Tag Archives: GraphQL

Reverse Searching Netflix’s Federated Graph

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/reverse-searching-netflixs-federated-graph-222ac5d23576

By Ricky Gardiner, Alex Hutter, and Katie Lefevre

Since our previous posts regarding Content Engineering’s role in enabling search functionality within Netflix’s federated graph (the first post, where we identify the issue and elaborate on the indexing architecture, and the second post, where we detail how we facilitate querying) there have been significant developments. We’ve opened up Studio Search beyond Content Engineering to the entirety of the Engineering organization at Netflix and renamed it Graph Search. There are over 100 applications integrated with Graph Search and nearly 50 indices we support. We continue to add functionality to the service. As promised in the previous post, we’ll share how we partnered with one of our Studio Engineering teams to build reverse search. Reverse search inverts the standard querying pattern: rather than finding documents that match a query, it finds queries that match a document.


Tiffany is a Netflix Post Production Coordinator who oversees a slate of nearly a dozen movies in various states of pre-production, production, and post-production. Tiffany and her team work with various cross-functional partners, including Legal, Creative, and Title Launch Management, tracking the progression and health of her movies.

So Tiffany subscribes to notifications and calendar updates specific to certain areas of concern, like “movies shooting in Mexico City which don’t have a key role assigned”, or “movies that are at risk of not being ready by their launch date”.

Tiffany is not subscribing to updates of particular movies, but subscribing to queries that return a dynamic subset of movies. This poses an issue for those of us responsible for sending her those notifications. When a movie changes, we don’t know who to notify, since there’s no association between employees and the movies they’re interested in.

We could save these searches, and then repeatedly query for the results of every search, but because we’re part of a large federated graph, this would have heavy traffic implications for every service we’re connected to. We’d have to decide if we wanted timely notifications or less load on our graph.

If we could answer the question “would this movie be returned by this query”, we could re-query based on change events with laser precision and not impact the broader ecosystem.

The Solution

Graph Search is built on top of Elasticsearch, which has the exact capabilities we require:

Instead of taking a search (like “spanish-language movies shot in Mexico City”) and returning the documents that match (One for Roma, one for Familia), a percolate query takes a document (one for Roma) and returns the searches that match that document, like “spanish-language movies” and “scripted dramas”.

We’ve communicated this functionality as the ability to save a search, called SavedSearches, which is a persisted filter on an existing index.

type SavedSearch {
id: ID!
filter: String
index: SearchIndex!

That filter, written in Graph Search DSL, is converted to an Elasticsearch query and indexed in a percolator field. To learn more about Graph Search DSL and why we created it rather than using Elasticsearch query language directly, see the Query Language section of “How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable (Part 2)”.

We’ve called the process of finding matching saved searches ReverseSearch. This is the most straightforward part of this offering. We added a new resolver to the Domain Graph Service (DGS) for Graph Search. It takes the index of interest and a document, and returns all the saved searches that match the document by issuing a percolate query.

Query for retrieving all the registered saved searches, in a given index,
based on a provided document. The document in this case is an ElasticSearch
document that is generated based on the configuration of the index.
after: String,
document: JSON!,
first: Int!,
index: SearchIndex!): SavedSearchConnection

Persisting a SavedSearch is implemented as a new mutation on the Graph Search DGS. This ultimately triggers the indexing of an Elasticsearch query in a percolator field.

Mutation for registering and updating a saved search. They need to be updated
any time a user adjusts their search criteria.
upsertSavedSearch(input: UpsertSavedSearchInput!): UpsertSavedSearchPayload

Supporting percolator fields fundamentally changed how we provision the indexing pipelines for Graph Search (see Architecture section of How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable). Rather than having a single indexing pipeline per Graph Search index we now have two: one to index documents and one to index saved searches to a percolate index. We chose to add percolator fields to a separate index in order to tune performance for the two types of queries separately.

Elasticsearch requires the percolate index to have a mapping that matches the structure of the queries it stores and therefore must match the mapping of the document index. Index templates define mappings that are applied when creating new indices. By using the index_patterns functionality of index templates, we’re able to share the mapping for the document index between the two. index_patterns also gives us an easy way to add a percolator field to every percolate index we create.

Example of document index mapping

Index pattern — application_*

"order": 1,
"index_patterns": ["application_*"],
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"movieTitle": {
"type": "keyword"
"isArchived": {
"type": "boolean"

Example of percolate index mappings

Index pattern — *_percolate

"order": 2,
"index_patterns": ["*_percolate*"],
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"percolate_query": {
"type": "percolator"

Example of generated mapping

Percolate index name is application_v1_percolate

"application_v1_percolate": {
"mappings": {
"_doc": {
"properties": {
"movieTitle": {
"type": "keyword"
"isArchived": {
"type": "boolean"
"percolate_query": {
"type": "percolator"

Percolate Indexing Pipeline

The percolate index isn’t as simple as taking the input from the GraphQL mutation, translating it to an Elasticsearch query, and indexing it. Versioning, which we’ll talk more about shortly, reared its ugly head and made things a bit more complicated. Here is the way the percolate indexing pipeline is set up.

See Data Mesh — A Data Movement and Processing Platform @ Netflix to learn more about Data Mesh.
  1. When SavedSearches are modified, we store them in our CockroachDB, and the source connector for the Cockroach database emits CDC events.
  2. A single table is shared for the storage of all SavedSearches, so the next step is filtering down to just those that are for *this* index using a filter processor.
  3. As previously mentioned, what is stored in the database is our custom Graph Search filter DSL, which is not the same as the Elasticsearch DSL, so we cannot directly index the event to the percolate index. Instead, we issue a mutation to the Graph Search DGS. The Graph Search DGS translates the DSL to an Elasticsearch query.
  4. Then we index the Elasticsearch query as a percolate field in the appropriate percolate index.
  5. The success or failure of the indexing of the SavedSearch is returned. On failure, the SavedSearch events are sent to a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) that can be used to address any failures, such as fields referenced in the search query being removed from the index.

Now a bit on versioning to explain why the above is necessary. Imagine we’ve started tagging movies that have animals. If we want users to be able to create views of “movies with animals”, we need to add this new field to the existing search index to flag movies as such. However, the mapping in the current index doesn’t include it, so we can’t filter on it. To solve for this we have index versions.

Dalia & Forrest from the series Baby Animal Cam

When a change is made to an index definition that necessitates a new mapping, like when we add the animal tag, Graph Search creates a new version of the Elasticsearch index and a new pipeline to populate it. This new pipeline reads from a log-compacted Kafka topic in Data Mesh — this is how we can reindex the entire corpus without asking the data sources to resend all the old events. The new pipeline and the old pipeline run side by side, until the new pipeline has processed the backlog, at which point Graph Search cuts over to the version using Elasticsearch index aliases.

Creating a new index for our documents means we also need to create a new percolate index for our queries so they can have consistent index mappings. This new percolate index also needs to be backfilled when we change versions. This is why the pipeline works the way it does — we can again utilize the log compacted topics in Data Mesh to reindex the corpus of SavedSearches when we spin up a new percolate indexing pipeline.

We persist the user provided filter DSL to the database rather than immediately translating it to Elasticsearch query language. This enables us to make changes or fixes when we translate the saved search DSL to an Elasticsearch query . We can deploy those changes by creating a new version of the index as the bootstrapping process will re-translate every saved search.

Another Use Case

We hoped reverse search functionality would eventually be useful for other engineering teams. We were approached almost immediately with a problem that reverse searching could solve.

The way you make a movie can be very different based on the type of movie it is. One movie might go through a set of phases that are not applicable to another, or might need to schedule certain events that another movie doesn’t require. Instead of manually configuring the workflow for a movie based on its classifications, we should be able to define the means of classifying movies and use that to automatically assign them to workflows. But determining the classification of a movie is challenging: you could define these movie classifications based on genre alone, like “Action” or “Comedy”, but you likely require more complex definitions. Maybe it’s defined by the genre, region, format, language, or some nuanced combination thereof. The Movie Matching service provides a way to classify a movie based on any combination of matching criteria. Under the hood, the matching criteria are stored as reverse searches, and to determine which criteria a movie matches against, the movie’s document is submitted to the reverse search endpoint.

In short, reverse search is powering an externalized criteria matcher. It’s being used for movie criteria now, but since every Graph Search index is now reverse-search capable, any index could use this pattern.

A Possible Future: Subscriptions

Reverse searches also look like a promising foundation for creating more responsive UIs. Rather than fetching results once as a query, the search results could be provided via a GraphQL subscription. These subscriptions could be associated with a SavedSearch and, as index changes come in, reverse search can be used to determine when to update the set of keys returned by the subscription.

Reverse Searching Netflix’s Federated Graph was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Introducing Timing Insights: new performance metrics via our GraphQL API

Post Syndicated from Jon Levine original http://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-timing-insights/

Introducing Timing Insights: new performance metrics via our GraphQL API

Introducing Timing Insights: new performance metrics via our GraphQL API

If you care about the performance of your website or APIs, it’s critical to understand why things are slow.

Today we're introducing new analytics tools to help you understand what is contributing to "Time to First Byte" (TTFB) of Cloudflare and your origin. TTFB is just a simple timer from when a client sends a request until it receives the first byte in response. Timing Insights breaks down TTFB from the perspective of our servers to help you understand what is slow, so that you can begin addressing it.

But wait – maybe you've heard that you should stop worrying about TTFB? Isn't Cloudflare moving away from TTFB as a metric? Read on to understand why there are still situations where TTFB matters.

Why you may need to care about TTFB

It's true that TTFB on its own can be a misleading metric. When measuring web applications, metrics like Web Vitals provide a more holistic view into user experience. That's why we offer Web Analytics and Lighthouse within Cloudflare Observatory.

But there are two reasons why you still may need to pay attention to TTFB:

1. Not all applications are websites
More than half of Cloudflare traffic is for APIs, and many customers with API traffic don't control the environments where those endpoints are called. In those cases, there may not be anything you can monitor or improve besides TTFB.

2. Sometimes TTFB is the problem
Even if you are measuring Web Vitals metrics like LCP, sometimes the reason your site is slow is because TTFB is slow! And when that happens, you need to know why, and what you can do about it.

When you need to know why TTFB is slow, we’re here to help.

How Timing Insights can help

We now expose performance data through our GraphQL Analytics API that will let you query TTFB performance, and start to drill into what contributes to TTFB.

Specifically, customers on our Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans can now query for the following fields in the httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups dataset:

Time to First Byte (edgeTimeToFirstByteMs)

What is the time elapsed between when Cloudflare started processing the first byte of the request received from an end user, until when we started sending a response?

Origin DNS lookup time (edgeDnsResponseTimeMs)

If Cloudflare had to resolve a CNAME to reach your origin, how long did this take?

Origin Response Time (originResponseDurationMs)

How long did it take to reach, and receive a response from your origin?

