted to handle access to critical production zones differently than their other zones. We now have a beta program available for customers to try out setting up zone scoped roles for members in this account. With Zone Scoped Roles, users can be granted access to a subset of the zones in an account. This means edit access to production zones can be limited to only those who truly need it. At the same time, everyone else can retain read only access, so they are not blocked from investigations. Again, for customers who want to try Zone Scoped Roles out, reach out to your account team for getting access to the beta.

Terraform Improvements

Customers continue to invest in automation in order to streamline management of Cloudflare and other providers. For many, Terraform is their go to solution to give them a single way to manage the multiple services they use every day. Cloudflare continues to invest in Terraform support for our services to ensure customers’ success.

Notifications and Alerts

Cloudflare continues to invest heavily in giving customers the ability to know exactly what’s happening as soon as it happens for their services behind Cloudflare. We have a great write up today on the improvements, but here is a quick list of the improvements:

  • New Notification Types
  • DDoS Alerts
  • Firewall Alerts
  • Workers CPU
  • Origin 5XX Errors
  • New Webhook Destinations
  • DataDog, Discord, OpsGenie, and Splunk
  • This is in addition to Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Chat, and custom destinations.
  • Alert History is now available via API and with UI support coming soon.

Again, if you’d like to see all the details of the improvements we’ve made, jump over here!

Data Protection and Locality

It’s been increasingly important for our customers to address requirements around data locality. We’ve built out capabilities that give customers control over where their data is processed and stored through the Data Localization Suite.

In the EU, the recent “Schrems II” decision resulted in additional requirements for companies that transfer personal data outside the EU. And a number of highly regulated industries require that specific types of personal data stay within the EU’s borders.

Cloudflare is committed to helping our customers keep personal data in the EU. This week, we introduced the Customer Metadata Boundary, which expands the Data Localisation Suite to ensure that a customer’s end user traffic metadata stays in the EU.


Cloudflare’s logs provide our customers with visibility into their network. This past year, we’ve expanded logging for more of our products, and given customers more control over where they can send their logs.

Recept expansions to logs include Firewall Events, Gateway, Spectrum. The most recent is Audit logs.

We’ve added the option for customers to store their logs on any platform with an S3-compatible API and partnered with major analytics providers to create integrations. This opened the doors for a lot of our customers to directly integrate with their log destinations of choice. Read more about the new products and destinations we support here. This week we announced that we’re building support for another log storage destination – R2!

The Dogfood Advantage

Whenever the opportunity arises, any products that we create for our customers, we’re first in line to use ourselves. It keeps us honest — if there are gaps in our solution, we’re going to have our own CIO, CISO, or engineering teams breathing down our neck!

Our public facing sites (including the blog that you’re reading this on) are secured with Cloudflare. We’re just as excited about the additional security provided by Zone Scoped Roles, as our customers are! Our security and IT organizations have adopted Terraform in order to manage the security and access control of our internal applications at scale, while giving developers the ability to self-serve request changes. Cloudflare’s security team also uses logs from our services behind Cloudflare to monitor and detect malicious behavior.

By doing things just like our customers do, we build empathy for the same kinds of problems our customers may face using our services. We continue to focus on not only innovating to solve unique problems for our customers, but also taking steps to build products that make our platform a better overall experience to use.

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard

Today, dark mode is available for the Cloudflare Dashboard in beta! From your user profile, you can configure the Cloudflare Dashboard in light mode, dark mode, or match it to your system settings.

For those unfamiliar, dark mode, or light on dark color schemes, uses light text on dark backgrounds instead of the typical dark text on light (usually white) backgrounds. In low-light environments, this can help reduce eyestrain and actually reduce power consumption on OLED screens. For many though, dark mode is simply a preference supported widely by applications and devices.

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
Side by side comparing the Cloudflare dashboard in dark mode and in light mode

How to enable dark mode

  1. Log into Cloudflare.
  2. Go to your user profile.
  3. Under Appearance, select an option: Light, Dark, or Use system setting. For the time being, your choice is saved into local storage.
Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
The appearance card in the dashboard for modifying color themes

There are many primers and how-tos on implementing dark mode, and you can find articles talking about the general complications of implementing a dark mode including this straightforward explanation. Instead, we will talk about what enabled us to be able to implement dark mode in only a matter of weeks.

