All posts by Netflix Technology Blog

Simple streaming telemetry

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Introducing gnmi-gateway: a modular, distributed, and highly available service for modern network telemetry via OpenConfig and gNMI

By: Colin McIntosh, Michael Costello

Netflix runs its own content delivery network, Open Connect, which delivers all streaming traffic to our members. A backbone network underlies a large portion of the CDN, and we also run the high capacity networks that support our studios and corporate offices. In order to design, operate, and measure these networks, we must collect metrics and state data from the thousands of devices that compose them.

Towards this end, we created gnmi-gateway, which we have released as an open source project. This article goes over some background on the project, why we created it, and how you can use it to monitor your own network.


Traditional network management tools, namely SNMP and CLI screen-scraping, have been used for decades for this purpose, and there are numerous software packages, protocols, and libraries to choose from. As is common with mature technologies, any number of shortcomings have revealed themselves. The data itself is largely unstructured, untyped, and vendor-proprietary, and its format often changes between even minor software releases. The mechanisms by which the data is retrieved may not be inherently reliable (in the case of SNMP’s UDP transport) and always require active polling by the collector — which, for time series data, must be driven by a strict clock. Other shortcomings include a lack of source timestamps, support for multiple connections, and general scalability challenges.

Modern vendor APIs address some, but not all, of these shortcomings. For example, Arista’s EOS provides eAPI, a RESTful service using JSON payloads. Similarly, Juniper has its Junos XML API, utilizing NETCONF and XML. In both cases the data remains only semi-structured, both vendors format it differently, and collectors must actively poll.

To address the issues associated with polling, some vendors have developed implementations of streaming telemetry, a technology that pushes data from devices on a clock or when state changes rather than requiring polling. However, as with legacy protocols, different vendors implement streaming protocols and payloads differently, and the data is often still unstructured or untyped.


A few years ago, an operator-driven working group, OpenConfig, was formed with the goal of solving all these problems. The result is a strongly typed vendor-agnostic data model that describes the state and configuration of network devices. The data model is arranged in a tree-like structure of various leaves. Here is a example of what some of these leaves may look like:

Tree example generated by pyang. Some leaves are removed for brevity.

This OpenConfig data model is defined in YANG and can be found on GitHub where the latest changes are published.


While the OpenConfig data model describes the structure and state of network devices, the data itself is streamed from network devices at Netflix using the gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI) protocol. gNMI is an open-source protocol specification created by the OpenConfig working group that is used to stream data to and from network devices, also known as gNMI targets. gNMI provides four RPC mechanisms:

  • Capabilities: Describes the services and data models supported by the target
  • Get: Allows clients to request the value of specific leaves in the tree
  • Set: Allows clients to set writable leaves in the tree
  • Subscribe: Streams state changes about the target to clients

Subscribe is the RPC that we’re primarily interested in to stream state from targets to our network management platform, and is the the RPC that gnmi-gateway supports today.

Here’s a diagram that will give you an idea of how OpenConfig and gNMI fit together:

At the bottom of the diagram is a normal gRPC connection over HTTP/2 and TLS. The gRPC code is auto-generated from the gNMI protobuf model and gNMI carries the data modeled in OpenConfig, which has some encoding.

When we talk about streaming telemetry at Netflix, we’re typically talking about all of the components in this stack.

Existing Systems

OpenConfig and gNMI streaming telemetry solve many of the problems that network operators encounter, but to date there have been no commercial or open source systems that provide scalable integration of this data into traditional network management tools. Where is Cacti for streaming telemetry? Although there are gnmi_collector, gNMI Plugin for Telegraf, and Cisco Big Muddy, none of these provide a distributed and highly available collection service that exports streaming data in a useful manner.

The Gateway

To fill these gaps — under the OpenConfig working group, Netflix has built and now introduces gnmi-gateway, a modular, distributed, and highly available service for OpenConfig modeled streaming telemetry data over gNMI.

Our goals in building a gateway to consume and distribute data from gNMI were similar to goals in services that we’ve built in the past for SNMP and CLI screen-scraping. We strived for a service that:

  • is tolerant to failure
  • dynamically loads/unloads metadata to form connections to network devices
  • can export data to our constantly-evolving suite of network management tools
  • uses existing code where possible

Additionally, we wanted to improve the accessibility of the gNMI protocol and OpenConfig data by enabling network operators everywhere to deploy the service with no additional software development (coding) required.

That said, we also didn’t want to limit the ability for network operators to further extend the functionality. Whenever possible, we enabled additional exporter and target loading plugins to be added with loose coupling and without the need to develop a complete gNMI client.

We chose to build gnmi-gateway in Golang given the first-class support for protobufs in Go and that much of the existing reference code for gNMI exists in Golang. Although we chose Golang, clients for the gNMI protocol can be generated for any language with Protobuf 3 tools. Network operators should feel encouraged to deploy gnmi-gateway to manage connections to gNMI targets and write consuming gNMI applications in the language that is most appropriate for their situation.

As mentioned earlier, we wanted to use existing code whenever possible. Within the openconfig/gnmi repo there are three specific components built by the OpenConfig community that we directly utilized:

  • gnmi/client: A fault-tolerant client for forming gNMI connections to targets
  • gnmi/cache and gnmi/subscribe: Libraries for aggregating gNMI messages from multiple targets and serving them in a consolidated stream

Addressing the Need for High Availability

One of the primary issues we found with existing software for gNMI was a lack of tolerance for failure. Most of the existing software was stateful and either required a mutable deployment or didn’t include any cluster awareness for failover or coordination.

To support better failure tolerance, we included clustering in gnmi-gateway that allows multiple instances of the service to coordinate and deduplicate connections to targets. We have many consumers interested in this streaming telemetry, but we only need a single connection to a target to receive it. By using this clustering functionality and replication, we’re able to avoid unnecessary duplicate gNMI connections to targets.

gnmi-gateway uses a shared lock per-target for coordinating these connections. We chose to build locking on Apache Zookeeper, which is included in Netflix’s paved road and provides all of the features necessary for cluster consensus. Although Zookeeper is the included clustering implementation, gnmi-gateway provides a Golang interface that can be used to implement connection coordination with systems other than Zookeeper.

After an instance of gnmi-gateway acquires a lock for a target and forms a connection, it begins to forward data into the local in-memory cache. To allow any instance of gnmi-gateway in the cluster to serve a subscription for any target in the cluster, gNMI messages are replicated from the instance with the lock to other instances in the cluster. This replication allows any clustered instance of gnmi-gateway to accept client requests for any known target.

With every instance in the cluster able to serve streams for each target, we’re able to load balance incoming clients connections among all of the cluster instances. The underlying transport for gNMI is, like most gRPC connections, HTTP/2 over TLS — so this allows us to use a simple Layer 4 load balancer between gnmi-gateway and our gNMI clients. Although we’ve chosen to use a Layer 4 load balancer, this could be substituted for a Layer 7 load balancer or an alternative load balancing solution, such as DNS load balancing.

Target Loaders

At Netflix, our network infrastructure is constantly changing. To allow network engineers to make changes on the network without needing to update the configuration of gnmi-gateway many times per day, we included a feature that loads our gNMI targets from our network management system (NMS) based on tags on network devices. Although our NMS (and therefore its API) is not open source, we included a Target Loader plugin for loading devices from NetBox as well as from watched files.

Here is an example of a simple target loader configuration file:

request: demo-request
meta: {}
target: "*"
- /components
- /interfaces/interface[name=*]/state/counters
- /interfaces/interface[name=*]/ethernet/state/counters


While gnmi-gateway allows us to form connections to our gNMI data sources (network devices) and serve gNMI streams to clients on the other side, we still need to integrate this data with our existing tooling, most of which does not support the gNMI protocol.

// Exporter is an interface to send data to other systems and
// protocols.
type Exporter interface {
// Name must return unique exporter name that will be used for
// registration and recording internal stats.
Name() string
// Start will be called once by the gateway.Gateway after
// StartGateway is called. It will receive a pointer to the
// cache.Cache that receives all of the updates from gNMI targets
// that the gateway has a subscription for. If Start returns an
// error the gateway will fail to start with an error.
Start(*cache.Cache) error
// Export will be called once for every gNMI notification that is
// inserted into the cache.Cache. Export should complete as
// quickly as possible to prevent delays in the system and
// upstream gNMI clients. Export receives the leaf parameter
// which is a *ctree.Leaf type and has a value of type
// *gnmipb.Notification. You can access the notification with a
// type assertion: leaf.Value().(*gnmipb.Notification)
Export(leaf *ctree.Leaf)

To enable this integration, we included plug-in components in gnmi-gateway called Exporters, which are able to present data to non-gNMI systems. Exporters were designed to be easily extendable with a Golang interface, but to help users of gnmi-gateway get started without needing to write code, we’ve included a few to start.

Here’s an example of gnmi-gateway being started with a Kafka Exporter enabled:

To see additional Exporter functionality, take a look at another example in the GitHub repo here that will get you up and running with a development instance of Prometheus and gnmi-gateway.

You can try gnmi-gateway right now!

With all of these great features, we bet you’re itching to try gnmi-gateway right away! Good news — you can go grab a copy of gnmi-gateway right now and try it out for yourself. To get started you’ll need to have installed:

  • Golang 1.13 or later
  • git
  • openssl (or another tool to generate certificate pairs)
  • A target that supports gNMI and OpenConfig (see list in the Appendix)

In a new shell or terminal:

$ git clone && cd gnmi-gateway

The gNMI specification requires that gNMI connections be encrypted with TLS, so you’ll need to create a few TLS certificates before you can start the gnmi-gateway server:

$ make tls

Make sure that the .crt and .key file were created successfully:

$ ls -al server.*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 717 Sep 1 20:50 server.crt
-rw------- 1 user user 359 Sep 1 20:50 server.key

Next, you’ll need to define the target and paths that you want to subscribe to. First copy the example .yaml file which will be used with the ‘simple’ target loader:

$ cp targets-example.yaml targets.yaml

Edit the file to match the details of your router. Here we have a few predefined paths, but feel free to modify them to paths that you’re interested in seeing.

$ vim targets.yaml

At this point, you should be ready to start gnmi-gateway. Run gnmi-gateway with the ‘debug’ Exporter enabled to see all of the received messages logged to stdout.

$ make build && ./gnmi-gateway -EnableGNMIServer \
-ServerTLSCert=server.crt \
-ServerTLSKey=server.key \
-TargetLoaders=simple \
-TargetJSONFile=targets.yaml \

Congratulations — you’re now collecting gNMI data with gnmi-gateway!

Simple streaming telemetry was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation (Part 1)

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Netflix is known for its loosely coupled and highly scalable microservice architecture. Independent services allow for evolving at different paces and scaling independently. Yet they add complexity for use cases that span multiple services. Rather than exposing 100s of microservices to UI developers, Netflix offers a unified API aggregation layer at the edge.

UI developers love the simplicity of working with one conceptual API for a large domain. Back-end developers love the decoupling and resilience offered by the API layer. But as our business has scaled, our ability to innovate rapidly has approached an invisible asymptote. As we’ve grown the number of developers and increased our domain complexity, developing the API aggregation layer has become increasingly harder.

In order to address this rising problem, we’ve developed a federated GraphQL platform to power the API layer. This solves many of the consistency and development velocity challenges with minimal tradeoffs on dimensions like scalability and operability. We’ve successfully deployed this approach for Netflix’s studio ecosystem and are exploring patterns and adaptations that could work in other domains. We’re sharing our story to inspire others and encourage conversations around applicability elsewhere.

Case Study: Studio Edge

Intro to Studio Ecosystem

Netflix is producing original content at an accelerated pace. From the time a TV show or a movie is pitched to when it’s available on Netflix, a lot happens behind the scenes. This includes but is not limited to talent scouting and casting, deal and contract negotiations, production and post-production, visual effects and animations, subtitling and dubbing, and much more. Studio Engineering is building hundreds of applications and tools that power these workflows.

Netflix Studio Content Lifecycle
Content Lifecycle

Studio API

Looking back to a few years ago, one of the pains in the studio space was the growing complexity of the data and its relationships. The workflows depicted above are inherently connected but the data and its relationships were disparate and existed in myriads of microservices. The product teams solved for this with two architectural patterns.

1) Single-use aggregation layers — Due to the loose coupling, we observed that many teams spent considerable effort building duplicative data-fetching code and aggregation layers to support their product needs. This was either done by UI teams via BFF (Backend For Frontend) or by a backend team in a mid-tier service.

2) Materialized views for data from other teams — some teams used a pattern of building a materialized view of another service’s data for their specific system needs. Materialized views had performance benefits, but data consistency lagged by varying degrees. This was not acceptable for the most important workflows in the Studio. Inconsistent data across different Studio applications was the top support issue in Studio Engineering in 2018.

Graph API: To better address the underlying needs, our team started building a curated graph API called “Studio API”. Its goal was to provide an unified abstraction on top of data and relationships. Studio API used GraphQL as its underlying API technology and created significant leverage for accessing core shared data. Consumers of Studio API were able to explore the graph and build new features more quickly. We also observed fewer instances of data inconsistency across different UI applications, as every field in GraphQL resolves to a single piece of data-fetching code.

Studio API Graph
Studio API Graph
Studio API Architecture Diagram
Studio API Architecture

Bottlenecks of Studio API

The One Graph exposed by Studio API was a runaway success; product teams loved the reusability and easy, consistent data access. But new bottlenecks emerged as the number of consumers and amount of data in the graph increased.

First, the Studio API team was disconnected from the domain expertise and the product needs, which negatively impacted the schema’s health. Second, connecting new elements from a back-end into the graph API was manual and ran counter to the rapid evolution promised by a microservice architecture. Finally, it was hard for one small team to handle the increasing operational and support burden for the expanding graph.

We knew that there had to be a better way — unified but decoupled, curated but fast moving.

Returning to Core Principles

To address these bottlenecks, we leaned into our rich history of microservices and breaking monoliths apart. We still wanted to keep the unified GraphQL schema of Studio API but decentralize the implementation of the resolvers to their respective domain teams.

As we were brainstorming the new architecture back in early 2019, Apollo released the GraphQL Federation Specification. This promised the benefits of a unified schema with distributed ownership and implementation. We ran a test implementation of the spec with promising results, and reached out to collaborate with Apollo on the future of GraphQL Federation. Our next generation architecture, “Studio Edge”, emerged with federation as a critical element.

GraphQL Federation Primer

The goal of GraphQL Federation is two-fold: provide a unified API for consumers while also giving backend developers flexibility and service isolation. To achieve this, schemas need to be created and annotated to indicate how ownership is distributed. Let’s look at an example with three core entities:

  1. Movie: At Netflix, we make titles (shows, films, shorts etc.). For simplicity, let’s assume each title is a Movie object.
  2. Production: Each Movie is associated with a Studio Production. A Production object tracks everything needed to make a Movie including shooting location, vendors, and more.
  3. Talent: the people working on a Movie are the Talent, including actors, directors, and so on.

These three domains are owned by three separate engineering teams responsible for their own data sources, business logic, and corresponding microservices. In an unfederated implementation, we would have this simple Schema and Resolvers owned and implemented by the Studio API team. The GraphQL Framework would take in queries from clients and orchestrate the calls to the resolvers in a breadth-first traversal.

