Tag Archives: Amazon MQ*

Measuring Amazon MQ throughput using Maven 2 benchmark and AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Chris Munns original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/measuring-amazon-mq-throughput-using-maven-2-benchmark-and-aws-cdk/

This post is written by Olajide Enigbokan, Senior Solutions Architect and Mohammed Atiq, Solutions Architect

In this post you will learn how to evaluate the throughput for Amazon MQ, a managed message broker service for ActiveMQ, by using the ActiveMQ Classic Maven Performance test plugin. This post will provide recommendations for configuring Amazon MQ to optimize throughput when leveraging ActiveMQ as a broker engine.

Overview on benchmarking throughput for Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ

To get a good balance of cost and performance while leveraging ActiveMQ on Amazon MQ, AWS recommends that customers benchmark during migration, instance type/size upgrade, or downgrade. Benchmarking can help you choose the correct instance type and size for your workload requirements. For common benchmark scenarios and benchmark figures for different instances types and sizes, see AmazonMQ for ActiveMQ Throughput benchmarks.

Performance of your ActiveMQ workload depends on the specifics of your use-case. For example, if you have a workload where durability is extremely important (meaning that messages cannot be lost), enabling persistence mode ensures that messages are persisted to disk before the broker informs the client that the message send action has completed. The faster the disk I/O capacity and the smaller the message size during these writes, the better the message throughput. For this reason, AWS recommends the mq.m5.* instance types for regular development, testing, and production workloads as described in Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ instance types. The mq.t2.micro and mq.t3.micro instance types are intended for product evaluation and are subject to burst CPU credits and baseline performance. Hence, they are not suitable for applications that require fixed performance. In the situation where a larger broker instance type is selected, AWS also recommends batching transactions for persistent store which allows you to send multiple messages per transaction while achieving an overall higher message throughput.

The next section describes the details of setting up your own benchmark for Amazon MQ using the open-source benchmarking tool: ActiveMQ Classic Maven Performance test plugin. The ActiveMQ Classic Maven Performance test plugin benchmark suite is highly recommended due to the ease in setup and deployment process.

Getting started

This walkthrough guides you through the steps for benchmarking your Amazon MQ brokers:

Step 1 – Build and push container image to Amazon ECR

Clone the mq-benchmarking-container-image-sample repository and follow the steps in the README file to build and push your image to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) public repository. You will need this container image for Step 2.

Step 2 – Automate Your Benchmarking Setup with AWS CDK

Architecture of CDK deployment

Architecture of CDK deployment

To streamline the deployment of an active/standby ActiveMQ broker alongside Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) tasks for this walk-through, follow these steps below to set up the environment leveraging AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). This will deploy the resources shown in the architecture diagram above.

2.1. Prerequisites:

Ensure the following packages are installed:

2.2 Repository Setup:

Clone the mq-benchmarking-sample repository. This repository contains all the necessary code and instructions to automate the benchmarking process using the AWS CDK.

2.3 Create a Virtual Environment:

Change directory (cd) to the cloned repository directory and create a Python virtual environment by running the following command:

cd mq-benchmarking-sample

python -m venv .venv

2.4 Activate Virtual Environment:

Run the following commands to activate your virtual environment:

# Linux
source .venv/bin/activate

# Windows

2.5 Install Dependencies:

Install the required Python packages using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

2.6 Customize and Deploy:

In this step, deploy the necessary stacks and their resources for benchmarking in your AWS account. The command ‘cdk deploy’ below deploys three stacks with resources for Amazon ECS, MQ and VPC. Deploy your application with AWS CDK using the command:

cdk deploy "*" -c container_repo_url=<YOUR CONTAINER REPO URL> -c container_repo_tag=<YOUR CONTAINER REPO TAG>

This command deploys your application with the specified Docker image. Replace <YOUR CONTAINER REPO URL> and <YOUR CONTAINER REPO TAG> with your specific Docker repo image details from Step 1. An example container repo URL would look like this: public.ecr.aws/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx.

The deployment of the stacks and their resources happen in three stages. Please select “yes” at each stage to deploy the stated changes as shown below:

First stage of the deploy

Select yes to deploy these changes

Deployed stacks and their resources

Deployed stacks and their resources

Optionally, you can include additional context variables in your command as seen below:

cdk deploy "*" -c vpc_cidr= -c mq_cidr= -c broker_instance_type=mq.m5.large -c mq_username=testuser -c tasks=2 -c container_repo_url=<YOUR CONTAINER REPO URL> -c container_repo_tag=<YOUR CONTAINER REPO TAG>

Note: In the example command above, the vpc_cidr specified is the same as mq_cidr. If you decide to use the above command, you will need to ensure that your vpc_cidr range is the same as your mq_cidr range. AWS recommends this as security best practice to ensure that your broker endpoint is only accessible from recognized IP ranges, see Security best practices for Amazon MQ.

More details on the above context variables:

  • broker_instance_type: Represents the instance type for the Amazon MQ Broker. You can start with the instance type mq.m5.large.
  • vpc_cidr: Allows you to customize the VPC’s CIDR block. The default CIDR is set to
  • mq_cidr: Allows you set a specific security group CIDR range for the broker. This must be set to the vpc_cidr. From the sample command above, this is set to For more flexibility with source IP ranges, you can edit the broker security group of your CDK deployment.
  • mq_username: Allows you to specify a username to access the ActiveMQ web console access and broker.
  • tasks: Determines the number of ECS tasks (1 or more) to run your Docker image. Since the OpenWire configuration file for both consumers and producers allow you to specify the number of clients that you want, all the clients in one ECS task will share the CPU and memory allocation for that task. You have the option to run multiple ECS tasks (with multiple clients) running the benchmark in parallel.

These adjustments allow for a more customized deployment to fit specific benchmarking needs and scenarios.

2.7 Benchmarking Execution

After deployment, you should see an output similar to the following:

Successful deployment of CDK application with output

Successful deployment of CDK application with output

1. Retrieve the TASK-ARN and access the Container

The above exec command in “outputs:” requires that you supply a <TASK-ARN> before the command can be run. To retrieve the <TASK-ARN> via the AWS CLI, you will need to do the following:

  • Run the below command and note down the Task ARN (needed later):
aws ecs list-tasks --cluster <cluster-name> --region <region>

You can also retrieve this value via the Amazon ECS console by going to your ECS Cluster and choosing Tasks.

  • Access the running ECS task using the ECS Exec feature with the command that is output from the CDK deployment. The command should look like the following:
aws ecs execute-command --region eu-central-1 --cluster arn:aws:ecs:eu-central-1:XXXXXXXX:cluster/ECS-Stack-ClusterEB0386A7-gRmSxC06y4ay --task <TASK-ARN> --container Benchmarking-Container --command "/bin/bash" --interactive

Before running the above command, replace the placeholder value of <TASK-ARN> with the value of the actual Task ARN noted earlier.

After retrieving the <TASK-ARN>, and running the exec command, you should have a directory structure as follows:

Directory Structure within ECS Task using ECS Exec

Directory Structure within ECS Task using ECS Exec

2. Configure the openwire-producer.properties and openwire-consumer.properties files.

Open both files. Shown below is the content of the openwire-producer.properties and openwire-consumer.properties files.









In both files, provide the brokerURL, username and password as they are required before starting the benchmarking process. The brokerURL and username can be obtained from the Amazon MQ console

Amazon MQ broker

Amazon MQ broker

Once you click into the deployed broker, you will find the brokerURL under the Endpoints section for OpenWire.

Endpoints in Amazon MQ console

Endpoints in Amazon MQ console

The endpoint URL for OpenWire should be in this format:

failover:(ssl://b-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-1.mq.<aws region>.amazonaws.com:61617,ssl://b-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -2.mq.<aws region>.amazonaws.com:61617)
Retrieve username from Amazon MQ console

Retrieve username from Amazon MQ console

Since you are using an active/standby broker, the test would only leverage the active broker URL and not both. The failover protocol automatically manages this exchange. The password can be retrieved from the AWS Secrets Manager console or via the CLI.

The following parameters and values can be adjusted in both producer and consumer properties file to suite your use case:

  • sendDuration: The sendDuration which represents the time taken for the producer/consumer test to run. Default value is set to 300000ms.
  • messageSize: The messageSize which adjusts the size of messages sent is set to 1024KB by default.
  • deliveryMode: The deliveryMode is set to persistent by default.
  • numClients: numClients sets the number of concurrent consumers, influencing message processing speed. It is set to 25 by default.
  • destName: destName represents the name of your destination queue or topic. You can change the name to your preference.

For a more comprehensive guide, refer to the mq-benchmarking-sample documentation.

2.8 Benchmark Results

After populating both producer and consumer files with the required parameters, run the following maven commands (one after the other) in separate terminals to start the test:

Maven producer command:

mvn activemq-perf:producer -DsysTest.propsConfigFile=openwire-producer.properties

Maven consumer command:

mvn activemq-perf:consumer -DsysTest.propsConfigFile=openwire-consumer.properties

Once each of the above tests complete, they provide a summary of the tests in stdout as shown below:

System Total Throughput: 562020
System Total Clients: 25
System Average Throughput: 1873.4000000000003
System Average Throughput Excluding Min/Max: 1860.8333333333333
System Average Client Throughput: 74.936
System Average Client Throughput Excluding Min/Max: 74.43333333333334
Min Client Throughput Per Sample: clientName=JmsProducer19, value=2
Max Client Throughput Per Sample: clientName=JmsProducer13, value=169
Min Client Total Throughput: clientName=JmsProducer0, value=20224
Max Client Total Throughput: clientName=JmsProducer5, value=23917
Min Average Client Throughput: clientName=JmsProducer0, value=67.41333333333333
Max Average Client Throughput: clientName=JmsProducer5, value=79.72333333333333
Min Average Client Throughput Excluding Min/Max: clientName=JmsProducer0, value=67.04333333333334
Max Average Client Throughput Excluding Min/Max: clientName=JmsProducer8, value=78.91
[main] INFO org.apache.activemq.tool.reports.XmlFilePerfReportWriter - Created performance report: /app/activemq-perftest/./reports/JmsProducer_numClients25_numDests1_all.xml
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 5:05.052s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Apr 29 10:22:01 UTC 2024
[INFO] Final Memory: 15M/60M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
System Total Throughput: 562023
System Total Clients: 25
System Average Throughput: 1873.4100000000005
System Average Throughput Excluding Min/Max: 1864.6599999999996
System Average Client Throughput: 74.93640000000002
System Average Client Throughput Excluding Min/Max: 74.58639999999998
Min Client Throughput Per Sample: clientName=JmsConsumer13, value=0
Max Client Throughput Per Sample: clientName=JmsConsumer13, value=105
Min Client Total Throughput: clientName=JmsConsumer13, value=22475
Max Client Total Throughput: clientName=JmsConsumer14, value=22495
Min Average Client Throughput: clientName=JmsConsumer13, value=74.91666666666667
Max Average Client Throughput: clientName=JmsConsumer14, value=74.98333333333333
Min Average Client Throughput Excluding Min/Max: clientName=JmsConsumer13, value=74.56666666666666
Max Average Client Throughput Excluding Min/Max: clientName=JmsConsumer14, value=74.63333333333334
[main] INFO org.apache.activemq.tool.reports.XmlFilePerfReportWriter - Created performance report: /app/activemq-perftest/./reports/JmsConsumer_numClients25_numDests1_equal.xml
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 5:02.434s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Apr 29 10:22:02 UTC 2024
[INFO] Final Memory: 14M/68M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The above output is from a test performed and shown as sample output.

System Average Throughput and System Total Clients are the most useful metrics.

In the reports directory look for two xml files with more detailed throughput metrics. In the JmsProducer_numClients25_numDests1_all.xml file for example, jmsClientSettings and jmsFactorySettings captures different broker switches.

Each of the report files captures exact test and broker environment. Keeping these files around will allow you to compare performance between different test cases and analyze how a set of configurations have impacted performance.

For this test, the average throughput for a producer is around 1873 messages per second for 25 clients. Keep in mind that the broker instance is an mq.m5.large. You can get higher throughput with more clients and a larger broker instance. This test demonstrates the concept of running fast consumers while producing messages.

More comprehensive information on the test output can be found in performance testing.

By following these guidelines and leveraging ECS Exec for direct access, you can deploy the ActiveMQ Classic Maven Performance test plugin, using AWS CDK. This setup allows you to customize and execute benchmark tests on Amazon MQ within an ECS task, facilitating an automated and efficient deployment and testing workflow.

Amazon MQ benchmarking architecture

Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ brokers can be deployed as a single-instance broker or as an active/standby broker. Amazon MQ is architected for high availability (HA) and durability. For HA and broker benchmarking, AWS recommends using the active/standby deployment. After a message is sent to Amazon MQ in persistent mode, the message is written to the highly durable message store which replicates the data across multiple nodes and Availability Zones.


To avoid incurring future charges for the resources deployed in this walkthrough, run the following command and follow the prompts to delete the CloudFormation stacks launched in 2.6 Customize and Deploy:

cdk destroy "*"


This post provides a detailed guide on performing benchmarking for Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ brokers leveraging the ActiveMQ Classic Maven Performance test plugin. Benchmarking plays a crucial role for customers migrating to Amazon MQ, as it offers insights into the broker’s performance under conditions that mirror their existing setup. This process enables customers to fine-tune their configurations and choose the appropriate instance type that aligns with their specific use case, ensuring optimal handling of their workloads’ throughput.

Get started with Amazon MQ by using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, AWS Software Development Kit (SDK), or AWS CloudFormation. For information on cost, see Amazon MQ pricing.

