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Enhance container software supply chain visibility through SBOM export with Amazon Inspector and QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Jason Ng original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/enhance-container-software-supply-chain-visibility-through-sbom-export-with-amazon-inspector-and-quicksight/

In this post, I’ll show how you can export software bills of materials (SBOMs) for your containers by using an AWS native service, Amazon Inspector, and visualize the SBOMs through Amazon QuickSight, providing a single-pane-of-glass view of your organization’s software supply chain.

The concept of a bill of materials (BOM) originated in the manufacturing industry in the early 1960s. It was used to keep track of the quantities of each material used to manufacture a completed product. If parts were found to be defective, engineers could then use the BOM to identify products that contained those parts. An SBOM extends this concept to software development, allowing engineers to keep track of vulnerable software packages and quickly remediate the vulnerabilities.

Today, most software includes open source components. A Synopsys study, Walking the Line: GitOps and Shift Left Security, shows that 8 in 10 organizations reported using open source software in their applications. Consider a scenario in which you specify an open source base image in your Dockerfile but don’t know what packages it contains. Although this practice can significantly improve developer productivity and efficiency, the decreased visibility makes it more difficult for your organization to manage risk effectively.

It’s important to track the software components and their versions that you use in your applications, because a single affected component used across multiple organizations could result in a major security impact. According to a Gartner report titled Gartner Report for SBOMs: Key Takeaways You Should know, by 2025, 60 percent of organizations building or procuring critical infrastructure software will mandate and standardize SBOMs in their software engineering practice, up from less than 20 percent in 2022. This will help provide much-needed visibility into software supply chain security.

Integrating SBOM workflows into the software development life cycle is just the first step—visualizing SBOMs and being able to search through them quickly is the next step. This post describes how to process the generated SBOMs and visualize them with Amazon QuickSight. AWS also recently added SBOM export capability in Amazon Inspector, which offers the ability to export SBOMs for Amazon Inspector monitored resources, including container images.

Why is vulnerability scanning not enough?

Scanning and monitoring vulnerable components that pose cybersecurity risks is known as vulnerability scanning, and is fundamental to organizations for ensuring a strong and solid security posture. Scanners usually rely on a database of known vulnerabilities, the most common being the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database.

Identifying vulnerable components with a scanner can prevent an engineer from deploying affected applications into production. You can embed scanning into your continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines so that images with known vulnerabilities don’t get pushed into your image repository. However, what if a new vulnerability is discovered but has not been added to the CVE records yet? A good example of this is the Apache Log4j vulnerability, which was first disclosed on Nov 24, 2021 and only added as a CVE on Dec 1, 2021. This means that for 7 days, scanners that relied on the CVE system weren’t able to identify affected components within their organizations. This issue is known as a zero-day vulnerability. Being able to quickly identify vulnerable software components in your applications in such situations would allow you to assess the risk and come up with a mitigation plan without waiting for a vendor or supplier to provide a patch.

In addition, it’s also good hygiene for your organization to track usage of software packages, which provides visibility into your software supply chain. This can improve collaboration between developers, operations, and security teams, because they’ll have a common view of every software component and can collaborate effectively to address security threats.

In this post, I present a solution that uses the new Amazon Inspector feature to export SBOMs from container images, process them, and visualize the data in QuickSight. This gives you the ability to search through your software inventory on a dashboard and to use natural language queries through QuickSight Q, in order to look for vulnerabilities.

Solution overview

Figure 1 shows the architecture of the solution. It is fully serverless, meaning there is no underlying infrastructure you need to manage. This post uses a newly released feature within Amazon Inspector that provides the ability to export a consolidated SBOM for Amazon Inspector monitored resources across your organization in commonly used formats, including CycloneDx and SPDX.

Figure 1: Solution architecture diagram

Figure 1: Solution architecture diagram

The workflow in Figure 1 is as follows:

  1. The image is pushed into Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), which sends an Amazon EventBridge event.
  2. This invokes an AWS Lambda function, which starts the SBOM generation job for the specific image.
  3. When the job completes, Amazon Inspector deposits the SBOM file in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  4. Another Lambda function is invoked whenever a new JSON file is deposited. The function performs the data transformation steps and uploads the new file into a new S3 bucket.
  5. Amazon Athena is then used to perform preliminary data exploration.
  6. A dashboard on Amazon QuickSight displays SBOM data.

Implement the solution

This section describes how to deploy the solution architecture.

In this post, you’ll perform the following tasks:

  • Create S3 buckets and AWS KMS keys to store the SBOMs
  • Create an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository
  • Deploy two AWS Lambda functions to initiate the SBOM generation and transformation
  • Set up Amazon EventBridge rules to invoke Lambda functions upon image push into Amazon ECR
  • Run AWS Glue crawlers to crawl the transformed SBOM S3 bucket
  • Run Amazon Athena queries to review SBOM data
  • Create QuickSight dashboards to identify libraries and packages
  • Use QuickSight Q to identify libraries and packages by using natural language queries

Deploy the CloudFormation stack

The AWS CloudFormation template we’ve provided provisions the S3 buckets that are required for the storage of raw SBOMs and transformed SBOMs, the Lambda functions necessary to initiate and process the SBOMs, and EventBridge rules to run the Lambda functions based on certain events. An empty repository is provisioned as part of the stack, but you can also use your own repository.

To deploy the CloudFormation stack

  1. Download the CloudFormation template.
  2. Browse to the CloudFormation service in your AWS account and choose Create Stack.
  3. Upload the CloudFormation template you downloaded earlier.
  4. For the next step, Specify stack details, enter a stack name.
  5. You can keep the default value of sbom-inspector for EnvironmentName.
  6. Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user or role to be the admin for the KMS key.
  7. Deploy the stack.

Set up Amazon Inspector

If this is the first time you’re using Amazon Inspector, you need to activate the service. In the Getting started with Amazon Inspector topic in the Amazon Inspector User Guide, follow Step 1 to activate the service. This will take some time to complete.

Figure 2: Activate Amazon Inspector

Figure 2: Activate Amazon Inspector

SBOM invocation and processing Lambda functions

This solution uses two Lambda functions written in Python to perform the invocation task and the transformation task.