Cloudflare’s Design System – Our Secret Weapon

Before getting into the specifics of how we implemented dark mode, it helps to understand the system that underpins all product design and UI work at Cloudflare – the Cloudflare Design System.

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
The six pillars of the design system: logo, typography, color, layout, icons, videos

Cloudflare’s Design System defines and documents the interface elements and patterns used to build products at Cloudflare. The system can be used to efficiently build consistent experiences for Cloudflare customers. In practice, the Design System defines primitives like typography, color, layout, and icons in a clear and standard fashion. What this means is that anytime a new interface is designed, or new UI code is written, an easily referenceable, highly detailed set of documentation is available to ensure that the work matches previous work. This increases productivity, especially for new employees, and prevents repetitious discussions about style choices and interaction design.

Built on top of these design primitives, we also have our own component library. This is a set of ready to use components that designers and engineers can combine to form the products our customers use every day. They adhere to the design system, are battle tested in terms of code quality, and enhance the user experience by providing consistent implementations of common UI components. Any button, table, or chart you see looks and works the same because it is the same underlying code with the relevant data changed for the specific use case.

So, what does all of this have to do with dark mode? Everything, it turns out. Due to the widespread adoption of the design system across the dashboard, changing a set of variables like background color and text color in a specific way and seeing the change applied nearly everywhere at once becomes much easier. Let’s take a closer look at how we did that.

Turning Out the Lights

The use of color at Cloudflare has a well documented history. When we originally set out to build our color system, the tools we built and the extensive research we performed resulted in a ten-hue, ten-luminosity set of colors that can be used to build digital products. These colors were built to be accessible — not just in terms of internal use, but for our customers. Take our blue hue scale, for example.

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
Our blue color scale, as used on the Cloudflare Dashboard. This shows color-contrast accessible text and background pairings for each step in the scale.

Each hue in our color scale contains ten colors, ordered by luminosity in ten increasing increments from low luminosity to high luminosity. This color scale allows us to filter down the choice of color from the 16,777,216 hex codes available on the web to a much simpler choice of just hue and brightness. As a result, we now have a methodology where designers know the first five steps in a scale have sufficient color contrast with white or lighter text, and the last five steps in a scale have sufficient contrast with black or darker text.

Color scales also allow us to make changes while designing in a far more fluid fashion. If a piece of text is too bright relative to its surroundings, drop down a step on the scale. If an element is too visually heavy, take a step-up. With the Design System and these color scales in place, we’ve been able to design and ship products at a rapid rate.

So, with this color system in place, how do we begin to ship a dark mode? It turns out there’s a simple solution to this, and it’s built into the JS standard library. We call reverse() and flip the luminosity scales.

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
Our blue color scale after calling reverse on it. High luminosity colors are now at the start of the scale, making them contrast accessible with darker backgrounds (and vice-versa).

By performing this small change within our dashboard’s React codebase and shipping a production preview deploy, we were able to see the Cloudflare Dashboard in dark mode with a whole new set of colors in a matter of minutes.

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
An early preview of the Cloudflare Dashboard after flipping our color scales.

While not perfect, this brief prototype gave us an incredibly solid baseline and validated the approach with a number of benefits.

Every product built using the Cloudflare Design System now had a dark mode theme built in for free, with no additional work required by teams.

Our color contrast principles remain sound — just as the first five colors in a scale would be accessible with light text, when flipped, the first five colors in the scale are accessible with dark text. Our scales aren’t perfectly symmetrical, but when using white and black, the principle still holds.

In a traditional approach of “inverting” colors, we face the issue of a color’s hue being changed too. When a color is broken down into its constituent hue, saturation, and luminosity values, inverting it would mean a vibrant light blue would become a dull dark orange. Our approach of just inverting the luminosity of a color means that we retain the saturation and hue of a color, meaning we retain Cloudflare’s brand aesthetic and the associated meaning of each hue (blue buttons as calls-to-action, and so on).

Of course, shipping a dark mode for a product as complex as the Cloudflare Dashboard can’t just be done in a matter of minutes.

