Tag Archives: RDS for MySQL

Unlock insights on Amazon RDS for MySQL data with zero-ETL integration to Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Milind Oke original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/unlock-insights-on-amazon-rds-for-mysql-data-with-zero-etl-integration-to-amazon-redshift/

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift was announced in preview at AWS re:Invent 2023 for Amazon RDS for MySQL version 8.0.28 or higher. In this post, we provide step-by-step guidance on how to get started with near real-time operational analytics using this feature. This post is a continuation of the zero-ETL series that started with Getting started guide for near-real time operational analytics using Amazon Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift.


Customers across industries today are looking to use data to their competitive advantage and increase revenue and customer engagement by implementing near real time analytics use cases like personalization strategies, fraud detection, inventory monitoring, and many more. There are two broad approaches to analyzing operational data for these use cases:

  • Analyze the data in-place in the operational database (such as read replicas, federated query, and analytics accelerators)
  • Move the data to a data store optimized for running use case-specific queries such as a data warehouse

The zero-ETL integration is focused on simplifying the latter approach.

The extract, transform, and load (ETL) process has been a common pattern for moving data from an operational database to an analytics data warehouse. ELT is where the extracted data is loaded as is into the target first and then transformed. ETL and ELT pipelines can be expensive to build and complex to manage. With multiple touchpoints, intermittent errors in ETL and ELT pipelines can lead to long delays, leaving data warehouse applications with stale or missing data, further leading to missed business opportunities.

Alternatively, solutions that analyze data in-place may work great for accelerating queries on a single database, but such solutions aren’t able to aggregate data from multiple operational databases for customers that need to run unified analytics.


Unlike the traditional systems where data is siloed in one database and the user has to make a trade-off between unified analysis and performance, data engineers can now replicate data from multiple RDS for MySQL databases into a single Redshift data warehouse to derive holistic insights across many applications or partitions. Updates in transactional databases are automatically and continuously propagated to Amazon Redshift so data engineers have the most recent information in near real time. There is no infrastructure to manage and the integration can automatically scale up and down based on the data volume.

At AWS, we have been making steady progress towards bringing our zero-ETL vision to life. The following sources are currently supported for zero-ETL integrations:

When you create a zero-ETL integration for Amazon Redshift, you continue to pay for underlying source database and target Redshift database usage. Refer to Zero-ETL integration costs (Preview) for further details.

With zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift, the integration replicates data from the source database into the target data warehouse. The data becomes available in Amazon Redshift within seconds, allowing you to use the analytics features of Amazon Redshift and capabilities like data sharing, workload optimization autonomics, concurrency scaling, machine learning, and many more. You can continue with your transaction processing on Amazon RDS or Amazon Aurora while simultaneously using Amazon Redshift for analytics workloads such as reporting and dashboards.

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

AWS architecture diagram showcasing example zero-ETL architecture

Solution overview

Let’s consider TICKIT, a fictional website where users buy and sell tickets online for sporting events, shows, and concerts. The transactional data from this website is loaded into an Amazon RDS for MySQL 8.0.28 (or higher version) database. The company’s business analysts want to generate metrics to identify ticket movement over time, success rates for sellers, and the best-selling events, venues, and seasons. They would like to get these metrics in near real time using a zero-ETL integration.

The integration is set up between Amazon RDS for MySQL (source) and Amazon Redshift (destination). The transactional data from the source gets refreshed in near real time on the destination, which processes analytical queries.

You can use either the serverless option or an encrypted RA3 cluster for Amazon Redshift. For this post, we use a provisioned RDS database and a Redshift provisioned data warehouse.

The following diagram illustrates the high-level architecture.

High-level zero-ETL architecture for TICKIT data use case

The following are the steps needed to set up zero-ETL integration. These steps can be done automatically by the zero-ETL wizard, but you will require a restart if the wizard changes the setting for Amazon RDS or Amazon Redshift. You could do these steps manually, if not already configured, and perform the restarts at your convenience. For the complete getting started guides, refer to Working with Amazon RDS zero-ETL integrations with Amazon Redshift (preview) and Working with zero-ETL integrations.

  1. Configure the RDS for MySQL source with a custom DB parameter group.
  2. Configure the Redshift cluster to enable case-sensitive identifiers.
  3. Configure the required permissions.
  4. Create the zero-ETL integration.
  5. Create a database from the integration in Amazon Redshift.

Configure the RDS for MySQL source with a customized DB parameter group

To create an RDS for MySQL database, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon RDS console, create a DB parameter group called zero-etl-custom-pg.

Zero-ETL integration works by using binary logs (binlogs) generated by MySQL database. To enable binlogs on Amazon RDS for MySQL, a specific set of parameters must be enabled.

  1. Set the following binlog cluster parameter settings:
    • binlog_format = ROW
    • binlog_row_image = FULL
    • binlog_checksum = NONE

In addition, make sure that the binlog_row_value_options parameter is not set to PARTIAL_JSON. By default, this parameter is not set.

  1. Choose Databases in the navigation pane, then choose Create database.
  2. For Engine Version, choose MySQL 8.0.28 (or higher).

Selected MySQL Community edition Engine version 8.0.36

  1. For Templates, select Production.
  2. For Availability and durability, select either Multi-AZ DB instance or Single DB instance (Multi-AZ DB clusters are not supported, as of this writing).
  3. For DB instance identifier, enter zero-etl-source-rms.

Selected Production template, Multi-AZ DB instance and DB instance identifier zero-etl-source-rms

  1. Under Instance configuration, select Memory optimized classes and choose the instance db.r6g.large, which should be sufficient for TICKIT use case.

Selected db.r6g.large for DB instance class under Instance configuration

  1. Under Additional configuration, for DB cluster parameter group, choose the parameter group you created earlier (zero-etl-custom-pg).

Selected DB parameter group zero-etl-custom-pg under Additional configuration

  1. Choose Create database.

In a couple of minutes, it should spin up an RDS for MySQL database as the source for zero-ETL integration.

RDS instance status showing as Available

Configure the Redshift destination

After you create your source DB cluster, you must create and configure a target data warehouse in Amazon Redshift. The data warehouse must meet the following requirements:

  • Using an RA3 node type (ra3.16xlarge, ra3.4xlarge, or ra3.xlplus) or Amazon Redshift Serverless
  • Encrypted (if using a provisioned cluster)

For our use case, create a Redshift cluster by completing the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose Configurations and then choose Workload management.
  2. In the parameter group section, choose Create.
  3. Create a new parameter group named zero-etl-rms.
  4. Choose Edit parameters and change the value of enable_case_sensitive_identifier to True.
  5. Choose Save.

You can also use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) command update-workgroup for Redshift Serverless:

aws redshift-serverless update-workgroup --workgroup-name <your-workgroup-name> --config-parameters parameterKey=enable_case_sensitive_identifier,parameterValue=true

Cluster parameter group setup

  1. Choose Provisioned clusters dashboard.

At the top of you console window, you will see a Try new Amazon Redshift features in preview banner.

  1. Choose Create preview cluster.

Create preview cluster

  1. For Preview track, chose preview_2023.
  2. For Node type, choose one of the supported node types (for this post, we use ra3.xlplus).

Selected ra3.xlplus node type for preview cluster

  1. Under Additional configurations, expand Database configurations.
  2. For Parameter groups, choose zero-etl-rms.
  3. For Encryption, select Use AWS Key Management Service.

Database configuration showing parameter groups and encryption

  1. Choose Create cluster.

The cluster should become Available in a few minutes.

Cluster status showing as Available

  1. Navigate to the namespace zero-etl-target-rs-ns and choose the Resource policy tab.
  2. Choose Add authorized principals.
  3. Enter either the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS user or role, or the AWS account ID (IAM principals) that are allowed to create integrations.

An account ID is stored as an ARN with root user.

Add authorized principals on the Clusters resource policy tab

  1. In the Authorized integration sources section, choose Add authorized integration source to add the ARN of the RDS for MySQL DB instance that’s the data source for the zero-ETL integration.

You can find this value by going to the Amazon RDS console and navigating to the Configuration tab of the zero-etl-source-rms DB instance.

Add authorized integration source to the Configuration tab of the zero-etl-source-rms DB instance

Your resource policy should resemble the following screenshot.

Completed resource policy setup

Configure required permissions

To create a zero-ETL integration, your user or role must have an attached identity-based policy with the appropriate AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions. An AWS account owner can configure required permissions for users or roles who may create zero-ETL integrations. The sample policy allows the associated principal to perform the following actions:

  • Create zero-ETL integrations for the source RDS for MySQL DB instance.
  • View and delete all zero-ETL integrations.
  • Create inbound integrations into the target data warehouse. This permission is not required if the same account owns the Redshift data warehouse and this account is an authorized principal for that data warehouse. Also note that Amazon Redshift has a different ARN format for provisioned and serverless clusters:
    • Provisioned arn:aws:redshift:{region}:{account-id}:namespace:namespace-uuid
    • Serverlessarn:aws:redshift-serverless:{region}:{account-id}:namespace/namespace-uuid

Complete the following steps to configure the permissions:

  1. On the IAM console, choose Policies in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create policy.
  3. Create a new policy called rds-integrations using the following JSON (replace region and account-id with your actual values):
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [{
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": ["*"]
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [
  1. Attach the policy you created to your IAM user or role permissions.

Create the zero-ETL integration

To create the zero-ETL integration, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon RDS console, choose Zero-ETL integrations in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create zero-ETL integration.

Create zero-ETL integration on the Amazon RDS console

  1. For Integration identifier, enter a name, for example zero-etl-demo.

Enter the Integration identifier

  1. For Source database, choose Browse RDS databases and choose the source cluster zero-etl-source-rms.
  2. Choose Next.

Browse RDS databases for zero-ETL source

  1. Under Target, for Amazon Redshift data warehouse, choose Browse Redshift data warehouses and choose the Redshift data warehouse (zero-etl-target-rs).
  2. Choose Next.

Browse Redshift data warehouses for zero-ETL integration

  1. Add tags and encryption, if applicable.
  2. Choose Next.
  3. Verify the integration name, source, target, and other settings.
  4. Choose Create zero-ETL integration.

Create zero-ETL integration step 4

You can choose the integration to view the details and monitor its progress. It took about 30 minutes for the status to change from Creating to Active.

Zero-ETL integration details

The time will vary depending on the size of your dataset in the source.

Create a database from the integration in Amazon Redshift

To create your database from the zero-ETL integration, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose Clusters in the navigation pane.
  2. Open the zero-etl-target-rs cluster.
  3. Choose Query data to open the query editor v2.

Query data via the Query Editor v2

  1. Connect to the Redshift data warehouse by choosing Save.

Connect to the Redshift data warehouse

  1. Obtain the integration_id from the svv_integration system table:

select integration_id from svv_integration; -- copy this result, use in the next sql

Query for integration identifier

  1. Use the integration_id from the previous step to create a new database from the integration:

CREATE DATABASE zetl_source FROM INTEGRATION '<result from above>';

Create database from integration

The integration is now complete, and an entire snapshot of the source will reflect as is in the destination. Ongoing changes will be synced in near real time.

Analyze the near real time transactional data

Now we can run analytics on TICKIT’s operational data.

Populate the source TICKIT data

To populate the source data, complete the following steps:

  1. Copy the CSV input data files into a local directory. The following is an example command:

aws s3 cp 's3://redshift-blogs/zero-etl-integration/data/tickit' . --recursive

  1. Connect to your RDS for MySQL cluster and create a database or schema for the TICKIT data model, verify that the tables in that schema have a primary key, and initiate the load process:

mysql -h <rds_db_instance_endpoint> -u admin -p password --local-infile=1

Connect to your RDS for MySQL cluster and create a database or schema for the TICKIT data model

  1. Use the following CREATE TABLE commands.
  2. Load the data from local files using the LOAD DATA command.

The following is an example. Note that the input CSV file is broken into several files. This command must be run for every file if you would like to load all data. For demo purposes, a partial data load should work as well.