  • Invocation task — This function is run whenever a new image is pushed into Amazon ECR. It takes in the repository name and image tag variables and passes those into the create_sbom_export function in the SPDX format. This prevents duplicated SBOMs, which helps to keep the S3 data size small.
  • Transformation task — This function is run whenever a new file with the suffix .json is added to the raw S3 bucket. It creates two files, as follows:
    1. It extracts information such as image ARN, account number, package, package version, operating system, and SHA from the SBOM and exports this data to the transformed S3 bucket under a folder named sbom/.
    2. Because each package can have more than one CVE, this function also extracts the CVE from each package and stores it in the same bucket in a directory named cve/. Both files are exported in Apache Parquet so that the file is in a format that is optimized for queries by Amazon Athena.

Populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog

To populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog, you need to generate the SBOM files by using the Lambda functions that were created earlier.

To populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog

  1. You can use an existing image, or you can continue on to create a sample image.
  2. Open an AWS Cloudshell terminal.
  3. Run the follow commands
    # Pull the nginx image from a public repo
    docker pull public.ecr.aws/nginx/nginx:1.19.10-alpine-perl
    docker tag public.ecr.aws/nginx/nginx:1.19.10-alpine-perl <ACCOUNT-ID>.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/sbom-inspector:nginxperl
    # Authenticate to ECR, fill in your account id
    aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <ACCOUNT-ID>.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    # Push the image into ECR
    docker push <ACCOUNT-ID>.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/sbom-inspector:nginxperl

  4. An image is pushed into the Amazon ECR repository in your account. This invokes the Lambda functions that perform the SBOM export by using Amazon Inspector and converts the SBOM file to Parquet.
  5. Verify that the Parquet files are in the transformed S3 bucket:
    1. Browse to the S3 console and choose the bucket named sbom-inspector-<ACCOUNT-ID>-transformed. You can also track the invocation of each Lambda function in the Amazon CloudWatch log console.
    2. After the transformation step is complete, you will see two folders (cve/ and sbom/)in the transformed S3 bucket. Choose the sbom folder. You will see the transformed Parquet file in it. If there are CVEs present, a similar file will appear in the cve folder.

    The next step is to run an AWS Glue crawler to determine the format, schema, and associated properties of the raw data. You will need to crawl both folders in the transformed S3 bucket and store the schema in separate tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

  6. On the AWS Glue Service console, on the left navigation menu, choose Crawlers.
  7. On the Crawlers page, choose Create crawler. This starts a series of pages that prompt you for the crawler details.
  8. In the Crawler name field, enter sbom-crawler, and then choose Next.
  9. Under Data sources, select Add a data source.
  10. Now you need to point the crawler to your data. On the Add data source page, choose the Amazon S3 data store. This solution in this post doesn’t use a connection, so leave the Connection field blank if it’s visible.
  11. For the option Location of S3 data, choose In this account. Then, for S3 path, enter the path where the crawler can find the sbom and cve data, which is s3://sbom-inspector-<ACCOUNT-ID>-transformed/sbom/ and s3://sbom-inspector-<ACCOUNT-ID>-transformed/cve/. Leave the rest as default and select Add an S3 data source.
    Figure 3: Data source for AWS Glue crawler

    Figure 3: Data source for AWS Glue crawler

  12. The crawler needs permissions to access the data store and create objects in the Data Catalog. To configure these permissions, choose Create an IAM role. The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role name starts with AWSGlueServiceRole-, and in the field, you enter the last part of the role name. Enter sbomcrawler, and then choose Next.
  13. Crawlers create tables in your Data Catalog. Tables are contained in a database in the Data Catalog. To create a database, choose Add database. In the pop-up window, enter sbom-db for the database name, and then choose Create.
  14. Verify the choices you made in the Add crawler wizard. If you see any mistakes, you can choose Back to return to previous pages and make changes. After you’ve reviewed the information, choose Finish to create the crawler.
    Figure 4: Creation of the AWS Glue crawler

    Figure 4: Creation of the AWS Glue crawler

  15. Select the newly created crawler and choose Run.
  16. After the crawler runs successfully, verify that the table is created and the data schema is populated.
    Figure 5: Table populated from the AWS Glue crawler

    Figure 5: Table populated from the AWS Glue crawler

Set up Amazon Athena

Amazon Athena performs the initial data exploration and validation. Athena is a serverless interactive analytics service built on open source frameworks that supports open-table and file formats. Athena provides a simplified, flexible way to analyze data in sources like Amazon S3 by using standard SQL queries. If you are SQL proficient, you can query the data source directly; however, not everyone is familiar with SQL. In this section, you run a sample query and initialize the service so that it can used in QuickSight later on.

To start using Amazon Athena

  1. In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Athena console.
  2. For Database, select sbom-db (or select the database you created earlier in the crawler).
  3. Navigate to the Settings tab located at the top right corner of the console. For Query result location, select the Athena S3 bucket created from the CloudFormation template, sbom-inspector-<ACCOUNT-ID>-athena.
  4. Keep the defaults for the rest of the settings. You can now return to the Query Editor and start writing and running your queries on the sbom-db database.

You can use the following sample query.

select package, packageversion, cve, sha, imagearn from sbom
left join cve
using (sha, package, packageversion)
where cve is not null;

Your Athena console should look similar to the screenshot in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Sample query with Amazon Athena

Figure 6: Sample query with Amazon Athena

This query joins the two tables and selects only the packages with CVEs identified. Alternatively, you can choose to query for specific packages or identify the most common package used in your organization.

Sample output:

# package packageversion cve sha imagearn

Visualize data with Amazon QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight is a serverless business intelligence service that is designed for the cloud. In this post, it serves as a dashboard that allows business users who are unfamiliar with SQL to identify zero-day vulnerabilities. This can also reduce the operational effort and time of having to look through several JSON documents to identify a single package across your image repositories. You can then share the dashboard across teams without having to share the underlying data.

QuickSight SPICE (Super-fast, Parallel, In-memory Calculation Engine) is an in-memory engine that QuickSight uses to perform advanced calculations. In a large organization where you could have millions of SBOM records stored in S3, importing your data into SPICE helps to reduce the time to process and serve the data. You can also use the feature to perform a scheduled refresh to obtain the latest data from S3.

QuickSight also has a feature called QuickSight Q. With QuickSightQ, you can use natural language to interact with your data. If this is the first time you are initializing QuickSight, subscribe to QuickSight and select Enterprise + Q. It will take roughly 20–30 minutes to initialize for the first time. Otherwise, if you are already using QuickSight, you will need to enable QuickSight Q by subscribing to it in the QuickSight console.

