Implementing automatic drift detection in CDK Pipelines using Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from DAMODAR SHENVI WAGLE original

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is a popular open source toolkit that allows developers to create their cloud infrastructure using high level programming languages. AWS CDK comes bundled with a construct called CDK Pipelines that makes it easy to set up continuous integration, delivery, and deployment with AWS CodePipeline. The CDK Pipelines construct does all the heavy lifting, such as setting up appropriate AWS IAM roles for deployment across regions and accounts, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets to store build artifacts, and an AWS CodeBuild project to build, test, and deploy the app. The pipeline deploys a given CDK application as one or more AWS CloudFormation stacks.

With CloudFormation stacks, there is the possibility that someone can manually change the configuration of stack resources outside the purview of CloudFormation and the pipeline that deploys the stack. This causes the deployed resources to be inconsistent with the intent in the application, which is referred to as “drift”, a situation that can make the application’s behavior unpredictable. For example, when troubleshooting an application, if the application has drifted in production, it is difficult to reproduce the same behavior in a development environment. In other cases, it may introduce security vulnerabilities in the application. For example, an AWS EC2 SecurityGroup that was originally deployed to allow ingress traffic from a specific IP address might potentially be opened up to allow traffic from all IP addresses.

CloudFormation offers a drift detection feature for stacks and stack resources to detect configuration changes that are made outside of CloudFormation. The stack/resource is considered as drifted if its configuration does not match the expected configuration defined in the CloudFormation template and by extension the CDK code that synthesized it.

In this blog post you will see how CloudFormation drift detection can be integrated as a pre-deployment validation step in CDK Pipelines using an event driven approach.

Services and frameworks used in the post include CloudFormation, CodeBuild, Amazon EventBridge, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, S3, and AWS CDK.

Solution overview

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless AWS service that offers an agile mechanism for the developers to spin up loosely coupled, event driven applications at scale. EventBridge supports routing of events between services via an event bus. EventBridge out of the box supports a default event bus for each account which receives events from AWS services. Last year, CloudFormation added a new feature that enables event notifications for changes made to CloudFormation-based stacks and resources. These notifications are accessible through Amazon EventBridge, allowing users to monitor and react to changes in their CloudFormation infrastructure using event-driven workflows. Our solution leverages the drift detection events that are now supported by EventBridge. The following architecture diagram depicts the flow of events involved in successfully performing drift detection in CDK Pipelines.

Architecture diagram

Architecture diagram

The user starts the pipeline by checking code into an AWS CodeCommit repo, which acts as the pipeline source. We have configured drift detection in the pipeline as a custom step backed by a lambda function. When the drift detection step invokes the provider lambda function, it first starts the drift detection on the CloudFormation stack Demo Stack and then saves the drift_detection_id along with pipeline_job_id in a DynamoDB table. In the meantime, the pipeline waits for a response on the status of drift detection.

The EventBridge rules are set up to capture the drift detection state change events for Demo Stack that are received by the default event bus. The callback lambda is registered as the intended target for the rules. When drift detection completes, it triggers the EventBridge rule which in turn invokes the callback lambda function with stack status as either DRIFTED or IN SYNC. The callback lambda function pulls the pipeline_job_id from DynamoDB and sends the appropriate status back to the pipeline, thus propelling the pipeline out of the wait state. If the stack is in the IN SYNC status, the callback lambda sends a success status and the pipeline continues with the deployment. If the stack is in the DRIFTED status, callback lambda sends failure status back to the pipeline and the pipeline run ends up in failure.

Solution Deep Dive

The solution deploys two stacks as shown in the above architecture diagram

  1. CDK Pipelines stack
  2. Pre-requisite stack

The CDK Pipelines stack defines a pipeline with a CodeCommit source and drift detection step integrated into it. The pre-requisite stack deploys following resources that are required by the CDK Pipelines stack.

  • A Lambda function that implements drift detection step
  • A DynamoDB table that holds drift_detection_id and pipeline_job_id
  • An Event bridge rule to capture “CloudFormation Drift Detection Status Change” event
  • A callback lambda function that evaluates status of drift detection and sends status back to the pipeline by looking up the data captured in DynamoDB.

The pre-requisites stack is deployed first, followed by the CDK Pipelines stack.

Defining drift detection step

CDK Pipelines offers a mechanism to define your own step that requires custom implementation. A step corresponds to a custom action in CodePipeline such as invoke lambda function. It can exist as a pre or post deployment action in a given stage of the pipeline. For example, your organization’s policies may require its CI/CD pipelines to run a security vulnerability scan as a prerequisite before deployment. You can build this as a custom step in your CDK Pipelines. In this post, you will use the same mechanism for adding the drift detection step in the pipeline.

You start by defining a class called DriftDetectionStep that extends Step and implements ICodePipelineActionFactory as shown in the following code snippet. The constructor accepts 3 parameters stackName, account, region as inputs. When the pipeline runs the step, it invokes the drift detection lambda function with these parameters wrapped inside userParameters variable. The function produceAction() adds the action to invoke drift detection lambda function to the pipeline stage.

Please note that the solution uses an SSM parameter to inject the lambda function ARN into the pipeline stack. So, we deploy the provider lambda function as part of pre-requisites stack before the pipeline stack and publish its ARN to the SSM parameter. The CDK code to deploy pre-requisites stack can be found here.

export class DriftDetectionStep
    extends Step
    implements pipelines.ICodePipelineActionFactory
        private readonly stackName: string,
        private readonly account: string,
        private readonly region: string
    ) {

    public produceAction(
        stage: codepipeline.IStage,
        options: ProduceActionOptions
    ): CodePipelineActionFactoryResult {
        // Define the configuraton for the action that is added to the pipeline.
            new cpactions.LambdaInvokeAction({
                actionName: options.actionName,
                runOrder: options.runOrder,
                lambda: lambda.Function.fromFunctionArn(
                // These are the parameters passed to the drift detection step implementaton provider lambda
                userParameters: {
                    stackName: this.stackName,
                    account: this.account,
                    region: this.region,
        return {
            runOrdersConsumed: 1,

Configuring drift detection step in CDK Pipelines

Here you will see how to integrate the previously defined drift detection step into CDK Pipelines. The pipeline has a stage called DemoStage as shown in the following code snippet. During the construction of DemoStage, we declare drift detection as the pre-deployment step. This makes sure that the pipeline always does the drift detection check prior to deployment.

