Tag Archives: Privacy

Applying AI to License Plate Surveillance

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/08/applying-ai-to-license-plate-surveillance.html

License plate scanners aren’t new. Neither is using them for bulk surveillance. What’s new is that AI is being used on the data, identifying “suspicious” vehicle behavior:

Typically, Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) technology is used to search for plates linked to specific crimes. But in this case it was used to examine the driving patterns of anyone passing one of Westchester County’s 480 cameras over a two-year period. Zayas’ lawyer Ben Gold contested the AI-gathered evidence against his client, decrying it as “dragnet surveillance.”

And he had the data to back it up. A FOIA he filed with the Westchester police revealed that the ALPR system was scanning over 16 million license plates a week, across 480 ALPR cameras. Of those systems, 434 were stationary, attached to poles and signs, while the remaining 46 were mobile, attached to police vehicles. The AI was not just looking at license plates either. It had also been taking notes on vehicles’ make, model and color—useful when a plate number for a suspect vehicle isn’t visible or is unknown.

Zoom Can Spy on Your Calls and Use the Conversation to Train AI, But Says That It Won’t

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/08/zoom-can-spy-on-your-calls-and-use-the-conversation-to-train-ai-but-says-that-it-wont.html

This is why we need regulation:

Zoom updated its Terms of Service in March, spelling out that the company reserves the right to train AI on user data with no mention of a way to opt out. On Monday, the company said in a blog post that there’s no need to worry about that. Zoom execs swear the company won’t actually train its AI on your video calls without permission, even though the Terms of Service still say it can.

Of course, these are Terms of Service. They can change at any time. Zoom can renege on its promise at any time. There are no rules, only the whims of the company as it tries to maximize its profits.

It’s a stupid way to run a technological revolution. We should not have to rely on the benevolence of for-profit corporations to protect our rights. It’s not their job, and it shouldn’t be.

AI and Microdirectives

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/07/ai-and-microdirectives.html

Imagine a future in which AIs automatically interpret—and enforce—laws.

All day and every day, you constantly receive highly personalized instructions for how to comply with the law, sent directly by your government and law enforcement. You’re told how to cross the street, how fast to drive on the way to work, and what you’re allowed to say or do online—if you’re in any situation that might have legal implications, you’re told exactly what to do, in real time.

Imagine that the computer system formulating these personal legal directives at mass scale is so complex that no one can explain how it reasons or works. But if you ignore a directive, the system will know, and it’ll be used as evidence in the prosecution that’s sure to follow.

This future may not be far off—automatic detection of lawbreaking is nothing new. Speed cameras and traffic-light cameras have been around for years. These systems automatically issue citations to the car’s owner based on the license plate. In such cases, the defendant is presumed guilty unless they prove otherwise, by naming and notifying the driver.

In New York, AI systems equipped with facial recognition technology are being used by businesses to identify shoplifters. Similar AI-powered systems are being used by retailers in Australia and the United Kingdom to identify shoplifters and provide real-time tailored alerts to employees or security personnel. China is experimenting with even more powerful forms of automated legal enforcement and targeted surveillance.

Breathalyzers are another example of automatic detection. They estimate blood alcohol content by calculating the number of alcohol molecules in the breath via an electrochemical reaction or infrared analysis (they’re basically computers with fuel cells or spectrometers attached). And they’re not without controversy: Courts across the country have found serious flaws and technical deficiencies with Breathalyzer devices and the software that powers them. Despite this, criminal defendants struggle to obtain access to devices or their software source code, with Breathalyzer companies and courts often refusing to grant such access. In the few cases where courts have actually ordered such disclosures, that has usually followed costly legal battles spanning many years.

AI is about to make this issue much more complicated, and could drastically expand the types of laws that can be enforced in this manner. Some legal scholars predict that computationally personalized law and its automated enforcement are the future of law. These would be administered by what Anthony Casey and Anthony Niblett call “microdirectives,” which provide individualized instructions for legal compliance in a particular scenario.

Made possible by advances in surveillance, communications technologies, and big-data analytics, microdirectives will be a new and predominant form of law shaped largely by machines. They are “micro” because they are not impersonal general rules or standards, but tailored to one specific circumstance. And they are “directives” because they prescribe action or inaction required by law.

A Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown notice is a present-day example of a microdirective. The DMCA’s enforcement is almost fully automated, with copyright “bots” constantly scanning the internet for copyright-infringing material, and automatically sending literally hundreds of millions of DMCA takedown notices daily to platforms and users. A DMCA takedown notice is tailored to the recipient’s specific legal circumstances. It also directs action—remove the targeted content or prove that it’s not infringing—based on the law.

It’s easy to see how the AI systems being deployed by retailers to identify shoplifters could be redesigned to employ microdirectives. In addition to alerting business owners, the systems could also send alerts to the identified persons themselves, with tailored legal directions or notices.

A future where AIs interpret, apply, and enforce most laws at societal scale like this will exponentially magnify problems around fairness, transparency, and freedom. Forget about software transparency—well-resourced AI firms, like Breathalyzer companies today, would no doubt ferociously guard their systems for competitive reasons. These systems would likely be so complex that even their designers would not be able to explain how the AIs interpret and apply the law—something we’re already seeing with today’s deep learning neural network systems, which are unable to explain their reasoning.

Even the law itself could become hopelessly vast and opaque. Legal microdirectives sent en masse for countless scenarios, each representing authoritative legal findings formulated by opaque computational processes, could create an expansive and increasingly complex body of law that would grow ad infinitum.

And this brings us to the heart of the issue: If you’re accused by a computer, are you entitled to review that computer’s inner workings and potentially challenge its accuracy in court? What does cross-examination look like when the prosecutor’s witness is a computer? How could you possibly access, analyze, and understand all microdirectives relevant to your case in order to challenge the AI’s legal interpretation? How could courts hope to ensure equal application of the law? Like the man from the country in Franz Kafka’s parable in The Trial, you’d die waiting for access to the law, because the law is limitless and incomprehensible.

This system would present an unprecedented threat to freedom. Ubiquitous AI-powered surveillance in society will be necessary to enable such automated enforcement. On top of that, research—including empirical studies conducted by one of us (Penney)—has shown that personalized legal threats or commands that originate from sources of authority—state or corporate—can have powerful chilling effects on people’s willingness to speak or act freely. Imagine receiving very specific legal instructions from law enforcement about what to say or do in a situation: Would you feel you had a choice to act freely?

This is a vision of AI’s invasive and Byzantine law of the future that chills to the bone. It would be unlike any other law system we’ve seen before in human history, and far more dangerous for our freedoms. Indeed, some legal scholars argue that this future would effectively be the death of law.

Yet it is not a future we must endure. Proposed bans on surveillance technology like facial recognition systems can be expanded to cover those enabling invasive automated legal enforcement. Laws can mandate interpretability and explainability for AI systems to ensure everyone can understand and explain how the systems operate. If a system is too complex, maybe it shouldn’t be deployed in legal contexts. Enforcement by personalized legal processes needs to be highly regulated to ensure oversight, and should be employed only where chilling effects are less likely, like in benign government administration or regulatory contexts where fundamental rights and freedoms are not at risk.

AI will inevitably change the course of law. It already has. But we don’t have to accept its most extreme and maximal instantiations, either today or tomorrow.

This essay was written with Jon Penney, and previously appeared on Slate.com.

French Police Will Be Able to Spy on People through Their Cell Phones

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/07/french-police-will-be-able-to-spy-on-people-through-their-cell-phones.html

The French police are getting new surveillance powers:

French police should be able to spy on suspects by remotely activating the camera, microphone and GPS of their phones and other devices, lawmakers agreed late on Wednesday, July 5.


Covering laptops, cars and other connected objects as well as phones, the measure would allow the geolocation of suspects in crimes punishable by at least five years’ jail. Devices could also be remotely activated to record sound and images of people suspected of terror offenses, as well as delinquency and organized crime.


During a debate on Wednesday, MPs in President Emmanuel Macron’s camp inserted an amendment limiting the use of remote spying to “when justified by the nature and seriousness of the crime” and “for a strictly proportional duration.” Any use of the provision must be approved by a judge, while the total duration of the surveillance cannot exceed six months. And sensitive professions including doctors, journalists, lawyers, judges and MPs would not be legitimate targets.

Google Is Using Its Vast Data Stores to Train AI

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/07/google-is-using-its-vast-data-stores-to-train-ai.html

No surprise, but Google just changed its privacy policy to reflect broader uses of all the surveillance data it has captured over the years:

Research and development: Google uses information to improve our services and to develop new products, features and technologies that benefit our users and the public. For example, we use publicly available information to help train Google’s AI models and build products and features like Google Translate, Bard, and Cloud AI capabilities.