Schemas & Resolvers for Studio API
Schema & Resolvers for Studio API

To transition to a federated architecture, we need to transfer ownership of these resolvers to their respective domains without sacrificing the unified schema. To achieve this, we need to extend the Movie type across GraphQL service boundaries:

Federating the movie type
Federating Movie

This ability to extend a Movie type across GraphQL service boundaries makes Movie a Federated Type. Resolving a given field requires delegation by a gateway layer down to the owning domain services.

Studio Edge Architecture

Using the ability to federate a type, we envisioned the following architecture:

Studio Edge Architecture Diagram
Studio Edge Architecture

Key Architectural Components

Domain Graph Service (DGS) is a standalone spec-compliant GraphQL service. Developers define their own federated GraphQL schema in a DGS. A DGS is owned and operated by a domain team responsible for that subsection of the API. A DGS developer has the freedom to decide if they want to convert their existing microservice to a DGS or spin up a brand new service.

Schema Registry is a stateful component that stores all the schemas and schema changes for every DGS. It exposes CRUD APIs for schemas, which are used by developer tools and CI/CD pipelines. It is responsible for schema validation, both for the individual DGS schemas and for the combined schema. Last, the registry composes together the unified schema and provides it to the gateway.

GraphQL Gateway is primarily responsible for serving GraphQL queries to the consumers. It takes a query from a client, breaks it into smaller sub-queries (a query plan), and executes that plan by proxying calls to the appropriate downstream DGSs.

Implementation Details

There are 3 main business logic components that power GraphQL Federation.

Schema Composition

Composition is the phase that takes all of the federated DGS schemas and aggregates them into a single unified schema. This composed schema is exposed by the Gateway to the consumers of the graph.

Schema Composition Phases
Schema Composition Phases

Whenever a new schema is pushed by a DGS, the Schema Registry validates that:

  1. New schema is a valid GraphQL schema
  2. New schema composes seamlessly with the rest of the DGSs schemas to create a valid composed schema
  3. New schema is backwards compatible

If all of the above conditions are met, then the schema is checked into the Schema Registry.

Query Planning and Execution

The federation config consists of all the individual DGS schemas and the composed schema. The Gateway uses the federation config and the client query to generate a query plan. The query plan breaks down the client query into smaller sub-queries that are then sent to the downstream DGSs for execution, along with an execution ordering that includes what needs to be done in sequence versus run in parallel.

Query Plan Inputs
Query Plan Inputs

Let’s build a simple query from the schema referenced above and see what the query plan might look like.

Simplified Query Plan
Simplified Query Plan

For this query, the gateway knows which fields are owned by which DGS based on the federation config. Using that information, it breaks the client query into three separate queries to three DGSs. The first query is sent to Movie DGS since the root field movies is owned by that DGS. This results in retrieving the movieId and title fields for the first 10 movies in the dataset. Then using the movieIds it got from the previous request, the gateway executes two parallel requests to Production DGS and Talent DGS to fetch the production and actors fields for those 10 movies. Upon completion, the sub-query responses are merged together and the combined data response is returned to the caller.

A note on performance: Query Planning and Execution adds a ~10ms overhead in the worst case. This includes the compute for building the query plan, as well as the deserialization of DGS responses and the serialization of merged gateway response.

Entity Resolver

Now you might be wondering, how do the parallel sub-queries to Production and Talent DGS actually work? That’s not something that the DGS supports. This is the final piece of the puzzle.

Let’s go back to our federated type Movie. In order for the gateway to join Movie seamlessly across DGSs, all the DGSs that define and extend the Movie need to agree on one or more fields that define the primary key (e.g. movieId). To make this work, Apollo introduced the @key directive in the Federation Spec. Second, DGSs have to implement a resolver for a generic Query field, _entities. The _entities query returns a union type of all the federated types in that DGS. The gateway uses the _entities query to look up Movie by movieId.

Let’s take a look at how the query plan actually looks like

Detailed federated query plan
Detailed Federated Query Plan

The representation object consists of the movieId and is generated from the response of the first request to Movie DGS. Since we requested for the first 10 movies, we would have 10 representation objects to send to Production and Talent DGS.

This is similar to Relay’s Object Identification with a few differences. _Entity is a union type, while Relay’s Node is an interface. Also, with @key, there is support for variable key names and types as well as composite keys while in Relay, the id is a single opaque ID field.

Combined together, these are the ingredients that power the core of a federated API architecture.

The Journey, Summarized

Our Studio Ecosystem architecture has evolved in distinct phases, all motivated by reducing the time between idea and implementation, improving the developer experience, and streamlining operations. The architectural phases look like:

Evolution of an API Architecture
Evolution of an API Architecture

Stay Tuned

Over the past year we’ve implemented the federated API architecture components in our Studio Edge. Getting here required rapid iteration, lots of cross-functional collaborations, a few pivots, and ongoing investment. We’re live with 70 DGSes and hundreds of developers contributing to and using the Studio Edge architecture. In our next Netflix Tech Blog post, we’ll share what we learned along the way, including the cross-cutting concerns necessary to build a holistic solution.

We want to thank the entire GraphQL open-source community for all the generous contributions and paving the path towards the promise of GraphQL. If you’d like to be a part of solving complex and interesting problems like this at Netflix scale, check out our jobs page or reach out to us directly.

By Tejas Shikhare

Additional Credits: Stephen Spalding, Jennifer Shin, Philip Fisher-Ogden, Robert Reta, Antoine Boyer, Bruce Wang, David Simmer

How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation (Part 1) was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Keeping Netflix Reliable Using Prioritized Load Shedding

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

How viewers are able to watch their favorite show on Netflix while the infrastructure self-recovers from a system failure

By Manuel Correa, Arthur Gonigberg, and Daniel West

Getting stuck in traffic is one of the most frustrating experiences for drivers around the world. Everyone slows to a crawl, sometimes for a minor issue or sometimes for no reason at all. As engineers at Netflix, we are constantly reevaluating how to redesign traffic management. What if we knew the urgency of each traveler and could selectively route cars through, rather than making everyone wait?

In Netflix engineering, we’re driven by ensuring Netflix is there when you need it to be. Yet, as recent as last year, our systems were susceptible to metaphorical traffic jams; we had on/off circuit breakers, but no progressive way to shed load. Motivated by improving the lives of our members, we’ve introduced priority-based progressive load shedding.

The animation below shows the behavior of the Netflix viewer experience when the backend is throttling traffic based on priority. While the lower priority requests are throttled, the playback experience remains uninterrupted and the viewer is able to enjoy their title. Let’s dig into how we accomplished this.

Failure can occur due to a myriad of reasons: misbehaving clients that trigger a retry storm, an under-scaled service in the backend, a bad deployment, a network blip, or issues with the cloud provider. All such failures can put a system under unexpected load, and at some point in the past, every single one of these examples has prevented our members’ ability to play. With these incidents in mind, we set out to make Netflix more resilient with these goals:

  1. Consistently prioritize requests across device types (Mobile, Browser, and TV)
  2. Progressively throttle requests based on priority
  3. Validate assumptions by using Chaos Testing (deliberate fault injection) for requests of specific priorities

The resulting architecture that we envisioned with priority throttling and chaos testing included is captured below.

High level playback architecture with priority throttling and chaos testing

Building a request taxonomy

We decided to focus on three dimensions in order to categorize request traffic: throughput, functionality, and criticality. Based on these characteristics, traffic was classified into the following:

  • NON_CRITICAL: This traffic does not affect playback or members’ experience. Logs and background requests are examples of this type of traffic. These requests are usually high throughput which contributes to a large percentage of load in the system.
  • DEGRADED_EXPERIENCE: This traffic affects members’ experience, but not the ability to play. The traffic in this bucket is used for features like: stop and pause markers, language selection in the player, viewing history, and others.
  • CRITICAL: This traffic affects the ability to play. Members will see an error message when they hit play if the request fails.

Using attributes of the request, the API gateway service (Zuul) categorizes the requests into NON_CRITICAL, DEGRADED_EXPERIENCE and CRITICAL buckets, and computes a priority score between 1 to 100 for each request given its individual characteristics. The computation is done as a first step so that it is available for the rest of the request lifecycle.

Most of the time, the request workflow proceeds normally without taking the request priority into account. However, as with any service, sometimes we reach a point when either one of our backends is in trouble or Zuul itself is in trouble. When that happens requests with higher priority get preferential treatment. The higher priority requests will get served, while the lower priority ones will not. The implementation is analogous to a priority queue with a dynamic priority threshold. This allows Zuul to drop requests with a priority lower than the current threshold.

Finding the best place to throttle traffic

Zuul can apply load shedding in two moments during the request lifecycle: when it routes requests to a specific back-end service (service throttling) or at the time of initial request processing, which affects all back-end services (global throttling).

Service throttling

Zuul can sense when a back-end service is in trouble by monitoring the error rates and concurrent requests to that service. Those two metrics are approximate indicators of failures and latency. When the threshold percentage for one of these two metrics is crossed, we reduce load on the service by throttling traffic.

Global throttling

Another case is when Zuul itself is in trouble. As opposed to the scenario above, global throttling will affect all back-end services behind Zuul, rather than a single back-end service. The impact of this global throttling can cause much bigger problems for members. The key metrics used to trigger global throttling are CPU utilization, concurrent requests, and connection count. When any of the thresholds for those metrics are crossed, Zuul will aggressively throttle traffic to keep itself up and healthy while the system recovers. This functionality is critical: if Zuul goes down, no traffic can get through to our backend services, resulting in a total outage.

Introducing priority-based progressive load shedding

Once we had the prioritization piece in place, we were able to combine it with our load shedding mechanism to dramatically improve streaming reliability. When we’re in a bad situation (i.e. any of the thresholds above are exceeded), we progressively drop traffic, starting with the lowest priority. A cubic function is used to manage the level of throttling. If things get really, really bad the level will hit the sharp side of the curve, throttling everything.

The graph above is an example of how the cubic function is applied. As the overload percentage increases (i.e. the range between the throttling threshold and the max capacity), the priority threshold trails it very slowly: at 35%, it’s still in the mid-90s. If the system continues to degrade, we hit priority 50 at 80% exceeded and then eventually 10 at 95%, and so on.

Given that a relatively small amount of requests impact streaming availability, throttling low priority traffic may affect certain product features but will not prevent members pressing “play” and watching their favorite show. By adding progressive priority-based load shedding, Zuul can shed enough traffic to stabilize services without members noticing.

Handling retry storms

When Zuul decides to drop traffic, it sends a signal to devices to let them know that we need them to back off. It does this by indicating how many retries they can perform and what kind of time window they can perform them in. For example:

{ “maxRetries” : <max-retries>, “retryAfterSeconds”: <seconds> }

Using this backpressure mechanism, we can stop retry storms much faster than we could in the past. We automatically adjust these two dials based on the priority of the request. Requests with higher priority will retry more aggressively than lower ones, also increasing streaming availability.

Validating which requests are right for the job

To validate our request taxonomy assumptions on whether a specific request fell into the NON_CRITICAL, DEGRADED, or CRITICAL bucket, we needed a way to test the user’s experience when that request was shed. To accomplish this, we leveraged our internal failure injection tool (FIT) and created a failure injection point in Zuul that allowed us to shed any request based on a supplied priority. This enabled us to manually simulate a load shedded experience by blocking ranges of priorities for a specific device or member, giving us an idea of which requests could be safely shed without impacting the user.

Continually ensuring those requests are still right for the job

One of the goals here is to reduce members’ pain by shedding requests that are not expected to affect the user’s streaming experience. However, Netflix changes quickly and requests that were thought to be noncritical can unexpectedly become critical. In addition, Netflix has a wide variety of client devices, client versions, and ways to interact with the system. To make sure we weren’t causing members pain when throttling NON_CRITICAL requests in any of these scenarios, we leveraged our infrastructure experimentation platform ChAP.

This platform allows us to stage an A/B experiment that will allocate a small number of production users to either a control or treatment group for 45 minutes while throttling a range of priorities for the treatment group. This lets us capture a variety of live use cases and measure the impact to their playback experience. ChAP analyzes the members’ KPIs per device to determine if there is a deviation between the control and the treatment groups.

In our first experiment, we detected a race condition in both Android and iOS devices for a low priority request that caused sporadic playback errors. Since we practice continuous experimentation, once the initial experiments were run and the bugs were fixed, we scheduled them to run on a periodic basis. This allows us to detect regressions early and keep users streaming.

Experiment regression detection before and after fix (SPS indicates streaming availability)

Reaping the benefits

In 2019, before progressive load shedding was in place, the Netflix streaming services experienced an outage that resulted in a sizable percentage of members who were not able to play for a period of time. In 2020, days after the implementation was deployed, the team started seeing the benefit of the solution. Netflix experienced a similar issue with the same potential impact as the outage seen in 2019. Unlike then, Zuul’s progressive load shedding kicked in and started shedding traffic until the service was in a healthy state without impacting members’ ability to play at all.

The graph below shows a stable streaming availability metric stream per second (SPS) while Zuul is performing progressive load shedding based on request priority during the incident. The different colors in the graph represent requests with different priority being throttled.

Members were happily watching their favorite show on Netflix while the infrastructure was self-recovering from a system failure.

We are not done yet

For future work, the team is looking into expanding the use of request priority for other use cases like better retry policies between devices and back-ends, dynamically changing load shedding thresholds, tuning the request priorities using Chaos Testing as a guiding principle, and other areas that will make Netflix even more resilient.

If you’re interested in helping Netflix stay up in the face of shifting systems and unexpected failures, reach out to us. We’re hiring!

Keeping Netflix Reliable Using Prioritized Load Shedding was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

A Day in the Life of a Content Analytics Engineer

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Part of our series on who works in Analytics at Netflix — and what the role entails

by Rocio Ruelas

Back when we were all working in offices, my favorite days were Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Those were the days with the best hot breakfast, and I’ve always been a sucker for free food. I started the day by arriving at the LA office right before 8am and finding a parking spot close to the entrance. I would greet the familiar faces at the reception desk and take a moment to check out which Netflix Original was currently being projected across the lobby. Take the elevator uninterrupted up to the top floor. Grab myself a plate of scrambled eggs, salsa, and bacon. Pour myself some coffee. Then sit at a small table next to the floor-to-ceiling windows with a clear view of the Hollywood sign.

My morning journey from lobby to elevators to breakfast (Photo Credit: Netflix)

During the day, the LA office buzzes with excitement and conversation. My time in the morning is like the calm before the storm — a chance to reflect before my head is full of numbers and figures. I often think about all the things that led me to becoming a Netflix employee. From my family immigrating to the United States from Mexico when I was very young to the teachers and professors that encouraged a low income student like me to dream big. It has been a journey and I’m grateful to be at a place that values the voice I bring to the table.

At the time of posting we’re working from home due to the pandemic, so my days look a bit different: The hot breakfasts are not as consistent and conversations are mainly with my dog. We still find ways to keep connected, but I for one am looking forward to when the office is fully open and I can look out to the Hollywood sign again.

Ok. But what do I actually do? (Besides eating breakfast)

What do I do at Netflix?

I’m a Senior Analytics Engineer on the Content and Marketing Analytics Research team. My team focuses on innovating and maintaining the metrics Netflix uses to understand performance of our shows and films on the service. We partner closely with the business strategy team to provide as much information as we can to our content executives, so that — combined with their industry experience — they can make the best decisions for Netflix.

Being an Analytics Engineer is like being a hybrid of a librarian 📚 and a Swiss army knife 🛠️: Two good things to have on hand when you’re not quite sure what you will need. Like a librarian, I have access to an encyclopedia of knowledge about our content data and have become the resident expert in one of our most important internal metrics. And like a Swiss army knife, I possess a multitude of tools to get the job done — be it SQL, Jupyter Notebooks, Tableau, or Google Sheets.

