Tag Archives: Product News

Many services, one cloudflared

Post Syndicated from Adam Chalmers original https://blog.cloudflare.com/many-services-one-cloudflared/

Many services, one cloudflared
Route many different local services through many different URLs, with only one cloudflared

Many services, one cloudflared

I work on the Argo Tunnel team, and we make a program called cloudflared, which lets you securely expose your web service to the Internet while ensuring that all its traffic goes through Cloudflare.

Say you have some local service (a website, an API, a TCP server, etc), and you want to securely expose it to the internet using Argo Tunnel. First, you run cloudflared, which establishes some long-lived TCP connections to the Cloudflare edge. Then, when Cloudflare receives a request for your chosen hostname, it proxies the request through those connections to cloudflared, which in turn proxies the request to your local service. This means anyone accessing your service has to go through Cloudflare, and Cloudflare can do caching, rewrite parts of the page, block attackers, or build Zero Trust rules to control who can reach your application (e.g. users with a @corp.com email). Previously, companies had to use VPNs or firewalls to achieve this, but Argo Tunnel aims to be more flexible, more secure, and more scalable than the alternatives.

Some of our larger customers have deployed hundreds of services with Argo Tunnel, but they’re consistently experiencing a pain point with these larger deployments. Each instance of cloudflared can only proxy a single service. This means if you want to put, say, 100 services on the internet, you’ll need 100 instances of cloudflared running on your server. This is inefficient (because you’re using 100x as many system resources) and, even worse, it’s a pain to manage 100 long-lived services!

Today, we’re thrilled to announce our most-requested feature: you can now expose unlimited services using one cloudflared. Any customer can start using this today, at no extra cost, using the Named Tunnels we released a few months ago.

Named Tunnels

Earlier this year, we announced Named Tunnels—tunnels with immutables ID that you can run and stop as you please. You can route traffic into the tunnel by adding a DNS or Cloudflare Load Balancer record, and you can route traffic from the tunnel into your local services by running cloudflared.

Many services, one cloudflared

You can create a tunnel by running $ cloudflared tunnel create my_tunnel_name. Once you’ve got a tunnel, you can use DNS records or Cloudflare Load Balancers to route traffic into the tunnel. Once traffic is routed into the tunnel, you can use our new ingress rules to map traffic to local services.

Map traffic with ingress rules

An ingress rule basically says “send traffic for this internet URL to this local service.” When you invoke cloudflared it’ll read these ingress rules from the configuration file. You write ingress rules under the ingress key of your config file, like this:

$ cat ~/cloudflared_config.yaml

tunnel: my_tunnel_name
credentials-file: .cloudflared/e0000000-e650-4190-0000-19c97abb503b.json
 # Rules map traffic from a hostname to a local service:
 - hostname: example.com
   service: https://localhost:8000
 # Rules can match the request's path to a regular expression:
 - hostname: static.example.com
   path: /images/*\.(jpg|png|gif)
   service: https://machine1.local:3000
 # Rules can match the request's hostname to a wildcard character:
 - hostname: "*.ssh.foo.com"
   service: ssh://localhost:2222
 # You can map traffic to the built-in “Hello World” test server:
 - hostname: foo.com
   service: hello_world
 # This “catch-all” rule doesn’t have a hostname/path, so it matches everything
 - service: http_status:404

This example maps traffic to three different local services. But cloudflared can map traffic to more than just addresses: it can respond with a given HTTP status (as in the last rule) or with the built-in Hello World test server (as in the second-last rule). See the docs for a full list of supported services.

You can match traffic using the hostname, a path regex, or both. If you don’t use any filters, the ingress rule will match everything (so if you have DNS records from different zones routing into the tunnel, the rule will match all their URLs). Traffic is matched to rules from top to bottom, so in this example, the last rule will match anything that wasn’t matched by an earlier rule. We actually require the last rule to match everything; otherwise, cloudflared could receive a request and not know what to respond with.

Testing your rules

To make sure all your rules are valid, you can run

$ cat ~/cloudflared_config_invalid.yaml

 - hostname: example.com
   service: https://localhost:8000

$ cloudflared tunnel ingress validate
Validating rules from /usr/local/etc/cloudflared/config.yml
Validation failed: The last ingress rule must match all URLs (i.e. it should not have a hostname or path filter)

This will check that all your ingress rules use valid regexes and map to valid services, and it’ll ensure that your last rule (and only your last rule) matches all traffic. To make sure your ingress rules do what you expect them to do, you can run

$ cloudflared tunnel ingress rule https://static.example.com/images/dog.gif
Using rules from ~/cloudflared_config.yaml
Matched rule #2
        Hostname: static.example.com
        path: /images/*\.(jpg|png|gif)

This will check which rule matches the given URL, almost like a dry run for the ingress rules (no tunnels are run and no requests are actually sent). It’s helpful for making sure you’re routing the right URLs to the right services!

Per-rule configuration

Whenever cloudflared gets a request from the internet, it proxies that request to the matching local service on your origin. Different services might need different configurations for this request; for example, you might want to tweak the timeout or HTTP headers for a certain origin. You can set a default configuration for all your local services, and then override it for specific ones, e.g.

  # Set configuration for all services
    connectTimeout: 30s
 # This service inherits all the default (root-level) configuration
 - hostname: example.com
   service: https://localhost:8000
 # This service overrides the default configuration
 - service: https://localhost:8001
     connectTimeout: 10s
     disableChunkedEncoding: true

For a full list of configuration options, check out the docs.

What’s next?

We really hope this makes Argo Tunnel an even easier way to deploy services onto the Internet. If you have any questions, file an issue on our GitHub. Happy developing!

Introducing Bot Analytics

Post Syndicated from Ben Solomon original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-bot-analytics/

Introducing Bot Analytics

Introducing Bot Analytics

Bots — both good and bad — are everywhere on the Internet. Roughly 40% of Internet traffic is automated. Fortunately, Cloudflare offers a tool that can detect and block unwanted bots: we call it Bot Management. This is the most recent platform in our long history of detecting bots for our customers. In fact, Cloudflare has always offered some form of bot detection. Over the past two years, our team has focused on building advanced detection engines, innovating as bots become more sophisticated, and creating new features.

Today, we are releasing Bot Analytics to help you visualize your automated traffic.


It’s worth including some background for those who are new to bots.

Many websites expect human behavior. When I shop online, I behave as anyone else would: I might search for a few items, read reviews when I find something interesting, and eventually complete an order. This is expected. It is a standard use of the Internet.

Introducing Bot Analytics

Unfortunately, without protection these sites can be ripe for exploitation. Those shoes I was looking at? They are limited edition sneakers that resell for five times the price. Sneaker hoarders clamor at the chance to buy a pair (or fifty). Or perhaps I just added a book to my cart: there are probably hundreds of online retailers that sell the same book, each one eager to offer the best price. These retailers desperately want to know what their competitors’ prices are.

You can see where this is going. While most humans make good use of the Internet, some use automated tools to perform abuse at scale. For example, attackers will deplete sneaker inventories by using automated bots to check out quickly. By the time humans click “add to cart,” bots have already paid for shipping. Humans hardly stand a chance. Similarly, online retailers keep track of their competitors with “price scraping” bots that collect pricing information. So when one retailer lowers a book price to $10, another retailer’s bot will respond by pricing at $9.99. This is how we end up with weird prices like $12.32 for toilet paper. Worst of all, malicious bots are incentivized to hide their identities. They’re hidden among us.

Introducing Bot Analytics

Not all bots are bad. Cloudflare maintains a list of verified good bots that we keep separated from the rest. Verified bots are usually transparent about who they are: DuckDuckGo, for example, publicly lists the IP addresses it uses for its search engine. This is a well-intentioned service that happens to be automated, so we verified it. We also verify bots for error monitoring and other tools.

Enter: Bot Analytics

Introducing Bot Analytics

As discussed earlier, we built a Bot Management platform that intelligently detects bots on the Internet, allowing our customers to block bad ones and allow good ones. If you’re curious about how our solution works, read here.

Beginning today, we are going to show you the bots that reach your website. You can see these bots with a new tool called Bot Analytics. It’s fast, accurate, and loaded with information. You can query data up to one month in the past with no noticeable lag. To accomplish this, we exposed the data with GraphQL and paired it with adaptive bitrate (ABR) technology to dynamically load content. If you already have Bot Management added to your Cloudflare account, Bot Analytics is included in your service. Open up your dashboard and let’s take a tour…

The Tour

First: where to go? Bot Analytics lives under the Firewall tab of the dashboard. Once you’re in the Firewall, go to “Overview” and click the second thumbnail on the left. Remember, Bot Management must be added to your account for full access to analytics.

Introducing Bot Analytics

It’s worth noting that Enterprise sites without Bot Management can see a snapshot of their bot traffic. This data is updated in real time and should help you determine if you have a bot problem. Generally speaking, if you have a double-digit percentage of automated traffic, you might be spending more on origin costs than you have to. More importantly, you might be losing revenue or sensitive information to inventory hoarding and credential stuffing.

“Requests by bot score” is the first section on the page. Here, we show traffic over time, but we split it vertically by the traffic type. Green segments represent verified bots, while shades of purple and blue show varying degrees of bot/human likelihood.

Introducing Bot Analytics

“Bot score distribution” is next. This shows similar data, but we display it horizontally without the notion of time. Use the slider below to filter on subsets of traffic and watch the rest of the page adapt.

Introducing Bot Analytics

We recommend that you use the slider to find your ideal bot threshold. In other words: what is the cutoff for suspicious traffic on your site? We generally consider traffic below 30 to be automated, but customers might choose to challenge traffic below 40 or block traffic below 10 (you can even do both!). You should set a threshold that is ambitious but not too aggressive. If your traffic looks like the example below, consider setting a threshold at a “drop off” point like 3 or 14. Why? Notice that the request density is very high near scores 1-2 and 12-13. Many of these requests will have similar characteristics, meaning that the scores immediately above them (3 and 14) offer some differentiating quality. These are the most promising places to segment your bot rules. Notably, not every graph is this pronounced.

Introducing Bot Analytics

“Bot score source” sits lower on the page. Here, you can examine the detection engines that are responsible for scoring your traffic. If you can’t remember the purpose of each engine, simply hover over the tooltip to view a brief description. Customers may wonder why some requests are flagged as “not computed.” This commonly occurs when Cloudflare has issued an error page on your behalf. Perhaps a visitor’s request was met with a gateway timeout (error 504), in which case Cloudflare responded with a branded error page. The error page would not have warranted a challenge or a block, so we did not spend time calculating a bot score. We published another blog post that provides an overview of the most common sources, including machine learning and heuristics.

Introducing Bot Analytics

“Top requests by source” is the final section of Bot Analytics. Although it’s not quite as colorful as the sections above, this section grounds Bot Analytics in highly specific data. You can filter or exclude request attributes, including IP addresses, user agents, and ASNs. In the next section, we’ll use this to spot a bot attack.

Let’s Spot A Bot Attack!

First, I’m going to use the “bot score source” tool to select the most obvious bot requests — those detected by our heuristics engine. This provides us with the following information, some of which has been redacted for privacy reasons:

Introducing Bot Analytics

I already suspect a correlation between a few of these attributes. First, the IP addresses all have very similar request counts. No human would access a site 22,000 times, and the uniformity across IPs 2-5 suggests foul play. Not surprisingly, the same pattern occurs for user agents on the right. User agents tell us about the browser and device associated with a particular request. When Bot Analytics shows this much uniformity and presents clear anomalies in country and ASN, I get suspicious (and you should too). I’m now going to filter on these anomalies to see if my instinct is right:

Introducing Bot Analytics

The trends hold true — to be sure, I briefly expanded the table and found nine separate IP addresses exhibiting the same behavior. This is likely an aggressive content scraper. Notably, it is not marked as a verified bot, so Bot Management issued the lowest possible score and flagged it as “automated.” At the top of Bot Analytics, I will narrow down the traffic and keep the time period at 24 hours:

Introducing Bot Analytics

The most severe attacks come and go. This traffic is clearly sustained, and my best guess is that someone is frequently scraping the homepage for content. This isn’t the most malicious of attacks, but content is still being taken. If I wanted to, I could set a firewall rule to target this bot score or any of the filters I used.

Try It Out

As a reminder, all Enterprise customers will be able to see a snapshot of their bot traffic. Even if you don’t have Bot Management for your site, visit the Firewall for some high-level insights that are updated in real time.

Introducing Bot Analytics

And for those of you with Bot Management — check out Bot Analytics! It’s live now, and we hope you’ll have fun using it. Keep your eyes open for new analytics features in the coming months.

How our network powers Cloudflare One

Post Syndicated from Annika Garbers original https://blog.cloudflare.com/our-network-cloudflare-one/

How our network powers Cloudflare One

Earlier this week, we announced Cloudflare One™, a unified approach to solving problems in enterprise networking and security. With Cloudflare One, your organization’s data centers, offices, and devices can all be protected and managed in a single control plane. Cloudflare’s network is central to the value of all of our products, and today I want to dive deeper into how our network powers Cloudflare One.

Over the past ten years, Cloudflare has encountered the same challenges that face every organization trying to grow and protect a global network: we need to protect our infrastructure and devices from attackers and malicious outsiders, but traditional solutions aren’t built for distributed networks and teams. And we need visibility into the activity across our network and applications, but stitching together logging and analytics tools across multiple solutions is painful and creates information gaps.

How our network powers Cloudflare One

We’ve architected our network to meet these challenges, and with Cloudflare One, we’re extending the advantages of these decisions to your company’s network to help you solve them too.


Enterprises and some small organizations alike have team members around the world. Legacy models of networking forced traffic back through central choke points, slowing down users and constraining network scale. We keep hearing from our customers who want to stop buying appliances and expensive MPLS links just to try and outpace the increased demand their distributed teams place on their network.

Wherever your users are, we are too

Global companies have enough of a challenge managing widely distributed corporate networks, let alone the additional geographic dispersity introduced as users are enabled to work from home or from anywhere. Because Cloudflare has data centers close to Internet users around the world, all traffic can be processed close to its source (your users), regardless of their location. This delivers performance benefits across all of our products.

We built our network to meet users where they are. Today, we have data centers in over 200 cities and over 100 countries. As the geographical reach of Cloudflare’s network has expanded, so has our capacity, which currently tops 42 Tbps. This reach and capacity is extended to your enterprise with Cloudflare One.

The same Cloudflare, everywhere

Traditional solutions for securing enterprise networks often involve managing a plethora of regional providers with different capabilities. This means that traffic from two users in different parts of the world may be treated completely differently, for example, with respect to quality of DDoS attack detection. With Cloudflare One, you can manage security for your entire global network from one place, consolidating and standardizing control.

Capacity for the good & the bad

With 42 Tbps of network capacity, you can rest assured that Cloudflare can handle all of your traffic – the clean, legitimate traffic you want, and the malicious and attack traffic you don’t.


Every product on every server

All of Cloudflare’s services are standardized across our entire network. Every service runs on every server, which means that traffic through all of the products you use can be processed close to its source, rather than being sent around to different locations for different services. This also means that as our network continues to grow, all products benefit: new data centers will automatically process traffic for every service you use.

For example, your users who connect to the Internet through Cloudflare Gateway in South America connect to one of our data centers in the region, rather than backhauling to another location. When those users need to reach an origin located on the other side of the world, we can also route them over our private backbone to get them there faster.

Commodity hardware, software-based functions

We built our network using commodity hardware, which allows us to scale quickly without relying on one single vendor or getting stuck in supply chain bottlenecks. And the services that process your traffic are software-based – no specialized, third-party hardware performing specific functions. This means that the development, maintenance, and support for the products you use all lives within Cloudflare, reducing the complexity of getting help when you need it.

This approach also lets us build efficiency into our network. We use that efficiency to serve customers on our free plan and deliver a more cost-effective platform to our larger customers.


Cloudflare interconnects with over 8,800 networks globally, including major ISPs, cloud services, and enterprises. Because we’ve built one of the most interconnected networks in the world, Cloudflare One can deliver a better experience for your users and applications, regardless of your network architecture or connectivity/transit vendors.

Broad interconnectivity with eyeball networks

Because of our CDN product (among others), being close to end users (“eyeballs”) has always been critical for our network. Now that more people than ever are working from home, eyeball → datacenter connectivity is more crucial than ever. We’ve spoken to customers who, since transitioning to a work-from-home model earlier this year, have had congestion issues with providers who are not well-connected with eyeball networks. With Cloudflare One, your employees can do their jobs from anywhere with Cloudflare smoothly keeping their traffic (and your infrastructure) secure.

Extensive presence in peering facilities

Earlier this year, we announced Cloudflare Network Interconnect (CNI), the ability for you to connect your network with Cloudflare’s via a secure physical or virtual connection. Using CNI means more secure, reliable traffic to your network through Cloudflare One. With our highly-connected network, there’s a good chance we’re colocated with your organization in at least one peering facility, making CNI setup a no-brainer. We’ve also partnered with five interconnect platforms to provide even more flexibility with virtual (software-defined layer 2) connections with Cloudflare. Finally, we peer with major cloud providers all over the world, providing even more flexibility for organizations at any stage of hybrid/cloud transition.

Making the Internet smarter

Traditional approaches to creating secure and reliable network connectivity involve relying on expensive MPLS links to provide point to point connection. Cloudflare is built from the ground-up on the Internet, relying on and improving the same Internet links that customers use today. We’ve built software and techniques that help us be smarter about how we use the Internet to deliver better performance and reliability to our customers. We’ve also built the Cloudflare Global Private Backbone to help us even further enhance our software and techniques to deliver even more performance and reliability where it’s needed the most.

This approach allows us to use the variety of connectivity options in our toolkit intelligently, building toward a more performant network than what we could accomplish with a traditional MPLS solution. And because we use transit from a wide variety of providers, chances are that whoever your ISP is, you already have high-quality connectivity to Cloudflare’s network.


Diverse traffic workload yields attack intelligence

We process all kinds of traffic thanks to our network’s reach and the diversity of our customer base. That scale gives us unique insight into the Internet. We can analyze trends and identify new types of attacks before they hit the mainstream, allowing us to better prepare and protect customers as the security landscape changes.

We also provide you with visibility into these network and threat intelligence insights with tools like Cloudflare Radar and Cloudflare One Intel. Earlier this week, we launched a feature to block DNS tunneling attempts. We analyze a tremendous number of DNS queries and have built a model of what they should look like. We use that model to block suspicious queries which might leak data from devices.

Unique network visibility enables Smart Routing

In addition to attacks and malicious traffic across our network, we’re paying attention to the state of the Internet. Visibility across carriers throughout the world allows us to identify congestion and automatically route traffic along the fastest and most reliable paths. Contrary to the experience delivered by traditional scrubbing providers, Magic Transit customers experience minimal latency and sometimes even performance improvements with Cloudflare in path, thanks to our extensive connectivity and transit diversity.

Argo Smart Routing, powered by our extensive network visibility, improves performance for web assets by 30% on average; we’re excited to bring these benefits to any traffic through Cloudflare One with Argo Smart Routing for Magic Transit (coming soon!).

What’s next?

Cloudflare’s network is the foundation of the value and vision for Cloudflare One. With Cloudflare One, you can put our network between the Internet and your entire enterprise, gaining the powerful benefits of our global reach, scalability, connectivity, and insight. All of the products we’ve launched this week, like everything we’ve built so far, benefit from the unique advantages of our network.

We’re excited to see these effects multiply as organizations adopt Cloudflare One to protect and accelerate all of their traffic. And we’re just getting started: we’re going to continue to expand our network, and the products that run on it, to deliver an even faster, more secure, more reliable experience across all of Cloudflare One.

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

Post Syndicated from Brian Parks original https://blog.cloudflare.com/zero-trust-week-setting-up-cloudflare-one-as-a-small-business/

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

Earlier this week, we announced Cloudflare One™, our comprehensive, cloud-based network-as-a-service solution. Cloudflare One improves network performance and security while reducing cost and complexity for companies of all sizes.

Cloudflare One is built to handle the scale and complexity of the largest corporate networks. But when it comes to network security and performance, the industry has focused all too often on the largest of customers with significant budgets and technology teams. At Cloudflare, we think it’s our opportunity and responsibility to serve everyone, and help companies of all sizes benefit from a better Internet.

This is Zero Trust Week at Cloudflare, and we’ve already talked about our mantra of Zero Trust for Everyone. As a quick refresher, Zero Trust is a security framework that assumes all networks, devices, and Internet destinations are inherently compromised and therefore should not be trusted. Cloudflare One facilitates Zero Trust security by securing how your users connect to corporate applications and the Internet at large.

As a small business network administrator, there are fundamentally three things you need to protect: devices, applications, and the network itself. Below, I’ll outline how you can secure devices whether they are in your office (DNS Filtering) or remote (WARP+ and Gateway), as well as applications and your network by moving to a Zero Trust model of security (Access).

By design, Cloudflare One is accessible to teams of any size. You shouldn’t need a massive IT department or a Fortune 500 budget to connect to your tools safely.  On Tuesday, we announced a new free plan which provides many of the features of Cloudflare One, including DNS filtering, Zero Trust access, and a management dashboard – for up to 50 users at no cost.

Starting now, your team can begin deploying Cloudflare One in your organization in just a few simple steps.

Step 1: Protect offices from threats on the Internet with DNS Filtering (10 minutes)
Step 2: Secure remote workers connecting to the Internet with Cloudflare WARP+ (30 minutes)
Step 3: Connect users to applications without a VPN with Cloudflare Access (1 hour)
Step 4: Block threats and data loss on devices with a Secure Web Gateway (1 hour)
Step 5: Add Zero Trust to your SaaS applications (2 hours)

1. Start blocking malicious sites and phishing attempts in 10 minutes

The Internet can be a dangerous place with malware and threats lurking everywhere. Protecting employees from threats on the Internet requires a way to inspect and filter their traffic. That starts with DNS-level filtering that can quickly and easily eliminate known malicious sites as well as restrict access to potentially dangerous neighborhoods on the Internet.

