Tag Archives: AWS Local Zones

Deploying low-latency hybrid cloud storage on AWS Local Zones using AWS Storage Gateway

Post Syndicated from maceneff original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/deploying-low-latency-hybrid-cloud-storage-on-aws-local-zones-using-aws-storage-gateway/

This blog post is written by Ruchi Nigam, Senior Cloud Support Engineer and Sumit Menaria, Senior Hybrid SA.

AWS Local Zones are a type of infrastructure deployment that places compute, storage, database, and other select AWS services close to large population and industry centers. With Local Zones close to large population centers in metro areas, customers can achieve the low latency required for use cases like video analytics, online gaming, virtual workstations, live streaming, remote healthcare, and augmented and virtual reality. They can also help customers operating in regulated sectors like healthcare, financial services, mining and resources, and public sector that might have preferences or requirements to keep data within a geographic boundary. In addition to low-latency and residency benefits, Local Zones can help organizations migrate additional workloads to AWS, supporting a hybrid cloud migration strategy and simplifying IT operations.

Your hybrid cloud migration strategy may involve storage requirements for data coming in from various on-premises sources, file sharing within the organization or backup on-premises files. These storage requirements can be met by using Amazon FSx for a feature-rich, high performance file system. You can deploy your workload in the nearest Local Zones and use Amazon FSx in the parent AWS Region for a cost-effective solution with four widely-used file systems: NetApp ONTAP, OpenZFS, Windows File Server, and Lustre.

If your workloads need low-latency access to your storage solution and operate in locations which are not close to an AWS Region, then you can consider AWS Storage Gateway as a set of hybrid cloud storage services to get access to virtually unlimited cloud storage in the region. There are options to deploy Storage Gateway directly in your on-premises environment as a virtual machine (VM) (VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, Linux KVM) or as a pre-configured standalone hardware appliance. But you can also deploy it on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance in Local Zones or the Region, depending where your data sources and users are. Deploying Storage Gateway on Amazon EC2 in Local Zones provides low latency access via local cache for your applications while taking away the undifferentiated heavy lifting of management of the power, space, and hardware for deploying it in the on-premises environment. Before choosing an appropriate location, you must note any data residency requirements with which you must comply. There may be situations where the Local Zone’s parent Region is in the same country. However, it is recommended to work with your compliance and security teams for confirmation, as the objects are stored in the Amazon S3 service in the Region.

Depending on your use cases you can choose among four different deployment options: Amazon S3 File Gateway, Amazon FSx File Gateway , Tape Gateway, and Volume Gateway.



Use Case

S3 File Gateway


Allow on-premises or EC2 instances to store files as objects in Amazon S3 and access them via NFS or SMB mount points

Volume Gateway Stored Mode


Asynchronous replication of on-premises data to Amazon S3

Volume Gateway Cached Mode


Primary data stored in Amazon S3 with frequently accessed data cached locally on-premises

Tape Gateway


Replace on-premises physical tapes with AWS-backed virtual tapes. Provides virtual media changer and tape drives to use with existing backup applications

FSx File Gateway


Low-latency, efficient connection for remote users when moving on-premises Windows file systems into the cloud.

We expand on how you can deploy Amazon S3 File Gateway in a Local Zones specific setup. However, a similar approach can be used for other deployment options.

Amazon S3 File Gateway on Local Zones

Amazon S3 File Gateway provides a seamless way to connect to the cloud to store application data files and backup images as durable objects in Amazon S3 cloud storage. Amazon S3 File Gateway supports a file interface into Amazon S3 and combines a service and a virtual software appliance. The gateway offers Server Message Block (SMB) or Network File System (NFS)-based access to data in Amazon S3 with local caching. This can be used for both on-premises and data-intensive Amazon EC2-based applications in Local Zones that require file protocol access to Amazon S3 object storage.


Amazon S3 File Gateway on Local Zones architecture setup

In the previous architecture, Client connects to the Storage Gateway EC2 instance over a private/public connection. Storage Gateway EC2 instance can access the S3 bucket in the Region via the Storage Gateway service endpoint. The File Share associated with the Storage Gateway presents the S3 bucket as a locally mounted drive for the client to use.

There are few things we must note while deploying file gateway on Amazon EC2 in a Local Zone.

  • Since there are selected EC2 instance types available in the Local Zones, identify the instance types available in your desired Local Zone and select the appropriate one which meets the file gateway requirements from a memory perspective.

For example, to list the EC2 instance types offered in the ‘us-east-1-bos-la’ Availability Zone (AZ), use the following command:

aws ec2 describe-instance-type-offerings —location-type
"availability-zone" —filters Name=location,Values=us-east-1-bos-
1a —region us-east-1
  • Choose a supported instance type and EBS volumes in the Local Zone.
  • Add another 150GiB storage apart from the root volume for cache storage.
  • Review and make sure that the Security Group has correct firewall ports open – SMB/NFS ports, HTTP port (for activation) are open in ingress.
  • For activation, if you must access the Storage Gateway over the Public network, then you must assign a Public IP address to the EC2 instance. If you plan to use an Elastic IP address, then make sure that you select the network-border group specific to the Local Zone.
  • For private connectivity, you can use an AWS Direct Connect connection at the supported Local Zones and also enable VPC endpoint for connectivity between Storage Gateway and service endpoints.

Setting up Amazon S3 File Gateway

1.      Navigate to the Storage Gateway console and select the Create Gateway button. In the Gateway options, select the Gateway type as Amazon S3 File Gateway.

Step-1 Select the Gateway type

2.      Under Platform options, select Amazon EC2 and select the option to Customize your settings.

Step-2 Platform options and customize settings

Then, select the Launch instance button and complete launching the EC2 instance to be used as the Storage Gateway. Navigating to the launch instance wizard picks up the verified file gateway Amazon Machine Image (AMI) available in the Region. However, you can also find the AMI using the following AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) command:

aws --region us-east-1 ssm get-parameter --name

3.      After launching the EC2 instance, check Confirm set up gateway and select Next.

Step-3 Confirm set up gateway

4.      Under Gateway connection options, choose the IP address radio button and enter the Public IP of the EC2 instance launched in Step 2.

Step-4 Gateway connection options

5.      For the Storage Gateway Service endpoint connection, you can create a VPC endpoint for Storage Gateway and specify the VPC endpoint ID from the dropdown selections for a private connection between the gateway and AWS Storage Services. Alternatively, you can choose the Publicly accessible option.

Step-5 Service endpoint connection options

6.      Review and activate the storage gateway.

Step-6 Review and activate

7.      Once the gateway is activated, you can allocate cache storage from the local disks. It is recommended to only use Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes for the gateway storage.

Step-7 Configure cache storage

Once the gateway is configured, the next steps show how to create a file share that can be accessed using the NFS or the SMB protocol.

8.      A File Gateway can host multiple NFS and SMB file shares. For this example, we configure the NFS file share type. You can also select the corresponding S3 bucket in the Region which is going to be used for storing the data.

Step 7 - Create file share

Once the file share is created, you can see the list of mount commands to be used on different clients.

