Tag Archives: Amazon RDS

Accessing and visualizing external tables in an Apache Hive metastore with Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from James Sun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/accessing-and-visualizing-external-tables-in-an-apache-hive-metastore-with-amazon-athena-and-amazon-quicksight/

Many organizations have an Apache Hive metastore that stores the schemas for their data lake. You can use Amazon Athena due to its serverless nature; Athena makes it easy for anyone with SQL skills to quickly analyze large-scale datasets. You may also want to reliably query the rich datasets in the lake, with their schemas hosted in an external Hive metastore. In response to customers’ requests, AWS announced Athena’s support for Hive metastore in early 2020. This extends the ability in Athena to query external data stores, with a combined benefit of better performance and lower cost.

In this post, we provide an AWS CloudFormation template that configures a remote Hive metastore based on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and MySQL with Amazon EMR located in a private subnet to perform ETL tasks. We then demonstrate how you can use a Spark step to pull COVID-19 datasets from a public repository and transform the data into a performant Parquet columnar storage format. We also walk through the steps to query the data with Athena and visualize it with Amazon QuickSight. QuickSight is a fully managed data visualization service; it lets the you easily create and publish interactive dashboards by analyzing data from various data sources, including Athena.

Solution walkthrough

The following diagram shows the architecture for our solution.

As shown in the preceding architecture, we have an Availability Zone within a VPC in an AWS Region. The Availability Zone hosts subnets that are either public or private. A multi-master EMR cluster that has Hive software components installed is launched in a private subnet with egress internet traffic through a NAT gateway to download data from public sites for analysis. The multi-master feature also ensures that the primary nodes are highly available. The Hive metastore is backed by a remote RDS for MySQL instance located in the same private subnet.

We also have an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)-based data lake. A Spark step in Amazon EMR retrieves the data in CSV format, saves it in the provisioned S3 bucket, and transforms the data into Parquet format. The Spark step creates an external Hive table referencing the Parquet data and is ready for Athena to query.

With Athena, you can create a data source connector based on an AWS Lambda function to access the Hive metastore hosted on the EMR cluster by using the Apache Thrift interface.

The connector is called a catalog, which when invoked in a SQL statement with Athena, invokes the Lambda function. The function exits if the connector is not active for 15 minutes. For queries that run longer than 15 minutes, it’s recommended to let the query complete before retrieving the query results in an Amazon S3 location you can specify.

In Athena, you can compose a SQL statement against the Hive tables with predicates to further limit the size of the query result for faster visualization by QuickSight.

Deploying the resources with AWS CloudFormation

To demonstrate our solution, we provide a CloudFormation template that you can download to easily deploy the necessary AWS resources. The template creates the following resources to simulate the environment:

  • VPC and subnets – A VPC with one public and one private subnets. A NAT gateway is also created to allow outbound internet access from the EMR cluster to download public COVID-19 datasets from the Johns Hopkins GitHub repo.
  • EMR cluster – A multi-master EMR cluster with Hive, running on three primary nodes (m5.xlarge) and two core nodes (m5.xlarge), is launched to support the thrift connection required by the Athena Lambda connectors.
  • Amazon RDS for MySQL database – An RDS for MySQL primary instance is launched in the same subnet as the EMR cluster. The RDS instance serves as the Hive metastore backend data store.
  • S3 bucket – An S3 bucket stores files in Parquet format by Amazon EMR and is accessed later by Athena.
  • AWS IAM users – Two AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users belonging to different user groups. The first user, the data engineer, has permissions to access the Lambda-based Athena data source connector. The other user, the salesperson, does not have permissions to access the connector.

To get started, you need to have an AWS account. If you don’t have one, go to aws.amazon.com to sign up for one. Then complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as an IAM power user, preferably an admin user.
  2. Choose Launch Stack to launch the CloudFormation template:

This template has been tested in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.

  1. Choose Next.

You’re prompted to enter a few launch parameters.

  1. For Stack name, enter a name for the stack (for example, athena-hms).
  2. For Hive Metastore Host Number, choose the Amazon EMR primary node to connect to (or use the default value).
  3. Continue to choose Next and leave other parameters at their default.
  4. On the review page, select the three check boxes to confirm that AWS CloudFormation might create resources.
  5. Choose Create stack.

