Tag Archives: Product

A brief history of code search at GitHub

Post Syndicated from Pavel Avgustinov original https://github.blog/2021-12-15-a-brief-history-of-code-search-at-github/

We recently launched a technology preview for the next-generation code search we have been building. If you haven’t signed up already, go ahead and do it now!

We want to share more about our work on code exploration, navigation, search, and developer productivity. Recently, we substantially improved the precision of our code navigation for Python, and open-sourced the tools we developed for this. The stack graph formalism we developed will form the basis for precise code navigation support for more languages, and will even allow us to empower language communities to build and improve support for their own languages, similarly to how we accept contributions to github/linguist to expand GitHub’s syntax highlighting capabilities.

This blog post is part of the same series, and tells the story of why we built a new search engine optimized for code over the past 18 months. What challenges did we set ourselves? What is the historical context, and why could we not continue to build on off-the-shelf solutions? Read on to find out.

What’s our goal?

We set out to provide an experience that could become an integral part of every developer’s workflow. This has imposed hard constraints on the features, performance, and scalability of the system we’re building. In particular:

  • Searching code is different: many standard techniques (like stemming and tokenization) are at odds with the kind of searches we want to support for source code. Identifier names and punctuation matter. We need to be able to match substrings, not just whole “words”. Specialized queries can require wildcards or even regular expressions. In addition, scoring heuristics tuned for natural language and web pages do not work well for source code.
  • The scale of the corpus size: GitHub hosts over 200 million repositories, with over 61 million repositories created in the past year. We aim to support global queries across all of them, now and in the foreseeable future.
  • The rate of change: over 170 million pull requests were merged in the past year, and this does not even account for code pushed directly to a branch. We would like our index to reflect the updated state of a repository within a few minutes of a push event.
  • Search performance and latency: developers want their tools to be blazingly fast, and if we want to become part of every developer’s workflow we have to satisfy that expectation. Despite the scale of our index, we want p95 query times to be (well) under a second. Most user queries, or queries scoped to a set of repositories or organizations, should be much faster than that.

Over the years, GitHub has leveraged several off-the-shelf solutions, but as the requirements evolved over time, and the scale problem became ever more daunting, we became convinced that we had to build a bespoke search engine for code to achieve our objectives.

The early years

In the beginning, GitHub announced support for code search, as you might expect from a website with the tagline of “Social Code Hosting.” And all was well.

Screenshot of GitHub public code search

Except… you might note the disclaimer “GitHub Public Code Search.” This first iteration of global search worked by indexing all public documents into a Solr instance, which determined the results you got. While this nicely side-steps visibility and authorization concerns (everything is public!), not allowing private repositories to be searched would be a major functionality gap. The solution?

Screenshot of Solr-backed "Search source code"

Image credit: Patrick Linskey on Stack Overflow

The repository page showed a “Search source code” field. For public repos, this was still backed by the Solr index, scoped to the active repository. For private repos, it shelled out to git grep.

Quite soon after shipping this, the then-in-beta Google Code Search began crawling public repositories on GitHub too, thus giving developers an alternative way of searching them. (Ultimately, Google Code Search was discontinued a few years later, though Russ Cox’s excellent blog post on how it worked remains a great source of inspiration for successor projects.)

Unfortunately, the different search experience for public and private repositories proved pretty confusing in practice. In addition, while git grep is a widely understood gold standard for how to search the contents of a Git repository, it operates without a dedicated index and hence works by scanning each document—taking time proportional to the size of the repository. This could lead to resource exhaustion on the Git hosts, and to an unresponsive web page, making it necessary to introduce timeouts. Large private repositories remained unsearchable.

Scaling with Elasticsearch

By 2010, the search landscape was seeing considerable upheaval. Solr joined Lucene as a subproject, and Elasticsearch sprang up as a great way of building and scaling on top of Lucene. While Elasticsearch wouldn’t hit a 1.0.0 release until February 2014, GitHub started experimenting with adopting it in 2011. An initial tentative experiment that indexed gists into Elasticsearch to make them searchable showed great promise, and before long it was clear that this was the future for all search on GitHub, including code search.

Indeed in early 2013, just as Google Code Search was winding down, GitHub launched a whole new code search backed by an Elasticsearch cluster, consolidating the search experience for public and private repositories and updating the design. The search index covered almost five million repositories at launch.

Screenshot of Elasticsearch-backed code search UI

The scale of operations was definitely challenging, and within days or weeks of the launch GitHub experienced its first code search outages. The postmortem blog post is quite interesting on several levels, and it gives a glimpse of the cluster size (26 storage nodes with 2 TB of SSD storage each), utilization (67% of storage used), environment (Elasticsearch 0.19.9 and 0.20.2, Java 6 and 7), and indexing complexity (several months to backfill all repository data). Several bugs in Elasticsearch were identified and fixed, allowing GitHub to resume operations on the code search service.

In November 2013, Elasticsearch published a case study on GitHub’s code search cluster, again including some interesting data on scale. By that point, GitHub was indexing eight million repositories and responding to 5 search requests per second on average.

In general, our experience working with Elasticsearch has been truly excellent. It powers all kinds of search on GitHub.com, doing an excellent job throughout. The code search index is by far the largest cluster we operate , and it has grown in scale by another 20-40x since the case study (to 162 nodes, comprising 5184 vCPUs, 40TB of RAM, and 1.25PB of backing storage, supporting a query load of 200 requests per second on average and indexing over 53 billion source files). It is a testament to the capabilities of Elasticsearch that we have got this far with essentially an off-the-shelf search engine.

My code is not a novel

Elasticsearch excelled at most search workloads, but almost immediately some wrinkles and friction started cropping up in connection with code search. Perhaps the most widely observed is this comment from the code search documentation:

You can’t use the following wildcard characters as part of your search query: . , : ; / \ ` ' " = * ! ? # $ & + ^ | ~ < > ( ) { } [ ] @. The search will simply ignore these symbols.

Source code is not like normal text, and those “punctuation” characters actually matter. So why are they ignored by GitHub’s production code search? It comes down to how our ingest pipeline for Elasticsearch is configured.

Click here to read the full details

When documents are added to an Elasticsearch index, they are passed through a process called text analysis, which converts unstructured text into a structured format optimized for search. Commonly, text analysis is configured to normalize away details that don’t matter to search (for example, case folding the document to provide case-insensitive matches, or compressing runs of whitespace into one, or stemming words so that searching for “ingestion” also finds “ingest pipeline”). Ultimately, it performs tokenization, splitting the normalized input document into a list of tokens whose occurrence should be indexed.

Many features and defaults available to text analysis are geared towards indexing natural-language text. To create an index for source code, we defined a custom text analyzer, applying a carefully selected set of normalizations (for example, case-folding and compressing whitespace make sense, but stemming does not). Then, we configured a custom pattern tokenizer, splitting the document using the following regular expression: %q_[.,:;/\\\\`'"=*!@?#$&+^|~<>(){}\[\]\s]_. If you look closely, you’ll recognise the list of characters that are ignored in your query string!

The tokens resulting from this split then undergo a final round of splitting, extracting word parts delimited in CamelCase and snake_case as additional tokens to make them searchable. To illustrate, suppose we are ingesting a document containing this declaration: pub fn pthread_getname_np(tid: ::pthread_t, name: *mut ::c_char, len: ::size_t) -> ::c_int;. Our text analysis phase would pass the following list of tokens to Elasticsearch to index: pub fn pthread_getname_np pthread getname np tid pthread_t pthread t name mut c_char c char len size_t size t c_int c int. The special characters simply do not figure in the index; instead, the focus is on words recovered from identifiers and keywords.

Designing a text analyzer is tricky, and involves hard trade-offs between index size and performance on the one hand, and the types of queries that can be answered on the other. The approach described above was the result of careful experimentation with different strategies, and represented a good compromise that has allowed us to launch and evolve code search for almost a decade.

Another consideration for source code is substring matching. Suppose that I want to find out how to get the name of a thread in Rust, and I vaguely remember the function is called something like thread_getname. Searching for thread_getname org:rust-lang will give no results on our Elasticsearch index; meanwhile, if I cloned rust-lang/libc locally and used git grep, I would instantly find pthread_getname_np. More generally, power users reach for regular expression searches almost immediately.

The earliest internal discussions of this that I can find date to October 2012, more than a year before the public release of Elasticsearch-based code search. We considered various ways of refining the Elasticsearch tokenization (in fact, we turn pthread_getname_np into the tokens pthread, getname, np, and pthread_getname_np—if I had searched for pthread getname rather than thread_getname, I would have found the definition of pthread_getname_np). We also evaluated trigram tokenization as described by Russ Cox. Our conclusion was summarized by a GitHub employee as follows:

The trigram tokenization strategy is very powerful. It will yield wonderful search results at the cost of search time and index size. This is the approach I would like to take, but there is work to be done to ensure we can scale the ElasticSearch cluster to meet the needs of this strategy.

Given the initial scale of the Elasticsearch cluster mentioned above, it wasn’t viable to substantially increase storage and CPU requirements at the time, and so we launched with a best-effort tokenization tuned for code identifiers.

Over the years, we kept coming back to this discussion. One promising idea for supporting special characters, inspired by some conversations with Elasticsearch experts at Elasticon 2016, was to use a Lucene tokenizer pattern that split code on runs of whitespace, but also on transitions from word characters to non-word characters (crucially, using lookahead/lookbehind assertions, without consuming any characters in this case; this would create a token for each special character). This would allow a search for ”answer >= 42” to find the source text answer >= 42 (disregarding whitespace, but including the comparison). Experiments showed this approach took 43-100% longer to index code, and produced an index that was 18-28% larger than the baseline. Query performance also suffered: at best, it was as fast as the baseline, but some queries (especially those that used special characters, or otherwise split into many tokens) were up to 4x slower. In the end, a typical query slowdown of 2.1x seemed like too high a price to pay.

By 2019, we had made significant investments in scaling our Elasticsearch cluster simply to keep up with the organic growth of the underlying code corpus. This gave us some performance headroom, and at GitHub Universe 2019 we felt confident enough to announce an “exact-match search” beta, which essentially followed the ideas above and was available for allow-listed repositories and organizations. We projected around a 1.3x increase in Elasticsearch resource usage for this index. The experience from the limited beta was very illuminating, but it proved too difficult to balance the additional resource requirements with ongoing growth of the index. In addition, even after the tokenization improvements, there were still numerous unsupported use cases (like substring searches and regular expressions) that we saw no path towards. Ultimately, exact-match search was sunset in just over half a year.

Project Blackbird

Actually, a major factor in pausing investment in exact-match search was a very promising research prototype search engine, internally code-named Blackbird. The project had been kicked off in early 2020, with the goal of determining which technologies would enable us to offer code search features at GitHub scale, and it showed a path forward that has led to the technology preview we launched last week.

Let’s recall our ambitious objectives: comprehensively index all source code on GitHub, support incremental indexing and document deletion, and provide lightning-fast exact-match and regex searches (specifically, a p95 of under a second for global queries, with correspondingly lower targets for org-scoped and repo-scoped searches). Do all this without using substantially more resources than the existing Elasticsearch cluster. Integrate other sources of rich code intelligence information available on GitHub. Easy, right?

We found that no off-the-shelf code indexing solution could satisfy those requirements. Russ Cox’s trigram index for code search only stores document IDs rather than positions in the posting lists; while that makes it very space-efficient, performance degrades rapidly with a large corpus size. Several successor projects augment the posting lists with position information or other data; this comes at a large storage and RAM cost (Zoekt reports a typical index size of 3.5x corpus size) that makes it too expensive at our scale. The sharding strategy is also crucial, as it determines how evenly distributed the load is. And any significant per-repo overhead becomes prohibitive when considering scaling the index to all repositories on GitHub.

In the end, Blackbird convinced us to go all-in on building a custom search engine for code. Written in Rust, it creates and incrementally maintains a code search index sharded by Git blob object ID; this gives us substantial storage savings via deduplication and guarantees a uniform load distribution across shards (something that classic approaches sharding by repo or org, like our existing Elasticsearch cluster, lack). It supports regular expression searches over document content and can capture additional metadata—for example, it also maintains an index of symbol definitions. It meets our performance goals: while it’s always possible to come up with a pathological search that misses the index, it’s exceptionally fast for “real” searches. The index is also extremely compact, weighing in at about ⅔ of the (deduplicated) corpus size.

One crucial realization was that if we want to index all code on GitHub into a single index, result scoring and ranking are absolutely critical; you really need to find useful documents first. Blackbird implements a number of heuristics, some code-specific (ranking up definitions and penalizing test code), and others general-purpose (ranking up complete matches and penalizing partial matches, so that when searching for thread an identifier called thread will rank above thread_id, which will rank above pthread_getname_np). Of course, the repository in which a match occurs also influences ranking. We want to show results from popular open-source repositories before a random match in a long-forgotten repository created as a test.