(I quote the privacy policy as of today. The Mastodon link quotes the privacy policy from ten days ago. So things are changing fast.)

Privacy of Printing Services

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/07/privacy-of-printing-services.html

The Washington Post has an article about popular printing services, and whether or not they read your documents and mine the data when you use them for printing:

Ideally, printing services should avoid storing the content of your files, or at least delete daily. Print services should also communicate clearly upfront what information they’re collecting and why. Some services, like the New York Public Library and PrintWithMe, do both.

Others dodged our questions about what data they collect, how long they store it and whom they share it with. Some—including Canon, FedEx and Staples—declined to answer basic questions about their privacy practices.

Self-Driving Cars Are Surveillance Cameras on Wheels

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/07/self-driving-cars-are-surveillance-cameras-on-wheels.html

Police are already using self-driving car footage as video evidence:

While security cameras are commonplace in American cities, self-driving cars represent a new level of access for law enforcement ­ and a new method for encroachment on privacy, advocates say. Crisscrossing the city on their routes, self-driving cars capture a wider swath of footage. And it’s easier for law enforcement to turn to one company with a large repository of videos and a dedicated response team than to reach out to all the businesses in a neighborhood with security systems.

“We’ve known for a long time that they are essentially surveillance cameras on wheels,” said Chris Gilliard, a fellow at the Social Science Research Council. “We’re supposed to be able to go about our business in our day-to-day lives without being surveilled unless we are suspected of a crime, and each little bit of this technology strips away that ability.”


While self-driving services like Waymo and Cruise have yet to achieve the same level of market penetration as Ring, the wide range of video they capture while completing their routes presents other opportunities. In addition to the San Francisco homicide, Bloomberg’s review of court documents shows police have sought footage from Waymo and Cruise to help solve hit-and-runs, burglaries, aggravated assaults, a fatal collision and an attempted kidnapping.

In all cases reviewed by Bloomberg, court records show that police collected footage from Cruise and Waymo shortly after obtaining a warrant. In several cases, Bloomberg could not determine whether the recordings had been used in the resulting prosecutions; in a few of the cases, law enforcement and attorneys said the footage had not played a part, or was only a formality. However, video evidence has become a lynchpin of criminal cases, meaning it’s likely only a matter of time.

Snowden Ten Years Later

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/06/snowden-ten-years-later.html

In 2013 and 2014, I wrote extensively about new revelations regarding NSA surveillance based on the documents provided by Edward Snowden. But I had a more personal involvement as well.

I wrote the essay below in September 2013. The New Yorker agreed to publish it, but the Guardian asked me not to. It was scared of UK law enforcement, and worried that this essay would reflect badly on it. And given that the UK police would raid its offices in July 2014, it had legitimate cause to be worried.

Now, ten years later, I offer this as a time capsule of what those early months of Snowden were like.

It’s a surreal experience, paging through hundreds of top-secret NSA documents. You’re peering into a forbidden world: strange, confusing, and fascinating all at the same time.

I had flown down to Rio de Janeiro in late August at the request of Glenn Greenwald. He had been working on the Edward Snowden archive for a couple of months, and had a pile of more technical documents that he wanted help interpreting. According to Greenwald, Snowden also thought that bringing me down was a good idea.

It made sense. I didn’t know either of them, but I have been writing about cryptography, security, and privacy for decades. I could decipher some of the technical language that Greenwald had difficulty with, and understand the context and importance of various document. And I have long been publicly critical of the NSA’s eavesdropping capabilities. My knowledge and expertise could help figure out which stories needed to be reported.

I thought about it a lot before agreeing. This was before David Miranda, Greenwald’s partner, was detained at Heathrow airport by the UK authorities; but even without that, I knew there was a risk. I fly a lot—a quarter of a million miles per year—and being put on a TSA list, or being detained at the US border and having my electronics confiscated, would be a major problem. So would the FBI breaking into my home and seizing my personal electronics. But in the end, that made me more determined to do it.

I did spend some time on the phone with the attorneys recommended to me by the ACLU and the EFF. And I talked about it with my partner, especially when Miranda was detained three days before my departure. Both Greenwald and his employer, the Guardian, are careful about whom they show the documents to. They publish only those portions essential to getting the story out. It was important to them that I be a co-author, not a source. I didn’t follow the legal reasoning, but the point is that the Guardian doesn’t want to leak the documents to random people. It will, however, write stories in the public interest, and I would be allowed to review the documents as part of that process. So after a Skype conversation with someone at the Guardian, I signed a letter of engagement.

And then I flew to Brazil.

I saw only a tiny slice of the documents, and most of what I saw was surprisingly banal. The concerns of the top-secret world are largely tactical: system upgrades, operational problems owing to weather, delays because of work backlogs, and so on. I paged through weekly reports, presentation slides from status meetings, and general briefings to educate visitors. Management is management, even inside the NSA Reading the documents, I felt as though I were sitting through some of those endless meetings.

The meeting presenters try to spice things up. Presentations regularly include intelligence success stories. There were details—what had been found, and how, and where it helped—and sometimes there were attaboys from “customers” who used the intelligence. I’m sure these are intended to remind NSA employees that they’re doing good. It definitely had an effect on me. Those were all things I want the NSA to be doing.

There were so many code names. Everything has one: every program, every piece of equipment, every piece of software. Sometimes code names had their own code names. The biggest secrets seem to be the underlying real-world information: which particular company MONEYROCKET is; what software vulnerability EGOTISTICALGIRAFFE—really, I am not making that one up—is; how TURBINE works. Those secrets collectively have a code name—ECI, for exceptionally compartmented information—and almost never appear in the documents. Chatting with Snowden on an encrypted IM connection, I joked that the NSA cafeteria menu probably has code names for menu items. His response: “Trust me when I say you have no idea.”

Those code names all come with logos, most of them amateurish and a lot of them dumb. Note to the NSA: take some of that more than ten-billion-dollar annual budget and hire yourself a design firm. Really; it’ll pay off in morale.

Once in a while, though, I would see something that made me stop, stand up, and pace around in circles. It wasn’t that what I read was particularly exciting, or important. It was just that it was startling. It changed—ever so slightly—how I thought about the world.

Greenwald said that that reaction was normal when people started reading through the documents.

Intelligence professionals talk about how disorienting it is living on the inside. You read so much classified information about the world’s geopolitical events that you start seeing the world differently. You become convinced that only the insiders know what’s really going on, because the news media is so often wrong. Your family is ignorant. Your friends are ignorant. The world is ignorant. The only thing keeping you from ignorance is that constant stream of classified knowledge. It’s hard not to feel superior, not to say things like “If you only knew what we know” all the time. I can understand how General Keith Alexander, the director of the NSA, comes across as so supercilious; I only saw a minute fraction of that secret world, and I started feeling it.

It turned out to be a terrible week to visit Greenwald, as he was still dealing with the fallout from Miranda’s detention. Two other journalists, one from the Nation and the other from the Hindu, were also in town working with him. A lot of my week involved Greenwald rushing into my hotel room, giving me a thumb drive of new stuff to look through, and rushing out again.

A technician from the Guardian got a search capability working while I was there, and I spent some time with it. Question: when you’re given the capability to search through a database of NSA secrets, what’s the first thing you look for? Answer: your name.

It wasn’t there. Neither were any of the algorithm names I knew, not even algorithms I knew that the US government used.

I tried to talk to Greenwald about his own operational security. It had been incredibly stupid for Miranda to be traveling with NSA documents on the thumb drive. Transferring files electronically is what encryption is for. I told Greenwald that he and Laura Poitras should be sending large encrypted files of dummy documents back and forth every day.

Once, at Greenwald’s home, I walked into the backyard and looked for TEMPEST receivers hiding in the trees. I didn’t find any, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t there. Greenwald has a lot of dogs, but I don’t think that would hinder professionals. I’m sure that a bunch of major governments have a complete copy of everything Greenwald has. Maybe the black bag teams bumped into each other in those early weeks.

I started doubting my own security procedures. Reading about the NSA’s hacking abilities will do that to you. Can it break the encryption on my hard drive? Probably not. Has the company that makes my encryption software deliberately weakened the implementation for it? Probably. Are NSA agents listening in on my calls back to the US? Very probably. Could agents take control of my computer over the Internet if they wanted to? Definitely. In the end, I decided to do my best and stop worrying about it. It was the agency’s documents, after all. And what I was working on would become public in a few weeks.

