All posts by Lewis Tang

What to consider when modernizing APIs with GraphQL on AWS

Post Syndicated from Lewis Tang original

In the next few years, companies will build over 500 million new applications, more than has been developed in the previous 40 years combined (see IDC article). API operations enable innovation. They are the “front door” to applications and microservices, and an integral layer in the application stack. In recent years, GraphQL has emerged as a modern API approach. With GraphQL, companies can improve the performance of their applications and the speed in which development teams can build applications. In this post, we will discuss how GraphQL works and how integrating it with AWS services can help you build modern applications. We will explore the options for running GraphQL on AWS.

How GraphQL works

Imagine you have an API frontend implemented with GraphQL for your ecommerce application. As shown in Figure 1, there are different services in your ecommerce system backend that are accessible via different technologies. For example, user profile data is stored in a highly scalable NoSQL table. Orders are accessed through a REST API. The current inventory stock is checked through an AWS Lambda function. And the pricing information is in an SQL database.

How GraphQL works

Figure 1. How GraphQL works

Without using GraphQL, client applications must make multiple separate calls to each one of these services. Because each service is exposed through different API endpoints, the complexity of accessing data from the client side increases significantly. In order to get the data, you have to make multiple calls. In some cases, you might over fetch data as the data source would send you an entire payload including data you might not need. In some other circumstances, you might under fetch data as a single data source would not have all your required data.

A GraphQL API combines the data from all these different services into a single payload that the client defines based on its needs. For example, a smartphone has a smaller screen than a desktop application. A smartphone application might require less data. The data is retrieved from multiple data sources automatically. The client just sees a single constructed payload. This payload might be receiving user profile data from Amazon DynamoDB, or order details from Amazon API Gateway. Or it could involve the injection of specific fields with inventory availability and price data from AWS Lambda and Amazon Aurora.

When modernizing frontend APIs with GraphQL, you can build applications faster because your frontend developers don’t need to wait for backend service teams to create new APIs for integration. GraphQL simplifies data access by interacting with data from multiple data sources using a single API. This reduces the number of API requests and network traffic, which results in improved application performance. Furthermore, GraphQL subscriptions enable two-way communication between the backend and client. It supports publishing updates to data in real time to subscribed clients. You can create engaging applications in real time with use cases such as updating sports scores, bidding statuses, and more.

Options for running GraphQL on AWS

There are two main options for running GraphQL implementation on AWS, fully managed on AWS using AWS AppSync, and self-managed GraphQL.

I. Fully managed using AWS AppSync

The most straightforward way to run GraphQL is by using AWS AppSync, a fully managed service. AWS AppSync handles the heavy lifting of securely connecting to data sources, such as Amazon DynamoDB, and to develop GraphQL APIs. You can write business logic against these data sources by choosing code templates that implement common GraphQL API patterns. Your APIs can also interact with other AWS AppSync functionality such as caching, to improve performance. Use subscriptions to support real-time updates, and client-side data stores to keep offline devices in sync. AWS AppSync will scale automatically to support varied API request loads. You can find more details from the AWS AppSync features page.

AWS AppSync in an ecommerce system implementation

Figure 2. AWS AppSync in an ecommerce system implementation

Let’s take a closer look at this GraphQL implementation with AWS AppSync in an ecommerce system. In Figure 2, a schema is created to define types and capabilities of the desired GraphQL API. You can tie the schema to a Resolver function. The schema can either be created to mirror existing data sources, or AWS AppSync can create tables automatically based the schema definition. You can also use GraphQL features for data discovery without viewing the backend data sources.

After a schema definition is established, an AWS AppSync client can be configured with an operation request, such as a query operation. The client submits the operation request to GraphQL Proxy along with an identity context and credentials. The GraphQL Proxy passes this request to the Resolver, which maps and initiates the request payload against pre-configured AWS data services. These can be an Amazon DynamoDB table for user profile, an AWS Lambda function for inventory service, and more. The Resolver initiates calls to one or all of these services within a single API call. This minimizes CPU cycles and network bandwidth needs. The Resolver then returns the response to the client. Additionally, the client application can change data requirements in code on demand. The AWS AppSync GraphQL API will dynamically map requests for data accordingly, enabling faster prototyping and development.

II. Self-Managed GraphQL

If you want the flexibility of selecting a particular open-source project, you may choose to run your own GraphQL API layer. Apollo, graphql-ruby, Juniper, gqlgen, and Lacinia are some popular GraphQL implementations. You can leverage AWS Lambda or container services such as Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) to run GraphQL open-source implementations. This gives you the ability to fine-tune the operational characteristics of your API.

When running a GraphQL API layer on AWS Lambda, you can take advantage of the serverless benefits of automatic scaling, paying only for what you use, and not having to manage your servers. You can create a private GraphQL API using Amazon ECS, EKS, or AWS Lambda, which can only be accessed from your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). With Apollo GraphQL open-source implementation, you can create a Federated GraphQL that allows you to combine GraphQL APIs from multiple microservices into a single API, illustrated in Figure 3. The Apollo GraphQL Federation with AWS AppSync post shows a concrete example of how to integrate an AWS AppSync API with an Apollo Federation gateway. It uses specification-compliant queries and directives.

Apollo GraphQL implementation on AWS Lambda

Figure 3. Apollo GraphQL implementation on AWS Lambda

When choosing self-managed GraphQL implementation, you have to spend time writing non-business logic code to connect data sources. You must implement authorization, authentication, and integrate other common functionalities. This can be caches to improve performance, subscriptions to support real-time updates, and client-side data stores to keep offline devices in sync. Because of these responsibilities, you have less time to focus on the business logic of application.

Similarly, backend development teams and API operators of an open-source GraphQL implementation must provision and maintain their own GraphQL servers. Remember that even with a serverless model, API developers and operators are still responsible for monitoring, performance tuning, and troubleshooting the API platform service.


