Tag Archives: eBPF

Announcing bpftop: Streamlining eBPF performance optimization

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/announcing-bpftop-streamlining-ebpf-performance-optimization-6a727c1ae2e5

By Jose Fernandez

Today, we are thrilled to announce the release of bpftop, a command-line tool designed to streamline the performance optimization and monitoring of eBPF applications. As Netflix increasingly adopts eBPF [1, 2], applying the same rigor to these applications as we do to other managed services is imperative. Striking a balance between eBPF’s benefits and system load is crucial, ensuring it enhances rather than hinders our operational efficiency. This tool enables Netflix to embrace eBPF’s potential.

Introducing bpftop

bpftop provides a dynamic real-time view of running eBPF programs. It displays the average execution runtime, events per second, and estimated total CPU % for each program. This tool minimizes overhead by enabling performance statistics only while it is active.

bpftop simplifies the performance optimization process for eBPF programs by enabling an efficient cycle of benchmarking, code refinement, and immediate feedback. Without bpftop, optimization efforts would require manual calculations, adding unnecessary complexity to the process. With bpftop, users can quickly establish a baseline, implement improvements, and verify enhancements, streamlining the process.

A standout feature of this tool is its ability to display the statistics in time series graphs. This approach can uncover patterns and trends that could be missed otherwise.

How it works

bpftop uses the BPF_ENABLE_STATS syscall command to enable global eBPF runtime statistics gathering, which is disabled by default to reduce performance overhead. It collects these statistics every second, calculating the average runtime, events per second, and estimated CPU utilization for each eBPF program within that sample period. This information is displayed in a top-like tabular format or a time series graph over a 10s moving window. Once bpftop terminates, it turns off the statistics-gathering function. The tool is written in Rust, leveraging the libbpf-rs and ratatui crates.

Getting started

Visit the project’s GitHub page to learn more about using the tool. We’ve open-sourced bpftop under the Apache 2 license and look forward to contributions from the community.

Announcing bpftop: Streamlining eBPF performance optimization was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

A July 4 technical reading list

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original https://blog.cloudflare.com/july-4-2022-reading-list/

A July 4 technical reading list

A July 4 technical reading list

Here’s a short list of recent technical blog posts to give you something to read today.

Internet Explorer, we hardly knew ye

Microsoft has announced the end-of-life for the venerable Internet Explorer browser. Here we take a look at the demise of IE and the rise of the Edge browser. And we investigate how many bots on the Internet continue to impersonate Internet Explorer versions that have long since been replaced.

Live-patching security vulnerabilities inside the Linux kernel with eBPF Linux Security Module

Looking for something with a lot of technical detail? Look no further than this blog about live-patching the Linux kernel using eBPF. Code, Makefiles and more within!

Hertzbleed explained

Feeling mathematical? Or just need a dose of CPU-level antics? Look no further than this deep explainer about how CPU frequency scaling leads to a nasty side channel affecting cryptographic algorithms.

Early Hints update: How Cloudflare, Google, and Shopify are working together to build a faster Internet for everyone

The HTTP standard for Early Hints shows a lot of promise. How much? In this blog post, we dig into data about Early Hints in the real world and show how much faster the web is with it.

Private Access Tokens: eliminating CAPTCHAs on iPhones and Macs with open standards

Dislike CAPTCHAs? Yes, us too. As part of our program to eliminate captures there’s a new standard: Private Access Tokens. This blog shows how they work and how they can be used to prove you’re human without saying who you are.

Optimizing TCP for high WAN throughput while preserving low latency

Network nerd? Yeah, me too. Here’s a very in depth look at how we tune TCP parameters for low latency and high throughput.

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

Post Syndicated from Lorenz Bauer original https://blog.cloudflare.com/tubular-fixing-the-socket-api-with-ebpf/

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

As we develop new products, we often push our operating system – Linux – beyond what is commonly possible. A common theme has been relying on eBPF to build technology that would otherwise have required modifying the kernel. For example, we’ve built DDoS mitigation and a load balancer and use it to monitor our fleet of servers.

This software usually consists of a small-ish eBPF program written in C, executed in the context of the kernel, and a larger user space component that loads the eBPF into the kernel and manages its lifecycle. We’ve found that the ratio of eBPF code to userspace code differs by an order of magnitude or more. We want to shed some light on the issues that a developer has to tackle when dealing with eBPF and present our solutions for building rock-solid production ready applications which contain eBPF.

For this purpose we are open sourcing the production tooling we’ve built for the sk_lookup hook we contributed to the Linux kernel, called tubular. It exists because we’ve outgrown the BSD sockets API. To deliver some products we need features that are just not possible using the standard API.

  • Our services are available on millions of IPs.
  • Multiple services using the same port on different addresses have to coexist, e.g. resolver and our authoritative DNS.
  • Our Spectrum product needs to listen on all 2^16 ports.