The stack takes 15–20 minutes to complete.

  1. On the Outputs tab of the stack details, save the key-value pairs to use later.

When the EMR cluster is provisioned, it uses a bootstrap action to install the necessary Python libraries. It runs an Amazon EMR Spark step (a PySpark script) that downloads three COVID-19 datasets for confirmed, recovered, and death cases from the John Hopkins GitHub repo in CSV format and stores them in the csv subfolder of the S3 bucket created by the CloudFormation stack. Lastly, the final transformed data is converted to Parquet format and external Hive tables are created referencing the Parquet data located in the parquet subfolder of the S3 bucket.

The following are the source codes for the bootstrap and Spark step actions for your reference:

To validate the data, on the Amazon S3 console, choose the bucket name from the CloudFormation template outputs. You should see a covid_data folder in the bucket. The folder contains the two subfolders, csv and parquet, which store the raw CSV and transformed Parquet data, respectively.

Querying the data in Athena

The CloudFormation template creates two users belonging to two different AWS IAM groups. The de_user_us-east-1_athena-hms user is a data engineer with permissions to access the Lambda function to communicate with the Hive metastore using the Athena data source connector. They belong to the group athena-hms-DataEngineerGroup-xxxxxxx. The sales_user_us-east-1_athena-hms user is a salesperson with no access to the connector. They belong to the group athena-hms-SalesGroup-xxxxx. 

To query the data, first retrieve your secret values in AWS Secrets Manager:

  1. On the Secrets Manager console, choose Secrets.
  2. Choose DataEngineerUserCreds.

  1. Choose Retrieve secret value.


  1. Save the username and password.


  1. Repeat these steps for SalesUserCreds. 

With the data in place, we can now use Athena to query it.

Accessing data as the data engineer

To query the data as the de_user_us-east-1_athena-hms user, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Athena console as the de_user_us-east-1_athena-hms user with the credentials retrieved from Secrets Manager.

After logging in, we need to create a data source for Hive metastore.

  1. On the navigation bar, choose Data sources.
  2. Choose Connect data source.

  1. For Choose where you data is located, select Query data in Amazon S3.
  2. For Choose a metadata catalog, select Apache Hive metastore.
  3. Chose Next.

  1. For Lambda function, choose the function the CloudFormation template created with the key HiveMetastoreFunctionName.
  2. For Catalog name, enter a name for the Athena catalog (for example, demo_hive_metastore).
  3. Choose Connect.

You should now have a catalog named demo_hive_metastore with the catalog type Hive metastore.

  1. On the navigation bar, choose Query editor.
  2. Enter the following SQL statement:
    SELECT *
    FROM demo_hive_metastore.default.covid_confirmed_cases
    WHERE country = 'US'
            OR country = 'Italy'
            OR country = 'India'
            OR country = 'Brazil'
            OR country = 'Spain'
            OR country = 'United Kingdom'

This SQL statement selects all the columns in the covid_confirmed_cases table with predicates to only include a few countries of interest. We use a table name with the pattern <catalog name>.<hive database name>.<hive table name in the database>, which for this post translates to demo_hive_metastore.default.covid_confirmed_cases.

  1. Choose Run query.

The following screenshot shows your query results.

Make sure you completely sign out of the console before moving on to the next steps.

Accessing data as the salesperson

Sign in to the console as sales_user_us-east-1_athena-hms user. Because the salesperson user doesn’t have the appropriate IAM policies to access the Hive metastore connection, you can’t see the tables.


Permissions policies

The data engineer has additional policies attached to their IAM group in addition to the managed AmazonAthenaFullAccess policy: the <stack-name>-DataBucketReadAccessPolicy-xxxxx and <stack-name>-HiveMetastoreDataSourceAccessPolicy-xxxxx policies created by the CloudFormation template. Therefore, the data engineer can view the tables, but the salesperson can’t.

These policies are available on the IAM console, on the Permissions tab for the group <stack-name>-DataEngineerGroup-xxxxx.

