[$] Ushering out strlcpy()

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/905777/

With all of the complex problems that must be solved in the kernel, one
might think that copying a string would draw little attention. Even with
the hazards that C strings present, simply moving some bytes should not be
all that hard. But string-copy functions have been a frequent subject of
debate over the years, with different variants being in fashion at times.
Now it seems that the BSD-derived strlcpy() function
may finally be on its way out of the kernel.

Introducing Trilogy: a new database adapter for Ruby on Rails

Post Syndicated from Matthew Draper original https://github.blog/2022-08-25-introducing-trilogy-a-new-database-adapter-for-ruby-on-rails/

We’ve open sourced the database adapter we use at GitHub to connect Ruby on Rails and Active Record clients to MySQL-compatible database servers.

Trilogy is a client library for MySQL-compatible database servers, designed for performance, flexibility, and ease of embedding. We released Trilogy, with its Ruby-native wrapper, in December, and have now rounded out the set with the release of activerecord-trilogy-adapter, an Active Record adapter that allows a Ruby on Rails application to use Trilogy in place of the built-in mysql2-based adapter.

Why does Trilogy exist?

The Trilogy library is specifically designed to perform efficiently when embedded in environments like the Ruby VM, which benefits from special handling of blocking syscalls, and conscious use of dynamic memory allocation. It also aims to provide strong portability and compatibility, using a custom implementation of the network protocol to minimize dependencies needed for compilation.

After starting off on the original mysql gem, GitHub switched to mysql2 in 2011, gaining performance and reliability. But over the following years, we found it was still not quite meeting our needs. Trilogy was initially developed by Hailey Somerville and Brian Lopez to further improve GitHub’s performance and reliability, and has been backing all of our Rails monolith’s query activity since 2015. (The name is a pun: it’s the third adapter GitHub has used, and it’s used to query sequel.)

Open sourcing this adapter is the culmination of a long term effort, primarily championed first by Aaron Patterson and then by Eileen M. Uchitelle, to extract valuable database-communication behavior we’d collected and upstream it into other layers of Active Record—most recently, deferred connection verification and automatic reconnection.

Should you use Trilogy?

Compared to the mysql2 gem, Trilogy avoids a dependency on the libmariadb / libmysqlclient library, which can simplify gem installation and eliminate version mismatch issues, and minimizes the number of times data must be copied in memory when building and parsing network packets. It should simplify gem installation and be more efficient under heavy query loads.

Trilogy is thoroughly production-tested to work well for our applications, but there may be protocol features it doesn’t support (yet?) that other database configurations might require. For that reason, while we do encourage other Rails applications to try using Trilogy to interface with their MySQL-compatible database servers, it would be prudent to check things out in a staging environment first. Other than that, it should be a drop-in compatible change.

The Trilogy adapter is currently only compatible with the version of Rails that we use to run GitHub: the in-development main branch of rails/rails. After Active Record 7.1.0 is released, we will maintain a release that is compatible with the current supported release series.

Trilogy is a strong option when connecting to a MySQL-compatible database server, and we would love to hear from you if you give it a try.

Security updates for Thursday

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/906055/

Security updates have been issued by Debian (firefox-esr, libxslt, and open-vm-tools), Fedora (dotnet6.0 and firefox), Oracle (curl, firefox, rsync, and thunderbird), Red Hat (curl, firefox, php:7.4, rsync, systemd, and thunderbird), SUSE (bluez, chromium, freerdp, glibc, gnutls, kernel, postgresql10, raptor, rubygem-rails-html-sanitizer, and spice), and Ubuntu (firefox, linux, linux-kvm, linux-lts-xenial, linux-aws, linux-azure-fde, open-vm-tools, and varnish).

Man-in-the-Middle Phishing Attack

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/08/man-in-the-middle-phishing-attack.html

Here’s a phishing campaign that uses a man-in-the-middle attack to defeat multi-factor authentication:

Microsoft observed a campaign that inserted an attacker-controlled proxy site between the account users and the work server they attempted to log into. When the user entered a password into the proxy site, the proxy site sent it to the real server and then relayed the real server’s response back to the user. Once the authentication was completed, the threat actor stole the session cookie the legitimate site sent, so the user doesn’t need to be reauthenticated at every new page visited. The campaign began with a phishing email with an HTML attachment leading to the proxy server.

Handy Tips #36: Collecting custom metrics with Zabbix agent user parameters

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/handy-tips-36-collecting-custom-metrics-with-zabbix-agent-user-parameters/22850/

Define custom agent keys to collect custom metrics by executing scripts or commands with Zabbix user parameters.

Having a simple way to extend the metric collection functionality of a monitoring tool can be vital if we wish to monitor custom in-house software or simply collect metrics not available out of the box.

Collect custom metrics with Zabbix agent by defining user parameters:

  • Define an unlimited number of user parameters for your Zabbix agents
  • Parameters such as usernames and passwords can be passed to flexible user parameters

  • User parameters support Zabbix agent data collection in active and passive modes
  • User parameters can collect bulk data for further processing by dependent items

Check out the video to learn how to define user parameters for Zabbix agents.

Define user parameters for Zabbix agents:

  1. Test your custom command on the host on which you will create the user parameter
  2. Open the Zabbix agent configuration file in a text editor
  3. A simple user parameter can be defined by adding the line: UserParameter=key,command
  4. A flexible user parameter can be defined by adding the line: UserParameter=key[*],command
  5. For flexible user parameters, use $1…$9 positional references to reference your custom key parameters
  6. Save the changes
  7. Reload user parameters by using the command zabbix_agentd -R userparameter_reload
  8. Open the Zabbix frontend and navigate to ConfigurationHosts
  9. Find your host and click on the Items button next to the host
  10. Press the Create item button
  11. Give your item a name and select the item type – Zabbix agent or Zabbix agent (active)
  12. Provide the key that you defined as your user parameter key
  13. For flexible user parameters, provide the key parameters
  14. Press the Test button and then press Get value and test to test your user parameter
  15. Press the Add button to add the item

Tips and best practices
  • User parameter commands need to be executed within the Zabbix agent Timeout parameter value
  • User parameters can be reloaded by executing the zabbix_agentd -R userparameter_reload command
  • User parameters can be defined in the Zabbix agent configuration file, or the files specified by the Include parameter
  • By default, certain symbols are not permitted to be used in user parameters
  • The usage of restricted characters can be permitted by setting the value of UnsafeUserParameters parameter to 1

Learn how to leverage the many types of data collection provided by Zabbix and empower your data collection and processing. Sign up for our Zabbix Certified Specialist course, where under the guidance of a Zabbix certified trainer you will learn more about different types and technologies of monitoring and learn how to get the most out of your Zabbix instance.

The post Handy Tips #36: Collecting custom metrics with Zabbix agent user parameters appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Speeding up incremental changes with AWS SAM Accelerate and nested stacks

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/speeding-up-incremental-changes-with-aws-sam-accelerate-and-nested-stacks/

This blog written by Jeff Marcinko, Sr. Technical Account Manager, Health Care & Life Sciencesand Brian Zambrano, Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect, Serverless.

Developers and operators have been using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to author, build, test, and deploy serverless applications in AWS for over three years. Since its inception, the AWS SAM team has focused on developer productivity, simplicity, and best practices.

