Tag Archives: Uncategorized

Microsoft Zero-Days Sold and then Used

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/microsoft-zero-days-sold-and-then-used.html

Yet another article about cyber-weapons arms manufacturers and their particular supply chain. This one is about Windows and Adobe Reader zero-day exploits sold by an Austrian company named DSIRF.

There’s an entire industry devoted to undermining all of our security. It needs to be stopped.

New UFEI Rootkit

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/new-ufei-rootkit.html

Kaspersky is reporting on a new UFEI rootkit that survives reinstalling the operating system and replacing the hard drive. From an article:

The firmware compromises the UEFI, the low-level and highly opaque chain of firmware required to boot up nearly every modern computer. As the software that bridges a PC’s device firmware with its operating system, the UEFI—short for Unified Extensible Firmware Interface—is an OS in its own right. It’s located in an SPI-connected flash storage chip soldered onto the computer motherboard, making it difficult to inspect or patch the code. Because it’s the first thing to run when a computer is turned on, it influences the OS, security apps, and all other software that follows.

Both links have lots of technical details; the second contains a list of previously discovered UFEI rootkits. Also relevant are the NSA’s capabilities—now a decade old—in this area.

Securing Open-Source Software

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/securing-open-source-software.html

Good essay arguing that open-source software is a critical national-security asset and needs to be treated as such:

Open source is at least as important to the economy, public services, and national security as proprietary code, but it lacks the same standards and safeguards. It bears the qualities of a public good and is as indispensable as national highways. Given open source’s value as a public asset, an institutional structure must be built that sustains and secures it.

This is not a novel idea. Open-source code has been called the “roads and bridges” of the current digital infrastructure that warrants the same “focus and funding.” Eric Brewer of Google explicitly called open-source software “critical infrastructure” in a recent keynote at the Open Source Summit in Austin, Texas. Several nations have adopted regulations that recognize open-source projects as significant public assets and central to their most important systems and services. Germany wants to treat open-source software as a public good and launched a sovereign tech fund to support open-source projects “just as much as bridges and roads,” and not just when a bridge collapses. The European Union adopted a formal open-source strategy that encourages it to “explore opportunities for dedicated support services for open source solutions [it] considers critical.”

Designing an institutional framework that would secure open source requires addressing adverse incentives, ensuring efficient resource allocation, and imposing minimum standards. But not all open-source projects are made equal. The first step is to identify which projects warrant this heightened level of scrutiny—projects that are critical to society. CISA defines critical infrastructure as industry sectors “so vital to the United States that [its] incapacity or destruction would have a debilitating impact on our physical or economic security or public health or safety.” Efforts should target the open-source projects that share those features.

Apple’s Lockdown Mode

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/apples-lockdown-mode-2.html

I haven’t written about Apple’s Lockdown Mode yet, mostly because I haven’t delved into the details. This is how Apple describes it:

Lockdown Mode offers an extreme, optional level of security for the very few users who, because of who they are or what they do, may be personally targeted by some of the most sophisticated digital threats, such as those from NSO Group and other private companies developing state-sponsored mercenary spyware. Turning on Lockdown Mode in iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and macOS Ventura further hardens device defenses and strictly limits certain functionalities, sharply reducing the attack surface that potentially could be exploited by highly targeted mercenary spyware.

At launch, Lockdown Mode includes the following protections:

  • Messages: Most message attachment types other than images are blocked. Some features, like link previews, are disabled.
  • Web browsing: Certain complex web technologies, like just-in-time (JIT) JavaScript compilation, are disabled unless the user excludes a trusted site from Lockdown Mode.
  • Apple services: Incoming invitations and service requests, including FaceTime calls, are blocked if the user has not previously sent the initiator a call or request.
  • Wired connections with a computer or accessory are blocked when iPhone is locked.
  • Configuration profiles cannot be installed, and the device cannot enroll into mobile device management (MDM), while Lockdown Mode is turned on.

What Apple has done here is really interesting. It’s common to trade security off for usability, and the results of that are all over Apple’s operating systems—and everywhere else on the Internet. What they’re doing with Lockdown Mode is the reverse: they’re trading usability for security. The result is a user experience with fewer features, but a much smaller attack surface. And they aren’t just removing random features; they’re removing features that are common attack vectors.

There aren’t a lot of people who need Lockdown Mode, but it’s an excellent option for those who do.

News article.

EDITED TO ADD (7/31): An analysis of the effect of Lockdown Mode on Safari.

Leverage L2 constructs to reduce the complexity of your AWS CDK application

Post Syndicated from David Boldt original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/leverage-l2-constructs-to-reduce-the-complexity-of-your-aws-cdk-application/

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework to define your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages. AWS CDK uses the familiarity and expressive power of programming languages for modeling your applications. Constructs are the basic building blocks of AWS CDK apps. A construct represents a “cloud component” and encapsulates everything that AWS CloudFormation needs to create the component. Furthermore, AWS Construct Library lets you ease the process of building your application using predefined templates and logic. Three levels of constructs exist:

  • L1 – These are low-level constructs called Cfn (short for CloudFormation) resources. They’re periodically generated from the AWS CloudFormation Resource Specification. The name pattern is CfnXyz, where Xyz is name of the resource. When using these constructs, you must configure all of the resource properties. This requires a full understanding of the underlying CloudFormation resource model and its corresponding attributes.
  • L2 – These represent AWS resources with a higher-level, intent-based API. They provide additional functionality with defaults, boilerplate, and glue logic that you’d be writing yourself with L1 constructs. AWS constructs offer convenient defaults and reduce the need to know all of the details about the AWS resources that they represent. This is done while providing convenience methods that make it simpler to work with the resources and as a result creating your application.
  • L3 – These constructs are called patterns. They’re designed to complete common tasks in AWS, often involving multiple types of resources.