Modernizing APIs with GraphQL gives your frontend application the ability to fetch just the data that’s needed from multiple data sources with an API call. You can build modern mobile and web applications faster, because GraphQL simplifies API management. You have flexibility to run an open-source GraphQL implementation most closely aligned with your needs on AWS Lambda, Amazon ECS, and Amazon EKS. With AWS AppSync, you can set up GraphQL quickly and increase your development velocity by reducing the amount of non-business API logic code.

Further reading:

Choosing an AWS container service to run your modern application

Post Syndicated from Lewis Tang original

Businesses want to innovate quickly and deliver value even faster. To achieve these goals, the platform needs to enable teams to focus on delivering applications that are reliable, secure, highly available, cost-efficient, and scalable to required sizes.

Consider including containers on AWS in your platform, whether you are trying containers for the first time, spinning out parts of an on-premises solution to microservices in the cloud, or are new to the cloud. Containers can help you achieving a range of business benefits, including increased scalability, agility, flexibility, and cost efficiency.

In this post, we discuss three sets of builder expectations and how AWS container services can help to meet with your application delivery requirements and choose the appropriate container platform service on AWS.

Decrease container platform operations management overhead

If managing a platform is not your business’s strategic focus (for example, if most of your engineers are code developers), it can be preferable to only manage application development.

Amazon Lightsail containers offer a simple way for developers to deploy their containers to the cloud. With a Docker image you provide for your containers, AWS automatically deploys containerized workloads for you.

Lightsail assigns an HTTPS endpoint that is ready to serve your web application running in the cloud container. It automatically sets up a load-balanced Transport Layer Security (TLS) endpoint and takes care of the TLS certificate. This service replaces unresponsive containers for you automatically; by assigning a Domain Name System to your endpoint, Lightsail maintains the old version until the new version is healthy and ready to go live (Figure 1).

Amazon Lightsail containers

Figure 1. Amazon Lightsail containers

Another simple way to build and run your containerized web application in AWS is using AWS App Runner, which provides a fully managed container-native service.

Without orchestrators to configure, build pipelines to set up, or load balancers to optimize, you can bring existing containers or use the integrated container build service to go directly from the code repository to deployed application.

The build service can connect to a GitHub repository, providing a Git push workflow that deploys changes automatically. App Runner orchestration workflow take cares of the build, deployment, and configuration tasks, such as host, runtime patching, monitoring load balancing, and auto scaling (Figure 2). Explore AWS App Runner documentation and workshop for more details about the service.

AWS App Runner

Figure 2. AWS App Runner

When designing an application, you often start with a whiteboard or mental model that has representations of each service and lines for how they interact with each other. When considering an application’s platform architecture, the cloud components are not limited to virtual private cloud (VPC) subnets, load balancers, deployment pipelines, and durable storage for your application’s stateful data. Bringing all underlying cloud components together and making sure the design is well architected can be challenging.

AWS Copilot can provide guided best practices when deploying a microservice architecture that includes multiple services deployed as containers. You can use Copliot to handle cloud component details for you. By providing a container image, Copilot works with App Runner or Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) to provision cloud components, like VPC and having Copilot handle high-availability deployment, load balancer creation, and configuration.

To automate application deployment and new version release, Copilot can create a deployment pipeline so that the latest version of your application is automatically deployed every time you push a new commit to your code repository (as demonstrated in Figure 3).

AWS Copilot pipeline

Figure 3. AWS Copilot pipeline

Full-control application deployment with container orchestration

As business grows, your application portfolio grows. Some applications may require the selection of Microsoft Windows containers or deep customizations on container-resource scheduling, monitoring, and logging. To accommodate this, you need the flexibility of configuring the required underlying container services while still using the efficient container orchestrator to automate the common processes to achieve operation efficiency. This is where Amazon ECS and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) can help.

Using Amazon ECS

As demonstrated in Figure 4, Amazon ECS is a highly scalable, high-performance container management service that supports containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instances with Amazon Fargate (a serverless compute engine for containers). With this, you can launch and stop containerized applications and query the complete state of your cluster. You have the ability to access and configure many familiar features, like security groups and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), by sending simple API calls.

Amazon ECS can be used to schedule container placement across your cluster based on resource needs and availability requirements. You can also integrate your own scheduler or third-party schedulers to meet business- or application-specific requirements.

Amazon ECS using AWS Fargate

Figure 4. Amazon ECS using AWS Fargate

Using Amazon EKS

Amazon EKS is a managed service that can be used to run Kubernetes on AWS, without installing, operating, and maintaining your own Kubernetes control plane or nodes. For many developers who have experience using Kubernetes, running Amazon EKS for application container workload is a preferred option because Amazon EKS provides the flexibility of Kubernetes with the scalability, security and resiliency of being an AWS managed service.

Amazon EKS runs and automatically scales the Kubernetes control plane across multiple AWS availability zones to ensure high availability, as in Figure 5. The control plane instances are automatically scaled based on load. Amazon EKS detects and replaces unhealthy control plane instances and provides automated version updates and patching. Amazon EKS enables developers to run up-to-date versions of the open-source Kubernetes software, the existing or new third-party plugins, and tooling. This means you can more easily migrate any standard Kubernetes application to Amazon EKS without code modification.

Scalability and security are essential to your business-critical workloads. Amazon EKS is integrated with many AWS services, including Amazon Elastic Container Registry for container images, ELB for load distribution, IAM for authentication, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud for isolation.

Amazon EKS scales Kubernetes across multiple availability zones

Figure 5. Amazon EKS scales Kubernetes across multiple availability zones


To innovate and respond to changes faster, businesses need to build modern applications quickly and manage them efficiently. AWS provides container services to run your most sensitive, secure, and business-critical workloads reliably and to-scale.

With little-to-no prior container experience, developers can use Lightsail containers to run web application container workloads with easy-to-use interface. App Runner simplifies application deployment and management down into one particular service for running web applications. With Copilot, you can get step-by-step best practice guidance when you need to deploy microservice architecture with multiple services deployed as containers. Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS give the flexibility of configuring container workloads while maintaining the application deployment and operational efficiency.