Please note that for every stack defined in the stage; we add a dedicated step to perform drift detection by instantiating the class DriftDetectionStep detailed in the prior section. Thus, this solution scales with the number of stacks defined per stage.

export class PipelineStack extends BaseStack {
    constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
        super(scope, id, props);

        const repo = new codecommit.Repository(this, 'DemoRepo', {
            repositoryName: `${this.node.tryGetContext('appName')}-repo`,

        const pipeline = new CodePipeline(this, 'DemoPipeline', {
            synth: new ShellStep('synth', {
                input: CodePipelineSource.codeCommit(repo, 'main'),
                commands: ['./'],
            crossAccountKeys: true,
            enableKeyRotation: true,
        const demoStage = new DemoStage(this, 'DemoStage', {
            env: {
                account: this.account,
                region: this.region,
        const driftDetectionSteps: Step[] = [];
        for (const stackName of demoStage.stackNameList) {
            const step = new DriftDetectionStep(stackName, this.account, this.region);
        pipeline.addStage(demoStage, {
            pre: driftDetectionSteps,


Here you will go through the deployment steps for the solution and see drift detection in action.

Deploy the pre-requisites stack

Clone the repo from the GitHub location here. Navigate to the cloned folder and run script You can find detailed instructions in

Deploy the CDK Pipelines stack

Clone the repo from the GitHub location here. Navigate to the cloned folder and run script This deploys a pipeline with an empty CodeCommit repo as the source. The pipeline run ends up in failure, as shown below, because of the empty CodeCommit repo.

First run of the pipeline

Next, check in the code from the cloned repo into the CodeCommit source repo. You can find detailed instructions on that in  This triggers the pipeline and pipeline finishes successfully, as shown below.

Pipeline run after first check in

The pipeline deploys two stacks DemoStackA and DemoStackB. Each of these stacks creates an S3 bucket.

CloudFormation stacks deployed after first run of the pipeline

Demonstrate drift detection

Locate the S3 bucket created by DemoStackA under resources, navigate to the S3 bucket and modify the tag aws-cdk:auto-delete-objects from true to false as shown below

DemoStackA resources

DemoStackA modify S3 tag

Now, go to the pipeline and trigger a new execution by clicking on Release Change

Run pipeline via Release Change tab

The pipeline run will now end in failure at the pre-deployment drift detection step.

Pipeline run after Drift Detection failure


Please follow the steps below to clean up all the stacks.

  1. Navigate to S3 console and empty the buckets created by stacks DemoStackA and DemoStackB.
  2. Navigate to the CloudFormation console and delete stacks DemoStackA and DemoStackB, since deleting CDK Pipelines stack does not delete the application stacks that the pipeline deploys.
  3. Delete the CDK Pipelines stack cdk-drift-detect-demo-pipeline
  4. Delete the pre-requisites stack cdk-drift-detect-demo-drift-detection-prereq


In this post, I showed how to add a custom implementation step in CDK Pipelines. I also used that mechanism to integrate a drift detection check as a pre-deployment step. This allows us to validate the integrity of a CloudFormation Stack before its deployment. Since the validation is integrated into the pipeline, it is easier to manage the solution in one place as part of the overarching pipeline. Give the solution a try, and then see if you can incorporate it into your organization’s delivery pipelines.

About the author:

Damodar Shenvi Wagle

Damodar Shenvi Wagle is a Senior Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services. His areas of expertise include architecting serverless solutions, CI/CD, and automation.

Implementing long running deployments with AWS CloudFormation Custom Resources using AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from DAMODAR SHENVI WAGLE original

AWS CloudFormation custom resource provides mechanisms to provision AWS resources that don’t have built-in support from CloudFormation. It lets us write custom provisioning logic for resources that aren’t supported as resource types under CloudFormation. This post focusses on the use cases where CloudFormation custom resource is used to implement a long running task/job. With custom resources, you can manage these custom tasks (which are one-off in nature) as deployment stack resources.

The routine pattern used for implementing custom resources is via AWS Lambda function. However, when using the Lambda function as the custom resource provider, you must consider its trade-offs, such as its 15 minute timeout. Tasks involved in the provisioning of certain AWS resources can be long running and could span beyond the Lambda timeout. In these scenarios, you must look beyond the conventional Lambda function-based approach for custom resources.

In this post, I’ll demonstrate how to use AWS Step Functions to implement custom resources using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). Step Functions allow complex deployment tasks to be orchestrated as a step-by-step workflow. It also offers direct integration with any AWS service via AWS SDK integrations. By default the CloudFormation stack waits for 1 hour before timing out. The timeout can be increased to maximum 12 hours using wait conditions. In this post, you’ll also see how to use wait conditions with custom resource to run long running deployment tasks as part of a CloudFormation stack.


Before proceeding any further, you must identify and designate an AWS account required for the solution to work. You must also create an AWS account profile in ~/.aws/credentials for the designated AWS account, if you don’t already have one. The profile must have sufficient permissions to run an AWS CDK stack. It should be your private profile and only be used during the course of this post. Therefore, it should be fine if you want to use admin privileges. Don’t share the profile details, especially if it has admin privileges. I recommend removing the profile when you’re finished with this walkthrough. For more information about creating an AWS account profile, see Configuring the AWS CLI.

Services and frameworks used in the post include CloudFormation, Step Functions, Lambda, DynamoDB, Amazon S3, and AWS CDK.

Solution overview

The following architecture diagram shows the application of Step Functions to implement custom resources.

Architecture diagram

Figure 1. Architecture diagram

  1. The user deploys a CloudFormation stack that includes a custom resource implementation.
  2. The CloudFormation custom resource triggers a Lambda function with the appropriate event which can be CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE.
  3. The custom resource Lambda function invokes Step Functions workflow and offloads the event handling responsibility. The CloudFormation event and context are wrapped inside the Step Function input at the time of invocation.
  4. The custom resource Lambda function returns SUCCESS back to CloudFormation stack indicating that the custom resource provisioning has begun. CloudFormation stack then goes into waiting mode where it waits for a SUCCESS or FAILURE signal to continue.
  5. In the interim, Step Functions workflow handles the custom resource event through one or more steps.
  6. Step Functions workflow prepares the response to be sent back to CloudFormation stack.
  7. Send Response Lambda function sends a success/failure response back to CloudFormation stack. This propels CloudFormation stack out of the waiting mode and into completion.