All of this is very much a work in progress. We are continuously tuning our scoring and ranking heuristics, optimizing the index and query process, and iterating on the query language. We have a long list of features to add. But we want to get what we have today into the hands of users, so that your feedback can shape our priorities.

We have more to share about the work we’re doing to enhance developer productivity at GitHub, so stay tuned.

The shoulders of giants

Modern software development is about collaboration and about leveraging the power of open source. Our new code search is no different. We wouldn’t have gotten anywhere close to its current state without the excellent work of tens of thousands of open source contributors and maintainers who built the tools we use, the libraries we depend on, and whose insightful ideas we could adopt and develop. A small selection of shout-outs and thank-yous:

  • The communities of the languages and frameworks we build on: Rust, Go, and React. Thanks for enabling us to move fast.
  • @BurntSushi: we are inspired by Andrew’s prolific output, and his work on the regex and aho-corasick crates in particular has been invaluable to us.
  • @lemire’s work on fast bit packing is integral to our design, and we drew a lot of inspiration from his optimization work more broadly (especially regarding the use of SIMD). Check out his blog for more.
  • Enry and Tree-sitter, which power Blackbird’s language detection and symbol extraction, respectively.

Improving GitHub code search

Post Syndicated from Pavel Avgustinov original https://github.blog/2021-12-08-improving-github-code-search/

Today, we are rolling out a technology preview for substantial improvements to searching code on GitHub. We want to give you an early look at our efforts and get your feedback as we iterate on helping you explore and discover code—all while saving you time and keeping you focused. Sign up for the waitlist now, and give us your feedback!

Getting started

Once the technology preview is enabled for your account, you can try it out at https://cs.github.com. Initially, we’re creating a separate interface for the new code search as we build it out, but once we’re happy with the feedback and are ready for wider adoption, we will integrate it into the main github.com experience.

At the moment, the search index covers more than five million of the most popular public repositories; in addition, you can search private repositories you have access to. Here are some things to look out for:

  • Easily find what you’re looking for among the top results, with smart ranking and an index that is optimized for code.
  • Search for an exact string, with support for substring matches and special characters, or use regular expressions (enclosed in / separators).
  • Scope your searches with org: or repo: qualifiers, with auto-completion suggestions in the search box.
  • Refine your results using filters like language:, path:, extension:, and Boolean operators (OR, NOT). Search for definitions of a symbol with symbol:.
  • Get your bearings quickly with additional features, like a directory tree view, symbol information for the active scope, jump-to-definition, select-to-search, and more!

The syntax is documented here, and you can press ? on any page to view available keyboard shortcuts. You can also check out the FAQs.

What’s next?

We’re excited to share our work with you as a technology preview while we iterate, and to work with you to find unique, novel use cases and workflows. What radical new idea have you always wanted to try? What feature would make you most productive? Is support for your favorite language missing? Let us know, and let’s make it happen together.

We have no shortage of ideas for what to focus on next. We’ll be growing the index until it covers every repository you can access on GitHub. We’ll experiment with scoring and ranking heuristics to see what works best, and we’ll explore what APIs and integrations would be most impactful. We’ll keep adding support for more languages to the language-specific features. But most of all, we want to listen to your feedback and build the tools you didn’t even know you needed.

The bigger picture: developer productivity at GitHub

As a developer, staying in a flow state is hard. Whenever you look up how to use a library, or have a test fail because your developer environment has diverged from CI, or need to know how an error message can arise, you are interrupted. The longer it takes to resolve the interruption, the more context you lose.

Earlier this year, we launched GitHub Copilot as a technical preview, leveraging the power of AI to let you code confidently even in unfamiliar territory. We also released Codespaces and shared how adopting them internally boosted GitHub’s own productivity. We see our improvements to code search and navigation in the context of these broader initiatives around developer productivity, as part of a unified solution.

For code search, our vision is to help every developer search, discover, navigate, and understand code quickly and intuitively. GitHub code search puts the world’s code at your fingertips: everything is just a search away. It helps you maintain a flow state by showing you the most relevant results first and helping you with auto-completion at every step. And once you get to a result page, the rich browsing experience is optimized for reading and understanding code, allowing you to make sense of unfamiliar logic quickly, even for code outside your IDE.

We plan to share more updates on our progress soon, including deep-dives on the engineering work behind code search and the developers, open source projects, and communities we rely on (special shout-out to @BurntSushi and @lemire, whose work has been fundamental to ours). In the meantime, the number of spots for the technology preview is limited, so sign up today!

5 DevOps tips to speed up your developer workflow

Post Syndicated from Damian Brady original https://github.blog/2021-11-30-5-devops-tips-to-speed-up-your-developer-workflow/

TL;DR: From learning YAML to scripting with Bash, here are a few simple tips for developers who want to speed up their workflows.

From CI/CD to containerization management and server provisioning, DevOps gets a lot of buzz in tech today. You could even say that it’s a buzz … word.

As a developer, you might be part of a DevOps team, but you’re focused on building great software, not necessarily provisioning servers and managing containers.

Even still, a lot of what developers, DevOps engineers, and IT teams handle in today’s software development life cycle is focused on tools, testing, automations, and server orchestration. And, that’s even more true if you’re a team of one or engaging in a big open source project.

Here are five DevOps tips for any developer looking to work smarter and faster.

Tip #1: A little YAML can make frontend work easier

Initially released in 2001, YAML has become one of the defacto languages for a lot of declarative automation—and it’s commonly used in DevOps and development work for an array of frontend configurations, automations, and more.

YAML, which stands for Yet Another Markup Language, is a superset of JSON and is notable for being a human readable language. That means it focuses less on characters, like brackets, braces, and quotes ({}, [], “).

Here’s why this matters: Learning YAML (or even stepping up your YAML skills) makes it easier to store configurations for your own applications, like your settings in an easy-to-write and easy-to-read language.

For this reason, you’re likely to come across YAML files anywhere from enterprise development workflows to open source projects—and yes, you’ll see plenty of YAML files on GitHub (it powers a product we’re pretty fond of: GitHub Actions, but more on this later).

Whether you can apply YAML directly to your day-to-day dev workflows or leverage different tools that use YAML, there are some pretty big benefits to getting started with this language—or stepping up your YAML skills.

Looking to learn more about YAML? Try the Learn YAML in Y Minutes guide.

Tip #2: A few DevOps tools to keep you moving fast

Let’s clear up one thing first: “DevOps tools” is an umbrella term that covers everything from cloud platforms, server orchestration tools, code management, version control, and dozens of other things.

So when we talk about “DevOps tools,” we’re really talking about technologies that make it easier to write, test, host, and release software, as well as reduce any worries around unexpected failures.

Here are three “DevOps tools” that can speed up your workflows and let you focus on building great software.


You’re on the GitHub Blog, so we’re pretty sure you’re familiar with Git as a version control system and distributed source code management tool. It’s a mainstay of developers and a popular DevOps tool.

Here’s why: Git makes version control easy and gives teams a straightforward way to collaborate, experiment with different branches, and merge new features into the main software branch.

Learn how Git works >

Cloud-hosted integrated development environments (IDE)

I know, I know, saying cloud-hosted integrated development environments, or cloud IDEs, out loud is a bit of a mouthful (thank you, marketing). But these platforms are something you should start exploring immediately, if you haven’t already.

Here’s why: Cloud IDEs are fully hosted developer environments that let you write, run, and debug code—and they make spinning up new, preconfigured environments fast. Do you need proof? We launched our own cloud IDE called Codespaces earlier this year and started using it internally to build GitHub. It used to take us up to 45 minutes to spin up new developer environments—now it takes 10 seconds :mindblown:.

Cloud IDEs give you a super simple way to quickly spin up new, pre-configured development environments (and disposable development environments). Also, since they’re hosted in the cloud, you don’t need to worry about how powerful the computer you’re coding on is (friendly shout out here goes to the intrepid folks who have started coding on tablets).

Picture this: Your laptop fries itself (which has happened to me once or twice). You might have versions of npm, tools for connecting to your cloud provider, and any number of other configurations that you just lost. If you use a cloud IDE, you can spin up an environment in the cloud with all of your configurations, and that’s a magical thing to see.

Learn how cloud IDEs work >


If you don’t want to use a cloud IDE, dev containers are something you can use locally or in the cloud. Containers have exploded in popularity over the past decade for their utility in microservices architectures, CI/CD, and cloud-native application development, among other things. By nature, containers are lightweight and efficient making it easy to build, test, stage, and deploy software.

Learning the basics of containerization can be really handy—especially when it comes to testing your code in a lightweight environment that imitates your production environment. If you need to upgrade a library or try using an application on the next version of Node, you can do that really easily with containers before you hit production.

This can be especially useful for ”shifting left,” which is an important DevOps strategy. Catching issues or problems before you ever hit production can save a lot of headaches. If you can find those issues while you’re writing the code, that’s even better. Any problems will eventually mean more work, so the earlier you can catch them the better. After all, catching a problem before you get to the compiling stage can save you a headache or two.

Learn how containers work >

Tip #3: Automated testing and continuous integration (CI) to stay one step ahead

In any conversation around DevOps, you’ll probably hear about automated testing and continuous integration (CI). Yet while automated testing is typically part of a good CI development practice, it’s not strictly a requirement (but it should be … or at least part of your continuous delivery phase).

Most teams have some basic unit testing as part of their CI process, but stop short of testing for security vulnerabilities, automated UI testing, integration testing, etc.

Even still, these are two things that can help you step up your workflows by: (A) making sure your code works with the main branch; and (B) catching things like security vulnerabilities and other problems, so you can lessen your DevOps team’s workload.

Here’s how:

Using GitHub Actions to run automated tests

From ordering pizza to triggering an alarm, there’s a lot you can do with GitHub Actions. It all comes down to workflow automations.When it comes to setting up automated tests with GitHub Actions, you can either build your own action or leverage pre-built actions in the GitHub Marketplace.

[Learn how to build your own GitHub Actions workflow automations.]> Pro tip: Using Actions workflows that run on pull requests is a great way to check for security vulnerabilities, problems in your code, or anything else before you merge to the main branch. Doing this means you’re one step ahead and helps keep your main branch clean.

[Want to learn more about GitHub Actions? Check out our guide.]You can also configure your workflows to deploy to ephemeral testing environments. This means you can run your tests and deploy your changes to an environment where you can test your application. You can even configure your workflow to automatically tear these testing environments down after you’re finished.

All this means you’re testing things as much as possible before it’s time to go to production.

Using GitHub Actions to create CI pipelines

CI, or continuous integration, is the process of automatically integrating code from multiple people for a given project. A good CI practice means you can work faster, make sure your code compiles correctly, merge code changes more efficiently, and be sure your code plays nice with everyone else’s work.

The most powerful CI workflows are the ones that test all of the things you care about every single time you push your code to the server.

If you’re working on GitHub, GitHub Actions can do this for you, too. There are plenty of pre-built CI workflows in the GitHub Marketplace (and you can always build your own), but there are a few things to keep in mind when you start incorporating CI into your development flow. These include:

  • Run the necessary tests: Think about what build, integration, and testing automations you ideally need. You’ll want to consider things that may have gone wrong with releases in the past, and see if you can add a test for that in your CI.
  • Balance the time it takes to test your code with how fast you’re pushing new code: Let’s say you have teams pushing new code every five minutes (hypothetically), but the tests you’re running take 10 minutes to execute … that’s not great. It’s always best to balance what you’re checking and when with how long it takes, which might mean trimming your ideal list of tests down to a more realistic number, at least for your CI builds.

Get a tutorial on creating a CI pipeline with GitHub Actions >

Tip #4: Server orchestration tips for flexibility and speed

If you’re building a cloud-native application (or really even just using a few different servers, VMs, containers, or hosting services), you’re probably dealing with a few environments. Being able to make sure your application and infrastructure play well together means you can rely a little less on an operations team trying to get your software to run on existing infrastructure at the last minute.

That’s where server orchestration comes in. Server orchestration—or infrastructure orchestration—is often the job of IT and DevOps teams and includes configuring, managing, provisioning, and coordinating systems, applications, and core infrastructure needed to run software.

Pro tip: There’s a suite of tools that allow you to define and update the infrastructure you need to use.

A big advantage of infrastructure automation is improved scalability—and defined environments means it’s easier to tear down and rebuild an environment when something goes wrong (instead of starting from scratch, but we’ve all been there).

There’s another big advantage: If you want to test something, you don’t have to worry about asking the operations team to go and set up a server for you. You can instead do that as part of a workflow. You don’t have to worry about manually provisioning hardware or system requirements.

How to get started: Don’t try to replace everything in your environment with automated infrastructure automation. Instead, look for a part that might be easy to automate and start there—then the next piece and the next piece after that.