Further reading

Augmentation patterns to modernize a mainframe on AWS

Post Syndicated from Lewis Tang original

Customers with mainframes want to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to increase agility, maximize the value of their investments, and innovate faster. On June 8, 2022, AWS announced the general availability of AWS Mainframe Modernization, a new service that makes it faster and simpler for customers to modernize mainframe-based workloads.

In this post, we discuss the common use cases and the augmentation architecture patterns that help liberate data from mainframe for modern data analytics, get rid of expensive and unsupported tape storage solutions for mainframe, build new capabilities that integrate with core mainframe workloads, and enable agile development and testing by adopting CI/CD for mainframe.

Pattern 1: Augment mainframe data retention with backup and archival on AWS

Mainframes process and generate the most business-critical data. It’s imperative to provide data protection via solutions, such as data backup, archiving, and disaster recovery. Mainframes usually use automated tape libraries—virtual tape libraries for backup and archive. These tapes need to be stored, organized, and transported to vaults and disaster recovery sites. All this can be very expensive and rigid.

There is a more cost-effective approach that helps simplify the operations of tape libraries:  leverage AWS partner tools, such as Model9, to transparently migrate the data on tape storage to AWS.

As depicted in Figure 1, mainframe data can be transferred via the secured network connection using AWS Transfer Family services or AWS DataSync to AWS cloud storage services, such as Amazon Elastic File System, Amazon Elastic Block Store, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). After data is stored in AWS cloud, you can configure and move data among these services to meet with the business data processing need. Depending on data storage requirements, data storage costs can be further optimized by configuring S3 Lifecyle policies to move data among Amazon S3 storage classes. For long-term data archiving purpose, you can choose S3 Glacier storage class to achieve durability, resilience, and the optimal cost effectiveness.

Mainframe data backup and archival augmentation

Figure 1. Mainframe data backup and archival augmentation

Pattern 2: Augment mainframe with agile development and test environments including CI/CD pipeline on AWS

For any business-critical business application, a typical mainframe workload requires development and test environments to support production workloads. It’s common to see the lengthy application development lifecycle, a lack of automated testing, and an absent CI/CD pipeline with most of mainframes. Furthermore, the existing mainframe development processes and tools are outdated, as they are unable to keep up with the business pace, resulting in a growing backlog. Organizations with mainframes look for application development solutions to solve these challenges.

As demonstrated in Figure 2, AWS developer tools orchestrate code compilation, testing, and deployment among mainframe test environments. Mainframe test environments are either provided by the mainframe vendors as emulators or by AWS partners, such as Micro Focus. You can load the preferred developer tools and run an integrated development environment (IDE) from Amazon WorkSpaces or Amazon AppStream 2.0. Developers create or modify code in the IDE, and then commit and push their code to AWS CodeCommit. As soon as the code is pushed, an event is generated and triggers the pipeline in AWS CodePipeline to build the new code in a compilation environment via AWS CodeBuild. The pipeline pushes the new code to the test environment.

To optimize cost, you can scale the test environment capacity to meet needs. The tests are executed, and the test environment can be shut down when not in use. When the tests are successful, the pipeline pushes the code back to the mainframe via AWS CodeDeploy and an intermediary server. On the mainframe side, the code can go through a recompilation and final testing before being pushed to production.

You can further optimize operations and licensing cost of mainframe emulator by leveraging the managed integrated development and test environment provided by AWS Mainframe Modernization service.

Mainframe CI/CD augmentation

Figure 2. Mainframe CI/CD augmentation

Pattern 3: Augment mainframe with agile data analytics on AWS

Core business applications running on mainframes generate a lot of data throughout the years. Decades of historical business transactions and massive amounts of user data present an opportunity to develop deep business insight. By creating a data lake using the AWS big data services, you can gain faster analytics capabilities and better insight into core business data originated from mainframe applications.

Figure 3 depicts data being pulled from relational, hierarchical, or mainframe file-based data stores on mainframes. These data are presented in various formats and stored as DB2 for z/OS, VSAM, IMS DB, IDMS, DMS, or other formats. You can use AWS partners data replication and change data capture tools from AWS Marketplace or AWS cloud services, such as Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka for near real-time data streaming, Transfer Family services, and DataSync for moving data in batch from mainframes to AWS.

Once data are replicated to AWS, you can further process data using the services like AWS Lambda, or Amazon Elastic Container Service and store the processed data on various AWS storage services, such as Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Relational Database Service, and Amazon S3.

By using AWS big data and data analytics services, such as Amazon EMR, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, and Amazon QuickSight, you can develop deep business insight and present flexible visuals to your customers. Read more about mainframe data integration.

Mainframe data analytics augmentation

Figure 3. Mainframe data analytics augmentation

Pattern 4: Augment mainframe with new functions and channels on AWS

Organizations with a mainframe use AWS to innovate and iterate quickly, as they often lack agility. For example, a common scenario for a bank could be providing a mobile application for customer engagements, such as supporting a marketing campaign for a new credit card.

As depicted in Figure 4, with the data replicated from mainframes to AWS cloud and analyzed by AWS big data and analytics services, new business functions can be developed on cloud-native applications by using Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and AWS Fargate. These new business applications can interact with mainframe data, and the combination can give deep business insight.

To add new innovation capabilities, with time-series data generated by the new business function applications, using Amazon Forecast can predict domain-specific metrics, such as inventory, workforce, web traffic, and finances. Amazon Lex can build virtual agents, automate informational response to customer enquiries, and improve business productivity. Adding Amazon SageMaker, you can prepare data gathered from mainframe and new business applications at scale to build, train, and deploy machine learning models for any business cases.

You can further improve customer engagement by incorporating Amazon Connect and Amazon Pinpoint to build multichannel communications.