Solution deep dive

In this section I will get into the details of several key aspects of the solution

Custom Resource Definition

Following code snippet shows the custom resource definition which can be found here. Please note that we also define AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition and AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle alongside the custom resource. AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle resource sets up a pre-signed URL which is passed into the CallbackUrl property of the Custom Resource.

The final completion signal for the custom resource i.e. SUCCESS/FAILURE is received over this CallbackUrl. To learn more about wait conditions please refer to its user guide here. Note that, when updating the custom resource, you cannot use the existing WaitCondition-WaitConditionHandle resource pair. You need to create a new pair for tracking each update/delete operation on the custom resource.

/************************** Custom Resource Definition *****************************/
// When you intend to update CustomResource make sure that a new WaitCondition and 
// a new WaitConditionHandle resource is created to track CustomResource update.
// The strategy we are using here is to create a hash of Custom Resource properties.
// The resource names for WaitCondition and WaitConditionHandle carry this hash.
// Anytime there is an update to the custom resource properties, a new hash is generated,
// which automatically leads to new WaitCondition and WaitConditionHandle resources.
const resourceName: string = getNormalizedResourceName('DemoCustomResource');
const demoData = {
    pk: 'demo-sfn',
    sk: resourceName,
const dataHash = hash(demoData);
const wcHandle = new CfnWaitConditionHandle(
const customResource = new CustomResource(this, resourceName, {
    serviceToken: customResourceLambda.functionArn,
    properties: {
        DDBTable: String(demoTable.tableName),
        Data: JSON.stringify(demoData),
        CallbackUrl: wcHandle.ref
// Note: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition resource type does not support updates.
new CfnWaitCondition(
        count: 1,
        timeout: '300',
        handle: wcHandle.ref

Custom Resource Lambda

Following code snippet shows how the custom resource lambda function passes the CloudFormation event as an input into the StepFunction at the time of invocation. CloudFormation event contains the CallbackUrl resource property I discussed in the previous section.

private async startExecution() {
    const input = {
        cfnEvent: this.event,
        cfnContext: this.context
    const params: StartExecutionInput = {
        stateMachineArn: String(process.env.SFN_ARN),
        input: JSON.stringify(input)
    let attempt = 0;
    let retry = false;
    do {
        try {
            const response = await this.sfnClient.startExecution(params).promise();
            console.debug('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
            retry = false;

Custom Resource StepFunction

The StepFunction handles the CloudFormation event based on the event type. The CloudFormation event containing CallbackUrl is passed down the stages of StepFunction all the way to the final step. The last step of the StepFunction sends back the response over CallbackUrl via send-cfn-response lambda function as shown in the following code snippet.

 * Send response back to cloudformation
 * @param event
 * @param context
 * @param response
export async function sendResponse(event: any, context: any, response: any) {
    const responseBody = JSON.stringify({
        Status: response.Status,
        Reason: "Success",
        UniqueId: response.PhysicalResourceId,
        Data: JSON.stringify(response.Data)
    console.debug("Response body:\n", responseBody);
    const parsedUrl = url.parse(event.ResourceProperties.CallbackUrl);
    const options = {
        hostname: parsedUrl.hostname,
        port: 443,
        path: parsedUrl.path,
        method: "PUT",
        headers: {
            "content-type": "",
            "content-length": responseBody.length
    await new Promise(() => {
        const request = https.request(options, function(response: any) {
	    console.debug("Status code: " + response.statusCode);
	    console.debug("Status message: " + response.statusMessage);
	request.on("error", function(error) {
	    console.debug("send(..) failed executing https.request(..): " + error);


Clone the GitHub repo cfn-custom-resource-using-step-functions and navigate to the folder cfn-custom-resource-using-step-functions. Now, execute the script by passing the name of the AWS profile that you created in the prerequisites section above. This should deploy the solution. The commands are shown as follows for your reference. Note that if you don’t pass the AWS profile name ‘default’ the profile will be used for deployment.

git clone 
cd cfn-custom-resource-using-step-functions

The deployed solution consists of 2 stacks as shown in the following screenshot

  1. cfn-custom-resource-common-lib: Deploys common components
    • DynamoDB table that custom resources write to during their lifecycle events
    • Lambda layer used across the rest of the stacks
  2. cfn-custom-resource-sfn: Deploys Step Functions backed custom resource implementation
CloudFormation stacks deployed

Figure 2. CloudFormation stacks deployed

For demo purposes, I implemented a custom resource that inserts data into the DynamoDB table. When you deploy the solution for the first time, like you just did in the previous step, it initiates a CREATE event resulting in the creation of a new custom resource using Step Functions. You should see a new record with unix epoch timestamp in the DynamoDB table, indicating that the resource was created as shown in the following screenshot. You can find the DynamoDB table name/arn from the SSM Parameter Store /CUSTOM_RESOURCE_PATTERNS/DYNAMODB/ARN

DynamoDB record indicating custom resource creation

Figure 3. DynamoDB record indicating custom resource creation

Now, execute the script again. This should initiate an UPDATE event, resulting in the update of custom resources. The code also automatically creates new WaitConditionHandle and WaitCondition resources required to wait for the update event to finish. Now you should see that the records in the DynamoDb table have been updated with new values for lastOperation and ts attributes as follows.

DynamoDB record indicating custom resource update

Figure 4. DynamoDB record indicating custom resource update

Cleaning up

To remove all of the stacks, run the script as follows.



In this post I showed how to look beyond the conventional approach of building CloudFormation custom resources using a Lambda function. I discussed implementing custom resources using Step Functions and CloudFormation wait conditions. Try this solution in scenarios where you must execute a long running deployment task/job as part of your CloudFormation stack deployment.



About the author:

Damodar Shenvi

Damodar Shenvi Wagle is a Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services. His areas of expertise include architecting serverless solutions, CI/CD and automation.

