Tag Archives: email deliverability

How to secure your email account and improve email sender reputation

Post Syndicated from bajavani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/how-to-secure-your-email-account-and-improve-email-sender-reputation/

How to secure your email account and improve email sender reputation


Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a cost-effective, flexible, and scalable email service that enables customers to send email from within any application. You can send email using the SES SMTP interface or via HTTP requests to the SES API. All requests to send email must be authenticated using either SMTP or IAM credentials and it is when these credentials end up in the hands of a malicious actor, that customers need to act fast to secure their SES account.

Compromised credentials with permission to send email via SES allows the malicious actor to use SES to send spam and or phishing emails, which can lead to high bounce and or complaint rates for the SES account. A consequence of high bounce and or complaint rates can result in sending for the SES account being paused.

How to identify if your SES email sending account is compromised

Start by checking the reputation metrics for the SES account from the Reputation metrics menu in the SES Console.
A sudden increase or spike in the bounce or complaint metrics should be further investigated. You can start by checking the Feedback forwarding destination, where SES will send bounce and or complaints to. Feedback on bounces and complaints will contain the From, To email addresses as well as the subject. Use these attributes to determine if unintended emails are being sent, for example if the bounce and / or complaint recipients are not known to you that is an indication of compromise. To find out what your feedback forwarding destination is, please see Feedback forwarding mechanism

If SNS notifications are already enabled, check the subscribed endpoint for the bounce and / or complaint notifications to review the notifications for unintended email sending. SNS notifications would provide additional information, such as IAM identity being used to send the emails as well as the source IP address the emails are being sent from.

If the review of the bounces or complaints leads to the conclusion that the email sending is unintended, immediately follow the steps below to secure your account.

Steps to secure your account:

You can follow the below steps in order to secure your SES account:

  1. It is recommended that to avoid any more unintended emails from being sent, to immediately pause the SES account until the root cause has been identified and steps taken to secure the SES account. You can use the below command to pause the email sending for your account:

    aws ses update-account-sending-enabled --no-enabled --region sending_region

    Note: Change the sending_region with the region you are using to send email.

  2. Rotate the credentials for the IAM identity being used to send the unintended emails. If the IAM identity was originally created from the SES Console as SMTP credentials, it is recommended to delete the IAM identity and create new SMTP credentials from the SES Console.
  3. Limit the scope of SMTP/IAM identity to send email only from the specific IP address your email sending originates from.

See controlling access to Amazon SES.

Below is an example of an IAM policy which allows emails from IP Address and only.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "RestrictIP",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ses:SendRawEmail",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"IpAddress": {
"aws:SourceIp": [


When you send an email from IP address apart from the IP mentioned in the policy, then the following error will be observed and the email sending request will fail:


554 Access denied: User arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/iam-user-name’ is not authorized to perform ses:SendRawEmail’ on resource `arn:aws:ses:eu-west-1:123456789012:identity/example.com’


4.  Once these steps have been taken, the sending for the account can be enabled again, using the command below:

aws ses update-account-sending-enabled --enabled --region sending_region


You can secure your SES email sending account by taking the necessary steps mentioned and also prevent this from happening in the future.

How to list over 1000 email addresses from account-level suppression list

Post Syndicated from vmgaddam original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/how-to-list-over-1000-email-addresses-from-account-level-suppression-list/

Overview of solution

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) offers an account-level suppression list, which assists customers in avoiding sending emails to addresses that have previously resulted in bounce or complaint events. This feature is designed to protect the sender’s reputation and enhance message delivery rates. There are various types of suppression lists available, including the global suppression List, account-level suppression list, and configuration set-level suppression. The account-level suppression list is owned and managed by the customer, providing them with control over their list and account reputation. Additionally, customers can utilize the configuration set-level suppression feature for more precise control over suppression list management, which overrides the account-level suppression list.

Maintaining a healthy sender reputation with email providers (such as Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail) increases the probability of emails reaching recipients’ inboxes instead of being marked as spam. One effective approach to uphold sender reputation involves refraining from sending emails to invalid email addresses and disinterested recipients.

The account-level suppression list can be managed using Amazon SES console or AWS CLI which provides an easy way to manage addresses including bulk actions to add or remove addresses.

Currently, If the account-level suppression list contains more than 1000 records, we need to use NextToken to obtain a complete list of email addresses in a paginated manner. If the email address you are looking for is not within the first 1000 records of the response, you won’t be able to obtain the information from the account-level suppression list with one single command. To list all the email addresses within the account-level suppression, we use Amazon SES ListSuppressedDestinations API. This API allows you to fetch the NextToken and pass it to a follow-up request in order to retrieve another page of results.

The code below creates a loop that makes multiple requests, in each iteration, the next token is replaced, aiding in retrieving all email addresses that have been added to the account-level suppression list.


The code below can be used to run in your local machine or using AWS CloudShell As part of this blog spot, we will be using AWS CloudShell to fetch the list.

Note: Python 3 and Python 2 are both ready to use in the shell environment. Python 3 is now considered the default version of the programming language (support for Python 2 ended in January 2020).

1) An active AWS account.
2) User logged in to AWS management console must have “ses:ListSuppressedDestinations” permissions.


  1. Sign in to AWS management console and select the region where you are using Amazon SES
  2. Launch AWS CloudShell
  3. Save the code specified below as a file in your local environment. Example: List_Account_Level.py
  4. Click Actions and Upload File (List_Account_Level.py)

Upload File to AWS CloudShell

5. Run Python code.

Python3 List_Account_Level.py >> Email_Addresses_List.json

6. The file Email_Addresses_List.json will be saved in current directory
7. To download the file – Click Actions and Download File providing File name Email_Addresses_List.json

Download File from AWS CloudShell

List the Email addresses in your Amazon SES account suppression list added to recent bounce or complaint event using Python.

We used the ListSuppressedDestinations operation in the SES API v2 to create a list with all the email addresses that are on your account-level suppression list for your account including bounces and complaints.

Note: SES account-level suppression list applies to your AWS account in the current AWS Region.

import boto3
from datetime import datetime
import json

def showTimestamp(results):
    updated_results = []
    for eachAddress in results:
        updated_address = eachAddress.copy()
        updated_address['LastUpdateTime'] = eachAddress['LastUpdateTime'].strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")
    return updated_results

def get_resources_from(supression_details):
    results = supression_details['SuppressedDestinationSummaries']
    next_token = supression_details.get('NextToken', None)
    return results, next_token

def main():
    client = boto3.client('sesv2')
    next_token = ''  # Variable to hold the pagination token
    results = []   # List for the entire resource collection
    # Call the `list_suppressed_destinations` method in a loop

    while next_token is not None:
        if next_token:
            suppression_response = client.list_suppressed_destinations(
            suppression_response = client.list_suppressed_destinations(
        current_batch, next_token = get_resources_from(suppression_response)
        results += current_batch

    results = showTimestamp(results)

    print(json.dumps(results, indent=2, sort_keys=False))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Sample Response

Returns all of the email addresses and the output resembles the following example:

    "EmailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "Reason": "BOUNCE",
    "LastUpdateTime": "04/30/2021, 15:43:01"
}, {
    "EmailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "Reason": "BOUNCE",
    "LastUpdateTime": "04/30/2021, 15:43:01"
}, {
    "EmailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "Reason": "BOUNCE",
    "LastUpdateTime": "04/30/2021, 15:43:01"
}, {
    "EmailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "Reason": "BOUNCE",
    "LastUpdateTime": "04/30/2021, 15:43:00"
}, {
    "EmailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "Reason": "COMPLAINT",
    "LastUpdateTime": "06/22/2023, 12:59:31"

Cleaning up

The response file Email_Addresses_List.json will contain the list of all the email addresses on your account-level suppression list even if there are more than 1000 records. Please free to delete files that were created as part of the process if you no longer need them.


In this blog post, we explained listing of all email addresses if the account-level suppression list contains more than 1000 records using AWS CouldShell. Having complete list of email addresses will help you identify email addresses you are looking for and that are not included in the first 1000 records of the response. You can validate email address and determine who can receive email that can be removed from the account-level suppression list. This protect the sender reputations and improving delivery rates.


  1. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/sending-email-suppression-list.html
  2. https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/ses-remove-email-from-suppresion-list

About the Author


Venkata Manoj Gaddam is Cloud Support Engineer II at AWS and Service Matter Expert in Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Along with Amazon SES and S3, he is AWS Snow Family enthusiast. In his free time, he enjoys hanging out with friends and traveling.

Amazon SES – How to track email deliverability to domain level with CloudWatch

Post Syndicated from Alaa Hammad original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/amazon-ses-how-to-track-email-deliverability-to-domain-level-with-cloudwatch/

Why is it important to track email deliverability per domain with Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)?

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a scalable cloud email service provider that enables businesses to build a large-scale email solution and host multiple domains from the same SES account for different purposes ex: one domain for sending marketing emails such as special offers, another domain to send transactional emails such as order confirmations, and other types of correspondence such as newsletters.

As your product, service or solution built on Amazon SES grows and you require multiple domains verified, it is important to track email deliverability for emails you send from each domain for business continuity, billing purposes or incidents investigations. This can be useful to identify if you have low email deliverability for your business domain or if you have a domain generating high bounce or complaint rates and take proactive actions before impacting the account’s ability to send emails from any other domains.

SES offers features that automatically manage deliverability per domain through Virtual Deliverability Manager. Virtual Deliverability Manager helps enhance email deliverability and provides insights into sending and delivery data, as well as offering solutions to fix negative email sending reputation. You can learn more about Virtual Deliverability Manager here.

Solution Walkthrough

Amazon SES provides a way to monitor sender reputation metrics such as bounce and complaint rates per account or configuration sets using event publishing. This blog will discuss how you can use Amazon SES message auto-tags to monitor and publish email deliverability events (Send, Delivery, Bounce, Complaints) to CloudWatch custom metrics per domain. In addition, you will see how to create a custom CloudWatch dashboard that’s easy to access in a single view to monitor your domain metrics. This CloudWatch dashboard can help to provide guidance for your team members during operational events about how to respond to specific incidents for your sending domain.

What are Amazon SES Auto-Tags:

Message tags are a form of name/value pairs to categorize the email you are sending. For example, if you advertise books, you could name a message tag general, and assign a value of sci-fi or western, when you send an email for the associated campaign. Depending on which email sending interface you use, you can provide the message tag as a parameter to the API call (SendEmail, SendRawEmail) or as an Amazon SES-specific email header.

In addition to the message tags you add to any emails you send, Amazon SES adds a set of Auto-Tags that are automatically included in any emails you send. You don’t need to pass the parameters of the auto-tags to the API call or email headers since SES does this automatically.

The auto-tags in the list below are used to track the email deliverability for specific events ( ex: Send, Delivery, Bounce, Complaint). SES does this by using the name/value pairs of the auto-tag name as a dimension in CloudWatch metric to track the count of events of specific auto-tag. This blog post will use “ses:from-domain” auto-tag to configure event publishing for tracking and publish email deliverability events (Send, Delivery, Bounce, Complaints) you receive per domain to CloudWatch metrics and CloudWatch dashboard.

Amazon SES auto-tags added to messages you send


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Configure Amazon SES to publish email deliverability events to CloudWatch destination:

To configure event publishing for tracking email deliverability events, you first need to create a configuration set. Configuration sets in SES are groups of rules, that you can apply to your verified identities. When you apply a configuration set to an email, all of the rules in that configuration set are applied to the email.

After your configuration set is created, you need to create Amazon SES event destination. Amazon SES will send all email deliverability events you intend to track to this event destination. In this blog the event destination is Amazon CloudWatch.

    1. Sign in to the Amazon SES console.
    2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Configuration sets. Choose Create set.
    3. Enter Configuration set name, leave the rest of fields to default, scroll to the send and click on Create set.
    4. Under configuration set home page click on Event destinations tab and select Add destination
    5. Add SES event destination to configuration set
    6. Under Select event types, check Sends, Deliveries, Hard bounces and Complaints boxes and click Next.
    7. selecting event types to track
    8. Under Specify destination, Select Amazon CloudWatch.
    9. Select event destination as Amazon CloudWatch
    10. Name – enter the name of the destination for this configuration set. The name can include letters, numbers, dashes, and hyphens. (example : Tracking_per_Domain)
    11. Under Amazon CloudWatch dimensions, Select Value source: Message tag , Dimension name: ses:from-domain and Default value: example.com (you will need to add the verified domain name you want to track) as shown below:
    12. add message auto-tag as CloudWatch dimension to track
    13. Review, When you are satisfied that your entries are correct, Click Add destination to add your event destination.

