All posts by Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo

Integrate Kubernetes policy-as-code solutions into Security Hub

Post Syndicated from Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo original

Using Kubernetes policy-as-code (PaC) solutions, administrators and security professionals can enforce organization policies to Kubernetes resources. There are several publicly available PAC solutions that are available for Kubernetes, such as Gatekeeper, Polaris, and Kyverno.

PaC solutions usually implement two features:

  • Use Kubernetes admission controllers to validate or modify objects before they’re created to help enforce configuration best practices for your clusters.
  • Provide a way for you to scan your resources created before policies were deployed or against new policies being evaluated.

This post presents a solution to send policy violations from PaC solutions using Kubernetes policy report format (for example, using Kyverno) or from Gatekeeper’s constraints status directly to AWS Security Hub. With this solution, you can visualize Kubernetes security misconfigurations across your Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters and your organizations in AWS Organizations. This can also help you implement standard security use cases—such as unified security reporting, escalation through a ticketing system, or automated remediation—on top of Security Hub to help improve your overall Kubernetes security posture and reduce manual efforts.

Solution overview

The solution uses the approach described in A Container-Free Way to Configure Kubernetes Using AWS Lambda to deploy an AWS Lambda function that periodically synchronizes the security status of a Kubernetes cluster from a Kubernetes or Gatekeeper policy report with Security Hub. Figure 1 shows the architecture diagram for the solution.

Figure 1: Diagram of solution

Figure 1: Diagram of solution

This solution works using the following resources and configurations:

  1. A scheduled event which invokes a Lambda function on a 10-minute interval.
  2. The Lambda function iterates through each running EKS cluster that you want to integrate and authenticate by using a Kubernetes Python client and an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role of the Lambda function.
  3. For each running cluster, the Lambda function retrieves the selected Kubernetes policy reports (or the Gatekeeper constraint status, depending on the policy selected) and sends active violations, if present, to Security Hub. With Gatekeeper, if more violations exist than those reported in the constraint, an additional INFORMATIONAL finding is generated in Security Hub to let security teams know of the missing findings.

    Optional: EKS cluster administrators can raise the limit of reported policy violations by using the –constraint-violations-limit flag in their Gatekeeper audit operation.

  4. For each running cluster, the Lambda function archives archive previously raised and resolved findings in Security Hub.

You can download the solution from this GitHub repository.


In the walkthrough, I show you how to deploy a Kubernetes policy-as-code solution and forward the findings to Security Hub. We’ll configure Kyverno and a Kubernetes demo environment with findings in an existing EKS cluster to Security Hub.

The code provided includes an example constraint and noncompliant resource to test against.


An EKS cluster is required to set up this solution within your AWS environments. The cluster should be configured with either aws-auth ConfigMap or access entries. Optional: You can use eksctl to create a cluster.

The following resources need to be installed on your computer:

Step 1: Set up the environment

The first step is to install Kyverno on an existing Kubernetes cluster. Then deploy examples of a Kyverno policy and noncompliant resources.

Deploy Kyverno example and policy

  1. Deploy Kyverno in your Kubernetes cluster according to its installation manual using the Kubernetes CLI.
    kubectl create -f

  2. Set up a policy that requires namespaces to use the label thisshouldntexist.
    kubectl create -f - << EOF
    kind: ClusterPolicy
      name: require-ns-labels
      validationFailureAction: Audit
      background: true
      - name: check-for-labels-on-namespace
          - resources:
              - Namespace
          message: "The label thisshouldntexist is required."
                thisshouldntexist: "?*"

Deploy a noncompliant resource to test this solution

  1. Create a noncompliant namespace.
    kubectl create namespace non-compliant

  2. Check the Kubernetes policy report status using the following command:
    kubectl get clusterpolicyreport -o yaml

You should see output similar to the following:

apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion:
  kind: ClusterPolicyReport
    creationTimestamp: "2024-02-20T14:00:37Z"
    generation: 1
    labels: kyverno "3734083"
    name: cpol-require-ns-labels
    resourceVersion: "3734261"
    uid: 3cfcf1da-bd28-453f-b2f5-512c26065986
  - message: 'validation error: The label thisshouldntexist is required. rule check-for-labels-on-namespace
      failed at path /metadata/labels/thisshouldntexist/'
    policy: require-ns-labels
    - apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
      name: non-compliant
      uid: d62eb1ad-8a0b-476b-848d-ff6542c57840
    result: fail
    rule: check-for-labels-on-namespace
    scored: true
    source: kyverno
      nanos: 0
      seconds: 1708437615

Step 2: Solution code deployment and configuration

The next step is to clone and deploy the solution that integrates with Security Hub.