Continuous Compliance Workflow for Infrastructure as Code: Part 2

Post Syndicated from DAMODAR SHENVI WAGLE original

In the first post of this series, we introduced a continuous compliance workflow in which an enterprise security and compliance team can release guardrails in a continuous integration, continuous deployment (CI/CD) fashion in your organization.

In this post, we focus on the technical implementation of the continuous compliance workflow. We demonstrate how to use AWS Developer Tools to create a CI/CD pipeline that releases guardrails for Terraform application workloads.

We use the Terraform-Compliance framework to define the guardrails. Terraform-Compliance is a lightweight, security and compliance-focused test framework for Terraform to enable the negative testing capability for your infrastructure as code (IaC).

With this compliance framework, we can ensure that the implemented Terraform code follows security standards and your own custom standards. Currently, HashiCorp provides Sentinel (a policy as code framework) for enterprise products. AWS has CloudFormation Guard an open-source policy-as-code evaluation tool for AWS CloudFormation templates. Terraform-Compliance allows us to build a similar functionality for Terraform, and is open source.

This post is from the perspective of a security and compliance engineer, and assumes that the engineer is familiar with the practices of IaC, CI/CD, behavior-driven development (BDD), and negative testing.

Solution overview

You start by building the necessary resources as listed in the workload (application development team) account:

  • An AWS CodeCommit repository for the Terraform workload
  • A CI/CD pipeline built using AWS CodePipeline to deploy the workload
  • A cross-account AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that gives the security and compliance account the permissions to pull the Terraform workload from the workload account repository for testing their guardrails in observation mode

Next, we build the resources in the security and compliance account:

  • A CodeCommit repository to hold the security and compliance standards (guardrails)
  • A CI/CD pipeline built using CodePipeline to release new guardrails
  • A cross-account role that gives the workload account the permissions to pull the activated guardrails from the main branch of the security and compliance account repository.

The following diagram shows our solution architecture.

solution architecture diagram

The architecture has two workflows: security and compliance (Steps 1–4) and application delivery (Steps 5–7).

  1. When a new security and compliance guardrail is introduced into the develop branch of the compliance repository, it triggers the security and compliance pipeline.
  2. The pipeline pulls the Terraform workload.
  3. The pipeline tests this compliance check guardrail against the Terraform workload in the workload account repository.
  4. If the workload is compliant, the guardrail is automatically merged into the main branch. This activates the guardrail by making it available for all Terraform application workload pipelines to consume. By doing this, we make sure that we don’t break the Terraform application deployment pipeline by introducing new guardrails. It also provides the security and compliance team visibility into the resources in the application workload that are noncompliant. The security and compliance team can then reach out to the application delivery team and suggest appropriate remediation before the new standards are activated. If the compliance check fails, the automatic merge to the main branch is stopped. The security and compliance team has an option to force merge the guardrail into the main branch if it’s deemed critical and they need to activate it immediately.
  5. The Terraform deployment pipeline in the workload account always pulls the latest security and compliance checks from the main branch of the compliance repository.
  6. Checks are run against the Terraform workload to ensure that it meets the organization’s security and compliance standards.
  7. Only secure and compliant workloads are deployed by the pipeline. If the workload is noncompliant, the security and compliance checks fail and break the pipeline, forcing the application delivery team to remediate the issue and recheck-in the code.


Before proceeding any further, you need to identify and designate two AWS accounts required for the solution to work:

  • Security and Compliance – In which you create a CodeCommit repository to hold compliance standards that are written based on Terraform-Compliance framework. You also create a CI/CD pipeline to release new compliance guardrails.
  • Workload – In which the Terraform workload resides. The pipeline to deploy the Terraform workload enforces the compliance guardrails prior to the deployment.

You also need to create two AWS account profiles in ~/.aws/credentials for the tools and target accounts, if you don’t already have them. These profiles need to have sufficient permissions to run an AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) stack. They should be your private profiles and only be used during the course of this use case. Therefore, it should be fine if you want to use admin privileges. Don’t share the profile details, especially if it has admin privileges. I recommend removing the profile when you’re finished with this walkthrough. For more information about creating an AWS account profile, see Configuring the AWS CLI.

In addition, you need to generate a cucumber-sandwich.jar file by following the steps in the cucumber-sandwich GitHub repo. The JAR file is needed to generate pretty HTML compliance reports. The security and compliance team can use these reports to make sure that the standards are met.

To implement our solution, we complete the following high-level steps:

  1. Create the security and compliance account stack.
  2. Create the workload account stack.
  3. Test the compliance workflow.

Create the security and compliance account stack

We create the following resources in the security and compliance account:

  • A CodeCommit repo to hold the security and compliance guardrails
  • A CI/CD pipeline to roll out the Terraform compliance guardrails
  • An IAM role that trusts the application workload account and allows it to pull compliance guardrails from its CodeCommit repo

In this section, we set up the properties for the pipeline and cross-account role stacks, and run the deployment scripts.

Set up properties for the pipeline stack

Clone the GitHub repo aws-continuous-compliance-for-terraform and navigate to the folder security-and-compliance-account/stacks. This contains the folder pipeline_stack/, which holds the code and properties for creating the pipeline stack.

The folder has a JSON file cdk-stack-param.json, which has the parameter TERRAFORM_APPLICATION_WORKLOADS, which represents the list of application workloads that the security and compliance pipeline pulls and runs tests against to make sure that the workloads are compliant. In the workload list, you have the following parameters:

  • GIT_REPO_URL – The HTTPS URL of the CodeCommit repository in the workload account against which the security and compliance check pipeline runs compliance guardrails.
  • CROSS_ACCOUNT_ROLE_ARN – The ARN for the cross-account role we create in the next section. This role gives the security and compliance account permissions to pull Terraform code from the workload account.

For CROSS_ACCOUNT_ROLE_ARN, replace <workload-account-id> with the account ID for your designated AWS workload account. For GIT_REPO_URL, replace <region> with AWS Region where the repository resides.

security and compliance pipeline stack parameters

Set up properties for the cross-account role stack

In the cloned GitHub repo aws-continuous-compliance-for-terraform from the previous step, navigate to the folder security-and-compliance-account/stacks. This contains the folder cross_account_role_stack/, which holds the code and properties for creating the cross-account role.