Not Quite Just Turning the Lights Off

Although our prototype did meet our initial requirements of facilitating the dashboard in a dark theme, some details just weren’t quite right. The data visualization and mapping libraries we use, our icons, text, and various button and link states all had to be audited and required further iterations. One of the most obvious and prominent examples was the page background color. Our prototype had simply changed the background color from white (#FFFFFF) to black (#000000). It quickly became apparent that black wasn’t appropriate. We received feedback that it was “too intense” and “harsh.” We instead opted for off black, specifically what we refer to as “gray.0” or #1D1D1D. The difference may not seem noticeable, but at larger dimensions, the gray background is much less distracting.

Here is what it looks like in our design system:

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
Black background color contrast for white text
Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
Gray background color contrast for white text

And here is a more realistic example:

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
lorem ipsum sample text on black background and on gray background

The numbers at the end of each row represent the contrast of the text color on the background. According to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), the standard contrast ratio for text should be at least 4.5:1. In our case, while both of the above examples exceed the standard, the gray background ends up being less harsh to use across an entire application. This is not the case with light mode as dark text on white (#FFFFFF) background works well.

Our technique during the prototyping stage involved flipping our color scale; however, we additionally created a tool to let us replace any color within the scale arbitrarily. As the dashboard is made up of charts, icons, links, shadows, buttons and certainly other components, we needed to be able to see how they reacted in their various possible states. Importantly, we also wanted to improve the accessibility of these components and pay particular attention to color contrast.

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
Color picker tool screenshot showing a color scale

For example, a button is made up of four distinct states:

1) Default
2) Focus
3) Hover
4) Active

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
Example showing the various colors for states of buttons in light and dark mode

We wanted to ensure that each of these states would be at least compliant with the AA accessibility standards according to the WCAG. Using a combination of our design systems documentation and a prioritized list of components and pages based on occurrence and visits, we meticulously reviewed each state of our components to ensure their compliance.

Dark Mode for the Cloudflare Dashboard
Side by side comparison of the navbar in light and dark modes

The navigation bar used to select between the different applications was a component we wanted to treat differently compared to light mode. In light mode, the app icons are a solid blue with an outline of the icon; it’s a distinct look and certainly one that grabs your attention. However, for dark mode, the consensus was that it was too bright and distracting for the overall desired experience. We wanted the overall aesthetic of dark mode to be subtle, but it’s important to not conflate aesthetic with poor usability. With that in mind, we made the decision for the navigation bar to use outlines around each icon, instead of being filled in. Only the selected application has a filled state. By using outlines, we are able to create sufficient contrast between the current active application and the rest. Additionally, this provided a visually distinct way to present hover states, by displaying a filled state.

After applying the same methodology as described to other components like charts, icons, and links, we end up with a nicely tailored experience without requiring a substantial overhaul of our codebase. For any new UI that teams at Cloudflare build going forward, they will not have to worry about extra work to support dark mode. This means we get an improved customer experience without any impact to our long term ability to keep delivering amazing new capabilities — that’s a win-win!

Welcome to the Dark Side

We know many of you have been asking for this, and we are excited to bring dark mode to all. Without the investment into our design system by many folks at Cloudflare, dark mode would not have seen the light of day. You can enable dark mode on the Appearance card in your user profile. You can give feedback to shape the future of the dark theme with the feedback form in the card.

If you find these types of problems interesting, come help us tackle them! We are hiring across product, design, and engineering!

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress

Today, we are announcing a new service to serve more than just the static content of your website with the Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) service. With this launch, we are supporting WordPress, the most popular website hosting solution serving 38% of all websites. Our testing, as detailed below, showed a 72% reduction in Time to First Byte (TTFB), 23% reduction to First Contentful Paint, and 13% reduction in Speed Index for desktop users at the 90th percentile, by serving nearly all of your website’s content from Cloudflare’s network. This means visitors to your website see not only the first content sooner but all content more quickly.

With Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress, your customers won’t suffer any slowness caused by common issues like shared hosting congestion, slow database lookups, or misbehaving plugins. This service is now available for anyone using WordPress. It costs $5/month for customers on our Free plan and is included, at no additional cost, in our Professional, Business, and Enterprise plans. No usage fees, no surprises, just speed.

How to get started

The easiest way to get started with APO is from your WordPress admin console.

1. First, install the Cloudflare WordPress plugin on your WordPress website or update to the latest version (3.8.2 or higher).
2. Authenticate the plugin (steps here) to talk to Cloudflare if you have not already done that.
3. From the Home screen of the Cloudflare section, turn on Automatic Platform Optimization.