And definitely never start in production. Instead, begin with your testing environment. Once that works, move to your staging environment (and if that works, you can trust it’s good for production).

Tip #5: Repeatable tasks? Try scripting them with Bash or PowerShell

Picture this: You have a bunch of repeatable tasks that you’re executing on a local basis, and you’re spending way too much time working through them every week. There’s a better—and more efficient—way to handle this. How? Scripting with either Bash or PowerShell.

Bash has deep roots in the Unix world, and it’s a mainstay of IT and DevOps teams, and more than a few developers too. PowerShell is comparatively newer. Designed by Microsoft and launched in 2006, PowerShell replaced the command shell and earlier scripting languages for task automation and configuration management in Windows environments.

Today, both Bash and PowerShell are cross-platform (though most people with a Windows background will use PowerShell, and most people familiar with Linux or macOS will use Bash out of habit).

Pro tip: Bash and PowerShell have different ways of working. Where PowerShell works with objects, Bash passes information around as strings. Even still, whatever you choose is largely up to personal preference.

One of the more useful things I’ve done with Bash and PowerShell, for example, is building a script that pulls down the latest version of the code, creates a new branch, switches to that branch, pushes a draft pull request up to GitHub, and then opens VSCode (sub in your editor of choice here) in that branch.

It’s a series of small steps to make your life much easier. It’s something you might do once or twice a week, and if you can script that—it gives you more time to focus on what matters: writing great code.

The bottom line

There’s a big difference between an IT pro, a DevOps engineer, and a developer. But in today’s world of software development, a lot of core DevOps practices are becoming everyone’s job. Plus, any developer that can learn a few DevOps tricks can have an easier time working independently (and more efficiently at that), and continue to focus on what matters most: building great software. That’s something we can all get behind.

Additional resources

GraphQL global ID migration update

Post Syndicated from Andrew Hoglund original https://github.blog/2021-11-16-graphql-global-id-migration-update/

We are pleased to announce that we have now completed the first phase of rolling out the new GraphQL global ID format. This means that all newly created GraphQL objects have IDs that conform to a new format, which we refer to as next IDs. It also means we’ve hit a major milestone as we work towards improving our scalability and speed. In this post, we’d like to give you some details as to how you can begin migrating to the next format for older IDs.

Why is this necessary?

The current format of Global IDs in our GraphQL API will not support our projected growth over the coming years due to limitations with the data encoded in the IDs. The next format gives us the ability to handle your requests even faster by being able to build queries that will be optimized for our database clusters. We will continue to support the legacy IDs for the short term, after which we will sunset them. We are asking that you use the provided tools (more on that below) to migrate your implementations, caches, and data records to reference a next ID for older objects. Doing so will ensure that the response times of your requests will remain consistent and small. It will also ensure that nothing in your application will break once we finally sunset usage of the legacy IDs.

Do I need to do anything?

You only need to react to this announcement if you store references to GraphQL IDs, which always correspond to the id field for any object in the schema. If you don’t store these, then you can continue to interact with the API with no effect on your service. If you currently decode IDs, your service may break as the underlying data format of the IDs has changed. We suggest you migrate your service to treat these IDs as opaque strings. We guarantee the IDs will be unique, therefore you can rely on them directly as references.

How do I migrate my service?

If you have determined that you do need to migrate your service to the next IDs, we have introduced new functionality to help you do so. You can now pass a header in your API requests to the GraphQL API to receive updated IDs. This header works by forcing the response payload to always return the next ID for any object in which you’ve requested the id field. The name of the header is:


This header can be set to two values, 1 or 0. Setting the value to 1 will force the value for all id fields in your query to return the next ID format. Setting the value to 0 will revert to default behavior, which is to show legacy or next IDs depending on their creation date.

Here is an example request using curl:

$ curl \
  -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \
  -H "X-Github-Next-Global-ID: 1" \
  https://api.github.com/graphql \
  -d '{ "query": "{ node(id: \"MDQ6VXNlcjM0MDczMDM=\") { id } }" }'

And the response will contain the next ID:


The legacy ID of MDQ6VXNlcjM0MDczMDM= was used in the node query, and the response contains the ID in the next format. Using this mechanism, you will be able to call the API with the legacy IDs you have referenced in your application. The next ID received in the response can then be used to update those references. We suggest that you update all references to legacy IDs and use them for any subsequent requests to the API. Remember that you can submit multiple node queries in one API call (using aliases) to perform bulk operations.

Another option for migrating IDs would be to use the ids returned in the nodes field for a collection of items. For example, if you wanted to convert all the repositories in your organization, you could do something like the following:

  organization(login: "github") {
    repositories(last: 10) {
      edges {
        node {

As long as you have a reference to the name of a repository (or some other unique field on an object), you could use this method to update your references in bulk.

Please also note that setting the X-Github-Next-Global-ID to 1 will affect the return value of every id field in your query. This means that even when you submit a non-node query, you will get back the new format ID if you requested the id field.

Tell us what you think

If you have any concerns about the rollout of this change impacting your app, please contact us and include information, such as your app name so that we can better assist you.

Designing products and services based on Jobs to be Done

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/designing-products-and-services-based-on-jtbd


In 2016, Clayton Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor, wrote a book called Competing Against Luck. In his book, he talked about the kind of jobs that exist in our everyday life and how we can uncover hidden jobs through the act of non-consumption. Non-consumption is the inability for a consumer to fulfil an important Job to be Done (JTBD).

JTBD is a framework; it is a different way of looking at consumer goals and is based on the notion that people buy products and services to get a job done. In this article, we will walk through what the JTBD framework is, look at an example of a popular JTBD, and look at how we use the JTBD framework in one of Grab’s services.

JTBD framework

In his book, Clayton Christensen gives the example of the milkshake, as a JTBD example. In the mid-90s, a fast food chain was trying to understand how to improve the milkshakes they were selling and how they could sell more milkshakes. To sell more, they needed to improve the product. To understand the job of the milkshake, they interviewed their customers. They asked their customers why they were buying the milkshakes, and what progress the milkshake would help them make.

Job 1: To fill their stomachs

One of the key insights was the first job, the customers wanted something that could fill their stomachs during their early morning commute to the office. Usually, these car drives would take one to two hours, so they needed something to keep them awake and to keep themselves full.

In this scenario, the competition could be a banana, but think about the properties of a banana. A banana could fill your stomach but your hands get dirty and sticky after peeling it. Bananas cannot do a good job here. Another competitor could be a Snickers bar, but it is rather unhealthy, and depending on how many bites you take, you could finish it in one minute.

By understanding the job the milkshake was performing, the restaurant now had a specific way of improving the product. The milkshake could be made milkier so it takes time to drink through a straw. The customer can then enjoy the milkshake throughout the journey; the milkshake is optimised for the job.

Search data flow

Job 2: To make children happy

As part of the study, they also interviewed parents who came to buy milkshakes in the afternoon, around 3:00 PM. They found out that the parents were buying the milkshakes to make their children happy.

By knowing this, they were able to optimise the job by offering a smaller version of the milkshake which came in different flavours like strawberry and chocolate. From this milkshake example, we learn that multiple jobs can exist for one product. From that, we can make changes to a product to meet those different jobs.

JTBD at GrabFood

A team at GrabFood wanted to prioritise which features or products to build, and performed a prioritisation exercise. However, there was a lack of fundamental understanding of why our consumers were using GrabFood or any other food delivery services. To gain deeper insights on this, we conducted a JTBD study.

We applied the JTBD framework in our research investigation. We used the force diagram framework to find out what job a consumer wanted to achieve and the corresponding push and pull factors driving the consumer’s decision. A job here is defined as the progress that the consumer is trying to make in a particular context.

Search data flow
Force diagram

There were four key points in the force diagram:

  • What jobs are people using GrabFood for?
  • What did people use prior to GrabFood to get the jobs done?
  • What pushed them to seek a new solution? What is attractive about this new solution?
  • What are the things that will make them go back to the old product? What are the anxieties of the new product?

By applying this framework, we progressively asked these questions in our interview sessions:

  • Can you remind us of the last time you used GrabFood? — This was to uncover the situation or the circumstances.
  • Why did you order this food? — This was to get down to the core of the need.
  • Can you tell us, before GrabFood, what did you use to get the same job done?

From the interview sessions, we were able to uncover a number of JTBDs, one example was working parents buying food for their families. Before GrabFood, most of them were buying from food vendors directly, but that is a time consuming activity and it adds additional friction to an already busy day. This led them in search of a new solution and GrabFood provided that solution.

Let’s look at this JTBD in more depth. One anxiety that parents had when ordering GrabFood was the sheer number of choices they had to make in order to check out their order:

Search data flow
Force diagram – inertia, anxiety

There was already a solution for this problem: bundles! Food bundles is a well-known concept from the food and beverage industry; items that complement each other are bundled together for a more efficient checkout experience.

Search data flow
Force diagram – pull, push

However, not all GrabFood merchants created bundles to solve this problem for their consumers. This was an untapped opportunity for the merchants to solve a critical problem for their consumers. Eureka! We knew that we needed to help merchants create bundles in an efficient way to solve for the consumer’s JTBD.

We decided to add a functionality to the GrabMerchant app that allowed merchants to create bundles. We built an algorithm that matched complementary items and automatically suggested these bundles to merchants. The merchant only had to tap a button to create a bundle instantly.

Search data flow

The feature was released and thousands of restaurants started adding bundles to their menu. Our JTBD analysis proved to be correct: food and beverage entrepreneurs were now equipped with an essential tool to drive growth and we removed an obstacle for parents to choose GrabFood to solve for their JTBD.


At Grab, we understand the importance of research. We educate designers and other non-researcher employees to conduct research studies. We also encourage the sharing of research findings, and we ensure that research insights are consumable. By using the JTBD framework and asking questions specifically to understand the job of our consumers and partners, we are able to gain fundamental understanding of why our consumers are using our products and services. This helps us improve our products and services, and optimise it for the jobs that need to be done throughout Southeast Asia.

This article was written based on an episode of the Grab Design Podcast – a conversation with Grab Lead Researcher Soon Hau Chua. Want to listen to the Grab Design Podcast? Join the team, we’re hiring!

Special thanks to Amira Khazali and Irene from Tech Learning.

Join us

Grab is a leading superapp in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across over 400 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Increasing developer happiness with GitHub code scanning

Post Syndicated from Sam Partington original https://github.blog/2021-09-07-increasing-developer-happiness-github-code-scanning/

You probably already know about using GitHub code scanning to secure your code. But how about using it to make your day-to-day coding easier? We’ve been making internal use of CodeQL, our code analysis engine for code scanning, to keep code quality high by protecting ourselves from those annoying coding mistakes that are easy to make but hard to spot! Read on for some examples of what we’ve done so far and how you can make the most of CodeQL for yourself.

Plugging a memory leak

Go’s defer statement defers the execution of a function until the surrounding function returns. This is useful for cleaning up: For example, closing resources like file handles or completing database transactions.

When changing existing code, you can end up moving a defer statement inside a loop. If you do so, you’ll still have to wait until the end of the function for cleanup; it won’t happen at the end of the iteration. We’ve seen this mistake lead to memory leaks in production.

Wouldn’t it be great if this mistake could be pointed out to you? We wanted to live in that happy world, and all it took was four lines of CodeQL.

A nice postscript to this story is that seeing this query led another team at GitHub to add CodeQL to their repository. They’d been bitten by a defer-in-loop memory leak before and didn’t want it to happen again. Once code scanning was set up for them, CodeQL discovered another problem in their codebase, which was similar to the one we’ll discuss next.

The error you can’t ignore

We use GORM, a Go Object Relational Mapper, in some of our codebases. Error handling in GORM is different than in idiomatic Go code, because it has a chainable API. Here’s an example:

if err := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").First(&user).Error; err !=
nil {
 // error handling...

As you can imagine, it’s easy to write code like db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").First(&user) and not check that Error field.

At least it used to be easy to do that. We’ve now created a CodeQL query which detects GORM calls that don’t check the associated Error field and flags these calls in pull requests. You’ll also find a similar query for error checking functions which return pointers in the security-and-quality query suite for CodeQL.

Loopy performance problems

In addition to protecting against missing error checking, we also want to keep our database-querying code performant. “N+1 queries” are a common performance issue. This is where some expensive operation is performed once for every member of a set, so the code will get slower as the number of items increases. Database calls in a loop are often the culprit here; typically, you’ll get better performance from a batch query outside of the loop instead.

We created a custom CodeQL query, which looks for calls to any of the GORM methods that actually result in a query being performed. We filter that list of calls down to those that happen within a loop and fail CI if any are encountered. What’s nice about CodeQL is that we’re not limited to database calls directly within the body of a loop―calls within functions called directly or indirectly from the loop are caught too.

