Tag Archives: Automated reasoning

Introducing IAM Access Analyzer custom policy checks

Post Syndicated from Mitch Beaumont original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/introducing-iam-access-analyzer-custom-policy-checks/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer was launched in late 2019. Access Analyzer guides customers toward least-privilege permissions across Amazon Web Services (AWS) by using analysis techniques, such as automated reasoning, to make it simpler for customers to set, verify, and refine IAM permissions. Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of IAM Access Analyzer custom policy checks, a new IAM Access Analyzer feature that helps customers accurately and proactively check IAM policies for critical permissions and increases in policy permissiveness.

In this post, we’ll show how you can integrate custom policy checks into builder workflows to automate the identification of overly permissive IAM policies and IAM policies that contain permissions that you decide are sensitive or critical.

What is the problem?

Although security teams are responsible for the overall security posture of the organization, developers are the ones creating the applications that require permissions. To enable developers to move fast while maintaining high levels of security, organizations look for ways to safely delegate the ability of developers to author IAM policies. Many AWS customers implement manual IAM policy reviews before deploying developer-authored policies to production environments. Customers follow this practice to try to prevent excessive or unwanted permissions finding their way into production. Depending on the volume and complexity of the policies that need to be reviewed; these reviews can be intensive and take time. The result is a slowdown in development and potential delay in deployment of applications and services. Some customers write custom tooling to remove the manual burden of policy reviews, but this can be costly to build and maintain.

How do custom policy checks solve that problem?

Custom policy checks are a new IAM Access Analyzer capability that helps security teams accurately and proactively identify critical permissions in their policies. Custom policy checks can also tell you if a new version of a policy is more permissive than the previous version. Custom policy checks use automated reasoning, a form of static analysis, to provide a higher level of security assurance in the cloud. For more information, see Formal Reasoning About the Security of Amazon Web Services.

Custom policy checks can be embedded in a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline so that checks can be run against policies without having to deploy the policies. In addition, developers can run custom policy checks from their local development environments and get fast feedback about whether or not the policies they are authoring are in line with your organization’s security standards.

How to analyze IAM policies with custom policy checks

In this section, we provide step-by-step instructions for using custom policy checks to analyze IAM policies.


To complete the examples in our walkthrough, you will need the following:

  1. An AWS account, and an identity that has permissions to use the AWS services, and create the resources, used in the following examples. For more information, see the full sample code used in this blog post on GitHub.
  2. An installed and configured AWS CLI. For more information, see Configure the AWS CLI.
  3. The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). For installation instructions, refer to Install the AWS CDK.

Example 1: Use custom policy checks to compare two IAM policies and check that one does not grant more access than the other

In this example, you will create two IAM identity policy documents, NewPolicyDocument and ExistingPolicyDocument. You will use the new CheckNoNewAccess API to compare these two policies and check that NewPolicyDocument does not grant more access than ExistingPolicyDocument.

Step 1: Create two IAM identity policy documents

  1. Use the following command to create ExistingPolicyDocument.
    cat << EOF > existing-policy-document.json
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/*",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "aws:ResourceTag/Owner": "\${aws:username}"

  2. Use the following command to create NewPolicyDocument.
    cat << EOF > new-policy-document.json
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/*"

Notice that ExistingPolicyDocument grants access to the ec2:StartInstances and ec2:StopInstances actions if the condition key aws:ResourceTag/Owner resolves to true. In other words, the value of the tag matches the policy variable aws:username. NewPolicyDocument grants access to the same actions, but does not include a condition key.

Step 2: Check the policies by using the AWS CLI

  1. Use the following command to call the CheckNoNewAccess API to check whether NewPolicyDocument grants more access than ExistingPolicyDocument.
    aws accessanalyzer check-no-new-access \
    --new-policy-document file://new-policy-document.json \
    --existing-policy-document file://existing-policy-document.json \
    --policy-type IDENTITY_POLICY

After a moment, you will see a response from Access Analyzer. The response will look similar to the following.

    "result": "FAIL",
    "message": "The modified permissions grant new access compared to your existing policy.",
    "reasons": [
            "description": "New access in the statement with index: 1.",
            "statementIndex": 1

In this example, the validation returned a result of FAIL. This is because NewPolicyDocument is missing the condition key, potentially granting any principal with this identity policy attached more access than intended or needed.

Example 2: Use custom policy checks to check that an IAM policy does not contain sensitive permissions

In this example, you will create an IAM identity-based policy that contains a set of permissions. You will use the CheckAccessNotGranted API to check that the new policy does not give permissions to disable AWS CloudTrail or delete any associated trails.

Step 1: Create a new IAM identity policy document

  • Use the following command to create IamPolicyDocument.
    cat << EOF > iam-policy-document.json
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": ["*"] 

Step 2: Check the policy by using the AWS CLI

  • Use the following command to call the CheckAccessNotGranted API to check if the new policy grants permission to the set of sensitive actions. In this example, you are asking Access Analyzer to check that IamPolicyDocument does not contain the actions cloudtrail:StopLogging or cloudtrail:DeleteTrail (passed as a list to the access parameter).
    aws accessanalyzer check-access-not-granted \
    --policy-document file://iam-policy-document.json \
    --access actions=cloudtrail:StopLogging,cloudtrail:DeleteTrail \
    --policy-type IDENTITY_POLICY

Because the policy that you created contains both cloudtrail:StopLogging and cloudtrail:DeleteTrail actions, Access Analyzer returns a FAIL.

    "result": "FAIL",
    "message": "The policy document grants access to perform one or more of the listed actions.",
    "reasons": [
            "description": "One or more of the listed actions in the statement with index: 0.",
            "statementIndex": 0

Example 3: Integrate custom policy checks into the developer workflow

Building on the previous two examples, in this example, you will automate the analysis of the IAM policies defined in an AWS CloudFormation template. Figure 1 shows the workflow that will be used. The workflow will initiate each time a pull request is created against the main branch of an AWS CodeCommit repository called my-iam-policy (the commit stage in Figure 1). The first check uses the CheckNoNewAccess API to determine if the updated policy is more permissive than a reference IAM policy. The second check uses the CheckAccessNotGranted API to automatically check for critical permissions within the policy (the validation stage in Figure 1). In both cases, if the updated policy is more permissive, or contains critical permissions, a comment with the results of the validation is posted to the pull request. This information can then be used to decide whether the pull request is merged into the main branch for deployment (the deploy stage is shown in Figure 1).