Send a test email via Amazon SES mailbox simulator to trigger events in CloudWatch custom metric.

After selected Amazon CloudWatch as event destination , Amazon CloudWatch will create a custom metric with the auto-tag dimension and value you chose. For this custom metric to appear in CloudWatch Console, you must send an email to trigger each selected event. We recommend using the Amazon SES Mailbox Simulator to avoid generating real bounces or complaints that could impact your account’s reputation.

In the below section, This blog will show how to send those test emails to the following recipients manually using CLI. If you would like to use the console method to send those emails. you will need to send three separate test emails since the console will only allow one recipient per message:

Amazon SES Mailbox Simulator recipients to trigger the events in CloudWatch metrics:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Note: You must pass the name of the configuration set when sending an email. This can be done by either specifying the configuration set name in the headers of emails, or specifying it as a default configuration set. This can be done at the time of identity creation, or later while editing a verified identity.

The following example uses send-emailCLI command to send a formatted email to the Amazon SES simulator recipients:

Before you run any commands, set your default credentials by following Configuring the AWS CLI. The IAM user must has “ses:SendEmail” permission to send email.

  1. Navigate to your terminal where the AWS CLI is installed and configured. Create message.json file for the message to send and add the following content:
  2. {
    "Subject": {
    "Data": "Testing CW events with email simulator",
    "Charset": "UTF-8"
    "Body": {
    "Text": {
    "Data": "This is the message body of testing CW events with email similulator.",
    "Charset": "UTF-8"
  3. Create a destination.json file to add Amazon SES simulator recipients for bounces, complaints and delivery events as shown below:
  4. { 
    "ToAddresses": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" , "[email protected]"]
  5. Send a test email using send-email CLI command to send a formatted email to the Amazon SES simulator recipients:
  6. aws ses send-email --from [email protected] --destination file://destination.json --message file://message.json --configuration-set-name SES_Config_Set --region <AWS Region>
  7. After the message sent, you are expected to see the following output:
  8. {
    "MessageId": "EXAMPLEf3a5efcd1-51adec81-d2a4-4e3f-9fe2-5d85c1b23783-000000"

Now you sent a test email to trigger the events you want to track in CloudWatch custom metrics. Lets create the CloudWatch dashboard to see those metrics.

Create CloudWatch dashboard to track the email deliverability events for my domain.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon CloudWatch console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards, and then choose Create dashboard.
  3. In the Create new dashboard dialog box, enter a name like ‘CW_Domain_Tracking’ for the dashboard, and then choose Create dashboard.
  4. In the Add Widget dialog box, Choose Number to add a number displaying a metric to the dashboard and then choose Next
  5. Under Add metric graph, click on edit sign to rename the graph with your domain example.com . this will make it easy for you to select the dashboard of the domain if you have multiple domains.
  6. In the Browse tab , Select the AWS region where you are running your SES account and in the search bar, search for “ses:from-domain”.
  7. You will get four metrics returned with your domain name “example.com”. Select checkbox beside the four metrics and click Create widget.
  8. CloudWatch dashboard with the metrics
  9. Save dashboard in the top right corner of the dashboard page to save the widget settings.
  10. Save CloudWatch dashboard settings

After the CloudWatch dashboard created, for any email you send from example.com domain with configuration set name passed in the email header, The email deliverability events will be counted in your CloudWatch metrics and you will be able to see them in the CloudWatch dashboard.

As an additional step. You can also setup a CloudWatch alarms for this custom metrics and add a threshold for each metric. When the metric breach the threshold, the alarm goes on and send an SNS notification to you to take the necessary actions.

Cleaning Up:

This setup includes Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon SES service charges. To avoid incurring any extra charges, remember to delete any resources created manually if you no longer need them for monitoring.

Resources to delete from Amazon SES console.

  1. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Configuration sets.
  2. Check the box beside Configuration set you created and select Delete.

Resources to delete from Amazon CloudWatch console.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards, and then choose the dashboard you created.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the graph that you want to remove, choose Actions, and then choose Delete Dashboard.
  3. Save dashboard.


You have now seen how to configure Amazon SES to track email deliverability at domain level with CloudWatch dashboard. Tracking email deliverability for emails you send from each domain is essential for business continuity, billing purposes or incidents investigations. Using SES message auto-tags and CloudWatch metrics you can identify the domains that have low email deliverability quickly and take necessary actions to maximize your email deliverability and take proactive actions before impacting the account’s ability to send emails from any other domains.

About the author:

Alaa Hammad

Alaa Hammad is a Senior Cloud Support Engineer at AWS and subject matter expert in Amazon Simple Email Service and AWS Backup service. She has a 10 years of diverse experience in supporting enterprise customers across different industries. She enjoys cooking and try new recipes from different cuisines.

How to send messages to multiple recipients with Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

Post Syndicated from Joydeep Dutta original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/how-to-send-messages-to-multiple-recipients-with-amazon-simple-email-service-ses/


Customers frequently ask what is the best way to send messages to multiple recipients using Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) with the best deliverability and without exceeding the maximum recipient’s per message limit. In this blog, we will show you how to determine the best approach for sending a message to multiple recipients based on different use-cases. We will also discuss why in most situations sending messages to a single recipient at a time is the best approach.

Difference between message Header addresses and Envelope addresses

Before we dive into the use cases, let’s discuss how message addressing works in SES. When a client makes a request, SES constructs an email message compliant with the RFC 5322 Internet Message Format specification . An email comprises of a header, a body, and an RFC 5321 envelope, as described in the Email format in Amazon SES document.

The email addresses in the RFC 5322 To, Cc and Bcc headers are for display. These headers enable your email client interface to display to whom the message was addressed. These addresses do not control which recipients receive the messages; the envelope addresses do. The sending mail client provides the envelope recipient addresses to a mail server using the RFC 5321 RCPT TO commands. RCPT is an abbreviation for recipient.

An apt analogy (see diagram below) is how a physical letter within an envelope can address a person whose address is not the envelope. The address on the envelope is what the mail carrier to deliver the envelope. The postal worker should not need to open the envelope to know which address to deliver the mail.

Analogy to show physical mail compares to electronic mail

As an example, a school district may send letters informing residents of enrollment details for their children, but they do not know all of the names of the people who live at each address. The envelope may only list the address, and the letter may just be addressed “To Resident” if the school district doesn’t have a name to address the letter. The message is delivered to the resident’s address regardless of the accuracy of the information on the letter.

To simplify, let’s summarize the differences between To & Cc header and envelope addresses:

Header To & Cc Addresses Envelope Addresses (RCPT)
Used by email clients to display the list of recipients Used by mail servers to deliver the email message
Not used for mail delivery Used for mail delivery
Displayed to recipients Not displayed to recipients

The Bcc address is different than the To and Cc headers because it is used to send a copy of the message to an additional set of recipients that are “blind” to the other recipients. Bcc addresses are only defined by envelope addresses, not as a header address. Mail servers will commonly remove a Bcc header when handling a message, but delivery to the envelope recipient address still occurs.

When to use multiple recipients in a Destination

SES supports sending messages to multiple recipients in a single SendEmail operation. The Destination argument of the SendEmail operation represents the destination of the message. A Destination consists of To, Cc, and Bcc fields which represent both the header addresses and the envelope addresses.

When multiple recipients are defined in the Destination argument to the SendEmail operation, the defining characteristic is that every recipient receives the exact same message with the same message-id. A message-id is used for event handling (bounces, complaints, etc) among other purposes. A message-id pertains to exactly one version of a particular message.

Did you know: The use cases for recipients having a message with the same message-id are limited to situations in which the recipients are expected to interact with the message as a group. For example, recipients may reply-all to the email and have a resulting email conversation. The original message-id is used by email client applications to display a “conversation” view using the References and In-Reply-To headers. This behavior may be a good fit if the use case is a mailing list or internal announcement to employees within a company.

The recipient limit in the Destination argument is 50 because that is a reasonable break-point when the “conversational” use case runs the risk of the “reply all storm“ described in the next section. Consider using a robust mailing list solution or hosted service with capabilities similar to GNU Mailman to facilitate large group email conversations.

Why bulk mail recipients should not see other recipients

For bulk sending purposes, and most transactional sending, the recipients don’t need to know that other recipients also received the message:

  • The recipients likely gain no value from seeing the other recipient addresses, as they may be arbitrarily segmented into batches of 50 or less, and most email client interfaces have trouble displaying more than 50 addresses.
  • There is a risk of a “reply-all storm“, which is when a recipient replies to all of the To and Cc addresses from the original message, and then those people reply back asking everyone to stop replying. This scenario is fun to talk about around the water cooler, but should be avoided.
  • If recipients are defined as Bcc recipients in the Destinations argument of the SendEmail operation, it would not contain a To address, and that can look suspicious when read by the recipients.

Note: There is no authentication mechanism protecting the To or Cc headers from spoofing, so be careful about assuming any trust placed into the values of those headers. This means that it is possible for an attacker to spoof the To or Cc headers in an email message. Therefor the only meaningful address to include in the To header is the recipient’s own address, which they know isn’t spoofed because of the fact that they are reading the message.

For bulk mail it is best practice to have each recipient see only their own name and email address in the To header of the messages they receive. This makes the messages look more personable and can improve deliverability and recipient engagement.

This approach can be achieved by sending the message to each recipient individually via the SendEmail operation. You would use a single address in the “ToAddressses” field of the “Destination” argument.

Use the ToAddress field to individual message in the SendEmail API

How email event notifications are associated with recipients

If you need email event notifications to be associated to each recipient, then you will need each recipient to receive a message with a unique message-id; one recipient per Destination.

The following event types will be associated with every recipient in the Destination:

  • asynchronous bounces
  • complaints
  • opens
  • clicks

Learn more about Amazon SES events in the documentation: how email sending works in Amazon SES

For example, if one of the recipients triggers a open engagement event, and if that recipient was in a group of 50 recipients within the Destination argument to the SendEmail operation, then all 50 of those recipients will be registered as having opened the message.

Other considerations:

  • If the recipients are defined by ToAddresses and CcAddresses they will all appear in the message headers, but the To and Cc headers will be truncated in the event notifications if the headers are over 10 KB. Multi-recipient Destinations may cause you to lose observability needed to troubleshoot deliverability issues.
  • SES Virtual Deliverability Manager only tracks metrics from emails that have one recipient. Multi-recipient Destinations are not counted in any of the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard metrics.
  • SES counts the number of envelope recipients in an email toward the account’s sending quotas. Multi-recipient Destinations is not a way to achieve higher sending limits.
  • SES charges for each recipient receiving a message regardless of how many recipients are included in the Destination for each API invocation. Multi-recipient Destinations is not a way to reduce costs.

For bulk sending use cases, it is best practice to have each recipient have a copy of the message with a unique message-id to achieve the highest level of observability of your email sending program. High observability leads to high deliverability. This can be achieved by sending the message to each recipient individually.

How to send Emails to multiple recipients with SES

At this point, you should understand why it is a best practice to send a message to multiple recipients by iteratively using a single recipient in the Destination argument of the SendEmail operation.

Sending a message to a single recipient at a time is the best way to get started delivering messages to multiple recipients. Sending email in this fashion ensures that your deliverability metrics are giving you the observability needed to achieve the highest engagement with your recipients.

The following example uses the SES version 2 command line interface (CLI) to send a message to a list of recipients. If you do not want to use the CLI, use SES with an AWS SDK and adapt the commands into the syntax of the SDK of your choice.


