Tag Archives: Deliverability

Amazon SES – How to track email deliverability to domain level with CloudWatch

Post Syndicated from Alaa Hammad original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/amazon-ses-how-to-track-email-deliverability-to-domain-level-with-cloudwatch/

Why is it important to track email deliverability per domain with Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)?

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a scalable cloud email service provider that enables businesses to build a large-scale email solution and host multiple domains from the same SES account for different purposes ex: one domain for sending marketing emails such as special offers, another domain to send transactional emails such as order confirmations, and other types of correspondence such as newsletters.

As your product, service or solution built on Amazon SES grows and you require multiple domains verified, it is important to track email deliverability for emails you send from each domain for business continuity, billing purposes or incidents investigations. This can be useful to identify if you have low email deliverability for your business domain or if you have a domain generating high bounce or complaint rates and take proactive actions before impacting the account’s ability to send emails from any other domains.

SES offers features that automatically manage deliverability per domain through Virtual Deliverability Manager. Virtual Deliverability Manager helps enhance email deliverability and provides insights into sending and delivery data, as well as offering solutions to fix negative email sending reputation. You can learn more about Virtual Deliverability Manager here.

Solution Walkthrough

Amazon SES provides a way to monitor sender reputation metrics such as bounce and complaint rates per account or configuration sets using event publishing. This blog will discuss how you can use Amazon SES message auto-tags to monitor and publish email deliverability events (Send, Delivery, Bounce, Complaints) to CloudWatch custom metrics per domain. In addition, you will see how to create a custom CloudWatch dashboard that’s easy to access in a single view to monitor your domain metrics. This CloudWatch dashboard can help to provide guidance for your team members during operational events about how to respond to specific incidents for your sending domain.

What are Amazon SES Auto-Tags:

Message tags are a form of name/value pairs to categorize the email you are sending. For example, if you advertise books, you could name a message tag general, and assign a value of sci-fi or western, when you send an email for the associated campaign. Depending on which email sending interface you use, you can provide the message tag as a parameter to the API call (SendEmail, SendRawEmail) or as an Amazon SES-specific email header.

In addition to the message tags you add to any emails you send, Amazon SES adds a set of Auto-Tags that are automatically included in any emails you send. You don’t need to pass the parameters of the auto-tags to the API call or email headers since SES does this automatically.

The auto-tags in the list below are used to track the email deliverability for specific events ( ex: Send, Delivery, Bounce, Complaint). SES does this by using the name/value pairs of the auto-tag name as a dimension in CloudWatch metric to track the count of events of specific auto-tag. This blog post will use “ses:from-domain” auto-tag to configure event publishing for tracking and publish email deliverability events (Send, Delivery, Bounce, Complaints) you receive per domain to CloudWatch metrics and CloudWatch dashboard.

Amazon SES auto-tags added to messages you send


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Configure Amazon SES to publish email deliverability events to CloudWatch destination:

To configure event publishing for tracking email deliverability events, you first need to create a configuration set. Configuration sets in SES are groups of rules, that you can apply to your verified identities. When you apply a configuration set to an email, all of the rules in that configuration set are applied to the email.

After your configuration set is created, you need to create Amazon SES event destination. Amazon SES will send all email deliverability events you intend to track to this event destination. In this blog the event destination is Amazon CloudWatch.

    1. Sign in to the Amazon SES console.
    2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Configuration sets. Choose Create set.
    3. Enter Configuration set name, leave the rest of fields to default, scroll to the send and click on Create set.
    4. Under configuration set home page click on Event destinations tab and select Add destination
    5. Add SES event destination to configuration set
    6. Under Select event types, check Sends, Deliveries, Hard bounces and Complaints boxes and click Next.
    7. selecting event types to track
    8. Under Specify destination, Select Amazon CloudWatch.
    9. Select event destination as Amazon CloudWatch
    10. Name – enter the name of the destination for this configuration set. The name can include letters, numbers, dashes, and hyphens. (example : Tracking_per_Domain)
    11. Under Amazon CloudWatch dimensions, Select Value source: Message tag , Dimension name: ses:from-domain and Default value: example.com (you will need to add the verified domain name you want to track) as shown below:
    12. add message auto-tag as CloudWatch dimension to track
    13. Review, When you are satisfied that your entries are correct, Click Add destination to add your event destination.