I wasn’t sleeping well, either. A lot of it was the sheer magnitude of what I saw. It’s not that any of it was a real surprise. Those of us in the information security community had long assumed that the NSA was doing things like this. But we never really sat down and figured out the details, and to have the details confirmed made a big difference. Maybe I can make it clearer with an analogy. Everyone knows that death is inevitable; there’s absolutely no surprise about that. Yet it arrives as a surprise, because we spend most of our lives refusing to think about it. The NSA documents were a bit like that. Knowing that it is surely true that the NSA is eavesdropping on the world, and doing it in such a methodical and robust manner, is very different from coming face-to-face with the reality that it is and the details of how it is doing it.

I also found it incredibly difficult to keep the secrets. The Guardian’s process is slow and methodical. I move much faster. I drafted stories based on what I found. Then I wrote essays about those stories, and essays about the essays. Writing was therapy; I would wake up in the wee hours of the morning, and write an essay. But that put me at least three levels beyond what was published.

Now that my involvement is out, and my first essays are out, I feel a lot better. I’m sure it will get worse again when I find another monumental revelation; there are still more documents to go through.

I’ve heard it said that Snowden wants to damage America. I can say with certainty that he does not. So far, everyone involved in this incident has been incredibly careful about what is released to the public. There are many documents that could be immensely harmful to the US, and no one has any intention of releasing them. The documents the reporters release are carefully redacted. Greenwald and I repeatedly debated with Guardian editors the newsworthiness of story ideas, stressing that we would not expose government secrets simply because they’re interesting.

The NSA got incredibly lucky; this could have ended with a massive public dump like Chelsea Manning’s State Department cables. I suppose it still could. Despite that, I can imagine how this feels to the NSA. It’s used to keeping this stuff behind multiple levels of security: gates with alarms, armed guards, safe doors, and military-grade cryptography. It’s not supposed to be on a bunch of thumb drives in Brazil, Germany, the UK, the US, and who knows where else, protected largely by some random people’s opinions about what should or should not remain secret. This is easily the greatest intelligence failure in the history of ever. It’s amazing that one person could have had so much access with so little accountability, and could sneak all of this data out without raising any alarms. The odds are close to zero that Snowden is the first person to do this; he’s just the first person to make public that he did. It’s a testament to General Alexander’s power that he hasn’t been forced to resign.

It’s not that we weren’t being careful about security, it’s that our standards of care are so different. From the NSA’s point of view, we’re all major security risks, myself included. I was taking notes about classified material, crumpling them up, and throwing them into the wastebasket. I was printing documents marked “TOP SECRET/COMINT/NOFORN” in a hotel lobby. And once, I took the wrong thumb drive with me to dinner, accidentally leaving the unencrypted one filled with top-secret documents in my hotel room. It was an honest mistake; they were both blue.

If I were an NSA employee, the policy would be to fire me for that alone.

Many have written about how being under constant surveillance changes a person. When you know you’re being watched, you censor yourself. You become less open, less spontaneous. You look at what you write on your computer and dwell on what you’ve said on the telephone, wonder how it would sound taken out of context, from the perspective of a hypothetical observer. You’re more likely to conform. You suppress your individuality. Even though I have worked in privacy for decades, and already knew a lot about the NSA and what it does, the change was palpable. That feeling hasn’t faded. I am now more careful about what I say and write. I am less trusting of communications technology. I am less trusting of the computer industry.

After much discussion, Greenwald and I agreed to write three stories together to start. All of those are still in progress. In addition, I wrote two commentaries on the Snowden documents that were recently made public. There’s a lot more to come; even Greenwald hasn’t looked through everything.

Since my trip to Brazil [one month before], I’ve flown back to the US once and domestically seven times—all without incident. I’m not on any list yet. At least, none that I know about.

As it happened, I didn’t write much more with Greenwald or the Guardian. Those two had a falling out, and by the time everything settled and both began writing about the documents independently—Greenwald at the newly formed website the Intercept—I got cut out of the process somehow. I remember hearing that Greenwald was annoyed with me, but I never learned the reason. We haven’t spoken since.

Still, I was happy with the one story I was part of: how the NSA hacks Tor. I consider it a personal success that I pushed the Guardian to publish NSA documents detailing QUANTUM. I don’t think that would have gotten out any other way. And I still use those pages today when I teach cybersecurity to policymakers at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Other people wrote about the Snowden files, and wrote a lot. It was a slow trickle at first, and then a more consistent flow. Between Greenwald, Bart Gellman, and the Guardian reporters, there ended up being steady stream of news. (Bart brought in Ashkan Soltani to help him with the technical aspects, which was a great move on his part, even if it cost Ashkan a government job later.) More stories were covered by other publications.

It started getting weird. Both Greenwald and Gellman held documents back so they could publish them in their books. Jake Appelbaum, who had not yet been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, was working with Laura Poitras. He partnered with Spiegel to release an implant catalog from the NSA’s Tailored Access Operations group. To this day, I am convinced that that document was not in the Snowden archives: that Jake got it somehow, and it was released with the implication that it was from Edward Snowden. I thought it was important enough that I started writing about each item in that document in my blog: “NSA Exploit of the Week.” That got my website blocked by the DoD: I keep a framed print of the censor’s message on my wall.

Perhaps the most surreal document disclosures were when artists started writing fiction based on the documents. This was in 2016, when Poitras built a secure room in New York to house the documents. By then, the documents were years out of date. And now they’re over a decade out of date. (They were leaked in 2013, but most of them were from 2012 or before.)

I ended up being something of a public ambassador for the documents. When I got back from Rio, I gave talks at a private conference in Woods Hole, the Berkman Center at Harvard, something called the Congress and Privacy and Surveillance in Geneva, events at both CATO and New America in DC, an event at the University of Pennsylvania, an event at EPIC and a “Stop Watching Us” rally in DC, the RISCS conference in London, the ISF in Paris, and…then…at the IETF meeting in Vancouver in November 2013. (I remember little of this; I am reconstructing it all from my calendar.)

What struck me at the IETF was the indignation in the room, and the calls to action. And there was action, across many fronts. We technologists did a lot to help secure the Internet, for example.

The government didn’t do its part, though. Despite the public outcry, investigations by Congress, pronouncements by President Obama, and federal court rulings, I don’t think much has changed. The NSA canceled a program here and a program there, and it is now more public about defense. But I don’t think it is any less aggressive about either bulk or targeted surveillance. Certainly its government authorities haven’t been restricted in any way. And surveillance capitalism is still the business model of the Internet.

And Edward Snowden? We were in contact for a while on Signal. I visited him once in Moscow, in 2016. And I had him do an guest lecture to my class at Harvard for a few years, remotely by Jitsi. Afterwards, I would hold a session where I promised to answer every question he would evade or not answer, explain every response he did give, and be candid in a way that someone with an outstanding arrest warrant simply cannot. Sometimes I thought I could channel Snowden better than he could.

But now it’s been a decade. Everything he knows is old and out of date. Everything we know is old and out of date. The NSA suffered an even worse leak of its secrets by the Russians, under the guise of the Shadow Brokers, in 2016 and 2017. The NSA has rebuilt. It again has capabilities we can only surmise.

This essay previously appeared in an IETF publication, as part of an Edward Snowden ten-year retrospective.

EDITED TO ADD (6/7): Conversation between Snowden, Greenwald, and Poitras.

PII masking for privacy-grade machine learning

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/pii-masking

At Grab, data engineers work with large sets of data on a daily basis. They design and build advanced machine learning models that provide strategic insights using all of the data that flow through the Grab Platform. This enables us to provide a better experience to our users, for example by increasing the supply of drivers in areas where our predictive models indicate a surge in demand in a timely fashion.

Grab has a mature privacy programme that complies with applicable privacy laws and regulations and we use tools to help identify, assess, and appropriately manage our privacy risks. To ensure that our users’ data are well-protected and avoid any human-related errors, we always take extra measures to secure this data.

However, data engineers will still require access to actual production data in order to tune effective machine learning models and ensure the models work as intended in production.

In this article, we will describe how the Grab’s data streaming team (Coban), along with the data platform and user teams, have enforced Personally Identifiable Information (PII) masking on machine learning data streaming pipelines. This ensures that we uphold a high standard and embody a privacy by design culture, while enabling data engineers to refine their models with sanitised production data.

PII tagging

Data streaming at Grab leverages the Protocol Buffers (protobuf) data format to structure in-transit data. When creating a new stream, developers must describe its fields in a protobuf schema that is then used for serialising the data wherever it is sent over the wire, and deserialising it wherever it is consumed.

A fictional example schema looks like this (the indexes are arbitrary, but commonly created in sequence):

message Booking {
  string bookingID = 1;
  int64 creationTime = 2;
  int64 passengerID = 3;
  string passengerName = 4;
  ... truncated output ...