Using these queries

These queries are experimental, so we’ve not included them in our standard suites. However, you can use them by referencing a special query suite we’ve created.

First, create a file .github/codeql/go-developer-happiness.qls in the repository you would like to analyze:

- import: codeql-suites/go-developer-happiness.qls
  from: codeql-go

Next, set up a CodeQL workflow (or edit an existing one) and amend the “Initialize CodeQL” section of the template as follows:

- name: Initialize CodeQL
  uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
    languages: go
    queries: ./.github/codeql/go-developer-happiness.qls

For more information and configuration examples, please refer to the documentation for running custom CodeQL queries in GitHub code scanning.

Making your own

Are there common “gotchas” in your codebase? Why not ease developer friction with some custom CodeQL queries of your own? You can learn more about writing CodeQL with our documentation and discussions―and also find out more about contributing queries back to the community―in the CodeQL repository at https://github.com/github/codeql. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

GitHub’s Engineering Team has moved to Codespaces

Post Syndicated from Cory Wilkerson original https://github.blog/2021-08-11-githubs-engineering-team-moved-codespaces/

Today, GitHub is making Codespaces available to Team and Enterprise Cloud plans on github.com. Codespaces provides software teams a faster, more collaborative development environment in the cloud. Read more on our Codespaces page.

The GitHub.com codebase is almost 14 years old. When the first commit for GitHub.com was pushed, Rails was only two years old. AWS was one. Azure and GCP did not yet exist. This might not be long in COBOL time, but in internet time it’s quite a lot.

Over those 14 years, the core repository powering GitHub.com (github/github) has seen over a million commits. The vast majority of those commits come from developers building and testing on macOS.

A classic commit message for a classic commit

But our development platform is evolving. Over the past months, we’ve left our macOS model behind and moved to Codespaces for the majority of GitHub.com development. This has been a fundamental shift for our day-to-day development flow. As a result, the Codespaces product is stronger and we’re well-positioned for the future of GitHub.com development.

The status quo

Over the years, we’ve invested significant time and effort in making local development work well out of the box. Our scripts-to-rule-them-all approach has presented a familiar interface to engineers for some time now—new hires could clone github/github, run setup and bootstrap scripts, and have a local instance of GitHub.com running in a half-day’s time. In most cases things just worked, and when they didn’t, our bootstrap script would open a GitHub issue connecting the new hire with internal support. Our #friction Slack channel—staffed by helpful, kind engineers—could debug nearly any system configuration under the sun.

Run GitHub.com locally (eventually) with this one command!

Yet for all our efforts, local development remained brittle. Any number of seemingly innocuous changes could render a local environment useless and, worse still, require hours of valuable development time to recover. Mysterious breakage was so common and catastrophic that we’d codified an option for our bootstrap script: --nuke-from-orbit. When invoked, the script deletes as much as it responsibly can in an attempt to restore the local environment to a known good state.

And of course, this is a classic story that anyone in the software engineering profession will instantly recognize. Local development environments are fragile. And even when functioning perfectly, a single-context, bespoke local development environment felt increasingly out of step with the instant-on, access-from-anywhere world in which we now operate.

Collaborating on multiple branches across multiple projects was painful. We’d often find ourselves staring down a 45-minute bootstrap when a branch introduced new dependencies, shipped schema changes, or branched from a different SHA. Given how quickly our codebase changes (we’re deploying hundreds of changes per day), this was a regular source of engineering friction.

And we weren’t the only ones to take notice—in building Codespaces, we engaged with several best-in-class engineering organizations who had built Codespaces-like platforms to solve these same types of problems. At any significant scale, removing this type of productivity loss becomes a very clear productivity opportunity, very quickly.

This single log message will cause any GitHub engineer to break out in a cold sweat

Development infrastructure

In the infrastructure world, industry best practices have continued to position servers as a commodity. The idea is that no single server is unique, indispensable, or irreplaceable. Any piece could be taken out and replaced by a comparable piece without fanfare. If a server goes down, that’s ok! Tear it down and replace it with another one.

Our local development environments, however, are each unique, with their own special quirks. As a consequence, they require near constant vigilance to maintain. The next git pull or bootstrap can degrade your environment quickly, requiring an expensive context shift to a recovery effort when you’d rather be building software. There’s no convention of a warm laptop standing by.

But there’s a lot to be said for treating development environments as our own—they’re the context in which we spend the majority of our day! We tweak and tune our workbench in service of productivity but also as an expression of ourselves.

With Codespaces, we saw an opportunity to treat our dev environments much like we do infrastructure—a commodity we can churn—but still maintain the ability to curate our workbench. Visual Studio Code extensions, settings sync, and dotfiles repos bring our environment to our compute. In this context, a broken workbench is a minor inconvenience—now we can provision a new codespace at a known good state and get back to work.

Adopting Codespaces

Migrating to Codespaces addressed the shortcomings in our existing developer environments, motivated us to push the product further, and provided leverage to improve our overall development experience.

And while our migration story has a happy ending, the first stages of our transition were… challenging. The GitHub.com repository is almost 13 GB on disk; simply cloning the repository takes 20 minutes. Combined with dependency setup, bootstrapping a GitHub.com codespace would take upwards of 45 minutes. And once we had a repository successfully mounted into a codespace, the application wouldn’t run.

Those 14 years of macOS-centric assumptions baked into our bootstrapping process were going to have to be undone.

Working through these challenges brought out the best of GitHub. Contributors came from across the company to help us revisit past decisions, question long-held assumptions, and work at the source-level to decouple GitHub development from macOS. Finally, we could (albeit very slowly) provision working GitHub.com codespaces on Linux hosts, connect from Visual Studio Code, and ship some work. Now we had to figure out how to make the thing hum.

45 minutes to 5 minutes

Our goal with Codespaces is to embrace a model where development environments are provisioned on-demand for the task at hand (roughly a 1:1 mapping between branches and codespaces.) To support task-based workflows, we need to get as close to instant-on as possible. 45 minutes wasn’t going to meet our task-based bar, but we could see low-hanging fruit, ripe with potential optimizations.

Up first: changing how Codespaces cloned github/github. Instead of performing a full clone when provisioned, Codespaces would now execute a shallow clone and then, after a codespace was created with the most recent commits, unshallow repository history in the background. Doing so reduced clone time from 20 minutes to 90 seconds.

Our next opportunity: caching the network of software and services that support GitHub.com, inclusive of traditional Gemfile-based dependencies as well as services written in C, Go, and a custom build of Ruby. The solution was a GitHub Action that would run nightly, clone the repository, bootstrap dependencies, and build and push a Docker image of the result. The published image was then used as the base image in github/github’s devcontainer—config-as-code for Codespaces environments. Our codespaces would now be created at 95%+ bootstrapped.

These two changes, along with a handful of app and service level optimizations, took GitHub.com codespace creation time from 45 minutes to five minutes. But five minutes is still quite a distance from “instant-on.” Well-known studies have shown people can sustain roughly ten seconds of wait time before falling out of flow. So while we’d made tremendous strides, we still had a way to go.

5 minutes to 10 seconds

While five minutes represented a significant improvement, these changes involved tradeoffs and hinted at a more general product need.

Our shallow clone approach—useful for quickly launching into Codespaces—still required that we pay the cost of a full clone at some point. Unshallowing post-create generated load with distracting side effects. Any large, complex project would face a similar class of problems during which cloning and bootstrapping created contention for available resources.

What if we could clone and bootstrap the repository ahead of time so that by the time an engineer asked for a codespace we’d already done most of the work?

Enter prebuilds: pools of codespaces, fully cloned and bootstrapped, waiting to be connected with a developer who wants to get to work. The engineering investment we’ve made in prebuilds has returned its value many times over: we can now create reliable, preconfigured codespaces, primed and ready for GitHub.com development in 10 seconds.

New hires can go from zero to a functioning development environment in less time than it takes to install Slack. Engineers can spin off new codespaces for parallel workstreams with no overhead. When an environment falls apart—maybe it’s too far behind, or the test data broke something—our engineers can quickly create a new environment and move on with their day.

Increased leverage

The switch to Codespaces solved some very real problems for us: it eliminated the fragility and single-track model of local development environments, but it also gave us a powerful new point of leverage for improving GitHub’s developer experience.

We now have a wedge for performing additional setup and optimization work that we’d never consider in local environments, where the cost of these optimizations (in both time and patience) is too high. For instance, with prebuilds we now prime our language server cache and gem documentation, run pending database migrations, and enable both GitHub.com and GitHub Enterprise development modes—a task that would typically require yet another loop through bootstrap and setup.

With Codespaces, we can upgrade every engineer’s machine specs with a single configuration change. In the early stages of our Codespaces migration, we used 8 core, 16 GB RAM VMs. Those machines were sufficient, but GitHub.com runs a network of different services and will gladly consume every core and nibble of RAM we’re willing to provide. So we moved to 32 core, 64 GB RAM VMs. By changing a single line of configuration, we upgraded every engineer’s machine.

Instant upgrade—ship config and bypass the global supply chain bottleneck

Codespaces has also started to steal business from our internal “review lab” platform—a production-like environment where we preview changes with internal collaborators. Before Codespaces, GitHub engineers would need to commit and deploy to a review lab instance (which often required peer review) in order to share their work with colleagues. Friction. Now we ctrl+click, grab a preview URL, and send it on to a colleague. No commit, no push, no review, no deploy — just a live look at port 80 on my codespace.

Command line

Visual Studio Code is great. It’s the primary tool GitHub.com engineers use to interface with codespaces. But asking our Vim and Emacs users to commit to a graphical editor is less great. If Codespaces was our future, we had to bring everyone along.

Happily, we could support our shell-based colleagues through a simple update to our prebuilt image which initializes sshd with our GitHub public keys, opens port 22, and forwards the port out of the codespace.

From there, GitHub engineers can run Vim, Emacs, or even ed if they so desire.

This has worked exceedingly well! And, much like how Docker image caching led to prebuilds, the obvious next step is taking what we’ve done for the GitHub.com codespace and making it a first-class experience for every codespace.


Change is hard, doubly so when it comes to development environments. Thankfully, GitHub engineers are curious and kind—and quickly becoming Codespaces superfans.

I used codespaces yesterday while my dev environment was a little broken and I finished the entire features on codespaces before my dev env was done building lol

My friends, I’m here to tell you I was a Codespaces skeptic before this started and now I am not. This is the way.

I really was more productive with respect to the Rails part of my work this week than I think I ever have been before. Everything was just so fast and reliable.

Whomever has worked on getting codespaces up and running, you enabled me to have an awesome first week!

I do solemnly swear that never again will my CPU have to compile ruby from source.

Codespaces are now the default development environment for GitHub.com. That #friction Slack channel that we mentioned earlier to help debug local development environment problems? We’re planning to archive it.

We’re onboarding more services and more engineers throughout GitHub every day, and we’re discovering new stories about the value Codespaces can generate along the way. But at the core of each story, you’ll discover a consistent theme that resonates with every engineer: I found a better tool, I’m more productive now, and I’m not going back.


How We Cut GrabFood.com’s Page JavaScript Asset Sizes by 3x

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/grabfood-bundle-size


Every week, GrabFood.com’s cloud infrastructure serves over >1TB network egress and 175 million requests, which increased our costs. To minimise cloud costs, we had to look at optimising (and reducing) GrabFood.com’s bundle size.

Any reduction in bundle size helps with:

  • Faster site loads! (especially for locations with lower mobile broadband speeds)
  • Cost savings for users: Less data required for each site load
  • Cost savings for Grab: Less network egress required to serve users
  • Faster build times: Fewer dependencies -> less code for webpack to bundle -> faster builds
  • Smaller builds: Fewer dependencies -> less code -> smaller builds

After applying the 7 webpack bundle optimisations, we were able to yield the following improvements:

  • 7% faster page load time from 2600ms to 2400ms
  • 66% faster JS static asset load time from 180ms to 60ms
  • 3x smaller JS static assets from 750KB to 250KB
  • 1.5x less network egress from 1800GB to 1200GB
  • 20% less for CloudFront costs from $1750 to $1400
  • 1.4x smaller bundle from 40MB to 27MB
  • 3.6x faster build time from ~2000s to ~550s


One of the biggest factors influencing bundle size is dependencies. As mentioned earlier, fewer dependencies mean fewer lines of code to compile, which result in a smaller bundle size. Thus, to optimise GrabFood.com’s bundle size, we had to look into our dependencies.


Jump to Step C: Reducing your Dependencies to see the 7 strategies we used to cut down our bundle size.

Step A: Identify Your Dependencies

In this step, we need to ask ourselves ‘what are our largest dependencies?’. We used the webpack-bundle-analyzer to inspect GrabFood.com’s bundles. This gave us an overview of all our dependencies and we could easily see which bundle assets were the largest.

