Fanless Intel N200 Firewall and Virtualization Appliance Review

Post Syndicated from Patrick Kennedy original

We take a look at the fanless Intel N200 firewall and virtualization appliance to see how this quad 2.5GbE unit stacks up to the N100 option

The post Fanless Intel N200 Firewall and Virtualization Appliance Review appeared first on ServeTheHome.

Седмицата (24–29 юли)

Post Syndicated from Надежда Радулова original

Не съм очаквал, че в страната, в която съм израснал […] ще се наложи да се усещам несигурен,

Седмицата (24–29 юли)

гласи Facebook пост на актьора Самуел Финци от 22 юли. Ето какво пише и Еми Барух два дни по-късно:

Съпротивителните сили на нацията не никнат върху плоскостта на безпаметството. За тях трябва да се грижат – институции, лидери, интелектуалци. Писатели, артисти, чувствителни хора. А наоколо? Наоколо сте вие […] Защо мълчите, драги „демократи“, уважаеми „правилни хора“?

Написаното от Еми Барух и Самуел Финци не е без повод. Все по-честите прояви на антисемитизъм в България, чийто връх беше разпространеният колаж с изобразени хора в нацистки униформи, дърпащи човек с образа на Соломон Паси в затворнически дрехи, е тревожен знак, че в смърдящия ни политически котел започва да къкри особено токсична, лесно възпламенима смес. Такава, която застрашава да разгради и обезчовечи и без това увредената социална тъкан.

Затова прощавайте, драги приятели, уважаеми читатели! Прощавайте, че ви развалям юлското настроение с това горчиво начало на предваканционния бюлетин на „Тоест“. Истината е, че исках да го посветя на лятото и да ви препоръчам августовските фестивали в Пловдив и Банско, в Ковачевица и Созопол… Но уви, днес ми се струва по-важно да ви разкажа една друга история, случила се (не чак толкова) отдавна. История, която не повдига настроението, но посвоему повдига духа. Укрепва съпротивителните сили, за които говори Еми Барух.

През март 1943 г., по време на депортацията на евреите от Беломорска Тракия, Вардарска Македония и Пирот, депортация, за която българската държава носи пряка отговорност, Надежда Василева, 52-годишна медицинска сестра с прогимназиално образование,

единствена се осмелява да премине през полицейския кордон и да занесе вода на хората, дни наред затворени във вагоните на Ломската гара.

В следващите часове тя организира иначе пасивните си съграждани да осигуряват и носят храна, лекарства, свещи, кибрит, пелени и с помощта на няколко циганчета върви от вагон във вагон и ги раздава.* Това е може би последната храна и вода, последният знак на съпричастност към тези хора по пътя им към лагера на смъртта Треблинка, в който само за 15 месеца през 1942 и 1943 г. са унищожени между 700 000 и 900 000 души.

Но Надежда Василева е била самарянка, ще кажете, самата тя – майка и баба, имала е дълг да помага и да се грижи за уязвимите, за хората в нужда и беда, за болните, за децата, за пеленачетата. Естествено е било да се противопостави на този чудовищен акт. Как обаче тогава обясняваме нейната „единственост“?

Защо само тя? Защо само тя в цял Лом???

Да действаш „не-правилно“, против правилата, както действа Василева, е решение, преди всичко плод не на принадлежност към дадена група (на жените, на майките, на медицинските сестри, на жителите на Лом, на българите и пр.), а на морална рефлексия и на еманципирана индивидуална съвест, независима от наложените в дадения момент обществени правила.

Надежда Василева мисли и действа не като член на общност или общество, а като зрял морален субект –

тъкмо от позицията на своята непринадлежност, на своята „неправилност“, на своята, ако щете, историческа „самота“.

„Когато всички са виновни, никой не носи вина“, твърди Хана Аренд. И продължава по-нататък:

Не съществува такова нещо като колективна вина или колективна невинност; вината и невинността имат смисъл само когато са отнесени към отделно взети личности.

В действията на медицинската сестра от Лом наблюдаваме противопоставяне на индивидуално срещу колективно – и разбира се, пълна готовност да се поеме отговорността за това. В една човешка среда, подложена на извънмерно изпитание, зловещо изпразнена от определящите я ценности, Надежда Василева успява да постигне немислимото. Оттласква се от колективното в жест на несъгласие и проявява своята индивидуалност – единственият начин да остане на страната на човешкото, да докаже (включително на самата себе си) собствената си човешкост, а впоследствие да се опита да привлече и останалите на своя страна. Единствената възможна според нея страна.

Страната, която би трябвало да е единствено възможна за всички нас.

Надежда Василева не спасява ничий живот, но спасява идеята за човешкото. Именно това спасение е в ръцете ни всеки ден.

Жест, който дължим и на миналото, и на бъдещето, и на себе си тук, сега.

Затова и призивът ми в момент, в който проявите на антисемитизъм в България тревожно зачестяват и се усилват през определени политически и партийни „мегафони“ като тези на „Възраждане“, но не само, е следният:

Бъдете чувствителни, бъдете „неправилни“, бъдете еманципирани в мислите си, бъдете зрели морални субекти. Реагирайте.

Разговаряйте за случващото се с децата си, с родителите си, с приятелите си. Ако прецените, подпишете петицията, инициирана от Зорница Христова и подкрепена вече от над 500 души. Или пък напишете нещо от свое име, дайте му гласност. Надявам се, че все още е възможно да спрем атаката на расисткия токсин и да я преобърнем в смислен разговор за миналото. И за настоящето.

Нека да започнем този разговор още днес – с острия и навременен текст на Светла Енчева „Българската резистентност към антисемитизма“.

* * *

В последния ни брой преди ваканцията ви предлагаме да прочетете още:

➜   за безскрупулното поведение на мобилния оператор „А1 България“ – Йовко Ламбрев, „От А1 с любов“;

➜   за това как управляващите партньори приключват политическия сезон – Емилия Милчева, „Коалицията по(тегли). Жегата мина“;

➜   за популистките клишета в политиката – Александър Нуцов, „Националният суверенитет и националният популизъм“;

➜   за телата – човешки и небесни – Михаил Ангелов, „Научни новини: Механизми за предпазване от болести, проблеми във „Фукушима“ и поздрави от съзвездието Кентавър“;

➜   за децата майки и трудовия пазар – Мирела Петкова, „Ранната бременност или бедността – яйцето или кокошката?“;

➜   за две новоизлезли книги, занимаващи се със сложните отношения между паметта и истината – Зорница Христова, „По буквите – Расучану, Кенаров“;

➜   и стихотворението на месец юли от авторката на „Единайсетте сестри на юли“ – Албена Тодорова, „Ако ние сме риби, които плуват в морето“.

Накрая, преди да се разделим, ви пожелавам приятно четене в дни на спокойствие и смисъл! И за да не заспим задълго под безветрието на летните сенки, ето едно парче на Робърт Алън Цимерман, известен като Боб Дилън – A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall („Страшен дъжд ще падне“), което да ни държи нащрек и да ни напомня защо сме тук.

* За действията си по време на депортацията, на 18 декември 2001 г. Надежда Василева е провъзгласена от израелската комисия към Израелския институт „Яд Вашем“ за „праведник на света“.

No-GIL mode coming for Python

Post Syndicated from corbet original

The Python Steering Council has announced
its intent
to accept PEP
703 (Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython)
, with
initial support possibly showing up in the 3.13 release. There are still
some details to work out, though.

We want to be very careful with backward compatibility. We do not
want another Python 3 situation, so any changes in third-party code
needed to accommodate no-GIL builds should just work in with-GIL
builds (although backward compatibility with older Python versions
will still need to be addressed). This is not Python 4. We are
still considering the requirements we want to place on ABI
compatibility and other details for the two builds and the effect
on backward compatibility.

Exploiting the StackRot vulnerability

Post Syndicated from corbet original

For those who are interested in the gory details of how the StackRot vulnerability works, Ruihan Li has
posted a detailed
of the bug and how it can be exploited.

As StackRot is a Linux kernel vulnerability found in the memory
management subsystem, it affects almost all kernel configurations
and requires minimal capabilities to trigger. However, it should be
noted that maple nodes are freed using RCU callbacks, delaying the
actual memory deallocation until after the RCU grace
period. Consequently, exploiting this vulnerability is considered

To the best of my knowledge, there are currently no publicly
available exploits targeting use-after-free-by-RCU (UAFBR)
bugs. This marks the first instance where UAFBR bugs have been
proven to be exploitable, even without the presence of

New – AWS Public IPv4 Address Charge + Public IP Insights

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original

We are introducing a new charge for public IPv4 addresses. Effective February 1, 2024 there will be a charge of $0.005 per IP per hour for all public IPv4 addresses, whether attached to a service or not (there is already a charge for public IPv4 addresses you allocate in your account but don’t attach to an EC2 instance).

Public IPv4 Charge
As you may know, IPv4 addresses are an increasingly scarce resource and the cost to acquire a single public IPv4 address has risen more than 300% over the past 5 years. This change reflects our own costs and is also intended to encourage you to be a bit more frugal with your use of public IPv4 addresses and to think about accelerating your adoption of IPv6 as a modernization and conservation measure.

This change applies to all AWS services including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) database instances, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) nodes, and other AWS services that can have a public IPv4 address allocated and attached, in all AWS regions (commercial, AWS China, and GovCloud). Here’s a summary in tabular form:

Public IP Address Type Current Price/Hour (USD) New Price/Hour (USD)
(Effective February 1, 2024)
In-use Public IPv4 address (including Amazon provided public IPv4 and Elastic IP) assigned to resources in your VPC, Amazon Global Accelerator, and AWS Site-to-site VPN tunnel No charge $0.005
Additional (secondary) Elastic IP Address on a running EC2 instance $0.005 $0.005
Idle Elastic IP Address in account $0.005 $0.005

The AWS Free Tier for EC2 will include 750 hours of public IPv4 address usage per month for the first 12 months, effective February 1, 2024. You will not be charged for IP addresses that you own and bring to AWS using Amazon BYOIP.

