Tag Archives: Product News

Free, Privacy-First Analytics for a Better Web

Post Syndicated from Jon Levine original https://blog.cloudflare.com/free-privacy-first-analytics-for-a-better-web/

Free, Privacy-First Analytics for a Better Web

Everyone with a website needs to know some basic facts about their website: what pages are people visiting? Where in the world are they? What other sites sent traffic to my website?

There are “free” analytics tools out there, but they come at a cost: not money, but your users’ privacy. Today we’re announcing a brand new, privacy-first analytics service that’s open to everyone — even if they’re not already a Cloudflare customer. And if you’re a Cloudflare customer, we’ve enhanced our analytics to make them even more powerful than before.

The most important analytics feature: Privacy

The most popular analytics services available were built to help ad-supported sites sell more ads. But, a lot of websites don’t have ads. So if you use those services, you’re giving up the privacy of your users in order to understand how what you’ve put online is performing.

Cloudflare’s business has never been built around tracking users or selling advertising. We don’t want to know what you do on the Internet — it’s not our business. So we wanted to build an analytics service that gets back to what really matters for web creators, not necessarily marketers, and to give web creators the information they need in a simple, clean way that doesn’t sacrifice their visitors’ privacy. And giving web creators these analytics shouldn’t depend on their use of Cloudflare’s infrastructure for performance and security. (More on that in a bit.)

What does it mean for us to make our analytics “privacy-first”? Most importantly, it means we don’t need to track individual users over time for the purposes of serving analytics. We don’t use any client-side state, like cookies or localStorage, for the purposes of tracking users. And we don’t “fingerprint” individuals via their IP address, User Agent string, or any other data for the purpose of displaying analytics. (We consider fingerprinting even more intrusive than cookies, because users have no way to opt out.)

Counting visits without tracking users

One of the most essential stats about any website is: “how many people went there”? Analytics tools frequently show counts of “unique” visitors, which requires tracking individual users by a cookie or IP address.

We use the concept of a visit: a privacy-friendly measure of how people have interacted with your website. A visit is defined simply as a successful page view that has an HTTP referer that doesn’t match the hostname of the request. This tells you how many times people came to your website and clicked around before navigating away, but doesn’t require tracking individuals.

Free, Privacy-First Analytics for a Better Web

A visit has slightly different semantics from a “unique”, and you should expect this number to differ from other analytics tools.

All of the details, none of the bots

Our analytics deliver the most important metrics about your website, like page views and visits. But we know that an essential analytics feature is flexibility: the ability to add arbitrary filters, and slice-and-dice data as you see fit. Our analytics can show you the top hostnames, URLs, countries, and other critical metrics like status codes. You can filter on any of these metrics with a click and see the whole dashboard update.

I’m especially excited about two features in our time series charts: the ability to drag-to-zoom into a narrower time range, and the ability to “group by” different dimensions to see data in a different way. This is a super powerful way to drill into an anomaly in traffic and quickly see what’s going on. For example, you might notice a spike in traffic, zoom into that spike, and then try different groupings to see what contributed the extra clicks. A GIF is worth a thousand words:

And for customers of our Bot Management product, we’re working on the ability to detect (and remove) automated traffic. Coming very soon, you’ll be able to see which bots are reaching your website — with just a click, block them by using Firewall Rules.

This is all possible thanks to our ABR analytics technology, which enables us to serve analytics very quickly for websites large and small. Check out our blog post to learn more about how this works.

Edge or Browser analytics? Why not both?

There are two ways to collect web analytics data: at the edge (or on an origin server), or in the client using a JavaScript beacon.

Historically, Cloudflare has collected analytics data at our edge. This has some nice benefits over traditional, client-side analytics approaches:

  • It’s more accurate because you don’t miss users who block third-party scripts, or JavaScript altogether
  • You can see all of the traffic back to your origin server, even if an HTML page doesn’t load
  • We can detect (and block bots), apply Firewall rules, and generally scrub traffic of unwanted noise
  • You can measure the performance of your origin server

More commonly, most web analytics providers use client-side measurement. This has some benefits as well:

  • You can understand performance as your users see it — e.g. how long did the page actually take to render
  • You can detect errors in client-side JavaScript execution
  • You can define custom event types emitted by JavaScript frameworks

Ultimately, we want our customers to have the best of both worlds. We think it’s really powerful to get web traffic numbers directly from the edge. We also launched Browser Insights a year ago to augment our existing edge analytics with more performance information, and today Browser Insights are taking a big step forward by incorporating Web Vitals metrics.

But, we know not everyone can modify their DNS to take advantage of Cloudflare’s edge services. That’s why today we’re announcing a free, standalone analytics product for everyone.

How do I get it?

For existing Cloudflare customers on our Pro, Biz, and Enterprise plans, just go to your Analytics tab! Starting today, you’ll see a banner to opt-in to the new analytics experience. (We plan to make this the default in a few weeks.)

But when building privacy-first analytics, we realized it’s important to make this accessible even to folks who don’t use Cloudflare today. You’ll be able to use Cloudflare’s web analytics even if you can’t change your DNS servers — just add our JavaScript, and you’re good to go.

We’re still putting on the finishing touches on our JavaScript-based analytics, but you can sign up here and we’ll let you know when it’s ready.

The evolution of analytics at Cloudflare

Just over a year ago, Cloudflare’s analytics consisted of a simple set of metrics: cached vs uncached data transfer, or how many requests were blocked by the Firewall. Today we provide flexible, powerful analytics across all our products, including Firewall, Cache, Load Balancing and Network traffic.

While we’ve been focused on building analytics about our products, we realized that our analytics are also powerful as a standalone product. Today is just the first step on that journey. We have so much more planned: from real-time analytics, to ever-more performance analysis, and even allowing customers to add custom events.

We want to hear what you want most out of analytics — drop a note in the comments to let us know what you want to see next.

Explaining Cloudflare’s ABR Analytics

Post Syndicated from Jamie Herre original https://blog.cloudflare.com/explaining-cloudflares-abr-analytics/

Explaining Cloudflare's ABR Analytics

Cloudflare’s analytics products help customers answer questions about their traffic by analyzing the mind-boggling, ever-increasing number of events (HTTP requests, Workers requests, Spectrum events) logged by Cloudflare products every day.  The answers to these questions depend on the point of view of the question being asked, and we’ve come up with a way to exploit this fact to improve the quality and responsiveness of our analytics.

Useful Accuracy

Consider the following questions and answers:

What is the length of the coastline of Great Britain? 12.4K km
What is the total world population? 7.8B
How many stars are in the Milky Way? 250B
What is the total volume of the Antarctic ice shelf? 25.4M km3
What is the worldwide production of lentils? 6.3M tonnes
How many HTTP requests hit my site in the last week? 22.6M

Useful answers do not benefit from being overly exact.  For large quantities, knowing the correct order of magnitude and a few significant digits gives the most useful answer.  At Cloudflare, the difference in traffic between different sites or when a single site is under attack can cross nine orders of magnitude and, in general, all our traffic follows a Pareto distribution, meaning that what’s appropriate for one site or one moment in time might not work for another.

Explaining Cloudflare's ABR Analytics

Because of this distribution, a query that scans a few hundred records for one customer will need to scan billions for another.  A report that needs to load a handful of rows under normal operation might need to load millions when a site is under attack.

To get a sense of the relative difference of each of these numbers, remember “Powers of Ten”, an amazing visualization that Ray and Charles Eames produced in 1977.  Notice that the scale of an image determines what resolution is practical for recording and displaying it.

Explaining Cloudflare's ABR Analytics

Using ABR to determine resolution

This basic fact informed our design and implementation of ABR for Cloudflare analytics.  ABR stands for “Adaptive Bit Rate”.  It’s essentially an eponym for the term as used in video streaming such as Cloudflare’s own Stream Delivery.  In those cases, the server will select the best resolution for a video stream to match your client and network connection.

In our case, every analytics query that supports ABR will be calculated at a resolution matching the query.  For example, if you’re interested to know from which country the most firewall events were generated in the past week, the system might opt to use a lower resolution version of the firewall data than if you had opted to look at the last hour. The lower resolution version will provide the same answer but take less time and fewer resources.  By using multiple, different resolutions of the same data, our analytics can provide consistent response times and a better user experience.

You might be aware that we use a columnar store called ClickHouse to store and process our analytics data.  When using ABR with ClickHouse, we write the same data at multiple resolutions into separate tables.  Usually, we cover seven orders of magnitude – from 100% to 0.0001% of the original events.  We wind up using an additional 12% of disk storage but enable very fast ad hoc queries on the reduced resolution tables.

Explaining Cloudflare's ABR Analytics

Aggregations and Rollups

The ABR technique facilitates aggregations by making compact estimates of every dimension.  Another way to achieve the same ends is with a system that computes “rollups”.  Rollups save space by computing either complete or partial aggregations of the data as it arrives.  

For example, suppose we wanted to count a total number of lentils. (Lentils are legumes and among the oldest and most widely cultivated crops.  They are a staple food in many parts of the world.)  We could just count each lentil as it passed through the processing system. Of course because there a lot of lentils, that system is distributed – meaning that there are hundreds of separate machines.  Therefore we’ll actually have hundreds of separate counters.

Also, we’ll want to include more information than just the count, so we’ll also include the weight of each lentil and maybe 10 or 20 other attributes. And of course, we don’t want just a total for each attribute, but we’ll want to be able to break it down by color, origin, distributor and many other things, and also we’ll want to break these down by slices of time.

In the end, we’ll have tens of thousands or possibly millions of aggregations to be tabulated and saved every minute.  These aggregations are expensive to compute, especially when using aggregations more complicated than simple counters and sums.  They also destroy some information.  For example, once we’ve processed all the lentils through the rollups, we can’t say for sure that we’ve counted them all, and most importantly, whichever attributes we neglected to aggregate are unavailable.

The number we’re counting, 6.3M tonnes, only includes two significant digits which can easily be achieved by counting a sample.  Most of the rollup computations used on each lentil (on the order 1013 to account for 6.3M tonnes) are wasted.

Other forms of aggregations

So far, we’ve discussed ABR and its application to aggregations, but we’ve only given examples involving “counts” and “sums”.  There are other, more complex forms of aggregations we use quite heavily.  Two examples are “topK” and “count-distinct”.

A “topK” aggregation attempts to show the K most frequent items in a set.  For example, the most frequent IP address, or country.  To compute topK, just count the frequency of each item in the set and return the K items with the highest frequencies. Under ABR, we compute topK based on the set found in the matching resolution sample. Using a sample makes this computation a lot faster and less complex, but there are problems.

The estimate of topK derived from a sample is biased and dependent on the distribution of the underlying data. This can result in overestimating the significance of elements in the set as compared to their frequency in the full set. In practice this effect can only be noticed when the cardinality of the set is very high and you’re not going to notice this effect on a Cloudflare dashboard.  If your site has a lot of traffic and you’re looking at the Top K URLs or browser types, there will be no difference visible at different resolutions.  Also keep in mind that as long as we’re estimating the “proportion” of the element in the set and the set is large, the results will be quite accurate.

The other fascinating aggregation we support is known as “count-distinct”, or number of uniques.  In this case we want to know the number of unique values in a set.  For example, how many unique cache keys have been used.  We can safely say that a uniform random sample of the set cannot be used to estimate this number.  However, we do have a solution.

We can generate another, alternate sample based on the value in question.  For example, instead of taking a random sample of all requests, we take a random sample of IP addresses.  This is sometimes called distinct reservoir sampling, and it allows us to estimate the true number of distinct IPs based on the cardinality of the sampled set. Again, there are techniques available to improve these estimates, and we’ll be implementing some of those.