Introducing quorum queues on Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ

Post Syndicated from Chris Munns original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-quorum-queues-on-amazon-mq-for-rabbitmq/

This post is written by Vignesh Selvam (Senior Product Manager – Amazon MQ), Simon Unge (Senior software development engineer – Amazon MQ).

Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ announced support for quorum queues, a type of replicated queue designed for higher availability and data safety. This post presents an overview of this queue type, describes when you should use it, and best practices you can follow. The post also describes how Amazon MQ has also improved quorum queues in the open-source RabbitMQ community.

Overview of quorum queues

A quorum queue is a replicated first in, first out queue type offered by open-source RabbitMQ that uses the Raft consensus algorithm to maintain data consistency. Each quorum queue has a leader and multiple followers (replicas), which ensure that messages are replicated and persisted across a majority of nodes, thus providing resilience against node failures. Quorum queues only need a majority of member nodes (a quorum) to make decisions about data. If a RabbitMQ node hosting a leader becomes unavailable, another node hosting one of the followers is automatically elected as the leader. Once the node becomes available again, the node will become a follower for the quorum queue and catch up or synchronize with the new leader. Quorum queues can detect network failures faster and recover quicker than classic mirrored queues, thus improving the resiliency of the message broker as a whole.

Quorum queues share most of the fundamental features that are key to RabbitMQ replicated queue types such as consumption, consumer acknowledgements, cancelling consumers, purging and deletion. Poison message handling is a unique feature of quorum queues which help developers manage unprocessed messages more efficiently. A poison message is a message that cannot be processed and ends up being repeatedly requeued. Quorum queues keep track of the number of unsuccessful delivery attempts and expose it in the ‘x-delivery-count’ header that is included with any redelivered message. A delivery limit can be set using a policy argument for ’delivery-limit’. If the limit is reached, the message can be dropped or put in a dead-letter queue. This feature further improves the data reliability of a quorum queue.

You can get started with quorum queues by explicitly specifying the ‘x-queue-type’ parameter as ’quorum’ on a RabbitMQ broker running version 3.13 and above. We recommend that you change the default vhost queue type to ’quorum’ to ensure that all queues are created as quorum queues by default inside a vhost.

RabbitMQ queues console

RabbitMQ queues console

When should you use quorum queues?

You should use quorum queues when you need higher availability and consistency for their messaging infrastructure. Quorum queues are ideal for scenarios where data durability and fault tolerance are critical, such as financial transaction systems, e-commerce data processing systems, or any application requiring high reliability. They are particularly beneficial in environments where node failures are more likely or where maintaining data consistency across distributed systems is essential.

When should you NOT use quorum queues?

Quorum queues are not meant to be temporary. They do not support transient or exclusive queues and are not meant to be used in scenarios with high queue churn (declaration and deletion rates). They are also not recommended for unreplicated queues.

Best practices for quorum queues

Quorum queues perform better when the queues are short. You can set the maximum queue length using a policy or queue arguments to limit the total memory usage by queues (max-length, max-length-bytes).

Add a new queue dialog

Add a new queue dialog

Amazon MQ recommends publishers to use publisher confirms and consumers to use manual acknowledgements on quorum queues. Publisher confirms will only be issued once a published message has been successfully replicated to a quorum of nodes and is considered safe within the context of the system. Publisher confirms can also serve as a form of back pressure and protect the availability of the broker during periods of high workload. Manual acknowledgements are used to ensure messages that are not processed can be returned to the queue for reprocessing.

Open-source improvements by Amazon MQ

Amazon MQ contributed multiple improvements to the open-source RabbitMQ community to improve quorum queues for operators and users.

Automatic membership reconciliation
Quorum queues depend on a majority of replicas being available for the Raft consensus algorithm. Amazon MQ identified that many users and operators would prefer to maintain a certain minimal number of replicas (generally 3 or 5) at all times to ensure a majority always exists. The quorum queue replica management was also initially available only via CLI tools. Amazon MQ engineers introduced automatic membership reconciliation to improve this experience. Now, RabbitMQ can be configured to identify any queues that are below a target group member size, and automatically grow or add a node to the queue members. Thus ensuring a certain minimum number of replicas always exist.

Voter status
RabbitMQ considers a quorum queue member node to be a full member even if the member has not caught up or fully synced to the quorum. The CLI command rabbitmq-queues check_if_node_is_ quorum_critical can provide a false positive, and indicate a node is safe to remove, even though another node has queue members that are still synchronizing to the quorum. Amazon MQ introduced a new ‘non-voter’ state for a queue member node to indicate a member that is still catching up or synchronizing to the quorum. If a queue has a member in this state, it is not considered a full member. Once the member is fully synchronized, it is automatically promoted to the voter status, and is considered a full member. The command rabbitmq-queues check_if_node_is_quorum_critical now takes this into account and correctly reports if a node can be safely terminated without any queues becoming unavailable due to a loss of majority.

Inconsistent state management
When a broker is overloaded, a quorum queue can end up in an inconsistent state, where the quorum queue membership state stored in the Raft state machine differs from the RabbitMQ internal state for the queue. Amazon MQ introduced a periodic check per quorum queue that identifies if a queue has an inconsistent state and takes action to fix it.

Default queue type
The default queue type for a RabbitMQ broker vhost was classic queues. You could declare a different queue type by explicitly stating the ’x-queue-type’ as a queue creation argument. Amazon MQ introduced a global default queue type in the configuration file (rabbit.conf) that provides the ability to define a default queue type at the broker level. Now, an operator can change the default queue type to quorum queues if not specified during creation.

Membership management permissions
RabbitMQ users are able to configure the quorum queue membership using the management API. This can interfere with automatic membership reconciliation. Amazon MQ introduced the ability for an operator to turn off the membership management permissions available through the management API. Thus, preventing customers from accidentally affecting their broker.


Quorum queues on RabbitMQ provide a robust solution for scenarios requiring high availability and resilience. By leveraging the Raft consensus protocol, quorum queues ensure that messages are safely stored and replicated across a quorum of nodes, making them an excellent choice for modern, distributed message queuing systems.

Amazon MQ recommends that you adopt quorum queues as the preferred replicated queue type on RabbitMQ 3.13 brokers. For more details, see Amazon MQ documentation. To know more about the open-source feature, see quorum queues.

Get started with quorum queues on Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ 3.13 with a few clicks.

AWS Weekly Roundup: Global AWS Heroes Summit, AWS Lambda, Amazon Redshift, and more (July 22, 2024)

Post Syndicated from Donnie Prakoso original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-global-aws-heroes-summit-aws-lambda-amazon-redshift-and-more-july-22-2024/

Last week, AWS Heroes from around the world gathered to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the AWS Heroes program at Global AWS Heroes Summit. This program recognizes a select group of AWS experts worldwide who go above and beyond in sharing their knowledge and making an impact within developer communities.

Matt Garman, CEO of AWS and a long-time supporter of developer communities, made a special appearance for a Q&A session with the Heroes to listen to their feedback and respond to their questions.

Here’s an epic photo from the AWS Heroes Summit:

As Matt mentioned in his Linkedin post, “The developer community has been core to everything we have done since the beginning of AWS.” Thank you, Heroes, for all you do. Wishing you all a safe flight home.

Last week’s launches
Here are some launches that caught my attention last week:

Announcing the July 2024 updates to Amazon Corretto — The latest updates for the Corretto distribution of OpenJDK is now available. This includes security and critical updates for the Long-Term Supported (LTS) and Feature (FR) versions.

New open-source Advanced MYSQL ODBC Driver now available for Amazon Aurora and RDS — The new AWS ODBC Driver for MYSQL provides faster switchover and failover times, and authentication support for AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), making it a more efficient and secure option for connecting to Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora MySQL-compatible edition databases.

Productionize Fine-tuned Foundation Models from SageMaker Canvas — Amazon SageMaker Canvas now allows you to deploy fine-tuned Foundation Models (FMs) to SageMaker real-time inference endpoints, making it easier to integrate generative AI capabilities into your applications outside the SageMaker Canvas workspace.

AWS Lambda now supports SnapStart for Java functions that use the ARM64 architecture — Lambda SnapStart for Java functions on ARM64 architecture delivers up to 10x faster function startup performance and up to 34% better price performance compared to x86, enabling the building of highly responsive and scalable Java applications using AWS Lambda.

Amazon QuickSight improves controls performance — Amazon QuickSight has improved the performance of controls, allowing readers to interact with them immediately without having to wait for all relevant controls to reload. This enhancement reduces the loading time experienced by readers.

Amazon OpenSearch Serverless levels up speed and efficiency with smart caching — The new smart caching feature for indexing in Amazon OpenSearch Serverless automatically fetches and manages data, leading to faster data retrieval, efficient storage usage, and cost savings.

Amazon Redshift Serverless with lower base capacity available in the Europe (London) Region — Amazon Redshift Serverless now allows you to start with a lower data warehouse base capacity of 8 Redshift Processing Units (RPUs) in the Europe (London) region, providing more flexibility and cost-effective options for small to large workloads.

AWS Lambda now supports Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ in five new regions — AWS Lambda now supports Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ in five new regions, enabling you to build serverless applications with Lambda functions that are invoked based on messages posted to Amazon MQ message brokers.

From community.aws
Here’s my top 5 personal favorites posts from community.aws:

Upcoming AWS events
Check your calendars and sign up for upcoming AWS events:

AWS Summits — Join free online and in-person events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. To learn more about future AWS Summit events, visit the AWS Summit page. Register in your nearest city: AWS Summit Taipei (July 23–24), AWS Summit Mexico City (Aug. 7), and AWS Summit Sao Paulo (Aug. 15).

AWS Community Days — Join community-led conferences that feature technical discussions, workshops, and hands-on labs led by expert AWS users and industry leaders from around the world. Upcoming AWS Community Days are in Aotearoa (Aug. 15), Nigeria (Aug. 24), New York (Aug. 28), and Belfast (Sept. 6).

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!


This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Introducing Amazon MQ cross-Region data replication for ActiveMQ brokers

Post Syndicated from Pascal Vogel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-amazon-mq-cross-region-data-replication-for-activemq-brokers/

This post is written by Dominic Gagné, Senior Software Development Engineer, and Vinodh Kannan Sadayamuthu, Senior Solutions Architect

Amazon MQ now supports cross-Region data replication for ActiveMQ brokers. This feature enables you to build regionally resilient messaging applications and makes it easier to set up cross-Region message replication between ActiveMQ brokers in Amazon MQ. This blog post explains how cross-Region data replication works in Amazon MQ, how to setup cross-Region replica brokers for ActiveMQ, and how to test promoting a replica broker.

Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ that simplifies setting up and operating message brokers on AWS.

Cross-Region replication improves the resilience and disaster recovery capabilities of your systems. This new Amazon MQ feature makes it easier to increase resilience of your ActiveMQ messaging systems across AWS Regions.

How cross-Region data replication works in Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ

The Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ cross-Region data replication feature replicates broker state from the primary broker in one AWS Region to the replica broker in another Region. Broker state consists of messages that have been sent to a broker by a message producer. Additionally, message acknowledgments and transactions are replicated. Scheduled messages and broker XML configuration are not replicated from the primary to the replica broker.

State replication occurs asynchronously and runs in the background. When a message is sent to a cross-Region data replication enabled broker, the data is persisted both to the primary data store and also on a queue used to replicate data. The replica broker acts as a client of this queue and consumes data that represents broker state from the primary broker.

At any given moment, only the primary broker is available for client connections. The replica broker is a hot standby and passively replicates the primary broker’s state. However, it does not accept client connections. The following diagram shows a simplified version of a cross-Region data replication broker pair. All replication traffic is encrypted using TLS and remains within AWS’ private backbone.

Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ cross-region data replication architecture

Configuring cross-Region replica brokers for Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ

To set up a cross-Region replica broker, your Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ primary broker must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • ActiveMQ version 5.17.6 or above
  • Instance size m5.large or higher
  • Active/standby broker deployment enabled
  • Be in the Running state

If you do not have an ActiveMQ broker that meets these criteria, see Creating and configuring an ActiveMQ broker for instructions on how to create a primary broker.

To configure cross-Region replication

  1. Navigate to the Amazon MQ console and choose Create replica broker.
    Amazon MQ console create replica broker
  2. Select a primary broker from the list of eligible primary brokers and choose Next.
    Amazon MQ console choose primary broker
  3. Under Replica broker details, select the Region for your replica broker and enter a Replica broker name.
    Amazon MQ console configure replica broker
  4. In the ActiveMQ console user for replica broker panel, enter a Username and Password for broker access.
    Amazon MQ console user for replica broker
  5. In the Data replication user to bridge access between brokers panel, enter a replication user Username and Password.
    Amazon MQ console user for replica broker
  6. In the Additional settings panel, keep the defaults and choose Next.
  7. Review the settings and choose Create replica broker.
    Note: The broker access type is automatically set based on the primary broker access type.
    Amazon MQ console create replica broker setting summary
  8. The creation process takes up to 25 minutes. Once the replica broker creation is complete, begin replication between the primary and the replica brokers by rebooting the primary broker.
  9. Once the primary broker is rebooted and its status is Running, you can see the replica details in the Data replication panel of the primary broker.
    Amazon MQ console broker replication details

Both brokers now synchronize with each other to establish an inter-Region network and connection through which broker state is replicated. Once both brokers are in the Running state, the primary broker accepts client connections and passes all broker state changes (messages, acknowledgments, transactions, etc.) to the replica broker.

