Tag Archives: Lambda extensions

Caching data and configuration settings with AWS Lambda extensions

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/caching-data-and-configuration-settings-with-aws-lambda-extensions/

This post is written by Hari Ohm Prasath Rajagopal, Senior Modernization Architect and Vamsi Vikash Ankam, Technical Account Manager

In this post, I show how to build a flexible in-memory AWS Lambda caching layer using Lambda extensions. Lambda functions use REST API calls to access the data and configuration from the cache. This can reduce latency and cost when consuming data from AWS services such as Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, and AWS Secrets Manager.

Applications making frequent API calls to retrieve static data can benefit from a caching layer. This can reduce the function’s latency, particularly for synchronous requests, as the data is retrieved from the cache instead of an external service. The cache can also reduce costs by reducing the number of calls to downstream services.

There are two types of cache to consider in this situation:

Lambda extensions are a new way for tools to integrate more easily into the Lambda execution environment and control and participate in Lambda’s lifecycle. They use the Extensions API, a new HTTP interface, to register for lifecycle events during function initialization, invocation, and shutdown.

They can also use environment variables to add options and tools to the runtime, or use wrapper scripts to customize the runtime startup behavior. The Lambda cache uses Lambda extensions to run as a separate process.

To learn more about how to use extensions with your functions, read “Introducing AWS Lambda extensions”.

Creating a cache using Lambda extensions

To set up the example, visit the GitHub repo, and follow the instructions in the README.md file.

The demo uses AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to deploy the infrastructure. The walkthrough requires AWS SAM CLI (minimum version 0.48) and an AWS account.

To install the example:

  1. Create an AWS account if you do not already have one and login.
  2. Clone the repo to your local development machine:
  3. git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-lambda-extensions
    cd aws-lambda-extensions/cache-extension-demo/
  4. If you are not running in a Linux environment, ensure that your build architecture matches the Lambda execution environment by compiling with GOOS=linux and GOARCH=amd64.
  5. GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64
  6. Build the Go binary extension with the following command:
  7. go build -o bin/extensions/cache-extension-demo main.go
  8. Ensure that the extensions files are executable:
  9. chmod +x bin/extensions/cache-extension-demo
  10. Update the parameters region value in ../example-function/config.yaml with the Region where you are deploying the function.
  11. parameters:
      - region: us-west-2
  12. Build the function dependencies.
  13. cd SAM
    sam build
    AWS SAM build

    AWS SAM build

  14. Deploy the AWS resources specified in the template.yml file:
  15. sam deploy --guided
  16. During the prompts:
  17. Enter a stack name cache-extension-demo.
  18. Enter the same AWS Region specified previously.
  19. Accept the default DatabaseName. You can specify a custom database name, and also update the ../example-function/config.yaml and index.js files with the new database name.
  20. Enter MySecret as the Secrets Manager secret.
  21. Accept the defaults for the remaining questions.
  22. AWS SAM Deploy

    AWS SAM Deploy

    AWS SAM deploys:

    • A DynamoDB table.
    • The Lambda function ExtensionsCache-DatabaseEntry, which puts a sample item into the DynamoDB table.
    • An AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter called CacheExtensions_Parameter1 with a value of MyParameter.
    • An AWS Secrets Manager secret called secret_info with a value of MySecret.
    • A Lambda layer called Cache_Extension_Layer.
    • A Lambda function using Nodejs.12 called ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction. This reads the cached values via the extension from either the DynamoDB table, Parameter Store, or Secrets Manager.
    • IAM permissions

    The cache extension is delivered as a Lambda layer and added to ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction.

    It is written as a self-contained binary in Golang, which makes the extension compatible with all of the supported runtimes. The extension caches the data from DynamoDB, Parameter Store, and Secrets Manager, and then runs a local HTTP endpoint to service the data. The Lambda function retrieves the configuration data from the cache using a local HTTP REST API call.

    Here is the architecture diagram.

    Extensions cache architecture diagram

    Extensions cache architecture diagram

    Once deployed, the extension performs the following steps:

    1. On start-up, the extension reads the config.yaml file, which determines which resources to cache. The file is deployed as part of the Lambda function.
    2. The boolean CACHE_EXTENSION_INIT_STARTUP Lambda environment variable specifies whether to load into cache the items specified in config.yaml. If false, the extension initializes an empty map with the names.
    3. The extension retrieves the required data based on the resources in the config.yaml file. This includes the data from DynamoDB, the configuration from Parameter Store, and the secret from Secrets Manager. The data is stored in memory.
    4. The extension starts a local HTTP server using TCP port 4000, which serves the cache items to the function. The Lambda function accesses the local in-memory cache by invoking the following endpoint: http://localhost:4000/<cachetype>?name=<name>.
    5. If the data is not available in the cache, or has expired, the extension accesses the corresponding AWS service to retrieve the data. It is cached first and then returned to the Lambda function. The CACHE_EXTENSION_TTL Lambda environment variable defines the refresh interval (defined based on Go time format, for example: 30s, 3m, etc.)

    This sequence diagram explains the data flow:

    Extensions cache sequence diagram

    Extensions cache sequence diagram

    Testing the example application

    Once the AWS SAM template is deployed, navigate to the AWS Lambda console.

    1. Select the function starting with the name ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction. Within the function code, the options array specifies which data to return from the cache. This is initially set to path: '/dynamodb?name=DynamoDbTable-pKey1-sKey1'
    2. Choose Configure test events to configure a test event.
    3. Enter a name for the Event name, accept the default payload, and select Create.
    4. Select Test to invoke the function. This returns the cached data from DynamoDB and logs the output.
    5. Successfully retrieve DynamoDB data from cache

      Successfully retrieve DynamoDB data from cache

    6. In the index.js file, amend the path statement to retrieve the Parameter Store configuration:
    7. const options = {
        "hostname": "localhost",
        "port": 4000,
        "path": "/parameters?name=CacheExtensions_Parameter1",
        "method": "GET"
    8. Select Deploy to save the function configuration and select Test. The function returns the Parameter Store configuration item:
    9. Successfully retrieve Parameter Store data from cache

      Successfully retrieve Parameter Store data from cache

    10. In the function code, amend the path statement to retrieve the Secrets Manager secret:
    11. const options = {
        "hostname": "localhost",
        "port": 4000,
        "path": "/parameters?name=/aws/reference/secretsmanager/secret_info",
        "method": "GET"
    12. Select Deploy to save the function configuration and select Test. The function returns the secret:
    Successfully retrieve Secrets Manager data from cache

    Successfully retrieve Secrets Manager data from cache

    The benefits of using Lambda extensions

    There are a number of benefits to using a Lambda extension for this solution:

    1. Improved Lambda function performance as data is cached in memory by the extension during initialization.
    2. Fewer AWS API calls to external services, this can reduce costs and helps avoid throttling limits if services are accessed frequently.
    3. Cache data is stored in memory and not in a file within the Lambda execution environment. This means that no additional process is required to manage the lifecycle of the file. In-memory is also more secure, as data is not persisted to disk for subsequent function invocations.
    4. The function requires less code, as it only needs to communicate with the extension via HTTP to retrieve the data. The function does not have to have additional libraries installed to communicate with DynamoDB, Parameter Store, Secrets Manager, or the local file system.
    5. The cache extension is a Golang compiled binary and the executable can be shared with functions running other runtimes like Node.js, Python, Java, etc.
    6. Using a YAML template to store the details of what to cache makes it easier to configure and add additional services.