The following sample JSON code is the <stack-name>-DataBucketReadWriteAccessPolicy-xxxxx policy to allow access to the provisioned S3 bucket:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:s3:::<provisioned bucket name>",
                "arn:aws:s3:::<provisioned bucket name>/",
                "arn:aws:s3:::<provisioned bucket name>/*"
            "Effect": "Allow"

The following sample JSON code is the <stack-name>-HiveMetastoreDataSourceAccessPolicy-xxxxx policy to allow access to the Lambda Hive metastore function:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:<account id>:function:athena-hms-HiveMetastoreFunction"
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
               "arn:aws:s3:::<provisioned bucket name>/hms_spill"
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow"

Next, we walk through using QuickSight to visualize the results. Make sure you completely sign out of the console as the salesperson user before proceeding to the next steps. 

Signing up for QuickSight

You can skip this section if you have already signed up for QuickSight previously.

  1. Sign in to the console as the IAM power user who deployed the CloudFormation template or any user with enough IAM privileges to set up QuickSight.
  2. On the QuickSight console, choose Sign up for QuickSight.
  3. Select either the Standard or Enterprise edition for QuickSight.
  4. Choose Continue.

  1. For QuickSight account name, enter your AWS account ID.
  2. For Notification email address, enter your email.
  3. Select Amazon S3.

  1. Select the provisioned S3 bucket to grant QuickSight permission to access.
  2. Choose Finish.

Your QuickSight account should now be set up.

Attaching the Hive metastore access policy

Before you can use QuickSight, you have to attach the Hive metastore access policy to the QuickSight service role.

  1. On the IAM console, search for the service role aws-quicksight-service-role-v0.
  2. Choose the role.

  1. Search for the <stack-name>-HiveMetastoreDataSourceAccessPolicy-xxxxx policy.
  2. Select the policy and attach it to the QuickSight service role.

Creating your data source and performing data conversions

Before we can create visualizations, we need to set up our data source.

  1. Download the SQL script covid-19.sql.
  2. On the QuickSight console, choose Datasets in the navigation pane.

  1. Choose New dataset.

  1. Choose Athena.

  1. In the pop-up window, for Data source name, enter demo_hive_metastore.
  2. Choose Validate.
  3. When the connection is validated, choose Create data source.

  1. In the next window, choose Use custom SQL.

  1. Enter the content of the covid-19.sql script in the query window.
  2. Choose Confirm query.

  1. Leave Import to SPICE for quicker analytics
  2. Choose Visualize.

Now we perform a few data type conversions before visualizing the data.

  1. Choose the Edit icon next to Data set on the menu bar.

  1. Choose the … icon.
  2. Choose Edit.

  1. Expand date and choose Change data type.
  2. Choose Date.

  1. Enter yyyy-MM-dd to convert the date format.
  2. Choose Update.

Now we create a coordinate using the latitude and longitude values.r

  1. Expand lat and choose Ad to coordinates.

  1. Leave Create new geospatial coordinates
  2. Chose Add.

  1. In the pop-up window, for Name your coordinates, enter coordinate.
  2. For Field to use for longitude, choose lon.
  3. Choose Create coordinates.

  1. Choose Save and visualize on the menu bar.

Creating visualizations in QuickSight

Now we can visualize our data. For this post, we create a map visualization.

  1. For Visual types, choose the map

  1. For Geospatial, drag coordinates.
  2. For Size, drag confirmed.
  3. For Color, drag country.

This world map shows the accumulated confirmed cases for selected countries over time; you need to use a filter to look at confirmed cases on a specific date.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Filter.
  2. Choose the + icon.
  3. For Filter type, choose Time range.
  4. Choose start and end dates, such as 2020-09-10 00:00 and 2020-09-11 00:00, respectively.
  5. Choose Apply.

This plots the confirmed cases on September 10, 2020, for these countries.

Similarly, you can choose other visual types, such as a line chart, and generate the mortality rate for selected countries over time.

Using highly available primary nodes of the Amazon EMR cluster

The EMR cluster has a multi-master configuration with three primary nodes running to meet high availability requirements. At any time, the Lambda function communicates with one of these three EMR primary nodes. In the rare event that this node goes down, you can quickly re-establish the Athena data source connector to the external Hive metastore by failing over to another active primary node.

