Tag Archives: least privilege

Refine unused access using IAM Access Analyzer recommendations

Post Syndicated from Stéphanie Mbappe original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/refine-unused-access-using-iam-access-analyzer-recommendations/

As a security team lead, your goal is to manage security for your organization at scale and ensure that your team follows AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) security best practices, such as the principle of least privilege. As your developers build on AWS, you need visibility across your organization to make sure that teams are working with only the required privileges. Now, AWS Identity and Access Management Analyzer offers prescriptive recommendations with actionable guidance that you can share with your developers to quickly refine unused access.

In this post, we show you how to use IAM Access Analyzer recommendations to refine unused access. To do this, we start by focusing on the recommendations to refine unused permissions and show you how to generate the recommendations and the actions you can take. For example, we show you how to filter unused permissions findings, generate recommendations, and remediate issues. Now, with IAM Access Analyzer, you can include step-by-step recommendations to help developers refine unused permissions quickly.

Unused access recommendations

IAM Access Analyzer continuously analyzes your accounts to identify unused access and consolidates findings in a centralized dashboard. The dashboard helps review findings and prioritize accounts based on the volume of findings. The findings highlight unused IAM roles and unused access keys and passwords for IAM users. For active IAM roles and users, the findings provide visibility into unused services and actions. You can learn more about unused access analysis through the IAM Access Analyzer documentation.

For unused IAM roles, access keys, and passwords, IAM Access Analyzer provides quick links in the console to help you delete them. You can use the quick links to act on the recommendations or use export to share the details with the AWS account owner. For overly permissive IAM roles and users, IAM Access Analyzer provides policy recommendations with actionable steps that guide you to refine unused permissions. The recommended policies retain resource and condition context from existing policies, helping you update your policies iteratively.

Throughout this post, we use an IAM role in an AWS account and configure the permissions by doing the following:

  1. Attaching the AWS managed policy AmazonBedrockReadOnly.
  2. Attaching the AWS managed policy AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess.
  3. Embedding an inline policy with the permissions described in the following code and named InlinePolicyListLambda.

Content of inline policy InlinePolicyListLambda:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "InlinePolicyLambda",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "NotIpAddress": {
                    "aws:SourceIp": ""

We use an inline policy to demonstrate that IAM Access Analyzer unused access recommendations are applicable for that use case. The recommendations are also applicable when using AWS managed policies and customer managed policies.

In your AWS account, after you have configured an unused access analyzer, you can select an IAM role that you have used recently and see if there are unused access permissions findings and recommendations.


Before you get started, you must create an unused access analyzer for your organization or account. Follow the instructions in IAM Access Analyzer simplifies inspection of unused access in your organization to create an unused access analyzer.

Generate recommendations for unused permissions

In this post we explore three options for generating recommendations for IAM Access Analyzer unused permissions findings: the console, AWS CLI, and AWS API.

Generate recommendations for unused permissions using the console

After you have created an unused access analyzer as described in the prerequisites, wait a few minutes to see the analysis results. Then use the AWS Management Console to view the proposed recommendations for the unused permissions.

To list unused permissions findings

  1. Go to the IAM console and under Access Analyzer, choose Unused access from the navigation pane.
  2. Search for active findings with the type Unused permissions in the search box.
    1. Select Active from the Status drop-down list.
    2. In the search box, select Findings type under Properties.
    3. Select Equals as Operators.
    4. Select Findings Type = Unused permissions.
    5. This list shows the active findings for IAM resources with unused permissions.

    Figure 1: Filter on unused permissions in the IAM console

    Figure 1: Filter on unused permissions in the IAM console

  3. Select a finding to learn more about the unused permissions granted to a given role or user.

To obtain recommendations for unused permissions

  1. On the findings detail page, you will see a list of the unused permissions under Unused permissions.
  2. Following that, there is a new section called Recommendations. The Recommendations section presents two steps to remediate the finding:
    1. Review the existing permissions on the resource.
    2. Create new policies with the suggested refined permissions and detach the existing policies.

    Figure 2: Recommendations section

    Figure 2: Recommendations section

  3. The generation of recommendations is on-demand and is done in the background when you’re using the console. The message Analysis in progress indicates that recommendations are being generated. The recommendations exclude the unused actions from the recommended policies.
  4. When an IAM principal, such as an IAM role or user, has multiple permissions policies attached, an analysis of unused permissions is made for each of permissions policies:
    • If no permissions have been used, the recommended action is to detach the existing permissions policy.
    • If some permissions have been used, only the used permissions are kept in the recommended policy, helping you apply the principle of least privilege.
  5. The recommendations are presented for each existing policy in the column Recommended policy. In this example, the existing policies are:
    • AmazonBedrockReadOnly
    • AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
    • InlinePolicyListLambda

    And the recommended policies are:

    • None
    • AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended
    • InlinePolicyListLambda-recommended

    Figure 3: Recommended policies

    Figure 3: Recommended policies

  6. There is no recommended policy for AmazonBedrockReadOnly because the recommended action is to detach it. When hovering over None, the following message is displayed: There are no recommended policies to create for the existing permissions policy.
  7. AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess and InlinePolicyListLambda and their associated recommended policy can be previewed by choosing Preview policy.

To preview a recommended policy

IAM Access Analyzer has proposed two recommended policies based on the unused actions.

  1. To preview each recommended policy, choose Preview policy for that policy to see a comparison between the existing and recommended permissions.
    1. Choose Preview policy for AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended.
      1. The existing policy has been analyzed and the broad permissions—s3:Get* and s3:List*—have been scoped down to detailed permissions in the recommended policy.
      2. The permissions s3:Describe*, s3-object-lambda:Get*, and s3-object-lambda:List* can be removed because they weren’t used.

      Figure 4: Preview of the recommended policy for AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess

      Figure 4: Preview of the recommended policy for AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess

    2. Choose Preview policy for InlinePolicyListLambda-recommended to see a comparison between the existing inline policy InlinePolicyListLambda and its recommended version.
      1. The existing permissions, lambda:ListFunctions and lambda:ListLayers, are kept in the recommended policy, as well as the existing condition.
      2. The permissions in lambda:ListAliases and lambda:ListFunctionUrlConfigs can be removed because they weren’t used.
      Figure 5: Preview the recommended policy for the existing inline policy InlinePolicyListLambda

      Figure 5: Preview the recommended policy for the existing inline policy InlinePolicyListLambda

To download the recommended policies file

  1. Choose Download JSON to download the suggested recommendations locally.

    Figure 6: Download the recommended policies

    Figure 6: Download the recommended policies

  2. A .zip file that contains the recommended policies in JSON format will be downloaded.

    Figure 7: Downloaded recommended policies as JSON files

    Figure 7: Downloaded recommended policies as JSON files

  3. The content of the AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended-1-2024-07-22T20/08/44.793Z.json file the same as the recommended policy shown in Figure 4.

Generate recommendations for unused permissions using AWS CLI

In this section, you will see how to generate recommendations for unused permissions using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

To list unused permissions findings

  1. Use the following code to refine the results by filtering on the type UnusedPermission and selecting only the active findings. Copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your unused access analyzer and use it to replace the ARN in the following code:
    aws accessanalyzer list-findings-v2 \
      --analyzer-arn "arn:aws:access-analyzer:<region>:<123456789012>:analyzer/<analyzer_name>" \
      --region <region> \
      --filter '{"findingType": {"eq": ["UnusedPermission"]}, "status": {"eq": ["ACTIVE"]}}'

  2. You will obtain results similar to the following.
        "findings": [
                "analyzedAt": "2024-05-29T07:25:34+00:00",
                "createdAt": "2024-05-23T19:20:59+00:00",
                "id": "0fa3f5a1-bd92-4193-8ca4-aba12cd91370",
                "resource": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/demoIAMUser",
                "resourceType": "AWS::IAM::User",
                "resourceOwnerAccount": "123456789012",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "updatedAt": "2024-05-29T07:25:35+00:00",
                "findingType": "UnusedPermission"
                "analyzedAt": "2024-05-29T07:25:34+00:00",
                "createdAt": "2024-05-23T19:20:59+00:00",
                "id": "1e952245-bcf3-48ad-a708-afa460df794b",
                "resource": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/demoIAMRole",
                "resourceType": "AWS::IAM::Role",
                "resourceOwnerAccount": "123456789012",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "updatedAt": "2024-05-29T07:25:37+00:00",
                "findingType": "UnusedPermission"

To generate unused permissions finding recommendations

After you have a list of findings for unused permissions, you can generate finding recommendations.

  1. Run the following, replacing the analyzer ARN and the finding ID to generate the suggested recommendations.
    aws accessanalyzer generate-finding-recommendation \
      --analyzer-arn "arn:aws:access-analyzer:<region>:<123456789012>:analyzer/<analyzer_name>" \
      --region <region> \
      --id "ab123456-bcd0-78ab-a012-afa460df794b"

  2. You will get an empty response if your command ran successfully. The process is running in the background.

To obtain the generated recommendations

After the recommendations are generated, you need to make a separate API call to view the recommendations details.

  1. The following command returns the recommended remediation.
    aws accessanalyzer get-finding-recommendation \
      --analyzer-arn "arn:aws:access-analyzer:<region>:<123456789012>:analyzer/<analyzer_name>" \
      --region <region> \
      --id "ab123456-bcd0-78ab-a012-afa460df794b"

  2. This command provides the following results. For more information about the meaning and structure of the recommendations, see Anatomy of a recommendation later in this post.

    Note: The recommendations consider AWS managed policies, customer managed policies, and inline policies. The IAM conditions in the initial policy are maintained in the recommendations if the actions they’re related to are used.

