All posts by Channy Yun

New – AWS Transfer Family support for Amazon Elastic File System

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original

AWS Transfer Family provides fully managed Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP) over TLS, and FTP support for Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), enabling you to seamlessly migrate your file transfer workflows to AWS.

Today I am happy to announce AWS Transfer Family now also supports file transfers to Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) file systems as well as Amazon S3. This feature enables you to easily and securely provide your business partners access to files stored in Amazon EFS file systems. With this launch, you now have the option to store the transferred files in a fully managed file system and reduce your operational burden, while preserving your existing workflows that use SFTP, FTPS, or FTP protocols.

Amazon EFS file systems are accessible within your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and VPC connected environments. With this launch, you can securely enable third parties such as your vendors, partners, or customers to access your files over the supported protocols at scale globally, without needing to manage any infrastructure. When you select Amazon EFS as the data store for your AWS Transfer Family server, the transferred files are readily available to your business-critical applications running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), as well as to containerized and serverless applications run using AWS services such as Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), AWS Fargate, and AWS Lambda.

Using Amazon EFS – Getting Started
To get started in your existing Amazon EFS file system, make sure the POSIX identities you assign for your SFTP/FTPS/FTP users are owners of the files and directories you want to provide access to. You will provide access to that Amazon EFS file system through a resource-based policy. Your role also needs to establish a trust relationship. This trust relationship allows AWS Transfer Family to assume the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to access your bucket so that it can service your users’ file transfer requests.

You will also need to make sure you have created a mount target for your file system. In the example below, the home directory is owned by userid 1234 and groupid 5678.

$ mkdir home/myname
$ chown 1234:5678 home/myname

When you create a server in the AWS Transfer Family console, select Amazon EFS as your storage service in the Step 4 section Choose a domain.

When the server is enabled and in an online state, you can add users to your server. On the Servers page, select the check box of the server that you want to add a user to and choose Add user.

In the User configuration section, you can specify the username, uid (e.g. 1234), gid (e.g 5678), IAM role, and Amazon EFS file system as user’s home directory. You can optionally specify a directory within the file system which will be the user’s landing directory. You use a service-managed identity type – SSH keys. If you want to use password type, you can use a custom option with AWS Secrets Manager.

Amazon EFS uses POSIX IDs which consist of an operating system user id, group id, and secondary group id to control access to a file system. When setting up your user, you can specify the username, user’s POSIX configuration, and an IAM role to access the EFS file system. To learn more about configuring ownership of sub-directories in EFS, visit the documentation.

Once the users have been configured, you can transfer files using the AWS Transfer Family service by specifying the transfer operation in a client. When your user authenticates successfully using their file transfer client, it will be placed directly within the specified home directory, or root of the specified EFS file system.

$ sftp [email protected]

sftp> cd /fs-23456789/home/myname
sftp> ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 3486 1234 5678 Jan 04 14:59 my-file.txt
sftp> put my-newfile.txt
sftp> ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 3486 1234 5678 Jan 04 14:59 my-file.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 1002 1234 5678 Jan 04 15:22 my-newfile.txt

Most of SFTP/FTPS/FTP commands are supported in the new EFS file system. You can refer to a list of available commands for FTP and FTPS clients in the documentation.

Command Amazon S3 Amazon EFS
cd Supported Supported
ls/dir Supported Supported
pwd Supported Supported
put Supported Supported
get Supported Supported including resolving symlinks
rename Supported (only file) Supported (file or folder)
chown Not supported Supported (root only)
chmod Not supported Supported (root only)
chgrp Not supported Supported (root or owner only)
ln -s Not supported Not supported
mkdir Supported Supported
rm Supported Supported
rmdir Supported (non-empty folders only) Supported
chmtime Not Supported Supported

You can use Amazon CloudWatch to track your users’ activity for file creation, update, delete, read operations, and metrics for data uploaded and downloaded using your server. To learn more on how to enable CloudWatch logging, visit the documentation.

Available Now
AWS Transfer Family support for Amazon EFS file systems is available in all AWS Regions where AWS Transfer Family is available. There are no additional AWS Transfer Family charges for using Amazon EFS as the storage backend. With Amazon EFS storage, you pay only for what you use. There is no need to provision storage in advance and there are no minimum commitments or up-front fees.

To learn more, take a look at the FAQs and the documentation. Please send feedback to the AWS forum for AWS Transfer Family or through your usual AWS support contacts.

Learn all the details about AWS Transfer Family to access Amazon EFS file systems and get started today.