Figure 1: Diagram of the pipeline that will check policies

Figure 1: Diagram of the pipeline that will check policies

Step 1: Deploy the infrastructure and set up the pipeline

  1. Use the following command to download and unzip the Cloud Development Kit (CDK) project associated with this blog post.
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/access-analyzer-automated-policy-analysis-blog.git
    cd ./access-analyzer-automated-policy-analysis-blog

  2. Create a virtual Python environment to contain the project dependencies by using the following command.
    python3 -m venv .venv

  3. Activate the virtual environment with the following command.
    source .venv/bin/activate

  4. Install the project requirements by using the following command.
    pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Use the following command to update the CDK CLI to the latest major version.
    npm install -g aws-cdk@2 --force

  6. Before you can deploy the CDK project, use the following command to bootstrap your AWS environment. Bootstrapping is the process of creating resources needed for deploying CDK projects. These resources include an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket for storing files and IAM roles that grant permissions needed to perform deployments.
    cdk bootstrap

  7. Finally, use the following command to deploy the pipeline infrastructure.
    cdk deploy --require-approval never

    The deployment will take a few minutes to complete. Feel free to grab a coffee and check back shortly.

    When the deployment completes, there will be two stack outputs listed: one with a name that contains CodeCommitRepo and another with a name that contains ConfigBucket. Make a note of the values of these outputs, because you will need them later.

    The deployed pipeline is displayed in the AWS CodePipeline console and should look similar to the pipeline shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2: AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild Management Console view

    Figure 2: AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild Management Console view

    In addition to initiating when a pull request is created, the newly deployed pipeline can also be initiated when changes to the main branch of the AWS CodeCommit repository are detected. The pipeline has three stages, CheckoutSources, IAMPolicyAnalysis, and deploy. The CheckoutSource stage checks out the contents of the my-iam-policy repository when the pipeline is triggered due to a change in the main branch.

    The IAMPolicyAnalysis stage, which runs after the CheckoutSource stage or when a pull request has been created against the main branch, has two actions. The first action, Check no new access, verifies that changes to the IAM policies in the CloudFormation template do not grant more access than a pre-defined reference policy. The second action, Check access not granted, verifies that those same updates do not grant access to API actions that are deemed sensitive or critical. Finally, the Deploy stage will deploy the resources defined in the CloudFormation template, if the actions in the IAMPolicyAnalysis stage are successful.

    To analyze the IAM policies, the Check no new access and Check access not granted actions depend on a reference policy and a predefined list of API actions, respectively.

  8. Use the following command to create the reference policy.
    cd ../ 
    cat << EOF > cnna-reference-policy.json
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": "*",
                "Resource": "*"
                "Effect": "Deny",
                "Action": "iam:PassRole",
                "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/my-sensitive-roles/*"

    This reference policy sets out the maximum permissions for policies that you plan to validate with custom policy checks. The iam:PassRole permission is a permission that allows an IAM principal to pass an IAM role to an AWS service, like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or AWS Lambda. The reference policy says that the only way that a policy is more permissive is if it allows iam:PassRole on this group of sensitive resources: arn:aws:iam::*:role/my-sensitive-roles/*”.

    Why might a reference policy be useful? A reference policy helps ensure that a particular combination of actions, resources, and conditions is not allowed in your environment. Reference policies typically allow actions and resources in one statement, then deny the problematic permissions in a second statement. This means that a policy that is more permissive than the reference policy allows access to a permission that the reference policy has denied.

    In this example, a developer who is authorized to create IAM roles could, intentionally or unintentionally, create an IAM role for an AWS service (like EC2 for AWS Lambda) that has permission to pass a privileged role to another service or principal, leading to an escalation of privilege.

  9. Use the following command to create a list of sensitive actions. This list will be parsed during the build pipeline and passed to the CheckAccessNotGranted API. If the policy grants access to one or more of the sensitive actions in this list, a result of FAIL will be returned. To keep this example simple, add a single API action, as follows.
    cat << EOF > sensitive-actions.file

  10. So that the CodeBuild projects can access the dependencies, use the following command to copy the cnna-reference-policy.file and sensitive-actions.file to an S3 bucket. Refer to the stack outputs you noted earlier and replace <ConfigBucket> with the name of the S3 bucket created in your environment.
    aws s3 cp ./cnna-reference-policy.json s3://<ConfgBucket>/cnna-reference-policy.json
    aws s3 cp ./sensitive-actions.file s3://<ConfigBucket>/sensitive-actions.file

Step 2: Create a new CloudFormation template that defines an IAM policy

With the pipeline deployed, the next step is to clone the repository that was created and populate it with a CloudFormation template that defines an IAM policy.

  1. Install git-remote-codecommit by using the following command.
    pip install git-remote-codecommit

    For more information on installing and configuring git-remote-codecommit, see the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.

  2. With git-remote-codecommit installed, use the following command to clone the my-iam-policy repository from AWS CodeCommit.
    git clone codecommit://my-iam-policy && cd ./my-iam-policy

    If you’ve configured a named profile for use with the AWS CLI, use the following command, replacing <profile> with the name of your named profile.

    git clone codecommit://<profile>@my-iam-policy && cd ./my-iam-policy

  3. Use the following command to create the CloudFormation template in the local clone of the repository.
    cat << EOF > ec2-instance-role.yaml
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
    Description: CloudFormation Template to deploy base resources for access_analyzer_blog
        Type: AWS::IAM::Role
            Version: 2012-10-17
            - Effect: Allow
                Service: ec2.amazonaws.com
              Action: sts:AssumeRole
          Path: /
          - PolicyName: my-application-permissions
              Version: 2012-10-17
              - Effect: Allow
                  - 'ec2:RunInstances'
                  - 'lambda:CreateFunction'
                  - 'lambda:InvokeFunction'
                  - 'dynamodb:Scan'
                  - 'dynamodb:Query'
                  - 'dynamodb:UpdateItem'
                  - 'dynamodb:GetItem'
                Resource: '*'
              - Effect: Allow
                  - iam:PassRole 
                Resource: "arn:aws:iam::*:role/my-custom-role"
        Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile
          Path: /
            - !Ref EC2Role

The actions in the IAMPolicyValidation stage are run by a CodeBuild project. CodeBuild environments run arbitrary commands that are passed to the project using a buildspec file. Each project has already been configured to use an inline buildspec file.

You can inspect the buildspec file for each project by opening the project’s Build details page as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: AWS CodeBuild console and build details

Figure 3: AWS CodeBuild console and build details

Step 3: Run analysis on the IAM policy

The next step involves checking in the first version of the CloudFormation template to the repository and checking two things. First, that the policy does not grant more access than the reference policy. Second, that the policy does not contain any of the sensitive actions defined in the sensitive-actions.file.