Example mount commands for different clients

On a Linux Client, use the following steps to mount the previously created NFS file share. Make sure you replace the IP address, S3 bucket name, and mount path with names specific to your configuration.

sudo mount -t nfs -o nolock,hard /my-

You can verify that the file share has been mounted by running the following command:

$ df -TH
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs devtmpfs 497M 0 497M 0% /dev
tmpfs tmpfs 506M 476k 506M 1% /run
tmpfs tmpfs 506M 0 506M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/xvda1 xfs 8.6G 7.3G 1.4G 85% / nfs4 9.3E 0 9.3E 0% /your-mount-path
tmpfs tmpfs 102M 0 102M 0% /run/user/0
tmpfs tmpfs 102M 0 102M 0% /run/user/1000

Now you can also list the S3 objects as files on the locally mounted drive.

Terminal output listing files on Storage Gateway

For reference, here are the objects stored in the S3 bucket in the Region.

Objects stored in S3 bucket in the Region

To see a recently added object in the S3 bucket, select Refresh cache under the Actions options of the file share.

Depending on the client location, performance for access to the cached files is better as compared to direct access to the files in the parent Region. The clients can be either in your on-premises and accessed via Direct Connect to the Local Zone, or workload within the Local Zone, which can mount the file gateway for local access from the VPC.

Furthermore, you can look at Amazon S3 File Gateway performance for clients to select the appropriate EC2 instance type and EBS volume size and monitor Cache hit, Read/Write Time, and other performance metrics of the storage gateway by using CloudWatch Metrics.

Cleaning Up

  1. Unmount the File Gateway from the local machine: unmount /your-mount-path
  2. Delete the Storage Gateway from the Storage Gateway console
  3. Delete the VPC Endpoint created for Storage Gateway service
  4. Delete the EC2 instance from the Amazon EC2 console
  5. Delete the files added to the S3 bucket from the Amazon S3 console


By deploying Amazon Storage Gateway on Local Zones, you can utilize the scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness of the AWS cloud, and simultaneously provide low-latency and high-performance access for on-premises applications and users. This can accelerate the migration your storage workloads to cloud while providing your users with low latency access via Local Zones in a truly hybrid manner. Read more about AWS Storage Gateway and AWS Local Zones in their respective documentation.

Best Practices for managing data residency in AWS Local Zones using landing zone controls

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/best-practices-for-managing-data-residency-in-aws-local-zones-using-landing-zone-controls/

This blog post is written by Abeer Naffa’, Sr. Solutions Architect, Solutions Builder AWS, David Filiatrault, Principal Security Consultant, and Jared Thompson Hybrid Edge SA Specialist.

In this post, we discuss how you can leverage AWS Control Tower landing zone and AWS Organizations custom policies – guardrails – at the root level, known as Service Control Policies (SCPS) to enable certain data residency requirements on AWS Local Zones. Using the suggested controls lets you limit the ability to store data, process data outside a geographic location, and keep your data within specific Local Zone(s).

Data residency is a critical consideration for organizations that collect and store sensitive information, such as Personal Identifiable Information (PII), financial data, and healthcare data. With the rise of cloud computing and the global nature of the Internet, it can be challenging for organizations to make sure that their data is being stored and processed in compliance with local laws and regulations.

One potential solution for addressing data residency challenges with AWS is utilizing Local Zones, which places AWS infrastructure in large metro areas. This enables organizations to store and process data in specific geographic locations. By using Local Zones, organizations can architect their environment to meet data residency requirements when an AWS Region is unavailable within the same legal jurisdiction. Local Zones can be configured to utilize landing zone to further adhere to data residency requirements.

A landing zone is a well-architected, multi-account AWS environment that is scalable and secure. This is a starting point from which your organization can quickly launch and deploy workloads and applications with confidence in your security and infrastructure environment.

When leveraging a Local Zone to meet data residency requirements, you must have control over the in-scope data movement from the Local Zones to the AWS Region. This can be accomplished by implementing landing zone best practices and the suggested guardrails. The main focus of this post is the custom policies that restrict data snapshots, prohibit data creation within the Region, and limit data transfer to the Region. Furthermore, this post covers which prerequisites organizations should consider before implementing these guardrails.


Landing zones best practices and custom guardrails can help when data must remain in a specific locality where the Local Zone is also located. This can be completed by defining and enforcing policies for data storage and usage within the landing zone organization that you set up. The following prerequisites should be considered before implementing the suggested guardrails:

  1. AWS Local Zones

Local Zones are enabled through the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

You can start using available AWS services on the designated Local Zone directly from the console. Moreover, you can manage the Local Zone using the same tools and interfaces that you use in AWS Region.

2. AWS Control Tower landing zone

AWS Control Tower is a managed service that provides a pre-packaged set of best-practice blueprints for setting up and governing multi-account AWS environments. You must have Control Tower fully implemented in your environment before you can deploy custom guardrails.

Control Tower launches a key resource associated with your account, called a landing zone, which serves as a home for your organizations and their accounts.

Note that Control Tower relies on Organizations to create and manage multi-account structures.

  1. Set up the data residency guardrails

Using Organizations, you must make sure that the Local Zone is enabled within a workload account in the landing zones.

Figure 1 Landing Zones Accelerator Local Zones workload on AWS high level Architecture

Figure 1: Landing Zones Accelerator – Local Zones workload on AWS high level Architecture

Utilizing Local Zones for regulated components

The availability of Local Zones provides an excellent opportunity to meet data residency requirements and comply with local regulations that restrict the use of the Region outside of your required geo-political boundary. By leveraging Local Zones, organizations can maintain compliance while utilizing AWS services to support their business needs. AWS owns and manages the infrastructure, including hardware, software, and networking for Local Zones. However, as part of the shared responsibility model, customers are responsible for the security of their applications and data, including access control, data encryption, etc.

You must also comply with all applicable regulations and security standards, such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR. You should conduct regular security assessments and implement appropriate security controls to protect their applications and data.

In this post, we consider a scenario where there is a single Local Zones location in a metro. However, you must analyze the specific requirements of your workloads and the relevant regulations that apply to determine the most appropriate high availability configurations for your case.

Local Zones workload data residency guardrails

Organizations provides central governance and management for multiple accounts. Central security administrators use SCPs with Organizations to establish controls to which all AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals (users and roles) adhere.

Now you can use SCPs to set permission guardrails. The suggested preventative controls that leverage the implementation of SCPs for data residency on Local Zones are shown in the next paragraph. SCPs let you set permission guardrails by defining the maximum available permissions for IAM entities in an account and all accounts within the Organization root or Organizational Unit (OU). If an SCP denies an action for an account, then none of the entities in any member account, including the member account’s root user, can take that action, even if their IAM permissions let them. The guardrails set in SCPs apply to all IAM entities in the account, which include all users, roles, and the account root user.

 Upon finalizing these prerequisites, you can create the guardrails for the chosen OU.

Note that although the following guidelines serve as helpful guardrails – SCPs – for data residency, you should consult internally with legal and security teams for specific organizational requirements.

 To exercise better control over the workload in Local Zones and prevent data transfer from Local Zones or data storage outside of the Local Zones, consider implementing the following guardrails:

  1. When your data residency requirements require restricting data transfer/saving to the Region, consider the following guardrails:

a. Deny copying data from Local Zones to the Region for Amazon EC2), Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon ElastiCache, and data sync “DenyCopyToRegion”.

As the available services in Local Zones can vary based on location, you must review the services available in the chosen Local Zone and Adjust the SCPs accordingly.

b. Deny Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) put action to the Region “DenyPutObjectToRegionalBuckets”.

If your data residency requirements mandate restrictions on data storage in the Region, then consider implementing this guardrail to prevent the use of Amazon S3 in the Region.

c. If your data residency requirements mandate restrictions on data storage in the Region, then consider implementing “DenyDirectTransferToRegion”

Out of Scope is metadata such as tags or operational data such as AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "DenyCopyToRegion",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Effect": "Deny"
      "Sid": "DenyDirectTransferToRegion",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Effect": "Deny"
      "Sid": "DenyPutObjectToRegionalBuckets",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::*"],
      "Effect": "Deny"
  1. If your data residency requirements require limitations on data storage in the Region, then consider implementing this guardrail “DenyAllSnapshots” to restrict the use of snapshots in the Region.

Note that the following guardrail restricts the creation of snapshots on AWS Outposts as well. If you’re using Outposts in the same AWS account, then you may need to customize this guardrail to make sure that it aligns with your organization’s specific needs and requirements. For more information on data residency considerations for Outposts, please refer to Architecting for data residency with AWS Outposts rack and landing zone guardrails.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [

      "Sid": "DenyAllSnapshots",
  1. This guardrail helps prevent the launch of EC2 instances or the creation of network interfaces by subnet as opposed to Local Zones You should keep data residency workloads within the Local Zones rather than the Region to make sure of better control over regulated workloads. This approach can help your organization achieve better control over data residency workloads and improve governance over your Organization.

 Make sure to update the Local Zones subnets < localzones_subnet_arns>.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Sid": "DenyNotLocalZonesSubnet",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [
    "Condition": {
      "ForAllValues:ArnNotEquals": {
        "ec2:Subnet": ["<localzones_subnet_arns>"]

Additional considerations

When implementing data residency guardrails on Local Zones, consider backup and disaster recovery strategies to make sure that your data is protected in the event of an outage or other unexpected events. This may include creating regular backups of your data, implementing disaster recovery plans and procedures, and using redundancy and failover systems to minimize the impact of any potential disruptions. Additionally, you should make sure that your backup and disaster recovery systems are compliant with any relevant data residency regulations and requirements. You should also test your backup and disaster recovery systems regularly to make sure that they are functioning as intended.

Additionally, the provided SCPs for Local Zones in the above example do not block the “logs:PutLogEvents”. Therefore, even if you implemented data residency guardrails on Local Zones, the application may log data to Amazon CloudWatch Logs in the Region.


By default, application-level logs on Local Zones are not automatically sent to CloudWatch Logs in the Region. You can configure CloudWatch Logs agent on Local Zones to collect and send your application-level logs to CloudWatch Logs.

logs:PutLogEvents does transmit data to the Region, but it is not blocked by the provided SCPs, as it’s expected that most use cases still want to be able to use this logging API. However, if blocking is desired, then add the action to the first recommended guardrail. If you want specific roles to be allowed, then combine with the ArnNotLike condition example referenced in the Customization Guide.


The combined use of Local Zones and the suggested guardrails via Organizations policies enables you to exercise better control over the movement of the data. By creating a landing zone for your organization, you can apply SCPs to your Local Zones that will help make sure that your data remains within a specific geographic location, as required by the data residency regulations.

Note that, although custom guardrails can help you manage data residency on Local Zones, it’s critical to thoroughly review your policies, procedures, and configurations. This lets you make sure that they are compliant with all relevant data residency regulations and requirements. Regularly testing and monitoring your systems can help make sure that your data is protected and your organization stays compliant.


Automating your workload deployments in AWS Local Zones

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/automating-your-workload-deployments-in-aws-local-zones/

This blog post is written by Enrico Liguori, SA – Solutions Builder , WWPS Solution Architecture.

AWS Local Zones are a type of infrastructure deployment that places compute, storage,and other select AWS services close to large population and industry centers.

We now have a total of 32 Local Zones; 15 outside of the US (Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Delhi, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kolkata, Lagos, Lima, Muscat, Perth, Querétaro, Santiago, Taipei, and Warsaw) and 17 in the US. We will continue to launch Local Zones in 21 metro areas in 18 countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, India, Kenya, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, South Africa, and Vietnam.

Customers using AWS Local Zones can provision the infrastructure and services needed to host their workloads with the same APIs and tools for automation that they use in the AWS Region, included the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

The AWS CDK is an open source software development framework to model and provision your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages, including TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, C#, and Java. For the solution in this post, we use Python.


In this post we demonstrate how to:

  1. Programmatically enable the Local Zone of your interest.
  2. Explore the supported APIs to check the types of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances available in a specific Local Zone and get their associated price per hour;
  3. Deploy a simple WordPress application in the Local Zone through AWS CDK.


To be able to try the examples provided in this post, you must configure:

  1. AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)
  2. Python version 3.8 or above
  3. AWS CDK

Enabling a Local Zone programmatically

To get started with Local Zones, you must first enable the Local Zone that you plan to use in your AWS account. In this tutorial, you can learn how to select the Local Zone that provides the lowest latency to your site and understand how to opt into the Local Zone from the AWS Management Console.

If you prefer to interact with AWS APIs programmatically, then you can enable the Local Zone of your interest by calling the ModifyAvailabilityZoneGroup API through the AWS CLI or one of the supported AWS SDKs.

The following examples show how to opt into the Atlanta Local Zone through the AWS CLI and through the Python SDK:


aws ec2 modify-availability-zone-group \
  --region us-east-1 \
  --group-name us-east-1-atl-1 \
  --opt-in-status opted-in

Python SDK:

ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', config=Config(region_name='us-east-1'))
response = ec2.modify_availability_zone_group(

The opt in process takes approximately five minutes to complete. After this time, you can confirm the opt in status using the DescribeAvailabilityZones API.

From the AWS CLI, you can check the enabled Local Zones with:

aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --region us-east-1

Or, once again, we can use one of the supported SDKs. Here is an example using Phyton:

ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', config=Config(region_name='us-east-1'))
response = ec2.describe_availability_zones()

In both cases, a JSON object similar to the following, will be returned:

"State": "available",
"OptInStatus": "opted-in",
"Messages": [],
"RegionName": "us-east-1",
"ZoneName": "us-east-1-atl-1a",
"ZoneId": "use1-atl1-az1",
"GroupName": "us-east-1-atl-1",
"NetworkBorderGroup": "us-east-1-atl-1",
"ZoneType": "local-zone",
"ParentZoneName": "us-east-1d",
"ParentZoneId": "use1-az4"

The OptInStatus confirms that we successful enabled the Atlanta Local Zone and that we can now deploy resources in it.

How to check available EC2 instances in Local Zones

The set of instance types available in a Local Zone might change from one Local Zone to another. This means that before starting deploying resources, it’s a good practice to check which instance types are supported in the Local Zone.

After enabling the Local Zone, we can programmatically check the instance types that are available by using DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings. To use the API with Local Zones, we must pass availability-zone as the value of the LocationType parameter and use a Filter object to select the correct Local Zone that we want to check. The resulting AWS CLI command will look like the following example:

aws ec2 describe-instance-type-offerings --location-type "availability-zone" --filters 
Name=location,Values=us-east-1-atl-1a --region us-east-1

Using Python SDK:

ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', config=Config(region_name='us-east-1'))
response = ec2.describe_instance_type_offerings(
            'Name': 'location',
            'Values': ['us-east-1-atl-1a']

How to check prices of EC2 instances in Local Zones

EC2 instances and other AWS resources in Local Zones will have different prices than in the parent Region. Check the pricing page for the complete list of pricing options and associated price-per-hour.

To access the pricing list programmatically, we can use the GetProducts API. The API returns the list of pricing options available for the AWS service specified in the ServiceCode parameter. We also recommend defining Filters to restrict the number of results returned. For example, to retrieve the On-Demand pricing list of a T3 Medium instance in Atlanta from the AWS CLI, we can use the following:

aws pricing get-products --format-version aws_v1 --service-code AmazonEC2 --region us-east-1 \
--filters 'Type=TERM_MATCH,Field=instanceType,Value=t3.medium' \
--filters 'Type=TERM_MATCH,Field=location,Value=US East (Atlanta)'

Similarly, with Python SDK we can use the following:

pricing = boto3.client('pricing',config=Config(region_name="us-east-1")) response = pricing.get_products(
         Filters= [
          "Type": "TERM_MATCH",
          "Field": "instanceType",
          "Value": "t3.medium"
          "Type": "TERM_MATCH",
          "Field": "regionCode",
          "Value": "us-east-1-atl-1"

Note that the Region specified in the CLI command and in Boto3, is the location of the AWS Price List service API endpoint. This API is available only in us-east-1 and ap-south-1 Regions.

Deploying WordPress in Local Zones using AWS CDK

In this section, we see how to use the AWS CDK and Python to deploy a simple non-production WordPress installation in a Local Zone.

Architecture overview

architecture overview

The AWS CDK stack will deploy a new standard Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) in the parent Region (us-east-1) that will be extended to the Local Zone. This creates two subnets associated with the Atlanta Local Zone: a public subnet to expose resources on the Internet, and a private subnet to host the application and database layers. Review the AWS public documentation for a definition of public and private subnets in a VPC.

The application architecture is made of the following:

  • A front-end in the private subnet where a WordPress application is installed, through a User Data script, in a type T3 medium EC2 instance.
  • A back-end in the private subnet where MySQL database is installed, through a User Data script, in a type T3 medium EC2 instance.
  • An Application Load Balancer (ALB) in the public subnet that will act as the entry point for the application.
  • A NAT instance to allow resources in the private subnet to initiate traffic to the Internet.

Clone the sample code from the AWS CDK examples repository

We can clone the AWS CDK code hosted on GitHub with:

$ git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-cdk-examples.git

Then navigate to the directory aws-cdk-examples/python/vpc-ec2-local-zones using the following:

$ cd aws-cdk-examples/python/vpc-ec2-local-zones

Before starting the provisioning, let’s look at the code in the following sections.

Networking infrastructure

The networking infrastructure is usually the first building block that we must define. In AWS CDK, this can be done using the VPC construct:

import aws_cdk.aws_ec2 as ec2
vpc = ec2.Vpc(
                    name = 'Public-Subnet',
                    subnet_type = ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC,
                    cidr_mask = 26,
                    name = 'Private-Subnet',
                    subnet_type = ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_ISOLATED,
                    cidr_mask = 26,

Together with the VPC CIDR (i.e., we define also the subnets configuration through the subnet_configuration parameter.

Note that in the subnet definitions above there is no specification of the Availability Zone or Local Zone that we want to associate them with. We can define this setting at the VPC level, overwriting the availability_zones method as shown here:

def availability_zones(self):
   return [“us-east-1-atl-1a”]

As an alternative, you can use a Local Zone Name as the value of the availability_zones parameter in each Subnet definition. For a complete list of Local Zone Names, check out the Zone Names on the Local Zones Locations page.

Specifying ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC  in the subnet_type parameter, AWS CDK  automatically creates an Internet Gateway (IGW) associated with our VPC and a default route in its routing table pointing to the IGW. With this setup, the Internet traffic will go directly to the IGW in the Local Zone without going through the parent AWS Region. For other connectivity options, check the AWS Local Zone User Guide.

The last piece of our networking infrastructure is a self-managed NAT instance. This will allow instances in the private subnet to communicate with services outside of the VPC and simultaneously prevent them from receiving unsolicited connection requests.

We can implement the best practices for NAT instances included in the AWS public documentation using a combination of parameters of the Instance construct, as shown here:

nat = ec2.Instance(self, "NATInstanceInLZ",
                 instance_type=ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.T3, ec2.InstanceSize.MEDIUM),
                 vpc_subnets=ec2.SubnetSelection(availability_zones=[“us-east-1-atl-1a”], subnet_type=ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC),

In the previous code example, we specify the following as parameters:

The final required step is to update the route table of the private subnet with the following:


The application stack

The other resources, including the front-end instance managed by AutoScaling, the back-end instance, and ALB are deployed using the standard AWS CDK constructs. Note that the ALB service is only available in some Local Zones. If you plan to use a Local Zone where ALB isn’t supported, then you must deploy a load balancer on a self-managed EC2 instance, or use a load balancer available in AWS Marketplace.

Stack deployment

Next, let’s go through the AWS CDK bootstrapping process. This is required only for the first time that we use AWS CDK in a specific AWS environment (an AWS environment is a combination of an AWS account and Region).

$ cdk bootstrap

Now we can deploy the stack with the following:

$ cdk deploy

After the deployment is completed, we can connect to the application with a browser using the URL returned in the output of the cdk deploy command:

terminal screenshot

The WordPress install wizard will be displayed in the browser, thereby confirming that the deployment worked as expected:

The WordPress install wizard

Note that in this post we use the Local Zone in Atlanta. Therefore, we must deploy the stack in its parent Region, US East (N. Virginia). To select the Region used by the stack, configure the AWS CLI default profile.


To terminate the resources that we created in this post, you can simply run the following:

$ cdk destroy


In this post, we demonstrated how to interact programmatically with the different AWS APIs available for Local Zones. Furthermore, we deployed a simple WordPress application in the Atlanta Local Zone after analyzing the AWS CDK code used for the deployment.

We encourage you to try the examples provided in this post and get familiar with the programmatic configuration and deployment of resources in a Local Zone.

AWS Local Zones and AWS Outposts, choosing the right technology for your edge workload

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/aws-local-zones-and-aws-outposts-choosing-the-right-technology-for-your-edge-workload/

This blog post is written by Joe Sacco, Senior Technical Account Manager.

The AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure includes 30 Launched Regions, 96 Availability Zones (AZs), 410+ Points of Presence with 400+ Edge Locations, and 13 Regional Edge Caches.  With over 200 AWS services, most customer workloads can run in the AWS Regions. However, for some location-sensitive workloads with low-latency or data residency requirements, and when an AWS Region isn’t close enough, AWS offers two additional infrastructure options: AWS Local Zones and AWS Outposts. Although Local Zones and Outposts solve for similar problems, we’ll review use cases as well as the services and features available that can help you decide which offering best suits your needs.

Let’s start with an overview of Local Zones and Outposts.

What are Local Zones?

Local Zones are a new type of infrastructure deployment that places AWS compute, storage, database, and other select AWS services in large metropolitan areas closer to end users. This gives you access to single-digit millisecond latency with the use of AWS Direct Connect and the ability to meet data residency requirements. Local Zones are also connected to their parent Region via AWS’s redundant and high bandwidth private network. This gives applications running in Local Zones fast, secure, and seamless access to a complete list of services in the parent Region.

Unlike Outposts, which you deploy within your datacenter or a co-location of your choice, Local Zones are owned, managed, and operated by AWS. Local Zones eliminate the need for you to manage power, connectivity, and capacity. Furthermore, you can provision workloads on a Local Zone from your AWS Management Console just as you would for AZs and Regions today.

AWS Local Zones how it worksWhat is Outposts?

Outposts is a family of fully managed solutions delivering AWS infrastructure and services to virtually any on-premises or edge location for a truly consistent hybrid experience. Outposts lets you run some AWS services locally and connect to a broad range of services available in the local AWS Region. Outposts comes in two types of offerings: Outposts rack and Outposts servers, with which you can run applications and workloads on-premises using the same AWS infrastructure, services, tools, and APIs as in AWS Regions.

The Outposts rack is available as an industry standard 42U form factor. It provides the same AWS infrastructure, services, tools, and APIs to your data center or co-location space  that you would find in an AWS Region.

Outposts Rack

The Outposts servers come in a 1U or 2U form factor and are designed for locations that have limited space or smaller capacity requirements. Both support different compute instances, as detailed in the Outposts servers feature page.

Outposts ServersCustomer use cases

Now that we have an overview of both Local Zones and Outposts service offerings, let’s dive into use cases, the differences between them, and how your business can leverage each to accomplish your workloads requirements.

Low latency

Customers today require low latency computing for workloads, such as medical imaging, transaction processing for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications, enterprise migration with hybrid architecture, real-time multiplayer gaming, telco network function virtualization, and regulated gaming workloads.

Outposts can meet ultra-low latency requirements. This is accomplished by bringing AWS services on premises and to the edge at Outpost Sites. An Outpost site is the physical location where your Outpost operates, and it can be local within one of your data centers or at a co-location facility of your choice.

When accessing from within the same metro, Local Zones will provide you with a low, single millisecond latency experience when communicating with your applications. Latency between Local Zones and AWS Regions or Local Zones and on-premises environments varies, and these will depend on how close the nearest Local Zone is as well as the type of modality used for the connection (Public Internet, VPN, and AWS Direct Connect). You should always choose the closest Local Zone location to achieve the lowest possible latency. For use cases such as mobile gaming, you can utilize Local Zones by deploying your applications to a Local Zone location nearest to your end users. Local Zones are generally available in 17 metros across the US, 4 outside the US, and we are continuing to launch Local Zones in 30 cities across 25 countries. Check out updates for more general availability of Local Zones.

Data residency

On occasion, data must remain in a specific geographic region for regulatory or information security reasons. Healthcare and other regulated industries, such as financial services or Oil & Gas, have specific data residency requirements.

Outposts helps meet a customer’s data residency requirements because it’s installed on premises and essentially brings AWS to where the data currently resides. This allows you to pick and control where your workloads run, and where your data will stay. Check out the full list of countries and territories where Outposts is available on the FAQs page of Outposts rack and the FAQs page of Outposts servers.

Local Zones bring AWS closer or within a customer’s geographic boundary in a fully AWS owned and operated mode. Although Local Zones can help meet data residency use cases in some scenarios, data residency requirements vary depending on the jurisdictions. Therefore, you should work closely with your compliance and information security teams when choosing the Local Zone location in which to deploy your regulated workloads.

Migration and modernization

When trying to migrate to the cloud and modernize your stack, some workloads can be challenging. Often there are on-premises applications which are difficult to move into Regions due to latency-sensitive system intermittencies between their various components. As dependencies arise, you may choose to segment these migrations into smaller pieces. Then this will require latency-sensitive connectivity between the various parts of the application.

Outposts and Local Zones both allow for a gradual migration and modernization of your stack. You can choose to migrate parts of their workloads while still maintaining latency-sensitive connectivity between components until the entirety is ready to move.

Factors in selecting Local Zones or Outposts

Choosing between Local Zones and Outposts will depend on the following factors, and you should examine all of them together when selecting a service for your use case.

  1. Latency requirements

Local Zones can achieve low single millisecond latency when accessing within the same metro. On the other hand, Outposts can achieve ultra-low latency requirements when deployed within your datacenter or at a co-location facility of your choice. When selecting one over the other, you must work backward from your goal and workload requirements.

If you’re conducting a migration and modernization strategy which requires ultra-low latency between a workloads application and database tiers that are difficult to migrate to the AWS Regions, then Outposts would be the right solution for you.

Alternatively, if your workload involves streaming live broadcasts to end users which requires low single millisecond latency, but your end users are located where an AWS Region isn’t available, then Local Zones distributed across various metros would work best to serve your content.

  1. Availability of services needed to support your workload

Local Zones and Outposts differ with their list of supported AWS services, and you must review your workload’s service requirements when determining the best fit for you. For example, if a customer has a computer vision workload that requires storing and retrieving large volumes of images locally using Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), then Outposts and certain Local Zones meet this requirement while other Local Zones don’t. Learn how you can use Amazon S3 on Outposts for computer vision workloads.

Outposts rack and servers support different sets of AWS services locally. You can view comparisons between them, or visit the Outposts servers and Outposts rack feature sites for more details.

Local Zones’ features vary depending on the location in which you choose to deploy. You can view more details and a full list of supported features and services per location on our Local Zones features page.

  1. Investment and management of infrastructure on-premises

Management of the infrastructure and prerequisites are another factor when considering which AWS service best suits your needs.

Outposts is ordered through AWS, and it requires installation in a customer’s on-premises datacenter or co-location provider of their choice. Outposts rack installation is handled by AWS, while Outposts servers installation is done by the customer or a third-party of their choosing. There are power and redundant networking requirements for the Outpost Site, as well as a required subscription to AWS Enterprise Support or On-Ramp Support.

Local Zones infrastructure is fully-managed by AWS, including the power, networking, and capacity. This reduces operational management as well as the overhead cost for customers. An Enterprise support agreement isn’t required to utilize Local Zones.

You should always choose Regions or Local Zones if your use case allows, and use Outposts when a Region or Local Zone isn’t a good fit. If both Outposts and Local Zones fit a customer’s use case and requirements, then Local Zones will be the preferred choice.

  1. Regulations, compliance, and information security

If a Local Zone is either unavailable or unable to meet your residency requirements within your geographic boundary consider Outposts, which can be deployed to a data center or co-location facility of your choice. Data residency requirements can be a factor based on your industry and the regulations to which your workload must adhere. Furthermore, you should work closely with your compliance and information security teams when choosing between Local Zones or Outposts.


Whether you’re dealing with latency-sensitive applications, data residency requirements, or a migration and modernization strategy, AWS provides options and flexibility for you to leverage the same AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to metro areas and on-premises locations with Local Zones and Outposts.

The decision of which technology to use will depend on several factors that we discussed above. You must work across teams within your organization to make sure that the latency requirements (low single millisecond latency within a metro for Local Zones vs the ultra low latency of Outposts when deployed close to or within your datacenter), data reseidency needs, installation prerequisites, and availability of services to support your workload are met.

Once these factors are taken into account, and you have made a choice, visit our product pages for Outposts and Local Zones with information on how you can get started.

Building highly resilient applications with on-premises interdependencies using AWS Local Zones

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-highly-resilient-applications-with-on-premises-interdependencies-using-aws-local-zones/

This blog post is written by Rachel Rui Liu, Senior Solutions Architect.

AWS Local Zones are a type of infrastructure deployment that places compute, storage, database, and other select AWS services close to large population and industry centers.

Following the successful launch of the AWS Local Zones in 16 US cities since 2019, in Feb 2022, AWS announced plans to launch new AWS Local Zones in 32 metropolitan areas in 26 countries worldwide.

With Local Zones, we’ve seen use cases in two common categories.

The first category of use cases is for workloads that require extremely low latency between end-user devices and workload servers. For example, let’s consider media content creation and real-time multiplayer gaming. For these use cases, deploying the workload to a Local Zone can help achieve down to single-digit milliseconds latency between end-user devices and the AWS infrastructure, which is ideal for a good end-user experience.

This post will focus on addressing the second category of use cases, which is commonly seen in an enterprise hybrid architecture, where customers must achieve low latency between AWS infrastructure and existing on-premises data centers.  Compared to the first category of use cases, these use cases can tolerate slightly higher latency between the end-user devices and the AWS infrastructure. However, these workloads have dependencies to these on-premises systems, so the lowest possible latency between AWS infrastructure and on-premises data centers is required for better application performance. Here are a few examples of these systems:

  • Financial services sector mainframe workloads hosted on premises serving regional customers.
  • Enterprise Active Directory hosted on premise serving cloud and on-premises workloads.
  • Enterprise applications hosted on premises processing a high volume of locally generated data.

For workloads deployed in AWS, the time taken for each interaction with components still hosted in the on-premises data center is increased by the latency. In turn, this delays responses received by the end-user. The total latency accumulates and results in suboptimal user experiences.

By deploying modernized workloads in Local Zones, you can reduce latency while continuing to access systems hosted in on-premises data centers, thereby reducing the total latency for the end-user. At the same time, you can enjoy the benefits of agility, elasticity, and security offered by AWS, and can apply the same automation, compliance, and security best practices that you’ve been familiar with in the AWS Regions.

Enterprise workload resiliency with Local Zones

While designing hybrid architectures with Local Zones, resiliency is an important consideration. You want to route traffic to the nearest Local Zone for low latency. However, when disasters happen, it’s critical to fail over to the parent Region automatically.

Let’s look at the details of hybrid architecture design based on real world deployments from different angles to understand how the architecture achieves all of the design goals.

Hybrid architecture with resilient network connectivity

The following diagram shows a high-level overview of a resilient enterprise hybrid architecture with Local Zones, where you have redundant connections between the AWS Region, the Local Zone, and the corporate data center.

resillient network connectivity

Here are a few key points with this network connectivity design:

  1. Use AWS Direct Connect or Site-to-Site VPN to connect the corporate data center and AWS Region.
  2. Use Direct Connect or self-hosted VPN to connect the corporate data center and the Local Zone. This connection will provide dedicated low-latency connectivity between the Local Zone and corporate data center.
  3. Transit Gateway is a regional service. When attaching the VPC to AWS Transit Gateway, you can only add subnets provisioned in the Region. Instances on subnets in the Local Zone can still use Transit Gateway to reach resources in the Region.
  4. For subnets provisioned in the Region, the VPC route table should be configured to route the traffic to the corporate data center via Transit Gateway.
  5. For subnets provisioned in Local Zone, the VPC route table should be configured to route the traffic to the corporate data center via the self-hosted VPN instance or Direct Connect.

Hybrid architecture with resilient workload deployment

The next examples show a public and a private facing workload.

To simplify the diagram and focus on application layer architecture, the following diagrams assume that you are using Direct Connect to connect between AWS and the on-premises data center.

Example 1: Resilient public facing workload

With a public facing workload, end-user traffic will be routed to the Local Zone. If the Local Zone is unavailable, then the traffic will be routed to the Region automatically using an Amazon Route 53 failover policy.

public facing workload resilliency
Here are the key design considerations for this architecture:

  1. Deploy the workload in the Local Zone and put the compute layer in an AWS AutoScaling Group, so that the application can scale up and down depending on volume of requests.
  2. Deploy the workload in both the Local Zone and an AWS Region, and put the compute layer into an autoscaling group. The regional deployment will act as pilot light or warm standby with minimal footprint. But it can scale out when the Local Zone is unavailable.
  3. Two Application Load Balancers (ALBs) are required: one in the Region and one in the Local Zone. Each ALB will dispatch the traffic to each workload cluster inside the autoscaling group local to it.
  4. An internet gateway is required for public facing workloads. When using a Local Zone, there’s no extra configuration needed: define a single internet gateway and attach it to the VPC.

If you want to specify an Elastic IP address to be the workload’s public endpoint, the Local Zone will have a different address pool than the Region. Noting that BYOIP is unsupported for Local Zones.

  1. Create a Route 53 DNS record with “Failover” as the routing policy.
  • For the primary record, point it to the alias of the ALB in the Local Zone. This will set Local Zone as the preferred destination for the application traffic which minimizes latency for end-users.
  • For the secondary record, point it to the alias of the ALB in the AWS Region.
  • Enable health check for the primary record. If health check against the primary record fails, which indicates that the workload deployed in the Local Zone has failed to respond, then Route 53 will automatically point to the secondary record, which is the workload deployed in the AWS Region.

Example 2: Resilient private workload

For a private workload that’s only accessible by internal users, a few extra considerations must be made to keep the traffic inside of the trusted private network.

private workload resilliency

The architecture for resilient private facing workload has the same steps as public facing workload, but with some key differences. These include:

  1. Instead of using a public hosted zone, create private hosted zones in Route 53 to respond to DNS queries for the workload.
  2. Create the primary and secondary records in Route 53 just like the public workload but referencing the private ALBs.
  3. To allow end-users onto the corporate network (within offices or connected via VPN) to resolve the workload, use the Route 53 Resolver with an inbound endpoint. This allows end-users located on-premises to resolve the records in the private hosted zone. Route 53 Resolver is designed to be integrated with an on-premises DNS server.
  4. No internet gateway is required for hosting the private workload. You might need an internet gateway in the Local Zone for other purposes: for example, to host a self-managed VPN solution to connect the Local Zone with the corporate data center.

Hosting multiple workloads

Customers who host multiple workloads in a single VPC generally must consider how to segregate those workloads. As with workloads in the AWS Region, segregation can be implemented at a subnet or VPC level.

If you want to segregate workloads at the subnet level, you can extend your existing VPC architecture by provisioning extra sets of subnets to the Local Zone.

segregate workloads at subnet level

Although not shown in the diagram, for those of you using a self-hosted VPN to connect the Local Zone with an on-premises data center, the VPN solution can be deployed in a centralized subnet.

You can continue to use security groups, network access control lists (NACLs) , and VPC route tables – just as you would in the Region to segregate the workloads.

If you want to segregate workloads at the VPC level, like many of our customers do, within the Region, inter-VPC routing is generally handled by Transit Gateway. However, in this case, it may be undesirable to send traffic to the Region to reach a subnet in another VPC that is also extended to the Local Zone.

segregate workloads at VPC level

Key considerations for this design are as follows:

  1. Direct Connect is deployed to connect the Local Zone with the corporate data center. Therefore, each VPC will have a dedicated Virtual Private Gateway provisioned to allow association with the Direct Connect Gateway.
  2. To enable inter-VPC traffic within the Local Zone, peer the two VPCs together.
  3. Create a VPC route table in VPC A. Add a route for Subnet Y where the destination is the peering link. Assign this route table to Subnet X.
  4. Create a VPC route table in VPC B. Add a route for Subnet X where the destination is the peering link. Assign this route table to Subnet Y.
  5. If necessary, add routes for on-premises networks and the transit gateway to both route tables.

This design allows traffic between subnets X and Y to stay within the Local Zone, thereby avoiding any latency from the Local Zone to the AWS Region while still permitting full connectivity to all other networks.


In this post, we summarized the use cases for enterprise hybrid architecture with Local Zones, and showed you:

  • Reference architectures to host workloads in Local Zones with low-latency connectivity to corporate data centers and resiliency to enable fail over to the AWS Region automatically.
  • Different design considerations for public and private facing workloads utilizing this hybrid architecture.
  • Segregation and connectivity considerations when extending this hybrid architecture to host multiple workloads.

Hopefully you will be able to follow along with these reference architectures to build and run highly resilient applications with local system interdependencies using Local Zones.

Best Practices for Hosting Regulated Gaming Workloads in AWS Local Zones and on AWS Outposts

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/best-practices-for-hosting-regulated-gaming-workloads-in-aws-local-zones-and-on-aws-outposts/

This blog post is written by Shiv Bhatt, Manthan Raval, and Pawan Matta, who are Senior Solutions Architects with AWS.

Many industries are subject to regulations that are created to protect the interests of the various stakeholders. For some industries, the specific details of the regulatory requirements influence not only the organization’s operations, but also their decisions for adopting new technology. In this post, we highlight the workload residency challenges that you may encounter when you deploy regulated gaming workloads, and how AWS Local Zones and AWS Outposts can help you address those challenges.

Regulated gaming workloads and residency requirements

A regulated gaming workload is a type of workload that’s subject to federal, state, local, or tribal laws related to the regulation of gambling and real money gaming. Examples of these workloads include sports betting, horse racing, casino, poker, lottery, bingo, and fantasy sports. The operators provide gamers with access to these workloads through online and land-based channels, and they’re required to follow various regulations required in their jurisdiction. Some regulations define specific workload residency requirements, and depending on the regulatory agency, the regulations could require that workloads be hosted within a specific city, state, province, or country. For example, in the United States, different state and tribal regulatory agencies dictate whether and where gaming operations are legal in a state, and who can operate. The agencies grant licenses to the operators of regulated gaming workloads, which then govern who can operate within the state, and sometimes, specifically where these workloads can be hosted. In addition, federal legislation can also constrain how regulated gaming workloads can be operated. For example, the United States Federal Wire Act makes it illegal to facilitate bets or wagers on sporting events across state lines. This regulation requires that operators make sure that users who place bets in a specific state are also within the borders of that state.

Benefits of using AWS edge infrastructure with regulated gaming workloads

The use of AWS edge infrastructure, specifically Local Zones and Outposts to host a regulated gaming workload, can help you meet workload residency requirements. You can manage Local Zones and Outposts by using the AWS Management Console or by using control plane API operations, which lets you seamlessly consume compute, storage, and other AWS services.

Local Zones

Local Zones are a type of AWS infrastructure deployment that place compute, storage, database, and other select services closer to large population, industry, and IT centers. Like AWS Regions, Local Zones enable you to innovate more quickly and bring new products to market sooner without having to worry about hardware and data center space procurement, capacity planning, and other forms of undifferentiated heavy-lifting. Local Zones have their own connections to the internet, and support AWS Direct Connect, so that workloads hosted in the Local Zone can serve local end-users with very low-latency communications. Local Zones are by default connected to a parent Region via Amazon’s redundant and high-bandwidth private network. This lets you extend Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) in the AWS Region to Local Zones. Furthermore, this provides applications hosted in AWS Local Zones with fast, secure, and seamless access to the broader portfolio of AWS services in the AWS Region. You can see the full list of AWS services supported in Local Zones on the AWS Local Zones features page.

You can start using Local Zones right away by enabling them in your AWS account. There are no setup fees, and as with the AWS Region, you pay only for the services that you use. There are three ways to pay for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances in Local Zones: On-Demand, Savings Plans, and Spot Instances. See the full list of cities where Local Zones are available on the Local Zones locations page.


Outposts is a family of fully-managed solutions that deliver AWS infrastructure and services to most customer data center locations for a consistent hybrid experience. For a full list of countries and territories where Outposts is available, see the Outposts rack FAQs and Outposts servers FAQs. Outposts is available in various form factors, from 1U and 2U Outposts servers to 42U Outposts racks, and multiple rack deployments. To learn more about specific configuration options and pricing, see Outposts rack and Outposts servers.

You configure Outposts to work with a specific AWS Region using AWS Direct Connect or an internet connection, which lets you extend Amazon VPC in the AWS Region to Outposts. Like Local Zones, this provides applications hosted on Outposts with fast, secure, and seamless access to the broader portfolio of AWS services in the AWS Region. See the full list of AWS services supported on Outposts rack and on Outposts servers.

Choosing between AWS Regions, Local Zones, and Outposts

When you build and deploy a regulated gaming workload, you must assess the residency requirements carefully to make sure that your workload complies with regulations. As you make your assessment, we recommend that you consider separating your regulated gaming workload into regulated and non-regulated components. For example, for a sports betting workload, the regulated components might include sportsbook operation, and account and wallet management, while non-regulated components might include marketing, the odds engine, and responsible gaming. In describing the following scenarios, it’s assumed that regulated and non-regulated components must be fault-tolerant.

For hosting the non-regulated components of your regulated gaming workload, we recommend that you consider using an AWS Region instead of a Local Zone or Outpost. An AWS Region offers higher availability, larger scale, and a broader selection of AWS services.

For hosting regulated components, the type of AWS infrastructure that you choose will depend on which of the following scenarios applies to your situation:

  1. Scenario one: An AWS Region is available in your jurisdiction and local regulators have approved the use of cloud services for your regulated gaming workload.
  2. Scenario two: An AWS Region isn’t available in your jurisdiction, but a Local Zone is available, and local regulators have approved the use of cloud services for your regulated gaming workload.
  3. Scenario three: An AWS Region or Local Zone isn’t available in your jurisdiction, or local regulators haven’t approved the use of cloud services for your regulated gaming workload, but Outposts is available.

Let’s look at each of these scenarios in detail.

Scenario one: Use an AWS Region for regulated components

When local regulators have approved the use of cloud services for regulated gaming workloads, and an AWS Region is available in your jurisdiction, consider using an AWS Region rather than a Local Zone and Outpost. For example, in the United States, the State of Ohio has announced that it will permit regulated gaming workloads to be deployed in the cloud on infrastructure located within the state when sports betting goes live in January 2023. By using the US East (Ohio) Region, operators in the state don’t need to procure and manage physical infrastructure and data center space. Instead, they can use various compute, storage, database, analytics, and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) services that are readily available in the AWS Region. You can host a regulated gaming workload entirely in a single AWS Region, which includes Availability Zones (AZs) – multiple, isolated locations within each AWS Region. By deploying your workload redundantly across at least two AZs, you can help make sure of the high availability, as shown in the following figure.

AWS Region hosting regulated and non-regulated components

Scenario two: Use a Local Zone for regulated components

A second scenario might be that local regulators have approved the use of cloud services for regulated gaming workloads, and an AWS Region isn’t available in your jurisdiction, but a Local Zone is available. In this scenario, consider using a Local Zone rather than Outposts. A Local Zone can support more elasticity in a more cost-effective way than Outposts can. However, you might also consider using a Local Zone and Outposts together to increase availability and scalability for regulated components. Let’s consider the State of Illinois, in the United States, which allows regulated gaming workloads to be deployed in the cloud, if workload residency requirements are met. Operators in this state can host regulated components in a Local Zone in Chicago, and they can also use Outposts in their data center in the same state, for high availability and disaster recovery, as shown in the following figure.

Route ingress gaming traffic through an AWS Region hosting non-regulated components, with a Local Zone and Outposts hosting regulated components

Scenario three: Use of Outposts for regulated components

When local regulators haven’t approved the use of cloud services for regulated gaming workloads, or when an AWS Region or Local Zone isn’t available in your jurisdiction, you can still choose to host your regulated gaming workloads on Outposts for a consistent cloud experience, if Outposts is available in your jurisdiction. If you choose to use Outposts, then note that as part of the shared responsibility model, customers are responsible for attesting to physical security and access controls around the Outpost, as well as environmental requirements for the facility, networking, and power. Use of Outposts requires you to procure and manage the data center within the city, state, province, or country boundary (as required by local regulations) that may be suitable to host regulated components, depending on the jurisdiction. Furthermore, you should procure and configure supported network connections between Outposts and the parent AWS Region. During the Outposts ordering process, you should account for the compute and network capacity required to support the peak load and availability design.

For a higher availability level, you should consider procuring and deploying two or more Outposts racks or Outposts servers in a data center. You might also consider deploying redundant network paths between Outposts and the parent AWS Region. However, depending on your business service level agreement (SLA) for regulated gaming workload, you might choose to spread Outposts racks across two or more isolated data centers within the same regulated boundary, as shown in the following figure.

Route ingress gaming traffic through an AWS Region hosting non-regulated components, with an Outposts hosting regulated components

Options to route ingress gaming traffic

You have two options to route ingress gaming traffic coming into your regulated and non-regulated components when you deploy the configurations that we described previously in Scenarios two and three. Your gaming traffic can come through to the AWS Region, or through the Local Zones or Outposts. Note that the benefits that we mentioned previously around selecting the AWS Region for deploying regulated and non-regulated components are the same when you select an ingress route.

Let’s discuss the benefits and trade offs for each of these options.

Option one: Route ingress gaming traffic through an AWS Region

If you choose to route ingress gaming traffic through an AWS Region, your regulated gaming workloads benefit from access to the wide range of tools, services, and capacity available in the AWS Region. For example, native AWS security services, like AWS WAF and AWS Shield, which provide protection against DDoS attacks, are currently only available in AWS Regions. Only traffic that you route into your workload through an AWS Region benefits from these services.

If you route gaming traffic through an AWS Region, and non-regulated components are hosted in an AWS Region, then traffic has a direct path to non-regulated components. In addition, gaming traffic destined to regulated components, hosted in a Local Zone and on Outposts, can be routed through your non-regulated components and a few native AWS services in the AWS Region, as shown in Figure 2.

Option two: Route ingress gaming traffic through a Local Zone or Outposts

Choosing to route ingress gaming traffic through a Local Zone or Outposts requires careful planning to make sure that tools, services, and capacity are available in that jurisdiction, as shown in the following figure. In addition, consider how choosing this route will influence the pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. This route might require deploying and managing most of your non-regulated components in a Local Zone or on Outposts as well, including native AWS services that aren’t available in Local Zones or on Outposts. If you plan to implement this topology, then we recommend that you consider using AWS Partner solutions to replace the native AWS services that aren’t available in Local Zones or Outposts.

Route ingress gaming traffic through a Local Zone and Outposts that are hosting regulated and non-regulated components, with an AWS Region hosting limited non-regulated components


If you’re building regulated gaming workloads, then you might have to follow strict workload residency and availability requirements. In this post, we’ve highlighted how Local Zones and Outposts can help you meet these workload residency requirements by bringing AWS services closer to where they’re needed. We also discussed the benefits of using AWS Regions in compliment to the AWS edge infrastructure, and several reliability and cost design considerations.

Although this post provides information to consider when making choices about using AWS for regulated gaming workloads, you’re ultimately responsible for maintaining compliance with the gaming regulations and laws in your jurisdiction. You’re in the best position to determine and maintain ultimate responsibility for determining whether activities are legal, including evaluating the jurisdiction of the activities, how activities are made available, and whether specific technologies or services are required to make sure of compliance with the applicable law. You should always review these regulations and laws before you deploy regulated gaming workloads on AWS.