One of my favorite things about being an Analytics Engineer is the variety. I have some days where I am brainstorming and collaborating with amazing colleagues and other days where I can put my headphones on to work out a tough problem or build a dashboard.

One of my current projects involves understanding how viewing habits have evolved over the past several years. We started out with a small working group where we brainstormed the key questions to address, what data we could use to answer said questions, and came up with a work plan for how the analysis might take shape. Then I put on my headphones and got to work, writing SQL and using Tableau to present the data in a useful way. We met frequently to discuss our findings and iterate on the analysis. The great thing about these working groups is that we each contribute different skills and ideas. We benefit from both our individual strengths and our willingness to collaborate — Our values of Selflessness and Inclusion, in action.

How did I become interested in Analytics?

I did not set out from the start to be an Analyst. I never had a 5 year plan and my path has been a winding one.

Yours truly, featuring part of my extensive Netflix apparel collection
Yours truly, featuring part of my extensive Netflix apparel collection

In college, I majored in Physics because it was “the science that explains all the other sciences”. But what I ended up liking most about it was the math. Between that and the fact that there aren’t many entry-level physics jobs, I pursued a PhD in Applied Mathematics. This turned out to be a wise choice as I avoided entering the workforce right before the 2008 recession.

I loved grad school. The lectures, the research, and most of all the lifelong friendships. But as much as I enjoyed being a student, the academic track wasn’t for me. So without much of a plan I headed back home to California after graduation.

Looking around to see what I could do with my Applied Math background, I quickly settled on Data Science. I wasn’t well versed in it but I knew it was in demand. I started my new data science career as an analyst at a small marketing company. I had an incredible boss who encouraged me to learn new skills on the job. I honed my SQL and Python skills and implemented a clustering model. I also got my first introduction to working for an actual business.

Later on I went to Hulu to grow in the core skills of a data scientist. But while the predictive modeling I was doing was interesting and challenging, I missed being close to the business. As an analyst, I got to attend more meetings with the decision makers and be part of the conversation.

So by the time the opportunity arose to interview for a position at Netflix, I had figured out that Analytics was the best area for me.

It has been a journey and I’m grateful to be at a place that values the voice I bring to the table.

Why Netflix?

Growing up I watched a lot of TV. I mean a lot of TV. But I never thought I could actually work in the TV and Film business. I feel incredibly fortunate to be working at a job I am passionate about and to be at a company that brings joy to people around the world.

Even though I’d been a loyal Netflix customer since the DVD days, I had not heard about their unique culture until I started interviewing. When I did read the culture doc (which I recently learned is also published in Spanish and 12 other languages!), it sounded pretty intimidating. Phrases like “high performance” and “dream team” made me imagine an almost gladiator-style workplace. But I quickly learned this wasn’t the case. Through a combination of my existing network, the interview process, and other online resources about the company, I found that folks are actually very friendly and helpful! Everyone just wants to do their best work and help you do your best work too. Think more The Great British Baking Show and less Hell’s Kitchen. Selflessness really is embraced as an important Netflix value.

Having been here for 3 years now, I can say that working at Netflix is really special. The company is always evolving, big decisions are made in a transparent way, and I’m encouraged to voice my thoughts. But the single most important factor is the people. My Content Analytics teammates continuously impress me not only with their quality of work, but also with their kindness and mutual trust. This foundation makes innovating more fun, lets us be open about our passions outside of work, and means we genuinely enjoy each other’s company. That balance is crucial for me and is why this truly is the place where I can do my best work.

If this post resonates with you and you’d like to explore opportunities with Netflix, check out our analytics site, search open roles, and learn about our culture. You can also find more stories like this here.

A Day in the Life of a Content Analytics Engineer was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform

By David Henry & Mel Yahya

Over the last few years Netflix has been developing a mobile app called Prodicle to innovate in the physical production of TV shows and movies. The world of physical production is fast-paced, and needs vary significantly between the country, region, and even from one production to the next. The nature of the work means we’re developing write-heavy software, in a distributed environment, on devices where less than ⅓ of our users have very reliable connectivity whilst on set, and with a limited margin for error. For these reasons, as a small engineering team, we’ve found that optimizing for reliability and speed of product delivery is required for us to serve our evolving customers’ needs successfully.

The high likelihood of unreliable network connectivity led us to lean into mobile solutions for robust client side persistence and offline support. The need for fast product delivery led us to experiment with a multiplatform architecture. Now we’re taking this one step further by using Kotlin Multiplatform to write platform agnostic business logic once in Kotlin and compiling to a Kotlin library for Android and a native Universal Framework for iOS via Kotlin/Native.

Kotlin Multiplatform

Kotlin Multiplatform allows you to use a single codebase for the business logic of iOS and Android apps. You only need to write platform-specific code where it’s necessary, for example, to implement a native UI or when working with platform-specific APIs.

Kotlin Multiplatform approaches cross-platform mobile development differently from some well known technologies in the space. Where other technologies abstract away or completely replace platform specific app development, Kotlin Multiplatform is complementary to existing platform specific technologies and is geared towards replacing platform agnostic business logic. It’s a new tool in the toolbox as opposed to replacing the toolbox.

This approach works well for us for several reasons:

  1. Our Android and iOS studio apps have a shared architecture with similar or in some cases identical business logic written on both platforms.
  2. Almost 50% of the production code in our Android and iOS apps is decoupled from the underlying platform.
  3. Our appetite for exploring the latest technologies offered by respective platforms (Android Jetpack Compose, Swift UI, etc) isn’t hampered in any way.

So, what are we doing with it?

Experience Management

As noted earlier, our user needs vary significantly from one production to the next. This translates to a large number of app configurations to toggle feature availability and optimize the in-app experience for each production. Decoupling the code that manages these configurations from the apps themselves helps to reduce complexity as the apps grow. Our first exploration with code sharing involves the implementation of a mobile SDK for our internal experience management tool, Hendrix.

At its core, Hendrix is a simple interpreted language that expresses how configuration values should be computed. These expressions are evaluated in the current app session context, and can access data such as A/B test assignments, locality, device attributes, etc. For our use-case, we’re configuring the availability of production, version, and region specific app feature sets.

Poor network connectivity coupled with frequently changing configuration values in response to user activity means that on-device rule evaluation is preferable to server-side evaluation.

This led us to build a lightweight Hendrix mobile SDK — a great candidate for Kotlin Multiplatform as it requires significant business logic and is entirely platform agnostic.


For brevity, we’ll skip over the Hendrix specific details and touch on some of the differences involved in using Kotlin Multiplatform in place of Kotlin/Swift.


For Android, it’s business as usual. The Hendrix Multiplatform SDK is imported via gradle as an Android library project dependency in the same fashion as any other dependency. On the iOS side, the native binary is included in the Xcode project as a universal framework.

Developer ergonomics

Kotlin Multiplatform source code can be edited, recompiled, and can have a debugger attached with breakpoints in Android Studio and Xcode (including lldb support). Android Studio works out of the box, Xcode support is achieved via TouchLabs’ xcode-kotlin plugin.

Debugging Kotlin source code from Xcode.


Hendrix interprets rule set(s) — remotely configurable files that get downloaded to the device. We’re using Ktor’s Multiplatform HttpClient to embed our networking code within the SDK.

Disk cache

Of course, network connectivity may not always be available so downloaded rule sets need to be cached to disk. For this, we’re using SQLDelight along with it’s Android and Native Database drivers for Multiplatform persistence.

Final thoughts

We’ve followed the evolution of Kotlin Multiplatform keenly over the last few years and believe that the technology has reached an inflection point. The tooling and build system integrations for Xcode have improved significantly such that the complexities involved in integration and maintenance are outweighed by the benefit of not having to write and maintain multiple platform specific implementations.

Opportunities for additional code sharing between our Android and iOS studio apps are plentiful. Potential future applications of the technology become even more interesting when we consider that Javascript transpilation is also possible.

We’re excited by the possibility of evolving our studio mobile apps into thin UI layers with shared business logic and will continue to share our learnings with you on that journey.

Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Bulldozer: Batch Data Moving from Data Warehouse to Online Key-Value Stores

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Tianlong Chen and Ioannis Papapanagiotou

Netflix has more than 195 million subscribers that generate petabytes of data everyday. Data scientists and engineers collect this data from our subscribers and videos, and implement data analytics models to discover customer behaviour with the goal of maximizing user joy. Usually Data scientists and engineers write Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) jobs and pipelines using big data compute technologies, like Spark or Presto, to process this data and periodically compute key information for a member or a video. The processed data is typically stored as data warehouse tables in AWS S3. Iceberg is widely adopted in Netflix as a data warehouse table format that addresses many of the usability and performance problems with Hive tables.

At Netflix, we also heavily embrace a microservice architecture that emphasizes separation of concerns. Many of these services often have the requirement to do a fast lookup for this fine-grained data which is generated periodically. For example, in order to enhance our user experience, one online application fetches subscribers’ preferences data to recommend movies and TV shows. The data warehouse is not designed to serve point requests from microservices with low latency. Therefore, we must efficiently move data from the data warehouse to a global, low-latency and highly-reliable key-value store. For how our machine learning recommendation systems leverage our key-value stores, please see more details on this presentation.

What is Bulldozer

Bulldozer is a self-serve data platform that moves data efficiently from data warehouse tables to key-value stores in batches. It leverages Netflix Scheduler for scheduling the Bulldozer Jobs. Netflix Scheduler is built on top of Meson which is a general purpose workflow orchestration and scheduling framework to execute and manage the lifecycle of the data workflow. Bulldozer makes data warehouse tables more accessible to different microservices and reduces each individual team’s burden to build their own solutions. Figure 1 shows how we use Bulldozer to move data at Netflix.

Figure 1. Moving data with Bulldozer at Netflix.

As the paved path for moving data to key-value stores, Bulldozer provides a scalable and efficient no-code solution. Users only need to specify the data source and the destination cluster information in a YAML file. Bulldozer provides the functionality to auto-generate the data schema which is defined in a protobuf file. The protobuf schema is used for serializing and deserializing the data by Bulldozer and data consumers. Bulldozer uses Spark to read the data from the data warehouse into DataFrames, converts each data entry to a key-value pair using the schema defined in the protobuf and then delivers key-value pairs into a key-value store in batches.

Instead of directly moving data into a specific key-value store like Cassandra or Memcached, Bulldozer moves data to a Netflix implemented Key-Value Data Abstraction Layer (KV DAL). The KV DAL allows applications to use a well-defined and storage engine agnostic HTTP/gRPC key-value data interface that in turn decouples applications from hard to maintain and backwards-incompatible datastore APIs. By leveraging multiple shards of the KV DAL, Bulldozer only needs to provide one single solution for writing data to the highly abstracted key-value data interface, instead of developing different plugins and connectors for different data stores. Then the KV DAL handles writing to the appropriate underlying storage engines depending on latency, availability, cost, and durability requirements.

Figure 2. How Bulldozer leverages Spark, Protobuf and KV DAL for moving the data.

Configuration-Based Bulldozer Job

For batch data movement in Netflix, we provide job templates in our Scheduler to make movement of data from all data sources into and out of the data warehouse. Templates are backed by notebooks. Our data platform provides the clients with a configuration-based interface to run a templated job with input validation.

We provide the job template MoveDataToKvDal for moving the data from the warehouse to one Key-Value DAL. Users only need to put the configurations together in a YAML file to define the movement job. The job is then scheduled and executed in Netflix Big Data Platform. This configuration defines what and where the data should be moved. Bulldozer abstracts the underlying infrastructure on how the data moves.

Let’s look at an example of a Bulldozer YAML configuration (Figure 3). Basically the configuration consists of three major domains: 1) data_movement includes the properties that specify what data to move. 2) key_value_dal defines the properties of where the data should be moved. 3) bulldozer_protobuf has the required information for protobuf file auto generation.

Figure 3. An Exemplar Bulldozer Job YAML.

In the data_movement domain, the source of the data can be a warehouse table or a SQL query. Users also need to define the key and value columns to tell Bulldozer which column is used as the key and which columns are included in the value message. We will discuss more details about the schema mapping in the next Data Model section. In the key_value_dal domain, it defines the destination of the data which is a namespace in the Key-Value DAL. One namespace in a Key-Value DAL contains as many key-value data as required, it is the equivalent to a table in a database.

Data Model

Bulldozer uses protobuf for 1) representing warehouse table schema into a key-value schema; 2) serializing and deserializing the key-value data when performing write and read operations to KV DAL. In this way, it allows us to provide a more traditional typed record store while keeping the key-value storage engine abstracted.

Figure 4 shows a simple example of how we represent a warehouse table schema into a key-value schema. The left part of the figure shows the schema of the warehouse table while the right part is the protobuf message that Bulldozer auto generates based on the configurations in the YAML file. The field names should exactly match for Bulldozer to convert the structured data entries into the key-value pairs. In this case, profile_id field is the key while email and age fields are included in the value schema. Users can use the protobuf schema KeyMessage and ValueMessage to deserialize data from Key-Value DAL as well.

Figure 4. An Example of Schema Mapping.

In this example, the schema of the warehouse table is flat, but sometimes the table can have nested structures. Bulldozer supports complicated schemas, like struct of struct type, array of struct, map of struct and map of map type.

Data Version Control

Bulldozer jobs can be configured to execute at a desired frequency of time, like once or many times per day. Each execution moves the latest view of the data warehouse into a Key-Value DAL namespace. Each view of the data warehouse is a new version of the entire dataset. For example, the data warehouse has two versions of full dataset as of January 1st and 2nd, Bulldozer job is scheduled to execute daily for moving each version of the data.

Figure 5. Dataset of January 1st 2020.
Figure 6. Dataset of January 2nd 2020.

When Bulldozer moves these versioned data, it usually has the following requirements:

  • Data Integrity. For one Bulldozer job moving one version of data, it should write the full dataset or none. Partially writing is not acceptable. For example above, if the consumer reads value for movie_id: 1 and movie_id: 2 after the Bulldozer jobs, the returned values shouldn’t come from two versions, like: (movie_id: 1, cost 40), (movie_id: 2, cost 101).
  • Seamless to Data Consumer. Once a Bulldozer job finishes moving a new version of data, the data consumer should be able to start reading the new data automatically and seamlessly.
  • Data Fallback. Normally, data consumers read only the latest version of the data, but if there’s some data corruption in that version, we should have a mechanism to fallback to the previous version.

Bulldozer leverages the KV DAL data namespace and namespace alias functionality to manage these versioned datasets. For each Bulldozer job execution, it creates a new namespace suffixed with the date and moves the data to that namespace. The data consumer reads data from an alias namespace which points to one of these version namespaces. Once the job moves the full data successfully, the Bulldozer job updates the alias namespace to point to the new namespace which contains the new version of data. The old namespaces are closed to reads and writes and deleted in the background once it’s safe to do so. As most key-value storage engines support efficiently deleting a namespace (e.g. truncate or drop a table) this allows us to cheaply recycle old versions of the data. There are also other systems in Netflix like Gutenberg which adopt a similar namespace alias approach for data versioning which is applied to terabyte datasets.

For example, in Figure 7 data consumers read the data through namespace: alias_namespace which points to one of the underlying namespaces. On January 1st 2020, Bulldozer job creates namespace_2020_01_01 and moves the dataset, alias_namespace points to namespace_2020_01_01. On January 2nd 2020, there’s a new version of data, bulldozer creates namespace_2020_01_02 , moves the new dataset and updates alias_namespace pointing to namespace_2020_01_02. Both namespace_2020_01_01 and namespace_2020_01_02 are transparent to the data consumers.

Figure 7. An Example of How the Namespace Aliasing Works.

The namespace aliasing mechanism ensures that the data consumer only reads data from one single version. If there’s a bad version of data, we can always swap the underlying namespaces to fallback to the old version.

Production Usage

We released Bulldozer in production in early 2020. Currently, Bulldozer transfers billions of records from the data warehouse to key-value stores in Netflix everyday. The use cases include our members’ predicted scores data to help improve personalized experience (one example shows in Figure 8), the metadata of Airtable and Google Sheets for data lifecycle management, the messaging modeling data for messaging personalization and more.

Figure 8. Personalized articles in Netflix Help Center powered by Bulldozer.

Stay Tuned

The ideas discussed here include only a small set of problems with many more challenges still left to be identified and addressed. Please share your thoughts and experience by posting your comments below and stay tuned for more on data movement work at Netflix.

Bulldozer: Batch Data Moving from Data Warehouse to Online Key-Value Stores was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Building Netflix’s Distributed Tracing Infrastructure

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

by Maulik Pandey

Our Team — Kevin Lew, Narayanan Arunachalam, Elizabeth Carretto, Dustin Haffner, Andrei Ushakov, Seth Katz, Greg Burrell, Ram Vaithilingam, Mike Smith and Maulik Pandey

@Netflixhelps Why doesn’t Tiger King play on my phone?” — a Netflix member via Twitter

This is an example of a question our on-call engineers need to answer to help resolve a member issue — which is difficult when troubleshooting distributed systems. Investigating a video streaming failure consists of inspecting all aspects of a member account. In our previous blog post we introduced Edgar, our troubleshooting tool for streaming sessions. Now let’s look at how we designed the tracing infrastructure that powers Edgar.

Distributed Tracing: the missing context in troubleshooting services at scale

Prior to Edgar, our engineers had to sift through a mountain of metadata and logs pulled from various Netflix microservices in order to understand a specific streaming failure experienced by any of our members. Reconstructing a streaming session was a tedious and time consuming process that involved tracing all interactions (requests) between the Netflix app, our Content Delivery Network (CDN), and backend microservices. The process started with manual pull of member account information that was part of the session. The next step was to put all puzzle pieces together and hope the resulting picture would help resolve the member issue. We needed to increase engineering productivity via distributed request tracing.

If we had an ID for each streaming session then distributed tracing could easily reconstruct session failure by providing service topology, retry and error tags, and latency measurements for all service calls. We could also get contextual information about the streaming session by joining relevant traces with account metadata and service logs. This insight led us to build Edgar: a distributed tracing infrastructure and user experience.

Figure 1. Troubleshooting a session in Edgar

When we started building Edgar four years ago, there were very few open-source distributed tracing systems that satisfied our needs. Our tactical approach was to use Netflix-specific libraries for collecting traces from Java-based streaming services until open source tracer libraries matured. By 2017, open source projects like Open-Tracing and Open-Zipkin were mature enough for use in polyglot runtime environments at Netflix. We chose Open-Zipkin because it had better integrations with our Spring Boot based Java runtime environment. We use Mantis for processing the stream of collected traces, and we use Cassandra for storing traces. Our distributed tracing infrastructure is grouped into three sections: tracer library instrumentation, stream processing, and storage. Traces collected from various microservices are ingested in a stream processing manner into the data store. The following sections describe our journey in building these components.

Trace Instrumentation: how will it impact our service?

That is the first question our engineering teams asked us when integrating the tracer library. It is an important question because tracer libraries intercept all requests flowing through mission-critical streaming services. Safe integration and deployment of tracer libraries in our polyglot runtime environments was our top priority. We earned the trust of our engineers by developing empathy for their operational burden and by focusing on providing efficient tracer library integrations in runtime environments.

Distributed tracing relies on propagating context for local interprocess calls (IPC) and client calls to remote microservices for any arbitrary request. Passing the request context captures causal relationships between microservices during runtime. We adopted Open-Zipkin’s B3 HTTP header based context propagation mechanism. We ensure that context propagation headers are correctly passed between microservices across a variety of our “paved road” Java and Node runtime environments, which include both older environments with legacy codebases and newer environments such as Spring Boot. We execute the Freedom & Responsibility principle of our culture in supporting tracer libraries for environments like Python, NodeJS, and Ruby on Rails that are not part of the “paved road” developer experience. Our loosely coupled but highly aligned engineering teams have the freedom to choose an appropriate tracer library for their runtime environment and have the responsibility to ensure correct context propagation and integration of network call interceptors.

Our runtime environment integrations inject infrastructure tags like service name, auto-scaling group (ASG), and container instance identifiers. Edgar uses this infrastructure tagging schema to query and join traces with log data for troubleshooting streaming sessions. Additionally, it became easy to provide deep links to different monitoring and deployment systems in Edgar due to consistent tagging. With runtime environment integrations in place, we had to set an appropriate trace data sampling policy for building a troubleshooting experience.

Stream Processing: to sample or not to sample trace data?

This was the most important question we considered when building our infrastructure because data sampling policy dictates the amount of traces that are recorded, transported, and stored. A lenient trace data sampling policy generates a large number of traces in each service container and can lead to degraded performance of streaming services as more CPU, memory, and network resources are consumed by the tracer library. An additional implication of a lenient sampling policy is the need for scalable stream processing and storage infrastructure fleets to handle increased data volume.

We knew that a heavily sampled trace dataset is not reliable for troubleshooting because there is no guarantee that the request you want is in the gathered samples. We needed a thoughtful approach for collecting all traces in the streaming microservices while keeping low operational complexity of running our infrastructure.

Most distributed tracing systems enforce sampling policy at the request ingestion point in a microservice call graph. We took a hybrid head-based sampling approach that allows for recording 100% of traces for a specific and configurable set of requests, while continuing to randomly sample traffic per the policy set at ingestion point. This flexibility allows tracer libraries to record 100% traces in our mission-critical streaming microservices while collecting minimal traces from auxiliary systems like offline batch data processing. Our engineering teams tuned their services for performance after factoring in increased resource utilization due to tracing. The next challenge was to stream large amounts of traces via a scalable data processing platform.

Mantis is our go-to platform for processing operational data at Netflix. We chose Mantis as our backbone to transport and process large volumes of trace data because we needed a backpressure-aware, scalable stream processing system. Our trace data collection agent transports traces to Mantis job cluster via the Mantis Publish library. We buffer spans for a time period in order to collect all spans for a trace in the first job. A second job taps the data feed from the first job, does tail sampling of data and writes traces to the storage system. This setup of chained Mantis jobs allows us to scale each data processing component independently. An additional advantage of using Mantis is the ability to perform real-time ad-hoc data exploration in Raven using the Mantis Query Language (MQL). However, having a scalable stream processing platform doesn’t help much if you can’t store data in a cost efficient manner.

Storage: don’t break the bank!

We started with Elasticsearch as our data store due to its flexible data model and querying capabilities. As we onboarded more streaming services, the trace data volume started increasing exponentially. The increased operational burden of scaling ElasticSearch clusters due to high data write rate became painful for us. The data read queries took an increasingly longer time to finish because ElasticSearch clusters were using heavy compute resources for creating indexes on ingested traces. The high data ingestion rate eventually degraded both read and write operations. We solved this by migrating to Cassandra as our data store for handling high data ingestion rates. Using simple lookup indices in Cassandra gives us the ability to maintain acceptable read latencies while doing heavy writes.

In theory, scaling up horizontally would allow us to handle higher write rates and retain larger amounts of data in Cassandra clusters. This implies that the cost of storing traces grows linearly to the amount of data being stored. We needed to ensure storage cost growth was sub-linear to the amount of data being stored. In pursuit of this goal, we outlined following storage optimization strategies:

  1. Use cheaper Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes instead of SSD instance stores in EC2.
  2. Employ better compression technique to reduce trace data size.
  3. Store only relevant and interesting traces by using simple rules-based filters.

We were adding new Cassandra nodes whenever the EC2 SSD instance stores of existing nodes reached maximum storage capacity. The use of a cheaper EBS Elastic volume instead of an SSD instance store was an attractive option because AWS allows dynamic increase in EBS volume size without re-provisioning the EC2 node. This allowed us to increase total storage capacity without adding a new Cassandra node to the existing cluster. In 2019 our stunning colleagues in the Cloud Database Engineering (CDE) team benchmarked EBS performance for our use case and migrated existing clusters to use EBS Elastic volumes. By optimizing the Time Window Compaction Strategy (TWCS) parameters, they reduced the disk write and merge operations of Cassandra SSTable files, thereby reducing the EBS I/O rate. This optimization helped us reduce the data replication network traffic amongst the cluster nodes because SSTable files were created less often than in our previous configuration. Additionally, by enabling Zstd block compression on Cassandra data files, the size of our trace data files was reduced by half. With these optimized Cassandra clusters in place, it now costs us 71% less to operate clusters and we could store 35x more data than our previous configuration.

We observed that Edgar users explored less than 1% of collected traces. This insight leads us to believe that we can reduce write pressure and retain more data in the storage system if we drop traces that users will not care about. We currently use a simple rule based filter in our Storage Mantis job that retains interesting traces for very rarely looked service call paths in Edgar. The filter qualifies a trace as an interesting data point by inspecting all buffered spans of a trace for warnings, errors, and retry tags. This tail-based sampling approach reduced the trace data volume by 20% without impacting user experience. There is an opportunity to use machine learning based classification techniques to further reduce trace data volume.

While we have made substantial progress, we are now at another inflection point in building our trace data storage system. Onboarding new user experiences on Edgar could require us to store 10x the amount of current data volume. As a result, we are currently experimenting with a tiered storage approach for a new data gateway. This data gateway provides a querying interface that abstracts the complexity of reading and writing data from tiered data stores. Additionally, the data gateway routes ingested data to the Cassandra cluster and transfers compacted data files from Cassandra cluster to S3. We plan to retain the last few hours worth of data in Cassandra clusters and keep the rest in S3 buckets for long term retention of traces.

Table 1. Timeline of Storage Optimizations

Secondary advantages

In addition to powering Edgar, trace data is used for the following use cases:

Application Health Monitoring

Trace data is a key signal used by Telltale in monitoring macro level application health at Netflix. Telltale uses the causal information from traces to infer microservice topology and correlate traces with time series data from Atlas. This approach paints a richer observability portrait of application health.

Resiliency Engineering

Our chaos engineering team uses traces to verify that failures are correctly injected while our engineers stress test their microservices via Failure Injection Testing (FIT) platform.

Regional Evacuation

The Demand Engineering team leverages tracing to improve the correctness of prescaling during regional evacuations. Traces provide visibility into the types of devices interacting with microservices such that changes in demand for these services can be better accounted for when an AWS region is evacuated.

Estimate infrastructure cost of running an A/B test

The Data Science and Product team factors in the costs of running A/B tests on microservices by analyzing traces that have relevant A/B test names as tags.

What’s next?

The scope and complexity of our software systems continue to increase as Netflix grows. We will focus on following areas for extending Edgar:

  • Provide a great developer experience for collecting traces across all runtime environments. With an easy way to to try out distributed tracing, we hope that more engineers instrument their services with traces and provide additional context for each request by tagging relevant metadata.
  • Enhance our analytics capability for querying trace data to enable power users at Netflix in building their own dashboards and systems for narrowly focused use cases.
  • Build abstractions that correlate data from metrics, logging, and tracing systems to provide additional contextual information for troubleshooting.

As we progress in building distributed tracing infrastructure, our engineers continue to rely on Edgar for troubleshooting streaming issues like “Why doesn’t Tiger King play on my phone?”. Our distributed tracing infrastructure helps in ensuring that Netflix members continue to enjoy a must-watch show like Tiger King!

We are looking for stunning colleagues to join us on this journey of building distributed tracing infrastructure. If you are passionate about Observability then come talk to us.

Building Netflix’s Distributed Tracing Infrastructure was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How Our Paths Brought Us to Data and Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Part of our series on who works in Analytics at Netflix — and what the role entails

by Julie Beckley & Chris Pham

This Q&A provides insights into the diverse set of skills, projects, and culture within Data Science and Engineering (DSE) at Netflix through the eyes of two team members: Chris Pham and Julie Beckley.

Photo from a team curling offsite — There’s us to the right!

[Chris] Julie and I joined the Streaming DSE team at Netflix a few years ago and have been close colleagues and friends since then. At work, we regularly lean on each other for help based on our respective areas of expertise — I bring my breadth of big data tools and technologies while Julie has been building statistical models for the past decade. Outside of work, we share a love of good food and coffee, exchanging tips on making espresso.

1. What was your path to working in data?

[Julie] I took a traditional path to data science. Since mathematics was my favorite subject in school, I decided to pursue it for my bachelors degree at McGill University (while indulging in French culture in the beautiful city of Montreal). Over the course of the four years it became clear that I enjoyed combining analytical skills with solving real world problems, so a PhD in Statistics was a natural next step. After completing my education, I was still not certain whether I wanted a job in academia or industry. I took a role as a Research Staff Member at IBM Research, which served as a middle ground with a joint focus on real world applications, academic research, and even allowed me to teach a graduate Machine Learning course! I then transitioned to a full industry role at Netflix.

[Chris] I initially wanted to build a career in consulting after receiving my graduate degree in Economics because I had a passion for analytical problem solving and statistical modeling. A role in data science eventually seemed like a natural transition, but it wasn’t without its hurdles: With my consulting background, I had to go through a few other roles first while learning how to code on the side. A lot of my learning and training was self-guided until 2016, when a manager at my last company took a chance on me and helped me make the rare transfer from a role in HR to Data Science.

2. Tell me about some of the exciting projects you’re a part of.

[Julie] Chris and I have the same primary stakeholders (or engineering team that we support): Encoding Technologies. They are continuously innovating compression algorithms to efficiently send high quality audio and video files to our customers over the internet. I focus on improving experimentation methodology to test how well the newest files are working: do they need less bits to stream while providing a higher video quality? Do they cause less errors? My work is typically developed in R or Python. I love the cross-functional nature of my work, as it allows me to learn from others and creatively explore new statistical methodologies to improve the Netflix service.

[Chris] When I first started working with Encoding Technologies, there was so much data waiting to be translated into actionable insights. It was fun starting from almost nothing and transforming all of that data into self-serve tools and dashboards for the team to understand their contribution to the Netflix streaming experience. These projects have involved using Spark, Python, SQL, Tableau, and Jupyter notebooks. Over the last year, I’ve spent a lot of time analyzing data to inform how we roll out new encoding innovations to the diverse ecosystem of devices that stream Netflix.

3. How do your projects impact the business at Netflix?

[Julie] Encoding experimentation (and more broadly, streaming experimentation) is critical for ensuring our customers have a good Quality of Experience when watching Netflix. In other words, the content you’re about to watch needs to load quickly with high video quality. When we test new encodes, we need effective data science methods to quickly and accurately understand whether customers are having a better experience. With these insights, the engineering teams can quickly understand what’s working well and what needs to be improved. It’s super exciting to see the impact of my work when I hear from friends and family that Netflix is streaming well for them!

[Chris] There’s a lot of things to consider when we roll out a new compression algorithm. Which devices get this treatment? What is the benefit to the streaming experience? Is the benefit uniform, or do certain cohorts of members — such as those who stream over a cellular connection — benefit more? How does a decision of this scale affect the efficiency of our globally distributed content delivery network, Open Connect? It’s one big optimization problem that requires balancing several different factors. Streaming DSE is at the center of it all, bringing together different teams at Netflix and using data to drive decisions that impact our members around the world.

4. What does it take to succeed at Netflix in a data role?

[Julie] One of the special things about working at Netflix is that a diverse set of skills and backgrounds is truly appreciated, since there are many ways to add value to the company. From my experience, being proactive in pushing forward on your ideas is key. The values in the Netflix culture document allow for a framework where everyone is a leader to work well — this is because we expect initiative, direct and candid feedback, and transparency in everything we do. This leads to a great environment where I am constantly challenged, learning, and receiving constructive feedback on how I can do better!

[Chris] I think a big part of our jobs is continuously thinking about how data can benefit our stakeholders. Julie and I will never know as much about video and audio compression algorithms as our talented Encoding Technologies team, but we should be the ones most familiar with the data: How to access, analyze, and visualize it; how to transform it into metrics that act as strong and accurate proxies for a member’s experience; and how to guide others to draw the right conclusions from data so they can act on it. Writing memos is a big part of Netflix culture, which I’ve found has been helpful for sharing ideas, soliciting feedback, and documenting project details. So writing well, especially the ability to translate technical concepts for a non-technical audience, is also very useful.

5. What piece of advice would you pass along to those just starting out their career in data?

[Julie] One piece of advice I would pass along (and wish I could give to my younger self) is not to stress and try to plan every step of your data science career. Your career is long (and unpredictable!), so as long as you work hard and stay motivated, it will move in an exciting direction.

[Chris] Everyone wants to build fancy models or tools, but fewer are willing to do the foundational things like cleaning the data and writing the documentation. I’ve found that volunteering and being proactive (no matter the task) has been an effective way of building trust with others, and it opened my career up to many more opportunities early on.

If this post resonates with you and you’d like to explore opportunities with Netflix, check out our analytics site, search open roles, and learn about our culture. You can also find more stories like this here.

How Our Paths Brought Us to Data and Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Analytics at Netflix: Who we are and what we do

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Analytics at Netflix: Who We Are and What We Do

An Introduction to Analytics and Visualization Engineering at Netflix

by Molly Jackman & Meghana Reddy

Explained: Season 1 (Photo Credit: Netflix)

Across nearly every industry, there is recognition that data analytics is key to driving informed business decision-making. But there is far less agreement on what that term “data analytics” actually means — or what to call the people responsible for the work.

Even within Netflix, we have many groups that do some form of data analysis, including business strategy and consumer insights. But here we are talking about Netflix’s Data Science and Engineering group, which specializes in analytics at scale. The group has technical, engineering-oriented roles that fall under two broad category titles: “Analytics Engineers” and “Visualization Engineers.” In this post, we refer to these two titles collectively as the “analytics role.” These professionals come from a wide range of backgrounds and bring different skills to their work, while sharing a common drive to generate and scale business impact through data.

Individuals in these roles possess deep business context and are thought leaders alongside their business counterparts. This enables them to fully understand where their partners are coming from.

What’s the purpose of the analytics role at Netflix?

When you think about data at Netflix, what comes to mind? Oftentimes it is our content recommendation algorithm or the online delivery of video to your device at home. Both are integral parts of the business, but far from the whole picture. Data is used to inform a wide range of questions — ‘How can we make the product experience even better?’, ‘Which shows and films bring the most joy to our members?’, ‘Who can we partner with to expand access to our service in new markets?’. Our Analytics and Visualization Engineers are taking on these and other big questions for the company, informing decision-making across every corner of the business.

We align our analytic teams with business area verticals
We align our analytic teams with business area verticals

Since the problem space is so varied, we align our analytics professionals with the listed business area verticals rather than organizing them within a single functional horizontal. The expectation is that individuals in these roles possess deep business context and are thought leaders alongside their business counterparts. This enables them to fully understand where their partners are coming from. It also means Analytics and Visualization Engineers are a specialized resource and a rare commodity. There are many more questions and stakeholders than analytics team members, and the job is not to take on every request. Instead, these individual contributors are given freedom to choose their projects and are responsible for prioritizing the ones that will have the most business impact (and deprioritizing the rest). This requires a lot of judgment and embodies our “context not control” culture.

“OK, but what do they actually do…?”

What does the job entail?

You’ve probably caught on to some common themes: People in the analytics role are highly connected to the business, solve end-to-end problems, and are directly responsible for improving business outcomes. But what makes this group really shine are their differences. They come from lots of backgrounds, which yields different perspectives on how to approach problems. We use the catch-all titles of Analytics and Visualization Engineers so as to not get too hung up on specific credentials. Instead, people are empowered to leverage their unique skills to make Netflix better.

A couple other defining characteristics of the role are full ownership of the problem (in Netflix lingo, you are the “informed captain” of your space) and creating trustworthy outputs. These are only possible through the one-two punch of deep business context 👊 and technical excellence 👊. Full ownership often means building new data pipelines, navigating complex schemas and large data sets, developing or improving metrics for business performance, and creating intuitive visualizations and dashboards — always with an eye towards actionable insights.

We use the catch-all titles of Analytics and Visualization Engineers so as to not get too hung up on specific credentials. Instead, people are empowered to leverage their unique skills to make Netflix better.

Because these professionals vary in their expertise, so too does their day-to-day. Below are three broadly defined personas to help illustrate some of the different backgrounds, motivations, and activities of individuals in the analytics role at Netflix. Many of our colleagues have come in with expertise that spans multiple personas. Others have grown into new areas as part of their professional development at Netflix. Ultimately, these skills are all on a continuum, some broad and some deep, and these are just a few examples of such expertise. So if you find yourself connecting with any part of these descriptions, the analytics role could be for you.

  • The Analyst is motivated by delivering metrics, findings, or dashboards that drive analytical insights and business decisions. They love to communicate their discoveries to nontechnical audiences, explain caveats, and debate analytic choices and strategic implications with peers and stakeholders. Their expertise is descriptive analytic methodology, but they have the necessary tools to be scrappy (e.g. coding, math, stats), and do what’s required to answer the highest priority business questions.
  • The Engineer enjoys making data available by piping it in from new sources in optimal ways, building robust data models, prototyping systems, and doing project-specific engineering. They’re still analysts at heart but, similar to data engineers, they have a deep understanding of data warehouse capabilities and are pros at data processing optimization and performance tuning. Being at this intersection of disciplines allows them to produce full-stack outputs, layering visualizations and analytics on their projects.
  • The Visualizer is passionate about the scalability, beauty, and functionality of dashboards and their capability for telling a visual story. They also have an eye for principled engineering, i.e. managing the data under the surface. They want to pick the perfect chart type for the narrative while also focusing on delivering key analytic insights. They may use industry tools (e.g. Tableau, Looker, Power BI) to their fullest extent, developing a deeper understanding of analytics by examining these tools under the hood. Or they may create sophisticated visuals from scratch and build the type of custom UI that enterprise tools don’t offer (e.g. JavaScript web apps).

Introducing Analytics at Netflix

Whether you’re a data professional, student, or Netflix enthusiast, we invite you to meet our stunning colleagues and hear their stories. If this series resonates with you and you’d like to explore opportunities with us, check out our analytics site, search open roles, and learn about our culture.

Welcome to Analytics at Netflix!

Related Posts:

Analytics at Netflix: Who we are and what we do was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Seamlessly Swapping the API backend of the Netflix Android app

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

How we migrated our Android endpoints out of a monolith into a new microservice

by Rohan Dhruva, Ed Ballot

As Android developers, we usually have the luxury of treating our backends as magic boxes running in the cloud, faithfully returning us JSON. At Netflix, we have adopted the Backend for Frontend (BFF) pattern: instead of having one general purpose “backend API”, we have one backend per client (Android/iOS/TV/web). On the Android team, while most of our time is spent working on the app, we are also responsible for maintaining this backend that our app communicates with, and its orchestration code.

Recently, we completed a year-long project rearchitecting and decoupling our backend from the centralized model used previously. We did this migration without slowing down the usual cadence of our releases, and with particular care to avoid any negative effects to the user experience. We went from an essentially serverless model in a monolithic service, to deploying and maintaining a new microservice that hosted our app backend endpoints. This allowed Android engineers to have much more control and observability over how we get our data. Over the course of this post, we will talk about our approach to this migration, the strategies that we employed, and the tools we built to support this.


The Netflix Android app uses the falcor data model and query protocol. This allows the app to query a list of “paths” in each HTTP request, and get specially formatted JSON (jsonGraph) that we use to cache the data and hydrate the UI. As mentioned earlier, each client team owns their respective endpoints: which effectively means that we’re writing the resolvers for each of the paths that are in a query.

Screenshot from the Netflix Android app

As an example, to render the screen shown here, the app sends a query that looks like this:

paths: ["videos", 80154610, "detail"]

A path starts from a root object, and is followed by a sequence of keys that we want to retrieve the data for. In the snippet above, we’re accessing the detail key for the video object with id 80154610.

For that query, the response is:

Response for the query [“videos”, 80154610, “detail”]

In the Monolith

In the example you see above, the data that the app needs is served by different backend microservices. For example, the artwork service is separate from the video metadata service, but we need the data from both in the detail key.

We do this orchestration on our endpoint code using a library provided by our API team, which exposes an RxJava API to handle the downstream calls to the various backend microservices. Our endpoint route handlers are effectively fetching the data using this API, usually across multiple different calls, and massaging it into data models that the UI expects. These handlers we wrote were deployed into a service run by the API team, shown in the diagram below.

Diagram of Netflix API monolith
Image taken from a previously published blog post

As you can see, our code was just a part (#2 in the diagram) of this monolithic service. In addition to hosting our route handlers, this service also handled the business logic necessary to make the downstream calls in a fault tolerant manner. While this gave client teams a very convenient “serverless” model, over time we ran into multiple operational and devex challenges with this service. You can read more about this in our previous posts here: part 1, part 2.

The Microservice

It was clear that we needed to isolate the endpoint code (owned by each client team), from the complex logic of fault tolerant downstream calls. Essentially, we wanted to break out the client-specific code from this monolith into its own service. We tried a few iterations of what this new service should look like, and eventually settled on a modern architecture that aimed to give more control of the API experience to the client teams. It was a Node.js service with a composable JavaScript API that made downstream microservice calls, replacing the old Java API.


As Android developers, we’ve come to rely on the safety of a strongly typed language like Kotlin, maybe with a side of Java. Since this new microservice uses Node.js, we had to write our endpoints in JavaScript, a language that many people on our team were not familiar with. The context around why the Node.js ecosystem was chosen for this new service deserves an article in and of itself. For us, it means that we now need to have ~15 MDN tabs open when writing routes 🙂

Let’s briefly discuss the architecture of this microservice. It looks like a very typical backend service in the Node.js world: a combination of Restify, a stack of HTTP middleware, and the Falcor-based API. We’ll gloss over the details of this stack: the general idea is that we’re still writing resolvers for paths like [videos, <id>, detail], but we’re now writing them in JavaScript.

The big difference from the monolith, though, is that this is now a standalone service deployed as a separate “application” (service) in our cloud infrastructure. More importantly, we’re no longer just getting and returning requests from the context of an endpoint script running in a service: we’re now getting a chance to handle the HTTP request in its entirety. Starting from “terminating” the request from our public gateway, we then make downstream calls to the api application (using the previously mentioned JS API), and build up various parts of the response. Finally, we return the required JSON response from our service.

The Migration

Before we look at what this change meant for us, we want to talk about how we did it. Our app had ~170 query paths (think: route handlers), so we had to figure out an iterative approach to this migration. Let’s take a look at what we built in the app to support this migration. Going back to the screenshot above, if you scroll a bit further down on that page, you will see the section titled “more like this”:

Screenshot from the Netflix app showing “more like this”

As you can imagine, this does not belong in the video details data for this title. Instead, it is part of a different path: [videos, <id>, similars]. The general idea here is that each UI screen (Activity/Fragment) needs data from multiple query paths to render the UI.

To prepare ourselves for a big change in the tech stack of our endpoint, we decided to track metrics around the time taken to respond to queries. After some consultation with our backend teams, we determined the most effective way to group these metrics were by UI screen. Our app uses a version of the repository pattern, where each screen can fetch data using a list of query paths. These paths, along with some other configuration, builds a Task. These Tasks already carry a uiLabel that uniquely identifies each screen: this label became our starting point, which we passed in a header to our endpoint. We then used this to log the time taken to respond to each query, grouped by the uiLabel. This meant that we could track any possible regressions to user experience by screen, which corresponds to how users navigate through the app. We will talk more about how we used these metrics in the sections to follow.

Fast forward a year: the 170 number we started with slowly but surely whittled down to 0, and we had all our “routes” (query paths) migrated to the new microservice. So, how did it go…?

The Good

Today, a big part of this migration is done: most of our app gets its data from this new microservice, and hopefully our users never noticed. As with any migration of this scale, we hit a few bumps along the way: but first, let’s look at good parts.

Migration Testing Infrastructure

Our monolith had been around for many years and hadn’t been created with functional and unit testing in mind, so those were independently bolted on by each UI team. For the migration, testing was a first-class citizen. While there was no technical reason stopping us from adding full automation coverage earlier, it was just much easier to add this while migrating each query path.

For each route we migrated, we wanted to make sure we were not introducing any regressions: either in the form of missing (or worse, wrong) data, or by increasing the latency of each endpoint. If we pare down the problem to absolute basics, we essentially have two services returning JSON. We want to make sure that for a given set of paths as input, the returned JSON is always exactly the same. With lots of guidance from other platform and backend teams, we took a 3-pronged approach to ensure correctness for each route migrated.

Functional Testing
Functional testing was the most straightforward of them all: a set of tests alongside each path exercised it against the old and new endpoints. We then used the excellent Jest testing framework with a set of custom matchers that sanitized a few things like timestamps and uuids. It gave us really high confidence during development, and helped us cover all the code paths that we had to migrate. The test suite automated a few things like setting up a test user, and matching the query parameters/headers sent by a real device: but that’s as far as it goes. The scope of functional testing was limited to the already setup test scenarios, but we would never be able to replicate the variety of device, language and locale combinations used by millions of our users across the globe.

Replay Testing
Enter replay testing. This was a custom built, 3-step pipeline:

  • Capture the production traffic for the desired path(s)
  • Replay the traffic against the two services in the TEST environment
  • Compare and assert for differences

It was a self-contained flow that, by design, captured entire requests, and not just the one path we requested. This test was the closest to production: it replayed real requests sent by the device, thus exercising the part of our service that fetches responses from the old endpoint and stitches them together with data from the new endpoint. The thoroughness and flexibility of this replay pipeline is best described in its own post. For us, the replay test tooling gave the confidence that our new code was nearly bug free.

Canaries were the last step involved in “vetting” our new route handler implementation. In this step, a pipeline picks our candidate change, deploys the service, makes it publicly discoverable, and redirects a small percentage of production traffic to this new service. You can find a lot more details about how this works in the Spinnaker canaries documentation.

This is where our previously mentioned uiLabel metrics become relevant: for the duration of the canary, Kayenta was configured to capture and compare these metrics for all requests (in addition to the system level metrics already being tracked, like server CPU and memory). At the end of the canary period, we got a report that aggregated and compared the percentiles of each request made by a particular UI screen. Looking at our high traffic UI screens (like the homepage) allowed us to identify any regressions caused by the endpoint before we enabled it for all our users. Here’s one such report to get an idea of what it looks like:

Graph showing a 4–5% regression in the homepage latency.

