[$] The shrinking role of semaphores

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/928026/

The kernel’s handling of concurrency has changed a lot over the years. In
2023, a kernel developer’s toolkit includes tools like completions, highly
optimized mutexes, and a variety of lockless
. But, once upon a time, concurrency control came down to
the use of simple semaphores; a discussion on a small change to the
semaphore API shows just how much the role of semaphores has changed over
the course of the kernel’s history.

Push Amazon EMR step logs from Amazon EC2 instances to Amazon CloudWatch logs

Post Syndicated from Nausheen Sayed original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/push-amazon-emr-step-logs-from-amazon-ec2-instances-to-amazon-cloudwatch-logs/

Amazon EMR is a big data service offered by AWS to run Apache Spark and other open-source applications on AWS to build scalable data pipelines in a cost-effective manner. Monitoring the logs generated from the jobs deployed on EMR clusters is essential to help detect critical issues in real time and identify root causes quickly.

Pushing those logs into Amazon CloudWatch enables you to centralize and drive actionable intelligence from your logs to address operational issues without needing to provision servers or manage software. You can instantly begin writing queries with aggregations, filters, and regular expressions. In addition, you can visualize time series data, drill down into individual log events, and export query results to CloudWatch dashboards.

To ingest logs that are persisted on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances of an EMR cluster into CloudWatch, you can use the CloudWatch agent. This provides a simple way to push logs from an EC2 instance to CloudWatch.

The CloudWatch agent is a software package that autonomously and continuously runs on your servers. You can install and configure the CloudWatch agent to collect system and application logs from EC2 instances, on-premises hosts, and containerized applications. CloudWatch processes and stores the logs collected by the CloudWatch agent, which further helps with the performance and health monitoring of your infrastructure and applications.

In this post, we create an EMR cluster and centralize the EMR step logs of the jobs in CloudWatch. This will make it easier for you to manage your EMR cluster, troubleshoot issues, and monitor performance. This solution is particularly helpful if you want to use CloudWatch to collect and visualize real-time logs, metrics, and event data, streamlining your infrastructure and application maintenance.

Overview of solution

The solution presented in this post is based on a specific configuration where the EMR step concurrency level is set to 1. This means that only one step is run at a time on the cluster. It’s important to note that if the EMR step concurrency level is set to a value greater than 1, the solution may not work as expected. We highly recommend verifying your EMR step concurrency configuration before implementing the solution presented in this post.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Solution Architecture Diagram

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. Users start an Apache Spark EMR job, creating a step on the EMR cluster. Using Apache Spark, the workload is distributed across the different nodes of the EMR cluster.
  2. In each node (EC2 instance) of the cluster, a CloudWatch agent watches different logs directories, capturing new entries in the log files and pushing them to CloudWatch.
  3. Users can view the step logs accessing the different log groups from the CloudWatch console. The step logs written by Amazon EMR are as follows:
    • controller — Information about the processing of the step. If your step fails while loading, you can find the stack trace in this log.
    • stderr — The standard error channel of Spark while it processes the step.
    • stdout — The standard output channel of Spark while it processes the step.

We provide an AWS CloudFormation template in this post as a general guide. The template demonstrates how to configure a CloudWatch agent on Amazon EMR to push Spark logs to CloudWatch. You can review and customize it as needed to include your Amazon EMR security configurations. As a best practice, we recommend including your Amazon EMR security configurations in the template to encrypt data in transit.

You should also be aware that some of the resources deployed by this stack incur costs when they remain in use.

In the next sections, we go through the following steps:

  1. Create and upload the bootstrap script to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  2. Use the CloudFormation template to create the following resources:
  3. Monitor the Spark logs on the CloudWatch console.


This post assumes that you have the following:

Create and upload the bootstrap script to an S3 bucket

For more information, see Uploading objects and Installing and running the CloudWatch agent on your servers.

To create and the upload the bootstrap script, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a local file named bootstrap_cloudwatch_agent.sh with the following content:
    echo -e 'Installing CloudWatch Agent... \n'
    sudo rpm -Uvh --force https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazoncloudwatch-agent/amazon_linux/amd64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.rpm
    echo -e 'Starting CloudWatch Agent... \n'
    sudo amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m ec2 -c ssm:AmazonCloudWatch-Config.json -s

  2. On the Amazon S3 console, choose your S3 bucket.
  3. On the Objects tab, choose Upload.
  4. Choose Add files, then choose the bootstrap script.
  5. Choose Upload, then choose the file name: bootstrap_cloudwatch_agent.sh.
  6. Choose Copy S3 URI. We use this value in a later step.

Provision resources with the CloudFormation template

Choose Launch Stack to launch a CloudFormation stack in your account and deploy the template:

This template creates an IAM role, IAM instance profile, Systems Manager parameter, and EMR cluster. The cluster starts the Spark PI estimation example application. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.

The CloudFormation wizard will ask you to modify or provide these parameters:

  • InstanceType – The type of instance for all instance groups. The default is m4.xlarge.
  • InstanceCountCore – The number of instances in the core instance group. The default is 2.
  • EMRReleaseLabel – The Amazon EMR release label you want to use. The default is emr-6.9.0.
  • BootstrapScriptPath – The S3 path of your CloudWatch agent installation bootstrap script that you copied earlier.
  • Subnet – The EC2 subnet where the cluster launches. You must provide this parameter.
  • EC2KeyPairName – An optional EC2 keypair for connecting to cluster nodes, as an alternative to Session Manager.

Monitor the log streams

After the CloudFormation stack deploys successfully, on the CloudWatch console, choose Log groups in the navigation pane. Then filter the log groups by the prefix /aws/emr/master.

choose Log groups in the navigation pane

The ID in the log group corresponds to the EC2 instance ID of the EMR primary node. If you have multiple EMR clusters, you can use this ID to identify a particular EMR cluster, based on the primary node ID.

In the log group, you will find the three different log streams.

In the log group, you will find the three different log streams.

The log streams contain the following information:

  • step-stdout – The standard output channel of Spark while it processes the step.
    The standard output channel of Spark while it processes the step
  • step-stderr – The standard error channel of Spark while it processes the step.
    The standard error channel of Spark while it processes the step.
  • step-controller – Information about the processing of the step. If your step fails while loading, you can find the stack trace in this log.
    Information about the processing of the step.

Clean up

To avoid future charges in your account, delete the resources you created in this walkthrough. The EMR cluster will incur charges as long as the cluster is active, so stop it when you’re done.

  1. On the CloudFormation console, in the navigation pane, choose Stacks.
  2. Choose the stack you launched (EMR-CloudWatch-Demo), then choose Delete.
  3. Empty the S3 bucket you created.
  4. Delete the S3 bucket you created.


Now that you have completed the steps in this walkthrough, you have the CloudWatch agent running on your cluster hosts and configured to push EMR step logs to CloudWatch. With this feature, you can effectively monitor the health and performance of your Spark jobs running on Amazon EMR, detecting critical issues in real time and identifying root causes quickly.

You can package and deploy this solution through a CloudFormation template like this example template, which creates the IAM instance profile role, Systems Manager parameter, and EMR cluster.

To take this further, consider using these logs in CloudWatch alarms for alerts on a log group-metric filter. You could collect them with other alarms into a composite alarm or configure alarm actions such as sending Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notifications to trigger event-driven processes such as AWS Lambda functions.

About the Author

Ennio Pastore is a Senior Data Architect on the AWS Data Lab team. He is an enthusiast of everything related to new technologies that have a positive impact on businesses and general livelihood. Ennio has over 10 years of experience in data analytics. He helps companies define and implement data platforms across industries, such as telecommunications, banking, gaming, retail, and insurance.

Connect to Amazon MSK Serverless from your on-premises network

Post Syndicated from Masudur Rahaman Sayem original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/connect-to-amazon-msk-serverless-from-your-on-premises-network/

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) is a fully managed, highly available, and secure Apache Kafka service. Amazon MSK reduces the work needed to set up, scale, and manage Apache Kafka in production. With Amazon MSK, you can create a cluster in minutes and start sending data.

With Amazon MSK Serverless, you can run Apache Kafka without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. Amazon MSK will automatically provision, scale, and manage your Apache Kafka clusters, so you can focus on your applications without worrying about the operational overhead. Additionally, MSK Serverless offers fine-grained, pay-as-you-go pricing, making it a cost-effective option for organizations with unpredictable workloads.

Connecting to MSK Serverless is easy. You can set up a serverless cluster using the API or AWS Management Console in minutes. MSK Serverless provides bootstrap information as a private DNS endpoint, allowing clients to connect to the serverless Apache Kafka cluster. A common use case of using MSK Serverless is an on-premises client that needs to process real-time data streams. However, the private DNS endpoint is only accessible from virtual private clouds (VPCs) that have been configured to connect and isn’t directly resolvable from an on-premises network. This can pose a challenge for on-premises clients to discover and connect to the MSK Serverless cluster.
In this post, we guide you through a step-by-step process to connect your on-premises client to MSK Serverless, overcoming this challenge.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The flow of the solution is as follows:

  1. The DNS query for your MSK endpoint is routed to a locally configured on-premises DNS server.
  2. The on-premises DNS as configured performs conditional forwarding for kafka-serverless.REPLACE-MSK-SERVERLESS-REGION.amazonaws.com to an Amazon Route 53 inbound resolver endpoint IP address.
  3. The inbound resolver endpoint performs DNS resolution by forwarding the query to the private hosted zone that was created along with the MSK Serverless cluster.
  4. The IP addresses returned by the DNS query are the private IP addresses of the interface VPC endpoint, which allow your on-premises host to establish private connectivity over AWS VPN or AWS Direct Connect.
  5. The interface endpoint is a collection of one or more elastic network interfaces with a private IP address in your account that serves as an entry point for traffic destined to a MSK Serverless service.