Send a test email via Amazon SES mailbox simulator to trigger events in CloudWatch custom metric.

After selected Amazon CloudWatch as event destination , Amazon CloudWatch will create a custom metric with the auto-tag dimension and value you chose. For this custom metric to appear in CloudWatch Console, you must send an email to trigger each selected event. We recommend using the Amazon SES Mailbox Simulator to avoid generating real bounces or complaints that could impact your account’s reputation.

In the below section, This blog will show how to send those test emails to the following recipients manually using CLI. If you would like to use the console method to send those emails. you will need to send three separate test emails since the console will only allow one recipient per message:

Amazon SES Mailbox Simulator recipients to trigger the events in CloudWatch metrics:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Note: You must pass the name of the configuration set when sending an email. This can be done by either specifying the configuration set name in the headers of emails, or specifying it as a default configuration set. This can be done at the time of identity creation, or later while editing a verified identity.

The following example uses send-emailCLI command to send a formatted email to the Amazon SES simulator recipients:

Before you run any commands, set your default credentials by following Configuring the AWS CLI. The IAM user must has “ses:SendEmail” permission to send email.

  1. Navigate to your terminal where the AWS CLI is installed and configured. Create message.json file for the message to send and add the following content:
  2. {
    "Subject": {
    "Data": "Testing CW events with email simulator",
    "Charset": "UTF-8"
    "Body": {
    "Text": {
    "Data": "This is the message body of testing CW events with email similulator.",
    "Charset": "UTF-8"
  3. Create a destination.json file to add Amazon SES simulator recipients for bounces, complaints and delivery events as shown below:
  4. { 
    "ToAddresses": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" , "[email protected]"]
  5. Send a test email using send-email CLI command to send a formatted email to the Amazon SES simulator recipients:
  6. aws ses send-email --from [email protected] --destination file://destination.json --message file://message.json --configuration-set-name SES_Config_Set --region <AWS Region>
  7. After the message sent, you are expected to see the following output:
  8. {
    "MessageId": "EXAMPLEf3a5efcd1-51adec81-d2a4-4e3f-9fe2-5d85c1b23783-000000"

Now you sent a test email to trigger the events you want to track in CloudWatch custom metrics. Lets create the CloudWatch dashboard to see those metrics.

Create CloudWatch dashboard to track the email deliverability events for my domain.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon CloudWatch console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards, and then choose Create dashboard.
  3. In the Create new dashboard dialog box, enter a name like ‘CW_Domain_Tracking’ for the dashboard, and then choose Create dashboard.
  4. In the Add Widget dialog box, Choose Number to add a number displaying a metric to the dashboard and then choose Next
  5. Under Add metric graph, click on edit sign to rename the graph with your domain example.com . this will make it easy for you to select the dashboard of the domain if you have multiple domains.
  6. In the Browse tab , Select the AWS region where you are running your SES account and in the search bar, search for “ses:from-domain”.
  7. You will get four metrics returned with your domain name “example.com”. Select checkbox beside the four metrics and click Create widget.
  8. CloudWatch dashboard with the metrics
  9. Save dashboard in the top right corner of the dashboard page to save the widget settings.
  10. Save CloudWatch dashboard settings

After the CloudWatch dashboard created, for any email you send from example.com domain with configuration set name passed in the email header, The email deliverability events will be counted in your CloudWatch metrics and you will be able to see them in the CloudWatch dashboard.

As an additional step. You can also setup a CloudWatch alarms for this custom metrics and add a threshold for each metric. When the metric breach the threshold, the alarm goes on and send an SNS notification to you to take the necessary actions.

Cleaning Up:

This setup includes Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon SES service charges. To avoid incurring any extra charges, remember to delete any resources created manually if you no longer need them for monitoring.