The source code for tubular is at https://github.com/cloudflare/tubular, and it allows you to do all the things mentioned above. Maybe the most interesting feature is that you can change the addresses of a service on the fly:

How tubular works

tubular sits at a critical point in the Cloudflare stack, since it has to inspect every connection terminated by a server and decide which application should receive it.

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

Failure to do so will drop or misdirect connections hundreds of times per second. So it has to be incredibly robust during day to day operations. We had the following goals for tubular:

  • Releases must be unattended and happen online
    tubular runs on thousands of machines, so we can’t babysit the process or take servers out of production.
  • Releases must fail safely
    A failure in the process must leave the previous version of tubular running, otherwise we may drop connections.
  • Reduce the impact of (userspace) crashes
    When the inevitable bug comes along we want to minimise the blast radius.

In the past we had built a proof-of-concept control plane for sk_lookup called inet-tool, which proved that we could get away without a persistent service managing the eBPF. Similarly, tubular has tubectl: short-lived invocations make the necessary changes and persisting state is handled by the kernel in the form of eBPF maps. Following this design gave us crash resiliency by default, but left us with the task of mapping the user interface we wanted to the tools available in the eBPF ecosystem.

The tubular user interface

tubular consists of a BPF program that attaches to the sk_lookup hook in the kernel and userspace Go code which manages the BPF program. The tubectl command wraps both in a way that is easy to distribute.

tubectl manages two kinds of objects: bindings and sockets. A binding encodes a rule against which an incoming packet is matched. A socket is a reference to a TCP or UDP socket that can accept new connections or packets.

Bindings and sockets are “glued” together via arbitrary strings called labels. Conceptually, a binding assigns a label to some traffic. The label is then used to find the correct socket.

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

Adding bindings

To create a binding that steers port 80 (aka HTTP) traffic destined for to the label “foo” we use tubectl bind:

$ sudo tubectl bind "foo" tcp 80

Due to the power of sk_lookup we can have much more powerful constructs than the BSD API. For example, we can redirect connections to all IPs in to a single socket:

$ sudo tubectl bind "bar" tcp 80

A side effect of this power is that it’s possible to create bindings that “overlap”:

1: tcp 80 -> "foo"
2: tcp 80 -> "bar"

The first binding says that HTTP traffic to localhost should go to “foo”, while the second asserts that HTTP traffic in the localhost subnet should go to “bar”. This creates a contradiction, which binding should we choose? tubular resolves this by defining precedence rules for bindings:

  1. A prefix with a longer mask is more specific, e.g. wins over
  2. A port is more specific than the port wildcard, e.g. port 80 wins over “all ports” (0).

Applying this to our example, HTTP traffic to all IPs in will be directed to foo, except for which goes to bar.

Getting ahold of sockets

sk_lookup needs a reference to a TCP or a UDP socket to redirect traffic to it. However, a socket is usually accessible only by the process which created it with the socket syscall. For example, an HTTP server creates a TCP listening socket bound to port 80. How can we gain access to the listening socket?

A fairly well known solution is to make processes cooperate by passing socket file descriptors via SCM_RIGHTS messages to a tubular daemon. That daemon can then take the necessary steps to hook up the socket with sk_lookup. This approach has several drawbacks:

  1. Requires modifying processes to send SCM_RIGHTS
  2. Requires a tubular daemon, which may crash

There is another way of getting at sockets by using systemd, provided socket activation is used. It works by creating an additional service unit with the correct Sockets setting. In other words: we can leverage systemd oneshot action executed on creation of a systemd socket service, registering the socket into tubular. For example:


ExecStart=tubectl register "foo"

Since we can rely on systemd to execute tubectl at the correct times we don’t need a daemon of any kind. However, the reality is that a lot of popular software doesn’t use systemd socket activation. Dealing with systemd sockets is complicated and doesn’t invite experimentation. Which brings us to the final trick: pidfd_getfd:

The pidfd_getfd() system call allocates a new file descriptor in the calling process. This new file descriptor is a duplicate of an existing file descriptor, targetfd, in the process referred to by the PID file descriptor pidfd.

We can use it to iterate all file descriptors of a foreign process, and pick the socket we are interested in. To return to our example, we can use the following command to find the TCP socket bound to port 8080 in the httpd process and register it under the “foo” label:

$ sudo tubectl register-pid "foo" $(pidof httpd) tcp 8080

It’s easy to wire this up using systemd’s ExecStartPost if the need arises.

Type=forking # or notify
ExecStartPost=tubectl register-pid $MAINPID foo tcp 8080

Storing state in eBPF maps

As mentioned previously, tubular relies on the kernel to store state, using BPF key / value data structures also known as maps. Using the BPF_OBJ_PIN syscall we can persist them in /sys/fs/bpf:

├── bindings
├── destination_metrics
├── destinations
├── sockets
└── ...

The way the state is structured differs from how the command line interface presents it to users. Labels like “foo” are convenient for humans, but they are of variable length. Dealing with variable length data in BPF is cumbersome and slow, so the BPF program never references labels at all. Instead, the user space code allocates numeric IDs, which are then used in the BPF. Each ID represents a (label, domain, protocol) tuple, internally called destination.