Mainframe new functions and channels augmentation

Figure 4. Mainframe new functions and channels augmentation


To increase agility, maximize the value of investments, and innovate faster, organizations can adopt the patterns discussed in this post to augment mainframes by using AWS services to build resilient data protection solution, provision agile CI/CD integrated development and test environment, liberate mainframe data and developing innovation solutions for new digital customer experience. With AWS Mainframe Modernization service, you can accelerate this journey and innovate faster.

Considerations for modernizing Microsoft SQL database service with high availability on AWS

Post Syndicated from Lewis Tang original

Many organizations have applications that require Microsoft SQL Server to run relational database workloads: some applications can be proprietary software that the vendor mandates Microsoft SQL Server to run database service; the other applications can be long-standing, home-grown applications that included Microsoft SQL Server when they were initially developed. When organizations migrate applications to AWS, they often start with lift-and-shift approach and run Microsoft SQL database service on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). The reason could be this is what they are most familiar with.

In this post, I share the architecture options to modernize Microsoft SQL database service and run highly available relational data services on Amazon EC2, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), and Amazon Aurora (Aurora).

Running Microsoft SQL database service on Amazon EC2 with high availability

This option is the least invasive to existing operations models. It gives you a quick start to modernize Microsoft SQL database service by leveraging the AWS Cloud to manage services like physical facilities. The low-level infrastructure operational tasks—such as server rack, stack, and maintenance—are managed by AWS. You have full control of the database and operating-system–level access, so there is a choice of tools to manage the operating system, database software, patches, data replication, backup, and restoration.

You can use any Microsoft SQL Server-supported replication technology with your Microsoft SQL Server database on Amazon EC2 to achieve high availability, data protection, and disaster recovery. Common solutions include log shipping, database mirroring, Always On availability groups, and Always On Failover Cluster Instances.

High availability in a single Region

Figure 1 shows how you can use Microsoft SQL Server on Amazon EC2 across multiple Availability Zones (AZs) within single Region. The interconnects among AZs that are similar to your data center intercommunications are managed by AWS. The primary database is a read-write database, and the secondary database is configured with log shipping, database mirroring, or Always On availability groups for high availability. All the transactional data from the primary database is transferred and can be applied to the secondary database asynchronously for log shipping, and it can either asynchronously or synchronously for Always On availability groups and mirroring.

High availability in a single Region with Microsoft SQL Database Service on Amazon EC2

Figure 1. High availability in a single Region with Microsoft SQL database service on Amazon EC2

High availability across multiple Regions

Figure 2 demonstrates how to configure high availability for Microsoft SQL Server on Amazon EC2 across multiple Regions. A secondary Microsoft SQL Server in a different Region from the primary is configured with log shipping, database mirroring, or Always On availability groups for high availability. The transactional data from primary database is transferred via the fully managed backbone network of AWS across Regions.

High availability across multiple Regions with Microsoft SQL database service on Amazon EC2

Figure 2. High availability across multiple Regions with Microsoft SQL database service on Amazon EC2

Replatforming Microsoft SQL Database Service on Amazon RDS with high availability

Amazon RDS is a managed database service and responsible for most management tasks. It currently supports Multi-AZ deployments for SQL Server using SQL Server Database Mirroring (DBM) or Always On Availability Groups (AGs) as a high-availability, failover solution.

High availability in a single Region

Figure 3 demonstrates the Microsoft SQL database service that is run on Amazon RDS is configured with a multi-AZ deployment model in single region. Multi-AZ deployments provide increased availability, data durability, and fault tolerance for DB instances. In the event of planned database maintenance or unplanned service disruption, Amazon RDS automatically fails-over to the up-to-date secondary DB instance. This functionality lets database operations resume quickly without manual intervention. The primary and standby instances use the same endpoint, whose physical network address transitions to the secondary replica as part of the failover process. You don’t have to reconfigure your application when a failover occurs. Amazon RDS supports multi-AZ deployments for Microsoft SQL Server by using either SQL Server database mirroring or Always On availability groups.

High availability in a single Region with Microsoft SQL database service on Amazon RDS

Figure 3. High availability in a single Region with Microsoft SQL database service on Amazon RDS

High availability across multiple Regions

Figure 4 depicts how you can use AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) to configure continuous replication among Microsoft SQL Database Service on Amazon RDS across multiple Regions. AWS DMS needs Microsoft Change Data Capture to be enabled on the Amazon RDS for the Microsoft SQL Server instance. If problems occur, you can initiate manual failovers and reinstate database services by promoting the Amazon RDS read replica in a different Region.

High availability across multiple Regions with Microsoft SQL database service on Amazon RDS

Figure 4. High availability across multiple Regions with Microsoft SQL database service on Amazon RDS

Refactoring Microsoft SQL database service on Amazon Aurora with high availability

This option helps you to eliminate the cost of SQL database service license. You can run database service on a truly cloud native modern database architecture. You can use AWS Schema Conversion Tool to assist in the assessment and conversion of your database code and storage objects. Any objects that cannot be automatically converted are clearly marked so they can be manually converted to complete the migration.

The Aurora architecture involves separation of storage and compute. Aurora includes some high availability features that apply to the data in your database cluster. The data remains safe even if some or all of the DB instances in the cluster become unavailable. Other high availability features apply to the DB instances. These features help to make sure that one or more DB instances are ready to handle database requests from your application.

High availability in a single Region

Figure 5 demonstrates Aurora stores copies of the data in a database cluster across multiple AZs in single Region. When data is written to the primary DB instance, Aurora synchronously replicates the data across AZs to six storage nodes associated with your cluster volume. Doing so provides data redundancy, eliminates I/O freezes, and minimizes latency spikes during system backups. Running a DB instance with high availability can enhance availability during planned system maintenance, such as database engine updates, and help protect your databases against failure and AZ disruption.