Finally, in QuickSight you can select different data sources, such as Amazon S3 and Athena, to create custom visualizations. In this post, we will use the two Athena tables as the data source to create a dashboard to keep track of the packages used in your organization and the resulting CVEs that come with them.

Prerequisites for setting up the QuickSight dashboard

This process will be used to create the QuickSight dashboard from a template already pre-provisioned through the command line interface (CLI). It also grants the necessary permissions for QuickSight to access the data source. You will need the following:

  • AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) programmatic access with read and write permissions to QuickSight.
  • A QuickSight + Q subscription (only if you want to use the Q feature).
  • QuickSight permissions to Amazon S3 and Athena (enable these through the QuickSight security and permissions interface).
  • Set the default AWS Region where you want to deploy the QuickSight dashboard. This post assumes that you’re using the us-east-1 Region.

Create datasets

In QuickSight, create two datasets, one for the sbom table and another for the cve table.

  1. In the QuickSight console, select the Dataset tab.
  2. Choose Create dataset, and then select the Athena data source.
  3. Name the data source sbom and choose Create data source.
  4. Select the sbom table.
  5. Choose Visualize to complete the dataset creation. (Delete the analyses automatically created for you because you will create your own analyses afterwards.)
  6. Navigate back to the main QuickSight page and repeat steps 1–4 for the cve dataset.

Merge datasets

Next, merge the two datasets to create the combined dataset that you will use for the dashboard.

  1. On the Datasets tab, edit the sbom dataset and add the cve dataset.
  2. Set three join clauses, as follows:
    1. Sha : Sha
    2. Package : Package
    3. Packageversion : Packageversion
  3. Perform a left merge, which will append the cve ID to the package and package version in the sbom dataset.
    Figure 7: Combining the sbom and cve datasets

    Figure 7: Combining the sbom and cve datasets

Next, you will create a dashboard based on the combined sbom dataset.

Prepare configuration files

In your terminal, export the following variables. Substitute <QuickSight username> in the QS_USER_ARN variable with your own username, which can be found in the Amazon QuickSight console.

export ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query Account)
export TEMPLATE_ID=”sbom_dashboard”
export QS_USER_ARN=$(aws quicksight describe-user --aws-account-id $ACCOUNT_ID --namespace default --user-name <QuickSight username> | jq .User.Arn)
export QS_DATA_ARN=$(aws quicksight search-data-sets --aws-account-id $ACCOUNT_ID --filters Name="DATASET_NAME",Operator="StringLike",Value="sbom" | jq .DataSetSummaries[0].Arn)

Validate that the variables are set properly. This is required for you to move on to the next step; otherwise you will run into errors.

echo ACCOUNT_ID is $ACCOUNT_ID || echo ACCOUNT_ID is not set
echo TEMPLATE_ID is $TEMPLATE_ID || echo TEMPLATE_ID is not set

Next, use the following commands to create the dashboard from a predefined template and create the IAM permissions needed for the user to view the QuickSight dashboard.

cat < ./dashboard.json
    "SourceTemplate": {
      "DataSetReferences": [
          "DataSetPlaceholder": "sbom",
          "DataSetArn": $QS_DATA_ARN
      "Arn": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:293424211206:template/sbom_qs_template"

cat < ./dashboardpermissions.json
      "Principal": $QS_USER_ARN,
      "Actions": [

Run the following commands to create the dashboard in your QuickSight console.

aws quicksight create-dashboard --aws-account-id $ACCOUNT_ID --dashboard-id $ACCOUNT_ID --name sbom-dashboard --source-entity file://dashboard.json

Note: Run the following describe-dashboard command, and confirm that the response contains a status code of 200. The 200-status code means that the dashboard exists.

aws quicksight describe-dashboard --aws-account-id $ACCOUNT_ID --dashboard-id $ACCOUNT_ID

Use the following update-dashboard-permissions AWS CLI command to grant the appropriate permissions to QuickSight users.

aws quicksight update-dashboard-permissions --aws-account-id $ACCOUNT_ID --dashboard-id $ACCOUNT_ID --grant-permissions file://dashboardpermissions.json

You should now be able to see the dashboard in your QuickSight console, similar to the one in Figure 8. It’s an interactive dashboard that shows you the number of vulnerable packages you have in your repositories and the specific CVEs that come with them. You can navigate to the specific image by selecting the CVE (middle right bar chart) or list images with a specific vulnerable package (bottom right bar chart).

Note: You won’t see the exact same graph as in Figure 8. It will change according to the image you pushed in.

Figure 8: QuickSight dashboard containing SBOM information

Figure 8: QuickSight dashboard containing SBOM information

Alternatively, you can use QuickSight Q to extract the same information from your dataset through natural language. You will need to create a topic and add the dataset you added earlier. For detailed information on how to create a topic, see the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. After QuickSight Q has completed indexing the dataset, you can start to ask questions about your data.

Figure 9: Natural language query with QuickSight Q

Figure 9: Natural language query with QuickSight Q


This post discussed how you can use Amazon Inspector to export SBOMs to improve software supply chain transparency. Container SBOM export should be part of your supply chain mitigation strategy and monitored in an automated manner at scale.

Although it is a good practice to generate SBOMs, it would provide little value if there was no further analysis being done on them. This solution enables you to visualize your SBOM data through a dashboard and natural language, providing better visibility into your security posture. Additionally, this solution is also entirely serverless, meaning there are no agents or sidecars to set up.

To learn more about exporting SBOMs with Amazon Inspector, see the Amazon Inspector User Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Jason Ng

Jason Ng

Jason is a Cloud Sales Center Solutions Architect at AWS. He works with enterprise and independent software vendor (ISV) greenfield customers in ASEAN countries and is part of the Containers Technical Field Community (TFC). He enjoys helping customers modernize their applications, drive growth, and reduce total cost of ownership.

How to set up and track SLAs for resolving Security Hub findings

Post Syndicated from Maisie Fernandes original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-set-up-and-track-slas-for-resolving-security-hub-findings/

Your organization can use AWS Security Hub to gain a comprehensive view of your security and compliance posture across your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. Security Hub receives security findings from AWS security services and supported third-party products and centralizes them, providing a single view for identifying and analyzing security issues. Security Hub correlates findings and breaks them down into five severity categories: INFORMATIONAL, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, and CRITICAL. In this blog post, we provide step-by-step instructions for tracking Security Hub findings in each severity category against service-level agreements (SLAs) through visual dashboards.