Starting today, your AWS Cost and Usage Reports automatically include public IPv4 address usage. When this price change goes in to effect next year you will also be able to use AWS Cost Explorer to see and better understand your usage.

As I noted earlier in this post, I would like to encourage you to consider accelerating your adoption of IPv6. A new blog post shows you how to use Elastic Load Balancers and NAT Gateways for ingress and egress traffic, while avoiding the use of a public IPv4 address for each instance that you launch. Here are some resources to show you how you can use IPv6 with widely used services such as EC2, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Elastic Load Balancing, and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS):

Earlier this year we enhanced EC2 Instance Connect and gave it the ability to connect to your instances using private IPv4 addresses. As a result, you no longer need to use public IPv4 addresses for administrative purposes (generally using SSH or RDP).

Public IP Insights
In order to make it easier for you to monitor, analyze, and audit your use of public IPv4 addresses, today we are launching Public IP Insights, a new feature of Amazon VPC IP Address Manager that is available to you at no cost. In addition to helping you to make efficient use of public IPv4 addresses, Public IP Insights will give you a better understanding of your security profile. You can see the breakdown of public IP types and EIP usage, with multiple filtering options:

You can also see, sort, filter, and learn more about each of the public IPv4 addresses that you are using:

Using IPv4 Addresses Efficiently
By using the new IP Insights tool and following the guidance that I shared above, you should be ready to update your application to minimize the effect of the new charge. You may also want to consider using AWS Direct Connect to set up a dedicated network connection to AWS.

Finally, be sure to read our new blog post, Identify and Optimize Public IPv4 Address Usage on AWS, for more information on how to make the best use of public IPv4 addresses.


A side-by-side comparison of Apache Spark and Apache Flink for common streaming use cases

Post Syndicated from Deepthi Mohan original

Apache Flink and Apache Spark are both open-source, distributed data processing frameworks used widely for big data processing and analytics. Spark is known for its ease of use, high-level APIs, and the ability to process large amounts of data. Flink shines in its ability to handle processing of data streams in real-time and low-latency stateful computations. Both support a variety of programming languages, scalable solutions for handling large amounts of data, and a wide range of connectors. Historically, Spark started out as a batch-first framework and Flink began as a streaming-first framework.

In this post, we share a comparative study of streaming patterns that are commonly used to build stream processing applications, how they can be solved using Spark (primarily Spark Structured Streaming) and Flink, and the minor variations in their approach. Examples cover code snippets in Python and SQL for both frameworks across three major themes: data preparation, data processing, and data enrichment. If you are a Spark user looking to solve your stream processing use cases using Flink, this post is for you. We do not intend to cover the choice of technology between Spark and Flink because it’s important to evaluate both frameworks for your specific workload and how the choice fits in your architecture; rather, this post highlights key differences for use cases that both these technologies are commonly considered for.

Apache Flink offers layered APIs that offer different levels of expressiveness and control and are designed to target different types of use cases. The three layers of API are Process Functions (also known as the Stateful Stream Processing API), DataStream, and Table and SQL. The Stateful Stream Processing API requires writing verbose code but offers the most control over time and state, which are core concepts in stateful stream processing. The DataStream API supports Java, Scala, and Python and offers primitives for many common stream processing operations, as well as a balance between code verbosity or expressiveness and control. The Table and SQL APIs are relational APIs that offer support for Java, Scala, Python, and SQL. They offer the highest abstraction and intuitive, SQL-like declarative control over data streams. Flink also allows seamless transition and switching across these APIs. To learn more about Flink’s layered APIs, refer to layered APIs.

Apache Spark Structured Streaming offers the Dataset and DataFrames APIs, which provide high-level declarative streaming APIs to represent static, bounded data as well as streaming, unbounded data. Operations are supported in Scala, Java, Python, and R. Spark has a rich function set and syntax with simple constructs for selection, aggregation, windowing, joins, and more. You can also use the Streaming Table API to read tables as streaming DataFrames as an extension to the DataFrames API. Although it’s hard to draw direct parallels between Flink and Spark across all stream processing constructs, at a very high level, we could say Spark Structured Streaming APIs are equivalent to Flink’s Table and SQL APIs. Spark Structured Streaming, however, does not yet (at the time of this writing) offer an equivalent to the lower-level APIs in Flink that offer granular control of time and state.

Both Flink and Spark Structured Streaming (referenced as Spark henceforth) are evolving projects. The following table provides a simple comparison of Flink and Spark capabilities for common streaming primitives (as of this writing).

. Flink Spark
Row-based processing Yes Yes
User-defined functions Yes Yes
Fine-grained access to state Yes, via DataStream and low-level APIs No
Control when state eviction occurs Yes, via DataStream and low-level APIs No
Flexible data structures for state storage and querying Yes, via DataStream and low-level APIs No
Timers for processing and stateful operations Yes, via low level APIs No

In the following sections, we cover the greatest common factors so that we can showcase how Spark users can relate to Flink and vice versa. To learn more about Flink’s low-level APIs, refer to Process Function. For the sake of simplicity, we cover the four use cases in this post using the Flink Table API. We use a combination of Python and SQL for an apples-to-apples comparison with Spark.

Data preparation

In this section, we compare data preparation methods for Spark and Flink.

Reading data

We first look at the simplest ways to read data from a data stream. The following sections assume the following schema for messages:

symbol: string,
price: int,
timestamp: timestamp,
    name: string,
    employees_count: int

Reading data from a source in Spark Structured Streaming

In Spark Structured Streaming, we use a streaming DataFrame in Python that directly reads the data in JSON format:

spark = ...  # spark session

# specify schema
stock_ticker_schema = ...

# Create a streaming DataFrame
df = spark.readStream \
    .format("kafka") \
    .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "mybroker1:port") \
    .option("topic", "stock_ticker") \
    .select(from_json(col("value"), stock_ticker_schema).alias("ticker_data")) \

Note that we have to supply a schema object that captures our stock ticker schema (stock_ticker_schema). Compare this to the approach for Flink in the next section.

Reading data from a source using Flink Table API

For Flink, we use the SQL DDL statement CREATE TABLE. You can specify the schema of the stream just like you would any SQL table. The WITH clause allows us to specify the connector to the data stream (Kafka in this case), the associated properties for the connector, and data format specifications. See the following code:

# Create table using DDL

CREATE TABLE stock_ticker (
  symbol string,
  price INT,
  timestamp TIMESTAMP(3),
  company_info STRING,
  WATERMARK FOR timestamp AS timestamp - INTERVAL '3' MINUTE
) WITH (
 'connector' = 'kafka',
 'topic' = 'stock_ticker',
 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'mybroker1:port',
 '' = 'testGroup',
 'format' = 'json',
 '' = 'false',
 'json.ignore-parse-errors' = 'true'

JSON flattening

JSON flattening is the process of converting a nested or hierarchical JSON object into a flat, single-level structure. This converts multiple levels of nesting into an object where all the keys and values are at the same level. Keys are combined using a delimiter such as a period (.) or underscore (_) to denote the original hierarchy. JSON flattening is useful when you need to work with a more simplified format. In both Spark and Flink, nested JSONs can be complicated to work with and may need additional processing or user-defined functions to manipulate. Flattened JSONs can simplify processing and improve performance due to reduced computational overhead, especially with operations like complex joins, aggregations, and windowing. In addition, flattened JSONs can help in easier debugging and troubleshooting data processing pipelines because there are fewer levels of nesting to navigate.

JSON flattening in Spark Structured Streaming

JSON flattening in Spark Structured Streaming requires you to use the select method and specify the schema that you need flattened. JSON flattening in Spark Structured Streaming involves specifying the nested field name that you’d like surfaced to the top-level list of fields. In the following example, company_info is a nested field and within company_info, there’s a field called company_name. With the following query, we’re flattening to company_name:

stock_ticker_df = ...  # Streaming DataFrame w/ schema shown above"symbol", "timestamp", "price", "" as "company_name")

JSON flattening in Flink

In Flink SQL, you can use the JSON_VALUE function. Note that you can use this function only in Flink versions equal to or greater than 1.14. See the following code:

   JSON_VALUE(company_info, 'lax $.name' DEFAULT NULL ON EMPTY) AS company_name

The term lax in the preceding query has to do with JSON path expression handling in Flink SQL. For more information, refer to System (Built-in) Functions.

Data processing

Now that you have read the data, we can look at a few common data processing patterns.


Data deduplication in stream processing is crucial for maintaining data quality and ensuring consistency. It enhances efficiency by reducing the strain on the processing from duplicate data and helps with cost savings on storage and processing.

Spark Streaming deduplication query

The following code snippet is related to a Spark Streaming DataFrame named stock_ticker. The code performs an operation to drop duplicate rows based on the symbol column. The dropDuplicates method is used to eliminate duplicate rows in a DataFrame based on one or more columns.

stock_ticker = ...  # Streaming DataFrame w/ schema shown above


Flink deduplication query

The following code shows the Flink SQL equivalent to deduplicate data based on the symbol column. The query retrieves the first row for each distinct value in the symbol column from the stock_ticker stream, based on the ascending order of proctime:

SELECT symbol, timestamp, price
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY symbol ORDER BY proctime ASC) AS row_num
  FROM stock_ticker)
WHERE row_num = 1


Windowing in streaming data is a fundamental construct to process data within specifications. Windows commonly have time bounds, number of records, or other criteria. These time bounds bucketize continuous unbounded data streams into manageable chunks called windows for processing. Windows help in analyzing data and gaining insights in real time while maintaining processing efficiency. Analyses or operations are performed on constantly updating streaming data within a window.