To perform this failover, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, choose Stacks.
  2. Choose athena-hms.
  3. Choose update.
  4. Choose Use current update.
  5. Choose Next.
  6. For Hive Metastore Host Number, choose a host other than the current one you’re using.

  1. Choose Next.
  2. Acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  3. Choose Update stack.

In less than a minute, you should be able to access the Hive metastore and continue to query on the Athena console.

Cleaning up

You may want to clean up the demo environment when you’re done. To do so, on the AWS CloudFormation console, select the template and choose Delete.

This action also deletes the S3 bucket and any data in it. If you want to retain the data for future use, you should make a copy of the bucket before you delete it.


In this post, we walked through a solution using Athena to query external Hive tables with public COVID-19 datasets hosted in an S3 bucket and visualizing the data with QuickSight. We provided a CloudFormation template to automate the deployment of necessary AWS services for the demo. We encourage you to use these managed and scalable services for your specific use cases in production.

About the Authors

James Sun is a Senior Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. James has over 15 years of experience in information technology. Prior to AWS, he held several senior technical positions at MapR, HP, NetApp, Yahoo, and EMC. He holds a PhD from Stanford University.



Chinmayi Narasimhadevara is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. Chinmayi has over 15 years of experience in information technology and has worked with organizations ranging from large enterprises to mid-sized startups. She helps AWS customers leverage the correct mix of AWS services to achieve success for their business goals.



Gagan Brahmi is a Solutions Architect focused on Big Data & Analytics at Amazon Web Services. Gagan has over 15 years of experience in information technology. He helps customers architect and build highly scalable, performant, and secure cloud-based solutions on AWS.

New – Amazon RDS on Graviton2 Processors

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-rds-on-graviton2-processors/

I recently wrote a post to announce the availability of M6g, R6g and C6g families of instances on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). These instances offer better cost-performance ratio than their x86 counterparts. They are based on AWS-designed AWS Graviton2 processors, utilizing 64-bit Arm Neoverse N1 cores.

Starting today, you can also benefit from better cost-performance for your Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) databases, compared to the previous M5 and R5 generation of database instance types, with the availability of AWS Graviton2 processors for RDS. You can choose between M6g and R6g instance families and three database engines (MySQL 8.0.17 and higher, MariaDB 10.4.13 and higher, and PostgreSQL 12.3 and higher).

M6g instances are ideal for general purpose workloads. R6g instances offer 50% more memory than their M6g counterparts and are ideal for memory intensive workloads, such as Big Data analytics.

Graviton2 instances provide up to 35% performance improvement and up to 52% price-performance improvement for RDS open source databases, based on internal testing of workloads with varying characteristics of compute and memory requirements.

Graviton2 instances family includes several new performance optimizations such as larger L1 and L2 caches per core, higher Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) throughput than comparable x86 instances, fully encrypted RAM, and many others as detailed on this page. You can benefit from these optimizations with minimal effort, by provisioning or migrating your RDS instances today.

RDS instances are available in multiple configurations, starting with 2 vCPUs, with 8 GiB memory for M6g, and 16 GiB memory for R6g with up to 10 Gbps of network bandwidth, giving you new entry-level general purpose and memory optimized instances. The table below shows the list of instance sizes available for you:

Instance Size vCPU Memory (GiB) Dedicated EBS Bandwidth (Mbps) Network Bandwidth
M6g R6g
large 2 8 16 Up to 4750 Up to 10
xlarge 4 16 32 Up to 4750 Up to 10
2xlarge 8 32 64 Up to 4750 Up to 10
4xlarge 16 64 128 4750 Up to 10
8xlarge 32 128 256 9000 12
12xlarge 48 192 384 13500 20
16xlarge 64 256 512 19000 25

Let’s Start Your First Graviton2 Based Instance
To start a new RDS instance, I use the AWS Management Console or the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), just like usual, and select one of the db.m6g or db.r6ginstance types (this page in the documentation has all the details).