In this post, I show a sample architecture and how the complexity of an AWS CDK application is reduced by using L2 constructs.

Overview of the sample architecture

This solution uses Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB. I implement a simple serverless web application. The application receives a POST request from a user via API Gateway and forwards it to a Lambda function using proxy integration. The Lambda function writes the request body to a DynamoDB table.

The sample code can be found on GitHub.

The sample code can be found on GitHub.


You can follow the instructions in the README file of the GitHub repository to deploy the stack. In the following walkthrough, I explain each logical unit and the differences when implementing it using L1 and L2 constructs. Before each code sample, I’ll show the path in the GitHub repository where you can find its source.

Create the DynamoDB table

First, I create a DynamoDB table to store the request content.

L1 construct

With L1 constructs, I must define each attribute of a table separately. For the DynamoDB table, these are keySchemaattributeDefinitions, and provisionedThroughput. They all require detailed CloudFormation knowledge, for example, how a keyType is defined.


this.cfnDynamoDbTable = new dynamodb.CfnTable(
      keySchema: [
            attributeName: props.attributeName,
            keyType: "HASH",
      attributeDefinitions: [
            attributeName: props.attributeName,
            attributeType: "S",
      provisionedThroughput: {
         readCapacityUnits: 5,
         writeCapacityUnits: 5,

L2 construct

The corresponding L2 construct lets me use the default values for readCapacity (5) and writeCapacity (5). To further reduce the complexity, I define the attributes and the partition key simultaneously. In addition, I utilize the dynamodb.AttributeType.STRING enum.


this.dynamoDbTable = new dynamodb.Table(
      partitionKey: {
         name: props.attributeName,
         type: dynamodb.AttributeType.STRING,

Create the Lambda function

Next, I create a Lambda function which receives the request and stores the content in the DynamoDB table. The runtime code uses Node.js.

L1 construct

When creating a Lambda function using L1 construct, I must specify all of the properties at creation time – the business logic code location, runtime, and the function handler. This includes the role for the Lambda function to assume. As a result, I must provide the Attribute Resource Name (ARN) of the role. In the “Granting permissions” sections later in this post, I show how to create this role.


const cfnLambdaFunction = new lambda.CfnFunction(
      code: {
         zipFile: fs.readFileSync(
            path.resolve(__dirname, "runtime/index.js"),
      role: this.cfnIamLambdaRole.attrArn,
      runtime: "nodejs16.x",
      handler: "index.handler",
      environment: {
         variables: {
            TABLE_NAME: props.dynamoDbTableArn,

L2 construct

I can achieve the same result with less complexity by leveraging the NodejsFunction L2 construct for Lambda function. It sets a default version for Node.js runtime unless another one is explicitly specified. The construct creates a Lambda function with automatic transpiling and bundling of TypeScript or Javascript code. This results in smaller Lambda packages that contain only the code and dependencies needed to run the function, and it uses esbuild under the hood. The Lambda function handler code is located in the runtime directory of the API logical unit. I provide the path to the Lambda handler file in the entry property. I don’t have to specify the handler function name, because the NodejsFunction construct uses the handler name by default. Moreover, a Lambda execution role isn’t required to be provided during L2 Lambda construct creation. If no role is specified, then a default one is generated which has permissions for Lambda execution. In the section ‘Granting Permissions’, I describe how to customize the role after creating the construct.


this.lambdaFunction = new lambda_nodejs.NodejsFunction(
      entry: path.resolve(__dirname, "runtime/index.ts"),
      runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,
      environment: {
         TABLE_NAME: props.dynamoDbTableName,

Create API Gateway REST API

Next, I define the API Gateway REST API to receive POST requests with Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) enabled.

L1 construct

Every step, from creating a new API Gateway REST API, to the deployment process, must be configured individually. With an L1 construct, I must have a good understanding of CORS and the exact configuration of headers and methods.

Furthermore, I must know all of the specifics, such as for the Lambda integration type I must know how to construct the URI.


const cfnApiGatewayRestApi = new apigateway.CfnRestApi(
      name: props.apiName,

const cfnApiGatewayPostMethod = new apigateway.CfnMethod(
      httpMethod: "POST",
      resourceId: cfnApiGatewayRestApi.attrRootResourceId,
      restApiId: cfnApiGatewayRestApi.ref,
      authorizationType: "NONE",
      integration: {
         credentials: cfnIamApiGatewayRole.attrArn,
         type: "AWS_PROXY",
         integrationHttpMethod: "ANY",
            "arn:aws:apigateway:" +
            Stack.of(this).region +
            ":lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/" +
            cfnLambdaFunction.attrArn +
            passthroughBehavior: "WHEN_NO_MATCH",

const CfnApiGatewayOptionsMethod = new apigateway.CfnMethod(
      // fields omitted

const cfnApiGatewayDeployment = new apigateway.CfnDeployment(
      restApiId: cfnApiGatewayRestApi.ref,
      stageName: "prod",

L2 construct

Creating an API Gateway REST API with CORS enabled is simpler with L2 constructs. I can leverage the defaultCorsPreflightOptions property and the construct builds the required options method. To set origins and methods, I can use the apigateway.Cors enum. To configure the Lambda proxy option, all I need to do is to set the proxy variable in the method to true. A default deployment is created automatically.