Create users table for demo

Analyze the source TICKIT data in the destination

On the Amazon Redshift console, open the query editor v2 using the database you created as part of the integration setup. Use the following code to validate the seed or CDC activity:


Query to validate the seed or CDC activity

You can now apply your business logic for transformations directly on the data that has been replicated to the data warehouse. You can also use performance optimization techniques like creating a Redshift materialized view that joins the replicated tables and other local tables to improve query performance for your analytical queries.


You can query the following system views and tables in Amazon Redshift to get information about your zero-ETL integrations with Amazon Redshift:

To view the integration-related metrics published to Amazon CloudWatch, open the Amazon Redshift console. Choose Zero-ETL integrations in the navigation pane and choose the integration to display activity metrics.

Zero-ETL integration activity metrics

Available metrics on the Amazon Redshift console are integration metrics and table statistics, with table statistics providing details of each table replicated from Amazon RDS for MySQL to Amazon Redshift.

Integration metrics and table statistics

Integration metrics contain table replication success and failure counts and lag details.

Integration metrics showing table replication success and failure counts and lag details. Integration metrics showing table replication success and failure counts and lag details. Integration metrics showing table replication success and failure counts and lag details.

Manual resyncs

The zero-ETL integration will automatically initiate a resync if a table sync state shows as failed or resync required. But in case the auto resync fails, you can initiate a resync at table-level granularity:


A table can enter a failed state for multiple reasons:

  • The primary key was removed from the table. In such cases, you need to re-add the primary key and perform the previously mentioned ALTER command.
  • An invalid value is encountered during replication or a new column is added to the table with an unsupported data type. In such cases, you need to remove the column with the unsupported data type and perform the previously mentioned ALTER command.
  • An internal error, in rare cases, can cause table failure. The ALTER command should fix it.

Clean up

When you delete a zero-ETL integration, your transactional data isn’t deleted from the source RDS or the target Redshift databases, but Amazon RDS doesn’t send any new changes to Amazon Redshift.

To delete a zero-ETL integration, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon RDS console, choose Zero-ETL integrations in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the zero-ETL integration that you want to delete and choose Delete.
  3. To confirm the deletion, choose Delete.

delete a zero-ETL integration


In this post, we showed you how to set up a zero-ETL integration from Amazon RDS for MySQL to Amazon Redshift. This minimizes the need to maintain complex data pipelines and enables near real time analytics on transactional and operational data.

To learn more about Amazon RDS zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift, refer to Working with Amazon RDS zero-ETL integrations with Amazon Redshift (preview).

 About the Authors

Milind Oke is a senior Redshift specialist solutions architect who has worked at Amazon Web Services for three years. He is an AWS-certified SA Associate, Security Specialty and Analytics Specialty certification holder, based out of Queens, New York.

Aditya Samant is a relational database industry veteran with over 2 decades of experience working with commercial and open-source databases. He currently works at Amazon Web Services as a Principal Database Specialist Solutions Architect. In his role, he spends time working with customers designing scalable, secure and robust cloud native architectures. Aditya works closely with the service teams and collaborates on designing and delivery of the new features for Amazon’s managed databases.

AWS Weekly Roundup — Amazon ECS, RDS for MySQL, EMR Studio, AWS Community, and more — January 22, 2024

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-amazon-ecs-rds-for-mysql-emr-studio-aws-community-and-more-january-22-2024/

As usual, a lot has happened in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) universe this past week. I’m also excited about all the AWS Community events and initiatives that are happening around the world. Let’s take a look together!

Last week’s launches
Here are some launches that got my attention:

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) now supports managed instance draining – Managed instance draining allows you to gracefully shutdown workloads deployed on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances by safely stopping and rescheduling them to other, non-terminating instances. This new capability streamlines infrastructure maintenance, such as deploying a new AMI version, eliminating the need for custom solutions to shutdown instances without disrupting their workloads. To learn more, check out Nathan’s post on the AWS Containers Blog.

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL now supports multi-source replication – Using multi-source replication, you can configure multiple RDS for MySQL database instances as sources for a single target database instance. This feature facilitates tasks such as merging shards into a single target, consolidating data for analytics, or creating long-term backups within a single RDS for MySQL instance. The Amazon RDS for MySQL User Guide has all the details.

Amazon EMR Studio now comes with simplified create experience and improved start times – With the simplified console experience for creating EMR Studio, you can launch interactive and batch workloads with default settings more easily. The improved start times let you launch EMR Studio Workspaces for performing interactive analysis in notebooks in seconds. Have a look at the Amazon EMR User Guide to learn more.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS news
Here are some additional projects, programs, and news items that you might find interesting:

Get The NewsSummarize news using Amazon Bedrock – My colleague Danilo built this application to summarize the most recent news from an RSS or Atom feed using Amazon Bedrock. The application is deployed as an AWS Lambda function. The function downloads the most recent entries from an RSS or Atom feed, downloads the linked content, extracts text, and makes a summary.

AWS Community BuildersAWS Community Builders program – Interested in joining our AWS Community Builders program? The 2024 application is open until January 28. The AWS Community Builders program offers technical resources, education, and networking opportunities to AWS technical enthusiasts who are passionate about sharing knowledge and connecting with the technical community.

User Group YaoundeAWS User Groups – The AWS User Group Yaounde Cameroon embarked on a 12-week workshop challenge. Over 12 weeks, participants explored various aspects of AWS and cloud computing, including architecture, security, storage, and more, to develop skills and share knowledge. You can read more about this amazing initiative in this LinkedIn post.

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open source newsletter in which he highlights new open source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community.

Upcoming AWS events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS InnovateAWS Innovate: AI/ML and Data Edition – Register now for the Asia Pacific & Japan AWS Innovate online conference on February 22, 2024, to explore, discover, and learn how to innovate with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Choose from over 50 sessions in three languages and get hands-on with technical demos aimed at generative AI builders.

AWS Community re:Invent re:CapsAWS Community re:Invent re:Caps – Join a Community re:Cap event organized by volunteers from AWS User Groups and AWS Cloud Clubs around the world to learn about the latest announcements from AWS re:Invent.

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

— Antje

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Your MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 databases will be automatically enrolled into Amazon RDS Extended Support

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/your-mysql-5-7-and-postgresql-11-databases-will-be-automatically-enrolled-into-amazon-rds-extended-support/

Today, we are announcing that your MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 database instances running on Amazon Aurora and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) will be automatically enrolled into Amazon RDS Extended Support starting on February 29, 2024.

This will help avoid unplanned downtime and compatibility issues that can arise with automatically upgrading to a new major version. This provides you with more control over when you want to upgrade the major version of your database.

This automatic enrollment may mean that you will experience higher charges when RDS Extended Support begins. You can avoid these charges by upgrading your database to a newer DB version before the start of RDS Extended Support.

What is Amazon RDS Extended Support?
In September 2023, we announced Amazon RDS Extended Support, which allows you to continue running your database on a major engine version past its RDS end of standard support date on Amazon Aurora or Amazon RDS at an additional cost.

Until community end of life (EoL), the MySQL and PostgreSQL open source communities manage common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) identification, patch generation, and bug fixes for the respective engines. The communities release a new minor version every quarter containing these security patches and bug fixes until the database major version reaches community end of life. After the community end of life date, CVE patches or bug fixes are no longer available and the community considers those engines unsupported. For example, MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 are no longer supported by the communities as of October and November 2023 respectively. We are grateful to the communities for their continued support of these major versions and a transparent process and timeline for transitioning to the newest major version.

With RDS Extended Support, Amazon Aurora and RDS takes on engineering the critical CVE patches and bug fixes for up to three years beyond a major version’s community EoL. For those 3 years, Amazon Aurora and RDS will work to identify CVEs and bugs in the engine, generate patches and release them to you as quickly as possible. Under RDS Extended Support, we will continue to offer support, such that the open source community’s end of support for an engine’s major version does not leave your applications exposed to critical security vulnerabilities or unresolved bugs.

You might wonder why we are charging for RDS Extended Support rather than providing it as part of the RDS service. It’s because the engineering work for maintaining security and functionality of community EoL engines requires AWS to invest developer resources for critical CVE patches and bug fixes. This is why RDS Extended Support is only charging customers who need the additional flexibility to stay on a version past community EoL.

RDS Extended Support may be useful to help you meet your business requirements for your applications if you have particular dependencies on a specific MySQL or PostgreSQL major version, such as compatibility with certain plugins or custom features. If you are currently running on-premises database servers or self-managed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, you can migrate to Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition, Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition, Amazon RDS for MySQL, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL beyond the community EoL date, and continue to use these versions these versions with RDS Extended Support while benefiting from a managed service. If you need to migrate many databases, you can also utilize RDS Extended Support to split your migration into phases, ensuring a smooth transition without overwhelming IT resources.

In 2024, RDS Extended Support will be available for RDS for MySQL major versions 5.7 and higher, RDS for PostgreSQL major versions 11 and higher, Aurora MySQL-compatible version 2 and higher, and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible version 11 and higher. For a list of all future supported versions, see Supported MySQL major versions on Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora major versions in the AWS documentation.

Community major version RDS/Aurora version Community end of life date End of RDS standard support date Start of RDS Extended Support pricing End of RDS Extended Support
MySQL 5.7 RDS for MySQL 5.7 October 2023 February 29, 2024 March 1, 2024 February 28, 2027
Aurora MySQL 2 October 31, 2024 December 1, 2024
PostgreSQL 11 RDS for PostgreSQL 11 November 2023 March 31, 2024 April 1, 2024 March 31, 2027
Aurora PostgreSQL 11 February 29, 2024

RDS Extended Support is priced per vCPU per hour. Learn more about pricing details and timelines for RDS Extended Support at Amazon Aurora pricing, RDS for MySQL pricing, and RDS for PostgreSQL pricing. For more information, see the blog posts about Amazon RDS Extended Support for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases in the AWS Database Blog.

Why are we automatically enrolling all databases to Amazon RDS Extended Support?
We had originally informed you that RDS Extended Support would provide the opt-in APIs and console features in December 2023. In that announcement, we said that if you decided not to opt your database in to RDS Extended Support, it would automatically upgrade to a newer engine version starting on March 1, 2024. For example, you would be upgraded from Aurora MySQL 2 or RDS for MySQL 5.7 to Aurora MySQL 3 or RDS for MySQL 8.0 and from Aurora PostgreSQL 11 or RDS for PostgreSQL 11 to Aurora PostgreSQL 15 and RDS for PostgreSQL 15, respectively.

However, we heard lots of feedback from customers that these automatic upgrades may cause their applications to experience breaking changes and other unpredictable behavior between major versions of community DB engines. For example, an unplanned major version upgrade could introduce compatibility issues or downtime if applications are not ready for MySQL 8.0 or PostgreSQL 15.

Automatic enrollment in RDS Extended Support gives you additional time and more control to organize, plan, and test your database upgrades on your own timeline, providing you flexibility on when to transition to new major versions while continuing to receive critical security and bug fixes from AWS.

If you’re worried about increased costs due to automatic enrollment in RDS Extended Support, you can avoid RDS Extended Support and associated charges by upgrading before the end of RDS standard support.

How to upgrade your database to avoid RDS Extended Support charges
Although RDS Extended Support helps you schedule your upgrade on your own timeline, sticking with older versions indefinitely means missing out on the best price-performance for your database workload and incurring additional costs from RDS Extended Support.

MySQL 8.0 on Aurora MySQL, also known as Aurora MySQL 3, unlocks support for popular Aurora features, such as Global Database, Amazon RDS Proxy, Performance Insights, Parallel Query, and Serverless v2 deployments. Upgrading to RDS for MySQL 8.0 provides features including up to three times higher performance versus MySQL 5.7, such as Multi-AZ cluster deployments, Optimized Reads, Optimized Writes, and support for AWS Graviton2 and Graviton3-based instances.