New –  FreeRTOS Long Term Support to Provide Years of Feature Stability

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original

Today, I’m particularly happy to announce FreeRTOS Long Term Support (LTS). FreeRTOS is an open source, real-time operating system for microcontrollers that makes small, low-power edge devices easy to program, deploy, secure, connect, and manage. LTS releases offer a more stable foundation than standard releases as manufacturers deploy and later update devices in the field. As we have planned, LTS is now included in the FreeRTOS kernel and a set of FreeRTOS libraries needed for embedded and IoT applications, and for securely connecting microcontroller-based (MCU) devices to the cloud.

Embedded developers at original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and MCU vendors using FreeRTOS to build long-lived applications on IoT devices now get the predictability and feature stability of an LTS release without compromising access to critical security updates. The FreeRTOS 202012.00 LTS release applies to the FreeRTOS kernel, connectivity libraries (FreeRTOS+TCP, coreMQTT, coreHTTP), security library (PKCS #11 implementation), and AWS library (AWS IoT Device Shadow).

We will provide security updates and critical bug fixes for all these libraries until December 31, 2022.

Benefits of FreeRTOS LTS
Embedded developers at OEMs who want to use FreeRTOS libraries for their long-lived applications want to benefit from security updates and bug fixes in the latest FreeRTOS mainline releases. Mainline releases can introduce both new features and critical fixes, which may increase time and effort for users to include only fixes.

An LTS release provides years of feature stability of included libraries. With an LTS release, any update will not change public APIs, file structure, or build processes that could require changes to your application. Security updates and critical bug fixes will be backported at least until Dec 31, 2022. LTS releases contain updates that only address critical issues including security vulnerabilities. Therefore, the integration of LTS releases is less disruptive to customers’ development and integration efforts as they approach and move into production. For MCU vendors, this means reduced effort in integrating a stable code base and faster time to market with vendors’ latest libraries.

Available Now
The FreeRTOS 202012.00 LTS release is available now to download. To learn more, visit FreeRTOS LTS and the documentation. Please send us feedback on the Github repository and the forum of FreeRTOS.


Announcing AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0 – With an Open Source Edge Runtime and New Developer Capabilities

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original

I am happy to announce AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0, a new version of AWS IoT Greengrass that makes it easy for device builders to build, deploy, and manage intelligent device software. AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0 provides an open source edge runtime, a rich set of pre-built software components, tools for local software development, and new features for managing software on large fleets of devices.


AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0 edge runtime is now open source under an Apache 2.0 license, and available on Github. Access to the source code allows you to more easily integrate your applications, troubleshoot problems, and build more reliable and performant applications that use AWS IoT Greengrass.

You can add or remove pre-built software components based on your IoT use case and your device’s CPU and memory resources. For example, you can choose to include pre-built AWS IoT Greengrass components such as stream manager only when you need to process data streams with your application, or machine learning components only when you want to perform machine learning inference locally on your devices.

The AWS IoT Greengrass IoT Greengrass 2.0 includes a new command-line interface (CLI) that allows you to locally develop and debug applications on your device. In addition, there is a new local debug console that helps you visually debug applications on your device. With these new capabilities, you can rapidly develop and debug code on a test device before using the cloud to deploy to your production devices.

AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0 is also integrated with AWS IoT thing groups, enabling you to easily organize your devices in groups and manage application deployments across your devices with features to control rollout rates, timeouts, and rollbacks.

AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0 – Getting Started
Device builders can use AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0 by going to the AWS IoT Greengrass console where you can find a download and install command that you run on your device. Once the installer is downloaded to the device, you can use it to install Greengrass software with all essential features, register the device as an AWS IoT Thing, and create a simple “hello world” software component in less than 10 minutes.

To get started in the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you first register a test device by clicking Set up core device. You assign the name and group of your core device. To deploy to only the core device, select No group. In the next step, install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software in your device.

When the installer completes, you can find your device in the list of AWS IoT Greengrass Core devices on the Core devices page.

AWS IoT Greengrass components enable you to develop and deploy software to your AWS IoT Greengrass Core devices. You can write your application functionality and bundle it as a private component for deployment. AWS IoT Greengrass also provides public components, which provide pre-built software for common use cases that you can deploy to your devices as you develop your device software. When you finish developing the software for your component, you can register it with AWS IoT Greengrass. Then, you can deploy and run the component on your AWS IoT Greengrass Core devices.


