All posts by Antje Barth

Preview – Enable Foundation Models to Complete Tasks With Agents for Amazon Bedrock

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

This April, Swami Sivasubramanian, Vice President of Data and Machine Learning at AWS, announced Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Titan models as part of new tools for building with generative AI on AWS. Amazon Bedrock, currently available in preview, is a fully managed service that makes foundation models (FMs) from Amazon and leading AI startups—such as AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, and Stability AI—available through an API.

Today, I’m excited to announce the preview of agents for Amazon Bedrock, a new capability for developers to create fully managed agents in a few clicks. Agents for Amazon Bedrock accelerate the delivery of generative AI applications that can manage and perform tasks by making API calls to your company systems. Agents extend FMs to understand user requests, break down complex tasks into multiple steps, carry on a conversation to collect additional information, and take actions to fulfill the request.

Agents for Amazon Bedrock

Using agents for Amazon Bedrock, you can automate tasks for your internal or external customers, such as managing retail orders or processing insurance claims. For example, an agent-powered generative AI e-commerce application can not only respond to the question, “Do you have this jacket in blue?” with a simple answer but can also help you with the task of updating your order or managing an exchange.

For this to work, you first need to give the agent access to external data sources and connect it to existing APIs of other applications. This allows the FM that powers the agent to interact with the broader world and extend its utility beyond just language processing tasks. Second, the FM needs to figure out what actions to take, what information to use, and in which sequence to perform these actions. This is possible thanks to an exciting emerging behavior of FMs—their ability to reason. You can show FMs how to handle such interactions and how to reason through tasks by building prompts that include definitions and instructions. The process of designing prompts to guide the model towards desired outputs is known as prompt engineering.

Introducing Agents for Amazon Bedrock
Agents for Amazon Bedrock automate the prompt engineering and orchestration of user-requested tasks. Once configured, an agent automatically builds the prompt and securely augments it with your company-specific information to provide responses back to the user in natural language. The agent is able to figure out the actions required to automatically process user-requested tasks. It breaks the task into multiple steps, orchestrates a sequence of API calls and data lookups, and maintains memory to complete the action for the user.

With fully managed agents, you don’t have to worry about provisioning or managing infrastructure. You’ll have seamless support for monitoring, encryption, user permissions, and API invocation management without writing custom code. As a developer, you can use the Bedrock console or SDK to upload the API schema. The agent then orchestrates the tasks with the help of FMs and performs API calls using AWS Lambda functions.

Primer on Advanced Reasoning and ReAct
You can help FMs to reason and figure out how to solve user-requested tasks with a reasoning technique called ReAct (synergizing reasoning and acting). Using ReAct, you can structure prompts to show an FM how to reason through a task and decide on actions that help find a solution. The structured prompts include a sequence of question-thought-action-observation examples.

The question is the user-requested task or problem to solve. The thought is a reasoning step that helps demonstrate to the FM how to tackle the problem and identify an action to take. The action is an API that the model can invoke from an allowed set of APIs. The observation is the result of carrying out the action. The actions that the FM is able to choose from are defined by a set of instructions that are prepended to the example prompt text. Here is an illustration of how you would build up a ReAct prompt:

Building up a ReAct prompt

The good news is that Bedrock performs the heavy lifting for you! Behind the scenes, agents for Amazon Bedrock build the prompts based on the information and actions you provide.

Now, let me show you how to get started with agents for Amazon Bedrock.

Create an Agent for Amazon Bedrock
Let’s assume you’re a developer at an insurance company and want to provide a generative AI application that helps the insurance agency owners automate repetitive tasks. You create an agent in Bedrock and integrate it into your application.

To get started with the agent, open the Bedrock console, select Agents in the left navigation panel, then choose Create Agent.

Agents for Amazon Bedrock

This starts the agent creation workflow.

  1. Provide agent details including agent name, description (optional), whether the agent is allowed to request additional user inputs, and the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role that gives your agent access to other required services, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and AWS Lambda.Agents for Amazon Bedrock
  2. Select a foundation model from Bedrock that fits your use case. Here, you provide an instruction to your agent in natural language. The instruction tells the agent what task it’s supposed to perform and the persona it’s supposed to assume. For example, “You are an agent designed to help with processing insurance claims and managing pending paperwork.”Agents for Amazon Bedrock
  3. Add action groups. An action is a task that the agent can perform automatically by making API calls to your company systems. A set of actions is defined in an action group. Here, you provide an API schema that defines the APIs for all the actions in the group. You also must provide a Lambda function that represents the business logic for each API. For example, let’s define an action group called ClaimManagementActionGroup that manages insurance claims by pulling a list of open claims, identifying outstanding paperwork for each claim, and sending reminders to policy holders. Make sure to capture this information in the action group description. Agents for Amazon BedrockThe business logic for my action group is captured in the Lambda function InsuranceClaimsLambda. This AWS Lambda function implements methods for the following API calls: open-claims, identify-missing-documents, and send-reminders.Here’s a short extract from my OrderManagementLambda:
    import json
    import time
    def open_claims():
    def identify_missing_documents(parameters):
    def send_reminders():
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        responses = []
        for prediction in event['actionGroups']:
            response_code = ...
            action = prediction['actionGroup']
            api_path = prediction['apiPath']
            if api_path == '/claims':
                body = open_claims() 
            elif api_path == '/claims/{claimId}/identify-missing-documents':
    			parameters = prediction['parameters']
                body = identify_missing_documents(parameters)
            elif api_path == '/send-reminders':
                body =  send_reminders()
                body = {"{}::{} is not a valid api, try another one.".format(action, api_path)}
            response_body = {
                'application/json': {
                    'body': str(body)
            action_response = {
                'actionGroup': prediction['actionGroup'],
                'apiPath': prediction['apiPath'],
                'httpMethod': prediction['httpMethod'],
                'httpStatusCode': response_code,
                'responseBody': response_body
        api_response = {'response': responses}
        return api_response

    Note that you also must provide an API schema in the OpenAPI schema JSON format. Here’s what my API schema file insurance_claim_schema.json looks like:

    {"openapi": "3.0.0",
        "info": {
            "title": "Insurance Claims Automation API",
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "description": "APIs for managing insurance claims by pulling a list of open claims, identifying outstanding paperwork for each claim, and sending reminders to policy holders."
        "paths": {
            "/claims": {
                "get": {
                    "summary": "Get a list of all open claims",
                    "description": "Get the list of all open insurance claims. Return all the open claimIds.",
                    "operationId": "getAllOpenClaims",
                    "responses": {
                        "200": {
                            "description": "Gets the list of all open insurance claims for policy holders",
                            "content": {
                                "application/json": {
                                    "schema": {
                                        "type": "array",
                                        "items": {
                                            "type": "object",
                                            "properties": {
                                                "claimId": {
                                                    "type": "string",
                                                    "description": "Unique ID of the claim."
                                                "policyHolderId": {
                                                    "type": "string",
                                                    "description": "Unique ID of the policy holder who has filed the claim."
                                                "claimStatus": {
                                                    "type": "string",
                                                    "description": "The status of the claim. Claim can be in Open or Closed state"
            "/claims/{claimId}/identify-missing-documents": {
                "get": {
                    "summary": "Identify missing documents for a specific claim",
                    "description": "Get the list of pending documents that need to be uploaded by policy holder before the claim can be processed. The API takes in only one claim id and returns the list of documents that are pending to be uploaded by policy holder for that claim. This API should be called for each claim id",
                    "operationId": "identifyMissingDocuments",
                    "parameters": [{
                        "name": "claimId",
                        "in": "path",
                        "description": "Unique ID of the open insurance claim",
                        "required": true,
                        "schema": {
                            "type": "string"
                    "responses": {
                        "200": {
                            "description": "List of documents that are pending to be uploaded by policy holder for insurance claim",
                            "content": {
                                "application/json": {
                                    "schema": {
                                        "type": "object",
                                        "properties": {
                                            "pendingDocuments": {
                                                "type": "string",
                                                "description": "The list of pending documents for the claim."
            "/send-reminders": {
                "post": {
                    "summary": "API to send reminder to the customer about pending documents for open claim",
                    "description": "Send reminder to the customer about pending documents for open claim. The API takes in only one claim id and its pending documents at a time, sends the reminder and returns the tracking details for the reminder. This API should be called for each claim id you want to send reminders for.",
                    "operationId": "sendReminders",
                    "requestBody": {
                        "required": true,
                        "content": {
                            "application/json": {
                                "schema": {
                                    "type": "object",
                                    "properties": {
                                        "claimId": {
                                            "type": "string",
                                            "description": "Unique ID of open claims to send reminders for."
                                        "pendingDocuments": {
                                            "type": "string",
                                            "description": "The list of pending documents for the claim."
                                    "required": [
                    "responses": {
                        "200": {
                            "description": "Reminders sent successfully",
                            "content": {
                                "application/json": {
                                    "schema": {
                                        "type": "object",
                                        "properties": {
                                            "sendReminderTrackingId": {
                                                "type": "string",
                                                "description": "Unique Id to track the status of the send reminder Call"
                                            "sendReminderStatus": {
                                                "type": "string",
                                                "description": "Status of send reminder notifications"
                        "400": {
                            "description": "Bad request. One or more required fields are missing or invalid."

    When a user asks your agent to complete a task, Bedrock will use the FM you configured for the agent to identify the sequence of actions and invoke the corresponding Lambda functions in the right order to solve the user-requested task.

  4. In the final step, review your agent configuration and choose Create Agent.Agents for Amazon Bedrock
  5. Congratulations, you’ve just created your first agent in Amazon Bedrock!Agents for Amazon Bedrock

Deploy an Agent for Amazon Bedrock
To deploy an agent in your application, you must create an alias. Bedrock then automatically creates a version for that alias.

  1. In the Bedrock console, select your agent, then select Deploy, and choose Create to create an alias.Agents for Amazon Bedrock
  2. Provide an alias name and description and choose whether to create a new version or use an existing version of your agent to associate with this alias.
    Agents for Amazon Bedrock
  3. This saves a snapshot of the agent code and configuration and associates an alias with this snapshot or version. You can use the alias to integrate the agent into your applications.
    Agents for Amazon Bedrock

Now, let’s test the insurance agent! You can do this right in the Bedrock console.

Let’s ask the agent to “Send reminder to all policy holders with open claims and pending paper work.” You can see how the FM-powered agent is able to understand the user request, break down the task into steps (collect the open insurance claims, lookup the claim IDs, send reminders), and perform the corresponding actions.

Agents for Amazon Bedrock

Agents for Amazon Bedrock can help you increase productivity, improve your customer service experience, or automate DevOps tasks. I’m excited to see what use cases you will implement!

Generative AI with large language modelsLearn the Fundamentals of Generative AI
If you’re interested in the fundamentals of generative AI and how to work with FMs, including advanced prompting techniques and agents, check out this this new hands-on course that I developed with AWS colleagues and industry experts in collaboration with DeepLearning.AI:

Generative AI with large language models (LLMs) is an on-demand, three-week course for data scientists and engineers who want to learn how to build generative AI applications with LLMs. It’s the perfect foundation to start building with Amazon Bedrock. Enroll for generative AI with LLMs today.

Sign up to Learn More about Amazon Bedrock (Preview)
Amazon Bedrock is currently available in preview. Reach out to us if you’d like access to agents for Amazon Bedrock as part of the preview. We’re regularly providing access to new customers. Visit the Amazon Bedrock Features page and sign up to learn more about Amazon Bedrock.

— Antje

P.S. We’re focused on improving our content to provide a better customer experience, and we need your feedback to do so. Please take this quick survey to share insights on your experience with the AWS Blog. Note that this survey is hosted by an external company, so the link does not lead to our website. AWS handles your information as described in the AWS Privacy Notice.

AWS Week in Review – AWS Glue Crawlers Now Supports Apache Iceberg, Amazon RDS Updates, and More – July 10, 2023

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

The US celebrated Independence Day last week on July 4 with fireworks and barbecues across the country. But fireworks weren’t the only thing that launched last week. Let’s have a look!

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention:

AWS GlueAWS Glue Crawlers now supports Apache Iceberg tables. Apache Iceberg is an open-source table format for data stored in data lakes. You can now automatically register Apache Iceberg tables into AWS Glue Data Catalog by running the Glue Crawler. You can then query Glue Catalog Iceberg tables across various analytics engines and apply AWS Lake Formation fine-grained permissions when querying from Amazon Athena. Check out the AWS Glue Crawler documentation to learn more.

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL – PostgreSQL 16 Beta 2 is now available in the Amazon RDS Database Preview Environment. The PostgreSQL community released PostgreSQL 16 Beta 2 on June 29, 2023, which enables logical replication from standbys and includes numerous performance improvements. You can deploy PostgreSQL 16 Beta 2 in the preview environment and start evaluating the pre-release of PostgreSQL 16 on Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.

In addition, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL Multi-AZ Deployments with two readable standbys now supports logical replication. With logical replication, you can stream data changes from Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL to other databases for use cases such as data consolidation for analytical applications, change data capture (CDC), replicating select tables rather than the entire database, or for replicating data between different major versions of PostgreSQL. Check out the Amazon RDS User Guide for more details.

Amazon CloudWatch – Amazon CloudWatch now supports Service Quotas in cross-account observability. With this, you can track and visualize resource utilization and limits across various AWS services from multiple AWS accounts within a region using a central monitoring account. You no longer have to track the quotas by logging in to individual accounts, instead from a central monitoring account, you can create dashboards and alarms for the AWS service quota usage across all your source accounts from a central monitoring account. Setup CloudWatch cross-account observability to get started.