SLAs are defined collaboratively by the Business, IT, and Security and Compliance teams within an organization. You can track Security Hub findings against your specific SLAs, and any findings that are in breach of an SLA can be escalated. You can also apply automation to alert the owners of the resources and remediate common security findings to improve your overall security posture.


Security Hub uses service-linked AWS Config rules to perform security checks behind the scenes. To support these controls, you must enable AWS Config on all accounts, including the administrator and member accounts, in each AWS Region where Security Hub is enabled.

As a best practice, we recommend that you enable AWS Config and Security Hub across all of your accounts and Regions. For more information on how to do this, see Enabling and configuring AWS Config and Setting up Security Hub.

Solution overview

In this solution, you will learn two different ways to track your findings in Security Hub against the pre-defined SLA for each severity category.

Option 1: Use custom insights

Security Hub offers managed insights, which include a collection of related findings that identify a security issue that requires attention and intervention. You can view and take action on the insight findings. In addition to the managed insights, you can create custom insights to track issues and findings related to your resources in your environment.

Create a custom insight for SLA tracking

In this example, you set an SLA of 30 days for HIGH severity findings. This example will provide you with a view of the HIGH severity findings that were generated within the last 30 days and haven’t been resolved.

To create a custom insight to view HIGH severity findings from the last 30 days

  1. In the Security Hub console, in the left navigation pane, choose Insights.
  2. On the Insights page, choose Create insight, as shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 1: Create insight in the Security Hub console

    Figure 1: Create insight in the Security Hub console

  3. On the Create insight page, in the search box, leave the following default filters: Workflow status is NEW, Workflow status is NOTIFIED, and Record state is ACTIVE, as show in Figure 2.
  4. To select the required grouping attribute for the insight, choose the search box to display the filter options. In the search box, choose the following filters and settings:
    1. Choose the Group by filter, and select WorkflowStatus.
      Figure 2: Create insights using filters

      Figure 2: Create insights using filters

    2. Choose the Severity label filter and enter HIGH.
    3. Choose the Created at filter and enter 30 to indicate the number of days you want to set as your SLA.
  5. Choose Create insight again.
  6. For Insight name, enter a meaningful name (for this example, we entered UnresolvedHighSevFindings), and then choose Create insight again.

You can repeat the same steps for other finding severities – CRITICAL, MEDIUM, LOW, and INFORMATIONAL; you can change the number of days you specify for the Created at filter to meet your SLA requirements; or specify different workflow status settings. Note that the workflow status can have the following values:

  • NEW – The initial state of a finding before you review it.
  • NOTIFIED – Indicates that the resource owner has been notified about the security issue.
  • SUPPRESSED – Indicates that you have reviewed the finding and no action is required.
  • RESOLVED – Indicates that the finding has been reviewed and remediated.

Your custom insight will show the findings that meet the criteria you defined. For more information about creating custom insights, see Module 2: Custom Insights in the Security Hub Workshop.

Option 2: Build visualizations for Security Hub findings data by using Amazon QuickSight

We hear from our customers that your organizations are looking for a solution where you can quickly visualize the status of your Security Hub findings, to see which findings you need to take action on (NEW and NOTIFIED) and which you do not (SUPPRESSED and RESOLVED). You can achieve this by building a data analytics pipeline that uses Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Athena, and Amazon QuickSight. The data analytics pipeline enables you to detect, analyze, contain, and mitigate issues quickly.

This solution integrates Security Hub with EventBridge to set SLA rules to a specified period of your choice for each severity level. For example, you can set the SLA to 5 days for CRITICAL severity findings, 10 days for HIGH severity findings, 14 days for MEDIUM severity findings, 30 days for LOW severity findings, and 60 days for INFORMATIONAL severity findings.

Architecture overview

Figure 3 shows the architectural overview of the QuickSight solution workflow.

Figure 3: Architecture diagram for option 2, the QuickSight solution

Figure 3: Architecture diagram for option 2, the QuickSight solution

In the QuickSight solution, Security Hub publishes the findings to EventBridge, and then an EventBridge rule (based on the SLA) is configured to deliver the findings to Kinesis Data Firehose. For example, if the SLA is 14 days for all MEDIUM severity findings, then those findings will be filtered by the rule and sent to Kinesis Data Firehose. Security Hub findings follow the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF).

The following is a sample EventBridge rule that filters the Security Hub findings for MEDIUM severity and workflow status NEW, before publishing the findings to Kinesis Data Firehose, and then finally to Amazon S3 for storage. A workflow status of NEW and NOTIFIED should be included to catch all findings that require action.

  "source": ["aws.securityhub"],
  "detail-type": ["Security Hub Findings - Imported"],
  "detail": {
    "findings": {
      "Severity": {
        "Label": ["MEDIUM"]
      "Workflow": {
        "Status": ["NEW"]

After the findings are exported and stored in Amazon S3, you can use Athena to run queries on the data and you can use Amazon QuickSight to display the findings that violate your organization’s SLA. With Athena, you can create views of the original table as a logical table. You can also create a view for CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, and INFORMATIONAL severity findings.

For details about how to export findings and build a dashboard, see the blog post How to build a multi-Region AWS Security Hub analytic pipeline and visualize Security Hub data.

Visualize an SLA by using QuickSight

The QuickSight dashboard shown in Figure 4 is an example that shows all the MEDIUM severity findings that should be resolved within a 14 day SLA.

Figure 4: QuickSight table showing medium severity findings over a 14-day SLA

Figure 4: QuickSight table showing medium severity findings over a 14-day SLA

Using QuickSight, you can create different types of data visualizations to represent the exported Security Hub findings, which enables the decision makers in your organization to explore and interpret information in an interactive visual environment. For example, Figure 5 shows findings categorized by service.

Figure 5: QuickSight visual showing MEDIUM severity findings for each service

Figure 5: QuickSight visual showing MEDIUM severity findings for each service

As another example, Figure 6 shows findings categorized by severity.

Figure 6: QuickSight visual showing findings by severity

Figure 6: QuickSight visual showing findings by severity

For more information about visualizing Security Hub findings by using Amazon OpenSearch Service and Kibana, see the blog post Visualize Security Hub Findings using Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools.