To create a component, click the Create component button on the Components page. You can use a recipe or import an AWS Lambda function. The component recipe is a YAML or JSON file that defines the component’s details, dependencies, compatibility, and lifecycle. To learn about the specifications, visit the recipe reference guide.

Here is an example of a YAML recipe.

When you finish developing your component, you can add it to a deployment configuration to deploy to one or more core devices. To create a new deployment or configure the components to deploy to core devices, click the Create button on the Deployments page. You can deploy to a core device or a thing group as a target, and select the components to deploy. The deployment includes the dependencies for each component that you select.


You can edit the version and parameters of selected components and advanced settings such as the rollout configuration, which defines the rate at which the configuration deploys to the target devices; timeout configuration, which defines the duration that each device has to apply the deployment; or cancel configuration, which defines when to automatically stop the deployment.

Moving to AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0
Existing devices running AWS IoT Greengrass 1.x will continue to run without any changes. If you want to take advantage of new AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0 features, you will need to move your existing AWS IoT Greengrass 1.x devices and workloads to AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0. To learn how to do this, visit the migration guide.

After you move your 1.x applications over, you can start adding components to your applications using new version 2 features, while leaving your version 1 code as-is until you decide to update them.

AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0 Partners
At launch, industry-leading partners NVIDIA and NXP have qualified a number of their devices for AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0:

See all partner device listings in the AWS Partner Device Catalog. To learn about getting your device qualified, visit the AWS Device Qualification Program.

Available Now
AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0 is available today. Please see the AWS Region table for all the regions where AWS IoT Greengrass is available. For more information, see the developer guide.

Starting today, to help you evaluate, test, and develop with this new release of AWS IoT Greengrass, the first 1,000 devices in your account will not incur any AWS IoT Greengrass charges until December 31, 2021. For pricing information, check out the AWS IoT Greengrass pricing page.

Give it a try, and please send us feedback through your usual AWS Support contacts or the AWS forum for AWS IoT Greengrass.

Learn all the details about AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0 and get started with the new version today.


New – AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN to Connect, Manage, and Secure LoRaWAN Devices at Scale

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original

Today, I am happy to announce AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN, a new fully-managed feature that allows AWS IoT Core customers to connect and manage wireless devices that use low-power long-range wide area network (LoRaWAN) connectivity with the AWS Cloud.

Using AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN, customers can now set up a private LoRaWAN network by connecting their own LoRaWAN devices and gateways to the AWS Cloud – without developing or operating a LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS) by themselves. The LNS is required to manage LoRaWAN devices and gateways’ connection to the cloud; gateways serve as a bridge and carry device data to and from the LNS, usually over Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

This allows customers to eliminate the undifferentiated work and operational burden of managing an LNS, and enables them to easily and quickly connect and secure LoRaWAN device fleets at scale.

Combined with the long range and deep in-building coverage provided by LoRa technology, AWS IoT Core now enables customers to accelerate IoT application development using AWS services and acting on the data generated easily from connected LoRaWAN devices.

Customers – mostly enterprises – need to develop IoT applications using devices that transmit data over long range (1-3 miles of urban coverage or up to 10 miles for line-of-sight) or through the walls and floors of buildings, for example for real-time asset tracking at airports, remote temperature monitoring in buildings, or predictive maintenance of industrial equipment. Such applications also require devices to be optimized for low-power consumption, so that batteries can last several years without replacement, thus making the implementation cost-effective. Given the extended coverage of LoRaWAN connectivity, it is attractive to enterprises for these use cases, but setting up LoRaWAN connectivity in a privately managed site requires customers to operate an LNS.

With AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN, you can connect LoRaWAN devices and gateways to the cloud with a few simple steps in the AWS IoT Management Console, thus speeding up the network setup time, and connect off-the-shelf LoRaWAN devices, without any requirement to modify embedded software, for a plug and play experience.

AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN – Getting Started
Getting started with a LoRaWAN network setup is easy. You can find AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN qualified gateways and developer kits from the AWS Partner Device Catalog. AWS qualified gateways and developer kits are pre-tested and come with a step by step guide from the manufacturer on how to connect it with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN.

With AWS IoT Core console, you can register the gateways by providing a gateway’s unique identifier (provided by the gateway vendor) and selecting LoRa frequency band. For registering devices, you can input device credentials (identifiers and security keys provided by the device vendor) on the console.

Each device has a Device Profile that specifies the device capabilities and boot parameters the LNS requires to set up LoRaWAN radio access service. Using the console, you can select a pre-populated Device Profile or create a new one.