There are two common time-based windows used both in Spark Streaming and Flink that we will detail in this post: tumbling and sliding windows. A tumbling window is a time-based window that is a fixed size and doesn’t have any overlapping intervals. A sliding window is a time-based window that is a fixed size and moves forward in fixed intervals that can be overlapping.

Spark Streaming tumbling window query

The following is a Spark Streaming tumbling window query with a window size of 10 minutes:

stock_ticker = ...  # Streaming DataFrame w/ schema shown above

# Get max stock price in tumbling window
# of size 10 minutes
visitsByWindowAndUser = visits
   .withWatermark("timestamp", "3 minutes")
      window(stock_ticker.timestamp, "10 minutes"),

Flink Streaming tumbling window query

The following is an equivalent tumbling window query in Flink with a window size of 10 minutes:

SELECT symbol, MAX(price)
    TUMBLE(TABLE stock_ticker, DESCRIPTOR(timestamp), INTERVAL '10' MINUTES))
  GROUP BY ticker;

Spark Streaming sliding window query

The following is a Spark Streaming sliding window query with a window size of 10 minutes and slide interval of 5 minutes:

stock_ticker = ...  # Streaming DataFrame w/ schema shown above

# Get max stock price in sliding window
# of size 10 minutes and slide interval of size
# 5 minutes

visitsByWindowAndUser = visits
   .withWatermark("timestamp", "3 minutes")
      window(stock_ticker.timestamp, "10 minutes", "5 minutes"),

Flink Streaming sliding window query

The following is a Flink sliding window query with a window size of 10 minutes and slide interval of 5 minutes:

SELECT symbol, MAX(price)
    HOP(TABLE stock_ticker, DESCRIPTOR(timestamp), INTERVAL '5' MINUTES, INTERVAL '10' MINUTES))
  GROUP BY ticker;

Handling late data

Both Spark Structured Streaming and Flink support event time processing, where a field within the payload can be used for defining time windows as distinct from the wall clock time of the machines doing the processing. Both Flink and Spark use watermarking for this purpose.

Watermarking is used in stream processing engines to handle delays. A watermark is like a timer that sets how long the system can wait for late events. If an event arrives and is within the set time (watermark), the system will use it to update a request. If it’s later than the watermark, the system will ignore it.

In the preceding windowing queries, you specify the lateness threshold in Spark using the following code:

.withWatermark("timestamp", "3 minutes")

This means that any records that are 3 minutes late as tracked by the event time clock will be discarded.

In contrast, with the Flink Table API, you can specify an analogous lateness threshold directly in the DDL:

WATERMARK FOR timestamp AS timestamp - INTERVAL '3' MINUTE

Note that Flink provides additional constructs for specifying lateness across its various APIs.

Data enrichment

In this section, we compare data enrichment methods with Spark and Flink.

Calling an external API

Calling external APIs from user-defined functions (UDFs) is similar in Spark and Flink. Note that your UDF will be called for every record processed, which can result in the API getting called at a very high request rate. In addition, in production scenarios, your UDF code often gets run in parallel across multiple nodes, further amplifying the request rate.

For the following code snippets, let’s assume that the external API call entails calling the function:

response = my_external_api(request)

External API call in Spark UDF

The following code uses Spark:

class Predict(ScalarFunction):
def open(self, function_context):

with open("", "rb") as f:
self.model = pickle.load(f)

def eval(self, x):
return self.model.predict(x)

External API call in Flink UDF

For Flink, assume we define the UDF callExternalAPIUDF, which takes as input the ticker symbol symbol and returns enriched information about the symbol via a REST endpoint. We can then register and call the UDF as follows:

callExternalAPIUDF = udf(callExternalAPIUDF(), result_type=DataTypes.STRING())

    callExternalAPIUDF(symbol) as enriched_symbol
FROM stock_ticker;

Flink UDFs provide an initialization method that gets run one time (as opposed to one time per record processed).

Note that you should use UDFs judiciously as an improperly implemented UDF can cause your job to slow down, cause backpressure, and eventually stall your stream processing application. It’s advisable to use UDFs asynchronously to maintain high throughput, especially for I/O-bound use cases or when dealing with external resources like databases or REST APIs. To learn more about how you can use asynchronous I/O with Apache Flink, refer to Enrich your data stream asynchronously using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink.


Apache Flink and Apache Spark are both rapidly evolving projects and provide a fast and efficient way to process big data. This post focused on the top use cases we commonly encountered when customers wanted to see parallels between the two technologies for building real-time stream processing applications. We’ve included samples that were most frequently requested at the time of this writing. Let us know if you’d like more examples in the comments section.

About the author

Deepthi Mohan is a Principal Product Manager on the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics team.

Karthi Thyagarajan was a Principal Solutions Architect on the Amazon Kinesis team.

Extend your data mesh with Amazon Athena and federated views

Post Syndicated from Saurabh Bhutyani original

Amazon Athena is a serverless, interactive analytics service built on the Trino, PrestoDB, and Apache Spark open-source frameworks. You can use Athena to run SQL queries on petabytes of data stored on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) in widely used formats such as Parquet and open-table formats like Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi, and Delta Lake. However, Athena also allows you to query data stored in 30 different data sources—in addition to Amazon S3—including relational, non-relational, and object stores running on premises or in other cloud environments.

In Athena, we refer to queries on non-Amazon S3 data sources as federated queries. These queries run on the underlying database, which means you can analyze the data without learning a new query language and without the need for separate extract, transform, and load (ETL) scripts to extract, duplicate, and prepare data for analysis.

Recently, Athena added support for creating and querying views on federated data sources to bring greater flexibility and ease of use to use cases such as interactive analysis and business intelligence reporting. Athena also updated its data connectors with optimizations that improve performance and reduce cost when querying federated data sources. The updated connectors use dynamic filtering and an expanded set of predicate pushdown optimizations to perform more operations in the underlying data source rather than in Athena. As a result, you get faster queries with less data scanned, especially on tables with millions to billions of rows of data.

In this post, we show how to create and query views on federated data sources in a data mesh architecture featuring data producers and consumers.

The term data mesh refers to a data architecture with decentralized data ownership. A data mesh enables domain-oriented teams with the data they need, emphasizes self-service, and promotes the notion of purpose-built data products. In a data mesh, data producers expose datasets to the organization and data consumers subscribe to and consume the data products created by producers. By distributing data ownership to cross-functional teams, a data mesh can foster a culture of collaboration, invention, and agility around data.

Let’s dive into the solution.

Solution overview

For this post, imagine a hypothetical ecommerce company that uses multiple data sources, each playing a different role:

  • In an S3 data lake, ecommerce records are stored in a table named Lineitems
  • Amazon ElastiCache for Redis stores Nations and ActiveOrders data, ensuring ultra-fast reads of operational data by downstream ecommerce systems
  • On Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), MySQL is used to store data like email addresses and shipping addresses in the Orders, Customer, and Suppliers tables
  • For flexibility and low-latency reads and writes, an Amazon DynamoDB table holds Part and Partsupp data

We want to query these data sources in a data mesh design. In the following sections, we set up Athena data source connectors for MySQL, DynamoDB, and Redis, and then run queries that perform complex joins across these data sources. The following diagram depicts our data architecture.

Architecture diagram

As you proceed with this solution, note that you will create AWS resources in your account. We have provided you with an AWS CloudFormation template that defines and configures the required resources, including the sample MySQL database, S3 tables, Redis store, and DynamoDB table. The template also creates the AWS Glue database and tables, S3 bucket, Amazon S3 VPC endpoint, AWS Glue VPC endpoint, and other AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources that are used in the solution.

The template is designed to demonstrate how to use federated views in Athena, and is not intended for production use without modification. Additionally, the template uses the us-east-1 Region and will not work in other Regions without modification. The template creates resources that incur costs while they are in use. Follow the cleanup steps at the end of this post to delete the resources and avoid unnecessary charges.


Before you launch the CloudFormation stack, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account that provides access to AWS services
  • An IAM user with an access key and secret key to configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and permissions to create an IAM role, IAM policies, and stacks in AWS CloudFormation

Create resources with AWS CloudFormation

To get started, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack: Cloudformation Launch Stack
  2. Select I acknowledge that this template may create IAM resources.

The CloudFormation stack takes approximately 20–30 minutes to complete. You can monitor its progress on the AWS CloudFormation console. When status reads CREATE_COMPLETE, your AWS account will have the resources necessary to implement this solution.

Deploy connectors and connect to data sources

With our resources provisioned, we can begin to connect the dots in our data mesh. Let’s start by connecting the data sources created by the CloudFormation stack with Athena.

  1. On the Athena console, choose Data sources in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create data source.
  3. For Data sources, select MySQL, then choose Next.
  4. For Data source name, enter a name, such as mysql. The Athena connector for MySQL is an AWS Lambda function that was created for you by the CloudFormation template.
  5. For Connection details, choose Select or enter a Lambda function.
  6. Choose mysql, then choose Next.
  7. Review the information and choose Create data source.
  8. Return to the Data sources page and choose mysql.
  9. On the connector details page, choose the link under Lambda function to access the Lambda console and inspect the function associated with this connector.
    mysql Data Soruce details
  10. Return to the Athena query editor.
  11. For Data source, choose mysql.
  12. For Database, choose the sales database.
  13. For Tables, you should see a listing of MySQL tables that are ready for you to query.
  14. Repeat these steps to set up the connectors for DynamoDB and Redis.

After all four data sources are configured, we can see the data sources on the Data source drop-down menu. All other databases and tables, like the lineitem table, which is stored on Amazon S3, are defined in the AWS Glue Data Catalog and can be accessed by choosing AwsDataCatalog as the data source.

This image shows AwsDataCatalog is being selected as Data Source

Analyze data with Athena

With our data sources configured, we are ready to start running queries and using federated views in a data mesh architecture. Let’s start by trying to find out how much profit was made on a given line of parts, broken out by supplier nation and year.