    The remediations suggested are to do the following:

    1. Detach AmazonBedrockReadOnly policy because it is unused: DETACH_POLICY
    2. Create a new recommended policy with scoped down permissions from the managed policy AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess: CREATE_POLICY
    3. Detach AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess: DETACH_POLICY
    4. Embed a new recommended policy with scoped down permissions from the inline policy: CREATE_POLICY
    5. Delete the inline policy.
        "recommendedSteps": [
                "unusedPermissionsRecommendedStep": {
                    "policyUpdatedAt": "2023-12-06T15:48:19+00:00",
                    "recommendedAction": "DETACH_POLICY",
                    "existingPolicyId": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonBedrockReadOnly"
                "unusedPermissionsRecommendedStep": {
                    "policyUpdatedAt": "2023-08-10T21:31:39+00:00",
                    "recommendedAction": "CREATE_POLICY",
                    "recommendedPolicy": "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Action\":[\"s3:GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration\",\"s3:GetBucketOwnershipControls\",\"s3:GetBucketTagging\",\"s3:GetBucketVersioning\",\"s3:GetJobTagging\",\"s3:GetObject\",\"s3:GetObjectAcl\",\"s3:GetObjectLegalHold\",\"s3:GetObjectRetention\",\"s3:GetObjectTagging\",\"s3:GetObjectTorrent\",\"s3:GetObjectVersion*\",\"s3:GetStorage*\",\"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\",\"s3:ListBucket\",\"s3:ListBucketVersions\",\"s3:ListMultipartUploadParts\",\"s3:ListStorageLensGroups\",\"s3:ListTagsForResource\"],\"Resource\":\"*\"}]}",
                    "existingPolicyId": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess"
                "unusedPermissionsRecommendedStep": {
                    "policyUpdatedAt": "2023-08-10T21:31:39+00:00",
                    "recommendedAction": "DETACH_POLICY",
                    "existingPolicyId": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess"
                "unusedPermissionsRecommendedStep": {
                    "recommendedAction": "CREATE_POLICY",
                    "recommendedPolicy": "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Sid\":\"InlinePolicyLambda\",\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Action\":[\"lambda:ListFunctions\",\"lambda:ListLayers\"],\"Resource\":\"*\",\"Condition\":{\"NotIpAddress\":{\"aws:SourceIp\":\"\"}}}]}",
                    "existingPolicyId": "InlinePolicyListLambda"
                "unusedPermissionsRecommendedStep": {
                    "recommendedAction": "DETACH_POLICY",
                    "existingPolicyId": "InlinePolicyListLambda"
        "status": "SUCCEEDED",
        "error": null,
        "completedAt": "2024-07-22T20:40:58.413698+00:00",
        "recommendationType": "UNUSED_PERMISSION_RECOMMENDATION",
        "resourceArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IAMRole_IA2_Blog_EC2Role",
        "startedAt": "2024-07-22T20:40:54+00:00"

Generate recommendations for unused permissions using EventBridge and AWS API

We have described how to use AWS CLI and the console to find unused permissions findings and to generate recommendations.

In this section, we show you how to use an Amazon EventBridge rule to find the active unused permissions findings from IAM Access Analyzer. Then we show you how to generate recommendations using two IAM Access Analyzer APIs to generate the finding recommendations and get the finding recommendations.

To create an EventBridge rule to detect unused permissions findings

Create an EventBridge rule to detect new unused permissions findings from IAM Access Analyzer.

  1. Go to the Amazon EventBridge console.
  2. Choose Rules, and then choose Create rule.
  3. Enter a name for your rule. Leave the Event bus value as the default.
  4. Under Rule type, select Rule with an event pattern.
  5. In the Event Source section, select AWS events or EventBridge partner events.
  6. For Creation method, select Use pattern form.
  7. Under Event pattern:
    1. For Event source, select AWS services.
    2. For AWS service, select Access Analyzer.
    3. For Event type, select Unused Access Finding for IAM entities.

    Note: There is no event for generated recommendations, only for unused access findings.

    Figure 8: Listing unused permissions by filtering events using an EventBridge rule

    Figure 8: Listing unused permissions by filtering events using an EventBridge rule

  8. Configure the Event pattern by changing the default values to the following:
    1. resources: Enter the ARN of your unused access analyzer.
    2. status: ACTIVE indicates that you are only looking for active findings.
    3. findingType: UnusedPermission.
  9. You can select a target Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to be notified of new active findings for a specific analyzer for unused permissions.

To generate recommendations for unused permissions using the IAM Access Analyzer API

The findings are generated on-demand. For that purpose, IAM Access Analyzer API GenerateFindingRecommendation can be called with two parameters: the ARN of the analyzer and the finding ID.

  1. You can use AWS Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python(boto3) for the API call.
  2. Run the call as follows:
    ia2_client = boto3.client('accessanalyzer')
    response = ia2_client.generate_finding_recommendation(

To obtain the finding recommendations

  1. After the recommendations are generated, they can be obtained by calling the API GetFindingRecommendation with the same parameters: the ARN of the analyzer and the finding ID.
  2. Use AWS SDK for Python (boto3) for the API call as follows:
    ia2_client = boto3.client('accessanalyzer')
    response = ia2_client.get_finding_recommendation(

Remediate based on the generated recommendations

The recommendations are generated as actionable guidance that you can follow. They propose new IAM policies that exclude the unused actions, helping you rightsize your permissions.

Anatomy of a recommendation

The recommendations are usually presented in the following way:

  • Date and time: startedAt, completedAt. Respectively when the API call was made and when the analysis was completed and the results were provided.
  • Resource ARN: The ARN of the resource being analyzed.
  • Recommended steps: The recommended steps, such as creating a new policy based on the actions used and detaching the existing policy.
  • Status: The status of retrieving the finding recommendation. The status values include SUCCEEDED, FAILED, and IN_PROGRESS.

For more information about the structure of recommendations, see the output section of get-finding-recommendation.

Recommended policy review

You must review the recommended policy. The recommended actions depend on the original policy. The original policy will be one of the following:

  • An AWS managed policy: You need to create a new IAM policy using recommendedPolicy. Attach this newly created policy to your IAM role. Then detach the former policy.
  • A customer managed policy or an inline policy: Review the policy, verify its scope, consider how often it’s attached to other principals (customer managed policy only), and when you are confident to proceed, use the recommended policy to create a new policy and detach the former policy.

Use cases to consider when reviewing recommendations

During your review process, keep in mind that the unused actions are determined based on the time defined in your tracking period. The following are some use cases you might have where a necessary role or action might be identified as unused (this is not an exhaustive list of use cases). It’s important to review the recommendations based on your business needs. You can also archive some findings related to the use cases such as the ones that follow:

  • Backup activities: If your tracking period is 28 days and you have a specific role for your backup activities running at the end of each month, you might discover that after 29 days some of the permissions for that backup role are identified as unused.
  • IAM permissions associated to an infrastructure as code deployment pipeline: You should also consider the permissions associated to specific IAM roles such an IAM for infrastructure as code (IaC) deployment pipeline. Your pipeline can be used to deploy Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets based on your internal guidelines. After deployment is complete, the pipeline permissions can become unused after your tracking period, but removing those unused permissions can prevent you from updating your S3 buckets configuration or from deleting it.
  • IAM roles associated with disaster recovery activities: While it’s recommended to have a disaster recovery plan, the IAM roles used to perform those activities might be flagged by IAM Access Analyzer for having unused permissions or being unused roles.

To apply the suggested recommendations

Of the three original policies attached to IAMRole_IA2_Blog_EC2Role, AmazonBedrockReadOnly can be detached and AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess and InlinePolicyListLambda can be refined.

  1. Detach AmazonBedrockReadOnly

    No permissions are used in this policy, and the recommended action is to detach it from your IAM role. To detach it, you can use the IAM console, the AWS CLI, or the AWS API.

  2. Create a new policy called AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended and detach AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess.

    The unused access analyzer has identified unused permissions in the managed policy AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess and proposed a new policy AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended that contains only the used actions. This is a step towards least privilege because the unused actions can be removed by using the recommended policy.

    1. Create a new IAM policy named AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended that contains only the following recommended policy or one based on the downloaded JSON file.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

    2. Detach the managed policy AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess.
  3. Embed a new inline policy InlinePolicyListLambda-recommended and delete InlinePolicyListLambda. This inline policy lists AWS Lambda aliases, functions, layers, and function URLs only when coming from a specific source IP address.
    1. Embed the recommended inline policy.

      The recommended policy follows. You can embed an inline policy for the IAM role using the console, AWS CLI, or the AWS API PutRolePolicy.

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
            "Sid": "InlinePolicyLambda",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
              "NotIpAddress": {
                "aws:SourceIp": ""

    2. Delete the inline policy.
  4. After updating the policies based on the Recommended policy proposed, the finding Status will change from Active to Resolved.

    Figure 9: The finding is resolved

    Figure 9: The finding is resolved


There is no additional pricing for using the prescriptive recommendations after you have enabled unused access findings.


As a developer writing policies, you can use the actionable guidance provided in recommendations to continually rightsize your policies to include only the roles and actions you need. You can export the recommendations through the console or set up automated workflows to notify your developers about new IAM Access Analyzer findings.

This new IAM Access Analyzer unused access recommendations feature streamlines the process towards least privilege by selecting the permissions that are used and retaining the resource and condition context from existing policies. It saves an impressive amount of time by the actions used by your principals and guiding you to refine them.

By using the IAM Access Analyzer findings and access recommendations, you can quickly see how to refine the permissions granted. We have shown in this blog post how to generate prescriptive recommendations with actionable guidance for unused permissions using AWS CLI, API calls, and the console.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

P. Stéphanie Mbappe

P. Stéphanie Mbappe
Stéphanie is a Security Consultant with Amazon Web Services. She delights in assisting her customers at any step of their security journey. Stéphanie enjoys learning, designing new solutions, and sharing her knowledge with others.

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi Ramesh
Mathangi is the product manager for AWS Identity and Access Management. She enjoys talking to customers and working with data to solve problems. Outside of work, Mathangi is a fitness enthusiast and a Bharatanatyam dancer. She holds an MBA degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

Refine permissions for externally accessible roles using IAM Access Analyzer and IAM action last accessed

Post Syndicated from Nini Ren original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/refine-permissions-for-externally-accessible-roles-using-iam-access-analyzer-and-iam-action-last-accessed/

When you build on Amazon Web Services (AWS) across accounts, you might use an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to allow an authenticated identity from outside your account—such as an IAM entity or a user from an external identity provider—to access the resources in your account. IAM roles have two types of policies attached to them: a trust policy that allows access to an external entity, and a permissions policy that defines what actions the role can take. This blog post focuses on how to use AWS Identity and Access Management Access Analyzer cross-account access findings and IAM action last accessed information to refine the permissions policies of your IAM roles that have a trust policy.

IAM Access Analyzer helps you set, verify, and refine permissions. To learn more about how IAM Access Analyzer guides you toward least-privilege permissions, visit Using AWS IAM Access Analyzer. Action last accessed information helps you identify unused permissions and refine the access of your IAM roles to only the actions they use. IAM now provides action last accessed information for more than 140 services such as Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Data Firehose, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS).

This blog post walks you through how to use IAM Access Analyzer and action last accessed to refine the required permissions for your IAM roles that have a trust policy, which allows entities outside of your account to assume a role and access your resources.

Use IAM roles to grant access to an external entity

You can create an IAM role that grants permissions for an entity outside your account to access the resources in your account. For example, if you’re an application developer, you might grant cross-account access to your AWS resources by using a role and attaching a trust policy to the role.

To allow an external entity access to your resources by using a role, you first create a role with a role trust policy to grant access to entities outside your account, and then grant permissions that specify which actions the role can take. The external entities can then assume the role in your account and access your resources based on the permissions you granted to the role. See Cross-account access using roles for more information.