# Replace these variables with your own values
# sender 
# - Consider not using no-reply@, and instead use SES Inbound to receive replies
# - Consider a descriptive username@; some mobile clients will display it prominently, so it should make sense to the recipient.
# - Consider using a subdomain for bulk and transactional mail. Don't use the domain used by your users.
# - Consider using a verified domain identity. Don't use an email address identity within a domain that has a DMARC policy.
sender="[email protected]"
subject="Email subject"
body="Email body"

# List of recipients, one per line. Defaults to SES mailbox simulator addresses (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/send-an-email-from-console.html#send-email-simulator-how-to-use)
  "[email protected]"
# ... 
  "[email protected]"

# Send an email to each recipient
# Iterate through the list of recipients.
# Invoke the AWS SES SendEmail operation with a single recipient defined in the Destination
for recipient in "${recipients[@]}"; do
  aws sesv2 send-email \
    --from-email-address "$sender" \
    --destination "ToAddresses=$recipient" \
    --content "Simple={Subject={Data='$subject',Charset='UTF-8'},Body={Text={Data='$body',Charset='UTF-8'}}}" \
    --region "$region"

# The output will look similar to this, with a unique MessageID associated with each recipent.
# {
#    "MessageId": "010001874edd1765-be4ea5c2-d2b1-4ffb-bfb9-46461d18d80c-000000"
# }
# ... 51 total message-ids
# {
#    "MessageId": "010001874edd1b94-468ecee9-9198-4356-9f53-a108097777e5-000000"
# }

In this example script, the SendEmail operation is invoked multiple times using the CLI to deliver the message individually to each recipient, and each recipient only sees their own address in the To header. We called the SendEmail operation 51 times and a total of 51 Message Ids were returned in the response.

How to use SendEmail for multiple recipient advanced use cases

Consider a scenario where a memo needs to be sent to an entire team, the team is large, and only a few of the recipients need to be displayed in the headers. In this use case, it is desirable to send multiple copies of an email to many recipients who all receive the same To and Cc headers.

To customize the headers, you must use the Raw field of the Content argument instead of the Simple field.

The example below will reference another internet standard called Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME): Format of Internet Message Bodies.

What’s in a MIME object:

  • Headers (such as From, Subject, and Reply-to)
  • Body – Plain text and HTML
  • Attachments – Files and images

MIME extends the capabilities of RFC 5322 and is used to format most email messages to this day. There are a variety of packages that can assist in creating a MIME structured messages, which you can find by searching relevant package managers.

This is an example in Python to create a MIME formatted message for the next script.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import base64

# You must change the 'fromAddress' variable for this example to work in your environment.
# When choosing a From header address:
# - Consider not using no-reply@, and instead use SES Inbound to receive replies
# - Consider a descriptive username@; some mobile clients will display it prominently, so it should make sense to the recipient.
# - Consider using a subdomain for bulk and transactional mail. Don't use the domain used by your users.
# - Consider using a verified domain identity. Don't use an email address identity within a domain that has a DMARC policy.

fromAddress = "Descriptive Name <[email protected]>"

# The To and Cc addresses here are for the email header. They are what will be displayed to the recipient.
# The actual recipient, or evelope recipient, will be set later.
toAddresses = ['Founder Name <[email protected]>']
ccAddresses = ['President <[email protected]>', 'Director <[email protected]>']
subjectTxt = "Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility"
messageTxt = "We started in a garage, but we’re not there anymore. We are big, we impact the world, and we are far from perfect. We must be humble and thoughtful about even the secondary effects of our actions. Our local communities, planet, and future generations need us to be better every day. We must begin each day with a determination to make better, do better, and be better for our customers, our employees, our partners, and the world at large. And we must end every day knowing we can do even more tomorrow. Leaders create more than they consume and always leave things better than how they found them."
messageHtml = "<html><body><p>" + messageTxt + "</p></body></html>"
CHARSET = "utf-8"

multiPartEmail = MIMEMultipart()
multiPartEmail['From'] = fromAddress
toAddressesJoined = ",".join(toAddresses)
multiPartEmail['To'] = toAddressesJoined
ccAddressesJoined = ",".join(ccAddresses)
multiPartEmail['Cc'] = ccAddressesJoined
multiPartEmail['Subject'] = subjectTxt
msg_body = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
textpart = MIMEText(messageTxt.encode(CHARSET), 'plain', CHARSET)
htmlpart = MIMEText(messageHtml.encode(CHARSET), 'html', CHARSET)

print("Human readable blob:")
print("Base64 Encoded Blob:")
Running this script will produce output similar to the following:
Human readable blob:
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============0865862865556646150=="
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility

Content-Type: text/text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

We started in a garage, but we’re not there anymore. We are big, we impact the world, and we are far from perfect. We must be humble and thoughtful about even the secondary effects of our actions. Our local communities, planet, and future generations need us to be better every day. We must begin each day with a determination to make better, do better, and be better for our customers, our employees, our partners, and the world at large. And we must end every day knowing we can do even more tomorrow. Leaders create more than they consume and always leave things better than how they found them.


Base64 Encoded Blob:

The following script has an option to divide the list into batches of 50 or fewer for each SendEmail operation and will send a Base 64 encoded MIME object to a list of recipients. The headers of the message are always the same for every recipient because the headers are defined within the MIME object, which is obtained from running the previous script With SendEmail, the Destination argument does not define the To or Cc headers.


# Replace these variables with your own values

# List of recipients, one per line. Defaults to SES mailbox simulator addresses (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/send-an-email-from-console.html#send-email-simulator-how-to-use)
# These are the actual envelope recipients who will get the above email in their inbox. The To and Cc addresses set above will be displayed, not these.
"[email protected]"
# ...
"[email protected]"

# Raw message content
# Paste the base64 encoded message blob that is returned from the python script (the string within b'')

# Maximum number of recipients per batch
# Increase batch_size up to 50 if your use case requires every recipient have the same message-it. This sacrifices observability into deliverability metrics.

# Send an email to batch size of 1 to 50 recipients
echo $recipients_count
for ((i=0; i<$recipients_count; i+=batch_size)); do
to_addresses="${to_addresses// /,}"
aws sesv2 send-email \
--destination "ToAddresses=$to_addresses" \
--content "Raw={Data='$content'}" \
--region "$region"

# The output will look similar to this, with a unique MessageID associated with each send-email.
# "MessageId": "010001874ee5cdca-3fe4fb4b-4d36-4ae7-b4e4-cc7fae988a42-000000"
#... 51 total message-ids
# "MessageId": "010001874ee5d210-9225f471-e330-4f01-9044-63a941358477-000000"

Screenshot of email client, viewing email sent by the above code. The sender of the email is “Descriptive Name”, the To recipient is Founder Name, and the President and Director are displayed as Cc addresses.

Remember: If you increase the batch size to greater than 1. Every recipient in each batch will have a message with the same message-id and will all be treated the same for event processing.

Running these scripts will have the effect of each team member receiving exactly the same looking message regardless of how many recipients were defined in each SendEmail Destination. The To and CC addresses were set in the email headers, but the actual envelope recipients were set in the API operation.

SES SendEmail and SendBulkEmail APIs

The latest version of SES API (version 2) offers SendEmail and SendBulkEmail APIs.

With SendBulkEmail, you can only use a pre-defined SES template while, with SendEmail, you can send any email format including raw, text, HTML and templates.

SendEmail operation can send a single email to one Destination (50 recipients across the To:, Cc:, and Bc: fields) while the SendBulkEmail operation can send 50 unique emails to 50 Destinations by leveraging a SES template.

Both operations have the capability to send templated emails, but the SendBulkEmail operation requires less computational resources. This is due to its ability to send emails to 50 Destinations using just a single API call.


In this blog post we discussed how message recipient addresses are displayed by email clients, how message delivery is defined by envelope recipients, and how email sending events are associated with the recipients. Defining multiple recipients in a message destination can lead to poor observability and therefore poor deliverability and should not be used unless your use case specifically requires it

Sending messages to one recipient at a time is a best practice and leads to the highest engagement with your recipients.

About the authors

Jesse Thompson is an Email Deliverability Manager with the Amazon Simple Email Service team. His background is in enterprise IT development and operations, with a focus on email abuse mitigation and encouragement of authenticity practices with open standard protocols. Jesse’s favorite activity outside of technology is recreational curling.
Samuel Wallan is a Software Development Engineer at AWS Simple Email Service. Within SES, Sam works on the Digital User Experience Deliverability team. In his free time, he enjoys hanging out with friends and staying fit.
Farnam Farshneshani is a Technical Account Manager at AWS. He specializes in AWS Simple Email service and helps customers with operational and architectural issues.  In his free time, he enjoys traveling and participating in various outdoor activities.
Joydeep Dutta is a Senior Solutions architect at AWS. Joydeep enjoys working with AWS customers to migrate their workloads to the AWS Cloud, optimize for cost and help with architectural best practices. He is passionate about enterprise architecture to help reduce cost and complexity in the enterprise. He lives in New Jersey and enjoys listening to music and spending time in the outdoors in his spare time.

Why is DMARC failing? How to Fix a DMARC Failure

Post Syndicated from singhzwz original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/why-is-dmarc-failing-how-to-fix-a-dmarc-failure/

Why is DMARC failing? How to Fix a DMARC Failure


For enterprises of all sizes, email is a critical piece of infrastructure that supports large volumes of communication from an organization. One of the benefits of using an email service or email platform like Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is that these managed email services allow you to send emails to your users using popular authentication methods such as DMARC. In this blog post we’ll explore the reasons DMARC may be failing in your emails and best practices to ensure your DMARC does not fail.

What is DMARC?

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance, is an email authentication protocol that uses Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) to detect email spoofing. Email DMARC, or Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance, is a technology that helps protect against email fraud and phishing attacks.
When you send an email, it contains information about the sender, recipient, and the content. However, cybercriminals can forge or “spoof” the sender’s address, making it appear as if the email is coming from a trusted source when it’s not.
DMARC helps address this problem by allowing email recipients to check if the incoming email is legitimate or not. It works by using cryptographic techniques to verify the authenticity of the sender’s domain.

Here’s how it simplifies the process:

  • The sender’s domain owner adds a special DMARC record to its DNS (Domain Name System) settings. This record includes information about how to handle incoming emails.
  • When an email recipient’s server receives a message, it checks the sender’s domain for the DMARC record.
  • The recipient’s server then verifies the email’s alignment with the DMARC record.
  • If the DMARC compliance fails, the recipient’s server can take different actions specified in the DMARC record- it may reject or quarantine the email or allow it to pass through.

By implementing DMARC, legitimate email senders can protect their domains from being used for malicious purposes. It helps organizations and individuals combat phishing attacks, protect their reputation, and enhance email security.
Overall, DMARC acts as a security measure to ensure that the emails you receive are genuinely from the claimed sender, minimizing the risk of falling victim to email-based scams.

Solution Overview

DMARC failures may happen if the sender domain of the email is not enabled for DKIM or SPF to comply via DMARC. This blog contains information that will help you troubleshoot DMARC failures and fix them so that the emails you send comply with DMARC via both SPF and DKIM. There are two ways to achieve DMARC validation: Complying with DMARC through SPF and Complying with DMARC through DKIM.

To comply DMARC via SPF:

For an email to comply with DMARC based on SPF, both of the following conditions must be met, either of it failing with result in DMARC failure through SPF:

Condition 1: The email must pass an SPF check. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email validation standard that’s designed to prevent email spoofing. Domain owners use SPF to tell email providers which servers are allowed to send email from their domains. SPF is defined in RFC 7208 in detail.

Condition 2: The domain in the From address of the email header must align with the MAIL FROM domain that the sending mail server specifies to the receiving mail server. When an email is sent, it has two addresses that indicate its source: a From address that’s displayed to the message recipient, and a MAIL FROM address that indicates where the message originated. By using a custom MAIL FROM domain, you are able to use SPF to achieve Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) validation.

To comply DMARC via DKIM:

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an email security standard designed to make sure that an email that claims to have come from a specific domain was indeed authorized by the owner of that domain. It uses public-key cryptography to sign an email with a private key.
For an email to comply with DMARC based on DKIM, both of the following conditions must be met. Either of below conditions failing will result in DMARC failure through DKIM:

Condition 1: The message must have a valid DKIM signature.
Condition 2: The From address in the email header must align with the domain in the DKIM signature. If the domain’s DMARC policy specifies strict alignment for DKIM, these domains must match exactly. If the domain’s DMARC policy specifies relaxed alignment for DKIM, the domain can be a subdomain of the From domain.

About configuring DMARC record :

You may refer to our document here to understand in detail about what is DMARC and how a DMARC record can be configured. It is a DNS record of type “TXT” that needs to be updated in authoritative zone file of the domain in concern. For example, DMARC record for domain “amazon.com” is set up in DNS of this domain as below:

_dmarc.amazon.com. TXT "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; pct=100; rua=mailto:[email protected]; ruf=mailto:[email protected]"

This document has detailed explanation about syntax of a DMARC record and the associated implication of using each tag with a specific value.

