Amazon SageMaker Simplifies Training Deep Learning Models With Billions of Parameters

Post Syndicated from Julien Simon original

Today, I’m extremely happy to announce that Amazon SageMaker simplifies the training of very large deep learning models that were previously difficult to train due to hardware limitations.

In the last 10 years, a subset of machine learning named deep learning (DL) has taken the world by storm. Based on neural networks, DL algorithms have an extraordinary ability to extract information patterns hidden in vast amounts of unstructured data, such as images, videos, speech, or text. Indeed, DL has quickly achieved impressive results on a variety of complex human-like tasks, especially on computer vision and natural language processing. In fact, innovation has never been faster, as DL keeps improving its results on reference tasks like the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC), the General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE), or the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQUAD).

In order to tackle ever more complex tasks, DL researchers are designing increasingly sophisticated models, adding more neuron layers and more connections to improve pattern extraction and prediction accuracy, with a direct impact on model size. For example, you would get very good results on image classification with a 100-megabyte ResNet-50 model. For more difficult tasks such as object detection or instance segmentation, you would have to use larger models such as Mask R-CNN or YOLO v4, weighing in at about 250 megabytes.

As you can guess, model growth also impacts the amount of time and hardware resources required for model training, which is why Graphical Processing Units (GPU) have long been the preferred option to train and fine-tune large DL models. Thanks to their massively parallel architecture and their large on-board memory, they make it possible to use a technique called mini-batch training. By sending several data samples at once to the GPU, instead of sending them one by one, communication overhead is reduced, and training jobs are greatly accelerated. For example, the NVIDIA A100 available on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) p4 family has over 7,000 compute cores and 40 gigabytes of fast onboard memory. Surely, that should be enough to train large batches of data on very large models, shouldn’t it?

Well, it’s not. Natural language processing behemoths such as OpenAI GPT-2 (1.5 billion parameters), T5-3B (3 billion parameters) and GPT-3 (175 billion parameters) consume tens or even hundreds of gigabytes of GPU memory. Likewise, state-of-the-art models working on high-resolution 3D images can be too large to fit in GPU memory, even with a batch size of 1…

Trying to square the circle, DL researchers use a combination of techniques, such as the following:

  • Buy more powerful GPUs, although we just saw that this is simply not an option for some models.
  • Work with less powerful models, and sacrifice accuracy.
  • Implement gradient checkpointing, a technique that relies on saving intermediate training results to disk instead of keeping everything in memory, at the expense of a 20-30% training slowdown.
  • Implement model parallelism, that is to say split the model manually, and train its (smaller) pieces on different GPUs. Needless to say, this is an extremely difficult, time-consuming, and uncertain task, even for expert practitioners.

Customers have told us that none of the above was a satisfactory solution to working with very large models. They asked us for a simpler and more cost-effective solution, and we got to work.

Introducing Model Parallelism in Amazon SageMaker
Model parallelism in SageMaker automatically and efficiently partitions models across several GPUs, eliminating the need for accuracy compromises or for complex manual work. In addition, thanks to this scale-out approach to model training, not only can you work with very large models without any memory bottleneck, you can also leverage a large number of smaller and more cost-effective GPUs.

At launch, this is supported for TensorFlow and PyTorch, and it only requires minimal changes in your code. When you launch a training job, you can specify whether your model should be optimized for speed or for memory usage. Then, Amazon SageMaker runs an initial profiling job on your behalf in order to analyze the compute and memory requirements of your model. This information is then fed to a partitioning algorithm which decides how to split the model and how to map model partitions to GPUs, while minimizing communication. The outcome of the partitioning decision is saved to a file, which is passed as input to the actual training job.

As you can see, SageMaker takes care of everything. If you’d like, you could also manually profile and partition the model, then train on SageMaker.

Before we look at the code, I’d like to give you a quick overview of the internals.

Training with Model Partitions and Microbatches
As model partitions running on different GPUs expect forward pass inputs from each other (activation values), processing training mini-batches across a sequence of partitions would only keep one partition busy at all times, while stalling the other ones.

To avoid this inefficient behavior, mini-batches are split into microbatches that are processed in parallel on the different GPUs. For example, GPU #1 could be forward propagating microbatch n, while GPU #2 could do the same for microbatch n+1. Activation values can be stored, and passed to the next partition whenever it’s ready to accept them.

For back propagation, partitions also expect input values from each other (gradients). As a partition can’t simultaneously run forward and backward propagation, we could wait for all GPUs to complete the forward pass on their own microbatch, before letting them run the corresponding backward pass. This simple mode is available in Amazon SageMaker.

There’s an even more efficient option, called interleaved mode. Here, SageMaker replicates partitions according to the number of microbatches. For example, working with 2 microbatches, each GPU would run two copies of the partition it has received. Each copy would collaborate with partitions running on other GPUs, either for forward or backpropagation.

Here’s how things could look like, with 4 different microbatches being processed by 2 duplicated partitions.


To sum things up, interleaving the forward and backward passes of different microbatches is how SageMaker maximimes GPU utilization.

Now, let’s see how we can put this to work with TensorFlow.

Implementing Model Parallelism in Amazon SageMaker
Thanks to the SageMaker Model Parallelism (SMP) library, you can easily implement model parallelism in your own TensorFlow code (the process is similar for PyTorch). Here’s what you need to do:

  • Define and initialize the partitioning configuration.
  • Make your model a subclass of the DistributedModel class, using standard Keras subclassing.
  • Write and decorate with @smp.step a training function that represents a forward and backward step for the model. This function will be pipelined according to the architecture described in the previous section.
  • Optionally, do the same for an evaluation function that will also be pipelined.

Let’s apply this to a simple convolution network training on the MNIST dataset, using an ml.p3.8xlarge instance equipped with 4 NVIDIA V100 GPUs.

First, I initialize the SMP API.

import smdistributed.modelparallel.tensorflow as smp

Then, I subclass DistributedModel and build my model.

class MyModel(smp.DistributedModel):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyModel, self).__init__()
        self.conv = Conv2D(32, 3, activation="relu")
        self.flatten = Flatten()
        self.dense1 = Dense(128)
        self.dense2 = Dense(10)
. . .

This is what the training function looks like.

def forward_backward(images, labels):
    predictions = model(images, training=True)
    loss = loss_obj(labels, predictions)
    grads = optimizer.get_gradients(loss, model.trainable_variables)
    return grads, loss

Then, I can train as usual with the TensorFlow estimator available in the SageMaker SDK. I only need to add the model parallelism configuration: 2 partitions (hence training on 2 GPUs), and 2 microbatches (hence 2 copies of each partition) with interleaving.

smd_mp_estimator = TensorFlow(
        "smdistributed": {
            "modelparallel": {
                "parameters": {
                    "microbatches": 2,
                    "partitions": 2,
                    "pipeline": "interleaved",
                    "optimize": "memory",
                    "horovod": True, 
        "mpi": {
            "enabled": True,
            "processes_per_host": 2, # Pick your processes_per_host
            "custom_mpi_options": mpioptions

Getting Started
As you can see, model parallelism makes it easier to train very large state-of-the-art deep learning models. It’s available today in all regions where Amazon SageMaker is available, at no additional cost.

Examples are available to get you started right away. Give them a try, and let us know what you think. We’re always looking forward to your feedback, either through your usual AWS support contacts, or on the AWS Forum for SageMaker.

– Julien


CentOS is dead, long live CentOS Stream

Post Syndicated from original

Red Hat has announced
an end to the CentOS distribution as we know it. CentOS will be replaced
by “CentOS Stream”, which looks like a sort of beta test for changes going
into Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Support for CentOS 7 will continue as
scheduled, but support for CentOS 8 will go away at the end of 2021.
When CentOS Linux 8 (the rebuild of RHEL8) ends, your best option
will be to migrate to CentOS Stream 8, which is a small delta from CentOS
Linux 8, and has regular updates like traditional CentOS Linux releases. If
you are using CentOS Linux 8 in a production environment, and are concerned
that CentOS Stream will not meet your needs, we encourage you to contact
Red Hat about options.

More information can be found in this FAQ. “CentOS Stream
will be getting fixes and features ahead of RHEL. Generally speaking, we
expect CentOS Stream to have fewer bugs and more runtime features than RHEL
until those packages make it into the RHEL release.

Update: see also this
blog post
from Chris Wright.

Qt 6.0 released

Post Syndicated from original

Version 6.0 of the Qt
interface framework is available. “Qt 6.0 is a starting point for
the next generation of Qt. It is not yet as feature-complete as 5.15, but
we will fill the gaps within the months to come. We’ve done a lot of
important work in laying out the foundations of the next version of
Qt. Many of those changes might not be immediately visible, but I firmly
believe they will help keep Qt competitive in the years to come.

Changes include moving to C++17, the completion of the Unicode transition,
a move away from OpenGL to a new internal rendering interface, additional
3D capabilities, and more.

Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in

Post Syndicated from Tanya Verma original

Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in

Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in

Today we are announcing support for a new proposed DNS standard — co-authored by engineers from Cloudflare, Apple, and Fastly — that separates IP addresses from queries, so that no single entity can see both at the same time. Even better, we’ve made source code available, so anyone can try out ODoH, or run their own ODoH service!

But first, a bit of context. The Domain Name System (DNS) is the foundation of a human-usable Internet. It maps usable domain names, such as, to IP addresses and other information needed to connect to that domain. A quick primer about the importance and issues with DNS can be read in a previous blog post. For this post, it’s enough to know that, in the initial design and still dominant usage of DNS, queries are sent in cleartext. This means anyone on the network path between your device and the DNS resolver can see both the query that contains the hostname (or website) you want, as well as the IP address that identifies your device.

To safeguard DNS from onlookers and third parties, the IETF standardized DNS encryption with DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT). Both protocols prevent queries from being intercepted, redirected, or modified between the client and resolver. Client support for DoT and DoH is growing, having been implemented in recent versions of Firefox, iOS, and more. Even so, until there is wider deployment among Internet service providers, Cloudflare is one of only a few providers to offer a public DoH/DoT service. This has raised two main concerns. One concern is that the centralization of DNS introduces single points of failure (although, with data centers in more than 100 countries, Cloudflare is designed to always be reachable). The other concern is that the resolver can still link all queries to client IP addresses.

Cloudflare is committed to end-user privacy. Users of our public DNS resolver service are protected by a strong, audited privacy policy. However, for some, trusting Cloudflare with sensitive query information is a barrier to adoption, even with such a strong privacy policy. Instead of relying on privacy policies and audits, what if we could give users an option to remove that bar with technical guarantees?

Today, Cloudflare and partners are launching support for a protocol that does exactly that: Oblivious DNS over HTTPS, or ODoH for short.

ODoH Partners:

We’re excited to launch ODoH with several leading launch partners who are equally committed to privacy.

A key component of ODoH is a proxy that is disjoint from the target resolver. Today, we’re launching ODoH with several leading proxy partners, including: PCCW, SURF, and Equinix.

Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in

“ODoH is a revolutionary new concept designed to keep users’ privacy at the center of everything. Our ODoH partnership with Cloudflare positions us well in the privacy and “Infrastructure of the Internet” space. As well as the enhanced security and performance of the underlying PCCW Global network, which can be accessed on-demand via Console Connect, the performance of the proxies on our network are now improved by Cloudflare’s resolvers. This model for the first time completely decouples client proxy from the resolvers. This partnership strengthens our existing focus on privacy as the world moves to a more remote model and privacy becomes an even more critical feature.” — Michael Glynn, Vice President, Digital Automated Innovation, PCCW Global

Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in

“We are partnering with Cloudflare to implement better user privacy via ODoH. The move to ODoH is a true paradigm shift, where the users’ privacy or the IP address is not exposed to any provider, resulting in true privacy. With the launch of ODoH-pilot, we’re joining the power of Cloudflare’s network to meet the challenges of any users around the globe. The move to ODoH is not only a paradigm shift but it emphasizes how privacy is important to any users than ever, especially during 2020. It resonates with our core focus and belief around Privacy.” — Joost van Dijk, Technical Product Manager, SURF

Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in

How does Oblivious DNS over HTTPS (ODoH) work?