Our grabfood.com bundle analyzer output
Our grabfood.com bundle analyzer output
  • For Next.js, you should use @next/bundle-analyze instead.
  • Bundle analysis output allows us to easily inspect what’s in our bundle.

What to look out for:

I: Large dependencies (fairly obvious, because the box size will be large)

II: Duplicate dependencies (same library that is bundled multiple times across different assets)

III: Dependencies that look like they don’t belong (e.g. Why is ‘elliptic’ in my frontend bundle?)

What to avoid:

  • Isolating dependencies that are very small (e.g. <20kb). Not worth focusing on this due to very meagre returns.
    • E.g. Business logic like your React code
    • E.g. Small node dependencies

Step B: Investigate the Usage of Your Dependencies (Where are my Dependencies Used?)

In this step, we are trying to answer this question: “Given a dependency, which files and features are making use of it?”.

Our grabfood.com bundle analyzer output
Image source

There are two broad approaches that can be used to identify how our dependencies are used:

I: Top-down approach: “Where does our project use dependency X?”

  • Conceptually identify which feature(s) requires the use of dependency X.
  • E.g. Given that we have ‘jwt-simple’ as a dependency, which set of features in my project requires JWT encoding/decoding?

II: Bottom-up approach: “How did dependency X get used in my project?”

  • Trace dependencies by manually tracing import() and require() statements
  • Alternatively, use dependency visualisation tools such as dependency-cruiser to identify file interdependencies. Note that output can quickly get noisy for any non-trivial project, so use it for inspecting small groups of files (e.g. single domains).

Our recommendation is to use a mix of both Top-down and Bottom-up approaches to identify and isolate dependencies.


  • Be methodical when tracing dependencies: Use a document to track your progress as you manually trace inter-file dependencies.
  • Use dependency visualisation tools like dependency-cruiser to quickly view a given file’s dependencies.
  • Consult Dr. Google if you get stuck somewhere, especially if the dependencies are buried deep in a dependency tree i.e. non-1st-degree dependencies (e.g. “Why webpack includes elliptic bn.js modules in bundle”)


  • Stick to a single approach – Know when to switch between Top-down and Bottom-up approaches to narrow down the search space.

Step C: Reducing Your Dependencies

Now that you know what your largest dependencies are and where they are used, the next step is figuring out how you can shrink your dependencies.

Our grabfood.com bundle analyzer output
Image source

Here are 7 strategies that you can use to reduce your dependencies:

  1. Lazy load large dependencies and less-used dependencies
  2. Unify instances of duplicate modules
  3. Use libraries that are exported in ES Modules format
  4. Replace libraries whose features are already available on the Browser Web API
  5. Avoid large dependencies by changing your technical approach
  6. Avoid using node dependencies or libraries that require node dependencies
  7. Optimise your external dependencies

Note: These strategies have been listed in ascending order of difficulty – focus on the easy wins first 🙂

1. Lazy Load Large Dependencies and Less-used Dependencies

When a file adds +2MB worth of dependencies
“When a file adds +2MB worth of dependencies”, Image source

Similar to how lazy loading is used to break down large React pages to improve page performance, we can also lazy load libraries that are rarely used, or are not immediately used until prior to certain user actions.


const crypto = require(crypto)

const computeHash = (value, secret) => {

 return crypto.createHmac(value, secret)



const computeHash = async (value, secret) => {

 const crypto = await import(crypto)

 return crypto.createHmac(value, secret)



  • Scenario: Use of Anti-abuse library prior to sensitive API calls
  • Action: Instead of bundling the anti-abuse library together with the main page asset, we opted to lazy load the library only when we needed to use it (i.e. load the library just before making certain sensitive API calls).
  • Results: Saved 400KB on the main page asset.


  • Any form of lazy loading will incur some latency on the user, since the asset must be loaded with XMLHttpRequest.

2. Unify Instances of Duplicate Modules

Image source

If you see the same dependency appearing in multiple assets, consider unifying these duplicate dependencies under a single entrypoint.


// ComponentOne.jsx

import GrabMaps from grab-maps

// ComponentTwo.jsx

import GrabMaps, { Marker } from grab-maps


// grabMapsImportFn.js

const grabMapsImportFn = () => import(grab-maps)

// ComponentOne.tsx

const grabMaps = await grabMapsImportFn()

const GrabMaps = grabMaps.default

// ComponentTwo.tsx

const grabMaps = await grabMapsImportFn()

const GrabMaps = grabMaps.default

const Marker = grabMaps.Marker


  • Scenario: Duplicate ‘grab-maps’ dependencies in bundle
  • Action: We observed that we were bundling the same ‘grab-maps’ dependency in 4 different assets so we refactored the application to use a single entrypoint, ensuring that we only bundled one instance of ‘grab-maps’.
  • Results: Saved 2MB on total bundle size.


  • Alternative approach: Manually define a new cacheGroup to target a specific module (see more) with ‘enforce:true’, in order to force webpack to always create a separate chunk for the module. Useful for cases where the single dependency is very large (i.e. >100KB), or when asynchronously loading a module isn’t an option.
  • Certain libraries that appear in multiple assets (e.g. antd) should not be mistaken as identical dependencies. You can verify this by inspecting each module with one another. If the contents are different, then webpack has already done its job of tree-shaking the dependency and only importing code used by our code.
  • Webpack relies on the import() statement to identify that a given module is to be explicitly bundled as a separate chunk (see more).

3. Use Libraries that are Exported in ES Modules Format

Did you say ‘tree-shaking’?
“Did you say ‘tree-shaking’?”, Image source
  • If a given library has a variant with an ES Module distribution, use that variant instead.
  • ES Modules allows webpack to perform tree-shaking automatically, allowing you to save on your bundle size because unused library code is not bundled.
  • Use bundlephobia to quickly ascertain if a given library is tree-shakeable (e.g. ‘lodash-es’ vs ‘lodash’)


import { get } from lodash


import { get } from lodash-es


  • Use Case: Using Lodash utilities
  • Action: Instead of using the standard ‘lodash’ library, you can swap it out with ‘lodash-es’, which is bundled using ES Modules and is functionally equivalent.
  • Results: Saved 0KB – We were already directly importing individual Lodash functions (e.g. ‘lodash/get’), therefore importing only the code we need. Still, ES Modules is a more convenient way to go about this 👍.


  • Alternative approach: Use babel plugins (e.g. ‘babel-plugin-transform-imports’) to transform your import statements at build time to selectively import specific code for a given library.

4. Replace Libraries whose Features are Already Available on the Browser Web API

When you replace axios with fetch
“When you replace axios with fetch”, Image source

If you are relying on libraries for functionality that is available on the Web API, you should revise your implementation to leverage on the Web API, allowing you to skip certain libraries when bundling, thus saving on bundle size.


import axios from axios

const getEndpointData = async () => {

 const response = await axios.get(/some-endpoint)

 return response



const getEndpointData = async () => {

 const response = await fetch(/some-endpoint)

 return response



  • Use Case: Replacing axios with fetch() in the anti-abuse library
  • Action: We observed that our anti-abuse library was relying on axios to make web requests. Since our web app is only targeting modern browsers – most of which support fetch() (with the notable exception of IE) – we refactored the library’s code to use fetch() exclusively.
  • Results: Saved 15KB on anti-abuse library size.

5. Avoid Large Dependencies by Changing your Technical Approach

Image source

If it is acceptable to change your technical approach, we can avoid using certain dependencies altogether.


import jwt from jwt-simple

const encodeCookieData = (data) => {

 const result = jwt.encode(data, some-secret)

 return result



const encodeCookieData = (data) => {

 const result = JSON.stringify(data)

 return result



  • Scenario: Encoding for browser cookie persistence
  • Action: As we needed to store certain user preferences in the user’s browser, we previously opted to use JWT encoding; this involved signing JWTs on the client side, which has a hard dependency on ‘crypto’. We revised the implementation to use plain JSON encoding instead, removing the need for ‘crypto’.
  • Results: Saved 250KB per page asset, 13MB in total bundle size.

6. Avoid Using Node Dependencies or Libraries that Require Node Dependencies

“When someone does require(‘crypto’)”
“When someone does require(‘crypto’)”, Image source

You should not need to use node-related dependencies, unless your application relies on a node dependency directly or indirectly.

Examples of node dependencies: ‘Buffer’, ‘crypto’, ‘https’ (see more)


import jwt from jsonwebtoken

const decodeJwt = async (value) => {

 const result = await new Promise((resolve) => {

 jwt.verify(token, 'some-secret', (err, decoded) => resolve(decoded))


 return result



import jwt_decode from jwt-decode

const decodeJwt = (value) => {

 const result = jwt_decode(value)

 return result



  • Scenario: Decoding JWTs on the client side
  • Action: In terms of JWT usage on the client side, we only need to decode JWTs – we do not need any logic related to encoding JWTs. Therefore, we can opt to use libraries that perform just decoding (e.g. ‘jwt-decode’) instead of libraries (e.g. ‘jsonwebtoken’) that performs the full suite of JWT-related operations (e.g. signing, verifying).
  • Results: Same as in Point 5: Example. (i.e. no need to decode JWTs anymore, since we aren’t using JWT encoding for browser cookie persistence)

7. Optimise your External Dependencies

“Team: Can you reduce the bundle size further? You:“
“Team: Can you reduce the bundle size further? You: (nervous grin)“, Image source

We can do a deep-dive into our dependencies to identify possible size optimisations by applying all the aforementioned techniques. If your size optimisation changes get accepted, regardless of whether it’s publicly (e.g. GitHub) or privately hosted (own company library), it’s a win-win for everybody! 🥳


  • Scenario: Creating custom ‘node-forge’ builds for our Anti-abuse library
  • Action: Our Anti-abuse library only uses certain features of ‘node-forge’. Thankfully, the ‘node-forge’ maintainers have provided an easy way to make custom builds that only bundle selective features (see more).
  • Results: Saved 85KB in Anti-abuse library size and reduced bundle size for all other dependent projects.

Step D: Verify that You have Modified the Dependencies

Now… where did I put that needle?
“Now… where did I put that needle?”, Image source

So, you’ve found some opportunities for major bundle size savings, that’s great!

But as always, it’s best to be methodical to measure the impact of your changes, and to make sure no features have been broken.

  1. Perform your code changes
  2. Build the project again and open the bundle analysis report
  3. Verify the state of a given dependency
    • Deleted dependency – you should not be able to find the dependency
    • Lazy-loaded dependency – you should see the dependency bundled as a separate chunk
    • Non-duplicated dependency – you should only see a single chunk for the non-duplicated dependency
  4. Run tests to make sure you didn’t break anything (i.e. unit tests, manual tests)

Other Considerations

Preventive Measures

  • Periodically monitor your bundle size to identify increases in bundle size
  • Periodically monitor your site load times to identify increases in site load times

Webpack Configuration Options

  1. Disable bundling node modules with ‘node: false’
    • Only if your project doesn’t already include libraries that rely on node modules.
    • Allows for fast detection when someone tries to use a library that requires node modules, as the build will fail
  2. Experiment with ‘cacheGroups’
    • Most default configurations of webpack do a pretty good job of identifying and bundling the most commonly used dependencies into a single chunk (usually called vendor.js)
    • You can experiment with webpack optimisation options to see if you get better results
  3. Experiment with import() ‘Magic Comments’
    • You may experiment with import() magic comments to modify the behaviour of specific import() statements, although the default setting will do just fine for most cases.

If you can’t remove the dependency:

  • For all dependencies that must be used, it’s probably best to lazy load all of them so you won’t block the page’s initial rendering (see more).


Image source

To summarise, here’s how you can go about this business of reducing your bundle size.


  1. Identify Your Dependencies
  2. Investigate the Usage of Your Dependencies
  3. Reduce Your Dependencies
  4. Verify that You have Modified the Dependencies

And by using these 7 strategies…

  1. Lazy load large dependencies and less-used dependencies
  2. Unify instance of duplicate modules
  3. Use libraries that are exported in ES Modules format
  4. Replace libraries whose features are already available on the Browser Web API
  5. Avoid large dependencies by changing your technical approach
  6. Avoid using node dependencies
  7. Optimise your external dependencies

You can have…

  • Faster page load time (smaller individual pages)
  • Smaller bundle (fewer dependencies)
  • Lower network egress costs (smaller assets)
  • Faster builds (fewer dependencies to handle)

Now armed with this information, may your eyes be keen, your bundles be lean, your sites be fast, and your cloud costs be low! 🚀 ✌️

Special thanks to Han Wu, Melvin Lee, Yanye Li, and Shujuan Cheong for proofreading this article. 🙂

Join Us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Reshaping Chat Support for Our Users

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/reshaping-chat-support


The Grab support team plays a key role in ensuring our users receive support when things don’t go as expected or whenever there are questions on our products and services.