this.api = new apigateway.RestApi(
      defaultCorsPreflightOptions: {
         allowOrigins: apigateway.Cors.ALL_ORIGINS,
         allowMethods: apigateway.Cors.ALL_METHODS,

    new apigateway.LambdaIntegration(this.lambdaFunction, {
      proxy: true,

Granting permissions

In the sample application, I must give permissions to two different resources:

  1.  API Gateway REST API to invoke the Lambda function.
  2. Lambda function to write data to the DynamoDB table.

L1 construct

For both resources, I must define AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles. This requires in-depth knowledge of IAM, how policies are structured, and which actions are required. In the following code snippet, I start by creating the policy documents. Afterward, I create a role for each resource. These are provided at creation time to the corresponding constructs as shown earlier.


const cfnLambdaAssumeIamPolicyDocument = {
    // fields omitted

this.cfnLambdaIamRole = new iam.CfnRole(
      assumeRolePolicyDocument: cfnLambdaAssumeIamPolicyDocument,
      managedPolicyArns: [
const cfnApiGatewayAssumeIamPolicyDocument = {
   // fields omitted

const cfnApiGatewayInvokeLambdaIamPolicyDocument = {
   Version: "2012-10-17",
   Statement: [
         Action: ["lambda:InvokeFunction"],
         Resource: [cfnLambdaFunction.attrArn],
         Effect: "Allow",

const cfnApiGatewayIamRole = new iam.CfnRole(
      assumeRolePolicyDocument: cfnApiGatewayAssumeIamPolicyDocument,
      policies: [{
         policyDocument: cfnApiGatewayInvokeLambdaIamPolicyDocument,
         policyName: "ApiGatewayInvokeLambdaIamPolicy",

The database construct exposes a function to grant write access to any IAM role. The function creates a policy, which allows dynamodb:PutItem on the database table and adds it as an additional policy to the role.


grantWriteData(cfnIamRole: iam.CfnRole) {
   const cfnPutDynamoDbIamPolicyDocument = {
      Version: "2012-10-17",
      Statement: [
            Action: ["dynamodb:PutItem"],
            Resource: [this.cfnDynamoDbTable.attrArn],
            Effect: "Allow",

    cfnIamRole.policies = [{
        policyDocument: cfnPutDynamoDbIamPolicyDocument,
        policyName: "PutDynamoDbIamPolicy",

At this point, all permissions are in place, except that Lambda function doesn’t have permissions to write data to the DynamoDB table yet. To grant write access, I call the grantWriteData function of the Database construct with the IAM role of the Lambda function.



L2 construct

Creating an API Gateway REST API with the LambdaIntegration construct generates the IAM role and attaches the role to the API Gateway REST API method. Giving the Lambda function permission to write to the DynamoDB table can be achieved with the following single line:



Using L3 constructs

To reduce complexity even further, I can leverage L3 constructs. In the case of this sample architecture, I can utilize the LambdaRestApi construct. This construct uses a default Lambda proxy integration. It automatically generates a method and a deployment, and grants permissions. As a result, I can achieve the same with even less code.

const restApi = new apigateway.LambdaRestApi(
      handler: this.lambdaFunction,
      defaultCorsPreflightOptions: {
         allowOrigins: apigateway.Cors.ALL_ORIGINS,
         allowMethods: apigateway.Cors.ALL_METHODS


Many services in this post are available in the AWS Free Tier. However, using this solution may incur costs, and you should tear down the stack if you don’t need it anymore. Cleanup steps are included in the RADME file of the GitHub repository.


In this post, I highlight the difference between using L1 and L2 AWS CDK constructs with an example architecture. Leveraging L2 constructs reduces the complexity of your application by using predefined patterns, boiler plate, and glue logic. They offer convenient defaults and reduce the need to know all of the details about the AWS resources they represent, while providing convenient methods that make it simpler to work with the resource. Additionally, I showed how to reduce complexity for common tasks even further by using an L3 construct.

Visit the AWS CDK documentation to learn more about building resilient, scalable, and cost-efficient architectures with the expressive power of a programming language.


David Boldt

David Boldt is a Solutions Architect at AWS, based in Hamburg, Germany. David works with customers to enable them with best practices in their cloud journey. He is passionate about the internet of Things and how it can be leveraged to solve different challenges across industries.

Friday Squid Blogging: Bathyteuthis berryi Holding Eggs

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/friday-squid-blogging-bathyteuthis-berryi-holding-eggs.html

Image and video of a Bathyteuthis berryi carrying a few hundred eggs, taken at a depth of 4,650 feet.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

Read my blog posting guidelines here.

Critical Vulnerabilities in GPS Trackers

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/critical-vulnerabilities-in-gps-trackers.html

This is a dangerous vulnerability:

An assessment from security firm BitSight found six vulnerabilities in the Micodus MV720, a GPS tracker that sells for about $20 and is widely available. The researchers who performed the assessment believe the same critical vulnerabilities are present in other Micodus tracker models. The China-based manufacturer says 1.5 million of its tracking devices are deployed across 420,000 customers. BitSight found the device in use in 169 countries, with customers including governments, militaries, law enforcement agencies, and aerospace, shipping, and manufacturing companies.

BitSight discovered what it said were six “severe” vulnerabilities in the device that allow for a host of possible attacks. One flaw is the use of unencrypted HTTP communications that makes it possible for remote hackers to conduct adversary-in-the-middle attacks that intercept or change requests sent between the mobile application and supporting servers. Other vulnerabilities include a flawed authentication mechanism in the mobile app that can allow attackers to access the hardcoded key for locking down the trackers and the ability to use a custom IP address that makes it possible for hackers to monitor and control all communications to and from the device.

