All posts by Artem Lovan

The three most important AWS WAF rate-based rules

Post Syndicated from Artem Lovan original

In this post, we explain what the three most important AWS WAF rate-based rules are for proactively protecting your web applications against common HTTP flood events, and how to implement these rules. We share what the Shield Response Team (SRT) has learned from helping customers respond to HTTP floods and show how all AWS WAF customers can benefit from these learnings.

When you have business-critical applications that are internet-facing, you need to protect them from risks such as distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. AWS Shield Advanced is a managed DDoS protection service that safeguards applications that are running behind Amazon Web Services (AWS) internet-facing resources. The backend origin of your application can exist anywhere, including on premises, and Shield Advanced can protect it. Shield Advanced provides DDoS protection for Layers 3–7. It also includes 24/7 access to the SRT to help you quickly respond to sophisticated unauthorized activity scenarios that might be unique to your application. To learn more about what resource types are supported to associate AWS WAF, see AWS WAF.

Increasingly, the SRT has been assisting customers in protecting against Layer 7 HTTP flood occurrences that negatively impact application availability or performance by overloading the application with an unusually high number of HTTP requests. In many cases, these malicious events can be automatically mitigated by using AWS WAF. In addition, AWS WAF has an easy-to-configure native rate-based rule capability, which detects source IP addresses that make large numbers of HTTP requests within a 5-minute time span, and automatically blocks requests from the offending source IP until the rate of requests falls below a set threshold. In this post, we show how you can pull insights from the AWS WAF logs to determine what your rate-based rule threshold should be.

The top three most important AWS WAF rate-based rules are:

  • A blanket rate-based rule to protect your application from large HTTP floods.
  • A rate-based rule to protect specific URIs at more restrictive rates than the blanket rate-based rule.
  • A rate-based rule to protect your application against known malicious source IPs.

Solution overview

AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect your web applications against common web exploits that might affect availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. AWS WAF gives you control over which web traffic reaches your applications. If you already know the request rates for your application, you have all the necessary information to start creating your AWS WAF rate-based rules. To learn more about how to create rules, see Creating a rule and adding conditions. However, if you don’t have this data and want to learn how to get started, this solution helps you determine appropriate rates for your applications, and how to create AWS WAF rate-based rules.

Figure 1 shows how incoming request information is captured so that the operations team can use it to determine rate-based rules.

Figure 1: The workflow to collect and query logs and apply rate-based rules

Figure 1: The workflow to collect and query logs and apply rate-based rules

Let’s go through the flow to better understand what’s happening at each step:

  1. An application user makes requests to the application.
  2. AWS WAF captures information about the incoming requests and sends this to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
  3. Kinesis Data Firehose delivers the logs to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, where they will be stored.
  4. The operations team uses Amazon Athena to analyze the logs with SQL queries.
  5. Athena queries the logs in the S3 bucket and shows the query results.
  6. The operations team uses the query results to determine the appropriate AWS WAF rate-based rule.

The three rate-based rules in detail

Each of the rules helps to protect web applications from unauthorized activity. Each of the rules focuses on a specific aspect of protection. The rules complement each other, and so when they’re combined, they can offer greater help in protecting your web application. We’ll look at each of the rules to understand what they do.

Blanket rate-based rule

A blanket rate-based rule is designed to prevent any single source IP address from negatively impacting the availability of a website. For example, if the threshold for the rate-based rule is set to 2,000, the rule will block all IPs that are making more than 2,000 requests in a rolling 5-minute period. This is the most basic rate-based rule, and one of the most valuable for AWS WAF customers to implement. The SRT often helps customers who are actively under a DDoS attack to quickly implement this rule. In past experiences with HTTP flood cases, if this rule were proactively in place, the customer would have been protected and wouldn’t have needed to reach out to the SRT for assistance. The blanket rate-based rule would have automatically blocked the attempt without any human intervention.

URI-specific rate-based rule

Some application URI endpoints typically receive a high request volume, but for others it would be unusual and suspicious to see a high request count. For example, multiple requests in a 5-minute period to an application’s login page is suspicious and indicates a potential brute force or credential-stuffing attack against the application. A URI-specific rule can prevent a single source IP address from connecting to the login page as few as 100 times per 5-minute period, while still allowing a much higher request volume to the rest of the application. Some applications naturally have computationally expensive URIs that, when called, require considerably more resources to process the request. An example of this could be a database query or search function. If a bad actor targets these computationally expensive URIs, this can quickly lead to application performance or availability issues. If you assign a URI-specific rate-based rule to these portions of your site, you can configure a much lower threshold than the blanket rate-based rule. It’s beyond the scope of this blog post, but some customers use Application Load Balancer access logs and the target_processing_time information to determine precisely which portions of the site are the slowest to respond and might represent a computationally expensive call. These customers then put additional rate-based rule protections on calls that are made to these URIs.

IP reputation rate-based rule

Many of the DDoS events the SRT assists customers with include HTTP floods that originate from known malicious source IPs. The AWS WAF Security Automations solution provides AWS WAF customers with a subscription to four open-source threat intelligence lists. Rate-based rules with low thresholds can be applied to requests coming from these suspect sources. Some customers feel comfortable completely blocking web requests from these IPs, but at the very least, requests from these IPs should be rate-limited to protect the application from these well-known malicious sources.

It’s also common to see HTTP floods originate from IP addresses within certain countries. You can use AWS WAF geographical matching rules to assign lower rate-based rule thresholds to requests that originate from certain countries, or countries that don’t contain your web application’s primary user base. For example, suppose your application primarily serves users in the United States. In that case, it could be beneficial to create a rate-based rule with a low threshold for requests that come from any country other than the United States. HTTP floods are also commonly seen originating from IP addresses classified as cloud hosting provider IPs. You can use AWS WAF’s “HostingProviderIPList” Managed Rule to label these requests and then assign a lower rate-based rule threshold to them as well.