You should restrict the access of roles that grant access outside of your account to just the permissions required to perform a specific task.

Use IAM Access Analyzer cross-account access findings to identify roles that grant access to external entities

When you use role trust policies to grant account access to entities outside your account, those entities can access and take the allowed actions on your resources. IAM Access Analyzer continuously monitors your account to identify the resources in your account that can be accessed from outside your account and helps you verify whether the access permissions meet your intent. For the example in this post, if you were to add a new trust policy to your
to grant permissions to an external account to access an application in your account, IAM Access Analyzer would let you know that ApplicationRole is accessible by entities from outside your account.

Use IAM action last accessed information to identify and remove unused permissions

After you’ve identified the IAM roles that grant access to entities outside your account, review what those roles can do and remove unused permissions. You can use action last accessed to show you the latest timestamp when your IAM role used an action, analyze its access permissions, and remove unused permissions.

Refine permissions for externally accessible roles by using IAM Access Analyzer cross-account access findings and action last accessed information

This example demonstrates how you can combine the information from IAM Access Analyzer cross-account access findings and IAM action last accessed information to identify roles that can be assumed from outside your account, review unused and unnecessary actions, and reduce the permissions available to external roles.

To view action last accessed information in the IAM console

  1. Open the AWS Management Console and go to the IAM console, and then select Access analyzer in the navigation pane.
  2. If you’ve already created an analyzer, go to Step 3. Otherwise, follow Identify Unintended Resource Access with IAM Access Analyzer to create an analyzer.
  3. Review your findings on the IAM Access Analyzer tab.
  4. Under Active findings, for Filter active findings, enter AWS::IAM::Role. The list of Active findings shows you the roles that can be accessed by entities outside your account.
  5. Figure 1: Findings filtered by resource types

    Figure 1: Findings filtered by resource types

  6. Under the Finding ID column, select a finding for a role (for example, ApplicationRole) that you want to review.
  7. A new page for the Finding ID will appear. Choose the resource ARN link in the Resource field under the Details section.
  8. Figure 2: Findings page

    Figure 2: Findings page

  9. A new page for the role will appear. Select the Access Advisor tab to review the last accessed information of your services for this role. This tab displays the AWS services to which the role has permissions. Action last accessed reports the actions listed in the IAM action last accessed information services and actions. The tracking period for services is the last 400 days—fewer if your AWS Region began tracking within the last 400 days. Learn more about Where AWS tracks last accessed information.
  10. Figure 3: Last accessed information of allowed services

    Figure 3: Last accessed information of allowed services

  11. In this exercise, we will use DynamoDB as an example. Under Allowed services, for Search, enter Amazon DynamoDB and under the Service column, choose Amazon DynamoDB. This will take you to a new section titled Allowed management actions for Amazon DynamoDB, which displays the action last accessed information of your role for DynamoDB. The Action column displays the action, the Last Accessed column displays the timestamp of when access was last attempted, and the Region accessed column displays in which region access was last attempted.
  12. The Action column on the resulting Allowed management actions for Amazon DynamoDB section includes the actions to which the role has permissions, when the role last accessed each action, and the Region accessed. You can sort the actions by choosing the arrow next to Last accessed.
  13. Figure 4: Action last accessed information for Amazon DynamoDB

    Figure 4: Action last accessed information for Amazon DynamoDB

  14. Because you want to remove unused permissions, filter for all unused actions for the role by selecting Services not accessed from the Last accessed dropdown list. This will show you the actions that haven’t been accessed during the tracking period.
  15. Figure 5: Action last accessed information ordered by not accessed

    Figure 5: Action last accessed information ordered by not accessed

  16. To return to the service view, choose Back to Allowed services and then select the Permissions tab. Select the plus sign to the left of DynamoDBAccess to see the JSON of the customer managed policy.
  17. Figure 6: The JSON code of the customer managed policy

    Figure 6: The JSON code of the customer managed policy

  18. Choose Edit and remove dynamodb:* and replace it with just the actions that have been used recently such as: DescribeTable and DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination. Not all actions are reported by action last accessed. Review the list of actions that action last accessed information reports and when action last accessed started tracking the action for the service in an AWS Region.
  19. Choose Next and then Save changes. Return to the Access Advisor tab to confirm that all the retained permissions have been used recently.


In this post, you learned how to use IAM Access Analyzer and action last accessed information to identify and refine permissions for externally accessible roles in your journey toward least privilege. You first used IAM Access Analyzer cross-account access findings to identify IAM roles that can be accessed from outside your account. You then used IAM action last accessed information to review the permissions those roles are using and to remove unused permissions.

For more information about IAM Access Analyzer cross-account findings, see Findings for public and cross-account access. For more information about action last accessed information, see Things to know about last accessed information and the IAM action last accessed information services and actions.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Nini Ren

Nini Ren

Nini is a product manager for AWS Identity and Access Management and AWS Resource Access Manager. He enjoys working with customers to develop solutions that create value for their businesses. Nini holds an MBA from The Wharton School, a Master of computer and information technology from the University of Pennsylvania, and an AB in chemistry and physics from Harvard College.

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi is a product manager for AWS Identity and Access Management. She enjoys talking to customers and working with data to solve problems. Outside of work, Mathangi is a fitness enthusiast and a Bharatanatyam dancer. She holds an MBA degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

Two real-life examples of why limiting permissions works: Lessons from AWS CIRT

Post Syndicated from Richard Billington original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/two-real-life-examples-of-why-limiting-permissions-works-lessons-from-aws-cirt/

Welcome to another blog post from the AWS Customer Incident Response Team (CIRT)! For this post, we’re looking at two events that the team was involved in from the viewpoint of a regularly discussed but sometimes misunderstood subject, least privilege. Specifically, we consider the idea that the benefit of reducing permissions in real-life use cases does not always require using the absolute minimum set of privileges. Instead, you need to weigh the cost and effort of creating and maintaining privileges against the risk reduction that is achieved, to make sure that your permissions are appropriate for your needs.

To quote VP and Distinguished Engineer at Amazon Security, Eric Brandwine, “Least privilege equals maximum effort.” This is the idea that creating and maintaining the smallest possible set of privileges needed to perform a given task will require the largest amount of effort, especially as customer needs and service features change over time. However, the correlation between effort and permission reduction is not linear. So, the question you should be asking is: How do you balance the effort of privilege reduction with the benefits it provides?

Unfortunately, this is not an easy question to answer. You need to consider the likelihood of an unwanted issue happening, the impact if that issue did happen, and the cost and effort to prevent (or detect and recover from) that issue. You also need to factor requirements such as your business goals and regulatory requirements into your decision process. Of course, you won’t need to consider just one potential issue, but many. Often it can be useful to start with a rough set of permissions and refine them down as you develop your knowledge of what security level is required. You can also use service control policies (SCPs) to provide a set of permission guardrails if you’re using AWS Organizations. In this post, we tell two real-world stories where limiting AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions worked by limiting the impact of a security event, but where the permission set did not involve maximum effort.

Story 1: On the hunt for credentials

In this AWS CIRT story, we see how a threat actor was unable to achieve their goal because the access they obtained — a database administrator’s — did not have the IAM permissions they were after.

Background and AWS CIRT engagement

A customer came to us after they discovered unauthorized activity in their on-premises systems and in some of their AWS accounts. They had incident response capability and were looking for an additional set of hands with AWS knowledge to help them with their investigation. This helped to free up the customer’s staff to focus on the on-premises analysis.

Before our engagement, the customer had already performed initial containment activities. This included rotating credentials, revoking temporary credentials, and isolating impacted systems. They also had a good idea of which federated user accounts had been accessed by the threat actor.

The key part of every AWS CIRT engagement is the customer’s ask. Everything our team does falls on the customer side of the AWS Shared Responsibility Model, so we want to make sure that we are aligned to the customer’s desired outcome. The ask was clear—review the potential unauthorized federated users’ access, and investigate the unwanted AWS actions that were taken by those users during the known timeframe. To get a better idea of what was “unwanted,” we talked to the customer to understand at a high level what a typical day would entail for these users, to get some context around what sort of actions would be expected. The users were primarily focused on working with Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS).

Analysis and findings

For this part of the story, we’ll focus on a single federated user whose apparent actions we investigated, because the other federated users had not been impersonated by the threat actor in a meaningful way. We knew the approximate start and end dates to focus on and had discovered that the threat actor had performed a number of unwanted actions.

After reviewing the actions, it was clear that the threat actor had performed a console sign-in on three separate occasions within a 2-hour window. Each time, the threat actor attempted to perform a subset of the following actions:

Note: This list includes only the actions that are displayed as readOnly = false in AWS CloudTrail, because these actions are often (but not always) the more impactful ones, with the potential to change the AWS environment.

This is the point where the benefit of permission restriction became clear. As soon as this list was compiled, we noticed that two fields were present for all of the actions listed:

"errorCode": "Client.UnauthorizedOperation",
"errorMessage": "You are not authorized to perform this operation. [rest of message]"

As this reveals, every single non-readOnly action that was attempted by the threat actor was denied because the federated user account did not have the required IAM permissions.

Customer communication and result

After we confirmed the findings, we had a call with the customer to discuss the results. As you can imagine, they were happy that the results showed no material impact to their data, and said no further investigation or actions were required at that time.

What were the IAM permissions the federated user had, which prevented the set of actions the threat actor attempted?

The answer did not actually involve the absolute minimal set of permissions required by the user to do their job. It’s simply that the federated user had a role that didn’t have an Allow statement for the IAM actions the threat actor tried — their job did not require them. Without an explicit Allow statement, the IAM actions attempted were denied because IAM policies are Deny by default. In this instance, simply not having the desired IAM permissions meant that the threat actor wasn’t able to achieve their goal, and stopped using the access. We’ll never know what their goal actually was, but trying to create access keys, passwords, and update policies means that a fair guess would be that they were attempting to create another way to access that AWS account.

Story 2: More instances for crypto mining

In this AWS CIRT story, we see how a threat actor’s inability to create additional Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances resulted in the threat actor leaving without achieving their goal.

Background and AWS CIRT engagement

Our second story involves a customer who had an AWS account they were using to test some new third-party software that uses Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). This customer had Amazon GuardDuty turned on, and found that they were getting GuardDuty alerts for CryptoCurrency:EC2/BitcoinTool related findings.

Because this account was new and currently only used for testing their software, the customer saw that the detection was related to the Amazon ECS cluster and decided to delete all the resources in the account and rebuild. Not too long after doing this, they received a similar GuardDuty alert for the new Amazon ECS cluster they had set up. The second finding resulted in the customer’s security team and AWS being brought in to try to understand what was causing this. The customer’s security team was focused on reviewing the tasks that were being run on the cluster, while AWS CIRT reviewed the AWS account actions and provided insight about the GuardDuty finding and what could have caused it.