Amazon SageMaker – You can now associate a SageMaker Model Card with a specific model version in SageMaker Model Registry. This lets you establish a single source of truth for your registered model versions, with comprehensive, centralized, and standardized documentation across all stages of the model’s journey on SageMaker, facilitating discoverability and promoting governance, compliance, and accountability throughout the model lifecycle. Learn more about SageMaker Model Cards in the developer guide.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional blog posts and news items that you might find interesting:

Building generative AI applications for your startup – In this AWS Startups Blog post, Hrushikesh explains various approaches to build generative AI applications, and reviews their key component. Read the full post for the details.

Components of the generative AI landscape

Components of the generative AI landscape.

How Alexa learned to speak with an Irish accent – If you’re curious how Amazon researchers used voice conversation to generate Irish-accented training data in Alexa’s own voice, check out this Amazon Science Blog post. 

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open-source newsletter in which he highlights new open-source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS Global Summits – Check your calendars and sign up for the AWS Summit close to where you live or work: Hong Kong (July 20), New York City (July 26), Taiwan (August 2-3), São Paulo (August 3), and Mexico City (August 30).

AWS Community Days – Join a community-led conference run by AWS user group leaders in your region: Malaysia (July 22), Philippines (July 29-30), Colombia (August 12), and West Africa (August 19).

AWS re:Invent 2023AWS re:Invent (November 27 – December 1) – Join us to hear the latest from AWS, learn from experts, and connect with the global cloud community. Registration is now open.

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Antje

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Generative AI with Large Language Models — New Hands-on Course by DeepLearning.AI and AWS

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

Generative AI has taken the world by storm, and we’re starting to see the next wave of widespread adoption of AI with the potential for every customer experience and application to be reinvented with generative AI. Generative AI lets you to create new content and ideas including conversations, stories, images, videos, and music. Generative AI is powered by very large machine learning models that are pre-trained on vast amounts of data, commonly referred to as foundation models (FMs).

A subset of FMs called large language models (LLMs) are trained on trillions of words across many natural-language tasks. These LLMs can understand, learn, and generate text that’s nearly indistinguishable from text produced by humans. And not only that, LLMs can also engage in interactive conversations, answer questions, summarize dialogs and documents, and provide recommendations. They can power applications across many tasks and industries including creative writing for marketing, summarizing documents for legal, market research for financial, simulating clinical trials for healthcare, and code writing for software development.

Companies are moving rapidly to integrate generative AI into their products and services. This increases the demand for data scientists and engineers who understand generative AI and how to apply LLMs to solve business use cases.

This is why I’m excited to announce that DeepLearning.AI and AWS are jointly launching a new hands-on course Generative AI with large language models on Coursera’s education platform that prepares data scientists and engineers to become experts in selecting, training, fine-tuning, and deploying LLMs for real-world applications.

DeepLearning.AI was founded in 2017 by machine learning and education pioneer Andrew Ng with the mission to grow and connect the global AI community by delivering world-class AI education.

Generative AI with large language models

DeepLearning.AI teamed up with generative AI specialists from AWS including Chris Fregly, Shelbee Eigenbrode, Mike Chambers, and me to develop and deliver this course for data scientists and engineers who want to learn how to build generative AI applications with LLMs. We developed the content for this course under the guidance of Andrew Ng and with input from various industry experts and applied scientists at Amazon, AWS, and Hugging Face.

Course Highlights
This is the first comprehensive Coursera course focused on LLMs that details the typical generative AI project lifecycle, including scoping the problem, choosing an LLM, adapting the LLM to your domain, optimizing the model for deployment, and integrating into business applications. The course not only focuses on the practical aspects of generative AI but also highlights the science behind LLMs and why they’re effective.

The on-demand course is broken down into three weeks of content with approximately 16 hours of videos, quizzes, labs, and extra readings. The hands-on labs hosted by AWS Partner Vocareum let you apply the techniques directly in an AWS environment provided with the course and includes all resources needed to work with the LLMs and explore their effectiveness.

In just three weeks, the course prepares you to use generative AI for business and real-world applications. Let’s have a quick look at each week’s content.

Week 1 – Generative AI use cases, project lifecycle, and model pre-training
In week 1, you will examine the transformer architecture that powers many LLMs, see how these models are trained, and consider the compute resources required to develop them. You will also explore how to guide model output at inference time using prompt engineering and by specifying generative configuration settings.

In the first hands-on lab, you’ll construct and compare different prompts for a given generative task. In this case, you’ll summarize conversations between multiple people. For example, imagine summarizing support conversations between you and your customers. You’ll explore prompt engineering techniques, try different generative configuration parameters, and experiment with various sampling strategies to gain intuition on how to improve the generated model responses.

Week 2 – Fine-tuning, parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), and model evaluation
In week 2, you will explore options for adapting pre-trained models to specific tasks and datasets through a process called fine-tuning. A variant of fine-tuning, called parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), lets you fine-tune very large models using much smaller resources—often a single GPU. You will also learn about the metrics used to evaluate and compare the performance of LLMs.

In the second lab, you’ll get hands-on with parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) and compare the results to prompt engineering from the first lab. This side-by-side comparison will help you gain intuition into the qualitative and quantitative impact of different techniques for adapting an LLM to your domain specific datasets and use cases.

Week 3 – Fine-tuning with reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), and LangChain
In week 3, you will make the LLM responses more humanlike and align them with human preferences using a technique called reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). RLHF is key to improving the model’s honesty, harmlessness, and helpfulness. You will also explore techniques such as retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and libraries such as LangChain that allow the LLM to integrate with custom data sources and APIs to improve the model’s response further.

In the final lab, you’ll get hands-on with RLHF. You’ll fine-tune the LLM using a reward model and a reinforcement-learning algorithm called proximal policy optimization (PPO) to increase the harmlessness of your model responses. Finally, you will evaluate the model’s harmlessness before and after the RLHF process to gain intuition into the impact of RLHF on aligning an LLM with human values and preferences.

Enroll Today
Generative AI with large language models is an on-demand, three-week course for data scientists and engineers who want to learn how to build generative AI applications with LLMs.

Enroll for generative AI with large language models today.

— Antje

AWS Week in Review: New Service for Generative AI and Amazon EC2 Trn1n, Inf2, and CodeWhisperer now GA – April 17, 2023

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

I could almost title this blog post the “AWS AI/ML Week in Review.” This past week, we announced several new innovations and tools for building with generative AI on AWS. Let’s dive right into it.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

Announcing Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Titan models Amazon Bedrock is a new service to accelerate your development of generative AI applications using foundation models through an API without managing infrastructure. You can choose from a wide range of foundation models built by leading AI startups and Amazon. The new Amazon Titan foundation models are pre-trained on large datasets, making them powerful, general-purpose models. You can use them as-is or privately to customize them with your own data for a particular task without annotating large volumes of data. Amazon Bedrock is currently in limited preview. Sign up here to learn more.

Building with Generative AI on AWS

Amazon EC2 Trn1n and Inf2 instances are now generally availableTrn1n instances, powered by AWS Trainium accelerators, double the network bandwidth (compared to Trn1 instances) to 1,600 Gbps of Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFAv2). The increased bandwidth delivers even higher performance for training network-intensive generative AI models such as large language models (LLMs) and mixture of experts (MoE). Inf2 instances, powered by AWS Inferentia2 accelerators, deliver high performance at the lowest cost in Amazon EC2 for generative AI models, including LLMs and vision transformers. They are the first inference-optimized instances in Amazon EC2 to support scale-out distributed inference with ultra-high-speed connectivity between accelerators. Compared to Inf1 instances, Inf2 instances deliver up to 4x higher throughput and up to 10x lower latency. Check out my blog posts on Trn1 instances and Inf2 instances for more details.

Amazon CodeWhisperer, free for individual use, is now generally availableAmazon CodeWhisperer is an AI coding companion that generates real-time single-line or full-function code suggestions in your IDE to help you build applications faster. With GA, we introduce two tiers: CodeWhisperer Individual and CodeWhisperer Professional. CodeWhisperer Individual is free to use for generating code. You can sign up with an AWS Builder ID based on your email address. The Individual Tier provides code recommendations, reference tracking, and security scans. CodeWhisperer Professional—priced at $19 per user, per month—offers additional enterprise administration capabilities. Steve’s blog post has all the details.

Amazon GameLift adds support for Unreal Engine 5Amazon GameLift is a fully managed solution that allows you to manage and scale dedicated game servers for session-based multiplayer games. The latest version of the Amazon GameLift Server SDK 5.0 lets you integrate your Unreal 5-based game servers with the Amazon GameLift service. In addition, the latest Amazon GameLift Server SDK with Unreal 5 plugin is built to work with Amazon GameLift Anywhere so that you can test and iterate Unreal game builds faster and manage game sessions across any server hosting infrastructure. Check out the release notes to learn more.

Amazon Rekognition launches Face Liveness to deter fraud in facial verification – Face Liveness verifies that only real users, not bad actors using spoofs, can access your services. Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness analyzes a short selfie video to detect spoofs presented to the camera, such as printed photos, digital photos, digital videos, or 3D masks, as well as spoofs that bypass the camera, such as pre-recorded or deepfake videos. This AWS Machine Learning Blog post walks you through the details and shows how you can add Face Liveness to your web and mobile applications.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional news items and blog posts that you may find interesting:

Updates to the AWS Well-Architected Framework – The most recent content updates and improvements focus on providing expanded guidance across the AWS service portfolio to help you make more informed decisions when developing implementation plans. Services that were added or expanded in coverage include AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery, AWS Trusted Advisor, AWS Resilience Hub, AWS Config, AWS Security Hub, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Organizations, AWS Control Tower, AWS Compute Optimizer, AWS Budgets, Amazon CodeWhisperer, and Amazon CodeGuru. This AWS Architecture Blog post has all the details.

Amazon releases largest dataset for training “pick and place” robots – In an effort to improve the performance of robots that pick, sort, and pack products in warehouses, Amazon has publicly released the largest dataset of images captured in an industrial product-sorting setting. Where the largest previous dataset of industrial images featured on the order of 100 objects, the Amazon dataset, called ARMBench, features more than 190,000 objects. Check out this Amazon Science Blog post to learn more.

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open-source newsletter in which he highlights new open-source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community. Read edition #153 here.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

Build On AWS - Generative AI#BuildOn Generative AI – Join our weekly live Build On Generative AI Twitch show. Every Monday morning, 9:00 US PT, my colleagues Emily and Darko take a look at aspects of generative AI. They host developers, scientists, startup founders, and AI leaders and discuss how to build generative AI applications on AWS.

In today’s episode, Emily walks us through the latest AWS generative AI announcements. You can watch the video here.

Dot Net Developer Day.NET Developer Day.NET Enterprise Developer Day EMEA 2023 (April 25) is a free, one-day virtual event providing enterprise developers with the most relevant information to swiftly and efficiently migrate and modernize their .NET applications and workloads on AWS.

AWS Developer Innovation DayAWS Developer Innovation DayAWS Developer Innovation Day (April 26) is a new, free, one-day virtual event designed to help developers and teams be productive and collaborate from discovery to delivery, to running software and building applications. Get a first look at exciting product updates, technical deep dives, and keynotes.

AWS Global Summits – Check your calendars and sign up for the AWS Summit close to where you live or work: Tokyo (April 20–21), Singapore (May 4), Stockholm (May 11), Hong Kong (May 23), Tel Aviv (May 31), Amsterdam (June 1), London (June 7), Washington, DC (June 7–8), Toronto (June 14), Madrid (June 15), and Milano (June 22).

You can browse all upcoming AWS-led in-person and virtual events and developer-focused events such as Community Days.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Antje

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Amazon EC2 Inf2 Instances for Low-Cost, High-Performance Generative AI Inference are Now Generally Available

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

Innovations in deep learning (DL), especially the rapid growth of large language models (LLMs), have taken the industry by storm. DL models have grown from millions to billions of parameters and are demonstrating exciting new capabilities. They are fueling new applications such as generative AI or advanced research in healthcare and life sciences. AWS has been innovating across chips, servers, data center connectivity, and software to accelerate such DL workloads at scale.

At AWS re:Invent 2022, we announced the preview of Amazon EC2 Inf2 instances powered by AWS Inferentia2, the latest AWS-designed ML chip. Inf2 instances are designed to run high-performance DL inference applications at scale globally. They are the most cost-effective and energy-efficient option on Amazon EC2 for deploying the latest innovations in generative AI, such as GPT-J or Open Pre-trained Transformer (OPT) language models.

Today, I’m excited to announce that Amazon EC2 Inf2 instances are now generally available!

Inf2 instances are the first inference-optimized instances in Amazon EC2 to support scale-out distributed inference with ultra-high-speed connectivity between accelerators. You can now efficiently deploy models with hundreds of billions of parameters across multiple accelerators on Inf2 instances. Compared to Amazon EC2 Inf1 instances, Inf2 instances deliver up to 4x higher throughput and up to 10x lower latency. Here’s an infographic that highlights the key performance improvements that we have made available with the new Inf2 instances:

Performance improvements with Amazon EC2 Inf2

New Inf2 Instance Highlights
Inf2 instances are available today in four sizes and are powered by up to 12 AWS Inferentia2 chips with 192 vCPUs. They offer a combined compute power of 2.3 petaFLOPS at BF16 or FP16 data types and feature an ultra-high-speed NeuronLink interconnect between chips. NeuronLink scales large models across multiple Inferentia2 chips, avoids communication bottlenecks, and enables higher-performance inference.

Inf2 instances offer up to 384 GB of shared accelerator memory, with 32 GB high-bandwidth memory (HBM) in every Inferentia2 chip and 9.8 TB/s of total memory bandwidth. This type of bandwidth is particularly important to support inference for large language models that are memory bound.