RDS Launch Graviton2 instance

Using the CLI, it would be:

aws rds create-db-instance
 --region us-west-2 \
 --db-instance-identifier $DB_INSTANCE_NAME \
 --db-instance-class db.m6g.large \
 --engine postgres \
 --engine-version 12.3 \
 --allocated-storage 20 \
 --master-username $MASTER_USER \
 --master-user-password $MASTER_PASSWORD

The CLI confirms with:

    "DBInstance": {
        "DBInstanceIdentifier": "newsblog",
        "DBInstanceClass": "db.m6g.large",
        "Engine": "postgres",
        "DBInstanceStatus": "creating",

Migrating to Graviton2 instances is easy, in the AWS Management Console, I select my database and I click Modify.

Modify RDS database

The I select the new DB instance class:

modify db instance

Or, using the CLI, I can use the modify-db-instance API call.

There is a short service interruption happening when you switch instance type. By default, the modification will happen during your next maintenance window, unless you enable the ApplyImmediately option.

You can provision new or migrate to Graviton2 Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instances in all regions where EC2 M6g and R6g are available : US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Ireland), and Europe (Frankfurt) AWS Regions.

As usual, let us know your feedback on the AWS Forum or through your usual AWS contact.

— seb

How to delete user data in an AWS data lake

Post Syndicated from George Komninos original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-to-delete-user-data-in-an-aws-data-lake/

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an important aspect of today’s technology world, and processing data in compliance with GDPR is a necessity for those who implement solutions within the AWS public cloud. One article of GDPR is the “right to erasure” or “right to be forgotten” which may require you to implement a solution to delete specific users’ personal data.

In the context of the AWS big data and analytics ecosystem, every architecture, regardless of the problem it targets, uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as the core storage service. Despite its versatility and feature completeness, Amazon S3 doesn’t come with an out-of-the-box way to map a user identifier to S3 keys of objects that contain user’s data.

This post walks you through a framework that helps you purge individual user data within your organization’s AWS hosted data lake, and an analytics solution that uses different AWS storage layers, along with sample code targeting Amazon S3.

Reference architecture

To address the challenge of implementing a data purge framework, we reduced the problem to the straightforward use case of deleting a user’s data from a platform that uses AWS for its data pipeline. The following diagram illustrates this use case.

We’re introducing the idea of building and maintaining an index metastore that keeps track of the location of each user’s records and allows us locate to them efficiently, reducing the search space.

You can use the following architecture diagram to delete a specific user’s data within your organization’s AWS data lake.

For this initial version, we created three user flows that map each task to a fitting AWS service:

Flow 1: Real-time metastore update

The S3 ObjectCreated or ObjectDelete events trigger an AWS Lambda function that parses the object and performs an add/update/delete operation to keep the metadata index up to date. You can implement a simple workflow for any other storage layer, such as Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), Amazon Aurora, or Amazon Elasticsearch Service (ES). We use Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL as the index metadata storage options, but our approach is flexible to any other technology.

Flow 2: Purge data

When a user asks for their data to be deleted, we trigger an AWS Step Functions state machine through Amazon CloudWatch to orchestrate the workflow. Its first step triggers a Lambda function that queries the metadata index to identify the storage layers that contain user records and generates a report that’s saved to an S3 report bucket. A Step Functions activity is created and picked up by a Lambda Node JS based worker that sends an email to the approver through Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) with approve and reject links.

The following diagram shows a graphical representation of the Step Function state machine as seen on the AWS Management Console.

The approver selects one of the two links, which then calls an Amazon API Gateway endpoint that invokes Step Functions to resume the workflow. If you choose the approve link, Step Functions triggers a Lambda function that takes the report stored in the bucket as input, deletes the objects or records from the storage layer, and updates the index metastore. When the purging job is complete, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) sends a success or fail email to the user.

The following diagram represents the Step Functions flow on the console if the purge flow completed successfully.

For the complete code base, see step-function-definition.json in the GitHub repo.

Flow 3: Batch metastore update

This flow refers to the use case of an existing data lake for which index metastore needs to be created. You can orchestrate the flow through AWS Step Functions, which takes historical data as input and updates metastore through a batch job. Our current implementation doesn’t include a sample script for this user flow.