Changing a finding’s severity

Over time, your organization might discover that there are certain findings that should be tracked at a lower or higher severity level than what is auto-generated from Security Hub. You can implement EventBridge rules with AWS Lambda functions to automatically update the severity of the findings as soon as they are generated.

To automate the finding severity change

  1. On the EventBridge console, create an EventBridge rule. For detailed instructions, see Getting started with Amazon EventBridge.
    Figure 7: Create an EventBridge rule in the console

    Figure 7: Create an EventBridge rule in the console

  2. Define the event pattern, including the finding generator ID or any other identifying fields for which you want to redefine the severity. Review the fields in the format, and choose your desired filters. The following is a sample of the event pattern.
      "source": ["aws.securityhub"],
      "detail-type": ["Security Hub Findings - Imported"],
      "detail": {
        "findings": {
            "GeneratorId": [
          "RecordState": ["ACTIVE"],
          "Workflow": {
            "Status": ["NEW"]

  3. Specify the target as a Lambda function that will host the code to update the finding severity.
    Figure 8: Select a target Lambda function

    Figure 8: Select a target Lambda function

  4. In the Lambda function, use the BatchUpdateFindings API action to update the severity label as desired.

    The following example Lambda code will update finding severity to INFORMATIONAL. This function requires Amazon CloudWatch write permissions, and requires permissions to invoke the Security Hub API action BarchUpdateFindings.

    import logging
    import json, boto3
    import botocore.exceptions as boto3exceptions
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    logger.setLevel(os.environ.get('LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper())
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        finding_id = ""
        product_arn = ""
        for finding in event['detail']['findings']:
            #determine and log this Finding's ID
            finding_id = finding["Id"]
            product_arn = finding["ProductArn"]
            logger.info("Finding ID: " + finding_id)
            #determine and log this Finding's resource type
            resource_type = finding["Resources"][0]["Type"]
            logger.info("Resource Type is: " + resource_type)
                sec_hub_client = boto3.client('securityhub')
                response = sec_hub_client.batch_update_findings(
                        'Id': finding_id,
                        'ProductArn': product_arn
                        Severity={"Label": "INFORMATIONAL"}
            except boto3exceptions.ClientError as error:
                logger.exception(f"Client error invoking batch update findings {error}")
            except boto3exceptions.ParamValidationError as error:
                logger.exception(f"The parameters you provided are incorrect: {error}")
        return {"statusCode": 200}

  5. The finding is generated with a new severity level, as updated in the Lambda function. For example, Figure 9 shows a finding that is generated as MEDIUM by default, but the configured EventBridge rule and Lambda function update the severity level to INFORMATIONAL.
    Figure 9: Security Hub findings generated with updated severity level

    Figure 9: Security Hub findings generated with updated severity level


This blog post walked you through two different solutions for setting up and tracking the SLAs for the findings generated by Security Hub. Reporting Security Hub findings for a given SLA in a dashboard view can help you prioritize findings and track whether findings are being remediated on time. This post also provided example code that you can use to modify the Security Hub severity for a specific finding. To further extend the solution and enable custom actions to remediate the findings, see the following:

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Maisie Fernandes

Maisie Fernandes

Maisie is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS based in London. She is focused on helping public sector customers design, build, and secure scalable applications on AWS. Outside of work, Maisie enjoys traveling, running, and gardening.

Krati Singh

Krati Singh

Krati is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS based in San Francisco Bay Area. She collaborates with small and medium business customers on their cloud journey and is passionate about security in the cloud. Outside of work, Krati enjoys reading, and an occasional hike on a nice weather day.

How to set up Amazon Quicksight dashboard for Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon SES engagement events

Post Syndicated from satyaso original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/how-to-set-up-amazon-quicksight-dashboard-for-amazon-pinpoint-and-amazon-ses-events/

In this post, we will walk through using Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Quicksight to create customizable messaging campaign reports. Amazon Pinpoint is a flexible and scalable outbound and inbound marketing communications service that allows customers to connect with users over channels like email, SMS, push, or voice. Amazon QuickSight is a scalable, serverless, embeddable, machine learning-powered business intelligence (BI) service built for the cloud. This solution allows event and user data from Amazon Pinpoint to flow into Amazon Quicksight. Once in Quicksight, customers can build their own reports that shows campaign performance on a more granular level.

Engagement Event Dashboard

Customers want to view the results of their messaging campaigns in ever increasing levels of granularity and ensure their users see value from the email, SMS or push notifications they receive. Customers also want to analyze how different user segments respond to different messages, and how to optimize subsequent user communication. Previously, customers could only view this data in Amazon Pinpoint analytics, which offers robust reporting on: events, funnels, and campaigns. However, does not allow analysis across these different parameters and the building of custom reports. For example, show campaign revenue across different user segments, or show what events were generated after a user viewed a campaign in a funnel analysis. Customers would need to extract this data themselves and do the analysis in excel.


  • Digital user engagement event database solution must be setup at 1st.
  • Customers should be prepared to purchase Amazon Quicksight because it has its own set of costs which is not covered within Amazon Pinpoint cost.

Solution Overview

This Solution uses the Athena tables created by Digital user engagement events database solution. The AWS CloudFormation template given in this post automatically sets up the different architecture components, to capture detailed notifications about Amazon Pinpoint engagement events and log those in Amazon Athena in the form of Athena views. You still need to manually configure Amazon Quicksight dashboards to link to these newly generated Athena views. Please follow the steps below in order for further information.

Use case(s)

Event dashboard solutions have following use cases: –

  • Deep dive into engagement insights. (eg: SMS events, Email events, Campaign events, Journey events)
  • The ability to view engagement events at the individual user level.
  • Data/process mining turn raw event data into useful marking insights.
  • User engagement benchmarking and end user event funneling.
  • Compute campaign conversions (post campaign user analysis to show campaign effectiveness)
  • Build funnels that shows user progression.

Getting started with solution deployment

Prerequisite tasks to be completed before deploying the logging solution

Step 1 – Create AWS account, Pinpoint Project, Implement Event-Database-Solution.
As part of this step customers need to implement DUE Event database solution as the current solution (DUE event dashboard) is an extension of DUE event database solution. The basic assumption here is that the customer has already configured Amazon Pinpoint project or Amazon SES within the required AWS region before implementing this step.