Resources to delete from Amazon SES console.

  1. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Configuration sets.
  2. Check the box beside Configuration set you created and select Delete.

Resources to delete from Amazon CloudWatch console.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards, and then choose the dashboard you created.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the graph that you want to remove, choose Actions, and then choose Delete Dashboard.
  3. Save dashboard.


You have now seen how to configure Amazon SES to track email deliverability at domain level with CloudWatch dashboard. Tracking email deliverability for emails you send from each domain is essential for business continuity, billing purposes or incidents investigations. Using SES message auto-tags and CloudWatch metrics you can identify the domains that have low email deliverability quickly and take necessary actions to maximize your email deliverability and take proactive actions before impacting the account’s ability to send emails from any other domains.

About the author:

Alaa Hammad

Alaa Hammad is a Senior Cloud Support Engineer at AWS and subject matter expert in Amazon Simple Email Service and AWS Backup service. She has a 10 years of diverse experience in supporting enterprise customers across different industries. She enjoys cooking and try new recipes from different cuisines.

Updating opt-in status for Amazon Pinpoint channels

Post Syndicated from Varinder Dhanota original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/updating-opt-in-status-for-amazon-pinpoint-channels/

In many real-world scenarios, customers are using home-grown or 3rd party systems to manage their campaign related information. This includes user preferences, segmentation, targeting, interactions, and more. To create customer-centric engagement experiences with such existing systems, migrating or integrating into Amazon Pinpoint is needed. Luckily, many AWS services and mechanisms can help to streamline this integration in a resilient and cost-effective way.

In this blog post, we demonstrate a sample solution that captures changes from an on-premises application’s database by utilizing AWS Integration and Transfer Services and updates Amazon Pinpoint in real-time.

If you are looking for a serverless, mobile-optimized preference center allowing end users to manage their Pinpoint communication preferences and attributes, you can also check the Amazon Pinpoint Preference Center.



In this scenario, users’ SMS opt-in/opt-out preferences are managed by a home-grown customer application. Users interact with the application over its web interface. The application, saves the customer preferences on a MySQL database.

This solution’s flow of events is triggered with a change (insert / update / delete) happening in the database. The change event is then captured by AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) that is configured with an ongoing replication task. This task continuously monitors a specified database and forwards the change event to an Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stream. Raw events that are buffered in this stream are polled by an AWS Lambda function. This function transforms the event, and makes it ready to be passed to Amazon Pinpoint API. This API call will in turn, change the opt-in/opt-out subscription status of the channel for that user.

Ongoing replication tasks are created against multiple types of database engines, including Oracle, MS-SQL, Postgres, and more. In this blog post, we use a MySQL based RDS instance to demonstrate this architecture. The instance will have a database we name pinpoint_demo and one table we name optin_status. In this sample, we assume the table is holding details about a user and their opt-in preference for SMS messages.

userid phone optin lastupdate
user1 +12341111111 1 1593867404
user2 +12341111112 1 1593867404
user2 +12341111113 1 1593867404


  1. AWS CLI is configured with an active AWS account and appropriate access.
  2. You have an understanding of Amazon Pinpoint concepts. You will be using Amazon Pinpoint to create a segment, populate endpoints, and validate phone numbers. For more details, see the Amazon Pinpoint product page and documentation.


First, you clone the repository that contains a stack of templates to your local environment. Make sure you have configured your AWS CLI with AWS credentials. Follow the steps below to deploy the CloudFormation stack:

  1. Clone the git repository containing the CloudFormation templates:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-pinpoint-rds-integration.git
    cd amazon-pinpoint-rds-integration
  2. You need an S3 Bucket to hold the template:
    aws s3 create-bucket –bucket <YOUR-BUCKET-NAME>
  3. Run the following command to package the CloudFormation templates:
    aws cloudformation package --template-file template_stack.yaml --output-template-file template_out.yaml --s3-bucket <YOUR-BUCKET-NAME>
  4. Deploy the stack with the following command:
    aws cloudformation deploy --template-file template_out.yaml --stack-name pinpointblogstack --capabilities CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

The AWS CloudFormation stack will create and configure resources for you. Some of the resources it will create are:

  • Amazon RDS instance with MySQL
  • AWS Database Migration Service replication instance
  • AWS Database Migration Service source endpoint for MySQL
  • AWS Database Migration Service target endpoint for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stream
  • AWS Lambda Function
  • Amazon Pinpoint Application
  • A Cloud9 environment as a bastion host

The deployment can take up to 15 minutes. You can track its progress in the CloudFormation console’s Events tab.