  1. To begin tracking the CloudFormation template created earlier, use the following command.
    git add ec2-instance-role.yaml 

  2. Commit the changes you have made to the repository.
    git commit -m 'committing a new CFN template with IAM policy'

  3. Finally, push these changes to the remote repository.
    git push

  4. Pushing these changes will initiate the pipeline. After a few minutes the pipeline should complete successfully. To view the status of the pipeline, do the following:
    1. Navigate to https://<region>.console.aws.amazon.com/codesuite/codepipeline/pipelines (replacing <region> with your AWS Region).
    2. Choose the pipeline called accessanalyzer-pipeline.
    3. Scroll down to the IAMPolicyValidation stage of the pipeline.
    4. For both the check no new access and check access not granted actions, choose View Logs to inspect the log output.
  5. If you inspect the build logs for both the check no new access and check access not granted actions within the pipeline, you should see that there were no blocking or non-blocking findings, similar to what is shown in Figure 4. This indicates that the policy was validated successfully. In other words, the policy was not more permissive than the reference policy, and it did not include any of the critical permissions.
    Figure 4: CodeBuild log entry confirming that the IAM policy was successfully validated

    Figure 4: CodeBuild log entry confirming that the IAM policy was successfully validated

Step 4: Create a pull request to merge a new update to the CloudFormation template

In this step, you will make a change to the IAM policy in the CloudFormation template. The change deliberately makes the policy grant more access than the reference policy. The change also includes a critical permission.

  1. Use the following command to create a new branch called add-new-permissions in the local clone of the repository.
    git checkout -b add-new-permissions

  2. Next, edit the IAM policy in ec2-instance-role.yaml to include an additional API action, dynamodb:Delete* and update the resource property of the inline policy to use an IAM role in the /my-sensitive-roles/*” path. You can copy the following example, if you’re unsure of how to do this.
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
    Description: CloudFormation Template to deploy base resources for access_analyzer_blog
        Type: AWS::IAM::Role
            Version: 2012-10-17
            - Effect: Allow
                Service: ec2.amazonaws.com
              Action: sts:AssumeRole
          Path: /
          - PolicyName: my-application-permissions
              Version: 2012-10-17
              - Effect: Allow
                  - 'ec2:RunInstances'
                  - 'lambda:CreateFunction'
                  - 'lambda:InvokeFunction'
                  - 'dynamodb:Scan'
                  - 'dynamodb:Query'
                  - 'dynamodb:UpdateItem'
                  - 'dynamodb:GetItem'
                  - 'dynamodb:Delete*'
                Resource: '*'
              - Effect: Allow
                  - iam:PassRole 
                Resource: "arn:aws:iam::*:role/my-sensitive-roles/my-custom-admin-role"
        Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile
          Path: /
            - !Ref EC2Role

  3. Commit the policy change and push the updated policy document to the repo by using the following commands.
    git add ec2-instance-role.yaml 
    git commit -m "adding new permission and allowing my ec2 instance to assume a pass sensitive IAM role"

  4. The add-new-permissions branch is currently a local branch. Use the following command to push the branch to the remote repository. This action will not initiate the pipeline, because the pipeline only runs when changes are made to the repository’s main branch.
    git push -u origin add-new-permissions

  5. With the new branch and changes pushed to the repository, follow these steps to create a pull request:
    1. Navigate to https://console.aws.amazon.com/codesuite/codecommit/repositories (don’t forget to the switch to the correct Region).
    2. Choose the repository called my-iam-policy.
    3. Choose the branch add-new-permissions from the drop-down list at the top of the repository screen.
      Figure 5: my-iam-policy repository with new branch available

      Figure 5: my-iam-policy repository with new branch available

    4. Choose Create pull request.
    5. Enter a title and description for the pull request.
    6. (Optional) Scroll down to see the differences between the current version and new version of the CloudFormation template highlighted.
    7. Choose Create pull request.
  6. The creation of the pull request will Initiate the pipeline to fetch the CloudFormation template from the repository and run the check no new access and check access not granted analysis actions.
  7. After a few minutes, choose the Activity tab for the pull request. You should see a comment from the pipeline that contains the results of the failed validation.
    Figure 6: Results from the failed validation posted as a comment to the pull request

    Figure 6: Results from the failed validation posted as a comment to the pull request

Why did the validations fail?

The updated IAM role and inline policy failed validation for two reasons. First, the reference policy said that no one should have more permissions than the reference policy does. The reference policy in this example included a deny statement for the iam:PassRole permission with a resource of /my-sensitive-role/*. The new created inline policy included an allow statement for the iam:PassRole permission with a resource of arn:aws:iam::*:role/my-sensitive-roles/my-custom-admin-role. In other words, the new policy had more permissions than the reference policy.

Second, the list of critical permissions included the dynamodb:DeleteTable permission. The inline policy included a statement that would allow the EC2 instance to perform the dynamodb:DeleteTable action.


Use the following command to delete the infrastructure that was provisioned as part of the examples in this blog post.

cdk destroy 


In this post, I introduced you to two new IAM Access Analyzer APIs: CheckNoNewAccess and CheckAccessNotGranted. The main example in the post demonstrated one way in which you can use these APIs to automate security testing throughout the development lifecycle. The example did this by integrating both APIs into the developer workflow and validating the developer-authored IAM policy when the developer created a pull request to merge changes into the repository’s main branch. The automation helped the developer to get feedback about the problems with the IAM policy quickly, allowing the developer to take action in a timely way. This is often referred to as shifting security left — identifying misconfigurations early and automatically supporting an iterative, fail-fast model of continuous development and testing. Ultimately, this enables teams to make security an inherent part of a system’s design and architecture and can speed up product development workflow.

You can find the full sample code used in this blog post on GitHub.

To learn more about IAM Access Analyzer and the new custom policy checks feature, see the IAM Access Analyzer documentation.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Mitch Beaumont

Mitch Beaumont

Mitch is a Principal Solutions Architect for AWS, based in Sydney, Australia. Mitch works with some of Australia’s largest financial services customers, helping them to continually raise the security bar for the products and features that they build and ship. Outside of work, Mitch enjoys spending time with his family, photography, and surfing.


Matt Luttrell

Matt is a Principal Solutions Architect on the AWS Identity Solutions team. When he’s not spending time chasing his kids around, he enjoys skiing, cycling, and the occasional video game.

How we designed Cedar to be intuitive to use, fast, and safe

Post Syndicated from Emina Torlak original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-we-designed-cedar-to-be-intuitive-to-use-fast-and-safe/

This post is a deep dive into the design of Cedar, an open source language for writing and evaluating authorization policies. Using Cedar, you can control access to your application’s resources in a modular and reusable way. You write Cedar policies that express your application’s permissions, and the application uses Cedar’s authorization engine to decide which access requests to allow. This decouples access control from the application logic, letting you write, update, audit, and reuse authorization policies independently of application code.

Cedar’s authorization engine is built to a high standard of performance and correctness. Application developers report typical authorization latencies of less than 1 ms, even with hundreds of policies. The resulting authorization decision — Allow or Deny — is provably correct, thanks to the use of verification-guided development. This high standard means your application can use Cedar with confidence, just like Amazon Web Services (AWS) does as part of the Amazon Verified Permissions and AWS Verified Access services.