Over here, the fourth field passengerName involves a PII and the data pertaining to that field should never be accessible by any data engineer. Therefore, developers owning the stream must tag that field with a PII label like this:

import "streams/coban/options/v1/pii.proto";

message Booking {
  string bookingID = 1;
  int64 creationTime = 2;
  int64 passengerID = 3;
  string passengerName = 4 [(streams.coban.options.v1.pii_type) = PII_TYPE_NAME];
  ... truncated output ...

The imported pii.proto library defines the tags for all possible types of PII. In the example above, the passengerName field has not only been flagged as PII, but is also marked as PII_TYPE_NAME – a specific type of PII that conveys the names of individuals. This high-level typing enables more flexible PII masking methods, which we will explain later.

Once the PII fields have been properly identified and tagged, developers need to publish the schema of their new stream into Coban’s Git repository. A Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline described below ensures that all fields describing PII are correctly tagged.

The following diagram shows this CI pipeline in action.

Fig. 1 CI pipeline failure due to untagged PII fields

When a developer creates a Merge Request (MR) or pushes a new commit to create or update a schema (step 1), the CI pipeline is triggered. It runs an in-house Python script that scans each variable name of the committed schema and tests it against an extensive list of PII keywords that is regularly updated, such as name, address, email, phone, etc (step 2). If there is a match and the variable is not tagged with the expected PII label, the pipeline fails (step 3) with an explicit error message in the CI pipeline’s output, similar to this:

Field name [Booking.passengerName] should have been marked with type streams.coban.options.v1.pii_type = PII_TYPE_NAME

There are cases where a variable name in the schema is a partial match against a PII keyword but is legitimately not a PII – for example, carModelName is a partial match against name but does not contain PII data. In this case, the developer can choose to add it to a whitelist to pass the CI.

However, modifying the whitelist requires approval from the Coban team for verification purposes. Apart from this particular case, the requesting team can autonomously approve their MR in a self-service fashion.

Now let us look at an example of a successful CI pipeline execution.

Fig. 2 CI pipeline success and schema publishing

In Fig. 2, the committed schema (step 1) is properly tagged so our in-house Python script is unable to find any untagged PII fields (step 2). The MR is approved by a code owner (step 3), then merged to the master branch of the repository (step 4).

Upon merging, another CI pipeline is triggered to package the protobuf schema in a Java Archive (JAR) of Scala classes (step 5), which in turn is stored into a package registry (step 6). We will explain the reason for this in a later section.

Production environment

With the schemas published and all of their PII fields properly tagged, we can now take a look at the data streaming pipelines.

Fig. 3 PII flow in the production environment

In this example, the user generates data by interacting with the Grab superapp and making a booking (step 1). The booking service, compiled with the stream’s schema definition, generates and produces Kafka records for other services to consume (step 2). Among those consuming services are the production machine learning pipelines that are of interest to this article (step 3).

PII is not masked in this process because it is actually required by the consuming services. For example, the driver app needs to display the passenger’s actual name, so the driver can confirm their identity easily.

At this part of the process, this is not much of a concern because access to the sacrosanct production environment is highly restricted and monitored by Grab.

PII masking

To ensure the security, stability, and privacy of our users, data engineers who need to tune their new machine learning models based on production data are not granted access to the production environment. Instead, they have access to the staging environment, where production data is mirrored and PII is masked.

Fig. 4 PII masking pipeline from the production environment to the staging environment

The actual PII masking is performed by an in-house Flink application that resides in the production environment. Flink is a reference framework for data streaming that we use extensively. It is also fault tolerant, with the ability to restart from a checkpoint.

The Flink application is compiled along with the JAR containing the schema as Scala classes previously mentioned. Therefore, it is able to consume the original data as a regular Kafka consumer (step 1). It then dynamically masks the PII of the consumed data stream, based on the PII tags of the schema (step 2). Ultimately, it produces the sanitised data to the Kafka cluster in the staging environment as a normal Kafka producer (step 3).

Depending on the kind of PII, there are several methods of masking such as:

  • Names and strings of characters: They are replaced by consistent HMAC (Hash-based message authentication code). A HMAC is a digest produced by a one-way cryptographic hash function that takes a secret key as a parameter. Leveraging a secret key here is a defence against chosen plaintext attacks, i.e. computing the digest of a particular plaintext, like a targeted individual’s name.
  • Numbers and dates: Similarly, they are transformed in a consistent manner, by leveraging a random generator that takes the unmasked value as a seed, so that the same PII input consistently produces the same masked output.

Note that consistency is a recurring pattern. This is because it is a key requirement for certain machine learning models.

This sanitised data produced to the Kafka cluster in the staging environment is then consumed by the staging machine learning pipelines (step 4). There, it is used by data engineers to tune their models effectively with near real-time production data (step 5).

The Kafka cluster in the staging environment is secured with authorisation and authentication (see Zero Trust with Kafka). This is an extra layer of security in case some PII data inadvertently fall through the cracks of PII tagging, following the defence in depth principle.

Finally, whenever a new PII-tagged field is added to a schema, the PII masking Flink application needs to be compiled and deployed again. If the schema is not updated, the Flink pipeline is unable to decode this new field when deserialising the stream. Thus, the added field is just dropped and the new PII data does not make it to the staging environment.

What’s next?

For the immediate next steps, we are going to enhance this design with an in-house product based on AWS Macie to automatically detect the PII that would have fallen through the cracks. Caspian, Grab’s data lake team and one of Coban’s sister teams, has built a service that is already able to detect PII data in relational databases and data lake tables. It is currently being adapted for data streaming.

In the longer run, we are committed to taking our privacy by design posture to the next level. Indeed, the PII masking described in this article does not prevent a bad actor from retrieving the consistent hash of a particular individual based on their non-PII data. For example, the target might be identifiable by a signature in the masked data set, such as unique food or transportation habits.

A possible counter-measure could be one or a combination of the following techniques, ordered by difficulty of implementation:

  • Data minimisation: Non-essential fields in the data stream should not be mirrored at all. E.g. fields of the data stream that are not required by the data engineers to tune their models. We can introduce a dedicated tag in the schema to flag those fields and instruct the mirroring pipeline to drop them. This is the most straightforward approach.
  • Differential privacy: The mirroring pipeline could introduce some noise in the mirrored data, in a way that would obfuscate the signatures of particular individuals while still preserving the essential statistical properties of the dataset required for machine learning. It happens that Flink is a suitable framework to do so, as it can split a stream into multiple windows and apply computation over those windows. Designing and generalising a logic that meets the objective is challenging though.
  • PII encryption at source: PII could be encrypted by the producing services (like the booking service), and dynamically decrypted where plaintext values are required. However, key management and performance are two tremendous challenges of this approach.

We will explore these techniques further to find the solution that works best for Grab and ensures the highest level of privacy for our users.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Indiana, Iowa, and Tennessee Pass Comprehensive Privacy Laws

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/05/indiana-iowa-and-tennessee-pass-comprehensive-privacy-laws.html

It’s been a big month for US data privacy. Indiana, Iowa, and Tennessee all passed state privacy laws, bringing the total number of states with a privacy law up to eight. No private right of action in any of those, which means it’s up to the states to enforce the laws.

Celebrating Australia’s Privacy Awareness Week 2023

Post Syndicated from Emily Hancock original http://blog.cloudflare.com/celebrating-australia-privacy-awareness-week-2023/

Celebrating Australia’s Privacy Awareness Week 2023

Celebrating Australia’s Privacy Awareness Week 2023

When a country throws a privacy party, Cloudflare is there! We are proud to be an official sponsor of the Australian Privacy Awareness Week 2023, and we think this year’s theme of “Privacy 101: Back to Basics” is more important now than ever. In recent months, Australians have been hit with the news of massive personal data privacy breaches where millions of Australian citizens' private and sensitive data was compromised, seemingly easily. Meanwhile, the Australian Attorney General released its Privacy Act Review Report 2022 earlier this year, calling for a number of changes to Australia’s privacy regulations.

You’re probably familiar with the old-school privacy basics of giving users notice and consent. But we think it’s time for some new “privacy basics”. Thanks to rapid developments in new technologies and new security threat vectors, notice and consent can only go so far to protect the privacy of your personal data. New challenges call for new solutions: security solutions and privacy enhancing technologies to keep personal data protected. Cloudflare is excited to play a role in building and using these technologies to help our customers keep their sensitive information private and enable individual consumers to protect themselves. Investing in and offering these technologies is part of our mission to help build a better Internet – one that is more private and more secure.

Cloudflare is fully committed to supporting Australian individuals and organizations in protecting their and their users’ privacy. We’ve been in Australia since Sydney became Cloudflare’s 15th data center in 2012, and we launched our Australian entity in 2019. We support more than 300 customers in Australia and New Zealand, including some of Australia’s largest banks and online digital natives with our world-leading privacy and security products and services.