A high level email flow via SES looks like this:
Client Application—> SES—> Recipient ISP–> Recipient inbox

SES is a mail relay service, i.e., it takes the email from the sender mail server and forwards it to the recipient domain’s MTA. SES considers an email is successfully delivered as soon as it gets an 250 OK response from the recipient ISP. After the email is delivered, Amazon SES has no control over the email and can’t guarantee inbox placement. Internet service providers (ISPs) use different mechanisms and algorithms to filter emails to place them in either the recipient’s inbox folder or spam folder.

Some of the scenarios where you may need to investigate DMARC results are:

  • Your legitimate emails are being bounced by Recipient MTA
  • Your legitimate emails are landing in spam folder

Based on how you have configured your DMARC policy any of the above scenarios may occur. This is when we need to analyze your DMARC set up and raw headers received by recipient(in case of email landing in spam).

Email header analysis:
In order to understand what was the authentication performed by recipient ISP and what was the result of it, it is required to analyse detailed headers received at recipient side. You may refer to our public blog here to understand how to gather raw email headers from inbox of recipient.

Below is a sample snippet of email headers captured from recipient inbox and captures DMARC failure:

Delivered-To: [email protected]
Received: by 2002:a54:33ca:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id o10csp446075ect;
Mon, 25 Apr 2022 05:56:54 -0700 (PDT)
X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJzYtjfIvCYojV/yGDa/IWKE9sTfOs95kW9sKMV9bhx4B3GIuyOsGhvS+UUvw831ygQw4Tvt
X-Received: by 2002:a05:622a:14d0:b0:2f3:4279:687c with SMTP id u16-20020a05622a14d000b002f34279687cmr11908123qtx.551.1650891414627;
Mon, 25 Apr 2022 05:56:54 -0700 (PDT)
ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1650891414; cv=none;
d=google.com; s=arc-20160816;
ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=google.com; s=arc-20160816;
ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; mx.google.com;
dkim=pass [email protected] header.s=6gbrjpgwjskckoa6a5zn6fwqkn67xbtw header.b=GUxUTLBH;
spf=pass (google.com: domain of 0100018060cbd9c7-d7da0315-7127-4369-b439-de6dd9b8d5e7-000000@amazonses.com designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=0100018060cbd9c7-d7da0315-7127-4369-b439-de6dd9b8d5e7-000000@amazonses.com;
dmarc=fail (p=QUARANTINE sp=QUARANTINE dis=QUARANTINE) header.from=amazon.com
Return-Path: <0100018060cbd9c7-d7da0315-7127-4369-b439-de6dd9b8d5e7-000000@amazonses.com>
Received: from a8-30.smtp-out.amazonses.com (a8-30.smtp-out.amazonses.com. [])
by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id i13-20020ac85c0d000000b002f367d8d6bfsi873900qti.466.2022.
for <[email protected]>
(version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128);
Mon, 25 Apr 2022 05:56:54 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: pass (google.com: domain of 0100018060cbd9c7-d7da0315-7127-4369-b439-de6dd9b8d5e7-000000@amazonses.com designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
Authentication-Results: mx.google.com;
dkim=pass [email protected] header.s=6gbrjpgwjskckoa6a5zn6fwqkn67xbtw header.b=GUxUTLBH;
spf=pass (google.com: domain of 0100018060cbd9c7-d7da0315-7127-4369-b439-de6dd9b8d5e7-000000@amazonses.com designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=0100018060cbd9c7-d7da0315-7127-4369-b439-de6dd9b8d5e7-000000@amazonses.com;
dmarc=fail (p=QUARANTINE sp=QUARANTINE dis=QUARANTINE) header.from=amazon.com
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/simple; s=6gbrjpgwjskckoa6a5zn6fwqkn67xbtw; d=amazonses.com; t=1650891414; h=From:To:Subject:Content-Type:Message-ID:Date:Feedback-ID; bh=ynH00ooK6J9gmzrcdqlUOWlsQMEivO17lTfThw55L2U=; b=GUxUTLBHFWyoCG/hLKzsdvrHfgHSSRN+UyY8x3T6kLnt4/a7Os54kmrEaIiVLqsY Zw2Z8H9ML4NjljwBdAO1M66l1+nl/Z5jNISykpp0BOYwSuD32IGLchNUCXyNmNyDahO opStirAtp+MFVGH1FtCwFxDmXu03rGTJhy5qzuEM=
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

The email in headers above was sent from a user having domain “amazon.com” to recipient using domain “gmail.com”.
Now, DMARC compliance can pass either via SPF or DKIM. The logic basically works like below:

DMARC pass = (DKIM must pass) OR (SPF must pass)

So we will analyse DMARC compliance via DKIM and SPF one at a time:

Complying with DMARC through SPF

We shall look carefully at “Authentication-Results” header to see if SPF check passed. The sender IP is “” and as per below details captured in “Authentication-Results”:

spf=pass (google.com: domain of 0100018060cbd9c7-d7da0315-7127-4369-b439-de6dd9b8d5e7-000000@amazonses.com designates as permitted sender)

From above snippet it can be confirmed that the recipient ISP could verify that sender IP is designated as a valid sender. This confirms that recipient ISP validation on “Condition 1” stated above successfully passed.

Now, the “condition 2” states that the domain in the From address of the email header must align with the MAIL FROM domain. Let’s look at both these headers, sharing it below:

From: [email protected]
Return-Path: <0100018060cbd9c7-d7da0315-7127-4369-b439-de6dd9b8d5e7-000000@amazonses.com>

It can be observed that there is a mismatch in sender domain and MAIL FROM domain i.e. “amazon.com” and “amazonses.com” respectively. This happened because sender has not configured custom MAIL FROM domain in SES settings, so by default a subdomain of amazonses.com was used as default MAIL FROM domain.
To resolve the issue, you should configure MAIL FROM domain which would be a subdomain of sender domain i.e. “amazon.com” in above case.

Complying with DMARC through DKIM

We shall look carefully at “Authentication-Results” header to see if DKIM check passed. Below are the details captured in “Authentication-Results”:

dkim=pass [email protected] header.s=6gbrjpgwjskckoa6a5zn6fwqkn67xbtw header.b=GUxUTLBH; d=amazonses.com

From above snippet it can be confirmed that the recipient ISP could verify DKIM signature was valid. This confirms that recipient ISP validation on “Condition 1” stated above successfully passed.

Now, the “condition 2” states that From address in the email header must align with the domain in the DKIM signature. The domain in the DKIM signature is “amazonses.com” as captured in value “d=amazonses.com” above. This value does not match with domain in header “From” i..e. amazon.com. Since the second condition failed, so overall DMARC compliance failed via DKIM as well.
To resolve this issue, identity “[email protected]” using the domain “amazon.com” must have DKIM enabled. The document here has details about how to enable DKIM for a verified identity.

Now, since DMARC compliance failed both via DKIM as well as SPF overall DMARC compliance failed the received email. This is captured in header “Authentication-Results” below:

dmarc=fail (p=QUARANTINE sp=QUARANTINE dis=QUARANTINE) header.from=amazon.com

The value “p=QUARANTINE” will direct the recipient ISP to put email failing DMARC compliance into spam folder. However, it is up to the recipient ISP to take final action after they complete authentication checks.


Overall, you will need to ensure that your domain complies with DMARC at least via SPF or DKIM. If DMARC set up for a domain is not complete, it is susceptible to deliverability issues like email landing in spam, being rejected or being blocked by recipient ISP.
As a best practice, you can configure both DKIM and SPF to attain optimum deliverability while sending emails via SES. We hope the process of DMARC related analysis shared above helps you in troubleshooting DMARC compliance and configuring DMARC for your domains.

Amazon SES – Set up notifications for bounces and complaints

Post Syndicated from Vinay Ujjini original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/amazon-ses-set-up-notifications-for-bounces-and-complaints/

Why is it important to monitor bounces and complaints when using Amazon Simple Email Service?

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a scalable cloud email service provider that is cost-effective and flexible. Amazon SES allows businesses and individuals to send bulk emails to their customers and subscribers. However, as with any email service, there is always a risk of emails bouncing or being marked as spam by recipients. These bounces and complaints can have serious consequences for your email deliverability and can even lead to your email account being suspended or blocked. That’s why it’s important to monitor bounces and complaints when using Amazon SES for email sending. By using Simple Notification Services (Amazon SNS) notifications, you can set up notifications and proactively address any issues and ensure that your emails are delivered successfully to your intended recipients. In this blog, we’ll show how to set up notifications for bounces and complaints in Amazon SES, so you can stay on top of your email deliverability and maintain a positive sender reputation.

Understanding bounces and complaints:

Understanding bounces and complaints is crucial when it comes to email marketing. In simple terms, a bounce occurs when an email is undeliverable and is returned to the sender. There are two types of bounces: soft bounces and hard bounces. A soft bounce is a temporary issue, such as a full inbox or a server error, and the email may be delivered successfully on a subsequent attempt. A hard bounce, on the other hand, is a permanent issue, such as an invalid email address, and the email will never be delivered. On the other hand, a complaint occurs when a recipient marks an email as spam or unwanted. Complaints can be particularly damaging to your email deliverability and can lead to your emails being blocked or sent to the recipient’s spam folder. By monitoring bounces and complaints and taking appropriate action, you can maintain a positive sender reputation and ensure that your emails are delivered successfully to your intended recipients.

Amazon SES provides tools like Virtual Deliverability Manager (VDM) to manage the deliverability at the ISP, sub-domain or configuration set level. You can see the details in this blog.

Solution walkthrough:

This post gives detailed instructions on how to use Amazon Simple Notification Service SNS to monitor and receive notifications on bounces and complaints in Amazon SES. This blog also has FAQs and troubleshooting tips if you are not receiving notifications following the setup: (below are the steps with detailed instructions and screenshots)


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

  1. An active AWS account.
  2. A verified identity (Email address or Domain) in Amazon SES.
  3. Administrative Access to Amazon SES Console and Amazon SNS Console.

Step 1: Create an Amazon SNS topic and subscription:

      1. Sign in to the Amazon SNS console.
      2. Under Amazon SNS homepage provide a Topic name and click on Next steps:
      3. SNS topic image
      4. For Type, choose a topic type Standard.
        Note: Standard topics are better suited for use cases that require higher message publish and delivery throughput rates which fits the SES bounces and complaints monitoring.
      5. SNS standard queue
      6. (Optional) Expand the Encryption section if you would like to encrypt the SNS topic.
        • Choose Enable encryption.
        • Specify the AWS KMS key. For more information, see Key terms.
        • For each KMS type, the Description, Account, and KMS ARN are displayed.
      7. Encryption image
      8. Scroll to the end of the form and choose Create topic. The topic is created and the console opens the new topic’s Details page.
      9. To create the subscription on the Subscriptions page, choose Create subscription.
      10. SNS Subscription page
      11. On the Create subscription page, choose the Topic ARN that you created in the previous step.
      12. For Protocol, choose Email. There are multiple protocols available to use and it depends on where you would like to receive the SNS notifications for bounces and complaints. Please refer to list of available protocols.
      13. For Endpoint, enter an email address that can receive notifications.
        Note: this should be existing email address with accessible mailbox.
      14. SNS Subscription details
      15. Scroll to the bottom and click Create subscription. The console opens the new subscription’s Details page.
      16. After your subscription is created, you need to confirm it through the email address provided above.
      17. Check your email inbox you provided in the endpoint in previous step and and choose Confirm subscription in the email from AWS Notifications. The sender ID is usually “[email protected]“.
      18. AWS Notification email
      19. Amazon SNS opens your web browser and displays a subscription confirmation with your subscription ID.
      20. Subscription confirmation email
      21. After subscription is confirmed, refresh the subscription’s Details page and the subscription status will move from Pending to Confirmed.
      22. Subscription details
  • Step 2: Configure Amazon SES to send bounces and complaints to the Amazon SNS topic created:

In this step, I am presenting two methods to monitor your bounces and complaints. Follow Demo 1, if you are looking for a simple way to monitor bounces and complaints events for a specific email identity. Follow Demo 2, if you have many email identities and you want to monitor bounces and complaints along with other events using configuration sets “groups of rules that you can apply to all your verified identities”.

Demo 1: Configure Amazon SES to monitor bounces and complaints for specific email identity (Email, Domain):

The domain/sub-domain/email identity must have a Verified status. If the identity is not in verified status, refer to steps to verify identity with Amazon SES before continuing further.