High availability in a single Region with Amazon Aurora

Figure 5. High availability in a single Region with Amazon Aurora

High availability across multiple Regions

Figure 6 depicts how you can set up Aurora global databases for high availability across multiple Regions. An Aurora global database consists of one primary Region where your data is written, and up to five read-only secondary Regions. You issue write operations directly to the primary database cluster in the primary Region. Aurora automatically replicates data to the secondary Regions using dedicated infrastructure, with latency typically under a second.

High availability across multiple Regions with Amazon Aurora global databases

Figure 6. High availability across multiple Regions with Amazon Aurora global databases


You can choose among the options of Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, and Amazon Aurora when modernizing SQL database service on AWS. Understanding the features required by business and the scope of service management responsibilities are good starting points. When presented with multiple options that meet with business needs, choose one that will allow more focus on your application, business value-add capabilities, and help you to reduce the services’ “total cost of ownership”.

Running hybrid Active Directory service with AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory

Post Syndicated from Lewis Tang original

Enterprise customers often need to architect a hybrid Active Directory solution to support running applications in the existing on-premises corporate data centers and AWS cloud. There are many reasons for this, such as maintaining the integration with on-premises legacy applications, keeping the control of infrastructure resources, and meeting with specific industry compliance requirements.

To extend on-premises Active Directory environments to AWS, some customers choose to deploy Active Directory service on self-managed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances after setting up connectivity for both environments. This setup works fine, but it also presents management and operations challenges when it comes to EC2 instance operation management, Windows operating system, and Active Directory service patching and backup. This is where AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AWS Managed Microsoft AD) helps.

Benefits of using AWS Managed Microsoft AD

With AWS Managed Microsoft AD, you can launch an AWS-managed directory in the cloud, leveraging the scalability and high availability of an enterprise directory service while adding seamless integration into other AWS services.

In addition, you can still access AWS Managed Microsoft AD using existing administrative tools and techniques, such as delegating administrative permissions to select groups in your organization. The full list of permissions that can be delegated is described in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

Active Directory service design consideration with a single AWS account

Single region

A single AWS account is where the journey begins: a simple use case might be when you need to deploy a new solution in the cloud from scratch (Figure 1).

A single AWS account and single-region model

Figure 1. A single AWS account and single-region model

In a single AWS account and single-region model, the on-premises Active Directory has “” domain configured in the on-premises data center. AWS Managed Microsoft AD is set up across two availability zones in the AWS region for high availability. It has a single domain, “”, configured. The on-premises Active Directory is configured to trust the AWS Managed Microsoft AD with network connectivity via AWS Direct Connect or VPN. Applications that are Active-Directory–aware and run on EC2 instances have joined domain, as do the selected AWS managed services (for example, Amazon Relational Database Service for SQL server).


As your cloud footprint expands to more AWS regions, you have two options also to expand AWS Managed Microsoft AD, depending on which edition of AWS Managed Microsoft AD is used (Figure 2):

  1. With AWS Managed Microsoft AD Enterprise Edition, you can turn on the multi-region replication feature to configure automatically inter-regional networking connectivity, deploy domain controllers, and replicate all the Active Directory data across multiple regions. This ensures that Active-Directory–aware workloads residing in those regions can connect to and use AWS Managed Microsoft AD with low latency and high performance.
  2. With AWS Managed Microsoft AD Standard Edition, you will need to add a domain by creating independent AWS Managed Microsoft AD directories per-region. In Figure 2, “” domain is added, and AWS Transit Gateway routes traffic among Active-Directory–aware applications within two AWS regions. The on-premises Active Directory is configured to trust the AWS Managed Microsoft AD, either by Direct Connect or VPN.
A single AWS account and multi-region model

Figure 2. A single AWS account and multi-region model

Active Directory Service Design consideration with multiple AWS accounts

Large organizations use multiple AWS accounts for administrative delegation and billing purposes. This is commonly implemented through AWS Control Tower service or AWS Control Tower landing zone solution.

Single region

You can share a single AWS Managed Microsoft AD with multiple AWS accounts within one AWS region. This capability makes it simpler and more cost-effective to manage Active-Directory–aware workloads from a single directory across accounts and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This option also allows you seamlessly join your EC2 instances for Windows to AWS Managed Microsoft AD.

As a best practice, place AWS Managed Microsoft AD in a separate AWS account, with limited administrator access but sharing the service with other AWS accounts. After sharing the service and configuring routing, Active Directory aware applications, such as Microsoft SharePoint, can seamlessly join Active Directory Domain Services and maintain control of all administrative tasks. Find more details on sharing AWS Managed Microsoft AD in the Share your AWS Managed AD directory tutorial.


With multiple AWS Accounts and multiple–AWS-regions model, we recommend using AWS Managed Microsoft AD Enterprise Edition. In Figure 3, AWS Managed Microsoft AD Enterprise Edition supports automating multi-region replication in all AWS regions where AWS Managed Microsoft AD is available. In AWS Managed Microsoft AD multi-region replication, Active-Directory–aware applications use the local directory for high performance but remain multi-region for high resiliency.

Multiple AWS accounts and multi-region model

Figure 3. Multiple AWS accounts and multi-region model

Domain Name System resolution design

To enable Active-Directory–aware applications communicate between your on-premises data centers and the AWS cloud, a reliable solution for Domain Name System (DNS) resolution is needed. You can set the Amazon VPC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) option sets to either AWS Managed Microsoft AD or on-premises Active Directory; then, assign it to each VPC in which the required Active-Directory–aware applications reside. The full list of options working with DHCP option sets is described in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.

The benefit of configuring DHCP option sets is to allow any EC2 instances in that VPC to resolve their domain names by pointing to the specified domain and DNS servers. This prevents the need for manual configuration of DNS on EC2 instances. However, because DHCP option sets cannot be shared across AWS accounts, this requires a DHCP option sets also to be created in additional accounts.

DHCP option sets

Figure 4. DHCP option sets

An alternative option is creating an Amazon Route 53 Resolver. This allows customers to leverage Amazon-provided DNS and Route 53 Resolver endpoints to forward a DNS query to the on-premises Active Directory or AWS Managed Microsoft AD. This is ideal for multi-account setups and customers desiring hub/spoke DNS management.