For example, Australian tech darling Canva, whose online graphic design tool is used by over 35 million people worldwide each month, uses a number of our solutions that help Canva protect its network from attacks, which in turn ensures that the data of its millions of users is not breached. And we are proud to support Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef, which is a participant of Cloudflare’s Project Galileo. Through Project Galileo, we’ve helped them to secure their origin server from large bursts of traffic or malicious actors attempting to access the website.

This is why we’re proud to support Australia’s Privacy Awareness Week 2023, and we want to share our expertise on how to empower Australian organizations in securing and protecting the privacy of their users. So let’s look at a few key privacy basics and how we think about them at Cloudflare:

  • Minimize the data you collect, and then only use that data for the purpose for which it was collected.
  • Employ reasonable and appropriate security measures — with the bar for what this means going higher every day.
  • Create a culture of privacy by default.

Minimizing personal data in the clear

At Cloudflare, we believe in empowering individuals and entities of all sizes with technological tools to reduce the amount of personal data that gets funneled into the data ocean that is the Internet — regardless of whether someone lives in a country with laws protecting the privacy of their personal data. If we can build tools to help individuals share less personal data online, then that’s a win for privacy no matter what their country of residence.

In 2018, Cloudflare launched the public DNS resolver — the Internet's fastest, privacy-first public DNS resolver. Our public resolver doesn’t retain any personal data about web requests. And because we baked anonymization best practices into the resolver when we built it, we were able to demonstrate that we didn’t have any personal data to sell when we asked independent accountants to conduct a privacy examination of the resolver. And when you combine our public resolver with Warp, our VPN, then your Internet service provider can no longer see every site and app you use—even if they’re encrypted. Which means that even if they wanted to, the ISP can’t sell your data or use it to target you with ads.

We’ve also invested heavily in new technologies that aim to secure Internet traffic from bad actors; the prying eyes of ISPs or other man-in-the-middle machines that might find your Internet communications of interest for advertising purposes; or government entities that might want to crack down on individuals exercising their freedom of speech.

For example, DNS records are like the addresses on the outside of an envelope, and the website content you’re viewing is like the letter inside that envelope. In the snail mail world, courts have long recognized that the address on the outside of a letter doesn’t deserve as much privacy protection as the letter itself. But we’re not living in an age where the only thing someone can tell from the outside of the envelope are the “to” and “from” addresses and place of postage. The digital envelopes of DNS requests can contain much more information about a person than you might expect. Not only is there information about the sender and recipient addresses, but there is specific timestamp information about when requests were submitted, the domains and subdomains visited, and even how long someone stayed on a certain site. Since these digital envelopes contain so much personal information, we think it’s just as important to encrypt this information as to encrypt the contents of the digital letter inside. This is why we doubled down on DNS over HTTPS (DoH).

But we thought we could go further. We were an early supporter of Oblivious DoH (ODoH). ODoH is a proposed DNS standard — co-authored by engineers from Cloudflare, Apple, and Fastly — that separates IP addresses from queries, so that no single entity can see both at the same time. ODoH requires a proxy as a key part of the communication path between client and resolver, with encryption ensuring that the proxy does not know the contents of the DNS query (only where to send it), and the resolver knowing what the query is but not who originally requested it (only the proxy’s IP address). This means the identity of the requester and the content of the request are unlinkable. This technology has formed the basis of Apple’s iCloud Private Relay system, which ensures that no single party handling user data has complete information on both who the user is and what they are trying to access. Cloudflare is proud to serve as a second relay for Apple Private Relay.

But wait – there’s more! We’ve also invested heavily in Oblivious HTTP (OHTTP), an emerging IETF standard and is built upon standard hybrid public-key cryptography. Our Privacy Gateway service relays encrypted HTTP requests and responses between a client and application server. With Privacy Gateway, Cloudflare knows where the request is coming from, but not what it contains, and applications can see what the request contains, but not where it comes from. Neither Cloudflare nor the application server has the full picture, improving end-user privacy.

We recently deployed Privacy Gateway for Flo Health Inc., a leading female health app, for the launch of their Anonymous Mode. With Privacy Gateway in place, all request data for Anonymous Mode users is encrypted between the app user and Flo, which prevents Flo from seeing the IP addresses of those users and Cloudflare from seeing the contents of that request data.

And in the area of analytics, we’ve developed a privacy-first, free web analytics tool. Popular analytics vendors glean visitor and site data in return for web analytics. With business models driven by ad revenue, many analytics vendors track visitor behavior on websites and create buyer profiles to retarget website visitors with ads. But we wanted to give our customers a better option, so they wouldn’t have to sacrifice their visitors’ privacy to get essential and accurate metrics on website usage. Cloudflare Web Analytics works by adding a JavaScript snippet to a website instead of using client-side cookies or instead of fingerprinting individuals using their IP address.

Investing in security to protect data privacy

A key “privacy basic” that is also a fundamental element of almost all data protection legislation globally is the requirement to adopt reasonable and appropriate security measures for the personal data that is being processed. And as was the case with the most recent data breaches in Australia, if personal data is accessed without authorization, poor or failed security measures are often to blame.

Cloudflare's security services enable our customers to screen for cybersecurity risks on Cloudflare's network before those risks can reach the customer's internal network. This helps protect our customers and our customers’ data from a range of cyber threats. By doing so, Cloudflare's services are essentially fulfilling a privacy-enhancing function in themselves. From the beginning, we have built our systems to ensure that data is kept private, even from us, and we have made public policy and contractual commitments about keeping that data private and secure.

But beyond securing our network for the benefit of our customers, Cloudflare is most well-known for its application layer security services – Web Application Firewall (WAF), bot management, DDoS protection, SSL/TLS, Page Shield, and more. We also embrace the critical importance of encryption in transit. In fact, we see encryption as so important that in 2014, Cloudflare introduced Universal SSL to support SSL (and now TLS) connections to every Cloudflare customer. And at the same time, we recognize that blindly passing along encrypted packets would undercut some of the very security that we’re trying to provide. Data privacy and security are a balance. If we let encrypted malicious code get to an end destination, then the malicious code may be used to access information that should otherwise have been protected. If data isn’t encrypted in transit, it’s at risk for interception. But by supporting encryption in transit and ensuring malicious code doesn’t get to its intended destination, we can protect private personal information even more effectively.

Let’s take an example – In June 2022, Atlassian released a Security Advisory relating to a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability affecting Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center products. Cloudflare responded immediately to roll out a new WAF rule for all of our customers. For customers without this WAF protection, all the trade secret and personal information on their instances of Confluence were potentially vulnerable to data breach. These types of security measures are critical to protecting personal data. And it wouldn’t have mattered if the personal data were stored on a server in Australia, Germany, the U.S., or India – the RCE vulnerability would have exposed data wherever it was stored. Instead, the data was protected because a global network was able to roll out a WAF rule immediately to protect all of its customers globally.

Some of the biggest data breaches in recent years have happened as a result of something pretty simple – an attacker uses a phishing email or social engineering to get an employee of a company to visit a site that infects the employee’s computer with malware or enter their credentials on a fake site that lets the bad actor capture the credentials and then use those to impersonate the employee and log into a company’s systems. Depending on the type of information compromised, these kinds of data breaches can have a huge impact on individuals’ privacy. For this reason, Cloudflare has invested in a number of technologies designed to protect corporate networks, and the personal data on those networks.

As we noted during our CIO week earlier this year, the FBI’s latest Internet Crime Report shows that business email compromise and email account compromise, a subset of malicious phishing campaigns, are the most costly – with U.S. businesses losing nearly $2.4 billion. Cloudflare has invested in a number of Zero Trust solutions to help fight this very problem:

  • Link Isolation means that when an employee clicks a link in an email, it will automatically be opened using Cloudflare’s Remote Browser Isolation technology that isolates potentially risky links, downloads, or other zero-day attacks from impacting that user’s computer and the wider corporate network.
  • With our Data Loss Prevention tools, businesses can identify and stop exfiltration of data.
  • Our Area 1 solution identifies phishing attempts, emails containing malicious code, and emails containing ransomware payloads and prevents them from landing in the inbox of unsuspecting employees.

These Zero Trust tools, combined with the use of hardware keys for multifactor authentication, were key in Cloudflare’s ability to prevent a breach by an SMS phishing attack that targeted more than 130 companies in July and August 2022. Many of these companies reported the disclosure of customer personal information as a result of employees falling victim to this SMS phishing effort.

And remember the Atlassian Confluence RCE vulnerability we mentioned earlier? Cloudflare remained protected not only due to our rapid update of our WAF rules, but also because we use our own Cloudflare Access solution (part of our Zero Trust suite) to ensure that only individuals with Cloudflare credentials are able to access our internal systems. Cloudflare Access verified every request made to a Confluence application to ensure it was coming from an authenticated user.