Analysis and findings

Working with the customer, it wasn’t long before we discovered that the 3rd party Amazon ECS task definition that the customer was using, was unintentionally exposing a web interface to the internet. That interface allowed unauthenticated users to run commands on the system. This explained why the same alert was also received shortly after the new install had been completed.

This is where the story takes a turn for the better. The AWS CIRT analysis of the AWS CloudTrail logs found that there were a number of attempts to use the credentials of the Task IAM role that was associated with the Amazon ECS task. The majority of actions were attempting to launch multiple Amazon EC2 instances via RunInstances calls. Every one of these actions, along with the other actions attempted, failed with either a Client.UnauthorizedOperation or an AccessDenied error message.

Next, we worked with the customer to understand the permissions provided by the Task IAM role. Once again, the permissions could have been limited more tightly. However, this time the goal of the threat actor — running a number of Amazon EC2 instances (most likely for surreptitious crypto mining) — did not align with the policy given to the role:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": "s3:*",
          "Resource": "*"

AWS CIRT recommended creating policies to restrict the allowed actions further, providing specific resources where possible, and potentially also adding in some conditions to limit other aspects of the access (such as the two Condition keys launched recently to limit where Amazon EC2 instance credentials can be used from). However, simply having the policy limit access to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) meant that the threat actor decided to leave with just the one Amazon ECS task running crypto mining rather than a larger number of Amazon EC2 instances.

Customer communication and result

After reporting these findings to the customer, there were two clear next steps: First, remove the now unwanted and untrusted Amazon ECS resource from their AWS account. Second, review and re-architect the Amazon ECS task so that access to the web interface was only provided to appropriate users. As part of that re-architecting, an Amazon S3 policy similar to “Allows read and write access to objects in an S3 bucket” was recommended. This separates Amazon S3 bucket actions from Amazon S3 object actions. When applications have a need to read and write objects in Amazon S3, they don’t normally have a need to create or delete entire buckets (or versioning on those buckets).

Some tools to help

We’ve just looked at how limiting privileges helped during two different security events. Now, let’s consider what can help you decide how to reduce your IAM permissions to an appropriate level. There are a number of resources that talk about different approaches:

The first approach is to use Access Analyzer to help generate IAM policies based on access activity from log data. This can then be refined further with the addition of Condition elements as desired. We already have a couple of blog posts about that exact topic:

The second approach is similar, and that is to reduce policy scope based on the last-accessed information:

The third approach is a manual method of creating and refining policies to reduce the amount of work required. For this, you can begin with an appropriate AWS managed IAM policy or an AWS provided example policy as a starting point. Following this, you can add or remove Actions, Resources, and Conditions — using wildcards as desired — to balance your effort and permission reduction.

An example of balancing effort and permission is in the IAM tutorial Create and attach your first customer managed policy. In it, the authors create a policy that uses iam:Get* and iam:List:* in the Actions section. Although not all iam:Get* and iam:List:* Actions may be required, this is a good way to group similar Actions together while minimizing Actions that allow unwanted access — for example, iam:Create* or iam:Delete*. Another example of this balancing was mentioned earlier relating to Amazon S3, allowing access to create, delete, and read objects, but not to change the configuration of the bucket those objects are in.

In addition to limiting permissions, we also recommend that you set up appropriate detection and response capability. This will enable you to know when an issue has occurred and provide the tools to contain and recover from the issue. Further details about performing incident response in an AWS account can be found in the AWS Security Incident Response Guide.

There are also two services that were used to help in the stories we presented here — Amazon GuardDuty and AWS CloudTrail. GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors your AWS accounts and workloads for malicious activity. It’s a great way to monitor for unwanted activity within your AWS accounts. CloudTrail records account activity across your AWS infrastructure and provides the logs that were used for the analysis that AWS CIRT performed for both these stories. Making sure that both of these are set up correctly is a great first step towards improving your threat detection and incident response capability in AWS.


In this post, we looked at two examples where limiting privilege provided positive results during a security event. In the second case, the policy used should probably have restricted permissions further, but even as it stood, it was an effective preventative control in stopping the unauthorized user from achieving their assumed goal.

Hopefully these stories will provide new insight into the way your organization thinks about setting permissions, while taking into account the effort of creating the permissions. These stories are a good example of how starting a journey towards least privilege can help stop unauthorized users. Neither of the scenarios had policies that were least privilege, but the policies were restrictive enough that the unauthorized users were prevented from achieving their goals this time, resulting in minimal impact to the customers. However in both cases AWS CIRT recommended further reducing the scope of the IAM policies being used.

Finally, we provided a few ways to go about reducing permissions—first, by using tools to assist with policy creation, and second, by editing existing policies so they better fit your specific needs. You can get started by checking your existing policies against what Access Analyzer would recommend, by looking for and removing overly permissive wildcard characters (*) in some of your existing IAM policies, or by implementing and refining your SCPs.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Richard Billington

Richard Billington

Richard is the Incident Response Watch Lead for the Asia-Pacific region of the AWS Customer Incident Response Team (a team that supports AWS Customers during active security events). He also helps customers prepare for security events using event simulations. Outside of work, he loves wildlife photography and Dr Pepper (which is hard to find in meaningful quantities within Australia).

Use IAM Access Analyzer policy generation to grant fine-grained permissions for your AWS CloudFormation service roles

Post Syndicated from Joel Knight original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/use-iam-access-analyzer-policy-generation-to-grant-fine-grained-permissions-for-your-aws-cloudformation-service-roles/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer provides tools to simplify permissions management by making it simpler for you to set, verify, and refine permissions. One such tool is IAM Access Analyzer policy generation, which creates fine-grained policies based on your AWS CloudTrail access activity—for example, the actions you use with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), AWS Lambda, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). AWS has expanded policy generation capabilities to support the identification of actions used from over 140 services. New additions include services such as AWS CloudFormation, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS). When you request a policy, IAM Access Analyzer generates a policy by analyzing your CloudTrail logs to identify actions used from this group of over 140 services. The generated policy makes it efficient to grant only the required permissions for your workloads. For other services, Access Analyzer helps you by identifying the services used and guides you to add the necessary actions.

In this post, we will show how you can use Access Analyzer to generate an IAM permissions policy that restricts CloudFormation permissions to only those actions that are necessary to deploy a given template, in order to follow the principle of least privilege.

Permissions for AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation lets you create a collection of related AWS and third-party resources and provision them in a consistent and repeatable fashion. A common access management pattern is to grant developers permission to use CloudFormation to provision resources in the production environment and limit their ability to do so directly. This directs developers to make infrastructure changes in production through CloudFormation, using infrastructure-as-code patterns to manage the changes.

CloudFormation can create, update, and delete resources on the developer’s behalf by assuming an IAM role that has sufficient permissions. Cloud administrators often grant this IAM role broad permissions–in excess of what’s necessary to just create, update, and delete the resources from the developer’s template–because it’s not clear what the minimum permissions are for the template. As a result, the developer could use CloudFormation to create or modify resources outside of what’s required for their workload.

The best practice for CloudFormation is to acquire permissions by using the credentials from an IAM role you pass to CloudFormation. When you attach a least-privilege permissions policy to the role, the actions CloudFormation is allowed to perform can be scoped to only those that are necessary to manage the resources in the template. In this way, you can avoid anti-patterns such as assigning the AdministratorAccess or PowerUserAccess policies—both of which grant excessive permissions—to the role.

The following section will describe how to set up your account and grant these permissions.

Prepare your development account

Within your development account, you will configure the same method for deploying infrastructure as you use in production: passing a role to CloudFormation when you launch a stack. First, you will verify that you have the necessary permissions, and then you will create the role and the role’s permissions policy.

Get permissions to use CloudFormation and IAM Access Analyzer

You will need the following minimal permissions in your development account:

  • Permission to use CloudFormation, in particular to create, update, and delete stacks
  • Permission to pass an IAM role to CloudFormation
  • Permission to create IAM roles and policies
  • Permission to use Access Analyzer, specifically the GetGeneratedPolicy, ListPolicyGenerations, and StartPolicyGeneration actions

The following IAM permissions policy can be used to grant your identity these permissions.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "DeveloperPermissions”,
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AllowPassCloudFormationRole”,
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "iam:PassedToService": "cloudformation.amazonaws.com"

Note: If your identity already has these permissions through existing permissions policies, there is no need to apply the preceding policy to your identity.

Create a role for CloudFormation

Creating a service role for CloudFormation in the development account makes it less challenging to generate the least-privilege policy, because it becomes simpler to identify the actions CloudFormation is taking as it creates and deletes resources defined in the template. By identifying the actions CloudFormation has taken, you can create a permissions policy to match.

To create an IAM role in your development account for CloudFormation

  1. Open the IAM console and choose Roles, then choose Create role.
  2. For the trusted entity, choose AWS service. From the list of services, choose CloudFormation.
  3. Choose Next: Permissions.
  4. Select one or more permissions policies that align with the types of resources your stack will create. For example, if your stack creates a Lambda function and an IAM role, choose the AWSLambda_FullAccess and IAMFullAccess policies.

    Note: Because you have not yet created the least-privilege permissions policy, the role is granted broader permissions than required. You will use this role to launch your stack and evaluate the resulting actions that CloudFormation takes, in order to build a lower-privilege policy.

  5. Choose Next: Tags to proceed.
  6. Enter one or more optional tags, and then choose Next: Review.
  7. Enter a name for the role, such as CloudFormationDevExecRole.
  8. Choose Create role.

Create and destroy the stack

To have CloudFormation exercise the actions required by the stack, you will need to create and destroy the stack.

To create and destroy the stack

  1. Navigate to CloudFormation in the console, expand the menu in the left-hand pane, and choose Stacks.
  2. On the Stacks page, choose Create Stack, and then choose With new resources.
  3. Choose Template is ready, choose Upload a template file, and then select the file for your template. Choose Next.
  4. Enter a Stack name, and then choose Next.
  5. For IAM execution role name, select the name of the role you created in the previous section (CloudFormationDevExecRole). Choose Next.
  6. Review the stack configuration. If present, select the check box(es) in the Capabilities section, and then choose Create stack.
  7. Wait for the stack to reach the CREATE_COMPLETE state before continuing.
  8. From the list of stacks, select the stack you just created, choose Delete, and then choose Delete stack.
  9. Wait until the stack reaches the DELETE_COMPLETE state (at which time it will also disappear from the list of active stacks).

Note: It’s recommended that you also modify the CloudFormation template and update the stack to initiate updates to the deployed resources. This will allow Access Analyzer to capture actions that update the stack’s resources, in addition to create and delete actions. You should also review the API documentation for the resources that are being used in your stack and identify any additional actions that may be required.

