Tag Archives: AWS Application Migration Service

AWS Application Migration Service Major Updates: Global View, Import and Export from Local Disk, and Additional Post-launch Actions

Post Syndicated from Irshad Buchh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-application-migration-service-major-updates-global-view-import-and-export-from-local-disk-and-additional-post-launch-actions/

AWS Application Migration Service simplifies, expedites, and reduces the cost of migrating your applications to AWS. It allows you to lift and shift many physical, virtual, or cloud servers without compatibility issues, performance disruption, or long cutover windows. You can minimize time-intensive, error-prone manual processes by automating replication and conversion of your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS by using Application Migration Service for migration. Earlier this year, we introduced major improvements, such as a server migration metrics dashboard, import and export, and additional post-launch modernization actions.

Today, I’m pleased to announce three major updates to Application Migration Service. Here’s the quick summary for each feature release:

  • Global View – You can manage large-scale migrations across multiple accounts. This feature provides you both visibility and the ability to perform specific actions on source servers, apps, and waves in different AWS accounts.
  • Import and Export from Local Disk – You can now use Application Migration Service to import your source environment inventory list to the service from a CSV file on your local disk. You can also export your source server inventory list from the service to a CSV file and download it to your local disk. You can continue leveraging the previously launched import and export functionality to and from an S3 bucket.
  • Additional Post-launch Actions – In this update, Application Migration Service added four additional predefined post-launch actions. These actions are applied to your migrated applications when you launch them on AWS.

Let me share how you can use these features for your migration.

Global View
Global View provides you the visibility and the ability to perform specific actions on source servers, applications, and waves in different AWS accounts. Global view uses AWS Organizations to structure a management account (which has access to source servers in multiple member accounts) and member accounts (which only have access to their own source servers).

To use this feature, you need to have an AWS account in which AWS Application Migration Service is initialized. This account must be an admin in AWS Organizations or a delegated admin for AWS Application Migration Service. You can view the Global View page on the Application Migration Service page in the AWS Management Console by selecting Global View in the left navigation menu.

You can use the global view feature to see source servers, applications and waves across multiple managed accounts and perform various actions, including:

  • Launching test and cutover instances across accounts
  • Monitoring migration execution progress across accounts

The main Global View page provides an overview of your account and this information changes depending on whether you have a management account or a member account.

In a management account, you can see the AWS organizations permissions, the count of linked accounts, and the total number of source servers, applications, and waves under Account information. The Linked accounts section displays the relevant information for your linked accounts. It shows all the linked accounts this account has access to, including the account you’re logged into (the management account) and the member accounts that are linked to it. If the management account has access to two additional member accounts, the Linked accounts section will show three accounts. It’s the total number of accounts that are visible through this management account (including itself). For member accounts, this page only displays the account information that includes the AWS organizations permissions and the number of source servers, applications, and waves in the specific account.

Global view

In your management account, you can access and review source servers, applications and waves within your account and across all member accounts. As a manager, you can choose between All accounts and My account from the drop-down menu, which allows you to change you view of presented source servers, applications or waves.


Import and Export from Local Disk
A comprehensive data center inventory forms the foundation of any successful migration endeavor. This inventory encompasses a comprehensive list of servers and applications managed by customers on premises. The inventory is categorized into migration waves to facilitate efficient migration planning.

Typically, this inventory is compiled using discovery tools or created manually by IT administrators. Perhaps you maintain your data center inventory in Excel spreadsheets. With Application Migration Service, we offer seamless support for importing your inventory list from a CSV file, which follows a format similar to the one used by Cloud Migration Factory.

In the previous release, Application Migration Service supported the option to import a file from Amazon S3 and export a file to Amazon S3. In this latest release, Application Migration Service supports the option to import a file from local disk and export a file to local disk. This makes it easy for you to manage large scale-migrations and ingest your inventory of source servers, applications and waves, including their attributes such as EC2 instance type, subnet and tags. These attributes are the parameters used to populate the EC2 launch template.

Import and Export

To start using the import feature, you need to identify your servers and application inventory. You can do this manually or using discovery tools. The next thing you need to do is download the import template, which you can access from the console.

Import Local

After you download the import template, you can start mapping your inventory list onto this template. While mapping your inventory, you can group related servers into applications and waves. You can also perform configurations, such as defining Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) launch template settings and specifying tags for each wave.

The following screenshot is an example of the results of my import template.


On the Application Migration Service page in the AWS Management Console, select Import on the left-side navigation menu (under Import and Export). Under the Import inventory tab, select Import from local disk. Select Choose file and choose the local file containing your inventory list. Select Import, and the inventory file is imported into Application Migration Service. When the import process is complete, the details of the import results appear.

Now, you can view all your inventory inside the Source servers, Applications, and Waves pages on the Application Migration Service console.

To export your inventory to a local file, select Export on the left-side navigation menu of the Application Migration Service page. Under Export inventory tab, choose Export to local disk. Specify the name of the file to download under Destination filename. Choose Export, and the inventory file downloads to your local disk. Application Migration Service uses an S3 bucket within your account for the import and export operations, even when using local disk. You must have the required permissions to perform this action. You can modify the exported inventory file and reimport it to perform bulk configuration updates across your inventory. When the global view feature is activated upon reimport, configuration changes are applied also across accounts.

Export Local

Additional Post-launch Actions
Post-launch actions allow you to control and automate actions performed after your servers have been launched in AWS. You can use predefined or custom post-launch actions.

Application Migration Service now has four additional predefined post-launch actions to run in your Amazon EC2 instances on top of the existing predefined post-launch actions. These additional post-launch actions provide you with flexibility to maximize your migration experience.

Post Launch template

The new four additional predefined post-launch actions are as follows:

  • Configure Time Sync – You can use the Time Sync feature to set the time for your Linux instance using ATSS.
  • Validate disk space – You can use the disk space validation feature to obtain visibility into the disk space and to ensure that you have enough available disk space on your target server.
  • Verify HTTP(S) response – You can use the Verify HTTP(S) response feature to conduct HTTP(S) connectivity checks to a predefined list of URLs. The feature verifies the connectivity to the launched target instance.
  • Enable Amazon Inspector – The Enable Amazon Inspector feature allows you to run security scans on your Amazon EC2 resources, including the target instances launched by Application Migration Service. The Amazon Inspector service is enabled at the account level. This action uses the Enable, BatchGetAccountStatus, and CreateServiceLinkedRole APIs.

Now Available
The Global View, Import and Export Feature from Local, and Additional Post-launch Actions are available now, and you can start using them today in all Regions where AWS Application Migration Service is supported. Visit the Application Migration Service User Guide to dive deeper into these exciting features and you can refer to the Getting started with AWS Application Migration Service to kickstart your workload migration to AWS.


AWS Application Migration Service Major Updates: Import and Export Feature, Source Server Migration Metrics Dashboard, and Additional Post-Launch Actions

Post Syndicated from Donnie Prakoso original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-application-migration-service-major-updates-import-and-export-feature-source-server-migration-metrics-dashboard-and-additional-post-launch-actions/

AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) can simplify and expedite your migration to AWS by automatically converting your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS. In the post, How to Use the New AWS Application Migration Server for Lift-and-Shift Migrations, Channy introduced us to Application Migration Service and how to get started.

By using Application Migration Service for migration, you can minimize time-intensive, error-prone manual processes by automating replication and conversion of your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS. Last year, we introduced major improvements such as new migration servers grouping, an account-level launch template, and a post-launch actions template.