The security firm said it first contacted Micodus in September to notify company officials of the vulnerabilities. BitSight and CISA finally went public with the findings on Tuesday after trying for months to privately engage with the manufacturer. As of the time of writing, all of the vulnerabilities remain unpatched and unmitigated.

These are computers and computer vulnerabilities, but because the computers are attached to cars, the vulnerabilities become potentially life-threatening. CISA writes:

These vulnerabilities could impact access to a vehicle fuel supply, vehicle control, or allow locational surveillance of vehicles in which the device is installed.

I wouldn’t have buried “vehicle control” in the middle of that sentence.

Russia Creates Malware False-Flag App

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/russia-creates-malware-false-flag-app.html

The Russian hacking group Turla released an Android app that seems to aid Ukrainian hackers in their attacks against Russian networks. It’s actually malware, and provides information back to the Russians:

The hackers pretended to be a “community of free people around the world who are fighting russia’s aggression”—much like the IT Army. But the app they developed was actually malware. The hackers called it CyberAzov, in reference to the Azov Regiment or Battalion, a far-right group that has become part of Ukraine’s national guard. To add more credibility to the ruse they hosted the app on a domain “spoofing” the Azov Regiment: cyberazov[.]com.


The app actually didn’t DDoS anything, but was designed to map out and figure out who would want to use such an app to attack Russian websites, according to Huntely.


Google said the fake app wasn’t hosted on the Play Store, and that the number of installs “was miniscule.”

Details from Google’s Threat Analysis Group here.

Selecting Network Switches for Your AWS Outposts

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/selecting-network-switches-for-your-aws-outposts/

This blog post is written by, Frankie Negro, Outposts Solution Architect.

AWS Outposts is a family of fully managed solutions that extend AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to customer premises. Outposts is available in a variety of form factors, from 1U and 2U Outposts servers (https://aws.amazon.com/outposts/servers/) to 42U Outposts racks (https://aws.amazon.com/outposts/rack/). AWS Outposts is ideal for workloads that require low-latency access to on-premises systems, local data processing, data residency, and application migration with local system interdependencies.

When operating and consuming services in the AWS Regions, the underlying networking layer is completely abstracted. You do not need to be aware of the underlying networking topology, device port speeds, connectors, transports, links, and media types. Instead, the focus is on design, with the architecture leveraging the high-level constructs available for the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), such as VPCs, Subnets, Route Tables, Security Groups, and network access control lists. The network bandwidth available for an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance depends on the number of vCPUs that it has.

AWS Outposts requires a dedicated network connection to an AWS Region defined by the customer when ordering the product. This connection is called the Service Link, and it connects to either public or private anchors (not both) in a specific Availability Zone (AZ) in the selected parent Region. AWS recommends redundant connections that meet the bandwidth requirements for Outposts rack and Outposts servers.

The purpose of AWS Outposts is to fulfill use cases where the workload has requirements that prevent or make it unfeasible to operate in the AWS Regions. Most of these use cases, such as low latency and local data processing, require strong and reliable network infrastructure to handle a high volume of packets per second.

The construct connecting AWS Outposts to the customer on-premises network is called local gateway (LGW) for Outposts rack and local network interface (LNI) for Outposts Servers. These logical elements mediate the data traffic between Outposts and the customer premises.

On Outposts rack, Service Link and LGW traffic flows through the same network connection, which can be a single link per physical device or an aggregated link. Network packets sent to the Region or to your local network are segregated using distinct virtual LANs (VLANs) on Outposts rack. The smaller family members, Outposts servers, use two distinct physical ports.

The physical network elements providing the connections between the devices and services are called Outposts Networking Devices (ONDs) on the AWS side and Customer Networking Devices (CNDs) on the customer side. For its part, Outposts rack can deliver throughput up to 400 Gbps, aggregating 4 x 100 Gbps uplinks to support Service Link and LGW network traffic, while an Outposts server can provide a 10 Gbps dedicated network port for each traffic.

Outpost network traffic segments and logical elements

The upstream devices you provide play a fundamental role in the harmonic coexistence and operation at the ethernet physical and data link layers, which are the basis for performance and stability of the upper network and transport layers as defined by the OSI model. A careful selection of your upstream networking devices must combine reliable operations, cost effectiveness, and long-term vision.

The physical layer (L1)

Here we are talking about physical cables and media interfaces. There are no supported options for UTP Cables with RJ-45 connectors, as Outposts rack only supports Fiber Optic cables with Lucent Connectors (LC). For short distances you can use MMF (Multi-Mode Fiber) or MMF OM4 (Optical Multimode) with LC.  Longer distances can be achieved using SMF (Single Mode Fiber). Distance limits depend on the Fiber Mode and Type.

: Lucent Connector (LC) DuplexEach Outposts server has one physical QSFP+ interface. A 4-way breakout cable is supplied with SFP+ transceivers. You will use two interfaces: One for the LNI traffic and another for the Service Link traffic.

With this is mind, RJ-45 ports on upstream switches will not suit any AWS Outposts connections. Switch models that combine RF-45 and optical ports can be used in conjunction with copper ethernet cables category 8 (CAT8), which support up to 40 Gbps speeds, to connect other segments while the optical ports can be used for AWS Outposts.