The replica broker now asynchronously mirrors the state of the primary broker. However, it does not become available for client connections until it is promoted via a switchover or a failover. These operations are covered in the following section.

Testing data replication and promoting the replica broker

There are two ways to promote a replica broker: initiating a switchover or a failover.

Switchover Failover
  • Prioritizes consistency over availability.
  • Prioritizes availability over consistency.
  • Brokers are guaranteed to have identical states.
  • Brokers are not guaranteed to be in identical states.
  • Brokers may not be available immediately to serve client traffic.
  • Replica broker is immediately available to serve client traffic.

To initiate a failover or switchover

    1. Navigate to the Amazon MQ console, choose your primary broker, and log in to the ActiveMQ Web Console using the URLs located in the Connections panel.
    2. In the top menu, select Queues. You should be able to see four ActiveMQ.Plugin.Replication queues used by the replication feature.
      Active MQ console queues
    3. To test message replication from the primary to a replica broker, create a queue and send messages. To create the queue:
      • For Queue Name, enter TestQueue.
      • Choose Create.

      ActiveMQ console create queue

    4. Under Operations for the TestQueue, choose Send To and perform the following steps:
      • For Number of messages to send, enter 10 and keep the other defaults.
      • Under Message body, enter a test message.
      • Choose Send.

      ActiveMQ console send test message

    5. To promote the replica broker, navigate to the Amazon MQ console and change the Region to the AWS Region where the replica broker is located.
    6. Select the replica broker (in this example called Secondarybroker) and choose Promote replica.
      Amazon MQ console promote broker
    7. In the Promote replica broker pop-up window:
      • Select Failover or Switchover.
      • Enter confirm in text box.
      • Choose Confirm.

      Amazon MQ console confirm broker promotion

    8. While a replica broker is being promoted, its replication status changes to Promotion in progress. The corresponding primary broker’s replication status changes to Demotion in progress.

Replica Secondarybroker status – Promotion in progress:

Replica Secondarybroker status - Promotion in progress

Primary broker status – Demotion in progress:

Primary broker status - Demotion in progress

Secondarybroker status – Promoted to new primary broker:

Secondarybroker status – Promoted to new primary broker

  1. Once the Secondarybroker status is Running, log in to the ActiveMQ Web Console from the URLs located in the Connections panel. You can see the replicated messages sent from the former primary broker in Step 4 in the TestQueue:
    Replicated message from primary broker in TestQueue

Monitoring cross-Region data replication

To monitor cross-Region data replication progress, you can use the Amazon CloudWatch metrics TotalReplicationLag and ReplicationLag.

Amazon CloudWatch metrics TotalReplicationLag and ReplicationLag

You can use these two metrics to monitor the progress of a switchover. When their value reaches zero, the switchover will complete because the broker states have been synchronized and the replica broker begins accepting client connections. If the switchover does not progress fast enough, or if you need the replica broker to be immediately available to serve client traffic, you can request a failover at any time.

Note: A failover can interrupt an ongoing switchover. However, a switchover cannot interrupt an ongoing failover.

Issuing a failover request causes the replica broker to become immediately available, but does not provide any guarantees about what data has been replicated to the replica broker. This means that a failover can make data tracking and reconciliation more challenging for your client application than a switchover.

For this reason, we recommend that you always start with a switchover and interrupt it with a failover if necessary. To interrupt an ongoing switchover, follow the same steps as for promoting a replica broker, select the failover option, and confirm.

Note: If you fail back to the original primary broker, messages that are not replicated from the primary to the replica broker during the failover will still exist on the primary broker. Therefore, consumers must manage these messages. We recommend tracking the processed message IDs in a data store such as Amazon DynamoDB global tables and comparing the message to the processed message IDs.

If you no longer need to replicate broker data across Regions or if you need to delete a primary or replica broker, you must unpair the replica broker and reboot the primary broker. You can unpair the replica broker in the Amazon MQ console by following Delete a CRDR broker.

To unpair the broker using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), run the following command, replacing the --broker-id with your primary broker ID:

aws mq update-broker --broker-id <primary broker ID> \
--data-replication-mode "NONE" \
--region us-east-1


Using the cross-Region data replication feature for Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ provides a straightforward way to implement cross-Region replication to improve the resilience of your architecture and meet your business continuity and disaster recovery requirements. This post explains how cross-Region data replication works in Amazon MQ, how to set up a cross-Region replica broker, and how to test and promote the replica broker.

For more details, see the Amazon MQ documentation.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Integrating IBM MQ with Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS using Apache Camel

Post Syndicated from Pascal Vogel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/integrating-ibm-mq-with-amazon-sqs-and-amazon-sns-using-apache-camel/

This post is written by Joaquin Rinaudo, Principal Security Consultant and Gezim Musliaj, DevOps Consultant.

IBM MQ is a message-oriented middleware (MOM) product used by many enterprise organizations, including global banks, airlines, and healthcare and insurance companies.

Customers often ask us for guidance on how they can integrate their existing on-premises MOM systems with new applications running in the cloud. They’re looking for a cost-effective, scalable and low-effort solution that enables them to send and receive messages from their cloud applications to these messaging systems.

This blog post shows how to set up a bi-directional bridge from on-premises IBM MQ to Amazon MQ, Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), and Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).

This allows your producer and consumer applications to integrate using fully managed AWS messaging services and Apache Camel. Learn how to deploy such a solution and how to test the running integration using SNS, SQS, and a demo IBM MQ cluster environment running on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) with AWS Fargate.

This solution can also be used as part of a step-by-step migration using the approach described in the blog post Migrating from IBM MQ to Amazon MQ using a phased approach.

Solution overview

The integration consists of an Apache Camel broker cluster that bi-directionally integrates an IBM MQ system and target systems, such as Amazon MQ running ActiveMQ, SNS topics, or SQS queues.

In the following example, AWS services, in this case AWS Lambda and SQS, receive messages published to IBM MQ via an SNS topic:

Solution architecture overview for sending messages

  1. The cloud message consumers (Lambda and SQS) subscribe to the solution’s target SNS topic.
  2. The Apache Camel broker connects to IBM MQ using secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager and reads new messages from the queue using IBM MQ’s Java library. Only IBM MQ messages are supported as a source.
  3. The Apache Camel broker publishes these new messages to the target SNS topic. It uses the Amazon SNS Extended Client Library for Java to store any messages larger than 256 KB in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  4. Apache Camel stores any message that cannot be delivered to SNS after two retries in an S3 dead letter queue bucket.

The next diagram demonstrates how the solution sends messages back from an SQS queue to IBM MQ:

Solution architecture overview for sending messages

  1. A sample message producer using Lambda sends messages to an SQS queue. It uses the Amazon SQS Extended Client Library for Java to send messages larger than 256 KB.
  2. The Apache Camel broker receives the messages published to SQS, using the SQS Extended Client Library if needed.
  3. The Apache Camel broker sends the message to the IBM MQ target queue.
  4. As before, the broker stores messages that cannot be delivered to IBM MQ in the S3 dead letter queue bucket.

A phased live migration consists of two steps:

  1. Deploy the broker service to allow reading messages from and writing to existing IBM MQ queues.
  2. Once the consumer or producer is migrated, migrate its counterpart to the newly selected service (SNS or SQS).

Next, you will learn how to set up the solution using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

Deploying the solution


  • TypeScript
  • Java
  • Docker
  • Git
  • Yarn

Step 1: Cloning the repository

Clone the repository using git:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-ibm-mq-adapter

Step 2: Setting up test IBM MQ credentials

This demo uses IBM MQ’s mutual TLS authentication. To do this, you must generate X.509 certificates and store them in AWS Secrets Manager by running the following commands in the app folder:

  1. Generate X.509 certificates:
    ./deploy.sh generate_secrets
  2. Set up the secrets required for the Apache Camel broker (replace <integration-name> with, for example, dev):
    ./deploy.sh create_secrets broker <integration-name>
  3. Set up secrets for the mock IBM MQ system:
    ./deploy.sh create_secrets mock
  4. Update the cdk.json file with the secrets ARN output from the previous commands:

If you are using your own IBM MQ system and already have X.509 certificates available, you can use the script to upload those certificates to AWS Secrets Manager after running the script.

Step 3: Configuring the broker

The solution deploys two brokers, one to read messages from the test IBM MQ system and one to send messages back. A separate Apache Camel cluster is used per integration to support better use of Auto Scaling functionality and to avoid issues across different integration operations (consuming and reading messages).

Update the cdk.json file with the following values:

  • accountId: AWS account ID to deploy the solution to.
  • region: name of the AWS Region to deploy the solution to.
  • defaultVPCId: specify a VPC ID for an existing VPC in the AWS account where the broker and mock are deployed.
  • allowedPrincipals: add your account ARN (e.g., arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root) to allow this AWS account to send messages to and receive messages from the broker. You can use this parameter to set up cross-account relationships for both SQS and SNS integrations and support multiple consumers and producers.

Step 4: Bootstrapping and deploying the solution

  1. Make sure you have the correct AWS_PROFILE and AWS_REGION environment variables set for your development account.
  2. Run yarn cdk bootstrap –-qualifier mq <aws://<account-id>/<region> to bootstrap CDK.
  3. Run yarn install to install CDK dependencies.
  4. Finally, execute yarn cdk deploy '*-dev' –-qualifier mq --require-approval never to deploy the solution to the dev environment.

Step 5: Testing the integrations

Use AWS System Manager Session Manager and port forwarding to establish tunnels to the test IBM MQ instance to access the web console and send messages manually. For more information on port forwarding, see Amazon EC2 instance port forwarding with AWS System Manager.

  1. In a command line terminal, make sure you have the correct AWS_PROFILE and AWS_REGION environment variables set for your development account.
  2. In addition, set the following environment variables:
    • IBM_ENDPOINT: endpoint for IBM MQ. Example: network load balancer for IBM mock mqmoc-mqada-1234567890.elb.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com.
    • BASTION_ID: instance ID for the bastion host. You can retrieve this output from Step 4: Bootstrapping and deploying the solution listed after the mqBastionStack deployment.

    Use the following command to set the environment variables:

    export IBM_ENDPOINT=mqmoc-mqada-1234567890.elb.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
    export BASTION_ID=i-0a1b2c3d4e5f67890
  3. Run the script test/connect.sh.
  4. Log in to the IBM web console via using the default IBM user (admin) and the password stored in AWS Secrets Manager as mqAdapterIbmMockAdminPassword.

Sending data from IBM MQ and receiving it in SNS:

  1. In the IBM MQ console, access the local queue manager QM1 and DEV.QUEUE.1.
  2. Send a message with the content Hello AWS. This message will be processed by AWS Fargate and published to SNS.
  3. Access the SQS console and choose the snsIntegrationStack-dev-2 prefix queue. This is an SQS queue subscribed to the SNS topic for testing.
  4. Select Send and receive message.
  5. Select Poll for messages to see the Hello AWS message previously sent to IBM MQ.

Sending data back from Amazon SQS to IBM MQ:

  1. Access the SQS console and choose the queue with the prefix sqsPublishIntegrationStack-dev-3-dev.
  2. Select Send and receive messages.
  3. For Message Body, add Hello from AWS.
  4. Choose Send message.
  5. In the IBM MQ console, access the local queue manager QM1 and DEV.QUEUE.2 to find your message listed under this queue.

Step 6: Cleaning up

Run cdk destroy '*-dev' to destroy the resources deployed as part of this walkthrough.


In this blog, you learned how you can exchange messages between IBM MQ and your cloud applications using Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS.

If you’re interested in getting started with your own integration, follow the README file in the GitHub repository. If you’re migrating existing applications using industry-standard APIs and protocols such as JMS, NMS, or AMQP 1.0, consider integrating with Amazon MQ using the steps provided in the repository.

If you’re interested in running Apache Camel in Kubernetes, you can also adapt the architecture to use Apache Camel K instead.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

How Munich Re Automation Solutions Ltd built a digital insurance platform on AWS

Post Syndicated from Sid Singh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/how-munich-re-automation-solutions-ltd-built-a-digital-insurance-platform-on-aws/

Underwriting for life insurance can be quite manual and often time-intensive with lots of re-keying by advisers before underwriting decisions can be made and policies finally issued. In the digital age, people purchasing life insurance want self-service interactions with their prospective insurer. People want speed of transaction with time to cover reduced from days to minutes. While this has been achieved in the general insurance space with online car and home insurance journeys, this is not always the case in the life insurance space. This is where Munich Re Automation Solutions Ltd (MRAS) offers its customers, a competitive edge to shrink the quote-to-fulfilment process using their ALLFINANZ solution.

ALLFINANZ is a cloud-based life insurance and analytics solution to underwrite new life insurance business. It is designed to transform the end consumer’s journey, delivering everything they need to become a policyholder. The core digital services offered to all ALLFINANZ customers include Rulebook Hub, Risk Assessment Interview delivery, Decision Engine, deep analytics (including predictive modeling capabilities), and technical integration services—for example, API integration and SSO integration.

Current state architecture

The ALLFINANZ application began as a traditional three-tier architecture deployed within a datacenter. As MRAS migrated their workload to the AWS cloud, they looked at their regulatory requirements and the technology stack, and decided on the silo model of the multi-tenant SaaS system. Each tenant is provided a dedicated Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that holds network and application components, fully isolated from other primary insurers.

As an entry point into the ALLFINANZ environment, MRAS uses Amazon Route 53 to route incoming traffic to the appropriate Amazon VPC. The routing relies on a model where subdomains are assigned to each tenant, for example the subdomain allfinanz.tenant1.munichre.cloud is the subdomain for tenant 1. The diagram below shows the ALLFINANZ architecture. Note: not all links between components are shown here for simplicity.