We are exposing each metric as an average, median, 95th, and 99th percentiles (i.e. P50 / P95 / P99).

The httpRequestAdaptiveGroups dataset powers the Traffic analytics page in our dashboard, and represents all of the HTTP requests that flow through our network. The upshot is that this dataset gives you the ability to filter and “group by” any aspect of the HTTP request.

An example of how to use Timing Insights

Let’s walk through an example of how you’d actually use this data to pin-point a problem.

To start with, I want to understand the lay of the land by querying TTFB at various quantiles:

query TTFBQuantiles($zoneTag: string) {
  viewer {
    zones(filter: {zoneTag: $zoneTag}) {
      httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups {
        quantiles {

  "data": {
    "viewer": {
      "zones": [
          "httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups": [
              "quantiles": {
                "edgeTimeToFirstByteMsP50": 32,
                "edgeTimeToFirstByteMsP95": 1392,
                "edgeTimeToFirstByteMsP99": 3063,

This shows that TTFB is over 1.3 seconds at P95 – that’s fairly slow, given that best practices are for 75% of pages to finish rendering within 2.5 seconds, and TTFB is just one component of LCP.

If I want to dig into why TTFB, it would be helpful to understand which URLs are slowest. In this query I’ll filter to that slowest 5% of page loads, and now look at the aggregate time taken – this helps me understand which pages contribute most to slow loads:

query slowestURLs($zoneTag: string, $filter:filter) {
  viewer {
    zones(filter: {zoneTag: $zoneTag}) {
      httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups(limit: 3, filter: {edgeTimeToFirstByteMs_gt: 1392}, orderBy: [sum_edgeTimeToFirstByteMs_DESC]) {
        sum {
        dimensions {

  "data": {
    "viewer": {
      "zones": [
          "httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups": [
              "dimensions": {
                "clientRequestPath": "/api/v2"
              "sum": {
                "edgeTimeToFirstByteMs": 1655952
              "dimensions": {
                "clientRequestPath": "/blog"
              "sum": {
                "edgeTimeToFirstByteMs": 167397
              "dimensions": {
                "clientRequestPath": "/"
              "sum": {
                "edgeTimeToFirstByteMs": 118542

Based on this query, it looks like the /api/v2 path is most often responsible for these slow requests. In order to know how to fix the problem, we need to know why these pages are slow. To do this, we can query for the average (mean) DNS and origin response time for queries on these paths, where TTFB is above our P95 threshold:

query originAndDnsTiming($zoneTag: string, $filter:filter) {
  viewer {
    zones(filter: {zoneTag: $zoneTag}) {
      httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups(filter: {edgeTimeToFirstByteMs_gt: 1392, clientRequestPath_in: [$paths]}) {
        avg {

  "data": {
    "viewer": {
      "zones": [
          "httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups": [
              "average": {
                "originResponseDurationMs": 4955,
                "edgeDnsResponseTimeMs": 742,

According to this, most of the long TTFB values are actually due to resolving DNS! The good news is that’s something we can fix – for example, by setting longer TTLs with my DNS provider.


Coming soon, we’ll be bringing this to Cloudflare Observatory in the dashboard so that you can easily explore timing data via the UI.

And we’ll be adding even more granular metrics so you can see exactly which components are contributing to high TTFB. For example, we plan to separate out the difference between origin “connection time” (how long it took to establish a TCP and/or TLS connection) vs “application response time” (how long it took an HTTP server to respond).

We’ll also be making improvements to our GraphQL API to allow more flexible querying – for example, the ability to query arbitrary percentiles, not just 50th, 95th, or 99th.

Start using the GraphQL API today to get Timing Insights, or hop on the discussion about our Analytics products in Discord.

Migrating Netflix to GraphQL Safely

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/migrating-netflix-to-graphql-safely-8e1e4d4f1e72

By Jennifer Shin, Tejas Shikhare, Will Emmanuel

In 2022, a major change was made to Netflix’s iOS and Android applications. We migrated Netflix’s mobile apps to GraphQL with zero downtime, which involved a total overhaul from the client to the API layer.

Until recently, an internal API framework, Falcor, powered our mobile apps. They are now backed by Federated GraphQL, a distributed approach to APIs where domain teams can independently manage and own specific sections of the API.

Doing this safely for 100s of millions of customers without disruption is exceptionally challenging, especially considering the many dimensions of change involved. This blog post will share broadly-applicable techniques (beyond GraphQL) we used to perform this migration. The three strategies we will discuss today are AB Testing, Replay Testing, and Sticky Canaries.

Migration Details

Before diving into these techniques, let’s briefly examine the migration plan.

Before GraphQL: Monolithic Falcor API implemented and maintained by the API Team

Before moving to GraphQL, our API layer consisted of a monolithic server built with Falcor. A single API team maintained both the Java implementation of the Falcor framework and the API Server.

Phase 1

Created a GraphQL Shim Service on top of our existing Monolith Falcor API.

By the summer of 2020, many UI engineers were ready to move to GraphQL. Instead of embarking on a full-fledged migration top to bottom, we created a GraphQL shim on top of our existing Falcor API. The GraphQL shim enabled client engineers to move quickly onto GraphQL, figure out client-side concerns like cache normalization, experiment with different GraphQL clients, and investigate client performance without being blocked by server-side migrations. To launch Phase 1 safely, we used AB Testing.

Phase 2

Deprecate the GraphQL Shim Service and Legacy API Monolith in favor of GraphQL services owned by the domain teams.

We didn’t want the legacy Falcor API to linger forever, so we leaned into Federated GraphQL to power a single GraphQL API with multiple GraphQL servers.

We could also swap out the implementation of a field from GraphQL Shim to Video API with federation directives. To launch Phase 2 safely, we used Replay Testing and Sticky Canaries.

Testing Strategies: A Summary

Two key factors determined our testing strategies:

  • Functional vs. non-functional requirements
  • Idempotency

If we were testing functional requirements like data accuracy, and if the request was idempotent, we relied on Replay Testing. We knew we could test the same query with the same inputs and consistently expect the same results.

We couldn’t replay test GraphQL queries or mutations that requested non-idempotent fields.

And we definitely couldn’t replay test non-functional requirements like caching and logging user interaction. In such cases, we were not testing for response data but overall behavior. So, we relied on higher-level metrics-based testing: AB Testing and Sticky Canaries.

Let’s discuss the three testing strategies in further detail.

Tool: AB Testing

Netflix traditionally uses AB Testing to evaluate whether new product features resonate with customers. In Phase 1, we leveraged the AB testing framework to isolate a user segment into two groups totaling 1 million users. The control group’s traffic utilized the legacy Falcor stack, while the experiment population leveraged the new GraphQL client and was directed to the GraphQL Shim. To determine customer impact, we could compare various metrics such as error rates, latencies, and time to render.

We set up a client-side AB experiment that tested Falcor versus GraphQL and reported coarse-grained quality of experience metrics (QoE). The AB experiment results hinted that GraphQL’s correctness was not up to par with the legacy system. We spent the next few months diving into these high-level metrics and fixing issues such as cache TTLs, flawed client assumptions, etc.


High-Level Health Metrics: AB Testing provided the assurance we needed in our overall client-side GraphQL implementation. This helped us successfully migrate 100% of the traffic on the mobile homepage canvas to GraphQL in 6 months.


Error Diagnosis: With an AB test, we could see coarse-grained metrics which pointed to potential issues, but it was challenging to diagnose the exact issues.

Tool: Replay Testing — Validation at Scale!

The next phase in the migration was to reimplement our existing Falcor API in a GraphQL-first server (Video API Service). The Falcor API had become a logic-heavy monolith with over a decade of tech debt. So we had to ensure that the reimplemented Video API server was bug-free and identical to the already productized Shim service.

We developed a Replay Testing tool to verify that idempotent APIs were migrated correctly from the GraphQL Shim to the Video API service.

How does it work?

The Replay Testing framework leverages the @override directive available in GraphQL Federation. This directive tells the GraphQL Gateway to route to one GraphQL server over another. Take, for instance, the following two GraphQL schemas defined by the Shim Service and the Video Service:

The GraphQL Shim first defined the certificationRating field (things like Rated R or PG-13) in Phase 1. In Phase 2, we stood up the VideoService and defined the same certificationRating field marked with the @override directive. The presence of the identical field with the @override directive informed the GraphQL Gateway to route the resolution of this field to the new Video Service rather than the old Shim Service.

The Replay Tester tool samples raw traffic streams from Mantis. With these sampled events, the tool can capture a live request from production and run an identical GraphQL query against both the GraphQL Shim and the new Video API service. The tool then compares the results and outputs any differences in response payloads.

Note: We do not replay test Personally Identifiable Information. It’s used only for non-sensitive product features on the Netflix UI.

Once the test is completed, the engineer can view the diffs displayed as a flattened JSON node. You can see the control value on the left side of the comma in parentheses and the experiment value on the right.

/data/videos/0/tags/3/id: (81496962, null)
/data/videos/0/tags/5/displayName: (Série, value: “S\303\251rie”)

We captured two diffs above, the first had missing data for an ID field in the experiment, and the second had an encoding difference. We also saw differences in localization, date precisions, and floating point accuracy. It gave us confidence in replicated business logic, where subscriber plans and user geographic location determined the customer’s catalog availability.


  • Confidence in parity between the two GraphQL Implementations
  • Enabled tuning configs in cases where data was missing due to over-eager timeouts
  • Tested business logic that required many (unknown) inputs and where correctness can be hard to eyeball


  • PII and non-idempotent APIs should not be tested using Replay Tests, and it would be valuable to have a mechanism to prevent that.
  • Manually constructed queries are only as good as the features the developer remembers to test. We ended up with untested fields simply because we forgot about them.
  • Correctness: The idea of correctness can be confusing too. For example, is it more correct for an array to be empty or null, or is it just noise? Ultimately, we matched the existing behavior as much as possible because verifying the robustness of the client’s error handling was difficult.

Despite these shortcomings, Replay Testing was a key indicator that we had achieved functional correctness of most idempotent queries.

Tool: Sticky Canary

While Replay Testing validates the functional correctness of the new GraphQL APIs, it does not provide any performance or business metric insight, such as the overall perceived health of user interaction. Are users clicking play at the same rates? Are things loading in time before the user loses interest? Replay Testing also cannot be used for non-idempotent API validation. We reached for a Netflix tool called the Sticky Canary to build confidence.

A Sticky Canary is an infrastructure experiment where customers are assigned either to a canary or baseline host for the entire duration of an experiment. All incoming traffic is allocated to an experimental or baseline host based on their device and profile, similar to a bucket hash. The experimental host deployment serves all the customers assigned to the experiment. Watch our Chaos Engineering talk from AWS Reinvent to learn more about Sticky Canaries.