A destination automatically routes messages from LoRaWAN devices to AWS IoT Rules Engine. Once a destination is created, you can use it to map multiple LoRaWAN devices to the same IoT rule. You can write rules using simple SQL queries, to transform and act on the device data, like converting data from proprietary binary to JSON format, raising alerts, or routing it to other AWS services like Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). From the console, you can also query metrics for connected devices and gateways to troubleshoot connectivity issues.

Available Now
AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN is available today in US East (N. Virginia) and Europe (Ireland) Regions. With pay-as-you-go pricing and no monthly commitments, you can connect and scale LoRaWAN device fleets reliably, and build applications with AWS services quickly and efficiently. For more information, see the pricing page.

To get started, buy an AWS qualified LoRaWAN developer kit and and launch Getting Started experience in the AWS Management Console. To learn more, visit the developer guide. Give this a try, and please send us feedback either through your usual AWS Support contacts or the AWS forum for AWS IoT.

Learn all the details about AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN and get started with the new feature today.


New – Amazon EMR on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original

Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon EMR to run big data analytics applications on frameworks such as Apache Spark, Hive, HBase, Flink, Hudi, and Presto at scale. EMR automates the provisioning and scaling of these frameworks and optimizes performance with a wide range of EC2 instance types to meet price and performance requirements. Customer are now consolidating compute pools across organizations using Kubernetes. Some customers who manage Apache Spark on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) themselves want to use EMR to eliminate the heavy lifting of installing and managing their frameworks and integrations with AWS services. In addition, they want to take advantage of the faster runtimes and development and debugging tools that EMR provides.

Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS, a new deployment option in EMR that allows customers to automate the provisioning and management of open-source big data frameworks on EKS. With EMR on EKS, customers can now run Spark applications alongside other types of applications on the same EKS cluster to improve resource utilization and simplify infrastructure management.

Customers can deploy EMR applications on the same EKS cluster as other types of applications, which allows them to share resources and standardize on a single solution for operating and managing all their applications. Customers get all the same EMR capabilities on EKS that they use on EC2 today, such as access to the latest frameworks, performance optimized runtimes, EMR Notebooks for application development, and Spark user interface for debugging.

Amazon EMR automatically packages the application into a container with the big data framework and provides pre-built connectors for integrating with other AWS services. EMR then deploys the application on the EKS cluster and manages logging and monitoring. With EMR on EKS, you can get 3x faster performance using the performance-optimized Spark runtime included with EMR compared to standard Apache Spark on EKS.

Amazon EMR on EKS – Getting Started
If you already have a EKS cluster where you run Spark jobs, you simply register your existing EKS cluster with EMR using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) or APIs to deploy your Spark appication.

For exampe, here is a simple CLI command to register your EKS cluster.

$ aws emr create-virtual-cluster \
          --name <virtual_cluster_name> \
          --container-provider '{
             "id": "<eks_cluster_name>",
             "type": "EKS",
             "info": {
                 "eksInfo": {
                     "namespace": "<namespace_name>"

In the EMR Management console, you can see it in the list of virtual clusters.

When Amazon EKS clusters are registered, EMR workloads are deployed to Kubernates nodes and pods to manage application execution and auto-scaling, and sets up managed endpoints so that you can connect notebooks and SQL clients. EMR builds and deploys a performance-optimized runtime for the open source frameworks used in analytics applications.

You can simply start your Spark jobs.

$ aws emr start-job-run \
          --name <job_name> \
          --virtual-cluster-id <cluster_id> \
          --execution-role-arn <IAM_role_arn> \
          --virtual-cluster-id <cluster_id> \
          --release-label <<emr_release_label> \
          --job-driver '{
            "sparkSubmitJobDriver": {
              "entryPoint": <entry_point_location>,
              "entryPointArguments": ["<arguments_list>"],
              "sparkSubmitParameters": <spark_parameters>

To monitor and debug jobs, you can use inspect logs uploaded to your Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) location configured as part of monitoringConfiguration. You can also use the one-click experience from the console to launch the Spark History Server.

Integration with Amazon EMR Studio

Now you can submit analytics applications using AWS SDKs and AWS CLI, Amazon EMR Studio notebooks, and workflow orchestration services like Apache Airflow. We have developed a new Airflow Operator for Amazon EMR on EKS. You can use this connector with self-managed Airflow or by adding it to the Plugin Location with Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow.