Since the underlying AWS Inferentia2 chips are purpose-built for DL workloads, Inf2 instances offer up to 50 percent better performance per watt than other comparable Amazon EC2 instances. I’ll cover the AWS Inferentia2 silicon innovations in more detail later in this blog post.

The following table lists the sizes and specs of Inf2 instances in detail.

Instance Name
vCPUs AWS Inferentia2 Chips Accelerator Memory NeuronLink Instance Memory Instance Networking
inf2.xlarge 4 1 32 GB N/A 16 GB Up to 15 Gbps
inf2.8xlarge 32 1 32 GB N/A 128 GB Up to 25 Gbps
inf2.24xlarge 96 6 192 GB Yes 384 GB 50 Gbps
inf2.48xlarge 192 12 384 GB Yes 768 GB 100 Gbps

AWS Inferentia2 Innovation
Similar to AWS Trainium chips, each AWS Inferentia2 chip has two improved NeuronCore-v2 engines, HBM stacks, and dedicated collective compute engines to parallelize computation and communication operations when performing multi-accelerator inference.

Each NeuronCore-v2 has dedicated scalar, vector, and tensor engines that are purpose-built for DL algorithms. The tensor engine is optimized for matrix operations. The scalar engine is optimized for element-wise operations like ReLU (rectified linear unit) functions. The vector engine is optimized for non-element-wise vector operations, including batch normalization or pooling.

Here is a short summary of additional AWS Inferentia2 chip and server hardware innovations:

  • Data Types – AWS Inferentia2 supports a wide range of data types, including FP32, TF32, BF16, FP16, and UINT8, so you can choose the most suitable data type for your workloads. It also supports the new configurable FP8 (cFP8) data type, which is especially relevant for large models because it reduces the memory footprint and I/O requirements of the model. The following image compares the supported data types.AWS Inferentia2 Supported Data Types
  • Dynamic Execution, Dynamic Input Shapes – AWS Inferentia2 has embedded general-purpose digital signal processors (DSPs) that enable dynamic execution, so control flow operators don’t need to be unrolled or executed on the host. AWS Inferentia2 also supports dynamic input shapes that are key for models with unknown input tensor sizes, such as models processing text.
  • Custom Operators – AWS Inferentia2 supports custom operators written in C++. Neuron Custom C++ Operators enable you to write C++ custom operators that natively run on NeuronCores. You can use standard PyTorch custom operator programming interfaces to migrate CPU custom operators to Neuron and implement new experimental operators, all without any intimate knowledge of the NeuronCore hardware.
  • NeuronLink v2 – Inf2 instances are the first inference-optimized instance on Amazon EC2 to support distributed inference with direct ultra-high-speed connectivity—NeuronLink v2—between chips. NeuronLink v2 uses collective communications (CC) operators such as all-reduce to run high-performance inference pipelines across all chips.

The following Inf2 distributed inference benchmarks show throughput and cost improvements for OPT-30B and OPT-66B models over comparable inference-optimized Amazon EC2 instances.

Amazon EC2 Inf2 Benchmarks

Now, let me show you how to get started with Amazon EC2 Inf2 instances.

Get Started with Inf2 Instances
The AWS Neuron SDK integrates AWS Inferentia2 into popular machine learning (ML) frameworks like PyTorch. The Neuron SDK includes a compiler, runtime, and profiling tools and is constantly being updated with new features and performance optimizations.

In this example, I will compile and deploy a pre-trained BERT model from Hugging Face on an EC2 Inf2 instance using the available PyTorch Neuron packages. PyTorch Neuron is based on the PyTorch XLA software package and enables the conversion of PyTorch operations to AWS Inferentia2 instructions.

SSH into your Inf2 instance and activate a Python virtual environment that includes the PyTorch Neuron packages. If you’re using a Neuron-provided AMI, you can activate the preinstalled environment by running the following command:

source aws_neuron_venv_pytorch_p37/bin/activate

Now, with only a few changes to your code, you can compile your PyTorch model into an AWS Neuron-optimized TorchScript. Let’s start with importing torch, the PyTorch Neuron package torch_neuronx, and the Hugging Face transformers library.

import torch
import torch_neuronx from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification
import transformers

Next, let’s build the tokenizer and model.

name = "bert-base-cased-finetuned-mrpc"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(name)
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(name, torchscript=True)

We can test the model with example inputs. The model expects two sentences as input, and its output is whether or not those sentences are a paraphrase of each other.

def encode(tokenizer, *inputs, max_length=128, batch_size=1):
    tokens = tokenizer.encode_plus(
    return (
        torch.repeat_interleave(tokens['input_ids'], batch_size, 0),
        torch.repeat_interleave(tokens['attention_mask'], batch_size, 0),
        torch.repeat_interleave(tokens['token_type_ids'], batch_size, 0),

# Example inputs
sequence_0 = "The company Hugging Face is based in New York City"
sequence_1 = "Apples are especially bad for your health"
sequence_2 = "Hugging Face's headquarters are situated in Manhattan"

paraphrase = encode(tokenizer, sequence_0, sequence_2)
not_paraphrase = encode(tokenizer, sequence_0, sequence_1)

# Run the original PyTorch model on examples
paraphrase_reference_logits = model(*paraphrase)[0]
not_paraphrase_reference_logits = model(*not_paraphrase)[0]

print('Paraphrase Reference Logits: ', paraphrase_reference_logits.detach().numpy())
print('Not-Paraphrase Reference Logits:', not_paraphrase_reference_logits.detach().numpy())

The output should look similar to this:

Paraphrase Reference Logits:     [[-0.34945598  1.9003887 ]]
Not-Paraphrase Reference Logits: [[ 0.5386365 -2.2197142]]

Now, the torch_neuronx.trace() method sends operations to the Neuron Compiler (neuron-cc) for compilation and embeds the compiled artifacts in a TorchScript graph. The method expects the model and a tuple of example inputs as arguments.

neuron_model = torch_neuronx.trace(model, paraphrase)

Let’s test the Neuron-compiled model with our example inputs:

paraphrase_neuron_logits = neuron_model(*paraphrase)[0]
not_paraphrase_neuron_logits = neuron_model(*not_paraphrase)[0]

print('Paraphrase Neuron Logits: ', paraphrase_neuron_logits.detach().numpy())
print('Not-Paraphrase Neuron Logits: ', not_paraphrase_neuron_logits.detach().numpy())

The output should look similar to this:

Paraphrase Neuron Logits: [[-0.34915772 1.8981738 ]]
Not-Paraphrase Neuron Logits: [[ 0.5374032 -2.2180378]]

That’s it. With just a few lines of code changes, we compiled and ran a PyTorch model on an Amazon EC2 Inf2 instance. To learn more about which DL model architectures are a good fit for AWS Inferentia2 and the current model support matrix, visit the AWS Neuron Documentation.

Available Now
You can launch Inf2 instances today in the AWS US East (Ohio) and US East (N. Virginia) Regions as On-Demand, Reserved, and Spot Instances or as part of a Savings Plan. As usual with Amazon EC2, you pay only for what you use. For more information, see Amazon EC2 pricing.

Inf2 instances can be deployed using AWS Deep Learning AMIs, and container images are available via managed services such as Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and AWS ParallelCluster.

To learn more, visit our Amazon EC2 Inf2 instances page, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for EC2 or through your usual AWS Support contacts.

— Antje

AWS Week in Review – February 27, 2023

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

A couple days ago, I had the honor of doing a live stream on generative AI, discussing recent innovations and concepts behind the current generation of large language and vision models and how we got there. In today’s roundup of news and announcements, I will share some additional information—including an expanded partnership to make generative AI more accessible, a blog post about diffusion models, and our weekly Twitch show on Generative AI. Let’s dive right into it!

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

Integrated Private Wireless on AWS – The Integrated Private Wireless on AWS program is designed to provide enterprises with managed and validated private wireless offerings from leading communications service providers (CSPs). The offerings integrate CSPs’ private 5G and 4G LTE wireless networks with AWS services across AWS Regions, AWS Local Zones, AWS Outposts, and AWS Snow Family. For more details, read this Industries Blog post and check out this eBook. And, if you’re attending the Mobile World Congress Barcelona this week, stop by the AWS booth at the Upper Walkway, South Entrance, at the Fira Barcelona Gran Via, to learn more.

AWS Glue Crawlers – Now integrate with Lake Formation. AWS Glue Crawlers are used to discover datasets, extract schema information, and populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog. With this Glue Crawler and Lake Formation integration, you can configure a crawler to use Lake Formation permissions to access an S3 data store or a Data Catalog table with an underlying S3 location within the same AWS account or another AWS account. You can configure an existing Data Catalog table as a crawler’s target if the crawler and the Data Catalog table reside in the same account. To learn more, check out this Big Data Blog post.

AWS Glue Crawlers now support integration with AWS Lake Formation

Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor – You can now launch and configure Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor from the SageMaker Model Dashboard using a code-free point-and-click setup experience. SageMaker Model Dashboard gives you unified monitoring across all your models by providing insights into deviations from expected behavior, automated alerts, and troubleshooting to improve model performance. Model Monitor can detect drift in data quality, model quality, bias, and feature attribution and alert you to take remedial actions when such changes occur.

Amazon EKS – Now supports Kubernetes version 1.25. Kubernetes 1.25 introduced several new features and bug fixes, and you can now use Amazon EKS and Amazon EKS Distro to run Kubernetes version 1.25. You can create new 1.25 clusters or upgrade your existing clusters to 1.25 using the Amazon EKS console, the eksctl command line interface, or through an infrastructure-as-code tool. To learn more about this release named “Combiner,” check out this Containers Blog post.

Amazon Detective – New self-paced workshop available. You can now learn to use Amazon Detective with a new self-paced workshop in AWS Workshop Studio. AWS Workshop Studio is a collection of self-paced tutorials designed to teach practical skills and techniques to solve business problems. The Amazon Detective workshop is designed to teach you how to use the primary features of Detective through a series of interactive modules that cover topics such as security alert triage, security incident investigation, and threat hunting. Get started with the Amazon Detective Workshop.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional news items and blog posts that you may find interesting:

🤗❤☁ AWS and Hugging Face collaborate to make generative AI more accessible and cost-efficient – This previous week, we announced an expanded collaboration between AWS and Hugging Face to accelerate the training, fine-tuning, and deployment of large language and vision models used to create generative AI applications. Generative AI applications can perform a variety of tasks, including text summarization, answering questions, code generation, image creation, and writing essays and articles. For more details, read this Machine Learning Blog post.

If you are interested in generative AI, I also recommend reading this blog post on how to Fine-tune text-to-image Stable Diffusion models with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. Stable Diffusion is a deep learning model that allows you to generate realistic, high-quality images and stunning art in just a few seconds. This blog post discusses how to make design choices, including dataset quality, size of training dataset, choice of hyperparameter values, and applicability to multiple datasets.

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open-source newsletter in which he highlights new open-source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community. Read edition #146 here.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

Build On AWS - Generative AI#BuildOn Generative AI – Join our weekly live Build On Generative AI Twitch show. Every Monday morning, 9:00 US PT, my colleagues Emily and Darko take a look at aspects of generative AI. They host developers, scientists, startup founders, and AI leaders and discuss how to build generative AI applications on AWS.

In today’s episode, my colleague Chris walked us through an end-to-end ML pipeline from data ingestion to fine-tuning and deployment of generative AI models. You can watch the video here.

AWS Pi Day 2023 SmallAWS Pi Day – Join me on March 14 for the third annual AWS Pi Day live, virtual event hosted on the AWS On Air channel on Twitch as we celebrate the 17th birthday of Amazon S3 and the cloud.

We will discuss the latest innovations across AWS Data services, from storage to analytics and AI/ML. If you are curious about how AI can transform your business, register here and join my session.

AWS Innovate Data and AI/ML edition – AWS Innovate is a free online event to learn the latest from AWS experts and get step-by-step guidance on using AI/ML to drive fast, efficient, and measurable results. Register now for EMEA (March 9) and the Americas (March 14).

You can browse all upcoming AWS-led in-person, virtual events and developer focused events such as Community Days.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Antje

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

AWS Week in Review – January 16, 2023

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

Today, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the US to honor the late civil rights leader’s life, legacy, and achievements. In this article, Amazon employees share what MLK Day means to them and how diversity makes us stronger.

Coming back to our AWS Week in Review—it’s been a busy week!

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

AWS Local Zones in Perth and Santiago now generally available – AWS Local Zones help you run latency-sensitive applications closer to end users. AWS now has a total of 29 Local Zones; 12 outside of the US (Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Delhi, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kolkata, Muscat, Perth, Santiago, Taipei, and Warsaw) and 17 in the US. See the full list of available and announced AWS Local Zones and learn how to get started.

AWS Local Zones Locations

AWS Clean Rooms now available in preview – During AWS re:Invent this past November, we announced AWS Clean Rooms, a new analytics service that helps companies across industries easily and securely analyze and collaborate on their combined datasets—without sharing or revealing underlying data. You can now start using AWS Clean Rooms (Preview).

Amazon Kendra updates – Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning (ML) that helps you search across different content repositories with built-in connectors. With the new Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking for self-managed OpenSearch, you can now improve the quality of your OpenSearch search results using Amazon Kendra’s ML-powered semantic ranking technology.

Amazon Kendra also released an Amazon S3 connector with VPC support to index and search documents from Amazon S3 hosted in your VPC, a new Google Drive Connector to index and search documents from Google Drive, a Microsoft Teams Connector to enable Microsoft Teams messaging search, and a Microsoft Exchange Connector to enable email-messaging search.