Before you implement the solution, verify that:

  • AWS WAF is deployed in your AWS account and is associated with an Amazon CloudFront distribution or an Application Load Balancer.
  • Your AWS WAF default action is set to Block. When you create and configure a web ACL, you set the web ACL default action, which determines how AWS WAF handles web requests that don’t match any rules in the web ACL. To learn more about default action for a web ACL, see Deciding on the default action for a web ACL.
  • AWS WAF logging is configured and logs are being stored in an S3 bucket.

    Note: You can follow these instructions to configure delivery of AWS WAF logs to your S3 bucket, and you can also use AWS Firewall Manager to configure centralized AWS WAF logging in a multi-account environment.

Set up Athena to analyze AWS WAF logs

Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that you can use to analyze data in Amazon S3 by using standard SQL. For this solution, you’ll use Athena to connect to the S3 bucket where AWS WAF logs are stored and query the AWS WAF logs. The first step is to open the Athena console and create a database.

Note: The Athena database and table creation is a once-off configuration process. You can then come back and run the queries and see the query results based on your latest AWS WAF log data.

To create an Athena database, you’ll use a data definition language (DDL) statement. Paste the following query in the Athena query editor, replacing values as described here:

  • Replace <your-bucket-name> with the S3 bucket name that holds your AWS WAF logs.
  • For <bucket-prefix-if-exist>, if AWS WAF logs are stored in an S3 bucket prefix, replace with your prefix name. Otherwise, remove this part from the query, including the slash “/” at the end.
  LOCATION 's3://<your-bucket-name>/<bucket-prefix-if-exist>/';

Choose Run query to run the query and create the database. Successful completion will be indicated by the query result, as shown below.

Query successful. 

Next, you’ll create a table inside the database. Paste the following query in the Athena query editor, replacing values as described here:

  • Replace <your-bucket-name> with the S3 bucket name that holds your AWS WAF logs.
  • For <bucket-prefix-if-exist>, if AWS WAF logs are stored in an S3 bucket prefix, replace with your prefix name. Otherwise, you can remove this part from the query, including the slash “/” at the end.
  • For has_encrypted_data, if your AWS WAF log data is encrypted at rest, change the value to true, otherwise false is the correct value.
  `terminatingRuleId` string,
  `httpSourceName` string,
  `action` string,
  `httpSourceId` string,
  `terminatingRuleType` string,
  `webaclId` string,
  `timestamp` float,
  `formatVersion` int,
  `ruleGroupList` array<string>,
  `httpRequest` struct<`headers`:array<struct<name:string,value:string>>,clientIp:string,args:string,requestId:string,httpVersion:string,httpMethod:string,country:string,uri:string>,
  `rateBasedRuleList` string,
  `nonTerminatingMatchingRules` string,
  `terminatingRuleMatchDetails` string 
  'serialization.format' = '1'
) LOCATION 's3://<your-bucket-name>/<bucket-prefix-if-exist>/'
TBLPROPERTIES ('has_encrypted_data'='false');

Run the query in the Athena console. After the query completes, Athena registers the waftable table, which makes the data in it available for queries.

Run SQL queries to identify rate-based rule thresholds

Now that you have a table in Athena, know where the data is located, and have the correct schema, you can run SQL queries for each of the rate-based rules and see the query results.

Blanket rate-based rule for all application endpoints

You’ll start with a SQL query that identifies the blanket rule. The critical factor in determining the blanket rule is to run the query against AWS WAF logs data that represents a healthy high request volume. The following query defines a time window of 6 hours in the evening, expressed as 2020-12-01 16:00:00 and 2020-12-01 22:00:00. Time windows can span a few hours or several days; however, this time window must be a good representation of your traffic volume, which you will use as the basis to identify the threshold. For example, if your application is busier during certain periods, you should evaluate the log data for that time. In the example shown here, we limit the query results to the top 100 IPs in our SQL queries. You can adjust the limit to your needs by updating the LIMIT value.

  COUNT(*) AS "count"
FROM wafrulesdb.waftable
WHERE from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2020-12-01 16:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP '2020-12-01 22:00:00'
GROUP BY httprequest.clientip, FLOOR("timestamp"/(1000*60*5))
LIMIT 100; 

Update the time window to your needs and run the query in the Athena console. The results will show the top requesting IPs in any 5-minute period between two dates, as illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2: The top requesting IP in any 5-minute period between dates

Figure 2: The top requesting IP in any 5-minute period between dates

You can visualize the results data to see a holistic view of the request count per IP. The chart in Figure 3 illustrates the SQL query results.

Figure 3: Chart: Top requesting IP in any 5-minute period between dates

Figure 3: Chart: Top requesting IP in any 5-minute period between dates

The results are sorted by showing the IPs with the highest request volume for every 5-minute period. This means that the same IP could appear multiple times, if most of the requests were made within that 5-minute interval. In our example, looking at the result, an excellent first blanket rule would limit the request volume to about 7,000 requests within a 5-minute time period. You can either create the AWS WAF rule by using the following JSON and the JSON rule editor, or by using the AWS WAF visual rule editor and following these instructions. If you’re using the following JSON, make sure to replace the Limit value with the value that you identified by running the SQL query earlier.

  "Name": "BlanketRule",
  "Priority": 2,
  "Action": {
    "Block": {}
  "VisibilityConfig": {
    "SampledRequestsEnabled": true,
    "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true,
    "MetricName": "BlanketRule"
  "Statement": {
    "RateBasedStatement": {
      "Limit": 7000,
      "AggregateKeyType": "IP"

Sometimes a client connects to an application through an HTTP proxy or a content delivery network (CDN), which obscures the client origin IP. It’s important to identify the client IP instead of the one from the proxy or CDN, because blocking source IPs can cause a wider unwanted impact. You can use many tools to help you identify whether the source IP might be a CDN. In this case, you would need to query and filter on the X-Forwarded-For, True-Client-IP, or other custom headers. CDN providers typically publish which headers they add to the requests, but X-Forwarded-For and True-Client-IP are common. The following query shows how you can reference these headers, illustrating with the X-Forwarded-For header, to write rate-based rules. You can replace X-Forwarded-For with the header you expect to hold the client IP.