When evaluating your upstream switches, bear in mind that Outposts rack switches are always capable of 1 / 10 / 40 / 100 Gbps speeds, and it is the same equipment regardless of the selected AWS Outposts resource ID and uplink connection speed defined during the order process.

It is recommended to account for future traffic needs from the beginning and specify upstream switches with 40 or 100 Gbps ports rather than start small and upgrade in the future. Upgrades and changes always carry risk, so limiting future risk by minimizing the need for upgrades will help mitigate issues and provide a stable, productive environment.

Another characteristic to look for when selecting your networking devices is “non-blocking” switches. These switches can handle all ports at full capacity simultaneously, without contention. It is a simple feature to select, and you can expect high performance out-of-the box without having to go too deep into details such as buffering mechanisms.

The Data Link layer (L2)

This layer establishes and terminates the logical links between nodes and exchange frames end-to-end. Outposts rack requires that your upstream devices support 802.1Q (Dot1q) standards that implement the VLAN support needed to segregate traffic to be forwarded to the Region (via Service Link) from traffic to be forwarded to the customer’s local network.

Most core switches ship with this capability. One good spec to evaluate is the maximum size of the MAC Address Table per VLAN supported by the switch. If the MAC Table gets full, your equipment may fail over to broadcast mode in that VLAN, which introduces additional stress in the network and is a potential exploit condition.

Another common feature for core switches is to support link aggregation or bundle links together so they act like a single, logical link. While AWS Outposts will work with just a single connection per OND, a recommended fault tolerance and high availability best practice is to aggregate multiple paths to withstand the failure of one or multiple members of the logical aggregation group.

As defined in the AWS Well-Architected Framework Reliability pillar design principles, to observe best practices of Automatically recover from failure and Scale horizontally to increase aggregate workload availability, you should consider implementing, for example, 4 x 10 Gbps instead of a single 40 Gbps uplink. AWS Outposts uses link aggregation control protocol (LACP) aggregations with the immediate customer network device (CND) according to the IEEE 802.3ad standard.

To learn more about how you can architect Outposts for network failures, check out the AWS Outposts High Availability Design and Architecture Considerations at this URL.

The logical interface defined as a result of the link aggregation (LAG) can be configured as an ethernet trunk port defined in the IEEE 802.1q standard to allow the use of multiple VLANs. Alternatively, the logical interface can be configured as an L3 interface with the Service Link and LGW defined as VLAN sub-interfaces. This is how AWS Outposts segregates traffic forwarded to Service Link from packets sent to the customer local network.

The Network layer (L3)

At this layer, we get into routing and logical addressing. Outposts rack requires Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to dynamically exchange routes. Each OND device will establish eBGP peering with the upstream routing device for the Service Link and the LGW.

The architectural decision will be a trade-off between discrete components for routing and switching and an L3 switch capable of BGP routing. This aspect requires a careful assessment. It is common for a core switch to offer L3 capabilities, but BGP support is not available in most cases.

Switch design often aims for excelling at L2 and basic L3. If the network design requires advanced routing features or large IP routing tables, the safest path is to specify a powerful L2 switch and a dedicated L3 router.

Redundant equipment for fault tolerance is recommended as well. AWS does not have restrictions on how the customer implements core switches, but it’s always a good practice to keep it simple and standard, avoiding designs that include proprietary solutions, such as Virtual Chassis and Switch Clustering, because it can make troubleshooting difficult.


In this post, I showed the importance of dedicating time and effort to carefully evaluating the networking landscape where your AWS Outposts will be deployed, assessing the network device options available to you, designing for high-availability, and selecting switch models with proper feature sets and future-proof specifications.

The performance and operation of your AWS Outposts is largely dependent on your network substrate, and all efforts dedicated to making good decisions will be time well spent, allowing you to get the best value out of your hybrid solution while focusing on creating compelling applications and addressing your use cases with AWS Outposts.

NSO Group’s Pegasus Spyware Used against Thailand Pro-Democracy Activists and Leaders

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/nso-groups-pegasus-spyware-used-against-thailand-pro-democracy-activists-and-leaders.html

Yet another basic human rights violation, courtesy of NSO Group: Citizen Lab has the details:

Key Findings

  • We discovered an extensive espionage campaign targeting Thai pro-democracy protesters, and activists calling for reforms to the monarchy.
  • We forensically confirmed that at least 30 individuals were infected with NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware.
  • The observed infections took place between October 2020 and November 2021.
  • The ongoing investigation was triggered by notifications sent by Apple to Thai civil society members in November 2021. Following the notification, multiple recipients made contact with civil society groups, including the Citizen Lab.
  • The report describes the results of an ensuing collaborative investigation by the Citizen Lab, and Thai NGOs iLaw, and DigitalReach.
  • A sample of the victims was independently analyzed by Amnesty International’s Security Lab which confirms the methodology used to determine Pegasus infections.


NSO Group has denied any wrongdoing and maintains that its products are to be used “in a legal manner and according to court orders and the local law of each country.” This justification is problematic, given the presence of local laws that infringe on international human rights standards and the lack of judicial oversight, transparency, and accountability in governmental surveillance, which could result in abuses of power. In Thailand, for example, Section 112 of the Criminal Code (also known as the lèse-majesté law), which criminalizes defamation, insults, and threats to the Thai royal family, has been criticized for being “fundamentally incompatible with the right to freedom of expression,” while the amended Computer Crime Act opens the door to potential rights violations, as it “gives overly broad powers to the government to restrict free speech [and] enforce surveillance and censorship.” Both laws have been used in concert to prosecute lawyers and activists, some of whom were targeted with Pegasus.

More details. News articles.