Note that at this time, this solution works only for MSK Serverless clusters with a single VPC.


In this section, we discuss the prerequisite steps to complete in order to implement this solution.

Establish network connectivity between on premises and the AWS Cloud

To use MSK Serverless from your on-premises network, you need to establish a network connection between your on-premises environment and the VPC that you have set up for MSK Serverless. Various secure methods are available to connect your on-premises network to the AWS Cloud. Refer to Network-to-Amazon VPC connectivity options for more information.

Create a security group for allowing inbound TCP/UDP connections from your on-premises network

Create a security group with the following configurations on the same VPC that you configured for MSK Serverless:

Inbound rule:

  • Source: [On-premises CIDR range]
  • Protocol: TCP/UDP
  • Port Range: 53

Outbound rule: Leave it to default

For more information, refer to Work with security groups.

Update the MSK security group for inbound connections from your on-premises network

To ensure that your MSK Serverless cluster can be accessed from your on-premises network, you need to adjust the cluster’s security group settings to allow incoming traffic from your network on TCP port 9098. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Clusters in the navigation pane.
  2. Navigate to your serverless MSK cluster’s properties.

  1. Choose the security group associated with your MSK cluster.

Because MSK Serverless supports configuring multiple VPCs, make sure to choose the security group associated with the VPC that you configured for connecting from your on-premises network.

  1. To enable connections from your on-premises CIDR block to MSK Serverless, add an inbound rule that allows traffic on TCP port 9098 from your on-premises CIDR.

This ensures that your on-premises network can communicate with MSK Serverless on the specified port.

Configure a Route 53 inbound resolver endpoint

MSK Serverless provides a DNS endpoint that serves as the starting point for an Apache Kafka client to connect to the cluster. However, this endpoint isn’t publicly discoverable and can only be accessed from within the configured VPC. To resolve the serverless DNS endpoint outside of your VPC, you can set up a Route 53 resolver endpoint. This allows you to access the endpoint securely by creating a hybrid cloud setup over VPN or Direct Connect.

To configure the Route 53 resolver using the console, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Route 53 console, under Resolver in the navigation pane, choose Inbound endpoints.
  2. Choose Create inbound endpoint.

  1. For Endpoint name, enter the endpoint name.
  2. For VPC in the Region, choose the VPC where you configured MSK Serverless.
  3. For Security group for this endpoint, choose the security group that you created as a prerequisite for inbound TCP/UDP connections.

The security group of the inbound resolver endpoint should allow traffic from the on-premises DNS Server IP address on TCP/UDP port 53.

In the next step, you add your IP addresses, ensuring that the number of IP addresses matches the number of subnets in your MSK cluster.

  1. Choose the Availability Zones and subnets that are the same as your MSK Serverless network configuration.
  2. Select Use an IP address that is selected automatically.

  1. Choose Create inbound endpoint.

  1. Copy the inbound endpoint IP addresses.

Configure the on-premises DNS server

In this example, we use a Microsoft DNS server. To configure a conditional forwarder, complete the following steps:

  1. Open DNS Manager.
  2. Run the following command in the Run command window:
  1. Choose (right-click) Conditional Forwarders under the server of your choosing, then choose New Conditional Forwarder.

In the next step, you enter kafka-serverless.REPLACE-MSK-SERVERLESS-REGION.amazonaws.com, using the IP address of Route 53 inbound resolver endpoints that you created earlier. You can find the MSK endpoint information by accessing the cluster’s client information. To learn more about getting client information, refer to Getting the bootstrap brokers for an Amazon MSK cluster.

  1. For DNS Domain, enter your endpoint name. For example, kafka-serverless.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com. Do not enter the entire endpoint name.
  2. Choose OK.

Test the DNS resolution

DNS (Domain Name System) uses TCP/UDP port 53. To test whether you can connect any of the Route 53 inbound endpoints, run the following command from your on-premises client:

telnet Route53-INBOUND-ENDPOINT-IP 53

For example: telnet 53

The following is a sample output:

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Run the following command to check whether you can connect with the MSK Serverless endpoint from your on-premises client. To get the MSK Serverless endpoint information, refer to Create an MSK Serverless cluster.


For example: dig boot-abcdc9.c3.kafka-serverless.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com +short

The following is a sample output:


If the DNS resolution fails, check your network connectivity from on premises. For more information about troubleshooting connectivity issues, refer to How do I troubleshoot VPN tunnel connectivity to an Amazon VPC or Troubleshooting AWS Direct Connect.

After you create a serverless MSK cluster, the service automatically creates an interface VPC endpoint for the cluster. You can use the dig command as shown above to retrieve the VPC endpoint ID and its associated IP address, which confirms that you are now able to connect to the MSK Serverless cluster from your on-premises environment.

Test your Kafka client

Once you complete the configuration of the Route 53 inbound resolver endpoint and on-premises DNS server, you can test your Kafka client from an on-premises network. For instructions, refer to Create a client machine. This documentation guides you through the necessary steps to set up your client machine and verify that it can successfully connect to your MSK cluster from your on-premises network.


MSK Serverless makes it easy for you to manage your data. You don’t have to worry about setting up and running your own Kafka cluster, which saves time and effort. In this post, we explored the option of on-premises connectivity with MSK Serverless and how it can greatly benefit organizations. By establishing this connection, you can gain access to a wide range of real-time analytics use case possibilities and unlock the full potential of your data.

We encourage you to try on-premises connectivity with MSK serverless.

About the Authors

Masudur Rahaman Sayem is a Streaming Data Architect at AWS. He works with AWS customers globally to design and build data streaming architectures to solve real-world business problems. He specializes in optimizing solutions that use streaming data services and NoSQL. Sayem is very passionate about distributed computing.

Akeef Khan is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He helps SMB Greenfield customers adopt the cloud. Whilst being a generalist SA, Akeef is passionate about networking.

What developers need to know about generative AI

Post Syndicated from Damian Brady original https://github.blog/2023-04-07-what-developers-need-to-know-about-generative-ai/

By now, you’ve heard of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and GitHub Copilot, among others. They’re gaining widespread interest thanks to the fact that they allow anyone to create content from email subject lines to code functions to artwork in a matter of moments.

This potential to revolutionize content creation across various industries makes it important to understand what generative AI is, how it’s being used, and who it’s being used by. In this article, we’ll explore what generative AI is, how it works, some real-world applications, and how it’s already changing the way people (and developers) work.

What is generative AI used for?

You may have heard the buzz around new generative AI tools like ChatGPT or the new Bing, but there’s a lot more to generative AI than any one single framework, project, or application.

Traditional AI systems are trained on large amounts of data to identify patterns, and they’re capable of performing specific tasks that can help people and organizations. But generative AI goes one step further by using complex systems and models to generate new, or novel, outputs in the form of an image, text, or audio based on natural language prompts.

Generative AI models and applications can, for example, be used for:

  • Text generation. Text generation, as a field, with AI tools has been in development since the 1970s—but more recently, AI researchers have been able to train generative adversarial networks (GANs) to produce text that models human-like speech. A prime example is OpenAI’s application ChatGPT, which has been trained on thousands of texts, books, articles, and code repositories, and can respond with full answers to natural language prompts and questions.
An example of text generation in ChatGPT
An example of text generation in ChatGPT
  • Image generation. Generative AI models can be used to create new images with natural language prompts, which is one of the most popular techniques with current tools and applications. The goal with text-to-image generation is to create an image that accurately represents the content of a given prompt. For example, when we give the text prompt, “impressionist style oil painting of a Shiba Inu dog giving a tarot card reading,” to the popular AI image generator DALL-E 2 we get something that looks like this (and yes, it’s a gem):
An AI-generated image from DALL-E 2 of a Shiba Inu dog giving a tarot card reading
An AI-generated image from DALL-E 2 of a Shiba Inu dog giving a tarot card reading

An example of a video created with a text prompt using diffusion models from [Imagen Video](https://imagen.research.google/).

  • Programming code generation. Rather than scouring the internet or developer community groups for help with code examples, generative AI models can be used to help generate new programming code with natural language prompts, complete partially written code with suggestions, or even translate code from one programming language to another. This is how, at a simple level, GitHub Copilot works: it uses OpenAI’sCodex model to offer code suggestions right from a developer’s editor. However, as you would with any software development tool, we encourage you to review generated code before merging into production.

  • Data generation. Creating new data—which is called synthetic data—and augmenting existing data sets is another common use case for generative AI. This involves generating new samples from an existing dataset to increase the dataset’s size and improve machine learning models trained on it, all while providing a layer of privacy since real user data is not being utilized to power models. Synthetic data generation provides a way to create useful, meaningful data for more than just ML training though—a number of self-driving car companies like Cruise and Waymo utilize AI-generated synthetic data for training perception systems to prepare vehicles for real-world situations while in operation.

  • Language translation. Natural-language understanding (NLU) models combined with generative AI have become increasingly popular to provide language translations on-the-fly. These types of tools help companies break language barriers and increase their scope of accessibility for customer bases by being able to provide things like support or documentation in their native language. Through complex, deep learning algorithms, generative AI is able to understand the context of a source text and linguistically construct those sentences in another language. This practice can also apply to coding languages, for example, translating a desired function from Python to Java.

The bottom line: Even though generative AI is a relatively new technology, it’s already being used in consumer and business applications. The use cases, as well as the quantity of applications created with it, will continue evolving to meet more distinct and specific needs.

How does generative AI work?