Our framework

We now walk you through the two use cases we followed for our implementation:

  • You have multiple user records stored in each Amazon S3 file
  • A user has records stored in homogenous AWS storage layers

Within these two approaches, we demonstrate alternatives that you can use to store your index metastore.

Indexing by S3 URI and row number

For this use case, we use a free tier RDS Postgres instance to store our index. We created a simple table with the following code:

				userid TEXT,
				s3path TEXT,
				recordline INTEGER

You can index on user_id to optimize query performance. On object upload, for each row, you need to insert into the user_objects table a row that indicates the user ID, the URI of the target Amazon S3 object, and the row that corresponds to the record. For instance, when uploading the following JSON input, enter the following code:

{"user_id":"UgMW8bLE0QMJDCkQ1Ax5Mg","body ":"…"}

We insert the tuples into user_objects in the Amazon S3 location s3://gdpr-demo/year=2018/month=2/day=26/input.json. See the following code:

(“V34qejxNsCbcgD8C0HVk-Q”, “s3://gdpr-demo/year=2018/month=2/day=26/input.json”, 0)
(“ofKDkJKXSKZXu5xJNGiiBQ”, “s3://gdpr-demo/year=2018/month=2/day=26/input.json”, 1)
(“UgMW8bLE0QMJDCkQ1Ax5Mg”, “s3://gdpr-demo/year=2018/month=2/day=26/input.json”, 2)

You can implement the index update operation by using a Lambda function triggered on any Amazon S3 ObjectCreated event.

When we get a delete request from a user, we need to query our index to get some information about where we have stored the data to delete. See the following code:

SELECT s3path,
                FROM user_objects
                WHERE userid = ‘V34qejxNsCbcgD8C0HVk-Q’
                GROUP BY;

The preceding example SQL query returns rows like the following:

(“s3://gdpr-review/year=2015/month=12/day=21/review-part-0.json“, {2102,529})

The output indicates that lines 529 and 2102 of S3 object s3://gdpr-review/year=2015/month=12/day=21/review-part-0.json contain the requested user’s data and need to be purged. We then need to download the object, remove those rows, and overwrite the object. For a Python implementation of the Lambda function that implements this functionality, see deleteUserRecords.py in the GitHub repo.

Having the record line available allows you to perform the deletion efficiently in byte format. For implementation simplicity, we purge the rows by replacing the deleted rows with an empty JSON object. You pay a slight storage overhead, but you don’t need to update subsequent row metadata in your index, which would be costly. To eliminate empty JSON objects, we can implement an offline vacuum and index update process.

Indexing by file name and grouping by index key

For this use case, we created a DynamoDB table to store our index. We chose DynamoDB because of its ease of use and scalability; you can use its on-demand pricing model so you don’t need to guess how many capacity units you might need. When files are uploaded to the data lake, a Lambda function parses the file name (for example, 1001-.csv) to identify the user identifier and populates the DynamoDB metadata table. Userid is the partition key, and each different storage layer has its own attribute. For example, if user 1001 had data in Amazon S3 and Amazon RDS, their records look like the following code:

{"userid:": 1001, "s3":{"s3://path1", "s3://path2"}, "RDS":{"db1.table1.column1"}}

For a sample Python implementation of this functionality, see update-dynamo-metadata.py in the GitHub repo.

On delete request, we query the metastore table, which is DynamoDB, and generate a purge report that contains details on what storage layers contain user records, and storage layer specifics that can speed up locating the records. We store the purge report to Amazon S3. For a sample Lambda function that implements this logic, see generate-purge-report.py in the GitHub repo.

After the purging is approved, we use the report as input to delete the required resources. For a sample Lambda function implementation, see gdpr-purge-data.py in the GitHub repo.