Amazon Personalize updates – Amazon Personalize helps you improve customer engagement through personalized product and content recommendations. Using the new Trending-Now recipe, you can now generate recommendations for items that are rapidly becoming more popular with your users. Amazon Personalize now also supports tag-based resource authorization. Tags are labels in the form of key-value pairs that can be attached to individual Amazon Personalize resources to manage resources or allocate costs.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas now delivers up to 3x faster ML model training time – SageMaker Canvas is a visual interface that enables business analysts to generate accurate ML predictions on their own—without having to write a single line of code. The accelerated model training times help you prototype and experiment more rapidly, shortening the time to generate predictions and turn data into valuable insights.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional news items and blog posts that you may find interesting:

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open-source newsletter in which he highlights new open-source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community. Read edition #141 here.

ML model hosting best practices in Amazon SageMaker – This seven-part blog series discusses best practices for ML model hosting in SageMaker to help you identify which hosting design pattern meets your needs best. The blog series also covers advanced concepts such as multi-model endpoints (MME), multi-container endpoints (MCE), serial inference pipelines, and model ensembles. Read part one here.

I would also like to recommend this really interesting Amazon Science article about differential privacy for end-to-end speech recognition. The data used to train AI models is protected by differential privacy (DP), which adds noise during training. In this article, Amazon researchers show how ensembles of teacher models can meet DP constraints while reducing error by more than 26 percent relative to standard DP methods.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

#BuildOnLiveBuild On AWS Live events are a series of technical streams on that focus on technology topics related to challenges hands-on practitioners face today.

  • Join the Build On Live Weekly show about the cloud, the community, the code, and everything in between, hosted by AWS Developer Advocates. The show streams every Thursday at 09:00 US PT on
  • Join the new The Big Dev Theory show, co-hosted with AWS partners, discussing various topics such as data and AI, AIOps, integration, and security. The show streams every Tuesday at 08:00 US PT on

Check the AWS Twitch schedule for all shows.

AWS Community Days – AWS Community Day events are community-led conferences that deliver a peer-to-peer learning experience, providing developers with a venue to acquire AWS knowledge in their preferred way: from one another.

AWS Innovate Data and AI/ML edition – AWS Innovate is a free online event to learn the latest from AWS experts and get step-by-step guidance on using AI/ML to drive fast, efficient, and measurable results.

  • AWS Innovate Data and AI/ML edition for Asia Pacific and Japan is taking place on February 22, 2023. Register here.
  • Registrations for AWS Innovate EMEA (March 9, 2023) and the Americas (March 14, 2023) will open soon. Check the AWS Innovate page for updates.

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Antje

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

New – Bring ML Models Built Anywhere into Amazon SageMaker Canvas and Generate Predictions

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

Amazon SageMaker Canvas provides business analysts with a visual interface to solve business problems using machine learning (ML) without writing a single line of code. Since we introduced SageMaker Canvas in 2021, many users have asked us for an enhanced, seamless collaboration experience that enables data scientists to share trained models with their business analysts with a few simple clicks.

Today, I’m excited to announce that you can now bring ML models built anywhere into SageMaker Canvas and generate predictions.

New – Bring Your Own Model into SageMaker Canvas
As a data scientist or ML practitioner, you can now seamlessly share models built anywhere, within or outside Amazon SageMaker, with your business teams. This removes the heavy lifting for your engineering teams to build a separate tool or user interface to share ML models and collaborate between the different parts of your organization. As a business analyst, you can now leverage ML models shared by your data scientists within minutes to generate predictions.

Let me show you how this works in practice!

In this example, I share an ML model that has been trained to identify customers that are potentially at risk of churning with my marketing analyst. First, I register the model in the SageMaker model registry. SageMaker model registry lets you catalog models and manage model versions. I create a model group called 2022-customer-churn-model-group and then select Create model version to register my model.

Amazon SageMaker Model Registry

To register your model, provide the location of the inference image in Amazon ECR, as well as the location of your model.tar.gz file in Amazon S3. You can also add model endpoint recommendations and additional model information. Once you’ve registered your model, select the model version and select Share.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Share models from model registry with SageMaker Canvas users

You can now choose the SageMaker Canvas user profile(s) within the same SageMaker domain you want to share your model with. Then, provide additional model details, such as information about training and validation datasets, the ML problem type, and model output information. You can also add a note for the SageMaker Canvas users you share the model with.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Share a model from Model Registry with SageMaker Canvas users

Similarly, you can now also share models trained in SageMaker Autopilot and models available in SageMaker JumpStart with SageMaker Canvas users.

The business analysts will receive an in-app notification in SageMaker Canvas that a model has been shared with them, along with any notes you added.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas - Received model from SageMaker Studio

My marketing analyst can now open, analyze, and start using the model to generate ML predictions in SageMaker Canvas.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas - Imported model from SageMaker Studio

Select Batch prediction to generate ML predictions for an entire dataset or Single prediction to create predictions for a single input. You can download the results in a .csv file.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas - Generate Predictions

New – Improved Model Sharing and Collaboration from SageMaker Canvas with SageMaker Studio Users
We also improved the sharing and collaboration capabilities from SageMaker Canvas with data science and ML teams. As a business analyst, you can now select which SageMaker Studio user profile(s) you want to share your standard-build models with.

Your data scientists or ML practitioners will receive a similar in-app notification in SageMaker Studio once a model has been shared with them, along with any notes from you. In addition to just reviewing the model, SageMaker Studio users can now also, if needed, update the data transformations in SageMaker Data Wrangler, retrain the model in SageMaker Autopilot, and share back the updated model. SageMaker Studio users can also recommend an alternate model from the list of models in SageMaker Autopilot.

Once SageMaker Studio users share back a model, you receive another notification in SageMaker Canvas that an updated model has been shared back with you. This collaboration between business analysts and data scientists will help democratize ML across organizations by bringing transparency to automated decisions, building trust, and accelerating ML deployments.

Now Available
The enhanced, seamless collaboration capabilities for Amazon SageMaker Canvas, including the ability to bring your ML models built anywhere, are available today in all AWS Regions where SageMaker Canvas is available with no changes to the existing SageMaker Canvas pricing.

Start collaborating and bring your ML model to Amazon SageMaker Canvas today!

— Antje

New for Amazon SageMaker – Perform Shadow Tests to Compare Inference Performance Between ML Model Variants

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

As you move your machine learning (ML) workloads into production, you need to continuously monitor your deployed models and iterate when you observe a deviation in your model performance. When you build a new model, you typically start validating the model offline using historical inference request data. But this data sometimes fails to account for current, real-world conditions. For example, new products might become trending that your product recommendation model hasn’t seen yet. Or, you experience a sudden spike in the volume of inference requests in production that you never exposed your model to before.

Today, I’m excited to announce Amazon SageMaker support for shadow testing!

Deploying a model in shadow mode lets you conduct a more holistic test by routing a copy of the live inference requests for a production model to the new (shadow) model. Yet, only the responses from the production model are returned to the calling application. Shadow testing helps you build further confidence in your model and catch potential configuration errors and performance issues before they impact end users. Once you complete a shadow test, you can use the deployment guardrails for SageMaker inference endpoints to safely update your model in production.

Get Started with Amazon SageMaker Shadow Testing
You can create shadow tests using the new SageMaker Inference Console and APIs. Shadow testing gives you a fully managed experience for setup, monitoring, viewing, and acting on the results of shadow tests. If you have existing workflows built around SageMaker endpoints, you can also deploy a model in shadow mode using the existing SageMaker Inference APIs.

On the SageMaker console, select Inference and Shadow tests to create, monitor, and deploy shadow tests.

Amazon SageMaker Shadow Tests

To create a shadow test, select an existing (or create a new) SageMaker endpoint and production variant you want to test against.

Amazon SageMaker - Create Shadow Test

Next, configure the proportion of traffic to send to the shadow variant, the comparison metrics you want to evaluate, and the duration of the test. You can also enable data capture for your production and shadow variant.

Amazon SagMaker - Create Shadow Test

That’s it. SageMaker now automatically deploys the new variant in shadow mode and routes a copy of the inference requests to it in real time, all within the same endpoint. The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

Amazon SageMaker - Shadow Testing

Note that only the responses of the production variant are returned to the calling application. You can choose to either discard or log the responses of the shadow variant for offline comparison.

You can also use shadow testing to validate changes you made to any component in your production variant, including the serving container or ML instance. This can be useful when you’re upgrading to a new framework version of your serving container, applying patches, or if you want to make sure that there is no impact to latency or error rate due to this change. Similarly, if you consider moving to another ML instance type, for example, Amazon EC2 C7g instances based on AWS Graviton processors, or EC2 G5 instances powered by NVIDIA A10G Tensor Core GPUs, you can use shadow testing to evaluate the performance on production traffic prior to rollout.

You can monitor the progress of the shadow test and performance metrics such as latency and error rate through a live dashboard. On the SageMaker console, select Inference and Shadow tests, then select the shadow test you want to monitor.

Amazon SageMaker - Monitor Shadow Test

Amazon SageMaker - Monitor Shadow Test

If you decide to promote the shadow model to production, select Deploy shadow variant and define the infrastructure configuration to deploy the shadow variant.

Amazon SageMaker - Deploy Shadow Variant

Amazon SageMaker - Deploy Shadow Variant

You can also use the SageMaker deployment guardrails if you want to add linear or canary traffic shifting modes and auto rollbacks to your update.

Availability and Pricing
SageMaker support for shadow testing is available today in all AWS Regions where SageMaker hosting is available except for the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and AWS China Regions.

There is no additional charge for SageMaker shadow testing other than usage charges for the ML instances and ML storage provisioned to host the shadow variant. The pricing for ML instances and ML storage dimensions is the same as the real-time inference option. There is no additional charge for data processed in and out of shadow deployments. The SageMaker pricing page has all the details.

To learn more, visit Amazon SageMaker shadow testing.

Start validating your new ML models with SageMaker shadow tests today!

— Antje

Next Generation SageMaker Notebooks – Now with Built-in Data Preparation, Real-Time Collaboration, and Notebook Automation

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

In 2019, we introduced Amazon SageMaker Studio, the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for data science and machine learning (ML). SageMaker Studio gives you access to fully managed Jupyter Notebooks that integrate with purpose-built tools to perform all ML steps, from preparing data to training and debugging models, tracking experiments, deploying and monitoring models, and managing pipelines.

Today, I’m excited to announce the next generation of Amazon SageMaker Notebooks to increase efficiency across the ML development workflow. You can now improve data quality in minutes with the built-in data preparation capability, edit the same notebooks with your teams in real time, and automatically convert notebook code to production-ready jobs.

Let me show you what’s new!

New Notebook Capability for Simplified Data Preparation
The new built-in data preparation capability is powered by Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler and is available in SageMaker Studio notebooks.  SageMaker Studio notebooks automatically generate key visualizations on top of Pandas data frames to help you understand data distribution and identify data quality issues, like missing values, invalid data, and outliers. You can also select the target column for ML models and generate ML-specific insights such as imbalanced class or high correlation columns. You then receive recommendations for data transformations to resolve the issues. You can apply the data transformations right in the UI, and SageMaker Studio notebooks automatically generate the corresponding transformation code in the notebook cells that you can use to replay your data preparation pipeline.

Using the Built-in Data Preparation Capability
To get started, pip install and import sagemaker_datawrangler along with the pandas Python package. Then, download the dataset you want to analyze to the notebook working directory, and read the dataset with pandas.

import pandas as pd 
import sagemaker_datawrangler 

!aws s3 cp s3://<YOUR_S3_BUCKET>/data.csv . 

df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")

Now, when you display the data frame, it automatically shows key data visualizations at the top of each column, surfaces data insights, detects data quality issues, and suggests solutions to improve data quality. When you select a column as the target column for ML predictions, you get target-specific insights and warnings, such as mixed data types in target (for regression use cases) or too few instances per class (for classification use cases).

In this example, I’m using the Women’s E-Commerce Clothing Reviews dataset that contains customer reviews and ratings for women’s clothing. This dataset was obtained from Kaggle and has been modified by Amazon to add synthetic data quality issues.

Amazon SageMaker Studio notebooks with built-in data preparation

You can review the suggested data transformations to improve the data quality and apply them right in the UI. For a list of all supported data transformations, have a look at the documentation. Once you apply a data transformation, SageMaker Studio notebooks automatically generate the code to reproduce those data preparation steps in another notebook cell.

For my example, I select Rating as my target column. Target column insights tells me in a high-priority warning that this column has too few instances per class and with a medium-priority warning that classes are too imbalanced. Let’s follow the suggestions and drop rare target values and drop missing values. I will also follow the suggestions for some of the feature columns and drop missing values in the Review Text column and drop the Division Name column.

Once I apply the transformations, the notebook generates this code for me:

# Pandas code generated by sagemaker_datawrangler
output_df = df.copy(deep=True)

# Code to Drop rare target values for column: Rating to resolve warning: Too few instances per class 
rare_target_labels_to_drop = ['-100', '100']
output_df = output_df[~output_df['Rating'].isin(rare_target_labels_to_drop)]

# Code to Drop missing for column: Rating to resolve warning: Missing values 
output_df = output_df[output_df['Rating'].notnull()]

# Code to Drop missing for column: Review Text to resolve warning: Missing values 
output_df = output_df[output_df['Review Text'].notnull()]

# Code to Drop column for column: Division Name to resolve warning: Missing values 
output_df=output_df.drop(columns=['Division Name'])

I can now review and modify the code if needed or start integrating the data transformations as part of my ML development workflow.

Introducing Shared Spaces for Team-Based Sharing and Real-Time Collaboration
SageMaker Studio now offers shared spaces that give data science and ML teams a workspace where they can read, edit, and run notebooks together in real time to streamline collaboration and communication during the development process. Shared spaces provide a shared Amazon EFS directory that you can utilize to share files within a shared space. All taggable SageMaker resources that you create in a shared space are automatically tagged to help you organize and have a filtered view of your ML resources, such as training jobs, experiments, and models, that are relevant to the business problem you work on in the space. This also helps you monitor costs and plan budgets using tools such as AWS Budgets and AWS Cost Explorer.