A few months ago, Ronan Farrow wrote a really good article on NSO Group and its problems. The company was itself hacked in 2021.

L3Harris Corporation was looking to buy NSO Group, but dropped its bid after the Biden administration expressed concerns. The US government blacklisted NSO Group last year, and the company is even more toxic than it was as a result—and a mess internally.

In another story, the nephew of jailed Hotel Rwanda dissident was also hacked by Pegasus.

EDITED TO ADD (7/28): The House Intelligence Committee held hearings on what to do about this rogue industry. It’s important to remember that while NSO Group gets all the heat, there are many other companies that do the same thing.

John-Scott Railton at the hearing:

If NSO Group goes bankrupt tomorrow, there are other companies, perhaps seeded with U.S. venture capital, that will attempt to step in to fill the gap. As long as U.S. investors see the mercenary spyware industry as a growth market, the U.S. financial sector is poised to turbocharge the problem and set fire to our collective cybersecurity and privacy.

Facebook Is Now Encrypting Links to Prevent URL Stripping

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/facebook-is-now-encrypting-links-to-prevent-url-stripping.html

Some sites, including Facebook, add parameters to the web address for tracking purposes. These parameters have no functionality that is relevant to the user, but sites rely on them to track users across pages and properties.

Mozilla introduced support for URL stripping in Firefox 102, which it launched in June 2022. Firefox removes tracking parameters from web addresses automatically, but only in private browsing mode or when the browser’s Tracking Protection feature is set to strict. Firefox users may enable URL stripping in all Firefox modes, but this requires manual configuration. Brave Browser strips known tracking parameters from web addresses as well.

Facebook has responded by encrypting the entire URL into a single ciphertext blob.

Since it is no longer possible to identify the tracking part of the web address, it is no longer possible to remove it from the address automatically. In other words: Facebook has the upper hand in regards to URL-based tracking at the time, and there is little that can be done about it short of finding a way to decrypt the information.

San Francisco Police Want Real-Time Access to Private Surveillance Cameras

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/san-francisco-police-want-real-time-access-to-private-surveillance-cameras.html

Surely no one could have predicted this:

The new proposal—championed by Mayor London Breed after November’s wild weekend of orchestrated burglaries and theft in the San Francisco Bay Area—would authorize the police department to use non-city-owned security cameras and camera networks to live monitor “significant events with public safety concerns” and ongoing felony or misdemeanor violations.

Currently, the police can only request historical footage from private cameras related to specific times and locations, rather than blanket monitoring. Mayor Breed also complained the police can only use real-time feeds in emergencies involving “imminent danger of death or serious physical injury.”

If approved, the draft ordinance would also allow SFPD to collect historical video footage to help conduct criminal investigations and those related to officer misconduct. The draft law currently stands as the following, which indicates the cops can broadly ask for and/or get access to live real-time video streams:

The proposed Surveillance Technology Policy would authorize the Police Department to use surveillance cameras and surveillance camera networks owned, leased, managed, or operated by non-City entities to: (1) temporarily live monitor activity during exigent circumstances, significant events with public safety concerns, and investigations relating to active misdemeanor and felony violations; (2) gather and review historical video footage for the purposes of conducting a criminal investigation; and (3) gather and review historical video footage for the purposes of an internal investigation regarding officer misconduct.

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Post Syndicated from Schneier.com Webmaster original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/upcoming-speaking-engagements-21.html

This is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak:

The list is maintained on this page.

New Browser De-anonymization Technique

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/new-browser-de-anonymization-technique.html

Researchers have a new way to de-anonymize browser users, by correlating their behavior on one account with their behavior on another:

The findings, which NJIT researchers will present at the Usenix Security Symposium in Boston next month, show how an attacker who tricks someone into loading a malicious website can determine whether that visitor controls a particular public identifier, like an email address or social media account, thus linking the visitor to a piece of potentially personal data.

When you visit a website, the page can capture your IP address, but this doesn’t necessarily give the site owner enough information to individually identify you. Instead, the hack analyzes subtle features of a potential target’s browser activity to determine whether they are logged into an account for an array of services, from YouTube and Dropbox to Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and more. Plus the attacks work against every major browser, including the anonymity-focused Tor Browser.


“Let’s say you have a forum for underground extremists or activists, and a law enforcement agency has covertly taken control of it,” Curtmola says. “They want to identify the users of this forum but can’t do this directly because the users use pseudonyms. But let’s say that the agency was able to also gather a list of Facebook accounts who are suspected to be users of this forum. They would now be able to correlate whoever visits the forum with a specific Facebook identity.”

Automating Amazon EC2-Windows EBS Volumes monitoring and creating alarms

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/automating-amazon-ec2-windows-ebs-volumes-monitoring-and-creating-alarms/

This blog post is written by, Santhosh Kumar Adapa, Database Consultant,  AWS WWCO ProServe,  Jeevan Shetty, Database Consultant, AWS WWCO ProServe, and Bhanu Ganesh Gudivada, Consultant  Databases, AWS WWCO ProServe.

Customers who are running fleets of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances use advanced monitoring techniques to observe their operational performance. Capabilities like aggregated and custom dimensions help customers categorize and customize their metrics across server fleets for fast and efficient decision making. Customers require visibility into not only infrastructure metrics (such as CPU and memory), but also disk usage metrics.