    Comparing the performance benefit

    To test the performance of the cache extension, I compare two tests:

    1. A Golang Lambda function that accesses a secret from AWS Secrets Manager for every invocation.
    2. The ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction, previously deployed using AWS SAM. This uses the cache extension to access the secrets from Secrets Manager, the function reads the value from the cache.

    Both functions are configured with 512 MB of memory and the function timeout is set to 30 seconds.

    I use Artillery to load test both Lambda functions. The load runs for 100 invocations over 2 minutes. I use Amazon CloudWatch metrics to view the function average durations.

    Test 1 shows a duration of 43 ms for the first invocation as a cold start. Subsequent invocations average 22 ms.

    Test 1 performance results

    Test 1 performance results

    Test 2 shows a duration of 16 ms for the first invocation as a cold start. Subsequent invocations average 3 ms.

    Test 2 performance results

    Test 2 performance results

    Using the Lambda extensions caching layer shows a significant performance improvement. Cold start invocation duration is reduced by 62% and subsequent invocations by 80%.

    In this example, the CACHE_EXTENSION_INIT_STARTUP environment variable flag is not configured. With the flag enabled for the extension, data is pre-fetched during extension initialization and the cold start time is further reduced.


    Using Lambda extensions is an effective way to cache static data from external services in Lambda functions. This reduces function latency and costs. This post shows how to build both a data and configuration cache using DynamoDB, Parameter Store, and Secrets Manager.

    To set up the walkthrough demo in this post, visit the GitHub repo, and follow the instructions in the README.md file.

    The extension uses a local configuration file to determine which values to cache, and retrieves the items from the external services. A Lambda function retrieves the values from the local cache using an HTTP request, without having to communicate with the external services directly. In this example, this results in an 80% reduction in function invocation time.

    For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Working with Lambda layers and extensions in container images

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/working-with-lambda-layers-and-extensions-in-container-images/

In this post, I explain how to use AWS Lambda layers and extensions with Lambda functions packaged and deployed as container images.

Previously, Lambda functions were packaged only as .zip archives. This includes functions created in the AWS Management Console. You can now also package and deploy Lambda functions as container images.

You can use familiar container tooling such as the Docker CLI with a Dockerfile to build, test, and tag images locally. Lambda functions built using container images can be up to 10 GB in size. You push images to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository, a managed AWS container image registry service. You create your Lambda function, specifying the source code as the ECR image URL from the registry.

Lambda container image support

Lambda container image support

Lambda functions packaged as container images do not support adding Lambda layers to the function configuration. However, there are a number of solutions to use the functionality of Lambda layers with container images. You take on the responsible for packaging your preferred runtimes and dependencies as a part of the container image during the build process.

Understanding how Lambda layers and extensions work as .zip archives

If you deploy function code using a .zip archive, you can use Lambda layers as a distribution mechanism for libraries, custom runtimes, and other function dependencies.

When you include one or more layers in a function, during initialization, the contents of each layer are extracted in order to the /opt directory in the function execution environment. Each runtime then looks for libraries in a different location under /opt, depending on the language. You can include up to five layers per function, which count towards the unzipped deployment package size limit of 250 MB. Layers are automatically set as private, but they can be shared with other AWS accounts, or shared publicly.

Lambda Extensions are a way to augment your Lambda functions and are deployed as Lambda layers. You can use Lambda Extensions to integrate functions with your preferred monitoring, observability, security, and governance tools. You can choose from a broad set of tools provided by AWS, AWS Lambda Ready Partners, and AWS Partners, or create your own Lambda Extensions. For more information, see “Introducing AWS Lambda Extensions – In preview.”

Extensions can run in either of two modes, internal and external. An external extension runs as an independent process in the execution environment. They can start before the runtime process, and can continue after the function invocation is fully processed. Internal extensions run as part of the runtime process, in-process with your code.

Lambda searches the /opt/extensions directory and starts initializing any extensions found. Extensions must be executable as binaries or scripts. As the function code directory is read-only, extensions cannot modify function code.

It helps to understand that Lambda layers and extensions are just files copied into specific file paths in the execution environment during the function initialization. The files are read-only in the execution environment.

Understanding container images with Lambda

A container image is a packaged template built from a Dockerfile. The image is assembled or built from commands in the Dockerfile, starting from a parent or base image, or from scratch. Each command then creates a new layer in the image, which is stacked in order on top of the previous layer. Once built from the packaged template, a container image is immutable and read-only.

For Lambda, a container image includes the base operating system, the runtime, any Lambda extensions, your application code, and its dependencies. Lambda provides a set of open-source base images that you can use to build your container image. Lambda uses the image to construct the execution environment during function initialization. You can use the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI or native container tools such as the Docker CLI to build and test container images locally.

Using Lambda layers in container images

Container layers are added to a container image, similar to how Lambda layers are added to a .zip archive function.

There are a number of ways to use container image layering to add the functionality of Lambda layers to your Lambda function container images.

Use a container image version of a Lambda layer

A Lambda layer publisher may have a container image format equivalent of a Lambda layer. To maintain the same file path as Lambda layers, the published container images must have the equivalent files located in the /opt directory. An image containing an extension must include the files in the /opt/extensions directory.

An example Lambda function, packaged as a .zip archive, is created with two layers. One layer contains shared libraries, and the other layer is a Lambda extension from an AWS Partner.

aws lambda create-function –region us-east-1 –function-name my-function \

aws lambda create-function --region us-east-1 --function-name my-function \  
    --role arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/lambda-role \
    --layers \
        "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:layer:shared-lib-layer:1" \
        "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:987654321987:extensions-layer:1" \

The corresponding Dockerfile syntax for a function packaged as a container image includes the following lines. These pull the container image versions of the Lambda layers and copy them into the function image. The shared library image is pulled from ECR and the extension image is pulled from Docker Hub.