Current high-level solution architecture for the ALLFINANZ solution

Figure 1. Current high-level solution architecture for the ALLFINANZ solution

  1. The solution uses Route 53 as the DNS service, which provides two entry points to the SaaS solution for MRAS customers:
    • The URL allfinanz.<tenant-id>.munichre.cloud allows user access to the ALLFINANZ Interview Screen (AIS). The AIS can exist as a standalone application, or can be integrated with a customer’s wider digital point-of -sale process.
    • The URL api.allfinanz.<tenant-id>.munichre.cloud is used for accessing the application’s Web services and REST APIs.
  2. Traffic from both entry points flows through the load balancers. While HTTP/S traffic from the application user access entry point flows through an Application Load Balancer (ALB), TCP traffic from the REST API clients flows through a Network Load Balancer (NLB). Transport Layer Security (TLS) termination for user traffic happens at the ALB using certificates provided by the AWS Certificate Manager.  Secure communication over the public network is enforced through TLS validation of the server’s identity.
  3. Unlike application user access traffic, REST API clients use mutual TLS authentication to authenticate a customer’s server. Since NLB doesn’t support mutual TLS, MRAS opted for a solution to pass this traffic to a backend NGINX server for the TLS termination. Mutual TLS is enforced by using self-signed client and server certificates issued by a certificate authority that both the client and the server trust.
  4. Authenticated traffic from ALB and NGINX servers is routed to EC2 instances hosting the application logic. These EC2 instances are hosted in an auto-scaling group spanning two Availability Zones (AZs) to provide high availability and elasticity, therefore, allowing the application to scale to meet fluctuating demand.
  5. Application transactions are persisted in the backend Amazon Relational Database Service MySQL instances. This database layer is configured across multi-AZs, providing high availability and automatic failover.
  6. The application requires the capability to integrate evidence from data sources external to the ALLFINANZ service. This message sharing is enabled through the Amazon MQ managed message broker service for Apache Active MQ.
  7. Amazon CloudWatch is used for end-to-end platform monitoring through logs collection and application and infrastructure metrics and alerts to support ongoing visibility of the health of the application.
  8. Software deployment and associated infrastructure provisioning is automated through infrastructure as code using a combination of Git, Amazon CodeCommit, Ansible, and Terraform.
  9. Amazon GuardDuty continuously monitors the application for malicious activity and delivers detailed security findings for visibility and remediation. GuardDuty also allows MRAS to provide evidence of the application’s strong security posture to meet audit and regulatory requirements.

High availability, resiliency, and security

MRAS deploys their solution across multiple AWS AZs to meet high-availability requirements and ensure operational resiliency. If one AZ has an ongoing event, the solution will remain operational, as there are instances receiving production traffic in another AZ. As described above, this is achieved using ALBs and NLBs to distribute requests to the application subnets across AZs.

The ALLFINANZ solution uses private subnets to segregate core application components and the database storage platform. Security groups provide networking security measures at the elastic network interface level. MRAS restrict access from incoming connection requests to ranges of IP addresses by attaching security groups to the ALBs. Amazon Inspector monitors workloads for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. AWS WAF is integrated with the ALB to protect from SQL injection or cross-site scripting attacks on the application.

Optimizing the existing workload

One of the key benefits of this architecture is that now MRAS can standardize the infrastructure configuration and ensure consistent versioning of the workload across tenants. This makes onboarding new tenants as simple as provisioning another VPC with the same infrastructure footprint.

MRAS are continuing to optimize their architecture iteratively, examining components to modernize to cloud-native components and evolving towards the pool model of multi-tenant SaaS architecture wherever possible. For example, MRAS centralized their per-tenant NAT gateway deployment to a centralized outbound Internet routing design using AWS Transit Gateway, saving approximately 30% on their overall NAT gateway spend.


The AWS global infrastructure has allowed MRAS to serve more than 40 customers in five AWS regions around the world. This solution improves customers’ experience and workload maintainability by standardizing and automating the infrastructure and workload configuration within a SaaS model, compared with multiple versions for the on-premise deployments. SaaS customers are also freed up from the undifferentiated heavy lifting of infrastructure operations, allowing them to focus on their business of underwriting for life insurance.

MRAS used the AWS Well-Architected Framework to assess their architecture and list key recommendations. AWS also offers Well-Architected SaaS Lens and AWS SaaS Factory Program, with a collection of resources to empower and enable insurers at any stage of their SaaS on AWS journey.

Building a serverless cloud-native EDI solution with AWS

Post Syndicated from Ripunjaya Pattnaik original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/building-a-serverless-cloud-native-edi-solution-with-aws/

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is a technology that exchanges information between organizations in a structured digital form based on regulated message formats and standards. EDI has been used in healthcare for decades on the payer side for determination of coverage and benefits verification. There are different standards for exchanging electronic business documents, like American National Standards Institute X12 (ANSI), Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT), and Health Level 7 (HL7).

HL7 is the standard to exchange messages between enterprise applications, like a Patient Administration System and a Pathology Laboratory Information. However, HL7 messages are embedded in Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) X12 for transactions between enterprises, like hospital and insurance companies.

HIPAA is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge. It also mandates healthcare organizations to follow a standardized mechanism of EDI to submit and process insurance claims.

In this blog post, we will discuss how you can build a serverless cloud-native EDI implementation on AWS using the Edifecs XEngine Server.

EDI implementation challenges

Due to its structured format, EDI facilitates the consistency of business information for all participants in the exchange process. The primary EDI software that is used processes the information and then translates it into a more readable format. This can be imported directly and automatically into your integration systems. Figure 1 shows a high-level transaction for a healthcare EDI process.

EDI Transaction Sets exchanges between healthcare provider and payer

Figure 1. EDI Transaction Sets exchanges between healthcare provider and payer

Along with the implementation itself, the following are some of the common challenges encountered in EDI system development:

  1. Scaling. Despite the standard protocols of EDI, the document types and business rules differ across healthcare providers. You must scale the scope of your EDI judiciously to handle a diverse set of data rules with multiple EDI protocols.
  2. Flexibility in EDI integration. As standards evolve, your EDI system development must reflect those changes.
  3. Data volumes and handling bad data. As the volume of data increases, so does the chance for errors. Your storage plans must adjust as well.
  4. Agility. In healthcare, EDI handles business documents promptly, as real-time document delivery is critical.
  5. Compliance. State Medicaid and Medicare rules and compliance can be difficult to manage. HIPAA compliance and CAQH CORE certifications can be difficult to acquire.

Solution overview and architecture data flow

Providers and Payers can send requests as enrollment inquiry, certification request, or claim encounter to one another. This architecture uses these as source data requests coming from the Providers and Payers as flat files (.txt and .csv), Active Message Queues, and API calls (submitters).

The steps for the solution shown in Figure 2 are as follows:

1. Flat, on-premises files are transferred to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets using AWS Transfer Family (2).
3. AWS Fargate on Amazon Elastics Container Service (Amazon ECS) runs Python packages to convert the transactions into JSON messages, then queues it on Amazon MQ (4).
5. Java Message Service (JMS) Bridge, which runs Apache Camel on Fargate, pulls the messages from the on-premises messaging systems and queues them on Amazon MQ (6).
7. Fargate also runs programs to call the on-premises API or web services to get the transactions and queues it on Amazon MQ (8).
9. Amazon CloudWatch monitors the queue depth. If queue depth goes beyond a set threshold, CloudWatch sends notifications to the containers through Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) (10).
11. Amazon SNS triggers AWS Lambda, which adds tasks to Fargate (12), horizontally scaling it to handle the spike.
13. Fargate runs Python programs to read the messages on Amazon MQ and uses PYX12 packages to convert the JSON messages to EDI file formats, depending on the type of transactions.
14. The container also may queue the EDI requests on different queues, as the solution uses multiple trading partners for these requests.
15. The solution runs Edifecs XEngine Server on Fargate with Docker image. This polls the messages from the queues previously mentioned and converts them to EDI specification by the trading partners that are registered with Edifecs.
16. Python module running on Fargate converts the response from the trading partners to JSON.
17. Fargate sends JSON payload as a POST request using Amazon API Gateway, which updates requestors’ backend systems/databases (12) that are running microservices on Amazon ECS (11).
18. The solution also runs Elastic Load Balancing to balance the load across the Amazon ECS cluster to take care of any spikes.
19. Amazon ECS runs microservices that uses Amazon RDS (20) for domain specific data.

EDI transaction-processing system architecture on AWS

Figure 2. EDI transaction-processing system architecture on AWS

Handling PII/PHI data

The EDI request and response file includes protected health information (PHI)/personal identifiable information (PII) data related to members, claims, and financial transactions. The solution leverages all AWS services that are HIPAA eligible and encrypts data at rest and in-transit. The file transfers are through FTP, and the on-premises request/response files are Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encrypted. The Amazon S3 buckets are secured through bucket access policies and are AES-256 encrypted.

Amazon ECS tasks that are hosted in Fargate use ephemeral storage that is encrypted with AES-256 encryption, using an encryption key managed by Fargate. User data stored in Amazon MQ is encrypted at rest. Amazon MQ encryption at rest provides enhanced security by encrypting data using encryption keys stored in the AWS Key Management Service. All connections between Amazon MQ brokers use Transport Layer Security to provide encryption in transit. All APIs are accessed through API gateways secured through Amazon Cognito. Only authorized users can access the application.

The architecture provides many benefits to EDI processing:

  • Scalability. Because the solution is highly scalable, it can speed integration of new partner/provider requirements.
  • Compliance. Use the architecture to run sensitive, HIPAA-regulated workloads. If you plan to include PHI (as defined by HIPAA) on AWS services, first accept the AWS Business Associate Addendum (AWS BAA). You can review, accept, and check the status of your AWS BAA through a self-service portal available in AWS Artifact. Any AWS service can be used with a healthcare application, but only services covered by the AWS BAA can be used to store, process, and transmit protected health information under HIPAA.
  • Cost effective. Though serverless cost is calculated by usage, with this architecture you save as your traffic grows.
  • Visibility. Visualize and understand the flow of your EDI processing using Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your databases, queues, and operation portals.
  • Ownership. Gain ownership of your EDI and custom or standard rules for rapid change management and partner onboarding.


In this healthcare use case, we demonstrated how a combination of AWS services can be used to increase efficiency and reduce cost. This architecture provides a scalable, reliable, and secure foundation to develop your EDI solution, while using dependent applications. We established how to simplify complex tasks in order to manage and scale your infrastructure for a high volume of data. Finally, the solution provides for monitoring your workflow, services, and alerts.

For further reading:

Mainframe offloading and modernization: Using mainframe data to build cloud native services with AWS

Post Syndicated from Malathi Pinnamaneni original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/mainframe-offloading-and-modernization-using-mainframe-data-to-build-cloud-native-services-with-aws/

Many companies in the financial services and insurance industries rely on mainframes for their most business-critical applications and data. But mainframe workloads typically lack agility. This is one reason that organizations struggle to innovate, iterate, and pivot quickly to develop new applications or release new capabilities. Unlocking this mainframe data can be the first step in your modernization journey.

In this blog post, we will discuss some typical offloading patterns. Whether your goal is developing new applications using mainframe data or modernizing with the Strangler Fig Application pattern, you might want some guidance on how to begin.

Refactoring mainframe applications to the cloud

Refactoring mainframe applications to cloud-native services on AWS is a common industry pattern and a long-term goal for many companies to remain competitive. But this takes an investment of time, money, and organizational change management to realize the full benefits. We see customers start their modernization journey by offloading data from the mainframe to AWS to reduce risks and create new capabilities.

The mainframe data offloading patterns that we will discuss in this post use software services that facilitate data replication to Amazon Web Services (AWS):

  • File-based data synchronization
  • Change data capture
  • Event-sourced replication

Once data is liberated from the mainframe, you can develop new agile applications for deeper insights using analytics and machine learning (ML). You could create a microservices-based, or voice-based mobile application. For example, if a bank could access their historical mainframe data to analyze customer behavior, they could develop a new solution based on profiles to use for loan recommendations.

The patterns we illustrate can be used as a reference to begin your modernization efforts with reduced risk. The long-term goal is to rewrite the mainframe applications and modernize them workload by workload.

Solution overview: Mainframe offloading and modernization

This figure shows the flow of data being replicated from mainframe using integration services and consumed in AWS

Figure 1. Mainframe offloading and modernization conceptual flow

Mainframe modernization: Architecture reference patterns

File-based batch integration

Modernization scenarios often require replicating files to AWS, or synchronizing between on-premises and AWS. Use cases include:

  • Analyzing current and historical data to enhance business analytics
  • Providing data for further processing on downstream or upstream dependent systems. This is necessary for exchanging data between applications running on the mainframe and applications running on AWS
This diagram shows a file-based integration pattern on how data can be replicated to AWS for interactive data analytics

Figure 2. File-based batch ingestion pattern for interactive data analytics

File-based batch integration – Batch ingestion for interactive data analytics (Figure 2)

  1. Data ingestion. In this example, we show how data can be ingested to Amazon S3 using AWS Transfer Family Services or AWS DataSync. Mainframe data is typically encoded in extended binary-coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC) format. Prescriptive guidance exists to convert EBCDIC to ASCII format.
  2. Data transformation. Before moving data to AWS data stores, transformation of the data may be necessary to use it for analytics. AWS analytics services like AWS Glue and AWS Lambda can be used to transform the data. For large volume processing, use Apache Spark on AWS Elastic Map Reduce (Amazon EMR), or a custom Spring Boot application running on Amazon EC2 to perform these transformations. This process can be orchestrated using AWS Step Functions or AWS Data Pipeline.
  3. Data store. Data is transformed into a consumable format that can be stored in Amazon S3.
  4. Data consumption. You can use AWS analytics services like Amazon Athena for interactive ad-hoc query access, Amazon QuickSight for analytics, and Amazon Redshift for complex reporting and aggregations.
This diagram shows a file-based integration pattern on how data can be replicated to AWS for further processing by downstream systems

Figure 3. File upload to operational data stores for further processing

File-based batch integration – File upload to operational data stores for further processing (Figure 3)

  1. Using AWS File Transfer Services, upload CSV files to Amazon S3.
  2. Once the files are uploaded, S3’s event notification can invoke AWS Lambda function to load to Amazon Aurora. For low latency data access requirements, you can use a scalable serverless import pattern with AWS Lambda and Amazon SQS to load into Amazon DynamoDB.
  3. Once the data is in data stores, it can be consumed for further processing.