Prior to starting this demo, it is important to know if you have a verified domain, subdomain, or an email address that shares the root domain. The identity settings (such as SNS and feedback notifications) apply at the most granular level you have set up the verification. Hierarchy is as below:

  • Verified email address identity settings override verified domain identity settings.
  • Verified subdomain identity settings override verified domain identity settings. (lower-level subdomain settings override higher-level subdomain settings).

Hence, if you want to monitor bounces and complaints for all email addresses under one domain, it is recommended to verify the domain identity with SES and apply this setting at the domain identity level. If you want to monitor bounces and complaints for specific email address under a verified domain identity, verify this email address explicitly with SES and apply this settings into the email identity level.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SES console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities.
  3. Verified email identities
  4. Select the verified identity in which you want to monitor for bounces and complaints notifications.
  5. In the details screen of the verified identity you selected, choose the Notifications tab and select Edit in the Feedback notifications container.
  6. Notifications
  7. Expand the SNS topic list box of bounce and complaint feedback type and select the SNS topic you created in Step 1.
    (Optional) If you want your topic notification to include the headers from the original email, check the Include original email headers box directly underneath the SNS topic name of each feedback type then click on save changes.
  8. SNS topics
  9. After configured SNS topic for bounces and complaints, you can disable Email Feedback Forwarding notifications to avoid receive double notifications through Email Feedback Forwarding and SNS notifications.
  10. To Disable it, under the Notifications tab on the details screen of the verified identity, in the Email Feedback Forwarding container, choose Edit, uncheck the Enabled box, and choose Save changes.
  11. Feedback forwarding disabled

Demo 2: Configure Amazon SES to monitor bounces and complaints for emails sent with a configuration set using Amazon SES event publishing.

Configuration sets in SES are groups of rules, that you can apply to your verified identities. When you apply a configuration set to an email, all of the rules in that configuration set are applied to the email. You can use different type of rules with a configuration set. This demo will use event destination, which will allow you to publish bounces and complaints to the SNS topic.

Note: You must pass the name of the configuration set when sending an email. This can be done by either specifying the configuration set name in the headers of emails, or specifying it as a default configuration set. This can be done at the time of identity creation, or later while editing a verified identity.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SES console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Configuration sets. Choose Create set.
  3. Configuration set image
  4. Enter Configuration set name, leave the rest of fields to default, scroll to the send and click on Create set.
  5. Create configuration set
  6. After Configuration set is created, you now need to create Amazon SES event destinations as shown below. Amazon SES sends all bounce and complaint notifications to event destination. In this blog the event destination is Amazon SNS topic.
  7. Navigate to the configuration set you created in step 3. Under configuration set home page click on Event destinations and select Add destination.
  8. Event destinations
  9. Under Select event types, check hard bounces and complaints boxes and click Next.
  10. Event types selection
  11. Specify destination for receiving bounce and complaints notifications, there’s couple of destinations types to choose from. in this demo, we will use Amazon SNS.
  12. Name – enter the name of the destination for this configuration set. The name can include letters, numbers, dashes, and hyphens.
  13. Event publishing – to turn on event publishing for this destination, select the Enabled check box.
  14. Under Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic , Expand the SNS topic list box and select the SNS topic you created in Step 1 and click Next.
  15. Use SES as destination
  16. Review, When you are satisfied that your entries are correct, choose Add destination to add your event destination.
  17. Once you choose Add destination , the summary of event destination will show a “Successfully validated SNS topic for Amazon SES event publishing” email.
  18. Successful notification

Step 3: Using Amazon SES Mailbox Simulator to test send and receive a bounce notification via SNS topic:

Test 1: Send a test email to test Demo 1 “Configure Amazon SES to monitor bounces and complaints for specific email identity (Email, Domain) ” in previous step

In this test, I will send a test message from my verified identity which configured to send any bounce and complaint notifications it receives to SNS topic and email address subscribed to the topic. I will use SES mailbox simulator to simulate a bounce message to test this setup.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SES console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities.
  3. Select the verified identity you configured SNS notifications for bounces and complaints in Demo 1. In this test, I selected a verified domain identity.
  4. Click on Send test email from the upper right corner.
  5. Sending test email
  6. Under send message details, in From-address enter the first part of email address under this verified domain (from-address could be pre-populated).
  7. For Scenario, Expand the simulated scenarios and select Bounce scenario to test send a bounce message.
  8. For Subject, enter the desired email subject. For Body, type an optional body text then leave the rest of options as a default. Click on Send test email to send the email.
  9. Message details
  10. You should have an email from AWS notifications with bounce notification and details on the bounce.
  11. Content of bounce message includes the notificationType “Bounce/Complaint”, bouncedRecipients, diagnosticCode “reason the message bounced”, remoteMtaIp “IP of the recipient MTA rejected the message”, SourceIp “IP of the sender application”, callerIdentity “IAM user sending this message”. These details can help in identifying the reason behind why email is not delivered and bounced and will help you avoid such bounces in the future. Refer this document for additional content on bounce events.
  12. AWS notification message

Test 2: Send a test email to test Demo 2 “Configure Amazon SES to monitor bounces and complaints for emails sent with a configuration set using Amazon SES event publishing” in previous step

In this test, you can send a test message from any verified identity and by using the configuration set created in Step 2 which is configured to send any bounce and complaint notifications to SNS topic and email address subscribed to the topic. You can use SES mailbox simulator to simulate a bounce message to test this setup.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SES console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities.
  3. Select any verified identity you want to send emails from. In this test, I selected a verified domain identity.
  4. Click on Send test email from the upper right corner.
  5. Under send message details From-address enter the first part of email address under this verified domain.
  6. For Scenario, Expand the simulated scenarios and select Bounce scenario to test send a bounce message.
  7. For Subject, enter the desired email subject. For Body, type an optional body text.
  8. For Configuration set, Expand the drop-down list and choose the configuration set you created in Demo 2.
  9. Click on Send test email to send the email.
  10. Message details
  11. You will find an email from AWS notifications with bounce notification and all details of the bounce.
  12. Content of bounce message includes the EventType “Bounce/Complaint”, bouncedRecipients, diagnosticCode “reason the message bounced” , remoteMTA “IP of the recipient MTA rejected the message”, SourceIp “IP of the sender application”, callerIdentity “IAM user sending this message”, ses:configuration-set “name of the configuration set you use when sending the email” all of this details can help you to identify the reason behind why email is not delivered and bounced and will help you to avoid such bounces in the future. Refer this document for more details on contents of bounce events.
  13. SES notification email

FAQ on this set up:

I configured SNS topic with KMS encryption and I am not receiving bounce or complain notifications for emails:
If your Amazon SNS topic uses AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) for server-side encryption, you have to add permissions to the AWS KMS key policy to allow SES service access the KMS key, an example policy can be found here.

I followed Demo 2. However, when I try to send emails from any verified identity, I don’t receive bounce or complain notifications for emails:
When sending the email, make sure to select the configuration set you configured for bounce and complaints notification. If you followed demo 2 and you sent the email without explicitly using the configuration set in email headers, you will lose tracking for bounce and complaints events.

I am testing the setup. After I sent an email to the bounce simulator, I am not receiving don’t receive any bounce notification emails:
Check the SNS topic subscription if its in pending status and make sure you confirm the topic subscription via subscription email sent to you. If the topic subscription is confirmed, make sure you have access to the inbox of subscription email address and you are not applying any email filters.

Cleaning up:

You should have now successfully setup SNS notifications to monitor bounce and complaints for you Amazon SES emails. To avoid incurring any extra charges, remember to delete any resources created manually if you no longer need them for monitoring.

Resources to delete from SES console:

  1. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose the verified identity you configured for SNS notifications.
  2. In the details screen of the verified identity you selected, choose the Notifications tab and select Edit in the Feedback notifications container.
  3. Choose No SNS topic from bounce and complaint feedback dropdown menu and click Save changes.
  4. Under the same Notifications tab on the details screen of the verified identity, in the Email Feedback Forwarding container, choose Edit, check the Enabled box, and choose Save changes.
  5. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Configuration sets.
  6. Check the box beside Configuration set you created and select Delete.

Resources to delete from SNS console:

  1. In the navigation pane, from the left side menu, choose Topics.
  2. Check the radio button beside the SNS topic you created and select Delete.
  3. Confirm the topic deletion by writing “delete me”.


Monitoring bounces and complaints is an essential part of maintaining a successful email sending system, using Amazon SES. By setting up SNS notifications for bounces and complaints, you can quickly identify any issues and take appropriate action to ensure that your emails are delivered successfully to your subscribers. By proactively managing your email deliverability, you can maintain a positive sender reputation and avoid any negative impact on your email marketing efforts.

About the authors:

 Alaa Hammad

Alaa Hammad is a Senior Cloud Support Engineer at AWS and subject matter expert in Amazon Simple Email Service and AWS Backup service. She has a 10 years of diverse experience in supporting enterprise customers across different industries. She enjoys cooking and try new recipes from different cuisines.

 Vinay Ujjini 

Vinay Ujjini is an Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service Worldwide Principal Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He has been solving customer’s omni-channel challenges for over 15 years. He is an avid sports enthusiast and in his spare time, enjoys playing tennis & cricket.

How to use managed dedicated IPs for email sending

Post Syndicated from Tyler Holmes original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/how-to-use-managed-dedicated-ips-for-email-sending/

Starting to use dedicated IPs has always been a long, complicated process driven by factors such as the large effort to monitor and maintain the IPs and the costs, both in infrastructure and management of IP and Domain reputation. The Dedicated IP (Managed) feature in Amazon SES eliminates much of the complexity of sending email via dedicated IPs and allows you to start sending through dedicated IPs much faster and with less management overhead.

What’s the Difference Between standard dedicated IPs and managed dedicated IPs?

You can use SES for dedicated IP addresses in two ways: standard and managed. Both allow you to lease dedicated IP addresses for an additional fee, but differ in how they’re configured and managed. While there are shared commonalities they each have unique advantages dependent on your use case, see here for a comparison.

Standard dedicated IPs are manually set up and managed in SES. They allow you full control over your sending reputation but require you to fully manage your dedicated IPs, including warming them up, scaling them out, and managing your pools.

Managed dedicated IPs are a quick, and easy, way to start using dedicated IP addresses. These dedicated IP addresses leverage machine learning to remove the need to manage the IP warm-up process. The feature also handles the scaling of your IPs up or down as your volume increases (or decreases) to provide a quick, easy, and cost-efficient way to start using dedicated IP addresses that are managed by SES.

How Does the Managed Dedicated IP Feature Automate IP Warming?

Great deliverability through your dedicated IP address requires that you have a good reputation with the receiving ISPs, also known as a mailbox provider. Mailbox providers will only accept a small volume of email from an IP that they don’t recognize. When you’re first allocated an IP, it’s new and won’t be recognized by the receiving mailbox provider because it doesn’t have any reputation associated with it. In order for an IP’s reputation to be established, it must gradually build trust with receiving mailbox providers—this gradual trust building process is referred to as warming-up. Adding to the complexity is that each mailbox provider has their own concept of warming, accepting varying volumes of email as you work through the warm up process.

The concept of IP warming has always been a misnomer, with customers thinking that once their IP is “warm” that it stays that way when in reality the process is an ongoing one, fluctuating as your recipient domain mix changes and your volume changes. Ensuring that you have the best deliverability when sending via dedicated IPs requires monitoring more than just recipient engagement rates (opens, clicks, bounces, complaints, opt-ins, etc.), you also need to manage volume per mailbox provider. Understanding the volumes that recipient mailbox providers will accept is very difficult if not impossible for senders using standard Dedicated IPs. Managing this aspect of the warm up creates risk for sending too little, meaning warm-up takes longer, or too much, which means receiving mailbox providers may throttle, reduce IP reputation, or even filter out email being sent by an IP that is not properly warming up.

This process is a costly, risky, and time consuming one that can be eliminated using the managed feature. Managed dedicated IPs will automatically apportion the right amount of traffic per mailbox provider to your dedicated IPs and any leftover email volume is sent over the shared network of IPs, allowing you to send as you normally would. As time goes on, the proportion of email traffic being sent over your dedicated IPs increases until they are warm, at which point all of your emails will be sent through your dedicated IPs. In later stages, any sending that is in excess of your normal patterns is proactively queued to ensure the best deliverability to each mailbox provider.