PostgreSQL 15 on Aurora PostgreSQL supports the Aurora I/O Optimized configuration, Aurora Serverless v2, Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL, pgvector extension, Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL (TLE), and AWS Graviton3-based instances as well as community enhancements. Upgrading to RDS for PostgreSQL 15 provides features such as Multi-AZ DB cluster deployments, RDS Optimized Reads, HypoPG extension, pgvector extension, TLEs for PostgreSQL, and AWS Graviton3-based instances.

Major version upgrades may make database changes that are not backward-compatible with existing applications. You should manually modify your database instance to upgrade to the major version. It is strongly recommended that you thoroughly test any major version upgrade on non-production instances before applying it to production to ensure compatibility with your applications. For more information about an in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0, see the incompatibilities between the two versions, Aurora MySQL in-place major version upgrade, and RDS for MySQL upgrades in the AWS documentation. For the in-place upgrade from PostgreSQL 11 to 15, you can use the pg_upgrade method.

To minimize downtime during upgrades, we recommend using Fully Managed Blue/Green Deployments in Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS. With just a few steps, you can use Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments to create a separate, synchronized, fully managed staging environment that mirrors the production environment. This involves launching a parallel green environment with upper version replicas of your production databases lower version. After validating the green environment, you can shift traffic over to it. Then, the blue environment can be decommissioned. To learn more, see Blue/Green Deployments for Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL or Blue/Green Deployments for RDS for MySQL and RDS for PostgreSQL in the AWS documentation. In most cases, Blue/Green Deployments are the best option to reduce downtime, except for limited cases in Amazon Aurora or Amazon RDS.

For more information on performing a major version upgrade in each DB engine, see the following guides in the AWS documentation.

Now available
Amazon RDS Extended Support is now available for all customers running Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS instances using MySQL 5.7, PostgreSQL 11, and higher major versions in AWS Regions, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions beyond the end of the standard support date in 2024. You don’t need to opt in to RDS Extended Support, and you get the flexibility to upgrade your databases and continued support for up to 3 years.

Learn more about RDS Extended Support in the Amazon Aurora User Guide and the Amazon RDS User Guide. For pricing details and timelines for RDS Extended Support, see Amazon Aurora pricing, RDS for MySQL pricing, and RDS for PostgreSQL pricing.

Please send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora or through your usual AWS Support contacts.


New for AWS Amplify – Query MySQL and PostgreSQL database for AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-aws-amplify-query-mysql-and-postgresql-database-for-aws-cdk/

Today we are announcing the general availability to connect and query your existing MySQL and PostgreSQL databases with support for AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), a new feature to create a real-time, secure GraphQL API for your relational database within or outside Amazon Web Services (AWS). You can now generate the entire API for all relational database operations with just your database endpoint and credentials. When your database schema changes, you can run a command to apply the latest table schema changes.

In 2021, we announced AWS Amplify GraphQL Transformer version 2, enabling developers to develop more feature-rich, flexible, and extensible GraphQL-based app backends even with minimal cloud expertise. This new GraphQL Transformer was redesigned from the ground up to generate extensible pipeline resolvers to route a GraphQL API request, apply business logic, such as authorization, and communicate with the underlying data source, such as Amazon DynamoDB.

However, customers wanted to use relational database sources for their GraphQL APIs such as their Amazon RDS or Amazon Aurora databases in addition to Amazon DynamoDB. You can now use @model types of Amplify GraphQL APIs for both relational database and DynamoDB data sources. Relational database information is generated to a separate schema.sql.graphql file. You can continue to use the regular schema.graphql files to create and manage DynamoDB-backed types.

When you simply provide any MySQL or PostgreSQL database information, whether behind a virtual private cloud (VPC) or publicly accessible on the internet, AWS Amplify automatically generates a modifiable GraphQL API that securely connects to your database tables and exposes create, read, update, or delete (CRUD) queries and mutations. You can also rename your data models to be more idiomatic for the frontend. For example, a database table is called “todos” (plural, lowercase) but is exposed as “ToDo” (singular, PascalCase) to the client.

With one line of code, you can add any of the existing Amplify GraphQL authorization rules to your API, making it seamless to build use cases such as owner-based authorization or public read-only patterns. Because the generated API is built on AWS AppSync‘ GraphQL capabilities, secure real-time subscriptions are available out of the box. You can subscribe to any CRUD events from any data model with a few lines of code.

Getting started with your MySQL database in AWS CDK
The AWS CDK lets you build reliable, scalable, cost-effective applications in the cloud with the considerable expressive power of a programming language. To get started, install the AWS CDK on your local machine.

$ npm install -g aws-cdk

Run the following command to verify the installation is correct and print the version number of the AWS CDK.

$ cdk –version

Next, create a new directory for your app:

$ mkdir amplify-api-cdk
$ cd amplify-api-cdk

Initialize a CDK app by using the cdk init command.

$ cdk init app --language typescript

Install Amplify’s GraphQL API construct in the new CDK project:

$ npm install @aws-amplify/graphql-api-construct

Open the main stack file in your CDK project (usually located in lib/<your-project-name>-stack.ts). Import the necessary constructs at the top of the file:

import {
} from '@aws-amplify/graphql-api-construct';

Generate a GraphQL schema for a new relational database API by executing the following SQL statement on your MySQL database. Make sure to output the results to a .csv file, including column headers, and replace <database-name> with the name of your database, schema, or both.


Run the following command, replacing <path-schema.csv> with the path to the .csv file created in the previous step.

$ npx @aws-amplify/cli api generate-schema \
    --sql-schema <path-to-schema.csv> \
    --engine-type mysql –out lib/schema.sql.graphql

You can open schema.sql.graphql file to see the imported data model from your MySQL database schema.

input AMPLIFY {
     engine: String = "mysql"
     globalAuthRule: AuthRule = {allow: public}

type Meals @model {
     id: Int! @primaryKey
     name: String!

type Restaurants @model {
     restaurant_id: Int! @primaryKey
     address: String!
     city: String!
     name: String!
     phone_number: String!
     postal_code: String!

If you haven’t already done so, go to the Parameter Store in the AWS Systems Manager console and create a parameter for the connection details of your database, such as hostname/url, database name, port, username, and password. These will be required in the next step for Amplify to successfully connect to your database and perform GraphQL queries or mutations against it.

In the main stack class, add the following code to define a new GraphQL API. Replace the dbConnectionConfg options with the parameter paths created in the previous step.

new AmplifyGraphqlApi(this, "MyAmplifyGraphQLApi", {
  apiName: "MySQLApi",
  definition: AmplifyGraphqlDefinition.fromFilesAndStrategy(
    [path.join(__dirname, "schema.sql.graphql")],
      name: "MyAmplifyGraphQLSchema",
      dbType: "MYSQL",
      dbConnectionConfig: {
        hostnameSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/hostname",
        portSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/port",
        databaseNameSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/database",
        usernameSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/username",
        passwordSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/password",
  authorizationModes: { apiKeyConfig: { expires: cdk.Duration.days(7) } },
  translationBehavior: { sandboxModeEnabled: true },

This configuration assums that your database is accessible from the internet. Also, the default authorization mode is set to Api Key for AWS AppSync and the sandbox mode is enabled to allow public access on all models. This is useful for testing your API before adding more fine-grained authorization rules.

Finally, deploy your GraphQL API to AWS Cloud.

$ cdk deploy

You can now go to the AWS AppSync console and find your created GraphQL API.

Choose your project and the Queries menu. You can see newly created GraphQL APIs compatible with your tables of MySQL database, such as getMeals to get one item or listRestaurants to list all items.

For example, when you select items with fields of address, city, name, phone_number, and so on, you can see a new GraphQL query. Choose the Run button and you can see the query results from your MySQL database.

When you query your MySQL database, you can see the same results.

How to customize your GraphQL schema for your database
To add a custom query or mutation in your SQL, open the generated schema.sql.graphql file and use the @sql(statement: "") pass in parameters using the :<variable> notation.

type Query {
     listRestaurantsInState(state: String): Restaurants @sql("SELECT * FROM Restaurants WHERE state = :state;”)

For longer, more complex SQL queries, you can reference SQL statements in the customSqlStatements config option. The reference value must match the name of a property mapped to a SQL statement. In the following example, a searchPosts property on customSqlStatements is being referenced:

type Query {
      searchPosts(searchTerm: String): [Post]
      @sql(reference: "searchPosts")

Here is how the SQL statement is mapped in the API definition.

new AmplifyGraphqlApi(this, "MyAmplifyGraphQLApi", { 
    apiName: "MySQLApi",
    definition: AmplifyGraphqlDefinition.fromFilesAndStrategy( [path.join(__dirname, "schema.sql.graphql")],
        name: "MyAmplifyGraphQLSchema",
        dbType: "MYSQL",
        dbConnectionConfig: {
        //	...ssmPaths,
     }, customSqlStatements: {
        searchPosts: // property name matches the reference value in schema.sql.graphql 
        "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE content LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchTerm, '%');",

The SQL statement will be executed as if it were defined inline in the schema. The same rules apply in terms of using parameters, ensuring valid SQL syntax, and matching return types. Using a reference file keeps your schema clean and allows the reuse of SQL statements across fields. It is best practice for longer, more complicated SQL queries.

Or you can change a field and model name using the @refersTo directive. If you don’t provide the @refersTo directive, AWS Amplify assumes that the model name and field name exactly match the database table and column names.

type Todo @model @refersTo(name: "todos") {
     content: String
     done: Boolean

When you want to create relationships between two database tables, use the @hasOne and @hasMany directives to establish a 1:1 or 1:M relationship. Use the @belongsTo directive to create a bidirectional relationship back to the relationship parent. For example, you can make a 1:M relationship between a restaurant and its meals menus.

type Meals @model {
     id: Int! @primaryKey
     name: String!
     menus: [Restaurants] @hasMany(references: ["restaurant_id"])

type Restaurants @model {
     restaurant_id: Int! @primaryKey
     address: String!
     city: String!
     name: String!
     phone_number: String!
     postal_code: String!
     meals: Meals @belongsTo(references: ["restaurant_id"])

Whenever you make any change to your GraphQL schema or database schema in your DB instances, you should deploy your changes to the cloud:

Whenever you make any change to your GraphQL schema or database schema in your DB instances, you should re-run the SQL script and export to .csv step mentioned earlier in this guide to re-generate your schema.sql.graphql file and then deploy your changes to the cloud:

$ cdk deploy

To learn more, see Connect API to existing MySQL or PostgreSQL database in the AWS Amplify documentation.

Now available
The relational database support for AWS Amplify now works with any MySQL and PostgreSQL databases hosted anywhere within Amazon VPC or even outside of AWS Cloud.

Give it a try and send feedback to AWS re:Post for AWS Amplify, the GitHub repository of Amplify GraphQL API, or through your usual AWS Support contacts.


P.S. Specially thanks to René Huangtian Brandel, a principal product manager at AWS for his contribution to write sample codes.

New – Amazon RDS Optimized Reads and Optimized Writes

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-rds-optimized-reads-and-optimized-writes/

Way back in 2009 I wrote Introducing Amazon RDS – The Amazon Relational Database Service and told you that:

RDS makes it easier for you to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. You get direct database access without worrying about infrastructure provisioning, software maintenance, or common database management tasks.

Since that launch we have continued to do our best to help you to avoid all of those items, while also working to make RDS ever-more cost effective. For example, we recently launched Graviton2 DB Instances that deliver up to 52% better price/performance and a new Multi-AZ Deployment Option that delivers up to 33% better price/performance along with 2x faster transaction commit latency.

