Tag Archives: AWS re:Invent

New – Announcing Automated Data Preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q

Post Syndicated from Veliswa Boya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-announcing-automated-data-preparation-for-amazon-quicksight-q/

In this post that was published in September 2021, Jeff Barr announced general availability of Amazon QuickSight Q. To recap, Amazon QuickSight Q is a natural language query capability that lets business users ask simple questions of their data.

QuickSight Q is powered by machine learning (ML), providing self-service analytics by allowing you to query your data using plain language and therefore eliminating the need to fiddle with dashboards, controls, and calculations. With last year’s announcement of QuickSight Q, you can ask simple questions like “who had the highest sales in EMEA in 2021” and get your answers (with relevant visualizations like graphs, maps, or tables) in seconds.

Data used for analytics is often stored in a data warehouse like Amazon Redshift, and these unfortunately tend to be optimized for programmatic access via SQL rather than for natural language interaction. Furthermore, BI teams, understandably, tend to optimize data sources for consumption by dashboard authors, BI engineers, and other data teams, therefore using technical naming conventions that are optimized for dashboards (for example, “CUST_ID” instead of “Customer”) and SQL queries. These technical naming conventions are not intuitive to be used by business users.
To solve this, BI teams spend hours manually translating technical names into commonly used business language names to prepare the data for natural language questions.

Today, I’m excited to announce automated data preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q. Automated data preparation utilizes machine learning to infer semantic information about data and adds it to datasets as metadata about the columns (fields), making it faster for you to prepare data in order to support natural language questions.

A Quick Overview of Topics in QuickSight Q
Topics became available with the introduction of QuickSight Q. Topics are a collection of one or more datasets that represent a subject area that your business users can ask questions about. Looking at the example mentioned earlier (“who had the highest sales in EMEA in 2021”), one or more datasets (for example, a Sales/Regional Sales dataset) would be selected during the creation of this Topic.

As the author, once the Topic is created:

  • You would spend time selecting the most relevant columns from the dataset to add to the Topic (for example, excluding time_stamp, date_stamp columns, etc.). This can be challenging because without visibility to usage data of columns in dashboards and reports, you can find it hard to objectively decide which columns are most relevant to your business users to include in a Topic.
  • You would then spend hours reviewing the data and manually curating it to set configurations that are specific to natural language (for example, add “Area” as a synonym for the “Region” column).
  • Lastly, you would spend time formatting the data in order to ensure that it is more useful when presented.
  • QuickSight Q Topic

    QuickSight Q Topic

How Does Automated Data Preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q Work?
Creating from Analysis: The new automated data preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q saves time by enabling the capability to create a Topic from analysis and therefore saving you the hours that you would spend doing all the translation by automatically choosing user-friendly names and synonyms based on ML-trained models that seek to find synonyms and common terms for the data field in question. Moreover, instead of you selecting the most relevant columns, automated data preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q automatically selects high-value columns based on how they are used in the analysis. It then binds the Topic to this existing analysis’ dataset and prepares an index of unique string values within the data to enable natural language search.

Automated Field Selection and Classification: I mentioned earlier that automated data preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q selects high value columns, but how does it know which columns are high-value? Automated data preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q automates column selection based on signals from existing QuickSight assets, such as reports or dashboards, to help you create a Topic that is relevant to your business users. In addition to selecting high-value fields from a dataset, automated data preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q also imports new calculated fields that the author has created in the analysis, thereby not requiring them to recreate these in a Topic.

Automated Language Settings: At the beginning of this article, I talked about technical naming conventions that are not intuitive for business users. Now, instead of you spending time translating these technical names, column names are automatically updated with friendly names and synonyms using common terms. Looking at our Sales dataset example, CUST_ID has been assigned a friendly name, “Customer”, and a number of synonyms. Synonyms will now be added automatically to columns (with the option to customize further) to support a wide vocabulary that may be relevant to your business users.

Friendly names & Synonyms for columns

Friendly Names & Synonyms for Columns

Automated Metadata Settings: Automated data preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q detects Semantic Type of a column based on the column values and updates the corresponding configuration automatically. Formats for values will now be set to be used if a particular column is presented in the answer. These formats are derived from formats that you may have defined in an analysis.

Semantic Type Settings

Semantic Type Settings

Available Today
Automated Data Preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q is available today in all AWS Regions where QuickSight Q is available. To learn more, visit the Amazon QuickSight Q page. Join the QuickSight Community to ask, answer, and learn with others in the QuickSight Community.

Veliswa x

Introducing VPC Lattice – Simplify Networking for Service-to-Service Communication (Preview)

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-vpc-lattice-simplify-networking-for-service-to-service-communication-preview/

Modern applications are built using modular and distributed components. Each component is a service that implements its own subset of functionalities. To make these services communicate with each other, you need a way to let them discover where they are, authorize access, and route traffic. When troubleshooting issues, you need to keep communication configurations under control so that you can quickly understand what is happening at the application, service, and network levels. This can take a lot of your time.

Today, we are making available in preview Amazon VPC Lattice, a new capability of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) that gives you a consistent way to connect, secure, and monitor communication between your services. With VPC Lattice, you can define policies for traffic management, network access, and monitoring so you can connect applications in a simple and consistent way across AWS compute services (instances, containers, and serverless functions). VPC Lattice automatically handles network connectivity between VPCs and accounts and network address translation between IPv4, IPv6, and overlapping IP addresses. VPC Lattice integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to give you the same authentication and authorization capabilities you are familiar with when interacting with AWS services today, but for your own service-to-service communication. With VPC Lattice, you have common controls to route traffic based on request characteristics and weighted routing for blue/green and canary-style deployments. For example, VPC Lattice allows you to mix and match compute types for a given service, which helps you modernize a monolith application architecture to microservices.

VPC Lattice is designed to be noninvasive, allowing teams across your organization to incrementally opt in over time. In this way, you are able to deliver applications faster by focusing on your application logic, while VPC Lattice handles service-to-service networking, security, and monitoring requirements.

How Amazon VPC Lattice Works
With VPC Lattice, you create a logical application layer network, called a service network, that connects clients and services across different VPCs and accounts, abstracting network complexity. A service network is a logical boundary that is used to automatically implement service discovery and connectivity as well as apply access and observability policies to a collection of services. It offers inter-application connectivity over HTTP/HTTPS and gRPC protocols within a VPC.

Once a VPC has been enabled for a service network, clients in the VPC will automatically be able to discover the services in the service network through DNS and will direct all inter-application traffic through VPC Lattice. You can use AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) to control which accounts, VPCs, and applications can establish communication via VPC Lattice.

A service is an independently deployable unit of software that delivers a specific task or function. In VPC Lattice, a service is a logical component that can live in any VPC or account and can run on a mixture of compute types (virtual machines, containers, and serverless functions). A service configuration consists of:

  • One or two listeners that define the port and protocol that the service is expecting traffic on. Supported protocols are HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and gRPC, including HTTPS for TLS-enabled services.
  • Listeners have rules that consist of a priority, which specifies the order in which rules should be processed, one or more conditions that define when to apply the rule, and actions that forward traffic to target groups. Each listener has a default rule that takes effect when no additional rules are configured, or no conditions are met.
  • A target group is a collection of targets, or compute resources, that are running a specific workload you are trying to route toward. Targets can be Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, IP addresses, and Lambda functions. For Kubernetes workloads, VPC Lattice can target services and pods via the AWS Gateway Controller for Kubernetes. To have access to the AWS Gateway Controller for Kubernetes, you can join the preview.

VPC Lattice logical architecture.

To configure service access controls, you can use access policies. An access policy is an IAM resource policy that can be associated with a service network and individual services. With access policies, you can use the “PARC” (principal, action, resource, and condition) model to enforce context-specific access controls for services. For example, you can use an access policy to define which services can access a service you own. If you use AWS Organizations, you can limit access to a service network to a specific organization.

VPC Lattice also provides a service directory, a centralized view of the services that you own or have been shared with you via AWS RAM.

Using Amazon VPC Lattice
We expect people with different roles can use VPC Lattice. For example:

  • The service network administrator can:
    • Create and manage a service network.
    • Define access and monitoring for the service network.
    • Associate client and services.
    • Share the service network with other AWS accounts.
  • The service owner can:
    • Create and manage a service, including access and monitoring.
    • Define routing, for example, configuring listeners and rules that point to the target groups where the service is running.
    • Associate a service to service networks.

Let’s see how this works in practice. In this quick walkthrough, I am covering both roles.

Creating Two Backend Services
There is nothing specific to VPC Lattice in this section. I am just creating a couple of services, one running on Amazon EC2 and one on AWS Lambda, that I’ll use later when I configure networking with VPC Lattice.

In an Amazon Linux EC2 instance, I create a web app that replies “Hello from the instance” to HTTP requests. To allow access to the instance from clients coming via VPC Lattice, I add an inbound rule to the security group to allow TCP traffic on port 8080 from the VPC Lattice AWS-managed prefix list.

Here’s the app.py file. I am using Python and Flask for this app, but you don’t need to know them to follow along with the post.

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
  return 'Hello from the instance'

def somePath(path):
  return 'Hello from the instance at path "{}"'.format(path)

app.run(host='', port=8080)

Here’s the requirements.txt file with the Python dependencies. There’s only one line because the only module I need is flask:


I install the dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then, I start the web app using the nohup command to keep it running in case I log out of the instance:

nohup flask run --host= --port 8080 &

On the EC2 instance, the web service is now listening to HTTP traffic on port 8080.

In the Lambda console, I create a simple function using the Node.js 18.x runtime that replies “Hello from the function” to all invocations.

exports.handler = async (event) => {
    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: JSON.stringify('Hello from the function'),
    return response;

The two services are now both ready. Let’s use VPC Lattice to configure networking.

Creating VPC Lattice Target Groups
I start by creating two target groups, one for the EC2 instance and one for the Lambda function. In the VPC console, there is a new VPC Lattice section in the navigation pane. There, I choose Target groups and then Create target group.

For the first target group, I choose the Instances target type and enter a name.

Console screenshot.

I choose the protocol (HTTP) and port (8080) used by the web app running on the instance. I select the VPC where the instance is running and the protocol version (HTTP1).

Console screenshot.

Now I can configure the health check that will be used to test the target status. In this case, I use the default values proposed by the console.

Console screenshot.

In the next step, I can register the targets. I select the instance on which the web app is running from the list and choose to include it.

Console screenshot.

I review the selected targets (one instance in this case) and choose Submit.

In a similar way, I create a target group for the Lambda function. This time, I select the function from the list. I can choose which function version or function alias to use. For simplicity, I use the $LATEST version.

Console screenshot.

Creating VPC Lattice Services
Now that the target groups are ready, I choose Services in the navigation pane and then Create service. I enter a name and a description.

Console screenshot.

Now, I can choose the authentication type. If I choose None, the service network does not authenticate or authorize client access, and the auth policy, if present, is not used. I select AWS IAM and then, from the Apply policy template dropdown, the template that allows both authenticated and unauthenticated access.

Console screenshot.

In the Monitoring section, I turn on Access logs. As the destination for the access logs, I use an Amazon CloudWatch Log group that I created before. I also have the option to use an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket or a Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.

Console screenshot.

In the next step, I define routing for the service. I choose Add listener. For the protocol, I configure the service to listen using HTTPS. In the default action, I choose to send two-thirds (Weight 20) of the requests to the instance target group and one-third (Weight 10) to the function target group.

Console screenshot.

Then, I add two additional rules. The first rule (Priority 10) sends all requests where the path is /to-instance to the instance target group.

Console screenshot.

The second rule (Priority 20) sends all traffic where the path is /to-function to the function target group.

Console screenshot.

In the next step, I am asked to associate the service with one or more service networks. I didn’t create a service network yet, so I skip this step for now and choose Next. I review the configuration and create the service.

Creating VPC Lattice Service Networks
Now, I create the service network so that I can associate the service and the VPCs I want to use. I choose Service network from the navigation pane and then Create service network. I enter a name and a description for the service network.

Console screenshot.

In the Associate services, I select the service I just created.

Console screenshot.

In the VPC associations, I select the VPC used by the instance where the web app runs. This can help in the future because it allows the web app to call other services associated with the service network.

Console screenshot.

Then, I select a second VPC where I have another EC2 instance that I want to use to run some tests.

Console screenshot.

For simplicity, in the Access section, I select the None auth type.

Console screenshot.

In the Monitoring section, I choose to send the access logs for the whole service network to an S3 bucket.

Console screenshot.

I review the summary of the configuration and create the service network. After a few seconds all service and VPC associations are active, and I can start using the service.

I write down the domain name of the service from the list of service associations.

Console screenshot.

Testing Access to the Service Using VPC Lattice
I look at the Routing tab of the service to find a nice recap of how the listener is handling routing towards the different target groups.

Console screenshot.

Then, I log into the EC2 instance in my second VPC and use curl to call the service domain name. As expected, I get about two-thirds of the responses from the instance and one-third from the function.

curl https://my-service-03e92ee54968d87ca.7d67968.vpc-lattice-svcs.us-west-2.on.aws
Hello from the instance

curl https://my-service-03e92ee54968d87ca.7d67968.vpc-lattice-svcs.us-west-2.on.aws
Hello from the instance

curl https://my-service-03e92ee54968d87ca.7d67968.vpc-lattice-svcs.us-west-2.on.aws
"Hello from the function"

When I call the /to-instance and /to-function paths, the additional rules forward the requests to the instance and the function, respectively.

curl https://my-service-03e92ee54968d87ca.7d67968.vpc-lattice-svcs.us-west-2.on.aws/to-instance
Hello from the instance "to-instance" path

curl https://my-service-03e92ee54968d87ca.7d67968.vpc-lattice-svcs.us-west-2.on.aws/to-function
"Hello from the function"

I can now review access to my service using the access log subscriptions I configured before.

For the service, I look in the CloudWatch Log group. There, I find a log stream containing detailed access information about the service.

Console screenshot.

The access log for all services associated with the service network is on the S3 bucket. I have only one service for now, but more are coming.

Console screenshot.

Available in Preview
Amazon VPC Lattice is available in preview in the US West (Oregon) Region.

VPC Lattice provides deployment consistency across AWS compute types so that you can connect your services across instances, containers, and serverless functions. You can use VPC Lattice to apply granular and rich traffic controls, such as policy-based routing and weighted targets to support blue/green and canary-style deployments.

VPC Lattice allows monitoring and troubleshooting service-to-service communication with detailed access logs and metrics that capture request type, volume of traffic, error rates, response time, and more. In this blog post, I only scratched the surface of what you can do with VPC Lattice.

Simplify the way you connect, secure, and monitor service-to-service communication with Amazon VPC Lattice.

Announcing AWS KMS External Key Store (XKS)

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/announcing-aws-kms-external-key-store-xks/

I am excited to announce the availability of AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) External Key Store. Customers who have a regulatory need to store and use their encryption keys on premises or outside of the AWS Cloud can now do so. This new capability allows you to store AWS KMS customer managed keys on a hardware security module (HSM) that you operate on premises or at any location of your choice.

At a high level, AWS KMS forwards API calls to securely communicate with your HSM. Your key material never leaves your HSM. This solution allows you to encrypt data with external keys for the vast majority of AWS services that support AWS KMS customer managed keys, such as Amazon EBS, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and over 100 more services. There is no change required to your existing AWS services’ configuration parameters or code.