As an example, if you’ve been sending all your traffic to Gmail, the IP addresses are considered warmed up only for Gmail and cold for other mailbox providers. If your customer domain mix changes and includes a large proportion of email sends to Hotmail, SES ramps up traffic slowly for Hotmail as the IP addresses are not warmed up yet while continuing to deliver all the traffic to Gmail via your dedicated IPs. The warmup adjustment is adaptive and is based on your actual sending patterns.

The managed feature is great for those that prioritize and want to be in complete control of their reputation while not wanting to spend the time and effort to manage the warm-up process or the scaling of IPs as your volume grows. A full breakdown of the use cases that are a good fit for the managed feature can be found here

How to Configure Managed Pools and Configuration Sets

Enabling managed dedicated IPs can be configured in just a few steps and can be done either from the console or programmatically. The first step is to create a managed IP pool, then the managed dedicated IPs feature will determine how many dedicated IPs you require based on your sending patterns, provision them for you, and then manage how they scale based on your sending requirements. Note that this process is not instantaneous, dependent on your sending patterns it may take more or less time for the dedicated IPs to be provisioned, you need to have consistent email volume coming from your account in order for the feature to provision the correct number of IPs.

Once enabled, you can utilize managed dedicated IPs in your email sending by associating the managed IP pool with a configuration set, and then specifying that configuration set when sending email. The configuration set can also be applied to a sending identity by using a default configuration set, which can simplify your sending, as anytime the associated sending identity is used to send email your managed dedicated IPs will be used.


Configure Via The Console

To enable Dedicated IPs (Managed) via the Amazon SES console:

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ses/.
  • In the left navigation pane, choose Dedicated IPs.
  • Do one of the following (Note: You will begin to incur charges after creating a Dedicated IPs (Managed) pool below)
    • If you don’t have existing dedicated IPs in your account:
      • The Dedicated IPs onboarding page is displayed. In the Dedicated IPs (Managed) overview panel, choose Enable dedicated IPs. The Create IP Pool page opens.
    • If you have existing dedicated IPs in your account:
      • Select the Managed IP pools tab on the Dedicated IPs page.
      • In the All Dedicated IP (managed) pools panel, choose Create Managed IP pool. The Create IP Pool page opens.
  • In the Pool details panel,
    • Choose Managed (auto managed) in the Scaling mode field.
    • Enter a name for your managed pool in the IP pool name field.
    • Note
      • The IP pool name must be unique. It can’t be a duplicate of a standard dedicated IP pool name in your account.
      • You can have a mix of up to 50 pools split between both Standard and Dedicated IPs (Managed) per AWS Region in your account.
  • (Optional) You can associate this managed IP pool with a configuration set by choosing one from the dropdown list in the Configuration sets field.
    • Note
      • If you choose a configuration set that’s already associated with an IP pool, it will become associated with this managed pool, and no longer be associated with the previous pool.
      • To add or remove associated configuration sets after this managed pool is created, edit the configuration set’s Sending IP pool parameter in the General details panel.
      • If you haven’t created any configuration sets yet, see Using configuration sets in Amazon SES.
  • (Optional) You can add one or more Tags to your IP pool by including a tag key and an optional value for the key.
    • Choose Add new tag and enter the Key. You can also add an optional Value for the tag. You can add up to 50 tags, if you make a mistake, choose Remove.
    • To add the tags, choose Save changes. After you create the pool, you can add, remove, or edit tags by selecting the managed pool and choosing Edit.
  • Select Create pool.
    • Note
      • After you create a managed IP pool, it can’t be converted to a standard IP pool.
      • When using Dedicated IPs (Managed), you can’t have more than 10,000 sending identities (domains and email addresses, in any combination) per AWS Region in your account.
  • After you create your managed IP pool, a link will automatically be generated in the CloudWatch metrics column in the All Dedicated IPs (Managed) pools table in the SES console, that when selected, will open the Amazon CloudWatch console and display your sending reputation at an effective daily rate with specific mailbox providers for the managed pool using the following metrics:


Metric Description
1 Available24HourSend Indicates how  much volume the managed pool has available to send towards a specific mailbox provider.
2 SentLast24Hours Indicates how  much volume of email has been sent through the managed pool by dedicated IPs  towards a specific mailbox provider.

You can also track the managed pool’s sending performance by using event publishing.

Configure VIA The API

You can configure your Managed Dedicated IP Pool through the API as well. A dedicated pool can be specified to be managed by setting the scaling-mode to “MANAGED” when creating the dedicated pool.

Configure Via The CLI

You can configure your SES resources through the CLI. A dedicated pool can be specified to be managed by setting the —scaling-mode MANAGED parameter when creating the dedicated pool.

  • # Specify which AWS region to use
    • export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=’us-east-1′
  • # Create a managed dedicated pool
    • aws sesv2 create-dedicated-ip-pool —pool-name dedicated1 —scaling-mode MANAGED
  • # Create a configuration set that that will send through the dedicated pool
    • aws sesv2 create-configuration-set —configuration-set-name cs_dedicated1 —delivery-options SendingPoolName=dedicated1
  • # Configure the configuration set as the default for your sending identity
    • aws sesv2 put-email-identity-configuration-set-attributes —email-identity {{YOUR-SENDING-IDENTITY-HERE}} —configuration-set-name cs_dedicated1
  • # Send SES email through the API or SMTP without requiring any code changes. Emails will # be sent out through the dedicated pool.
    • aws sesv2 send-email –from-email-address “{YOUR-SENDING-IDENTITY-HERE}}” –destination “[email protected]” —content ‘{“Simple”: {“Subject”: {“Data”: “Sent from a Dedicated IP Managed pool”},”Body”: {“Text”: {“Data”: “Hello”}}}}’


We recommend customers onboard to event destinations and delivery delay events to more accurately track the sending performance of their dedicated sending.


In this blog post we explained the benefits of sending via a Dedicated IPs (Managed) feature as well as how to configure and begin sending through a Managed Dedicated IP. Dedicated IPs (Managed) pricing can be reviewed at the pricing page for SES here.

Choosing the Right Domain for Optimal Deliverability with Amazon SES

Post Syndicated from komaio original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/choosing-the-right-domain-for-optimal-deliverability-with-amazon-ses/

Choosing the Right Domain for Optimal Deliverability with Amazon SES

As a sender, selecting the right domain for the visible From header of your outbound messages is crucial for optimal deliverability. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of choosing the best domain to use with Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

Understanding domain selection and its impact on deliverability

With SES, you can create an identity at the domain level or you can create an email address identity. Both types of verified identities permit SES to use the email address in the From header of your outbound messages. You should only use email address identities for testing purposes, and you should use a domain identity to achieve optimal deliverability.

Choosing the right email domain is important for deliverability for the following reasons:

  • The domain carries a connotation to the brand associated with the content and purpose of the message.
  • Mail receiving organizations are moving towards domain-based reputational models; away from IP-based reputation.
  • Because the email address is a common target for forgery, domain owners are increasingly publishing policies to control who can and cannot use their domains.

The key takeaway from this blog is that you must be aware of the domain owner’s preference when choosing an identity to use with SES. If you do not have a relationship with the domain owner then you should plan on using your own domain for any email you send from SES.

Let’s dive deep into the technical reasons behind these recommendations.

What is DMARC?

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) is a domain-based protocol for authenticating outbound email and for controlling how unauthenticated outbound email should be handled by the mail receiving organization. DMARC has been around for over a decade and has been covered by this blog in the past.

DMARC permits the owner of an email author’s domain name to enable verification of the domain’s use. Mail receiving organizations can use this information when evaluating handling choices for incoming mail. You, as a sender, authenticate your email using DKIM and SPF.

  • DKIM works by applying a cryptographic signature to outbound messages. Mail receiving organizations will use the public key associated with the signing key that was used to verify the signature. The public key is stored in the DNS.
  • SPF works by defining the IP addresses permitted to send email as the MAIL FROM domain. The record of IP addresses is stored in the DNS. The MAIL FROM domain is not the same domain as the domain in the From header of messages sent via SES. It is either domain within amazonses.com or it is a custom MAIL FROM domain that is a subdomain of the verified domain identity. Read more about SPF and Amazon SES.

A message passes the domain’s DMARC policy when the evaluation DKIM or SPF indicate that the message is authenticated with an identifier that matches (or is a subdomain of) the domain in the visible From header.

How can I look up the domain’s DMARC policy?

You must be aware of the DMARC policy of the domain in which your SES identities reside. The domain owner may be using DMARC to protect the domain from forgery by unauthenticated sources. If you are the domain owner, you can use this method to confirm your domain’s current DMARC policy.

You can look up the domain’s DMARC policy in the following ways:

  • Perform a DNS query of type TXT against the hostname called _dmarc.<domain>. For example, you can use the ‘dig’ or ‘nslookup’ command on your computer, or make the same query using a web-based public DNS resolver, such as https://dns.google/
  • Use a 3rd party tool such as:


The “p” tag in the DMARC record indicates the domain’s policy.

How does the domain’s policy affect how I can use it with SES?

This section will cover each policy scenario and provide guidance to your usage of the domain with SES.

Policy How to Interpret You have verified the domain identity with EasyDKIM You have only email address identities with the domain
No DMARC record The domain owner has not published a DMARC policy. They may not yet be aware of DMARC There is no DMARC policy for mail receiving organizations to apply. Your messages are authenticated with DKIM, so mail receiving organization may leverage a domain-based reputational model for your email. There is no DMARC policy for mail receiving organizations to apply. Your messages are not authenticated, so reputation remains solely based on IP.
none The domain owner is evaluating the DMARC reports that the mail receiving organizations send to the domain owner, but has requested the mail receiving organizations not use DMARC policy logic to evaluate incoming email. There is no DMARC policy for mail receiving organizations to apply. Your messages are authenticated with DKIM, so mail receiving organization may leverage a domain-based reputational model for your email. There is no DMARC policy for mail receiving organizations to apply. Your messages are not authenticated, so reputation remains solely based on IP.
quarantine The domain owner has instructed mail receiving organizations to send any non-authenticated email to a quarantine or to the Junk Mail folders of the recipients. Your messages are authenticated with DKIM and will not be subjected to the domain’s DMARC policy. Mail receiving organizations may not deliver your messages to the inboxes of your intended recipients.
reject The domain owner has instructed mail receiving organizations to reject any non-authenticated email sending from the domain. Your messages are authenticated with DKIM and will not be subjected to the domain’s DMARC policy. Mail receiving organizations may reject these messages which will result in ‘bounce’ events within SES.

Other considerations

If the domain has a none or quarantine policy, you must be aware that the domain owner may have a plan to migrate to a more restrictive policy without consulting with you. This will affect your deliverability in the form of low inboxing/open rates, or high bounce rates. You should consult with the domain owner to determine if they recommend an alternative domain for your email use case.

Not all mail receiving organizations enforce DMARC policies. Some may use their own logic, such as quarantining messages that fail a reject policy. Some may use DMARC logic to build a domain-based reputational model based on your sending patterns even if you do not publish a policy. For example, here is a blueprint showing how you can set up custom filtering logic with SES Inbound.

If you have verified the domain identity with the legacy TXT record method, you must sign your email using a DKIM signature. The DKIM records in the DNS must be within the same domain as the domain in the From header of the messages you are signing.

If you have the domain identity verified with EasyDKIM and you also have email address identities verified within the same domain, then the email address identities will inherit the DKIM settings from the domain identity. Your email will be authenticated with DKIM and will not be subjected to the domain’s DMARC policy.

Can I use SPF instead of DKIM to align to the domain’s DMARC policy?

Messages can also pass a DMARC policy using SPF in addition to DKIM. This is enabled through the use of a custom MAIL FROM domain. The custom MAIL FROM domain needs to be a subdomain of the SES identity and the SES domain identity’s DMARC policy must not be set to strict domain alignment due to the way SES handles feedback forwarding. The domain owner enables a custom MAIL FROM domain by publishing records in the DNS. There is no way to authenticate email without publishing records in the DNS. Read Choosing a MAIL FROM domain to learn more.

The recommended approach is to use EasyDKIM primarily, and optionally enable a custom MAIL FROM domain as an additive form of authentication.

What should I do if I am not the domain owner?

The process of enabling DKIM and SPF authentication involves publishing DNS records within the domain. Only the domain owner may modify DNS for their domain. If you are not the domain owner, here are some alternative solutions.