ABR improves resilience and scalability

Using ABR saves us resources.  Even better, it allows us to query all the attributes in the original data, not just those included in rollups.  And even better, it allows us to check our assumptions against different sample intervals in separate tables as a check that the system is working correctly, because the original events are preserved.

However, the greatest benefits of employing ABR are the ones that aren’t directly visible. Even under ideal conditions, a large distributed system such as Cloudflare’s data pipeline is subject to high tail latency.  This occurs when any single part of the system takes longer than usual for any number of a long list of reasons.  In these cases, the ABR system will adapt to provide the best results available at that moment in time.

For example, compare this chart showing Cache Performance for a site under attack with the same chart generated a moment later while we simulate a failure of some of the servers in our cluster.  In the days before ABR, your Cloudflare dashboard would fail to load in this scenario.  Now, with ABR analytics, you won’t see significant degradation.

Explaining Cloudflare's ABR Analytics
Explaining Cloudflare's ABR Analytics

Stretching the analogy to ABR in video streaming, we want you to be able to enjoy your analytics dashboard without being bothered by issues related to faulty servers, or network latency, or long running queries.  With ABR you can get appropriate answers to your questions reliably and within a predictable amount of time.

In the coming months, we’re going to be releasing a variety of new dashboards and analytics products based on this simple but profound technology.  Watch your Cloudflare dashboard for increasingly useful and interactive analytics.

Introducing Cron Triggers for Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Nancy Gao original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-cron-triggers-for-cloudflare-workers/

Introducing Cron Triggers for Cloudflare Workers

Introducing Cron Triggers for Cloudflare Workers

Today the Cloudflare Workers team is thrilled to announce the launch of Cron Triggers. Before now, Workers were triggered purely by incoming HTTP requests but starting today you’ll be able to set a scheduler to run your Worker on a timed interval. This was a highly requested feature that we know a lot of developers will find useful, and we’ve heard your feedback after Serverless Week.

Introducing Cron Triggers for Cloudflare Workers

We are excited to offer this feature at no additional cost, and it will be available on both the Workers free tier and the paid tier, now called Workers Bundled. Since it doesn’t matter which city a Cron Trigger routes the Worker through, we are able to maximize Cloudflare’s distributed system and send scheduled jobs to underutilized machinery. Running jobs on these quiet machines is both efficient and cost effective, and we are able to pass those cost savings down to you.

What is a Cron Trigger and how might I use such a feature?

Introducing Cron Triggers for Cloudflare Workers

In case you’re not familiar with Unix systems, the cron pattern allows you to schedule jobs to run periodically at fixed intervals or at scheduled times. Cron Triggers in the context of Workers allow users to set time-based invocations for the job. These Workers happen on a recurring schedule, and differ from traditional Workers in that they do not fire on HTTP requests.

Most developers are familiar with the cron pattern and its usefulness across a wide range of applications. Pulling the latest data from APIs or running regular integration tests on a preset schedule are common examples of this.

“We’re excited about Cron Triggers. Workers is crucial to our stack, so using this feature for live integration tests will boost the developer experience.” – Brian Marks, Software Engineer at Bazaarvoice

How much does it cost to use Cron Triggers?

Triggers are included at no additional cost! Scheduled Workers count towards your request cap for both the free tier and Workers Bundled, but rest assured that there will be no hidden or extra fees. Our competitors charge extra for cron events, or in some cases offer a very limited free tier. We want to make this feature widely accessible and have decided not to charge on a per-trigger basis. While there are no limits for the number of triggers you can have across an account, note that there is a limit of 3 triggers per Worker script for this feature. You can read more about limits on Workers plans in this documentation.

How are you able to offer this feature at no additional cost?

Cloudflare supports a massive distributed system that spans the globe with 200+ cities. Our nodes are named for the IATA airport code that they are closest to. Most of the time we run Workers close to the request origin for performance reasons (ie SFO if you are in the Bay Area, or CDG if you are lucky enough to be in Paris 🥐🍷🧀).  In a typical HTTP Worker, we do this because we know that performance is of material importance when someone is waiting for the response.

In the case of Cron Triggers, where the user is running a task on a timed basis, those performance needs are different. A few milliseconds of extra latency do not matter as much when the user isn’t actively waiting for the response. The nature of the feature gives us much more flexibility on where to run the job, since it doesn’t have to necessarily be in a city close to the end user.

Cron Triggers are run on underutilized machines to make the best use of our capacity and route traffic efficiently. For example, a job scheduled from San Francisco at 7pm Pacific Time might be sent to Paris because it’s 4am there and traffic across Europe is low.  Sending traffic to these machines during quiet hours is very efficient, and we are more than happy to pass those cost savings down to you. Aside from this scheduling optimization, Workers that are called by Cron Triggers behave similarly to and have all of the same performance and security benefits as typical HTTP Workers.

What’s happening below the hood?

At a high level, schedules created through our API create records in our database. These records contain the information necessary to execute the Worker on the given cron schedule. These records are then picked up by another service which continuously evaluates the state of our edge and distributes the schedules among cities. Once the schedules have been distributed to the edge, a service running in the node polls for changes to the schedules and makes sure they get sent to our runtime at the appropriate time.

If you want to know more details about how we implemented this feature, please refer to the technical blog.

What’s coming next?

With this feature, we’ve expanded what’s possible to build with Workers, and further simplified the developer experience. While Workers previously only ran on web requests, we believe the future of edge computing isn’t strictly tied to HTTP requests and responses.  We want to introduce more types of Workers in the future.

We plan to expand out triggers to include different types, such as data or event-based triggers. Our goal is to give users more flexibility and control over when their Workers run. Cron Triggers are our first step in this direction. In addition, we plan to keep iterating on Cron Triggers to make edge infrastructure selection even more sophisticated and optimized — for example, we might even consider triggers that allow our users to run in the most energy-efficient data centers.

How to try Cron Triggers

Cron triggers are live today! You can try it in the Workers dashboard by creating a new Worker and setting up a Cron Trigger.

Making Time for Cron Triggers: A Look Inside

Post Syndicated from Aaron Lisman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cron-triggers-for-scheduled-workers/

Making Time for Cron Triggers: A Look Inside

Making Time for Cron Triggers: A Look Inside

Today, we are excited to launch Cron Triggers to the Cloudflare Workers serverless compute platform. We’ve heard the developer feedback, and we want to give our users the ability to run a given Worker on a scheduled basis. In case you’re not familiar with Unix systems, the cron pattern allows developers to schedule jobs to run at fixed intervals. This pattern is ideal for running any types of periodic jobs like maintenance or calling third party APIs to get up-to-date data. Cron Triggers has been a highly requested feature even inside Cloudflare and we hope that you will find this feature as useful as we have!

Making Time for Cron Triggers: A Look Inside

Where are Cron Triggers going to be run?

Cron Triggers are executed from the edge. At Cloudflare, we believe strongly in edge computing and wanted our new feature to get all of the performance and reliability benefits of running on our edge. Thus, we wrote a service in core that is responsible for distributing schedules to a new edge service through Quicksilver which will then trigger the Workers themselves.

What’s happening under the hood?

At a high level, schedules created through our API create records in our database with the information necessary to execute the Worker and the given cron schedule. These records are then picked up by another service which continuously evaluates the state of our edge and distributes the schedules between cities.

Once the schedules have been distributed to the edge, a service running in the edge node polls for changes to the schedules and makes sure they get sent to our runtime at the appropriate time.

New Event Type

Making Time for Cron Triggers: A Look Inside

Cron Triggers gave us the opportunity to finally recognize a new Worker ‘type’ in our API. While Workers currently only run on web requests, we have lots of ideas for the future of edge computing that aren’t strictly tied to HTTP requests and responses. Expect to see even more new handlers in the future for other non-HTTP events like log information from your Worker (think custom wrangler tail!) or even TCP Workers.

Here’s an example of the new Javascript API:

addEventListener('scheduled', event => {

Where event has the following interface in Typescript:

interface ScheduledEvent {
  type: 'scheduled';
  scheduledTime: int; // milliseconds since the Unix epoch

As long as your Worker has a handler for this new event type, you’ll be able to give it a schedule.

New APIs

PUT /client/v4/accounts/:account_identifier/workers/scripts/:name

The script upload API remains the same, but during script validation we now detect and return the registered event handlers.

PUT /client/v4/accounts/:account_identifier/workers/scripts/:name/schedules

 {"cron": "* * * * *"},

This will create or modify all schedules for a script, removing all schedules not in the list. For now, there’s a limit of 3 distinct cron schedules. Schedules can be set to run as often as one minute and don’t accept schedules with years in them (sorry, you’ll have to run your Y3K migration script another way).

GET /client/v4/accounts/:account_identifier/workers/scripts/:name/schedules

 "schedules": [
     "cron": "* * * * *",
      "created_on": <time>,
      "modified_on": <time>

The Scheduler service is responsible for reading the schedules from Postgres and generating per-node schedules to place into Quicksilver. For now, the service simply avoids trying to execute your Worker on an edge node that may be disabled for some reason, but such an approach also gives us a lot of flexibility in deciding where your Worker executes.

In addition to edge node availability, we could optimize for compute cost, bandwidth, or even latency in the future!

What’s actually executing these schedules?

To consume the schedules and actually trigger the Worker, we built a new service in Rust and deployed to our edge using HashiCorp Nomad. Nomad ensures that the schedule runner remains running in the edge node and can move it between machines as necessary. Rust was the best choice for this service since it needed to be fast with high availability and Cap’n Proto RPC support for calling into the runtime. With Tokio, Anyhow, Clap, and Serde, it was easy to quickly get the service up and running without having to really worry about async, error handling, or configuration.

On top of that, due to our specific needs for cron parsing, we built a specialized cron parser using nom that allowed us to quickly parse and compile expressions into values that check against a given time to determine if we should run a schedule.

Once the schedule runner has the schedules, it checks the time and selects the Workers that need to be run. To let the runtime know it’s time to run, we send a Cap’n Proto RPC message. The runtime then does its thing, calling the new ‘scheduled’ event handler instead of ‘fetch’.

How can I try this?

As of today, the Cron Triggers feature is live! Please try it out by creating a Worker and finding the Triggers tab – we’re excited to see what you build with it!

Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

Post Syndicated from Kenton Varda original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-workers-durable-objects/

Workers Durable Objects Beta:
A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

Workers Durable Objects Beta:
A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

We launched Cloudflare Workers® in 2017 with a radical vision: code running at the network edge could not only improve performance, but also be easier to deploy and cheaper to run than code running in a single datacenter. That vision means Workers is about more than just edge compute — we’re rethinking how applications are built.

Using a “serverless” approach has allowed us to make deploys dead simple, and using isolate technology has allowed us to deliver serverless more cheaply and without the lengthy cold starts that hold back other providers. We added easy-to-use eventually-consistent edge storage to the platform with Workers KV.

But up until today, it hasn’t been possible to manage state with strong consistency, or to coordinate in real time between multiple clients, entirely on the edge. Thus, these parts of your application still had to be hosted elsewhere.

Durable Objects provide a truly serverless approach to storage and state: consistent, low-latency, distributed, yet effortless to maintain and scale. They also provide an easy way to coordinate between clients, whether it be users in a particular chat room, editors of a particular document, or IoT devices in a particular smart home. Durable Objects are the missing piece in the Workers stack that makes it possible for whole applications to run entirely on the edge, with no centralized “origin” server at all.

Today we are beginning a closed beta of Durable Objects.

Request a beta invite »

What is a “Durable Object”?