In the case of our GraphQL APIs, we used a Sticky Canary experiment to run two instances of our GraphQL gateway. The baseline gateway used the existing schema, which routes all traffic to the GraphQL Shim. The experimental gateway used the new proposed schema, which routes traffic to the latest Video API service. Zuul, our primary edge gateway, assigns traffic to either cluster based on the experiment parameters.

We then collect and analyze the performance of the two clusters. Some KPIs we monitor closely include:

  • Median and tail latencies
  • Error rates
  • Logs
  • Resource utilization–CPU, network traffic, memory, disk
  • Device QoE (Quality of Experience) metrics
  • Streaming health metrics

We started small, with tiny customer allocations for hour-long experiments. After validating performance, we slowly built up scope. We increased the percentage of customer allocations, introduced multi-region tests, and eventually 12-hour or day-long experiments. Validating along the way is essential since Sticky Canaries impact live production traffic and are assigned persistently to a customer.

After several sticky canary experiments, we had assurance that phase 2 of the migration improved all core metrics, and we could dial up GraphQL globally with confidence.


Sticky Canaries was essential to build confidence in our new GraphQL services.

  • Non-Idempotent APIs: these tests are compatible with mutating or non-idempotent APIs
  • Business metrics: Sticky Canaries validated our core Netflix business metrics had improved after the migration
  • System performance: Insights into latency and resource usage help us understand how scaling profiles change after migration


  • Negative Customer Impact: Sticky Canaries can impact real users. We needed confidence in our new services before persistently routing some customers to them. This is partially mitigated by real-time impact detection, which will automatically cancel experiments.
  • Short-lived: Sticky Canaries are meant for short-lived experiments. For longer-lived tests, a full-blown AB test should be used.

In Summary

Technology is constantly changing, and we, as engineers, spend a large part of our careers performing migrations. The question is not whether we are migrating but whether we are migrating safely, with zero downtime, in a timely manner.

At Netflix, we have developed tools that ensure confidence in these migrations, targeted toward each specific use case being tested. We covered three tools, AB testing, Replay Testing, and Sticky Canaries that we used for the GraphQL Migration.

This blog post is part of our Migrating Critical Traffic series. Also, check out: Migrating Critical Traffic at Scale (part 1, part 2) and Ensuring the Successful Launch of Ads.

Migrating Netflix to GraphQL Safely was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable (Part 2)

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/how-netflix-content-engineering-makes-a-federated-graph-searchable-part-2-49348511c06c

By Alex Hutter, Falguni Jhaveri, and Senthil Sayeebaba

In a previous post, we described the indexing architecture of Studio Search and how we scaled the architecture by building a config-driven self-service platform that allowed teams in Content Engineering to spin up search indices easily.

This post will discuss how Studio Search supports querying the data available in these indices.

Data consumption from Studio Search DGS


When we say Content Engineering teams are interested in searching against the federated graph, the use-case is mainly focused on known-item search (a user has an item or items in mind they are trying to view or navigate to but need to use an external information system to locate them) and data retrieval (typically the data is structured and there is no ambiguity as to whether a particular record matches the given search criteria except in the case of textual fields where there is limited ambiguity) within a vertical search experience (focus on enabling search for a specific sub-graph within the big federated graph)

Query Language

Given the above scope of the search (vertical search experience with a focus on known-item search and data retrieval), one of the first things we had to design was a language that users can use to easily express their search criteria. With a goal of abstracting users away from the complexity of interacting with Elasticsearch directly, we landed on a custom Studio Search DSL reminiscent of SQL.

The DSL supports specifying the search criteria as comparison expressions or inclusion/exclusion filters. The filter expressions can be combined together through logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) and grouped together through parentheses.

Sample Syntax

For example, to find all comedies from France or Spain, the query would be:

(genre == ‘comedy’) AND (country ANY [‘FR’, ‘SP’])

We used ANTLR to build the grammar for the Query DSL. From the grammar, ANTLR generates a parser that can walk the parse tree. By extending the ANTLR generated parse tree visitor, we were able to implement an Elasticsearch Query Builder component with the logic to generate the Elasticsearch query corresponding to the custom search query.

If you are familiar with Elasticsearch, then you might be familiar with how complicated it can be to build up the correct Elasticsearch query for complex queries, especially if the index includes nested JSON documents which add an additional layer of complexity with respect to building nested queries (Incorrectly constructed nested queries can lead to Elasticsearch quietly returning wrong results). By exposing just a generic query language to the users and isolating the complexity to just our Elasticsearch Query Builder, we have been able to empower users to write search queries without requiring familiarity with Elasticsearch. This also leaves the possibility of swapping Elasticsearch with a different search engine in the future.

One other challenge for the users when writing the search queries is to understand the fields that are available in the index and the associated types. Since we index the data as-is from the federated graph, the indexing query itself acts as self-documentation. For example, given the indexing query –

Sample GraphQL query

To find movies based on the actors’ roles, the query filter is simply

`actors.role == ‘actor’`

Text Search

While the search DSL provides a powerful way to help narrow the scope of the search queries, users can also find documents in the index through free form text — either with just the input text or in combination with a filter expression in the search DSL. Behind the scenes during the indexing process, we have configured the Elasticsearch index with the appropriate analyzers to ensure that the most relevant matches for the input text are returned in the results.

Hydration through Federation

Given the wide adoption of the federated gateway within Content Engineering, we decided to implement the Studio Search service as a DGS (Domain Graph Service) that integrated with the federated gateway. The search APIs (besides search, we have other APIs to support faceted search, typeahead suggestions, etc) are exposed as GraphQL queries within the federated graph.

This integration with the federation gateway allows the search DGS to just return the matching entity keys from the search index instead of the whole matching document(s). Through the power of federation, users are then able to hydrate the search results with any data available in the federated graph. This allows the search indices to be lean by indexing only the fields necessary for the search experience and at the same time provides complete flexibility for the users to fetch any data available in the federated graph instead of being restricted to just the data available in the search index.


Sample Search query

In the above example, users are able to fetch the production schedule as part of the search results even though the search index doesn’t hold that data.


With the API to query the data in the search indices in place, the next thing we needed to tackle was figuring out how to secure access to the data in the indices. With several of the indices including sensitive data, and the source teams already having restrictive access policies in place to secure the data they own, the search indices which hosted a secondary copy of the source data needed to be secured as well.

We chose to apply “late binding” (or “query time”) security — on every incoming search query, we make an API call to the centralized access policy server with context including the identity of the caller making the request and the search index they are trying to access. The policy server evaluates the access policies defined by the source teams and returns a set of constraints. Ex. The caller has access to Movies where the type is ‘licensed’ (The caller does not have access to Netflix-produced content, but just the licensed content). The constraints are then translated to a set of filter expressions in the search query DSL format (Ex. movie.type == ‘licensed’) and combined with the user-specified search filter with a logical AND operator to form a new search query that then gets executed against the index.

By adding on the access constraints as additional filters before executing the query, we ensure that the user gets back only the data they have access to from the underlying search index. This also allows source teams to evolve their access policies independently knowing that the correct constraints will be applied at query time.

Customizing Search

With the decision to build Studio Search as a GraphQL service using the DGS framework and relying on federation for hydrating results, onboarding new search indices required updating various portions of the GraphQL schema (the enum of available indices, the union of all federated result types, etc.) manually and registering the updated schema with the federated gateway schema registry before the new index was available for querying through the GraphQL API.

Additionally, there are additional configurations that users can provide while onboarding a new index to customize the search behavior for their applications — including scripts to tune the relevance scoring algorithm, configuring fields for faceted search, and configuration to control the behavior of typeahead suggestions, etc. These configurations were initially stored in our source control repository which meant any changes to the configuration of any index required a deployment for the changes to take effect.

Recently, we automated this process as well by moving all the configurations to a persistence store and leveraging the power of dynamic schemas in the DGS framework. Users can now use an API to create/update search index configuration and we are able to validate the provided configuration, generate the updated DGS schema dynamically and register the updated schema with the federated gateway schema registry immediately. All configuration changes are reflected immediately in subsequent search queries.

Example configuration:

Sample Search configuration

UI Components

While the primary goal of Studio Search was to build an easy-to-use self-service platform to enable searching against the federated graph, another important goal was to help the Content Engineering teams deliver a visually consistent search experience to the users of their tools and workflows. To that end, we partnered with our UI/UX teams to build a robust set of opinionated presentational components. Studio Search’s offering of drop-in UI components based on our Hawkins design system for typeahead suggestion, faceted search, and extensive filtering ensure visual and behavioral consistency across the suite of applications within Content Engineering. Below are a couple of examples.

Typeahead Search Component

Faceted Search Component

What’s Next?

As a config-driven, self-serve platform, Studio Search has already been able to empower Content Engineering teams to quickly enable the functionality to search against the Content federated graph within their suite of applications. But, we are not quite done yet! There are several upcoming features that are in various stages of development including

  • Leveraging the percolate query functionality in Elasticsearch to support a notifications feature (users save their search criteria and are notified when documents are updated in the index that matches their search criteria)
  • Add support for metrics aggregation in our APIs
  • Leverage the managed delivery functionality in Spinnaker to move to a declarative model for onboarding the search indices
  • And, plenty more

If this sounds interesting to you, connect with us on LinkedIn.


Thanks to Anoop Panicker, Bo Lei, Charles Zhao, Chris Dhanaraj, Hemamalini Kannan, Jim Isaacs, Johnny Chang, Kasturi Chatterjee, Kishore Banala, Kevin Zhu, Tom Lee, Tongliang Liu, Utkarsh Shrivastava, Vince Bello, Vinod Viswanathan, Yucheng Zeng

How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable (Part 2) was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/how-netflix-content-engineering-makes-a-federated-graph-searchable-5c0c1c7d7eaf

By Alex Hutter, Falguni Jhaveri and Senthil Sayeebaba

Over the past few years Content Engineering at Netflix has been transitioning many of its services to use a federated GraphQL platform. GraphQL federation enables domain teams to independently build and operate their own Domain Graph Services (DGS) and, at the same time, connect their domain with other domains in a unified GraphQL schema exposed by a federated gateway.

As an example, let’s examine three core entities of the graph, each owned by separate engineering teams:

  1. Movie: At Netflix, we make titles (shows, films, shorts etc.). For simplicity, let’s assume each title is a Movie object.
  2. Production: Each Movie is associated with a Studio Production. A Production object tracks everything needed to make a Movie including shooting location, vendors, and more.
  3. Talent: the people working on a Movie are the Talent, including actors, directors, and so on.
Sample GraphQL Schema

Once entities like the above are available in the graph, it’s very common for folks to want to query for a particular entity based on attributes of related entities, e.g. give me all movies that are currently in photography with Ryan Reynolds as an actor.

In a federated graph architecture, how can we answer such a query given that each entity is served by its own service? The Movie service would need to provide an endpoint that accepts a query and filters that may apply to data the service does not own, and use those to identify the appropriate Movie entities to return.