Populate RDS data

A CloudFormation stack will output the DNS address of an RDS endpoint and Cloud9 environment upon completion. The Cloud9 environment acts as a bastion host and allows you to reach the RDS instance endpoint deployed into the private subnet by CloudFormation.

  1. Open the AWS Console and navigate to the Cloud9 service.
  2. Click on the Open IDE button to reach your IDE environment.
  3. At the console pane of your IDE, type the following to login to your RDS instance. You can find the RDS Endpoint address at the outputs section of the CloudFormation stack. It is under the key name RDSInstanceEndpoint.
    mysql -h <YOUR_RDS_ENDPOINT> -uadmin -pmypassword
    use blog_db;
  4. Issue the following command to create a table that holds the user’s opt-in status:
    create table optin_status (
      userid varchar(50) not null,
      phone varchar(50) not null,
      optin tinyint default 1,
  5. Next, load sample data into the table. The following inserts nine users for this demo:
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user1', '+12341111111', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user2', '+12341111112', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user3', '+12341111113', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user4', '+12341111114', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user5', '+12341111115', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user6', '+12341111116', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user7', '+12341111117', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user8', '+12341111118', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user9', '+12341111119', 1);
  6. The table’s opt-in column holds the SMS opt-in status and phone number for a specific user.

Start the DMS Replication Task

Now that the environment is ready, you can start the DMS replication task and start watching the changes in this table.

  1. From the AWS DMS Console, go to the Database Migration Tasks section.
  2. Select the Migration task named blogreplicationtask.
  3. From the Actions menu, click on Restart/Resume to start the migration task. Wait until the task’s Status transitions from Ready to Starting and Replication ongoing.
  4. At this point, all the changes on the source database are replicated into a Kinesis stream. Before introducing the AWS Lambda function that will be polling this stream, configure the Amazon Pinpoint application.

Inspect the AWS Lambda Function

An AWS Lambda function has been created to receive the events. The Lambda function uses Python and Boto3 to read the records delivered by Kinesis Data Streams. It then performs the update_endpoint API calls in order to add, update, or delete endpoints in the Amazon Pinpoint application.

Lambda code and configuration is accessible through the Lambda Functions Console. In order to inspect the Python code, click the Functions item on the left side. Select the function starting with pinpointblogstack-MainStack by clicking on the function name.

Note: The PINPOINT_APPID under the Environment variables section. This variable provides the Lambda function with the Amazon Pinpoint application ID to make the API call.


Inspect Amazon Pinpoint Application in Amazon Pinpoint Console

A Pinpoint application is needed by the Lambda Function to update the endpoints. This application has been created with an SMS Channel by the CloudFormation template. Once the data from the RDS database has been imported into Pinpoint as SMS endpoints, you can validate this import by creating a segment in Pinpoint.



With the Lambda function ready, you now test the whole solution.

  1. To initiate the end-to-end test, go to the Cloud9 terminal. Perform the following SQL statement on the optin_table:
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user1';
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user2';
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user3';
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user4';
  2. This statement will cause four changes in the database which is collected by DMS and passed to Kinesis Data Streams stream.
  3. This triggers the Lambda function that construct an update_endpoint API call to the Amazon Pinpoint application.
  4. The update_endpoint operation is an upsert operation. Therefore, if the endpoint does not exist on the Amazon Pinpoint application, it creates one. Otherwise, it updates the current endpoint.
  5. In the initial dataset, all the opt-in values are 1. Therefore, these endpoints will be created with an OptOut value of NONE in Amazon Pinpoint.
  6. All OptOut=NONE typed endpoints are considered as active endpoints. Therefore, they are available to be used within segments.