As good as AWS SAM is at making your serverless development experience easier and faster, building non-trivial cloud applications remains a challenge. Developers and operators want a development experience that provides high-fidelity and fast feedback on incremental changes. With serverless development, local emulation of an application composed of many AWS resources and managed services can be incomplete and inaccurate. We recommend developing serverless applications in the AWS Cloud against live AWS services to increase developer confidence. However, the latency of deploying an entire AWS CloudFormation stack for every code change is a challenge that developers face with this approach.

In this blog post, I show how to increase development velocity by using AWS SAM Accelerate with AWS CloudFormation nested stacks. Nested stacks are an application lifecycle management best practice at AWS. We recommend nested stacks for deploying complex serverless applications, which aligns to the Serverless Application Lens of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. AWS SAM Accelerate speeds up deployment from your local system by bypassing AWS CloudFormation to deploy code and resource updates when possible.

AWS CloudFormation nested stacks and AWS SAM

A nested stack is a CloudFormation resource that is part of another stack, referred to as the parent, or root stack.

Nested stack architecture

Nested stack architecture

The best practice for modeling complex applications is to author a root stack template and declare related resources in their own nested stack templates. This partitioning improves maintainability and encourages reuse of common template patterns. It is easier to reason about the configuration of the AWS resources in the example application because they are described in nested templates for each application component.

With AWS SAM, developers create nested stacks using the AWS::Serverless::Application resource type. The following example shows a snippet from a template.yaml file, which is the root stack for an AWS SAM application.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: db/template.yaml

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: workflow/template.yaml

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: api-integrations/template.yaml

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      Location: api/template.yaml

Each AWS::Serverless::Application resource type references a child stack, which is an independent AWS SAM template. The Location property tells AWS SAM where to find the stack definition.

Solution overview

The sample application exposes an API via Amazon API Gateway. One API endpoint (#2) forwards POST requests to Amazon SQS, an AWS Lambda function polls (#3) the SQS Queue and starts an Amazon Step Function workflow execution (#4) for each message.

Sample application architecture

Sample application architecture


  1. AWS SAM CLI, version 1.53.0 or higher
  2. Python 3.9

Deploy the application

To deploy the application:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone <a href="https://github.com/aws-samples/sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo.git" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://github.com/aws-samples/sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo.git</a>
  2. Change to the root directory of the project and run the following AWS SAM CLI commands:
    cd sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND

    You must include the CAPABILITY_IAM and CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND capabilities to support nested stacks and the creation of permissions.

  3. Use orders-app as the stack name during guided deployment. During the deploy process, enter your email for the SubscriptionEmail value. This requires confirmation later. Accept the defaults for the rest of the values.

    SAM deploy example

    SAM deploy example

  4. After the CloudFormation deployment completes, save the API endpoint URL from the outputs.

Confirming the notifications subscription

After the deployment finishes, you receive an Amazon SNS subscription confirmation email at the email address provided during the deployment. Choose the Confirm Subscription link to receive notifications.

You have chosen to subscribe to the topic: 

To confirm this subscription, click or visit the link below (If this was in error no action is necessary): 
Confirm subscription

Testing the orders application

To test the application, use the curl command to create a new Order request with the following JSON payload:

    "quantity": 1,
    "name": "Pizza",
    "restaurantId": "House of Pizza"
curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '"quantity":1,"name":"Pizza","quantity":1,"restaurantId":"House of Pizza"}' \
  https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Dev/orders  | python -m json.tool

API Gateway responds with the following message, showing it successfully sent the request to the SQS queue:

API Gateway response

API Gateway response

The application sends an order notification once the Step Functions workflow completes processing. The workflow intentionally randomizes the SUCCESS or FAILURE status message.

Accelerating development with AWS SAM sync

AWS SAM Accelerate enhances the development experience. It automatically observes local code changes and synchronizes them to AWS without building and deploying every function in my project.

However, when you synchronize code changes directly into the AWS Cloud, it can introduce drift between your CloudFormation stacks and its deployed resources. For this reason, you should only use AWS SAM Accelerate to publish changes in a development stack.

In your terminal, change to the root directory of the project folder and run the sam sync command. This runs in the foreground while you make code changes:

cd sam-accelerate-nested-stacks-demo
sam sync --watch --stack-name orders-app

The –watch option causes AWS SAM to perform an initial CloudFormation deployment. After the deployment is complete, AWS SAM watches for local changes and synchronizes them to AWS. This feature allows you to make rapid iterative code changes and sync to the Cloud automatically in seconds.

Making a code change

In the editor, update the Subject argument in the send_order_notification function in workflow/src/complete_order/app.py.

def send_order_notification(message):
    topic_arn = TOPIC_ARN
    response = sns.publish(
        Subject=f'Orders-App: Update for order {message["order_id"]}'
        #Subject='Orders-App: SAM Accelerate for the win!'

On save, AWS SAM notices the local code change, and updates the CompleteOrder Lambda function. AWS SAM does not trigger updates to other AWS resources across the different stacks, since they are unchanged. This can result in increased development velocity.

SAM sync output

SAM sync output

Validate the change by sending a new order request and review the notification email subject.

curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '"quantity":1,"name":"Pizza","quantity":1,"restaurantId":"House of Pizza"}' \
  https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Dev/orders  | python -m json.tool

In this example, AWS SAM Accelerate is 10–15 times faster than the CloudFormation deployment workflow (sam deploy) for single function code changes.

Deployment speed comparison between SAM accelerate and CloudFormation

Deployment speed comparison between SAM accelerate and CloudFormation

Deployment times vary based on the size and complexity of your Lambda functions and the number of resources in your project.

Making a configuration change

Next, make an infrastructure change to show how sync –watch handles configuration updates.

Update ReadCapacityUnits and WriteCapacityUnits in the DynamoDB table definition by changing the values from five to six in db/template.yaml.

    Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
      TableName: order-table-test
        - AttributeName: user_id
          AttributeType: S
        - AttributeName: id
          AttributeType: S
        - AttributeName: user_id
          KeyType: HASH
        - AttributeName: id
          KeyType: RANGE
        ReadCapacityUnits: 5
        WriteCapacityUnits: 5

The sam sync –watch command recognizes the configuration change requires a CloudFormation deployment to update the db nested stack. Nested stacks reflect an UPDATE_COMPLETE status because CloudFormation starts an update to every nested stack to determine if changes must be applied.

SAM sync infrastructure update

SAM sync infrastructure update

Cleaning up

Delete the nested stack resources to make sure that you don’t continue to incur charges. After stopping the sam sync –watch command, run the following command to delete your resources:

sam delete orders-app

You can also delete the CloudFormation root stack from the console by following these steps.


Local emulation of complex serverless applications, built with nested stacks, can be challenging. AWS SAM Accelerate helps builders achieve a high-fidelity development experience by rapidly synchronizing code changes into the AWS Cloud.

This post shows AWS SAM Accelerate features that push code changes in near real time to a development environment in the Cloud. I use a non-trivial sample application to show how developers can push code changes to a live environment in seconds while using CloudFormation nested stacks to achieve the isolation and maintenance benefits.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Reinforcement Learning for Budget Constrained Recommendations

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/reinforcement-learning-for-budget-constrained-recommendations-6cbc5263a32a

by Ehtsham Elahi
James McInerney, Nathan Kallus, Dario Garcia Garcia and Justin Basilico


This writeup is about using reinforcement learning to construct an optimal list of recommendations when the user has a finite time budget to make a decision from the list of recommendations. Working within the time budget introduces an extra resource constraint for the recommender system. It is similar to many other decision problems (for e.g. in economics and operations research) where the entity making the decision has to find tradeoffs in the face of finite resources and multiple (possibly conflicting) objectives. Although time is the most important and finite resource, we think that it is an often ignored aspect of recommendation problems.

In addition to relevance of the recommendations, time budget also determines whether users will accept a recommendation or abandon their search. Consider the scenario that a user comes to the Netflix homepage looking for something to watch. The Netflix homepage provides a large number of recommendations and the user has to evaluate them to choose what to play. The evaluation process may include trying to recognize the show from its box art, watching trailers, reading its synopsis or in some cases reading reviews for the show on some external website. This evaluation process incurs a cost that can be measured in units of time. Different shows will require different amounts of evaluation time. If it’s a popular show like Stranger Things then the user may already be aware of it and may incur very little cost before choosing to play it. Given the limited time budget, the recommendation model should construct a slate of recommendations by considering both the relevance of the items to the user and their evaluation cost. Balancing both of these aspects can be difficult as a highly relevant item may have a much higher evaluation cost and it may not fit within the user’s time budget. Having a successful slate therefore depends on the user’s time budget, relevance of each item as well as their evaluation cost. The goal for the recommendation algorithm therefore is to construct slates that have a higher chance of engagement from the user with a finite time budget. It is important to point out that the user’s time budget, like their preferences, may not be directly observable and the recommender system may have to learn that in addition to the user’s latent preferences.

A typical slate recommender system

We are interested in settings where the user is presented with a slate of recommendations. Many recommender systems rely on a bandit style approach to slate construction. A bandit recommender system constructing a slate of K items may look like the following:

A bandit style recommender system for slate construction

To insert an element at slot k in the slate, the item scorer scores all of the available N items and may make use of the slate constructed so far (slate above) as additional context. The scores are then passed through a sampler (e.g. Epsilon-Greedy) to select an item from the available items. The item scorer and the sampling step are the main components of the recommender system.

Problem formulation

Let’s make the problem of budget constrained recommendations more concrete by considering the following (simplified) setting. The recommender system presents a one dimensional slate (a list) of K items and the user examines the slate sequentially from top to bottom.

A user with a fixed time budget evaluating a slate of recommendations with K items. Item 2 gets the click/response from the user. The item shaded in red falls outside of the user’s time budget.

The user has a time budget which is some positive real valued number. Let’s assume that each item has two features, relevance (a scalar, higher value of relevance means that the item is more relevant) and cost (measured in a unit of time). Evaluating each recommendation consumes from the user’s time budget and the user can no longer browse the slate once the time budget has exhausted. For each item examined, the user makes a probabilistic decision to consume the recommendation by flipping a coin with probability of success proportional to the relevance of the video. Since we want to model the user’s probability of consumption using the relevance feature, it is helpful to think of relevance as a probability directly (between 0 and 1). Clearly the probability to choose something from the slate of recommendations is dependent not only on the relevance of the items but also on the number of items the user is able to examine. A recommendation system trying to maximize the user’s engagement with the slate needs to pack in as many relevant items as possible within the user budget, by making a trade-off between relevance and cost.

Connection with the 0/1 Knapsack problem

Let’s look at it from another perspective. Consider the following definitions for the slate recommendation problem described above

Clearly the abandonment probability is small if the items are highly relevant (high relevance) or the list is long (since the abandonment probability is a product of probabilities). The abandonment option is sometimes referred to as the null choice/arm in bandit literature.

This problem has clear connections with the 0/1 Knapsack problem in theoretical computer science. The goal is to find the subset of items with the highest total utility such that the total cost of the subset is not greater than the user budget. If β_i and c_i are the utility and cost of the i-th item and u is the user budget, then the budget constrained recommendations can be formulated as

0/1 Knapsack formulation for Budget constrained recommendations

There is an additional requirement that optimal subset S be sorted in descending order according to the relevance of items in the subset.

The 0/1 Knapsack problem is a well studied problem and is known to be NP-Complete. There are many approximate solutions to the 0/1 Knapsack problem. In this writeup, we propose to model the budget constrained recommendation problem as a Markov Decision process and use algorithms from reinforcement learning (RL) to find a solution. It will become clear that the RL based solution to budget constrained recommendation problems fits well within the recommender system architecture for slate construction. To begin, we first model the budget constrained recommendation problem as a Markov Decision Process.

Budget constrained recommendations as a Markov Decision Process

In a Markov decision process, the key component is the state evolution of the environment as a function of the current state and the action taken by the agent. In the MDP formulation of this problem, the agent is the recommender system and the environment is the user interacting with the recommender system. The agent constructs a slate of K items by repeatedly selecting actions it deems appropriate at each slot in the slate. The state of the environment/user is characterized by the available time budget and the items examined in the slate at a particular step in the slate browsing process. Specifically, the following table defines the Markov Decision Process for the budget constrained recommendation problem,

Markov Decision Process for Budget constrained recommendations

In real world recommender systems, the user budget may not be observable. This problem can be solved by computing an estimate of the user budget from historical data (e.g. how long the user scrolled before abandoning in the historical data logs). In this writeup, we assume that the recommender system/agent has access to the user budget for sake of simplicity.

The slate generation task above is an episodic task i-e the recommender agent is tasked with choosing K items in the slate. The user provides feedback by choosing one or zero items from the slate. This can be viewed as a binary reward r per item in the slate. Let π be the recommender policy generating the slate and γ be the reward discount factor, we can then define the discounted return for each state, action pair as,

State, Action Value function estimation

The reinforcement learning algorithm we employ is based on estimating this return using a model. Specifically, we use Temporal Difference learning TD(0) to estimate the value function. Temporal difference learning uses Bellman’s equation to define the value function of current state and action in terms of value function of future state and action.

Bellman’s equation for state, action value function

Based on this Bellman’s equation, a squared loss for TD-Learning is,

Loss Function for TD(0) Learning

The loss function can be minimized using semi-gradient based methods. Once we have a model for q, we can use that as the item scorer in the above slate recommender system architecture. If the discount factor γ =0, the return for each (state, action) pair is simply the immediate user feedback r. Therefore q with γ = 0 corresponds to an item scorer for a contextual bandit agent whereas for γ > 0, the recommender corresponds to a (value function based) RL agent. Therefore simply using the model for the value function as the item scorer in the above system architecture makes it very easy to use an RL based solution.

Budget constrained Recommendation Simulation

As in other applications of RL, we find simulations to be a helpful tool for studying this problem. Below we describe the generative process for the simulation data,

Generative model for simulated data

Note that, instead of sampling the per-item Bernoulli, we can alternatively sample once from a categorical distribution with relative relevances for items and a fixed weight for the null arm. The above generative process for simulated data depends on many hyper-parameters (loc, scale etc.). Each setting of these hyper-parameters results in a different simulated dataset and it’s easy to realize many simulated datasets in parallel. For the experiments below, we fix the hyper-parameters for the cost and relevance distributions and sweep over the initial user budget distribution’s location parameter. The attached notebook contains the exact settings of the hyper-parameters used for the simulations.


A slate recommendation algorithm generates slates and then the user model is used to predict the success/failure of each slate. Given the simulation data, we can train various recommendation algorithms and compare their performance using a simple metric as the average number of successes of the generated slates (referred to as play-rate below). In addition to play-rate, we look at the effective-slate-size as well, which we define to be the number of items in the slate that fit the user’s time budget. As mentioned earlier, one of the ways play-rate can be improved is by constructing larger effective slates (with relevant items of-course) so looking at this metric helps understand the mechanism of the recommendation algorithms.

On-policy learning results

Given the flexibility of working in the simulation setting, we can learn to construct optimal slates in an on-policy manner. For this, we start with some initial random model for the value function, generate slates from it, get user feedback (using the user model) and then update the value function model using the feedback and keep repeating this loop until the value function model converges. This is known as the SARSA algorithm.

The following set of results show how the learned recommender policies behave in terms of metric of success, play-rate for different settings of the user budget distributions’s location parameter and the discount factor. In addition to the play rate, we also show the effective slate size, average number of items that fit within the user budget. While the play rate changes are statistically insignificant (the shaded areas are the 95% confidence intervals estimated using bootstrapping simulations 100 times), we see a clear trend in the increase in the effective slate size (γ > 0) compared to the contextual bandit (γ= 0)

Play-Rate and Effective slate sizes for different User Budget distributions. The user budget distribution’s location is on the same scale of the item cost and we are looking for changes in the metrics as we make changes to the user budget distribution

We can actually get a more statistically sensitive result by comparing the result of the contextual bandit with an RL model for each simulation setting (similar to a paired comparison in paired t-test). Below we show the change in play rate (delta play rate) between any RL model (shown with γ = 0.8 below as an example) and a contextual bandit (γ = 0). We compare the change in this metric for different user budget distributions. By performing this paired comparison, we see a statistically significant lift in play rate for small to medium budget user budget ranges. This makes intuitive sense as we would expect both approaches to work equally well when the user budget is too large (therefore the item’s cost is irrelevant) and the RL algorithm only outperforms the contextual bandit when the user budget is limited and finding the trade-off between relevance and cost is important. The increase in the effective slate size is even more dramatic. This result clearly shows that the RL agent is performing better by minimizing the abandonment probability by packing more items within the user budget.

Paired comparison between RL and Contextual bandit. For limited user budget settings, we see statistically significant lift in play rate for the RL algorithm.

Off-policy learning results

So far the results have shown that in the budget constrained setting, reinforcement learning outperforms contextual bandit. These results have been for the on-policy learning setting which is very easy to simulate but difficult to execute in realistic recommender settings. In a realistic recommender, we have data generated by a different policy (called a behavior policy) and we want to learn a new and better policy from this data (called the target policy). This is called the off-policy setting. Q-Learning is one well known technique that allows us to learn optimal value function in an off-policy setting. The loss function for Q-Learning is very similar to the TD(0) loss except that it uses Bellman’s optimality equation instead

Loss function for Q-Learning

This loss can again be minimized using semi-gradient techniques. We estimate the optimal value function using Q-Learning and compare its performance with the optimal policy learned using the on-policy SARSA setup. For this, we generate slates using Q-Learning based optimal value function model and compare the play-rate with the slates generated using the optimal policy learned with SARSA. Below is result of the paired comparison between SARSA and Q-Learning,

Paired comparison between Q-Learning and SARSA. Play rates are similar between the two approaches but effective slate sizes are very different.

In this result, the change in the play-rate between on-policy and off-policy models is close to zero (see the error bars crossing the zero-axis). This is a favorable result as this shows that Q-Learning results in similar performance as the on-policy algorithm. However, the effective slate size is quite different between Q-Learning and SARSA. Q-Learning seems to be generating very large effective slate sizes without much difference in the play rate. This is an intriguing result and needs a little more investigation to fully uncover. We hope to spend more time understanding this result in future.


To conclude, in this writeup we presented the budget constrained recommendation problem and showed that in order to generate slates with higher chances of success, a recommender system has to balance both the relevance and cost of items so that more of the slate fits within the user’s time budget. We showed that the problem of budget constrained recommendation can be modeled as a Markov Decision Process and we can find a solution to optimal slate construction under budget constraints using reinforcement learning based methods. We showed that the RL outperforms contextual bandits in this problem setting. Moreover, we compared the performance of On-policy and Off-policy approaches and found the results to be comparable in terms of metrics of success.


Github repo

Reinforcement Learning for Budget Constrained Recommendations was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How Fresenius Medical Care aims to save dialysis patient lives using real-time predictive analytics on AWS

Post Syndicated from Kanti Singh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-fresenius-medical-care-aims-to-save-dialysis-patient-lives-using-real-time-predictive-analytics-on-aws/

This post is co-written by Kanti Singh, Director of Data & Analytics at Fresenius Medical Care.

Fresenius Medical Care is the world’s leading provider of kidney care products and services, and operates more than 2,600 dialysis centers in the US alone. The company provides comprehensive solutions for people living with chronic kidney disease and related conditions, with a mission to improve the quality of life of every patient, every day, by transforming healthcare through research, innovation, and compassion. Data analysis that leads to timely interventions is critical to this mission, and essential to reduce hospitalizations and prevent adverse events.

In this post, we walk you through the solution architecture, performance considerations, and how a research partnership with AWS around medical complexity led to an automated solution that helped deliver alerts for potential adverse events.

Why Fresenius Medical Care chose AWS

The Fresenius Medical Care technical team chose AWS as their preferred cloud platform for two key reasons.

First, we determined that AWS IoT Core was more mature than other solutions and would likely face fewer issues with deployment and certificates. As an organization, we wanted to go with a cloud platform that had a proven track record and established technical solutions and services in the IoT and data analytics space. This included Amazon Athena, which is an easy-to-use serverless service that you can use to run queries on data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for analysis.

Another factor that played a major role in our decision was the fact that AWS offered the largest set of serverless services for analytics than any other cloud provider. We ultimately determined that AWS innovations met the company’s current needs as well as positioned the company for the future as we worked to expand our predictive capabilities.

Solution overview

We needed to develop a near-real-time analytics solution that would collect dynamic dialysis machine data every 10 seconds during hemodialysis treatment in near-real time and personalize it to predict every 30 minutes if a patient is at a health risk for intradialytic hypotension (IDH) within the next 15–75 minutes. This solution needed to scale to all our dialysis centers nationwide, with each location sending 10 MBps of treatment data at peak times.

The complexities that needed to be managed in the solution included handling high throughput data, a low-latency time-sensitive solution of 10 seconds from data origination to reporting and notification, a highly available solution, and a cost-effective solution with on-demand scaling up or down based on data volume.

Fresenius Medical Care partnered with AWS on this mission and developed an architecture that met our technical and business requirements. Core components in the architecture included Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, and Amazon SageMaker. We chose Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Analytics primarily because they’re serverless and highly available (99.9%), offer very high throughput, and are easy to scale. We chose SageMaker due to its unique capability that allows ease of building, training, and running machine learning (ML) models at scale.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture.

The solution consists of the following key components:

  1. Data collection
  2. Data ingestion and aggregation
  3. Data lake storage
  4. ML Inference and operational analytics

Let’s discuss each stage in the workflow in more detail.

Data collection

Dialysis machines located in Fresenius Medical Care centers help patients in the treatment of end-stage renal disease by performing hemodialysis. The dialysis machines provide immediate access to all treatment and clinical trending data across the fleet of hemodialysis machines in all centers in the US.

These machines transmit a data payload every 10 seconds to Kafka brokers located in Fresenius Medical Care’s on-premises data center for use by several applications.

Data ingestion and aggregation

We use a Kinesis-Kafka connector hosted on self-managed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances to ingest data from a Kafka topic in near-real time into Kinesis Data Streams.

We use AWS Lambda to read the data points and filter the datasets accordingly to Kinesis Data Analytics. Upon reaching the batch size threshold, Lambda sends the data to Kinesis Data Analytics for instream analytics.

We chose Kinesis Data Analytics due to the ease-of-use it provides for SQL-based stream analytics. By using SQL with KDA (KDA Studio/Flink SQL), we can create dynamic features based on machine interval data arriving in real time. This data is joined with the patient demographic, historical clinical, treatment, and laboratory data (enriched with Amazon S3 data) to create the complete set of features required for a downstream ML model.

Data lake storage

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose was the simplest way to consistently load streaming data to build a raw data lake in Amazon S3. Kinesis Data Firehose micro-batches data into 128 MB file sizes and delivers streaming data to Amazon S3.

Clinical datasets are required to enrich stream data sourced from on-premises data warehouses via AWS Glue Spark jobs on a nightly basis. The AWS Glue jobs extract patient demographic, historical clinical, treatment, and laboratory data from the data warehouse to Amazon S3 and transform machine data from JSON to Parquet format for better storage and retrieval costs in Amazon S3. AWS Glue also helps build the static features for the intradialytic hypotension (IDH) ML model, which are required for downstream ML inference.

ML Inference and Operational analytics

Lambda batches the stream data from Kinesis Data Analytics that has all the features required for IDH ML model inference.

SageMaker, a fully managed service, trains and deploys the IDH predictive model. The deployed ML model provides a SageMaker endpoint that is used by Lambda for ML inference.

Amazon OpenSearch Service helps store the IDH inference results it received from Lambda. The results are then used for visualization through Kibana, which displays a personalized health prediction dashboard visual for each patient undergoing treatment and is available in near-real time for the care team to provide intervention proactively.

Observability and traceability for failures

Because this solution offers the potential for life-saving interventions, it’s considered business critical. The following key measures are taken to proactively monitor the AWS jobs in Fresenius Medical Care’s VPC account:

  • For AWS Glue jobs that have failures and errors in Lambda functions, an immediate email and Amazon CloudWatch alert is sent to the Data Ops team for resolution.
  • CloudWatch alarms are also generated for Amazon OpenSearch Service whenever there are blocks on writes or the cluster is overloaded with shard capacity, CPU utilization, or other issues, as recommended by AWS.
  • Kinesis Data Analytics and Kinesis Data Streams generate data quality alerts on data rejections or empty results.
  • Data quality alerts are also generated whenever data quality rules on data points are mismatched. To check mismatched data, we use quality rule comparison and sanity checks between message payloads in the stream with data loaded in the data lake.

These systematic and automated monitoring and alerting mechanisms help our team stay one step ahead to ensure that systems are running smoothly and successfully, and any unforeseen problems can be resolved as quickly as possible before it causes any adverse impact on users of the system.

AWS partnership

After Fresenius Medical Care took advantage of the AWS Data Lab to create a working prototype within one week, expert Solutions Architects from AWS became trusted advisors, helping our team with prescriptive guidance from ideation to production. The AWS team helped with both solution-based and service-specific best practices, helped resolve key blockers in every phase from development through production, and performed architecture reviews to ensure the solution was robust and resilient to business needs.

Solution results

This solution allows Fresenius Medical Care to better personalize care to patients undergoing dialysis treatment with a proactive intervention by clinicians at the point of care that has the potential to save patient lives. The following are some of the key benefits due to this solution:

  • Cloud computing resources enable the development, analysis, and integration of real-time predictive IDH that can be easily and seamlessly scaled as needed to reach additional clinics.
  • The use of our tool may be particularly useful in institutions facing staff shortages and, possibly, during home dialysis. Additionally, it may provide insights on strategies to prevent and manage IDH.
  • The solution enables modern and innovative solutions that improve patient care by providing world-class research and data-driven insights.

This solution has been proven to scale to an acceptable performance level of 6,000 messages per second, translating to 19 MB/sec with 60,000/sec concurrent Lambda invocations. The ability to adapt by scaling up and down every component in the architecture with ease kept costs very low, which wouldn’t have been possible elsewhere.


Successful implementation of this solution led to a think big approach in modernizing several legacy data assets and has set Fresenius Medical Care on the path of building an enterprise unified data analytics platform on AWS using Amazon S3, AWS Glue, Amazon EMR, and AWS Lake Formation. The unified data analytics platform offers robust data security and data sharing for multi-tenants in various geographies across the US. Similar to Fresenius, you can accelerate time to market by using the right tool for the job, using the broad and deep variety of AWS analytic native services.

About the authors

Kanti Singh is a Director of Data & Analytics at Fresenius Medical Care, leading the big data platform, architecture, and the engineering team. She loves to explore new technologies and how to leverage them to solve complex business problems. In her free time, she loves traveling, dancing, and spending time with family.

Harsha Tadiparthi is a Specialist Principal Solutions Architect specialized in analytics at Amazon Web Services. He enjoys solving complex customer problems in databases and analytics, and delivering successful outcomes. Outside of work, he loves to spend time with his family, watch movies, and travel whenever possible.

New – AWS Support App in Slack to Manage Support Cases

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-aws-support-app-in-slack-to-manage-support-cases/

ChatOps speeds up software development and operations by enabling DevOps teams to use chat clients and chatbots to communicate and run tasks. DevOps engineers have increasingly moved their monitoring, system management, continuous integration (CI), and continuous delivery (CD) workflows to chat applications in order to streamline activities in a single place and enable better collaboration within organizations.

For example, AWS Chatbot enables ChatOps for AWS to monitor and respond to operational events. AWS Chatbot processes AWS service notifications from Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and forwards them to your Slack channel or Amazon Chime chat rooms so teams can analyze and act on them immediately, regardless of location. However, AWS Support customers had to switch applications from Slack to the AWS Support Center console to access and engage with AWS Support, moving them away from critical operation channels where essential group communications take place.

Today we are announcing the new AWS Support App, which enables you to directly manage your technical, billing, and account support cases, increase service quotas in Slack, and initiate a live chat with AWS Support engineers in Slack channels. You can then search for, respond to, and participate in group chats with AWS Support engineers to resolve support cases from your Slack channels.

With the AWS Support App in Slack, you can integrate AWS Support into your team workflows to improve collaboration. When creating, updating, or monitoring a support case status, your team members keep up to date in real time. They can also easily search previous cases to find recommendations and solutions and instantly share those details with all team members without having to switch applications.

Configuring the AWS Support App in Slack
The AWS Support App in Slack is now available to all customers with Business, Enterprise On-ramp, or Enterprise Support at no additional charge. If you have a Basic or Developer plan, you can upgrade your support plan.

For connecting your Slack workspace and channel for your organization, you should have access to add apps to your Slack workspace and an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role with the required permissions. To learn more, see examples of IAM policies to manage access.

To get started with the AWS Support App in Slack, visit the AWS Support Center console and choose Authorize workspace.

When prompted to give permissions to access your Slack workspace, you can select your workspace to connect and choose Allow.

Now you can see your workspace on the Slack configuration page. To add more workspaces, choose Add workspace and repeat this step. You can add up to five workspaces to your account.

After you authorize your Slack workspace, you can add your Slack channels by choosing Add channel. You can add up to 20 channels for a single account. A single Slack channel can have up to 100 AWS accounts.

Choose the workspace name that you previously authorized, the Slack channel ID included in the channel link and the value that looks like C01234A5BCD where you invited the AWS Support App by /invite @awssupport command, the IAM role that you created for the AWS Support App.

You can also set notifications for how to get notified about cases and choose at least one of the options in New and reopened cases, Case correspondences, or Resolved cases for notification types. If you select High-severity cases, you can get notified for only cases that affect a production system or higher by the severity levels.

After adding a new channel, you can now open the Slack channel and manage support cases and live chats with AWS Support engineers.

Managing Support Cases in the Slack Channel
After you add your Slack workspace and channel, you can create, search, resolve, and reopen your support case in your Slack channel.

In your Slack channel, when you enter /awssupport create-case command, you can create a support case to specify the subject, description, issue type, service, category, severity, and contact method — either email and Slack notifications or live chat in Slack.

If you choose Live chat in Slack, you can enter the names of other members. AWS Support App will create a new chat channel for the created support case and will automatically add you, the members that you specified, and AWS Support engineers.

After reviewing the information you provided, you can create a support case. You can also choose Share to channel to share the search results with the channel.

In your Slack channel, when you enter the /awssupport search-case command, you can search support cases for a specific AWS account, data range, and case status, such as open or resolved.

You can choose See details to see more information about a case. When you see details for a support case, you can resolve or reopen specific support cases directly.

Initiating Live Chat Sessions with AWS Support Engineers
If you chose the live chat option when you created your case, the AWS Support App creates a chat channel for you and an AWS Support engineer. You can use this chat channel to communicate with a support engineer and any others that you invited to the live chat.

To join a live chat session with AWS Support, navigate to the channel name that the AWS Support App created for you. The live channel name contains your support case ID, such as awscase-1234567890. Anyone who joins your live chat channel can view details about this specific support case. We strongly recommend that you only add users that require access to your support cases.

When a support engineer joins the channel, you can chat with a support engineer about your support case and upload any file attachments to the channel. The AWS Support App automatically saves your files and chat log to your case correspondence.

To stop chatting with the support agent, choose End chat or enter the /awssupport endchat command. The support agent will leave the channel and the AWS Support App will stop recording the live chat. You can find the chat history attached to the case correspondence for this support case. If the issue has been resolved, you can choose Resolve case from the pinned message to show the case details in the chat channel or enter the /awssupport resolve command.

When you manage support cases or join live chats for your account in the Slack channel, you can view the case correspondences to determine whether the case has been updated in the Slack channel. You can also audit the Support API calls the application made on behalf of users via logs in AWS CloudTrail. To learn more, see Logging AWS Support API calls using AWS CloudTrail.

Requesting Service Quota Increases
In your Slack channel, when you enter the /awssupport service-quota-increase command, you can request to increase the service quota for a specific AWS account, AWS Region, service name, quota name, and requested value for the quota increase.

Now Available
The AWS Support App in Slack is now available to all customers with Business, Enterprise On-ramp, or Enterprise Support at no additional charge. If you have a Basic or Developer plan, you can upgrade your support plan. To learn more, see Manage support cases with the AWS Support App or contact your usual AWS Support contacts.


Removing complexity to improve business performance: How Bridgewater Associates built a scalable, secure, Spark-based research service on AWS

Post Syndicated from Sergei Dubinin original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/removing-complexity-to-improve-business-performance-how-bridgewater-associates-built-a-scalable-secure-spark-based-research-service-on-aws/

This is a guest post co-written by Sergei Dubinin, Oleksandr Ierenkov, Illia Popov and Joel Thompson, from Bridgewater.

Bridgewater’s core mission is to understand how the world works by analyzing the drivers of markets and turning that understanding into high-quality portfolios and investment advice for our clients. Within Bridgewater Technology, we strive to make our researchers as productive as possible at what they do best: building the fundamental understanding of global markets. This means eliminating the need to deal with underlying IT infrastructure, and focusing on building and improving their investment ideas.

In this post, we examine our proprietary service in four dimensions. We talk about our business challenges, how we met our high security bar, how we can scale to meet the demands of the business, and how we do all of this in a cost-effective manner.


Our researchers’ demand for compute required to develop and test their investment logic is constantly growing. This consistent and aggressive growth in compute capacity was a driving force behind our initial decision to move to the public cloud.

Utilizing the scale of the AWS Cloud has allowed us to generate investment signals and views of the world that would have been impossible to do on premises. When we first moved this analytical workload to AWS, we built on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) along with other services such as Elastic Load Balancing, AWS Auto Scaling, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to provide core functionality. A short time later, we moved to the AWS Nitro System, completing jobs 20% faster—allowing our research teams to iterate more quickly on their investment ideas.

The next step in our evolution started 2 years ago when we adopted Apache Spark as the underlying compute engine for our investment logic execution service. This helped streamline our analytics pipeline, removing duplication and decoupling many of the plugins we were developing for our researchers. Rather than run Apache Spark ourselves, we chose Amazon EMR as a hosted Spark platform. However, we soon discovered that Amazon EMR on EC2 wasn’t a good fit for the way we wanted to use it. For example, we can’t predict when a researcher will submit a job, so to avoid having our researchers wait for a brand new EMR cluster to be created and bootstrapped, we used long-lived EMR clusters, which forced many different jobs to run on the same cluster. However, because a single EMR cluster can only exist in a single Availability Zone, our cluster was limited to only being able to launch instances in that Availability Zone. At the significant scale that we were operating at, individual Availability Zones started running out of our desired instance capacity to meet our needs. Although we could launch many different clusters across different Availability Zones, that would leave us handling job scheduling at a high level, which was the whole point of using Amazon EMR and Spark. Furthermore, to be as cost-efficient as possible, we wanted to continuously scale the number of nodes in the cluster based on demand, and as a result, we would churn through thousands of nodes a day. This constant churning of nodes caused job failures and additional operational overhead for our teams.

We brought these concerns to AWS, who took the lead in pushing these issues to resolution. AWS partnered closely with us to understand our use cases and the impact of job failures, and tirelessly worked with us to solve these challenges. Working with the Amazon EMR team, we narrowed down the problem to our aggressive scaling patterns, which the service could not handle at that time. Over the course of just a few months, the Amazon EMR team made several service improvements in the scaling mechanism to meet our needs and the needs of many other AWS customers.

While working closely with the Amazon EMR team on these issues, the AWS team informed us of the development of Amazon EMR on EKS, a managed service that would enable us to run Spark workloads on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Amazon EKS is a strategic platform for us across various business units at Bridgewater, and after doing a proof of concept of our workload using EMR on EKS, it became clear that this was a better fit for our use case and more aligned with our strategic direction. After migrating to EMR on EKS, we can now take advantage of capacity in multiple Availability Zones and improve our resiliency to EMR cluster issues or broader service events, while still meeting our high security bar.


Another important aspect of our service is ensuring it maintains the appropriate security posture. Among other concerns, Bridgewater strictly compartmentalizes access to different investment ideas, and we must defend against the possibility of a malicious insider attempting to steal our intellectual property or otherwise harm Bridgewater. To balance the trade-offs between speed and security, we designed security controls to defend against potentially malicious jobs, while enabling our researchers to quickly iterate on their code. This is made more complicated by the design of Spark’s Kubernetes backend. The Spark driver, which in our case is running arbitrary and untrusted code, has to be given Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) permissions to create Kubernetes Pods. The ability to create Pods is very powerful and can lead to privilege escalation.

Our first layer of isolation is to run each job in its own Kubernetes namespace (and, therefore, in its own EMR on EKS virtual cluster). A namespace and virtual cluster are created when the job is ready to be submitted, and they’re deleted when that job is finished. This prevents one job from interfering directly with another job, but there are still other vectors to defend against. For example, Spark drivers should not be creating Pods with containers that run as root or source their images from unapproved repositories. We first investigated PodSecurityPolicies for this purpose. However, they couldn’t solve all of our use cases (such as restricting where container images can be pulled from), and they are currently being deprecated and will eventually be removed. Instead, we turned to Open Policy Agent (OPA) Gatekeeper, which provides a flexible approach for writing policies in code that can do more complex authorization decisions and allows us to implement our desired suite of controls. We also worked with the AWS Service Team to add further defense in depth, such as ensuring that all Pods created by EMR on EKS dropped all Linux capabilities, which we could then enforce with Gatekeeper.

The following diagram illustrates how we can maintain the required job separation within our research service.


One of the largest motivations of our evolution to Spark on Amazon EMR and then on EMR on EKS was improving the efficiency of our resource utilization by aggressively scaling based on demand. Our fundamental cause-and-effect understanding of markets and economies is powered by our systematic, high-performance compute Spark grid. We run simulations at a constantly increasing scale and need an architecture that can scale up and meet our foreseeable business needs for the next several years.

Our platform runs two types of jobs: ad hoc interactive and scheduled batch. Each type of job brings its own scaling complexities, and both benefited from the evolution to EMR on EKS. Ad hoc jobs can be submitted at any time throughout business hours, and the simulation determines how much compute capacity is needed. For example, a particular job may need one EC2 instance or 100 EC2 instances. This can translate to hundreds of EC2 instances needing to be spun up or down within a few minutes. The scheduled batch jobs run periodically throughout the day with predetermined simulations and similarly translates to hundreds of EC2 instances spinning up or down. In total, scaling up and down by many hundreds of EC2 instances in a few minutes is common, and we needed a solution that could meet those business requirements.

For this specific problem, we needed a solution that was able to handle aggressive scaling events on the order of hundreds of EC2 instances per minute. Additionally, when operating at this scale, it’s important to both diversify instance types and spread jobs across Availability Zones. EMR on EKS empowers us to run fully-managed Spark jobs on an EKS cluster that spans multiple Availability Zones and provides the option to choose a heterogeneous set of instance types for Amazon EKS. Spanning a single EKS cluster across Availability Zones enables us to utilize compute capacity across the entire Region, thereby increasing instance diversity and availability for this workload. Because Spark jobs are running within containers on Amazon EKS, we can easily swap out instance types within the EKS cluster or run different instance types within the same cluster. As a result of these capabilities, we’re able to regularly scale our production service to approximately 1,600 EC2 instances totaling 25,000 cores at peak, running 3,000 jobs per day.

Finally, in late 2021, we conducted some scaling tests to see what the realistic limits of our service are. We are happy to share that we were able to scale our service to three times our normal daily size in terms of compute and simulations run. This exercise has validated that we will be able to meet the increase in business demand without committing additional engineering resources to do so.

Cost management

In addition to significantly increasing our ability to scale, we also were able to design the solution to be extremely cost effective. Prior to EMR on EKS, we had two options for Spark jobs: either self-managed on Amazon EC2 or using Amazon EMR on EC2. Self-managing on Amazon EC2 meant that we needed to manage the complexities of scheduling jobs on nodes, manage the Spark clusters themselves, and develop a separate application to provision and stop EC2 instances as Spark jobs ran to scale the workloads. Amazon EMR on EC2 provides a managed service to run Spark workloads on Amazon EC2. However, for customers like us who need to operate in multiple Availability Zones and already have a technology footprint on Kubernetes, EMR on EKS made more sense.

Moving to EMR on EKS enables us to scale dynamically as jobs are submitted, generating huge cost savings. Simulation capacity is right-sized within the range of a few minutes; something that is not possible with another solution. Additionally, our investment in Amazon EC2 Compute Savings Plans provides us with the savings and flexibility to meet our needs; we just need to specify how many compute hours we’re committed to in a particular Region and AWS handles the rest. You can read more about the cost benefits of EMR on EKS in Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS provides up to 61% lower costs and up to 68% performance improvement for Spark workloads.

The future

Although we’re currently meeting our key users’ needs, we have prioritized several improvements to our service for the future. First, we plan on replacing the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler with Karpenter. Given our aggressive and frequent compute scaling, we have found that some jobs can be unexpectedly stopped using the Cluster Autoscaler. We experience this about six times a day. We expect Karpenter will greatly diminish the occurrence of this failure mode. To learn more about Karpenter, check out Introducing Karpenter – An Open-Source High-Performance Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler.

Second, we’re moving several complementary services that are currently running on EC2 to EKS. This will increase our ability to deploy meaningful improvements for our business and increase resiliency to service events.

Finally, we are making longer term efforts to improve our resiliency to regional service events. We are exploring broadening our operations to other AWS Regions, which would allow us to increase our service availability as well as maintain our burst capacity.


Working closely with AWS teams, we were able to develop a scalable, secure, and cost-optimized service on AWS that allows our researchers to generate larger and more complex investment ideas without worrying about IT infrastructure. Our service runs our Spark-based simulations across multiple Availability Zones at near-full utilization without having to worry about building or maintaining a scheduling platform. Finally, we are able to meet and surpass our security benchmarks by creating job separation using native AWS constructs at scale. This has given us tremendous confidence that our mission-critical data is safe in the AWS Cloud.

Through this close partnership with AWS, Bridgewater is poised to anticipate and meet the rigorous demands of our researchers for years to come; something that was not possible in our old data centers or with our prior architecture. Our President and CTO, Igor Tsyganskiy, recently spoke with AWS at length on this partnership. For the video of this discussion, check out Merging Business and Tech – Bridgewater’s Guide to Drive Agility.


  • Igor Tsyganskiy, President and Chief Technology Officer, Bridgewater
  • Aaron Linsky, Sr. Product Manager, Bridgewater
  • Gopinathan Kannan, Sr. Mgr. Engineering, Amazon Web Services
  • Vaibhav Sabharwal, Sr. Customer Solutions Manager, Amazon Web Services
  • Joseph Marques, Senior Principal Engineer, Amazon Web Services
  • David Brown, VP EC2, Amazon Web Services

About the authors

Sergei Dubinin is an Engineering Manager with Bridgewater. He is passionate about building big data processing systems that are suitable for a secure, stable, and performant use in production.

Oleksandr Ierenkov is a Solution Architect for EPAM Systems. He has focused on helping Bridgewater migrate in-house distributed systems to microservices on Kubernetes and various AWS-managed services with a focus on operational efficiency. Oleksandr is basically the same name as Alexander, only Ukrainian.

Anthony Pasquariello is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS based in New York City. He specializes in modernization and security for our advanced enterprise customers. Anthony enjoys writing and speaking about all things cloud. He’s pursuing an MBA, and received his MS and BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering.

Illia Popov is a Tech Lead for EPAM Systems. Illia has been working with Bridgewater since 2018 and was active in planning and implementing the migration to EMR on EKS. He is excited to continue delivering value to Bridgewater by adapting managed services in close cooperation with AWS.

Peter Sideris is a Sr. Technical Account Manager at AWS. He works with some of our largest and most complex customers to ensure their success in the AWS Cloud. Peter enjoys his family, marine reef keeping, and volunteers his time to the Boy Scouts of America in several capacities.

Joel Thompson is an Architect at Bridgewater Associates, where he has worked in a variety of technology roles over the past 13 years, including building some of the earliest foundations of AWS adoption at Bridgewater. He is passionate about solving complicated problems to securely deliver value to the business. Outside of work, Joel is an avid skier, helped co-found the fwd:cloudsec cloud security conference, and enjoys traveling to spend time with friends and family.

Expanded eligibility for the free MFA security key program

Post Syndicated from CJ Moses original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/expanded-eligibility-for-the-free-mfa-security-key-program/

Since the broad launch of our multi-factor authentication (MFA) security key program, customers have been enthusiastic about the program and how they will use it to improve their organizations’ security posture. Given the level of interest, we’re expanding eligibility for the program to allow more US-based AWS account root users and payer accounts to take advantage of the offer. Previously, eligibility required that US-based root users and payer accounts spend a minimum of $100 per month over the past 3 months. Now, we are expanding eligibility to US-based root users and payer accounts who have spent a minimum of $300 over the past 3 months. If you are a US-based customer who meets the expanded eligibility requirements, we encourage you to place an order for your free security key. As a reminder, you can use the following steps to order your free key.

To order your free security key

  1. Confirm your eligibility at the ordering portal. You will be prompted to sign in if you haven’t already. Sign in with your AWS account root user or payer account credentials.
  2. Choose your free security key from the available options.
  3. Provide your email address for order confirmation and your shipping address.
  4. Place your order.

MFA as a core security best practice is one of the key messages emphasized at the recent AWS re:Inforce conference. Using MFA is one of the simplest ways for anyone, personally or professionally, to help improve their security online. For example, if credentials become compromised on GitHub, users have an extra layer of protection if MFA is enabled. Or, if your login details are compromised for your bank account, MFA acts a second factor to protect your account.

If you’re not eligible for a free security key at this time, but would still like a security key, check out our MFA recommendations. These are available for purchase from many sellers, including Amazon. For more information about the MFA program, see our Free MFA Security Key page.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

CJ Moses

CJ Moses

CJ is the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at AWS, where he leads product design and security engineering. His mission is to deliver the economic and security benefits of cloud computing to business and government customers. Previously, CJ led the technical analysis of computer and network intrusion efforts at the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Division. He also served as a Special Agent with the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). CJ led several computer intrusion investigations seen as foundational to the information security industry today.

[$] From late-bound arguments to deferred computation, part 2

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/904900/

Discussion on PEP 671 (“Syntax
for late-bound function argument defaults”) has been going on—in fits and
starts—since it was introduced last
. The idea is to provide a way
to specify the default for a function argument that is evaluated in the
scope of the function
call, which will allow more concise, and visible, defaults. But there has
been a persistent complaint that what the
language needs is a more-general
deferred computation feature; late-bound defaults would simply fall out as
one specific user of the feature. The arrival of a proposal for deferred
computation did not really
accomplish that goal, however.

Cybersecurity Analysts: Job Stress Is Bad, but Boredom Is Kryptonite

Post Syndicated from Amy Hunt original https://blog.rapid7.com/2022/08/24/cybersecurity-analysts-job-stress-is-bad-but-boredom-is-kryptonite/

Cybersecurity Analysts: Job Stress Is Bad, but Boredom Is Kryptonite

Years ago, “airline pilot” used to be a high-stress profession. Imagine being in personal control of equipment worth millions hurtling through the sky on an irregular schedule with the lives of all the passengers in your hands.

But today on any given flight, autopilot is engaged almost 90% of the time. (The FAA requires it on long-haul flights or anytime the aircraft is over 28,000 feet.) There are vast stretches of time where the problem isn’t stress – it’s highly trained, intelligent people just waiting to perhaps be needed if something goes wrong.

Of course, automation has made air travel much safer. But over-reliance on it is now considered an emerging risk for pilots. The concerns? Loss of situational awareness, and difficulty taking over quickly and deftly when something fails. FAA scientist Kathy Abbott believes automation has made pilot error more likely if they “abdicate too much responsibility to the automated systems.” This year, the FAA rewrote its guidance, now encouraging pilots to spend more time actually flying and keeping their skills sharp.

What you want at any job is “flow”

Repetitive tasks can be a big part of a cybersecurity analyst’s day. But when you combine monotony (which often leads to boredom) with the need for attentiveness, it’s kryptonite. One neuroscientific study proved chronic boredom affects “judgment, goal-directed planning, risk assessment, attention focus, distraction suppression, and intentional control over emotional responses.”

The goal is total and happy immersion in a task that challenges you but is within your abilities. When you have that, you’re “in the zone.” And you’re not even tempted to multi-task (which isn’t really a thing).

Combine InsightConnect and InsightIDR, and you can find yourself “in the zone” for incident response:

  • Response playbooks are automatically triggered from InsightIDR investigations and alerts.
  • Alerts are prioritized, and false alerts are wiped away.
  • Alerts and investigations are automatically enriched: no more manually checking IP’s, DNS names, hashes, etc.
  • Pathways to PagerDuty, Slack, Microsoft Teams, JIRA, and ServiceNow are already set up for you and tickets are created automatically for alerts.

According to Rapid7‘s Detection and Response Practice Advisor Jeffrey Gardner, the coolest example of InsightIDR’s automaticity is its baselining capability.

“Humans are built to notice patterns, but we can only process so much so quickly,” Gardner says. “Machine learning lets us take in infinitely more data than a human would ever be able to process and find interesting or anomalous activity that would otherwise be missed.” InsightIDR can look at user/system activity and immediately notify you when things appear awry.

The robots are not coming for your job – surely not yours. But humans and machines are already collaborating, and we need to be very thoughtful about exactly, precisely how.

Like inattentive commercial pilots, Tesla drivers using Autopilot don’t much look at the road even though they’re required to, and they remain wholly responsible for everything the vehicle does. Teslas are also being hacked, started, and driven off.  A 19-year-old took 25 Teslas. We’re designing our jobs – and life on earth, too.

Additional reading:


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