FROM public.ecr.aws/myrepo/shared-lib-layer:1 AS shared-lib-layer
# Layer code
COPY --from=shared-lib-layer /opt/ .

FROM aws-partner/extensions-layer:1 as extensions-layer
# Extension  code
WORKDIR /opt/extensions
COPY --from=extensions-layer /opt/extensions/ .

Copy the contents of a Lambda layer into a container image

You can use existing Lambda layers, and copy the contents of the layers into the function container image /opt directory during docker build.

You need to build a Dockerfile that includes the AWS Command Line Interface to copy the layer files from Amazon S3.

The Dockerfile to add two layers into a single image includes the following lines to copy the Lambda layer contents.

FROM alpine:latest


RUN apk add aws-cli curl unzip

RUN mkdir -p /opt

RUN curl $(aws lambda get-layer-version-by-arn --arn arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890123:layer:shared-lib-layer:1 --query 'Content.Location' --output text) --output layer.zip
RUN unzip layer.zip -d /opt
RUN rm layer.zip

RUN curl $(aws lambda get-layer-version-by-arn --arn arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:987654321987:extensions-layer:1 --query 'Content.Location' --output text) --output layer.zip
RUN unzip layer.zip -d /opt
RUN rm layer.zip

To run the AWS CLI, specify your AWS_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and include the required AWS_DEFAULT_REGION as command-line arguments.

docker build . -t layer-image1:latest \
--build-arg AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 \

This creates a container image containing the existing Lambda layer and extension files. This can be pushed to ECR and used in a function.

Build a container image from a Lambda layer

You can repackage and publish Lambda layer file content as container images. Creating separate container images for different layers allows you to add them to multiple functions, and share them in a similar way as Lambda layers.

You can create a separate container image containing the files from a single layer, or combine the files from multiple layers into a single image. If you create separate container images for layer files, you then add these images into your function image.

There are two ways to manage language code dependencies. You can pre-build the dependencies and copy the files into the container image, or build the dependencies during docker build.

In this example, I migrate an existing Python application. This comprises a Lambda function and extension, from a .zip archive to separate function and extension container images. The extension writes logs to S3.

You can choose how to store images in repositories. You can either push both images to the same ECR repository with different image tags, or push to different repositories. In this example, I use separate ECR repositories.

To set up the example, visit the GitHub repo and follow the instructions in the README.md file.

The existing example extension uses a makefile to install boto3 using pip install with a requirements.txt file. This is migrated to the docker build process. I must add a Python runtime to be able to run pip install as part of the build process. I use python:3.8-alpine as a minimal base image.

I create separate Dockerfiles for the function and extension. The extension Dockerfile contains the following lines.

FROM python:3.8-alpine AS installer
#Layer Code
COPY extensionssrc /opt/
COPY extensionssrc/requirements.txt /opt/
RUN pip install -r /opt/requirements.txt -t /opt/extensions/lib

FROM scratch AS base
WORKDIR /opt/extensions
COPY --from=installer /opt/extensions .

I build, tag, login, and push the extension container image to an existing ECR repository.

docker build -t log-extension-image:latest  .
docker tag log-extension-image:latest 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-image:latest
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
docker push 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-image:latest

The function Dockerfile contains the following lines, which add the files from the previously created extension image to the function image. There is no need to run pip install for the function as it does not require any additional dependencies.

FROM 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-image:latest AS layer
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/python:3.8
# Layer code
COPY --from=layer /opt/ .
# Function code
WORKDIR /var/task
COPY app.py .
CMD ["app.lambda_handler"]

I build, tag, and push the function container image to a separate existing ECR repository. This creates an immutable image of the Lambda function.

docker build -t log-extension-function:latest  .
docker tag log-extension-function:latest 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-function:latest
docker push 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-function:latest

The function requires a unique S3 bucket to store the logs files, which I create in the S3 console. I create a Lambda function from the ECR repository image, and specify the bucket name as a Lambda environment variable.

aws lambda create-function --region us-east-1  --function-name log-extension-function \
--package-type Image --code ImageUri=123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-function:latest \
--role "arn:aws:iam:: 123456789012:role/lambda-role" \
--environment  "Variables": {"S3_BUCKET_NAME": "s3-logs-extension-demo-logextensionsbucket-us-east-1"}

For subsequent extension code changes, I need to update both the extension and function images. If only the function code changes, I need to update the function image. I push the function image as the :latest image to ECR. I then update the function code deployment to use the updated :latest ECR image.

aws lambda update-function-code --function-name log-extension-function --image-uri 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/log-extension-function:latest

Using custom runtimes with container images

With .zip archive functions, custom runtimes are added using Lambda layers. With container images, you no longer need to copy in Lambda layer code for custom runtimes.

You can build your own custom runtime images starting with AWS provided base images for custom runtimes. You can add your preferred runtime, dependencies, and code to these images. To communicate with Lambda, the image must implement the Lambda Runtime API. We provide Lambda runtime interface clients for all supported runtimes, or you can implement your own for additional runtimes.

Running extensions in container images

A Lambda extension running in a function packaged as a container image works in the same way as a .zip archive function. You build a function container image including the extension files, or adding an extension image layer. Lambda looks for any external extensions in the /opt/extensions directory and starts initializing them. Extensions must be executable as binaries or scripts.

Internal extensions modify the Lambda runtime startup behavior using language-specific environment variables, or wrapper scripts. For language-specific environment variables, you can set the following environment variables in your function configuration to augment the runtime command line.

  • JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS (Java Corretto 8 and 11)
  • NODE_OPTIONS (Node.js 10 and 12)

An example Lambda environment variable for JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:


Wrapper scripts delegate the runtime start-up to a script. The script can inject and alter arguments, set environment variables, or capture metrics, errors, and other diagnostic information. The following runtimes support wrapper scripts: Node.js 10 and 12, Python 3.8, Ruby 2.7, Java 8 and 11, and .NET Core 3.1

You specify the script by setting the value of the AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER environment variable as the file system path of an executable binary or script, for example:



You can now package and deploy Lambda functions as container images in addition to .zip archives. Lambda functions packaged as container images do not directly support adding Lambda layers to the function configuration as .zip archives do.

In this post, I show a number of solutions to use the functionality of Lambda layers and extensions with container images, including example Dockerfiles.

I show how to migrate an existing Lambda function and extension from a .zip archive to separate function and extension container images. Follow the instructions in the README.md file in the GitHub repository.

For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Using AWS Lambda extensions to send logs to custom destinations

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-aws-lambda-extensions-to-send-logs-to-custom-destinations/

You can now send logs from AWS Lambda functions directly to a destination of your choice using AWS Lambda Extensions. Lambda Extensions are a new way for monitoring, observability, security, and governance tools to easily integrate with AWS Lambda. For more information, see “Introducing AWS Lambda Extensions – In preview”.