And that’s not all. You can now also create multiple SageMaker domains within the same AWS account to scope access and isolate resources to different teams or business units in your organization. Now, let me show you how to create a shared space for users within a SageMaker domain.

Using Shared Spaces
You can use the SageMaker console or the AWS CLI to create shared spaces for a SageMaker domain. To get started in the SageMaker console, go to Domains, select or create a new domain, and select Space management on the Domain details page. Then, select Create and give the shared space a name.

Amazon SageMaker Spaces - Create Space

Users in this SageMaker domain can now launch and join the shared space through their SageMaker domain user profiles.

Amazon SageMaker Spaces - Launch Spaces

In a shared space, select the new Collaborators icon in the left navigation menu. You can now see who else is currently active in this space. The following screenshot shows user tom on the left, editing a notebook file. On the right, user antje sees the edits in real time, together with an annotation of the user name that currently edits that notebook cell.

Amazon SageMaker Spaces

New Notebook Capability to Automatically Convert Notebook Code to Production-Ready Jobs
You can now select a notebook and automate it as a job that can run in a production environment without the need to manage the underlying infrastructure. When you create a SageMaker Notebook Job, SageMaker Studio takes a snapshot of the entire notebook, packages its dependencies in a container, builds the infrastructure, runs the notebook as an automated job on a schedule you define, and deprovisions the infrastructure upon job completion. This notebook capability is now also available in SageMaker Studio Lab, our free ML development environment that provides the compute, storage, and security to learn and experiment with ML.

Using the Notebook Capability to Automate Notebooks
To get started, open a notebook file in SageMaker Studio. Then, right-click your notebook file and select Create Notebook Job or select the Create Notebook Job icon, as highlighted in the following screenshot.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Automate your notebooks

Define a name for the Notebook Job, review the input file location, specify the compute type to use, and whether to run the job immediately or on a schedule. Then, select Create.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Create Notebook Job

The Notebook Job has been created, and you can review all Notebook Job Definitions in the UI.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Notebook Job Definitions

Now Available
The new Amazon SageMaker Studio notebook capabilities are now available in all AWS Regions where Amazon SageMaker Studio is available except for the AWS China Regions.

At launch, the built-in data preparation capability powered by SageMaker Data Wrangler is supported for SageMaker Studio notebooks and the following notebook kernel images:

  • Python 3 (Data Science) with Python 3.7
  • Python 3 (Data Science 2.0) with Python 3.8
  • Python 3 (Data Science 3.0) with Python 3.10
  • Spark Analytics 1.0 and 2.0

For more information, visit Amazon SageMaker Notebooks.

Start building your ML projects with the next generation of Amazon SageMaker Notebooks today!

— Antje

New – Share ML Models and Notebooks More Easily Within Your Organization with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart is a machine learning (ML) hub that can help you accelerate your ML journey. SageMaker JumpStart gives you access to built-in algorithms with pre-trained models from popular model hubs, pre-trained foundation models to help you perform tasks such as article summarization and image generation, and end-to-end solutions to solve common use cases.

Today, I’m happy to announce that you can now share ML artifacts, such as models and notebooks, more easily with other users that share your AWS account using SageMaker JumpStart.

Using SageMaker JumpStart to Share ML Artifacts
Machine learning is a team sport. You might want to share your models and notebooks with other data scientists in your team to collaborate and increase productivity. Or, you might want to share your models with operations teams to put your models into production. Let me show you how to share ML artifacts using SageMaker JumpStart.

In SageMaker Studio, select Models in the left navigation menu. Then, select Shared models and Shared by my organization. You can now discover and search ML artifacts that other users shared within your AWS account. Note that you can add and share ML artifacts developed with SageMaker as well as those developed outside of SageMaker.

To share a model or notebook, select Add. For models, provide basic information, such as title, description, data type, ML task, framework, and any additional metadata. This information helps other users to find the right models for their use cases. You can also enable training and deployment for your model. This allows users to fine-tune your shared model and deploy the model in just a few clicks through SageMaker JumpStart.

Amazon SageMaker Jumpstart - Add model to private ML hub

To enable model training, you can select an existing SageMaker training job that will autopopulate all relevant information. This information includes the container framework, training script location, model artifact location, instance type, default training and validation datasets, and target column. You can also provide custom model training information by selecting a prebuilt SageMaker Deep Learning Container or selecting a custom Docker container in Amazon ECR. You can also specify default hyperparameters and metrics for model training.

To enable model deployment, you also need to define the container image to use, the inference script and model artifact location, and the default instance type. Have a look at the SageMaker Developer Guide to learn more about model training and model deployment options.

Sharing a notebook works similarly. You need to provide basic information about your notebook and the Amazon S3 location of the notebook file.

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart - Add a notebook to private ML hub

Users that share your AWS account can now browse and select shared models to fine-tune, deploy endpoints, or run notebooks directly in SageMaker JumpStart.

In SageMaker Studio, select Quick start solutions in the left navigation menu, then select Solutions, models, example notebooks to access all shared ML artifacts, together with pre-trained models from popular model hubs and end-to-end solutions.

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Now Available
The new ML artifact-sharing capability within Amazon SageMaker JumpStart is available today in all AWS Regions where Amazon SageMaker JumpStart is available. To learn more, visit Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and the SageMaker JumpStart documentation.

Start sharing your models and notebooks with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart today!

— Antje

New ML Governance Tools for Amazon SageMaker – Simplify Access Control and Enhance Transparency Over Your ML Projects

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

As companies increasingly adopt machine learning (ML) for their business applications, they are looking for ways to improve governance of their ML projects with simplified access control and enhanced visibility across the ML lifecycle. A common challenge in that effort is managing the right set of user permissions across different groups and ML activities. For example, a data scientist in your team that builds and trains models usually requires different permissions than an MLOps engineer that manages ML pipelines. Another challenge is improving visibility over ML projects. For example, model information, such as intended use, out-of-scope use cases, risk rating, and evaluation results, is often captured and shared via emails or documents. In addition, there is often no simple mechanism to monitor and report on your deployed model behavior.

That’s why I’m excited to announce a new set of ML governance tools for Amazon SageMaker.

As an ML system or platform administrator, you can now use Amazon SageMaker Role Manager to define custom permissions for SageMaker users in minutes, so you can onboard users faster. As an ML practitioner, business owner, or model risk and compliance officer, you can now use Amazon SageMaker Model Cards to document model information from conception to deployment and Amazon SageMaker Model Dashboard to monitor all your deployed models through a unified dashboard.

Let’s dive deeper into each tool, and I’ll show you how to get started.

Introducing Amazon SageMaker Role Manager
SageMaker Role Manager lets you define custom permissions for SageMaker users in minutes. It comes with a set of predefined policy templates for different personas and ML activities. Personas represent the different types of users that need permissions to perform ML activities in SageMaker, such as data scientists or MLOps engineers. ML activities are a set of permissions to accomplish a common ML task, such as running SageMaker Studio applications or managing experiments, models, or pipelines. You can also define additional personas, add ML activities, and your managed policies to match your specific needs. Once you have selected the persona type and the set of ML activities, SageMaker Role Manager automatically creates the required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and policies that you can assign to SageMaker users.

A Primer on SageMaker and IAM Roles
A role is an IAM identity that has permissions to perform actions with AWS services. Besides user roles that are assumed by a user via federation from an Identity Provider (IdP) or the AWS Console, Amazon SageMaker requires service roles (also known as execution roles) to perform actions on behalf of the user. SageMaker Role Manager helps you create these service roles:

  • SageMaker Compute Role – Gives SageMaker compute resources the ability to perform tasks such as training and inference, typically used via PassRole. You can select the SageMaker Compute Role persona in SageMaker Role Manager to create this role. Depending on the ML activities you select in your SageMaker service roles, you will need to create this compute role first.
  • SageMaker Service Role – Some AWS services, including SageMaker, require a service role to perform actions on your behalf. You can select the Data Scientist, MLOps, or Custom persona in SageMaker Role Manager to start creating service roles with custom permissions for your ML practitioners.

Now, let me show you how this works in practice.

There are two ways to get to SageMaker Role Manager, either through Getting started in the SageMaker console or when you select Add user in the SageMaker Studio Domain control panel.

I start in the SageMaker console. Under Configure role, select Create a role. This opens a workflow that guides you through all required steps.

Amazon SageMaker Admin Hub - Getting Started

Let’s assume I want to create a SageMaker service role with a specific set of permissions for my team of data scientists. In Step 1, I select the predefined policy template for the Data Scientist persona.

Amazon SageMaker Role Manager - Select persona

I can also define the network and encryption settings in this step by selecting Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) subnets, security groups, and encryption keys.

In Step 2, I select what ML activities data scientists in my team need to perform.

Amazon SageMaker Admin Hub - Configure ML activities

Some of the selected ML activities might require you to specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SageMaker Compute Role so SageMaker compute resources have the ability to perform the tasks.

In Step 3, you can attach additional IAM policies and add tags to the role if needed. Tags help you identify and organize your AWS resources. You can use tags to add attributes such as project name, cost center, or location information to a role. After a final review of the settings in Step 4, select Submit, and the role is created.

In just a few minutes, I set up a SageMaker service role, and I’m now ready to onboard data scientists in SageMaker with custom permissions in place.

Introducing Amazon SageMaker Model Cards
SageMaker Model Cards helps you streamline model documentation throughout the ML lifecycle by creating a single source of truth for model information. For models trained on SageMaker, SageMaker Model Cards discovers and autopopulates details such as training jobs, training datasets, model artifacts, and inference environment. You can also record model details such as the model’s intended use, risk rating, and evaluation results. For compliance documentation and model evidence reporting, you can export your model cards to a PDF file and easily share them with your customers or regulators.

To start creating SageMaker Model Cards, go to the SageMaker console, select Governance in the left navigation menu, and select Model cards.

Amazon SageMaker Model Cards

Select Create model card to document your model information.

Amazon SageMaker Model Card

Amazon SageMaker Model Cards

Introducing Amazon SageMaker Model Dashboard
SageMaker Model Dashboard lets you monitor all your models in one place. With this bird’s-eye view, you can now see which models are used in production, view model cards, visualize model lineage, track resources, and monitor model behavior through an integration with SageMaker Model Monitor and SageMaker Clarify. The dashboard automatically alerts you when models are not being monitored or deviate from expected behavior. You can also drill deeper into individual models to troubleshoot issues.

To access SageMaker Model Dashboard, go to the SageMaker console, select Governance in the left navigation menu, and select Model dashboard.

Amazon SageMaker Model Dashboard

Note: The risk rating shown above is for illustrative purposes only and may vary based on input provided by you.

Now Available
Amazon SageMaker Role Manager, SageMaker Model Cards, and SageMaker Model Dashboard are available today at no additional charge in all the AWS Regions where Amazon SageMaker is available except for the AWS GovCloud and AWS China Regions.

To learn more, visit ML governance with Amazon SageMaker and check the developer guide.

Start building your ML projects with our new governance tools for Amazon SageMaker today

— Antje

New – Redesigned UI for Amazon SageMaker Studio

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

Today, I’m excited to announce a new, redesigned user interface (UI) for Amazon SageMaker Studio.

SageMaker Studio provides a single, web-based visual interface where you can perform all machine learning (ML) development steps with a comprehensive set of ML tools. For example, you can prepare data using SageMaker Data Wrangler, build ML models with fully managed Jupyter notebooks, and deploy models using SageMaker’s multi-model endpoints.

Introducing the Redesigned UI for Amazon SageMaker Studio
The redesigned UI makes it easier for you to discover and get started with the ML tools in SageMaker Studio. One highlight of the new UI includes a redesigned navigation menu with links to SageMaker capabilities that follow the typical ML development workflow from preparing data to building, training, and deploying ML models.

We also added new dynamic landing pages for each of the navigation menu items. These landing pages will refresh automatically to show the ML resources relevant for the tool, such as clusters, feature groups, experiments, and model endpoints, as you create or update them. On each of these pages, you can also find links to videos, tutorials, blogs, or additional documentation, to help you get started with the corresponding ML tool in SageMaker Studio.

The new SageMaker Studio Home page gives you one-click access to common tasks and workflows. From here, you can also open the redesigned Launcher with quick links to some of the most frequent tasks, such as creating a new notebook, opening a code console, or opening an image terminal.

Let me give you a whirlwind tour of the redesigned UI.

New Navigation Menu
The new left navigation menu in SageMaker Studio now helps you discover and navigate to the right tools for each step in your ML development workflow. The menu offers clear entry points to key ML tasks, such as data preparation, experimentation, model building, and deployments. The menu also provides shortcuts to quick start solutions and helpful content to accelerate your work in SageMaker Studio.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - New Navigation Menu

New Landing Pages for SageMaker Features and Capabilities
The new left navigation menu groups relevant tools together. For example, if you click on Data, you can now see the relevant SageMaker capabilities for your data preparation tasks. From here, you can prepare your data with SageMaker Data Wrangler, create and store ML features with SageMaker Feature Store, or manage Amazon EMR clusters for large-scale data processing.

If you click on Data Wrangler, the new landing page opens. These landing pages are designed to help you get started more easily. You can find a brief introduction to the tool and links to additional resources, such as videos, tutorials, or blogs.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - New Feature Landing Pages

Similar landing pages exist for the other navigation menu items. For example, with one click on AutoML, you can now see your existing SageMaker Autopilot experiments or get started by creating a new one.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - New AutoML Landing Page

New SageMaker Studio Home Page
We also added a new SageMaker Studio Home page with tooltips on key controls in the UI.