Create Amazon Pinpoint Segment

  1. In order to see these changes, go to the Pinpoint console. Click on PinpointBlogApp.
  2. Click on Segments on the left side. Then click Create a segment.
  3. For the segment name, enter US-Segment.
  4. Select Endpoint from the Filter dropdown.
  5. Under the Choose an endpoint attribute dropdown, select Country.
  6. For Choose values enter US.
    Note: As you do this, the right panel Segment estimate will refresh to show the number of endpoints eligible for this segment filter.
  7. Click Create segment at the bottom of the page.
  8. Once the new segment is created, you are directed to the newly created segment with configuration details. You should see five eligible endpoints corresponding to database table rows.
  9. Now, change one row by issuing the following SQL statement. This simulates a user opting out from SMS communication for one of their numbers.
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user5';
  10. After the update, go to the Amazon Pinpoint console. Check the eligible endpoints again. You should only see four eligible endpoints.



If you no longer want to incur further charge, delete the Cloudformation stack named pinpointblogstack. Select it and click Delete.



This solution walks you through how opt-in change events are delivered from Amazon RDS to Amazon Pinpoint. You can use this solution in other use cases as well. Some examples are importing segments from a 3rd party application like Salesforce and importing other types of channels like e-mail, push, and voice. To learn more about Amazon Pinpoint, visit our website.

Amazon SES celebrates 10 years of email sending and deliverability

Post Syndicated from Simon Poile original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/amazon-ses-celebrates-10-years-of-email-sending-and-deliverability/

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) turns 10 years old today. Back on January 25th 2011, Amazon Web Services (AWS) had only 15 services. Today, AWS has grown to over 180 services. Jeff Barr launched Amazon SES as part of his web evangelist blog. Much of what he wrote about then is still true today. Even 10 years later, email is an important channel for customer communications. Developers still want to rely on a trusted global partner to deliver email at scale. However, mailbox providers are even more protective of their end users’ security. They actively work to ensure that any perceived, unwanted email doesn’t make it to the inbox.

Inbox providers use several factors to determine the legitimacy of email traffic. Over the last decade, we have worked diligently to measure many of those factors in Amazon SES to help our customers achieve great deliverability. The focus for much of that work has been a combination of investments into reputation, engagement, and trust. I want to outline what we’ve accomplished to improve your email sending over the last 10 years.


Reputation is the measurement mailbox providers use to determine how closely you follow their sending standards. Amazon SES measures perceived reputation through metrics such as bounce rate or complaint rate in the reputation dashboard. The reputation dashboard also shares overall Amazon SES account sending status like “Healthy” or “Under Review.” Some Inbox providers, or ISPs, also provide feedback to help us measure the effectiveness of a specific IP or domain in sending trustworthy traffic.

You can influence reputation in Amazon SES through:

  • Setting up dedicated IPs: Set up IPs in Amazon SES for your own specific sending with appropriate warm-up plans. Split IPs out by use case such as separating password resets from marketing messages.
  • Customer owned IPs (New in 2020): You can now transition IPs you’ve invested in through your own data center or with another ESP to Amazon SES without interruption.
  • Following sending volume best practices: Nothing can flag your IP addresses faster than non-predictable sending patterns. We help you manage this through sending quotas.
  • Use our SES email simulator: Test your application sending without messages leaving the sandbox.



Engagement is the rate by which customers are interacting with your content. Amazon SES helps you measure engagement through conversion rates (such as open or click-through) and unsubscribe rates. These are measured in the event publishing click stream. This area is more of an art in our deliverability calculus because success varies by industry and use case.