Today, I’m pleased to announce three major updates of Application Migration Service. Here’s the quick summary for each feature release:

  • Import and export – You can now use Application Migration Service to import your source environment inventory list to the service from a CSV file. You can also export your source server inventory for reporting purposes, offline reviews and updates, integration with other tools and AWS services, and performing bulk configuration changes by reimporting the inventory list.
  • Server migration metrics dashboard – This new dashboard can help simplify migration project management by providing an aggregated view of the migration lifecycle status of your source servers
  • Additional post-launch modernization actions – In this update, Application Migration Service added eight additional predefined post-launch actions. These actions are applied to your migrated applications when you launch them on AWS.

Let me share how you can use these features for your migration.

Import and Export
Before we go further into the import and export features, let’s discuss two concepts within Application Migration Service: applications and waves, which you can define when migrating with Application Migration Service. Applications represent a group of servers. By using applications, you can define groups of servers and identify them as an application. Within your application, you can perform various activities with Application Migration Service, such as monitoring, specifying tags, and performing bulk operations, for example, launching test instances. Additionally, you can group your applications into waves, which represent a group of servers that are migrated together, as part of your migration plan.

With the import feature, you can now import your inventory list in CSV form into Application Migration Service. This makes it easy for you to manage large scale-migrations, and ingest your inventory of source servers, applications and waves, including their attributes.

To start using the import feature, I need to identify my servers and application inventory. I can do this manually, or using discovery tools. The next thing I need to do is download the import template which I can access from the console. 

After I downloaded the import template, I can start mapping from my inventory list into this template. While mapping my inventory, I can group related servers into applications and waves. I can also perform configurations, such as defining Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) launch template settings, and specifying tags for each wave.

The following screenshot is an example of the results of my import template:

The next step is to upload my CSV file to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. Then, I can start the import process from the Application Migration Service console by referencing the CSV file containing my inventory list that I’ve uploaded to the S3 bucket.

When the import process is complete, I can see the details of the import results.

I can import inventory for servers that don’t have an agent installed, or haven’t yet been discovered by agentless replication. However, to replicate data, I need to use agentless replication, or install the AWS Replication Agent on my source servers.

Now I can view all my inventory inside the Source servers, Applications and Waves pages on the Application Migration Service console. The following is a screenshot for recently imported waves.

In addition, with the export feature, I can export my source servers, applications, and waves along with all configurations that I’ve defined into a CSV file.

This is helpful if you want to do reporting or offline reviews, or for bulk editing before reimporting the CSV file into Application Migration Service.

Server Migration Metrics Dashboard
We previously supported a migration metrics dashboard for applications and waves. In this release, we have specifically added a migration metrics dashboard for servers. Now you can view aggregated overviews of your server’s migration process on the Application Migration Service dashboard. Three topics are available in the migration metrics dashboard:

  • Alerts – Shows associated alerts for respective servers.
  • Data replication status – Shows the replication data overview status for source servers. Here, you get a quick overview of the lifecycle status of the replication data process.
  • Migration lifecycle – Shows an overview of the migration lifecycle from source servers.

Additional Predefined Post-launch Modernization Actions
Post-launch actions allow you to control and automate actions performed after your servers have been launched in AWS. You can use predefined or use custom post-launch actions.

Application Migration Service now has eight additional predefined post-launch actions to run in your EC2 instances on top of the existing four predefined post-launch actions. These additional post-launch actions provide you with flexibility to maximize your migration experience.

The new additional predefined post-launch actions are as follows:

  • Convert MS-SQL license – You can easily convert Windows MS-SQL BYOL to an AWS license using the Windows MS-SQL license conversion action. The launch process includes checking the SQL edition (Enterprise, Standard, or Web) and using the right AMI with the right billing code.
  • Create AMI from instance – You can create a new Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from your Application Migration Service launched instance.
  • Upgrade Windows version – This feature allows you to easily upgrade your migrated server to Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, or 2022. You can see the full list of available OS versions on AWSEC2-CloneInstanceAndUpgradeWindows page.
  • Conduct EC2 connectivity checks – You can conduct network connectivity checks to a predefined list of ports and hosts using the EC2 connectivity check feature.
  • Validate volume integrity – You can use this feature to ensure that Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes on the launched instance are the same size as the source, properly mounted on the EC2 instance, and accessible.
  • Verify process status – You can validate the process status to ensure that processes are in a running state after instance launch. You will need to provide a list of processes that you want to verify and specify how long the service should wait before testing begins. This feature lets you do the needed validations automatically and saves time by not having to do them manually.
  • CloudWatch agent installation – Use the Amazon CloudWatch agent installation feature to install and set up the CloudWatch agent and Application Insights features.
  • Join Directory Service domain – You can simplify the AWS join domain process by using this feature. If you choose to activate this action, your instance will be managed by the AWS Cloud Directory (instead of on premises).

Things to Know
Keep in mind the following:

  • Updated UI/UX – We have updated the user interface with card layout and table layout view for the action list on the Application Migration Service console. This update helps you to determine which post-launch actions are suitable for your use case . We have also added filter options to make it easy to find relevant actions by operating system, category, and more.
  • Support for additional OS versions – Application Migration Service now supports CentOS 5.5 and later and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.5 and later operating systems.
  • Availability – These features are available now, and you can start using them today in all Regions where Application Migration Service is supported.

Get Started Today

Visit the Application Migration Service User Guide page to learn more about these features and understand the pricing. You can also visit Getting started with AWS Application Migration Service to learn more about how to get started to migrate your workloads.

Happy migrating!


AWS Application Migration Service Major Updates – New Migration Servers Grouping, Updated Launch, and Post-Launch Template

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-application-migration-service-major-updates-new-migration-servers-grouping-updated-launch-and-post-launch-template/

Last year, we introduced the general availability of AWS Application Migration Service that simplifies and expedites your migration to AWS by automatically converting your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS. Since the GA launch, we have made improvements, adding features such as agentless replication, MAP 2.0 auto-tagging and support for optional post-launch modernization actions.

Today we announce three major updates of Application Migration Service to support your migration projects of any size:

  • New Migration Servers Grouping – You can group migration servers into “applications,” a group of servers that function together as a single application, and manage the migration stage in “waves,” a plan of migrations including grouping servers and applications.
  • Updated Launch Template – You can modify the general settings and default launch template, and this template is then used to generate the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance launch template of subsequently installed source servers.
  • Updated Post-Launch Template – You can configure custom modernization actions for the post-launch template. You can associate any AWS Systems Manager documents and their parameters with a post-launch custom action.

Let’s dive deep into each launch!

New Migration Servers Grouping – Applications and Waves
Customers have clusters of servers that comprise an application, with dependencies between them. The servers within an application share the same configurations, such as network, security policies, etc. Customers want to migrate complete applications and services, as well as set up and configure the application environment.

We introduce the new concept of “application,” representing a group of servers, and you can manage the migration of an application.

The new application feature groups source servers together with the same application for integrated migration jobs. It includes configuring the environment before migrating the application’s servers, creating the appropriate security groups, and performing bulk actions on all of the applications servers.

You can track and monitor the status of application migration and data replication within the migration lifecycle from source servers.

Also, customers with large migrations plan their migration, grouping servers and applications in waves. These are logical groups that describe the migration plan over time. Waves may include multiple servers and applications that do not necessarily have dependencies between them.

We introduce the new concept of “wave,” assisting customers in building their migration plan, as well as executing and monitoring it.

Application Migration Service supports actions on waves, such as launching all servers in a testing environment or performing cutover of a wave. Application Migration Service also provides reporting and monitoring information at the wave level so that customers will be able to manage their migration projects.

Updated Launch Template – Launch Settings and Default EC2 Launch Template
The launch template allows you to control the way Application Migration Service launches instances in the AWS Cloud. You can change the settings for existing and newly added servers individually. Previously, we only supported the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) option to add tags to launched migration instances.