This alternative solution replaces the need to create and manage EC2 instances running as DNS forwarders with a managed and scalable solution, as Route 53 Resolver forwarding rules can be shared with other AWS accounts. Figure 5 demonstrates a Route 53 resolver forwarding a DNS query to on-premises Active Directory.

Route 53 Resolver

Figure 5. Route 53 Resolver


In this post, we described the benefits of using AWS Managed Microsoft AD to integrate with on-premises Active Directory. We also discussed a range of design considerations to explore when architecting hybrid Active Directory service with AWS Managed Microsoft AD. Different design scenarios were reviewed, from a single AWS account and region, to multiple AWS accounts and multi-regions. We have also discussed choosing between the Amazon VPC DHCP option sets and Route 53 Resolver for DNS resolution.

Further reading

What to consider when migrating data warehouse to Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Lewis Tang original

Customers are migrating data warehouses to Amazon Redshift because it’s fast, scalable, and cost-effective. However, data warehouse migration projects can be complex and challenging. In this post, I help you understand the common drivers of data warehouse migration, migration strategies, and what tools and services are available to assist with your migration project.

Let’s first discuss the big data landscape, the meaning of a modern data architecture, and what you need to consider for your data warehouse migration project when building a modern data architecture.

Business opportunities

Data is changing the way we work, live, and play. All of this behavior change and the movement to the cloud has resulted in a data explosion over the past 20 years. The proliferation of Internet of Things and smart phones have accelerated the amount of the data that is generated every day. Business models have shifted, and so have the needs of the people running these businesses. We have moved from talking about terabytes of data just a few years ago to now petabytes and exabytes of data. By putting data to work efficiently and building deep business insights from the data collected, businesses in different industries and of various sizes can achieve a wide range of business outcomes. These can be broadly categorized into the following core business outcomes:

  • Improving operational efficiency – By making sense of the data collected from various operational processes, businesses can improve customer experience, increase production efficiency, and increase sales and marketing agility
  • Making more informed decisions – Through developing more meaningful insights by bringing together full picture of data across an organization, businesses can make more informed decisions
  • Accelerating innovation – Combining internal and external data sources enable a variety of AI and machine learning (ML) use cases that help businesses automate processes and unlock business opportunities that were either impossible to do or too difficult to do before

Business challenges

Exponential data growth has also presented business challenges.

First of all, businesses need to access all data across the organization, and data may be distributed in silos. It comes from a variety of sources, in a wide range of data types and in large volume and velocity. Some data may be stored as structured data in relational databases. Other data may be stored as semi-structured data in object stores, such as media files and the clickstream data that is constantly streaming from mobile devices.

Secondly, to build insights from data, businesses need to dive deep into the data by conducting analytics. These analytics activities generally involve dozens and hundreds of data analysts who need to access the system simultaneously. Having a performant system that is scalable to meet the query demand is often a challenge. It gets more complex when businesses need to share the analyzed data with their customers.

Last but not least, businesses need a cost-effective solution to address data silos, performance, scalability, security, and compliance challenges. Being able to visualize and predict cost is necessary for a business to measure the cost-effectiveness of its solution.

To solve these challenges, businesses need a future proof modern data architecture and a robust, efficient analytics system.

Modern data architecture

A modern data architecture enables organizations to store any amount of data in open formats, break down disconnected data silos, empower users to run analytics or ML using their preferred tool or technique, and manage who has access to specific pieces of data with the proper security and data governance controls.

The AWS data lake architecture is a modern data architecture that enables you to store data in a data lake and use a ring of purpose-built data services around the lake, as shown in the following figure. This allows you to make decisions with speed and agility, at scale, and cost-effectively. For more details, refer to Modern Data Architecture on AWS.

Modern data warehouse

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, scalable, modern data warehouse that accelerates time to insights with fast, easy, and secure analytics at scale. With Amazon Redshift, you can analyze all your data and get performance at any scale with low and predictable costs.

Amazon Redshift offers the following benefits:

  • Analyze all your data – With Amazon Redshift, you can easily analyze all your data across your data warehouse and data lake with consistent security and governance policies. We call this the modern data architecture. With Amazon Redshift Spectrum, you can query data in your data lake with no need for loading or other data preparation. And with data lake export, you can save the results of an Amazon Redshift query back into the lake. This means you can take advantage of real-time analytics and ML/AI use cases without re-architecture, because Amazon Redshift is fully integrated with your data lake. With new capabilities like data sharing, you can easily share data across Amazon Redshift clusters both internally and externally, so everyone has a live and consistent view of the data. Amazon Redshift ML makes it easy to do more with your data—you can create, train, and deploy ML models using familiar SQL commands directly in Amazon Redshift data warehouses.
  • Fast performance at any scale – Amazon Redshift is a self-tuning and self-learning system that allows you to get the best performance for your workloads without the undifferentiated heavy lifting of tuning your data warehouse with tasks such as defining sort keys and distribution keys, and new capabilities like materialized views, auto-refresh, and auto-query rewrite. Amazon Redshift scales to deliver consistently fast results from gigabytes to petabytes of data, and from a few users to thousands. As your user base scales to thousands of concurrent users, the concurrency scaling capability automatically deploys the necessary compute resources to manage the additional load. Amazon Redshift RA3 instances with managed storage separate compute and storage, so you can scale each independently and only pay for the storage you need. AQUA (Advanced Query Accelerator) for Amazon Redshift is a new distributed and hardware-accelerated cache that automatically boosts certain types of queries.
  • Easy analytics for everyone – Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse that abstracts away the burden of detailed infrastructure management or performance optimization. You can focus on getting to insights, rather than performing maintenance tasks like provisioning infrastructure, creating backups, setting up the layout of data, and other tasks. You can operate data in open formats, use familiar SQL commands, and take advantage of query visualizations available through the new Query Editor v2. You can also access data from any application through a secure data API without configuring software drivers, managing database connections. Amazon Redshift is compatible with business intelligence (BI) tools, opening up the power and integration of Amazon Redshift to business users who operate from within the BI tool.