When your devices connect to a website, they start by sending a DNS query to a DNS resolver to find the IP address of the hostname for that site. The resolver responds and the device initiates the connection. That initial query creates two challenges for your team’s security:

  • Most DNS queries are unencrypted. ISPs can spy on DNS queries made by your employees and corporate devices while they work from home. Even worse, a malicious actor could modify responses to launch an attack.
  • DNS queries can resolve to malicious hostnames. Team members can click on links that lead to phishing attacks or malware downloads.

Cloudflare One can help keep that first query private and stop devices from inadvertently requesting a known malicious hostname.

Start by signing up for a Cloudflare account and navigating to the Cloudflare for Teams dashboard.

Next, set up a location.  You’ll be prompted to create a location which you can do if you want to protect the DNS queries of an office network. Simply deploy Gateway’s DNS filtering for your office by changing your network’s router to point to the assigned Gateway IP address.

Cloudflare operates, the world’s fastest DNS resolver. We’ve built Cloudflare Gateway’s DNS filtering tools on top of that same architecture so that your team has faster and safer DNS.

Now you can easily create a Gateway DNS policy to filter security threats or specific content categories.

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

Then use the Gateway dashboard to monitor queries that are allowed or blocked.

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

Then navigate to the dashboard on the “Overview” tab and see your traffic including what you are blocking and allowing.

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

2.Next, protect all of your remote employees and send all traffic through Cloudflare over an encrypted connection

Employees who used to connect to the Internet through your office network now connect from hundreds or thousands of different home networks or mobile hotspots to do their jobs. That traffic relies on connections that might not be private.

You can use Cloudflare One to route all team member traffic over an encrypted, accelerated path to the Internet with Cloudflare WARP. Cloudflare WARP is available as an application that your team members can install on macOS, Windows, iOS, and Android. The client will route all of their device’s traffic to a nearby Cloudflare data center over Cloudflare’s implementation of a technology called WireGuard.

When they connect, Cloudflare One uses WARP+, our implementation of WARP that uses the Argo Smart Routing service to find the shortest path through our global network of data centers to reach the user’s destination.

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

Your team can begin using Cloudflare WARP today. Navigate to the Cloudflare for Teams dashboard and purchase the Cloudflare Gateway or Cloudflare for Teams Standard plan. Once purchased, you can create a rule to determine who in your organization can use Cloudflare WARP.

Your end users can launch the client, input your team’s organization name, and login to begin using WARP+.  Alternatively, you can deploy the application with settings preconfigured using an device management solution like JAMF or InTune.

Cloudflare WARP seamlessly integrates with Gateway’s DNS filtering to bring secure, encrypted, DNS resolution to roaming devices. Users can input the DoH subdomain of a location in your Cloudflare for Teams account to begin using your organization’s DNS filtering settings wherever they work.

3. Replace your VPN with Cloudflare Access

When we were a smaller team and relied on a VPN, our IT help desk received hundreds of tickets complaining about our VPN. Some of these descriptions might look familiar.

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

We built Cloudflare Access as a way to replace using a VPN as the gatekeeper to applications. Cloudflare Access follows a model known as Zero Trust security where Cloudflare’s network, by default, does not trust any connection. Every user attempting to reach an application has to prove they should be allowed to access that application based on rules that administrators configure. With our new Teams free plan, up to 50 seats of Access are available at no cost.

That sounds like adding a burden, but Cloudflare Access integrates with your team’s identity provider and single sign-on (SSO) options to make any application feel as seamless as a SaaS application with SSO. Even if your team does not have a corporate identity provider, you can integrate Access with free services like GitHub and LinkedIn, so your employees and partners can authenticate without adding cost.

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

For hosted applications, you can connect your origin to Cloudflare’s network without opening holes in your firewall using Argo Tunnel. Cloudflare’s network will accelerate the traffic from that origin to your users along fast lanes using our global private backbone.

When your team members need to connect to an application, they can visit it directly or start from a custom app launcher for your team. When they arrive, they’ll be prompted to login with your identity provider and Access will check their identity, and other characteristics like country of login, against rules that you create in the Cloudflare for Teams dashboard.

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

Cloudflare’s free plan includes up to 50 seats of Cloudflare Access at no cost so that your team can begin

4. Add a Secure Web Gateway to block threats and file loss

With Cloudflare WARP, all of the traffic leaving your devices now routes through Cloudflare’s network. However, threats and data loss can hide inside of that traffic. You can add Cloudflare Gateway’s HTTP filtering to your team’s Cloudflare WARP usage to block threats and file loss. For example, if your team uses Box you can restrict all file uploads to other cloud based storage services to ensure everything stays in one, approved place.

To get started, navigate to the Policies section of the Cloudflare for Teams dashboard. Select the HTTP tab to begin building rules that inspect traffic for potential issues like known malicious URLs or files being uploaded to unapproved destinations.

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

To inspect traffic, you’ll need to download and install a certificate on the enrolled devices. Once installed, you can enable HTTP filtering from the Policies tab to begin enforcing the policies that you created and capturing event logs.

5. Bring Zero Trust rules to your SaaS applications

If you don’t have self-hosted applications, or also use SaaS applications, you can still bring the same Zero Trust rules to the SaaS applications that your team uses with Cloudflare Access for SaaS – wherever they live. With Access for SaaS, companies can now centrally manage user access and security monitoring for all applications.

You can integrate Cloudflare Access as an identity provider to any SaaS application that supports SAML SSO. That integration will send all login attempts through Cloudflare’s network to your configured identity providers and enforce rules that you control.

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

Access for SaaS still includes the ability to run multiple identity providers simultaneously. When users login to the SaaS application, they’ll be prompted to pick the identity provider they need, or we’ll send them directly to the only provider you want to use for that application.

How small businesses can start using Cloudflare One today

Once deployed, Access for SaaS gives your team high visibility, with low effort, into every login to both internal and SaaS applications. You can use the new Access for SaaS feature as part of the Cloudflare for Teams free plan for up to 50 users.

6. Soon: Protect small business office networks

Cloudflare’s Magic Transit™ product takes everything we learned protecting our own network from IP-layer attacks and extends that security to our customers who operate their own IP address space. By protecting that network, customers also benefit from performant and reliable IP connectivity to the Internet.

Today, some of the largest enterprises in the world rely on Magic Transit to keep their business safe from attack. We plan to extend that same protection and connectivity to teams who operate smaller networks in upcoming releases.

What’s next?

Cloudflare One represents our vision for the future of the corporate network, and we’re just getting started adding products and features that help teams move to that model. That said, your team shouldn’t have to wait to begin connecting through Cloudflare and securing your data and applications with our network.

To get started, sign up for a Cloudflare account and follow the steps above.  If you have any questions on setting up Cloudflare One as a small business, or large enterprise, please let us know in this community forum post.

Introducing Cloudflare Browser Isolation beta

Post Syndicated from Tim Obezuk original https://blog.cloudflare.com/browser-beta/

Introducing Cloudflare Browser Isolation beta

Reimagining the Browser

Introducing Cloudflare Browser Isolation beta

Web browsers are the culprit behind 70% of endpoint compromises. The same application that connects users to the entire Internet also connects you to all of the potentially harmful parts of the Internet. It’s an open door to nearly every connected system on the planet, which is powerful and terrifying.

We also rely on browsers more than ever. Most applications that we use live in a browser and that will continue to increase. For more and more organizations, a corporate laptop is just a managed web browser machine.

To keep those devices safe, and the data they hold or access, enterprises have started to deploy “browser isolation” services where the browser itself doesn’t run on the machine. Instead, the browser runs on a virtual machine in a cloud provider somewhere. By running away from the device, threats from the browser stay on that virtual machine somewhere in the cloud.

However, most isolation solutions take one of two approaches that both ruin the convenience and flexibility of a web browser:

  • Record the isolated browser and send a live stream of it to the user, which is slow and makes it difficult to do basic things like input text to a form.
  • Unpack the webpage, inspect it, repack it and send it to the user – sometimes missing threats or more often failing to repack the webpage in a way that it still works.

Today, we’re excited to open up a beta of a third approach to keeping web browsing safe with Cloudflare Browser Isolation. Browser sessions run in sandboxed environments in Cloudflare data centers in 200 cities around the world, bringing the remote browser milliseconds away from the user so it feels like local web browsing.

Instead of streaming pixels to the user, Cloudflare Browser Isolation sends the final output of a browser’s web page rendering. The approach means that the only thing ever sent to the device is a package of draw commands to render the webpage, which also makes Cloudflare Browser Isolation compatible with any HTML5 compliant browser.

The result is a browser that just feels like a browser, while keeping threats far away from the device.

We’re inviting users to sign up for the beta today as part of Zero Trust week at Cloudflare. If you’re interested in signing up now, visit the bottom of this post. If you’d like to find out how this works, keep reading.

The unexpected universal productivity application

While it never quite became the replacement operating system Marc Andreessen predicted in 1995, the web browser is perhaps the most important application today on end-user devices. In the workplace, many people spend the majority of their at-work computer time entirely within a web browser connected to internal apps and external SaaS applications and services. As this has occurred, browsers have needed to become increasingly complex — to address the expanding richness of the web and the demands of modern web applications such as Office 365 and Google Workplace.

However, despite the pivotal and ubiquitous role of web browsers, they are the least controlled application in the enterprise. Businesses struggle to control how users interact with web browsers. It’s all too easy for a user to inadvertently download an infected file, install a malicious extension, upload sensitive company data or click a malicious zero-day link in an email or on a webpage.

Making the problem worse is the growing prevalence of BYOD. It makes it difficult to enforce which browsers are used or if they are properly patched. Mobile device management (MDM) is a step in the right direction, but just like the slow patching cycles of on-premise firewalls, MDM can often be too slow to protect against zero day threats. I’ve been the recipient of many mass emails from CISO’s reminding everyone to patch their browser and to do it right now because this time it’s “really important” (CVE-2019-5786).

Reimagining the browser

Earlier this week we announced Cloudflare One, which is our vision for the future of the corporate network. The fundamental approach we’ve taken is a blank sheet: to zero out all the assumptions of the old model (like castle-and-moat) and usher in a new model based on the complex nature of today’s corporate networking and the shift to Zero Trust, cloud-based networking-as-a-service.

It would be impossible to do this without thinking about the browser. Remote computing technologies have offered the promise of fixing the problems of the browser for some time — a future where anyone can benefit from the security and scale of cloud computing on their personal device. The reality has been that getting a generally performant solution is much more difficult than it sounds. It requires sending a user’s input over the Internet, computing that input, retrieving resources off the web, and then streaming them back to the user. And it all must occur in milliseconds, to create an illusion of using a local piece of software.

The general experience has been terrible, and many implementations have created nothing but angry emails and help-desk tickets for IT folks.

It is a tough problem, and it’s something we’ve been hard at work at solving. By delivering a vector-based stream that scales across any display size without requiring high bandwidth connections we’re able to reproduce the native browser experience remotely. Users experience the website as it was intended, without all the compatibility issues introduced by scrubbing HTML, CSS and JavaScript. And performance issues are aided tremendously by the fact that the managed browser is hosted only milliseconds away on our network.

How secure remote browsing fits in with Cloudflare for Teams

Before Cloudflare Browser Isolation, Cloudflare for Teams consisted of two core services:

Cloudflare Access creates a Zero Trust network perimeter that allows users to access corporate applications without needing to poke holes in their internal network with a legacy VPN appliance.

Cloudflare Gateway creates a Secure Web Gateway that protects users from threats on any website.

These tools are excellent for protecting private Internet properties from unauthorized access and web browsing activity from known malicious websites. But what about unknown and unforeseeable threats?

Cloudflare Browser Isolation answers this question by sandboxing a web browser in a remote container that is easily disposed of at the end of the user’s browsing session or when compromised.

Should an unknown threat such as a zero day vulnerability or malicious website exploit any of the hundreds of Web APIs, the attack is limited to a browser running in a supervised cloud environment leaving the end-user’s device unaffected.

The Network is the Computer®

Web browsers are the foundation that the shift to the cloud has been built on. It’s just that they’ve always run in the wrong place.

In the same way that it made no sense for a developer to run and maintain the hardware that their application runs on, the same exact case can be made for the other side of the cloud’s equation: the browser. Funnily enough, the solution is exactly the same: like the developer’s application, the browser needed to move to the cloud. However, as with all disruptions, it takes time and investment for the performance of the new technology to catch up to the old one. When AWS was first launched in 2006, the inherent limitations meant that for most developers, it made sense to continue to run on-premise solutions.

At some point though, the technology improves to the point where the disruption can start taking over from the previous paradigm.

The limiting factor until today for a cloud-based browser has often been the experience of using it. A user’s experience is limited by the speed of light; it limits the time it takes a user’s input to travel to the remote data center and be returned to their display. In a perfect world, this needs to occur within milliseconds to deliver a real time experience.

Cloudflare has one very big advantage in solving that problem.

Introducing Cloudflare Browser Isolation beta

To deliver real-time remote computing experiences, each of our 200+ data centers are capable of serving remote browsing sessions within the blink of an eye of nearly everyone connected to the Internet. This allows us to deliver a low latency, responsive stream of a webpage regardless of where you’re physically located.

What’s next?

But that’s enough talking about it. We’d love for you to try it! Please complete the form here to sign up to be one of the first users of this new technology in our network. We’ll be in touch as we expand the beta to more users.

Introducing Cloudflare One Intel

Post Syndicated from Malavika Balachandran Tadeusz original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one-intel/

Introducing Cloudflare One Intel

Introducing Cloudflare One Intel

Earlier this week, we announced Cloudflare One, a single platform for networking and security management. Cloudflare One extends the speed, reliability, and security we’ve brought to Internet properties and applications over the last decade to make the Internet the new enterprise WAN.

Underpinning Cloudflare One is Cloudflare’s global network – today, our network spans more than 200 cities worldwide and is within milliseconds of nearly everyone connected to the Internet. Our network handles, on average, 18 million HTTP requests and 6 million DNS requests per second. With 1 billion unique IP addresses connecting to the Cloudflare network each day, we have one of the broadest views on Internet activity worldwide.

We see a large diversity of Internet traffic across our entire product suite. Every day, we block 72 billion cyberthreats. This visibility provides us with a unique position to understand and mitigate Internet threats, and enables us to see new threats and malware before anyone else.

At the beginning of this month, as part of our 10th Birthday Week, we launched Cloudflare Radar, which shares high-level trends with the general public based on our network’s aggregate data. The same data that powers that view of the Internet also gives us the ability to create new insights to keep your team safer.

Today, we are excited to announce the next phase of network and threat intelligence at Cloudflare: the launch of Cloudflare One Intel. Cloudflare One Intel streamlines network and security operations by converting the data we can gather on our network into actionable insights.

The challenge with the traditional security operations

Most enterprises use a large array of point solutions to ensure that the corporate network remains fast, available and secure. Security teams typically aggregate logs from these point solutions into their SIEM and create custom alerts for incident detection.

Once an incident has been detected, security teams will quickly respond with remediating actions to prevent data loss, such as removing a compromised device’s access controls or adding a malicious hostname or URL to a block list.

Along with incident remediation, security teams will conduct an investigation of the incident to uncover more details about the attacker. Pivoting across historical DNS records, SSL certificate fingerprints, malware samples, and other indicators of compromise, security researchers will try to uncover more details about an attacker. Linked indicators then get fed back onto block lists in point solutions to prevent subsequent attacks.

However, there are several challenges with traditional incident detection and response. Security operations teams are often overwhelmed by the plethora of logs and alerts. With threat intelligence, SIEMs, and control planes all in different platforms, incident detection, remediation and forensics can be slow, arduous, and expensive.

Improving Incident Response with Cloudflare One

We want to make network and security operations as streamlined as possible. Cloudflare One Intel helps network and security teams detect and respond to incidents more efficiently. That means bringing together insights from your network activity, global Internet intelligence, and automated remediation in a single platform.

As part of the mission to help security teams detect and block emerging security threats more efficiently we are releasing two features within Cloudflare Gateway: DNS tunneling detection and domain insights.

What is DNS Tunneling?

DNS tunneling is the misuse of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol to encode another protocol’s data into a series of DNS queries and response messages. DNS tunneling is often used to circumvent a corporate firewall. For example, DNS tunneling might be used to visit a website that is blocked on the corporate firewall, distribute malware from a command & control server, or exfiltrate sensitive data.

DNS tunneling isn’t only used for malicious activities. One of the most common uses of DNS tunneling is by antivirus software, which will often use DNS tunneling to look up file signatures.

Blocking DNS tunneling using Cloudflare Gateway

Starting today, customers using Cloudflare Gateway can block hostnames associated with DNS tunneling using the “DNS Tunneling” filter in Gateway’s DNS filtering policies. This feature is available to all Gateway users at no additional cost.

You can begin using the filter by navigating to the Policies section of the Gateway product and selecting the “Security Threats” tab. Once you check the “DNS Tunneling” box, Gateway will automatically block any requests made by your organization’s users to domains on this list. Should you want to manually override any specific domains, you can use the “Domain Override” feature to remove the block policy on a specific domain.

Introducing Cloudflare One Intel

We previously included known malicious DNS tunnels in our “Anonymizer” category within Gateway’s security threat categories. We are now pulling that into its own category so that customers can have more granular visibility into threats on their network. Further, we are expanding the filter beyond known malicious DNS tunnels to include newly emerging threats, so that customers can block these threats as soon as we see them on our network.

How we use machine learning to detect DNS tunneling

Using machine learning, Cloudflare detects anomalous DNS request patterns and flags these requests as suspected DNS tunneling. Our model analyzes requests and detects anomalous behavior at a frequency of every five minutes.

Once a set of requests is flagged, we add the associated hostname to our “DNS Tunneling” category. We do not add hostnames of commonly allowed DNS tunnels to this list, such as those used by antivirus software.

Our model not only blocks hostnames associated with DNS tunneling seen on your network, but across the entire Cloudflare network. Processing over 500 billion DNS queries each day, we have unique insight into global DNS traffic patterns.

Adding transparency to security

Cloudflare’s unique insight into global Internet traffic is what powers the intelligence behind Cloudflare One. DNS tunneling detection is one example of how we use aggregated data from our network to improve Internet security for everyone. But, until now, that has been opaque to users.

Security teams investigating the threats that impact their organization need more transparency. Cloudflare One Intel consolidates the information we have about the potentially harmful sites and properties that can target your organization.

Starting today, with a single click, administrators reviewing logs in Cloudflare Gateway can get a comprehensive breakdown of any site being allowed or blocked.

In this expanded view, you can now click the “View Domain Insights” button, which will take you to the Cloudflare Radar Domain Insights page for the requested hostname. This feature is available to all Gateway users at no additional cost.

Introducing Cloudflare One Intel
Introducing Cloudflare One Intel

What’s Next

These new features are just the beginning of Cloudflare One Intel. Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll be rolling out more features across the Cloudflare One platform that will make our Internet intelligence more accessible and actionable. Stay tuned for premium features available in Cloudflare Radar for Cloudflare Gateway customers.

Get started now

Cloudflare Radar is available to everyone for free – you can check it out here and start exploring our Internet intelligence.

To protect your team from threats on the Internet that utilize DNS tunnelling, sign up for a Cloudflare Gateway account and use the Security filter setting to block DNS tunnelling attempts. DNS-based security and content filtering is available for free across every Gateway plan.

Introducing WARP for Desktop and Cloudflare for Teams

Post Syndicated from Kyle Krum original https://blog.cloudflare.com/warp-for-desktop/

Introducing WARP for Desktop and Cloudflare for Teams

Introducing WARP for Desktop and Cloudflare for Teams

Cloudflare launched ten years ago to keep web-facing properties safe from attack and fast for visitors. Cloudflare customers owned Internet properties that they placed on our network. Visitors to those sites and applications enjoyed a faster experience, but that speed was not consistent for accessing Internet properties outside the Cloudflare network.

Over the last few years, we began building products that could help deliver a faster and safer Internet to everyone, not just visitors to sites on our network. We started with the first step to visiting any website, a DNS query, and released the world’s fastest public DNS resolver, Any Internet user could improve the speed to connect to any website simply by changing their resolver.

While making the Internet faster for users, we also focused on making it more private. We built to accelerate the last mile of connections, from user to our edge or other destinations on the Internet. Unlike other providers, we did not build it to sell ads.

Last year we went one step further to make the entire connection from a device both faster and safer when we launched Cloudflare WARP. With the push of a button, users could connect their mobile device to the entire Internet using a WireGuard tunnel through a Cloudflare data center near to them. Traffic to sites behind Cloudflare became even faster and a user’s experience with the rest of the Internet became more secure and private.

We brought that experience to desktops in beta earlier this year, and are excited to announce the general availability of Cloudflare WARP for desktop users today. The entire Internet can now be more secure and private regardless of how you connect.

Bringing the power of WARP to security teams everywhere

WARP made the Internet faster and more private for individual users everywhere. But as businesses embraced remote work models at scale, security teams struggled to extend the security controls they had enabled in the office to their remote workers. Today, we’re bringing everything our users have come to expect from WARP to security teams. The release also enables new functionality in our Cloudflare Gateway product.

Customers can use the Cloudflare WARP application to connect corporate desktops to Cloudflare Gateway for advanced web filtering. The Gateway features rely on the same performance and security benefits of the underlying WARP technology, now with security filtering available to the connection.