For such a query, we need to calculate, for each nation and year, the profit for parts ordered in each year that were filled by a supplier in each nation. Profit is defined as the sum of [(l_extendedprice*(1-l_discount)) - (ps_supplycost * l_quantity)] for all line items describing parts in the specified line.

Answering this question requires querying all four data sources—MySQL, DynamoDB, Redis, and Amazon S3—and is accomplished with the following SQL:

    n_name nation,
	year(CAST(o_orderdate AS date)) as o_year,
	((l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) - (CAST(ps_supplycost AS double) * l_quantity)) as amount
    ((s_suppkey = l_suppkey)
    AND (ps_suppkey = l_suppkey)
	AND (ps_partkey = l_partkey)
	AND (p_partkey = l_partkey)
	AND (o_orderkey = l_orderkey)
	AND (s_nationkey = CAST(Regexp_extract(_key_, '.*-(.*)', 1) AS int)))

Running this query on the Athena console produces the following result.

Result of above query

This query is fairly complex: it involves multiple joins and requires special knowledge of the correct way to calculate profit metrics that other end-users may not possess.

To simplify the analysis experience for those users, we can hide this complexity behind a view. For more information on using views with federated data sources, see Querying federated views.

Use the following query to create the view in the data_lake database under the AwsDataCatalog data source:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "data_lake"."federated_view" AS
    n_name nation,
	year(CAST(o_orderdate AS date)) as o_year,
	((l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) - (CAST(ps_supplycost AS double) * l_quantity)) as amount
    ((s_suppkey = l_suppkey)
    AND (ps_suppkey = l_suppkey)
	AND (ps_partkey = l_partkey)
	AND (p_partkey = l_partkey)
	AND (o_orderkey = l_orderkey)
	AND (s_nationkey = CAST(Regexp_extract(_key_, '.*-(.*)', 1) AS int)))

Next, run a simple select query to validate the view was created successfully: SELECT * FROM federated_view limit 10

The result should be similar to our previous query.

With our view in place, we can perform new analyses to answer questions that would be challenging without the view due to the complex query syntax that would be required. For example, we can find the total profit by nation:

SELECT nation, sum(amount) AS total
from federated_view
GROUP BY nation 

Your results should resemble the following screenshot.

Result of above query

As you now see, the federated view makes it simpler for end-users to run queries on this data. Users are free to query a view of the data, defined by a knowledgeable data producer, rather than having to first acquire expertise in each underlying data source. Because Athena federated queries are processed where the data is stored, with this approach, we avoid duplicating data from the source system, saving valuable time and cost.

Use federated views in a multi-user model

So far, we have satisfied one of the principles of a data mesh: we created a data product (federated view) that is decoupled from its originating source and is available for on-demand analysis by consumers.

Next, we take our data mesh a step further by using federated views in a multi-user model. To keep it simple, assume we have one producer account, the account we used to create our four data sources and federated view, and one consumer account. Using the producer account, we give the consumer account permission to query the federated view from the consumer account.

The following figure depicts this setup and our simplified data mesh architecture.

Multi-user model setup

Follow these steps to share the connectors and AWS Glue Data Catalog resources from the producer, which includes our federated view, with the consumer account:

  1. Share the data sources mysql, redis, dynamo, and data_lake with the consumer account. For instructions, refer to Sharing a data source in Account A with Account B. Note that Account A represents the producer and Account B represents the consumer. Make sure you use the same data source names from earlier when sharing data. This is necessary for the federated view to work in a cross-account model.
  2. Next, share the producer account’s AWS Glue Data Catalog with the consumer account by following the steps in Cross-account access to AWS Glue data catalogs. For the data source name, use shared_federated_catalog.
  3. Switch to the consumer account, navigate to the Athena console, and verify that you see federated_view listed under Views in the shared_federated_catalog Data Catalog and data_lake database.
  4. Next, run a sample query on the shared view to see the query results.

Result of sample query

Clean up

To clean up the resources created for this post, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, empty the bucket athena-federation-workshop-<account-id>.
  2. If you’re using the AWS CLI, delete the objects in the athena-federation-workshop-<account-id> bucket with the following code. Make sure you run this command on the correct bucket.
    aws s3 rm s3://athena-federation-workshop-<account-id> --recursive
  3. On the AWS CloudFormation console or the AWS CLI, delete the stack athena-federated-view-blog.


In this post, we demonstrated the functionality of Athena federated views. We created a view spanning four different federated data sources and ran queries against it. We also saw how federated views could be extended to a multi-user data mesh and ran queries from a consumer account.

To take advantage of federated views, ensure you are using Athena engine version 3 and upgrade your data source connectors to the latest version available. For information on how to upgrade a connector, see Updating a data source connector.

About the Authors

Saurabh Bhutyani is a Principal Big Data Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He is passionate about new technologies. He joined AWS in 2019 and works with customers to provide architectural guidance for running scalable analytics solutions and data mesh architectures using AWS analytics services like Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, and Amazon DataZone.

Pathik Shah is a Sr. Big Data Architect on Amazon Athena. He joined AWS in 2015 and has been focusing in the big data analytics space since then, helping customers build scalable and robust solutions using AWS analytics services.

Simplify external object access in Amazon Redshift using automatic mounting of the AWS Glue Data Catalog

Post Syndicated from Maneesh Sharma original

Amazon Redshift is a petabyte-scale, enterprise-grade cloud data warehouse service delivering the best price-performance. Today, tens of thousands of customers run business-critical workloads on Amazon Redshift to cost-effectively and quickly analyze their data using standard SQL and existing business intelligence (BI) tools.

Amazon Redshift now makes it easier for you to run queries in AWS data lakes by automatically mounting the AWS Glue Data Catalog. You no longer have to create an external schema in Amazon Redshift to use the data lake tables cataloged in the Data Catalog. Now, you can use your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) credentials or IAM role to browse the Glue Data Catalog and query data lake tables directly from Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 or your preferred SQL editors.

This feature is now available in all AWS commercial and US Gov Cloud Regions where Amazon Redshift RA3, Amazon Redshift Serverless, and AWS Glue are available. To learn more about auto-mounting of the Data Catalog in Amazon Redshift, refer to Querying the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Enabling easy analytics for everyone

Amazon Redshift is helping tens of thousands of customers manage analytics at scale. Amazon Redshift offers a powerful analytics solution that provides access to insights for users of all skill levels. You can take advantage of the following benefits:

  • It enables organizations to analyze diverse data sources, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, facilitating comprehensive data exploration
  • With its high-performance processing capabilities, Amazon Redshift handles large and complex datasets, ensuring fast query response times and supporting real-time analytics
  • Amazon Redshift provides features like Multi-AZ (preview) and cross-Region snapshot copy for high availability and disaster recovery, and provides authentication and authorization mechanisms to make it reliable and secure
  • With features like Amazon Redshift ML, it democratizes ML capabilities across a variety of user personas
  • The flexibility to utilize different table formats such as Apache Hudi, Delta Lake, and Apache Iceberg (preview) optimizes query performance and storage efficiency
  • Integration with advanced analytical tools empowers you to apply sophisticated techniques and build predictive models
  • Scalability and elasticity allow for seamless expansion as data and workloads grow

Overall, Amazon Redshift empowers organizations to uncover valuable insights, enhance decision-making, and gain a competitive edge in today’s data-driven landscape.

Amazon Redshift Top Benefits

Amazon Redshift Top Benefits

The new automatic mounting of the AWS Glue Data Catalog feature enables you to directly query AWS Glue objects in Amazon Redshift without the need to create an external schema for each AWS Glue database you want to query. With automatic mounting the Data Catalog, Amazon Redshift automatically mounts the cluster account’s default Data Catalog during boot or user opt-in as an external database, named awsdatacatalog.

Relevant use cases for automatic mounting of the AWS Glue Data Catalog feature

You can use tools like Amazon EMR to create new data lake schemas in various formats, such as Apache Hudi, Delta Lake, and Apache Iceberg (preview). However, when analysts want to run queries against these schemas, it requires administrators to create external schemas for each AWS Glue database in Amazon Redshift. You can now simplify this integration using automatic mounting of the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

Solution overview

You can now use SQL clients like Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 to browse and query awsdatacatalog. In Query Editor V2, to connect to the awsdatacatalog database, choose the following:

Complete the following high-level steps to integrate the automatic mounting of the Data Catalog using Query Editor V2 and a third-party SQL client:

  1. Provision resources with AWS CloudFormation to populate Data Catalog objects.
  2. Connect Redshift Serverless and query the Data Catalog as a federated user using Query Editor V2.
  3. Connect with Redshift provisioned cluster and query the Data Catalog using Query Editor V2.
  4. Configure permissions on catalog resources using AWS Lake Formation.
  5. Federate with Redshift Serverless and query the Data Catalog using Query Editor V2 and a third-party SQL client.
  6. Discover the auto-mounted objects.
  7. Connect with Redshift provisioned cluster and query the Data Catalog as a federated user using a third-party client.
  8. Connect with Amazon Redshift and query the Data Catalog as an IAM user using third-party clients.

The following diagram illustrates the solution workflow.


You should have the following prerequisites:

Provision resources with AWS CloudFormation to populate Data Catalog objects

In this post, we use an AWS Glue crawler to create the external table ny_pub stored in Apache Parquet format in the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location s3://redshift-demos/data/NY-Pub/. In this step, we create the solution resources using AWS CloudFormation to create a stack named CrawlS3Source-NYTaxiData in either us-east-1 (use the yml download or launch stack) or us-west-2 (use the yml download or launch stack). Stack creation performs the following actions:

  • Creates the crawler NYTaxiCrawler along with the new IAM role AWSGlueServiceRole-RedshiftAutoMount
  • Creates automountdb as the AWS Glue database

When the stack is complete, perform the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, under Data Catalog in the navigation pane, choose Crawlers.
  2. Open NYTaxiCrawler and choose Run crawler.