A modern data architecture with a data lake architecture and modern data warehouse with Amazon Redshift helps businesses in all different sizes address big data challenges, make sense of a large amount of data, and drive business outcomes. You can start the journey of building a modern data architecture by migrating your data warehouse to Amazon Redshift.

Migration considerations

Data warehouse migration presents a challenge in terms of project complexity and poses a risk in terms of resources, time, and cost. To reduce the complexity of data warehouse migration, it’s essential to choose a right migration strategy based on your existing data warehouse landscape and the amount of transformation required to migrate to Amazon Redshift. The following are the key factors that can influence your migration strategy decision:

  • Size – The total size of the source data warehouse to be migrated is determined by the objects, tables, and databases that are included in the migration. A good understanding of the data sources and data domains required for moving to Amazon Redshift leads to an optimal sizing of the migration project.
  • Data transfer – Data warehouse migration involves data transfer between the source data warehouse servers and AWS. You can either transfer data over a network interconnection between the source location and AWS such as AWS Direct Connect or transfer data offline via the tools or services such as the AWS Snow Family.
  • Data change rate – How often do data updates or changes occur in your data warehouse? Your existing data warehouse data change rate determines the update intervals required to keep the source data warehouse and the target Amazon Redshift in sync. A source data warehouse with a high data change rate requires the service switching from the source to Amazon Redshift to complete within an update interval, which leads to a shorter migration cutover window.
  • Data transformation – Moving your existing data warehouse to Amazon Redshift is a heterogenous migration involving data transformation such as data mapping and schema change. The complexity of data transformation determines the processing time required for an iteration of migration.
  • Migration and ETL tools – The selection of migration and extract, transform, and load (ETL) tools can impact the migration project. For example, the efforts required for deployment and setup of these tools can vary. We look closer at AWS tools and services shortly.

After you have factored in all these considerations, you can pick a migration strategy option for your Amazon Redshift migration project.

Migration strategies

You can choose from three migration strategies: one-step migration, two-step migration, or wave-based migration.

One-step migration is a good option for databases that don’t require continuous operation such as continuous replication to keep ongoing data changes in sync between the source and destination. You can extract existing databases as comma separated value (CSV) files, or columnar format like Parquet, then use AWS Snow Family services such as AWS Snowball to deliver datasets to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for loading into Amazon Redshift. You then test the destination Amazon Redshift database for data consistency with the source. After all validations have passed, the database is switched over to AWS.

Two-step migration is commonly used for databases of any size that require continuous operation, such as the continuous replication. During the migration, the source databases have ongoing data changes, and continuous replication keeps data changes in sync between the source and Amazon Redshift. The breakdown of the two-step migration strategy is as follows:

  • Initial data migration – The data is extracted from the source database, preferably during non-peak usage to minimize the impact. The data is then migrated to Amazon Redshift by following the one-step migration approach described previously.
  • Changed data migration – Data that changed in the source database after the initial data migration is propagated to the destination before switchover. This step synchronizes the source and destination databases. After all the changed data is migrated, you can validate the data in the destination database and perform necessary tests. If all tests are passed, you then switch over to the Amazon Redshift data warehouse.

Wave-based migration is suitable for large-scale data warehouse migration projects. The principle of wave-based migration is taking precautions to divide a complex migration project into multiple logical and systematic waves. This strategy can significantly reduce the complexity and risk. You start from a workload that covers a good number of data sources and subject areas with medium complexity, then add more data sources and subject areas in each subsequent wave. With this strategy, you run both the source data warehouse and Amazon Redshift production environments in parallel for a certain amount of time before you can fully retire the source data warehouse. See Develop an application migration methodology to modernize your data warehouse with Amazon Redshift for details on how to identify and group data sources and analytics applications to migrate from the source data warehouse to Amazon Redshift using the wave-based migration approach.

To guide your migration strategy decision, refer to the following table to map the consideration factors with a preferred migration strategy.

. One-Step Migration Two-Step Migration Wave-Based Migration
The number of subject areas in migration scope Small Medium to Large Medium to Large
Data transfer volume Small to Large Small to Large Small to Large
Data change rate during migration None Minimal to Frequent Minimal to Frequent
Data transformation complexity Any Any Any
Migration change window for switching from source to target Hours Seconds Seconds
Migration project duration Weeks Weeks to Months Months

Migration process

In this section, we review the three high-level steps of the migration process. The two-step migration strategy and wave-based migration strategy involve all three migration steps. However, the wave-based migration strategy includes a number of iterations. Because only databases that don’t require continuous operations are good fits for one-step migration, only Steps 1 and 2 in the migration process are required.

Step 1: Convert schema and subject area

In this step, you make the source data warehouse schema compatible with the Amazon Redshift schema by converting the source data warehouse schema using schema conversion tools such as AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) and the other tools from AWS partners. In some situations, you may also be required to use custom code to conduct complex schema conversions. We dive deeper into AWS SCT and migration best practices in a later section.

Step 2: Initial data extraction and load

In this step, you complete the initial data extraction and load the source data into Amazon Redshift for the first time. You can use AWS SCT data extractors to extract data from the source data warehouse and load data to Amazon S3 if your data size and data transfer requirements allow you to transfer data over the interconnected network. Alternatively, if there are limitations such as network capacity limit, you can load data to Snowball and from there data gets loaded to Amazon S3. When the data in the source data warehouse is available on Amazon S3, it’s loaded to Amazon Redshift. In situations when the source data warehouse native tools do a better data unload and load job than AWS SCT data extractors, you may choose to use the native tools to complete this step.