To deploy the solution

  1. Clone the GitHub repository by using your preferred command line terminal:
    git clone

  2. Open the parameters.json file and configure the following values:
    1. Policy – Name of the product that you want to enable, in this case policyreport, which is supported by tools such as Kyverno.
    2. ClusterNames – List of EKS clusters. When AccessEntryEnabled is enabled, this solution deploys an access entry for the integration to access your EKS clusters.
    3. SubnetIds – (Optional) A comma-separated list of your subnets. If you’ve configured the API endpoints of your EKS clusters as private only, then you need to configure this parameter. If your EKS clusters have public endpoints enabled, you can remove this parameter.
    4. SecurityGroupId – (Optional) A security group ID that allows connectivity to the EKS clusters. This parameter is only required if you’re running private API endpoints; otherwise, you can remove it. This security group should be allowed ingress from the security group of the EKS control plane.
    5. AccessEntryEnabled – (Optional) If you’re using EKS access entries, the solution automatically deploys the access entries with read-only-group permissions deployed in the next step. This parameter is True by default.
  3. Save the changes and close the parameters file.
  4. Set up your AWS_REGION (for example, export AWS_REGION=eu-west-1) and make sure that your credentials are configured for the delegated administrator account.
  5. Enter the following command to deploy:

You should see the following output:

Waiting for changeset to be created..
Waiting for stack create/update to complete
Successfully created/updated stack - aws-securityhub-k8s-policy-integration

Step 3: Set up EKS cluster access

You need to create the Kubernetes Group read-only-group to allow read-only permissions to the IAM role of the Lambda function. If you aren’t using access entries, you will also need to modify the aws-auth ConfigMap of the Kubernetes clusters.

To configure access to EKS clusters

  1. For each cluster that’s running in your account, run the script to create the Kubernetes read-only cluster role and cluster role binding.
  2. (Optional) Configure aws-auth ConfigMap using eksctl if you aren’t using access entries.

Step 4: Verify AWS service integration

The next step is to verify that the Lambda integration to Security Hub is running.

To verify the integration is running

  1. Open the Lambda console, and navigate to the aws-securityhub-k8s-policy-integration-<region> function.
  2. Start a test to import your cluster’s noncompliant findings to Security Hub.
  3. In the Security Hub console, review the recently created findings from Kyverno.
    Figure 2: Sample Kyverno findings in Security Hub

    Figure 2: Sample Kyverno findings in Security Hub

Step 5: Clean up

The final step is to clean up the resources that you created for this walkthrough.

To destroy the stack

  • Use the command line terminal in your laptop to run the following command:


In this post, you learned how to integrate Kubernetes policy report findings with Security Hub and tested this setup by using the Kyverno policy engine. If you want to test the integration of this solution with Gatekeeper, you can find alternative commands for step 1 of this post in the GitHub repository’s README file.

Using this integration, you can gain visibility into your Kubernetes security posture across EKS clusters and join it with a centralized view, together with other security findings such as those from AWS Config, Amazon Inspector, and more across your organization. You can also try this solution with other tools, such as kube-bench or Gatekeeper. You can extend this setup to notify security teams of critical misconfigurations or implement automated remediation actions by using AWS Security Hub.

For more information on how to use PaC solutions to secure Kubernetes workloads in the AWS cloud, see Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) workshop, Amazon EKS best practices, Using Gatekeeper as a drop-in Pod Security Policy replacement in Amazon EKS and Policy-based countermeasures for Kubernetes.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.


Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo

Joaquin is a Principal Security Architect with AWS Professional Services. He is passionate about building solutions that help developers improve their software quality. Prior to AWS, he worked across multiple domains in the security industry, from mobile security to cloud and compliance related topics. In his free time, Joaquin enjoys spending time with family and reading science fiction novels.

