Tag Archives: Amazon GuardDuty

How to generate security findings to help your security team with incident response simulations

Post Syndicated from Jonathan Nguyen original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-generate-security-findings-to-help-your-security-team-with-incident-response-simulations/

Continually reviewing your organization’s incident response capabilities can be challenging without a mechanism to create security findings with actual Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources within your AWS estate. As prescribed within the AWS Security Incident Response whitepaper, it’s important to periodically review your incident response capabilities to make sure your security team is continually maturing internal processes and assessing capabilities within AWS. Generating sample security findings is useful to understand the finding format so you can enrich the finding with additional metadata or create and prioritize detections within your security information event management (SIEM) solution. However, if you want to conduct an end-to-end incident response simulation, including the creation of real detections, sample findings might not create actionable detections that will start your incident response process because of alerting suppressions you might have configured, or imaginary metadata (such as synthetic Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance IDs), which might confuse your remediation tooling.

In this post, we walk through how to deploy a solution that provisions resources to generate simulated security findings for actual provisioned resources within your AWS account. Generating simulated security findings in your AWS account gives your security team an opportunity to validate their cyber capabilities, investigation workflow and playbooks, escalation paths across teams, and exercise any response automation currently in place.

Important: It’s strongly recommended that the solution be deployed in an isolated AWS account with no additional workloads or sensitive data. No resources deployed within the solution should be used for any purpose outside of generating the security findings for incident response simulations. Although the security findings are non-destructive to existing resources, they should still be done in isolation. For any AWS solution deployed within your AWS environment, your security team should review the resources and configurations within the code.

Conducting incident response simulations

Before deploying the solution, it’s important that you know what your goal is and what type of simulation to conduct. If you’re primarily curious about the format that active Amazon GuardDuty findings will create, you should generate sample findings with GuardDuty. At the time of this writing, Amazon Inspector doesn’t currently generate sample findings.

If you want to validate your incident response playbooks, make sure you have playbooks for the security findings the solution generates. If those playbooks don’t exist, it might be a good idea to start with a high-level tabletop exercise to identify which playbooks you need to create.

Because you’re running this sample in an AWS account with no workloads, it’s recommended to run the sample solution as a purple team exercise. Purple team exercises should be periodically run to support training for new analysts, validate existing playbooks, and identify areas of improvement to reduce the mean time to respond or identify areas where processes can be optimized with automation.

Now that you have a good understanding of the different simulation types, you can create security findings in an isolated AWS account.


  1. [Recommended] A separate AWS account containing no customer data or running workloads
  2. GuardDuty, along with GuardDuty Kubernetes Protection
  3. Amazon Inspector must be enabled
  4. [Optional] AWS Security Hub can be enabled to show a consolidated view of security findings generated by GuardDuty and Inspector

Solution architecture

The architecture of the solution can be found in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Sample solution architecture diagram

Figure 1: Sample solution architecture diagram

  1. A user specifies the type of security findings to generate by passing an AWS CloudFormation parameter.
  2. An Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic is created to subscribe to findings for notifications. Subscribed users are notified of the finding through the deployed SNS topic.
  3. Upon user selection of the CloudFormation parameter, EC2 instances are provisioned to run commands to generate security findings.

    Note: If the parameter inspector is provided during deployment, then only one EC2 instance is deployed. If the parameter guardduty is provided during deployment, then two EC2 instances are deployed.

  4. For Amazon Inspector findings:
    1. The Amazon EC2 user data creates a .txt file with vulnerable images, pulls down Docker images from open source vulhub, and creates an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository with the vulnerable images.
    2. The EC2 user data pushes and tags the images in the ECR repository which results in Amazon Inspector findings being generated.
    3. An Amazon EventBridge cron-style trigger rule, inspector_remediation_ecr, invokes an AWS Lambda function.
    4. The Lambda function, ecr_cleanup_function, cleans up the vulnerable images in the deployed Amazon ECR repository based on applied tags and sends a notification to the Amazon SNS topic.

      Note: The ecr_cleanup_function Lambda function is also invoked as a custom resource to clean up vulnerable images during deployment. If there are issues with cleanup, the EventBridge rule continually attempts to clean up vulnerable images.

  5. For GuardDuty, the following actions are taken and resources are deployed:
    1. An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user named guardduty-demo-user is created with an IAM access key that is INACTIVE.
    2. An AWS Systems Manager parameter stores the IAM access key for guardduty-demo-user.
    3. An AWS Secrets Manager secret stores the inactive IAM secret access key for guardduty-demo-user.
    4. An Amazon DynamoDB table is created, and the table name is stored in a Systems Manager parameter to be referenced within the EC2 user data.
    5. An Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket is created, and the bucket name is stored in a Systems Manager parameter to be referenced within the EC2 user data.
    6. A Lambda function adds a threat list to GuardDuty that includes the IP addresses of the EC2 instances deployed as part of the sample.
    7. EC2 user data generates GuardDuty findings for the following:
      1. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)
        1. Installs eksctl from GitHub.
        2. Creates an EC2 key pair.
        3. Creates an EKS cluster (dependent on availability zone capacity).
        4. Updates EKS cluster configuration to make a dashboard public.
      2. DynamoDB
        1. Adds an item to the DynamoDB table for Joshua Tree.
      3. EC2
        1. Creates an AWS CloudTrail trail named guardduty-demo-trail-<GUID> and subsequently deletes the same CloudTrail trail. The <GUID> is randomly generated by using the $RANDOM function
        2. Runs portscan on (an RFC 1918 private IP address) and private IP of the EKS Deployment EC2 instance provisioned as part of the sample. Port scans are primarily used by bad actors to search for potential vulnerabilities. The target of the port scans are internal IP addresses and do not leave the sample VPC deployed.
        3. Curls DNS domains that are labeled for bitcoin, command and control, and other domains associated with known threats.
      4. Amazon S3
        1. Disables Block Public Access and server access logging for the S3 bucket provisioned as part of the solution.
      5. IAM
        1. Deletes the existing account password policy and creates a new password policy with a minimum length of six characters.
  6. The following Amazon EventBridge rules are created:
    1. guardduty_remediation_eks_rule – When a GuardDuty finding for EKS is created, a Lambda function attempts to delete the EKS resources. Subscribed users are notified of the finding through the deployed SNS topic.
    2. guardduty_remediation_credexfil_rule – When a GuardDuty finding for InstanceCredentialExfiltration is created, a Lambda function is used to revoke the IAM role’s temporary security credentials and AWS permissions. Subscribed users are notified of the finding through the deployed SNS topic.
    3. guardduty_respond_IAMUser_rule – When a GuardDuty finding for IAM is created, subscribed users are notified through the deployed SNS topic. There is no remediation activity triggered by this rule.
    4. Guardduty_notify_S3_rule – When a GuardDuty finding for Amazon S3 is created, subscribed users are notified through the deployed Amazon SNS topic. This rule doesn’t invoke any remediation activity.
  7. The following Lambda functions are created:
    1. guardduty_iam_remediation_function – This function revokes active sessions and sends a notification to the SNS topic.
    2. eks_cleanup_function – This function deletes the EKS resources in the EKS CloudFormation template.

      Note: Upon attempts to delete the overall sample CloudFormation stack, this runs to delete the EKS CloudFormation template.

  8. An S3 bucket stores EC2 user data scripts run from the EC2 instances

Solution deployment

You can deploy the SecurityFindingGeneratorStack solution by using either the AWS Management Console or the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

Option 1: Deploy the solution with AWS CloudFormation using the console

Use the console to sign in to your chosen AWS account and then choose the Launch Stack button to open the AWS CloudFormation console pre-loaded with the template for this solution. It takes approximately 10 minutes for the CloudFormation stack to complete.

Launch Stack

Option 2: Deploy the solution by using the AWS CDK

You can find the latest code for the SecurityFindingGeneratorStack solution in the SecurityFindingGeneratorStack GitHub repository, where you can also contribute to the sample code. For instructions and more information on using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), see Get Started with AWS CDK.

To deploy the solution by using the AWS CDK

  1. To build the app when navigating to the project’s root folder, use the following commands:
    npm install -g aws-cdk-lib
    npm install

  2. Run the following command in your terminal while authenticated in your separate deployment AWS account to bootstrap your environment. Be sure to replace <INSERT_AWS_ACCOUNT> with your account number and replace <INSERT_REGION> with the AWS Region that you want the solution deployed to.
    cdk bootstrap aws://<INSERT_AWS_ACCOUNT>/<INSERT_REGION>

  3. Deploy the stack to generate findings based on a specific parameter that is passed. The following parameters are available:
    1. inspector
    2. guardduty
    cdk deploy SecurityFindingGeneratorStack –parameters securityserviceuserdata=inspector

Reviewing security findings

After the solution successfully deploys, security findings should start appearing in your AWS account’s GuardDuty console within a couple of minutes.

Amazon GuardDuty findings

In order to create a diverse set of GuardDuty findings, the solution uses Amazon EC2 user data to run scripts. Those scripts can be found in the sample repository. You can also review and change scripts as needed to fit your use case or to remove specific actions if you don’t want specific resources to be altered or security findings to be generated.

A comprehensive list of active GuardDuty finding types and details for each finding can be found in the Amazon GuardDuty user guide. In this solution, activities which cause the following GuardDuty findings to be generated, are performed:

To generate the EKS security findings, the EKS Deployment EC2 instance is running eksctl commands that deploy CloudFormation templates. If the EKS cluster doesn’t deploy, it might be because of capacity restraints in a specific Availability Zone. If this occurs, manually delete the failed EKS CloudFormation templates.

If you want to create the EKS cluster and security findings manually, you can do the following:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon EC2 console.
  2. Connect to the EKS Deployment EC2 instance using an IAM role that has access to start a session through Systems Manager. After connecting to the ssm-user, issue the following commands in the Session Manager session:
    1. sudo chmod 744 /home/ec2-user/guardduty-script.sh
    2. chown ec2-user /home/ec2-user/guardduty-script.sh
    3. sudo /home/ec2-user/guardduty-script.sh

It’s important that your security analysts have an incident response playbook. If playbooks don’t exist, you can refer to the GuardDuty remediation recommendations or AWS sample incident response playbooks to get started building playbooks.

Amazon Inspector findings

The findings for Amazon Inspector are generated by using the open source Vulhub collection. The open source collection has pre-built vulnerable Docker environments that pull images into Amazon ECR.

The Amazon Inspector findings that are created vary depending on what exists within the open source library at deployment time. The following are examples of findings you will see in the console:

For Amazon Inspector findings, you can refer to parts 1 and 2 of Automate vulnerability management and remediation in AWS using Amazon Inspector and AWS Systems Manager.

Clean up

If you deployed the security finding generator solution by using the Launch Stack button in the console or the CloudFormation template security_finding_generator_cfn, do the following to clean up:

  1. In the CloudFormation console for the account and Region where you deployed the solution, choose the SecurityFindingGeneratorStack stack.
  2. Choose the option to Delete the stack.

If you deployed the solution by using the AWS CDK, run the command cdk destroy.

Important: The solution uses eksctl to provision EKS resources, which deploys additional CloudFormation templates. There are custom resources within the solution that will attempt to delete the provisioned CloudFormation templates for EKS. If there are any issues, you should verify and manually delete the following CloudFormation templates:

  • eksctl-GuardDuty-Finding-Demo-cluster
  • eksctl-GuardDuty-Finding-Demo-addon-iamserviceaccount-kube-system-aws-node
  • eksctl-GuardDuty-Finding-Demo-nodegroup-ng-<GUID>


In this blog post, I showed you how to deploy a solution to provision resources in an AWS account to generate security findings. This solution provides a technical framework to conduct periodic simulations within your AWS environment. By having real, rather than simulated, security findings, you can enable your security teams to interact with actual resources and validate existing incident response processes. Having a repeatable mechanism to create security findings also provides your security team the opportunity to develop and test automated incident response capabilities in your AWS environment.

AWS has multiple services to assist with increasing your organization’s security posture. Security Hub provides native integration with AWS security services as well as partner services. From Security Hub, you can also implement automation to respond to findings using custom actions as seen in Use Security Hub custom actions to remediate S3 resources based on Amazon Macie discovery results. In part two of a two-part series, you can learn how to use Amazon Detective to investigate security findings in EKS clusters. Amazon Security Lake automatically normalizes and centralizes your data from AWS services such as Security Hub, AWS CloudTrail, VPC Flow Logs, and Amazon Route 53, as well as custom sources to provide a mechanism for comprehensive analysis and visualizations.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Incident Response re:Post or contact AWS Support.


Jonathan Nguyen

Jonathan is a Principal Security Architect at AWS. His background is in AWS security with a focus on threat detection and incident response. He helps enterprise customers develop a comprehensive AWS security strategy and deploy security solutions at scale, and trains customers on AWS security best practices.

Amazon GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring is now generally available

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-guardduty-ec2-runtime-monitoring-is-now-generally-available/

Amazon GuardDuty is a machine learning (ML)-based security monitoring and intelligent threat detection service that analyzes and processes various AWS data sources, continuously monitors your AWS accounts and workloads for malicious activity, and delivers detailed security findings for visibility and remediation.

I love the feature of GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring that analyzes operating system (OS)-level, network, and file events to detect potential runtime threats for specific AWS workloads in your environment. I first introduced the general availability of this feature for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) resources in March 2023. Seb wrote about the expansion of the Runtime Monitoring feature to provide threat detection for Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and AWS Fargate as well as the preview for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) workloads in Nov 2023.

Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring to expand threat detection coverage for EC2 instances at runtime and complement the anomaly detection that GuardDuty already provides by continuously monitoring VPC Flow Logs, DNS query logs, and AWS CloudTrail management events. You now have visibility into on-host, OS-level activities and container-level context into detected threats.

With GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring, you can identify and respond to potential threats that might target the compute resources within your EC2 workloads. Threats to EC2 workloads often involve remote code execution that leads to the download and execution of malware. This could include instances or self-managed containers in your AWS environment that are connecting to IP addresses associated with cryptocurrency-related activity or to malware command-and-control related IP addresses.

GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring provides visibility into suspicious commands that involve malicious file downloads and execution across each step, which can help you discover threats during initial compromise and before they become business-impacting events. You can also centrally enable runtime threat detection coverage for accounts and workloads across the organization using AWS Organizations to simplify your security coverage.

Configure EC2 Runtime Monitoring in GuardDuty
With a few clicks, you can enable GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring in the GuardDuty console. For your first use, you need to enable Runtime Monitoring.

Any customers that are new to the EC2 Runtime Monitoring feature can try it for free for 30 days and gain access to all features and detection findings. The GuardDuty console shows how many days are left in the free trial.

Now, you can set up the GuardDuty security agent for the individual EC2 instances for which you want to monitor the runtime behavior. You can choose to deploy the GuardDuty security agent either automatically or manually. At GA, you can enable Automated agent configuration, which is a preferred option for most customers as it allows GuardDuty to manage the security agent on their behalf.

The agent will be deployed on EC2 instances with AWS Systems Manager and uses an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoint to receive the runtime events associated with your resource. If you want to manage the GuardDuty security agent manually, visit Managing the security agent Amazon EC2 instance manually in the AWS documentation. In multiple-account environments, delegated GuardDuty administrator accounts manage their member accounts using AWS Organizations. For more information, visit Managing multiple accounts in the AWS documentation.

When you enable EC2 Runtime Monitoring, you can find the covered EC2 instances list, account ID, and coverage status, and whether the agent is able to receive runtime events from the corresponding resource in the EC2 instance runtime coverage tab.

Even when the coverage status is Unhealthy, meaning it is not currently able to receive runtime findings, you still have defense in depth for your EC2 instance. GuardDuty continues to provide threat detection to the EC2 instance by monitoring CloudTrail, VPC flow, and DNS logs associated with it.

Check out GuardDuty EC2 Runtime security findings
When GuardDuty detects a potential threat and generates security findings, you can view the details of the healthy information.

Choose Findings in the left pane if you want to find security findings specific to Amazon EC2 resources. You can use the filter bar to filter the findings table by specific criteria, such as a Resource type of Instance. The severity and details of the findings differ based on the resource role, which indicates whether the EC2 resource was the target of suspicious activity or the actor performing the activity.

With today’s launch, we support over 30 runtime security findings for EC2 instances, such as detecting abused domains, backdoors, cryptocurrency-related activity, and unauthorized communications. For the full list, visit Runtime Monitoring finding types in the AWS documentation.

Resolve your EC2 security findings
Choose each EC2 security finding to know more details. You can find all the information associated with the finding and examine the resource in question to determine if it is behaving in an expected manner.

If the activity is authorized, you can use suppression rules or trusted IP lists to prevent false positive notifications for that resource. If the activity is unexpected, the security best practice is to assume the instance has been compromised and take the actions detailed in Remediating a potentially compromised Amazon EC2 instance in the AWS documentation.

You can integrate GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring with other AWS security services, such as AWS Security Hub or Amazon Detective. Or you can use Amazon EventBridge, allowing you to use integrations with security event management or workflow systems, such as Splunk, Jira, and ServiceNow, or trigger automated and semi-automated responses such as isolating a workload for investigation.

When you choose Investigate with Detective, you can find Detective-created visualizations for AWS resources to quickly and easily investigate security issues. To learn more, visit Integration with Amazon Detective in the AWS documentation.

Things to know
GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring support is now available for EC2 instances running Amazon Linux 2 or Amazon Linux 2023. You have the option to configure maximum CPU and memory limits for the agent. To learn more and for future updates, visit Prerequisites for Amazon EC2 instance support in the AWS documentation.

To estimate the daily average usage costs for GuardDuty, choose Usage in the left pane. During the 30-day free trial period, you can estimate what your costs will be after the trial period. At the end of the trial period, we charge you per vCPU hours tracked monthly for the monitoring agents. To learn more, visit the Amazon GuardDuty pricing page.

Enabling EC2 Runtime Monitoring also allows for a cost-saving opportunity on your GuardDuty cost. When the feature is enabled, you won’t be charged for GuardDuty foundational protection VPC Flow Logs sourced from the EC2 instances running the security agent. This is due to similar, but more contextual, network data available from the security agent. Additionally, GuardDuty would still process VPC Flow Logs and generate relevant findings so you will continue to get network-level security coverage even if the agent experiences downtime.

Now available
Amazon GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring is now available in all AWS Regions where GuardDuty is available, excluding AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and AWS China Regions. For a full list of Regions where EC2 Runtime Monitoring is available, visit Region-specific feature availability.

Give GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring a try in the GuardDuty console. For more information, visit the Amazon GuardDuty User Guide and send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon GuardDuty or through your usual AWS support contacts.


AWS Weekly Roundup — AWS Control Tower new API, TLS 1.3 with API Gateway, Private Marketplace Catalogs, and more — February 19, 2024

Post Syndicated from Irshad Buchh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-aws-control-tower-new-api-tls-1-3-with-api-gateway-private-marketplace-catalogs-and-more-february-19-2024/

Over the past week, our service teams have continued to innovate on your behalf, and a lot has happened in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) universe that I want to tell you about. I’ll also share about all the AWS Community events and initiatives that are happening around the world.

Let’s dive in!

Last week’s launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week.

AWS Control Tower introduces APIs to register organizational units – With these new APIs, you can extend governance to organizational units (OUs) using APIs and automate your OU provisioning workflow. The APIs can also be used for OUs that are already under AWS Control Tower governance to re-register OUs after landing zone updates. These APIs include AWS CloudFormation support, allowing customers to manage their OUs with infrastructure as code (IaC).

API Gateway now supports TLS 1.3 – By using TLS 1.3 with API Gateway as the centralized point of control, developers can secure communication between the client and the gateway; uphold the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of their API traffic; and benefit from API Gateway’s integration with AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) for centralized deployment of SSL certificates using TLS.

Amazon OpenSearch Service now lets you update cluster volume without blue/green – While blue/green deployments are meant to avoid any disruption to your clusters because the deployment uses additional resources on the domain, it is recommended that you perform them during low traffic periods. Now, you can update volume-related cluster configuration without requiring a blue/green deployment, ensuring minimal performance impact on your online traffic and avoiding any potential disruption to your cluster operations.

Amazon GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring protects clusters running in shared VPC – With this launch, customers who are already opted into automated agent management in GuardDuty will benefit from a renewed 30-day trial of GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring, where we will automatically start monitoring the resources (clusters) deployed in a shared VPC setup. Customers also have the option to manually manage the agent and provision the virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint in their shared VPC environment.

AWS Marketplace now supports managing Private Marketplace catalogs for OUs – This capability supports distinct product catalogs per business unit or development environment, empowering organizations to align software procurement with specific needs. Additionally, customers can designate a trusted member account as a delegated administrator for Private Marketplace administration, reducing the operational burden on management account administrators. With this launch, organizations can procure more quickly by providing administrators with the agile controls they need to scale their procurement governance across distinct business and user needs.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS news

Join AWS Cloud Clubs Captains – The C3 cohort of AWS Cloud Club Captains is open for applications from February 5–23, 2024, at 5:00 PM EST.

AWS open source news and updates – Our colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open source newsletter highlighting new open source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community.

Upcoming AWS events

Check your calendars and sign up for upcoming AWS events:

Building with Generative AI on AWS using PartyRock, Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Q – You will gain skills in prompt engineering and using the Amazon Bedrock API. We will also explore how to “chat with your documents” through knowledge bases, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), embeddings, and agents. We will also use next-generation developer tools Amazon Q and Amazon CodeWhisperer to assist in coding and debugging.

Location: AWS Skills Center, 1550-G Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA

AI/ML security – Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) and especially generative AI  have become top of mind for many organizations, but even the companies who want to move forward with this new and transformative technology are hesitating. They don’t necessarily understand how they can ensure that what they build will be secure. This webinar explains how they can do that.

AWS Jam Session – Canada Edition – AWS JAM is a gamified learning platform where you come to play, learn, and validate your AWS skills. The morning will include a mix of challenges across various technical domains – security, serverless, AI/ML, analytics, and more. The afternoon will be focused on a different specialty domain each month. You can form teams of up to four people to solve the challenges. There will be prizes for the top three winning teams.

Whether you’re in the Americas, Asia Pacific and Japan, or the EMEA region, there’s an upcoming AWS Innovate Online event that fits your time zone. Innovate Online events are free, online, and designed to inspire and educate you about AWS.

AWS Summits are a series of free online and in-person events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. These events are designed to educate you about AWS products and services and help you develop the skills needed to build, deploy, and operate your infrastructure and applications. Find an AWS Summit near you and register or set a notification to know when registration opens for a Summit that interests you.

AWS Community re:Invent re:Caps – Join a Community re:Cap event organized by volunteers from AWS User Groups and AWS Cloud Clubs around the world to learn about the latest announcements from AWS re:Invent.

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

– Irshad

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Using Amazon GuardDuty ECS runtime monitoring with Fargate and Amazon EC2

Post Syndicated from Luke Notley original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/using-amazon-guardduty-ecs-runtime-monitoring-with-fargate-and-amazon-ec2/

Containerization technologies such as Docker and orchestration solutions such as Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) are popular with customers due to their portability and scalability advantages. Container runtime monitoring is essential for customers to monitor the health, performance, and security of containers. AWS services such as Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, and AWS Security Hub play a crucial role in enhancing container security by providing threat detection, vulnerability assessment, centralized security management, and native Amazon Web Services (AWS) container runtime monitoring.

GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors your AWS accounts and workloads for malicious activity and delivers detailed security findings for visibility and remediation. GuardDuty analyzes tens of billions of events per minute across multiple AWS data sources and provides runtime monitoring using a GuardDuty security agent for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon ECS and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) workloads. Findings are available in the GuardDuty console, and by using APIs, a copy of every GuardDuty finding is sent to Amazon EventBridge so that you can incorporate these findings into your operational workflows. GuardDuty findings are also sent to Security Hub helping you to aggregate and corelate GuardDuty findings across accounts and AWS Regions in addition to findings from other security services.

We recently announced the general availability of GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for Amazon ECS and the public preview of GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for Amazon EC2 to detect runtime threats from over 30 security findings to protect your AWS Fargate or Amazon EC2 ECS clusters.

In this blog post, we provide an overview of the AWS Shared Responsibility Model and how it’s related to securing your container workloads running on AWS. We look at the steps to configure and use the new GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for ECS, EC2, and EKS features. If you’re already using GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring, this post provides the steps to migrate to GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring.

AWS Shared Responsibility Model and containers

Understanding the AWS Shared Responsibility Model is important in relation to Amazon ECS workloads. For Amazon ECS, AWS is responsible for the ECS control plane and the underlying infrastructure data plane. When using Amazon ECS on an EC2 instance, you have a greater share of security responsibilities compared to using ECS on Fargate. Specifically, you’re responsible for overseeing the ECS agent and worker node configuration on the EC2 instances.

Figure 1: AWS Shared Responsibility Model – Amazon ECS on EC2

Figure 1: AWS Shared Responsibility Model – Amazon ECS on EC2

In Fargate, each task operates within its dedicated virtual machine (VM), and there’s no sharing of the operating system or kernel resources between tasks. With Fargate, AWS is responsible for the security of the underlying instance in the cloud and the runtime used to run your tasks.

Figure 2: AWS Shared Responsibility Model – Amazon ECS on Fargate

Figure 2: AWS Shared Responsibility Model – Amazon ECS on Fargate

When deploying container runtime images, your responsibilities include configuring applications, ensuring container security, and applying best practices for task runtime security. These best practices help to limit adversaries from expanding their influence beyond the confines of the local container process.

Amazon GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring consolidation

With the new feature launch, EKS Runtime Monitoring has now been consolidated into GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring. With this consolidation, you can manage the configuration for your AWS accounts one time instead of having to manage the Runtime Monitoring configuration separately for each resource type (EC2 instance, ECS cluster, or EKS cluster). A view of each Region is provided so you can enable Runtime Monitoring and manage GuardDuty security agents across each resource type because they now share a common value of either enabled or disabled.

Note: The GuardDuty security agent still must be configured for each supported resource type.

Figure 3: GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring overview

Figure 3: GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring overview

In the following sections, we walk you through how to enable GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring and how you can reconfigure your existing EKS Runtime Monitoring deployment. We also cover how you can enable monitoring for ECS Fargate and EC2 resource types.