The result is a simple way for enterprises to protect their users wherever they are without requiring the backhaul of network traffic to a centralized security boundary. Instead, organizations can configure the WARP client application to securely and privately send remote users’ traffic through a Cloudflare data center near them. Gateway administrators apply policies to outbound Internet traffic proxied through the client, allowing organizations to protect users from threats on the Internet, and stop corporate data from leaving their organization.

Privacy, Security and Speed for Everyone

WARP was built on the philosophy that even people who don’t know what “VPN” stands for should be able to still easily get the protection a VPN offers. For those of us unfortunately very familiar with traditional corporate VPNs, something better was needed. Enter our own WireGuard implementation called BoringTun.

The WARP application uses BoringTun to encrypt all the traffic from your device and send it directly to Cloudflare’s edge, ensuring that no one in between is snooping on what you’re doing. If the site you are visiting is already a Cloudflare customer, the content is immediately sent down to your device. With WARP+ we use Argo Smart Routing to to devise the shortest path through our global network of data centers to reach whomever you are talking to.

Introducing WARP for Desktop and Cloudflare for Teams

Combined with the power of (the world’s fastest public DNS resolver), WARP keeps your traffic secure, private and fast. Since nearly everything you do on the Internet starts with a DNS request, choosing the fastest DNS server across all your devices will accelerate almost everything you do online. Speed isn’t everything though, and while the connection between your application and a website may be encrypted, DNS lookups for that website were not. This allowed anyone, even your Internet Service Provider, to potentially snoop (and sell) on where you are going on the Internet.

Cloudflare will never snoop or sell your personal data. And if you use DNS-over-HTTPS or DNS-over-TLS to our resolver, your DNS request will be sent over a secure channel. This means that if you use the resolver then in addition to our privacy guarantees an eavesdropper can’t see your DNS requests. Don’t take our word for it though, earlier this year we published the results of a third-party privacy examination, something we’ll keep doing and wish others would do as well.

For Gateway customers, we are committed to privacy and trust and will never sell your personal data to third parties. While your administrator will have the ability to audit your organization’s traffic, create rules around how long data is retained, or create specific policies about where they can go, Cloudflare will never sell your personal data or use your personal data to retarget you with advertisements. Privacy and control of your organization’s data is in your hands.

Now integrated with Cloudflare Gateway

Traditionally, companies have used VPN solutions to gate access to corporate resources and keep devices secure with their filtering rules. These connections quickly became a point of failure (and intrusion vector) as organizations needed to manage and scale up VPN servers as traffic through their on premise servers grew. End users didn’t like it either. VPN servers were usually overwhelmed at peak times, the client was bulky and they were rarely made with performance in mind. And once a bad actor got in, they had access to everything.

Introducing WARP for Desktop and Cloudflare for Teams
Traditional VPN architecture‌‌

In January 2020, we launched Cloudflare for Teams as a replacement to this model. Cloudflare for Teams is built around two core products. Cloudflare Access is a Zero Trust solution allowing organizations to connect internal (and now, SaaS) applications to Cloudflare’s edge and build security rules to enforce safe access to them. No longer were VPNs a single entry point to your organization; users could work from anywhere and still get access. Cloudflare Gateway’s first features focused on protecting users from threats on the Internet with a DNS resolver and policy engine built for enterprises.

The strength and power of WARP clients, used today by millions of users around the world, will enable incredible new use cases for security teams:

  • Encrypt all user traffic – Regardless of your users’ location, all traffic from their device is encrypted with WARP and sent privately to the nearest WARP endpoint. This keeps your users and your organizations protected from whomever may be snooping. If you still used a traditional VPN on top of Access to encrypt user traffic, that is no longer needed.
  • WARP+ – Cloudflare offers a premium WARP+ service for customers who want additional speed benefits. That now comes packaged into Teams deployments. Any Teams customer who deploys the Teams client applications will automatically receive the premium speed benefits of WARP+.
  • Gateway for remote workers – Until today, Gateway required that you keep track of all your users’ IP addresses and build policies per location. This made it difficult to enforce policy or provide malware protection when a user took their device to a new location. With the client installed, these policies can be enforced anywhere.
  • L7 Firewall and user based policies – Today’s announcement of Cloudflare Gateway SWG and Secure DNS allows your organization to enforce device authentication to your Teams account, enabling you to build user-specific policies and force all traffic through the firewall.
  • Device and User auditing – Along with user and device policies, administrators will also be able to audit specific user and device traffic. Used in conjunction with logpush, this will allow your organization to do detailed level tracing in case of a breach or audit.
Introducing WARP for Desktop and Cloudflare for Teams

Enroll your organization to use the WARP client with Cloudflare for Teams

We know how hard it can be to deploy another piece of software in your organization, so we’ve worked hard to make deployment easy. To get started, just navigate to our sign-up page and create an account. If you already have an active account, you can bypass this step and head straight to the Cloudflare for Teams dashboard where you’ll be dropped directly into our onboarding flow. After you have signed up and configured your team, setup a Gateway policy and then choose one of the three ways to install the clients to enforce that policy from below:

Self Install
If you are a small organization without an IT department, asking your users to download the client themselves and type in the required settings is the fastest way to get going.

Introducing WARP for Desktop and Cloudflare for Teams
Manually join an organization‌‌

Scripted Install
Our desktop installers support the ability to quickly script the installation. In the case of Windows, this is as easy as this command line:

Cloudflare_WARP_Release-x64.msi /quiet ORGANIZATION="<insert your org>" SERVICE_MODE="warp" ENABLE="true" GATEWAY_UNIQUE_ID="<insert your gateway DoH domain>" SUPPORT_URL=”<mailto or http of your support person>"

Managed Device
Organizations with MDM tools like Intune or JAMF can deploy WARP to their entire fleet of devices from a single operation. Just as you preconfigure all other device settings, WARP can be set so that all end users need to do is login with your team’s identity provider by clicking on the Cloudflare WARP client after it has been deployed.

Introducing WARP for Desktop and Cloudflare for Teams
Microsoft Intune Configuration

For a complete list of the installation options, required fields and step by step instructions for all platforms see the WARP Client documentation.

What’s coming next

There is still more we want to build for both our consumer users of WARP and our Cloudflare for Teams customers. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the ones we are most excited about (and allowed to share):

  • New partner integrations with CrowdStrike and VMware Carbon Black (Tanium available today) will allow you to build even more comprehensive Cloudflare Access policies that check for device health before allowing users to connect to applications
  • Split Tunnel support will allow you or your organization to specify applications, sites or IP addresses that should be excluded from WARP. This will allow content like games, streaming services, or any application you choose to work outside the connection.
  • BYOD device support, especially for mobile clients. Enterprise users that are not on the clock should be able to easily toggle off “office mode,” so corporate policies don’t limit personal use of their personal devices.
  • We are still missing one major operating system from our client portfolio and Linux support is coming.

Download now

We are excited to finally share these applications with our customers. We’d especially like to thank our Cloudflare MVP’s, the 100,000+ beta users on desktop, and the millions of existing users on mobile who have helped grow WARP into what it is today.

You can download the applications right now from https://one.one.one.one

Cloudflare Gateway now protects teams, wherever they are

Post Syndicated from Pete Zimmerman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/gateway-swg/

Cloudflare Gateway now protects teams, wherever they are

Cloudflare Gateway now protects teams, wherever they are

In January 2020, we launched Cloudflare for Teams—a new way to protect organizations and their employees globally, without sacrificing performance. Cloudflare for Teams centers around two core products – Cloudflare Access and Cloudflare Gateway.

In March 2020, Cloudflare launched the first feature of Cloudflare Gateway, a secure DNS filtering solution powered by the world’s fastest DNS resolver. Gateway’s DNS filtering feature kept users safe by blocking DNS queries to potentially harmful destinations associated with threats like malware, phishing, or ransomware. Organizations could change the router settings in their office and, in about five minutes, keep the entire team safe.

Shortly after that launch, entire companies began leaving their offices. Users connected from initially makeshift home offices that have become permanent in the last several months. Protecting users and data has now shifted from a single office-level setting to user and device management in hundreds or thousands of locations.

Security threats on the Internet have also evolved. Phishing campaigns and malware attacks have increased in the last six months. Detecting those types of attacks requires looking deeper than just the DNS query.

Starting today, we’re excited to announce two features in Cloudflare Gateway that solve those new challenges. First, Cloudflare Gateway now integrates with the Cloudflare WARP desktop client. We built WARP around WireGuard, a modern, efficient VPN protocol that is much more efficient and flexible than legacy VPN protocols.

Second, Cloudflare Gateway becomes a Secure Web Gateway and performs L7 filtering to inspect traffic for threats that hide below the surface. Like our DNS filtering and resolver, both features are powered by everything we’ve learned by offering Cloudflare WARP to millions of users globally.

Securing the distributed workforce

Our customers are largely distributed workforces with employees split between corporate offices and their homes. Due to the pandemic, this is their operating environment for the foreseeable future.

The fact that users aren’t located at fixed, known locations (with remote workers allowed by exception) has created challenges for already overworked IT staff:

  1. VPNs are an all-or-nothing approach to providing remote access to internal applications. We address this with Cloudflare Access and our Zero Trust approach to security for internal applications and now SaaS applications as well.
  2. VPNs are slow and expensive. However, backhauling traffic to a centralized security boundary has been the primary approach to enforcing corporate content and security policies to protect roaming users. Cloudflare Gateway was created to tackle this problem for our customers.

Until today, Cloudflare Gateway has provided security for our customers through DNS filtering. While this provides a level of security and content control that’s application-agnostic, it still leaves our customers with a few challenges:

  1. Customers need to register the source IP address of all locations that send DNS queries to Gateway, so their organization’s traffic can be identified for policy enforcement. This is tedious at best, if not intractable for larger organizations with hundreds of locations.
  2. DNS policies are relatively coarse, with enforcement performed with an all-or-nothing approach per domain. Organizations lack the ability to, for example, allow access to a cloud storage provider but block the download of harmful files from known-malicious URLs.
  3. Organizations that register IP addresses frequently use Network Address Translation (NAT) traffic in order to share public IP addresses across many users. This results in a loss of visibility into DNS activity logs at the individual user level. So while IT security admins can see that a malicious domain was blocked, they must leverage additional forensic tools to track down a potentially compromised device.

Starting today, we are taking Cloudflare Gateway beyond a secure DNS filtering solution by pairing the Cloudflare for Teams client with a cloud L7 firewall. Now our customers can toss out another hardware appliance in their centralized security boundary and provide enterprise-level security for their users directly from the Cloudflare edge.

Protecting users and preventing corporate data loss

DNS filtering provides a baseline level of security across entire systems and even networks, since it’s leveraged by all applications for Internet communications. However, application-specific protection offers granular policy enforcement and visibility into whether traffic should be classified as malicious.

Today we’re excited to extend the protection we offer through DNS filtering by adding an L7 firewall that allows our customers to apply security and content policies to HTTP traffic. This provides administrators with a better tool to protect users through granular controls within HTTP sessions, and with visibility into policy enforcement. Just as importantly, it also gives our customers greater control over where their data resides. By building policies, customers can specify whether to allow or block a request based on file type, on whether the request was to upload or download a file, or on whether the destination is an approved cloud storage provider for the organization.

Enterprises protect their users’ Internet traffic wherever they are by connecting to Cloudflare with the Cloudflare for Teams client. This client provides a fast, secure connection to the Cloudflare data center nearest them, and it relies on the same Cloudflare WARP application millions of users connect through globally. Because the client uses the same WARP application under the hood, enterprises can be sure it has been tested at scale to provide security without compromising on performance. Cloudflare WARP optimizes network performance by leveraging WireGuard for the connection to the Cloudflare edge.

The result is a secure, performant connection for enterprise users wherever they are without requiring the backhaul of network traffic to a centralized security boundary. By connecting to Cloudflare Gateway with the Cloudflare for Teams client, enterprise users are protected through filtering policies applied to all outbound Internet traffic–protecting users as they navigate the Internet and preventing the loss of corporate data.

Cloudflare Gateway now supports HTTP traffic filtering based on a variety of criteria including:

Criteria Example
URL, path, and/or query string https://www.myurl.com/path?query
HTTP method GET, POST, etc.
HTTP response code 500
File type and file name myfilename.zip
MIME type application/zip
URL security or content category Malware, phishing, adult themes

To complement DNS filtering policies, IT admins can now create L7 firewall rules to apply granular policies on HTTP traffic.

For example, an admin may want to allow users to navigate to useful parts of Reddit, but block undesirable subreddits.

Cloudflare Gateway now protects teams, wherever they are

Or to prevent data loss, an admin could create a rule that allows users to receive content from popular cloud storage providers but not upload select file types from corporate devices.

Cloudflare Gateway now protects teams, wherever they are

Another admin might want to prevent malicious files from being smuggled in through zip file downloads, so they may decide to configure a rule to block downloads of compressed file types.

Cloudflare Gateway now protects teams, wherever they are

Having used our DNS filtering categories to protect internal users, an admin may want to simply block security threats based on the classification of full URLs. Malware payloads are frequently disseminated from cloud storage and with DNS filtering an admin has to choose whether to allow or deny access to the entire domain for a given storage provider. URL filtering gives admins the ability to filter requests for the exact URLs where malware payloads reside, allowing customers to continue to leverage the usefulness of their chosen storage provider.

Cloudflare Gateway now protects teams, wherever they are

And because all of this is made possible with the Cloudflare for Teams client, distributed workforces with roaming clients receive this protection wherever they are through a secure connection to the Cloudflare data center nearest them.

Cloudflare Gateway now protects teams, wherever they are

We’re excited to protect teams as they browse the Internet by inspecting HTTP traffic, but what about non-HTTP traffic? Later this year, we will extend Cloudflare Gateway by adding support for IP, port, and protocol filtering with a cloud L4 firewall. This will allow administrators to apply rules to all Internet-bound traffic, like rules that allow outbound SSH, or rules that determine whether to send HTTP traffic arriving on a non-standard port to the L7 firewall for HTTP inspection.

At launch, Cloudflare Gateway will allow administrators to create policies that filter DNS and HTTP traffic across all users in an organization. This creates a great baseline for security. However, exceptions are part of reality: a one-size-fits-all approach to content and security policy enforcement rarely matches the specific needs of all users.

To address this, we’re working on supporting rules based on user and group identity by integrating Cloudflare Access with a customer’s existing identity provider. This will let administrators create granular rules that also leverage context around the user, such as:

  • Deny access to social media to all users. But if John Doe is in the marketing group, allow him to access these sites in order to perform his job role.
  • Only allow Jane Doe to connect to specific SaaS applications through Cloudflare Gateway, or a certain device posture.

The need for policy enforcement and logging visibility based on identity arises from the reality that users aren’t tied to fixed, known workplaces. We meet that need by integrating identity and protecting users wherever they are with the Cloudflare for Teams client.

What’s next

People do not start businesses to deal with the minutiae of information technology and security. They have a vision and a product or service they want to get out in the world, and we want to get them back to doing that. We can help eliminate the hard parts around implementing advanced security tools that are usually reserved for larger, more sophisticated organizations, and we want to make them available to teams regardless of size.

The launch of both the Cloudflare for Teams client and L7 firewall lays the foundation for an advanced Secure Web Gateway with integrations including anti-virus scanning, CASB, and remote browser isolation—all performed at the Cloudflare edge. We’re excited to share this glimpse of the future our team has built—and we’re just getting started.

Get started now

All of these new capabilities are ready for you to use today. The L7 firewall is available in Gateway standalone, Teams Standard, and Teams Enterprise plans. You can get started by signing up for a Gateway account and following the onboarding directions.

Argo Tunnels that live forever

Post Syndicated from Sam Rhea original https://blog.cloudflare.com/argo-tunnels-that-live-forever/

Argo Tunnels that live forever

Cloudflare secures your origin servers by proxying requests to your DNS records through our anycast network and to the external IP of your origin. However, external IP addresses can provide attackers with a path around Cloudflare security if they discover those destinations.

Argo Tunnels that live forever

We launched Argo Tunnel as a secure way to connect your origin to Cloudflare without a publicly routable IP address. With Tunnel, you don’t send traffic to an external IP. Instead, a lightweight daemon runs in your infrastructure and creates outbound-only connections to Cloudflare’s edge. With Argo Tunnel, you can quickly deploy infrastructure in a Zero Trust model by ensuring all requests to your resources pass through Cloudflare’s security filters.

Argo Tunnels that live forever

Originally, your Argo Tunnel connection corresponded to a DNS record in your account. Requests to that hostname hit Cloudflare’s network first and our edge sends those requests over the Argo Tunnel to your origin. Since these connections are outbound-only, you no longer need to poke holes in your infrastructure’s firewall. Your origins can serve traffic through Cloudflare without being vulnerable to attacks that bypass Cloudflare.

However, fitting an outbound-only connection into a reverse proxy creates some ergonomic and stability hurdles. The original Argo Tunnel architecture attempted to both manage DNS records and create connections. When connections became disrupted, Argo Tunnel would recreate the entire deployment. Additionally, Argo Tunnel connections could not be treated like regular origin servers in Cloudflare’s control plane and had to be managed directly from the server-side software.

Today, we’re introducing a new architecture that treats Argo Tunnel connections like a true origin server without the risk of exposure to the rest of the Internet. Now, when you create a Tunnel connection, you can point DNS records for any hostname in your account, or load balancer pools, to that connection from the Cloudflare dashboard. You can also run Argo Tunnel connections without the need for leaving certificates and service tokens on your servers.

Keeping persistent objects persistent

Argo Tunnel has objects that tend to stay persistent (DNS records) and objects that deliberately change and recreate (connections from `cloudflared` to Cloudflare). Argo Tunnel previously conflated the two categories, which led to some issues.

The edge vs. the control plane

Cloudflare as a whole consists of two components: the edge network and the control plane that manages the configuration of that network.

The data centers in 200 cities around the world that proxy traffic to your origin make up the edge network. These data centers are highly available and, thanks to Anycast IP routing, can gracefully handle traffic if one or more data centers go offline.

When you make a change to something in Cloudflare (whether via the UI in Cloudflare’s dashboard, or the API) our control plane receives it, authenticates it, and then pushes it to our edge.

If the control plane goes down, the edge should not be degraded – traffic will continue to be served using the most recent configuration. At launch, Argo Tunnel muddled the two in some places, which meant that control plane issues could become edge issues for Tunnel users.

Starting every Tunnel from scratch

Regardless of whether a Tunnel is connecting for the first time or the 100th, the operation repeated a series of high-level steps in the original architecture:

  1. cloudflared connects to an Argo Tunnel service running in Cloudflare’s control plane. That service registers your Tunnel and its connections.
  2. cloudflared creates a public DNS record for your hostname which points to a randomly generated CNAME record for load balanced Tunnels or an IPv6 for traditional Tunnels. The ephemeral CNAME record represents your Tunnel.
  3. The control plane then tells Cloudflare’s edge about these DNS entries and where the CNAME or IP address should send traffic. Traffic can now be routed to cloudflared.
  4. If the Tunnel disconnects, for any reason, the Argo Tunnel service unregistered the Tunnel and deleted the DNS record.

The last step is an issue. In most cases, you create an Argo Tunnel for a service meant to run indefinitely. The DNS record should stay persistent – it’s an app that you manage that should not change. However, a simple restart or disconnection meant that cloudflared had to follow every step and start itself from scratch. If any of those upstream services were degraded, the Tunnel would fail to reconnect.

This model also introduces other shortcomings. You cannot gracefully change the DNS record of a Tunnel; instead, you had to stop cloudflared and rerun the service. Visibility was limited. Load balancing introduced complications with how origins were counted.

Phase 1: Improving stability

The team started by reducing the impact of those dependencies. Over the last year, Argo Tunnel has quietly replaced single points of failure with distributed systems that are more fault tolerant.

Tunnels now live longer. Argo Tunnel has migrated to Cloudflare’s Unimog platform, which has increased the average life of a connection from minutes to days. When connections live longer, they restart less, and are then subject to fewer upstream hiccups.

Additionally, some Tunnels no longer need to follow the entire creation flow. If your Tunnel reconnects, we opportunistically try to reestablish it with the records already at our edge.

These changes have dramatically improved the stability of Argo Tunnel as a platform, but still left a couple of core problems: Tunnel reconnections were treated like new connections and managing those connections added friction.

Phase 2: Named Tunnels that outlive connections

Starting today, Argo Tunnel’s architecture distinguishes between the persistent objects (DNS records, cloudflared) from the ephemeral objects (the connections). To do that, this release introduces the concept of a permanent name that you assign to a Tunnel.

In the old model, cloudflaredcreated both the DNS record entries and established the connections from the server to Cloudflare’s network. DNS records became tied to those connections and could not be changed. Even worse, each time cloudflared restarted, we treated it like a new Tunnel and had to propagate this information into DNS and Load Balancer systems. If those had delays, the restart could become an outage.

Argo Tunnels that live forever

Today’s release separates DNS creation from connection creation to make tunnels more stable and more simple to manage. In this model, you can use `cloudflared` to create an Argo Tunnel that has a persistent, stable name, that can be entirely unrelated to the hostname.

Once created, you can point DNS records in your account to a stable subdomain that relies on a UUID tied to that persistent name. Since the name and UUID do not change, your DNS record never needs to be cleaned up or recreated when Argo Tunnel restarts. In the event of a restart, the enrolled instance of cloudflared connects back to that UUID address.

Argo Tunnels that live forever

You can also treat named Argo Tunnels like origin servers in this architecture – except these origins can only be connected to via a DNS record in your account. You can delete a DNS record and create a new one that points to the UUID address and traffic will be served – all without touching cloudflared.

How it works

You can begin using this new architecture today with the following steps. First, you’ll need to upgrade to the latest version of cloudflared.