ODoH works by adding a layer of public key encryption, as well as a network proxy between clients and DoH servers such as The combination of these two added elements guarantees that only the user has access to both the DNS messages and their own IP address at the same time.

Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in

There are three players in the ODoH path. Looking at the figure above, let’s begin with the target. The target decrypts queries encrypted by the client, via a proxy. Similarly, the target encrypts responses and returns them to the proxy. The standard says that the target may or may not be the resolver (we’ll touch on this later). The proxy does as a proxy is supposed to do, in that it forwards messages between client and target. The client behaves as it does in DNS and DoH, but differs by encrypting queries for the target, and decrypting the target’s responses. Any client that chooses to do so can specify a proxy and target of choice.

Together, the added encryption and proxying provide the following guarantees:

  1. The target sees only the query and the proxy’s IP address.
  2. The proxy has no visibility into the DNS messages, with no ability to identify, read, or modify either the query being sent by the client or the answer being returned by the target.
  3. Only the intended target can read the content of the query and produce a response.

These three guarantees improve client privacy while maintaining the security and integrity of DNS queries. However, each of these guarantees relies on one fundamental property — that the proxy and the target servers do not collude. So long as there is no collusion, an attacker succeeds only if both the proxy and target are compromised.

One aspect of this system worth highlighting is that the target is separate from the upstream recursive resolver that performs DNS resolution. In practice, for performance, we expect the target to be the same. In fact, is now both a recursive resolver and a target! There is no reason that a target needs to exist separately from any resolver. If they are separated then the target is free to choose resolvers, and just act as a go-between. The only real requirement, remember, is that the proxy and target never collude.

Also, importantly, clients are in complete control of proxy and target selection. Without any need for TRR-like programs, clients can have privacy for their queries, in addition to security. Since the target only knows about the proxy, the target and any upstream resolver are oblivious to the existence of any client IP addresses. Importantly, this puts clients in greater control over their queries and the ways they might be used. For example, clients could select and alter their proxies and targets any time, for any reason!

ODoH Message Flow

In ODoH, the ‘O’ stands for oblivious, and this property comes from the level of encryption of the DNS messages themselves. This added encryption is `end-to-end` between client and target, and independent from the connection-level encryption provided by TLS/HTTPS. One might ask why this additional encryption is required at all in the presence of a proxy. This is because two separate TLS connections are required to support proxy functionality. Specifically, the proxy terminates a TLS connection from the client, and initiates another TLS connection to the target. Between those two connections, the DNS message contexts would otherwise appear in plaintext! For this reason, ODoH additionally encrypts messages between client and target so the proxy has no access to the message contents.

The whole process begins with clients that encrypt their query for the target using HPKE. Clients obtain the target’s public key via DNS, where it is bundled into a HTTPS resource record and protected by DNSSEC. When the TTL for this key expires, clients request a new copy of the key as needed (just as they would for an A/AAAA record when that record’s TTL expires). The usage of a target’s DNSSEC-validated public key guarantees that only the intended target can decrypt the query and encrypt a response (answer).

Clients transmit these encrypted queries to a proxy over an HTTPS connection. Upon receipt, the proxy forwards the query to the designated target. The target then decrypts the query, produces a response by sending the query to a recursive resolver such as, and then encrypts the response to the client. The encrypted query from the client contains encapsulated keying material from which targets derive the response encryption symmetric key.

This response is then sent back to the proxy, and then subsequently forwarded to the client. All communication is authenticated and confidential since these DNS messages are end-to-end encrypted, despite being transmitted over two separate HTTPS connections (client-proxy and proxy-target). The message that otherwise appears to the proxy as plaintext is actually an encrypted garble.

What about Performance? Do I have to trade performance to get privacy?

We’ve been doing lots of measurements to find out, and will be doing more as ODoH deploys more widely. Our initial set of measurement configurations spanned cities in the USA, Canada, and Brazil. Importantly, our measurements include not just, but also and The full set of measurements, so far, is documented for open access.

In those measurements, it was important to isolate the cost of proxying and additional encryption from the cost of TCP and TLS connection setup. This is because the TLS and TCP costs are incurred by DoH, anyway. So, in our setup, we ‘primed’ measurements by establishing connections once and reusing that connection for all measurements. We did this for both DoH and for ODoH, since the same strategy could be used in either case.

The first thing that we can say with confidence is that the additional encryption is marginal. We know this because we randomly selected 10,000 domains from the Tranco million dataset and measured both encryption of the A record with a different public key, as well as its decryption. The additional cost between a proxied DoH query/response and its ODoH counterpart is consistently less than 1ms at the 99th percentile.

The ODoH request-response pipeline, however, is much more than just encryption. A very useful way of looking at measurements is by looking at the cumulative distribution chart — if you’re familiar with these kinds of charts, skip to the next paragraph. In contrast to most charts where we start along the x-axis, with cumulative distributions we often start with the y-axis.

The chart below shows the cumulative distributions for query/response times in DoH, ODoH, and DoH when transmitted over the Tor Network. The dashed horizontal line that starts on the left from 0.5 is the 50% mark. Along this horizontal line, for any plotted curve, the part of the curve below the dashed line is 50% of the data points. Now look at the x-axis, which is a measure of time. The lines that appear to the left are faster than lines to the right. One last important detail is that the x-axis is plotted on a logarithmic scale. What does this mean? Notice that the distance between the labeled markers (10x) is equal in cumulative distributions but the ‘x’ is an exponent, and represents orders of magnitude. So, while the time difference between the first two markers is 9ms, the difference between the 3rd and 4th markers is 900ms.

Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in

In this chart, the middle curve represents ODoH measurements. We also measured the performance of privacy-preserving alternatives, for example, DoH queries transmitted over the Tor network as represented by the right curve in the chart. (Additional privacy-preserving alternatives are captured in the open access technical report.) Compared to other privacy-oriented DNS variants, ODoH cuts query time in half, or better. This point is important since privacy and performance rarely play nicely together, so seeing this kind of improvement is encouraging!

The chart above also tells us that 50% of the time ODoH queries are resolved in fewer than 228ms. Now compare the middle line to the left line that represents ‘straight-line’ (or normal) DoH without any modification. That left plotline says that 50% of the time, DoH queries are resolved in fewer than 146ms. Looking below the 50% mark, the curves also tell us that ½ the time that difference is never greater than 100ms. On the other side, looking at the curves above the 50% mark tells us that ½ ODoH queries are competitive with DoH.

Those curves also hide a lot of information, so it is important to delve further into the measurements. The chart below has three different cumulative distribution curves that describe ODoH performance if we select proxies and targets by their latency. This is also an example of the insights that measurements can reveal, some of which are counterintuitive. For example, looking above 0.5, these curves say that ½ of ODoH query/response times are virtually indistinguishable, no matter the choice of proxy and target. Now shift attention below 0.5 and compare the two solid curves against the dashed curve that represents overall average. This region suggests that selecting the lowest-latency proxy and target offers minimal improvement over the average but, most importantly, it shows that selecting the lowest-latency proxy leads to worse performance!

Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in

Open questions remain, of course. This first set of measurements were executed largely in North America. Does performance change at a global level? How does this affect client performance, in practice? We’re working on finding out, and this release will help us to do that.

Interesting! Can I experiment with ODoH? Is there an open ODoH service?

Yes, and yes! We have open sourced our interoperable ODoH implementations in Rust, odoh-rs and Go, odoh-go, as well as integrated the target into the Cloudflare DNS Resolver. That’s right, is ready to receive queries via ODoH.

We have also open sourced test clients in Rust, odoh-client-rs, and Go, odoh-client-go, to demo ODoH queries. You can also check out the HPKE configuration used by ODoH for message encryption to by querying the service directly:

$ dig -t type65 +dnssec 

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> -t type65 +dnssec
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 19923
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 1232

;; ANSWER SECTION: 300	IN	TYPE65	\# 108 00010000010003026832000400086810F8F96810F9F9000600202606 470000000000000000006810F8F92606470000000000000000006810 F9F98001002E002CFF0200280020000100010020ED82DBE32CCDE189 BC6C643A80B5FAFF82548D21601C613408BACAAE6467B30A 300	IN	RRSIG	TYPE65 13 3 300 20201119163629 20201117143629 34505 yny5+ApxPSO6Q4aegv09ZnBmPiXxDEnX5Xv21TAchxbxt1VhqlHpb5Oc 8yQPNGXb0fb+NyibmHlvTXjphYjcPA==

;; Query time: 21 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Nov 18 07:36:29 PST 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 291

We are working to add ODoH to existing stub resolvers such as cloudflared. If you’re interested in adding support to a client, or if you encounter bugs with the implementations, please drop us a line at [email protected]! Announcements about the ODoH specification and server will be sent to the IETF DPRIVE mailing list. You can subscribe and follow announcements and discussion about the specification here.

We are committed to moving it forward in the IETF and are already seeing interest from client vendors. Eric Rescorla, CTO of Firefox, says, “Oblivious DoH is a great addition to the secure DNS ecosystem. We’re excited to see it starting to take off and are looking forward to experimenting with it in Firefox.” We hope that more operators join us along the way and provide support for the protocol, by running either proxies or targets, and we hope client support will increase as the available infrastructure increases, too.

The ODoH protocol is a practical approach for improving privacy of users, and aims to improve the overall adoption of encrypted DNS protocols without compromising performance and user experience on the Internet.


Marek Vavruša and Anbang Wen were instrumental in getting the resolver to support ODoH. Chris Wood and Peter Wu helped get the ODoH libraries ready and tested.

OPAQUE: The Best Passwords Never Leave your Device

Post Syndicated from Tatiana Bradley original

OPAQUE: The Best Passwords Never Leave your Device

OPAQUE: The Best Passwords Never Leave your Device

Passwords are a problem. They are a problem for reasons that are familiar to most readers. For us at Cloudflare, the problem lies much deeper and broader. Most readers will immediately acknowledge that passwords are hard to remember and manage, especially as password requirements grow increasingly complex. Luckily there are great software packages and browser add-ons to help manage passwords. Unfortunately, the greater underlying problem is beyond the reaches of software to solve.

The fundamental password problem is simple to explain, but hard to solve: A password that leaves your possession is guaranteed to sacrifice security, no matter its complexity or how hard it may be to guess. Passwords are insecure by their very existence.

You might say, “but passwords are always stored in encrypted format!” That would be great. More accurately, they are likely stored as a salted hash, as explained below. Even worse is that there is no way to verify the way that passwords are stored, and so we can assume that on some servers passwords are stored in cleartext. The truth is that even responsibly stored passwords can be leaked and broken, albeit (and thankfully) with enormous effort. An increasingly pressing problem stems from the nature of passwords themselves: any direct use of a password, today, means that the password must be handled in the clear.

You say, “but my password is transmitted securely over HTTPS!” This is true.

You say, “but I know the server stores my password in hashed form, secure so no one can access it!” Well, this puts a lot of faith in the server. Even so, let’s just say that yes, this may be true, too.

There remains, however, an important caveat — a gap in the end-to-end use of passwords. Consider that once a server receives a password, between being securely transmitted and securely stored, the password has to be read and processed. Yes, as cleartext!

And it gets worse — because so many are used to thinking in software, it’s easy to forget about the vulnerability of hardware. This means that even if the software is somehow trusted, the password must at some point reside in memory. The password must at some point be transmitted over a shared bus to the CPU. These provide vectors of attack to on-lookers in many forms. Of course, these attack vectors are far less likely than those presented by transmission and permanent storage, but they are no less severe (recent CPU vulnerabilities such as Spectre and Meltdown should serve as a stark reminder.)