Today I would like to tell you about two new features that will accelerate your Amazon RDS for MySQL workloads:

Amazon RDS Optimized Reads achieve faster query processing by placing temporary tables generated by MySQL on NVMe-based SSD block storage that is physically connected to the host server. Queries that use temporary tables, such as those involving sorts, hash aggregations, high-load joins, and Common Table Expressions (CTEs) can execute up to 50% faster with Optimized Reads.

Amazon RDS Optimized Writes deliver an improvement of up to 2x in write transaction throughput at no extra charge, and with the same level of provisioned IOPS. Optimized Writes are a great fit for write-heavy workloads that generate lots of concurrent transactions. This includes digital payments, financial trading platforms, and online games.

Amazon RDS Optimized Reads
Amazon RDS for MySQL without Optimized Reads places temporary tables on Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes. Optimized Reads offload the operations on temporary objects from EBS to the instance store attached to r5d, m5d, r6gd and m6gd instances. As a result EBS volumes can be more efficiently utilized for reads and writes on persistent data, as well as background operations such as flushes, insert buffer merges, and so forth. This increased efficiency is (of course) always nice to have, but it is particularly beneficial for certain use cases:

  • Analytical Queries that include Complex Table Expressions, derived tables, and grouping operations.
  • Read Replicas that handle the unoptimized queries for an application.
  • On-Demand or Dynamic Reporting Queries with complex operations such as GROUP BY and ORDER BY that can’t always use appropriate indexes.
  • Other Workloads that use internal temporary tables.

You can monitor the MySQL status variable created_tmp_files to observe the rate of creation for temporary tables.

The amount of instance storage available on the instance varies by instance family and size. Here’s a guide:

Instance Family Minimum Storage
Maximum Storage
m5d 75 GB 3.6 TB
m6gd 237 GB 3.8 TB
r5d 75 GB 3.6 TB
r6gd 59 GB 3.8 TB

Using Optimized Reads
To take advantage of this new feature, choose MySQL engine version 8.0.28 or newer and launch Amazon RDS for MySQL on one of the instance types listed above:

You can monitor the use of instance storage by watching new CloudWatch metrics including FreeLocalStorage, ReadIOPSLocalStorage, WriteIOPSLocalStorage, and so forth (see the User Guide for a complete list of new and existing metrics).

Optimized Reads are available in all AWS Regions where the eligible database instance types are available.

Amazon RDS Optimized Writes
By default, MySQL uses an on-disk doublewrite buffer that serves as an intermediate stop between memory and the final on-disk storage. Each page of the buffer is 16 KiB but is written to the final on-disk storage in 4 KiB chunks. This extra step maintains data integrity, but also consumes additional I/O bandwidth. When running those write-heavy workloads that I described earlier, this might require provisioning of additional IOPS to meet your performance and throughput requirements.

Optimized Writes uses uniform 16 KiB database pages, file system blocks, and operating system pages, and writes them to storage atomically (all or nothing), resulting in the performance improvement of up to 2x that I mentioned earlier.

Using Optimized Writes
You must create a new DB Instance from scratch on a db.r5b or db.r6i instance with the latest version of MySQL 8.0 in order to make use of Optimized Writes:

This setting affects the format of DB snapshots, with two important consequences:

  1. You cannot restore an existing non-optimized snapshot to a new, optimized one in order to enable Optimized Writes.
  2. Restoring a snapshot that was made with optimization enabled will enable Optimized Writes in the new instance.

If you scale to an instance type that does not support Optimized Writes, Amazon RDS will enable MySQL’s doublewrite mode on the instance as a fallback. If you scale into an instance that supports Optimized Writes from one that does not, Amazon RDS will launch MySQL in doublewrite mode, wait for the recovery and log replay to complete, and then relaunch MySQL with doublewrite disabled.

Optimized Writes are now available in the US East (Ohio, N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore, Tokyo), and Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, Paris) Regions and you can start to benefit from them today!


New – Fully Managed Blue/Green Deployments in Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-fully-managed-blue-green-deployments-in-amazon-aurora-and-amazon-rds/

When updating databases, using a blue/green deployment technique is an appealing option for users to minimize risk and downtime. This method of making database updates requires two database environments—your current production environment, or blue environment, and a staging environment, or green environment. You must then keep these two environments in sync with each other so you may safely test and upgrade your changes to production.

Amazon Aurora and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) customers can use database cloning and promotable read replicas to help self-manage a blue/green deployment. However, self-managing a blue/green deployment can be costly and complex to build and manage. As a result, customers sometimes delay implementing database updates, choosing availability over the benefits that they would gain from updating their databases.

Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments, a new feature for Amazon Aurora with MySQL compatibility, Amazon RDS for MySQL, and Amazon RDS for MariaDB that enables you to make database updates safer, simpler, and faster.

With just a few steps, you can use Blue/Green Deployments to create a separate, synchronized, fully managed staging environment that mirrors the production environment. The staging environment clones your production environment’s primary database and in-Region read replicas. Blue/Green Deployments keep these two environments in sync using logical replication.

In as fast as a minute, you can promote the staging environment to be the new production environment with no data loss. During switchover, Blue/Green Deployments blocks writes on blue and green environments so that the green catches up with the blue, ensuring no data loss. Then, Blue/Green Deployments redirects production traffic to the newly promoted staging environment, all without any code changes to your application.

With Blue/Green Deployments, you can make changes, such as major and minor version upgrades, schema modifications, and operating system or maintenance updates, to the staging environment without impacting the production workload.

Getting Started with Blue/Green Deployments for MySQL Clusters
You can start updating your databases with just a few clicks in the AWS Management Console. To get started, simply select the database that needs to be updated in the console and click Create Blue/Green Deployment under the Actions dropdown menu.

You can set a Blue/Green Deployment identifier and the attributes of your database to be modified, such as the engine version, DB cluster parameter group, and DB parameter group for green databases. To use a Blue/Green Deployment in your Aurora MySQL DB cluster, you should turn on binary logging, changing the value for the binlog_format parameter from OFF to MIXED in the DB cluster parameter group.

When you choose Create Blue/Green Deployment, it creates a new staging environment and runs automated tasks to prepare the database for production. Note, you will be charged the cost of the green database, including read replicas and DB instances in Multi-AZ deployments, and any other features such as Amazon RDS Performance Insights that you may have enabled on green.

You can also do the same job in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). To perform an engine version upgrade, simply add a targetEngineVersion parameter and specify the engine version you’d like to upgrade to. This parameter works with both minor and major version upgrades, and it accepts short versions like 5.7 for Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible.

$ aws rds create-blue-green-deployment \
--blue-green-deployment-name my-bg-deployment \
--source arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:1234567890:db:my-aurora-mysql \
--target-engine-version 5.7 \
--region us-west-2 \

After creation is complete, you now have a staging environment that is ready for test and validation before promoting it to be the new production environment.

When testing and qualification of changes are complete, you can choose Switch over in the Actions dropdown menu to promote the staging environment marked as Green to be the new production system.

Now you are nearly ready to switch over your green databases to production. Check the settings of your green databases to verify that they are ready for the switchover. You may also set a timeout setting to determine the maximum time limit for your switchover. If Blue/Green Deployments’ switchover guardrails detect that it would take longer than the specified duration, then the switchover is canceled, and no changes are made to the environments. We recommend that you identify times of low or moderate production traffic to initiate a switchover.

After switchover, Blue/Green Deployments does not delete your old production environment. You may access it for additional validations and performance/regression testing, if needed. Please note that it is your responsibility to delete the old production environment when you no longer need it. Standard billing charges apply on old production instances until you delete them.

Now Available
Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments is available today on Amazon Aurora with MySQL Compatibility 5.6 or higher, Amazon RDS for MySQL major version 5.6 or higher, and Amazon RDS for MariaDB 10.2 and higher in all AWS commercial Regions, excluding China, and AWS GovCloud Regions.

To learn more, read the Amazon Aurora MySQL Developer Guide or the Amazon RDS for MySQL User Guide. Give it a try, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon RDS or through your usual AWS support contacts.


AWS Week in Review – August 8, 2022

Post Syndicated from Steve Roberts original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-august-8-2022/

As an ex-.NET developer, and now Developer Advocate for .NET at AWS, I’m excited to bring you this week’s Week in Review post, for reasons that will quickly become apparent! There are several updates, customer stories, and events I want to bring to your attention, so let’s dive straight in!

Last Week’s launches
.NET developers, here are two new updates to be aware of—and be sure to check out the events section below for another big announcement:

Tiered pricing for AWS Lambda will interest customers running large workloads on Lambda. The tiers, based on compute duration (measured in GB-seconds), help you save on monthly costs—automatically. Find out more about the new tiers, and see some worked examples showing just how they can help reduce costs, in this AWS Compute Blog post by Heeki Park, a Principal Solutions Architect for Serverless.

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) released updates for several popular database engines:

  • RDS for Oracle now supports the April 2022 patch.
  • RDS for PostgreSQL now supports new minor versions. Besides the version upgrades, there are also updates for the PostgreSQL extensions pglogical, pg_hint_plan, and hll.
  • RDS for MySQL can now enforce SSL/TLS for client connections to your databases to help enhance transport layer security. You can enforce SSL/TLS by simply enabling the require_secure_transport parameter (disabled by default) via the Amazon RDS Management console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS Tools for PowerShell, or using the API. When you enable this parameter, clients will only be able to connect if an encrypted connection can be established.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) expanded availability of the latest generation storage-optimized Is4gen and Im4gn instances to the Asia Pacific (Sydney), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (London) Regions. Built on the AWS Nitro System and powered by AWS Graviton2 processors, these instance types feature up to 30 TB of storage using the new custom-designed AWS Nitro System SSDs. They’re ideal for maximizing the storage performance of I/O intensive workloads that continuously read and write from the SSDs in a sustained manner, for example SQL/NoSQL databases, search engines, distributed file systems, and data analytics.

Lastly, there’s a new URL from AWS Support API to use when you need to access the AWS Support Center console. I recommend bookmarking the new URL, https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/, which the team built using the latest architectural standards for high availability and Region redundancy to ensure you’re always able to contact AWS Support via the console.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here’s some other news items and customer stories that you may find interesting:

AWS Open Source News and Updates – Catch up on all the latest open-source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS community in installment #123 of the weekly open source newsletter.

In one recent AWS on Air livestream segment from AWS re:MARS, discussing the increasing scale of machine learning (ML) models, our guests mentioned billion-parameter ML models which quite intrigued me. As an ex-developer, my mental model of parameters is a handful of values, if that, supplied to methods or functions—not billions. Of course, I’ve since learned they’re not the same thing! As I continue my own ML learning journey I was particularly interested in reading this Amazon Science blog on 20B-parameter Alexa Teacher Models (AlexaTM). These large-scale multilingual language models can learn new concepts and transfer knowledge from one language or task to another with minimal human input, given only a few examples of a task in a new language.

When developing games intended to run fully in the cloud, what benefits might there be in going fully cloud-native and moving the entire process into the cloud? Find out in this customer story from Return Entertainment, who did just that to build a cloud-native gaming infrastructure in a few months, reducing time and cost with AWS services.

Upcoming events
Check your calendar and sign up for these online and in-person AWS events:

AWS Storage Day: On August 10, tune into this virtual event on twitch.tv/aws, 9:00 AM–4.30 PM PT, where we’ll be diving into building data resiliency into your organization, and how to put data to work to gain insights and realize its potential, while also optimizing your storage costs. Register for the event here.