1. Login to Cloudflare from `cloudflared`

Run cloudflared tunnel login and authenticate to your Cloudflare account. This step will generate a cert.pem file. That certificate contains a token that gives your instance of cloudflared the ability to create Named Tunnels in your account, as well as the ability to eventually point DNS records to them.

Argo Tunnels that live forever

2. Create your Tunnel

You can now create a Tunnel that has a persistent name. Run cloudflared tunnel create <name> to do so. The name does not have to be a hostname. For example, you can assign a name that represents the application, the particular server, or the cloud environment where it runs.

cloudflared will create a Tunnel with the name that you give it and a UUID. This name will be associated with your account. Only DNS records in your account will proxy traffic to the connection. Additionally, the name will not be removed unless you actively delete it. The connections can stop and restart and will use the same name and UUID.

Argo Tunnels that live forever

Creating a named Tunnel also generates a credentials file that is distinct from the cert.pem issued during the login. You only need the credentials file to run the Tunnel. If you do not want to create additional named Tunnels or DNS records from cloudflared, you can delete the cert.pem file to avoid leaving API tokens and certificates in your environment.

3. Configure Tunnel details

Configure your instance of cloudflared, including the URL that cloudflared will proxy traffic to in the configuration file. Alternatively, you can run the Tunnel in an ad hoc mode from the command line using the steps below.

4. Run your Tunnel

You can begin running the Tunnel with the command, cloudflared tunnel run <name> or cloudflared tunnel run <UUID> and it will start proxying traffic. If you are running the Tunnel without the cert.pem file and only the credentials file, you must use cloudflared tunnel run <UUID>.

Argo Tunnels that live forever

5. Send traffic to your Tunnel

You can now decide how to send traffic to this persistent Tunnel. If you want to create a long-lived DNS record in the Cloudflare dashboard, you can point it to the Tunnel UUID subdomain in the format UUID.cfargotunnel.com. You can do the same in the Cloudflare Load Balancer panel to add this object to a load balanced pool where it will be treated as just one additional origin.

Argo Tunnels that live forever

Alternatively, you can continue to create DNS records from cloudflared. Run the following command, cloudflared tunnel route dns <name> <hostname> or cloudflared tunnel route dns <UUID> <hostname> to associate the DNS record with the Tunnel address. You will only be able to create a DNS record from cloudflared for the zone name you selected when authenticating. Unlike the previous architecture, this DNS record will not be deleted if the Tunnel disconnects.

When this instance of cloudflared restarts, the name, UUID, and DNS record will not need to be recreated. The connection will reestablish and begin serving traffic.

[Optional] Check what Tunnels exist

You can also use this architecture to see your active Tunnels. Run cloudflared tunnel list to view the Tunnels created and their connection status. You can delete Tunnels, as well, by running cloudflared tunnel delete <name> or cloudflare tunnel delete <UUID>. To delete Tunnels, you do need the cert.pem file.

Argo Tunnels that live forever

Credential and cert management

Once you have created a named Tunnel, you no longer need the cert.pem file to run that Tunnel and connect it to Cloudflare’s network. If you’re running the tunnel on a remote server or in a container, you can copy the credential file without sharing cert.pem outside your computer.

Similarly, if you want to let another person on your team run the Tunnel, you can send them the credentials file without sharing the cert.pem file as well. The cert.pem file is still required to create additional Tunnels, list existing tunnels, manage DNS records, or delete Tunnels.

The credentials file contains a secret scoped to the specific Tunnel UUID which establishes a connection from cloudflared to Cloudflare’s network. cloudflared operates like a client and establishes a TLS connection from your infrastructure to Cloudflare’s edge.

What’s next?

The new Argo Tunnel architecture is available today. You’ll need cloudflared version 2020.9.3 or later to begin using these features. The latest version of cloudflared is backwards compatible with the legacy model of Argo Tunnel. Additional documentation is available here.

Zero Trust For Everyone

Post Syndicated from Abe Carryl original https://blog.cloudflare.com/teams-plans/

Zero Trust For Everyone

We launched Cloudflare for Teams to make Zero Trust security accessible for all organizations, regardless of size, scale, or resources. Starting today, we are excited to take another step on this journey by announcing our new Teams plans, and more specifically, our Cloudflare for Teams Free plan, which protects up to 50 users at no cost. To get started, sign up today.

If you’re interested in how and why we’re doing this, keep scrolling.

Our Approach to Zero Trust

Cloudflare Access is one-half of Cloudflare for Teams – a Zero Trust solution that secures inbound connections to your protected applications. Cloudflare Access works like a bouncer, checking identity at the door to all of your applications.

The other half of Cloudflare for Teams is Cloudflare Gateway which, as our clever name implies, is a Secure Web Gateway protecting all of your users’ outbound connections to the Internet. To continue with this analogy, Cloudflare Gateway is your organization’s bodyguard, securing your users as they navigate the Internet.

Together, these two solutions provide a powerful, single dashboard to protect your users, networks, and applications from malicious actors.

Zero Trust For Everyone

A Mission-Driven Solution

At Cloudflare, our mission is to help build a better Internet. That means a better Internet for everyone, regardless of size, scale, or resources. With Cloudflare for Teams, our part in this mission is to keep your team members secure from unknown threats and your applications safe from attack, so that your team can focus on your business.

Earlier this year, shortly after we launched Cloudflare for Teams, organizations suddenly had to change the way they worked. Users left offices, and the security provided by those offices, to work from home. This accelerated the pace of IT transformation from years to days, or even hours.

To alleviate that burden, we provided Cloudflare for Teams for everyone at no cost, and with no restrictions until September 1, 2020. We also offered free one-on-one onboarding to make adoption seamless, and used those sessions to improve the product for our current users as well.

Moving forward, users will continue to work from home, and applications will continue to move away from managed data centers. While our initial free program is no longer available, our team wanted to find a new way to continue helping organizations of any size adjust to this new security model that seems to be here to stay.

The New Free Plan

Today, we are launching the Cloudflare for Teams Free plan, which brings the features of enterprise Zero Trust products and Secure Web Gateways to small teams as well.

Cloudflare for Teams Free offers robust Zero Trust security features for both internal and SaaS applications, and supports integration with a myriad of social and enterprise identity providers like AzureAD or Github. Our Free plan also includes DNS content and security filtering for multiple network locations, complete with 24 hour log retention. By offering Cloudflare for Teams Free, our goal is to empower you to take your first step on a journey to Zero Trust with us.

Zero Trust For Everyone

What You Can Do with Teams Free

With up to 50 seats of Access and Gateway, we’ve seen that the possibilities are endless. In fact, here are some of our favorite ways users are already getting the most out of Cloudflare for Teams Free today.

  • Collaborate on your startup. Build your product without worrying about security. Use Access to protect your development environment.
  • Secure your home Wi-Fi network. Point your home Wi-Fi router’s traffic to Gateway, and set up simple filtering rules to block malware and phishing attacks.
  • Protect the backend of your personal website. Lock down your WordPress admin panel pages, and invite collaborators to work on your blog by using Access’ one-time-pin feature.
  • Safeguard a guest Wi-Fi network. Shield a retail location with Gateway by enforcing your Acceptable Use Policy on your network.

Standalone and Standard

In addition to our new Cloudflare for Teams Free plan, we’re also making it easier to continue your Zero Trust journey by offering enhanced features in our standalone Cloudflare Access or Cloudflare Gateway plans.

With standalone Access, you can easily scale up or down with as many users as you need at any time for $3 per user.

Similarly, with Gateway standalone, you can safely and securely deploy DNS or HTTP security controls from 1 up to 20 different locations for $5 per user without compromising on reliability or performance.

Last but not least, we’re excited to finally give users a way to bundle with Teams Standard, which brings together everything from Access and Gateway under one simple plan at $7 per user.

Getting Started

To get started, just navigate to our sign-up page and create an account. If you already have an active account, you can head straight to the Cloudflare for Teams dashboard, where you’ll be dropped directly into our self-guided onboarding flow. From here, you’re just three steps away from deploying Access or Gateway but, in our opinion, you can’t go wrong kicking off with either.

Cloudflare Access: now for SaaS apps, too

Post Syndicated from Sam Rhea original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-access-for-saas/

Cloudflare Access: now for SaaS apps, too

Cloudflare Access: now for SaaS apps, too

We built Cloudflare Access™ as a tool to solve a problem we had inside of Cloudflare. We rely on a set of applications to manage and monitor our network. Some of these are popular products that we self-host, like the Atlassian suite, and others are tools we built ourselves. We deployed those applications on a private network. To reach them, you had to either connect through a secure WiFi network in a Cloudflare office, or use a VPN.

That VPN added friction to how we work. We had to dedicate part of Cloudflare’s onboarding just to teaching users how to connect. If someone received a PagerDuty alert, they had to rush to their laptop and sit and wait while the VPN connected. Team members struggled to work while mobile. New offices had to backhaul their traffic. In 2017 and early 2018, our IT team triaged hundreds of help desk tickets with titles like these:

Cloudflare Access: now for SaaS apps, too

While our IT team wrestled with usability issues, our Security team decided that poking holes in our private network was too much of a risk to maintain. Once on the VPN, users almost always had too much access. We had limited visibility into what happened on the private network. We tried to segment the network, but that was error-prone.

Around that time, Google published its BeyondCorp paper that outlined a model of what has become known as Zero Trust Security. Instead of trusting any user on a private network, a Zero Trust perimeter evaluates every request and connection for user identity and other variables.

We decided to create our own implementation by building on top of Cloudflare. Despite BeyondCorp being a new concept, we had experience in this field. For nearly a decade, Cloudflare’s global network had been operating like a Zero Trust perimeter for applications on the Internet – we just didn’t call it that. For example, products like our WAF evaluated requests to public-facing applications. We could add identity as a new layer and use the same network to protect applications teams used internally.

We began moving our self-hosted applications to this new project. Users logged in with our SSO provider from any network or location, and the experience felt like any other SaaS app. Our Security team gained the control and visibility they needed, and our IT team became more productive. Specifically, our IT teams have seen ~80% reduction in the time they spent servicing VPN-related tickets, which unlocked over $100K worth of help desk efficiency annually. Later in 2018, we launched this as a product that our customers could use as well.

By shifting security to Cloudflare’s network, we could also make the perimeter smarter. We could require that users login with a hard key, something that our identity provider couldn’t support. We could restrict connections to applications from specific countries. We added device posture integrations. Cloudflare Access became an aggregator of identity signals in this Zero Trust model.

As a result, our internal tools suddenly became more secure than the SaaS apps we used. We could only add rules to the applications we could place on Cloudflare’s reverse proxy. When users connected to popular SaaS tools, they did not pass through Cloudflare’s network. We lacked a consistent level of visibility and security across all of our applications. So did our customers.

Starting today, our team and yours can fix that. We’re excited to announce that you can now bring the Zero Trust security features of Cloudflare Access to your SaaS applications. You can protect any SaaS application that can integrate with a SAML identity provider with Cloudflare Access.

Even though that SaaS application is not deployed on Cloudflare, we can still add security rules to every login. You can begin using this feature today and, in the next couple of months, you’ll be able to ensure that all traffic to these SaaS applications connects through Cloudflare Gateway.

Standardizing and aggregating identity in Cloudflare’s network

Support for SaaS applications in Cloudflare Access starts with standardizing identity. Cloudflare Access  aggregates different sources of identity: username, password, location, and device. Administrators build rules to determine what requirements a user must meet to reach an application. When users attempt to connect, Cloudflare enforces every rule in that checklist before the user ever reaches the app.

The primary rule in that checklist is user identity. Cloudflare Access is not an identity provider; instead, we source identity from SSO services like Okta, Ping Identity, OneLogin, or public apps like GitHub. When a user attempts to access a resource, we prompt them to login with the provider configured. If successful, the provider shares the user’s identity and other metadata with Cloudflare Access.

A username is just one part of a Zero Trust decision. We consider additional rules, like country restrictions or device posture via partners like Tanium or, soon, additional partners CrowdStrike and VMware Carbon Black. If the user meets all of those criteria, Cloudflare Access summarizes those variables into a standard proof of identity that our network trusts: a JSON Web Token (JWT).

Cloudflare Access: now for SaaS apps, too

A JWT is a secure, information-dense way to share information. Most importantly, JWTs follow a standard, so that different systems can trust one another. When users login to Cloudflare Access, we generate and sign a JWT that contains the decision and information about the user. We store that information in the user’s browser and treat that as proof of identity for the duration of their session.

Every JWT must consist of three Base64-URL strings: the header, the payload, and the signature.

  • The header defines the cryptographic operation that encrypts the data in the JWT.
  • The payload consists of name-value pairs for at least one and typically multiple claims, encoded in JSON. For example, the payload can contain the identity of a user.
  • The signature allows the receiving party to confirm that the payload is authentic.

We store the identity data inside of the payload and include the following details:

  • User identity: typically the email address of the user retrieved from your identity provider.
  • Authentication domain: the domain that signs the token. For Access, we use “example.cloudflareaccess.com” where “example” is a subdomain you can configure.
  • amr: If available, the multifactor authentication method the login used, like a hard key or a TOTP code.
  • Country: The country where the user is connecting from.
  • Audience: The domain of the application you are attempting to reach.
  • Expiration: the time at which the token is no longer valid for use.

Some applications support JWTs natively for SSO. We can send the token to the application and the user can login. In other cases, we’ve released plugins for popular providers like Atlassian and Sentry. However, most applications lack JWT support and rely on a different standard: SAML.

Converting JWT to SAML with Cloudflare Workers

You can deploy Cloudflare’s reverse proxy to protect the applications you host, which puts Cloudflare Access in a position to add identity checks when those requests hit our edge. However, the SaaS applications you use are hosted and managed by the vendors themselves as part of the value they offer. In the same way that I cannot decide who can walk into the front door of the bakery downstairs, you can’t build rules about what requests should and shouldn’t be allowed.

When those applications support integration with your SSO provider, you do have control over the login flow. Many applications rely on a popular standard, SAML, to securely exchange identity data and user attributes between two systems. The SaaS application does not need to know the details of the identity provider’s rules.

Cloudflare Access uses that relationship to force SaaS logins through Cloudflare’s network. The application itself thinks of Cloudflare Access as the SAML identity provider. When users attempt to login, the application sends the user to login with Cloudflare Access.

That said, Cloudflare Access is not an identity provider – it’s an identity aggregator. When the user reaches Access, we will redirect them to the identity provider in the same way that we do today when users request a site that uses Cloudflare’s reverse proxy. By adding that hop through Access, though, we can layer the additional contextual rules and log the event.

Cloudflare Access: now for SaaS apps, too

We still generate a JWT for every login providing a standard proof of identity. Integrating with SaaS applications required us to convert that JWT into a SAML assertion that we can send to the SaaS application. Cloudflare Access runs in every one of Cloudflare’s data centers around the world to improve availability and avoid slowing down users. We did not want to lose those advantages for this flow. To solve that, we turned to Cloudflare Workers.

The core login flow of Cloudflare Access already runs on Cloudflare Workers. We built support for SaaS applications by using Workers to take the JWT and convert its content into SAML assertions that are sent to the SaaS application. The application thinks that Cloudflare Access is the identity provider, even though we’re just aggregating identity signals from your SSO provider and other sources into the JWT, and sending that summary to the app via SAML.

Integrate with Gateway for comprehensive logging (coming soon)

Cloudflare Gateway keeps your users and data safe from threats on the Internet by filtering Internet-bound connections that leave laptops and offices. Gateway gives administrators the ability to block, allow, or log every connection and request to SaaS applications.

However, users are connecting from personal devices and home WiFi networks, potentially bypassing Internet security filtering available on corporate networks. If users have their password and MFA token, they can bypass security requirements and reach into SaaS applications from their own, unprotected devices at home.

To ensure traffic to your SaaS apps only connects over Gateway-protected devices, Cloudflare Access will add a new rule type that requires Gateway when users login to your SaaS applications. Once enabled, users will only be able to connect to your SaaS applications when they use Cloudflare Gateway. Gateway will log those connections and provide visibility into every action within SaaS apps and the Internet.

Every identity provider is now capable of SAML SSO

Identity providers come in two flavors and you probably use both every day. One type is purpose-built to be an identity provider, and the other accidentally became one. With this release, Cloudflare Access can convert either into a SAML-compliant SSO option.

Corporate identity providers, like Okta or Azure AD, manage your business identity. Your IT department creates and maintains the account. They can integrate it with SaaS Applications for SSO.

The second type of login option consists of SaaS providers that began as consumer applications and evolved into public identity providers. LinkedIn, GitHub, and Google required users to create accounts in their applications for networking, coding, or email.

Over the last decade, other applications began to trust those public identity provider logins. You could use your Google account to log into a news reader and your GitHub account to authenticate to DigitalOcean. Services like Google and Facebook became SSO options for everyone. However, most corporate applications only supported integration with a single SAML provider, something public identity providers do not provide. To rely on SSO as a team, you still needed a corporate identity provider.

Cloudflare Access converts a user login from any identity provider into a JWT. With this release, we also generate a standard SAML assertion. Your team can now use the SAML SSO features of a corporate identity provider with public providers like LinkedIn or GitHub.

Multi-SSO meets SaaS applications

We describe Cloudflare Access as a Multi-SSO service because you can integrate multiple identity providers, and their SSO flows, into Cloudflare’s Zero Trust network. That same capability now extends to integrating multiple identity providers with a single SaaS application.

Most SaaS applications will only integrate with a single identity provider, limiting your team to a single option. We know that our customers work with partners, contractors, or acquisitions which can make it difficult to standardize around a single identity option for SaaS logins.

Cloudflare Access can connect to multiple identity providers simultaneously, including multiple instances of the same provider. When users are prompted to login, they can choose the option that their particular team uses.

Cloudflare Access: now for SaaS apps, too

We’ve taken that ability and extended it into the Access for SaaS feature. Access generates a consistent identity from any provider, which we can now extend for SSO purposes to a SaaS application. Even if the application only supports a single identity provider, you can still integrate Cloudflare Access and merge identities across multiple sources. Now, team members who use your Okta instance and contractors who use LinkedIn can both SSO into your Atlassian suite.

All of your apps in one place

Cloudflare Access released the Access App Launch as a single destination for all of your internal applications. Your team members visit a URL that is unique to your organization and the App Launch displays all of the applications they can reach. The feature requires no additional administrative configuration; Cloudflare Access reads the user’s JWT and returns only the applications they are allowed to reach.

Cloudflare Access: now for SaaS apps, too

That experience now extends to all applications in your organization. When you integrate SaaS applications with Cloudflare Access, your users will be able to discover them in the App Launch. Like the flow for internal applications, this requires no additional configuration.

How to get started

To get started, you’ll need a Cloudflare Access account and a SaaS application that supports SAML SSO. Navigate to the Cloudflare for Teams dashboard and choose the “SaaS” application option to start integrating your applications. Cloudflare Access will walk through the steps to configure the application to trust Cloudflare Access as the SSO option.

Cloudflare Access: now for SaaS apps, too

Do you have an application that needs additional configuration? Please let us know.

Protect SaaS applications with Cloudflare for Teams today

Cloudflare Access for SaaS is available to all Cloudflare for Teams customers, including organizations on the free plan. Sign up for a Cloudflare for Teams account and follow the steps in the documentation to get started.

We will begin expanding the Gateway beta program to integrate Gateway’s logging and web filtering with the Access for SaaS feature before the end of the year.

Introducing Cloudflare One

Post Syndicated from Matthew Prince original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-cloudflare-one/

Introducing Cloudflare One

Introducing Cloudflare One

Today we’re announcing Cloudflare One™. It is the culmination of engineering and technical development guided by conversations with thousands of customers about the future of the corporate network. It provides secure, fast, reliable, cost-effective network services, integrated with leading identity management and endpoint security providers.

Over the course of this week, we’ll be rolling out the components that enable Cloudflare One, including our WARP Gateway Clients for desktop and mobile, our Access for SaaS solution, our browser isolation product, and our next generation network firewall and intrusion detection system.

The old model of the corporate network has been made obsolete by mobile, SaaS, and the public cloud. The events of 2020 have only accelerated the need for a new model. Zero Trust networking is the future and we are proud to be enabling that future. Having worked on the components of what is Cloudflare One for the last two years, we’re excited to unveil today how they’ve come together into a robust SASE solution and share how customers are already using it to deliver the more secure and productive future of the corporate network.

What Is Cloudflare One? Secure, Optimized Global Networking

Cloudflare One is a comprehensive, cloud-based network-as-a-service solution that is designed to be secure, fast, reliable and define the future of the corporate network. It replaces a patchwork of appliances and WAN technologies with a single network that provides cloud-based security, performance, and control through one user interface.

Cloudflare One brings together how users connect, on ramps for branch offices, secure connectivity for applications, and controlled access to SaaS into a single platform.

Cloudflare One reflects the complex nature of corporate networking today: mobile and remote users, SaaS applications, a mix of applications hosted in private data centers and public cloud, as well the challenge of employees using the broader Internet securely from their corporate and personal devices.

Introducing Cloudflare One

Whether you call this SASE or simply the new reality, today’s enterprise needs flexibility at every layer of the network and application stack. Secure and authenticated access is needed for users wherever they are: at the office, on a mobile device or working from home. Corporate network architectures need to reflect the state of modern computing that requires secure, filtered Internet access to get to SaaS or public cloud, secure application connectivity to protect against hackers and DDoS, and fast, reliable branch and home office access.

And the new corporate network needs to be global. No matter where applications are hosted, or employees reside, connectivity needs to be secure and fast. With Cloudflare’s massive global presence, traffic is secured, routed, and filtered over an optimized backbone that uses real time Internet intelligence to protect against the latest threats and route traffic around bad Internet weather and outages.