Transactional replication-based integration (Figure 4)

Several modernization scenarios require continuous near-real-time replication of relational data to keep a copy of the data in the cloud. Change Data Capture (CDC) for near-real-time transactional replication works by capturing change log activity to drive changes in the target dataset. Use cases include:

  • Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) architectures that use AWS to service all read-only and retrieve functions
  • On-premises systems with tightly coupled applications that require a phased modernization
  • Real-time operational analytics
This diagram shows a transaction-based replication (CDC) integration pattern on how data can be replicated to AWS for building reporting and read-only functions

Figure 4. Transactional replication (CDC) pattern

  1. Partner CDC tools in the AWS Marketplace can be used to manage real-time data movement between the mainframe and AWS.
  2. You can use a fan-out pattern to read once from the mainframe to reduce processing requirements and replicate data to multiple data stores based on your requirements:
    • For low latency requirements, replicate to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and use AWS Lambda to store in Amazon DynamoDB.
    • For critical business functionality with complex logic, use Amazon Aurora or Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) as targets.
    • To build data lake or use as an intermediary for ETL processing, customers can replicate to S3 as target.
  3. Once the data is in AWS, customers can build agile microservices for read-only functions.

Message-oriented middleware (event sourcing) integration (Figure 5)

With message-oriented middleware (MOM) systems like IBM MQ on mainframe, several modernization scenarios require integrating with cloud-based streaming and messaging services. These act as a buffer to keep your data in sync. Use cases include:

  • Consume data from AWS data stores to enable new communication channels. Examples of new channels can be mobile or voice-based applications and can be innovations based on ML
  • Migrate the producer (senders) and consumer (receivers) applications communicating with on-premises MOM platforms to AWS with an end goal to retire on-premises MOM platform
This diagram shows an event-sourcing integration reference pattern for customers using middleware systems like IBM MQ on-premises with AWS services

Figure 5. Event-sourcing integration pattern

  1. Mainframe transactions from IBM MQ can be read using a connector or a bridge solution. They can then be published to Amazon MQ queues or Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kakfa (MSK) topics.
  2. Once the data is published to the queue or topic, consumers encoded in AWS Lambda functions or Amazon compute services can process, map, transform, or filter the messages. They can store the data in Amazon RDS, Amazon ElastiCache, S3, or DynamoDB.
  3. Now that the data resides in AWS, you can build new cloud-native applications and do the following:


Mainframe offloading and modernization using AWS services enables you to reduce cost, modernize your architectures, and integrate your mainframe and cloud-native technologies. You’ll be able to inform your business decisions with improved analytics, and create new opportunities for innovation and the development of modern applications.

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Introducing AWS Lambda batching controls for message broker services

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-aws-lambda-batching-controls-for-message-broker-services/

This post is written by Mithun Mallick, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect.

AWS Lambda now supports configuring a maximum batch window for instance-based message broker services to fine tune when Lambda invocations occur. This feature gives you an additional control on batching behavior when processing data. It applies to Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), self-hosted Apache Kafka, and Amazon MQ for Apache ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ.

Apache Kafka is an open source event streaming platform used to support workloads such as data pipelines and streaming analytics. It is conceptually similar to Amazon Kinesis. Amazon MSK is a fully managed, highly available service that simplifies the setup, scaling, and management of clusters running Kafka.

Amazon MQ is a managed, highly available message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ that makes it easier to set up and operate message brokers on AWS. Amazon MQ reduces your operational responsibilities by managing the provisioning, setup, and maintenance of message brokers for you.

Amazon MSK, self-hosted Apache Kafka and Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ are all available as event sources for AWS Lambda. You configure an event source mapping to use Lambda to process items from a stream or queue. This allows you to use these message broker services to store messages and asynchronously integrate them with downstream serverless workflows.

In this blog, I explain how message batching works. I show how to use the new maximum batching window control for the managed message broker services and self-managed Apache Kafka.

Understanding batching

For event source mappings, the Lambda service internally polls for new records or messages from the event source, and then synchronously invokes the target Lambda function. Lambda reads the messages in batches and provides these to your function as an event payload. Batching allows higher throughput message processing, up to 10,000 messages in a batch. The payload limit of a single invocation is 6 MB.

Previously, you could only use batch size to configure the maximum number of messages Lambda would poll for. Once a defined batch size is reached, the poller invokes the function with the entire set of messages. This feature is ideal when handling a low volume of messages or batches of data that take time to build up.

Batching window

The new Batch Window control allows you to set the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that Lambda spends gathering records before invoking the function. This brings similar batching functionality that AWS supports with Amazon SQS to Amazon MQ, Amazon MSK and self-managed Apache Kafka. The Lambda event source mapping batching functionality can be described as follows.

Batching controls with Lambda event source mapping

Batching controls with Lambda event source mapping

Using MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds, you can set your function to wait up to 300 seconds for a batch to build before processing it. This allows you to create bigger batches if there are enough messages. You can manage the average number of records processed by the function with each invocation. This increases the efficiency of each invocation, and reduces the frequency.

Setting MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds to 0 invokes the target Lambda function as soon as the Lambda event source receives a message from the broker.

Message broker batching behavior

For ActiveMQ, the Lambda event source mapping uses the Java Message Service (JMS) API to receive messages. For RabbitMQ, Lambda uses a RabbitMQ client library to get messages from the queue.

The Lambda event source mappings act as a consumer when polling the queue. The batching pattern for all instance-based message broker services is the same. As soon as a message is received, the batching window timer starts. If there are more messages, the consumer makes additional calls to the broker and adds them to a buffer. It keeps a count of the number of messages and the total size of the payload.

The batch is considered complete if the addition of a new message makes the batch size equal to or greater than 6 MB, or the batch window timeout is reached. If the batch size is greater than 6 MB, the last message is returned back to the broker.

Lambda then invokes the target Lambda function synchronously and passes on the batch of messages to the function. The Lambda event source continues to poll for more messages and as soon as it retrieves the next message, the batching window starts again. Polling and invocation of the target Lambda function occur in separate processes.

Kafka uses a distributed append log architecture to store messages. This works differently from ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ as messages are not removed from the broker once they have been consumed. Instead, consumers must maintain an offset to the last record or message that was consumed from the broker. Kafka provides several options in the consumer API to simplify the tracking of offsets.

Amazon MSK and Apache Kafka store data in multiple partitions to provide higher scalability. Lambda reads the messages sequentially for each partition and a batch may contain messages from different partitions.  Lambda then commits the offsets once the target Lambda function is invoked successfully.

Configuring the maximum batching window

To reduce Lambda function invocations for existing or new functions, set the MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds value close to 300 seconds. A longer batching window can introduce additional latency. For latency-sensitive workloads set the MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds value to an appropriate setting.

To configure Maximum Batching on a function in the AWS Management Console, navigate to the function in the Lambda console. Create a new Trigger, or edit an existing once. Along with the Batch size you can configure a Batch window. The Trigger Configuration page is similar across the broker services.

Max batching trigger window

Max batching trigger window

You can also use the AWS CLI to configure the --maximum-batching-window-in-seconds parameter.

For example, with Amazon MQ:

aws lambda create-event-source-mapping --function-name my-function \
--maximum-batching-window-in-seconds 300 --batch-size 100 --starting-position AT_TIMESTAMP \
--event-source-arn arn:aws:mq:us-east-1:123456789012:broker:ExampleMQBroker:b-24cacbb4-b295-49b7-8543-7ce7ce9dfb98

You can use AWS CloudFormation to configure the parameter. The following example configures the MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds as part of the AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping resource for Amazon MQ:

    Type: AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping
      BatchSize: 10
      MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds: 300
      Enabled: true
        - "MyQueue"
      EventSourceArn: !GetAtt MyBroker.Arn
      FunctionName: !GetAtt LambdaFunction.Arn
        - Type: BASIC_AUTH
          URI: !Ref secretARNParameter

You can also use AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to configure the parameter as part of the Lambda function event source.

      Type: AWS::Serverless::Function 
        FunctionName: MQReceiverFunction
        CodeUri: src/
        Handler: app.lambda_handler
        Runtime: python3.9
            Type: MQ
              Broker: !Ref brokerARNParameter
              BatchSize: 10
              MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds: 300
                - "workshop.queueC"
                - Type: BASIC_AUTH
                  URI: !Ref secretARNParameter

Error handling

If your function times out or returns an error for any of the messages in a batch, Lambda retries the whole batch until processing succeeds or the messages expire.

When a function encounters an unrecoverable error, the event source mapping is paused and the consumer stops processing records. Any other consumers can continue processing, provided that they do not encounter the same error.  If your Lambda event records exceed the allowed size limit of 6 MB, they can go unprocessed.

For Amazon MQ, you can redeliver messages when there’s a function error. You can configure dead-letter queues (DLQs) for both Apache ActiveMQ, and RabbitMQ. For RabbitMQ, you can set a per-message TTL to move failed messages to a DLQ.

Since the same event may be received more than once, functions should be designed to be idempotent. This means that receiving the same event multiple times does not change the result beyond the first time the event was received.


Lambda supports a number of event sources including message broker services like Amazon MQ and Amazon MSK. This post explains how batching works with the event sources and how messages are sent to the Lambda function.

Previously, you could only control the batch size. The new Batch Window control allows you to set the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that Lambda spends gathering records before invoking the function. This can increase the overall throughput of message processing and reduces Lambda invocations, which may improve cost.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Using an Amazon MQ network of broker topologies for distributed microservices

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-an-amazon-mq-network-of-broker-topologies-for-distributed-microservices/

This post is written by Suranjan Choudhury Senior Manager SA and Anil Sharma, Apps Modernization SA.

This blog looks at ActiveMQ topologies that customers can evaluate when planning hybrid deployment architectures spanning AWS Regions and customer data centers, using a network of brokers. A network of brokers can have brokers on-premises and Amazon MQ brokers on AWS.

Distributing broker nodes across AWS and on-premises allows for messaging infrastructure to scale, provide higher performance, and improve reliability. This post also explains a topology spanning two Regions and demonstrates how to deploy on AWS.

A network of brokers is composed of multiple simultaneously active single-instance brokers or active/standby brokers. A network of brokers provides a large-scale messaging fabric in which multiple brokers are networked together. It allows a system to survive the failure of a broker. It also allows distributed messaging. Applications on remote, disparate networks can exchange messages with each other. A network of brokers helps to scale the overall broker throughput in your network, providing increased availability and performance.

Types of ActiveMQ topologies

Network of brokers can be configured in a variety of topologies – for example, mesh, concentrator, and hub and spoke. The topology depends on requirements such as security and network policies, reliability, scaling and throughput, and management and operational overheads. You can configure individual brokers to operate as a single broker or in an active/standby configuration.

Mesh topology

Mesh topology

A mesh topology provides multiple brokers that are all connected to each other. This example connects three single-instance brokers, but you can configure more brokers as a mesh. The mesh topology needs subnet security group rules to be opened for allowing brokers in internal subnets to communicate with brokers in external subnets.

For scaling, it’s simpler to add new brokers for incrementing overall broker capacity. The mesh topology by design offers higher reliability with no single point of failure. Operationally, adding or deleting of nodes requires broker re-configuration and restarting the broker service.

Concentrator topology

Concentrator topology

In a concentrator topology, you deploy brokers in two (or more) layers to funnel incoming connections into a smaller collection of services. This topology allows segmenting brokers into internal and external subnets without any additional security group changes. If additional capacity is needed, you can add new brokers without needing to update other brokers’ configurations. The concentrator topology provides higher reliability with alternate paths for each broker. This enables hybrid deployments with lower operational overheads.

Hub and spoke topology

Hub and spoke topology

A hub and spoke topology preserves messages if there is disruption to any broker on a spoke. Messages are forwarded throughout and only the central Broker1 is critical to the network’s operation. Subnet security group rules must be opened to allow brokers in internal subnets to communicate with brokers in external subnets.

Adding brokers for scalability is constrained by the hub’s capacity. Hubs are a single point of failure and should be configured as active-standby to increase reliability. In this topology, depending on the location of the hub, there may be increased bandwidth needs and latency challenges.