Enable Security Hub partner integrations across your organization

Post Syndicated from Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo original

AWS Security Hub offers over 75 third-party partner product integrations, such as Palo Alto Networks Prisma, Prowler, Qualys, Wiz, and more, that you can use to send, receive, or update findings in Security Hub.

We recommend that you enable your corresponding Security Hub third-party partner product integrations when you use these partner solutions. By centralizing findings across your AWS and partner solutions in Security Hub, you can get a holistic cross-account and cross-Region view of your security risks. In this way, you can move beyond security reporting and start implementing automations on top of Security Hub that help improve your overall security posture and reduce manual efforts. For example, you can configure your third-party partner offerings to send findings to Security Hub and build standardized enrichment, escalation, and remediation solutions by using Security Hub automation rules, or other AWS services such as AWS Lambda or AWS Step Functions.

To enable partner integrations, you must configure the integration in each AWS Region and AWS account across your organization in AWS Organizations. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to set up a Security Hub partner integration across your entire organization by using AWS CloudFormation StackSets.


Figure 1 shows the architecture of the solution. The main steps are as follows:

  1. The deployment script creates a CloudFormation template that deploys a stack set across your AWS accounts.
  2. The stack in the member account deploys a CloudFormation custom resource using a Lambda function.
  3. The Lambda function iterates through target Regions and invokes the Security Hub boto3 method enable_import_findings_for_product to enable the corresponding partner integration.

When you add new accounts to the organizational units (OUs), StackSets deploys the CloudFormation stack and the partner integration is enabled.

Figure 1: Diagram of the solution

Figure 1: Diagram of the solution


To follow along with this walkthrough, make sure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Security Hub enabled across an organization in the Regions where you want to deploy the partner integration.
  • Trusted access with AWS Organizations enabled so that you can deploy CloudFormation StackSets across your organization. For instructions on how to do this, see Activate trusted access with AWS Organizations.
  • Permissions to deploy CloudFormation StackSets in a delegated administrator account for your organization.
  • AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed.


Next, we show you how to get started with enabling your partner integration across your organization using the following solution.

Step 1: Clone the repository

In the AWS CLI, run the following command to clone the aws-securityhub-deploy-partner-integration GitHub repository:

git clone

Step 2: Set up the integration parameters

  1. Open the parameters.json file and configure the following values:
    • ProductName — Name of the product that you want to enable.
    • ProductArn — The unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Security Hub partner product. For example, the product ARN for Palo Alto PRISMA Cloud Enterprise, is arn:aws:securityhub:<REGION>:188619942792:product/paloaltonetworks/redlock; and for Prowler, it’s arn:aws:securityhub:<REGION>::product/prowler/prowler. To find a product ARN, see Available third-party partner product integrations.
    • DeploymentTargets — List of the IDs of the OUs of the AWS accounts that you want to configure. For example, use the unique identifier (ID) for the root to deploy across your entire organization.
    • DeploymentRegions — List of the Regions in which you’ve enabled Security Hub, and for which the partner integration should be enabled.
  2. Save the changes and close the file.

Step 3: Deploy the solution

  1. Open a command line terminal of your preference.
  2. Set up your AWS_REGION (for example, export AWS_REGION=eu-west-1) and make sure that your credentials are configured for the delegated administrator account.
  3. Enter the following command to deploy:
    ./ deploy

Step 4: Verify Security Hub partner integration

To test that the product integration is enabled, run the following command in one of the accounts in the organization. Replace <TARGET-REGION> with one of the Regions where you enabled Security Hub.

aws securityhub list-enabled-products-for-import --region <TARGET-REGION>

Step 5: (Optional) Manage new partners, Regions, and OUs

To add or remove the partner integration in certain Regions or OUs, update the parameters.json file with your desired Regions and OU IDs and repeat Step 3 to redeploy changes to your Security Hub partner integration. You can also directly update the CloudFormation parameters for the securityhub-integration-<PARTNER-NAME> from the CloudFormation console.

To enable new partner integrations, create a new parameters.json file version with the partner’s product name and product ARN to deploy a new stack using the deployment script from Step 3. In the next step, we show you how to disable the partner integrations.