Free customers will first be directed to the Cloudflare Dashboard to purchase the service.

Why We Built This

At Cloudflare, we jump at the opportunity to make hard problems for our customers disappear with the click of a button. Running a consistently fast website is challenging. Many businesses don’t have the time nor money to spend on complicated and expensive performance solutions for their site. Even if they do, it can be extremely costly to pay for specialized attention to ensure you get the best performance possible. Having a fast website doesn’t have to be complicated, though. The closer your content is to your customers, the better your site will perform. Static content caching does this for files like images, CSS and JavaScript, but that is only part of the equation. Dynamic content is still fetched from the origin incurring costly round trips and additional processing time. For more info on dynamic versus static content, see our learning center.

WordPress is one of the most open platforms in the world, but that means you are always at risk of incurring performance penalties because of plugins or other sources that, while necessary, may be hard to pinpoint and resolve. With the Automatic Platform Optimization service, we put your website into our network that is within 10 milliseconds of 99% of the Internet-connected population in the developed world, all without having to change your existing hosting provider. This means that for most requests your customers won’t even need to go to your origin, reducing many costly round trips and server processing time. These optimizations run on our edge network, so they also will not impact render or interactivity since no additional JavaScript is run on the client.

How We Measure Web Performance

Evaluating performance of a website is difficult. There are many different metrics you can track and it is not always obvious which metrics most meaningfully represent a user’s experience. As discussed when we blogged about our new Speed page, we aim to simplify this for customers by automating tests using the infrastructure of, and summarizing both the results visually and numerically in one place.

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress

The visualization gives you a clear idea of what customers are going to see when they come to your site, and the Critical Loading Times provide the most important metrics to judge your performance. On top of seeing your site’s performance, we provide a list of recommendations for ways to even further increase your performance. If you are using WordPress, then we will test your site with Automatic Platform Optimizations to estimate the benefit you will get with the service.

The Benefits of Automatic Platform Optimization

We tested APO on over 500 Cloudflare customer websites that run on WordPress to understand what the performance improvements would be. The results speak for themselves:

Test Results

Metric Percentiles Baseline Cloudflare APO Enabled Improvement (%)
Time to First Byte (TTFB) 90th 1252 ms 351 ms 71.96%
10th 254 ms 261 ms -2.76%
First Contentful Paint
90th 2655 ms 2056 ms 22.55%
10th 894 ms 783 ms 12.46%
Speed Index
90th 6428 5586 13.11%
10th 1301 1242 4.52%

Note: Results are based on test results of 505 randomly selected websites that are cached by Cloudflare. Tests were run using WebPageTest from South Carolina, USA and the following environment: Chrome, Cable connection speed.

Most importantly, with APO, a site’s TTFB is made both fast and consistent. Because we now serve the html from Cloudflare’s edge with 0 origin processing time, getting the first byte to the eyeball is consistently fast. Under heavy load, a WordPress origin can suffer delays in building the html and returning it to visitors. APO removes the variance due to load resulting in consistent TTFB <400 ms.

Additionally, between faster TTFB and additional caching of third party fonts, we see performance improvements in both FCP and SI for both the fastest and slowest of the sites we tested. Some of this comes naturally from reducing the TTFB, since every millisecond you shave off of TTFB is a potential millisecond gain for other metrics. Caching additional third party fonts allows us to reduce the time it takes to fetch that content. Given fonts can often block paints due to text rendering, this improves the rate at which the page paints, and improves the Speed Index.

We asked the folks at Kinsta to try out APO, given their expertise in WordPress, and tell us what they think. Brian Li, a Website Content Manager at Kinsta, ran a set of tests from around the world on a website hosted in Tokyo. I’ll let him explain what they did and the results:

At Kinsta, WordPress performance is something that’s near and dear to our hearts. So, when Cloudflare reached out about testing their new Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) service for WordPress, we were all ears.
This is what we did to test out the new service:

  1. We set up a test site in Tokyo, Japan – one of the 24 high-performance data center locations available for Kinsta customers.
  2. We ran several speed tests from six different locations around the world with and without Cloudflare’s APO.