However, you’re only as strong as your weakest link. It doesn’t matter how secure your network is if you allow the wrong people access, or your end user’s devices are compromised. That is why we’re incredibly excited to announce that Cloudflare One takes the power of Cloudflare’s network and combines it with best-of-breed identity management and device integrity to create a complete solution that encompasses the entire corporate network of today and tomorrow.

Partner ecosystem: Identity Management

Most organizations already have one or more identity management systems. Rather than requiring them to change, we are integrating with all the major providers. This week we’re announcing partnerships with Okta, Ping Identity, and OneLogin. We support nearly all the other leading identity providers including Microsoft Active Directory and Google Workspace, as well as broadly adopted consumer and developer identity platforms like Github, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Introducing Cloudflare One

Powerfully, Cloudflare One does not require you to standardize on just one identity provider. We see multiple companies that may have one identity provider for full-time employees and another for contractors. Or one they chose themselves and another they inherited from an acquisition. Cloudflare One will integrate with one or more identity providers and allow you to then set consistent policies across all your applications.

The metaphor that makes sense to me is that the identity provider issues passports and Cloudflare One is the border agent that checks that they’re valid. At any particular moment, different passports from different providers may be allowed or forbidden to enter just by updating the instructions the border agent follows.

Partner ecosystem: Device Integrity

In addition to identity, device integrity and endpoint security are an important part of a zero trust solution. This week we’re announcing partnerships with CrowdStrike, VMware Carbon Black, SenitnelOne, and Tanium. These providers run on devices and ensure that they haven’t been compromised. Again, organizations can centralize around a single vendor for device integrity or can mix and match with Cloudflare One providing a consistent control plane.

Introducing Cloudflare One

Extending the border control analogy, it’s like having a temperature screening and COVID-19 test when you enter a country. Even if you have a valid passport, if you’re not healthy then you will be turned away. By partnering with the leading identity and device integrity providers, Cloudflare One provides a robust identity and access management solution that fully delivers on the promise of Zero Trust.

We’re thrilled to partner with these leading identity management and endpoint security companies to make Cloudflare One flexible and robust.

With this as an introduction to Cloudflare One, I wanted to provide some context on why the existing paradigm doesn’t work, what the future of the enterprise network looks like, and where we go from here. In order to understand the power of Cloudflare One, you first have to understand the way we used to build and secure corporate networks and how the transition to mobile, cloud, and remote work have all forced this fundamental change in the paradigm.

The Middle(box) Ages: How Corporate Security Used to Work

The Internet was designed to be a massive, decentralized network. Any computer could connect to that network and route data from one location to another. The model provided resiliency, but did not guarantee fast or available connections. The early Internet also lacked a framework for security.

Introducing Cloudflare One

As a result, enterprises did not trust the Internet as a platform for their businesses. To keep employees productive, network connections had to be fast and available. Those connections also had to be secure. So, businesses built their own shadow versions of the Internet:

  • Companies purchased dedicated, private connections between offices and across their data centers in the form of expensive MPLS links.
  • IT teams managed complex routing across offices, VPN hardware, and clients.
  • Security teams deployed physical firewall boxes and DDoS appliances to keep the private network safe.
  • When employees had to use the Internet, security teams backhauled traffic through a central location to filter outbound connections with yet more hardware: Internet gateways.

Legacy corporate security followed a castle and moat approach. You put all your sensitive applications and data in the castle, you required all your employees to come to work in the castle every day, and then you built a metaphorical moat around the castle using firewalls, DDoS appliances, gateways and more: an unmanageable mess of devices and vendors.

The Middle(box) Ages Are Long Gone

While smarter attackers finding ways to breach moats were always a concern for the castle and moat approach, ultimately they weren’t what caused the approach to fail. Instead the change came from transformation of the technical landscape. Smartphones made workers increasingly mobile, letting them venture outside the moat. SaaS and the public cloud moved data and corporate applications out of the metaphorical castle.

Introducing Cloudflare One

And, in 2020, COVID-19 changed everything by forcing everyone who could to work remotely. If the employees weren’t coming to work in the castle anymore, the whole paradigm completely breaks down. This transition was happening already, but this year poured gasoline on the already smoldering fire. Increasingly companies are realizing that the only way forward is to embrace the fact that employees, servers and applications are now “on the Internet” and not “in the castle.” This new paradigm is known as “Zero Trust.”

Google’s seminal paper, “BeyondCorp: A New Approach to Enterprise Security,” published in 2014, brought the idea of Zero Trust security into the mainstream. Google’s insight in 2014 was that you could solve the challenges of every employee and application being on the Internet by ensuring that every application would inherently distrust every connection. If there was zero trust inherent to what network you were on, then every user of every application would be continuously authenticated. Powerfully, that would simultaneously enhance security while enabling more use of cloud applications as well as mobile and remote work.

The Future LAN: A Secure WAN

What we realized talking to customers was that even the analyst and competitor framing of the future corporate network didn’t fully recognize some challenges that come with a Zero Trust model. One of the benefits of embracing a Zero Trust model is that it makes enabling branch and home offices easier and less expensive. Rather than having to lease expensive MPLS circuits to connect branch offices — something that is literally impossible as people work from home — you instead require every use of every application to be authenticated.

Introducing Cloudflare One

This lines up with something else we’ve heard from our customers over the last six months: “maybe the Internet is almost good enough.” Like physical offices, many MPLS or SD-WAN deployments are currently sitting idle. And yet, employees continue to be productive. If users could move to a model that runs on the Internet, and one that improves the Internet, teams can stop spending money on legacy routing. Rather than trying to build more private networks, the corporate network of the future leverages the Internet but with heightened security, performance, and reliability.

That sounds great, but it opens a whole new can of worms. Inherently to do this you need to expose more of your applications to the Internet. While they may be safe from unauthorized use if you’ve properly implemented Zero Trust, that opens them to many less sophisticated, but highly disruptive challenges.

At the end of 2019 we saw a disturbing new trend begin to emerge. DDoS attackers shifted their focus from embarrassing companies by knocking their websites offline to increasingly targeting internal applications and networks. Unfortunately, we’ve seen more of these attacks launched throughout the pandemic.

It’s not a coincidence. It’s the direct result of companies being forced to expose more of their internal applications to the Internet in order to support remote work. To our surprise, it has turned out that while we anticipated Access and Gateway being the natural pairing of products, equally often customers looking to move to a Zero Trust model are bundling Cloudflare’s DDoS and WAF products.

It makes sense. If you are exposing more of your applications to the Internet, then the problems that Internet-facing applications have had to deal with in the past now become the problems of your internal applications as well. It’s become clear to us that the future of a SASE or Zero Trust network needs to also include DDoS mitigation and WAF as well.

Making the Internet Secure and Reliable Enough for the Enterprise

We agree with the customers we’ve talked to who say that the Internet is almost good enough to replace a corporate network. We’ve been building products to fill in the gaps where it needs to be better. Virtual appliances in regional public cloud providers are not sufficient. Enterprises need a global, distributed network that accelerates traffic in any location.

Introducing Cloudflare One

We’ve spent the last decade building Cloudflare’s network; bringing the Internet closer to users around the world and supporting incredible scale. According to W3Techs, more than 14% of the web already relies on our network. We can also use that to constantly measure the Internet at scale and find faster routes. That scale allows us to deliver Cloudflare One to any organization, no matter where they are located or how global their workforce, and ensure their network and applications are secure, fast, and reliable.

Foreshadowing Cloudflare One

The same lessons we’ve learned handling traffic for the websites on our network can be applied to how enterprises connect to everything else. We started that journey last year when we launched Cloudflare WARP, a consumer product that routes all connections leaving a personal device through Cloudflare’s network, where we can encrypt and accelerate it. This week, we’ll show how the WARP Client is now one of the on-ramps to get employee traffic onto Cloudflare One.

Introducing Cloudflare One

We launched WARP on mobile devices because we knew they would prove to be the most difficult to get right. Traditionally, VPN clients are clunky battery sucks designed for desktops and, if they have mobile versions at all, they’ve been clumsily ported over. We set out to build WARP to work great on mobile, not burning battery life or slowing connections down, because we knew if we could pull that off then it would be easy to port it to the less limited constraints of the desktop.

We also launched it for consumers first because they are the best QA team you could ever assemble. More than 10 million consumers have been putting WARP through its paces for the last year. We’ve seen edge cases from every corner of the Internet and used them to iron the bugs out. We knew that if we could make the WARP Client something that consumers loved to use then it would be a stark contrast to every other enterprise solution in the market.

Meanwhile, we built products to deliver the same improvements to data centers and offices. We announced Magic Transit last year to provide secure, performant, and reliable IP connectivity to the Internet. Earlier this year, we expanded that model when we launched Cloudflare Network Interconnect (CNI) to allow our customers to interconnect branch offices and data centers directly with Cloudflare.

Cloudflare Access starts by introducing identity into Cloudflare’s network. We apply filters based on identity and context to both inbound and outbound connections. Every login, request, and response proxies through Cloudflare’s network regardless of the location of the server or user.

Cloudflare Gateway keeps connections to the rest of the Internet safe. By routing all traffic through Cloudflare’s network first, customers can deprecrate on-premise firewalls eliminating Internet backhaul requirements that slow down users.

Introducing Cloudflare One

Pulling the Pieces Together

We think about the products in Cloudflare One in two categories:

  • On-ramps: the products that connect a user, device, or location to Cloudflare’s edge. WARP for endpoints, Magic Transit and CNI for networks, Argo Smart Routing to accelerate traffic.
  • Filters: the products that shield networks from attacks, inspect traffic for threats, and apply least privilege rules to data and applications. Access for Zero Trust rules, Gateway for traffic filtering, Magic Firewall for network filtering.

Most competitors in this space focus on one area, which loses out on the efficiencies of combining them in a single solution. Cloudflare One brings those together on our network. By integrating both sides of the challenge, we can give administrators a single place to manage and secure their network.

Introducing Cloudflare One

What Differentiates Cloudflare One

Easy to Deploy, Manage, and Use

We’ve always offered free and pay-as-you-go plans that teams of any size could sign up for with a credit card. Those customers lack the systems integrators or IT departments of large enterprises. To serve those teams, we had to build a control plane and dashboard that was accessible and easy to use.

The products in Cloudflare One follow that same approach; comprehensive enough for enterprises but easy to use to make these products accessible to any team. We’ve also extended that to end users; the client application that powers Gateway is built on what we learned creating Cloudflare WARP for consumer users.

Unified Solution

Cloudflare One puts the entire corporate network behind a single pane of glass. By integrating with leading identity providers and endpoint security solutions, Cloudflare One enables companies to enforce a consistent set of policies across all their applications. Since the network is the common denominator of all applications, by building control into the network Cloudflare One ensures consistent policies whether an application is new or legacy, run on-premise or in the cloud, and delivered from your own infrastructure or a multi-tenant SaaS provider.

Cloudflare One also helps rationalize complicated deployments. While it would be great if every app and every employee and contractor used the same identity provider, for example, that isn’t always possible. Acquisitions, skunkworks projects, and internal disagreements can cause multiple different solutions to be present inside one company. Cloudflare One allows you to plug different providers into one unified network control plane to ensure consistent policies.

Significant ROI

Our core tenet of serving the entire Internet has always forced us to obsess over costs. Efficiency is in the DNA of Cloudflare and we use our efficiency to pass along customer-friendly, fixed-rate pricing. Cloudflare One builds on that experience to deliver a platform that is more cost-effective than combining point solution vendors. The differences are especially apparent versus other providers who have tried to build on top of public cloud platforms and inherit their cost and inconsistent network performance.

To achieve the level of efficiency needed to compete with hardware appliances required us to invent a new type of platform. That platform needed to be built our own network where we could drive costs down and ensure the highest level of performance. It needed to be architected so any server in any city that made up Cloudflare’s network could run every one of our services. That means that Cloudflare One runs across Cloudflare’s global network spanning more than 200 cities worldwide. Even your farthest flung branch offices and remote workers are likely within milliseconds of servers powering Cloudflare One, ensuring our service works well wherever your team works.

Leverages Cloudflare’s Scale

Cloudflare already sits in front of a huge portion of the Internet. That allows us to see and respond to new security threats continuously. It also means that Cloudflare One customers’ traffic can be more efficiently routed, even when going to applications that would appear to be on the public Internet.

For instance, an employee behind Cloudflare One who is catching up on holiday shopping during their lunch break can have their traffic routed from a corporate branch office, across Cloudflare’s Magic Transit, over Cloudflare’s global backbone, across Cloudflare’s Network Interconnect, and to the ecommerce provider. Because Cloudflare handles the packets end-to-end, we can ensure they are encrypted, optimally routed, and efficiently delivered. As more of the Internet uses Cloudflare, the experience of surfing the Internet for Cloudflare One customers will grow even more exceptional.

What Does Cloudflare One Replace?

Instead of expensive MPLS links or complex SD-WAN deployments, Cloudflare One provides two on-ramps to your applications and the entire Internet: WARP and Magic Transit. WARP connects employees from any device, and any location, to Cloudflare’s network. Magic Transit allows broad deployments across whole offices or data centers.

Cloudflare Access replaces private-networks-as-security with Zero Trust controls. Later this week, we’ll announce how you can extend Access to any application, including SaaS applications.

Finally, Cloudflare One eliminates traditional network firewalls and web gateways. Cloudflare Gateway inspects traffic leaving any device in your organization to block threats on the Internet and prevent data from leaving. Magic Firewall will give your networks the same security, filtering traffic at the transport layer to replace the top-of-rack firewalls that block data exfiltration or attacks from unsecure network protocols.

Introducing Cloudflare One

What Comes Next?

Your team can start using Cloudflare One today. Add Zero Trust control to your applications with Cloudflare Access and secure DNS queries with Cloudflare Gateway. Keep networks safe from DDoS attacks with Magic Transit and connect your applications through Cloudflare with Argo Tunnel.

Over the course of the week, we’ll be launching new features and products to start to complete this vision. On Tuesday, we’ll extend the Zero Trust security of Cloudflare Access to all of your applications. Starting Wednesday, teams will be able to use Cloudflare WARP to proxy all employee traffic to Cloudflare where Gateway will now secure more than just DNS queries. You’ll be invited to sign up for Cloudflare’s browser isolation beta on Thursday and we’ll wrap the week with new APIs to control how Magic Transit secures your network.

It’s going to be a busy week, but we’re just getting started. Replacing a corporate network should not also mean you lose control over how that network operates. Magic WAN is our solution to complex SD-WAN deployments.

Security for that entire network should also work in both directions. Magic Firewall is our alternative to the clunky “next-generation firewall” appliances that secure outbound traffic. Data loss prevention (DLP) is another space that has lacked innovation and where we plan to extend Cloudflare One.

Introducing Cloudflare One

Finally, you should have visibility into that network. We’ll be launching new tools to detect and mitigate intrusion attempts that happen anywhere on your network, including unauthorized access to any SaaS applications you use. Now that we’ve built the on-ramps onto Cloudflare One, we’re excited to continue to innovate to provide more functionality and control to solve our customers biggest network security, performance, and reliability challenges.

Delivering the Network Customers Need Today

Over the last 10 years, Cloudflare has built one of the fastest, most reliable, most secure networks in the world. We’ve seen the power of using that network internally to enable our own teams to innovate quickly and securely. With the launch of Cloudflare One, we’re extending the power of Cloudflare’s network to meet the challenges of any company. The move to Zero Trust is a paradigm shift but the changes to how we work we believe has made it inevitable for every company. We’re proud of how we’ve been able to help some of Cloudflare One’s first customers reinvent their corporate networks. It makes sense to close with their own words.

Introducing Cloudflare One

“JetBlue Travel Products needed a way to give crew-members secure and simple access to internally-managed benefit apps. Cloudflare gave us all that and more — a much more efficient way to connect business partners and crew-members to critical internal tools.” — Vitaliy Faida, General Manager, Data/DevSecOps at JetBlue Travel Products.

Introducing Cloudflare One

“OneTrust relies on Cloudflare to maintain our network perimeter, so we can focus on delivering technology that helps our customers be more trusted. “With Cloudflare, we can easily build context-aware Zero Trust policies for secure access to our developer tools. Employees can connect to the tools they need so simply teams don’t even know Cloudflare is powering the backend. It just works.” — Blake Brannon, CTO of OneTrust.

Introducing Cloudflare One

“Discord is where the world builds relationships. Cloudflare helps us deliver on that mission, connecting our internal engineering team to the tools they need. With Cloudflare, we can rest easy knowing every request to our critical apps is evaluated for identity and context — a true Zero Trust approach.” — Mark Smith, Director of Infrastructure at Discord.

Introducing Cloudflare One

“When you’re a fast-growing, security-focused company like Area 1, anything that slows development down is the enemy. With Cloudflare, we’ve found a simpler, more secure way to connect our employees to the tools they need to keep us growing – and the experience is lightning-fast.” — Blake Darché, CSO at Area 1 Security.

Introducing Cloudflare One

“We launched quickly in April 2020 to bring remote learning to children throughout the UK during the coronavirus pandemic, Cloudflare Access made it fast and simple to authenticate a huge network of teachers and developers into our production sites and we set it up in literally less than an hour. Cloudflare’s WAF helped ensure the security and resilience of our public-facing website from day one.” — John Roberts, Technology Director at Oak National Academy.

Introducing Cloudflare One

“With Cloudflare, we’ve been able to reduce our dependence on VPNs and IP allow-listing for development environments. Our developers and testers aren’t required to login from specific locations, and we’ve been able to deploy an SSO solution to simplify the login process. Access is easier to manage than VPNs and other remote access solutions, which has removed pressure from our IT teams. They can focus on internal projects instead of spending time managing remote access.” — Alexandre Papadopoulos, Director of Cyber Security, INSEAD.

What is Cloudflare One?

Post Syndicated from Rustam Lalkaka original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/

What is Cloudflare One?

Running a secure enterprise network is really difficult. Employees spread all over the world work from home. Applications are run from data centers, hosted in public cloud, and delivered as services. Persistent and motivated attackers exploit any vulnerability.

Enterprises used to build networks that resembled a castle-and-moat. The walls and moat kept attackers out and data in. Team members entered over a drawbridge and tended to stay inside the walls. Trust folks on the inside of the castle to do the right thing, and deploy whatever you need in the relative tranquility of your secure network perimeter.

The Internet, SaaS, and “the cloud” threw a wrench in that plan. Today, more of the workloads in a modern enterprise run outside the castle than inside. So why are enterprises still spending money building more complicated and more ineffective moats?

Today, we’re excited to share Cloudflare One™, our vision to tackle the intractable job of corporate security and networking.

What is Cloudflare One?

Cloudflare One combines networking products that enable employees to do their best work, no matter where they are, with consistent security controls deployed globally.

Starting today, you can begin replacing traffic backhauls to security appliances with Cloudflare WARP and Gateway to filter outbound Internet traffic. For your office networks, we plan to bring next-generation firewall capabilities to Magic Transit with Magic Firewall to let you get rid of your top-of-shelf firewall appliances.

With multiple on-ramps to the Internet through Cloudflare, and the elimination of backhauled traffic, we plan to make it simple and cost-effective to manage that routing compared to MPLS and SD-WAN models. Cloudflare Magic WAN will provide a control plane for how your traffic routes through our network.

You can use Cloudflare One today to replace the other function of your VPN: putting users on a private network for access control. Cloudflare Access delivers Zero Trust controls that can replace private network security models. Later this week, we’ll announce how you can extend Access to any application – including SaaS applications. We’ll also preview our browser isolation technology to keep the endpoints that connect to those applications safe from malware.

Finally, the products in Cloudflare One focus on giving your team the logs and tools to both understand and then remediate issues. As part of our Gateway filtering launch this week we’re including logs that provide visibility into the traffic leaving your organization. We’ll be sharing how those logs get smarter later this week with a new Intrusion Detection System that detects and stops intrusion attempts.

What is Cloudflare One?

Many of those components are available today, some new features are arriving this week, and other pieces will be launching soon. All together, we’re excited to share this vision and for the future of the corporate network.

Problems in enterprise networking and security

The demands placed on a corporate network have changed dramatically. IT has gone from a back-office function to mission critical. In parallel with networks becoming more integral, users spread out from offices to work from home. Applications left the datacenter and are now being run out of multiple clouds or are being delivered by vendors directly over the Internet.

Direct network paths became hairpin turns

Employees sitting inside of an office could connect over a private network to applications running in a datacenter nearby. When team members left the office, they could use a VPN to sneak back onto the network from outside the walls. Branch offices hopped on that same network over expensive MPLS links.

When applications left the data center and users left their offices, organizations responded by trying to force that scattered world into the same castle-and-moat model. Companies purchased more VPN licenses and replaced MPLS links with difficult SD-WAN deployments. Networks became more complex in an attempt to mimic an older model of networking when in reality the Internet had become the new corporate network.

Defense-in-depth splintered

Attackers looking to compromise corporate networks have a multitude of tools at their disposal, and may execute surgical malware strikes, throw a volumetric kitchen sink at your network, or any number of things in between. Traditionally, defense against each class of attack was provided by a separate, specialized piece of hardware running in a datacenter.

Security controls used to be relatively easy when every user and every application sat in the same place. When employees left offices and workloads left data centers, the same security controls struggled to follow. Companies deployed a patchwork of point solutions, attempting to rebuild their topside firewall appliances across hybrid and dynamic environments.

High-visibility required high-effort

The move to a patchwork model sacrificed more than just defense-in-depth — companies lost visibility into what was happening in their networks and applications. We hear from customers that this capture and standardization of logs has become one of their biggest hurdles. They purchased expensive data ingestion, analysis, storage, and analytics tools.