Step 6: Clean up

If needed, you can remove the partner integrations by destroying the stack deployed. To destroy the stack, use the command line terminal configured with the credentials for the AWS StackSets delegated administrator account and run the following command:

 ./ destroy

You can also directly delete the stack mentioned in Step 5 from the CloudFormation console by accessing the stack page from the CloudFormation console, selecting the stack securityhub-integration-<PARTNER-NAME>, and then choosing Delete.


In this post, you learned how you to enable Security Hub partner integrations across your organization. Now you can configure the partner product of your choice to send, update, or receive Security Hub findings.

You can extend your security automation by using Security Hub automation rules, Amazon EventBridge events, and Lambda functions to start or enrich automated remediation of new ingested findings from partners. For an example of how to do this, see Automated Security Response on AWS.

Developer teams can opt in to configure their own chatbot in AWS Chatbot to receive notifications in Amazon Chime, Slack, or Microsoft Teams channels. Lastly, security teams can use existing bidirectional integrations with Jira Service Management or Jira Core to escalate severe findings to their developer teams.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Security, Identity, & Compliance re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo

Joaquin is a Principal Security Architect with AWS Professional Services. He is passionate about building solutions that help developers improve their software quality. Prior to AWS, he worked across multiple domains in the security industry, from mobile security to cloud and compliance related topics. In his free time, Joaquin enjoys spending time with family and reading science-fiction novels.

Shachar Hirshberg

Shachar Hirshberg

Shachar is a Senior Product Manager for AWS Security Hub with over a decade of experience in building, designing, launching, and scaling enterprise software. He is passionate about further improving how customers harness AWS services to enable innovation and enhance the security of their cloud environments. Outside of work, Shachar is an avid traveler and a skiing enthusiast.

Extend your pre-commit hooks with AWS CloudFormation Guard

Post Syndicated from Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo original

Git hooks are scripts that extend Git functionality when certain events and actions occur during code development. Developer teams often use Git hooks to perform quality checks before they commit their code changes. For example, see the blog post Use Git pre-commit hooks to avoid AWS CloudFormation errors for a description of how the AWS Integration and Automation team uses various pre-commit hooks to help reduce effort and errors when they build AWS Quick Starts.

This blog post shows you how to extend your Git hooks to validate your AWS CloudFormation templates against policy-as-code rules by using AWS CloudFormation Guard. This can help you verify that your code follows organizational best practices for security, compliance, and more by preventing you from commit changes that fail validation rules.

We will also provide patterns you can use to centrally maintain a list of rules that security teams can use to roll out new security best practices across an organization. You will learn how to configure a pre-commit framework by using an example repository while you store Guard rules in both a central Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket or in versioned code repositories (such as AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab).


To complete the steps in this blog post, first perform the following installations.

  1. Install AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
  2. Install the Git CLI.
  3. Install the pre-commit framework by running the following command.
    pip install pre-commit
  4. Install the Rust programming language by following these instructions.
  5. (Windows only) Install the version of Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools 2019 that provides just the Visual C++ build tools. 

Solution walkthrough

In this section, we walk you through an exercise to extend a Java service on an Amazon EKS example repository with Git hooks by using AWS CloudFormation Guard. You can choose to upload your Guard rules in either a separate GitHub repository or your own S3 bucket.

First, download the sample repository that you will add the pre-commit framework to.

To clone the test repository

  • Clone the repo to a local directory by running the following command in your local terminal.

    git clone

Next, create Guard rules that reflect the organization’s policy-as-code best practices and store them in an S3 bucket.

To set up an S3 bucket with your Guard rules

  1. Create an S3 bucket by running the following command in the AWS CLI.

    aws s3 mb s3://<account-id>-cfn-guard-rules --region <aws-region>

    where <account-id> is the ID of the AWS account you’re using and <aws-region> is the AWS Region you want to use.

  2. (Optional) Alternatively, you can follow the Getting started with Amazon S3 tutorial to create the bucket and upload the object (as described in step 4 that follows) by using the AWS Management Console.