For example, adding a binding for “foo” tcp … allocates an ID for (“foo“, AF_INET, TCP). Including domain and protocol in the destination allows simpler data structures in the BPF. Each allocation also tracks how many bindings reference a destination so that we can recycle unused IDs. This data is persisted into the destinations hash table, which is keyed by (Label, Domain, Protocol) and contains (ID, Count). Metrics for each destination are tracked in destination_metrics in the form of per-CPU counters.

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

bindings is a longest prefix match (LPM) trie which stores a mapping from (protocol, port, prefix) to (ID, prefix length). The ID is used as a key to the sockets map which contains pointers to kernel socket structures. IDs are allocated in a way that makes them suitable as an array index, which allows using the simpler BPF sockmap (an array) instead of a socket hash table. The prefix length is duplicated in the value to work around shortcomings in the BPF API.

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

Encoding the precedence of bindings

As discussed, bindings have a precedence associated with them. To repeat the earlier example:

1: tcp 80 -> "foo"
2: tcp 80 -> "bar"

The first binding should be matched before the second one. We need to encode this in the BPF somehow. One idea is to generate some code that executes the bindings in order of specificity, a technique we’ve used to great effect in l4drop:

1: if (mask(ip, 32) == return "foo"
2: if (mask(ip, 24) == return "bar"

This has the downside that the program gets longer the more bindings are added, which slows down execution. It’s also difficult to introspect and debug such long programs. Instead, we use a specialised BPF longest prefix match (LPM) map to do the hard work. This allows inspecting the contents from user space to figure out which bindings are active, which is very difficult if we had compiled bindings into BPF. The LPM map uses a trie behind the scenes, so lookup has complexity proportional to the length of the key instead of linear complexity for the “naive” solution.

However, using a map requires a trick for encoding the precedence of bindings into a key that we can look up. Here is a simplified version of this encoding, which ignores IPv6 and uses labels instead of IDs. To insert the binding tcp 80 into a trie we first convert the IP address into a number.    = 0x7f 00 00 00

Since we’re only interested in the first 24 bits of the address we, can write the whole prefix as = 0x7f 00 00 ??

where “?” means that the value is not specified. We choose the number 0x01 to represent TCP and prepend it and the port number (80 decimal is 0x50 hex) to create the full key:

tcp 80 = 0x01 50 7f 00 00 ??

Converting tcp 80 happens in exactly the same way. Once the converted values are inserted into the trie, the LPM trie conceptually contains the following keys and values.

LPM trie:
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 ?? = "bar"
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 01 = "foo"

To find the binding for a TCP packet destined for, we again encode a key and perform a lookup.

input:  0x01 50 7f 00 00 01   TCP packet to
LPM trie:
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 ?? = "bar"
           y  y  y  y  y
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 01 = "foo"
           y  y  y  y  y  y
result: "foo"

y = byte matches

The trie returns “foo” since its key shares the longest prefix with the input. Note that we stop comparing keys once we reach unspecified “?” bytes, but conceptually “bar” is still a valid result. The distinction becomes clear when looking up the binding for a TCP packet to

input:  0x01 50 7f 00 00 ff   TCP packet to
LPM trie:
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 ?? = "bar"
           y  y  y  y  y
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 01 = "foo"
           y  y  y  y  y  n
result: "bar"

n = byte doesn't match

In this case “foo” is discarded since the last byte doesn’t match the input. However, “bar” is returned since its last byte is unspecified and therefore considered to be a valid match.

Observability with minimal privileges

Linux has the powerful ss tool (part of iproute2) available to inspect socket state:

$ ss -tl src
State      Recv-Q      Send-Q           Local Address:Port           Peer Address:Port
LISTEN     0           128               *

With tubular in the picture this output is not accurate anymore. tubectl bindings makes up for this shortcoming:

$ sudo tubectl bindings tcp
 protocol       prefix port label
      tcp   80   foo

Running this command requires super-user privileges, despite in theory being safe for any user to run. While this is acceptable for casual inspection by a human operator, it’s a dealbreaker for observability via pull-based monitoring systems like Prometheus. The usual approach is to expose metrics via an HTTP server, which would have to run with elevated privileges and be accessible to the Prometheus server somehow. Instead, BPF gives us the tools to enable read-only access to tubular state with minimal privileges.