We added two new options to modify the global launch template, and this template is then used to generate the EC2 launch templates of subsequently installed source servers. Customers start with a global Application Migration Service launch template, which can be used for predefined launch templates. They would then potentially only have to perform modifications to a smaller subset of source servers, as opposed to all of them.

Here are default settings that will be used when launching target servers:

  • Activate instance type right-sizing – The service will determine the best match instance type. The default instance type defined in the EC2 template will be ignored.
  • Start instance upon launch – The service will launch instances automatically. If this option is not selected, the launched instance will need to be manually started after launch.
  • Copy private IP – This enables you to copy the private IP of your source server to the target.
  • Transfer server tags – Transfer the tags from the source server to the launched instances.
  • Operating system licensing – Specify whether to continue to use the Bring Your Own License model (BYOL) of the source server or use an AWS provided license.

Also, you can configure the default settings that will be applied to the EC2 launch template of every target server, such as default target subnet, additional security groups, default instance type, Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume type, IOPS, and throughput to associate with all instances launched by this service.

Updated Post-Launch Template – Custom Actions
Post-launch settings allow you to control and automate actions performed after the server has been launched in AWS. It includes four built-in actions: installing the AWS Systems Manager agent, installing the AWS Elastic Disaster Recover agent and configuring replication, CentOS conversion, and SUSE subscription conversion.

We added a new option to configure custom actions in the post-launch template. You can associate any AWS Systems Manager and its action parameters. It also includes the order in which the actions will be executed and the source server’s operating systems for which the custom action can be configured.

Choose Add custom action to make a new post-launch custom action. For example, the AWS-CopySnapshot, one of Systems Manager Automation’s runbooks, copies a point-in-time snapshot of an EBS volume. You can copy the snapshot within the same AWS Region or from one Region to another.

In the Action parameters, you can assign SnapshotId and SourceRegion to run the AWS Systems Manager CopySnapshot runbook.

You can create your own Systems Manager document to define the actions that Systems Manager performs on your managed instances. Systems Manager offers more than 100 preconfigured documents that you can use by specifying parameters as the post-launch actions. To learn more, see AWS Systems Manager Automation runbook reference in the AWS documentation.

Now Available
The new migration servers grouping, updates on the launch, and post-launch template are available now, and you can start using them today in all Regions where AWS Application Migration Service is supported.

To learn more, see the Application Migration Service User Guide, give it a try, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for Application Migration Service or through your usual AWS support contacts.


Identification of replication bottlenecks when using AWS Application Migration Service

Post Syndicated from Tobias Reekers original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/identification-of-replication-bottlenecks-when-using-aws-application-migration-service/

Enterprises frequently begin their journey by re-hosting (lift-and-shift) their on-premises workloads into AWS and running Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. A simpler way to re-host is by using AWS Application Migration Service (Application Migration Service), a cloud-native migration service.

To streamline and expedite migrations, automate reusable migration patterns that work for a wide range of applications. Application Migration Service is the recommended migration service to lift-and-shift your applications to AWS.

In this blog post, we explore key variables that contribute to server replication speed when using Application Migration Service. We will also look at tests you can run to identify these bottlenecks and, where appropriate, include remediation steps.

Overview of migration using Application Migration Service

Figure 1 depicts the end-to-end data replication flow from source servers to a target machine hosted on AWS. The diagram is designed to help visualize potential bottlenecks within the data flow, which are denoted by a black diamond.

Data flow when using AWS Application Migration Service (black diamonds denote potential points of contention)

Figure 1. Data flow when using AWS Application Migration Service (black diamonds denote potential points of contention)

Baseline testing

To determine a baseline replication speed, we recommend performing a control test between your target AWS Region and the nearest Region to your source workloads. For example, if your source workloads are in a data center in Rome and your target Region is Paris, run a test between eu-south-1 (Milan) and eu-west-3 (Paris). This will give a theoretical upper bandwidth limit, as replication will occur over the AWS backbone. If the target Region is already the closest Region to your source workloads, run the test from within the same Region.

Network connectivity

There are several ways to establish connectivity between your on-premises location and AWS Region:

  1. Public internet
  2. VPN
  3. AWS Direct Connect

This section pertains to options 1 and 2. If facing replication speed issues, the first place to look is at network bandwidth. From a source machine within your internal network, run a speed test to calculate your bandwidth out to the internet; common test providers include Cloudflare, Ookla, and Google. This is your bandwidth to the internet, not to AWS.

Next, to confirm the data flow from within your data center, run a traceroute (Windows) or tracert (Linux). Identify any network hops that are unusual or potentially throttling bandwidth (due to hardware limitations or configuration).

To measure the maximum bandwidth between your data center and the AWS subnet that is being used for data replication, while accounting for Security Sockets Layer (SSL) encapsulation, use the CloudEndure SSL bandwidth tool (refer to Figure 1).

Source storage I/O

The next area to look for replication bottlenecks is source storage. The underlying storage for servers can be a point of contention. If the storage is maxing-out its read speeds, this will impact the data-replication rate. If your storage I/O is heavily utilized, it can impact block replication by Application Migration Service. In order to measure storage speeds, you can use the following tools:

  • Windows: WinSat (or other third-party tooling, like AS SSD Benchmark)
  • Linux: hdparm

We suggest reducing read/write operations on your source storage when starting your migration using Application Migration Service.

Application Migration Service EC2 replication instance size

The size of the EC2 replication server instance can also have an impact on the replication speed. Although it is recommended to keep the default instance size (t3.small), it can be increased if there are business requirements, like to speed up the initial data sync. Note: using a larger instance can lead to increased compute costs.

-508 (1)

Common replication instance changes include:

  • Servers with <26 disks: change the instance type to m5.large. Increase the instance type to m5.xlarge or higher, as needed.
  • Servers with <26 disks (or servers in AWS Regions that do not support m5 instance types): change the instance type to m4.large. Increase to m4.xlarge or higher, as needed.

Note: Changing the replication server instance type will not affect data replication. Data replication will automatically pick up where it left off, using the new instance type you selected.

Application Migration Service Elastic Block Store replication volume

You can customize the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume type used by each disk within each source server in that source server’s settings (change staging disk type).

By default, disks <500GiB use Magnetic HDD volumes. AWS best practice suggests not change the default Amazon EBS volume type, unless there is a business need for doing so. However, as we aim to speed up the replication, we actively change the default EBS volume type.

There are two options to choose from:

  1. The lower cost, Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) option utilizes slower, less expensive disks.

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    • Consider this option if you(r):
      • Want to keep costs low
      • Large disks do not change frequently
      • Are not concerned with how long the initial sync process will take
  1. The faster, General Purpose SSD (gp2) option utilizes faster, but more expensive disks.

-508 (3)

    • Consider this option if you(r):
      • Source server has disks with a high write rate, or if you need faster performance in general
      • Want to speed up the initial sync process
      • Are willing to pay more for speed

Source server CPU

The Application Migration Service agent that is installed on the source machine for data replication uses a single core in most cases (agent threads can be scheduled to multiple cores). If core utilization reaches a maximum, this can be a limitation for replication speed. In order to check the core utilization:

  • Windows: Launch the Task Manger application within Windows, and click on the “CPU” tab. Right click on the CPU graph (this is currently showing an average of cores) > select “Change graph to” > “Logical processors”. This will show individual cores and their current utilization (Figure 2).
Logical processor CPU utilization

Figure 2. Logical processor CPU utilization

Linux: Install htop and run from the terminal. The htop command will display the Application Migration Service/CE process and indicate the CPU and memory utilization percentage (this is of the entire machine). You can check the CPU bars to determine if a CPU is being maxed-out (Figure 3).