    When you store your Guard rules in an S3 bucket, you can make the rules accessible to other member accounts in your organization by using the aws:PrincipalOrgID condition and setting the value to your organization ID in the bucket policy.

  3. Create a file that contains a Guard rule named rules.guard, with the following content.
    let eks_cluster = Resources.* [ Type == 'AWS::EKS::Cluster' ]
    rule eks_public_disallowed when %eks_cluster !empty {
          %eks_cluster.Properties.ResourcesVpcConfig.EndpointPublicAccess == false

    This rule will verify that public endpoints are disabled by checking that resources that are created by using the AWS::EKS::Cluster resource type have the EndpointPublicAccess property set to false. For more information about authoring your own rules using Guard domain-specific language (DSL), see Introducing AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.0.

  4. Upload the rule set to your S3 bucket by running the following command in the AWS CLI.

    aws s3 cp rules.guard s3://<account-id>-cfn-guard-rules/rules/rules.guard

In the next step, you will set up the pre-commit framework in the repository to run CloudFormation Guard against code changes.

To configure your pre-commit hook to use Guard

  1. Run the following command to create a new branch where you will test your changes.
    git checkout -b feature/guard-hook
  2. Navigate to the root directory of the project that you cloned earlier and create a .pre-commit-config.yaml file with the following configuration.
      - repo: local
          -   id: cfn-guard-rules
              name: Rules for AWS
              description: Download Organization rules
              entry: aws s3 cp --recursive s3://<account-id>-cfn-guard-rules/rules  guard-rules/org-rules/
              language: system
              pass_filenames: false
          -   id: cfn-guard
              name: AWS CloudFormation Guard
              description: Validate code against your Guard rules
              entry: bash -c 'for template in "$@"; do cfn-guard validate -r guard-rules -d "$template" || SCAN_RESULT="FAILED"; done; if [[ "$SCAN_RESULT" = "FAILED" ]]; then exit 1; fi'
              language: rust
              files: \.(json|yaml|yml|template\.json|template)$
                - cli:cfn-guard

    You will need to replace the <account-id> placeholder value with the AWS account ID you entered in the To set up an S3 bucket with your Guard rules procedure.

    This hook configuration uses local pre-commit hooks to download the latest version of Guard rules from the bucket you created previously. This allows you to set up a centralized set of Guard rules across your organization.

    Alternatively, you can create and use a code repository such as GitHub, AWS CodeCommit, or Bitbucket to keep your rules in version control. To do so, replace the command in the Download Organization rules step of the .pre-commit-config.yaml file with:

    bash -c ‘if [ -d guard-rules/org-rules ]; then cd guard-rules/org-rules && git pull; else git clone <guard-rules-repository-target> guard-rules/org-rules; fi’

    Where <guard-rules-repository-target> is the HTTPS or SSH URL of your repository. This command will clone or pull the latest rules from your Git repo by using your Git credentials.

    The hook will also install Guard as an additional dependency by using a Rust hook. Using Guard, it will run the code changes in the repository directory against the downloaded rule set. When misconfigurations are detected, the hook stops the commit.

    You can further extend your organization rules with your own Guard rules by adding them to the cfn-guard-rules folder. You should commit these rules in your repository and add cfn-guard-rules/org-rules/* to your .gitignore file.

  3. Run a pre-commit install command to install the hooks you just created.

Finally, test that the pre-commit’s Guard hook fails commits of code changes that do not follow organizational best practices.

To test pre-commit hooks

  1. Add EndpointPublicAccess: true in cloudformation/eks.template.yaml, as shown following. This describes the test-only intent (meaning that you want to detect and flag errors in your rule) of adding public access to the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster.
        Type: AWS::EKS::Cluster
          Name: java-app-demo-cluster
            EndpointPublicAccess: true
              - !Ref EKSControlPlaneSecurityGroup

  2. Add your changes with the git add command.

    git add .pre-commit-config.yaml

    git add cloudformation/eks.template.yaml

  3. Commit changes with the following command.

    git commit -m bad config

    You should see the following error that disallows the commit to the local repository and shows which one of your Guard rules failed.

    amazon-eks-controlplane.template.yaml Status = FAIL
    FAILED rules
    rules.guard/eks_public_disallowed    FAIL
    Evaluation of rules rules.guard against data amazon-eks-controlplane.template.yaml
    [/Resources/EKS/Properties/ResourcesVpcConfig/EndpointPublicAccess] in data
    [eks.template.yaml] is not compliant with [rules.guard/eks_public_disallowed] 
    because provided value [true] did not match expected value [false]. 
    Error Message []

  4. (Optional) You can also test hooks before committing by using the pre-commit run command to see similar output.