Generative AI models work by using neural networks to identify patterns from large sets of data, then generate new and original data or content.

But what are neural networks? In simple terms, they use interconnected nodes that are inspired by neurons in the human brain. These networks are the foundation of machine learning and deep learning models, which use a complex structure of algorithms to process large amounts of data such as text, code, or images. Training these neural networks involves adjusting the weights or parameters of the connections between neurons to minimize the difference between predicted and desired outputs, which allows the network to learn from mistakes and make more accurate predictions based on the data.

Algorithms are a key component of machine learning and generative AI models. But beyond helping machines learn from data, algorithms are also used to optimize accuracy of outputs and make decisions, or recommendations, based on input data.

While algorithms help automate these processes, building a generative AI model is incredibly complex due to the massive amounts of data and compute resources they require. People and organizations need large datasets to train these models, and generating high-quality data can be time-consuming and expensive.

To restate the obvious, these models are complicated. Need proof? Here are some common generative AI models and how they work:

  • Large language models (LLM): LLMs are a type of machine learning model that process and generate natural language text. One of the most significant advancements in the development of large language models has been the availability of vast amounts of text data, such as books, websites, and social media posts. This data can be used to train models that are capable of predicting and generating natural language responses in a variety of contexts. As a result, large language models have multiple practical applications, such as virtual assistants, chatbots, or text generators, like ChatGPT.

  • Generative adversarial networks (GAN): GANs are one of the most used models for generative AI, and they employ two different neural networks. GANs consist of two different types of neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. The generator network generates new data, such as images or audio, from a random noise signal while the discriminator is trained to distinguish between real data from the training set and the data produced by the generator.

During training, the generator tries to create data that can trick the discriminator network into thinking it’s real. This “adversarial” process will continue until the generator can produce data that is totally indistinguishable from real data in the training set. This process helps both networks improve at their respective tasks, which ultimately results in more realistic and higher-quality generated data.

A diagram illustrating how a generative adversarial network works. Image [CC BY-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en) האדם-החושב on wikipedia
A diagram illustrating how a generative adversarial network works. Image [CC BY-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en) האדם-החושב on wikipedia
  • Transformer-based models: A transformer-based model’s neural networks operate by learning context and meaning through tracking relationships of sequential data, which means these models are really good at natural language processing tasks like machine translation, language modeling, and answering questions. These models have been used in popular language models, such as GPT-4 (which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4), and have also been adapted for other such tasks that require the modeling of sequential data such as image recognition.
  • Variational autoencoder models (VAEs): These models are similar to GANs in that they work with two different neural networks: encoders and decoders. VAEs can take a large amount of data and compress it into a smaller representation, which can be used to create new data that is similar to the original data. VAEs are often used in image, video, and audio generation—and here’s a fun fact: you can train a VAE on datasets like CelebA, which contains over 200,000 images of celebrities, to create completely new portraits of people that don’t exist.
 The smile vector, a concept vector discovered by [Tom White](https://aiartists.org/tom-white) using VAEs trained on the CelebA dataset.
The smile vector, a concept vector discovered by Tom White using VAEs trained on the CelebA dataset.

The real-world applications of generative AI

The impact of generative AI is quickly becoming apparent—but it’s still in its early days. Despite this, we’re already seeing a proliferation of applications, products, and open source projects that are using generative AI models to achieve specific outcomes for people and organizations (and yes, developers, too).

Though generative AI is constantly evolving, it already has some solid real world applications. Here’s just a few of them:


New and seasoned developers alike can utilize generative AI to improve their coding processes. Generative AI coding tools can help automate some of the more repetitive tasks, like testing, as well as complete code or even generate brand new code. GitHub has its own AI-powered pair programmer, GitHub Copilot, which uses generative AI to provide developers with code suggestions. And GitHub also has announced GitHub Copilot X, which brings generative AI to more of the developer experience across the editor, pull requests, documentation, CLI, and more.


Generative AI has the potential to greatly impact and improve accessibility for folks with disabilities through a variety of modalities, such as speech-to-text transcription, text-to-speech audio generation, or assistive technologies. One of the most exciting facets of our GitHub Copilot tool is its voice-activated capabilities that allow developers with difficulties using a keyboard to code with their voice. By leveraging the power of generative AI, these types of tools are paving the way for a more inclusive and accessible future in technology.


Generative AI can take gaming to the next level (get it? 😉) by generating new characters, storylines, design components, and more. Case in point: The developer behind the game, This Girl Does Not Exist, has said that every component of the game—from the storyline to the art and even the music—was generated entirely by AI. This use of generative AI can enable gaming studios to create new and exciting content for their users, all without increasing the developer workload, which frees them up to work on other aspects of the game, such as story development.

Web design

Designers can utilize generative AI tools to automate the design process and save significant time and resources, which allows for a more streamlined and efficient workflow. Additionally, incorporating these tools into the development process can lead to the creation of highly customized designs and logos, enhancing the overall user experience and engagement with the website or application. Generative AI tools can also be used to do some of the more tedious work, such as creating design layouts that are optimized and adaptable across devices. For example, designers can use tools like designs.ai to quickly generate logos, banners, or mockups for their websites.

Microsoft and other industry players are increasingly utilizing generative AI models in search to create more personalized experiences. This includes query expansion, which generates relevant keywords to reduce the number of searches. So, rather than the search engine returning a list of links, generative AI can help these new and improved models return search results in the form of natural language responses. Bing now includes AI-powered features in partnership with OpenAI that provide answers to complex questions and allow users to ask follow-up questions in a chatbox for more refined responses.


Interest has emerged around the potential applications of generative AI in the healthcare field to improve disease detection and diagnosis, advance medical research, and accelerate progress in the pharmaceutical space. Potentially, generative AI could be used to analyze large amounts of data to simulate chemical structures and predict new compounds will be the most effective for new drug discoveries. NVIDIA Clara is one example of a generative AI model specifically designed for medical imaging and healthcare research. (Plus, Gartner suggests more than 30 percent of new pharmaceutical drugs and materials will be discovered via generative AI models by 2025.)

Fun fact: Did you know that ChatGPT recently passed the US Medical Licensing exam without any intervention from clinicians?

Marketing and advertising

In marketing, content is king—and generative AI is making it easier than ever to quickly create large amounts of it. A number of companies, agencies, and creators are already turning to generative AI tools to create images for social posts or write captions, product descriptions, blog posts, email subject lines, and more. Generative AI can also help companies personalize ad experiences by creating custom, engaging content for individuals at speed. Writers, marketers, and creators can leverage tools like Jasper to generate copy, Surfer SEO to optimize organic search, or albert.ai to personalize digital advertising content.

Art and design

As we’ve seen above, the power of AI can be harnessed to create some incredible portraits in a matter of moments (re: the future-telling Shiba 🐕). Artists and designers alike are using these AI tools as a source of inspiration. For example, architects can quickly create 3D models of objects or environments and artists can breathe new life into their portraits by using AI to apply different styles, like adding a Cubist style to their original image. Need proof? Designers are already starting to use AI image generators, such as Midjourney and Microsoft Designer, to create high-quality images by simply typing out Discord commands.


In a recent discussion about tech trends and how they’ll affect the finance sector, Michael Schrage, a research fellow at the MIT Sloan School Initiative on the Digital Economy, said, “I think, increasingly, we’re going to be seeing generative AI used for financial forecasts and scenario generation.” This is a likely path forward—generative AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data to detect fraud, manage risk, and inform decision making. And that has obvious applications in the financial services industry.


Manufacturers are starting to turn to generative AI solutions to help with product design, quality control, and predictive maintenance. Generative AI can be used to analyze historical data to improve machine failure predictions and help manufacturers with maintenance planning. According to research conducted by Capgemini, more than half of European manufacturers are implementing some AI solutions (although so far, these aren’t generative AI solutions). This is largely because the sheer amount of manufacturing data is easier for machines to analyze at speed than humans.

AI as a partner: Generative AI models and tools are narrow in focus, and work best at generating content, code, and images. In research at GitHub, we’ve found that GitHub Copilot helps developers code up to 55% faster, underscoring how generative AI models and tools can improve overall productivity and boost efficiency. Metrics like these show how generative AI tools are already changing how people and teams work—but they also underscore how these tools act as complement to human efforts.

Take this with you

Whether it’s creating visual assets for an ad campaign or augmenting medical images to help diagnose diseases, generative AI is helping us solve complex problems at speed. And the emergence of generative AI-based programming tools has revolutionized the way developers approach writing code.

We know that developers want to design and write software quickly, and tools like GitHub Copilot are enabling them to access large datasets to write more efficient code and boost productivity. In fact, 96% of developers surveyed reported spending less time on repetitive tasks using GitHub Copilot, which in turn allowed 74% of them to focus on more rewarding work.

While these models aren’t perfect yet, they’re getting better by the day—and that’s creating an exciting immediate future for developers and generative AI.

Security updates for Friday

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/928559/

Security updates have been issued by Mageia (ldb/samba, libapreq2, opencontainers-runc, peazip, python-cairosvg, stellarium, and zstd), Oracle (httpd and mod_http2, kernel, and nss), SUSE (conmon, go1.19, go1.20, libgit2, openssl-1_1, and openvswitch), and Ubuntu (emacs24).

Meta’s Buck2 build system

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/928524/

Meta has announced
the release of a new build system called Buck2.

While it shares some commonalities with other build systems (like
Buck1 and Bazel), Buck2 is a from-scratch rewrite. Buck2 features a
complete separation of the core and language-specific rules, with
increased parallelism, integration with remote execution and
virtual file systems, and a redesigned console output. All of these
changes are aimed at helping engineers and developers spend less
time waiting, and more time iterating on their code.