Now that the development environment is ready, you can create the least-privilege permissions policy for the CloudFormation role.

Use Access Analyzer to generate a fine-grained identity policy

Access Analyzer reviews the access history in AWS CloudTrail to identify the actions an IAM role has used. Because CloudTrail delivers logs within an average of about 15 minutes of an API call, you should wait at least that long after you delete the stack before you attempt to generate the policy, in order to properly capture all of the actions.

Note: CloudTrail must be enabled in your AWS account in order for policy generation to work. To learn how create a CloudTrail trail, see Creating a trail for your AWS account in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.

To generate a permissions policy by using Access Analyzer

  1. Open the IAM console and choose Roles. In the search box, enter CloudFormationDevExecRole and select the role name in the list.
  2. On the Permissions tab, scroll down and choose Generate policy based on CloudTrail events to expand this section. Choose Generate policy.
  3. Select the time period of the CloudTrail logs you want analyzed.
  4. Select the AWS Region where you created and deleted the stack, and then select the CloudTrail trail name in the drop-down list.
  5. If this is your first time generating a policy, choose Create and use a new service role to have an IAM role automatically created for you. You can view the permissions policy the role will receive by choosing View permission details. Otherwise, choose Use an existing service role and select a role in the drop-down list.

    The policy generation options are shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1: Policy generation options

    Figure 1: Policy generation options

  6. Choose Generate policy.

You will be redirected back to the page that shows the CloudFormationDevExecRole role. The Status in the Generate policy based on CloudTrail events section will show In progress. Wait for the policy to be generated, at which time the status will change to Success.

Review the generated policy

You must review and save the generated policy before it can be applied to the role.

To review the generated policy

  1. While you are still viewing the CloudFormationDevExecRole role in the IAM console, under Generate policy based on CloudTrail events, choose View generated policy.
  2. The Generated policy page will open. The Actions included in the generated policy section will show a list of services and one or more actions that were found in the CloudTrail log. Review the list for omissions. Refer to the IAM documentation for a list of AWS services for which an action-level policy can be generated. An example list of services and actions for a CloudFormation template that creates a Lambda function is shown in Figure 2.
    Figure 2: Actions included in the generated policy

    Figure 2: Actions included in the generated policy

  3. Use the drop-down menus in the Add actions for services used section to add any necessary additional actions to the policy for the services that were identified by using CloudTrail. This might be needed if an action isn’t recorded in CloudTrail or if action-level information isn’t supported for a service.

    Note: The iam:PassRole action will not show up in CloudTrail and should be added manually if your CloudFormation template assigns an IAM role to a service (for example, when creating a Lambda function). A good rule of thumb is: If you see iam:CreateRole in the actions, you likely need to also allow iam:PassRole. An example of this is shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3: Adding PassRole as an IAM action

    Figure 3: Adding PassRole as an IAM action

  4. When you’ve finished adding additional actions, choose Next.

Generated policies contain placeholders that need to be filled in with resource names, AWS Region names, and other variable data. The actual values for these placeholders should be determined based on the content of your CloudFormation template and the Region or Regions you plan to deploy the template to.

To replace placeholders with real values

  • In the generated policy, identify each of the Resource properties that use placeholders in the value, such as ${RoleNameWithPath} or ${Region}. Use your knowledge of the resources that your CloudFormation template creates to properly fill these in with real values.
    • ${RoleNameWithPath} is an example of a placeholder that reflects the name of a resource from your CloudFormation template. Replace the placeholder with the actual name of the resource.
    • ${Region} is an example of a placeholder that reflects where the resource is being deployed, which in this case is the AWS Region. Replace this with either the Region name (for example, us-east-1), or a wildcard character (*), depending on whether you want to restrict the policy to a specific Region or to all Regions, respectively.

For example, a statement from the policy generated earlier is shown following.

    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:${Region}:${Account}:function:${FunctionName}"

After substituting real values for the placeholders in Resource, it looks like the following.

    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:*:123456789012:function:MyLambdaFunction"

This statement allows the Lambda actions to be performed on a function named MyLambdaFunction in AWS account 123456789012 in any Region (*). Substitute the correct values for Region, Account, and FunctionName in your policy.

The IAM policy editor window will automatically identify security or other issues in the generated policy. Review and remediate the issues identified in the Security, Errors, Warnings, and Suggestions tabs across the bottom of the window.

To review and remediate policy issues

  1. Use the Errors tab at the bottom of the IAM policy editor window (powered by IAM Access Analyzer policy validation) to help identify any placeholders that still need to be replaced. Access Analyzer policy validation reviews the policy and provides findings that include security warnings, errors, general warnings, and suggestions for your policy. To find more information about the different checks, see Access Analyzer policy validation. An example of policy errors caused by placeholders still being present in the policy is shown in Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Errors identified in the generated policy

    Figure 4: Errors identified in the generated policy

  2. Use the Security tab at the bottom of the editor window to review any security warnings, such as passing a wildcard (*) resource with the iam:PassRole permission. Choose the Learn more link beside each warning for information about remediation. An example of a security warning related to PassRole is shown in Figure 5.
    Figure 5: Security warnings identified in the generated policy

    Figure 5: Security warnings identified in the generated policy

Remediate the PassRole With Star In Resource warning by modifying Resource in the iam:PassRole statement to list the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of any roles that CloudFormation needs to pass to other services. Additionally, add a condition to restrict which service the role can be passed to. For example, to allow passing a role named MyLambdaRole to the Lambda service, the statement would look like the following.

            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "iam:PassedToService": [

The generated policy can now be saved as an IAM policy.

To save the generated policy

  1. In the IAM policy editor window, choose Next.
  2. Enter a name for the policy and an optional description.
  3. Review the Summary section with the list of permissions in the policy.
  4. Enter optional tags in the Tags section.
  5. Choose Create and attach policy.

Test this policy by replacing the existing role policy with this newly generated policy. Then create and destroy the stack again so that the necessary permissions are granted. If the stack fails during creation or deletion, follow the steps to generate the policy again and make sure that the correct values are being used for any iam:PassRole statements.

Deploy the CloudFormation role and policy

Now that you have the least-privilege policy created, you can give this policy to the cloud administrator so that they can deploy the policy and CloudFormation service role into production.

To create a CloudFormation template that the cloud administrator can use

  1. Open the IAM console, choose Policies, and then use the search box to search for the policy you created. Select the policy name in the list.
  2. On the Permissions tab, make sure that the {}JSON button is activated. Select the policy document by highlighting from line 1 all the way to the last line in the policy, as shown in Figure 6.
    Figure 6: Highlighting the generated policy

    Figure 6: Highlighting the generated policy

  3. With the policy still highlighted, use your keyboard to copy the policy into the clipboard (Ctrl-C on Linux or Windows, Option-C on macOS).
  4. Paste the permissions policy JSON object into the following CloudFormation template, replacing the <POLICY-JSON-GOES-HERE> marker. Be sure to indent the left-most curly braces of the JSON object so that they are to the right of the PolicyDocument keyword.
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
        Type: String
        Description: The name of the IAM policy that will be created
        Type: String
        Description: The name of the IAM role that will be created
        Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy
          ManagedPolicyName: !Ref PolicyName
          Path: /
          PolicyDocument: >
        Type: AWS::IAM::Role
          RoleName: !Ref RoleName
            Version: '2012-10-17'
              - Action:
                - sts:AssumeRole
                Effect: Allow
                    - cloudformation.amazonaws.com
            - !Ref CfnPolicy
          Path: /

    For example, after pasting the policy, the CfnPolicy resource in the template will look like the following.

        Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy
          ManagedPolicyName: !Ref PolicyName
          Path: /
          PolicyDocument: >
                "Version": "2012-10-17",
                "Statement": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Action": "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces",
                        "Resource": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Action": [
                        "Resource": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Action": [
                        "Resource": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Action": [
                        "Resource": [
                        "Condition": {
                            "StringEquals": {
                                "iam:PassedToService": [

  5. Save the CloudFormation template and share it with the cloud administrator. They can use this template to create an IAM role and permissions policy that CloudFormation can use to deploy resources in the production account.

Note: Verify that in addition to having the necessary permissions to work with CloudFormation, your production identity also has permission to perform the iam:PassRole action with CloudFormation for the role that the preceding template creates.

As you continue to develop your stack, you will need to repeat the steps in the Use Access Analyzer to create a permissions policy and Deploy the CloudFormation role and policy sections of this post in order to make sure that the permissions policy remains up-to-date with the permissions required to deploy your stack.


If your CloudFormation template uses custom resources that are backed by AWS Lambda, you should also run Access Analyzer on the IAM role that is created for the Lambda function in order to build an appropriate permissions policy for that role.

To generate a permissions policy for a Lambda service role

  1. Launch the stack in your development AWS account to create the Lamba function’s role.
  2. Make a note of the name of the role that was created.
  3. Destroy the stack in your development AWS account.
  4. Follow the instructions from the Use Access Analyzer to generate a fine-grained identity policy and Review the generated policy sections of this post to create the least-privilege policy for the role, substituting the Lambda function’s role name for CloudFormationDevExecRole.
  5. Build the resulting least-privilege policy into the CloudFormation template as the Lambda function’s permission policy.


IAM Access Analyzer helps generate fine-grained identity policies that you can use to grant CloudFormation the permissions it needs to create, update, and delete resources in your stack. By granting CloudFormation only the necessary permissions, you can incorporate the principle of least privilege, developers can deploy their stacks in production using reduced permissions, and cloud administrators can create guardrails for developers in production settings.

For additional information on applying the principle of least privilege to AWS CloudFormation, see How to implement the principle of least privilege with CloudFormation StackSets.

If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section below. You can also start a new thread on AWS Identity and Access Management re:Post to get answers from the community.

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Joel Knight

Joel is a Senior Consultant, Infrastructure Architecture, with AWS and is based in Calgary, Canada. When not wrangling infrastructure-as-code templates, Joel likes to spend time with his family and dabble in home automation.

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi is the product manager for AWS Identity and Access Management. She enjoys talking to customers and working with data to solve problems. Outside of work, Mathangi is a fitness enthusiast and a Bharatanatyam dancer. She holds an MBA degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

IAM Access Analyzer makes it simpler to author and validate role trust policies

Post Syndicated from Mathangi Ramesh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/iam-access-analyzer-makes-it-simpler-to-author-and-validate-role-trust-policies/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer provides many tools to help you set, verify, and refine permissions. One part of IAM Access Analyzer—policy validation—helps you author secure and functional policies that grant the intended permissions. Now, I’m excited to announce that AWS has updated the IAM console experience for role trust policies to make it simpler for you to author and validate the policy that controls who can assume a role. In this post, I’ll describe the new capabilities and show you how to use them as you author a role trust policy in the IAM console.