To help you troubleshoot failures in Lambda functions, AWS Lambda automatically captures and streams logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. This stream contains the logs that your function code and extensions generate, in addition to logs the Lambda service generates as part of the function invocation.

Previously, to send logs to a custom destination, you typically configure and operate a CloudWatch Log Group subscription. A different Lambda function forwards logs to the destination of your choice.

Logging tools, running as Lambda extensions, can now receive log streams directly from within the Lambda execution environment, and send them to any destination. This makes it even easier for you to use your preferred extensions for diagnostics.

Today, you can use extensions to send logs to Coralogix, Datadog, Honeycomb, Lumigo, New Relic, and Sumo Logic.


To receive logs, extensions subscribe using the new Lambda Logs API.

Lambda Logs API

Lambda Logs API

The Lambda service then streams the logs directly to the extension. The extension can then process, filter, and route them to any preferred destination. Lambda still sends the logs to CloudWatch Logs.

You deploy extensions, including ones that use the Logs API, as Lambda layers, with the AWS Management Console and AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). You can also use infrastructure as code tools such as AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), Serverless Framework, and Terraform.

Logging extensions from AWS Lambda Ready Partners and AWS Partners available at launch

Today, you can use logging extensions with the following tools:

  • The Datadog extension now makes it easier than ever to collect your serverless application logs for visualization, analysis, and archival. Paired with Datadog’s AWS integration, end-to-end distributed tracing, and real-time enhanced AWS Lambda metrics, you can proactively detect and resolve serverless issues at any scale.
  • Lumigo provides monitoring and debugging for modern cloud applications. With the open source extension from Lumigo, you can send Lambda function logs directly to an S3 bucket, unlocking new post processing use cases.
  • New Relic enables you to efficiently monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize your Lambda functions. New Relic’s extension allows you send your Lambda service platform logs directly to New Relic’s unified observability platform, allowing you to quickly visualize data with minimal latency and cost.
  • Coralogix is a log analytics and cloud security platform that empowers thousands of companies to improve security and accelerate software delivery, allowing you to get deep insights without paying for the noise. Coralogix can now read Lambda function logs and metrics directly, without using Cloudwatch or S3, reducing the latency, and cost of observability.
  • Honeycomb is a powerful observability tool that helps you debug your entire production app stack. Honeycomb’s extension decreases the overhead, latency, and cost of sending events to the Honeycomb service, while increasing reliability.
  • The Sumo Logic extension enables you to get instant visibility into the health and performance of your mission-critical applications using AWS Lambda. With this extension and Sumo Logic’s continuous intelligence platform, you can now ensure that all your Lambda functions are running as expected, by analyzing function, platform, and extension logs to quickly identify and remediate errors and exceptions.

You can also build and use your own logging extensions to integrate your organization’s tooling.

Showing a logging extension to send logs directly to S3

This demo shows an example of using a simple logging extension to send logs to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

To set up the example, visit the GitHub repo and follow the instructions in the README.md file.

The example extension runs a local HTTP endpoint listening for HTTP POST events. Lambda delivers log batches to this endpoint. The example creates an S3 bucket to store the logs. A Lambda function is configured with an environment variable to specify the S3 bucket name. Lambda streams the logs to the extension. The extension copies the logs to the S3 bucket.

Lambda environment variable specifying S3 bucket

Lambda environment variable specifying S3 bucket

The extension uses the Extensions API to register for INVOKE and SHUTDOWN events. The extension, using the Logs API, then subscribes to receive platform and function logs, but not extension logs.

As the example is an asynchronous system, logs for one invoke may be processed during the next invocation. Logs for the last invoke may be processed during the SHUTDOWN event.

Testing the function from the Lambda console, Lambda sends logs to CloudWatch Logs. The logs stream shows logs from the platform, function, and extension.

Lambda logs visible in CloudWatch Logs

Lambda logs visible in CloudWatch Logs

The logging extension also receives the log stream directly from Lambda, and copies the logs to S3.

Browsing to the S3 bucket, the log files are available.

S3 bucket containing copied logs

S3 bucket containing copied logs.

Downloading the file shows the log lines. The log contains the same platform and function logs, but not the extension logs, as specified during the subscription.

[{'time': '2020-11-12T14:55:06.560Z', 'type': 'platform.start', 'record': {'requestId': '49e64413-fd42-47ef-b130-6fd16f30148d', 'version': '$LATEST'}},
{'time': '2020-11-12T14:55:06.774Z', 'type': 'platform.logsSubscription', 'record': {'name': 'logs_api_http_extension.py', 'state': 'Subscribed', 'types': ['platform', 'function']}},
{'time': '2020-11-12T14:55:06.774Z', 'type': 'platform.extension', 'record': {'name': 'logs_api_http_extension.py', 'state': 'Ready', 'events': ['INVOKE', 'SHUTDOWN']}},
{'time': '2020-11-12T14:55:06.776Z', 'type': 'function', 'record': 'Function: Logging something which logging extension will send to S3\n'}, {'time': '2020-11-12T14:55:06.780Z', 'type': 'platform.end', 'record': {'requestId': '49e64413-fd42-47ef-b130-6fd16f30148d'}}, {'time': '2020-11-12T14:55:06.780Z', 'type': 'platform.report', 'record': {'requestId': '49e64413-fd42-47ef-b130-6fd16f30148d', 'metrics': {'durationMs': 4.96, 'billedDurationMs': 100, 'memorySizeMB': 128, 'maxMemoryUsedMB': 87, 'initDurationMs': 792.41}, 'tracing': {'type': 'X-Amzn-Trace-Id', 'value': 'Root=1-5fad4cc9-70259536495de84a2a6282cd;Parent=67286c49275ac0ad;Sampled=1'}}}]

Lambda has sent specific logs directly to the subscribed extension. The extension has then copied them directly to S3.

For more example log extensions, see the Github repository.

How do extensions receive logs?

Extensions start a local listener endpoint to receive the logs using one of the following protocols:

  1. TCP – Logs are delivered to a TCP port in Newline delimited JSON format (NDJSON).
  2. HTTP – Logs are delivered to a local HTTP endpoint through PUT or POST, as an array of records in JSON format. http://sandbox:${PORT}/${PATH}. The $PATH parameter is optional.

AWS recommends using an HTTP endpoint over TCP because HTTP tracks successful delivery of the log messages to the local endpoint that the extension sets up.

Once the endpoint is running, extensions use the Logs API to subscribe to any of three different logs streams:

  • Function logs that are generated by the Lambda function.
  • Lambda service platform logs (such as the START, END, and REPORT logs in CloudWatch Logs).
  • Extension logs that are generated by extension code.