To avoid incurring ongoing charges, follow these cleanup steps to delete the resources and files you created as you followed along with this blog post.

To clean up resources and files

  1. Remove your local repository.
    rm -rf /path/to/repository
  2. Delete the S3 bucket you created by running the following command.
    aws s3 rb s3://<account-id>-cfn-guard-rules --force
  3. (Optional) Remove the pre-commit hooks framework by running this command.
    pip uninstall pre-commit


In this post, you learned how to use AWS CloudFormation Guard with the pre-commit framework locally to validate your infrastructure-as-code solutions before you push remote changes to your repositories.

You also learned how to extend the solution to use a centralized list of security rules that is stored in versioned code repositories (GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab) or an S3 bucket. And you learned how to further extend the solution with your own rules. You can find examples of rules to use in Guard’s Github repository or refer to write preventative compliance rules for AWS CloudFormation templates the cfn-guard way. You can then further configure other repositories to prevent misconfigurations by using the same Guard rules.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the KMS re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo

Joaquin is a Senior Security Architect with AWS Professional Services. He is passionate about building solutions that help developers improve their software quality. Prior to AWS, he worked across multiple domains in the security industry, from mobile security to cloud and compliance related topics. In his free time, Joaquin enjoys spending time with family and reading science-fiction novels.

How to import AWS IoT Device Defender audit findings into Security Hub

Post Syndicated from Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo original

AWS Security Hub provides a comprehensive view of the security alerts and security posture in your accounts. In this blog post, we show how you can import AWS IoT Device Defender audit findings into Security Hub. You can then view and organize Internet of Things (IoT) security findings in Security Hub together with findings from other integrated AWS services, such as Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, Amazon Macie, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer, AWS Systems Manager, and more. You will gain a centralized security view across both enterprise and IoT types of workloads, and have an aggregated view of AWS IoT Device Defender audit findings. This solution can support AWS Accounts managed by AWS Organizations.

In this post, you’ll learn how the integration of IoT security findings into Security Hub works, and you can download AWS CloudFormation templates to implement the solution. After you deploy the solution, every failed audit check will be recorded as a Security Hub finding. The findings within Security Hub provides an AWS IoT Device Defender finding severity level and direct link to the AWS IoT Device Defender console so that you can take possible remediation actions. If you address the underlying findings or suppress the findings by using the AWS IoT Device Defender console, the solution function will automatically archive any related findings in Security Hub when a new audit occurs.

Solution scope

For this solution, we assume that you are familiar with how to set up an IoT environment and set up AWS IoT Device Defender. To learn more how to set up your environment, see the AWS tutorials, such as Getting started with AWS IoT Greengrass and Setting up AWS IoT Device Defender

The solution is intended for AWS accounts with fewer than 10,000 findings per scan. If AWS IoT Device Defender has more than 10,000 findings, the limit of 15 minutes for the duration of the serverless AWS Lambda function might be exceeded, depending on the network delay, and the function will fail.

The solution is designed for AWS Regions where AWS IoT Device Defender, serverless Lambda functionality and Security Hub are available; for more information, see AWS Regional Services. The China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions and the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions are excluded from the solution scope.

Solution overview

The templates that we provide here will provision an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic notifying you when the AWS IoT Device Defender report is ready, and a Lambda function that imports the findings from the report into Security Hub. Figure 1 shows the solution architecture.