The folder has a JSON file cdk-stack-param.json, which has the parameter TERRAFORM_APPLICATION_WORKLOAD_ACCOUNTS, which represents the list of Terraform workload accounts that intend to integrate with the security and compliance account for running compliance checks. All these accounts are trusted by the security and compliance account and given permissions to pull compliance guardrails. Replace <workload-account-id> with the account ID for your designated AWS workload account.

security and compliance cross account role stack parameters

Run the deployment script

Run by passing the name of the AWS security and compliance account profile you created earlier. The script uses the AWS CDK CLI to bootstrap and deploy the two stacks we discussed. See the following code:

cd aws-continuous-compliance-for-terraform/security-and-compliance-account/

You should now see three stacks in the tools account:

  • CDKToolkit – AWS CDK creates the CDKToolkit stack when we bootstrap the AWS CDK app. This creates an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket needed to hold deployment assets such as an AWS CloudFormation template and AWS Lambda code package.
  • cf-CrossAccountRoles – This stack creates the cross-account IAM role.
  • cf-SecurityAndCompliancePipeline – This stack creates the pipeline. On the Outputs tab of the stack, you can find the CodeCommit source repo URL from the key OutSourceRepoHttpUrl. Record the URL to use later.

security and compliance stack

Create a workload account stack

We create the following resources in the workload account:

  • A CodeCommit repo to hold the Terraform workload to be deployed
  • A CI/CD pipeline to deploy the Terraform workload
  • An IAM role that trusts the security and compliance account and allows it to pull Terraform code from its CodeCommit repo for testing

We follow similar steps as in the previous section to set up the properties for the pipeline stack and cross-account role stack, and then run the deployment script.

Set up properties for the pipeline stack

In the already cloned repo, navigate to the folder workload-account/stacks. This contains the folder pipeline_stack/, which holds the code and properties for creating the pipeline stack.

The folder has a JSON file cdk-stack-param.json, which has the parameter COMPLIANCE_CODE, which provides details on where to pull the compliance guardrails from. The pipeline pulls and runs compliance checks prior to deployment, to make sure that application workload is compliant. You have the following parameters:

  • GIT_REPO_URL – The HTTPS URL of the CodeCommit repositoryCode in the security and compliance account, which contains compliance guardrails that the pipeline in the workload account pulls to carry out compliance checks.
  • CROSS_ACCOUNT_ROLE_ARN – The ARN for the cross-account role we created in the previous step in the security and compliance account. This role gives the workload account permissions to pull the Terraform compliance code from its respective security and compliance account.

For CROSS_ACCOUNT_ROLE_ARN, replace <compliance-account-id> with the account ID for your designated AWS security and compliance account. For GIT_REPO_URL, replace <region> with Region where the repository resides.

workload pipeline stack config

Set up the properties for cross-account role stack

In the already cloned repo, navigate to folder workload-account/stacks. This contains the folder cross_account_role_stack/, which holds the code and properties for creating the cross-account role stack.

The folder has a JSON file cdk-stack-param.json, which has the parameter COMPLIANCE_ACCOUNT, which represents the security and compliance account that intends to integrate with the workload account for running compliance checks. This account is trusted by the workload account and given permissions to pull compliance guardrails. Replace <compliance-account-id> with the account ID for your designated AWS security and compliance account.

workload cross account role stack config

Run the deployment script

Run by passing the name of the AWS workload account profile you created earlier. The script uses the AWS CDK CLI to bootstrap and deploy the two stacks we discussed. See the following code:

cd aws-continuous-compliance-for-terraform/workload-account/

You should now see three stacks in the tools account:

  • CDKToolkit –AWS CDK creates the CDKToolkit stack when we bootstrap the AWS CDK app. This creates an S3 bucket needed to hold deployment assets such as a CloudFormation template and Lambda code package.
  • cf-CrossAccountRoles – This stack creates the cross-account IAM role.
  • cf-TerraformWorkloadPipeline – This stack creates the pipeline. On the Outputs tab of the stack, you can find the CodeCommit source repo URL from the key OutSourceRepoHttpUrl. Record the URL to use later.

workload pipeline stack

Test the compliance workflow

In this section, we walk through the following steps to test our workflow:

  1. Push the application workload code into its repo.
  2. Push the security and compliance code into its repo and run its pipeline to release the compliance guardrails.
  3. Run the application workload pipeline to exercise the compliance guardrails.
  4. Review the generated reports.

Push the application workload code into its repo

Clone the empty CodeCommit repo from workload account. You can find the URL from the variable OutSourceRepoHttpUrl on the Outputs tab of the cf-TerraformWorkloadPipeline stack we deployed in the previous section.

  1. Create a new branch main and copy the workload code into it.
  2. Copy the cucumber-sandwich.jar file you generated in the prerequisites section into a new folder /lib.
  3. Create a directory called reports with an empty file dummy. The reports directory is where Terraform-Compliance framework create compliance reports.
  4. Push the code to the remote origin.

See the following sample script

git checkout -b main
# Copy the code from git repo location
# Create reports directory and a dummy file.
mkdir reports
touch reports/dummy
git add .
git commit -m “Initial commit”
git push origin main

The folder structure of workload code repo should match the structure shown in the following screenshot.

workload code folder structure

The first commit triggers the pipeline-workload-main pipeline, which fails in the stage RunComplianceCheck due to the security and compliance repo not being present (which we add in the next section).

Push the security and compliance code into its repo and run its pipeline

Clone the empty CodeCommit repo from the security and compliance account. You can find the URL from the variable OutSourceRepoHttpUrl on the Outputs tab of the cf-SecurityAndCompliancePipeline stack we deployed in the previous section.

  1. Create a new local branch main and check in the empty branch into the remote origin so that the main branch is created in the remote origin. Skipping this step leads to failure in the code merge step of the pipeline due to the absence of the main branch.
  2. Create a new branch develop and copy the security and compliance code into it. This is required because the security and compliance pipeline is configured to be triggered from the develop branch for the purposes of this post.
  3. Copy the cucumber-sandwich.jar file you generated in the prerequisites section into a new folder /lib.