Електоралната енигма – защо българите в чужбина гласуват за „Възраждане“

Post Syndicated from Марина Лякова original https://www.toest.bg/elektoralnata-enigma-zashto-bulgarite-v-chuzhbina-glasuvat-za-vuzrazhdane/

Електоралната енигма – защо българите в чужбина гласуват за „Възраждане“

Отминаха поредните парламентарни избори и в публичното пространство отново тече дискусия за участието на „другата България“ в тях. Не спира учудването защо българите в чужбина гласуват „масово“ за партия „Възраждане“. Та нима е възможно наши сънародници, живеещи трайно в Западна Европа или Северна Америка, да предпочетат да дадат гласа си за една откровено антиевропейска, популистка и антисистемна партия? За политически субект, който с думи и действия поставя под въпрос устоите на либералната демокрация, от която точно тези българи сякаш най-много печелят? Но да започнем по-отдалеч.

Избирателната активност в чужбина

Помните ли репортажите за опашки пред посолствата в Лондон, Париж и Берлин в изборния ден? Сещате ли се за разказите на българи, купили билети за самолет, за да гласуват в най-близкото консулство или пропътували стотици километри с влакове и леки автомобили? Точно тези кадри създаваха години наред усещането, че интересът към гласуването в чужбина е огромен и че вотът на българите зад граница може да „обърне мача“.

Всъщност участието на български граждани в изборите зад граница винаги е било незначително като брой подадени гласове – един електорален потенциал и до днес игнориран от повечето български партии. Точният брой на постоянно пребиваващите в чужбина български граждани не е известен – твърде различни и не съвсем прецизни са системите на регистрация в отделните държави. Според достъпните статистически източници (вж. например тук и тук) около милион и половина български граждани живеят трайно извън страната и теоретично имат право на глас. От тях обаче активно упражняват това право около 200 000 души. Казано накратко – българите в чужбина масово не гласуват.

Причините за това са различни. Част от тях се крият в политиката на систематичното им отчуждаване, която започна с преследване на емигриралите ни съграждани по времето на социализма, през стигматизирането им като „невъзвращенци“ и „вражески емигранти“. В годините след 10 ноември 1989 г. последваха редица бюрократични спънки при легализиране на образователни степени и дипломи, особено на придобитите в държави, нечленуващи в ЕС. Последва и дискриминативната практика на принудителното двойно медицинско застраховане, отменена след протести на засегнатите през 2004 г. (вж. чл. 40а от Закона за здравното осигуряване).

Българската държава не пропуска да се гордее с успехите на световноизвестни българи, живеещи в чужбина – артисти, музиканти, спортисти, учени, изобретатели или мениджъри. В обществото ни е признато и значението на огромната финансова помощ на работещите в чужбина български граждани за техните близки, помощ, надхвърляща през последните години дори и размера на чуждестранните инвестиции в страната. Но това, което държавата прави за насърчаване на избирателната активност през годините, варира между недостатъчно и нищо.

Българските политици на практика игнорират факта, че от 1990 г. насам България е емигрантска държава. Броят на българите, живеещи постоянно или пребиваващи временно в чужбина, нараства непрекъснато – било защото сънародниците ни работят, учат или живеят постоянно извън страната, било защото са в командировка, на гурбет, на гости или на туризъм. В отговор на тази нова реалност българският законотворец твърде плахо и бавно увеличаваше възможностите за упражняване на правото на глас зад граница – вероятно воден от тяснопартийни конюнктурни интереси.

Създаването на избирателен район „Чужбина“ непрекъснато се отлага за неопределено бъдеще. С това на практика се създадоха различни категории български граждани: гласуващите в чужбина наши съграждани не могат да изпращат свои представители в парламента. А когато нашите емигранти все пак решаваха да упражнят избирателното си право, на тях всеки път им се налагаше да пропътуват стотици километри, а някои – половин континент, до най-близкото дипломатическо представителство и да висят на километрични опашки, за да пуснат заветната бюлетина.

Ефектът е лесно предвидим – с времето и най-мотивираните избиратели от българската диаспора започнаха да се отказват да подадат гласа си. Особено когато това им се налага за пети път в последните две години.

Проведеният референдум за въвеждане на електронно гласуване не доведе до необходимите законови промени, а откриването на повече секции през последните години улеснява, но все пак не решава кардинално проблема с достъпа до избирателно право. В противовес все повече стават гласовете в България, които поставят под въпрос правото на българските емигранти да гласуват. Тези ограничения засягат гласоподавателите на всички партии.

Защо обаче при тези обстоятелства нараства вотът за „Възраждане“?

Сред гласовете, подадени в чужбина, винаги е имало един устойчив националпопулистки и антисистемен вот от около 10–15% от подадените гласове. При повечето избори в миналото той се разпръскваше между „Атака“, ВМРО, НФСБ, РЗС, „Воля“, ИТН и всякакви други по-малки партии и коалиции. „Възраждане“ обаче успя да обедини този вот както в България, така и извън страната. Така той стана по-видим, а с това и посланията на партията на Костадинов – по-чуваеми.

В изследванията ми на българската имиграция в Германия може да се откроят три типажа българи, живеещи в чужбина, които предпочитат да изберат „Възраждане“ за свои политически представители:

  • Сините якички

Работещите по строежите, в транспорта, месарските цехове, на полето, в портокаловите плантации, в туризма всекидневно се сблъскват с несъответствието между лъскавите витрини на западните консуматорски общества и собствената си мизерия. Тези трудови емигранти често идват без квалификация и познания по съответния език и са принудени да захванат каквато и да е работа, за да свържат двата края. Общуването с местното население е сведено до минимум. Всекидневието протича в монотонна поредица от дълги работни дни или нощи, а редките моменти на отдих – в почти херметично затворена българска среда с копнеж по Родината, с мечта да достроиш къщата или да видиш децата си, често оставени на грижите на бабите и дядовците.

Сред тази група изпъкват особено хората на средна възраст, които имат квалификация в България, но като имигранти в чужбина не получават съответстваща на образованието си позиция. С диплома по икономика от някой местен филиал на неизвестна българска академия по счетоводство трудно ще получиш позиция дори за работа на гише в „Дойче Банк“. Така на един „дипломиран икономист“ се налага да работи като строителен работник, да разнася пакети на „Амазон“, да продава хлебчета в кварталната пекарна или да сортира маратонки в склад на „Адидас“, докато учи новия език и евентуално се квалифицира допълнително. Ако изобщо има време и сили за това. За съпругата – дипломирана учителка, чиято педагогическа диплома може да бъде легализирана едва след години на приравнителни изпити, остава изборът между социалните роли на домакиня, продавачка, гледачка на стари и болни хора или чистачка. Усещането е за статусно несъответствие, за яд, за преумора.

  • Студенти, израснали в България през 90-те години

90-те години са време на доминация на чалга културата и естетиката, характеризиращо се с избуяване на сексизма и расизма. Време на младежките компании от агитката на местния футболен клуб, на лесните шестици в някои български училища. Сблъсъкът – ценностен и когнитивен – със средата и изискванията в западните университети не е безболезнен. Завоят към националпопулизма е възможна форма на компенсация.

  • Хора с висок професионален статус и висок доход

Мениджъри, самонаети, компютърни специалисти, икономисти. Най-интересната група и най-трудно обяснимата на пръв поглед. В нея попадат високообразовани емигранти на средна възраст, някои от тях – податливи на различни конспиративни теории и езотерични течения. Открояват се предимно мъже, които трудно приемат, че сред директорите на фирмите, в които работят, има хора с различен цвят на кожата, жени или хомосексуални.

„Възраждане“ сякаш дава базата на един латентен расизъм и сексизъм („Аз не съм расист, ама…“). Стилът на обличане и говорене, изчистен от аксесоарите и агресивността на крайнодесните групировки, прави тази политическа сила атрактивна дори и за хора с високи доходи и образование. За приемането на „Възраждане“ огромно влияние изигра антиваксърската позиция на партията по време на пандемията, вероятно и проруската по време на войната в Украйна.

На всички тези групи, чувстващи се пренебрегнати, недооценени, неразбрани, „Възраждане“ предлага с реториката си бързи отговори на фундаментално важните въпроси за смисъла, за посоката, за идентичността. Въпроси, които в една чужда среда стават още по-значими. „Възраждане“ сякаш дарява „национална гордост“, „опора“ или просто възможност за канализиране на културния шок, съпътстващ всеки един емигрант. Изрича на глас културно недопустимото в западния свят – страховете от чуждостта и потисканото желание за собствено превъзходство над „другите“. Дава идеологическа опора на отвращението от собствения мизерен бит, опаковайки го като „омраза към прогнилия Запад“. Предлага лесни отговори на трудни въпроси. И нещо повече – прави ги бързо достъпни чрез социалните мрежи.

На практика в подкрепата за „Възраждане“ няма нищо енигматично. Публичното учудване в страната ни от вота на българите в чужбина е резултат от очакването на мнозина, че на Запад емигрират образованите, млади, успешни, знаещи езици българи. Че от България „изтичат мозъци“, които непременно ще направят един различен, един „по-добър“, „по-цивилизован“ избор.  

Сред българските емигранти обаче настъпва все по-отчетливо социално разслояване. Допреди приемането на България в ЕС през 2007 г., респективно до отпадането на ограниченията за свободна трудова дейност през 2014 г., в държавите от ЕС живееха предимно български студенти и българи, получили по изключение разрешение за работа за съответната държава. Съответно високообразованите и квалифицираните емигранти преобладаваха.