Overview of changes

A role trust policy is a JSON policy document in which you define the principals that you trust to assume the role. The principals that you can specify in the trust policy include users, roles, accounts, and services. The new IAM console experience provides the following features to help you set the right permissions in the trust policy:

  • An interactive policy editor prompts you to add the right policy elements, such as the principal and the allowed actions, and offers context-specific documentation.
  • As you author the policy, IAM Access Analyzer runs over 100 checks against your policy and highlights issues to fix. This includes new policy checks specific to role trust policies, such as a check to make sure that you’ve formatted your identity provider correctly. These new checks are also available through the IAM Access Analyzer policy validation API.
  • Before saving the policy, you can preview findings for the external access granted by your trust policy. This helps you review external access, such as access granted to a federated identity provider, and confirm that you grant only the intended access when you create the policy. This functionality was previously available through the APIs, but now it’s also available in the IAM console.

In the following sections, I’ll walk you through how to use these new features.

Example scenario

For the walkthrough, consider the following example, which is illustrated in Figure 1. You are a developer for Example Corp., and you are working on a web application. You want to grant the application hosted in one account—the ApplicationHost account—access to data in another account—the BusinessData account. To do this, you can use an IAM role in the BusinessData account to grant temporary access to the application through a role trust policy. You will grant a role in the ApplicationHost account—the PaymentApplication role—to access the BusinessData account through a role—the ApplicationAccess role. In this example, you create the ApplicationAccess role and grant cross-account permissions through the trust policy by using the new IAM console experience that helps you set the right permissions.

Figure 1: Visual explanation of the scenario

Figure 1: Visual explanation of the scenario

Create the role and grant permissions through a role trust policy with the policy editor

In this section, I will show you how to create a role trust policy for the ApplicationAccess role to grant the application access to the data in your account through the policy editor in the IAM console.

To create a role and grant access

  1. In the BusinessData account, open the IAM console, and in the left navigation pane, choose Roles.
  2. Choose Create role, and then select Custom trust policy, as shown in Figure 2.
    Figure 2: Select "Custom trust policy" when creating a role

    Figure 2: Select “Custom trust policy” when creating a role

  3. In the Custom trust policy section, for 1. Add actions for STS, select the actions that you need for your policy. For example, to add the action sts:AssumeRole, choose AssumeRole.
    Figure 3: JSON role trust policy

    Figure 3: JSON role trust policy

  4. For 2. Add a principal, choose Add to add a principal.
  5. In the Add principal box, for Principal type, select IAM roles. This populates the ARN field with the format of the role ARN that you need to add to the policy, as shown in Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Add a principal to your role trust policy

    Figure 4: Add a principal to your role trust policy

  6. Update the role ARN template with the actual account and role information, and then choose Add principal. In our example, the account is ApplicationHost with an AWS account number of 111122223333, and the role is PaymentApplication role. Therefore, the role ARN is arn:aws:iam:: 111122223333: role/PaymentApplication. Figure 5 shows the role trust policy with the action and principal added.
    Figure 5: Sample role trust policy

    Figure 5: Sample role trust policy

  7. (Optional) To add a condition, for 3. Add a condition, choose Add, and then complete the Add condition box according to your needs.

Author secure policies by reviewing policy validation findings

As you author the policy, you can see errors or warnings related to your policy in the policy validation window, which is located below the policy editor in the console. With this launch, policy validation in IAM Access Analyzer includes 13 new checks focused on the trust relationship for the role. The following are a few examples of these checks and how to address them:

  • Role trust policy unsupported wildcard in principal – you can’t use a * in your role trust policy.
  • Invalid federated principal syntax in role trust policy – you need to fix the format of the identity provider.
  • Missing action for condition key – you need to add the right action for a given condition, such as the sts:TagSession when there are session tag conditions.

For a complete list of checks, see Access Analyzer policy check reference.

To review and fix policy validation findings

  1. In the policy validation window, do the following:
    • Choose the Security tab to check if your policy is overly permissive.
    • Choose the Errors tab to review any errors associated with the policy.
    • Choose the Warnings tab to review if aspects of the policy don’t align with AWS best practices.
    • Choose the Suggestions tab to get recommendations on how to improve the quality of your policy.
    Figure 6: Policy validation window in IAM Access Analyzer with a finding for your policy

    Figure 6: Policy validation window in IAM Access Analyzer with a finding for your policy

  2. For each finding, choose Learn more to review the documentation associated with the finding and take steps to fix it. For example, Figure 6 shows the error Mismatched Action For Principal. To fix the error, remove the action sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity.

Preview external access by reviewing cross-account access findings

IAM Access Analyzer also generates findings to help you assess if a policy grants access to external entities. You can review the findings before you create the policy to make sure that the policy grants only intended access. To preview the findings, you create an analyzer and then review the findings.

To preview findings for external access

  1. Below the policy editor, in the Preview external access section, choose Go to Access Analyzer, as shown in Figure 7.

    Note: IAM Access Analyzer is a regional service, and you can create a new analyzer in each AWS Region where you operate. In this situation, IAM Access Analyzer looks for an analyzer in the Region where you landed on the IAM console. If IAM Access Analyzer doesn’t find an analyzer there, it asks you to create an analyzer.

    Figure 7: Preview external access widget without an analyzer

    Figure 7: Preview external access widget without an analyzer

  2. On the Create analyzer page, do the following to create an analyzer:
    • For Name, enter a name for your analyzer.
    • For Zone of trust, select the correct account.
    • Choose Create analyzer.
    Figure 8: Create an analyzer to preview findings

    Figure 8: Create an analyzer to preview findings

  3. After you create the analyzer, navigate back to the role trust policy for your role to review the external access granted by this policy. The following figure shows that external access is granted to PaymentApplication.
    Figure 9: Preview finding

    Figure 9: Preview finding

  4. If the access is intended, you don’t need to take any action. In this example, I want the PaymentApplication role in the ApplicationHost account to assume the role that I’m creating.
  5. If the access is unintended, resolve the finding by updating the role ARN information.
  6. Select Next and grant the required IAM permissions for the role.
  7. Name the role ApplicationAccess, and then choose Save to save the role.

Now the application can use this role to access the BusinessData account.


By using the new IAM console experience for role trust policies, you can confidently author policies that grant the intended access. IAM Access Analyzer helps you in your least-privilege journey by evaluating the policy for potential issues to make it simpler for you to author secure policies. IAM Access Analyzer also helps you preview external access granted through the trust policy to help ensure that the granted access is intended. To learn more about how to preview IAM Access Analyzer cross-account findings, see Preview access in the documentation. To learn more about IAM Access Analyzer policy validation checks, see Access Analyzer policy validation. These features are also available through APIs.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread at AWS IAM re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi is the product manager for AWS Identity and Access Management. She enjoys talking to customers and working with data to solve problems. Outside of work, Mathangi is a fitness enthusiast and a Bharatanatyam dancer. She holds an MBA degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

Use IAM Access Analyzer to generate IAM policies based on access activity found in your organization trail

Post Syndicated from Mathangi Ramesh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/use-iam-access-analyzer-to-generate-iam-policies-based-on-access-activity-found-in-your-organization-trail/

In April 2021, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer added policy generation to help you create fine-grained policies based on AWS CloudTrail activity stored within your account. Now, we’re extending policy generation to enable you to generate policies based on access activity stored in a designated account. For example, you can use AWS Organizations to define a uniform event logging strategy for your organization and store all CloudTrail logs in your management account to streamline governance activities. You can use Access Analyzer to review access activity stored in your designated account and generate a fine-grained IAM policy in your member accounts. This helps you to create policies that provide only the required permissions for your workloads.

Customers that use a multi-account strategy consolidate all access activity information in a designated account to simplify monitoring activities. By using AWS Organizations, you can create a trail that will log events for all Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts into a single management account to help streamline governance activities. This is sometimes referred to as an organization trail. You can learn more from Creating a trail for an organization. With this launch, you can use Access Analyzer to generate fine-grained policies in your member account and grant just the required permissions to your IAM roles and users based on access activity stored in your organization trail.

When you request a policy, Access Analyzer analyzes your activity in CloudTrail logs and generates a policy based on that activity. The generated policy grants only the required permissions for your workloads and makes it easier for you to implement least privilege permissions. In this blog post, I’ll explain how to set up the permissions for Access Analyzer to access your organization trail and analyze activity to generate a policy. To generate a policy in your member account, you need to grant Access Analyzer limited cross-account access to access the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket where logs are stored and review access activity.

Generate a policy for a role based on its access activity in the organization trail

In this example, you will set fine-grained permissions for a role used in a development account. The example assumes that your company uses Organizations and maintains an organization trail that logs all events for all AWS accounts in the organization. The logs are stored in an S3 bucket in the management account. You can use Access Analyzer to generate a policy based on the actions required by the role. To use Access Analyzer, you must first update the permissions on the S3 bucket where the CloudTrail logs are stored, to grant access to Access Analyzer.

To grant permissions for Access Analyzer to access and review centrally stored logs and generate policies

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using your management account and go to S3 settings.
  2. Select the bucket where the logs from the organization trail are stored.
  3. Change object ownership to bucket owner preferred. To generate a policy, all of the objects in the bucket must be owned by the bucket owner.
  4. Update the bucket policy to grant cross-account access to Access Analyzer by adding the following statement to the bucket policy. This grants Access Analyzer limited access to the CloudTrail data. Replace the <organization-bucket-name>, and <organization-id> with your values and then save the policy.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Sid": "PolicyGenerationPermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {"aws:PrincipalArn":"arn:aws:iam::${aws:PrincipalAccount}:role/service-role/AccessAnalyzerMonitorServiceRole*"            }

By using the preceding statement, you’re allowing listbucket and getobject for the bucket my-organization-bucket-name if the role accessing it belongs to an account in your Organizations and has a name that starts with AccessAnalyzerMonitorServiceRole. Using aws:PrincipalAccount in the resource section of the statement allows the role to retrieve only the CloudTrail logs belonging to its own account. If you are encrypting your logs, update your AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key policy to grant Access Analyzer access to use your key.

Now that you’ve set the required permissions, you can use the development account and the following steps to generate a policy.

To generate a policy in the AWS Management Console

  1. Use your development account to open the IAM Console, and then in the navigation pane choose Roles.
  2. Select a role to analyze. This example uses AWS_Test_Role.
  3. Under Generate policy based on CloudTrail events, choose Generate policy, as shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 1: Generate policy from the role detail page

    Figure 1: Generate policy from the role detail page

  4. In the Generate policy page, select the time window for which IAM Access Analyzer will review the CloudTrail logs to create the policy. In this example, specific dates are chosen, as shown in Figure 2.
    Figure 2: Specify the time period

    Figure 2: Specify the time period

  5. Under CloudTrail access, select the organization trail you want to use as shown in Figure 3.

    Note: If you’re using this feature for the first time: select create a new service role, and then choose Generate policy.