AWS Application Migration Service/CE process to assess CPU utilization

Figure 3. AWS Application Migration Service/CE process to assess CPU utilization


In this post, we explored several key variables that contribute to server replication speed when using Application Migration Service. We encourage you to explore these key areas during your migration to determine if your replication speed can be optimized.

Related information

AWS MGN Update – Configure DR, Convert CentOS Linux to Rocky Linux, and Convert SUSE Linux Subscription

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-mgn-update-configure-dr-convert-centos-linux-to-rocky-linux-and-convert-suse-linux-subscription/

Just about a year ago, Channy showed you How to Use the New AWS Application Migration Server for Lift-and-Shift Migrations. In his post, he introduced AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) and said:

With AWS MGN, you can minimize time-intensive, error-prone manual processes by automatically replicating entire servers and converting your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS. The service simplifies your migration by enabling you to use the same automated process for a wide range of applications.

Since launch, we have added agentless replication along with support for Windows 10 and multiple versions of Windows Server (2003, 2008, and 2022). We also expanded into additional regions throughout 2021.

New Post-Launch Actions
As the title of Channy’s post stated, AWS MGN initially supported direct, lift-and-shift migrations. In other words, the selected disk volumes on the source servers were directly copied, bit-for-bit to EBS volumes attached to freshly launched Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances.

Today we are adding a set of optional post-launch actions that provide additional support for your migration and modernization efforts. The actions are initiated and managed by the AWS Systems Manager agent, which can be automatically installed as the first post-launch action. We are launching with an initial set of four actions, and plan to add more over time:

Install Agent – This action installs the AWS Systems Manager agent, and is a prerequisite to the other actions.

Disaster Recovery – Installs the AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Service agent on each server and configures replication to a specified target region.

CentOS Conversion – If the source server is running CentOS, the instances can be migrated to Rocky Linux.

SUSE Subscription Conversion – If the source service is running SUSE Linux via a subscription provided by SUSE, the instance is changed to use an AWS-provided SUSE subscription.

Using Post-Launch Actions
My AWS account has a post-launch settings template that serves as a starting point, and provides the default settings each time I add a new source server. I can use the values from the template as-is, or I can customize them as needed. I open the Application Migration Service Console and click Settings to view and edit my template:

I click Post-launch settings template, and review the default values. Then I click Edit to make changes:

As I noted earlier, the Systems Manager agent executes the other post-launch actions, and is a prerequisite, so I enable it:

Next, I choose to run the post-launch actions on both my test and cutover instances, since I want to test against the final migrated configuration:

I can now configure any or all of the post-launch options, starting with disaster recovery. I check Configure disaster recovery on migrated servers and choose a target region:

Next, I check Convert CentOS to Rocky Linux distribution. This action converts a CentOS 8 distribution to a Rocky Linux 8 distribution:

Moving right along, I check Change SUSE Linux Subscription to AWS provided SUSE Linux subscription, and then click Save template:

To learn more about pricing for the SUSE subscriptions, visit the Amazon EC2 On-Demand Pricing page.

After I have set up my template, I can view and edit the settings for each of my source servers. I simply select the server and choose Edit post-launch settings from the Replication menu:

The post-launch actions will be run at the appropriate time on the test or the cutover instances, per my selections. Any errors that arise during the execution of an action are written to the SSM execution log. I can also examine the Migration dashboard for each source server and review the Post-launch actions:

Available Now
The post-launch actions are available now and you can start using them today in all regions where AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) is supported.


AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator – New Migration Orchestration Capability with Customizable Workflow Templates

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-migration-hub-orchestrator-new-migration-orchestration-capability-with-customizable-workflow-templates/

You can migrate any workload from an on-premises environment to AWS. The key to a successful migration to AWS is a well-thought-out plan, informative tools, prior migration experience, and a quality implementation. Every step along the way, you can use AWS’s years of experience to build your organizational, operational, and technical capabilities so that you can gain business benefits faster.

In 2017, we introduced AWS Migration Hub, a single location for cloud migration and modernization, giving you the tools you need to accelerate and simplify your journey with AWS. With Migration Hub, you can discover or import your on-premises server details, build a migration strategy with right-sizing recommendations, track migrations across multiple tools in a simple dashboard, and refactor your applications incrementally in any AWS Region.

Today we announce the general availability of AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator, providing predefined and customizable workflow templates that offer a prescribed set of migration tasks, migration tools, automation opportunities, and tracking your progress in one place.

With Migration Hub Orchestrator, you can reduce the migration costs and time by removing many of the manual tasks involved in migrating large-scale enterprise applications, managing dependencies between different tools, and providing visibility into the migration progress. Also, Migration Hub Orchestrator enables customers to customize the templates and add additional steps to suit their workflow needs. At this launch, Migration Hub Orchestrator supports the migrations of SAP NetWeaver-based applications with HANA databases and the rehosting of any applications using AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN).

AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator – Getting Started
To get started with AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator, choose Get started to create a new migration workflow in the Migration Hub console.

To create a new workflow, you need to add data sources from your on-premises servers and applications using the AWS discovery tools, group your servers as applications, and download and configure the plugin in your environment. This plugin requires a one-time agentless setup in your source environment.

You can install this plugin as a virtual machine in your VMware vCenter Server environment using the AWS-provided Open Virtualization Archive (OVA) file. Migration Hub Orchestrator uses the plug-in to automatically run migration tasks on the source systems while executing the workflow, such as installing AWS MGN agents on source systems. You can see registered plugins in the Plugins menu.

After completing the prerequisites for Migration Hub Orchestrator setup, you can begin configuring a workflow with your chosen template by clicking the Create workflow button in the Workflows menu.

Choose a workflow template, either Rehost applications on Amazon EC2 or Migrate SAP NetWeaver applications to AWS. This workflow template is a playbook of migration workflow specifications: 1) the step-by-step migration workflow and dependencies, 2) migration services, solutions, or scripts required to automate the migration step, and 3) the required input parameters, such as source virtual machine and application settings, target system settings, replication settings, and cutover requirements for the migration.

To configure your workflow to rehost applications on Amazon EC2 in the next step, enter a name for your workflow, select your application to migrate, configure the source environment, and, optionally, add a description and tags.

When you choose a workflow template for migrating an SAP application, provide source SAP application information. As part of the workflow execution, the service will guide you to deploy the target SAP environment using AWS Launch Wizard, extract application info from the newly deployed stack and migrates the application using an SAP and HANA database-specific replication mechanism like HANA System Replication (HSR).

Select  Review and submit in the Step 3 Configure your workflow, it takes several minutes to create your workflow. You can confirm the list of migration workflows.

Choose one of the migration workflows not started yet and select the Run button to migrate your application with each step in the general rehosting process. It takes several minutes to finish the migration. AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator also allows you to pause, resume, or delete your workflows.

After the completion of migration, you can verify the status of each migration step, from validating the source environment to completing the cutover to AWS.

When you select one of the steps, you can check the details of each step transparently.

Also, you can customize your workflow by adding your own steps, dependencies, and automations to address the needs of your specific use cases. Use the Add option to add steps and specify the custom script that you want to run on the source or destination server as part of that step.

For example, you can perform additional migration readiness checks, change configurations of the target environment, and perform post-migration tests using your own automation scripts. You can also add manual steps as part of the workflow as required.

In the case of the SAP application migration, it includes each migration step in several categories, from validating connectivity to the source server to the cutover to AWS.

As you now know, AWS Migration Orchestrator simplifies the complex migration process that often involves multiple teams and tools by automating the manual tasks involved in migrating large-scale enterprise applications managing dependencies between different tools and providing visibility of migration progress in one place.

We plan to add support for more migration and modernization workflows to reduce the migration costs and time to complete the migration.