AWS SummitAWS Global Summits: These free events bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Registration is open for the following AWS Summits in August:

AWS .NET Enterprise Developer Days 2022 – North America: Registration for this free, 2-day, in-person event and follow-up 2-day virtual event opened this past week. The in-person event runs September 7–8, at the Palmer Events Center in Austin, Texas. The virtual event runs September 13–14. AWS .NET Enterprise Developer Days (.NET EDD) runs as a mini-conference within the DeveloperWeek Cloud conference (also in-person and virtual). Anyone registering for .NET EDD is eligible for a free pass to DeveloperWeek Cloud, and vice versa! I’m super excited to be helping organize this third .NET event from AWS, our first that has an in-person version. If you’re a .NET developer working with AWS, I encourage you to check it out!

That’s all for this week. Be sure to check back next Monday for another Week in Review roundup!

— Steve
This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Optimize Federated Query Performance using EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE in Amazon Athena

Post Syndicated from Nishchai JM original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/optimize-federated-query-performance-using-explain-and-explain-analyze-in-amazon-athena/

Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage, and you pay only for the queries that you run. In 2019, Athena added support for federated queries to run SQL queries across data stored in relational, non-relational, object, and custom data sources.

In 2021, Athena added support for the EXPLAIN statement, which can help you understand and improve the efficiency of your queries. The EXPLAIN statement provides a detailed breakdown of a query’s run plan. You can analyze the plan to identify and reduce query complexity and improve its runtime. You can also use EXPLAIN to validate SQL syntax prior to running the query. Doing so helps prevent errors that would have occurred while running the query.

Athena also added EXPLAIN ANALYZE, which displays the computational cost of your queries alongside their run plans. Administrators can benefit from using EXPLAIN ANALYZE because it provides a scanned data count, which helps you reduce financial impact due to user queries and apply optimizations for better cost control.

In this post, we demonstrate how to use and interpret EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE statements to improve Athena query performance when querying multiple data sources.

Solution overview

To demonstrate using EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE statements, we use the following services and resources:

Athena uses the AWS Glue Data Catalog to store and retrieve table metadata for the Amazon S3 data in your AWS account. The table metadata lets the Athena query engine know how to find, read, and process the data that you want to query. We use Athena data source connectors to connect to data sources external to Amazon S3.


To deploy the CloudFormation template, you must have the following:

Provision resources with AWS CloudFormation

To deploy the CloudFormation template, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack:

  1. Follow the prompts on the AWS CloudFormation console to create the stack.
  2. Note the key-value pairs on the stack’s Outputs tab.

You use these values when configuring the Athena data source connectors.

The CloudFormation template creates the following resources:

  • S3 buckets to store data and act as temporary spill buckets for Lambda
  • AWS Glue Data Catalog tables for the data in the S3 buckets
  • A DynamoDB table and Amazon RDS for MySQL tables, which are used to join multiple tables from different sources
  • A VPC, subnets, and endpoints, which are needed for Amazon RDS for MySQL and DynamoDB

The following figure shows the high-level data model for the data load.

Create the DynamoDB data source connector

To create the DynamoDB connector for Athena, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Athena console, choose Data sources in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create data source.
  3. For Data sources, select Amazon DynamoDB.
  4. Choose Next.

  1. For Data source name, enter DDB.

  1. For Lambda function, choose Create Lambda function.

This opens a new tab in your browser.

  1. For Application name, enter AthenaDynamoDBConnector.
  2. For SpillBucket, enter the value from the CloudFormation stack for AthenaSpillBucket.
  3. For AthenaCatalogName, enter dynamodb-lambda-func.
  4. Leave the remaining values at their defaults.
  5. Select I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles and resource policies.
  6. Choose Deploy.

You’re returned to the Connect data sources section on the Athena console.

  1. Choose the refresh icon next to Lambda function.
  2. Choose the Lambda function you just created (dynamodb-lambda-func).

  1. Choose Next.
  2. Review the settings and choose Create data source.
  3. If you haven’t already set up the Athena query results location, choose View settings on the Athena query editor page.

  1. Choose Manage.
  2. For Location of query result, browse to the S3 bucket specified for the Athena spill bucket in the CloudFormation template.
  3. Add Athena-query to the S3 path.
  4. Choose Save.

  1. In the Athena query editor, for Data source, choose DDB.
  2. For Database, choose default.

You can now explore the schema for the sportseventinfo table; the data is the same in DynamoDB.

  1. Choose the options icon for the sportseventinfo table and choose Preview Table.

Create the Amazon RDS for MySQL data source connector

Now let’s create the connector for Amazon RDS for MySQL.

  1. On the Athena console, choose Data sources in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create data source.
  3. For Data sources, select MySQL.
  4. Choose Next.

  1. For Data source name, enter MySQL.

  1. For Lambda function, choose Create Lambda function.

  1. For Application name, enter AthenaMySQLConnector.
  2. For SecretNamePrefix, enter AthenaMySQLFederation.
  3. For SpillBucket, enter the value from the CloudFormation stack for AthenaSpillBucket.
  4. For DefaultConnectionString, enter the value from the CloudFormation stack for MySQLConnection.
  5. For LambdaFunctionName, enter mysql-lambda-func.
  6. For SecurityGroupIds, enter the value from the CloudFormation stack for RDSSecurityGroup.
  7. For SubnetIds, enter the value from the CloudFormation stack for RDSSubnets.
  8. Select I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles and resource policies.
  9. Choose Deploy.

  1. On the Lambda console, open the function you created (mysql-lambda-func).
  2. On the Configuration tab, under Environment variables, choose Edit.

  1. Choose Add environment variable.
  2. Enter a new key-value pair:
    • For Key, enter MYSQL_connection_string.
    • For Value, enter the value from the CloudFormation stack for MySQLConnection.
  3. Choose Save.

  1. Return to the Connect data sources section on the Athena console.
  2. Choose the refresh icon next to Lambda function.
  3. Choose the Lambda function you created (mysql-lamdba-function).

  1. Choose Next.
  2. Review the settings and choose Create data source.
  3. In the Athena query editor, for Data Source, choose MYSQL.
  4. For Database, choose sportsdata.

  1. Choose the options icon by the tables and choose Preview Table to examine the data and schema.

In the following sections, we demonstrate different ways to optimize our queries.

Optimal join order using EXPLAIN plan

A join is a basic SQL operation to query data on multiple tables using relations on matching columns. Join operations affect how much data is read from a table, how much data is transferred to the intermediate stages through networks, and how much memory is needed to build up a hash table to facilitate a join.

If you have multiple join operations and these join tables aren’t in the correct order, you may experience performance issues. To demonstrate this, we use the following tables from difference sources and join them in a certain order. Then we observe the query runtime and improve performance by using the EXPLAIN feature from Athena, which provides some suggestions for optimizing the query.

The CloudFormation template you ran earlier loaded data into the following services:

AWS Storage Table Name Number of Rows
Amazon DynamoDB sportseventinfo 657
Amazon S3 person 7,025,585
Amazon S3 ticketinfo 2,488

Let’s construct a query to find all those who participated in the event by type of tickets. The query runtime with the following join took approximately 7 mins to complete:

SELECT t.id AS ticket_id, 
"DDB"."default"."sportseventinfo" e, 
"AwsDataCatalog"."athenablog"."person" p, 
"AwsDataCatalog"."athenablog"."ticketinfo" t 
t.sporting_event_id = cast(e.eventid as double) 
AND t.ticketholder_id = p.id

Now let’s use EXPLAIN on the query to see its run plan. We use the same query as before, but add explain (TYPE DISTRIBUTED):

SELECT t.id AS ticket_id, 
"DDB"."default"."sportseventinfo" e, 
"AwsDataCatalog"."athenablog"."person" p, 
"AwsDataCatalog"."athenablog"."ticketinfo" t 
t.sporting_event_id = cast(e.eventid as double) 
AND t.ticketholder_id = p.id

The following screenshot shows our output

Notice the cross-join in Fragment 1. The joins are converted to a Cartesian product for each table, where every record in a table is compared to every record in another table. Therefore, this query takes a significant amount of time to complete.

To optimize our query, we can rewrite it by reordering the joining tables as sportseventinfo first, ticketinfo second, and person last. The reason for this is because the WHERE clause, which is being converted to a JOIN ON clause during the query plan stage, doesn’t have the join relationship between the person table and sportseventinfo table. Therefore, the query plan generator converted the join type to cross-joins (a Cartesian product), which less efficient. Reordering the tables aligns the WHERE clause to the INNER JOIN type, which satisfies the JOIN ON clause and runtime is reduced from 7 minutes to 10 seconds.

The code for our optimized query is as follows:

SELECT t.id AS ticket_id, 
"DDB"."default"."sportseventinfo" e, 
"AwsDataCatalog"."athenablog"."ticketinfo" t, 
"AwsDataCatalog"."athenablog"."person" p 
t.sporting_event_id = cast(e.eventid as double) 
AND t.ticketholder_id = p.id

The following is the EXPLAIN output of our query after reordering the join clause:

SELECT t.id AS ticket_id, 
"DDB"."default"."sportseventinfo" e, 
"AwsDataCatalog"."athenablog"."ticketinfo" t, 
"AwsDataCatalog"."athenablog"."person" p 
WHERE t.sporting_event_id = cast(e.eventid as double) 
AND t.ticketholder_id = p.id

The following screenshot shows our output.

The cross-join changed to INNER JOIN with join on columns (eventid, id, ticketholder_id), which results in the query running faster. Joins between the ticketinfo and person tables converted to the PARTITION distribution type, where both left and right tables are hash-partitioned across all worker nodes due to the size of the person table. The join between the sportseventinfo table and ticketinfo are converted to the REPLICATED distribution type, where one table is hash-partitioned across all worker nodes and the other table is replicated to all worker nodes to perform the join operation.

For more information about how to analyze these results, refer to Understanding Athena EXPLAIN statement results.

As a best practice, we recommend having a JOIN statement along with an ON clause, as shown in the following code:

SELECT t.id AS ticket_id, 
"AwsDataCatalog"."athenablog"."person" p 
JOIN "AwsDataCatalog"."athenablog"."ticketinfo" t ON t.ticketholder_id = p.id 
JOIN "ddb"."default"."sportseventinfo" e ON t.sporting_event_id = cast(e.eventid as double)

Also as a best practice when you join two tables, specify the larger table on the left side of join and the smaller table on the right side of the join. Athena distributes the table on the right to worker nodes, and then streams the table on the left to do the join. If the table on the right is smaller, then less memory is used and the query runs faster.

In the following sections, we present examples of how to optimize pushdowns for filter predicates and projection filter operations for the Athena data source using EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

Pushdown optimization for the Athena connector for Amazon RDS for MySQL

A pushdown is an optimization to improve the performance of a SQL query by moving its processing as close to the data as possible. Pushdowns can drastically reduce SQL statement processing time by filtering data before transferring it over the network and filtering data before loading it into memory. The Athena connector for Amazon RDS for MySQL supports pushdowns for filter predicates and projection pushdowns.

The following table summarizes the services and tables we use to demonstrate a pushdown using Aurora MySQL.

Table Name Number of Rows Size in KB
player_partitioned 5,157 318.86
sport_team_partitioned 62 5.32

We use the following query as an example of a filtering predicate and projection filter:

SELECT full_name,
FROM "sportsdata"."player_partitioned" a 
JOIN "sportsdata"."sport_team_partitioned" b ON a.sport_team_id=b.id 
WHERE a.id='1.0'

This query selects the players and their team based on their ID. It serves as an example of both filter operations in the WHERE clause and projection because it selects only two columns.

We use EXPLAIN ANALYZE to get the cost for the running this query:

SELECT full_name,
FROM "MYSQL"."sportsdata"."player_partitioned" a 
JOIN "MYSQL"."sportsdata"."sport_team_partitioned" b ON a.sport_team_id=b.id 
WHERE a.id='1.0'

The following screenshot shows the output in Fragment 2 for the table player_partitioned, in which we observe that the connector has a successful pushdown filter on the source side, so it tries to scan only one record out of the 5,157 records in the table. The output also shows that the query scan has only two columns (full_name as the projection column and sport_team_id and the join column), and uses SELECT and JOIN, which indicates the projection pushdown is successful. This helps reduce the data scan when using Athena data source connectors.