After the crawler is complete, you can see a new table called ny_pub in the Data Catalog under the automountdb database.

Alternatively, you can follow the manual instructions from the Amazon Redshift labs to create the ny_pub table.

Connect with Redshift Serverless and query the Data Catalog as a federated user using Query Editor V2

In this section, we use an IAM role with principal tags to enable fine-grained federated authentication to Redshift Serverless to access auto-mounting AWS Glue objects.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Create an IAM role and add following permissions. For this post, we add full AWS Glue, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon S3 permissions for demo purposes. In an actual production scenario, it’s recommended to apply more granular permissions.

  2. On the Tags tab, create a tag with Key as RedshiftDbRoles and Value as automount.
  3. In Query Editor V2, run the following SQL statement as an admin user to create a database role named automount:
    Create role automount;

  4. Grant usage privileges to the database role:
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE awsdatacatalog to role automount;

  5. Switch the role to automountrole by passing the account number and role name.
  6. In the Query Editor v2, choose your Redshift Serverless endpoint (right-click) and choose Create connection.
  7. For Authentication, select Federated user.
  8. For Database, enter the database name you want to connect to.
  9. Choose Create connection.

You’re now ready to explore and query the automatic mounting of the Data Catalog in Redshift Serverless.

Connect with Redshift provisioned cluster and query the Data Catalog using Query Editor V2

To connect with Redshift provisioned cluster and access the Data Catalog, make sure you have completed the steps in the preceding section. Then complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to Redshift Query Editor V2 using the database user name and password authentication method. For example, connect to the dev database using the admin user and password.
  2. In an editor tab, assuming the user is present in Amazon Redshift, run the following SQL statement to grant an IAM user access to the Data Catalog:
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE awsdatacatalog to "IAMR:automountrole";

  3. As an admin user, choose the Settings icon, choose Account settings, and select Authenticate with IAM credentials.
  4. Choose Save.
  5. Switch roles to automountrole by passing the account number and role name.
  6. Create or edit the connection and use the authentication method Temporary credentials using your IAM identity.

For more information about this authentication method, see Connecting to an Amazon Redshift database.

You are ready to explore and query the automatic mounting of the Data Catalog in Amazon Redshift.

Discover the auto-mounted objects

This section illustrates the SHOW commands for discovery of auto-mounted objects. See the following code:

// Discovery of Glue databases at the schema level 

// Discovery of Glue tables 
 Syntax: SHOW TABLES FROM SCHEMA awsdatacatalog.<glue_db_name>;
Example: SHOW TABLES FROM SCHEMA awsdatacatalog.automountdb;

// Disocvery of Glue table columns 
 Syntax: SHOW COLUMNS FROM TABLE awsdatacatalog.<glue_db_name>.<glue_table_name>;
Example: SHOW COLUMNS FROM TABLE awsdatacatalog.automountdb.ny_pub;

Configure permissions on catalog resources using AWS Lake Formation

To maintain backward compatibility with AWS Glue, Lake Formation has the following initial security settings:

  • The Super permission is granted to the group IAMAllowedPrincipals on all existing Data Catalog resources
  • The Use only IAM access control setting is enabled for new Data Catalog resources

These settings effectively cause access to Data Catalog resources and Amazon S3 locations to be controlled solely by IAM policies. Individual Lake Formation permissions are not in effect.

In this step, we will configure permissions on catalog resources using AWS Lake Formation. Before you create the Data Catalog, you need to update the default settings of Lake Formation so that access to Data Catalog resources (databases and tables) is managed by Lake Formation permissions:

  1. Change the default security settings for new resources. For instructions, see Change the default permission model.
  2. Change the settings for existing Data Catalog resources. For instructions, see Upgrading AWS Glue data permissions to the AWS Lake Formation model.

For more information, refer to Changing the default settings for your data lake.

Federate with Redshift Serverless and query the Data Catalog using Query Editor V2 and a third-party SQL client

With Redshift Serverless, you can connect to awsdatacatalog from a third-party client as a federated user from any identity provider (IdP). In this section, we will configure permission on catalog resources for Federated IAM role in AWS Lake Formation. Using AWS Lake Formation with Redshift, currently permission can be applied on IAM user or IAM role level.

To connect as a federated user, we will be using Redshift Serverless. For setup instructions, refer to Single sign-on with Amazon Redshift Serverless with Okta using Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 and third-party SQL clients.

There are additional changes required on following resources:

  1. In Amazon Redshift, as an admin user, grant the usage to each federated user who needs access on awsdatacatalog:
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE awsdatacatalog to "IAMR:[email protected]";

If the user doesn’t exist in Amazon Redshift, you may need to create the IAM user with the password disabled as shown in the following code and then grant usage on awsdatacatalog:

Create User "IAMR:[email protected]" with password disable;
  1. On the Lake Formation console, assign permissions on the AWS Glue database to the IAM role that you created as part of the federated setup.
    1. Under Principals, select IAM users and roles.
    2. Choose IAM role oktarole.
    3. Apply catalog resource permissions, selecting automountdb database and granting appropriate table permissions.
  2. Update the IAM role used in the federation setup. In addition to the permissions added to the IAM role, you need to add AWS Glue permissions and Amazon S3 permissions to access objects from Amazon S3. For this post, we add full AWS Glue and AWS S3 permissions for demo purposes. In an actual production scenario, it’s recommended to apply more granular permissions.

Now you’re ready to connect to Redshift Serverless using the Query Editor V2 and federated login.

  1. Use the SSO URL from Okta and log in to your Okta account with your user credentials. For this demo, we log in with user Ethan.
  2. In the Query Editor v2, choose your Redshift Serverless instance (right-click) and choose Create connection.
  3. For Authentication, select Federated user.
  4. For Database, enter the database name you want to connect to.
  5. Choose Create connection.
  6. Run the command select current_user to validate that you are logged in as a federated user.

User Ethan will be able to explore and access awsdatacatalog data.

To connect Redshift Serverless with a third-party client, make sure you have followed all the previous steps.

For SQLWorkbench setup, refer to the section Configure the SQL client (SQL Workbench/J) in Single sign-on with Amazon Redshift Serverless with Okta using Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 and third-party SQL clients.

The following screenshot shows that federated user ethan is able to query the awsdatacatalog tables using three-part notation:

Connect with Redshift provisioned cluster and query the Data Catalog as a federated user using third-party clients

With Redshift provisioned cluster, you can connect with awsdatacatalog from a third-party client as a federated user from any IdP.

To connect as a federated user with the Redshift provisioned cluster, you need to follow the steps in the previous section that detailed how to connect with Redshift Serverless and query the Data Catalog as a federated user using Query Editor V2 and a third-party SQL client.

There are additional changes required in IAM policy. Update the IAM policy with the following code to use the GetClusterCredentialsWithIAM API:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:ListGroups",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "redshift:GetClusterCredentialsWithIAM",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:redshift:us-east-2:01234567891:dbname:redshift-cluster-1/dev"

Now you’re ready to connect to Redshift provisioned cluster using a third-party SQL client as a federated user.

For SQLWorkbench setup, refer to the section Configure the SQL client (SQL Workbench/J) in the post Single sign-on with Amazon Redshift Serverless with Okta using Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 and third-party SQL clients.

Make the following changes:

  • Use the latest Redshift JDBC driver because it only supports querying the auto-mounted Data Catalog table for federated users
  • For URL, enter jdbc:redshift:iam://<cluster endpoint>:<port>:<databasename>?groupfederation=true. For example, jdbc:redshift:iam://

In the preceding URL, groupfederation is a mandatory parameter that allows you to authenticate with the IAM credentials.

The following screenshot shows that federated user ethan is able to query the awsdatacatalog tables using three-part notation.

Connect and query the Data Catalog as an IAM user using third-party clients

In this section, we provide instructions to set up a SQL client to query the auto-mounted awsdatacatalog.

Use three-part notation to reference the awsdatacatalog table in your SELECT statement. The first part is the database name, the second part is the AWS Glue database name, and the third part is the AWS Glue table name:

SELECT * FROM awsdatacatalog.<aws-glue-db-name>.<aws-glue-table-name>;

You can perform various scenarios that read the Data Catalog data and populate Redshift tables.

For this post, we use SQLWorkbench/J as the SQL client to query the Data Catalog. To set up SQL Workbench/J, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a new connection in SQL Workbench/J and choose Amazon Redshift as the driver.
  2. Choose Manage drivers and add all the files from the downloaded AWS JDBC driver pack .zip file (remember to unzip the .zip file).

You must use the latest Redshift JDBC driver because it only supports querying the auto-mounted Data Catalog table.

  1. For URL, enter jdbc:redshift:iam://<cluster endpoint>:<port>:<databasename>?profile=<profilename>&groupfederation=true. For example, jdbc:redshift:iam://

We are using profile-based credentials as an example. You can use any AWS profile or IAM credential-based authentication as per your requirement. For more information on IAM credentials, refer to Options for providing IAM credentials.

The following screenshot shows that IAM user johndoe is able to list the awsdatacatalog tables using the SHOW command.

The following screenshot shows that IAM user johndoe is able to query the awsdatacatalog tables using three-part notation:

If you get the following error while using groupfederation=true, you need to use the latest Redshift driver:

Something unusual has occurred to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception:Authentication with plugin is not supported for group federation [SQL State=99999]

Clean up

Complete the following steps to clean up your resources:

  1. Delete the IAM role automountrole.
  2. Delete the CloudFormation stack CrawlS3Source-NYTaxiData to clean up the crawler NYTaxiCrawler, the automountdb database from the Data Catalog, and the IAM role AWSGlueServiceRole-RedshiftAutoMount.
  3. Update the default settings of Lake Formation:
    1. In the navigation pane, under Data catalog, choose Settings.
    2. Select both access control options choose Save.
    3. In the navigation pane, under Permissions, choose Administrative roles and tasks.
    4. In the Database creators section, choose Grant.
    5. Search for IAMAllowedPrincipals and select Create database permission.
    6. Choose Grant.