Implementation and technology alternatives

We explored and evaluated multiple implementation options, all of which present tradeoffs, such as implementation simplicity, efficiency, critical data compliance, and feature completeness:

  • Scan every record of the data file to create an index – Whenever a file is uploaded, we iterate through its records and generate tuples (userid, s3Uri, row_number) that are then inserted to our metadata storing layer. On delete request, we fetch the metadata records for requested user IDs, download the corresponding S3 objects, perform the delete in place, and re-upload the updated objects, overwriting the existing object. This is the most flexible approach because it supports a single object to store multiple users’ data, which is a very common practice. The flexibility comes at a cost because it requires downloading and re-uploading the object, which introduces a network bottleneck in delete operations. User activity datasets such as customer product reviews are a good fit for this approach, because it’s unexpected to have multiple records for the same user within each partition (such as a date partition), and it’s preferable to combine multiple users’ activity in a single file. It’s similar to what was described in the section “Indexing by S3 URI and row number” and sample code is available in the GitHub repo.
  • Store metadata as file name prefix – Adding the user ID as the prefix of the uploaded object under the different partitions that are defined based on query pattern enables you to reduce the required search operations on delete request. The metadata handling utility finds the user ID from the file name and maintains the index accordingly. This approach is efficient in locating the resources to purge but assumes a single user per object, and requires you to store user IDs within the filename, which might require InfoSec considerations. Clickstream data, where you would expect to have multiple click events for a single customer on a single date partition during a session, is a good fit. We covered this approach in the section “Indexing by file name and grouping by index key” and you can download the codebase from the GitHub repo.
  • Use a metadata file – Along with uploading a new object, we also upload a metadata file that’s picked up by an indexing utility to create and maintain the index up to date. On delete request, we query the index, which points us to the records to purge. A good fit for this approach is a use case that already involves uploading a metadata file whenever a new object is uploaded, such as uploading multimedia data, along with their metadata. Otherwise, uploading a metadata file on every object upload might introduce too much of an overhead.
  • Use the tagging feature of AWS services – Whenever a new file is uploaded to Amazon S3, we use the Put Object Tagging Amazon S3 operation to add a key-value pair for the user identifier. Whenever there is a user data delete request, it fetches objects with that tag and deletes them. This option is straightforward to implement using the existing Amazon S3 API and can therefore be a very initial version of your implementation. However, it involves significant limitations. It assumes a 1:1 cardinality between Amazon S3 objects and users (each object only contains data for a single user), searching objects based on a tag is limited and inefficient, and storing user identifiers as tags might not be compliant with your organization’s InfoSec policy.
  • Use Apache Hudi – Apache Hudi is becoming a very popular option to perform record-level data deletion on Amazon S3. Its current version is restricted to Amazon EMR, and you can use it if you start to build your data lake from scratch, because you need to store your as Hudi datasets. Hudi is a very active project and additional features and integrations with more AWS services are expected.

The key implementation decision of our approach is separating the storage layer we use for our data and the one we use for our metadata. As a result, our design is versatile and can be plugged in any existing data pipeline. Similar to deciding what storage layer to use for your data, there are many factors to consider when deciding how to store your index:

  • Concurrency of requests – If you don’t expect too many simultaneous inserts, even something as simple as Amazon S3 could be a starting point for your index. However, if you get multiple concurrent writes for multiple users, you need to look into a service that copes better with transactions.
  • Existing team knowledge and infrastructure – In this post, we demonstrated using DynamoDB and RDS Postgres for storing and querying the metadata index. If your team has no experience with either of those but are comfortable with Amazon ES, Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility), or any other storage layer, use those. Furthermore, if you’re already running (and paying for) a MySQL database that’s not used to capacity, you could use that for your index for no additional cost.
  • Size of index – The volume of your metadata is orders of magnitude lower than your actual data. However, if your dataset grows significantly, you might need to consider going for a scalable, distributed storage solution rather than, for instance, a relational database management system.


GDPR has transformed best practices and introduced several extra technical challenges in designing and implementing a data lake. The reference architecture and scripts in this post may help you delete data in a manner that’s compliant with GDPR.

Let us know your feedback in the comments and how you implemented this solution in your organization, so that others can learn from it.


About the Authors

George Komninos is a Data Lab Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps customers convert their ideas to a production-ready data product. Before AWS, he spent 3 years at Alexa Information domain as a data engineer. Outside of work, George is a football fan and supports the greatest team in the world, Olympiacos Piraeus.





Sakti Mishra is a Data Lab Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps customers architect data analytics solutions, which gives them an accelerated path towards modernization initiatives. Outside of work, Sakti enjoys learning new technologies, watching movies, and travel.