Option 1: Segregate your email sending programs into subdomains.

This option is best for people within large or complex organizations, or vendors who are contracted to send email on behalf of an organization.

Ask the domain owner to delegate a subdomain for your use case (e.g. marketing.domain.example). Many domain owners are willing to delegate use of a subdomain because allowing for multiple use cases on a single domain becomes a very difficult management and governance challenge.

Through the use of subdomains they can segregate your email sending program from the email sent by normal mailbox users and other email sending programs. This also gives mail receiving organizations the ability to create a reputational model that is specific to your sending patterns, which means that you do not need to inherit any negative reputation incurred by others.

Option 2: Use a domain in which you are the domain owner.

This option is best if you have end-customers (or tenants) who have email addresses within domains which have domain owners that will not allow any form of delegation to you.

Use your own domain as the domain identity, and use subdomains within your domain to distinguish your end-customers from each other (e.g. tenant1.yourdomain.example, tenant2.yourdomain.example, tenant3.yourdomain.example, …). Amazon WorkMail uses this strategy for the awsapps.com domain.

This gives you complete control over the domain as well as your reputation. Use subdomains to segregate reputation between your end-customers if you have a multi-tenant business model.

Here are some additional suggestions to make your email more personable while remaining aligned to the domains’ DMARC policies.

  • You may format the From header of your outgoing messages so that the display name clearly reflects the name of the message author.

From: “John Doe via My App” <[email protected]>

  • Set the Reply-to header of your outbound messages so that when recipients reply, the return messages will go to the intended recipient.

Reply-to: [email protected]

What should I do if the domain is already being used for a different email sending program?

From a deliverability perspective, it is beneficial to compartmentalize your sending into different domains, or subdomains, for different email sending programs. That will limit the reputational blast radius if something were to go wrong with one campaign. Consider using different subdomains for each sending program. For example:

  • marketing.domain.example
  • receipts.domain.example

DMARC was designed for marketing and transactional email use cases, so it is good practice to publish ‘reject’ DMARC policies for those subdomains. Having a strong policy doesn’t give a free pass into recipient inboxes, but it allows the mail receiving organization to know what to do with messages that aren’t authenticated, which can lead to better trust. Building trust is the best way to gain a positive reputation.

If the domain is used by normal users for day-to-day correspondences, the domain owner should be very careful about publishing a DMARC policy because it is known to create interoperability issues with mailing lists and other email providers. Many of these email domains may never publish a ‘reject’ DMARC policy. For new email sending programs, you should strongly consider using a subdomain rather than any domain that is being used for user correspondences.


To ensure optimal deliverability with Amazon SES, it’s essential to be aware of the domain owner’s preferences and use a domain identity for outbound messages. Keep in mind that email address identities should only be used for testing purposes or with domains without DMARC policies. Domain owners can use subdomains to segregate email sending programs, making management and governance easier while allowing mail receiving organizations to build isolated reputational models.

By following the recommendations in this blog, you’ll be better prepared to align with the domain owner’s preferences, achieve higher deliverability rates for your authenticated outbound email, and be compatible with future DMARC developments.

Amazon SES – How to set up EasyDKIM for a new domain

Post Syndicated from Vinay Ujjini original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/amazon-ses-how-to-set-up-easydkim-for-a-new-domain/

What is email authentication and why is it important?

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) lets you reach customers confidently without an on-premises Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) system. Amazon SES provides built-in support for email authentication protocols, including DKIM, SPF, and DMARC, which help improve the deliverability and authenticity of outgoing emails.

Email authentication is the process of verifying the authenticity of an email message to ensure that it is sent from a legitimate source and has not been tampered with during transmission. Email authentication methods use cryptographic techniques to add digital signatures or authentication headers to outgoing emails, which can be verified by email receivers to confirm the legitimacy of the email.

Email authentication helps establish a sender’s reputation as a trusted sender. Additionally, when email receivers can verify that emails are legitimately sent from a sender’s domain using authentication methods, it also helps establish the sender’s reputation as a trusted sender. Email authentication involves one or more technical processes used by mail systems (sending and receiving) that make certain key information in an email message verifiable. Email authentication generates signals about the email, which can be utilized in decision-making processes related to spam filtering and other email handling tasks.

There are currently two widely used email authentication mechanisms – SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). They provide information that the receiving domain can use to verify that the sending of the message was authorized in some way by the sending domain. DKIM can also help determine that the content was not altered in transit. And the DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) protocol allows sending domains to publish verifiable policies that can help receiving domains decide how best to handle messages that fail authentication by SPF and DKIM.

Email authentication protocols:

  1. SPF (Sender Policy Framework): SPF is an email authentication protocol that checks which IP addresses are authorized to send mail on behalf of the originating domain. Domain owners use SPF to tell email providers which servers are allowed to send email from their domains. This is an email validation standard that’s designed to prevent email spoofing.
  2. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): DKIM is an email authentication protocol that allows a domain to attach its identifier to a message. This asserts some level of responsibility or involvement with the message. A sequence of messages signed with the same domain name is assumed to provide a reliable base of information about mail associated with the domain name’s owner, which may feed into an evaluation of the domain’s “reputation”. It uses public-key cryptography to sign an email with a private key. Recipient servers can then use a public key published to a domain’s DNS to verify that parts of the emails have not been modified during the transit.
  3. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance): is an email authentication protocol that uses Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) to detect email spoofing. In order to comply with DMARC, messages must be authenticated through either SPF or DKIM, or both.

Let us dive deep into DKIM in this blog. Amazon SES provides three options for signing your messages using a DKIM signature:

  1. Easy DKIM: To set up a sending identity so that Amazon SES generates a public-private key pair and automatically adds a DKIM signature to every message that you send from that identity.
  2. BYODKIM (Bring Your Own DKIM): To provide your own public-private key pair for so SES adds a DKIM signature to every message that you send from that identity, see Provide your own DKIM authentication token (BYODKIM) in Amazon SES.
  3. Manually add DKIM signature: To add your own DKIM signature to email that you send using the SendRawEmail API, see Manual DKIM signing in Amazon SES.

The purpose of EasyDKIM is to simplify the process of generating DKIM keys, adding DKIM signatures to outgoing emails, and managing DKIM settings, making it easier for users to implement DKIM authentication for their email messages. Using EasyDKIM, Amazon SES aims to improve email deliverability, prevent email fraud and phishing attacks, establish sender reputation, enhance brand reputation, and comply with industry regulations or legal requirements. EasyDKIM doubles as domain verification (simplification) and it eliminates the need for customers to worry about DKIM key rotation (managed automation). By automating and simplifying the DKIM process, EasyDKIM helps users ensure the integrity and authenticity of their email communications, while reducing the risk of fraudulent activities and improving the chances of emails being delivered to recipients’ inboxes.

Setting up Easy DKIM in Amazon SES:

When you set up Easy DKIM for a domain identity, Amazon SES automatically adds a 2048-bit DKIM signature to every email that you send from that identity. You can configure EasyDKIM by using the Amazon SES console, or by using the API.

The procedure in this section is streamlined to just show the steps necessary to configure Easy DKIM on a domain identity that you’ve already created. If you haven’t yet created a domain identity or you want to see all available options for customizing a domain identity, such as using a default configuration set, custom MAIL FROM domain, and tags, see Creating a domain identity. Part of creating an Easy DKIM domain identity is configuring its DKIM-based verification where you will have the choice to either accept the Amazon SES default of 2048 bits, or to override the default by selecting 1024 bits. Steps to set up easyDKIM for a verified identity:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ses/
  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities.
  3. List of verified identities in SES console

    Verified identities

  4. In the list of identities, choose an identity where the Identity type is Domain.
  5. Under the Authentication tab, in the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) container, choose Edit.
  6. In the Advanced DKIM settings container, choose the Easy DKIM button in the Identity type field.
  7. Choose EasyDKIM as identity type; RSA_2048_BITT in DKIM signing key length; Check Enabled checkbox under DKIM signatures.

    DKIM settings

  8. In the DKIM signing key length field, choose either RSA_2048_BIT or RSA_1024_BIT.
  9. In the DKIM signatures field, check the Enabled box.
  10. Choose Save changes.
  11. After configuring your domain identity with Easy DKIM, you must complete the verification process with your DNS provider – proceed to Verifying a DKIM domain identity with your DNS provider and follow the DNS authentication procedures for Easy DKIM.


Email authentication, especially DKIM, is crucial in securing your emails, establishing sender reputation, and improving email deliverability. EasyDKIM provides a simplified and automated way to implement DKIM authentication. It removes the hassles of generating DKIM keys and managing settings, while additionally reducing risks and and enhancing sender authenticity. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily set up easyDKIM in Amazon SES and start using DKIM authentication for your email campaigns.

About the Author

Vinay Ujjini is an Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service Worldwide Principal Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He has been solving customer’s omni-channel challenges for over 15 years. He is an avid sports enthusiast and in his spare time, enjoys playing tennis & cricket.

What is BIMI and how to use it with Amazon SES

Post Syndicated from Matt Strzelecki original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/what-is-bimi-and-how-to-use-it-with-amazon-ses/


In this blog post I’d like to walk you through how to implement BIMI while using Amazon SES. For your information BIMI can be best described by the following excerpt from bimigroup.org:

Brand Indicators for Message Identification or BIMI (pronounced: Bih-mee) is an emerging email specification that enables the use of brand-controlled logos within supporting email clients. BIMI leverages the work an organization has put into deploying DMARC protection, by bringing brand logos to the customer’s inbox. For the brand’s logo to be displayed, the email must pass DMARC authentication checks, ensuring that the organization’s domain has not been impersonated.

Brands continually need to protect themselves from spoofing and phishing from bad actors who can damage the trust that customers and recipients have in those brands. Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) is an email specification that enables email inboxes to display a brand’s logo next to the brand’s authenticated email messages within supporting email clients. BIMI is an email specification that’s directly connected to authentication, but it’s not a standalone email authentication protocol as it requires all your email to comply with DMARC authentication. Recipients are more likely to engage with email that displays the logo of the brand associated with the message author. Higher engagement helps deliverability and inbox placement because it indicates that the recipients trust your brand. BIMI is a great brand protector in email and provides a better user experience for the end recipients and customers.

BIMI requires that you authenticate all of your organization’s email with SPF, DKIM and DMARC. In this how-to we will be utilizing Amazon SES to authenticate the emails, Amazon S3 to host the SVG image, and Amazon Route53 to add DNS records. We will be walking through how to accomplish each step until completion.

Note: While we’re using AWS products in this how-to, it is not a requirement to use all AWS products to implement BIMI. Any hosting provider for content or domain can be used however the steps may differ based on the provider you use.

BIMI Implementation

The following are the steps needed to prepare your SES account and domain for BIMI:

Step 1

Note: If you already have SPF, DKIM, and DMARC enabled for your domain (with 100% as the rate for DMARC) you can move on to Step 2.

Enable Easy DKIM for your domain

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ses/.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities.
  3. In the list of identities, choose an identity where the Identity type is Domain.

Note: If you need to create or verify a domain, see Creating a domain identity.

  1. Under the Authentication tab, in the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) container, choose Edit.
  2. In the Advanced DKIM settings container, choose the Easy DKIM button in the Identity type field.
  3. In the DKIM signing key length field, choose either RSA_2048_BIT or RSA_1024_BIT.
  4. In the DKIM signatures field, check the Enabled box.
  5. Choose Save changes.
  6. Now that you’ve configured your domain identity with Easy DKIM, you must complete the verification process with your DNS provider – proceed to Verifying a DKIM domain identity with your DNS provider and follow the DNS authentication procedures for Easy DKIM.

Create a DMARC record for your domain

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Route 53 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/route53/
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Hosted zones.
  3. On the Hosted zones page, choose the name of the hosted zone that you want to create records in.
  4. Choose and define the applicable routing policy and the following values:
Name Record Type Value
_dmarc.example.com TXT v=DMARC1;p=quarantine;pct=100;rua=mailto:[email protected]
  1. Choose Create records.

Note: The DMARC policy must enforce at 100% and include either a quarantine or reject policy. (i.e. p=reject or p=quarantine) to meet the DMARC authentication requirement. This may mean you will need to update your existing policy and DMARC record.