I’m going to be honest: naming this product was hard, because it’s not quite like any other cloud technology that is widely-used today. This proverbial bike shed has many layers of paint, but ultimately we settled on “Unique Durable Objects”, or “Durable Objects” for short. Let me explain what they are by breaking that down:

  • Objects: Durable Objects are objects in the sense of Object-Oriented Programming. A Durable Object is an instance of a class — literally, a class definition written in JavaScript (or your language of choice). The class has methods which define its public interface. An object is an instance of this class, combining the code with some private state.
  • Unique: Each object has a globally-unique identifier. That object exists in only one location in the whole world at a time. Any Worker running anywhere in the world that knows the object’s ID can send messages to it. All those messages end up delivered to the same place.
  • Durable: Unlike a normal object in JavaScript, Durable Objects can have persistent state stored on disk. Each object’s durable state is private to it, which means not only that access to storage is fast, but the object can even safely maintain a consistent copy of the state in memory and operate on it with zero latency. The in-memory object will be shut down when idle and recreated later on-demand.

What can they do?

Durable Objects have two primary abilities:

  • Storage: Each object has attached durable storage. Because this storage is private to a specific object, the storage is always co-located with the object. This means the storage can be very fast while providing strong, transactional consistency. Durable Objects apply the serverless philosophy to storage, splitting the traditional large monolithic databases up into many small, logical units. In doing so, we get the advantages you’ve come to expect from serverless: effortless scaling with zero maintenance burden.
  • Coordination: Historically, with Workers, each request would be randomly load-balanced to a Worker instance. Since there was no way to control which instance received a request, there was no way to force two clients to talk to the same Worker, and therefore no way for clients to coordinate through Workers. Durable Objects change that: requests related to the same topic can be forwarded to the same object, which can then coordinate between them, without any need to touch storage. For example, this can be used to facilitate real-time chat, collaborative editing, video conferencing, pub/sub message queues, game sessions, and much more.

The astute reader may notice that many coordination use cases call for WebSockets — and indeed, conversely, most WebSocket use cases require coordination. Because of this complementary relationship, along with the Durable Objects beta, we’ve also added WebSocket support to Workers. For more on this, see the Q&A below.

Region: Earth

Workers Durable Objects Beta:
A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

When using Durable Objects, Cloudflare automatically determines the Cloudflare datacenter that each object will live in, and can transparently migrate objects between locations as needed.

Traditional databases and stateful infrastructure usually require you to think about geographical “regions”, so that you can be sure to store data close to where it is used. Thinking about regions can often be an unnatural burden, especially for applications that are not inherently geographical.

With Durable Objects, you instead design your storage model to match your application’s logical data model. For example, a document editor would have an object for each document, while a chat app would have an object for each chat. There is no problem creating millions or billions of objects, as each object has minimal overhead.

Killer app: Real-time collaborative document editing

Let’s say you have a spreadsheet editor application — or, really, any kind of app where users edit a complex document. It works great for one user, but now you want multiple users to be able to edit it at the same time. How do you accomplish this?

For the standard web application stack, this is a hard problem. Traditional databases simply aren’t designed to be real-time. When Alice and Bob are editing the same spreadsheet, you want every one of Alice’s keystrokes to appear immediately on Bob’s screen, and vice versa. But if you merely store the keystrokes to a database, and have the users repeatedly poll the database for new updates, at best your application will have poor latency, and at worst you may find database transactions repeatedly fail as users on opposite sides of the world fight over editing the same content.

The secret to solving this problem is to have a live coordination point. Alice and Bob connect to the same coordinator, typically using WebSockets. The coordinator then forwards Alice’s keystrokes to Bob and Bob’s keystrokes to Alice, without having to go through a storage layer. When Alice and Bob edit the same content at the same time, the coordinator resolves conflicts instantly. The coordinator can then take responsibility for updating the document in storage — but because the coordinator keeps a live copy of the document in-memory, writing back to storage can happen asynchronously.

Every big-name real-time collaborative document editor works this way. But for many web developers, especially those building on serverless infrastructure, this kind of solution has long been out-of-reach. Standard serverless infrastructure — and even cloud infrastructure more generally — just does not make it easy to assign these coordination points and direct users to talk to the same instance of your server.

Durable Objects make this easy. Not only do they make it easy to assign a coordination point, but Cloudflare will automatically create the coordinator close to the users using it and migrate it as needed, minimizing latency. The availability of local, durable storage means that changes to the document can be saved reliably in an instant, even if the eventual long-term storage is slower. Or, you can even store the entire document on the edge and abandon your database altogether.

With Durable Objects lowering the barrier, we hope to see real-time collaboration become the norm across the web. There’s no longer any reason to make users refresh for updates.

Example: An atomic counter

Here’s a very simple example of a Durable Object which can be incremented, decremented, and read over HTTP. This counter is consistent even when receiving simultaneous requests from multiple clients — none of the increments or decrements will be lost. At the same time, reads are served entirely from memory, no disk access needed.

export class Counter {
  // Constructor called by the system when the object is needed to
  // handle requests.
  constructor(controller, env) {
    // `controller.storage` is an interface to access the object's
    // on-disk durable storage.
    this.storage = controller.storage

  // Private helper method called from fetch(), below.
  async initialize() {
    let stored = await this.storage.get("value");
    this.value = stored || 0;

  // Handle HTTP requests from clients.
  // The system calls this method when an HTTP request is sent to
  // the object. Note that these requests strictly come from other
  // parts of your Worker, not from the public internet.
  async fetch(request) {
    // Make sure we're fully initialized from storage.
    if (!this.initializePromise) {
      this.initializePromise = this.initialize();
    await this.initializePromise;

    // Apply requested action.
    let url = new URL(request.url);
    switch (url.pathname) {
      case "/increment":
        await this.storage.put("value", this.value);
      case "/decrement":
        await this.storage.put("value", this.value);
      case "/":
        // Just serve the current value. No storage calls needed!
        return new Response("Not found", {status: 404});

    // Return current value.
    return new Response(this.value);

Once the class has been bound to a Durable Object namespace, a particular instance of Counter can be accessed from anywhere in the world using code like:

// Derive the ID for the counter object named "my-counter".
// This name is associated with exactly one instance in the
// whole world.
let id = COUNTER_NAMESPACE.idFromName("my-counter");

// Send a request to it.
let response = await COUNTER_NAMESPACE.get(id).fetch(request);

Demo: Chat

Chat is arguably real-time collaboration in its purest form. And to that end, we have built a demo open source chat app that runs entirely at the edge using Durable Objects.

Try the live demo »See the source code on GitHub »

This chat app uses a Durable Object to control each chat room. Users connect to the object using WebSockets. Messages from one user are broadcast to all the other users. The chat history is also stored in durable storage, but this is only for history. Real-time messages are relayed directly from one user to others without going through the storage layer.

Additionally, this demo uses Durable Objects for a second purpose: Applying a rate limit to messages from any particular IP. Each IP is assigned a Durable Object that tracks recent request frequency, so that users who send too many messages can be temporarily blocked — even across multiple chat rooms. Interestingly, these objects don’t actually store any durable state at all, because they only care about very recent history, and it’s not a big deal if a rate limiter randomly resets on occasion. So, these rate limiter objects are an example of a pure coordination object with no storage.

This chat app is only a few hundred lines of code. The deployment configuration is only a few lines. Yet, it will scale seamlessly to any number of chat rooms, limited only by Cloudflare’s available resources. Of course, any individual chat room’s scalability has a limit, since each object is single-threaded. But, that limit is far beyond what a human participant could keep up with anyway.

Other use cases

Durable Objects have infinite uses. Here are just a few ideas, beyond the ones described above:

  • Shopping cart: An online storefront could track a user’s shopping cart in an object. The rest of the storefront could be served as a fully static web site. Cloudflare will automatically host the cart object close to the end user, minimizing latency.
  • Game server: A multiplayer game could track the state of a match in an object, hosted on the edge close to the players.
  • IoT coordination: Devices within a family’s house could coordinate through an object, avoiding the need to talk to distant servers.
  • Social feeds: Each user could have a Durable Object that aggregates their subscriptions.
  • Comment/chat widgets: A web site that is otherwise static content can add a comment widget or even a live chat widget on individual articles. Each article would use a separate Durable Object to coordinate. This way the origin server can focus on static content only.

The Future: True Edge Databases

We see Durable Objects as a low-level primitive for building distributed systems. Some applications, like those mentioned above, can use objects directly to implement a coordination layer, or maybe even as their sole storage layer.

However, Durable Objects today are not a complete database solution. Each object can see only its own data. To perform a query or transaction across multiple objects, the application needs to do some extra work.

That said, every big distributed database – whether it be relational, document, graph, etc. – is, at some low level, composed of “chunks” or “shards” that store one piece of the overall data. The job of a distributed database is to coordinate between chunks.

We see a future of edge databases that store each “chunk” as a Durable Object. By doing so, it will be possible to build databases that operate entirely at the edge, fully distributed with no regions or home location. These databases need not be built by us; anyone can potentially build them on top of Durable Objects. Durable Objects are only the first step in the edge storage journey.

Join the Beta

Storing data is a big responsibility which we do not take lightly. Because of the critical importance of getting it right, we are being careful. We will be making Durable Objects available gradually over the next several months.

As with any beta, this product is a work in progress, and some of what is described in this post is not fully enabled yet. Full details of beta limitations can be found in the documentation.

If you’d like to try out Durable Objects now, tell us about your use case. We’ll be selecting the most interesting use cases for early access.

Request a beta invite »


Can Durable Objects serve WebSockets?


As part of the Durable Objects beta, we’ve made it possible for Workers to act as WebSocket endpoints — including as a client or as a server. Before now, Workers could proxy WebSocket connections on to a back-end server, but could not speak the protocol directly.

While technically any Worker can speak WebSocket in this way, WebSockets are most useful when combined with Durable Objects. When a client connects to your application using a WebSocket, you need a way for server-generated events to be sent back to the existing socket connection. Without Durable Objects, there’s no way to send an event to the specific Worker holding a WebSocket. With Durable Objects, you can now forward the WebSocket to an Object. Messages can then be addressed to that Object by its unique ID, and the Object can then forward those messages down the WebSocket to the client.

The chat app demo presented above uses WebSockets. Check out the source code to see how it works.

How does this compare to Workers KV?

Two years ago, we introduced Workers KV, a global key-value data store. KV is a fairly minimalist global data store that serves certain purposes well, but is not for everyone. KV is eventually consistent, which means that writes made in one location may not be visible in other locations immediately. Moreover, it implements “last write wins” semantics, which means that if a single key is being modified from multiple locations in the world at once, it’s easy for those writes to overwrite each other. KV is designed this way to support low-latency reads for data that doesn’t frequently change. However, these design decisions make KV inappropriate for state that changes frequently, or when changes need to be immediately visible worldwide.

Durable Objects, in contrast, are not primarily a storage product at all — many use cases for them do not actually utilize durable storage. To the extent that they do provide storage, Durable Objects sit at the opposite end of the storage spectrum from KV. They are extremely well-suited to workloads requiring transactional guarantees and immediate consistency. However, since transactions inherently must be coordinated in a single location, and clients on the opposite side of the world from that location will experience moderate latency due to the inherent limitations of the speed of light. Durable Objects will combat this problem by auto-migrating to live close to where they are used.

In short, Workers KV remains the best way to serve static content, configuration, and other rarely-changing data around the world, while Durable Objects are better for managing dynamic state and coordination.

Going forward, we plan to utilize Durable Objects in the implementation of Workers KV itself, in order to deliver even better performance.

Why not use CRDTs?

You can build CRDT-based storage on top of Durable Objects, but Durable Objects do not require you to use CRDTs.

Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs), or their cousins, Operational Transforms (OTs), are a technology that allows data to be edited from multiple places in the world simultaneously without synchronization, and without data loss. For example, these technologies are commonly used in the implementation of real-time collaborative document editors, so that a user’s keypresses can show up in their local copy of the document in real time, without waiting to see if anyone else edited another part of the document first. Without getting into details, you can think of these techniques like a real time version of “git fork” and “git merge”, where all merge conflicts are resolved automatically in a deterministic way, so that everyone ends up with the same state in the end.