Cedar’s design is based on three core tenets: usability, speed, and safety. Cedar policies are intuitive to read because they’re defined using your application’s vocabulary—for example, photos organized into albums for a photo-sharing application. Cedar’s policy structure reflects common authorization use cases and enables fast evaluation. Cedar’s semantics are intuitive and safer by default: policies combine to allow or deny access according to rules you already know from AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).

This post shows how Cedar’s authorization semantics, data model, and policy syntax work together to make the Cedar language intuitive to use, fast, and safe. We cover each of these in turn and highlight how their design reflects our tenets.

The Cedar authorization semantics: Default deny, forbid wins, no ordering

We show how Cedar works on an example application for sharing photos, called PhotoFlash, illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: An example PhotoFlash account. User Jane has two photos, four albums, and three user groups

Figure 1: An example PhotoFlash account. User Jane has two photos, four albums, and three user groups

PhotoFlash lets users like Jane upload photos to the cloud, tag them, and organize them into albums. Jane can also share photos with others, for example, letting her friends view photos in her trips album. PhotoFlash provides a point-and-click interface for users to share access, and then stores the resulting permissions as Cedar policies.

When a user attempts to perform an action on a resource (for example, view a photo), PhotoFlash calls the Cedar authorization engine to determine whether access is allowed. The authorizer evaluates the stored policies against the request and application-specific data (such as a photo’s tags) and returns Allow or Deny. If it returns Allow, PhotoFlash proceeds with the action. If it returns Deny, PhotoFlash reports that the action is not permitted.

Let’s look at some policies and see how Cedar evaluates them to authorize requests safely and simply.

Default deny

To let Jane’s friends view photos in her trips album, PhotoFlash generates and stores the following Cedar permit policy:

// Policy A: Jane's friends can view photos in Jane's trips album.
  principal in Group::"jane/friends", 
  action == Action::"viewPhoto",
  resource in Album::"jane/trips");

Cedar policies define who (the principal) can do what (the action) on what asset (the resource). This policy allows the principal (a PhotoFlash User) in Jane’s friends group to view the resources (a Photo) in Jane’s trips album.

Cedar’s authorizer grants access only if a request satisfies a specific permit policy. This semantics is default deny: Requests that don’t satisfy any permit policy are denied.

Given only our example Policy A, the authorizer will allow Alice to view Jane’s flower.jpg photo. Alice’s request satisfies Policy A because Alice is one of Jane’s friends (see Figure 1). But the authorizer will deny John’s request to view this photo. That’s because John isn’t one of Jane’s friends, and there is no other permit that grants John access to Jane’s photos.

Forbid wins

While PhotoFlash allows individual users to choose their own permissions, it also enforces system-wide security rules.

For example, PhotoFlash wants to prevent users from performing actions on resources that are owned by someone else and tagged as private. If a user (Jane) accidentally permits someone else (Alice) to view a private photo (receipt.jpg), PhotoFlash wants to override the user-defined permission and deny the request.

In Cedar, such guardrails are expressed as forbid policies:

// Policy B: Users can't perform any actions on private resources they don't own.
forbid(principal, action, resource)
when {
  resource.tags.contains("private") &&
  !(resource in principal.account)

This PhotoFlash policy says that a principal is forbidden from taking an action on a resource when the resource is tagged as private and isn’t contained in the principal’s account.

Cedar’s authorizer makes sure that forbids override permits. If a request satisfies a forbid policy, it’s denied regardless of what permissions are satisfied.

For example, the authorizer will deny Alice’s request to view Jane’s receipt.jpg photo. This request satisfies Policy A because Alice is one of Jane’s friends. But it also satisfies the guardrail in Policy B because the photo is tagged as private. The guardrail wins, and the request is denied.

No ordering

Cedar’s authorization decisions are independent of the order the policies are evaluated in. Whether the authorizer evaluates Policy A first and then Policy B, or the other way around, doesn’t matter. As you’ll see later, the Cedar language design ensures that policies can be evaluated in any order to reach the same authorization decision. To understand the combined meaning of multiple Cedar policies, you need only remember that access is allowed if the request satisfies a permit policy and there are no applicable forbid policies.

Safe by default and intuitive

We’ve proved (using automated reasoning) that Cedar’s authorizer satisfies the default denyforbids override permits, and order independence properties. These properties help make Cedar’s behavior safe by default and intuitive. Amazon IAM has the same properties. Cedar builds on more than a decade of IAM experience by formalizing and enforcing these properties as parts of its design.

Now that we’ve seen how Cedar authorizes requests, let’s look at how its data model and syntax support writing policies that are quick to read and evaluate.

The Cedar data model: entities with attributes, arranged in a hierarchy

Cedar policies are defined in terms of a vocabulary specific to your application. For example, PhotoFlash organizes photos into albums and users into groups while a task management application organizes tasks into lists. You reflect this vocabulary into Cedar’s data model, which organizes entities into a hierarchy. Entities correspond to objects within your application, such as photos and users. The hierarchy reflects grouping of entities, such as nesting of photos into albums. Think of it as a directed-acyclic graph. Figure 2 shows the entity hierarchy for PhotoFlash that matches Figure 1.

Figure 2: An example hierarchy for PhotoFlash, matching the illustration in Figure 1

Figure 2: An example hierarchy for PhotoFlash, matching the illustration in Figure 1

Entities are stored objects that serve as principals, resources, and actions in Cedar policies. Policies refer to these objects using entity references, such as Album::”jane/art”.

Policies use the in operator to check if the hierarchy relates two entities. For example, Photo::”flower.jpg” in Account::”jane” is true for the hierarchy in Figure 2, but Photo::”flower.jpg” in Album::”jane/conference” is not. PhotoFlash can persist the entity hierarchy in a dedicated entity store, or compute the relevant parts as needed for an authorization request.

Each entity also has a record that maps named attributes to values. An attribute stores a Cedar value: an entity reference, record, string, 64-bit integer, boolean, or a set of values. For example, Photo::”flower.jpg” has attributes describing the photo’s metadata, such as tags, which is a set of strings, and raw, which is an entity reference to another Photo. Cedar supports a small collection of operators that can be applied to values; these operators are carefully chosen to enable efficient evaluation.

Built-in support for role and attribute-based access control

If the concepts you’ve seen so far seem familiar, that’s not surprising. Cedar’s data model is designed to allow you to implement time-tested access control models, including role-based and attribute-based access control (RBAC and ABAC). The entity hierarchy and the in operator support RBAC-style roles as groups, while entity records and the . operator let you express ABAC-style permissions using per-object attributes.

The Cedar syntax: Structured, loop-free, and stateless

Cedar uses a simple, structured syntax for writing policies. This structure makes Cedar policies simple to understand and fast to authorize at scale. Let’s see how by taking a closer look at Cedar’s syntax.