Troubleshooting Migration Orchestration
AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator stores the output and logs of steps in S3 bucket under your account. These logs can be used to troubleshoot issues or examine the output of a step. For the tasks that are blocked in the dependent migration service, you can also access the consoles of those services for additional troubleshooting.

Migration Hub Orchestrator is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service to capture all API calls for Migration Hub Orchestrator as events.

If you have more than one AWS account, you can use AWS Organizations in Migration Hub Orchestrator from any member account or organizational unit in your company.

Now Available
AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator is now generally available, and you can use it in all AWS Regions where AWS Migration Hub is available. There is no additional cost for using Migration Hub Orchestrator, and you only pay for the AWS resources that you provision for the migration. To learn more, see the product page.

If you are looking for a Migration Partner to support your cloud adoption, visit the AWS Migration Hub Partners page. Please send feedback to AWS re:Post for Migration Hub or through your usual AWS support contacts.

– Channy

Migration updates announced at re:Invent 2021

Post Syndicated from Angélica Ortega original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/migration-updates-announced-at-reinvent-2021/

re:Invent is a yearly event that offers learning and networking opportunities for the global cloud computing community. 2021 marks the launch of several new features in different areas of cloud services and migration.

In this blog, we’ll cover some of the most important recent announcements.

AWS Mainframe Modernization (Preview)

Mainframe modernization has become a necessity for many companies. One of the main drivers fueling this requirement is the need for agility, as the market constantly demands new functionalities. The mainframe platform, due to its complex dependencies, long procurement cycles, and escalating costs, makes it impossible for companies to innovate at the needed pace.

Mainframe modernization can be a complex undertaking. To assist you, we have launched a comprehensive platform, called AWS Mainframe Modernization, that enables two popular migration patterns: replatforming, and automated refactoring.

AWS Mainframe Modernization flow

Figure 1. AWS Mainframe Modernization flow

AWS Migration and Modernization Competency

Application modernization is becoming an important migration strategy, especially for strategic business applications. It brings many benefits: software licensing and operation cost optimization, better performance, agility, resilience, and more. Selecting a partner with the required expertise can help reduce the time and risk for these kinds of projects. In the next section, you’ll find a summary of the experience required by a partner to get the AWS Migration and Modernization Competency. More information can be found at AWS Migration Competency Partners.

AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN)

AWS MGN is recommended as the primary migration service for lift and shift migrations. Customers currently using AWS Server Migration Service are encouraged to switch to it for future migrations.

Starting in November 2021, AWS MGN supports agentless replication from VMWare vCenter versions 6.7 and 7.0 to the AWS Cloud. This new feature is intended for users who want to rehost their applications to AWS, but cannot install the AWS Replication Agent on individual servers due to company policies or technical restrictions.

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Two of the pillars of the Well-Architected Framework are Operational Excellence and Reliability. Both are directly concerned with the capability of a service to recover and work efficiently. AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery is a new service to help you to minimize downtime and data loss with fast, reliable, and recovery of on-premises and cloud-based applications. It uses storage, compute, point-in-time recovery, and cost-optimization.

AWS Resilience Hub

AWS Resilience Hub is a service designed to help customers define, measure, and manage the resilience of their applications in the cloud. This service helps you define RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and RPO (Recovery Point Objective) and evaluates the configuration to meet the requirements defined. Aligned with the AWS Well-Architected Framework, this service can recover applications deployed with AWS CloudFormation, and integrates with AWS Fault Injection Simulator, AWS Systems Manager, or Amazon CloudWatch.

AWS Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations

One of the critical tasks in a migration is determining the right strategy. AWS Migration Hub can help you build a migration and modernization strategy for applications running on-premises or in AWS. AWS Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations were announced on October 2021. It’s designed to be the starting point for your cloud journey. It helps you to assess the appropriate strategy to transform your portfolios to use the full benefits of cloud services.

AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces (Preview)

Refactoring is the migration strategy that requires the biggest effort, but it permits you to take full advantage of cloud-native features to improve agility, performance, and scalability. AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces is the starting point for incremental application refactoring to microservices in AWS. It will help you reduce the undifferentiated heavy lifting of building and operating your AWS infrastructure for incremental refactoring.

AWS Database Migration Service

AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) is a service that helps you migrate databases to AWS quickly and securely.

AWS DMS Fleet Advisor is a new free feature of AWS DMS that enables you to quickly build a database and analytics migration plan, by automating the discovery and analysis of your fleet. AWS DMS Fleet Advisor is intended for users looking to migrate a large number of database and analytic servers to AWS.

AWS Microservice Extractor for .NET is a new free tool and simplifies the process of re-architecting applications into smaller code projects. Modernize and transform your .NET applications with an assistive tool that analyzes source code and runtime metrics. It creates a visual representation of your application and its dependencies.

This tool visualizes your applications source code, helps with code refactoring, and assists in extraction of the code base into separate code projects.  Teams can then develop, build, and operate independently to improve agility, uptime, and scalability.

AWS Migration Evaluator

AWS Migration Evaluator (ME) is a migration assessment service that helps you create a directional business case for AWS Cloud planning and migration. Building a business case for the cloud can be a time-consuming process on your own. With Migration Evaluator, organizations can accelerate their evaluation and decision-making for migration to AWS. During 2021, there were some existing improvements to mention:

  • Quick Insights. This new capability of Migration Evaluator, provides customers with a one-page summary of their projected AWS costs, based on measured on-premises provisioning and utilization.
  • Enhanced Microsoft SQL Discovery. This is a new feature of the Migration Evaluator Collector, which assists you by including your SQL Server environment in their migration assessment.
  • Agentless Collection for Dependency Mapping. The ME Collector now enables agentless network traffic collection to be sent to the customer’s AWS Migration Hub account.

AWS Amplify Studio

This is a visual development environment that offers frontend developers new features to accelerate UI development with minimal coding, while integrating with Amplify. Read Introducing AWS Amplify Studio.


Migration is a crucial process for many enterprises as they move from on-premises systems to the cloud. It helps accelerate your cloud journey, and offers additional tools and methodologies created by AWS. AWS has created and is continually improving services and features to optimize the migration process and help you reach your business goals faster.

Related information

Avoid affecting your production environment during migration with AWS Application Migration Service

Post Syndicated from Michael Spence original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/avoid-affecting-your-production-environment-during-migration-with-aws-application-migration-service/

Customers commonly use AWS Application Migration Service to migrate Active Directory joined Windows or Linux servers to Amazon Web Services (AWS). However, this process can affect the production environment during testing. For example, if you update DNS addresses during testing, clients that try to reach the original server will be redirected to the testing server.

To avoid this issue, you could launch instances in a completely isolated network environment. However, this may not be an option for you if your application stack depends on other applications or services.

In this post, we offer an architecture and process that can be applied to applications that cannot be completely isolated during testing. It uses Microsoft Domain Name System (DNS) Query Policies and a Group Policy and does not affect the production environment.

Overview of solution

Using a simple application stack of a WordPress site as an example, we’ll show you how to implement this solution. We’ll also discuss the prequisites required to implement this solution and describe potential domain issues you may encounter and how to solve them.

Figure 1 shows a view of the testing architecture on-premises and in AWS:

  1. It uses an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) that was set up specifically for testing.
  2. Within this Amazon VPC, a management subnet that runs on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) contains the production environment’s self-managed domain controller. This domain controller provides authentication and DNS services to the instances launched during testing.
  3. The client that tests the application is located within the same private subnet as the applications being tested.
Testing architecture design

Figure 1. Testing architecture design


To implement this solution, you will need:

  • An AWS account
  • Network connectivity between an on-premises server (or other cloud) and AWS
  • Active Directory (Windows Server 2016 or later)
  • Active Directory Integrated DNS
  • Basic understanding of the following technologies:
    • Application Migration Service
    • EC2 launch templates
    • Active Directory (Windows Version 2016, 2019, or 2022)
    • Microsoft Group Policy
    • Active Directory Integrated DNS
    • Windows PowerShell

Potential domain issues and how to solve them

Application Migration Service is a block-level replication of the original source server, meaning that the replicated server is an exact copy of the original server. During testing, the original source server and the server that was launched for testing are active on the domain at the same time.