Using a concentrator topology for large-scale hybrid deployments

When planning deployments spanning AWS and customer data centers, the starting point is the concentrator topology. The brokers are deployed in tiers such that brokers in each tier connect to fewer brokers at the next tier. This allows you to funnel connections and messages from a large number of producers to a smaller number of brokers. This concentrates messages at fewer subscribers:

Hybrid deployment topology

Deploying ActiveMQ brokers across Regions and on-premises

When placing brokers on-premises and in the AWS Cloud in a hybrid network of broker topologies, security and network routing are key. The following diagram shows a typical hybrid topology:

Typical hybrid topology

Amazon MQ brokers on premises are placed behind a firewall. They can communicate to Amazon MQ brokers through an IPsec tunnel terminating on the on-premises firewall. On the AWS side, this tunnel terminates on an AWS Transit Gateway (TGW). The TGW routes all network traffic to a firewall in AWS in a service VPC.

The firewall inspects the network traffic and routes all inspected traffic sent back to the transit gateway. The TGW, based on routing configured, sends the traffic to the Amazon MQ broker in the application VPC. This broker concentrates messages from Amazon MQ brokers hosted on AWS. The on premises brokers and the AWS brokers form a hybrid network of brokers that spans AWS and customer data center. This allows applications and services to communicate securely. This architecture exposes only the concentrating broker to receive and send messages to the broker on premises. The applications are protected from outside, non-validated network traffic.

This blog shows how to create a cross-Region network of brokers. This topology removes multiple brokers in the internal subnet. However, in a production environment, you have multiple brokers’ internal subnets catering to multiple producers and consumers. This topology spans an AWS Region and an on-premises customer data center represented in a second AWS Region:

Cross-Region topology

Best practices for configuring network of brokers

Client-side failover

In a network of brokers, failover transport configures a reconnect mechanism on top of the transport protocols. The configuration allows you to specify multiple URIs to connect to. An additional configuration using the randomize transport option allows for random selection of the URI when re-establishing a connection.

The example Lambda functions provided in this blog use the following configuration:

//Failover URI
failoverURI = "failover:(" + uri1 + "," + uri2 + ")?randomize=True";

Broker side failover

Dynamic failover allows a broker to receive a list of all other brokers in the network. It can use the configuration to update producer and consumer clients with this list. The clients can update to rebalance connections to these brokers.

In the broker configuration in this blog, the following configuration is set up:

<transportConnectors> <transportConnector name="openwire" updateClusterClients="true" updateClusterClientsOnRemove = "false" rebalanceClusterClients="true"/> </transportConnectors>

Network connector properties – TTL and duplex

TTL values allow messages to traverse through the network. There are two TTL values – messageTTL and consumerTTL. Another way is to set up the network TTL, which sets both the message and consumer TTL.

The duplex option allows for creating a bidirectional path between two brokers for sending and receiving messages. This blog uses the following configuration:

<networkConnector name="connector_1_to_3" networkTTL="5" uri="static:(ssl://xxxxxxxxx.mq.us-east-2.amazonaws.com:61617)" userName="MQUserName"/>

Connection pooling for producers

In the example Lambda function, a pooled connection factory object is created to optimize connections to broker:

// Create a conn factory

final ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory connFacty = new ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory(failoverURI);
return connFacty;

// Create a pooled conn factory

final PooledConnectionFactory pooledConnFacty = new PooledConnectionFactory();
return pooledConnFacty;

Deploying the example solution

  1. Create an IAM role for Lambda by following the steps at https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-mq-network-of-brokers#setup-steps.
  2. Create the network of brokers in the first Region. Navigate to the CloudFormation console and choose Create stack:
    Stack name
  3. Provide the parameters for the network configuration section:
    Network configuration
  4. In the Amazon MQ configuration section, configure the following parameters. Ensure that these two parameter values are the same in both Regions.
    MQ configuration
  5. Configure the following in the Lambda configuration section. Deploy mqproducer and mqconsumer in two separate Regions:
    Lambda Configuration
  6. Create the network of brokers in the second Region. Repeat step 2 to create the network of brokers in the second Region. Ensure that the VPC CIDR in region2 is different than the one in region1. Ensure that the user name and password are the same as in the first Region.
  7. Complete VPC peering and updating route tables:
    1. Follow the steps here to complete VPC peering between the two VPCs.
    2. Update the route tables in both the VPC.
    3. Enable DNS resolution for the peering connection.
      Route table
  8. Configure the network of brokers and create network connectors:
    1. In region1, choose Broker3. In the Connections section, copy the endpoint for the openwire protocol.
    2. In region2 on broker3, set up the network of brokers using the networkConnector configuration element.
    3. Edit the configuration revision and add a new NetworkConnector within the NetworkConnectors section. Replace the uri with the URI for the broker3 in region1.
      <networkConnector name="broker3inRegion2_to_ broker3inRegion1" duplex="true" networkTTL="5" userName="MQUserName" uri="static:(ssl://b-123ab4c5-6d7e-8f9g-ab85-fc222b8ac102-1.mq.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com:61617)" />
  9. Send a test message using the mqProducer Lambda function in region1. Invoke the producer Lambda function:
    aws lambda invoke --function-name mqProducer out --log-type Tail --query 'LogResult' --output text | base64 -d

    Terminal output

  10. Receive the test message. In region2, invoke the consumer Lambda function:
    aws lambda invoke --function-name mqConsumer out --log-type Tail --query 'LogResult' --output text | base64 -d

    Terminal response

The message receipt confirms that the message has crossed the network of brokers from region1 to region2.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring ongoing charges, delete all the resources by following the steps at https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-mq-network-of-brokers#clean-up.


This blog explains the choices when designing a cross-Region or a hybrid network of brokers architecture that spans AWS and your data centers. The example starts with a concentrator topology and enhances that with a cross-Region design to help address network routing and network security requirements.

The blog provides a template that you can modify to suit specific network and distributed application scenarios. It also covers best practices when architecting and designing failover strategies for a network of brokers or when developing producers and consumers client applications.

The Lambda functions used as producer and consumer applications demonstrate best practices in designing and developing ActiveMQ clients. This includes storing and retrieving parameters, such as passwords from the AWS Systems Manager.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Creating static custom domain endpoints with Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/creating-static-custom-domain-endpoints-with-amazon-mq-for-rabbitmq/

This post is written by Nate Bachmeier, Senior Solutions Architect, Wallace Printz, Senior Solutions Architect, Christian Mueller, Principal Solutions Architect.

Many cloud-native application architectures take advantage of the point-to-point and publish-subscribe, or “pub-sub”, model of message-based communication between application components. Not only is this architecture generally more resilient to failure because of the loose coupling and because message processing failures can be retried, it is also more efficient because individual application components can independently scale up or down to maintain message processing SLAs, compared to monolithic application architectures.

Synchronous (REST-based) systems are tightly coupled. A problem in a synchronous downstream dependency has immediate impact on the upstream callers. Retries from upstream callers can fan out and amplify problems.

For applications requiring messaging protocols including JMS, NMS, AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, and WebSocket, Amazon provides Amazon MQ. This is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ that makes it easier to set up and operate message brokers in the cloud.

Amazon MQ provides two managed broker deployment connection options: public brokers and private brokers. Public brokers receive internet-accessible IP addresses while private brokers receive only private IP addresses from the corresponding CIDR range in their VPC subnet. In some cases, for security purposes, customers may prefer to place brokers in a private subnet, but also allow access to the brokers through a persistent public endpoint, such as a subdomain of their corporate domain like ‘mq.example.com’.

This blog explains how to provision private Amazon MQ brokers behind a secure public load balancer endpoint using an example subdomain.

AmazonMQ also supports ActiveMQ – to learn more, read Creating static custom domain endpoints with Amazon MQ to simplify broker modification and scaling.


There are several reasons one might want to deploy this architecture beyond the security aspects. First, human-readable URLs are easier for people to parse when reviewing operations and troubleshooting, such as deploying updates to ‘mq-dev.example.com’ before ‘mq-prod.example.com’. Additionally, maintaining static URLs for your brokers helps reduce the necessity of modifying client code when performing maintenance on the brokers.

The following diagram shows the solutions architecture. This blog post assumes some familiarity with AWS networking fundamentals, such as VPCs, subnets, load balancers, and Amazon Route 53. For additional information on these topics, see the Elastic Load Balancing documentation.

Reference architecture

  1. The client service tries to connect with a RabbitMQ connection string to the domain endpoint setup in Route 53.
  2. The client looks up the domain name from Route 53, which returns the IP address of the Network Load Balancer (NLB).
  3. The client creates a Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection to the NLB with a secure socket layer (SSL) certificate provided from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
  4. The NLB chooses a healthy endpoint from the target group and creates a separate SSL connection. This provides secure, end-to-end SSL encrypted messaging between client and brokers.

To build this architecture, you build the network segmentation first, then add the Amazon MQ brokers, and finally the network routing. You need a VPC, one private subnet per Availability Zone, and one public subnet for your bastion host (if desired).

This demonstration VPC uses the CIDR range. Additionally, you must create a custom security group for your brokers. You must set up this security group to allow traffic from your Network Load Balancer to the RabbitMQ brokers.

This example does not use this VPC for other workloads so it allows all incoming traffic that originates within the VPC (which includes the NLB) through to the brokers on the AMQP port of 5671 and the web console port of 443.

Inbound rules

Adding the Amazon MQ brokers

With the network segmentation set up, add the Amazon MQ brokers:

  1. Choose Create brokers on the Active Amazon MQ home page.
  2. Toggle the radio button next to RabbitMQ and choose Next.
  3. Choose a deployment mode of either single-instance broker (for development environments), or cluster deployment (for production environments).
  4. In Configure settings, specify the broker name and instance type.
  5. Confirm that the broker engine version is 3.8.22 or higher and set Access type to Private access.
    Configure settings page
  6. Specify the VPC, private subnets, and security groups before choosing Next.
    Additional settings

Finding the broker’s IP address

Before configuring the NLB’s target groups, you must look up the broker’s IP address. Unlike Amazon MQ for Apache ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ does not show its private IP addresses, though you can reliably find its VPC endpoints using DNS. Amazon MQ creates one VPC endpoint in each subnet with a static address that won’t change until you delete the broker.

  1. Navigate to the broker’s details page and scroll to the Connections panel.
  2. Find the endpoint’s fully qualified domain name. It is formatted like broker-id.mq.region.amazonaws.com.
  3. Open a command terminal on your local workstation.
  4. Retrieve the ‘A’ record values using the host (Linux) or nslookup (Windows) command.
  5. Record these values for the NLB configuration steps later.
    Terminal results

Configure the load balancer’s target group

The next step in the build process is to configure the load balancer’s target group. You use the private IP addresses of the brokers as targets for the NLB. Create a Target Group, select the target type as IP, and make sure to choose the TLS protocol and for each required port, as well as the VPC your brokers reside in.

Choose a target type

It is important to configure the health check settings so traffic is only routed to active brokers. Select the TCP protocol and override the health check port to 443 Rabbit MQ’s console port. Also, configure the healthy threshold to 2 with a 10-second check interval so the NLB detects faulty hosts within 20 seconds.

Be sure not to use RabbitMQ’s AMQP port as the target group health check port. The NLB may not be able to recognize the host as healthy on that port. It is better to use the broker’s web console port.

Health checks

Add the VPC endpoint addresses as NLB targets. The NLB routes traffic across the endpoints and provides networking reliability if an AZ is offline. Finally, configure the health checks to use the web console (TCP port 443).

Specify IPs and ports

Creating a Network Load Balancer

Next, you create a Network Load Balancer. This is an internet-facing load balancer with TLS listeners on port 5671 (AMQP), routing traffic to the brokers’ VPC and private subnets. You select the target group you created, selecting TLS for the connection between the NLB and the brokers. To allow clients to connect to the NLB securely, select an ACM certificate for the subdomain registered in Route 53 (for example ‘mq.example.com’).

To learn about ACM certificate provisioning, read more about the process here. Make sure that the ACM certificate is provisioned in the same Region as the NLB or the certificate is not shown in the dropdown menu.

Basic configuration page

Optionally configure IP filtering

The NLB is globally accessible and this may be overly permissive for some workloads. You can restrict incoming traffic to specific IP ranges on the NLB’s public subnet by using network access control list (NACL) configuration:

  1. Navigate to the AWS Management Console to the VPC service and choose Subnets.
  2. Select your public subnet and then switch to the Network ACL tab.
  3. Select the link to the associated network ACL (e.g., acl-0d6fxxxxxxxx) details.
  4. Activate this item and choose Edit inbound rules in the Action menu.
  5. Specify the desired IP range and then choose Save changes.

Edit inbound rules

Configuring Route 53

Finally, configure Route 53 to serve traffic at the subdomain of your choice to the NLB:

  1. Go to the Route 53 hosted zone and create a new subdomain record set, such as mq.example.com, that matches the ACM certificate that you previously created.
  2. In the “type” field, select “A – IPv4 address”, then select “Yes” for alias. This allows you to select the NLB as the alias target.
  3. Select from the alias target menu the NLB you just created and save the record set.

Quick create record

Now callers can use the friendly name in the RabbitMQ connection string. This capability improves the developer experience and reduces operational cost when rebuilding the cluster. Since you added multiple VPC endpoints (one per subnet) into the NLB’s target group, the solution has Multi-AZ redundancy.

Testing with a RabbitMQ client process

The entire process can be tested using any RabbitMQ client process. One approach is to launch the official Docker image and connect with the native client. The service documentation also provides sample code for authenticating, publishing, and subscribing to RabbitMQ channels.