Now let’s look at the conditions in which a filter predicate pushdown doesn’t work with Athena connectors.

LIKE statement in filter predicates

We start with the following example query to demonstrate using the LIKE statement in filter predicates:

FROM "MYSQL"."sportsdata"."player_partitioned" 
WHERE first_name LIKE '%Aar%'


FROM "MYSQL"."sportsdata"."player_partitioned" 
WHERE first_name LIKE '%Aar%'

The EXPLAIN ANALYZE output shows that the query performs the table scan (scanning the table player_partitioned, which contains 5,157 records) for all the records even though the WHERE clause only has 30 records matching the condition %Aar%. Therefore, the data scan shows the complete table size even with the WHERE clause.

We can optimize the same query by selecting only the required columns:

SELECT sport_team_id,
FROM "MYSQL"."sportsdata"."player_partitioned" 
WHERE first_name LIKE '%Aar%'

From the EXPLAIN ANALYZE output, we can observe that the connector supports the projection filter pushdown, because we select only two columns. This brought the data scan size down to half of the table size.

OR statement in filter predicates

We start with the following query to demonstrate using the OR statement in filter predicates:

FROM "MYSQL"."sportsdata"."player_partitioned" 
WHERE first_name = 'Aaron' OR id ='1.0'

We use EXPLAIN ANALYZE with the preceding query as follows:

WHERE first_name = 'Aaron' OR id ='1.0'

Similar to the LIKE statement, the following output shows that query scanned the table instead of pushing down to only the records that matched the WHERE clause. This query outputs only 16 records, but the data scan indicates a complete scan.

Pushdown optimization for the Athena connector for DynamoDB

For our example using the DynamoDB connector, we use the following data:

Table Number of Rows Size in KB
sportseventinfo 657 85.75

Let’s test the filter predicate and project filter operation for our DynamoDB table using the following query. This query tries to get all the events and sports for a given location. We use EXPLAIN ANALYZE for the query as follows:

FROM "DDB"."default"."sportseventinfo" 
WHERE Location = 'Chase Field'

The output of EXPLAIN ANALYZE shows that the filter predicate retrieved only 21 records, and the project filter selected only two columns to push down to the source. Therefore, the data scan for this query is less than the table size.

Now let’s see where filter predicate pushdown doesn’t work. In the WHERE clause, if you apply the TRIM() function to the Location column and then filter, predicate pushdown optimization doesn’t apply, but we still see the projection filter optimization, which does apply. See the following code:

FROM "DDB"."default"."sportseventinfo" 
WHERE trim(Location) = 'Chase Field'

The output of EXPLAIN ANALYZE for this query shows that the query scans all the rows but is still limited to only two columns, which shows that the filter predicate doesn’t work when the TRIM function is applied.

We’ve seen from the preceding examples that the Athena data source connector for Amazon RDS for MySQL and DynamoDB do support filter predicates and projection predicates for pushdown optimization, but we also saw that operations such as LIKE, OR, and TRIM when used in the filter predicate don’t support pushdowns to the source. Therefore, if you encounter unexplained charges in your federated Athena query, we recommend using EXPLAIN ANALYZE with the query and determine whether your Athena connector supports the pushdown operation or not.

Please note that running EXPLAIN ANALYZE incurs cost because it scans the data.


In this post, we showcased how to use EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE to analyze Athena SQL queries for data sources on AWS S3 and Athena federated SQL query for data source like DynamoDB and Amazon RDS for MySQL. You can use this as an example to optimize queries which would also result in cost savings.

About the Authors

Nishchai JM is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web services. He specializes in building Big-data applications and help customer to modernize their applications on Cloud. He thinks Data is new oil and spends most of his time in deriving insights out of the Data.

Varad Ram is Senior Solutions Architect in Amazon Web Services. He likes to help customers adopt to cloud technologies and is particularly interested in artificial intelligence. He believes deep learning will power future technology growth. In his spare time, he like to be outdoor with his daughter and son.

Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 is Generally Available: Instant Scaling for Demanding Workloads

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-aurora-serverless-v2-is-generally-available-instant-scaling-for-demanding-workloads/

Today we are very excited to announce that Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 is generally available for both Aurora PostgreSQL and MySQL. Aurora Serverless is an on-demand, auto-scaling configuration for Amazon Aurora that allows your database to scale capacity up or down based on your application’s needs.

Amazon Aurora is a MySQL- and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud. It is fully managed by Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), which automates time-consuming administrative tasks, such as hardware provisioning, database setup, patches, and backups.

One of the key features of Amazon Aurora is the separation of compute and storage. As a result, they scale independently. Amazon Aurora storage automatically scales as the amount of data in your database increases. For example, you can store lots of data, and if one day you decide to drop most of the data, the storage provisioned adjusts.

How Amazon Aurora works - compute and storage separation
However, many customers said that they need the same flexibility in the compute layer of Amazon Aurora since most database workloads don’t need a constant amount of compute. Workloads can be spiky, infrequent, or have predictable spikes over a period of time.

To serve these kinds of workloads, you need to provision for the peak capacity you expect your database will need. However, this approach is expensive as database workloads rarely run at peak capacity. To provision the right amount of compute, you need to continuously monitor the database capacity consumption and scale up resources if consumption is high. However, this requires expertise and often incurs downtime.

To solve this problem, in 2018, we launched the first version of Amazon Aurora Serverless. Since its launch, thousands of customers have used Amazon Aurora Serverless as a cost-effective option for infrequent, intermittent, and unpredictable workloads.

Today, we are making the next version of Amazon Aurora Serverless generally available, which enables customers to run even the most demanding workload on serverless with instant and nondisruptive scaling, fine-grained capacity adjustments, and additional functionality, including read replicas, Multi-AZ deployments, and Amazon Aurora Global Database.

Aurora Serverless v2 is launching with the latest major versions available on Amazon Aurora. Versions supported: Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition with PostgreSQL 13 and Aurora MySQL-compatible edition with MySQL 8.0.

Main features of Aurora Serverless v2
Aurora Serverless v2 enables you to scale your database to hundreds of thousands of transactions per second and cost-effectively manage the most demanding workloads. It scales database capacity in fine-grained increments to closely match the needs of your workload without disrupting connections or transactions. In addition, you pay only for the exact capacity you consume, and you can save up to 90 percent compared to provisioning for peak load.

If you have an existing Amazon Aurora cluster, you can create an Aurora Serverless v2 instance within the same cluster. This way, you’ll have a mixed configuration cluster where both provisioned and Aurora Serverless v2 instances can coexist within the same cluster.

It supports the full breadth of Amazon Aurora features. For example, you can create up to 15 Amazon Aurora read replicas deployed across multiple Availability Zones. Any number of these read replicas can be Aurora Serverless v2 instances and can be used as failover targets for high availability or for scaling read operations.

Similarly, with Global Database, you can assign any of the instances to be Aurora Serverless v2 and only pay for minimum capacity when idling. These instances in secondary Regions can also scale independently to support varying workloads across different Regions. Check out the Amazon Aurora user guide for a comprehensive list of features.

Aurora Serverless compute and storage scaling

How Aurora Serverless v2 scaling works
Aurora Serverless v2 scales instantly and nondisruptively by growing the capacity of the underlying instance in place by adding more CPU and memory resources. This technique allows for the underlying instance to increase and decrease capacity in place without failing over to a new instance for scaling.

For scaling down, Aurora Serverless v2 takes a more conservative approach. It scales down in steps until it reaches the required capacity needed for the workload. Scaling down too quickly can prematurely evict cached pages and decrease the buffer pool, which may affect the performance.

Aurora Serverless capacity is measured in Aurora capacity units (ACUs). Each ACU is a combination of approximately 2 gibibytes (GiB) of memory, corresponding CPU, and networking. With Aurora Serverless v2, your starting capacity can be as small as 0.5 ACU, and the maximum capacity supported is 128 ACU. In addition, it supports fine-grained increments as small as 0.5 ACU which allows your database capacity to closely match the workload needs.

Aurora Serverless v2 scaling in action
To show Aurora Serverless v2 in action, we are going to simulate a flash sale. Imagine that you run an e-commerce site. You run a marketing campaign where customers can purchase items 50 percent off for a limited amount of time. You are expecting a spike in traffic on your site for the duration of the sale.

When you use a traditional database, if you run those marketing campaigns regularly, you need to provision for the peak load you expect. Or, if you run them now and then, you need to reconfigure your database for the expected peak of traffic during the sale. In both cases, you are limited to your assumption of the capacity you need. What happens if you have more sales than you expected? If your database cannot keep up with the demand, it may cause service degradation. Or when your marketing campaign doesn’t produce the sales you expected? You are unnecessarily paying for capacity you don’t need.

For this demo, we use Aurora Serverless v2 as the transactional database. An AWS Lambda function is used to call the database and process orders during the sale event for the e-commerce site. The Lambda function and the database are in the same Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and the function connects directly to the database to perform all the operations.

To simulate the traffic of a flash sale, we will use an open-source load testing framework called Artillery. It will allow us to generate varying load by invoking multiple Lambda functions. For example, we can start with a small load and then increase it rapidly to observe how the database capacity adjusts based on the workload. This Artillery load test runs on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance inside the same VPC.

Architecture diagram
The following Amazon CloudWatch dashboard shows how the database capacity behaves when the order count increases. The dashboard shows the orders placed in blue and the current database capacity in orange.

At the beginning of the sale, the Aurora Serverless v2 database starts with a capacity of 5 ACUs, which was the minimum database capacity configured. For the first few minutes, the orders increase, but the database capacity doesn’t increase right away. The database can handle the load with the starting provisioned capacity.

However, around the time 15:55, the number of orders spikes to 12,000. As a result, the database increases the capacity to 14 ACUs. The database capacity increases in milliseconds, adjusting exactly to the load.

The number of orders placed stays up for some seconds, and then it goes dramatically down by 15:58. However, the database capacity doesn’t adjust exactly to the drop in traffic. Instead, it decreases in steps until it reaches 5 ACUs. The scaling down is done more conservatively to avoid prematurely evicting cached pages and affecting performance. This is done to prevent any unnecessary latency to spiky workloads, and also so the caches and buffer pools are not aggressively purged.

Cloudwatch dashboard

Get started with Aurora Serverless v2 with an existing Amazon Aurora cluster
If you already have an Amazon Aurora cluster and you want to try Aurora Serverless v2, the fastest way to get started is by using mixed configuration clusters that contain both serverless and provisioned instances. Start by adding a new reader into the existing cluster. Configure the reader instance to be of the type Serverless v2.

Adding a serverless reader

Test the new serverless instance with your workload. Once you have confirmation that it works as expected, you can start a failover to the serverless instance, which will take less than 30 seconds to finish. This option provides a minimal downtime experience to get started with Aurora Serverless v2.

Failover to the serverless instance

How to create a new Aurora Serverless v2 database
To get started with Aurora Serverless v2, create a new database from the RDS console. The first step is to pick the engine type: Amazon Aurora. Then, pick which database engine you want it to be compatible with: MySQL or PostgreSQL. Open the filters under Engine version and select the filter Show versions that support Serverless v2. Then, you see that the Available versions dropdown list only shows options that are supported by Aurora Serverless v2.

Engine options
Next, you need to set up the database. Specify credential settings with a username and password for the administrator of the database.

Database settings
Then, configure the instance for the database. You need to select what kind of instance class you want. This allocates the computational, network, and memory capacity for the database instance. Select Serverless.

Then, you need to define the capacity range. Aurora Serverless v2 capacity scales up and down within the minimum and maximum configuration. Here you can specify the minimum and maximum database capacity for your workload. The minimum capacity you can specify is 0.5 ACUs, and the maximum is 128 ACUs. For more information on Aurora Serverless v2 capacity units, see the Instant autoscaling documentation.