CRDTs are a powerful technology, but applying them correctly can be challenging. Only certain kinds of data structures lend themselves to automatic conflict resolution in a way that doesn’t lead to easy data loss. Any developer familiar with git can see the problem: arbitrary conflict resolution is hard, and any automated algorithm for it will likely get things wrong sometimes. It’s all the more difficult if the algorithm has to handle merges in arbitrary order and still get the same answer.

We feel that, for most applications, CRDTs are overly complex and not worth the effort. Worse, the set of data structures that can be represented as a CRDT is too limited for many applications. It’s usually much easier to assign a single authoritative coordination point for each document, which is exactly what Durable Objects accomplish.

With that said, CRDTs can be used on top of Durable Objects. If an object’s state lends itself to CRDT treatment, then an application could replicate that object into several objects serving different regions, which then synchronize their states via CRDT. This would make sense for applications to implement as an optimization if and when they find it is worth the effort.

Last thoughts: What does it mean for state to be “serverless”?

Traditionally, serverless has focused on stateless compute. In serverless architectures, the logical unit of compute is reduced to something fine-grained: a single event, such as an HTTP request. This works especially well because events just happened to be the logical unit of work that we think about when designing server applications. No one thinks about their business logic in units of “servers” or “containers” or “processes” — we think about events. It is exactly because of this semantic alignment that serverless succeeds in shifting so much of the logistical burden of maintaining servers away from the developer and towards the cloud provider.

However, serverless architecture has traditionally been stateless. Each event executes in isolation. If you wanted to store data, you had to connect to a traditional database. If you wanted to coordinate between requests, you had to connect to some other service that provides that ability. These external services have tended to re-introduce the operational concerns that serverless was intended to avoid. Developers and service operators have to worry not just about scaling their databases to handle increasing load, but also about how to split their database into “regions” to effectively handle global traffic. The latter concern can be especially cumbersome.

So how can we apply the serverless philosophy to state? Just like serverless compute is about splitting compute into fine-grained pieces, serverless state is about splitting state into fine-grained pieces. Again, we seek to find a unit of state that corresponds to logical units in our application. The logical unit of state in an application is not a “table” or a “collection” or a “graph”. Instead, it depends on the application. The logical unit of state in a chat app is a chat room. The logical unit of state in an online spreadsheet editor is a spreadsheet. The logical unit of state in an online storefront is a shopping cart. By making the physical unit of storage provided by the storage layer match the logical unit of state inherent in the application, we can allow the underlying storage provider (Cloudflare) to take responsibility for a wide array of logistical concerns that previously fell on the developer, including scalability and regionality.

This is what Durable Objects do.

Cloudflare’s Always Online and the Internet Archive Team Up to Fight Origin Errors

Post Syndicated from Alex Krivit original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflares-always-online-and-the-internet-archive-team-up-to-fight-origin-errors/

Cloudflare’s Always Online and the Internet Archive Team Up to Fight Origin Errors

Cloudflare’s Always Online and the Internet Archive Team Up to Fight Origin Errors

Every day, all across the Internet, something bad but entirely normal happens: thousands of origin servers go down, resulting in connection errors and frustrated users. Cloudflare’s users collectively spend over four and a half years each day waiting for unreachable origin servers to respond with error messages. But visitors don’t want to see error pages, they want to see content!

Today is exciting for all those who want the Internet to be stronger, more resilient, and have important redundancies: Cloudflare is pleased to announce a partnership with the Internet Archive to bring new functionality to our Always Online service.

Always Online serves as insurance for our customers’ websites. Should a customer’s origin go offline, timeout, or otherwise break, Always Online is there to step in and serve archived copies of webpages to visitors. The Internet Archive is a nonprofit organization that runs the Wayback Machine, a service which saves snapshots of billions of websites across the Internet. By partnering with the Internet Archive, Cloudflare is able to seamlessly deliver responses for unreachable websites from the Internet Archive, while the Internet Archive can continue their mission of archiving the web to provide access to all knowledge.

Enabling Always Online in the Cloudflare dashboard allows us to work with the Internet Archive to save a copy of a website to the Wayback Machine. When a website’s origin is down, Cloudflare will go to the Internet Archive to retrieve the most recently archived version of the site, so that visitors will still be able to view the site’s content.

Trying to reach a busted origin

When a person visits a Cloudflare website, a request is made from their laptop/phone/tablet/smart fridge to Cloudflare’s edge. Our edge first looks to see if we can respond with cached content; if the requested content is not in cache, or is determined to be expired, we then obtain a fresh copy from the origin. As part of fulfilling an uncached/expired origin fetch, we also update our cache to allow subsequent requests to be served to visitors faster and more securely.If we are unable to reach the origin, our edge tries a few more times to connect before marking the origin as being down and serving an error page to the visitor. Receiving an error page is not ideal for anyone, so we try really hard to ensure that visitors to websites using Cloudflare can get some content, even if an origin is struggling.

Cloudflare’s Always Online and the Internet Archive Team Up to Fight Origin Errors

A brief history of Always Online

When Cloudflare started 10 years ago, most of our customers were small and running on hosts that were subject to frequent downtime. These early customers feared that their host may go down at the same time a search engine was indexing their site. The search engine’s crawler would report the downed site as non-responsive and the site would drop in their search ranking. Always Online was born from that concern.

Through operating Always Online over the past 10 years, we’ve learned that fighting Internet downtime with simple, unobtrusive tools was something that our customers and their users deeply value. Though some features have undergone rewrite upon rewrite, other parts of our code have remained relatively untouched by the sands of time, a testament to their robustness. For example, Always Online clearly shows a banner indicating that it is serving an archived version of the page due to the origin being unreachable, and this transparency is well-received by both website owners and visitors.

We recently set out to make Always Online even better. We wanted to preserve what customers loved — as seamless an experience as possible for their users when their origin servers are down — while increasing the amount of content available through Always Online, ensuring it is as fresh as possible, and performing this archiving in a way that helps make the Internet a better place.

Cloudflare’s Always Online and the Internet Archive Team Up to Fight Origin Errors
What a visitor will see with Always Online. 

Enter the Internet Archive

Partnering with the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to power the next generation of Always Online accomplishes all of these goals. The Internet Archive’s mission is to provide universal access to all knowledge. Since 1996, the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine has been archiving much of the public Web: preserving and making available millions of websites and pages that would otherwise be lost. In pursuit of that mission, they have archived more than 468 billion web pages, amounting to more than 45 petabytes of information.

Always Online’s integration with the Internet Archive will help the Archive expand their record of the Internet; many of the domains that opt-in to Always Online functionality may not have been otherwise discovered by the Archive’s crawler. And for Cloudflare customers, the Archive will seamlessly provide visitors access to content that would otherwise be errors.

In other words, Cloudflare partnering with the Internet Archive makes the Internet better, stronger, and more available to everyone.

“Through our partnership with Cloudflare, we are learning about, and archiving, webpages we might not have otherwise known about, and by integrating with Cloudflare’s Always Online service, archives of those pages are available to people trying to access them if they become unavailable via the live web”
Mark Graham, Director of the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine

“We are excited to work with Cloudflare and expect this partnership to bring important redundancy to the Internet and allow for us to advance our ongoing efforts to make the Internet more useful and reliable.”
Brewster Kahle, Founder and Digital Librarian of the Internet Archive

How does the new Always Online work behind the scenes?

Upgrading to the new Always Online in the Cloudflare dashboard allows us to share some basic information about your website with the Internet Archive (like hostname and popular URLs), so they can begin to crawl and archive your website at regular intervals. This information sharing and crawling ensures content is available to Always Online and also serves to deepen the library of content available directly through the Archive.

If your origin goes down or is unreachable, Cloudflare’s edge will return a status code in the 520 to 527 range, indicating an issue connecting to the origin. When this happens, Cloudflare will first look to the local edge datacenter to see if there is a stale or expired version of content we can serve to the website visitor. If there isn’t a version in the local cache, Cloudflare will then go to the Internet Archive and fetch the most recently archived version of the site to serve to your visitors. When that happens, Always Online serves the archived content with a banner to let your visitors know that your origin is having problems. The banner allows for your visitors to check and see if your origin is back online with a single click. While dynamic content that requires communication with an origin server will still show an error to visitors (e.g. web applications or shopping carts), basic content will often be available with Always Online.

Cloudflare’s Always Online and the Internet Archive Team Up to Fight Origin Errors

Enabling the new Always Online

For now, the old Always Online service will still be available, but we plan to fully transition to the Internet Archive-backed version soon.

Cloudflare customers can enable Always Online in the dashboard:

Cloudflare’s Always Online and the Internet Archive Team Up to Fight Origin Errors

Learn More

  • For more about Always Online, and how it works, please check out our documentation.
  • To get started using Always Online, please log into your Cloudflare dashboard and toggle it on.
  • Please see the Internet Archive’s announcement of our partnership here.
  • To help improve Always Online, or other parts of our slice of the Internet, drop us a line.

Unimog – Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Post Syndicated from David Wragg original https://blog.cloudflare.com/unimog-cloudflares-edge-load-balancer/

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

As the scale of Cloudflare’s edge network has grown, we sometimes reach the limits of parts of our architecture. About two years ago we realized that our existing solution for spreading load within our data centers could no longer meet our needs. We embarked on a project to deploy a Layer 4 Load Balancer, internally called Unimog, to improve the reliability and operational efficiency of our edge network. Unimog has now been deployed in production for over a year.

This post explains the problems Unimog solves and how it works. Unimog builds on techniques used in other Layer 4 Load Balancers, but there are many details of its implementation that are tailored to the needs of our edge network.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

The role of Unimog in our edge network

Cloudflare operates an anycast network, meaning that our data centers in 200+ cities around the world serve the same IP addresses. For example, our own cloudflare.com website uses Cloudflare services, and one of its IP addresses is All of our data centers will accept connections to that address and respond to HTTP requests. By the magic of Internet routing, when you visit cloudflare.com and your browser connects to, your connection will usually go to the closest (and therefore fastest) data center.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Inside those data centers are many servers. The number of servers in each varies greatly (the biggest data centers have a hundred times more servers than the smallest ones). The servers run the application services that implement our products (our caching, DNS, WAF, DDoS mitigation, Spectrum, WARP, etc). Within a single data center, any of the servers can handle a connection for any of our services on any of our anycast IP addresses. This uniformity keeps things simple and avoids bottlenecks.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

But if any server within a data center can handle any connection, when a connection arrives from a browser or some other client, what controls which server it goes to? That’s the job of Unimog.

There are two main reasons why we need this control. The first is that we regularly move servers in and out of operation, and servers should only receive connections when they are in operation. For example, we sometimes remove a server from operation in order to perform maintenance on it. And sometimes servers are automatically removed from operation because health checks indicate that they are not functioning correctly.

The second reason concerns the management of the load on the servers (by load we mean the amount of computing work each one needs to do). If the load on a server exceeds the capacity of its hardware resources, then the quality of service to users will suffer. The performance experienced by users degrades as a server approaches saturation, and if a server becomes sufficiently overloaded, users may see errors. We also want to prevent servers being underloaded, which would reduce the value we get from our investment in hardware. So Unimog ensures that the load is spread across the servers in a data center. This general idea is called load balancing (balancing because the work has to be done somewhere, and so for the load on one server to go down, the load on some other server must go up).

Note that in this post, we’ll discuss how Cloudflare balances the load on its own servers in edge data centers. But load balancing is a requirement that occurs in many places in distributed computing systems. Cloudflare also has a Layer 7 Load Balancing product to allow our customers to balance load across their servers. And Cloudflare uses load balancing in other places internally.