The steps required to implement an event dashboard solution are as follows.

a/Follow the steps mentioned in Event database solution to implement the complete stack. Prior installing the complete stack copy and save the name Athena events database name as shown in the diagram. For my case it is due_eventdb. Database name is required as an input parameter for the current Event Dashboard solution.

b/Once the solution is deployed, navigate to the output page of the cloud formation stack, and copy, and save the following information, which will be required as input parameters in step 2 of the current Event Dashboard solution.

Step 2 – Deploy Cloud formation template for Event dashboard solution
This step generates a number of new Amazon Athena views that will serve as a data source for Amazon Quicksight. Continue with the following actions.

  • Download the cloud formation template(“Event-dashboard.yaml”) from AWS samples.
  • Navigate to Cloud formation page in AWS console, click up right on “Create stack” and select the option “With new resources (standard)”
  • Leave the “Prerequisite – Prepare template” to “Template is ready” and for the “Specify template” option, select “Upload a template file”. On the same page, click on “Choose file”, browse to find the file “Event-dashboard.yaml” file and select it. Once the file is uploaded, click “Next” and deploy the stack.

  • Enter following information under the section “Specify stack details”:
    • EventAthenaDatabaseName – As mentioned in Step 1-a.
    • S3DataLogBucket- As mentioned in Step 1-b
    • This solution will create additional 5 Athena views which are
      • All_email_events
      • All_SMS_events
      • All_custom_events (Custom events can be Mobile app/WebApp/Push Events)
      • All_campaign_events
      • All_journey_events

Step 3 – Create Amazon Quicksight engagement Dashboard
This step walks you through the process of creating an Amazon Quicksight dashboard for Amazon Pinpoint engagement events using the Athena views you created in step-2

  1. To Setup Amazon Quicksight for the 1st time please follow this link (this process is not needed if you have already setup Amazon Quicksight). Please make sure you are an Amazon Quicksight Administrator.
  2. Go/search Amazon Quicksight on AWS console.
  3. Create New Analysis and then select “New dataset”
  4. Select Athena as data source
  5. As a next step, you need to select what all analysis you need for respective events. This solution provides option to create 5 different set of analysis as mentioned in Step 2. They are a/All email events, b/All SMS Events, c/All Custom Events (Mobile/Web App, web push etc), d/ All Campaign events, e/All Journey events. Dashboard can be created from Quicksight analysis and same can be shared among the organization stake holders. Following are the steps to create analysis and dashboards for different type of events.
  6. Email Events –
    • For all email events, name the analysis “All-emails-events” (this can be any kind of customer preferred nomenclature), select Athena workgroup as primary, and then create a data source.
    • Once you create the data source Quicksight lists all the views and tables available under the specified database (in our case it is:-  due_eventdb). Select the email_all_events view as data source.
    • Select the event data location for analysis. There are mainly two options available which are a/ Import to Spice quicker analysis b/ Directly query your data. Please select the preferred options and then click on “visualize the data”.
    • Import to Spice quicker analysis – SPICE is the Amazon QuickSight Super-fast, Parallel, In-memory Calculation Engine. It’s engineered to rapidly perform advanced calculations and serve data. In Enterprise edition, data stored in SPICE is encrypted at rest. (1 GB of storage is available for free for extra storage customer need to pay extra, please refer cost section in this document )
    • Directly query your data – This process enables Quicksight to query directly to the Athena or source database (In the current case it is Athena) and Quicksight will not store any data.
    • Now that you have selected a data source, you will be taken to a blank quick sight canvas (Blank analysis page) as shown in the following Image, please drag and drop what visualization type you need to visualize onto the auto-graph pane. Please note that Amazon QuickSight is a Busines intelligence platform, so customers are free to choose the desired visualization types to observe the individual engagement events.
    • As part of this blog, we have displayed how to create some simple analysis graphs to visualize the engagement events.
    • As an initial step please Select tabular Visualization as shown in the Image.
    • Select all the event dimensions that you want to put it as part of the Table in X axis. Amazon Quicksight table can be extended to show as many as tables columns, this completely depends upon the business requirement how much data marketers want to visualize.
    • Further filtering on the table can be done using Quicksight filters, you can apply the filter on specific granular values to enable further filtering. For Eg – If you want to apply filtering on the destination email Id then 1/Select the filter from left hand menu 2/Add destination field as the filtering criterion 3/ Tick on the destination field you are trying to filter or search for the Destination email ID that 4/ All the result in the table gets further filtered as per the filter criterion
    • As a next step please add another visual from top left corner “Add -> Add Visual”, then select the Donut Chart from Visual types pane. Donut charts are always used for displaying aggregation.
    • Then select the “event_type” as the Group to visualize the aggregated events, this helps marketers/business users to figure out how many email events occurred and what are the aggregated success ratio, click ratio, complain ratio or bounce ratio etc for the emails/Campaign that’s sent to end users.
    • To create a Quicksight dashboards from the Quicksight analysis click Share menu option at the top right corner then select publish dashboard”. Provide required dashboard name while publishing the dashboard”. Same dashboard can be shared with multiple audiences in the Organization.
    • Following is the final version of the dashboard. As mentioned above Quicksight dashboards can be shared with other stakeholders and also complete dashboard can be exported as excel sheet.
  7. SMS Events-
    • As shown above SMS events can be analyzed using Quicksight and dash boards can be created out of the analysis. Please repeat all of the sub-steps listed in step 6. Following is a sample SMS dashboard.
  8. Custom Events-
    • After you integrate your application (app) with Amazon Pinpoint, Amazon Pinpoint can stream event data about user activity, different type custom events, and message deliveries for the app. Eg :- Session.start, Product_page_view, _session.stop etc. Do repeat all of the sub-steps listed in step 6 create a custom event dashboards.
  9. Campaign events
    • As shown before campaign also can be included in the same dashboard or you can create new dashboard only for campaign events.

Cost for Event dashboard solution
You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this solution. As of the date of publication, the cost for running this solution with default settings in the US West (Oregon) Region is approximately $65 a month. The cost estimate includes the cost of AWS Lambda, Amazon Athena, Amazon Quicksight. The estimate assumes querying 1TB of data in a month, and two authors managing Amazon Quicksight every month, four Amazon Quicksight readers witnessing the events dashboard unlimited times in a month, and a Quicksight spice capacity is 50 GB per month. Prices are subject to change. For full details, see the pricing webpage for each AWS service you will be using in this solution.

Clean up

When you’re done with this exercise, complete the following steps to delete your resources and stop incurring costs:

  1. On the CloudFormation console, select your stack and choose Delete. This cleans up all the resources created by the stack,
  2. Delete the Amazon Quicksight Dashboards and data sets that you have created.