In fact, every entity owning service could be required to do this work.

This common problem of making a federated graph searchable led to the creation of Studio Search.

The Studio Search platform was designed to take a portion of the federated graph, a subgraph rooted at an entity of interest, and make it searchable. The entities of the subgraph can be queried with text input, filtered, ranked, and faceted. In the next section, we’ll discuss how we made this possible.

Introducing Studio Search

When hearing that we want to enable teams to search something, your mind likely goes to building an index of some kind. Ours did too! So we need to build an index of a portion of the federated graph.

How do our users tell us which portion and, even more critically, given that the portion of the graph of interest will almost definitely span data exposed by many services, how do we keep the index current with all these various services?

We chose Elasticsearch as the underlying technology for our index and determined that there were three main pieces of information required to build out an indexing pipeline:

  • A definition of their subgraph of interest rooted at the entity they primarily will be searching for
  • Events to notify the platform of changes to entities in the subgraph
  • Index specific configuration such as whether a field should be used for full text queries or whether a sub-document is nested

In short, our solution was to build an index for the subgraphs of interest. This index needs to be kept up-to-date with the data exposed by the various services in the federated graph in near-real time.

GraphQL gives us a straightforward way to define the subgraph — a single templated GraphQL query that pulls all of the data the user is interested in using in their searches.

Here’s an example GraphQL query template. It’s pulling data for Movies and their related Productions and Talent.

Sample GraphQL query

To keep the index up to date, events are used to trigger a reindexing operation for individual entities when they change. Change Data Capture (CDC) events are the preferred events for triggering these operations — most teams produce them using Netflix’s CDC connectors — however, application events are also supported when necessary.

All data to be indexed is being fetched from the federated graph so all that is needed in the events is an entity id; the id can be substituted into the GraphQL query template to fetch the entity and any related data.

Using the type information present in the GraphQL query template and the user specified index configuration we were able to create an index template with a set of custom Elasticsearch text analyzers that generalized well across domains.

Given these inputs, a Data Mesh pipeline can be created that consists of the user provided CDC event source, a processor to enrich those events using the user provided GraphQL query and a sink to Elasticsearch.


Putting this all together, below you can see a simplified view of the architecture.

Studio Search Indexing Architecture
  1. Studio applications produce events to schematized Kafka streams within Data Mesh.

a. By transacting with a database which is monitored by a CDC connector that creates events, or

b. By directly creating events using a Data Mesh client.

2. The schematized events are consumed by Data Mesh processors implemented in the Apache Flink framework. Some entities have multiple events for their changes so we leverage union processors to combine data from multiple Kafka streams.

a. A GraphQL processor executes the user provided GraphQL query to fetch documents from the federated gateway.

b. The federated gateway, in turn, fetches data from the Studio applications.

3. The documents fetched from the federated gateway are put onto another schematized Kafka topic before being processed by an Elasticsearch sink in Data Mesh that indexes them into Elasticsearch index configured with an indexing template created specifically for the fields and types present in the document.

Reverse lookups

You may have noticed something missing in the above explanation. If the index is being populated based on Movie id events, how does it stay up to date when a Production or Talent changes? Our solution to this is a reverse lookup — when a change to a related entity is made, we need to look up all of the primary entities that could be affected and trigger events for those. We do this by consulting the index itself and querying for all primary entities related to the entity that has changed.

For instance if our index has a document that looks like this:

Sample Elasticsearch document

And the pipeline observes a change to the Production with ptpId “abc”, we can query the index for all documents with production.ptpId == “abc” and extract the movieId. Then, we can pass that movieId down into the rest of the indexing pipeline.

Scaling the Solution

The solution we came up with worked quite well. Teams were easily able to share the requirements for their subgraph’s index via a GraphQL query template and could use existing tooling to generate the events to enable the index to be kept up to date in near real-time. Reusing the index itself to power reverse lookups enabled us to keep all the logic for handling related entities contained within our systems and shield our users from that complexity. In fact it worked so well that we became inundated with requests to integrate with Studio Search — it began to power a significant portion of the user experience for many applications within Content Engineering.

Early on, we did integrations by hand but as adoption of Studio Search took off this did not scale. We needed to build tools to help us automate as much of the provisioning of the pipelines as possible. In order to get there we identified four main problems we needed to solve:

  • How to collect all the required configuration for the pipeline from users.
  • Data Mesh streams are schematized with Avro. In the previous architecture diagram, in 3) there is a stream carrying the results of the GraphQL query to the Elasticsearch sink. The response from GraphQL can contain 10s of fields, often nested. Writing an Avro schema for such a document is time consuming and error prone to do by hand. We needed to make this step much easier.
  • Similarly the generation of the Elasticsearch template was time consuming and error prone. We needed to determine how to generate one based on the users’ configuration.
  • Finally, creating Data Mesh pipelines manually was time consuming and error prone as well due to the volume of configuration required.


For collecting the indexing pipeline configuration from users we defined a single configuration file that enabled users to provide a high level description of their pipeline that we can use to programmatically create the indexing pipeline in Data Mesh. By using this high-level description we were able to greatly simplify the pipeline creation process for users by filling in common yet required configuration for the Data Mesh pipeline.

Sample .yaml configuration

Avro schema & Elasticsearch index template generation

The approach for both schema and index template generation was very similar. Essentially it required taking the user provided GraphQL query template and generating JSON from it. This was done using graphql-java. The steps required are enumerated below:

  • Introspect the federated graph’s schema and use the response to build a GraphQLSchema object
  • Parse and validate the user provided GraphQL query template against the schema
  • Visit the nodes of the query using utilities provided by graphql-java and collect the results into a JSON object — this generated object is the schema/template


The previous steps centralized all the configuration in a single file and provided tools to generate additional configuration for the pipeline’s dependencies. Now all that was required was an entry point for users to provide their configuration file for orchestrating the provisioning of the indexing pipeline. Given our user base was other engineers we decided to provide a command line interface (CLI) written in Python. Using Python we were able to get the first version of the CLI to our users quickly. Netflix provides tooling that makes the CLI auto-update which makes the CLI easy to iterate on. The CLI performs the following tasks:

  • Validates the provided configuration file
  • Calls a service to generate the Avro schema & Elasticsearch index template
  • Assembles the logical plan for the Data Mesh pipeline and creates it using Data Mesh APIs

A CLI is just a step towards a better self-service deployment process. We’re currently exploring options for treating these indices and their pipelines as declarative infrastructure managed within the application that consumes them.

Current Challenges

Using the federated graph to provide the documents for indexing simplifies much of the indexing process but it also creates its own set of challenges. If the challenges below sound exciting to you, come join us!


Bootstrapping a new index for the addition or removal of attributes or refreshing an established index both add considerable additional and spiky load to the federated gateway and the component DGSes. Depending on the cardinality of the index and the complexity of its query we may need to coordinate with service owners and/or run backfills off peak. We continue to manage tradeoffs between reindexing speed and load.

Reverse Lookups

Reverse lookups, while convenient, are not particularly user friendly. They introduce a circular dependency in the pipeline — you can’t create the indexing pipeline without reverse lookups and reverse lookups need the index to function — which we’ve mitigated although it still creates some confusion. They also require the definer of the index to have detailed knowledge of the eventing for related entities they want to include and that may cover many different domains depending on the index — we have one index covering eight domains.

Index consistency

As an index becomes more complex it is likely to depend on more DGSes and the likelihood of errors increases when fetching the required documents from the federated graph. These errors can lead to documents in the index being out of date or even missing altogether. The owner of the index is often required to follow up with other domain teams regarding errors in related entities and be in the unenviable position of not being able to do much to resolve the issues independently. When the errors are resolved, the process of replaying the failed events is manual and there can be a lag when the service is again successfully returning data but the index does not match it.

Stay Tuned

In this post, we described how our indexing infrastructure moves data for any given subgraph of the Netflix Content federated graph to Elasticsearch and keeps that data in sync with the source of truth. In an upcoming post, we’ll describe how this data can be queried without actually needing to know anything about Elasticsearch.


Thanks to Anoop Panicker, Bo Lei, Charles Zhao, Chris Dhanaraj, Hemamalini Kannan, Jim Isaacs, Johnny Chang, Kasturi Chatterjee, Kishore Banala, Kevin Zhu, Tom Lee, Tongliang Liu, Utkarsh Shrivastava, Vince Bello, Vinod Viswanathan, Yucheng Zeng

How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

GraphQL global ID migration update

Post Syndicated from Andrew Hoglund original https://github.blog/2021-11-16-graphql-global-id-migration-update/

We are pleased to announce that we have now completed the first phase of rolling out the new GraphQL global ID format. This means that all newly created GraphQL objects have IDs that conform to a new format, which we refer to as next IDs. It also means we’ve hit a major milestone as we work towards improving our scalability and speed. In this post, we’d like to give you some details as to how you can begin migrating to the next format for older IDs.

Why is this necessary?

The current format of Global IDs in our GraphQL API will not support our projected growth over the coming years due to limitations with the data encoded in the IDs. The next format gives us the ability to handle your requests even faster by being able to build queries that will be optimized for our database clusters. We will continue to support the legacy IDs for the short term, after which we will sunset them. We are asking that you use the provided tools (more on that below) to migrate your implementations, caches, and data records to reference a next ID for older objects. Doing so will ensure that the response times of your requests will remain consistent and small. It will also ensure that nothing in your application will break once we finally sunset usage of the legacy IDs.

Do I need to do anything?

You only need to react to this announcement if you store references to GraphQL IDs, which always correspond to the id field for any object in the schema. If you don’t store these, then you can continue to interact with the API with no effect on your service. If you currently decode IDs, your service may break as the underlying data format of the IDs has changed. We suggest you migrate your service to treat these IDs as opaque strings. We guarantee the IDs will be unique, therefore you can rely on them directly as references.

How do I migrate my service?

If you have determined that you do need to migrate your service to the next IDs, we have introduced new functionality to help you do so. You can now pass a header in your API requests to the GraphQL API to receive updated IDs. This header works by forcing the response payload to always return the next ID for any object in which you’ve requested the id field. The name of the header is:


This header can be set to two values, 1 or 0. Setting the value to 1 will force the value for all id fields in your query to return the next ID format. Setting the value to 0 will revert to default behavior, which is to show legacy or next IDs depending on their creation date.

Here is an example request using curl:

$ curl \
  -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \
  -H "X-Github-Next-Global-ID: 1" \
  https://api.github.com/graphql \
  -d '{ "query": "{ node(id: \"MDQ6VXNlcjM0MDczMDM=\") { id } }" }'

And the response will contain the next ID:


The legacy ID of MDQ6VXNlcjM0MDczMDM= was used in the node query, and the response contains the ID in the next format. Using this mechanism, you will be able to call the API with the legacy IDs you have referenced in your application. The next ID received in the response can then be used to update those references. We suggest that you update all references to legacy IDs and use them for any subsequent requests to the API. Remember that you can submit multiple node queries in one API call (using aliases) to perform bulk operations.