The Home page includes a list of Quick actions for common tasks, such as Open Launcher to create notebooks and other resources. Import & prepare data visually takes you to SageMaker Data Wrangler and helps you get started with your data preparation tasks. You can open the new Getting Started notebook or find additional resources, such as documentation and tutorials.

The Prebuilt and automated solutions help you get started quickly with prebuilt solutions, pretrained open-source models, and AutoML.

In Workflows and tasks, you find a list of relevant tasks for each step in your ML development workflow that take you to the right tool for the job. For example, Store, manage, and retrieve features takes you to SageMaker Feature Store and opens the feature catalog. Similarly, View all experiments takes you to SageMaker Experiments and opens the experiments list view.

In Quick start solutions, you can find pretrained vision, text, and tabular models, notebooks, and end-to-end solutions for common use cases.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - New Home Page

New Getting Started Notebook
SageMaker Studio now includes a new Getting Started notebook that walks you through the basics of how to use SageMaker Studio. If you are a first-time user of SageMaker Studio, this is the perfect starting place. The notebook covers everything from the fundamentals of JupyterLab to a practical walkthrough of training an ML model. The notebook also provides detailed insight into SageMaker-specific functionality, resources, and tools.

New SageMaker Studio Launcher
The Launcher is designed to help you invoke JupyterLab actions and has been optimized to give you quick access to the most frequent tasks, such as creating a notebook, opening a code console, or opening an image terminal. In the same step, you can also choose the image, kernel, instance type, or startup script as needed. 

Amazon SageMaker Studio - New Launcher

Now Available
The redesigned Amazon SageMaker Studio UI is now available in all AWS Regions where SageMaker Studio is available. The redesigned UI is supported by SageMaker Studio domains running on JupyterLab 3. For instructions on how to update the JupyterLab version, see View and update the JupyterLab version of an app from the console.

Give the new user experience a try, and let us know what you think through the purple Feedback widget in SageMaker Studio, or through your usual AWS support contacts.

Start building your ML projects with Amazon SageMaker Studio today!

— Antje

Amazon Connect – New ML-Powered Capabilities for Forecasting, Capacity Planning, Scheduling, and Agent Empowerment

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use cloud contact center that helps companies of any size deliver superior customer service at a lower cost. If you are following our Amazon Connect announcements, you likely noticed that we keep adding more and more machine learning (ML) powered capabilities to Amazon Connect. ML makes Amazon Connect already smarter at analyzing conversations in real time, finding relevant information needed by contact center agents, and authenticating customers by the sound of their voice.

Today, I’m excited to announce the general availability of new ML-powered capabilities for Amazon Connect:

In addition, I’m happy to announce the preview of the following capabilities:

  • Contact Lens for Amazon Connect adds evaluation forms for agent performance, helping managers to create evaluation forms that can be automatically scored by Contact Lens’s ML-powered conversational analytics.
  • Amazon Connect agent workspace adds a new step-by-step experience that guides agents to resolve customer issues.

Let’s have a closer look at each of these new Amazon Connect capabilities.

Forecasting, Capacity Planning, and Scheduling
As a contact center manager, you can now predict contact demand with high accuracy, determine ideal staffing levels, and optimize agent schedules to ensure you have the right agent at the right time.

Many of our customers are already using Forecasting, Capacity Planning, and Scheduling. For example, Litigation Practice Group is a provider of legal support for debt relief, bankruptcy, or litigation. Alex Miles, Director of Business Intelligence at the Litigation Practice Group, said:

“One of our biggest challenges with our legacy contact center was forecasting customer demand based on historical data so we could predict surges. When searching for a new provider, Amazon Connect stood out to us because of how easy it is to harness data and leverage machine learning (ML) to deliver highly accurate (>95%) forecasts and optimized schedules. It is simple and flexible to set up and allows us to create agent schedules with high efficiency, even when our agents have many unique schedule requirements. It ensures the right agent is available at the right time to take an end customer’s call. The AWS team works with us closely to solve our business pain points and innovate quickly together. With Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling, we are finally confident we can reliably hit our service-level targets and gracefully navigate fluctuations in customer demand.”

To get started, enable Forecasting, Capacity Planning, and Scheduling for your contact center in the Amazon Connect console. Then, you can find the new capabilities in the Amazon Connect Analytics and optimization module.

Now, the first step is to create a forecast of contact demands. Amazon Connect uses an ML model tailored for contact center operations to analyze and predict future contact volume and average handle time based on historical data. The forecasts include inbound, transfer, and callback contacts in both voice and chat channels.

Amazon Connect - Forecast

Capacity Planning
Using the published long-term forecasts together with planning scenarios and metrics such as maximum occupancy, daily attrition, and full-time equivalent (FTE) hours per week as the input, you can then use the capacity planning feature to predict how many agents are required to meet your service level target for a certain period of time. It creates a long-term capacity plan that you can share with stakeholders.

Amazon Connect - Capacity Plan

Using the short-term published forecasts together with shift profiles, staffing groups, human resources, and business rules, the new scheduling feature creates efficient schedules that are optimized for a service level or an average speed of answer target. Schedulers can review and, if needed, edit the schedules. Once they publish the schedules, Amazon Connect notifies supervisors and agents in the relevant staffing groups that a new schedule is available.

Scheduling now supports intraday agent request management, offering agents overtime or voluntary time off. When things need to change, Amazon Connect makes real-time schedule adjustments with the help of ML, following business and labor rules.

Amazon Connect Scheduling - Overtime Requests

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect adds Conversational Analytics for Chat
Contact Lens conversational analytics capabilities analyze conversations in real time using natural language processing (NLP) and speech-to-text analytics. Today, Contact Lens adds conversational analytics capabilities for Amazon Connect Chat, extending the ML-powered analytics to better assess chat contacts with agents and the Amazon Lex bot. Contact Lens’s conversational analytics for chat helps you understand customer sentiment, redact sensitive customer information, and monitor agent compliance with company guidelines to improve agent performance and customer experience.

You can now use the contact search feature to quickly identify contacts where customers had issues based on specific keywords, customer sentiment score, contact categories, and other chat-specific analytics such as agent response time. Contact Lens now also offers chat summarization, a feature that uses ML to classify and highlight key parts of the customer’s conversation, such as issue, outcome, or action item. You can also use the new analytics capabilities to automatically detect and redact sensitive customer information, such as name, credit card details, and Social Security number, from chat transcripts.

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect - Conversational analytics for chat

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect adds Evaluation Forms for Agent Performance (Preview)
As a contact center manager, you can now create agent performance evaluation forms in Contact Lens. You can add relevant evaluation criteria, such as the agents’ adherence to required scripts or compliance with sensitive data collection practices. You can also enable scoring that uses the ML-powered Contact Lens for Amazon Connect conversational analytics capabilities.

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect adds evaluation forms for agent performance

Some of our customers have already looked into the agent performance evaluation forms in Contact Lens and provided us with feedback—one of them is Frontdoor. Frontdoor provides homeowners with a tech-enabled, people-driven platform for maintaining and repairing major home systems and appliances. Through a network of approximately 17,000 contractor firms, the company responds to more than 4 million service requests annually. Scott Brown, SVP of Customer Experience at Frontdoor, said:

“With millions of phone-based member interactions a year, our team needs a powerful and intuitive QA solution that will support our commitment to provide outstanding experiences at each touchpoint. We have been on Amazon Connect since early 2020 and recently launched Contact Lens. It’s a powerful combination that’s helping us simplify how we work, and its analytics are equipping us to make better-informed decisions and strengthen our agent coaching strategy. The UI is intuitive and easy to use, implementation and ramp-up time was minimal, and feedback from our managers has been very positive. For starters, we were able to reduce the number of evaluation forms needed by 200%, then completed the build-out of them in a third of the time that we anticipated. And, our managers appreciate how easy it is to access conversational insights; things like sentiment, categorization, recordings, hold time, and more are provided side-by-side in the same UI, where evaluation results are prepopulated.”

To join the preview, follow the instructions on Contact Lens for Amazon Connect.

Amazon Connect Agent Workspace adds step-by-step guides (Preview)
The Amazon Connect agent workspace is a single, unified application that provides your agents with the tools needed to resolve customer issues. When accepting calls, chats, or tasks, your agents can view updated customer information, search knowledge articles, and get real-time recommendations.

You can now also use Amazon Connect’s no-code, drag-and-drop interface to create custom workflows and step-by-step guides for your agents. You can specify in your contact flows under which condition a guide is shown to an agent. Once the agent selects the guide, the Amazon Connect agent workspace provides the information and one-click actions across both Amazon Connect and third-party applications that agents can use to resolve the customer issue.

Amazon Connect Agent Workspace

To join the preview, follow the instructions on Amazon Connect Agent Workspace.

Availability and Pricing
Regional availability slightly differs for each of these new Amazon Connect capabilities:

  • Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling: Available today in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Europe (London) Regions.
  • Contact Lens’s conversational analytics for chat: Available for post-chat use cases today in all the AWS Regions where Contact Lens’s conversational analytics for speech is already available.
  • Preview—Contact Lens evaluation forms for agent performance: Available in preview in all the AWS Regions where Contact Lens is already available.
  • Preview—Amazon Connect’s step-by-step guides: Available in preview in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Europe (London) Regions.

With Amazon Connect, you only pay for what you use. There are no required up-front payments, long-term commitments, or minimum monthly fees. The price metrics for these new capabilities are detailed on the Amazon Connect pricing page.

For more details, visit Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling, Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, and Amazon Connect Agent Workspace.

Let us know what you think about these new capabilities and how you use them.

And now, go build your contact centers.

— Antje

AWS Week in Review – October 31, 2022

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

No tricks, just treats in this weekly roundup of news and announcements. Let’s switch our AWS Management Console into dark mode and dive right into it.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

AWS Local Zones in Hamburg and Warsaw now generally available – AWS Local Zones help you run latency-sensitive applications closer to end users. The AWS Local Zones in Hamburg, Germany, and Warsaw, Poland, are the first Local Zones in Europe. AWS Local Zones are now generally available in 20 metro areas globally, with announced plans to launch 33 additional Local Zones in metro areas around the world. See the full list of available and announced AWS Local Zones, and learn how to get started.

Amazon SageMaker multi-model endpoint (MME) now supports GPU instances – MME is a managed capability of SageMaker Inference that lets you deploy thousands of models on a single endpoint. MMEs can now run multiple models on a GPU core, share GPU instances behind an endpoint across multiple models, and dynamically load and unload models based on the incoming traffic. This can help you reduce costs and achieve better price performance. Learn how to run multiple deep learning models on GPU with Amazon SageMaker multi-model endpoints.

Amazon EC2 now lets you replace the root Amazon EBS volume for a running instance – You can now use the Replace Root Volume for patching features in Amazon EC2 to replace your instance root volume using an updated AMI without needing to stop the instance. This makes patching of the guest operating system and applications easier, while retraining the instance store data, networking, and IAM configuration. Check out the documentation to learn more.

AWS Fault Injection Simulator now supports network connectivity disruption – AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) is a managed service for running controlled fault injection experiments on AWS. AWS FIS now has a new action type to disrupt network connectivity and validate that your applications are resilient to a total or partial loss of connectivity. To learn more, visit Network Actions in the AWS FIS user guide.

Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now supports Grid Search – SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning helps you find the hyperparameter values that result in the best-performing model for a chosen metric. Until now, you could choose between random, Bayesian, and hyperband search strategies. Grid search now lets you cover every combination of the specified hyperparameter values for use cases in which you need reproducible tuning results. Learn how Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now supports grid search.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional news items that you may find interesting:

Celebrating over 20 years of AI/ML innovation – On October 25, we hosted the AWS AI/ML Innovation Day. Bratin Saha and other leaders in the field shared the great strides we have made in the past and discussed what’s next in the world of ML. You can watch the recording here.

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo Sueiras writes this weekly open-source newsletter in which he highlights new open-source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community. Read edition #133 here.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS re:Invent is only 4 weeks away! Join us live in Las Vegas from November 28–December 2 for keynote announcements, training and certification opportunities, access to 1,500+ technical sessions, and much more. Seats are still available to reserve, and walk-ups are available onsite. You can also join us online to watch live keynotes and leadership sessions.

If you are into machine learning like me, check out the ML attendee guide. AWS Machine Learning Hero Vinicius Caridá put together recommended sessions and tips and tricks for building your agenda. We also have attendee guides on additional topics and industries.

On November 2, there is a virtual event for building modern .NET applications on AWS. You can register for free.

On November 11–12, AWS User Groups in India are hosting the AWS Community Day India 2022, with success stories, use cases, and much more from industry leaders. Sign up for free to join this virtual event.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Antje

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Amazon EC2 Trn1 Instances for High-Performance Model Training are Now Available

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

Deep learning (DL) models have been increasing in size and complexity over the last few years, pushing the time to train from days to weeks. Training large language models the size of GPT-3 can take months, leading to an exponential growth in training cost. To reduce model training times and enable machine learning (ML) practitioners to iterate fast, AWS has been innovating across chips, servers, and data center connectivity.

At AWS re:Invent 2021, we announced the preview of Amazon EC2 Trn1 instances powered by AWS Trainium chips. AWS Trainium is optimized for high-performance deep learning training and is the second-generation ML chip built by AWS, following AWS Inferentia.

Today, I’m excited to announce that Amazon EC2 Trn1 instances are now generally available! These instances are well-suited for large-scale distributed training of complex DL models across a broad set of applications, such as natural language processing, image recognition, and more.