Enterprises now rely on multiple point solutions that one of the biggest hurdles is the capture and standardization of logs. Increasing regulatory and compliance pressures place more emphasis on data retention and analysis. Splintered security solutions become a data management nightmare.

Fixing issues relied on best guesses

Without visibility into this new networking model, security teams had to guess at what could go wrong. Organizations who wanted to adopt an “assume breach” model struggled to determine what kind of breach could even occur, so they threw every possible solution at the problem.

We talk to enterprises who purchase new scanning and filtering services, delivered in virtual appliances, for problems they are unsure they have. These teams attempt to remediate every possible event manually, because they lack visibility, rather than targeting specific events and adapting the security model.

How does Cloudflare One fit?

Over the last several years, we’ve been assembling the components of Cloudflare One. We launched individual products to target some of these problems one-at-a-time. We’re excited to share our vision for how they all fit together in Cloudflare One.

Flexible data planes

Cloudflare launched as a reverse proxy. Customers put their Internet-facing properties on our network and their audience connected to those specific destinations through our network. Cloudflare One represents years of launches that allow our network to process any type of traffic flowing in either the “reverse” or “forward” direction.

In 2019, we launched Cloudflare WARP — a mobile application that kept Internet-bound traffic private with an encrypted connection to our network while also making it faster and more reliable. We’re now packaging that same technology into an enterprise version launching this week to connect roaming employees to Cloudflare Gateway.

Your data centers and offices should have the same advantage. We launched Magic Transit last year to secure your networks from IP-layer attacks. Our initial focus with Magic Transit has been delivering best-in-class DDoS mitigation to on-prem networks. DDoS attacks are a persistent thorn in network operators’ sides, and Magic Transit effectively diffuses their sting without forcing performance compromises. That rock-solid DDoS mitigation is the perfect platform on which to build higher level security functions that apply to the same traffic already flowing across our network.

Earlier this year, we expanded that model when we launched Cloudflare Network Interconnect (CNI) to allow our customers to interconnect branch offices and data centers directly with Cloudflare. As part of Cloudflare One, we’ll apply outbound filtering to that same connection.

Cloudflare One should not just help your team move to the Internet as a corporate network, it should be faster than the Internet. Our network is carrier-agnostic, exceptionally well-connected and peered, and delivers the same set of services globally. In each of these on-ramps, we’re adding smarter routing based on our Argo Smart Routing technology, which has been shown to reduce latency by 30% or more in the real-world. Security + Performance, because they’re better together.

A single, unified control plane

When users connect to the Internet from branch offices and devices, they skip the firewall appliances that used to live in headquarters altogether. To keep pace, enterprises need a way to secure traffic that no longer lives entirely within their own network. Cloudflare One applies standard security controls to all traffic – regardless of how that connection starts or where in the network stack it lives.

Cloudflare Access starts by introducing identity into Cloudflare’s network. Teams apply filters based on identity and context to both inbound and outbound connections. Every login, request, and response proxies through Cloudflare’s network regardless of the location of the server or user. The scale of our network and its distribution can filter and log enterprise traffic without compromising performance.

Cloudflare Gateway keeps connections to the rest of the Internet safe. Gateway inspects traffic leaving devices and networks for threats and data loss events that hide inside of connections at the application layer. Launching soon, Gateway will bring that same level of control lower in the stack to the transport layer.

You should have the same level of control over how your networks send traffic. We’re excited to announce Magic Firewall, a next-generation firewall for all traffic leaving your offices and data centers. With Gateway and Magic Firewall, you can build a rule once and run it everywhere, or tailor rules to specific use cases in a single control plane.

We know some attacks can’t be filtered because they launch before filters can be built to stop them. Cloudflare Browser, our isolated browser technology gives your team a bulletproof pane of glass from threats that can evade known filters. Later this week, we’ll invite customers to sign up to join the beta to browse the Internet on Cloudflare’s edge without the risk of code leaping out of the browser to infect an endpoint.

Finally, the PKI infrastructure that secures your network should be modern and simpler to manage. We heard from customers who described certificate management as one of the core problems of moving to a better model of security. Cloudflare works with, not against, modern encryption standards like TLS 1.3. Cloudflare made it easy to add encryption to your sites on the Internet with one click. We’re going to bring that ease-of-management to the network functions you run on Cloudflare One.

One place to get your logs, one location for all of your security analysis

Cloudflare’s network serves 18 million HTTP requests per second on average. We’ve built logging pipelines that make it possible for some of the largest Internet properties in the world to capture and analyze their logs at scale. Cloudflare One builds on that same capability.

Cloudflare Access and Gateway capture every request, inbound or outbound, without any server-side code changes or advanced client-side configuration. Your team can export those logs to the SIEM provider of your choice with our Cloudflare Logpush service – the same pipeline that exports HTTP request events at scale for public sites. Magic Transit expands that logging capability to entire networks and offices to ensure you never lose visibility from any location.

We’re going beyond just logging events. Available today for your websites, Cloudflare Web Analytics converts logs into insights. We plan to keep expanding that visibility into how your network operates, as well. Just as Cloudflare has replaced the “band-aid boxes” that performed disparate network functions and unified them into a cohesive, adaptable edge, we intend to do the same for the fragmented, hard to use, and expensive security analytics ecosystem. More to come on this soon.Smarter, faster remediation

Data and analytics should surface events that a team can remediate. Log systems that lead to one-click fixes can be powerful tools, but we want to make that remediation automatic.

Launching into a closed preview later this week, Cloudflare Intrusion Detection System (IDS) will proactively scan your network for anomalous events and recommend actions or, better yet, take actions for you to remediate problems. We plan to bring that same proactive scanning and remediation approach to Cloudflare Access and Cloudflare Gateway.

Run your network on our globally scaled network

Over 25 million Internet properties rely on Cloudflare’s network to reach their audiences. More than 10% of all websites connect through our reverse proxy, including 16% of the Fortune 1000. Cloudflare accelerates traffic for huge chunks of the Internet by delivering services from datacenters around the world.

We deliver Cloudflare One from those same data centers. And critically, every datacenter we operate delivers the same set of services, whether that is Cloudflare Access, WARP, Magic Transit, or our WAF. As an example, when your employees connect through Cloudflare WARP to one of our data centers, there is a real chance they never have to leave our network or that data center to reach the site or data they need. As a result, their entire Internet experience becomes extraordinarily fast, no matter where they are in the world.

We expect that performance bonus to become even more meaningful as browsing moves to Cloudflare’s edge with Cloudflare Browser. The isolated browsers running in Cloudflare’s data centers can request content that sits just centimeters away. Even further, as more web properties rely on Cloudflare Workers to power their applications, entire workflows can stay inside of a data center within 100 ms of your employees.

What’s next?

While many of these features are available today, we’re going to be launching several new features over the next several days as part of Cloudflare’s Zero Trust week. Stay tuned for announcements each day this week that add new pieces to the Cloudflare One featureset.

What is Cloudflare One?

Know When You’ve Been DDoS’d

Post Syndicated from Omer Yoachimik original https://blog.cloudflare.com/announcing-ddos-alerts/

Know When You’ve Been DDoS’d

Know When You’ve Been DDoS’d

Today we’re announcing the availability of DDoS attack alerts. The alerts are available for free for all Cloudflare’s customers on paid plans.

Unmetered DDoS protection

Last week we celebrated Cloudflare’s 10th birthday in what we call Birthday Week. Every year, on each day of Birthday Week, we announce a new product with the goal of helping make the Internet a better place — one that is safer and faster. To do that, over the years we’ve democratized many products that were previously only available to large enterprises by making them available for free (or at very low cost) to all. For example, on Cloudflare’s 7th birthday in 2017, we announced free unmetered DDoS protection as part of every Cloudflare product and every plan, including the free plan.

DDoS attacks aim to take down websites or online services and make them unavailable to the public. We wanted to make sure that every organization and every website is available and accessible, regardless if they can or can’t afford enterprise-grade DDoS protection. This has been a core part of our mission. We’ve been heavily investing in our DDoS protection capabilities over the last 10 years, and we will continue to do so in the future.

Real-time DDoS attack alerts

I’ve recently published a few blogs that provide a look under the hood of our DDoS protection systems. These systems run autonomously, they detect and mitigate attacks without any human intervention. As was the case with the 654 Gbps attack in July, and the 754 Mpps attack in June. We’ve been successful at blocking DDoS attacks and also providing our users with important analytics and insights about the attacks, but our customers also want to be notified in real-time when they are targeted by DDoS attacks.

So today, we’re excited to announce the availability of DDoS alerts. The current delivery methods by Cloudflare plan type are listed in the table below. Additional delivery methods will be made available in the future.

Delivery methods by plan

Delivery method Plan
Free Pro Business Enterprise

There are two types of DDoS alerts: HTTP DDoS alerts and L3/4 DDoS alerts. Whether you are eligible to one or both depends on the Cloudflare services that you are subscribed to. The table below lists the alert types by the Cloudflare service.

Alert types by service

Alert type Service
WAF/CDN Spectrum Spectrum BYOIP Magic Transit
HTTP DDoS alerts
L3/4 DDoS alerts Coming soon Coming soon

Creating a DDoS alert policy

In order to receive alerts on DDoS attacks that target your Cloudflare-protected Internet property, you must first create a notification policy. That’s fast and easy:

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare account dashboard: https://dash.cloudflare.com
  2. In the Account Home page, navigate to the Notifications tab
  3. In the Notifications card, click Create
  4. Give your notification a name, add an optional description, and the email addresses of the recipients.
Know When You’ve Been DDoS’d

If you are on the Business plan or higher, you’ll need to connect to PagerDuty before creating the alert policy. Once you’ve done so, you’ll have the option to send the alert to your PagerDuty service.

Receive the alert, view the attack, and give feedback

When developing and designing the alert template, we interviewed many of our customers to understand what information is important to them, what would make the alert useful and easy to understand. We’ve intentionally made the alert short. The email subject is also straightforward: DDoS Attack Detected, and it will only be sent from our official email address: [email protected][dot]com. Add this email to your list of trusted email addresses to assure you don’t miss the alerts.

The alert includes the following information:

  1. A short description of what happened
  2. The date and time the attack was initially detected and mitigated by our systems
  3. The attack type
  4. The max rate of the attack when the alert was triggered
  5. The attack target

The attack may be ongoing when you receive the alert and so we also include a link to view the attack in the Cloudflare dashboard and also a link to provide feedback on the protection and visibility.

Know When You’ve Been DDoS’d

We’d love to get your feedback!

We’d love your feedback on our DDoS protection solution. When you receive a DDoS alert, you’ll be provided with a link to submit your feedback. Measuring user satisfaction helps us build better products. Your feedback helps us measure user satisfaction for Cloudflare’s DDoS protection and the attack analytics that we provide in the dashboard. User satisfaction rates are one of the main Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for our DDoS protection service that we monitor closely. So give your feedback, and help us make DDoS protection better for everyone.

Not a Cloudflare customer yet? Sign up to get started.

Birthday week: Cloudflare turns 10

Post Syndicated from James Allworth original https://blog.cloudflare.com/birthday-week-cloudflare-turns-10/

Birthday week: Cloudflare turns 10

Birthday week: Cloudflare turns 10

2020 marks a major milestone for Cloudflare: it’s our 10th birthday.

We’ve always used birthdays as an opportunity to give back to the Internet. But this year — a year in which the Internet has been so central to giving us all some degree of connectedness and normalcy — it feels like giving back to the Internet has been more important than ever.

And while we couldn’t celebrate in person, we were humbled by some of the incredible minds that joined us online to talk about how the Internet has changed over the last ten years — and what we might see over the next ten.

With that, let’s recap the key announcements from Birthday Week 2020.

Day 1, Monday: Workers

During Birthday Week in 2017, Cloudflare announced Workers — a serverless platform that represented a completely new way to build applications: by writing your code directly onto our network edge. On Monday of this year’s Birthday Week, we announced Durable Objects and Cron Triggers — both of which continue to expand the use cases that Workers can address.

Many folks associate the serverless paradigm with functions as a service — which, at its core, is stateless. Workers KV started down the path of changing this, providing high availability storage on the edge. However, there are use cases where consistency (a client making a request to a database will get the same view of data) is more important than availability (a client making a request to a database requests always receives a response). Say you want to sell tickets to a concert — you don’t want to allow two people to be able to purchase the same ticket.  With a traditional application, with a database running in one location, that’s relatively easy to ensure. But with Workers running in Cloudflare’s data centers all over the world, ensuring consistency is a little bit more challenging. Workers Durable Objects solves for this for developers: giving them access to high consistency storage when they’re building on the Workers platform.

Similarly, triggering Workers has historically needed a user to do something,  A user visiting a URL, for example. But developers have use cases when they want a Worker to run, independent of a user doing something right now. Syncing for example. Batch jobs. Or perhaps doing something 24 hours after a user has done something. And this is where Cron Triggers come in — now, for developers on the Workers platform, there’s no more need to rely on an eyeball to get things rolling.  

Day 2, Tuesday: Analytics

There are a lot of website analytics products out there on the market. Many of those products are, not surprisingly, very good.

But the way they’ve been implemented often leaves a lot to be desired. Most of them operate by tracking individual users, using client-side state like cookies or localStorage — or even fingerprints. This is increasingly a problem. There’s the principle of it: we don’t want to be tracked individually — why would we want visitors to our web properties to feel tracked either? Beyond that though, because so many people are feeling uncomfortable with how they’re being tracked around the web, they’re simply blocking a lot of these analytics products. As a result, all these analytics products are increasingly becoming less accurate.

On Tuesday, we announced a new Web Analytics product that allows you to get the best of both worlds — detailed and accurate analytics, without compromising on the privacy of your users. We don’t use any client-side state, like cookies or localStorage, for the purposes of tracking users. And we don’t “fingerprint” individuals via their IP address, User Agent string, or any other data for the purpose of displaying analytics (we consider fingerprinting even more intrusive than cookies, because users have no way to opt out). Because Cloudflare’s business has never been built around tracking users or selling advertising, we don’t do it. Just the metrics, ma’am.

That wasn’t all on Tuesday, though. Another crucial aspect of owning a web property is website performance. Not only does it impact user experience, Google uses a blended measure of performance to inform site ranking in their search results. Google’s Chrome team has been doing some great work on metricizing site performance, and that’s culminated in Web Vitals. We’ve worked with the Chrome team to integrate Web Vitals in our Browser Insights product. You’ve always gotten edge-side performance analytics from Cloudflare, but now, you’re not just seeing the server side view of your web performance: it’s blended with how your users perceive performance, too. We take all that data and present it in a pragmatic way to help you figure out what you need to do to optimize the performance of your site.

Day 3, Wednesday: Cloudflare Radar and Speeding up HTTPS/HTTP3

As of today, Cloudflare sits in front of 14.5% of the world’s top 10 million websites. The privilege of getting to serve so many different customers means we get visibility into a lot of things on the web. Wednesday of birthday week was about us taking advantage of that for everyone who is out on the web today.

If you think about the traffic flowing through a city at any given time, it’s like a living, breathing creature. It ebbs and flows; it has rhythms that follow the sun and moon. Unusual events can cause traffic jams; as can accidents. Many cities have traffic reporting services for exactly this reason; knowing what’s going on can help immensely those that need to navigate the city streets. The web is like a global version of this, and given the role that the Internet now plays for humanity, understanding what’s going on probably equals in importance to all those city traffic reports all around the world.

And yet, when you want to get the equivalent of that traffic report, where do you go?

Cloudflare Radar is our answer to that question. Each second, Cloudflare handles on average 18 million HTTP requests and 6 million DNS requests. We block 72 billion cyberthreats every day. Add to that 1 billion unique IP addresses connecting to Cloudflare’s network, we have one of the most representative views on Internet traffic worldwide. Before Radar, all this activity, good and bad, was only available internally at Cloudflare: we used it to help improve our service and protect our customers. With the release of Radar, however, we’re exposing it externally: shining a light on the Internet’s patterns for the world to see.

On the subject of spotting interesting patterns. Back in late June, our team noticed a weird spike in DNS requests for the 65479 Resource Record. It turns out, these spikes were a part of Apple’s iOS14 beta release — Apple were testing out a new SVCB/HTTPS record type. The aim: to patch a limitation that’s been inherent in the HTTPS and HTTP3 protocol. When a user types in a URL without specifying the protocol (e.g. HTTPS), the initial negotiation happens in plaintext because browsers will start with HTTP. Only once it’s established that an HTTPS or HTTP3 resource exists will the browser transition over to that. The problem here is twofold: latency, and also security.

But you know what happens before any HTTP negotiation can happen? A DNS request. And that’s what Apple had implemented that created this interesting pattern: the DNS request was effectively asking whether the site supported HTTPS, or HTTP3. As of Wednesday during birthday week, Cloudflare’s DNS servers will now automatically generate HTTPS records on the fly to advertise whether a particular zone supports HTTP/3 and/or HTTP/2, based on whether those features are enabled on the zone. The result: better performance, and improved security. Who says you need to pick just one?

Day 4, Thursday: API day

Nobody has ever doubted the importance of user interfaces. Finding ways for humans and computers to engage each other has been an area of focus since the very first computers were invented. But as the web has grown, data has become the new oil, and applications have proliferated, there’s another interface that has grown in importance: the interface between different types of applications. Day 4 of Birthday Week was all about APIs.

The first announcement was beta support for gRPC: a new type of protocol that’s intended for building APIs at scale. Most REST APIs use HTTPS and JSON to communicate values. The problem with these is that they’re really designed for that other type of interface mentioned above: for humans to talk to computers. The upside is it makes things human readable; the downside is they’re really inefficient, and as the use of APIs only continues to explode this inefficiency proliferates. The gRPC protocol is an answer to this: it’s an efficient protocol for computers to talk to each other. But up until now, that also came at a price: because gRPC uses newer technology (like HTTP/2) under the covers, existing security and performance tools did not support gRPC traffic out of the box. This meant that customers adopting gRPC to power their APIs had to pick between modernity on one hand, and things like security, performance, and reliability on the other.

Cloudflare’s announcement of support of gPRC fixes this trade-off: when you put your gPRC APIs on Cloudflare, you get all the traditional benefits of Cloudflare along with it. Apprehensive of exposing your APIs to bad actors? Need more performance? Turn on Argo Smart Routing to decrease time to first byte. Increase reliability by adding a Load Balancer. Or add security features such as Bot Management and the WAF.

Speaking of the WAF. If you think about the way our WAF works, it secures web application from attacks by looking for attack patterns — say, bot patterns that try to imitate human patterns, or abuse of how a browser interacts with a site; in both instances, the attack is intended to break something. But because what computers need to talk to each other is different from what computers need to talk to humans, the attack vectors are different. Therefore protecting APIs isn’t quite the same as protecting websites.

API Shield is purpose-built for just this. It makes it simple to secure APIs through the use of strong client certificate-based authentication, and strict schema-based validation. On the authentication side, API shield uses mutual TLS — which is not vulnerable to the reuse or sharing of passwords or tokens. And once developers can be sure that only legitimate clients (with SSL certificates in hand) are connecting to their APIs, the next step in API Shield is making sure that those clients are making valid requests. It works by matching the contents of API requests—the query parameters that come after the URL and contents of the POST body—against a contract or “schema” that contains the rules for what is expected. If validation fails, the API call is blocked protecting the origin from an invalid request or a malicious payload.

And, as you’d expect from Cloudflare, gRPC and API Shield support each other out of the box.

Day 5, Friday: Automatic Platform Optimization (starting with WordPress)

The idea of caching static assets is not new, and it’s something Cloudflare has supported from its inception. It works wonders in speeding up websites: particularly if your origin is slow and/or your user is far from the origin server, then all your performance metrics will be affected. Caching also also has the added benefit of reducing load on origin servers.

However, things get a little more tricky when it comes to dynamic assets: if the asset could change, shouldn’t you go back to the origin just to make sure? For this reason, by default, Cloudflare doesn’t cache HTML content: there’s a chance it’s going to change for each user. The reality is though, most HTML isn’t really dynamic. It needs to be able to change relatively quickly when the site is updated but for a huge portion of the web, the content is static for months or years at a time. There are special cases like when a user is logged-in (as the admin or otherwise) where the content needs to differ but the vast majority of visits are of anonymous users.

Automatic Platform Optimization, which was announced on Friday, brings more intelligence to this — allowing us to figure out when we should be caching HTML, and when we shouldn’t. The advantage of this is it moves more content closer to the user, and it does it automagically — there’s no configuration required. The benefits aren’t trivial: a 72% reduction in Time to First Byte (TTFB), 23% reduction to First Contentful Paint, and 13% reduction in Speed Index for desktop users at the 90th percentile. We’re starting off with support for WordPress — 38% of all websites, but the plan is to expand this to other platforms in the near future.

All day, every day: Cloudflare TV

Ten years is a long time. The milestone for Cloudflare seemed to be the perfect opportunity to look back over the last ten years of the Internet — what’s changed, what’s surprised us? And more than that: what’s coming over the next ten years?

To look back and then peer out into the future, we were humbled to be joined by some of the most celebrated names in tech and beyond. Among the highlights: Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Zoom CEO Eric Yuan, OpenTable CEO Debby Soo, Stripe co-founder and President John Collison, Former CEO & Executive Chairman of Google and Co-Founder of Schmidt Futures Eric Schmidt, former McAfee CEO Chris Young, former Seal Team 6 Commander Dave Cooper, Project Include CEO Ellen Pao, and so many more. All told, it was  24 hours of live discussions over the course of the week.

And with that, it’s a wrap! To everyone who has been a part of the Cloudflare journey over the past 10 years: our customers, folks on the team, friends and supporters, and our partners all around the world: thank you. It’s been an incredible ride.

And, as our co-founder Michelle likes to say, we’re just getting started.