Each identified regression (like this one) was subject to a lot of analysis: chasing down a few of these led to previously unidentified performance gains! Being able to canary a new route let us verify latency and error rates were within acceptable limits. This type of tooling required time and effort to create, but in the end, the feedback it provided was well worth the cost.


Many Android engineers will be familiar with systrace or one of the excellent profilers in Android Studio. Imagine getting a similar tracing for your endpoint code, traversing along many different microservices: that is effectively what distributed tracing provides. Our microservice and router were already integrated into the Netflix request tracing infrastructure. We used Zipkin to consume the traces, which allowed us to search for a trace by path. Here’s what a typical trace looks like:

Zipkin trace for a call
A typical zipkin trace (truncated)

Request tracing has been critical to the success of Netflix infrastructure, but when we operated in the monolith, we did not have the ability to get this detailed look into how our app interacted with the various microservices. To demonstrate how this helped us, let us zoom into this part of the picture:

Serialized calls to this service adds a few ms latency

It’s pretty clear here that the calls are being serialized: however, at this point we’re already ~10 hops disconnected from our microservice. It’s hard to conclude this, and uncover such problems, from looking at raw numbers: either on our service or the testservice above, and even harder to attribute them back to the exact UI platform or screen. With the rich end-to-end tracing instrumented in the Netflix microservice ecosystem and made easily accessible via Zipkin, we were able to pretty quickly triage this problem to the responsible team.

End-to-end Ownership

As we mentioned earlier, our new service now had the “ownership” for the lifetime of the request. Where previously we only returned a Java object back to the api middleware, now the final step in the service was to flush the JSON down the request buffer. This increased ownership gave us the opportunity to easily test new optimisations at this layer. For example, with about a day’s worth of work, we had a prototype of the app using the binary msgpack response format instead of plain JSON. In addition to the flexible service architecture, this can also be attributed to the Node.js ecosystem and the rich selection of npm packages available.

Local Development

Before the migration, developing and debugging on the endpoint was painful due to slow deployment and lack of local debugging (this post covers that in more detail). One of the Android team’s biggest motivations for doing this migration project was to improve this experience. The new microservice gave us fast deployment and debug support by running the service in a local Docker instance, which has led to significant productivity improvements.

The Not-so-good

In the arduous process of breaking a monolith, you might get a sharp shard or two flung at you. A lot of what follows is not specific to Android, but we want to briefly mention these issues because they did end up affecting our app.


The old api service was running on the same “machine” that also cached a lot of video metadata (by design). This meant that data that was static (e.g. video titles, descriptions) could be aggressively cached and reused across multiple requests. However, with the new microservice, even fetching this cached data needed to incur a network round trip, which added some latency.

This might sound like a classic example of “monoliths vs microservices”, but the reality is somewhat more complex. The monolith was also essentially still talking to a lot of downstream microservices: it just happened to have a custom-designed cache that helped a lot. Some of this increased latency was mitigated by better observability and more efficient batching of requests. But, for a small fraction of requests, after a lot of attempts at optimization, we just had to take the latency hit: sometimes, there are no silver bullets.

Increased Partial Query Errors

As each call to our endpoint might need to make multiple requests to the api service, some of these calls can fail, leaving us with partial data. Handling such partial query errors isn’t a new problem: it is baked into the nature of composite protocols like Falcor or GraphQL. However, as we moved our route handlers into a new microservice, we now introduced a network boundary for fetching any data, as mentioned earlier.

This meant that we now ran into partial states that weren’t possible before because of the custom caching. We were not completely aware of this problem in the beginning of our migration: we only saw it when some of our deserialized data objects had null fields. Since a lot of our code uses Kotlin, these partial data objects led to immediate crashes, which helped us notice the problem early: before it ever hit production.

As a result of increased partial errors, we’ve had to improve overall error handling approach and explore ways to minimize the impact of the network errors. In some cases, we also added custom retry logic on either the endpoint or the client code.

Final Thoughts

This has been a long (you can tell!) and a fulfilling journey for us on the Android team: as we mentioned earlier, on our team we typically work on the app and, until now, we did not have a chance to work with our endpoint with this level of scrutiny. Not only did we learn more about the intriguing world of microservices, but for us working on this project, it provided us the perfect opportunity to add observability to our app-endpoint interaction. At the same time, we ran into some unexpected issues like partial errors and made our app more resilient to them in the process.

As we continue to evolve and improve our app, we hope to share more insights like these with you.

The planning and successful migration to this new service was the combined effort of multiple backend and front end teams.

On the Android team, we ship the Netflix app on Android to millions of members around the world. Our responsibilities include extensive A/B testing on a wide variety of devices by building highly performant and often custom UI experiences. We work on data driven optimizations at scale in a diverse and sometimes unforgiving device and network ecosystem. If you find these challenges interesting, and want to work with us, we have an open position.

Seamlessly Swapping the API backend of the Netflix Android app was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

HDMI — Scaling Netflix Certification

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

HDMI — Scaling Netflix Certification

Scott Bolter, Matthew Lehman, Akshay Garg ¹

At Netflix, we take the task of preserving the creative vision of our content all the way to a subscriber TV screen very seriously. This significantly increases the scope of our application integration and certification processes for streaming devices like set-top-boxes (STBs) and TVs. However, given a diverse device ecosystem, scaling this deeper level of validation for each device presents a significant challenge for our certification teams.

Our first step towards addressing this challenge is to actively engineer the removal of manual and subjective testing approaches across different functional touch points of the Netflix application on a streaming device. In this article we talk about one such functional area, High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI), the challenges it brings in relation to Netflix certification on STBs, and our in-house developed automated and objective testing workflows that help us simplify this process.

Why test High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) ?

The HDMI spec includes several protocols and capabilities that are key to successfully transmitting audio, video, and other digital messages from source (STB) to sink (display) devices. Some of these capabilities include:

  • Extended Display Identification Data (EDID)
  • Audio and Video metadata (Info Frames) to help communicate media formats like multi-channel audio and High Dynamic Range (HDR) video
  • High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP)
  • Consumer Electronics Control (CEC)

A high quality Netflix experience on the STB device depends on the correct implementation of each of these capabilities, so we have a vested interest in thoroughly testing them.

Scaling HDMI Testing

Here are some of the challenges associated with HDMI testing on STBs:

  • The need to physically obtain and replicate different home entertainment setups of TVs and Home Theater Systems (HDMI topologies).
  • Time spent in manually changing these topologies between and during different tests.
  • Inconsistent test results due to different device models used in the HDMI topology.
  • Subjectivity in test results to accommodate differences in HDMI sink behaviors.

To deal with these scaling challenges, we have opted to integrate API-enabled HDMI Signal Analyzers into our test infrastructure. This provides the ability to simulate different HDMI topologies within a test case by leveraging the analyzer’s API.

Simulating multiple HDMI Topologies²

Next, we will cover basics of the HDMI protocols highlighted in the previous section and walk through the automation workflows that we have developed to address the related challenges.



Every HDMI-capable TV transmits its Extended Display Identification Data, or EDID, to the connected HDMI source device (STB). The EDID is the means by which a sink device advertises its supported audio and video capabilities such as the spatial resolution (number of pixels), the temporal resolution (number of frames per second), and the color formats in which these frames of pixels are rendered.

EDID exchange between HDMI Sink and HDMI Source

Testing Approach

Using an HDMI Analyzer we can advertise the EDID of any HDMI capable sink to a STB device. This allows us to simulate an environment under which the device under test (DUT) i.e. the STB behaves just as it would if it were physically connected to an HDMI sink represented by that EDID. This ability to emulate different HDMI sinks has proven very useful for us, yielding increased automation, objective evaluation and scalability of a number of our test cases. In comparison, previously a tester was tasked to gather many physical HDMI sink devices, plug them into the DUT, validate, and move to the next scenario.

Test Area: Requested Media Profile Validation

A Netflix capable STB should request accurate media streams from our cloud service for optimal user experience. The media stream format and fidelity to be requested is decided by a combination of the inherent HDMI output capabilities of the STB and that of the connected HDMI topology. For example, an HD-only STB should not request 4K video streams. Likewise, a STB connected to a TV with stereo-only speakers should not request multi-channel Dolby Digital Plus Atmos audio streams. In order to comprehensively test the accuracy of the media streams being requested by the DUT under different HDMI setups, we emulate a variety of HDMI sinks with distinct resolution and media format capabilities by looping through a collection of EDID files on an HDMI analyzer connected to the DUT. For each EDID version we then validate the media profiles being requested by the DUT in an automated manner by comparing them against a reference expected set. This ensures that the media streams requested by DUT accurately reflect its HDMI capabilities and the active HDMI topology.



HDR enables a wider range of colors, deeper blacks, and brighter specular highlights. However, when graphics in the sRGB color space, such as subtitles and media player controls, are composited on a video layer in the HDR format they need to be correctly converted into a wider BT.2020 color space and a larger range of luminance. Netflix gives guidance to preserve the original creative intent of the non-HDR graphics, so they appear the same when rendered in HDR output mode. This concept is known as perceptual mapping (BT.2087.0).

An increasing number of STB devices are capable of producing HDR output within the entire user experience rather than only during video playback, making accurate graphics color space and luminance mapping a more important part of a good user experience. Incorrectly mapped, these graphics can appear dim or colors can look oversaturated as you can see in the images below.

Undersaturated Netflix UI
Expected Netflix UI after SDR to HDR graphics conversion
Oversaturated Netflix UI

Testing Approach

Even if a STB follows the Netflix recommended sRGB to HDR color volume mapping for graphics, the end result on a screen is rather subjective. Different display panels add their own characteristics to the final output. Some testers might even prefer oversaturated graphics. Thankfully we can use an HDMI analyzer in an automated manner to remove this subjectivity from our testing.

Test Area: sRGB Graphics to HDR Color Volume mapping

Using an HDMI Analyzer we can objectively measure the pixel values for characteristics such as chromaticity and luminance. In our HDR-specific tests we use graphics that cover both the boundary of the sRGB color space as well as its entire luminance range. When these images are then applied to the graphics plane of a STB sending HDMI output in HDR mode, the STB has to convert its graphics plane into HDR color volume so that it can output both the graphics and video elements in a unified format. By capturing this STB output on an HDMI analyzer we measure and verify that after this graphics color volume conversion on the STB, the output pixel values of the graphics section follow the expected boundaries of it’s original non-HDR color space and luminance range as per our perceptual mapping requirement. The figure below highlights this testing process.

Validation of SDR to HDR color volume conversion for graphics



With the goal of preventing content piracy, it is of utmost importance that a STB device running the Netflix application is able to protect our content from being compromised on that device. One of the many important steps toward ensuring this is to validate STB devices’ adherence to High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) policies as specified in the Digital Rights Management (DRM) licenses associated with our streams.

A Netflix DRM license typically provides a mapping of the minimum required HDCP version (v1.4 or v2.2) for each content resolution i.e. the minimum HDCP version that must be established on the link between HDMI source (STB) and sink device (display) for the source to be able to send the associated decrypted video signal at a specific resolution over the HDMI cable. In order to effectively apply these HDCP policies, we must be able to trust the HDMI source device’s reporting of the effective HDCP state negotiated with the HDMI sink as well as its enforcement of the minimum required HDCP version for each output content resolution.

Testing Approach

As the task of procuring various audio/video repeaters (e.g. Home Theater Systems), HDMI switches and connected displays is very time-consuming and does not scale, once again we lean in on using an HDMI analyzer for our test automation purposes.

Test Area: Accurate HDCP Version Reporting

Leveraging the analyzer, we can simulate the following HDMI topologies:

  1. STB connected to a TV
  2. STB connected to a repeater which in turn is connected to a TV

In each topology, we can also tweak the level of HDCP support i.e. HDCP v1.4 or HDCP v2.2 on the repeater and the TV individually in an automated manner using the relevant HDMI Analyzer API’s. These abilities allow us to create multiple test setups as shown in the figure below and in each such setup, the DUT is required to report the effective HDCP version (the lowest version in the topology) to the Netflix application so that our service can serve the appropriate content to the client in that configuration.

Multiple possible HDCP version configurations

Test Area: Adherence to HDCP Policies

While testing of the reported HDCP version would ensure that the DUT sends correct data to Netflix services to obtain the appropriate content streams and DRM licenses, we also need to test that the DUT adheres to the video output restrictions stipulated in that license e.g. blocking content requiring HDCP v2.2 when HDCP v1.4 is negotiated on the HDMI link. To ensure this we again use an HDMI analyzer to emulate different HDMI topologies virtually and initiate playback using a variety of DRM licenses that stipulate distinct types of content protection rules for video output. Finally, we switch across different HDCP versions on the HDMI Analyzer, ensuring that in each configuration, DUT is able to follow the DRM license stipulated video output protection rules by taking one of the following required actions:

  1. Allow HDMI output of the video stream as-is
  2. Downscale the video output resolution if resolution is the content protection criteria
  3. Block the HDMI video output completely
  4. Stop playback by throwing an insufficient HDCP protection error to Netflix application

each of which can be validated in an automated manner leveraging the HDMI analyzer and the relevant Netflix application events.



Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) protocol implementations on HDMI devices typically provide a convenience of an indirect device control e.g. using a TV remote to control the volume of the connected home theater system. However, aside from this benefit, CEC messages can also indicate which HDMI input of a downstream device (HDMI sink) is actively being used or if the downstream device itself is in a standby state. This is something of interest to a streaming application like Netflix running on an HDMI source. Whether or not the STB running Netflix is connected to an active HDMI input on the sink device has implications for what the Netflix application should or should not be doing, so we want the STB to correctly signal this active or inactive CEC state to the Netflix application.

Testing Approach

Once again, to remove the issues of variability in how CEC is branded on a sink device, how it is enabled in a device menu system, and under what conditions relevant CEC messages are transmitted, we can use an HDMI analyzer to send carefully crafted CEC operational codes to the STB.

Test Area: Accurate CEC Active State Notifications

After sending custom CEC messages targeted to the DUT on the HDMI bus, we can ensure that it behaves correctly in response to these messages. Some of these test scenarios are highlighted in the figure below.

CEC Active State notification in different scenarios

As an example we could send a CEC message to the STB to notify it that the active HDMI input on the HDMI sink has changed to some other source. Likewise we can also simulate the occurrence of an HDMI sink standby transition by broadcasting a CEC Standby message. In both scenarios we expect the source device to become CEC inactive and notify this updated CEC state to its local Netflix application.


At Netflix we deeply care about the quality of experience for our subscribers. It motivates us to invest in test automation to scale our approach to ensure the best possible device integration from our partners. The ideas discussed here represent a tip of the iceberg with many more challenges still left to be identified and addressed. If you are passionate about device test automation and want to help us solve these kinds of problems, please check out our jobs site for exciting opportunities.

[1] Equal contribution from all authors.

[2] Diagrams courtesy of Sunny Kong.

HDMI — Scaling Netflix Certification was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Edgar: Solving Mysteries Faster with Observability

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Edgar helps Netflix teams troubleshoot distributed systems efficiently with the help of a summarized presentation of request tracing, logs, analysis, and metadata.

by Elizabeth Carretto

Everyone loves Unsolved Mysteries. There’s always someone who seems like the surefire culprit. There’s a clear motive, the perfect opportunity, and an incriminating footprint left behind. Yet, this is Unsolved Mysteries! It’s never that simple. Whether it’s a cryptic note behind the TV or a mysterious phone call from an unknown number at a critical moment, the pieces rarely fit together perfectly. As mystery lovers, we want to answer the age-old question of whodunit; we want to understand what really happened.

For engineers, instead of whodunit, the question is often “what failed and why?” When a problem occurs, we put on our detective hats and start our mystery-solving process by gathering evidence. The more complex a system, the more places to look for clues. An engineer can find herself digging through logs, poring over traces, and staring at dozens of dashboards.

All of these sources make it challenging to know where to begin and add to the time spent figuring out what went wrong. While this abundance of dashboards and information is by no means unique to Netflix, it certainly holds true within our microservices architecture. Each microservice may be easy to understand and debug individually, but what about when combined into a request that hits tens or hundreds of microservices? Searching for key evidence becomes like digging for a needle in a group of haystacks.

Example call graph in Edgar

In some cases, the question we’re answering is, “What’s happening right now??” and every second without resolution can carry a heavy cost. We want to resolve the problem as quickly as possible so our members can resume enjoying their favorite movies and shows. For teams building observability tools, the question is: how do we make understanding a system’s behavior fast and digestible? Quick to parse, and easy to pinpoint where something went wrong even if you aren’t deeply familiar with the inner workings and intricacies of that system? At Netflix, we’ve answered that question with a suite of observability tools. In an earlier blog post, we discussed Telltale, our health monitoring system. Telltale tells us when an application is unhealthy, but sometimes we need more fine-grained insight. We need to know why a specific request is failing and where. We built Edgar to ease this burden, by empowering our users to troubleshoot distributed systems efficiently with the help of a summarized presentation of request tracing, logs, analysis, and metadata.

What is Edgar?

Edgar is a self-service tool for troubleshooting distributed systems, built on a foundation of request tracing, with additional context layered on top. With request tracing and additional data from logs, events, metadata, and analysis, Edgar is able to show the flow of a request through our distributed system — what services were hit by a call, what information was passed from one service to the next, what happened inside that service, how long did it take, and what status was emitted — and highlight where an issue may have occurred. If you’re familiar with platforms like Zipkin or OpenTelemetry, this likely sounds familiar. But, there are a few substantial differences in how Edgar approaches its data and its users.

  • While Edgar is built on top of request tracing, it also uses the traces as the thread to tie additional context together. Deriving meaningful value from trace data alone can be challenging, as Cindy Sridharan articulated in this blog post. In addition to trace data, Edgar pulls in additional context from logs, events, and metadata, sifting through them to determine valuable and relevant information, so that Edgar can visually highlight where an error occurred and provide detailed context.
  • Edgar captures 100% of interesting traces, as opposed to sampling a small fixed percentage of traffic. This difference has substantial technological implications, from the classification of what’s interesting to transport to cost-effective storage (keep an eye out for later Netflix Tech Blog posts addressing these topics).
  • Edgar provides a powerful and consumable user experience to both engineers and non-engineers alike. If you embrace the cost and complexity of storing vast amounts of traces, you want to get the most value out of that cost. With Edgar, we’ve found that we can leverage that value by curating an experience for additional teams such as customer service operations, and we have embraced the challenge of building a product that makes trace data easy to access, easy to grok, and easy to gain insight by several user personas.

Tracing as a foundation

Logs, metrics, and traces are the three pillars of observability. Metrics communicate what’s happening on a macro scale, traces illustrate the ecosystem of an isolated request, and the logs provide a detail-rich snapshot into what happened within a service. These pillars have immense value and it is no surprise that the industry has invested heavily in building impressive dashboards and tooling around each. The downside is that we have so many dashboards. In one request hitting just ten services, there might be ten different analytics dashboards and ten different log stores. However, a request has its own unique trace identifier, which is a common thread tying all the pieces of this request together. The trace ID is typically generated at the first service that receives the request and then passed along from service to service as a header value. This makes the trace a great starting point to unify this data in a centralized location.

A trace is a set of segments representing each step of a single request throughout a system. Distributed tracing is the process of generating, transporting, storing, and retrieving traces in a distributed system. As a request flows between services, each distinct unit of work is documented as a span. A trace is made up of many spans, which are grouped together using a trace ID to form a single, end-to-end umbrella. A span:

  • Represents a unit of work, such as a network call from one service to another (a client/server relationship) or a purely internal action (e.g., starting and finishing a method).
  • Relates to other spans through a parent/child relationship.
  • Contains a set of key value pairs called tags, where service owners can attach helpful values such as urls, version numbers, regions, corresponding IDs, and errors. Tags can be associated with errors or warnings, which Edgar can display visually on a graph representation of the request.
  • Has a start time and an end time. Thanks to these timestamps, a user can quickly see how long the operation took.

The trace (along with its underlying spans) allows us to graphically represent the request chronologically.

Sample timeline view of a trace, based on Jaegar UI’s timeline view

Adding context to traces

With distributed tracing alone, Edgar is able to draw the path of a request as it flows through various systems. This centralized view is extremely helpful to determine which services were hit and when, but it lacks nuance. A tag might indicate there was an error but doesn’t fully answer the question of what happened. Adding logs to the picture can help a great deal. With logs, a user can see what the service itself had to say about what went wrong. If a data fetcher fails, the log can tell you what query it was running and what exact IDs or fields led to the failure. That alone might give an engineer the knowledge she needs to reproduce the issue. In Edgar, we parse the logs looking for error or warning values. We add these errors and warnings to our UI, highlighting them in our call graph and clearly associating them with a given service, to make it easy for users to view any errors we uncovered.

Example view of errors associated with a service, including an error parsed from a log

With the trace and additional context from logs illustrating the issue, one of the next questions may be how does this individual trace fit into the overall health and behavior of each service. Is this an anomaly or are we dealing with a pattern? To help answer this question, Edgar pulls in anomaly detection from a partner application, Telltale. Telltale provides Edgar with latency benchmarks that indicate if the individual trace’s latency is abnormal for this given service. A trace alone could tell you that a service took 500ms to respond, but it takes in-depth knowledge of a particular service’s typical behavior to make a determination if this response time is an outlier. Telltale’s anomaly analysis looks at historic behavior and can evaluate whether the latency experienced by this trace is anomalous. With this knowledge, Edgar can then visually warn that something happened in a service that caused its latency to fall outside of normal bounds.

Sample latency analysis

Edgar should reduce burden, not add to it

Presenting all of this data in one interface reduces the footwork of an engineer to uncover each source. However, discovery is only part of the path to resolution. With all the evidence presented and summarized by Edgar, an engineer may know what went wrong and where it went wrong. This is a huge step towards resolution, but not yet cause for celebration. The root cause may have been identified, but who owns the service in question? Many times, finding the right point of contact would require a jump into Slack or a company directory, which costs more time. In Edgar, we have integrated with our services to provide that information in-app alongside the details of a trace. For any service configured with an owner and support channel, Edgar provides a link to a service’s contact email and their Slack channel, smoothing the hand-off from one party to the next. If an engineer does need to pass an issue along to another team or person, Edgar’s request detail page contains all the context — the trace, logs, analysis — and is easily shareable, eliminating the need to write a detailed description or provide a cascade of links to communicate the issue.

Edgar’s request detail page

A key aspect of Edgar’s mission is to minimize the burden on both users and service owners. With all of its data sources, the sheer quantity of data could become overwhelming. It is essential for Edgar to maintain a prioritized interface, built to highlight errors and abnormalities to the user and assist users in taking the next step towards resolution. As our UI grows, it’s important to be discerning and judicious in how we handle new data sources, weaving them into our existing errors and warnings models to minimize disruption and to facilitate speedy understanding. We lean heavily on focus groups and user feedback to ensure a tight feedback loop so that Edgar can continue to meet our users’ needs as their services and use cases evolve.

As services evolve, they might change their log format or use new tags to indicate errors. We built an admin page to give our service owners that configurability and to decouple our product from in-depth service knowledge. Service owners can configure the essential details of their log stores, such as where their logs are located and what fields they use for trace IDs and span IDs. Knowing their trace and span IDs is what enables Edgar to correlate the traces and logs. Beyond that though, what are the idiosyncrasies of their logs? Some fields may be irrelevant or deprecated, and teams would like to hide them by default. Alternatively, some fields contain the most important information, and by promoting them in the Edgar UI, they are able to view these fields more quickly. This self-service configuration helps reduce the burden on service owners.

Initial log configuration in Edgar

Leveraging Edgar

In order for users to turn to Edgar in a situation when time is of the essence, users need to be able to trust Edgar. In particular, they need to be able to count on Edgar having data about their issue. Many approaches to distributed tracing involve setting a sample rate, such as 5%, and then only tracing that percentage of request traffic. Instead of sampling a fixed percentage, Edgar’s mission is to capture 100% of interesting requests. As a result, when an error happens, Edgar’s users can be confident they will be able to find it. That’s key to positioning Edgar as a reliable source. Edgar’s approach makes a commitment to have data about a given issue.

In addition to storing trace data for all requests, Edgar implemented a feature to collect additional details on-demand at a user’s discretion for a given criteria. With this fine-grained level of tracing turned on, Edgar captures request and response payloads as well as headers for requests matching the user’s criteria. This adds clarity to exactly what data is being passed from service to service through a request’s path. While this level of granularity is unsustainable for all request traffic, it is a robust tool in targeted use cases, especially for errors that prove challenging to reproduce.

As you can imagine, this comes with very real storage costs. While the Edgar team has done its best to manage these costs effectively and to optimize our storage, the cost is not insignificant. One way to strengthen our return on investment is by being a key tool throughout the software development lifecycle. Edgar is a crucial tool for operating and maintaining a production service, where reducing the time to recovery has direct customer impact. Engineers also rely on our tool throughout development and testing, and they use the Edgar request page to communicate issues across teams.

By providing our tool to multiple sets of users, we are able to leverage our cost more efficiently. Edgar has become not just a tool for engineers, but rather a tool for anyone who needs to troubleshoot a service at Netflix. In Edgar’s early days, as we strove to build valuable abstractions on top of trace data, the Edgar team first targeted streaming video use cases. We built a curated experience for streaming video, grouping requests into playback sessions, marked by starting and stopping playback for a given asset. We found this experience was powerful for customer service operations as well as engineering teams. Our team listened to customer service operations to understand which common issues caused an undue amount of support pain so that we could summarize these issues in our UI. This empowers customer service operations, as well as engineers, to quickly understand member issues with minimal digging. By logically grouping traces and summarizing the behavior at a higher level, trace data becomes extremely useful in answering questions like why a member didn’t receive 4k video for a certain title or why a member couldn’t watch certain content.

An example error viewing a playback session in Edgar

Extending Edgar for Studio

As the studio side of Netflix grew, we realized that our movie and show production support would benefit from a similar aggregation of user activity. Our movie and show production support might need to answer why someone from the production crew can’t log in or access their materials for a particular project. As we worked to serve this new user group, we sought to understand what issues our production support needed to answer most frequently and then tied together various data sources to answer those questions in Edgar.

The Edgar team built out an experience to meet this need, building another abstraction with trace data; this time, the focus was on troubleshooting production-related use cases and applications, rather than a streaming video session. Edgar provides our production support the ability to search for a given contractor, vendor, or member of production staff by their name or email. After finding the individual, Edgar reaches into numerous log stores for their user ID, and then pulls together their login history, role access change log, and recent traces emitted from production-related applications. Edgar scans through this data for errors and warnings and then presents those errors right at the front. Perhaps a vendor tried to login with the wrong password too many times, or they were assigned an incorrect role on a production. In this new domain, Edgar is solving the same multi-dashboarded problem by tying together information and pointing its users to the next step of resolution.

An example error for a production-related user

What Edgar is and is not

Edgar’s goal is not to be the be-all, end-all of tools or to be the One Tool to Rule Them All. Rather, our goal is to act as a concierge of troubleshooting — Edgar should quickly be able to guide users to an understanding of an issue, as well usher them to the next location, where they can remedy the problem. Let’s say a production vendor is unable to access materials for their production due to an incorrect role/permissions assignment, and this production vendor reaches out to support for assistance troubleshooting. When a support user searches for this vendor, Edgar should be able to indicate that this vendor recently had a role change and summarize what this role change is. Instead of being assigned to Dead To Me Season 2, they were assigned to Season 1! In this case, Edgar’s goal is to help a support user come to this conclusion and direct them quickly to the role management tool where this can be rectified, not to own the full circle of resolution.

Usage at Netflix

While Edgar was created around Netflix’s core streaming video use-case, it has since evolved to cover a wide array of applications. While Netflix streaming video is used by millions of members, some applications using Edgar may measure their volume in requests per minute, rather than requests per second, and may only have tens or hundreds of users rather than millions. While we started with a curated approach to solve a pain point for engineers and support working on streaming video, we found that this pain point is scale agnostic. Getting to the bottom of a problem is costly for all engineers, whether they are building a budget forecasting application used heavily by 30 people or a SVOD application used by millions.

Today, many applications and services at Netflix, covering a wide array of type and scale, publish trace data that is accessible in Edgar, and teams ranging from service owners to customer service operations rely on Edgar’s insights. From streaming to studio, Edgar leverages its wealth of knowledge to speed up troubleshooting across applications with the same fundamental approach of summarizing request tracing, logs, analysis, and metadata.

As you settle into your couch to watch a new episode of Unsolved Mysteries, you may still find yourself with more questions than answers. Why did the victim leave his house so abruptly? How did the suspect disappear into thin air? Hang on, how many people saw that UFO?? Unfortunately, Edgar can’t help you there (trust me, we’re disappointed too). But, if your relaxing evening is interrupted by a production outage, Edgar will be behind the scenes, helping Netflix engineers solve the mystery at hand.

Keeping services up and running allows Netflix to share stories with our members around the globe. Underneath every outage and failure, there is a story to tell, and powerful observability tooling is needed to tell it. If you are passionate about observability then come talk to us.

Edgar: Solving Mysteries Faster with Observability was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Key Challenges with Quasi Experiments at Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Kamer Toker-Yildiz, Colin McFarland, Julia Glick

At Netflix, when we can’t run A/B experiments we run quasi experiments! We run quasi experiments with various objectives such as non-member experiments focusing on acquisition, member experiments focusing on member engagement, or video streaming experiments focusing on content delivery. Consolidating on one methodology could be a challenge, as we may face different design or data constraints or optimization goals. We discuss some key challenges and approaches Netflix has been using to handle small sample size and limited pre-intervention data in quasi experiments.

Within-country quasi design to measure the impact of TV ads in France and Germany. Geographic units are defined based on the lowest level of media buying capability.

Design and Randomization

We face various business problems where we cannot run individual level A/B tests but can benefit from quasi experiments. For instance, consider the case where we want to measure the impact of TV or billboard advertising on member engagement. It is impossible for us to have identical treatment and control groups at the member level as we cannot hold back individuals from such forms of advertising. Our solution is to randomize our member base at the smallest possible level. For instance, TV advertising can be bought at TV media market level only in most countries. This usually involves groups of cities in closer geographic proximity.

One of the major problems we face in quasi experiments is having small sample size where asymptotic properties may not practically hold. We typically have a small number of geographic units due to test limitations and also use broader or distant groups of units to minimize geographic spillovers. We are also more likely to face high variation and uneven distributions in treatment and control groups due to heterogeneity across units. For example, let’s say we are interested in measuring the impact of marketing Lost in Space series on sci-fi viewing in the UK. London with its high population is randomly assigned to the treatment cell, and people in London love sci-fi much more than other cities. If we ignore the latter fact, we will overestimate the true impact of marketing — which is now confounded. In summary, simple randomization and mean comparison we typically utilize in A/B testing with millions of members may not work well for quasi experiments.

Completely tackling these problems during the design phase may not be possible. We use some statistical approaches during design and analysis to minimize bias and maximize precision of our estimates. During design, one approach we utilize is running repeated randomizations, i.e. ‘re-randomization’. In particular, we keep randomizing until we find a randomization that gives us the maximum desired level of balance on key variables across test cells. This approach generally enables us to define more similar test groups (i.e. getting closer to apples to apples comparison). However, we may still face two issues: 1) we can only simultaneously balance on a limited number of observed variables, and it is very difficult to find identical geographic units on all dimensions, and 2) we can still face noisy results with large confidence intervals due to small sample size. We next discuss some of our analysis approaches to further tackle these problems.


Going Beyond Simple Comparisons

Difference in differences (diff-in-diff or DID) comparison is a very common approach used in quasi experiments. In diff-in-diff, we usually consider two time periods; pre and post intervention. We utilize the pre-intervention period to generate baselines for our metrics, and normalize post intervention values by the baseline. This normalization is a simple but very powerful way of controlling for inherent differences between treatment and control groups. For example, let’s say our success metric is signups and we are running a quasi experiment in France. We have Paris and Lyon in two test cells. We cannot directly compare signups in two cities as populations are very different. Normalizing with respect to pre-intervention signups would reduce variation and help us make comparisons at the same scale. Although the diff-in-diff approach generally works reasonably well, we have observed some cases where it may not be as applicable as we discuss next.

Success Metrics With Historical Observations But Small Sample Size

In our non-member focused tests, we can observe historical acquisition metrics, e.g. signup counts, however, we don’t typically observe any other information about non-members. High variation in outcome metrics combined with small sample size can be a problem to design a well powered experiment using traditional diff-in-diff like approaches. To tackle this problem, we try to implement designs involving multiple interventions in each unit over an extended period of time whenever possible (i.e. instead of a typical experiment with single intervention period). This can help us gather enough evidence to run a well-powered experiment even with a very small sample size (i.e. few geographic units).

In particular, we turn the intervention (e.g. advertising) “on” and “off” repeatedly over time in different patterns and geographic units to capture short term effects. Every time we “toggle” the intervention, it gives us another chance to read the effect of the test. So even if we only have few geographic units, we can eventually read a reasonably precise estimate of the effect size (although, of course, results may not be generalizable to others if we have very few units). As our analysis approach, we can use observations from steady-state units to estimate what would otherwise have happened in units that are changing. To estimate the treatment effect, we fit a dynamic linear model (aka DLM), a type of state space model where the observations are conditionally Gaussian. DLMs are a very flexible category of models, but we only use a narrow subset of possible DLM structures to keep things simple. We currently have a robust internal package embedded in our internal tool, Quasimodo, to cover experiments that have similar structure. Our model is comparable to Google’s CausalImpact package, but uses a multivariate structure to let us analyze more than a single point-in-time intervention in a single region.

Success Metrics Without Historical Observations

In our member focused tests, we sometimes face cases where we don’t have success metrics with historical observations. For example, Netflix promotes its new shows that are yet to be launched on service to increase member engagement once the show is available. For a new show, we start observing metrics only when the show launches. As a result, our success metrics inherently don’t have any historical observations making it impossible to utilize the benefits of similar time series based approaches.

In these cases, we utilize the benefits of richer member data to measure and control for members’ inherent engagement or interest with the show. We do this by using relevant pre-treatment proxies, e.g. viewing of similar shows, interest in Netflix originals or similar genres. We have observed that controlling for geographic as well as individual level differences work best in minimizing confounding effects and improving precision. For example, if members in Toronto watch more Netflix originals than members in other cities in Canada, we should then control for pre-treatment Netflix originals viewing at both individual and city level to capture within and between unit variation separately.

This is in nature very similar to covariate adjustment. However, we do more than just running a simple regression with a large set of control variables. At Netflix, we have worked on developing approaches at the intersection of regression covariate adjustment and machine learning based propensity score matching by using a wide set of relevant member features. Such combined approaches help us explicitly control for members’ inherent interest in the new show using hundreds of features while minimizing linearity assumptions and degrees of freedom challenges we may face. We thus gain significant wins in both reducing potential confounding effects as well as maximizing precision to more accurately capture the treatment effect we are interested in.

Next Steps

We have excelled in the quasi experimentation space with many measurement strategies now in play across Netflix for various use cases. However we are not done yet! We can expand methodologies to more use cases and continue to improve the measurement. As an example, another exciting area we have yet to explore is combining these approaches for those metrics where we can use both time series approaches and a rich set of internal features (e.g. general member engagement metrics). If you’re interested in working on these and other causal inference problems, join our dream team!

Key Challenges with Quasi Experiments at Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Optimized shot-based encodes for 4K: Now streaming!

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

by Aditya Mavlankar, Liwei Guo, Anush Moorthy and Anne Aaron

Netflix has an ever-expanding collection of titles which customers can enjoy in 4K resolution with a suitable device and subscription plan. Netflix creates premium bitstreams for those titles in addition to the catalog-wide 8-bit stream profiles¹. Premium features comprise a title-dependent combination of 10-bit bit-depth, 4K resolution, high frame rate (HFR) and high dynamic range (HDR) and pave the way for an extraordinary viewing experience.

The premium bitstreams, launched several years ago, were rolled out with a fixed-bitrate ladder, with fixed 4K resolution bitrates — 8, 10, 12 and 16 Mbps — regardless of content characteristics. Since then, we’ve developed algorithms such as per-title encode optimizations and per-shot dynamic optimization, but these innovations were not back-ported on these premium bitstreams. Moreover, the encoding group of pictures (GoP) duration (or keyframe period) was constant throughout the stream causing additional inefficiency due to shot boundaries not aligning with GoP boundaries.

As the number of 4K titles in our catalog continues to grow and more devices support the premium features, we expect these video streams to have an increasing impact on our members and the network. We’ve worked hard over the last year to leapfrog to our most advanced encoding innovations — shot-optimized encoding and 4K VMAF model — and applied those to the premium bitstreams. More specifically, we’ve improved the traditional 4K and 10-bit ladder by employing

In this blog post, we present benefits of applying the above-mentioned optimizations to standard dynamic range (SDR) 10-bit and 4K streams (some titles are also HFR). As for HDR, our team is currently developing an HDR extension to VMAF, Netflix’s video quality metric, which will then be used to optimize the HDR streams.

¹ The 8-bit stream profiles go up to 1080p resolution.

Bitrate versus quality comparison

For a sample of titles from the 4K collection, the following plots show the rate-quality comparison of the fixed-bitrate ladder and the optimized ladder. The plots have been arranged in decreasing order of the new highest bitrate — which is now content adaptive and commensurate with the overall complexity of the respective title.

Fig. 1: Example of a thriller-drama episode showing new highest bitrate of 11.8 Mbps
Fig. 2: Example of a sitcom episode with some action showing new highest bitrate of 8.5 Mbps
Fig. 3: Example of a sitcom episode with less action showing new highest bitrate of 6.6 Mbps
Fig. 4: Example of a 4K animation episode showing new highest bitrate of 1.8 Mbps

The bitrate as well as quality shown for any point is the average for the corresponding stream, computed over the duration of the title. The annotation next to the point is the corresponding encoding resolution; it should be noted that video received by the client device is decoded and scaled to the device’s display resolution. As for VMAF score computation, for encoding resolutions less than 4K, we follow the VMAF best practice to upscale to 4K assuming bicubic upsampling. Aside from the encoding resolution, each point is also associated with an appropriate pixel aspect ratio (PAR) to achieve a target 16:9 display aspect ratio (DAR). For example, the 640×480 encoding resolution is paired with a 4:3 PAR to achieve 16:9 DAR, consistent with the DAR for other points on the ladder.

The last example, showing the new highest bitrate to be 1.8 Mbps, is for a 4K animation title episode which can be very efficiently encoded. It serves as an extreme example of content adaptive ladder optimization — it however should not to be interpreted as all animation titles landing on similar low bitrates.

The resolutions and bitrates for the fixed-bitrate ladder are pre-determined; minor deviation in the achieved bitrate is due to rate control in the encoder implementation not hitting the target bitrate precisely. On the other hand, each point on the optimized ladder is associated with optimal bit allocation across all shots with the goal of maximizing a video quality objective function while resulting in the corresponding average bitrate. Consequently, for the optimized encodes, the bitrate varies shot to shot depending on relative complexity and overall bit budget and in theory can reach the respective codec level maximum. Various points are constrained to different codec levels, so receivers with different decoder level capabilities can stream the corresponding subset of points up to the corresponding level.

The fixed-bitrate ladder often appears like steps — since it is not title adaptive it switches “late” to most encoding resolutions and as a result the quality stays flat within that resolution even with increasing bitrate. For example, two 1080p points with identical VMAF score or four 4K points with identical VMAF score, resulting in wasted bits and increased storage footprint.

On the other hand, the optimized ladder appears closer to a monotonically increasing curve — increasing bitrate results in an increasing VMAF score. As a side note, we do have some additional points, not shown in the plots, that are used in resolution limited scenarios — such as a streaming session limited to 720p or 1080p highest encoding resolution. Such points lie under (or to the right of) the convex hull main ladder curve but allow quality to ramp up in resolution limited scenarios.

Challenging-to-encode content

For the optimized ladders we have logic to detect quality saturation at the high end, meaning an increase in bitrate not resulting in material improvement in quality. Once such a bitrate is reached it is a good candidate for the topmost rung of the ladder. An additional limit can be imposed as a safeguard to avoid excessively high bitrates.

Sometimes we ingest a title that would need more bits at the highest end of the quality spectrum — even higher than the 16 Mbps limit of the fixed-bitrate ladder. For example,

  • a rock concert with fast-changing lighting effects and other details or
  • a wildlife documentary with fast action and/or challenging spatial details.

This scenario is generally rare. Nevertheless, below plot highlights such a case where the optimized ladder exceeds the fixed-bitrate ladder in terms of the highest bitrate, thereby achieving an improvement in the highest quality.

As expected, the quality is higher for the same bitrate, even when compared in the low or medium bitrate regions.

Fig. 5: Example of a movie with action and great amount of rich spatial details showing new highest bitrate of 17.2 Mbps

Visual examples

As an example, we compare the 1.75 Mbps encode from the fixed-bitrate ladder with the 1.45 Mbps encode from the optimized ladder for one of the titles from our 4K collection. Since 4K resolution entails a rather large number of pixels, we show 1024×512 pixel cutouts from the two encodes. The encodes are decoded and scaled to a 4K canvas prior to extracting the cutouts. We toggle between the cutouts so it is convenient to spot differences. We also show the corresponding full frame which helps to get a sense of how the cutout fits in the corresponding video frame.

Fig. 6: Pristine full frame — the purpose is to give a sense of how below cutouts fit in the frame
Fig. 7: Toggling between 1024×512 pixel cutouts from two encodes as annotated. Corresponding to pristine frame shown in Figure 6.
Fig. 8: Pristine full frame — the purpose is to give a sense of how below cutouts fit in the frame
Fig. 9: Toggling between 1024×512 pixel cutouts from two encodes as annotated. Corresponding to pristine frame shown in Figure 8.
Fig. 10: Pristine full frame — the purpose is to give a sense of how below cutouts fit in the frame
Fig. 11: Toggling between 1024×512 pixel cutouts from two encodes as annotated. Corresponding to pristine frame shown in Figure 10.
Fig. 12: Pristine full frame — the purpose is to give a sense of how below cutouts fit in the frame
Fig. 13: Toggling between 1024×512 pixel cutouts from two encodes as annotated. Corresponding to pristine frame shown in Figure 12.
Fig. 14: Pristine full frame — the purpose is to give a sense of how below cutouts fit in the frame
Fig. 15: Toggling between 1024×512 pixel cutouts from two encodes as annotated. Corresponding to pristine frame shown in Figure 14.

As can be seen, the encode from the optimized ladder delivers crisper textures and higher detail for less bits. At 1.45 Mbps it is by no means a perfect 4K rendition, but still very commendable for that bitrate. There exist higher bitrate points on the optimized ladder that deliver impeccable 4K quality, also for less bits compared to the fixed-bitrate ladder.

Compression and bitrate ladder improvements

Even before testing the new streams in the field, we observe the following advantages of the optimized ladders vs the fixed ladders, evaluated over 100 sample titles:

  • Computing the Bjøntegaard Delta (BD) rate shows 50% gains on average over the fixed-bitrate ladder. Meaning, on average we need 50% less bitrate to achieve the same quality with the optimized ladder.
  • The highest 4K bitrate on average is 8 Mbps which is also a 50% reduction compared to 16 Mbps of the fixed-bitrate ladder.
  • As mobile devices continue to improve, they adopt premium features (other than 4K resolution) like 10-bit and HFR. These video encodes can be delivered to mobile devices as well. The fixed-bitrate ladder starts at 560 kbps which may be too high for some cellular networks. The optimized ladder, on the other hand, has lower bitrate points that are viable in most cellular scenarios.
  • The optimized ladder entails a smaller storage footprint compared to the fixed-bitrate ladder.
  • The new ladder considers adding 1440p resolution (aka QHD) points if they lie on the convex hull of rate-quality tradeoff and most titles seem to get the 1440p treatment. As a result, when averaged over 100 titles, the bitrate required to jump to a resolution higher than 1080p (meaning either QHD or 4K) is 1.7 Mbps compared to 8 Mbps of the fixed-bitrate ladder. When averaged over 100 titles, the bitrate required to jump to 4K resolution is 3.2 Mbps compared to 8 Mbps of the fixed-bitrate ladder.

Benefits to members

At Netflix we perform A/B testing of encoding optimizations to detect any playback issues on client devices as well as gauge the benefits experienced by our members. One set of streaming sessions receives the default encodes and the other set of streaming sessions receives the new encodes. This in turn allows us to compare error rates as well as various metrics related to quality of experience (QoE). Although our streams are standard compliant, the A/B testing can and does sometimes find device-side implementations with minor gaps; in such cases we work with our device partners to find the best remedy.

Overall, while A/B testing these new encodes, we have seen the following benefits, which are in line with the offline evaluation covered in the previous section:

  • For members with high-bandwidth connections we deliver the same great quality at half the bitrate on average.
  • For members with constrained bandwidth we deliver higher quality at the same (or even lower) bitrate — higher VMAF at the same encoding resolution and bitrate or even higher resolutions than they could stream before. For example, members who were limited by their network to 720p can now be served 1080p or higher resolution instead.
  • Most streaming sessions start with a higher initial quality.
  • The number of rebuffers per hour go down by over 65%; members also experience fewer quality drops while streaming.
  • The reduced bitrate together with some Digital Rights Management (DRM) system improvements (not covered in this blog) result in reducing the initial play delay by about 10%.

Next steps

We have started re-encoding the 4K titles in our catalog to generate the optimized streams and we expect to complete in a couple of months. We continue to work on applying similar optimizations to our HDR streams.


We thank Lishan Zhu for help rendered during A/B testing.

This is a collective effort on the part of our larger team, known as Encoding Technologies, and various other teams that we have crucial partnerships with, such as:

If you are passionate about video compression research and would like to contribute to this field, we have an open position.

Optimized shot-based encodes for 4K: Now streaming! was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.