You can also use newly previewed Amazon EMR Studio to perform data analysis and data engineering tasks in a web-based integrated development environment (IDE). Amazon EMR Studio lets you submit notebook code to EMR clusters deployed on EKS using the Studio interface. After seting up one or more managed endpoints to which Studio users can attach a Workspace, EMR Studio can communicate with your virtual cluster.

For EMR Studio preview, there is no additional cost when you create managed endpoints for virtual clusters. To learn more, visit the guide document.

Now Available
Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS is available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) Regions. You can run EMR workloads in AWS Fargate for EKS removing the need to provision and manage infrastructure for pods as a serverless option.

To learn more, visit the documentation. Please send feedback to the AWS forum for Amazon EMR or through your usual AWS support contacts.

Learn all the details about Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS and get started today.


New – Code Signing, a Trust and Integrity Control for AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original

Code signing is an industry standard technique used to confirm that the code is unaltered and from a trusted publisher. Code running inside AWS Lambda functions is executed on highly hardened systems and runs in a secure manner. However, function code is susceptible to alteration as it moves through deployment pipelines that run outside AWS.

Today, we are launching Code Signing for AWS Lambda. It is a trust and integrity control that helps administrators enforce that only signed code packages from trusted publishers run in their Lambda functions and that the code has not been altered since signing.

Code Signing for Lambda provides a first-class mechanism to enforce that only trusted code is deployed in Lambda. This frees up organizations from the burden of building gatekeeper components in their deployment pipelines. Code Signing for AWS Lambda leverages AWS Signer, a fully managed code signing service from AWS. Administrators create Signing Profile, a resource in AWS Signer that is used for creating signatures and grant developers access to the signing profile using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). Within Lambda, administrators specify the allowed signing profiles using a new resource called Code Signing Configuration (CSC). CSC enables organizations to implement a separation of duties between administrators and developers. Administrators can use CSC to set code signing policies on the functions, and developers can deploy code to the functions.

How to Create a Signing Profile
You can use AWS Signer console to create a new Signing profile. A signing profile can represent a group of trusted publishers and is analogous to the use of a digital signing certificate.

By clicking Create Signing Profile, you can create a Signing Profile that can be used to create signed code packages.

You can assign Signature validity period for the signatures generated by a Signing Profile between 1 day and 135 months.

How to create a Code Signing Configuration (CSC)
You can configure your functions to use Code Signing through the AWS Lambda console, Command-line Interface (CLI), or APIs by creating and attaching a new resource called Code Signing Configuration to the function. You can find Code signing configurations under Additional resources menu.

You can click Create configuration to define signing profiles that are allowed to sign code artifacts for this configuration, and set signature validation policy. To add an allowed signing profile, you can either select from the dropdown, which shows all signing profiles in your AWS account, or add a signing profile from a different account by specifying the version ARN.

Also, you can set the signature validation policy to either ‘Warn’ or ‘Enforce’. With ‘Warn’, Lambda logs a Cloudwatch metric if there is a signature check failure but accepts the deployment. With ‘Enforce’, Lambda rejects the deployment if there is a signature check failure. Signature check fails if the signature signing profile does not match one of the allowed signing profiles in the CSC, the signature is expired, or the signature is revoked. If the code package is tampered or altered since signing, the deployment is always rejected, irrespective of the signature validation policy.

You can use new Lambda API CreateCodeSigningConfig to create a CSC too. You can see the JSON request syntax below.

     "CodeSigningConfigId": string,
     "CodeSigningConfigArn": string,
     "Description": string,
     "AllowedPublishers": {
           "SigningProfileVersionArns": [string]
     "CodeSigningPolicies": {
     "UntrustedArtifactOnDeployment": string,   // WARN OR ENFORCE
     "LastModified”: string

Let’s Enable Code Signing for Your Lambda Functions
To enable Code Signing feature for your Lambda functions, you can select a function and click Edit in Code signing configuration section.

Select one of the available CSCs and click the Save button.

Once your function is configured to use code signing, you need to upload signed .zip file or Amazon S3 URL of a signed .zip made by a signing job in AWS Signer.

How to Create a Signed Code Package
Choose one of the allowed signing profiles and specify the S3 location of the code package ZIP file to be signed. Also, specify a destination path where the signed code package should be uploaded.

A signing job is an asynchronous process that generates a signature for your code package and puts the signed code package in the specified destination path.

Once signing job is succeeded, you can find signed ZIP packages in your assigned S3 bucket.

Back to Lambda console, you can now publish the signed code package to the Lambda function. Lambda will perform signature checks to verify that the code has not been altered since signing and that the code is signed by one of the allowed signing profile.