Introducing support for the AVIF image format

Post Syndicated from Kornel Lesiński original https://blog.cloudflare.com/generate-avif-images-with-image-resizing/

Introducing support for the AVIF image format

Introducing support for the AVIF image format

We’ve added support for the new AVIF image format in Image Resizing. It compresses images significantly better than older-generation formats such as WebP and JPEG. It’s supported in Chrome desktop today, and support is coming to other Chromium-based browsers, as well as Firefox.

What’s the benefit?

More than a half of an average website’s bandwidth is spent on images. Improved image compression can save bandwidth and improve overall performance of the web. The compression in AVIF is so good that images can reduce to half the size of JPEG and WebP

What is AVIF?

AVIF is a combination of the HEIF ISO standard, and a royalty-free AV1 codec by Mozilla, Xiph, Google, Cisco, and many others.

Currently JPEG is the most popular image format on the Web. It’s doing remarkably well for its age, and it will likely remain popular for years to come thanks to its excellent compatibility. There have been many previous attempts at replacing JPEG, such as JPEG 2000, JPEG XR and WebP. However, these formats offered only modest compression improvements, and didn’t always beat JPEG on image quality. Compression and image quality in AVIF is better than in all of them, and by a wide margin.

Introducing support for the AVIF image format Introducing support for the AVIF image format Introducing support for the AVIF image format
JPEG (17KB) WebP (17KB) AVIF (17KB)

Why a new image format?

One of the big things AVIF does is it fixes WebP’s biggest flaws. WebP is over 10 years old, and AVIF is a major upgrade over the WebP format. These two formats are technically related: they’re both based on a video codec from the VPx family. WebP uses the old VP8 version, while AVIF is based on AV1, which is the next generation after VP10.

WebP is limited to 8-bit color depth, and in its best-compressing mode of operation, it can only store color at half of the image’s resolution (known as chroma subsampling). This causes edges of saturated colors to be smudged or pixelated in WebP. AVIF supports 10- and 12-bit color at full resolution, and high dynamic range (HDR).

Introducing support for the AVIF image format JPEG
Introducing support for the AVIF image format WebP
Introducing support for the AVIF image format WebP (sharp YUV option)
Introducing support for the AVIF image format AVIF

AV1 also uses a new compression technique: chroma-from-luma. Most image formats store brightness separately from color hue. AVIF uses the brightness channel to guess what the color channel may look like. They are usually correlated, so a good guess gives smaller file sizes and sharper edges.

Adoption of AV1 and AVIF

VP8 and WebP suffered from reluctant industry adoption. Safari only added WebP support very recently, 10 years after Chrome.

Chrome 85 supports AVIF already. It’s a work in progress in other Chromium-based browsers, and Firefox. Apple hasn’t announced whether Safari will support AVIF. However, this time Apple is one of the companies in the Alliance for Open Media, creators of AVIF. The AV1 codec is already seeing faster adoption than the previous royalty-free codecs. Latest GPUs from Nvidia, AMD, and Intel already have hardware decoding support for AV1.

AVIF uses the same HEIF container as the HEIC format used in iOS’s camera. AVIF and HEIC offer similar compression performance. The difference is that HEIC is based on a commercial, patent-encumbered H.265 format. In countries that allow software patents, H.265 is illegal to use without obtaining patent licenses. It’s covered by thousands of patents, owned by hundreds of companies, which have fragmented into two competing licensing organizations. Costs and complexity of patent licensing used to be acceptable when videos were published by big studios, and the cost could be passed on to the customer in the price of physical discs and hardware players. Nowadays, when video is mostly consumed via free browsers and apps, the old licensing model has become unsustainable. This has created a huge incentive for Web giants like Google, Netflix, and Amazon to get behind the royalty-free alternative. AV1 is free to use by anyone, and the alliance of tech giants behind it will defend it from patent troll’s lawsuits.

Non-standard image formats usually can only be created using their vendor’s own implementation. AVIF and AV1 are already ahead with multiple independent implementations: libaom, Intel SVT-AV1, libgav1, dav1d, and rav1e. This is a sign of a healthy adoption and a prerequisite to be a Web standard. Our Image Resizing is implemented in Rust, so we’ve chosen the rav1e encoder to create a pure-Rust implementation of AVIF.


AVIF is a feature-rich format. Most of its features are for smartphone cameras, such as “live” photos, depth maps, bursts, HDR, and lossless editing. Browsers will support only a fraction of these features. In our implementation in Image Resizing we’re supporting only still standard-range images.

Two biggest problems in AVIF are encoding speed and lack of progressive rendering.

AVIF images don’t show anything on screen until they’re fully downloaded. In contrast, a progressive JPEG can display a lower-quality approximation of the image very quickly, while it’s still loading. When progressive JPEGs are delivered well, they make websites appear to load much faster. Progressive JPEG can look loaded at half of its file size. AVIF can fully load at half of JPEG’s size, so it somewhat overcomes the lack of progressive rendering with the sheer compression advantage. In this case only WebP is left behind, which has neither progressive rendering nor strong compression.

Decoding AVIF images for display takes relatively more CPU power than other codecs, but it should be fast enough in practice. Even low-end Android devices can play AV1 videos in full HD without help of hardware acceleration, and AVIF images are just a single frame of an AV1 video. However, encoding of AVIF images is much slower. It may take even a few seconds to create a single image. AVIF supports tiling, which accelerates encoding on multi-core CPUs. We have lots of CPU cores, so we take advantage of this to make encoding faster. Image Resizing doesn’t use the maximum compression level possible in AVIF to further increase compression speed. Resized images are cached, so the encoding speed is noticeable only on a cache miss.

We will be adding AVIF support to Polish as well. Polish converts images asynchronously in the background, which completely hides the encoding latency, and it will be able to compress AVIF images better than Image Resizing.

Note about benchmarking

It’s surprisingly difficult to fairly and accurately judge which lossy codec is better. Lossy codecs are specifically designed to mainly compress image details that are too subtle for the naked eye to see, so “looks almost the same, but the file size is smaller!” is a common feature of all lossy codecs, and not specific enough to draw conclusions about their performance.

Lossy codecs can’t be compared by comparing just file sizes. Lossy codecs can easily make files of any size. Their effectiveness is in the ratio between file size and visual quality they can achieve.

The best way to compare codecs is to make each compress an image to the exact same file size, and then to compare the actual visual quality they’ve achieved. If the file sizes differ, any judgement may be unfair, because the codec that generated the larger file may have done so only because it was asked to preserve more details, not because it can’t compress better.

How and when to enable AVIF today?

We recommend AVIF for websites that need to deliver high-quality images with as little bandwidth as possible. This is important for users of slow networks and in countries where the bandwidth is expensive.

Browsers that support the AVIF format announce it by adding image/avif to their Accept request header. To request the AVIF format from Image Resizing, set the format option to avif.

The best method to detect and enable support for AVIF is to use image resizing in Workers:

addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  const imageURL = "https://jpeg.speedcf.com/cat/4.jpg";

  const resizingOptions = {
    // You can set any options here, see:
    // https://developers.cloudflare.com/images/worker
    width: 800,
    sharpen: 1.0,

  const accept = event.request.headers.get("accept");
  const isAVIFSupported = /image\/avif/.test(accept);
  if (isAVIFSupported) {
    resizingOptions.format = "avif";
  event.respondWith(fetch(imageURL), {cf:{image: resizingOptions}})

The above script will auto-detect the supported format, and serve AVIF automatically. Alternatively, you can use URL-based resizing together with the <picture> element:

    <source type="image/avif" 
    <img src="/image.jpg">

This uses our /cdn-cgi/image/… endpoint to perform the conversion, and the alternative source will be picked only by browsers that support the AVIF format.

We have the format=auto option, but it won’t choose AVIF yet. We’re cautious, and we’d like to test the new format more before enabling it by default.

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original https://blog.cloudflare.com/automatic-platform-optimizations-starting-with-wordpress/

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress

Today, we are announcing a new service to serve more than just the static content of your website with the Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) service. With this launch, we are supporting WordPress, the most popular website hosting solution serving 38% of all websites. Our testing, as detailed below, showed a 72% reduction in Time to First Byte (TTFB), 23% reduction to First Contentful Paint, and 13% reduction in Speed Index for desktop users at the 90th percentile, by serving nearly all of your website’s content from Cloudflare’s network. This means visitors to your website see not only the first content sooner but all content more quickly.

With Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress, your customers won’t suffer any slowness caused by common issues like shared hosting congestion, slow database lookups, or misbehaving plugins. This service is now available for anyone using WordPress. It costs $5/month for customers on our Free plan and is included, at no additional cost, in our Professional, Business, and Enterprise plans. No usage fees, no surprises, just speed.

How to get started

The easiest way to get started with APO is from your WordPress admin console.

1. First, install the Cloudflare WordPress plugin on your WordPress website or update to the latest version (3.8.2 or higher).
2. Authenticate the plugin (steps here) to talk to Cloudflare if you have not already done that.
3. From the Home screen of the Cloudflare section, turn on Automatic Platform Optimization.

Free customers will first be directed to the Cloudflare Dashboard to purchase the service.

Why We Built This

At Cloudflare, we jump at the opportunity to make hard problems for our customers disappear with the click of a button. Running a consistently fast website is challenging. Many businesses don’t have the time nor money to spend on complicated and expensive performance solutions for their site. Even if they do, it can be extremely costly to pay for specialized attention to ensure you get the best performance possible. Having a fast website doesn’t have to be complicated, though. The closer your content is to your customers, the better your site will perform. Static content caching does this for files like images, CSS and JavaScript, but that is only part of the equation. Dynamic content is still fetched from the origin incurring costly round trips and additional processing time. For more info on dynamic versus static content, see our learning center.

WordPress is one of the most open platforms in the world, but that means you are always at risk of incurring performance penalties because of plugins or other sources that, while necessary, may be hard to pinpoint and resolve. With the Automatic Platform Optimization service, we put your website into our network that is within 10 milliseconds of 99% of the Internet-connected population in the developed world, all without having to change your existing hosting provider. This means that for most requests your customers won’t even need to go to your origin, reducing many costly round trips and server processing time. These optimizations run on our edge network, so they also will not impact render or interactivity since no additional JavaScript is run on the client.

How We Measure Web Performance

Evaluating performance of a website is difficult. There are many different metrics you can track and it is not always obvious which metrics most meaningfully represent a user’s experience. As discussed when we blogged about our new Speed page, we aim to simplify this for customers by automating tests using the infrastructure of webpagetest.org, and summarizing both the results visually and numerically in one place.

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress

The visualization gives you a clear idea of what customers are going to see when they come to your site, and the Critical Loading Times provide the most important metrics to judge your performance. On top of seeing your site’s performance, we provide a list of recommendations for ways to even further increase your performance. If you are using WordPress, then we will test your site with Automatic Platform Optimizations to estimate the benefit you will get with the service.

The Benefits of Automatic Platform Optimization

We tested APO on over 500 Cloudflare customer websites that run on WordPress to understand what the performance improvements would be. The results speak for themselves:

Test Results

Metric Percentiles Baseline Cloudflare APO Enabled Improvement (%)
Time to First Byte (TTFB) 90th 1252 ms 351 ms 71.96%
10th 254 ms 261 ms -2.76%
First Contentful Paint
90th 2655 ms 2056 ms 22.55%
10th 894 ms 783 ms 12.46%
Speed Index
90th 6428 5586 13.11%
10th 1301 1242 4.52%

Note: Results are based on test results of 505 randomly selected websites that are cached by Cloudflare. Tests were run using WebPageTest from South Carolina, USA and the following environment: Chrome, Cable connection speed.

Most importantly, with APO, a site’s TTFB is made both fast and consistent. Because we now serve the html from Cloudflare’s edge with 0 origin processing time, getting the first byte to the eyeball is consistently fast. Under heavy load, a WordPress origin can suffer delays in building the html and returning it to visitors. APO removes the variance due to load resulting in consistent TTFB <400 ms.

Additionally, between faster TTFB and additional caching of third party fonts, we see performance improvements in both FCP and SI for both the fastest and slowest of the sites we tested. Some of this comes naturally from reducing the TTFB, since every millisecond you shave off of TTFB is a potential millisecond gain for other metrics. Caching additional third party fonts allows us to reduce the time it takes to fetch that content. Given fonts can often block paints due to text rendering, this improves the rate at which the page paints, and improves the Speed Index.

We asked the folks at Kinsta to try out APO, given their expertise in WordPress, and tell us what they think. Brian Li, a Website Content Manager at Kinsta, ran a set of tests from around the world on a website hosted in Tokyo. I’ll let him explain what they did and the results:

At Kinsta, WordPress performance is something that’s near and dear to our hearts. So, when Cloudflare reached out about testing their new Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) service for WordPress, we were all ears.
This is what we did to test out the new service:

  1. We set up a test site in Tokyo, Japan – one of the 24 high-performance data center locations available for Kinsta customers.
  2. We ran several speed tests from six different locations around the world with and without Cloudflare’s APO.

The results were incredible!
By caching static HTML on Cloudflare’s edge network, we saw a 70-300% performance increase. As expected, the testing locations furthest away from Tokyo saw the biggest reduction in load time.
If your WordPress site uses a traditional CDN that only caches CSS, JS, and images, upgrading to Cloudflare’s WordPress APO is a no-brainer and will help you stay competitive with modern Jamstack and static sites that live on the edge by default.

Brian’s test results are summarized in this image:

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress
Page Load Speeds for loading a website hosted in Tokyo from 6 locations worldwide – comparing Kinsta, Kinsta with KeyCDN, and Kinsta with Cloudflare APO.

One of the clear benefits, from Kinsta’s testing of APO, is the consistency of performance for serving your site no matter where your visitors are in the world. The consistent sub-second performance shown with APO versus two or three second load times in other setups makes it clear that if you have a global customer base, APO delivers an improved experience for all visitors.

How Automatic Platform Optimization Works

Automatic Platform Optimization is the result of being able to use the power of Cloudflare Workers to intelligently cache dynamic content. By caching dynamic content, we can serve the entire website from our edge network. Think ‘static site’ but without any of the work of having to build or maintain a static site. Customers can keep managing and updating content on their website in the same way and leave the hard work for performance to us. Serving both static and dynamic content from our network results, generally, in no origin requests or origin processing time. This means all the communication occurs between the user’s device and our edge. Reducing the multitude of round trips typically required from our edge to the origin for dynamic content is what makes this service so effective. Let’s first see what it normally looks like to load a WordPress site for a visitor.

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress
A sequence diagram for a typical user visiting a site‌‌

In a regular request flow, Cloudflare is able to cache some of the content like images, CSS, or JS, while other requests go to either the origin or a third party service in order to fetch the content. Most importantly the first request to fetch the HTML for the site needs to go to the origin which is a typical cause of long TTFB, since no other requests get made until the client can receive the HTML and parse it to make subsequent requests.

Introducing Automatic Platform Optimization, starting with WordPress
The same site visit but with APO enabled.

Once APO is enabled, all those trips to the origin are removed. TTFB benefits greatly because the first hop starts and ends at Cloudflare’s network. This also means the browser starts working on fetching and painting the webpage sooner meaning each paint event occurs earlier. Last by caching third party fonts, we remove additional requests that would need to leave Cloudflare’s network and extend the time to display text to the user. Often, websites use fonts hosted on third-party domains. While this saves bandwidth costs that would be incurred from hosting it on the origin, depending on where those fonts are hosted, it can still be a costly operation to fetch them. By rehosting the fonts and serving them from our cache, we can reduce one of the remaining costly round trips.

With APO for WordPress, you can say bye bye to database congestion or unwieldy plugins slowing down your customers’ experience. These benefits are stacked on top of our already fast TLS connection times and industry leading protocol support like HTTP/2 that ensure we are using the most efficient and the fastest way to connect and deliver your website to your customers.

For customers with WordPress sites that support authenticated sessions, you do not have to worry about us caching content from authenticated users and serving it to others. We bypass the cache on standard WordPress and WooCommerce cookies for authenticated users. This ensures customized content for a specific user is only visible to that user. While this has been available to customers with our Business-level service, it is now available for any WordPress customer that enables APO.

You might be wondering: “This all sounds great, but what about when I change content on my site?” Because this service works in tandem with our WordPress plugin, we are able to understand when you make changes and ensure we quickly purge the content in Cloudflare’s edge and refresh it with the new content. With the plugin installed, we detect content changes and update our edge network worldwide with automatic cache purges. As part of this release, we have updated our WordPress plugin, so whether or not you use APO, you should upgrade to the latest version today. If you do not or cannot use our WordPress plugin, then APO will still provide the same performance benefits, but may serve stale content for up to 30 minutes and when the content is requested again.

This service was built on the prototype work originally blogged about here and here. For a more in depth look at the technical side of the service and how Cloudflare Workers allowed us to build the Automatic Platform Optimization service, see the accompanying blog post.

WordPress Today, Other Platforms Coming Soon

While today’s announcement is focused on supporting WordPress, this is just the start. We plan to bring these same capabilities to other popular platforms used for web hosting. If you operate a platform and are interested in how we may be able to work together to improve things for all your customers, please get in touch. If you are running a website, let us know what platform you want to see us bring Automatic Platform Optimization to next.

Introducing API Shield

Post Syndicated from Patrick R. Donahue original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-api-shield/

Introducing API Shield

APIs are the lifeblood of modern Internet-connected applications. Every millisecond they carry requests from mobile applications—place this food delivery order, “like” this picture—and directions to IoT devices—unlock the car door, start the wash cycle, my human just finished a 5k run—among countless other calls.

They’re also the target of widespread attacks designed to perform unauthorized actions or exfiltrate data, as data from Gartner increasingly shows: “by 2021, 90% of web-enabled applications will have more surface area for attack in the form of exposed APIs rather than the UI, up from 40% in 2019, and “Gartner predicted that, by 2022, API abuses will move from an infrequent to the most-frequent attack vector, resulting in data breaches for enterprise web applications”. Of the 18 million requests per second that traverse Cloudflare’s network, 50% are directed towards APIs—with the majority of these requests blocked as malicious.

To combat these threats, Cloudflare is making it simple to secure APIs through the use of strong client certificate-based identity and strict schema-based validation. As of today, these capabilities are available free for all plans within our new “API Shield” offering. And as of today, the security benefits also extend to gRPC-based APIs, which use binary formats such as protocol buffers rather than JSON, and have been growing in popularity with our customer base.

Introducing API Shield

Continue reading to learn more about the new capabilities, or jump right to the “Demonstration” paragraph for examples of how to get started configuring your first API Shield rule.

Positive security models and client certificates

A “positive security” model is one that allows only known behavior and identities, while rejecting everything else. It is the opposite of the traditional “negative security” model enforced by a Web Application Firewall (WAF) that allows everything except for requests coming from problematic IPs, ASNs, countries or requests with problematic signatures (SQL injection attempts, etc.).

Implementing a positive security model for APIs is the most direct way to eliminate the noise of credential stuffing attacks and other automated scanning tools. And the first step towards a positive model is deploying strong authentication such as mutual TLS authentication, which is not vulnerable to the reuse or sharing of passwords.

Just as we simplified the issuance of server certificates back in 2014 with Universal SSL, API Shield reduces the process of issuing client certificates to clicking a few buttons in the Cloudflare Dashboard. By providing a fully hosted private public key infrastructure (PKI), you can focus on your applications and features—rather than operating and securing your own certificate authority (CA).

Introducing API Shield

Enforcing valid requests with schema validation

Once developers can be sure that only legitimate clients (with SSL certificates in hand) are connecting to their APIs, the next step in implementing a positive security model is making sure that those clients are making valid requests. Extracting a client certificate from a device and reusing elsewhere is difficult, but not impossible, so it’s also important to make sure that the API is being called as intended.

Requests containing extraneous input may not have been anticipated by the API developer, and can cause problems if processed directly by the application, so these should be dropped at the edge if possible. API Schema validation works by matching the contents of API requests—the query parameters that come after the URL and contents of the POST body—against a contract or “schema” that contains the rules for what is expected. If validation fails, the API call is blocked protecting the origin from an invalid request or a malicious payload.

Schema validation is currently in closed beta for JSON payloads, with gRPC/protocol buffer support on the roadmap. If you would like to join the beta please open a support ticket with the subject “API Schema Validation Beta”. After the beta has ended, we plan to make schema validation available as part of the API Shield user interface.

Introducing API Shield


To demonstrate how the APIs powering IoT devices and mobile applications can be secured, we have built an API Shield demonstration using client certificates and schema validation.

Temperatures are captured by an IoT device, represented in the demo by a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ with an external infrared temperature sensor, and then transmitted via a POST request to a Cloudflare-protected API. Temperatures are subsequently retrieved by GET requests and then displayed in a mobile application built in Swift for iOS.

In both cases, the API was actually built using Cloudflare Workers® and Workers KV, but can be replaced by any Internet-accessible endpoint.

1. API Configuration

Before configuring the IoT device and mobile application to communicate securely with the API, we need to bootstrap the API endpoints. To keep the example simple, while also allowing for additional customization, we’ve implemented the API as a Cloudflare Worker (borrowing code from the To-Do List tutorial).