Another option for migrating IDs would be to use the ids returned in the nodes field for a collection of items. For example, if you wanted to convert all the repositories in your organization, you could do something like the following:

  organization(login: "github") {
    repositories(last: 10) {
      edges {
        node {

As long as you have a reference to the name of a repository (or some other unique field on an object), you could use this method to update your references in bulk.

Please also note that setting the X-Github-Next-Global-ID to 1 will affect the return value of every id field in your query. This means that even when you submit a non-node query, you will get back the new format ID if you requested the id field.

Tell us what you think

If you have any concerns about the rollout of this change impacting your app, please contact us and include information, such as your app name so that we can better assist you.

Beyond REST

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/beyond-rest-1b76f7c20ef6

Rapid Development with GraphQL Microservices

by Dane Avilla

The entertainment industry has struggled with COVID-19 restrictions impacting productions around the globe. Since early 2020, Netflix has been iteratively developing systems to provide internal stakeholders and business leaders with up-to-date tools and dashboards with the latest information on the pandemic. These software solutions allow executive leadership to make the most informed decisions possible regarding if and when a given physical production can safely begin creating compelling content across the world. One approach that is gaining mind-share within Netflix is the concept of GraphQL microservices (GQLMS) as a backend platform facilitating rapid application development.

Many organizations are embracing GraphQL as a way to unify their enterprise-wide data model and provide a single entry point for navigating a sea of structured data with its network of related entities. Such efforts are laudable but often entail multiple calendar quarters of coordination between internal organizations followed by the development and integration of all relevant entities into a single monolithic graph.

In contrast to this “One Graph to Rule Them All” approach, GQLMS leverage GraphQL simply as an enriched API specification for building CRUD applications. Our experience using GQLMS for rapid proof-of-concept applications confirmed two theories regarding the advertised benefits of GraphQL:

  • The GraphiQL IDE displays any available GraphQL documentation right alongside the schema, dramatically improving developer ergonomics for API consumers (in contrast to the best-in-class Swagger UI).
  • GraphQL’s strong type system and polyglot client support mean API providers do not need to concern themselves with generating, versioning, and maintaining language-specific API clients (such as those generated with the excellent Swagger Codegen). Consumers of GraphQL APIs can simply leverage the open-source GraphQL client of their preference.
GraphiQL: Auto-generated test GUI for the Star Wars API

Our experience has led to an architecture with a number of best-practices for teams interested in GQLMS as a platform for rapid development.


During early GraphQL exploration efforts, Netflix engineers became aware of the Graphile library for presenting PostgreSQL database objects (tables, views, and functions) as a GraphQL API. Graphile supports smart comments allowing control of various features by tagging database tables, views, columns, and types with specifically formatted PostgreSQL comments. Documentation can even be embedded in the database comments such that it displays in the GraphQL schema generated by Graphile.

We hypothesized that a Docker container running a very simple NodeJS web server with the Graphile library (and some additional Netflix internal components for security, logging, metrics, and monitoring) could provide a “better REST than REST” or “REST++” platform for rapid development efforts. Using Docker we defined a lightweight, stand-alone container that allowed us to package the Graphile library and its supporting code into a self-contained bundle that any team can use at Netflix with no additional coding required. Simply pull down the defined Docker base image and run it with the appropriate database connection string. This approach proved to be very successful and yielded several insights into the use of Graphile.


  • Use database views as an “API layer” to preserve flexibility in order to allow modifying tables without changing an existing GraphQL schema (built on the database views).
  • Use PostgreSQL Composite Types when taking advantage of PostgreSQL Aggregate Functions.
  • Increase flexibility by allowing GraphQL clients to have “full access” to the auto-generated GraphQL queries and mutations generated by Graphile (exposing CRUD operations on all tables & views); then later in the development process, remove schema elements that did not end up being used by the UI before the app goes into production.

Database views as API

We decided to put the data tables in one PostgreSQL schema and then define views on those tables in another schema, with the Graphile web app connecting to the database using a dedicated PostgreSQL user role. This ended up achieving several different goals:

  • Underlying tables could be changed independently of the views exposed in the GraphQL schema.
  • Views could do basic formatting (like rendering TIMESTAMP fields as ISO8601 strings).
  • All permissions on the underlying table had to be explicitly granted for the web application’s PostgreSQL user, avoiding unexpected write access.
  • Tables and views could be modified within a single transaction such that the changes to the exposed GraphQL schema happened atomically.

On this last point: changing a table column’s type would break the associated view, but by wrapping the change in a transaction, the view could be dropped, the column could be updated, and then the view could be re-created before committing the transaction. We run Graphile with pgWatch enabled, so as soon as any updates were made to the database, the GraphQL schema immediately updated to reflect the change.

PostgreSQL composite types

Graphile does an excellent job reading the PostgreSQL database schema and transforming tables and basic views into a GraphQL schema, but our experience revealed limitations in how Graphile describes nested types when PostgreSQL Aggregate Functions or JSON Functions exist within a view. Native PostgreSQL functions such as json_build_object will be translated into a GraphQL JSON type, which is simply a String, devoid of any internal structure. For example, take this simplistic view returning a JSON object:

postgres_test_db=# create view postgraphile.json_object_example as
select json_build_object(‘hello world’::text, 1, ‘2’::text, 3)
as json;
postgres_test_db=# select * from postgraphile.json_object_example;
— — — — — — — — — — — — -
{“hello world”: 1, “2”: 3}
(1 row)

In the generated schema, the data type is JSON:

The internal structure of the json field (the hello world and 2 sub-fields) is opaque in the generated GraphQL schema.

To further describe the internal structure of the json field — exposing it within the generated schema — define a composite type, and create the view such that it returns that type:

postgres_test_db=# CREATE TYPE postgraphile.custom_type AS (
"hello world" integer,
"2" integer

Next, create a function that returns that type:

postgres_test_db=# CREATE FUNCTION postgraphile.custom_type(
"hello world" integer,
"2" integer
RETURNS postgraphile.custom_type
AS 'select $1, $2'

Finally, create a view that returns that type:

postgres_test_db=# create view postgraphile.json_object_example2 as
select postgraphile.custom_type(1, 3)
as json;
postgres_test_db=# select * from postgraphile.json_object_example2;
— — — -
(1 row)

At first glance, that does not look very useful, but hold that thought: before viewing the generated schema, define comments on the view, custom type, and fields of the custom type to take advantage of Graphile’s smart comments:

postgres_test_db=# comment on
type postgraphile.custom_type
is E’A description for the custom type’;
postgres_test_db=# comment on
view postgraphile.json_object_example2
is E’A description for the view’;
postgres_test_db=# comment on
column postgraphile.custom_type.”hello world”
is E’A description for hello world’;
postgres_test_db=# comment on
column postgraphile.custom_type.field_2
is E’@name field_two\nA description for the second field’;

Now, when the schema is viewed, the json field no longer shows up with opaque type JSON, but with CustomType:

(also note that the comment made on the view — A description for the view — shows up in the documentation for the query field).

Clicking CustomType displays the fields of the custom type, along with their comments:

Notice that in the custom type, the second field was named field_2, but the Graphile smart comment renames the field to field_two and subsequently gets camel-cased by Graphile to fieldTwo. Also, the descriptions for both fields display in the generated GraphQL schema.

Allow “full access” to the Graphile-generated schema (during development)

Initially, the proposal to use Graphile was met with vigorous dissent when discussed as an option in a “one schema to rule them all” architecture. Legitimate concerns about security (how does this integrate with our IAM infrastructure to enforce row-level access controls within the database?) and performance (how do you limit queries to avoid DDoSing the database by selecting all rows at once?) were raised about providing open access to database tables with a SQL-like query interface. However, in the context of GQLMS for rapid development of internal apps by small teams, having the default Graphile behavior of making all columns available for filtering allowed the UI team to rapidly iterate through a number of new features without needing to involve the backend team. This is in contrast to other development models where the UI and backend teams first agree on an initial API contract, the backend team implements the API, the UI team consumes the API and then the API contract evolves as the needs of the UI change during the development life cycle.

Initially, the overall app’s performance was poor as the UI often needed multiple queries to fetch the desired data. However, once the app’s behavior had been fleshed out, we quickly created new views satisfying each UI interaction’s needs such that each interaction only required a single call. Because these requests run on the database in native code, we could perform sophisticated queries and achieve high performance through the appropriate use of indexes, denormalization, clustering, etc.

Once the “public API” between the UI and backend solidified, we “hardened” the GraphQL schema, removing all unnecessary queries (created by Graphile’s default settings) by marking tables and views with the smart comment @omit. Also, the default behavior is for Graphile to generate mutations for tables and views, but the smart comment @omit create,update,delete will remove the mutations from the schema.


For those taking a schema-first approach to their GraphQL API development, the automatic GraphQL schema generation capabilities of Graphile will likely unacceptably restrict schema designers. Graphile may be difficult to integrate into an existing enterprise IAM infrastructure if fine-grained access controls are required. And adding custom queries and mutations to a Graphile-generated schema (i.e. to expose a gRPC service call needed by the UI) is something we currently do not support in our Docker image. However, we recently became aware of Graphile’s makeExtendSchemaPlugin, which allows custom types, queries, and mutations to be merged into the schema generated by Graphile.

That said, the successful implementation of an internal app over 4–6 weeks with limited initial requirements and an ad hoc distributed team (with no previous history of collaboration) raised a large amount of interest throughout the Netflix Studio. Other teams within Netflix are finding the GQLMS approach of:

1) using standard GraphQL constructs and utilities to expose the database-as-API

2) leveraging custom PostgreSQL types to craft a GraphQL schema

3) increasing flexibility by auto-generating a large API from a database

4) and exposing additional custom business logic and data types alongside those generated by Graphile

to be a viable solution for internal CRUD tools that would historically have used REST. Having a standardized Docker container hosting Graphile provides teams the necessary infrastructure by which they can quickly iterate on the prototyping and rapid application development of new tools to solve the ever-changing needs of a global media studio during these challenging times.

Beyond REST was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

New global ID format coming to GraphQL

Post Syndicated from Wissam Abirached original https://github.blog/2021-02-10-new-global-id-format-coming-to-graphql/

The GitHub GraphQL API has been publicly available for over 4 years now. Its usage has grown immensely over time, and we’ve learned a lot from running one of the largest public GraphQL APIs in the world. Today, we are introducing a new format for object identifiers and a roll out plan that brings it to our GraphQL API this year.

What is driving the change?

As GitHub grows and reaches new scale milestones, we came to the realization that the current format of Global IDs in our GraphQL API will not support our projected growth over the coming years. The new format gives us more flexibility and scalability in handling your requests even faster.