All of these Zero Trust solutions require sophisticated machine learning to detect patterns of malicious activity, and none of them require data to be stored in a specific location to keep the data safe. Thwarting these kinds of security threats aren’t only important for protecting organizations’ internal networks from intrusion – they are critical for keeping large scale data sets private for the benefit of millions of individuals.

How we do privacy at Cloudflare

All the technologies we build are public examples of how at Cloudflare we put our money where our mouth is when it comes to privacy. We also want to tell you about the ways — some public, some not — we infuse privacy principles at all levels at Cloudflare.

  • Employee education and mindset: An understanding of privacy is core to a Cloudflare employee’s experience right from the start. Employees learn about the role privacy and security play in helping to build a better Internet in their first weeks at Cloudflare. During the comprehensive employee orientation, we stress the role each employee plays in keeping the company and our customers secure. All employees are required to take annual data protection training, and we do targeted training for individual teams, depending on their engagement with personal data, throughout the year.
  • Privacy in product development: Cloudflare employees take privacy-by-design seriously. We develop products and processes with the principles of data minimization, purpose limitation, and data security always front of mind. We have a product development lifecycle that includes performing privacy impact assessments when we may process personal data. We retain personal data we process for as short a time as necessary to provide our services to our customers. We do not track customers’ end users across sites. We don’t sell personal information. We don’t monetize DNS requests. We detect, deter, and deflect bad actors — we’re not in the business of looking at what any one person (or more specifically, browser) is doing when they browse the Internet. That’s not what we’re about.
  • Certifications: In addition to the extensive internal security mechanisms we have in place to protect our customers’ data, we also have become certified under industry standards to demonstrate our commitment to data security. We hold the following certifications: ISO 27001, ISO 27701, ISO 27018, AICPA SOC2 Type II, FedRamp Moderate, PCI DSS 3.2.1, WCAG 2.1 AA and Section 508, C5:2020, and, most recently, the EU Cloud Code of Conduct.
  • Privacy-focused response to government and third-party requests for information: Our respect for our customers' privacy applies with equal force to commercial requests and to government or law enforcement requests. Any law enforcement requests that we receive must strictly adhere to the due process of law and be subject to judicial oversight. We believe that U.S. law enforcement requests for the personal data of a non-U.S. person that conflict with the privacy laws of that person’s country of residence (such as Australia’s Privacy Act) should be legally challenged. We commit in our Data Processing Addendum that we will fight government data requests where such a conflict exists. In addition, it is our policy to notify our customers of a subpoena or other legal process requesting their customer or billing information before disclosure of that information, whether the legal process comes from the government or private parties involved in civil litigation, unless legally prohibited. We also publicly report on the types of requests we receive, as well as our responses, in our semi-annual Transparency Report. Finally, we publicly list certain types of actions that Cloudflare has never taken in response to government requests, and we commit that if Cloudflare were asked to do any of the things on this list, we would exhaust all legal remedies in order to protect our customers from what we believe are illegal or unconstitutional requests.

And there’s more to come…

Cloudflare is committed to fully support Australia’s privacy goals, and we are paying close attention to the current conversations around updating Australia’s privacy law and regulatory structure. And our 2023 roadmap includes focusing on the APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) System as a way to demonstrate our continued commitment to global privacy and paving the way for beneficial cross-border data transfers.

Happy Privacy Awareness Week 2023!

UK Threatens End-to-End Encryption

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/uk-threatens-end-to-end-encryption.html

In an open letter, seven secure messaging apps—including Signal and WhatsApp—point out that the UK’s Online Safety Bill could destroy end-to-end encryption:

As currently drafted, the Bill could break end-to-end encryption,opening the door to routine, general and indiscriminate surveillance of personal messages of friends, family members, employees, executives, journalists, human rights activists and even politicians themselves, which would fundamentally undermine everyone’s ability to communicate securely.

The Bill provides no explicit protection for encryption, and if implemented as written, could empower OFCOM to try to force the proactive scanning of private messages on end-to-end encrypted communication services—nullifying the purpose of end-to-end encryption as a result and compromising the privacy of all users.

In short, the Bill poses an unprecedented threat to the privacy, safety and security of every UK citizen and the people with whom they communicate around the world, while emboldening hostile governments who may seek to draft copy-cat laws.

Both Signal and WhatsApp have said that they will cease services in the UK rather than compromise the security of their users worldwide.

Consent management made easy and clear with Cloudflare Zaraz

Post Syndicated from Kuba Orlik original https://blog.cloudflare.com/consent-manager/

Consent management made easy and clear with Cloudflare Zaraz

Consent management made easy and clear with Cloudflare Zaraz

Depending on where you live you may be asked to agree to the use of cookies when visiting a website for the first time. And if you’ve ever clicked something other than Approve you’ll have noticed that the list of choices about which services should or should not be allowed to use cookies can be very, very long. That’s because websites typically incorporate numerous third party tools for tracking, A/B testing, retargeting, etc. – and your consent is needed for each one of them.

For website owners it’s really hard to keep track of which third party tools are used and whether they’ve asked end users about all of them. There are tools that help you load third-party scripts on your website, and there are tools that help you manage and gather consent. Making the former respect the choices made in the latter is often cumbersome, to say the least.

This changes with Cloudflare Zaraz, a solution that makes third-party tools secure and fast, and that now can also help you with gathering and managing consent. Using the Zaraz Consent Manager, you can easily collect users’ consent preferences on your website, using a consent modal, and apply your consent policy on third-party tools you load via Cloudflare Zaraz. The consent modal treats all the tools it handles as opt-in and lets users accept or reject all of those tools with one click.

The future is private

The privacy landscape around analytics cookies, retargeting cookies, and similar tracking technologies is changing rapidly. Last year in Europe, for example, the French data regulator fined Google and Facebook millions of euros for making it too difficult for users to reject all cookies. Meanwhile, in California, there have been enforcement actions on retargeting cookies, and new laws on retargeting come into effect in 2023 in California and a handful of other states. As a result, more and more companies are growing wary of potential liability related to data processing activities performed by third party scripts that use additional cookies on their websites.

While the legal requirements vary by jurisdiction, creating a compliance headache for companies trying to promote their goods and services, one thing is clear about the increasing spate of regulation around trackers and cookies – end users need to be given notice and have the opportunity to consent to these trackers.

In Europe, such consent needs to occur before third-party scripts are loaded and executed. Unfortunately, we’ve noticed that this doesn’t always happen. Sometimes it’s because the platform used to generate the consent banner makes it hard to set up in a way that would block those scripts until consent is given. This is a pain point on the road to compliance for many small website owners.

Some consent modals are designed in a deceptive manner, using dark patterns that make the process to refuse consent much more difficult and time-consuming than giving consent. This is not only frustrating to the end users, but also something that regulators are taking enforcement actions to stop.

Consent management made easy and clear with Cloudflare Zaraz
Cookie banner on a website. Refusing consent to cookies is made harder and time-consuming than giving consent, which can at best be frustrating to users and at worst draw enforcement actions from regulators in a number of jurisdictions.

Cloudflare Zaraz is a tool that lets you offload most of third-party scripts’ jobs to Cloudlare Workers, significantly increasing the performance and decreasing the time it takes for your site to become fully interactive. To achieve this, users configure third-party scripts in the dashboard. This means Cloudflare Zaraz already has information on what scripts to load and the power to not execute scripts under certain conditions. This is why the team developed a consent modal that would integrate with tools already set up in the dashboard and make it dead-simple to configure.

Consent management made easy and clear with Cloudflare Zaraz
Consent management made easy and clear with Cloudflare Zaraz

To start working with the consent functionality, you just have to provide basic information about the administrator of the website (name, street address, email address), and assign a purpose to each of the tools that you want to be handled by the consent modal. The consent modal will then automatically appear to all the users of your website. You can easily customize the CSS styles of the modal to make it match your brand identity and other style guidelines.

Consent management made easy and clear with Cloudflare Zaraz

In line with Europe’s ePrivacy Directive and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we’ve made all consent opt-in: that is, trackers or cookies that are not strictly necessary are disabled by default and will only execute after being enabled. With our modal, users can refuse consent to all purposes with one click, and can accept all purposes just as easily, or they can pick and choose to consent to only certain purposes.

The natural consequence of the opt-in nature of consent is the fact that first-time users will not immediately be tracked with tools handled by the consent modal. Using traditional consent management platforms, this could lead to loss of important pageview events. Since Cloudflare Zaraz is tightly integrated with the loading and data handling of all third-party tools on your website, it prevents this data loss automatically. Once a first-time user gives consent to a purpose tied to a third-party script, Zaraz will re-emit the pageview event just for that script.