  COUNT(*) AS "count"
FROM wafrulesdb.waftable, UNNEST(httprequest.headers) as t(header)
    from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2020-12-01 16:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP '2020-12-01 22:00:00'
  AND = 'X-Forwarded-For'
GROUP BY header.value, FLOOR("timestamp"/(1000*60*5))
LIMIT 100;

URI-based rule for specific application endpoints

Suppose that you want to further limit requests to the login page on your website. To do this, you could add the following string match condition to a rate-based rule:

  • The part of the request to filter on is URI
  • The Match Type is Starts with
  • A Value to match is /login (this needs to be whatever identifies the login page in the URI portion of the web request)

Next you have to identify what is a typical request volume to the /login URI for the application. The following SQL query does exactly that.

  COUNT(*) AS "count"
FROM wafrulesdb.waftable
  from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2020-12-01 16:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP '2020-12-01 22:00:00'
  httprequest.uri = '/login'
GROUP BY httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri, FLOOR("timestamp"/(1000*60*5))
LIMIT 100;

Replace the time window 2020-12-01 16:00:00 and 2020-12-01 22:00:00 and the httprequest.uri value, if applicable, and run the query in the Athena console. The results show the highest requesting IP and /login URI for every 5-minute period between dates, as illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4: The highest requesting IP and /login URI for every 5-minute period between dates

Figure 4: The highest requesting IP and /login URI for every 5-minute period between dates

Figure 5 illustrates a chart based on the query results for the highest requesting IP and /login URI for every 5-minute period between dates.

Figure 5: Chart: The highest requesting IP and /login URI for every 5-minute period between dates

Figure 5: Chart: The highest requesting IP and /login URI for every 5-minute period between dates

Based on the SQL query results, you would specify a rate limit of 150 requests per 5 minutes. Adding this rate-based rule to a web ACL will limit requests to your login page per IP address without affecting the rest of your site. Once again, you can either create the AWS WAF rule by using the following JSON and the JSON rule editor, or by using the AWS WAF visual rule editor and following these instructions. If you’re using the following JSON, make sure to replace the Limit value with the value that you identified by running the SQL query earlier.

  "Name": "UriBasedRule",
  "Priority": 1,
  "Action": {
    "Block": {}
  "VisibilityConfig": {
    "SampledRequestsEnabled": true,
    "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true,
    "MetricName": "UriBasedRule"
  "Statement": {
    "RateBasedStatement": {
      "Limit": 150,
      "AggregateKeyType": "IP",
      "ScopeDownStatement": {
        "ByteMatchStatement": {
          "FieldToMatch": {
            "UriPath": {}
          "PositionalConstraint": "STARTS_WITH",
          "SearchString": "/login",
          "TextTransformations": [
              "Type": "NONE",
              "Priority": 0

AWS WAF rules with a lower value for Priority are evaluated before rules with a higher value. For the AWS WAF rules to work as expected (first evaluating the more specific rule—the URI-based rule, and only after that, the more general blanket rule) you have to set the AWS WAF rule priority. You can do that by updating the JSON and setting the Priority value to 1 for the blanket rule and 0 for the URI-based rule, or by using the AWS WAF visual rule editor. The expected AWS WAF rule priority should be as illustrated in Figure 6.

Figure 6: AWS WAF rules with priority for UriBasedRule

Figure 6: AWS WAF rules with priority for UriBasedRule

If you want to know the request volume across all application URIs, the following SQL will accomplish that.

  COUNT(*) AS "count"
FROM wafrulesdb.waftable
WHERE from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2020-12-01 16:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP '2020-12-01 22:00:00'
GROUP BY httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri, FLOOR("timestamp"/(1000*60*5))
LIMIT 100;

Figure 7 shows a chart of what the SQL query results might look like.

Figure 7: The highest requesting IP and URI for every 5-minute period between dates

Figure 7: The highest requesting IP and URI for every 5-minute period between dates

IP reputation rule groups to block bots or other threats

You can use IP reputation rules to block requests based on their source. AWS WAF offers a wide selection of managed rule groups, and Amazon IP reputation list is the one that will help to reduce your exposure to bot traffic or exploitation attempts.

To add the Amazon IP reputation list rule to your web ACL

  1. Open the AWS WAF console and navigate to the managed rule groups view.

    Figure 8: The managed rule group view in AWS WAF

    Figure 8: The managed rule group view in AWS WAF

  2. Expand AWS managed rule groups, and for Amazon IP reputation list, choose Add to web ACL.

    Figure 9: Add the Amazon IP reputation list to the web ACL

    Figure 9: Add the Amazon IP reputation list to the web ACL

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose Add rule.
  4. At this point, you should see the Set rule priority view. Move up the Amazon managed rule so that it has the highest priority. If a request originates from a bot, you want to deny the request as early as possible, and you achieve exactly that by assigning the highest priority to the Amazon IP reputation list rule. Your final AWS WAF rules order should be as shown in Figure 10.

    Figure 10: Final AWS WAF rules ordered by priority

    Figure 10: Final AWS WAF rules ordered by priority

Considerations for rate-based rules

It’s important to note that the more specific AWS WAF rules should have a higher priority, because you want these rules to limit the request volume first. In our example, the rules strategy is first based on a specific URI, and then on a blanket rule that limits requests across the whole application.

The rate-based rules that we discussed here provide a solid foundation to help you protect your internet-facing applications from common basic HTTP request floods. However, the solution in this blog post shouldn’t be seen as a one-time setup but rather as an iterative activity.

You should determine a healthy time frame to rerun Amazon Athena queries to identify a new rate-based rule that aligns with the application’s growth and increasing request volume. Reviewing the rate-based rules on an iterative basis and incorporating it into your existing processes, such as software development life cycle, is a great way to schedule in the review process. Each AWS WAF rule can publish Amazon CloudWatch metrics, which can be used to trigger alerts before thresholds are crossed. You can use alerts to create tickets to operations teams based on thresholds you set. This alerts your operations teams to review the situation to see if it’s a DDoS attack being thwarted versus legitimate traffic being dropped.

After you define your request, add a buffer to allow for growth. Rate-based rules should have a reasonable buffer to account for near-future application growth. For instance, when an Athena query result shows a request volume of 500 requests, a rate-based rule with a limit of 1,000 requests gives a buffer for an additional 500 requests to account for application growth.


In this post, we introduced you to the top three most important AWS WAF rate-based rules to protect your web applications from common HTTP flood events. We also covered how to implement these rate-based rules and determined an appropriate request threshold for your application by using AWS WAF logs and Amazon Athena queries. To learn more about best practices that help you protect your websites and web applications against various attack vectors by using AWS WAF, see our whitepaper, Guidelines for Implementing AWS WAF.

You can learn more about AWS WAF in other AWS WAF–related Security Blog posts.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS WAF forum or contact AWS Support.

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Artem Lovan

Artem is a Senior Solutions Architect based in New York. He helps customers architect and optimize applications on AWS. He has been involved in IT at many levels, including infrastructure, networking, security, DevOps, and software development.


Jesse Lepich

Jesse is a Senior Security Solutions Architect at AWS based in Lake St. Louis, Missouri, focused on helping customers implement native AWS security services. Outside of cloud security, his interests include relaxing with family, barefoot waterskiing, snowboarding/snow skiing, surfing, boating/sailing, and mountain climbing.

How to restrict IAM roles to access AWS resources from specific geolocations using AWS Client VPN

Post Syndicated from Artem Lovan original

You can improve your organization’s security posture by enforcing access to Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources based on IP address and geolocation. For example, users in your organization might bring their own devices, which might require additional security authorization checks and posture assessment in order to comply with corporate security requirements. Enforcing access to AWS resources based on geolocation can help you to automate compliance with corporate security requirements by auditing the connection establishment requests. In this blog post, we walk you through the steps to allow AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to access AWS resources only from specific geographic locations.

Solution overview

AWS Client VPN is a managed client-based VPN service that enables you to securely access your AWS resources and your on-premises network resources. With Client VPN, you can access your resources from any location using an OpenVPN-based VPN client. A client VPN session terminates at the Client VPN endpoint, which is provisioned in your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and therefore enables a secure connection to resources running inside your VPC network.

This solution uses Client VPN to implement geolocation authentication rules. When a client VPN connection is established, authentication is implemented at the first point of entry into the AWS Cloud. It’s used to determine if clients are allowed to connect to the Client VPN endpoint. You configure an AWS Lambda function as the client connect handler for your Client VPN endpoint. You can use the handler to run custom logic that authorizes a new connection. When a user initiates a new client VPN connection, the custom logic is the point at which you can determine the geolocation of this user. In order to enforce geolocation authorization rules, you need:

  • AWS WAF to determine the user’s geolocation based on their IP address.
  • A Network address translation (NAT) gateway to be used as the public origin IP address for all requests to your AWS resources.
  • An IAM policy that is attached to the IAM role and validated by AWS when the request origin IP address matches the IP address of the NAT gateway.

One of the key features of AWS WAF is the ability to allow or block web requests based on country of origin. When the client connection handler Lambda function is invoked by your Client VPN endpoint, the Client VPN service invokes the Lambda function on your behalf. The Lambda function receives the device, user, and connection attributes. The user’s public IP address is one of the device attributes that are used to identify the user’s geolocation by using the AWS WAF geolocation feature. Only connections that are authorized by the Lambda function are allowed to connect to the Client VPN endpoint.

Note: The accuracy of the IP address to country lookup database varies by region. Based on recent tests, the overall accuracy for the IP address to country mapping is 99.8 percent. We recommend that you work with regulatory compliance experts to decide if your solution meets your compliance needs.

A NAT gateway allows resources in a private subnet to connect to the internet or other AWS services, but prevents a host on the internet from connecting to those resources. You must also specify an Elastic IP address to associate with the NAT gateway when you create it. Since an Elastic IP address is static, any request originating from a private subnet will be seen with a public IP address that you can trust because it will be the elastic IP address of your NAT gateway.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a web service for securely controlling access to AWS services. You manage access in AWS by creating policies and attaching them to IAM identities (users, groups of users, or roles) or AWS resources. A policy is an object in AWS that, when associated with an identity or resource, defines their permissions. In an IAM policy, you can define the global condition key aws:SourceIp to restrict API calls to your AWS resources from specific IP addresses.

Note: Throughout this post, the user is authenticating with a SAML identity provider (IdP) and assumes an IAM role.

Figure 1 illustrates the authentication process when a user tries to establish a new Client VPN connection session.

Figure 1: Enforce connection to Client VPN from specific geolocations

Figure 1: Enforce connection to Client VPN from specific geolocations

Let’s look at how the process illustrated in Figure 1 works.

  1. The user device initiates a new client VPN connection session.
  2. The Client VPN service redirects the user to authenticate against an IdP.
  3. After user authentication succeeds, the client connects to the Client VPN endpoint.
  4. The Client VPN endpoint invokes the Lambda function synchronously. The function is invoked after device and user authentication, and before the authorization rules are evaluated.
  5. The Lambda function extracts the public-ip device attribute from the input and makes an HTTPS request to the Amazon API Gateway endpoint, passing the user’s public IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header.Because you’re using AWS WAF to protect API Gateway, and have geographic match conditions configured, a response with the status code 200 is returned only if the user’s public IP address originates from an allowed country of origin. Additionally, AWS WAF has another rule configured that blocks all requests to API Gateway if the request doesn’t originate from one of the NAT gateway IP addresses. Because Lambda is deployed in a VPC, it has a NAT gateway IP address, and therefore the request isn’t blocked by AWS WAF. To learn more about running a Lambda function in a VPC, see Configuring a Lambda function to access resources in a VPC.The following code example showcases Lambda code that performs the described step.

    Note: Optionally, you can implement additional controls by creating specific authorization rules. Authorization rules act as firewall rules that grant access to networks. You should have an authorization rule for each network for which you want to grant access. To learn more, see Authorization rules.

  6. The Lambda function returns the authorization request response to Client VPN.
  7. When the Lambda function—shown following—returns an allow response, Client VPN establishes the VPN session.
import os
import http.client

cloud_front_url = os.getenv("ENDPOINT_DNS")
endpoint = os.getenv("ENDPOINT")
success_status_codes = [200]

def build_response(allow, status):
    return {
        "allow": allow,
        "error-msg-on-failed-posture-compliance": "Error establishing connection. Please contact your administrator.",
        "posture-compliance-statuses": [status],
        "schema-version": "v1"

def handler(event, context):
    ip = event['public-ip']

    conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(cloud_front_url)
    conn.request("GET", f'/{endpoint}', headers={'X-Forwarded-For': ip})
    r1 = conn.getresponse()

    status_code = r1.status

    if status_code in success_status_codes:
        print("User's IP is based from an allowed country. Allowing the connection to VPN.")
        return build_response(True, 'compliant')

    print("User's IP is NOT based from an allowed country. Blocking the connection to VPN.")
    return build_response(False, 'quarantined')

After the client VPN session is established successfully, the request from the user device flows through the NAT gateway. The originating source IP address is recognized, because it is the Elastic IP address associated with the NAT gateway. An IAM policy is defined that denies any request to your AWS resources that doesn’t originate from the NAT gateway Elastic IP address. By attaching this IAM policy to users, you can control which AWS resources they can access.

Figure 2 illustrates the process of a user trying to access an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

Figure 2: Enforce access to AWS resources from specific IPs

Figure 2: Enforce access to AWS resources from specific IPs

Let’s look at how the process illustrated in Figure 2 works.

  1. A user signs in to the AWS Management Console by authenticating against the IdP and assumes an IAM role.
  2. Using the IAM role, the user makes a request to list Amazon S3 buckets. The IAM policy of the user is evaluated to form an allow or deny decision.
  3. If the request is allowed, an API request is made to Amazon S3.

The aws:SourceIp condition key is used in a policy to deny requests from principals if the origin IP address isn’t the NAT gateway IP address. However, this policy also denies access if an AWS service makes calls on a principal’s behalf. For example, when you use AWS CloudFormation to provision a stack, it provisions resources by using its own IP address, not the IP address of the originating request. In this case, you use aws:SourceIp with the aws:ViaAWSService key to ensure that the source IP address restriction applies only to requests made directly by a principal.

IAM deny policy

The IAM policy doesn’t allow any actions. What the policy does is deny any action on any resource if the source IP address doesn’t match any of the IP addresses in the condition. Use this policy in combination with other policies that allow specific actions.


Make sure that you have the following in place before you deploy the solution:

Implementation and deployment details

In this section, you create a CloudFormation stack that creates AWS resources for this solution. To start the deployment process, select the following Launch Stack button.

Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

You also can download the CloudFormation template if you want to modify the code before the deployment.

The template in Figure 3 takes several parameters. Let’s go over the key parameters.

Figure 3: CloudFormation stack parameters

Figure 3: CloudFormation stack parameters

The key parameters are:

  • AuthenticationOption: Information about the authentication method to be used to authenticate clients. You can choose either AWS Managed Microsoft AD or IAM SAML identity provider for authentication.
  • AuthenticationOptionResourceIdentifier: The ID of the AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory to use for Active Directory authentication, or the Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the SAML provider for federated authentication.
  • ServerCertificateArn: The ARN of the server certificate. The server certificate must be provisioned in ACM.
  • CountryCodes: A string of comma-separated country codes. For example: US,GB,DE. The country codes must be alpha-2 country ISO codes of the ISO 3166 international standard.
  • LambdaProvisionedConcurrency: Provisioned concurrency for the client connection handler. We recommend that you configure provisioned concurrency for the Lambda function to enable it to scale without fluctuations in latency.

All other input fields have default values that you can either accept or override. Once you provide the parameter input values and reach the final screen, choose Create stack to deploy the CloudFormation stack.

This template creates several resources in your AWS account, as follows:

  • A VPC and associated resources, such as InternetGateway, Subnets, ElasticIP, NatGateway, RouteTables, and SecurityGroup.
  • A Client VPN endpoint, which provides connectivity to your VPC.
  • A Lambda function, which is invoked by the Client VPN endpoint to determine the country origin of the user’s IP address.
  • An API Gateway for the Lambda function to make an HTTPS request.
  • AWS WAF in front of API Gateway, which only allows requests to go through to API Gateway if the user’s IP address is based in one of the allowed countries.
  • A deny policy with a NAT gateway IP addresses condition. Attaching this policy to a role or user enforces that the user can’t access your AWS resources unless they are connected to your client VPN.

Note: CloudFormation stack deployment can take up to 20 minutes to provision all AWS resources.

After creating the stack, there are two outputs in the Outputs section, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: CloudFormation stack outputs

Figure 4: CloudFormation stack outputs

  • ClientVPNConsoleURL: The URL where you can download the client VPN configuration file.
  • IAMRoleClientVpnDenyIfNotNatIP: The IAM policy to be attached to an IAM role or IAM user to enforce access control.

Attach the IAMRoleClientVpnDenyIfNotNatIP policy to a role

This policy is used to enforce access to your AWS resources based on geolocation. Attach this policy to the role that you are using for testing the solution. You can use the steps in Adding IAM identity permissions to do so.

Configure the AWS client VPN desktop application

When you open the URL that you see in ClientVPNConsoleURL, you see the newly provisioned Client VPN endpoint. Select Download Client Configuration to download the configuration file.

Figure 5: Client VPN endpoint

Figure 5: Client VPN endpoint

Confirm the download request by selecting Download.