This helps you unblock use cases for a small portion of regulated workloads where encryption keys should be stored and used outside of an AWS data center. But this is a major change in the way you operate cloud-based infrastructure and a significant shift in the shared responsibility model. We expect only a small percentage of our customers to enable this capability. The additional operational burden and greater risks to availability, performance, and low latency operations on protected data will exceed—for most cases—the perceived security benefits from AWS KMS External Key Store.

Let me dive into the details.

A Brief Recap on Key Management and Encryption
When an AWS service is configured to encrypt data at rest, the service requests a unique encryption key from AWS KMS. We call this the data encryption key. To protect data encryption keys, the service also requests that AWS KMS encrypts that key with a specific KMS customer managed key, also known as a root key. Once encrypted, data keys can be safely stored alongside the data they protect. This pattern is called envelope encryption. Imagine an envelope that contains both the encrypted data and the encrypted key that was used to encrypt these data.

But how do we protect the root key? Protecting the root key is essential as it allows the decryption of all data keys it encrypted.

The root key material is securely generated and stored in a hardware security module, a piece of hardware designed to store secrets. It is tamper-resistant and designed so that the key material never leaves the secured hardware in plain text. AWS KMS uses HSMs that are certified under the NIST 140-2 Cryptographic Module certification program.

You can choose to create root keys tied to data classification, or create unique root keys to protect different AWS services, or by project tag, or associated to each data owner, and each root key is unique to each AWS Region.

AWS KMS calls the root keys customer managed keys when you create and manage the keys yourself. They are called AWS managed keys when they are created on behalf of an AWS service that encrypts data, such as Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), or Amazon DynamoDB. For simplicity, let’s call them KMS keys. These are the root keys, the ones that never leave the secured HSM environment. All KMS encryption and decryption operations happen in the secured environment of the HSM.

The XKS Proxy Solution
When configuring AWS KMS External Key Store (XKS), you are replacing the KMS key hierarchy with a new, external root of trust. The root keys are now all generated and stored inside an HSM you provide and operate. When AWS KMS needs to encrypt or decrypt a data key, it forwards the request to your vendor-specific HSM.

All AWS KMS interactions with the external HSM are mediated by an external key store proxy (XKS proxy), a proxy that you provide, and you manage. The proxy translates generic AWS KMS requests into a format that the vendor-specific HSMs can understand.

The HSMs that XKS communicates with are not located in AWS data centers.

XKS architecture

To provide customers with a broad range of external key manager options, AWS KMS developed the XKS specification with feedback from several HSM, key management, and integration service providers, including Atos, Entrust, Fortanix, HashiCorp, Salesforce, Thales, and T-Systems. For information about availability, pricing, and how to use XKS with solutions from these vendors, consult the vendor directly.

In addition, we will provide a reference implementation of an XKS proxy that can be used with SoftHSM or any HSM that supports a PKCS #11 interface. This reference implementation XKS proxy can be run as a container, is built in Rust, and will be available via GitHub in the coming weeks.

Once you have completed the setup of your XKS proxy and HSM, you can create a corresponding external key store resource in KMS. You create keys in your HSM and map these keys to the external key store resource in KMS. Then you can use these keys with AWS services that support customer keys or your own applications to encrypt your data.

Each request from AWS KMS to the XKS proxy includes meta-data such as the AWS principal that called the KMS API and the KMS key ARN. This allows you to create an additional layer of authorization controls at the XKS proxy level, beyond those already provided by IAM policies in your AWS accounts.

The XKS proxy is effectively a kill switch you control. When you turn off the XKS proxy, all new encrypt and decrypt operations using XKS keys will cease to function. AWS services that have already provisioned a data key into memory for one of your resources will continue to work until either you deactivate the resource or the service key cache expires. For example, Amazon S3 caches data keys for a few minutes when bucket keys are enabled.

The Shift in Shared Responsibility
Under standard cloud operating procedures, AWS is responsible for maintaining the cloud infrastructure in operational condition. This includes, but is not limited to, patching the systems, monitoring the network, designing systems for high availability, and more.

When you elect to use XKS, there is a fundamental shift in the shared responsibility model. Under this model, you are responsible for maintaining the XKS proxy and your HSM in operational condition. Not only do they have to be secured and highly available, but also sized to sustain the expected number of AWS KMS requests. This applies to all components involved: the physical facilities, the power supplies, the cooling system, the network, the server, the operating system, and more.

Depending on your workload, AWS KMS operations may be critical to operating services that require encryption for your data at rest in the cloud. Typical services relying on AWS KMS for normal operation include Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), Lambda, Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, DynamoDB, and more. In other words, it means that when the part of the infrastructure under your responsibility is not available or has high latencies (typically over 250 ms), AWS KMS will not be able to operate, cascading the failure to requests that you make to other AWS services. You will not be able to start an EC2 instance, invoke a Lambda function, store or retrieve objects from S3, connect to your RDS or DynamoDB databases, or any other service that relies on AWS KMS XKS keys stored in the infrastructure you manage.

As one of the product managers involved in XKS told me while preparing this blog post, “you are running your own tunnel to oxygen through a very fragile path.”

We recommend only using this capability if you have a regulatory or compliance need that requires you to maintain your encryption keys outside of an AWS data center. Only enable XKS for the root keys that support your most critical workloads. Not all your data classification categories will require external storage of root keys. Keep the data set protected by XKS to the minimum to meet your regulatory requirements, and continue to use AWS KMS customer managed keys—fully under your control—for the rest.

Some customers for which external key storage is not a compliance requirement have also asked for this feature in the past, but they all ended up accepting one of the existing AWS KMS options for cloud-based key storage and usage once they realized that the perceived security benefits of an XKS-like solution didn’t outweigh the operational cost.

What Changes and What Stays the Same?
I tried to summarize the changes for you.

What is identical
to standard AWS KMS keys
What is changing

The supported AWS KMS APIs and key identifiers (ARN) are identical. AWS services that support customer managed keys will work with XKS.

The way to protect access and monitor access from the AWS side is unchanged. XKS uses the same IAM policies and the same key policies. API calls are logged in AWS CloudTrail, and AWS CloudWatch has the usage metrics.

The pricing is the same as other AWS KMS keys and API operations.

XKS does not support asymmetric or HMAC keys managed in the HSM you provide.

You now own the concerns of availability, durability, performance, and latency boundaries of your encryption key operations.

You can implement another layer of authorization, auditing, and monitoring at XKS proxy level. XKS resides in your network.

While the KMS price stays the same, your expenses are likely to go up substantially to procure an HSM and maintain your side of the XKS-related infrastructure in operational condition.

An Open Specification
For those strictly regulated workloads, we are developing XKS as an open interoperability specification. Not only have we collaborated with the major vendors I mentioned already, but we also opened a GitHub repository with the following materials:

  • The XKS proxy API specification. This describes the format of the generic requests KMS sends to an XKS proxy and the responses it expects. Any HSM vendor can use the specification to create an XKS proxy for their HSM.
  • A reference implementation of an XKS proxy that implements the specification. This code can be adapted by HSM vendors to create a proxy for their HSM.
  • An XKS proxy test client that can be used to check if an XKS proxy complies with the requirements of the XKS proxy API specification.

Other vendors, such as SalesForce, announced their own XKS solution allowing their customers to choose their own key management solution and plug it into their solution of choice, including SalesForce.

Pricing and Availability
External Key Store is provided at no additional cost on top of AWS KMS. AWS KMS charges $1 per root key per month, no matter where the key material is stored, on KMS, on CloudHSM, or on your own on-premises HSM.

For a full list of Regions where AWS KMS XKS is currently available, visit our technical documentation.

If you think XKS will help you to meet your regulatory requirements, have a look at the technical documentation and the XKS FAQ.

— seb

New for Amazon Redshift – General Availability of Streaming Ingestion for Kinesis Data Streams and Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-amazon-redshift-general-availability-of-streaming-ingestion-for-kinesis-data-streams-and-managed-streaming-for-apache-kafka/

Ten years ago, just a few months after I joined AWS, Amazon Redshift was launched. Over the years, many features have been added to improve performance and make it easier to use. Amazon Redshift now allows you to analyze structured and semi-structured data across data warehouses, operational databases, and data lakes. More recently, Amazon Redshift Serverless became generally available to make it easier to run and scale analytics without having to manage your data warehouse infrastructure.

To process data as quickly as possible from real-time applications, customers are adopting streaming engines like Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka. Previously, to load streaming data into your Amazon Redshift database, you’d have to configure a process to stage data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) before loading. Doing so would introduce a latency of one minute or more, depending on the volume of data.

Today, I am happy to share the general availability of Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion. With this new capability, Amazon Redshift can natively ingest hundreds of megabytes of data per second from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK into an Amazon Redshift materialized view and query it in seconds.

Architecture diagram.

Streaming ingestion benefits from the ability to optimize query performance with materialized views and allows the use of Amazon Redshift more efficiently for operational analytics and as the data source for real-time dashboards. Another interesting use case for streaming ingestion is analyzing real-time data from gamers to optimize their gaming experience. This new integration also makes it easier to implement analytics for IoT devices, clickstream analysis, application monitoring, fraud detection, and live leaderboards.

Let’s see how this works in practice.

Configuring Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion
Apart from managing permissions, Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion can be configured entirely with SQL within Amazon Redshift. This is especially useful for business users who lack access to the AWS Management Console or the expertise to configure integrations between AWS services.

You can set up streaming ingestion in three steps:

  1. Create or update an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to allow access to the streaming platform you use (Kinesis Data Streams or Amazon MSK). Note that the IAM role should have a trust policy that allows Amazon Redshift to assume the role.
  2. Create an external schema to connect to the streaming service.
  3. Create a materialized view that references the streaming object (Kinesis data stream or Kafka topic) in the external schemas.

After that, you can query the materialized view to use the data from the stream in your analytics workloads. Streaming ingestion works with Amazon Redshift provisioned clusters and with the new serverless option. To maximize simplicity, I am going to use Amazon Redshift Serverless in this walkthrough.

To prepare my environment, I need a Kinesis data stream. In the Kinesis console, I choose Data streams in the navigation pane and then Create data stream. For the Data stream name, I use my-input-stream and then leave all other options set to their default value. After a few seconds, the Kinesis data stream is ready. Note that by default I am using on-demand capacity mode. In a development or test environment, you can choose provisioned capacity mode with one shard to optimize costs.

Now, I create an IAM role to give Amazon Redshift access to the my-input-stream Kinesis data streams. In the IAM console, I create a role with this policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:*:123412341234:stream/my-input-stream"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

To allow Amazon Redshift to assume the role, I use the following trust policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "redshift.amazonaws.com"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

In the Amazon Redshift console, I choose Redshift serverless from the navigation pane and create a new workgroup and namespace, similar to what I did in this blog post. When I create the namespace, in the Permissions section, I choose Associate IAM roles from the dropdown menu. Then, I select the role I just created. Note that the role is visible in this selection only if the trust policy allows Amazon Redshift to assume it. After that, I complete the creation of the namespace using the default options. After a few minutes, the serverless database is ready for use.

In the Amazon Redshift console, I choose Query editor v2 in the navigation pane. I connect to the new serverless database by choosing it from the list of resources. Now, I can use SQL to configure streaming ingestion. First, I create an external schema that maps to the streaming service. Because I am going to use simulated IoT data as an example, I call the external schema sensors.

IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::123412341234:role/redshift-streaming-ingestion';

To access the data in the stream, I create a materialized view that selects data from the stream. In general, materialized views contain a precomputed result set based on the result of a query. In this case, the query is reading from the stream, and Amazon Redshift is the consumer of the stream.

Because streaming data is going to be ingested as JSON data, I have two options:

  1. Leave all the JSON data in a single column and use Amazon Redshift capabilities to query semi-structured data.
  2. Extract JSON properties into their own separate columns.

Let’s see the pros and cons of both options.

The approximate_arrival_timestamp, partition_key, shard_id, and sequence_number columns in the SELECT statement are provided by Kinesis Data Streams. The record from the stream is in the kinesis_data column. The refresh_time column is provided by Amazon Redshift.

To leave the JSON data in a single column of the sensor_data materialized view, I use the JSON_PARSE function:

    SELECT approximate_arrival_timestamp,
           JSON_PARSE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8') as payload    
      FROM sensors."my-input-stream";
SELECT approximate_arrival_timestamp,
JSON_PARSE(kinesis_data) as payload 
FROM sensors."my-input-stream";

Because I used the AUTO REFRESH YES parameter, the content of the materialized view is automatically refreshed when there is new data in the stream.

To extract the JSON properties into separate columns of the sensor_data_extract materialized view, I use the JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT function:

    SELECT approximate_arrival_timestamp,
           JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'sensor_id')::VARCHAR(8) as sensor_id,
           JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'current_temperature')::DECIMAL(10,2) as current_temperature,
           JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'status')::VARCHAR(8) as status,
           JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'event_time')::CHARACTER(26) as event_time
      FROM sensors."my-input-stream";

Loading Data into the Kinesis Data Stream
To put data in the my-input-stream Kinesis Data Stream, I use the following random_data_generator.py Python script simulating data from IoT sensors:

import datetime
import json
import random
import boto3

STREAM_NAME = "my-input-stream"

def get_random_data():
    current_temperature = round(10 + random.random() * 170, 2)
    if current_temperature > 160:
        status = "ERROR"
    elif current_temperature > 140 or random.randrange(1, 100) > 80:
        status = random.choice(["WARNING","ERROR"])
        status = "OK"
    return {
        'sensor_id': random.randrange(1, 100),
        'current_temperature': current_temperature,
        'status': status,
        'event_time': datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()

def send_data(stream_name, kinesis_client):
    while True:
        data = get_random_data()
        partition_key = str(data["sensor_id"])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    kinesis_client = boto3.client('kinesis')
    send_data(STREAM_NAME, kinesis_client)

I start the script and see the records that are being put in the stream. They use a JSON syntax and contain random data.

$ python3 random_data_generator.py
{'sensor_id': 66, 'current_temperature': 69.67, 'status': 'OK', 'event_time': '2022-11-20T18:31:30.693395'}
{'sensor_id': 45, 'current_temperature': 122.57, 'status': 'OK', 'event_time': '2022-11-20T18:31:31.486649'}
{'sensor_id': 15, 'current_temperature': 101.64, 'status': 'OK', 'event_time': '2022-11-20T18:31:31.671593'}

Querying Streaming Data from Amazon Redshift
To compare the two materialized views, I select the first ten rows from each of them:

  • In the sensor_data materialized view, the JSON data in the stream is in the payload column. I can use Amazon Redshift JSON functions to access data stored in JSON format.Console screenshot.
  • In the sensor_data_extract materialized view, the JSON data in the stream has been extracted into different columns: sensor_id, current_temperature, status, and event_time.Console screenshot.

Now I can use the data in these views in my analytics workloads together with the data in my data warehouse, my operational databases, and my data lake. I can use the data in these views together with Redshift ML to train a machine learning model or use predictive analytics. Because materialized views support incremental updates, the data in these views can be efficiently used as a data source for dashboards, for example, using Amazon Redshift as a data source for Amazon Managed Grafana.

Availability and Pricing
Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion for Kinesis Data Streams and Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka is generally available today in all commercial AWS Regions.

There are no additional costs for using Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion. For more information, see Amazon Redshift pricing.

It’s never been easier to use low-latency streaming data in your data warehouse and in your data lake. Let us know what you build with this new capability!


Introducing Amazon Omics – A Purpose-Built Service to Store, Query, and Analyze Genomic and Biological Data at Scale

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-amazon-omics-a-purpose-built-service-to-store-query-and-analyze-genomic-and-biological-data-at-scale/

You might learn in high school biology class that the human genome is composed of over three billion letters of code using adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) paired in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The human genome acts as the biological blueprint of every human cell. And that’s only the foundation for what makes us human.