The only way to fix this problem is to get rid of passwords altogether. There is hope! Research and private sector communities are working hard to do just that. New standards are emerging and growing mature. Unfortunately, passwords are so ubiquitous that it will take a long time to agree on and supplant passwords with new standards and technology.

At Cloudflare, we’ve been asking if there is something that can be done now, imminently. Today’s deep-dive into OPAQUE is one possible answer. OPAQUE is one among many examples of systems that enable a password to be useful without it ever leaving your possession. No one likes passwords, but as long they’re in use, at least we can ensure they are never given away.

I’ll be the first to admit that password-based authentication is annoying. Passwords are hard to remember, tedious to type, and notoriously insecure. Initiatives to reduce or replace passwords are promising. For example, WebAuthn is a standard for web authentication based primarily on public key cryptography using hardware (or software) tokens. Even so, passwords are frustratingly persistent as an authentication mechanism. Whether their persistence is due to their ease of implementation, familiarity to users, or simple ubiquity on the web and elsewhere, we’d like to make password-based authentication as secure as possible while they persist.

My internship at Cloudflare focused on OPAQUE, a cryptographic protocol that solves one of the most glaring security issues with password-based authentication on the web: though passwords are typically protected in transit by HTTPS, servers handle them in plaintext to check their correctness. Handling plaintext passwords is dangerous, as accidentally logging or caching them could lead to a catastrophic breach. The goal of the project, rather than to advocate for adoption of any particular protocol, is to show that OPAQUE is a viable option among many for authentication. Because the web case is most familiar to me, and likely many readers, I will use the web as my main example.

Web Authentication 101: Password-over-TLS

When you type in a password on the web, what happens? The website must check that the password you typed is the same as the one you originally registered with the site. But how does this check work?

Usually, your username and password are sent to a server. The server then checks if the registered password associated with your username matches the password you provided. Of course, to prevent an attacker eavesdropping on your Internet traffic from stealing your password, your connection to the server should be encrypted via HTTPS (HTTP-over-TLS).

Despite use of HTTPS, there still remains a glaring problem in this flow: the server must store a representation of your password somewhere. Servers are hard to secure, and breaches are all too common. Leaking this representation can cause catastrophic security problems. (For records of the latest breaches, check out

To make these leaks less devastating, servers often apply a hash function to user passwords. A hash function maps each password to a unique, random-looking value. It’s easy to apply the hash to a password, but almost impossible to reverse the function and retrieve the password. (That said, anyone can guess a password, apply the hash function, and check if the result is the same.)

With password hashing, plaintext passwords are no longer stored on servers.  An attacker who steals a password database no longer has direct access to passwords. Instead, the attacker must apply the hash to many possible passwords and compare the results with the leaked hashes.

Unfortunately, if a server hashes only the passwords, attackers can download precomputed rainbow tables containing hashes of trillions of possible passwords and almost instantly retrieve the plaintext passwords. (See for a list of some rainbow tables).

With this in mind, a good defense-in-depth strategy is to use salted hashing, where the server hashes your password appended to a random, per-user value called a salt. The server also saves the salt alongside the username, so the user never sees or needs to submit it. When the user submits a password, the server re-computes this hash function using the salt. An attacker who steals password data, i.e., the password representations and salt values, must then guess common passwords one by one and apply the (salted) hash function to each guessed password. Existing rainbow tables won’t help because they don’t take the salts into account, so the attacker needs to make a new rainbow table for each user!

This (hopefully) slows down the attack enough for the service to inform users of a breach, so they can change their passwords. In addition, the salted hashes should be hardened by applying a hash many times to further slow attacks. (See for a more detailed discussion).

These two mitigation strategies — encrypting the password in transit and storing salted, hardened hashes — are the current best practices.

A large security hole remains open. Password-over-TLS (as we will call it) requires users to send plaintext passwords to servers during login, because servers must see these passwords to match against registered passwords on file. Even a well-meaning server could accidentally cache or log your password attempt(s), or become corrupted in the course of checking passwords. (For example, Facebook detected in 2019 that it had accidentally been storing hundreds of millions of plaintext user passwords). Ideally, servers should never see a plaintext password at all.

But that’s quite a conundrum: how can you check a password if you never see the password? Enter OPAQUE: a Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocol that simultaneously proves knowledge of a password and derives a secret key. Before describing OPAQUE in detail, we’ll first summarize PAKE functionalities in general.

Password Proofs with Password-Authenticated Key Exchange

Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) was proposed by Bellovin and Merrit in 1992, with an initial motivation of allowing password-authentication without the possibility of dictionary attacks based on data transmitted over an insecure channel.

Essentially, a plain, or symmetric, PAKE is a cryptographic protocol that allows two parties who share only a password to establish a strong shared secret key. The goals of PAKE are:

1) The secret keys will match if the passwords match, and appear random otherwise.

2) Participants do not need to trust third parties (in particular, no Public Key Infrastructure),

3) The resulting secret key is not learned by anyone not participating in the protocol – including those who know the password.

4) The protocol does not reveal either parties’ password to each other (unless the passwords match), or to eavesdroppers.

In sum, the only way to successfully attack the protocol is to guess the password correctly while participating in the protocol. (Luckily, such attacks can be mostly thwarted by rate-limiting, i.e, blocking a user from logging in after a certain number of incorrect password attempts).

Given these requirements, password-over-TLS is clearly not a PAKE, because:

  • It relies on WebPKI, which places trust in third-parties called Certificate Authorities (see for an in-depth explanation of WebPKI and some of its shortcomings).
  • The user’s password is revealed to the server.
  • Password-over-TLS provides the user no assurance that the server knows their password or a derivative of it — a server could accept any input from the user with no checks whatsoever.

That said, plain PAKE is still worse than Password-over-TLS, simply because it requires the server to store plaintext passwords. We need a PAKE that lets the server store salted hashes if we want to beat the current practice.

An improvement over plain PAKE is what’s called an asymmetric PAKE (aPAKE), because only the client knows the password, and the server knows a hashed password. An aPAKE has the four properties of PAKE, plus one more:

5) An attacker who steals password data stored on the server must perform a dictionary attack to retrieve the password.

The issue with most existing aPAKE protocols, however, is that they do not allow for a salted hash (or if they do, they require that salt to be transmitted to the user, which means the attacker has access to the salt beforehand and can begin computing a rainbow table for the user before stealing any data). We’d like, therefore, to upgrade the security property as follows:

5*) An attacker who steals password data stored on the server must perform a per-user dictionary attack to retrieve the password after the data is compromised.

OPAQUE is the first aPAKE protocol with a formal security proof that has this property: it allows for a completely secret salt.

OPAQUE – Servers safeguard secrets without knowing them!

OPAQUE: The Best Passwords Never Leave your Device

OPAQUE is what’s referred to as a strong aPAKE, which simply means that it resists these pre-computation attacks by using a secretly salted hash on the server. OPAQUE was proposed and formally analyzed by Stanislaw Jarecki, Hugo Krawcyzk and Jiayu Xu in 2018 (full disclosure: Stanislaw Jarecki is my academic advisor). The name OPAQUE is a combination of the names of two cryptographic protocols: OPRF and PAKE. We already know PAKE, but what is an OPRF? OPRF stands for Oblivious Pseudo-Random Function, which is a protocol by which two parties compute a function F(key, x) that is deterministic but outputs random-looking values. One party inputs the value x, and another party inputs the key – the party who inputs x learns the result F(key, x) but not the key, and the party providing the key learns nothing.  (You can dive into the math of OPRFs here:

The core of OPAQUE is a method to store user secrets for safekeeping on a server, without giving the server access to those secrets. Instead of storing a traditional salted password hash, the server stores a secret envelope for you that is “locked” by two pieces of information: your password known only by you, and a random secret key (like a salt) known only by the server. To log in, the client initiates a cryptographic exchange that reveals the envelope key to the client, but, importantly, not to the server.

The server then sends the envelope to the user, who now can retrieve the encrypted keys. (The keys included in the envelope are a private-public key pair for the user, and a public key for the server.) These keys, once unlocked, will be the inputs to an Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) protocol, which allows the user and server to establish a secret key which can be used to encrypt their future communication.

OPAQUE consists of two phases, being credential registration and login via key exchange.

OPAQUE: Registration Phase

Before registration, the user first signs up for a service and picks a username and password. Registration begins with the OPRF flow we just described: Alice (the user) and Bob (the server) do an OPRF exchange. The result is that Alice has a random key rwd, derived from the OPRF output F(key, pwd), where key is a server-owned OPRF key specific to Alice and pwd is Alice’s password.

Within his OPRF message, Bob sends the public key for his OPAQUE identity. Alice then generates a new private/public key pair, which will be her persistent OPAQUE identity for Bob’s service, and encrypts her private key along with Bob’s public key with the rwd (we will call the result an encrypted envelope). She sends this encrypted envelope along with her public key (unencrypted) to Bob, who stores the data she provided, along with Alice’s specific OPRF keysecret, in a database indexed by her username.

OPAQUE: The Best Passwords Never Leave your Device

OPAQUE: Login Phase

The login phase is very similar. It starts the same way as registration — with an OPRF flow. However, on the server side, instead of generating a new OPRF key, Bob instead looks up the one he created during Alice’s registration. He does this by looking up Alice’s username (which she provides in the first message), and retrieving his record of her. This record contains her public key, her encrypted envelope, and Bob’s OPRF key for Alice.

He also sends over the encrypted envelope which Alice can decrypt with the output of the OPRF flow. (If decryption fails, she aborts the protocol — this likely indicates that she typed her password incorrectly, or Bob isn’t who he says he is). If decryption succeeds, she now has her own secret key and Bob’s public key. She inputs these into an AKE protocol with Bob, who, in turn, inputs his private key and her public key, which gives them both a fresh shared secret key.

OPAQUE: The Best Passwords Never Leave your Device

Integrating OPAQUE with an AKE

An important question to ask here is: what AKE is suitable for OPAQUE? The emerging CFRG specification outlines several options, including 3DH and SIGMA-I. However, on the web, we already have an AKE at our disposal: TLS!

Recall that TLS is an AKE because it provides unilateral (and mutual) authentication with shared secret derivation. The core of TLS is a Diffie-Hellman key exchange, which by itself is unauthenticated, meaning that the parties running it have no way to verify who they are running it with. (This is a problem because when you log into your bank, or any other website that stores your private data, you want to be sure that they are who they say they are). Authentication primarily uses certificates, which are issued by trusted entities through a system called Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Each certificate is associated with a secret key. To prove its identity, the server presents its certificate to the client, and signs the TLS handshake with its secret key.

Modifying this ubiquitous certificate-based authentication on the web is perhaps not the best place to start. Instead, an improvement would be to authenticate the TLS shared secret, using OPAQUE, after the TLS handshake completes. In other words, once a server is authenticated with its typical WebPKI certificate, clients could subsequently authenticate to the server. This authentication could take place “post handshake” in the TLS connection using OPAQUE.

Exported Authenticators are one mechanism for “post-handshake” authentication in TLS. They allow a server or client to provide proof of an identity without setting up a new TLS connection. Recall that in the standard web case, the server establishes their identity with a certificate (proving, for example, that they are “”). But if the same server also holds alternate identities, they must run TLS again to prove who they are.

The basic Exported Authenticator flow works resembles a classical challenge-response protocol, and works as follows. (We’ll consider the server authentication case only, as the client case is symmetric).

OPAQUE: The Best Passwords Never Leave your Device

At any point after a TLS connection is established, Alice (the client) sends an authenticator request to indicate that she would like Bob (the server) to prove an additional identity. This request includes a context (an unpredictable string — think of this as a challenge), and extensions which include information about what identity the client wants to be provided. For example, the client could include the SNI extension to ask the server for a certificate associated with a certain domain name other than the one initially used in the TLS connection.

On receipt of the client message, if the server has a valid certificate corresponding to the request, it sends back an exported authenticator which proves that it has the secret key for the certificate. (This message has the same format as an Auth message from the client in TLS 1.3 handshake – it contains a Certificate, a CertificateVerify and a Finished message). If the server cannot or does not wish to authenticate with the requested certificate, it replies with an empty authenticator which contains only a well formed Finished message.