Днес все повече хора от различни прослойки живеят в държави от ЕС и упражняват правото си да гласуват извън България. Тези хора обаче все по-трудно са „включвани“ в съответните приемащи общества, с голяма вероятност те по-често са дискриминирани. Вероятността сред тях да нараства политическата апатия, отхвърлянето на либерални ценности и тенденцията към протестния, популистки, националистически вот е голяма. С течение на времето политическият избор в чужбина точно на тези групи хора става все по-подобен на избора в България.

От своя страна високообразованите, упражняващите високоплатен труд и добре интегрираните имигранти вероятно имат все повече залози в приемащите общества. Те стават техни граждани, понякога, особено извън ЕС – с цената на отказ от българско гражданство. Колкото повече време минава, толкова интересът към българската политика отшумява. Точно тези добре интегрирани имигранти се възползват все по-рядко от правото си на глас – един отказ с недобре съзнавани, но несъмнено значими последици. Ако някой ден тези хора решат да се завърнат трайно в България, дали ще намерят държавата, от която имат нужда, държавата, която да гарантира справедливост, законност и социалност?

Заплаха ли е вотът за „Възраждане“?

Антисистемни и националпопулистки партии съществуват в много държави – в Германия през последните години се утвърди „Алтернатива за Германия“, в Испания – „Вокс“. Северната лига в Италия, австрийската Партия на свободата и френският Национален съюз също заемат място в тази част от политическия спектър. В Западна Европа се приема, че една устойчива демокрация трябва да може да понесе публичното изразяване на такива политически позиции. В същото време обаче спрямо тези партии се спазва строга дистанция – търсенето на подкрепа от тях е нежелано, тезите им биват оборвани публично не само от политици, но и от анализатори и журналисти.

Свободният избор на всеки български гражданин е конституционно право, но дали гласуването зад граница за „Възраждане“ е резултат от осъзнат личен интерес? Абсурдното е, че с политическите си позиции, например с тезата за напускане на ЕС, „Възраждане“ представлява заплаха точно за българите, живеещи в чужбина, които ги избират.

Едно хипотетично излизане на България от ЕС би ограничило именно правото на българските емигранти да пребивават свободно в страните, в които работят без ограничения от 2014 г. насам. То би премахнало възможността за преференциалните студентски такси и кредити, които се предлагат на граждани на ЕС, обучаващи се в други страни от Съюза. Би се отразило негативно на възможността за закупуване на жилища и за получаване на кредити.

На днешното свръхмобилно младо поколение би се наложило практически да разбере какво означава да чакаш с дни за визи пред посолствата на други държави, както поколения българи бяха принудени да правят през 90-те. А забавянето на приемането на еврото буквално струва на голяма част от българските граждани пари, изхарчени за обмяна на валути. Дали емигрантите си дават сметка за всичко това, когато подкрепят „Възраждане“? Едва ли. В една медийна среда, в която безразборно се дава дума на „всички гледни точки“, те няма и откъде да го научат.

На практика „Възраждане“ не просто е заплаха за либералната демокрация в страната, а застрашава жизнените интереси на българите в чужбина, и то предимно на онези, които гласуват за тази партия. Да дадеш гласа си за такава политическа сила е все едно да режеш клона, на който седиш, вярвайки, че ще полетиш в облаците.

How Morningstar used tag-based access controls in AWS Lake Formation to manage permissions for an Amazon Redshift data warehouse

Post Syndicated from Don Drake original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-morningstar-used-tag-based-access-controls-in-aws-lake-formation-to-manage-permissions-for-an-amazon-redshift-data-warehouse/

This post was co-written by Ashish Prabhu, Stephen Johnston, and Colin Ingarfield at Morningstar and Don Drake, at AWS.

With “Empowering Investor Success” as the core motto, Morningstar aims at providing our investors and advisors with the tools and information they need to make informed investment decisions.

In this post, Morningstar’s Data Lake Team Leads discuss how they utilized tag-based access control in their data lake with AWS Lake Formation and enabled similar controls in Amazon Redshift.

The business challenge

At Morningstar, we built a data lake solution that allows our consumers to easily ingest data, make it accessible via the AWS Glue Data Catalog, and grant access to consumers to query the data via Amazon Athena. In this solution, we were required to ensure that the consumers could only query the data to which they had explicit access. To enforce our access permissions, we chose Lake Formation tag-based access control (TBAC). TBAC helps us categorize the data into a simple, broad level or a complex, more granular level using tags and then grant consumers access to those tags based on what group of data they need. Tag-based entitlements allow us to have a flexible and manageable entitlements system that solves our complex entitlements scenarios.

However, our consumers pushed us for better query performance and enhanced analytical capabilities. We realized we needed a data warehouse to cater to all of these consumer requirements, so we evaluated Amazon Redshift. Amazon Redshift provides us with features that we could use to work with our consumers and enable their analytical requirements:

  • Better performance for consumers’ analytical requirements
  • Ability to tune query performance with user-specified sort keys and distribution keys
  • Ability to have different representations of the same data via views and materialized views
  • Consistent query performance regardless of concurrency

Many new Amazon Redshift features helped solve and scale our analytical query requirements, specifically Amazon Redshift Serverless and Amazon Redshift data sharing.

Because our Lake Formation-enforced data lake is a central data repository for all our data, it makes sense for us to flow the data permissions from the data lake into Amazon Redshift. We utilize AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication and want to centralize the governance of permissions based on IAM roles and groups. For each AWS Glue database and table, we have a corresponding Amazon Redshift schema and table. Our goal was to ensure customers who have access to AWS Glue tables via Lake Formation also have access to the corresponding tables in Amazon Redshift.

However, we faced a problem with user-based entitlements as we moved to Amazon Redshift.

The entitlements problem

Even though we added Amazon Redshift as part of our overall solution, the entitlement requirements and challenges that came with it remained the same for our users consuming via Lake Formation. At the same time, we had to find a way to implement entitlements in our Amazon Redshift data warehouse with the same set of tags that we had already defined in Lake Formation. Amazon Redshift supports resource-based entitlements but doesn’t support tag-based entitlements. The challenge we had to overcome was how to map our existing tag-based entitlements in Lake Formation to the resource-based entitlements in Amazon Redshift.

The data in the AWS Glue Data Catalog needed to be also loaded in the Amazon Redshift data warehouse native tables. This was necessary so that the users get a familiar list of schema and tables that they are accustomed to seeing in the Data Catalog when accessing via Athena. This way, our existing data lake consumers could easily transition to Amazon Redshift.

The following diagram illustrates the structure of the AWS Glue Data Catalog mapped 1:1 with the structure of our Amazon Redshift data warehouse.

Shows mapping of Glue databases and tables to Redshift schemas and tables.

We wanted to utilize the ontology of tags in Lake Formation to also be used on the datasets in Amazon Redshift so that consumers could be granted access to the same datasets in both places. This enabled us to have a single entitlement policy source API that would grant appropriate access to both our Amazon Redshift tables as well as the corresponding Lake Formation tables based on the Lake Formation tag-based policies.

Entitlement Policy Source is used by Lake Formation and Redshift

To solve this problem, we needed to build our own solution to convert the tag-based policies in Lake Formation into grants and revokes in the resource-based entitlements in Amazon Redshift.

Solution overview

To solve this mismatch, we wanted to synchronize our Lake Formation tag ontology and classifications to the Amazon Redshift permission model. To do this, we map Lake Formation tags and grants to Amazon Redshift grants with the following steps:

  1. Map all the resources (databases, schemas, tables, and more) in Lake Formation that are tagged to their equivalent Amazon Redshift tables.
  2. Translate each policy in Lake Formation on a tag expression to a set of Amazon Redshift table grants and revokes.

The net result is that when there is a tag or policy change in Lake Formation, a corresponding set of grants or revokes are made to the equivalent Amazon Redshift tables to keep our entitlements in sync.

Map all tagged resources in Lake Formation to Amazon Redshift equivalents

The tag-based access control of Lake Formation allowed us to apply multiple tags on a single resource (database and table) in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. If visualized in a mapping form, the resource tagging can be displayed as how multiple tags on a single table would be flattened into individual entitlements on Amazon Redshift tables.

Mapping of tags in Lake Formation to Redshift tables

Translate tags to Amazon Redshift grants and revokes

To enable the migration of the tag-based policy enforced in Lake Formation, the permissions can be converted into simple grants and revokes that can be done on a per-group level.

There are two fundamental parts to a tag policy: the principal_id and the tag expression (for example, “Acess Level” = “Public”). Assuming that we have an Amazon Redshift database group for each principal_id, then the resources that represent the tag expression can be permissioned accordingly. We plan on migrating from database groups to database roles in a future implementation.

mapping of tags to Redshift user group

The solution implementation

The implementation of this solution led us to develop two components:

  • The mapper service
  • The Amazon Redshift data configuration

The mapper service can be thought of as a translation service. As the name suggests, it has the core business logic to map the tag and policy information into resource-based grants and revokes in Amazon Redshift. It needs to mimic the behavior of Lake Formation when handling the tag policy translation.

To do this translation, the mapper needs to understand and store the metadata at two levels:

  • Understanding what resource in Amazon Redshift is to be tagged with what value
  • Tracking the grants and revokes already performed so they can be updated with changes in the policy

To do this, we created a config schema in our Amazon Redshift cluster, which currently stores all the configurations.

As part of our implementation, we store the mapped (translated) information in Amazon Redshift. This allows us to incrementally update table grants as Lake Formation tags or policies changed. The following diagram illustrates this schema.

schema of configuration stored in Redshift

Business impact and value

The solution we put together has created key business impacts and values out of the current implementation and allows us greater flexibility in the future.