Figure 1: Solution architecture

Figure 1: Solution architecture

The solution workflow is as follows:

  1. AWS IoT Device Defender performs an audit of your environment. You should set up a regular audit as described in Audit guide: Enable audit checks.
  2. AWS IoT Device Defender sends an SNS notification with a summary of the audit report.
  3. A Lambda function named import-iot-defender-findings-to-security-hub is triggered by the SNS topic.
  4. The Lambda function gets the details of the findings from AWS IoT Device Defender.
  5. The Lambda function imports the new findings to Security Hub and archives the previous report findings. An example of findings in Security Hub is shown in Figure 2.
    Figure 2: Security Hub findings example

    Figure 2: Security Hub findings example


  • You must have Security Hub turned on in the Region where you’re deploying the solution.
  • You must also have your IoT environment set, see step by step tutorial at Getting started with AWS IoT Greengrass
  • You must also have AWS IoT Device Defender audit checks turned on. Learn how to configure recurring audit checks across all your IoT devices by using this tutorial.

Deploy the solution

You will need to deploy the solution once in each AWS Region where you want to integrate IoT security findings into Security Hub.

To deploy the solution

  1. Choose Launch Stack to launch the AWS CloudFormation console with the prepopulated CloudFormation demo template.

    Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

    Additionally, you can download the latest solution code from GitHub.

  2. (Optional) In the CloudFormation console, you are presented with the template parameters before you deploy the stack. You can customize these parameters or keep the defaults:
    • S3 bucket with sources: This bucket contains all the solution sources, such as the Lambda function and templates. You can keep the default text if you’re not customizing the sources.
    • Prefix for S3 bucket with sources: The prefix for all the solution sources. You can keep the default if you’re not customizing the sources.
  3. Go to the AWS IoT Core console and set up an SNS alert notification parameter for the audit report. To do this, in the left navigation pane of the console, under Defend, choose Settings, and then choose Edit to edit the SNS alert. The SNS topic is created by the solution stack and named iot-defender-report-notification.
    Figure 3: SNS alert settings for AWS IoT Device Defender

    Figure 3: SNS alert settings for AWS IoT Device Defender

Test the solution

To test the solution, you can simulate an “AWS IoT policies are overly permissive” finding by creating an insecure policy.

To create an insecure policy

  1. Go to the AWS IoT Core console. In the left navigation pane, under Secure, choose Policies.
  2. Choose Create. For Name, enter InsecureIoTPolicy.
  3. For Action, select iot:*. For Resources, enter *. Choose Allow statement, and then choose Create.

Next, run a new IoT security audit by choosing IoT Core > Defend > Audit > Results > Create and selecting the option Run audit now (Once).

After the audit is finished, you’ll see audit reports in the AWS IoT Core console, similar to the ones shown in Figure 4. One of the reports shows that the IoT policies are overly permissive. The same findings are also imported into Security Hub as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 4: AWS IoT Device Defender report

Figure 4: AWS IoT Device Defender report


To troubleshoot the solution, use the Amazon CloudWatch Logs of the Lambda function import-iot-defender-findings-to-security-hub. The solution can fail if:

  • Security Hub isn’t turned on in your Region
  • Service control policies (SCPs) are preventing access to AWS IoT Device Defender audit reports
  • The wrong SNS topic is configured in the AWS IoT Device Defender settings
  • The Lambda function times out because there are more than 10,000 findings

To find these issues, go to the CloudWatch console, choose Log Group, and then choose /aws/lambda/import-iot-defender-findings-to-security-hub.


In this post, you’ve learned how to integrate AWS IoT Device Defender audit findings with Security Hub to gain a centralized view of security findings across both your enterprise and IoT workloads. If you have more questions about IoT, you can reach out to the AWS IoT forum, and if you have questions about Security Hub, visit the AWS Security Hub forum. If you need AWS experts to help you plan, build, or optimize your infrastructure, contact AWS Professional Services.

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Joaquin Manuel Rinaudo

Joaquin is a Senior Security Architect with AWS Professional Services. He is passionate about building solutions that help developers improve their software quality. Prior to AWS, he worked across multiple domains in the security industry, from mobile security to cloud and compliance related topics. In his free time, Joaquin enjoys spending time with family and reading science-fiction novels.


Vesselin Tzvetkov

Vesselin is a Senior Security Architect at AWS Professional Services and is passionate about security architecture and engineering innovative solutions. Outside of technology, he likes classical music, philosophy, and sports. He holds a Ph.D. in security from TU-Darmstadt and a M.S. in electrical engineering from Bochum University in Germany.