    This example uses an existing service role “AccessAnalyzerMonitorServiceRole_MBYF6V8AIK.”

    Figure 3: CloudTrail access

    Figure 3: CloudTrail access

  6. After the policy is ready, you’ll see a notification on the role page. To review the permissions, choose View generated policy, as shown in Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Policy generation progress

    Figure 4: Policy generation progress

After the policy is generated, you can see a summary of the services and associated actions in the generated policy. You can customize it by reviewing the services used and selecting additional required actions from the drop down. To refine permissions further, you can replace the resource-level placeholders in the policies to restrict permissions to just the required access. You can learn more about granting fine-grained permissions and creating the policy as described in this blog post.


Access Analyzer makes it easier to grant fine-grained permissions to your IAM roles and users by generating IAM policies based on the CloudTrail activity centrally stored in a designated account such as your AWS Organizations management accounts. To learn more about how to generate a policy, see Generate policies based on access activity in the IAM User Guide.

If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this blog post, start a new thread on the IAM forum or contact AWS Support.

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Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi is the product manager for AWS Identity and Access Management. She enjoys talking to customers and working with data to solve problems. Outside of work, Mathangi is a fitness enthusiast and a Bharatanatyam dancer. She holds an MBA degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

Techniques for writing least privilege IAM policies

Post Syndicated from Ben Potter original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/techniques-for-writing-least-privilege-iam-policies/

In this post, I’m going to share two techniques I’ve used to write least privilege AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies. If you’re not familiar with IAM policy structure, I highly recommend you read understanding how IAM works and policies and permissions.

Least privilege is a principle of granting only the permissions required to complete a task. Least privilege is also one of many Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected best practices that can help you build securely in the cloud. For example, if you have an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance that needs to access an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to get configuration data, you should only allow read access to the specific S3 bucket that contains the relevant data.

There are a number of ways to grant access to different types of resources, as some resources support both resource-based policies and IAM policies. This blog post will focus on demonstrating how you can use IAM policies to grant restrictive permissions to IAM principals to meet least privilege standards.

In AWS, an IAM principal can be a user, role, or group. These identities start with no permissions and you add permissions using a policy. In AWS, there are different types of policies that are used for different reasons. In this blog, I only give examples for identity-based policies that attach to IAM principals to grant permissions to an identity. You can create and attach multiple identity-based policies to your IAM principals, and you can reuse them across your AWS accounts. There are two types of managed policies. Customer managed policies are created and managed by you, the customer. AWS managed policies are provided as examples, cannot be modified, but can be copied, enhanced, and saved as Customer managed policies. The main elements of a policy statement are:

  • Effect: Specifies whether the statement will Allow or Deny an action.
  • Action: Describes a specific action or actions that will either be allowed or denied to run based on the Effect entered. API actions are unique to each service. For example, s3:ListBuckets is an Amazon S3 service API action that enables an IAM Principal to list all S3 buckets in the same account.
  • NotAction: Can be used as an alternative to using Action. This element will allow an IAM principal to invoke all API actions to a specific AWS service except those actions specified in this list.
  • Resource: Specifies the resources—for example, an S3 bucket or objects—that the policy applies to in Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format.
  • NotResource: Can be used instead of the Resource element to explicitly match every AWS resource except those specified.
  • Condition: Allows you to build expressions to match the condition keys and values in the policy against keys and values in the request context sent by the IAM principal. Condition keys can be service-specific or global. A global condition key can be used with any service. For example, a key of aws:CurrentTime can be used to allow access based on date and time.

Starting with the visual editor

The visual editor is my default starting place for building policies as I like the wizard and seeing all available services, actions, and conditions without looking at the documentation. If there is a complex policy with many services, I often look at the AWS managed policies as a starting place for the actions that are required, then use the visual editor to fine tune and check the resources and conditions.

The policy I’m going to walk you through creating is to grant an AWS Lambda function permission to get specific objects from Amazon S3, and put items in a specific table in Amazon DynamoDB. You can access the visual editor when you choose Create policy under policies in the IAM console, or add policies when viewing a role, group, or user as shown in Figure 1. If you’re not familiar with creating policies, you can follow the full instructions in the IAM documentation.

Figure 1: Use the visual editor to create a policy

Figure 1: Use the visual editor to create a policy

Begin by choosing the first service—S3—to grant access to as shown in Figure 2. You can only choose one service at a time, so you’ll need to add DynamoDB after.

Figure 2: Select S3 service

Figure 2: Select S3 service

Now you will see a list of access levels with the option to manually add actions. Expand the read access level to show all read actions that are supported by the Amazon S3 service. You can now see all read access level actions. For getting an object, check the box for GetObject. Selecting the ? next to an action expands information including a description, supported resource types, and supported condition keys as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Expand Read in Access level, select GetObject, and select the ? next to GetObject

Figure 3: Expand Read in Access level, select GetObject, and select the ? next to GetObject

Expand Resources, you will see that the visual editor has listed object as that is the only resource supported by the GetObject action as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Expand Resources

Figure 4: Expand Resources

Select Add ARN, which opens a dialogue to help you specify the ARN for the objects. Enter a bucket name—such as doc-example-bucket—and then the object name. For the object name you can use a wildcard (*) as a suffix. For example, to allow objects beginning with alpha you would enter alpha*. This is an important step. For this least privileged policy, you are restricting to a specific bucket, and an object prefix. You could even specify an individual object depending on your use case.

Figure 5: Enter bucket name and object name

Figure 5: Enter bucket name and object name

If you have multiple ARNs (bucket and objects) to allow, you can repeat the step.

Figure 6: ARN added for S3 object

Figure 6: ARN added for S3 object

The final step is to expand the request conditions, and choose Add condition. The Add request condition dialogue will open. Select the drop down next to Condition key to list the global condition keys, then the service level condition keys are listed after. You’ll see that there’s an s3:ExistingObjectTag condition that—as the name suggests—matches an existing object tag. You can use this condition key to allow the GetObject request only when the object tag meets your condition. That means you can tag your objects with a specific tag key and value pair, and your policy condition must match this key-value pair to allow the action to execute. When you’re using condition keys with multiple keys or values, you can use condition operators and evaluation logic. As shown in Figure 7, tag-key is entered directly below the condition key. This is the key of the tag to match. For the Operator, select StringEquals to match the tag exactly. Checking If exists tests at least one member of the set of request values, and at least one member of the set of condition key values. The Value to enter is the actual tag value: tag-value as shown in figure 7.

Figure 7: ARN added for S3 object

Figure 7: ARN added for S3 object

That’s it for adding the S3 action, as shown in figure 8.

Figure 8: S3 GetObject action with resource and conditions configured

Figure 8: S3 GetObject action with resource and conditions configured

Now you need to add the DynamoDB permissions by selecting Add additional permissions. Select Choose a service and then select DynamoDB. For actions, expand the Write access level, then choose PutItem.

Figure 9: Choose write access level

Figure 9: Choose write access level

Expand Resources and then select Add ARN. The dialogue that appears will help you build the ARN just like it did for the Amazon S3 service. Enter the Region, for example the ap-southeast-2 (Sydney) Region, the account ID, and the table name. Choosing Add will add the resource ARN to your policy.

Figure 10: Enter Region, account, and table name

Figure 10: Enter Region, account, and table name

Now it’s time to add conditions. Expand Request conditions and then choose Add condition.

There are many DynamoDB conditions that you could use, however you can choose dynamodb:LeadingKeys to represent the first key, or partition keys in a table. You can see from the documentation that a qualifier of For all values in request is recommend. For the Operator you can use StringEquals as your string is going to exactly match, then a Value can use a prefix with wildcard, such as alpha* as shown in figure 11.

Figure 11: Add request conditions

Figure 11: Add request conditions

Choosing Add will take you back to the main visual editor where you can choose Review policy to continue. Enter a name and description for the policy, and then choose Create policy.

You can now attach it to a role to test.

You can see in this example that a policy can use least privilege by using specific resources and conditions. Note that sometimes when you use the AWS Management Console, it requires additional permissions to provide information for the console experience.

Starting with AWS managed policies

AWS managed policies can be a good starting place to see the actions typically associated with a particular service or job function. For example, you can attach the AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy to a role used by an Amazon EC2 instance that allows read-only access to all Amazon S3 buckets. It has an effect of Allow to allow access, and there are two actions that use wildcards (*) to allow all Get and List actions for S3—for example, s3:GetObject and s3:ListBuckets. The resource is a wildcard to allow all S3 buckets the account has access to. A useful feature of this policy is that it only allows read and list access to S3, but not to any other services or types of actions.

Let’s make our own custom IAM policy to make it least privilege. Starting with the action element, you can use the reference for Amazon S3 to see all actions, a description of what each action does, the resource type for each action, and condition keys for each action. Now let’s imagine this policy is used by an Amazon EC2 instance to fetch an application configuration object from within an S3 bucket. Looking at the descriptions for actions starting with Get you can see that the only action that we really need is GetObject. You can then use the resource element to restrict an action to a set of objects prefixed with config within a specific bucket.

         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Action": "s3:GetObject",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:s3::: <doc-example-bucket>/<config*>"

Now that you’ve reduced the scope of what this policy can do for service actions and resources, you can add a condition element that uses attribute based access control (ABAC) to define conditions based on attributes—in this case, a resource tag. In this example, when you’re reading objects from a single bucket, you can set specific conditions to further reduce the scope of permissions given to an IAM principal. There’s an s3:ExistingObjectTag condition that you can use to allow the GetObject request only when the object tag meets your condition. That means you can tag your objects with a specific tag key and value pair, and your IAM policy condition must match this key-value pair to allow the API action to successfully run. When you’re using condition keys with multiple keys or values, you can use condition operators and evaluation logic. You can see that ForAnyValue tests at least one member of the set of request values, and at least one member of the set of condition key values. Alternatively, you can use global condition keys that apply to all services:

         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Action": "s3:GetObject",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<doc-example-bucket>/<config*>",
         "Condition": {
                "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": {
                    "s3:ExistingObjectTag/<tag-key>": "<tag-value>"

In the preceding policy example, the condition element only allows s3:GetObject permissions if the object is tagged with a key of tag-key and a value of tag-value. While you’re experimenting, you can identify errors in your custom policies by using the IAM policy simulator or reviewing the errors messages recorded in AWS CloudTrail logs.