Deploying Unimog led to a big improvement in our ability to balance the load on our servers in our edge data centers. Here’s a chart for one data center, showing the difference due to Unimog. Each line shows the processor utilization of an individual server (the colour of the lines indicates server model). The load on the servers varies during the day with the activity of users close to this data center. The white line marks the point when we enabled Unimog. You can see that after that point, the load on the servers became much more uniform. We saw similar results when we deployed Unimog to our other data centers.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

How Unimog compares to other load balancers

There are a variety of techniques for load balancing. Unimog belongs to a category called Layer 4 Load Balancers (L4LBs). L4LBs direct packets on the network by inspecting information up to layer 4 of the OSI network model, which distinguishes them from the more common Layer 7 Load Balancers.

The advantage of L4LBs is their efficiency. They direct packets without processing the payload of those packets, so they avoid the overheads associated with higher level protocols. For any load balancer, it’s important that the resources consumed by the load balancer are low compared to the resources devoted to useful work. At Cloudflare, we already pay close attention to the efficient implementation of our services, and that sets a high bar for the load balancer that we put in front of those services.

The downside of L4LBs is that they can only control which connections go to which servers. They cannot modify the data going over the connection, which prevents them from participating in higher-level protocols like TLS, HTTP, etc. (in contrast, Layer 7 Load Balancers act as proxies, so they can modify data on the connection and participate in those higher-level protocols).

L4LBs are not new. They are mostly used at companies which have scaling needs that would be hard to meet with L7LBs alone. Google has published about Maglev, Facebook open-sourced Katran, and Github has open-sourced their GLB.

Unimog is the L4LB that Cloudflare has built to meet the needs of our edge network. It shares features with other L4LBs, and it is particularly strongly influenced by GLB. But there are some requirements that were not well-served by existing L4LBs, leading us to build our own:

  • Unimog is designed to run on the same general-purpose servers that provide application services, rather than requiring a separate tier of servers dedicated to load balancing.
  • It performs dynamic load balancing: measurements of server load are used to adjust the number of connections going to each server, in order to accurately balance load.
  • It supports long-lived connections that remain established for days.
  • Virtual IP addresses are managed as ranges (Cloudflare serves hundreds of thousands of IPv4 addresses on behalf of our customers, so it is impractical to configure these individually).
  • Unimog is tightly integrated with our existing DDoS mitigation system, and the implementation relies on the same XDP technology in the Linux kernel.

The rest of this post describes these features and the design and implementation choices that follow from them in more detail.

For Unimog to balance load, it’s not enough to send the same (or approximately the same) number of connections to each server, because the performance of our servers varies. We regularly update our server hardware, and we’re now on our 10th generation. Once we deploy a server, we keep it in service for as long as it is cost effective, and the lifetime of a server can be several years. It’s not unusual for a single data center to contain a mix of server models, due to expansion and upgrades over time. Processor performance has increased significantly across our server generations. So within a single data center, we need to send different numbers of connections to different servers to utilize the same percentage of their capacity.

It’s also not enough to give each server a fixed share of connections based on static estimates of their capacity. Not all connections consume the same amount of CPU. And there are other activities running on our servers and consuming CPU that are not directly driven by connections from clients. So in order to accurately balance load across servers, Unimog does dynamic load balancing: it takes regular measurements of the load on each of our servers, and uses a control loop that increases or decreases the number of connections going to each server so that their loads converge to an appropriate value.

Refresher: TCP connections

The relationship between TCP packets and connections is central to the operation of Unimog, so we’ll briefly describe that relationship.

(Unimog supports UDP as well as TCP, but for clarity most of this post will focus on the TCP support. We explain how UDP support differs towards the end.)

Here is the outline of a TCP packet:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

The TCP connection that this packet belongs to is identified by the four labelled header fields, which span the IPv4/IPv6 (i.e. layer 3) and TCP (i.e. layer 4) headers: the source and destination addresses, and the source and destination ports. Collectively, these four fields are known as the 4-tuple. When we say the Unimog sends a connection to a server, we mean that all the packets with the 4-tuple identifying that connection are sent to that server.

A TCP connection is established via a three-way handshake between the client and the server handling that connection. Once a connection has been established, it is crucial that all the incoming packets for that connection go to that same server. If a TCP packet belonging to the connection is sent to a different server, it will signal the fact that it doesn’t know about the connection to the client with a TCP RST (reset) packet. Upon receiving this notification, the client terminates the connection, probably resulting in the user seeing an error. So a misdirected packet is much worse than a dropped packet. As usual, we consider the network to be unreliable, and it’s fine for occasional packets to be dropped. But even a single misdirected packet can lead to a broken connection.

Cloudflare handles a wide variety of connections on behalf of our customers. Many of these connections carry HTTP, and are typically short lived. But some HTTP connections are used for websockets, and can remain established for hours or days. Our Spectrum product supports arbitrary TCP connections. TCP connections can be terminated or stall for many reasons, and ideally all applications that use long-lived connections would be able to reconnect transparently, and applications would be designed to support such reconnections. But not all applications and protocols meet this ideal, so we strive to maintain long-lived connections. Unimog can maintain connections that last for many days.

Forwarding packets

The previous section described that the function of Unimog is to steer connections to servers. We’ll now explain how this is implemented.

To start with, let’s consider how one of our data centers might look without Unimog or any other load balancer. Here’s a conceptual view:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Packets arrive from the Internet, and pass through the router, which forwards them on to servers (in reality there is usually additional network infrastructure between the router and the servers, but it doesn’t play a significant role here so we’ll ignore it).

But is such a simple arrangement possible? Can the router spread traffic over servers without some kind of load balancer in between? Routers have a feature called ECMP (equal cost multipath) routing. Its original purpose is to allow traffic to be spread across multiple paths between two locations, but it is commonly repurposed to spread traffic across multiple servers within a data center. In fact, Cloudflare relied on ECMP alone to spread load across servers before we deployed Unimog. ECMP uses a hashing scheme to ensure that packets on a given connection use the same path (Unimog also employs a hashing scheme, so we’ll discuss how this can work in further detail below) . But ECMP is vulnerable to changes in the set of active servers, such as when servers go in and out of service. These changes cause rehashing events, which break connections to all the servers in an ECMP group. Also, routers impose limits on the sizes of ECMP groups, which means that a single ECMP group cannot cover all the servers in our larger edge data centers. Finally, ECMP does not allow us to do dynamic load balancing by adjusting the share of connections going to each server. These drawbacks mean that ECMP alone is not an effective approach.

Ideally, to overcome the drawbacks of ECMP, we could program the router with the appropriate logic to direct connections to servers in the way we want. But although programmable network data planes have been a hot research topic in recent years, commodity routers are still essentially fixed-function devices.

We can work around the limitations of routers by having the router send the packets to some load balancing servers, and then programming those load balancers to forward packets as we want. If the load balancers all act on packets in a consistent way, then it doesn’t matter which load balancer gets which packets from the router (so we can use ECMP to spread packets across the load balancers). That suggests an arrangement like this:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

And indeed L4LBs are often deployed like this.

Instead, Unimog makes every server into a load balancer. The router can send any packet to any server, and that initial server will forward the packet to the right server for that connection:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

We have two reasons to favour this arrangement:

First, in our edge network, we avoid specialised roles for servers. We run the same software stack on the servers in our edge network, providing all of our product features, whether DDoS attack prevention, website performance features, Cloudflare Workers, WARP, etc. This uniformity is key to the efficient operation of our edge network: we don’t have to manage how many load balancers we have within each of our data centers, because all of our servers act as load balancers.

The second reason relates to stopping attacks. Cloudflare’s edge network is the target of incessant attacks. Some of these attacks are volumetric – large packet floods which attempt to overwhelm the ability of our data centers to process network traffic from the Internet, and so impact our ability to service legitimate traffic. To successfully mitigate such attacks, it’s important to filter out attack packets as early as possible, minimising the resources they consume. This means that our attack mitigation system needs to occur before the forwarding done by Unimog. That mitigation system is called l4drop, and we’ve written about it before. l4drop and Unimog are closely integrated. Because l4drop runs on all of our servers, and because l4drop comes before Unimog, it’s natural for Unimog to run on all of our servers too.

XDP and xdpd

Unimog implements packet forwarding using a Linux kernel facility called XDP. XDP allows a program to be attached to a network interface, and the program gets run for every packet that arrives, before it is processed by the kernel’s main network stack. The XDP program returns an action code to tell the kernel what to do with the packet:

  • PASS: Pass the packet on to the kernel’s network stack for normal processing.
  • DROP: Drop the packet. This is the basis for l4drop.
  • TX: Transmit the packet back out of the network interface. The XDP program can modify the packet data before transmission. This action is the basis for Unimog forwarding.

XDP programs run within the kernel, making this an efficient approach even at high packet rates. XDP programs are expressed as eBPF bytecode, and run within an in-kernel virtual machine. Upon loading an XDP program, the kernel compiles its eBPF code into machine code. The kernel also verifies the program to check that it does not compromise security or stability. eBPF is not only used in the context of XDP: many recent Linux kernel innovations employ eBPF, as it provides a convenient and efficient way to extend the behaviour of the kernel.

XDP is much more convenient than alternative approaches to packet-level processing, particularly in our context where the servers involved also have many other tasks. We have continued to enhance Unimog since its initial deployment. Our deployment model for new versions of our Unimog XDP code is essentially the same as for userspace services, and we are able to deploy new versions on a weekly basis if needed. Also, established techniques for optimizing the performance of the Linux network stack provide good performance for XDP.

There are two main alternatives for efficient packet-level processing:

  • Kernel-bypass networking (such as DPDK), where a program in userspace manages a network interface (or some part of one) directly without the involvement of the kernel. This approach works best when servers can be dedicated to a network function (due to the need to dedicate processor or network interface hardware resources, and awkward integration with the normal kernel network stack; see our old post about this). But we avoid putting servers in specialised roles. (Github’s open-source GLB uses DPDK, and this is one of the main factors that made GLB unsuitable for us.)
  • Kernel modules, where code is added to the kernel to perform the necessary network functions. The Linux IPVS (IP Virtual Server) subsystem falls into this category. But developing, testing, and deploying kernel modules is cumbersome compared to XDP.

The following diagram shows an overview of our use of XDP. Both l4drop and Unimog are implemented by an XDP program. l4drop matches attack packets, and uses the DROP action to discard them. Unimog forwards packets, using the TX action to resend them. Packets that are not dropped or forwarded pass through to the normal Linux network stack. To support our elaborate use of XPD, we have developed the xdpd daemon which performs the necessary supervisory and support functions for our XDP programs.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Rather than a single XDP program, we have a chain of XDP programs that must be run for each packet (l4drop, Unimog, and others we have not covered here). One of the responsibilities of xdpd is to prepare these programs, and to make the appropriate system calls to load them and assemble the full chain.

Our XDP programs come from two sources. Some are developed in a conventional way: engineers write C code, our build system compiles it (with clang) to eBPF ELF files, and our release system deploys those files to our servers. Our Unimog XDP code works like this. In contrast, the l4drop XDP code is dynamically generated by xdpd based on information it receives from attack detection systems.

xdpd has many other duties to support our use of XDP:

  • XDP programs can be supplied with data using data structures called maps. xdpd populates the maps needed by our programs, based on information received from control planes.
  • Programs (for instance, our Unimog XDP program) may depend upon configuration values which are fixed while the program runs, but do not have universal values known at the time their C code was compiled. It would be possible to supply these values to the program via maps, but that would be inefficient (retrieving a value from a map requires a call to a helper function). So instead, xdpd will fix up the eBPF program to insert these constants before it is loaded.
  • Cloudflare carefully monitors the behaviour of all our software systems, and this includes our XDP programs: They emit metrics (via another use of maps), which xdpd exposes to our metrics and alerting system (prometheus).
  • When we deploy a new version of xdpd, it gracefully upgrades in such a way that there is no interruption to the operation of Unimog or l4drop.