The Lambda service then sends logs to endpoint subscribers inside of the execution environment only.

Even if an extension subscribes to one or more log streams, Lambda continues to send all logs to CloudWatch.

Performance considerations

Extensions share resources with the function, such as CPU, memory, disk storage, and environment variables. They also share permissions, using the same AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role as the function.

Log subscriptions consume memory resources as each subscription opens a new memory buffer to store the logs. This memory usage counts towards memory consumed within the Lambda execution environment.

For more information on resources, security and performance with extensions, see “Introducing AWS Lambda Extensions – In preview”.

What happens if Lambda cannot deliver logs to an extension?

The Lambda service stores logs before sending to CloudWatch Logs and any subscribed extensions. If Lambda cannot deliver logs to the extension, it automatically retries with backoff. If the log subscriber crashes, Lambda restarts the execution environment. The logs extension re-subscribes, and continues to receive logs.

When using an HTTP endpoint, Lambda continues to deliver logs from the last acknowledged delivery. With TCP, the extension may lose logs if an extension or the execution environment fails.

The Lambda service buffers logs in memory before delivery. The buffer size is proportional to the buffering configuration used in the subscription request. If an extension cannot process the incoming logs quickly enough, the buffer fills up. To reduce the likelihood of an out of memory event due to a slow extension, the Lambda service drops records and adds a platform.logsDropped log record to the affected extension to indicate the number of dropped records.

Disabling logging to CloudWatch Logs

Lambda continues to send logs to CloudWatch Logs even if extensions subscribe to the logs stream.

To disable logging to CloudWatch Logs for a particular function, you can amend the Lambda execution role to remove access to CloudWatch Logs.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
        "Effect": "Deny",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [

Logs are no longer delivered to CloudWatch Logs for functions using this role, but are still streamed to subscribed extensions. You are no longer billed for CloudWatch logging for these functions.


Logging extensions, like other extensions, share the same billing model as Lambda functions. When using Lambda functions with extensions, you pay for requests served and the combined compute time used to run your code and all extensions, in 100 ms increments. To learn more about the billing for extensions, visit the Lambda FAQs page.


Lambda extensions enable you to extend the Lambda service to more easily integrate with your favorite tools for monitoring, observability, security, and governance.

Extensions can now subscribe to receive log streams directly from the Lambda service, in addition to CloudWatch Logs. Today, you can install a number of available logging extensions from AWS Lambda Ready Partners and AWS Partners. Extensions make it easier to use your existing tools with your serverless applications.

To try the S3 demo logging extension, follow the instructions in the README.md file in the GitHub repository.

Extensions are now available in preview in all commercial regions other than the China regions.

For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Building Extensions for AWS Lambda – In preview

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-extensions-for-aws-lambda-in-preview/

AWS Lambda is announcing a preview of Lambda Extensions, a new way to easily integrate Lambda with your favorite monitoring, observability, security, and governance tools. Extensions enable tools to integrate deeply into the Lambda execution environment to control and participate in Lambda’s lifecycle. This simplified experience makes it easier for you to use your preferred tools across your application portfolio today.

In this post I explain how Lambda extensions work, the changes to the Lambda lifecycle, and how to build an extension. To learn how to use extensions with your functions, see the companion blog post “Introducing AWS Lambda extensions”.

Extensions are built using the new Lambda Extensions API, which provides a way for tools to get greater control during function initialization, invocation, and shut down. This API builds on the existing Lambda Runtime API, which enables you to bring custom runtimes to Lambda.

You can use extensions from AWS, AWS Lambda Ready Partners, and open source projects for use-cases such as application performance monitoring, secrets management, configuration management, and vulnerability detection. You can also build your own extensions to integrate your own tooling using the Extensions API.

There are extensions available today for AppDynamics, Check Point, Datadog, Dynatrace, Epsagon, HashiCorp, Lumigo, New Relic, Thundra, Splunk, AWS AppConfig, and Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights. For more details on these, see “Introducing AWS Lambda extensions”.

The Lambda execution environment

Lambda functions run in a sandboxed environment called an execution environment. This isolates them from other functions and provides the resources, such as memory, specified in the function configuration.

Lambda automatically manages the lifecycle of compute resources so that you pay for value. Between function invocations, the Lambda service freezes the execution environment. It is thawed if the Lambda service needs the execution environment for subsequent invocations.

Previously, only the runtime process could influence the lifecycle of the execution environment. It would communicate with the Runtime API, which provides an HTTP API endpoint within the execution environment to communicate with the Lambda service.

Lambda and Runtime API

Lambda and Runtime API

The runtime uses the API to request invocation events from Lambda and deliver them to the function code. It then informs the Lambda service when it has completed processing an event. The Lambda service then freezes the execution environment.

The runtime process previously exposed two distinct phases in the lifecycle of the Lambda execution environment: Init and Invoke.

1. Init: During the Init phase, the Lambda service initializes the runtime, and then runs the function initialization code (the code outside the main handler). The Init phase happens either during the first invocation, or in advance if Provisioned Concurrency is enabled.

2. Invoke: During the invoke phase, the runtime requests an invocation event from the Lambda service via the Runtime API, and invokes the function handler. It then returns the function response to the Runtime API.

After the function runs, the Lambda service freezes the execution environment and maintains it for some time in anticipation of another function invocation.

If the Lambda function does not receive any invokes for a period of time, the Lambda service shuts down and removes the environment.

Previous Lambda lifecycle

Previous Lambda lifecycle

With the addition of the Extensions API, extensions can now influence, control, and participate in the lifecycle of the execution environment. They can use the Extensions API to influence when the Lambda service freezes the execution environment.

AWS Lambda execution environment with the Extensions API

AWS Lambda execution environment with the Extensions API

Extensions are initialized before the runtime and the function. They then continue to run in parallel with the function, get greater control during function invocation, and can run logic during shut down.

Extensions allow integrations with the Lambda service by introducing the following changes to the Lambda lifecycle:

  1. An updated Init phase. There are now three discrete Init tasks: extensions Init, runtime Init, and function Init. This creates an order where extensions and the runtime can perform setup tasks before the function code runs.
  2. Greater control during invocation. During the invoke phase, as before, the runtime requests the invocation event and invokes the function handler. In addition, extensions can now request lifecycle events from the Lambda service. They can run logic in response to these lifecycle events, and respond to the Lambda service when they are done. The Lambda service freezes the execution environment when it hears back from the runtime and all extensions. In this way, extensions can influence the freeze/thaw behavior.
  3. Shutdown phase: we are now exposing the shutdown phase to let extensions stop cleanly when the execution environment shuts down. The Lambda service sends a shut down event, which tells the runtime and extensions that the environment is about to be shut down.
New Lambda lifecycle with extensions

New Lambda lifecycle with extensions

Each Lambda lifecycle phase starts with an event from the Lambda service to the runtime and all registered extensions. The runtime and extensions signal that they have completed by requesting the Next invocation event from the Runtime and Extensions APIs. Lambda freezes the execution environment and all extensions when there are no pending events.