In the past, when users required real-time support, their only option was to call our hotline and wait in the queue to talk to an agent. But voice support has its downsides: sometimes it is complex to describe an issue in the app, and it requires the user’s full attention on the call.

With chat messaging apps growing massively in the last years, chat has become the expected support channel users are familiar with. It offers real-time support with the option of multitasking and easily explaining the issue by sharing pictures and documents. Compared to voice support, chat provides access to the conversation for future reference.

With chat growth, building a chat system tailored to our support needs and integrated with internal data, seemed to be the next natural move.

In our previous articles, we covered the tech challenges of building the chat platform for the web, our workforce routing system and improving agent efficiency with machine learning. In this article, we will explain our approach and key learnings when building our in-house chat for support from a Product and Design angle.

A glimpse at agent and user experience
A glimpse at agent and user experience

Why Reinvent the Wheel

We wanted to deliver a product that would fully delight our users. That’s why we decided to build an in-house chat tool that can:

  1. Prevent chat disconnections and ensure a consistent chat experience: Building a native chat experience allowed us to ensure a stable chat session, even when users leave the app. Besides, leveraging on the existing Grab chat infrastructure helped us achieve this fast and ensure the chat experience is consistent throughout the app. You can read more about the chat architecture here.
  2. Improve productivity and provide faster support turnarounds: By building the agent experience in the CRM tool, we could reduce the number of tools the support team uses and build features tailored to our internal processes. This helped to provide faster help for our users.
  3. Allow integration with internal systems and services: Chat can be easily integrated with in-house AI models or chatbot, which helps us personalise the user experience and improve agent productivity.
  4. Route our users to the best support specialist available: Our newly built routing system accounts for all the use cases we were wishing for such as prioritising certain requests, better distribution of the chat load during peak hours, making changes at scale and ensuring each chat is routed to the best support specialist available.

Fail Fast with an MVP

Before building a full-fledged solution, we needed to prove the concept, an MVP that would have the key features and yet, would not take too much effort if it fails. To kick start our experiment, we established the success criteria for our MVP; how do we measure its success or failure?

Defining What Success Looks Like

Any experiment requires a hypothesis – something you’re trying to prove or disprove and it should relate to your final product. To tailor the final product around the success criteria, we need to understand how success is measured in our situation. In our case, disconnections during chat support was one of the key challenges faced so our hypothesis was:

Starting with Design Sprint

Our design sprint aimed to solutionise a series of problem statements, and generate a prototype to validate our hypothesis. To spark ideation, we run sketching exercises such as Crazy 8, Solution sketch and end off with sharing and voting.

Some of the prototypes built during the Design sprint

Defining MVP Scope to Run the Experiment

To test our hypothesis quickly, we had to cut the scope by focusing on the basic functionality of allowing chat message exchanges with one agent.

Here is the main flow and a sneak peek of the design:

Accepting chats
Accepting chats
Handling concurrent chats
Handling concurrent chats

What We Learnt from the Experiment

During the experiment, we had to constantly put ourselves in our users’ shoes as ‘we are not our users’. We decided to shadow our chat support agents and get a sense of the potential issues our users actually face. By doing so, we learnt a lot about how the tool was used and spotted several problems to address in the next iterations.

In the end, the experiment confirmed our hypothesis that having a native in-app chat was more stable than the previous chat in use, resulting in a better user experience overall.

Starting with the End in Mind

Once the experiment was successful, we focused on scaling. We defined the most critical jobs to be done for our users so that we could scale the product further. When designing solutions to tackle each of them, we ensured that the product would be flexible enough to address future pain points. Would this work for more channels, more users, more products, more countries?

Before scaling, the problems to solve were:

  • Monitoring the performance of the system in real-time, so that swift operational changes can be made to ensure users receive fast support;
  • Routing each chat to the best agent available, considering skills, occupancy, as well as issue prioritisation. You can read more about the our routing system design here;
  • Easily communicate with users and show empathy, for which we built file-sharing capabilities for both users and agents, as well as allowing emojis, which create a more personalised experience.

Scaling Efficiently

We broke down the chat support journey to determine what areas could be improved.

Reducing Waiting Time

When analysing the current wait time, we realised that when there was a surge in support requests, the average waiting time increased drastically. In these cases, most users would be unresponsive by the time an agent finally attends to them.

To solve this problem, the team worked on a dynamic queue limit concept based on Little’s law. The idea is that considering the number of incoming chats and the agents’ capacity, we can forecast the number of users we can handle in a reasonable time, and prevent the remaining from initiating a chat. When this happens, we ensure there’s a backup channel for support so that no user is left unattended.

This allowed us to reduce chat waiting time by ~30% and reduce unresponsive users by ~7%.

Reducing Time to Reply

A big part of the chat time is spent typing the message to send to the user. Although the previous tool had templated messages, we observed that 85% of them were free-typed. This is because agents felt the templates were impersonal and wanted to add their personal style to the messages.

With this information in mind, we knew we could help by providing autocomplete suggestions  while the agents are typing. We built a machine learning based feature that considers several factors such as user type, the entry point to support, and the last messages exchanged, to suggest how the agent should complete the sentence. When this feature was first launched, we reduced the average chat time by 12%!

Read this to find out more about how we built this machine learning feature, from defining the problem space to its implementation.

Reducing the Overall Chat Time

Looking at the average chat time, we realised that there was still room for improvement. How can we help our agents to manage their time better so that we can reduce the waiting time for users in the queue?

We needed to provide visibility of chat durations so that our agents could manage their time better. So, we added a timer at the top of each chat window to indicate how long the chat was taking.

Timer in the minimised chat
Timer in the minimised chat

We also added nudges to remind agents that they had other users to attend to while they were in the chat.

Timer in the maximised chat
Timer in the maximised chat

By providing visibility via prompts and colour-coded indicators to prevent exceeding the expected chat duration, we reduced the average chat time by 22%!

What We Learnt from this Project

  • Start with the end in mind. When you embark on a big project like this, have a clear vision of how the end state looks like and plan each step backwards. How does success look like and how are we going to measure it? How do we get there?
  • Data is king. Data helped us spot issues in real-time and guided us through all the iterations following the MVP. It helped us prioritise the most impactful problems and take the right design decisions. Instrumentation must be part of your MVP scope!
  • Remote user testing is better than no user testing at all. Ideally, you want to do user testing in the exact environment your users will be using the tool but a pandemic might make things a bit more complex. Don’t let this stop you! The qualitative feedback we received from real users, even with a prototype on a video call, helped us optimise the tool for their needs.
  • Address the root cause, not the symptoms. Whenever you are tasked with solving a big problem, break it down into its components by asking “Why?” until you find the root cause. In the first phases, we realised the tool had a longer chat time compared to 3rd party softwares. By iteratively splitting the problem into smaller ones, we were able to address the root causes instead of the symptoms.
  • Shadow your users whenever you can. By looking at the users in action, we learned a ton about their creative ways to go around the tool’s limitations. This allowed us to iterate further on the design and help them be more efficient.

Of course, this would not have been possible without the incredible work of several teams: CSE, CE, Comms platform, Driver and Merchant teams.

Join Us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

A framework for building Open Graph images

Post Syndicated from Jason Etcovich original https://github.blog/2021-06-22-framework-building-open-graph-images/

You know that feeling when you make your latest hack project public, and you’re ready to share it with the world? And when you go to Twitter to post a link to your repository, you just see a big picture of yourself? We wanted to make that a better experience.

We recently set about creating a framework and service for automatically generating social sharing images for repositories and other resources on GitHub.

Before the update

Before, when you shared a link to a repository on any social media platform, you’d see something like this:

Screenshot of an old Twitter preview for GitHub repo links

We heard from you that seeing the author’s face was unexpected. Plus, there’s not a lot of quick information here, aside from the plaintext title and description.

We do have custom repository images, and you can still use those to give your project some bespoke branding—but most people don’t upload a custom image for their repositories, so we wanted to create a better default experience for every repo on GitHub.

After the update

Now, we generate a new image for you on-the-fly when you share a link to a repository somewhere:

Screenshot of new Twitter preview card for NASA

We create similar cards for issues, pull requests and commits, with more resources coming soon (like Discussions, Releases and Gists):

Screenshot of open graph Twitter card for a pull request

Open Graph image for a pull request

Screenshot of open graph Twitter card for a commit

Open Graph image for a commit

Screenshot of open graph Twitter card for an issue link

Open Graph image for, you guessed it, an issue

What’s going on behind the scenes? A quick intro to Open Graph

Open Graph is a set of standards for websites to be able to declare metadata that other platforms can pick out, to get a TL;DR of the page. You’d declare something like this in your HTML:

<meta property="og:image" content="https://www.rd.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/GettyImages-454238885-scaled.jpg" />

In addition to the image, we also define a number of other meta tags that are used for rendering information outside of GitHub, like og:title and og:description.

When a crawler (like Twitter’s crawling bot, which activates any time you share a link on Twitter) looks at your page, it’ll see those meta tags and grab the image. Then, when that platform shows a preview of your website, it’ll use the information it found. Twitter is one example, but virtually all social platforms use Open Graph to unfurl rich previews for links.

How does the image generator work?

I’ll show you! We’ve leveraged the magic of open source technologies to string some tools together. There are a ton of services that do image templating on-demand, but we wanted to deploy our own within our own infrastructure, to ensure that we have the control we need to generate any kind of image.

So: our custom Open Graph image service is a little Node.js app that uses the GitHub GraphQL API to collect data, generates some HTML from a template, and pipes it to Puppeteer to “take a screenshot” of that HTML. This is not a novel idea—lots of companies and projects (like vercel/og-image) use a similar process to generate an image.

We have a couple of routes that match patterns similar to what you’d find on GitHub.com:

// https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/41080
router.get("/:owner/:repo/pull/:number", generateImageMiddleware(Pull));

// https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/41078
router.get("/:owner/:repo/issues/:number", generateImageMiddleware(Issue));

// https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/2afc9059c9eb509f47d94250be0a917059afa1ae
router.get("/:owner/:repo/commit/:oid", generateImageMiddleware(Commit));

// https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/41080/commits/2afc9059c9eb509f47d94250be0a917059afa1ae
router.get("/:owner/:repo/pull/:number/commits/:oid", generateImageMiddleware(Commit));

// https://github.com/rails/rails/*
router.get("/:owner/:repo*", generateImageMiddleware(Repository));

When our application receives a request that matches one of those routes, we use the GitHub GraphQL API to collect some data based on the route parameters and generate an image using code similar to this:

async function generateImage(template, templateData) {
 // Render some HTML from the relevant template
 const html = compileTemplate(template, templateData);
 // Create a new page
 const page = await browser.newPage();
 // Set the content to our rendered HTML
 await page.setContent(html, { waitUntil: "networkIdle0" });
 const screenshotBuffer = await page.screenshot({
   fullPage: false,
   type: "png",
 await page.close();
 return screenshotBuffer;

Some performance gotchas

Puppeteer can be really slow—it’s launching an entire Chrome browser, so some slowness is to be expected. But we quickly saw some performance problems that we just couldn’t live with. Here are a couple of things we did to significantly improve performance of image generation:

waitUntil: networkIdle0 is aggressively patient, so we replaced it

One Saturday night, I was generating and digging through Chromium traces, as one does, to determine why this service was so slow. I dug into these traces with the help of Electron maintainer and semicolon enthusiast @MarshallOfSound. We discovered a huge, two-second block of idle time (in pink):

Screenshot showing two seconds of idle time in Chromium trace

That’s a trace of everything between browser.newPage() and page.close(). The giant pink bar is “idle time,” and (through trial and error) we determined that this was the waitUntil: networkidle0 option passed to page.setContent(). We needed to set this option to say “only continue once all images, fonts, etc have finished loading,” so that we don’t take screenshots before the pages are actually ready. However, it seemed to add a significant amount of idle time, despite the page being ready for a screenshot 300ms in. Per networkidle0‘s docs:

networkidle0 – consider setting content to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least 500 ms.

We deduced that that big pink block was due to Puppeteer’s backoff time, where it waits 500ms before considering all network connections complete; but the numbers didn’t really line up. That pink bar shouldn’t be nearly that big, at around two seconds instead of the expected 500-ish milliseconds.