The key is to carefully set file ownership and mode for state in /sys/fs/bpf. Creating and opening files in /sys/fs/bpf uses BPF_OBJ_PIN and BPF_OBJ_GET. Calling BPF_OBJ_GET with BPF_F_RDONLY is roughly equivalent to open(O_RDONLY) and allows accessing state in a read-only fashion, provided the file permissions are correct. tubular gives the owner full access but restricts read-only access to the group:

$ sudo ls -l /sys/fs/bpf/4026532024_dispatcher | head -n 3
total 0
-rw-r----- 1 root root 0 Feb  2 13:19 bindings
-rw-r----- 1 root root 0 Feb  2 13:19 destination_metrics

It’s easy to choose which user and group should own state when loading tubular:

$ sudo -u root -g tubular tubectl load
created dispatcher in /sys/fs/bpf/4026532024_dispatcher
loaded dispatcher into /proc/self/ns/net
$ sudo ls -l /sys/fs/bpf/4026532024_dispatcher | head -n 3
total 0
-rw-r----- 1 root tubular 0 Feb  2 13:42 bindings
-rw-r----- 1 root tubular 0 Feb  2 13:42 destination_metrics

There is one more obstacle, systemd mounts /sys/fs/bpf in a way that makes it inaccessible to anyone but root. Adding the executable bit to the directory fixes this.

$ sudo chmod -v o+x /sys/fs/bpf
mode of '/sys/fs/bpf' changed from 0700 (rwx------) to 0701 (rwx-----x)

Finally, we can export metrics without privileges:

$ sudo -u nobody -g tubular tubectl metrics 8080
Listening on

There is a caveat, unfortunately: truly unprivileged access requires unprivileged BPF to be enabled. Many distros have taken to disabling it via the unprivileged_bpf_disabled sysctl, in which case scraping metrics does require CAP_BPF.

Safe releases

tubular is distributed as a single binary, but really consists of two pieces of code with widely differing lifetimes. The BPF program is loaded into the kernel once and then may be active for weeks or months, until it is explicitly replaced. In fact, a reference to the program (and link, see below) is persisted into /sys/fs/bpf:

├── link
├── program
└── ...

The user space code is executed for seconds at a time and is replaced whenever the binary on disk changes. This means that user space has to be able to deal with an “old” BPF program in the kernel somehow. The simplest way to achieve this is to compare what is loaded into the kernel with the BPF shipped as part of tubectl. If the two don’t match we return an error:

$ sudo tubectl bind foo tcp 80
Error: bind: can't open dispatcher: loaded program #158 has differing tag: "938c70b5a8956ff2" doesn't match "e007bfbbf37171f0"

tag is the truncated hash of the instructions making up a BPF program, which the kernel makes available for every loaded program:

$ sudo bpftool prog list id 158
158: sk_lookup  name dispatcher  tag 938c70b5a8956ff2

By comparing the tag tubular asserts that it is dealing with a supported version of the BPF program. Of course, just returning an error isn’t enough. There needs to be a way to update the kernel program so that it’s once again safe to make changes. This is where the persisted link in /sys/fs/bpf comes into play. bpf_links are used to attach programs to various BPF hooks. “Enabling” a BPF program is a two-step process: first, load the BPF program, next attach it to a hook using a bpf_link. Afterwards the program will execute the next time the hook is executed. By updating the link we can change the program on the fly, in an atomic manner.

$ sudo tubectl upgrade
Upgraded dispatcher to 2022.1.0-dev, program ID #159
$ sudo bpftool prog list id 159
159: sk_lookup  name dispatcher  tag e007bfbbf37171f0
$ sudo tubectl bind foo tcp 80
bound foo#tcp:[]:80

Behind the scenes the upgrade procedure is slightly more complicated, since we have to update the pinned program reference in addition to the link. We pin the new program into /sys/fs/bpf:

├── link
├── program
├── program-upgrade
└── ...

Once the link is updated we atomically rename program-upgrade to replace program. In the future we may be able to use RENAME_EXCHANGE to make upgrades even safer.

Preventing state corruption

So far we’ve completely neglected the fact that multiple invocations of tubectl could modify the state in /sys/fs/bpf at the same time. It’s very hard to reason about what would happen in this case, so in general it’s best to prevent this from ever occurring. A common solution to this is advisory file locks. Unfortunately it seems like BPF maps don’t support locking.

$ sudo flock /sys/fs/bpf/4026532024_dispatcher/bindings echo works!
flock: cannot open lock file /sys/fs/bpf/4026532024_dispatcher/bindings: Input/output error

This led to a bit of head scratching on our part. Luckily it is possible to flock the directory instead of individual maps:

$ sudo flock --exclusive /sys/fs/bpf/foo echo works!

Each tubectl invocation likewise invokes flock(), thereby guaranteeing that only ever a single process is making changes.


tubular is in production at Cloudflare today and has simplified the deployment of Spectrum and our authoritative DNS. It allowed us to leave behind limitations of the BSD socket API. However, its most powerful feature is that the addresses a service is available on can be changed on the fly. In fact, we have built tooling that automates this process across our global network. Need to listen on another million IPs on thousands of machines? No problem, it’s just an HTTP POST away.

Interested in working on tubular and our L4 load balancer unimog? We are hiring in our European offices.