Monitoring Amazon EC2-Windows Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Volumes usage is critical, especially when customers have a large fleet of Amazon EC2 Windows servers running to host their databases and applications in AWS. Generally, we see issues with EC2 instances running out of disk space, and free disk space isn’t a metric that is directly available with Amazon CloudWatch. Amazon CloudWatch agent helps solve this problem. After installing and configuring the CloudWatch agent on your EC2 instance, the agent will send metric data with the disk utilization to CloudWatch. The next step is to create a CloudWatch alarm to monitor the disk utilization metric.

In this post, we showcase the steps to automate the monitoring and creating alarms for EBS volumes attached to Amazon EC2 Windows instances. Alarms are created using AWS Lambda that monitors the free disk space and alerts whenever thresholds are crossed using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).

Solution overview

To demonstrate the solution we first install and configure the CloudWatch agent in your Amazon EC2 Windows instance, and then the agent will send metric data with the disk utilization to CloudWatch. To monitor the disk on each Amazon EC2 Windows instance, we’ll use two custom Metrics, “FreeStorageSpaceInMB” and “FreeStorageSpaceInPercent”, that are collected by CloudWatch agent and pushed to CloudWatch.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture used in this post:

architecture used in this post

  1. Amazon EC2 Windows instance with attached Amazon EBS Volumes to be monitored for free disk usage. The EC2 instance is configured with Amazon CloudWatch Agent.
  2. CloudWatch agent is configured to monitor the “FreeStorageSpaceInMB” and “FreeStorageSpaceInPercent” metrics, and pushed to AWS CloudWatch.
  3. Lambda function that can be invoked to create CloudWatch alarms for each disk attached to the EC2 instance.
  4. CloudWatch Alarms are created with warnings and critical thresholds based on storage size.
  5. Amazon SNS is used to send alerts when the CloudWatch Alarms crosses the threshold.
  6. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to provide permission to the Lambda function to get Amazon EBS metrics and to create CloudWatch Alarms.


You will need the following prerequisites:

  • To implement this solution, you must have an Amazon EC2 Windows instance configured with Amazon CloudWatch Agent by following the steps documented in the article – How to monitor Windows and Linux servers and get internal performance metrics.
  • To monitor the “FreeStorageSpaceInMB” and “FreeStorageSpaceInPercent” metrics for Amazon EBS volumes attached to the EC2 instance, the CloudWatch agent configuration JSON should have the following section:
"LogicalDisk": {
	"measurement": [
		"name":"% Free Space",
		"name":"Free Megabytes",
	"metrics_collection_interval": 10,
	"resources": [
  1. Amazon EC2 host or bastion host with an IAM role attached that has permissions to create an IAM role, Lambda function, and run Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) CLI commands. A Lambda function and an IAM role are created using AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM).


In this section, we provide the steps to create an IAM role and deploy a Lambda function using AWS SAM.

  1. Log in to the Amazon EC2 host and install the AWS SAM CLI.
  2. Download the source code and deploy it by running the following command:
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-ec2-windows-ebs-volumes-monitoring

cd aws-ec2-windows-ebs-volumes-monitoring/ebs_volumes_monitoring
sam deploy --guided

3. Provide the following parameters:

    1. Stack Name – Name for the AWS CloudFormation stack.
    2. AWS Region – AWS Region where the stack is being deployed.

The following is the sample output when you run sam deploy –guided with default arguments:

Stack Name [ebs-volumes-monitoring]: ebs-volumes-monitoring
AWS Region [us-west-2]:
#Shows you resources changes to be deployed and require a 'Y' to initiate deploy
Confirm changes before deploy [y/N]:
#SAM needs permission to be able to create roles to connect to the resources in your template
Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation [Y/n]:
#Preserves the state of previously provisioned resources when an operation fails
Disable rollback [y/N]:
Save arguments to configuration file [Y/n]:
SAM configuration file [samconfig.toml]:
SAM configuration environment [default]:

In the following sections, we describe the AWS services deployed with AWS SAM.

IAM role

AWS SAM creates an IAM role with policies to describe EC2 instances, as well as List, Get, and Put CloudWatch metrics. Furthermore, it attaches an AWS managed IAM policy called AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole to the IAM role. This role is attached to the Lambda functions to create Amazon EBS volume alarms for EC2 instances.

Lambda function

AWS SAM also deploys the Lambda function. It uses Python 3.8 and accepts two parameters:

  1. Hostname: Amazon EC2 Windows instance name, or, if we must configure alarms for multiple servers, then you can use a wild card character, such as Instance_name* or Instance_name?
  2. sns_topic_name: ARN of the SNS topic that is used to configure CloudWatch Alarms. Notification is sent to the SNS topic when the Amazon EBS Volume metric crosses the threshold.

Invoking Lambda function

After the SAM deployment is successful, we can invoke the Lambda function with the instance name and the SNS Topic ARN. The Lambda function creates two alarms (Warning and Critical) for every Amazon EBS volume attached to the instance. The Warning and Critical values can be changed in the Lambda code so that there are two different values depending on the size of the disk drive. Furthermore, the alarms are configured to send notifications to the SNS Topic. The following is the sample command to invoke the Lambda function:

aws lambda invoke --function-name ec2-ebs-metric --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
--payload '{"hostname": "Windows*", "sns_topic_name": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789:notify_dba" }' response.json

Verifying CloudWatch Alarms:

Verify the CloudWatch Alarms that are created in the CloudWatch console. The following screenshot shows the CloudWatch alarms created for an EC2 instance with four disks. There are two alarms (Warning and Critical) created for every disk (four disks in total). Therefore, we see eight CloudWatch alarms.