In this post, I’ve shown two different techniques that you can use to create least privilege policies for IAM. You can adapt these methods to create AWS Single Sign-On permission sets and AWS Organizations service control policies (SCPs). Starting with managed policies is a useful strategy when an AWS supplied managed policy already exists for your use case, and then to reduce the scope of what it can do through permissions. I tend to use the visual editor the most for editing policies because it saves looking up the resource and conditions for each action. I suggest that you start by reviewing the policies you’re already using. Start with policies that grant excessive permissions—like the example Administrator policy—and tie them back to the use case of the users or things that need the access. Use the last accessed information, IAM best practices, and look at the AWS Well-Architected best practices and AWS Well-Architected tool.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Ben Potter

Ben is the global security leader for the AWS Well-Architected Framework and is responsible for sharing best practices in security with customers and partners. Ben is also an ambassador for the No More Ransom initiative helping fight cyber crime with Europol, McAfee, and law enforcement across the globe. You can learn more about him in this interview.

New! Streamline existing IAM Access Analyzer findings using archive rules

Post Syndicated from Andrea Nedic original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/new-streamline-existing-iam-access-analyzer-findings-using-archive-rules/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer generates comprehensive findings to help you identify resources that grant public and cross-account access. Now, you can also apply archive rules to existing findings, so you can better manage findings and focus on the findings that need your attention most.

You can think of archive rules as similar to email rules. You define email rules to automatically organize emails. With IAM Access Analyzer, you can define archive rules to automatically mark findings as intended access. Now, those rules can apply to existing as well as new IAM Access Analyzer findings. This helps you focus on findings for potential unintended access to your resources. You can then easily track and resolve these findings by reducing access, helping you to work towards least privilege.

In this post, first I give a brief overview of IAM Access Analyzer. Then I show you an example of how to create an archive rule to automatically archive findings for intended access. Finally, I show you how to update an archive rule to mark existing active findings as intended.

IAM Access Analyzer overview

IAM Access Analyzer helps you determine which resources can be accessed publicly or from other accounts or organizations. IAM Access Analyzer determines this by mathematically analyzing access control policies attached to resources. This form of analysis—called automated reasoning—applies logic and mathematical inference to determine all possible access paths allowed by a resource policy. This is how IAM Access Analyzer uses provable security to deliver comprehensive findings for potential unintended bucket access. You can enable IAM Access Analyzer in the IAM console by creating an analyzer for an account or an organization. Once you’ve created your analyzer, you can review findings for resources that can be accessed publicly or from other AWS accounts or organizations.

Create an archive rule to automatically archive findings for intended access

When you review findings and discover common patterns for intended access, you can create archive rules to automatically archive those findings. This helps you focus on findings for unintended access to your resources, just like email rules help streamline your inbox.

To create an archive rule

In the IAM console, choose Archive rules under Access Analyzer. Then, choose Create archive rule to display the Create archive rule page shown in Figure 1. There, you find the option to name the rule or use the name generated by default. In the Rule section, you define criteria to match properties of findings you want to archive. Just like email rules, you can add multiple criteria to the archive rule. You can define each criterion by selecting a finding property, an operator, and a value. To help ensure a rule doesn’t archive findings for public access, the criterion Public access is false is suggested by default.

Figure 1: IAM Access Analyzer create archive rule page where you add criteria to create a new archive rule

Figure 1: IAM Access Analyzer create archive rule page where you add criteria to create a new archive rule

For example, I have a security audit role external to my account that I expect to have access to resources in my account. To mark that access as intended, I create a rule to archive all findings for Amazon S3 buckets in my account that can be accessed by the security audit role outside of the account. To do this, I include two criteria: Resource type matches S3 bucket, and the AWS Account value matches the security audit role ARN. Once I add these criteria, the Results section displays the list of existing active findings the archive rule matches, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: A rule to archive all findings for S3 buckets in an account that can be accessed by the audit role outside of the account, with matching findings displayed

Figure 2: A rule to archive all findings for S3 buckets in an account that can be accessed by the audit role outside of the account, with matching findings displayed

When you’re done adding criteria for your archive rule, select Create and archive active findings to archive new and existing findings based on the rule criteria. Alternatively, you can choose Create rule to create the rule for new findings only. In the preceding example, I chose Create and archive active findings to archive all findings—existing and new—that match the criteria.

Update an archive rule to mark existing findings as intended

You can also update an archive rule to archive existing findings retroactively and streamline your findings. To edit an archive rule, choose Archive rules under Access Analyzer, then select an existing rule and choose Edit. In the Edit archive rule page, update the archive rule criteria and review the list of existing active findings the archive rule applies to. When you save the archive rule, you can apply it retroactively to existing findings by choosing Save and archive active findings as shown in Figure 3. Otherwise, you can choose Save rule to update the rule and apply it to new findings only.

Note: You can also use the new IAM Access Analyzer API operation ApplyArchiveRule to retroactively apply an archive rule to existing findings that meet the archive rule criteria.


Figure 3: IAM Access Analyzer edit archive rule page where you can apply the rule retroactively to existing findings by choosing Save and archive active findings

Figure 3: IAM Access Analyzer edit archive rule page where you can apply the rule retroactively to existing findings by choosing Save and archive active findings

Get started

To turn on IAM Access Analyzer at no additional cost, open the IAM console. IAM Access Analyzer is available at no additional cost in the IAM console and through APIs in all commercial AWS Regions, AWS China Regions, and AWS GovCloud (US). To learn more about IAM Access Analyzer and which resources it supports, visit the feature page.

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Andrea Nedic

Andrea is a Sr. Tech Product Manager for AWS Identity and Access Management. She enjoys hearing from customers about how they build on AWS. Outside of work, Andrea likes to ski, dance, and be outdoors. She holds a PhD from Princeton University.

How to get read-only visibility into the AWS Control Tower console

Post Syndicated from Bruno Mendez original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-get-read-only-visibility-into-aws-control-tower-console/

When you audit an environment governed by AWS Control Tower, having visibility into the AWS Control Tower console allows you to collect important configuration information, but currently there isn’t a read-only role installed by AWS Control Tower. In this post, I will show you how to create a custom permission set by using both a managed AWS policy and a custom permissions policy. This custom permission set will allow you to get the visibility you need, while still enforcing the principle of least privilege. You will have access to the read-only information you need, without asking your administrator to provide the attestation.

AWS Control Tower sets up AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) with a native default directory. AWS Control Tower comes with a set of preconfigured permission sets available out-of-the-box. A permission set is a collection of administrator-defined policies that AWS SSO uses to determine a user’s effective permissions to access a specific AWS account. Permission sets can contain an AWS inline policy and you can also attach AWS managed policies. When you assign a permission set to a user or group in an account, AWS SSO creates an IAM role in the AWS account, configures the inline and AWS managed policies, and creates the trust policies that allow the assigned users to assume the role through AWS SSO.

To learn more about inline and AWS managed policies, see Managed Policies and Inline Policies and the IAM User Guide on AWS managed policies for job functions.

To create a custom permission set for AWS Control Tower

  1. Log into your AWS Control Tower environment as an administrator.
  2. Choose the AWS Single Sign-On service, then choose AWS accounts.
  3. On the AWS Accounts pane, choose the Permission sets tab, then choose Create permission set, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 1: Permission sets tab in the SSO console

    Figure 1: Permission sets tab in the SSO console

  4. Select Create a custom permission set and enter a name in the Name field (in this example, I named mine Audit-enhanced), then enter text in the Description field, as shown in figure 2.

    Figure 2: AWS Single Sign-On console – Create new permission set workflow

    Figure 2: AWS Single Sign-On console – Create new permission set workflow

  5. Choose a value for Session duration (in this example I set the duration to 1 hour). Optionally, you can set a relay state (in this example, I left it blank), and select both Attach AWS managed policies and Create a custom permissions policy, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3: AWS Single Sign-On console – Setting additional permission set configurations

    Figure 3: AWS Single Sign-On console – Setting additional permission set configurations

  6. In the Attach AWS Managed policies dashboard, in the search bar, enter audit and select the SecurityAudit managed policy, as shown in figure 4.

    Figure 4: AWS Single Sign-On console – Attaching AWS managed policy

    Figure 4: AWS Single Sign-On console – Attaching AWS managed policy

  7. Copy the following JSON policy to your clipboard.
                "Version": "2012-10-17",
                "Statement": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Action": [
                        "Resource": "*"

    This policy grants the following read-level permissions: Get, List, Describe API actions. This is the additional set of permissions necessary to enhance the SecurityAudit role, so that you can gain visibility into the AWS Control Tower console.

  8. Scroll down to the Create a custom permissions policy dashboard, paste the policy you previously copied into the field, as shown in figure 5, then choose Create.

    Figure 5: AWS Single Sign-On console – Entering JSON code for custom permission policy

    Figure 5: AWS Single Sign-On console – Entering JSON code for custom permission policy

Now, when you go to the Permission sets tab, you should see your newly created custom permission set.

To assign the newly created permission set access to your AWS Control Tower master account

  1. On the AWS organization tab, select the box for your AWS Control Tower master account (in this example, the account newControlTower), then choose Assign users, as shown in figure 6.

    Figure 6: AWS Single Sign-On console – AWS organization tab – Assign access workflow

    Figure 6: AWS Single Sign-On console – AWS organization tab – Assign access workflow

  2. On the Users tab, select your user (in this example, CT Tester) as shown in figure 7, and choose Next: Permission sets.

    Figure 7: AWS Single Sign-On console – Users tab – Assigning access to your user

    Figure 7: AWS Single Sign-On console – Users tab – Assigning access to your user

  3. Select the box next to the custom permission set you created earlier (in this example, Audit-enhanced), and choose Finish, as shown in figure 8.

    Figure 8: AWS Single Sign-On console – Select permission sets

    Figure 8: AWS Single Sign-On console – Select permission sets

You should see a Complete page, and the newControlTower account will show Status as Complete, as shown in figure 9.

Figure 9: AWS Single Sign-On console – Successful completion of permission set assignment

Figure 9: AWS Single Sign-On console – Successful completion of permission set assignment

You now have a permission set that enhances your SecurityAuditor role and gives you read-only visibility into your AWS Control Tower environment.


In this post, we’ve detailed how to enhance an “audit-like” role to incorporate additional permissions by using a custom permission set in AWS SSO, while enforcing the principle of least privilege to gain read-only capabilities into the AWS Control Tower console.

For more information on the technologies mentioned in this post, see the following links:

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Bruno Mendez

Bruno joined AWS as a Security Consultant in 2019 and has since worked with several global customers to enable and strengthen their cloud security posture as they embarked in their cloud transformational journeys. Bruno enjoys architecting, assessing, automating, improving, and discussing security. Outside of work Bruno loves playing soccer on the weekends and spending time with the family.