The results were incredible!
By caching static HTML on Cloudflare’s edge network, we saw a 70-300% performance increase. As expected, the testing locations furthest away from Tokyo saw the biggest reduction in load time.
If your WordPress site uses a traditional CDN that only caches CSS, JS, and images, upgrading to Cloudflare’s WordPress APO is a no-brainer and will help you stay competitive with modern Jamstack and static sites that live on the edge by default.

Brian’s test results are summarized in this image:

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress
Page Load Speeds for loading a website hosted in Tokyo from 6 locations worldwide – comparing Kinsta, Kinsta with KeyCDN, and Kinsta with Cloudflare APO.

One of the clear benefits, from Kinsta’s testing of APO, is the consistency of performance for serving your site no matter where your visitors are in the world. The consistent sub-second performance shown with APO versus two or three second load times in other setups makes it clear that if you have a global customer base, APO delivers an improved experience for all visitors.

How Automatic Platform Optimization Works

Automatic Platform Optimization is the result of being able to use the power of Cloudflare Workers to intelligently cache dynamic content. By caching dynamic content, we can serve the entire website from our edge network. Think ‘static site’ but without any of the work of having to build or maintain a static site. Customers can keep managing and updating content on their website in the same way and leave the hard work for performance to us. Serving both static and dynamic content from our network results, generally, in no origin requests or origin processing time. This means all the communication occurs between the user’s device and our edge. Reducing the multitude of round trips typically required from our edge to the origin for dynamic content is what makes this service so effective. Let’s first see what it normally looks like to load a WordPress site for a visitor.

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress
A sequence diagram for a typical user visiting a site‌‌

In a regular request flow, Cloudflare is able to cache some of the content like images, CSS, or JS, while other requests go to either the origin or a third party service in order to fetch the content. Most importantly the first request to fetch the HTML for the site needs to go to the origin which is a typical cause of long TTFB, since no other requests get made until the client can receive the HTML and parse it to make subsequent requests.

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress
The same site visit but with APO enabled.

Once APO is enabled, all those trips to the origin are removed. TTFB benefits greatly because the first hop starts and ends at Cloudflare’s network. This also means the browser starts working on fetching and painting the webpage sooner meaning each paint event occurs earlier. Last by caching third party fonts, we remove additional requests that would need to leave Cloudflare’s network and extend the time to display text to the user. Often, websites use fonts hosted on third-party domains. While this saves bandwidth costs that would be incurred from hosting it on the origin, depending on where those fonts are hosted, it can still be a costly operation to fetch them. By rehosting the fonts and serving them from our cache, we can reduce one of the remaining costly round trips.

With APO for WordPress, you can say bye bye to database congestion or unwieldy plugins slowing down your customers’ experience. These benefits are stacked on top of our already fast TLS connection times and industry leading protocol support like HTTP/2 that ensure we are using the most efficient and the fastest way to connect and deliver your website to your customers.

For customers with WordPress sites that support authenticated sessions, you do not have to worry about us caching content from authenticated users and serving it to others. We bypass the cache on standard WordPress and WooCommerce cookies for authenticated users. This ensures customized content for a specific user is only visible to that user. While this has been available to customers with our Business-level service, it is now available for any WordPress customer that enables APO.

You might be wondering: “This all sounds great, but what about when I change content on my site?” Because this service works in tandem with our WordPress plugin, we are able to understand when you make changes and ensure we quickly purge the content in Cloudflare’s edge and refresh it with the new content. With the plugin installed, we detect content changes and update our edge network worldwide with automatic cache purges. As part of this release, we have updated our WordPress plugin, so whether or not you use APO, you should upgrade to the latest version today. If you do not or cannot use our WordPress plugin, then APO will still provide the same performance benefits, but may serve stale content for up to 30 minutes and when the content is requested again.

This service was built on the prototype work originally blogged about here and here. For a more in depth look at the technical side of the service and how Cloudflare Workers allowed us to build the Automatic Platform Optimization service, see the accompanying blog post.

WordPress Today, Other Platforms Coming Soon

While today’s announcement is focused on supporting WordPress, this is just the start. We plan to bring these same capabilities to other popular platforms used for web hosting. If you operate a platform and are interested in how we may be able to work together to improve things for all your customers, please get in touch. If you are running a website, let us know what platform you want to see us bring Automatic Platform Optimization to next.