What exactly is changing?

We are changing the Global ID format in our GraphQL API. As a result, all object identifiers in GraphQL will change and some identifiers will become longer than they are now. Since you can get an object’s Global ID via the REST API, these changes will also affect an object’s node_id returned via the REST API. Object identifiers will continue to be opaque strings and should not be decoded.

How will this be rolled out?

We understand that our APIs are a critical part of your engineering workflows, and our goal is to minimize the impact as much as possible. In order to give you time to migrate your implementations, caches, and data records to the new Global IDs, we will go through a gradual rollout and thorough deprecation process that includes three phases.

  1. Introduce new format: This phase will introduce the new Global IDs into the wild on a type by type basis, for newly created objects only. Existing objects will continue to have the same ID. We will start by migrating the least requested object types, working our way towards the most popular types. Note that the new Global IDs may be longer and, in case you were storing the ID, you should ensure you can store the longer IDs. During this phase, as long as you can handle the potentially longer IDs, no action is required by you. The expected duration of this phase is 3 months.
  2. Migrate: In this phase you should look to update your caches and data records. We will introduce migration tools allowing you to toggle between the two formats making it easy for you to update your caches to the new IDs. The migration tools will be detailed in a separate blog post, closer to launch date. You will be able to use the old or new IDs to refer to an object throughout this phase. The expected duration of this phase is 3 months.
  3. Deprecate: In this phase, all REST API requests and GraphQL queries will return the new IDs. Requests made with the old IDs will continue to work, but the response will only include the new ID as well as a deprecation warning. The expected duration of this phase is 3 months.

Once the three migration phases are complete, we will sunset the old IDs. All requests made using the old IDs will result in an error. Overall, the whole process should take 9 months, with the goal of giving you plenty of time to adjust and migrate to the new format.

Tell us what you think

If you have any concerns about the rollout of this change impacting your app, please contact us and include information such as your app name so that we can better assist you.

Open Sourcing the Netflix Domain Graph Service Framework: GraphQL for Spring Boot

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/open-sourcing-the-netflix-domain-graph-service-framework-graphql-for-spring-boot-92b9dcecda18

By Paul Bakker and Kavitha Srinivasan, Images by David Simmer, Edited by Greg Burrell

Netflix has developed a Domain Graph Service (DGS) framework and it is now open source. The DGS framework simplifies the implementation of GraphQL, both for standalone and federated GraphQL services. Our framework is battle-hardened by our use at scale.

By open-sourcing the project, we hope to contribute to the Java and GraphQL communities and learn from and collaborate with everyone who will be using the framework to make it even better in the future.

The key features of the DGS Framework include:

  • Annotation-based Spring Boot programming model
  • Test framework for writing query tests as unit tests
  • Gradle Code Generation plugin to create Java/Kotlin types from a GraphQL schema
  • Easy integration with GraphQL Federation
  • Integration with Spring Security
  • GraphQL subscriptions (WebSockets and SSE)
  • File uploads
  • Error handling
  • Automatic support for interface/union types
  • A GraphQL client for Java
  • Pluggable instrumentation

Why We Needed a DGS Framework

Around Spring 2019, Netflix embarked on a great adventure towards implementing a federated GraphQL architecture. Our colleagues wrote a Netflix Tech Blog post describing the details of this architecture. The transition to the new federated architecture meant that many of our backend teams needed to adopt GraphQL in our Java ecosystem. As you may recall from a previous blog post, Netflix has standardized on Spring Boot for backend development. Therefore, to make this federated architecture a success, we needed to have a great developer experience for GraphQL in Spring Boot.

We created our framework on top of Spring Boot and it leverages the graphql-java library. This framework was initially intended to be internal only, focusing on integration with the Netflix ecosystem for tracing, logging, metrics, etc. However, proper modularization of the framework was always top of mind. It became apparent that much of the framework we had built was not actually Netflix specific. The framework was mostly just an easier way to build GraphQL services, both standalone and federated.

Schema-First Development

A schema represents the GraphQL API. The schema is what makes GraphQL so powerful and different from REST. A GraphQL schema describes the API in terms of Query and Mutation operations along with their related types and fields. The API user can specify precisely which fields to retrieve in a query, making a GraphQL API very flexible.

There are two different approaches to GraphQL development; schema-first and code-first development. With schema-first development, you manually define your API’s schema using the GraphQL Schema Language. The code in your service only implements this schema.

With code-first development, you don’t have a schema file. Instead, the schema gets generated at runtime based on definitions in code.

Both approaches, schema-first and code-first, are supported in our framework. At Netflix we strongly prefer schema-first development because:

  1. The schema design is front and center of the developer experience.
  2. It provides an easy way for tooling to consume the schema.
  3. Backward-incompatible changes are more obvious with schema diffs. Backward compatibility is even more critical when working in a Federated GraphQL architecture.

Although it might be marginally quicker to generate schema from the code, putting the time into designing your schema in a human readable, collaborative way is well worth the effort towards a better API.

The Framework in Action

The framework’s core revolves around the annotation-based programming model familiar to Spring Boot developers. Comprehensive documentation is available on the website but let’s walk through an example to show you how easy it is to use this framework.

Let’s start with a simple schema.

To implement this API, we need to write a data fetcher.

The Show type is a simple POJO that we would typically generate using the DGS Code Generation plugin for Gradle. A method annotated with @DgsData implements a data fetcher for a field. Note that we don’t need data fetchers for each field, we can return Java objects, and the framework will take care of the rest.The framework also has many conveniences such as the @InputArgument annotation used in this example.

This code is enough to get a GraphQL endpoint running. Just start the Spring Boot application, and the /graphql endpoint will be available, along with the GraphiQL query editor on /graphiql that comes out of the box. Although the code in this example is straightforward, it wouldn’t look much different if we work with Federated types, use @Secured, or add metrics and tracing using an extension point. The framework takes care of all the heavy lifting.

Another key feature is support for lightweight query tests. These tests allow you to execute queries without the need to work with the HTTP endpoint. The tests look and feel like plain JUnit tests.

Full documentation for the framework is available on the DGS Framework github repository.

Fitting into the GraphQL Server Ecosystem

So how exactly does the DGS framework fit into the existing GraphQL ecosystem? The current ecosystem comprises servers, clients, the federated gateways, and tooling to help with query testing, schema management, code generation, etc. When it comes to building GraphQL servers using JVM, there are both schema-first and code-first libraries available.

A popular code-first library is graphql-kotlin for Kotlin. graphql-java is most popular for implementing schema-first GraphQL APIs in Java, but is designed to be a low level library. The graphql-java-kickstart starter is a set of libraries for implementing GraphQL services, and provides graphql-java-tools and graphql-java-servlet on top of graphql-java.

Regardless of whether you use Java or Kotlin, our framework provides an easy way to build GraphQL services in Spring Boot. It can be used to build a standalone service as well as in the context of Federated GraphQL.


The DGS Framework provides a convenient way to implement GraphQL services with federation. Federation allows services to share a unified graph exposed by a gateway. Typically, services share and extend types defined in the unified schema using the @extends directive as defined by Apollo’s federation specification. This is an effective way to split the ownership of a large monolithic GraphQL schema across microservices.

For an incoming query, the federated gateway constructs a query plan to call out to the required services to fulfill that query. Each service, in turn, needs to be able to respond to the _entities query in order to partially fulfill the query for the data it owns.

Here is an example of a Reviews service that extends the Show type defined earlier with a reviews field:

Federated GraphQL Architecture with Shows and Reviews DGSs

Given this schema, the Reviews DGS needs to implement a resolver for the federated Show type with the reviews field populated. This can be done easily using the @DgsEntityFetcher annotation as shown here:

The framework also makes it easy to test federated queries using code generation to generate the _entities query for the service based on the schema. The complete code for the given example can be found here.

Framework Architecture

From the early days of development, we focused on good modularization of the code. This was an important design choice that made it possible to open source most of the framework without impacting our internal teams. We couldn’t use the module system introduced in Java 9 yet, because a lot of applications at Netflix are still using Java 8. However, with the help of Gradle api and implementation modules, we were able to create a clean module structure. At Netflix, we have many extensions for Spring Boot to integrate with our infrastructure. We call this Spring Boot Netflix. The DGS framework is built on standard open-source Spring Boot. On top of that, we have some modules that integrate with our specific infrastructure and use only extension points provided by the core framework.

The following is a diagram of how the modules fit together:

DGS Framework with Netflix and OSS modules

Distributed Tracing and Metrics

At Netflix, we have custom infrastructure for features like tracing, metrics, distributed logging, and authentication/authorization. As mentioned earlier, the DGS framework integrates with this infrastructure to provide a seamless experience out of the box. While these features are not open-sourced, they are easy enough to add to the framework.

The framework supports Instrumentation classes as defined in the graphql-java library. By implementing the Instrumentation interface and annotating it @Component, the framework is able to pick it up automatically. You can find some reference examples in our documentation. In the future, we are hopeful and excited to see community contributions around common patterns for distributed tracing and metrics.

Try It Out Today

To get started with the DGS Framework, refer to our documentation and tutorials. To contribute to the DGS framework, please check out the DGS Framework project on GitHub. We also have a Gradle code generation plugin for generating Java and Kotlin types from a GraphQL schema. To contribute to the code generation plugin, please check out the project on GitHub.

A Team Effort

The DGS Framework has been a success at Netflix owing to the efforts of multiple teams coming together. We would like to acknowledge our close collaborators from the BFG team with whom we started on this amazing journey. We would also like to thank our many users for their timely feedback and code contributions.

If you are passionate about GraphQL and building great developer experiences then check out the many job opportunities on our Netflix website.

Open Sourcing the Netflix Domain Graph Service Framework: GraphQL for Spring Boot was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation (Part 2)

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/how-netflix-scales-its-api-with-graphql-federation-part-2-bbe71aaec44a

In our previous post and QConPlus talk, we discussed GraphQL Federation as a solution for distributing our GraphQL schema and implementation. In this post, we shift our attention to what is needed to run a federated GraphQL platform successfully — from our journey implementing it to lessons learned.

Netflix GraphQL Federation

Our Journey so Far

Over the past year, we’ve implemented the core infrastructure pieces necessary for a federated GraphQL architecture as described in our previous post:

Studio Edge Architecture Diagram
Studio Edge Architecture

The first Domain Graph Service (DGS) on the platform was the former GraphQL monolith that we discussed in our first post (Studio API). Next, we worked with a few other application teams to make DGSs that would expose their APIs alongside the former monolith. We had our first Studio applications consuming the federated graph, without any performance degradation, by the end of the 2019. Once we knew that the architecture was feasible, we focused on readying it for broader usage. Our goal was to open up the Studio Edge platform for self-service in April 2020.