Step 3: Delta and incremental load

In this step, you use AWS SCT and sometimes source data warehouse native tools to capture and load delta or incremental changes from sources to Amazon Redshift. This is often referred to change data capture (CDC). CDC is a process that captures changes made in a database, and ensures that those changes are replicated to a destination such as a data warehouse.

You should now have enough information to start developing a migration plan for your data warehouse. In the following section, I dive deeper into the AWS services that can help you migrate your data warehouse to Amazon Redshift, and the best practices of using these services to accelerate a successful delivery of your data warehouse migration project.

Data warehouse migration services

Data warehouse migration involves a set of services and tools to support the migration process. You begin with creating a database migration assessment report and then converting the source data schema to be compatible with Amazon Redshift by using AWS SCT. To move data, you can use the AWS SCT data extraction tool, which has integration with AWS Data Migration Service (AWS DMS) to create and manage AWS DMS tasks and orchestrate data migration.

To transfer source data over the interconnected network between the source and AWS, you can use AWS Storage Gateway, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, Direct Connect, AWS Transfer Family services, Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration, and AWS DataSync. For data warehouse migration involving a large volume of data, or if there are constraints with the interconnected network capacity, you can transfer data using the AWS Snow Family of services. With this approach, you can copy the data to the device, send it back to AWS, and have the data copied to Amazon Redshift via Amazon S3.

AWS SCT is an essential service to accelerate your data warehouse migration to Amazon Redshift. Let’s dive deeper into it.

Migrating using AWS SCT

AWS SCT automates much of the process of converting your data warehouse schema to an Amazon Redshift database schema. Because the source and target database engines can have many different features and capabilities, AWS SCT attempts to create an equivalent schema in your target database wherever possible. If no direct conversion is possible, AWS SCT creates a database migration assessment report to help you convert your schema. The database migration assessment report provides important information about the conversion of the schema from your source database to your target database. The report summarizes all the schema conversion tasks and details the action items for schema objects that can’t be converted to the DB engine of your target database. The report also includes estimates of the amount of effort that it will take to write the equivalent code in your target database that can’t be converted automatically.

Storage optimization is the heart of a data warehouse conversion. When using your Amazon Redshift database as a source and a test Amazon Redshift database as the target, AWS SCT recommends sort keys and distribution keys to optimize your database.

With AWS SCT, you can convert the following data warehouse schemas to Amazon Redshift:

  • Amazon Redshift
  • Azure Synapse Analytics (version 10)
  • Greenplum Database (version 4.3 and later)
  • Microsoft SQL Server (version 2008 and later)
  • Netezza (version 7.0.3 and later)
  • Oracle (version 10.2 and later)
  • Snowflake (version 3)
  • Teradata (version 13 and later)
  • Vertica (version 7.2 and later)

At AWS, we continue to release new features and enhancements to improve our product. For the latest supported conversions, visit the AWS SCT User Guide.

Migrating data using AWS SCT data extraction tool

You can use an AWS SCT data extraction tool to extract data from your on-premises data warehouse and migrate it to Amazon Redshift. The agent extracts your data and uploads the data to either Amazon S3 or, for large-scale migrations, an AWS Snowball Family service. You can then use AWS SCT to copy the data to Amazon Redshift. Amazon S3 is a storage and retrieval service. To store an object in Amazon S3, you upload the file you want to store to an S3 bucket. When you upload a file, you can set permissions on the object and also on any metadata.

In large-scale migrations involving data upload to a AWS Snowball Family service, you can use wizard-based workflows in AWS SCT to automate the process in which the data extraction tool orchestrates AWS DMS to perform the actual migration.

Considerations for Amazon Redshift migration tools

To improve and accelerate data warehouse migration to Amazon Redshift, consider the following tips and best practices. Tthis list is not exhaustive. Make sure you have a good understanding of your data warehouse profile and determine which best practices you can use for your migration project.

  • Use AWS SCT to create a migration assessment report and scope migration effort.
  • Automate migration with AWS SCT where possible. The experience from our customers shows that AWS SCT can automatically create the majority of DDL and SQL scripts.
  • When automated schema conversion is not possible, use custom scripting for the code conversion.
  • Install AWS SCT data extractor agents as close as possible to the data source to improve data migration performance and reliability.
  • To improve data migration performance, properly size your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance and its equivalent virtual machines that the data extractor agents are installed on.
  • Configure multiple data extractor agents to run multiple tasks in parallel to improve data migration performance by maximizing the usage of the allocated network bandwidth.
  • Adjust AWS SCT memory configuration to improve schema conversion performance.
  • Use Amazon S3 to store the large objects such as images, PDFs, and other binary data from your existing data warehouse.
  • To migrate large tables, use virtual partitioning and create sub-tasks to improve data migration performance.
  • Understand the use cases of AWS services such as Direct Connect, the AWS Transfer Family, and the AWS Snow Family. Select the right service or tool to meet your data migration requirements.
  • Understand AWS service quotas and make informed migration design decisions.


Data is growing in volume and complexity faster than ever. However, only a fraction of this invaluable asset is available for analysis. Traditional on-premises data warehouses have rigid architectures that don’t scale for modern big data analytics use cases. These traditional data warehouses are expensive to set up and operate, and require large upfront investments in both software and hardware.

In this post, we discussed Amazon Redshift as a fully managed, scalable, modern data warehouse that can help you analyze all your data, and achieve performance at any scale with low and predictable cost. To migrate your data warehouse to Amazon Redshift, you need to consider a range of factors, such as the total size of the data warehouse, data change rate, and data transformation complexity, before picking a suitable migration strategy and process to reduce the complexity and cost of your data warehouse migration project. With AWS services such AWS SCT and AWS DMS, and by adopting the tips and the best practices of these services, you can automate migration tasks, scale migration, accelerate the delivery of your data warehouse migration project, and delight your customers.

About the Author

Lewis Tang is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services based in Sydney, Australia. Lewis provides partners guidance to a broad range of AWS services and help partners to accelerate AWS practice growth.