See the following sample script:

cd security-and-compliance-code
git checkout -b main
git add .
git commit --allow-empty -m “initial commit”
git push origin main
git checkout -b develop main
# Here copy the code from git repo location
# You also copy cucumber-sandwich.jar into a new folder /lib
git add .
git commit -m “Initial commit”
git push origin develop

The folder structure of security and compliance code repo should match the structure shown in the following screenshot.

security and compliance code folder structure

The code push to the develop branch of the security-and-compliance-code repo triggers the security and compliance pipeline. The pipeline pulls the code from the workload account repo, then runs the compliance guardrails against the Terraform workload to make sure that the workload is compliant. If the workload is compliant, the pipeline merges the compliance guardrails into the main branch. If the workload fails the compliance test, the pipeline fails. The following screenshot shows a sample run of the pipeline.

security and compliance pipeline

Run the application workload pipeline to exercise the compliance guardrails

After we set up the security and compliance repo and the pipeline runs successfully, the workload pipeline is ready to proceed (see the following screenshot of its progress).

workload pipeline

The service delivery teams are now being subjected to the security and compliance guardrails being implemented (RunComplianceCheck stage), and their pipeline breaks if any resource is noncompliant.

Review the generated reports

CodeBuild supports viewing reports generated in cucumber JSON format. In our workflow, we generate reports in cucumber JSON and BDD XML formats, and we use this capability of CodeBuild to generate and view HTML reports. Our implementation also generates report directly in HTML using the cucumber-sandwich library.

The following screenshot is snippet of the script, which implements report generation.

compliance check script

The bug noted in the screenshot is in the radish-bdd library that Terraform-Compliance uses for the cucumber JSON format report generation. For more information, you can review the defect logged against radish-bdd for this issue.

After the script generates the reports, CodeBuild needs to be configured to access them to generate HTML reports. The following screenshot shows a snippet from buildspec-compliance-check.yml, which shows how the reports section is set up for report generation:

buildspec compliance check

For more details on how to set up buildspec file for CodeBuild to generate reports, see Create a test report.

CodeBuild displays the compliance run reports as shown in the following screenshot.

code build cucumber report

We can also view a trending graph for multiple runs.

code build cucumber report

The other report generated by the workflow is the pretty HTML report generated by the cucumber-sandwich library.

code build cucumber report

The reports are available for download from the S3 bucket <OutPipelineBucketName>/pipeline-security-an/report_App/<zip file>.

The cucumber-sandwich generated report marks scenarios with skipped tests as failed scenarios. This is the only noticeable difference between the CodeBuild generated HTML and cucumber-sandwich generated HTML reports.

Clean up

To remove all the resources from the workload account, complete the following steps in order:

  1. Go to the folder where you cloned the workload code and edit buildspec-workload-deploy.yml:
    • Comment line 44 (- ./
    • Uncomment line 45 (- ./ --destroy).
    • Commit and push the code change to the remote repo. The workload pipeline is triggered, which cleans up the workload.
  2. Delete the CloudFormation stack cf-CrossAccountRoles. This step removes the cross-account role from the workload account, which gives permission to the security and compliance account to pull the Terraform workload.
  3. Go to the CloudFormation stack cf-TerraformWorkloadPipeline and note the OutPipelineBucketName and OutStateFileBucketName on the Outputs tab. Empty the two buckets and then delete the stack. This removes pipeline resources from workload account.
  4. Go to the CDKToolkit stack and note the BucketName on the Outputs tab. Empty that bucket and then delete the stack.

To remove all the resources from the security and compliance account, complete the following steps in order:

  1. Delete the CloudFormation stack cf-CrossAccountRoles. This step removes the cross-account role from the security and compliance account, which gives permission to the workload account to pull the compliance code.
  2. Go to CloudFormation stack cf-SecurityAndCompliancePipeline and note the OutPipelineBucketName on the Outputs tab. Empty that bucket and then delete the stack. This removes pipeline resources from the security and compliance account.
  3. Go to the CDKToolkit stack and note the BucketName on the Outputs tab. Empty that bucket and then delete the stack.

Security considerations

Cross-account IAM roles are very powerful and need to be handled carefully. For this post, we strictly limited the cross-account IAM role to specific CodeCommit permissions. This makes sure that the cross-account role can only do those things.


In this post in our two-part series, we implemented a continuous compliance workflow using CodePipeline and the open-source Terraform-Compliance framework. The Terraform-Compliance framework allows you to build guardrails for securing Terraform applications deployed on AWS.

We also showed how you can use AWS developer tools to seamlessly integrate security and compliance guardrails into an application release cycle and catch noncompliant AWS resources before getting deployed into AWS.

Try implementing the solution in your enterprise as shown in this post, and leave your thoughts and questions in the comments.

About the authors

sumit mishra


Sumit Mishra is Senior DevOps Architect at AWS Professional Services. His area of expertise include IaC, Security in pipeline, CI/CD and automation.




Damodar Shenvi Wagle


Damodar Shenvi Wagle is a Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services. His areas of expertise include architecting serverless solutions, CI/CD and automation.

Cross-account and cross-region deployment using GitHub actions and AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from DAMODAR SHENVI WAGLE original

GitHub Actions is a feature on GitHub’s popular development platform that helps you automate your software development workflows in the same place you store code and collaborate on pull requests and issues. You can write individual tasks called actions, and combine them to create a custom workflow. Workflows are custom automated processes that you can set up in your repository to build, test, package, release, or deploy any code project on GitHub.

A cross-account deployment strategy is a CI/CD pattern or model in AWS. In this pattern, you have a designated AWS account called tools, where all CI/CD pipelines reside. Deployment is carried out by these pipelines across other AWS accounts, which may correspond to dev, staging, or prod. For more information about a cross-account strategy in reference to CI/CD pipelines on AWS, see Building a Secure Cross-Account Continuous Delivery Pipeline.

In this post, we show you how to use GitHub Actions to deploy an AWS Lambda-based API to an AWS account and Region using the cross-account deployment strategy.

Using GitHub Actions may have associated costs in addition to the cost associated with the AWS resources you create. For more information, see About billing for GitHub Actions.


Before proceeding any further, you need to identify and designate two AWS accounts required for the solution to work:

  • Tools – Where you create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user for GitHub Actions to use to carry out deployment.
  • Target – Where deployment occurs. You can call this as your dev/stage/prod environment.