Note the following considerations:

  • The Data Catalog auto-mount provides ease of use to analysts or database users. The security setup (setting up the permissions model or data governance) is owned by account and database administrators.
    • To achieve fine-grained access control, build a permissions model in AWS Lake Formation.
    • If the permissions have to be maintained at the Redshift database level, leave the AWS Lake Formation default settings as is and then run grant/revoke in Amazon Redshift.
  • If you are using a third-party SQL editor, and your query tool does not support browsing of multiple databases, you can use the “SHOW“ commands to list your AWS Glue databases and tables. You can also query awsdatacatalog objects using three-part notation (SELECT * FROM awsdatacatalog.<aws-glue-db-name>.<aws-glue-table-name>;) provided you have access to the external objects based on the permission model.


In this post, we introduced the automatic mounting of AWS Glue Data Catalog, which makes it easier for customers to run queries in their data lakes. This feature streamlines data governance and access control, eliminating the need to create an external schema in Amazon Redshift to use the data lake tables cataloged in AWS Glue Data Catalog. We showed how you can manage permission on auto-mounted AWS Glue-based objects using Lake Formation. The permission model can be easily managed and organized by administrators, allowing database users to seamlessly access external objects they have been granted access to.

As we strive for enhanced usability in Amazon Redshift, we prioritize unified data governance and fine-grained access control. This feature minimizes manual effort while ensuring the necessary security measures for your organization are in place.

For more information about automatic mounting of the Data Catalog in Amazon Redshift, refer to Querying the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

About the Authors

Maneesh Sharma is a Senior Database Engineer at AWS with more than a decade of experience designing and implementing large-scale data warehouse and analytics solutions. He collaborates with various Amazon Redshift Partners and customers to drive better integration.

Debu-PandaDebu Panda is a Senior Manager, Product Management at AWS. He is an industry leader in analytics, application platform, and database technologies, and has more than 25 years of experience in the IT world.

Rohit Vashishtha is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS based in Dallas, Texas. He has 17 years of experience architecting, building, leading, and maintaining big data platforms. Rohit helps customers modernize their analytic workloads using the breadth of AWS services and ensures that customers get the best price/performance with utmost security and data governance.

Five actionable steps to GDPR compliance (Right to be forgotten) with Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Kishore Tata original

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) right to be forgotten, also known as the right to erasure, gives individuals the right to request the deletion of their personally identifiable information (PII) data held by organizations. This means that individuals can ask companies to erase their personal data from their systems and any third parties with whom the data was shared. Organizations must comply with these requests provided that there are no legitimate grounds for retaining the personal data, such as legal obligations or contractual requirements.

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. It is designed for analyzing large volumes of data and performing complex queries on structured and semi-structured data. Many customers are looking for best practices to keep their Amazon Redshift analytics environment compliant and have an ability to respond to GDPR right to forgotten requests.

In this post, we discuss challenges associated with implementation and architectural patterns and actionable best practices for organizations to respond to the right to be forgotten request requirements of the GDPR for data stored in Amazon Redshift.

Who does GDPR apply to?

The GDPR applies to all organizations established in the EU and to organizations, whether or not established in the EU, that process the personal data of EU individuals in connection with either the offering of goods or services to data subjects in the EU or the monitoring of behavior that takes place within the EU.

The following are key terms we use when discussing the GDPR:

  • Data subject – An identifiable living person and resident in the EU or UK, on whom personal data is held by a business or organization or service provider
  • Processor – The entity that processes the data on the instructions of the controller (for example, AWS)
  • Controller – The entity that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data (for example, an AWS customer)
  • Personal data – Information relating to an identified or identifiable person, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers

Implementing the right to be forgotten can include the following challenges:

  • Data identification – One of the main challenges is identifying all instances of personal data across various systems, databases, and backups. Organizations need to have a clear understanding of where personal data is being stored and how it is processed to effectively fulfill the deletion requests.
  • Data dependencies – Personal data can be interconnected and intertwined with other data systems, making it challenging to remove specific data without impacting the integrity of functionality of other systems or processes. It requires careful analysis to identify data dependencies and mitigate any potential risks or disruptions.
  • Data replication and backups – Personal data can exist in multiple copies due to data replication and backups. Ensuring the complete removal of data from all these copies and backups can be challenging. Organizations need to establish processes to track and manage data copies effectively.
  • Legal obligations and exemptions – The right to be forgotten is not absolute and may be subject to legal obligations or exemptions. Organizations need to carefully assess requests, considering factors such as legal requirements, legitimate interests, freedom of expression, or public interest to determine if the request can be fulfilled or if any exceptions apply.
  • Data archiving and retention – Organizations may have legal or regulatory requirements to retain certain data for a specific period. Balancing the right to be forgotten with the obligation to retain data can be a challenge. Clear policies and procedures need to be established to manage data retention and deletion appropriately.

Architecture patterns

Organizations are generally required to respond to right to be forgotten requests within 30 days from when the individual submits a request. This deadline can be extended by a maximum of 2 months taking into account the complexity and the number of the requests, provided that the data subject has been informed about the reasons for the delay within 1 month of the receipt of the request.

The following sections discuss a few commonly referenced architecture patterns, best practices, and options supported by Amazon Redshift to support your data subject’s GDPR right to be forgotten request in your organization.

Actionable Steps

Data management and governance

Addressing the challenges mentioned requires a combination of technical, operational, and legal measures. Organizations need to develop robust data governance practices, establish clear procedures for handling deletion requests, and maintain ongoing compliance with GDPR regulations.

Large organizations usually have multiple Redshift environments, databases, and tables spread across multiple Regions and accounts. To successfully respond to a data subject’s requests, organizations should have a clear strategy to determine how data is forgotten, flagged, anonymized, or deleted, and they should have clear guidelines in place for data audits.

Data mapping involves identifying and documenting the flow of personal data in an organization. It helps organizations understand how personal data moves through their systems, where it is stored, and how it is processed. By creating visual representations of data flows, organizations can gain a clear understanding of the lifecycle of personal data and identify potential vulnerabilities or compliance gaps.

Note that putting a comprehensive data strategy in place is not in scope for this post.

Audit tracking

Organizations must maintain proper documentation and audit trails of the deletion process to demonstrate compliance with GDPR requirements. A typical audit control framework should record the data subject requests (who is the data subject, when was it requested, what data, approver, due date, scheduled ETL process if any, and so on). This will help with your audit requests and provide the ability to roll back in case of accidental deletions observed during the QA process. It’s important to maintain the list of users and systems who may get impacted during this process to ensure effective communication.

Data discovery and findability

Findability is an important step of the process. Organizations need to have mechanisms to find the data under consideration in an efficient and quick manner for timely response. The following are some patterns and best practices you can employ to find the data in Amazon Redshift.


Consider tagging your Amazon Redshift resources to quickly identify which clusters and snapshots contain the PII data, the owners, the data retention policy, and so on. Tags provide metadata about resources at a glance. Redshift resources, such as namespaces, workgroups, snapshots, and clusters can be tagged. For more information about tagging, refer to Tagging resources in Amazon Redshift.

Naming conventions

As a part of the modeling strategy, name the database objects (databases, schemas, tables, columns) with an indicator that they contain PII so that they can be queried using system tables (for example, make a list of the tables and columns where PII data is involved). Identifying the list of tables and users or the systems that have access to them will help streamline the communication process. The following sample SQL can help you find the databases, schemas, and tables with a name that contains PII:

pg_catalog.pg_namespace.nspname AS schema_name,
pg_catalog.pg_class.relname AS table_name,
pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attname AS column_name,
pg_catalog.pg_database.datname AS database_name
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON pg_catalog.pg_namespace.oid = pg_catalog.pg_class.relnamespace
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute ON pg_catalog.pg_class.oid = pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attrelid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database ON pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attnum > 0
pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attname LIKE '%PII%';

SELECT datname
FROM pg_database
WHERE datname LIKE '%PII%';

SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE column_name LIKE '%PII%'

Separate PII and non-PII

Whenever possible, keep the sensitive data in a separate table, database, or schema. Isolating the data in a separate database may not always be possible. However, you can separate the non-PII columns in a separate table, for example, Customer_NonPII and Customer_PII, and then join them with an unintelligent key. This helps identify the tables that contain non-PII columns. This approach is straightforward to implement and keeps non-PII data intact, which can be useful for analysis purposes. The following figure shows an example of these tables.

PII-Non PII Example Tables

Flag columns

In the preceding tables, rows in bold are marked with Forgotten_flag=Yes. You can maintain a Forgotten_flag as a column with the default value as No and update this value to Yes whenever a request to be forgotten is received. Also, as a best practice from HIPAA, do a batch deletion once in a month. The downstream and upstream systems need to respect this flag and include this in their processing. This helps identify the rows that need to be deleted. For our example, we can use the following code:

Delete from Customer_PII where forgotten_flag=“Yes”

Use Master data management system

Organizations that maintain a master data management system maintain a golden record for a customer, which acts as a single version of truth from multiple disparate systems. These systems also contain crosswalks with several peripheral systems that contain the natural key of the customer and golden record. This technique helps find customer records and related tables. The following is a representative example of a crosswalk table in a master data management system.

Example of a MDM Records

Use AWS Lake Formation

Some organizations have use cases where you can share the data across multiple departments and business units and use Amazon Redshift data sharing. We can use AWS Lake Formation tags to tag the database objects and columns and define fine-grained access controls on who can have the access to use data. Organizations can have a dedicated resource with access to all tagged resources. With Lake Formation, you can centrally define and enforce database-, table-, column-, and row-level access permissions of Redshift data shares and restrict user access to objects within a data share.