To log in to the broker’s RabbitMQ web console, there are three options. Due to the security group rules, only traffic originating from inside the VPC is allowed to the brokers:

  1. Use a VPN connection from your corporate network to the VPC. Many customers use this option but for rapid testing, there is a simpler and more cost-effective method.
  2. Connect to the brokers’ web console through your Route 53 subdomain, which requires creating a separate web console port listener (443) on the existing NLB and creating a separate TLS target group for the brokers.
  3. Use a bastion host to proxy traffic to the web console.



In this post, you build a highly available Amazon MQ broker in a private subnet. You layer security by placing the brokers behind a highly scalable Network Load Balancer. You configure routing from a single custom subdomain URL to multiple brokers with a built-in health check.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Authenticating and authorizing Amazon MQ users with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

Post Syndicated from Talia Nassi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/authenticating-and-authorizing-amazon-mq-users-with-lightweight-directory-access-protocol/

This post is written by Dominic Gagné and Mithun Mallick.

Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ that simplifies setting up and operating message brokers in the AWS Cloud. Integrating an Amazon MQ broker with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server allows you to manage credentials and permissions for users in a single location. There is also the added benefit of not requiring a message broker reboot for new authorization rules to take effect.

This post explores concepts around Amazon MQ’s authentication and authorization model. It covers the steps to set up Amazon MQ access for a Microsoft Active Directory user.

Authentication and authorization

Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ uses native ActiveMQ authentication to manage user permissions by default. Users are created within Amazon MQ to allow broker access, and are mapped to read, write, and admin operations on various destinations. This local user model is referred to as the simple authentication type.

As an alternative to simple authentication, you can maintain broker access control authorization rules within an LDAP server on a per-destination or destination set basis. Wildcards are also supported for rules that apply to multiple destinations.

The LDAP integration feature uses the ActiveMQ standard Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) plugin. Additional details on the plugin can be found within ActiveMQ security documentation. Authentication details are defined as part of the ldapServerMetadata attribute. Authorization settings are configured as part of the cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap node in the broker’s activemq.xml configuration.

Here is an overview of the integration:

overview graph

  1. Client requests access to a queue or topic.
  2. Authenticate and authorize the client via JAAS.
  3. Grant or deny Access to the specified queue or topic.
  4. If access is granted, allow the client to read, write, or create.

Integration with LDAP

ActiveMQ integration with LDAP sets up a secure LDAP access connection between an Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ broker and a Microsoft Active Directory server. You can also use other implementations of LDAP as the directory server, such as OpenLDAP.

Amazon MQ encrypts all data between a broker and LDAP server, and enforces secure LDAP (LDAPS) via public certificates. Unsecured LDAP on port 389 is not supported; traffic must communicate via the secure LDAP port 636. In this example, a Microsoft Active Directory server has LDAPS configured with a public certificate. To set up a Simple AD server with LDAPS and a public certificate, read this blog post.

To integrate with a Microsoft Active Directory server:

  1. Configure users in the Microsoft Active Directory directory information tree (DIT) structure for client authentication to the broker.
  2. Configure destinations in the Microsoft Active Directory DIT structure to allow destination-level authorization for individual users or entire groups.
  3. Create an ActiveMQ configuration to allow authorization via LDAP.
  4. Create a broker and perform a basic test to validate authentication and authorization access for a test user.

Configuring Microsoft Active Directory for client authentication

Create the hierarchy structure within the Microsoft Active Directory DIT to provision users. The server must be part of the domain and has a domain admin user. The domain admin user is needed in the broker configuration.

In this DIT, the domain corp.example.com is used, though you can use any domain name. An organizational unit (OU) named corp exists under the root. ActiveMQ related entities are defined under the corp OU.

This OU is the user base that the broker uses to search for users when performing authentication operations. Represented as LDIF, the user base is:


To create this OU and user:

  1. Log on to the Windows Server using a domain admin user.
  2. Open Active Directory Users and Computers by running dsa.msc from the command line.
  3. Choose corp and create an OU named Users, located within corp.
  4. Select the Users OU and enter the name mquser.
  5. Deselect the option to change password on next logon.
  6. Finally, choose Next to create the user.

Because the ActiveMQ source code hardcodes the attribute name for users to uid, make sure that each user has this attribute set. For simplicity, use the user’s connection user name. For more information, see the ActiveMQ source code and knowledgebase article.

Users must belong to the amazonmq-console-admins group to enable console access. Members of this group can create and delete any destinations via the console, regardless of other authorization rules in place. Access to this group should be granted sparingly.

Configuring Microsoft Active Directory for authorization

Now that our broker knows where to search for users, configure the DIT such that the broker can search for user permissions relating to authorization.

Back in the root OU corp where the Users OU was previously created:

  1. Create a new OU named Destination.
  2. Within the Destination OU, create an OU for each type of destination that ActiveMQ offers. These are Queue, Topic, and Temp.

For each destination that you want to allow authorization:

  1. Add an OU under the type of destination.
  2. Provide the name of the destination as the name of the OU. Wildcards are also supported, as found in ActiveMQ documentation.

This example shows three OUs that require authorization. These are DEMO.MYQUEUE, DEMO.MYSECONDQUEUE, and DEMO.EVENTS.$. The queue search base, which provides authorization information for destinations of type Queue, has the following location in the DIT:


Note the DEMO.EVENTS.$ wildcard queue name. Permissions in that OU apply to all queue names matching that wildcard.

Within each OU representing a destination or wildcard destination set, create three security groups. These groups relate to specific permissions on the relevant destination, using the same admin, read, and write permissions rules as ActiveMQ documentation describes.

There is a conflict with the group name “admin”. Legacy “pre-Windows 2000” rules do not allow groups to share the same name, even in different locations of the DIT. The value in the “pre-Windows 2000” text box does not impact the setup but it must be globally unique. In the following screenshot, a uuid suffix is appended to each admin group name.

Adding a user to the admin security group for a particular destination enables the user to create and delete that topic. Adding them to the read security group enables them to read from the destination, and adding them to the write group enables them to write to the destination.

In this example, mquser is added to the admin and write groups for the queue DEMO.MYQUEUE. Later, you test this user’s authorization permissions to confirm that the integration works as expected.

In addition to adding individual users to security group permissions, you can add entire groups. Because ActiveMQ hardcodes attribute names for groups, ensure that the group has the object class groupOfNames, as shown in the ActiveMQ source code.

To do this, follow the same process as with the UID for users. See the knowledgebase article for additional information.

The LDAP server is now compatible with ActiveMQ. Next, create a broker and configure LDAP values based on the LDAP deployment.

Creating a configuration to enable authorization via LDAP

Authorization rules in ActiveMQ are sourced from the broker’s activemq.xml configuration file.

  1. Begin by navigating to the Amazon MQ console to create a configuration with the Authentication Type set as LDAP.
  2. Edit this configuration to include the cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap, which is the node used to configure the locations in the LDAP DIT where authorization rules are stored. For more information on this topic, visit ActiveMQ documentation.
  3. Within the cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap in the broker’s configuration,Add the location of the OUs related to authorization in the broker’s configuration.
  4. Under the authorizationPlugin tag, enter a cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap node.
  5. Do not specify connectionUrl, connectionUsername, or connectionPassword. These values are filled in using the LDAP Server Metadata specified when creating the broker. If you specify these values, they are ignored.An example cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap is presented in the following image:

Creating a broker and testing Active Directory integration

Start by creating a broker using the default durability optimized storage.

  1. Select a Single-instance broker. You can use Active/standby broker or Network of Brokers if required.
  2. Choose Next.
  3. In the next page, under Configure Settings, set a name for the broker.
  4. Select an instance type.
  5. In the ActiveMQ Access section, select LDAP Authentication & Authorization.The input fields display parameters for connecting with the LDAP server. The service account must be associated with a user that can bind to your LDAP server. The server does not need to be public but the domain name must be publicly resolvable.
  6. The next section of the page includes the search configuration for Active Directory users who are authorized to access the queues and topics. The values depend on the org structure created in the Active Directory setup. These values are based on your DIT.
  7. Once users and role search metadata are provided, configure the broker to launch with the configuration created in the previous section (named my-ldap-authorization-conf). Do this by selecting the Additional Settings drop-down and choose the correct configuration file.
  8. Use the configuration where you defined cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap. This enables the broker to enforce read/write/admin permissions for client connections to the broker. These are defined in the LDAP server’s Destination OU.

Once the broker is running, authentication and authorization rules are enforced using the users and authorization rules defined in the configured LDAP server. During the Microsoft Active Directory setup, mquser is added to the admin and write groups for the queue DEMO.MYQUEUE. This means mquser can create and write to the queue DEMO.MYQUEUE but cannot perform any actions on other queues.

Test this by writing to the queue:

The client can connect to the broker and send messages to the queue DEMO.MYQUEUE using the credentials for mquser.


This post shows the steps to integrate an LDAP server with an Amazon MQ broker. After the integration, you can manage authentication and authorization rules for your users, without rebooting the broker.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.


Using Amazon MQ as an event source for AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-amazon-mq-as-an-event-source-for-aws-lambda/

Amazon MQ is a managed, highly available message broker for Apache ActiveMQ. The service manages the provisioning, setup, and maintenance of ActiveMQ. Now, with Amazon MQ as an event source for AWS Lambda, you can process messages from the service. This allows you to integrate Amazon MQ with downstream serverless workflows.

ActiveMQ is a popular open source message broker that uses open standard APIs and protocols. You can move from any message broker that uses these standards to Amazon MQ. With Amazon MQ, you can deploy production-ready broker configurations in minutes, and migrate existing messaging services to the AWS Cloud. Often, this does not require you to rewrite any code, and in many cases you only need to update the application endpoints.

In this blog post, I explain how to set up an Amazon MQ broker and networking configuration. I also show how to create a Lambda function that is invoked by messages from Amazon MQ queues.


Using Amazon MQ as an event source operates in a similar way to using Amazon SQS or Amazon Kinesis. In all cases, the Lambda service internally polls for new records or messages from the event source, and then synchronously invokes the target Lambda function. Lambda reads the messages in batches and provides these to your function as an event payload.

Lambda is a consumer application for your Amazon MQ queue. It processes records from one or more partitions and sends the payload to the target function. Lambda continues to process batches until there are no more messages in the topic.

The Lambda function’s event payload contains an array of records in the messages attribute. Each array item contains envelope details of the message, together with the base64 encoded message in the data attribute:

Base64 encoded data in payload

How to configure Amazon MQ as an event source for Lambda

Amazon MQ is a highly available service, so it must be configured to run in a minimum of two Availability Zones in your preferred Region. You can also run a single broker in one Availability Zone for development and test purposes. In this walk through, I show how to run a production, public broker and then configure an event source mapping for a Lambda function.

MQ broker architecture

There are four steps:

  • Configure the Amazon MQ broker and security group.
  • Create a queue on the broker.
  • Set up AWS Secrets Manager.
  • Build the Lambda function and associated permissions.

Configuring the Amazon MQ broker and security group

In this step, you create an Amazon MQ broker and then configure the broker’s security group to allow inbound access on ports 8162 and 61617.

  1. Navigate to the Amazon MQ console and choose Create brokers.
  2. In Step 1, keep the defaults and choose Next.
  3. In Configure settings, in the ActiveMQ Access panel, enter a user name and password for broker access.ActiveMQ access
  4. Expand the Additional settings panel, keep the defaults, and ensure that Public accessibility is set to Yes. Choose Create broker.Public accessibility setting
  5. The creation process takes up to 15 minutes. From the Brokers list, select the broker name. In the Details panel, choose the Security group.Security group setting
  6. On the Inbound rules tab, choose Edit inbound rules. Add rules to enable inbound TCP traffic on ports 61617 and 8162:Editing inbound rules
  • Port 8162 is used to access the ActiveMQ Web Console to configure the broker settings.
  • Port 61667 is used by the internal Lambda poller to connect with your broker, using the OpenWire endpoint.

Create a queue on the broker

The Lambda service subscribes to a queue on the broker. In this step, you create a new queue:

  1. Navigate to the Amazon MQ console and choose the newly created broker. In the Connections panel, locate the URLs for the web console.ActiveMQ web console URLs
  2. Only one endpoint is active at a time. Select both and one resolves to the ActiveMQ Web Console application. Enter the user name and password that you configured earlier.ActiveMQ Web Console
  3. In the top menu, select Queues. For Queue Name, enter myQueue and choose Create. The new queue appears in the Queues list.Creating a queue

Keep this webpage open, since you use this later for sending messages to the Lambda function.

Set up Secrets Manager

The Lambda service needs access to your Amazon MQ broker, using the user name and password you configured earlier. To avoid exposing secrets in plaintext in the Lambda function, it’s best practice to use a service like Secrets Manager. To create a secret, use the create-secret AWS CLI command. To do this, ensure you have the AWS CLI installed.

From a terminal window, enter this command, replacing the user name and password with your own values:

aws secretsmanager create-secret --name MQaccess --secret-string '{"username": "your-username", "password": "your-password"}'

The command responds with the ARN of the stored secret:

Secrets Manager CLI response

Build the Lambda function and associated permissions

The Lambda must have permission to access the Amazon MQ broker and stored secret. It must also be able to describe VPCs and security groups, and manage elastic network interfaces. These execution roles permissions are:

  • mq:DescribeBroker
  • secretsmanager:GetSecretValue
  • ec2:CreateNetworkInterface
  • ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces
  • ec2:DescribeVpcs
  • ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface
  • ec2:DescribeSubnets
  • ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups

If you are using an encrypted customer managed key, you must also add the kms:Decrypt permission.