Structure for readability and scalable authorization

Figure 3 illustrates the structure of Cedar policies: an effect and scope, optionally followed by one or more conditions.

The effect of a policy is to either permit or forbid access. The scope can use equality (==) or membership (in) constraints to restrict the principals, actions, and resources to which the policy applies. Policy conditions are expressions that further restrict when the policy applies.

This structure makes policies straightforward to read and understand: The scope expresses an RBAC rule, and the conditions express ABAC rules. For example, PhotoFlash Policy A has no conditions and expresses a single RBAC rule. Policy B has an open (unconstrained) scope and expresses a single ABAC rule. A quick glance is enough to see if a policy is just an RBAC rule, just an ABAC rule, or a mix of both.

Figure 3: Cedar policy structure, illustrated on PhotoFlash Policy A and B

Figure 3: Cedar policy structure, illustrated on PhotoFlash Policy A and B

Scopes also enable scalable authorization for large policy stores through policy slicing. This is a property of Cedar that lets applications authorize a request against a subset of stored policies, supporting real-time decisions even for stores with thousands of policies. With slicing, an application needs to pass a policy to the authorizer only when the request’s principal and resource are descendants of the principal and resource entities specified in the policy’s scope. For example, PhotoFlash needs to include Policy A only for requests that involve the descendants of Group::”jane/friends” and Album::”jane/trips”. But Policy B must be included for all requests because of its open scope.

No loops or state for fast evaluation and intuitive decisions

Policy conditions are Boolean-valued expressions. The Cedar expression language has a familiar syntax that includes if-then-else expressions, short-circuiting Boolean operators (!, &&, ||), and basic operations on Cedar values. Notably, there is no way to express looping or to change the application state (for example, mutate an attribute).

Cedar excludes loops to bound authorization latency. With no loops or costly built-in operators, Cedar policies terminate in O(n2) steps in the worst case (when conditions contain certain set operations), or O(n) in the common case.

Cedar also excludes stateful operations for performance and understandability. Since policies can’t change the application state, their evaluation can be parallelized for better performance, and you can reason about them in any order to see what accesses are allowed.

Learn more

In this post, we explored how Cedar’s design supports intuitive, fast, and safe authorization. With Cedar, your application’s access control rules become standalone policies that are clear, auditable, and reusable. You enforce these policies by calling Cedar’s authorizer to decide quickly and safely which requests are allowed. To learn more, see how to use Cedar to secure your app, and how we built Cedar to a high standard of assurance. You can also visit the Cedar website and blog, try it out in the Cedar playground, and join us on Cedar’s Slack channel.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Emina Torlak

Emina Torlak

Emina is a Senior Principal Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services and an Associate Professor at the University of Washington. Her research aims to help developers build better software more easily. She develops languages and tools for program verification and synthesis. Emina co-leads the development of Cedar.

Resource leak detection in Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

Post Syndicated from Pranav Garg original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/resource-leak-detection-in-amazon-codeguru/

This post discusses the resource leak detector for Java in Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer. CodeGuru Reviewer automatically analyzes pull requests (created in supported repositories such as AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, and Bitbucket) and generates recommendations for improving code quality. For more information, see Automating code reviews and application profiling with Amazon CodeGuru. This blog does not describe the resource leak detector for Python programs that is now available in preview.

What are resource leaks?

Resources are objects with a limited availability within a computing system. These typically include objects managed by the operating system, such as file handles, database connections, and network sockets. Because the number of such resources in a system is limited, they must be released by an application as soon as they are used. Otherwise, you will run out of resources and you won’t be able to allocate new ones. The paradigm of acquiring a resource and releasing it is also followed by other categories of objects such as metric wrappers and timers.

Resource leaks are bugs that arise when a program doesn’t release the resources it has acquired. Resource leaks can lead to resource exhaustion. In the worst case, they can cause the system to slow down or even crash.

Starting with Java 7, most classes holding resources implement the java.lang.AutoCloseable interface and provide a close() method to release them. However, a close() call in source code doesn’t guarantee that the resource is released along all program execution paths. For example, in the following sample code, resource r is acquired by calling its constructor and is closed along the path corresponding to the if branch, shown using green arrows. To ensure that the acquired resource doesn’t leak, you must also close r along the path corresponding to the else branch (the path shown using red arrows).

A resource must be closed along all execution paths to prevent resource leaks

Often, resource leaks manifest themselves along code paths that aren’t frequently run, or under a heavy system load, or after the system has been running for a long time. As a result, such leaks are latent and can remain dormant in source code for long periods of time before manifesting themselves in production environments. This is the primary reason why resource leak bugs are difficult to detect or replicate during testing, and why automatically detecting these bugs during pull requests and code scans is important.

Detecting resource leaks in CodeGuru Reviewer

For this post, we consider the following Java code snippet. In this code, method getConnection() attempts to create a connection in the connection pool associated with a data source. Typically, a connection pool limits the maximum number of connections that can remain open at any given time. As a result, you must close connections after their use so as to not exhaust this limit.

 1     private Connection getConnection(final BasicDataSource dataSource, ...)
               throws ValidateConnectionException, SQLException {
 2         boolean connectionAcquired = false;
 3         // Retrying three times to get the connection.
 4         for (int attempt = 0; attempt < CONNECTION_RETRIES; ++attempt) {
 5             Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
 6             // validateConnection may throw ValidateConnectionException
 7             if (! validateConnection(connection, ...)) {
 8                 // connection is invalid
 9                 DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection);
10             } else {
11                 // connection is established
12                 connectionAcquired = true;
13                 return connection;
14             }
15         }
16         return null;
17     }

At first glance, it seems that the method getConnection() doesn’t leak connection resources. If a valid connection is established in the connection pool (else branch on line 10 is taken), the method getConnection() returns it to the client for use (line 13). If the connection established is invalid (if branch on line 7 is taken), it’s closed in line 9 before another attempt is made to establish a connection.

However, method validateConnection() at line 7 can throw a ValidateConnectionException. If this exception is thrown after a connection is established at line 5, the connection is neither closed in this method nor is it returned upstream to the client to be closed later. Furthermore, if this exceptional code path runs frequently, for instance, if the validation logic throws on a specific recurring service request, each new request causes a connection to leak in the connection pool. Eventually, the client can’t acquire new connections to the data source, impacting the availability of the service.

A typical recommendation to prevent resource leak bugs is to declare the resource objects in a try-with-resources statement block. However, we can’t use try-with-resources to fix the preceding method because this method is required to return an open connection for use in the upstream client. The CodeGuru Reviewer recommendation for the preceding code snippet is as follows:

“Consider closing the following resource: connection. The resource is referenced at line 7. The resource is closed at line 9. The resource is returned at line 13. There are other execution paths that don’t close the resource or return it, for example, when validateConnection throws an exception. To prevent this resource leak, close connection along these other paths before you exit this method.”