In this blog post, I have demonstrated how marketers, business users, and business analysts can utilize Amazon Quicksight dashboards to evaluate and exploit user engagement data from Amazon SES and Pinpoint event streams. Customers can also utilize this solution to understand how Amazon Pinpoint campaigns lead to business conversions, in addition to analyzing multi-channel communication metrics at the individual user level.

Next steps

The personas for this blog are both the tech team and the marketing analyst team, as it involves a code deployment to create very simple Athena views, as well as the steps to create an Amazon Quicksight dashboard to analyse Amazon SES and Amazon Pinpoint engagement events at the individual user level. Customers may then create their own Amazon Quicksight dashboards to illustrate the conversion ratio and propensity trends in real time by integrating campaign events with app-level events such as purchase conversions, order placement, and so on.

Extending the solution

You can download the AWS Cloudformation templates, code for this solution from our public GitHub repository and modify it to fit your needs.

About the Author

Satyasovan Tripathy works at Amazon Web Services as a Senior Specialist Solution Architect. He is based in Bengaluru, India, and specialises on the AWS Digital User Engagement product portfolio. He likes reading and travelling outside of work.

Analyze and improve email campaigns with Amazon Simple Email Service and Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Apoorv Gakhar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/analyze-and-improve-email-campaigns-with-amazon-simple-email-service-and-amazon-quicksight/

Email is a popular channel for applications, used in both marketing campaigns and other outbound customer communications. The challenge with email is that it can become increasingly complex to manage for companies that must send large quantities of messages per month. This complexity is especially true when companies need to measure detailed email engagement metrics to track campaign success.

As a marketer, you want to monitor several metrics, including open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and delivery rates. If you do not track your email results, you could potentially be wasting your campaign resources. Monitoring and interpreting your sending results can help you deliver the best content possible to your subscribers’ inboxes, and it can also ensure that your IP reputation stays high. Mailbox providers prioritize inbox placement for senders that deliver relevant content. As a business professional, tracking your emails can also help you stay on top of hot leads and important clients. For example, if someone has opened your email multiple times in one day, it might be a good idea to send out another follow-up email to touch base.

Building a large-scale email solution is a complex and expensive challenge for any business. You would need to build infrastructure, assemble your network, and warm up your IP addresses. Alternatively, working with some third-party email solutions require contract negotiations and upfront costs.

Fortunately, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) has a highly scalable and reliable backend infrastructure to reduce the preceding challenges. It has improved content filtering techniques, reputation management features, and a vast array of analytics and reporting functions. These features help email senders reach their audiences and make it easier to manage email channels across applications. Amazon SES also provides API operations to monitor your sending activities through simple API calls. You can publish these events to Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, or by using Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS).

In this post, you learn how to build and automate a serverless architecture that analyzes email events. We explore how to track important metrics such as open and click rate of the emails.

Solution overview


The metrics that you can measure using Amazon SES are referred to as email sending events. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to retrieve Amazon SES event data. You can also use Amazon SNS to interpret Amazon SES event data. However, in this post, we are going to use Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to monitor our user sending activity.

Enable Amazon SES configuration sets with open and click metrics and publish email sending events to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose as JSON records. A Lambda function is used to parse the JSON records and publish the content in the Amazon S3 bucket.

Ingested data lands in an Amazon S3 bucket that we refer to as the raw zone. To make that data available, you have to catalog its schema in the AWS Glue data catalog. You create and run the AWS Glue crawler that crawls your data sources and construct your Data Catalog. The Data Catalog uses pre-built classifiers for many popular source formats and data types, including JSON, CSV, and Parquet.

When the crawler is finished creating the table definition and schema, you analyze the data using Amazon Athena. It is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using SQL. Point to your data in Amazon S3, define the schema, and start querying using standard SQL, with most results delivered in seconds.

Now you can build visualizations, perform ad hoc analysis, and quickly get business insights from the Amazon SES event data using Amazon QuickSight. You can easily run SQL queries using Amazon Athena on data stored in Amazon S3, and build business dashboards within Amazon QuickSight.


Deploying the architecture:

Configuring Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to write to Amazon S3:

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Kinesis in the AWS Management Console. Choose Kinesis Data Firehose and create a delivery stream.
  2. Enter delivery stream name as “SES_Firehose_Demo”.
  3. Under the source category, select “Direct Put or other sources”.
  4. On the next page, make sure to enable Data Transformation of source records with AWS Lambda. We use AWS Lambda to parse the notification contents that we only process the required information as per the use case.
  5. Click the “Create New” Lambda function.
  6. Click on “General Kinesis Data FirehoseProcessing” Lambda blueprint and this opens up the Lambda console. Enter following values in Lambda
    • Name: SES-Firehose-Json-Parser
    • Execution role: Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions.
  7. Click “Create Function”. Now replace the Lambda code with the following provided code and save the function.
    • 'use strict';
      console.log('Loading function');
      exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
         /* Process the list of records and transform them */
          const output = event.records.map((record) => {
              const payload =JSON.parse((Buffer.from(record.data, 'base64').toString()))
              console.log("payload : " + payload);
              if (payload.eventType == "Click") {
              const resultPayLoadClick = {
                      eventType : payload.eventType,
                      destinationEmailId : payload.mail.destination[0],
                      sourceIp : payload.click.ipAddress,
              console.log("resultPayLoad : " + resultPayLoadClick.eventType + resultPayLoadClick.destinationEmailId + resultPayLoadClick.sourceIp);
              //const parsed = resultPayLoad[0];
              //console.log("parsed : " + (Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(resultPayLoad))).toString('base64'));
                  recordId: record.recordId,
                  result: 'Ok',
                  data: (Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(resultPayLoadClick))).toString('base64'),
              else {
                  const resultPayLoadOpen = {
                      eventType : payload.eventType,
                      destinationEmailId : payload.mail.destination[0],
                      sourceIp : payload.open.ipAddress,
              console.log("resultPayLoad : " + resultPayLoadOpen.eventType + resultPayLoadOpen.destinationEmailId + resultPayLoadOpen.sourceIp);
              //const parsed = resultPayLoad[0];
              //console.log("parsed : " + (Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(resultPayLoad))).toString('base64'));
                  recordId: record.recordId,
                  result: 'Ok',
                  data: (Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(resultPayLoadOpen))).toString('base64'),
          console.log("Output : " + output.data);
          console.log(`Processing completed.  Successful records ${output.length}.`);
          callback(null, { records: output });

      Please note:

      For this blog, we are only filtering out three fields i.e. Eventname, destination_Email, and SourceIP. If you want to store other parameters you can modify your code accordingly. For the list of information that we receive in notifications, you may check out the following document.