You can also enable code signing for a function using CreateFunction or PutFunctionCodeSigningConfig APIs by attaching a CSC to the function.

Developers can also use SAM CLI to sign code packages. They do this by specifying the signing profiles at package or deploy stage. SAM CLI automatically starts the signing workflow before deploying the code to Lambda.

Code Signing is also supported by Infrastructure as code tools like AWS CloudFormation and Terraform. Terraform also allows developers to sign code, in addition to declaring and creating code signing resources.

Now Available
Code Signing for AWS Lambda is available in all commercial regions except AWS China Regions, AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, and Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region. There is no additional charge for using code signing, and customers pay the standard price for Lambda functions.

To learn more about Code Signing for AWS Lambda and AWS Signer, please visit the Lambda developer guide and send us feedback either in the forum for AWS Lambda or through your usual AWS support contacts.


AWS Network Firewall – New Managed Firewall Service in VPC

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original

Our customers want to have a high availability, scalable firewall service to protect their virtual networks in the cloud. Security is the number one priority of AWS, which has provided various firewall capabilities on AWS that address specific security needs, like Security Groups to protect Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, Network ACLs to protect Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) subnets, AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) to protect web applications running on Amazon CloudFront, Application Load Balancer (ALB) or Amazon API Gateway, and AWS Shield to protect against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

We heard customers want an easier way to scale network security across all the resources in their workload, regardless of which AWS services they used. They also want customized protections to secure their unique workloads, or to comply with government mandates or commercial regulations. These customers need the ability to do things like URL filtering on outbound flows, pattern matching on packet data beyond IP/Port/Protocol and the ability to alert on specific vulnerabilities for protocols beyond HTTP/S.

Today, I am happy to announce AWS Network Firewall, a high availability, managed network firewall service for your virtual private cloud (VPC). It enables you to easily deploy and manage stateful inspection, intrusion prevention and detection, and web filtering to protect your virtual networks on AWS. Network Firewall automatically scales with your traffic, ensuring high availability with no additional customer investment in security infrastructure.

With AWS Network Firewall, you can implement customized rules to prevent your VPCs from accessing unauthorized domains, to block thousands of known-bad IP addresses, or identify malicious activity using signature-based detection. AWS Network Firewall makes firewall activity visible in real-time via CloudWatch metrics and offers increased visibility of network traffic by sending logs to S3, CloudWatch and Kinesis Firehose. Network Firewall is integrated with AWS Firewall Manager, giving customers who use AWS Organizations a single place to enable and monitor firewall activity across all your VPCs and AWS accounts. Network Firewall is interoperable with your existing security ecosystem, including AWS partners such as CrowdStrike, Palo Alto Networks, and Splunk. You can also import existing rules from community maintained Suricata rulesets.

Concepts of Network Firewall
AWS Network Firewall runs stateless and stateful traffic inspection rules engines. The engines use rules and other settings that you configure inside a firewall policy.

You use a firewall on a per-Availability Zone basis in your VPC. For each Availability Zone, you choose a subnet to host the firewall endpoint that filters your traffic. The firewall endpoint in an Availability Zone can protect all of the subnets inside the zone except for the one where it’s located.

You can manage AWS Network Firewall with the following central components.

  • Firewall – A firewall connects the VPC that you want to protect to the protection behavior that’s defined in a firewall policy. For each Availability Zone where you want protection, you provide Network Firewall with a public subnet that’s dedicated to the firewall endpoint. To use the firewall, you update the VPC route tables to send incoming and outgoing traffic through the firewall endpoints.
  • Firewall policy – A firewall policy defines the behavior of the firewall in a collection of stateless and stateful rule groups and other settings. You can associate each firewall with only one firewall policy, but you can use a firewall policy for more than one firewall.
  • Rule group – A rule group is a collection of stateless or stateful rules that define how to inspect and handle network traffic. Rules configuration includes 5-tuple and domain name filtering. You can also provide stateful rules using Suricata open source rule specification.

AWS Network Firewall – Getting Started
You can start AWS Network Firewall in AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), and AWS SDKs for creating and managing firewalls. In the navigation pane in VPC console, expand AWS Network Firewall and then choose Create firewall in Firewalls menu.

To create a new firewall, enter the name that you want to use to identify this firewall and select your VPC from the dropdown. For each availability zone (AZ) where you want to use AWS Network Firewall, create a public subnet to for the firewall endpoint. This subnet must have at least one IP address available and a non-zero capacity. Keep these firewall subnets reserved for use by Network Firewall.