Lambda lifecycle for execution environment, runtime, extensions, and function.png

Lambda lifecycle for execution environment, runtime, extensions, and function.png

For more information on the lifecycle phases and the Extensions API, see the documentation.

How are extensions delivered and run?

You deploy extensions as Lambda layers, which are ZIP archives containing shared libraries or other dependencies.

To add a layer, use the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or infrastructure as code tools such as AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), and Terraform.

When the Lambda service starts the function execution environment, it extracts the extension files from the Lambda layer into the /opt directory. Lambda then looks for any extensions in the /opt/extensions directory and starts initializing them. Extensions need to be executable as binaries or scripts. As the function code directory is read-only, extensions cannot modify function code.

Extensions can run in either of two modes, internal and external.

  • Internal extensions run as part of the runtime process, in-process with your code. They are not separate processes. Internal extensions allow you to modify the startup of the runtime process using language-specific environment variables and wrapper scripts. You can use language-specific environment variables to add options and tools to the runtime for Java Correto 8 and 11, Node.js 10 and 12, and .NET Core 3.1. Wrapper scripts allow you to delegate the runtime startup to your script to customize the runtime startup behavior. You can use wrapper scripts with Node.js 10 and 12, Python 3.8, Ruby 2.7, Java 8 and 11, and .NET Core 3.1. For more information, see “Modifying-the-runtime-environment”.
  • External extensions allow you to run separate processes from the runtime but still within the same execution environment as the Lambda function. External extensions can start before the runtime process, and can continue after the runtime shuts down. External extensions work with Node.js 10 and 12, Python 3.7 and 3.8, Ruby 2.5 and 2.7, Java Corretto 8 and 11, .NET Core 3.1, and custom runtimes.

External extensions can be written in a different language to the function. We recommend implementing external extensions using a compiled language as a self-contained binary. This makes the extension compatible with all of the supported runtimes. If you use a non-compiled language, ensure that you include a compatible runtime in the extension.

Extensions run in the same execution environment as the function, so share resources such as CPU, memory, and disk storage with the function. They also share environment variables, in addition to permissions, using the same AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role as the function.

For more details on resources, security, and performance with extensions, see the companion blog post “Introducing AWS Lambda extensions”.

For example extensions and wrapper scripts to help you build your own extensions, see the GitHub repository.

Showing extensions in action

The demo shows how external extensions integrate deeply with functions and the Lambda runtime. The demo creates an example Lambda function with a single extension using either the AWS CLI, or AWS SAM.

The example shows how an external extension can start before the runtime, run during the Lambda function invocation, and shut down after the runtime shuts down.

To set up the example, visit the GitHub repo, and follow the instructions in the README.md file.

The example Lambda function uses the custom provided.al2 runtime based on Amazon Linux 2. Using the custom runtime helps illustrate in more detail how the Lambda service, Runtime API, and the function communicate. The extension is delivered using a Lambda layer.

The runtime, function, and extension, log their status events to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The extension initializes as a separate process and waits to receive the function invocation event from the Extensions API. It then sleeps for 5 seconds before calling the API again to register to receive the next event. The extension sleep simulates the processing of a parallel process. This could, for example, collect telemetry data to send to an external observability service.

When the Lambda function is invoked, the extension, runtime and function perform the following steps. I walk through the steps using the log output.

1. The Lambda service adds the configured extension Lambda layer. It then searches the /opt/extensions folder, and finds an extension called extension1.sh. The extension executable launches before the runtime initializes. It registers with the Extensions API to receive INVOKE and SHUTDOWN events using the following API call.

curl -sS -LD "$HEADERS" -XPOST "http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2020-01-01/extension/register" --header "Lambda-Extension-Name: ${LAMBDA_EXTENSION_NAME}" -d "{ \"events\": [\"INVOKE\", \"SHUTDOWN\"]}" > $TMPFILE
Extension discovery, registration, and start

Extension discovery, registration, and start

2. The Lambda custom provided.al2 runtime initializes from the bootstrap file.

Runtime initialization

Runtime initialization

3. The runtime calls the Runtime API to get the next event using the following API call. The HTTP request is blocked until the event is received.

curl -sS -LD "$HEADERS" -X GET "http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2018-06-01/runtime/invocation/next" > $TMPFILE &

The extension calls the Extensions API and waits for the next event. The HTTP request is again blocked until one is received.

curl -sS -L -XGET "http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2020-01-01/extension/event/next" --header "Lambda-Extension-Identifier: ${EXTENSION_ID}" > $TMPFILE &
Runtime and extension call APIs to get the next event

Runtime and extension call APIs to get the next event

4. The Lambda service receives an invocation event. It sends the event payload to the runtime using the Runtime API. It sends an event to the extension informing it about the invocation, using the Extensions API.

Runtime and extension receive event

Runtime and extension receive event

5. The runtime invokes the function handler. The function receives the event payload.

Runtime invokes handler

Runtime invokes handler

6. The function runs the handler code. The Lambda runtime receives back the function response and sends it back to the Runtime API with the following API call.

curl -sS -X POST "http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2018-06-01/runtime/invocation/$REQUEST_ID/response" -d "$RESPONSE" > $TMPFILE
Runtime receives function response and sends to Runtime API

Runtime receives function response and sends to Runtime API

7. The Lambda runtime then waits for the next invocation event (warm start).

Runtime waits for next event

Runtime waits for next event

8. The extension continues processing for 5 seconds, simulating the processing of a companion process. The extension finishes, and uses the Extensions API to register again to wait for the next event.

Extension processing

Extension processing

9. The function invocation report is logged.

Function invocation report

Function invocation report

10. When Lambda is about to shut down the execution environment, it sends the Runtime API a shut down event.

Lambda runtime shut down event

Lambda runtime shut down event

11. Lambda then sends a shut down event to the extensions. The extension finishes processing and then shuts down after the runtime.

Lambda extension shut down event

Lambda extension shut down event

The demo shows the steps the runtime, function, and extensions take during the Lambda lifecycle.

An external extension registers and starts before the runtime. When Lambda receives an invocation event, it sends it to the runtime. It then sends an event to the extension informing it about the invocation. The runtime invokes the function handler, and the extension does its own processing of the event. The extension continues processing after the function invocation completes. When Lambda is about to shut down the execution environment, it sends a shut down event to the runtime. It then sends one to the extension, so it can finish processing.