It allows us to get the data to our users faster with the tag policies applied in Lake Formation and translated directly to permissions in Amazon Redshift with immediate effect. It also allows us to have consistency in permissions applied in both Lake Formation and Amazon Redshift, based on the effective permissions derived from tag policies. And all this happens via a single source that grants and revokes permissions across the board, instead of managing them separately.

If we translate this into the business impact and business value that we generate, the solution improves the time to market of our data, but at the same time provides consistent entitlements across the business-driven categories that we define as tags.

The solution also opens up solutions to add more impact as our product scales both horizontally and vertically. There are potential solutions we could implement in terms of automation, users self-servicing their permissions, auditing, dashboards, and more. As our business scales, we expect to take advantage of these capabilities.


In this post, we shared how Morningstar utilized tag-based access control in our data lake with Lake Formation and enabled similar controls in Amazon Redshift. We developed two components that handle mapping of the tag-based access controls to Amazon Redshift permissions. This solution has improved the time to market for our data and provides consistent entitlements across different business-driven categories.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section.

About the Authors

Ashish Prabhu is a Senior Manager of Software Engineering in Morningstar, Inc. He focuses on the solutioning and delivering the different aspects of Data Lake and Data Warehouse for Morningstar’s Enterprise Data and Platform Team. In his spare time he enjoys playing basketball, painting and spending time with his family.

Stephen Johnston is a Distinguished Software Architect at Morningstar, Inc. His focus is on data lake and data warehousing technologies for Morningstar’s Enterprise Data Platform team.

Colin Ingarfield is a Lead Software Engineer at Morningstar, Inc. Based in Austin, Colin focuses on access control and data entitlements on Morningstar’s growing Data Lake platform.

Don Drake is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. Based in Chicago, Don helps Financial Services customers migrate workloads to AWS.

Patterns for updating Amazon OpenSearch Service index settings and mappings

Post Syndicated from Mikhail Vaynshteyn original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/patterns-for-updating-amazon-opensearch-service-index-settings-and-mappings/

Amazon OpenSearch Service is used for a broad set of use cases like real-time application monitoring, log analytics, and website search at scale. As your domain ages and you add additional consumers, you need to reevaluate and change the domain’s configuration to handle additional storage and compute needs. You want to minimize downtime and performance impact as you make these changes.

Customers have been seeking guidance on best practices and patterns for changing index settings without an index maintenance window or affecting overall performance of the OpenSearch Service domain. This is part one of a two-part series, in which we show how to make settings changes to OpenSearch Service indexes with little to no downtime while supporting active producers and consumers of the data.

Indexes in OpenSearch Service

In OpenSearch Service, data must be indexed before it can be queried. Indexing is the method by which search engines organize data for fast retrieval. The resulting structure is called, fittingly, an index. All operations performed on an index are done via index APIs. Also, each index contains index mappings, which define field names and data types in the index. Data producers can add new fields with data types to an index. Index mappings can’t change throughout the index lifecycle.

OpenSearch Service indexes have two types of settings that periodically need adjustments as the profile of your workload changes:

  • Dynamic – Settings that can be changed on the index at any time
  • Static – Settings that can only be defined at the index creation time and can’t be changed throughout the index lifecycle

Dynamic index settings can be changed at any time using the update settings API. While the OpenSearch Service domain is performing instructed operations on dynamic index settings, the index doesn’t require a downtime. Changes to most dynamic index settings won’t trigger background tasks that affect the overall utilization of domain resources; however, some settings such as increasing the number of replicas via index.number_of_replicas or index.auto_expand_replicas, and depending on the domain’s configuration, can cause a temporary increase in resource utilization while the domain adds replicas. We recommend maintaining at least one replica for redundancy reasons, and multiple replicas for high query throughput use cases.

Static index settings such as mapping and shard count are defined at index creation time and can’t be changed throughout the index lifecycle. In this post, we focus on patterns and best practices for working with static index settings, such as changing shard count and patterns for updating index mappings.

All operations and procedures that we cover in this post are issued directly to the OpenSearch REST API or via the Dev Tools in OpenSearch Dashboards.

As with any use case, there is a spectrum of solutions and constraints to be considered. We start with a few simple foundational patterns and build on them, accounting for use cases with more operational constraints and working with large datasets.

Solution overview

OpenSearch Service has a default sharding strategy of 5:1, where each index is divided into five primary shards. Within each index, each primary shard also has its own replica. OpenSearch Service automatically assigns primary shards and replica shards to separate data nodes.

It’s not possible to increase the primary shard number of an existing index, meaning an index must be recreated if you want to increase the primary shard count.

The _reindex operation is ideal for creating destination indexes with updated shards and mapping settings. The _reindex operation is resource intensive. We recommend disabling replicas in your destination index by setting number_of_replicas to 0 and re-enable replicas when the reindex process is complete. If you have your data in a second, durable store, the simplest thing to do is pause updates and reindex from the source. But that’s not always possible. In this post, we share several patterns that enable you to update even static index settings like shard count.

One the major advantages of using the _reindex operation is that it doesn’t require placing the source index in a read-only mode (data producers may continue to write the data while reindexing is in progress). Also, the _reindex operation enables reprocessing, transformation, and reindexing a subset of documents and even selectively combining documents from multiple indexes. With the _reindex operation, you can copy all or a subset of documents that you select through a query to another index. In its most basic form, the _reindex operation requires you to specify a source and a destination index and configuration parameters.

The following are the some of the use cases supported by the reindex API:

  • Reindexing all documents
  • Reindexing from a remote cluster when transferring data between clusters
  • Reindexing a subset of documents that match a search query
  • Combining one or more indexes
  • Transforming documents during reindexing

To increase the shard count, you create a new index, set number_of_shards to your desired primary shard count, set number_of_replicas to 0, update the new index mapping based on your requirement, and run the reindex API operation. After the _reindex operation is complete, we recommend updating number_of_replicas in the destination index settings to achieve your desired level of replica shards.

In the following sections, we provide a walkthrough of the reindex API operation. Note that the patterns and procedures presented in this post have been validated on Amazon OpenSearch Service version 1.3.


The source of the documents must be stored in the index (the “_source” setting at the index mappings level must be set to “enabled”:true, which is the default). The _reindex operation can’t be used without source documents.

Create the destination index with your desired mapping (field or data type). For demonstration purposes, our source index has a field ratings defined as long, and we want the same field to use the float data type in the destination index:

GET /source_index_name/mappings
  "source_index_name": {
    "mappings" : {
      "properties" : {
        "ratings " : {
          "type" : "long"

PUT /destination_index_name
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "number_of_shards": <DESIRED_NUMBER_OF_PRIMARY_SHARDS>,
      "number_of_replicas": 0
  "mappings": {
    "properties" : {
      "ratings" : {
          "type" : "float"

Ensure that you have sufficient disk space on each hot tier data node to house the new index primary shards and, depending on your configuration, replica shards. If disk space is insufficient, perform an update operation on the OpenSearch Service domain to add the required storage capacity. Depending on storage requirements, you may need to migrate the OpenSearch Service domain to a different instance type, because nodes have constraints on the EBS volume size that can be mounted to each instance type. Issue the following operation to validate available disk space:

GET _cat/allocation?v

The following screenshot shows the output.

Check the disk.avail metric for hot storage tier nodes to validate your available disk space.

Use the reindex API operation

The _reindex operation snapshots the index at the beginning of its run and performs processing on a snapshot to minimize impact on the source index. The source index can still be used for querying and processing the data. Although the _reindex operation can run both synchronously and asynchronously, we recommend using an asynchronous run. You can monitor the progress of the _reindex operation, cancel its run, or throttle its run using the _task, _cancel, and _rethrottle operations, respectively.

Because the _reindex operation doesn’t require the source index placed in a read-only mode, query and index update operations are free to continue.

Use the reindex API with the following command:

POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=false
  "source": {
	"index": "source_index_name"
  "dest": {
	"index": "destination_index_name",
	"op_type" : "index"

The source indexes as part of the _reindex API operation can be supplemented with a query for reindexing a subset of documents and storing them in the destination index. Progress of the re-indexing operation can be monitored via tasks API operation:

GET _tasks

Note that the _reindex operation can be throttled via a _rethrottle API or settings passed as a parameter. You can cancel the task with the _cancel operation:

POST _tasks/TASK_ID/_cancel

The following screenshot shows the output of the _reindex operation for reindexing from source_index_name to destination_index_name.

When the operation is complete, both consumers and producers of the source indexes or aliases need to re-point to the destination index and the same _reindex operation needs to run again to catch up on any create, update, or delete operations performed on the source indexes while the initial _reindex operation was running. This step is required because the _reindex operation is running on a snapshot of the index. At this time, the _reindex operation needs to run with “op_type”:”create” to realign missing and out-of-version documents. See the following API command:

POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=false
  "source": {
	"index": "source_index_name"
  "dest": {
	"index": "destination_index_name",
	"op_type" : "create"

After the operation is complete and data integrity in the destination index is confirmed, you can delete the source index to reclaim disk space.

Increase index shard count using the split index API

The split index API and shrink index API cover a large array of use cases and present with low resource utilization in the domain. However, these APIs require closing the index for write operations and don’t address use cases that require changes to the mapping settings.

In OpenSearch Service, the number_of_shards index setting is immutable and defined at the time when the index is created. However, although this setting is immutable, there are several patterns to increase or decrease index shard count without needing to explicitly reindex the data. You can alternatively use the split index API to increase index shard count in the environments that can suspend write operations. The split index API provides a simplified way of creating a new index with a different shard setting and without reindexing your data. The split index API operation creates a new index based off of a read-only index with a desired number of primary shards.