This has the potential to create these issues:

  • Each server joined to an Active Directory domain has an associated computer object, and that object has a password. The server will change this password automatically every 30 days by default. If either server changes the password for that object, it will cause the other server to fail because it cannot establish a secure session with a domain controller.
  • Active Directory supports dynamic DNS updates by allowing servers to register and dynamically update their resource records. If the replicated server updates DNS with a new IP address, that change can propagate to the rest of the environment. This means that clients trying to reach the original server will be redirected to the testing server, which will affect the production environment.

By creating a new Group Policy Object (GPO) with the following settings (and as shown in Figure 2), you can avoid these potential issues.

  1. Disable Machine Password Changes. Use reverse logic notation to enable the setting to disable the automatic password changes on the server.
  2. Disable Dynamic Updates from the DNS Client. This setting will prevent the server from updating DNS with a new IP address when you are testing it.

Apply this newly created GPO to the servers that are being migrated. The servers can be targeted for the policy by Active Directory security group, or you can move the servers to a separate organizational unit (OU) within Active Directory and apply the GPO to that OU.

GPO settings

Figure 2. GPO settings

After you apply GPO settings to the server being migrated, verify the GPO settings from an administrative command prompt:

C:\> gpupdate /force

C:\> gpresult /r /scope computer

Active Directory replication

You can disable outbound replication from the domain controller in the testing VPC while still allowing inbound replication. We intentionally configured the network configuration within the testing VPC to allow connectivity to on-premises and other networks.

To do this, issue the following command from an administrative command prompt with a domain administrator privileged user:

C:\> repadmin /options <Testing DC> +disable_outbound_repl

Example walkthrough

1.     Example application description

Let’s look at a simple application stack of a WordPress site. It consists of a single web server and a single database server that are being migrated from on-premises to AWS. The WordPress stack could be Linux or Windows. The WordPress configuration on the web server points to the database by hostname only (not by IP address).

When the web server starts up during the testing phase, it issues a DNS query to find the database server by name. Note that we don’t want to return the IP address of the current production database server; we want the one currently being tested. When our workstation in the testing VPC opens up a browser to the WordPress site, we also want it to return the IP address of the web server being tested.

For reference, Table 1 reflects the IP addresses, network information, and URL used in the testing example.

Table 1. Example values for the testing scenario
Testing Private Subnet CIDR
Domain Zone Name awslaunch.local
WordPress Site URL http://wswpweb1
Hostname Original IP Address Testing IP Address

2.     Modify EC2 launch templates

To ensure that we launch the EC2 instances with the IP addresses we specified in Table 1, let’s change the EC2 launch template associated with each of the source servers from within Application Migration Service. The EC2 launch template should specify the testing subnet and the IP address to be assigned to the test instances.

EC2 launch template settings

Figure 3. EC2 launch template settings

Once you’ve modified the EC2 launch template, be sure to set it as the “Default” template because this is the version of the template that Application Migration Service will launch upon testing.

3.     Create Microsoft DNS Query Policies

Now that we’ve launched the EC2 instances for testing, let’s set up DNS Query Policies for DNS to return an alternate set of IP addresses during the testing phase.

We’ll set these policies to return alternate IP addresses from DNS for the servers involved in testing and only within the boundary of the testing private subnet (Policy 3.4). By doing this, if any client outside of the testing private subnet queries this domain controller, it will return the original IP addresses and not the testing ones.

Because DNS Query Policies are specific to a specific domain controller, let’s issue the following PowerShell commands on the domain controller that is active in our testing VPC (AD-DC-2 in Figure 1) to create the following policies:

Policy 3.1       A client subnet that represents our private subnet in the testing VPC. This is a one-time configuration.

Add-DnsServerClientSubnet -Name
"MGN-Testing-AZ1" -IPv4Subnet ""

Policy 3.2       A zone scope within the domain zone name. This is a one-time configuration.

Add-DnsServerZoneScope -ZoneName
"awslaunch.local" -Name "MGN-Testing-AZ1-Scope"

Policy 3.3       Alternative IP addresses in the new zone scope.

Add-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName
"awslaunch.local" -A -Name "wswpweb1" -IPv4Address
"" -ZoneScope "MGN-Testing-AZ1-Scope"

Add-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName
"awslaunch.local" -A -Name "wswpsql1" -IPv4Address
"" -ZoneScope "MGN-Testing-AZ1-Scope"

Policy 3.4       A query resolution policy that returns alternate IP addresses for our testing servers without impacting the rest of the domain.

Add-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy -Name
"MGN-Testing-AZ1-Policy" -Action ALLOW -FQDN "eq,wswpweb1.awslaunch.local,wswpsql1.awslaunch.local"
-ClientSubnet "eq,MGN-Testing-AZ1" -ZoneScope
"MGN-Testing-AZ1-Scope,1" -ZoneName "awslaunch.local"

4.     Verify current production IP addresses

Now that we have our policies set, let’s make sure that the application stack IP addresses are still returning correctly from the current production environment with the following command:

C:\>nslookup wswpweb1

Server: WSDC1.awslaunch.local



Name: wswpweb1.awslaunch.local



C:\>nslookup wswpsql1

Server: WSDC1.awslaunch.local



Name: wswpsql1.awslaunch.local


These are the correct IP addresses. They match the original IP addresses from Table 1.

5.    Verify testing IP addresses

Now let’s verify that the application stack IP addresses are returning correctly from the testing environment.

C:\>nslookup wswpweb1

Server: WSDC5.awslaunch.local



Name: wswpweb1.awslaunch.local



C:\>nslookup wswpsql1

Server: WSDC5.awslaunch.local



Name: wswpsql1.awslaunch.local


There are the correct addresses. They match the testing IP addresses from Table 1.

We can also verify that the WordPress site is functional by opening a browser from our testing client and browsing to the URL (https://wswpweb1, listed in Table 1).

WordPress site verification

Figure 4. WordPress site verification

Additionally, we can verify that the web server is connecting to the correct SQL server database by issuing the following command when logged into the WordPress web server:

C:\ >netstat | findstr /c:"ms-sql-s"



6.     Cleanup

After you’ve tested everything, mark the source servers in Application Migration Service as “Ready for Cutover.” This will terminate the EC2 testing instances.

The following PowerShell commands will remove the DNS resource records and the DNS Query Policy:

Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName
"awslaunch.local" -ZoneScope "MGN-Testing-AZ1-Scope"
-RRType "A" -Name "wswpweb1"

Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName
"awslaunch.local" -ZoneScope "MGN-Testing-AZ1-Scope"
-RRType "A" -Name "wswpsql1"

Remove-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy -Name
"MGN-Testing-AZ1-Policy" -ZoneName "awslaunch.local"

This command will re-enable replication from the testing domain controller.

C:\> repadmin /options <Testing DC>

Once the servers are launched for final cutover, you can remove the Group Policy applied to the servers to allow the server to resume password changes and dynamic DNS updates.


When you migrate your server resources to AWS with Application Migration Service, the testing phase of the migration lifecycle is critical. It verifies that your application will function properly within the AWS environment before committing to a final cutover. The testing phase can uncover unexpected application dependencies, gauge application performance, and deliver the confidence that your migration to AWS will be successful without risks to your production environment.