To see a sequence diagram of this flow, see the Extensions API documentation.


Extensions share the same billing model as Lambda functions. When using Lambda functions with extensions, you pay for requests served and the combined compute time used to run your code and all extensions, in 100 ms increments. To learn more about the billing for extensions, visit the Lambda FAQs page.


Lambda extensions enable you to extend Lambda’s execution environment to more easily integrate with your favorite tools for monitoring, observability, security, and governance.

Extensions can run additional code; before, during, and after a function invocation. There are extensions available today from AWS Lambda Ready Partners. These cover use-cases such as application performance monitoring, secrets management, configuration management, and vulnerability detection. Extensions make it easier to use your existing tools with your serverless applications. For more information on the available extensions, see the companion post “Introducing Lambda Extensions – In preview“.

You can also build your own extensions to integrate your own tooling using the new Extensions API. For example extensions and wrapper scripts, see the GitHub repository.

Extensions are now available in preview in the following Regions: us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2, ca-central-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, eu-central-1, eu-north-1, eu-south-1, sa-east-1, me-south-1, ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-northeast-3, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-south-1, and ap-east-1.

For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Introducing AWS Lambda Extensions – In preview

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-aws-lambda-extensions-in-preview/

AWS Lambda is announcing a preview of Lambda Extensions, a new way to easily integrate Lambda with your favorite monitoring, observability, security, and governance tools. In this post I explain how Lambda extensions work, how you can begin using them, and the extensions from AWS Lambda Ready Partners that are available today.

Extensions help solve a common request from customers to make it easier to integrate their existing tools with Lambda. Previously, customers told us that integrating Lambda with their preferred tools required additional operational and configuration tasks. In addition, tools such as log agents, which are long-running processes, could not easily run on Lambda.

Extensions are a new way for tools to integrate deeply into the Lambda environment. There is no complex installation or configuration, and this simplified experience makes it easier for you to use your preferred tools across your application portfolio today. You can use extensions for use-cases such as:

  • capturing diagnostic information before, during, and after function invocation
  • automatically instrumenting your code without needing code changes
  • fetching configuration settings or secrets before the function invocation
  • detecting and alerting on function activity through hardened security agents, which can run as separate processes from the function

You can use extensions from AWS, AWS Lambda Ready Partners, and open source projects. There are extensions available today for AppDynamics, Check Point, Datadog, Dynatrace, Epsagon, HashiCorp, Lumigo, New Relic, Thundra, Splunk SignalFX, AWS AppConfig, and Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights.

You can learn how to build your own extensions, in the companion post “Building Extensions for AWS Lambda – In preview“.


Lambda Extensions is designed to be the easiest way to plug in the tools you use today without complex installation or configuration management. You deploy extensions as Lambda layers, with the AWS Management Console and AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). You can also use infrastructure as code tools such as AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), Serverless Framework, and Terraform. You can use Stackery to automate the integration of extensions from Epsagon, New Relic, Lumigo, and Thundra.

There are two components to the Lambda Extensions capability: the Extensions API and extensions themselves. Extensions are built using the new Lambda Extensions API which provides a way for tools to get greater control during function initialization, invocation, and shut down. This API builds on the existing Lambda Runtime API, which enables you to bring custom runtimes to Lambda.

AWS Lambda execution environment with the Extensions API

AWS Lambda execution environment with the Extensions API

Most customers will use extensions without needing to know about the capabilities of the Extensions API that enables them. You can just consume capabilities of an extension by configuring the options in your Lambda functions. Developers who build extensions use the Extensions API to register for function and execution environment lifecycle events.

Extensions can run in either of two modes – internal and external.

  • Internal extensions run as part of the runtime process, in-process with your code. They allow you to modify the startup of the runtime process using language-specific environment variables and wrapper scripts. Internal extensions enable use cases such as automatically instrumenting code.
  • External extensions allow you to run separate processes from the runtime but still within the same execution environment as the Lambda function. External extensions can start before the runtime process, and can continue after the runtime shuts down. External extensions enable use cases such as fetching secrets before the invocation, or sending telemetry to a custom destination outside of the function invocation. These extensions run as companion processes to Lambda functions.

For more information on the Extensions API and the changes to the Lambda lifecycle, see “Building Extensions for AWS Lambda – In preview

AWS Lambda Ready Partners extensions available at launch

Today, you can use extensions with the following AWS and AWS Lambda Ready Partner’s tools, and there are more to come:

  • AppDynamics provides end-to-end transaction tracing for AWS Lambda. With the AppDynamics extension, it is no longer mandatory for developers to include the AppDynamics tracer as a dependency in their function code, making tracing transactions across hybrid architectures even simpler.
  • The Datadog extension brings comprehensive, real-time visibility to your serverless applications. Combined with Datadog’s existing AWS integration, you get metrics, traces, and logs to help you monitor, detect, and resolve issues at any scale. The Datadog extension makes it easier than ever to get telemetry from your serverless workloads.
  • The Dynatrace extension makes it even easier to bring AWS Lambda metrics and traces into the Dynatrace platform for intelligent observability and automatic root cause detection. Get comprehensive, end-to-end observability with the flip of a switch and no code changes.
  • Epsagon helps you monitor, troubleshoot, and lower the cost for your Lambda functions. Epsagon’s extension reduces the overhead of sending traces to the Epsagon service, with minimal performance impact to your function.
  • HashiCorp Vault allows you to secure, store, and tightly control access to your application’s secrets and sensitive data. With the Vault extension, you can now authenticate and securely retrieve dynamic secrets before your Lambda function invokes.
  • Lumigo provides a monitoring and observability platform for serverless and microservices applications. The Lumigo extension enables the new Lumigo Lambda Profiler to see a breakdown of function resources, including CPU, memory, and network metrics. Receive actionable insights to reduce Lambda runtime duration and cost, fix bottlenecks, and increase efficiency.
  • Check Point CloudGuard provides full lifecycle security for serverless applications. The CloudGuard extension enables Function Self Protection data aggregation as an out-of-process extension, providing detection and alerting on application layer attacks.
  • New Relic provides a unified observability experience for your entire software stack. The New Relic extension uses a simpler companion process to report function telemetry data. This also requires fewer AWS permissions to add New Relic to your application.
  • Thundra provides an application debugging, observability and security platform for serverless, container and virtual machine (VM) workloads. The Thundra extension adds asynchronous telemetry reporting functionality to the Thundra agents, getting rid of network latency.
  • Splunk offers an enterprise-grade cloud monitoring solution for real-time full-stack visibility at scale. The Splunk extension provides a simplified runtime-independent interface to collect high-resolution observability data with minimal overhead. Monitor, manage, and optimize the performance and cost of your serverless applications with Splunk Observability solutions.
  • AWS AppConfig helps you manage, store, and safely deploy application configurations to your hosts at runtime. The AWS AppConfig extension integrates Lambda and AWS AppConfig seamlessly. Lambda functions have simple access to external configuration settings quickly and easily. Developers can now dynamically change their Lambda function’s configuration safely using robust validation features.
  • Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights enables you to efficiently monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Lambda functions. The Lambda Insights extension simplifies the collection, visualization, and investigation of detailed compute performance metrics, errors, and logs. You can more easily isolate and correlate performance problems to optimize your Lambda environments.