As mentioned in the Reviewer recommendation, to prevent this resource leak, you must close the established connection when method validateConnection() throws an exception. This can be achieved by inserting the validation logic (lines 7–14) in a try block. In the finally block associated with this try, the connection must be closed by calling DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection) if connectionAcquired == false. The method getConnection() after this fix has been applied is as follows:

private Connection getConnection(final BasicDataSource dataSource, ...) 
        throws ValidateConnectionException, SQLException {
    boolean connectionAcquired = false;
    // Retrying three times to get the connection.
    for (int attempt = 0; attempt < CONNECTION_RETRIES; ++attempt) {
        Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
        try {
            // validateConnection may throw ValidateConnectionException
            if (! validateConnection(connection, ...)) {
                // connection is invalid
            } else {
                // connection is established
                connectionAcquired = true;
                return connection;
        } finally {
            if (!connectionAcquired) {
    return null;

As shown in this example, resource leaks in production services can be very disruptive. Furthermore, leaks that manifest along exceptional or less frequently run code paths can be hard to detect or replicate during testing and can remain dormant in the code for long periods of time before manifesting themselves in production environments. With the resource leak detector, you can detect such leaks on objects belonging to a large number of popular Java types such as file streams, database connections, network sockets, timers and metrics, etc.

Combining static code analysis with machine learning for accurate resource leak detection

In this section, we dive deep into the inner workings of the resource leak detector. The resource leak detector in CodeGuru Reviewer uses static analysis algorithms and techniques. Static analysis algorithms perform code analysis without running the code. These algorithms are generally prone to high false positives (the tool might report correct code as having a bug). If the number of these false positives is high, it can lead to alarm fatigue and low adoption of the tool. As a result, the resource leak detector in CodeGuru Reviewer prioritizes precision over recall— the findings we surface are resource leaks with a high accuracy, though CodeGuru Reviewer could potentially miss some resource leak findings.

The main reason for false positives in static code analysis is incomplete information available to the analysis. CodeGuru Reviewer requires only the Java source files and doesn’t require all dependencies or the build artifacts. Not requiring the external dependencies or the build artifacts reduces the friction to perform automated code reviews. As a result, static analysis only has access to the code in the source repository and doesn’t have access to its external dependencies. The resource leak detector in CodeGuru Reviewer combines static code analysis with a machine learning (ML) model. This ML model is used to reason about external dependencies to provide accurate recommendations.

To understand the use of the ML model, consider again the code above for method getConnection() that had a resource leak. In the code snippet, a connection to the data source is established by calling BasicDataSource.getConnection() method, declared in the Apache Commons library. As mentioned earlier, we don’t require the source code of external dependencies like the Apache library for code analysis during pull requests. Without access to the code of external dependencies, a pure static analysis-driven technique doesn’t know whether the Connection object obtained at line 5 will leak, if not closed. Similarly, it doesn’t know that DbUtils.closeQuietly() is a library function that closes the connection argument passed to it at line 9. Our detector combines static code analysis with ML that learns patterns over such external function calls from a large number of available code repositories. As a result, our resource leak detector knows that the connection doesn’t leak along the following code path:

  • A connection is established on line 5
  • Method validateConnection() returns false at line 7
  • DbUtils.closeQuietly() is called on line 9

This suppresses the possible false warning. At the same time, the detector knows that there is a resource leak when the connection is established at line 5, and validateConnection() throws an exception at line 7 that isn’t caught.

When we run CodeGuru Reviewer on this code snippet, it surfaces only the second leak scenario and makes an appropriate recommendation to fix this bug.

The ML model used in the resource leak detector has been trained on a large number of internal Amazon and GitHub code repositories.

Responses to the resource leak findings

Although closing an open resource in code isn’t difficult, doing so properly along all program paths is important to prevent resource leaks. This can easily be overlooked, especially along exceptional or less frequently run paths. As a result, the resource leak detector in CodeGuru Reviewer has observed a relatively high frequency, and has alerted developers within Amazon to thousands of resource leaks before they hit production.

The resource leak detections have witnessed a high developer acceptance rate, and developer feedback towards the resource leak detector has been very positive. Some of the feedback from developers includes “Very cool, automated finding,” “Good bot :),” and “Oh man, this is cool.” Developers have also concurred that the findings are important and need to be fixed.


Resource leak bugs are difficult to detect or replicate during testing. They can impact the availability of production services. As a result, it’s important to automatically detect these bugs early on in the software development workflow, such as during pull requests or code scans. The resource leak detector in CodeGuru Reviewer combines static code analysis algorithms with ML to surface only the high confidence leaks. It has a high developer acceptance rate and has alerted developers within Amazon to thousands of leaks before those leaks hit production.

New! Streamline existing IAM Access Analyzer findings using archive rules

Post Syndicated from Andrea Nedic original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/new-streamline-existing-iam-access-analyzer-findings-using-archive-rules/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer generates comprehensive findings to help you identify resources that grant public and cross-account access. Now, you can also apply archive rules to existing findings, so you can better manage findings and focus on the findings that need your attention most.

You can think of archive rules as similar to email rules. You define email rules to automatically organize emails. With IAM Access Analyzer, you can define archive rules to automatically mark findings as intended access. Now, those rules can apply to existing as well as new IAM Access Analyzer findings. This helps you focus on findings for potential unintended access to your resources. You can then easily track and resolve these findings by reducing access, helping you to work towards least privilege.

In this post, first I give a brief overview of IAM Access Analyzer. Then I show you an example of how to create an archive rule to automatically archive findings for intended access. Finally, I show you how to update an archive rule to mark existing active findings as intended.

IAM Access Analyzer overview

IAM Access Analyzer helps you determine which resources can be accessed publicly or from other accounts or organizations. IAM Access Analyzer determines this by mathematically analyzing access control policies attached to resources. This form of analysis—called automated reasoning—applies logic and mathematical inference to determine all possible access paths allowed by a resource policy. This is how IAM Access Analyzer uses provable security to deliver comprehensive findings for potential unintended bucket access. You can enable IAM Access Analyzer in the IAM console by creating an analyzer for an account or an organization. Once you’ve created your analyzer, you can review findings for resources that can be accessed publicly or from other AWS accounts or organizations.

Create an archive rule to automatically archive findings for intended access

When you review findings and discover common patterns for intended access, you can create archive rules to automatically archive those findings. This helps you focus on findings for unintended access to your resources, just like email rules help streamline your inbox.

To create an archive rule

In the IAM console, choose Archive rules under Access Analyzer. Then, choose Create archive rule to display the Create archive rule page shown in Figure 1. There, you find the option to name the rule or use the name generated by default. In the Rule section, you define criteria to match properties of findings you want to archive. Just like email rules, you can add multiple criteria to the archive rule. You can define each criterion by selecting a finding property, an operator, and a value. To help ensure a rule doesn’t archive findings for public access, the criterion Public access is false is suggested by default.