So, how did we fix it? Well, we want to wait until all images/fonts have loaded, but clearly Puppeteer’s method of doing so was a little greedy. It’s hard to see in a still image, but the below screenshot shows that all images have been decoded and render by about ~115ms into the trace:

Screenshot showing images decoded and rendered

All we had to do was provide Puppeteer with a different heuristic to know when the page was “done” and ready for a screenshot. Here’s what we came up with:

   // Set the content to our rendered HTML
   await page.setContent(html, { waitUntil: "domcontentloaded" });
   // Wait until all images and fonts have loaded
   await page.evaluate(async () => {
     const selectors = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("img"));
     await Promise.all([
       ...selectors.map((img) => {
         // Image has already finished loading, let’s see if it worked
         if (img.complete) {
           // Image loaded and has presence
           if (img.naturalHeight !== 0) return;
           // Image failed, so it has no height
           throw new Error("Image failed to load");
         // Image hasn’t loaded yet, added an event listener to know when it does
         return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
           img.addEventListener("load", resolve);
           img.addEventListener("error", reject);

This isn’t magic—it’s standard DOM practices. But it was a much better solution for our use-case than the abstraction provided by Puppeteer. We changed waitUntil to domcontentloaded to ensure that the HTML had finished being parsed, then passed a custom function to page.evaluate. This gets run in the context of the page itself but pipes the return value to the outer context. This meant that we could listen for image load events and pause execution until the Promises have been resolved.

You can see the difference in our performance graphs (going from ~2.25 seconds to ~600ms):

Screenshot of difference in performance graphs, difference in our performance graphs, going from ~2.25 seconds to ~600ms

Double your rendering speed with 1mb of memory

More memory means more speed, right? Sure! At GitHub, when we deploy a new service to our internal Kubernetes infrastructure, it gets a default amount of memory: 512MB (technically MiB, but who’s counting?). When we were scaling this service to be enabled for 100% of repositories, we wanted to increase our resource limits to ensure we didn’t see any performance degradations as the service saw more traffic. What we didn’t know was that 512MB was a magic number – and that setting our memory limit to at least 1MB more would unlock significantly better performance within Chromium.

When we bumped that limit, we saw this change:

Graph showing reduction in time to generate image

In production, that was a reduction of almost 500ms to generate an image. It stands to reason that more memory will be “faster” but not that much without any increase in traffic—so what happened? Well, it turns out that Chromium has a flag for devices with less than 512MB of memory and considers these low-spec devices. Chromium uses that flag to run some processes sequentially instead of in parallel, to improve reliability at the cost of performance on devices that couldn’t support increased performance anyway. If you’re interested in running a service like this on your own, check to see if you can bump the memory limit past 512MB – the results are pretty great!


Generating an image takes 280ms on average. We could go even lower if we wanted to make some other changes, like generating a JPEG instead of a PNG.

The image generator service generates around two million unique-ish images per day. We also return a cached image for 40% of the total requests.

And that’s it! I hope you’re enjoying these images in your Twitter feeds. I know it’s made mine a lot more colorful. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ping me on Twitter: @JasonEtco!

GitHub Desktop supports hiding whitespace, expanding diffs, and creating repository aliases

Post Syndicated from Billy Griffin original https://github.blog/2021-04-28-github-desktop-hiding-whitespace-expanding-diffs-repo-aliases/

GitHub Desktop 2.8 now includes several new features to make it easier to work with diffs and easier for people who have multiple copies of the same repository.

Expand diffs to get more context around changes

We hear a lot about how people love the way GitHub Desktop displays diffs beautifully, but you’re only able to see a few lines around the changes that you or someone else made. Now you can click to expand the diffs above or below your changes to get a more complete picture of the rest of the file around the changes made. You can also use a context menu on the diff to expand the whole file.

Hide whitespace in diffs

Similar to being able to see more context around your changes, sometimes there are a lot of whitespace changes in a file that don’t allow you to get a clear picture of the substantive changes that happened. Now, in both changes and history, you can optionally hide whitespace changes to allow you to focus just on the more meaningful changes to your code. This feature was built almost entirely by Steven Yeh (@say25), a fantastic and close community contributor to GitHub Desktop. Steven is a long-time open source contributor to GitHub Desktop, and we’re immensely grateful for him continuing to help improve the product.

Create aliases for repositories locally

Many developers keep more than one copy of a repository in GitHub Desktop, and the way repositories are displayed makes it tricky to differentiate between them. In GitHub Desktop 2.8, you can create aliases for your local repositories to easily tell them apart in the list.

We appreciate your input

All of the recent features we’ve shipped have come as a direct result of the great feedback we get from talking with users and hearing from you in our open source repository. With more than one million users actively using GitHub Desktop every month and more than 200 community contributors, we so appreciate all the feedback and contributions that help make GitHub Desktop even better every day. Thank you!

And if you’ve never tried it, or have not tried it in awhile, download GitHub Desktop today.

Customer Support workforce routing

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/customer-support-workforce-routing


With Grab’s wide range of services, we get large volumes of queries a day. Our Customer Support teams address concerns and issues from safety issues to general FAQs. The teams delight our customers through quick resolutions, resulting from world-class support framework and an efficient workforce routing system.

Our routing workforce system ensures that available resources are efficiently assigned to a request based on the right skillset and deciding factors such as department, country, request priority. Scalability to work across support channels (e.g. voice, chat, or digital) is also another factor considered for routing a request to a particular support specialist.

Sample flow of how it works today
Sample flow of how it works today

Having an efficient workforce routing system ensures that requests are directed to relevant support specialists who are most suited to handle a certain type of issue, resulting in quicker resolution, happier and satisfied customers, and reduced cost spent on support.

We initially implemented a third-party solution, however there were a few limitations, such prioritisation, that motivated us to build our very own routing solution that provides better routing configuration controls and cost reduction from licensing costs.

This article describes how we built our in-house workforce routing system at Grab and focuses on Livechat, one of the domains of customer support.


Let’s run through the issues with our previous routing solution in the next sections.

Priority management

The third-party solution didn’t allow us to prioritise a group of requests over others. This was particularly important for handling safety issues that were not impacted due to other low-priority requests like enquiries. So our goal for the in-house solution was to ensure that we were able to configure the priority of the request queues.

Bespoke product customisation

With the third-party solution being a generic service provider, customisations often required long lead times as not all product requests from Grab were well received by the mass market. Building this in-house meant Grab had full controls over the design and configuration over routing. Here are a few sample use cases that were addressed by customisation:

  • Bulk configuration changes – Previously, it was challenging to assign the same configuration to multiple agents. So, we introduced another layer of grouping for agents that share the same configuration. For example, which queues the agents receive chats from and what the proficiency and max concurrency should be.
  • Resource Constraints – To avoid overwhelming resources with unlimited chats and maintaining reasonable wait times for our customers, we introduced a dynamic queue limit on the number of chat requests enqueued. This limit was based on factors like the number of incoming chats and the agent performance over the last hour.
  • Remote Work Challenges – With the pandemic situation and more of our agents working remotely, network issues were common. So we released an enhancement on the routing system to reroute chats handled by unavailable agents (due to disconnection for an extended period) to another available agent.The seamless experience helped increase customer satisfaction.

Reporting and analytics

Similar to previous point, having a solution addressing generic use cases doesn’t allow you to add customisations at will over monitoring. With the custom implementation, we were able to add more granular metrics which are very useful to assess the agent productivity and performance and helps in planning the resources ahead of time, and this is why reporting and analytics were so valuable for workforce planning. Few of the customisations added additionally were

  • Agent Time Utilisation – While basic agent tracking was available in the out-of-the-box solution, it limited users to three states (online, away, and invisible). With the custom routing solution, we were able to create customised statuses to reflect the time the agent spent in a particular status due to  chat connection issues and failures and reflect this on dashboards for immediate attention.
  • Chat Transfers – The number of chat transfers could only be tabulated manually. We then automated this process with a custom implementation.


Now that we’ve covered the issues we’re solving, let’s cover the solutions.

Prioritising high-priority requests

During routing, the constraint is on the number of resources available. The incoming requests cannot simply be assigned to the first available agent. The issue with this approach is that we would eventually run out of agents to serve the high-priority requests.

One of the ways to prevent this is to have a separate group of agents to solely handle high-priority requests. This does not solve issues as the high-priority requests and low-priority requests share the same queue and are de-queued in a First-In, First-out (FIFO) order. As a result, the low-priority requests are directly processed instead of waiting for the queue to fill up before processing high-priority requests. Because of this queuing issue, prioritisation of requests is critical.

The need to prioritise

High-priority requests, such as safety issues, must not be in the queue for a long duration and should be handled as fast as possible even when the system is filled with low-priority requests.

There are two different kinds of queues, one to handle requests at priority level and other to handle individual issues, which are the business queues on which the queue limit constraints apply.

To illustrate further, here are two different scenarios of enqueuing/de-queuing:

Different issues with different priorities

In this scenario, the priority is set to dequeue safety issues, which are in the high-priority queue, before picking up the enquiry issues from the low-priority queue.

Different issues with different priorities
Different issues with different priorities

Identical issues with different priorities

In this scenario where identical issues have different priorities, the reallocated enquiry issue in the high-priority queue is dequeued first before picking up a low-priority enquiry issue.  Reallocations happen when a chat is transferred to another agent or when it was not accepted by the allocated agent. When reallocated, it goes back to the queue with a higher priority.

Identical issues with different priorities
Identical issues with different priorities


To implement different levels of priorities, we decided to use separate queues for each of the priorities and denoted the request queues by groups, which could logically exist in any of the priority queues.

For de-queueing, time slices of varied lengths were assigned to each of the queues to make sure the de-queueing worker spends more time on a higher priority queue.

The architecture uses multiple de-queueing workers running in parallel, with each worker looping over the queues and waiting for a message in a queue for a certain amount of time, and then allocating it to an agent.

for i := startIndex; i < len(consumer.priorityQueue); i++ {
 queue := consumer.priorityQueue\[i\]
 duration := queue.config.ProcessingDurationInMilliseconds
 for now := time.Now(); time.Since(now) < time.Duration(duration)\*time.Millisecond; {
   consumer.processMessage(queue.client, queue.config)
   // cool down
   time.Sleep(time.Millisecond \* 100)

The above code snippet iterates over individual priority queues and waits for a message for a certain duration, it then processes the message upon receipt. There is also a cooldown period of 100ms before it moves on to receive a message from a different priority queue.

The caveat with the above approach is that the worker may end up spending more time than expected when it receives a message at the end of the waiting duration. We addressed this by having multiple workers running concurrently.

Request starvation

Now when priority queues are used, there is a possibility that some of the low-priority requests remain unprocessed for long periods of time. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, the workers are forced to run out of sync by tweaking the order in which priority queues are processed, such that when worker1 is processing a high-priority queue request, worker2 is waiting for a request in the medium-priority queue instead of the high-priority queue.

Customising to our needs

We wanted to make sure that agents with the adequate skills are assigned to the right queues to handle the requests. On top of that, we wanted to ensure that there is a limit on the number of requests that a queue can accept at a time, guaranteeing that the system isn’t flushed with too many requests, which can lead to longer waiting times for request allocation.


The queues are configured with a dynamic queue limit, which is the upper limit on the number of requests that a queue can accept. Additionally attributes such as country, department, and skills are defined on the queue.

The dynamic queue limit takes account of the utilisation factor of the queue and the available agents at the given time, which ensures an appropriate waiting time at the queue level.

A simple approach to assign which queues the agents can receive the requests from is to directly assign the queues to the agents. But this leads to another problem to solve, which is to control the number of concurrent chats an agent can handle and define how proficient an agent is at solving a request. Keeping this in mind, it made sense to have another grouping layer between the queue and agent assignment and to define attributes, such as concurrency, to make sure these groups can be reused.

There are three entities in agent assignment:

  • Queue
  • Agent Group
  • Agent

When the request is de-queued, the agent list mapped to the queue is found and then some additional business rules (e.g. checking for proficiency) are applied to calculate the eligibility score of each mapped agent to decide which agent is the best suited to cater to the request.

The factors impacting the eligibility score are proficiency, whether the agent is online/offline, the current concurrency, max concurrency and the last allocation time.

Ensuring the concurrency is not breached

To make sure that the agent doesn’t receive more chats than their defined concurrency, a locking mechanism is used at per agent level. During agent allocation, the worker acquires a lock on the agent record with an expiry, preventing other workers from allocating a chat to this agent. Only once the allocation process is complete (either failed or successful), the concurrency is updated and the lock is released, allowing other workers to assign more chats to the agent depending on the bandwidth.

A similar approach was used to ensure that the queue limit doesn’t exceed the desired limit.

Reallocation and transfers

Having the routing configuration set up, the reallocation of agents is done using the same steps for agent allocation.

To transfer a  chat to another queue, the request goes back to the queue with a higher priority so that the request is assigned faster.

Unaccepted chats

If the agent fails to accept the request in a given period of time, then the request is put back into the queue, but this time with a higher priority. This is the reason why there’s a corresponding re-allocation queue with a higher priority than the normal queue to make sure that those unaccepted requests don’t have to wait in the queue again.