April 2020 was a turbulent time with the pandemic and overnight transition to working remotely. Nevertheless, teams started to jump into the graph in droves. Soon we had hundreds of engineers contributing directly to the API on a daily basis. And what about that Studio API monolith that used to be a bottleneck? We migrated the fields exposed by Studio API to individually owned DGSs without breaking the API for consumers. The original monolith is slated to be completely deprecated by the end of 2020.

This journey hasn’t been without its challenges. The biggest challenge was aligning on this strategy across the organization. Initially, there was a lot of skepticism and dissent; the concept was fairly new and would require high alignment across the organization to be successful. Our team spent a lot of time addressing dissenting points and making adjustments to the architecture based on feedback from developers. Through our prototype development and proactive partnership with some key critical voices, we were able to instill confidence and close crucial gaps.

Once we achieved broad alignment on the idea, we needed to ensure that adoption was seamless. This required building robust core infrastructure, ensuring a great developer experience, and solving for key cross-cutting concerns.

Core Infrastructure

Our GraphQL Gateway is based on Apollo’s reference implementation and is written in Kotlin. This gives us access to Netflix’s Java ecosystem, while also giving us the robust language features such as coroutines for efficient parallel fetches, and an expressive type system with null safety.

The schema registry is developed in-house, also in Kotlin. For storing schema changes, we use an internal library that implements the event sourcing pattern on top of the Cassandra database. Using event sourcing allows us to implement new developer experience features such as the Schema History view. The schema registry also integrates with our CI/CD systems like Spinnaker to automatically setup cloud networking for DGSs.

Developer Education & Experience

In the previous architecture, only the monolith Studio API team needed to learn GraphQL. In Studio Edge, every DGS team needs to build expertise in GraphQL. GraphQL has its own learning curve and can get especially tricky for complex cases like batching & lookahead. Also, as discussed in the previous post, understanding GraphQL Federation and implementing entity resolvers is not trivial either.

We partnered with Netflix’s Developer Experience (DevEx) team to build out documentation, training materials, and tutorials for developers. For general GraphQL questions, we lean on the open source community plus cultivate an internal GraphQL community to discuss hot topics like pagination, error handling, nullability, and naming conventions.

DGS Framework & Developer Tools

To make it easy for backend engineers to build a GraphQL DGS, the DevEx team built a “DGS Framework” on top of GraphQL Java and Spring Boot. The framework takes care of all the cross-cutting concerns of running a GraphQL service in production while also making it easier for developers to write GraphQL resolvers. In addition, DevEx built robust tooling for pushing schemas to the Schema Registry and a Self Service UI for browsing the various DGS’s schemas. Check out their conference talk and expect a future blog post from our colleagues. The DGS framework is planned to be open-sourced in early 2021.

Schema Governance

Netflix’s studio data is extremely rich and complex. Early on, we anticipated that active schema management would be crucial for schema evolution and overall health. We had a Studio Data Architect already in the org who was focused on data modeling and alignment across Studio. We engaged with them to determine graph schema best practices to best suit the needs of Studio Engineering.

Our goal was to design a GraphQL schema that was reflective of the domain itself, not the database model. UI developers should not have to build Backends For Frontends (BFF) to massage the data for their needs, rather, they should help shape the schema so that it satisfies their needs. Embracing a collaborative schema design approach was essential to achieving this goal.

Schema Design Workflow Diagram
Schema Design Workflow

The collaborative design process involves feedback and reviews across team boundaries. To streamline schema design and review, we formed a schema working group and a managed technical program for on-boarding to the federated architecture. While reviews add overhead to the product development process, we believe that prioritizing the quality of the graph model will reduce the amount of future changes and reworking needed. The level of review varies based on the entities affected; for the core federated types, more rigor is required (though tooling helps streamline that flow).

We have a deprecation workflow in place for evolving the schema. We’ve leveraged GraphQL’s deprecation feature and also track usage stats for every field in the schema. Once the stats show that a deprecated field is no longer used, we can make a backward incompatible change to remove the field from the schema.

Clients with Deprecated Field Usage
Clients with Deprecated Field Usage

We embraced a schema-first approach instead of generating our schema from existing models such as the Protobuf objects in our gRPC APIs. While Protobufs and gRPC are excellent solutions for building service APIs, we prefer decoupling our GraphQL schema from those layers to enable cleaner graph design and independent evolvability. In some scenarios, we implement generic mapping code from GraphQL resolvers to gRPC calls, but the extra boilerplate is worth the long-term flexibility of the GraphQL API.

Underlying our approach is a foundation of “context over control”, which is a key tenet of Netflix’s culture. Instead of trying to hold tight control of the entire graph, we give guidance and context to product teams so that they can apply their domain knowledge to make a flexible API for their domain. As this architecture matures, we will continue to monitor schema health and develop new tooling, processes, and best practices where needed.


In our previous architecture, observability was achieved through manual analysis and routing via the API team, which scaled poorly. For our federated architecture, we prioritized solving observability needs in a more scalable manner. We prioritized three areas:

  • Alerting — report when something goes awry
  • Discovery — easily determine what isn’t working
  • Diagnosis — debug why something isn’t working

Our guiding metrics in this space are mean time to resolution (MTTR) and service level objectives and indicators (SLO/SLI).

We teamed up with experts from Netflix’s Telemetry team. We integrated the Gateway and DGS architectural components with Zipkin, the internal distributed tracing tool Edgar, and application monitoring tool TellTale. In GraphQL, almost every response is a 200 with custom errors in the error block. We introspect these custom error codes from the response and emit them to our metrics server, Atlas. These integrations created a great foundation of rich visibility and insights for the consumers and developers of the GraphQL API.

Trace for a Federated Request Lifecycle
Edgar Trace for a Federated Request Lifecycle
Timeline View for a Federated Request lifecycle
Timeline View for a Federated Request

Distributed Log Correlation helps with debugging more complex server issues. By surfacing the application level logging details for all systems involved in processing a request, we gain deeper insights into what happened across the stack. Developers can easily see what was happening around the same time as a given request, to inspect surrounding factors that might have impacted an interaction.

Log correlation across multiple services for a request lifecycle
Logs across multiple services for a Federated Request

To solve the “who do I ask about…” routing problem, we integrated deep linking from GraphQL types and fields to their owning team’s support channels. Finding support is now as simple as clicking a link from a trace, which helps shorten MTTR and reduce the number of times the gateway team needs to get involved.

Securing the Federated Graph

Our goal is to enable robust and consistent security practices across the federated architecture. To achieve this, we partnered with the security experts at Netflix to build security into the graph. Let’s look at two essential parts of our security solution: AuthN and AuthZ.


All of our product experiences in the Studio space require an authenticated account, so we restrict the GraphQL Gateway access to only trusted authenticated callers. Additionally, Graph Introspection is restricted to Netflix internal developers.


Before Studio Edge, authorization logic was fragmented across teams. Some teams implemented authorization in their BFFs, some in microservices, and others did both for good measure. The result was often a different authorization story for a given piece of data depending on which UI a user was accessing it through. UI teams also found themselves needing to implement (and re-implement) authorization checks with each new frontend.

In Studio Edge, we delegated the authorization responsibility to DGS owners. This resulted in consistent authorization for the same user across different applications. Plus, Product Managers, Engineers and the Security team can easily get a bird’s eye view of who has access to each data type and how.

We have multiple authorization offerings within Netflix: from a simple system that grants access based on user identity to a more granular system that brings in the concept of roles and capabilities. DGS developers can choose a solution based on their needs. Then they simply annotate their resolvers with @Secured annotation and configure that to use one of the available systems. If needed, more complex authorization can be implemented in the resolver or in downstream systems.

Future of Authorization

We are currently prototyping a GraphQL-aware authorization solution. The Schema Registry automatically generates Access Control Groups (ACGs) for each field and its corresponding type when its schema is registered. Product managers & DGS Engineers decide membership and rules for these generated ACGs. Since the ACGs map to a field in GraphQL, the DGS framework then automatically applies the rules associated with the ACG during execution.

Architecting for Failure

The GraphQL Gateway is the single entry point for all requests; a failure on the gateway can cause significant disruptions. Following Netflix engineering best practices, we assume failures will happen and design ways to mitigate the impact of those failures. These are our design principles for ensuring the gateway layer is resilient:

  1. Single purpose
  2. Stateless service
  3. Demand controlled
  4. Multi-region
  5. Sharded by functionality

First, we focus the responsibilities of the gateway layer on a single purpose: parse client queries, then build and execute query plans. By reducing the scope, we limit the range of problems that can occur. We aim to perform any additional resource-intensive operations off-box with the exception of logging and metrics. Taking on additional unrelated logic in the gateway layer could increase surface area for failures in this critical tier.

Second, we run multiple stateless instances of the gateway service. Any gateway instance is able to generate and execute a query plan for any request. When we do code changes to the gateway layer, we rigorously test them before rolling out to production.

Third, we seek to balance the resources each request consumes through applying demand control. We rate-limit callers to avoid overloading the underlying databases that are the source of most of our domain elements. We also run a static query cost calculation on all incoming queries and reject expensive queries to avoid gridlock in gateway and DGS resources. Our partners understand these tradeoffs and work with us to meet these requirements, reworking expensive queries and reducing high volume callers.

Fourth, we deploy our gateway layer to multiple AWS regions around the world. This allows us to limit the blast radius for problems that inevitably arise. When problems happen, we can fail over to another region to ensure our clients are minimally impacted.

Last, we deploy multiple functional shards of our gateway layer. The code is the same in each shard and incoming requests are routed based on category. For example, GraphQL subscriptions generally result in long-lived connections while Queries & Mutations are short-lived. We use a separate fleet of instances for Subscriptions so “running out of connections” does not affect the availability of Queries and Mutations.

There is more we can do to improve resilience. We have plans to do canary deployments and analysis for gateway deployments and, eventually, schema changes. Today, our gateway dynamically updates its schema by polling the schema registry. We are in the process of decoupling these by storing the federation config in a versioned S3 bucket, making the gateway resilient to schema registry failures.

Closing Thoughts

GraphQL and Federation have been a productivity multiplier for Studio applications. Motivated by this, we’ve recently prototyped using GraphQL Federation for the Netflix consumer app search page on iOS & Android. To do this, we created three DGSs to provide the data for a minimal portion of the consumer graph. We are sending a small subset of users to this alternative stack and measuring high-level metrics. We are excited to see the results and explore further applicability in the Netflix consumer space.

Despite our positive experience, GraphQL Federation is early in its maturity lifecycle and may not be the best fit for every team or organization. Learning GraphQL and DGS development, running a federation layer, and doing a migration requires high commitment from partner teams and seamless cross-functional collaboration. If you’re considering going in this direction, we recommend checking out Apollo’s SaaS offering for Federation and the many online resources for learning GraphQL. For ecosystems like ours with a large swath of microservices that need to be aggregated together, the development velocity and improved operability has made the transition worth it.