You also need to create two AWS account profiles in ~/.aws/credentials for the tools and target accounts, if you don’t already have them. These profiles need to have sufficient permissions to run an AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) stack. They should be your private profiles and only be used during the course of this use case. So, it should be fine if you want to use admin privileges. Don’t share the profile details, especially if it has admin privileges. I recommend removing the profile when you’re finished with this walkthrough. For more information about creating an AWS account profile, see Configuring the AWS CLI.

Solution overview

You start by building the necessary resources in the tools account (an IAM user with permissions to assume a specific IAM role from the target account to carry out deployment). For simplicity, we refer to this IAM role as the cross-account role, as specified in the architecture diagram.

You also create the cross-account role in the target account that trusts the IAM user in the tools account and provides the required permissions for AWS CDK to bootstrap and initiate creating an AWS CloudFormation deployment stack in the target account. GitHub Actions uses the tools account IAM user credentials to the assume the cross-account role to carry out deployment.

In addition, you create an AWS CloudFormation execution role in the target account, which AWS CloudFormation service assumes in the target account. This role has permissions to create your API resources, such as a Lambda function and Amazon API Gateway, in the target account. This role is passed to AWS CloudFormation service via AWS CDK.

You then configure your tools account IAM user credentials in your Git secrets and define the GitHub Actions workflow, which triggers upon pushing code to a specific branch of the repo. The workflow then assumes the cross-account role and initiates deployment.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture and shows AWS resources across the tools and target accounts.

Architecture diagram

Creating an IAM user

You start by creating an IAM user called git-action-deployment-user in the tools account. The user needs to have only programmatic access.

  1. Clone the GitHub repo aws-cross-account-cicd-git-actions-prereq and navigate to folder tools-account. Here you find the JSON parameter file src/cdk-stack-param.json, which contains the parameter CROSS_ACCOUNT_ROLE_ARN, which represents the ARN for the cross-account role we create in the next step in the target account. In the ARN, replace <target-account-id> with the actual account ID for your designated AWS target account.                                             Replace <target-account-id> with designated AWS account id
  2. Run by passing the name of the tools AWS account profile you created earlier. The script compiles the code, builds a package, and uses the AWS CDK CLI to bootstrap and deploy the stack. See the following code:
cd aws-cross-account-cicd-git-actions-prereq/tools-account/

You should now see two stacks in the tools account: CDKToolkit and cf-GitActionDeploymentUserStack. AWS CDK creates the CDKToolkit stack when we bootstrap the AWS CDK app. This creates an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket needed to hold deployment assets such as a CloudFormation template and Lambda code package. cf-GitActionDeploymentUserStack creates the IAM user with permission to assume git-action-cross-account-role (which you create in the next step). On the Outputs tab of the stack, you can find the user access key and the AWS Secrets Manager ARN that holds the user secret. To retrieve the secret, you need to go to Secrets Manager. Record the secret to use later.

Stack that creates IAM user with its secret stored in secrets manager

Creating a cross-account IAM role

In this step, you create two IAM roles in the target account: git-action-cross-account-role and git-action-cf-execution-role.

git-action-cross-account-role provides required deployment-specific permissions to the IAM user you created in the last step. The IAM user in the tools account can assume this role and perform the following tasks:

  • Upload deployment assets such as the CloudFormation template and Lambda code package to a designated S3 bucket via AWS CDK
  • Create a CloudFormation stack that deploys API Gateway and Lambda using AWS CDK

AWS CDK passes git-action-cf-execution-role to AWS CloudFormation to create, update, and delete the CloudFormation stack. It has permissions to create API Gateway and Lambda resources in the target account.

To deploy these two roles using AWS CDK, complete the following steps:

  1. In the already cloned repo from the previous step, navigate to the folder target-account. This folder contains the JSON parameter file cdk-stack-param.json, which contains the parameter TOOLS_ACCOUNT_USER_ARN, which represents the ARN for the IAM user you previously created in the tools account. In the ARN, replace <tools-account-id> with the actual account ID for your designated AWS tools account.                                             Replace <tools-account-id> with designated AWS account id
  2. Run by passing the name of the target AWS account profile you created earlier. The script compiles the code, builds the package, and uses the AWS CDK CLI to bootstrap and deploy the stack. See the following code:
cd ../target-account/

You should now see two stacks in your target account: CDKToolkit and cf-CrossAccountRolesStack. AWS CDK creates the CDKToolkit stack when we bootstrap the AWS CDK app. This creates an S3 bucket to hold deployment assets such as the CloudFormation template and Lambda code package. The cf-CrossAccountRolesStack creates the two IAM roles we discussed at the beginning of this step. The IAM role git-action-cross-account-role now has the IAM user added to its trust policy. On the Outputs tab of the stack, you can find these roles’ ARNs. Record these ARNs as you conclude this step.

Stack that creates IAM roles to carry out cross account deployment

Configuring secrets

One of the GitHub actions we use is aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1. This action configures AWS credentials and Region environment variables for use in the GitHub Actions workflow. The AWS CDK CLI detects the environment variables to determine the credentials and Region to use for deployment.

For our cross-account deployment use case, aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 takes three pieces of sensitive information besides the Region: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET, and CROSS_ACCOUNT_ROLE_TO_ASSUME. Secrets are recommended for storing sensitive pieces of information in the GitHub repo. It keeps the information in an encrypted format. For more information about referencing secrets in the workflow, see Creating and storing encrypted secrets.

Before we continue, you need your own empty GitHub repo to complete this step. Use an existing repo if you have one, or create a new repo. You configure secrets in this repo. In the next section, you check in the code provided by the post to deploy a Lambda-based API CDK stack into this repo.

  1. On the GitHub console, navigate to your repo settings and choose the Secrets tab.
  2. Add a new secret with name as TOOLS_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY_ID.
  3. Copy the access key ID from the output OutGitActionDeploymentUserAccessKey of the stack GitActionDeploymentUserStack in tools account.
  4. Enter the ID in the Value field.                                                                                                                                                                Create secret
  5. Repeat this step to add two more secrets:
    • TOOLS_ACCOUNT_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (value retrieved from the AWS Secrets Manager in tools account)
    • CROSS_ACCOUNT_ROLE (value copied from the output OutCrossAccountRoleArn of the stack cf-CrossAccountRolesStack in target account)

You should now have three secrets as shown below.