Although the XDP programs are written in C, xdpd itself is written in Go. Much of its code is specific to Cloudflare. But in the course of developing xdpd, we have collaborated with Cilium to develop https://github.com/cilium/ebpf, an open source Go library that provides the operations needed by xdpd for manipulating and loading eBPF programs and related objects. We’re also collaborating with the Linux eBPF community to share our experience, and extend the core eBPF technology in ways that make features of xdpd obsolete.

In evaluating the performance of Unimog, our main concern is efficiency: that is, the resources consumed for load balancing relative to the resources used for customer-visible services. Our measurements show that Unimog costs less than 1% of the processor utilization, compared to a scenario where no load balancing is in use. Other L4LBs, intended to be used with servers dedicated to load balancing, may place more emphasis on maximum throughput of packets. Nonetheless, our experience with Unimog and XDP in general indicates that the throughput is more than adequate for our needs, even during large volumetric attacks.

Unimog is not the first L4LB to use XDP. In 2018, Facebook open sourced Katran, their XDP-based L4LB data plane. We considered the possibility of reusing code from Katran. But it would not have been worthwhile: the core C code needed to implement an XDP-based L4LB is relatively modest (about 1000 lines of C, both for Unimog and Katran). Furthermore, we had requirements that were not met by Katran, and we also needed to integrate with existing components and systems at Cloudflare (particularly l4drop). So very little of the code could have been reused as-is.


As discussed as the start of this post, clients make connections to one of our edge data centers with a destination IP address that can be served by any one of our servers. These addresses that do not correspond to a specific server are known as virtual IPs (VIPs). When our Unimog XDP program forwards a packet destined to a VIP, it must replace that VIP address with the direct IP (DIP) of the appropriate server for the connection, so that when the packet is retransmitted it will reach that server. But it is not sufficient to overwrite the VIP in the packet headers with the DIP, as that would hide the original destination address from the server handling the connection (the original destination address is often needed to correctly handle the connection).

Instead, the packet must be encapsulated: Another set of packet headers is prepended to the packet, so that the original packet becomes the payload in this new packet. The DIP is then used as the destination address in the outer headers, but the addressing information in the headers of the original packet is preserved. The encapsulated packet is then retransmitted. Once it reaches the target server, it must be decapsulated: the outer headers are stripped off to yield the original packet as if it had arrived directly.

Encapsulation is a general concept in computer networking, and is used in a variety of contexts. The headers to be added to the packet by encapsulation are defined by an encapsulation format. Many different encapsulation formats have been defined within the industry, tailored to the requirements in specific contexts. Unimog uses a format called GUE (Generic UDP Encapsulation), in order to allow us to re-use the glb-redirect component from github’s GLB (glb-redirect is discussed below).

GUE is a relatively simple encapsulation format. It encapsulates within a UDP packet, placing a GUE-specific header between the outer IP/UDP headers and the payload packet to allow extension data to be carried (and we’ll see how Unimog takes advantage of this):

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

When an encapsulated packet arrives at a server, the encapsulation process must be reversed. This step is called decapsulation. The headers that were added during the encapsulation process are removed, leaving the original packet to be processed by the network stack as if it had arrived directly from the client.

An issue that can arise with encapsulation is hitting limits on the maximum packet size, because the encapsulation process makes packets larger. The de-facto maximum packet size on the Internet is 1500 bytes, and not coincidentally this is also the maximum packet size on ethernet networks. For Unimog, encapsulating a 1500-byte packet results in a 1536-byte packet. To allow for these enlarged encapsulated packets, we have enabled jumbo frames on the networks inside our data centers, so that the 1500-byte limit only applies to packets headed out to the Internet.

Forwarding logic

So far, we have described the technology used to implement the Unimog load balancer, but not how our Unimog XDP program selects the DIP address when forwarding a packet. This section describes the basic scheme. But as we’ll see, there is a problem, so then we’ll describe how this scheme is elaborated to solve that problem.

In outline, our Unimog XDP program processes each packet in the following way:

  1. Determine whether the packet is destined for a VIP address. Not all of the packets arriving at a server are for VIP addresses. Other packets are passed through for normal handling by the kernel’s network stack. (xdpd obtains the VIP address ranges from the Unimog control plane.)
  2. Determine the DIP for the server handling the packet’s connection.
  3. Encapsulate the packet, and retransmit it to the DIP.

In step 2, note that all the load balancers must act consistently – when forwarding packets, they must all agree about which connections go to which servers. The rate of new connections arriving at a data center is large, so it’s not practical for load balancers to agree by communicating information about connections amongst themselves. Instead L4LBs adopt designs which allow the load balancers to reach consistent forwarding decisions independently. To do this, they rely on hashing schemes: Take the 4-tuple identifying the packet’s connection, put it through a hash function to obtain a key (the hash function ensures that these key values are uniformly distributed), then perform some kind of lookup into a data structure to turn the key into the DIP for the target server.

Unimog uses such a scheme, with a data structure that is simple compared to some other L4LBs. We call this data structure the forwarding table, and it consists of an array where each entry contains a DIP specifying the server target server for the relevant packets (we call these entries buckets). The forwarding table is generated by the Unimog control plane and broadcast to the load balancers (more on this below), so that it has the same contents on all load balancers.

To look up a packet’s key in the forwarding table, the low N bits from the key are used as the index for a bucket (the forwarding table is always a power-of-2 in size):

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Note that this approach does not provide per-connection control – each bucket typically applies to many connections. All load balancers in a data center use the same forwarding table, so they all forward packets in a consistent manner. This means it doesn’t matter which packets are sent by the router to which servers, and so ECMP re-hashes are a non-issue. And because the forwarding table is immutable and simple in structure, lookups are fast.

Although the above description only discusses a single forwarding table, Unimog supports multiple forwarding tables, each one associated with a trafficset – the traffic destined for a particular service. Ranges of VIP addresses are associated with a trafficset. Each trafficset has its own configuration settings and forwarding tables. This gives us the flexibility to differentiate how Unimog behaves for different services.

Precise load balancing requires the ability to make fine adjustments to the number of connections arriving at each server. So we make the number of buckets in the forwarding table more than 100 times the number of servers. Our data centers can contain hundreds of servers, and so it is normal for a Unimog forwarding table to have tens of thousands of buckets. The DIP for a given server is repeated across many buckets in the forwarding table, and by increasing or decreasing the number of buckets that refer to a server, we can control the share of connections going to that server. Not all buckets will correspond to exactly the same number of connections at a given point in time (the properties of the hash function make this a statistical matter). But experience with Unimog has demonstrated that the relationship between the number of buckets and resulting server load is sufficiently strong to allow for good load balancing.

But as mentioned, there is a problem with this scheme as presented so far. Updating a forwarding table, and changing the DIPs in some buckets, would break connections that hash to those buckets (because packets on those connections would get forwarded to a different server after the update). But one of the requirements for Unimog is to allow us to change which servers get new connections without impacting the existing connections. For example, sometimes we want to drain the connections to a server, maintaining the existing connections to that server but not forwarding new connections to it, in the expectation that many of the existing connections will terminate of their own accord. The next section explains how we fix this scheme to allow such changes.

Maintaining established connections

To make changes to the forwarding table without breaking established connections, Unimog adopts the “daisy chaining” technique described in the paper Stateless Datacenter Load-balancing with Beamer.

To understand how the Beamer technique works, let’s look at what can go wrong when a forwarding table changes: imagine the forwarding table is updated so that a bucket which contained the DIP of server A now refers to server B. A packet that would formerly have been sent to A by the load balancers is now sent to B. If that packet initiates a new connection (it’s a TCP SYN packet), there’s no problem – server B will continue the three-way handshake to complete the new connection. On the other hand, if the packet belongs to a connection established before the change, then the TCP implementation of server B has no matching TCP socket, and so sends a RST back to the client, breaking the connection.

This explanation hints at a solution: the problem occurs when server B receives a forwarded packet that does not match a TCP socket. If we could change its behaviour in this case to forward the packet a second time to the DIP of server A, that would allow the connection to server A to be preserved. For this to work, server B needs to know the DIP for the bucket before the change.

To accomplish this, we extend the forwarding table so that each bucket has two slots, each containing the DIP for a server. The first slot contains the current DIP, which is used by the load balancer to forward packets as discussed (and here we refer to this forwarding as the first hop). The second slot preserves the previous DIP (if any), in order to allow the packet to be forwarded again on a second hop when necessary.

For example, imagine we have a forwarding table that refers to servers A, B, and C, and then it is updated to stop new connections going to server A, but maintaining established connections to server A. This is achieved by replacing server A’s DIP in the first slot of any buckets where it appears, but preserving it in the second slot:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

In addition to extending the forwarding table, this approach requires a component on each server to forward packets on the second hop when necessary. This diagram shows where this redirector fits into the path a packet can take:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

The redirector follows some simple logic to decide whether to process a packet locally on the first-hop server or to forward it on the second-hop server:

  • If the packet is a SYN packet, initiating a new connection, then it is always processed by the first-hop server. This ensures that new connections go to the first-hop server.
  • For other packets, the redirector checks whether the packet belongs to a connection with a corresponding TCP socket on the first-hop server. If so, it is processed by that server.
  • Otherwise, the packet has no corresponding TCP socket on the first-hop server. So it is forwarded on to the second-hop server to be processed there (in the expectation that it belongs to some connection established on the second-hop server that we wish to maintain).

In that last step, the redirector needs to know the DIP for the second hop. To avoid the need for the redirector to do forwarding table lookups, the second-hop DIP is placed into the encapsulated packet by the Unimog XDP program (which already does a forwarding table lookup, so it has easy access to this value). This second-hop DIP is carried in a GUE extension header, so that it is readily available to the redirector if it needs to forward the packet again.

This second hop, when necessary, does have a cost. But in our data centers, the fraction of forwarded packets that take the second hop is usually less than 1% (despite the significance of long-lived connections in our context). The result is that the practical overhead of the second hops is modest.

When we initially deployed Unimog, we adopted the glb-redirect iptables module from github’s GLB to serve as the redirector component. In fact, some implementation choices in Unimog, such as the use of GUE, were made in order to facilitate this re-use. glb-redirect worked well for us initially, but subsequently we wanted to enhance the redirector logic. glb-redirect is a custom Linux kernel module, and developing and deploying changes to kernel modules is more difficult for us than for eBPF-based components such as our XDP programs. This is not merely due to Cloudflare having invested more engineering effort in software infrastructure for eBPF; it also results from the more explicit boundary between the kernel and eBPF programs (for example, we are able to run the same eBPF programs on a range of kernel versions without recompilation). We wanted to achieve the same ease of development for the redirector as for our XDP programs.

To that end, we decided to write an eBPF replacement for glb-redirect. While the redirector could be implemented within XDP, like our load balancer, practical concerns led us to implement it as a TC classifier program instead (TC is the traffic control subsystem within the Linux network stack). A downside to XDP is that the packet contents prior to processing by the XDP program are not visible using conventional tools such as tcpdump, complicating debugging. TC classifiers do not have this downside, and in the context of the redirector, which passes most packets through, the performance advantages of XDP would not be significant.

The result is cls-redirect, a redirector implemented as a TC classifier program. We have contributed our cls-redirect code as part of the Linux kernel test suite. In addition to implementing the redirector logic, cls-redirect also implements decapsulation, removing the need to separately configure GUE tunnel endpoints for this purpose.