There’s still more features coming to the consent functionality in the future, including giving the option to make some purposes opt-out, internationalization, and analytics on how people interact with the modal.

Try Zaraz Consent to see for yourself that consent management can be easy to set up: block scripts that don’t have the user’s consent and respect the end-users’ right to choose what happens to their data.

Privacy Implications of Web 3.0 and Darknets

Post Syndicated from original https://www.darknet.org.uk/2023/03/privacy-implications-of-web-3-0-and-darknets/

The evolution of the internet has been rapid over the years and has impacted the privacy implications of Web 3.0 and Darknets, from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0, and now to Web 3.0. Web 3.0, also known as the decentralized web, is a network of interconnected and distributed systems that allow users to interact with […]

Helping protect personal information in the cloud, all across the world

Post Syndicated from Rory Malone original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-official-gdpr-code-of-conduct/

Helping protect personal information in the cloud, all across the world

Helping protect personal information in the cloud, all across the world

Cloudflare has achieved a new EU Cloud Code of Conduct privacy validation, demonstrating GDPR compliance to strengthen trust in cloud services

Internet privacy laws around the globe differ, and in recent years there’s been much written about cross-border data transfers. Many regulations require adequate protections to be in place before personal information flows around the world, as with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The law rightly sets a high bar for how organizations must carefully handle personal information, and in drafting the regulation lawmakers anticipated personal data crossing-borders: Chapter V of the regulation covers those transfers specifically.

Whilst transparency on where personal information is stored is important, it’s also critically important how personal information is handled, and how it is kept safe and secure. At Cloudflare, we believe in protecting the privacy of personal information across the world, and we give our customers the tools and the choice on how and where to process their data. Put simply, we require that data is handled and protected in the same, secure, and careful way, whether our customers choose to transfer data across the world, or for it to remain in one country.

And today we are proud to announce that we have successfully completed our assessment journey and received the EU Cloud Code of Conduct compliance mark as a demonstration of our compliance with the GDPR, protecting personal data in the cloud, all across the world.

It matters how personal information is handled – not just where in the world it is saved

The same GDPR lawmakers also anticipated that organizations would want to handle and protect personal information in a consistent, transparent, and safe way too. Article 40, called ‘Codes of Conduct’ starts:

“The Member States, the supervisory authorities, the Board and the Commission shall encourage the drawing up of codes of conduct intended to contribute to the proper application of this Regulation, taking account of the specific features of the various processing sectors and the specific needs of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.”

Using codes of conduct to demonstrate compliance with privacy law has a longer history, too. Like the GDPR, the pioneering 1995 EU Data Protection Directive, officially Directive 95/46/EC, also included provision for draft community codes to be submitted to national authorities, and for those codes to be formally approved by an official body of the European Union.

An official GDPR Code of Conduct

It took a full five years after the GDPR was adopted in 2016 for the first code of conduct to be officially approved. Finally in May 2021, the European Data Protection Board, a group composed of representatives of all the national data protection authorities across the union, approved the “EU Data Protection Code of Conduct for Cloud Service Providers” – the EU Cloud Code of Conduct (or ‘EU Cloud CoC’ for short) as the first official GDPR code of conduct. The EU Cloud CoC was brought to the board by the Belgian supervisory authority on behalf of SCOPE Europe, the organization who collaborated to develop the code over a number of years, including with input from the European Commission, members of the cloud computing community, and European data protection authorities.

The code is a framework for buyers and providers of cloud services. Buyers can understand in a straightforward way how a provider of cloud services will handle personal information. Providers of cloud services undergo an independent assessment to demonstrate to the buyers of their cloud services that they will handle personal information in a safe and codified way. In the case of the EU Cloud CoC and only because the code has received formal approval, buyers of cloud services compliant with code will know that the cloud provider handled customer personal information in a way that is compliant with the GDPR.

What the code covers

The code defines clear requirements for providers of cloud services to implement Article 28 of the GDPR (“Processor”) and related articles. The framework covers data protection policies, as well as technical and organizational security measures. There are sections covering providers’ terms and conditions, confidentiality and recordkeeping, the audit rights of the customer, how to handle potential data breaches, and how the provider approaches subprocessing – when a third-party is subcontracted to process personal data alongside the main data processor – and more.

The framework also covers how personal data may be legitimately transferred internationally, although whilst the EU Cloud CoC covers ensuring this is done in a legally-compliant way, the code itself is not a ‘safeguard’ or a tool for third country transfers. A future update to the code may expand into that with an additional module, but as of March 2023 that is still under development.

Let us do a deeper dive into some of the requirements of the EU Cloud CoC and how it can demonstrate compliance with the GDPR

Example one
One requirement in the code is to have documented procedures in place to assist customers with their ‘data protection impact assessments’. According to the GDPR, these are:

“…an assessment of the impact of the envisaged processing operations
on the protection of personal data.” – Article 35.1, GDPR

So a cloud service provider should have a written process in place to support customers as they undertake their own assessments. In supporting the customer, the service provider is demonstrating their commitment to the rigorous data protection standards of the GDPR too. Cloudflare meets this requirement, and further supports transparency by publishing details of sub-processors used in the processing of personal data, and directing customers to audit reports available in the Cloudflare dashboard.

There’s also another reference in the GDPR to codes of conduct in the context of data protection impact assessments too:

Compliance with approved codes of conduct… shall be taken into due account in assessing the impact of the processing operations performed… in particular for the purposes of a data protection impact assessment.” – Article 35.8, GDPR

So when preparing an impact assessment, a cloud customer shall take into account that a service provider complies with an approved code of conduct. Another way that both customers and cloud providers benefit from using codes of conduct!

Example two
Another example of a requirement of the code is that when cloud service providers provide encryption capabilities, they shall be implemented effectively. The requirement clarifies further that this should be undertaken by following strong and trusted encryption techniques, by taking into account the state-of-the-art, and by adequately preventing abusive access to customer personal data. Encryption is critical to protecting personal data in the cloud; without encryption, or with weakened or outdated encryption, privacy and security are not possible. So in using and reviewing encryption appropriately, cloud services providers help meet the requirements of the GDPR in protecting their customers’ personal data.

At Cloudflare, we are particularly proud of our track record: we make effective encryption available, for free, to all our customers. We help our customers understand encryption, and most importantly, we use strong and trusted encryption algorithms and techniques ourselves to protect customer personal data. We have a formal Research Team, including academic researchers and cryptographers who design and deploy state-of-the-art encryption protocols designed to provide effective protection against active and passive attacks, including with resources known to be available to public authorities; and we use trustworthy public-key certification authorities and infrastructure. Most recently this month, we announced that post-quantum crypto should be free, and so we are including it for free, forever.

More information
The code contains requirements described in 87 statements, called controls. You can find more about the EU Cloud CoC, download a full copy of the code, and keep up to date with news at https://eucoc.cloud/en/home

Why this matters to Cloudflare customers

Cloudflare joined the EU Cloud Code of Conduct’s General Assembly last May. Members of the General Assembly undertake an assessment journey which includes declaring named cloud services compliant with the EU Cloud Code, and after completing an independent assessment process by SCOPE Europe, the accredited monitoring body, receive the EU Cloud Code of Conduct compliance mark.

Cloudflare has completed the assessment process and been verified for 47 cloud services.

Cloudflare services that are in scope for EU Cloud Code of Conduct:

Helping protect personal information in the cloud, all across the world
EU Cloud CoC Verification-ID: 2023LVL02SCOPE4316.

Services are verified compliant with the EU Cloud Code of Conduct,
Verification-ID: 2023LVL02SCOPE4316.
For further information please visit https://eucoc.cloud/en/public-register

And we’re not done yet…

The EU Cloud Code of Conduct is the newest privacy validation to add to our growing list of privacy certifications. Two years ago, Cloudflare was one of the first organisations in our industry to have received the new ISO privacy certification, ISO/IEC 27701:2019, and the first Internet performance & security company to be certified to it. Last year, Cloudflare certified to a second international privacy standard related to the processing of personal data, ISO/IEC 27018:2019. Most recently, in January this year Cloudflare completed our annual ISO audit with third-party auditor Schellman; and our new certificate, covering ISO 27001:2013, ISO 27018:2019, and ISO 27701:2019 is now available for customers to download from the Cloudflare dashboard.

And there’s more to come! As we blogged about in January for Data Privacy Day, we’re following the progress of the emerging Global Cross Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) certification with interest. This proposed single global certification could suffice for participating companies to safely transfer personal data between participating countries worldwide, and having already been supported by several governments from North America and Asia, looks very promising in this regard.