If you were using EKS Runtime Monitoring prior to this feature release, you will notice some configuration options in the updated AWS Management Console for GuardDuty. It’s recommended that you enable Runtime Monitoring for each AWS account; to do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the GuardDuty console, in the navigation pane under Protection plans, select Runtime Monitoring.
  2. Select the Configuration tab and then choose Edit.
  3. Under Runtime Monitoring, select Enable for all accounts.
  4. Under Automated agent configuration – Amazon EKS, ensure Enable for all accounts is selected.
Figure 4: Edit GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring configuration

Figure 4: Edit GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring configuration

If you want to continue using EKS Runtime Monitoring without enabling GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring or if the Runtime Monitoring protection plan isn’t yet available in your Region, you can configure EKS Runtime Monitoring using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or API. For more information on this migration, see Migrating from EKS Runtime Monitoring to GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring.

Amazon GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring for Fargate

For ECS using a Fargate capacity provider, GuardDuty deploys the security agent as a sidecar container alongside the essential task container. This doesn’t require you to make changes to the deployment of your Fargate tasks and verifies that new tasks will have GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring. If the GuardDuty security agent sidecar container is unable to launch in a healthy state, the ECS Fargate task will not be prevented from running.

When using GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring for Fargate, you can install the agent on Amazon ECS Fargate clusters within an AWS account or only on selected clusters. In the following sections, we show you how to enable the service and provision the agents.


If you haven’t activated GuardDuty, learn more about the free trial and pricing and follow the steps in Getting started with GuardDuty to set up the service and start monitoring your account. Alternatively, you can activate GuardDuty by using the AWS CLI. The minimum Fargate environment version and container operating systems supported can be found in the Prerequisites for AWS Fargate (Amazon ECS only) support. The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role used for running an Amazon ECS task must be provided with access to Amazon ECR with the appropriate permissions to download the GuardDuty sidecar container. To learn more about Amazon ECR repositories that host the GuardDuty agent for AWS Fargate, see Repository for GuardDuty agent on AWS Fargate (Amazon ECS only).

Enable Fargate Runtime Monitoring

To enable GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for ECS Fargate, follow these steps:

  1. In the GuardDuty console, in the navigation pane under Protection plans, select Runtime Monitoring.
  2. Select the Configuration tab and then in the AWS Fargate (ECS only) section, choose Enable.
Figure 5: GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring configuration

Figure 5: GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring configuration

If your AWS account is managed within AWS Organizations and you’re running ECS Fargate clusters in multiple AWS accounts, only the GuardDuty delegated administrator account can enable or disable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring for the member accounts. GuardDuty is a regional service and must be enabled within each desired Region. If you’re using multiple accounts and want to centrally manage GuardDuty see Managing multiple accounts in Amazon GuardDuty.

You can use the same process to enable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring and manage the GuardDuty security agent. It’s recommended to enable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring automatically for member accounts within your organization.

To automatically enable GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for ECS Fargate new accounts:

  1. In the GuardDuty console, in the navigation pane under Protection plans, select Runtime Monitoring.
  2. Select the Configuration tab, and then choose Edit.
  3. Under Runtime Monitoring, ensure Enable for all accounts is selected.
  4. Under Automated agent configuration – AWS Fargate (ECS only), select Enable for all accounts, then choose Save.
Figure 6: Enable ECS GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for AWS accounts

Figure 6: Enable ECS GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for AWS accounts

After you enable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring for Fargate, GuardDuty can start monitoring and analyzing the runtime activity events for ECS tasks in your account. GuardDuty automatically creates a virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint in your AWS account in the VPCs where you’re deploying your Fargate tasks. The VPC endpoint is used by the GuardDuty agent to send telemetry and configuration data back to the GuardDuty service API. For GuardDuty to receive the runtime events for your ECS Fargate clusters, you can choose one of three approaches to deploy the fully managed security agent:

  • Monitor existing and new ECS Fargate clusters
  • Monitor existing and new ECS Fargate clusters and exclude selective ECS Fargate clusters
  • Monitor selective ECS Fargate clusters

It’s recommended to monitor each ECS Fargate cluster and then exclude clusters on an as-needed basis. To learn more, see Configure GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring.

Monitor all ECS Fargate clusters

Use this method when you want GuardDuty to automatically deploy and manage the security agent across each ECS Fargate cluster within your account. GuardDuty will automatically install the security agent when new ECS Fargate clusters are created.

To enable GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for ECS Fargate across each ECS cluster:

  1. In the GuardDuty console, in the navigation pane under Protection plans, select Runtime Monitoring.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. Under the Automated agent configuration for AWS Fargate (ECS only), select Enable.
Figure 7: Enable GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for ECS clusters

Figure 7: Enable GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for ECS clusters

Monitor all ECS Fargate clusters and exclude selected ECS Fargate clusters

GuardDuty automatically installs the security agent on each ECS Fargate cluster. To exclude an ECS Fargate cluster from GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring, you can use the key-value pair GuardDutyManaged:false as a tag. Add this exclusion tag to your ECS Fargate cluster either before enabling Runtime Monitoring or during cluster creation to prevent automatic GuardDuty monitoring.

To add an exclusion tag to an ECS cluster:

  1. In the Amazon ECS console, in the navigation pane under Clusters, select the cluster name.
  2. Select the Tags tab.
  3. Select Manage Tags and enter the key GuardDutyManaged and value false, then choose Save.
Figure 8: GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring ECS cluster exclusion tags

Figure 8: GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring ECS cluster exclusion tags

To make sure that these tags aren’t modified, you can prevent tags from being modified except by authorized principals.

Monitor selected ECS Fargate clusters

You can monitor selected ECS Fargate clusters when you want GuardDuty to handle the deployment and updates of the security agent exclusively for specific ECS Fargate clusters within your account. This could be a use case where you want to evaluate GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring for Fargate. By using inclusion tags, GuardDuty automatically deploys and manages the security agent only for the ECS Fargate clusters that are tagged with the key-value pair GuardDutyManaged:true. To use inclusion tags, verify that the automated agent configuration for AWS Fargate (ECS) hasn’t been enabled.

To add an inclusion tag to an ECS cluster:

  1. In the Amazon ECS console, in the navigation pane under Clusters, select the cluster name.
  2. Select the Tags tab.
  3. Select Manage Tags and enter the key GuardDutyManaged and value true, then choose Save.
Figure 9: GuardDuty inclusion tags

Figure 9: GuardDuty inclusion tags

To make sure that these tags aren’t modified, you can prevent tags from being modified except by authorized principals.

Fargate task level rollout

After you’re enabled GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring for Fargate, newly launched tasks will include the GuardDuty agent sidecar container. For pre-existing long running tasks, you might want to consider a targeted deployment for task refresh to activate the GuardDuty sidecar security container. This can be achieved using either a rolling update (ECS deployment type) or a blue/green deployment with AWS CodeDeploy.

To verify the GuardDuty agent is running for a task, you can check for an additional container prefixed with aws-guardduty-agent-. Successful deployment will change the container’s status to Running.

To view the GuardDuty agent container running as part of your ECS task:

  1. In the Amazon ECS console, in the navigation pane under Clusters, select the cluster name.
  2. Select the Tasks tab.
  3. Select the Task GUID you want to review.
  4. Under the Containers section, you can view the GuardDuty agent container.
Figure 10: View status of the GuardDuty sidecar container

Figure 10: View status of the GuardDuty sidecar container

GuardDuty ECS on Fargate coverage monitoring

Coverage status of your ECS Fargate clusters is evaluated regularly and can be classified as either healthy or unhealthy. An unhealthy cluster signals a configuration issue, and you can find more details in the GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring notifications section. When you enable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring and deploy the security agent in your clusters, you can view the coverage status of new ECS Fargate clusters and tasks in the GuardDuty console.

To view coverage status:

  1. In the GuardDuty console, in the navigation pane under Protection plans, select Runtime Monitoring.
  2. Select the Runtime coverage tab, and then select ECS clusters runtime coverage.
Figure 11: GuardDuty Runtime ECS coverage status overview

Figure 11: GuardDuty Runtime ECS coverage status overview

Troubleshooting steps for cluster coverage issues such as clusters reporting as unhealthy and a sample notification schema are available at Coverage for Fargate (Amazon ECS only) resource. More information regarding monitoring can be found in the next section.

Amazon GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for EC2

Amazon EC2 Runtime Monitoring in GuardDuty helps you provide threat detection for Amazon EC2 instances and supports Amazon ECS managed EC2 instances. The GuardDuty security agent, which GuardDuty uses to send telemetry and configuration data back to the GuardDuty service API, is required to be installed onto each EC2 instance.


If you haven’t activated Amazon GuardDuty, learn more about the free trial and pricing and follow the steps in Getting started with GuardDuty to set up the service and start monitoring your account. Alternatively, you can activate GuardDuty by using the AWS CLI.

To use Amazon EC2 Runtime Monitoring to monitor your ECS container instances, your operating environment must meet the prerequisites for EC2 instance support and the GuardDuty security agent must be installed manually onto the EC2 instances you want to monitor. GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for EC2 requires you to create the Amazon VPC endpoint manually. If the VPC already has the GuardDuty VPC endpoint created from a previous deployment, you don’t need to create the VPC endpoint again.

If you plan to deploy the agent to Amazon EC2 instances using AWS Systems Manager, an Amazon owned Systems Manager document named AmazonGuardDuty-ConfigureRuntimeMonitoringSsmPlugin is available for use. Alternatively, you can use RPM installation scripts whether or not your Amazon ECS instances are managed by AWS Systems Manager.

Enable GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for EC2

GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring for EC2 is automatically enabled when you enable GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring.

To enable GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring:

  1. In the GuardDuty console, in the navigation pane under Protection plans, select Runtime Monitoring.
  2. Select the Configuration tab, and then in the Runtime Monitoring section, choose Enable.
Figure 12: Enable GuardDuty runtime monitoring

Figure 12: Enable GuardDuty runtime monitoring

After the prerequisites have been met and you enable GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring, GuardDuty starts monitoring and analyzing the runtime activity events for the EC2 instances.

If your AWS account is managed within AWS Organizations and you’re running ECS on EC2 clusters in multiple AWS accounts, only the GuardDuty delegated administrator can enable or disable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring for the member accounts. If you’re using multiple accounts and want to centrally manage GuardDuty, see Managing multiple accounts in Amazon GuardDuty.

GuardDuty EC2 coverage monitoring

When you enable GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring and deploy the security agent on your Amazon EC2 instances, you can view the coverage status of the instances.

To view EC2 instance coverage status:

  1. In the GuardDuty console, in the navigation pane under Protection plans, select Runtime Monitoring.
  2. Select the Runtime coverage tab, and then select EC2 instance runtime coverage.
Figure 13: GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring coverage for EC2 overview

Figure 13: GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring coverage for EC2 overview

Cluster coverage status notifications can be configured using the notification schema available under Configuring coverage status change notifications. More information regarding monitoring can be found in the following section.

GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring notifications

If the coverage status of your ECS cluster or EC2 instance becomes unhealthy, there are a number of recommended troubleshooting steps that you can follow.

To stay informed about changes in the coverage status of an ECS cluster or EC2 instance, it’s recommended that you set up status change notifications. Because GuardDuty publishes these status changes on the EventBridge bus associated with your AWS account, you can do this by setting up an Amazon EventBridge rule to receive notifications.

In the following example AWS CloudFormation template, you can use an EventBridge rule to send notifications to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and subscribe to the SNS topic using email.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: CloudFormation template for Amazon EventBridge rules to monitor Healthy/Unhealthy status of GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring coverage status. This template creates the EventBridge and Amazon SNS topics to be notified via email on state change of security agents
    Description: a simple naming convention for the SNS & EventBridge rules
    Type: String
    Default: GuardDuty-Runtime-Agent-Status
    MinLength: 1
    MaxLength: 50
    AllowedPattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*$
    ConstraintDescription: Maximum 50 characters of numbers, lower/upper case letters, -,_.
    Type: String
    Description: Email address to notify if there are security agent status state changes
    AllowedPattern: "([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\\]?)"
    ConstraintDescription: must be a valid email address.
    Type: AWS::Events::Rule
      EventBusName: default
          - aws.guardduty
          - GuardDuty Runtime Protection Unhealthy
      Name: !Join [ '-', [ 'Rule', !Ref namePrefix, 'Unhealthy' ] ]
      State: ENABLED
        - Id: "GDUnhealthyTopic"
          Arn: !Ref notificationTopicUnhealthy
    Type: AWS::Events::Rule
      EventBusName: default
          - aws.guardduty
          - GuardDuty Runtime Protection Healthy
      Name: !Join [ '-', [ 'Rule', !Ref namePrefix, 'Healthy' ] ]
      State: ENABLED
        - Id: "GDHealthyTopic"
          Arn: !Ref notificationTopicHealthy
    Type: 'AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy'
          - Effect: Allow
              Service: events.amazonaws.com
            Action: 'sns:Publish'
            Resource: '*'
        - !Ref notificationTopicHealthy
        - !Ref notificationTopicUnhealthy
    Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
      TopicName: !Join [ '-', [ 'Topic', !Ref namePrefix, 'Healthy' ] ]
      DisplayName: GD-Healthy-State
      - Endpoint:
          Ref: operatorEmail
        Protocol: email
    Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
      TopicName: !Join [ '-', [ 'Topic', !Ref namePrefix, 'Unhealthy' ] ]
      DisplayName: GD-Unhealthy-State
      - Endpoint:
          Ref: operatorEmail
        Protocol: email

GuardDuty findings

When GuardDuty detects a potential threat and generates a security finding, you can view the details of the corresponding finding. The GuardDuty agent collects kernel-space and user-space events from the hosts and the containers. See Finding types for detailed information and recommended remediation activities regarding each finding type. You can generate sample GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring findings using the GuardDuty console or you can use this GitHub script to generate some basic detections within GuardDuty.

Example ECS findings

GuardDuty security findings can indicate either a compromised container workload or ECS cluster or a set of compromised credentials in your AWS environment.

To view a full description and remediation recommendations regarding a finding:

  1. In the GuardDuty console, in the navigation pane, select Findings.
  2. Select a finding in the navigation pane, and then choose the Info hyperlink.
Figure 14: GuardDuty example finding

Figure 14: GuardDuty example finding

The ResourceType for an ECS Fargate finding could be an ECS cluster or container. If the resource type in the finding details is ECSCluster, it indicates that either a task or a container inside an ECS Fargate cluster is potentially compromised. You can identify the Name and Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ECS cluster paired with the task ARN and task Definition ARN details in the cluster.

To view affected resources, ECS cluster details, task details and instance details regarding a finding:

  1. In the GuardDuty console, in the navigation pane, select Findings.
  2. Select a finding related to an ECS cluster in the navigation pane and then scroll down in the right-hand pane to view the different section headings.
Figure 15: GuardDuty finding details for Fargate

Figure 15: GuardDuty finding details for Fargate

The Action and Runtime details provide information about the potentially suspicious activity. The example finding in Figure 16 tells you that the listed ECS container in your environment is querying a domain that is associated with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency-related activity. This can lead to threat actors attempting to take control over the compute resource to repurpose it for unauthorized cryptocurrency mining.

Figure 16: GuardDuty ECS example finding with action and process details

Figure 16: GuardDuty ECS example finding with action and process details

Example ECS on EC2 findings

When a finding is generated from EC2, additional information is shown including the instance details, IAM profile details, and instance tags (as shown in Figure 17), which can be used to help identify the affected EC2 instance.

Figure 17: GuardDuty EC2 instance details for a finding

Figure 17: GuardDuty EC2 instance details for a finding

This additional instance-level information can help you focus your remediation efforts.

GuardDuty finding remediation

When you’re actively monitoring the runtime behavior of containers within your tasks and GuardDuty identifies potential security issues within your AWS environment, you should consider taking the following suggested remediation actions. This helps to address potential security issues and to contain the potential threat in your AWS account.

  1. Identify the potentially impacted Amazon ECS Cluster – The runtime monitoring finding provides the potentially impacted Amazon ECS cluster details in the finding details panel.
  2. Evaluate the source of potential compromise – Evaluate if the detected finding was in the container’s image. If the resource was in the container image, identify all other tasks that are using this image and evaluate the source of the image.
  3. Isolate the impacted tasks – To isolate the affected tasks, restrict both incoming and outgoing traffic to the tasks by implementing VPC network rules that deny all traffic. This approach can be effective in halting an ongoing attack by cutting off all connections to the affected tasks. Be aware that terminating the tasks could eliminate crucial evidence related to the finding that you might need for further analysis.If the task’s container has accessed the underlying Amazon EC2 host, its associated instance credentials might have been compromised. For more information, see Remediating compromised AWS credentials.

Each GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring finding provides specific prescriptive guidance regarding finding remediation. Within each finding, you can choose the Remediating Runtime Monitoring findings link for more information.

To view the recommended remediation actions:

  1. In the GuardDuty console, in the navigation pane, select Findings.
  2. Select a finding in the navigation pane and then choose the Info hyperlink and scroll down in the right-hand pane to view the remediation recommendations section.
Figure 18: GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring finding remediation

Figure 18: GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring finding remediation


You can now use Amazon GuardDuty for ECS Runtime Monitoring to monitor your Fargate and EC2 workloads. For a full list of Regions where ECS Runtime Monitoring is available, see Region-specific feature availability.

It’s recommended that you asses your container application using the AWS Well-Architected Tool to ensure adherence to best practices. The recently launched AWS Well-Architected Amazon ECS Lens offers a specialized assessment for container-based operations and troubleshooting of Amazon ECS applications, aligning with the ECS best practices guide. You can integrate this lens into the AWS Well-Architected Tool available in the console.

For more information regarding security monitoring and threat detection, visit the AWS Online Tech Talks. For hands-on experience and learn more regarding AWS security services, visit our AWS Activation Days website to find a workshop in your Region.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Luke Notley

Luke Notley

Luke is a Senior Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services and is based in Western Australia. Luke has a passion for helping customers connect business outcomes with technology and assisting customers throughout their cloud journey, helping them design scalable, flexible, and resilient architectures. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling, coaching basketball teams, and DJing.

Arran Peterson

Arran Peterson

Arran, a Solutions Architect based in Adelaide, South Australia, collaborates closely with customers to deeply understand their distinct business needs and goals. His role extends to assisting customers in recognizing both the opportunities and risks linked to their decisions related to cloud solutions.

Four use cases for GuardDuty Malware Protection On-demand malware scan

Post Syndicated from Eduardo Ortiz Pineda original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/four-use-cases-for-guardduty-malware-protection-on-demand-malware-scan/

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors your Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts and workloads for malicious activity and delivers detailed security findings for visibility and remediation. GuardDuty Malware Protection helps detect the presence of malware by performing agentless scans of the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes that are attached to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and container workloads. GuardDuty findings for identified malware provide additional insights of potential threats related to EC2 instances and containers running on an instance. Malware findings can also provide additional context for EC2 related threats identified by GuardDuty such as observed cryptocurrency-related activity and communication with a command and control server. Examples of malware categories that GuardDuty Malware Protection helps identify include ransomware, cryptocurrency mining, remote access, credential theft, and phishing. In this blog post, we provide an overview of the On-demand malware scan feature in GuardDuty and walk through several use cases where you can use On-demand malware scanning.

GuardDuty offers two types of malware scanning for EC2 instances: GuardDuty-initiated malware scans and On-demand malware scans. GuardDuty initiated malware scans are launched after GuardDuty generates an EC2 finding that indicates behavior typical of malware on an EC2 instance or container workload. The initial EC2 finding helps to provide insight that a specific threat is being observed based on VPC Flow Logs and DNS logs. Performing a malware scan on the instance goes beyond what can be observed from log activity and helps to provide additional context at the instance file system level, showing a connection between malware and the observed network traffic. This additional context can also help you determine your response and remediation steps for the identified threat.

There are multiple use cases where you would want to scan an EC2 instance for malware even when there’s no GuardDuty EC2 finding for the instance. This could include scanning as part of a security investigation or scanning certain instances on a regular schedule. You can use the On-demand malware scan feature to scan an EC2 instance when you want, providing flexibility in how you maintain the security posture of your EC2 instances.

On-demand malware scanning

To perform on-demand malware scanning, your account must have GuardDuty enabled. If the service-linked role (SLR) permissions for Malware Protection don’t exist in the account the first time that you submit an on-demand scan, the SLR for Malware Protection will automatically be created. An on-demand malware scan is initiated by providing the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the EC2 instance to scan. The malware scan of the instance is performed using the same functionality as GuardDuty-initiated scans. The malware scans that GuardDuty performs are agentless and the feature is designed in a way that it won’t affect the performance of your resources.

An on-demand malware scan can be initiated through the GuardDuty Malware Protection section of the AWS Management Console for GuardDuty or through the StartMalwareScan API. On-demand malware scans can be initiated from the GuardDuty delegated administrator account for EC2 instances in a member account where GuardDuty is enabled, or the scan can be initiated from a member account or a stand-alone account for Amazon EC2 instances within that account. High-level details for every malware scan that GuardDuty runs are reported in the Malware scans section of the GuardDuty console. The Malware scans section identifies which EC2 instance the scan was initiated for, the status of the scan (completed, running, skipped, or failed), the result of the scan (clean or infected), and when the malware scan was initiated. This summary information on malware scans is also available through the DescribeMalwareScans API.

When an on-demand scan detects malware on an EC2 instance, a new GuardDuty finding is created. This finding lists the details about the impacted EC2 instance, where malware was found in the instance file system, how many occurrences of malware were found, and details about the actual malware. Additionally, if malware was found in a Docker container, the finding also lists details about the container and, if the EC2 instance is used to support Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) or Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) container deployments, details about the cluster, task, and pod are also included in the finding. Findings about identified malware can be viewed in the GuardDuty console along with other GuardDuty findings or can be retrieved using the GuardDuty APIs. Additionally, each finding that GuardDuty generates is sent to Amazon EventBridge and AWS Security Hub. With EventBridge, you can author rules that allow you to match certain GuardDuty findings and then send the findings to a defined target in an event-driven flow. Security Hub helps you include GuardDuty findings in your aggregation and prioritization of security findings for your overall AWS environment.

GuardDuty charges for the total amount of Amazon EBS data that’s scanned. You can use the provisioned storage for an Amazon EBS volume to get an initial estimate on what the scan will cost. When the actual malware scan runs, the final cost is based on the amount of data that was actually scanned by GuardDuty to perform a malware scan. To get a more accurate estimate of what a malware scan on an Amazon EBS volume might cost, you must obtain the actual storage amount used from the EC2 instance that the volume is attached to. There are multiple methods available to determine the actual amount of storage currently being used on an EBS volume including using the CloudWatch Logs agent to collect disk-used metrics, and running individual commands to see the amount of free disk space on Linux and Windows EC2 instances.

Use cases using GuardDuty On-demand malware scan

Now that you’ve reviewed the on-demand malware scan feature and how it works, let’s walk through four use cases where you can incorporate it to help you achieve your security goals. In use cases 1 and 2, we provide you with deployable assets to help demonstrate the solution in your own environment.

Use case 1 – Initiating scans for EC2 instances with specific tags

This first use case walks through how on-demand scanning can be performed based on tags applied to an EC2 instance. Each tag is a label consisting of a key and an optional value to store information about the resource or data retained on that resource. Resource tagging can be used to help identify a specific target group of EC2 instances for malware scanning to meet your security requirements. Depending on your organization’s strategy, tags can indicate the data classification strategy, workload type, or the compliance scope of your EC2 instance, which can be used as criteria for malware scanning.

In this solution, you use a combination of GuardDuty, an AWS Systems Manager document (SSM document)Amazon CloudWatch Logs subscription filters, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to initiate a malware scan of EC2 instances containing a specific tag. This solution is designed to be deployed in a member account and identifies EC2 instances to scan within that member account.

Solution architecture

Figure 1 shows the high-level architecture of the solution which depicts an on-demand malware scan being initiated based on a tag key.

Figure 1: Tag based on-demand malware scan architecture

Figure 1: Tag based on-demand malware scan architecture

The high-level workflow is:

  1. Enter the tag scan parameters in the SSM document that’s deployed as part of the solution.
  2. When you initiate the SSM document, the GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandScanLambdaFunction Lambda function is invoked, which launches the collection of the associated Amazon EC2 ARNs that match your tag criteria.
  3. The Lambda function obtains ARNs of the EC2 instances and initiates a malware scan for each instance.
  4. GuardDuty scans each instance for malware.
  5. A CloudWatch Logs subscription filter created under the log group /aws/guardduty/malware-scan-events monitors for log file entries of on-demand malware scans which have a status of COMPLETED or SKIPPED. If a scan matches this filter criteria, it’s sent to the GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandNotificationLambda Lambda function.
  6. The GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandNotificationLambda function parses the information from the scan events and sends the details to an Amazon SNS topic if the result of the scan is clean, skipped, or infected.
  7. Amazon SNS sends the message to the topic subscriptions. Information sent in the message will contain the account ID, resource ID, status, volume, and result of the scan.

Systems Manager document

AWS Systems Manager is a secure, end-to-end management solution for resources on AWS and in multi-cloud and hybrid environments. The SSM document feature is used in this solution to provide an interactive way to provide inputs to the Lambda function that’s responsible for identifying EC2 instances to scan for malware.

Identify Amazon EC2 targets Lambda

The GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandScanLambdaFunction obtains the ARN of the associated EC2 instances that match the tag criteria provided in the Systems Manager document parameters. For the EC2 instances that are identified to match the tag criteria, an On-demand malware scan request is submitted by the StartMalwareScan API.

Monitoring and reporting scan status

The solution deploys an Amazon CloudWatch Logs subscription filter that monitors for log file entries of on-demand malware scans which have a status of COMPLETED or SKIPPED. See Monitoring scan status for more information. After an on-demand malware scan finishes, the filter criteria are matched and the scan result is sent to its Lambda function destination GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandNotificationLambda. This Lambda function generates an Amazon SNS notification email that’s sent by the GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandScanTopic Amazon SNS topic.

Deploy the solution

Now that you understand how the on-demand malware scan solution works, you can deploy it to your own AWS account. The solution should be deployed in a single member account. This section walks you through the steps to deploy the solution and shows you how to verify that each of the key steps is working.

Step 1: Activate GuardDuty

The sample solution provided by this blog post requires that you activate GuardDuty in your AWS account. If this service isn’t activated in your account, learn more about the free trial and pricing or this service, and follow the steps in Getting started with Amazon GuardDuty to set up the service and start monitoring your account.

Note: On-demand malware scanning is not part of the GuardDuty free trial.

Step 2: Deploy the AWS CloudFormation template

For this step, deploy the template within the AWS account and AWS Region where you want to test this solution.

  1. Choose the following Launch Stack button to launch an AWS CloudFormation stack in your account. Use the AWS Management Console navigation bar to choose the Region you want to deploy the stack in.

    Launch Stack

  2. Set the values for the following parameters based on how you want to use the solution:
    • Create On-demand malware scan sample tester condition — Set the value to True to generate two EC2 instances to test the solution. These instances will serve as targets for an on-demand malware scan. One instance will contain EICAR malware sample files, which contain strings that will be detected as malware but aren’t malicious. The other instance won’t contain malware.
    • Tag key — Set the key that you want to be added to the test EC2 instances that are launched by this template.
    • Tag value — Set the value that will be added to the test EC2 instances that are launched by this template.
    • Latest Amazon Linux instance used for tester — Leave as is.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Quick create stack screen and select the checkbox next to I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  4. Choose Create stack. The deployment of this CloudFormation stack will take 5–10 minutes.

After the CloudFormation stack has been deployed successfully, you can proceed to reviewing and interacting with the deployed solution.

Step 3: Create an Amazon SNS topic subscription

The CloudFormation stack deploys an Amazon SNS topic to support sending notifications about initiated malware scans. For this post, you create an email subscription for receiving messages sent through the topic.

  1. In the Amazon SNS console, navigate to the Region that the stack was deployed in. On the Amazon SNS topics page, choose the created topic that includes the text GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandScanTopic.
    Figure 2: Amazon SNS topic listing

    Figure 2: Amazon SNS topic listing

  2. On the Create subscription page, select Email for the Protocol, and for the Endpoint add a valid email address. Choose Create subscription.
    Figure 3: Amazon SNS topic subscription

    Figure 3: Amazon SNS topic subscription

After the subscription has been created, an email notification is sent that must be acknowledged to start receiving malware scan notifications.

Amazon SNS subscriptions support many other types of subscription protocols besides email. You can review the list of Amazon SNS event destinations to learn more about other ways that Amazon SNS notifications can be consumed.

Step 4: Provide scan parameters in an SSM document

After the AWS CloudFormation template has been deployed, the SSM document will be in the Systems Manager console. For this solution, the TagKey and TagValue parameters must be entered before you can run the SSM document.

  1. In the Systems Manager console choose the Documents link in the navigation pane.
  2. On the SSM document page, select the Owned by me tab and choose GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandScan. If you have multiple documents, use the search bar to search for the GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandScan document.
    Figure 4: Systems Manager documents listing

    Figure 4: Systems Manager documents listing

  3. In the page for the GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandScan, choose Execute automation.
  4. In the Execute automation runbook page, follow the document description and input the required parameters. For this blog example, use the same tags as in the parameter section of the initial CloudFormation template. When you use this solution for your own instances, you can adjust these parameters to fit your tagging strategy.
    Figure 5: Automation document details and input parameters

    Figure 5: Automation document details and input parameters

  5. Choose Execute to run the document. This takes you to the Execution detail page for this run of the automation document. In a few minutes the Execution status should update its overall status to Success.
    Figure 6: Automation document execution detail

    Figure 6: Automation document execution detail

Step 5: Receive status messages about malware scans

  1. Upon completion of the scan, you should get a status of Success and email containing the results of the on-demand scan along with the scan IDs. The scan result includes a message for an INFECTED instance and one message for a CLEAN instance. For EC2 instances without a tag key, you will receive an Amazon SNS notification that says “No instances found that could be scanned.” Figure 7 shows an example email for an INFECTED instance.
    Figure 7: Example email for an infected instance

    Figure 7: Example email for an infected instance

Step 6: Review scan results in GuardDuty

In addition to the emails that are sent about the status of a malware scan, the details about each malware scan and the findings for identified malware can be viewed in GuardDuty.

  1. In the GuardDuty console, select Malware scans from the left navigation pane. The Malware scan page provides you with the results of the scans performed. The scan results, for the instances scanned in this post, should match the email notifications received in the previous step.
    Figure 8: GuardDuty malware scan summary

    Figure 8: GuardDuty malware scan summary

  2. You can select a scan to view its details. The details include the scan ID, the EC2 instance, scan type, scan result (which indicates if the scan is infected or clean), and the scan start time.
    Figure 9: GuardDuty malware scan details

    Figure 9: GuardDuty malware scan details

  3. In the details for the infected instance, choose Click to see malware findings. This takes you to the GuardDuty findings page with a filter for the specific malware scan.
    Figure 10: GuardDuty malware findings

    Figure 10: GuardDuty malware findings

  4. Select the finding for the MalicousFile finding to bring up details about the finding. Details of the Execution:EC2/Malicious file finding include the severity label, the overview of the finding, and the threats detected. We recommend that you treat high severity findings as high priority and immediately investigate and, if necessary, take steps to prevent unauthorized use of your resources.
    Figure 11: GuardDuty malware finding details

    Figure 11: GuardDuty malware finding details

Use case 2 – Initiating scans on a schedule

This use case walks through how to schedule malware scans. Scheduled malware scanning might be required for particularly sensitive workloads. After an environment is up and running, it’s important to establish a baseline to be able to quickly identify EC2 instances that have been infected with malware. A scheduled malware scan helps you proactively identify malware on key resources and that maintain the desired security baseline.

Solution architecture

Figure 12: Scheduled malware scan architecture

Figure 12: Scheduled malware scan architecture

The architecture of this use case is shown in figure 12. The main difference between this and the architecture of use case 1 is the presence of a scheduler that controls submitting the GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandObtainScanLambdaFunction function to identify the EC2 instances to be scanned. This architecture uses Amazon EventBridge Scheduler to set up flexible time windows for when a scheduled scan should be performed.

EventBridge Scheduler is a serverless scheduler that you can use to create, run, and manage tasks from a central, managed service. With EventBridge Scheduler, you can create schedules using cron and rate expressions for recurring patterns or configure one-time invocations. You can set up flexible time windows for delivery, define retry limits, and set the maximum retention time for failed invocations.

Deploying the solution

Step 1: Deploy the AWS CloudFormation template

For this step, you deploy the template within the AWS account and Region where you want to test the solution.

  1. Choose the following Launch Stack button to launch an AWS CloudFormation stack in your account. Use the AWS Management Console navigation bar to choose the Region you want to deploy the stack in.

    Launch Stack

  2. Set the values for the following parameters based on how you want to use the solution:
    • On-demand malware scan sample tester — Amazon EC2 configuration
      • Create On-demand malware scan sample tester condition — Set the value to True to generate two EC2 instances to test the solution. These instances will serve as targets for an on-demand malware scan. One instance will contain EICAR malware sample files, which contain strings that will be detected as malware but aren’t malicious. The other instance won’t contain malware.
      • Tag key — Set the key that you want to be added to the test EC2 instances that are launched by this template.
      • Tag Value — Set the value that will be added to the test EC2 instances that are launched by this template.
      • Latest Amazon Linux instance used for tester — Leave as is.
    • Scheduled malware scan parameters
      • Tag keys and values parameter — Enter the tag key-value pairs that the scheduled scan will look for. If you populated the tag key and tag value parameters for the sample EC2 instance, then that should be one of the values in this parameter to ensure that the test instances are scanned.
      • EC2 instances ARNs to scan — [Optional] EC2 instances ID list that should be scanned when the scheduled scan runs.
      • EC2 instances state — Enter the state the EC2 instances can be in when selecting instances to scan.
    • AWS Scheduler parameters
      • Rate for the schedule scan to be run — defines how frequently the schedule should run. Valid options are minutes, hours, or days.
      • First time scheduled scan will run — Enter the day and time, in UTC format, when the first scheduled scan should run.
      • Time zone — Enter the time zone that the schedule start time should be applied to. Here is a list of valid time zone values.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Quick create stack screen and select the checkbox for I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  4. Choose Create stack. The deployment of this CloudFormation stack will take 5–10 minutes.

After the CloudFormation stack has been deployed successfully, you can review and interact with the deployed solution.

Step 2: Amazon SNS topic subscription

As in use case 1, this solution supports using Amazon SNS to send a notification with the results of a malware scan. See the Amazon SNS subscription set up steps in use case 1 for guidance on setting up a subscription for receiving the results. For this use case, the naming convention of the Amazon SNS topic will include GuardDutyMalwareOnDemandScheduledScanTopic.

Step 3: Review scheduled scan configuration

For this use case, the parameters that were filled in during submission of the CloudFormation template build out an initial schedule for scanning EC2 instances. The following details describe the various components of the schedule and where you can make changes to influence how the schedule runs in the future.

  1. In the console, go to the EventBridge service. On the left side of the console under Scheduler, select Schedules. Select the scheduler that was created as part of the CloudFormation deployment.
    Figure 13: List of EventBridge schedules

    Figure 13: List of EventBridge schedules

  2. The Specify schedule detail page is where you can set the appropriate Timezone, Start date and time. In this walkthrough, this information for the schedule was provided when launching the CloudFormation template.
    Figure 14: EventBridge schedule detail

    Figure 14: EventBridge schedule detail

  3. On the Invoke page, the JSON will include the instance state, tags, and IDs, as well as the tags associated with the instance that were filled in during the deployment of the CloudFormation template. Make additional changes, as needed, and choose Next.
    Figure 15: EventBridge schedule Lambda invoke parameters

    Figure 15: EventBridge schedule Lambda invoke parameters

  4. Review and save schedule.
    Figure 16: EventBridge schedule summary

    Figure 16: EventBridge schedule summary

Step 4: Review malware scan results from GuardDuty

After a scheduled scan has been performed, the scan results will be available in the GuardDuty Malware console and generate a GuardDuty finding if malware is found. The output emails and access to the results in GuardDuty is the same as explained in use case 1.

Use case 3 – Initiating scans to support a security investigation

You might receive security signals or events about infrastructure and applications from multiple tools or sources in addition to Amazon GuardDuty. Investigations that arise from these security signals necessitate malware scans on specific EC2 instances that might be a source or target of a security event. With GuardDuty On-demand malware scan, you can incorporate a scan as part of your investigation workflow and use the output of the scan to drive the next steps in your investigation.

From the GuardDuty delegated administrator account, you can initiate a malware scan against EC2 instances in a member account which is associated with the administrator account. This enables you to initiate your malware scans from a centralized location and without the need for access to the account where the EC2 instance is deployed. Initiating a malware scan for an EC2 instance uses the same StartMalwareScan API described in the other use cases of this post. Depending on the tools that you’re using to support your investigations, you can also use the GuardDuty console to initiate a malware scan.

After a malware scan is run, malware findings will be available in the delegated administrator and member accounts, allowing you to get details and orchestrate the next steps in your investigation from a centralized location.

Figure 17 is an example of how a security investigation, using an on-demand malware scan, might function.

Figure 17: Example security investigation using GuardDuty On-demand malware scans

Figure 17: Example security investigation using GuardDuty On-demand malware scans

If you’re using GuardDuty as your main source of security findings for EC2 instances, the GuardDuty-initiated malware scan feature can also help facilitate an investigation workflow. With GuardDuty initiated malware scans, you can reduce the time between when an EC2 instance finding is created and when a malware scan of the instance is initiated, making the scan results available to your investigation workflows faster, helping you develop a remediation plan sooner.

Use case 4 – Malware scanning in a deployment pipeline

If you’re using deployment pipelines to build and deploy your infrastructure and applications, you want to make sure that what you’re deploying is secure. In cases where deployments involve third-party software, you want to be sure that the software is free of malware before deploying into environments where the malware could be harmful. This applies to software deployed directly onto an EC2 instance as well as containers that are deployed on an EC2 instance. In this case, you can use the on-demand malware scan in an EC2 instance in a secure test environment prior to deploying it in production. You can use the techniques described earlier in this post to design your deployment pipelines with steps that call the StartMalwareScan API and then check the results of the scan. Based on the scan results, you can decide if the deployment should continue or be stopped due to detected malware.

Running these scans before deployment into production can help to ensure the integrity of your applications and data and increase confidence that the production environment is free of significant security issues.

Figure 18 is an example of how malware scanning might look in a deployment pipeline for a containerized application.

Figure 18: Example deployment pipeline incorporating GuardDuty On-demand malware scan

Figure 18: Example deployment pipeline incorporating GuardDuty On-demand malware scan

In the preceding example the following steps are represented:

  1. A container image is built as part of a deployment pipeline.
  2. The container image is deployed into a test environment.
  3. From the test environment, a GuardDuty On-demand malware scan is initiated against the EC2 instance where the container image has been deployed.
  4. After the malware scan is complete, the results of the scan are evaluated.
  5. A decision is made on allowing the image to be deployed into production. If the image is approved, it’s deployed to production. If it’s rejected, a message is sent back to the owner of the container image for remediation of the identified malware.


Scanning for malware on your EC2 instances is key to maintaining that your instances are free of malware before they’re deployed to production, and if malware does find its way onto a deployed instance, it’s quickly identified so that it can be investigated and remediated.

This post outlines four use cases you can use with the On-demand malware scan feature: Scan based on tag, scan on a schedule, scan as part of an investigation, and scan in a deployment pipeline. The examples provided in this post are intended to provide a foundation that you can build upon to meet your specific use cases. You can use the provided code examples and sample architectures to enhance your operational and deployment processes.

To learn more about GuardDuty and its malware protection features, see the feature documentation and the service quotas for Malware protection.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Security, Identity, & Compliance re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Rodrigo Ferroni

Rodrigo is a Principal Security Specialist at AWS Enterprise Support. He’s certified in CISSP, an AWS Security Specialist, and AWS Solutions Architect Associate. He enjoys helping customers to continue adopting AWS security services to improve their security posture in the cloud. Outside of work, he loves to travel as much as he can. Every winter, he enjoys snowboarding with his friends.

Eduardo Ortiz Pineda

Eduardo Ortiz Pineda

Eduardo is a Senior Security Specialist at AWS Enterprise Support. He’s interested in different security topics, automation, and helping customers to improve their security posture. Outside of work, he spends his free time with family and friends, enjoying sports, reading, and traveling.


Scott Ward

Scott is a Principal Solutions Architect with the External Security Services (ESS) product team and has been with Amazon for over 20 years. Scott provides technical guidance to customers on how to use security services to protect their AWS environments. Past roles include technical lead for the AWS Security Partner segment and member of the technical team for the Amazon.com global financial systems.

Howard Irabor

Howard Irabor

Howard is a Security Solutions Architect at AWS. Today, he’s devoted to assisting large-scale AWS customers in implementing and using AWS security services to lower risk and improve security. He’s a highly motivated person who relishes a good challenge. He’s an avid runner and soccer player in his spare time.

Security at multiple layers for web-administered apps

Post Syndicated from Guy Morton original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/security-at-multiple-layers-for-web-administered-apps/

In this post, I will show you how to apply security at multiple layers of a web application hosted on AWS.

Apply security at all layers is a design principle of the Security pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. It encourages you to apply security at the network edge, virtual private cloud (VPC), load balancer, compute instance (or service), operating system, application, and code.

Many popular web apps are designed with a single layer of security: the login page. Behind that login page is an in-built administration interface that is directly exposed to the internet. Admin interfaces for these apps typically have simple login mechanisms and often lack multi-factor authentication (MFA) support, which can make them an attractive target for threat actors.

The in-built admin interface can also be problematic if you want to horizontally scale across multiple servers. The admin interface is available on every server that runs the app, so it creates a large attack surface. Because the admin interface updates the software on its own server, you must synchronize updates across a fleet of instances.

Multi-layered security is about identifying (or creating) isolation boundaries around the parts of your architecture and minimizing what is permitted to cross each boundary. Adding more layers to your architecture gives you the opportunity to introduce additional controls at each layer, creating more boundaries where security controls can be enforced.

In the example app scenario in this post, you have the opportunity to add many additional layers of security.

Example of multi-layered security

This post demonstrates how you can use the Run Web-Administered Apps on AWS sample project to help address these challenges, by implementing a horizontally-scalable architecture with multi-layered security. The project builds and configures many different AWS services, each designed to help provide security at different layers.

By running this solution, you can produce a segmented architecture that separates the two functions of these apps into an unprivileged public-facing view and an admin view. This design limits access to the web app’s admin functions while creating a fleet of unprivileged instances to serve the app at scale.

Figure 1 summarizes how the different services in this solution work to help provide security at the following layers:

  1. At the network edge
  2. Within the VPC
  3. At the load balancer
  4. On the compute instances
  5. Within the operating system
Figure 1: Logical flow diagram to apply security at multiple layers

Figure 1: Logical flow diagram to apply security at multiple layers

Deep dive on a multi-layered architecture

The following diagram shows the solution architecture deployed by Run Web-Administered Apps on AWS. The figure shows how the services deployed in this solution are deployed in different AWS Regions, and how requests flow from the application user through the different service layers.

Figure 2: Multi-layered architecture

Figure 2: Multi-layered architecture

This post will dive deeper into each of the architecture’s layers to see how security is added at each layer. But before we talk about the technology, let’s consider how infrastructure is built and managed — by people.

Perimeter 0 – Security at the people layer

Security starts with the people in your team and your organization’s operational practices. How your “people layer” builds and manages your infrastructure contributes significantly to your security posture.

A design principle of the Security pillar of the Well-Architected Framework is to automate security best practices. This helps in two ways: it reduces the effort required by people over time, and it helps prevent resources from being in inconsistent or misconfigured states. When people use manual processes to complete tasks, misconfigurations and missed steps are common.

The simplest way to automate security while reducing human effort is to adopt services that AWS manages for you, such as Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). With Amazon RDS, AWS is responsible for the operating system and database software patching, and provides tools to make it simple for you to back up and restore your data.

You can automate and integrate key security functions by using managed AWS security services, such as Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Config, Amazon Inspector, and AWS Security Hub. These services provide network monitoring, configuration management, and detection of software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. As your cloud environments grow in scale and complexity, automated security monitoring is critical.

Infrastructure as code (IaC) is a best practice that you can follow to automate the creation of infrastructure. By using IaC to define, configure, and deploy the AWS resources that you use, you reduce the likelihood of human error when building AWS infrastructure.

Adopting IaC can help you improve your security posture because it applies the rigor of application code development to infrastructure provisioning. Storing your infrastructure definition in a source control system (such as AWS CodeCommit) creates an auditable artifact. With version control, you can track changes made to it over time as your architecture evolves.

You can add automated testing to your IaC project to help ensure that your infrastructure is aligned with your organization’s security policies. If you ever need to recover from a disaster, you can redeploy the entire architecture from your IaC project.

Another people-layer discipline is to apply the principle of least privilege. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a flexible and fine-grained permissions system that you can use to grant the smallest set of actions that your solution needs. You can use IAM to control access for both humans and machines, and we use it in this project to grant the compute instances the least privileges required.

You can also adopt other IAM best practices such as using temporary credentials instead of long-lived ones (such as access keys), and regularly reviewing and removing unused users, roles, permissions, policies, and credentials.

Perimeter 1 – network protections

The internet is public and therefore untrusted, so you must proactively address the risks from threat actors and network-level attacks.

To reduce the risk of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, this solution uses AWS Shield for managed protection at the network edge. AWS Shield Standard is automatically enabled for all AWS customers at no additional cost and is designed to provide protection from common network and transport layer DDoS attacks. For higher levels of protection against attacks that target your applications, subscribe to AWS Shield Advanced.

Amazon Route 53 resolves the hostnames that the solution uses and maps the hostnames as aliases to an Amazon CloudFront distribution. Route 53 is a robust and highly available globally distributed DNS service that inspects requests to protect against DNS-specific attack types, such as DNS amplification attacks.

Perimeter 2 – request processing

CloudFront also operates at the AWS network edge and caches, transforms, and forwards inbound requests to the relevant origin services across the low-latency AWS global network. The risk of DDoS attempts overwhelming your application servers is further reduced by caching web requests in CloudFront.

The solution configures CloudFront to add a shared secret to the origin request within a custom header. A CloudFront function copies the originating user’s IP to another custom header. These headers get checked when the request arrives at the load balancer.

AWS WAF, a web application firewall, blocks known bad traffic, including cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection events that come into CloudFront. This project uses AWS Managed Rules, but you can add your own rules, as well. To restrict frontend access to permitted IP CIDR blocks, this project configures an IP restriction rule on the web application firewall.

Perimeter 3 – the VPC

After CloudFront and AWS WAF check the request, CloudFront forwards it to the compute services inside an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). VPCs are logically isolated networks within your AWS account that you can use to control the network traffic that is allowed in and out. This project configures its VPC to use a private IPv4 CIDR block that cannot be directly routed to or from the internet, creating a network perimeter around your resources on AWS.

The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances are hosted in private subnets within the VPC that have no inbound route from the internet. Using a NAT gateway, instances can make necessary outbound requests. This design hosts the database instances in isolated subnets that don’t have inbound or outbound internet access. Amazon RDS is a managed service, so AWS manages patching of the server and database software.

The solution accesses AWS Secrets Manager by using an interface VPC endpoint. VPC endpoints use AWS PrivateLink to connect your VPC to AWS services as if they were in your VPC. In this way, resources in the VPC can communicate with Secrets Manager without traversing the internet.

The project configures VPC Flow Logs as part of the VPC setup. VPC flow logs capture information about the IP traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC. GuardDuty analyzes these logs and uses threat intelligence data to identify unexpected, potentially unauthorized, and malicious activity within your AWS environment.

Although using VPCs and subnets to segment parts of your application is a common strategy, there are other ways that you can achieve partitioning for application components:

  • You can use separate VPCs to restrict access to a database, and use VPC peering to route traffic between them.
  • You can use a multi-account strategy so that different security and compliance controls are applied in different accounts to create strong logical boundaries between parts of a system. You can route network requests between accounts by using services such as AWS Transit Gateway, and control them using AWS Network Firewall.

There are always trade-offs between complexity, convenience, and security, so the right level of isolation between components depends on your requirements.

Perimeter 4 – the load balancer

After the request is sent to the VPC, an Application Load Balancer (ALB) processes it. The ALB distributes requests to the underlying EC2 instances. The ALB uses TLS version 1.2 to encrypt incoming connections with an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate.

Public access to the load balancer isn’t allowed. A security group applied to the ALB only allows inbound traffic on port 443 from the CloudFront IP range. This is achieved by specifying the Region-specific AWS-managed CloudFront prefix list as the source in the security group rule.

The ALB uses rules to decide whether to forward the request to the target instances or reject the traffic. As an additional layer of security, it uses the custom headers that the CloudFront distribution added to make sure that the request is from CloudFront. In another rule, the ALB uses the originating user’s IP to decide which target group of Amazon EC2 instances should handle the request. In this way, you can direct admin users to instances that are configured to allow admin tasks.

If a request doesn’t match a valid rule, the ALB returns a 404 response to the user.

Perimeter 5 – compute instance network security

A security group creates an isolation boundary around the EC2 instances. The only traffic that reaches the instance is the traffic that the security group rules allow. In this solution, only the ALB is allowed to make inbound connections to the EC2 instances.

A common practice is for customers to also open ports, or to set up and manage bastion hosts to provide remote access to their compute instances. The risk in this approach is that the ports could be left open to the whole internet, exposing the instances to vulnerabilities in the remote access protocol. With remote work on the rise, there is an increased risk for the creation of these overly permissive inbound rules.

Using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager, you can remove the need for bastion hosts or open ports by creating secure temporary connections to your EC2 instances using the installed SSM agent. As with every software package that you install, you should check that the SSM agent aligns with your security and compliance requirements. To review the source code to the SSM agent, see amazon-ssm-agent GitHub repo.

The compute layer of this solution consists of two separate Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups of EC2 instances. One group handles requests from administrators, while the other handles requests from unprivileged users. This creates another isolation boundary by keeping the functions separate while also helping to protect the system from a failure in one component causing the whole system to fail. Each Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group spans multiple Availability Zones (AZs), providing resilience in the event of an outage in an AZ.

By using managed database services, you can reduce the risk that database server instances haven’t been proactively patched for security updates. Managed infrastructure helps reduce the risk of security issues that result from the underlying operating system not receiving security patches in a timely manner and the risk of downtime from hardware failures.

Perimeter 6 – compute instance operating system

When instances are first launched, the operating system must be secure, and the instances must be updated as required when new security patches are released. We recommend that you create immutable servers that you build and harden by using a tool such as EC2 Image Builder. Instead of patching running instances in place, replace them when an updated Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is created. This approach works in our example scenario because the application code (which changes over time) is stored on Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), so when you replace the instances with a new AMI, you don’t need to update them with data that has changed after the initial deployment.

Another way that the solution helps improve security on your instances at the operating system is to use EC2 instance profiles to allow them to assume IAM roles. IAM roles grant temporary credentials to applications running on EC2, instead of using hard-coded credentials stored on the instance. Access to other AWS resources is provided using these temporary credentials.

The IAM roles have least privilege policies attached that grant permission to mount the EFS file system and access AWS Systems Manager. If a database secret exists in Secrets Manager, the IAM role is granted permission to access it.

Perimeter 7 – at the file system

Both Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups of EC2 instances share access to Amazon EFS, which hosts the files that the application uses. IAM authorization applies IAM file system policies to control the instance’s access to the file system. This creates another isolation boundary that helps prevent the non-admin instances from modifying the application’s files.

The admin group’s instances have the file system mounted in read-write mode. This is necessary so that the application can update itself, install add-ons, upload content, or make configuration changes. On the unprivileged instances, the file system is mounted in read-only mode. This means that these instances can’t make changes to the application code or configuration files.

The unprivileged instances have local file caching enabled. This caches files from the EFS file system on the local Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume to help improve scalability and performance.

Perimeter 8 – web server configuration

This solution applies different web server configurations to the instances running in each Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group. This creates a further isolation boundary at the web server layer.

The admin instances use the default configuration for the application that permits access to the admin interface. Non-admin, public-facing instances block admin routes, such as wp-login.php, and will return a 403 Forbidden response. This creates an additional layer of protection for those routes.

Perimeter 9 – database security

The database layer is within two additional isolation boundaries. The solution uses Amazon RDS, with database instances deployed in isolated subnets. Isolated subnets have no inbound or outbound internet access and can only be reached through other network interfaces within the VPC. The RDS security group further isolates the database instances by only allowing inbound traffic from the EC2 instances on the database server port.