You can influence engagement in Amazon SES through:

  • Customizing content as much as possible, but follow content best practices to avoid setting off content filters. Mailbox providers often utilize behavioral content filtering using AI to determine if your content is relevant based on engagement behavior.
  • Use consent and list management (New in 2020) with customized topics and opt-out pages. It’s important to offer recipients a way to select what emails they want to receive from you and give them an option to opt-out. This is a great new feature that we’ve added based on customer feedback.
  • Remove emails that are not engaging from your lists. Some customers have a time limit, for example, 60 days, before they are automatically removed from an active email list.



Earning trust on email sending is done through the adherence to proper sending behavior, as measured by both individual ISPs as well as industry watch-groups. Trust is closely related to reputation.  We measure trust through messages in the reputation dashboard based on feedback loops, Real-time Blocklists (RBLs), and spam-traps. You can also see the complaint rate associated to your sending in the complaint area of the reputation dashboard. It has statuses like healthy or under review.

You can influence trust in Amazon SES through:


Deliverability is a multi-dimensional part of email sending, beyond just setting up an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) endpoint, with constant complexities. But, we’re here to help. In addition to these investments in deliverability, we’ve also expanded Amazon SES to 18 regions, including the government cloud. It’s been an exciting time at AWS, and we look forward to supporting all of our customers in the years to come with Amazon SES.





How Amazon Simple Email Service supported the growth of email in 2020

Post Syndicated from Simon Poile original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/how-amazon-simple-email-service-supported-the-growth-of-email-in-2020/

Over the last 12 months, organizations of all types have increasingly needed to stay connected to their customers. With the move to virtual interactions accelerating across industries, email has remained a trusted channel for customer communications. Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) has seen record outbound email traffic in 2020, supporting critical customer communications during COVID and commercial moments like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

The importance of email during COVID

Unlike real-time communications like voice or live chat, email is asynchronous. It can be read and consumed at the customer’s leisure. In some geographies like North America, email also represents an individual’s unique identity, persisting longer than mobile phone numbers or social networking accounts. Even with the importance of email established before 2020, it was important to most organizations to send only the right messages during the COVID crisis.

Many organizations chose to decrease promotional or marketing emails during the pandemic voluntarily. This decrease in sending was to recognize the increased stress most individuals were facing in their personal lives. However, even with the drop in marketing emails across organizational types, there was an increased need to communicate and maintain customer engagement. Most organizations went through three distinct customer communication phases with email in 2020: React, Respond, and Reimagine.

  • React – These were the initial emails sent to acknowledge the COVID crisis, occurring early in 2020. These emails included messages reinforcing commitment to customer health, employee safety, or communicating new cleaning protocols.
  • Respond – These messages often included communication on the status of the business or event. Most businesses needed to communicate their transition to remote work, temporary closures, and many in-person events canceled.
  • Reimagine – Throughout the crisis, organizations were reimagining how to do business. Healthcare started operating video consultations, and restaurants shifted to pick up/take out only. Email communication was vital to take customers on the journey into this “new normal,” even as some businesses started to reopen.

To send these customer communications at scale, many organizations worked with Amazon SES.

How Amazon SES scaled and supported customers in 2020

Amazon SES saw several sending spikes that aligned with organizations working to communicate with their customers during COVID. Nine times in 2020, transactions per second (TPS) in Amazon SES exceeding 150% of the previous record held by 2019 Black Friday. This over 150% TPS spike also occurred on 2020 Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

In addition to supporting those upsurges in throughput, the Amazon SES team also responded to customer feedback on increasing the global footprint of Amazon SES. Since January, Amazon SES increased the total number of regions supported from 7 to 14, including the US government cloud. These additional regions were deployed during 2020 as the team worked remotely. This regional expansion enabled customers to adhere to local data sovereignty requirements for email sending while also improving performance.

Customers also told us they needed tools to help them manage compliance with important governance laws like CAN-SPAM and GDPR. Amazon SES released list management to help organizations manage their customer’s contact information and preferences.

Looking forward

As we move into 2021, email will remain at the forefront of customer communication channels. Enterprise customers like Netflix and Duolingo rely on Amazon SES to deliver their email at scale. For more information on how you can use Amazon SES, visit our website.