All required git secrets

Deploying with GitHub Actions

As the final step, first clone your empty repo where you set up your secrets. Download and copy the code from the GitHub repo into your empty repo. The folder structure of your repo should mimic the folder structure of source repo. See the following screenshot.

Folder structure of the Lambda API code

We can take a detailed look at the code base. First and foremost, we use Typescript to deploy our Lambda API, so we need an AWS CDK app and AWS CDK stack. The app is defined in app.ts under the repo root folder location. The stack definition is located under the stack-specific folder src/git-action-demo-api-stack. The Lambda code is located under the Lambda-specific folder src/git-action-demo-api-stack/lambda/ git-action-demo-lambda.

We also have a deployment script, which compiles the app and Lambda code, packages the Lambda code into a .zip file, bootstraps the app by copying the assets to an S3 bucket, and deploys the stack. To deploy the stack, AWS CDK has to pass CFN_EXECUTION_ROLE to AWS CloudFormation; this role is configured in src/params/cdk-stack-param.json. Replace <target-account-id> with your own designated AWS target account ID.

Update cdk-stack-param.json in git-actions-cross-account-cicd repo with TARGET account id

Finally, we define the Git Actions workflow under the .github/workflows/ folder per the specifications defined by GitHub Actions. GitHub Actions automatically identifies the workflow in this location and triggers it if conditions match. Our workflow .yml file is named in the format cicd-workflow-<region>.yml, where <region> in the file name identifies the deployment Region in the target account. In our use case, we use us-east-1 and us-west-2, which is also defined as an environment variable in the workflow.

The GitHub Actions workflow has a standard hierarchy. The workflow is a collection of jobs, which are collections of one or more steps. Each job runs on a virtual machine called a runner, which can either be GitHub-hosted or self-hosted. We use the GitHub-hosted runner ubuntu-latest because it works well for our use case. For more information about GitHub-hosted runners, see Virtual environments for GitHub-hosted runners. For more information about the software preinstalled on GitHub-hosted runners, see Software installed on GitHub-hosted runners.

The workflow also has a trigger condition specified at the top. You can schedule the trigger based on the cron settings or trigger it upon code pushed to a specific branch in the repo. See the following code:

name: Lambda API CICD Workflow
# This workflow is triggered on pushes to the repository branch master.
      - master

# Initializes environment variables for the workflow
  REGION: us-east-1 # Deployment Region

    name: Build And Deploy
    # This job runs on Linux
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Checkout code from git repo branch configured above, under folder $GITHUB_WORKSPACE.
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      # Sets up AWS profile.
      - name: Configure AWS credentials
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
          aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.TOOLS_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.TOOLS_ACCOUNT_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
          aws-region: ${{ env.REGION }}
          role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.CROSS_ACCOUNT_ROLE }}
          role-duration-seconds: 1200
          role-session-name: GitActionDeploymentSession
      # Installs CDK and other prerequisites
      - name: Prerequisite Installation
        run: |
          sudo npm install -g [email protected]
          cdk --version
          aws s3 ls
      # Build and Deploy CDK application
      - name: Build & Deploy
        run: |
          cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
          ls -a
          chmod 700

For more information about triggering workflows, see Triggering a workflow with events.

We have configured a single job workflow for our use case that runs on ubuntu-latest and is triggered upon a code push to the master branch. When you create an empty repo, master branch becomes the default branch. The workflow has four steps:

  1. Check out the code from the repo, for which we use a standard Git action actions/checkout@v2. The code is checked out into a folder defined by the variable $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so it becomes the root location of our code.
  2. Configure AWS credentials using aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1. This action is configured as explained in the previous section.
  3. Install your prerequisites. In our use case, the only prerequisite we need is AWS CDK. Upon installing AWS CDK, we can do a quick test using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) command aws s3 ls. If cross-account access was successfully established in the previous step of the workflow, this command should return a list of buckets in the target account.
  4. Navigate to root location of the code $GITHUB_WORKSPACE and run the script.

You can check in the code into the master branch of your repo. This should trigger the workflow, which you can monitor on the Actions tab of your repo. The commit message you provide is displayed for the respective run of the workflow.

Workflow for region us-east-1 Workflow for region us-west-2

You can choose the workflow link and monitor the log for each individual step of the workflow.

Git action workflow steps

In the target account, you should now see the CloudFormation stack cf-GitActionDemoApiStack in us-east-1 and us-west-2.

Lambda API stack in us-east-1 Lambda API stack in us-west-2

The API resource URL DocUploadRestApiResourceUrl is located on the Outputs tab of the stack. You can invoke your API by choosing this URL on the browser.

API Invocation Output

Clean up

To remove all the resources from the target and tools accounts, complete the following steps in their given order:

  1. Delete the CloudFormation stack cf-GitActionDemoApiStack from the target account. This step removes the Lambda and API Gateway resources and their associated IAM roles.
  2. Delete the CloudFormation stack cf-CrossAccountRolesStack from the target account. This removes the cross-account role and CloudFormation execution role you created.
  3. Go to the CDKToolkit stack in the target account and note the BucketName on the Output tab. Empty that bucket and then delete the stack.
  4. Delete the CloudFormation stack cf-GitActionDeploymentUserStack from tools account. This removes cross-account-deploy-user IAM user.
  5. Go to the CDKToolkit stack in the tools account and note the BucketName on the Output tab. Empty that bucket and then delete the stack.

Security considerations

Cross-account IAM roles are very powerful and need to be handled carefully. For this post, we strictly limited the cross-account IAM role to specific Amazon S3 and CloudFormation permissions. This makes sure that the cross-account role can only do those things. The actual creation of Lambda, API Gateway, and Amazon DynamoDB resources happens via the AWS CloudFormation IAM role, which AWS  CloudFormation assumes in the target AWS account.

Make sure that you use secrets to store your sensitive workflow configurations, as specified in the section Configuring secrets.


In this post we showed how you can leverage GitHub’s popular software development platform to securely deploy to AWS accounts and Regions using GitHub actions and AWS CDK.

Build your own GitHub Actions CI/CD workflow as shown in this post.

About the author


Damodar Shenvi Wagle is a Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services. His areas of expertise include architecting serverless solutions, ci/cd and automation.