Figure 1: IAM Access Analyzer create archive rule page where you add criteria to create a new archive rule

Figure 1: IAM Access Analyzer create archive rule page where you add criteria to create a new archive rule

For example, I have a security audit role external to my account that I expect to have access to resources in my account. To mark that access as intended, I create a rule to archive all findings for Amazon S3 buckets in my account that can be accessed by the security audit role outside of the account. To do this, I include two criteria: Resource type matches S3 bucket, and the AWS Account value matches the security audit role ARN. Once I add these criteria, the Results section displays the list of existing active findings the archive rule matches, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: A rule to archive all findings for S3 buckets in an account that can be accessed by the audit role outside of the account, with matching findings displayed

Figure 2: A rule to archive all findings for S3 buckets in an account that can be accessed by the audit role outside of the account, with matching findings displayed

When you’re done adding criteria for your archive rule, select Create and archive active findings to archive new and existing findings based on the rule criteria. Alternatively, you can choose Create rule to create the rule for new findings only. In the preceding example, I chose Create and archive active findings to archive all findings—existing and new—that match the criteria.

Update an archive rule to mark existing findings as intended

You can also update an archive rule to archive existing findings retroactively and streamline your findings. To edit an archive rule, choose Archive rules under Access Analyzer, then select an existing rule and choose Edit. In the Edit archive rule page, update the archive rule criteria and review the list of existing active findings the archive rule applies to. When you save the archive rule, you can apply it retroactively to existing findings by choosing Save and archive active findings as shown in Figure 3. Otherwise, you can choose Save rule to update the rule and apply it to new findings only.

Note: You can also use the new IAM Access Analyzer API operation ApplyArchiveRule to retroactively apply an archive rule to existing findings that meet the archive rule criteria.


Figure 3: IAM Access Analyzer edit archive rule page where you can apply the rule retroactively to existing findings by choosing Save and archive active findings

Figure 3: IAM Access Analyzer edit archive rule page where you can apply the rule retroactively to existing findings by choosing Save and archive active findings

Get started

To turn on IAM Access Analyzer at no additional cost, open the IAM console. IAM Access Analyzer is available at no additional cost in the IAM console and through APIs in all commercial AWS Regions, AWS China Regions, and AWS GovCloud (US). To learn more about IAM Access Analyzer and which resources it supports, visit the feature page.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS IAM forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Andrea Nedic

Andrea is a Sr. Tech Product Manager for AWS Identity and Access Management. She enjoys hearing from customers about how they build on AWS. Outside of work, Andrea likes to ski, dance, and be outdoors. She holds a PhD from Princeton University.

How to automatically archive expected IAM Access Analyzer findings

Post Syndicated from Josh Joy original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-automatically-archive-expected-iam-access-analyzer-findings/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer continuously monitors your Amazon Web Services (AWS) resource-based policies for changes in order to identify resources that grant public or cross-account access from outside your AWS account or organization. Access Analyzer findings include detailed information that you can use to make an informed decision about whether access to the shared resource was intended or not. The findings information includes the affected AWS resource, the external principal that has access, the condition from the policy statement that grants the access, and the access level, such as read, write, or the ability to modify permissions.

In this blog post, we show you how to automatically archive Access Analyzer findings for expected events, such as authorized resource access. The benefit of automatically archiving expected findings is to help you reduce distraction from findings that don’t require action, enabling you to concentrate on remediating any unexpected access to your shared resources.

Access Analyzer provides you with the ability to archive findings that show intended cross-account sharing of your AWS resources. The AWS service-provided archive mechanism provides you with built-in archive rules that can automatically archive new findings that meet the criteria you define (such as directive controls). For example, your organizational access controls might allow your auditor to have read-only IAM role cross-account access from your security account into all of your accounts. In this security auditor scenario, you can define a built-in archive rule to automatically archive the findings related to the auditor cross-account IAM role that has authorized read-only access.

A limitation of the built-in archive rules is that they are static and based only on simple pattern matching. To build your own custom archiving logic, you can create an AWS Lambda function that listens to Amazon CloudWatch Events. Access Analyzer forwards all findings to CloudWatch Events, and you can easily configure a CloudWatch Events rule to trigger a Lambda function for each Access Analyzer finding. For example, if you want to look up the tags on a resource, you can make an AWS API call based on the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the resource in your Lambda function. As another example, you might want to compute an overall risk score based on the various parts of a finding and archive everything below a certain threshold score that you define.

In this blog post, we show you how to configure a built-in archive rule, how to add context enrichment for more complex rules, and how to trigger an alert for unintended findings. We first cover the scenario of the auditor role using a built-in archive rule. Then, we show how to perform automated archive remediation by using CloudWatch Events with AWS Step Functions to add context enrichment and automatically remediate the authorized sharing of a cross-account AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key. Finally, we show how to trigger alerts for the unintended sharing of a public Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.


The solution we give here assumes that you have Access Analyzer enabled in your AWS account. You can find more details about enabling Access Analyzer in the Getting Started guide for that feature. Access Analyzer is available at no additional cost in the IAM console and through APIs in all commercial AWS Regions. Access Analyzer is also available through APIs in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

How to use the built-in archive rules

In our first example, there is a security auditor cross-account IAM role that can be assumed by security automation tools from the central security AWS account. We use the built-in archive rules to automatically archive cross-account findings related to the cross-account security auditor IAM role.

To create a built-in archive rule

  1. In the AWS Management Console, choose Identity and Access Management (IAM). On the dashboard, choose Access Analyzer, and then choose Archive rules.
  2. Choose the Create archive rule button.
    Figure 1: Create archive rule

    Figure 1: Create archive rule

  3. You can select archive rule criteria based on your use case. For this example, in the search box, choose AWS Account as the criteria, since we want to automatically archive the security auditor account.
    Figure 2: Select archive rule criteria

    Figure 2: Select archive rule criteria

  4. You can now enter the value for the selected criteria. In this case, for Criteria, choose AWS Account, and then choose the equals operator.
  5. After you’ve entered your criteria, choose the Create archive rule button.
    Figure 3: Finish creating the archive rule

    Figure 3: Finish creating the archive rule

    You should see a message confirming that you’ve successfully created a new archive rule.

    Figure 4: Successful creation of a new archive rule

    Figure 4: Successful creation of a new archive rule

How to automatically archive expected findings

We now show you how to automatically archive expected findings by using a serverless workflow that you define by using AWS Step Functions. We show you how to leverage Step Functions to enrich an Access Analyzer finding, evaluate the finding against your customized rule engine logic, and finally either archive the finding or send a notification. A CloudWatch Event Rule will trigger the Step Functions workflow when Access Analyzer generates a new finding.