Figure 6: Client VPN Endpoint - Download Client Configuration

Figure 6: Client VPN Endpoint – Download Client Configuration

To connect to the Client VPN endpoint, follow the steps in Connect to the VPN. After a successful connection is established, you should see the message Connected. in your AWS Client VPN desktop application.

Figure 7: AWS Client VPN desktop application - established VPN connection

Figure 7: AWS Client VPN desktop application – established VPN connection


If you can’t establish a Client VPN connection, here are some things to try:

  • Confirm that the Client VPN connection has successfully established. It should be in the Connected state. To troubleshoot connection issues, you can follow this guide.
  • If the connection isn’t establishing, make sure that your machine has TCP port 35001 available. This is the port used for receiving the SAML assertion.
  • Validate that the user you’re using for testing is a member of the correct SAML group on your IdP.
  • Confirm that the IdP is sending the right details in the SAML assertion. You can use browser plugins, such as SAML-tracer, to inspect the information received in the SAML assertion.

Test the solution

Now that you’re connected to Client VPN, open the console, sign in to your AWS account, and navigate to the Amazon S3 page. Since you’re connected to the VPN, your origin IP address is one of the NAT gateway IPs, and the request is allowed. You can see your S3 bucket, if any exist.

Figure 8: Amazon S3 service console view - user connected to AWS Client VPN

Figure 8: Amazon S3 service console view – user connected to AWS Client VPN

Now that you’ve verified that you can access your AWS resources, go back to the Client VPN desktop application and disconnect your VPN connection. Once the VPN connection is disconnected, go back to the Amazon S3 page and reload it. This time you should see an error message that you don’t have permission to list buckets, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Amazon S3 service console view - user is disconnected from AWS Client VPN

Figure 9: Amazon S3 service console view – user is disconnected from AWS Client VPN

Access has been denied because your origin public IP address is no longer one of the NAT gateway IP addresses. As mentioned earlier, since the policy denies any action on any resource without an established VPN connection to the Client VPN endpoint, access to all your AWS resources is denied.

Scale the solution in AWS Organizations

With AWS Organizations, you can centrally manage and govern your environment as you grow and scale your AWS resources. You can use Organizations to apply policies that give your teams the freedom to build with the resources they need, while staying within the boundaries you set. By organizing accounts into organizational units (OUs), which are groups of accounts that serve an application or service, you can apply service control policies (SCPs) to create targeted governance boundaries for your OUs. To learn more about Organizations, see AWS Organizations terminology and concepts.

SCPs help you to ensure that your accounts stay within your organization’s access control guidelines across all your accounts within OUs. In particular, these are the key benefits of using SCPs in your AWS Organizations:

  • You don’t have to create an IAM policy with each new account, but instead create one SCP and apply it to one or more OUs as needed.
  • You don’t have to apply the IAM policy to every IAM user or role, existing or new.
  • This solution can be deployed in a separate account, such as a shared infrastructure account. This helps to decouple infrastructure tooling from business application accounts.

The following figure, Figure 10, illustrates the solution in an Organizations environment.

Figure 10: Use SCPs to enforce policy across many AWS accounts

Figure 10: Use SCPs to enforce policy across many AWS accounts

The Client VPN account is the account the solution is deployed into. This account can also be used for other networking related services. The SCP is created in the Organizations root account and attached to one or more OUs. This allows you to centrally control access to your AWS resources.

Let’s review the new condition that’s added to the IAM policy:

"ArnNotLikeIfExists": {
    "aws:PrincipalARN": [

The aws:PrincipalARN condition key allows your AWS services to communicate to other AWS services even though those won’t have a NAT IP address as the source IP address. For instance, when a Lambda function needs to read a file from your S3 bucket.

Note: Appending policies to existing resources might cause an unintended disruption to your application. Consider testing your policies in a test environment or to non-critical resources before applying them to production resources. You can do that by attaching the SCP to a specific OU or to an individual AWS account.


After you’ve tested the solution, you can clean up all the created AWS resources by deleting the CloudFormation stack.


In this post, we showed you how you can restrict IAM users to access AWS resources from specific geographic locations. You used Client VPN to allow users to establish a client VPN connection from a desktop. You used an AWS client connection handler (as a Lambda function), and API Gateway with AWS WAF to identify the user’s geolocation. NAT gateway IPs served as trusted source IPs, and an IAM policy protects access to your AWS resources. Lastly, you learned how to scale this solution to many AWS accounts with Organizations.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Artem Lovan

Artem is a Senior Solutions Architect based in New York. He helps customers architect and optimize applications on AWS. He has been involved in IT at many levels, including infrastructure, networking, security, DevOps, and software development.


Faiyaz Desai

Faiyaz leads a solutions architecture team supporting cloud-native customers in New York. His team guides customers in their modernization journeys through business and technology strategies, architectural best practices, and customer innovation. Faiyaz’s focus areas include unified communication, customer experience, network design, and mobile endpoint security.

Building fine-grained authorization using Amazon Cognito, API Gateway, and IAM

Post Syndicated from Artem Lovan original

June 5, 2021: We’ve updated Figure 1: User request flow.

Authorizing functionality of an application based on group membership is a best practice. If you’re building APIs with Amazon API Gateway and you need fine-grained access control for your users, you can use Amazon Cognito. Amazon Cognito allows you to use groups to create a collection of users, which is often done to set the permissions for those users. In this post, I show you how to build fine-grained authorization to protect your APIs using Amazon Cognito, API Gateway, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).

As a developer, you’re building a customer-facing application where your users are going to log into your web or mobile application, and as such you will be exposing your APIs through API Gateway with upstream services. The APIs could be deployed on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), AWS Lambda, or Elastic Load Balancing where each of these options will forward the request to your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Additionally, you can use on-premises services that are connected to your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment over an AWS VPN or AWS Direct Connect. It’s important to have fine-grained controls for each API endpoint and HTTP method. For instance, the user should be allowed to make a GET request to an endpoint, but should not be allowed to make a POST request to the same endpoint. As a best practice, you should assign users to groups and use group membership to allow or deny access to your API services.

Solution overview

In this blog post, you learn how to use an Amazon Cognito user pool as a user directory and let users authenticate and acquire the JSON Web Token (JWT) to pass to the API Gateway. The JWT is used to identify what group the user belongs to, as mapping a group to an IAM policy will display the access rights the group is granted.

Note: The solution works similarly if Amazon Cognito would be federating users with an external identity provider (IdP)—such as Ping, Active Directory, or Okta—instead of being an IdP itself. To learn more, see Adding User Pool Sign-in Through a Third Party. Additionally, if you want to use groups from an external IdP to grant access, Role-based access control using Amazon Cognito and an external identity provider outlines how to do so.

The following figure shows the basic architecture and information flow for user requests.

Figure 1: User request flow

Figure 1: User request flow

Let’s go through the request flow to understand what happens at each step, as shown in Figure 1:

  1. A user logs in and acquires an Amazon Cognito JWT ID token, access token, and refresh token. To learn more about each token, see using tokens with user pools.
  2. A RestAPI request is made and a bearer token—in this solution, an access token—is passed in the headers.
  3. API Gateway forwards the request to a Lambda authorizer—also known as a custom authorizer.
  4. The Lambda authorizer verifies the Amazon Cognito JWT using the Amazon Cognito public key. On initial Lambda invocation, the public key is downloaded from Amazon Cognito and cached. Subsequent invocations will use the public key from the cache.
  5. The Lambda authorizer looks up the Amazon Cognito group that the user belongs to in the JWT and does a lookup in Amazon DynamoDB to get the policy that’s mapped to the group.
  6. Lambda returns the policy and—optionally—context to API Gateway. The context is a map containing key-value pairs that you can pass to the upstream service. It can be additional information about the user, the service, or anything that provides additional information to the upstream service.
  7. The API Gateway policy engine evaluates the policy.

    Note: Lambda isn’t responsible for understanding and evaluating the policy. That responsibility falls on the native capabilities of API Gateway.

  8. The request is forwarded to the service.

Note: To further optimize Lambda authorizer, the authorization policy can be cached or disabled, depending on your needs. By enabling cache, you could improve the performance as the authorization policy will be returned from the cache whenever there is a cache key match. To learn more, see Configure a Lambda authorizer using the API Gateway console.

Let’s have a closer look at the following example policy that is stored as part of an item in DynamoDB.


Based on this example policy, the user is allowed to make calls to the petstore API. For version v1, the user can make requests to any verb and any path, which is expressed by an asterisk (*). For v2, the user is only allowed to make a GET request for path /status. To learn more about how the policies work, see Output from an Amazon API Gateway Lambda authorizer.

Getting started

For this solution, you need the following prerequisites:

  • The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) installed and configured for use.
  • Python 3.6 or later, to package Python code for Lambda

    Note: We recommend that you use a virtual environment or virtualenvwrapper to isolate the solution from the rest of your Python environment.

  • An IAM role or user with enough permissions to create Amazon Cognito User Pool, IAM Role, Lambda, IAM Policy, API Gateway and DynamoDB table.
  • The GitHub repository for the solution. You can download it, or you can use the following Git command to download it from your terminal.

    Note: This sample code should be used to test out the solution and is not intended to be used in production account.

     $ git clone
     $ cd amazon-cognito-api-gateway

    Use the following command to package the Python code for deployment to Lambda.

     $ bash ./ package-lambda-functions
     Successfully completed packaging files.

To implement this reference architecture, you will be utilizing the following services:

Note: This solution was tested in the us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-2, ap-southeast-1, and ap-southeast-2 Regions. Before selecting a Region, verify that the necessary services—Amazon Cognito, API Gateway, and Lambda—are available in those Regions.

Let’s review each service, and how those will be used, before creating the resources for this solution.

Amazon Cognito user pool

A user pool is a user directory in Amazon Cognito. With a user pool, your users can log in to your web or mobile app through Amazon Cognito. You use the Amazon Cognito user directory directly, as this sample solution creates an Amazon Cognito user. However, your users can also log in through social IdPs, OpenID Connect (OIDC), and SAML IdPs.

Lambda as backing API service

Initially, you create a Lambda function that serves your APIs. API Gateway forwards all requests to the Lambda function to serve up the requests.

An API Gateway instance and integration with Lambda

Next, you create an API Gateway instance and integrate it with the Lambda function you created. This API Gateway instance serves as an entry point for the upstream service. The following bash command below creates an Amazon Cognito user pool, a Lambda function, and an API Gateway instance. The command then configures proxy integration with Lambda and deploys an API Gateway stage.

Deploy the sample solution

From within the directory where you downloaded the sample code from GitHub, run the following command to generate a random Amazon Cognito user password and create the resources described in the previous section.

 $ bash ./ cf-create-stack-gen-password
 Successfully created CloudFormation stack.

When the command is complete, it returns a message confirming successful stack creation.

Validate Amazon Cognito user creation

To validate that an Amazon Cognito user has been created successfully, run the following command to open the Amazon Cognito UI in your browser and then log in with your credentials.

Note: When you run this command, it returns the user name and password that you should use to log in.

 $ bash ./ open-cognito-ui
  Opening Cognito UI. Please use following credentials to login:
  Username: cognitouser
  Password: xxxxxxxx

Alternatively, you can open the CloudFormation stack and get the Amazon Cognito hosted UI URL from the stack outputs. The URL is the value assigned to the CognitoHostedUiUrl variable.

Figure 2: CloudFormation Outputs - CognitoHostedUiUrl

Figure 2: CloudFormation Outputs – CognitoHostedUiUrl

Validate Amazon Cognito JWT upon login

Since we haven’t installed a web application that would respond to the redirect request, Amazon Cognito will redirect to localhost, which might look like an error. The key aspect is that after a successful log in, there is a URL similar to the following in the navigation bar of your browser:


Test the API configuration

Before you protect the API with Amazon Cognito so that only authorized users can access it, let’s verify that the configuration is correct and the API is served by API Gateway. The following command makes a curl request to API Gateway to retrieve data from the API service.

 $ bash ./ curl-api

The expected result is that the response will be a list of pets. In this case, the setup is correct: API Gateway is serving the API.

Protect the API

To protect your API, the following is required:

  1. DynamoDB to store the policy that will be evaluated by the API Gateway to make an authorization decision.
  2. A Lambda function to verify the user’s access token and look up the policy in DynamoDB.

Let’s review all the services before creating the resources.

Lambda authorizer

A Lambda authorizer is an API Gateway feature that uses a Lambda function to control access to an API. You use a Lambda authorizer to implement a custom authorization scheme that uses a bearer token authentication strategy. When a client makes a request to one of the API operations, the API Gateway calls the Lambda authorizer. The Lambda authorizer takes the identity of the caller as input and returns an IAM policy as the output. The output is the policy that is returned in DynamoDB and evaluated by the API Gateway. If there is no policy mapped to the caller identity, Lambda will generate a deny policy and request will be denied.

DynamoDB table

DynamoDB is a key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. This is ideal for this use case to ensure that the Lambda authorizer can quickly process the bearer token, look up the policy, and return it to API Gateway. To learn more, see Control access for invoking an API.

The final step is to create the DynamoDB table for the Lambda authorizer to look up the policy, which is mapped to an Amazon Cognito group.

Figure 3 illustrates an item in DynamoDB. Key attributes are:

  • Group, which is used to look up the policy.
  • Policy, which is returned to API Gateway to evaluate the policy.


Figure 3: DynamoDB item

Figure 3: DynamoDB item

Based on this policy, the user that is part of the Amazon Cognito group pet-veterinarian is allowed to make API requests to endpoints https://<domain>/<api-gateway-stage>/petstore/v1/* and https://<domain>/<api-gateway-stage>/petstore/v2/status for GET requests only.

Update and create resources

Run the following command to update existing resources and create a Lambda authorizer and DynamoDB table.

 $ bash ./ cf-update-stack
Successfully updated CloudFormation stack.

Test the custom authorizer setup

Begin your testing with the following request, which doesn’t include an access token.

$ bash ./ curl-api

The request is denied with the message Unauthorized. At this point, the Amazon API Gateway expects a header named Authorization (case sensitive) in the request. If there’s no authorization header, the request is denied before it reaches the lambda authorizer. This is a way to filter out requests that don’t include required information.

Use the following command for the next test. In this test, you pass the required header but the token is invalid because it wasn’t issued by Amazon Cognito but is a simple JWT-format token stored in ./ To learn more about how to decode and validate a JWT, see decode and verify an Amazon Cognito JSON token.

$ bash ./ curl-api-invalid-token
{"Message":"User is not authorized to access this resource"}

This time the message is different. The Lambda authorizer received the request and identified the token as invalid and responded with the message User is not authorized to access this resource.

To make a successful request to the protected API, your code will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Use a user name and password to authenticate against your Amazon Cognito user pool.
  2. Acquire the tokens (id token, access token, and refresh token).
  3. Make an HTTPS (TLS) request to API Gateway and pass the access token in the headers.

Before the request is forwarded to the API service, API Gateway receives the request and passes it to the Lambda authorizer. The authorizer performs the following steps. If any of the steps fail, the request is denied.

  1. Retrieve the public keys from Amazon Cognito.
  2. Cache the public keys so the Lambda authorizer doesn’t have to make additional calls to Amazon Cognito as long as the Lambda execution environment isn’t shut down.
  3. Use public keys to verify the access token.
  4. Look up the policy in DynamoDB.
  5. Return the policy to API Gateway.

The access token has claims such as Amazon Cognito assigned groups, user name, token use, and others, as shown in the following example (some fields removed).

    "sub": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000000",
    "cognito:groups": [
    "token_use": "access",
    "scope": "openid email",
    "username": "cognitouser"

Finally, let’s programmatically log in to Amazon Cognito UI, acquire a valid access token, and make a request to API Gateway. Run the following command to call the protected API.

$ bash ./ curl-protected-api

This time, you receive a response with data from the API service. Let’s examine the steps that the example code performed:

  1. Lambda authorizer validates the access token.
  2. Lambda authorizer looks up the policy in DynamoDB based on the group name that was retrieved from the access token.
  3. Lambda authorizer passes the IAM policy back to API Gateway.
  4. API Gateway evaluates the IAM policy and the final effect is an allow.
  5. API Gateway forwards the request to Lambda.
  6. Lambda returns the response.

Let’s continue to test our policy from Figure 3. In the policy document, arn:aws:execute-api:*:*:*/*/GET/petstore/v2/status is the only endpoint for version V2, which means requests to endpoint /GET/petstore/v2/pets should be denied. Run the following command to test this.

 $ bash ./ curl-protected-api-not-allowed-endpoint
{"Message":"User is not authorized to access this resource"}

Note: Now that you understand fine grained access control using Cognito user pool, API Gateway and lambda function, and you have finished testing it out, you can run the following command to clean up all the resources associated with this solution:

 $ bash ./ cf-delete-stack

Advanced IAM policies to further control your API

With IAM, you can create advanced policies to further refine access to your APIs. You can learn more about condition keys that can be used in API Gateway, their use in an IAM policy with conditions, and how policy evaluation logic determines whether to allow or deny a request.


In this post, you learned how IAM and Amazon Cognito can be used to provide fine-grained access control for your API behind API Gateway. You can use this approach to transparently apply fine-grained control to your API, without having to modify the code in your API, and create advanced policies by using IAM condition keys.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Artem Lovan

Artem is a Senior Solutions Architect based in New York. He helps customers architect and optimize applications on AWS. He has been involved in IT at many levels, including infrastructure, networking, security, DevOps, and software development.