In this particular example the temperatures are stored in Workers KV using the source IP address as a key, but this could easily be replaced by a value from the client certificate, e.g., the fingerprint. The code below saves a temperature and timestamp into KV when a POST is made, and returns the most recent 5 temperatures when a GET request is made.

const defaultData = { temperatures: [] }

const getCache = key => TEMPERATURES.get(key)
const setCache = (key, data) => TEMPERATURES.put(key, data)

async function addTemperature(request) {

    // pull previously recorded temperatures for this client
    const ip = request.headers.get('CF-Connecting-IP')
    const cacheKey = `data-${ip}`
    let data
    const cache = await getCache(cacheKey)
    if (!cache) {
        await setCache(cacheKey, JSON.stringify(defaultData))
        data = defaultData
    } else {
        data = JSON.parse(cache)

    // append the recorded temperatures with the submitted reading (assuming it has both temperature and a timestamp)
    try {
        const body = await request.text()
        const val = JSON.parse(body)

        if (val.temperature && val.time) {
            await setCache(cacheKey, JSON.stringify(data))
            return new Response("", { status: 201 })
        } else {
            return new Response("Unable to parse temperature and/or timestamp from JSON POST body", { status: 400 })
    } catch (err) {
        return new Response(err, { status: 500 })

function compareTimestamps(a,b) {
    return -1 * (Date.parse(a.time) - Date.parse(b.time))

// return the 5 most recent temperature measurements
async function getTemperatures(request) {
    const ip = request.headers.get('CF-Connecting-IP')
    const cacheKey = `data-${ip}`

    const cache = await getCache(cacheKey)
    if (!cache) {
        return new Response(JSON.stringify(defaultData), { status: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } })
    } else {
        data = JSON.parse(cache)
        const retval = JSON.stringify(data.temperatures.sort(compareTimestamps).splice(0,5))
        return new Response(retval, { status: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } })

async function handleRequest(request) {

    if (request.method === 'POST') {
        return addTemperature(request)
    } else {
        return getTemperatures(request)


addEventListener('fetch', event => {

Before adding mutual TLS authentication, we’ll test POST’ing a random temperature reading:

$ TEMPERATURE=$(echo $((361 + RANDOM %11)) | awk '{printf("%.2f",$1/10.0)}')
$ TIMESTAMP=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")


$ curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"temperature":'''$TEMPERATURE''', "time": "'''$TIMESTAMP'''"}' https://shield.upinatoms.com/temps 2>&1 | grep "< HTTP/2"
< HTTP/2 201 

And here’s a subsequent read of that temperature, along with the previous 4 that were submitted:

$ curl -s https://shield.upinatoms.com/temps | jq .
    "temperature": 36.3,
    "time": "2020-09-28T02:57:49Z"
    "temperature": 36.7,
    "time": "2020-09-28T02:54:56Z"
    "temperature": 36.2,
    "time": "2020-09-28T02:33:08Z"
    "temperature": 36.5,
    "time": "2020-09-28T02:29:22Z"
    "temperature": 36.9,
    "time": "2020-09-28T02:27:19Z"

2. Client certificate issuance

With our API in hand, it’s time to lock it down to require a valid client certificate. Before doing so we’ll want to generate those certificates. To do so, you can either go to the SSL/TLS → Client Certificates tab of the Cloudflare Dashboard and click “Create Certificate” or you can automate the process via API calls.

Because most developers at scale will be generating their own private keys and CSRs and requesting that they be signed via API, we’ll show that process here. Using Cloudflare’s PKI toolkit CFSSL we’ll first create a bootstrap certificate fo the iOS application, and then we’ll create a certificate for the IoT device:

$ cat <<'EOF' | tee -a csr.json
    "hosts": [
    "CN": "ios-bootstrap.devices.upinatoms.com",
    "key": {
        "algo": "rsa",
        "size": 2048
    "names": [{
        "C": "US",
        "L": "Austin",
        "O": "Temperature Testers, Inc.",
        "OU": "Tech Operations",
        "ST": "Texas"

$ cfssl genkey csr.json | cfssljson -bare certificate
2020/09/27 21:28:46 [INFO] generate received request
2020/09/27 21:28:46 [INFO] received CSR
2020/09/27 21:28:46 [INFO] generating key: rsa-2048
2020/09/27 21:28:47 [INFO] encoded CSR

$ mv certificate-key.pem ios-key.pem
$ mv certificate.csr ios.csr

// and do the same for the IoT sensor
$ sed -i.bak 's/ios-bootstrap/sensor-001/g' csr.json
$ cfssl genkey csr.json | cfssljson -bare certificate
$ mv certificate-key.pem sensor-key.pem
$ mv certificate.csr sensor.csr
Generate a private key and CSR for the IoT device and iOS application
// we need to replace actual newlines in the CSR with ‘\n’ before POST’ing
$ CSR=$(cat ios.csr | perl -pe 's/\n/\\n/g')
$ request_body=$(< <(cat <<EOF
  "validity_days": 3650,

// save the response so we can view it and then extract the certificate
$ curl -H 'X-Auth-Email: YOUR_EMAIL' -H 'X-Auth-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d “$request_body” https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/YOUR_ZONE_ID/client_certificates > response.json

$ cat response.json | jq .
  "success": true,
  "errors": [],
  "messages": [],
  "result": {
    "id": "7bf7f70c-7600-42e1-81c4-e4c0da9aa515",
    "certificate_authority": {
      "id": "8f5606d9-5133-4e53-b062-a2e5da51be5e",
      "name": "Cloudflare Managed CA for account 11cbe197c050c9e422aaa103cfe30ed8"
    "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIEkzCCA...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
    "ski": "eb2a48a19802a705c0e8a39489a71bd586638fdf",
    "serial_number": "133270673305904147240315902291726509220894288063",
    "signature": "SHA256WithRSA",
    "common_name": "ios-bootstrap.devices.upinatoms.com",
    "organization": "Temperature Testers, Inc.",
    "organizational_unit": "Tech Operations",
    "country": "US",
    "state": "Texas",
    "location": "Austin",
    "expires_on": "2030-09-26T02:41:00Z",
    "issued_on": "2020-09-28T02:41:00Z",
    "fingerprint_sha256": "84b045d498f53a59bef53358441a3957de81261211fc9b6d46b0bf5880bdaf25",
    "validity_days": 3650

$ cat response.json | jq .result.certificate | perl -npe 's/\\n/\n/g; s/"//g' > ios.pem

// now ask that the second client certificate signing request be signed
$ CSR=$(cat sensor.csr | perl -pe 's/\n/\\n/g')
$ request_body=$(< <(cat <<EOF
  "validity_days": 3650,

$ curl -H 'X-Auth-Email: YOUR_EMAIL' -H 'X-Auth-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "$request_body" https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/YOUR_ZONE_ID/client_certificates | perl -npe 's/\\n/\n/g; s/"//g' > sensor.pem
Ask Cloudflare to sign the CSRs with the private CA issued for your zone

3. API Shield rule creation

With certificates in hand we can now configure the API endpoint to require their use. Below is a demonstration of how to create such a rule.

The steps include specifying which hostnames to prompt for certificates, e.g., shield.upinatoms.com, and then creating the API Shield rule.

Introducing API Shield

4. IoT Device Communication

To prepare the IoT device for secure communication with our API endpoint we need to embed the certificate on the device, and then point our application to it so it can be used when making the POST request to the API endpoint.

We securely copied the private key and certificate into /etc/ssl/private/sensor-key.pem and /etc/ssl/certs/sensor.pem, and then modified our sample script to point to these files:

import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime

def readSensor():

    # Takes a reading from a temperature sensor and store it to temp_measurement 

    dateTimeObj = datetime.now()
    timestampStr = dateTimeObj.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ’)

    measurement = {'temperature':str(36.5),'time':timestampStr}
    return measurement

def main():

    print("Cloudflare API Shield [IoT device demonstration]")

    temperature = readSensor()
    payload = json.dumps(temperature)
    url = 'https://shield.upinatoms.com/temps'
    json_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    cert_file = ('/etc/ssl/certs/sensor.pem', '/etc/ssl/private/sensor-key.pem')
    r = requests.post(url, headers = json_headers, data = payload, cert = cert_file)
    print("Request body: ", r.request.body)
    print("Response status code: %d" % r.status_code)

When the script attempts to connect to https://shield.upinatoms.com/temps, Cloudflare requests that a ClientCertificate is sent, and our script sends the contents of sensor.pem before demonstrating it has possession of sensor-key.pem as required to complete the SSL/TLS handshake.

If we fail to send the client certificate or attempt to include extraneous fields in the API request, the schema validation (configuration not shown) fails and the request is rejected:

Cloudflare API Shield [IoT device demonstration]
Request body:  {"temperature": "36.5", "time": "2020-09-28T15:52:19Z"}
Response status code: 403

If instead a valid certificate is presented and the payload follows the schema previously uploaded, our script POSTs the latest temperature reading to the API.

Cloudflare API Shield [IoT device demonstration]
Request body:  {"temperature": "36.5", "time": "2020-09-28T15:56:45Z"}
Response status code: 201

5. Mobile Application (iOS) Communication

Now that temperature requests have been sent to our API endpoint, it’s time to read them securely from our mobile application using one of the client certificates.

For purposes of brevity, we’re going to embed a “bootstrap” certificate and key as a PKCS#12 file within the application bundle. In a real world deployment, this bootstrap certificate should only be used alongside users’ credentials to authenticate to an API endpoint that can return a unique user certificate. Corporate users will want to use MDM to distribute certificates so that the underlying mobile

Package the certificate and private key

Before adding the bootstrap certificate and private key, we need to combine them into a binary PKCS#12 file. This binary file will then be added to our iOS application bundle.

$ openssl pkcs12 -export -out bootstrap-cert.pfx -inkey ios-key.pem -in ios.pem
Enter Export Password:
Verifying - Enter Export Password:

Add the certificate bundle to your iOS application

Within XCode, click File → Add Files To “[Project Name]” and select your .pfx file. Make sure to check “Add to target” before confirming.

Modify your URLSession code to use the client certificate

This article provides a nice walkthrough of using a PKCS#11 class and URLSessionDelegate  to modify your application to complete mutual TLS authentication when connecting to an API that requires it.

Looking Forward

In the coming months, we plan to expand API Shield with a number of additional features designed to protect API traffic. For customers that want to use their own PKI, we will provide the ability to import their own CAs, something available today as part of Cloudflare Access.

As we receive feedback on our schema validation beta, we will look to make the capability generally available to all customers. If you’re trying out the beta and have thoughts to share, we’d love to hear your feedback.

Beyond certificates and schema validation, we’re excited to layer on additional API security capabilities as well as deep analytics to help you better understand your APIs. If you there are features you’d like to see, let us know in the comments below!

Announcing support for gRPC

Post Syndicated from Achiel van der Mandele original https://blog.cloudflare.com/announcing-grpc/

Announcing support for gRPC

Today we’re excited to announce beta support for proxying gRPC, a next-generation protocol that allows you to build APIs at scale. With gRPC on Cloudflare, you get access to the security, reliability and performance features that you’re used to having at your fingertips for traditional APIs. Sign up for the beta today in the Network tab of the Cloudflare dashboard.

gRPC has proven itself to be a popular new protocol for building APIs at scale: it’s more efficient and built to offer superior bi-directional streaming capabilities. However, because gRPC uses newer technology, like HTTP/2, under the covers, existing security and performance tools did not support gRPC traffic out of the box. This meant that customers adopting gRPC to power their APIs had to pick between modernity on one hand, and things like security, performance, and reliability on the other. Because supporting modern protocols and making sure people can operate them safely and performantly is in our DNA, we set out to fix this.

When you put your gRPC APIs on Cloudflare, you immediately gain all the benefits that come with Cloudflare. Apprehensive of exposing your APIs to bad actors? Add security features such as WAF and Bot Management. Need more performance? Turn on Argo Smart Routing to decrease time to first byte. Or increase reliability by adding a Load Balancer.

And naturally, gRPC plugs in to API Shield, allowing you to add more security by enforcing client authentication and schema validation at the edge.

What is gRPC?

Protocols like JSON-REST have been the bread and butter of Internet facing APIs for several years. They’re great in that they operate over HTTP, their payloads are human readable, and a large body of tooling exists to quickly set up an API for another machine to talk to. However, the same things that make these protocols popular are also weaknesses; JSON, as an example, is inefficient to store and transmit, and expensive for computers to parse.

In 2015, Google introduced gRPC, a protocol designed to be fast and efficient, relying on binary protocol buffers to serialize messages before they are transferred over the wire. This prevents (normal) humans from reading them but results in much higher processing efficiency. gRPC has become increasingly popular in the era of microservices because it neatly addresses the shortfalls laid out above.

JSON Protocol Buffers
{ “foo”: “bar” } 0b111001001100001011000100000001100001010

gRPC relies on HTTP/2 as a transport mechanism. This poses a problem for customers trying to deploy common security technologies like web application firewalls, as most reverse proxy solutions (including Cloudflare’s HTTP stack, until today) downgrade HTTP requests down to HTTP/1.1 before sending them off to an origin.

Beyond microservices in a datacenter, the original use case for gRPC, adoption has grown in many other contexts. Many popular mobile apps have millions of users, that all rely on messages being sent back and forth between mobile phones and servers. We’ve seen many customers wire up API connectivity for their mobile apps by using the same gRPC API endpoints they already have inside their data centers for communication with clients in the outside world.

While this solves the efficiency issues with running services at scale, it exposes critical parts of these customers’ infrastructure to the Internet, introducing security and reliability issues. Today we are introducing support for gRPC at Cloudflare, to secure and improve the experience of running gRPC APIs on the Internet.

How does gRPC + Cloudflare work?

The engineering work our team had to do to add gRPC support is composed of a few pieces:

  1. Changes to the early stages of our request processing pipeline to identify gRPC traffic coming down the wire.
  2. Additional functionality in our WAF to “understand” gRPC traffic, ensuring gRPC connections are handled correctly within the WAF, including inspecting all components of the initial gRPC connection request.
  3. Adding support to establish HTTP/2 connections to customer origins for gRPC traffic, allowing gRPC to be proxied through our edge. HTTP/2 to origin support is currently limited to gRPC traffic, though we expect to expand the scope of traffic proxied back to origin over HTTP/2 soon.

What does this mean for you, a Cloudflare customer interested in using our tools to secure and accelerate your API? Because of the hard work we’ve done, enabling support for gRPC is a click of a button in the Cloudflare dashboard.

Using gRPC to build mobile apps at scale

Why does Cloudflare supporting gRPC matter? To dig in on one use case, let’s look at mobile apps. Apps need quick, efficient ways of interacting with servers to get the information needed to show on your phone. There is no browser, so they rely on APIs to get the information. An API stands for application programming interface and is a standardized way for machines (say, your phone and a server) to talk to each other.

Let’s say we’re a mobile app developer with thousands, or even millions of users. With this many users, using a modern protocol, gRPC, allows us to run less compute infrastructure than would be necessary with older, less efficient protocols like JSON-REST. But exposing these endpoints, naked, on the Internet is really scary. Up until now there were very few, if any, options for protecting gRPC endpoints against application layer attacks with a WAF and guarding against volumetric attacks with DDoS mitigation tools. That changes today, with Cloudflare adding gRPC to it’s set of supported protocols.  

With gRPC on Cloudflare, you get the full benefits of our security, reliability and performance products:

  • WAF for inspection of incoming gRPC requests. Use managed rules or craft your own.
  • Load Balancing to increase reliability: configure multiple gRPC backends to handle the load, let Cloudflare distribute the load across them. Backend selection can be done in round-robin fashion, based on health checks or load.
  • Argo Smart Routing to increase performance by transporting your gRPC messages faster than the Internet would be able to route them. Messages are routed around congestion on the Internet, resulting in an average reduction of time to first byte by 30%.

And of course, all of this works with API Shield, an easy way to add mTLS authentication to any API endpoint.

Enabling gRPC support

To enable gRPC support, head to the Cloudflare dashboard and go to the Network tab. From there you can sign up for the beta.

Announcing support for gRPC

We have limited seats available at launch, but will open up more broadly over the next few weeks. After signing up and toggling gRPC support, you’ll have to enable Cloudflare proxying on your domain on the DNS tab to activate Cloudflare for your gRPC API.

We’re excited to bring gRPC support to the masses, allowing you to add the security, reliability and performance benefits that you’re used to getting with Cloudflare. Enabling is just a click away. Take it for a spin and let us know what you think!

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

Post Syndicated from Marc Lamik original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-cloudflare-radar/

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

Unlike the tides, Internet use ebbs and flows with the motion of the sun not the moon. Across the world usage quietens during the night and picks up as morning comes. Internet use also follows patterns that humans create, dipping down when people stopped to applaud healthcare workers fighting COVID-19, or pausing to watch their country’s president address them, or slowing for religious reasons.

And while humans leave a mark on the Internet, so do automated systems. These systems might be doing useful work (like building search engine databases) or harm (like scraping content, or attacking an Internet property).

All the while Internet use (and attacks) is growing. Zoom into any day and you’ll see the familiar daily wave of Internet use reflecting day and night, zoom out and you’ll likely spot weekends when Internet use often slows down a little, zoom out further and you might spot the occasional change in use caused by a holiday, zoom out further and you’ll see that Internet use grows inexorably.

And attacks don’t only grow, they change. New techniques are invented while old ones remain evergreen. DDoS activity continues day and night roaming from one victim to another. Automated scanning tools look for vulnerabilities in anything, literally anything, connected to the Internet.

Sometimes the Internet fails in a country, perhaps because of a cable cut somewhere beneath the sea, or because of government intervention. That too is something we track and measure.

All this activity, good and bad, shows up in the trends and details that Cloudflare tracks to help improve our service and protect our customers. Until today this insight was only available internally at Cloudflare, today we are launching a new service, Cloudflare Radar, that shines a light on the Internet’s patterns.

Each second, Cloudflare handles on average 18 million HTTP requests and 6 million DNS requests. With 1 billion unique IP addresses connecting to Cloudflare’s network we have one of the most representative views on Internet traffic worldwide.

And by blocking 72 billion cyberthreats every day Cloudflare also has a unique position in understanding and mitigating Internet threats.

Our goal is to help build a better Internet and we want to do this by exposing insights, threats and trends based on the aggregated data that we have. We want to help anyone understand what is happening on the Internet from a security, performance and usage perspective. Every Internet user should have easy access to answer the questions that they have.

There are three key components that we’re launching today: Radar Internet Insights, Radar Domain Insights and Radar IP Insights.

Radar Internet Insights

At the top of Cloudflare Radar we show the latest news about events that are currently happening on the Internet. This includes news about the adoption of new technologies, browsers or operating systems. We are also keeping all users up to date with interesting events around developments in Internet traffic. This could be traffic patterns seen in specific countries or patterns related to events like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

Sign up for Radar Alerts to always stay up-to-date.

Below the news section users can find rapidly updated trend data. All of which can be viewed worldwide or by country. The data is available for several time frames: last hour, last 24 hours, last 7 days. We’ll soon make available the 30 days time frame to help explore longer term trends.

Change in Internet traffic

You can drill down on specific countries and Cloudflare Radar will show you the change in aggregate Internet traffic seen by our network for that country. We also show an info box on the right with a snapshot of interesting data points.

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

Worldwide and for individual countries we have an algorithm calculating which domains are most popular and have recently started trending (i.e. have seen a large change in popularity). Services with multiple domains and subdomains are aggregated to ensure best comparability. We show here the relative rank of domains and are able to spot big changes in ranking to highlight new trends as they appear.

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

The trending domains section are still in beta as we are training our algorithm to best detect the next big things as they emerge.

There is also a search bar that enables a user to search for a specific domain or IP address to get detailed information about it. More on that below.

Attack activity

The attack activity section gives information about different types of cyberattacks observed by Cloudflare. First we show the attacks mitigated by our Layer 3 and 4 Denial of Service prevention systems. We show the used attack protocol as well as the change in attack volume over the selected time frame.

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

Secondly, we show Layer 7 threat information based on requests that we blocked. Layer 7 requests get blocked by a variety of systems (such as our WAF, our layer 7 DDoS mitigation system and our customer configurable firewall). We show the system responsible for blocking as well as the change of blocked requests over the selected time frame.

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

Based on the analytics we handle on HTTP requests we are able to show trends over a diverse set of data points. This includes the distribution of mobile vs. desktop traffic, or the percentage of traffic detected as coming from bots. We also dig into longer term trends like the use of HTTPS or the share of IPv6.

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

The bottom section shows the top browsers worldwide or for the selected country. In this example we selected Vietnam and you can see that over 6% of users are using Cốc Cốc a local browser.

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

Radar Domain Insights

We give users the option to dig in deeper on an individual domain. Giving the opportunity to get to know the global ranking as well as security information. This enables everyone to identify potential threats and risks.

To look up a domain or hostname in Radar by typing it in the search box within the top domains on the Radar Internet Insights Homepage.

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

For example, suppose you search for cloudflare.com. You’ll get sent to a domain-specific page with information about cloudflare.com.

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

At the top we provide an overview of the domain’s configuration with Domain Badges. From here you can, at a glance, understand what technologies the domain is using. For cloudflare.com you can see that it supports TLS, IPv6, DNSSEC and eSNI. There’s also an indication of the age of the domain (since registration) and its worldwide popularity.

Below you find the domain’s content categories. If you find a domain that is in the wrong category, please use our Domain Categorization Feedback to let us know.

We also show global popularity trends from our domain ranking formula. For domains with a global audience there’s also a map giving information about popularity by country.

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

Radar IP Insights

For an individual IP address (instead of a domain) we show different information. To look up an IP address simply insert it in the search bar within the top domains on the Radar Internet Insights. For a quick lookup of your own IP just open radar.cloudflare.com/me.

Introducing Cloudflare Radar

For IPs we show the network (the ASN) and geographic information. For your own IP we also show more detailed location information as well as an invitation to check the speed of your Internet connection using speed.cloudflare.com.

Next Steps

The current product is just the beginning of Cloudflare’s approach to making knowledge about the Internet more accessible. Over the next few weeks and months we will add more data points and the 30 days time frame functionality.  And we’ll allow users to filter the charts not only by country but also by categorization (such as by industry).

Stay tuned for more to come.