In this blog post, we explored an architecture and process that uses Microsoft DNS Query Policies and Group Policy to address potential domain issues and avoids affecting the production environment. This testing framework persists during the entire cloud migration and across multiple application migrations. Once migration is complete, the testing architecture can be removed or maintained for future cloud migrations.

Ready to get started? Read more about the AWS Application Migration Service and other blog posts related to migrations on the AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog and the AWS Architecture Blog.

Looking for more architecture content? AWS Architecture Center provides reference architecture diagrams, vetted architecture solutions, Well-Architected best practices, patterns, icons, and more!

Multi-Region Migration using AWS Application Migration Service

Post Syndicated from Shreya Pathak original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/multi-region-migration-using-aws-application-migration-service/

AWS customers are in various stages of their cloud journey. Frequently, enterprises begin that journey by rehosting (lift-and-shift migrating) their on-premises workloads into AWS, and running Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. You can rehost using AWS Application Migration Service (MGN), a cloud-native migration tool.

You may need to relocate instances and workloads to a Region that is closer in proximity to one of your offices or data centers. Or you may have a resilience requirement to balance your workloads across multiple Regions. This rehosting migration pattern with AWS MGN can also be used to migrate Amazon EC2-hosted workloads from one AWS Region to another.

In this blog post, we will show you how to configure AWS MGN for migrating your workloads from one AWS Region to another.

Overview of AWS MGN migration

AWS MGN, an AWS native service, minimizes time-intensive, error-prone, manual processes by automatically converting your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS. It reduces overall migration costs, such as investment in multiple migration solutions, specialized cloud development, or application-specific skills. With AWS MGN, you can migrate your applications from physical infrastructure, VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Amazon EC2, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) to AWS.

To migrate to AWS, install the AWS MGN Replication Agent on your source servers and define replication settings in the AWS MGN console, shown in Figure 1. Replication servers receive data from an agent running on source servers, and write this data to the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes. Your replicated data is compressed and encrypted in transit and at rest using EBS encryption.

AWS MGN keeps your source servers up to date on AWS using nearly continuous, block-level data replication. It uses your defined launch settings to launch instances when you conduct non-disruptive tests or perform a cutover. After confirming that your launched instances are operating properly on AWS, you can decommission your source servers.

Figure 1. MGN service architecture

Figure 1. MGN service architecture

Steps for migration with AWS MGN

This tutorial assumes that you already have your source AWS Region set up with Amazon EC2-hosted workloads running and a target AWS Region defined.

Migrating Amazon EC2 workload across AWS Regions include the following steps:

  1. Create the Replication Settings template. These settings are used to create and manage your staging area subnet with lightweight Amazon EC2 instances. These instances act as replication servers used to replicate data between your source servers and AWS.
  2. Install the AWS Replication Agent on your source instances to add them to the AWS MGN console.
  3. Configure the launch settings for each source server. These are a set of instructions that determine how a Test or Cutover instance will be launched for each source server on AWS.
  4. Initiate the test/cutover to the target Region.


Following are the prerequisites:

Setting up AWS MGN for multi-Region migration

This section will guide you through AWS MGN configuration setup for multi-Region migration.

Log into your AWS account, select the target AWS Region, and complete the prerequisites. Then you are ready to configure AWS MGN:

1.      Choose Get started on the AWS MGN landing page.

2.      Create the Replication Settings template (see Figure 2):

  • Select Staging area subnet for Replication Server
  • Choose Replication Server instance type (By default, AWS MGN uses t3.small instance type)
  • Choose default or custom Amazon EBS encryption
  • Enable ‘Always use the Application Migration Service security group’
  • Add custom Replication resources tags
  • Select Create Template button
Figure 2. Replication Settings template creation

Figure 2. Replication Settings template creation

3.      Add source servers to AWS MGN:

  • Select Add Servers following Source Servers (AWS MGN > Source Servers)
  • Enter OS, Replication Preferences, IAM Access Key and Secret Access Key ID of the IAM user created following Prerequisites. This does not expose your Secret Access Key ID in any request
  • Copy the installation command and run on your source server for agent installation

After successful agent installation, the source server is listed on the Source Servers page. Data replication begins after completion of the Initial Sync steps.

4.      Monitor the Initial Sync status (shown in Figure 3):

  •  Source server name > Migration Dashboard > Data Replication Status
    (Refer to the Source Servers page documentation for more details)
  • After 100% initial data replication confirm:
    • Migration Lifecycle = Ready for testing
    • Next step = Launch test instance
Figure 3. Monitoring initial replication status

Figure 3. Monitoring initial replication status

5.      Configure Launch Settings for each server:

  • Source servers page > Select source server
  • Navigate to the Launch settings tab (see Figure 4.) For this tutorial we won’t adjust the General launch settings. We will modify the EC2 Launch Template instead
  • Click on EC2 Launch Template > About modifying EC2 Launch Templates > Modify
Figure 4. Modifying EC2 Launch Template

Figure 4. Modifying EC2 Launch Template

6.      Provide values for Launch Template:

  • AMI: Recents tab > Don’t include in launch template
  • Instance Type: Can be kept same as source server or changed as per expected workload
  • Key pair (login): Create new or use existing if already created in the Target AWS Region
  • Network Settings > Subnet: Subnet for launching Test instance
  • Advanced network configuration:
    • Security Groups: For access to the test and final cutover instances
    • Configure Storage: Size – Do not change or edit this field
    • Volume type: Select any volume type (io1 is default)
  • Review details and click Create Template Version under the Summary section on right side of the console

7.      Every time you modify the Launch template, a new version is created. Set the launch template that you want to use with MGN as the default (shown in Figure 5):

  • Navigate to Amazon EC2 dashboard > Launch Templates page
  • Select the Launch template ID
  • Open the Actions menu and choose Set default version and select the latest Launch template created
Figure 5. Setting up your Launch template as the default

Figure 5. Setting up your Launch template as the default

8.      Launch a test instance and perform a Test prior to Cutover to identify potential problems and solve them before the actual Cutover takes place:

  • Go to the Source Servers page (see Figure 6)
  • Select source server > Open Test and Cutover menu
  • Under Testing, choose Launch test instances
  • Launch test instances for X servers > Launch
  • Choose View job details on the ‘Launch Job Created’ dialog box to view the specific Job details for the test launch in the Launch History tab
Figure 6. Launching test instances

Figure 6. Launching test instances

9.      Validate launch of test instance (shown in Figure 7) by confirming:

  • Alerts column = Launched
  • Migration lifecycle column = Test in progress
  • Next step column = Complete testing and mark as ‘Ready for cutover’
Figure 7. Validating launch of test instances

Figure 7. Validating launch of test instances

10.  SSH/ RDP into Test instance (view from EC2 console) and validate connectivity. Perform acceptance tests for your application as required. Revert the test if you encounter any issues.