Capacity configuration
Next, configure connectivity by creating a new VPC and security group or use the default. Finally, select Create database.

Connectivity configuration

Creating the database takes a couple of minutes. You know your database is ready when the status switches to Available.

Database list

You will find the connection details for the database on the database page. The endpoint and the port, combined with the user name and password for the administrator, are all you need to connect to your new Aurora Serverless v2 database.

Database details page

Available Now!
Aurora Serverless v2 is available now in US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), and South America (São Paulo).

Visit the Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 page for more information about this launch.


New Amazon RDS for MySQL & PostgreSQL Multi-AZ Deployment Option: Improved Write Performance & Faster Failover

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-rds-multi-az-db-cluster/

Today, we are announcing a new Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Multi-AZ deployment option with up to 2x faster transaction commit latency, automated failovers typically under 35 seconds, and readable standby instances.

Amazon RDS offers two replication options to enhance availability and performance:

  • Multi-AZ deployments gives high availability and automatic failover. Amazon RDS creates a storage-level replica of the database in a second Availability Zone. It then synchronously replicates data from the primary to the standby DB instance for high availability. The primary DB instance serves application requests, while the standby DB instance remains ready to take over in case of a failure. Amazon RDS manages all aspects of failure detection, failover, and repair actions so the applications using the database can be highly available.
  • Read replicas allow applications to scale their read operations across multiple database instances. The database engine replicates data asynchronously to the read replicas. The application sends the write requests (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) to the primary database, and read requests (SELECT) can be load balanced across read replicas. In case of failure of the primary node, you can manually promote a read replica to become the new primary database.

Multi-AZ deployments and read replicas serve different purposes. Multi-AZ deployments give your application high availability, durability, and automatic failover. Read replicas give your applications read scalability.

But what about applications that require both high availability with automatic failover and read scalability?

Introducing the New Amazon RDS Multi-AZ Deployment Option With Two Readable Standby Instances.
Starting today, we’re adding a new option to deploy RDS databases. This option combines automatic failover and read replicas: Amazon RDS Multi-AZ with two readable standby instances. This deployment option is available for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. This is a database cluster with one primary and two readable standby instances. It provides up to 2x faster transaction commit latency and automated failovers, typically under 35 seconds.

The following diagram illustrates such a deployment:

Three AZ RDS databases

When the new Multi-AZ DB cluster deployment option is enabled, RDS configures a primary database and two read replicas in three distinct Availability Zones. It then monitors and enables failover in case of failure of the primary node.

Just like with traditional read replicas, the database engine replicates data between the primary node and the read replicas. And just like with the Multi-AZ one standby deployment option, RDS automatically detects and manages failover for high availability.

You do not have to choose between high availability or scalability; Multi-AZ DB cluster with two readable standby enables both.

What Are the Benefits?
This new deployment option offers you four benefits over traditional multi-AZ deployments: improved commit latency, faster failover, readable standby instances, and optimized replications.

First, write operations are faster when using Multi-AZ DB cluster. The new Multi-AZ DB cluster instances leverage M6gd and R6gd instance types. These instances are powered by AWS Graviton2 processors. They are equipped with fast NVMe SSD for local storage, ideal for high speed and low-latency storage. They deliver up to 40 percent better price performance and 50 percent more local storage GB per vCPU over comparable x86-based instances.

Multi-AZ DB instances use Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) to store the data and the transaction log. The new Multi-AZ DB cluster instances use local storage provided by the instances to store the transaction log. Local storage is optimized to deliver low-latency, high I/O operations per second (IOPS) to applications. Write operations are first written to the local storage transaction log, then flushed to permanent storage on database storage volumes.

Second, failover operations are typically faster than in the Multi-AZ DB instance scenario. The read replicas created by the new Multi-AZ DB cluster are full-fledged database instances. The system is designed to fail over as quickly as 35 seconds, plus the time to apply any pending transaction log. In case of failover, the system is fully automated to promote a new primary and reconfigure the old primary as a new reader instance.

Third, the two standby instances are hot standbys. Your applications may use the cluster reader endpoint to send their read requests (SELECT) to these standby instances. It allows your application to spread the database read load equally between the instances of the database cluster.

And finally, leveraging local storage for transaction log optimizes replication. The existing Multi-AZ DB instance replicates all changes at storage-level. The new Multi-AZ DB cluster replicates only the transaction log and uses a quorum mechanism to confirm at least one standby acknowledged the change. Database transactions are committed synchronously when one of the secondary instances confirms the transaction log is written on its local disk.

Migrating Existing Databases
For those of you having existing RDS databases and willing to take advantage of this new Multi-AZ DB cluster deployment option, you may take a snapshot of your database to create a storage-level backup of your existing database instance. Once the snapshot is ready, you can create a new database cluster, with Multi-AZ DB cluster deployment option, based on this snapshot. Your new Multi-AZ DB cluster will be a perfect copy of your existing database.

Let’s See It in Action
To get started, I point my browser to the AWS Management Console and navigate to RDS. The Multi-AZ DB cluster deployment option is available for MySQL version 8.0.28 or later and PostgreSQL version 13.4 R1 and 13.5 R1. I select either database engine, and I ensure the version matches the minimum requirements. The rest of the procedure is the same as a standard Amazon RDS database launch.

Under Deployment options, I select PostgreSQL, version 13.4 R1, and under Availability and Durability, I select Multi-AZ DB cluster.

Three AZ RDS launch console

If required, I may choose the set of Availability Zones RDS uses for the cluster. To do so, I create a DB subnet group and assign the cluster to this subnet group.

Once launched, I verify that three DB instances have been created. I also take note of the two endpoints provided by Amazon RDS: the primary endpoint and one load-balanced endpoint for the two readable standby instances.

RDS Three AZ list of instances

To test the new cluster, I create an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance in the same VPC, within the same security group as the database, and I make sure I attach an IAM role containing the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore managed policy. This allows me to connect to the instance using SSM instead of SSH.

Once the instance is started, I use SSM to connect to the instance. I install PostgreSQL client tools.

sudo amazon-linux-extras enable postgresql13
sudo yum clean metadata
sudo yum install postgresql

I connect to the primary DB. I create a table and INSERT a record.

psql -h awsnewsblog.cluster-c1234567890r.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com -U postgres

postgres=> create table awsnewsblogdemo (id int primary key, name varchar);

postgres=> insert into awsnewsblogdemo (id,name) values (1, 'seb');

postgres=> exit

To verify the replication works as expected, I connect to the read-only replica. Notice the -ro- in the endpoint name. I check the table structure and enter a SELECT statement to confirm the data have been replicated.

psql -h awsnewsblog.cluster-ro-c1234567890r.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com -U postgres

postgres=> \dt

              List of relations
 Schema |      Name       | Type  |  Owner
 public | awsnewsblogdemo | table | postgres
(1 row)

postgres=> select * from awsnewsblogdemo;
 id | name
  1 | seb
(1 row)

postgres=> exit

In the scenario of a failover, the application will be disconnected from the primary database instance. In that case, it is important that your application-level code try to reestablish network connection. After a short period of time, the DNS name of the endpoint will point to the standby instance, and your application will be able to reconnect.

To learn more about Multi-AZ DB clusters, you can refer to our documentation.

Pricing and Availability
Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments with two readable standbys is generally available in the following Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland). We will add more regions to this list.

You can use it with MySQL version 8.0.28 or later, or PostgreSQL version 13.4 R1 or 13.5 R1.

Pricing depends on the instance type. In US regions, on-demand pricing starts at $0.522 per hour for M6gd instances and $0.722 per hour for R6gd instances. As usual, the Amazon RDS pricing page has the details for MySQL and PostgreSQL.

You can start to use it today.

Data preparation using an Amazon RDS for MySQL database with AWS Glue DataBrew

Post Syndicated from Dhiraj Thakur original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/data-preparation-using-an-amazon-rds-for-mysql-database-with-aws-glue-databrew/

With AWS Glue DataBrew, data analysts and data scientists can easily access and visually explore any amount of data across their organization directly from their Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake, Amazon Redshift data warehouse, or Amazon Aurora and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) databases. You can choose from over 250 built-in functions to merge, pivot, and transpose the data without writing code.

Now, with added support for JDBC-accessible databases, DataBrew also supports additional data stores, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. In this post, we use DataBrew to clean data from an RDS database, store the cleaned data in an S3 data lake, and build a business intelligence (BI) report.

Use case overview

For our use case, we use three datasets:

  • A school dataset that contains school details like school ID and school name
  • A student dataset that contains student details like student ID, name, and age
  • A student study details dataset that contains student study time, health, country, and more

The following diagram shows the relation of these tables.

For our use case, this data is collected by a survey organization after an annual exam, and updates are made in Amazon RDS for MySQL using a Java script-based frontend application. We join the tables to create a single view and create aggregated data through a series of data preparation steps, and the business team uses the output data to create BI reports.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture. We use Amazon RDS to store data, DataBrew for data preparation, Amazon Athena for data analysis with standard SQL, and Amazon QuickSight for business reporting.

The workflow includes the following steps:
  1. Create a JDBC connection for RDS and a DataBrew project. DataBrew does the transformation to find the top performing students across all the schools considered for analysis.
  2. The DataBrew job writes the final output to our S3 output bucket.
  3. After the output data is written, we can create external tables on top of it with Athena create table statements and load partitions with MCSK REPAIR commands.
  4. Business users can use QuickSight for BI reporting, which fetches data through Athena. Data analysts can also use Athena to analyze the complete refreshed dataset.


To complete this solution, you should have an AWS account.

Prelab setup

Before beginning this tutorial, make sure you have the required permissions to create the resources required as part of the solution.

For our use case, we use three mock datasets. You can download the DDL code and data files from GitHub.

  1. Create the RDS for MySQL instance to capture the student health data.
  2. Make sure you have set up the correct security group for Amazon RDS. For more information, see Setting Up a VPC to Connect to JDBC Data Stores.
  3. Create three tables: student_tbl, study_details_tbl, and school_tbl. You can use DDLsql to create the database objects.
  4. Upload the student.csv, study_details.csv, and school.csv files in their respective tables. You can use student.sql, study_details.sql, and school.sql to insert the data in the tables.

Create an Amazon RDS connection

To create your Amazon RDS connection, complete the following steps:

  1. On the DataBrew console, choose Datasets.
  2. On the Connections tab, choose Create connection.

  1. For Connection name, enter a name (for example, student_db-conn).
  2. For Connection type, select JDBC.
  3. For Database type, choose MySQL.

  1. Provide other parameters like RDS endpoint, port, database name, and database login credentials.

  1. In the Network options section, choose the VPC, subnet, and security group of your RDS instance.
  2. Choose Create connection.

Create your datasets

We have three tables in Amazon RDS: school_tbl, student_tbl, and study_details_tbl. To use these tables, we first need to create a dataset for each table.

To create the datasets, complete the following steps (we walk you through creating the school dataset):

  1. On the Datasets page of the DataBrew console, choose Connect new dataset.

  1. For Dataset name, enter school-dataset.
  2. Choose the connection you created (AwsGlueDatabrew-student-db-conn).
  3. For Table name, enter school_tbl.
  4. Choose Create dataset.

  1. Repeat these steps for the student_tbl and study_details_tbl tables, and name the new datasets student-dataset and study-detail-dataset, respectively.

All three datasets are available to use on the Datasets page.

Create a project using the datasets

To create your DataBrew project, complete the following steps:

  1. On the DataBrew console, choose Projects.
  2. Choose Create project.
  3. For Project Name, enter my-rds-proj.
  4. For Attached recipe, choose Create new recipe.

The recipe name is populated automatically.

  1. For Select a dataset, select My datasets.
  2. For Dataset name, select study-detail-dataset.

  1. For Role name, choose your AWS Identity and Access management (IAM) role to use with DataBrew.
  2. Choose Create project.

You can see a success message along with our RDS study_details_tbl table with 500 rows.

After the project is opened, a DataBrew interactive session is created. DataBrew retrieves sample data based on your sampling configuration selection.

Open an Amazon RDS project and build a transformation recipe

In a DataBrew interactive session, you can cleanse and normalize your data using over 250 built-in transforms. In this post, we use DataBrew to identify top performing students by performing a few transforms and finding students who got marks greater than or equal to 60 in the last annual exam.

First, we use DataBrew to join all three RDS tables. To do this, we perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the project you created.
  2. Choose Join.

  1. For Select dataset, choose student-dataset.
  2. Choose Next.

  1. For Select join type, select Left join.
  2. For Join keys, choose student_id for Table A and deselect student_id for Table B.
  3. Choose Finish.

Repeat the steps for school-dataset based on the school_id key.

  1. Choose MERGE to merge first_name and last_name.
  2. Enter a space as a separator.
  3. Choose Apply.

We now filter the rows based on marks value greater than or equal to 60 and add the condition as a recipe step.

  1. Choose FILTER.

  1. Provide the source column and filter condition and choose Apply.

The final data shows the top performing students’ data who had marks greater than or equal to 60.

Run the DataBrew recipe job on the full data

Now that we have built the recipe, we can create and run a DataBrew recipe job.

  1. On the project details page, choose Create job.
  2. For Job name¸ enter top-performer-student.

For this post, we use Parquet as the output format.

  1. For File type, choose PARQUET.
  2. For S3 location, enter the S3 path of the output folder.

  1. For Role name, choose an existing role or create a new one.
  2. Choose Create and run job.

  1. Navigate to the Jobs page and wait for the top-performer-student job to complete.

  1. Choose the Destination link to navigate to Amazon S3 to access the job output.

Run an Athena query

Let’s validate the aggregated table output in Athena by running a simple SELECT query. The following screenshot shows the output.

Create reports in QuickSight

Now let’s do our final step of the architecture, which is creating BI reports through QuickSight by connecting to the Athena aggregated table.

  1. On the QuickSight console, choose Athena as your data source.

  1. Choose the database and catalog you have in Athena.
  2. Select your table.
  3. Choose Select.

Now you can create a quick report to visualize your output, as shown in the following screenshot.

If QuickSight is using SPICE storage, you need to refresh the dataset in QuickSight after you receive notification about the completion of the data refresh. We recommend using SPICE storage to get better performance.

Clean up

Delete the following resources that might accrue cost over time:

  • The RDS instance
  • The recipe job top-performer-student
  • The job output stored in your S3 bucket
  • The IAM roles created as part of projects and jobs
  • The DataBrew project my-rds-proj and its associated recipe my-rds-proj-recipe
  • The DataBrew datasets


In this post, we saw how to create a JDBC connection for an RDS database. We learned how to use this connection to create a DataBrew dataset for each table, and how to reuse this connection multiple times. We also saw how we can bring data from Amazon RDS into DataBrew and seamlessly apply transformations and run recipe jobs that refresh transformed data for BI reporting.

About the Author

Dhiraj Thakur is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS customers and partners to provide guidance on enterprise cloud adoption, migration, and strategy. He is passionate about technology and enjoys building and experimenting in the analytics and AI/ML space.

Updating opt-in status for Amazon Pinpoint channels

Post Syndicated from Varinder Dhanota original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/updating-opt-in-status-for-amazon-pinpoint-channels/

In many real-world scenarios, customers are using home-grown or 3rd party systems to manage their campaign related information. This includes user preferences, segmentation, targeting, interactions, and more. To create customer-centric engagement experiences with such existing systems, migrating or integrating into Amazon Pinpoint is needed. Luckily, many AWS services and mechanisms can help to streamline this integration in a resilient and cost-effective way.

In this blog post, we demonstrate a sample solution that captures changes from an on-premises application’s database by utilizing AWS Integration and Transfer Services and updates Amazon Pinpoint in real-time.

If you are looking for a serverless, mobile-optimized preference center allowing end users to manage their Pinpoint communication preferences and attributes, you can also check the Amazon Pinpoint Preference Center.



In this scenario, users’ SMS opt-in/opt-out preferences are managed by a home-grown customer application. Users interact with the application over its web interface. The application, saves the customer preferences on a MySQL database.

This solution’s flow of events is triggered with a change (insert / update / delete) happening in the database. The change event is then captured by AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) that is configured with an ongoing replication task. This task continuously monitors a specified database and forwards the change event to an Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stream. Raw events that are buffered in this stream are polled by an AWS Lambda function. This function transforms the event, and makes it ready to be passed to Amazon Pinpoint API. This API call will in turn, change the opt-in/opt-out subscription status of the channel for that user.

Ongoing replication tasks are created against multiple types of database engines, including Oracle, MS-SQL, Postgres, and more. In this blog post, we use a MySQL based RDS instance to demonstrate this architecture. The instance will have a database we name pinpoint_demo and one table we name optin_status. In this sample, we assume the table is holding details about a user and their opt-in preference for SMS messages.

userid phone optin lastupdate
user1 +12341111111 1 1593867404
user2 +12341111112 1 1593867404
user2 +12341111113 1 1593867404


  1. AWS CLI is configured with an active AWS account and appropriate access.
  2. You have an understanding of Amazon Pinpoint concepts. You will be using Amazon Pinpoint to create a segment, populate endpoints, and validate phone numbers. For more details, see the Amazon Pinpoint product page and documentation.


First, you clone the repository that contains a stack of templates to your local environment. Make sure you have configured your AWS CLI with AWS credentials. Follow the steps below to deploy the CloudFormation stack:

  1. Clone the git repository containing the CloudFormation templates:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-pinpoint-rds-integration.git
    cd amazon-pinpoint-rds-integration
  2. You need an S3 Bucket to hold the template:
    aws s3 create-bucket –bucket <YOUR-BUCKET-NAME>
  3. Run the following command to package the CloudFormation templates:
    aws cloudformation package --template-file template_stack.yaml --output-template-file template_out.yaml --s3-bucket <YOUR-BUCKET-NAME>
  4. Deploy the stack with the following command:
    aws cloudformation deploy --template-file template_out.yaml --stack-name pinpointblogstack --capabilities CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

The AWS CloudFormation stack will create and configure resources for you. Some of the resources it will create are:

  • Amazon RDS instance with MySQL
  • AWS Database Migration Service replication instance
  • AWS Database Migration Service source endpoint for MySQL
  • AWS Database Migration Service target endpoint for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stream
  • AWS Lambda Function
  • Amazon Pinpoint Application
  • A Cloud9 environment as a bastion host

The deployment can take up to 15 minutes. You can track its progress in the CloudFormation console’s Events tab.

Populate RDS data

A CloudFormation stack will output the DNS address of an RDS endpoint and Cloud9 environment upon completion. The Cloud9 environment acts as a bastion host and allows you to reach the RDS instance endpoint deployed into the private subnet by CloudFormation.

  1. Open the AWS Console and navigate to the Cloud9 service.
  2. Click on the Open IDE button to reach your IDE environment.
  3. At the console pane of your IDE, type the following to login to your RDS instance. You can find the RDS Endpoint address at the outputs section of the CloudFormation stack. It is under the key name RDSInstanceEndpoint.
    mysql -h <YOUR_RDS_ENDPOINT> -uadmin -pmypassword
    use blog_db;
  4. Issue the following command to create a table that holds the user’s opt-in status:
    create table optin_status (
      userid varchar(50) not null,
      phone varchar(50) not null,
      optin tinyint default 1,
  5. Next, load sample data into the table. The following inserts nine users for this demo:
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user1', '+12341111111', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user2', '+12341111112', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user3', '+12341111113', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user4', '+12341111114', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user5', '+12341111115', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user6', '+12341111116', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user7', '+12341111117', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user8', '+12341111118', 1);
    INSERT INTO optin_status (userid, phone, optin) VALUES ('user9', '+12341111119', 1);
  6. The table’s opt-in column holds the SMS opt-in status and phone number for a specific user.

Start the DMS Replication Task

Now that the environment is ready, you can start the DMS replication task and start watching the changes in this table.

  1. From the AWS DMS Console, go to the Database Migration Tasks section.
  2. Select the Migration task named blogreplicationtask.
  3. From the Actions menu, click on Restart/Resume to start the migration task. Wait until the task’s Status transitions from Ready to Starting and Replication ongoing.
  4. At this point, all the changes on the source database are replicated into a Kinesis stream. Before introducing the AWS Lambda function that will be polling this stream, configure the Amazon Pinpoint application.

Inspect the AWS Lambda Function

An AWS Lambda function has been created to receive the events. The Lambda function uses Python and Boto3 to read the records delivered by Kinesis Data Streams. It then performs the update_endpoint API calls in order to add, update, or delete endpoints in the Amazon Pinpoint application.

Lambda code and configuration is accessible through the Lambda Functions Console. In order to inspect the Python code, click the Functions item on the left side. Select the function starting with pinpointblogstack-MainStack by clicking on the function name.

Note: The PINPOINT_APPID under the Environment variables section. This variable provides the Lambda function with the Amazon Pinpoint application ID to make the API call.


Inspect Amazon Pinpoint Application in Amazon Pinpoint Console

A Pinpoint application is needed by the Lambda Function to update the endpoints. This application has been created with an SMS Channel by the CloudFormation template. Once the data from the RDS database has been imported into Pinpoint as SMS endpoints, you can validate this import by creating a segment in Pinpoint.



With the Lambda function ready, you now test the whole solution.

  1. To initiate the end-to-end test, go to the Cloud9 terminal. Perform the following SQL statement on the optin_table:
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user1';
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user2';
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user3';
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user4';
  2. This statement will cause four changes in the database which is collected by DMS and passed to Kinesis Data Streams stream.
  3. This triggers the Lambda function that construct an update_endpoint API call to the Amazon Pinpoint application.
  4. The update_endpoint operation is an upsert operation. Therefore, if the endpoint does not exist on the Amazon Pinpoint application, it creates one. Otherwise, it updates the current endpoint.
  5. In the initial dataset, all the opt-in values are 1. Therefore, these endpoints will be created with an OptOut value of NONE in Amazon Pinpoint.
  6. All OptOut=NONE typed endpoints are considered as active endpoints. Therefore, they are available to be used within segments.

Create Amazon Pinpoint Segment

  1. In order to see these changes, go to the Pinpoint console. Click on PinpointBlogApp.
  2. Click on Segments on the left side. Then click Create a segment.
  3. For the segment name, enter US-Segment.
  4. Select Endpoint from the Filter dropdown.
  5. Under the Choose an endpoint attribute dropdown, select Country.
  6. For Choose values enter US.
    Note: As you do this, the right panel Segment estimate will refresh to show the number of endpoints eligible for this segment filter.
  7. Click Create segment at the bottom of the page.
  8. Once the new segment is created, you are directed to the newly created segment with configuration details. You should see five eligible endpoints corresponding to database table rows.
  9. Now, change one row by issuing the following SQL statement. This simulates a user opting out from SMS communication for one of their numbers.
    UPDATE optin_status SET optin=0 WHERE userid='user5';
  10. After the update, go to the Amazon Pinpoint console. Check the eligible endpoints again. You should only see four eligible endpoints.



If you no longer want to incur further charge, delete the Cloudformation stack named pinpointblogstack. Select it and click Delete.



This solution walks you through how opt-in change events are delivered from Amazon RDS to Amazon Pinpoint. You can use this solution in other use cases as well. Some examples are importing segments from a 3rd party application like Salesforce and importing other types of channels like e-mail, push, and voice. To learn more about Amazon Pinpoint, visit our website.