Healthcare and life sciences organizations collect myriad types of biological data to improve patient care and drive scientific research. These organizations map an individual’s genetic predisposition to disease, identify new drug targets based on protein structure and function, profile tumors based on what genes are expressed in a specific cell, or investigate how gut bacteria can influence human health. Collectively, these studies are often known as “omics”.

AWS has helped healthcare and life sciences organizations accelerate the translation of this data into actionable insights for over a decade. Industry leaders such as as Ancestry, AstraZeneca, Illumina, DNAnexus, Genomics England, and GRAIL leverage AWS to accelerate time to discovery while concurrently reducing costs and enhancing security.

The scale these customers, and others, operate at continues to increase rapidly. When omics data across thousand or hundreds of thousands (or more!) of individuals are compared and analyzed, new insights for predicting disease and the efficacy of different drug treatments are possible.

However, this scale, which can be many petabytes of data, can add complexity. When I studied medical informatics in my Ph.D course, I experienced this complexity in data access, processing, and tooling. You need a way to store omics data that is cost-efficient and easy to access. You need to scale compute across millions of biological samples while preserving accuracy and reliability. You also need specialized tools to analyze genetic patterns across populations and train machine learning (ML) models to predict diseases.

Today I’m excited to announce the general availability of Amazon Omics, a purpose-built service to help bioinformaticians, researchers, and scientists store, query, and analyze genomic, transcriptomic, and other omics data and then generate insights from that data to improve health and advance scientific discoveries.

With just a few clicks in the Omics console, you can import and normalize petabytes of data into formats optimized for analysis. Amazon Omics provides scalable workflows and integrated tools for preparing and analyzing omics data and automatically provisions and scales the underlying cloud infrastructure. So, you can focus on advancing science and translate discoveries into diagnostics and therapies.

Amazon Omics has three primary components:

  • Omics-optimized object storage that helps customers store and share their data efficiently and at low cost.
  • Managed compute for bioinformatics workflows that allows customers to run the exact analysis they specify, without worrying about provisioning underlying infrastructure.
  • Optimized data stores for population-scale variant analysis.

Now let’s learn more about each component of Amazon Omics. Generally, it follows the steps to create a data store and import data files, such as genome sequencing raw data, set up a basic bioinformatics workflow, and analyze results using existing AWS analytics and ML services.

The Getting Started page in the Omics console contains tutorial examples using Amazon SageMaker notebooks with the Python SDK. I will demonstrate Amazon Omics features through an example using a human genome reference.

Omics Data Storage
The Omics data storage helps you store and share petabytes of omics data efficiently. You can create data stores and import sample data in the Omics console and also do the same job in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Let’s make a reference store and import a reference genome. This example uses Genome Reference Consortium Human Reference 38 (hg38), which is open access and available from the following Amazon S3 bucket: s3://broad-references/hg38/v0/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta.

As prerequisites, you need to create Amazon S3 bucket in your preferred Region and the necessary IAM permissions to access S3 buckets. In the Omics console, you can easily create and select IAM role during the Omics storage setup.

Use the following AWS CLI command to create your reference store, copy the genome data to your S3 bucket, and import it data into your reference store.

// Create your reference store
$ aws omics create-reference-store --name "Reference Store"

// Import your reference data into your data store
$ aws s3 cp s3://broad-references/hg38/v0/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta,name=hg38 s3://channy-omics
$ aws omics start-reference-import-job --sources sourceFile=s3://channy-omics/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta,name=hg38 --reference-store-id 123456789 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::01234567890:role/OmicsImportRole

You can see the result in your console too.

Now you can create a sequence store. A sequence store is similar to an S3 bucket. Each object in a sequence store is known as a “read set”. A read set is an abstraction of a set of genomics file types:

  • FASTQ – A text-based file format that stores information about a base (sequence letter) from a sequencer and the corresponding quality information.
  • BAM – The compressed binary version of raw reads and their mapping to a reference genome.
  • CRAM – Similar to BAM, but uses the reference genome information to aid in compression.

Amazon Omics allows you to specify domain-specific metadata to your read sets you import. These are searchable and defined when you start a read set import job.

As an example, we will use the 1000 Genomes Project, a highly detailed catalogue of more than 80 million human genetic variants for more than 400 billions data points from over 2500 individuals. Let’s make a sequence store and then import genome sequence files into it.

// Create your sequence store 
$ aws omics create-sequence-store --name "MySequenceStore"

// Import your reference data into your data store
$ aws s3 cp s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/HG00146/sequence_read/SRR233106_1.filt.fastq.gz s3://channy-omics
$ aws s3 cp s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/HG00146/sequence_read/SRR233106_2.filt.fastq.gz s3://channy-omics

$ aws omics start-read-set-import-job --cli-input-json ‘
        "source1": "s3://channy-omics/SRR233106_1.filt.fastq.gz",
        "source2": "s3://channy-omics/SRR233106_2.filt.fastq.gz"

    "sourceFileType": "FASTQ",
    "subjectId": "mySubject2",
    "sampleId": "mySample2",
    "referenceArn": "arn:aws:omics:us-east-1:123456789012:referenceStore/123467890",
    "name": "HG00100"

You can see the result in your console again.

Analytics Transformations
You can store variant data referring to a mutation, a difference between what the sequencer read at a position compared to the known reference and annotation data, known information about a location or variant in a genome, such as whether it may cause disease.

A variant store supports both variant call format files (VCF) where there is a called variant and gVCF inputs with records covering every position in a genome. An annotation store supports either a generic feature format (GFF3), tab-separated values (TSV), or VCF file. An annotation store can be mapped to the same coordinate system as variant stores during an import.

Once you’ve imported your data, you can now run queries like as followings which search for Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs), the most common type of genetic variation among people, on human chromosome 1.

FROM "myvariantstore"."myvariantstore"
    contigname = 'chr1'
    and cardinality(alternatealleles) = 1
    and length(alternatealleles[1]) = 1
    and length(referenceallele) = 1

You can see the output of this query:

#	sampleid	contigname	start	referenceallele	alternatealleles
1	NA20858	chr1	10096	T	[A]
2	NA19347	chr1	10096	T	[A]
3	NA19735	chr1	10096	T	[A]
4	NA20827	chr1	10102	T	[A]
5	HG04132	chr1	10102	T	[A]
6	HG01961	chr1	10102	T	[A]
7	HG02314	chr1	10102	T	[A]
8	HG02837	chr1	10102	T	[A]
9	HG01111	chr1	10102	T	[A]
10	NA19205	chr1	10108	A	[T] 

You can view, manage, and query those data by integrating with existing analytics engines such as Amazon Athena. These query results can be used to train ML models in Amazon SageMaker.

Bioinformatics Workflows
Amazon Omics allows you to perform bioinformatics workflow, such as variant calling or gene expression, analysis on AWS. These compute workloads are defined using workflow languages like  Workflow Description Language (WDL) and Nextflow, domain-specific languages that specify multiple compute tasks and their input and output dependencies.

You can define and execute a workflow using a few simple CLI commands. As an example, create a main.wdl file with the following WDL codes to create a simple WDL workflow with one task that creates a copy of a file.

version 1.0
workflow Test {
	input {
		File input_file
	call FileCopy {
			input_file = input_file,
	output {
		File output_file = FileCopy.output_file
task FileCopy {
	input {
		File input_file
	command {
		echo "copying ~{input_file}" >&2
		cat ~{input_file} > output
	output {
		File output_file = "output"

Then zip up your workflow and create your workflow with Amazon Omics using the AWS CLI:

$ zip my-wdl-workflow-zip main.wdl
$ aws omics create-workflow \
    --name MyWDLWorkflow \
    --description "My WDL Workflow" \
    --definition-zip file://my-wdl-workflow.zip \
    --parameter-template '{"input_file": "input test file to copy"}'

To run the workflow we just created, you can use the following command:

aws omics start-run \
  --workflow-id // id of the workflow we just created  \
  --role-arn // arn of the IAM role to run the workflow with  \
  --parameters '{"input_file": "s3://bucket/path/to/file"}' \
  --output-uri s3://bucket/path/to/results

Once the workflow completes, you could use these results in s3://bucket/path/to/results for downstream analyses in the Omics variant store.

You can execute a run, a single invocation of a workflow with a task and defined compute specifications. An individual run acts on your defined input data and produces an output. Runs also can have priorities associated with them, which allow specific runs to take execution precedence over other submitted and concurrent runs. For example, you can specify that a run that is high priority will be run before one that is lower priority.

You can optionally use a run group, a group of runs that you can set the max vCPU and max duration runs to help limit the compute resources used per run. This can help you partition users who may need access to different workflows to run on different data. It can also be used as a budget control/resource fairness mechanism by isolating users to specific run groups.

As you saw, Amazon Omics gives you a managed service with a couple of clicks and simple commands, and APIs in analyzing large-scale omic data, such as human genome samples so you can derive meaningful insights from this data, in hours rather than weeks. We also provide more tutorial SageMaker notebooks that you can use in Amazon SageMaker to help you get started.

In terms of data security, Amazon Omics helps ensure that your data remains secure and patient privacy is protected with customer-managed encryption keys, and HIPAA eligibility.

Customer and Partner Voices
Customers and partners in the healthcare and life science industry have shared how they are using Amazon Omics to accelerate scientific insights.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is the oldest hospital in the United States dedicated exclusively to pediatrics and strives to advance healthcare for children with the integration of excellent patient care and innovative research. AWS has worked with the CHOP Research Institute for many years as they’ve led the way in utilizing data and technology to solve challenging problems in child health.

“At Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, we know that getting a comprehensive view of our patients is crucial to delivering the best possible care, based on the most innovative research. Combining multiple clinical modalities is foundational to achieving this. With Amazon Omics, we can expand our understanding of our patients’ health, all the way down to their DNA.” – Jeff Pennington, Associate Vice President & Chief Research Informatics Officer, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

G42 Healthcare enables AI-powered healthcare that uses data and emerging technologies to personalize preventative care.

“Amazon Omics allows G42 to accelerate a competitive and deployable end-to-end service with globally leading data governance. We’re able to leverage the extensive omics data management and bioinformatics solutions hosted globally on AWS, at our customers’ fingertips. Our collaboration with AWS is much more than data – it’s about value.” – Ashish Koshi, CEO, G42 Healthcare

C2i Genomics brings together researchers, physicians and patients to utilize ultra-sensitive whole-genome cancer detection to personalize medicine, reduce cancer treatment costs, and accelerate drug development.

“In C2i Genomics, we empower our data scientists by providing them cloud-based computational solutions to run high-scale, customizable genomic pipelines, allowing them to focus on method development and clinical performance, while the company’s engineering teams are responsible for the operations, security and privacy aspects of the workloads. Amazon Omics allows researchers to use tools and languages from their own domain, and considerably reduces the engineering maintenance effort while taking care of cost and resource allocation considerations, which in turn reduce time-to-market and NRE costs of new features and algorithmic improvements.” – Ury Alon, VP Engineering, C2i Genomics

We are excited to work hand in hand with our AWS partners to build scalable, multi-modal solutions that enable the conversion of raw sequencing data into insights.

Lifebit builds enterprise data platforms for organizations with complex and sensitive biomedical datasets, empowering customers across the life sciences sector to transform how they use sensitive biomedical data.

“At Lifebit, we’re on a mission to connect the world’s biomedical data to obtain novel therapeutic insights. Our customers work with vast cohorts of linked genomic, multi-omics and clinical data – and these data volumes are expanding rapidly. With Amazon Omics they will have access to optimised analytics and storage for this large-scale data, allowing us to provide even more scalable bioinformatics solutions. Our customers will benefit from significantly lower cost per gigabase of data, essentially achieving hot storage performance at cold storage prices, removing cost as a barrier to generating insights from their population-scale biomedical data.” – Thorben Seeger, Chief Business Development Officer, Lifebit

To hear more customers and partner voices, see Amazon Omics Customers page.

Now Available
Amazon Omics is now available in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Frankfurt), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) Regions.

To learn more, see the Amazon Omics page, Amazon Omics User Guide, Genomics on AWS, and Healthcare & Life Sciences on AWS. Give it a try, and please contact AWS genomics team and send feedback through your usual AWS support contacts.


Amazon Connect – New ML-Powered Capabilities for Forecasting, Capacity Planning, Scheduling, and Agent Empowerment

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-connect-new-ml-powered-capabilities-for-forecasting-capacity-planning-scheduling-and-agent-empowerment/

Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use cloud contact center that helps companies of any size deliver superior customer service at a lower cost. If you are following our Amazon Connect announcements, you likely noticed that we keep adding more and more machine learning (ML) powered capabilities to Amazon Connect. ML makes Amazon Connect already smarter at analyzing conversations in real time, finding relevant information needed by contact center agents, and authenticating customers by the sound of their voice.

Today, I’m excited to announce the general availability of new ML-powered capabilities for Amazon Connect:

In addition, I’m happy to announce the preview of the following capabilities:

  • Contact Lens for Amazon Connect adds evaluation forms for agent performance, helping managers to create evaluation forms that can be automatically scored by Contact Lens’s ML-powered conversational analytics.
  • Amazon Connect agent workspace adds a new step-by-step experience that guides agents to resolve customer issues.

Let’s have a closer look at each of these new Amazon Connect capabilities.

Forecasting, Capacity Planning, and Scheduling
As a contact center manager, you can now predict contact demand with high accuracy, determine ideal staffing levels, and optimize agent schedules to ensure you have the right agent at the right time.

Many of our customers are already using Forecasting, Capacity Planning, and Scheduling. For example, Litigation Practice Group is a provider of legal support for debt relief, bankruptcy, or litigation. Alex Miles, Director of Business Intelligence at the Litigation Practice Group, said:

“One of our biggest challenges with our legacy contact center was forecasting customer demand based on historical data so we could predict surges. When searching for a new provider, Amazon Connect stood out to us because of how easy it is to harness data and leverage machine learning (ML) to deliver highly accurate (>95%) forecasts and optimized schedules. It is simple and flexible to set up and allows us to create agent schedules with high efficiency, even when our agents have many unique schedule requirements. It ensures the right agent is available at the right time to take an end customer’s call. The AWS team works with us closely to solve our business pain points and innovate quickly together. With Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling, we are finally confident we can reliably hit our service-level targets and gracefully navigate fluctuations in customer demand.”

To get started, enable Forecasting, Capacity Planning, and Scheduling for your contact center in the Amazon Connect console. Then, you can find the new capabilities in the Amazon Connect Analytics and optimization module.

Now, the first step is to create a forecast of contact demands. Amazon Connect uses an ML model tailored for contact center operations to analyze and predict future contact volume and average handle time based on historical data. The forecasts include inbound, transfer, and callback contacts in both voice and chat channels.

Amazon Connect - Forecast

Capacity Planning
Using the published long-term forecasts together with planning scenarios and metrics such as maximum occupancy, daily attrition, and full-time equivalent (FTE) hours per week as the input, you can then use the capacity planning feature to predict how many agents are required to meet your service level target for a certain period of time. It creates a long-term capacity plan that you can share with stakeholders.

Amazon Connect - Capacity Plan

Using the short-term published forecasts together with shift profiles, staffing groups, human resources, and business rules, the new scheduling feature creates efficient schedules that are optimized for a service level or an average speed of answer target. Schedulers can review and, if needed, edit the schedules. Once they publish the schedules, Amazon Connect notifies supervisors and agents in the relevant staffing groups that a new schedule is available.

Scheduling now supports intraday agent request management, offering agents overtime or voluntary time off. When things need to change, Amazon Connect makes real-time schedule adjustments with the help of ML, following business and labor rules.

Amazon Connect Scheduling - Overtime Requests

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect adds Conversational Analytics for Chat
Contact Lens conversational analytics capabilities analyze conversations in real time using natural language processing (NLP) and speech-to-text analytics. Today, Contact Lens adds conversational analytics capabilities for Amazon Connect Chat, extending the ML-powered analytics to better assess chat contacts with agents and the Amazon Lex bot. Contact Lens’s conversational analytics for chat helps you understand customer sentiment, redact sensitive customer information, and monitor agent compliance with company guidelines to improve agent performance and customer experience.

You can now use the contact search feature to quickly identify contacts where customers had issues based on specific keywords, customer sentiment score, contact categories, and other chat-specific analytics such as agent response time. Contact Lens now also offers chat summarization, a feature that uses ML to classify and highlight key parts of the customer’s conversation, such as issue, outcome, or action item. You can also use the new analytics capabilities to automatically detect and redact sensitive customer information, such as name, credit card details, and Social Security number, from chat transcripts.

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect - Conversational analytics for chat

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect adds Evaluation Forms for Agent Performance (Preview)
As a contact center manager, you can now create agent performance evaluation forms in Contact Lens. You can add relevant evaluation criteria, such as the agents’ adherence to required scripts or compliance with sensitive data collection practices. You can also enable scoring that uses the ML-powered Contact Lens for Amazon Connect conversational analytics capabilities.

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect adds evaluation forms for agent performance

Some of our customers have already looked into the agent performance evaluation forms in Contact Lens and provided us with feedback—one of them is Frontdoor. Frontdoor provides homeowners with a tech-enabled, people-driven platform for maintaining and repairing major home systems and appliances. Through a network of approximately 17,000 contractor firms, the company responds to more than 4 million service requests annually. Scott Brown, SVP of Customer Experience at Frontdoor, said:

“With millions of phone-based member interactions a year, our team needs a powerful and intuitive QA solution that will support our commitment to provide outstanding experiences at each touchpoint. We have been on Amazon Connect since early 2020 and recently launched Contact Lens. It’s a powerful combination that’s helping us simplify how we work, and its analytics are equipping us to make better-informed decisions and strengthen our agent coaching strategy. The UI is intuitive and easy to use, implementation and ramp-up time was minimal, and feedback from our managers has been very positive. For starters, we were able to reduce the number of evaluation forms needed by 200%, then completed the build-out of them in a third of the time that we anticipated. And, our managers appreciate how easy it is to access conversational insights; things like sentiment, categorization, recordings, hold time, and more are provided side-by-side in the same UI, where evaluation results are prepopulated.”

To join the preview, follow the instructions on Contact Lens for Amazon Connect.

Amazon Connect Agent Workspace adds step-by-step guides (Preview)
The Amazon Connect agent workspace is a single, unified application that provides your agents with the tools needed to resolve customer issues. When accepting calls, chats, or tasks, your agents can view updated customer information, search knowledge articles, and get real-time recommendations.

You can now also use Amazon Connect’s no-code, drag-and-drop interface to create custom workflows and step-by-step guides for your agents. You can specify in your contact flows under which condition a guide is shown to an agent. Once the agent selects the guide, the Amazon Connect agent workspace provides the information and one-click actions across both Amazon Connect and third-party applications that agents can use to resolve the customer issue.

Amazon Connect Agent Workspace

To join the preview, follow the instructions on Amazon Connect Agent Workspace.

Availability and Pricing
Regional availability slightly differs for each of these new Amazon Connect capabilities:

  • Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling: Available today in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Europe (London) Regions.
  • Contact Lens’s conversational analytics for chat: Available for post-chat use cases today in all the AWS Regions where Contact Lens’s conversational analytics for speech is already available.
  • Preview—Contact Lens evaluation forms for agent performance: Available in preview in all the AWS Regions where Contact Lens is already available.
  • Preview—Amazon Connect’s step-by-step guides: Available in preview in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Europe (London) Regions.

With Amazon Connect, you only pay for what you use. There are no required up-front payments, long-term commitments, or minimum monthly fees. The price metrics for these new capabilities are detailed on the Amazon Connect pricing page.

For more details, visit Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling, Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, and Amazon Connect Agent Workspace.

Let us know what you think about these new capabilities and how you use them.

And now, go build your contact centers.

— Antje

New AWS SimSpace Weaver–Run Large-Scale Spatial Simulations in the Cloud

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-aws-simspace-weaver-build-large-scale-spatial-simulations-in-the-cloud/

Today, we’re announcing AWS SimSpace Weaver, a new compute service to run real-time spatial simulations in the cloud and at scale. With SimSpace Weaver, simulation developers are no longer limited by the compute and memory of their hardware.

Organizations run simulations on situations that are rare, dangerous, or very expensive to test in the real world. For example, city managers can’t wait for a natural disaster to hit a city to test the response systems. Event planners don’t want to wait until a large sporting event to start to understand the impact the games will have on traffic. Scenarios like these need to be simulated in a safe environment in which planners can test different situations and tune each system.

Until today, spatial simulations were generally confined to being run on a single piece of hardware. If developers wanted to simulate a bigger and more complex world with lots of independent and dynamic entities, they needed to provision a bigger computer. Simulation developers were forced to make trade-offs between scale and fidelity, in other words, deciding how big the world is and how many independent entities there are.

The world we live in is complex, and the scenarios that developers want to simulate are very complex as well—for example, how traffic will be affected by a large concert or sporting event. Simulating these events requires modeling hundreds of thousands of independent dynamic entities to represent the people and vehicles. Each entity has its own set of behaviors that need to be modeled as it moves throughout the world and interacts with other entities. Simulating this at a real-world scale requires CPU and memory beyond what you can have in one instance.

With SimSpace Weaver, you can run simulations at scale across multiple Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. It supports simulating upwards of a million independent and dynamic entities.

When to Use SimSpace Weaver
Use SimSpace Weaver when you need to increase the scale or complexity of your simulations. SimSpace Weaver is great at simulating crowds. This is very useful, for example, when you’re planning large events or planning to build infrastructure like a new stadium. It is also ideal for simulating smart cities, complete with vehicles, inhabitants, and other objects.

AWS SimSpace Weaver lets you connect external clients to your simulations so that you can interact and view the simulations with multiple users in real time.

How SimSpace Weaver Works
When using SimSpace Weaver, you can parallelize your spatial simulations workloads across multiple instances. Scale your simulations across up to 10 EC2 instances by specifying the compute capacity needed for the simulation and how it should be split into partitions. SimSpace Weaver handles the provisioning of the EC2 instances, launches the simulation applications, and cleans the environment after the simulation ends.

In the following image, you can see a representation of how a spatial area, in this case, a city, is spatially partitioned across different instances. Each row represents an instance. The example simulation in this image contains 10 instances, and each instance handles 16 partitions.

Map is partitioned into different instances

Map courtesy of Amazon Location Service

When working with multiple partitions, you don’t need to worry about the complexities of transferring entities between partitions. The SimSpace Weaver data replication system handles the networking and memory management for doing the transferring, regardless of whether the partitions are in the same EC2 instance or in a different one.

Another important feature that SimSpace Weaver provides is the scheduler. The SimSpace Weaver scheduler keeps all the distributed partitions synchronized at a set simulation tick rate (10, 15, or, 30 Hz), so the simulation behaves as if it was run on one machine.

SimSpace Weaver provides the infrastructure to weave together a simulation across multiple instances, but it is not a simulator. Build your simulations by integrating the AWS SimSpace Weaver C++ SDK with your code. Integrating with the SDK allows your applications to interface with the SimSpace Weaver software running in your instances. This allows SimSpace Weaver to track the global state of all your simulated entities and facilitates the transfer of entities between simulation applications. Developers building with Unreal Engine 5 or Unity can take advantage of the SimSpace Weaver out-of-the-box plugins to jump-start their projects.

Getting Started
You can get started with SimSpace Weaver from the AWS Management Console or the AWS Command-Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Getting started

From the console, use our one-click sample to quickly launch your first simulation. This is a simple example of a simulation divided into four different partitions. This simulation involves spherical entities that move freely throughout the world, avoiding each other and static objects.

One click simulation

The wizard guides you through the main steps for running a demo simulation:

  1. Download the client demo application. This is a prebuilt application that you use later to view the simulation running in the cloud. You can only run this demo application using a computer with Windows operating system.
  2. Start the simulation infrastructure in the cloud. SimSpace Weaver takes care of deploying all the infrastructure you need in order to run this simulation.
  3. View the simulation using the demo application you downloaded in the first step. The following image shows the result of running this simulation. Each color represents a different partition.

Simulation result

Available Now
Developers using SimSpace Weaver pay for the number of instances they use for the length of their simulation, with no up-front costs or licenses.

SimSpace Weaver is available in the US East (Ohio), US East (Northern Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia-Pacific (Singapore), Asia-Pacific (Sydney), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (Stockholm) AWS Regions.

You can get started with SimSpace Weaver today from the console and the AWS CLI. Learn more about SimSpace Weaver on the service page.


New – Amazon EC2 Hpc6id Instances Optimized for High Performance Computing

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-ec2-hpc6id-instances-optimized-for-high-performance-computing/

We have given you the flexibility and ability to run the largest and most complex high performance computing (HPC) workloads with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that feature enhanced networking like C5n, C6gnR5n, M5n, and our recently launched HPC instances Hpc6a.

We heard feedback from customers asking us to deliver more options to support their most intensive workloads with higher per-vCPU compute performance as well as larger memory and local disk storage to reduce job completion time for data-intensive workloads like Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and seismic processing.

Announcing Amazon EC2 Hpc6id Instance for HPC Workloads
Today, we announce the general availability of Amazon EC2 Hpc6id instances, a new instance type that is purpose-built for tightly coupled HPC workloads. Amazon EC2 Hpc6id instances are powered by 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors (Ice Lake) that run at frequencies up to 3.5 GHz, 1024 GiB memory, 15.2 TB local SSD disk, 200 Gbps Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) network bandwidth, which is 4x higher than R6i instances.

Amazon EC2 Hpc6id instances have the best per-vCPU HPC performance when compared to similar x86-based EC2 instances for data-intensive HPC workloads.

Here are the detailed specs:

Instance Name CPUs RAM EFA Network Bandwidth Attached Storage
hpc6id.32xlarge 64 1024 GiB Up to 200 Gbps 15.2 TB local SSD disk

Amazon EC2 Hpc6id Instances Use Cases
Customers running license-bound scenarios can lower infrastructure and HPC software licensing costs with Hpc6id. Other customers with HPC codes that are optimized for Intel-specific features, such as Math Kernel Library or AVX-512, can migrate their largest HPC workloads to Hpc6id and scale up their workloads on AWS by taking advantage of 200 Gbps EFA bandwidth.

Other customers using HPC software codes that are optimized for per-CPU performance are also able to consolidate their workloads on fewer nodes and complete jobs faster with Hpc6id. Faster job completion time helps customers to reduce both infrastructure and software licensing costs. Customers can use Hpc6id instances to quickly carry out complex calculations across a range of cluster sizes—up to tens of thousands of cores.

Customers also can use Hpc6id instances with AWS ParallelCluster to provision Hpc6id instances alongside other instance types, giving customers the flexibility to run different workload types within the same HPC cluster. Hpc6id instances benefit from the AWS Nitro System, a rich collection of building blocks that offloads many of the traditional virtualization functions to dedicated hardware and software to deliver high performance, high availability, and high security while also reducing virtualization overhead.

Now Available
Amazon EC2 Hpc6id instances are available for purchase as On-Demand or Reserved Instances or with Savings Plans. Hpc6id instances are available in the US East (Ohio) and AWS GovCloud (US-West) Regions. To optimize Amazon EC2 Hpc6id instances networking for tightly coupled workloads, use cluster placement groups within a single Availability Zone.

To learn more, visit our Hpc6 instance page and get in touch with our HPC teamAWS re:Post for EC2, or through your usual AWS Support contacts.


Preview: Amazon Security Lake – A Purpose-Built Customer-Owned Data Lake Service

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/preview-amazon-security-lake-a-purpose-built-customer-owned-data-lake-service/

To identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities, customers should enable logging across their various resources and centralize these logs for easy access and use within analytics tools. Some of these data sources include logs from on-premises infrastructure, firewalls, and endpoint security solutions, and when utilizing the cloud, services such as Amazon Route 53, AWS CloudTrail, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and AWS Lake Formation simplify the creation and management of a data lake on AWS. But, some customers’ security teams still struggle to define and implement security domain–specific aspects, such as data normalization, which requires them to analyze each log source’s structure and fields, define schemas and mappings, and pull in data enrichment such as threat intelligence.

Today we are announcing the preview release of Amazon Security Lake, a purpose-built service that automatically centralizes an organization’s security data from cloud and on-premises sources into a purpose-built data lake stored in your account. Amazon Security Lake automates the central management of security data, normalizing from integrated AWS services and third-party services and managing the lifecycle of data with customizable retention and also automates storage tiering.

Here are the key features of Amazon Security Lake:

  • Variety of supported log and event sources – During the preview, Amazon Security Lake automatically collects logs for AWS CloudTrail, Amazon VPC, Amazon Route 53, Amazon S3, and AWS Lambda, as well as security findings via AWS Security Hub for AWS Config, AWS Firewall Manager, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Health Dashboard, AWS IAM Access Analyzer, Amazon Inspector, Amazon Macie, and AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager. Additionally, over 50 sources of third-party security findings can be sent to Amazon Security Lake. Security Partners are also directly sending data in a standard schema called the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) format to Amazon Security Lake, such as Cisco Security, CrowdStrike, Palo Alto Networks, and more.
  • Data transformation and normalization – Security Lake automatically partitions and converts incoming log data to a storage and query-efficient Apache Parquet and OCSF format, making the data broadly and immediately usable for security analytics without the need for post-processing. Security Lake supports integrations with analytics partners such as IBM, Splunk, Sumo Logic, and more to address a variety of security use cases such as threat detection, investigation, and incident response.
  • Customizable data access levels – You can configure the level of subscribers consuming data stored in the Security Lake, such as specific data sources for data access to all new objects or directly querying data stored. You can also specify a rollup Region that the Security Lake is available in and multiple AWS accounts across your AWS Organizations. This can help you comply with data residency compliance requirements.

By reducing the operational overhead of security data management, you can make it easier to gather more security signals from across your organization and analyze that data to improve the protection of your data, applications, and workloads.

Configure Your Security Lake for Collection Data
To get started with Amazon Security Lake, choose Get started in the AWS console. You can enable log and event sources for all Regions and all accounts.

You can select log and event sources such as CloudTrail logs, VPC flow logs, and Route53 resolver logs into your data lake. Select Regions will contribute their data to your data lake with the Amazon S3-managed encryption that Amazon S3 will create and manage all encryption keys, as well as the specific AWS accounts in your organizations.

Next, you can select rollup and contributing Regions. All aggregated data from contributing Regions reside in the rollup Region. You can create multiple rollup Regions, which can help you comply with data residency compliance requirements. Optionally, you can define the Amazon S3 storage classes and the retention period you want the data to transition from the standard Amazon S3 storage classes used in Security Lake.

After initial configuration, choose Sources in the left pane of the console if you can add or remove log sources in your Regions or account.

You can also collect data from custom sources, such as Bind DNS logs, endpoint telemetry logs, on-premise Netflow logs, and so on. Before adding a custom source, you need to create AWS IAM role to grant permissions for AWS Glue.

To create a custom data source, choose Create custom source in the left menu of Custom sources.

It requires you to enter the IAM role Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to write data to Security Lake and invoke AWS Glue on your behalf. Then, you can provide details about your custom source.

For efficient data processing and querying, objects from your custom sources should be partitioned by AWS Region, AWS account, year, month, day, and hour with a Parquet-formatted object.

Consume Your Data from Security Lake
Now you can create a subscriber, a service that consumes logs and events from Security Lake. To add or see your subscribers, choose Subscribers in the left pane of the console.

The Security Lake supports two types of subscriber data access methods:

  • Data access (Amazon S3) – Subscribers are notified of new objects for a source as the data is written to your Security Lake S3 bucket. You can choose to notify subscribers of new objects with an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue or through messaging to an HTTPS endpoint provided by the subscriber. This type is useful to ingest selected data in your analytics application—good for use cases that require frequent access to data.
  • Query access (Lake Formation) – Subscribers can consume data by directly querying AWS Lake Formation tables in your S3 bucket through services like Amazon Athena. This type is useful to provide on-demand query access to data without the need to pre-ingest anything and for use cases that require infrequent access or on large volume sources too expensive to ingest upfront or retain in analytics tools.

When you add a subscriber, you can choose Amazon S3 to create data access for the subscriber. If you select the default method of notification, you can receive the following object notification message in either an HTTPS endpoint or Amazon SQS.

  "source": "aws.s3",
  "time": "2021-11-12T00:00:00Z",
  "region": "ca-central-1",
  "resources": [
  "detail": {
    "bucket": {
      "name": "example-bucket"
    "object": {
      "key": "example-key",
      "size": 5,
      "etag": "b57f9512698f4b09e608f4f2a65852e5"
    "request-id": "N4N7GDK58NMKJ12R",
    "requester": "123456789012"

Subscribers with query access can directly query data that is stored in Security Lake by using services like Amazon Athena and other services that can read from AWS Lake Formation. The following are sample queries of CloudTrail data.

    FROM ${athena_db}.${athena_table}
    WHERE eventHour BETWEEN '${query_start_time}' and '${query_end_time}' 
      AND api.response.error in (
    ORDER BY time desc
    LIMIT 25

Subscribers only have access to source data in the AWS Region that you’ve selected when you create the subscriber. To give a subscriber access to data from multiple Regions, you can set the Region where you create your subscriber as a rollup Region.

Third-Party Integrations
For supported third-party integrations, there are a number of sources as well as subscribing services integrated with Amazon Security Lake.

Amazon Security Lake supports third-party sources providing OCSF security data, including Barracuda Networks, Cisco, Cribl, CrowdStrike, CyberArk, Lacework, Laminar, Netscout, Netskope, Okta, Orca, Palo Alto Networks, Ping Identity, SecurityScorecard, Tanium, The Falco Project, Trend Micro, Vectra AI, VMware, Wiz, and Zscaler.

You can also use third-party security, automation, and analytics tools supporting Security Lake, including Datadog, IBM, Rapid7, Securonix, SentinelOne, Splunk, Sumo Logic, and Trellix. There are also service partners such as Accenture, Atos, Deloitte, DXC, Kyndryl, PWC, Rackspace, and Wipro that can work with you and Amazon Security Lake.

Join the Preview
The preview release of Amazon Security Lake is now available in the US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (Ireland) Regions.

To learn more, see the Amazon Security Lake page and Amazon Security Lake User Guide. We want to hear more feedback during the preview. Please send feedback in AWS re:Post and through your usual AWS support contacts.


New – Amazon Redshift Integration with Apache Spark

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-redshift-integration-with-apache-spark/

Apache Spark is an open-source, distributed processing system commonly used for big data workloads. Spark application developers working in Amazon EMR, Amazon SageMaker, and AWS Glue often use third-party Apache Spark connectors that allow them to read and write the data with Amazon Redshift. These third-party connectors are not regularly maintained, supported, or tested with various versions of Spark for production.

Today we are announcing the general availability of Amazon Redshift integration for Apache Spark, which makes it easy to build and run Spark applications on Amazon Redshift and Redshift Serverless, enabling customers to open up the data warehouse for a broader set of AWS analytics and machine learning (ML) solutions.

With Amazon Redshift integration for Apache Spark, you can get started in seconds and effortlessly build Apache Spark applications in a variety of languages, such as Java, Scala, and Python.

Your applications can read from and write to your Amazon Redshift data warehouse without compromising on the performance of the applications or transactional consistency of the data, as well as performance improvements with pushdown optimizations.

Amazon Redshift integration for Apache Spark builds on an existing open source connector project and enhances it for performance and security, helping customers gain up to 10x faster application performance. We thank the original contributors on the project who collaborated with us to make this happen. As we make further enhancements we will continue to contribute back into the open source project.

Getting Started with Spark Connector for Amazon Redshift
To get started, you can go to AWS analytics and ML services, use data frame or Spark SQL code in a Spark job or Notebook to connect to the Amazon Redshift data warehouse, and start running queries in seconds.

In this launch, Amazon EMR 6.9, EMR Serverless, and AWS Glue 4.0 come with the pre-packaged connector and JDBC driver, and you can just start writing code. EMR 6.9 provides a sample notebook, and EMR Serverless provides a sample Spark Job too.

First, you should set AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) authentication between Redshift and Spark, between Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Spark, and between Redshift and Amazon S3. The following diagram describes the authentication between Amazon S3, Redshift, the Spark driver, and Spark executors.

For more information, see Identity and access management in Amazon Redshift in the AWS documentation.

Amazon EMR
If you already have an Amazon Redshift data warehouse and the data available, you can create the database user and provide the right level of grants to the database user. To use this with Amazon EMR, you need to upgrade to the latest version of the Amazon EMR 6.9 that has the packaged spark-redshift connector. Select the emr-6.9.0 release when you create an EMR cluster on Amazon EC2.

You can use EMR Serverless to create your Spark application using the emr-6.9.0 release to run your workload.

EMR Studio also provides an example Jupyter Notebook configured to connect to an Amazon Redshift Serverless endpoint leveraging sample data that you can use to get started quickly.

Here is a Scalar example to build your applications both with Spark Dataframe and Spark SQL. Use IAM-based credentials for connecting to Redshift and use IAM role for unloading and loading data from S3.

// Create the JDBC connection URL and define the Redshift context
val jdbcURL = "jdbc:redshift:iam://<RedshiftEndpoint>:<Port>/<Database>?DbUser=<RsUser>"
val rsOptions = Map (
  "url" -> jdbcURL,
  "tempdir" -> tempS3Dir, 
  "aws_iam_role" -> roleARN,
// Reference the sales table from Redshift 
val sales_df = spark
  .option("dbtable", "sales") 
// Reference the date table from Redshift using Data Frame 
sales_df.join(date_df, sales_df("dateid") === date_df("dateid"))
  .where(col("caldate") === "2008-01-05")

If Amazon Redshift and Amazon EMR are in different VPCs, you have to configure VPC peering or enable cross-VPC access. Assuming both Amazon Redshift and Amazon EMR are in the same virtual private cloud (VPC), you can create a Spark job or Notebook and connect to the Amazon Redshift data warehouse and write Spark code to use the Amazon Redshift connector.

To learn more, see Use Spark on Amazon Redshift with a connector in the AWS documentation.

AWS Glue
When you use AWS Glue 4.0, the spark-redshift connector is available both as a source and target. In Glue Studio, you can use a visual ETL job to read or write to a Redshift data warehouse simply by selecting a Redshift connection to use within a built-in Redshift source or target node.

The Redshift connection contains Redshift connection details along with the credentials needed to access Redshift with the proper permissions.

To get started, choose Jobs in the left menu of the Glue Studio console. Using either of the Visual modes, you can easily add and edit a source or target node and define a range of transformations on the data without writing any code.

Choose Create and you can easily add and edit a source, target node, and the transform node in the job diagram. At this time, you will choose Amazon Redshift as Source and Target.

Once completed, the Glue job can be executed on Glue for the Apache Spark engine, which will automatically use the latest spark-redshift connector.

The following Python script shows an example job to read and write to Redshift with dynamicframe using the spark-redshift connector.

import sys
from awsglue.transforms import *
from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from awsglue.job import Job

## @params: [JOB_NAME]
args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, ['JOB_NAME'])
sc = SparkContext()
glueContext = GlueContext(sc)
spark = glueContext.spark_session
job = Job(glueContext)
job.init(args['JOB_NAME'], args)

print("================ DynamicFrame Read ===============")
url = "jdbc:redshift://<RedshiftEndpoint>:<Port>/dev"
read_options = {
    "url": url,
    "dbtable": dbtable,
    "redshiftTmpDir": redshiftTmpDir,
    "tempdir": redshiftTmpDir,
    "aws_iam_role": aws_iam_role,
    "autopushdown": "true",
    "include_column_list": "false"

redshift_read = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(

print("================ DynamicFrame Write ===============")

write_options = {
    "url": url,
    "dbtable": dbtable,
    "user": "awsuser",
    "password": "Password1",
    "redshiftTmpDir": redshiftTmpDir,
    "tempdir": redshiftTmpDir,
    "aws_iam_role": aws_iam_role,
    "autopushdown": "true",
    "DbUser": "awsuser"

print("================ dyf write result: check redshift table ===============")
redshift_write = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(

When you set up your job detail, you can only use the Glue 4.0 – Supports spark 3.3 Python 3 version for this integration.

To learn more, see Creating ETL jobs with AWS Glue Studio and Using connectors and connections with AWS Glue Studio in the AWS documentation.

Gaining the Best Performance
In the Amazon Redshift integration for Apache Spark, the Spark connector automatically applies predicate and query pushdown to optimize for performance. You can gain performance improvement by using the default Parquet format for the connector used for unloading with this integration.

As the following sample code shows, the Spark connector will turn the supported function into a SQL query and run the query in Amazon Redshift.

import sqlContext.implicits._val
sample= sqlContext.read
.option("url",jdbcURL )
.option("tempdir", tempS3Dir)
.option("unload_s3_format", "PARQUET")
.option("dbtable", "event")

// Create temporary views for data frames created earlier so they can be accessed via Spark SQL
// Show the total sales on a given date using Spark SQL API
"""SELECT sum(qtysold)
| FROM sales, date
| WHERE sales.dateid = date.dateid
| AND caldate = '2008-01-05'""".stripMargin).show()

Amazon Redshift integration for Apache Spark adds pushdown capabilities for operations such as sort, aggregate, limit, join, and scalar functions so that only the relevant data is moved from the Redshift data warehouse to the consuming Spark application, thereby improving performance.

Available Now
The Amazon Redshift integration for Apache Spark is now available in all Regions that support Amazon EMR 6.9, AWS Glue 4.0, and Amazon Redshift. You can start using the feature directly from EMR 6.9 and Glue Studio 4.0 with the new Spark 3.3.0 version.

Give it a try, and please send us feedback either in the AWS re:Post for Amazon Redshift or through your usual AWS support contacts.


Preview: Amazon OpenSearch Serverless – Run Search and Analytics Workloads without Managing Clusters

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/preview-amazon-opensearch-serverless-run-search-and-analytics-workloads-without-managing-clusters/

Most AWS analytics services have compelling serverless offerings that make it even easier for customers to analyze vast amounts of data without having to configure, scale, or manage the underlying infrastructure.

Along with other serverless analytics, such as Amazon QuickSight for business intelligence and AWS Glue for data integration, we have introduced Amazon EMR Serverless, Amazon MSK Serverless, and Amazon Redshift Serverless this year.

Today, we announce the preview release of a new serverless option for Amazon OpenSearch Service that makes it easy for customers to run large-scale search and analytics workloads without managing clusters. It automatically provisions and scales the underlying resources to deliver fast data ingestion and query responses for even the most demanding and unpredictable workloads, eliminating the need to configure and optimize clusters.

With Amazon OpenSearch Serverless, you do not need to account for factors that are hard to know in advance, such as the frequency and complexity of queries or the volume of data expected to be analyzed. Instead of managing infrastructure, you can focus on using OpenSearch for exploring and deriving insights from your data. You can also get started using familiar APIs to load and query data and use OpenSearch Dashboards for interactive data analysis and visualization.

Configure Your OpenSearch Serverless Collection
To get started with Amazon OpenSearch Serverless, you create a Collection via the AWS Management Console, AWS Command-Line Interface (AWS CLI), or AWS API.

Before the launch of OpenSearch Serverless, you created a managed cluster, specifying instance types, counts, and storage options, and then managed the lifecycle and shard strategy for indices within that cluster. With OpenSearch Serverless, you create a Collection, which manages a group of indices that work together to support a specific workload. You no longer need to specify the hardware or manage the indices directly.

To create an OpenSearch Serverless collection and secure data, set up Encryption policies to assign AWS KMS keys to one or more collections and attach Network policies to collections to control the access from specified VPCs and public IP addresses.

To create an encryption policy, choose Encryption policies in the left navigation pane and Create encryption policy. Encryption at rest secures the indices within your collection. For each collection, AWS KMS generates a unique, symmetric encryption key. Encryption policies are the optimal way to manage AWS KMS keys across multiple collections. You can define the target collection name or a prefix that automatically applies the encryption settings from this policy to the collection.

In order for users to access a collection, choose Network policies in the left navigation pane and Create network policy. Network policies determine whether your collection is accessible over the internet from public networks or whether it must be accessed through OpenSearch Serverless–managed VPC endpoints.

You can define multiple rules for each collection, either the Public or VPC, as a recommended option for the Access Type. If you select a public option, you can access the collection from OpenSearch Dashboards.

Also, you can configure access for OpenSearch Dashboards and the OpenSearch endpoint. For the Resource type, enable both Access to OpenSearch endpoints and Access to OpenSearch Dashboards. In both input boxes, select the Collection Name property and your collection name or prefix.

Finally, to create an OpenSearch Serverless collection, choose Create collection in the home page or choose Collections in the left navigation pane and choose Create collection.

Input your collection name, description, and collection type, either Time series or Search by your data type.

  • Time series – The log analytics segment that focuses on analyzing large volumes of semistructured, machine-generated data in real time for operational, security, user behavior, and business insights.
  • Search – Full-text search that powers applications in your internal networks (content management systems, legal documents) and internet-facing applications such as e-commerce website search and content search.

When you choose Create, a collection typically takes less than a minute to initialize.

Upload and Search Data in Your Collection
Before uploading and searching data in your collection, configure the IAM policy to access the actual data within a collection. Choose Data access policies in the left navigation pane and Create data access policy.

You can apply multiple policies simultaneously to the same resource. Each policy contains a set of rules. Each rule has a resource (collection or index), permissions for the resource, and a list of principals (IAM users, role ARNs, or SAML identities).

Here is a sample policy that provides a single user the minimum permissions required to create an index in your collection, index some data, and search for it. Replace the principal ARN with the ARN of the account that you’ll use to sign in to OpenSearch Dashboards.

    "Rules": [
        "ResourceType": "index",
        "Resource": [
        "Permission": [
    "Principal": [

Now, you can upload data to an OpenSearch Serverless collection using Postman or curl. You can also use Dev Tools within the OpenSearch Dashboards console. Choose OpenSearch Dashboards on the detail page of your collection.

Sign in to OpenSearch Dashboards using the AWS access and secret keys for the principal that you specified in your data access policy. Within OpenSearch Dashboards, open the left navigation menu and choose Dev Tools.