In OpenSearch Service, an index alias is a virtual index name that can point to one or more indexes. Referencing to indexes using aliases in your applications allows you to avoid index name changes. Index aliases are used to point consumers and producers to a new index after the split index API operation is complete.

Although the majority of use cases focus on increasing a number of shards on an existing index due to data growth, there are also instances where you need to reduce the number of shards on an existing index. Such cases occasionally happen when an actual index size is less than what was anticipated when the index was created, and you want to align with a shard strategy for operational best practices for OpenSearch Service. In cases where you need to reduce a number of shards on an index, you can use the shrink index API to achieve this task.


In this post, we reviewed best practices when reindexing data for making changes in OpenSearch Service static index settings and mappings that require little or no index downtime. We also covered use of the split index and shrink index APIs for changing the primary index shard count for use cases where the index can be placed in a read-only state.

In our next post, we’ll explore patterns for remote indexing to alleviate load and resource utilization on the source OpenSearch Service domain.

About the Authors

Mikhail Vaynshteyn is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. Mikhail works with healthcare and life sciences customers to build solutions that help improve patients’ outcomes. Mikhail specializes in data analytics services.

Sukhomoy Basak is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, with a passion for data and analytics solutions. Sukhomoy works with enterprise customers to help them architect, build, and scale applications to achieve their business outcomes.

Building GitHub with Ruby and Rails

Post Syndicated from Adam Hess original https://github.blog/2023-04-06-building-github-with-ruby-and-rails/

Since the beginning, GitHub.com has been a Ruby on Rails monolith. Today, the application is nearly two million lines of code and more than 1,000 engineers collaborate on it daily. We deploy as often as 20 times a day, and nearly every week one of those deploys is a Rails upgrade.

Upgrading Rails weekly

Every Monday a scheduled GitHub Action workflow triggers an automated pull request, which bumps our Rails version to the latest commit on the Rails main branch for that day. All our builds run on this new version of Rails. Once all the builds pass, we review the changes and ship it the next day. Starting an upgrade on Monday you will already have an open pull request linking the changes this Rails upgrade proposes and a completed build.

This process is a far stretch from how we did Rails upgrades only a few years ago. In the past, we spent months migrating from our custom fork of Rails to a newer stable release, and then we maintained two Gemfiles to ensure we’d remain compatible with the upcoming release. Now, upgrades take under a week. You can read more about this process in this 2018 blog post. We work closely with the community to ensure that each Rails release is running in production before the release is officially cut.

There are real tangible benefits to running the latest version of Rails:

  • We give developers at GitHub the very best version of our tools by providing the latest version of Rails. This ensures users can take advantage of all the latest improvements including better database connection handling, faster view rendering, and all the amazing work happening in Rails every day.
  • We have removed nearly all of our Rails patches. Since we are running on the latest version of Rails, instead of patching Rails and waiting for a change, developers can suggest the patch to Rails itself.
  • Working on Rails is now easier than ever to share with your team! Instead of telling your team you found something in Rails that will be fixed in the next release, you can work on something in Rails and see it the following week!
  • Maintaining more up-to-date dependencies gives us a better security posture. Since we already do weekly upgrades, adding an upgrade when there is a security advisory is standard practice and doesn’t require any extra work.
  • There are no “big bang” migrations. Since each Rails upgrade incorporates only a small number of changes, it’s easier to understand and dig into if there are incompatibilities. The worst issues from a tough upgrade are unexpected changes from an unknown location. These issues can be mitigated by this upgrade strategy.
  • Catching bugs in the main branch and contributing back strengthens our engineering team and helps our developers deepen their expertise and understanding of our application and its dependencies.

Testing Ruby continuously

Naturally, we have a similar process for Ruby upgrades. In February 2022, shortly after upgrading to Ruby 3.1, we started building and testing Ruby shas from 3.2-alpha in a parallel build. When CI runs for the GitHub Rails application, two versions of the builds run: one build uses the Ruby version we are running in production and one uses the latest Ruby commit including the latest changes in Ruby, which we update weekly.

While we build Ruby with every change, GitHub only ships numbered Ruby versions to production. The builds help us maintain compatibility with the upcoming Ruby version and give us insight into what Ruby changes are coming.

In early December 2022, with CI giving us confidence we were compatible before the usual Christmas release of Ruby 3.2, we were able to test Ruby release candidates with a portion of production traffic and give the Ruby team insights into any changes we noticed. For example, we could reproduce an increase in allocations due to keyword argument handling that was fixed before the release of Ruby 3.2 due to this process. We also identified a subtle change when to_str and #to_i is applied. Because we upgrade all the time, identifying and resolving these issues was standard practice.

This weekly upgrade process for Ruby allowed us to upgrade our monolith from Ruby 3.1 to Ruby 3.2 within a month of release. After all, we had already tested and run it in production! At this point, this was the fastest Ruby upgrade we had ever done. We broke this record with the release of Ruby 3.2.1, which we adopted on release day.

This upgrade process has proved to be invaluable for our collaboration with the Ruby core team. A nice side effect of having these builds is that we are able to easily test and profile our own Ruby changes before we suggest them upstream. This can make it easier for us to identify regressions in our own application and better understand the impact of changes on a production environment.

Should I do it, too?

Our ability to do frequent Ruby and Rails upgrades is due to some engineering maturity at GitHub. Doing weekly Rails upgrades requires a thorough test suite with many great engineers working to maintain and improve it. We also gain confidence from having great test environments along with progressive rollout deploys. Our test suite is likely to catch problems, and if it doesn’t, we are confident we will catch it during deploy before it reaches customers.

If you have these tools, you should also upgrade Rails weekly and test using the latest Ruby. GitHub is a better Rails app because of it and it has enabled work from my team that I am really proud of.

Ruby champion Eileen Uchitelle explains why investing in Rails is important in her Rails Conf 2022 Keynote:

Ultimately, if more companies treated the framework as an extension of the application, it would result in higher resilience and stability. Investment in Rails ensures your foundation will not crumble under the weight of your application. Treating it as an unimportant part of your application is a mistake and many, many leaders make this mistake.

Thanks to contributions from people around the world, using Ruby is better than ever. GitHub, along with hundreds of other companies, benefits from Ruby and Rails continuing to improve. Upgrading regularly and investing in our frameworks is a staple of the work we do on the Ruby Architecture team at GitHub. We are always grateful for the Ruby community and glad that we can give back in a way that improves our application and tools as much as it improves them for everyone else.

A Tale of Two NAS Setups, Part Two: Managing Media Files

Post Syndicated from James Flores original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/a-tale-of-two-nas-setups-part-two-managing-media-files/

A decorative diagram showing icons of media files flowing through a NAS to the cloud.

Editor’s Note

This post is the second in a two-part series about sharing practical NAS tips and tricks to help readers with their own home or office NAS setups. Check out Part One where Backblazer Vinodh Subramanian walks through how he set up a NAS system at home to manage files and back up devices. And read on to learn how Backblazer James Flores uses a NAS to manage media files as a professional filmmaker.

The modern computer has been in existence for decades. As hardware and software have advanced, 5MB of data has gone from taking up a room and weighing a literal ton to being orders of magnitude more compact than what you would find on a typical smartphone. No matter how much storage there is, though, we—I know I am not alone—have been generating content to fill the space. Industry experts say that we reached 64.2 zettabytes of data created, captured, copied, and consumed globally in 2020, and we’re set to reach more than 180 zettabytes in 2025. And a lot of that is media—from .mp3s and .jpgs to .movs, we all have a stock pile of files sitting somewhere.

If you’re creating content you probably have this problem to the 10th power. I started out creating content by editing videos in high school, and my content collection has only grown from there. After a while, the mix of physical media formats had amassed into a giant box stuffed with VHS tapes, DVCPRO tapes, Mini DVs, DVDs, CD-ROMs, flash drives, external hard disk drives (HDDs), internal laptop HDDs, an Apple TimeCapsule, SD cards, and, more recently, USB 3.0 hard drives. Needless to say, it’s unruly at best, and a huge data loss event waiting to happen at worst.

Today, I’m walking through how I solved a problem most of us face: running into the limits of storage.

The Origin Story

My collection of media started because of video editing. Then, when I embarked on an IT career, the amount of data I was responsible for only grew, and my new position came with the (justifiable) paranoia of data loss. In the corporate setting, a network attached storage device (NAS) quickly became the norm—a huge central repository of data accessible to any one on the network and part of the domain.

An image of a Synology network attached storage (NAS) device.
A Synology NAS.

Meanwhile in 2018, I returned to creating content again in full swing. What started with small webinar edits on a Macbook Air quickly turned into scripted productions complete with custom graphics and 4K raw footage. And thus the data bloat continued.

But this time (informed by my IT background), the solution was easy. Instead of burning data to several DVDs and keeping them in a shoebox, I used larger volume storage like hard drives (HDDs) and NAS devices. After all, HDDs are cheap and relatively reliable.

And, I had long since learned that a good backup strategy is key. Thus, I embarked on making my backup plan an extension of my data management plan.

The Plan

The plan was simple. I wanted to have a 4TB NAS to use as a backup location and to extend my internal storage in case I needed to. After all, my internal drive was 7TB—who’s going to use more than that? (I thought at the time, unable to see my own future.) Setting up NAS is relatively simple: it replicated a standard IT setup, with a switch, a static IP address, and some cables.