How We Used eBPF to Build Programmable Packet Filtering in Magic Firewall

Post Syndicated from Chris J Arges original https://blog.cloudflare.com/programmable-packet-filtering-with-magic-firewall/

How We Used eBPF to Build Programmable Packet Filtering in Magic Firewall

How We Used eBPF to Build Programmable Packet Filtering in Magic Firewall

Cloudflare actively protects services from sophisticated attacks day after day. For users of Magic Transit, DDoS protection detects and drops attacks, while Magic Firewall allows custom packet-level rules, enabling customers to deprecate hardware firewall appliances and block malicious traffic at Cloudflare’s network. The types of attacks and sophistication of attacks continue to evolve, as recent DDoS and reflection attacks against VoIP services targeting protocols such as Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) have shown. Fighting these attacks requires pushing the limits of packet filtering beyond what traditional firewalls are capable of. We did this by taking best of class technologies and combining them in new ways to turn Magic Firewall into a blazing fast, fully programmable firewall that can stand up to even the most sophisticated of attacks.

Magical Walls of Fire

Magic Firewall is a distributed stateless packet firewall built on Linux nftables. It runs on every server, in every Cloudflare data center around the world. To provide isolation and flexibility, each customer’s nftables rules are configured within their own Linux network namespace.

How We Used eBPF to Build Programmable Packet Filtering in Magic Firewall

This diagram shows the life of an example packet when using Magic Transit, which has Magic Firewall built in. First, packets go into the server and DDoS protections are applied, which drops attacks as early as possible. Next, the packet is routed into a customer-specific network namespace, which applies the nftables rules to the packets. After this, packets are routed back to the origin via a GRE tunnel. Magic Firewall users can construct firewall statements from a single API, using a flexible Wirefilter syntax. In addition, rules can be configured via the Cloudflare dashboard, using friendly UI drag and drop elements.

Magic Firewall provides a very powerful syntax for matching on various packet parameters, but it is also limited to the matches provided by nftables. While this is more than sufficient for many use cases, it does not provide enough flexibility to implement the advanced packet parsing and content matching we want. We needed more power.

Hello eBPF, meet Nftables!

When looking to add more power to your Linux networking needs, Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) is a natural choice. With eBPF, you can insert packet processing programs that execute in the kernel, giving you the flexibility of familiar programming paradigms with the speed of in-kernel execution. Cloudflare loves eBPF and this technology has been transformative in enabling many of our products. Naturally, we wanted to find a way to use eBPF to extend our use of nftables in Magic Firewall. This means being able to match, using an eBPF program within a table and chain as a rule. By doing this we can have our cake and eat it too, by keeping our existing infrastructure and code, and extending it further.

If nftables could leverage eBPF natively, this story would be much shorter; alas, we had to continue our quest. To get us started in our search, we know that iptables integrates with eBPF. For example, one can use iptables and a pinned eBPF program for dropping packets with the following command:

iptables -A INPUT -m bpf --object-pinned /sys/fs/bpf/match -j DROP

This clue helped to put us on the right path. Iptables uses the xt_bpf extension to match on an eBPF program. This extension uses the BPF_PROG_TYPE_SOCKET_FILTER eBPF program type, which allows us to load the packet information from the socket buffer and return a value based on our code.

Since we know iptables can use eBPF, why not just use that? Magic Firewall currently leverages nftables, which is a great choice for our use case due to its flexibility in syntax and programmable interface. Thus, we need to find a way to use the xt_bpf extension with nftables.

How We Used eBPF to Build Programmable Packet Filtering in Magic Firewall

This diagram helps explain the relationship between iptables, nftables and the kernel. The nftables API can be used by both the iptables and nft userspace programs, and can configure both xtables matches (including xt_bpf) and normal nftables matches.

This means that given the right API calls (netlink/netfilter messages), we can embed an xt_bpf match within an nftables rule. In order to do this, we need to understand which netfilter messages we need to send. By using tools such as strace, Wireshark, and especially using the source we were able to construct a message that could append an eBPF rule given a table and chain.

		NFTA_MATCH_INFO ebpf_bytes	

The structure of the netlink/netfilter message to add an eBPF match should look like the above example. Of course, this message needs to be properly embedded and include a conditional step, such as a verdict, when there is a match. The next step was decoding the format of `ebpf_bytes` as shown in the example below.

 struct xt_bpf_info_v1 {
	__u16 mode;
	__u16 bpf_program_num_elem;
	__s32 fd;
	union {
		struct sock_filter bpf_program[XT_BPF_MAX_NUM_INSTR];
		char path[XT_BPF_PATH_MAX];

The bytes format can be found in the kernel header definition of struct xt_bpf_info_v1. The code example above shows the relevant parts of the structure.

The xt_bpf module supports both raw bytecodes, as well as a path to a pinned ebpf program. The later mode is the technique we used to combine the ebpf program with nftables.

With this information we were able to write code that could create netlink messages and properly serialize any relevant data fields. This approach was just the first step, we are also looking into incorporating this into proper tooling instead of sending custom netfilter messages.

Just Add eBPF

Now we needed to construct an eBPF program and load it into an existing nftables table and chain. Starting to use eBPF can be a bit daunting. Which program type do we want to use? How do we compile and load our eBPF program? We started this process by doing some exploration and research.