There are some features suggested in the Beamer paper that Unimog does not implement:

  • Beamer embeds generation numbers in the encapsulated packets to address a potential corner case where a ECMP rehash event occurs at the same time as a forwarding table update is propagating from the control plane to the load balancers. Given the combination of circumstances required for a connection to be impacted by this issue, we believe that in our context the number of affected connections is negligible, and so the added complexity of the generation numbers is not worthwhile.
  • In the Beamer paper, the concept of daisy-chaining encompasses third hops etc. to preserve connections across a series of changes to a bucket. Unimog only uses two hops (the first and second hops above), so in general it can only preserve connections across a single update to a bucket. But our experience is that even with only two hops, a careful strategy for updating the forwarding tables permits connection lifetimes of days.

To elaborate on this second point: when the control plane is updating the forwarding table, it often has some choice in which buckets to change, depending on the event that led to the update. For example, if a server is being brought into service, then some buckets must be assigned to it (by placing the DIP for the new server in the first slot of the bucket). But there is a choice about which buckets. A strategy of choosing the least-recently modified buckets will tend to minimise the impact to connections.

Furthermore, when updating the forwarding table to adjust the balance of load between servers, Unimog often uses a novel trick: due to the redirector logic, exchanging the first-hop and second-hop DIPs for a bucket only affects which server receives new connections for that bucket, and never impacts any established connections. Unimog is able to achieve load balancing in our edge data centers largely through forwarding table changes of this type.

Control plane

So far, we have discussed the Unimog data plane – the part that processes network packets. But much of the development effort on Unimog has been devoted to the control plane – the part that generates the forwarding tables used by the data plane. In order to correctly maintain the forwarding tables, the control plane consumes information from multiple sources:

  • Server information: Unimog needs to know the set of servers present in a data center, some key information about each one (such as their DIP addresses), and their operational status. It also needs signals about transitional states, such as when a server is being withdrawn from service, in order to gracefully drain connections (preventing the server from receiving new connections, while maintaining its established connections).
  • Health: Unimog should only send connections to servers that are able to correctly handle those connections, otherwise those servers should be removed from the forwarding tables. To ensure this, it needs health information at the node level (indicating that a server is available) and at the service level (indicating that a service is functioning normally on a server).
  • Load: in order to balance load, Unimog needs information about the resource utilization on each server.
  • IP address information: Cloudflare serves hundreds of thousands of IPv4 addresses, and these are something that we have to treat as a dynamic resource rather than something statically configured.

The control plane is implemented by a process called the conductor. In each of our edge data centers, there is one active conductor, but there are also standby instances that will take over if the active instance goes away.

We use Hashicorp’s Consul in a number of ways in the Unimog control plane (we have an independent Consul server cluster in each data center):

  • Consul provides a key-value store, with support for blocking queries so that changes to values can be received promptly. We use this to propagate the forwarding tables and VIP address information from the conductor to xdpd on the servers.
  • Consul provides server- and service-level health checks. We use this as the source of health information for Unimog.
  • The conductor stores its state in the Consul KV store, and uses Consul’s distributed locks to ensure that only one conductor instance is active.

The conductor obtains server load information from Prometheus, which we already use for metrics throughout our systems. It balances the load across the servers using a control loop, periodically adjusting the forwarding tables to send more connections to underloaded servers and less connections to overloaded servers. The load for a server is defined by a Prometheus metric expression which measures processor utilization (with some intricacies to better handle characteristics of our workloads). The determination of whether a server is underloaded or overloaded is based on comparison with the average value of the load metric, and the adjustments made to the forwarding table are proportional to the deviation from the average. So the result of the feedback loop is that the load metric for all servers converges on the average.

Finally, the conductor queries internal Cloudflare APIs to obtain the necessary information on servers and addresses.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Unimog is a critical system: incorrect, poorly adjusted or stale forwarding tables could cause incoming network traffic to a data center to be dropped, or servers to be overloaded, to the point that a data center would have to be removed from service. To maintain a high quality of service and minimise the overhead of managing our many edge data centers, we have to be able to upgrade all components. So to the greatest extent possible, all components are able to tolerate brief absences of the other components without any impact to service. In some cases this is possible through careful design. In other cases, it requires explicit handling. For example, we have found that Consul can temporarily report inaccurate health information for a server and its services when the Consul agent on that server is restarted (for example, in order to upgrade Consul). So we implemented the necessary logic in the conductor to detect and disregard these transient health changes.

Unimog also forms a complex system with feedback loops: The conductor reacts to its observations of behaviour of the servers, and the servers react to the control information they receive from the conductor. This can lead to behaviours of the overall system that are hard to anticipate or test for. For instance, not long after we deployed Unimog we encountered surprising behaviour when data centers became overloaded. This is of course a scenario that we strive to avoid, and we have automated systems to remove traffic from overloaded data centers if it does. But if a data center became sufficiently overloaded, then health information from its servers would indicate that many servers were degraded to the point that Unimog would stop sending new connections to those servers. Under normal circumstances, this is the correct reaction to a degraded server. But if enough servers become degraded, diverting new connections to other servers would mean those servers became degraded, while the original servers were able to recover. So it was possible for a data center that became temporarily overloaded to get stuck in a state where servers oscillated between healthy and degraded, even after the level of demand on the data center had returned to normal. To correct this issue, the conductor now has logic to distinguish between isolated degraded servers and such data center-wide problems. We have continued to improve Unimog in response to operational experience, ensuring that it behaves in a predictable manner over a wide range of conditions.

UDP Support

So far, we have described Unimog’s support for directing TCP connections. But Unimog also supports UDP traffic. UDP does not have explicit connections between clients and servers, so how it works depends upon how the UDP application exchanges packets between the client and server. There are a few cases of interest:

Request-response UDP applications

Some applications, such as DNS, use a simple request-response pattern: the client sends a request packet to the server, and expects a response packet in return. Here, there is nothing corresponding to a connection (the client only sends a single packet, so there is no requirement to make sure that multiple packets arrive at the same server). But Unimog can still provide value by spreading the requests across our servers.

To cater to this case, Unimog operates as described in previous sections, hashing the 4-tuple from the packet headers (the source and destination IP addresses and ports). But the Beamer daisy-chaining technique that allows connections to be maintained does not apply here, and so the buckets in the forwarding table only have a single slot.

UDP applications with flows

Some UDP applications have long-lived flows of packets between the client and server. Like TCP connections, these flows are identified by the 4-tuple. It is necessary that such flows go to the same server (even when Cloudflare is just passing a flow through to the origin server, it is convenient for detecting and mitigating certain kinds of attack to have that flow pass through a single server within one of Cloudflare’s data centers).

It’s possible to treat these flows by hashing the 4-tuple, skipping the Beamer daisy-chaining technique as for request-response applications. But then adding servers will cause some flows to change servers (this would effectively be a form of consistent hashing). For UDP applications, we can’t say in general what impact this has, as we can for TCP connections. But it’s possible that it causes some disruption, so it would be nice to avoid this.

So Unimog adapts the daisy-chaining technique to apply it to UDP flows. The outline remains similar to that for TCP: the same redirector component on each server decides whether to send a packet on a second hop. But UDP does not have anything corresponding to TCP’s SYN packet that indicates a new connection. So for UDP, the part that depends on SYNs is removed, and the logic applied for each packet becomes:

  • The redirector checks whether the packet belongs to a connection with a corresponding UDP socket on the first-hop server. If so, it is processed by that server.
  • Otherwise, the packet has no corresponding TCP socket on the first-hop server. So it is forwarded on to the second-hop server to be processed there (in the expectation that it belongs to some flow established on the second-hop server that we wish to maintain).

Although the change compared to the TCP logic is not large, it has the effect of switching the roles of the first- and second-hop servers: For UDP, new flows go to the second-hop server. The Unimog control plane has to take account of this when it updates a forwarding table. When it introduces a server into a bucket, that server should receive new connections or flows. For a TCP trafficset, this means it becomes the first-hop server. For UDP trafficset, it must become the second-hop server.

This difference between handling of TCP and UDP also leads to higher overheads for UDP. In the case of TCP, as new connections are formed and old connections terminate over time, fewer packets will require the second hop, and so the overhead tends to diminish. But with UDP, new connections always involve the second hop. This is why we differentiate the two cases, taking advantage of SYN packets in the TCP case.

The UDP logic also places a requirement on services. The redirector must be able to match packets to the corresponding sockets on a server according to their 4-tuple. This is not a problem in the TCP case, because all TCP connections are represented by connected sockets in the BSD sockets API (these sockets are obtained from an accept system call, so that they have a local address and a peer address, determining the 4-tuple). But for UDP, unconnected sockets (lacking a declared peer address) can be used to send and receive packets. So some UDP services only use unconnected sockets. For the redirector logic above to work, services must create connected UDP sockets in order to expose their flows to the redirector.

UDP applications with sessions

Some UDP-based protocols have explicit sessions, with a session identifier in each packet. Session identifiers allow sessions to persist even if the 4-tuple changes. This happens in mobility scenarios – for example, if a mobile device passes from a WiFi to a cellular network, causing its IP address to change. An example of a UDP-based protocol with session identifiers is QUIC (which calls them connection IDs).

Our Unimog XDP program allows a flow dissector to be configured for different trafficsets. The flow dissector is the part of the code that is responsible for taking a packet and extracting the value that identifies the flow or connection (this value is then hashed and used for the lookup into the forwarding table). For TCP and UDP, there are default flow dissectors that extract the 4-tuple. But specialised flow dissectors can be added to handle UDP-based protocols.

We have used this functionality in our WARP product. We extended the Wireguard protocol used by WARP in a backwards-compatible way to include a session identifier, and added a flow dissector to Unimog to exploit it. There are more details in our post on the technical challenges of WARP.


Unimog has been deployed to all of Cloudflare’s edge data centers for over a year, and it has become essential to our operations. Throughout that time, we have continued to enhance Unimog (many of the features described here were not present when it was first deployed). So the ease of developing and deploying changes, due to XDP and xdpd, has been a significant benefit. Today we continue to extend it, to support more services, and to help us manage our traffic and the load on our servers in more contexts.

Two clicks to add region-based Zero Trust compliance

Post Syndicated from Sam Rhea original https://blog.cloudflare.com/two-clicks-to-enable-regional-zero-trust-compliance/

Two clicks to add region-based Zero Trust compliance

Your team members are probably not just working from home – they may be working from different regions or countries. The flexibility of remote work gives employees a chance to work from the towns where they grew up or countries they always wanted to visit. However, that distribution also presents compliance challenges.

Depending on your industry, keeping data inside of certain regions can be a compliance or regulatory requirement. You might require employees to connect from certain countries or exclude entire countries altogether from your corporate systems.

When we worked in physical offices, keeping data inside of a country was easy. All of your users connecting to an application from that office were, of course, in that country. Remote work changed that and teams had to scramble to find a way to keep people productive from anywhere, which often led to sacrifices in terms of compliance. Starting today, you can make geography-based compliance easy again in Cloudflare Access with just two clicks.

You can now build rules that require employees to connect from certain countries. You can also add rules that block team members from connecting from other countries. This feature works with any identity provider configured and requires no other changes for your users or administrators.

What is Cloudflare Access?

Cloudflare Access secures applications by applying Zero Trust enforcement to every request. Rather than trusting anyone on a private network, Access checks for identity any time someone attempts to reach an application. With Cloudflare’s global network, that check takes place in a data center in over 200 cities around the world to avoid compromising performance.

Behind the scenes, administrators build rules to decide who should be able to reach the tools protected by Access. In turn, when users need to connect to those tools, they are prompted to authenticate with one of the identity provider options. Cloudflare Access checks their login against the list of allowed users and, if permitted, allows the request to proceed.