11.  Terminate Test instances after successful testing:

  • Go to Source servers page
  • Select source server > Open Test and Cutover menu
  • Under Testing, choose Mark as “Ready for cutover”
  • Mark X servers as “Ready for cutover” > Yes, terminate launched instances (recommended) > Continue

12.  Validate the status of termination job and cutover readiness:

  • Migration Lifecycle = Ready for cutover
  • Next step = Launch cutover instance

13.  Perform the final cutover at a set date and time:

  • Go to Source servers page (see Figure 8)
  • Select source server > Open Test and Cutover menu
  • Under Cutover, choose Launch cutover instances
  • Launch cutover instances for X > Launch
Figure 8. Performing final Cutover by launching Cutover instances

Figure 8. Performing final Cutover by launching Cutover instances

14.  Monitor the indicators to validate the success of the launch of your Cutover instance (shown in Figure 9):

  • Alerts column = Launched
  • Migration lifecycle column = Cutover in progress
  • Data replication status = Healthy
  • Next step column = Finalize cutover
Figure 9. Indicators for successful launch of Cutover instances

Figure 9. Indicators for successful launch of Cutover instances

15.  Test Cutover Instance:

  • Navigate to Amazon EC2 console > Instances (running)
  • Select Cutover instance
  • SSH/ RDP into your Cutover instance to confirm that it functions correctly
  • Validate connectivity and perform acceptance tests for your application
  • Revert Cutover if any issues

16.  Finalize the cutover after successful validation:

  • Navigate to AWS MGN console > Source servers page
  • Select source server > Open Test and Cutover menu
  • Under Cutover, choose Finalize Cutover
  • Finalize cutover for X servers > Finalize

17.  At this point, if your cutover is successful:

  • Migration lifecycle column = Cutover complete,
  • Data replication status column = Disconnected
  • Next step column = Mark as archived

The cutover is now complete and that the migration has been performed successfully. Data replication has also stopped and all replicated data will now be discarded.

Cleaning up

Archive your source servers that have launched Cutover instances to clean up your Source Servers page-

  • Navigate to Source Servers page (see Figure 10)
  • Select source server > Open Actions
  • Choose Mark as archived
  • Archive X server > Archive
Figure 10. Mark source servers as archived that are cutover

Figure 10. Mark source servers as archived that are cutover


In this post, we demonstrated how AWS MGN simplifies, expedites, and reduces the cost of migrating Amazon EC2-hosted workloads from one AWS Region to another. It integrates with AWS Migration Hub, enabling you to organize your servers into applications. You can track the progress of all your MGN at the server and app level, even as you move servers into multiple AWS Regions. Choose a Migration Hub Home Region for MGN to work with the Migration Hub.

Here are the AWS MGN supported AWS Regions. If your preferred AWS Region isn’t currently supported or you cannot install agents on your source servers, consider using CloudEndure Migration or AWS Server Migration Service respectively. CloudEndure Migration will be discontinued in all AWS Regions on December 30, 2022. Refer to CloudEndure Migration EOL for more information.

Note: Use of AWS MGN is free for 90 days but you will incur charges for any AWS infrastructure that is provisioned during migration and after cutover. For more information, refer to the pricing page.

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Accelerating your Migration to AWS

Post Syndicated from John O'Donnell original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/accelerating-your-migration-to-aws/

The key to a successful migration to AWS is a well thought out plan, informative tools, prior migration experience, and quality implementation. In this blog, we will share best practices for planning and accelerating your migration. We will discuss two key concepts of a migration: Portfolio Assessment and Migration. So, let’s get started.

Figure 1. AWS recommended tools for migration

Figure 1. AWS recommended tools for migration

Portfolio Assessment

The Portfolio Assessment is the first step. AWS tools help you assess and make informed business and technical decisions quickly. This is a critical first step on your journey that will define benefits, provide insights, and help you track your progress.

Build a business case with AWS Migration Evaluator

The foundation for a successful migration starts with a defined business objective (for example, growth or new offerings). In order to enable the business drivers, the established business case must then be aligned to a technical capability (increased security and elasticity). AWS Migration Evaluator (formerly known as TSO Logic) can help you meet these objectives.

To get started, you can choose to upload exports from third-party tools such as Configuration Management Database (CMDB) or install a collector agent to monitor. You will receive an assessment after data collection, which includes a projected cost estimate and savings of running your on-premises workloads in the AWS Cloud. This estimate will provide a summary of the projected costs to re-host on AWS based on usage patterns. It will show the breakdown of costs by infrastructure and software licenses. With this information, you can make the business case and plan next steps.

Discover more details with ADS

AWS Application Discovery Service (ADS) is the next step in your journey. ADS will discover on-premises or other hosted infrastructure. This includes details such as server hostnames, IP and MAC addresses, resource allocation, and utilization details of key resources.

It is important to know how your infrastructure interacts with other servers. ADS will identify server dependencies by recording inbound and outbound network activity for each server. ADS will provide details on server performance. It captures performance information about applications and processes by measuring metrics such as host CPU, memory, and disk utilization. It also will allow you to search in Amazon Athena with predefined queries.

You can use the AWS Application Discovery Service to discover your on-premises servers and plan your migrations at no charge.

Plan and manage with AWS Migration Hub

Now that your discovery data has been collected, it’s time to use AWS Migration Hub. AWS Migration Hub automatically processes the data from ADS and other sources. It assists with portfolio assessment and migration planning to help determine the ideal application migration path.

AWS Migration Hub provides a single location to visualize and track the progress of application migrations. AWS Migration Hub provides key metrics on individual applications, giving you visibility into the status of migrations.

Now that we have a view into the portfolio progress, we can begin the Migration phase.

Migration – Accelerating with AWS recommended tools

Migration can begin when you have completed your Portfolio Assessment. You can use AWS recommended tools to accelerate the process in a flexible, automated, and reliable manner.

Rehost with AWS Application Migration Service (MGN)

One approach to migration is known as rehosting (lift-and-shift). It is the most common approach, and uses AWS-recommended tools to automate the process. Rehosting takes an operating system that’s running the application and moves it from the existing hypervisor and rehosts it onto Amazon EC2.

AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) provides nearly continuous block-level replication of on-premises source servers to a staging area in your designated AWS Account. It is designed for rapid, mass-scale migrations. AWS MGN minimizes the previous time-intensive and error-prone manual processes. It automatically converts your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS. After confirming that your launched instances are operating properly on AWS, you can decommission your source servers. You can then choose to modernize your applications by leveraging additional AWS services and capabilities.

For each source server that you want to migrate, you can use AWS MGN for a free period of 2,160 hours. If used continuously, this would last about 90 days. Most customers complete migrations of servers within the allotted free period.

Replatform with AWS App2container

Some of your workloads won’t require a full server migration, such as moving web applications.

AWS App2Container allows you to containerize your existing applications and standardize a single set of tooling for monitoring, operations, and software delivery. Containerization allows you to unify infrastructure and skill sets needed to operate your applications, saving on both infrastructure and training costs. AWS App2Container (A2C) is a tool for replatforming .NET and Java web-based applications directly into containers.

In this case, you select the application you want to containerize. Then, A2C packages the application artifact and identified dependencies into container images, configures the network ports, and generates the needed definitions. A2C provisions the cloud infrastructure and CI/CD pipelines required to deploy the containerized application into production. With A2C, you can modernize your existing applications and standardize the deployment and operations through containers.

App2container is a free offering, though you will be charged for AWS resources created by the service.

Replatform and synchronize data with AWS Database Migration Service

In many cases, you must move on-premises databases to AWS. Moving large amounts of data and synchronizing to another location can be a real challenge, requiring custom or expensive vendor-specific tooling.

There are two great use cases for AWS Database Migration Service (DMS).

  1. Customers may want to migrate to Amazon RDS databases and/or change from one platform to another, for example, from Oracle to Postgres.
  2. Customers may want to migrate to EC2-hosted databases.

DMS migrates and synchronizes databases to AWS quickly and securely. The source (on-premises) database remains fully operational during the migration, minimizing downtime until you are ready to cut over. DMS supports most open source and commercial databases.

DMS is free for six months when migrating to Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift, Amazon DynamoDB, or Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility).


This post illustrates some of the AWS tooling in addition to offering some recommendations on accelerating your migration journey. It is important to keep in mind that every customer portfolio and application requirements are unique. Therefore, it’s essential to validate and review any migration plans with business and application owners. With the right planning, engagement, and implementation, you should have a smooth and rapid journey to AWS.

If you have any questions, post your thoughts in the comments section.

For further reading: