Tag Archives: Cloudflare Pages

Supporting Remix with full stack Cloudflare Pages

Post Syndicated from Greg Brimble original https://blog.cloudflare.com/remix-on-cloudflare-pages/

Supporting Remix with full stack Cloudflare Pages

Supporting Remix with full stack Cloudflare Pages

We announced the open beta of full stack Cloudflare Pages in November and have since seen widespread uptake from developers looking to add dynamic functionality to their applications. Today, we’re excited to announce Pages’ support for Remix applications, powered by our full stack platform.

The new kid on the block: Remix

Remix is a new framework that is focused on fully utilizing the power of the web. Like Cloudflare Workers, it uses modern JavaScript APIs, and it places emphasis on web fundamentals such as meaningful HTTP status codes, caching and optimizing for both usability and performance. One of the biggest features of Remix is its transportability: Remix provides a platform-agnostic interface and adapters allowing it to be deployed to a growing number of providers. Cloudflare Workers was available at Remix’s launch, but what makes Workers different in this case, is the native compatibility that Workers can offer.

One of the main inspirations for Remix was the way Cloudflare Workers uses native web APIs for handling HTTP requests and responses. It’s a brilliant decision because developers are able to reuse knowledge on the server that they gained building apps in the browser! Remix runs natively on Cloudflare Workers, and the results we’ve seen so far are fantastic. We are incredibly excited about the potential that Cloudflare Workers and Pages unlocks for building apps that run at the edge!
Michael Jackson, CEO at Remix

This native compatibility means that as you learn how to write applications in Remix, you’re also learning how to write Cloudflare Workers (and vice versa). But it also means better performance! Rather than having a Node.js process running on a server — which could be far away from your users, could be overwhelmed in the case of high traffic, and has to map between Node.js’ runtime and the modern Fetch API — you can deploy to Cloudflare’s network and requests will be routed to any one of our 250+ locations. This means better performance for your users, with 95% of the entire Internet-connected world lying within 50ms of a Cloudflare presence, and 80% of the Internet-connected world within 20ms.

Integrating with Cloudflare

More often than not, full stack applications need some place to store data. Cloudflare offers three all-encompassing options here:

  • KV, our high performance and globally replicated key-value datastore.
  • Durable Objects, our strongly consistent coordination primitive which can be restricted to a given jurisdiction.
  • R2 (coming soon!), our fast and reliable object storage.

Remix already tightly integrates with KV for session storage, and a Durable Objects integration is in progress. Additionally, Cloudflare’s other features, such as geolocating incoming requests, HTMLRewriter and our Cache API, are all available from within your Remix application.

Deploying to Cloudflare Pages

Cloudflare Pages was already capable of serving static assets from the Cloudflare edge, but now with November’s release of serverless functions powered by Cloudflare Workers, it has evolved into an entire platform perfectly suited for hosting full stack applications.

To get started with Remix and Cloudflare Pages today, run the following in your terminal, and select “Cloudflare Pages” when asked “Where do you want to deploy?”:

npx create-remix@latest

Then create a repository on GitHub or GitLab, git commit, and git push the newly created folder. Finally, navigate to Cloudflare Pages, select your repository, and select “Remix” from the dropdown of framework presets. Your new application will be available on your pages.dev subdomain, or you can connect it to any of your custom domains.

Your folder will have a functions/[[path]].ts file. This is the functions integration where we serve your Remix application on all paths of your website. The app folder is where the bulk of your Remix application’s logic is. With Pages’ support for rollbacks and preview deployments, you can safely test any changes to your application, and, with the wrangler 2.0 beta, testing locally is just a simple case of npm run dev.

The future of frameworks on Cloudflare Pages

Remix is the second framework to integrate natively with full stack Cloudflare Pages, following SvelteKit, which was available at launch. But this is just the beginning! We have a lot more in store for our integration with Remix and other frameworks. Stay tuned for improvements on  Pages’ build times and other areas of the developer experience, as well as new features to the platform.

Join our community!

If you are new to the Cloudflare Pages and Workers world, join our Discord server and show us what you’re building. Whether it’s a new full stack application on Remix or even a simple static site, we’d love to hear from you.

Build your next video application on Cloudflare

Post Syndicated from Jonathan Kuperman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/build-video-applications-cloudflare/

Build your next video application on Cloudflare

Build your next video application on Cloudflare

Historically, building video applications has been very difficult. There’s a lot of complicated tech behind recording, encoding, and playing videos. Luckily, Cloudflare Stream abstracts all the difficult parts away, so you can build custom video and streaming applications easily. Let’s look at how we can combine Cloudflare Stream, Access, Pages, and Workers to create a high-performance video application with very little code.

Today, we’re going to build a video application inspired by Cloudflare TV. We’ll have user authentication and the ability for administrators to upload recorded videos or livestream new content. Think about being able to build your own YouTube or Twitch using Cloudflare services!

Fetching a list of videos

On the main page of our application, we want to display a list of all videos. The videos are uploaded and stored with Cloudflare Stream, but more on that later! This code could be changed to display only the “trending” videos or a selection of videos chosen for each user. For now, we’ll use the search API and pass in an empty string to return all.

import { getSignedStreamId } from "../../src/cfStream"

export async function onRequestGet(context) {
    const {
    } = context

    const { id } = params

    if (id) {
        const res = await fetch(`https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/${env.CF_ACCOUNT_ID}/stream/${id}`, {
            method: "GET",
            headers: {
                "Authorization": `Bearer ${env.CF_API_TOKEN_STREAM}`

        const video = (await res.json()).result

        if (video.meta.visibility !== "public") {
            return new Response(null, {status: 401})

        const signedId = await getSignedStreamId(id, env.CF_STREAM_SIGNING_KEY)

        return new Response(JSON.stringify({
            signedId: `${signedId}`
        }), {
            headers: {
                "content-type": "application/json"
    } else {
        const url = new URL(request.url)
        const res = await (await fetch(`https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/${env.CF_ACCOUNT_ID}/stream?search=${url.searchParams.get("search") || ""}`, {
            headers: {
                "Authorization": `Bearer ${env.CF_API_TOKEN_STREAM}`

        const filteredVideos = res.result.filter(x => x.meta.visibility === "public") 
        const videos = await Promise.all(filteredVideos.map(async x => {
            const signedId = await getSignedStreamId(x.uid, env.CF_STREAM_SIGNING_KEY)
            return {
                uid: x.uid,
                status: x.status,
                thumbnail: `https://videodelivery.net/${signedId}/thumbnails/thumbnail.jpg`,
                meta: {
                    name: x.meta.name
                created: x.created,
                modified: x.modified,
                duration: x.duration,
        return new Response(JSON.stringify(videos), {headers: {"content-type": "application/json"}})

We’ll go through each video, filter out any private videos, and pull out the metadata we need, such as the thumbnail URL, ID, and created date.

Playing the videos

To allow users to play videos from your application, they need to be public, or you’ll have to sign each request. Marking your videos as public makes this process easier. However, there are many reasons you might want to control access to your videos. If you want users to log in before they play them or the ability to limit access in any way, mark them as private and use signed URLs to control access. You can find more information about securing your videos here.

If you are testing your application locally or expect to have fewer than 10,000 requests per day, you can call the /token endpoint to generate a signed token. If you expect more than 10,000 requests per day, sign your own tokens as we do here using JSON Web Tokens.

Allowing users to upload videos

The next step is to build out an admin page where users can upload their videos. You can find documentation on allowing user uploads here.

This process is made easy with the Cloudflare Stream API. You use your API token and account ID to generate a unique, one-time upload URL. Just make sure your token has the Stream:Edit permission. We hook into all POST requests from our application and return the generated upload URL.

export const cfTeamsAccessAuthMiddleware = async ({request, data, env, next}) => {
    try {
        const userEmail = request.headers.get("cf-access-authenticated-user-email")

        if (!userEmail) {
            throw new Error("User not found, make sure application is behind Cloudflare Access")
        // Pass user info to next handlers
        data.user = {
            email: userEmail
        return next()
    } catch (e) {
        return new Response(e.toString(), {status: 401})

export const onRequest = [

The admin page contains a form allowing users to drag and drop or upload videos from their computers. When a logged-in user hits submit on the upload form, the application generates a unique URL and then posts the FormData to it. This code would work well for building a video sharing site or with any application that allows user-generated content.

async function getOneTimeUploadUrl() {
    const res = await fetch('/api/admin/videos', {method: 'POST', headers: {'accept': 'application/json'}})
    const upload = await res.json()
    return upload.uploadURL

async function uploadVideo() {
    const videoInput = document.getElementById("video");

    const oneTimeUploadUrl = await getOneTimeUploadUrl();
    const video = videoInput.files[0];
    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append("file", video);

    const uploadResult = await fetch(oneTimeUploadUrl, {
        method: "POST",
        body: formData,

Adding real time video with Stream Live

You can add a livestreaming section to your application as well, using Stream Live in conjunction with the techniques we’ve already covered.  You could allow logged-in users to start a broadcast and then allow other logged-in users, or even the public, to watch it in real-time! The streams will automatically save to your account, so they can be viewed immediately after the broadcast finishes in the main section of your application.

Securing our app with middleware

We put all authenticated pages behind this middleware function. It checks the request headers to make sure the user is sending a valid authenticated user email.

export const cfTeamsAccessAuthMiddleware = async ({request, data, env, next}) => {
    try {
        const userEmail = request.headers.get("cf-access-authenticated-user-email")

        if (!userEmail) {
            throw new Error("User not found, make sure application is behind Cloudflare Access")
        // Pass user info to next handlers
        data.user = {
            email: userEmail
        return next()
    } catch (e) {
        return new Response(e.toString(), {status: 401})

export const onRequest = [

Putting it all together with Pages

We have Cloudflare Access controlling our log-in flow. We use the Stream APIs to manage uploading, displaying, and watching videos. We use Workers for managing fetch requests and handling API calls. Now it’s time to tie it all together using Cloudflare Pages!

Pages provides an easy way to deploy and host static websites. But now, Pages seamlessly integrates with the Workers platform (link to announcement post). With this new integration, we can deploy this entire application with a single, readable repository.

Controlling access

Some applications are better public; others contain sensitive data and should be restricted to specific users. The main page is public for this application, and we’ve used Cloudflare Access to limit the admin page to employees. You could just as easily use Access to protect the entire application if you’re building an internal learning service or even if you want to beta launch a new site!

When a user clicks the admin link on our demo site, they will be prompted for an email address. If they enter a valid Cloudflare email, the application will send them an access code. Otherwise, they won’t be able to access that page.

Check out the source code and get started building your own video application today!

Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-pages-goes-full-stack/

Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack

Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack

When we announced Cloudflare Pages as generally available in April, we promised you it was just the beginning. The journey of our platform started with support for static sites with small bits of dynamic functionality like setting redirects and custom headers. But we wanted to give even more power to you and your teams to begin building the unimaginable. We envisioned a future where your entire application — frontend, APIs, storage, data — could all be deployed with a single commit, easily testable in staging and requiring a single merge to deploy to production. So in the spirit of “Full Stack” Week, we’re bringing you the tools to do just that.

Welcome to the future, everyone. We’re thrilled to announce that Pages is now a Full Stack platform with help from But how?

It works the exact same way Pages always has: write your code, git push to your git provider (now supporting GitLab!) and we’ll deploy your entire site for you. The only difference is, it won’t just be your frontend but your backend too using Cloudflare Workers to help deploy serverless functions.

The integration you’ve been waiting for

Cloudflare Workers provides a serverless execution environment that allows you to create entirely new applications or augment existing ones without configuring or maintaining infrastructure. Before today, it was possible to connect Workers to a Pages project—installing Wrangler and manually deploying a Worker by writing your app in both Pages and Workers. But we didn’t just want “possible”, we wanted something that came as second nature to you so you wouldn’t have to think twice about adding dynamic functionality to your site.

How it works

By using your repo’s filesystem convention and exporting one or more function handlers, Pages can leverage Workers to deploy serverless functions on your behalf. To begin, simply add a ./functions directory in the root of your project, and inside a JavaScript or TypeScript file, export a function handler. For example, let’s say in your ./functions directory, you have a file, hello.js, containing:

// GET requests to /filename would return "Hello, world!"
export const onRequestGet = () => {
  return new Response("Hello, world!")
// POST requests to /filename with a JSON-encoded body would return "Hello, <name>!"
export const onRequestPost = async ({ request }) => {
  const { name } = await request.json()
  return new Response(`Hello, ${name}!`)

If you perform a git commit, it will trigger a new Pages build to deploy your dynamic site! During the build pipeline, Pages traverses your directory, mapping the filenames to URLs relative to your repo structure.

Under the hood, Pages generates Workers which include all your routing and functionality from the source.  Functions supports deeply-nested routes, wildcard matching, middleware for things like authentication and error-handling, and more! To demonstrate all of its bells and whistles, we’ve created a blog post to walk through an example full stack application.

Letting you do what you do best

As your site grows in complexity, with Pages’ new full stack functionality, your developer experience doesn’t have to. You can enjoy the workflow you know and love while unlocking even more depth to your site.

Seamlessly build

In the same way we’ve handled builds and deployments with your static sites — with a `git commit` and `git push` — we’ll deploy your functions for you automatically. As long as your directory follows the proper structure, Pages will identify and deploy your functions to our network with your site.

Define your bindings

While bringing your Workers to Pages, bindings are a big part of what makes your application a full stack application. We’re so excited to bring to Pages all the bindings you’ve previously used with regular Workers!

  • KV namespace: Our serverless and globally accessible key-value storage solution. Within Pages, you can integrate with any of the KV namespaces you set in your Workers dashboard for your Pages project.
  • Durable Object namespace: Our strongly consistent coordination primitive that makes connecting WebSockets, handling state and building entire applications a breeze. As with KV, you can set your namespaces within the Workers dashboard and choose from that list within the Pages interface.
  • R2 (coming soon!): Our S3-compatible Object Storage solution that’s slashing egress fees to zero.
  • Environment Variable: An injected value that can be accessed by your functions and is stored as plain-text. You can set your environment variables directly within the Pages interface for both your production and preview environments at build-time and run-time.
  • Secret (coming soon!): An encrypted environment variable, which cannot be viewed by wrangler or any dashboard interfaces. Secrets are a great home for sensitive data including passwords and API tokens.
Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack

Preview deployments — now for your backend too

With the deployment of your serverless functions, you can still enjoy the ease of collaboration and testing like you did previously. Before you deploy to production, you can easily deploy your project to a preview environment to stage your changes. Even with your functions, Pages lets you keep a version history of every commit with a unique URL for each, making it easy to gather feedback whether it’s from a fellow developer, PM, designer or marketer! You can also enjoy the same infinite staging privileges that you did for static sites, with a consistent URL for the latest changes.

Develop and preview locally too

However, we realize that building and deploying with every small change just to stage your changes can be cumbersome at times if you’re iterating quickly. You can now develop full stack Pages applications with the latest release of our wrangler CLI. Backed by Miniflare, you can run your entire application locally with support for mocked secrets, environment variables, and KV (Durable Objects support coming soon!). Point wrangler at a directory of static assets, or seamlessly connect to your existing tools:

# Install wrangler v2 beta
npm install wrangler@beta

# Serve a folder of static assets
npx wrangler pages dev ./dist

# Or automatically proxy your existing tools
npx wrangler pages dev -- npx react-scripts start

This is just the beginning of Pages’ integrations with wrangler. Stay tuned as we continue to enhance your developer experience.

What else can you do?

Everything you can do with HTTP Workers today!

When deploying a Pages application with functions, Pages is compiling and deploying first class Workers on your behalf. This means there is zero functionality loss when deploying a Worker within your Pages application — instead, there are only new benefits to be gained!

Integrate with SvelteKit — out of the box!

SvelteKit is a web framework for building Svelte applications. It’s built and maintained by the Svelte team, which makes it the Svelte user’s go-to solution for all their application needs. Out of the box, SvelteKit allows users to build projects with complex API backends.

As of today, SvelteKit projects can attach and configure the @sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare package. After doing this, the project can be added to Pages and is ready for its first deployment! With Pages, your SvelteKit project(s) can deploy with API endpoints and full server-side rendering support. Better yet, the entire project — including the API endpoints — can enjoy the benefits of preview deployments, too! This, even on its own, is a huge victory for advanced projects that were previously on the Workers adapter. Check out this example to see the SvelteKit adapter for Pages in action!

Use server-side rendering

You are now able to intercept any request that comes into your Pages project. This means that you can define Workers logic that will receive incoming URLs and, instead of serving static HTML, your Worker can render fresh HTML responses with dynamic data.

For example, an application with a product page can define a single product/[id].js file that will receive the id parameter, retrieve the product information from a Workers KV binding, and then generate an HTML response for that page. Compared to a static-site generator approach, this is more succinct and easier to maintain over time since you do not need to build a static HTML page per product at build-time… which may potentially be tens or even hundreds of thousands of pages!

Already have a Worker? We’ve got you!

If you already have a single Worker and want to bring it right on over to Pages to reap the developer experience benefits of our platform, our announcement today also enables you to do precisely that. Your build can generate an ES module Worker called _worker.js in the output directory of your project, perform your git commands to deploy, and we’ll take care of the rest! This can be especially advantageous to you if you’re a framework author or have a more complex use case that doesn’t follow our provided file structure.

Try it at no cost — for a limited time only

We’re thrilled to be releasing our open beta today for everyone to try at no additional cost to your Cloudflare plan. While we will still have limits in place, we are using this open beta period to learn more about how you and your teams are deploying functions with your Pages projects. For the time being, we encourage you to lean into your creativity and build out that site you’ve been thinking about for a long time — without the worry of getting billed.

In just a few short months, when we announce General Availability, you can expect our billing to reflect that of the Workers Bundled plan — after all, these are just Workers under the hood!

Coming up…

As we’re only announcing this release as an open beta, we have some really exciting things planned for the coming weeks and months. We want to improve on the quick and easy Pages developer experience that you’re already familiar with by adding support for integrated logging and more analytics for your deployed functions.

Beyond that, we’ll be expanding our first-class support for the next generation of frontend frameworks. As we’ve shown with SvelteKit, Pages’ ability to seamlessly deploy both static and dynamic code together enables unbeatable end-user performance & developer ease, and we’re excited to unlock that for more people. Fans of similar frameworks & technologies, such as NextJS, NuxtJS, React Server Components, Remix, Hydrogen, etc., stay tuned to this blog for more announcements. Or better yet, come join us and help make it happen!

Additionally, as we’ve done with SvelteKit, we’re looking to include more first-class integration with existing frameworks, so Pages can become the primary home for your preferred frameworks of choice. Work is underway on making NextJS, NuxtJS, React Server Components, Shopify Hydrogen and more integrate seamlessly as you develop your full stack apps.

Finally, we’re working to speed up those build times, so you can focus on pushing changes and iterating quickly — without the wait!

Getting started

To get started head over to our Pages docs and check out our demo blog to learn more about how to deploy serverless functions to Pages using Cloudflare Workers.

Of course, what we love most is seeing what you build! Pop into our Discord and show us how you’re using Pages to build your full stack apps.

Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages

Post Syndicated from Greg Brimble original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-full-stack-with-pages/

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages

We were so excited to announce support for full stack applications in Cloudflare Pages that we knew we had to show it off in a big way. We’ve built a sample image-sharing platform to demonstrate how you can add serverless functions right from within Pages with help from Cloudflare Workers. With just one new file to your project, you can add dynamic rendering, interact with other APIs, and persist data with KV and Durable Objects. The possibilities for full-stack applications, in combination with Pages’ quick development cycles and unlimited preview environments, gives you the power to create almost any application.

Today, we’re walking through our example image-sharing platform. We want to be able to share pictures with friends while still also keeping some images private. We’ll build a JSON API with Functions (storing data on KV and Durable Objects), integrate with Cloudflare Images and Cloudflare Access, and use React for our front end.

If you’re wanting to dive right into the good stuff, our demo instance is published here, and the code is on GitHub, but stick around for a more gentle approach.

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages

Building serverless functions with Cloudflare Pages

File-based routing

If you’re not already familiar, Cloudflare Pages connects with your git provider (GitHub and GitLab), and automates the deployment of your static site to Cloudflare’s network. Functions lets you enhance these apps by sprinkling in dynamic data. If you haven’t already, you can sign up here.

In our project, let’s create a new function:

// ./functions/time.js

export const onRequest = () => {
  return new Response(new Date().toISOString())

git commit-ing and pushing this file should trigger a build and deployment of your first Pages function. Any requests for /time will be served by this function, and all other requests will fall-back to the static assets of your project. Placing Functions files in directories works as you’d expect: ./functions/api/time.js would be available at /api/time and ./functions/some_directory/index.js would be available at /some_directory.

We also support TypeScript (./functions/time.ts would work just the same), as well as parameterized files:

  • ./functions/todos/[id].js with single square brackets will match all requests like /todos/123;
  • and ./functions/todos/[[path]].js with double square brackets, will match requests for any number of path segments (e.g. /todos/123/subtasks).

We declare a PagesFunction type in the @cloudflare/workers-types library which you can use to type-check your Functions.

Dynamic data

So, returning to our image-sharing app, let’s assume we already have some images uploaded, and we want to display them on the homepage. We’ll need an endpoint which will return a list of these images, which the front-end can call:

// ./functions/api/images.ts

export const jsonResponse = (value: any, init: ResponseInit = {}) =>
  new Response(JSON.stringify(value), {
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", ...init.headers },

const generatePreviewURL = ({
}: {
  previewURLBase: string;
  imagesKey: string;
  isPrivate: boolean;
}) => {
  // If isPrivate, generates a signed URL for the 'preview' variant
  // Else, returns the 'blurred' variant URL which never requires signed URLs
  // https://developers.cloudflare.com/images/cloudflare-images/serve-images/serve-private-images-using-signed-url-tokens

  return "SIGNED_URL";

export const onRequestGet: PagesFunction<{
  IMAGES: KVNamespace;
}> = async ({ env }) => {
  const { imagesKey } = (await env.IMAGES.get("setup", "json")) as Setup;

  const kvImagesList = await env.IMAGES.list<ImageMetadata>({
    prefix: `image:uploaded:`,

  const images = kvImagesList.keys
    .map((kvImage) => {
      try {
        const { id, previewURLBase, name, alt, uploaded, isPrivate } =
          kvImage.metadata as ImageMetadata;

        const previewURL = generatePreviewURL({

        return {
      } catch {
        return undefined;
    .filter((image) => image !== undefined);

  return jsonResponse({ images });

Eagle-eyed readers will notice we’re exporting onRequestGet which lets us only respond to GET requests.

We’re also using a KV namespace (accessed with env.IMAGES) to store information about images that have been uploaded. To create a binding in your Pages project, navigate to the “Settings” tab.

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages

Interfacing with other APIs

Cloudflare Images is an inexpensive, high-performance, and featureful service for hosting and transforming images. You can create multiple variants to render your images in different ways and control access with signed URLs. We’ll add a function to interface with this service’s API and upload incoming files to Cloudflare Images:

// ./functions/api/admin/upload.ts

export const onRequestPost: PagesFunction<{
  IMAGES: KVNamespace;
}> = async ({ request, env }) => {
  const { apiToken, accountId } = (await env.IMAGES.get(
  )) as Setup;

  // Prepare the Cloudflare Images API request body
  const formData = await request.formData();
  formData.set("requireSignedURLs", "true");
  const alt = formData.get("alt") as string;
  const isPrivate = formData.get("isPrivate") === "on";

  // Upload the image to Cloudflare Images
  const response = await fetch(
      method: "POST",
      body: formData,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${apiToken}`,

  // Store the image metadata in KV
  const {
    result: {
      filename: name,
      variants: [url],
  } = await response.json<{
    result: {
      id: string;
      filename: string;
      uploaded: string;
      requireSignedURLs: boolean;
      variants: string[];

  const metadata: ImageMetadata = {
    previewURLBase: url.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/"),

  await env.IMAGES.put(
    "Values stored in metadata.",
    { metadata }
  await env.IMAGES.put(`image:${id}`, JSON.stringify(metadata));

  return jsonResponse(true);

Persisting data

We’re already using KV to store information that is read often but rarely written to. What about features that require a bit more synchronicity?

Let’s add a download counter to each of our images. We can create a highres variant in Cloudflare Images, and increment the counter every time a user requests a link. This requires a bit more setup, but unlocking the power of Durable Objects in your projects is absolutely worth it.

We’ll need to create and publish the Durable Object class capable of maintaining this download count:

// ./durable_objects/downloadCounter.js

export class DownloadCounter {
  constructor(state) {
    this.state = state;
    // `blockConcurrencyWhile()` ensures no requests are delivered until initialization completes.
    this.state.blockConcurrencyWhile(async () => {
      let stored = await this.state.storage.get("value");
      this.value = stored || 0;

  async fetch(request) {
    const url = new URL(request.url);
    let currentValue = this.value;

    if (url.pathname === "/increment") {
      currentValue = ++this.value;
      await this.state.storage.put("value", currentValue);

    return jsonResponse(currentValue);


If you need to execute some code (such as authentication or logging) before you run your function, Pages offers easy-to-use middleware which can be applied at any level in your file-based routing. By creating a _middleware.ts file in a directory, we know to first run this file, and then execute your function when next() is called.

In our application, we want to prevent unauthorized users from uploading images (/api/admin/upload) or deleting images (/api/admin/delete). Cloudflare Access lets us apply role-based access control to all or part of our application, and you only need a single file to integrate it into our serverless functions. We create  ./functions/api/admin/_middleware.ts which will apply to all incoming requests at /api/admin/*:

// ./functions/api/admin/_middleware.ts

const validateJWT = async (jwtAssertion: string | null, aud: string) => {
  // If the JWT is valid, return the JWT payload
  // Else, return false
  // https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/identity/users/validating-json

  return jwtPayload;

const cloudflareAccessMiddleware: PagesFunction<{ IMAGES: KVNamespace }> =
  async ({ request, env, next, data }) => {
    const { aud } = (await env.IMAGES.get("setup", "json")) as Setup;

    const jwtPayload = await validateJWT(

    if (jwtPayload === false)
      return new Response("Access denied.", { status: 403 });

    // We could also use the data object to pass information between middlewares
    data.user = jwtPayload.email;

    return await next();

export const onRequest = [cloudflareAccessMiddleware];

Middleware is a powerful tool at your disposal allowing you to easily protect parts of your application with Cloudflare Access, or quickly integrate with observability and error logging platforms such as Honeycomb and Sentry.

Integrating as Jamstack

The “Jam” of “Jamstack” stands for JavaScript, API and Markup. Cloudflare Pages previously provided the ‘J’ and ‘M’, and with Workers in the middle, you can truly go full-stack Jamstack.

We’ve built the front end of this image sharing platform with Create React App as an approachable example, but Cloudflare Pages natively integrates with an ever-growing number of frameworks (currently 23), and you can always configure your own entirely custom build command.

Your front end simply needs to make a call to the Functions we’ve already configured, and render out that data. We’re using SWR to simplify things, but you could do this with entirely vanilla JavaScript fetch-es, if that’s your preference.

// ./src/components/ImageGrid.tsx

export const ImageGrid = () => {
  const { data, error } = useSWR<{ images: Image[] }>("/api/images");

  if (error || data === undefined) {
    return <div>An unexpected error has occurred when fetching the list of images. Please try again.</div>;

  return (
      {data.images.map((image) => (
        <ImageCard image={image} key={image.id} />


Local development

No matter how fast it is, iterating on a project like this can be painful if you have to push up every change in order to test how it works. We’ve released a first-class integration with wrangler for local development of Pages projects, including full support for Functions, Workers, secrets, environment variables and KV. Durable Objects support is coming soon.

Install from npm:

npm install wrangler@beta

and either serve a folder of static assets, or proxy your existing tooling:

# Serve a directory
npx wrangler pages dev ./public

# or integrate with your other tools
npx wrangler pages dev -- npx react-scripts start

Go forth, and build!

If you like puppies, we’ve deployed our image-sharing application here, and if you like code, that’s over on GitHub. Feel free to fork and deploy it yourself! There’s a five-minute setup wizard, and you’ll need Cloudflare Images, Access, Workers, and Durable Objects.

We are so excited about the future of the Pages platform, and we want to hear what you’re building! Show off your full-stack applications in the #what-i-built channel, or get assistance in the #pages-help channel on our Discord server.

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages

Cloudflare Pages now partners with your favorite CMS

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-pages-headless-cms-partnerships/

Cloudflare Pages now partners with your favorite CMS

Cloudflare Pages now partners with your favorite CMS

Interest in headless CMSes has seen spectacular growth over the past few years with many businesses looking to adopt the tooling. As audiences consume content through new interfaces taking different forms — smartphones, wearables, personal devices — the idea of decoupling content with its backend begins to provide a better experience both for developing teams and end users. Because of this, we believe there are and will be more opportunities in the future to utilize headless CMSes which is why today, we’re thrilled to announce our partnerships with Sanity and Strapi and also share existing integrations with Contentful and WordPress — all your favorite CMS providers.

A little on headless CMSes

Headless CMSes are one of the most common API integrations we’ve seen so far among you and your teams — whether it’s for your marketing site, blog or e-commerce site. It provides your teams the ability to input the contents of your site through a user-friendly interface and store them in a database, so that updates can easily be made to your site without touching the code base. As a Jamstack platform, a big part of our roadmap is understanding how we can build our own tools or provide integrations for tools that fit in with your development ecosystem and Pages, which is why in August this year we announced Pages support for Deploy Hooks.

What’s a hook got to do with it?

Deploy Hooks are the key to what allows you to connect and trigger deployments in Pages via updates made in your headless CMS. As developers, instead of getting pinged several times a day to make content updates to your site, your marketing team can update the site directly within the headless CMS’s interface by way of a Deploy Hook. This is a URL created on Pages that accepts an HTTP POST request to trigger new deployments outside the realm of your git commands. You can configure settings within your CMS to accept the Deploy Hook so that anytime content is updated within your CMS, a new deployment is started in the Pages dashboard automatically — it couldn’t be any easier!

Cloudflare Pages now partners with your favorite CMS

How can I create a Deploy Hook?

Within the Pages interface, there are two things you need to do to create your Deploy Hook:

  1. Choose your Deploy Hook name: You can name your deploy hook anything you’d like
  2. Select the Branch to Build: You can specify which branch will be built and deployed when the URL is requested with the Deploy Hook.

Once you are given your Deploy Hook, you’re all set to set up a webhook within your chosen CMS where you will paste your Deploy Hook.

That’s it! Now leave it to your marketing team to update their rich content and watch the builds trigger automatically to update your site!

Our partners

Of course, Deploy Hooks is just a starting point of ways we can provide a better dev experience for your team when using the headless CMS of your choice with your Pages site. But our story of integrations does not stop here. Introducing our CMS partners and integrations: Sanity, Strapi, Contentful, and WordPress!

Cloudflare Pages now partners with your favorite CMS

We continue to see the highest usage rates of these four CMSes on Pages among you and your teams, and in the months to come we’ll be working closely with our partners to build even more for you.

We’re delighted to partner with Cloudflare and excited by this new release from Cloudflare Pages. At Sanity, we care deeply about people working with content on our platform. Cloudflare’s new deploy hooks allow developers to automate builds for static sites based on content changes, which is a huge improvement for content creators. Combining these with structured content and our GROQ-powered Webhooks, our customers can be strategic about when these builds should happen. We’re stoked to be part of this release and can’t wait to see what the community will build with Sanity and Cloudflare!
Even Westvang, Co-founder, Sanity.io

Check out Sanity’s video tutorial on how to build your site using Pages and Sanity!

At Strapi, we’re excited about this partnership with Cloudflare because it enables developers to abstract away the complexity of deploying changes to production for content teams. By using the Deploy Hook for Strapi, everyone can push new content and updates quickly and autonomously.
Pierre Burgy, CEO, Strapi.io

With this integration, our customers can work more efficiently and cross-functionally with their teams. Marketing teams can update Contentful directly to automatically trigger deployments without relying on their developers to update any of their code base, which results in a better, more productive experience for all teams involved.
– Jeff Blattel, Director of Technical Partnerships at Contentful

Get started

For now, to learn more about how you can connect your Pages project to one of our partner CMSes, check out our Deploy Hooks documentation to deploy your first project today!

Cloudflare Pages now offers Gitlab support

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-pages-partners-with-gitlab/

Cloudflare Pages now offers Gitlab support

Cloudflare Pages now offers Gitlab support

In the early stages of our ideation of Pages, we set out to build a platform with a smooth developer experience that integrates seamlessly with your existing workflow. However, after announcing Pages’ general availability, we realized our platform may not actually be usable by every developer. Before today, only those of you who used GitHub as your source code management tool could take advantage of the Pages experience.

As part of Full Stack Week, we’re opening the doors of our platform to even more users by announcing our integration with GitLab the DevOps platform! You can now create new Pages projects by connecting your repos stored on GitLab and make site changes there via your usual git commands. And what’s more? We’re also launching an official partnership with GitLab to bring you even better integrations with the git provider in the months to come.

Why GitLab?

As a Jamstack platform, our goal is to enable you, the developer, to focus on what you do best — code, code, code — without the heavy lifting! Not only does this mean giving you all the tools you need to build out a full stack site but also provide you with integrations that fit your development needs. By expanding our platform ecosystem to GitLab, Cloudflare can now serve the needs of a broader developer community collaborating on their sites.

Since our April launch, one of the most common questions and pieces of feedback we’ve received in customer calls, on Discord/Twitter, and on our community threads centered around GitLab. We knew our git integration story couldn’t just stop at one provider, especially given the diversity in tooling we see among our community. So it became glaringly obvious we needed to extend Pages to the GitLab community.

Our partnership

Today, we’re proud to now be official technology partners with GitLab Inc. In addition to our git integration, the goal of our partnership is to improve existing and develop future integrations, so your teams can seamlessly collaborate and accelerate site delivery and updates at scale. As you begin using Pages with GitLab, our teams will be working closely together in a cross-collaborative approach for new integrations.

Developers can be more productive when they create, test, secure and deploy software from a single devops application instead of bouncing between multiple different tools. Cloudflare Pages’ integration with GitLab makes it easier for joint users to develop and deploy new code to Cloudflare’s network using the same syntax and git commands they’re already comfortable using.
— Michael LeBeau, Alliance Manager at GitLab

Get started

To set up your first project with GitLab, just create a new project in the Pages dashboard. Select “GitLab” and Pages will bring you to your GitLab sign-in screen where you can sign in to your account. Then, select the repo with which you’d like to create your project, configure your build settings, and deploy! From here, you can begin making changes to your site directly via commits to GitLab, triggering a new build every time.

Cloudflare Pages now offers Gitlab support

Have questions? To get started, check out the Pages docs and be sure to leave us some feedback by clicking the “Give Feedback” button there. Show us what you build by joining the chatter in our Discord channel.

Happy developing!

Five Great (free!) Ways to Get Started With Cloudflare

Post Syndicated from John Engates original https://blog.cloudflare.com/five-free-ways-to-get-started-with-cloudflare/

Five Great (free!) Ways to Get Started With Cloudflare

Five Great (free!) Ways to Get Started With Cloudflare

I joined Cloudflare a few weeks ago, and as someone new to the company, there’s a ton of information to absorb. I have always learned best by doing, so I decided to use Cloudflare like a brand-new user. Cloudflare customers range from individuals with a simple website to companies in the Fortune 100. I’m currently exploring Cloudflare from the perspective of the individual, so I signed up for a free account and logged into the dashboard. Just like getting into a new car, I want to turn all the dials and push all the buttons. I looked for things that would be fun and easy to do and would deliver some immediate value. Now I want to share the best ones with you.

Here are my five ways to get started with Cloudflare. These should be easy for anyone, and they’re free. You’ll likely even save some money and improve your privacy and security in the process. Let’s go!

1. Transfer or register a domain with Cloudflare Registrar

If you’re like me, you’ve acquired a few (dozen) Internet domains for things like personalizing your email address, a web page for your nature photography hobby, or maybe a side business. You probably registered them at one or more of the popular domain name registrars, and you pay around $15 per year for each domain. I did an audit and found I was spending a shocking amount each year to maintain my domains, and they were spread across three different registrars.

Cloudflare makes it easy to transfer domains from other registrars and doesn’t charge a markup for domain registrar services. Let me say that again; there is zero price markup for domain registration with Cloudflare Registrar. You’ll pay exactly what Cloudflare pays. For example, a .com domain registered with Cloudflare currently costs half of what I was paying at other registrars.

Not only will you save on the domain registration, but Cloudflare doesn’t nickel-and-dime you like registrars who charge extra for WHOIS privacy and transfer lock and then sneakily bundle their website hosting services. It all adds up.

To get started registering or transferring a domain, log into the Cloudflare Dashboard, click “Add a Site,” and bring your domains to Cloudflare.

Five Great (free!) Ways to Get Started With Cloudflare

2. Configure DNS on Cloudflare DNS

DNS servers do the work of translating hostnames into IP addresses. To put a domain name to use on the Internet, you can create DNS records to point to your website and email provider. Every time someone wants to put a website or Internet application online, this process must happen so the rest of us can find it. Cloudflare’s DNS dashboard makes it simple to configure DNS records. For transfers, Cloudflare will even copy records from your existing DNS service to prevent any disruption.

Five Great (free!) Ways to Get Started With Cloudflare

The Cloudflare DNS dashboard will also improve security on your domains with DNSSEC, protect your domains from email spoofing with DMARC, and enforce other DNS best practices.

I’ve now moved all my domains to Cloudflare DNS, which is a big win for me for security and simplicity. I can see them all in one place, and I’m more confident with the increased level of control and protection I have for my domains.

3. Set up a blog with Cloudflare Pages

Once I moved my domains, I was eager to set up a new website. I have been thinking lately it would be fun to have a place to post my photos where they can stand out and won’t get lost in the stream of social media. It’s been a while since I’ve built a website from scratch, but it’s fun getting back to basics. In the old days, to host a website you’d set up a dedicated web server or use a shared web host to serve your site. Today, many web hosts provide ready-to-go templates for websites and make hosting as easy as one click to set up a new site.

I wanted to learn by doing, so I took the do-it-yourself route. What I discovered in the process is an architecture called Jamstack. It’s a bit different from the traditional way of building and hosting websites. With Jamstack, your site doesn’t live at a traditional hosting provider, nor is it dynamically generated from CGI scripts and a database. Your content is now stored on a code repository like GitHub. The site is pre-generated as a static site and then deployed and delivered directly from Cloudflare’s network.

I used a Jamstack static site generator called Hugo to build my photo blog, pushed it to GitHub, and used Cloudflare Pages to generate the content and host my site. Now that it’s configured, there’s zero work necessary to maintain it. Jamstack, combined with Pages, alleviates the regular updates required to keep up with security patches, and there are no web servers or database services to break. Delivered from Cloudflare’s edge network, the site scales effortlessly, and it’s blazingly fast from a user perspective.

By the way, you don’t need to register a domain to deploy to Pages. Cloudflare will generate a pages.dev site that you can use.

For extra credit, have a look at the Cloudflare Workers serverless platform. Workers will allow you to write and deploy even more advanced custom code and run it across Cloudflare’s globally distributed network.

4. Protect your network with Cloudflare for Teams

At first, it wasn’t evident to me how I was going to use Cloudflare for Teams. I initially thought it was only for larger organizations. After all, I’m sitting here in my home office, and I’m just a team of one. Digging into the product more, it became clear that Teams is about privacy and security for groups of any size.

We’ve discussed the impressive Cloudflare DNS infrastructure, and you can take advantage of the Cloudflare DNS resolver for your devices at home by simply configuring them to point to Cloudflare DNS servers. But for more granular control and detailed logging, you should try the DNS infrastructure built into the Cloudflare for Teams Gateway feature.

When you point your home network to Cloudflare for Teams DNS servers, your dashboard will populate with logs of all DNS requests coming from your network. You can set up rules to block DNS requests for various categories, including known malware, phishing, adult sites, and other questionable content. You’ll see the logs instantly and can add or remove categories as needed. If you trigger one of the rules, Cloudflare will display a page that shows you’ve hit one of these blocked sites.

Five Great (free!) Ways to Get Started With Cloudflare

Malware can bypass DNS, so filtering DNS is no silver bullet. Think of DNS filtering as another layer of defense that may help you avoid nefarious sites in the first place. For example, known phishing sites sent as URLs via email won’t resolve and will be blocked before they affect you. Additionally, DNS logs should give you visibility into what’s happening on the network and that may lead you to implement even better security in other areas.

Five Great (free!) Ways to Get Started With Cloudflare

There’s so much more to Cloudflare for Teams than DNS filtering, but I wanted to give you just a little taste of what you can do with it quickly and for free.

5. Secure your traffic with the Cloudflare app and WARP

Finally, let’s discuss the challenge of securing Internet communications on your mobile phones, tablets, and devices at home and while traveling. We know that the SSL/TLS encryption on secure websites provides a degree of protection, but the apps you use and sites you visit are still visible to your ISP and upstream network operators. Some providers sell this data or use it to target you with ads.

If you install the app, Cloudflare will create an always-on, encrypted tunnel from your device to the nearest Cloudflare data center and secure your Internet traffic. We call this Cloudflare WARP. WARP not only encrypts your traffic but can even help accelerate it by routing intelligently across the Cloudflare network.

WARP is a compelling VPN replacement without the risks associated with some shady VPN providers who may also want to sell your data. Remember, Cloudflare will never sell your data!

The Cloudflare WARP client combined with Cloudflare for Teams gives you enhanced visibility into DNS queries and unlocks some advanced traffic management and filtering capabilities. And it’s all free for small teams.

Five Great (free!) Ways to Get Started With Cloudflare

Hopefully, my exploration of the Cloudflare product portfolio gives you some ideas of what you can do to make your life a little easier or your team more secure. I’m just scratching the surface, and I’m excited to keep learning what’s possible with Cloudflare. I’ll continue to share what I learn, and I encourage you to experiment with some of these capabilities yourself and let me know how it goes.

Custom Headers for Cloudflare Pages

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/custom-headers-for-pages/

Custom Headers for Cloudflare Pages

Custom Headers for Cloudflare Pages

Until today, Cloudflare Workers has been a great solution to setting headers, but we wanted to create an even smoother developer experience. Today, we’re excited to announce that Pages now natively supports custom headers on your projects! Simply create a _headers file in the build directory of your project and within it, define the rules you want to apply.

  X-Hiring: Looking for a job? We're hiring engineers

What can you set with custom headers?

Being able to set custom headers is useful for a variety of reasons — let’s explore some of your most popular use cases.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

When you create a Pages project, a pages.dev deployment is created for your project which enables you to get started immediately and easily preview changes as you iterate. However, we realize this poses an issue — publishing multiple copies of your website can harm your rankings in search engine results. One way to solve this is by disabling indexing on all pages.dev subdomains, but we see many using their pages.dev subdomain as their primary domain. With today’s announcement you can attach headers such as X-Robots-Tag to hint to Google and other search engines how you’d like your deployment to be indexed.

For example, to prevent your pages.dev deployment from being indexed, you can add the following to your _headers file:

  X-Robots-Tag: noindex


Customizing headers doesn’t just help with your site’s search result ranking — a number of browser security features can be configured with headers. A few headers that can enhance your site’s security are:

  • X-Frame-Options: You can prevent click-jacking by informing browsers not to embed your application inside another (e.g. with an <iframe>).
  • X-Content-Type-Option: nosniff: To prevent browsers from interpreting a response as any other content-type than what is defined with the Content-Type header.
  • Referrer-Policy: This allows you to customize how much information visitors give about where they’re coming from when they navigate away from your page.
  • Permissions-Policy: Browser features can be disabled to varying degrees with this header (recently renamed from Feature-Policy).
  • Content-Security-Policy: And if you need fine-grained control over the content in your application, this header allows you to configure a number of security settings, including similar controls to the X-Frame-Options header.

You can configure these headers to protect an /app/* path, with the following in your _headers file:

  X-Frame-Options: DENY
  X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
  Referrer-Policy: no-referrer
  Permissions-Policy: document-domain=()
  Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'none';


Modern browsers implement a security protection called CORS or Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. This prevents one domain from being able to force a user’s action on another. Without CORS, a malicious site owner might be able to do things like make requests to unsuspecting visitors’ banks and initiate a transfer on their behalf. However, with CORS, requests are prevented from one origin to another to stop the malicious activity.

There are, however, some cases where it is safe to allow these cross-origin requests. So-called, “simple requests” (such as linking to an image hosted on a different domain) are permitted by the browser. Fetching these resources dynamically is often where the difficulty arises, and the browser is sometimes overzealous in its protection. Simple static assets on Pages are safe to serve to any domain, since the request takes no action and there is no visitor session. Because of this, a domain owner can attach CORS headers to specify exactly which requests can be allowed in the _headers file for fine-grained and explicit control.

For example, the use of the asterisk will enable any origin to request any asset from your Pages deployment:

  Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

To be more restrictive and limit requests to only be allowed from a ‘staging’ subdomain, we can do the following:

  Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://staging.:project.pages.dev

How we built support for custom headers

To support all these use cases for custom headers, we had to build a new engine to determine which rules to apply for each incoming request. Backed, of course, by Workers, this engine supports splats and placeholders, and allows you to include those matched values in your headers.

Although we don’t support all of its features, we’ve modeled this matching engine after the URLPattern specification which was recently shipped with Chrome 95. We plan to be able to fully implement this specification for custom headers once URLPattern lands in the Workers runtime, and there should hopefully be no breaking changes to migrate.

Enhanced support for redirects

With this same engine, we’re bringing these features to your _redirects file as well. You can now configure your redirects with splats, placeholders and status codes as shown in the example below:

/blog/* https://blog.example.com/:splat 301
/products/:code/:name /products?name=:name&code=:code
/submit-form https://static-form.example.com/submit 307

Get started

Custom headers and redirects for Cloudflare Pages can be configured today. Check out our documentation to get started, and let us know how you’re using it in our Discord server. We’d love to hear about what this unlocks for your projects!

Coming up…

And finally, if a _headers file and enhanced support for _redirects just isn’t enough for you, we also have something big coming very soon which will give you the power to build even more powerful projects. Stay tuned!

Get started Building Web3 Apps with Cloudflare

Post Syndicated from Kristian Freeman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/get-started-web3/

Get started Building Web3 Apps with Cloudflare

Get started Building Web3 Apps with Cloudflare

For many developers, the term Web3 feels like a buzzword — it’s the sort of thing you see on a popular “Things you need to learn in 2021” tweet. As a software developer, I’ve spent years feeling the same way. In the last few months, I’ve taken a closer look at the Web3 ecosystem, to better understand how it works, and why it matters.

Web3 can generally be described as a decentralized evolution of the Internet. Instead of a few providers acting as the mediators of how your interactions and daily life on the web should work, a Web3-based future would liberate your data from proprietary databases and operate without centralization via the incentive structure inherent in blockchains.

The Web3 space in 2021 looks and feels much different from what it did a few years ago. Blockchains like Ethereum are handling incredible amounts of traffic with relative ease — although some improvements are needed — and newer blockchains like Solana have entered the space as genuine alternatives that could alleviate some of the scaling issues we’ve seen in the past few years.

Cloudflare is incredibly well-suited to empower developers to build the future with Web3. The announcement of Cloudflare’s Ethereum gateway earlier today will enable developers to build scalable Web3 applications on Cloudflare’s reliable network. Today, we’re also releasing an open-source example showing how to deploy, mint, and render NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, using Cloudflare Workers and Cloudflare Pages. You can try it out here, or check out the open-source codebase on GitHub to get started deploying your own NFTs to production.

The problem Web3 solves

When you begin to read about Web3 online, it’s easy to get excited about the possibilities. As a software developer, I found myself asking: “What actually is a Web3 application? How do I build one?

Most traditional applications make use of three pieces: the database, a code interface to that database, and the user interface. This model — best exemplified in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture — has served the web well for decades. In MVC, the database serves as the storage system for your data models, and the controller determines how clients interact with that data. You define views with HTML, CSS and JavaScript that take that data and display it, as well as provide interactions for creating and updating that data.

Imagine a social media application with a billion users. In the MVC model, the data models for this application include all the user-generated content that are created daily: posts, friendships, events, and anything else. The controllers written for that application determine who can interact with that data internally; for instance, only the two users in a private conversation can access that conversation. But those controllers — and the application as a whole — don’t allow external access to that data. The social media application owns that data and leases it out “for free” in exchange for viewing ads or being tracked across the web.

This was the lightbulb moment for me: understanding how Web3 offers a compelling solution to these problems. If the way MVC-based, Web 2.0 applications has presented itself is as a collection of “walled gardens” — meaning disparate, closed-off platforms with no interoperability or ownership of data — Web3 is, by design, the exact opposite.

In Web3 applications, there are effectively two pieces. The blockchain (let’s use Ethereum as our example), and the user interface. The blockchain has two parts: an account, for a user, a group of users, or an organization, and the blockchain itself, which serves as an immutable system of record of everything taking place on the network.

One crucial aspect to understand about the blockchain is the idea that code can be deployed to that blockchain and that users of that blockchain can execute the code. In Ethereum, this is called a “smart contract”. Smart contracts executed against the blockchain are like the controller of our MVC model. Instead of living in shrouded mystery, smart contracts are verifiable, and the binary code can be viewed by anyone.

For our hypothetical social media application, that means that any actions taken by a user are not stored in a central database. Instead, the user interacts with the smart contract deployed on the blockchain network, using a program that can be verified by anyone. Developers can begin building user interfaces to display that information and easily interact with it, with no walled gardens or platform lock-in. In fact, another developer could come up with a better user interface or smart contract, allowing users to move between these interfaces and contracts based on which aligns best with their needs.

Operating with these smart contracts happens via a wallet (for instance, an Ethereum wallet managed by MetaMask). The wallet is owned by a user and not by the company providing the service. This means you can take your wallet (the final authority on your data) and do what you want with it at any time. Wallets themselves are another programmable aspect of the blockchain — while they can represent a single user, they can also be complex multi-signature wallets that represent the interests of an entire organization. Owners of that wallet can choose to make consensus decisions about what to do with their data.

The rise of non-fungible tokens

One of the biggest recent shifts in the Web3 space has been the growth of NFTs — non-fungible tokens. Non-fungible tokens are unique assets stored on the blockchain that users can trade and verify ownership of. In 2019, Cloudflare was already writing about NFTs, as part of our announcement of the Cloudflare Ethereum Gateway. Since then, NFTs have exploded in popularity, with projects like CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club trading millions of dollars in volume monthly.

NFTs are a fascinating addition to the Web3 space because they represent how ownership of data and community can look in a post-walled garden world. If you’ve heard of NFTs before, you may know them as a very visual medium: CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club are, at their core, art. You can buy a Punk or Ape and use it as your profile picture on social media. But underneath that, owning an Ape isn’t just owning a profile picture; they also have exclusive ownership of a blockchain-verified asset.

It should be noted that the proliferation of NFT contracts led to an increase in the number of scams. Blockchain-based NFTs are a medium of conveying ownership, based on a given smart contract. This smart contract can be deployed by anyone, and associated with any content. There is no guarantee of authenticity, until you verify the trustworthiness and identity of the contract you are interacting with. Some platforms may support Verified accounts, while others are only allowing a set of trusted partners to appear on their platform. NFTs are flexible enough to allow multiple approaches, but these trust assumptions have to be communicated clearly.

That asset, tied to a smart contract deployed on Ethereum, can be traded, verified, or used as a way to gate access to programs. An NFT developer can hook into the trade event for their NFTs and charge a royalty fee, or when “minting”, or creating an NFT, they can charge a mint price, generating revenue on sales and trades to fund their next big project. In this way, NFTs can create strong incentive alignment between developers and community members, more so than your average web application.

What we built

To better understand Web3 (and how Cloudflare fits into the puzzle), we needed to build something using the Web3 stack, end-to-end.

To allow you to do the same, we’re open-sourcing a full-stack application today, showing you how to mint and manage an NFT from start to finish. The smart contract for the application is deployed and verified on Ethereum’s Rinkeby network, which is a testing environment for Ethereum projects and smart contracts. The Rinkeby test network allows you to test the smart contract off of the main blockchain, using the exact same workflow, without using real ethers. When your project is ready to be deployed on Ethereum’s Mainnet, you can take the same contract, deploy and verify it, and begin using it in production.

Once deployed, the smart contract will provide the ability to manage your NFT project, compliant with the ERC-721 spec, that can be minted by users, displayed on NFT marketplaces like OpenSea and your own web applications. We also provided a web interface and example code for minting these NFTs — as a user, you can visit the web application with a compatible Ethereum wallet installed and claim a NFT.

Once you’ve minted the NFT, the example user interface will render the metadata for each claimed NFT. According to the ERC-721 (NFT) spec, a deployed token must have a corresponding URL that provides JSON metadata. This JSON endpoint, which we’ve built with Cloudflare Workers, returns a name and description for each unique NFT, as well as an image. To host this image, we’ve used Infura to pin the service, and Cloudflare IPFS Gateway to serve it. Our NFT identifies the content via its hash, making it not replaceable with something different in the future.

This open-source project provides all the tools that you need to build an NFT project. By building on Workers and Pages, you have all the tools you need to scale a successful NFT launch, and always provide up-to-date metadata for your NFT assets as users mint and trade them between wallets.

Get started Building Web3 Apps with Cloudflare
Architecture diagram of Cloudflare’s open-source NFT project

Cloudflare + Web3

Cloudflare’s developer platform — including Workers, Pages, and the IPFS gateway — works together to provide scalable solutions at each step of your NFT project’s lifecycle. When you move your NFT project to production, Cloudflare’s Ethereum and IPFS gateways are available to handle any traffic that your project may have.

We’re excited about Web3 at Cloudflare. The world is shifting back to a decentralized model of the Internet, the kind envisioned in the early days of the World Wide Web. As we say a lot around Cloudflare, The Network is the Computer — we believe that whatever form Web3 may take, whether through projects like Metaverses, DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations) and NFTs for community and social networking, DeFi (decentralized finance) applications for managing money, and a whole class of decentralized applications that we probably haven’t even thought of…  Cloudflare will be foundational to that future.

Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-pages-is-lightning-fast/

Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast

Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast

When we announced Cloudflare Pages in April, our goal wasn’t to bring just any web development tool to the table. As a front-end developer, it’s your responsibility to bring the ideas of your marketing, product and engineering teams to life by crafting a beautifully engaging experience for every customer. With all the hard work that goes into the development process — turning mock-ups to code, getting input from your team, staging and testing changes — you want the best performance possible for your site to showcase your work and optimize your customers’ experience.

Cloudflare Pages is the most secure and most scalable Jamstack platform to build and deploy your sites on the edge. But how is Pages so fast?

It comes down to three key reasons:

  • Pages is built on one of the fastest networks in the world, putting us within 50 ms of 95% of the world’s Internet-connected population. Delivering Pages from this network is the basis of our speed.
  • Cloudflare helps define and implement next generation standards, like QUIC + HTTP/3 and Early Hints, that push Pages performance to the next level.
  • Pages has a killer developer experience that makes it easy to build the fastest websites on the planet.

Pages is delivered from one of the fastest networks in the world

After all the sweat, finger cramps, and facepalms you’ve managed to survive through development, the last thing you need is poor performance and load times for your site. This not only drives off frustrated customers, but if the site is a storefront, it can also have revenue implications.

We’ve got you covered! With Cloudflare’s extensive network, consisting of 250+ cities, your Pages site is deployed directly to the edge in seconds. With even more optimizations to our network routing, your customers are routed to the best data center, ensuring optimal loading and performance globally.

How does our performance compare?

Optimized routing, a giant CDN network, support for the latest standards, more performance enhancements — these all sound great! But let’s put them to the ultimate test: benchmarking. How do our Pages sites’ performance compare to those of our competitors?

The TTFB test

We deployed the same static site on Pages and on two other popular deployment platforms for comparison. We understand that benchmark tools like Google Lighthouse may introduce some geographic bias; performing a benchmarking analysis from San Francisco and hitting a local data center doesn’t tell us much about performance on a global scale. We wanted to create a simulation to run tests from different locations to give us a globally accurate representation. Using a tool called Catchpoint, we executed our test from 35 different cities around the world to measure the Time to First Byte (TTFB) for different providers. To give as accurate a reading as possible, we ran our test up to eight times, and averaged the result per city and per provider.

Around the world in 80ms

It’s common to see good performance in regions like the US and Europe, but at Cloudflare, we think even more globally. Cloudflare’s network allows you to reach a myriad of regions around the world without any additional effort or cost. Everytime our map grows, your global reach does too.

In our TTFB comparison, Cloudflare Pages is leading the race to your customers against two leading providers.

Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast

Pages gets early access to the latest, greatest, and fastest standards and network protocols

But it’s not just our network. We are proud of both driving and adopting the latest web standards. Our mission has always been to help build a better Internet, and collaborating on the latest standards is an essential part of that goal, especially when thinking about your Pages sites.

TLS 1.3: As the new encryption protocol, TLS 1.3 sets out to improve both speed and security for Internet users everywhere. With 1.3, during the course of that infamous “TLS handshake” you hear so much about, only one round trip, or back and forth communication, is required instead of two, thus shortening the process by milliseconds. A huge step forward for web security and performance, TLS 1.3 is available to all Pages users with no additional action required — let the client and server handle it all.

IPv6: Today it’s extremely common for every person to have more than one Internet connected device, making the shift to IPv6 extremely crucial, now more than ever. Not only is IPv6 the answer to the “no more addresses” issue, but is also another added layer for performance and security with its ability to handle packets more efficiently, getting faster and faster as adoption of the standard increases.

QUIC & HTTP/3: The new internet transport protocol, QUIC & HTTP/3, team up to enable faster, reliable and more secure connections for your customers to web endpoints like your Pages site. QUIC, a transport layer protocol, aims to reduce connection and transport latency and avoid congestion and runs underneath HTTP/3. Enabled by default on every pages.dev domain, QUIC & HTTP/3 work in tandem to provide improved performance and security so long as the client complies.

With support for the latest standards like HTTP/3 and IPv6, as we work on support for dynamic frameworks, we will be able to offer response streaming, a feature other platforms don’t provide.

“Pages gives us more confidence than other providers, making it easier to migrate our app over and build new products that can easily scale with growing traffic.” David Simpson, COO at Designed.org

But we know that speed doesn’t just matter from a user perspective. It also matters from a developer perspective, too — and we’ve worked to make that just as great an experience.

A developer experience that we’d want to have

Generally speaking, performance of anything on the web is only as fast as the weakest link. A fast network, or support for the latest standards, doesn’t mean very much if we make it hard for a developer to do their job, or to optimize their code. So we knew the developer experience had to be a priority, too.

Fast for your users. Fast for you, too.

We set out to simplify every step of your developer experience by looking for ways to integrate into your existing publishing workflow. With Pages’ full git integration, grab your repo, tell us your framework and go! Collaborate with all members of your team — developers, PMs, marketers — quickly and efficiently with a protected preview URL per deployment to speed up the turnaround time for feedback. A simple Git commit and git push, and we’ll have your site up and running in seconds, and ready for you to share with your team or your customers.

Of course, even with lightning fast set-up and collaboration, we realize there’s more to the productivity of you and your team. From the time we launched Pages, we’ve been working on making our build times faster every day. Today, Pages builds are 3x faster than they were when we first launched the platform, but we’re not done yet. We’re aiming to have the fastest build times, so you can focus on what you do best — code, test, deploy, repeat — minus any wait.

Performance tuning, built in

In May of last year, Google announced a new program — Web Core Vitals — to provide unified guidance on how to measure the quality of a website, and to identify areas of improvement for developers, business owners, and marketers to deliver a better user experience. There are three key metrics as part of the program:

  • Largest Contentful Paint: measures loading performance
  • First Input Delay: measure interactivity
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: measures visual stability

Fast-forward a year to 2021, Google officially announced that performance on these metrics will now be incorporated into Google Search results.

Performance is becoming an ever important aspect of the success of any site on the web.

We recognize this, and it’s part of why we’re so relentlessly focused on making sites hosted on Pages so fast. But you don’t need to just take our word for it. In addition to providing you with stellar performance across the globe, our Web Analytics tool is available to Pages customers with one click — so you can track your site’s Web Core Vitals and understand specific areas of improvement. As an example, here’s the Web Analytics on our very own Cloudflare Docs site.

Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast

We’re big believers in dogfooding — running our Docs site on Pages, and then using our Web Analytics to identify areas of improvement. It’s a big part of the Cloudflare ethos, and it’s how we can be confident in recommending our products to you.

What’s Next

With the increasing momentum behind the Jamstack movement, it’s a great time to be in the field. With Pages, you can rest easy knowing you’re taken care of every step of the way. We are so excited about the future of Cloudflare Pages — integrating with Cloudflare Workers, supporting monorepos, enabling more sources of repo integration — and how it brings a fresh perspective on how you build and deploy your sites on the web.

Check our docs to get started on Cloudflare Pages today!

Introducing Deploy Hooks for Cloudflare Pages

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-deploy-hooks-for-cloudflare-pages/

Introducing Deploy Hooks for Cloudflare Pages

Introducing Deploy Hooks for Cloudflare Pages

With Cloudflare Pages, deploying your Jamstack applications is easier than ever — integrate with GitHub and a simple git push deploys your site within minutes. However, one of the limitations of Pages was that triggering deployments to your site only happens within the confines of committing to GitHub. We started thinking about how users who author content consistently on their site — our bloggers and writers — may not always be editing their copy directly via the code but perhaps through a different service. Headless content management systems (CMSs) are a simple solution to solve this problem, allowing users to store their backend content through an editing interface as a service for an application like Pages.

It made us wonder: what if we could trigger deployments based on updates made in other places rather than just via GitHub? Today, we are proud to announce a new way to connect your Pages application with your headless CMSs and databases: introducing Deploy Hooks for Pages.

What’s a headless CMS?

Headless CMSs such as Contentful, Ghost and Sanity.io allow optimization of content formatting for any type of interface. With tools like these, you can leverage a “decoupled” content management model where all you need to focus on is writing your content within the CMS editing interface and let its API handle the rest!

Sounds great! What’s the catch?

We started thinking about the implications for those of you who integrate with these headless tools and what your workflow might look like as it relates to Pages. You would build, for example, your blog application on Pages but update all of your content directly on your headless CMS and may make changes to your content three to four times a day. So how exactly does the data from your CMS show up on your Pages site and stay in sync? Enter Deploy Hooks!

What are Deploy Hooks?

Deploy Hooks are URLs created on Pages that accept an HTTP POST request to trigger new deployments outside the realm of a git command. Instead of manually redeploying your site via another git push, any time you update the content within your chosen headless CMS, the Deploy Hook will automatically send a real-time update to Pages. On the Pages side, once these updates are received, a new site build will be triggered to include any new data or content detected. It’s that easy!

Introducing Deploy Hooks for Cloudflare Pages

How can I create a Deploy Hook?

To set up your deploy hook, navigate to the Deploy Hooks section in your Pages project’s settings. In this section there are two input parameters needed to properly configure your deploy hook and obtain your URL:

  1. Deploy Hook Name: You can name your deploy hook something like “Contentful” or “My Blog” to identify which source the Deploy Hook is monitoring. A unique name for each deploy hook will also help you to differentiate hooks in the event that you create multiple Deploy Hooks for your Pages site.
  2. Branch to Build: You can specify which branch will be built and deployed when the URL is requested with the Deploy Hook. This is especially helpful if you’d like to stage your changes first instead of pushing directly to your production branch.
Introducing Deploy Hooks for Cloudflare Pages

How can I use a Deploy Hook with my headless CMS?

You can put the unique URL provided in the dashboard into just about any service that accepts a Deploy Hook URL. In a headless CMS, you can create and configure a new webhook and, depending on the tool, you can sometimes choose which events you’d like to trigger deployments. Once you’ve configured this webhook, you can paste the Deploy Hook URL provided by Pages to connect your chosen CMS with your Pages project. After that, you’re all set to update content in your headless tool.

What else can I do with a Deploy Hook?

After creating your Deploy Hook, Pages also provides you with the HTTP POST request snippet with your URL that looks something like this:

curl -X POST "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/pages/webhooks/deploy_hooks/ 66c5dd3a-989f-4ba7-a6e2-6d2695524d7”

Every time you execute the snippet, you will trigger a new build to your Pages site. In addition to utilizing this snippet for a forced deployment within your command line, you can also customize your CI/CD pipeline and trigger deployments only under certain conditions. For example, you only want to deploy if there were changes within specific directories and only after an extensive test suite passes. Additionally, this snippet is useful for scheduling a CRON trigger to initiate builds on a specific timeline or cadence. Read more about how to use Pages deploy hooks in our docs.

Try it for yourself!

Sound like fun? Try it for yourself using our tutorial, How to Build a Blog Using Nuxt.js and Sanity.io on Cloudflare Pages or create your own. We can’t wait to see what you build on Pages with Deploy Hooks!

P.S. — we’re hiring!

Want to help us shape the future of development on the web? Join our team!

Green Hosting with Cloudflare Pages

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/green-hosting-with-cloudflare-pages/

Green Hosting with Cloudflare Pages

At Cloudflare, we are continuing to expand our sustainability initiatives to build a greener Internet in more than one way. We are seeing a shift in attitudes towards eco-consciousness and have noticed that with all things considered equal, if an option to reduce environmental impact is available, that’s the one widely preferred by our customers. With Pages now Generally Available, we believe we have the power to help our customers reach their sustainability goals. That is why we are excited to partner with the Green Web Foundation as we commit to making sure our Pages infrastructure is powered by 100% renewable energy.

The Green Web Foundation

As part of Cloudflare’s Impact Week, Cloudflare is proud to announce its collaboration with the Green Web Foundation (GWF), a not-for-profit organization with the mission of creating an Internet that one day will run on entirely renewable energy. GWF maintains an extensive and globally categorized Green Hosting Directory with over 320 certified hosts in 26 countries! In addition to this directory, the GWF also develops free online tools, APIs and open datasets readily available for companies looking to contribute to its mission.

Green Hosting with Cloudflare Pages

What does it mean to be a Green Web Foundation partner?

All websites certified as operating on 100 percent renewable energy by GWF must provide evidence of their energy usage and renewable energy purchases. Cloudflare Pages have already taken care of that step for you, including by sharing our public Carbon Emissions Inventory report. As a result, all Cloudflare Pages are automatically listed on GWF’s  public global directory as official green hosts.

After these claims were approved by the team at GWF, what do I have to do to get certified?

If you’re hosting your site on Cloudflare Pages, absolutely nothing.

All existing and new sites created on Pages are automatically certified as “green” too! But don’t just take our word for it. With our partnership with GWF and as a Pages user, you can enter your own pages.dev or custom domain into the Green Web Check to verify your site’s green hosting status. Once the domain is shown as verified, you can display the Green Web Foundation badge on your webpage to showcase your contributions to a more sustainable Internet as a green-hosted site. You can obtain this badge by one of two ways:

  1. Saving the badge image directly.
  2. Adding the provided snippet of HTML to your existing code.
Green Hosting with Cloudflare Pages

Helping to Build a Greener Internet

Cloudflare is committed to helping our customers achieve their sustainability goals through the use of our products. In addition to our initiative with the Green Web Foundation for this year’s Impact Week, we are thrilled to announce the other ways we are building a greener Internet, such as our Carbon Impact Report and Green Compute on Cloudflare Workers.

We can all play a small part in reducing our carbon footprint. Start today by setting up your site with Cloudflare Pages!

“Cloudflare’s recent climate disclosures and commitments are encouraging, especially given how much traffic flows through their network. Every provider should be at least this transparent when it comes to accounting for the environmental impact of their services. We see a growing number of users relying on CDNs to host their sites, and they are often confused when their sites no longer show as green, because they’re not using a green CDN. It’s good to see another more sustainable option available to users, and one that is independently verified.” – Chris Adams, Co-director of The Green Web Foundation

Announcing Rollbacks and API Access for Pages

Post Syndicated from David Song original https://blog.cloudflare.com/rollbacks-and-api-access-for-pages/

Announcing Rollbacks and API Access for Pages

Announcing Rollbacks and API Access for Pages

A couple of months ago, we announced the general availability of Cloudflare Pages: the easiest way to host and collaboratively develop websites on Cloudflare’s global network. It’s been amazing to see over 20,000 incredible sites built by users and hear your feedback. Since then, we’ve released user-requested features like URL redirects, web analytics, and Access integration.

We’ve been listening to your feedback and today we announce two new features: rollbacks and the Pages API. Deployment rollbacks allow you to host production-level code on Pages without needing to stress about broken builds resulting in website downtime. The API empowers you to create custom functionality and better integrate Pages with your development workflows. Now, it’s even easier to use Pages for production hosting.


You can now rollback your production website to a previous working deployment with just a click of a button. This is especially useful when you want to quickly undo a new deployment for troubleshooting. Before, developers would have to push another deployment and then wait for the build to finish updating production. Now, you can restore a working version within a few moments by rolling back to a previous working build.

To rollback to a previous build, just click the “Rollback to this deployment” button on either the deployments list menu or on a specific deployment page.

Announcing Rollbacks and API Access for Pages

API Access

The Pages API exposes endpoints for you to easily create automations and to integrate Pages within your development workflow. Refer to the API documentation for a full breakdown of the object types and endpoints. To get started, navigate to the Cloudflare API Tokens page and copy your “Global API Key”. Now, you can authenticate and make requests to the API using your email and auth key in the request headers.

For example, here is an API request to get all projects on an account.

Request (example)

curl -X GET "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/pages/projects" \
     -H "X-Auth-Email: {email}" \
     -H "X-Auth-Key: {auth_key}"

Response (example)

  "success": true,
  "errors": [],
  "messages": [],
  "result": {
    "name": "NextJS Blog",
    "id": "7b162ea7-7367-4d67-bcde-1160995d5",
    "created_on": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "subdomain": "helloworld.pages.dev",
    "domains": [
    "source": {
      "type": "github",
      "config": {
        "owner": "cloudflare",
        "repo_name": "ninjakittens",
        "production_branch": "main",
        "pr_comments_enabled": true,
        "deployments_enabled": true
    "build_config": {
      "build_command": "npm run build",
      "destination_dir": "build",
      "root_dir": "/",
      "web_analytics_tag": "cee1c73f6e4743d0b5e6bb1a0bcaabcc",
      "web_analytics_token": "021e1057c18547eca7b79f2516f06o7x"
    "deployment_configs": {
      "preview": {
        "env_vars": {
          "BUILD_VERSION": {
            "value": "3.3"
      "production": {
        "env_vars": {
          "BUILD_VERSION": {
            "value": "3.3"
    "latest_deployment": {
      "id": "f64788e9-fccd-4d4a-a28a-cb84f88f6",
      "short_id": "f64788e9",
      "project_id": "7b162ea7-7367-4d67-bcde-1160995d5",
      "project_name": "ninjakittens",
      "environment": "preview",
      "url": "https://f64788e9.ninjakittens.pages.dev",
      "created_on": "2021-03-09T00:55:03.923456Z",
      "modified_on": "2021-03-09T00:58:59.045655",
      "aliases": [
      "latest_stage": {
        "name": "deploy",
        "started_on": "2021-03-09T00:55:03.923456Z",
        "ended_on": "2021-03-09T00:58:59.045655",
        "status": "success"
      "env_vars": {
        "BUILD_VERSION": {
          "value": "3.3"
        "ENV": {
          "value": "STAGING"
      "deployment_trigger": {
        "type": "ad_hoc",
        "metadata": {
          "branch": "main",
          "commit_hash": "ad9ccd918a81025731e10e40267e11273a263421",
          "commit_message": "Update index.html"
      "stages": [
          "name": "queued",
          "started_on": "2021-06-03T15:38:15.608194Z",
          "ended_on": "2021-06-03T15:39:03.134378Z",
          "status": "active"
          "name": "initialize",
          "started_on": null,
          "ended_on": null,
          "status": "idle"
          "name": "clone_repo",
          "started_on": null,
          "ended_on": null,
          "status": "idle"
          "name": "build",
          "started_on": null,
          "ended_on": null,
          "status": "idle"
          "name": "deploy",
          "started_on": null,
          "ended_on": null,
          "status": "idle"
      "build_config": {
        "build_command": "npm run build",
        "destination_dir": "build",
        "root_dir": "/",
        "web_analytics_tag": "cee1c73f6e4743d0b5e6bb1a0bcaabcc",
        "web_analytics_token": "021e1057c18547eca7b79f2516f06o7x"
      "source": {
        "type": "github",
        "config": {
          "owner": "cloudflare",
          "repo_name": "ninjakittens",
          "production_branch": "main",
          "pr_comments_enabled": true,
          "deployments_enabled": true
    "canonical_deployment": {
      "id": "f64788e9-fccd-4d4a-a28a-cb84f88f6",
      "short_id": "f64788e9",
      "project_id": "7b162ea7-7367-4d67-bcde-1160995d5",
      "project_name": "ninjakittens",
      "environment": "preview",
      "url": "https://f64788e9.ninjakittens.pages.dev",
      "created_on": "2021-03-09T00:55:03.923456Z",
      "modified_on": "2021-03-09T00:58:59.045655",
      "aliases": [
      "latest_stage": {
        "name": "deploy",
        "started_on": "2021-03-09T00:55:03.923456Z",
        "ended_on": "2021-03-09T00:58:59.045655",
        "status": "success"
      "env_vars": {
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          "value": "3.3"
        "ENV": {
          "value": "STAGING"
      "deployment_trigger": {
        "type": "ad_hoc",
        "metadata": {
          "branch": "main",
          "commit_hash": "ad9ccd918a81025731e10e40267e11273a263421",
          "commit_message": "Update index.html"
      "stages": [
          "name": "queued",
          "started_on": "2021-06-03T15:38:15.608194Z",
          "ended_on": "2021-06-03T15:39:03.134378Z",
          "status": "active"
          "name": "initialize",
          "started_on": null,
          "ended_on": null,
          "status": "idle"
          "name": "clone_repo",
          "started_on": null,
          "ended_on": null,
          "status": "idle"
          "name": "build",
          "started_on": null,
          "ended_on": null,
          "status": "idle"
          "name": "deploy",
          "started_on": null,
          "ended_on": null,
          "status": "idle"
      "build_config": {
        "build_command": "npm run build",
        "destination_dir": "build",
        "root_dir": "/",
        "web_analytics_tag": "cee1c73f6e4743d0b5e6bb1a0bcaabcc",
        "web_analytics_token": "021e1057c18547eca7b79f2516f06o7x"
      "source": {
        "type": "github",
        "config": {
          "owner": "cloudflare",
          "repo_name": "ninjakittens",
          "production_branch": "main",
          "pr_comments_enabled": true,
          "deployments_enabled": true
  "result_info": {
    "page": 1,
    "per_page": 100,
    "count": 1,
    "total_count": 1

Here’s another quick example using the API to rollback to a previous deployment:

Request (example)

curl -X POST "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/pages/projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_id}/rollback" \
     -H "X-Auth-Email: {email}" \
     -H "X-Auth-Key: {auth_key"

Response (example)

  "success": true,
  "errors": [],
  "messages": [],
  "result": {
    "id": "f64788e9-fccd-4d4a-a28a-cb84f88f6",
    "short_id": "f64788e9",
    "project_id": "7b162ea7-7367-4d67-bcde-1160995d5",
    "project_name": "ninjakittens",
    "environment": "preview",
    "url": "https://f64788e9.ninjakittens.pages.dev",
    "created_on": "2021-03-09T00:55:03.923456Z",
    "modified_on": "2021-03-09T00:58:59.045655",
    "aliases": [
    "latest_stage": {
      "name": "deploy",
      "started_on": "2021-03-09T00:55:03.923456Z",
      "ended_on": "2021-03-09T00:58:59.045655",
      "status": "success"
    "env_vars": {
      "BUILD_VERSION": {
        "value": "3.3"
      "ENV": {
        "value": "STAGING"
    "deployment_trigger": {
      "type": "ad_hoc",
      "metadata": {
        "branch": "main",
        "commit_hash": "ad9ccd918a81025731e10e40267e11273a263421",
        "commit_message": "Update index.html"
    "stages": [
        "name": "queued",
        "started_on": "2021-06-03T15:38:15.608194Z",
        "ended_on": "2021-06-03T15:39:03.134378Z",
        "status": "active"
        "name": "initialize",
        "started_on": null,
        "ended_on": null,
        "status": "idle"
        "name": "clone_repo",
        "started_on": null,
        "ended_on": null,
        "status": "idle"
        "name": "build",
        "started_on": null,
        "ended_on": null,
        "status": "idle"
        "name": "deploy",
        "started_on": null,
        "ended_on": null,
        "status": "idle"
    "build_config": {
      "build_command": "npm run build",
      "destination_dir": "build",
      "root_dir": "/",
      "web_analytics_tag": "cee1c73f6e4743d0b5e6bb1a0bcaabcc",
      "web_analytics_token": "021e1057c18547eca7b79f2516f06o7x"
    "source": {
      "type": "github",
      "config": {
        "owner": "cloudflare",
        "repo_name": "ninjakittens",
        "production_branch": "main",
        "pr_comments_enabled": true,
        "deployments_enabled": true

Try out an API request with one of your projects by replacing {account_id}, {deployment_id},{email}, and {auth_key}. You can find your account_id in the URL address bar by navigating to the Cloudflare Dashboard. (Ex: 41643ed677c7c7gba4x463c4zdb9563c).

Refer to the API documentation for a full breakdown of the object types and endpoints.

Using the Pages API on Workers

The Pages API is even more powerful and simple to use with workers.new. If you haven’t used Workers before, feel free to go through the getting started guide to learn more. However, you’ll need to have set up a Pages project to follow along. Next, you can copy and paste this template for the new worker. Then, customize the values such as {account_id}, {project_name}, {auth_key}, and {your_email}.

const endpoint = "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/pages/projects/{project_name}/deployments";
const email = "{your_email}";
addEventListener("scheduled", (event) => {
async function handleScheduled(request) {
  const init = {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
      "X-Auth-Email": email,
      "X-Auth-Key": API_KEY,
      //We recommend you store API keys as secrets using the Workers dashboard or using Wrangler as documented here https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/cli-wrangler/commands#secret
  const response = await fetch(endpoint, init);
  return new Response(200);

Announcing Rollbacks and API Access for Pages

To finish configuring the script, click the back arrow near the top left of the window and click on the settings tab. Then, set an environment variable “API_KEY” with the value of your Cloudflare Global key and click “Encrypt” and then “Save”.

The script just makes a POST request to the deployments’ endpoint to trigger a new build. Click “Quick edit” to go back to the code editor to finish testing the script. You can test out your configuration and make a request by clicking on the “Trigger scheduled event” button in the “Schedule” tab near the tabs saying “HTTP” and “Preview”. You should see a new queued build on your Project through the Pages dashboard. Now, you can click “Save and Deploy” to publish your work. Finally, back to the worker settings page by clicking the back arrow near the top left of the window.

All that’s left to do is set a cron trigger to periodically run this Worker on the “Triggers tab”. Click on “Add Cron Trigger”.

Announcing Rollbacks and API Access for Pages

Next, we can input “0 * * * *” to trigger the build every hour.

Announcing Rollbacks and API Access for Pages

Finally, click save and your automation using the Pages API will trigger a new build every hour.

2. Deleting old deployments after a week: Pages hosts and serves all project deployments on preview links. Suppose you want to keep your project relatively private and prevent access to old deployments. You can use the API to delete deployments after a month so that they are no longer public online. This is easy to do on Workers using Cron Triggers.

3. Sharing project information: Imagine you are working on a development team using Pages to build our websites. You probably want an easy way to share deployment preview links and build status without having to share Cloudflare accounts. Using the API, you can easily share project information, including deployment status and preview links, and serve this content as HTML from a Cloudflare Worker.

Find the code snippets for all three examples here.


We will continue making the API more powerful with features such as supporting prebuilt deployments in the future. We are excited to see what you build with the API and hope you enjoy using rollbacks. At Cloudflare, we are committed to building the best developer experience on Pages, and we always appreciate hearing your feedback. Come chat with us and share more feedback on the Workers Discord (We have a dedicated #pages-help channel!).

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

Post Syndicated from Aly Cabral original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-acquires-linc/

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

Cloudflare has always been about democratizing the Internet. For us, that means bringing the most powerful tools used by the largest of enterprises to the smallest development shops. Sometimes that looks like putting our global network to work defending against large-scale attacks. Other times it looks like giving Internet users simple and reliable privacy services like  Last week, it looked like Cloudflare Pages — a fast, secure and free way to build and host your JAMstack sites.

We see a huge opportunity with Cloudflare Pages. It goes beyond making it as easy as possible to deploy static sites, and extending that same ease of use to building full dynamic applications. By creating a seamless integration between Pages and Cloudflare Workers, we will be able to host the frontend and backend together, at the edge of the Internet and close to your users. The Linc team is joining Cloudflare to help us do just that.

Today, we’re excited to announce the acquisition of Linc, an automation platform to help front-end developers collaborate and build powerful applications. Linc has done amazing work with Frontend Application Bundles (FABs), making dynamic backends more accessible to frontend developers. Their approach offers a straightforward path to building end-to-end applications on Pages, with both frontend logic and powerful backend logic in one bundle. With the addition of Linc, we will accelerate Pages to enable richer and more powerful full-stack applications.

Combining Cloudflare’s edge network with Linc’s approach to server-side rendering, we’re able to set a new standard for performance on the web by delivering the speed of powerful servers close to users. Now, I’ll hand it over to Glen Maddern, who was the CTO of Linc, to share why they joined Cloudflare.

Linc and the Frontend Application Bundle (FAB) specification were designed with a single goal in mind: to give frontend developers the best possible tools to build, review, refine, and deploy their applications. An important piece of that is making server-side logic and rendering much more accessible, regardless of what type of app you’re building.

Static vs Dynamic frontends

One of the biggest problems in frontend web development today is the dramatic difference in complexity when moving from generating static sites (e.g. building a directory full of HTML, JS, and CSS files) to hosting a full application (traditionally using NodeJS and a web server like Express). While you gain the flexibility of being able to render everything on-demand and customised for the current user, you increase your maintenance cost — you now have servers that you need to keep running. And unless you’re operating at a global scale already, you’ll often see worse end-user performance as your requests are only being served from one or maybe a couple of locations worldwide.

While serverless platforms have arisen to solve these problems for backend services and can be brought to bear on frontend apps, they’re much less cost-effective than using static hosting, especially if the bulk of your frontend assets are static. As such, we’ve seen a rise of technologies under the umbrella term of “JAMstack”; they aim at making static sites more powerful (like rebuilding based off CMS updates), or at making it possible to deploy small pieces of server-side APIs as “cloud functions”, along with each update of your app. But it’s still fundamentally a limited architecture — you always have a static layer between you and your users, so the more dynamic your needs, the more complex your build pipeline becomes, or the more you’re forced to rely on client-side logic.

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

FABs took a different approach: a deployment artefact that could support the full range of server-side needs, from entirely static sites, apps with some API routes or cloud functions, all the way to full server-side streaming rendering. We also made it compatible with all the cloud hosting providers you might want, so that deploying becomes as easy as uploading a ZIP file. Then, as your needs change, as dynamic content becomes more important, as new frameworks arise that offer increasing performance or you look at moving which provider you’re hosting with, you never need to change your tooling and deployment processes.

The FAB approach

Regardless of what framework you’re working with, the FAB compiler generates a fab.zip file that has two components: a server.js file that acts as a server-side entry point, and an _assets directory that stores the HTML, CSS, JS, images, and fonts that are sent to the client.

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

This simple structure gives us enough flexibility to handle all kinds of apps. For example, a static site will have a server.js of only a few auto-generated lines of server-side code, just enough to add redirects for any files outside the _assets directory. On the other end of the spectrum, an app with full server rendering looks and works exactly the same. It just has a lot more code inside its server.js file.

On a server running NodeJS, serving a compiled FAB is as easy as fab serve fab.zip, but FABs are really designed with production class hosting in mind. They make use of world-class CDNs and the best serverless hosting platforms around.

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

When a FAB is deployed, it’s often split into these component parts and deployed separately. Assets are sent to a low-cost object storage platform with a CDN in front of it, and the server component is sent to dedicated serverless hosting. It’s all deployed in an atomic, idempotent manner that feels as simple as uploading static files, but completely unlocks dynamic server-side code as part of your architecture.

That generic architecture works great and is compatible with virtually every hosting platform around, but it works slightly differently on Cloudflare Workers.

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

Workers, unlike other serverless platforms, truly runs at the edge: there is no CDN or load balancer in front of it to split off /_assets routes and send them directly to the Assets storage. This means that every request hits the worker, whether it’s triggering a full page render or piping through the bytes for an image file. It might feel like a downside, but with Workers’ performance and cost profile, it’s quite the opposite — it actually gives us much more flexibility in what we end up building, and gets us closer to the goal of fully unlocking server-side code.

To give just one example, we no longer need to store our asset files on a dedicated static file host — instead, we can use Cloudflare’s global key-value storage: Workers KV. Our server.js running inside a Worker can then map /_assets requests directly into the KV store and stream the result to the user. This results in significantly better performance than proxying to a third-party asset host.

What we’ve found is that Cloudflare offered the most “FAB-native” hosting option, and so it’s very exciting to have the opportunity to further develop what they can do.

Linc + Cloudflare

As we stated above, Linc’s goal was to give frontend developers the best tooling to build and refine their apps, regardless of which hosting they were using. But we started to notice an important trend —  if a team had a free choice for where to host their frontend, they inevitably chose Cloudflare Workers. In some cases, for a period, teams even used Linc to deploy a FAB to Workers alongside their existing hosting to demonstrate the performance improvement before migrating permanently.

At the same time, we started to see more and more opportunities to fully embrace edge-rendering and make global serverless hosting more powerful and accessible. But the most exciting ideas required deep integration with the hosting providers themselves. Which is why, when we started talking to Cloudflare, everything fell into place.

We’re so excited to join the Cloudflare effort and work on expanding Cloudflare Pages to cover the full spectrum of applications. Not only do they share our goal of bringing sophisticated technology to every development team, but with innovations like Durable Objects starting to offer new storage paradigms, the potential for a truly next-generation deployment, review &  hosting platform is tantalisingly close.

Introducing Cloudflare Pages: the best way to build JAMstack websites

Post Syndicated from Rita Kozlov original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-pages/

Introducing Cloudflare Pages: the best way to build JAMstack websites

Introducing Cloudflare Pages: the best way to build JAMstack websites

Across multiple cultures around the world, this time of year is a time of celebration and sharing of gifts with the people we care the most about. In that spirit, we thought we’d take this time to give back to the developer community that has been so supportive of Cloudflare for the last 10 years.

Today, we’re excited to announce Cloudflare Pages: a fast, secure and free way to build and host your JAMstack sites.

Today, the path from an idea to a website is paved with good intentions

Websites are the way we express ourselves on the web. It doesn’t matter if you’re a hobbyist with a blog, or the largest of corporations with millions of customers — if you want to reach people outside the confines of 140 280 characters, the web is the place to be.

As a frontend developer, it’s your responsibility to bring this expression to life. And make no mistake — with so many frontend frameworks, tooling, and static site generators at your disposal — it’s a great time to be in your line of work.

That is, of course, right up until the point when you’re ready to show your work off to the world. That’s when things can start to get a little hairy.

At this point, continuing to keep things local rather than committing to source starts to become… irresponsible. But then: how do you quickly iterate and maintain momentum? As you change things, you need to make sure those changes don’t get lost — saving them to source control — while keeping in sync with what’s currently deployed to production.

There are no great solutions.

If you’re in a larger organization, you might have a DevOps organization devoted to exactly that: automating deployments using Continuous Integration (CI) tooling.

Most CI tooling, however, is quite cumbersome, and for good reason — to allow organizations to customize their automation, regardless of their stack and setup. But for the purpose of developing a website, it can still feel like an unnecessary and frustrating diversion on the road to delivering your web project. Configuring a .yaml file, adding and removing commands, waiting minutes for each build to run, and praying to the CI gods at each one that these are the right commands. Hopelessly rerunning the same build over and over, and expecting a different result.  

Often, hours are lost. The process stands in the way of you and doing your best work.

Cloudflare Pages: letting frontend devs do what they do best

We think there’s a better way.

With Cloudflare Pages, we set out to simplify every step along the journey by tying deployment to your existing development workflow.

Seamless Git integration, with builds built-in

With Cloudflare Pages, all you have to do is select your repo, and tell us which framework you’re using. We’ll take care of chanting CI incantations on your behalf, while you keep doing what you were already doing: git commit and git push your changes — we’ll build and deploy them for you.

As the project grows, so do the stakes, and the number of collaborators.

For a site in production, changes need to be reviewed thoroughly. As the reviewer, looking at the code, and skimming for red flags only gets you so far. To thoroughly review, you have to commit or git stash your changes, pull down locally, get it running to make sure it actually works — looking at code alone won’t catch everything!

The other developers on the team are not the only stakeholders. There are designers, marketers, PMs who want to provide feedback before the changes go out.

Unique preview URLs

With Cloudflare Pages, each commit gets its own unique URL. Preview URLs make it easier to get meaningful code reviews without the overhead of pulling down the branch. They also make it easier to get feedback from PMs, designers and marketers on the latest iteration, bridging the gap between mocks and code.

Infinite staging

“Does anyone mind if I take over staging?” might also sound like a familiar question. With Cloudflare Pages, each feature branch will have its own dedicated consistent alias, allowing you to have a consistent URL for the latest changes.

With Preview and Production environments, all feature branches and preview links will be built with preview variables, so you can experiment without impacting production data.

When you’re ready to deploy to production, we’ll redeploy to production for you with the updated production environment variables.

Collaboration for all

Collaboration is the key to building amazing websites and products — the more the merrier! As a security company, we definitely don’t want you sharing password and credentials. Which is why we provide multi user access for free for unlimited users — invite all your friends, on us!

Modern sites with modern standards

We all know premature optimization is a cardinal sin, but once your project is in front of customers you want to have the best performance possible. If it’s successful, you also want it to be available!

Today, this is time you have to spend optimizing performance (chasing those 100 lighthouse scores), and scaling, from a few to millions of users.

Luckily, we happen to know a thing or two about running a global network of 200 data centers though, so we’ve got you covered.

With Pages, your site is deployed directly to our edge, milliseconds away from customers, and at global scale.

The latest web standards are fun to read about on Hacker News but not fun to implement yourself. With Cloudflare Pages, we’ll do the heavy lifting to keep you ahead of the curve: IPv6, HTTP/3, TLS 1.3, all the latest image formats.

Oh, and one more thing

We’re really excited for developers and their teams to use Cloudflare Pages to collaborate on the best static sites together. There’s just one thing that didn’t sit quite right with us: why stop at static sites?

What if we could make building full-blown, dynamic applications just as easy?

Although APIs are a core part of the JAMstack, today that refers primarily to the robust API economy developers have access to. And while that’s great, it’s not always enough. If you want to build your own APIs, and store user or application data, you need more than third party APIs. What to do, though?

Well, this is the point at which it’s mighty helpful we’ve already built a global serverless platform: Cloudflare Workers. Workers allows frontend developers to easily write scalable backends to their applications in the same language as the frontend, JavaScript.

Over the coming months, we’ll be working on integrating Workers and Pages into a seamless experience. It’ll work the exact same way Pages does: just write your code, git push, and we’ll deploy it for you. The only difference is, it won’t just be your frontend, it’ll be your backend, too. And just to be clear: this is not just for stateless functions. With Workers KV and Durable Objects, we see a huge opportunity to really enable any web application to be built on this platform.

We’re super excited about the future of Pages, and how with the power of Cloudflare Workers behind it, it represents a bold vision for how new applications are going to be built on the web.

But you know the thing about gifts? They’re no good without someone to receive them. We’d love for you to sign up for our beta and try out Cloudflare Pages!

PS: we’re hiring!

Want to help us shape the future of development on the web? Join our team.