First we constructed an example program to try it out.

int filter(struct __sk_buff *skb) {
  /* get header */
  struct iphdr iph;
  if (bpf_skb_load_bytes(skb, 0, &iph, sizeof(iph))) {
    return BPF_DROP;

  /* read last 5 bytes in payload of udp */
  __u16 pkt_len = bswap_16(iph.tot_len);
  char data[5];
  if (bpf_skb_load_bytes(skb, pkt_len - sizeof(data), &data, sizeof(data))) {
    return BPF_DROP;

  /* only packets with the magic word at the end of the payload are allowed */
  const char SECRET_TOKEN[5] = "xyzzy";
  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(SECRET_TOKEN); i++) {
    if (SECRET_TOKEN[i] != data[i]) {
      return BPF_DROP;

  return BPF_OK;

The excerpt mentioned is an example of an eBPF program that only accepts packets that have a magic string at the end of the payload. This requires checking the total length of the packet to find where to start the search. For clarity, this example omits error checking and headers.

Once we had a program, the next step was integrating it into our tooling. We tried a few technologies to load the program, like BCC, libbpf, and we even created a custom loader. Ultimately, we ended up using cilium’s ebpf library, since we are using Golang for our control-plane program and the library makes it easy to generate, embed and load eBPF programs.

# nft list ruleset
table ip mfw {
	chain input {
		#match bpf pinned /sys/fs/bpf/mfw/match drop

Once the program is compiled and pinned, we can add matches into nftables using netlink commands. Listing the ruleset shows the match is present. This is incredible! We are now able to deploy custom C programs to provide advanced matching inside a Magic Firewall ruleset!

More Magic

With the addition of eBPF to our toolkit, Magic Firewall is an even more flexible and powerful way to protect your network from bad actors. We are now able to look deeper into packets and implement more complex matching logic than nftables alone could provide. Since our firewall is running as software on all Cloudflare servers, we can quickly iterate and update features.

One outcome of this project is SIP protection, which is currently in beta. That’s only the beginning. We are currently exploring using eBPF for protocol validations, advanced field matching, looking into payloads, and supporting even larger sets of IP lists.

We welcome your help here, too! If you have other use cases and ideas, please talk to your account team. If you find this technology interesting, come join our team!

How Netflix uses eBPF flow logs at scale for network insight

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/how-netflix-uses-ebpf-flow-logs-at-scale-for-network-insight-e3ea997dca96

By Alok Tiagi, Hariharan Ananthakrishnan, Ivan Porto Carrero and Keerti Lakshminarayan

Netflix has developed a network observability sidecar called Flow Exporter that uses eBPF tracepoints to capture TCP flows at near real time. At much less than 1% of CPU and memory on the instance, this highly performant sidecar provides flow data at scale for network insight.


The cloud network infrastructure that Netflix utilizes today consists of AWS services such as VPC, DirectConnect, VPC Peering, Transit Gateways, NAT Gateways, etc and Netflix owned devices. Netflix software infrastructure is a large distributed ecosystem that consists of specialized functional tiers that are operated on the AWS and Netflix owned services. While we strive to keep the ecosystem simple, the inherent nature of leveraging a variety of technologies will lead us to challenges such as:

  • App Dependencies and Data Flow Mappings: With the number of micro services growing by the day without understanding and having visibility into an application’s dependencies and data flows, it is difficult for both service owners and centralized teams to identify systemic issues.
  • Pathway Validation: Netflix velocity of change within the production streaming and studio environment can result in the inability of services to communicate with other resources.
  • Service Segmentation: The ease of the cloud deployments has led to the organic growth of multiple AWS accounts, deployment practices, interconnection practices, etc. Without having network visibility, it’s difficult to improve our reliability, security and capacity posture.
  • Network Availability: The expected continued growth of our ecosystem makes it difficult to understand our network bottlenecks and potential limits we may be reaching.

Cloud Network Insight is a suite of solutions that provides both operational and analytical insight into the cloud network infrastructure to address the identified problems. By collecting, accessing and analyzing network data from a variety of sources like VPC Flow Logs, ELB Access Logs, eBPF flow logs on the instances, etc, we can provide network insight to users and central teams through multiple data visualization techniques like Lumen, Atlas, etc.

Flow Exporter

The Flow Exporter is a sidecar that uses eBPF tracepoints to capture TCP flows at near real time on instances that power the Netflix microservices architecture.

What is BPF?

Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) is an in-kernel execution engine that processes a virtual instruction set, and has been extended as eBPF for providing a safe way to extend kernel functionality. In some ways, eBPF does to the kernel what JavaScript does to websites: it allows all sorts of new applications to be created.

An eBPF flow log record represents one or more network flows that contain TCP/IP statistics that occur within a variable aggregation interval.

The sidecar has been implemented by leveraging the highly performant eBPF along with carefully chosen transport protocols to consume less than 1% of CPU and memory on any instance in our fleet. The choice of transport protocols like GRPC, HTTPS & UDP is runtime dependent on characteristics of the instance placement.

The runtime behavior of the Flow Exporter can be dynamically managed by configuration changes via Fast Properties. The Flow Exporter also publishes various operational metrics to Atlas. These metrics are visualized using Lumen, a self-service dashboarding infrastructure.

So how do we ingest and enrich these flows at scale ?

Flow Collector is a regional service that ingests and enriches flows. IP addresses within the cloud can move from one EC2 instance or Titus container to another over time. We use Sonar to attribute an IP address to a specific application at a particular time. Sonar is an IPv6 and IPv4 address identity tracking service.

Flow Collector consumes two data streams, the IP address change events from Sonar via Kafka and eBPF flow log data from the Flow Exporter sidecars. It performs real time attribution of flow data with application metadata from Sonar. The attributed flows are pushed to Keystone that routes them to the Hive and Druid datastores.

The attributed flow data drives various use cases within Netflix like network monitoring and network usage forecasting available via Lumen dashboards and machine learning based network segmentation. The data is also used by security and other partner teams for insight and incident analysis.


Providing network insight into the cloud network infrastructure using eBPF flow logs at scale is made possible with eBPF and a highly scalable and efficient flow collection pipeline. After several iterations of the architecture and some tuning, the solution has proven to be able to scale.

We are currently ingesting and enriching billions of eBPF flow logs per hour and providing visibility into our cloud ecosystem. The enriched data allows us to analyze networks across a variety of dimensions (e.g. availability, performance, and security), to ensure applications can effectively deliver their data payload across a globally dispersed cloud-based ecosystem.

Special Thanks To

Brendan Gregg

How Netflix uses eBPF flow logs at scale for network insight was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

Post Syndicated from Jonas Otten original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-rakelimit/

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

Cloudflare’s globally distributed network is not just designed to protect HTTP services but any kind of TCP or UDP traffic that passes through our edge. To this end, we’ve built a number of sophisticated DDoS mitigation systems, such as Gatebot, which analyze world-wide traffic patterns. However, we’ve always employed defense-in-depth: in addition to global protection systems we also use off-the shelf mechanisms such as TCP SYN-cookies, which protect individual servers locally from the very common SYN-flood. But there’s a catch: such a mechanism does not exist for UDP. UDP is a connectionless protocol and does not have similar context around packets, especially considering that Cloudflare powers services such as Spectrum which are agnostic to the upper layer protocol (DNS, NTP, …), so my 2020 intern class project was to come up with a different approach.

Protecting UDP services

First of all, let’s discuss what it actually means to provide protection to UDP services. We want to ensure that an attacker cannot drown out legitimate traffic. To achieve this we want to identify floods and limit them while leaving legitimate traffic untouched.

The idea to mitigate such attacks is straight forward: first identify a group of packets that is related to an attack, and then apply a rate limit on this group. Such groups are determined based on the attributes available to us in the packet, such as addresses and ports.

We do not want to completely drop the flood of traffic, as legitimate traffic may still be part of it. We only want to drop as much traffic as necessary to comply with our set rate limit. Completely ignoring a set of packets just because it is slightly above the rate limit is not an option, as it may contain legitimate traffic.

This ensures both that our service stays responsive but also that legitimate packets experience as little impact as possible.

While rate limiting is a somewhat straightforward procedure, determining groups is a bit harder, for a number of reasons.

Finding needles in the haystack

The problem in determining groups in packets is that we have barely any context. We consider four things as useful attributes as attack signatures: the source address and port as well as the destination address and port. While that already is not a lot, it gets worse: the source address and port may not even be accurate. Packets can be spoofed, in which case an attacker hides their own address. That means only keeping a rate per source address may not provide much value, as it could simply be spoofed.

But there is another problem: keeping one rate per address does not scale. When bringing IPv6 into the equation and its whopping address space it becomes clear it’s not going to work.

To solve these issues we turned to the academic world and found what we were looking for, the problem of Heavy Hitters. Heavy Hitters are elements of a datastream that appear frequently, and can be expressed relative to the overall elements of the stream. We can define for example that an element is considered to be a Heavy Hitter if its frequency exceeds, say, 10% of the overall count. To do so we naively could suggest to simply maintain a counter per element, but due to the space limitations this will not scale. Instead probabilistic algorithms such as a CountMin sketch or the SpaceSaving algorithm can be used. These provide an estimated count instead of a precise one, but are capable of doing this with constant memory requirements, and in our case we will just save rates into the CountMin sketch instead of counts. So no matter how many unique elements we have to track, the memory consumption is the same.

We now have a way of finding the needle in the haystack, and it does have constant memory requirements, solving our problem. However, reality isn’t that simple. What if an attack is not just originating from a single port but many? Or what if a reflection attack is hitting our service, resulting in random source addresses but a single source port? Maybe a full /24 subnet is sending us a flood? We can not just keep a rate per combination we see, as it would ignore all these patterns.

Grouping the groups: How to organize packets

Luckily the academic world has us covered again, with the concept of Hierarchical Heavy Hitters. It extends the Heavy Hitter concept by using the underlying hierarchy in the elements of the stream. For example, an IP address can be naturally grouped into several subnets:

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

In this case we defined that we consider the fully-specified address, the /24 subnet and the /0 wildcard. We start at the left with the fully specified address, and each step walking towards the top we consider less information from it. We call these less-specific addresses generalisations, and measure how specific a generalisation is by assigning a level. In our example, the address is at level 0, while is at level 1, etc.

If we want to create a structure which can hold this information for every packet, it could look like this:

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

We maintain a CountMin-sketch per subnet and then apply Heavy Hitters. When a new packet arrives and we need to determine if it is allowed to pass we simply check the rates of the corresponding elements in every node. If no rate exceeds the rate limit that we set, e.g. 25 packets per second (pps), it is allowed to pass.

The structure could now keep track of a single attribute, but we would waste a lot of context around packets! So instead of letting it go to waste, we use the two-dimensional approach for addresses proposed in the paper Hierarchical Heavy Hitters with SpaceSaving algorithm, and extend it further to also incorporate ports into our structure. Ports do not have a natural hierarchy such as addresses, so they can only be in two states: either specified (e.g. 8080) or wildcard.

Now our structure looks like this:

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

Now let’s talk about the algorithm we use to traverse the structure and determine if a packet should be allowed to pass. The paper Hierarchical Heavy Hitters with SpaceSaving algorithm provides two methods that can be used on the data structure: one that updates elements and increases their counters, and one that provides all elements that currently are Heavy Hitters. This is actually not necessary for our use-case, as we are only interested if the element, or packet, we are looking at right now would be a Heavy Hitter to decide if it can pass or not.

Secondly, our goal is to prevent any Heavy Hitters from passing, thus leaving the structure with no Heavy Hitters whatsoever. This is a great property, as it allows us to simplify the algorithm substantially, and it looks like this:

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

As you may notice, we update every node of a level and maintain the maximum rate we see. After each level we calculate a probability that determines if a packet should be passed to the next level, based on the maximum rate we saw on that level and a set rate limit. Each node essentially filters the traffic for the following, less specific level.

I actually left out a small detail: a packet is not dropped if any rate exceeds the limit, but instead is kept with the probability rate limit/maximum rate seen. The reason is that if we just drop all packets if the rates exceed the limit, we would drop the whole traffic, not just a subset to make it comply with our set rate limit.

Since we now still update more specific nodes even if a node reaches a rate limit, the rate limit will converge towards the underlying pattern of the attack as much as possible. That means other traffic will be impacted as minimally as possible, and that with no manual intervention whatsoever!

BPF to the rescue: building a Go library

As we want to use this algorithm to mitigate floods, we need to spend as little computation and overhead as possible before we decide if a packet should be dropped or not. As so often, we looked into the BPF toolbox and found what we need: Socketfilters. As our colleague Marek put it: “It seems, no matter the question – BPF is the answer.”.

Socketfilters are pieces of code that can be attached to a single socket and get executed before a packet will be passed from kernel to userspace. This is ideal for a number of reasons. First, when the kernel runs the socket filter code, it gives it all the information from the packet we need, and other mitigations such as firewalls have been executed. Second the code is executed per socket, so every application can activate it as needed, and also set appropriate rate limits. It may even use different rate limits for different sockets. The third reason is privileges: we do not need to be root to attach the code to a socket. We can execute code in the kernel as a normal user!

BPF also has a number of limitations which have been already covered on this blog in the past, so we will focus on one that’s specific to our project: floating-point numbers.

To calculate rates we need floating-point numbers to provide an accurate estimate. BPF, and the whole kernel for that matter, does not support these. Instead we implemented a fixed-point representation, which uses a part of the available bits for the fractional part of a rational number and the remaining bits for the integer part. This allows us to represent floats within a certain range, but there is a catch when doing arithmetic: while subtraction and addition of two fixed-points work well, multiplication and division requires double the number of bits to ensure there will not be any loss in precision. As we use 64 bits for our fixed-point values, there is no larger data type available to ensure this does not happen. Instead of calculating the result with exact precision, we convert one of the arguments into an integer. That results in the loss of the fractional part, but as we deal with large rates that does not pose any issue, and helps us to work around the bit limitation as intermediate results fit into the available 64 bits. Whenever fixed-point arithmetic is necessary the precision of intermediate results has to be carefully considered.

There are many more details to the implementation, but instead of covering every single detail in this blog post lets just look at the code.

We open sourced rakelimit over on Github at cloudflare/rakelimit! It is a full-blown Go library that can be enabled on any UDP socket, and is easy to configure.

The development is still in early stages and this is a first prototype, but we are excited to continue and push the development with the community! And if you still can’t get enough, look at our talk from this year’s Linux Plumbers Conference.