Informing the frontend about allocation

When an allocation of an agent happens, the routing system needs to inform the frontend by sending messages over websocket to the frontend. This is done with our super reliable messaging system called Hermes, which operates at scale in supporting 12k concurrent connections and establishes real time communication between agents and customers.

Finding the online agents

The routing system should only send the allocation message to the frontend when the agent is online and accepting requests. Frontend uses the same websocket connection used to receive the allocation message to inform the routing system about the availability of agents. This means that if for some reason, the websocket connection is broken due to internet connection issues, the agent would stop receiving any new chat requests.

Enriched reporting and analytics

The routing system is able to push monitoring metrics, such as number of online agents, number of chat requests assigned to the agent, and so on. Because of fine grained control that comes with building this system in-house, it gives us the ability to push more custom metrics.

There are two levels of monitoring offered by this system, real time monitoring and non-real time monitoring, which could be used for analytics for calculating things like the productivity of the agent and the time they spent on each chat.

We achieved the discussed solutions with the help of StatsD for real time monitoring and for analytical purposes, we sent the data used for Tableau visualisations and reporting to Presto tables.

Given that the bottleneck for this system is the number of resources (i.e. number of agents), the real time monitoring helps identify which configuration needs to be adjusted when there is a spike in the number of requests. Moreover, the analytical persistent data allows us the ability to predict the traffic and plan the workforce management such that they are efficiently handling the requests.


Letting the system behave appropriately when rolled out to multiple regions is a very critical piece that needed to be taken into account. To ensure that there were enough workers to handle the requests, horizontal scaling of instances can be done if the CPU utilisation increases.

Now to understand the system limitations and behaviour before releasing to multiple regions, we ran load tests with 10x more traffic than expected. This gave us the understanding on what monitors and alerts we should add to make sure the system is able to function efficiently and reduce our recovery time if something goes wrong.

Next steps

The few enhancements lined up after building this routing solution are to focus on reducing customer’s waiting time and to reduce the time spent by the agents on unresponsive customers, who have waited too long in the queue. Aside from chats, we would like to employ this solution into handling digital issues (social media and emails) and voice requests (call).

Special thanks to Andrea Carlevato and Karen Kue for making sure that the blogpost is interesting and represents the problem we solved accurately.

Join us

Grab is more than just the leading ride-hailing and mobile payments platform in Southeast Asia. We use data and technology to improve everything from transportation to payments and financial services across a region of more than 620 million people. We aspire to unlock the true potential of Southeast Asia and look for like-minded individuals to join us on this ride.

If you share our vision of driving South East Asia forward, apply to join our team today.

GitHub reduces Marketplace transaction fees, revamps Technology Partner Program

Post Syndicated from Ryan J. Salva original https://github.blog/2021-02-04-github-reduces-marketplace-transaction-fees-revamps-technology-partner-program/

At GitHub, our community is at the heart of everything we do. We want to make it easier to build the things you love, with the tools you prefer to use—which is why we’re committed to maintaining an open platform for developers. Launched in 2017 and now home to the world’s largest DevOps ecosystem, GitHub Marketplace is the single destination for developers to find, sell, and share tools and solutions that help simplify and improve the process of building software.

Whether buying or selling, our goal is to provide the best Marketplace experience for developers as possible. Today, we’re announcing some changes worth celebrating 🎉; changes to increase your revenue, simplify the application verification process, and make it easier for everyone to build with GitHub.

Supporting our Marketplace partners

In the spirit of helping developers both thrive and profit, we’re increasing developer’s take-home pay for apps sold in the marketplace from 75 to 95%. GitHub will only keep a 5% transaction fee. This change puts more revenue in the pockets of the developers, who are doing the work building tools that support the GitHub community.

Learn more

Simplifying app verification process on the Marketplace

We know our partners are excited to get on Marketplace, and we’ve made changes to make this as easy as possible. Previously, a deep review of app security and functionality was required before an app could be added to Marketplace. Moving forward, we’ll verify your organization’s identity and common-sense security precautions by:

  1. Validating your domain with a simple DNS TXT record
  2. Validating the email address on record
  3. Requiring two-factor authentication for your GitHub organization

You can track your app submission’s progress from your organization’s profile settings to fix issues faster. Now developers can get their solutions added to the Marketplace faster and the community can moderate app quality.

Screenshot of app publisher verification process in Marketplace

Soon, we’ll move all “verified apps” to the validated publisher model, updating the “green verified checkmarkverified” badge to indicate publishers, and not apps are scrutinized. Learn more

GitHub Technology Partner Program updates

We’ve also made some updates to our Technology Partner Program. If you’re interested in the GitHub Marketplace but unsure how to build integrations to the GitHub platform, co-market with us, or learn about partner events and opportunities, you can get started with our technology partner program for help. You can also check out the partner-centric resources section or reach out to us at [email protected].

Screenshot of Technology Partner Program Resource page

You’re now one step away from the technical and go-to-market resources you need to integrate with GitHub and help improve the lives of all software developers. Looking forward to seeing you on the Marketplace.

Happy coding. 👾

GitHub Availability Report: January 2021

Post Syndicated from Keith Ballinger original https://github.blog/2021-02-02-github-availability-report-january-2021/


In January, we experienced one incident resulting in significant impact and degraded state of availability for the GitHub Actions service.

January 28 04:21 UTC (lasting 3 hours 53 minutes)

Our service monitors detected abnormal levels of errors affecting the Actions service. This incident resulted in the failure or delay of some queued jobs for a period of time. Jobs that were queued during the incident were run successfully after the issue was resolved.

We identified the issue as caused by an infrastructure error in our SQL database layer. The database failure impacted one of the core microservices that facilitates authentication and communication between the Actions microservices, which affected queued jobs across the service. In normal circumstances, automated processes would detect that the database was unhealthy and failover with minimal or no customer impact. In this case, the failure pattern was not recognized by the automated processes, and telemetry did not show issues with the database, resulting in a longer time to determine the root cause and complete mitigation efforts.

To help avoid this class of failure in the future, we are updating the automation processes in our SQL database layer to improve error detection and failovers. Furthermore, we are continuing to invest in localizing failures to minimize the scope of impact resulting from infrastructure errors.

In summary

We’ll continue to keep you updated on the progress we’re making on ensuring reliability of our services. To learn more about how teams across GitHub identify and address opportunities to improve our engineering systems, check out the GitHub Engineering blog.

The GrabMart journey

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/grabmart-product-team-experience

Grab is Southeast Asia’s leading super app, providing everyday services such as ride-hailing, food delivery, payments, and more. In this blog, we’d like to share our journey in discovering the need for GrabMart and coming together as a team to build it.

Being there in the time of need

Back in March 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic was getting increasingly widespread in Southeast Asia, people began to feel the pressing threat of the virus in carrying out their everyday activities. As social distancing restrictions tightened across Southeast Asia, consumers’ reliance on online shopping and delivery services also grew.
Given the ability of our systems to readily adapt to changes, we were able to introduce a new service that our customers needed – GrabMart. By leveraging the GrabFood platform and quickly onboarding retail partners, we can now provide customers with their daily essentials on-demand, within a one hour delivery window.

Beginning an experiment

As early as November 2019, Grab was already piloting the concept of GrabMart in Malaysia and Singapore in light of the growing online grocery shopping trend. Our Product team decided to first launch GrabMart as a category within GrabFood to quickly gather learnings with minimal engineering effort. Through this pilot, we were able to test the operational flow, identify the value proposition to our customers, and expand our merchant selection.

GrabMart within the GrabFood flow
GrabMart within the GrabFood flow

We learned that customers had difficulty finding specific items as there was no search function available and they had to scroll through the full list of merchants on the app. Drivers who received GrabMart orders were not always prepared to accept the job as the orders – especially larger ones – were not distinguished from GrabFood. Thanks to our agile Engineering teams, we fixed these issues efficiently, ensuring a smoother user experience.

Redefining the mart experience

With the exponential growth of GrabMart regionally at 50% week over week (from around April to September), the team was determined to create a new version of GrabMart that better suited the needs of our users.

Our user research validated our hypothesis that shopping for groceries online is completely different from ordering meals online. Replicating the user flow of GrabFood for GrabMart would have led us to completely miss the natural path customers take at a grocery store on the app. For example, unlike ordering food, grocery shopping begins at an item-level instead of a merchant-level (like with GrabFood). Identifying this distinction led us to highlight item categories on both the GrabMart homepage and search results page. Other important user research highlights include:

  • Item/Store Categories. For users that already have a store in mind, they often look for the store directly. This behavior is similar to the offline shopping behavior. Users unsure of where to find an item, search for it directly or navigate to item categories.
  • Add to Cart. When purchasing familiar items, users often add the items to cart without clicking to read more about the product. Product details are only viewed when purchasing newer items.
  • Scheduled Delivery. As far as delivery time goes, every customer has different needs. Some prefer paying a higher fee for faster delivery, while others preferred waiting longer if it meant that the delivery fee was reduced. Hence we decided to offer on-demand delivery for urgent purchases, and scheduled delivery for non-urgent buys.
The New GrabMart Experience
The New GrabMart Experience

In order to meet our timelines, we divided the deliverables into two main releases and got early feedback from internal users through our Grab Early Access (GEA) program. Since GEA gives users a sneak-peek into upcoming app features, we can resolve any issues that they encounter before releasing the product to the general public.

In addition, we made some large-scale changes required across multiple Grab systems such as:

  • Changes to the content management system to account for mart catalogs.
  • Changes to the order management system to account for the new mart order type and manage payments to mart merchants appropriately.
  • Changes to the consumer app to display a new homepage and browsing experience tailored for mart.
  • Changes to the allocation system to allocate the right type of driver for mart orders
  • Changes to the merchant app and our Partner APIs to enable merchants to prepare mart orders efficiently.

Coupled with user research and country insights on grocery shopping behavior, we ruthlessly prioritised the features to be built.

With these insights in mind, we introduced Item categories to cater to customers who needed urgent restock of a few items, and Store categories for those shopping for their weekly groceries. We developed add-to-cart to make it easier for customers to put items in their basket, especially if they have a long list of products to buy. Furthermore, we included a Scheduled Delivery option for our Indonesian customers who want to receive their orders in person.

Designing for emotional states

As we implemented multiple product changes, we realised that we could not risk overwhelming our customers with the amount of information we wanted to communicate. Thus, we decided to prominently display product images in the item category page and allocated space only for essential product details, such as price. Overall, we strived for an engaging design that balanced showing a mix of products, merchant offers, and our own data-driven recommendations.

The future of e-commerce

“COVID-19 has accelerated the adoption of on-demand delivery services across Southeast Asia, and we were able to tap on existing technologies, our extensive delivery network, and operational footprint to quickly scale GrabMart across the region. In a post-COVID19 normal, we anticipate demand for delivery services to remain elevated. We will continue to double down on expanding our GrabMart service to support consumers’ shopping needs,” said Demi Yu, Regional Head of GrabFood and GrabMart.

As the world embraces a new normal, we believe that online shopping will become even more essential in the months to come. Along with Grab’s Operations team, we continue to grow our partners on GrabMart so that we can become the most convenient and affordable choice for our customers regionally. By enabling more businesses to expand online, we can then reach more of our customers and meet their needs together.

To learn more about GrabMart and its supported stores and features, click here.

Join us

Grab is more than just the leading ride-hailing and mobile payments platform in Southeast Asia. We use data and technology to improve everything from transportation to payments and financial services across a region of more than 620 million people. We aspire to unlock the true potential of Southeast Asia and look for like-minded individuals to join us on this ride.

If you share our vision of driving South East Asia forward, apply to join our team today.

GitHub Availability Report: December 2020

Post Syndicated from Keith Ballinger original https://github.blog/2021-01-06-github-availability-report-december-2020/


In December, we experienced no incidents resulting in service downtime. This month’s GitHub Availability Report will provide a summary and follow-up details on how we addressed an incident mentioned in November’s report.

Follow-up to November 27 16:04 UTC (lasting one hour and one minute)

Upon further investigation around one of the incidents mentioned in November’s Availability Report, we discovered an edge case that triggered a large number of GitHub App token requests. This caused abnormal levels of replication lag within one of our MySQL clusters, specifically affecting the GitHub Actions service. This particular scenario resulted in amplified queries and increased the database lag, which impacted the database nodes that process GitHub App token requests.

When a GitHub Action is invoked, the Action is passed a GitHub App token to perform tasks on GitHub. In this case, the database lag resulted in the failure of some of those token requests because the database replicas did not have up to date information.

To help avoid this class of failure, we are updating the queries to prevent large quantities of token requests from overloading the database servers in the future.

In summary

Whether we’re introducing a system to manage flaky tests or improving our CI workflow, we’ve continued to invest in our engineering systems and overall reliability. To learn more about what we’re working on, visit GitHub’s engineering blog.