The client then checks that the Exported Authenticator it receives is well-formed, and then verifies that the certificate presented is valid, and if so, accepts the new identity.

In sum, Exported Authenticators provide authentication in a higher layer (such as the application layer) safely by leveraging the well-vetted cryptography and message formats of TLS. Furthermore, it is tied to the TLS session so that authentication messages can’t be copied and pasted from one TLS connection into another. In other words, Exported Authenticators provide exactly the right hooks needed to add OPAQUE-based authentication into TLS.

OPAQUE with Exported Authenticators (OPAQUE-EA)

OPAQUE: The Best Passwords Never Leave your Device

OPAQUE-EA allows OPAQUE to run at any point after a TLS connection has already been set up. Recall that Bob (the server) will store his OPAQUE identity, in this case a signing key and verification key, and Alice will store her identity — encrypted — on Bob’s server. (The registration flow where Alice stores her encrypted keys is the same as in regular OPAQUE, except she stores a signing key, so we will skip straight to the login flow). Alice and Bob run two request-authenticate EA flows, one for each party, and OPAQUE protocol messages ride along in the extensions section of the EAs. Let’s look in detail how this works.

First, Alice generates her OPRF message based on her password. She creates an Authenticator Request asking for Bob’s OPAQUE identity, and includes (in the extensions field) her username and her OPRF message, and sends this to Bob over their established TLS connection.

Bob receives the message and looks up Alice’s username in his database. He retrieves her OPAQUE record containing her verification key and encrypted envelope, and his OPRF key. He uses the OPRF key on the OPRF message, and creates an Exported Authenticator proving ownership of his OPAQUE signing key, with an extension containing his OPRF message and the encrypted envelope. Additionally, he sends a new Authenticator Request asking Alice to prove ownership of her OPAQUE signing key.

Alice parses the message and completes the OPRF evaluation using Bob’s message to get output rwd, and uses rwd to decrypt the envelope. This reveals her signing key and Bob’s public key. She uses Bob’s public key to validate his Authenticator Response proof, and, if it checks out, she creates and sends an Exported Authenticator proving that she holds the newly decrypted signing key. Bob checks the validity of her Exported Authenticator, and if it checks out, he accepts her login.

My project: OPAQUE-EA over HTTPS

Everything described above is supported by lots and lots of theory that has yet to find its way into practice. My project was to turn the theory into reality. I started with written descriptions of Exported Authenticators, OPAQUE, and a preliminary draft of OPAQUE-in-TLS. My goal was to get from those to a working prototype.

My demo shows the feasibility of implementing OPAQUE-EA on the web, completely removing plaintext passwords from the wire, even encrypted. This provides a possible alternative to the current password-over-TLS flow with better security properties, but no visible change to the user.

A few of the implementation details are worth knowing. In computer science, abstraction is a powerful tool. It means that we can often rely on existing tools and APIs to avoid duplication of effort. In my project I relied heavily on mint, an open-source implementation of TLS 1.3 in Go that is great for prototyping. I also used CIRCL’s OPRF API. I built libraries for Exported Authenticators, the core of OPAQUE, and OPAQUE-EA (which ties together the two).

I made the web demo by wrapping the OPAQUE-EA functionality in a simple HTTP server and client that pass messages to each other over HTTPS. Since a browser can’t run Go, I compiled from Go to WebAssembly (WASM) to get the Go functionality in the browser, and wrote a simple script in JavaScript to call the WASM functions needed.

Since current browsers do not give access to the underlying TLS connection on the client side, I had to implement a work-around to allow the client to access the exporter keys, namely, that the server simply computes the keys and sends them to the client over HTTPS. This workaround reduces the security of the resulting demo — it means that trust is placed in the server to provide the right keys. Even so, the user’s password is still safe, even if a malicious server provided bad keys— they just don’t have assurance that they actually previously registered with that server. However, in the future, browsers could include a mechanism to support exported keys and allow OPAQUE-EA to run with its full security properties.

You can explore my implementation on Github, and even follow the instructions to spin up your own OPAQUE-EA test server and client. I’d like to stress, however, that the implementation is meant as a proof-of-concept only, and must not be used for production systems without significant further review.

OPAQUE-EA Limitations

Despite its great properties, there will definitely be some hurdles in bringing OPAQUE-EA from a proof-of-concept to a fully fledged authentication mechanism.

Browser support for TLS exporter keys. As mentioned briefly before, to run OPAQUE-EA in a browser, you need to access secrets from the TLS connection called exporter keys. There is no way to do this in the current most popular browsers, so support for this functionality will need to be added.

Overhauling password databases. To adopt OPAQUE-EA, servers need not only to update their password-checking logic, but also completely overhaul their password databases. Because OPAQUE relies on special password representations that can only be generated interactively, existing salted hashed passwords cannot be automatically updated to OPAQUE records. Servers will likely need to run a special OPAQUE registration flow on a user-by-user basis. Because OPAQUE relies on buy-in from both the client and the server, servers may need to support the old method for a while before all clients catch up.

Reliance on emerging standards. OPAQUE-EA relies on OPRFs, which is in the process of standardization, and Exported Authenticators, a proposed standard. This means that support for these dependencies is not yet available in most existing cryptographic libraries, so early adopters may need to implement these tools themselves.


As long as people still use passwords, we’d like to make the process as secure as possible. Current methods rely on the risky practice of handling plaintext passwords on the server side while checking their correctness. PAKEs, and (specifically aPAKEs) allow secure password login without ever letting the server see the passwords.

OPAQUE is also being explored within other companies. According to Kevin Lewi, a research scientist from the Novi Research team at Facebook, they are “excited by the strong cryptographic guarantees provided by OPAQUE and are actively exploring OPAQUE as a method for further safeguarding credential-protected fields that are stored server-side.”

OPAQUE is one of the best aPAKEs out there, and can be fully integrated into TLS. You can check out the core OPAQUE implementation here and the demo TLS integration here. A running version of the demo is also available here. A Typescript client implementation of OPAQUE is coming soon. If you’re interested in implementing the protocol, or encounter any bugs with the current implementation, please drop us a line at [email protected]! Consider also subscribing to the IRTF CFRG mailing list to track discussion about the OPAQUE specification and its standardization.

Good-bye ESNI, hello ECH!

Post Syndicated from Christopher Patton original

Good-bye ESNI, hello ECH!

Good-bye ESNI, hello ECH!

Most communication on the modern Internet is encrypted to ensure that its content is intelligible only to the endpoints, i.e., client and server. Encryption, however, requires a key and so the endpoints must agree on an encryption key without revealing the key to would-be attackers. The most widely used cryptographic protocol for this task, called key exchange, is the Transport Layer Security (TLS) handshake.

In this post we’ll dive into Encrypted Client Hello (ECH), a new extension for TLS that promises to significantly enhance the privacy of this critical Internet protocol. Today, a number of privacy-sensitive parameters of the TLS connection are negotiated in the clear. This leaves a trove of metadata available to network observers, including the endpoints’ identities, how they use the connection, and so on.

ECH encrypts the full handshake so that this metadata is kept secret. Crucially, this closes a long-standing privacy leak by protecting the Server Name Indication (SNI) from eavesdroppers on the network. Encrypting the SNI secret is important because it is the clearest signal of which server a given client is communicating with. However, and perhaps more significantly, ECH also lays the groundwork for adding future security features and performance enhancements to TLS while minimizing their impact on the privacy of end users.

ECH is the product of close collaboration, facilitated by the IETF, between academics and the tech industry leaders, including Cloudflare, our friends at Fastly and Mozilla (both of whom are the affiliations of co-authors of the standard), and many others. This feature represents a significant upgrade to the TLS protocol, one that builds on bleeding edge technologies, like DNS-over-HTTPS, that are only now coming into their own. As such, the protocol is not yet ready for Internet-scale deployment. This article is intended as a sign post on the road to full handshake encryption.


The story of TLS is the story of the Internet. As our reliance on the Internet has grown, so the protocol has evolved to address ever-changing operational requirements, use cases, and threat models. The client and server don’t just exchange a key: they negotiate a wide variety of features and parameters: the exact method of key exchange; the encryption algorithm; who is authenticated and how; which application layer protocol to use after the handshake; and much, much more. All of these parameters impact the security properties of the communication channel in one way or another.

SNI is a prime example of a parameter that impacts the channel’s security. The SNI extension is used by the client to indicate to the server the website it wants to reach. This is essential for the modern Internet, as it’s common nowadays for many origin servers to sit behind a single TLS operator. In this setting, the operator uses the SNI to determine who will authenticate the connection: without it, there would be no way of knowing which TLS certificate to present to the client. The problem is that SNI leaks to the network the identity of the origin server the client wants to connect to, potentially allowing eavesdroppers to infer a lot of information about their communication. (Of course, there are other ways for a network observer to identify the origin — the origin’s IP address, for example. But co-locating with other origins on the same IP address makes it much harder to use this metric to determine the origin than it is to simply inspect the SNI.)

Although protecting SNI is the impetus for ECH, it is by no means the only privacy-sensitive handshake parameter that the client and server negotiate. Another is the ALPN extension, which is used to decide which application-layer protocol to use once the TLS connection is established. The client sends the list of applications it supports — whether it’s HTTPS, email, instant messaging, or the myriad other applications that use TLS for transport security — and the server selects one from this list, and sends its selection to the client. By doing so, the client and server leak to the network a clear signal of their capabilities and what the connection might be used for.

Some features are so privacy-sensitive that their inclusion in the handshake is a non-starter. One idea that has been floated is to replace the key exchange at the heart of TLS with password-authenticated key-exchange (PAKE). This would allow password-based authentication to be used alongside (or in lieu of) certificate-based authentication, making TLS more robust and suitable for a wider range of applications. The privacy issue here is analogous to SNI: servers typically associate a unique identifier to each client (e.g., a username or email address) that is used to retrieve the client’s credentials; and the client must, somehow, convey this identity to the server during the course of the handshake. If sent in the clear, then this personally identifiable information would be easily accessible to any network observer.

A necessary ingredient for addressing all of these privacy leaks is handshake encryption, i.e., the encryption of handshake messages in addition to application data. Sounds simple enough, but this solution presents another problem: how do the client and server pick an encryption key if, after all, the handshake is itself a means of exchanging a key? Some parameters must be sent in the clear, of course, so the goal of ECH is to encrypt all handshake parameters except those that are essential to completing the key exchange.

In order to understand ECH and the design decisions underpinning it, it helps to understand a little bit about the history of handshake encryption in TLS.

Handshake encryption in TLS

TLS had no handshake encryption at all prior to the latest version, TLS 1.3. In the wake of the Snowden revelations in 2013, the IETF community began to consider ways of countering the threat that mass surveillance posed to the open Internet. When the process of standardizing TLS 1.3 began in 2014, one of its design goals was to encrypt as much of the handshake as possible. Unfortunately, the final standard falls short of full handshake encryption, and several parameters, including SNI, are still sent in the clear. Let’s take a closer look to see why.

The TLS 1.3 protocol flow is illustrated in Figure 1. Handshake encryption begins as soon as the client and server compute a fresh shared secret. To do this, the client sends a key share in its ClientHello message, and the server responds in its ServerHello with its own key share. Having exchanged these shares, the client and server can derive a shared secret. Each subsequent handshake message is encrypted using the handshake traffic key derived from the shared secret. Application data is encrypted using a different key, called the application traffic key, which is also derived from the shared secret. These derived keys have different security properties: to emphasize this, they are illustrated with different colors.

The first handshake message that is encrypted is the server’s EncryptedExtensions. The purpose of this message is to protect the server’s sensitive handshake parameters, including the server’s ALPN extension, which contains the application selected from the client’s ALPN list. Key-exchange parameters are sent unencrypted in the ClientHello and ServerHello.

Good-bye ESNI, hello ECH!
Figure 1: The TLS 1.3 handshake.

All of the client’s handshake parameters, sensitive or not, are sent in the ClientHello. Looking at Figure 1, you might be able to think of ways of reworking the handshake so that some of them can be encrypted, perhaps at the cost of additional latency (i.e., more round trips over the network). However, extensions like SNI create a kind of “chicken-and-egg” problem.

The client doesn’t encrypt anything until it has verified the server’s identity (this is the job of the Certificate and CertificateVerify messages) and the server has confirmed that it knows the shared secret (the job of the Finished message). These measures ensure the key exchange is authenticated, thereby preventing monster-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks in which the adversary impersonates the server to the client in a way that allows it to decrypt messages sent by the client.  Because SNI is needed by the server to select the certificate, it needs to be transmitted before the key exchange is authenticated.

In general, ensuring confidentiality of handshake parameters used for authentication is only possible if the client and server already share an encryption key. But where might this key come from?

Full handshake encryption in the early days of TLS 1.3. Interestingly, full handshake encryption was once proposed as a core feature of TLS 1.3. In early versions of the protocol (draft-10, circa 2015), the server would offer the client a long-lived public key during the handshake, which the client would use for encryption in subsequent handshakes. (This design came from a protocol called OPTLS, which in turn was borrowed from the original QUIC proposal.) Called “0-RTT”, the primary purpose of this mode was to allow the client to begin sending application data prior to completing a handshake. In addition, it would have allowed the client to encrypt its first flight of handshake messages following the ClientHello, including its own EncryptedExtensions, which might have been used to protect the client’s sensitive handshake parameters.

Ultimately this feature was not included in the final standard (RFC 8446, published in 2018), mainly because its usefulness was outweighed by its added complexity. In particular, it does nothing to protect the initial handshake in which the client learns the server’s public key. Parameters that are required for server authentication of the initial handshake, like SNI, would still be transmitted in the clear.

Nevertheless, this scheme is notable as the forerunner of other handshake encryption mechanisms, like ECH, that use public key encryption to protect sensitive ClientHello parameters. The main problem these mechanisms must solve is key distribution.

Before ECH there was (and is!) ESNI

The immediate predecessor of ECH was the Encrypted SNI (ESNI) extension. As its name implies, the goal of ESNI was to provide confidentiality of the SNI. To do so, the client would encrypt its SNI extension under the server’s public key and send the ciphertext to the server. The server would attempt to decrypt the ciphertext using the secret key corresponding to its public key. If decryption were to succeed, then the server would proceed with the connection using the decrypted SNI. Otherwise, it would simply abort the handshake. The high-level flow of this simple protocol is illustrated in Figure 2.

Good-bye ESNI, hello ECH!
Figure 2: The TLS 1.3 handshake with the ESNI extension. It is identical to the TLS 1.3 handshake, except the SNI extension has been replaced with ESNI.

For key distribution, ESNI relied on another critical protocol: Domain Name Service (DNS). In order to use ESNI to connect to a website, the client would piggy-back on its standard A/AAAA queries a request for a TXT record with the ESNI public key. For example, to get the key for, the client would request the TXT record of

$ dig TXT +short

The base64-encoded blob contains an ESNI public key and related parameters such as the encryption algorithm.

But what’s the point of encrypting SNI if we’re just going to leak the server name to network observers via a plaintext DNS query? Deploying ESNI this way became feasible with the introduction of DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH), which enables encryption of DNS queries to resolvers that provide the DoH service ( is an example of such a service.). Another crucial feature of DoH is that it provides an authenticated channel for transmitting the ESNI public key from the DoH server to the client. This prevents cache-poisoning attacks that originate from the client’s local network: in the absence of DoH, a local attacker could prevent the client from offering the ESNI extension by returning an empty TXT record, or coerce the client into using ESNI with a key it controls.

While ESNI took a significant step forward, it falls short of our goal of achieving full handshake encryption. Apart from being incomplete — it only protects SNI — it is vulnerable to a handful of sophisticated attacks, which, while hard to pull off, point to theoretical weaknesses in the protocol’s design that need to be addressed.

ESNI was deployed by Cloudflare and enabled by Firefox, on an opt-in basis, in 2018, an  experience that laid bare some of the challenges with relying on DNS for key distribution. Cloudflare rotates its ESNI key every hour in order to minimize the collateral damage in case a key ever gets compromised. DNS artifacts are sometimes cached for much longer, the result of which is that there is a decent chance of a client having a stale public key. While Cloudflare’s ESNI service tolerates this to a degree, every key must eventually expire. The question that the ESNI protocol left open is how the client should proceed if decryption fails and it can’t access the current public key, via DNS or otherwise.

Another problem with relying on DNS for key distribution is that several endpoints might be authoritative for the same origin server, but have different capabilities. For example, a request for the A record of “” might return one of two different IP addresses, each operated by a different CDN. The TXT record for “” would contain the public key for one of these CDNs, but certainly not both. The DNS protocol does not provide a way of atomically tying together resource records that correspond to the same endpoint. In particular, it’s possible for a client to inadvertently offer the ESNI extension to an endpoint that doesn’t support it, causing the handshake to fail. Fixing this problem requires changes to the DNS protocol. (More on this below.)

The future of ESNI. In the next section, we’ll describe the ECH specification and how it addresses the shortcomings of ESNI. Despite its limitations, however, the practical privacy benefit that ESNI provides is significant. Cloudflare intends to continue its support for ESNI until ECH is production-ready.

The ins and outs of ECH

The goal of ECH is to encrypt the entire ClientHello, thereby closing the gap left in TLS 1.3 and ESNI by protecting all privacy-sensitive handshake-parameters. Similar to ESNI, the protocol uses a public key, distributed via DNS and obtained using DoH, for encryption during the client’s first flight. But ECH has improvements to key distribution that make the protocol more robust to DNS cache inconsistencies. Whereas the ESNI server aborts the connection if decryption fails, the ECH server attempts to complete the handshake and supply the client with a public key it can use to retry the connection.

But how can the server complete the handshake if it’s unable to decrypt the ClientHello? As illustrated in Figure 3, the ECH protocol actually involves two ClientHello messages: the ClientHelloOuter, which is sent in the clear, as usual; and the ClientHelloInner, which is encrypted and sent as an extension of the ClientHelloOuter. The server completes the handshake with just one of these ClientHellos: if decryption succeeds, then it proceeds with the ClientHelloInner; otherwise, it proceeds with the ClientHelloOuter.

Good-bye ESNI, hello ECH!
Figure 3: The TLS 1.3 handshake with the ECH extension.

The ClientHelloInner is composed of the handshake parameters the client wants to use for the connection. This includes sensitive values, like the SNI of the origin server it wants to reach (called the backend server in ECH parlance), the ALPN list, and so on. The ClientHelloOuter, while also a fully-fledged ClientHello message, is not used for the intended connection. Instead, the handshake is completed by the ECH service provider itself (called the client-facing server), signaling to the client that its intended destination couldn’t be reached due to decryption failure. In this case, the service provider also sends along the correct ECH public key with which the client can retry handshake, thereby “correcting” the client’s configuration. (This mechanism is similar to how the server distributed its public key for 0-RTT mode in the early days of TLS 1.3.)

At a minimum, both ClientHellos must contain the handshake parameters that are required for a server-authenticated key-exchange. In particular, while the ClientHelloInner contains the real SNI, the ClientHelloOuter also contains an SNI value, which the client expects to verify in case of ECH decryption failure (i.e., the client-facing server). If the connection is established using the ClientHelloOuter, then the client is expected to immediately abort the connection and retry the handshake with the public key provided by the server. It’s not necessary that the client specify an ALPN list in the ClientHelloOuter, nor any other extension used to guide post-handshake behavior. All of these parameters are encapsulated by the encrypted ClientHelloInner.

This design resolves — quite elegantly, I think — most of the challenges for securely deploying handshake encryption encountered by earlier mechanisms. Importantly, the design of ECH was not conceived in a vacuum. The protocol reflects the diverse perspectives of the IETF community, and its development dovetails with other IETF standards that are crucial to the success of ECH.

The first is an important new DNS feature known as the HTTPS resource record type. At a high level, this record type is intended to allow multiple HTTPS endpoints that are authoritative for the same domain name to advertise different capabilities for TLS. This makes it possible to rely on DNS for key distribution, resolving one of the deployment challenges uncovered by the initial ESNI deployment. For a deep dive into this new record type and what it means for the Internet more broadly, check out Alessandro Ghedini’s recent blog post on the subject.

The second is the CFRG’s Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) standard, which specifies an extensible framework for building public key encryption schemes suitable for a wide variety of applications. In particular, ECH delegates all of the details of its handshake encryption mechanism to HPKE, resulting in a much simpler and easier-to-analyze specification. (Incidentally, HPKE is also one of the main ingredients of Oblivious DNS-over-HTTPS.

The road ahead

The current ECH specification is the culmination of a multi-year collaboration. At this point, the overall design of the protocol is fairly stable. In fact, the next draft of the specification will be the first to be targeted for interop testing among implementations. Still, there remain a number of details that need to be sorted out. Let’s end this post with a brief overview of the road ahead.

Resistance to traffic analysis

Ultimately, the goal of ECH is to ensure that TLS connections made to different origin servers behind the same ECH service provider are indistinguishable from one another. In other words, when you connect to an origin behind, say, Cloudflare, no one on the network between you and Cloudflare should be able to discern which origin you reached, or which privacy-sensitive handshake-parameters you and the origin negotiated. Apart from an immediate privacy boost, this property, if achieved, paves the way for the deployment of new features for TLS without compromising privacy.

Encrypting the ClientHello is an important step towards achieving this goal, but we need to do a bit more. An important attack vector we haven’t discussed yet is traffic analysis. This refers to the collection and analysis of properties of the communication channel that betray part of the ciphertext’s contents, but without cracking the underlying encryption scheme. For example, the length of the encrypted ClientHello might leak enough information about the SNI for the adversary to make an educated guess as to its value (this risk is especially high for domain names that are either particularly short or particularly long). It is therefore crucial that the length of each ciphertext is independent of the values of privacy-sensitive parameters. The current ECH specification provides some mitigations, but their coverage is incomplete. Thus, improving ECH’s resistance to traffic analysis is an important direction for future work.

The spectre of ossification

An important open question for ECH is the impact it will have on network operations.

One of the lessons learned from the deployment of TLS 1.3 is that upgrading a core Internet protocol can trigger unexpected network behavior. Cloudflare was one of the first major TLS operators to deploy TLS 1.3 at scale; when browsers like Firefox and Chrome began to enable it on an experimental basis, they observed a significantly higher rate of connection failures compared to TLS 1.2. The root cause of these failures was network ossification, i.e., the tendency of middleboxes — network appliances between clients and servers that monitor and sometimes intercept traffic — to write software that expects traffic to look and behave a certain way. Changing the protocol before middleboxes had the chance to update their software led to middleboxes trying to parse packets they didn’t recognize, triggering software bugs that, in some instances, caused connections to be dropped completely.

This problem was so widespread that, instead of waiting for network operators to update their software, the design of TLS 1.3 was altered in order to mitigate the impact of network ossification. The ingenious solution was to make TLS 1.3 “look like” another protocol that middleboxes are known to tolerate. Specifically, the wire format and even the contents of handshake messages were made to resemble TLS 1.2. These two protocols aren’t identical, of course — a curious network observer can still distinguish between them — but they look and behave similar enough to ensure that the majority of existing middleboxes don’t treat them differently. Empirically, it was found that this strategy significantly reduced the connection failure rate enough to make deployment of TLS 1.3 viable.

Once again, ECH represents a significant upgrade for TLS for which the spectre of network ossification looms large. The ClientHello contains parameters, like SNI, that have existed in the handshake for a long time, and we don’t yet know what the impact will be of encrypting them. In anticipation of the deployment issues ossification might cause, the ECH protocol has been designed to look as much like a standard TLS 1.3 handshake as possible. The most notable difference is the ECH extension itself: if middleboxes ignore it — as they should, if they are compliant with the TLS 1.3 standard — then the rest of the handshake will look and behave very much as usual.

It remains to be seen whether this strategy will be enough to ensure the wide-scale deployment of ECH. If so, it is notable that this new feature will help to mitigate the impact of future TLS upgrades on network operations. Encrypting the full handshake reduces the risk of ossification since it means that there are less visible protocol features for software to ossify on. We believe this will be good for the health of the Internet overall.


The old TLS handshake is (unintentionally) leaky. Operational requirements of both the client and server have led to privacy-sensitive parameters, like SNI, being negotiated completely in the clear and available to network observers. The ECH extension aims to close this gap by enabling encryption of the full handshake. This represents a significant upgrade to TLS, one that will help preserve end-user privacy as the protocol continues to evolve.

The ECH standard is a work-in-progress. As this work continues, Cloudflare is committed to doing its part to ensure this important upgrade for TLS reaches Internet-scale deployment.

Helping build the next generation of privacy-preserving protocols

Post Syndicated from Nick Sullivan original

Helping build the next generation of privacy-preserving protocols

Helping build the next generation of privacy-preserving protocols

Over the last ten years, Cloudflare has become an important part of Internet infrastructure, powering websites, APIs, and web services to help make them more secure and efficient. The Internet is growing in terms of its capacity and the number of people using it and evolving in terms of its design and functionality. As a player in the Internet ecosystem, Cloudflare has a responsibility to help the Internet grow in a way that respects and provides value for its users. Today, we’re making several announcements around improving Internet protocols with respect to something important to our customers and Internet users worldwide: privacy.

These initiatives are:

Each of these projects impacts an aspect of the Internet that influences our online lives and digital footprints. Whether we know it or not, there is a lot of private information about us and our lives floating around online. This is something we can help fix.

For over a year, we have been working through standards bodies like the IETF and partnering with the biggest names in Internet technology (including Mozilla, Google, Equinix, and more) to design, deploy, and test these new privacy-preserving protocols at Internet scale. Each of these three protocols touches on a critical aspect of our online lives, and we expect them to help make real improvements to privacy online as they gain adoption.

A continuing tradition at Cloudflare

One of Cloudflare’s core missions is to support and develop technology that helps build a better Internet. As an industry, we’ve made exceptional progress in making the Internet more secure and robust. Cloudflare is proud to have played a part in this progress through multiple initiatives over the years.

Here are a few highlights:

  • Universal SSL™. We’ve been one of the driving forces for encrypting the web. We launched Universal SSL in 2014 to give website encryption to our customers for free and have actively been working along with certificate authorities like Let’s Encrypt, web browsers, and website operators to help remove mixed content. Before Universal SSL launched to give all Cloudflare customers HTTPS for free, only 30% of connections to websites were encrypted. Through the industry’s efforts, that number is now 80% — and a much more significant proportion of overall Internet traffic. Along with doing our part to encrypt the web, we have supported the Certificate Transparency project via Nimbus and Merkle Town, which has improved accountability for the certificate ecosystem HTTPS relies on for trust.
  • TLS 1.3 and QUIC. We’ve also been a proponent of upgrading existing security protocols. Take Transport Layer Security (TLS), the underlying protocol that secures HTTPS. Cloudflare engineers helped contribute to the design of TLS 1.3, the latest version of the standard, and in 2016 we launched support for an early version of the protocol. This early deployment helped lead to improvements to the final version of the protocol. TLS 1.3 is now the most widely used encryption protocol on the web and a vital component of the emerging QUIC standard, of which we were also early adopters.
  • Securing Routing, Naming, and Time. We’ve made major efforts to help secure other critical components of the Internet. Our efforts to help secure Internet routing through our RPKI toolkit, measurement studies, and “Is BGP Safe Yet” tool have significantly improved the Internet’s resilience against disruptive route leaks. Our time service ( has helped keep people’s clocks in sync with more secure protocols like NTS and Roughtime. We’ve also made DNS more secure by supporting DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS in at launch, along with one-click DNSSEC in our authoritative DNS service and registrar.

Continuing to improve the security of the systems of trust online is critical to the Internet’s growth. However, there is a more fundamental principle at play: respect. The infrastructure underlying the Internet should be designed to respect its users.

Building an Internet that respects users

When you sign in to a specific website or service with a privacy policy, you know what that site is expected to do with your data. It’s explicit. There is no such visibility to the users when it comes to the operators of the Internet itself. You may have an agreement with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the site you’re visiting, but it’s doubtful that you even know which networks your data is traversing. Most people don’t have a concept of the Internet beyond what they see on their screen, so it’s hard to imagine that people would accept or even understand what a privacy policy from a transit wholesaler or an inspection middlebox would even mean.

Without encryption, Internet browsing information is implicitly shared with countless third parties online as information passes between networks. Without secure routing, users’ traffic can be hijacked and disrupted. Without privacy-preserving protocols, users’ online life is not as private as they would think or expect. The infrastructure of the Internet wasn’t built in a way that reflects their expectations.

Helping build the next generation of privacy-preserving protocols
Normal network flow
Helping build the next generation of privacy-preserving protocols
Network flow with malicious route leak

The good news is that the Internet is continuously evolving. One of the groups that help guide that evolution is the Internet Architecture Board (IAB). The IAB provides architectural oversight to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Internet’s main standard-setting body. The IAB recently published RFC 8890, which states that individual end-users should be prioritized when designing Internet protocols. It says that if there’s a conflict between the interests of end-users and the interest of service providers, corporations, or governments, IETF decisions should favor end users. One of the prime interests of end-users is the right to privacy, and the IAB published RFC 6973 to indicate how Internet protocols should take privacy into account.

Today’s technical blog posts are about improvements to the Internet designed to respect user privacy. Privacy is a complex topic that spans multiple disciplines, so it’s essential to clarify what we mean by “improving privacy.” We are specifically talking about changing the protocols that handle privacy-sensitive information exposed “on-the-wire” and modifying them so that this data is exposed to fewer parties. This data continues to exist. It’s just no longer available or visible to third parties without building a mechanism to collect it at a higher layer of the Internet stack, the application layer. These changes go beyond website encryption; they go deep into the design of the systems that are foundational to making the Internet what it is.

The toolbox: cryptography and secure proxies

Two tools for making sure data can be used without being seen are cryptography and secure proxies.

Helping build the next generation of privacy-preserving protocols

Cryptography allows information to be transformed into a format that a very limited number of people (those with the key) can understand. Some describe cryptography as a tool that transforms data security problems into key management problems. This is a humorous but fair description. Cryptography makes it easier to reason about privacy because only key holders can view data.

Another tool for protecting access to data is isolation/segmentation. By physically limiting which parties have access to information, you effectively build privacy walls. A popular architecture is to rely on policy-aware proxies to pass data from one place to another. Such proxies can be configured to strip sensitive data or block data transfers between parties according to what the privacy policy says.

Both these tools are useful individually, but they can be even more effective if combined. Onion routing (the cryptographic technique underlying Tor) is one example of how proxies and encryption can be used in tandem to enforce strong privacy. Broadly, if party A wants to send data to party B, they can encrypt the data with party B’s key and encrypt the metadata with a proxy’s key and send it to the proxy.

Platforms and services built on top of the Internet can build in consent systems, like privacy policies presented through user interfaces. The infrastructure of the Internet relies on layers of underlying protocols. Because these layers of the Internet are so far below where the user interacts with them, it’s almost impossible to build a concept of user consent. In order to respect users and protect them from privacy issues, the protocols that glue the Internet together should be designed with privacy enabled by default.

Data vs. metadata

The transition from a mostly unencrypted web to an encrypted web has done a lot for end-user privacy. For example, the “coffeeshop stalker” is no longer an issue for most sites. When accessing the majority of sites online, users are no longer broadcasting every aspect of their web browsing experience (search queries, browser versions, authentication cookies, etc.) over the Internet for any participant on the path to see. Suppose a site is configured correctly to use HTTPS. In that case, users can be confident their data is secure from onlookers and reaches only the intended party because their connections are both encrypted and authenticated.

However, HTTPS only protects the content of web requests. Even if you only browse sites over HTTPS, that doesn’t mean that your browsing patterns are private. This is because HTTPS fails to encrypt a critical aspect of the exchange: the metadata. When you make a phone call, the metadata is the phone number, not the call’s contents. Metadata is the data about the data.

To illustrate the difference and why it matters, here’s a diagram of what happens when you visit a website like an imageboard. Say you’re going to a specific page on that board (https://<imageboard>.com/room101/) that has specific embedded images hosted on <embarassing>.com.

Helping build the next generation of privacy-preserving protocols
Page load for an imageboard, returning an HTML page with an image from an embarassing site
Helping build the next generation of privacy-preserving protocols
Subresource fetch for the image from an embarassing site

The space inside the dotted line here represents the part of the Internet that your data needs to transit. They include your local area network or coffee shop, your ISP, an Internet transit provider, and it could be the network portion of the cloud provider that hosts the server. Users often don’t have a relationship with these entities or a contract to prevent these parties from doing anything with the user’s data. And even if those entities don’t look at the data, a well-placed observer intercepting Internet traffic could see anything sent unencrypted. It would be best if they just didn’t see it at all. In this example, the fact that the user visited <imageboard>.com can be seen by an observer, which is expected. However, though page content is encrypted, it’s possible to learn which specific page you’ve visited can be seen since <embarassing>.com is also visible.

It’s a general rule that if data is available to on-path parties on the Internet, some of these on-path parties will use this data. It’s also true that these on-path parties need some metadata in order to facilitate the transport of this data. This balance is explored in RFC 8558, which explains how protocols should be designed thoughtfully with respect to the balance between too much metadata (bad for privacy) and too little metadata (bad for operations).

In an ideal world, Internet protocols would be designed with the principle of least privilege. They would provide the minimum amount of information needed for the on-path parties (the pipes) to do the job of transporting the data to the right place and keep everything else confidential by default. Current protocols, including TLS 1.3 and QUIC, are important steps towards this ideal but fall short with respect to metadata privacy.

Knowing both who you are and what you do online can lead to profiling

Today’s announcements reflect two metadata protection levels: the first involves limiting the amount of metadata available to third-party observers (like ISPs). The second involves restricting the amount of metadata that users share with service providers themselves.

Hostnames are an example of metadata that needs to be protected from third-party observers, which DoH and ECH intend to do. However, it doesn’t make sense to hide the hostname from the site you’re visiting. It also doesn’t make sense to hide it from a directory service like DNS. A DNS server needs to know which hostname you’re resolving to resolve it for you!

A privacy issue arises when a service provider knows about both what sites you’re visiting and who you are. Individual websites do not have this dangerous combination of information (except in the case of third party cookies, which are going away soon in browsers), but DNS providers do. Thankfully, it’s not actually necessary for a DNS resolver to know *both* the hostname of the service you’re going to and which IP you’re coming from. Disentangling the two, which is the goal of ODoH, is good for privacy.

The Internet is part of ‘our’ Infrastructure

Roads should be well-paved, well lit, have accurate signage, and be optimally connected. They aren’t designed to stop a car based on who’s inside it. Nor should they be! Like transportation infrastructure, Internet infrastructure is responsible for getting data where it needs to go, not looking inside packets, and making judgments. But the Internet is made of computers and software, and software tends to be written to make decisions based on the data it has available to it.

Privacy-preserving protocols attempt to eliminate the temptation for infrastructure providers and others to peek inside and make decisions based on personal data. A non-privacy preserving protocol like HTTP keeps data and metadata, like passwords, IP addresses, and hostnames, as explicit parts of the data sent over the wire. The fact that they are explicit means that they are available to any observer to collect and act on. A protocol like HTTPS improves upon this by making some of the data (such as passwords and site content) invisible on the wire using encryption.

The three protocols we are exploring today extend this concept.

  • ECH takes most of the unencrypted metadata in TLS (including the hostname) and encrypts it with a key that was fetched ahead of time.
  • ODoH (a new variant of DoH co-designed by Apple, Cloudflare, and Fastly engineers) uses proxies and onion-like encryption to make the source of a DNS query invisible to the DNS resolver. This protects the user’s IP address when resolving hostnames.
  • OPAQUE uses a new cryptographic technique to keep passwords hidden even from the server. Utilizing a construction called an Oblivious Pseudo-Random Function (as seen in Privacy Pass), the server does not learn the password; it only learns whether or not the user knows the password.

By making sure Internet infrastructure acts more like physical infrastructure, user privacy is more easily protected. The Internet is more private if private data can only be collected where the user has a chance to consent to its collection.

Doing it together

As much as we’re excited about working on new ways to make the Internet more private, innovation at a global scale doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Each of these projects is the output of a collaborative group of individuals working out in the open in organizations like the IETF and the IRTF. Protocols must come about through a consensus process that involves all the parties that make up the interconnected set of systems that power the Internet. From browser builders to cryptographers, from DNS operators to website administrators, this is truly a global team effort.

We also recognize that sweeping technical changes to the Internet will inevitably also impact the technical community. Adopting these new protocols may have legal and policy implications. We are actively working with governments and civil society groups to help educate them about the impact of these potential changes.

We’re looking forward to sharing our work today and hope that more interested parties join in developing these protocols. The projects we are announcing today were designed by experts from academia, industry, and hobbyists together and were built by engineers from Cloudflare Research (including the work of interns, which we will highlight) with everyone’s support Cloudflare.

If you’re interested in this type of work, we’re hiring!

100 Raspberry Pi moments

Post Syndicated from Ashley Whittaker original

The official Raspberry Pi magazine turned 100 this month! To celebrate, the greatest Raspberry Pi moments, achievements, and events that The MagPi magazine has ever featured came back for a special 100th issue.

100 Raspberry Pi Moments is a cracking bumper feature (starting on page 32 of issue 100, if you’d like to read the whole thing) highlighting some influential projects and educational achievements, as well as how our tiny computers have influenced pop culture. And since ’tis the season, we thought we’d share the How Raspberry Pi made a difference section to bring some extra cheer to your festive season.

Projects for good

The Raspberry Pi Foundation was originally launched to get more UK students into computing. Not only did it succeed at that, but the hardware and the Foundation have also managed to help people in other ways and all over the world. Here are just a few examples!

Computers for good

The Raspberry Pi Foundation provides free learning resources for everyone; however, not everyone has access to a computer to learn at home. Thanks to funding from the Bloomfield Trust and in collaboration with UK Youth and local charities, the Foundation has been able to supply hundreds of Raspberry Pi Desktop Kits to young people most in need. The computers have allowed these children, who wouldn’t have been able to otherwise, to learn from home and stay connected to their schools during lockdown. The Foundation’s work to distribute Raspberry Pi computers to young people in need is ongoing.

Elsewhere, a need for more medical equipment around the world resulted in many proposals and projects being considered for cheap, easy-to produce machines. Some included Raspberry Pi Zero, with 40,000 of these sold for ventilator designs.

The Foundation’s Digital Making at Home live streams bring coding fun to young people at home every week

Offline learning

While there’s no global project or standard to say what an offline internet should contain, some educational projects have tried to condense down enough online content for specific people and load it all onto a Raspberry Pi. RACHEL-Pi is one such solution. The RACHEL-PI kit acts as a server, hosting a variety of different educational materials for all kinds of subjects, as well as an offline version of Wikipedia with 6000 articles. There’s even medical info for helping others, math lessons from Khan Acadamy, and much more.

The RACHEL sites are available in English, French, and Spanish

17,000 ft is another great project, which brings computing to schools high up in the Himalayas through a similar method in an attempt to help children stay in their local communities.

Young learners in red jackets and baseball caps using tablets to learn in a Himalayan school
Ladakh is a desert-like region up a mountain that can easily shut down during the winter

Education in other countries

The free coding resources available on our projects site are great, and the Raspberry Pi Foundation works to make them accessible to people whose first language isn’t English: we have a dedicated translation team and, thanks to volunteers around the world, provide our free resources translated into up to 32 other languages. From French and Welsh to Korean and Arabic, there’s a ton of projects that learners from all over the world can access in their first language.

And through the Code Club and CoderDojo programmes, the Foundation supports volunteers around the world to run free coding clubs for young people.

A Raspberry Pi lab in Kuma Adamé, Togo that Dominique Laloux helped create and update
A Raspberry Pi lab in Kuma Adamé, Togo, that Dominique Laloux helped create and update

That’s not all: several charitable groups have set up Raspberry Pi classrooms to bring computing education to poorer parts of the world. People in African countries and parts of rural India have benefited from these programmes, and work is being done to widen access to ever more people and places.

Pocket FM

The Pocket FM is far smaller than traditional transmitters, and therefore easy to move into the country and set up

The HAM radio community loves Raspberry Pi for amateur radio projects; however, sometimes people need radio for more urgent purposes. In 2016, German group Media in Cooperation and Transition created the Pocket FM 96 , micro radio transmitters with 4–6km range. These radios allowed Syrians in the middle of a civil war to connect to free media on Syrnet for more reliable news.

There are a number of independent radio stations that transmit through Pocket FM
There are a number of independent radio stations that transmit through Pocket FM

Raspberry Pi powered these transmitters, chosen because of how easy it is to upgrade and add components to. Each transmitter is powered by solar power, and Syrnet is still transmitting through them as the war continues into its tenth year.

The post 100 Raspberry Pi moments appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

[$] Sidestepping kernel memory management with DMEMFS

Post Syndicated from original

One of the kernel’s primary jobs is to manage the memory installed in the
system. Over the years, though, there have been various reasons for
removing a portion of the system’s memory from the kernel’s view. One of
the latest can be seen in a mechanism called DMEMFS,
which is being proposed as a way to get around some inefficiency in how the
kernel keeps track of RAM.

In the Works – AWS Region in Melbourne, Australia

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original

We launched new AWS Regions in Italy and South Africa in 2020, and are working on regions in Indonesia, Japan, Spain, India, and Switzerland.

Melbourne, Australia in 2020
Today I am happy to announce that the Asia Pacific (Melbourne) region is in the works, and will open in the second half of 2022 with three Availability Zones. In addition to the Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region, there are already seven Amazon CloudFront Edge locations in Australia, backed by a Regional Edge cache in Sydney.

This will be our second region in Australia, and our ninth in Asia Pacific, joining the existing region in Australia along with those in China, India, Japan, Korea, and Singapore. There are 77 Availability Zones within 24 AWS Regions in operation today, with 18 more Availability Zones and six more Regions (including this one) underway.

As part of our commitment to the Climate Pledge, Amazon is on a path to powering our operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025 as part of our goal to reach net zero carbon by 2040. To this end, we have invested in two renewable energy projects in Australia with a combined 165 MW capacity and the ability to generate 392,000 MWh annually.

The new region will give you (and hundreds of thousand of other active AWS customers in Australia) additional architectural options including the ability to store backup data in geographically separated locations within Australia.

AWS in Australia
I have made several trips to Australia on behalf of AWS over the last 4 or 5 years and I always enjoy meeting our customers while I am there.

Our Australian customers use AWS to accelerate innovation, increase agility, and to drive cost savings. Here are a few examples:

Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) – As Australia’s leading provider of personal, business, and institutional banking services, CBA counts on AWS to provide infrastructure that is safe, resilient, and secure. They are long-time advocates of cloud computing and have been using AWS since 2012.

Swinburne University – The university focuses on innovation, industry engagement, and social inclusion. They started using AWS in 2016 and have collaborated on innovations that support communities in Victoria. The Swinburne Data for Social Good Cloud Innovation Centre uses cloud technologies and intelligent data analytics to solve real-world problems.

XY Sense – Based in Melbourne, this startup is using smart sensors and ML-powered analytics to create technology-enabled workplaces. Their sensor platform takes advantage of multiple AWS services including IoT and serverless, and processes over 7 billion anonymous data points each month.

AWS Partner Network (APN) Partners in Australia are also doing some amazing work with AWS. Again, a few examples:

Versent – Also based in Melbourne, this partner comprises a group of specialist consultants and a product company by the name of Stax. Versent recently helped Land Services South Australia to modernize their full tech stack as part of a shift to AWS (ready the case study to learn more).

Deloitte Australia – As an AWS Strategic Global Premier Partner since 2015, Deloitte Australia works with business and public sector agencies, with a focus on delivery of advanced products and services. As part of their work, over 4,000 employees across Deloitte have participated in the Deloitte Cloud Guild and have strengthened their cloud computing skills as a result.

Investing in Developers
Several AWS programs are designed to help to create and upskill the next generation of developers and students so that they are ready to become part of the next generation of IT leadership. AWS re/Start prepares unemployed, underemployed, and transitioning individuals for a career in cloud computing. AWS Academy provides higher education institutions with a free, ready-to-teach cloud computing curriculum. AWS Educate gives students access to AWS services and content that are designed to help them build knowledge and skills in cloud computing.

Stay Tuned
As I noted earlier, the Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region is scheduled to open in the second half of 2022. As always, we’ll announce the opening in a post on this blog, so stay tuned!


2019-2020 State of Mozilla

Post Syndicated from original

Mozilla has released its annual report: “Every year in the spirit of openness upon which Mozilla was founded, we share publicly the ways we have protected, fought for and helped advance the internet in service of the people who rely on it every day. We outline how our organization is meeting the challenges of online life through an annual report: the State of Mozilla.

This year we’ve changed the format of our report to focus on how we are using our organization’s strength and resources on two fronts: Fighting for People and Building for the Future. This report highlights the impact of our work in 2020 and is accompanied by our most recently filed financials which cover 2019.

As the State of Mozilla outlines, Mozilla works to make the promise of a better internet a reality. We can’t and we don’t do it alone. There are myriad ways anyone can join this effort through actions big and small, starting with getting better educated on what’s at stake; pushing companies to operate more transparently and in the interest of communities and people, not just profits; testing new products; and choosing technology made by companies who share your vision for a healthier internet.”

New AWS Workbook for Australian energy sector customers now available

Post Syndicated from Julian Busic original

I’m pleased to announce the Amazon Web Services (AWS) AESCSF 2019 Workbook, a resource designed to help energy sector customers align with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)’s Australian Energy Sector Cyber Security Framework (AESCSF) 2019.

The workbook helps energy sector customers to:

The AESCSF 2019 framework comprises 11 domains. Each domain contains one or more objectives, with each objective broken down into specific individual practices. Nine of the 11 domains also contain examples of anti-patterns or specific indicators of bad practice.

The AEMO describes the AESCSF 2019 framework as:

“focussed on cyber security maturity and […] therefore not prescriptive in relation to security controls. It describes what your organisation should strive to achieve, but not how they should achieve it.”

Although the framework is not prescriptive, the AEMO has provided a selection of Australian and global informative references mapped to each practice to support organizations seeking control suggestions or recommendations. These references include the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential Eight, specific controls from the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27001:2013, and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). For further detail, see the AESCSF Framework overview.

It’s important to note that security and compliance is a shared responsibility between AWS and our customers. AWS is responsible for the security of the cloud (that is, the infrastructure that runs all of the services in the AWS Cloud) but customers are responsible for the security of the systems and applications they deploy in the cloud.

The AWS AESCSF 2019 Workbook helps customers align with the AESCSF 2019 framework by providing control mappings for:

The AWS AESCSF 2019 Workbook does not provide mappings to the anti-patterns, because these are specifically focused on helping customers identify bad practices within their organizations.

The downloadable workbook contains two embedded formats:

  • Microsoft Excel – Coverage includes AWS responsibility control statements and Well-Architected Framework best practices.
  • Dynamic HTML – Coverage is the same as in the Microsoft Excel format, with the added feature that the Well-Architected Framework best practices are mapped to AWS Config managed rules and Amazon GuardDuty findings, where available or applicable.

The workbook is available for download through AWS Artifact, accessible through your AWS account.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Julian Busic

Julian is a Security Solutions Architect with a focus on regulatory engagement. He works with our customers, their regulators, and AWS teams to help customers raise the bar on secure cloud adoption and usage. Julian has over 15 years of experience working in risk and technology across the financial services industry in Australia and New Zealand.

re:Invent 2020 Liveblog: Machine Learning Keynote

Post Syndicated from AWS News Blog Team original

Swami Sivasubramanian speaks on stage at AWS re:InventFollow along as AWS Chief Evangelist Jeff Barr and Developer Advocates Martin Beeby and Steve Roberts liveblog the first-ever Machine Learning Keynote. Swami Sivasubramanian, VP of Amazon ML/AI will share the latest developments and launches in AWS machine learning, as well as demos of new technology, and insights from customers.

Join us here from 7:45-10 AM (PST), Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020! 


How the Allen Institute uses Amazon EMR and AWS Step Functions to process extremely wide transcriptomic datasets

Post Syndicated from Gautham Acharya original

This is a guest post by Gautham Acharya, Software Engineer III at the Allen Institute for Brain Science, in partnership with AWS Data Lab Solutions Architect Ranjit Rajan, and AWS Sr. Enterprise Account Executive Arif Khan.

The human brain is one of the most complex structures in the universe. Billions of neurons and trillions of connections come together to form a labyrinthine network of activity. Understanding the mechanisms that guide our minds is one of the most challenging problems in modern scientific research.

The Allen Institute for Brain Science is dedicated to solving large-scale, fundamental problems in neuroscience. Our mission is to accelerate the rate at which the world understands the inner workings of the human brain and to uncover the essence of what makes us human.

Processing extremely wide datasets

As a part of “big science,” one of our core principles, we seek to tackle scientific challenges at scales no one else has attempted before. One of these challenges is processing large-scale transcriptomic datasets. Transcriptomics is the study of RNA. In particular, we’re interested in the genes that are expressed in individual neurons. The human brain contains almost 100 billion neurons—how do they differ from each other, and what genes do they express? After a series of complex analysis using cutting-edge techniques such as Smart-Seq and 10x Genomics Chromium Sequencing, we produce extremely large matrices of numeric values.

Such matrices are called feature matrices. Each column represents the feature of a cell, which in this case are genes. A genome is over 50,000 genes, so a single matrix can have over 50,000 columns! We expect the number of rows in our matrices to increase over time, reaching tens of millions, if not more. These matrices can reach 500 GB or more in size. Over the next few years, we want to be able to ingest tens or hundreds of such matrices.

Our goal is to provide low-latency visualizations on such matrices, allowing researchers to aggregate, slice, and dissect our data in real time. To do this, we run a series of precomputations that store expensive calculations in a database for future retrieval.

We wanted to create a flexible, scalable pipeline to run computations on these matrices and store the results for visualizations.

The pipeline

We wanted to build a pipeline that takes these large matrices as inputs, runs various Spark jobs, and stores the outputs in an Apache HBase cluster. We wanted to create something flexible so that we could easily add additional Spark transformations.

We decided on AWS Step Functions as our workflow-orchestration tool of choice. Step Functions allows us to create a state machine that orchestrates the dataflow from payload submission to database loading.

After close collaboration with the engineers at the AWS Data Lab, we came up with the following pipeline architecture.

At a high level, our pipeline has the following workflow:

  1. Trigger a state machine from an upload event to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  2. Copy and unzip the input ZIP file containing a feature matrix into an Amazon S3 working directory.
  3. Run Spark jobs on Amazon EMR to transform input feature matrices into various pre-computed datasets. Store all intermittent results in a working directory on Amazon S3 and output the results of the Spark Jobs as HFiles.
  4. Bulk load the results of our Spark jobs into Apache HBase.

The preceding architecture diagram is deceptively simple. We found a number of challenges during our initial implementation, which we discuss in the following sections.

Lack of transaction support and rollbacks across tables in Apache HBase

The results of our Spark jobs are a number of precomputed views of our original input dataset. Each view is stored as a separate table in Apache HBase. A major drawback of Apache HBase is the lack of a native transactional system. HBase only provides row-level atomicity. Our worst-case scenario is writing partial data—cases where some views are updated, but not others, showing different results for different visualizations and resulting in scientifically incorrect data!

We worked around this by rolling our own blue/green system on top of Apache HBase. We suffix each set of tables related to a dataset with a universally unique identifier (UUID). We use Amazon DynamoDB to track the UUID associated with each individual dataset. When an update to a dataset is being written, the UUID is not switched in DynamoDB until we verify that all the new tables have been successfully written to Apache HBase. We have an API on top of HBase to facilitate reads. This API checks DynamoDB for the dataset UUID before querying HBase, so user traffic is never redirected toward a new view until we confirm a successful write. Our API involves an AWS Lambda function using HappyBase to connect to our HBase cluster, wrapped in an Amazon API Gateway layer to provide a REST interface. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

The read path has the following steps:

  • R1 – API Gateway invokes a Lambda function to fetch data from a dataset
  • R2 – The Lambda function requests and receives the dataset UUID from DynamoDB
  • R3 – Lambda queries the Apache HBase cluster with the UUID

The write path has the following steps:

  • W1 – The state machine bulk loads new dataset tables to the Apache HBase cluster suffixed with the new UUID
  • W2 – After validation, the state machine updates DynamoDB so user traffic is directed towards those changes

Stalled Spark jobs on extremely wide datasets

Although Apache Spark is a fantastic engine for running distributed compute operations, it doesn’t do too well when scaling to extremely wide datasets. We routinely operate on data that surpasses 50,000 columns, which often causes issues such as a stalled JavaToPython step in our PySpark job. Although we have more investigating to do to figure out why our Spark jobs hang on these wide datasets, we found a simple workaround in the short term—batching!

A number of our jobs involve computing simple columnar aggregations on our data. This means that each calculation on a column is completely independent of all the other columns. This lends itself quite well to batching our compute. We can break our input columns into chunks and run our compute on each chunk.

The following code chunks Apache Spark aggregation functions into groups of columns:

def get_aggregation_for_matrix_and_metadata(matrix, metadata, group_by_arg, agg_func, cols_per_write):
   Performs an aggregation on the joined matrix, aggregating the desired column by the given function.
   agg_func must be a valid Pandas UDF function. Runs in batches so we don't overload the Task Scheduler with 50,000
   columns at once.
   # Chunk the data
   for col_group in pyspark_utilities.chunks(matrix.columns, cols_per_write):

       # Add the row key to the column group

       selected_matrix =

       # create argument list for group by and then process
       cast_as_udf = pyspark_functions.pandas_udf(

       udf_input = [cast_as_udf(selected_matrix [column_name]).alias(column_name)
                    for column_name in selected_matrix .columns
                    if column_name != group_by_arg]

       yield joined.groupby(group_by_arg).agg(*udf_input)

We then write the results of each batch to an HFile, which is then later bulk loaded into HBase.

Because the post-aggregation DataFrame was very small, we found a significant performance increase in coalescing the DataFrame post-aggregation and checkpointing the results before writing the HFiles. This forces Spark to compute the aggregation before writing the HFiles. HFiles need to be sorted by row key, so it’s easier to pass a smaller DataFrame to our HFile converter.

Using Apache Spark to write DataFrames as HFiles

Apache Spark supports writing DataFrames in multiple formats, including as HFiles. However, the documentation for doing so leaves a lot to be desired. To write out our Spark DataFrames as HFiles, we had to take the following steps:

  1. Convert a DataFrame into a HFile-compatible format, assuming that the first column is the HBase rowkey—(row_key, column_family, col, value).
  2. Create a JAR file containing a converter to convert input Python Objects into Java key-value byte classes. This step took a lot of trial and error—we couldn’t find clear documentation on how the Python object was serialized and passed into the Java function.
  3. Call the saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile function, passing in the relevant information: the ZooKeeper Quorum IP, port, and cluster DNS of our Apache HBase on the Amazon EMR cluster; the HBase table name; the class name of our Java converter function; and more.

The following code writes HFiles:

import src.spark_transforms.pyspark_jobs.pyspark_utilities as pyspark_utilities
import src.spark_transforms.pyspark_jobs.output_handler.emr_constants as constants

def csv_to_key_value(row, sorted_cols, column_family):
   This method is an RDD mapping function that will map each
   row in an RDD to an hfile-formatted tuple for hfile creation
   (rowkey, (rowkey, columnFamily, columnQualifier, value))
   result = []
   for index, col in enumerate(sorted_cols[constants.ROW_KEY_INDEX + 1:], 1):
       row_key = str(row[constants.ROW_KEY_INDEX])
       value = row[index]

       if value is None:
           raise ValueError(f'Null value found at {row_key}, {col}')

       # We store sparse representations, dropping all zeroes.
       if value != 0:
           result.append((row_key, (row_key, column_family, col, value)))

   return tuple(result)

def get_sorted_df_by_cols(df):
   Sorts the matrix by column. Retains the row key as the initial column.
   cols = [df.columns[0]] + sorted(df.columns[1:])
   escaped_cols = pyspark_utilities.escape_column_list(cols)

def flat_map_to_hfile_format(df, column_family):
   Flat maps the matrix DataFrame into an RDD formatted for conversion into HFiles.
   sorted_df = get_sorted_df_by_cols(df)
   columns = sorted_df.columns
   return sorted_df.rdd.flatMap(lambda row: csv_to_key_value(row, columns, column_family)).sortByKey(True)

def write_hfiles(df, output_path, zookeeper_quorum_ip, table_name, column_family):
   This method will sort and map the medians psyspark dataFrame and
   then write to hfiles in the output directory using the supplied
   hbase configuration.
   # sort columns other than the row key (first column)

   rdd = flat_map_to_hfile_format(df, column_family)

   conf = {
           constants.HBASE_ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM: zookeeper_quorum_ip,
           constants.ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT: constants.ZOOKEEPER_PARENT,
           constants.HBASE_TABLE_NAME: table_name


The following code describes all the constants configuration:





The following code is a Java class to serialize input PySpark RDDs:

import org.apache.spark.api.python.Converter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

* This class is used to convert a tuple
* supplied by a spark job created in Python
* to the corresponding hbase keyValue type
* which is needed for hfile creation.
public class KeyValueConverter implements Converter {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   * this method will take a tuple object supplied
   * by Python spark job and convert and
   * return the corresponding hbase KeyValue object.
  public Object convert(Object obj) {
     KeyValue cell;
     List<?> list = new ArrayList<>();
     if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {
          list = Arrays.asList((Object[])obj);
      } else if (obj instanceof Collection) {
          list = new ArrayList<>((Collection<?>)obj);

     cell = new KeyValue(

     return cell;

Looking ahead

Our computation pipeline was a success, and you can see the resulting visualizations on

We’ve been thrilled with AWS’s reliable and feature-rich ecosystem. We used Amazon EMR, Step Functions, and Amazon S3 to build a robust, large-scale data processing pipeline.

Since writing this post, we’ve done much more, including a cross-database transaction system, wide-matrix transposes in Spark, and more. Big Data problems in neuroscience never end, and we’re excited to share more with you in the future!

About the Authors

Gautham Acharya is a Software Engineer at the Allen Institute for Brain Science. He works on the backend data platform team responsible for integrating multimodal neuroscience data into a single cohesive system.



Ranjit Rajan is a Data Lab Solutions Architect with AWS. Ranjit works with AWS customers to help them design and build data and analytics applications in the cloud.



Arif Khan is a Senior Account Executive with Amazon Web Services. He works with nonprofit research customers to help shape and deliver on a strategy that focuses on customer success, building mind share and driving broad use of Amazon’s utility computing services to support their mission.

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