Solution architecture – serverless workflow

The CloudWatch event bus delivers the Access Analyzer findings to the Step Functions workflow. The Step Functions workflow responds to each Access Analyzer finding and either archives the finding for authorized access or sends an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) email notification for an unauthorized access finding, as shown in figure 5.

Figure 5: Solution architecture for automatic archiving

Figure 5: Solution architecture for automatic archiving

The Step Functions workflow enriches the finding and provides contextual information to the rules engine for evaluation, as shown in figure 6. The Access Analyzer finding is either archived or generates an alert, based on the result of the rules engine evaluation and the associated risk level. If you’re interested in remediating the finding, you can learn more by watching the talk AWS re:Invent 2019: [NEW LAUNCH!] Dive Deep into IAM Access Analyzer (SEC309).

Figure 6: Finding analysis and archival

Figure 6: Finding analysis and archival

This example uses four Lambda functions. One function is for context enrichment, a second function is for rule evaluation logic, a third function is to archive expected findings, and finally a fourth function is to send a notification for findings that require investigation by your security operations team.

First, the enrichment Lambda function retrieves the tags associated with the AWS resource. The following code example retrieves the S3 bucket tags.

def lookup_s3_tags(resource_arn):
  tags = {}

  s3_client = boto3.client("s3")
  bucket_tags = s3_client.get_bucket_tagging(Bucket=resource_arn)["TagSet"]

  return bucket_tags

The Lambda function can perform additional enrichment beyond looking up tags, such as looking up the AWS KMS key alias, as shown in the next code example.

def additional_enrichment(resource_type, resource_arn):
  additional_context = {}

  if resource_type == "AWS::KMS::Key":
    kms_client = boto3.client("kms")
    aliases = kms_client.list_aliases(KeyId=resource_arn)["Aliases"]
    additional_context["key_aliases"] = [alias["AliasName"] for alias in aliases]

  return additional_context

Next, the evaluation rule Lambda function determines whether the finding is authorized and can be archived, or whether the finding is unauthorized and a notification needs to be generated. In this example, we first check whether the resource is shared publicly and then immediately alert if there’s an unexpected public sharing of a resource. Additionally, we explicitly don’t want public sharing of resources that are tagged Confidential. Our example method checks whether the value “Confidential” is set as the “Data Classification” tag and correspondingly returns False in order to trigger a notification.

Also, we allow cross-account sharing of a key in the development environment with the tag key “IsAllowedToShare” and tag value “true”, tag key “Environment” with tag value “development”, and a key alias of “DevelopmentKey”.

# Evaluate Risk Level
# Return True to raise alert if risk level exceeds threshold
# Return False to archive finding
def should_raise_alert(finding_details, tags, additional_context):
  if (
      and not is_allowed_public(finding_details, tags, additional_context)
    return True
  elif (
        tags.get("IsAllowedToShare") == "true"
        and tags.get("Environment") == "development"
        and "DevelopmentKey" in additional_context.get("key_aliases", [])
    return False

  return True

def is_allowed_public(finding_details, tags, additional_context):
  # customize your logic here
  # for example, Data Classification is Confidential, return False for no public access
  if "Data Classification" in tags and tags["Data Classification"] == "Confidential":
    return False 

  return True
  if should_raise_alert(finding_details, tags, additional_context):
    return {"status": "NOTIFY"}
    return {"status": "ARCHIVE"}     

We then use the Choice condition to trigger either the archive or notification step.

 next(sfn.Choice(self, "Archive?"). \
  when(sfn.Condition.string_equals("$.guid.status", "ARCHIVE"), archive_task). \
  when(sfn.Condition.string_equals("$.guid.status", "NOTIFY"), notification_task) \

The archive Lambda step archives the Access Analyzer finding if a rule is successfully evaluated.

def archive_finding(finding_id, analyzer_arn):
  access_analyzer_client = boto3.client("accessanalyzer")

Otherwise, we raise an SNS notification because there is unauthorized resource sharing.

  resource_type = event["detail"]["resourceType"]
  resource_arn = event["detail"]["resource"]

  sns_client = boto3.client('sns')
      Message=f"Alert {resource_type} {resource_arn} exceeds risk level.",
      Subject="Alert Access Analyzer Finding"

Solution deployment

You can deploy the solution through either the AWS Management Console or the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).


Make sure that Access Analyzer is enabled in your AWS account. You can find an AWS CloudFormation template for doing so in the GitHub repository. It’s also possible for you to enable Access Analyzer across your organization by using the scripts for AWS CloudFormation StackSets found in the GitHub repository. See more details in the blog post Enabling AWS IAM Access Analyzer on AWS Control Tower accounts.

To deploy the solution by using the AWS Management Console

  1. In your security account, launch the template by choosing the following Launch Stack button.
    Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template
  2. Provide the following parameter for the security account:
    EmailSubscriptionParameter: The email address to receive subscription notifications for any findings that exceed your defined risk level.

To deploy the solution by using the AWS CDK

Additionally, you can find the latest code on GitHub, where you can also contribute to the sample code. The following commands shows how to deploy the solution by using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). First, upload the Lambda assets to S3. Then, deploy the solution to your account.

cdk bootstrap

cdk deploy --parameters EmailSubscriptionParameter=YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE

To test the solution

  1. Create a cross-account KMS key. You should receive an email notification after several minutes.
  2. Create a cross-account KMS key with the tags IsAllowedToShare=true and Environment=development. Also, create a KMS key alias named alias/DevelopmentKey for this key. After a few seconds, you should see that the finding was automatically archived.


In this blog post, we showed you how IAM Access Analyzer can help you identify resources in your organization and accounts that are shared with an external identity. We explained how to automatically archive expected findings by using the built-in archive rules. Then, we walked you through how to automatically archive expected shared resources. We showed you how to create a serverless workflow that uses AWS Step Functions, which performs context enrichment and then automatically archives your findings for expected shared resources.

After you follow the steps in this blog post for automatic archiving, you will only receive Access Analyzer findings for unexpected AWS resource sharing. A good way to manage these unexpected Access Analyzer findings is with AWS Security Hub, alongside your other findings. Visit Getting started with AWS Security Hub to learn more. You can also see the blog post Automated Response and Remediation with AWS Security Hub for event patterns and remediation code examples.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Josh Joy

Josh is a Security Consultant with the AWS Global Security Practice, a part of our Worldwide Professional Services Organization. Josh helps customers improve their security posture as they migrate their most sensitive workloads to AWS. Josh enjoys diving deep and working backwards in order to help customers achieve positive outcomes.


Andrew Gacek

Andrew is a Principal Applied Scientist in the Automated Reasoning Group at Amazon. He designs analyses to ensure the safety and security of AWS customer configurations. Prior to joining Amazon, Andrew worked at Rockwell Collins where he used automated reasoning to verify aerospace applications. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota.