Tag Archives: contributed

Optimizing Node.js dependencies in AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/optimizing-node-js-dependencies-in-aws-lambda/

This post is written by Richard Davison, Senior Partner Solutions Architect.

AWS Lambda offers support for Node.js versions 12, 14 and recently announced version 16. Since Node.js parses, optimizes and runs JavaScript on-the-fly, it can provide fast startup and low overhead in a serverless environment.

Node.js reads and parses all dependencies and sources that are required or imported from the entry point. Consequently, it’s important to keep the dependencies to a minimum and optimize the ones in use.

This post shows how to bundle and minify Lambda function code to optimize performance and stay up to date with the latest version of your dependencies.

Understanding Node.js module resolution

When you require or import a resource in your code, Node.js tries to resolve that resource by either the file- or directory name, or in the node_modules directory. Once it finds the resource, it is loaded from disk, parsed and run.

If that file or dependency in turn contains other imports or require statements, the process repeats, which causes disk reads. The more dependencies and files that are imported in a function, the longer it takes to initialize.

This only impacts imported and used code. Including files in a project that are not imported or used has minimal effect on startup performance.

You should also evaluate what’s being imported. Even though modern JavaScript bundlers such as esbuild, Rollup, or WebPack uses tree shaking and dead code elimination, importing dependencies via wildcard, global-, or top-level imports can result in larger bundles.

Use path imports if your library supports it:

import DynamoDB from "aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb"
const DynamoDB = require("aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb")

Avoid wildcard imports:

import {* as AWS} from "aws-sdk"
const AWS = require("aws-sdk")

Avoid top-level imports:

import AWS from "aws-sdk"
const AWS = require("aws-sdk")

AWS SDK for JavaScript v3

The documentation shows that all Node.js runtimes share the same AWS SDK for JavaScript version. To control the version of the SDK that you depend on, you must provide it yourself. Consider using AWS SDK V3, which uses a modular architecture with a separate package for each service.

This has many benefits, including faster installations and smaller deployment sizes. It also includes many frequently requested features, such as a first-class TypeScript support and a new middleware stack. Since there is a separate package for each service, top-level import is not possible, which further increases startup performance.

By providing your own AWS SDK, it can also be bundled and minified during the build process, which can result in cold start reduction.

Bundle and minify Node.js Lambda functions

You can bundle and minify Lambda functions by using esbuild. This is one of the fastest JavaScript bundlers available, often 10-100x faster than alternatives like WebPack or Parcel.

To use esbuild:

1. Add esbuild to your dev dependencies using npm or yarn:

  • npm: npm i esbuild --save-dev
  • yarn: yarn add esbuild --dev

2. Create a “build” script in the script section of the package.json file:

 "scripts": {
    "build": "rm -rf dist && esbuild ./src/* --entry-names=[dir]/[name]/index --bundle --minify --sourcemap --platform=node --target=node16.14 --outdir=dist",

This script first removes the dist directory and then runs esbuild with the following command-line arguments:

  • ./src/* First, specify the entry points of the application. esbuild creates one bundle (when the bundle option is enabled) for each entry point provided, containing only the dependencies it uses.
  • --entry-names=[dir]/[name]/index specifies that esbuild should create bundles in the same directory as its entry point and in a directory with the same name as the entry point. The bundle is then named index.js.
  • --bundle indicates that you want to bundle all dependencies and source code in a single file.
  • --minify is used to minify the code.
  • --sourcemap is used to create a source map file, which is essential for debugging minified code. Since the minified code is different from your source code, a source map enables a JavaScript debugger to map the minified code to the original source code. Generating source maps helps debugging but increases the size. Note that source maps must be registered to be applied. To register source maps in a Lambda function, use the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable with the following value: --enable-source-maps
  • --platform=node and --target=node16.14 are used to indicate the ECMAScript version to target. By using a bundler, you can often compile newer JavaScript features and syntaxes to earlier standards. Since Lambda now supports Node.js 16, set the target to node16.14. For reference, use https://node.green/ to compare Node.js versions with ECMAScript features.
  • --outdir=dist indicates that all files should be placed in the dist directory.


Run the build script by running yarn build or npm run build.

Package and deploy

To package your Lambda functions, navigate to the dist directory and zip the contents of each respective directory. Note that one zip file per function should be created, only containing index.js and index.js.map. You may also clone the sample project.

If you are already using the AWS CDK, consider using the NodejsFunction construct. This construct abstracts away the bundle procedure and internally uses esbuild to bundle the code:

const nodeJsFunction = new lambdaNodejs.NodejsFunction(
    runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,
    handler: "main",
    entry: "../path/to/your/entry.js_or_ts",

Build and deploy sample project

Once all the sources have been bundled you may have noticed that they have small file sizes compared to zipping node_modules and the source files. Your package may be more than 100x smaller. They will also initialize faster.

  1. Clone the sample project and, install the dependencies, build the project and package the application by running the following commands:
    npm install
    npm run build
    npm run package
    npm run package:unbundled

    This produces zip artifacts in the dist directory as well as in the project root. Comparing the size difference between dist/ddbHandler.zip and unoptimized.zip, the unbundled artifact is more than ten times larger. When unpacked, the code size with dependencies is more than 19 Mb compared to 2.1 Mb for the bundled and minified example.

    This is significant in the ddbHandler example because of the AWS SDK DynamoDB dependencies, which contains multiple files and resources.

  2. To deploy the application, run:
    npm run deploy

Comparing and measuring the results

After deployment, you can also see a significant cold start performance improvement. You can load test the Lambda functions using Artillery. Replace the url from the deployment output:

Load test unbundled

artillery run -t "https://{YOUR_ID_HERE}.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com" -v '{ "url": "/x86/v2-top-level-unbundled" }' loadtest.yml

Load test bundled

artillery run -t "https://{YOUR_ID_HERE}.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com" -v '{ "url": "/x86/v3" }' loadtest.yml

View results in CloudWatch Insights by selecting the two functions’ log groups and running the following query:

Logs Insights

filter @type = "REPORT"
| parse @log /\d+:\/aws\/lambda\/[\w\d]+-(?<function>[\w\d]+)-[\w\d]+/
| stats
count(*) as invocations,
pct(@duration+greatest(@initDuration,0), 0) as p0,
pct(@duration+greatest(@initDuration,0), 25) as p25,
pct(@duration+greatest(@initDuration,0), 50) as p50,
pct(@duration+greatest(@initDuration,0), 75) as p75,
pct(@duration+greatest(@initDuration,0), 90) as p90,
pct(@duration+greatest(@initDuration,0), 95) as p95,
pct(@duration+greatest(@initDuration,0), 99) as p99,
pct(@duration+greatest(@initDuration,0), 100) as p100
group by function, ispresent(@initDuration) as coldstart
| sort by function, coldstart

The cold start invocations for DdbV3X86 run in 551 ms versus DdbVZTopLevelX86Unbundled, which run in 945 ms (p90). The minified and bundled v3 version has about 1.7x faster cold starts, while also providing faster performance during warm invocations.

Performance results


In this post, you learn how to improve Node.js cold start performance by up to 70% by bundling and minifying your code. You also learned how to provide a different version of AWS SDK for JavaScript and that dependencies and how they are imported affects the performance of Node.js Lambda functions. To achieve the best performance, use AWS SDK V3, bundle and minify your code, and avoid top-level imports.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building a low-code speech “you know” counter using AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-a-low-code-speech-you-know-counter-using-aws-step-functions/

This post is written by Doug Toppin, Software Development Engineer, and Kishore Dhamodaran, Solutions Architect.

In public speaking, filler phrases can distract the audience and reduce the value and impact of what you are telling them. Reviewing recordings of presentations can be helpful to determine whether presenters are using filler phrases. Instead of manually reviewing prior recordings, automation can process media files and perform a speech-to-text function. That text can then be processed to report on the use of filler phrases.

This blog explains how to use AWS Step Functions, Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Athena to report on the use of the common phrase “you know” in media files. These services can automate and reduce the time required to find the use of filler phrases.

Step Functions can automate and chain together multiple activities and other Amazon services. Amazon Transcribe is a speech to text service that uses media files as input and produces textual transcripts from them. Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easier to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena enables the use of standard SQL to query data in S3.

This blog shows a low-code, configuration driven approach to implementing this solution. Low-code means writing little or no custom software to perform a function. Instead, you use a configuration drive approach using service integrations where state machine tasks call AWS services using existing SDKs, APIs, or interfaces. A configuration driven approach in this example is using Step Functions’ Amazon States Language (ASL) to tie actions together rather than writing traditional code. This requires fewer details for data management and error handling combined with a visual user interface for composing the workflow. As the actions and logic are clearly defined with the visual workflow, this reduces maintenance.

Solution overview

The following diagram shows the solution architecture.


Solution Overview

  1. You upload a media file to an Amazon S3 Media bucket.
  2. The media file upload to S3 triggers an EventBridge rule.
  3. The EventBridge rule starts the Step Functions state machine execution.
  4. The state machine invokes Amazon Transcribe to process the media file.
  5. The transcription output file is stored in the Amazon S3 Transcript bucket.
  6. The state machine invokes Athena to query the textual transcript for the filler phrase. This uses the AWS Glue table to describe the format of the transcription results file.
  7. The filler phrase count determined by Athena is returned and stored in the Amazon S3 Results bucket.


  1. An AWS account and an AWS user or role with sufficient permissions to create the necessary resources.
  2. Access to the following AWS services: Step Functions, Amazon Transcribe, Athena, and Amazon S3.
  3. Latest version of the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI, which helps developers create and manage serverless applications in the AWS Cloud.
  4. Test media files (for example, the Official AWS Podcast).

Example walkthrough

  1. Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine.
  2. git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-stepfunctions-examples.git
  3. Deploy the resources using AWS SAM. The deploy command processes the AWS SAM template file to create the necessary resources in AWS. Choose you-know as the stack name and the AWS Region that you want to deploy your solution to.
  4. cd aws-stepfunctions-examples/sam/app-low-code-you-know-counter/
    sam deploy --guided

Use the default parameters or replace with different values if necessary. For example, to get counts of a different filler phrase, replace the FillerPhrase parameter.

GlueDatabaseYouKnowP Name of the AWS Glue database to create.
AthenaTableName Name of the AWS Glue table that is used by Athena to query the results.
FillerPhrase The filler phrase to check.
AthenaQueryPreparedStatementName Name of the Athena prepared statement used to run SQL queries on.
AthenaWorkgroup Athena workgroup to use
AthenaDataCatalog The data source for running the Athena queries
SAM Deploy

SAM Deploy

Running the filler phrase counter

  1. Navigate to the Amazon S3 console and upload an mp3 or mp4 podcast recording to the bucket named bucket-{account number}-{Region}-you-know-media.
  2. Navigate to the Step Functions console. Choose the running state machine, and monitor the execution of the transcription state machine.
  3. State Machine Execution

    State Machine Execution

  4. When the execution completes successfully, select the QueryExecutionSuccess task to examine the output and see the filler phrase count.
  5. State Machine Output

    State Machine Output

  6. Amazon Transcribe produces the transcript text of the media file. You can examine the output in the Results bucket. Using the S3 console, navigate to the bucket, choose the file matching the media file name and use ‘Query with S3 Select’ to view the content.
  7. If the transcription job does not execute, the state machine reports the failure and exits.
  8. State Machine Fail

    State Machine Fail

Exploring the state machine

The state machine orchestrates the transcription processing:

State Machine Explore

State Machine Explore

The StartTranscriptionJob task starts the transcription job. The Wait state adds a 60-second delay before checking the status of the transcription job. Until the status of the job changes to FAILED or COMPLETED, the choice state continues.

When the job successfully completes, the AthenaStartQueryExecutionUsingPreparedStatement task starts the Athena query, and stores the results in the S3 results bucket. The AthenaGetQueryResults task retrieves the count from the resultset.

The TranscribeMediaBucket holds the media files to be uploaded. The configuration sends the upload notification event to EventBridge:

       EventBridgeEnabled: true

The TranscribeResultsBucket has an associated policy to provide access to Amazon Transcribe. Athena stores the output from the queries performed by the state machine in the AthenaQueryResultsBucket .

When a media upload occurs, the YouKnowTranscribeStateMachine uses Step Functions’ native event integration to trigger an EventBridge rule. This contains an event object similar to:

  "version": "0",
  "id": "99a0cb40-4b26-7d74-dc59-c837f5346ac6",
  "detail-type": "Object Created",
  "source": "aws.s3",
  "account": "012345678901",
  "time": "2022-05-19T22:21:10Z",
  "region": "us-east-2",
  "resources": [
  "detail": {
    "version": "0",
    "bucket": {
      "name": "bucket-012345678901-us-east-2-you-know-media"
    "object": {
      "key": "Podcase_Episode.m4a",
      "size": 202329,
      "etag": "624fce93a981f97d85025e8432e24f48",
      "sequencer": "006286C2D604D7A390"
    "request-id": "B4DA7RD214V1QG3W",
    "requester": "012345678901",
    "source-ip-address": "",
    "reason": "PutObject"

The state machine allows you to prepare parameters and use the direct SDK integrations to start the transcription job by calling the Amazon Transcribe service’s API. This integration means you don’t have to write custom code to perform this function. The event triggering the state machine execution contains the uploaded media file location.

	Type: Task
	Comment: Start a transcribe job on the provided media file
		MediaFileUri.$: States.Format('s3://{}/{}', $.detail.bucket.name, $.detail.object.key)
	  TranscriptionJobName.$: "$.detail.object.key"
	  IdentifyLanguage: true
	  OutputBucketName: !Ref TranscribeResultsBucket
	Resource: !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:states:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:aws-sdk:transcribe:startTranscriptionJob'

The SDK uses aws-sdk:transcribe:getTranscriptionJob to get the status of the job.

	Type: Task
	Comment: Retrieve the status of an Amazon Transcribe job
	  TranscriptionJobName.$: "$.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobName"
	Resource: !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:states:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:aws-sdk:transcribe:getTranscriptionJob'
	Next: TranscriptionJobStatus

The state machine uses a polling loop with a delay to check the status of the transcription job.

	Type: Choice
	- Variable: "$.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobStatus"
	  StringEquals: COMPLETED
	  Next: AthenaStartQueryExecutionUsingPreparedStatement
	- Variable: "$.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobStatus"
	  StringEquals: FAILED
	  Next: Failed
	Default: Wait

When the transcription job completes successfully, the filler phrase counting process begins.

An Athena prepared statement performs the query with the transcription job name as a runtime parameter. The AWS SDK starts the query and the state machine execution pauses, waiting for the results to return before progressing to the next state:


When the query completes, Step Functions uses the SDK integration to retrieve the results using athena:getQueryResults:


It creates an Athena prepared statement to pass the transcription jobname as a parameter for the query execution:

    Type: AWS::Athena::PreparedStatement
      Description: Create a statement that allows the use of a parameter for specifying an Amazon Transcribe job name in the Athena query
      QueryStatement: !Sub >-
        select cardinality(regexp_extract_all(results.transcripts[1].transcript, '${FillerPhrase}')) AS item_count from "${GlueDatabaseYouKnow}"."${AthenaTableName}" where jobname like ?
      StatementName: !Ref AthenaQueryPreparedStatementName
      WorkGroup: !Ref AthenaWorkgroup

There are several opportunities to enhance this tool. For example, adding support for multiple filler phrases. You could build a larger application to upload media and retrieve the results. You could take advantage of Amazon Transcribe’s real-time transcription API to display the results while a presentation is in progress to provide immediate feedback to the presenter.

Cleaning up

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Transcribe console. Choose Transcription jobs in the left pane, select the jobs created by this example, and choose Delete.
  2. Cleanup Delete

    Cleanup Delete

  3. Navigate to the S3 console. In the Find buckets by name search bar, enter “you-know”. This shows the list of buckets created for this example. Choose each of the radio buttons next to the bucket individually and choose Empty.
  4. Cleanup S3

    Cleanup S3

  5. Use the following command to delete the stack, and confirm the stack deletion.
  6. sam delete


Low-code applications can increase developer efficiency by reducing the amount of custom code required to build solutions. They can also enable non-developer roles to create automation to perform business functions by providing drag-and-drop style user interfaces.

This post shows how a low-code approach can build a tool chain using AWS services. The example processes media files to produce text transcripts and count the use of filler phrases in those transcripts. It shows how to process EventBridge data and how to invoke Amazon Transcribe and Athena using Step Functions state machines.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Sending Amazon EventBridge events to private endpoints in a VPC

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/sending-amazon-eventbridge-events-to-private-endpoints-in-a-vpc/

This post is written by Emily Shea, Senior GTM Specialist, Event-Driven Architectures.

Building with events can help you accelerate feature velocity and build scalable, fault tolerant applications. You can achieve loose coupling in your application using asynchronous communication via events. Loose coupling allows each development team to build and deploy independently and each component to scale and fail without impacting the others. This approach is referred to as event-driven architecture.

Amazon EventBridge helps you build event-driven architectures. You can publish events to the EventBridge event bus and EventBridge routes those events to targets. You can write rules to filter events and only send them to the interested targets. For example, an order fulfillment service may only be interested in events of type ‘new order created.’

EventBridge is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage and the service scales automatically. EventBridge has native integrations with over 100 AWS services and over 40 SaaS providers.

Amazon EventBridge has a native integration with AWS Lambda, and many AWS customers use events to trigger Lambda functions to process events. You may also want to send events to workloads running on Amazon EC2 or containerized workloads deployed with Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS. These services are deployed into an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, or VPC.

For some use cases, you may be able to expose public endpoints for your VPC. You can use EventBridge API destinations to send events to any public HTTP endpoint. API destinations include features like OAuth support and rate limiting to control the number of events you are sending per second.

However, some customers are not able to expose public endpoints for security or compliance purposes. This tutorial shows you how to send EventBridge events to a private endpoint in a VPC using a Lambda function to relay events. This solution deploys the Lambda function connected to the VPC and uses IAM permissions to enable EventBridge to invoke the Lambda function. Learn more about Lambda VPC connectivity here.

In this blog post, you learn how to send EventBridge events to a private endpoint in a VPC. You set up an example application with an EventBridge event bus, a Lambda function to relay events, a Flask application running in an EKS cluster to receive events behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB), and a secret stored in Secrets Manager for authenticating requests. This application uses EKS and Secrets Manager to demonstrate sending and authenticating requests to a containerized workload, but the same pattern applies for other container orchestration services like ECS and your preferred secret management solution.

Continue reading for the full example application and walkthrough. If you have an existing application in a VPC, you can deploy just the event relay portion and input your VPC details as parameters.

Solution overview


  1. An event is sent to the EventBridge bus.
  2. If the event matches a certain pattern (ex, if ‘detail-type’ is ‘inbound-event-sent’), an EventBridge rule uses EventBridge’s input transformer to format the event as an HTTP call.
  3. The EventBridge rule pushes the event to a Lambda function connected to the VPC and a CloudWatch Logs group for debugging.
  4. The Lambda function calls Secrets Manager and retrieves a secret key. It appends the secret key to the event headers and then makes an HTTP call to the ALB URL endpoint.
  5. ALB routes this HTTP call to a node group in the EKS cluster. The Flask application running on the EKS cluster calls Secret Manager, confirms that the secret key is valid, and then processes the event.
  6. The Lambda function receives a response from ALB.
    1. If the Flask application fails to process the event for any reason, the Lambda function raises an error. The function’s failure destination is configured to send the event and the error message to an SQS dead letter queue.
    2. If the Flask application successfully processes the event and the ‘return-response-event’ flag in the event was set to ‘true’, then the Lambda function publishes a new ‘outbound-event-sent’ event to the same EventBridge bus.
  7. Another EventBridge rule matches detail-type ‘outbound-event-sent’ events and routes these to the CloudWatch Logs group for debugging.


To run the application, you must install the AWS CLI, Docker CLI, eksctl, kubectl, and AWS SAM CLI.

To clone the repository, run:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/eventbridge-events-to-vpc.git

Creating the EKS cluster

  1. In the example-vpc-application directory, use eksctl to create the EKS cluster using the config file.
    cd example-vpc-application
    eksctl create cluster --config-file eksctl_config.yaml

    This takes a few minutes. This step creates an EKS cluster with one node group in us-east-1. The EKS cluster has a service account with IAM permissions to access the Secrets Manager secret you create later.

  2. Use your AWS account’s default Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) private registry to store the container image. First, follow these instructions to authenticate Docker to ECR. Next, run this command to create a new ECR repository. The create-repository command returns a repository URI (for example, 123456789.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/events-flask-app).
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name events-flask-app 

    Use the repository URI in the following commands to build, tag, and push the container image to ECR.

    docker build --tag events-flask-app .
    docker tag events-flask-app:latest {repository-uri}:1
    docker push {repository-uri}:1
  3. In the Kuberenetes deployment manifest file (/example-vpc-application/manifests/deployment.yaml), fill in your repository URI and container image version (for example, 123456789.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/events-flask-app:1)

Deploy the Flask application and Application Load Balancer

  1. Within the example-vpc-application directory, use kubectl to apply the Kubernetes manifest files. This step deploys the ALB, which takes time to create and you may receive an error message during the deployment (‘no endpoints available for service “aws-load-balancer-webhook-service”‘). Rerun the same command until the ALB is deployed and you no longer receive the error message.
    kubectl apply --kustomize manifests/
  2. Once the deployment is completed, verify that the Flask application is running by retrieving the Kubernetes pod logs. The first command retrieves a pod name to fill in for the second command.
    kubectl get pod --namespace vpc-example-app
    kubectl logs --namespace vpc-example-app {pod-name} --follow

    You should see the Flask application outputting ‘Hello from my container!’ in response to GET request health checks.

    Hello message

Get VPC and ALB details

Next, you retrieve the security group ID, private subnet IDs, and ALB DNS Name to deploy the Lambda function connected to the same VPC and private subnet and send events to the ALB.

  1. In the AWS Management Console, go to the VPC dashboard and find Subnets. Copy the subnet IDs for the two private subnets (for example, subnet name ‘eksctl-events-cluster/SubnetPrivateUSEAST1A’).
  2. In the VPC dashboard, under Security, find the Security Groups tab. Copy the security group ID for ‘eksctl-events-cluster/ClusterSharedNodeSecurityGroup’.
    Security groups
  3. Go to the EC2 dashboard. Under Load Balancing, find the Load Balancer tab. There is a load balancer associated with your VPC ID. Copy the DNS name for the load balancer, adding ‘http://’ as a prefix (for example, http://internal-k8s-vpcexamp-vpcexamp-c005e07d1a-1074647274.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com).
    Load balancer

Create the Secrets Manager VPC endpoint

You need a VPC endpoint for your application to call Secrets Manager.

  1. In the VPC dashboard, find the Endpoints tab and choose Create Endpoint. Select Secrets Manager as the service, and then select the VPC, private subnets, and security group that you copied in the previous step. Choose Create.VPC endpoint

Deploy the event relay application

Deploy the event relay application using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI:

  1. Open a new terminal window and navigate to the event-relay directory. Run the following AWS SAM CLI commands to build the application and step through a guided deployment.
    cd event-relay
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided

    The guided deployment process prompts for input parameters. Enter ‘event-relay-app’ as the stack name and accept the default Region. For other parameters, submit the ALB and VPC details you copied: Url (ALB DNS name), security group ID, and private subnet IDs. For the Secret parameter, pass any value.The AWS SAM template saves this value as a Secrets Manager secret to authenticate calls to the container application. This is an example of how to pass secrets in the event relay HTTP call. Replace this with your own authentication method in production environments.

  2. Accept the defaults for the remaining options. For ‘Deploy this changeset?’, select ‘y’. Here is an example of the deployment parameters.

Test the event relay application

Both the Flask application in a VPC and the event relay application are now deployed. To test the event relay application, keep the Kubernetes pod logs from a previous step open to monitor requests coming into the Flask application.

  1. You can open a new terminal window and run this AWS CLI command to put an event on the bus, or go to the EventBridge console, find your event bus, and use the Send events UI.
    aws events put-events \
    --entries '[{"EventBusName": "event-relay-bus" ,"Source": "eventProducerApp", "DetailType": "inbound-event-sent", "Detail": "{ \"event-id\": \"123\", \"return-response-event\": true }"}]'

    When the event is relayed to the Flask application, a POST request in the Kubernetes pod logs confirms that the application processed the event.

    Terminal response

  2. Navigate to the CloudWatch Logs groups in the AWS Management Console. In the ‘/aws/events/event-bus-relay-logs’ group, there are logs for the EventBridge events. In ‘/aws/lambda/EventRelayFunction’ stream, the Lambda function relays the inbound event and puts a new outbound event on the EventBridge bus.
  3. You can test the SQS dead letter queue by creating an error. For example, you can manually change the Lambda function code in the console to pass an incorrect value for the secret. After sending a test event, navigate to the SQS queue in the console and poll for messages. The message shows the error message from the Flask application and the full event that failed to process.

Cleaning up

In the VPC dashboard in the AWS Management Console, find the Endpoints tab and delete the Secrets Manager VPC endpoint. Next, run the following commands to delete the rest of the example application. Be sure to run the commands in this order as some of the resources have dependencies on one another.

sam delete --stack-name event-relay-app
kubectl --namespace vpc-example-app delete ingress vpc-example-app-ingress

From the example-vpc-application directory, run this command.

eksctl delete cluster --config-file eksctl_config.yaml


Event-driven architectures and EventBridge can help you accelerate feature velocity and build scalable, fault tolerant applications. This post demonstrates how to send EventBridge events to a private endpoint in a VPC using a Lambda function to relay events and emit response events.

To learn more, read Getting started with event-driven architectures and visit EventBridge tutorials on Serverless Land.

Managing multi-tenant APIs using Amazon API Gateway

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/managing-multi-tenant-apis-using-amazon-api-gateway/

This post is written by Satish Mane, Solutions Architect.

Many ISVs provide platforms as a service in a multi-tenant environment. You can achieve multi-tenancy by partitioning the platform based on customer identifiers such as customer ID or account ID. The architecture for multi-tenant environments is often composed of authentication, authorization, a service layer, queues, and databases.

The primary focus of these architectures is to simplify the addition of more features. The multi-tenant design pattern has opened up new challenges and opportunities for software vendors thanks to microservice architectures gaining popularity. The challenge in a multi-tenant environment is that excessive load by a single customer, because of many requests to an API, can affect the entire platform.

This blog post looks at how to protect and monetize multi-tenant APIs using Amazon API Gateway. It describes a multi-tenant architecture design pattern based on a custom tenant ID to onboard customers. A tenant in a multi-tenant platform represents the customer having a group of users with common access, but individuals having specific permissions to the platform.


This example protects multi-tenant platform REST APIs using Amazon Cognito, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS Lambda.

In the following sections, you learn how to use the API Gateway’s usage plans to protect and productize multi-tenant platforms. Usage plans enable throttling of excessive API requests and apply an API usage quota policy. The user authenticates using Amazon Cognito to get a JSON Web Token (JWT) that is passed to API Gateway for authorization.

The multi-tenant platform that exposes REST APIs has clients such as a mobile app, a web application, and API clients that consume the REST APIs. This post focuses on protecting REST APIs with Amazon Cognito as the security layer for authenticating users and issuing tokens using OpenID Connect. The token contains the customer identity information, such as the tenant ID to which the users belong. API Gateway throttles the requests from a tenant only after the limit defined in the usage plans exceeds.


This architecture shows the flow of user requests:

  1. The client application sends a request to Amazon Cognito using the /oauth/authorize or /login API. Amazon Cognito authenticates the user credentials.
  2. Amazon Cognito redirects using an authorization code grant and prompts the user to enter credentials. After authentication, it returns the authorization code.
  3. It then passes the authorization code to obtain a JWT from Amazon Cognito.
  4. Upon successful authentication, Amazon Cognito returns a JWT, such as acccess_token, id_token, refresh_token. The access/id token stores information about the granted permissions including tenant ID to which this user belongs to.
  5. The client application invokes the REST API that is deployed in API Gateway. The API request passes the JWT as a bearer token in the API request Authorization header.
  6. Since the tenant ID is hidden in the encrypted JWT token, the Lambda authorizer function validates and decodes the token, and extracts the tenant ID from the JWT.
  7. The Lambda token authorizer function returns an IAM policy along with tenant ID from the decoded token to which a user belongs.
  8. The application’s REST API is configured with usage plans against a custom API key, which is the tenant ID in API Gateway. API Gateway evaluates the IAM policy and looks up the usage policy using the API key. It throttles API requests if the number of requests exceed the throttle or quota limits in the usage policy.
  9. If the number of API requests is within the limit, then API Gateway sends requests to the downstream application REST API. This could be deployed using containers, Lambda, or an Amazon EC2 instance.

Customer (tenant) onboarding

There are multiple ways to set up multi-tenant applications. You can either create tenant-specific pools or add tenant ID as a custom attribute in each user profile. This blog uses the latter approach. The tenant ID is added to the JWT after successful authentication.

Since, tenant ID is an API key in API Gateway, the length of tenant ID must be a minimum of 20 characters. You can define the structure of tenant ID such as <customer id>-<random string>. As part of tenant onboarding, you can automate configuring the API key and usage plans in API Gateway using CDK APIs. Here, you configure the API key and usage plan as part of the solution deployment itself.

Authentication and authorization

You need a user pool and application client enabled with the authorization code mechanism for authenticating users. API Gateway can verify JWT OAuth tokens against single Amazon Cognito user pools. To get tenant information (tenant ID), use a custom Lambda authorizer function in API Gateway to verify the token, extract the tenant id, and return to API Gateway.

API Gateway usage plans

API Gateway supports the usage plan feature for REST APIs only. This solution uses an integration point as a MOCK integration type. You can use the usage plan to set the throttle and quota limit that are associated with API keys. API keys can be generated or you can use a custom key. To enforce usage plans for each tenant separately, use tenant ID as a prefix to a uniquely generated value to prepare the custom API key.

Configure API Gateway to integrate API key and Usage plan

You need to enable REST API to use the API key and set the source to AUTHORIZER. There are two ways to accept API keys for every incoming request. You can supply it as part of the incoming request HEADER or via a custom authorizer Lambda function. This example uses a custom authorizer Lambda function to retrieve the API key that is extracted from the JWT received through an incoming API request. Customers only pass encrypted JWTs in the request authorization header. These steps are automated using the AWS CDK.


Deploying the example

The example source code is available on GitHub. To deploy and configure solution:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/api-gateway-usage-policy-based-api-protection
  2. Prepare the deployment package.
    cdk synth
    npm run build
    npm install --prefix aws-usage-policy-stack/lambda/src
  3. Configure the user pool in Amazon Cognito.
    npx cdk deploy CognitoStack
  4. Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to Amazon Cognito. Choose Manage user pool and select your user pool. Note down the pool ID under general settings.
    User pool
  5. Create a user with a tenant ID.
    aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --user-pool-id <REPLACE WITH COGNITO POOL ID> --username <REPLACE WITH USERNAME> \
    --user-attributes Name="given_name",Value="<REPLACE WITH FIRST NAME>" Name="family_name",Value="<REPLACE WITH LAST NAME>" " Name="custom:tenant_id",Value="<REPLACE WITH CUSTOMER ID>" \
    --temporary-password change1t
  6. To simplify testing the OAuth flow, use https://openidconnect.net/. In the configuration, set the JWKS well known URI.
    https://cognito-idp.<REPLACE WITH AWS REGION>.amazonaws.com/<REPLACE WITH COGNITO POOL ID>/.well-known/openid-configuration
  7. Test the OAuth flow with https://openidconnect.net/ to fetch the JWT ID token. Save the token in a text editor for later use.
  8. Open aws-usage-policy-stack/app.ts in an IDE and replace “NOT_DEFINED” with the 20-character long tenant ID from the previous section.
  9. Configure the user pool in API Gateway and create the Lambda function:
    npx cdk deploy ApigatewayStack
  10. After successfully deploying the API Gateway stack, open the AWS Management Console and select API Gateway. Locate ProductRestApi in the name column and note its ID.
    API Gateway console

Testing the example

Test the example using the following curl command. It throttles the requests to the deployed API based on defined limits and quotas. The following thresholds are preset: API quota limit of 5 requests/day, throttle limit of 10 requests/second, and a burst limit of 2 requests/second.

To simulate the scenario and start throttling requests.

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Install the curl utility if necessary.
  3. Run the following command six times after replacing placeholders with the correct values.
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <REPLACE WITH ID_TOKEN received in step 7 of Deploy Amazon Cognito Resources>" -X GET https://<REPLACE WITH REST API ID noted in step 10 of Deploy Amazon API Gateway resources>.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/dev/products.

You receive the message {“message”: “Limit Exceeded”} after you run the command for the sixth time. To repeat the tests, navigate to the API Gateway console. Change the quota limits in the usage plan and run the preceding command again. You can monitor HTTP/2 429 exceptions (Limit Exceeded) in API Gateway dashboard.

API Gateway console

Any changes to usage plan limits do not need redeployment of the API in API Gateway. You can change limits dynamically. Changes take a few seconds to become effective.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, clean up the resources created. To delete the CDK stack, use the following command. Since there are multiple stacks, you must explicitly specify the name of the stacks.

cdk destroy CognitoStack ApigatewayStack


This post covers the API Gateway usage plan feature to protect multi-tenant APIs from excessive request loads and also as a product offering that enforces customer specific usage quotas.

To learn more about Amazon API Gateway, refer to Amazon API Gateway documentation. For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Combining Amazon AppFlow with AWS Step Functions to maximize application integration benefits

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/combining-amazon-appflow-with-aws-step-functions-to-maximize-application-integration-benefits/

This post is written by Ahmad Aboushady, Senior Technical Account Manager and Kamen Sharlandjiev, Senior Specialist Solution Architect, Integration.

In this blog post, you learn how to orchestrate AWS service integrations to reduce the manual steps in your workflow. The example uses AWS Step Functions SDK integration to integrate Amazon AppFlow and AWS Glue catalog without writing custom code. It automatically uses Amazon EventBridge to trigger Step Functions every time a new Amazon AppFlow flow finishes running.

Amazon AppFlow enables customers to transfer data securely between software as a service (SaaS) applications, like Salesforce, SAP, Zendesk, Slack, ServiceNow, and multiple AWS services.

An everyday use case of Amazon AppFlow is creating a customer-360 by integrating marketing, customer support, and sales data. For example, analyze the revenue impact of different marketing channels by synchronizing the revenue data from Salesforce with marketing data from Adobe Marketo.

This involves setting up flows to ingest data from different data sources and SaaS applications to AWS Data Lake based on Amazon S3. It uses AWS Glue to crawl and catalog this data. Customers use this catalog to access data quickly in several ways.

For example, they query the data using Amazon Athena or Amazon QuickSight for visualizations, business intelligence and anomaly detection. You can create those data flows quickly with no code required. However, to complete the next set of requirements, customers often go through multiple manual steps of provisioning and configuring different AWS resources. One such step requires creating AWS Glue crawler and running it with every Amazon AppFlow flow execution.

Step Functions can help us automate this process. This is a low-code workflow orchestration service that offers a visual workflow designer. You can quickly build workflows using the built-in drag-and-drop interface available in the AWS Management Console.

You can follow this blog and build your end-to-end state machine using the Step Functions Workflow Studio, or use the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template to deploy the example. The Step Functions state machine uses SDK integration with other AWS Services, so you don’t need to write any custom integration code.


The following diagram depicts the workflow with the different states in the state machine. You can group these into three phases: preparation, processing, and configuration.

  • The preparation phase captures all the configuration parameters and collects information about the metadata of the data, ingested by Amazon AppFlow.
  • The processing phase generates the AWS Glue table definition and sets the required parameters based on the destination file type. It iterates through the different columns and adds them as part of the table definition.
  • The last phase provides the Glue Catalog resources by creating or updating an existing AWS Glue table. With each Amazon AppFlow flow execution, the state machine determines if a new Glue table partition is required.

Workflow architecture

Preparation phase

The first state, “SetDatabaseAndContext”, is a pass state where you set the configuration parameters used in later states. Set the AWS Glue database and table name and capture the details of the data flow. You can do this by using the parameters filter to build a new JSON payload using parts of the state input similar to:

"Parameters": {
        "Config": {
          "Database": "<Glue-Database-Name>",
          "TableName.$": "$.detail['flow-name']",
          "detail.$": "$.detail"

The following state, “DatabaseExist?” is an AWS SDK integration using a “GetDatabase” call to AWS Glue to ensure that the database exists. Here, the state uses error handling to intercept exception messages from the SDK call. This feature splits the workflow and adds an extra step if needed.

In this case, the SDK call returns an exception if the database does not exist, and the workflow invokes the “CreateDatabase” state. It moves to the “CleanUpError” state to clean up any errors and set the configuration parameters accordingly. Afterwards, with the database in place, the workflow continues to the next state: “DescribeFlow”. This returns the metadata of the Amazon AppFlow flow. Part of this metadata is the list of the object fields, which you must create in the Glue table and partitions.

Here is an error handling state that catches exceptions and routes the flow to execute an extra step:

"Catch": [
    "ErrorEquals": [
    "Comment": "Create Glue Database",
    "Next": "CreateDatabase",
    "ResultPath": "$.error"

In the next state, “DescribeFlow”, you use the AWS SDK integration to get the Amazon AppFlow flow configuration. This uses the Amazon AppFlow “DescribeFlow API call. It moves to “S3AsDestination?”, which is a choice state to check if S3 is a destination for the flow. Amazon AppFlow allows you to bring data into different purpose-built data stores, such as S3, Amazon Redshift, or external SaaS or data warehouse applications. This automation can only continue if the configured destination is S3.

The choice definition is:

"Choices": [
    "Variable": "$.FlowConfig.DestinationFlowConfigList[0].ConnectorType",
    "StringEquals": "S3",
    "Next": "GenerateTableDefinition"
"Default": "S3NotDestination"

Processing phase

The following state generates the base AWS Glue table definition based on the destination file type. Then it uses a map state to iterate and transform the Amazon AppFlow schema output into what the AWS Glue Data Catalog expects as input.

Next, add the “GenerateTableDefinition” state and use the parameters filter to build a new JSON payload output. Finally, use the information from the “DescribeFlow” state similar to:

"Parameters": {
  "Config.$": "$.Config",
  "FlowConfig.$": "$.FlowConfig",
  "TableInput": {
    "Description": "Created by AmazonAppFlow",
    "Name.$": "$.Config.TableName",
    "PartitionKeys": [
        "Name": "partition_0",
        "Type": "string"
    "Retention": 0,
    "Parameters": {
      "compressionType": "none",
      "classification.$": "$.FlowConfig.DestinationFlowConfigList[0].DestinationConnectorProperties['S3'].S3OutputFormatConfig.FileType",
      "typeOfData": "file"
    "StorageDescriptor": {
      "BucketColumns": [],
      "Columns.$": "$.FlowConfig.Tasks[?(@.TaskType == 'Map')]",
      "Compressed": false,
      "InputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat",
      "Location.$": "States.Format('{}/{}/', $.Config.detail['destination-object'], $.FlowConfig.FlowName)",
      "NumberOfBuckets": -1,
      "OutputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat",
      "SortColumns": [],
      "StoredAsSubDirectories": false
    "TableType": "EXTERNAL_TABLE"

The following state, “DestinationFileFormatEvaluator”, is a choice state to change the JSON payload according to the destination file type. Amazon AppFlow supports different file type conversions when S3 is the destination of your data. These formats are CSV, Parquet, and JSON Lines. AWS Glue uses various serialization libraries according to the file type.

You iterate within a map state to transform the AWS Glue table schema and set the column type to a known AWS Glue format. If the file type is unrecognized or does not have an equivalent in Glue, default this field to string. The map state configuration is defined as:

"Iterator": {
        "StartAt": "KnownFIleFormat?",
        "States": {
          "KnownFIleFormat?": {
            "Type": "Choice",
            "Choices": [
                "Or": [
                    "Variable": "$.TaskProperties.SOURCE_DATA_TYPE",
                    "StringEquals": "boolean"
                    "Variable": "$.TaskProperties.SOURCE_DATA_TYPE",
                    "StringEquals": "double"
                    "Variable": "$.TaskProperties.SOURCE_DATA_TYPE",
                    "StringEquals": "timestamp"
                "Next": "1:1 mapping"
            "Default": "Cast to String"
          "1:1 mapping": {
            "Type": "Pass",
            "End": true,
            "Parameters": {
              "Name.$": "$.DestinationField",
              "Type.$": "$.TaskProperties.SOURCE_DATA_TYPE"
          "Cast to String": {
            "Type": "Pass",
            "End": true,
            "Parameters": {
              "Name.$": "$.DestinationField",
              "Type": "string"
"ItemsPath": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.Columns",
"ResultPath": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.Columns",

Configuration phase

The next stage in the workflow is “TableExist?”, which checks if the Glue table exists. If the state machine detects any error because the table does not exist, it moves to the “CreateTable” state. Alternatively, it goes to the “UpdateTable” state.

Both states use the AWS SDK integration to create or update the AWS Glue table definition using the “TableInput” parameter. AWS Glue operates with partitions. Every time you have new data stored in a new S3 prefix, you must update the table and add a new partition showing where the data sits.

You need an extra step to check if Amazon AppFlow has stored the data into a new S3 prefix or an existing one. In the “AddPartition?” State, you must review and determine the next step of your workflow. For example, you must validate that the flow executed successfully and processed data.

A choice state helps with those checks:

"And": [
              "Variable": "$.Config.detail['execution-id']",
              "IsPresent": true
              "Variable": "$.Config.detail['status']",
              "StringEquals": "Execution Successful"
              "Not": {
                "Variable": "$.Config.detail['num-of-records-processed']",
                "StringEquals": "0"

Amazon AppFlow supports different types of flow execution. With scheduled flows, you can regularly configure Amazon AppFlow to hydrate a data lake by bringing only new data since its last execution. Sometimes, after a successful flow execution, there is no new data to ingest. The workflow concludes and moves to the success state in such cases. However, if there is new data, the state machine continues to the next state, “SingleFileAggregation?”.

Amazon AppFlow supports different file aggregation strategies and allows you to aggregate all ingested records into a single or multiple files. Depending on your flow configuration, it may store your data in a different S3 prefix with each flow execution.

In this state, you check this configuration to decide if you need a new partition for your AWS Glue table.

"Variable": "$.FlowConfig.DestinationFlowConfigList[0].DestinationConnectorProperties.S3.S3OutputFormatConfig.AggregationConfig.AggregationType",
"StringEquals": "SingleFile"

If the data flow aggregates all records into a single file per flow execution, it stores all data into a single S3 prefix. In this case, there is a single partition in your AWS Glue table. You must create that single partition the first time this state machine executes for a specific flow.

Use the AWS SDK integration to get the table partition from the AWS Glue in the “IsPartitionExist?” state. Conclude the workflow and move to the “Success” state if the partition exists. Otherwise, create that single partition in another state, “CreateMainPartition”.

If the flow run does not aggregate files, every flow run generates multiple files into a new S3 prefix. In this case, you add a new partition to the AWS Glue table. A pass state, “ConfigureDestination”, configures the required parameters for the partition creation:

"Parameters": {
        "InputFormat.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.InputFormat",
        "OutputFormat.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.OutputFormat",
        "Columns.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.Columns",
        "Compressed.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.Compressed",
        "SerdeInfo.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.SerdeInfo",
        "Location.$": "States.Format('{}{}', $.TableInput.StorageDescriptor.Location, $.Config.detail['execution-id'])"
 "ResultPath": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor"

Next, move to the “CreateNewPartition” state to use the AWS SDK integration to create a new partition to the Glue table similar to:

"Parameters": {
        "DatabaseName.$": "$.Config.Database",
        "TableName.$": "$.Config.TableName",
        "PartitionInput": {
          "Values.$": "States.Array($.Config.detail['execution-id'])",
          "StorageDescriptor.$": "$.TableInput.StorageDescriptor"
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::aws-sdk:glue:createPartition"

This concludes the workflow with a “Succeed” state after configuring the AWS Glue table in response to the new Amazon AppFlow flow run.


This blog post explores how to integrate Amazon AppFlow and AWS Glue using Step Functions to automate your business requirements. You can use AWS Lambda to simplify the configuration phase and reduce state transitions or create complex checks, filters, or even data cleansing and preparation.

This approach allows you to tailor the schema conversion to your business requirements. Use this AWS SAM template, to deploy this example. This provides the Step Functions workflow described in this post and the EventBridge rule to trigger the state machine after each Amazon AppFlow flow run. The template also includes all required IAM roles and permissions.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Optimizing your AWS Lambda costs – Part 2

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/optimizing-your-aws-lambda-costs-part-2/

This post is written by Chris Williams, Solutions Architect and Thomas Moore, Solutions Architect, Serverless.

Part 1 of this blog series looks at optimizing AWS Lambda costs through right-sizing a function’s memory, and code tuning. We also explore how using Graviton2, Provisioned Concurrency and Compute Savings Plans can offer a reduction in per-millisecond billing.

Part 2 continues to explore cost optimization techniques for Lambda with a focus on architectural improvements and cost-effective logging.

Event filtering

A common serverless architecture pattern is Lambda reading events from a queue or a stream, such as Amazon SQS or Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. This uses an event source mapping, which defines how the Lambda service handles incoming messages or records from the event source.

Event filtering

Sometimes you don’t want to process every message in the queue or stream because the data is not relevant. For example, if IoT vehicle data is sent to a Kinesis Stream and you only want to process events where tire_pressure is < 32, then the Lambda code may look like this:

def lambda_handler(event, context):
   if(event[“tire_pressure”] >=32):

# business logic goes here

This is inefficient as you are paying for Lambda invocations and execution time when there is no business value beyond filtering.

Lambda now supports the ability to filter messages before invocation, simplifying your code and reducing costs. You only pay for Lambda when the event matches the filter criteria and triggers an invocation.

Filtering is supported for Kinesis Streams, Amazon DynamoDB Streams and SQS by specifying filter criteria when setting up the event source mapping. For example, using the following AWS CLI command:

aws lambda create-event-source-mapping \
--function-name fleet-tire-pressure-evaluator \
--batch-size 100 \
--starting-position LATEST \
--event-source-arn arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:123456789012:stream/fleet-telemetry \
--filter-criteria '{"Filters": [{"Pattern": "{\"tire_pressure\": [{\"numeric\": [\"<\", 32]}]}"}]}'

After applying the filter, Lambda is only invoked when tire_pressure is less than 32 in messages received from the Kinesis Stream. In this example, it may indicate a problem with the vehicle and require attention.

For more information on how to create filters, refer to examples of event pattern rules in EventBridge, as Lambda filters messages in the same way. Event filtering is explored in greater detail in the Lambda event filtering launch blog.

Avoid idle wait time

Lambda function duration is one dimension used for calculating billing. When function code makes a blocking call, you are billed for the time that it waits to receive a response.

This idle wait time can grow when Lambda functions are chained together, or a function is acting as an orchestrator for other functions. For customers who have workflows such as batch operations or order delivery systems, this adds management overhead. Additionally, it may not be possible to complete all workflow logic and error handling within the maximum Lambda timeout of 15 minutes.

Instead of handling this logic in function code, re-architect your solution to use AWS Step Functions as an orchestrator of the workflow. When using a standard workflow, you are billed for each state transition within the workflow rather than the total duration of the workflow. In addition, you can move support for retries, wait conditions, error workflows and callbacks into the state condition allowing your Lambda functions to focus on business logic.

The following example shows an example Step Functions state machine, where a single Lambda function is split into multiple states. During the wait period, there is no charge. You are only billed on state transition.

State machine

Direct integrations

If a Lambda function is not performing custom logic when it integrates with other AWS services, it may be unnecessary and could be replaced by a lower-cost direct integration.

For example, you may be using API Gateway together with a Lambda function to read from a DynamoDB table:

With Lambda

This could be replaced using a direct integration, removing the Lambda function:

Without Lambda

API Gateway supports transformations to return the output response in a format the client expects. This avoids having to use a Lambda function to do the transformation. You can find more detailed instructions on creating an API Gateway with an AWS service integration in the documentation.

You can also benefit from direct integration when using Step Functions. Today, Step Functions supports over 200 AWS services and 9,000 API actions. This gives greater flexibility for direct service integration and in many cases removes the need for a proxy Lambda function. This can simplify Step Function workflows and may reduce compute costs.

Reduce logging output

Lambda automatically stores logs that the function code generates through Amazon CloudWatch Logs. This may be useful for understanding what is happening within your application in near real-time. CloudWatch Logs includes a charge for the total data ingested throughout the month. Therefore, reducing output to include only necessary information can help reduce costs.

When you deploy workloads into production, review the logging level of your application. For example, in a pre-production environment, debug logs can be beneficial in providing additional information to tune the function. Within your production workloads, you may disable debug level logs and use a logging library (such as the Lambda Powertools Python Logger). You can define a minimum logging level to output by using an environment variable, which allows configuration outside of the function code.

Structuring your log format enforces a standard set of information through a defined schema, instead of allowing variable formats or large volumes of text. Defining structures such as error codes and adding accompanying metrics leads to a reduction in the volume of text that repeats throughout your logs. This also improves the ability to filter logs for specific error types and reduces the risk of a mistyped character in a log message.

Use Cost-Effective Storage for Logs

Once CloudWatch Logs ingests data, by default it is persisted forever with a per-GB monthly storage fee. As log data ages, it typically becomes less valuable in the immediate time frame, and is instead reviewed historically on an ad-hoc basis. However, the storage pricing within CloudWatch Logs remains the same.

To avoid this, set retention policies on your CloudWatch Logs log groups to delete old log data automatically. This retention policy applies to both your existing and future log data.

Some applications logs may need to persist for months or years for compliance or regulatory requirements. Instead of keeping the logs in CloudWatch Logs, export them to Amazon S3. By doing this, you can take advantage of lower-cost storage object classes while factoring in any expected usage patterns for how or when data is accessed.


Cost optimization is an important part of creating well-architected solutions and this is no different when using serverless. This blog series explores some best practice techniques to help reduce your Lambda bill.

If you are already running AWS Lambda applications in production today, some techniques are easier to implement than others. For example, you can purchase Savings Plans with zero code or architecture changes, whereas avoiding idle wait time will require new services and code changes. Evaluate which technique is right for your workload in a development environment before applying changes to production.

If you are still in the design and development stages, use this blog series as a reference to incorporate these cost optimization techniques at an early stage. This ensures that your solutions are optimized from day one.

To get hands-on implementing some of the techniques discussed, take the Serverless Optimization Workshop.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Optimizing your AWS Lambda costs – Part 1

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/optimizing-your-aws-lambda-costs-part-1/

This post is written by Chris Williams, Solutions Architect and Thomas Moore, Solutions Architect, Serverless.

When you develop and architect solutions, cost-optimization should always be part of the process. This is no different for serverless applications that have been developed using AWS Lambda.

Your workloads may vary in terms of complexity, usage patterns, and technology. However, the following advice is applicable to all customers when deciding how to prioritize cost optimization with the tradeoffs of developing the application:

  • Efficient code makes better use of resources.
  • Consider the downstream services in architectural decisions.
  • Optimization should be a continuous cycle of improvement.
  • Prioritize changes that make the greatest improvements first.

The Optimizing your AWS Lambda costs blog series reviews operational and architectural guidance. It can be applied to existing Lambda functions and those that you develop in the future.

Introduction to Lambda pricing

Lambda pricing is calculated as a combination of:

  • Total number of requests
  • Total duration of invocations
  • Configured memory allocated

When you optimize Lambda functions, each of these components impacts the total monthly cost. This pricing applies after you exceed the AWS Free Tier that is offered for Lambda.


Right-sizing is a good starting point in the process of cost optimization. This exercise helps to identify the lowest cost for applications without affecting performance or requiring code changes.

For Lambda, this is accomplished by configuring the memory for a function, ranging anywhere from 128 MB up to 10,240 MB (10 GB). By adjusting the memory configuration, you also adjust the amount of vCPU that is available to the function during invocation. Tuning these settings provides memory- or CPU-bound applications with access to additional resources during the execution, which may lead to an overall reduced duration of invocation.

Identifying the optimal configuration for your Lambda functions may be manually intensive, especially if changes are made frequently. The AWS Lambda Power Tuning tool provides a solution powered by AWS Step Functions that can help identify the appropriate configuration. It analyzes a set of memory configurations against an example payload.

In the following example, as the memory increases for this Lambda function, the total invocation time improves. This leads to a reduction in the cost for the total execution without affecting the original performance of the function. For this function, the optimal memory configuration for the function is 512 MB, as this is where the resource utilization is most efficient for the total cost of each invocation. This varies per function, and using the tool on your Lambda functions can identify if they benefit from right-sizing.

Power Tuning results

This exercise should be completed regularly, especially if code is released frequently. Once you have identified the appropriate memory setting for your Lambda functions, you should add right-sizing to your processes. The AWS Lambda Power Tuning tool generates programmatic output that can be used by your CI/CD workflows during the release of new code, allowing the automation of memory configuration.

Performance efficiency

A key component to Lambda pricing is the total duration of the invocation. The longer the function takes to run, the more it costs and the higher the latency in your application. For this reason, it is important to ensure the code you write is as efficient as possible and follows the Lambda best practices.

At a high level, to optimize code :

  • Minimize deployment package size to its runtime necessities. This reduces the amount of time it takes for the package to be downloaded and unpacked.
  • Minimize the complexity of dependencies. Simpler frameworks often load faster.
  • Take advantage of execution reuse. Initialize SDK clients and database connections outside the function handler, and cache static assets locally in the /tmp directory. Subsequent invocations can reuse open connections and resources in memory and in /tmp.
  • Follow general coding performance best practices for your chosen language and runtime.

To help visualize the components of your application and identify performance bottlenecks, use AWS X-Ray with Lambda. You can enable X-Ray active tracing on new and existing functions by editing the function configuration. For example, with the AWS CLI:

aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name my-function \
--tracing-config Mode=Active

The AWS X-Ray SDK can be used to trace all AWS SDK calls inside Lambda functions. This helps to identify any bottlenecks in the application performance. The X-Ray SDK for Python can be used to capture data for other libraries such as requests, sqlite3, and httplib, as shown in the following example:

Segments timeline

Amazon CodeGuru Profiler is another tool that can help with code optimization. It uses machines learning algorithms to help find the most expensive lines of code and suggests ways to improve efficiency. It can be enabled on existing Lambda functions by enabling code profiling in the function configuration.

The CodeGuru console shows the results as a series of visualizations and recommendations.

Code Guru recommendations

Use these tools together with the documented best practices to evaluate your code’s performance when developing your serverless applications. Efficient code often means faster applications and reduced costs.

AWS Graviton2

In September 2021, Lambda functions powered by Arm-based AWS Graviton2 processors became generally available. Graviton2 functions are designed to deliver up to 19% better performance at 20% lower cost than x86. In addition to the lower billing cost when using Arm, you could also see a reduction in the function duration due to the CPU performance improvement, reducing costs even further.

You can configure both new and existing functions to target the AWS Graviton2 processor. Functions are invoked in the same way and integrations with services, applications and tools are not affected by the architecture change. Many functions only need the configuration change to take advantage of the price/performance of Graviton2. Others may require repackaging to use Arm-specific dependencies.

It’s always recommended to test your workloads before making the change. To see how much your code benefits from using Graviton2, use the Lambda Power Tuning tool to compare against x86. The tool allows you to compare two results on the same chart:

AWS Lambda Power Tuning Results

Provisioned concurrency

Where customers are looking to reduce their Lambda function cold starts or avoid burst throttling, provisioned concurrency provides execution environments that are ready to be invoked. It can also reduce total Lambda cost when there is a consistent volume of traffic. This is because the provisioned concurrency pricing model offers a lower total price when it is fully used.

Similar to the standard Lambda function pricing, there are price components for total requests, total duration, and memory configuration. In addition, there is the cost of each provisioned concurrency environment (based on its memory configuration). When this execution environment is fully utilized, the combined cost of the invocation and the execution environment can offer up to 16% savings on duration cost when compared to the regular on-demand pricing.

If you cannot maximize usage in an execution environment, provisioned concurrency can still offer a lower total price per invocation. In the following example, once it’s consumed for more than 60% of the available time, it becomes cheaper than using the on-demand pricing model. The savings increase in line with capacity usage.

PC vs on-demand comparison

To identify the invocation baseline of a Lambda function, look at the average concurrent execution metrics per hour over the previous 24 hours. This helps you to find a consistent baseline throughout the day where you are consistently using multiple execution environments.

For Lambda functions where peak invocation levels are only expected during particular windows of time, take advantage of a scheduled scaling action. Where traffic patterns are not easy to determine, you can implement Application Auto Scaling to adjust based on the current level of utilization.

Compute savings plans

AWS Savings Plans is a flexible pricing model offering lower prices compared to on-demand pricing, in exchange for a specific usage commitment (measured in $/hour) for a one- or three-year period.

Compute Savings Plans include Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate and Lambda. Lambda usage for duration and provisioned concurrency are charged at a discounted Savings Plans rate of up to 17% for a 1- or 3-year term.

You can implement Savings Plans without any function code or configuration changes. They can be a simpler way to save money for Lambda-based workloads. Before deciding to use a savings plan, analyze previous patterns to understand any variations in your month to month usage.


This blog post explains how Lambda pricing works and how right-sizing applications and tuning them for performance efficiency offers a more cost-efficient utilization model. The results can also reduce latency, creating a better experience for your end users.

The post explores how architectural changes such as moving to Graviton2 and configuring provisioned concurrency can provide cost reductions for the same operations. Finally, you can use Compute Savings Plans to add an additional cost reduction once you establish a baseline of usage per month.

Part 2 introduces further optimization opportunities for reducing Lambda invocations, moving to an asynchronous model, and reducing logging costs.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Testing Amazon EventBridge events using AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/testing-amazon-eventbridge-events-using-aws-step-functions/

This post is written by Siarhei Kazhura, Solutions Architect and Riaz Panjwani, Solutions Architect.

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus that can be used to ingest and process events from a variety of sources, such as AWS services and SaaS applications. With EventBridge, developers can build loosely coupled and independently scalable event-driven applications.

It can be useful to know with EventBridge when events are not able to reach the desired destination. This can be caused by multiple factors, such as:

  1. Event pattern does not match the event rule
  2. Event transformer failure
  3. Event destination expects a different payload (for example, API destinations) and returns an error

EventBridge sends metrics to Amazon CloudWatch, which allows for the detection of failed invocations on a given event rule. You can also use EventBridge rules with a dead-letter queue (DLQ) to identify any failed event deliveries. The messages delivered to the queue contain additional metadata such as error codes, error messages, and the target ARN for debugging.

However, understanding why events fail to deliver is still a manual process. Checking CloudWatch metrics for failures, and then the DLQ takes time. This is evident when developing new functionality, when you must constantly update the event matching patterns and event transformers, and run tests to see if they provide the desired effect. EventBridge sandbox functionality can help with manual testing but this approach does not scale or help with automated event testing.

This post demonstrates how to automate testing for EventBridge events. It uses AWS Step Functions for orchestration, along with Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon S3 to capture the results of your events, Amazon SQS for the DLQ, and AWS Lambda to invoke the workflows and processing.


Using the solution provided in this post, users can track events from its inception to delivery and identify where any issues or errors are occurring. This solution is also customizable, and can incorporate integration tests against events to test pattern matching and transformations.

Reference architecture

At a high level:

  1. The event testing workflow is exposed via an API Gateway endpoint, and users can send a request.
  2. This request is validated and routed to a Step Functions EventTester workflow, which performs the event test.
  3. The EventTester workflow creates a sample event based on the received payload, and performs multiple tests on the sample event.
  4. The sample event is matched against the rule that is being tested. The results are stored in an Amazon DynamoDB EventTracking table, and the transformed event payload is stored in the TransformedEventPayload Amazon S3 bucket.
  5. The EventTester workflow has an embedded AWS Step Functions workflow called EventStatusPoller. The EventStatusPoller workflow polls the EventTracking table.
  6. The EventStatusPoller workflow has a customizable 10-second timeout. If the timeout is reached, this may indicate that the event pattern does not match. EventBridge tests if the event does not match against a given pattern, using the AWS SDK for EventBridge.
  7. After completing the tests, the response is formatted and sent back to the API Gateway. By default, the timeout is set to 15 seconds.
  8. API Gateway processes the response, strips the unnecessary elements, and sends the response back to the issuer. You can use this response to verify if the test event delivery is successful, or identify the reason a failure occurred.

EventTester workflow

After an API call, this event is sent to the EventTester express workflow. This orchestrates the automated testing, and returns the results of the test.

EventTester workflow

In this workflow:

1. The test event is sent to EventBridge to see if the event matches the rule and can be transformed. The result is stored in a DynamoDB table.
2. The PollEventStatus synchronous Express Workflow is invoked. It polls the DynamoDB table until a record with the event ID is found or it reaches the timeout. The configurable timeout is 15 seconds by default.
3. If a record is found, it checks the event status.

From here, there are three possible states. In the first state, if the event status has succeeded:

4. The response from the PollEventStatus workflow is parsed and the payload is formatted.
5. The payload is stored in an S3 bucket.
6. The final response is created, which includes the payload, the event ID, and the event status.
7. The execution is successful, and the final response is returned to the user.

In the second state, if no record is found in the table and the PollEventStatus workflow reaches the timeout:

8. The most likely explanation for reaching the timeout is that the event pattern does not match the rule, so the event is not processed. You can build a test to verify if this is the issue.
9. From the EventBridge SDK, the TestEventPattern call is made to see if the event pattern matches the rule.
10. The results of the TestEventPattern call are checked.
11. If the event pattern does not match the rule, then the issue has been successfully identified and the response is created to be sent back to the user. If the event pattern matches the rule, then the issue has not been identified.
12. The response shows that this is an unexpected error.

In the third state, this acts as a catch-all to any other errors that may occur:

13. The response is created with the details of the unexpected error.
14. The execution has failed, and the final response is sent back to the user.

Event testing process

The following diagram shows how events are sent to EventBridge and their results are captured in S3 and DynamoDB. This is the first step of the EventTester workflow:

Event testing process

When the event is tested:

  1. The sample event is received and sent to the EventBridge custom event bus.
  2. A CatchAll rule is triggered, which captures all events on the custom event bus.
  3. All events from the CatchAll rule are sent to a CloudWatch log group, which allows for an original payload inspection.
  4. The event is also propagated to the EventTesting rule. The event is matched against the rule pattern, and if successful the event is transformed based on the transformer provided.
  5. If the event is matched and transformed successfully, the Lambda function EventProcessor is invoked to process the transformed event payload. You can add additional custom code to this function for further testing of the event (for example, API integration with the transformed payload).
  6. The event status is updated to SUCCESS and the event metadata is saved to the EventTracking DynamoDB table.
  7. The transformed event payload is saved to the TransformedEventPayload S3 bucket.
  8. If there’s an error, EventBridge sends the event to the SQS DLQ.
  9. The Lambda function ErrorHandler polls the DLQ and processes the errors in batches.
  10. The event status is updated to ERROR and the event metadata is saved to the EventTracking DynamoDB table.
  11. The event payload is saved to the TransformedEventPayload S3 bucket.

EventStatusPoller workflow

EventStatusPoller workflow

When the poller runs:

  1. It checks the DynamoDB table to see if the event has been processed.
  2. The result of the poll is checked.
  3. If the event has not been processed, the workflow loops and polls the DynamoDB table again.
  4. If the event has been processed, the results of the event are passed to next step in the Event Testing workflow.

Visit Composing AWS Step Functions to abstract polling of asynchronous services for additional details.

Testing at scale

Testing at scale

The EventTester workflow uses Express Workflows, which can handle testing high volume event workloads. For example, you can run the solution against large volumes of historical events stored in S3 or CloudWatch.

This can be achieved by using services such as Lambda or AWS Fargate to read the events in batches and run tests simultaneously. To achieve optimal performance, some performance tuning may be required depending on the scale and events that are being tested.

To minimize the cost of the demo, the DynamoDB table is provisioned with 5 read capacity units and 5 write capacity units. For a production system, consider using on-demand capacity, or update the provisioned table capacity.

Event sampling

Event sampling

In this implementation, the EventBridge EventTester can be used to periodically sample events from your system for testing:

  1. Any existing rules that must be tested are provisioned via the AWS CDK.
  2. The sampling rule is added to an existing event bus, and has the same pattern as the rule that is tested. This filters out events that are not processed by the tested rule.
  3. SQS queue is used for buffering.
  4. Lambda function processes events in batches, and can optionally implement sampling. For example, setting a 10% sampling rate will take one random message out of 10 messages in a given batch.
  5. The event is tested against the endpoint provided. Note that the EventTesting rule is also provisioned via AWS CDK from the same code base as the tested rule. The tested rule is replicated into the EventTesting workflow.
  6. The result is returned to a Lambda function, and is then sent to CloudWatch Logs.
  7. A metric is set based on the number of ERROR responses in the logs.
  8. An alarm is configured when the ERROR metric crosses a provided threshold.

This sampling can complement existing metrics exposed for EventBridge via CloudWatch.

Solution walkthrough

To follow the solution walkthrough, visit the solution repository. The walkthrough explains:

  1. Prerequisites required.
  2. Detailed solution deployment walkthrough.
  3. Solution customization and testing.
  4. Cleanup process.
  5. Cost considerations.


This blog post outlines how to use Step Functions, Lambda, SQS, DynamoDB, and S3 to create a workflow that automates the testing of EventBridge events. With this example, you can send events to the EventBridge Event Tester endpoint to verify that event delivery is successful or identify the root cause for event delivery failures.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building resilient private APIs using Amazon API Gateway

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-resilient-private-apis-using-amazon-api-gateway/

This post written by Giedrius Praspaliauskas, Senior Solutions Architect, Serverless.

Modern architectures meet recovery objectives (recovery time objective, RTO, and recovery point objective, RPO) by being resilient to routine and unexpected infrastructure disruptions. Depending on the recovery objectives and regulatory requirements, developers must choose the disaster recovery strategy. For more on disaster recovery strategies, see this whitepaper.

AWS’ global infrastructure enables customers to support applications with near zero RTO requirements. Customers can run workloads in multiple Regions, in a multi-site active/active manner, and serve traffic from all Regions. To do so, developers often must implement private multi-regional APIs for use by the applications.

This blog describes how to implement this solution using Amazon API Gateway and Amazon Route 53.


The first step is to build a REST API that uses private API Gateway endpoints with custom domain names as described in this sample. The next step is to deploy APIs in two AWS Regions and configure Route 53, following a disaster recovery strategy.
This architecture uses the following resources in each Region:

Two region architecture example

Two region architecture example

  • API Gateway with an AWS Lambda function as integration target.
  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) with two private subnets, used to deploy VPC endpoint and Network Load Balancers (NLB).
  • AWS Transit Gateway to establish connectivity between the two VPCs in different Regions.
  • VPC endpoint to access API Gateway from a private VPC.
  • Elastic network interfaces (ENIs) created by the VPC endpoint.
  • A Network Load Balancer with ENIs in its target group and a TLS listener with an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate, used as a facade for the API.
  • ACM issues and manages certificates used by the NLB TLS listener and API Gateway custom domain.
  • Route 53 with private hosted zones used for DNS resolution.
  • Amazon CloudWatch with alarms used for Route 53 health checks.

This sample implementation uses a Lambda function as an integration target, though it can target on-premises resources accessible via AWS Direct Connect, and applications running on Amazon EKS. For more information on best practices designing API Gateway private APIs, see this whitepaper.

This post uses AWS Transit Gateway with inter-Region peering to establish connectivity between the two VPCs. Depending on the networking needs and infrastructure already in place, you may tailor the architecture and use a different approach. Read this whitepaper for more information on available VPC-to-VPC connectivity options.



You can use existing infrastructure to deploy private APIs. Otherwise check the sample repository for templates and detailed instructions on how to provision the necessary infrastructure.

This post uses the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to deploy private APIs with custom domain names. Visit the documentation to install it in your environment.

Deploying private APIs into multiple Regions

To deploy private APIs with custom domain names and CloudWatch alarms for health checks into the two AWS Regions:

  1. Download the AWS SAM template file api.yaml from the sample repository. Replace default parameter values in the template with ones that match your environment or provide them during the deployment step.
  2. Navigate to the directory containing the template. Run following commands to deploy the API stack in the us-east-1 Region:
    sam build --template-file api.yaml
    sam deploy --template-file api.yaml --guided --stack-name private-api-gateway --region us-east-1
  3. Repeat the deployment in the us-west-2 Region. Update the parameters values in the template to match the second Region (or provide them as an input during the deployment step). Run the following commands:
    sam build --template-file api.yaml
    sam deploy --template-file api.yaml --guided --stack-name private-api-gateway --region us-west-2

Setting up Route 53

With the API stacks deployed in both Regions, create health checks to use them in Route 53:

  1. Navigate to Route 53 in the AWS Management Console. Use the CloudWatch alarms created in the previous step to create health checks (one per Region):
    Configuring the health check for region 1

    Configuring the health check for region 1

    Configuring the health check for region 2

    Configuring the health check for region 2

    This Route 53 health check uses the CloudWatch alarms that are based on a static threshold of the NLB healthy host count metric in each Region. In your implementation, you may need more sophisticated API health status tracking. It can use anomaly detection, include metric math, or use a composite state of the multiple alarms. Check this documentation article for more information on CloudWatch alarms. You can also use the approach documented in this blog post as an alternative. It will help you to create a health check solution that observes the state of the private resources and creates custom metrics that are more specific to your use case. For example, such metrics could include increased database transactions’ failure rate, number of timed out requests to a downstream legacy system, status of an external system that your workload depends on, etc.

  2. Create a private Route 53 hosted zone. Associate this with the VPCs where the client applications that access private APIs reside:

    Create a private hosted zone

    Create a private hosted zone

  3. Create Route 53 private zone alias records, pointing to the NLBs in both Regions and VPCs, using the same name for both records (for example, private.internal.example.com):

    Create alias records

    Create alias records

This post uses Route 53 latency-based routing for private DNS to implement resilient active-active private API architecture. Depending on your use case and disaster recovery strategy, you can change this approach and use geolocation-based routing, failover, or weighted routing. See the documentation for more details on supported routing policies for the records in a private hosted zone.

In this implementation, client applications that connect to the private APIs reside in the VPCs and can access Route 53 private hosted zones. You may also operate an application that runs on-premises and must access the private APIs. Read this blog post for more information on how to create DNS naming that spans the entire network.

Validating the configuration

To validate this implementation, I use a bastion instance in each of the VPCs. I connect to them using SSH or AWS Systems Manager Session Manager (see this documentation article for details).

  1. Run the following command from both bastion instances:
    dig +short private.internal.com

    The response should contain IP addresses of the NLB in one VPC:
  2. After DNS resolution verification, run the following command in each of the VPCs:
    curl -s -XGET https://private.internal.example.com/demo

    The response should include event data as the Lambda function received it.

  3. To simulate an outage, navigate to Route 53 in the AWS Management Console. Select the health check that corresponds to the Region where you received the response, and invert the health status:
  4. After a few minutes, retry the same DNS resolution and API response validation steps. This time, it routes all your requests to the remaining healthy API stack.

Cleaning Up

To avoid incurring further charges, delete all the resources that you have created in Route 53 records, health checks, and private hosted zones.

Run the following commands to delete API stacks in both Regions:

sam delete --stack-name private-api-gateway --region us-west-2
sam delete --stack-name private-api-gateway --region us-east-1

If you used the sample templates to provision the infrastructure, follow the steps listed in the Cleanup section of the sample repository instructions.


This blog post walks through implementing a multi-Regional private API using API Gateway with custom domain names. This approach allows developers to make their internal applications and workloads more resilient, react to disruptions, and meet their disaster recovery scenario objectives.

For additional guidance on such architectures, including multi-Region application architecture, see this solutionblog post, re:Invent presentation.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Node.js 16.x runtime now available in AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/node-js-16-x-runtime-now-available-in-aws-lambda/

This post is written by Dan Fox, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect, Serverless.

You can now develop AWS Lambda functions using the Node.js 16 runtime. This version is in active LTS status and considered ready for general use. To use this new version, specify a runtime parameter value of nodejs16.x when creating or updating functions or by using the appropriate container base image.

The Node.js 16 runtime includes support for ES modules and top-level await that was added to the Node.js 14 runtime in January 2022. This is especially useful when used with Provisioned Concurrency to reduce cold start times.

This runtime version is supported by functions running on either Arm-based AWS Graviton2 processors or x86-based processors. Using the Graviton2 processor architecture option allows you to get up to 34% better price performance.

We recognize that customers have been waiting for some time for this runtime release. We hear your feedback and plan to release the next Node.js runtime version in a timelier manner.

AWS SDK for JavaScript

The Node.js 16 managed runtimes and container base images bundle the AWS JavaScript SDK version 2. Using the bundled SDK is convenient for a few use cases. For example, developers writing short functions via the Lambda console or inline functions via CloudFormation templates may find it useful to reference the bundled SDK.

In general, however, including the SDK in the function’s deployment package is good practice. Including the SDK pins a function to a specific minor version of the package, insulating code from SDK API or behavior changes. To include the SDK, refer to the SDK package and version in the dependency object of the package.json file. Use a package manager like npm or yarn to download and install the library locally before building and deploying your deployment package to the AWS Cloud.

Customers who take this route should consider using the JavaScript SDK, version 3. This version of the SDK contains modular packages. This can reduce the size of your deployment package, improving your function’s performance. Additionally, version 3 contains improved TypeScript compatibility, and using it will maximize compatibility with future runtime releases.

Language updates

With this release, Lambda customers can take advantage of new Node.js 16 language features, including:

Prebuilt binaries for Apple Silicon

Node.js 16 is the first runtime release to ship prebuilt binaries for Apple Silicon. Customers using M1 processors in Apple computers may now develop Lambda functions locally using this runtime version.

Stable timers promises API

The timers promises API offers timer functions that return promise objects, improving the functionality for managing timers. This feature is available for both ES modules and CommonJS.

You may designate your function as an ES module by changing the file name extension of your handler file to .mjs, or by specifying “type” as “module” in the function’s package.json file. Learn more about using Node.js ES modules in AWS Lambda.

  // index.mjs
  import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises';

  export async function handler() {
    await setTimeout(2000);

RegExp match indices

The RegExp match indices feature allows developers to get an array of the start and end indices of the captured string in a regular expression. Use the “/d” flag in your regular expression to access this feature.

  // handler.js
  exports.lambdaHandler = async () => {
    const matcher = /(AWS )(Lambda)/d.exec('AWS Lambda');
    console.log("match: " + matcher.indices[0]) // 0,10
    console.log("first capture group: " + matcher.indices[1]) // 0,4
    console.log("second capture group: " + matcher.indices[2]) // 4,10

Working with TypeScript

Many developers using Node.js runtimes in Lambda develop their code using TypeScript. To better support TypeScript developers, we have recently published new documentation on using TypeScript with Lambda, and added beta TypeScript support to the AWS SAM CLI.

We are also working on a TypeScript version of Lambda PowerTools. This is a suite of utilities for Lambda developers to simplify the adoption of best practices, such as tracing, structured logging, custom metrics, and more. Currently, AWS Lambda Powertools for TypeScript is in beta developer preview.

Runtime updates

To help keep Lambda functions secure, AWS will update Node.js 16 with all minor updates released by the Node.js community when using the zip archive format. For Lambda functions packaged as a container image, pull, rebuild, and deploy the latest base image from DockerHub or the Amazon ECR Public Gallery.

Amazon Linux 2

The Node.js 16 managed runtime, like Node.js 14, Java 11, and Python 3.9, is based on an Amazon Linux 2 execution environment. Amazon Linux 2 provides a secure, stable, and high-performance execution environment to develop and run cloud and enterprise applications.


Lambda now supports Node.js 16. Get started building with Node.js 16 by specifying a runtime parameter value of nodejs16.x when creating your Lambda functions using the zip archive packaging format.

You can also build Lambda functions in Node.js 16 by deploying your function code as a container image using the Node.js 16 AWS base image for Lambda. You can read about the Node.js programming model in the AWS Lambda documentation to learn more about writing functions in Node.js 16.

For existing Node.js functions, review your code for compatibility with Node.js 16 including deprecations, then migrate to the new runtime by changing the function’s runtime configuration to nodejs16.x.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Orchestrating Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive object retrieval using AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/orchestrating-amazon-s3-glacier-deep-archive-object-retrieval-using-aws-step-functions/

This blog was written by Monica Cortes Sack, Solutions Architect, Oskar Neumann, Partner Solutions Architect, and Dhiraj Mahapatro, Principal Specialist SA, Serverless.

AWS Step Functions now support over 220 services and over 10,000 AWS API actions. This enables you to use the AWS SDK integration directly instead of writing an AWS Lambda function as a proxy.

One such service integration is with Amazon S3. Currently, you write scripts using AWS CLI S3 commands to achieve automation around running S3 tasks. For example, S3 integrates with AWS Transfer Family, builds a custom security check, takes action on S3 buckets on S3 object creations, or orchestrates a workflow around S3 Glacier Deep Archive object retrieval. These script executions do not provide an execution history or an easy way to validate the behavior.

Step Functions’ AWS SDK integration with S3 declaratively creates serverless workflows around S3 tasks without relying on those scripts. You can validate the execution history and behavior of a Step Functions workflow.

This blog highlights one of the S3 use cases. It shows how to orchestrate workflows around S3 Glacier Deep Archive object retrieval, cost estimation, and interaction with the requester using Step Functions. The demo application provides additional details on the entire architecture.

S3 Glacier Deep Archive is a storage class in S3 used for data that is rarely accessed. The service provides durable and secure long-term storage, trading immediate access for cost-effectiveness. You must restore archived objects before they are downloadable. It supports two options for object retrieval:

  1. Standard – Access objects within 12 hours of the start of the restoration process.
  2. Bulk – Access objects within 48 hours of the start of the restoration process.

Business use case

Consider a research institute that stores backups on S3 Glacier Deep Archive. The backups are maintained in S3 Glacier Deep Archive for redundancy. The institute has multiple researchers with one central IT team. When a researcher requests an object from S3 Glacier Deep Archive, the central IT team retrieves it and charges the corresponding research group for retrieval and data transfer costs.

Researchers are the end users and do not operate in the AWS Cloud. They run computing clusters on-premises and depend on the central IT team to provide them with the restored archive. A member of the research team requesting an object retrieval provides the following information to the central IT team:

  1. Object key to be restored.
  2. The number of days the researcher needs the object accessible for download.
  3. Researcher’s email address.
  4. Retrieve within 12 or 48 hours SLA. This determines whether “Standard” or “Bulk” retrieval respectively.

The following overall architecture explains the setup on AWS and the interaction between a researcher and the central IT team’s architecture.

Architecture overview

Architecture diagram

Architecture diagram

  1. The researcher uses a front-end application to request object retrieval from S3 Glacier Deep Archive.
  2. Amazon API Gateway synchronously invokes AWS Step Functions Express Workflow.
  3. Step Functions initiates RestoreObject from S3 Glacier Deep Archive.
  4. Step Functions stores the metadata of this retrieval in an Amazon DynamoDB table.
  5. Step Functions uses Amazon SES to email the researcher about archive retrieval initiation.
  6. Upon completion, S3 sends the RestoreComplete event to Amazon EventBridge.
  7. EventBridge rule triggers another Step Functions for post-processing after the restore is complete.
  8. A Lambda function inside the Step Functions calculates the estimated cost (retrieval and data transfer out) and updates existing metadata in the DynamoDB table.
  9. Sync data from DynamoDB table using Amazon Athena Federated Queries to generate reports dashboard in Amazon QuickSight.
  10. Step Functions uses SES to email the researcher with cost details.
  11. Once the researcher receives an email, the researcher uses the front-end application to call the /download API endpoint.
  12. API Gateway invokes a Lambda function that generates a pre-signed S3 URL of the retrieved object and returns it in the response.


  1. To run the sample application, you must install CDK v2, Node.js, and npm.
  2. To clone the repository, run:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-stepfunctions-examples.git
    cd cdk/app-glacier-deep-archive-retrieval
  3. To deploy the application, run:
    cdk deploy --all

Identifying workflow components

Starting the restore object workflow

The first component is accepting the researcher’s request to start the archive retrieval process. The sample application created from the demo provides a basic front-end app that shows the files from an S3 bucket that has objects stored in S3 Glacier Deep Archive. The researcher retrieves file requests from the front-end application reached by the sample application’s Amazon CloudFront URL.

Glacier Deep Archive Retrieval menu

Glacier Deep Archive Retrieval menu

The front-end app asks the researcher for an email address, the number of days the researcher wants the object to be available for download, and their ETA on retrieval speed. Based on the retrieval speed, the researcher accepts either Standard or Bulk object retrieval. To test this, put objects in the data bucket under the S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class and use the front-end application to retrieve them.

Item retrieval prompt

Item retrieval prompt

The researcher then chooses the Retrieve file. This action invokes an API endpoint provided by API Gateway. The API Gateway endpoint synchronously invokes a Step Functions Express Workflow. This validates the restore object request, gets the object metadata, and starts to restore the object from S3 Glacier Deep Archive.

The state machine stores the metadata of the restore object AWS SDK call in a DynamoDB table for later use. You can use this metadata to build a dashboard in Amazon QuickSight for reporting and administration purposes. Finally, the state machine uses Amazon SES to email the researcher, notifying them about the restore object initiation process:

Restore object initiated

Restore object initiated

The following state machine shows the workflow:

Workflow diagram

Workflow diagram

The ability to use S3 APIs declaratively using AWS SDK from Step Functions makes it convenient to integrate with S3. This approach avoids writing a Lambda function to wrap the SDK calls. The following portion of the state machine definition shows the usage of S3 HeadObject and RestoreObject APIs:

"Get Object Metadata": {
    "Next": "Initiate Restore Object from Deep Archive",
    "Catch": [{
        "ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"],
        "Next": "Bad Request"
    "Type": "Task",
    "ResultPath": "$.result.metadata",
    "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::aws-sdk:s3:headObject",
    "Parameters": {
        "Bucket": "glacierretrievalapp-databucket-abc123",
        "Key.$": "$.fileKey"
"Initiate Restore Object from Deep Archive": {
    "Next": "Update restore operation metadata",
    "Type": "Task",
    "ResultPath": null,
    "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::aws-sdk:s3:restoreObject",
    "Parameters": {
        "Bucket": "glacierretrievalapp-databucket-abc123",
        "Key.$": "$.fileKey",
        "RestoreRequest": {
            "Days.$": "$.requestedForDays"

You can extend the previous workflow and build your own Step Functions workflows to orchestrate other S3 related workflows.

Processing after object restoration completion

S3 RestoreObject is a long-running process for S3 Glacier Deep Archive objects. S3 emits a RestoreCompleted event notification on the object restore completion to EventBridge. You set up an EventBridge rule to trigger another Step Functions workflow as a target for this event. This workflow takes care of the object restoration post-processing.

cfnDataBucket.addPropertyOverride('NotificationConfiguration.EventBridgeConfiguration.EventBridgeEnabled', true);

An EventBridge rule triggers the following Step Functions workflow and passes the event payload as an input to the Step Functions execution:

new aws_events.Rule(this, 'invoke-post-processing-rule', {
  eventPattern: {
    source: ["aws.s3"],
    detailType: [
      "Object Restore Completed"
    detail: {
      bucket: {
        name: [props.dataBucket.bucketName]
  targets: [new aws_events_targets.SfnStateMachine(this.stateMachine, {
    input: aws_events.RuleTargetInput.fromObject({
      's3Event': aws_events.EventField.fromPath('$')

The Step Functions workflow gets object metadata from the DynamoDB table and then invokes a Lambda function to calculate the estimated cost. The Lambda function calculates the estimated retrieval and the data transfer costs using the contentLength of the retrieved object and the Price List API for the unit cost. The workflow then updates the calculated cost in the DynamoDB table.

The retrieval cost and the data transfer out cost are proportional to the size of the retrieved object. The Step Functions workflow also invokes a Lambda function to create the download API URL for object retrieval. Finally, it emails the researcher with the estimated cost and the download URL as a restoration completion notification.

Workflow studio diagram

Workflow studio diagram

The email notification to the researcher looks like:

Email example

Email example

Downloading the restored object

Once the object restoration is complete, the researcher can download the object from the front-end application.

Front end retrieval menu

Front end retrieval menu

The researcher chooses the Download action, which invokes another API Gateway endpoint. The endpoint integrates with a Lambda function as a backend that creates a pre-signed S3 URL sent as a response to the browser.

Administering object restoration usage

This architecture also provides a view for the central IT team to understand object restoration usage. You achieve this by creating reports and dashboards from the metadata stored in DynamoDB.

The sample application uses Amazon Athena Federated Queries and Amazon Athena DynamoDB Connector to generate a reports dashboard in Amazon QuickSight. You can also use Step Functions AWS SDK integration with Amazon Athena and visualize the workflows in the Athena console.

The following QuickSight visualization shows the count of restored S3 Glacier Deep Archive objects by their contentType:

QuickSite visualization

QuickSight visualization


With the preceding approach, you should consider that:

  1. You must start the object retrieval in the same Region as the Region of the archived object.
  2. S3 Glacier Deep Archive only supports standard and bulk retrievals.
  3. You must enable the “Object Restore Completed” event notification on the S3 bucket with the S3 Glacier Deep Archive object.
  4. The researcher’s email must be verified in SES.
  5. Use a Lambda function for the Price List GetProducts API as the service endpoints are available in specific Regions.


To clean up the infrastructure used in this sample application, run:

cdk destroy --all


Step Functions’ AWS SDK integration opens up different opportunities to orchestrate a workflow. Step Functions provides native support for retries and error handling, which offloads the heavy lifting of handling them manually in scripts.

This blog shows one example use case with S3 Glacier Deep Archive. With AWS SDK integration in Step Functions, you can build any workflow orchestration using S3 or S3 control APIs. For example, a workflow to enforce AWS Key Management Service encryption based on an S3 event, or create static website hosting on-demand in a few steps.

With different S3 API calls available in Step Functions’ Workflow Studio, you can declaratively build a Step Functions workflow instead of imperatively calling each S3 API from a shell script or command line. Refer to the demo application for more details.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Build a custom Java runtime for AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/build-a-custom-java-runtime-for-aws-lambda/

This post is written by Christian Müller, Principal AWS Solutions Architect and Maximilian Schellhorn, AWS Solutions Architect

When running applications on AWS Lambda, you have the option to use either one of the managed runtime versions that AWS provides or bring your own custom runtime. The following blog post provides a walkthrough of how you can create and optimize a custom runtime for Java based Lambda functions.

Builders might rely on customized or experimental runtime behavior when creating solutions in the cloud. The Java ecosystem fosters innovation and encourages experiments with the current six-month release schedule for the latest runtime versions.

However, Lambda focuses on providing stable long-term support (LTS) versions. The official Lambda runtimes are built around a combination of operating system, programming language, and software libraries that are subject to maintenance and security updates. For example, the Lambda runtime for Java supports the LTS versions Java 8 Corretto and Java 11 Corretto as of April 2022. The Java 17 Corretto version is pending. In addition, there is no provided runtime for non LTS versions like Java 15 Corretto, Java 16 Corretto, or Java 18 Corretto.

To use other language versions, Lambda allows you to create custom runtimes. Custom runtimes allow builders to provide and configure their own runtimes for running their application code. To enable communication between your custom runtime and Lambda, you can use the runtime interface client library in Java.

With the introduction of modular runtime images in Java 9 (JEP 220), it is possible to include only the Java runtime modules that your application depends on. This reduces the overall runtime size and increases performance, especially during cold-starts. In addition, there are other techniques in Java, like class data sharing and tiered compilation, which allow you to reduce the startup time of your application even further.

To combine those capabilities, this blog post provides an overview for creating and deploying a minified Java runtime on Lambda by using Java 18 Corretto. For step-by-step instructions and prerequisites, refer to the official GitHub example.

Overview of the example

In the following example, you build a custom runtime for a basic Java application that writes request headers to Amazon DynamoDB and is fronted by Amazon API Gateway.

Application architecture

The following diagram summarizes the steps to create the application and the custom runtime:

Steps to create the application custom runtime

  1. Download the preferred Java version and take advantage of jdeps, jlink and class data sharing to create a minified and optimized Java runtime based on the application code (function.jar).
  2. Create a bootstrap file with optimized starting instructions for the application.
  3. Package the application code, the optimized Java runtime, and the bootstrap file as a zip file.
  4. Deploy the runtime, including the app, to Lambda. For example, using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

Steps 1–3 are automated and abstracted via Docker. The following section provides a high-level walkthrough of the build and deployment process. For the full version, see the Dockerfile in the GitHub example.

Creating the optimized Java runtime

1. Download the desired Java version and copy the local application code to the Docker environment and build it with Maven:

FROM amazonlinux:2


# Update packages and install Amazon Corretto 18, Maven and Zip
RUN yum -y update
RUN yum install -y java-18-amazon-corretto-devel maven zip


# Copy the software folder to the image and build the function
COPY software software
WORKDIR /software/example-function
RUN mvn clean package

2. This step results in an uber-jar (function.jar) that you can use as an input argument for jdeps. The output is a file containing all the Java modules that the function depends on:

RUN jdeps -q \
    --ignore-missing-deps \
    --multi-release 18 \
    --print-module-deps \
    target/function.jar > jre-deps.info

3. Create an optimized Java runtime based on those application modules with jlink. Remove unnecessary information from the runtime, for example header files or man-pages:

RUN jlink --verbose \
    --compress 2 \
    --strip-java-debug-attributes \
    --no-header-files \
    --no-man-pages \
    --output /jre18-slim \
    --add-modules $(cat jre-deps.info)

4. This creates your own custom Java 18 runtime in the /jre18-slim folder. You can apply additional optimization techniques such as Class-Data-Sharing (CDS) to generate a classes.jsa file to accelerate the class loading time of the JVM.

RUN /jre18-slim/bin/java -Xshare:dump

Adding optimized starting instructions

You must tell the Lambda execution environment how to start the application. You can achieve that with a bootstrap file that includes the necessary instructions. In addition, you can define parameters to improve the performance further. For example, you could use tiered compilation and SerialGC.

The following snippet represents an example of a bootstrap file:


$LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT/jre18-slim/bin/java \
    --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED \
    -XX:+TieredCompilation \
    -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 \
    -XX:+UseSerialGC \
    -jar function.jar "$_HANDLER"

Packaging the components

Combine the bootstrap file, the custom Java runtime, and the application code in a zip file for later use as the deployment package:

RUN zip -r runtime.zip \
    bootstrap \
    function.jar \

The GitHub example provides a build.sh script to run the above-mentioned process via Docker. This results in a runtime.zip that you can then use as a deployment package.

Deploying the application with the custom runtime

To deploy the custom runtime, use AWS CDK. This allows you to define the needed infrastructure as code more easily in your favorite programming language.

The following code snippet shows how to create a Lambda function from a custom runtime:

Function customJava18Function = new Function(this, "LambdaCustomRuntimeJava18", FunctionProps.builder()
        .environment(Map.of("TABLE_NAME", exampleTable.getTableName()))

To deploy the application and output the necessary API Gateway URL to invoke the Lambda function, use the following command or use the provided provision_infrastructure.sh script:

cdk deploy --outputs-file target/outputs.json

Testing the application and validating the example results

After deployment, you can load test the application with the open-source software project Artillery.

The following command creates 120 concurrent invocations of the Lambda function for a duration of 60 seconds. It uses the API Gateway URL that is exported after the AWS CDK successfully deployed the application:

artillery run -t $(cat infrastructure/target/outputs.json | jq -r '.LambdaCustomRuntimeMinimalJRE18InfrastructureStack.apiendpoint') -v '{ "url": "/custom-runtime" }' infrastructure/loadtest.yml

Use CloudWatch Log Insights to query the Lambda logs and gather information about the cold start (initDuration) and duration percentiles:

filter @type = "REPORT"
    | parse @log /\d+:\/aws\/lambda\/(?<function>.*)/
    | stats
    count(*) as invocations,
    pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 0) as p0,
    pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 25) as p25,
    pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 50) as p50,
    pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 75) as p75,
    pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 90) as p90,
    pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 95) as p95,
    pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 99) as p99,
    pct(@duration+coalesce(@initDuration,0), 100) as p100
    group by function, ispresent(@initDuration) as coldstart
    | sort by coldstart, function

The results provide an indication of how your application performs with the custom runtime. This is especially helpful when comparing different versions.

  • Invocation time (@duration) for both cold and warm starts plus function initialization time (@initDuration) if it is a cold start:

Invocation time

  • Function initialization time (@initDuration) only:

Function initialisation time


In this blog post, you learn how to create your own optimized Java runtime for AWS Lambda by using a variety of Java optimization techniques. This allows you to tailor your Java runtime to your application needs.

See the full example on GitHub and make use of your own preferred Java version. Add additional optimization steps in the Dockerfile or tune the parameters in the bootstrap file to optimize the start of the Java virtual machine.

In case you want to re-use your custom runtime in multiple Lambda functions, you can also distribute it via a Lambda layer.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Handling Lambda functions idempotency with AWS Lambda Powertools

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/handling-lambda-functions-idempotency-with-aws-lambda-powertools/

This post is written by Jerome Van Der Linden, Solutions Architect Builder and Dariusz Osiennik, Sr Cloud Application Architect.

One of the advantages of using AWS Lambda is its integration with messaging services like Amazon SQS or Amazon EventBridge. The integration is managed and can also handle the retrying of failed messages. If there’s an error within the Lambda function, the failed message is sent again and the function is re-invoked.

This feature increases the resilience of the application but also means that a message can be processed multiple times by the function. This is important when managing orders, payments, or any kind of transaction that must be handled only once.

As mentioned in the design principles of Lambda, “since the same event may be received more than once, functions should be designed to be idempotent”. This article explains what idempotency is and how to implement it more easily with Lambda Powertools.

Understanding idempotency

Idempotency is the property of an operation whereby it can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application. You can run an idempotent operation safely multiple times without any side effects like duplicates or inconsistent data. For example, this is a key principle for infrastructure as code, where you don’t want to double the number of resources each time you apply a template.

Applied to Lambda, a function is idempotent when it can be invoked multiple times with the same event with no risk of side effects. To make a function idempotent, it must first identify that an event has already been processed. Therefore, it must extract a unique identifier, called an “idempotency key”.

This identifier may be in the event payload (for example, orderId), a combination of multiple fields in the payload (for example, customerId, and orderId), or even a hash of the full payload. If using the full payload, fields such as dates, timestamps, or random elements may affect the hash and lead to changing values.

The function then checks in a persistence layer (for example, Amazon DynamoDB or Amazon ElastiCache):

  • If the key is not there, then the Lambda function can proceed normally, perform the transaction, and save the idempotency key in the persistence layer. You can potentially add the result of the function in the persistence layer too, so that subsequent calls can retrieve this result directly.
  • If the key is there, then the function can return and avoid applying the transaction again.

The following diagram shows the sequence of events with this idempotency scenario:

Sequence diagram

There are edge cases in this example:

  • You can invoke the function twice with the same event within a few milliseconds. In that case, each function acts as if it’s the first time this event is received and processes it, resulting in inconsistencies.
  • The function may perform several operations that are not idempotent. If the first operation is successful and then an error happens, the idempotency key won’t be saved. Subsequent calls redo the first operation, resulting in inconsistencies.

You can guard against these edge cases by inserting a lock as soon as the event is received:

Second sequence diagram

There are other questions and edge cases that you must consider when implementing idempotency on your Lambda functions. Read Making retries safe with idempotent APIs from the Builder’s Library to dive into the details. You can choose to implement idempotency by yourself or you can use a library that handles it and takes care of these edge cases for you. This is what Lambda Powertools (for Python and Java) proposes.

Idempotency with Lambda Powertools

Lambda Powertools is a library, available in Python, Java, and TypeScript. It provides utilities for Lambda functions to ease the adoption of best practices and to reduce the amount of code to perform recurring tasks. In particular, it provides a module to handle idempotency (in the Java and Python versions).

This post shows examples using the Java version. To get started with the Lambda Powertools idempotency module, you must install the library and configure it within your build process. For more details, follow AWS Lambda Powertools documentation.

Next, you must configure a persistence storage layer where the idempotency feature can store its state. You can use the built-in support for DynamoDB or you can create your own implementation for the database of your choice. This example creates a new table in DynamoDB.

The following AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template creates a suitable table to store the state:

    Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
        - AttributeName: id
          AttributeType: S
        - AttributeName: id
          KeyType: HASH
        AttributeName: expiration
        Enabled: true
      BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST

In this definition:

  • The table is multi-tenant and can be reused by multiple Lambda functions that use the Powertools idempotency module.
  • The DynamoDB time-to-live configuration helps keep idempotency limited in time. You can configure the duration, which is 1 hour by default.

Configure the idempotency module’s behavior in the init phase of the function’s lifecycle, before the handleRequest method gets called:

public class SubscriptionHandler implements RequestHandler<Subscription, SubscriptionResult> {

  public SubscriptionHandler() {

Lambda Powertools follows the paradigm of convention over configuration and provides default values for many parameters. The persistence store is the only required element. To use the DynamoDB implementation, you must specify a table name. In the previous sample, the name is provided by the environment variable TABLE_NAME.

Adding the @Idempotent annotation to the handleRequest method enables the idempotency functionality. It uses a hash of the Subscription event as the idempotency key.

  public SubscriptionResult handleRequest(final Subscription event, final Context context) {
    SubscriptionPayment payment = createSubscriptionPayment(

    return new SubscriptionResult(payment.getId(), "success", 200);

Creating orders

The example is about creating an order for a user for a list of products. Orders should not be duplicated if the client repeats the request. API consumers can safely retry a create order request in case of issues (such as a timeout or networking disruption). The application should also allow the user to buy the same products in a short period of time if that is the user’s intention.

The following architecture diagram consists of an Amazon API Gateway REST API, the idempotent Lambda function, and a DynamoDB table for storing orders.

Architecture diagram

The Orders API allows creating a new order by calling its POST /orders endpoint with the following sample payload:

  "requestToken": "260d2efe-af84-11ec-b909-0242ac120002",
  "userId": "user1",  
  "items": [
      "productId": "product1",      
      "price": 6.50,      
      "quantity": 5    
      "productId": "product2",      
      "price": 13.50,      
      "quantity": 2    
  "comment": "AWSome Order"

Lambda Powertools uses JMESPath to extract the important fields from the request that uniquely identify it. It then calculates a hash of these fields to constitute the idempotency key.

In the example, the important fields are the userId and the items, to avoid duplicated orders. But the user can also buy the same list of products in a short period of time. To allow this, the API consumer can generate a client-side token and assign its value to the requestToken field. For each unique order, the token has a different value. If a request is retried by the client, it uses the same token.

This leads to the following configuration for the idempotency key:


If the same request is sent more than once, only the first call results in a new order created in the DynamoDB table. The same order identifier is returned by the endpoint for all the subsequent calls. In this way, the API consumer can safely retry the requests without worrying about duplicating the order.

You can find the source code of the example on GitHub.

Processing payments

This example shows asynchronous batch processing of payment messages from a queue. Messages must not be processed more than once to avoid charging users multiple times for the same order. You must consider edge cases like at-least-once message delivery, an error response returned by the third party payment API or retrying the batch of messages.

The following architecture diagram shows an Amazon SQS queue, the idempotent Lambda function, and a third-party API that the function calls for payment.

Architecture diagram

This is the body of a single payment SQS message:

    "orderId": "order1",
    "userId": "user1",
    "amount": "50.25"

In this example, the process method is annotated as idempotent, not the handleRequest. The method is responsible for processing a single payment record from the SQS batch. It uses @IdempotencyKey annotation to specify which parameter to use as the idempotency key.

public List<String> handleRequest(SQSEvent sqsEvent, Context context) {
return sqsEvent.getRecords()
  .map(record -> process(record.getMessageId(),record.getBody()))

private String process(String messageId, @IdempotencyKey String messageBody) {
    logger.info("Processing messageId: {}", messageId);
    PaymentRequest request = 
    return paymentService.process(request);

If an SQS record with the same payload is received more than once, the third-party API is not called multiple times. All the subsequent calls return before calling the process method.

If an exception is thrown from the process method, the idempotency feature does not store the idempotency state in the persistence layer. The payment is treated as unprocessed and can be retried safely. This may happen if the third-party API returns a server-side error.

By default, if one message from a batch fails, all the messages in the batch are retried. Lambda Powertools also offers the SQS Batch Processing module which can help in handling partial failures.

You can find the source code of this example in the GitHub repo.


Idempotency is a critical piece of serverless architectures and can be difficult to implement. If not done correctly, it can lead to inconsistent data and other issues. This post shows how you can use Lambda Powertools to make Lambda functions idempotent and ensure that critical transactions are handled only once.

For more details about the Lambda Powertools idempotency feature and its configuration options, refer to the full documentation.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Orchestrating high performance computing with AWS Step Functions and AWS Batch

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/orchestrating-high-performance-computing-with-aws-step-functions-and-aws-batch/

This post is written by Dan Fox, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect; Sabha Parameswaran, Senior Solutions Architect.

High performance computing (HPC) workloads address challenges in a wide variety of industries, including genomics, financial services, oil and gas, weather modeling, and semiconductor design. These workloads frequently have complex orchestration requirements that may include large datasets and hundreds or thousands of compute tasks.

AWS Step Functions is a workflow automation service that can simplify orchestrating other AWS services. AWS Batch is a fully managed batch processing service that can dynamically scale to address computationally intensive workloads. Together, these services can orchestrate and run demanding HPC workloads.

This blog post identifies three common challenges when creating HPC workloads. It describes some features with Step Functions and AWS Batch that can help to solve these challenges. It then shows a sample project that performs complex task orchestration using Step Functions and AWS Batch.

Reaching service quotas with polling iterations

It’s common for HPC workflows to require that a step comprising multiple jobs completes before advancing to the next step. In these cases, it’s typical for developers to implement iterative polling patterns to track job completions.

To handle task orchestration for a workload like this, you may choose to use Step Functions. Step Functions has a hard limit of 25,000 history events. A single state transition may contain multiple history events. For example, an entry to the state and an exit from the state count as two steps. A workflow that iteratively polls many long-running processes may run into limits with this service quota.

Step Functions addresses this by providing synchronization capabilities with several integrated services, including AWS Batch. For integrated services, Step Functions can wait for a task to complete before progressing to the next state. This feature, called “Run a Job (.sync)” in the documentation, returns a Success or Failure message only when the compute service task is complete, reducing the number of entries in the event history log. View the Step Functions documentation for a complete list of supported service integrations.

“Run a Job (.sync)” task pattern

Supporting parallel and dynamic tasks

HPC workloads may require a changing number of compute tasks from execution to execution. For example, the number of compute tasks required in a workflow may depend on the complexity or length of an input dataset. For performance reasons, you may desire for these tasks to run in parallel.

Step Functions supports faster data processing with a fixed number of parallel executions through the parallel state type. If a workload has an unknown number of branches, the map state type can run a set of parallel steps for each element of an input array. We refer to this pattern as dynamic parallelism.

Dynamic parallelism using the map state

Limits and flow control with dynamic tasks

The map state may limit concurrent iterations. When this occurs, some iterations do not begin until previous iterations have completed. The likelihood of this occurring increases when an input array has over 40 items. If your HPC workload benefits from increased concurrency, you may use nested workflows. Step Functions allows you to orchestrate more complex processes by composing modular, reusable workflows.

For example, a map state may invoke secondary, nested workflows, which also contain map states. By nesting Step Functions workflows, you can build larger, more complex workflows out of smaller, simpler workflows.

As your workflow grows in complexity, you may use the callback task, which is an additional flow control feature. Callback tasks provide a way to pause a workflow pending the return of a unique task token. A callback task passes this token to an integrated service and then stops. Once the integrated service has completed, it may return the task token to the Step Functions workflow with a SendTaskSuccess or SendTaskFailure call. Once the callback task receives the task token, the workflow proceeds to the next state.

View the documentation for a list of integrated services that support this pattern.

Nested workflows using callback with task token

A sample project with several orchestration patterns

This sample project demonstrates orchestration of HPC workloads using Step Functions, AWS Batch, and Lambda. The nesting in this project is three layers deep. The primary state machine runs the second layer nested state machines, which in turn run the third layer nested state machines.

The primary state machine demonstrates dynamic parallelism. It receives an input payload that contains an array of items used as input for its map step. Each dynamic map branch runs a nested secondary state machine.

The secondary state machine demonstrates several workflow patterns including a Lambda function with callback, a third layer nested state machine in sync mode, an AWS Batch job in sync mode, and a Lambda function calling AWS Batch with a callback. The tertiary state machine only notifies its parent with Success when called in sync mode.

Explore the ASL in this project to review the code for these patterns.

Sample project architecture

Deploy the sample application

The README of the Github project contains more detailed instructions, but you may also follow these steps.


  1. AWS Account: If you don’t have an AWS account, navigate to https://aws.amazon.com/ and choose Create an AWS Account.
  2. VPC: A valid existing VPC with subnets (for execution of AWS Batch jobs). Refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-getting-started.html for creating a VPC.
  3. AWS CLI: This project requires a local install of AWS CLI. Refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html for installing AWS CLI.
  4. Git CLI: This project requires a local install of Git CLI. Refer to https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
  5. AWS SAM CLI: This project requires a local install of AWS SAM CLI to build and deploy the sample application. Refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/serverless-application-model/latest/developerguide/serverless-sam-cli-install.html for instructions to install and use AWS SAM CLI.
  6. Python 3.8 and Docker: Required only if you plan for local development and testing with AWS SAM CLI.

Build and deploy in your account

Follow these steps to build this application locally and deploy it in your AWS account:

  1. Git clone the repository into a local folder.
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-stepfunction-complex-orchestrator-app
    cd aws-stepfunction-complex-orchestrator-app
  2. Build the application using AWS SAM CLI.
    sam build
  3. Use AWS SAM deploy with the --guided flag.
    sam deploy --guided
    1. Parameter BatchScriptName (accept default: batch-notify-step-function.sh)
    2. Parameter VPCID (enter the id of your VPC)
    3. Parameter FargateSubnetAccessibility (choose Private or Public depending on subnet configuration)
    4. Parameter Subnets (enter ID for a single subnet)
    5. Parameter batchSleepDuration (accept default: 15)
    6. Accept all other defaults
  4. Note the name of the BucketName parameter in the Outputs of the deploy process. Save this S3 bucket name for the next step.
  5. Copy the batch script into the S3 bucket created in the prior step.
    aws s3 cp ./batch-script/batch-notify-step-function.sh s3://<S3-bucket-name>

Testing the sample application

Once the SAM CLI deploy is complete, navigate to Step Functions in the AWS Console.

  1. Note the three new state machines deployed to your account. Each state machine has a random suffix generated as part of the AWS SAM deploy process:
    1. ComplexOrchestratorStateMachine1-…
    2. SyncNestedStateMachine2-…
    3. CallbackNotifyStateMachine3-…
  2. Follow the link for the primary state machine: ComplexOrchestratorStateMachine1-…
  3. Choose Start execution.
  4. The sample payload for this state machine is located here: orchestrator-step-function-payload.json. This JSON document has 2 input elements within the entries array. Select and copy this JSON and paste it into the Input field in the console, overwriting the default value. This causes the map state to create and execute two nested state machines in parallel. You may modify this JSON to contain more elements to increase the number of parallel executions.
  5. View the “Execution event history” in the console for this execution. Under the Resource column, locate the links to the nested state machines. Select these links to follow their individual executions. You may also explore the links to Lambda, CloudWatch, and AWS Batch job.
  6. Navigate to AWS Batch in the console. Step Functions workflows are available to AWS Batch users within the AWS Batch console. Find the integration from the AWS Batch side navigation under “Related AWS services”. You can also read this blog post to learn more.
  7. Common troubleshooting. If the batch job fails or if the Step Functions workflow times out, make sure that you have correctly copied over the batch script into the S3 bucket as described in step 5 of the Build and Deploy in your account section of this post. Also make sure that the FargateSubnetAccessibility Parameter matches the configuration of your subnet (Public or Private).
  8. The state machine may take several minutes to complete. When successful, the Graph Inspector displays:Graph Inspector with Successful completion

Cleaning up

To clean up the deployment, run the following commands to delete the stack associated with the AWS SAM deployment:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <stack-name>


This blog post describes several challenges common to orchestrating HPC workloads. I describe how Step Functions with AWS Batch can solve many of these challenges. I provide a project that contains several sample patterns and show how to deploy and test this in your account.

For more information on serverless patterns, visit Serverless Land.

Introducing global endpoints for Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-global-endpoints-for-amazon-eventbridge/

This post is written by Stephen Liedig, Sr Serverless Specialist SA.

Last year, AWS announced two new features for Amazon EventBridge that allow you to route events from any commercial AWS Region, and across your AWS accounts. This supported a wide range of use cases, allowing you to implement easily global event delivery and replication scenarios.

From today, EventBridge extends this capability with global endpoints. Global endpoints provide a simpler and more reliable way for you to improve the availability and reliability of event-driven applications. The feature allows you to fail over event ingestion automatically to a secondary Region during service disruptions. Global endpoints also provide optional managed event replication, simplifying your event bus configuration and reducing the risk of event loss during any service disruption.

This blog post explains how to configure global endpoints in your AWS account, update your applications to publish events to the endpoint, and how to test endpoint failover.

How global endpoints work

Customers building multi-Region architectures today are building more resilience by using self-managed replication via EventBridge’s cross-Region capabilities. With this architecture, events are sent directly to an event bus in a primary Region and replicated to another event bus in a secondary Region.


This event flow can be interrupted if there is a service disruption. In this scenario, event producers in the primary Region cannot PutEvents to their event bus, and event replication to the secondary Region is impacted.

To put more resiliency around multi-Region architectures, you can now use global endpoints. Global endpoints solve these issues by introducing two core service capabilities:

  1. A global endpoint is a managed Amazon Route 53 DNS endpoint. It routes events to the event buses in either Region, depending on the health of the service in the primary Region.
  2. There is a new EventBridge metric called IngestionToInvocationStartLatency. This exposes the time to process events from the point at which they are ingested by EventBridge to the point the first invocation of a target in your rules is made. This is a service-level metric measured across all of your rules and provides an indication of the health of the EventBridge service. Any extended periods of high latency over 30 seconds may indicate a service disruption.

These two features provide you with the ability to failover event ingestion automatically to the event bus in the secondary Region. The failover is triggered via a Route 53 health check that monitors a CloudWatch alarm that observes the IngestionToInvocationStartLatency in the primary Region.

If the metric exceeds the configured threshold of 30 seconds consecutively for 5 minutes, the alarm state changes to “ALARM”. This causes the Route 53 health check state to become unhealthy, and updates the routing of the global endpoint. All events from that point on are delivered to the event bus in the secondary Region.

The diagram below illustrates how global endpoints reroutes events being delivered from the event bus in the primary Region to the event bus in the secondary Region when CloudWatch alarms trigger the failover of the Route 53 health check.

Rerouting events with global endpoints

Once events are routed to the secondary Region, you have a couple of options:

  1. Continue processing events by deploying the same solution that processes events in the primary Region to the secondary Region.
  2. Create an EventBridge archive to persist all events coming through the secondary event bus. EventBridge archives provide you with a type of “Active/Archive” architecture allowing you to replay events to the event bus once the primary Region is healthy again.

When the global endpoint alarm returns to a healthy state, the health check updates the endpoint configuration, and begins routing events back to the primary Region.

Global endpoints can be optionally configured to replicate events across Regions. When enabled, managed rules are created on your primary and secondary event buses that define the event bus in the other Region as the rule target.

Under normal operating conditions, events being sent to the primary event bus are also sent to the secondary in near-real-time to keep both Regions synchronized. When a failover occurs, consumers in the secondary Region have an up-to-date state of processed events, or the ability to replay messages delivered to the secondary Region, before the failover happens.

When the secondary Region is active, the replication rule attempts to send events back to the event bus in the primary Region. If the event bus in the primary Region is not available, EventBridge attempts to redeliver the events for up to 24 hours, per its default event retry policy. As this is a managed rule, you cannot change this. To manage for a longer period, you can archive events being ingested by the secondary event bus.

How do you identify if the event has been replicated from another Region? Events routed via global endpoints have identical resource fields, which contain the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the global endpoint that routed the event to the event bus. The region field shows the origin of the event. In the following example, the event is sent to the event bus in the primary Region and replicated to the event bus in the secondary Region. The event in the secondary Region is us-east-1, showing the source of the event was the event bus in the primary Region.

If there is a failover, events are routed to the secondary Region and replicated to the primary Region. Inspecting these events, you would expect to see us-west-2 as the source Region.

Replicated events

The two preceding events are identical except for the id. Event IDs can change across API calls so correlating events across Regions requires you to have an immutable, unique identifier. Consumers should also be designed with idempotency in mind. If you are replicating events, or replaying them from archives, this ensures that there are no side effects from duplicate processing.

Setting up a global endpoint

To configure a Global endpoint, define two event buses — one in the “primary” Region (this is the same Region you configure the endpoint in) and one in a “secondary” Region. To ensure that events are routed correctly, the event bus in the secondary Region must have the same name, in the same account, as the primary event bus.

  1. Create two event buses in different Regions with the same name. This is quickly set up using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI):Primary event bus:
    aws events create-event-bus --name orders-bus --region us-east-1Secondary event bus:
    aws events create-event-bus --name orders-bus --region us-west-2
  2. Open the Amazon EventBridge console in the Region where you want to create the global endpoint. This aligns with your primary Region. Navigate to the new global endpoints page and create a new endpoint.
    EventBridge console
  3. In the Endpoint details panel, specify a name for your global endpoint (for example, OrdersGlobalEndpoint) and enter a description.
  4. Select the event bus in the primary Region, orders-bus.
  5. Select the Region used when creating the secondary event bus previously. the secondary event bus by choosing the Region it was created in from the dropdown.Create global endpoint
  6. Select the Route 53 health check for triggering failover and recovery. If you have not created one before, choose New health check. This opens an AWS CloudFormation console to create the “LatencyFailuresHealthCheck” health check and CloudWatch alarm in your account. EventBridge provides a template with recommended defaults for a CloudWatch alarm that is triggered when the average latency exceeds 30 seconds for 5 minutes.Endpoint configuration
  7. Once the CloudFormation stack is deployed, return to the EventBridge console and refresh the dropdown list of health checks. Select the physical ID of the health check you created.Failover and recovery
  8. Ensure that event replication is enabled, and create the endpoint.
    Event replication
  9. Once the endpoint is created, it appears in the console. The global endpoint URL contains the EndpointId, which you must specify in PutEvents API calls to publish events to the endpoint.
    Endpoint listed in console

Testing failover

Once you have created an endpoint, you can test the configuration by creating “catch all” rules on the primary and secondary event buses. The simplest way to see events being processed is to create rules with CloudWatch log group target.

Testing global endpoint failure over is accomplished by inverting the Route 53 health check. This can be accomplished using any of the Route 53 APIs. Using the console, open the Route 53 health checks landing page and edit the “LatencyFailuresHealthCheck” associated with your global endpoint. Check “Invert health check status” and save to update the health check.

Within a few minutes, the health check changes state from “Healthy” to “Unhealthy” and you see events flowing to the event bus in the secondary.

Configure health check

Using the PutEvents API with global endpoints

To use global endpoints in your applications, you must update your current PutEvents API call. All AWS SDKs have been updated to include an optional EndpointId parameter that you must set when publishing events to a global endpoint. Even though you are no longer putting events directly on the event bus, the EventBusName must be defined to validate the endpoint configuration.

PutEvents SDK support for global endpoints requires the AWS Common Runtime (CRT) library, which is available for multiple programming languages, including Python, Node.js, and Java:


To install the awscrt module for Python using pip, run:

python3 -m pip install boto3 awscrt

This example shows how to send an event to a global endpoint using the Python SDK:

import json
import boto3
from datetime import datetime
import uuid
import random

client = session.client('events', config=my_config)

detail = {
    "order_date": datetime.now().isoformat(),
    "customer_id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
    "order_id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
    "order_total": round(random.uniform(1.0, 1000.0), 2)

put_response = client.put_events(
    EndpointId=" y6gho8g4kc.veo",
            'Source': 'com.aws.Orders',
            'DetailType': 'OrderCreated',
            'Detail': json.dumps(detail),
            'EventBusName': 'orders-bus'

Event producers can suffer data loss if the PutEvents API call fails, even if you are using global endpoints. Global endpoints allow you to automate the re-routing of events to another event-bus in another Region, but the health checks triggering the failover won’t be invoked for at least 5 minutes. It’s possible that your applications experience increased error rates for PutEvents operations before the failover occurs and events are routed to a healthy Region. To safeguard against message loss during this time, it’s best practice to use exponential retry and back-off patterns and durable store-and-forward capability at the producer level.


This blog shows how to create an EventBridge global endpoint to improve the availability and reliability of event ingestion of event-driven applications. This example shows how to use the PutEvents in the Python AWS SDK to publish events to a global endpoint.

To create a global endpoint using the API, see CreateEndpoint in the Amazon EventBridge API Reference. You can also create a global endpoint by using AWS CloudFormation using an AWS::Events:: Endpoints resource.

To learn more about EventBridge global endpoints, see the EventBridge Developer Guide. For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Using AWS Step Functions and Amazon DynamoDB for business rules orchestration

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-aws-step-functions-and-amazon-dynamodb-for-business-rules-orchestration/

This post is written by Vijaykumar Pannirselvam, Cloud Consultant, Sushant Patil, Cloud Consultant, and Kishore Dhamodaran, Senior Solution Architect.

A Business Rules Engine (BRE) is used in enterprises to manage business-critical decisions. The logic or rules used to make such decisions can vary in complexity. A finance department may have a basic rule to get any purchase over a certain dollar amount to get director approval. A mortgage company may need to run complex rules based on inputs (for example, credit score, debt-to-income ratio, down payment) to make an approval decision for a loan.

Decoupling these rules from application logic provides agility to your rules management, since business rules may often change while your application may not. It can also provide standardization across your enterprise, so every department can communicate with the same taxonomy.

As part of migrating their workloads, some enterprises consider replacing their commercial rules engine with cloud native and open-source alternatives. The motivation for such a move stem from several factors, such as simplifying the architecture, cost, security considerations, or vendor support.

Many of these commercial rules engines come as part of a BPMS offering that provides orchestration capabilities for rules execution. For a successful migration to cloud using an open-source rules engine management system, you need an orchestration capability to manage incoming rule requests, auditing the rules, and tracking exceptions.

This post showcases an orchestration framework that allows you to use an open-source rules engine. It uses Drools rules engine to build a set of rules for calculating insurance premiums based on the properties of Car and Person objects. This uses AWS Step Functions, AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, and open-source Drools rules engine to show this. You can swap the rules engine provided you can manage it in the AWS Cloud environment and expose it as an API.

Solution overview

The following diagram shows the solution architecture.

Solution architecture

The solution comprises:

  1. API Gateway – a fully managed service that makes it easier to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale for API consumers. API Gateway helps you manage traffic to backend systems, in this case Step Functions, which orchestrates the execution of tasks. For the REST API use-case, you can also set up a cache with customizable keys and time-to-live in seconds for your API data to avoid hitting your backend services for each request.
  2. Step Functions – a low code service to orchestrate multiple steps involved to accomplish tasks. Step Functions uses the finite-state machine (FSM) model, which uses given states and transitions to complete the tasks. The diagram depicts three states: Audit Request, Execute Ruleset and Audit Response. We execute them sequentially. You can add additional states and transitions, such as validating incoming payloads, and branching out parallel execution of the states.
  3. Drools rules engine Spring Boot application – runtime component of the rule execution. You set the Drools rule engine Spring Boot application as an Apache Maven Docker project with Drools Maven dependencies. You then deploy the Drools rule engine Docker image to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), create an AWS Fargate cluster, and an Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) service. The service launches Amazon ECS tasks and maintains the desired count. An Application Load Balancer distributes the traffic evenly to all running containers.
  4. Lambda – a serverless execution environment giving you an ability to interact with the Drools Engine and a persistence layer for rule execution audit functions. The Lambda component provides the audit function required to persist the incoming requests and outgoing responses in DynamoDB. Apart from the audit function, Lambda is also used to invoke the service exposed by the Drools Spring Boot application.
  5. DynamoDB – a fully managed and highly scalable key/value store, to persist the rule execution information, such as request and response payload information. DynamoDB provides the persistence layer for the incoming request JSON payload and for the outgoing response JSON payload. The audit Lambda function invokes the DynamoDB put_item() method when it receives the request or response event from Step Functions. The DynamoDB table rule_execution_audit has an entry for every request and response associated with the incoming request-id originated by the application (upstream).

Drools rules engine implementation

The Drools rules engine separates the business rules from the business processes. You use DRL (Drools Rule Language) by defining business rules as .drl text files. You define model objects to build the rules.

The model objects are POJO (Plain Old Java Objects) defined using Eclipse, with the Drools plugin installed. You should have some level of knowledge about building rules and executing them using the Drools rules engine. The below diagram describes the functions of this component.

Drools process

You define the following rules in the .drl file as part of the GitHub repo. The purpose of these rules is to evaluate the driver premium based on the input model objects provided as input. The inputs are Car and Driver objects and output is the Policy object, which has the premium calculated based on the certain criteria defined in the rule:

rule "High Risk"
         $car : Car(style == "SPORTS", color == "RED") 
         $policy : Policy() 
         and $driver : Driver ( age < 21 )                             
         System.out.println(drools.getRule().getName() +": rule fired");          
         modify ($policy) { setPremium(increasePremiumRate($policy, 20)) };
 rule "Med Risk"
         $car : Car(style == "SPORTS", color == "RED") 
         $policy : Policy() 
         and $driver : Driver ( age > 21 )                             
         System.out.println(drools.getRule().getName() +": rule fired");          
         modify ($policy) { setPremium(increasePremiumRate($policy, 10)) };
 function double increasePremiumRate(Policy pol, double percentage) {
     return (pol.getPremium() + pol.getPremium() * percentage / 100);

Once the rules are defined, you define a RestController that takes input parameters and evaluates the above rules. The below code snippet is a POST method defined in the controller, which handles the requests and sends the response to the caller.

@PostMapping(value ="/policy/premium", consumes = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE }, produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE})
    public ResponseEntity<Policy> getPremium(@RequestBody InsuranceRequest requestObj) {
        System.out.println("handling request...");
        Car carObj = requestObj.getCar();        
        Car carObj1 = new Car(carObj.getMake(),carObj.getModel(),carObj.getYear(), carObj.getStyle(), carObj.getColor());
        Policy policyObj = requestObj.getPolicy();
        Policy policyObj1 = new Policy(policyObj.getId(), policyObj.getPremium());
        Driver driverObj = requestObj.getDriver();
        Driver driverObj1 = new Driver( driverObj.getAge(), driverObj.getName());
        KieSession kieSession = kieContainer.newKieSession();
        return ResponseEntity.ok(policyObj1);


Solution walkthrough

  1. Clone the project GitHub repository to your local machine, do a Maven build, and create a Docker image. The project contains Drools related folders needed to build the Java application.
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-step-functions-business-rules-orchestration
    cd drools-spring-boot
    mvn clean install
    mvn docker:build
  2. Create an Amazon ECR private repository to host your Docker image.
    aws ecr create-repository —repository-name drools_private_repo —image-tag-mutability MUTABLE —image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=false
  3. Tag the Docker image and push it to the Amazon ECR repository.
    aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <<INSERT ACCOUNT NUMBER>>.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    docker tag drools-rule-app:latest <<INSERT ACCOUNT NUMBER>>.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/drools_private_repo:latest
    docker push <<INSERT ACCOUNT NUMBER>>.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/drools_private_repo:latest
  4. Deploy resources using AWS SAM:
    cd ..
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided

    SAM deployment output

Verifying the deployment

Verify the business rules execution and the orchestration components:

  1. Navigate to the API Gateway console, and choose the rules-stack API.
    API Gateway console
  2. Under Resources, choose POST, followed by TEST.
    Resource configuration
  3. Enter the following JSON under the Request Body section, and choose Test.

      "context": {
        "request_id": "REQ-99999",
        "timestamp": "2021-03-17 03:31:51:40"
      "request": {
        "driver": {
          "age": "18",
          "name": "Brian"
        "car": {
          "make": "honda",
          "model": "civic",
          "year": "2015",
          "style": "SPORTS",
          "color": "RED"
        "policy": {
          "id": "1231231",
          "premium": "300"
  4. The response received shows results from the evaluation of the business rule “High Risk“, with the premium representing the percentage calculation in the rule definition. Try changing the request input to evaluate a “Medium Risk” rule by modifying the age of the driver to 22 or higher:
    Sample response
  5. Optionally, you can verify the API using Postman. Get the endpoint information by navigating to the rule-stack API, followed by Stages in the navigation pane, then choosing either Dev or Stage.
  6. Enter the payload in the request body and choose Send:
    Postman UI
  7. The response received is results from the evaluation of business rule “High Risk“, with the premium representing the percentage calculation in the rule definition. Try changing the request input to evaluate a “Medium Risk” rule by modifying the age of the driver to 22 or higher.
    Body JSON
  8. Observe the request and response audit logs. Navigate to the DynamoDB console. Under the navigation pane, choose Tables, then choose rule_execution_audit.
    DynamoDB console
  9. Under the Tables section in the navigation pane, choose Explore Items. Observe the individual audit logs by choosing the audit_id.
    Table audit item

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring ongoing charges, clean up the infrastructure by deleting the stack using the following command:

sam delete SAM confirmations

Delete the Amazon ECR repository, and any other resources you created as a prerequisite for this exercise.


In this post, you learned how to leverage an orchestration framework using Step Functions, Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway to build an API backed by an open-source Drools rules engine, running on a container. Try this solution for your cloud native business rules orchestration use-case.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Choosing the right solution for AWS Lambda external parameters

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/choosing-the-right-solution-for-aws-lambda-external-parameters/

This post is written by Thomas Moore, Solutions Architect, Serverless.

When using AWS Lambda to build serverless applications, customers often need to retrieve parameters from an external source at runtime. This allows you to share parameter values across multiple functions or microservices, providing a single source of truth for updates. A common example is retrieving database connection details from an external source and then using the retrieved hostname, user name, and password to connect to the database:

Lambda function retrieving database credentials from an external source

Lambda function retrieving database credentials from an external source

AWS provides a number of options to store parameter data, including AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, AWS AppConfig, Amazon S3, and Lambda environment variables. This blog explores the different parameter data that you may need to store. I cover considerations for choosing the right parameter solution and how to retrieve and cache parameter data efficiently within the Lambda function execution environment.

Common use cases

Common parameter examples include:

  • Securely storing secret data, such as credentials or API keys.
  • Database connection details such as hostname, port, and credentials.
  • Schema data (for example, a structured JSON response).
  • TLS certificate for mTLS or JWT validation.
  • Email template.
  • Tenant configuration in a multitenant system.
  • Details of external AWS resources to communicate with such as an Amazon SQS queue URL, Amazon EventBridge event bus name, or AWS Step Functions ARN.

Key considerations

There are a number of key considerations when choosing the right solution for external parameter data.

  1. Cost – how much does it cost to store the data and retrieve it via an API call?
  2. Security – what encryption and fine-grained access control is required?
  3. Performance – what are the retrieval latency requirements?
  4. Data size – how much data is there to store and retrieve?
  5. Update frequency – how often does the parameter change and how does the function handle stale parameters?
  6. Access scope – do multiple functions or services access the parameter?

These considerations help to determine where to store the parameter data and how often to retrieve it.

For example, a 4KB parameter that updates hourly and is used by hundreds of functions needs to be optimized for low retrieval costs and high performance. Choosing a solution that supports low-cost API GET requests at a high transaction per second (TPS) would be better than one that supports large data.

AWS service options

There are a number of AWS services available to store external parameter data.

Amazon S3

S3 is an object storage service offering 99.999999999% (11 9s) of data durability and virtually unlimited scalability at low cost. Objects can be up to 5 TB in size in any format, making S3 a good solution to store larger parameter data.

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed, serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed for single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. Due to the high performance of this service, it’s a great place to store parameters when low retrieval latency is important.

AWS Secrets Manager

AWS Secrets Manager makes it easier to rotate, manage, and retrieve secret data. This makes it the ideal place to store sensitive parameters such as passwords and API keys.

AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

Parameter Store provides a centralized store to manage configuration data. This data can be plaintext or encrypted using AWS Key Management Service (KMS). Parameters can be tagged and organized into hierarchies for simpler management. Parameter Store is a good default choice for general-purpose parameters in AWS. The standard version (no additional charge) can store parameters up to 4 KB in size and the advanced version (additional charges apply) up to 8 KB.

For a code example using Parameter Store for Lambda parameters, see the Serverless Land pattern.

AWS AppConfig

AppConfig is a capability of AWS Systems Manager to create, manage, and quickly deploy application configurations. AppConfig allows you to validate changes during roll-outs and automatically roll back, if there is an error. AppConfig deployment strategies help to manage configuration changes safely.

AppConfig also provides a Lambda extension to retrieve and locally cache configuration data. This results in fewer API calls and reduced function duration, reducing costs.

AWS Lambda environment variables

You can store parameter data as Lambda environment variables as part of the function’s version-specific configuration. Lambda environment variables are stored during function creation or updates. You can access these variables directly from your code without needing to contact an external source. Environment variables are ideal for parameter values that don’t need updating regularly and help make function code reusable across different environments. However, unlike the other options, values cannot be accessed centrally by multiple functions or services.

Lambda execution lifecycle

It is worth understanding the Lambda execution lifecycle, which has a number of stages. This helps to decide when to handle parameter retrieval within your Lambda code, including cache management.

Lambda execution lifecycle

Lambda execution lifecycle

When a Lambda function is invoked for the first time, or when Lambda is scaling to handle additional requests, an execution environment is created. The first phase in the execution environment’s lifecycle is initialization (Init), during which the code outside the main handler function runs. This is known as a cold start.

The execution environment can then be re-used for subsequent invocations. This means that the Init phase does not need to run again and only the main handler function code runs. This is known as a warm start.

An execution environment can only run a single invocation at a time. Concurrent invocations require additional execution environments. When a new execution environment is required, this starts a new Init phase, which runs the cold start process.

Caching and updates

Retrieving the parameter during Init

Retrieving the parameter during Init

Retrieving the parameter during Init

As Lambda execution environments are re-used, you can improve the performance and reduce the cost of retrieving an external parameter by caching the value. Writing the value to memory or the Lambda /tmp file system allows it to be available during subsequent invokes in the same execution environment.

This approach reduces API calls, as they are not made during every invocation. However, this can cause an out-of-date parameter and potentially different values across concurrent execution environments.

The following Python example shows how to retrieve a Parameter Store value outside the Lambda handler function during the Init phase.

import boto3
ssm = boto3.client('ssm', region_name='eu-west-1')
parameter = ssm.get_parameter(Name='/my/parameter')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # My function code...

Retrieving the parameter on every invocation

Retrieving the parameter on every invocation

Retrieving the parameter on every invocation

Another option is to retrieve the parameter during every invocation by making the API call inside the handler code. This keeps the value up to date, but can lead to higher retrieval costs and longer function durations due to the added API call during every invocation.

The following Python example shows this approach:

import boto3
ssm = boto3.client('ssm', region_name='eu-west-1')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    parameter = ssm.get_parameter(Name='/my/parameter')
    # My function code...

Using AWS AppConfig Lambda extension

Using AWS AppConfig Lambda extension

Using AWS AppConfig Lambda extension

AppConfig allows you to retrieve and cache values from the service using a Lambda extension. The extension retrieves the values and makes them available via a local HTTP server. The Lambda function then queries the local HTTP server for the value. The AppConfig extension refreshes the values at a configurable poll interval, which defaults to 45 seconds. This improves performance and reduces costs, as the function only needs to make a local HTTP call.

The following Python code example shows how to access the cached parameters.

import urllib.request
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    url = f'http://localhost:2772/applications/application_name/environments/environment_name/configurations/configuration_name'
    config = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
    # My function code...

For caching secret values using a Lambda extension local HTTP cache and AWS Secrets Manager, see the AWS Prescriptive Guidance documentation.

Using Lambda Powertools for Python or Java

Lambda Powertools for Python or Lambda Powertools for Java contains utilities to manage parameter caching. You can configure the cache interval, which defaults to 5 seconds. Supported parameter stores include Secrets Manager, AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, AppConfig, and DynamoDB. You also have the option to bring your own provider. The following example shows the Powertools for Python parameters utility retrieving a single value from Systems Manager Parameter Store.

from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities import parameters
def handler(event, context):
    value = parameters.get_parameter("/my/parameter")
    # My function code…


Parameter security is a key consideration. You should evaluate encryption at rest, in-transit, private network access, and fine-grained permissions for each external parameter solution based on the use case.

All services highlighted in this post support server-side encryption at rest, and you can choose to use AWS KMS to manage your own keys. When accessing parameters using the AWS SDK and CLI tools, connections are encrypted in transit using TLS by default. You can force most to use TLS 1.2.

To access parameters from inside an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) without internet access, you can use AWS PrivateLink and create a VPC endpoint for each service. All the services mentioned in this post support AWS PrivateLink connections.

Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies to manage which users or roles can access specific parameters.

General guidance

This blog explores a number of considerations to make when using an external source for Lambda parameters. The correct solution is use-case dependent. There are some general guidelines when selecting an AWS service.

  • For general-purpose low-cost parameters, use AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.
  • For single function, small parameters, use Lambda environment variables.
  • For secret values that require automatic rotation, use AWS Secrets Manager.
  • When you need a managed cache, use the AWS AppConfig Lambda extension or Lambda Powertools for Python/Java.
  • For items larger than 400 KB, use Amazon S3.
  • When access frequency is high, and low latency is required, use Amazon DynamoDB.


External parameters provide a central source of truth across distributed systems, allowing for efficient updates and code reuse. This blog post highlights a number of considerations when using external parameters with Lambda to help you choose the most appropriate solution for your use case.

Consider how you cache and reuse parameters inside the Lambda execution environment. Doing this correctly can help you reduce costs and improve the performance of your Lambda functions.

There are a number of services to choose from to store parameter data. These include DynamoDB, S3, Parameter Store, Secrets Manager, AppConfig, and Lambda environment variables. Each comes with a number of advantages, depending on the use case. This blog guidance, along with the AWS documentation and Service Quotas, can help you select the most appropriate service for your workload.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Sending events to Amazon EventBridge from AWS Organizations accounts

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/sending-events-to-amazon-eventbridge-from-aws-organizations-accounts/

This post is written by Elinisa Canameti, Associate Cloud Architect, and Iris Kraja, Associate Cloud Architect.

AWS Organizations provides a hierarchical grouping of multiple accounts. This helps larger projects establish a central managing system that governs the infrastructure. This can help with meeting budgetary and security requirements.

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event-driven service that delivers events from customized applications, AWS services, or software as service (SaaS) applications to targets.

This post shows how to send events from multiple accounts in AWS Organizations to the management account using AWS CDK. This uses AWS CloudFormation StackSets to deploy the infrastructure in the member’s accounts.

Solution overview

This blog post describes a centralized event management strategy in a multi-account setup. The AWS accounts are organized by using AWS Organizations service into one management account and many member accounts.  You can explore and deploy the reference solution from this GitHub repository.

In the example, there are events from three different AWS services: Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Config, and Amazon GuardDuty. These are sent from the member accounts to the management account.

The management account publishes to an Amazon SNS topic, which sends emails when these events occur. AWS CloudFormation StackSets are created in the management account to deploy the infrastructure in the member’s accounts.


To fully automate the process of adding and removing accounts to the organization unit, an EventBridge rule is triggered:

  • When a new account is moved from and in the organization unit (MoveAccount event).
  • When an account is removed from the organization (RemoveAccountFromOrganization event).

These events invoke an AWS Lambda function, which updates the management EventBridge rule with the additional source accounts.


  1. At least one AWS account, which represents the member’s account.
  2. An AWS account, which is the management account.
  3. Install AWS Command Line (CLI).
  4. Install AWS CDK.

Set up the environment with AWS Organizations

1. Login into the main account used to manage your organization.

2. Select the AWS Organizations service. Choose Create Organization. Once you create the organization, you receive a verification email.

3. After verification is completed, you can add other customer accounts into the organization.

4. AWS sends an invitation to each account added under the root account.

5. To see the invitation, log in to each of the accounts and search for AWS Organization service. You can find the invitation option listed on the side.

6. Accept the invitation from the root account.

7. Create an Organization Unit (OU) and place all the member accounts, which should propagate the events to the management account in this OU. The OU identifier is used later to deploy the StackSet.

8. Finally, enable trusted access in the organization to be able to create StackSets and deploy resources from the management account to the member accounts.

Management account

After the initial deployment of the solution in the management account, a StackSet is created. It’s configured to deploy the member account infrastructure in all the members of the organization unit.

When you add a new account in the organization unit, this StackSet automatically deploys the resources specified. Read the Member account section for more information about resources in this stack.

All events coming from the member account pass through the custom event bus in the management account. To allow other accounts to put events in the management account, the resource policy of the event bus grants permission to every account in the organization:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [{
    "Sid": "AllowAllAccountsInOrganizationToPutEvents",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Principal": "*",
    "Action": "events:PutEvents",
    "Resource": "arn:aws:events:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:event-bus/CentralEventBus ",
    "Condition": {
      "StringEquals": {
        "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "o-xxxxxxxx"

You must configure EventBridge in the management account to handle the events coming from the member accounts. In this example, you send an email with the event information using SNS. Create a new rule with the following event pattern:

Event pattern

When you add or remove accounts in the organization unit, an EventBridge rule invokes a Lambda function to update the rule in the management account. This rule reacts to two events from the organization’s source: MoveAccount and RemoveAccountFromOrganization.

Event pattern

// EventBridge to trigger updateRuleFunction Lambda whenever a new account is added or removed from the organization.
new Rule(this, 'AWSOrganizationAccountMemberChangesRule', {
   ruleName: 'AWSOrganizationAccountMemberChangesRule',
   eventPattern: {
      source: ['aws.organizations'],
      detailType: ['AWS API Call via CloudTrail'],
      detail: {
        eventSource: ['organizations.amazonaws.com'],
        eventName: [
    targets: [
      new LambdaFunction(updateRuleFunction)

Custom resource Lambda function

The custom resource Lambda function is executed to run custom logic whenever the CloudFormation stack is created, updated or deleted.

// Cloudformation Custom resource event
switch (event.RequestType) {
  case "Create":
    await putRule(accountIds);
  case "Update":
    await putRule(accountIds);
  case "Delete":
    await deleteRule()

async function putRule(accounts) {
  await eventBridgeClient.putRule({
    Name: rule.name,
    Description: rule.description,
    EventBusName: eventBusName,
    EventPattern: JSON.stringify({
      account: accounts,
      source: rule.sources
  await eventBridgeClient.putTargets({
    Rule: rule.name,
    Targets: [
        Arn: snsTopicArn,
        Id: `snsTarget-${rule.name}`

Amazon EventBridge triggered Lambda function code

// New AWS Account moved to the organization unit of out it.
if (eventName === 'MoveAccount' || eventName === 'RemoveAccountFromOrganization') {
   await putRule(accountIds);

All events generated from the members’ accounts are then sent to a SNS topic, which has an email address as an endpoint. More sophisticated targets can be configured depending on the application’s needs. The targets include, but are not limited to: Step Functions state machine, Kinesis stream, SQS queue, etc.

Member account

In the member account, we use an Amazon EventBridge rule to route all the events coming from Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Config, and Amazon GuardDuty to the event bus created in the management account.

    const rule = {
      name: 'MemberEventBridgeRule',
      sources: ['aws.cloudwatch', 'aws.config', 'aws.guardduty'],
      description: 'The Rule propagates all Amazon CloudWatch Events, AWS Config Events, AWS Guardduty Events to the management account'

    const cdkRule = new Rule(this, rule.name, {
      description: rule.description,
      ruleName: rule.name,
      eventPattern: {
        source: rule.sources,
      bind(_rule: IRule, generatedTargetId: string): RuleTargetConfig {
        return {
          arn: `arn:aws:events:${process.env.REGION}:${process.env.CDK_MANAGEMENT_ACCOUNT}:event-bus/${eventBusName.valueAsString}`,
          id: generatedTargetId,
          role: publishingRole

Deploying the solution

Bootstrap the management account:

npx cdk bootstrap  \ 
    --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess  \

To deploy the stack, use the cdk-deploy-to.sh script and pass as argument the management account ID, Region, AWS Organization ID, AWS Organization Unit ID and an accessible email address.

sh ./cdk-deploy-to.sh <MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT ID> <REGION> <AWS ORGANIZATION ID> <MEMBER ORGANIZATION UNIT ID> <EMAIL ADDRESS> AwsOrganizationsEventBridgeSetupManagementStack 

Make sure to subscribe to the SNS topic, when you receive an email after the Management stack is deployed.

After the deployment is completed, a stackset starts deploying the infrastructure to the members’ account. You can view this process in the AWS Management Console, under the AWS CloudFormation service in the management account as shown in the following image, or by logging in to the member account, under CloudFormation stacks.

Stack output

Testing the environment

This project deploys an Amazon CloudWatch billing alarm to the member accounts to test that we’re retrieving email notifications when this metric is in alarm. Using the member’s account credentials, run the following AWS CLI Command to change the alarm status to “In Alarm”:

aws cloudwatch set-alarm-state --alarm-name 'BillingAlarm' --state-value ALARM --state-reason "testing only" 

You receive emails at the email address configured as an endpoint on the Amazon SNS topic.


This blog post shows how to use AWS Organizations to organize your application’s accounts by using organization units and how to centralize event management using Amazon EventBridge across accounts in the organization. A fully automated solution is provided to ensure that adding new accounts to the organization unit is efficient.

For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Running cross-account workflows with AWS Step Functions and Amazon API Gateway

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/running-cross-account-workflows-with-aws-step-functions-and-amazon-api-gateway/

This post is written by Hardik Vasa, Senior Solutions Architect, and Pratik Jain, Cloud Infrastructure Architect.

AWS Step Functions allow you to build scalable and distributed applications using state machines. With the launch of Step Functions nested workflows, you can start a Step Functions workflow from another workflow. However, this requires both workflows to be in the same account. There are many use cases that require you to orchestrate workflows across different AWS accounts from one central AWS account.

This blog post covers a solution to invoke Step Functions workflows cross account using Amazon API Gateway. With this, you can perform cross-account orchestration for scheduling, ETL automation, resource deployments, security audits, and log aggregations all from a central account.


The following architecture shows a Step Functions workflow in account A invoking an API Gateway endpoint in account B, and passing the payload in the API request. The API then invokes another Step Functions workflow in account B asynchronously.  The resource policy on the API allows you to restrict access to a specific Step Functions workflow to prevent anonymous access.

Cross-account workflows

You can extend this architecture to run workflows across multiple Regions or accounts. This blog post shows running cross-account workflows with two AWS accounts.

To invoke an API Gateway endpoint, you can use Step Functions AWS SDK service integrations. This approach allows users to build solutions and integrate services within a workflow without writing code.

The example demonstrates how to use the cross-account capability using two AWS example accounts:

  • Step Functions state machine A: Account ID #111111111111
  • API Gateway API and Step Functions state machine B: Account ID #222222222222

Setting up

Start by creating state machine A in the account #111111111111. Next, create the state machine in target account #222222222222, followed by the API Gateway REST API integrated to the state machine in the target account.

Account A: #111111111111

In this account, create a state machine, which includes a state that invokes an API hosted in a different account.

Create an IAM role for Step Functions

  1. Sign in to the IAM console in account #111111111111, and then choose Roles from left navigation pane
  2. Choose Create role.
  3. For the Select trusted entity, under AWS service, select Step Functions from the list, and then choose Next.
  4. On the Add permissions page, choose Next.
  5. On the Review page, enter StepFunctionsAPIGatewayRole for Role name, and then choose Create role.
  6. Create inline policies to allow Step Functions to access the API actions of the services you need to control. Navigate to the role that you created and select Add Permissions and then Create inline policy.
  7. Use the Visual editor or the JSON tab to create policies for your role. Enter the following:
    Service: Execute-API
    Action: Invoke
    Resource: All Resources
  8. Choose Review policy.
  9. Enter APIExecutePolicy for name and choose Create Policy.

Creating a state machine in source account

  1. Navigate to the Step Functions console in account #111111111111 and choose Create state machine
  2. Select Design your workflow visually, and the click Standard and then click Next
  3. On the design page, search for APIGateway:Invoke state, then drag and drop the block on the page:
    Step Functions designer console
  4. In the API Gateway Invoke section on the right panel, update the API Parameters with the following JSON policy:
      "ApiEndpoint.$": "$.ApiUrl",
      "Method": "POST",
      "Stage": "dev",
      "Path": "/execution",
      "Headers": {},
      "RequestBody": {
       "input.$": "$.body",
       "stateMachineArn.$": "$.stateMachineArn"
      "AuthType": "RESOURCE_POLICY"

    These parameters indicate that the ApiEndpoint, payload (body) and stateMachineArn are dynamically assigned values based on input provided during workflow execution. You can also choose to assign these values statically, based on your use case.

  5. [Optional] You can also configure the API Gateway Invoke state to retry upon task failure by configuring the retries setting.
    Configuring State Machine
  6. Choose Next and then choose Next again. On the Specify state machine settings page:
    1. Enter a name for your state machine.
    2. Select Choose an existing role under Permissions and choose StepFunctionsAPIGatewayRole.
    3. Select Log Level ERROR.
  7. Choose Create State Machine.

After creating this state machine, copy the state machine ARN for later use.

Account B: #222222222222

In this account, create an API Gateway REST API that integrates with the target state machine and enables access to this state machine by means of a resource policy.

Creating a state machine in the target account

  1. Navigate to the Step Functions Console in account #222222222222 and choose Create State Machine.
  2. Under Choose authoring method select Design your workflow visually and the type as Standard.
  3. Choose Next.
  4. On the design page, search for Pass state. Drag and drop the state.
    State machine
  5. Choose Next.
  6. In the Review generated code page, choose Next and:
    1. Enter a name for the state machine.
    2. Select Create new role under the Permissions section.
    3. Select Log Level ERROR.
  7. Choose Create State Machine.

Once the state machine is created, copy the state machine ARN for later use.

Next, set up the API Gateway REST API, which acts as a gateway to accept requests from the state machine in account A. This integrates with the state machine you just created.

Create an IAM Role for API Gateway

Before creating the API Gateway API endpoint, you must give API Gateway permission to call Step Functions API actions:

  1. Sign in to the IAM console in account #222222222222 and choose Roles. Choose Create role.
  2. On the Select trusted entity page, under AWS service, select API Gateway from the list, and then choose Next.
  3. On the Select trusted entity page, choose Next
  4. On the Name, review, and create page, enter APIGatewayToStepFunctions for Role name, and then choose Create role
  5. Choose the name of your role and note the Role ARN:
  6. Select the IAM role (APIGatewayToStepFunctions) you created.
  7. On the Permissions tab, choose Add permission and choose Attach Policies.
  8. Search for AWSStepFunctionsFullAccess, choose the policy, and then click Attach policy.

Creating the API Gateway API endpoint

After creating the IAM role, create a custom API Gateway API:

  1. Open the Amazon API Gateway console in account #222222222222.
  2. Click Create API. Under REST API choose Build.
  3. Enter StartExecutionAPI for the API name, and then choose Create API.
  4. On the Resources page of StartExecutionAPI, choose Actions, Create Resource.
  5. Enter execution for Resource Name, and then choose Create Resource.
  6. On the /execution Methods page, choose Actions, Create Method.
  7. From the list, choose POST, and then select the check mark.

Configure the integration for your API method

  1. On the /execution – POST – Setup page, for Integration Type, choose AWS Service. For AWS Region, choose a Region from the list. For Regions that currently support Step Functions, see Supported Regions.
  2. For AWS Service, choose Step Functions from the list.
  3. For HTTP Method, choose POST from the list. All Step Functions API actions use the HTTP POST method.
  4. For Action Type, choose Use action name.
  5. For Action, enter StartExecution.
  6. For Execution Role, enter the role ARN of the IAM role that you created earlier, as shown in the following example. The Integration Request configuration can be seen in the image below.
    API Gateway integration request configuration
  7. Choose Save. The visual mapping between API Gateway and Step Functions is displayed on the /execution – POST – Method Execution page.
    API Gateway method configuration

After you configure your API, you can configure the resource policy to allow the invoke action from the cross-account Step Functions State Machine. For the resource policy to function in cross-account scenarios, you must also enable AWS IAM authorization on the API method.

Configure IAM authorization for your method

  1. On the /execution – POST method, navigate to the Method Request, and under the Authorization option, select AWS_IAM and save.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Resource Policy.
  3. Use this policy template to define and enter the resource policy for your API.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "Service": "states.amazonaws.com"
                "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
                "Resource": "execute-api:/*/*/*",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "aws:SourceArn": [

    Note: You must replace <SourceAccountStateMachineARN> with the state machine ARN from account #111111111111 (account A).

  4. Choose Save.

Once the resource policy is configured, deploy the API to a stage.

Deploy the API

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Resources and choose Actions.
  2. From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Deploy API.
  3. In the Deploy API dialog box, choose [New Stage], enter dev in Stage name.
  4. Choose Deploy to deploy the API.

After deployment, capture the API ID, API Region, and the stage name. These are used as inputs during the execution phase.

Starting the workflow

To run the Step Functions workflow in account A, provide the following input:

   "ApiUrl": "<api_id>.execute-api.<region>.amazonaws.com",
   "stateMachineArn": "<stateMachineArn>",
   "body": "{\"someKey\":\"someValue\"}"

Start execution

Paste in the values of APIUrl and stateMachineArn from account B in the preceding input. Make sure the ApiUrl is in the format as shown.

AWS Serverless Application Model deployment

You can deploy the preceding solution architecture with the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), which is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. During deployment, AWS SAM transforms and expands the syntax into AWS CloudFormation syntax, enabling you to build serverless applications faster.

Logging and monitoring

Logging and monitoring are vital for observability, measuring performance and audit purposes. Step Functions allows logging using CloudWatch Logs. Step Functions also automatically sends execution metrics to CloudWatch. You can learn more on monitoring Step Functions using CloudWatch.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring any charges, delete all the resources that you have created in both the accounts. This would include deleting the Step Functions state machines and API Gateway API.


This blog post provides a step-by-step guide on securely invoking a cross-account Step Functions workflow from a central account using API Gateway as front end. This pattern can be extended to scale workflow executions across different Regions and accounts.

By using a centralized account to orchestrate workflows across AWS accounts, this can help prevent duplicating work in each account.

To learn more about serverless and AWS Step Functions, visit the Step Functions Developer Guide.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Implementing mutual TLS for Java-based AWS Lambda functions

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/implementing-mutual-tls-for-java-based-aws-lambda-functions-2/

This post is written by Dhiraj Mahapatro, Senior Specialist SA, Serverless and Christian Mueller, Principal Solutions Architect

Modern secure applications establish network connections to other services through HTTPS. This ensures that the application connects to the right party and encrypts the data before sending it over the network.

You might not want unauthenticated users to connect to your service as a service provider. One solution to this requirement is to use mutual TLS (Transport Layer Security). Mutual TLS (or mTLS) is a common security mechanism that uses client certificates to add an authentication layer. This allows the service provider to verify the client’s identity cryptographically.

The purpose of mutual TLS in serverless

mTLS refers to two parties authenticating each other at the same time when establishing a connection. By default, the TLS protocol only proves the identity of the server to a client using X.509 certificates. With mTLS, a client must prove its identity to the server to communicate. This helps support a zero-trust policy to protect against adversaries like man-in-the-middle attacks.

mTLS is often used in business-to-business (B2B) applications and microservices, where interservice communication needs mutual authentication of parties. In Java, you see the following error when the server expects a certificate, but the client does not provide one:

PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

This blog post explains multiple ways to implement a Java-based AWS Lambda function that uses mTLS to authenticate with a third-party internal or external service. The sample application and this post explain the advantages and tradeoffs of each approach.

The KeyStore and TrustStore in Java

The TrustStore is used to store certificate public keys from a certificate authority (CA) or trusted servers. A client can verify the public certificate presented by the server in a TLS connection. A KeyStore stores private key and identity certificates that a specific application uses to prove the client’s identity.

The stores contain opposite certificates. The TrustStore holds the identification certificates that identify others, while the KeyStore holds the identification certificates that identify itself.


To start, you create certificates. For brevity, this sample application uses a script that uses OpenSSL and Java’s keytool for self-signed certificates from a CA. You store the generated keys in Java KeyStore and TrustStore. However, the best practice for creating and maintaining certificates and private CA is to use AWS Certificate Manager and AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority.

You can find the details of the script in the README file.

The following diagram shows the use of KeyStore and TrustStore in the client Lambda function, and the server running on Fargate.

KeyStore and TrustStore

KeyStore and TrustStore

The demo application contains several Lambda functions. The Lambda functions act as clients to services provided by Fargate behind an Amazon Network Load Balancer (NLB) running in a private Amazon VPC. Amazon Route 53 private hosted zones are used to resolve selected hostnames. You attach the Lambda functions to this VPC to resolve the hostnames for the NLB. To learn more, read how AWS Lambda uses Hyperplane elastic network interfaces to work with custom VPC.

The following examples refer to portions of InfrastructureStack.java and the implementation in the corresponding Lambda functions.

Providing a client certificate in a Lambda function artifact

The first option is to provide the KeyStore and TrustStore in a Lambda functions’ .zip artifact. You provide specific Java environment variables within the Lambda configuration to instruct the JVM to load and trust your provided Keystore and TrustStore. The JVM uses these settings instead of the Java Runtime Environment’s (JRE) default settings (use a stronger password for your use case):

"-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=./client_keystore_1.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=secret -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=./client_truststore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=secret"

The JRE uses this KeyStore and TrustStore to build a default SSLContext. The HttpClient uses this default SSLContext to create a TLS connection to the backend service running on Fargate.

The following architecture diagram shows the sample implementation. It consists of an Amazon API Gateway endpoint with a Lambda proxy integration that calls a backend Fargate service running behind an NLB.

Providing a client certificate in a Lambda function artifact

Providing a client certificate in a Lambda function artifact

This is a basic approach for a prototype. However, it has a few shortcomings related to security and separation of duties. The KeyStore contains the private key, and the password is exposed to the source code management (SCM) system, which is a security concern. Also, it is the Lambda function owner’s responsibility to update the certificate before its expiration. You can address these concerns about separation of duties with the following approach.

Providing the client certificate in a Lambda layer

In this approach, you separate the responsibility between two entities. The Lambda function owner and the KeyStore and TrustStore owner.

The KeyStore and TrustStore owner provides the certificates securely to the function developer who may be working in a separate AWS environment. For simplicity, the demo application uses the same AWS account.

The KeyStore and TrustStore owner achieves this by using AWS Lambda layers. The KeyStore and TrustStore owner packages and uploads the certificates as a Lambda layer and only allows access to authorized functions. The Lambda function owner does not access the KeyStore or manage its lifecycle. The KeyStore and TrustStore owner’s responsibility is to release a new version of this layer when necessary and inform users.

Providing the client certificate in a Lambda layer

Providing the client certificate in a Lambda layer

The KeyStore and TrustStore are extracted under the path /opt as part of including a Lambda layer. The Lambda function can now use the layer as:

Function lambdaLayerFunction = new Function(this, "LambdaLayerFunction", FunctionProps.builder()
    "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS", "-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/opt/client_keystore_1.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=secret -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/opt/client_truststore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=secret"

The KeyStore and TrustStore passwords are still supplied as environment variables and stored in the SCM system, which is against best practices. You can address this with the next approach.

Storing passwords securely in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store provides secure, hierarchical storage for configuration data and secret management. You can use Parameter Store to store the KeyStore and TrustStore passwords instead of environment variables. The Lambda function uses an IAM policy to access Parameter Store and gets the passwords as a secure string during the Lambda initialization phase.

With this approach, you build a custom SSLContext after retrieving the KeyStore and TrustStore passwords from the Parameter Store. Once you create SSLContext, provide that to the HttpClient you use to connect with the backend service:

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder()

You can also use a VPC interface endpoint for AWS Systems Manager to keep the traffic from your Lambda function to Parameter Store internal to AWS. The following diagram shows the interaction between AWS Lambda and Parameter Store.

Storing passwords securely in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

Storing passwords securely in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

This approach works for Lambda functions interacting with a single backend service requiring mTLS. However, it is common in a modern microservices architecture to integrate with multiple backend services. Sometimes, these services require a client to assume different identities by using different KeyStores. The next approach explains how to handle the multiple services scenario.

Providing multiple client certificates in Lambda layers

You can provide multiple KeyStore and TrustStore pairs within multiple Lambda layers. All layers attached to a function are merged when provisioning the function. Ensure your KeyStore and TrustStore names are unique. A Lambda function can use up to five Lambda layers.

Similar to the previous approach, you load multiple KeyStores and TrustStores to construct multiple SSLContext objects. You abstract the common logic to create an SSLContext object in another Lambda layer. Now, the Lambda function calling two different backend services uses 3 Lambda layers:

  • Lambda layer for backend service 1 (under /opt)
  • Lambda layer for backend service 2 (under /opt)
  • Lambda layer for the SSL utility that takes the KeyStore, TrustStore, and their passwords to return an SSLContext object

SSL utility Lambda layer provides the getSSLContext default method in a Java interface. The Lambda function implements this interface. Now, you create a dedicated HTTP client per service.

The following diagram shows your final architecture:

Providing multiple client certificates in Lambda layers

Providing multiple client certificates in Lambda layers


To run the sample application, you need:

  1. CDK v2
  2. Java 11
  3. AWS CLI
  4. Docker
  5. jq

To build and provision the stack:

  1. Clone the git repository.
  2. git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/serverless-mutual-tls.git
    cd serverless-mutual-tls
  3. Create the two root CA’s, client, and server certificates.
  4. ./scripts/1-create-certificates.sh
  5. Build and package all examples.
  6. ./scripts/2-build_and_package-functions.sh
  7. Provision the AWS infrastructure (make sure that Docker is running).
  8. ./scripts/3-provision-infrastructure.sh


Verify that the API endpoints are working and using mTLS by running these commands from the base directory:

export API_ENDPOINT=$(cat infrastructure/target/outputs.json | jq -r '.LambdaMutualTLS.apiendpoint')

To see the error when mTLS is not used in the Lambda function, run:

curl -i $API_ENDPOINT/lambda-no-mtls

The preceding curl command responds with an HTTP status code 500 and plain body as:

PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

For successful usage of mTLS as shown in the previous use cases, run:

curl -i $API_ENDPOINT/lambda-only
curl -i $API_ENDPOINT/lambda-layer
curl -i $API_ENDPOINT/lambda-parameter-store
curl -i $API_ENDPOINT/lambda-multiple-certificates

The last curl command responds with an HTTP status code 200 and body as:

 {"hello": "from backend service 1"}, 
 {"hello": "from backend service 2"}

Additional security

You can add additional controls via Java environment variables. Compliance standards like PCI DSS in financial services require customers to exercise more control over the underlying negotiated protocol and ciphers.

Some of the useful Java environment variables to troubleshoot SSL/TLS connectivity issues in a Lambda function are:


You can enforce a specific minimum version of TLS (for example, v1.3) to meet regulatory requirements:


Alternatively, programmatically construct your SSLContext inside the Lambda function:

SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.3");

You can also use the following Java environment variable to limit the use of weak cipher suites or unapproved algorithms, and explicitly provide the supported cipher suites:


You achieve the same programmatically with the following code snippet:

httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder()
  .sslParameters(new SSLParameters(new String[]{

Cleaning up

The stack creates a custom VPC and other related resources. Clean up after usage to avoid the ongoing cost of running these services. To clean up the infrastructure and the self-generated certificates, run:



mTLS in Java using KeyStore and TrustStore is a well-established approach for using client certificates to add an authentication layer. This blog highlights the four approaches that you can take to implement mTLS using Java-based Lambda functions.

Each approach addresses the separation of concerns required while implementing mTLS with additional security features. Use an approach that suits your needs, organizational security best practices, and enterprise requirements. Refer to the demo application for additional details.

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