In closing, we want to hear from you! If you have already implemented federation or tried to solve this problem with another approach, we would love to learn more. Sharing knowledge is one of the ways our industry learns and improves rapidly. Finally, if you’d like to be a part of solving complex and interesting problems like this at Netflix scale, check out our jobs page or reach out to us directly.

By Tejas Shikhare, Edited by Philip Fisher-Ogden

Additional Credits: Stephen Spalding, Jennifer Shin, Robert Reta, Antoine Boyer, Bruce Wang, David Simmer

How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation (Part 2) was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation (Part 1)

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/how-netflix-scales-its-api-with-graphql-federation-part-1-ae3557c187e2

Netflix is known for its loosely coupled and highly scalable microservice architecture. Independent services allow for evolving at different paces and scaling independently. Yet they add complexity for use cases that span multiple services. Rather than exposing 100s of microservices to UI developers, Netflix offers a unified API aggregation layer at the edge.

UI developers love the simplicity of working with one conceptual API for a large domain. Back-end developers love the decoupling and resilience offered by the API layer. But as our business has scaled, our ability to innovate rapidly has approached an invisible asymptote. As we’ve grown the number of developers and increased our domain complexity, developing the API aggregation layer has become increasingly harder.

In order to address this rising problem, we’ve developed a federated GraphQL platform to power the API layer. This solves many of the consistency and development velocity challenges with minimal tradeoffs on dimensions like scalability and operability. We’ve successfully deployed this approach for Netflix’s studio ecosystem and are exploring patterns and adaptations that could work in other domains. We’re sharing our story to inspire others and encourage conversations around applicability elsewhere.

Case Study: Studio Edge

Intro to Studio Ecosystem

Netflix is producing original content at an accelerated pace. From the time a TV show or a movie is pitched to when it’s available on Netflix, a lot happens behind the scenes. This includes but is not limited to talent scouting and casting, deal and contract negotiations, production and post-production, visual effects and animations, subtitling and dubbing, and much more. Studio Engineering is building hundreds of applications and tools that power these workflows.

Netflix Studio Content Lifecycle
Content Lifecycle

Studio API

Looking back to a few years ago, one of the pains in the studio space was the growing complexity of the data and its relationships. The workflows depicted above are inherently connected but the data and its relationships were disparate and existed in myriads of microservices. The product teams solved for this with two architectural patterns.

1) Single-use aggregation layers — Due to the loose coupling, we observed that many teams spent considerable effort building duplicative data-fetching code and aggregation layers to support their product needs. This was either done by UI teams via BFF (Backend For Frontend) or by a backend team in a mid-tier service.

2) Materialized views for data from other teams — some teams used a pattern of building a materialized view of another service’s data for their specific system needs. Materialized views had performance benefits, but data consistency lagged by varying degrees. This was not acceptable for the most important workflows in the Studio. Inconsistent data across different Studio applications was the top support issue in Studio Engineering in 2018.

Graph API: To better address the underlying needs, our team started building a curated graph API called “Studio API”. Its goal was to provide an unified abstraction on top of data and relationships. Studio API used GraphQL as its underlying API technology and created significant leverage for accessing core shared data. Consumers of Studio API were able to explore the graph and build new features more quickly. We also observed fewer instances of data inconsistency across different UI applications, as every field in GraphQL resolves to a single piece of data-fetching code.

Studio API Graph
Studio API Graph
Studio API Architecture Diagram
Studio API Architecture

Bottlenecks of Studio API

The One Graph exposed by Studio API was a runaway success; product teams loved the reusability and easy, consistent data access. But new bottlenecks emerged as the number of consumers and amount of data in the graph increased.

First, the Studio API team was disconnected from the domain expertise and the product needs, which negatively impacted the schema’s health. Second, connecting new elements from a back-end into the graph API was manual and ran counter to the rapid evolution promised by a microservice architecture. Finally, it was hard for one small team to handle the increasing operational and support burden for the expanding graph.

We knew that there had to be a better way — unified but decoupled, curated but fast moving.

Returning to Core Principles

To address these bottlenecks, we leaned into our rich history of microservices and breaking monoliths apart. We still wanted to keep the unified GraphQL schema of Studio API but decentralize the implementation of the resolvers to their respective domain teams.

As we were brainstorming the new architecture back in early 2019, Apollo released the GraphQL Federation Specification. This promised the benefits of a unified schema with distributed ownership and implementation. We ran a test implementation of the spec with promising results, and reached out to collaborate with Apollo on the future of GraphQL Federation. Our next generation architecture, “Studio Edge”, emerged with federation as a critical element.

GraphQL Federation Primer

The goal of GraphQL Federation is two-fold: provide a unified API for consumers while also giving backend developers flexibility and service isolation. To achieve this, schemas need to be created and annotated to indicate how ownership is distributed. Let’s look at an example with three core entities:

  1. Movie: At Netflix, we make titles (shows, films, shorts etc.). For simplicity, let’s assume each title is a Movie object.
  2. Production: Each Movie is associated with a Studio Production. A Production object tracks everything needed to make a Movie including shooting location, vendors, and more.
  3. Talent: the people working on a Movie are the Talent, including actors, directors, and so on.

These three domains are owned by three separate engineering teams responsible for their own data sources, business logic, and corresponding microservices. In an unfederated implementation, we would have this simple Schema and Resolvers owned and implemented by the Studio API team. The GraphQL Framework would take in queries from clients and orchestrate the calls to the resolvers in a breadth-first traversal.

Schemas & Resolvers for Studio API
Schema & Resolvers for Studio API

To transition to a federated architecture, we need to transfer ownership of these resolvers to their respective domains without sacrificing the unified schema. To achieve this, we need to extend the Movie type across GraphQL service boundaries:

Federating the movie type
Federating Movie

This ability to extend a Movie type across GraphQL service boundaries makes Movie a Federated Type. Resolving a given field requires delegation by a gateway layer down to the owning domain services.

Studio Edge Architecture

Using the ability to federate a type, we envisioned the following architecture:

Studio Edge Architecture Diagram
Studio Edge Architecture

Key Architectural Components

Domain Graph Service (DGS) is a standalone spec-compliant GraphQL service. Developers define their own federated GraphQL schema in a DGS. A DGS is owned and operated by a domain team responsible for that subsection of the API. A DGS developer has the freedom to decide if they want to convert their existing microservice to a DGS or spin up a brand new service.

Schema Registry is a stateful component that stores all the schemas and schema changes for every DGS. It exposes CRUD APIs for schemas, which are used by developer tools and CI/CD pipelines. It is responsible for schema validation, both for the individual DGS schemas and for the combined schema. Last, the registry composes together the unified schema and provides it to the gateway.

GraphQL Gateway is primarily responsible for serving GraphQL queries to the consumers. It takes a query from a client, breaks it into smaller sub-queries (a query plan), and executes that plan by proxying calls to the appropriate downstream DGSs.

Implementation Details

There are 3 main business logic components that power GraphQL Federation.

Schema Composition

Composition is the phase that takes all of the federated DGS schemas and aggregates them into a single unified schema. This composed schema is exposed by the Gateway to the consumers of the graph.

Schema Composition Phases
Schema Composition Phases

Whenever a new schema is pushed by a DGS, the Schema Registry validates that:

  1. New schema is a valid GraphQL schema
  2. New schema composes seamlessly with the rest of the DGSs schemas to create a valid composed schema
  3. New schema is backwards compatible

If all of the above conditions are met, then the schema is checked into the Schema Registry.

Query Planning and Execution

The federation config consists of all the individual DGS schemas and the composed schema. The Gateway uses the federation config and the client query to generate a query plan. The query plan breaks down the client query into smaller sub-queries that are then sent to the downstream DGSs for execution, along with an execution ordering that includes what needs to be done in sequence versus run in parallel.

Query Plan Inputs
Query Plan Inputs

Let’s build a simple query from the schema referenced above and see what the query plan might look like.

Simplified Query Plan
Simplified Query Plan

For this query, the gateway knows which fields are owned by which DGS based on the federation config. Using that information, it breaks the client query into three separate queries to three DGSs. The first query is sent to Movie DGS since the root field movies is owned by that DGS. This results in retrieving the movieId and title fields for the first 10 movies in the dataset. Then using the movieIds it got from the previous request, the gateway executes two parallel requests to Production DGS and Talent DGS to fetch the production and actors fields for those 10 movies. Upon completion, the sub-query responses are merged together and the combined data response is returned to the caller.

A note on performance: Query Planning and Execution adds a ~10ms overhead in the worst case. This includes the compute for building the query plan, as well as the deserialization of DGS responses and the serialization of merged gateway response.

Entity Resolver

Now you might be wondering, how do the parallel sub-queries to Production and Talent DGS actually work? That’s not something that the DGS supports. This is the final piece of the puzzle.

Let’s go back to our federated type Movie. In order for the gateway to join Movie seamlessly across DGSs, all the DGSs that define and extend the Movie need to agree on one or more fields that define the primary key (e.g. movieId). To make this work, Apollo introduced the @key directive in the Federation Spec. Second, DGSs have to implement a resolver for a generic Query field, _entities. The _entities query returns a union type of all the federated types in that DGS. The gateway uses the _entities query to look up Movie by movieId.

Let’s take a look at how the query plan actually looks like

Detailed federated query plan
Detailed Federated Query Plan

The representation object consists of the movieId and is generated from the response of the first request to Movie DGS. Since we requested for the first 10 movies, we would have 10 representation objects to send to Production and Talent DGS.

This is similar to Relay’s Object Identification with a few differences. _Entity is a union type, while Relay’s Node is an interface. Also, with @key, there is support for variable key names and types as well as composite keys while in Relay, the id is a single opaque ID field.

Combined together, these are the ingredients that power the core of a federated API architecture.

The Journey, Summarized

Our Studio Ecosystem architecture has evolved in distinct phases, all motivated by reducing the time between idea and implementation, improving the developer experience, and streamlining operations. The architectural phases look like:

Evolution of an API Architecture
Evolution of an API Architecture

Stay Tuned

Over the past year we’ve implemented the federated API architecture components in our Studio Edge. Getting here required rapid iteration, lots of cross-functional collaborations, a few pivots, and ongoing investment. We’re live with 70 DGSes and hundreds of developers contributing to and using the Studio Edge architecture. In our next Netflix Tech Blog post, we’ll share what we learned along the way, including the cross-cutting concerns necessary to build a holistic solution.

We want to thank the entire GraphQL open-source community for all the generous contributions and paving the path towards the promise of GraphQL. If you’d like to be a part of solving complex and interesting problems like this at Netflix scale, check out our jobs page or reach out to us directly.

By Tejas Shikhare

Additional Credits: Stephen Spalding, Jennifer Shin, Philip Fisher-Ogden, Robert Reta, Antoine Boyer, Bruce Wang, David Simmer

How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation (Part 1) was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.