Configure a Custom Mail From for your sending domain

  1. Open the Amazon SES console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ses/.
  2. In the left navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities.
  3. In the list of identities, choose the identity you want to configure where the Identity type is Domain and Status is Verified.

a. If the Status is Unverified, complete the procedures at Verifying a DKIM domain identity with your DNS provider to verify the email address’s domain.

  1. At the bottom of the screen in the in the Custom MAIL FROM domain pane, choose Edit .
  2. In the General details pane, do the following:

a. Select the Use a custom MAIL FROM domain checkbox.

b. For MAIL FROM domain, enter the subdomain that you want to use as the MAIL FROM domain.

c. For Behavior on MX failure, choose one of the following options:

    • Use default MAIL FROM domain – If the custom MAIL FROM domain’s MX record is not set up correctly, Amazon SES uses a subdomain of amazonses.com. The subdomain varies based on the AWS Region that you use Amazon SES in.
    • Reject message – If the custom MAIL FROM domain’s MX record is not set up correctly, Amazon SES returns a MailFromDomainNotVerified error. Emails that you attempt to send from this domain are automatically rejected. If you want to ensure that 100% of your email is BIMI compatible, then you should choose the reject message option.

d. Choose Save changes – you’ll be returned to the previous screen.

  1. Publish the MX and SPF (type TXT) records to the DNS server of the custom MAIL FROM domain:

Note: In the Custom MAIL FROM domain pane, the Publish DNS records table now displays the MX and SPF (type TXT) records in that you have to publish (add) to your domain’s DNS configuration. These records use the formats shown in the following table.

Name Record Type Value
subdomain.example.com MX 10 feedback-smtp.region.amazonses.com
subdomain.example.com TXT v=spf1 include:amazonses.com ~all

Step 2

Produce an SVG Tiny PS version of your official logo

In order to display your logo in the email it must conform to the specifications of the BIMI requirements. To meet these requirements the logo must be a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image and must meet the Tiny PS Specification. Once your image meets this requirement you can move on to the next step.

Note: bimigroup.org outlines this process and includes references to software to assist with this process.

Step 3

Upload your image to an S3 bucket

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/
  2. In the Buckets list, choose the name of the bucket that you want to upload your folders or files to.
  3. Choose Upload.
  4. In the Upload window, do one of the following:
    • Drag and drop files and folders to the Upload window.
    • Choose Add file choose your SVG image to upload, and choose Open.

To configure additional object properties

  1. To change access control list permissions, choose Permissions.
  2. Under Access control list (ACL), edit the permissions.
    • You need to grant read access to your objects to the public (everyone in the world) for the SVG image you are uploading. However, we recommend not changing the default setting for your bucket to public read access.
  1. To configure other additional properties, choose Properties.
  2. To upload your objects, choose Upload.

Note: Amazon S3 uploads your object. When the upload completes, you can see a success message on the Upload: status page.

  1. Choose Exit.

Step 4

Publish a BIMI record for your domain

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Route 53 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/route53/
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Hosted zones.
  3. On the Hosted zones page, choose the name of the hosted zone that you want to create records in.
  4. Choose and define the applicable routing policy and the following values with the understanding the URLs must be HTTPS:
Name Record Type Value
default._bimi.example.com TXT v=BIMI1; l=[SVG URL]; a=[PEM URL]
  1. Choose Create records.

Note: the a= tag is currently optional and will not be used in this example.

You can validate your BIMI record with a tool like the BIMI Inspector.


All of the steps to set up your SES account and your domain are now complete. The final component in this process is to have regular sending patterns to the mailbox providers that support BIMI logo placement. Your domain should have a regular delivery cadence and needs to have a good reputation with the mailbox providers you are sending mail. BIMI logo placement may take time to populate to mailbox providers where you don’t have an established reputation or sending cadence. The time spent implementing BIMI is well worth it as it will strengthen your sender reputation and create a better and more trusted customer experience for your end recipients.

You can find more information about the BIMI specification here.

Optimize your sending reputation and deliverability with SES dedicated IPs

Post Syndicated from Lauren Cudney original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/optimize-your-sending-reputation-and-deliverability-with-ses-dedicated-ips/

Optimize your sending reputation and deliverability with SES dedicated IPs

Email remains the best medium for communicating with customers, with a ROI of 4200%, higher than social media or blogs. Organizations that fail to adequately manage their email sending and reputation risk having their emails marked as spam, not reaching their customers’ inboxes, reducing trust with their customers and ultimately, losing revenue. Studies showed that 16% of all marketing emails have either gone completely missing or have been caught by popular spam filters. In this blog post we will explain the benefits of sending email over a dedicated IP, and how dedicated IPs (managed) makes it easy to do so.

Improve your sender reputation and deliverability with dedicated IPs
When customers sign up to SES, their sending is automatically sent from shared IPs. Shared IPs offer a cost-effective and safe method of sending email. A limitation of sending over a shared IP is that customers do not control their own sending reputations. The reputation of the IP that you send from is determined by the quality of content and engagement levels of all the emails sent from that IP. This means that good senders, that send highly engaged content or important transactional emails, cannot improve their sending reputation on shared IPs. By improving their sending reputation, senders can improve their deliverability rates and make sure that more of their emails get to to the recipient’s inbox rather than their junk folder. Today, this is avoided by customers sending via a dedicated IP. Dedicated IPs are exclusive to a single sender so other bad actors cannot affect their sending reputation and good senders can improve their sending reputation.

A common method organizations use to increase delivery rate is to lease dedicated IPs where they are the sole exclusive sender and do not share their IP with other senders. This helps grow and maintain sending reputation and build high levels of trust with ISPs and mailbox vendors, ensuring high delivery rates. Today however, there are a number of issues with sending email via dedicated IPs. Customers experience difficulties in estimating how many dedicated IPs they need to handle their sending volume. This means that customers often lease too many IPs and pay for bandwidth that they don’t need. Dedicated IPs must also be “warmed-up” by sending a gradually increasing amount of email each day via the IP so that the recipient ISPs and mailboxes do not see a sudden large burst of emails coming from it, which is a signal of spam and can result in a blocking. Customers must manually configure the amount of mail to increase by, often not reaching the required volume, on average, after 45 days, hampering their time-to-market agility. This burden of provisioning, configuring and managing dedicated IPs inhibits many email senders from adopting them, meaning that their sending reputation is not optimized.

Dedicated IPs (managed)
SES customers can now send their email via dedicated IPs (managed) and will have the entire process of provisioning, leasing, warming up and managing the IP fully automated. Dedicated IPs (managed) is a feature of SES that simplifies how SES customers setup and maintain email sending through a dedicated IP space. It builds on learnings and feedback gathered from customers using the current standard Dedicated IP offering.

Dedicated IPs (managed) provides the following key benefits:

  • Easy Onboarding – Customers can create a managed dedicated pool through the API/CLI/Console and start with dedicated sending, without having to open AWS support cases to lease/release individual IPs.
  • Auto-Scaling per ISP – No more manual monitoring or scaling of dedicated pools. The pool scales out and in automatically based on usage. This auto-scaling also takes into consideration ISPs specific policies. For example, if SES detects that an ISP supports a low daily send quota, the pool will scale-out to better distribute traffic to that ISP across more IPs. In the current offering, customers are responsible for right sizing the number of IPs in their sending pools.
  • Warmup per ISP – SES will track the warmup level for each IP in the pool toward each ISP individually. SES will also track domain reputation at the individual ISP level. If a customer has been sending all their traffic to Gmail, the IP is considered warmed up only for Gmail and cold for other ISPs. If the traffic pattern changes and customer ramps up their traffic to Hotmail, SES will ramp up traffic slowly for Hotmail as the IPs are not warmed up yet. In the current manual dedicated offering, warmup % is tracked at the aggregate IP level and therefore can’t track the individual ISP level of granularity.
  • Adaptive warmup – The warmup % calculation is adaptive and takes into account actual sending patterns at an ISP level. When the sending to an ISP drops, the warmup % also drops for the given ISP. Today, when warming up the IP, customers must specify a warm up schedule and choose their volumes. Rather than having to specify a schedule and guess the optimal volume to send, Dedicated IPs (managed) will adapt the sending volume based on each individual ISP’s capacity, optimizing the warm-up schedule
  • Spill-over into shared & defer – Messages will be accepted through the API/SMTP and the system will be deferring and retrying excess sending from a customer when it is above what the pool can safely support for a particular ISP. In the early phases of the pool, the system will still leverage spill-over into shared as is done in the current offering.


If you use several dedicated IP addresses with Amazon SES, you can create groups of those addresses. These groups are called dedicated IP pools. A common scenario is to create one pool of dedicated IP addresses for sending marketing communications, and another for sending transactional emails. Your sender reputation for transactional emails is then isolated from that of your marketing emails. In this scenario, if a marketing campaign generates a large number of complaints, the delivery of your transactional emails is not impacted.

Configuration sets are groups of rules that you can apply to your verified identities. A verified identity is a domain, subdomain, or email address you use to send email through Amazon SES. When you apply a configuration set to an email, all of the rules in that configuration set are applied to the email. For example, you can associate these dedicated IP pools with configuration sets and use one for sending marketing communications, and another for sending transactional emails.

Onboarding to a managed dedicated pool for the most part is very similar to onboarding to regular dedicated IP sending. It involves creating a dedicated on demand pool, associating the pool with a configuration set, and specifying the configuration set to use when sending email. The configuration set can be also applied implicitly to a sending identity by using the default configuration set feature.

Below are the instructions of how to get set up on dedicated IPs (managed)



Customer accounts allow-listed for the feature preview will be able to configure and view the relevant SES resources through the SES Console UI as well.

1. Go to the SES AWS console and click on Dedicated IPs
2. On the Dedicated IPs Screen, select the Dedicated IPs (managed) tab
3. Clink on the “Create dedicated on demand IP Pool” button
4. Enter the details of your new dedicated on demand pool. Specify Scaling Mode to be “OnDemand”. Do not associate it with a Configuration Set at this point. Click create.
5. Going back to the dedicated IP on demand pool view, you should see your newly created dedicated IPs (managed) pool in the “IP pools” table. If you have any existing standard dedicated pools, you can view them and their individual IPs under the “Standard dedicated IPs” tab.
6. View your current configuration sets.
7. Click on the “Create set” button.
8. Enter the details of your new configuration set. For Sending IP pool select your newly created dedicated on demand IP pool and click create.
9. View your verified sending identities and click on the identity you wish to onboard to dedicated sending.
10. Select the configuration tab. Under default configuration set, click on the Edit button.
11. Click on the “Assign a default configuration set” checkbox and select your newly created configuration set. Click save.
12. At this point all sending from that verified identity will automatically be sent using the dedicated on demandpool.


The dedicated on demand pool feature is currently in preview and not yet available through the public CLI. If you wish to configure or view your SES resources through the CLI, you can download and add an internal preview sesv2 model that contains the relevant API changes. A dedicated pool can be specified to be managed by setting the –scaling-mode MANAGED parameter when creating the dedicated pool.

wget https://tiny.amazon.com/qjdb5ewf/seses3amazemaidedijson -O "email-2019-09-27.dedicated-pool-managed.json"

aws configure add-model —service-model file://email-2019-09-27.dedicated-pool-managed.json —service-name sesv2-dedicated-managed

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-central-1

# Create a managed dedicated pool
aws sesv2-dedicated-managed create-dedicated-ip-pool --pool-name dedicated1 --scaling-mode MANAGED

# Create a configuration set that that will send through the dedicated pool
aws sesv2-dedicated-managed create-configuration-set --configuration-set-name cs_dedicated1 --delivery-options SendingPoolName=dedicated1

# Configure the configuration set as the default for your sending identity
aws sesv2 put-email-identity-configuration-set-attributes --email-identity {{YOUR-SENDING-IDENTITY-HERE}} --configuration-set-name cs_dedicated1

# Send SES email through the API or SMTP without requiring any code changes. Emails will # be sent out through the dedicated pool.
aws ses send-email --destination ToAddresses={{DESTINATION-GOES-HERE}} --from {{YOUR-SENDING-IDENTITY-HERE}} --message "Subject={Data='Sending via managed ',Charset=UTF-8},Body={Text={Data=thebody,Charset=UTF-8}}"


We recommend customers onboard to event destinations [6] and delivery delay events [7] to more accurately track the sending performance of their dedicated sending.


In this blog post we explained the benefits of sending via a dedicated IP and the ease at which you can now do this using the new dedicated IPs (managed) feature.

For more information, please visit the below links:

