Tag Archives: Industries

Genomics workflows, Part 6: cost prediction

Post Syndicated from Rostislav Markov original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/part-6-genomics-workflows-cost-prediction/

Genomics workflows run on large pools of compute resources and take petabyte-scale datasets as inputs. Workflow runs can cost as much as hundreds of thousands of US dollars. Given this large scale, scientists want to estimate the projected cost of their genomics workflow runs before deciding to launch them.

In Part 6 of this series, we build on the benchmarking concepts presented in Part 5. You will learn how to train machine learning (ML) models on historical data to predict the cost of future runs. While we focus on genomics, the design pattern is broadly applicable to any compute-intensive workflow use case.

Use case

In large life-sciences organizations, multiple research teams often use the same genomics applications. The actual cost of consuming shared resources is only periodically shown or charged back to research teams.

In this blog post’s scenario, scientists want to predict the cost of future workflow runs based on the following input parameters:

  • Workflow name
  • Input data set size
  • Expected output dataset size

In our experience, scientists might not know how to reliably estimate compute cost based on the preceding parameters. This is because workflow run cost doesn’t linearly correlate to the input dataset size. For example, some workflow steps might be highly parallelizable while others aren’t. Otherwise, scientists could simply use the AWS Pricing Calculator or interact programmatically with the AWS Price List API. To solve this problem, we use ML to model the pattern of correlation and predict workflow cost.

Business benefits of predicting the cost of genomics workflow runs

Price prediction brings the following benefits:

  • Prioritizing workflow runs based on financial impact
  • Promoting cost awareness and frugality with application users
  • Supporting enterprise resource planning and prevention of budget overruns by integrating estimation data into management reporting and approval workflows


To build this solution, you must have workflows running on AWS for which you collect actual cost data after each workflow run. This setup is demonstrated in Part 3 and Part 5 of this blog series. This data provides training data for the solution’s cost prediction models.

Solution overview

This solution includes a friendly user interface, ML models that predict usage parameters, and a metadata storage mechanism to estimate the cost of a workflow run. We use the automated workflow manager presented in Part 3 and the benchmarking solution from Part 5. The data on historical workflow launches and their cost serves as training and testing data for our ML models. We store this in Amazon DynamoDB. We use AWS Amplify to host a serverless user interface and a library/framework such as React to build it.

Scientists input the required parameters about their genomics workflow run to the Amplify frontend React application. The latter makes a request to an Amazon API Gateway REST API. This invokes an AWS Lambda function, which calls an Amazon SageMaker hosted endpoint to return predicted costs (Figure 1).

This visual summarizes the cost prediction and model training processes. Users request cost predictions for future workflow runs on a web frontend hosted in AWS Amplify. The frontend passes the requests to an Amazon API Gateway endpoint with Lambda integration. The Lambda function retrieves the suitable model endpoint from the DynamoDB table and invokes the model via the Amazon SageMaker API. Model training runs on a schedule and is orchestrated by an AWS Step Functions state machine. The state machine queries training datasets from the DynamoDB table. If the new model performs better, it is registered in the SageMaker model registry. Otherwise, the state machine sends a notification to an Amazon Simple Notification Service topic stating that there are no updates.

Figure 1. Automated cost prediction of genomics workflow runs

Each workflow captured in the DynamoDB table has a corresponding ML model trained for the specific use case. Separating out models for specific workflows simplifies the model development process. This solution periodically trains ML models to improve their overall accuracy and performance. A rule in Amazon EventBridge Scheduler invokes model training on a regular basis. An AWS Step Functions state machine automates the model training process.

Implementation considerations

When a scientist submits a request (which includes the name of the workflow they’re running), API Gateway uses Lambda integration. The Lambda function retrieves a record from the DynamoDB table that keeps track of the SageMaker hosted endpoints. The partition key of the table is the workflow name (indicated as workflow_name), as shown in the following example:

This visual displays an exemplary DynamoDB record. The record includes the Amazon SageMaker hosted endpoint that AWS Lambda would retrieve for a regenie workflow.

Using the input parameters, the Lambda function invokes the SageMaker hosted endpoint and returns the inference values back to the frontend.

Automating model training

Our Step Functions state machine for model training uses native SageMaker SDK integration. It runs as follows:

  1. The state machine invokes a SageMaker training job to train a new ML model. The training job uses the historical workflow run data sourced from the DynamoDB table. After the training job completes, it outputs the ML model to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  2. The state machine registers the new model in the SageMaker model registry.
  3. A Lambda function compares the performance of the new model with the prior version on the training dataset.
  4. If the new model performs better than the prior model, the state machine creates a new SageMaker hosted endpoint configuration and puts the endpoint name in the DynamoDB table.
  5. Otherwise, the state machine sends a notification to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic stating that there are no updates.


In this blog post, we demonstrated how genomics research teams can build a price estimator to predict genomics workflow run cost. This solution trains ML models for each workflow based on data from historical workflow runs. A state machine helps automate the entire model training process. You can use price estimation to promote cost awareness in your organization and reduce the risk of budget overruns.

Our solution is particularly suitable if you want to predict the price of individual workflow runs. If you want forecast overall consumption of your shared application infrastructure, consider deploying a forecasting workflow with Amazon Forecast. The Build workflows for Amazon Forecast with AWS Step Functions blog post provides details on the specific use case for using Amazon Forecast workflows.

Related information

Process price transparency data using AWS Glue

Post Syndicated from Hari Thatavarthy original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/process-price-transparency-data-using-aws-glue/

The Transparency in Coverage rule is a federal regulation in the United States that was finalized by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in October 2020. The rule requires health insurers to provide clear and concise information to consumers about their health plan benefits, including costs and coverage details. Under the rule, health insurers must make available to their members a list of negotiated rates for in-network providers, as well as an estimate of the member’s out-of-pocket costs for specific health care services. This information must be made available to members through an online tool that is accessible and easy to use. The Transparency in Coverage rule also requires insurers to make available data files that contain detailed information on the prices they negotiate with health care providers. This information can be used by employers, researchers, and others to compare prices across different insurers and health care providers. Phase 1 implementation of this regulation, which went into effect on July 1, 2022, requires that payors publish machine-readable files publicly for each plan that they offer. CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) has published a technical implementation guide with file formats, file structure, and standards on producing these machine-readable files.

This post walks you through the preprocessing and processing steps required to prepare data published by health insurers in light of this federal regulation using AWS Glue. We also show how to query and derive insights using Amazon Athena.

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it straightforward to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development. Athena is a serverless, interactive analytics service built on open-source frameworks, supporting open-table and file formats. Athena provides a simplified, flexible way to analyze petabytes of data.

Challenges processing these machine-readable files

The machine-readable files published by these payors vary in size. A single file can range from a few megabytes to hundreds of gigabytes. These files contain large JSON objects that are deeply nested. Unlike NDJSON and JSONL formats, where each line in the file is a JSON object, these files contain a single large JSON object that can span across multiple lines. The following figure represents the schema of an in_network rate file published by a major health insurer on their website for public access. This file, when uncompressed, is about 20 GB in size, contains a single JSON object, and is deeply nested. The following figure represents the schema of this JSON object when printed using the Spark printSchema() function. Each highlighted box in red is a nested array structure.

JSON Schema

Loading a 20 GB deeply nested JSON object requires a machine with a large memory footprint. Data when loaded into memory is 4–10 times its size on disk. A 20 GB JSON object may need a machine with up to 200 GB memory. To process workloads larger than 20 GB, these machines need to be scaled vertically, thereby significantly increasing hardware costs. Vertical scaling has its limits, and it’s not possible to scale beyond a certain point. Analyzing this data requires unnesting and flattening of deeply nested array structures. These transformations explode the data at an exponential rate, thereby adding to the need for more memory and disk space.

You can use an in-memory distributed processing framework such as Apache Spark to process and analyze such large volumes of data. However, to load this single large JSON object as a Spark DataFrame and perform an action on it, a worker node needs enough memory to load this object in full. When a worker node tries to load this large deeply nested JSON object and there isn’t enough memory to load it in full, the processing job will fail with out-of-memory issues. This calls for splitting the large JSON object into smaller chunks using some form of preprocessing logic. Once preprocessed, these smaller files can then be further processed in parallel by worker nodes without running into out-of-memory issues.

Solution overview

The solution involves a two-step approach. The first is a preprocessing step, which takes the large JSON object as input and splits it to multiple manageable chunks. This is required to address the challenges we mentioned earlier. The second is a processing step, which prepares and publishes data for analysis.

The preprocessing step uses an AWS Glue Python shell job to split the large JSON object into smaller JSON files. The processing step unnests and flattens the array items from these smaller JSON files in parallel. It then partitions and writes the output as Parquet on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The partitioned data is cataloged and analyzed using Athena. The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

Solution Overview


To implement the solution in your own AWS account, you need to create or configure the following AWS resources in advance:

  • An S3 bucket to persist the source and processed data. Download the input file and upload it to the path s3://yourbucket/ptd/2023-03-01_United-HealthCare-Services—Inc-_Third-Party-Administrator_PS1-50_C2_in-network-rates.json.gz.
  • An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for your AWS Glue extract, transform, and load (ETL) job. For instructions, refer to Setting up IAM permissions for AWS Glue. Adjust the permissions to ensure AWS Glue has read/write access to Amazon S3 locations.
  • An IAM role for Athena with AWS Glue Data Catalog permissions to create and query tables.

Create an AWS Glue preprocessing job

The preprocessing step uses ijson, an open-source iterative JSON parser to extract items in the outermost array of top-level attributes. By streaming and iteratively parsing the large JSON file, the preprocessing step loads only a portion of the file into memory, thereby avoiding out-of-memory issues. It also uses s3pathlib, an open-source Python interface to Amazon S3. This makes it easy to work with S3 file systems.

To create and run the AWS Glue job for preprocessing, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Jobs under Glue Studio in the navigation pane.
  2. Create a new job.
  3. Select Python shell script editor.
  4. Select Create a new script with boilerplate code.
    Python Shell Script Editor
  5. Enter the following code into the editor (adjust the S3 bucket names and paths to point to the input and output locations in Amazon S3):
import ijson
import json
import decimal
from s3pathlib import S3Path
from s3pathlib import context
import boto3
from io import StringIO

class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
            return float(obj)
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def upload_to_s3(data, upload_path):
    data = bytes(StringIO(json.dumps(data,cls=JSONEncoder)).getvalue(),encoding='utf-8')
    s3_client.put_object(Body=data, Bucket=bucket, Key=upload_path)
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')

#Replace with your bucket and path to JSON object on your bucket
bucket = 'yourbucket'
largefile_key = 'ptd/2023-03-01_United-HealthCare-Services--Inc-_Third-Party-Administrator_PS1-50_C2_in-network-rates.json.gz'
p = S3Path(bucket, largefile_key)

#Replace the paths to suit your needs
upload_path_base = 'ptd/preprocessed/base/base.json'
upload_path_in_network = 'ptd/preprocessed/in_network/'
upload_path_provider_references = 'ptd/preprocessed/provider_references/'

#Extract top the values of the following top level attributes and persist them on your S3 bucket
# -- reporting_entity_name
# -- reporting_entity_type
# -- last_updated_on
# -- version

base ={
    'reporting_entity_name' : '',
    'reporting_entity_type' : '',
    'last_updated_on' :'',
    'version' : ''

with p.open("r") as f:
    obj = ijson.items(f, 'reporting_entity_name')
    for evt in obj:
        base['reporting_entity_name'] = evt
with p.open("r") as f:
    obj = ijson.items(f, 'reporting_entity_type')
    for evt in obj:
        base['reporting_entity_type'] = evt
with p.open("r") as f:
    obj = ijson.items(f, 'last_updated_on')
    for evt in obj:
        base['last_updated_on'] = evt
with p.open("r") as f:
    obj = ijson.items(f,'version')
    for evt in obj:
        base['version'] = evt

#Seek the position of JSON key provider_references 
#Iterate through items in provider_references array, and for every 1000 items create a JSON file on S3 bucket
with p.open("r") as f:
    provider_references = ijson.items(f, 'provider_references.item')
    fk = 0
    lst = []
    for rowcnt,row in enumerate(provider_references):
        if rowcnt % 1000 == 0:
            if fk > 0:
                dest = upload_path_provider_references + path
            lst = []
            path = 'provider_references_{0}.json'.format(fk)
            fk = fk + 1


    path = 'provider_references_{0}.json'.format(fk)
    dest = upload_path_provider_references + path
#Seek the position of JSON key in_network
#Iterate through items in in_network array, and for every 25 items create a JSON file on S3 bucket
with p.open("r") as f:
    in_network = ijson.items(f, 'in_network.item')
    fk = 0
    lst = []
    for rowcnt,row in enumerate(in_network):
        if rowcnt % 25 == 0:
            if fk > 0:
                dest = upload_path_in_network + path
            lst = []
            path = 'in_network_{0}.json'.format(fk)
            fk = fk + 1


    path = 'in_network_{0}.json'.format(fk)
    dest = upload_path_in_network + path
  1. Update the properties of your job on the Job details tab:
    1. For Type, choose Python Shell.
    2. For Python version, choose Python 3.9.
    3. For Data processing units, choose 1 DPU.

For Python shell jobs, you can allocate either 0.0625 or 1 DPU. The default is 0.0625 DPU. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory.

python shell job config

The Python libraries ijson and s3pathlib are available in pip and can be installed using the AWS Glue job parameter --additional-python-modules. You can also choose to package these libraries, upload them to Amazon S3, and refer to them from your AWS Glue job. For instructions on packaging your library, refer to Providing your own Python library.

  1. To install the Python libraries, set the following job parameters:
    • Key--additional-python-modules
    • Valueijson,s3pathlibinstall python modules
  2. Run the job.

The preprocessing step creates three folders in the S3 bucket: base, in_network and provider_references.


Files in in_network and provider_references folders contains array of JSON objects. Each of these JSON objects represents an element in the outermost array of the original large JSON object.


Create an AWS Glue processing job

The processing job uses the output of the preprocessing step to create a denormalized view of data by extracting and flattening elements and attributes from nested arrays. The extent of unnesting depends on the attributes we need for analysis. For example, attributes such as negotiated_rate, npi, and billing_code are essential for analysis and extracting values associated with these attributes requires multiple levels of unnesting. The denormalized data is then partitioned by the billing_code column, persisted as Parquet on Amazon S3, and registered as a table on the AWS Glue Data Catalog for querying.

The following code sample guides you through the implementation using PySpark. The columns used to partition the data depends on query patterns used to analyze the data. Arriving at a partitioning strategy that is in line with the query patterns will improve overall query performance during analysis. This post assumes that the queries used for analyzing data will always use the column billing_code to filter and fetch data of interest. Data in each partition is bucketed by npi to improve query performance.

To create your AWS Glue job, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Jobs under Glue Studio in the navigation pane.
  2. Create a new job.
  3. Select Spark script editor.
  4. Select Create a new script with boilerplate code.
  5. Enter the following code into the editor (adjust the S3 bucket names and paths to point to the input and output locations in Amazon S3):
import sys
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
spark = SparkSession(sc)
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode

#create a dataframe of base objects - reporting_entity_name, reporting_entity_type, version, last_updated_on
#using the output of preprocessing step

base_df = spark.read.json('s3://yourbucket/ptd/preprocessed/base/')

#create a dataframe over provider_references objects using the output of preprocessing step
prvd_df = spark.read.json('s3://yourbucket/ptd/preprocessed/provider_references/')

#cross join dataframe of base objects with dataframe of provider_references 
prvd_df = prvd_df.crossJoin(base_df)

#create a dataframe over in_network objects using the output of preprocessing step
in_ntwrk_df = spark.read.json('s3://yourbucket/ptd/preprocessed/in_network/')

#unnest and flatten negotiated_rates and provider_references from in_network objects
in_ntwrk_df2 = in_ntwrk_df.select(
 in_ntwrk_df.billing_code, in_ntwrk_df.billing_code_type, in_ntwrk_df.billing_code_type_version,
 in_ntwrk_df.covered_services, in_ntwrk_df.description, in_ntwrk_df.name,

in_ntwrk_df3 = in_ntwrk_df2.select(
 in_ntwrk_df2.billing_code, in_ntwrk_df2.billing_code_type, in_ntwrk_df2.billing_code_type_version,
 in_ntwrk_df2.covered_services, in_ntwrk_df2.description, in_ntwrk_df2.name,

#join the exploded in_network dataframe with provider_references dataframe
jdf = prvd_df.join(
 prvd_df.provider_group_id == in_ntwrk_df3.exploded_negotiated_rates_provider_references,"fullouter")

#un-nest and flatten attributes from rest of the nested arrays.
jdf2 = jdf.select(
 jdf.provider_group_id, jdf.provider_groups, jdf.billing_code,
 jdf.billing_code_type, jdf.billing_code_type_version, jdf.covered_services,
 jdf.description, jdf.name,

jdf3 = jdf2.select(
 jdf2.billing_code, jdf2.billing_code_type, jdf2.billing_code_type_version,
 jdf2.covered_services, jdf2.description, jdf2.name,
 'service_code'), jdf2.exploded_negotiated_rates_provider_references,

jdf4 = jdf3.select(jdf3.reporting_entity_name,jdf3.reporting_entity_type,jdf3.last_updated_on,jdf3.version,
 jdf3.billing_code, jdf3.billing_code_type,
 jdf3.billing_code_type_version, jdf3.covered_services,
 jdf3.description, jdf3.name, jdf3.additional_information,
 jdf3.billing_class, jdf3.billing_code_modifier,
 jdf3.expiration_date, jdf3.negotiated_rate,
 jdf3.negotiated_type, jdf3.service_code,

#repartition by billing_code. 
#Repartition changes the distribution of data on spark cluster. 
#By repartition data we will avoid writing too many small files.
datasink_path = "s3://yourbucket/ptd/processed/billing_code_npi/parquet/"

#persist dataframe as parquet on S3 and catalog it
#Partition the data by billing_code. This enables analytical queries to skip data and improve performance of queries
#Data is also bucketed and sorted npi to improve query performance during analysis

jdf5.write.format('parquet').mode("overwrite").partitionBy('billing_code').bucketBy(2, 'npi').sortBy('npi').saveAsTable('ptdtable', path = datasink_path)
  1. Update the properties of your job on the Job details tab:
    1. For Type, choose Spark.
    2. For Glue version, choose Glue 4.0.
    3. For Language, choose Python 3.
    4. For Worker type, choose G 2X.
    5. For Requested number of workers, enter 20.

Arriving at the number of workers and worker type to use for your processing job depends on factors such as the amount of data being processed, the speed at which it needs to be processed, and the partitioning strategy used. Repartitioning of data can result in out-of-memory issues, especially when data is heavily skewed on the column used to repartition. It’s possible to reach Amazon S3 service limits if too many workers are assigned to the job. This is because tasks running on these worker nodes may try to read/write from the same S3 prefix, causing Amazon S3 to throttle the incoming requests. For more details, refer to Best practices design patterns: optimizing Amazon S3 performance.

processing job config

Exploding array elements creates new rows and columns, thereby exponentially increasing the amount of data that needs to be processed. Apache Spark splits this data into multiple Spark partitions on different worker nodes so that it can process large amounts of data in parallel. In Apache Spark, shuffling happens when data needs to be redistributed across the cluster. Shuffle operations are commonly triggered by wide transformations such as join, reduceByKey, groupByKey, and repartition. In case of exceptions due to local storage limitations, it helps to supplement or replace local disk storage capacity with Amazon S3 for large shuffle operations. This is possible with the AWS Glue Spark shuffle plugin with Amazon S3. With the cloud shuffle storage plugin for Apache Spark, you can avoid disk space-related failures.

  1. To use the Spark shuffle plugin, set the following job parameters:
    • Key--write-shuffle-files-to-s3
    • Valuetrue
      spark shuffle plugin

Query the data

You can query the cataloged data using Athena. For instructions on setting up Athena, refer to Setting up.

On the Athena console, choose Query editor in the navigation pane to run your query, and specify your data source and database.

sql query

To find the minimum, maximum, and average negotiated rates for procedure codes, run the following query:

round(min(negotiated_rate),2) as min_price,
round(avg(negotiated_rate),2) as avg_price,
round(max(negotiated_rate),2) as max_price,
FROM "default"."ptdtable"
group by billing_code, description
limit 10;

The following screenshot shows the query results.

sql query results

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the AWS resources you created:

  1. Delete the S3 objects and bucket.
  2. Delete the IAM policies and roles.
  3. Delete the AWS Glue jobs for preprocessing and processing.


This post guided you through the necessary preprocessing and processing steps to query and analyze price transparency-related machine-readable files. Although it’s possible to use other AWS services to process such data, this post focused on preparing and publishing data using AWS Glue.

To learn more about the Transparency in Coverage rule, refer to Transparency in Coverage. For best practices for scaling Apache Spark jobs and partitioning data with AWS Glue, refer to Best practices to scale Apache Spark jobs and partition data with AWS Glue. To learn how to monitor AWS Glue jobs, refer to Monitoring AWS Glue Spark jobs.

We look forward to hearing any feedback or questions.

About the Authors

hari thatavarthyHari Thatavarthy is a Senior Solutions Architect on the AWS Data Lab team. He helps customers design and build solutions in the data and analytics space. He believes in data democratization and loves to solve complex data processing-related problems. In his spare time, he loves to play table tennis.

Krishna MaddiletiKrishna Maddileti is a Senior Solutions Architect on the AWS Data Lab team. He partners with customers on their AWS journey and helps them with data engineering, data lakes, and analytics. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family and playing video games with his 7-year-old.

yadukishore tatavartiYadukishore Tatavarthi is a Senior Partner Solutions Architect at AWS. He works closely with global system integrator partners to enable and support customers moving their workloads to AWS.

Manish KolaManish Kola is a Solutions Architect on the AWS Data Lab team. He partners with customers on their AWS journey.

Noritaki SakayamiNoritaka Sekiyama is a Principal Big Data Architect on the AWS Glue team. He is responsible for building software artifacts to help customers. In his spare time, he enjoys cycling with his new road bike.

AWS Week in Review – February 27, 2023

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-february-27-2023/

A couple days ago, I had the honor of doing a live stream on generative AI, discussing recent innovations and concepts behind the current generation of large language and vision models and how we got there. In today’s roundup of news and announcements, I will share some additional information—including an expanded partnership to make generative AI more accessible, a blog post about diffusion models, and our weekly Twitch show on Generative AI. Let’s dive right into it!

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

Integrated Private Wireless on AWS – The Integrated Private Wireless on AWS program is designed to provide enterprises with managed and validated private wireless offerings from leading communications service providers (CSPs). The offerings integrate CSPs’ private 5G and 4G LTE wireless networks with AWS services across AWS Regions, AWS Local Zones, AWS Outposts, and AWS Snow Family. For more details, read this Industries Blog post and check out this eBook. And, if you’re attending the Mobile World Congress Barcelona this week, stop by the AWS booth at the Upper Walkway, South Entrance, at the Fira Barcelona Gran Via, to learn more.

AWS Glue Crawlers – Now integrate with Lake Formation. AWS Glue Crawlers are used to discover datasets, extract schema information, and populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog. With this Glue Crawler and Lake Formation integration, you can configure a crawler to use Lake Formation permissions to access an S3 data store or a Data Catalog table with an underlying S3 location within the same AWS account or another AWS account. You can configure an existing Data Catalog table as a crawler’s target if the crawler and the Data Catalog table reside in the same account. To learn more, check out this Big Data Blog post.

AWS Glue Crawlers now support integration with AWS Lake Formation

Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor – You can now launch and configure Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor from the SageMaker Model Dashboard using a code-free point-and-click setup experience. SageMaker Model Dashboard gives you unified monitoring across all your models by providing insights into deviations from expected behavior, automated alerts, and troubleshooting to improve model performance. Model Monitor can detect drift in data quality, model quality, bias, and feature attribution and alert you to take remedial actions when such changes occur.

Amazon EKS – Now supports Kubernetes version 1.25. Kubernetes 1.25 introduced several new features and bug fixes, and you can now use Amazon EKS and Amazon EKS Distro to run Kubernetes version 1.25. You can create new 1.25 clusters or upgrade your existing clusters to 1.25 using the Amazon EKS console, the eksctl command line interface, or through an infrastructure-as-code tool. To learn more about this release named “Combiner,” check out this Containers Blog post.

Amazon Detective – New self-paced workshop available. You can now learn to use Amazon Detective with a new self-paced workshop in AWS Workshop Studio. AWS Workshop Studio is a collection of self-paced tutorials designed to teach practical skills and techniques to solve business problems. The Amazon Detective workshop is designed to teach you how to use the primary features of Detective through a series of interactive modules that cover topics such as security alert triage, security incident investigation, and threat hunting. Get started with the Amazon Detective Workshop.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional news items and blog posts that you may find interesting:

🤗❤☁ AWS and Hugging Face collaborate to make generative AI more accessible and cost-efficient – This previous week, we announced an expanded collaboration between AWS and Hugging Face to accelerate the training, fine-tuning, and deployment of large language and vision models used to create generative AI applications. Generative AI applications can perform a variety of tasks, including text summarization, answering questions, code generation, image creation, and writing essays and articles. For more details, read this Machine Learning Blog post.

If you are interested in generative AI, I also recommend reading this blog post on how to Fine-tune text-to-image Stable Diffusion models with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. Stable Diffusion is a deep learning model that allows you to generate realistic, high-quality images and stunning art in just a few seconds. This blog post discusses how to make design choices, including dataset quality, size of training dataset, choice of hyperparameter values, and applicability to multiple datasets.

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open-source newsletter in which he highlights new open-source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community. Read edition #146 here.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

Build On AWS - Generative AI#BuildOn Generative AI – Join our weekly live Build On Generative AI Twitch show. Every Monday morning, 9:00 US PT, my colleagues Emily and Darko take a look at aspects of generative AI. They host developers, scientists, startup founders, and AI leaders and discuss how to build generative AI applications on AWS.

In today’s episode, my colleague Chris walked us through an end-to-end ML pipeline from data ingestion to fine-tuning and deployment of generative AI models. You can watch the video here.

AWS Pi Day 2023 SmallAWS Pi Day – Join me on March 14 for the third annual AWS Pi Day live, virtual event hosted on the AWS On Air channel on Twitch as we celebrate the 17th birthday of Amazon S3 and the cloud.

We will discuss the latest innovations across AWS Data services, from storage to analytics and AI/ML. If you are curious about how AI can transform your business, register here and join my session.

AWS Innovate Data and AI/ML edition – AWS Innovate is a free online event to learn the latest from AWS experts and get step-by-step guidance on using AI/ML to drive fast, efficient, and measurable results. Register now for EMEA (March 9) and the Americas (March 14).

You can browse all upcoming AWS-led in-person, virtual events and developer focused events such as Community Days.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Antje

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Introducing Amazon Omics – A Purpose-Built Service to Store, Query, and Analyze Genomic and Biological Data at Scale

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-amazon-omics-a-purpose-built-service-to-store-query-and-analyze-genomic-and-biological-data-at-scale/

You might learn in high school biology class that the human genome is composed of over three billion letters of code using adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) paired in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The human genome acts as the biological blueprint of every human cell. And that’s only the foundation for what makes us human.

Healthcare and life sciences organizations collect myriad types of biological data to improve patient care and drive scientific research. These organizations map an individual’s genetic predisposition to disease, identify new drug targets based on protein structure and function, profile tumors based on what genes are expressed in a specific cell, or investigate how gut bacteria can influence human health. Collectively, these studies are often known as “omics”.

AWS has helped healthcare and life sciences organizations accelerate the translation of this data into actionable insights for over a decade. Industry leaders such as as Ancestry, AstraZeneca, Illumina, DNAnexus, Genomics England, and GRAIL leverage AWS to accelerate time to discovery while concurrently reducing costs and enhancing security.

The scale these customers, and others, operate at continues to increase rapidly. When omics data across thousand or hundreds of thousands (or more!) of individuals are compared and analyzed, new insights for predicting disease and the efficacy of different drug treatments are possible.

However, this scale, which can be many petabytes of data, can add complexity. When I studied medical informatics in my Ph.D course, I experienced this complexity in data access, processing, and tooling. You need a way to store omics data that is cost-efficient and easy to access. You need to scale compute across millions of biological samples while preserving accuracy and reliability. You also need specialized tools to analyze genetic patterns across populations and train machine learning (ML) models to predict diseases.

Today I’m excited to announce the general availability of Amazon Omics, a purpose-built service to help bioinformaticians, researchers, and scientists store, query, and analyze genomic, transcriptomic, and other omics data and then generate insights from that data to improve health and advance scientific discoveries.

With just a few clicks in the Omics console, you can import and normalize petabytes of data into formats optimized for analysis. Amazon Omics provides scalable workflows and integrated tools for preparing and analyzing omics data and automatically provisions and scales the underlying cloud infrastructure. So, you can focus on advancing science and translate discoveries into diagnostics and therapies.

Amazon Omics has three primary components:

  • Omics-optimized object storage that helps customers store and share their data efficiently and at low cost.
  • Managed compute for bioinformatics workflows that allows customers to run the exact analysis they specify, without worrying about provisioning underlying infrastructure.
  • Optimized data stores for population-scale variant analysis.

Now let’s learn more about each component of Amazon Omics. Generally, it follows the steps to create a data store and import data files, such as genome sequencing raw data, set up a basic bioinformatics workflow, and analyze results using existing AWS analytics and ML services.

The Getting Started page in the Omics console contains tutorial examples using Amazon SageMaker notebooks with the Python SDK. I will demonstrate Amazon Omics features through an example using a human genome reference.

Omics Data Storage
The Omics data storage helps you store and share petabytes of omics data efficiently. You can create data stores and import sample data in the Omics console and also do the same job in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Let’s make a reference store and import a reference genome. This example uses Genome Reference Consortium Human Reference 38 (hg38), which is open access and available from the following Amazon S3 bucket: s3://broad-references/hg38/v0/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta.

As prerequisites, you need to create Amazon S3 bucket in your preferred Region and the necessary IAM permissions to access S3 buckets. In the Omics console, you can easily create and select IAM role during the Omics storage setup.

Use the following AWS CLI command to create your reference store, copy the genome data to your S3 bucket, and import it data into your reference store.

// Create your reference store
$ aws omics create-reference-store --name "Reference Store"

// Import your reference data into your data store
$ aws s3 cp s3://broad-references/hg38/v0/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta,name=hg38 s3://channy-omics
$ aws omics start-reference-import-job --sources sourceFile=s3://channy-omics/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta,name=hg38 --reference-store-id 123456789 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::01234567890:role/OmicsImportRole

You can see the result in your console too.

Now you can create a sequence store. A sequence store is similar to an S3 bucket. Each object in a sequence store is known as a “read set”. A read set is an abstraction of a set of genomics file types:

  • FASTQ – A text-based file format that stores information about a base (sequence letter) from a sequencer and the corresponding quality information.
  • BAM – The compressed binary version of raw reads and their mapping to a reference genome.
  • CRAM – Similar to BAM, but uses the reference genome information to aid in compression.

Amazon Omics allows you to specify domain-specific metadata to your read sets you import. These are searchable and defined when you start a read set import job.

As an example, we will use the 1000 Genomes Project, a highly detailed catalogue of more than 80 million human genetic variants for more than 400 billions data points from over 2500 individuals. Let’s make a sequence store and then import genome sequence files into it.

// Create your sequence store 
$ aws omics create-sequence-store --name "MySequenceStore"

// Import your reference data into your data store
$ aws s3 cp s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/HG00146/sequence_read/SRR233106_1.filt.fastq.gz s3://channy-omics
$ aws s3 cp s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/HG00146/sequence_read/SRR233106_2.filt.fastq.gz s3://channy-omics

$ aws omics start-read-set-import-job --cli-input-json ‘
        "source1": "s3://channy-omics/SRR233106_1.filt.fastq.gz",
        "source2": "s3://channy-omics/SRR233106_2.filt.fastq.gz"

    "sourceFileType": "FASTQ",
    "subjectId": "mySubject2",
    "sampleId": "mySample2",
    "referenceArn": "arn:aws:omics:us-east-1:123456789012:referenceStore/123467890",
    "name": "HG00100"

You can see the result in your console again.

Analytics Transformations
You can store variant data referring to a mutation, a difference between what the sequencer read at a position compared to the known reference and annotation data, known information about a location or variant in a genome, such as whether it may cause disease.

A variant store supports both variant call format files (VCF) where there is a called variant and gVCF inputs with records covering every position in a genome. An annotation store supports either a generic feature format (GFF3), tab-separated values (TSV), or VCF file. An annotation store can be mapped to the same coordinate system as variant stores during an import.

Once you’ve imported your data, you can now run queries like as followings which search for Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs), the most common type of genetic variation among people, on human chromosome 1.

FROM "myvariantstore"."myvariantstore"
    contigname = 'chr1'
    and cardinality(alternatealleles) = 1
    and length(alternatealleles[1]) = 1
    and length(referenceallele) = 1

You can see the output of this query:

#	sampleid	contigname	start	referenceallele	alternatealleles
1	NA20858	chr1	10096	T	[A]
2	NA19347	chr1	10096	T	[A]
3	NA19735	chr1	10096	T	[A]
4	NA20827	chr1	10102	T	[A]
5	HG04132	chr1	10102	T	[A]
6	HG01961	chr1	10102	T	[A]
7	HG02314	chr1	10102	T	[A]
8	HG02837	chr1	10102	T	[A]
9	HG01111	chr1	10102	T	[A]
10	NA19205	chr1	10108	A	[T] 

You can view, manage, and query those data by integrating with existing analytics engines such as Amazon Athena. These query results can be used to train ML models in Amazon SageMaker.

Bioinformatics Workflows
Amazon Omics allows you to perform bioinformatics workflow, such as variant calling or gene expression, analysis on AWS. These compute workloads are defined using workflow languages like  Workflow Description Language (WDL) and Nextflow, domain-specific languages that specify multiple compute tasks and their input and output dependencies.

You can define and execute a workflow using a few simple CLI commands. As an example, create a main.wdl file with the following WDL codes to create a simple WDL workflow with one task that creates a copy of a file.

version 1.0
workflow Test {
	input {
		File input_file
	call FileCopy {
			input_file = input_file,
	output {
		File output_file = FileCopy.output_file
task FileCopy {
	input {
		File input_file
	command {
		echo "copying ~{input_file}" >&2
		cat ~{input_file} > output
	output {
		File output_file = "output"

Then zip up your workflow and create your workflow with Amazon Omics using the AWS CLI:

$ zip my-wdl-workflow-zip main.wdl
$ aws omics create-workflow \
    --name MyWDLWorkflow \
    --description "My WDL Workflow" \
    --definition-zip file://my-wdl-workflow.zip \
    --parameter-template '{"input_file": "input test file to copy"}'

To run the workflow we just created, you can use the following command:

aws omics start-run \
  --workflow-id // id of the workflow we just created  \
  --role-arn // arn of the IAM role to run the workflow with  \
  --parameters '{"input_file": "s3://bucket/path/to/file"}' \
  --output-uri s3://bucket/path/to/results

Once the workflow completes, you could use these results in s3://bucket/path/to/results for downstream analyses in the Omics variant store.

You can execute a run, a single invocation of a workflow with a task and defined compute specifications. An individual run acts on your defined input data and produces an output. Runs also can have priorities associated with them, which allow specific runs to take execution precedence over other submitted and concurrent runs. For example, you can specify that a run that is high priority will be run before one that is lower priority.

You can optionally use a run group, a group of runs that you can set the max vCPU and max duration runs to help limit the compute resources used per run. This can help you partition users who may need access to different workflows to run on different data. It can also be used as a budget control/resource fairness mechanism by isolating users to specific run groups.

As you saw, Amazon Omics gives you a managed service with a couple of clicks and simple commands, and APIs in analyzing large-scale omic data, such as human genome samples so you can derive meaningful insights from this data, in hours rather than weeks. We also provide more tutorial SageMaker notebooks that you can use in Amazon SageMaker to help you get started.

In terms of data security, Amazon Omics helps ensure that your data remains secure and patient privacy is protected with customer-managed encryption keys, and HIPAA eligibility.

Customer and Partner Voices
Customers and partners in the healthcare and life science industry have shared how they are using Amazon Omics to accelerate scientific insights.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is the oldest hospital in the United States dedicated exclusively to pediatrics and strives to advance healthcare for children with the integration of excellent patient care and innovative research. AWS has worked with the CHOP Research Institute for many years as they’ve led the way in utilizing data and technology to solve challenging problems in child health.

“At Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, we know that getting a comprehensive view of our patients is crucial to delivering the best possible care, based on the most innovative research. Combining multiple clinical modalities is foundational to achieving this. With Amazon Omics, we can expand our understanding of our patients’ health, all the way down to their DNA.” – Jeff Pennington, Associate Vice President & Chief Research Informatics Officer, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

G42 Healthcare enables AI-powered healthcare that uses data and emerging technologies to personalize preventative care.

“Amazon Omics allows G42 to accelerate a competitive and deployable end-to-end service with globally leading data governance. We’re able to leverage the extensive omics data management and bioinformatics solutions hosted globally on AWS, at our customers’ fingertips. Our collaboration with AWS is much more than data – it’s about value.” – Ashish Koshi, CEO, G42 Healthcare

C2i Genomics brings together researchers, physicians and patients to utilize ultra-sensitive whole-genome cancer detection to personalize medicine, reduce cancer treatment costs, and accelerate drug development.

“In C2i Genomics, we empower our data scientists by providing them cloud-based computational solutions to run high-scale, customizable genomic pipelines, allowing them to focus on method development and clinical performance, while the company’s engineering teams are responsible for the operations, security and privacy aspects of the workloads. Amazon Omics allows researchers to use tools and languages from their own domain, and considerably reduces the engineering maintenance effort while taking care of cost and resource allocation considerations, which in turn reduce time-to-market and NRE costs of new features and algorithmic improvements.” – Ury Alon, VP Engineering, C2i Genomics

We are excited to work hand in hand with our AWS partners to build scalable, multi-modal solutions that enable the conversion of raw sequencing data into insights.

Lifebit builds enterprise data platforms for organizations with complex and sensitive biomedical datasets, empowering customers across the life sciences sector to transform how they use sensitive biomedical data.

“At Lifebit, we’re on a mission to connect the world’s biomedical data to obtain novel therapeutic insights. Our customers work with vast cohorts of linked genomic, multi-omics and clinical data – and these data volumes are expanding rapidly. With Amazon Omics they will have access to optimised analytics and storage for this large-scale data, allowing us to provide even more scalable bioinformatics solutions. Our customers will benefit from significantly lower cost per gigabase of data, essentially achieving hot storage performance at cold storage prices, removing cost as a barrier to generating insights from their population-scale biomedical data.” – Thorben Seeger, Chief Business Development Officer, Lifebit

To hear more customers and partner voices, see Amazon Omics Customers page.

Now Available
Amazon Omics is now available in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Frankfurt), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) Regions.

To learn more, see the Amazon Omics page, Amazon Omics User Guide, Genomics on AWS, and Healthcare & Life Sciences on AWS. Give it a try, and please contact AWS genomics team and send feedback through your usual AWS support contacts.


A new Spark plugin for CPU and memory profiling

Post Syndicated from Bo Xiong original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/a-new-spark-plugin-for-cpu-and-memory-profiling/


Have you ever wondered if there are low-hanging optimization opportunities to improve the performance of a Spark app? Profiling can help you gain visibility regarding the runtime characteristics of the Spark app to identify its bottlenecks and inefficiencies. We’re excited to announce the release of a new Spark plugin that enables profiling for JVM based Spark apps via Amazon CodeGuru. The plugin is open sourced on GitHub and published to Maven.


This post shows how you can onboard this plugin with two steps in under 10 minutes.

  • Step 1: Create a profiling group in Amazon CodeGuru Profiler and grant permission to your Amazon EMR on EC2 role, so that profiler agents can emit metrics to CodeGuru. Detailed instructions can be found here.
  • Step 2: Reference codeguru-profiler-for-spark when submitting your Spark job, along with PROFILING_CONTEXT and ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER defined.


Your app is built against Spark 3 and run on Amazon EMR release 6.x or newer. It doesn’t matter if you’re using Amazon EMR on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS).

Illustrative Example

For the purposes of illustration, consider the following example where profiling results are collected by the plugin and emitted to the “CodeGuru-Spark-Demo” profiling group.

spark-submit \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--class \
--packages software.amazon.profiler:codeguru-profiler-for-spark:1.0 \
--conf spark.plugins=software.amazon.profiler.AmazonProfilerPlugin \
--conf spark.executorEnv.PROFILING_CONTEXT="{\\\"profilingGroupName\\\":\\\"CodeGuru-Spark-Demo\\\"}" \
--conf spark.executorEnv.ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER=true \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false \t

An alternative way to specify PROFILING_CONTEXT and ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER is under the yarn-env.export classification for instance groups in the Amazon EMR web console. Note that PROFILING_CONTEXT, if configured in the web console, must escape all of the commas on top of what’s for the above spark-submit command.

    "classification": "yarn-env",
    "properties": {},
    "configurations": [
        "classification": "export",
        "properties": {
          "ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER": "true",
          "PROFILING_CONTEXT": "{\\\"profilingGroupName\\\":\\\"CodeGuru-Spark-Demo\\\"\\,\\\"driverEnabled\\\":\\\"true\\\"}"
        "configurations": []

Once the job above is launched on Amazon EMR, profiling results should show up in your CodeGuru web console in about 10 minutes, similar to the following screenshot. Internally, it has helped us identify issues, such as thread contentions (revealed by the BLOCKED state in the latency flame graph), and unnecessarily create AWS Java clients (revealed by the CPU Hotspots view).

Go to your profiling group under the Amazon CodeGuru web console. Click the “Visualize CPU” button to render a flame graph displaying CPU usage. Switch to the latency view to identify latency bottlenecks, and switch to the heap summary view to identify objects consuming most memory.


To help with troubleshooting, use a sample Spark app provided in the plugin to check if everything is set up correctly. Note that the profilingGroupName value specified in PROFILING_CONTEXT should match what’s created in CodeGuru.

spark-submit \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--class software.amazon.profiler.SampleSparkApp \
--packages software.amazon.profiler:codeguru-profiler-for-spark:1.0 \
--conf spark.plugins=software.amazon.profiler.AmazonProfilerPlugin \
--conf spark.executorEnv.PROFILING_CONTEXT="{\\\"profilingGroupName\\\":\\\"CodeGuru-Spark-Demo\\\"}" \
--conf spark.executorEnv.ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER=true \
--conf spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PROFILING_CONTEXT="{\\\"profilingGroupName\\\":\\\"CodeGuru-Spark-Demo\\\",\\\"driverEnabled\\\":\\\"true\\\"}" \
--conf spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER=true \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false \

Running the command above from the master node of your EMR cluster should produce logs similar to the following:

21/11/21 21:27:21 INFO Profiler: Starting the profiler : ProfilerParameters{profilingGroupName='CodeGuru-Spark-Demo', threadSupport=BasicThreadSupport (default), excludedThreads=[Signal Dispatcher, Attach Listener], shouldProfile=true, integrationMode='', memoryUsageLimit=104857600, heapSummaryEnabled=true, stackDepthLimit=1000, samplingInterval=PT1S, reportingInterval=PT5M, addProfilerOverheadAsSamples=true, minimumTimeForReporting=PT1M, dontReportIfSampledLessThanTimes=1}
21/11/21 21:27:21 INFO ProfilingCommandExecutor: Profiling scheduled, sampling rate is PT1S
21/11/21 21:27:23 INFO ProfilingCommand: New agent configuration received : AgentConfiguration(AgentParameters={MaxStackDepth=1000, MinimumTimeForReportingInMilliseconds=60000, SamplingIntervalInMilliseconds=1000, MemoryUsageLimitPercent=10, ReportingIntervalInMilliseconds=300000}, PeriodInSeconds=300, ShouldProfile=true)
21/11/21 21:32:23 INFO ProfilingCommand: Attempting to report profile data: start=2021-11-21T21:27:23.227Z end=2021-11-21T21:32:22.765Z force=false memoryRefresh=false numberOfTimesSampled=300
21/11/21 21:32:23 INFO javaClass: [HeapSummary] Processed 20 events.
21/11/21 21:32:24 INFO ProfilingCommand: Successfully reported profile

Note that the CodeGuru Profiler agent uses a reporting interval of five minutes. Therefore, any executor process shorter than five minutes won’t be reflected by the profiling result. If the right profiling group is not specified, or it’s associated with a wrong EC2 role in CodeGuru, then the log will show a message similar to “CodeGuruProfilerSDKClient: Exception while calling agent orchestration” along with a stack trace including a 403 status code. To rule out any network issues (e.g., your EMR job running in a VPC without an outbound gateway or a misconfigured outbound security group), then you can remote into an EMR host and ping the CodeGuru endpoint in your Region (e.g., ping codeguru-profiler.us-east-1.amazonaws.com).

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, you can delete the profiling group configured in CodeGuru and/or set the ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER environment variable to false.


In this post, we describe how to onboard this plugin with two steps. Consider to give it a try for your Spark app? You can find the Maven artifacts here. If you have feature requests, bug reports, feedback of any kind, or would like to contribute, please head over to the GitHub repository.


Bo Xiong

Bo Xiong is a software engineer with Amazon Ads, leveraging big data technologies to process petabytes of data for billing and reporting. His main interests include performance tuning and optimization for Spark on Amazon EMR, and data mining for actionable business insights.

ProLink uses Amazon QuickSight to enable states to deliver housing assistance to those in need

Post Syndicated from Ryan Kim original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/prolink-uses-amazon-quicksight-to-enable-states-to-deliver-housing-assistance-to-those-in-need/

This is a joint post by ProLink Solutions and AWS. ProLink Solutions builds software solutions for emergency fund deployment to help state agencies distribute funds to homeowners in need. Over the past 20 years, ProLink Solutions has developed software for the affordable housing industry, designed to make the experience less complicated and easy to report on.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted homeowners across the United States who were unable to pay their mortgages, resulting in delinquencies, defaults, and foreclosures. The federal government acted quickly by establishing the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, granting nearly $10 billion to states to distribute to homeowners experiencing COVID-related financial hardships.

Distributing these funds quickly and efficiently required states to rapidly deploy new programs, workflows, and reporting. ProLink Solutions rose to the occasion with a new software as a service (SaaS) solution called ProLink+. Consisting of two parts—a homeowner portal that makes the funding application process easy for homeowners, and a back-office system to help state agencies review and approve funding applications—ProLink+ is a turnkey solution for state agencies looking to distribute their HAF dollars fast. For state agencies responsible for HAF programs, data reporting is key because it reinforces the organizational mission of the agency and helps shape public perception of how the program is progressing. Due to the emergency nature of the funding program, state agencies are continually in the public eye, and therefore access to real-time reporting is a must. As a result, ProLink uses Amazon QuickSight as their business intelligence (BI) solution to create and embed dashboards into the ProLink+ solution.

In this post, we share how ProLink+ uses QuickSight to enhance states’ capabilities to analyze and assess their fund deployment status.

Building the solution with AWS

Data-driven decision-making is critical in any industry or business today, and the affordable housing industry is no exception. As a primary technology player in the affordable housing industry for over two decades, ProLink Solutions supports state housing finance agencies by providing comprehensive suite of software products. ProLink has been an AWS customer since 2012, utilizing AWS services to design and build their in-house software development to maximize agility, scale, functionality, and speed to market of their solutions.

The ProLink+ SaaS solution is built using multiple AWS resources, including but not limited to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), AWS Lambda, and Amazon Cognito. It also utilizes Amazon CloudFront for a secure and high-performance content delivery system to the end-user.

QuickSight inherent integrations with their AWS resources and microservices make it a logical choice for ProLink. In addition, QuickSight allowsProLink to deliver dashboard functionality efficiently and securely without incurring significant costs. Due to the intuitive design of QuickSight, ProLink business analysts are able to build rich, informative dashboards without writing any code or engineering input, thereby shortening the time to client delivery and increasing the efficiency of the decision-making process. With its simple setup and ability to easily create embedded dashboards and visualization tools, QuickSight is yet another flexible and powerful tool that ProLink Solutions uses to deliver high-quality products and services to the market.

Intuitive and effective data visualization is key

The integration of QuickSight into ProLink+ offers a unique opportunity to create a seamless embedded solution for users. For example, the reporting integration isn’t a separate redirect to a different system. The solution exists in the main user interface with visualizations directly associated to the unique activities. Relevant data can be displayed without adding unnecessary complexity to the solution. This experience adds additional value by reducing the learning curve for new customers.

State agencies use QuickSight’s embedded dashboard capabilities in ProLink+ for internal analytical purposes, as well as for real-time reporting to the public. The agencies are proactively thinking about what information needs to be made available to the public and how to best present it. These are big decisions that impact how the public sees the work of the government.

The Percent of Funds Disbursed chart in the following screenshot illustrates how much of the allocation the agency received from the US Department of the Treasury has been disbursed to homeowners in the state.

Blazing a trail for more easily accessible funding

Federal funding programs have traditionally faced challenges with distribution to citizens in need. ProLink Solutions seeks to provide an easy-to-adopt, easy-to-use, and repeatable solution for governments, powered by modern technology. ProLink+ simplifies the process of distributing the funds to the public through an intuitive interface. The dashboard capabilities of QuickSight are an asset to both ProLink Solutions as a solutions provider and state government agencies as end-users. Intuitive, effective data reporting and visualization provides critical insights that help governments communicate their work on behalf of the public, while continuing to improve delivery of their services.

“State agencies across the board are looking for visual reporting tools to tell their stories more effectively. I’m glad QuickSight was readily available to us and we were able to quickly develop a dashboard in our ProLink+ deployment.” Shawn McKenna, CEO ProLink Solutions

Learn more about how ProLink Solutions is helping states distribute housing assistance quickly to those in need.


About the Authors

Ryan Kim is the Director of Product Marketing at ProLink Solutions. Ryan leads industry partnerships/initiatives and positioning of all ProLink Solutions’s technology products that serve the affordable housing industry.

Scott Kirn is the Chief Information Officer at ProLink Solutions. Scott leads the Information Technology group at ProLink Solutions and drives all aspects of product development and delivery.

Walter McCain II is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Walter is a Solutions Architect for Amazon Web Services, helping customers build operational best practices, application products, and technical solutions in the AWS Cloud. Walter is involved in evangelizing AWS Cloud computing architectures and development for various technologies such as serverless, media entertainment, migration strategies, and security, to name a few.

Implement anti-money laundering solutions on AWS

Post Syndicated from Yomi Abatan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/implement-anti-money-laundering-solutions-on-aws/

The detection and prevention of financial crime continues to be an important priority for banks. Over the past 10 years, the level of activity in financial crimes compliance in financial services has expanded significantly, with regulators around the globe taking scores of enforcement actions and levying $36 billion in fines. Apart from the fines, the overall cost of compliance for global financial services companies is suspected to have reached $181 billion in 2020. For most banks, know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) constitute the largest area of concern within the broader financial crime compliance. In light of this, there is an urgent need to have effective AML systems that are scalable and fit for purpose in order to manage the risk of money laundering as well as the risk of non-compliance by the banks. Addressing money laundering at a high-level covers the following areas:

  • Client screening and identity
  • Transaction monitoring
  • Extended customer risk profile
  • Reporting of suspicious transactions

In this post we focus on transaction monitoring by looking at the general challenges with implementing transaction monitoring (TM) solutions and how AWS services can be leveraged to build a solution in the cloud from the perspectives of data analytics; risk management and ad hoc analysis. The following diagram is a conceptual architecture for a transaction monitoring solution on the AWS Cloud.

Current challenges

Due to growing digital channels for facilitating financial transactions, the increasing access to financial services for more people, and the growth in global payments; capturing and processing data related to TM is now considered a big data challenge. The big data challenges and observations include:

  • The volume of data continues to prove to be too expansive for effective processing in a traditional on-premises data center solution.
  • The velocity of banking transactions continues to rise despite the economic challenges of COVID-19.
  • The variety of the data that needs to be processed for TM platforms continues to increase as more data sources with unstructured data become available. These data sources require techniques such as optical character recognition (OCR) and natural language processing (NLP) to automate the process of getting value out of such data without excessive manual effort.
  • Finally, due to the layered nature of complex transactions involved in TM solutions, having data aggregated from multiple financial institutions provides a more comprehensive insight into the flow of financial transactions. Such an aggregation is usually less viable in a traditional on-premises solution.

Data Analytics

The first challenge with implementing TM solutions is having the tools and services to ingest data into a central store (often called a data lake) that is secure and scalable. Not only does this data lake need to capture terabytes or even petabytes of data, but it also needs to facilitate the process of moving data in and out of purpose-built data stores for time series, graph, data marts, and machine learning (ML) processing. In AWS, we refer to a data architecture which covers data lakes, purpose-built data stores and the data movement across data stores as a lake house architecture.

The following diagram illustrates a TM architecture on the AWS Cloud. This is a more detailed sample architecture of the lake house approach.

Ingestion of data into the lake house typically comes from a client’s data center (if the client is not already on the cloud), or from different client AWS accounts that host transaction systems or from external sources. For clients with transaction systems still on premises, we notice although several AWS services can be used to transfer data from on premises to the AWS Cloud, a number of our clients with a batch requirement utilize AWS Transfer Family, which provides fully managed support for secure file transfers directly into and out of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS). With real-time requirements, we see the use of Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), which is a fully managed service that makes it easy for you to build and run applications that use Apache Kafka to process streaming data. One other way to bring in reference data or external data like politically exposed persons (PEP) lists, watch lists, or stop lists for the AML process is via AWS Data Exchange, which makes it easy to find, subscribe to, and use third-party data in the cloud.

In this architecture, the ingestion process always stores the raw data in Amazon S3, which offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. For those clients already on the AWS Cloud, it’s very likely your data is already stored in Amazon S3.

For TM, the ingestion of the data comes from KYC systems, customer account stores, as well as transaction repositories. Data from KYC systems need to have the entity information, which can relate to a company or individual. For the corporate entities, information on the underlying beneficiary owners (UBOs)—the natural persons who directly or indirectly own or control a certain percentage of company—is also required. Before we discuss the data pipeline (the flow of data from the landing zone to the curated data layer) in detail, it’s important to address some of the security and audit requirements of the sensitive data classes typically used in AML processing.

According to Gartner, “Data governance is the specification of decision rights and an accountability framework to ensure the appropriate behavior in the valuation, creation, consumption, and control of data and analytics.” From an AML perspective, the specification and the accountable framework mentioned in this definition requires several enabling components.

The first is a data catalog, which is sometimes grouped into technical, process, and business catalogs. On the AWS platform, this catalog is provided either directly through AWS Glue or indirectly through AWS Lake Formation. Although the catalog implemented by AWS Glue is fundamentally a technical catalog, you can still extend it to add process and business relevant attributes.

The second enabling component is data lineage. This service should be flexible enough to support the different types of data lineage, namely vertical, horizontal, and physical. From an AML perspective, vertical lineage can provide a trace from AML regulation, which requires the collection of certain data classes, all the way to the data models captured in the technical catalog. Horizontal and physical lineage provide a trace of the data from source to eventual suspicious activity reporting for suspected transactions. Horizonal lineage provides lineage at the metadata level, whereas physical lineage captures trace at the physical level.

The third enabling component of data governance is data security. This covers several aspects of dealing with requirements of encryption of data at rest and in transit, but also de-identification of data during processing. This area requires a range of de-identification techniques depending on the context of use. Some of the techniques include tokenization, encryption, generalization, masking, perturbation, redaction, and even substitution of personally identifiable information (PII) or sensitive data usually at the attribute level. It’s important to use the right de-identification technique to enforce the right level of privacy while still ensuring the data still has sufficient inference signals for use in ML. You can use Amazon Macie, a fully managed data security and data privacy service that uses ML and pattern matching to discover and protect sensitive data, to automate PII discovery prior to applying the right de-identification technique.

Moving data from landing zone (raw data) all the way to curated data involves several steps of processing, including data quality validation, compression, transformation, enrichment, de-duplication, entity resolution, and entity aggregation. Such processing is usually referred to as extract, transform, and load (ETL). In this architecture, we have a choice of using a serverless architecture based on AWS Glue (using Scala or Python programming languages) or implementing Amazon EMR (a cloud big-data platform for processing large datasets using open-source tools such as Apache Spark and Hadoop). Amazon EMR provides the flexibility to run these ETL workloads on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters and also on AWS Outposts.

Risk management framework

The risk management framework part of the architecture contains the rules, thresholds, algorithms, models, and control policies that govern the process of detecting and reporting suspicious transactions. Traditionally, most TM solutions have relied solely on rule-based controls to implement AML requirements. However, these rule-based implementations quickly become complex and difficult to maintain, as criminals find new and sophisticated ways to circumvent existing AML controls. Apart from the complexity and maintenance, rule-based approaches usually result in large number of false positives. False positives in this context are when transactions are flagged as suspicious but turn out not to be. Some of the numbers here are quite remarkable, with some studies revealing less than 2% of cases actually turning to be suspicious. The implication of this is the operational costs and the teams of operational resources required to investigate these false positives. Another implication that sometimes get overlooked is the customer experience, in which a customer service like payment or clearing of transactions is delayed or declined due to false positives. This usually leads to a less than satisfactory customer experience. Despite the number of false positives, AML failings and subsequent fines are hardly out of the news; in one case the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom deciding to take the unprecedented step of bringing criminal proceedings against a bank over failed AML processes.

In light of some of the shortcomings of a rule-based AML approach, a lot of research and focus has been performed by financial services customers, including RegTechs, on applying ML to detect suspicious transactions. One comprehensive study on the use of ML techniques in suspicious transaction detection is a paper published by Z. Chen et al. This paper was published in 2018 (which in ML terms is a lifetime ago), but the concepts and findings are still relevant. The paper highlights some of the common algorithms and challenges with using ML for AML. AML data is a high-dimensional space that usually requires dimensionality reduction through the use of algorithms like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or autoencoders (neural networks used to learn efficient data encodings in an unsupervised manner). As part of feature engineering, most algorithms require the value of transactions (debits and credits) aggregated by time intervals—daily, weekly, and monthly. Clustering algorithms like k-means or some variants of k-means are used to create clusters for customer or transaction profiles. There is also the need to deal with class imbalance usually found in AML datasets.

All of these algorithms referenced in the Z. Chen et al paper are supported by Amazon SageMaker. SageMaker is a fully managed ML service that allows data scientists and developers to easily build, train, and deploy ML models for AML. You can also implement some of the other categories of algorithms that support AML such as behavioral modelling, risk scoring, and anomaly detection with SageMaker. You can use a wide range of algorithms to address AML challenges, including supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised models. Some additional factors that determine the suitability of algorithms include high recall and precision rate of the models, and the ability to utilize approaches such as SHapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) and Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) values to explain the model output. Amazon SageMaker Clarify can detect bias and increases transparency of ML models.

Algorithms that focus on risk scoring enable a risk profile that can span across various data classes such as core customer attributes including industry, geography, bank product, business size, complex ownership structure for entities, as well as transactions (debits and credits) and frequency of such transactions. In addition, external data such as PEP lists, various stop lists and watch lists, and in some cases media coverage related to suspected fraud or corruption can also be weighted into a customer’s risk profile.

Rule-based and ML approaches aren’t mutually exclusive, but it’s likely that rules will continue to play a peripheral role as better algorithms are researched and implemented. One of the reasons why the development of algorithms for AML has been sluggish is the availability of reliable datasets, which include result data indicating when a correct suspicious activity report (SAR) was filed for a given scenario. Unlike other areas of ML in which findings have been openly shared for further research, with AML, a lot of the progress first appears in commercial products belonging to vendors who are protective of their intellectual property.

Ad hoc analysis and reporting

The final part of the architecture includes support for case or event management tooling and a reporting service for the eventual SAR. These services can be AWS Marketplace solutions or developed from scratch using AWS services such as Amazon EKS or Amazon ECS. This part of the architecture also provides support for a very important aspect of AML: network analytics. Network or link analysis has three main components:

  • Clustering – The construction of graphs and representation of money flow. Amazon Neptune is a fast, reliable, fully managed graph database service that makes it easy to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets.
  • Statistical analysis – Used to assist with finding metrics around centrality, normality, clustering, and eigenvector centrality.
  • Data visualization – An interactive and extensible data visualization platform to support exploratory data analysis. Findings from the network analytics can also feed into customer risk profiles and supervised ML algorithms.


None of the services or architecture layers described in this architecture are tightly coupled; different layers and services can be swapped with AWS Marketplace solutions or other FinTech or RegTech solutions that support cloud-based deployment. This means the AWS Cloud has a powerful ecosystem of native services and third-party solutions that can be deployed on the foundation of a Lake House Architecture on AWS to build a modern TM solution in the cloud. To find out more information about key of parts of the architecture described in this post, refer to the following resources:

For seeding data into a data lake (including taking advantage of ACID compliance):

For using Amazon EMR for data pipeline processing and some of recent updates to the Amazon EMR:

For taking advantage of SageMaker to support financial crime use cases:

Please contact AWS if you need help developing a full-scale AML solution (covering client screening and identity, transaction monitoring, extended customer risk profile and reporting of suspicious transactions) on AWS.

About the Author

Yomi Abatan is a Sr. Solution Architect based in London, United Kingdom. He works with financial services organisations, architecting, designing and implementing various large-scale IT solutions. He, currently helps established financial services AWS customers embark on Digital transformations using AWS cloud as an accelerator. Before joining AWS he worked in various architecture roles with several tier-one investment banks.

How MEDHOST’s cardiac risk prediction successfully leveraged AWS analytic services

Post Syndicated from Pandian Velayutham original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-medhosts-cardiac-risk-prediction-successfully-leveraged-aws-analytic-services/

MEDHOST has been providing products and services to healthcare facilities of all types and sizes for over 35 years. Today, more than 1,000 healthcare facilities are partnering with MEDHOST and enhancing their patient care and operational excellence with its integrated clinical and financial EHR solutions. MEDHOST also offers a comprehensive Emergency Department Information System with business and reporting tools. Since 2013, MEDHOST’s cloud solutions have been utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, data source, and computing power to solve complex healthcare business cases.

MEDHOST can utilize the data available in the cloud to provide value-added solutions for hospitals solving complex problems, like predicting sepsis, cardiac risk, and length of stay (LOS) as well as reducing re-admission rates. This requires a solid foundation of data lake and elastic data pipeline to keep up with multi-terabyte data from thousands of hospitals. MEDHOST has invested a significant amount of time evaluating numerous vendors to determine the best solution for its data needs. Ultimately, MEDHOST designed and implemented machine learning/artificial intelligence capabilities by leveraging AWS Data Lab and an end-to-end data lake platform that enables a variety of use cases such as data warehousing for analytics and reporting.

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Getting started

MEDHOST’s initial objectives in evaluating vendors were to:

  • Build a low-cost data lake solution to provide cardiac risk prediction for patients based on health records
  • Provide an analytical solution for hospital staff to improve operational efficiency
  • Implement a proof of concept to extend to other machine learning/artificial intelligence solutions

The AWS team proposed AWS Data Lab to architect, develop, and test a solution to meet these objectives. The collaborative relationship between AWS and MEDHOST, AWS’s continuous innovation, excellent support, and technical solution architects helped MEDHOST select AWS over other vendors and products. AWS Data Lab’s well-structured engagement helped MEDHOST define clear, measurable success criteria that drove the implementation of the cardiac risk prediction and analytical solution platform. The MEDHOST team consisted of architects, builders, and subject matter experts (SMEs). By connecting MEDHOST experts directly to AWS technical experts, the MEDHOST team gained a quick understanding of industry best practices and available services allowing MEDHOST team to achieve most of the success criteria at the end of a four-day design session. MEDHOST is now in the process of moving this work from its lower to upper environment to make the solution available for its customers.


For this solution, MEDHOST and AWS built a layered pipeline consisting of ingestion, processing, storage, analytics, machine learning, and reinforcement components. The following diagram illustrates the Proof of Concept (POC) that was implemented during the four-day AWS Data Lab engagement.

Ingestion layer

The ingestion layer is responsible for moving data from hospital production databases to the landing zone of the pipeline.

The hospital data was stored in an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL instance and moved to the landing zone of the data lake using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS). DMS made migrating databases to the cloud simple and secure. Using its ongoing replication feature, MEDHOST and AWS implemented change data capture (CDC) quickly and efficiently so MEDHOST team could spend more time focusing on the most interesting parts of the pipeline.

Processing layer

The processing layer was responsible for performing extract, tranform, load (ETL) on the data to curate them for subsequent uses.

MEDHOST used AWS Glue within its data pipeline for crawling its data layers and performing ETL tasks. The hospital data copied from RDS to Amazon S3 was cleaned, curated, enriched, denormalized, and stored in parquet format to act as the heart of the MEDHOST data lake and a single source of truth to serve any further data needs. During the four-day Data Lab, MEDHOST and AWS targeted two needs: powering MEDHOST’s data warehouse used for analytics and feeding training data to the machine learning prediction model. Even though there were multiple challenges, data curation is a critical task which requires an SME. AWS Glue’s serverless nature, along with the SME’s support during the Data Lab, made developing the required transformations cost efficient and uncomplicated. Scaling and cluster management was addressed by the service, which allowed the developers to focus on cleaning data coming from homogenous hospital sources and translating the business logic to code.

Storage layer

The storage layer provided low-cost, secure, and efficient storage infrastructure.

MEDHOST used Amazon S3 as a core component of its data lake. AWS DMS migration tasks saved data to S3 in .CSV format. Crawling data with AWS Glue made this landing zone data queryable and available for further processing. The initial AWS Glue ETL job stored the parquet formatted data to the data lake and its curated zone bucket. MEDHOST also used S3 to store the .CSV formatted data set that will be used to train, test, and validate its machine learning prediction model.

Analytics layer

The analytics layer gave MEDHOST pipeline reporting and dashboarding capabilities.

The data was in parquet format and partitioned in the curation zone bucket populated by the processing layer. This made querying with Amazon Athena or Amazon Redshift Spectrum fast and cost efficient.

From the Amazon Redshift cluster, MEDHOST created external tables that were used as staging tables for MEDHOST data warehouse and implemented an UPSERT logic to merge new data in its production tables. To showcase the reporting potential that was unlocked by the MEDHOST analytics layer, a connection was made to the Redshift cluster to Amazon QuickSight. Within minutes MEDHOST was able to create interactive analytics dashboards with filtering and drill-down capabilities such as a chart that showed the number of confirmed disease cases per US state.

Machine learning layer

The machine learning layer used MEDHOST’s existing data sets to train its cardiac risk prediction model and make it accessible via an endpoint.

Before getting into Data Lab, the MEDHOST team was not intimately familiar with machine learning. AWS Data Lab architects helped MEDHOST quickly understand concepts of machine learning and select a model appropriate for its use case. MEDHOST selected XGBoost as its model since cardiac prediction falls within regression technique. MEDHOST’s well architected data lake enabled it to quickly generate training, testing, and validation data sets using AWS Glue.

Amazon SageMaker abstracted underlying complexity of setting infrastructure for machine learning. With few clicks, MEDHOST started Jupyter notebook and coded the components leading to fitting and deploying its machine learning prediction model. Finally, MEDHOST created the endpoint for the model and ran REST calls to validate the endpoint and trained model. As a result, MEDHOST achieved the goal of predicting cardiac risk. Additionally, with Amazon QuickSight’s SageMaker integration, AWS made it easy to use SageMaker models directly in visualizations. QuickSight can call the model’s endpoint, send the input data to it, and put the inference results into the existing QuickSight data sets. This capability made it easy to display the results of the models directly in the dashboards. Read more about QuickSight’s SageMaker integration here.

Reinforcement layer

Finally, the reinforcement layer guaranteed that the results of the MEDHOST model were captured and processed to improve performance of the model.

The MEDHOST team went beyond the original goal and created an inference microservice to interact with the endpoint for prediction, enabled abstracting of the machine learning endpoint with the well-defined domain REST endpoint, and added a standard security layer to the MEDHOST application.

When there is a real-time call from the facility, the inference microservice gets inference from the SageMaker endpoint. Records containing input and inference data are fed to the data pipeline again. MEDHOST used Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to push records in real time. However, since retraining the machine learning model does not need to happen in real time, the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose enabled MEDHOST to micro-batch records and efficiently save them to the landing zone bucket so that the data could be reprocessed.


Collaborating with AWS Data Lab enabled MEDHOST to:

  • Store single source of truth with low-cost storage solution (data lake)
  • Complete data pipeline for a low-cost data analytics solution
  • Create an almost production-ready code for cardiac risk prediction

The MEDHOST team learned many concepts related to data analytics and machine learning within four days. AWS Data Lab truly helped MEDHOST deliver results in an accelerated manner.

About the Authors

Pandian Velayutham is the Director of Engineering at MEDHOST. His team is responsible for delivering cloud solutions, integration and interoperability, and business analytics solutions. MEDHOST utilizes modern technology stack to provide innovative solutions to our customers. Pandian Velayutham is a technology evangelist and public cloud technology speaker.





George Komninos is a Data Lab Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps customers convert their ideas to a production-ready data product. Before AWS, he spent 3 years at Alexa Information domain as a data engineer. Outside of work, George is a football fan and supports the greatest team in the world, Olympiacos Piraeus.

Field Notes: Building an automated scene detection pipeline for Autonomous Driving – ADAS Workflow

Post Syndicated from Kevin Soucy original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-building-an-automated-scene-detection-pipeline-for-autonomous-driving/

This Field Notes blog post in 2020 explains how to build an Autonomous Driving Data Lake using this Reference Architecture. Many organizations face the challenge of ingesting, transforming, labeling, and cataloging massive amounts of data to develop automated driving systems. In this re:Invent session, we explored an architecture to solve this problem using Amazon EMR, Amazon S3, Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth, and more. You learn how BMW Group collects 1 billion+ km of anonymized perception data from its worldwide connected fleet of customer vehicles to develop safe and performant automated driving systems.

Architecture Overview

The objective of this post is to describe how to design and build an end-to-end Scene Detection pipeline which:

This architecture integrates an event-driven ROS bag ingestion pipeline running Docker containers on Elastic Container Service (ECS). This includes a scalable batch processing pipeline based on Amazon EMR and Spark. The solution also leverages AWS Fargate, Spot Instances, Elastic File System, AWS Glue, S3, and Amazon Athena.

reference architecture - build automated scene detection pipeline - Autonomous Driving

Figure 1 – Architecture Showing how to build an automated scene detection pipeline for Autonomous Driving

The data included in this demo was produced by one vehicle across four different drives in the United States. As the ROS bag files produced by the vehicle’s on-board software contains very complex data, such as Lidar Point Clouds, the files are usually very large (1+TB files are not uncommon).

These files usually need to be split into smaller chunks before being processed, as is the case in this demo. These files also may need to have post-processing algorithms applied to them, like lane detection or object detection.

In our case, the ROS bag files are split into approximately 10GB chunks and include topics for post-processed lane detections before they land in our S3 bucket. Our scene detection algorithm assumes the post processing has already been completed. The bag files include object detections with bounding boxes, and lane points representing the detected outline of the lanes.


This post uses an AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) stack written in Python. You should follow the instructions in the AWS CDK Getting Started guide to set up your environment so you are ready to begin.

You can also use the config.json to customize the names of your infrastructure items, to set the sizing of your EMR cluster, and to customize the ROS bag topics to be extracted.

You will also need to be authenticated into an AWS account with permissions to deploy resources before executing the deploy script.


The full pipeline can be deployed with one command: * `bash deploy.sh deploy true` . The progress of the deployment can be followed on the command line, but also in the CloudFormation section of the AWS console. Once deployed, the user must upload 2 or more bag files to the rosbag-ingest bucket to initiate the pipeline.

The default configuration requires two bag files to be processed before an EMR Pipeline is initiated. You would also have to manually initiate the AWS  Glue Crawler to be able to explore the parquet data with tools like Athena or Quicksight.

ROS bag ingestion with ECS Tasks, Fargate, and EFS

This solution provides an end-to-end scene detection pipeline for ROS bag files, ingesting the ROS bag files from S3, and transforming the topic data to perform scene detection in PySpark on EMR. This then exposes scene descriptions via DynamoDB to downstream consumers.

The pipeline starts with an S3 bucket (Figure 1 – #1) where incoming ROS bag files can be uploaded from local copy stations as needed. We recommend, using Amazon Direct Connect for a private, high-throughout connection to the cloud.

This ingestion bucket is configured to initiate S3 notifications each time an object ending in the prefix “.bag” is created. An AWS Lambda function then initiates a Step Function for orchestrating the ECS Task. This passes the bucket and bag file prefix to the ECS task as environment variables in the container.

The ECS Task (Figure 1 – #2) runs serverless leveraging Fargate as the capacity provider, This avoids the need to provision and autoscale EC2 instances in the ECS cluster. Each ECS Task processes exactly one bag file. We use Elastic FileStore to provide virtually unlimited file storage to the container, in order to easily work with larger bag files. The container uses the open-source bagpy python library to extract structured topic data (for example, GPS, detections, inertial measurement data,). The topic data is uploaded as parquet files to S3, partitioned by topic and source bag file. The application writes metadata about each file, such as the topic names found in the file and the number of messages per topic, to a DynamoDB table (Figure 1 – #4).

This module deploys an AWS  Glue Crawler configured to crawl this bucket of topic parquet files. These files populate the AWS Glue Catalog with the schemas of each topic table and make this data accessible in Athena, Glue jobs, Quicksight, and Spark on EMR.  We use the AWS Glue Catalog (Figure 1 – #5) as a permanent Hive Metastore.

Glue Data Catalog of parquet datasets on S3

Figure 2 – Glue Data Catalog of parquet datasets on S3


Run ad-hoc queries against the Glue tables using Amazon Athena

Figure 3 – Run ad-hoc queries against the Glue tables using Amazon Athena

The topic parquet bucket also has an S3 Notification configured for all newly created objects, which is consumed by an EMR-Trigger Lambda (Figure 1 – #5). This Lambda function is responsible for keeping track of bag files and their respective parquet files in DynamoDB (Figure 1 – #6). Once in DynamoDB, bag files are assigned to batches, initiating the EMR batch processing step function. Metadata is stored about each batch including the step function execution ARN in DynamoDB.

EMR pipeline orchestration with AWS Step Functions

Figure 4 – EMR pipeline orchestration with AWS Step Functions

The EMR batch processing step function (Figure 1 – #7) orchestrates the entire EMR pipeline, from provisioning an EMR cluster using the open-source EMR-Launch CDK library to submitting Pyspark steps to the cluster, to terminating the cluster and handling failures.

Batch Scene Analytics with Spark on EMR

There are two PySpark applications running on our cluster. The first performs synchronization of ROS bag topics for each bagfile. As the various sensors in the vehicle have different frequencies, we synchronize the various frequencies to a uniform frequency of 1 signal per 100 ms per sensor. This makes it easier to work with the data.

We compute the minimum and maximum timestamp in each bag file, and construct a unified timeline. For each 100 ms we take the most recent signal per sensor and assign it to the 100 ms timestamp. After this is performed, the data looks more like a normal relational table and is easier to query and analyze.

Batch Scene Analytics with Spark on EMR

Figure 5 – Batch Scene Analytics with Spark on EMR

Scene Detection and Labeling in PySpark

The second spark application enriches the synchronized topic dataset (Figure 1 – #8), analyzing the detected lane points and the object detections. The goal is to perform a simple lane assignment algorithm for objects detected by the on-board ML models and to save this enriched dataset (Figure 1 – #9) back to S3 for easy-access by analysts and data scientists.

Object Lane Assignment Example

Figure 9 – Object Lane Assignment example


Synchronized topics enriched with object lane assignments

Figure 9 – Synchronized topics enriched with object lane assignments

Finally, the last step takes this enriched dataset (Figure 1 – #9) to summarize specific scenes or sequences where a person was identified as being in a lane. The output of this pipeline includes two new tables as parquet files on S3 – the synchronized topic dataset (Figure 1 – #8) and the synchronized topic dataset enriched with object lane assignments (Figure 1 – #9), as well as a DynamoDB table with scene metadata for all person-in-lane scenarios (Figure 1 – #10).

Scene Metadata

The Scene Metadata DynamoDB table (Figure 1 – #10) can be queried directly to find sequences of events, as will be covered in a follow up post for visually debugging scene detection algorithms using WebViz/RViz. Using WebViz, we were able to detect that the on-board object detection model labels Crosswalks and Walking Signs as “person” even when a person is not crossing the street, for example:

Example DynamoDB item from the Scene Metadata table

Example DynamoDB item from the Scene Metadata table

Figure 10 – Example DynamoDB item from the Scene Metadata table

These scene descriptions can also be converted to Open Scenario format and pushed to an ElasticSearch cluster to support more complex scenario-based searches. For example, downstream simulation use cases or for visualization in QuickSight. An example of syncing DynamoDB tables to ElasticSearch using DynamoDB streams and Lambda can be found here (https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/indexing-amazon-dynamodb-content-with-amazon-elasticsearch-service-using-aws-lambda/). As DynamoDB is a NoSQL data store, we can enrich the Scene Metadata table with scene parameters. For example, we can identify the maximum or minimum speed of the car during the identified event sequence, without worrying about breaking schema changes. It is also straightforward to save a dataframe from PySpark to DynamoDB using open-source libraries.

As a final note, the modules are built to be exactly that, modular. The three modules that are easily isolated are:

  1. the ECS Task pipeline for extracting ROS bag topic data to parquet files
  2. the EMR Trigger Lambda for tracking incoming files, creating batches, and initiating a batch processing step function
  3. the EMR Pipeline for running PySpark applications leveraging Step Functions and EMR Launch

Clean Up

To clean up the deployment, you can run bash deploy.sh destroy false. Some resources like S3 buckets and DynamoDB tables may have to be manually emptied and deleted via the console to be fully removed.


The bagpy library used in this pipeline does not yet support complex or non-structured data types like images or LIDAR data. Therefore its usage is limited to data that can be stored in a tabular csv format before being converted to parquet.


In this post, we showed how to build an end-to-end Scene Detection pipeline at scale on AWS to perform scene analytics and scenario detection with Spark on EMR from raw vehicle sensor data. In a subsequent blog post, we will cover how how to extract and catalog images from ROS bag files, create a labelling job with SageMaker GroundTruth and then train a Machine Learning Model to detect cars.

Recommended Reading: Field Notes: Building an Autonomous Driving and ADAS Data Lake on AWS

Amazon HealthLake Stores, Transforms, and Analyzes Health Data in the Cloud

Post Syndicated from Harunobu Kameda original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-healthlake-to-store-transform-and-analyze-petabytes-of-health-and-life-sciences-data-in-the-cloud/

Healthcare organizations collect vast amounts of patient information every day, from family history and clinical observations to diagnoses and medications. They use all this data to try to compile a complete picture of a patient’s health information in order to provide better healthcare services. Currently, this data is distributed across various systems (electronic medical records, laboratory systems, medical image repositories, etc.) and exists in dozens of incompatible formats.

Emerging standards, such as Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), aim to address this challenge by providing a consistent format for describing and exchanging structured data across these systems. However, much of this data is unstructured information contained in medical records (e.g., clinical records), documents (e.g., PDF lab reports), forms (e.g., insurance claims), images (e.g., X-rays, MRIs), audio (e.g., recorded conversations), and time series data (e.g., heart electrocardiogram) and it is challenging to extract this information.

It can take weeks or months for a healthcare organization to collect all this data and prepare it for transformation (tagging and indexing), structuring, and analysis. Furthermore, the cost and operational complexity of doing all this work is prohibitive for most healthcare organizations.

Many data to analyze

Today, we are happy to announce Amazon HealthLake, a fully managed, HIPAA-eligible service, now in preview, that allows healthcare and life sciences customers to aggregate their health information from different silos and formats into a centralized AWS data lake. HealthLake uses machine learning (ML) models to normalize health data and automatically understand and extract meaningful medical information from the data so all this information can be easily searched. Then, customers can query and analyze the data to understand relationships, identify trends, and make predictions.

How It Works
Amazon HealthLake supports copying your data from on premises to the AWS Cloud, where you can store your structured data (like lab results) as well as unstructured data (like clinical notes), which HealthLake will tag and structure in FHIR. All the data is fully indexed using standard medical terms so you can quickly and easily query, search, analyze, and update all of your customers’ health information.

Overview of HealthLake

With HealthLake, healthcare organizations can collect and transform patient health information in minutes and have a complete view of a patients medical history, structured in the FHIR industry standard format with powerful search and query capabilities.

From the AWS Management Console, healthcare organizations can use the HealthLake API to copy their on-premises healthcare data to a secure data lake in AWS with just a few clicks. If your source system is not configured to send data in FHIR format, you can use a list of AWS partners to easily connect and convert your legacy healthcare data format to FHIR.

HealthLake is Powered by Machine Learning
HealthLake uses specialized ML models such as natural language processing (NLP) to automatically transform raw data. These models are trained to understand and extract meaningful information from unstructured health data.

For example, HealthLake can accurately identify patient information from medical histories, physician notes, and medical imaging reports. It then provides the ability to tag, index, and structure the transformed data to make it searchable by standard terms such as medical condition, diagnosis, medication, and treatment.

Queries on tens of thousands of patient records are very simple. For example, a healthcare organization can create a list of diabetic patients based on similarity of medications by selecting “diabetes” from the standard list of medical conditions, selecting “oral medications” from the treatment menu, and refining the gender and search.

Healthcare organizations can use Juypter Notebook templates in Amazon SageMaker to quickly and easily run analysis on the normalized data for common tasks like diagnosis predictions, hospital re-admittance probability, and operating room utilization forecasts. These models can, for example, help healthcare organizations predict the onset of disease. With just a few clicks in a pre-built notebook, healthcare organizations can apply ML to their historical data and predict when a diabetic patient will develop hypertension in the next five years. Operators can also build, train, and deploy their own ML models on data using Amazon SageMaker directly from the AWS management console.

Let’s Create Your Own Data Store and Start to Test
Starting to use HealthLake is simple. You access AWS Management Console, and click select Create a datastore.

If you click Preload data, HealthLake will load test data and you can start to test its features. You can also upload your own data if you already have FHIR 4 compliant data. You upload it to S3 buckets, and import it to set its bucket name.

Once your Data Store is created, you can perform a Search, Create, Read, Update or Delete FHIR Query Operation. For example, if you need a list of every patient located in New York, your query setting looks like the screenshots below. As per the FHIR specification, deleted data is only hidden from analysis and results; it is not deleted from the service, only versioned.

Creating Query


You can choose Add search parameter for more nested conditions of the query as shown below.

Amazon HealthLake is Now in Preview
Amazon HealthLake is in preview starting today in US East (N. Virginia). Please check our web site and technical documentation for more information.

– Kame