Cloudflare certifications

Find out how existing customers may download a copy of Cloudflare’s certifications and reports from the Cloudflare dashboard; new customers may also request these from your sales representative.

For the latest information about our certifications and reports, please visit our Trust Hub.

The Security Vulnerabilities of Message Interoperability

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/03/the-security-vulnerabilities-of-message-interoperability.html

Jenny Blessing and Ross Anderson have evaluated the security of systems designed to allow the various Internet messaging platforms to interoperate with each other:

The Digital Markets Act ruled that users on different platforms should be able to exchange messages with each other. This opens up a real Pandora’s box. How will the networks manage keys, authenticate users, and moderate content? How much metadata will have to be shared, and how?

In our latest paper, One Protocol to Rule Them All? On Securing Interoperable Messaging, we explore the security tensions, the conflicts of interest, the usability traps, and the likely consequences for individual and institutional behaviour.

Interoperability will vastly increase the attack surface at every level in the stack ­ from the cryptography up through usability to commercial incentives and the opportunities for government interference.

It’s a good idea in theory, but will likely result in the overall security being the worst of each platform’s security.

Cloudflare’s commitment to the 2023 Summit for Democracy

Post Syndicated from Patrick Day original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-commitment-to-the-2023-summit-for-democracy/

Cloudflare’s commitment to the 2023 Summit for Democracy

Cloudflare’s commitment to the 2023 Summit for Democracy

On Tuesday, March 28, 2023, the US Government will launch the Summit for Democracy 2023, following up on the inaugural Summit for Democracy 2021. The Summit is co-hosted by the United States, Costa Rica, Zambia, the Netherlands, and South Korea. Cloudflare is proud to participate in and contribute commitments to the Summit because we believe that everyone should have access to an Internet that is faster, more reliable, more private, and more secure.  We work to ensure that the responsibility to respect human rights is embedded throughout our business functions. Cloudflare’s mission — to help build a better Internet — reflects a long-standing belief that we can help make the Internet better for everyone.

Our mission and core values dovetail with the Summit’s goals of strengthening democratic governance, respect for human rights and human rights defenders, and working in partnership to strengthen respect for these values. As we have written about before, access to the Internet allows activists and human rights defenders to expose abuses across the globe, allows collective causes to grow into global movements, and provides the foundation for large-scale organizing for political and social change in ways that have never been possible before.

Cloudflare’s commitment to the 2023 Summit for Democracy

What is the Summit for Democracy?

In December 2021, in an effort to respond to challenges to democracy worldwide, the United States held the first ever global Summit for Democracy. The Summit provided an opportunity to strengthen collaboration between democracies around the world and address common challenges from authoritarian threats.  The United States invited over 100 countries plus the President of the European Commission and the United Nations Secretary-General. The Summit focused on three key themes: (1) defending against authoritarianism; (2) addressing and fighting corruption; and (3) promoting respect for human rights, and gave participants an opportunity to announce commitments, reforms, and initiatives to defend democracy and human rights. The Summit was followed by a Year of Action, during which governments implemented their commitments to the Summit.

The 2023 Summit will focus more directly on partnering with the private sector to promote an affirmative vision for technology by countering the misuse of technology and shaping emerging technologies so that they strengthen democracy and human rights, which Cloudflare supports in theory and in practice.

The three-day Summit will highlight the importance of the private sector’s role in responding to challenges to democracy. The first day of the Summit is the Thematic Day, where Cabinet-level officials, the private sector and civil society organizations will spotlight key Summit themes. On the second day of the Summit, the Plenary Day, the five co-hosts will each host a high-level plenary session. On the final day of the Summit, Co-Host Event Day, each of the co-hosts will lead high-level regional conversations with partners from government, civil society, and the private sector.

Cloudflare will be participating in the Thematic Day and the Co-Host Event Day in Washington, DC, in addition to other related events.

Cloudflare commitments

In advance of the 2023 Summit, the United States issued a Call to Action to the private sector to consider commitments that advance an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal. The United States encouraged the private sector to make commitments that align with the Presidential Initiative on Democratic Renewal, the Declaration on the Future of the Internet, and the Summit’s four objectives:

  • Countering the misuse of technology
  • Fighting corruption
  • Protecting civic space
  • Advancing labor rights

Cloudflare answered the United States’s call to action and made commitments to (1) help democratize post-quantum cryptography; (2) work with researchers to share data on Internet censorship and shutdowns; and (3) engage with civil society on Internet protocols and the application of privacy-enhancing technologies.

Democratizing post-quantum cryptography by including it for free, by default

At Cloudflare, we believe to enhance privacy as a human right the most advanced cryptography needs to be available to everyone, free of charge, forever. Cloudflare has committed to including post-quantum cryptography for free by default to all customers – including individual web developers, small businesses, non-profits, and governments. In particular, this will benefit at-risk groups using Cloudflare services like humanitarian organizations, human rights defenders, and journalists through Project Galileo, as well as state and local government election websites through the Athenian Project, to help secure their websites, APIs, cloud tools and remote employees against future threats.

We believe everyone should have access to the next era of cybersecurity standards–instantly and for free. To that end, Cloudflare will also publish vendor-neutral roadmaps based on NIST standards to help businesses secure any connections that are not protected by Cloudflare. We hope that others will follow us in making their implementations of post-quantum cryptography free so that we can create a secure and private Internet without a “quantum” up-charge.  More details about our commitment is here and here.

Working with researchers to better document Internet censorship and shutdowns

Cloudflare commits to working with researchers to share data about Internet shutdowns and selective Internet traffic interference and to make the results of the analysis of this data public and accessible. The Cloudflare Network includes 285 locations in over 100 countries, interconnects with over 11,500 networks globally, and serves a significant portion of global Internet traffic. Cloudflare shares aggregated data on the Internet’s patterns, insights, threats and trends with the public through Cloudflare Radar, including providing alerts and data to help organizations like Access Now’s KeepItOn coalition, the Freedom Online Coalition, the Internet Society, and Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) monitor Internet censorship and shutdowns around the world. Cloudflare commits to working with research partners to identify signatures associated with connection tampering and failures, which are believed to be caused primarily by active censorship and blocking. Cloudflare is well-positioned to observe and report on these signatures from a global perspective, and will provide access to its findings to support additional tampering detection efforts.

Engaging with civil society on Internet protocols and the development and application of privacy-enhancing technologies

Cloudflare believes that meaningful consultation with civil society is a fundamental part of building an Internet that advances human rights. As Cloudflare works with Internet standards bodies and other Internet providers on the next-generation of privacy-enhancing technologies and protocols, like protocols to encrypt Domain Name Service records and Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) and privacy enhancing technologies like OHTTP, we commit to direct engagement with civil society and human rights experts on standards and technologies that might have implications for human rights.

Cloudflare has long worked with industry partners, stakeholders, and international standards organizations to build a more private, secure, and resilient Internet for everyone. For example, Cloudflare has built privacy technologies into its network infrastructure, helped develop and deploy TLS 1.3 alongside helping lead QUIC  and other Internet protocols, improve transparency around routing and public key infrastructure (PKI), and operating a public DNS resolver that supports encryption protocols. Ensuring civil society and human rights experts are able to contribute and provide feedback as part of those efforts will make certain that future development and application of privacy-enhancing technologies and protocols are consistent with human rights principles and account for human rights impacts.

Our commitments to democratizing post-quantum cryptography, working with researchers on Internet censorship and shutdowns, and engaging with civil society on Internet protocols and the development and application of privacy-preserving technologies will help to secure access to a free, open, and interconnected Internet.

Partnering to make the Summit a success

In the lead-up to the Summit, Cloudflare has been working in partnership with the US Department of State, the National Security Council, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and various private sector and civil society partners to prepare for the Summit. As part of our involvement, we have also contributed to roundtables and discussions with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, GNI, the Design 4 Democracy Coalition, and the Freedom Online Coalition. Cloudflare is also participating in official meetings and side events including at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Council on Foreign Relations.

In addition to the official Summit events, there are a wide range of events organized by civil society which the Accountability Lab has created a website to highlight. Separately, on Monday, March 27 the Global Democracy Coalition convened a Partners Day to organize civil society and other non-governmental events. Many of these events are being held by some of our Galileo partners like the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute, Freedom House, and the Council of Europe.

Cloudflare is grateful for all of the hard work that our partners in government, civil society, and the private sector have done over the past few months to make this Summit a success. At a time where we are seeing increasing challenges to democracy and the struggle for human rights around the world, maintaining a secure, open, Internet is critical. Cloudflare is proud of our participation in the Summit and in the commitments we are making to help advance human rights. We look forward to continuing our engagement in the Summit partnership to fulfill our mission to help build a better Internet.