But first, I needed hardwired network access in my office which is far away from my router. As anyone who works with media knows, accessing a lot of large files over wifi just isn’t fun. Luckily my house was pre-wired with CAT5—CAT5 cables that were terminated as phone lines. (Who uses a landline these days?) After terminating the cables with CAT5E adapters, installing a small 10-port patch panel and a new switch, I had a small network where my entire office was hardwired to my router/modem.

As far as the NAS goes, I chose a Synology DS214+, a simple two-bay NAS. After all, I didn’t expect to really use it all. I worked primarily off of my internal storage, then files were archived to this Synology device. I could easily move them back and forth between my primary and secondary storage because I’d created my internal network, and life was good.

Data Bloat Strikes Again

Fast forward to 2023. Now, I’m creating content routinely for two different companies, going to film school, and flexing my freelance editing skills on indie films. Even with the extra storage I’d built in for myself, I am at capacity yet again. Not only have I filled up Plan A on my internal drive, but now my Plan B NAS is nearing capacity. And, where are those backups being stored? My on-prem-only solution wasn’t cutting it.

A photograph of a room with an overwhelming amount of old and new technology and cables.
This wasn’t me—but I get it.

Okay, New Plan

So what’s next?

Since I’m already set up for it, there’s a good argument to expand the NAS. But is that really scalable? In an office full of film equipment, a desk, a lightboard, and who knows what else in the future, do I really need another piece of equipment that will run all day?

Like all things tech, the answer is in the cloud. Synology’s NAS was already set up for cloud-based workflows, which meant that I got the best of both worlds: the speed of on-prem and the flexibility of the cloud.

Synology has its own marketplace with add-on packages which are essentially apps that let you add functionality to your device. Using their Cloud Sync app, you can sync an entire folder on your NAS to a cloud object storage provider. For me that means: Instead of buying another NAS device (hardware I have to maintain) or some other type of external storage (USB drives, LTO tapes), I purchase cloud storage, set up Cloud Sync to automatically sync data to Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage, and my data is set. It’s accessible from anywhere, I can easily create off-site backups, and I am not adding hardware to my jam-packed office.

I Need a Hero

This is great for my home office and the small projects I do in my spare time but how is this simple setup being used to modernize media workflows?

A big sticking point for media folks is what we talked about before—that large files can take up too much bandwidth to work well on wifi. However, as the cloud has become more accessible to all, there are many products today on the market designed to solve that problem for media teams specifically.

Up Amongst the Clouds

One problem though: Many of these tools push their own cloud storage. You could opt to play cloud storage hopscotch: sign up for the free tier of Google Drive,  drag and drop files (and hope the browser keeps the connection going), hit capacity, then jump to the next cloud storage provider’s free tier and fill that up. With free accounts across the internet, all of the sudden you have your files stored all over the place, and you may not even remember where they all are. So, instead of my cardboard box full of various types of media, we end up with media in silos across different cloud providers.

And you can’t forget the cost. Cloud storage used to be all about the big guys. Beyond the free tiers, pricing was designed for big business, and many cloud storage providers have tiered pricing based on your usage, charges for downloads, throttled speeds, and so on. But, the cost of storage per GB has only decreased over the years, so (in theory), the cost of cloud storage should have gone down. (And I can’t resist a shameless plug here: At Backblaze, storage is ⅕ the cost of other cloud providers.)

An image of a chalkboard and a piggy bank. The chalkboard displays a list of fees with dollar signs indicating how much or little they cost.
Key takeaway: Cute piggy bank, yes. Prohibitively expensive cloud storage, no.

Using NAS for Bigger Teams

It should be news to no one that COVID changed a lot in the media and entertainment industry, bringing remote work to our front door, and readily-available cloud products are powering those remote workflows. However, when you’re storing in each individual tool, it’s like when you have a USB drive over here, and an external hard drive over there.

As the media tech stack has evolved, a few things have changed. You have more options when it comes to choosing your cloud storage provider. And, cloud storage providers have made it a priority for tools to talk to each other through APIs. Here’s a good example: now that my media files are synced to and backed up with Synology and Backblaze, they are also readily accessible for other applications to use. This could be direct access to my Backblaze storage with a nonlinear editing system (NLE) or any modern workflow automation tool. Storing files in the cloud is only an entry point for a whole host of other cloud workflow hacks that can make your life immensely easier.

These days, you can essentially “bring your own storage” (BYOS, let’s make it a thing). Now, the storage is the foundation of how I can work with other tools, and it all happens invisibly and easily. I go about my normal tasks, and my files follow me.

With many tools, it’s as simple as pointing your storage to Backblaze. When that’s not an option, that’s when you get into why APIs matter, a story for another day (or another blog post). Basically, with the right storage, you can write your own rules that your tools + storage execute, which means that things like this LucidLink, iconik, and Backblaze workflow are incredibly easy.

Headline: Cloud Saves the (Media) World

So that’s the tale of how and why I set up my home NAS, and how that’s naturally led me to cloud storage. The “how” has gotten easier over the years. It’s still important to have a hard-wired internet connection for my NAS device, but now that you can sync to the cloud and point your other tools to use those synced files, you have the best of both worlds: a hybrid cloud workflow that gives you maximum speed with the ability to grow your storage as you need to.

Are you using NAS to manage your media at home or for a creative team? We’d love to hear more about your setup and how it’s working for you.

The post A Tale of Two NAS Setups, Part Two: Managing Media Files appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original https://blog.cloudflare.com/protect-your-domain-with-zone-holds/

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

Today, we are announcing Zone Holds, a new capability for enterprise customers that gives them control of if and when someone else can add the same zone to another Cloudflare account. When multiple teams at a company want to use Cloudflare, one team might accidentally step on another’s toes and try to manage the same zone in two accounts. Zone Holds ensure that this cannot happen by enforcing that only one account can contain a given domain, optionally inclusive of subdomains or custom hostnames, unless explicit permission is granted by the account owner of the zone.

What can go wrong today

Cloudflare already requires zones to be authenticated via DNS before traffic is proxied through our global network. This ensures that only domain owners can authorize traffic to be sent through and controlled with Cloudflare. However, many of our customers are large organizations with many teams all trying to protect and accelerate their web properties. In these cases, one team may not realize that a given domain is already being protected with Cloudflare. If they activate a second instance of the same domain in Cloudflare, they end up replacing the original zone that another team was already managing with Cloudflare. This can create downtime or security issues until the original zone can be re-activated. If these two teams had only known about each other and communicated, then in most cases any issue could be avoided via one of many options – subdomains, custom hostnames, etc. How can we ensure that these teams are aware of potential risk before making these mistakes?

How Zone Holds protect customers

With Zone Holds, any attempt to add a domain that is being held will return an error letting the person know that they need to contact the domain owner first. Zone Holds are enabled by default for all enterprise zones. The holds can be managed from the Zone Overview screen. Optionally, the hold can be extended to apply to subdomains and custom hostnames. When disabling a hold, you can set the hold to re-enable after a set amount of time. This ensures you don’t accidentally leave a hold perpetually disabled. Let’s dig into an example to understand how Zone Holds help customers.

Protect your domain with Zone Holds
An active zone hold not including protection of subdomains

Example Corp – before Zone Holds

Example Corp is a large Cloudflare customer. Specifically, their infrastructure team uses Cloudflare to protect all traffic at example.com. This includes their marketing site at www.example.com and their customer facing API at api.example.com. When they onboarded to Cloudflare they had their IT department, who manages all DNS at the company, setup DNS records at their registrar such that all traffic for example.com routed through Cloudflare.

Fast forward a year later, their marketing department wants to adopt Cloudflare’s Bot Management solution for traffic on www.example.com. They sign up example.com and reach out to their IT department to set the provided NS records at the registrar. The IT department does not realize that Cloudflare is already in use so they do not catch that this will impact the existing zone managed by the infrastructure team. The new zone is activated and an incident occurs because traffic to not only www.example.com but also api.example.com is impacted. With Zone Holds this incident would have been avoided. Let’s see how.

Example Corp – now with Zone Holds

Example Corp signs up for Cloudflare and adds example.com to their account as an ENT zone. Automatically a Zone Hold is enabled on the domain which will prevent any other Cloudflare account from adding example.com. They also enable a hold on any subdomains or custom hostnames under the domain of example.com.

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

Later ACME’s marketing department wants to start using Cloudflare for www.example.com. When they attempt to add that domain to Cloudflare they get an error informing them that they need to reach out to the domain owner.

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

ACME’s marketing department reaches out internally and learns that the infrastructure team manages this domain and that activating this zone would have caused an incident! Instead, both teams decide that the marketing team should add the subdomain of www.example.com so they can control the marketing site. The infrastructure team lifts the subdomain hold on acme.com and the marketing team adds www.example.com to their own account.

Protect your domain with Zone Holds

Once set up and activated they can now begin to leverage bot management to protect their marketing site and no unexpected impact occurs.

Getting started with Zone Holds

Zone Holds are now available to all enterprise zones and are enabled by default at the domain level. You can manage Zone Holds from the Zone Overview screen of any enterprise zone. Optionally, the hold can be extended to apply to subdomains and custom hostnames. When disabling a hold, you can set the hold to re-enable after a set amount of time. This ensures you don’t accidentally leave a hold perpetually disabled.

[$] Seeking an acceptable unaccepted memory policy

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/928328/

Operating systems have traditionally used all of the memory that the
hardware provides to them. The advent of virtualization and confidential
computing is changing this picture somewhat, though; the system can now be
more picky about which memory it will use. Patches to add support for
explicit memory acceptance when running under AMD’s Secure Encrypted
Virtualization and Secure Nested Paging
(SEV-SNP), though, have run
into some turbulence over how to handle a backward-compatibility issue.

The collective thoughts of the interwebz

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