You can also build and use your own extensions to integrate your organization’s tooling. For instance, the Cloud Foundations team at Square has built their own extension. They say:

The Cloud Foundations team at Square works to make the cloud accessible and secure. We partnered with the Security Infrastructure team, who builds infrastructure to secure Square’s sensitive data, to enable serverless applications at Square,​ and ​provide mTLS identities to Lambda​.

Since beginning work on Lambda, we have focused on creating a streamlined developer experience. Teams adopting Lambda need to learn a lot about AWS, and we see extensions as a way to abstract away common use cases. For our initial exploration, we wanted to make accessing secrets easy, as with our current tools each Lambda function usually pulls 3-5 secrets.

The extension we built and open source fetches secrets on cold starts, before the Lambda function is invoked. Each function includes a configuration file that specifies which secrets to pull. We knew this configuration was key, as Lambda functions should only be doing work they need to do. The secrets are cached in the local /tmp directory, which the function reads when it needs the secret data. This makes Lambda functions not only faster, but reduces the amount of code for accessing secrets.

Showing extensions in action with AWS AppConfig

This demo shows an example of using the AWS AppConfig with a Lambda function. AWS AppConfig is a capability of AWS Systems Manager to create, manage, and quickly deploy application configurations. It lets you dynamically deploy external configuration without having to redeploy your applications. As AWS AppConfig has robust validation features, all configuration changes can be tested safely before rolling out to your applications.

AWS AppConfig has an available extension which gives Lambda functions access to external configuration settings quickly and easily. The extension runs a separate local process to retrieve and cache configuration data from the AWS AppConfig service. The function code can then fetch configuration data faster using a local call rather than over the network.

To set up the example, visit the GitHub repo and follow the instructions in the README.md file.

The example creates an AWS AppConfig application, environment, and configuration profile. It stores a loglevel value, initially set to normal.

AWS AppConfig application, environment, and configuration profile

AWS AppConfig application, environment, and configuration profile

An AWS AppConfig deployment runs to roll out the initial configuration.

AWS AppConfig deployment

AWS AppConfig deployment

The example contains two Lambda functions that include the AWS AppConfig extension. For a list of the layers that have the AppConfig extension, see the blog post “AWS AppConfig Lambda Extension”.

As extensions share the same permissions as Lambda functions, the functions have execution roles that allow access to retrieve the AWS AppConfig configuration.

Lambda function add layer

Lambda function add layer

The functions use the extension to retrieve the loglevel value from AWS AppConfig, returning the value as a response. In a production application, this value could be used within function code to determine what level of information to send to CloudWatch Logs. For example, to troubleshoot an application issue, you can change the loglevel value centrally. Subsequent function invocations for both functions use the updated value.

Both Lambda functions are configured with an environment variable that specifies which AWS AppConfig configuration profile and value to use.

Lambda environment variable specifying AWS AppConfig profile

Lambda environment variable specifying AWS AppConfig profile

The functions also return whether the invocation is a cold start.

Running the functions with a test payload returns the loglevel value normal. The first invocation is a cold start.

  "event": {
    "hello": "world"
  "ColdStart": true,
  "LogLevel": "normal"

Subsequent invocations return the same value with ColdStart set to false.

  "event": {
    "hello": "world"
  "ColdStart": false,
  "LogLevel": "normal"

Create a new AWS Config hosted configuration profile version setting the loglevel value to verbose. Run a new AWS AppConfig deployment to update the value. The extension for both functions retrieves the new value. The function configuration itself is not changed.

Running another test invocation for both functions returns the updated value still without a cold start.

  "event": {
    "hello": "world"
  "ColdStart": false,
  "LogLevel": "verbose"

AWS AppConfig has worked seamlessly with Lambda to update a dynamic external configuration setting for multiple Lambda functions without having to redeploy the function configuration.

The only function configuration required is to add the layer which contains the AWS AppConfig extension.


Extensions share the same billing model as Lambda functions. When using Lambda functions with extensions, you pay for requests served and the combined compute time used to run your code and all extensions, in 100 ms increments. To learn more about the billing for extensions, visit the Lambda FAQs page.

Resources, security, and performance with extensions

Extensions run in the same execution environment as the function code. Therefore, they share resources with the function, such as CPU, memory, disk storage, and environment variables. They also share permissions, using the same AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role as the function.

You can configure up to 10 extensions per function, using up to five layers at a time. Multiple extensions can be included in a single layer.

The size of the extensions counts towards the deployment package limit. This cannot exceed the unzipped deployment package size limit of 250 MB.

External extensions are initialized before the runtime is started so can increase the delay before the function is invoked. Today, the function invocation response is returned after all extensions have completed. An extension that takes time to complete can increase the delay before the function response is returned. If an extension performs compute-intensive operations, function execution duration may increase. To measure the additional time the extension runs after the function invocation, use the new PostRuntimeExtensionsDuration CloudWatch metric to measure the extra time the extension takes after the function execution. To understand the impact of a specific extension, you can use the Duration and MaxMemoryUsed CloudWatch metrics, and run different versions of your function with and without the extension. Adding more memory to a function also proportionally increases CPU and network throughput.

The function and all extensions must complete within the function’s configured timeout setting which applies to the entire invoke phase.


Lambda extensions enable you to extend the Lambda service to more easily integrate with your favorite tools for monitoring, observability, security, and governance.

Today, you can install a number of available extensions from AWS Lambda Ready Partners. These cover use-cases such as application performance monitoring, secrets management, configuration management, and vulnerability detection. Extensions make it easier to use your existing tools with your serverless applications.

You can also build extensions to integrate your own tooling using the new Extensions API. For more information, see the companion post “Building Extensions for AWS Lambda – In preview“.

Extensions are now available in preview in the following Regions: us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2, ca-central-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, eu-central-1, eu-north-1, eu-south-1, sa-east-1, me-south-1, ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-northeast-3, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-south-1, and ap-east-1.

For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.