  8. Now, navigate back to your Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose console and choose the newly created Lambda function.
  9. Keep the convert record format disabled and click “Next”.
  10. In the destination, choose Amazon S3 and select a target Amazon S3 bucket. Create a new bucket if you do not want to use the existing bucket.
  11. Enter the following values for Amazon S3 Prefix and Error Prefix. When event data is published.
    • Prefix:
    • Error Prefix:
  12. You may utilize the above values in the Amazon S3 prefix and error prefix. If you use your own prefixes make sure to accordingly update the target values in AWS Glue which you will see in further process.
  13. Keep the Amazon S3 backup option disabled and click “Next”.
  14. On the next page, under the Permissions section, select create a new role. This opens up a new tab and then click “Allow” to create the role.
  15. Navigate back to the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose console and click “Next”.
  16. Review the changes and click on “Create delivery stream”.

Configure Amazon SES to publish event data to Kinesis Data Firehose:

  1. Navigate to Amazon SES console and select “Email Addresses” from the left side.
  2. Click on “Verify a New Email Address” on the top. Enter your email address to which you send a test email.
  3. Go to your email inbox and click on the verify link. Navigate back to the Amazon SES console and you will see verified status on the email address provided.
  4. Open the Amazon SES console and select Configuration set from the left side.
  5. Create a new configuration set. Enter “SES_Firehose_Demo”  as the configuration set name and click “Create”.
  6. Choose Kinesis Data Firehose as the destination and provide the following details.
    • Name: OpenClick
    • Event Types: Open and Click
  7. In the IAM Role field, select ‘Let SES make a new role’. This allows SES to create a new role and add sufficient permissions for this use case in that role.
  8. Click “Save”.

Sending a Test email:

  1. Navigate to Amazon SES console, click on “Email Addresses” on the left side.
  2. Select your verified email address and click on “Send a Test email”.
  3. Make sure you select the raw email format. You may use the following format to send out a test email from the console. Make sure you send out this email to a recipient inbox to which you have the access.
      From: [email protected]
      To: [email protected]
      Subject: Test email
      Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
      Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
      Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
      This is a test email.
      <a href="https://aws.amazon.com/">Amazon Web Services</a>
  4. Once the email is received in the recipient’s inbox, open the email and click the link present in the same. This generates a click and open event and send the response back to SES.

Creating Glue Crawler:

  1. Navigate to the AWS Glue console, select “crawler” from the left side, and then click on “Add crawler” on the top.
  2. Enter the crawler name as “SES_Firehose_Crawler” and click “Next”.
  3. Under Crawler source type, select “Data stores” and click “Next”.
  4. Select Amazon S3 as the data source and prove the required path. Include the path until the “fhbase” folder.
  5. Select “no” under Add another data source section.
  6. In the IAM role, select the option to ‘Create an IAM role’. Enter the name as “SES_Firehose-Crawler”. This provides the necessary permissions automatically to the newly created role.
  7. In the frequency section, select run on demand and click “Next”. You may choose this value as per your use case.
  8. Click on add Database and provide the name as “ses_firehose_glue_db”. Click on create and then click “Next”.
  9. Review your Glue crawler setting and click on “Finish”.
  10. Run the above-created crawler. This crawls the data from the specified Amazon S3 bucket and create a catalog and table definition.
  11. Now navigate to “tables” on the left, and verify a “fhbase” table is created after you run the crawler.

If you want to analyze the data stored until now, you can use Amazon Athena and test the queries. If not, you can move to the Amazon Quicksight directly.

Analyzing the data using Amazon Athena:

  1. Open Athena console and select the database, which is created using AWS Glue
  2. Click on “setup a query result location in Amazon S3” as shown in the following screenshot.
  3. Navigate to the Amazon S3 bucket created in earlier steps and create a folder called “AthenaQueryResult”. We store our Athena query result in this bucket.
  4. Now navigate back to Amazon Athena and select the Amazon S3 bucket with the folder location as shown in the following screenshot and click “Save”.
  5. Run the following query to test the sample output and accordingly modify your SQL query to get the desired output.
    • Select * from “ses_firehose_glue_db”.”fhbase”

Note: If you want to track the opened emails by unique Ip addresses then you can modify your SQL query accordingly. This is because every time an email gets opened, you will receive a notification even if the same email was previously opened.


Visualizing the data in Amazon QuickSight dashboards:

  1. Now, let’s analyze this data using Amazon Athena via Amazon Quicksight.
  2. Log into Amazon Quicksight and choose Manage data, New dataset. Choose Amazon Athena as a new data source.
  3. Enter the data source name as “SES-Demo” and click on “Create the data source”.
  4. Select your database from the drop-down as “ses_firehose_glue_db” and table “fhbase” that you have created in AWS Glue.
  5. And add a custom SQL based on your use case and click on “Confirm query”. Refer to the example below.
  6. You can perform ad hoc analysis and modify your query according to your business needs as shown in the following image. Click “Save & Visualize”.
  7. You can now visualize your event data on Amazon Quicksight dashboard. You can use various graphs to represent your data. For this demo, the default graph is used and two fields are selected to populate on the graph, as shown below.



This architecture shows how to track your email sending activity at a granular level. You set up Amazon SES to publish event data to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose based on fine-grained email characteristics that you define. You can also track several types of email sending events, including sends, deliveries, bounces, complaints, rejections, rendering failures, and delivery delays. This information can be useful for operational and analytical purposes.

To get started with Amazon SES, follow this quick start guide and you can learn more about monitoring sending activity here.

About the Authors

Chirag Oswal is a solutions architect and AR/VR specialist working with the public sector India. He works with AWS customers to help them adopt the cloud operating model on a large scale.

Apoorv Gakhar is a Cloud Support Engineer and an Amazon SES Expert. He is working with AWS to help the customers integrate their applications with various AWS Services.


Additional Resources:

Amazon SES Dedicated IP Pools

Amazon Personalize optimizer using Amazon Pinpoint events

Template Personalization using Amazon Pinpoint