By using IAM authentication for the database access, you can add an additional layer of security by configuring the non-admin instances with less privileged database user credentials.

Perimeter 10 – Security at the application code layer

To apply security at the application code level, you should establish good practices around installing updates as they become available. Most applications have email lists that you can subscribe to that will notify you when updates become available.

You should evaluate the quality of an application before you adopt it. The following are some metrics to consider:

  • Number of developers who are actively working on it
  • Frequency of updates to it
  • How quickly the developers respond with patches when bugs are reported

Other steps that you can take

Use AWS Verified Access to help secure application access for human users. With Verified Access, you can add another user authentication stage, to help ensure that only verified users can access an application’s administrative functions.

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors your AWS accounts and workloads for malicious activity and delivers detailed security findings for visibility and remediation. It can detect communication with known malicious domains and IP addresses and identify anomalous behavior. GuardDuty Malware Protection helps you detect the potential presence of malware by scanning the EBS volumes that are attached to your EC2 instances.

Amazon Inspector is an automated vulnerability management service that automatically discovers the Amazon EC2 instances that are running and scans them for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. To help ensure that your web server instances are updated when security patches are available, use AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager.

Deploy the sample project

We wrote the Run Web-Administered Apps on AWS project by using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). With the AWS CDK, you can use the expressive power of familiar programming languages to define your application resources and accelerate development. The AWS CDK has support for multiple languages, including TypeScript, Python, .NET, Java, and Go.

This project uses Python. To deploy it, you need to have a working version of Python 3 on your computer. For instructions on how to install the AWS CDK, see Get Started with AWS CDK.

Configure the project

To enable this project to deploy multiple different web projects, you must do the configuration in the parameters.properties file. Two variables identify the configuration blocks: app (which identifies the web application to deploy) and env (which identifies whether the deployment is to a dev or test environment, or to production).

When you deploy the stacks, you specify the app and env variables as CDK context variables so that you can select between different configurations at deploy time. If you don’t specify a context, a [default] stanza in the parameters.properties file specifies the default app name and environment that will be deployed.

To name other stanzas, combine valid app and env values by using the format <app>-<env>. For each stanza, you can specify its own Regions, accounts, instance types, instance counts, hostnames, and more. For example, if you want to support three different WordPress deployments, you might specify the app name as wp, and for env, you might want devtest, and prod, giving you three stanzas: wp-devwp-test, and wp-prod.

The project includes sample configuration items that are annotated with comments that explain their function.

Use CDK bootstrapping

Before you can use the AWS CDK to deploy stacks into your account, you need to use CDK bootstrapping to provision resources in each AWS environment (account and Region combination) that you plan to use. For this project, you need to bootstrap both the US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1)  and the home Region in which you plan to host your application.

Create a hosted zone in the target account

You need to have a hosted zone in Route 53 to allow the creation of DNS records and certificates. You must manually create the hosted zone by using the AWS Management Console. You can delegate a domain that you control to Route 53 and use it with this project. You can also register a domain through Route 53 if you don’t currently have one.

Run the project

Clone the project to your local machine and navigate to the project root. To create the Python virtual environment (venv) and install the dependencies, follow the steps in the Generic CDK instructions.

To create and configure the parameters.properties file

Copy the parameters-template.properties file (in the root folder of the project) to a file called parameters.properties and save it in the root folder. Open it with a text editor and then do the following:

If you want to restrict public access to your site, change to the IP range that you want to allow. By providing a comma-separated list of allowedIps, you can add multiple allowed CIDR blocks.

If you don’t want to restrict public access, set allowedIps=* instead.

If you have forked this project into your own private repository, you can commit the parameters.properties file to your repo. To do that, comment out the parameters.properties  line in the .gitignore file.

To install the custom resource helper

The solution uses an AWS CloudFormation custom resource for cross-Region configuration management. To install the needed Python package, run the following command in the custom_resource directory:

cd custom_resource
pip install crhelper -t .

To learn more about CloudFormation custom resource creation, see AWS CloudFormation custom resource creation with Python, AWS Lambda, and crhelper.

To configure the database layer

Before you deploy the stacks, decide whether you want to include a data layer as part of the deployment. The dbConfig parameter determines what will happen, as follows:

  • If dbConfig is left empty — no database will be created and no database credentials will be available in your compute stacks
  • If dbConfig is set to instance — you will get a new Amazon RDS instance
  • If dbConfig is set to cluster — you will get an Amazon Aurora cluster
  • If dbConfig is set to none — if you previously created a database in this stack, the database will be deleted

If you specify either instance or cluster, you should also configure the following database parameters to match your requirements:

  • dbEngine — set the database engine to either mysql or postgres
  • dbSnapshot — specify the named snapshot for your database
  • dbSecret — if you are using an existing database, specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret where the database credentials and DNS endpoint are located
  • dbMajorVersion — set the major version of the engine that you have chosen; leave blank to get the default version
  • dbFullVersion — set the minor version of the engine that you have chosen; leave blank to get the default version
  • dbInstanceType — set the instance type that you want (note that these vary by service); don’t prefix with db. because the CDK will automatically prepend it
  • dbClusterSize — if you request a cluster, set this parameter to determine how many Amazon Aurora replicas are created

You can choose between mysql or postgres for the database engine. Other settings that you can choose are determined by that choice.

You will need to use an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that has the CLI preinstalled, such as Amazon Linux 2, or install the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) yourself with a user data command. If instead of creating a new, empty database, you want to create one from a snapshot, supply the snapshot name by using the dbSnapshot parameter.

To create the database secret

AWS automatically creates and stores the RDS instance or Aurora cluster credentials in a Secrets Manager secret when you create a new instance or cluster. You make these credentials available to the compute stack through the db_secret_command variable, which contains a single-line bash command that returns the JSON from the AWS CLI command aws secretsmanager get-secret-value. You can interpolate this variable into your user data commands as follows:

USERNAME=`echo $SECRET | jq -r '.username'`
PASSWORD=`echo $SECRET | jq -r '.password'`
DBNAME=`echo $SECRET | jq -r '.dbname'`
HOST=`echo $SECRET | jq -r '.host'`

If you create a database from a snapshot, make sure that your Secrets Manager secret and Amazon RDS snapshot are in the target Region. If you supply the secret for an existing database, make sure that the secret contains at least the following four key-value pairs (replace the <placeholder values> with your values):


The name for the secret must match the app value followed by the env value (both in title case), followed by DatabaseSecret, so for app=wp and env=dev, your secret name should be WpDevDatabaseSecret.

To deploy the stacks

The following commands deploy the stacks defined in the CDK app. To deploy them individually, use the specific stack names (these will vary according to the info that you supplied previously), as shown in the following.

cdk deploy wp-dev-network-stack -c app=wp -c env=dev
cdk deploy wp-dev-database-stack -c app=wp -c env=dev
cdk deploy wp-dev-compute-stack -c app=wp -c env=dev
cdk deploy wp-dev-cdn-stack -c app=wp -c env=dev

To create a database stack, deploy the network and database stacks first.

cdk deploy wp-dev-network-stack -c app=wp -c env=dev
cdk deploy wp-dev-database-stack -c app=wp -c env=dev

You can then initiate the deployment of the compute stack.

cdk deploy wp-dev-compute-stack -c app=wp -c env=dev

After the compute stack deploys, you can deploy the stack that creates the CloudFront distribution.

cdk deploy wp-dev-cdn-stack -c env=dev

This deploys the CloudFront infrastructure to the US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1). CloudFront is a global AWS service, which means that you must create it in this Region. The other stacks are deployed to the Region that you specified in your configuration stanza.

To test the results

If your stacks deploy successfully, your site appears at one of the following URLs:

  • subdomain.hostedZone (if you specified a value for the subdomain) — for example, www.example.com
  • appName-env.hostedZone (if you didn’t specify a value for the subdomain) — for example, wp-dev.example.com.

If you connect through the IP address that you configured in the adminIps configuration, you should be connected to the admin instance for your site. Because the admin instance can modify the file system, you should use it to do your administrative tasks.

Users who connect to your site from an IP that isn’t in your allowedIps list will be connected to your fleet instances and won’t be able to alter the file system (for example, they won’t be able to install plugins or upload media).

If you need to redeploy the same app-env combination, manually remove the parameter store items and the replicated secret that you created in us-east-1. You should also delete the cdk.context.json file because it caches values that you will be replacing.

One project, multiple configurations

You can modify the configuration file in this project to deploy different applications to different environments using the same project. Each app can have different configurations for dev, test, or production environments.

Using this mechanism, you can deploy sites for test and production into different accounts or even different Regions. The solution uses CDK context variables as command-line switches to select different configuration stanzas from the configuration file.

CDK projects allow for multiple deployments to coexist in one account by using unique names for the deployed stacks, based on their configuration.

Check the configuration file into your source control repo so that you track changes made to it over time.

Got a different web app that you want to deploy? Create a new configuration by copying and pasting one of the examples and then modify the build commands as needed for your use case.


In this post, you learned how to build an architecture on AWS that implements multi-layered security. You can use different AWS services to provide protections to your application at different stages of the request lifecycle.

You can learn more about the services used in this sample project by building it in your own account. It’s a great way to explore how the different services work and the full features that are available. By understanding how these AWS services work, you will be ready to use them to add security, at multiple layers, in your own architectures.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Guy Morton

Guy Morton

Guy is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He enjoys bringing his decades of experience as a full stack developer, architect, and people manager to helping customers build and scale their applications securely in the AWS Cloud. Guy has a passion for automation in all its forms, and is also an occasional songwriter and musician who performs under the pseudonym Whtsqr.

Detect runtime security threats in Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate, new in Amazon GuardDuty

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-amazon-guardduty-ecs-runtime-monitoring-including-aws-fargate/

Today, we’re announcing Amazon GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring to help detect potential runtime security issues in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) clusters running on both AWS Fargate and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

GuardDuty combines machine learning (ML), anomaly detection, network monitoring, and malicious file discovery against various AWS data sources. When threats are detected, GuardDuty generates security findings and automatically sends them to AWS Security Hub, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Detective. These integrations help centralize monitoring for AWS and partner services, initiate automated responses, and launch security investigations.

GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring helps detect runtime events such as file access, process execution, and network connections that might indicate runtime threats. It checks hundreds of threat vectors and indicators and can produce over 30 different finding types. For example, it can detect attempts of privilege escalation, activity generated by crypto miners or malware, or activity suggesting reconnaissance by an attacker. This is in addition to GuardDuty‘s primary detection categories.

GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring uses a managed and lightweight security agent that adds visibility into individual container runtime behaviors. When using AWS Fargate, there is no need for you to install, configure, manage, or update the agent. We take care of that for you. This simplifies the management of your clusters and reduces the risk of leaving some tasks without monitoring. It also helps to improve your security posture and pass regulatory compliance and certification for runtime threats.

GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring findings are visible directly in the console. You can configure GuardDuty to also send its findings to multiple AWS services or to third-party monitoring systems connected to your security operations center (SOC).

With this launch, Amazon Detective now receives security findings from GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring and includes them in its collection of data for analysis and investigations. Detective helps to analyze, investigate, and quickly identify the root cause of potential security issues or suspicious activities. It collects log data from AWS resources and uses machine learning, statistical analysis, and graph theory to build a linked set of data that enables you to easily conduct security investigations.

Configure GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring on AWS Fargate
For this demo, I choose to show the experience provided for AWS Fargate. When using Amazon ECS, you must ensure your EC2 instances have the GuardDuty agent installed. You can install the agent manually, bake it into your AMI, or use GuardDuty‘s provided AWS Systems Manager document to install it (go to Systems Manager in the console, select Documents, and then search for GuardDuty). The documentation has more details about installing the agent on EC2 instances.

When operating from a GuardDuty administrator account, I can enable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring at the organization level to monitor all ECS clusters in all organizations’ AWS accounts.

In this demo, I use the AWS Management Console to enable Runtime Monitoring. Enabling GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring in the console has an effect on all your clusters.

When I want GuardDuty to automatically deploy the GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring agent on Fargate, I enable GuardDuty agent management. To exclude individual clusters from automatic management, I can tag them with GuardDutyManaged=false. I make sure I tag my clusters before enabling ECS Runtime Monitoring in the console. When I don’t want to use the automatic management option, I can leave the option disabled and selectively choose the clusters to monitor with the tag GuardDutyManaged=true.

The Amazon ECS or AWS Fargate cluster administrator must have authorization to manage tags on the clusters.

The IAM TaskExecutionRole you attach to tasks must have permissions to download the GuardDuty agent from a private ECR repository. This is done automatically when you use the AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy managed IAM policy.

Here is my view of the console when the Runtime Monitoring and agent management are enabled.

guardduty ecs enbale monitoring

I can track the deployment of the security agent by assessing the Coverage statistics across all the ECS clusters.

guardduty ecs cluster coverage

Once monitoring is enabled, there is nothing else to do. Let’s see what findings it detects on my simple demo cluster.

Check out GuardDuty ECS runtime security findings
When GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring detects potential threats, they appear in a list like this one.

ECS Runtime Monitoring - finding list

I select a specific finding to view more details about it.

ECS Runtime Monitoring - finding details

Things to know
By default, a Fargate task is immutable. GuardDuty won’t deploy the agent to monitor containers on existing tasks. If you want to monitor containers for already running tasks, you must stop and start the tasks after enabling GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring. Similarly, when using Amazon ECS services, you must force a new deployment to ensure tasks are restarted with the agent. As I mentioned already, be sure the tasks have IAM permissions to download the GuardDuty monitoring agent from Amazon ECR.

We designed the GuardDuty agent to have little impact on performance, but you should plan for it in your Fargate task sizing calculations.

When you choose automatic agent management, GuardDuty also creates a VPC endpoint to allow the agent to communicate with GuardDuty APIs. When—just like me—you create your cluster with a CDK or CloudFormation script with the intention to delete the cluster after a period of time (for example, in a continuous integration scenario), bear in mind that the VPC endpoint must be deleted manually to allow CloudFormation to delete your stack.

Pricing and availability
You can now use GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring on AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2 instances. For a full list of Regions where GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring is available, visit our Region-specific feature availability page.

You can try GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring for free for 30 days. When you enable GuardDuty for the first time, you have to explicitly enable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring. At the end of the trial period, we charge you per vCPU per hour of the monitoring agents. The GuardDuty pricing page has all the details.

Get insights about the threats to your container and enable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring today.

— seb

How AWS threat intelligence deters threat actors

Post Syndicated from Mark Ryland original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-aws-threat-intelligence-deters-threat-actors/

Every day across the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure, we detect and successfully thwart hundreds of cyberattacks that might otherwise be disruptive and costly. These important but mostly unseen victories are achieved with a global network of sensors and an associated set of disruption tools. Using these capabilities, we make it more difficult and expensive for cyberattacks to be carried out against our network, our infrastructure, and our customers. But we also help make the internet as a whole a safer place by working with other responsible providers to take action against threat actors operating within their infrastructure. Turning our global-scale threat intelligence into swift action is just one of the many steps that we take as part of our commitment to security as our top priority. Although this is a never-ending endeavor and our capabilities are constantly improving, we’ve reached a point where we believe customers and other stakeholders can benefit from learning more about what we’re doing today, and where we want to go in the future.

Global-scale threat intelligence using the AWS Cloud

With the largest public network footprint of any cloud provider, our scale at AWS gives us unparalleled insight into certain activities on the internet, in real time. Some years ago, leveraging that scale, AWS Principal Security Engineer Nima Sharifi Mehr started looking for novel approaches for gathering intelligence to counter threats. Our teams began building an internal suite of tools, given the moniker MadPot, and before long, Amazon security researchers were successfully finding, studying, and stopping thousands of digital threats that might have affected its customers.

MadPot was built to accomplish two things: first, discover and monitor threat activities and second, disrupt harmful activities whenever possible to protect AWS customers and others. MadPot has grown to become a sophisticated system of monitoring sensors and automated response capabilities. The sensors observe more than 100 million potential threat interactions and probes every day around the world, with approximately 500,000 of those observed activities advancing to the point where they can be classified as malicious. That enormous amount of threat intelligence data is ingested, correlated, and analyzed to deliver actionable insights about potentially harmful activity happening across the internet. The response capabilities automatically protect the AWS network from identified threats, and generate outbound communications to other companies whose infrastructure is being used for malicious activities.

Systems of this sort are known as honeypots—decoys set up to capture threat actor behavior—and have long served as valuable observation and threat intelligence tools. However, the approach we take through MadPot produces unique insights resulting from our scale at AWS and the automation behind the system. To attract threat actors whose behaviors we can then observe and act on, we designed the system so that it looks like it’s composed of a huge number of plausible innocent targets. Mimicking real systems in a controlled and safe environment provides observations and insights that we can often immediately use to help stop harmful activity and help protect customers.

Of course, threat actors know that systems like this are in place, so they frequently change their techniques—and so do we. We invest heavily in making sure that MadPot constantly changes and evolves its behavior, continuing to have visibility into activities that reveal the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of threat actors. We put this intelligence to use quickly in AWS tools, such as AWS Shield and AWS WAF, so that many threats are mitigated early by initiating automated responses. When appropriate, we also provide the threat data to customers through Amazon GuardDuty so that their own tooling and automation can respond.

Three minutes to exploit attempt, no time to waste

Within approximately 90 seconds of launching a new sensor within our MadPot simulated workload, we can observe that the workload has been discovered by probes scanning the internet. From there, it takes only three minutes on average before attempts are made to penetrate and exploit it. This is an astonishingly short amount of time, considering that these workloads aren’t advertised or part of other visible systems that would be obvious to threat actors. This clearly demonstrates the voracity of scanning taking place and the high degree of automation that threat actors employ to find their next target.

As these attempts run their course, the MadPot system analyzes the telemetry, code, attempted network connections, and other key data points of the threat actor’s behavior. This information becomes even more valuable as we aggregate threat actor activities to generate a more complete picture of available intelligence.

Disrupting attacks to maintain business as usual

In-depth threat intelligence analysis also happens in MadPot. The system launches the malware it captures in a sandboxed environment, connects information from disparate techniques into threat patterns, and more. When the gathered signals provide high enough confidence in a finding, the system acts to disrupt threats whenever possible, such as disconnecting a threat actor’s resources from the AWS network. Or, it could entail preparing that information to be shared with the wider community, such as a computer emergency response team (CERT), internet service provider (ISP), a domain registrar, or government agency so that they can help disrupt the identified threat.

As a major internet presence, AWS takes on the responsibility to help and collaborate with the security community when possible. Information sharing within the security community is a long-standing tradition and an area where we’ve been an active participant for years.

In the first quarter of 2023:

  • We used 5.5B signals from our internet threat sensors and 1.5B signals from our active network probes in our anti-botnet security efforts.
  • We stopped over 1.3M outbound botnet-driven DDoS attacks.
  • We shared our security intelligence findings, including nearly a thousand botnet C2 hosts, with relevant hosting providers and domain registrars.
  • We traced back and worked with external parties to dismantle the sources of 230k L7/HTTP(S) DDoS attacks.

Three examples of MadPot’s effectiveness: Botnets, Sandworm, and Volt Typhoon

Recently, MadPot detected, collected, and analyzed suspicious signals that uncovered a distributed denial of service (DDoS) botnet that was using the domain free.bigbots.[tld] (the top-level domain is omitted) as a command and control (C2) domain. A botnet is made up of compromised systems that belong to innocent parties—such as computers, home routers, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices—that have been previously compromised, with malware installed that awaits commands to flood a target with network packets. Bots under this C2 domain were launching 15–20 DDoS attacks per hour at a rate of about 800 million packets per second.

As MadPot mapped out this threat, our intelligence revealed a list of IP addresses used by the C2 servers corresponding to an extremely high number of requests from the bots. Our systems blocked those IP addresses from access to AWS networks so that a compromised customer compute node on AWS couldn’t participate in the attacks. AWS automation then used the intelligence gathered to contact the company that was hosting the C2 systems and the registrar responsible for the DNS name. The company whose infrastructure was hosting the C2s took them offline in less than 48 hours, and the domain registrar decommissioned the DNS name in less than 72 hours. Without the ability to control DNS records, the threat actor could not easily resuscitate the network by moving the C2s to a different network location. In less than three days, this widely distributed malware and the C2 infrastructure required to operate it was rendered inoperable, and the DDoS attacks impacting systems throughout the internet ground to a halt.

MadPot is effective in detecting and understanding the threat actors that target many different kinds of infrastructure, not just cloud infrastructure, including the malware, ports, and techniques that they may be using. Thus, through MadPot we identified the threat group called Sandworm—the cluster associated with Cyclops Blink, a piece of malware used to manage a botnet of compromised routers. Sandworm was attempting to exploit a vulnerability affecting WatchGuard network security appliances. With close investigation of the payload, we identified not only IP addresses but also other unique attributes associated with the Sandworm threat that were involved in an attempted compromise of an AWS customer. MadPot’s unique ability to mimic a variety of services and engage in high levels of interaction helped us capture additional details about Sandworm campaigns, such as services that the actor was targeting and post-exploitation commands initiated by that actor. Using this intelligence, we notified the customer, who promptly acted to mitigate the vulnerability. Without this swift action, the actor might have been able to gain a foothold in the customer’s network and gain access to other organizations that the customer served.

For our final example, the MadPot system was used to help government cyber and law enforcement authorities identify and ultimately disrupt Volt Typhoon, the widely-reported state-sponsored threat actor that focused on stealthy and targeted cyber espionage campaigns against critical infrastructure organizations. Through our investigation inside MadPot, we identified a payload submitted by the threat actor that contained a unique signature, which allowed identification and attribution of activities by Volt Typhoon that would otherwise appear to be unrelated. By using the data lake that stores a complete history of MadPot interactions, we were able to search years of data very quickly and ultimately identify other examples of this unique signature, which was being sent in payloads to MadPot as far back as August 2021. The previous request was seemingly benign in nature, so we believed that it was associated with a reconnaissance tool. We were then able to identify other IP addresses that the threat actor was using in recent months. We shared our findings with government authorities, and those hard-to-make connections helped inform the research and conclusions of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) of the U.S. government. Our work and the work of other cooperating parties resulted in their May 2023 Cybersecurity advisory. To this day, we continue to observe the actor probing U.S. network infrastructure, and we continue to share details with appropriate government cyber and law enforcement organizations.

Putting global-scale threat intelligence to work for AWS customers and beyond

At AWS, security is our top priority, and we work hard to help prevent security issues from causing disruption to your business. As we work to defend our infrastructure and your data, we use our global-scale insights to gather a high volume of security intelligence—at scale and in real time—to help protect you automatically. Whenever possible, AWS Security and its systems disrupt threats where that action will be most impactful; often, this work happens largely behind the scenes. As demonstrated in the botnet case described earlier, we neutralize threats by using our global-scale threat intelligence and by collaborating with entities that are directly impacted by malicious activities. We incorporate findings from MadPot into AWS security tools, including preventative services, such as AWS WAF, AWS Shield, AWS Network Firewall, and Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall, and detective and reactive services, such as Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Security Hub, and Amazon Inspector, putting security intelligence when appropriate directly into the hands of our customers, so that they can build their own response procedures and automations.

But our work extends security protections and improvements far beyond the bounds of AWS itself. We work closely with the security community and collaborating businesses around the world to isolate and take down threat actors. In the first half of this year, we shared intelligence of nearly 2,000 botnet C2 hosts with relevant hosting providers and domain registrars to take down the botnets’ control infrastructure. We also traced back and worked with external parties to dismantle the sources of approximately 230,000 Layer 7 DDoS attacks. The effectiveness of our mitigation strategies relies heavily on our ability to quickly capture, analyze, and act on threat intelligence. By taking these steps, AWS is going beyond just typical DDoS defense, and moving our protection beyond our borders.

We’re glad to be able to share information about MadPot and some of the capabilities that we’re operating today. For more information, see this presentation from our most recent re:Inforce conference: How AWS threat intelligence becomes managed firewall rules, as well as an overview post published today, Meet MadPot, a threat intelligence tool Amazon uses to protect customers from cybercrime, which includes some good information about the AWS security engineer behind the original creation of MadPot. Going forward, you can expect to hear more from us as we develop and enhance our threat intelligence and response systems, making both AWS and the internet as a whole a safer place.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Mark Ryland

Mark Ryland

Mark is the director of the Office of the CISO for AWS. He has over 30 years of experience in the technology industry, and has served in leadership roles in cybersecurity, software engineering, distributed systems, technology standardization, and public policy. Previously, he served as the Director of Solution Architecture and Professional Services for the AWS World Public Sector team.

Improve your security investigations with Detective finding groups visualizations

Post Syndicated from Rich Vorwaller original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/improve-your-security-investigations-with-detective-finding-groups-visualizations/

At AWS, we often hear from customers that they want expanded security coverage for the multiple services that they use on AWS. However, alert fatigue is a common challenge that customers face as we introduce new security protections. The challenge becomes how to operationalize, identify, and prioritize alerts that represent real risk.

In this post, we highlight recent enhancements to Amazon Detective finding groups visualizations. We show you how Detective automatically consolidates multiple security findings into a single security event—called finding groups—and how finding group visualizations help reduce noise and prioritize findings that present true risk. We incorporate additional services like Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, and AWS Security Hub to highlight how effective findings groups is at consolidating findings for different AWS security services.

Overview of solution

This post uses several different services. The purpose is twofold: to show how you can enable these services for broader protection, and to show how Detective can help you investigate findings from multiple services without spending a lot of time sifting through logs or querying multiple data sources to find the root cause of a security event. These are the services and their use cases:

  • GuardDuty – a threat detection service that continuously monitors your AWS accounts and workloads for malicious activity. If potential malicious activity, such as anomalous behavior, credential exfiltration, or command and control (C2) infrastructure communication is detected, GuardDuty generates detailed security findings that you can use for visibility and remediation. Recently, GuardDuty released the following threat detections for specific services that we’ll show you how to enable for this walkthrough: GuardDuty RDS Protection, EKS Runtime Monitoring, and Lambda Protection.
  • Amazon Inspector – an automated vulnerability management service that continually scans your AWS workloads for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. Like GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector sends a finding for alerting and remediation when it detects a software vulnerability or a compute instance that’s publicly available.
  • Security Hub – a cloud security posture management service that performs automated, continuous security best practice checks against your AWS resources to help you identify misconfigurations, and aggregates your security findings from integrated AWS security services.
  • Detective – a security service that helps you investigate potential security issues. It does this by collecting log data from AWS CloudTrail, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) flow logs, and other services. Detective then uses machine learning, statistical analysis, and graph theory to build a linked set of data called a security behavior graph that you can use to conduct faster and more efficient security investigations.

The following diagram shows how each service delivers findings along with log sources to Detective.

Figure 1: Amazon Detective log source diagram

Figure 1: Amazon Detective log source diagram

Enable the required services

If you’ve already enabled the services needed for this post—GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, Security Hub, and Detective—skip to the next section. For instructions on how to enable these services, see the following resources:

Each of these services offers a free 30-day trial and provides estimates on charges after your trial expires. You can also use the AWS Pricing Calculator to get an estimate.

To enable the services across multiple accounts, consider using a delegated administrator account in AWS Organizations. With a delegated administrator account, you can automatically enable services for multiple accounts and manage settings for each account in your organization. You can view other accounts in the organization and add them as member accounts, making central management simpler. For instructions on how to enable the services with AWS Organizations, see the following resources:

Enable GuardDuty protections

The next step is to enable the latest detections in GuardDuty and learn how Detective can identify multiple threats that are related to a single security event.

If you’ve already enabled the different GuardDuty protection plans, skip to the next section. If you recently enabled GuardDuty, the protections plans are enabled by default, except for EKS Runtime Monitoring, which is a two-step process.

For the next steps, we use the delegated administrator account in GuardDuty to make sure that the protection plans are enabled for each AWS account. When you use GuardDuty (or Security Hub, Detective, and Inspector) with AWS Organizations, you can designate an account to be the delegated administrator. This is helpful so that you can configure these security services for multiple accounts at the same time. For instructions on how to enable a delegated administrator account for GuardDuty, see Managing GuardDuty accounts with AWS Organizations.

To enable EKS Protection

  1. Sign in to the GuardDuty console using the delegated administrator account, choose Protection plans, and then choose EKS Protection.
  2. In the Delegated administrator section, choose Edit and then choose Enable for each scope or protection. For this post, select EKS Audit Log Monitoring, EKS Runtime Monitoring, and Manage agent automatically, as shown in Figure 2. For more information on each feature, see the following resources:
  3. To enable these protections for current accounts, in the Active member accounts section, choose Edit and Enable for each scope of protection.
  4. To enable these protections for new accounts, in the New account default configuration section, choose Edit and Enable for each scope of protection.

To enable RDS Protection

The next step is to enable RDS Protection. GuardDuty RDS Protection works by analysing RDS login activity for potential threats to your Amazon Aurora databases (MySQL-Compatible Edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Editions). Using this feature, you can identify potentially suspicious login behavior and then use Detective to investigate CloudTrail logs, VPC flow logs, and other useful information around those events.

  1. Navigate to the RDS Protection menu and under Delegated administrator (this account), select Enable and Confirm.
  2. In the Enabled for section, select Enable all if you want RDS Protection enabled on all of your accounts. If you want to select a specific account, choose Manage Accounts and then select the accounts for which you want to enable RDS Protection. With the accounts selected, choose Edit Protection Plans, RDS Login Activity, and Enable for X selected account.
  3. (Optional) For new accounts, turn on Auto-enable RDS Login Activity Monitoring for new member accounts as they join your organization.
Figure 2: Enable EKS Runtime Monitoring

Figure 2: Enable EKS Runtime Monitoring

To enable Lambda Protection

The final step is to enable Lambda Protection. Lambda Protection helps detect potential security threats during the invocation of AWS Lambda functions. By monitoring network activity logs, GuardDuty can generate findings when Lambda functions are involved with malicious activity, such as communicating with command and control servers.

  1. Navigate to the Lambda Protection menu and under Delegated administrator (this account), select Enable and Confirm.
  2. In the Enabled for section, select Enable all if you want Lambda Protection enabled on all of your accounts. If you want to select a specific account, choose Manage Accounts and select the accounts for which you want to enable RDS Protection. With the accounts selected, choose Edit Protection Plans, Lambda Network Activity Monitoring, and Enable for X selected account.
  3. (Optional) For new accounts, turn on Auto-enable Lambda Network Activity Monitoring for new member accounts as they join your organization.
Figure 4: Enable Lambda Network Activity Monitoring

Figure 4: Enable Lambda Network Activity Monitoring

Now that you’ve enabled these new protections, GuardDuty will start monitoring EKS audit logs, EKS runtime activity, RDS login activity, and Lambda network activity. If GuardDuty detects suspicious or malicious activity for these log sources or services, it will generate a finding for the activity, which you can review in the GuardDuty console. In addition, you can automatically forward these findings to Security Hub for consolidation, and to Detective for security investigation.

Detective data sources

If you have Security Hub and other AWS security services such as GuardDuty or Amazon Inspector enabled, findings from these services are forwarded to Security Hub. With the exception of sensitive data findings from Amazon Macie, you’re automatically opted in to other AWS service integrations when you enable Security Hub. For the full list of services that forward findings to Security Hub, see Available AWS service integrations.

With each service enabled and forwarding findings to Security Hub, the next step is to enable the data source in Detective called AWS security findings, which are the findings forwarded to Security Hub. Again, we’re going to use the delegated administrator account for these steps to make sure that AWS security findings are being ingested for your accounts.

To enable AWS security findings

  1. Sign in to the Detective console using the delegated administrator account and navigate to Settings and then General.
  2. Choose Optional source packages, Edit, select AWS security findings, and then choose Save.
    Figure 5: Enable AWS security findings

    Figure 5: Enable AWS security findings

When you enable Detective, it immediately starts creating a security behavior graph for AWS security findings to build a linked dataset between findings and entities, such as RDS login activity from Aurora databases, EKS runtime activity, and suspicious network activity for Lambda functions. For GuardDuty to detect potential threats that affect your database instances, it first needs to undertake a learning period of up to two weeks to establish a baseline of normal behavior. For more information, see How RDS Protection uses RDS login activity monitoring. For the other protections, after suspicious activity is detected, you can start to see findings in both GuardDuty and Security Hub consoles. This is where you can start using Detective to better understand which findings are connected and where to prioritize your investigations.

Detective behavior graph

As Detective ingests data from GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, and Security Hub, as well as CloudTrail logs, VPC flow logs, and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) audit logs, it builds a behavior graph database. Graph databases are purpose-built to store and navigate relationships. Relationships are first-class citizens in graph databases, which means that they’re not computed out-of-band or by interfering with relationships through querying foreign keys. Because Detective stores information on relationships in your graph database, you can effectively answer questions such as “are these security findings related?”. In Detective, you can use the search menu and profile panels to view these connections, but a quicker way to see this information is by using finding groups visualizations.

Finding groups visualizations

Finding groups extract additional information out of the behavior graph to highlight findings that are highly connected. Detective does this by running several machine learning algorithms across your behavior graph to identify related findings and then statically weighs the relationships between those findings and entities. The result is a finding group that shows GuardDuty and Amazon Inspector findings that are connected, along with entities like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, AWS accounts, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and sessions that were impacted by these findings. With finding groups, you can more quickly understand the relationships between multiple findings and their causes because you don’t need to connect the dots on your own. Detective automatically does this and presents a visualization so that you can see the relationships between various entities and findings.

Enhanced visualizations

Recently, we released several enhancements to finding groups visualizations to aid your understanding of security connections and root causes. These enhancements include:

  • Dynamic legend – the legend now shows icons for entities that you have in the finding group instead of showing all available entities. This helps reduce noise to only those entities that are relevant to your investigation.
  • Aggregated evidence and finding icons – these icons provide a count of similar evidence and findings. Instead of seeing the same finding or evidence repeated multiple times, you’ll see one icon with a counter to help reduce noise.
  • More descriptive side panel information – when you choose a finding or entity, the side panel shows additional information, such as the service that identified the finding and the finding title, in addition to the finding type, to help you understand the action that invoked the finding.
  • Label titles – you can now turn on or off titles for entities and findings in the visualization so that you don’t have to choose each to get a summary of what the different icons mean.

To use the finding groups visualization

  1. Open the Detective console, choose Summary, and then choose View all finding groups.
  2. Choose the title of an available finding group and scroll down to Visualization.
  3. Under the Select layout menu, choose one of the layouts available, or choose and drag each icon to rearrange the layout according to how you’d like to see connections.
  4. For a complete list of involved entities and involved findings, scroll down below the visualization.

Figure 6 shows an example of how you can use finding groups visualization to help identify the root cause of findings quickly. In this example, an IAM role was connected to newly observed geolocations, multiple GuardDuty findings detected malicious API calls, and there were newly observed user agents from the IAM session. The visualization can give you high confidence that the IAM role is compromised. It also provides other entities that you can search against, such as the IP address, S3 bucket, or new user agents.

Figure 6: Finding groups visualization

Figure 6: Finding groups visualization

Now that you have the new GuardDuty protections enabled along with the data source of AWS security findings, you can use finding groups to more quickly visualize which IAM sessions have had multiple findings associated with unauthorized access, or which EC2 instances are publicly exposed with a software vulnerability and active GuardDuty finding—these patterns can help you determine if there is an actual risk.


In this blog post, you learned how to enable new GuardDuty protections and use Detective, finding groups, and visualizations to better identify, operationalize, and prioritize AWS security findings that represent real risk. We also highlighted the new enhancements to visualizations that can help reduce noise and provide summaries of detailed information to help reduce the time it takes to triage findings. If you’d like to see an investigation scenario using Detective, watch the video Amazon Detective Security Scenario Investigation.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. You can also start a new thread on Amazon Detective re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Rich Vorwaller

Rich Vorwaller

Rich is a Principal Product Manager of Amazon Detective. He came to AWS with a passion for walking backwards from customer security problems. AWS is a great place for innovation, and Rich is excited to dive deep on how customers are using AWS to strengthen their security posture in the cloud. In his spare time, Rich loves to read, travel, and perform a little bit of amateur stand-up comedy.

Nicholas Doropoulos

Nicholas Doropoulos

Nicholas is an AWS Cloud Security Engineer, a bestselling Udemy instructor, and a subject matter expert in AWS Shield, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS IAM, and AWS Certificate Manager. Outside work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and their beautiful baby son.

Three ways to accelerate incident response in the cloud: insights from re:Inforce 2023

Post Syndicated from Anne Grahn original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/three-ways-to-accelerate-incident-response-in-the-cloud-insights-from-reinforce-2023/

AWS re:Inforce took place in Anaheim, California, on June 13–14, 2023. AWS customers, partners, and industry peers participated in hundreds of technical and non-technical security-focused sessions across six tracks, an Expo featuring AWS experts and AWS Security Competency Partners, and keynote and leadership sessions.

The threat detection and incident response track showcased how AWS customers can get the visibility they need to help improve their security posture, identify issues before they impact business, and investigate and respond quickly to security incidents across their environment.

With dozens of service and feature announcements—and innumerable best practices shared by AWS experts, customers, and partners—distilling highlights is a challenge. From an incident response perspective, three key themes emerged.

Proactively detect, contextualize, and visualize security events

When it comes to effectively responding to security events, rapid detection is key. Among the launches announced during the keynote was the expansion of Amazon Detective finding groups to include Amazon Inspector findings in addition to Amazon GuardDuty findings.

Detective, GuardDuty, and Inspector are part of a broad set of fully managed AWS security services that help you identify potential security risks, so that you can respond quickly and confidently.

Using machine learning, Detective finding groups can help you conduct faster investigations, identify the root cause of events, and map to the MITRE ATT&CK framework to quickly run security issues to ground. The finding group visualization panel shown in the following figure displays findings and entities involved in a finding group. This interactive visualization can help you analyze, understand, and triage the impact of finding groups.

Figure 1: Detective finding groups visualization panel

Figure 1: Detective finding groups visualization panel

With the expanded threat and vulnerability findings announced at re:Inforce, you can prioritize where to focus your time by answering questions such as “was this EC2 instance compromised because of a software vulnerability?” or “did this GuardDuty finding occur because of unintended network exposure?”

In the session Streamline security analysis with Amazon Detective, AWS Principal Product Manager Rich Vorwaller, AWS Senior Security Engineer Rima Tanash, and AWS Program Manager Jordan Kramer demonstrated how to use graph analysis techniques and machine learning in Detective to identify related findings and resources, and investigate them together to accelerate incident analysis.

In addition to Detective, you can also use Amazon Security Lake to contextualize and visualize security events. Security Lake became generally available on May 30, 2023, and several re:Inforce sessions focused on how you can use this new service to assist with investigations and incident response.

As detailed in the following figure, Security Lake automatically centralizes security data from AWS environments, SaaS providers, on-premises environments, and cloud sources into a purpose-built data lake stored in your account. Security Lake makes it simpler to analyze security data, gain a more comprehensive understanding of security across an entire organization, and improve the protection of workloads, applications, and data. Security Lake automates the collection and management of security data from multiple accounts and AWS Regions, so you can use your preferred analytics tools while retaining complete control and ownership over your security data. Security Lake has adopted the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF), an open standard. With OCSF support, the service normalizes and combines security data from AWS and a broad range of enterprise security data sources.

Figure 2: How Security Lake works

Figure 2: How Security Lake works

To date, 57 AWS security partners have announced integrations with Security Lake, and we now have more than 70 third-party sources, 16 analytics subscribers, and 13 service partners.

In Gaining insights from Amazon Security Lake, AWS Principal Solutions Architect Mark Keating and AWS Security Engineering Manager Keith Gilbert detailed how to get the most out of Security Lake. Addressing questions such as, “How do I get access to the data?” and “What tools can I use?,” they demonstrated how analytics services and security information and event management (SIEM) solutions can connect to and use data stored within Security Lake to investigate security events and identify trends across an organization. They emphasized how bringing together logs in multiple formats and normalizing them into a single format empowers security teams to gain valuable context from security data, and more effectively respond to events. Data can be queried with Amazon Athena, or pulled by Amazon OpenSearch Service or your SIEM system directly from Security Lake.

Build your security data lake with Amazon Security Lake featured AWS Product Manager Jonathan Garzon, AWS Product Solutions Architect Ross Warren, and Global CISO of Interpublic Group (IPG) Troy Wilkinson demonstrating how Security Lake helps address common challenges associated with analyzing enterprise security data, and detailing how IPG is using the service. Wilkinson noted that IPG’s objective is to bring security data together in one place, improve searches, and gain insights from their data that they haven’t been able to before.

“With Security Lake, we found that it was super simple to bring data in. Not just the third-party data and Amazon data, but also our on-premises data from custom apps that we built.” — Troy Wilkinson, global CISO, Interpublic Group

Use automation and machine learning to reduce mean time to response

Incident response automation can help free security analysts from repetitive tasks, so they can spend their time identifying and addressing high-priority security issues.

In How LLA reduces incident response time with AWS Systems Manager, telecommunications provider Liberty Latin America (LLA) detailed how they implemented a security framework to detect security issues and automate incident response in more than 180 AWS accounts accessed by internal stakeholders and third-party partners by using AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager, AWS Organizations, Amazon GuardDuty, and AWS Security Hub.

LLA operates in over 20 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean. After completing multiple acquisitions, LLA needed a centralized security operations team to handle incidents and notify the teams responsible for each AWS account. They used GuardDuty, Security Hub, and Systems Manager Incident Manager to automate and streamline detection and response, and they configured the services to initiate alerts whenever there was an issue requiring attention.

Speaking alongside AWS Principal Solutions Architect Jesus Federico and AWS Principal Product Manager Sarah Holberg, LLA Senior Manager of Cloud Services Joaquin Cameselle noted that when GuardDuty identifies a critical issue, it generates a new finding in Security Hub. This finding is then forwarded to Systems Manager Incident Manager through an Amazon EventBridge rule. This configuration helps ensure the involvement of the appropriate individuals associated with each account.

“We have deployed a security framework in Liberty Latin America to identify security issues and streamline incident response across over 180 AWS accounts. The framework that leverages AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager, Amazon GuardDuty, and AWS Security Hub enabled us to detect and respond to incidents with greater efficiency. As a result, we have reduced our reaction time by 90%, ensuring prompt engagement of the appropriate teams for each AWS account and facilitating visibility of issues for the central security team.” — Joaquin Cameselle, senior manager, cloud services, Liberty Latin America

How Citibank (Citi) advanced their containment capabilities through automation outlined how the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Incident Response framework is applied to AWS services, and highlighted Citi’s implementation of a highly scalable cloud incident response framework designed to support the 28 AWS services in their cloud environment.

After describing the four phases of the incident response process — preparation and prevention; detection and analysis; containment, eradication, and recovery; and post-incident activity—AWS ProServe Global Financial Services Senior Engagement Manager Harikumar Subramonion noted that, to fully benefit from the cloud, you need to embrace automation. Automation benefits the third phase of the incident response process by speeding up containment, and reducing mean time to response.

Citibank Head of Cloud Security Operations Elvis Velez and Vice President of Cloud Security Damien Burks described how Citi built the Cloud Containment Automation Framework (CCAF) from the ground up by using AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda, enabling them to respond to events 24/7 without human error, and reduce the time it takes to contain resources from 4 hours to 15 minutes. Velez described how Citi uses adversary emulation exercises that use the MITRE ATT&CK Cloud Matrix to simulate realistic attacks on AWS environments, and continuously validate their ability to effectively contain incidents.

Innovate and do more with less

Security operations teams are often understaffed, making it difficult to keep up with alerts. According to data from CyberSeek, there are currently 69 workers available for every 100 cybersecurity job openings.

Effectively evaluating security and compliance posture is critical, despite resource constraints. In Centralizing security at scale with Security Hub and Intuit’s experience, AWS Senior Solutions Architect Craig Simon, AWS Senior Security Hub Product Manager Dora Karali, and Intuit Principal Software Engineer Matt Gravlin discussed how to ease security management with Security Hub. Fortune 500 financial software provider Intuit has approximately 2,000 AWS accounts, 10 million AWS resources, and receives 20 million findings a day from AWS services through Security Hub. Gravlin detailed Intuit’s Automated Compliance Platform (ACP), which combines Security Hub and AWS Config with an internal compliance solution to help Intuit reduce audit timelines, effectively manage remediation, and make compliance more consistent.

“By using Security Hub, we leveraged AWS expertise with their regulatory controls and best practice controls. It helped us keep up to date as new controls are released on a regular basis. We like Security Hub’s aggregation features that consolidate findings from other AWS services and third-party providers. I personally call it the super aggregator. A key component is the Security Hub to Amazon EventBridge integration. This allowed us to stream millions of findings on a daily basis to be inserted into our ACP database.” — Matt Gravlin, principal software engineer, Intuit

At AWS re:Inforce, we launched a new Security Hub capability for automating actions to update findings. You can now use rules to automatically update various fields in findings that match defined criteria. This allows you to automatically suppress findings, update the severity of findings according to organizational policies, change the workflow status of findings, and add notes. With automation rules, Security Hub provides you a simplified way to build automations directly from the Security Hub console and API. This reduces repetitive work for cloud security and DevOps engineers and can reduce mean time to response.

In Continuous innovation in AWS detection and response services, AWS Worldwide Security Specialist Senior Manager Himanshu Verma and GuardDuty Senior Manager Ryan Holland highlighted new features that can help you gain actionable insights that you can use to enhance your overall security posture. After mapping AWS security capabilities to the core functions of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, Verma and Holland provided an overview of AWS threat detection and response services that included a technical demonstration.

Bolstering incident response with AWS Wickr enterprise integrations highlighted how incident responders can collaborate securely during a security event, even on a compromised network. AWS Senior Security Specialist Solutions Architect Wes Wood demonstrated an innovative approach to incident response communications by detailing how you can integrate the end-to-end encrypted collaboration service AWS Wickr Enterprise with GuardDuty and AWS WAF. Using Wickr Bots, you can build integrated workflows that incorporate GuardDuty and third-party findings into a more secure, out-of-band communication channel for dedicated teams.

Evolve your incident response maturity

AWS re:Inforce featured many more highlights on incident response, including How to run security incident response in your Amazon EKS environment and Investigating incidents with Amazon Security Lake and Jupyter notebooks code talks, as well as the announcement of our Cyber Insurance Partners program. Content presented throughout the conference made one thing clear: AWS is working harder than ever to help you gain the insights that you need to strengthen your organization’s security posture, and accelerate incident response in the cloud.

To watch AWS re:Inforce sessions on demand, see the AWS re:Inforce playlists on YouTube.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Anne Grahn

Anne Grahn

Anne is a Senior Worldwide Security GTM Specialist at AWS based in Chicago. She has more than a decade of experience in the security industry, and focuses on effectively communicating cybersecurity risk. She maintains a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.


Himanshu Verma

Himanshu is a Worldwide Specialist for AWS Security Services. In this role, he leads the go-to-market creation and execution for AWS Security Services, field enablement, and strategic customer advisement. Prior to AWS, he held several leadership roles in Product Management, engineering and development, working on various identity, information security, and data protection technologies. He obsesses brainstorming disruptive ideas, venturing outdoors, photography, and trying various “hole in the wall” food and drinking establishments around the globe.

Jesus Federico

Jesus Federico

Jesus is a Principal Solutions Architect for AWS in the telecommunications vertical, working to provide guidance and technical assistance to communication service providers on their cloud journey. He supports CSPs in designing and implementing secure, resilient, scalable, and high-performance applications in the cloud.

New – Simplify the Investigation of AWS Security Findings with Amazon Detective

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-simplify-the-investigation-of-aws-security-findings-with-amazon-detective/

With Amazon Detective, you can analyze and visualize security data to investigate potential security issues. Detective collects and analyzes events that describe IP traffic, AWS management operations, and malicious or unauthorized activity from AWS CloudTrail logs, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Flow Logs, Amazon GuardDuty findings, and, since last year, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) audit logs. Using this data, Detective constructs a graph model that distills log data using machine learning, statistical analysis, and graph theory to build a linked set of data for your security investigations.

Starting today, Detective offers investigation support for findings in AWS Security Hub in addition to those detected by GuardDuty. Security Hub is a service that provides you with a view of your security state in AWS and helps you check your environment against security industry standards and best practices. If you’ve turned on Security Hub and another integrated AWS security services, those services will begin sending findings to Security Hub.

With this new capability, it is easier to use Detective to determine the cause and impact of findings coming from new sources such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer, Amazon Inspector, and Amazon Macie. All AWS services that send findings to Security Hub are now supported.

Let’s see how this works in practice.

Enabling AWS Security Findings in the Amazon Detective Console
When you enable Detective for the first time, Detective now identifies findings coming from both GuardDuty and Security Hub, and automatically starts ingesting them along with other data sources. Note that you don’t need to enable or publish these log sources for Detective to start its analysis because this is managed directly by Detective.

If you are an existing Detective customer, you can enable investigation of AWS Security Findings as a data source with one click in the Detective Management Console. I already have Detective enabled, so I add the source package.

In the Detective console, in the Settings section of the navigation pane, I choose General. There, I choose Edit in the Optional source packages section to enable Detective for AWS Security Findings.

Console screenshot.

Once enabled, Detective starts analyzing all the relevant data to identify connections between disparate events and activities. To start your investigation process, you can get a visualization of these connections, including resource behavior and activities. Historical baselines, which you can use to provide comparisons against recent activity, are established after two weeks.

Investigating AWS Security Findings in the Amazon Detective Console
I start in the Security Hub console and choose Findings in the navigation pane. There, I filter findings to only see those where the Product name is Inspector and Severity label is HIGH.

Console screenshot.

The first one looks suspicious, so I choose its Title (CVE-2020-36223 – openldap). The Security Hub console provides me with information about the corresponding Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID and where and how it was found. At the bottom, I have the option to Investigate in Amazon Detective. I follow the Investigate finding link, and the Detective console opens in another browser tab.

Console screenshot.

Here, I see the entities related to this Inspector finding. First, I open the profile of the AWS account to see all the findings associated with this resource, the overall API call volume issued by this resource, and the container clusters in this account.

For example, I look at the successful and failed API calls to have a better understanding of the impact of this finding.

Console screenshot.

Then, I open the profile for the container image. There, I see the images that are related to this image (because they have the same repository or registry as this image), the containers running from this image during the scope time (managed by Amazon EKS), and the findings associated with this resource.

Depending on the finding, Detective helps me correlate information from different sources such as CloudTrail logs, VPC Flow Logs, and EKS audit logs. This information makes it easier to understand the impact of the finding and if the risk has become an incident. For Security Hub, Detective only ingests findings for configuration checks that failed. Because configuration checks that passed have little security value, we’re filtering these outs.

Availability and Pricing
Amazon Detective investigation support for AWS Security Findings is available today for all existing and new Detective customers in all AWS Regions where Detective is available, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. For more information, see the AWS Regional Services List.

Amazon Detective is priced based on the volume of data ingested. By enabling investigation of AWS Security Findings, you can increase the volume of ingested data. For more information, see Amazon Detective pricing.

When GuardDuty and Security Hub provide a finding, they also suggest the remediation. On top of that, Detective helps me investigate if the vulnerability has been exploited, for example, using logs and network traffic as proof.

Currently, findings coming from Security Hub are not included in the Finding groups section of the Detective console. Our plan is to expand Finding groups to cover the newly integrated AWS security services. Stay tuned!

Start using Amazon Detective to investigate potential security issues.


Detect threats to your data stored in RDS databases by using GuardDuty

Post Syndicated from Marshall Jones original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/detect-threats-to-your-data-stored-in-rds-databases-by-using-guardduty/

With Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), you can set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the AWS Cloud. Amazon RDS provides cost-efficient, resizable capacity for an industry-standard relational database and manages common database administration tasks.

If you use Amazon RDS for your workloads, you can now use Amazon GuardDuty RDS Protection to help detect threats to your data stored in Amazon Aurora databases. GuardDuty is a continuous security monitoring service that can help you identify and prioritize potential threats in your AWS environment. By analyzing and profiling RDS login activity to your Aurora databases, GuardDuty can detect threats, such as high severity brute force events, suspicious logins, access from Tor, and access by known threat actors.

In this post, we will provide an overview of how to get started with RDS Protection, dive into its finding types, and walk you through examples of how to investigate and remediate findings.

Overview of RDS Protection

RDS Protection in GuardDuty analyzes and profiles Amazon RDS login activity to identify potential threats to your data stored in Aurora databases by using a combination of threat intelligence and machine learning. At launch, RDS Protection supports Aurora MySQL versions 2.10.2 and 3.2.1 or later and Aurora PostgreSQL versions 10.17, 11.12, 12.7, 13.3, and 14.3 or later. An updated list of the supported engines and versions is available in the GuardDuty documentation. RDS Protection doesn’t require additional infrastructure, and you don’t need to configure, collect, or store RDS logs in your own account. RDS Protection is also designed to have no impact on the performance of your database instances so that you don’t have to worry about compromising performance to better secure your data stored in Amazon RDS.

When RDS Protection detects a suspicious or anomalous login attempt that indicates a potential threat to your database instance, GuardDuty generates a finding with details to help you quickly identify relevant information to assist in remediation. RDS Protection findings include details on both anomalous and normal login activity in addition to information such as database instance details, database user details, action information, and actor information. These findings are available to you in the GuardDuty console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and API, and all GuardDuty findings are sent to Amazon EventBridge and AWS Security Hub, giving you options to respond by sending alerts to chat or ticketing systems, or by using AWS Lambda and AWS Systems Manager for automatic remediation.

Enable RDS Protection

Getting started with RDS Protection is simple, and you can do it with just a few steps in the console. Both new and existing GuardDuty customers can take advantage of the GuardDuty RDS Protection 30-day free trial. You can turn RDS Protection on or off for each of your accounts in supported AWS Regions. If you already use GuardDuty, you will need to enable RDS Protection either in the console or CLI, or through the API. You will have the option to enable it in the account that you are currently in, or if you are using a GuardDuty delegated administrator account (as shown in Figure 1), you can enable it for all accounts in your AWS Organizations organization. You’ll also have the ability to auto-enable. The auto-enable feature helps ensure that RDS Protection is enabled for each new account added to your organization, without the need for you to configure anything in each member account. If you are turning on GuardDuty for the first time, RDS Protection is enabled by default.

Figure 1: GuardDuty RDS Protection enablement page

Figure 1: GuardDuty RDS Protection enablement page

Investigate RDS Protection findings

After GuardDuty generates a finding, you will need to analyze the finding so that you understand the potential impact to your environment. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the GuardDuty finding types. Understanding GuardDuty finding types can help you understand the types of activity that GuardDuty is looking for and help you prepare for how to respond if they occur in your environment.

As adversaries become more sophisticated, it becomes even more important for you to align to a common framework to understand the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) behind an individual event. GuardDuty aligns findings using the MITRE ATT&CK framework, which is a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. GuardDuty findings have a specific finding format that helps you understand the details of each finding. You can examine the Threat Purpose section of the GuardDuty finding types to see finding types associated with various MITRE ATT&CK tactics, including CredentialAccess and Discovery. This can help you identify and understand the type of activity associated with a finding.

For example, consider two finding types that seem similar: CredentialAccess:RDS/MaliciousIPCaller.SuccessfulLogin and Discovery:RDS/MaliciousIPCaller. The difference between them is the ThreatPurpose aspect, located at the beginning of the finding type. GuardDuty has determined that both are involved with MaliciousIPCaller, and the difference is the intent of the activity associated with each finding. CredentialAccess SuccessfulLogin indicates that there was a successful login to your RDS database from a known malicious IP address. Discovery indicates that a threat actor opened a connection to the database, but didn’t attempt to authenticate. This indicates scanning behavior, but it might not be targeted at RDS instances. For more information, see GuardDuty RDS Protection finding types.

GuardDuty uses threat intelligence and machine learning to continually monitor and identify potential threats in your environment. To understand how to investigate RDS Protection finding types, you need to understand the details of a finding type that are derived from machine learning. As shown in Figure 2, RDS Protection finding types have two sections: one that shows the unusual behavior and one that shows the normal, historical behavior. To determine this, GuardDuty uses machine learning models to evaluate API requests to your account and identify anomalous events that are associated with tactics used by adversaries. The machine learning model tracks various factors of the API request, such as the user that made the request, the location the request was made from, and the specific API that was requested. It also looks at information such as successfulLoginCount, failedLoginCount, and incompleteConnectionCount for anomalies based on login activity. For more information about anomalous activity in GuardDuty findings, see Anomalous behavior.

Figure 2: GuardDuty finding details showing unusual and historical behavior sections

Figure 2: GuardDuty finding details showing unusual and historical behavior sections

With RDS Protection, you now have an additional mechanism to gain insight into your Amazon RDS databases across your accounts to continuously monitor for suspicious activity. RDS Protection can alert you to suspicious activity in Amazon RDS, such as a potentially suspicious or anomalous login attempt, unusual pattern in a series of successful, failed, or incomplete login attempts, and unauthorized access to your database instance from a previously unseen internal or external actor. With this new feature, GuardDuty also extends support for finding types that you might already be familiar with that also apply to RDS databases. These finding types include calls to an RDS database API from a Tor node, or calls to an RDS database from a known malicious IP address, which can indicate that there are interactions with your RDS database from sources that are associated with known malicious activity.

Remediate RDS Protection findings

In this section, we describe two RDS Protection findings and how you can investigate and remediate them. Understanding how to remediate these findings can help you maintain the integrity of your database. We share recommendations that focus specifically on security groups, network access control lists (network ACLs), and firewall rules.


The CredentialAccess:RDS/AnomalousBehavior.SuccessfulLogin finding informs you that an anomalous successful login was observed on an RDS database in your AWS environment. It might indicate that a previous unseen user logged in to an RDS database for the first time. A common scenario involves an internal user logging in to a database that is accessed programmatically by applications and not by individual users. A potential malicious actor might have compromised and accessed the role on your RDS database. The default Severity for this finding varies, depending on the anomalous behavior associated with the finding.

Figure 3 shows an example of this finding.

Figure 3: Finding of an anomalous behavior successful login

Figure 3: Finding of an anomalous behavior successful login

How to remediate

If the activity is unexpected for the associated database, AWS recommends that you change the password of the associated database user, and review available audit logs for activity that the user performed. Medium and high severity findings might indicate an overly permissive access policy to the database, and user credentials might have been exposed or compromised. We recommend that you place the database in a private virtual private cloud (VPC), and limit the security group rules to allow traffic only from necessary sources. For more information, see Remediating potentially compromised database with successful login events.

We recommend that you take the following steps to remediate this finding:

Remediation step 1: Identify the affected database and user

Identify the affected database and user and confirm whether the behavior is expected or unexpected by looking through the GuardDuty finding details, which provide the name of the affected database instance and the corresponding user details. Use the findings to confirm if the behavior is expected or not—for example, the findings might help you identify a user who logs in to their database instance after a long time has passed; a user who logs in to their database instance only occasionally, such as a financial analyst who logs in each quarter; or a suspicious actor who is involved in a successful login attempt that isn’t authorized and potentially compromises the database instance. Review the IP address of the finding. Public IP addresses might signify overly permissive access if it’s not a known network associated with your account.

Figure 4: Finding with details showing Amazon RDS database instance and user details

Figure 4: Finding with details showing Amazon RDS database instance and user details

If the behavior is unexpected, complete the following steps:

Remediation step 2: Restrict database instance credential access

Restrict database instance access for the suspected accounts and the source of the login activity. For more information, see Remediating potentially compromised credentials and Restrict network access. You can identify the user in the RDS DB user details section within the finding panel in the console, or within the resource.rdsDbUserDetails of the findings JSON. These user details include user name, application used, database accessed, SSL version, and authentication method.

To revoke access or rotate passwords for specific users that are involved in the finding, see Security with Amazon Aurora MySQL or Security with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. To securely store and automatically rotate the secrets for RDS databases, use AWS Secrets Manager. For more information, see AWS Secrets Manager tutorials. To manage database users’ access without the need for passwords, use IAM database authentication. For more information, see Security best practices for Amazon RDS.

The following CLI command is an example of how to revoke access to a user in a MySQL database. If the behavior is unexpected, you can revoke the privileges while you assess if the user is malicious.


You can revoke privileges from the user, but when taking this action, you should make sure that the user isn’t vital to your system and that revoking permissions won’t break your production or development application. The following CLI command is an example of how to revoke privileges from a user:

REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM 'fakeadmin'@'%';

If you know that the user isn’t necessary for your database or application to function, then you can remove the user from the system. To make sure that your security team can run forensics, check your company’s incident response policy. If you need help getting started with incident response, see AWS sample incident response playbooks. The following CLI command is an example of how to remove a user:

DROP USER 'fakeadmin'@'%';

Let’s say that you find the behavior unexpected, but the user turns out to be the application user, and making a change to the database credential will break your application. You can use AWS Systems Manager to help in this scenario, in which the affected RDS user is the account that is tied to your application. In many cases, a password rotation can break your application, depending on how you connect. If you rotate the password without notifying your application, the application might require additional cascading changes. You could lose connectivity to your application because the credentials that your application is using to connect to your database didn’t change, and now you are experiencing an outage that will remain until you update the credentials. Systems Manager can tie into your application code to automatically update the rotated database credentials in your application. For more information, see Rotate Amazon RDS database credentials automatically with AWS Secrets Manager.

The following figure shows a CLI command to get a secret from Secrets Manager — for this example, we assume the secret is compromised.

Figure 5: Example compromised credentials

Figure 5: Example compromised credentials

The following figures shows that we have a new set of credentials that replace our old credentials, as indicated by “CreatedDate”.

Figure 6: Example remediated credentials

Figure 6: Example remediated credentials

Remediation step 3: Assess the impact and determine what information was accessed

If available, review the audit logs to identify which information might have been accessed. For more information, see Monitoring events, logs, and streams in an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. Determine if sensitive or protected information was accessed or modified.

Remediation step 4: Restrict database instance network access

Restrict database instance access for the suspected accounts and the source of the login activity. For more information, see Remediating potentially compromised credentials and Restrict network access.

To learn how to restrict IP access on a security group, see Control traffic to resources using security groups. You can identify the user in the RDS DB user details section within the finding panel in the console, or within the resource.rdsDbUserDetails of the findings JSON. These user details include user name, application used, database accessed, SSL version, and authentication method.

Remediation step 5: Perform root-cause analysis and determine the steps that potentially led to this activity

Implementing a lessons-learned framework and methodology can help improve your incident response capabilities and also help prevent the incident from recurring. By learning from each incident, you can help avoid repeating the same mistakes, exposures, or misconfigurations, which can both improve your security posture and reduce the time lost to preventable situations. To learn more about post-incident activity, see AWS Security Incident Response Guide.

You can set up an alert to be notified when an activity modifies a networking policy and creates an insecure state by using AWS Config and Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). You can use an EventBridge rule with a custom event pattern and an input transformer to match an AWS Config evaluation rule output as NON_COMPLIANT. Then, you can route the response to an Amazon SNS topic. For more information, see How can I be notified when an AWS resource is non-compliant using AWS Config? or Firewall policies in AWS Network Firewall.


The CredentialAccess:RDS/AnomalousBehavior.successfulBruteForce finding informs you that an anomalous login occurred that is indicative of a successful brute force event, as observed on an RDS database in your AWS environment. Before the anomalous successful login, a consistent pattern of unusual failed login attempts was observed. This indicates that the user and password associated with the RDS database in your account might have been compromised, and a potentially malicious actor might have accessed the RDS database. The Severity of this finding is high. Figure 7 shows an example of this finding.

Figure 7: Example of an anomalous successful brute force finding

Figure 7: Example of an anomalous successful brute force finding

How to remediate

This activity indicates that database credentials might have been exposed or compromised. We recommend that you change the password of the associated database user, and review available audit logs for activity performed by the potentially compromised user. A consistent pattern of unusual failed login attempts indicates an overly permissive access policy to the database, or that the database might also have been publicly exposed. AWS recommends that you place the database in a private VPC, and limit the security group rules to allow traffic only from necessary sources. For more information, see Remediating potentially compromised database with successful login events.

We recommend that you take the following steps to remediate this finding

Remediation step 1: Identify the affected database and user

The generated GuardDuty finding provides the name of the affected database instance and the corresponding user details. For more information, see Finding details.

Figure 8: Finding details showing Amazon RDS database instance and user details

Figure 8: Finding details showing Amazon RDS database instance and user details

Remediation step 2: Identify the source of the failed login attempts

In the generated GuardDuty finding, you can find the IP address, and if it was a public connection, the ASN organization in the Actor section of the finding panel. An autonomous system is a group of one or more IP prefixes (lists of IP addresses accessible on a network) run by one or more network operators that maintain a single, clearly-defined routing policy. Network operators need autonomous system numbers (ASNs) to control routing within their networks and to exchange routing information with other internet service providers.

Figure 9: Action and actor details related to GuardDuty brute force finding

Figure 9: Action and actor details related to GuardDuty brute force finding

Remediation step 3: Confirm that the behavior is unexpected

Examine if this activity represents an attempt to gain additional unauthorized access to the database instance as follows:

  • If the source is internal to your network, examine if an application is misconfigured and attempting a connection repeatedly.
  • If this is an external actor, examine whether the corresponding database instance is public facing or is misconfigured and thus allowing potential malicious actors to attempt to log in with common user names.

If the behavior is unexpected, complete the following steps:

Remediation step 4: Restrict database instance access

Restrict database instance access for the suspected accounts and the source of the login activity. For more information, see Remediating potentially compromised credentials and Restrict network access.

As discussed previously for the CredentialAccess:RDS/AnomalousBehavior.SuccessfulLogin finding, you can restrict access to the database through credentials or network access:

Remediation step 5: Perform root-cause analysis and determine the steps that potentially led to this activity

By learning from each incident, you can help avoid repeating the same mistakes, exposures, or misconfigurations, which can both improve your security posture and reduce time lost to preventable situations.


In this post, you learned about the new GuardDuty RDS Protection feature and how to understand, operationalize, and respond to the new findings. You can enable this feature through the GuardDuty console, CLI, or APIs to start monitoring your Amazon RDS workloads today.

If you’ve created EventBridge rules to send findings from GuardDuty to a target, make sure that you’ve configured your rules to deliver the newly added findings. After you enable GuardDuty findings, consider creating IR playbooks, doing tabletops and AWS gamedays, and mapping out what you want to automate. For more information, see the AWS Security Incident Response Guide and AWS Incident Response Playbook resources. To gain hands-on experience with different AWS Security services, see AWS Activation Days. The Activation Days workshops begin with hands-on work with different services in sandbox accounts, and then take you through the steps to deploy them across your organization.

To make it more efficient for you to operate securely on AWS, we are committed to continually improving GuardDuty, and we value your feedback. If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on AWS re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Marshall Jones

Marshall is a senior security specialist solutions architect at AWS. His background is in AWS consulting and security architecture, focused on a variety of security domains including edge, threat detection, and compliance. Today, he helps enterprise customers adopt and operationalize AWS security services to increase security effectiveness and reduce risk.

Deric Martinez

Deric Martinez

Deric is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services currently supporting non-profit organizations. He enjoys helping customers solve their technology problems by leveraging the power of AWS Cloud. His interests include security, threat detection and incident response, and data analytics.

Reduce triage time for security investigations with Amazon Detective visualizations and export data

Post Syndicated from Alex Waddell original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/reduce-triage-time-for-security-investigations-with-detective-visualizations-and-export-data/

To respond to emerging threats, you will often need to sort through large datasets rapidly to prioritize security findings. Amazon Detective recently released two new features to help you do this. New visualizations in Detective show the connections between entities related to multiple Amazon GuardDuty findings, and a new export data feature helps you use the data from Detective in your other tools and automated workflows.

By using these new features, you can quickly analyze, correlate, and visualize the large amounts of data generated by sources like Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Flow Logs, AWS CloudTrail, Amazon GuardDuty findings, and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) audit logs.

In this post, we’ll show you how you can use these new features to help reduce the time it takes to assess, investigate, and prioritize a security incident.

A security finding is raised

The workflow starts with GuardDuty. GuardDuty continuously monitors AWS accounts, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, EKS clusters, and data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for malicious activity without the use of security software or agents.

If GuardDuty detects potential malicious activity, such as anomalous behavior, credential exfiltration, or command and control (C2) infrastructure communication, it generates detailed security incidents called findings.

Depending on the severity and complexity of the GuardDuty finding, the resolution might require deep investigation. Consider an example that involves cryptocurrency mining. If you frequently see a cryptocurrency finding on your EC2 instances, you might have a recurring malware issue that has enabled a backdoor. If a threat actor is attempting to compromise your AWS environment, they typically perform a sequence of actions that lead to multiple findings and unusual behavior. When security findings are investigated in isolation, it can lead to a misinterpretation of their significance and difficulty in finding the root cause. When you need more context around a finding, Detective can help.

Detective automatically collects log data and events from sources like CloudTrail logs, Amazon VPC Flow Logs, GuardDuty findings, and Amazon EKS audit logs and maintains up to a year of aggregated data for analysis. Detective uses machine learning to create a behavioral graph for these data sources that helps show how security issues have evolved. It highlights what AWS resources might be compromised and flags unusual activity like new API calls, new user agents, and new AWS Regions.

The search capabilities work across AWS workloads, providing the information required to show the potential impact of an incident. Detective helps you answer questions like: How did this security incident happen? What AWS resources were affected? How can we prevent this from happening again?

Finding groups help connect the dots of an incident

You can use finding groups, a recent feature of Detective, to help with your investigations. A finding group is a collection of entities related to a single potential security incident that should be investigated together. An entity can be an AWS resource like an EC2 instance, IAM role, or GuardDuty finding, but it can also be an IP address or user agent. For a full list of entities collected, see Searching for a finding or entity in the Detective User Guide.

Grouping these entities together helps provide context and a more complete understanding of the threat landscape. This makes it simpler for you to identify relationships between different events and to assess the overall impact of a potential threat.

In the cryptocurrency mining example described previously, finding groups could show the relationship between the cryptocurrency mining finding and a C2 finding so that you know the two are related and the AWS resources affected. To learn more about working with Detective finding groups, see How to improve security incident investigations using Amazon Detective finding groups.

Figure 1 shows the finding groups overview page on the Detective console, with a list of finding groups filtered by status. The dashboard also shows the severity, title, observed tactics, accounts, entities, and the total number of findings for each finding group. For more information about the attributes of finding groups, see Analyzing finding groups.

Figure 1: Finding groups overview

Figure 1: Finding groups overview

To see details about the finding group, select the title of the finding group to access the details page, which includes Details, Visualization, Involved entities, and Involved findings. On this panel, you can view entities and findings included in a finding group and interact with them. The information presented is the same in the Visualization panel, the Involved entities panel, and the Involved findings panel. The different views allow you to view the information in the way that is helpful for you. Figure 2 shows an example of the Details and Visualization for a specific finding group.

Figure 2: Details and Visualization

Figure 2: Details and Visualization

Note: Finding groups with over 100 nodes (findings and entities) do not include a graph visualization.

Visualizations to show you the situation

The new visualizations in Detective provide three layouts that display the same information from finding groups, but allow you to choose and arrange the different entities so that you can focus on the highest priority finding or resources.

To determine what each visual element represents, choose the Legend in the bottom left corner of the panel. You can change the placement of findings in the Visualization panel by selecting a different layout from the Select layout dropdown menu. Figure 2 in the preceding section shows the Force-directed layout, where the positioning of entities and findings presents an even distribution of links with minimal overlap, while maintaining consistent distance between items.

Figure 3 shows the Visualization panel with the Circle layout, where nodes are displayed in a circular layout. You can use the Legend to understand the different categories of Findings, Compute, Network, Identity, Storage, or Other.

If you’re unfamiliar with these terms, see Amazon Detective terms and concepts to learn more.

Figure 3: Visualization panel with Circle layout and Legend

Figure 3: Visualization panel with Circle layout and Legend

Figure 4 shows the Visualization panel with the Grid layout, where nodes are divided into four different columns: evidence, identity entities, GuardDuty findings, and other entities (compute, network, and storage).

Figure 4: Visualization panel with Grid layout

Figure 4: Visualization panel with Grid layout

In the Visualization panel, you can select one or more (using ctrl/cmd+click) nodes. Selected nodes are listed next to the graph, and you can select each node’s title for more information. Selecting an entity’s title opens a new page that displays detailed information about that entity, whereas selecting a finding or evidence expands the right sidebar to show details on the selected finding or evidence.

You can rearrange chosen entities and findings as needed to help improve your understanding of their connections. This can help speed up your assessment of findings. Figure 5 shows the Visualization panel with four nodes selected and the sidebar displaying information relevant to the selected finding.

Figure 5: Visualization panel with evidence selected

Figure 5: Visualization panel with evidence selected

Finding groups and visualizations provide an overview of the entities and resources related to a security activity. Presenting the information in this way highlights the interconnections between various activities. This means that you no longer have to use multiple tools or query different services to collect information or investigate entities and resources. This can help you reduce triage and scoping times and make your investigations faster and more comprehensive.

Increased flexibility for investigation with simpler data access

To expand the scope of your investigation or confirm if a security incident has taken place, you might want to combine data from Detective with your own tools or different services. This is where export data comes into play.

Detective has several Summary page panels that you can use as a starting point for your investigations because they highlight potentially suspicious activity. The panels include roles and users with the most API call volume, EC2 instances with the most traffic volume, and EKS clusters with the most Kubernetes pods created.

With export data, you can now export these panels as common-separated values (CSV) files and import the data into other AWS services or third-party applications, or manipulate the data with spreadsheet programs.

Export from the Detective console Summary screen

In the Detective console, on the Summary page, you will see an Export option on several summary panes. This is enabled and available for anyone with access to Detective. Figure 6 shows summary information for the roles and users with the most API call volume.

Figure 6: Detective console Summary screen

Figure 6: Detective console Summary screen

Choose Export to download a CSV file containing the data for the summary information. The file is downloaded to your browser’s default download folder on your local device. When you view the data, it will look something like the spreadsheet in Figure 7:

Figure 7: Example CSV data export from Detective console Summary

Figure 7: Example CSV data export from Detective console Summary

Export from the Detective console Search screen

You can also export data using the Search capability of Detective. After you apply specific filters to search for findings or entities based on your use case, an Export button appears at the top of the search results in Detective. Figure 8 shows an example of filtering for a particular CIDR range. Choose Export to download the CSV file containing the filtered data.

Figure 8: Detective search results filtering for a CIDR range

Figure 8: Detective search results filtering for a CIDR range


In this blog post, you learned how to use the two new features of Detective to visualize findings and export data. By using these new features, you and your teams can investigate an incident in the way that best fits your workflow. New visualizations show the entities involved in an issue and surface nuanced connections that can be difficult to find when you’re faced with line after line of log data. The new data export feature makes it simpler to integrate the insights discovered in Detective with the tools and automations that your team is already using.

These features are automatically enabled for both existing and new customers in AWS Regions that support Detective. There is no additional charge for finding groups. If you don’t currently use Detective, you can start a free 30-day trial. For more information on finding groups, see Analyzing finding groups in the Amazon Detective User Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. You can also start a new thread on Amazon Detective re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Alex Waddell

Alex Waddell

Alex is a Senior Security Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS based in Scotland. Alex provides security architectural guidance and operational best practices to customers of all sizes, helping them to implement AWS security services in the best way possible to keep their AWS workloads secure. Alex has been working in the security domain since 1999 and joined AWS in 2021. When he is not working, Alex enjoys spending time sampling rum from around the world (Alex is one of those rarely found Scottish people that doesn’t like whisky), walking his dogs in the local forest trails and traveling.

Nima Fotouhi

Nima Fotouhi

Nima is a Security Consultant. He’s a builder with passion for infrastructure as code (IaC) and policy as code (PaC), helping customer building secure infrastructure on AWS. In my spare time I love to hit the slopes and go snowboarding.

Rich Vorwaller

Rich Vorwaller

Rich is a Principal Product Manager of Amazon Detective. He boomerang to AWS with a passion for walking backwards from customer security problems. AWS is a great place for innovation and Rich is excited to dive deep on how customers are using AWS to strengthen their security posture in the cloud. In his spare time, Rich loves to read, travel, and perform a little bit of amateur stand up comedy.

Amazon GuardDuty Now Supports Amazon EKS Runtime Monitoring

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-guardduty-now-supports-amazon-eks-runtime-monitoring/

Since Amazon GuardDuty launched in 2017, GuardDuty has been capable of analyzing tens of billions of events per minute across multiple AWS data sources, such as AWS CloudTrail event logs, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Flow Logs, and DNS query logs, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data plane events, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) audit logs, and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) login events to protect your AWS accounts and resources.

In 2020, GuardDuty added Amazon S3 protection to continuously monitor and profile S3 data access events and configurations to detect suspicious activities in Amazon S3. Last year, GuardDuty launched Amazon EKS protection to monitor control plane activity by analyzing Kubernetes audit logs from existing and new EKS clusters in your accounts, Amazon EBS malware protection to scan malicious files residing on an EC2 instance or container workload using EBS volumes, and Amazon RDS protection to identify potential threats to data stored in Amazon Aurora databases—recently generally available.

GuardDuty combines machine learning (ML), anomaly detection, network monitoring, and malicious file discovery using various AWS data sources. When threats are detected, GuardDuty automatically sends security findings to AWS Security Hub, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Detective. These integrations help centralize monitoring for AWS and partner services, automate responses to malware findings, and perform security investigations from GuardDuty.

Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring to detect runtime threats from over 30 security findings to protect your EKS clusters. The new EKS Runtime Monitoring uses a fully managed EKS add-on that adds visibility into individual container runtime activities, such as file access, process execution, and network connections.

GuardDuty can now identify specific containers within your EKS clusters that are potentially compromised and detect attempts to escalate privileges from an individual container to the underlying Amazon EC2 host and the broader AWS environment. GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring findings provide metadata context to identify potential threats and contain them before they escalate.

Configure EKS Runtime Monitoring in GuardDuty
To get started, first enable EKS Runtime Monitoring with just a few clicks in the GuardDuty console.

Once you enable EKS Runtime Monitoring, GuardDuty can start monitoring and analyzing the runtime-activity events for all the existing and new EKS clusters for your accounts. If you want GuardDuty to deploy and update the required EKS-managed add-on for all the existing and new EKS clusters in your account, choose Manage agent automatically. This will also create a VPC endpoint through which the security agent delivers the runtime events to GuardDuty.

If you configure EKS Audit Log Monitoring and runtime monitoring together, you can achieve optimal EKS protection both at the cluster control plane level, and down to the individual pod or container operating system level. When used together, threat detection will be more contextual to allow quick prioritization and response. For example, a runtime-based detection on a pod exhibiting suspicious behavior can be augmented by an audit log-based detection, indicating the pod was unusually launched with elevated privileges.

These options are default, but they are configurable, and you can uncheck one of the boxes in order to disable EKS Runtime Monitoring. When you disable EKS Runtime Monitoring, GuardDuty immediately stops monitoring and analyzing the runtime-activity events for all the existing EKS clusters. If you had configured automated agent management through GuardDuty, this action also removes the security agent that GuardDuty had deployed.

Manage GuardDuty Agent Manually
If you want to manually deploy and update the EKS managed add-on, including the GuardDuty agent, per cluster in your account, uncheck Manage agent automatically in the EKS protection configuration.

When managing the add-on manually, you are also responsible for creating the VPC endpoint through which the security agent delivers the runtime events to GuardDuty. In the VPC endpoint console, choose Create endpoint. In the step, choose Other endpoint services for Service category, enter com.amazonaws.us-east-1.guardduty-data for Service name in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, and choose Verify service.

After the service name is successfully verified, choose VPC and subnets where your EKS cluster resides. Under Additional settings, choose Enable DNS name. Under Security groups, choose a security group that has the in-bound port 443 enabled from your VPC (or your EKS cluster).

Add the following policy to restrict VPC endpoint usage to the specified account only:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Action": "*",
			"Resource": "*",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": "*"
			"Condition": {
				"StringNotEquals": {
					"aws:PrincipalAccount": "123456789012"
			"Action": "*",
			"Resource": "*",
			"Effect": "Deny",
			"Principal": "*"

Now, you can install the Amazon GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring add-on for your EKS clusters. Select this add-on in the Add-ons tab in your EKS cluster profile on the Amazon EKS console.

When you enable EKS Runtime Monitoring in GuardDuty and deploy the Amazon EKS add-on for your EKS cluster, you can view the new pods with the prefix amazon-guardduty-agent. GuardDuty now starts to consume runtime-activity events from all EC2 hosts and containers in the cluster. GuardDuty then analyzes these events for potential threats.

These pods collect various event types and send them to the GuardDuty backend for threat detection and analysis. When managing the add-on manually, you need to go through these steps for each EKS cluster that you want to monitor, including new EKS clusters. To learn more, see Managing GuardDuty agent manually in the AWS documentation.

Checkout EKS Runtime Security Findings
When GuardDuty detects a potential threat and generates a security finding, you can view the details of the corresponding findings. These security findings indicate either a compromised EC2 instance, container workload, an EKS cluster, or a set of compromised credentials in your AWS environment.

If you want to generate EKS Runtime Monitoring sample findings for testing purposes, see Generating sample findings in GuardDuty in the AWS documentation. Here is an example of potential security issues: a newly created or recently modified binary file in an EKS cluster has been executed.

The ResourceType for an EKS Protection finding type could be an Instance, EKSCluster, or Container. If the Resource type in the finding details is EKSCluster, it indicates that either a pod or a container inside an EKS cluster is potentially compromised. Depending on the potentially compromised resource type, the finding details may contain Kubernetes workload details, EKS cluster details, or instance details.

The Runtime details such as process details and any required context describe information about the observed process, and the runtime context describes any additional information about the potentially suspicious activity.

To remediate a compromised pod or container image, see Remediating Kubernetes security issues discovered by GuardDuty in the AWS documentation. This document describes the recommended remediation steps for each resource type. To learn more about security finding types, see GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring finding types in the AWS documentation.

Now Available
You can now use Amazon GuardDuty for EKS Runtime Monitoring. For a full list of Regions where EKS Runtime Monitoring is available, visit region-specific feature availability.

The first 30 days of GuardDuty for EKS Runtime Monitoring are available at no additional charge for existing GuardDuty accounts. If you enabled GuardDuty for the first time, EKS Runtime Monitoring is not enabled by default, and needs to be enabled as described above. After the trial period ends in the GuardDuty, you can see the estimated cost of EKS Runtime Monitoring. To learn more, see the GuardDuty pricing page.

For more information, see the Amazon GuardDuty User Guide and send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon GuardDuty or through your usual AWS support contacts.


How to use Amazon GuardDuty and AWS WAF v2 to automatically block suspicious hosts

Post Syndicated from Eucke Warren original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-use-amazon-guardduty-and-aws-waf-v2-to-automatically-block-suspicious-hosts/

In this post, we’ll share an automation pattern that you can use to automatically detect and block suspicious hosts that are attempting to access your Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources. The automation will rely on Amazon GuardDuty to generate findings about the suspicious hosts, and then you can respond to those findings by programmatically updating AWS WAF to block the host from accessing your workloads.

You should implement security measures across your AWS resources by using a holistic approach that incorporates controls across multiple areas. In the AWS CAF Security Perspective section of the AWS Security Incident Response Guide, we define these controls across four categories:

  • Directive controls — Establish the governance, risk, and compliance models the environment will operate within
  • Preventive controls — Protect your workloads and mitigate threats and vulnerabilities
  • Detective controls — Provide full visibility and transparency over the operation of your deployments in AWS
  • Responsive controls — Drive remediation of potential deviations from your security baselines

Security automation is a key principle outlined in the Response Guide. It helps reduce operational overhead and creates repeatable, predictable approaches to monitoring and responding to events. AWS services provide the building blocks to create powerful patterns for the automated detection and remediation of threats against your AWS environments. You can configure automated flows that use both detective and responsive controls and might also feed into preventative controls to help mitigate risks in the future. Depending on the type of source event, you can automatically invoke specific actions, such as modifying access controls, terminating instances, or revoking credentials.

The patterns highlighted in this post provide an example of how to automatically remediate detected threats. You should modify these patterns to suit your defined requirements, and test and validate them before deploying them in a production environment.

AWS services used for the example pattern

Amazon GuardDuty is a continuous security monitoring and threat detection service that incorporates threat intelligence, anomaly detection, and machine learning to help protect your AWS resources, including your AWS accounts. Amazon EventBridge delivers a near-real-time stream of system events that describe changes in AWS resources. Amazon GuardDuty sends events to Amazon CloudWatch when a change in the findings takes place. In the context of GuardDuty, such changes include newly generated findings and subsequent occurrences of these findings. You can quickly set up rules to match events generated by GuardDuty findings in EventBridge events and route those events to one or more target actions. The pattern in this post routes matched events to AWS Lambda, which then updates AWS WAF web access control lists (web ACLs) and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) network access control lists (network ACLs). AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect your web applications from common web exploits that could affect application availability, security, or excess resource consumption. It supports both managed rules as well as a powerful rule language for custom rules. A network ACL is stateless and is an optional layer of security for your VPC that helps you restrict specific inbound and outbound traffic at the subnet level.

Pattern overview

This example pattern assumes that Amazon GuardDuty is enabled in your AWS account. If it isn’t enabled, you can learn more about the free trial and pricing, and follow the steps in the GuardDuty documentation to configure the service and start monitoring your account. The example code will only work in the us-east-1 AWS Region due to the use of Amazon CloudFront and web ACLs within the template.

Figure 1 shows how the AWS CloudFormation template creates the sample pattern.

Figure 1: How the CloudFormation template works

Figure 1: How the CloudFormation template works

Here’s how the pattern works, as shown in the diagram:

  1. A GuardDuty finding is generated due to suspected malicious activity.
  2. An EventBridge event is configured to filter for GuardDuty finding types by using event patterns.
  3. A Lambda function is invoked by the EventBridge event and parses the GuardDuty finding.
  4. The Lambda function checks the Amazon DynamoDB state table for an existing entry that matches the identified host. If state data is not found in the table for the identified host, a new entry is created in the Amazon DynamoDB state table.
  5. The Lambda function creates a web ACL rule inside AWS WAF and updates a subnet network ACL.
  6. A notification email is sent through Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS).

A second Lambda function runs on a 5-minute recurring schedule and removes entries that are past the configurable retention period from AWS WAF IPSets (an IPSet is a list that contains the blocklisted IPs or CIDRs), VPC network ACLs, and the DynamoDB table.

GuardDuty prefix patterns and findings

The EventBridge event rule provided by the example automation uses the following seven prefix patterns, which allow coverage for 36 GuardDuty finding types. These specific finding types are of a network nature, and so we can use AWS WAF to block them. Be sure to read through the full list of finding types in the GuardDuty documentation to better understand what GuardDuty can report findings for. The covered findings are as follows:

  1. UnauthorizedAccess:EC2
    • UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/MaliciousIPCaller.Custom
    • UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/MetadataDNSRebind
    • UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/RDPBruteForce
    • UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/SSHBruteForce
    • UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/TorClient
    • UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/TorRelay
  2. Recon:EC2
    • Recon:EC2/PortProbeEMRUnprotectedPort
    • Recon:EC2/PortProbeUnprotectedPort
    • Recon:EC2/Portscan
  3. Trojan:EC2
    • Trojan:EC2/BlackholeTraffic
    • Trojan:EC2/BlackholeTraffic!DNS
    • Trojan:EC2/DGADomainRequest.B
    • Trojan:EC2/DGADomainRequest.C!DNS
    • Trojan:EC2/DNSDataExfiltration
    • Trojan:EC2/DriveBySourceTraffic!DNS
    • Trojan:EC2/DropPoint
    • Trojan:EC2/DropPoint!DNS
    • Trojan:EC2/PhishingDomainRequest!DNS
  4. Backdoor:EC2
    • Backdoor:EC2/C&CActivity.B
    • Backdoor:EC2/C&CActivity.B!DNS
    • Backdoor:EC2/DenialOfService.Dns
    • Backdoor:EC2/DenialOfService.Tcp
    • Backdoor:EC2/DenialOfService.Udp
    • Backdoor:EC2/DenialOfService.UdpOnTcpPorts
    • Backdoor:EC2/DenialOfService.UnusualProtocol
    • Backdoor:EC2/Spambot
  5. Impact:EC2
    • Impact:EC2/AbusedDomainRequest.Reputation
    • Impact:EC2/BitcoinDomainRequest.Reputation
    • Impact:EC2/MaliciousDomainRequest.Reputation
    • Impact:EC2/PortSweep
    • Impact:EC2/SuspiciousDomainRequest.Reputation
    • Impact:EC2/WinRMBruteForce
  6. CryptoCurrency:EC2
    • CryptoCurrency:EC2/BitcoinTool.B
    • CryptoCurrency:EC2/BitcoinTool.B!DNS
  7. Behavior:EC2
    • Behavior:EC2/NetworkPortUnusual
    • Behavior:EC2/TrafficVolumeUnusual

When activity occurs that generates one of these GuardDuty finding types and is then matched by the EventBridge event rule, an entry is created in the target web ACLs and subnet network ACLs to deny access from the suspicious host, and then a notification is sent to an email address by this pattern’s Lambda function. Blocking traffic from the suspicious host helps to mitigate potential threats while you perform additional investigation and remediation. For more information, see Remediating a compromised EC2 instance.

Solution deployment

To deploy the solution, you’ll do the following steps. Each step is described in more detail in the sections that follow.

  1. Download the required files.
  2. Create your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and upload the .zip files.
  3. Deploy the CloudFormation template.
  4. Create and test the Lambda function for a GuardDuty finding event.
  5. Confirm the entry for the test event in the VPC network ACL.
  6. Confirm the entry in the AWS WAF IP sets.
  7. Confirm the SNS notification email alert.
  8. Apply the AWS WAF web ACLs to resources.

Step 1: Download the required files

Download the following four files from the amazon-guardduty-waf-acl GitHub code repository:

  1. CloudFormation template – Copy and save the linked raw text, using the file name guarddutytoacl.template on your local file system.
  2. JSON event test file – Copy and save the linked raw text, using the file name gd2acl_test_event.json on your local file system.
  3. guardduty_to_acl_lambda_wafv2.zip – Choose the Download button on the GitHub page and save the .zip file to your local file system.
  4. prune_old_entries_wafv2.zip – Choose the Download button on the GitHub page and save the .zip file to your local file system.

Step 2: Create your S3 bucket and upload .zip files

For this step, create an S3 bucket with public access blocked, and then upload the Lambda .zip files to the newly created S3 bucket.

To create your S3 bucket and upload .zip files

  1. Create an S3 bucket in the us-east-1 Region.
  2. Upload the .zip files guardduty_to_acl_lambda_wafv2.zip and prune_old_entries_wafv2.zip that you saved to your local file system in Step 1 to the newly created S3 bucket.

Step 3: Deploy the CloudFormation template

For this step, deploy the CloudFormation template only to the us-east-1 Region within the AWS account where GuardDuty findings are to be monitored.

To deploy the CloudFormation template

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, choose the CloudFormation service, and set N.Virginia (us-east-1) as the Region.
  2. Choose Create stack, and then choose With new resources (standard).
  3. When the Create stack landing page is presented, make sure that Template is ready is selected in the Prepare template section. In the Template source section, choose Upload a template file.
  4. Choose the Choose file button and browse to the location where the guarddutytoacl.template file was saved on your local file system. Select the file, choose Open, and then choose Next.
  5. On the Specify stack details page, provide the following input parameters. You can modify the default values to customize the pattern for your environment.

    Input parameter Input parameter description
    Notification email The email address to receive notifications. Must be a valid email address.
    Retention time, in minutes How long to retain IP addresses in the blocklist (in minutes). The default is 12 hours.
    S3 bucket for artifacts The S3 bucket with artifact files (Lambda functions, templates, HTML files, and so on). Keep the default value for deployment into the N. Virginia Region.
    S3 path to artifacts The path in the S3 bucket that contains artifact files. Keep the default value for deployment into the N. Virginia Region.
    CloudFrontWebACL Create CloudFront Web ACL? If set to true, a CloudFront IP set will be created automatically.
    RegionalWebACL Create Regional Web ACL? If set to true, a Regional IP set will be created automatically.

    Figure 2 shows an example of the values entered on this page.

    Figure 2: CloudFormation parameters on the Specify stack details page

    Figure 2: CloudFormation parameters on the Specify stack details page

  6. Enter values for all of the input parameters, and then choose Next.
  7. On the Configure stack options page, accept the defaults, and then choose Next.
  8. On the Review page, confirm the details, check the box acknowledging that the template will require capabilities for AWS::IAM::Role, and then choose Create Stack.

    The stack normally requires no more than 3–5 minutes to complete.

  9. While the stack is being created, check the email inbox that you specified for the Notification email address parameter. Look for an email message with the subject “AWS Notification – Subscription Confirmation”. Choose the link in the email to confirm the subscription to the SNS topic. You should see a message similar to the following.
    Figure 3: Subscription confirmation

    Figure 3: Subscription confirmation

When the Status field for the CloudFormation stack changes to CREATE_COMPLETE, as shown in Figure 4, the pattern is implemented and is ready for testing.

Figure 4: The stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE

Figure 4: The stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE

Step 4: Create and test the Lambda function for a GuardDuty finding event

After the CloudFormation stack has completed deployment, you can test the functionality by using a Lambda test event.

To create and run a Lambda GuardDuty finding test event

  1. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services > VPC > Subnets and locate a subnet that is suitable for testing the pattern.
  2. On the Details tab, copy the subnet ID to the clipboard or to a text editor.
    Figure 5: The subnet ID value on the Details tab

    Figure 5: The subnet ID value on the Details tab

  3. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services > CloudFormation > GuardDutytoACL stack. On the Outputs tab for the stack, look for the GuardDutytoACLLambda entry.
    Figure 6: The GuardDutytoACLLambda entry on the Outputs tab

    Figure 6: The GuardDutytoACLLambda entry on the Outputs tab

  4. Choose the link for the entry, and you’ll be redirected to the Lambda console, with the Lambda Code source page already open.
    Figure 7: The Lambda function open in the Lambda console

    Figure 7: The Lambda function open in the Lambda console

  5. In the middle of the Code source menu, in the Test dropdown list, locate and select the Configure test event option.
    Figure 8: Select Configure test event from the dropdown list

    Figure 8: Select Configure test event from the dropdown list

  6. To facilitate testing, we’ve provided a test event file. On the Configure test event page, do the following:
    1. For Event name, enter a name.
    2. In the body of the Event JSON field, paste the provided test event JSON, overwriting the existing contents.
    3. Update the value of SubnetId key (line 35) to the value of the subnet ID that you chose in Step 1 of this procedure.
    4. Choose Save.
    Figure 9: Update the value of the subnetId key

    Figure 9: Update the value of the subnetId key

  7. Choose Test to invoke the Lambda function with the test event. You should see the message “Status: succeeded” at the top of the execution results, similar to what is shown in Figure 10.
    Figure 10: The Test button and the “succeeded” message

    Figure 10: The Test button and the “succeeded” message

Step 5: Confirm the entry in the VPC network ACL

In this step, you’ll confirm that the DENY entry was created in the network ACL. This pattern is configured to create up to 10 entries in an ACL, ranging between rule numbers 71 and 80. Because network ACL rules are processed in order, it’s important that the DENY rule is placed before the ALLOW rule.

To confirm the entry in the VPC network ACL

  1. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services > VPC > Subnets, and locate the subnet you provided for the test event.
  2. Choose the network ACL link and confirm that the new DENY entry was generated from the test event.
    Figure 11: Check the entry from the test event on the Network tab

    Figure 11: Check the entry from the test event on the Network tab

    Note that VPC network ACL entries are created in the rule number range between 71 and 80. Older entries are aged out to create a “sliding window” of blocked hosts.

Step 6: Confirm the entry in the AWS WAF IP sets and blocklists

Next, verify that the entry was added to the CloudFront AWS WAF IP set and to the Application Load Balancer (ALB) AWS WAF IP set.

To confirm the entry in the AWS WAF IP set and blocklist

  1. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services > WAF & Shield > Web ACLs, and then set the selected Region to Global (CloudFront).
  2. Find and select the web ACL name that starts with CloudFrontBlockListWeb. In the Rule view, on the Rules tab, select the rule named CloudFrontBlocklistIPSetRule. Note that appears as an entry in the rule.
    Figure 12: Confirm that the IP address was added

    Figure 12: Confirm that the IP address was added

  3. In the AWS Management Console, on the left navigation menu, choose Web ACLs, and then set the selected Region to US East (N. Virginia).
  4. Find and select the web ACL name that starts with RegionalBlocklistACL. In the Rule view, on the Rules tab, select the rule named RegionalBlocklistIPSetRule. Note that appears as an entry in the rule.
    Figure 13: Make sure that the IP address was added

    Figure 13: Make sure that the IP address was added

There might be specific host addresses that you want to prevent from being added to the blocklist. You can do this within GuardDuty by using a trusted IP list. Trusted IP lists consist of IP addresses that you have allowlisted for secure communication with your AWS infrastructure and applications. GuardDuty doesn’t generate findings for IP addresses on trusted IP lists. For more information, see Working with trusted IP lists and threat lists.

Step 7: Confirm the SNS notification email

Finally, verify that the SNS notification was sent to the email address you set up.

To confirm receipt of the SNS notification email

  • Review the email inbox that you specified for the AdminEmail parameter and look for a message with the subject line “AWS GD2ACL Alert”. The contents of the message from SNS should be similar to the following.
    Figure 14: SNS message example

    Figure 14: SNS message example

Step 8: Apply the AWS WAF web ACLs to resources

The final task is to associate the web ACL with the CloudFront distributions and Application Load Balancers that you want to automatically update with this pattern. To learn how to do this, see Associating or disassociating a web ACL with an AWS resource.

You can also use AWS Firewall Manager to associate the web ACLs. AWS Firewall Manager can simplify your AWS WAF administration and maintenance tasks across multiple accounts and resources. With Firewall Manager, you set up your firewall rules just once. The service automatically applies your rules across your accounts and resources, even as you add new resources.


In this post, you’ve learned how to use Lambda to automatically update AWS WAF and VPC network ACLs in response to GuardDuty findings. With just a few steps, you can use this sample pattern to help mitigate threats by blocking communication with suspicious hosts. You can explore additional possible patterns by using GuardDuty finding types and Amazon EventBridge target actions. This pattern’s code is available on GitHub. Feel free to play around with the code to add more GuardDuty findings to this pattern and also to build bigger and better patterns! Make sure to modify the patterns in this post to suit your defined requirements, and test and validate them before deploying them in a production environment.

If you have comments about this blog post, you can submit them in the Comments section below. If you have questions about using this pattern, start a thread in the GuardDutyAWS WAF, or CloudWatch forums, or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Eucke Warren

Eucke Warren

Eucke is a Sr Solution Architect helping ISV customers grow and mature securely. He has been fortunate to be able to work with technology for more than 30 years and counts automation, infrastructure, and security as areas of focus. When he’s not supporting customers, he enjoys time with his wife, family, and the company of a very bossy 18-pound dog.

Geoff Sweet

Geoff Sweet

Geoff has been in industry for over 20 years. He began his career in Electrical Engineering. Starting in IT during the dot-com boom, he has held a variety of diverse roles, such as systems architect, network architect, and, for the past several years, security architect. Geoff specializes in infrastructure security.

AWS Week in Review – March 20, 2023

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-march-20-2023/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

A new week starts, and Spring is almost here! If you’re curious about AWS news from the previous seven days, I got you covered.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are the launches that got my attention last week:

Picture of an S3 bucket and AWS CEO Adam Selipsky.Amazon S3 – Last week there was AWS Pi Day 2023 celebrating 17 years of innovation since Amazon S3 was introduced on March 14, 2006. For the occasion, the team released many new capabilities:

Amazon Linux 2023 – Our new Linux-based operating system is now generally available. Sébastien’s post is full of tips and info.

Application Auto Scaling – Now can use arithmetic operations and mathematical functions to customize the metrics used with Target Tracking policies. You can use it to scale based on your own application-specific metrics. Read how it works with Amazon ECS services.

AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3 is now generally available – You can now share and find data files directly from S3 buckets, without the need to create or manage copies of the data.

Amazon Neptune – Now offers a graph summary API to help understand important metadata about property graphs (PG) and resource description framework (RDF) graphs. Neptune added support for Slow Query Logs to help identify queries that need performance tuning.

Amazon OpenSearch Service – The team introduced security analytics that provides new threat monitoring, detection, and alerting features. The service now supports OpenSearch version 2.5 that adds several new features such as support for Point in Time Search and improvements to observability and geospatial functionality.

AWS Lake Formation and Apache Hive on Amazon EMR – Introduced fine-grained access controls that allow data administrators to define and enforce fine-grained table and column level security for customers accessing data via Apache Hive running on Amazon EMR.

Amazon EC2 M1 Mac Instances – You can now update guest environments to a specific or the latest macOS version without having to tear down and recreate the existing macOS environments.

AWS Chatbot – Now Integrates With Microsoft Teams to simplify the way you troubleshoot and operate your AWS resources.

Amazon GuardDuty RDS Protection for Amazon Aurora – Now generally available to help profile and monitor access activity to Aurora databases in your AWS account without impacting database performance

AWS Database Migration Service – Now supports validation to ensure that data is migrated accurately to S3 and can now generate an AWS Glue Data Catalog when migrating to S3.

AWS Backup – You can now back up and restore virtual machines running on VMware vSphere 8 and with multiple vNICs.

Amazon Kendra – There are new connectors to index documents and search for information across these new content: Confluence Server, Confluence Cloud, Microsoft SharePoint OnPrem, Microsoft SharePoint Cloud. This post shows how to use the Amazon Kendra connector for Microsoft Teams.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
A few more blog posts you might have missed:

Example of a geospatial query.Women founders Q&A – We’re talking to six women founders and leaders about how they’re making impacts in their communities, industries, and beyond.

What you missed at that 2023 IMAGINE: Nonprofit conference – Where hundreds of nonprofit leaders, technologists, and innovators gathered to learn and share how AWS can drive a positive impact for people and the planet.

Monitoring load balancers using Amazon CloudWatch anomaly detection alarms – The metrics emitted by load balancers provide crucial and unique insight into service health, service performance, and end-to-end network performance.

Extend geospatial queries in Amazon Athena with user-defined functions (UDFs) and AWS Lambda – Using a solution based on Uber’s Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index (H3) to divide the globe into equally-sized hexagons.

How cities can use transport data to reduce pollution and increase safety – A guest post by Rikesh Shah, outgoing head of open innovation at Transport for London.

For AWS open-source news and updates, here’s the latest newsletter curated by Ricardo to bring you the most recent updates on open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Here are some opportunities to meet:

AWS Public Sector Day 2023 (March 21, London, UK) – An event dedicated to helping public sector organizations use technology to achieve more with less through the current challenging conditions.

Women in Tech at Skills Center Arlington (March 23, VA, USA) – Let’s celebrate the history and legacy of women in tech.

The AWS Summits season is warming up! You can sign up here to know when registration opens in your area.

That’s all from me for this week. Come back next Monday for another Week in Review!


How to improve security incident investigations using Amazon Detective finding groups

Post Syndicated from Anna McAbee original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-improve-security-incident-investigations-using-amazon-detective-finding-groups/

Uncovering the root cause of an Amazon GuardDuty finding can be a complex task, requiring security operations center (SOC) analysts to collect a variety of logs, correlate information across logs, and determine the full scope of affected resources.

Sometimes you need to do this type of in-depth analysis because investigating individual security findings in insolation doesn’t always capture the full impact of affected resources.

With Amazon Detective, you can analyze and visualize various logs and relationships between AWS entities to streamline your investigation. In this post, you will learn how to use a feature of Detective—finding groups—to simplify and expedite the investigation of a GuardDuty finding.

Detective uses machine learning, statistical analysis, and graph theory to generate visualizations that help you to conduct faster and more efficient security investigations. The finding groups feature reduces triage time and provides a clear view of related GuardDuty findings. With finding groups, you can investigate entities and security findings that might have been overlooked in isolation. Finding groups also map GuardDuty findings and their relevant tactics, techniques, and procedures to the MITRE ATT&CK framework. By using MITRE ATT&CK, you can better understand the event lifecycle of a finding group.

Finding groups are automatically enabled for both existing and new customers in AWS Regions that support Detective. There is no additional charge for finding groups. If you don’t currently use Detective, you can start a free 30-day trial.

Use finding groups to simplify an investigation

Because finding groups are enabled by default, you start your investigation by simply navigating to the Detective console. You will see these finding groups in two different places: the Summary and the Finding groups pages. On the Finding groups overview page, you can also use the search capability to look for collected metadata for finding groups, such as severity, title, finding group ID, observed tactics, AWS accounts, entities, finding ID, and status. The entities information can help you narrow down finding groups that are more relevant for specific workloads.

Figure 1 shows the finding groups area on the Summary page in the Amazon Detective console, which provides high-level information on some of the individual finding groups.

Figure 1: Detective console summary page

Figure 1: Detective console summary page

Figure 2 shows the Finding groups overview page, with a list of finding groups filtered by status. The finding group shown has a status of Active.

Figure 2: Detective console finding groups overview page

Figure 2: Detective console finding groups overview page

You can choose the finding group title to see details like the severity of the finding group, the status, scope time, parent or child finding groups, and the observed tactics from the MITRE ATT&CK framework. Figure 3 shows a specific finding group details page.

Figure 3: Detective console showing a specific finding group details page

Figure 3: Detective console showing a specific finding group details page

Below the finding group details, you can review the entities and associated findings for this finding group, as shown in Figure 4. From the Involved entities tab, you can pivot to the entity profile pages for more details about that entity’s behavior. From the Involved findings tab, you can select a finding to review the details pane.

Figure 4: Detective console showing involved entities of a finding group

Figure 4: Detective console showing involved entities of a finding group

In Figure 4, the search functionality on the Involved entities tab is being used to look at involved entities that are of type AWS role or EC2 instance. With such a search filter in Detective, you have more data in a single place to understand which Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles were involved in the GuardDuty finding and what findings were associated with each entity. You can also select these different entities to see more details. With finding groups, you no longer have to craft specific log searches or search for the AWS resources and entities that you should investigate. Detective has done this correlation for you, which reduces the triage time and provides a more comprehensive investigation.

With the release of finding groups, Detective infers relationships between findings and groups them together, providing a more convenient starting point for investigations. Detective has evolved from helping you determine which resources are related to a single entity (for example, what EC2 instances are communicating with a malicious IP), to correlating multiple related findings together and showing what MITRE tactics are aligned across those findings, helping you better understand a more advanced single security event.


In this blog post, we showed how you can use Detective finding groups to simplify security investigations through grouping related GuardDuty findings and AWS entities, which provides a more comprehensive view of the lifecycle of the potential security incident. Finding groups are automatically enabled for both existing and new customers in AWS Regions that support Detective. There is no additional charge for finding groups. If you don’t currently use Detective, you can start a free 30-day trial. For more information on finding groups, see Analyzing finding groups in the Amazon Detective User Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. You can also start a new thread on the Amazon Detective re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Anna McAbee

Anna is a Security Specialist Solutions Architect focused on threat detection and incident response at AWS. Before AWS, she worked as an AWS customer in financial services on both the offensive and defensive sides of security. Outside of work, Anna enjoys cheering on the Florida Gators football team, wine tasting, and traveling the world.


Marshall Jones

Marshall is a Worldwide Security Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. His background is in AWS consulting and security architecture, focused on a variety of security domains including edge, threat detection, and compliance. Today, he is focused on helping enterprise AWS customers adopt and operationalize AWS security services to increase security effectiveness and reduce risk.

Luis Pastor

Luis Pastor

Luis is a Security Specialist Solutions Architect focused on infrastructure security at AWS. Before AWS he worked with large and boutique system integrators, helping clients in an array of industries improve their security posture and reach and maintain compliance in hybrid environments. Luis enjoys keeping active, cooking and eating spicy food, specially Mexican cuisine.

Three key security themes from AWS re:Invent 2022

Post Syndicated from Anne Grahn original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/three-key-security-themes-from-aws-reinvent-2022/

AWS re:Invent returned to Las Vegas, Nevada, November 28 to December 2, 2022. After a virtual event in 2020 and a hybrid 2021 edition, spirits were high as over 51,000 in-person attendees returned to network and learn about the latest AWS innovations.

Now in its 11th year, the conference featured 5 keynotes, 22 leadership sessions, and more than 2,200 breakout sessions and hands-on labs at 6 venues over 5 days.

With well over 100 service and feature announcements—and innumerable best practices shared by AWS executives, customers, and partners—distilling highlights is a challenge. From a security perspective, three key themes emerged.

Turn data into actionable insights

Security teams are always looking for ways to increase visibility into their security posture and uncover patterns to make more informed decisions. However, as AWS Vice President of Data and Machine Learning, Swami Sivasubramanian, pointed out during his keynote, data often exists in silos; it isn’t always easy to analyze or visualize, which can make it hard to identify correlations that spark new ideas.

“Data is the genesis for modern invention.” – Swami Sivasubramanian, AWS VP of Data and Machine Learning

At AWS re:Invent, we launched new features and services that make it simpler for security teams to store and act on data. One such service is Amazon Security Lake, which brings together security data from cloud, on-premises, and custom sources in a purpose-built data lake stored in your account. The service, which is now in preview, automates the sourcing, aggregation, normalization, enrichment, and management of security-related data across an entire organization for more efficient storage and query performance. It empowers you to use the security analytics solutions of your choice, while retaining control and ownership of your security data.

Amazon Security Lake has adopted the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF), which AWS cofounded with a number of organizations in the cybersecurity industry. The OCSF helps standardize and combine security data from a wide range of security products and services, so that it can be shared and ingested by analytics tools. More than 37 AWS security partners have announced integrations with Amazon Security Lake, enhancing its ability to transform security data into a powerful engine that helps drive business decisions and reduce risk. With Amazon Security Lake, analysts and engineers can gain actionable insights from a broad range of security data and improve threat detection, investigation, and incident response processes.

Strengthen security programs

According to Gartner, by 2026, at least 50% of C-Level executives will have performance requirements related to cybersecurity risk built into their employment contracts. Security is top of mind for organizations across the globe, and as AWS CISO CJ Moses emphasized during his leadership session, we are continuously building new capabilities to help our customers meet security, risk, and compliance goals.

In addition to Amazon Security Lake, several new AWS services announced during the conference are designed to make it simpler for builders and security teams to improve their security posture in multiple areas.

Identity and networking

Authorization is a key component of applications. Amazon Verified Permissions is a scalable, fine-grained permissions management and authorization service for custom applications that simplifies policy-based access for developers and centralizes access governance. The new service gives developers a simple-to-use policy and schema management system to define and manage authorization models. The policy-based authorization system that Amazon Verified Permissions offers can shorten development cycles by months, provide a consistent user experience across applications, and facilitate integrated auditing to support stringent compliance and regulatory requirements.

Additional services that make it simpler to define authorization and service communication include Amazon VPC Lattice, an application-layer service that consistently connects, monitors, and secures communications between your services, and AWS Verified Access, which provides secure access to corporate applications without a virtual private network (VPN).

Threat detection and monitoring

Monitoring for malicious activity and anomalous behavior just got simpler. Amazon GuardDuty RDS Protection expands the threat detection capabilities of GuardDuty by using tailored machine learning (ML) models to detect suspicious logins to Amazon Aurora databases. You can enable the feature with a single click in the GuardDuty console, with no agents to manually deploy, no data sources to enable, and no permissions to configure. When RDS Protection detects a potentially suspicious or anomalous login attempt that indicates a threat to your database instance, GuardDuty generates a new finding with details about the potentially compromised database instance. You can view GuardDuty findings in AWS Security Hub, Amazon Detective (if enabled), and Amazon EventBridge, allowing for integration with existing security event management or workflow systems.

To bolster vulnerability management processes, Amazon Inspector now supports AWS Lambda functions, adding automated vulnerability assessments for serverless compute workloads. With this expanded capability, Amazon Inspector automatically discovers eligible Lambda functions and identifies software vulnerabilities in application package dependencies used in the Lambda function code. Actionable security findings are aggregated in the Amazon Inspector console, and pushed to Security Hub and EventBridge to automate workflows.

Data protection and privacy

The first step to protecting data is to find it. Amazon Macie now automatically discovers sensitive data, providing continual, cost-effective, organization-wide visibility into where sensitive data resides across your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) estate. With this new capability, Macie automatically and intelligently samples and analyzes objects across your S3 buckets, inspecting them for sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII), financial data, and AWS credentials. Macie then builds and maintains an interactive data map of your sensitive data in S3 across your accounts and Regions, and provides a sensitivity score for each bucket. This helps you identify and remediate data security risks without manual configuration and reduce monitoring and remediation costs.

Encryption is a critical tool for protecting data and building customer trust. The launch of the end-to-end encrypted enterprise communication service AWS Wickr offers advanced security and administrative controls that can help you protect sensitive messages and files from unauthorized access, while working to meet data retention requirements.

Management and governance

Maintaining compliance with regulatory, security, and operational best practices as you provision cloud resources is key. AWS Config rules, which evaluate the configuration of your resources, have now been extended to support proactive mode, so that they can be incorporated into infrastructure-as-code continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to help identify noncompliant resources prior to provisioning. This can significantly reduce time spent on remediation.

Managing the controls needed to meet your security objectives and comply with frameworks and standards can be challenging. To make it simpler, we launched comprehensive controls management with AWS Control Tower. You can use it to apply managed preventative, detective, and proactive controls to accounts and organizational units (OUs) by service, control objective, or compliance framework. You can also use AWS Control Tower to turn on Security Hub detective controls across accounts in an OU. This new set of features reduces the time that it takes to define and manage the controls required to meet specific objectives, such as supporting the principle of least privilege, restricting network access, and enforcing data encryption.

Do more with less

As we work through macroeconomic conditions, security leaders are facing increased budgetary pressures. In his opening keynote, AWS CEO Adam Selipsky emphasized the effects of the pandemic, inflation, supply chain disruption, energy prices, and geopolitical events that continue to impact organizations.

Now more than ever, it is important to maintain your security posture despite resource constraints. Citing specific customer examples, Selipsky underscored how the AWS Cloud can help organizations move faster and more securely. By moving to the cloud, agricultural machinery manufacturer Agco reduced costs by 78% while increasing data retrieval speed, and multinational HVAC provider Carrier Global experienced a 40% reduction in the cost of running mission-critical ERP systems.

“If you’re looking to tighten your belt, the cloud is the place to do it.” – Adam Selipsky, AWS CEO

Security teams can do more with less by maximizing the value of existing controls, and bolstering security monitoring and analytics capabilities. Services and features announced during AWS re:Invent—including Amazon Security Lake, sensitive data discovery with Amazon Macie, support for Lambda functions in Amazon Inspector, Amazon GuardDuty RDS Protection, and more—can help you get more out of the cloud and address evolving challenges, no matter the economic climate.

Security is our top priority

AWS re:Invent featured many more highlights on a variety of topics, such as Amazon EventBridge Pipes and the pre-announcement of GuardDuty EKS Runtime protection, as well as Amazon CTO Dr. Werner Vogels’ keynote, and the security partnerships showcased on the Expo floor. It was a whirlwind week, but one thing is clear: AWS is working harder than ever to make our services better and to collaborate on solutions that ease the path to proactive security, so that you can focus on what matters most—your business.

For more security-related announcements and on-demand sessions, see A recap for security, identity, and compliance sessions at AWS re:Invent 2022 and the AWS re:Invent Security, Identity, and Compliance playlist on YouTube.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Anne Grahn

Anne Grahn

Anne is a Senior Worldwide Security GTM Specialist at AWS based in Chicago. She has more than a decade of experience in the security industry, and has a strong focus on privacy risk management. She maintains a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.


Paul Hawkins

Paul helps customers of all sizes understand how to think about cloud security so they can build the technology and culture where security is a business enabler. He takes an optimistic approach to security and believes that getting the foundations right is the key to improving your security posture.

Building AWS Lambda governance and guardrails

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-aws-lambda-governance-and-guardrails/

When building serverless applications using AWS Lambda, there are a number of considerations regarding security, governance, and compliance. This post highlights how Lambda, as a serverless service, simplifies cloud security and compliance so you can concentrate on your business logic. It covers controls that you can implement for your Lambda workloads to ensure that your applications conform to your organizational requirements.

The Shared Responsibility Model

The AWS Shared Responsibility Model distinguishes between what AWS is responsible for and what customers are responsible for with cloud workloads. AWS is responsible for “Security of the Cloud” where AWS protects the infrastructure that runs all the services offered in the AWS Cloud. Customers are responsible for “Security in the Cloud”, managing and securing their workloads. When building traditional applications, you take on responsibility for many infrastructure services, including operating systems and network configuration.

Traditional application shared responsibility

Traditional application shared responsibility

One major benefit when building serverless applications is shifting more responsibility to AWS so you can concentrate on your business applications. AWS handles managing and patching the underlying servers, operating systems, and networking as part of running the services.

Serverless application shared responsibility

Serverless application shared responsibility

For Lambda, AWS manages the application platform where your code runs, which includes patching and updating the managed language runtimes. This reduces the attack surface while making cloud security simpler. You are responsible for the security of your code and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to the Lambda service and within your function.

Lambda is SOCHIPAAPCI, and ISO-compliant. For more information, see Compliance validation for AWS Lambda and the latest Lambda certification and compliance readiness services in scope.

Lambda isolation

Lambda functions run in separate isolated AWS accounts that are dedicated to the Lambda service. Lambda invokes your code in a secure and isolated runtime environment within the Lambda service account. A runtime environment is a collection of resources running in a dedicated hardware-virtualized Micro Virtual Machines (MVM) on a Lambda worker node.

Lambda workers are bare metalEC2 Nitro instances, which are managed and patched by the Lambda service team. They have a maximum lease lifetime of 14 hours to keep the underlying infrastructure secure and fresh. MVMs are created by Firecracker, an open source virtual machine monitor (VMM) that uses Linux’s Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) to create and manage MVMs securely at scale.

MVMs maintain a strong separation between runtime environments at the virtual machine hardware level, which increases security. Runtime environments are never reused across functions, function versions, or AWS accounts.

Isolation model for AWS Lambda workers

Isolation model for AWS Lambda workers

Network security

Lambda functions always run inside secure Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPCs) owned by the Lambda service. This gives the Lambda function access to AWS services and the public internet. There is no direct network inbound access to Lambda workers, runtime environments, or Lambda functions. All inbound access to a Lambda function only comes via the Lambda Invoke API, which sends the event object to the function handler.

You can configure a Lambda function to connect to private subnets in a VPC in your account if necessary, which you can control with IAM condition keys . The Lambda function still runs inside the Lambda service VPC but sends all network traffic through your VPC. Function outbound traffic comes from your own network address space.

AWS Lambda service VPC with VPC-to-VPC NAT to customer VPC

AWS Lambda service VPC with VPC-to-VPC NAT to customer VPC

To give your VPC-connected function access to the internet, route outbound traffic to a NAT gateway in a public subnet. Connecting a function to a public subnet doesn’t give it internet access or a public IP address, as the function is still running in the Lambda service VPC and then routing network traffic into your VPC.

All internal AWS traffic uses the AWS Global Backbone rather than traversing the internet. You do not need to connect your functions to a VPC to avoid connectivity to AWS services over the internet. VPC connected functions allow you to control and audit outbound network access.

You can use security groups to control outbound traffic for VPC-connected functions and network ACLs to block access to CIDR IP ranges or ports. VPC endpoints allow you to enable private communications with supported AWS services without internet access.

You can use VPC Flow Logs to audit traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC.

Runtime environment re-use

Each runtime environment processes a single request at a time. After Lambda finishes processing the request, the runtime environment is ready to process an additional request for the same function version. For more information on how Lambda manages runtime environments, see Understanding AWS Lambda scaling and throughput.

Data can persist in the local temporary filesystem path, in globally scoped variables, and in environment variables across subsequent invocations of the same function version. Ensure that you only handle sensitive information within individual invocations of the function by processing it in the function handler, or using local variables. Do not re-use files in the local temporary filesystem to process unencrypted sensitive data. Do not put sensitive or confidential information into Lambda environment variables, tags, or other freeform fields such as Name fields.

For more Lambda security information, see the Lambda security whitepaper.

Multiple accounts

AWS recommends using multiple accounts to isolate your resources because they provide natural boundaries for security, access, and billing. Use AWS Organizations to manage and govern individual member accounts centrally. You can use AWS Control Tower to automate many of the account build steps and apply managed guardrails to govern your environment. These include preventative guardrails to limit actions and detective guardrails to detect and alert on non-compliance resources for remediation.

Lambda access controls

Lambda permissions define what a Lambda function can do, and who or what can invoke the function. Consider the following areas when applying access controls to your Lambda functions to ensure least privilege:

Execution role

Lambda functions have permission to access other AWS resources using execution roles. This is an AWS principal that the Lambda service assumes which grants permissions using identity policy statements assigned to the role. The Lambda service uses this role to fetch and cache temporary security credentials, which are then available as environment variables during a function’s invocation. It may re-use them across different runtime environments that use the same execution role.

Ensure that each function has its own unique role with the minimum set of permissions..

Identity/user policies

IAM identity policies are attached to IAM users, groups, or roles. These policies allow users or callers to perform operations on Lambda functions. You can restrict who can create functions, or control what functions particular users can manage.

Resource policies

Resource policies define what identities have fine-grained inbound access to managed services. For example, you can restrict which Lambda function versions can add events to a specific Amazon EventBridge event bus. You can use resource-based policies on Lambda resources to control what AWS IAM identities and event sources can invoke a specific version or alias of your function. You also use a resource-based policy to allow an AWS service to invoke your function on your behalf. To see which services support resource-based policies, see “AWS services that work with IAM”.

Attribute-based access control (ABAC)

With attribute-based access control (ABAC), you can use tags to control access to your Lambda functions. With ABAC, you can scale an access control strategy by setting granular permissions with tags without requiring permissions updates for every new user or resource as your organization scales. You can also use tag policies with AWS Organizations to standardize tags across resources.

Permissions boundaries

Permissions boundaries are a way to delegate permission management safely. The boundary places a limit on the maximum permissions that a policy can grant. For example, you can use boundary permissions to limit the scope of the execution role to allow only read access to databases. A builder with permission to manage a function or with write access to the applications code repository cannot escalate the permissions beyond the boundary to allow write access.

Service control policies

When using AWS Organizations, you can use Service control policies (SCPs) to manage permissions in your organization. These provide guardrails for what actions IAM users and roles within the organization root or OUs can do. For more information, see the AWS Organizations documentation, which includes example service control policies.

Code signing

As you are responsible for the code that runs in your Lambda functions, you can ensure that only trusted code runs by using code signing with the AWS Signer service. AWS Signer digitally signs your code packages and Lambda validates the code package before accepting the deployment, which can be part of your automated software deployment process.

Auditing Lambda configuration, permissions and access

You should audit access and permissions regularly to ensure that your workloads are secure. Use the IAM console to view when an IAM role was last used.

IAM last used

IAM last used

IAM access advisor

Use IAM access advisor on the Access Advisor tab in the IAM console to review when was the last time an AWS service was used from a specific IAM user or role. You can use this to remove IAM policies and access from your IAM roles.

IAM access advisor

IAM access advisor

AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail helps you monitor, log, and retain account activity to provide a complete event history of actions across your AWS infrastructure. You can monitor Lambda API actions to ensure that only appropriate actions are made against your Lambda functions. These include CreateFunction, DeleteFunction, CreateEventSourceMapping, AddPermission, UpdateEventSourceMapping,  UpdateFunctionConfiguration, and UpdateFunctionCode.

AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail

IAM Access Analyzer

You can validate policies using IAM Access Analyzer, which provides over 100 policy checks with security warnings for overly permissive policies. To learn more about policy checks provided by IAM Access Analyzer, see “IAM Access Analyzer policy validation”.

You can also generate IAM policies based on access activity from CloudTrail logs, which contain the permissions that the role used in your specified date range.

IAM Access Analyzer

IAM Access Analyzer

AWS Config

AWS Config provides you with a record of the configuration history of your AWS resources. AWS Config monitors the resource configuration and includes rules to alert when they fall into a non-compliant state.

For Lambda, you can track and alert on changes to your function configuration, along with the IAM execution role. This allows you to gather Lambda function lifecycle data for potential audit and compliance requirements. For more information, see the Lambda Operators Guide.

AWS Config includes Lambda managed config rules such as lambda-concurrency-check, lambda-dlq-check, lambda-function-public-access-prohibited, lambda-function-settings-check, and lambda-inside-vpc. You can also write your own rules.

There are a number of other AWS services to help with security compliance.

  1. AWS Audit Manager: Collect evidence to help you audit your use of cloud services.
  2. Amazon GuardDuty: Detect unexpected and potentially unauthorized activity in your AWS environment.
  3. Amazon Macie: Evaluates your content to identify business-critical or potentially confidential data.
  4. AWS Trusted Advisor: Identify opportunities to improve stability, save money, or help close security gaps.
  5. AWS Security Hub: Provides security checks and recommendations across your organization.


Lambda makes cloud security simpler by taking on more responsibility using the AWS Shared Responsibility Model. Lambda implements strict workload security at scale to isolate your code and prevent network intrusion to your functions. This post provides guidance on assessing and implementing best practices and tools for Lambda to improve your security, governance, and compliance controls. These include permissions, access controls, multiple accounts, and code security. Learn how to audit your function permissions, configuration, and access to ensure that your applications conform to your organizational requirements.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

AWS Week in Review – August 1, 2022

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-august-1-2022/

AWS re:Inforce returned to Boston last week, kicking off with a keynote from Amazon Chief Security Officer Steve Schmidt and AWS Chief Information Security officer C.J. Moses:

Be sure to take some time to watch this video and the other leadership sessions, and to use what you learn to take some proactive steps to improve your security posture.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that caught my eye last week:

AWS Wickr uses 256-bit end-to-end encryption to deliver secure messaging, voice, and video calling, including file sharing and screen sharing, across desktop and mobile devices. Each call, message, and file is encrypted with a new random key and can be decrypted only by the intended recipient. AWS Wickr supports logging to a secure, customer-controlled data store for compliance and auditing, and offers full administrative control over data: permissions, ephemeral messaging options, and security groups. You can now sign up for the preview.

AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights helps AWS Marketplace sellers to make security and compliance data available through AWS Marketplace in the form of a unified, web-based dashboard. Designed to support governance, risk, and compliance teams, the dashboard also provides evidence that is backed by AWS Config and AWS Audit Manager assessments, external audit reports, and self-assessments from software vendors. To learn more, read the What’s New post.

GuardDuty Malware Protection protects Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes from malware. As Danilo describes in his blog post, a malware scan is initiated when Amazon GuardDuty detects that a workload running on an EC2 instance or in a container appears to be doing something suspicious. The new malware protection feature creates snapshots of the attached EBS volumes, restores them within a service account, and performs an in-depth scan for malware. The scanner supports many types of file systems and file formats and generates actionable security findings when malware is detected.

Amazon Neptune Global Database lets you build graph applications that run across multiple AWS Regions using a single graph database. You can deploy a primary Neptune cluster in one region and replicate its data to up to five secondary read-only database clusters, with up to 16 read replicas each. Clusters can recover in minutes in the result of an (unlikely) regional outage, with a Recovery Point Objective (RPO) of 1 second and a Recovery Time Objective (RTO) of 1 minute. To learn a lot more and see this new feature in action, read Introducing Amazon Neptune Global Database.

Amazon Detective now Supports Kubernetes Workloads, with the ability to scale to thousands of container deployments and millions of configuration changes per second. It ingests EKS audit logs to capture API activity from users, applications, and the EKS control plane, and correlates user activity with information gleaned from Amazon VPC flow logs. As Channy notes in his blog post, you can enable Amazon Detective and take advantage of a free 30 day trial of the EKS capabilities.

AWS SSO is Now AWS IAM Identity Center in order to better represent the full set of workforce and account management capabilities that are part of IAM. You can create user identities directly in IAM Identity Center, or you can connect your existing Active Directory or standards-based identify provider. To learn more, read this post from the AWS Security Blog.

AWS Config Conformance Packs now provide you with percentage-based scores that will help you track resource compliance within the scope of the resources addressed by the pack. Scores are computed based on the product of the number of resources and the number of rules, and are reported to Amazon CloudWatch so that you can track compliance trends over time. To learn more about how scores are computed, read the What’s New post.

Amazon Macie now lets you perform one-click temporary retrieval of sensitive data that Macie has discovered in an S3 bucket. You can retrieve up to ten examples at a time, and use these findings to accelerate your security investigations. All of the data that is retrieved and displayed in the Macie console is encrypted using customer-managed AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys. To learn more, read the What’s New post.

AWS Control Tower was updated multiple times last week. CloudTrail Organization Logging creates an org-wide trail in your management account to automatically log the actions of all member accounts in your organization. Control Tower now reduces redundant AWS Config items by limiting recording of global resources to home regions. To take advantage of this change you need to update to the latest landing zone version and then re-register each Organizational Unit, as detailed in the What’s New post. Lastly, Control Tower’s region deny guardrail now includes AWS API endpoints for AWS Chatbot, Amazon S3 Storage Lens, and Amazon S3 Multi Region Access Points. This allows you to limit access to AWS services and operations for accounts enrolled in your AWS Control Tower environment.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some other news items and customer stories that you may find interesting:

AWS Open Source News and Updates – My colleague Ricardo Sueiras writes a weekly open source newsletter and highlights new open source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS community. Read installment #122 here.

Growy Case Study – This Netherlands-based company is building fully-automated robot-based vertical farms that grow plants to order. Read the case study to learn how they use AWS IoT and other services to monitor and control light, temperature, CO2, and humidity to maximize yield and quality.

Journey of a Snap on Snapchat – This video shows you how a snapshot flows end-to-end from your camera to AWS, to your friends. With over 300 million daily active users, Snap takes advantage of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon CloudFront, and many other AWS services, storing over 400 terabytes of data in DynamoDB and managing over 900 EKS clusters.

Cutting Cardboard Waste – Bin packing is almost certainly a part of every computer science curriculum! In the linked article from the Amazon Science site, you can learn how an Amazon Principal Research Scientist developed PackOpt to figure out the optimal set of boxes to use for shipments from Amazon’s global network of fulfillment centers. This is an NP-hard problem and the article describes how they build a parallelized solution that explores a multitude of alternative solutions, all running on AWS.

Upcoming Events
Check your calendar and sign up for these online and in-person AWS events:

AWS SummitAWS Global Summits – AWS Global Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Registrations are open for the following AWS Summits in August:

Imagine Conference 2022IMAGINE 2022 – The IMAGINE 2022 conference will take place on August 3 at the Seattle Convention Center, Washington, USA. It’s a no-cost event that brings together education, state, and local leaders to learn about the latest innovations and best practices in the cloud. You can register here.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!


This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!