Compared to Amazon EC2 P4d instances, Trn1 instances deliver 1.4x the teraFLOPS for BF16 data types, 2.5x more teraFLOPS for TF32 data types, 5x the teraFLOPS for FP32 data types, 4x inter-node network bandwidth, and up to 50 percent cost-to-train savings. Trn1 instances can be deployed in EC2 UltraClusters that serve as powerful supercomputers to rapidly train complex deep learning models. I’ll share more details on EC2 UltraClusters later in this blog post.

New Trn1 Instance Highlights
Trn1 instances are available today in two sizes and are powered by up to 16 AWS Trainium chips with 128 vCPUs. They provide high-performance networking and storage to support efficient data and model parallelism, popular strategies for distributed training.

Trn1 instances offer up to 512 GB of high-bandwidth memory, deliver up to 3.4 petaFLOPS of TF32/FP16/BF16 compute power, and feature an ultra-high-speed NeuronLink interconnect between chips. NeuronLink helps avoid communication bottlenecks when scaling workloads across multiple Trainium chips.

Trn1 instances are also the first EC2 instances to enable up to 800 Gbps of Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) network bandwidth for high-throughput network communication. This second generation EFA delivers lower latency and up to 2x more network bandwidth compared to the previous generation. Trn1 instances also come with up to 8 TB of local NVMe SSD storage for ultra-fast access to large datasets.

The following table lists the sizes and specs of Trn1 instances in detail.

Instance Name
vCPUs AWS Trainium Chips Accelerator Memory NeuronLink Instance Memory Instance Networking Local Instance Storage
trn1.2xlarge 8 1 32 GB N/A 32 GB Up to 12.5 Gbps 1x 500 GB NVMe
trn1.32xlarge 128 16 512 GB Supported 512 GB 800 Gbps 4x 2 TB NVMe

Trn1 EC2 UltraClusters
For large-scale model training, Trn1 instances integrate with Amazon FSx for Lustre high-performance storage and are deployed in EC2 UltraClusters. EC2 UltraClusters are hyperscale clusters interconnected with a non-blocking petabit-scale network. This gives you on-demand access to a supercomputer to cut model training time for large and complex models from months to weeks or even days.

Amazon EC2 Trn1 UltraCluster

AWS Trainium Innovation
AWS Trainium chips include specific scalar, vector, and tensor engines that are purpose-built for deep learning algorithms. This ensures higher chip utilization as compared to other architectures, resulting in higher performance.

Here is a short summary of additional hardware innovations:

  • Data Types: AWS Trainium supports a wide range of data types, including FP32, TF32, BF16, FP16, and UINT8, so you can choose the most suitable data type for your workloads. It also supports a new, configurable FP8 (cFP8) data type, which is especially relevant for large models because it reduces the memory footprint and I/O requirements of the model.
  • Hardware-Optimized Stochastic Rounding: Stochastic rounding achieves close to FP32-level accuracy with faster BF16-level performance when you enable auto-casting from FP32 to BF16 data types. Stochastic rounding is a different way of rounding floating-point numbers, which is more suitable for machine learning workloads versus the commonly used Round Nearest Even rounding. By setting the environment variable NEURON_RT_STOCHASTIC_ROUNDING_EN=1 to use stochastic rounding, you can train a model up to 30 percent faster.
  • Custom Operators, Dynamic Tensor Shapes: AWS Trainium also supports custom operators written in C++ and dynamic tensor shapes. Dynamic tensor shapes are key for models with unknown input tensor sizes, such as models processing text.

AWS Trainium shares the same AWS Neuron SDK as AWS Inferentia, making it easy for everyone who is already using AWS Inferentia to get started with AWS Trainium.

For model training, the Neuron SDK consists of a compiler, framework extensions, a runtime library, and developer tools. The Neuron plugin natively integrates with popular ML frameworks, such as PyTorch and TensorFlow.

The AWS Neuron SDK supports just-in-time (JIT) compilation, in addition to ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation, to speed up model compilation, and Eager Debug Mode, for a step-by-step execution.

To compile and run your model on AWS Trainium, you need to change only a few lines of code in your training script. You don’t need to tweak your model or think about data type conversion.

Get Started with Trn1 Instances
In this example, I train a PyTorch model on an EC2 Trn1 instance using the available PyTorch Neuron packages. PyTorch Neuron is based on the PyTorch XLA software package and enables conversion of PyTorch operations to AWS Trainium instructions.

Each AWS Trainium chip includes two NeuronCore accelerators, which are the main neural network compute units. With only a few changes to your training code, you can train your PyTorch model on AWS Trainium NeuronCores.

SSH into the Trn1 instance and activate a Python virtual environment that includes the PyTorch Neuron packages. If you’re using a Neuron-provided AMI, you can activate the preinstalled environment by running the following command:

source aws_neuron_venv_pytorch_p36/bin/activate

Before you can run your training script, you need to make a few modifications. On Trn1 instances, the default XLA device should be mapped to a NeuronCore.

Let’s start by adding the PyTorch XLA imports to your training script:

import torch, torch_xla
import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm

Then, place your model and tensors onto an XLA device:

When the model is moved to the XLA device (NeuronCore), subsequent operations on the model are recorded for later execution. This is XLA’s lazy execution which is different from PyTorch’s eager execution. Within the training loop, you have to mark the graph to be optimized and run on the XLA device using xm.mark_step(). Without this mark, XLA cannot determine where the graph ends.

for data, target in train_loader:
	output = model(data)
	loss = loss_fn(output, target)

You can now run your training script using torchrun <my_training_script>.py.

When running the training script, you can configure the number of NeuronCores to use for training by using torchrun –nproc_per_node.

For example, to run a multi-worker data parallel model training on all 32 NeuronCores in one trn1.32xlarge instance, run torchrun --nproc_per_node=32 <my_training_script>.py.

Data parallel is a strategy for distributed training that allows you to replicate your script across multiple workers, with each worker processing a portion of the training dataset. The workers then share their result with each other.

For more details on supported ML frameworks, model types, and how to prepare your model training script for large-scale distributed training across trn1.32xlarge instances, have a look at the AWS Neuron SDK documentation.

Profiling Tools
Let’s have a quick look at useful tools to keep track of your ML experiments and profile Trn1 instance resource consumption. Neuron integrates with TensorBoard to track and visualize your model training metrics.

AWS Neuron SDK TensorBoard integration

On the Trn1 instance, you can use the neuron-ls command to describe the number of Neuron devices present in the system, along with the associated NeuronCore count, memory, connectivity/topology, PCI device information, and the Python process that currently has ownership of the NeuronCores:

AWS Neuron SDK neuron-ls command

Similarly, you can use the neuron-top command to see a high-level view of the Neuron environment. This shows the utilization of each of the NeuronCores, any models that are currently loaded onto one or more NeuronCores, process IDs for any processes that are using the Neuron runtime, and basic system statistics relating to vCPU and memory usage.

AWS Neuron SDK neuron-top command

Available Now
You can launch Trn1 instances today in the AWS US East (N. Virginia) and US West (Oregon) Regions as On-Demand, Reserved, and Spot Instances or as part of a Savings Plan. As usual with Amazon EC2, you pay only for what you use. For more information, see Amazon EC2 pricing.

Trn1 instances can be deployed using AWS Deep Learning AMIs, and container images are available via managed services such as Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and AWS ParallelCluster.

To learn more, visit our Amazon EC2 Trn1 instances page, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for EC2 or through your usual AWS Support contacts.

— Antje

New Hands-On Course for Business Analysts – Practical Decision Making using No-Code ML on AWS

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all around us. AI sends certain emails to our spam folders. It powers autocorrect, which helps us fix typos when we text. And now we can use it to solve business problems.

In business, data-driven insights have become increasingly valuable. These insights are often discovered with the help of machine learning (ML), a subset of AI and the foundation of complex AI systems. And ML technology has come a long way. Today, you don’t need to be a data scientist or computer engineer to gain insights. With the help of no-code ML tools such as Amazon SageMaker Canvas, you can now achieve effective business outcomes using ML without writing a single line of code. You can better understand patterns, trends, and what’s likely to happen in the future. And that means making better business decisions!

Today, I’m happy to announce that AWS and Coursera are launching the new hands-on course Practical Decision Making using No-Code ML on AWS. This five-hour course is designed to demystify AI/ML and give anyone with a spreadsheet the ability to solve real-life business problems.

Practical Decision Making on Coursera

Course Highlights
Over the course of three lessons, you will learn how to address your business problem using ML, how to build and understand an ML model without any code, and how to use ML to extract value to make better decisions. Each lesson walks you through real-life business scenarios and hands-on exercises using Amazon SageMaker Canvas, a visual, no-code ML tool.

Lesson 1 – How To Address Your Business Problem Using ML
In the first lesson, you will learn how to address your business problem using ML without knowing data science. You will be able to describe the four stages of analytics and discuss the high-level concepts of AI/ML.

Practical Data Science - Prescriptive Analytics

This lesson will also introduce you to automated machine learning (AutoML) and how AutoML can help you generate insights based on common business use cases. You will then practice forming business questions around the most common machine learning problem types.

Practical Decision Making - Forming ML questions

For example, imagine you are a business analyst at a ticketing company. You manage ticket sales for large venues—concerts, sporting events, and so on. Let’s assume you want to predict cash flow. A question to solve with ML could be: “How can you better forecast ticket sales?” This is an example of time series forecasting. You will also explore numeric and category ML problems throughout the course. They will help you answer business questions such as “What’s the likely annual revenue for a customer?” and “Will this customer buy another ticket in the next three months?”.

Next, you will learn about the iterative process of asking questions for machine learning to make the questions more explicit and explore how to pick the highest value problems to work on.

Practical Decision Making - Value vs. Ease

The first lesson wraps up with a deep dive on how time influences your data across forecasting and nonforecasting business problems and how to set up your data for each ML problem type.

Lesson 2 – Build and Understand an ML Model Without Any Code
In the second lesson, you learn how to build and understand an ML model without any code using Amazon SageMaker Canvas. You will focus on a customer churn example with synthetically generated data from a cellular services company. The problem question is, “Which customers are most likely to cancel their service next month?”

Practical Decision Making - Customer Churn Example

You will learn how to import data and start exploring it. This lesson will explain how to select the right configuration, pick the target column, and show you how to prepare your data for ML.

SageMaker Canvas also recently introduced new visualizations for exploratory data analysis (EDA), including scatter plots, bar charts, and box plots. These visualizations help you analyze the relationships between features in your data sets and comprehend your data better.

Practical Decision Making - SageMaker Canvas Scatter Plot

After a final data validation, you can preview the model. This shows you right away how accurate the model might be and, on average, which features or columns have the greatest relative impact on model predictions. Once you are done preparing and validating the data, you can go ahead and build the model.

Practical Decision Making - Model Evaluation

Next, you will learn how to evaluate the performance of the model. You will be able to describe the difference between training data and test data splits and how they are used to derive the model’s accuracy score. The lesson also discusses additional performance metrics and how you can apply domain knowledge to decide if the model is performing well. Once you understand how to evaluate the performance metrics, you have the foundation for making better business decisions.

The second lesson wraps up with some common gotchas to watch out for and shows how to iterate on the model to keep improving performance. You will be able to describe the concept of data leakage as a result of memorization versus generalization and additional model flaws to avoid. You will also learn how to iterate on questions, included features, and sample sizes to keep increasing model performance.

Lesson 3 – Extract Value From ML
In the third lesson, you learn how to extract value from ML to make better decisions. You will be able to generate and read predictions, including predictions on a single row of a spreadsheet, called a single prediction, and predictions on the entire spreadsheet, called batch prediction. You will be able to understand what is impacting predictions and play with different scenarios.

Next, you will learn how to share insights and predictions with others. You will learn how to take visuals from the product, such as feature importance charts or scoring diagrams, and share the insights through presentations or business reports.

The third lesson wraps up with how to collaborate with the data science team or a team member with machine learning expertise. When you build your model using SageMaker Canvas, you can choose either a Quick build or a Standard build. The Quick build usually takes 2–15 minutes and limits the input dataset to a maximum of 50,000 rows. The Standard build usually takes 2–4 hours and generally has a higher accuracy. SageMaker Canvas makes it easy to share a standard build model. In the process, you can reveal the model’s behind-the-scenes complexity down to the code level.

Once you have the trained model open, you can click on the Share button. This creates a link that can be opened in SageMaker Studio, an integrated development environment used by data science teams.

Practical Decision Making - Share Model

In SageMaker Studio, you can see the transformations to the input data set and detailed information about scoring and artifacts, like the model object. You can also see the Python notebooks for data exploration and feature engineering.

Practical Decision Making - SageMaker Studio

Hands-On Exercises
This course includes seven hands-on labs to put your learning into practice. You will have the opportunity to use no-code ML with SageMaker Canvas to solve real-world challenges based on publicly available datasets.

The labs focus on different business problems across industries, including retail, financial services, manufacturing, healthcare, and life sciences, as well as transport and logistics.

You will have the opportunity to work on customer churn predictions, housing price predictions, sales forecasting, loan predictions, diabetic patient readmission prediction, machine failure predictions, and supply chain delivery on-time predictions.

Register Today
Practical Decision Making using No-Code ML on AWS is a five-hour course for business analysts and anyone who wants to learn how to solve real-life business problems using no-code ML.

Sign up for Practical Decision Making using No-Code ML on AWS today at Coursera!

— Antje

AWS Week in Review – August 29, 2022

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

I’ve just returned from data and machine learning (ML) conferences in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California. It’s been great to chat with customers and developers about the latest technology trends and use cases. This past week has also been packed with launches at AWS.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

Amazon QuickSight announces fine-grained visual embedding. You can now embed individual visuals from QuickSight dashboards in applications and portals to provide key insights to users where they’re needed most. Check out Donnie’s blog post to learn more, and tune into this week’s The Official AWS Podcast episode.

Sample Web App with a Visual

Sample Web App with a Visual

Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning is now available in the Europe (Milan), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Osaka), and Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Regions. In addition, SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now reuses SageMaker Training instances to reduce start-up overheads by 20x. In scenarios where you have a large number of hyperparameter evaluations, the reuse of training instances can cumulatively save 2 hours for every 50 sequential evaluations.

Amazon RDS now supports setting up connectivity between your RDS database and EC2 compute instance in one click. Amazon RDS automatically sets up your VPC and related network settings during database creation to enable a secure connection between the EC2 instance and the RDS database.

In addition, Amazon RDS for Oracle now supports managed Oracle Data Guard Switchover and Automated Backups for replicas. With the Oracle Data Guard Switchover feature, you can reverse the roles between the primary database and one of its standby databases (replicas) with no data loss and a brief outage. You can also now create Automated Backups and manual DB snapshots of an RDS for Oracle replica, which reduces the time spent taking backups following a role transition.

Amazon Forecast now supports what-if analyses. Amazon Forecast is a fully managed service that uses ML algorithms to deliver highly accurate time series forecasts.  You can now use what-if analyses to quantify the potential impact of business scenarios on your demand forecasts.

AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region now supports additional AWS services and EC2 instance types – Amazon SageMaker, AWS Application Migration Service, AWS Glue, Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), and Amazon EC2 X2idn and X2iedn instances are now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional news, blog posts, and fun code competitions you may find interesting:

Scaling AI and Machine Learning Workloads with Ray on AWS – This past week, I attended Ray Summit in San Francisco, California, and had great conversations with the community. Check out this blog post to learn more about AWS contributions to the scalability and operational efficiency of Ray on AWS.

Ray on AWS

New AWS Heroes – It’s great to see both new and familiar faces joining the AWS Heroes program, a worldwide initiative that acknowledges individuals who have truly gone above and beyond to share knowledge in technical communities. Get to know them in the blog post!

DFL Bundesliga Data ShootoutDFL Deutsche Fußball Liga launched a code competition, powered by AWS: the Bundesliga Data Shootout. The task: Develop a computer vision model to classify events on the pitch. Join the competition as an individual or in a team and win prizes.

Become an AWS GameDay World Champion – AWS GameDay is an interactive, team-based learning experience designed to put your AWS skills to the test by solving real-world problems in a gamified, risk-free environment. Developers of all skill levels can get in on the action, to compete for worldwide glory, as well as a chance to claim the top prize: an all-expenses-paid trip to AWS re:Invent Las Vegas 2022!

Learn more about the AWS Impact Accelerator for Black Founders from one of the inaugural members of the program in this blog post. The AWS Impact Accelerator is a series of programs designed to help high-potential, pre-seed start-ups led by underrepresented founders succeed.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS SummitAWS Global Summits – AWS Global Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS.

Registration is open for the following in-person AWS Summits that might be close to you in August and September: Canberra (August 31), Ottawa (September 8), New Delhi (September 9), and Mexico City (September 21–22), Bogotá (October 4), and Singapore (October 6).

AWS Community DayAWS Community DaysAWS Community Day events are community-led conferences that deliver a peer-to-peer learning experience, providing developers with a venue for them to acquire AWS knowledge in their preferred way: from one another.

In September, the AWS community will host events in the Bay Area, California (September 9) and in Arlington, Virginia (September 30). In October, you can join Community Days in Amersfoort, Netherlands (October 3), in Warsaw, Poland (October 14), and in Dresden, Germany (October 19).

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review! And maybe I’ll see you at the AWS Community Day here in the Bay Area!


This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

AWS Week In Review – July 25, 2022

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

A few weeks ago, we hosted the first EMEA AWS Heroes Summit in Milan, Italy. This past week, I had the privilege to join the Americas AWS Heroes Summit in Seattle, Washington, USA. Meeting with our community experts is always inspiring and a great opportunity to learn from each other. During the Summit, AWS Heroes from North America and Latin America shared their thoughts with AWS developer advocates and product teams on topics such as serverless, containers, machine learning, data, and DevTools. You can learn more about the AWS Heroes program here.

AWS Heroes Summit Americas 2022

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

Cloudscape Design System Cloudscape is an open source design system for creating web applications. It was built for and is used by AWS products and services. We created it in 2016 to improve the user experience across web applications owned by AWS services and also to help teams implement those applications faster. If you’ve ever used the AWS Management Console, you’ve seen Cloudscape in action. If you are building a product that extends the AWS Management Console, designing a user interface for a hybrid cloud management system, or setting up an on-premises solution that uses AWS, have a look at Cloudscape Design System.

Cloudscape Design System

AWS re:Post introduces community-generated articlesAWS re:Post gives you access to a vibrant community that helps you become even more successful on AWS. Expert community members can now share technical guidance and knowledge beyond answering questions through the Articles feature. Using this feature, community members can share best practices and troubleshooting processes and address customer needs around AWS technology in greater depth. The Articles feature is unlocked for community members who have achieved Rising Star status on re:Post or subject matter experts who built their reputation in the community based on their contributions and certifications. If you have a Rising Star status on re:Post, start writing articles now! All other members can unlock Rising Star status through community contributions or simply browse available articles today on re:Post.

AWS re:Post

AWS Lambda announces support for attribute-based access control (ABAC) and new IAM condition key – You can now use attribute-based access control (ABAC) with AWS Lambda to control access to functions within AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) using tags. ABAC is an authorization strategy that defines access permissions based on attributes. In AWS, these attributes are called tags. With ABAC, you can scale an access control strategy by setting granular permissions with tags without requiring permissions updates for every new user or resource as your organization scales. Read this blog post by Julian Wood and Chris McPeek to learn more.

AWS Lambda also announced support for lambda:SourceFunctionArn, a new IAM condition key that can be used for IAM policy conditions that specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function from which a request is made. You can use the Condition element in your IAM policy to compare the lambda:SourceFunctionArn condition key in the request context with values that you specify in your policy. This allows you to implement advanced security controls for the AWS API calls taken by your Lambda function code. For more details, have a look at the Lambda Developer Guide.

Amazon Fraud Detector launches Account Takeover Insights (ATI)Amazon Fraud Detector now supports an Account Takeover Insights (ATI) model, a low-latency fraud detection machine learning model specifically designed to detect accounts that have been compromised through stolen credentials, phishing, social engineering, or other forms of account takeover. The ATI model is designed to detect up to four times more ATI fraud than traditional rules-based account takeover solutions while minimizing the level of friction for legitimate users. To learn more, have a look at the Amazon Fraud Detector documentation.

Amazon EMR on EC2 clusters (EMR Clusters) introduces more fine-grained access controls – Previously, all jobs running on an EMR cluster used the IAM role associated with the EMR cluster’s EC2 instances to access resources. This role is called the EMR EC2 instance profile. With the new runtime roles for Amazon EMR Steps, you can now specify a different IAM role for your Apache Spark and Hive jobs, scoping down access at a job level. This simplifies access controls on a single EMR cluster that is shared between multiple tenants, wherein each tenant is isolated using IAM roles. You can now also enforce table and column permissions based on your Amazon EMR runtime role to manage your access to data lakes with AWS Lake Formation. For more details, read the What’s New post.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional news and customer stories you may find interesting:

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo Sueiras writes this weekly open-source newsletter in which he highlights new open-source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community. Read edition #121 here.

AI Use Case Explorer – If you are interested in AI use cases, have a look at the new AI Use Case Explorer. You can search over 100 use cases and 400 customer success stories by industry, business function, and the business outcome you want to achieve.

Bayer centralizes and standardizes data from the carbon program using AWS – To help Brazilian farmers adopt climate-smart agricultural practices and reduce carbon emissions in their activities, Bayer created the Carbon Program, which aims to build carbon-neutral agriculture practices. Learn how Bayer uses AWS to centralize and standardize the data received from the different partners involved in the project in this Bayer case study.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS re:Inforce 2022 – The event will be held this week in person on July 26 and 27 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. You can watch the keynote and leadership sessions online for free. AWS On Air will also stream live from re:Inforce.

AWS SummitAWS Global Summits – AWS Global Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Registrations are open for the following AWS Summits in August:

Imagine Conference 2022IMAGINE 2022 – The IMAGINE 2022 conference will take place on August 3 at the Seattle Convention Center, Washington, USA. It’s a no-cost event that brings together education, state, and local leaders to learn about the latest innovations and best practices in the cloud. You can register here.

I’ll be speaking at Data Con LA on August 13–14 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Feel free to say “Hi!” if you’re around. And if you happen to be at Ray Summit on August 23–24 in San Francisco, California, USA, stop by the AWS booth. I’ll be there to discuss all things Ray on AWS.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!


This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

New – Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Now Supports Synthetic Data Generation

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original

Today, I am happy to announce that you can now use Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth to generate labeled synthetic image data.

Building machine learning (ML) models is an iterative process that, at a high level, starts with data collection and preparation, followed by model training and model deployment. And especially the first step, collecting large, diverse, and accurately labeled datasets for your model training, is often challenging and time-consuming.

Let’s take computer vision (CV) applications as an example. CV applications have come to play a key role in the industrial landscape. They help improve manufacturing quality or automate warehouses. Yet, collecting the data to train these CV models often takes a long time or can be impossible.

As a data scientist, you might spend months collecting hundreds of thousands of images from the production environments to make sure you capture all variations in data the model will come across. In some cases, finding all data variations might even be impossible, for example, sourcing images of rare product defects, or expensive, if you have to intentionally damage your products to get those images.

And once all data is collected, you need to accurately label the images, which is often a struggle in itself. Manually labeling images is slow and open to human error, and building custom labeling tools and setting up scaled labeling operations can be time-consuming and expensive. One way to mitigate this data challenge is by adding synthetic data to the mix.

Advantages of Combining Real-World Data with Synthetic Data
Combining your real-world data with synthetic data helps to create more complete training datasets for training your ML models.

Synthetic data itself is created by simple rules, statistical models, computer simulations, or other techniques. This allows synthetic data to be created in enormous quantities and with highly accurate labels for annotations across thousands of images. The label accuracy can be done at a very fine granularity, such as on a sub-object or pixel level, and across modalities. Modalities include bounding boxes, polygons, depth, and segments. Synthetic data can also be generated for a fraction of the cost, especially when compared to remote sensing imagery that otherwise relies on satellite, aerial, or drone image collection.

If you combine your real-world data with synthetic data, you can create more complete and balanced data sets, adding data variety that real-world data might lack. With synthetic data, you have the freedom to create any imagery environment, including edge cases that might be difficult to find and replicate in real-world data. You can customize objects and environments with variations, for example, to reflect different lighting, colors, texture, pose, or background. In other words, you can “order” the exact use case you are training your ML model for.

Now, let me show you how you can start sourcing labeled synthetic images using SageMaker Ground Truth.

Get Started on Your Synthetic Data Project with Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth
To request a new synthetic data project, navigate to the Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth console and select Synthetic data.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Synthetic Data

Then, select Open project portal. In the project portal, you can request new projects, monitor projects that are in progress, and view batches of generated images once they become available for review. To initiate a new project, select Request project.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Synthetic Data Project Portal

Describe your synthetic data needs and provide contact information.

Request a synthetic data project

After you submit the request form, you can check your project status in the project dashboard.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Synthetic Data Project Created

In the next step, an AWS expert will reach out to discuss your project requirements in more detail. Upon review, the team will share a custom quote and project timeline.

If you want to continue, AWS digital artists will start by creating a small test batch of labeled synthetic images as a pilot production for you to review.

They collect your project inputs, such as reference photos and available 2D and 3D assets. The team then customizes those assets, adds the specified inclusions, such as scratches, dents, and textures, and creates the configuration that describes all the variations that need to be generated.

They can also create and add new objects based on your requirements, configure distributions and locations of objects in a scene, as well as modify object size, shape, color, and surface texture.

Once the objects are prepared, they are rendered using a photorealistic physics engine, capturing an image of the scene from a sensor that is placed in the virtual world. Images are also automatically labeled. Labels include 2D bounding boxes, instance segmentation, and contours.

You can monitor the progress of the data generation jobs on the project detail page. Once the pilot production test batch becomes available for review, you can spot-check the images and provide feedback for any rework that might be required.

Review available batches of synthetic data

Select the batch you want to review and View details
Sample batch of synthetic data in Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

In addition to the images, you will also receive output image labels, metadata such as object positions, and image quality metrics as Amazon SageMaker compatible JSON files.

Synthetic Image Fidelity and Diversity Report
With each available batch of images, you also receive a synthetic image fidelity and diversity report. This report provides image and object level statistics and plots that help you make sense of the generated synthetic images.

The statistics are used to describe the diversity and the fidelity of the synthetic images and compare them with real images. Examples of the statistics and plots provided are the distributions of object classes, object sizes, image brightness, and image contrast, as well as the plots evaluating the indistinguishability between synthetic and real images.

Synthetic Image Fidelity and Diversity Report

Once you approve the pilot production test batch, the team will move to the production phase and start generating larger batches of labeled synthetic images with your desired label types, such as 2D bounding boxes, instance segmentation, and contours. Similar to the test batch, each production batch of images will be made available for you together with the image fidelity and diversity report to spot-check, accept, or reject.

All images and artifacts will be available for you to download from your S3 bucket once final production is complete.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth synthetic data is available in US East (N. Virginia). Synthetic data is priced on a per-label basis. You can request a custom quote that is tailored to your specific use case and requirements by filling out the project requirement form.

Learn more about SageMaker Ground Truth synthetic data on our Amazon SageMaker Data Labeling page.

Request your synthetic data project through the Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth console today!

— Antje