By sharing data through Lake Formation, you can define permissions in Lake Formation and apply those permissions to data shares and their objects. For example, if you have a table containing employee information, you can use column-level filters to help prevent employees who don’t work in the HR department from seeing sensitive information. Refer to AWS Lake Formation-managed Redshift shares for more details on the implementation.

Use Amazon DataZone

Amazon DataZone introduces a business metadata catalog. Business metadata provides information authored or used by businesses and gives context to organizational data. Data discovery is a key task that business metadata can support. Data discovery uses centrally defined corporate ontologies and taxonomies to classify data sources and allows you to find relevant data objects. You can add business metadata in Amazon DataZone to support data discovery.

Data erasure

By using the approaches we’ve discussed, you can find the clusters, databases, tables, columns, snapshots that contain the data to be deleted. The following are some methods and best practices for data erasure.

Restricted backup

In some use cases, you may have to keep data backed up to align with government regulations for a certain period of time. It’s a good idea to take the backup of the data objects before deletion and keep it for an agreed-upon retention time. You can use AWS Backup to take automatic or manual backups. AWS Backup allows you to define a central backup policy to manage the data protection of your applications. For more information, refer to New – Amazon Redshift Support in AWS Backup.

Physical deletes

After we find the tables that contain the data, we can delete the data using the following code (using the flagging technique discussed earlier):

Delete from Customer_PII where forgotten_flag=“Yes”

It’s a good practice to delete data at a specified schedule, such as once every 25–30 days, so that it is simpler to maintain the state of the database.

Logical deletes

You may need to keep data in a separate environment for audit purposes. You can employ Amazon Redshift row access policies and conditional dynamic masking policies to filter and anonymize the data.

You can use row access policies on Forgotten_flag=No on the tables that contain PII data so that the designated users can only see the necessary data. Refer to Achieve fine-grained data security with row-level access control in Amazon Redshift for more information about how to implement row access policies.

You can use conditional dynamic data masking policies so that designated users can see the redacted data. With dynamic data masking (DDM) in Amazon Redshift, organizations can help protect sensitive data in your data warehouse. You can manipulate how Amazon Redshift shows sensitive data to the user at query time without transforming it in the database. You control access to data through masking policies that apply custom obfuscation rules to a given user or role. That way, you can respond to changing privacy requirements without altering the underlying data or editing SQL queries.

Dynamic data masking policies hide, obfuscate, or pseudonymize data that matches a given format. When attached to a table, the masking expression is applied to one or more of its columns. You can further modify masking policies to only apply them to certain users or user-defined roles that you can create with role-based access control (RBAC). Additionally, you can apply DDM on the cell level by using conditional columns when creating your masking policy.

Organizations can use conditional dynamic data masking to redact sensitive columns (for example, names) where the forgotten flag column value is TRUE, and the other columns display the full values.

Backup and restore

Data from Redshift clusters can be transferred, exported, or copied to different AWS services or outside of the cloud. Organizations should have an effective governance process to detect and remove data to align with the GDPR compliance requirement. However, this is beyond the scope of this post.

Amazon Redshift offers backups and snapshots of the data. After deleting the PII data, organizations should also purge the data from their backups. To do so, you need to restore the snapshot to a new cluster, remove the data, and take a fresh backup. The following figure illustrates this workflow.

It’s good practice to keep the retention period at 29 days (if applicable) so that the backups are cleared after 30 days. Organizations can also set the backup schedule to a certain date (for example, the first of every month).

Backup and Restore


It’s important to communicate to the users and processes who may be impacted by this deletion. The following query helps identify the list of users and groups who have access to the affected tables:

nspname AS schema_name,
relname AS table_name,
attname AS column_name,
usename AS user_name,
groname AS group_name
FROM pg_namespace
JOIN pg_class ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
JOIN pg_attribute ON pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_group ON pg_attribute.attacl::text LIKE '%' || groname || '%'
LEFT JOIN pg_user ON pg_attribute.attacl::text LIKE '%' || usename || '%'
pg_attribute.attname LIKE '%PII%'
AND (usename IS NOT NULL OR groname IS NOT NULL);

Security controls

Maintaining security is of great importance in GDPR compliance. By implementing robust security measures, organizations can help protect personal data from unauthorized access, breaches, and misuse, thereby helping maintain the privacy rights of individuals. Security plays a crucial role in upholding the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data. AWS offers a comprehensive suite of services and features that can support GDPR compliance and enhance security measures.

The GDPR does not change the AWS shared responsibility model, which continues to be relevant for customers. The shared responsibility model is a useful approach to illustrate the different responsibilities of AWS (as a data processor or subprocessor) and customers (as either data controllers or data processors) under the GDPR.

Under the shared responsibility model, AWS is responsible for securing the underlying infrastructure that supports AWS services (“Security of the Cloud”), and customers, acting either as data controllers or data processors, are responsible for personal data they upload to AWS services (“Security in the Cloud”).

AWS offers a GDPR-compliant AWS Data Processing Addendum (AWS DPA), which enables you to comply with GDPR contractual obligations. The AWS DPA is incorporated into the AWS Service Terms.

Article 32 of the GDPR requires that organizations must “…implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including …the pseudonymization and encryption of personal data[…].” In addition, organizations must “safeguard against the unauthorized disclosure of or access to personal data.” Refer to the Navigating GDPR Compliance on AWS whitepaper for more details.


In this post, we delved into the significance of GDPR and its impact on safeguarding privacy rights. We discussed five commonly followed best practices that organizations can reference for responding to GDPR right to be forgotten requests for data that resides in Redshift clusters. We also highlighted that the GDPR does not change the AWS shared responsibility model.

We encourage you to take charge of your data privacy today. Prioritizing GPDR compliance and data privacy will not only strengthen trust, but also build customer loyalty and safeguard personal information in digital era. If you need assistance or guidance, reach out to an AWS representative. AWS has teams of Enterprise Support Representatives, Professional Services Consultants, and other staff to help with GDPR questions. You can contact us with questions. To learn more about GDPR compliance when using AWS services, refer to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Center. To learn more about the right to be forgotten, refer to Right to Erasure.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is not a legal advice. It is intended to showcase commonly followed best practices. It is crucial to consult with your organization’s privacy officer or legal counsel and determine appropriate solutions.

About the Authors

YaduKishore ProfileYadukishore Tatavarthi  is a Senior Partner Solutions Architect supporting Healthcare and life science customers at Amazon Web Services. He has been helping the customers over the last 20 years in building the enterprise data strategies, advising customers on cloud implementations, migrations, reference architecture creation, data modeling best practices, data lake/warehouses architecture, and other technical processes.

Sudhir GuptaSudhir Gupta is a Principal Partner Solutions Architect, Analytics Specialist at AWS with over 18 years of experience in Databases and Analytics. He helps AWS partners and customers design, implement, and migrate large-scale data & analytics (D&A) workloads. As a trusted advisor to partners, he enables partners globally on AWS D&A services, builds solutions/accelerators, and leads go-to-market initiatives

Deepak SinghDeepak Singh is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services with 20+ years of experience in Data & AIA. He enjoys working with AWS partners and customers on building scalable analytical solutions for their business outcomes. When not at work, he loves spending time with family or exploring new technologies in analytics and AI space.

Metasploit Weekly Wrap up

Post Syndicated from Christophe De La Fuente original

Unauthenticated RCE in VMware Product

Metasploit Weekly Wrap up

This week, community contributor h00die added an exploit module that leverages a command injection vulnerability in VMWare Aria Operations for Networks, formerly known as vRealize Network Insight. Versions 6.2 to 6.10 are vulnerable (CVE-2023-20887). A remote attacker could abuse the Apache Thrift RPC interface by sending specially crafted data and get unauthenticated remote code execution on the underlying operating system as the root user. The module first bypasses the reverse proxy that protects the RPC interface and executes its payload with root privileges. This vulnerability has been rated as critical by VMware, with a CVSSv3 base score of 9.8.

Again, WordPress Plugin

Community contributor h00die-gr3y added an exploit module that targets the File Manager Advanced Shortcode WordPress plugin. This module leverages a flaw in the data validation mechanism when uploading a file and gets unauthenticated remote code execution. The plugin does not correctly prevent uploading files with disallowed MIME types. This vulnerability is identified as CVE-2023-2068 and affects version 2.3.2 and prior.

Kerberos Authentication and LDAP socks Proxies support

This release adds support for sending Kerberos and LDAP traffic through user configurable Socks4/Socks5 proxies. The proxies can be set with the Proxies datastore option. This functionality is supported by most modules, such as SMB/WinRM/etc. An example network environment would be:

[ Attacker Machine ] -> [ Socks Proxy ( ] -> [ Target (]

For instance running the auxiliary/gather/ldap_query module with the inline option proxies=socks5:, or using the older set proxies socks5: syntax, will send the network traffic through the user specified Socks proxy – requesting both the Kerberos tickets for authentication as well as the LDAP query itself:

msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > rerun rhost= username=administrator password=p4$$w0rd5 ldap::auth=kerberos ldap::rhostname=dc3.adf3.local domaincontrollerrhost= domain=adf3.local proxies=socks5:
[*] Reloading module...
[*] Running module against

[+] - Received a valid TGT-Response
[*] - TGT MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /home/kali/.msf4/loot/20230710120238_default_10.20.0.137_mit.kerberos.cca_426003.bin
[+] - Received a valid TGS-Response
[*] - TGS MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /home/kali/.msf4/loot/20230710120238_default_10.20.0.137_mit.kerberos.cca_291783.bin
[+] - Received a valid delegation TGS-Response
[*] Discovering base DN automatically
[+] Discovered base DN: DC=adf3,DC=local
[+] Discovered schema DN: DC=adf3,DC=local
CN=Administrator CN=Users DC=adf3 DC=local

 Name                Attributes
 ----                ----------
 badpwdcount         0
 description         Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
 lastlogoff          1601-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
 lastlogon           2023-07-10 16:02:38 UTC
… omitted …

New module content (2)

VMWare Aria Operations for Networks (vRealize Network Insight) pre-authenticated RCE

Authors: Anonymous with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative, Sina Kheirkhah, and h00die
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #18199 contributed by h00die
Path: exploits/linux/http/vmware_vrni_rce_cve_2023_20887
AttackerKB reference: CVE-2023-20887

Description: This adds an exploit module that leverages a pre-authenticated command injection vulnerability in VMWare Aria Operations for Networks (vRealize Network Insight). Versions from 6.2 to 6.10 are vulnerable and this has been identified as CVE-2023-20887. The module bypasses the reverse proxy that protects the access to the Apache Thrift RPC interface and executes arbitrary commands on the underlying operating system as the root user.

WordPress File Manager Advanced Shortcode 2.3.2 – Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution through shortcode

Authors: Mateus Machado Tesser and h00die-gr3y
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #18142 contributed by h00die-gr3y
Path: exploits/multi/http/wp_plugin_fma_shortcode_unauth_rce
AttackerKB reference: CVE-2023-2068

Description: This adds a WordPress exploit that makes use of the WordPress File Manager Advanced Shortcode 2.3.2 plugin, to gain unauthenticated Remote Code Execution through shortcode.

Enhancements and features (1)

  • #18096 from adfoster-r7 – Updates the LDAP query module and the Kerberos authentication support for WinRM/MSSQL/SMB/LDAP/etc to work in conjunction with the user’s set Proxies datastore value, i.e. set Proxies socks5:

Bugs fixed (3)

  • #18187 from cgranleese-r7 – Fixes a crash when running Ruby 3.3.0-preview1 with modules that used invalid syntax when packing or unpacking binary data.
  • #18213 from adfoster-r7 – This fixes a bug in the evasion/windows/syscall_inject module that was caused by an uninitialized variable.
  • #18225 from adfoster-r7 – This fixes multiple missing/invalid references in modules.


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Отчет за първата парламентарната сесия

Post Syndicated from Bozho original

Първата парламентарна сесия на 49-тото Народно събрание приключва днес. Както направих и в предходното Народно събрание, ето отчет за свършеното от мен за този малко над тримесечен период. Тук ще включа само неща, по които лично съм работил (рядко сам, разбира се), за да не си приписвам работа на други колеги или други парламентарни групи. Иначе тук е целият ми профил в сайта на Народното събрание.

Приети законови текстове:

  • Електронни ваучери за храна – след като в предния парламент беше отхвърлен „минималистичния“ вариант за законопроект за електронни ваучери за храна, след съвместна работа с Министерство на финансите, със Закона за бюджета беше прието от 2024 г. да има електронни ваучери за храна. Избраният подход е максимално технологично-неутрален, така че да не се предпоставя на законово ниво как ще бъдат реализирани ваучерите – оставено е на свободния пазар да установи кой е най-ефективният метод. Най-вероятно това ще става с карти с ограничена употреба, но са възможни и други подходи (напр. със смартфони).
  • Забрана за администрациите да отказват плащане с карта, ако тя е издадена от друга държава – някои администрации приемат всички карти, някои – само български, в зависимост от това какво са подписали с обслужващата си банка. Докато бях министър, съвместно с министъра на финансите изпратихме указания на административните органи да отпаднат ограниченията на база на банката-издател, но това все още не е факт навсякъде, поради което в Закона за ограничаване на плащанията в брой, съгласувано с БНБ, приехме алинея, която забранява такова неравно третиране. Така българи с чуждестранни карти или с карти на финтех компании като Ревоюлт също ще могат да плащат на пос-терминали.
  • Възможност за плащане на електронни фишове и наказателни постановления преди да са връчени – в момента трябва да отидете до КАТ, за да ви връчат електронен фиш или наказателно постановление, преди да можете да го платите. Дори да искате просто да си платите (с отстъпката за навременно плащане), преди приемането на промените в Закона за движението по пътищата не можехте, без да се разходите в работно време до КАТ. Сега можете просто да го платите, и той ще се счита за връчен. Скоро МВР трябва да разреши това на портала си за електронни услуги
  • Туристическа реклама на България – с изменения в Закона за туризма дадохме възможност министъра на туризма да ползва онлайн реклама в големи платформи (Фейсбук, Гугъл и др.) без посредници, които вземат процент от рекламния бюджет
  • В Закона за съдебната власт се приеха текстове за въвеждане на криптографски гаранции за случайното разпределение, което гарантира, че изборът е проверим и неманипулиран
  • В Наказателния кодекс направихме необходимите редакции, за да е недвусмислено ясно, че обикновени потребители не могат да бъдат обект на наказателно преследване, само защото ползват торенти (от край време е криминализирано пиратството, но сега Министерският съвет беше предложил допълване с цел улесняване на досъдебното производство за злоупотреби с обекти на авторското право в големи размери)

Напредък по важни закони:

  • Отпадане на синия талон – този текст го внасяме от 45-тото НС (април 2021 г.), но се очаква да се приеме по-късно днес, макар и по малко странен начин процедурно. Важното е, че синият талон отпада съвсем скоро. След влизането в сила (другата седмица) ще можете да си го скъсате.
  • Електронизиране на данните от трудовата книжка и съответно нейното отпадане – законопроектът мина на първо четене, след което беше създадена работна група, която рза един месец реши много потенциални проблеми и гранични случаи. В крайна сметка регистърът на заетостта ще бъде в НАП, като ще бъде надграден регистъра на трудовите договори. Предстои второ четене в комисия.
  • Изменения в Закона за движението по пътищата за отпадане на стикерите, улеснения във връчването по електронен път и въвеждане на задължения за спиране и връчване на водачи, които имат голям брой невръчени – минал на първо четене във водеща комисия.
  • Изменения в Закона за електронното управление, с които служебни справки се приравняват на удостоверения с цел тяхното отпадане; отпадане на нуждата от квалифициран електронен подпис за заявяване на е-услгуги; електронно връчване на всички документи, свързани с административното наказване; намаляване на таксите за електронни услуги; доуреждане на посредничеството при предоставяне на административни услуги и др. Законопроектът е минал на второ четене в комисия и предстои приемане в зала
  • Отдавна чаканите изменения в Закона за достъп до обществена информация за транспониране на директивата за отворени данни и надграждане на портала за достъп до обществена информация се очаква да бъдат финално приети наесен. На второ четене в комисия намерихме потенциално решение на проблемите на общините заради злоупотреба с право, без да ограничаваме правото на достъп.
  • Предложих изменения в Закона за авторското право и сродните му права с цел повишаване на свободния достъп до научна литература чрез ограничаване на журналите да спират последващо или предхождащо публикуване на научни публикации. Все още не е разглесано в комисия
  • На първо четене в комисия минаха изменения в Закона за обществените поръчки, с които се въвежда повече прозрачност на възлаганията, качване на договори по изключенията от закона и определяне на стандарт за отворени данни. Със закона се предвижда и разкриване на принадлежност към Държавна сигурност на лица в органите на управление на фирми, печелещи над половин милион от обществени поръчки
  • С представители на неправителствения сектор подготвихме изменения в Закона за гражданската регистрация, с който да решим проблема на над 70 хиляди лица, които нямат постоянен адрес и съответно им се отказва издаване на лична карта, чието внасяне предстои
  • Изготвихме изменения в Закона за закрила на детето за забрана за работа с деца на лица, осъждани за педофилия. Между първо и второ четене по Закона за защита от домашно насилие минаха текстове в тази посока (за регистър на педофилите), но смятам, че те имат доста проблеми и трябва да бъде изменени

Зададох доста въпроси към министри (служебни и редовни), които могат да бъдат видени в профила ми, в секция „Парламентарен контрол“, но ето някои по-интересни

Може би не е очевидно, но тези предложения минават с гласовете на ГЕРБ, понякога и на други партии. Както по темите за еврозоната и войната с Украйна, така и по горните теми, мнозинството в парламента приема добри промени. С нашите 63-ма депутати няма как сами да прокараме каквото и да било, така че обсъждаме конструктивно с другите партии. Това е парламентарната демокрация – нещо не минава, само защото звучи много хубаво.

Като цяло работата на Народното събрание може да е по-продуктивна, по-бърза и по-качествена. Но и свършеното и по горните закони, и по доста други, е позитивно, а аз опитвам да допринасям с каквото мога за въвеждане на сигурни и електронни процеси там, където има нужда и смисъл от това.

Материалът Отчет за първата парламентарната сесия е публикуван за пръв път на БЛОГодаря.

[$] Unmaintained filesystems as a threat vector

Post Syndicated from corbet original

One of the longstanding strengths of Linux, and a key to its early success,
is its ability to interoperate with other systems. That interoperability
includes filesystems; Linux supports a wide range of filesystem types,
allowing it to mount filesystems created by many other operating systems.
Some of those filesystem implementations, though, are better maintained
than others; developers at both the kernel and distribution levels are
currently considering, again, how to minimize the security risks presented
by the others.

ASRock Rack 1U12E-GENOA/2L2T Review A 1U AMD EPYC 9004 Server with 24x DDR5 DIMM Slots

Post Syndicated from Patrick Kennedy original

The ASRock Rack 1U12E-GENOA/2L2T is a new 1U single socket AMD EPYC 9004 platform with an innovative design. We get to share an early review

The post ASRock Rack 1U12E-GENOA/2L2T Review A 1U AMD EPYC 9004 Server with 24x DDR5 DIMM Slots appeared first on ServeTheHome.

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