To create a single index called books-index, run PUT books-index, and index your first single document into books-index.

You can also query search data in Dev Tools.

GET books_index/_search
    "query": {
    "simple_query_string": {
    "query": "Jeff",
    "fields": ["author"]

In the case of time-series data, you can ingest data with all of the streaming ingestion options, such as native OpenSearch streaming APIs, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, AWS Glue, and a wide range of open-source streaming ingestion pipelines like Logstash, FluentBit, Fluentd, and Data Prepper.

In addition, you can snapshot your data from a managed cluster on OpenSearch Service and restore it to your collection, making it easy to migrate your workloads. Once your data is in your collection, you can then query it using your favorite OpenSearch client and interactively analyze and visualize your data using OpenSearch Dashboards.

Things to Know
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind about additional features and considerations when you choose Amazon OpenSearch Serverless:

  • SAML Authentications – You can use your existing identity provider to offer single sign-on (SSO) for the OpenSearch Dashboards endpoints of OpenSearch Serverless SAML authentication lets you use third-party identity providers to sign in to OpenSearch Dashboards to index and search data. OpenSearch Serverless supports providers that use the SAML 2.0 standard, such as Okta, Keycloak, Active Directory Federation Services, and Auth0.
  • Private VPC Endpoints – You can use AWS PrivateLink to create a private connection between your VPC and OpenSearch Serverless. You can access your collections as if they were in your VPC without the use of an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection. To create an interface endpoint, choose VPC endpoints in the left navigation pane of OpenSearch Service.
  • Managed Clusters – You may prefer to use an option of Amazon OpenSearch Service’s managed clusters in scenarios where you need tight control over cluster configuration or specific customizations. For example, your workloads may need custom plugins that run best on accelerated computing instances and need more control on configuration such as data sharding strategy. You can choose either provisioned instances or serverless according to the requirements of your workload.

Join the Preview
The preview release of Amazon OpenSearch Serverless is now available in the US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), Asia Pacific (Tokyo). With OpenSearch Serverless, there are no upfront costs, and you pay only for the data that is ingest and the queries you run. For pricing details, see the OpenSearch Service pricing page. To learn more, visit the Amazon OpenSearch Service User Guide.

We want to hear more feedback during the preview. Please send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon OpenSearch Service or through your usual AWS support contacts.


New – Accelerate Your Lambda Functions with Lambda SnapStart

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-accelerate-your-lambda-functions-with-lambda-snapstart/

Our customers tell me that they love AWS Lambda for many reasons. On the development side they appreciate the simple programming model and ease with which their functions can make use of other AWS services. On the operations side they benefit from the ability to build powerful applications that can respond quickly to changing usage patterns.

As you might know if you are already using Lambda, your functions are run inside of a secure and isolated execution environment. The lifecycle of each environment consists of three main phases: Init, Invoke, and Shutdown. Among other things, the Init phase bootstraps the runtime for the function and runs the function’s static code. In many cases, these operations are completed within milliseconds and do not lengthen the phase in any appreciable way. In the remaining cases, they can take a considerable amount of time, for several reasons. First, initializing the runtime for some languages can be expensive. For example, the Init phase for a Lambda function that uses one of the Java runtimes in conjunction with a framework such as Spring Boot, Quarkus, or Micronaut can sometimes take as long as ten seconds (this includes dependency injection, compilation of the code for the function, and classpath component scanning). Second, the static code might download some machine learning models, pre-compute some reference data, or establish network connections to other AWS services.

Introducing Lambda SnapStart
In order to allow you to put Lambda to use in even more ways, we are introducing Lambda SnapStart today.

After you enable Lambda SnapStart for a particular Lambda function, publishing a new version of the function will trigger an optimization process. The process launches your function and runs it through the entire Init phase. Then it takes an immutable, encrypted snapshot of the memory and disk state, and caches it for reuse. When the function is subsequently invoked, the state is retrieved from the cache in chunks on an as-needed basis and used to populate the execution environment. This optimization makes invocation time faster and more predictable, since creating a fresh execution environment no longer requires a dedicated Init phase.

We are launching with support for Java functions that make use of the Corretto (java11) runtime, and expect to see Lambda SnapStart put to use right away for applications that make use of Spring Boot, Quarkus, Micronaut, and other Java frameworks. Enabling Lambda SnapStart for Java functions can make them start up to 10x faster, at no extra cost.

Using Lambda SnapStart
Because my last actual encounter with Java took place in the last century, I used the Serverless Spring Boot 2 example from the AWS Labs repo as a starting point. I installed the AWS SAM CLI and did a test build & deploy to establish a baseline. I invoked the function and saw that the Init duration was slightly more than 6 seconds:

Then I added two lines to template.yml to configure the SnapStart property:

I rebuilt and redeployed, published a fresh version of the function to set up SnapStart, and ran another test:

With SnapStart, the initialization phase (represented by the Init duration that I showed you earlier) happens when I publish a new version of the function. When I invoke a function that has SnapStart enabled, Lambda restores the snapshot (represented by the Restore duration) before invoking the function handler. As a result, the total cold invoke with SnapStart is now Restore duration + Duration. SnapStart has reduced the cold start duration from over 6 seconds to less than 200 ms.

Becoming Snap-Resilient
Lambda SnapStart speeds up applications by reusing a single initialized snapshot to resume multiple execution environments. This has a few interesting implications for your code:

Uniqueness – When using SnapStart, any unique content that used to be generated during the initialization must now be generated after initialization in order to maintain uniqueness. If you (or a library that you reference) uses a pseudo-random number generator, it should not be based on a seed that is obtained during the Init phase. We have updated OpenSSL’s RAND_Bytes to ensure randomness when used in conjunction with SnapStart, and we have verified that java.security.SecureRandom is already snap-resilient. Amazon Linux’s /dev/random and /dev/urandom are also snap-resilient.

Network Connections -If your code creates long-term connections to network services during the Init phase and uses them during the Invoke phase, make sure that it can re-establish the connection if necessary. The AWS SDKs have already been updated to do this.

Ephemeral Data – This is effectively a more general form of the above items. If your code downloads or computes reference information during the Init phase, consider doing a quick check to make sure that it has not gone stale during the caching period.

Lambda provides a pair of runtime hooks to help you to maintain uniqueness, as well as a scanning tool to help detect possible issues.

Things to Know
Here are a couple of other things to know about Lambda SnapStart:

Caching – Cached snapshots are removed after 14 days of inactivity. Lambda will automatically refresh the cache if a snapshot depends on a runtime that has been updated or patched.

Pricing – There is no extra charge for the use of Lambda SnapStart.

Feature Compatibility – You cannot use Lambda SnapStart with larger ephemeral storage, Elastic File Systems, Provisioned Concurrency, or Graviton2. In general, we recommend using SnapStart for your general-purpose Lambda functions and Provisioned Concurrency for the subset of those functions that are exceptionally sensitive to latency.

Firecracker – This feature makes use of Firecracker Snapshotting.

Regions – Lambda SnapStart is available in the US East (Ohio, N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo), and Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, Stockholm) Regions.


Amazon Inspector Now Scans AWS Lambda Functions for Vulnerabilities

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-inspector-now-scans-aws-lambda-functions-for-vulnerabilities/

Amazon Inspector is a vulnerability management service that continually scans workloads across Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, container images living in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), and, starting today, AWS Lambda functions and Lambda layers.

Until today, customers that wanted to analyze their mixed workloads (including EC2 instances, container images, and Lambda functions) against common vulnerabilities needed to use AWS and third-party tools. This increased the complexity of keeping all their workloads secure.

In addition, the log4j vulnerability a few months ago was a great example that scanning your functions for vulnerabilities only before deployment is not enough. Because new vulnerabilities can appear at any time, it is very important for the security of your applications that the workloads are continuously monitored and rescanned in near real-time as new vulnerabilities are published.

Getting started
The first step to getting started with Amazon Inspector is to enable it for your account or your entire AWS Organizations. Once activated, Amazon Inspector automatically scans the functions in the selected accounts. Amazon Inspector is a native AWS service; this means that you don’t need to install a library or agent in your functions or layers for this to work.

Amazon Inspector is available starting today for functions and layers written in Java, NodeJS, and Python. By default, it continually scans all the functions inside your account, but if you want to exclude a particular Lambda function, you can attach the tag with the key InspectorExclusion and the value LambdaStandardScanning.

Amazon Inspector scans functions and layers initially upon deployment and automatically rescans them when there are changes in the workloads, for example, when a Lambda function is updated or when a new vulnerability (CVE) is published.

Summary for Amazon Inspector findings

In addition to functions, Amazon Inspector scans your Lambda layers; however, it only scans the specific layer version that is used in a function. If a layer or layer version is not used by any function, then it won’t get analyzed. If you are using third-party layers, Amazon Inspector also scans them for vulnerabilities.

You can see the findings for the different functions in the Amazon Inspector Findings console filtered By Lambda function. When Amazon Inspector finds something, all the findings are routed to AWS Security Hub and to Amazon EventBridge so you can build automation workflows, like sending notifications to the developers or system administrators.

Findings by function

Available Now
Amazon Inspector support for AWS Lambda functions and layers is generally available today in US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Milan), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), Middle East (Bahrain), and South America (Sao Paulo).

If you want to try this new feature, there is a 15-day free trial for you. Visit the service page to read more about the service and the free trial.


New — Create and Share Operational Reports at Scale with Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports

Post Syndicated from Donnie Prakoso original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-create-and-share-operational-reports-at-scale-with-amazon-quicksight-paginated-reports/

There are various ways to report on data insights, and paginated reports is one of them. Paginated reports are essential documents that contain critical business information for end-users. For decades, paginated reports have been the standard business reporting format. The following are examples of paginated reports. On the left shows the report for income statement and on the right is the yearly summary corporate statement:

Examples of paginated reports

As the example shows, paginated reports contain various highly formatted insights and are designed to be printable, in landscape or portrait orientation, so they can be consumed easily by readers. It’s called paginated because it often spans tens of hundreds of pages of data.

Although it may appear to be a simple task, generating paginated reports is heavily dependent on legacy data warehouses and legacy business intelligence tools, especially because modern business intelligence tools do not offer this capability. As a result, organizations typically have to maintain multiple business intelligence systems to have separate solutions for building critical operational reports and summarized dashboards. Each solution presents its set of challenges with data governance, security, and access management. This caused a disjointed experience both authors and end users. Legacy BI systems also run on-premises infrastructure, which is expensive to maintain and upgrade.

Introducing Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports
Today, I’m pleased to announce Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports. This feature allows customers to create and share highly formatted, personalized reports containing business-critical data to hundreds of thousands of end-users without any infrastructure setup or maintenance, up-front licensing, or long-term commitments.

Here’s a quick look on how Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports works:

Quick look on Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports

With Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports, customers can now create and share paginated reports to their users from the same familiar QuickSight interface that they use to create and consume interactive dashboards. They can use one single BI service to create and deliver interactive analytics in dashboards, format reports with paginated reports, or embed analytics in apps while also allowing end users to ask questions of the underlying data using machine learning (ML) powered natural language query with QuickSight Q. From ML powered interactive dashboard to generating and distributing operational reports, these benefits impact different stakeholder groups in an organization

For Readers – Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports makes it easy for readers to consume reports in a familiar and scheduled fashion, in highly formatted models in .pdf or .csv formats. Readers can access these reports via email, Amazon QuickSight web and mobile interfaces, mobile applications, or embedded portals.

For Authors – This feature gives report authors the flexibility to create highly formatted reports with images, texts, charts, tables, and exact page sizes. They can create reports from the same data models as dashboards, reusing data models built up, using access permissions (RLS/CLS) setup, and publishing in the same dashboards where their users look for data. These dashboards are also available via API, allowing migration between accounts or programmatic creation and migration of these assets as needed.

The Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports makes it easy to build reports without the need for separate training or investment in a dedicated application. With an easy-to-use web-based authoring interface, this feature allows report authors to create complex data models in the form of operational reports for hundreds of thousands of report readers and enables data-driven decision-making.

For IT Leaders – This feature also provides IT leaders with benefits such as fully managed reporting capabilities consolidated within Amazon QuickSight. This reduces the time and resources required to set up and maintain reporting solutions, helping IT leaders to start looking at the cloud for their BI needs and transitioning legacy reporting to the cloud to save time and resources.

Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports also leverages existing QuickSight capabilities, such as user management, data preparation, advanced scheduling and audit logging. By inheriting the capabilities from QuickSight, it removes the need to manage any infrastructure or provisioning setup to deliver reports to hundreds of thousands of users.

Get Started with Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports
Let’s see how to get started with Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports. I will focus more on how authors can create, publish and deliver reports to readers.

For Authors: Creating a Report
First, I open the QuickSight console. Then, in the navigation section, I select the dataset that I will use for reporting purposes. 

Selecting dataset

After I check and confirm the dataset, I select Use in Analysis.

Using dataset in analysis

On the next page, I have the option to select the sheet type, Interactive sheet, or Paginated report. I select Paginated report, and here I can configure the report for Paper size and either Portrait or Landscape orientation.

Select Paginated report

Now I’m starting my report creation. The sheet area I can use is adjusted to the paper size option I defined in the previous step. In this reporting sheet, QuickSight provides me with Header and Footer areas.

Header and footer area

First, I want to add the title of this report in the header section. I select the Header area, and in the menu section, I select Add text.

Adding text

Now, I can start entering the title of the report. I name this report “Attendance Statistics” and customize the header using the company logo. I can also use the text toolbar to format the text and add page numbers. For any changes I’ve made, I can also see the preview directly on this page.

Using text toolbar

I can also add other visuals in any section by selecting Add visual.

Adding visual

From here, I can start building reports with the available visuals, just like I normally do on the Amazon QuickSight dashboard. For example, if I need to add a summary to the pie chart, I can add another text box and drag and drop to set the layout and resize the visuals as needed.

Arranging layout

If I need to add another section, from the menu, I select Add section, and I can add other visuals or insights into this new section. As for visual tabular data, the visual will be generated across pages.

Table will automatically expand across pages

For Author: Publish and Schedule Report
Once the analysis is completed, I need to publish this analysis as a dashboard by selecting Share and then Publish dashboard. Then I can choose to create a new dashboard by selecting Publish new dashboard or Replace an existing dashboard. I can also select the sheet(s) I want to publish.

Publishing dashboard

At this stage, I’m ready to set a schedule to deliver my reports to readers. To do that, I need to open the dashboard and define a schedule by selecting Add schedule.

Select Add Schedule

In this menu, I can specify the schedule name and also the content format. In the Content section, I can choose either PDF or CSV format. For PDF format, I can select the sheet I want to use. For CSV format, I can select multiple visuals.

Schedule configuration

As for the delivery report schedule, I can define the schedule as Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or one-time delivery with Do not repeat. I can also specify the date and time of delivery, including the time zone.

Schedule timing configuration

Then, I specify the configuration of the email message. In the final section, I can also specify how readers access this report, by using Download link or File attachment. Once I’m done setting up the schedule, I can Save it or send this report according to the schedule by selecting Save and run now.


Save or save and run now

For Readers: Receiving and Accessing Reports
Here is an example email from the schedule that QuickSight has sent to me as a reader. I can download this report from the email attachment or from the dashboard. 

Example mail with paginated report

I can also use the provided link in the email to view recent snapshots. The Recent Snapshots feature allows me to review previously generated reports.Recent snapshots feature

Things to Know
Programmatic API Access – In addition to using the Amazon QuickSight console, customers can also use the AWS API and SDK to interact programmatically with Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports.

AWS Partners – To make it easier for customers to migrate their legacy BI solutions to Amazon QuickSight, customers can work with AWS partners, Ironside Consulting and Data Terrain. Ironside and Data Terrain offerings are available in the AWS Marketplace, with more details at Amazon QuickSight Partners page.

Availability and Pricing – Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports is available as an add-on to the existing Amazon QuickSight Enterprise or Enterprise enabled with Q in all supported AWS Regions.

Visit the Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports page to learn more details on how to use this feature, learn how to get started, and understand the pricing.

Happy building!

New Amazon QuickSight API Capabilities to Accelerate Your BI Transformation

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-quicksight-api-capabilities-to-accelerate-your-bi-transformation/

Regular readers of this blog, and AWS customers alike, know the benefits of infrastructure as code (IaC). It allows you to describe your infrastructure using a programming language to consistently deploy your infrastructure to multiple environments or AWS Regions. Other benefits are the possibility to version-control your infrastructure using the same development tools and workflow you use to manage your application source code. IaC also offers the ability to programmatically validate part of the infrastructure before it is deployed.

Today, we are expanding the capabilities of QuickSight APIs to allow programmatic creation and management of dashboards, analysis, and templates. These capabilities allow BI teams to manage their BI assets as code, similar to IaC. It brings greater agility to BI teams, and it allows them to accelerate BI migrations from legacy products through programmatic migration options.

Business intelligence and IT operations (BIOps) are inspired by best practices learned over decades from DevOps. BIOps enable faster innovation for your customers, bringing them data insights quickly. Dashboards are usually developed and deployed manually due to the UI-driven nature of BI authoring. This presents a challenge for BIOps, as changes to dashboards during deployments might not be fully validated, leading to errors and downtime when changes are inadvertently moved to production. The new QuickSight APIs enable you to programmatically create and modify your QuickSight analyses and dashboards, enable version control on these assets in your code repository, and help to accelerate your migration to the AWS Cloud.

Programmatic creation and management of analysis, templates, and dashboards also helps you to migrate assets from older BI solutions. Among all of the data and analytics workloads moving to the cloud, business intelligence tends to be among the last pieces to be migrated from the legacy, on-premises solutions. BI teams often have thousands of custom reports and dashboards, built over decades, that are tedious to migrate. Migrating these reports is time-consuming as BI teams need to spend months of work migrating each of these assets manually one by one.

With this launch, QuickSight adds a new describe set of APIs. We are also updating existing create, update, and list API verbs. Altogether, these new and updated APIs allow you to work with the data model of analyses, templates, and dashboards for fine grain control via APIs.

  • A QuickSight analysis is the easy-to-use workspace for creating data visualizations, which are graphical representations of your data. Each analysis contains a collection of visualizations that you arrange and customize.
  • A QuickSight dashboard lets you share interactive visualizations or static reports from an analysis with other users.
  • A QuickSight template is an entity that encapsulates the metadata required to create an analysis or a dashboard. It abstracts the dataset associated with the analysis by replacing it with placeholders.

The new APIs (DescribeAnalysisDefinition, DescribeTemplateDefinition, DescribeDashboardDefinition) now allow developers to manage all supported charts and visual components.

Let’s See It in Action
Let’s imagine I want to programmatically create a QuickSight analysis.

Programmatically creating a new business intelligence analysis is a three-step process: create the data source that provides data for analyses, create a dataset based on the data source, and create the QuickSight analysis.

The first step when using QuickSight programmatically or through the user interface is to define your data sources. Data sources define the properties of the databases that have the data you want to analyze. Creating and managing data sources programmatically is not new. You can refer to the QuickSight API Operations to Control Data Sources page.

The second step is to create the dataset to link one or multiple data sources. Again, programmatically managing datasets is not new.

When using the new describe API, analysis, dashboards, and templates are defined as JSON objects fully modeled in the AWS SDK. In this demo, I am using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) that uses JSON objects. When you use Java or another AWS SDK, you can programmatically manipulate all elements.

The easiest way to get started to programmatically create a new analysis or dashboard is to start with the definition of an existing one that you created in the console.

The third step is to create the analysis. I first call the describe-analysis-definition API to describe an existing analysis. I receive a JSON file that is the full response of the API call. I can inspect and modify the Definition in the describe-analysis-definition response to create a new analysis.

aws quicksight describe-analysis-definition      \
        --aws-account-id 0123456789              \
        --analysis-id linechart-kpi-donut-pivot
> ./AWS\ Blog\ Sample\ Code/linechart-kpi-donut-pivot.json

Note: This JSON file cannot be used directly without several modifications as input to the create API.

When I am ready to create a new analysis, I generate a JSON file using the --generate-cli-skeleton argument. Then, I copy the original or modified Definition object from my earlier call to describe-analysis-definition into create-sales-analysis.json.

aws quicksight create-analysis \ 
      --generate-cli-skeleton > create-sales-analysis.json

aws quicksight create-analysis  \
      --cli-input-json file://./AWS\ Blog\ Sample\ Code/create-sales-analysis.json

The Definition field shares the same shape across dashboards, templates, and analyses, so the Definition used to create our analysis can also be re-used to create a new dashboard if desired with the create-dashboard API.

aws quicksight create-dashboard \
      --generate-cli-skeleton > create-dashboard.json

I can then modify create-dashboard.json to include the Definition from my create-sales-analysis.json file, as well as update other parameters, then make a call to create-dashboard.

aws quicksight create-dashboard \
       --cli-input-json file://./AWS\ Blog\ Sample\ Code/create-dashboard.json

Here is an extract of the JSON file I used.

QuickSight API - Create Dashboard

Obviously, developing a dashboard using the API is an iterative process. Here is the result after several iterations.

QuickSight API - new dashboard

I can apply the same technique to programmatically migrate assets from older BI solutions.

Pricing and Availability
The new API allows you to define your business intelligence dashboard as programmable objects. It will speed up migration from older BI tools. QuickSight’s API documentation page has all the details.

The API is available at no additional charge to all QuickSight Enterprise Edition customers in all AWS Regions where QuickSight is available. AWS CloudFormation support for the newly supported data models on these APIs is coming soon.

Go build your first dashboard programmatically today

— seb

New – ENA Express: Improved Network Latency and Per-Flow Performance on EC2

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-ena-express-improved-network-latency-and-per-flow-performance-on-ec2/

We know that you can always make great use of all available network bandwidth and network performance, and have done our best to supply it to you. Over the years, network bandwidth has grown from the 250 Mbps on the original m1 instance to 200 Gbps on the newest m6in instances. In addition to raw bandwidth, we have also introduced advanced networking features including Enhanced Networking, Elastic Network Adapters (ENAs), and (for tightly coupled HPC workloads) Elastic Fabric Adapters (EFAs).

Introducing ENA Express
Today we are launching ENA Express. Building on the Scalable Reliable Datagram (SRD) protocol that already powers Elastic Fabric Adapters, ENA Express reduces P99 latency of traffic flows by up to 50% and P99.9 latency by up to 85% (in comparison to TCP), while also increasing the maximum single-flow bandwidth from 5 Gbps to 25 Gbps. Bottom line, you get a lot more per-flow bandwidth and a lot less variability.

You can enable ENA Express on new and existing ENAs and take advantage of this performance right away for TCP and UDP traffic between c6gn instances running in the same Availability Zone.

Using ENA Express
I used a pair of c6gn instances to set up and test ENA Express. After I launched the instances I used the AWS Management Console to enable ENA Express for both instances. I find each ENI, select it, and choose Manage ENA Express from the Actions menu:

I enable ENA Express and ENA Express UDP and click Save:

Then I set the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to 8900 on both instances:

$ sudo /sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 8900

I install iperf3 on both instances, and start the first one in server mode:

$ iperf3 -s
Server listening on 5201

Then I run the second one in client mode and observe the results:

$ iperf3 -c
Connecting to host, port 5201
[  4] local port 35622 connected to port 5201
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bandwidth       Retr  Cwnd
[  4]   0.00-1.00   sec  2.80 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec    0   1.43 MBytes
[  4]   1.00-2.00   sec  2.81 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec    0   1.43 MBytes
[  4]   2.00-3.00   sec  2.80 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec    0   1.43 MBytes
[  4]   3.00-4.00   sec  2.81 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec    0   1.43 MBytes
[  4]   4.00-5.00   sec  2.81 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec    0   1.43 MBytes
[  4]   5.00-6.00   sec  2.80 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec    0   1.43 MBytes
[  4]   6.00-7.00   sec  2.80 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec    0   1.43 MBytes
[  4]   7.00-8.00   sec  2.81 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec    0   1.43 MBytes
[  4]   8.00-9.00   sec  2.81 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec    0   1.43 MBytes
[  4]   9.00-10.00  sec  2.81 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec    0   1.43 MBytes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bandwidth       Retr
[  4]   0.00-10.00  sec  28.0 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec    0             sender
[  4]   0.00-10.00  sec  28.0 GBytes  24.1 Gbits/sec                  receiver

The ENA driver reports on metrics that I can review to confirm the use of SRD:

ethtool -S eth0 | grep ena_srd
     ena_srd_mode: 3
     ena_srd_tx_pkts: 25858313
     ena_srd_eligible_tx_pkts: 25858323
     ena_srd_rx_pkts: 2831267
     ena_srd_resource_utilization: 0

The metrics work as follows:

  • ena_srd_mode indicates that SRD is enabled for TCP and UDP.
  • ena_srd_tx_pkts denotes the number of packets that have been transmitted via SRD.
  • ena_srd_eligible_pkts denotes the number of packets that were eligible for transmission via SRD. A packet is eligible for SRD if ENA-SRD is enabled on both ends of the connection, both connections reside in the same Availability Zone, and the packet is using either UDP or TCP.
  • ena_srd_rx_pkts denotes the number of packets that have been received via SRD.
  • ena_srd_resource_utilization denotes the percent of allocated Nitro network card resources that are in use, and is proportional to the number of open SRD connections. If this value is consistently approaching 100%, scaling out to more instances or scaling up to a larger instance size may be warranted.

Thing to Know
Here are a couple of things to know about ENA Express and SRD:

Access – I used the Management Console to enable and test ENA Express; CLI, API, CloudFormation and CDK support is also available.

Fallback – If a TCP or UDP packet is not eligible for transmission via SRD, it will simply be transmitted in the usual way.

UDP – SRD takes advantage of multiple network paths and “sprays” packets across them. This would normally present a challenge for applications that expect packets to arrive more or less in order, but ENA Express helps out by putting the UDP packets back into order before delivering them to you, taking the burden off of your application. If you have built your own reliability layer over UDP, or if your application does not require packets to arrive in order, you can enable ENA Express for TCP but not for UDP.

Instance Types and Sizes – We are launching with support for the 16xlarge size of the c6gn instances, with additional instance families and sizes in the works.

Resource Utilization – As I hinted at above, ENA Express uses some Nitro card resources to process packets. This processing also adds a few microseconds of latency per packet processed, and also has a moderate but measurable effect on the maximum number of packets that a particular instance can process per second. In situations where high packet rates are coupled with small packet sizes, ENA Express may not be appropriate. In all other cases you can simply enable SRD to enjoy higher per-flow bandwidth and consistent latency.

Pricing – There is no additional charge for the use of ENA Express.

Regions – ENA Express is available in all commercial AWS Regions.

All About SRD
I could write an entire blog post about SRD, but my colleagues beat me to it! Here are some great resources to help you to learn more:

A Cloud-Optimized Transport for Elastic and Scalable HPC – This paper reviews the challenges that arise when trying to run HPC traffic across a TCP-based network, and points out that the variability (latency outliers) can have a profound effect on scaling efficiency, and includes a succinct overview of SRD:

Scalable reliable datagram (SRD) is optimized for hyper-scale datacenters: it provides load balancing across multiple paths and fast recovery from packet drops or link failures. It utilizes standard ECMP functionality on the commodity Ethernet switches and works around its limitations: the sender controls the ECMP path selection by manipulating packet encapsulation.

There’s a lot of interesting detail in the full paper, and it is well worth reading!

In the Search for Performance, There’s More Than One Way to Build a Network – This 2021 blog post reviews our decision to build the Elastic Fabric Adapter, and includes some important data (and cool graphics) to demonstrate the impact of packet loss on overall application performance. One of the interesting things about SRD is that it keeps track of the availability and performance of multiple network paths between transmitter and receiver, and sprays packets across up to 64 paths at a time in order to take advantage of as much bandwidth as possible and to recover quickly in case of packet loss.


New General Purpose, Compute Optimized, and Memory-Optimized Amazon EC2 Instances with Higher Packet-Processing Performance

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-general-purpose-compute-optimized-and-memory-optimized-amazon-ec2-instances-with-higher-packet-processing-performance/

Today I would like to tell you about the next generation of Intel-powered general purpose, compute-optimized, and memory-optimized instances. All three of these instance families are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors (Ice Lake) running at 3.5 GHz, and are designed to support your data-intensive workloads with up to 200 Gbps of network bandwidth, the highest EBS performance in EC2 (up to 80 Gbps of bandwidth and up to 350,000 IOPS), and the ability to handle up to twice as many packets per second (PPS) as earlier instances.

New General Purpose (M6in/M6idn) Instances
The original general purpose EC2 instance (m1.small) was launched in 2006 and was the one and only instance type for a little over a year, until we launched the m1.large and m1.xlarge in late 2007. After that, we added the m3 in 2012, m4 in 2015, and the first in a very long line of m5 instances starting in 2017. The family tree branched in 2018 with the addition of the m5d instances with local NVMe storage.

And that brings us to today, and to the new m6in and m6idn instances, both available in 9 sizes:

Name vCPUs Memory Local Storage
(m6idn only)
Network Bandwidth EBS Bandwidth EBS IOPS
2 8 GiB 118 GB Up to 25 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
4 16 GiB 237 GB Up to 30 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
8 32 GiB 474 GB Up to 40 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
16 64 GiB 950 GB Up to 50 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
32 128 GiB 1900 GB 50 Gbps 20 Gbps 87,500
48 192 GiB 2950 GB
(2 x 1425)
75 Gbps 30 Gbps 131,250
64 256 GiB 3800 GB
(2 x 1900)
100 Gbps 40 Gbps 175,000
96 384 GiB 5700 GB
(4 x 1425)
150 Gbps 60 Gbps 262,500
128 512 GiB 7600 GB
(4 x 1900)
200 Gbps 80 Gbps 350,000

The m6in and m6idn instances are available in the US East (Ohio, N. Virginia) and Europe (Ireland) regions in On-Demand and Spot form. Savings Plans and Reserved Instances are available.

New C6in Instances
Back in 2008 we launched the first in what would prove to be a very long line of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances designed to give you high compute performance and a higher ratio of CPU power to memory than the general purpose instances. Starting with those initial c1 instances, we went on to launch cluster computing instances in 2010 (cc1) and 2011 (cc2), and then (once we got our naming figured out), multiple generations of compute-optimized instances powered by Intel processors: c3 (2013), c4 (2015), and c5 (2016). As our customers put these instances to use in environments where networking performance was starting to become a limiting factor, we introduced c5n instances with 100 Gbps networking in 2018. We also broadened the c5 instance lineup by adding additional sizes (including bare metal), and instances with blazing-fast local NVMe storage.

Today I am happy to announce the latest in our lineup of Intel-powered compute-optimized instances, the c6in, available in 9 sizes:

Name vCPUs Memory
Network Bandwidth EBS Bandwidth
c6in.large 2 4 GiB Up to 25 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
c6in.xlarge 4 8 GiB Up to 30 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
c6in.2xlarge 8 16 GiB Up to 40 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
c6in.4xlarge 16 32 GiB Up to 50 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
c6in.8xlarge 32 64 GiB 50 Gbps 20 Gbps 87,500
c6in.12xlarge 48 96 GiB 75 Gbps 30 Gbps 131,250
c6in.16xlarge 64 128 GiB 100 Gbps 40 Gbps 175,000
c6in.24xlarge 96 192 GiB 150 Gbps 60 Gbps 262,500
c6in.32xlarge 128 256 GiB 200 Gbps 80 Gbps 350,000

The c6in instances are available in the US East (Ohio, N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) Regions.

As I noted earlier, these instances are designed to be able to handle up to twice as many packets per second (PPS) as their predecessors. This allows them to deliver increased performance in situations where they need to handle a large number of small-ish network packets, which will accelerate many applications and use cases includes network virtual appliances (firewalls, virtual routers, load balancers, and appliances that detect and protect against DDoS attacks), telecommunications (Voice over IP (VoIP) and 5G communication), build servers, caches, in-memory databases, and gaming hosts. With more network bandwidth and PPS on tap, heavy-duty analytics applications that retrieve and store massive amounts of data and objects from Amazon Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or data lakes will benefit. For workloads that benefit from low latency local storage, the disk versions of the new instances offer twice as much instance storage versus previous generation.

New Memory-Optimized (R6in/R6idn) Instances
The first memory-optimized instance was the m2, launched in 2009 with the now-quaint Double Extra Large and Quadruple Extra Large names, and a higher ration of memory to CPU power than the earlier m1 instances. We had yet to learn our naming lesson and launched the High Memory Cluster Eight Extra Large (aka cr1.8xlarge) in 2013, before settling on the r prefix and launching r3 instances in 2013, followed by r4 instances in 2014, and r5 instances in 2018.

And again that brings us to today, and to the new r6in and r6idn instances, also available in 9 sizes:

Name vCPUs Memory Local Storage
(r6idn only)
Network Bandwidth EBS Bandwidth EBS IOPS
2 16 GiB 118 GB Up to 25 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
4 32 GiB 237 GB Up to 30 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
8 64 GiB 474 GB Up to 40 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
16 128 GiB 950 GB Up to 50 Gbps Up to 20 Gbps Up to 87,500
32 256 GiB 1900 GB 50 Gbps 20 Gbps 87,500
48 384 GiB 2950 GB
(2 x 1425)
75 Gbps 30 Gbps 131,250
64 512 GiB 3800 GB
(2 x 1900)
100 Gbps 40 Gbps 175,000
96 768 GiB 5700 GB
(4 x 1425)
150 Gbps 60 Gbps 262,500
128 1024 GiB 7600 GB
(4 x 1900)
200 Gbps 80 Gbps 350,000

The r6in and r6idn instances are available in the US East (Ohio, N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) regions in On-Demand and Spot form. Savings Plans and Reserved Instances are available.

Inside the Instances
As you can probably guess from these specs and from the blog post that I wrote to launch the c6in instances, all of these new instance types have a lot in common. I’ll do a rare cut-and-paste from that post in order to reiterate all of the other cool features that are available to you:

Ice Lake Processors – The 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors run at 3.5 GHz, and (according to Intel) offer a 1.46x average performance gain over the prior generation. All-core Intel Turbo Boost mode is enabled on all instance sizes up to and including the 12xlarge. On the larger sizes, you can control the C-states. Intel Total Memory Encryption (TME) is enabled, protecting instance memory with a single, transient 128-bit key generated at boot time within the processor.

NUMA – Short for Non-Uniform Memory Access, this important architectural feature gives you the power to optimize for workloads where the majority of requests for a particular block of memory come from one of the processors, and that block is “closer” (architecturally speaking) to one of the processors. You can control processor affinity (and take advantage of NUMA) on the 24xlarge and 32xlarge instances.

NetworkingElastic Network Adapter (ENA) is available on all sizes of m6in, m6idn, c6in, r6in, and r6idn instances, and Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) is available on the 32xlarge instances. In order to make use of these adapters, you will need to make sure that your AMI includes the latest NVMe and ENA drivers. You can also make use of Cluster Placement Groups.

io2 Block Express – You can use all types of EBS volumes with these instances, including the io2 Block Express volumes that we launched earlier this year. As Channy shared in his post (Amazon EBS io2 Block Express Volumes with Amazon EC2 R5b Instances Are Now Generally Available), these volumes can be as large as 64 TiB, and can deliver up to 256,000 IOPS. As you can see from the tables above, you can use a 24xlarge or 32xlarge instance to achieve this level of performance.

Choosing the Right Instance
Prior to today’s launch, you could choose a c5n, m5n, or r5n instance to get the highest network bandwidth on an EC2 instance, or an r5b instance to have access to the highest EBS IOPS performance and high EBS bandwidth. Now, customers who need high networking or EBS performance can choose from a full portfolio of instances with different memory to vCPU ratio and instance storage options available, by selecting one of c6in, m6in, m6idn, r6in, or r6idn instances.

The higher performance of the c6in instances will allow you to scale your network intensive workloads that need a low memory to vCPU, such as network virtual appliances, caching servers, and gaming hosts.

The higher performance of m6in instances will allow you to scale your network and/or EBS intensive workloads such as data analytics, and telco applications including 5G User Plane Functions (UPF). You have the option to use the m6idn instance for workloads that benefit from low-latency local storage, such as high-performance file systems, or distributed web-scale in-memory caches.

Similarly, the higher network and EBS performance of the r6in instances will allow you to scale your network-intensive SQL, NoSQL, and in-memory database workloads, with the option to use the r6idn when you need low-latency local storage.


New Amazon EC2 Instance Types In the Works – C7gn, R7iz, and Hpc7g

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-ec2-instance-types-in-the-works-c7gn-r7iz-and-hpc7g/

We are getting ready to launch three new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance types and I am happy to be able to give you a sneak peek at them today.

C7gn Instances are designed for your most demanding network-intensive workloads: network virtual appliances (firewalls, virtual routers, load balancers, and so forth), data analytics, and tightly-coupled cluster computing jobs. They are powered by AWS Graviton3E processors and will support up to 200 Gbps of network bandwidth, along with 50% higher packet processing performance. The c7gn instances will be available in multiple sizes with up to 64 vCPUs and 128 GiB of memory. We are launching the preview today and you can Sign Up Today to join in.

Hpc7g Instances are also powered by AWS Graviton3E processors, with up to 35% higher vector instruction processing performance than the Graviton3. They are designed to give you the best price/performance for tightly coupled compute-intensive HPC and distributed computing workloads, and deliver 200 Gbps of dedicated network bandwidth that is optimized for traffic between instances in the same VPC. The hpc7g instances will be available in multiple sizes with up to 64 vCPUs and 128 GiB of memory. I’ll have more information to share on these instances in early 2023.

R7iz Instances are powered by the latest 4th generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (code named Sapphire Rapids) and run at a sustained all-core turbo frequency of 3.9 GHz. With high performance and DDR5 memory, these instances are a perfect match for your Electronic Design Automation (EDA), financial, actuarial, and simulation workloads. They are also great hosts for relational databases and other commercial software that is licensed on a per-core basis. The r7iz instances will be available in multiple sizes with up to 128 vCPUs and 1 TiB of memory. We are launching the instances in preview today and you can Sign up Today to participate.


New – Failover Controls for Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-failover-controls-for-amazon-s3-multi-region-access-points/

We launched Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points to give you a global endpoint that spans S3 buckets in multiple AWS Regions. With S3 Multi-Region Access Points, you can build multi-region applications with the same simple architecture used in a single Region. This cool and powerful feature uses AWS Global Accelerator to monitor network congestion and connectivity, and to route traffic to the closest copy of your data. In the event that connectivity between a client and a bucket in a particular Region is lost, the Multi-Region Access Point will automatically route all traffic to the closest bucket (synchronized via S3 Replication) in another Region.

In addition to the use case that I just described, customers have told us that they want to build highly available multi-region apps and need explicit control over failover and failback.

New Failover Controls
Today we are adding failover controls for Multi-Region Access Points. These controls let you shift S3 data access request traffic routed through an Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point to an alternate AWS Region within minutes to test and build highly available applications for business continuity.

The existing Multi-Region Access Point model treats all of the Regions as active and can send traffic to any of them. The model that we are introducing today lets you designate Regions as either active or passive. Buckets in active Regions receive traffic (GET, PUT, and other requests) from the Multi-Region Access Point, buckets in passive Regions don’t. Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication operates regardless of the active or passive status of a Region with respect to a particular Multi-Region Access Point.

To get started, I create a new Multi-Region Access Point that refers to two or more S3 buckets in distinct AWS Regions. I enter a name for my Multi-Region Access Point (jbarr-mrap-1), and choose the buckets:

I leave the Amazon S3 Block Public Access settings as-is, and click Create Multi-Region Access Point:

Then I wait until my Multi-Region Access Point is ready (generally just a few minutes):

By default, my new Multi-Region Access Point routes traffic to all of the buckets, and behaves as it did before we launched this new feature. However, I can now exercise control over routing and failover. I click on the Multi-Region Access Point, and on the Replication and failover tab (which used to be just a Replication tab). The map now allows me to see my replication rules and my failover status:

I can scroll down to view, create, and modify my replication rules:

As you can see, the replication rules that I created for this demo preserve the storage class. S3 Intelligent-Tiering is generally a better choice, since I would get automatic cost savings without increased data retrieval costs after a failover. I can use S3 Replication metrics to make sure that my replication rules are proceeding as expected. Also, S3 Replication Time Control provides a predictable replication time (backed by an SLA), and should also be considered.

The tab also includes the failover configuration:

To change my failover configuration, I select the buckets of interest and click Edit failover configuration. My application runs in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region and makes use of a bucket there, so I leave the Tokyo Region active and make the others passive:

All is well until one fine day Godzilla wakes up and eats all of the submarine cables in and around Tokyo. I quickly pull up the console, return to the Failover configuration, select the active Tokyo Region and the passive Osaka Region, and click Failover:

I confirm my intent, click Failover again, and the failover is complete within two minutes:

Later, after Godzilla has been subdued and the cables have been repaired, I can fail back to the original bucket in the Tokyo Region:

Things to Know
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind as you start to make use of this important new AWS feature:

Active/Passive – There must be at least one active Region at all times.

CLI & API Access – You can initiate a failover programmatically by calling SubmitMultiRegionAccessPointRoutes. You can retrieve the current set of routes by calling GetMultiRegionAccessPointRoutes. The endpoints for these APIs are available in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney, Tokyo), and Europe (Ireland) Regions.

Pricing – There is no extra charge for this feature beyond the use of the new APIs, which are billed as standard S3 GET and PUT requests. For S3 Multi-Region Access Point usage prices, see the Pricing tab of the Amazon S3 Pricing page.

Regions – This feature is available in all AWS Regions where Multi-Region Access Points are currently available.


Automated Data Discovery for Amazon Macie

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/automated-data-discovery-for-amazon-macie/

Today, we announce automated data discovery for Amazon Macie. This new capability allows you to gain visibility into where your sensitive data resides on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) at a fraction of the cost of running a full data inspection across all your S3 buckets.

At AWS, security is our first priority. The security of the infrastructure itself, but also the security of your data. We give you access to services to manage identities and access, to protect the network and your applications, to detect suspicious activities, to protect your data, and to report on and monitor your compliance status.

Amazon Macie is a data security service that discovers sensitive data using machine learning and pattern matching and enables visibility and automated protection against data security risks. You use Amazon Macie to protect your data in S3 by scanning for the presence of sensitive data, such as names, addresses, and credit card numbers, and continually monitoring for properly configured preventative controls, such as encryption and access policies. Amazon Macie generates alerts when it detects publicly accessible buckets, unencrypted buckets, or buckets shared with an AWS account outside of your organization. You may also configure Amazon Macie to scan your S3 to run full sensitive data discovery scans on your S3 buckets to provide visibility into where sensitive data resides.

But customers operating at scale told us it is difficult to know where to start. When employees and applications add new buckets and generate petabytes of data on a daily basis, what should be scanned first?

Automated data discovery automates the continual discovery of sensitive data and potential data security risks across your entire set of buckets aggregated at AWS Organizations level.

When you enable automated discovery in the console, Macie starts to evaluate the level of sensitivity of each of your buckets and highlights any data security risks. Automated data discovery introduces intelligent and fully managed data sampling to provide an optimized sample rate that meaningfully reduces the amount of data that needs to be analyzed. This reduces the cost of discovering S3 buckets containing sensitive data compared to the cost of full data inspection.

You can tune automated data discovery to only identify the types of sensitive data that are relevant for your use case by choosing from over 100 managed sensitive data types, such as personally identifiable information (PII) and financial records with specific formats for multiple countries. For example, you can enable detection of Spanish or Swedish driving license numbers and choose to ignore US Social Security numbers, depending on your use cases. When the specific type of data you manage is not on our list, you can create custom data types that may be unique to your business, such as employee or patient identification numbers.

Let’s See It in Action
Automated data discovery is on by default for all new Amazon Macie customers, and existing Macie customers can enable it with one click in the AWS Management Console of the Amazon Macie administrator account. There is a 30-day free trial, and you can always opt out at the administrator level.

I can enable or disable the capability from the Automated discovery entry–under Settings–on the left side navigation menu. The Status section reveals the current status.

Automated data discovery for Amazon Macie - Enable

On the same page, I can configure the list of managed data identifiers. I can turn on or off individual types of data among more than one hundred managed data identifier types. I can also configure new ones. I select Edit on the Managed data identifiers section to include or exclude additional data identifiers.

Automated data discovery for Amazon Macie - include or exclude data identifiers

If I have some buckets with lots of objects and others with a few, Macie won’t spend all its time inspecting one really large bucket at the expense of other smaller ones. Macie also prioritizes buckets that it knows the least about. For example, if it looked at the majority of objects in a small bucket, that bucket will be deprioritized compared to larger buckets where it has seen proportionally fewer objects.

Automated data discovery can provide an interactive data map of sensitive data distribution in S3 buckets within days of the feature being enabled. This data map refreshes daily as it intelligently picks and scans S3 objects in buckets and spreads the scan effort across the entire S3 estate in a given month.

Here is the Summary section of the Amazon Macie page. It looks like my set of buckets is secured. I have no bucket with public access, and 31 of my buckets might contain sensitive data.

Automated data discovery for Amazon Macie - Summary section

When selecting the S3 buckets section of the navigation menu on the left side, I can see a data map of my buckets. The more red the squares are, the more sensitive data are detected in the buckets. The squares in blue represent buckets with no sensitive data detected so far. From there, I can drill down at bucket level to investigate the details.

Automated data discovery for Amazon Macie - Heat map

Pricing and Availability
When you are new to Amazon Macie, automated data discovery is enabled by default. When you already use Amazon Macie in your organization, you can enable automatic data discovery with one click in the Management Console of the Amazon Macie administrator account.

There is a 30-day free trial period when you enable automatic data discovery on your AWS account. After the evaluation period, we charge based on the total quantity of S3 objects in your account as well as the bytes scanned for sensitive content. Charges are prorated per day. You can disable this capability at any time. The pricing page has all the details.

This new capability is now available in all 21 commercial AWS Regions where Macie is available.

Go and enable Amazon Macie automated data discovery today!

— seb