To set up the Lambda function:

  1. Navigate to the Lambda console and choose Create Function.
  2. For function name, enter MQconsumer and choose Create Function.
  3. In the Permissions tab, choose the execution role to edit the permissions.Lambda function permissions tab
  4. Choose Attach policies then choose Create policy.
  5. Select the JSON tab and paste the following policy. Choose Review policy.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"

    Create IAM policy

  6. For name, enter ‘AWSLambdaMQExecutionRole’. Choose Create policy.
  7. In the IAM Summary panel, choose Attach policies. Search for AWSLambdaMQExecutionRole and choose Attach policy.Attaching the IAM policy to the role
  8. On the Lambda function page, in the Designer panel, choose Add trigger. Select MQ from the drop-down. Choose the broker name, enter ‘myQueue’ for Queue name, and choose the secret ARN. Choose Add.Add trigger to Lambda function
  9. The status of the Amazon MQ trigger changes from Creating to Enabled after a couple of minutes. The trigger configuration confirms the settings.Trigger configuration settings

Testing the event source mapping

  1. In the ActiveMQ Web Console, choose Active consumers to confirm that the Lambda service has been configured to consume events.Active consumers
  2. In the main dashboard, choose Send To on the queue. For Number of messages to send, enter 10 and keep the other defaults. Enter a test message then choose Send.Send message to queue
  3. In the MQconsumer Lambda function, select the Monitoring tab and then choose View logs in CloudWatch. The log streams show that the Lambda function has been invoked by Amazon MQ.Lambda function logs

A single Lambda function consumes messages from a single queue in an Amazon MQ broker. You control the rate of message processing using the Batch size property in the event source mapping. The Lambda service limits the concurrency to one execution environment per queue.

For example, in a queue with 100,000 messages and a batch size of 100 and function duration of 2000 ms, the Monitoring tab shows this behavior. The Concurrent executions graph remains at 1 as the internal Lambda poller fetches messages. It continues to invoke the Lambda function until the queue is empty.

CloudWatch metrics for consuming function


In AWS SAM templates, you can configure a Lambda function with an Amazon MQ event source mapping and the necessary permissions. For example:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function 
      CodeUri: code/
      Timeout: 3
      Handler: app.lambdaHandler
      Runtime: nodejs12.x
    Type: MQ
      BatchSize: 100
      Stream: arn:aws:mq:us-east-1:123456789012:broker:myMQbroker:b-bf02ad26-cc1a-4598-aa0d-82f2d88eb2ae
        - myQueue
  - Statement:
    - Effect: Allow
      Resource: '*'
      - mq:DescribeBroker
      - secretsmanager:GetSecretValue
      - ec2:CreateNetworkInterface
      - ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces
      - ec2:DescribeVpcs
      - ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface
      - ec2:DescribeSubnets
      - ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups
      - logs:CreateLogGroup
      - logs:CreateLogStream
      - logs:PutLogEvents


Amazon MQ provide a fully managed, highly available message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ. Now Lambda supports Amazon MQ as an event source, you can invoke Lambda functions from messages in Amazon MQ queues to integrate into your downstream serverless workflows.

In this post, I give an overview of how to set up an Amazon MQ broker. I show how to configure the networking and create the event source mapping with Lambda. I also show how to set up a consumer Lambda function in the AWS Management Console, and refer to the equivalent AWS SAM syntax to simplify deployment.

To learn more about how to use this feature, read the documentation. For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Amazon MQ Update – New RabbitMQ Message Broker Service

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-mq-update-new-rabbitmq-message-broker-service/

In 2017, we launched Amazon MQ – a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ, a popular open-source message broker that is fast and feature-rich. It offers queues and topics, durable and non-durable subscriptions, push-based and poll-based messaging, and filtering. With Amazon MQ, we have enhanced lots of new features by customer feedback to improve […]

Implementing FIFO message ordering with Amazon MQ for Apache ActiveMQ

Post Syndicated from Chris Munns original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/implementing-fifo-message-ordering-with-amazon-mq-for-apache-activemq/

This post is contributed by Ravi Itha, Sr. Big Data Consultant

Messaging plays an important role in building distributed enterprise applications. Amazon MQ is a key offering within the AWS messaging services solution stack focused on enabling messaging services for modern application architectures. Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ that simplifies setting up and operating message brokers in the cloud. Amazon MQ uses open standard APIs and protocols such as JMS, NMS, AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, and WebSocket. Using standards means that, in most cases, there’s no need to rewrite any messaging code when you migrate to AWS. This allows you to focus on your business logic and application architecture.

Message ordering via Message Groups

Sometimes it’s important to guarantee the order in which messages are processed. In ActiveMQ, there is no explicit distinction between a standard queue and a FIFO queue. However, a queue can be used to route messages in FIFO order. This ordering can be achieved via two different ActiveMQ features, either by implementing an Exclusive Consumer or using using Message Groups. This blog focuses on Message Groups, an enhancement to Exclusive Consumers. Message groups provide:

  • Guaranteed ordering of the processing of related messages across a single queue
  • Load balancing of the processing of messages across multiple consumers
  • High availability with automatic failover to other consumers if a JVM goes down

This is achieved programmatically as follows:

Sample producer code snippet:

TextMessage tMsg = session.createTextMessage("SampleMessage");
tMsg.setStringProperty("JMSXGroupID", "Group-A");

Sample consumer code snippet:

Message consumerMessage = consumer.receive(50);
TextMessage txtMessage = (TextMessage) message.get();
String msgBody = txtMessage.getText();
String msgGroup = txtMessage.getStringProperty("JMSXGroupID")

This sample code highlights:

  • A message group is set by the producer during message ingestion
  • A consumer determines the message group once a message is consumed

Additionally, if a queue has messages for multiple message groups then it’s possible a consumer receives messages for multiple message groups. This depends on various factors such as the number of consumers of a queue and consumer start time.

Scenarios: Multiple producers and consumers with Message Groups

A FIFO queue in ActiveMQ supports multiple ordered message groups. Due to this, it’s common that a queue is used to exchange messages between multiple producer and consumer applications. By running multiple consumers to process messages from a queue, the message broker is able to partition messages across consumers. This improves the scalability and performance of your application.

In terms of scalability, commonly asked questions center on the ideal number of consumers and how messages are distributed across all consumers. To provide more clarity in this area, we provisioned an Amazon MQ broker and ran various test scenarios.

Scenario 1: All consumers started at the same time

Test setup

  • All producers and consumers have the same start time
  • Each test uses a different combination of number of producers, message groups, and consumers
Setup for Tests 1 to 5

Setup for Tests 1 to 5

Test results

Test # # producers # message groups

# messages sent

by each producer

# consumers Total messages # messages received by consumers
C1 C2 C3 C4
1 3 3 5000 1 15000


(All Groups)

2 3 3 5000 2 15000




(Group-A and Group-B)

3 3 3 5000 3 15000






(Group C)

4 3 3 5000 4 15000







5 4 4 5000 3 20000






(Group-C and Group-D)


Test conclusions

  • Test 3 – illustrates even message distribution across consumers when a one-to-one relationship exists between message groups and number of consumers
  • Test 4 – illustrates one of the four consumers did not receive any messages. This highlights that running more consumers than the available number of messages groups does not provide additional benefits
  • Tests 1, 2, 5 – indicate that a consumer can receive messages belonging to multiple message groups. The following table provides additional granularity to messages received by consumer C2 in test #2. As you can see, these messages belong to Group-A and Group-B message groups, and FIFO ordering is maintained at a message group level
consumer_id msg_id msg_group
Consumer C2 A-1 Group-A
Consumer C2 B-1 Group-B
Consumer C2 A-2 Group-A
Consumer C2 B-2 Group-B
Consumer C2 A-3 Group-A
Consumer C2 B-3 Group-B
Consumer C2 A-4999 Group-A
Consumer C2 B-4999 Group-B
Consumer C2 A-5000 Group-A
Consumer C2 B-5000 Group-B

Scenario 2a: All consumers not started at same time

Test setup

  • Three producers and one consumer started at the same time
  • The second and third consumers started after 30 seconds and 60 seconds respectively
  • 15,000 messages sent in total across three message groups
 Setup for Test 6

Setup for Test 6

Test results

Test # # producers # message groups

# messages sent

by each producer

# consumers Total messages # messages received by consumers
C1 C2 C3
6 3 3 5000 3 15000 15000 0 0

Test conclusion

Consumer C1 received all messages, while consumers C2 and C3 both ran idle and did not receive any messages. Key takeaway here is that results can be inefficient in real-world scenarios where consumers start at different times.

The last scenario (2b) illustrates this same scenario, while optimizing message distribution so that all consumers are used.

Scenario 2b: Utilization of all consumers when not started at same time

Test setup

  • Three producers and one consumer started at the same time
  • The second and third consumers started after 30 seconds and 60 seconds respectively
  • 15,000 messages sent in total across three message groups
  • After each producer message group sends its 2501st message, their message groups are closed after which message distribution is restarted by sending the remaining messages. Closing a message group can be done as in the following code example (specifically the -1 value set for the JMSXGroupSeq property):
TextMessage tMsg = session.createTextMessage("<foo>hey</foo>");
tMsg.setStringProperty("JMSXGroupID", "Group-A");
tMsg.setIntProperty("JMSXGroupSeq", -1);
Setup for Test 7

Setup for Test 7

Test results

Test # # producers # message groups

# messages sent

by each producer

# consumers



# messages received by consumers
C1 C2 C3
7 3 3 5001 3 15003 10003 2500 2500

Distribution of messages received by message group

Consumer Group-A Group-B Group-C Consumer-wise total
Consumer 1 2501 2501 5001 10003
Consumer 2 2500 0 0 2500
Consumer 3 0 2500 0 2500
Group total 5001 5001 5001 NA
Total messages received 15003

Test conclusions

Message distribution is optimized with the closing and reopening of a message group when all consumers are not started at the same time. This mitigation step results in all consumers receiving messages.

  • After Group-A was closed, the broker assigned subsequent Group-A messages to consumer C2
  • After Group-B was closed, the broker assigned subsequent Group-B messages to consumer C3
  • After Group-C was closed, the broker continued to send Group-C messages to consumer C1. The assignment did not change because there was no other available consumer
Test 7 – Message distribution among consumers

Test 7 – Message distribution among consumers

Scalability techniques

Now that we understand how to use Message Groups to implement FIFO use cases within Amazon MQ, let’s look at how they scale. By default, a message queue supports a maximum of 1024 message groups. This means, if you use more than 1024 message groups per queue then message ordering is lost for the oldest message group. This is further explained in the ActiveMQ Message Groups documentation. This can be problematic for complex use cases involving stock exchanges or financial trading scenarios where thousands of ordered message groups are required. In the following table, are a couple of techniques to address this issue.

Scalability techniques Details
  1. Verify that the appropriate Amazon MQ broker instance type is used
  2. Increase number of message groups per message queue
  1. Select the appropriate broker instance type according to your use case. To learn more, refer to the Amazon MQ broker instance types documentation.
  2. Default max number of message groups can be increased via a custom configuration file at the time of launching a new broker. This default can also be increased by modifying an existing broker. Refer to the next section for an example (requirement #2)
Recycle the number of message groups when they are no longer needed A message group can be closed programmatically by a producer once it’s finished sending all messages to a queue. Following is a sample code snippet:

TextMessage tMsg = session.createTextMessage("<foo>hey</foo>");
tMsg.setStringProperty("JMSXGroupID", "GroupA");
tMsg.setIntProperty("JMSXGroupSeq", -1);

In the preceding scenario 2b, we used this technique to improve the message distribution across consumers.

Customize message broker configuration

In the previous section, to improve scalability we suggested increasing the number of message groups per queue by updating the broker configuration. A broker configuration is essentially an XML file that contains all ActiveMQ settings for a given message broker. Let’s look at the following broker configuration settings for the purpose of achieving a specific requirement. For your reference, we’ve placed a copy of a broker configuration file with these settings, within a GitHub repository.

# Requirement Applicable broker configuration
1 Change message group implementation from default CachedMessageGroupMap default to MessageGroupHashBucket

<!–valid values: simple, bucket, cached. default is cached–>

<!–keyword simple represents SimpleMessageGroupMap–>

<!–keyword bucket represents MessageGroupHashBucket–>

<!–keyword cached represents CachedMessageGroupMap–>

<policyEntry messageGroupMapFactoryType=“bucket” queue=“&gt;”/>

2 Increase number of message groups per queue from 1024 to 2048 and increase cache size from 64 to 128

<!–default value for bucketCount is 1024 and for cacheSize is 64–>

<policyEntry queue=“&gt;”>


<messageGroupHashBucketFactory bucketCount=“2048” cacheSize=“128”/>



3 Wait for three consumers or 30 seconds before broker begins sending messages <policyEntry queue=”&gt;” consumersBeforeDispatchStarts=”3″ timeBeforeDispatchStarts=”30000″/>

When must default broker configurations be updated? This would only apply in scenarios where the default settings do not meet your requirements. Additional information on how to update your broker configuration file can be found here.

Amazon MQ starter kit

Want to get up and running with Amazon MQ quickly? Start building with Amazon MQ by cloning the starter kit available on GitHub. The starter kit includes a CloudFormation template to provision a message broker, sample broker configuration file, and source code related to the consumer scenarios in this blog.


In this blog post, you learned how Amazon MQ simplifies the setup and operation of Apache ActiveMQ in the cloud. You also learned how the Message Groups feature can be used to implement FIFO. Lastly, you walked through real scenarios demonstrating how ActiveMQ distributes messages with queues to exchange messages between multiple producers and consumers.