For Associated firewall policy, select Create and associate an empty firewall policy and choose Create firewall.

Your new firewall is listed in the Firewalls page. The firewall has an empty firewall policy. In the next step, you’ll specify the firewall behavior in the policy. Select your newly created the firewall policy in Firewall policies menu.

You can create or add new stateless or stateful rule groups – zero or more collections of firewall rules, with priority settings that define their processing order within the policy, and stateless default action defines how Network Firewall handles a packet that doesn’t match any of the stateless rule groups.

For stateless default action, the firewall policy allows you to specify different default settings for full packets and for packet fragments. The action options are the same as for the stateless rules that you use in the firewall policy’s stateless rule groups.

You are required to specify one of the following options:

  • Allow – Discontinue all inspection of the packet and permit it to go to its intended destination.
  • Drop – Discontinue all inspection of the packet and block it from going to its intended destination.
  • Forward to stateful rule groups – Discontinue stateless inspection of the packet and forward it to the stateful rule engine for inspection.

Additionally, you can optionally specify a named custom action to apply. For this action, Network Firewall sends an CloudWatch metric dimension named CustomAction with a value specified by you. After you define a named custom action, you can use it by name in the same context where you have define it. You can reuse a custom action setting among the rules in a rule group and you can reuse a custom action setting between the two default stateless custom action settings for a firewall policy.

After you’ve defined your firewall policy, you can insert the firewall into your VPC traffic flow by updating the VPC route tables to include the firewall.

How to set up Rule Groups
You can create new stateless or stateful rule groups in Network Firewall rule groups menu, and choose Create rule group. If you select Stateful rule group, you can select one of three options: 1) 5-tuple format, specifying source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, and protocol, and specify the action to take for matching traffic, 2) Domain list, specifying a list of domain names and the action to take for traffic that tries to access one of the domains, and 3) Suricata compatible IPS rules, providing advanced firewall rules using Suricata rule syntax.

Network Firewall supports the standard stateless “5 tuple” rule specification for network traffic inspection with priority number that indicates the processing order of the stateless rule within the rule group.

Similarly, a stateful 5 tuple rule has the following match settings. These specify what the Network Firewall stateful rules engine looks for in a packet. A packet must satisfy all match settings to be a match.

A rule group with domain names has the following match settings – Domain name, a list of strings specifying the domain names that you want to match, and Traffic direction, a direction of traffic flow to inspect. The following JSON shows an example rule definition for a domain name rule group.

  "RulesSource": {
    "RulesSourceList": {
      "TargetType": "FQDN_SNI","HTTP_HOST",
      "Targets": [
      "GeneratedRulesType": "DENYLIST"

A stateful rule group with Suricata compatible IPS rules has all settings defined within the Suricata compatible specification. For example, as following is to detect SSH protocol anomalies. For information about Suricata, see the Suricata website.

alert tcp any any -> any 22 (msg:"ALERT TCP port 22 but not SSH"; app-layer-protocol:!ssh; sid:2271009; rev:1;)

You can monitor Network Firewall using CloudWatch, which collects raw data and processes it into readable, near real-time metrics, and AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of API calls to AWS Network Firewall by a user, role, or an AWS service. CloudTrail captures all API calls for Network Firewall as events. To learn more about logging and monitoring, see the documentation.

Network Firewall Partners
At this launch, Network Firewall integrates with a collection of AWS partners. They provided us with lots of helpful feedback. Here are some of the blog posts that they wrote in order to share their experiences (I am updating this article with links as they are published).

Available Now
AWS Network Firewall is now available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) Regions. Take a look at the product page, price, and the documentation to learn more. Give this a try, and please send us feedback either through your usual AWS Support contacts or the AWS forum for Amazon VPC.

Learn all the details about AWS Network Firewall and get started with the new feature today.


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Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original

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New – Redis 6 Compatibility for Amazon ElastiCache

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original

After the last Redis 5.0 compatibility for Amazon ElastiCache, there has been lots of improvements to Amazon ElastiCache for Redis including upstream supports such as 5.0.6.

Earlier this year, we announced Global Datastore for Redis that lets you replicate a cluster in one region to clusters in up to two other regions. Recently we improved your ability to monitor your Redis fleet by enabling 18 additional engine and node-level CloudWatch metrics. Also, we added support for resource-level permission policies, allowing you to assign AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal permissions to specific ElastiCache resource or resources.

Today, I am happy to announce Redis 6 compatibility to Amazon ElastiCache for Redis. This release brings several new and important features to Amazon ElastiCache for Redis:

  • Managed Role-Based Access Control – Amazon ElastiCache for Redis 6 now provides you with the ability to create and manage users and user groups that can be used to set up Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Redis commands. You can now simplify your architecture while maintaining security boundaries by having several applications use the same Redis cluster without being able to access each other’s data. You can also take advantage of granular access control and authorization to create administration and read-only user groups. Amazon ElastiCache enhances the new Access Control Lists (ACL) introduced in open source Redis 6 to provide a managed RBAC experience, making it easy to set up access control across several Amazon ElastiCache for Redis clusters.
  • Client-Side Caching – Amazon ElastiCache for Redis 6 comes with server-side enhancements to deliver efficient client-side caching to further improve your application performance. Redis clusters now support client-side caching by tracking client requests and sending invalidation messages for data stored on the client. In addition, you can also take advantage of a broadcast mode that allows clients to subscribe to a set of notifications from Redis clusters.
  • Significant Operational Improvements – This release also includes several enhancements that improve application availability and reliability. Specifically, Amazon ElastiCache has improved replication under low memory conditions, especially for workloads with medium/large sized keys, by reducing latency and the time it takes to perform snapshots. Open source Redis enhancements include improvements to expiry algorithm for faster eviction of expired keys and various bug fixes.

Note that open source Redis 6 also announced support for encryption-in-transit, a capability that is already available in Amazon ElastiCache for Redis 4.0.10 onwards. This release of Amazon ElastiCache for Redis 6 does not impact Amazon ElastiCache for Redis’ existing support for encryption-in-transit.

In order to apply RBAC to a new or existing Redis 6 cluster, we first need to ensure you have a user and user group created. We’ll review the process to do this below.

Using Role-Based Access Control – How it works
An alternative to Authenticating Users with the Redis AUTH Command, Amazon ElastiCache for Redis 6 offers Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). With RBAC, you create users and assign them specific permissions via an Access String.

If you want to create, modify, and delete users and user groups, you will need to select to the User Management and User Group Management sections in the ElastiCache console.

ElastiCache will automatically configure a default user with user ID and user name “default”, and then you can add it or new created users to new groups in User Group Management.

If you want to change the default user with your own password and access setting, you need to create a new user with the username set to “default” and can then swap it with the original default user. We recommend using your own strong password for a default user.

The following example shows how to swap the original default user with another default that has a modified access string via AWS CLI.

$ aws elasticache create-user \
 --user-id "new-default-user" \
 --user-name "default" \
 --engine "REDIS" \
 --passwords "a-str0ng-pa))word" \ 
 --access-string "off +get ~keys*"

Create a user group and add the user you created previously.

$ aws elasticache create-user-group \
  --user-group-id "new-default-group" \
  --engine "REDIS" \
  --user-ids "default"

Swap the new default user with the original default user.

$ aws elasticache modify-user-group \
    --user-group-id "new-default-group" \
    --user-ids-to-add "new-default-user" \
    --user-ids-to-remove "default"

Also, you can modify a user’s password or change its access permissions using modify-user command, or remove a specific user using delete-user command. It will be removed from any user groups to which it belongs.

Similarly you can modify a user group by adding new users and/or removing current users using modify-user-group command, or delete a user group using delete-user-group command. Note that the user group itself, not the users belonging to the group, will be deleted.

Once you have created a user group and added users, you can assign the user group to a replication group, or migrate between Redis AUTH and RBAC. For more information, see the documentation in detail.

Redis 6 cluster for ElastiCache – Getting Started
As usual, you can use the ElastiCache Console, CLI, APIs, or a CloudFormation template to create to new Redis 6 cluster. I’ll use the Console, choose Redis from the navigation pane and click Create with the following settings:

Select “Encryption in-transit” checkbox to ensure you can see the “Access Control” options. You can select an option of Access Control either User Group Access Control List by RBAC features or Redis AUTH default user. If you select RBAC, you can choose one of the available user groups.

My cluster is up and running within minutes. You can also use the in-place upgrade feature on existing cluster. By selecting the cluster, click Action and Modify. You can change the Engine Version from 5.0.6-compatible engine to 6.x.

Now Available
Amazon ElastiCache for Redis 6 is now available in all AWS regions. For a list of ElastiCache for Redis supported versions, refer to the documentation. Please send us feedback either in the AWS forum for Amazon ElastiCache or through AWS support, or your account team.