Two clicks to add region-based Zero Trust compliance

Cloudflare Access can check more than just their username. As a Zero Trust platform, Access aggregates multiple sources of signal about a user and surfaces those to the administrator. Some signals include if the user authenticated with a mutual TLS client certificate or hard key. However, some organizations also have compliance requirements that center around region, in addition to multifactor authentication.

Allow some countries, exclude others

You can build Cloudflare Access rules to be as simple as only allow team members with @team.com email addresses. However, usernames and passwords alone are not always sufficient. Depending on where you operate, or where you need to operate, you can use Cloudflare Access to layer country-specific rules on top of your identity provider workflows.

With this release, you can now add rules that require users to connect from certain countries or restrict logins from other countries. For example, you can require that users only connect from Portugal.

Two clicks to add region-based Zero Trust compliance

You can also exclude countries altogether. Cloudflare does not have an office in Costa Rica, a place I know many of us would love to visit. If a member of the team was on a beach vacation there and I wanted to make sure they really unplugged from work, we could add a rule to block logins to our applications from Costa Rica.

Two clicks to add region-based Zero Trust compliance

Some applications might not need country-specific requirements. Cloudflare Access rules can be configured on an application-by-application basis. You can add rules about country connections to specific applications that contain sensitive information, while limiting others to just identity.

Audit logins by country and user

Cloudflare Access captures every request a user makes to an internal application, without the need for any code changes. Your organization can export these logs to a third-party storage or SIEM solution to audit the country of origin for each user request. With that data, your compliance and security teams can quickly audit where your corporate devices are operating without the need to deploy additional client-side software.

Layer with other Zero Trust rules

Zero trust security starts with a username. Administrators build rules to determine which users can reach specific applications. Cloudflare Access integrates with your team’s identity provider, or even multiple identity providers, to make those username-based decisions at the edge of our network.

However, identity consists of more than just a username. Cloudflare Access can aggregate multiple sources of signal in Cloudflare’s network. Access can use that information to make a decision about identity in our network – long before that request ever reaches your infrastructure.

You can combine user rules with mutual TLS requirements, or device posture checks, and even force logins to always use a hard key. All of these zero-trust rules run inline with Cloudflare’s existing security features, like our WAF and DDoS mitigation, to add layers of security to every request. The Cloudflare network gives your team a zero-trust platform to apply all of the data we can gather about a request to determine whether or not it should be allowed.

The country rules we’re announcing today become another layer in that zero trust model. Like other sources of signal, you can combine these rules to build a comprehensive policy tailored to your organization’s compliance or security needs. For example, you can build a rule that only allows users to login to your application when they connect from Germany and use a physical hard key.

Two clicks to add region-based Zero Trust compliance

How to get started

To get started, navigate to an application you have added to Cloudflare Access or create a new one. Cloudflare Access policies consist of actions that can allow, block, or bypass requests based on the criteria defined. Access follows policies in order of precedence from top to bottom in the UI.

Inside of a policy you can define the criteria with three types of operators:

  • Include: Include rules function like OR operators. Users must meet at least one criterion in an Include rule. For example, an include rule can be constructed to allow anyone with @cloudflare.com email domains or [email protected] email domains to connect.
  • Require: Require rules function like AND operators. Users must meet all Require rule criteria.
  • Exclude: Exclusion rules function like “NOT” operators. Users must not meet the criterion of an Exclude rule.

To require that users connect from a particular country, create an Allow policy that includes your users email or identity provider group. Within that Allow policy, add a Require rule and choose the country that will be required. If you want to create a rule that requires multiple countries, you can add them into an Access Group.

Two clicks to add region-based Zero Trust compliance

You can then add that group into the Require rule.

Two clicks to add region-based Zero Trust compliance

What’s next?

Cloudflare Access, part of Cloudflare for Teams, is available today. The country requirement rule is available in all plans.You can follow the documentation here to add the additional rule.

Asynchronous HTMLRewriter for Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Ashcon Partovi original https://blog.cloudflare.com/asynchronous-htmlrewriter-for-cloudflare-workers/

Asynchronous HTMLRewriter for Cloudflare Workers

Asynchronous HTMLRewriter for Cloudflare Workers

Last year, we launched HTMLRewriter for Cloudflare Workers, which enables developers to make streaming changes to HTML on the edge. Unlike a traditional DOM parser that loads the entire HTML document into memory, we developed a streaming parser written in Rust. Today, we’re announcing support for asynchronous handlers in HTMLRewriter. Now you can perform asynchronous tasks based on the content of the HTML document: from prefetching fonts and image assets to fetching user-specific content from a CMS.

How can I use HTMLRewriter?

We designed HTMLRewriter to have a jQuery-like experience. First, you define a handler, then you assign it to a CSS selector; Workers does the rest for you. You can look at our new and improved documentation to see our supported list of selectors, which now include nth-child selectors. The example below changes the alternative text for every second image in a document.

async function editHtml(request) {
  return new HTMLRewriter()
     .on("img:nth-child(2)", new ElementHandler())
     .transform(await fetch(request))

class ElementHandler {
   element(e) {
      e.setAttribute("alt", "A very interesting image")

Since these changes are applied using streams, we maintain a low TTFB (time to first byte) and users never know the HTML was transformed. If you’re interested in how we’re able to accomplish this technically, you can read our blog post about HTML parsing.

What’s new with HTMLRewriter?

Now you can define an async handler which allows any code that uses await. This means you can make dynamic HTML injection, based on the contents of the document, without having prior knowledge of what it contains. This allows you to customize HTML based on a particular user, feature flag, or even an integration with a CMS.

class UserCustomizer {
   // Remember to add the `async` keyword to the handler method
   async element(e) {
      const user = await fetch(`https://my.api.com/user/${e.getAttribute("user-id")}/online`)
      if (user.ok) {
         // Add the user’s name to the element
         e.setAttribute("user-name", await user.text())
      } else {
         // Remove the element, since this user not online

What can I build with HTMLRewriter?

To illustrate the flexibility of HTMLRewriter, I wrote an example that you can deploy on your own website. If you manage a website, you know that old links and images can expire with time. Here’s an excerpt from a years’ old post I wrote on the Cloudflare Blog:

Asynchronous HTMLRewriter for Cloudflare Workers

As you might see, that missing image is not the prettiest sight. However, we can easily fix this using async handlers in HTMLRewriter. Using a service like the Internet Archive API, we can check if an image no longer exists and rewrite the URL to use the latest archive. That means users don’t see an ugly placeholder and won’t even know the image was replaced.

async function fetchAndFixImages(request) {
   return new HTMLRewriter()
      .on("img", new ImageFixer())
      .transform(await fetch(request))

class ImageFixer {
   async element(e) {
    var url = e.getAttribute("src")
    var response = await fetch(url)
    if (!response.ok) {
       var archive = await fetch(`https://archive.org/wayback/available?url=${url}`)
       if (archive.ok) {
          var snapshot = await archive.json()
          e.setAttribute("src", snapshot.archived_snapshots.closest.url)
       } else {

Using the Workers Playground, you can view a working sample of the above code. A more complex example could even alert a service like Sentry when a missing image is detected. Using the previous missing image, now you can see the image is restored and users are none of the wiser.

Asynchronous HTMLRewriter for Cloudflare Workers

If you’re interested in deploying this to your own website, click on the button below:

Asynchronous HTMLRewriter for Cloudflare Workers

What else can I build with HTMLRewriter?

We’ve been blown away by developer projects using HTMLRewriter. Here are a few projects that caught our eye and are great examples of the power of Cloudflare Workers and HTMLRewriter:

If you’re interested in using HTMLRewriter, check out our documentation. Also be sure to share any creations you’ve made with @CloudflareDev, we love looking at the awesome projects you build.

Improving the Wrangler Startup Experience

Post Syndicated from Joshua Johnson original https://blog.cloudflare.com/improving-the-wrangler-startup-experience/

Improving the Wrangler Startup Experience

Improving the Wrangler Startup Experience

Today I’m excited to announce wrangler login, an easy way to get started with Wrangler! This summer for my internship on the Workers Developer Productivity team I was tasked with helping improve the Wrangler user experience. For those who don’t know, Workers is Cloudflare’s serverless platform which allows users to deploy their software directly to Cloudflare’s edge network.

This means you can write any behaviour on requests heading to your site or even run fully fledged applications directly on the edge. Wrangler is the open-source CLI tool used to manage your Workers and has a big focus on enabling a smooth developer experience.

When I first heard I was working on Wrangler, I was excited that I would be working on such a cool product but also a little nervous. This was the first time I would be writing Rust in a professional environment, the first time making meaningful open-source contributions, and on top of that the first time doing all of this remotely. But thanks to lots of guidance and support from my mentor and team, I was able to help make the Wrangler and Workers developer experience just a little bit better.

The Problem

The main improvement I focused on this summer was the experience when getting started with Wrangler. For many of the commands to publish and develop live Workers, the user first needs to authenticate with Cloudflare. This is mainly done through the wrangler config command which has the user go create an API token and paste it into Wrangler. Creating a token involves going to the Cloudflare dashboard, going to your profile, going to the API tokens page, selecting a token template, adding your zones and accounts, and finally creating the token. While this is a completely valid authentication flow, it’s not as easy as it could be.

It could be frustrating to users who have to leave Wrangler and then possibly get lost in the wrong dashboard page or use the wrong settings for their token. When a group of intern candidates were given the task of using Wrangler, most of them got stuck on this step! Many users might forgo using Workers altogether if this is the first thing they encounter when sitting down to develop. Instead we wanted an experience where users could use their Cloudflare login (ie. their username, password, and possible two-factor authentication) and immediately be ready to go.

No OAuth? No Problem

What we came up with was a way to create and transfer API Tokens for a user, similar to how Argo Tunnel does their login.

Improving the Wrangler Startup Experience

An overview of the process is shown above, which starts with Wrangler. When the user types wrangler login in their terminal, they will be prompted to open the Cloudflare dashboard in their browser. All dashboard pages require the user to sign in before loading and once the user is signed in, all actions taken by the dashboard page will use the authentication of that user.

This means we can make a dashboard page which automatically creates an API token configured to manage Workers. Then when the user loads this page, a properly configured API token will be created for that user. Our dashboard page will then hand off the token to EdgeWorker Config Service (EWC) which will temporarily store it. While this is all going on Wrangler will be polling EWC waiting for the token to appear and once it does, Wrangler will retrieve the token and authenticate the user. With this, we have a seamless way to authenticate a Cloudflare user.


One thing we had to be mindful of was security, these are users’ tokens after all. If someone was listening to network traffic and saw the request to the Cloudflare dashboard page, nothing would be stopping them from polling EWC themselves and stealing the token away from the user to wreak havoc on their Workers and zones. To solve this problem we used asymmetric RSA encryption. Asymmetric encryption lets us create two separate but mathematically connected keys. One is a private key which can encrypt and decrypt information and one is a public key which can only encrypt information.

Wrangler will generate a public-private key pair and pass off the public key to our dashboard page. Once the dashboard page is finished creating our token, EWC will then encrypt the token using the public key before storing. This means in the previous scenario where someone takes the token from our user, all they will have is an encrypted token they can’t use. The only way to decrypt it would be with the private key held by Wrangler.

Improving the Wrangler Startup Experience

In the end, this solution results in a smooth experience for Workers users. Now instead of rummaging through dashboard pages you can get started with Wrangler in only a few seconds, sometimes without having to leave the comfort of your own terminal.

Try out wrangler login in the 1.11.0 release of Wrangler and let us know how you like it. Also I would like to thank the Workers team for helping make this possible and giving me an awesome experience this summer! In order to implement this feature I had to touch different parts of Cloudflare like EWC and Stratus (Cloudflare’s front end monorepo) and work in areas unfamiliar to me such as frontend TypeScript and React. The responsiveness and encouragement I received helped get this feature created and helped make for a great summer!