CloudWatch console alarms

Checking CloudWatch Logs:

After running the Lambda function, to verify the log, go to Lambda Service page, select the Lambda function created, navigate to the Monitor tab, and then select “View logs in CloudWatch”. Then, go to the latest log file to check the CloudWatch log files for any errors.

Checking CloudWatch LogsSelect the latest Log Steam to check the details of the last Lambda function execution.

Log Steam detailsThe log file shows the full details of the Lambda function execution. Furthermore, it shows the CloudWatch alarms configured for each disk, as well as if there are any errors generated during execution.

Log file detailsCleanup

To clean up the resources used in this post, complete the following steps:

  1. Delete the CloudFormation stack by running below command and replacing STACK_NAME with stack name provided in step 3a above, under section “AWS SAM”
sam delete --stack-name STACK_NAME
  1. Confirm the stack has been deleted by running below command. Replace STACK_NAME as mentioned in previous step.
aws cloudformation list-stacks --query "StackSummaries[?contains(StackName,' STACK_NAME ')].StackStatus"
  1. Delete any CloudWatch alarms created by the Lambda function by following the document – Editing or deleting a CloudWatch alarm.


In this post, we demonstrated how the requirement of monitoring Amazon EC2 Windows EBS Volumes usage is critical. In particular, this is essential when customers have a large fleet of Amazon EC2 Windows servers running to host their databases and applications in the cloud. We showcased the process of automating the free disk monitoring using Lambda and notifying through Amazon SNS when disks cross the storage threshold. By implementing such monitoring, customers can prevent issues with EC2 instances running out of disk space thus preventing critical production outages.

Provide any thoughts or questions in the comments section. We also encourage you to explore CloudWatch monitoring and try out additional use cases mentioned in the documentation.

Post-Roe Privacy

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/post-roe-privacy.html

This is an excellent essay outlining the post-Roe privacy threat model. (Summary: period tracking apps are largely a red herring.)

Taken together, this means the primary digital threat for people who take abortion pills is the actual evidence of intention stored on your phone, in the form of texts, emails, and search/web history. Cynthia Conti-Cook’s incredible article “Surveilling the Digital Abortion Diary details what we know now about how digital evidence has been used to prosecute women who have been pregnant. That evidence includes search engine history, as in the case of the prosecution of Latice Fisher in Mississippi. As Conti-Cook says, Ms. Fisher “conduct[ed] internet searches, including how to induce a miscarriage, ‘buy abortion pills, mifepristone online, misoprostol online,’ and ‘buy misoprostol abortion pill online,’” and then purchased misoprostol online. Those searches were the evidence that she intentionally induced a miscarriage. Text messages are also often used in prosecutions, as they were in the prosecution of Purvi Patel, also discussed in Conti-Cook’s article.

These examples are why advice from reproductive access experts like Kate Bertash focuses on securing text messages (use Signal and auto-set messages to disappear) and securing search queries (use a privacy-focused web browser, and use DuckDuckGo or turn Google search history off). After someone alerts police, digital evidence has been used to corroborate or show intent. But so far, we have not seen digital evidence be a first port of call for prosecutors or cops looking for people who may have self-managed an abortion. We can be vigilant in looking for any indications that this policing practice may change, but we can also be careful to ensure we’re focusing on mitigating the risks we know are indeed already being used to prosecute abortion-seekers.


As we’ve discussed above, just tracking your period doesn’t necessarily put you at additional risk of prosecution, and would only be relevant should you both become (or be suspected of becoming) pregnant, and then become the target of an investigation. Period tracking is also extremely useful if you need to determine how pregnant you might be, especially if you need to evaluate the relative access and legal risks for your abortion options.

It’s important to remember that if an investigation occurs, information from period trackers is probably less legally relevant than other information from your phone.

See also EFF’s privacy guide for those seeking an abortion.

Security Vulnerabilities in Honda’s Keyless Entry System

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/security-vulnerabilities-in-hondas-keyless-entry-system.html

Honda vehicles from 2021 to 2022 are vulnerable to this attack:

On Thursday, a security researcher who goes by Kevin2600 published a technical report and videos on a vulnerability that he claims allows anyone armed with a simple hardware device to steal the code to unlock Honda vehicles. Kevin2600, who works for cybersecurity firm Star-V Lab, dubbed the attack RollingPWN.


In a phone call, Kevin2600 explained that the attack relies on a weakness that allows someone using a software defined radio—such as HackRF—to capture the code that the car owner uses to open the car, and then replay it so that the hacker can open the car as well. In some cases, he said, the attack can be performed from 30 meters (approximately 98 feet) away.

In the videos, Kevin2600 and his colleagues show how the attack works by unlocking different models of Honda cars with a device connected to a laptop.

The Honda models that Kevin2600 and his colleagues tested the attack on use a so-called rolling code mechanism, which means that­—in theory­—every time the car owner uses the keyfob, it sends a different code to open it. This should make it impossible to capture the code and use it again. But the researchers found that there is a flaw that allows them to roll back the codes and reuse old codes to open the car, Kevin2600 said.

Nigerian Prison Break

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/nigerian-prison-break.html

There was a massive prison break in Abuja, Nigeria:

Armed with bombs, Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPGs) and General Purpose Machine Guns (GPMG), the attackers, who arrived at about 10:05 p.m. local time, gained access through the back of the prison, using dynamites to destroy the heavily fortified facility, freeing 600 out of the prison’s 994 inmates, according to the country’s defense minister, Bashir Magashi….

What’s interesting to me is how the defenders got the threat model wrong. That attack isn’t normally associated with a prison break; it sounds more like a military action in a civil war.